#and he will go to any lengths necessary to compete his mission of keeping that safe
nothinggathers · 2 years
So a thought I keep coming back to about Detroit: Become Human is how Connor is the only android to ever put his mission, his goals, and his existence on the line for a human.
Hear me out.
Markus loves Carl like a father, but he never stops what he's doing for Carl's sake. You can, without question, come to a conclusion where Carl is alive and have Markus use a dirty bomb. None of Markus decisions can come at the expense of a human he cares about. Markus can take the pacifist route and let his people get killed to refrain from hurting humans, but that's a tactical choice Markus makes about how to win over a watching population.
Kara should have had that potential for sacrifice in her story. She saves Alice, drags her around the city, can steal for her and threaten others for her and sacrifice herself and others for her. Except because someone thought a twist was more important, Alice is an android. So Kara's story is about an android family, and the lengths they'll go to for each other. The revelation that androids will fight and sacrifice for other androids is not a revelation at this point. It just is.
Daniel loves Emma, but when he might be taken away from her he threatens to throw her off a roof. He tells the player, about a dying policeman, "All humans die eventually. What does it matter if this one dies now?"
And then there's Connor. If Connor is a machine he can be ruthless and unforgiving and coldly calculating.
But Connor can also not be that. Connor can put his first mission on the line for a human he doesn't know, to save a policeman's life.
Connor can let a deviant escape to save Hank's life.
Connor can sacrifice his own existence, at least in this body, to shield Hank, or he can destroy the deviant he wanted to capture alive to save many more.
Connor does this despite pressure from his creators. He does this knowing that these failures could lead to his own destruction.
And in the end, the very end, if Connor does all this and becomes a fully fledged deviant, he can also put the entire android revolution on the line. His existence, the existence of all androids, the freedom of an entire species can be risked to save Hank. Everything Connor is, and wants, and set out to do gets put aside because another Connor puts a gun to Hank.
Nobody else gets to make those sacrifices for humans.
Connor does it for Hank literal minutes after murdering two guards in an elevator. Two dudes that were just hired to do a job and happened to be in the way get unflinching bullets put in them.
But not Hank.
And even if Connor doesn't go deviant, if he had a good relationship with Hank he can refuse to kill him. He can pull him back off the roof and let himself get killed instead of killing Hank.
No other android gets those choices.
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read here or on ao3!
Being a Regulator was one of the worst jobs Killian had ever decided to take. Don’t get her wrong, she knew that the purpose she served was great; she totally believed in doing everything in her power to keep the world safe, but it was so incredibly lonely. A good portion of Killian’s job description involved being prepared to kill any of her colleagues at a given moment. Didn’t exactly make for the most fun office relationships.
It was scary to think that at any moment, anyone in the Bureau could make a break against their procedures and require - well – regulation. When the Director had first approached about employment, Killian didn’t think much about it.
Okay, so my duties would be to stop people who use these things that you’re looking for?
In very simple terms, yes.
Great. When do I start?
Are you certain, Killian? This is going to be a highly dangerous job.
Listen, Madam Director, it beats the current gig I got so I’m in.
As the Bureau grew and turned into something much grander and more professional, Killian began to excel. She proved herself time and time again to be the most competent Regulator that the Bureau had. But it was that fact that she grappled with most.
Killian tried to keep a neutral face when she entered the Director’s office. She was being sent down planetside, though the details of the mission hadn’t yet been revealed to her.
“Killian, thank you for coming so quickly. As you know, your services are needed,” The Director’s face looked troubled and far away. “It’s Brian.” Killian let out a sharp, exasperated laugh.
“No way, Brian? Magic Brian? Director, surely there’s some kind of mistake! He wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Killian thought of the highly complimentary, dramatic drow she’d met her first day on the base. They had both been in the first crop of employees and they had become fast friends. Everyone had taken to calling him Magic Brian because he was simply too bombastic to have such a plain name. And he was one of the most accomplished arcanists any of the Bureau employees had seen.
“Killian, I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, during his reconnaissance mission to locate the Phoenix Fire Gauntlet, he began to turn his back on the Bureau. Rather than seeking the Gauntlet for the good of the organization, we have it on good authority that he has started to seek it out for personal gain. In fact, we believe that he has,” the Director paused for a moment, considering her words carefully. “We believe he has hostages of sorts. It’s vital that you get down there, deal with him, and if you can, retrieve the Gauntlet.” Killian’s stomach fell. Regulating was one thing. That was her job, one she was very good at. But the idea of having to actually handle one of the relics herself? It scared her more than she cared to say.
“And I’m going alone?”
“Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be another option. Leeman is in the midst of preparing for a reclaiming mission himself and I don’t feel comfortable sending another Seeker down because I do fear that would put you in a hard position. Furthermore, I don’t believe the other Regulators are capable yet, frankly.” Killian’s thoughts rushed to Carey Fangbattle and to Boyland. Her regulator team. She was the unofficial captain, she supposed. She’d been at the Bureau for a few months longer than the two of them. And she also understood the Director’s unspoken addendum. She didn’t want to send more Regulators than necessary in case Killian herself had to be dealt with. Killian clenched her jaw, hoping no hesitation showed on her face.
“I’ll go get suited up and meet you and Avi at the hangar.”
“Actually, it’s just going to be Avi. He’s now going to be the sole one in charge of the Bureau’s transportation needs. The Millers have been working on adjustments to our system that make it easier to be manned by a single operator.”
“Oh shit, good for him.”
“Yes, he’s proven himself to be quite competent.” Lucretia reached into her desk and retrieved parchment and an inkwell. Killian turned to leave the Director’s office. “Oh, and Killian?”
“Yes, Madam Director?” the Director pressed her lips into a tight line.
“Don’t disclose the details of this to anyone yet. I know this is likely going to hit everyone hard and I frankly don’t want you to have to deal with that. I’ll figure out how to break the news.” Killian nodded and exited the office.
Late in the night she returned from the ruins of Phandalin, Killian found herself in the voidfish’s chambers. There had been a miraculous amount of excitement at the fact that a relic had been recovered and that the Bureau’s Reclaimer team had grown by three. Killian had done her best to slip away, sight unseen after she debriefed with the Director. She didn’t exactly feel like celebrating.
Instead, she felt like sitting on the ground in front of the voidfish’s tank, basking in its gentle light. She knew that Brian's Rites of Remembrance had been hastily done since the Director informed the Bureau of his treason. Traitors don’t get honor. But they do get grief, Killian thought to herself. She knew that Brian was too far gone by the time she reached him. She knew that he’d been ready to kill her with no second thought. She knew that he’d betrayed the Bureau and that betrayals wouldn’t stand in the organization. But all those facts didn’t keep her heart from twinging at the thought of Brian’s life just being wiped from memory.
“How’re you holding up?” Killian turned and saw Johann stride out from the shadows of the large room. She sighed and shrugged. Johann gazed at the voidfish for a moment before sitting on the ground beside her. They sat in silence for a while until a squeak by the doorway caused them both to turn around. Avi gave a meek wave before entering the room.
“Hey Avi,” Killian murmured quietly. He said nothing as he sat on Killian’s other side. The trio’s gazed up at the voidfish.
“Killian,” Avi began suddenly, “How was he?”
“He wasn’t himself. Not at all. I don’t know if that made it easier or harder, to be honest. I'm just glad that it wasn’t me who did him in.”
“Right, it was one of the new guys?” Johann turned to look at Killian for a moment. She nodded.
“Yeah, that new wizard, Taako, I think. I just still can’t believe he’s gone.” Killian didn’t tell anyone about the fact that she didn’t land a single hit on Magic Brian or his stupid fucking spider. She went running as soon as she could.
Avi tilted his head back and frowned. “Shit. His fiancé.” The trio grimaced. They all had lovely and ornate invitations in their own dormitories to Brian’s wedding. But at least the voidfish was supposed to handle all the messy things for the non-inoculated.
“I'm gonna miss that son of a bitch.” Johann mused quietly.
“Me too.” A gravitas-filled voice made the trio turn. The Director stood in the doorway, flanked by Carey and Boyland. They approached, staying mostly silent. Carey squeezed Killian’s shoulder and the six of them stayed in the voidfish’s chambers for some time.
Killian really did her best to keep from getting close to her coworkers, especially after what she was forced to do in Wave Echo Cave. It was terrifying to think that someday someone could be her coworker and then her assignment the very next day. Annoyingly, though, Carey Fangbattle seemed determined to break through Killian’s walls. She had done her best to get Killian to open up about her past, her fears, and everything in-between. Killian did her best to keep the dragonborn woman at arm’s length but the rogue was persistent.
“So, what was your deal before the Bureau?” she had asked one day while the pair was sparring. Boyland was home visiting family.
“Uh, you know, typical stuff. Pretty small family, we’re from a town outside of Neverwinter. They’re mostly all fighters so I took up that mantle. It was a pretty basic choice. What about you?”
“Heh, less basic than that. Small family too, just my parents, my brother, and me. He became a bard and I became a rogue. Our parents hate both these paths for both of us,” Carey chuckled after dodging a particularly swift sideswipe from Killian. “But you can’t ever seem to please barbarians, you know?” Killian laughed stepped out of the way of a deft roll Carey did. They continued sparring and joking for hours.
Killian found herself back in the voidfish’s chambers after she heard about Leeman Kessler and again after she heard about Captain Captain Bane. She hadn’t been particularly close to either of them be she saw that both these losses hurt Avi and Lucretia, respectively. Both times, she found herself surrounded by the five others who’d come together after the death of Magic Brian. They never coordinated it or spoke about it but something about basking in the company of each other in the glow of the voidfish gave them all a comfort none of them would admit to needing. At one point, Carey began to slip in beside Killian, forcing Avi to scoot to the orc’s other side. The rest of them changed position pretty frequently, depending on when they arrived. The Director eventually began siting on the floor with the five of them. When they were all in their unofficial ceremony for Captain Captain Bane, everyone had the courtesy to ignore the few tears shed by the Director.
Killian began to grow closer to Carey which scared the orc. It wasn’t that she didn’t love all the joy that the rogue brought her. That wasn’t it at all. But she couldn’t help but think about the fact that part of both their job descriptions involved being prepared to destroy their colleagues at any given moment. It wasn’t that Killian didn’t want to grow closer to Carey. If she was being honest, she’d love nothing more. She was just terrified.
Five of them gathered after Killian and Carey returned from the Miller’s lab. Boyland’s Rites ceremony wouldn’t be performed for some time. None of them were prepared to write out every detail of the man who’d brightened their days countless times.
They’d all already gathered after learning of the passing of Maureen Miller, but this time was different.
Maureen Miller and Lucas Miller would not receive Rites, though that didn’t stop the group from mourning them. Killian and Carey had quietly agreed to keep up the charade Magnus had set up in the lab. They both intended on interrogating him about it, but this was not the place to unwind it.
Truthfully, all of them were openly crying. Their tears were mostly quiet but they traced bright, shiny paths down their faces in the glow of the tank.
“Fucking Boyland. Him and his fucking cigars,” Carey said, leaning against Killian. She said nothing, instead choosing to wrap a protective arm around the dragonborn woman.
“I just can’t stop thinking about all his kids,” Avi’s face was unusually solemn. He retrieved his flask from his pocket and took a swig from it before passing it to Johann.
“Well, I mean, I understand that he was using a relic but,” Johann took a swig and passed the flask to Killian “Lucas was just a kid. I can’t believe that the Miller line is just… gone.”
Killian drank from the flask and passed it to Carey. “I can’t believe all the sketchy shit he was doing in that lab.” Carey gulped down some Brandywine and tentatively passed the flask to the Director.
“Grief is one hell of a drug,” the Director said hollowly, draining the remainder of the flask. “He was destroyed by the loss of his mother. Losing a loved one makes you do terrible things, especially if you think you could get them back.” She slid the flask back to Avi. The four others in the chamber glanced at the Director but said nothing. She was a woman who seemed to be haunted by griefs none of them could ever imagine.
Killian let her guard down at last. She let Carey inside her walls and was truthfully never happier. There was still an ever-present stripe of fear in Killian’s heart but somehow, when Carey was in her arms, it didn’t matter so much. Killian decided to appreciate and love Carey while she was alive rather than wait until she was despairing in front of a cryptic fish with an assortment of her closest friends and confidants.
After the day of Story and Song, after the Hunger had been defeated, after the base had been cleaned up, after a world of revelations had come to light, Killian and Carey found themselves in the voidfish’s chambers. Well, what used to be the voidfish’s chambers. Fisher was no longer there, the tank was shattered, and there was a noticeable absence in the room. They still sat in the spots they’d become so used to sitting in, though the room was far darker than it used to be. They both had their head in their hands when they heard familiar footsteps pad into the room. Avi practically collapsed next to Killian. She wrapped an arm around her friend and pulled him in close. None of them could speak. What could you say?
“I can’t believe it. In his last fucking act he just –“ Avi broke his sentence off and shook his head. He reached into his pocket and fished out his flask, dented but still functional. He held it up in a toasting motion and took a deep drink. Killian grabbed it from him and followed suit before passing it to Carey. Like a ghost, the Director, Lucretia, the woman they all suddenly knew in ways they never expected, appeared at Carey’s side. She wordlessly and unceremoniously sat down, taking the flask.
“How are you all doing?” she asked after a sip of Brandywine.
“Uh, not fucking great.” Avi reached out for the flask with one hand, scrubbing tears away with the other.
“Yeah, Madam Director, it’s been a bit of a day,” Carey said hoarsely before burying her face into Killian’s side.
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Well, how are you doing, Lucretia?” Killian asked after a moment of silence. Lucretia barked out a humorless laugh.
Carey and Killian’s wedding was a beautiful affair, but it wasn’t without its more somber moments. The two women had an entire row of empty chairs reserved at the ceremony. They said nothing about their purpose but it didn’t take much energy to determine their purpose.
At one point in the evening, the pair found themselves sitting with Avi and Lucretia.
“And here’s the beautiful couple!” Avi said brightly, wrapping the brides in a tight hug.
“The ceremony was beautiful,” Lucretia delivered a hug to the couple once they detangled from Avi.
“It really was, huh?” Carey squeezed Killian’s hand. Killian’s smile was tinged with sadness.
“Hey um. Thank you both for being here. There’s already too many people missing and I don’t know how it would have been without you both.”
“Killian, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” Lucretia reached a hand out and squeezed the orc’s arm. Avi looked around and snagged four glasses of champagne off a waiter’s tray. After passing glasses to the three women around him, Avi raised his glass in a toast.
“To Johann and Boyland.”
Carey raised her glass. “To Noelle and Captain Captain Bane.”
Lucretia followed suit. “To Maureen Miller and Magic Brian.”
Killian raised her glass. “Fuck it, to Fisher and Junior.” The four laughed gently before toasting.
Killian was never more grateful for her friends than she was in that moment. So much had been lost in the pursuit of balance, but she was grateful that their memories would remain with her. And she was never so glad to have been finished with a job.
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thepetulantpen · 4 years
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
(My blind!Geralt fic. I already posted this on my ao3, but I decided to put it up here, too. Enjoy!)
Plenty of boys are blinded in the Trials. It’s the price paid for tampering with vision enhancements, and it almost always ends with more boys dead- succumbing to complications, or put out of their misery.
Geralt is not one of those unlucky few. No, Geralt lived through the Trials- lived through more trials than most- and came out the other side mostly whole. 
So, of course, a fucking Bloedzuiger is what does it.  
Afterwards, he barely remembers the battle. His clearest memory is of getting acid in his eyes, followed closely by him blindly stabbing the damned thing to death and then stomping it into a pulp. In hindsight, it was probably already dead, but he hit it until it stopped making any sounds whatsoever, because he deserved a little overkill when it felt like his face was on fucking fire.
He doesn’t even feel panic in the moment of fading adrenaline. He’s made for survival and killing at the detriment of everything else- he feels nothing as the world fades away, filtering out everything save for the next steps, the next move. Just like a fight.
He finds Swallow by weight and smell, and drags himself towards the sound of a nearby river. Downing the potion and splashing water in his eyes does absolutely nothing, which is frustrating, but he’s not going to fix it by sitting around and cursing Destiny. It’s time to figure out how he’s going to make it to town and find someone competent.
He trips seven times, but finds Roach by her heartbeat. She’s a good horse, a smart horse, and with a bit of urging in the right direction, she follows the path towards the sound of people without issue. 
The healer he finds by smell alone, because he can’t be bothered to ask for directions in this state. It’s not a difficult trail- the potent herbs act like a beacon and Roach keeps them carefully on the road. 
The walk gives him time to acclimate somewhat, pushing through any remaining shock and pain to the calm clarity of a mission, same as any hunt. There’s a world of sound and smell around him, his senses just as strong as they’ve always been- possibly stronger when his attention is not drawn away by sight. It forms a map of sensations, coloring a world gone dark. 
A healer’s hut is in front of him. He can hear the wind- strong today, it was annoying until now- hitting the wooden walls, prompting little creaks of protest. The shape of it becomes clear in the places he hears resistance, the motion of the wind halting, and there is an outline where the wind whistles through the gap between the door and its wall. 
He leaves Roach to her own devices, trusting that she’ll behave, and finds the door, knocking loudly. Louder than necessary, but he thinks he can be excused on account of the spectacular evening he’s had.
The woman who answers- he assumes it’s a woman, based on the length of her hair, which he can hear brushing her shoulders, and the smell of flowery soap- only comes up to his shoulder, the subtle displacement of air giving him her approximate height in a blurry silhouette of awareness. 
“How can I help you, witcher?” She must not have been looking at his face because there’s a second of audible movement and she gasps. “Oh, dear. Come in.”
She takes his arm to guide him, which he probably doesn’t need, but he can’t be bothered to correct her. He’s had a long fucking day, and he’d rather not trip over a dining table, failing his newfound navigating abilities. 
The wet cloth against is skin is shockingly terrible, he feels each individual scratchy fiber. There’s more water on his face, in his eyes, and a smell of herbs that stings his nose. It hits him full force, and when he inhales, trying to identify them, he can practically taste them.
The woman’s heartbeat is loud, saying what her expression might’ve. He’d known that he could hear heartbeats, but had little cause to listen to them before, no reason to do anything but block them out on a daily basis. It takes him a minute to remember the rhythm of a human heart, gauge what’s fast, and decide what that may mean. 
She swallows and Geralt hears that in horrifying detail now that he’s concentrating, now that his senses are scrambling to compensate. 
“I’m not sure there’s much I can do.” 
The careful step process in his mind reaches its end, leaving him without anything to hold onto for a moment, scrambling for calm in the realization that there’s nothing to be done. He pushes down panic with a sigh, willing his mind to clear.
There’s always another step, always something to do. He just needs somewhere to recover, like any other injury. Somewhere safer than the floor of a stable, ideally.
He’ll be making an early return to Kaer Morhen, then.
“Wait,” the healer puts a hand on Geralt’s shoulder as he stands, a low note of concern and fear making her voice shake, “take this. I’ll show you how to use it.”
A wooden cane is pressed into his hands and he has to fight everything in him that protests the idea. Taking a breath, he allows the woman to lead him through the motion- tap, tap. Left, right.
It’s not sustainable- too visible, too obvious. Nobody will hire a blind witcher, but he can keep it strapped to Roach for emergencies.
At least until he figures out how to hear cracks in the ground. 
It’s pure luck that he happened to be close, planning on starting his winter early for lack of work. The trip up the mountain is a challenge, but it gives him a good idea of what his remaining senses can and can’t do. 
Everything has a sound, and that sound echoes until it hits something. With practice- and he has plenty, tripping over rocks and nearly falling off cliffs- he learns how to map out his surroundings in an array of newly audible shapes. Rain and wind make it easier, constant sound that cuts off when it comes in contact with something. More obvious than echoes. 
He uses the cane occasionally up here, where there are no witnesses. It eases the mental burden of processing every single sound, but it’s not something he could rely on in battle- or around people, for that matter. There’s not much kindness in this world for witchers or cripples, never mind a crippled witcher. 
The echoey halls of Kaer Morhen present a unique challenge in wide open spaces, sound that seems to stretch out endlessly. He stops at the threshold; head tilted to try and make sense of the room in front of him. He’s been here so many times, but now that he has to, he’s struggling to remember its precise layout. 
“Geralt? What the fuck are you doing here?”
Telling Vesemir what happened is the part he’s dreaded most. He forgets how damn quiet the man is, and it irritates him now, with no face to read. The pause after his story is extensive, leaving him straining to hear any clues. He catches the brush of hair against Vesemir’s collar- turning his head, maybe?
Finally, a sigh and Vesemir steps up to put a hand on Geralt’s shoulder. “Surprised you didn’t kill yourself on the way up here. Could’ve just sent a message, you know.”
Geralt isn’t so sure he could’ve- his handwriting was bad when he could see, and he doubts he could’ve gotten hold of a bird in his state. 
“I happened to be in the area.”
Another pause, he thinks Vesemir is giving him a look, then Vesemir is moving. “Come on, let’s sit down. Do you need help finding anything?”
“I’ll manage.” He moves steadily after him, hands forward when he senses an obstacle. Muscle memory helps, a little, in the most familiar parts of the keep. 
Vesemir doesn’t seem impressed, watching him feel for a chair in his room. 
“Do you need a cane, or something?”
“Already got a stick. Left it on Roach.”
A new sound- is that Vesemir rolling his eyes? He did not need to know there was a sound for that, but there it is, the unmistakable movement of eyeballs. “Of course you did.”
They sit. Geralt gets a sense of the size of the room first, then uses smells to fill in a few blanks- the paper and ink denoting books on the shelf, soap residue from a bath, Vesemir’s general musk clinging to the bed. He grounds himself on Vesemir’s heartbeat, a steady rhythm. 
“You could stay here.” Vesemir leans against his desk, making the wood groan. “Help out around the keep.”
Geralt snorts at the idea of cleaning or doing chores in this empty, lonely place. There’s barely enough for one man to do, let alone two irritable witchers. He doesn’t know how Vesemir does it without going mad- and he has books to read. 
There’s not much for him here, just an exasperated, and secretly worried, Vesemir. He could stay, and- not quite retire, but... make use of what life and skill he has left. 
It’s an offer that falls on deaf ears. Geralt can’t sit here and wallow, can’t sit here when he knows he could still be out there. 
“I just need the winter to adjust. Then I’ll be out of your hair.”
From the sound of his head shaking, Vesemir already knew he was going to say that. He thinks, if he spends enough time around the old witcher, he might find a smell for exasperation. 
“I’ll have to see you hunt, before I send you out there again.”
“Worried about me, old man?”
Vesemir doesn’t respond but his mouth moves- a frown? Definitely a frown. 
Beasts, it turns out, are the absolute least of his concern. 
The heartbeat, the smell, they may as well be announcing their position at all times. He has a feeling hunting at night is going to get significantly easier- no more Cat for him. 
The Kikimore’s legs creak with every movement, its jaws click before every bite, and Geralt learns, in the span of a battle, to recognize the near-silent gurgling sound as a precursor to the beast spitting venom. He feels a strike coming before it lands, the air moving subtly in warning, and finds himself ducking hits that might’ve been out of his line of sight. It’s like having eyes at the back of his head, except- well, he doesn’t actually see.
Vesemir nods his approval when he successfully takes down the Kikimore that’s acted as a pest too close to the grounds of the fortress, and brings them home dinner on the same hunting trip in record time, tracking heartbeats to bypass natural camouflage altogether. Geralt hears the movement, but Vesemir grumbles a verbal affirmation a minute later. Adjusting to more audio-heavy communication- for politeness sake. 
“Next test is gutting it. Think you can find a liver blind?”
“Any monster trouble?”
The bartender scoffs and turns to Geralt- presumably glaring. “We’ve got a notice board for a reason. Why don’t you check there?”
“I can’t read.” It’s a simple enough lie- not even a lie, really. He can’t, not anymore. 
The man mutters something to the effect of witchers being no better than beasts, but directs him to the alderman, who’s desperate enough to explain. Someone is sent to show him the main site of attacks, guiding him unwittingly- though, he could have found it faster by smell.
From there, it’s the same as it’s always been. The only challenge in the hunting process is harvesting the useful alchemical bits afterward. He can thank Vesemir for forcing him to spend the last several winters drilling on butchering blind, so he knows, intimately, the difference in smell between a heart and a liver. Dodging toxic parts to reach the valuable ones is still a little tricky- he’s been burned by acidic insides more times than he can count- but practice makes perfect, and he’s getting there. 
Hefting proof of kill on one shoulder, he puts his other hand on Roach. To anyone else, it looks like he’s leading her, but he relies on her to take his general direction and follow the road. He can hear where the town is, but finding the distinction between grass and dirt path is another issue altogether. On his own, without constant concentration, he’d wander off in a more direct diagonal, cutting through rougher terrain and calling unneeded attention to himself.
Reaching town requires bracing himself for the barrage of sensory information that crowds bring. With so many people around, navigating is far harder, but he lets the assumption that witchers are rude cover any vision-related blunders- bumping into people, cutting people off, ignoring people shouting at him.
Getting humans to believe he can see is shockingly easy, more likely due to the stupidity of humanity than any skill of his own. Nobody wants to get any closer to a witcher than they have to, so it’s a simple thing to keep his head turned away, avert his eyes, and mind his own business. 
The scars have faded to faint burns around his eyes- or so Eskel told him- leaving nothing for chatty whores or curious townspeople to ask him about. Most physical indicators of his condition have been wiped away; the only remaining obstacles being his inability to make eye contact and occasional struggle to not trip over barstools. 
He’s been discovered a few times, all of them equally unpleasant, but ultimately unremarkable. He can handle mocking and rocks- especially now that he hears them whizzing through the air, before they nail him in the back of the head- but he counts his blessings that he’s never had an incident notable enough to add Blind to his Butcher epithet. 
His routine doesn’t change much, sticking to his usual strategy of staying out of sight, as far from people as he can manage. He gravitates towards the dark corners, feeling the slight absence of heat in the sunless parts of the tavern. Blindness never becomes a weakness- there’s nothing to exploit, if they never even realize something is different. Being a witcher makes him uniquely invisible.
Nobody bothers him and he makes sure they never will.
Unfortunately, he underestimates the pushiness of a certain bard. 
He doesn’t even realize the bard lingering nearby is looking at him, or talking to him, until he’s sliding into the bench in front of him. He sensed his presence, sure, but he thought he’d be looking at someone else, talking to any number of other people in the tavern.
The bread in his pants is stale, and smells like it. It squishes and crumbles as he moves, probably getting bits stuck in the folds of silk so numerous he hears every slight shift, every wrinkle forming. He thinks the sharper, almost clicking sounds, are sequins against each other- another ridiculous, new sound to add to his catalogue.
“You must have some review for me.” His smile is wide enough that Geralt hears it without trying particularly hard. “Three words or less.”
For all he listens closely to his surroundings, he’s pretty sure he didn’t catch a single word of that song- much less enough for a review, were he inclined to give one. Once upon a time, he may have glared him away, but he fears his aim wouldn’t be good enough now, so he settles for tense silence.
Jaskier does not take no, or an implied no, for an answer.
Having Jaskier around is not nearly as annoying as he thought it’d be. At first, he was sure he’d have to dump him somewhere- the noise would be too distracting- but now, the sound has become something of a blessing. 
Like the wind or rain, it creates consistent feedback, bouncing off obstacles and forming a mental image of the area around him. It wraps around their campsite, chatter and music traveling into the forest behind them and dancing around tree trunks until the sound is out of even Geralt’s range. 
It makes nights like this, of Jaskier talking constantly and playing his lute intermittently, pleasant. As close to seeing as he ever gets, giving him a complete picture the world. 
Jaskier breaks his litany of nonsense with an abrupt, “Geralt?”
He actually waits for a response, which is a new and alarming development. Geralt hums and hopes that’s enough. 
“I was wondering- and I hope this isn’t too personal- what’s wrong with your eyes? They never really focus.”
Geralt hears Jaskier’s heart beat a little faster- nervous- and the more subtle sound of him biting his lip. As a rule, Geralt doesn’t disclose his condition to anyone who hasn’t figured it out, but Jaskier-
Jaskier could be sticking around. There’s no point keeping it. 
“I’m blind.”
A silence that he’s come to equate with facial expression- something too subtle to guess, he’s never cared to be precise enough for specifics- follows.
“Is that one of your weird jokes?”
“No, Jaskier. I’m really blind.”
More silence, a steadily fast heartbeat. It’s accompanied by the familiar, frustrating feeling of missing something, an irritation he’s trained to ignore, but has never quite mastered. Geralt sighs and turns fully to face Jaskier, meeting his eyes as well as he can.
“What are you doing?”
A creak of wood, Jaskier startling on the log and shifting too fast. “What do you mean?”
“You got quiet. Usually that means I’m missing something.” He tilts his head, considering. “You’re making a face, probably.”
Another moment of silence. He never thought he’d grow tired of these- let alone become annoyed by them. 
“Huh. I guess I just looked surprised, if my face matches my thoughts as well as I think it does.” Jaskier leans in, for a better look, maybe. If he squints enough, he might be able to see the scar.  “How long have you been, uh...”
“A long time.” He’s not being difficult- despite what Jaskier, and the inhale of breath preceding a scoff, might think. He doesn’t exactly track the date. “A decade, maybe more.”
“How-“ Jaskier clears his throat and Geralt hears the movement of his sleeve as he waves. “How do you do all this?”
“Witcher senses are much better than an average man’s. I use my hearing, mostly.”
The sound of fabric rustling and stretching as Jaskier scoots forward on the log, sliding as close to Geralt as he can without getting up. “How good? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
“You’d ask anyway.” Geralt swings back the last of his drink and turns back to the fire. “Really good. I can hear heartbeats, movements. The way air and sound move around things makes... an outline, almost.”
Jaskier’s heart beats a little faster. Geralt isn’t sure what that means; he strains to hear, but he doesn’t think Jaskier is smiling or frowning. 
“That’s amazing.” A grin- lips sliding over teeth. “No wonder you’re such a good hunter.”
There’s a jab comparing him to a wolf in there somewhere, but Jaskier doesn’t make the connection so Geralt just hums and picks up his swords, content to spend the rest of the night sharpening and oiling. He’ll keep the fire going, enjoying its heat, if not its light. 
They lapse into a silence that feels more comfortable, less tense than it was the first time. Then again, it’s not really silence- Jaskier is humming almost silently under his breath. Quieter than usual. 
“You don’t have to be quiet, Jaskier.”
Surprise, in the quickened heartbeat and sudden inhale. Shifting, as he sits up straighter. 
“Sorry! I thought it might bother you.”
“I’ll be fine.” Sensing- not through any particular sound or smell, but through his increasing familiarity with Jaskier- Jaskier’s disbelief, he tacks on, “I would’ve stopped you before now, if it was.”
Jaskier nods, then narrates, “Sorry, I nodded.”
“I can tell. I can hear your collar scrunch.”
His mouth falls open and he adjusts his collar. Geralt dutifully does not smile, and keeps his smugness to himself.
“Right, of course.” Jaskier pauses, then looks up again. “Could I ask you a question you probably won’t like?”
Geralt raises an eyebrow. “You’ve never asked permission before.”
“I was wondering, is there anything you can’t do? Anything I could help you with?”
He’s tempted to say no. He should say no. Jaskier probably wouldn’t even argue- too unbalanced around this subject- but he doesn’t want to. 
He wants to say, Keep humming. He wants to ask, Guide me. He wants to demand, Stay by my side. 
He doesn’t do any of those. Instead, he says, “Reading. I can’t read print on contracts. If you could-“
“Of course.” The buttons of his doublet clink together as Jaskier adjusts it, straightening it and puffing out his chest. “I’ll be your agent, of sorts. A very intelligent, shrewd negotiator, taking only the best monster hunting jobs. I’m brilliant at public relations, too.”
Geralt nods, and leaves it at that. 
“Make way! The mighty White Wolf is gracing your town with his presence, clear a path!”
The townspeople mutter amongst themselves, confused, but move right away at Jaskier’s tone, lingering curiously at the edge of the street through town. 
Geralt hates the attention, but he can’t deny that Jaskier’s little show is helpful. Particularly since this town is more crowded than most and Roach is struggling to guide him through without trampling anyone. 
Helpful. Unnecessary but- nice. Against his better judgement, he’s started to let Jaskier help more and more often. It’s dangerous, carrying the threat of developing dependency, but Jaskier never oversteps any boundaries and, sometimes, he’s just too tired to refuse. 
There’s been a distinct difference in the time he’s spent with the bard, bisecting his life into the uneven parts of before and after Jaskier. For one, his headaches have decreased, not having to strain to guide himself as often. People are nicer with a human- and a charismatic one, at that- around. They get to stay at better inns if Jaskier performs, and enjoy quality meals outside of rations or burned rabbit. 
He’s happier. There was a time when he thought happiness had been burned out of him, but he’s reminded of its fleeting presence in those special, few and far between moments that prove him wrong.
Well. Previously few and far between. 
“The man at the bar,” Jaskier starts in a dramatic whisper, still loud to Geralt, “is wearing an absolutely ghastly outfit. Geralt, we’re talking multiple primary colors, ruffles, and feathers.”
It’s easy to identify the man based just on his smell, wearing enough perfume to kill. “I imagine it matches his taste in perfume.”
“Gods, yes. I can smell it from here- I don’t know how you can stand it.”
It’s a test of his willpower, certainly, but then, on a few desperate occasions, he’s shoveled shit for coin. This, however, ranks right below those incidents, and right above the stench of a necrophage. 
Jaskier’s color commentary on the world fits right in with his usual chatter and fills in a few, albeit unnecessary, blanks on the decor, the attractiveness of barmaids, and other visual odds and ends. It transitions, at some point, into a story that’s so exaggerated he may as well have made it up and ends in musings about his newest song, which, inevitably, leads to him needling Geralt for details. 
Geralt just hums and tunes him out, focusing on the noise of the street outside. It’s a challenge to pick apart the individual moving pieces of a crowd but it’s enough of a distraction until Jaskier throws his hands up.
“You know, all of this,” Jaskier waves generally at Geralt’s eyes, “explains why you’re such a shit storyteller.”
He senses there’s more to this, can feel Jaskier winding up to something. It’s a quiet evening and a nice tavern, so he indulges. “Does it?”
“Well, I suppose much of the blame falls on me.” Rustling, and the clinking of several unidentifiable objects in Jaskier’s bag, as he fishes out his notebook. “I wasn’t asking the right questions.”
Geralt can’t tell what he’s writing, but he hears a few long drags of the pen and figures he might be drawing something. A box, maybe? A chart, a probably. A series of shorter scratches, for letters. 
Jaskier grins, wide enough that Geralt hears it without concentrating. “Right. Are you ready?”
“Your role in the creative process. Now, what did the rotfiend smell like?”
Geralt scrunches his nose and braces for a complicated answer. “I’ll need a few more drinks before I get into that.”
Wordlessly, Jaskier waves for another round and the questions begin. It seems like Jaskier is determined to pick apart every aspect of his sensory experience and, as they get deeper in drinks, Geralt is willing to play along. He’s never talked about it, at length, like this and it’s fascinating to hear the things Jaskier can’t detect, the parameters of human senses that were lost to him long before his vision was. 
He talks until the candles stop giving off heat and his words start to slow, having detailed every smell, sound, feel, and taste that he can articulate. Sleep comes easy, after he lets Jaskier describe the pattern of the quilt and climb in beside him, warm and tired. 
Jaskier’s heartbeat, though faster than his own, forms an easy rhythm to follow into unconsciousness, sinking into a darkness he no longer registers. 
The next time they’re in a tavern, he listens carefully to Jaskier’s new song, lyrics filled with more sounds and smells than he’s used to hearing described. Where there was once brilliant colors and hideous monsters, there is now rich smells and vicious growls. 
He can’t help but smile, hiding it behind his tankard. 
How Jaskier worked rotting flesh into a chorus is beyond him, but it earns a clap. 
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Ineffable Holiday 2020 - “A Wonderful Christmas Timey-Wimey” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Crowley isn't feeling the holidays this year, which Aziraphale thinks is par for the course, what with him being a demon and all. With only a few days left until Christmas, Crowley runs into a girl who may change that for him.
A girl who mistakes him for The Tenth Doctor. (1945 words)
Notes: Written for the Ineffable Holiday 2020 prompt 'shopping'.
Read on AO3.
“Must you pick out every present for the toy appeal yourself?” Crowley asks, rearranging items on the shelf, replacing a few of the more popular toys with jars of pickled fish, tins of olives, and tubes of fungal foot cream. "This is so dull!"
"It would be less dull if you helped instead of complained."
"Mrr ... ngk ... urgh ..."
"You'd be brightening someone else's day," Aziraphale says to persuade him.
"Not really my department," Crowley replies. "You could always do what other shops do and put a donation bin inside your door.”
“Inside my door?” Aziraphale utters a disgusted noise. “You expect me to invite people into my shop on purpose!?”
“It would be for the good of mankind,” Crowley teases. "Well, child-kind, more accurately."
“I am not going to dignify that heinous suggestion with a remark,” Aziraphale mutters, walking to the opposite side of his trolley to escape his husband’s asinine ideas. 
"I still don't see why you need to do this yourself. I don't think braving a crowd of the entitled to buy useless junk for kids is going to earn you brownie points with Heaven."
“Buying presents is fun, Crowley, no matter who they're for! It gets me into the holiday spirit!”
“Not me. I’m not feeling Christmas this year.”
Aziraphale looks up and considers his gloomy husband. He'd thought this mopey affectation was simply per the norm. He didn't realize his husband was honestly feeling blue. “Have you felt the Christmas spirit any other year?”
Crowley shrugs. “Once or twice. It’s become such a vulgar holiday, hasn’t it? The commercialization, the greed, the false charity - such a far cry from the days when generous humans would leave presents anonymously on the steps of their needy neighbors. Nowadays, with social media, everything’s such a show. Look what I gave! Look who I helped! Look how compassionate I am!” Crowley grimaces. “Despicable.”
“I would imagine, as a demon, you would take pride in the change,” Aziraphale says icily.
“’m not that kind of demon, angel.”
“You’ve got a few days yet. Maybe you’ll come across something that will fill you with Christmas joy.”
“Doubt it.” Crowley goes back to the ruination of the shelves, snarling when his husband manages to set things to rights behind his back. He's preparing to remove the word not from the boxes marked batteries not included when he gets the distinct feeling that someone is stalking them. He stands straight and peeks down the aisle, eyes darting left and right behind his glasses so as not to be too obvious. Once he confirms his suspicions, he comes up behind Aziraphale and whispers, “Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?”
“All the time,” Aziraphale says nonchalantly. “Because we are. The Almighty sees all, remember?”
Crowley rolls his eyes. What a frickin’ angel thing to say? “We’re not alone.” 
“Exactly! Didn’t you hear what I just …?”
Crowley steps in front of his husband, grabs Aziraphale’s head, and tilts it to the side. Aziraphale’s gaze follows. From around the end of the aisle, Aziraphale spots a pair of stunning green eyes, set in a face surrounded by a blonde bob, disappear into the doll aisle.
“What the …? Oh, dear …” 
"Wot? Wot's wrong?"
Aziraphale chuckles. "It looks like we have company.”
Crowley turns to see a woman headed their way, spurred on by a girl pushing her in their direction. The woman waves sheepishly. “Hello. I am so sorry to bother you.”
Aziraphale smiles. “It’s quite alright. Is there something we can do for you?”
“Kind of.” The woman glances sternly behind her when the girl gives her a shove. “My name is Sheila. This …” She jabs a thumb over her shoulder at the child they have yet to see completely “… is my little sister Freya.”
“Hello, Freya.” Aziraphale tries to maneuver around Sheila’s body to get a good look at the girl. He catches a glimpse, but Freya moves too quickly out of view for Aziraphale to get more than that. But from what he can see, she isn’t paying attention to him.
She’s focused on Crowley.
“She’s shy,” Sheila says. “But she asked me to come talk to you because she thinks …” Aziraphale hears the girl whisper, something only her sister can understand, and Sheila sighs. “I’m so very sorry, but she thinks that you …” She gestures to Crowley “… are … The Doctor.”
Crowley’s eyes go wide. “Doctor?” he repeats, confounded since, in all his long years on this planet, to his recollection, no one has ever mistaken him for a doctor. An undertaker, definitely. A forensic investigator, once or twice. A rockstar and, on occasion, an actor. But not a doctor. 
With a sudden spark, it hits him. 
Not a doctor. 
The Doctor. 
“Wait - Doctor. You mean like … Doctor Who, The Doctor?”
Freya giggles. Sheila’s cheeks turn pink. “The Tenth Doctor specifically, yeah. Again, I’m really sorry about this, but, uh …” Aziraphale reaches into his pocket and produces a handkerchief when Sheila chokes up “… our mum's just passed, and our dad's underway. He’s not going to be home in time for the holidays." She sniffles. "I'm afraid we've been suffering from a severe lack of cheer lately.”
“So it seems,” Aziraphale says sympathetically.
“And I thought that maybe if you didn’t mind … I mean, I know you don’t know us from Adam, but …”
While Sheila talks to Aziraphale, Crowley gets down on one knee to get a better look at Freya. She’s the most erratically dressed child he’s ever seen. But kids can get away with that, can’t they? She’s wearing oversized trousers, a floor-length coat, a shirt with a rainbow across the front, braces …
Oh, gee, he thinks. She’s dressed like The Thirteenth Doctor.
Freya sneaks a peek, lower lip sucked so far between her teeth, he can see every freckle on her chin.
He smiles and gives her a wink.
“Figured me out, did ya?”
Both Aziraphale and Sheila go silent when they hear Freya gasp.
“It is you!” Freya says, eyes so wide they start to compete with every other feature on her face. “My sis said it probably wasn’t you, but I knew it was! I just knew it!”
“It’s me,” Crowley says, not entirely sure where he goes from here. “But you can’t tell anyone you saw me, okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry …” Freya motions zipping her lips together “… I won’t say anything to anyone! I promise!” She leans forward and whispers, “Where’s your TARDIS? I didn’t notice a police box outside.”
“And she looks,” Sheila says. “She really looks. Every time we leave the house.”
“Oh, uh, you know what? I got it fixed,” he says, quickly culling from one of the few pieces of Doctor Who trivia he knows. “The chameleon circuit? It's good as new.”
“It is?” Freya’s eyes light up as if she's hearing the most important news of her young life.
“It looks just like a regular old car now.”
“Yup. A big black car.”
Aziraphale doesn’t hear everything Crowley says to Freya, but that doesn’t concern him. Crowley has always been aces at dealing with children. And as Freya’s eyes become wider and her smile spreads, Aziraphale can’t help smiling himself. Crowley is a demon with a vivid imagination, and he’s using it to weave this girl a tale of wondrous, supernatural antics, which includes traveling through time with a man he calls his companion (whom Aziraphale realizes, with a flick of Freya’s eyes upward, is supposed to be him) as they attempt to save Christmas from …
“The Weeping Angels?” Freya looks about her, a mixture of anxiety and excitement turning her cheeks red. “I read that comic! About how you and Thirteen went up against them to save Earth! Are they back?”
“No. Even worse."
Freya's mouth forms a tiny 'o'. "The Master?” 
"Yes." Crowley echos her gravitas to make it appear he understands the dangers of being pursued by such a villain. "Hence my disguise, which you saw through brilliantly. Well done!"
“Oh, I could tell it was a disguise from a mile away!” she proclaims with the modesty of a child who has gotten one over on the adults.
“The hair! You’re ginger! But, between you and me, I’d tone it down.”
“You would?” Crowley says in a way that makes Aziraphale snicker, falling somewhere between engaging and offended.
“Oh, yes!” she says. “It’s a bit on the bright side. It’s a dead giveaway that it's fake.”
Crowley nods, fighting to keep his cool. It would do him no good to start bickering with a child over whether or not a fictional character should wear their hair his color. “Noted.”
Sheila watches Crowley interact with her sister, sees her smile for the first time in weeks.
Sheds a tear when Freya tells Crowley that he is, without a doubt, her favorite Doctor, and that when she sees him on the telly or reads about him in the comics, it makes her feel less sad and alone.
“Okay, Freya,” Sheila says, wiping her eyes with the cuff of her shirt. “I think it’s time for us to let these gentlemen get back to their business.”
“She means the mission,” Freya corrects for her.
“That’s right,” Crowley says. “But you know what? We’ll bump into each other again. Another time.”
“Yes,” Freya says in awe. “We will. Another time.”
Sheila takes her sister’s hand, but the girl breaks free and throws herself into Crowley’s arms, squeezing him tight. “Thank you, Doctor!”
It takes Crowley a second, but he wraps his arms around Freya’s thin body and squeezes back. “You’re welcome.”
“Come on, Freya,” Sheila says in a wobbly voice. “Let's go home.”
“Goodbye, Doctor! Goodbye, Doctor's Companion!”
"Goodbye, Miss Freya," Aziraphale says, amused to be relegated to the title of Doctor's Companion. His name must not be necessary, he muses, since she never asked it.
Freya takes her sister’s hand and pulls her from the aisle, telling her all the things Crowley had said about his and Aziraphale’s mission to save Christmas.
Crowley watches Freya and Sheila round the corner, the girl pausing a moment to give them one final wave before she skips out of sight. 
But Crowley doesn’t look away.
He stares thoughtfully after her, doesn’t snap out of it until Aziraphale puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you all right, my dear?”
“Yeah. Yes. Of course,” Crowley says, slowly falling back to Earth. 
"Shall we get going, too?"
"No," Crowley says in a distant voice. His eyes travel from the end of the aisle to Aziraphale's hand on his shoulder, down to the trolley half full of toys. With a hiccup, he picks up where they left off before Sheila and Freya stopped by, and Crowley became The Doctor. "No! You're nowhere near done! Wot? Were you only planning on helping five kids? Pfft!" Crowley clears his throat. "Would you mind if I, uh, picked out a few things, too? For the appeal?"
Aziraphale looks at him strangely. "You want to shop for toys?"
"You’ve only chosen the boring ones! The educational slop! No kid is gonna want half this stuff! I think that, maybe, you don’t have the knack.”
Aziraphale crosses his arms over his chest. “I don't have the knack?”
“For buying toys?”
“Again, yes.”
Aziraphale grins. “Are you asking to help me brighten someone else's day?”
Crowley's cheeks go pale. “No! Maybe. Don’t look at me like that. You’re just buying toys. It’s not astrophysics. Look, turn down the halo, or I’m going home!”
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
* Prologue: Side: The Boy * Chapter 1: The boy named Isana Yashiro * Chapter 2: Flames * Chapter 3: The Sword, the Cat, and the Seven Kings (01 // In progress)
Kuro put his left hand on his sword sheath, "Kotowari", with determination.
"Where are you? Isana Yashiro! Get outside!"
The people who are after the fox are roaring loudly in the city.
Listen to the rubbing of the wheels against the ground. Kuro doesn't move and turns his face towards him.
A boy with a metal bat rushes straight towards Kuro, riding a skateboard while spewing flames from all over his body in the form of anger.
Is it the red clan member he encountered earlier? He knows how he feel, but now he is busy...
Kuro frowned slightly and put his strength into his bent legs. To dodge the boy who is rushing towards him with a metal bat, jump high and descend into the street light. He misses the time he was talking about now.
Yata, a member of the red clan on the skateboard, stood up to Kuro's level staring at him.
"Hey, Black dog! Where is that boy?"
"Member of the red clan. What is that?"
"I'm asking where the guy who hid is! If you don't want to hurt yourself, give me a quick answer!"
He can't afford to be a kid. The eyes looking at Yata grew colder than necessary.
"I don't have time to deal with you. Stay away from it."
The murder signal is increasing. Irritation from others rubs off and the air becomes hot.
A suddenly blurry voice echoed in the room.
"Oh, Yatogami-kun! I think I can escape from here. I'm going to get there soon!"
Kuro has doubts and looks for the origin of the voice. Then, he sees a person waving from the rooftop in front of the building.
Without a doubt, the evil "King" who called himself Isana Yashiro.
"You damn..."
Keeping people confused with such a lie, what is he planning?
At the same time that Kuro sharpened his eyes, Yata sharpened his teeth.
"You can defeat such a person in one fell swoop, beat him quickly, and come here soon!"
The boy says that. You see, the purpose is for Kuro to hit the red clansman and escape in the meantime? The villain who keeps circling the tolerance meter, Kuro raised his sword.
"Sorry! I'll tie that guy up after I crush you!"
Yata, easily fanned, raised the outer corners of his eyes and barked. It seemed unlikely that his eyes, burning with anger, would put out the fire, and he decided it was impossible to leave.
Even though Kuro pretends to be calm, he is overwhelmed. He looks at Yata from the high place and says chillingly.
"If you try to fight me, expect no mercy."
Yata kicked the ground and ran. From the skeleton wheels that skim the surface of the street, flames erupt like a raging wave.
Kuro extends his right hand and extends his invisible hand towards Yata.
However, Yata may have learned from the fact that he was caught in the hand of a different talent down the alley. He deftly steers his skateboard to avoid Kuro's extraordinary hand and heads towards him.
Then, Kuro switched his target from Yata himself to around Yata. He concentrates his consciousness, increases the pressure of the power of different abilities, and pinches the surface of the street behind Yata with invisible hands.
Kuro's invisible hands squeeze the asphalt, car stop barriers, and even street lights, bend to pieces, and attack Yata from behind.
Yata appeared to be swallowed up by the debris. However, he ditched his skateboard and jumped out of the dust onto the sheer rocks attacking him.
Yata, who jumped high using the wind pressure from the steep rocks, jumped to the spot where he was standing in the street light and swung his bat with a joyous voice.
Kuro escaped through the air passing him. The metal bat that cuts through the sky makes a loud metallic noise and hits the streetlight.
In midair, Kuro jumped a step higher, using Yata's face as a springboard, and reached with his invisible hand at the sign on the rooftop of the building that he noticed. Kuro, who was a bit sensitive to the word "sister", feels free to tear off the sign that appears to be an advertisement for a book titled "My Sisters Struggle" and drop it on Yata.
A powerful member of the clan. It won't do much damage, but if he's going to stall, Kuro drops Yata under the sign and jumps onto the rooftop of the building where the boy was.
Kuro has no reason to compete with the red clan member. All Kuro has to do is find the evil "King" before them and kill him for that "reason" before it turns into a great battle.
The boy was no longer on the roof where he had been screaming.
Kuro takes out a small emblem from his pocket, which he cut from the boy's neck when he swung his sword. Kuro tightly gripped the emblem, which is the emblem of Ashinaka High School.
"I will not let you escape."
Get home safely.
The boy arrives at Gakuenjima's bedroom, which is his current home, and walks over to the bed in his beloved room to lie down.
"Oh... I'm tired..."
He literally thought he was going to die.
He was glad that Kuro was a silly, serious and good person. His sick sister's lie that he thought had happened once, and among the fireworks he had, there was a flash ball for the production of events (there was a mysterious sales season called "One Step Before Military Supplies!") , and the fact that the costume was left on the ceiling saved the boy's life.
He dazzled with a flash ball and quickly donned the costume, escaping from Kuro who thought the boy had run away. Fortunately, he got away with the costume because it belonged to a popular dog character often seen walking around town on campaign. After all, it was right after a flashy video of a person with the boy's face killing a person. He was grateful that he could move around without being seen by people.
Along the way, he escaped while disturbing the people who were looking for the boy and the people who set fire, and he managed to return to Gakuenjima. He was unable to fulfill his mission because he had used the fireworks that Kukuri had asked him to bring. He will have to apologize to Kukuri tomorrow.
Following the boy who was weak and lying on the bed, the kitten who overcame a difficult adventure jumped to the headboard and meowed cutely.
"What was that, who are those people?"
The boy closed his eyes with a soft duvet. When he lowered his eyelids, he did not have time to desperately reflect during the trip, the image of a person who looks like him with a gun comes to mind.
"Was the person in that video... really me?"
Do not understand. It must have been a mediocre day. The days of floating fluffy while watching his friends' smiles without having to think about anything are about to be reversed.
"Somehow, it seems to be troublesome..."
"Hmm. I've been doing it quietly until now."
The boy's eyes suddenly opened when there was a close response to the boy's soliloquy. There was white skin there.
A member lying in a gentle curve. Rounded butt, narrow waist, flat chest and gently reshaped over sheets, smooth shoulders. There was no fabric to cover them, just long hair that flowed along her body.
A girl.
A naked girl.
At the same time as the recognition, blood pooled on the boy's cheeks.
The biggest scream that came out today.
Whether he's about to get hit by a flaming metal bat, a flying fireball, a sudden aerial walk, or a sword that's about to cut his through, his voice so far hadn't come out.
"Who you are?"
The girl woke up with a mysterious look as she jumped back and saw the boy with his back pressed against the wall.
A pretty girl of fifteen or sixteen. She has strange, large, almond-shaped eyes, with different colors on the left and right like a cat. One blue eye and one gold eye lined by long gleaming eyebrows.
The girl from the deep looked down at her body and made a slight "Ah." look, but soon turned to the boy with a smile in full bloom.
He doesn’t know why a beautiful naked and unknown girl can give such a pretty smile.
She said happily.
"I am Neko!"
Ashinaka High School. Known as Gakuenjima.
The evil "King" wore the emblem of this school, which is the entire school island in Tokyo Bay.
It's ok to cross the bridge to the Gakuenjima entrance, but it seems that you can only enter the school grounds through the automatic gate at the entrance. Outsiders were told that they would not be able to enter without a guest pass issued by student association staff or officials.
It seems that if you have a matter, you have to go to the window for the visitors, but even if you make a statement in the window, it will be difficult for Kuro to get a guest pass issued.
When Kuro tried to direct his skill towards the door, he was greeted with a bright and gentle voice.
"Ah, what do you need?"
When he turned around, a girl who seemed to be a student from this school was smiling. She has shoulder-length brown hair and side ornaments.
"Kukuri, what happened? Do you know him?"
"No, but he seems to be in trouble."
A girl named Kukuri shakes her head, surprised by a schoolgirl who appears to be a friend. He was impressed by the kindness with which she called, probably because he was carrying some suitcases.
"I'm looking for a man named Isana. Do you have any ideas?"
"Isana...? Oh, Shiro-kun, I'm a classmate."
The girl answered so easily. In such a large school, Kuro leans towards the luck of suddenly meeting that man's classmate.
"Where is he currently?"
“Where… I think he went shopping. Oh, but I think it's about time he came back. Oh, would you like me to guide you to the student dormitories?"
The girl took out a PDA from her pocket and gave Kuro a guest pass. Being able to issue a guest pass probably means that she is a student association officer. At the same time that he is lucky, he thinks of the abominable idiot and the face of the evil "King", saying that Heaven is not on the side of the bad guys.
The girl smiled when she sent him guest pass to Kuro's PDA.
"Yes, this is fine. Follow me! I'll show you the men's dorm."
Kuro bowed deeply to the girl.
"Sorry. Thank you for your cooperation."
"It is an exaggeration. It is a matter of course."
"My master said" There are few people who can do what is natural." I will never forget what you did for me."
The girl laughed shyly.
"Hahaha, you are an interesting person. What kind of relationship do you have with Shiro?"
Kuro tightened his expression and put his hand on the sword at his waist.
"I have something to give him."
"What? Lost property?"
"It is a guide."
The girl bowed her head.
The boy stuck to the wall and was frozen in front of a naked girl who affirmed "I am Neko."
Who is this girl? When she appeared? Why is she naked?
Despite being confused, the boy decided to do something about the third question, so the boy took the coat from the chair and offered it to a naked girl claiming to be a cat.
"And for the moment..."
Neko turned around and jumped on the desk to escape. She is terribly light. Really like a cat. But it shouldn't be naked and squatting. It seemed like he could see many things that he shouldn't be able to see, so the boy was sweating coldly and tried to force her to put on his coat.
"Girls shouldn't stay like this!"
"The clothes are annoying, so I don't like them!"
He felt as if he heard a bell ring.
The boy is relieved. Neko who was supposed to be wearing a coat disappeared in an instant. When the boy was confused by the girl who suddenly disappeared, just like when she appeared,
"Do you want to play? Well, it looks like fun!"
A screaming voice came from above. When he looked up, Neko lay down on the furniture and looked at the boy who was wondering when she had moved. The bare chest is crushed by the corners of her face.
When he didn't know what to do... he heard a voice calling him from outside the window.
"Oh, Shiro-kun! I brought a friend!"
It's Kukuri's voice. The word "friend" made him uncomfortable, and the boy rushed to look down from the window.
"How is your sister, Isana Yashiro?"
Next to Kukuri, there was a sword god, Kuro, who ironically raised the edge of his mouth.
The boy attracted a lot of attention.
It is bad. There is only a feeling of having been killed.
Kuro turned his palm towards the window where the boy was. The boy suddenly noticed that mysterious technique and retired to the room. Kuro grabbed the window frame from the boy's room with a mysterious power that seems to be capable of grabbing a distant object and jumped into the room immediately.
The boy somehow thought of engulfing him in smoke again, but this time Kuro didn't even give him a grace. As soon as he lands in the room...
The chill ran, and the boy moved according to his instincts, rolling on the ground and avoiding the sword by a short hair.
Crisp and light, Kuro's sword sits right next to the boy's face.
Really dead. The boy struggled to his feet and tried to escape. The naked sword pursues the boy.
It was the girl's nudity that protected the boy from the sword.
The mysterious girl who calls herself Neko seems to have no shame to be naked, and stands in front of Kuro with her arms outstretched.
Suddenly, he froze before the bare wall. The face is tinted bright red.
"Hmm... embarrassing!"
Neko grabbed the boy's hand as Kuro involuntarily walked away. She pulls him hard by the hand.
The boy jumped out of the room and ran down the hall to the bedroom, being dragged by Neko.
Thanks to her nakedness he was saved. However, she is still naked and running in public places is bad.
The boy puts the coat he was holding on Neko.
"This! Put this on!"
Neko, whose head was covered with the boy's coat, was fluffy and small. At the same time, the sound of the bell resounds again.
Immediately, Neko's back running in front of him moved away. The boy staggers at the feeling of confusion. Out of nowhere, Neko suddenly sped up. The corridor has grown.
The corridor, which is not very long, suddenly becomes long enough to run 100 meters in a straight line, and naked Neko turns her back on him and walks away.
"Eh, what?"
The boy is confused and involuntarily stops and looks back. Then this time, the hallway behind the boy got much longer. The entrance to their room, which he had been in before, can be seen in the back, and Kuro who came out of the room to chase them looks like a bean.
Without knowing why, the boy worked again. Follow Neko's back tightly. Beyond the boy's line of sight, he gently jumped out the window. He hopped onto the external emergency stairs of the next building, jumped over the railing, and climbed out onto the next rooftop.
When he thought she really was like a cat, the long corridor suddenly shrunk and the boy was about to crash into the window.
"Wow, is that back? Is that girl's doing...?"
There is no doubt that the naked girl who calls himself Neko has a mysterious power. Maybe the hallway wasn't really stretched out, only the boy assumed it was. But now it is not the case when he is thinking deeply about it. After all, Kuro is chasing the boy from behind, and Neko who just snagged the boy's jacket on her head is trying to run outside, generously exposing her naked body.
The boy imitated Neko and went out the window, more dangerous than for Neko, he followed the bundle out of the window to the emergency stairs of the adjoining building, over the shackles and railings, sliding and clinging to the rain gutter.
The boy turned around, finally reaching for Neko's back who had already descended and was running down the street. Kuro was standing on the rooftop of the building next to the bedroom. Looking down at the boy, he can see his right hand pointing towards him.
It is bad. That mysterious hand will grab him again.
He can't think of a way to escape from that hand, ignoring the distance, the boy stiffened.
Neko who was running ahead looked at Kuro. Neko's eyes, strange eyes with vertically long pupils capture Kuro's appearance.
Hear a bell again.
Then, a small twister erupted on the rooftop where Kuro was. From the center of the twister, a huge bipedal ghost cat appears. A giant monster with a body reminiscent of a professional wrestler looked at Kuro with crescent-shaped eyes and laughed through exposed teeth.
"What is that?"
When the boy took his eyes off her, the cat was furry and naked.
"That seems strong, but that's not the case... what the hell are you?"
"Wagahai is a cat."
"I heard... a cat..."
Neko smiled a big smile.
"It's a cat that has been with Shiro the whole time!"
Inside the boy, the girl in front of him and that kitten that was friends with the boy overlapped.
Certainly this naked girl appeared in the wrong place with the kitten sleeping next to him. Does that mean this girl is in the shape of a cat? No, the opposite? This girl transformed into that kitten. Rather, if she had the ability to display illusions, it would mean that she had an illusion that made her look like a kitten.
In other words, the boy intended to spend time with the kitten and was actually stroking and hugging a naked girl.
When the boy recalled the dizziness, it seemed like Kuro on the rooftop had already countered the giant monster.
Neko is unmoved by the fact that the giant monster cat has been defeated, and starts running again with a smile and a guard from Kuro. The boy also hurriedly followed her.
While chasing Neko, he noticed that she seemed to be invisible to other humans. It is an incident, a naked girl running around the campus during the day, but no one seems to make a noise even if they run among the students who are busy preparing for the school festival.
Neko running like the wind, with the boy's jacket over her shoulder without closing the front, crashed into a student who was walking with a basket full of oranges. He thinks she plans to make a maid cafe at the school festival. The schoolgirl dressed as a maid looked surprised and dropped the orange she was holding, the boy stopped his leg chasing Neko and stopped, helping her to pick up the orange.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes... there was something invisible..."
Looking at the student who gets confused and says "What...?" Without confidence, he is convinced that Neko is no longer visible except to him and Kuro.
Is it possible to not only show illusions but also make herself invisible? What is this super power that affects a person's cognitive ability?
While he was picking up the oranges and thinking about it, Kuro's footsteps were approaching from behind.
Kuro, who is running with his black hair tied back, is about to turn his palm towards the boy.
Before the boy answered, the bell rang again. Immediately after that, the phase of the place where Kuro is located changed.
Like a deception image, only the path where Kuro was floating in the air, and the place where the path was supposed to be was a wall.
On the crushed stone pavement that turned into an aerial tower, Kuro is standing looking at the boy who has collapsed. If Neko's power is the power to alter perception, there may be a way to step forward, even if it seems like he's gone. But humans can't easily ignore visual information.
The boy looked at the student in front of him, but she didn't seem to notice anything unusual. This illusion seems to work only for Kuro and the boy.
After picking up the orange from the student, the boy raised his hand slightly, greeted her and started running.
The escape and the chase in a world that seemed to lose itself in an image of deception continued for a long time. The boy was chased by Kuro and he is not sure why he is running because he accepted Neko.
It seems that the girl's appearance is not visible to other people, so why not leave her completely naked? Remember that it was not a problem, and that the main purpose he had now was not to dress Neko, but to escape the pursuer Kuro who was trying to kill him.
It was supposed to be a crisis situation, but the reason why he jumped in thought was because Neko who was fleeing to the front seemed to be having fun. Neko was laughing so hard it seemed impossible to think it was a life-threatening escape drama.
"Think, Isana Yashiro! The play is over!"
It's okay to chase after Neko and jump to the back of the school building, but he hit a dead end. Kuro approaches from behind.
Furthermore, the sound of the bell echoed.
"Nya nya nya!"
From the ground between the shrine and Kuro, a huge wall with the face of a ghost cat grows skyward as it screams.
"Anyway, this wall is also an illusion!"
From the other side of the wall, he hears the brave voice of Kuro, who inspires him. Humans can't ignore visual information that easily, but it seems that Kuro decided to believe his rational judgment rather than crazy perception.
Neko lightly tugged on the boy's elbow, who was staring at the wall, involuntarily. He can move a few steps sideways.
In the next moment, the painted wall of the ghost cat's face was scattered like petals from Kuro's assault.
The scene where the illusion was shattered was quite beautiful, and he decided that the illusion wall was an illusion and collided with it, and broken Kuro was echoing.
However, he smashed through the ghost wall, smashed through the place where the boy was standing, and hit the actual wall beyond his face.
It was quite a surreal scene because the look that broke the illusion was great.
Neko laughs out loud when she sees Kuro, whose face is buried in the wall.
With awkward and awkward movements, he hit a wall and turned his flushed face away, and Kuro looked towards Neko and the boy.
The voltage of his anger is only increasing, the boy sweats coldly.
However, when Neko saw Kuro, she really enjoyed with her big eyes. It was like a cat playing with prey.
Kuro looks at Neko and turns around. Nek
o stands happy, trying to protect the boy behind. The original purpose was lost in its pursuit.
Then the sun set, the night passed, and the sun rose again.
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master-riku · 7 years
[Bungou Stray Dogs] 55 Minutes Part 4
Disclaimer: [ In no way are my translations perfect. Far from perfect. I’m using this to help me study. Please keep in mind that future translations of this project may change previous translations in order to fit better with the story. The project’s progress depends on the translator’s time! Thank you! ]
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On the same day, 16 minutes ago.
On Standard Island, a large-scale city floating on the sea, tourists arrived on a pier.
A man wearing a black mantle over his entire body shows dislike for the sun.
Concealing his face, he wears a black cloth over his mouth. Only his eyes are exposed which are strangely sharp.
There is another person wearing glasses; a young woman with honey-colored hair that reaches her shoulders.
She seemed to be a young and very talented woman who wore a black business suit and sunglasses.
"We entered the island safely," She said.
"Of course, there isn't a place that Yokohama's sea breeze can reach that we cannot enter. We're the Port Mafia." The man cloaked in black replied. Upon entering the island, they were given the labels of "general tourists." However, the procedure was cleverly counterfeited.
Changing their careers, manipulating their photographs, and passing confirmation by dangling money or showing violence; everything is possible with the Port Mafia's strength.
The sharp-eyed male has a name: Akutagawa.
He is an ability user who is bound to the Port Mafia.
The woman with honey-colored hair goes by the name Higuchi. She is an administrative assistant to Akutagawa.
"Number of enemies." Akutagawa asked while narrowing his eyes.
"It is estimated to be four people," Higuchi responded competently. "They are traitors to the Port Mafia who tried to invade the Port Mafia's banks last night. The traitors attempted to steal money from the safety deposit box, but they were found out and escaped. One of our members was an accountant who was assigned to manage the bank; they were killed during the escape."
"Insurgents?" Akutagawa laughed a bit.
Reddish blood slowly spilled from his mouth. "Those who rise against us, whether it is from disobedience or circumstance, will not have to wait for long to become a corpse. This is who we are. This is the meaning of our existence."
"I agree," Higuchi nodded. "I don't think that the bank robbers knew they infiltrated the Port Mafia's banks, but as soon as they gained information on the murdered accountant, they ran away to the island without taking the money they robbed. They must have thought they could escape the Port Mafia's revenge by coming to this island because it is an extraterritorial jurisdiction."
"Ignorant fools," Akutagawa's smile was colder than a snake's, and the exhale he made more sinister than an evil spirit's. "But, I congratulate their idiocy. They played an important role by giving the Port Mafia a reason to demonstrate the length and intensity of our revenges. I'll scatter their organs and make their screams long and breathless."
"There's no enemy that can stand before Akutagawa-senpai!" Higuchi exclaimed passionately.
Akutagawa nodded while clenching his jaw.
"Let's go forward, Higuchi."
"Yes," Higuchi said while following Akutagawa. "Oh, by the way, Senpai."
"There is this world class resort on this island. Is it not important to rid of mental and physical fatigue? After the mission, the two of us should go sightseeing, visit the beach, and more!"
Akutagawa started walking away.
"Senpai, in the evening, there seems to be masquerade balls that are held at the central square. Would you like to join me? Just the two of us."
Akutagawa did not turn around and continued walking.
"Senpai, before we begin our mission, we need a base. In fact, we have a room secured under a false name at the high-class hotel, but it's only one room. We could take a break there first."
"Do you not understand 'no'?"
Akutagawa continued to walk down the stone pavement without slowing down.
Higuchi stared up at the blue sky with a defeated look.
"...I know..right..."
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After parting with Dazai, Atsushi headed towards an area called the "engine depot."The island was roughly divided into residential areas, experimental districts, tourist areas, and engine depots. The residential area was where the managing staff lived on the island. The experimental district was where power-generated facilities and various experimental examinations took place. The tourist area has music auditoriums, accommodations, beaches, and shopping districts. And the engine depot is a part of the island where the necessary facilities to sail the "ship" are lined up. It is said that the "Jewel Truffle" that Atsushi and the others were meant to protect is kept in a safe room located deep in the engine room.
Atsushi walked passed modern Berlin buildings to head towards the Security Gaurd section. The clock tower that can be seen beyond the townscape had a different design engraved on it from the British side. Even from a distance, the time could be read; it was 11:27.
Atsushi gazed at the surrounding cityscape from the clock tower.
"Hmm....the buildings in this neighborhood have a different atmosphere then from a while ago..." Atsushi murmured while staring. "The buildings' walls and frames are square-shaped, they look like building blocks. A-ah, that shop's sausages...they look delicious....hm?"
Atsushi stopped walking. On the other side of the large sidewalk, in a recessed part of a building, there was a group of three tourists who were sitting down and talking.
They were a strange group of three. They were not enjoying any sightseeing, nor were they looking at a map, the three people were talking to one another face to face near the wall.
Atsushi could not hear well due to the distance, but a few words were carried by the wind: "I forgot," "At an important time like this?" "What should we do?"
Atsushi tilted his head. Did the tourists leave something behind? They did not appear to be officers on this island. One of them was a bald man, the other looked like a tired office worker, and the third was a boy who looked a bit younger than Atsushi. Just by the tone, they seemed as if they were in some distress.
Did they lose a map? If they're lost, he should help them. It was on the way towards the three strangers that Atsushi realized they were in trouble for a slightly different reason than he had expected. As he got closer, he could hear their conversation clearly.
"It wasn't a difficult conversation. Weren't you the one who said that boss? You said, "At most, I only remember how to count up to 12-column digits, and all the names of every woman I slept with up till now."' It was the middle-aged man wearing a business suit that wore a tired expression that gave the troubled voice. His hair was thin and his body looked as if he had insufficient exercise. He was a man who has worked with money as a middle-level manager for twenty years.
His expression invited sorrow.
"That's what was said...  That's what I definitely said. Is there something wrong?"
The complaints came from a muscular, bald-headed man with a frown on his face. He was taller than Atsushi by a head, but shorter than the Detective Agency's Kunikida.
"I'm the boss of the bandits. So, you all need to support the boss's every action with full effort! If the boss forgets the 12 digit cancellation code, then make up for it somehow, and show me how it's done!"
Atsushi stopped for a moment. It wasn't because the bald-headed man who forgot how to count to 12 digits had such a defiant attitude, but of course because he heard the word "bandits."
—— I received information from Scotland Yard that three thieves are aiming to steal an item --
He remembers when the captain spoke those words when he was talking about the treasured truffles.
"The boss is amazing! So cool! If something were to happen to me, I'd be safe with the boss!"
It was the third person who spoke in a very vibrant voice. His face was bright, but he was dressed poorly. His eyes shone with trust at the man called boss. He was probably younger than Atsushi by 2 or 3 years.
" Fuhahahaha! That's right, boy! Give me more praise! I'm the leader of the bandits; the reincarnation of Kaitou Thief: Arsene Lupin!"* (Kaitou Thief is a popular term in Japan for Magical thief. A very popular character that has kaitou thief qualities is Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon. Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created by French writer Maurice Leblanc.)
The boss laughed in a way that made his pectoral muscles burst.
"Of course the boss's greatness is something to behold, yes," The middle-aged salary man lowered his head tiredly. "But, no matter how low I bow my head to the Earth and worship the boss, I can't stop the surveillance cameras unless I have the 12-digit cancellation code."
"The surveillance cameras, you say?  Work together and do something about it!"
”There's nothing that we can do! I'm going to cry!"The middle-aged man gave a sorrowful voice.
"Or, you know, it's okay to use that. You know, that roundish thing you brought. Where you do...something like...this."
"The mouse."
"Yeah, the mouse. And when you push it, it does this sort of.."
"A click."
"Boss is amazing! Let's do it!" The boy with sparkling eyes said.
"You're already 43 years old, are you sure it's okay to cry out in public?" The middle-aged man lowered his head.
There was no doubt about it. Atsushi hid himself behind a tree located near the sidewalk and pulled out a mobile phone from his bosom.
"Kunikida-san" without waiting for a response from the other, Atsushi whispered in a loud voice, "It's Atsushi. I found the three-person bandit group."
"What?" Kunikida breathed behind the receiver. "Where are you, right now?"
"Uh..." Atsushi looked around. "I'm close to the Engine Depot, it's next to the white art museum."
"As for the bandits?"
"There is a really incompetent boss, a young boy who admires his boss a lot, and a very pathetic middle-aged man."
"....Pathetic...What?" Kunikida sounded confused.
"Uhm, well...They seem to be trying to disable the surveillance cameras or something."
"What do you mean disable the surveillance cameras?"Beyond the phone, there was a sound of Kunikida turning pages in his notebook. "There is an underground passage in the museum, and it is connected with other facilities on the island, and..."
Overlapping Kunikida's voice, the three bandits were speaking.
"Eeyy, you're sluggish!" The boss shouted at his two subordinates. "My power is amazing when reflected on surveillance cameras! For the people who want to see, I'll show them!"
"Uh, uhm, wait a minute - boss?!"
"Let's go, it's time to steal!"
All three people stood up and gradually began to advance to the darker side of the building.
"Kunikida-san, it looks like they're starting to make their move!"
"Don't lose sight of them," Kunikida ordered hastily. "Keep surveying them from afar. "Along with the number of guards we have, we will time ourselves and surround them. I'm on my way!"
Atsushi ran after the three people keeping silent.
Before long, the three people were already behind the art museum. A lawn was spread on one of the areas, and sprinklers watered the other side.
The three people then unexpectedly went off the road and took a turn towards the building's entrance gate, suddenly vanishing from Atsushi's view.
They did not see Atsushi when they turned around the corner, nor did they look back once.
You could say that Atsushi was lucky. Atsushi hurried following the crooked thieves' path.
However, Atsushi's luck ended there.
It was a dead end, and no one was there.
The building's outer walls created a cavity. To the left and right were just white walls. There was also a wall ahead. All the walls were flat. There weren't even windows or gutters to enter in.
Atsushi grabbed his mobile phone with trembling hands and made a call.
"I lost sight of them."
It was strange. He was only a couple of seconds away from the thieves until he lost track of them. The walls were as tall as 4 stories. Even if you boasted any physical abilities, you couldn't do tricks to rush up these walls without leaving a clue behind. However, if in the case of a special power....
"It couldn't be..."
Atsushi placed both hands on the other side of the wall. Lowering his head, he gazed at the wall closely. Footprints were easy to leave on this side where soft grass grew, and Atsushi could clearly see the footprints he himself left.
Oh, he found theirs.
There were footprints that belonged to three people. Two of them belonging to adults, and one belonging to a child. They were the footprints belonging to the thieves, and even though the foot prints were placed in front of the walls, they continued forward without any missteps, and then...
They faded into the wall.
"Kunikida-san," Atsushi spoke on his mobile phone. "The other party seems to have already invaded the museum."
"What? Did you find the people you lost sight of?"
"No, but their footprints have disappeared straight towards the deadend, although the details are unknown..." Atsushi cut off his sentence and breathed, "There might be a person with an ability."
"An ability...?" Kunikida breathed over the phone. "There's a possibility someone possesses an ability?"
"Probably," Atsushi said while thinking. "From the looks of the footprints, it must have been an ability that goes through walls."
"Thieves that can slip through walls...!" Kunikida struck his tongue. "Shit, if that's true, we have to reconsider our entire security plan! We're headed there soon, but it will take us at least 5 minutes to arrive. As it is, you are the closest! Do whatever you can, enter the building and chase after those thieves!"
Atsushi gazed at the wall.
The building's entrance was located on the main street. But he didn't have time to go back to the entrance.
The walls were the height of four stories, and he had no clue where he should start grabbing. It's impossible to climb such a place in a mathematical second. One must use a special power.
Atsushi closed his eyes and began to breath.
He envisioned a tiger.
It was a white tiger. It had a huge oral cavity that can swallow humans, and strong limbs like steel melded together.
It's forelimbs were like big tree trunks, and its leaps could jump over a valley. It was a white tiger of violence, completely opposite to his weak self.
As the night cooled the earth, the weakness stored inside him, and a violent ferocity reared itself.
There was no other tiger like this anywhere in this world. It only existed inside him. Arrogant and timid. Proud and Ashamed. The more he tried to conceal his weaknesses, the more the tiger appeared on the other side.
Atsushi's hair was standing. His skin became wavy, and his bones began to grow abnormal. The tendon of his legs started to elongate, and his growth extended into his boots and clothes. A white coat sprouted out like a living thing and covered his legs. A voice like a beast leaked from Atsushi's throat.
The gait undoubtedly belonged to a tiger.
It's position was similar to that of felines' with it's knees bent. The long lower limbs sprung like a coil.
Firmly digging it's nails into the ground, it looked like it was standing on its tiptoes.
Atsushi jumped.
In one leap, Atsushi was halfway up the wall, and in one leap he was facing the building's white walls laterally. The wall's materials broke under his nails while he jumped, and he continued to jump to the opposite walls as he went further up.
While kicking against the walls, the tiger made a zigzag while rushing up them vertically.
If it was an ordinary person watching him, their eyes could not catch up to Atsushi's high speed as he rushed up the wall, and made one last jump before making a semiturn in the air and landed on the building's rooftop.
Atsushi stopped gasping for air.
He then quickly explored his surroundings after using his tiger's ability to reach the rooftop.
Apart from the wind turbines that were used for the wind power generators lined up, it was a flat and empty rooftop. He needed to find a way down to the lower floor.
And he found exactly what he needed.
There was a colonnade from a huge exhibition that extended from the first floor and continued to the atrium. From the roof's edges, numbers of banners with museum events written on them hung below one another.
Atsushi jumped over the handrails.
In an instant, gravity pulled Atsushi down. He fell through the air. Giving a scream of despair, the tourists from the first floor noticed Atsushi from his commotion.
Atsushi twisted his body in the air and grabbed onto one of the banners. Immediately after, the shape of his wrists changed into a tiger's arm. The tiger's nails created an irritating sound as it tore through the banner vertically.
Ripping through the cloth, Atsushi used his power as a brake, and then landed onto the first floor. Immediately, he rolled forward using his knees and shoulders to disperse the shock.
Raising his head, the faces of many tourists stared at him startled. "Haha....I'm causing trouble." He smiled bitterly to suppress the awkwardness.
From there, he then ran towards where the thieves were headed.
At that time, his mobile phone began to ring. It was Kunikida. "I got in touch with London." Kunikida seemed impatient. "I know the thief’s true ability."
"There was information in Scotland Yard's Special Ability Criminal Department. The name of the bandit is "Nemo." He is a giant with a bald head, and he's stolen from all over the world and is wanted."
Atsushi quickly recalled the thieves' faces. It must have been the unreasonably optimistic man called "boss."
"As you've guessed, he has the ability to go through walls. Furthermore, anything he happens to touch - whether it be equipment or friends - can also pass through the walls. However, he cannot go through walls that are more than 5 centimeters. From there, we should be able to narrow down the invasion route to some extent."
Atsushi replied in agreement and once again turned to look forward.
He clenched his backteeth while running.
As expected the other party had an ability.
The thief "Nemo" had a very deceivingly careless behavior, but he is a formidable person.
Rather than going down the stairs, Atsushi kicked off from one of the walls and reached the 2nd floor in 10 seconds. It was already confirmed that there was a passage leading to other facilities in the basement.
He just needed to find the thieves after that.
However, there was no need to because suddenly, the thieves jumped out before him.
Atsushi was surprised, but the thieves were even more surprised.
Suddenly, before their eyes, an ultrafast youth appeared. Everyone's mouths hung open.
There were fireworks scattering in Atsushi's field of vision.
"Oou!!" The thieves boss's voice was projected clearly. "This island is pretty interesting. Look at that, Gab. That boy came from out of nowhere."
"That was amazing, boss!" The boy called Gab said enthusiastically. "There's bound to be extraordinary things happening whenever boss is around!"
For a moment, Atsushi wasn't able to move.
Of course it was painful crashing into the wall, but it was the matter of making a sudden encounter that left him unable to react immediately.
"Hey, boy. You're pretty interesting. Are you a tourist? How did you do that? Do it again."
"No, no, boss. How ever you look at it, it's really suspicious!" The middle-aged man in a business suit interjected. "It's not a speed that an ordinary person should possess... with that, if the person belonged to the guards then..."
Atsushi stiffened. This was bad.
"Are you an idiot?! There's no such thing as an organization using impoverished children for security! He must have entered in one of the artillery's set up and by mistake he blew himself away in one of the art museum exhibits!"
"I've never known such a person to do that...." The middle-aged man weakly said.
Atsushi stood up while supporting his staggering feet with his hands.
He had to make time for Kunikida and the rest to arrive and give aid. There were no clear chances of winning in a battle, so he had to stall for time by conversing with them to prevent them from leaving.
Somehow, After uttering just one word, the boss reacted.
"I...." Atsushi's head was spinning at a high speed. He had to somehow draw their attention. Anything would be okay.
His head kept spinning, and his mouth kept moving.
"You....You lost something!"Atsushi shouted.
The boss scratched his neck.
"I'm an ordinary tourist with no special features, and you seemed to have lost something, and you seemed to be looking for it, so I followed you!" Atsushi's head was shaking as he rocked back and forth. He didn't know what was what.
The middle-aged man seemed to smell foul play as he watched Atsushi. "Boss....please, he seems really suspicious."
"Hmm, but the amazing and great phantom thief does not judge an opponent in an unreasonably doubtful manner."
The boss then turned to face towards Atsushi with a sturdy look. "So, what's the item that I lost, boy?"
"What?" Atsushi had not thought of anything beyond his plan, and unintentionally stared in puzzlement.
"Like you said, the thing that was lost..."
"Aa...ehh?" Atsushi was weak when it came to adlib. When trying to come up with contents and act and talk at the same time, it exceeded his mental tolerance. As a result, he becomes defenseless.
"T-that is...you, you should know that the best, don't you?!"
All three bandits scratched their heads at the same time.
Atsushi wanted to die a little. However, he couldn't stop anymore even if he wanted to. He had to stall for time.
"When you lost it, you....you didn't notice it, but you certainly had it once." Atsushi was embarrassed as he continued to speak, his head was spinning, and he felt like he was going to die. Even if you know that you are on the road to hell, at least you only go through that road you chose once. "What's wrong? The thing that you valued so much, you lost it!"Atsushi spoke faintly. He didn't know what it was. Please, someone stop him. He was about to die in shame. Rather, someone kill him.
However, the boss's carelessness was beyond Atsushi's.
"Ooooh!!!" Atsushi's disorder was suddenly drowned out by the boss's cry. "You're absolutely right, boy! I gave my entire life up to become the greatest phantom thief! And yet, nevertheless, even now..!"
Watching the boss's exaggerated grief, Atsushi became a little calm.
"Boss! Please, calm down, boss!" The middle-aged man panicked and began to shake him. "Boss, even now, you're enough! You are desperately thinking of nothing else, but what else to steal! Stop talking on the spur of the moment already!"
"Oh...what?" The boss's lamentation quickly stopped. "If that's what you say...I guess you could say that."
"Hey, hey, you shortie!" The youngest colleague stepped forward with excitement. "Didn't you just try to trick our great boss? We should tie you up and throw you in the middle of the ocean, you white-haired bastard!"
Atsushi began to sweat. It seemed like everyone was being cautious now, and he didn't really remember how it all became like this.
"I am the great phantom theif's pupil! I am Gab of the swift wind! If you can dodge this dagger, then dodge it!" The boy took out a blue shining steel blade from his bosom. The drawn dagger was made to be concealed in one's pocket.
Alarm bells started ringing in Atsushi's head when he saw the cutlery.
"Wait, wait," Atsushi reflexively stepped away. "Let's talk this over, again!"
"It's useless!" The boy started rushing towards the center with the dagger.
He had no choice, but to fight.
Atsushi's tiger power began to pour into his arms, and instantly his forearm muscles began to bulge explosively. The tiger's hair blew out from under his clothes, and the sound of a tree twisting could be heard as his fingers turned into huge tiger nails.
Knives or bullets could not go through the tiger's hair. If he could prvent the dagger with his arms, he had a chance of winning.
Atsushi's train of thought stopped; however, when a piercing scream cried.
The boy retreated and fell on his butt.
".....Uh, pardon?"
"What is with that arm! Don't get any closer, stop right there! The hair just grew out of nowhere! Ahhh, I'm scared! I'm traumatized, sorry boss, but can I go home?!"
"Ahhhh, isn't this what I've been telling you, boss?!" Said the middle-aged man with a miserable face. "We shouldn't have brought Gab along! Of course, Gab's an excellent follower....but look at him, he loses his nerves so fast! He's the best pupil only because the other ones quit!"
Was that so?
Atsushi's eyes became tiny dots. Should he just advance?
"Well, I guess it can't be helped. So, you go, Bilgo."
"M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-ME? That's impossible! I'm only a technician! Technical support is my job! I disable surveillance cameras and extract security codes! Fighting is not in my contract." The middle-aged man called Bilgo lowered his head like a small animal and retreated.
"This is...."
Atsushi raised both his arms and shouted. "This is different from what I imagined!" His soul was crying.
"No matter how you imagined it, it's no longer a problem, since we can complete the request." A low voice resonated in the corridor. "Well done, Atsushi."
"Kunikida-san!" Atsushi shouted.
Behind Kunikida, armed security guards from the island came along.
"The head of the serial group of thieves, Nemo." Kunikida said out loud while reading his notebook. "While having a powerful ability that allows you to go through many walls, because of excessively irresponsible and reckless plans, your robberies fail every time. You exhaust your relationship with your subordinates, where only the people remaining with you are amateurs who have barely any work experience. 
While repeatedly failing at your robberies and being captured, your nature of going through prison walls has been a repeated offense. The number of times you have made a jail break has been 89 times. While it's impossible to call you a master thief, we can honor you as the jailbreak king."
"Guuu...uuunu.." The boss's face stiffened. "Oi, you bastards, do something!"
"S-sorry boss, somehow I was careless."
"I'm nothing but an engineer. For that reason, I surrender, so please consider my case."
The young boy was crawling on the floor while the middle-aged man raised both of his hands in defeat towards Kunikida.
Atsushi finally caught up with the situation. Apparently, Atsushi had thought that originally the robbers were 100 times worse than they actually were.
"Atsushi, please contact the client- the captain." Kunikida narrowed his eyes. "We can finally pull the curtains over this fun game of tag with these pleasant thieves." Kunikida took one step as the circle of security guards surrounding them also narrowed gradually. "Boss...boss! I'm sorry...I'll hold them back, so please run away!" The young boy said in a hurried voice. The boss gave no response.
He merely stood there on his thick legs while glaring at his surroundings. "Escape on my own?" There was no hint of impatience in his voice. "The great mysterious Lupin neither had an ability nor a subordinate, and he still performed thefts that, even now, are too difficult for me, and, so he remains in the hearts of people. I knew long ago that I couldn't be like him."
The boss's eyes stared quietly at a point in the air. His eyes grabbed hold of something from far away. "I'm different from Phantom Thief Lupin. Because of that, I have to hold onto something that he doesn't have, keep it in mind, and lay a foundation to ascend into becoming a great Phantom Thief.”
Atsushi noticed something suddenly. The boss was slouching just now. His face was hard, a shadow from a light fell from the ceiling's fluorescent light. "My ability is the ability to slip through objects less than 5 centimeters in thickness - in other words, if they are objects of a certain thickness, it means that they can stay in an overlapping state without interfering with my body."
Atsushi watched.
Something was coming out from the boss's thick chest. There was no sound, and something fell through the boss as if his body did not exist. It was about 5 centimeters thick. The width was as big as a book, it was a square metal plate. Something fell through the boss's body. Atsushi and the others were surprised; their reactions were delayed.
"I definitely will not abandon my subordinates!"
"Bo-!" Kunikida shouted. "Bomb! Get down!"
A flash of light filled the corridor.
Atsushi took off quickly with the tiger's reflex. Kunikida took the security guards and pushed them down; they all lay on the floor together. Fierce smoke and wind blew through the area.
"Geha....ha.." Atsushi coughed in the smoke as he got up. The strong sound of the explosion pierced Atsushi's ears and rung to the center of his brain.  Because of the white smoke, he couldn't see what state the corridor was in.
The boss applied his ability of going through walls, and reversed it. He slipped and hid the bomb in his body. No physical examination or observation could find out if he had a bomb inside him with the ability. That is probably how he brought some work tools to the island as well.
Even so, there were no major bruises or pain. Atsushi quickly inspected his own body. He wasn't bleeding from anywhere. If it was detonated nearby, then this small damage shouldn't be possible.
”Damn! It was a distraction!" Kunikida yelled from the other side of the smoke. "They probably ran to the other side of the wall!"
What Kunikida said was right. He had checked where the thieves were last, and no one was there. There was only the cold floor.
They escaped.
"I'll go after them!" Atsushi shouted back to Kuninkida. He explored the wall by hand due to his vision being blocked by the smoke. The underground walls were thick. If Nemo had escaped with his two subordinates, he should have had his eyes on the wall's thickness beforehand. Fumbling around, Atsushi immediately found something. It was an automatic side door. It's a door painted in the same color as the wall, but it seemed like the thickness was thinner than the other walls that he had touched. There was a high chance of escaping beyond this door. However, it was locked, and it would not open even if you pushed or pulled it.
"Kunikida-san! They might be beyond this door!" Atsushi cried while the smoke was fading. "Please tell me how to open the door!"
"It's probably a security door for certification ceremonies." Kunikida came running furiously. "Use the silver coin on the door's certification board."
Atsushi then remembered the silver coins that were given to them when entering the island. They had an identification transmitter built-in, and they should be able to open places where tourists couldn’t go.
Atsushi took out the silver coin from his bosom and in a hurry brought it close to the door. However, a dull electronic beep resounded, and the door did not appear to open. "Show it to me!" Kunikida approached the door. "...This is strange. I can't even open the door with my silver coin."
"Please, back away." One of the guards came close. "No one is allowed to enter that door."
"......What?" Kunikida turned around and looked back at him. "What do you mean?"
"The destination is a special confidential area, and only people with permission can go in. Please get away from it."
"Get away?" Kunikida's eyes narrowed in anger. "Hey, we were hired to catch the bandits who are running away as we speak. Are there any other secrets or things that need permission? If you're so obedient, open it and catch them!"
"We are not given the authority to enter as well." Somehow, the situation was becoming suspicious.
During the initial explanation of their duties, there was no word about the Detective Agency being unable to enter an area. Even with this situation, it was not the time when thieves were escaping now. "WE'RE MAKING NO PROGRESS. Atsushi, contact the captain! Hurry so we can have this door open and enter inside!"
"The captain also has no authority," The security guard said without expression. "If you need confirmation, you're free to call him."
Atsushi took out his mobile phone. Even though they were underground, there were radio signals. Looking through his phone, he pressed the captain's contact. "Kunikida-san," Atsushi said while listening to the phone. "I can't connect to the captain."
No matter how long they waited, the client was not picking up the phone, however...
"Hey, do you hear something?" Kunikida said while looking around. Atsushi started to hear the sound as well. It was a strange electronic sound -- the sound of a chalmera ringing from ramen stalls.
"It's the captain's phone that's ringing..."
"From the other side of the door?" Kunikida said while touching the wall. At that time, the door opened automatically suddenly.
"Hugh!?" Kunikida said in panic.
Beyond the door, there were soldiers.
They weren't just soldiers. They had large automatic rifles with bulletproof equipment. There were more than 10 of them. One could not see their expressions because their faces were covered with bulletproof masks. "Beyond this point, you are prohibited from entering this area. Leave immediately."
"What did you say?"
"Leave, you have only one warning. If you do not obey instructions, then it will be considered appropriate to use firearms.” They hoisted their automatic rifles; their black muzzles shone dully.
More than 10 fully armed soldiers pointed at Kunikida and were ready to shoot at any time. The intimidation the soldiers emitted was the equivalent of plunging headfirst in a Lion's mouth.
However, Kunikida did not change the tone of his voice nor was he frightened. "I also have a warning, and I'll say it once. We are a detective agency who was assigned to capture thieves for a client. Even if this island is an extraterritorial property, there are extraterritorial laws for pointing a gun at a general member of the public, and don't think that I will allow you to threaten one." Kunikida's entire body emanated a murderous aura. The opportunity to capture the thieves was being blocked due to irrational reasons, and it seemed like he was considerably angry.
"Hoho, this person has a backbone." An unexpected voice came from behind the soldiers. "Everyone, rescind your weapons. There's no use trying to threaten this person with a gun." As soon as the hoarse voice ordered the soldiers, the soldiers pointed their guns down. They moved perfectly like a machine.
When the soldiers moved aside and made a clearing, an old man dressed in a military uniform appeared.
He was a small old man. When surrounded by strong soldiers, his stature stood out even more. He had a mild expression and a fluffy gray beard running down his wrinkly face. If he were not wearing military clothes, he looked like he would belong in the country side as some teacher.
"You're the head of this group of soldiers?" Kunikida asked in an angry voice. "We are pursuing thieves, and I would like you to allow us to enter this area."
"Well, if you aren't a young man with a considerable spirit. If you trained with a battalion, you would make a good soldier." The old man laughed with eyes similar to that of a teacher's. "However, I cannot approve of this entry, unfortunately-- but, if it's the case of a gold coin then..."
"You possess silver coins that are given to the general staff. Besides that, on this island, you must be in possession of a gold coin for confidential areas. If a person enters this area without a gold coin and information leaks outside, then he or she can be immediately shot to the death. This is the island's absolute code of conduct. The leaders of your country have signed a consent form."
Atsushi stared at the silver coin in his hand. Certainly, ordinary tourists received copper coins. In other words, there were many places that could be entered depending on which coins: copper, silver, and gold in order.
"However, let it be known, out of respect for your sense of justice, that the thieves have been caught."
"Is that so?" Kunikida said surprised.
"The inside of the confidential area is strictly guarded by surveillance videos, and the amount of soldiers in here is incomparable to the ones outside, so be relieved."
Kunikida glared at the man for a few seconds before slowly speaking. "If that's the case, let us confirm from the client. Would you please give me your name?"
"There is no name to be given. I am called 'Colonel' by everyone here."
"Colonel...You're certainly a military employ."
Atsushi once again looked at the old man's face. Although he had the expression of a school teacher, there were some white wounds that have faded in the old man's face if looked at closely. His shoulder width was solid, and was indicative of having been forged in the past despite his small size.
Suddenly, a wretched smell came through.
Atsushi's five senses become sharp when using his tiger ability. He is able to pick up sounds and smells that no one can usually notice. The tiger's senses must have stayed when he had transformed.
The tiger's nose caught the smell when he had sniffed. He had smelled this scent many times after entering the detective agency, but still he could never get used to it. It was an unpleasant scent, it was....
"It can't be..."
Atsushi darted quickly without thinking. He forcibly shoved himself through the confidential area blocked by the soldiers.
"Hey, what are you doing!?"
Ignoring the soldiers' shouting, Atsushi looked around the area. There was another corridor that continued from the entrance. There was little difference between the place and its interior.
"Get away from the door! Do you want to be shot dead?!" The soldiers' warnings were ignored by Atsushi.
Atsushi's eyes then caught onto a color.
There was a red color within the confidential area. The red stretched tightly in the corridor, and scattered from the wall to the ceiling. It was definitely the source of the unpleasant smell. "That is...!" Atsushi's eyes widened. It was no mistake. There was a brilliant red on a white wall, and a body lying in the center.
There was blood and a corpse.
"Get down!"
Atsushi was brought down by a soldier. Forcibly pushed by a firearm, Atsushi staggered and fell on his back.
Kunikida ran to him.
"Hey Atsushi, are you ok?"
"Kunikida-san...." Atsushi said dumbfounded. He saw it for a moment, but there was no way it was a mistake. "There was a dead body."
"What?" Kunikida widened his eyes. "It couldn't be...was it the thieves?"
When Atsushi instantly smelled the blood, he had also thought that, however...
"No..." Atsushi raised his head. The image was burned into his mind.
"Well....did you see it boy?" The old man called Colonel gave a shrewd face. "As I said earlier, the information in this area is confidential, and there is a code of conduct that we cannot abandon regardless of what the situation is. It's too bad...it won't be easy for you to go outside."
"What? Atsushi, what did you see?"
Blue clothes resembling those of a repairman. A tired face. The sound of a chalmera ringing from a ramen stand. With a faint voice, Atsushi spoke.
"It was the client....the captain is dead."
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP TEACHING APTITUDE Objective Questions and Answers
TEACHING APTITUDE Multiple Choice Questions :-
1. Most important work of teacher is (A) to organize teaching work (B) to deliver lecture in class (C) to take care of children (D) to evaluate the students 2. A teacher should be (A) Honest (B) Dilligent (C) Dutiful (D) Punctual 3. Environmental education should be taught in schools because (A) it will affect environmental pollution (B) it is important part of life (C) it will provide job to teachers (D) we cannot escape from environment 4. Navodaya Schools have been established to (A) increase number of school in rural areas (B) provide good education in rural areas (C) complete 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' (D) check wastage of education in rural areas 5. At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because (A) it develops self-confidence in children (B) it makes learning easy (C) it is helpful in intellectual development (D) it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere 6. Women are better teacher at primary level because (A) they behave more patiently with children (B) they are ready to work with low salary (C) higher qualification is not needed in this profession (D) they have less chances in other profession 7. You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go ? (A) Teacher (B) Police (C) Army (D) Bank 8. What is most important while writing on blackboard ? (A) Good writing (B) Clarity in writing (C) Writing in big letters (D) Writing in small letters 9. Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher's day. What will you do ? You will (A) do nothing (B) say thanks to them (C) ask them to not to waste money (D) reciprocate the good wishes to them 10. A student comes late in your class. Then you will (A) inform to parents (B) punish him (C) try to know the reason (D) not pay attention there
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TEACHING APTITUDE MCQs 11. When the students become failed, it can be understood that (A) The system has failed (B) The teachers failure (C) The text-books failure (D) The individual student's failure 12. It is advantage of giving home work that students (A) remain busy at home (B) study at home (C) may be checked for their progress (D) may develop habit of self study 13. In computers, the length of a word is measured in (A) Bit (B) Byte (C) Millimeter (D) None of these 14. Who is known as 'father of computer' ? (A) B. Pascal (B) H. Hollerith (C) Charles Babbage (D) J. V. Neumann 15. A teacher has serious defect is he/she (A) is physically handicapped (B) belongs to low socio-economic status (C) has weak personality (D) has immature mental development 16. The success of teacher is (A) high achievement of students (B) good traits of his/her personality (C) his/her good teaching (D) his/her good character 17. A Deepawali fair is being organized in your school. What would you like to do ? (A) only to visit the fair (B) to take part in function (C) to take a shop to sell something (D) to distribute free water to visitors 18. The most important trait of a student is (A) sense of responsibility (B) to speak truth (C) co-operation (D) obedience 19. The purpose of basic education scheme is (A) universalization of primary education (B) to vocationalise the eduction (C) to fulfil basic need of persons through education (D) to make education compulsory for all 20. You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ? (A) you will allow him to ask unrelated question (B) you will not allow him to ask unrealated question (C) you will consider it indiscipline and punish him (D) you will answer the question after the class 21. If you are unable to get a job of teacher, then you will (A) start giving tuition at home (B) remain at home till you get a job (C) take some another job (D) continue applying for teaching 22. A teacher can motivate the students by (A) giving suitable prizes (B) giving proper guidance (C) giving examples (D) delivering speech in class 23. If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will (A) ignore him (B) award less marks in examination (C) talk to his/her parents (D) rebuke him 24. National Literacy Mission was established in (A) 1996 (B) 1988 (C) 1999 (D) 2000 25. The aim of National Council for teacher education is (A) to open college of education (B) to promote research in education (C) to maintain standards in colleges of education (D) to provide grant to colleges of education 26. Kindergarten system of education was contributed by (A) T. P. Nunn (B) Spencer (C) Froebel (D) Montessori 27. 'National Council of Educational Research and Training' was established in (A) 1961 (B) 1962 (C) 1963 (D) 1964 28. Essay type test are not reliable because (A) their answers are different (B) their results are different (C) their checking is affected by examiner's mood (D) their responding styles are different 29. A guardian never comes to see you in school. You will (A) ignore the child (B) write to the guardian (C) go to meet him youself (D) start punishing the child 30. To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should (A) use blackboard (B) discuss (C) tell stories (D) ask question 31. The purpose of new education policy is (A) to provide equal opportunity of education to all (B) to improve the whole education system (C) to link the education with employment (D) to delink the degree with education 32. To raise the standard of education, it is necessary (A) to evaluate students continuously (B) to give high salary to teachers (C) to revise curriculum (D) to make good school building 33. What is most important for a teacher ? (A) to maintain discipline in class (B) to be punctual in class (C) to remove difficulties of students (D) to be good orator 34. Why students should play games in school ? (A) It makes them physically strong (B) It makes work easier for teachers (C) It helps in passing time (D) It develops co-operation and physical balance 35. Family is a means of (A) Informal education (B) Formal education (C) Non-formal education (D) Distance education 36. There is tension among villagers and you are teacher there. What will you do ? (A) You will inform "Gram Pradhan" (B) You will try to pacify them (C) You will report to police (D) You will keep distance from them 37. A teacher can develop social values among students by (A) telling them about great people (B) developing sense of discipline (C) behaving ideally (D) telling them good stories 38. What will you do in leisure time in school ? You will (A) take rest in teacher's room (B) read magazines in library (C) talk to clerks in office (D) check home work of students 39. A teacher asks the questions in the class to (A) keep students busy (B) maintain discipline (C) attract student's attention (D) teach 40. You like teaching profession because (A) it has less responsibility (B) you are interested in it (C) it is easy (D) it provide you more holidays 41. How the students should be motivated to get success in life ? (A) Selected study (B) Incidental study (C) Intensive study (D) Learning by recitation 42. In context of the habit of Absenteeism of student (A) The principal and parents should get worried (B) The officials of the schools should take action against them as per school's discipline (C) The teachers should take it as a serious problem (D) They should be given less priority in the class room in relation to regular students 43. To whom the responsibility of organisation of curricular activities should be stored with ? (A) The principal (B) The teacher who is appointed for this work (C) The teachers who take interest in it (D) All the teachers 44. When the students try to solve the questions in some different way as taught by the teacher from prescribed books, then these students should be (A) Discouraged to consult some other books on the subject (B) Encouraged to consult some other books on the subject (C) Suggested to talk with their teacher after the period (D) Suggested to follow the class room notes in order to get good mark in the examination 45. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because (A) They can teach in a good manner without its help (B) The number of curious students is very poor in the class (C) When they commit some mistake, they do not face any challange from their students (D) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialisation in it through experience 46. The problem of drop-out in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through (A) Reduction of the weight of curriculum (B) Sympathy of teachers (C) Attractive environment of the school (D) Encouragement of the students 47. The ideal teacher (A) Teaches the whole curriculum (B) Helps his students in learning (C) Is a friend, philosopher and guide (D) Maintains good discipline 48. The aim of education should be (A) To develop vocational skills in the students (B) To develop social awareness in the students (C) To prepare the students for examination (D) To prepare the students for practical life 49. The best method of checking student's homework is (A) To assign it to intelligent students of the class (B) To check the answers in the class in group manner (C) To check them with the help of specimen answer (D) To check by the teacher himself in a regular way 50. A time bound testing programme for a students should be implemented in Shools so that (A) The progress of the students should be informed to their parents (B) A regular practice can be carried out (C) The students can be trained for final examinations (D) The remedial programme can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results 51. The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be (A) Literacy competencies (B) Life-skills (C) Numerical competencies (D) Vocational competencies 52. The contribution of taxpayers in Primary education is in the form of (A) Income Tax (B) Tuition Fee (C) Paying money for individual tution (D) Educational cess 53. The priority to girls education should be given because (A) The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys (B) The girls are lesser in number than boys (C) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past (D) Only girls are capable of leading for social change 54. The success of integrated education depends on (A) The support of community (B) The excellence of text-books (C) The highest quality of teaching-learning material (D) The attitudinal changes in teachers 55. The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon (A) Infrastructural facilities (B) Financial provisions (C) International support (D) The quality of teacher education 56. The idea of Basic Education is propounded by (A) Dr. Zakir Hussain (B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Rabindranath Tagore 57. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is (A) Infrastructural facilities of a school (B) Classroom system (C) Text-books and Teaching-learning material (D) Student Achievement level 58. The best remedy of the student's problems related with learning is (A) Suggestion for hard work (B) Supervised study in Library (C) Suggestion for private tuition (D) Diagnostic teaching 59. The in-service teacher' training can be made more effective by (A) Using training package which in wellprepared in advance (B) Making it a residential programme (C) Using co-operative approach (D) Practicing training followup procedures 60. Child Labour Prohibition Act (1986) (A) Prohibits all types of child labour upto 14 years of age of child (B) Prohibits child labour in risk-taking works only (C) Prohibits child labour during school hours only (D) Prohibits child labour by imposing the responsibility of children's education on the employers TEACHING APTITUDE Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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wekillthemessenger · 7 years
Natlock #117 — “Can I do your hair?” @bakerstreetviolin
Natasha sat on the bed wearing a black silk dress and black peep-toed heels, massaging her shoulder with her eyes closed. She was tired and sore and according to John there would be permanent damage if she didn't give her shoulder a rest, but it was date night. She'd be damned if she was going to let a work injury keep her from having a wonderful night with her beautiful, clever husband when he'd gone through the trouble of planning a whole evening for them.
They didn't celebrate anniversaries or milestones or bother with the all the cliched trappings of romance, but Sherlock was fresh off a case he'd deemed a solid ten and Natasha had just wrapped up a one-week mission abroad. There was more than enough reason to celebrate with a night to themselves, and she hated that it was taking her so long to get ready. She should be able to push through the pain.
There was a brush and a pretty gold pin beside her on the bed, and she opened her eyes to try and reach for it again. And again her arm wouldn't lift more than a quarter of the way up. She hissed a breath and let it drop on her lap.
"Can I do your hair?" Sherlock stood in the doorway, fiddling with the cuffs of his gray shirt. He was handsome even in his ratty pajama pants and worn cotton t-shirts, but she hadn't seen him in a week, and just the sight of him tonight sent a tingle of anticipation down her spine. His blue eyes were soft as their gazes met. "You're taking ages, and I'm fairly competent with a brush," he added. "It'll speed things along. We do have reservations."
"My prince charming," Natasha teased, scooting over so he could sit beside her on the bed. "You'll take any excuse to play with my hair, is what I think."
"Maybe, you do have exceedingly healthy hair follicles." Sherlock walked over and settled in, gesturing for her to turn as he took up the brush. "The texture is also quite... smooth, and you do enjoy it." She all but purred when he raked his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp with the pads of his fingers. He huffed a quiet laugh. "Like a cat, you are."
"You're one to talk," she said, closing her eyes again with a shameless smile. "All you're missing is pointy ears and a tail."
He hummed in agreement. "And the whiskers, I imagine."
"You get whiskery on occasion, too."
She mewled in appreciation when he finally ran the brush through her waves, ever so slowly. Indulging her every bit as much as speeding things along. "Can I get you to do my hair for the remainder of my recovery?"
"If it is absolutely necessary, I suppose I could make the time," he said, and she could hear the smile in his voice. "We did make vows, in sickness and in health and some such other nonsense. I'm confident a lead pipe to the shoulder counts as the former." She let out a soft laugh, and he brushed her hair until her waves were smooth and shiny, and then twisted the length of it into a low bun at the nape of her neck. He slid pins into place to hold it up and placed the gold, decorative one at an angle.
Natasha rose to look at herself in the wardrobe mirror, smiling when she caught a glimpse of her reflection. Her hand smoothed down the front of her dress. "Where'd you learn to do this?"
"Youtube," Sherlock answered informatively. He came up behind her to smooth a hand along the curve of her waist, press the softest kiss to her neck. "For a case," he further explained. "You'd be surprised what people let slip to their hairdressers."
"And what did they let slip in your case?"
"A sibling rivalry with a lethal end," he whispered in a dramatic rumble, smiling against the skin of her neck when she shivered against his chest.
"Lucky me, then," she breathed out. She turned in his arms to steal a lingering kiss, reaching up with only one hand to cup his cheek. She was smiling too when she pulled away. "Thank you."
"I've got you, princess," he said quietly, trailing a hand down her injured arm to thread their fingers together. "Always."
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I finally have some Ryder/Kandros stuff posted!
So the link to the first chapter on AO3 is on my writing page (link in blog description)
Chapter 2
This is likely going to be 5-6 chapters, so nothing too long, though I might extend it if need be. 
And yes, there will be eventual smut.
Under a cut for length
“Kandros, can you authorize me so I can use the security terminal again?”
Tiran looked up from the datapad he was mulling over to find the Pathfinder standing a few feet in front of him. She looked exhausted, though in all honesty she looked exhausted from the first time they met. Admittedly the first time he saw her it was not under the best circumstances, Ryder was still reeling from her father’s death and becoming Pathfinder, however even now she looked even more sleep deprived and distraught if possible.
“I gave you permanent authorization last time, remember? And you can just call me Tiran, last names are for people like Tann” he said gently.
“Yeah, it’s ringing a bell. And People like Tann? I thought you and Tann got along?” asked Sara.
“We play nice for the most part, and as a person I don't have anything against him, but he's not the sort of person I'd ever put in charge of anything”. Tiran shook his head, how a bookkeeper was deemed competent enough to lead the Initiative was beyond him, even if Tann was seventh in line for the position.
“Yeah, he can be a bit abrasive sometimes” Sara forced a smile before making a move to the security terminal across the way, “Thanks Tiran”.
“Stay safe, Pathfinder” called Tiran after Sara as she walked off.
“And you can call me Sara! Titles are for people like Tann!” Sara called back over her shoulder to Tiran.
Tiran could not help but smile, at least Sara was feeling alright enough to still make jokes.
“Back so soon, Sara?” Tiran asked as he watched Sara approach the little cubby of an ‘office’ Tann had given him with the promise he would move Tiran into a real office once the Nexus was up and running. That was seeming more and more like an empty promise with every day that passed.
“Yeah, just wanted to check on some things with the strike teams” she said, she looked like she had not slept in days.
Tiran felt his heart sink a bit seeing her looking so rundown. All of this Pathfinder business was too much to put on to someone so young. Too much for someone who inherited it after the death of a family member, someone who never received any formal training and was thrown into the chaos from the moment they woke up in Heleus.
“You know you can check the teams from the Tempest, right?” he asked. Did I remember to tell her that? He wondered, second guessing himself.
“I know, but you know the teams better so I'd rather get your opinion on this stuff since you're the military guy” she said.
“Always glad to help. Anything in particular?” asked Tiran.
“There's a kett base on Voeld with some angaran prisoners, I was hoping you'd know which APEX team would be best for that” Sara was fidgeting with her nails. Her hands looked terrible, the nails were bitten down until they bled and the skin around her nails was torn up and mutilated from picking at it.
“Got any information besides ‘kett base’ for me to work with?” asked Tiran.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I've got the data downloaded to my omni tool, I'll upload it to the database here” she apologized. She seemed so far away, lost in whatever was going through her mind.
“Sara,” Tiran began, unsure whether he should be asking questions, “are you alright?”
“I'm fine, just a lot going on” she responded weakly.
“Just don't push yourself too hard” Tiran said, knowing Sara probably heard that from everyone but feeling the need to say it to her anyways.
“There'll be time to rest after all this is done, just let me know what team would be able to rescue those angaran prisoners” said Sara blankly.
“Of course, Pathfinder”.
“Pathfinder” nodded Tiran as Sara approached.
“Just ‘Sara’ is fine, I’d really rather just be Sara” she said.
She was looking worse if possible. She had dark rings under her eyes, something Tiran learned that meant humans were exhausted. She was leaning on the table heavily, as if she could not support her weight on her own and her entire being just seemed so far removed from the situation.
“What can I do for you today?” asked Tiran.
“Nothing, I just got done talking with Tann and Addison and I needed somewhere to think and cool down” said Sara.
“Why not head back to the Tempest then?” asked Tiran.
“Because then I'd actually have to do something about what Tann and Addison said and there's just so many things going on without them adding more” Sara said.
“They wouldn't ask for you to do things if they didn't think you could handle it” Tiran tried to reassure her.
“They can have all the fucking faith in me they want, it doesn't mean I can just magically do everything” Sara snapped.
“I know,” Tiran began gently. He had dealt with Tann and Addison piling things on from the moment he became militia leader, it was downright overwhelming when you were still figuring out your job. “One person can only do so much, but if there's anything I can do just let me know, alright?”
“Yeah,” Sara said, “thanks. Sorry for snapping at you. It's not your fault things are like this”.
“You're stressed, but you need to do something about that before you hit a breaking point” Tiran said, taking a step to close the gap between himself and Sara. “You need to find time to destress at least a bit, or just mull over things”.
“You're probably right” Sara admitted reluctantly.
“I am right”. Tiran look a deep breath, “How do you think I deal with everything without going crazy? I'm in a position that was made up after we realized the kett were here. I signed on to be Nexus security, not some sort of military commander. I'm just winging 80 percent of what I'm doing and trying to keep people safe and trying to stay sane”.
“It's sort of comforting to know that I'm not the only one stumbling through all this”. Sara smiled.
It was a real genuine smile, Tiran could not help but smile back. There was something beautiful in her smile, from her odd flat teeth to the way her lips curled upwards and her eyes got squinty, humans were an odd species though there was something charming in how expressive their faces were. “Hey, you know if you ever need anyone to just talk with you can always come talk to me. I may not be part of a Pathfinder team or anything, but maybe talking to someone outside of all that it what you need” Tiran offered.
“Thanks, but I don’t need to drag you into all this nonsense also” Sara said.
“Everyone needs someone to talk to, I know you’re probably talking about all this with your crew but sometimes it helps to talk to someone who isn’t involved in everything” said Tiran.
“Yeah, I know, but I’d feel bad dumping all my problems on everyone else, there’s no need to trouble my crew with everything that’s going on. They have enough going on without adding to the pile” admitted Sara.
She wasn’t talking to people about any of this, Tiran realized. No wonder she always looked so stressed and rundown.
“Then why not talk about things that aren’t going wrong. You made first contact with the angara and they didn’t shoot you, that’s pretty big” Tiran smiled, hoping to cheer Sara up.
“It could have gone better though” she mumbled.
“But all things considered, I think you did pretty well” Tiran said.
Sara flushed a bit, embarrassed from Tiran’s praise. “I mean not being eaten by a new alien species is pretty decent I guess. Maybe it would be nice just to talk with someone”.
“Well, I should be done here in about an hour. I was planning on swinging by the Vortex to grab a drink, join me?” Tiran asked.
“Sure, it’s on the way to the Tempest anyways” Sara said.
Tiran laughed, “ ‘It’s on the way to the Tempest anyways’ I’m inviting you to take a moment to breathe and chat, not turning you over to Tann, you don't have to sound so reluctant. If you don't want to, you don't have to, I'm not going to be offended”.
“I just feel like I don't have the time to be spending it just hanging out, there's so much to do still” she said.
“That's why I offered. You don't have to come, but I thought maybe it might help for you just to have some down time”.
“Yeah, I probably need that” Sara said.
“Well, if you want to go meet me here in an hour. No hard feelings if you don't show, I promise” Tiran smiled.
Sara did not stray far from the militia HQ, busying herself looking over the APEX missions and data pads of intel on kett movements for the next hour. Tiran noticed Sara watching him several times, or maybe moreso staring out into space in his general direction, or maybe trying to figure out what caused him to reach out and try to help. In all honestly, he saw something familiar in her situation: waking up in a new galaxy, realizing everything had gone wrong, and then being thrown into a position without any training. He sympathized with her and just did not want her to deal with everything alone like he had been, no one should be dealing with that alone.
Tiran was able work quickly and finish compiling the data they have on kett movements near outposts and send the information to the outpost leaders so they could change patrol routes and make the necessary fortifications. He looked over to where Sara was sitting, her face bathed in the glow from her omni tool as she flipped through screens on the interface.
“All set to go?” asked Tiran.
Sara dismissed the interface before moving to get up, “Whenever you are” she answered.
The two started on their way to the shuttle. Operations was relatively quiet and the lights had started to dim to signal the beginning of the night cycle for the station, casting shadows along Sara’s face and making her look even more exhausted.
“So, I heard you’ve got an angara on your crew now. How’s that?” he asked trying to break up the silence.
“Interesting to say the least. Jaal’s nice enough, though I’ve seen more of him than I ever cared to” she answered.
“That sounds like it wasn’t intentional” how do you accidentally do that? Tiran wondered to himself as they boarded the shuttle to the loading docks.
“Oh believe me it wasn’t and boy was it a surprise. I’m the first human to see angaran dick for sure” Sara smirked.
“Sounds like there’s a story behind this” Tiran said.
“Well, a short story, I’m still not entirely sure what happened. Liam asked me to make some armor for him, I left Liam alone for a few minutes to go requisition it and I come back and Liam is shirtless, which was surprising in and of itself, then Jaal just walks in absolutely naked. That man stripped down in his room and then waltzed naked across my ship, then just left like that! I turned around when I heard Liam’s door open and there’s Jaal naked as could be right there! And neither Jaal nor Liam cared!” Sara giggled.
“Well, that’s um… surprising” Tiran stifled a laugh. “And you still don’t know what it was about?”
“Nope. The most I got from either of them was that they were trying to get to the bottom of things and get answers to the real questions. I haven’t asked why Liam needed to be shirtless and why Jaal was naked. There’s some things I just honestly don’t need answers to”.
The shuttle arrived at the loading dock. The lights had already been dimmed there too, bathing everything in a yellow glow from guide lights recessed in the floor.
“You know, I envy that you have a ship. When Tann gets annoying you can just fly off and ignore his calls. When I ignore him he just shows up in my office and makes a scene” Tiran said. “‘Kandros, you can’t just ignore my calls’  ‘Kandros, you need to submit every strike mission to me for approval’ ‘Kandros, I love making your job absolutely miserable’” Tiran mocked.
Sara hid a her giggle behind her hand, starting to relax as she just enjoyed chatting with someone.
“And here we are, the only place where Tann doesn’t bother me” Tiran said as they walked into the Vortex.
“Kandros!” called the asari bartender, “Not drinking alone this time?”
“Nope, I have the great honor of the Pathfinder joining me” he called back to her as he and Sara slid into a booth off to the side of the room.
“They seem to know you here” Sara said.
“Not to sound too cocky, but I think most people know me. I haven’t reached your level of fame yet though” Tiran said with a bit of a smile.
“Or maybe you just drink a lot” Sara teased.
“I only drink on days where Tann annoys me” he said.
“So everyday?” she asked.
“Most days” he admitted.
The bartender approached them carrying a drink, “I already know what you want” she said sitting the drink down in front Tiran, “And what’ll it be for the Pathfinder?”
“Um, what do you have?” asked Sara.
“It’s a bar, so most things. Though you’re the ‘I drink what someone hands me’ type aren’t you?” the bartender asked.
“Mostly, never really spent any times in bars or anything” Sara said.
“That’s alright, I’ve got you” the bartender said with a smile.
“Hey!” Tiran called to the bartender as she made her way back to the bar, “How do you know I didn’t want something different?”
“Because you’re the biggest creature of habit that I’ve ever seen. Except the one time you got dared to drink ryncol, now that was something” said the bartender.
“You drank ryncol?”asked Sara in disbelief. Why anyone who was not a krogan would drink it was entirely beyond her unless they had a death wish.
“Yeah, there was a krogan in here complaining and saying there was nothing good, everything here was too weak for him. He had a flask of ryncol with him and he was going on telling everyone that they couldn’t handle it and daring someone to try it, so I took a shot” Tiran said with a shrug.
“And you didn’t just pass out on the spot or anything?” asked Sara.
“No. It tasted terrible, don’t get me wrong I have no desire to drink it again, but I think krogans just like to hype it up” said Tiran.
Sara was smirking, something about that gave Tiran a warm feeling in his chest. He was thrilled to see her happy for even just a moment, just to be able to take a little of the stress off her for now felt so much more fulfilling than anything else he had done since waking up on the Nexus.
“And a drink for you” the bartender said as she returned, drink in hand. “Asari liquor and fruit juices, with a surprise”.
“Thanks” Sara said, taking the drink from her. The drink looked nice enough, it was a pink color and smelled like something between cranberry and mango, the surprise part concerned Sara though.
“Cheers” said Tiran, raising his glass.
Sara raised her own, clinking it against his before cautiously raising it to her lips to sip on it. It was sweet, almost sickeningly sweet, but that was not the surprise. Something in the drink had a menthol like quality, cooling her mouth and throat, which caused her to cough a bit in surprise.
“Any good?” Tiran asked.
“It’s different, but not bad” said Sara taking another sip of the drink.
“So” began Tiran, “what’s it like being able to travel and be able to see all these new planets?”
“It’s actually pretty cool,” Sara smiled, “when things aren’t shooting at you”.
Tiran snorted into his drink, “I think I miss things shooting at me. I’ve been cooped up here on the Nexus for too long. I signed up to guard colonists and expeditions, not to be buried under paperwork”.
“Couldn’t you have turned down the position?” asked Sara.
“Maybe, the Hierarchy always told us there was no shame on not taking a promotion if you feel like you couldn’t do it” Tiran paused, taking a drink and gathering his thoughts, “but I felt like I could do this and it turns out I can. Now I realize I just don’t want to do it. I know I’m doing what’s best, this is where I can help the most. Service over self, you know?”
A silence settled between them as they both sipped on their drinks. Sara never realized that Tiran had felt backed into his position too. That for as confident and at ease as he always seemed that he was sort of just floundering through everything doing a job that he did not want to do either.
“Hey Tiran, can I tell you something? And promise that you won’t be offended.” asked Sara.
“Of course” Tiran said.
“I always thought you were some old military lieutenant or something. Like you had all sorts of experience and you knew exactly what you were doing” Sara said.
“Old? I’m only a few years older than you” Tiran groaned, “Why does everyone think I’m like 40?”
“Probably because you act like like some old military commander” Sara grinned.
Tiran felt the same warmth in his chest from Sara grinning, even if it was at his expense. It was worth it to see her smile and relax.
“So if you’re not some grizzled old war vet, how old are you? If that’s not rude to ask” Sara asked.
“Twenty-six. I don’t even think Tann realizes that” Tiran answered.
“Look at us, a couple of kids put in charge of keeping people safe” Sara said between between sips of her drink.
“That’s alright, we’re figuring it out” Tiran said. He wanted to reach out and grab her hand, or at least a pat her on the shoulder, anything to reassure her that he had faith in her and would be there for her to talk to. Instead he resigned himself to a smile, hoping it carried the same sentiment.
The rest of their time was filled with idle chitchat, an equal mix of complaining about Tann and the bureaucracy of the Nexus, and the excitement of being in a new galaxy. Every time Sara talked about something new or interesting in Heleus that she found her face lit up in a wide smile, something Tiran was sure he could never be tired of seeing.
“Thanks for this Tiran” said Sara as she finished her drink.
“Anytime. Anytime you just want to talk let me know” Tiran felt the pleasant buzz from his drink start to set in, a low alcohol tolerance had its ups and downs. At least the bartender knowing what he liked to drink meant that Sara had not realized that he just had drank a double pour of straight up alcohol in thirty minutes.
“I should head back to the Tempest” Sara said a little disappointedly.
“I’ll walk with you” Tiran offered.
There were a few people watching them as they left the bar, but the Pathfinder and the militia leader talking was not particularly out of the ordinary. Had any of them been paying attention they would have noticed the slight way Tiran stumbled as he walked or the blue flush that had crept up his neck, but luckily the militia leader leaving a bit tipsy was also pretty unremarkable.
The walk to the Tempest dock was short and filled with a comfortable silence. Tiran did not know the last time he recalled feeling so calm. Maybe it was how quickly he finished his drink, maybe it was feeling like he made a difference in Sara’s day, either way he felt himself smiling the entire walk to the Tempest .
“I had a good time” Sara began as they reached the doors leading to the dock, “Maybe the next time I’m on the Nexus we can do it again”.
Tiran melted a bit seeing her smile wanting to chat with him again causing the blood rush to his face, making him incredibly happy that his plates would hide any blushing. “Of course, let me know when you’re free next”.
“And I’ve got the drinks next time” Sara grinned.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s on my tab, which links to the Initiative accounts, which Tann pays technically” Tiran said.
“Well, in that case we’ll let Tann pick up the drinks” Said Sara.
Tiran wanted to reach out and touch her, a hug or placing his hand on her shoulder, anything to show some closeness. He did not necessarily know why all of a sudden he wanted to close the gap between them, why after a few weeks of just seeing her as the Pathfinder somehow turned into him wanting to comfort her and get to know her. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was having the chance to talk to Sara instead of the Pathfinder, either way he was glad that Sara came with him tonight.
He reached out and gently placed his hand on Sara’s shoulder, hoping it would not be too intrusive on human standards. “Stay safe out there, Sara. I’m looking forward to the next time we can talk”.
“Hey, the kett haven’t killed me yet, have a little faith in me” Said said with a smile, “I’ll see you soon, I promise”.
Tiran smiled as he watched Sara disappear through the doors to the Tempest dock. ‘She looked happy’ he thought to himself. He felt lighter than air as he strolled back to his apartment, thrilled the Sara felt comfortable enough to want to meet up with him and talk again.
“SAM?” Sara called out from where she had flopped onto her bed on the Tempest, “Any thoughts on Tiran?”
“What do you mean Pathfinder?” Came SAM’s voice echoing in her head, something Sara did not think she would ever get completely used to.
“I don’t know, did you pick up anything weird about him tonight? I mean we’ve talked a lot, but he’s never really shown any interest in getting to know me before tonight. Is that weird?” Sara asked SAM.
“I detected above normal heart rate and dilated pupils during your meeting with him, common signs of interest or distress in all known organic species. His actions seemed motivated by a concern for your well being and his physical reactions were a response each time you spoke, and when he touched your shoulder” Answered SAM.
“Okay, but what does that mean? Was he flirting with me?” asked Sara.
“Unknown. More information is needed before I can make a judgement” Said SAM.
“That was rhetorical, SAM” Said Sara.
“Very well Pathfinder. Would you like me to monitor Kandros’s responses to you for future reference?” asked SAM.
“That’s not necessary SAM” she said.
“Very well Pathfinder”.
There’s no way he was flirting with me, Sara thought to herself, he worried because I’m Pathfinder, he’s worried because he knows I’m dealing with the same sort of things he’s dealt with, just worse.
Regardless of rather Tiran was flirting or not it gave Sara a warm feeling in her chest knowing someone was concerned about her. In the back of her mind she knew the crew worried about her and was there for her too, that she could go to anyone on the Tempest and they would let her vent, but she could not bring herself to unload her fears on them. They were going through all of this with her, the last thing she wanted was to put more stress on them. Tiran felt different though, more like an anchor or rock that she might be able to really talk to.
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skaylanphear · 8 years
Voltron/ML AU
Okay, okay, okay, so I got this ask and now I’ve been thinking about it while I read trashy fanfic, so here’s a more “official” idea of my Voltron/ML AU. 
RED LION - Goes to Marinette. Like Keith, she’s kind of the semi-leader, but is lacking in some leadership qualities (like in the canon show). While she’s very strategic and is willing to go to great lengths for the cause, she’s also rash and tends to be swayed by her emotions. Much like she struggled in ML with becoming a superhero, the temperamental red lion fits her as well, as it was the most difficult to obtain and the last to be acquired. Once she gets her lion, however, she forms a very deep bond and is the most competent in combat. Her backstory, however, isn’t nearly as traumatic as some, as she grew up fine with her mom and dad on Earth. This does make her sometimes unsympathetic to other’s issues and short-tempered when personal things hold her teammates back. 
GREEN LION - Adrien gets to be the Green Lion. He’s very bright and full of ideas, even if he doesn’t always know how to execute them. He learns quick, however, and soon becomes quite the technology junkie despite lacking a general education of such things. He’s also very soft-handed diplomatically and gets along with everyone, meaning he’s good to have on missions. He’s very protective of his teammates and uses any and all knowledge he gains to help the cause. He does have a bit of a sad backstory, however. He doesn’t know either of his parents and has spent a good majority of his life alone. Which makes him all the more protective of the little family he’s formed around Voltron. Still, his heritage haunts him and he wants desperately to know where he came from, which--combined with his curiosity--can lead to some messy situations. He also has a huge crush on Marinette, but she’s hyper-focused on the mission and barely notices, not that Adrien is trying really hard to make his feelings known XD
YELLOW LION - Alya, all the way. While she doesn’t have the inherent knack for figuring things out that Adrien does, she has the educational means of execution. Together, she and Adrien form quite the intimidating team. She’s very much interested in knowing how everything works and taking lots and lots of pictures. She’s also kind of the mom of the group, which is reflective of the Yellow Lion being the stability and support. She views everything rather unbiasedly and with a mature eye, though she will always take her friends’ sides and does tend to meddle a little deeper than she probably needs to (like in canon). She and Marinette were group-mates at their academy. 
BLUE LION - Chloe. She’s the first to get her lion as it’s the one found on earth and because the lion chose her--instead of being somewhat assigned later on--a few others are bitter over being stuck with her. She’s her normal, bitchy self--and fights constantly with Marinette--but learns to pull her weight once she realizes the dire straights they’re all in. She and Mari were rivals at the academy, which translates some to their working relationship (hence we have fire and ice). Still, they do begrudgingly learn to respect one another, especially after having to save one another’s lives a few different times. She does know Adrien, though she doesn’t reveal to anyone how and neither does he. They’re pretty friendly with one another. 
BLACK LION - Gabriel. Like Shiro, he was out in space when he was kidnapped and experimented on. While he is Adrien’s father, he doesn’t know it and isn’t exactly thrilled at having to take up the mantle of babysitter. Still, despite lacking in social etiquette, he’s led squads before and manages to keep everyone together. He can see the big picture and is a good rock for everyone because of his age and experience, even if few know how to approach him. While Chloe and Mari tend to argue over petty things, Gabriel and Marinette do fight over things that matter--mostly because Marinette is very much fueled by her morals and passions, while Gabe tends to try and eradicate all such things from his plans. He gets along particularly well with Adrien, despite his cold demeanor and unfortunate habit of being overly-critical with them all. Eventually, he’s kidnapped again by the Galra and the Black Lion will go to Nino. Though Nino will then pilot the Black Lion, Mari will basically be the leader. 
PRINCE NINO -  Altean prince. Very knowledgable, as expected, and is very good at keeping the peace. Pretty chill most of the time, much to some of the others’ chagrin, but he can and will take charge/put his foot down when it’s necessary. Pilots the castle and becomes very good friends with Adrien, who’s the least confrontational out of everyone. Bickers a lot with Alya, but mostly over trivial things. Not particularly fond of Gabe, but sees why he’s needed in the group. And while he does eventually pilot the black lion, and is good at keeping everyone steady, he’s not quite inspiring enough to lead, which is why Mari is the “head” despite being an arm (which is where her combat abilities are most suited to anyway). 
FU - He’s Coran, basically. Though he and Nino’s attitudes clash a little differently than Allura’s and Coran’s. Fu is quite serious and tends to get after Nino for being to easy about things. Though Fu has his own ridiculous moments as well, to be fair. Knows a lot about the lions and is always full of weird facts that tend to help the team at the most opportune time.
HAWKMOTH - Equivalent of Haggar and serves Zarkon. Is always coming up with plans and monsters to try and stop Voltron, but it never really works (sound familiar?) 
ZARKON - Mama Agreste--cuz ya’ll know I love me some Evil Mama Agreste. Aside from having been the previous pilot of the Black Lion, she and Gabe shared a short and fleeting past while he was captured, so that complicates matters more when she’s trying to steal the Black Lion from Gabe. She is Adrien’s mother, which does make Adrien of mixed-race, but she dropped him on earth because, well, she didn’t want him. Basically she’s evil and Hawkmoth is her henchman.    
PRINCESS LILA - Prince Lotor equivalent. Adrien’s half-sister and Mama Agreste’s heir (doesn’t matter that they look nothing alike--Lila is a full Galra. At least they both have green eyes). Hate’s Mama Agreste and just generally tends to complicate matters. She’s quite interested in having Prince Nino all to herself and develops a very antagonistic rivalry over they-know-not-what with Adrien. Until she learns who he is, at which point all she wants to do is murder him. However, her plan backfires and, eventually, Adrien ends up captured and his brain messed around with. He turns evil, basically, and becomes the obedient, powerful child Mama Agreste always wanted and never got with Lila--he goes by the infamous Chat Blanc (because of his armor monster) and brings terror on team Voltron for a while before they realize who he is. During this time, Lila is spurred to “switch sides.” Basically, she lies her way onto team Voltron for her own gain and for some reason the green lion accepts her (probably because it senses she’s related to Adrien). 
So, uh, yeah, that’s it. Go Voltron, woo. 
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waftr · 5 years
Multiplayer Android games are the real deal now, Android gaming has now surpassed all the bugs that were there and is now heading towards glory. Initially, it was only about simple games, but now the level and intensity have gone up to a different level. In addition to this, in this era, we have tons and tons of games supporting real-time multiplying which adds to the excitement.
Top 15 Multiplayer Games for Android Users in 2020:
There are now a lot of games that support actual and real-time multi-player play, including real-time co-op or PVP. Here I’m presenting you with the best 15 Multiplayer Android Games to try in 2020. We have ranked the games based on the popularity and Global website ranking. You can also check our latest post on No wi-fi games of 2020.
Icon Multiplayer Games Android Game PUBG Install PUBG Asphalt 8 Install Asphalt 8 BombSquad Install BombSquad Minecraft Install Minecraft Shadowgun Legends Install Shadowgun Guns of Boom Install Guns of Boom Chain Reaction Install Chain Reaction Bullet Force Install Bullet Force Counter Attack Install Counter Attack Gun Bros Install Gun Bros Dream League Soccer Install DL Soccer 8 Ball Pool Install 8 Ball Pool Real Racing 3 Install Real Racing 3 Football Strike Install Football Strike Ludo King Install Ludo King
Multilayer Android Games
In the list of Games I’ve shared, you can play them with your friends both Online and Offline. a deep dive on each of the Multiplayer game is given below.
1. PUBG (Top in Google Play for Multiplayer)
For a game like PUBG, the mobile rating is rising from day one. PUBG is one of the most popular games played on mobile for the year 2018.  Being the most user-friendly game it works well with the RAM of the modern electronic devices. There are a total of 100 players including you playing on an island. The player that survives till last wins the game. There are a variety of arms and emulations for a player to choose from on the island. There is a specific area restricted for players to play. So if that specific area which is marked by the boundaries is crossed. The game ends for the player.  The game is amazing and is an extremely good experience online.
2. Asphalt 8: Airborne
This is an amazing racing game where you can easily take on the wheel of the world’s fastest cars and speed through various comfortably recognizable landscapes- and all of that while performing impossible jumps at amazingly high speeds. The game has a collection of more than forty cars, some of which are, from companies namely Ferrari, Lamborghini and Aston Martin.
You can look out for amazing models like the Lamborghini Veneno, the Bugatti Veyron, the Ferrari FXX, and the Pagani Zonda. Sheer diverse variety is the name of the game, and so Asphalt 8: Airborne also flaunts off an impressive number of tracks. You can choose to compete in Venice, French Guinea, Iceland, and the Nevada desert, which is some among other exotic and thrilling locations. Each locale and set up has been created with utmost care including elements that make them unique as well as familiar. Asphalt 8: Airborne has an exciting multi-player mode where one can find out who is the best driver in the world, credits to the feature of online rankings.
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3. BombSquad
This is a fun multiplayer game where the mission is to beat one’s opponents using bombs, fists, and wits in exciting races, tough fights, or classic moves and all matters are getting out alive. The game flaunts of three game modes for a max of eight different players namely cooperative, team, and the final, free-for-all. All the three modes have the same mini-games by and large but with different ways of winning the same. The first mode call for you to work with friends to do everything in your power to defeat the machine who is the opponent. Whereas in the team mode, the players get split into two teams and have faced off in a set of tournaments that are chosen from a series of six rounds of fighting it out, three of ‘capture-the-flag’, or two of sports.
4. Minecraft
Talk about the king, this game is the proud owner of the world most famous game on Google Play store all over the world allowing all ages to play it. For the people who have been living under a rock and don’t know about this game, this game makes to wander in a giant world, where you have to mine things up, construct your home, bash up people. To keep it simple, do whatever you want. It also comes up with a survival mode where it’s necessary to find our own food along with the creative mode that gives you unlimited supplies of everything. With added updates, there is a zillion of things added. This game gives you the royalty of complete cross-platform support that enables you to play it on mobile Or PC as per your wish.
5. Shadowgun Legends
Shadowgun Legends is an FPS where the player plays one of the many heroes who is signed up to fight against a massive alien invasion. You can fight against either the invasion in campaign mode if you choose for one player or against other players set in the online mode.  One can move his character around with the virtual d-pad which is placed on the left while shifting your finger towards the right side lets you aim by your weapon.
The character you own will always shoot automatically whenever an enemy passes by into your line of fire. Further, in the game, you’ll find more than a hundred different missions, nearly of the length of two or three minutes, during which you’ll face many hordes of alien enemies, also including a boss or two. That said, the most entertaining part of the game is without any doubt its multi-player mode where you can choose to go head-to-head against other real players.
6. Guns of Boom
This is a multiplayer FPS where two teams have a face-off over a wide range of settings. Both the relaxed action style and the graphics put in are unavoidably reminiscent and get you back to great PC classics such as the Team Fortress 2 or the more recent Overwatch. One of the main things this game has done well is the control system. The player can move your characters freely around the setting by using the left virtual stick while he aims with the right one. One doesn’t have to press anything at all to shoot: as long as the enemy stays in view and is within your weapon’s range because then you can automatically shoot at them.
7. Chain Reaction (Best Offline Multiplayer Game)
This is a strategy game for a range of 2 to 8 players. The objective of Chain Reaction is simply to take control of the board by demolishing and finishing off your opponents’ orbs. Players have to take it in turns so as to place their orbs perfectly in a cell. Once a particular cell has reached critical mass, the orbs further explode into the surrounding cells thereby adding an extra orb and claiming the cell for the player from the other one. A player may choose to only place their orbs in a blank cell or a cell that contains orbs of their own color, as and how they like it. When a player ends up losing all their orbs, they are out of the game.
8. Bullet Force
Bullet Force is a first-person multiplayer shooter game which involves players to fight battles in the form of teams namely: terrorists vs counter-terrorists. There is an offline practice mode available which can be used to fight strongly against the many waves of AI opponents. The controls in the game are aptly adapted to touchscreen devices. There’s also a virtual joystick on the bottom left part of the screen that helps control movement along with a button to crouch down. The game puts more than twenty weapons in totality your arsenal, including machine guns, rifles, pistols, shotguns, and many more exciting ones.
9. Counter Attack Multiplayer Game
This is a first-person shooter game. Here, there are two teams of up to five players each that battle it out.  One of the amazing things about this game is that you can choose to completely customize all the controls. Also by default, you have a virtual d-pad on the left side along with the shooting and aiming buttons on the right side of the screen. In Counter Attack, you’ll find a few different game modes which will be exciting to discover as you play the game.
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10. Gun Bros (Best Game with Friends)
This is a third-person action game which has an isometric view along with 3D graphics in which one has to fight numerous waves of enemies.  By your side, you will always have your Bro that you would have already chosen, shooting side by side. This game definitely comes with tons of unique levels that are further divided into several other different planets. The title of the game itself is completely loaded with action and has an outstanding technical aspect with a gameplay sufficient enough to keep a player shooting continuously for hours and hours.
11. Dream League Soccer
This is an entertaining football simulator where the player must lead his team to glory starting right from the lower ranks of a fictional league and rising up to the top. You choose a name for your team, design your specific kit, choose a captain and then the game begins. From there you’ll have to start winning matches in order to move up the ladder continuously to a higher division. Along the way as you carry on, you will have to manage all aspects of your team: improve your stadium’s facilities as per requirement, create your team’s various tactics, sign in players, and review all the stats for your team’s starting squad. The fun really begins in the game simulator and I’ll leave that for you to discover.
12. 8 Ball Pool
As the name suggests, it is a pool game that allows a player to play against the people from all over the world through the Internet. Similar to other pool games, you tend to use your finger to aim the cue, and then, swipe it forward to hit the ball in whatever direction you want it to go. From there on, you got to try and beat your opponent by following a set of rules set from the first pocket. As you keep winning games, you also win coins.
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13. Real Racing 3
Real Racing 3 is an amazing free-to-play driving sim which lets one take charge of the wheel of some real-world cars as you drive around the beautifully rendered real-world racetracks. It has numerous game modes which you can swap according to your mood which also includes time trials, standard races and an amazingtime Shift multi-player mode too which offers varied challenges to players to have fun. The updates keep adding new content such as new cars and racing events at regular time intervals.
14. Football Strike
This is a soccer game where you can choose from the best teams in the world. In each team, you can literally find the real looking players. When you are choosing your team, start out with a full roster of basic players. Not only can you find the real players, but also you can also find some historical soccer legends. So the current and past soccer stars can play together on your team, isn’t that like a dream? During the various matches,either you can let your team play automatically on their own or go ahead to control them manually. If you choose to control your players, you can move them freely around. Your best players have their special shots and other special advantages.
15. Ludo King
It serves as an excellent way to enjoy the age-old fun on Android. One can choose to play against other people on the same device by passing it around, or against the AI as they like it. In the column of game setup options, you can pick the number of players which can be two, three, or four along with the color you want to play in. The game’s got a small how-to section where you can read up on the rules and brush them up in case you’ve forgotten. It is a fun game and can be enjoyed by the family at all.
Best Multiplayer Android Games in 2020
I hope this list helps, I’ve ranked the top 15 Top Multiplayer Android Games to play in 2020 and its your time to pick the best game and enjoy it along with your kith and kin. Playing is fun but playing together with other people adds to the fun.
The post Multiplayer Android Games – 2020 (Games with Friends) appeared first on Waftr.com.
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waftr · 6 years
Android gaming has now surpassed all the bugs that were there and is now heading towards glory. Initially, it was only about simple games with poor graphics, but now the level and intensity have gone up to a different level which is exciting. In addition to this, in this era, we have tons and tons of games supporting real-time multiplying which adds to the excitement.
There are now a lot of games that support actual and real-time multi-player play, including real-time co-op or PVP, isn’t that exciting? Here’s presenting you with the best 15 Multiplayer Android Games. We have ranked the games based in
Top 15 Multiplayer Games for Android Users:
For a game like PUBG, the mobile rating is rising from day one and it is one of the most popular games played on mobile for the year 2018.  Being the most user-friendly game it works well with the RAM of the modern electronic devices. There are a total of 100 players including you playing on an island. The player that survives till last wins the game. There are a variety of arms and emulations for a player to choose from on the island. There is a specific area restricted for players to play. So if that specific area which is marked by the boundaries is crossed. The game ends for the player.  The game is amazing and is an extremely good experience online.
Asphalt 8: Airborne
This is an amazing racing game where you can easily take on the wheel of the world’s fastest cars and speed through various comfortably recognizable landscapes- and all of that while performing impossible jumps at amazingly high speeds. The game has a collection of more than forty cars, some of which are, from companies namely Ferrari, Lamborghini and Aston Martin.
You can look out for amazing models like the Lamborghini Veneno, the Bugatti Veyron, the Ferrari FXX, and the Pagani Zonda. Sheer diverse variety is the name of the game, and so Asphalt 8: Airborne also flaunts off an impressive number of tracks. You can choose to compete in Venice, French Guinea, Iceland, and the Nevada desert, which is some among other exotic and thrilling locations. Each locale and set up has been created with utmost care including elements that make them unique as well as familiar. Asphalt 8: Airborne has an exciting multi-player mode where one can find out who is the best driver in the world, credits to the feature of online rankings.
  You May Also Like: Best Racing Games for Android
This is a fun multiplayer game where the mission is to beat one’s opponents using bombs, fists, and wits in exciting races, tough fights, or classic moves and all matters are getting out alive. The game flaunts of three game modes for a max of eight different players namely cooperative, team, and the final, free-for-all. All the three modes have the same mini-games by and large but with different ways of winning the same. The first mode call for you to work with friends to do everything in your power to defeat the machine who is the opponent. Whereas in the team mode, the players get split into two teams and have faced off in a set of tournaments that are chosen from a series of six rounds of fighting it out, three of ‘capture-the-flag’, or two of sports.
Talk about the king, this game is the proud owner of the world most famous game on Google Play store all over the world allowing all ages to play it. For the people who have been living under a rock and don’t know about this game, this game makes to wander in a giant world, where you have to mine things up, construct your home, bash up people. To keep it simple, do whatever you want. It also comes up with a survival mode where it’s necessary to find our own food along with the creative mode that gives you unlimited supplies of everything. With added updates, there is a zillion of things added. This game gives you the royalty of complete cross-platform support that enables you to play it on mobile Or PC as per your wish.
Shadowgun Legends
Shadowgun Legends is an FPS where the player plays one of the many heroes who is signed up to fight against a massive alien invasion. You can fight against either the invasion in campaign mode if you choose for one player or against other players set in the online mode.  One can move his character around with the virtual d-pad which is placed on the left while shifting your finger towards the right side lets you aim by your weapon.
The character you own will always shoot automatically whenever an enemy passes by into your line of fire. Further, in the game, you’ll find more than a hundred different missions, nearly of the length of two or three minutes, during which you’ll face many hordes of alien enemies, also including a boss or two. That said, the most entertaining part of the game is without any doubt its multi-player mode where you can choose to go head-to-head against other real players.
  Guns of Boom
This is a multiplayer FPS where two teams have a face-off over a wide range of settings. Both the relaxed action style and the graphics put in are unavoidably reminiscent and get you back to great PC classics such as the Team Fortress 2 or the more recent Overwatch. One of the main things this game has done well is the control system. The player can move your characters freely around the setting by using the left virtual stick while he aims with the right one. One doesn’t have to press anything at all to shoot: as long as the enemy stays in view and is within your weapon’s range because then you can automatically shoot at them.
Chain Reaction
This is a strategy game for a range of 2 to 8 players. The objective of Chain Reaction is simply to take control of the board by demolishing and finishing off your opponents’ orbs. Players have to take it in turns so as to place their orbs perfectly in a cell. Once a particular cell has reached critical mass, the orbs further explode into the surrounding cells thereby adding an extra orb and claiming the cell for the player from the other one. A player may choose to only place their orbs in a blank cell or a cell that contains orbs of their own color, as and how they like it. When a player ends up losing all their orbs, they are out of the game.
Bullet Force
Bullet Force is a first-person multiplayer shooter game which involves players to fight battles in the form of teams namely: terrorists vs counter-terrorists. There is an offline practice mode available which can be used to fight strongly against the many waves of AI opponents. The controls in the game are aptly adapted to touchscreen devices. There’s also a virtual joystick on the bottom left part of the screen that helps control movement along with a button to crouch down. The game puts more than twenty weapons in totality your arsenal, including machine guns, rifles, pistols, shotguns, and many more exciting ones.
Counter Attack
This is a first-person shooter game. Here, there are two teams of up to five players each that battle it out.  One of the amazing things about this game is that you can choose to completely customize all the controls. Also by default, you have a virtual d-pad on the left side along with the shooting and aiming buttons on the right side of the screen. In Counter Attack, you’ll find a few different game modes which will be exciting to discover as you play the game.
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Gun Bros
This is a third-person action game which has an isometric view along with 3D graphics in which one has to fight numerous waves of enemies.  By your side, you will always have your Bro that you would have already chosen, shooting side by side. This game definitely comes with tons of unique levels that are further divided into several other different planets. The title of the game itself is completely loaded with action and has an outstanding technical aspect with a gameplay sufficient enough to keep a player shooting continuously for hours and hours.
Dream League Soccer
This is an entertaining football simulator where the player must lead his team to glory starting right from the lower ranks of a fictional league and rising up to the top. You choose a name for your team, design your specific kit, choose a captain and then the game begins. From there you’ll have to start winning matches in order to move up the ladder continuously to a higher division. Along the way as you carry on, you will have to manage all aspects of your team: improve your stadium’s facilities as per requirement, create your team’s various tactics, sign in players, and review all the stats for your team’s starting squad. The fun really begins in the game simulator and I’ll leave that for you to discover.
8 Ball Pool
As the name suggests, it is a pool game that allows a player to play against the people from all over the world through the Internet. Similar to other pool games, you tend to use your finger to aim the cue, and then, swipe it forward to hit the ball in whatever direction you want it to go. From there on, you got to try and beat your opponent by following a set of rules set from the first pocket. As you keep winning games, you also win coins.
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Real Racing 3
Real Racing 3 is an amazing free-to-play driving sim which lets one take charge of the wheel of some real-world cars as you drive around the beautifully rendered real-world racetracks. It has numerous game modes which you can swap according to your mood which also includes time trials, standard races and an amazingtime Shift multi-player mode too which offers varied challenges to players to have fun. The updates keep adding new content such as new cars and racing events at regular time intervals.
Football Strike
This is a soccer game where you can choose from the best teams in the world. In each team, you can literally find the real looking players. When you are choosing your team, start out with a full roster of basic players. Not only can you find the real players, but also you can also find some historical soccer legends. So the current and past soccer stars can play together on your team, isn’t that like a dream? During the various matches,either you can let your team play automatically on their own or go ahead to control them manually. If you choose to control your players, you can move them freely around. Your best players have their special shots and other special advantages.
Ludo King
It serves as an excellent way to enjoy the age-old fun on Android. One can choose to play against other people on the same device by passing it around, or against the AI as they like it. In the column of game setup options, you can pick the number of players which can be two, three, or four along with the color you want to play in. The game’s got a small how-to section where you can read up on the rules and brush them up in case you’ve forgotten. It is a fun game and can be enjoyed by the family at all.
I hope this list helps you sort your kind of game and enjoy it along with your kith and kin. Playing is fun but playing together with other people adds to the fun.
The post Best Multiplayer Android Games appeared first on Waftr.com.
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