#and he's a priest that would actually fuck me??? 10/10
phoenixspencer · 2 months
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Hellbenders (2012)
Clancy Brown as Father Angus Watched April 14th, 2024
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cookiealchemieart · 7 months
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Voices and the Hero I DID IT I FUCKING FINISHED THIS PIECE YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I have Thoughts about my designs for these guys so uh Design Notes under the cut!
I'm bad at drawing actual birds (if the narrator on the hero's shoulder is any indication) so I went with the next best thing that I'm better at: plague doctors! Plus plague masks are just fun to draw. I tried making each of the voices match the princess they correspond to, but it got tricky with a couple of them. In no particular order, here we go! The Hero is a bird guy with a bird mask. Perhaps the mask is meant to keep his identity locked away? Either way, the outfit is more shapes than actual fabric, similar to the Princess' gown. Simple enough to register as clothes, but vague enough to change and be recognizable as the loops splinter. Also the cape is hims wings! The Broken is made to be the wettest, most pathetic little guy, but also ever so slightly like a priest. This is to reference the Tower (mommy- I mean mommy- I mean-) saying that the hero's place by her side is "that of a priest, or a pet". So I made him look like a depressed little priest. The Skeptic is the voice that joins you on the route of the Prisoner, so what would be more fitting than a warden? Or maybe an escaped convict? Either way I love his little ponytail poking out of his hood. The Hunted looks like a feral wild child. Feather-hair out and messy, cloak made of scraps of fabric. I figured the most wild looking of the voices would be the one that corresponds to the Beast. The Smitten is all puffy and soft shapes to match the Damsel's rufflier dress and softer appearance. Also my friends recommended the hat and I agree 11/10 would hat again. Gave him a bowtie AND a cravat because the Smitten strikes me as just that extra! The Opportunist's beak is meant to resemble a parrot's, as he just parrots the ideas of whomever he considers to be "winning". This is also why he's dressed like a businessman. He kinda looks like a villain version of the Smitten, but I haven't played the Thorn's route yet, so idk if that's relevant. Also isn't this guy the only voice that doesn't show up in the Chapter 2 routes or am I forgetting one? The Stubborn has demon horns to match the Adversary (and the Eye of the Needle HOOGH MAMA). He's also got battle damage, and his mask is fashioned to look like he has a wounded and scarred eye. Fun fact! Stubborn was supposed to get the ponytail, but I decided while lining that a half cut looked better. The Cold looks the most similar to the Hero, but he's just a bit less put together. While I was drawing his hair I was thinking of L from Deathnote for some reason? Probably the cadence the Cold has. The Cheated is supposed to look like a gambler, given his title and speaking patterns. There...wasn't a good way to pair him with the Razor, but I suppose the spade on his cheek could be seen as a nod to the razor's blades? I dunno, I'm reaching here. The Paranoid suffers from my lack of impulse control when it comes to giving characters goggles. I fucking love steampunk goggles. Much like the Cold, he looks like a less-put-together Hero, but this one is a mess, actively having a panic attack, but is pushing through it because NEITHER THE HERO OR THE NARRATOR IS FUCKING HELPING. Also the stitches on his mask are meant to mirror the cracks on the Nightmare's mask. The Contrarian has a mask with three beaks as a mirror to the Stranger's three heads, but also because the two on his head make him look like a little jester and I felt that was fitting for this smartass. His cape is asymmetrical to spite the status quo.
I hope you enjoyed my art + rambles about these designs. I love doing this!
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solitary-bones · 9 days
so dndads live show St Paul! idk how much of this is a spoiler for anyone else going to shows so I'ma cut here!
we had!
- so many gay people in the audience that as I was walking in to the venue I said to my friend damn this is like a pride parade and a bunch of gay people in front of me were like TRUEE
- a live performance of both! dead and gone and rocks rock! it was so incredible. Beth and Will both POPPED OFFF!!!!!! they were so cool oh my god. and Freddie fucking shredded it on the electric guitar it was so sick.
- silly St Paul themed dad facts plus Ron just uhh thinking all manual labor is called a hand job.
- the people royally fucking up the dice roll (not my fault I was in the balcony I cannot be held responsible)
- the people absolutely manifesting the complete improv prompt as the live show topic. and all of the cast going into mourning over it (will fell to his knees on the stage so dramatically it was so funny)
- the cast deciding to do a DND game with their characters! Starring: Will Campos as Henry oak as Mr Chris (later Dr Chris), by the book health inspector! Matt Arnold as Darryl Wilson as Darryl, ex football quarterback now accomplished priest searching to remember all 10 commandments! Beth may as Ron stampler as Nor Relpmats, doctor (the best health inspector of them all)! and Freddie Wong as Glenn Close as Glenn The Closer, weed enjoyer moonlighting as a health inspector relying on his gut! Anthony Burch as Patrick as Patrick the shit (among other characters)!
- the audience not being able to stop being horny when giving suggestions for what their location, bad guy, and theme were gonna be (bdsm dungeon, just a guy from the audience named Patrick, and a 10 commandments dildo)
- an abundance of flashbacks and one single flashforward
- butt spanking competition to get past the second door (it is a bdsm castle ig)
-mr Chris tests to see if the floor has been cleaned recently and thinks it hasn't. Glenn the closers gut says it's fine but Mr Chris says if he tastes some of what's on the ground he'll be able to tell better. Glenn the Closer bites his fingers and Mr Chris is into it.
- Mr Chris finding a dead cockroach on the ground and revives it using CPR and mouth to mouth (Anthony is the cockroach and also when will tried to fake the mouth to mouth yelled DO IT PUSSY so yeah they actually kissed like twice at least) and revived it to ask about the cleanliness of the floor and found it not very.
- none other than paeden bennets on the second level, who Darryl proceeded to obliterate with a holy football. I'm not lying (not before asking how Patrick the DM knew about their friend Paeden who was long dead and us getting a lively npc on npc scene by Anthony of Patrick meeting Paeden and getting punched in the balls and saying "I'll never forget you")
- Test by the health inspectors to see if the blood of paeden would get cleaned up. all of the soots from spirited away came in with little mops to clean it and cleaned all the party. Glenn rolled to see if he's into it and got a 9 but the crowd gave inspiration and he got a 6, which is 69 so he was and wanted to stay there forever with the soots. Henry as Mr Chris used his persuasion to get Glenn the closer to leave the soots by saying that whatever they're doing he could do it better. because apparently they're ex lovers now. (Anthony yelled something about Will wanting to kiss another boy)
- Flashback reveals that they were highschool sweethearts but were going to health inspection schools on opposite sides of the US and were talking about how their relationship would progress from there when Mr Chris' secret lover barges in and informs them that they're pregnant and he's the father! Glenn the Closer gets upset and asks what happened and Mr Chris proceeds to another, extremely graphic, flashback where Ron the doctor commentates the uhhh conceiving of said child. and Glenn is understandably upset at the graphicness of this explanation about being cheated on. They end with bitter words, stating they're now nemesis in health inspection.
- Nor asks Mr Chris how long it's been since he saw his son Patrick. (not since birth lmao)
- they go up to the final level, find Patrick using the commandment dildo, on the 8th one I think, and upon seeing his absent father run in and ask "are ya winning, son!?"gets extremely turned off. he understandably asks what he's doing there after being absent his whole life. Mr Chris explains that he's finally ready to be back in his life, with his husband Glenn the closer, and his newfound belief in Christianity from Darryl the priest who's really good at football.
- Flashforward to Mr Chris and Glenn the Closer living together and apparently "they're bougie enough to have their own priest" so Darryl lives with them too. Nor comes to visit and we see the commandment dildo hanging above the mantle.
and that's that on that.
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hyunsvngs · 3 months
hi juno! i’m priest hyunjin anon (💀) could i please be 🦦 anon if it’s not taken please? thought we could take a breather from the heavy religious stuff and indulge in some college bestie hyunjin hcs!
- you always save him a seat at the 8am lecture bc you know he’s always late. you don’t even comment on it anymore.
- sometimes still hungover from the night before, he just rests his head on your shoulder and "rests his eyes" as he says, and your heart swells.
- one day, bc you keep pestering him about being late, he arrives on time and it happens to be a day where you’re like 5 minutes late and he gets real antsy. looks around the huge room full of faces, his knee keeps jumping, taps his pen on the desk, decides to spam you with texts "where are you" "good god the ONE time i decide to get there early-" "i’m leaving" "i swear if i don’t see you in the next 30 sec- oh wait i see you"
- won’t admit it but was actually really worried that smth might’ve happened to you
- in exchange would save you a seat at the library. suuuuch a tease tho. you’d get there and whisper an apparently too enthusiastic "hello!" and he’d go like "SSSHHH" dramatically pointing at the silence sign, earning an eyeroll from you
- "omg are you serio-" "SSSHHH" "stop tha-" "SSSHHH" "you do know you’re being more noisy than me, ri-" "SSSHHH" paired with his index right on your lips
- you’d mumble behind his finger "hwang hyunjin, you’re the worst" and he’d just give you an endeared laugh, tickling you under your chin as you would do a cat
- you guys hyping each other up in the areas you’re lacking in
- on the day of a particularly nerve-wracking presentation hyunjin has to do you’d go front row and whisper to him "just like we rehearsed ok? :)" (he really is nervous, eyes unfocused, and he looks like a lost child, cute) you give him a thumbs up and mimic taking a breath in and out, which he does. he gives you a little smile and starts his presentation, adjusting his glasses. you softly shush anyone who tries talking.
- when /you/ are the one presenting, hyunjin is much less subtle but just as supportive. would literally spin around in his chair when people won’t stop talking "shut the fuck up, were you raised in the jungle"
- would actively participate in the post-presentation debate like "as __ so brilliantly pointed out-" you’d hide your face like "omg hyunjin….." but you’re actually so grateful for him
- sharing ear buds and snacks sitting next to each other on the floor of the corridor inbetween classes. once again, falling asleep on each other, at times.
- people knowing that you’re basically attached at the hip so your classmates always asks about the other when one is not there.
- people obviously being all over hyunjin, he’s quite the popular guy, but so confused about what you guys are so they ask him. you never hear the conversations but you know you’ve never seen him come home with one of them.
- him putting you in a headlock while you’re walking to your next class to mess with your hair. sometimes you wonder if he does that just so he can have an excuse to keep his arm slung over your shoulders afterwards. he really never pulls away, does he?
- late night talks about your dreams and ambitions, lying on the carpeted floor of your shitty studio apartment.
- "where do you see yourself in 10 years?" "in 5 years?"
- your faces are so close, your noses almost touching and it’s silent, you can just hear your synchronized breathing. it’s so comfortable, so cozy, so right. he’s your best friend.
- a quiet whisper: "__, where do you see yourself in 10 seconds?"
that being said tho 🦦 is takennnn:( i can make uuu 🦫?!?!? LMKKK
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mlmxreader · 21 days
latest prompts (20/05), 250
please do NOT use for your own writing/inspiration, this list is specifically for requests to be sent to @mlmxreader.
rules & guidelines
song fics (ongoing)
aid for Palestine
prompt list rules: rules: you can send more than one prompt per request and mix and match them as much as you like! prompts can be used until (basically) i get bored of them!
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Various Dialogue (50)
"Did you actually think that would work?"
"Come here"
"When I tell you to run, you fuckin' run!"
"This is important"
"What happened?"
"Easy, easy, it's only me"
"Can you not climb in through my window? You have a key for a reason"
"Sit down, we're taking it easy today"
"Yeah, motherfucker"
"Hurt him, you'll wish you were having a nightmare"
"Must we do this every time?"
"Quit it!"
"Just... stay there a second"
"You're bleeding, for fuck's sake!"
"I will fuck you up"
"Please, I don't wanna fight"
"Say it with me"
"You look really good, what else can I say?"
"What's the matter? You jealous?"
"It's just a little fun"
"I never meant no harm"
"We're gonna die here!"
"Can I come in?"
"Did you ever think we'd end up here? With all this?"
"I will always protect you"
"You're all I want"
"I think I've waited long enough to say it"
"You're gonna get us both into shit"
"I can tell you like me because you keep staring"
"I could use someone like you"
"Here, take my jacket before you freeze to death"
"What? He had it coming!"
"Don't go starting fights you can't finish"
"I didn't kill him! Gravity did that for me"
"I'm going with you"
"Wherever you go, just be sure it's somewhere I can, too"
"You fishing for compliments?"
"You weren't there, you would've done the same!"
"You're such a cunt... I love you"
"Get down! You'll get shot!"
"Where is it?"
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands"
"Lie down for a bit, get some rest"
"Don't worry, I'll still be here"
"Please don't leave me alone tonight"
"You're back!"
"I should, but I can't stay away." "I don't want you to"
"Here, I'll get your coat"
"Take it you had a shit day"
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Heavy Metal Lyrics (50)
bands used (10 each): Slipknot, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Warrant, Amon Amarth
"I can handle anything, even if I can't handle you"
"Don't you fuckin' pity me"
"What the hell am I sayin'?"
"Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it"
"Something about this, so very wrong"
"Did you never give a damn in the first place?"
"Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought"
"Lot of bullshit, not a lotta the truth"
"I can't see from here, but I can smell your fear"
"I don't need this"
"You gotta learn your lesson"
"'Cause there ain't nobody here to defend your heart"
"I'm in love, so in love"
"Now give them back, boys"
"I can't believe that you need my love so bad"
"You come sneaking around"
"They pay me the money and I do the job, I got a contract on you"
"A gun, lump sum and then I move on"
"I do what I do 'cos I can't do nothing better"
"I'm the best that there is"
"Do what I want and do as I please"
"You'll be afraid of when I call out your name"
"Everybody's got their vice"
"You can take my honest word for it"
"You're packing your bags, you're coming with me"
"If you're gonna die, die with your boots on"
"But on this battlefield no one wins"
"We get so near yet so far away"
"We won't live to fight another day"
"You don't say but it's in your eyes instead"
"Keep your mouth shut, that's what we're going to do"
"I don't think I'm gonna love you anymore"
"I'm not sure that I'll be fine, I never thought it would end this way"
"But at least I'm someone to lean on"
"Darlin' I know you're sleepin', but there's something I've just got to say"
"Thanks to you now I know, all my dreams can come true"
"Sometimes I hear your voice, calls out to me makes my heart bleed"
"Smokes and spits and drinks and fights, and his friends all look like trouble"
"Inside your arms I found a place that's warm and dry"
"Lick it off my fingers, taste it on my tongue"
"Ride to meet your fate"
"Your destiny awaits"
"As long as one of us remains here, none of them will ever pass"
"We're outnumbered ten to one here, still, I love the odds"
"Hold the line don't let it break"
"There's no time to run or hide"
"Draw the weapon from your side"
"It feels like spikes with every step I take"
"I don't fear the setting sun or the twilight that it brings"
"I've missed the breeze of my home shores"
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AUs (50)
Love Affair
Bounty Hunter!reader
1940s Noir
Private Detective!reader
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Bank Robber!reader
Shape Shifter!reader
Con Artist!reader
Wild West
19th Century
Rugby Player!reader
Arranged Marriage
Character Lives/Doesn't Die (eg Arthur Morgan)
Scream (1996)
Hired Gun!reader
Rodeo Cowboy!reader
Sheriff!reader (Wild West only)
Fighter Pilot!reader
Dragon Tamer!reader
Royal Guard!reader (only for medieval AUs or fantasy settings, eg LOTR)
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Scenarios (50)
Only One Bed
Fake Relationship
Snowed Inside
Locked Inside Until Morning
Person A getting jealous over someone flirting with Person B
Person A getting into a fight to protect Person B
Person B stealing Person A's clothes
Person A getting injured and Person B panicking and confessing how they feel
Camping Together Somewhere Isolated
Spending The Night Watching Horror Films
Hunting Trips
Person A realising they love Person B over something small
Person A helping Person B after a bad breakup
Person A showing up at Person B's place in the middle of the night
First Kiss
First Confession
Waking Up Together For The First Time
Person A getting possessive when someone gets too friendly with Person B
Playing Seven Minutes In Heaven
Going To A Party Together
Hidden Relationship
Relationship Leaked On Social Media/News
Date Night
Museum Trips
Staying Up All Night Together
Waiting For Them To Come Home
Person A seeing Person B in a suit for the first time
Patching Them Up After A Fight
Marriage Proposal
Person A gets sick so Person B takes care of them
Spending The Night In An Abandoned House
Getting Lost On The Way Somewhere
Playing Twister
Playing Strip Poker
Lost A Bet
Person A drags Person B along to meet their family
Person A's enemy turns out to be Person B's best friend
Smoking Cigarettes On A Rooftop At Night
Person A asks Person B to move in
Person A collects little things to give to Person B as gifts
Best Friends Realising They Love Each Other Romantically
Person A worrying when they can't find Person B
Person A standing up for Person B
Lazy Mornings In Bed Together
Person A stealing Person B's hat/coat when they aren't looking
Their Friends Have To Tell Them That They Have Feelings For Each Other
Unreciprocated Reciprocated Love
Having To Pretend They Aren't A Couple
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NSFW below the cut, minors do NOT interact
NSFW (50)
Biting kink
Hair pulling
Free use
Thigh riding
Dry humping
Breath play
Knife play
Anal fingering
Daddy kink
Sir kink
Chained up
Temperature play
Hot wax
Sparring turns to sex
Oral sex
Hand jobs
Making a sex tape
Collars & leads
Spit as lube
Marking the other with bite marks/hand prints/etc
Outdoors sex
Sex on the floor
Shower sex/bath sex
Car sex
Morning sex
Fully clothed dom & completely naked sub
Uniform kink
Rough sex
Vanilla sex
Doggy style
Sofa sex
Sex against a window
Sex in public toilets (cottaging)
Public sex in a secluded field (dogging)
Crying during sex because they've missed each other so much
Jealous/possessive sex
rules & guidelines
Palestinian aid
song fics (ongoing)
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
If you ignore Bioware's timeline - because the Bhaalspawn couldn't have been conceived during the Time of Troubles because they'd be 10 or younger. (Although BG1+2 being exactly the same, but the villains are 10 is quite funny.) - then the backstory gets interesting. You're locked away from the world for 10 years, your entire world is the temple you were born in and the only people you've ever known are your myriad siblings and the Bhaalist priests. Then one day your parent tries to kill you - did they even tell the Children that Bhaal had died? Or why they were born and why this was happening? Or did they just try and stab them?
(And doesn't that sound familiar, Orin?)
It would actually make the confrontation with Alianna in ToB less weird if Charname knew her as a mother and was attached to her before the attempted murder and being rescued by Gorion. Because the game tries to act like there's some angle where you'd be mad at Gorion for killing her to save your life and it's...
Alianna, outraged and clearly expecting you to be too: "He killed me! Your mother!"
Charname: "Yes??? Good?? Literally the only thing I know about you is that you tried to kill me!?"
Bhaalist families and their priorities, I guess.
I've always just put Charname's lack of memory down to trauma and coping methods personally. Or Gorion editing their memories. Or both. Also they would've grown up with Sarevok half their life, which is another layer of interesting ideas.
Charname, having grown up loved with their trauma erased: "Who are you?"
Sarevok, having grown up in an abusive household remembering everything - including that Gorion actively chose to rescue them instead of him and remembers Charname just fine: "WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO FUCKING KNOW."
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Confront Your Demons
For @nymphoheretic Confess your sins Collab.
Father!Touya x Father!Keigo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: blasphemy, sacrilege, non-con/abuse of power, use of 'Master', corruption, god complex, face smacking, body inspection, face fucking, unprotected sex, degradation, threesome,
Word count: 3.1k
You enter the small confession booth, signing the cross and taking a deep breath. "Bless me father, for I have sinned. It has been 2 months since my last confession." Your voice shakes slightly, hearing the breathing of the man next to you.
"What are you here to confess?" He asks, and from the voice alone, you are able to tell it belongs to one of the people causing you to sin. Father Keigo.
"I haven't been to mass in the last month. I have been skipping it willingly to avoid impure thoughts from coming back." You confess, hands fidgeting and picking at hang nails.
"Impure thoughts? Are you able to elaborate on that so we can get to the root of them?" He asks, voice soft and full of compassion.
"Since the new priests have started, I have not been able to keep my mind from wandering to dark places involving the two of them. I have been imagining them in ways that are shameful." You admit, cheeks burning hot as you admit it to one of the men you have been having these thoughts about.
"Say 10 Hail Mary's, and I would also advise you to come back to mass. God is the only one who will be able to show you the light to guide you away from the demons." Father Keigo advises, his voice soothing your anxiety.
''The pretty girl who used to sit in the front row confessed to wanting us both, and you didn't jump at the chance?" Father Touya questions later that night.
"That behavior is the exact reason why we had to be relocated. I actually like it here, and would like to stay. I am just glad I am the one who handled confessions this week, and not you. Who knows what kind of mess we would be in if you had been the one sitting on the other side of the wall from her." Father Keigo scolds, crossing his arms and looking up at the slightly taller man.
"Get off that high horse. You know you secretly want the same things I do. I am just not afraid to face my demons head on, while you like to run from them. Hail Mary's aren't going to fix her horny thoughts. If God didn't want people to get horny, he would have removed that desire from us humans. I think we should stop suppressing these feelings we were gifted, and embrace them. God made us all perfectly, right? And he made us all with this ability to get turned on. So it can't be a bad thing." Father Touya laughs, watching the way his companion squirms uncomfortably.
"The devil is the one creating those thoughts. They aren't right." He shakes his head, frowning as the cognitive dissonance starts creeping its way into his mind.
"Whatever you say Father Keigo. But that isn't what you were saying last time when I had you cumming on my cock." He shrugs, already concocting a trap for his week running the confession booth.
Only a week had passed, and you were heading back to confessions for the same sin. During mass, you couldn't keep your eyes off the veins in Father Kegio's hands, wondering how they would look roaming your body. Or how holy and pure Father Touya looked, with his snow white hair, and piercing blue eyes, how he was the most beautiful person you had seen. You couldn't focus on what scriptures were being read as your mind wandered to all the places the three of you could sneak off to for alone time.
Finally, it was your turn in the confession booth, and as you sign the cross, your senses are flooded with an intoxicating scent. The way Father Touya smells. "B-bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been... um... one week since my last confession." You stammer out, unsure if you can confess to him how you have been fantasizing about him.
“What sins have you committed?” Father Touya asks, far less formal than his counterpart.
“I have been having impure thoughts. And I am unsure of how to get rid of them. I tried praying, and distancing myself from the people I have been having these thoughts about. I tried confessing last week. But the thoughts only seem to be getting more… intense.” You confess, chewing the inside of your cheek as you wait for him to ask if there is more.
“Ah… seems like this demon has a strong hold on you. We might need to try some… unorthodox methods to help you. Private sessions to really confront what is making you have these thoughts. How does that sound?” He asks.
All logic is screaming no, but the lust clouds your logic quickly. He is the Father here. He only has your best interest at heart, right? He only wants to lead you back into the light, and away from temptation, right?
“You would be willing to do that, for me?” You ask, not caring if this breaks the rules of confession.
“Of course, I chose this life to bring the light to all those in need. Let me help you. Father Keigo and I will ensure that you face this demon, and return to the light with us. We will not let you stray into the darkness alone.” He assures you.
From the otherside of the wall, you are unable to see the twisted and wicked grin on the face of the white haired man.
“I accept. When will we have the first private session?” You ask, legs squeezing together at the thought of being alone with the two.
“How does tonight, after confessions, sound? We want to get started right away to help you.” He says, voice dripping with false compassion, only wanting to help himself. Since the first time his eyes met yours, he dreamed about the way you would look crying for him, pupils blown out with lust as he fucks you on every pew. The thought of your cum soaking the seats that all the pretentious stick-in-the-mud’s sit in every week makes his cock throb.
“That sounds wonderful. Thank you Father.” Your voice sounds like a choir of angels to him.
You pace around the empty lot across the street from your church, watching the final members leave. Impatience builds as the older members linger and chat for what feels like hours. When the last car leaves, you make your way to the old building, skipping in without being seen.
"Discard your clothes. Shed them like you want to shed the thoughts your God deems shameful." Father Touya instructs, leaning against the pew closest to you. "Make it fast, I don't like repeating myself, little lamb." His piercing blue eyes make your hands clam up, and you fumble with the buttons on your blouse.
"Keigo. Help her. It's a bit pathetic how nervous she is already." He rolls his eyes in mild annoyance at your nerves.
"I don't know if she's ready to confront her demons. Seems pretty scared. Maybe we should stop." Keigo defends you, setting a hand gently on your shoulder.
The pew creaks as Father Touya straightens up, striding over to the other man and grabbing his robes. He leans in close, ensuring the words he will speak stays between the two of them.
"We talked about this. You're either gonna help me fuck my little lamb, or I'm going to make you my dumb bitch, again." Father Touya growls in his ear, the hand not grabbing the robes reaching down to grab his slowly hardening cock. Smirking feeling the way his body reacts to him so easily, he steps back.
"Strip. It's time you be brave and face this." Father Keigo says simply, tearing your blouse and sending buttons flying.
He wastes no more time in removing your clothes, tearing whatever wouldn't remove easily. You are helpless to do anything beyond shrugging off the tattered fabric and leaving yourself exposed to the intense stare of Father Touya.
Father Touya revels in the power, watching his soon to be loyal servants obey him. How despite your fear and anxiety, you aren't leaving. You want this just as bad as he does.
You feel a mixture of shame and relief as Father Touya turns his back to you. Your arms wrap around yourself in an attempt to hide your body, fearing he didn't like what he was seeing. A loud thud causes you to jump, all previous thoughts leaving your mind. Father Touya dropping the kneeling pad on one of the pews has you interested in what he's planning.
"Come here little lamb." Father Touya's voice is firm, leaving you no room to argue or refuse. Your legs are moving towards the pew before your brain has time to figure out what he has in store for you.
You are pushed to kneel on the pad, your upper body draped over the back of the pew in front of you, and your hands resting on the seat to relieve the discomfort of the position. Any dignity you had held on to was gone as Father Touya lifts your hips higher, your knees barely on the kneeling pads. Almost all of your weight was balanced on the back of the pew, which was digging into your abdomen. Ass lifted high in the air, you can feel the soft breaths on your skin as he kneels behind you.
"Interesting. You shaved this pussy just for me." Father Touya presses a warm palm to your bare core. The tone in his voice made it seem as if he was talking to himself, and not to you. "Real pretty. Sensitive too." He speaks in a low voice as Father Keigo steps next to him. Your body reacts to the subtle sensation of his palm against you, a slight pulsing starting within you.
A faint whine leaves your lips as he removes his hand, a thin string of your slick connecting you both for a moment. You aren't even given the chance to speak, a tutting sound stopping any words from leaving your lips.
"What are you whining for? I haven't done anything yet. This is just checking to see how ready you are. And fuck. Looks like you're more than ready to hold my cock. Might even be ready to be my cumslut." Father Touya smirks, tapping your clit lightly and watching the way you squirm for him. Your head falls forward, trying to hide the way your face heats up at his words. "Keigo. Get in front of her. Don't let her hide." He says simply.
Keigo tangles his hand in your hair, lifting your head up to meet his gaze. "Can't face your demons hiding like that, don't worry. I'm right here." He says simply, giving you a soft smile.
"'m sorry Father..." You say in a small voice, trying to hold his eye contact as Father Touya shuffles behind you, removing his robes and unzipping his pants. You can't see him, but based on how heavy his cock feels while resting against your ass, you can tell he is big.
Father Touya presses his tip against you, groaning at the way you tighten around him the moment he enters you. You fight with yourself, wanting to both run away and save your purity, and to finally live the dreams you've been having.
"This what you wanted little lamb? All those fantasies your God told you to feel guilty for, is this one of them?" Father Touya asks, leaving no time for you to respond before pushing deeper into you. "Can't really be that wrong if it feels so good, now can it? Maybe your God is the one who is wrong. This pussy feels too good. This has to be heaven."
The stretch of his cock burns. You don't have the ability to answer. It hurts. But you don't want him to stop. You want to hear him praise you even more.
"Tell me. What is it that you dreamed about?" Father Touya lifts you up to press your back against his chest, burying himself fully into you, his tip kissing your cervix.
"It's embarrassing... God wouldn't approve of it..." Your voice cracks slightly as he settles deep inside you and not moving.
"You can't overcome your demons if you keep denying them." Father Keigo says simply, stepping forward to press his newly exposed chest against yours.
Father Touya gives no warning before pulling back and snapping quickly back into you, a loud moan falling from your lips and echoing through the empty room.
"Can't be more embarrassing than moaning like a whore in the middle of a church." He growls in your ear, hips shifting trying to find the spot inside you that makes your toes curl. His lips twist into a smile when your whole body shudders when he hits the spongy spot he was looking for.
"I want your cum. Both of you. In me. On me. I don't care. I just want it however I can have it." You beg, taking your bottom lip between your teeth before guilt over comes you. "God will never forgive me. This is wrong. I'm going to hell." Your voice shakes, both with guilt and from the way Father Touya targets your sweet spot.
His cock pumps in and out of you with no remorse, the burning sensation fading quickly as your body begins to adjust to him. Maybe he was right, though. The way he was making you feel, how could any God make this a sin? This was the closest to God you have ever felt.
"Forget your old God. I'm your new God. Worship me. Praise the ground I walk on and I'll give your life meaning. Could your old God fill you with this much pleasure?" Father Touya grips your throat, slamming his hips harder against yours, pushing your body against Father Keigo.
"N-no father- ow!" Your eyes fly open as Father Keigo lands a solid slap to your face, bottom lip trembling from the stinging sensation spreading across your cheek. You were more shocked than anything, not expecting Father Keigo to strike you in such a way.
"You will address him correctly. He is your God. You will respect him as such." His long fingers grip your cheek and shove your head to turn and face the man currently fucking your cunt as if he really had made it just for himself. "Apologize to your God. Beg your master for forgiveness, bitch." He leans closer to your ear, nipping lightly at the shell of it.
"I'm sorry master, please forgive me." You try to see his face, your eyes and lips both pleading to be forgiven by the man... no... the god, your god, behind you.
"Mm... Master... I like the sound of that. Good job thinking of the Keigo. I say we give this little lamb here exactly what she was asking for moments ago." Touya slows his assault on your insides to pushes you forward. Leaning over the pew again, your face falls inches away from Keigo's groin.
Holding yourself up on your hands, you wiggle in frustration from the loss of stimulation.
"I don't know what I'm doing..." You admit, looking up at Keigo. His gentle smile falters slightly into a smirk.
"Well of course you don't. How about I show you just how I like it?" He asks, not waiting for you to answer before pulling himself from his pants and tapping his leaking tip against your lips.
Opening your mouth, you allow him to push into your mouth until he causes you to gag. Your head jerks back on reflex, but Touya's hand presses you further into Keigo's crotch, forcing him down your throat until your nose meet the curly blonde hair.
"Don't try to run from him. This is what you wanted after all. You won't get our cum unless you put in a bit of work." Touya says simply, dragging his cock agonizingly slow inside you. His slow movements easing you right to the edge of orgasm, but not enough to send you over.
Your gagging and choking continues before Keigo's hands replace Touya's. He allows you to pull back just enough to swallow a few gulps of air before fucking your throat.
You tighten hard around Touya, trying to convince him to speed up, but instead he buries himself in you, his balls settling against your swollen clit. Without the friction keeping you on the edge, you feel your orgasm fading away. A broken sob works its way around Keigo's shaft, sending vibrations all through his body.
"Whatever you are doing, don't stop. She feels amazing whining around me." Keigo groans out, sloppy thrusts causing a mixture of his precum and your drool to spill down onto the pew below you.
"Yeah? I think I can keep her whining." Touya smirks, pulling all but his tip from your messy hole.
Feeling empty was awful. Your body quickly becomes addicted to feeling full of your Master. Desperate sobs fall from your lips, but the sound is covered by the moans of Keigo as he fucks your throat with no remorse.
Behind you, you can feel Touya's hand brushing your lips as he strokes his shaft, not wanting his own orgasm to fade.
"Don't think I can last much longer. I need to fill my pussy with cum." Touya grunts out, hips bucking back into you as his cock twitches. Your body pushes back against him, silently begging for him to coat your insides.
A few more snaps of his hips, and Touya is cumming inside you, his tip nuzzled right against your cervix as he does. It is a strange, but pleasant feeling of being so full, your mind going blank. A rough finger presses against your clit, rubbing tight circles as your hips jerk in response.
"Think I am going to paints your pretty face." Keigo grunts out, pulling away just as ropes of cum shoot from his tip, covering your lips. Coming down from his high, he leans back against one of the pews.
Touya adjusts the pressure on your clit, and over the edge you fall, body giving out and collapsing against the pew. He doesn't stop until your legs are twitching, finally content. He stands up, moving to take his place next to Keigo in front of you.
"She really looks good like this. I think she should pray to her god just like this all the time. With one of our cum on her face, her brain spilling out between her thighs." Keigo says softly, watching in amusement as you struggle to regain thoughts.
Touya lifts your chin and gives you his first real smile. "We will take such good care of you, little lamb." He says softly.
Looking up at the two men, it becomes painfully clear. The bible had to be wrong about Satan being the most beautiful angel. You were staring at two who were far more beautiful.
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amoransia · 1 month
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"That would never happen," says man right before it happens.
Time to ramble because holy Fucking KINO. This entire build-up is fucking KILLING me!!! Having Baba Yaga explained in both Gehenna and Earth at the same time was a really good decision (thank you for letting me see my snake wife also), and overall just really hype.
I'm glad we got to see DLs interacting; the demon side had been missing some characterization in that aspect. But also where the fuck is Mammon? Is he being excluded for being a dunce or something? Or did Tachibana finally manage to summon him back to Earth? Probably the latter, but god, it'd be so fucking funny if Satan just didn't invite him.
Satan seems to actually be on top of the hierarchy down there, given that Asmodeus and Beel fear him to an extent. I was maybe thinking they stood on somewhat equal ground since Beel threatened to rip him apart some chapters back, but I guess not.
And this marks the second time he's shown any type of wrathful behavior, despite his own title. (That's so moe)
Satan uses 御前 which WHEWWWWWW. Okay. It basically means presence, as in an important person's presence. So this fucking guy is saying "You're in my presence". I think it also meant to be in the presence of a god, but I don't think that's what the author was aiming for. (Though it'd be interesting if that was it).
He uses 憤怒 (wrath) to refer to himself again, like he did in chapter 51, iirc.
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Ngl that's hot.
Who said that
Anyway, on another topic, really interesting to see that Mr. Priest has been upgraded(?) from Priest-kun to Priest-san in Asmodeus' eyes.
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Maybe she now considers him an adult since (waves hands around) that. That chapter was named "Childhood's End", after all.
Beelzebub, on the other hand, straight up calls her 淫売 (prostitute). Fucking hell man.
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Also, I mentioned it briefly on my Twitter, but because of Asmodeus now every single one of his enemies knows Priest-kun jerked it!! Everyone!!!! No!!! Now everyone fucking knows!! ;_; I really hope it doesn't come up again with some future antagonist because that'd be devastating for him lol.
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I'm not sure where the immortal part came from here, but the raws say "髑髏の明かりに火を灯し" which basically is "Light the fire in the skull's light" or whatever.
髑髏, according to jisho and goo.ne.jp, refers to a weathered skull (which is on brand with the chapter). Nooo idea where immortal part came from.
Eternal dole, however, I'm sure is a reference to the third canto of Dante's Inferno. It is used to refer to Hell (I think). In the raws, only "that door" is used to refer to the gates of Hell.
Some other notes I wanted to make:
I'm happy to see the cat theory become true!!!!
Levy with her straw was pretty cute. Kinda funny given the whole no plastic straws to save the ocean thing.
Good chapter 11/10, I saw my snake wife (male) again!!
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beeeinyourbonnet · 3 months
I've only ever watched Robert Carlyle in ouat! What are your go to recs of other things he's been in?
Hope you're having a good day 💖💖💖
Oh man okay. I'm just gonna try to list everything I've seen (and please keep in mind that I haven't seen many of these things in forever):
-Hamish MacBeth: actually an amazing show, 100/10, so fucking good. I recommend watching at least the first ep or two with subtitles because the brogues are THICC xD -Formula 51/The 51st State: Second on the list bc I literally just finished rewatching it, it's actually a really great dark comedy action flick. Be warned, there are two scenes of excessive blood but it's otherwise not too violent. -California Solo: I remember this being very good and very sad. But he loves to play a SadBoi, so. -The World is Not Enough: In general, I don't love Bond movies, but this is a pretty fun romp. The plot is somewhat convoluted, but I love Renard???? He's just. Yes. SadBoi anarchist. -Dead Fish: Can I say this is a good movie? No I cannot. But it's so fucking fun. It's so bad. But Bobby is SO good in it. Like, every individual thing in this movie is good, but somehow they put it together and created a disaster??? It does some things that I find super narratively interesting and with some tweaking, it probably could have been an amazing movie. Maybe if Tarantino made it. But like. Danny Devine???? My love. My boy. Not a SadBoi, surprisingly. If you watch the trailer, you'll get an idea of how whatthefuck this movie is. I have seen it many times and, watching the trailer, I was still somehow like what is the plot of this movie.
-The Full Monty: Just a really good movie. Highly recommend. That is next on my rewatch list.
-Stargate Universe: IIRC, I watched about half of one season of this and didn't really love it. He was phenomenal in it, ofc, but otherwise...meh. I would rewatch it but I now watch all the other Stargates and I know this will only disappoint me x] He is a SadBoi scientist, tho.
-The Tournament: Nothing groundbreaking but, from what I remember, a solid movie! Bloody and violent. SadBoi priest. tw: a pet dies, I believe.
-Plunkett and Macleane: I remember this movie being SO fun and now I can't find it anywhere. Very unhappy about that.
-Ravenous: I wanted to add this because I know a lot of people really love it and it seems right up my alley re: dark comedy, but I am too Scared to watch it, so do with that information what you will. It is a horror comedy, I believe.
I have also watched Priest but I found that movie deeply upsetting because it contains quite a bit of CSA and I don't recommend it. Human Trafficking is also deeply upsetting, obviously, and I don't really remember it being great but I am also pretty sure I only made it through half. Annnd I haven't seen Trainspotting but it was award-winning so if that's your cup of tea, I feel confident recommending it (it is absolutely not my cup of tea xD).
So uh. There you go! The longest list ever xD
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caliburn-the-sword · 7 months
fhh ch29-35
the emotional anguish is becoming too much i can't take it. also this is the most chapters i've read in a day by far. my brain is melting but it's okay. will i go forth and read even MORE after dinner despite this?? it's likely
why is the first thing i open my book up to is "rosalind used her street smarts and knifed up her face so that no one would question why she doesn't look like the picture in her falsified documents" she's so chaotic and i love her
oh fuck he has a headache we know what that means!! brainwashing incoming. he's gonna ragdoll poor alisa if he gets the chance
ooo we're getting memories
priest religious imagery is going hard once again. i promise i'm only frothing at the mouth a little bit
lmao i love to see celia yell at orion
"Rosalind widened her eyes [...] Her sister had developed an attitude recently. She liked it." um girlie the man your sister has been pining over has been yeeted into nationalist prison and is probably getting tortured and is also who lady hong wants. yeah i think it's natural that she's got a bit of an attitude fskjdhfns
orion is my favourite flirt omfg
omfg philas tension is so strong i can't take it anymore. i'm glad silas can see SOMETHING is going on. he's just gotta keep chip chip chipping away at phoebe's exterior
because silas isn't going to be suspicious at all when phoebe promises to distract the nationalists, only for their tires to be shot out by a sniper,,,,
it's been so damn long since we've seen oliver and between that and the anticipation i have for him i'm actually quite glad to see him get a pov chapter (shocker)
damn. last thing dear oli thought about was celia. that's so peeta coded of him to- (gunshot puts me down like the rabid dog i am)
"Silas was so prone to catastrophising, anything less always threw him off." he's just like me fr i want to cry
ORION STOP FUCKING FLIRTING WITH EVERYONE OMFG. first rosalind then roma then silas. by the end of this book he's gonna have rizzed everyon istfg (i love him)
SILAS IS THE BIGGEST SWEETHEART OF ALL TIME. i'm too lazy to type out his little inner monologue but phoebe/orion reunion. he is everything to me. i think i may sob
orion is sleeping in a bathtub fsfnaskjdfnh he's so silly he's so bbg i love him
rosorion need to stop being so tender. they're calling me single in like 10 different languages (which between the two of them i think they have that)
lmao kind of italian speaking orion spotted
"I still wish I could remember, because under different circumstances, if you told me you loved me, I would have kissed you." I AM SCREAMING INTO MY PILLOW
"Even if the memories never come back, I'm going to love you again. I have decided to warn you in advance." SOMEONE CHLOROFORM ME I BEG. I CAN'T GO ON LIVING KNOWING THAT THERE IS NO ORION HONG OUT THERE IN THE WORLD FOR ME. WTF
mmmn rosalind is suspecting phoebe of knowing more than she lets on. interesante. can't wait to see how this goes
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flymmsy · 4 months
On Repeat Playlist Tag Game
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people. Tagged by @say-lene! :)
I’m about to be exposed for my terrible taste in music so here goes. To make this more fun for y’all - under each song I will give my Durgetash-flavored assessment, even for songs which absolutely do not fit at all.
Tagging: @defira85 @memaidraws @asteriasfallingstarsandtears @laubritter @neko-rhapsodos @sleepykitty21 @durgeteriormotives @jellymellydraws @abyssalaerlocke (y’all might’ve already been tagged sorry if so!!)
9/10 starting strong. I actually think this fits Durgetash quite well especially with Gortash's built-myself-from-nothing narrative.
7/10 durgetash rating - this is kind of like the song that they both wish they could feel about each other. Like "yea I wanna be the dude who can kiss you all sweet but if we don't rip each other apart in bed Im gonna get lobotomized so"
Oh man I hate that this is here and I'm really not big on Shawn Mendes because he's a little too bubblegum for me but this song is catchy. 8/10 Durgetash rating due to the lyrics - a dark cover of this song would fit durgetash perfectly. Its essentially "I can't believe my murder girlfriend keeps dragging me into the sewers but damn she's hot"
11/10 Durgetash rating. 10/10 for the lyrics and +1 because Enver Gortash loves Panic! At The Disco.
So yea I'm a musical fan and yes this is a durgetash song for me. Let me sell you on the vision first. Durge gets lobotomized and Orin tells Enver and he immediately wants to blow the whole plan to shit because the love of his life is gone but then the whole ass Church of Bane is like nah just like drink her away my guy and so the Banites Party Hard (tm) and Enver is like fine I'll stick with the plan but he's dead inside. 10/10
10000/10 Durgetash rating. My sister Orin says 'Oh she's just being bhaalspawn.' (is this the most embarrassing song that could ever come up? you betcha.)
This is definitely The Vibe for them. 10/10 just Durgetash being nasty. Check yourself for whiplash from the last one.
I wanted to say like 5/10 but "I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you" got me like hmmmm. Also "he looks up grinning like a devil." hmmmmmm. So I'll give it a 9/10 under one condition: default Dragonborn Durge would have to be in the music video for this in a white frilly dress.
This could probably really fit some people's Durges but it doesn't fit my idea of Durge so I'm only gonna give it a 2/10 durgetash rating. However? Orin could rock the shit out of this vibe. 10/10 Orin song.
15/10 Durgetash song. Hot as fuck, could fit both pre and post tadpole. Even mentions a priest. Strong ending.
That's all folks!
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ampleappleamble · 1 month
15 lines of dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
tagged! by @dragonologist-phd like ten thousand years ago! (i didn't forget or deliberately shun you i promise, i'm just very very forgetful and tired all the time ♡) and more recently by @solas-backpack-mug for the same thing! i've been thinking of re-editing and possibly continuing Anthem Infinitum, my PoE1 novelization starring Best Girl and the Gods' Favorite Punching Bag Axa Mala, so honestly this prompt couldn't have come at a better time. here's her Greatest Hits:
all of these quotes are from Anthem Infinitum, because my other fics don't feature her as prominently (if at all). i may have goofed up some of the formatting somewhere between copy and paste. [...] indicates excised surrounding narrative text.
1. "I lost my academic standing, my career, my… everything. So now I'm here. Because it was this or killing myself, and with my luck that would probably just piss off Berath."
2. "No need for thanks. Couldn't leave another kith outnumbered like that. Wasn't right." [...] "Could have done without the extremely blatant goading, though, friend."
3. "Excellent. I was worried I looked like a weird asshole for a minute there."
4. "…I don't know if that's the best or the worst mixed metaphor I've ever heard."
5. “Knowledge seeks freedom, we say in Ixamitl, and the freer I can make it, the better.”
6. "Ha! Since becoming a Watcher with her own castle who offers to help everyone she meets solve all their problems, I do seem to be quite popular, yes," [...] "…I jest, of course. In any case, the friends I do make, I tend to keep. And cherish."
7. "Never tell me how to feel, Kana, never again. Or by the Beast, I'll show you fucking hostile."
8. "Smells like a kraken took a shit out here and died," [...]
9. "I may be forgiving, but the Doemenels aren't. He sticks around too much longer, they're gonna 'stick' him."
10. "'Trust is a double-edged sword, gift and burden both to friends and allies.' My father taught me that one."
11. "Can I please just go put some gods damned pants on," [...]
12. "Don't go around pinning all your trust on any one person or institution completely, Aloth. Not even me. You'll regret it, trust me."
13. "I don't need to be coddled, Aloth," [...] "What I need is to quit moping and get off my ass so I can actually do something that at least makes me feel like I still have a little control over my life."
14. "I wonder– will it piss off the gods, do you think, ruining two priests' days in a row like that?"
15. "You may be content to issue Hollowborn until your shriveled womb drops out of your skirts," [...] "but I will not permit you to stand between these people and the truth!"
and That's Our Axa! ™️
thus far, her alternate dimension counterpart/ex-fiance Vaargys has exactly one (1) written line of dialogue, so we will be skipping him. i plan on featuring him prominently in flashbacks during Axa's time in the White March, which will probably be the next six or seven chapters of Anthem Infinitum, so look forward to it! ♡
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in-newjersey · 4 months
So here are my thoughts on my first time seeing a live BMC production!
Making this non-rebloggable, I am not a real theater critic and I do not want to draw any attention to this actual cast on an anonymous blog to strangers on the internet
For starters, casting!
I respect the variety going on here and the degree of diverging from famous character appearance-tropes. Tiny Latino Jeremy who's as fit as a gymnast and can (and does) do acrobatic spin kicks sometimes? Love it. Plus-size butch-esque Brooke? 10/10. Genderfuckery long-haired Michael who gesticulates with a huge fan through most conversations? Hell yeah. Pink-haired Nirvana-grunge-style trans guy Jake? Now we're talking. Christine a head taller than Jeremy? Awesome.
I will not get too into describing actual real people on here much more than that but in general it was wonderful to see a wide range of character-actor types inhabiting these roles. As someone involved in The Fandom, even though I have frequently expounded upon the mutability of character traits per the text, you do still absorb a general idea of what the characters "look" like; so it was a fun twist to have literally none of the performers fall into those tropes.
I will also say - and this is not a read - that I am no longer going to assume I'm too old to play any of these characters, because I guess that's the magic of community theater lol
On to Thoughts, which I will loosely group by characters:
Rich was fucking awesome. Like I was impressed by the singing skill across the board, but this guy fucking killed it at every turn. I looked at my friend I went with after The Squip Song and we both were like OH OK. Rich also wore mostly KISS T-shirts? Like the shitty glam rock band? But yknow, work. Excellent voice (if casting were a little more 'stereotypical,' he probably would be an excellent Michael). Emotionally, he was on the more explosive side while SQUIPped, melting toward just charmingly cute once in 'real Rich Goranski' mode.
The aforementioned Jake was an interesting take on the character. Definitely leaned more into the kind of douchey side of things, but did at least at one point seem genuinely into Christine (although the actor was very much leaning into the interpretation 'yeah he has multiple interests and he honestly likes them all in the moment but gets bored quickly, and that includes girlfriends'). Is that kind of shitty? Yes. Is that a realistic take on what a rich popular 17 year old might be like? Also yes. Nirvana-fan Jake was not a concept I thought of before but I was down for it (though I discovered later on the cast instagram page that the guy playing Jake said that his version of Jake thinks Nirvana is a clothing brand which, like, galaxy-brain take lol).
THE SQUIP!!!!! Actually cycled through Keanu Reeves costumes, which I loved. Started out in Bill & Ted, then Matrix, then POINT BREAK of all things, before landing on a pretty-impressive-for-the-budget version of the light-up circuitry priest robe thing from the Broadway style. He had the hair and beard pretty close to present-day Keanu too, which made him both line up with the resemblance and seem significantly older than the other characters; voice-wise, this guy was clearly a skilled baritone, which meant his delivery on some of the more rock-style songs was a bit unusual, but not bad. This SQUIP was suave at the right parts but did NOT shy away from being scary: the 'take me inside you' part with Brooke during Upgrade was staged very menacingly with regards to how he was physically moving around/behind Jeremy. The Play was delightfully sinister, leaning HARD into the SQUIP as literally puppeteering everyone: saying their lines and moving his hands like marionnettes throughout, keeping things very creepy and villainous.
On the topic of the play, the fight choreography kicked ass. Mr. Reyes's ALL THE WAY TO BROADWAY rant was delivered while he yanked Jeremy off the ground by his shirtfront and then threw him furiously across the stage, genuinely concerning and upsetting to watch (especially as the SQUIP was miming the same actions and lines behind him, obviously in control of Reyes's body) (I literally said 'oh fuck' out loud when it happened and got a Look from the presumably-grandma in the row ahead lol). The fight choreography during Two Player Game Reprise was also solid: the guy playing Jeremy was FIT and did a lot of impressive acrobatic kicks and such, and the person playing Michael being a lot taller and larger worked well with letting him like bounce off, lift him up for spin kicks, etc.
And in general, I respected how much this production was willing to let certain moments be dark. The Play in general was pretty horror-movie-climax; I also respected that the costuming did indeed look like so-so high school mockups of a modern zombie movie. But the whole number was eerie, SQUIPPED character movements and voices became unnervingly smooth and robotic, and positioning the SQUIP as the puppetmaster in the middle, literally moving the characters around, just sold the whole thing wonderfully. Very appropriately leaning into the horror part of horror-comedy.
Similarly, Do You Wanna Hang? was scary. AS IT SHOULD BE. My friend who came with me compared it favorably to the car scene in the movie 8th Grade, where you're just On Edge the whole time you're watching. The actress playing Chloe did a good job with it, that's an uncomfortable thing to portray but she went for it and it paid off in the moment.
Chloe and Brooke had a fun dynamic: the styles of the costuming/performers did add some interesting dimensions. Chloe was, as usual, pink and perfect and feminine, head-cheerleader vibes; Brooke was short haired and dressed a lot more masculine. Brooke had a very earnest sense of vulnerability to her, and excellent comedic timing during Do You Wanna Ride and The Smartphone Hour, as well as just the minor background-acting moments. They leaned pretty hard into the 'Chloe will take things just because Brooke wanted them, because she likes that Brooke is always a little jealous of her, and thinks that that's friendship' and, like the portrayal of Jake: is that a shitty thing to do? Yes. Is that a realistic thing teenagers might do, especially poisoned by toxic ideas about femininity and power? Also yes.
Which is a good spot to add, the ensemble was small (4) but they were serving it. The band appeared to be octogenarian church volunteers (oh, yeah, this was at a church??? Wesleyan Methodists, so the cool liberal branch of American Christianity) so I will say that with what they had, they were making it work. It would have been served well by a second keyboardist and/or guitarist to do the trumpet parts (it was drums, bass, guitar, and piano). One of the ensemble members, a tall goth-femme person with hot pink hair, played the role of the theremin by doing the melodies in remarkable and ethereal bel canto. And honestly, work.
Jenna Rolan was fun: could belt for the gods, had some pretty-intense Crazy Eyes thing going on that really sold the comedic moments and made her appropriately frightening as the Final Boss in the squipped battle at the end, styled like an early 2000s-lesbian-coded-soft-goth best friend archetype. No notes, 11/10.
The actor playing Mr. Heere/Reyes/Stockboy did a fantastic job of making those three seem separate, and as I mentioned above, really made Mr. Reyes come to life in a dynamic way. Sidenote, this production changed all references to Hobby Lobby to Michaels, which I found both funny and appropriate. Fuck Hobby Lobby, we all hate Hobby Lobby.
Back to characterizations, Christine was sweet and straightforward. Not as quirky or dynamic as Stephanie or a lot of other actresses make her, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Very gentle and smooth voice, she just really likes theater and wants someone to like the real her. They went with ballet-style choreography to introduce her during More Than Survive, which is always a wonderful touch for the way the music swells. There were points where I think a little more creative movement or a wider emotional range might have worked well, but the take on the character was consistent.
I am going to keep that positive thread through the next sections: while I might not have agreed with the interpretation through the text, I do respect going in a starkly different direction to how most productions and fans usually take such things.
I have enormous respect for the performer playing Michael for radically making it their own. The cast bios had pronouns, and Michael's performer was they/she/he, which as a fellow they/she/he who would love to play Michael someday was rad to see. They kept the CREEPS shirt and a hoodie with a lot of patches (albeit a black one with red accents), but that was about it. Michael had light-up cat ear headphones and a huge black fan which he used throughout, alternated between baggy sweatpants or just a floor-length hippy skirt, usually high-heel ankle boots, and some kind of green bathrobe thing for The Pants Song? Characterization, again, respect for making such an iconic character so heavily different. This Michael was not....very emotional. He was usually snippy and sarcastic in a very erudite and matter-of-fact way, at pretty much all points in the show. Not a lot of emotional range going on: this is a Michael who is in some combination of 'doesn't give a shit' and 'not going to let this bother me,' which came off....interesting. The chemistry this created with Jeremy was a starkly different one than we usually see. The original productions - and most since, and the majority of fandom depictions - imagines a Michael and Jeremy who, at their core, love each other a lot. However that manifests of course varies, but you Usually get the impression that (even with a little bit of codependence), these two genuinely love each other and spending time together, which makes moments in the show either heartwarming or devastating to see happen between them.
Not these versions of the characters.
Which didn't make it bad, but it did shake things up. This Michael and Jeremy didn't give deep-love-friendship so much as they gave 'we sat next to each other in 1st grade and don't have other friends. so. I guess we're best friends, huh.'
Which is an INTERESTING and somewhat bleaker, but not unrealistic, take on them. That, sadly, summarizes a lot of friendships, especially at that age and with the sort of vacuum of suburbia on your social sphere (nevermind how a lot of society discourages boys from emotional connection with their friends; if anything, the fact that this Michael was definitely queer might suggest that Jeremy even pulled back emotionally because he didn't want to seem gay or give this Michael the wrong idea). It definitely sells Jeremy feeling lonely, even with his best friend hanging around. Two-Player Game came across a LOT better than I was prepared for - I have waxed about how it's a hard number to pull off - not in spite of, but almost because of this. Like, sure, they've played through this game a million times before, they know every beat, they love it like they love each other, right? even though they seem.....kind of bored. Or at least like they're waiting for something else to happen. College? Girlfriend? Different friends? Just wait two years. Whatever.
To get critical, I will say that this dynamic did not really help Michael in the Bathroom. The fight beforehand and the song itself did.....not really lend themselves to a not-very-emotional friendship between them. The singing was perfect, so not faulting that: it's THE big song of the show, so that's a lot of pressure and the performer had a splendid voice, but the snarky-not-caring-that-much attitude didn't quite do it for me - Michael didn't seem sad or upset so much as pissed off, but still fully keeping it together (despite the lyrics saying otherwise). Tonally, the 'wish I'd offed myself instead' just sounded sarcastic ("wow, SORRY I CARED AT ALL, could've just killed myself for all you seem to care" kind of vibes) THAT SAID, it was consistent with the rest of the characterization, so I admire it as a very specific acting choice. There were also characters on stage - presumably outside the bathroom door, listening in - that turned a good portion of MITB into a comedic number; as I have said before, not my personal take on how that should go, but the audience was laughing along with it! So that's the wonderful mutability of theater.
Strangely enough, this actually made Michael and Jeremy's relationship at the end of the story work out just fine? The SQUIP experience kind of sparked a "wow we really do care about each other, huh" realization from both of them. Again, mad respect for taking such a different approach to such a well-worn character relationship.
So, overall, I am very happy I got to see this. Love to support live theater, love to be surprised by a story that I thought I knew pretty well inside and out, came away with plenty to think and talk about. If you can, go support your local community theater!
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linesonscreens · 8 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yes, all of it) - October 1951
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
Oct 2, 1951
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In case you were wondering if Schroeder every plays normal pianos.
Oct 5, 1951
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As a former Barnes & Noble employee I take comfort in knowing that this is a problem as old as the written word. Ancient Mesopotamian priests would find copies of the Epic of Gilgamesh scattered all over their temples and would periodically have to remove the chairs to keep teenagers from loitering after the harvest. Such is the natural order of the world.
Oct 9, 1951
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What are they singing? Wrong answers only.
Oct 10, 1951
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First "Schroeder loves Beethoven (possibly in a romantic sense)" comic!
Oct 13, 1951
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Pictured: Me and my friends last night trying to figure out what Steam game to play.
Oct 16, 1951
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What did you do, Chuck!?
Oct 17, 1951
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The quicksandbox was actually one of the safer toys kids had in 1951.
Oct 24, 1951
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You can really tell that Schulz grew up with dogs as a kid.
Oct 26, 1951
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Yup, mudpies sure are still a thing.
Oct 31, 1951
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Happy Halloween everybody!*
Did you notice that backgrounds are becoming more common? They don't really start to shine until Sunday strips become a thing but I think they're already pretty good. I particularly like how effectively they convey the mood of a location despite being incredibly simple.
Which isn't an accident if you stop and think about it. Peanuts was used as a filler strip of sorts and would often be used in non-comic newspaper sections when they needed to fill just a little bit of space to make all the text fit correctly. Because of this it would often be printed at a fairly small size which meant that if Schulz used too much detail a strip could easily become an incomprehensible mess when it actually reached readers. As a result Schulz developed a style that's incredibly efficient in how it communicates information. You can see this in the way he draws backgrounds but also in how he draws characters, props, speech bubbles, and just about everything else (big heads, simple features, as few words as necessary, and a heavy emphasis on using value and composition to create visual interest). It's really damn impressive if you know what to look for.
"The art is good so pay attention to it" is my point, I guess.
Or don't. Whatever. I'm not your dad (no matter what the courts keep saying).
*Please bookmark this post and then read it on the next available October 31st for the maximum emotional impact. TIA.
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toyhouse-code-hell · 3 months
Screw it- Ask #2 because I'm bored. Can you tell me about your OCs? I like hearing about random people's OCs because alot of people like to rant about them and the excitement and pure effort put into making them makes me feel profuctive too!
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There's so much. There's so so so so much. Nobody that I didn't already know has ever asked me about my ocs. They're all mostly D&D characters, or are in a D&D-esque setting I'll talk about some of my favorites, but there needs to be context.
None of the LORE is on any of their fucking toyhouse pages because I literally work on toyhouse stuff, get so motivated, I work on things for three days. Then I stop everything for six months. This is a continuous cycle. I suffer daily. I also over-explain and over-share A LOT. This is the first time anyone has asked about my ocs on a public platform. IT'S GOING TO BE A LOT. I'M SORRY. (And hell this might be a masterpost for all the little blurbs about my Little Guys?? idk!!) And ofc the art is old-ish.
Hamond :)
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He's an aasimar fiend warlock (1)/ champion fighter (11), son of duke of a small homebrewed country, warlock of Graz'zt. Was sent to handle an owlbear in the woods due to it fucking with locals livestock. Was ambushed by said owlbear, it almost killed him, and this very kind demon lord took the opportunity to offer this young son of a duke a second chance to not be killed. Hamond agreed, got a nice new necklace, and killed the owlbear. He does the little things his patron wants in secret, which are thankfully just small things. His father sent him away due to his country going to war (contingency so royalty stays alive), where he met an astral elf twink who is now his fucked up little boyfriend.
Used him in a Heliana's oneshot before where this happened.
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Next is Vihan! I'll keep it short with him because there is. A lot. (Glitch & Worm idk if you will ever see this, but this is spoilers)
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They're a sentient sword, from a set of 8 weapons that embody schools of magic. Vihan is a shortsword that lets their wielder cast evocation spells for free, given to priest-kings of a long-lots city (of Mezro, the chosen of Ub'Tao are called barae). I gave him to my part at 12th level, since one in the party had made contact with his stupid fuckup son (Ras Nsi, not canon to actual FR lore), but Ub'tao chatted with the wizard like "hey. help me?" and our wizard went "K". I was thinking they would have him be a sword for a majority of the time but nooooo they fell in love with him. >:/ He was also broken when they met, to which I gave wild magic rolls when he cast things iirc (this was in 2021 its hazy). They fixed him up though.
His former wielder was killed in a coup by another one of the chosen, in a plan to kill them all, usurp their god, and bring about an end to the world, but LORD that's another story.
But back to Vihan.
He's a real living person, kidnapped about 4oo years prior to the party getting them, had a bunch of experiments done on him, core implanted, renamed, all that. And given to a firbolg native to Chult who worked hard to be a barae, Epoch, leaving his 2 sons to be raised by his hometown. (and bc he was murdered and nobody was giving them answers, they became closed off from the bigger holy cities) And those kids got older, had communal kids, too, and one of those kids was the barbarian pc. The new barae of evocation was the wizard that said "K" to helping a god.
His name is actually Viktor, had an identical brother named Vacek (both changelings), and he robbed tourists in order for his brother to stay in a care home (their country of origin is corrupted capitalist hellscape island where if you can't produce for society, you have no use aside from being fertilizer, unless you can afford otherwise). When Viktor was kidnapped, Vacek was thrown onto the streets 10 minutes after payment was due, and he managed to climb on a boat as a stowaway during a storm and get the fuck out of there. While he was still chronically ill, getting off of pollution island was very beneficial for his health. He made it to another country and managed to live out his days and even had a family. He never went back to find his brother, assuming his thieving finally got him killed. (Their single mother was also murdered, and retrieving her body cost the two twelve year olds money they didn't have. She was meant to leave the country while pregnant with them, to be with their father who had already left, but port guards robbed her and kicked her back into the city. When her husband came back to make a stink, he was silenced permanently.)
Yes I was VERY into xenoblade 2 when I had this idea.
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Vihan is a little bit fucked up.
I think I'll be done for now. I'll rb with more if I want to later.
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wilchur · 11 months
Okay. My actual RDR2 Modern AU might be set in 1990s USA and pretty dark, but I have this nostalgic worm in my head that wants to throw these funky guys into late 90s/early 00s Poland SO BAD agshdjdbfk
Ramble under the cut because I can't be normal about any idea ever.
I can see it in my head so clearly... a silly "Rodzina Zastępcza" type sitcom. Hosea and Dutch are still crooks who sell counterfeit shit at the local outdoor market with a side business smuggling in cheap cigs and alcohol from abroad. I would do a little age fuckery to shrink Arthur's, John's and Tilly's age differences so that they all still live with them. Arthur would be like 16-17, John 12-14 and Tilly arund 10 or so. Arthur and John are fucking Monster Children, but Tilly is good at pretending an angel lol
Miss Grimshaw and Dutch are technically married, but just because they got hitched on impulse years ago and can't be bothered to get a divorce. It's good for appearances as well so whatever. She lives with them too, keeps the house from imploding.
Uncle is the town drunk and can usually be found thoroughly soaked through near the local grocery store. Always bugs Arthur for change and never gets shit, but John sometimes slips him something in exchange for buying him some beer or cigarettes with a part of the money.
I see Swanson as this comic relief "friend of the family" character that keeps waltzing in uninvited all the time. There's like no protestants over here and I don't know shit about the eastern orthodox church so I'm making him a washed up catholic priest (sorry my dude). I think it would be pretty funny if he was like totally oblivious to the fact that Dutch and Hosea are Very Gay despite it being super obvious. "Mr Matthews and Mr Van der Linde must be very good friends if he lets him, his wife and their unruly foster children share his home :)" ahah
Most of the names would probably need to be changed to make sense.. Arthur mostly works, just have to throw out the h. Tilly is short for Matilda apparently, but I don't see it. Maybe Tosia? Tola?Both short for Antonina. John>>Jan makes me fucking insane... Little Jasiek Marston 😂😂Though American media had a real boom in the east after the soviet union fell so I could maybe keep Johnny/John as a nickname? So that I don't cringe myself to death. Dutch is going to make me go grey so I won't even try. Hosea is biblical so he could technically stay, but apparently they translate it to fuckin' Ozeasz in the polish version of the texts so idk. At least the surname is easy because it's from a given name and I can just go with a Polish surname of the same meaning -- Matysiak. Uncle is easy because that's just a common word so >> Wujek, or Wujcio if i really wanted to make it silly. Susan is Zuzanna so very easy, but Grimshaw is untranslatable. Though I could just pick something phonetically similar like Grzymała or Gryszkiewicz or something (good luck trying to pronounce that). Orville is straight up a fake name from the 1700s and has no real meaning? Makes it hard to switch out so I'm just gonna be lazy and go with Oliwier? Sounds similar enough. Swanson doesn't have a straightforward equalivent either, but it apparently means "servant"? And "Szewczyk" (tailor) feels like it could work. I dunno, my brain is fried at this point. I'll leave it at that.
I know this probably makes no sense to anyone else but I'm So Into the idea it's insane agsjdkflk I had to write some of it down. I just want them to be silly. Nothing bad ever happens in a polish sitcom ✨
I think I might doodle some stuff for this since I don't have an actual story in mind to write... We'll see. I just want to be self-indulgent and go crazy a bit 🥴🥴
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