#and her mom commited suicide after losing custody
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@thefloatingstone get it. You get it. Heck. I think Scott in general hates a lot of his female human characters. At least with how they're sexified, abused, and literally and figuratively turned into a plot device object over a character in the books. I don't think it's even malicious. I think its from ignorance and a very Christian mindset.
So I am taking custody of all the funky little animatronic dudes and Vanessa herself, until they realize that they can have a horror franchise without making everyone's life so horrible all the time. And that you don't need to constantly break the robots to have them be scary.
Also I can't believe we were introduced to all the Glamrocks in Security Breach, only to kill them all in the DLC officially....
And Eclipse is just functioning thinking kids will be back until the building finally caves in on itself.
I'm taking everyone from SB. I don't trust the franchise with them, and I think they don't really understand how quickly lots of people got attached to these guys.
(sorry for the rambling I have feelings)
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igorvinyls · 5 months
Why I Believe John Lennon is Asuka Langley
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Hello everyone! I originally created a thread about this over on Twitter, though I also want to post it here just because. I want to preface this by saying while this is mostly a joke, I still want to point out the similarities between the two. I find that both John and Asuka are very complex people/characters that happen to heavily relate to each other. Obvious spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion. TW FOR TOPICS SUCH AS SUICIDE AND DEATH.
Both John and Asuka lost their mothers from a young age, with Asuka losing her mother at 4 and John losing his mother just before his 18th birthday. It’s known that John’s mother wasn’t exactly mentally stable as Mimi, John’s aunt, was given custody of him. Similarly to John’s mother, Asuka’s mom, Kyoko, was also mentally unstable. Kyoko lost her mind after surviving a failed experiment with Evangelion Unit-02. This experiment would also end up taking the life of Yui Ikari, Shinji’s mother (this is important info for later.) Kyoko ultimately committed suicide after losing her mind and her husband in the process. Though it is ambiguous how Asuka’s father felt towards her, he did indeed drive his daughter away by cheating on Kyoko while hospitalized. It’s also known that John’s father wasn’t very involved with him up until the height of Beatlemania. Both John and Asuka were never very close with their parents due to many different factors.
(It can also be argued that John and Asuka were both adopted, but Asuka being adopted was only canon in the manga. For the sake of this post, I’ll only mention canon events from the anime going forward.)
I would also like to bring up this video.
John and Yoko will probably be the most recognized celebrity couple in the world. It’s also recognized that John had an Oedipus complex which was sometimes discussed. The same can be said for Asuka, considering the fact that she romantically latched onto Kaji, a 30 year old special inspector for NERV. Asuka does this to fill the void of a perfect father figure in her life, as well as filling the role of a lover. John mentions doing this with Yoko numerous times. John and Yoko would even go as far as calling each other mommy and daddy. Moving onto other romantic relationships, I will now discuss Shinji, Asuka, John, and Paul. Shinji and Asuka have this strange dynamic throughout the story of Evangelion. Asuka is secretly in love with Shinji (you can already see which direction this is headed in), though Shinji has a hard time reciprocating his feelings due to his own personal struggles. Asuka’s rudeness and constant bullying also confuses Shinji, leaving him to wonder what Asuka truly feels for him. In this scenario, Paul would be in the same boat as Shinji. Shinji and Paul both lost their mothers at a young age. Paul and John bonded over the loss of their mothers. In a way, this also happens with Shinji and Asuka. It’s easy to tell that Shinji is more drawn towards Asuka after she tells him that her stepmom isn’t her actual mother. John and Paul go on to have a rivalry as they grow older, which also happens to Asuka and Shinji, though their rivalry was highlighted since day one. This rivalry between the two characters progresses all the way to the finale of the series. You can say that Asuka finally accepts Shinji when she lifts her hand up to his cheek while he is brutally strangling her. This act is seen as her accepting him into her heart after everything that they’ve been through. John and Paul also reconcile towards the end of John’s life. In Evangelion, the world is quite literally destroyed at the end of the series when the two finally reconcile. I’m not gonna be cheesy and say the same for John and Paul, but yeah. MOVING ON NOW.
John and Asuka have a habit of trying to appear more “mature” than they truly are. Asuka constantly boasts about being the best and most mature out of everyone. Same can be said for John. We also see this with his marriage to Cynthia Powell, John’s first wife. In my eyes, John’s first marriage was a rush to maturity considering the fact that he was only 21. I could say the same for John having a child with Cynthia at such a young age as well. John and Asuka, though trying to seem mature, are ultimately vulnerable people who tend to regress. Asuka acts like a young, lovestruck girl with Kaji. John acted in a similar fashion with Yoko. Asuka and John had massive egos. What else is there to say, really?
This is gonna be a quick one that basically ties together the points of my threads.
John and Asuka were seriously neglected as children which had a massive impact on their social development, as well as behavior.
Both had large egos, yet low self esteem.
The only fun fact about the two I have is that they both know German and Japanese.
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pleasantglitterflower · 3 months
Legends will never die (JOE BURROW x COBAIN! READER)
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TW: mentions of death, suicide, drugs
I was at Joe's parents' house for lunch to celebrate the birthday of Dan, one of my boyfriend's older brothers. It's been great to be here, I love his family, they've always welcomed me very well, but this happy family moment awakens strong triggers in me and a desire to experience something I didn't have. Seeing Joe talking so animatedly with his father, his brothers and his grandfather, at a certain point my father-in-law hugs him from the side, my eyes instantly water. 
   I quickly excuse myself from the environment I was in, talking to my mother-in-law and my sisters-in-law, and go to the bathroom, where I quickly start crying. Why didn't I have a structured family? Why isn't my father here with me? Why do these shitty drugs and depression exist in this shitty world and affect good people?
  I didn't even see time pass when I heard loud knocks on the door. 
- Baby, open the door - Joe shouts from the other side
I come back to reality and open the door. As soon as Joe sees my swollen eyes, he runs over and hugs me.
- What happened my love? Since the journey you've been quieter and more thoughtful, I didn't say anything before because I knew you'd make up some excuse, but I know you're not well
- Joe, it's not for nothing, you know that I love your family and how you have a great connection, especially with your father, and when I saw you two hugging in the backyard, it was inevitable not to think about my father - I look down embarrassed 
- Hey, look at me - he lifts my chin - You don't need to fake your feelings my dear, I know how difficult it is for you to talk about him, especially since this year it will be 30 years since he died, but know that he is very proud of you wherever he is and that, although his life here on Earth was short, his legacy is eternal.
- It's been very difficult Joe, very difficult indeed. People are putting a lot of expectations on my performance at the tribute, I don't know if I'll want to participate.
- Baby, everything will be fine, you'll do well, I see how much you've dedicated yourself to making a perfect presentation, don't worry - Joe kisses me on the forehead and hugs me tightly
     - Joe, I don't know what I would do without you, I love you so much
- I love you the most Janis - then we kissed.
     In a week's time, the tribute show to my father will take place, in celebration of his 30 years of legacy in music. 30 years ago, Kurt Donald Cobain, my father, left this world grayer, with a legion of fans all over the world in mourning and despair, and an entire family torn apart. I was born on October 27, 1993, six months before his death, and the height of his period of self-destruction due to drugs and depression. Dad fought his demons for years, it wasn't just during that period, and the sudden fame only made these inner demons increasingly present in his life.
  Me and Frances, my older sister, were very exposed to all the scandals caused by our parents, even at our young age, when mom said in an interview that she used heroin when she was pregnant with Frances, she and dad ended up losing custody. However, they managed to recover after promising to undergo rehabilitation. Mom managed to kick her heroin addiction, but unfortunately dad couldn't. When Mom found out she was pregnant with me, Dad was apparently determined to change and be a responsible father to Frances and me, but inside, his demons were screaming more and more, and throughout 1993, Dad tried to commit suicide several times, in addition to intense heroin abuse, until on April 5, 1994, he reached his limit, he could no longer bear to live with that internal anguish that had affected him since he was a teenager.
Even with all the fame, recognition, money and the millions of fans he gained all over the world, Dad couldn't be happy, even though he married the woman he loved and became the father of two daughters that he loved so much, Dad couldn't. he could exorcise his pain within himself, he could no longer stand living in a world in which he could not fit in, a selfish world, full of falsehoods is very cruel. Every year that passes, when I always pick up the farewell letter he wrote, it chills my soul, his anguish was visible in his writing.
  “I had a lot, a lot, and I'm grateful for that, but since I was seven years old I started to hate all humans in general. Just because it seems so easy to relate and empathize. Just because I love and feel for everyone so much, I guess. Thank you from the bottom of my sick, burning stomach for your letters and your concern over the years. I really am an erratic and sad baby! I no longer have passion, so remember, it's better to burn out than to slowly fade away¹. Peace, Love, Empathy.
Kurt Cobain
Frances, Janis and Courtney, I will be at your altar. Please go ahead, Courtney, for Frances and Janis. For their lives, they will be much happier without me.
It was very difficult for me to accept that my father took his life on his own and that he preferred not to live any longer to be present for me and Frances, but as the years went by and listening to the stories from my mother, Dave, my godfather, , and other people who lived with Dad, I came to the conclusion that he had already given up on life a long time ago and tried to cut it short several times, but it was on that April 5, 1994 that his limit ended, and then he gave a shoots himself with a shotgun. If it hadn't been on that date, it would have been the next day, the following week, my father couldn't bear to live any longer.
   Dave has always been like a father figure to me, he was always by my side for everything I needed and was one of my main encouragers to pursue a career in music, because according to him, I had the same genius to express as my father. feelings in the form of songs. During my adolescence I composed several songs and recorded some demos, but only my family knew about it. I never thought about pursuing a singing career, I wrote according to my imagination and as a hobby, I always wanted to pass on my knowledge to other people, so I studied music in New York, and started teaching music to children in public schools, until I was transferred to a school in Cincinnatti, which is where I met Joe. My class went to do a musical performance at an event for his foundation, and he came to congratulate me on my work, I was super flattered and we became friends, and it didn't take long for us to admit our feelings and he asked me to be his girlfriend in a beautiful sunset  in California.
Joe was always very loving and affectionate with me, and always helped me in moments of vulnerability when I cried in his lap when talking about my father. I've always admired his relationship with his father, how football is a factor that keeps their connection very strong, and I wondered what it would be like for my dad and me talking about music, what he would think of today's music scene, if he Would you be proud of me? 
    When Dave said that my participation would be very important in the tribute to my father, Joe was also one of my main supporters, for him I needed to face my negative feelings and show the world my musical talent, which according to Joe is undeniable that my talent It's genetic. After thinking very calmly, I decided to accept the idea and began to rehearse exhaustively, as Dad deserved perfection.
April 5, 2024- Kurt Cobain Tribute, Seattle 
The big day arrived, if I said I slept calmly I'd be lying, I couldn't stop being nervous for a minute. As the stadium got closer, I felt my stomach drop, while Joe was next to me holding my hand. When we saw it, there were millions and millions of people with Nirvana shirts, with shirts with my father's face, with posters with loving words for him, there were children, teenagers, adults, elderly people, Seattle became small. It's incredible how even 30 years after his death, Kurt Cobain still had a loyal legion of fans, and over the years he gained new fans, many who weren't born at the time of Nirvana's heyday and who had Kurt as an inspiration.
  The tribute line-up was the envy of any other festival, as it had Pearl Jam, Metallica, Guns n Roses, Iron Maiden, Green Day, and the main attraction, Nirvana himself, but this time it would be Janis who would represent Kurt in the vocals. Janis rehearsed nonstop with Dave and Krist, it would be the first time at a festival that Nirvana would make an official performance again since Kurt's death, but this time with Janis paying tribute to her father. Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic always play the songs of the band that made them famous when they get together, but only at intimate shows, so the performance at the tribute would be the band's official return.
Nirvana would headline the event, and it was the most anticipated performance, as Kurt Cobain's daughter would be singing with the remaining members of the band and paying tribute to Kurt.
  The performance was about to start, and Janis was breathing very deeply in her dressing room, until she heard a knock on the door. 
   -Come on
The door opens, revealing the figures of Joe, Courtney and Frances.
  - My love how are you? - Joe questions
- Too nervous, what if I get out of tune? What if I lose my voice? I don't want to disappoint the fans, but especially I don't want to disappoint Dad, no- Courtney interrupts her youngest daughter
- Janis, you will be perfect my daughter, your father is already very proud of you, wherever he is, at this moment he is very happy with the woman you have become - the eldest speaks with her voice choked with emotion
- That's right sister, everyone knows your potential and how hard you work to keep our father's legacy alive to this day, you're going to get on that stage and show those bastards who's boss - Frances shouts excitedly, making the presents laugh 
- My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are absolutely right, you're going to rock my dear - Joe gives me a quick peck
One of the producers enters the dressing room and announces that it is time to go on stage. The tribute to Kurt Cobain is being broadcast online, YouTube went down at certain times due to the large number of hits, and at the time of Janis' performance with Nirvana, 1.5 billion and a half people were online and waiting of the show.
     The band was announced and first came Krist, Dave, and then Janis Cobain, sending the audience into a frenzy. She looked at all the people present in that stadium, quickly looked at the VIP box that had Joe, Courtney, Frances, her in-laws and her brothers-in-law with their wives. Joe was smiling brightly at her full of pride.
  - Good evening - the audience shouts - We are here to celebrate the 30 years of legacy of our dear Kurt Cobain, known as my dear father. Daddy, wherever you are, know that you continue to be very loved and that I'm very proud to be your daughter- I say looking at the sky excitedly- and today I'm going to do my best to give you a great show, LET'S GO MOTHERFUCKERS- I yelled 
The show was perfect, Dave and Krist gave me a lot of support and security, and I felt more and more free. I didn't stop feeling emotional during the most emotional songs, but the important thing is that I had managed to honor my father in the way he deserves. After the show, Joe came running over to hug me.
- I knew you would put on an amazing show love, I'm so happy for you
- Joe, if it weren't for you, maybe I wouldn't be here now, thank you so much for always being with me my love, I love you - I kiss him
And in the depths of the sky, Kurt Donald Cobain smiles, very happy for the happiness of his beloved daughter and very satisfied with the honor, he knew that his daughter was very talented, it was no wonder that she is a Cobain.
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advocatingpeanut · 1 month
My mom and I have been binge watching Lost this summer and we're rushing through the last season before I go back to school.
Is it just me or does EVERY main character have such tragic backstories?
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Jack: Drunk dad he had no closure with until Sawyer finally said something. A mother who defended said father. And a wife who left him. Not to mention he has a step-sister he doesn't even know about until later in the show.
Kate: Kills her stepfather for being abusive, learns her dad isn't actually her biological father, gets harassed by police, has a series of toxic relationships.
Sawyer: Is traumatized as a child and orphaned. When he seeks revenge, he kills the wrong man, and as such, feels guilty for it. Has a series of toxic relationships.
Hurley: Is in a mental institution, learns he has hallucinations and thinks himself crazy, is self-conscious about his weight and binge eats, has an absent father who suddenly shows up when Hurley wins the lottery, has bad luck because of the numbers.
Sayid: Is forced to torture people at a young and impressionable age, loses his first love and searches for her to no avail and in doing so is blackmailed by the FBI into convincing his college roommate into becoming a suicide bomber, watches said friend kill himself
Locke: Was born premature and very sick as a baby, his teenage mother didn't want him and his grandmother didn't give it a second thought when giving him up for adoption, is told he isn't special, is told throughout his life what he can't do, Anthony Cooper blackmails him into giving up one of his kidneys and then tries to kill him, his one romantic relationship ends as a result of Anthony Cooper's involvement, is paralyzed for four years
Claire: Has a tense relationship with both her mother and her aunt, her baby's father gets her hopes up then leaves her, has a psychic give her all sorts of conflicting information, feels guilty for considering giving her baby up for adoption, survives a plane crash while heavily pregnant
Charlie: Tries to help his brother get clean, tries to keep himself on the straight and narrow and in doing so becomes an addict himself, watches his brother get better as he gets worse, his band fails to sustain its success
Jin: Grows up poor and is harassed for being part of a lower class, falls in love with a woman in a higher class and is forced to do her father's dirty work to marry her, becomes aggressive and withdrawn until well after the plane crashes
Sun: Forced to be under her father's rule and falls in love with a man in a lower class, is blackmailed for a large sum of money by Jin's mother - a prostitute, has an affair with a man who loves someone else and feels guilty for it
Ben: His mother dies shortly after childbirth and his father becomes a drunk and blames him for it, is groomed from a young age by the Hostiles and gives the go-ahead for them to kill the Dharma Initiative, becomes their leader and must be ruthless.
Juliet: Is a divorcee, her ex-husband is her boss and flaunts his sexual escapades in front of her, her sister has cancer and Juliet cannot watch her be cured nor see her nephew grow up save for a glimpse of a black and white recording that lasted a few seconds, Ben controls her and does not let her leave the island.
Michael: Him and his girlfriend have a son, whom Michael loves very much and is committed to taking care of. Said girlfriend takes a job in another country and only tells Michael after she has accepted the offer. In the same conversation, breaks up with him and informs she will be romantically involved with her new boss and they will raise Walt. When Michael tries to travel to see Walt, he is injured and cannot leave. His ex-girlfriend visits, says she is marrying her boss, wants Michael to give up parental rights. A long, drawn-out custody battle ensues, Michael is eventually convinced by ex to sign away rights so her new husband can adopt him. Says goodbye to son that doesn't even remember him. Writes letters and draws pictures over the course of several years that his mother keeps from him. When Walt is 9 or so, his adoptive father comes to see Michael, tells him ex died, he never wanted to be a dad in the first place and only adopted Walt to appease ex. Gives custody to Michael. He tries to raise his son that doesn't even know him and amazingly after all that, doesn't paint ex or adoptive dad to be bad guys and doesn't turn Walt against them.
Desmond: Tries to find his purpose, gets fired from being a monk. His girlfriend's dad constantly undermines him, tells it to his face, actively tries to keep his daughter away from him. Goes on an around the world trip her dad is hosting to prove to him his worth and gets stuck on the island for four years. His one companion he accidentally kills and his life becomes pushing the button every 108 minutes.
Rose: Has cancer, falls in love with Bernard and he takes her to healers. Nothing works. She believes she is dying.
Boone: Is in love with his step-sister and is constantly manipulated and played by her and her many romantic interests.
Shannon: Is smart but plays the dumb, helpless, pretty blonde role. Manipulated her step-brother for money but probably feels guilty for it, especially when she has a moment of clarity about what type of situation she's in and wants to get out. Is accepted into a prestigious program all of her own hard work and asks her step-mother for money to attend it. Her step-mother says she is the sole beneficiary of her father's money, disowns Shannon and keeps said money.
Ana-Lucia: Is constantly trying to impress her mother, is shot while pregnant and loses the baby. When she tries to return to work before she is ready, she gets an earful from her mother for it. Kills the man that shot her, taking revenge and justice in her own hands and not the law's. Gets reprimanded for it. Is hired as a bodyguard for Jack and Claire's dad and is constantly confused about what they're doing. Shares a drink with Jack and is flirtatious. It never goes past that.
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bravevolunteer · 11 months
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VERSE — MOVIE ( CONTAINS SPOILERS & CANON DIVERGENT, tw for canon-typical themes & suicide mention )
just to get straight to the point : it's mainly canon divergent in the sense that i will be altering details in order to make mike an afton. do i think this is going to happen in the movie timeline? no. do i think it's more likely that they're going to explain the oddly personal kidnapping through mirroring the emilys? probably. but it's MY michael afton blog and i can put on my tinfoil hat as much as i want about it. of course i am willing to adapt based on other's info / preferences but given that this isn't my main canon anyway it is meant for those that are interested.
Mike thought he knew everything there was to know about what happened to his family: what he was never told is who his real father was. He was too young to remember anything about William Afton before his mom separated herself from him entirely ( one night stand, breakup, what have you, i'm not picky- ), so he always thought of the father he grew up with as his dad, the reality never changed anything about that.
Until he was twelve years old and Garrett went missing, and everything fell apart. William followed the Schmidts there, taking Garrett in a targeted attack ( whether or not he was trying to grab Mike, took him out of spite, anything else is also flexible ). Everything grew solemn and tense, each of the Schmidts lost in their own individual grief. Slowly, they stopped having dinners together, stopped going out as a family, stopped being able to feel like things were normal. The grief and guilt only added to Mike's developing anger issues and depression. Although it wasn't on purpose nor with any malicious intent, his dad was the more distant of his parents at the time, serving as the first hint towards his biological parentage and simply because as much as he cared for mike, he was grappling with losing his biological kid ( think tse henry- well meaning but drowning in grief enough for the child to pick up on it ).
This is where Abby comes in, where the Schmidts have another kid in an attempt to feel like a normal family again. It almost seems to work, although there is still that underlying sense of collective grief. Mike was older by then, too ( while he graduates high school, he either doesn't go to college at all or doesn't finish it ).
Their mom dies and the brief sense of possible stability disappears again. It's when Mike is staying at home again for the funeral/to help with Abby that their father commits suicide, unable to take the grief. Mike has had custody of Abby since then.
The events proceed as they did in the movie, William's recognition of Mike in the office not only stemming from the kidnapping but the fact that it's his kid, although Mike doesn't find anything out beyond the fact that it's the man who took Garrett. There is potential for more hints towards this in past interactions with his aunt or birth records or even his dynamic with Vanessa, but for the most part this specific realization is left open.
Following the movie's events, he... does come home to his aunt in the living room. After reporting her death, Mike actually goes back to Freddy's one more time to get security footage in order to prove his innocence. Afterwards, he does his best to hold down another job to keep taking care of Abby in peace, but something about Freddy's gives him the sense that he'll come back to make sure nothing like this happens again.
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creationverseblog · 2 years
☆ Meet The Chosen Heroes ♡
Name : Kaze Age : N/A Gender : Non-binary Pronouns : they/them Soul trait : "Soul of Hope" Personally : Kind, soft-spoken, Determined, Caring, scared easily (usually by certain creatures) Others : They're base off frisk from Undertale and younger version of me when i was only 7. Kaze will also be the leader of the village someday and will make sure their people and their friends is safe. A type of villager who is the main chosen one who will save the world but felt bad leaving their guardian behind who raise them very well. Voice : Rachel Gardner (SatsurikuNo tenshi)
Name : Ame (Shizuki) Age : 18 Gender : Male Pronouns : he/him Soul trait : "Soul of Integrity/Determination" (Two traited soul) Personally : fearsome, barbaric, intelligent, Cold, Serious-type, Others : He was base off Zack Foster( Satsuriku no tenshi), Takashi Komuro (Highschool of the dead) and Marco Owen (Ibara No Ou). Ame have a mother who abandoned him because he doesn’t want his life to be miserable like his mother which is why his mom commit suicide by jumping off the mountain cliff right by the village. Ame is also the unofficial leader of the group, due to his knowledge and natural capabilities. *Type of kid who doesn't give a crap about any hing but also a serious leader type who makes sure to keep the others safe Voice : Zack Foster (Satsuriku no tenshi)
Name : Kara Age : 18 Gender : Non-binary Pronouns : they/them Soul trait : "Soul of Determination (Hatred)" Personally : Kind, Caring, Brotherly/Fatherly, Protective, Free Spirited Others : They're base off Ryan Akagi (Infinity train), C.C Afton (Fnaf) and inspire by this wonderful story called Book 4.5 (@the-magnificent-otaku-draws) *A type of Kiddo who been abuse after losing his parents but got taken into custody. But also made a promise to protect a lil girl name sukie and treats her as his own sister that he wasn't from his big sister. But sometimes people call him a father figure instead of a brother figure. Voice : Ryan Akagi ( Infinity Train)
Name : Sukie Age : 8 1/2 Gender : female Pronouns : she/ her Soul trait : "Soul of Kindness" Personally : Kind, Fun-loving, Optimistic Others : She's base off Hazel (Infinity train), My personality, Boo (Monsters inc) and inspire by this wonderful story called Book 4.5 (@the-magnificent-otaku-draws) *A type of innocent Kiddo who loves turtles and loves eating blueberries who loves her new family * Voice : Anya ( Spy x Family)
Name : Rei (Frisk) Age : 17 Gender : female Pronouns : she/ her Soul trait : "Soul of Integrity" Personally : Fearsome, Brave, Caring, Intelligent Others : She's base off Tulip (Infinity train), Ellie (The Last of Us) and Swindler from Akudama Drive A type kid who loves music but sometimes likes being a trouble maker Voice : Tulip Olsen (Infinity train)
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ahnsael · 3 years
Last night I got an update on the guy I found unresponsive with a purple face, slumped over a slot machine last Monday.
I had received two prior updates. One was later that morning, when I was told he was breathing on his own and speaking. on Wednesday, I was told that he was ambulatory and in good spirits, but still in ICU. So the update I got last night hit me kind of hard.
His brother and the brother’s wife came in to pick up the scooter and the money he had on his slot machine when he went down (I haven’t been able to so much as glance at that machine without thinking about this guy).
He’s still alive. For the first time, I found out that it was a major heart attack.
But three of his aortas are 90% clogged, and he doesn’t want open heart surgery to unclog them. He’s going to let nature take its course, and say some goodbyes and apparently also tell a few people off before he passes. But he’s not long for this world with his refusal of surgery.
Part of me gets it. Maybe he just feels that it’s time. And he was really nice to talk to when he was in the casino and...you know, still breathing. Not so nice to talk to when I was shouting “Sir, are you still with me?” while shaking him to try to wake him up and just realizing he wasn’t just asleep.
And part of me is angry. That was a rough situation for me. I got emotionally involved, which I can’t help -- that’s just who I am. I got him down to the ground from his scooter without dropping him (and he was a fairly large guy -- thank you, adrenaline rush). I performed CPR on him with 911 walking me through it. The deputies took over (several of them, working as a team). Then paramedics took over (at least six of them, I forget exactly how many). He was still unresponsive when he was wheeled out of the casino. Paramedics must have done something even more amazing than they did when I was watching, because they brought him back.
And now he’s just...giving up. And I don’t know whether “angry” is the right word. I’m definitely upset. I haven’t been able to process whether that means angry, or just sad, or...just a feeling of “it was all for nothing.”
There’s definitely sadness. There’s also happiness that, if this is his choice, at least I was a part of giving him time to say the things he wants to say to people before he dies.
Before his scooter was picked up yesterday afternoon, it was a reminder every time I saw it. The machine he was playing will always be a reminder.
Tangent time. Because I need to put my head a little bit straighter by remembering a time there WAS a happy ending (as far as I know).
Just like I can never visit the Hungry Bear Restaurant at Disneyland without thinking of the time I was a lead checking on an ice cream cart outside of the restaurant and heard a radio call that First Aid was responding to the restaurant for a child not breathing. I went up to assist with crowd control only to find that the only cast member around was the Custodial cast member who had called it in, and I realized “I’m the guy wearing a tie, and everyone is staring at me, so I guess that means I’m in charge until First Aid gets here. Crap.”
I loudly told the custodial cast member (loudly to snap her out of her shocked state -- she was still holding the radio to her mouth and hadn’t moved since I got up there) to get everyone 20 feet back and to clear a way through for First Aid. She jumped into action and got it done (I think I only got about 10 feet of clearance, but she got an aisle open for First Aid, so she did a great job having to control a crowd that size by herself when crowd control isn’t her normal job function).
I grabbed the kid (and this was back when CPR included mouth-to-mouth) so I reached in to check for obstructions, and had to dig his tongue out of his throat. About 30-seconds of old-school CPR (mouth-to-mouth alternating with chest compressions) and he was coughing and losing the blue tint to his face (it strikes me now how I distinctly remember this kid being blue, but the scooter guy being purple).
Once he came to, his mom picked him up and started to walk away. I asked where she was going, and she said “I promised him I’d take him on Splash Mountain.” I had to stand in her way and tell her she wasn’t going anywhere until First Aid got there and made sure the kid was okay.
A week later, there was a probably 14 year old boy who wasn’t breathing and, once again, I was the closest lead, so I went, thinking “Not again” -- trying to save someone’s life is STRESSFUL -- and found this teenager unresponsive in a pool of THICK vomit. I was grossed out, but...in those situations, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Fortunately for me, one of my managers got there just before I started, yanked me up, and told me to wait backstage (this was by the Kodak boot near It’s a Small World, so I went back to the break room in the Storybook Land boat storage and just...cried). He never told me how it turned out, and I didn’t ask. But he knew how stressed I was after the first one (I had to go backstage to write a statement, but even after I wrote it, I needed about another hour before I was with it enough to go onstage).
Sorry for the aside, but...situations like this stick with you (or at least with me). Knowing that someone’s life could be in my hands and that they may die in my arms is stressful as heck, and those situations (again, at least for me), are things I cannot forget.
I’m sad that it’s going to end this way for the guy we referred to as “scooter guy” while he was in the casino (none of us knew him, and I’d never seen anyone play slot machines in a scooter before -- not that there’s anything wrong with that, and none of us said “scooter guy” in a derogatory way; we just didn’t know him and it was the way we described him so other workers would know who we were talking about -- I worked at Disneyland so I’m used to scooters, just not in this job; we now know his name so we don’t call him “scooter guy” anymore but I don’t want to use his name in a public post), but I know none of it is something to feel guilty about -- I did what I had to do under the circumstances, but I’m just really bummed that there is no happy ending coming. But that is his decision to make (hopefully after discussing it with family, but even if he didn’t, it’s his life/death to deal with as he chooses). But it almost feels like him refusing surgery is tantamount to him committing suicide. And I’m really bummed out by that. I cried a few times overnight. And I’m still not sure which part of what I’m feeling caused it. I think it’s mostly sadness, but there’s also the selfish reason that “in the end, what I did may have made a short-term difference, but in the long run it meant nothing.”
And I’m also upset that I feel that way. What it means to him and his family, I will probably never know. So part of me just wants to just let it go but...I became personally invested in this (which may have been my mistake). Why should I feel bad for someone who is going out the way he wants to go? His body, his choice. I’ve been on tumblr long enough to know this.
 But there is that element of “unintentional betrayal,” I guess one would call it. He has no idea who I am. I only know his name, and didn’t know it until after. But it’s his life,and his call to make.
I’ll be okay in the end, knowing that I tried in every way I could, including calling others who were better-equipped to help than I was. But in the short term, this is gonna be hitting me pretty hard.
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A Snake’s Truth: A Sweet Pea x OC FanFic. My Reaction After 1 Year.
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There will be spoilers in this so if you want to read it before or at all here is a link:
A Snake's Truth
One paragraph is about one chapter
My first book with a cast and and Epigraph. I know how dark this book is and yet still no tigger warning, that's a shame. *Note the salty vibes I'm giving myself.* But there is a before you read warning in the first chapter, so it's something. She's Penny Peabody's daughter. She's thinking Cheryl killed Jason. She told FP what she saw. Sweet Pea has her back.
Roxy acting like a leader. FP is kinda protective of her. She doesn't know her father. She's grounded. FP has decided to go sober amd is asking her help to clean up the trailer to get her out of her trailer. Penny and her just got into another fight. FP was arrested for Jason Blossom's murder.
Roxy doesn't believe the confession. Clifford Blossom committed suicide. Penny drunkenly kicked her out. Fangs just told her Sweet Pea is in love with her.
Sweet Pea knows about the abuse. Welcome to Southside High Jughead Jones. Jughead went to Penny and Roxy is pissed.
Jughead got beat up. Penny won't sign the emancipation papers. He knows that Penny was also her pimp and that's where the chapter ends.
Jackson? I don't remember writing that. She's gonna go on a date with Sweet Pea. Roxpea is their ship name. They ran out of snack and went to go get more and ran in Archie. They kissed, Roxy and Sweet Pea did.
They are officially dating. Serpents are going to war with Archie for pulling a gun on Sweet Pea and Roxy. Sweet pea asked her to stand back. Jackson is her twin brother. She's having a break down because she thought she sounded like her mother. So she's dying her hair purple. Jughead is getting initiated. And it is out, Alice Cooper used to be a serpent.
Time for the Gaulet. Betty broke up with Jughead. Jughead passed. They alway end up getting interrupted. They had sex. Toni and Fangs are giving the two shit about it. FP called her. The raid, her and Jughead were able to get out.
FP is her father. Tall Boy just said so. She went to go yell at her mom, then to go see FP. Penny murdered Jackson. FP made a promise to stay sober after his release. Roxy is racing the Ghoulies.
Archie called the cops on her race and she's pissed. Archie also now has a black eye. Jughead thinks running drugs for Penny is one time thing.
Roxy is telling him what to expect. This chapter is kinda cringey. She's telling her mom to fuck off again.
They didn't take her advice, FP is getting out. FP just got out of prison.
She's moving in with Jughead and FP. She's changing her last name to Jones. FP is also going to try to get custody of her. Talking about thr retirement party for FP.
FP broke his promise at the retirement party. She staying at Sweet peas until he gets his shit together. FP won't sign the emancipation papers unless he sees Roxy. To take down a penny Peabody. Everyone knows she killed her son.
Roxy just said that she ever sees her mother again she's going to kill her. She is permanently living with sweet pea now. He went back to AA.
Southside high's officially closed. Now they went to Riverdale High School and then shit hit the fan. When Reggie has to be worn that Roxy is the most violent serpent. I'm pretty sure Sweet peas just there to hold Roxy down until it's time to let Roxy fight someone.
The beginning of the sword and serpents but Roxy has a condition no Betty or any northsider. She has a headache and it makes her want to kill her brother because he's being annoying. Roxy is going to kill Reggie because he just cat called her. She got a suspension, Toni tried to stop her but failed but then again she didn't try very hard. FP is just happy that she didn't pull her knife out on him.
The Pickens day protest. Sheriff Keller stop by. She's going to her mom's old trailer after school. She may or may not have run down her trailer. She went to the mayor's office with Jughead. Penny is back.
She exposed her mother to the whole entire South side serpents. Toni punched penny. Seen her almost kill Penny scared the shit out of FP. so she was at the junkyard relieving some anger but hitting things with a baseball bat and she found the head.
Looks like Hiram Lodge doesn't like Roxy. Cheryl's going to go talk to Roxy eventually. Jughead said that he looks to The client list that she gave him and FP looks like he's formulating a kill list.
FP just admitted a lot of things to Jughead. Like how he feels guilty about all this shit happening Roxy and Jackson. Jughead is worried about Roxy. Sweet pea is worried too. Sweet Pea talk to her and he thinks she's planning something that will get her hurt. Toni think she's. trying to protect them. Cheryl blossom came to talk to Roxy. And that night Cheryl blossom and wants to be came unexpected friends.
Sweet pea and Roxy had a fight about what happened. And then skip to the scene where everyone chains themselves to Southside High. Sweet Pea got sick. Cheryl is missing.
Oh shit. Roxy is going hard on Betty. Roxy found out chic killed someone and dragged her family into the mess and she's pissed but she's not going to snitch. And she's spitting out truth to Betty. Jughead is completely missing the point.
Alice came to her trailer to thank her. And she just said that I don't approve of the verbal beating you gave Betty but in my serpent days I would have agreed with you. Midge Klump's death. The rumor of Midge cheating on the bulldog with a serpent. People finding out it was fangs. Fangs being arrested. Then shot and then Roxy sneaking out in the back door of the hospital to where no one notices her leaving. She went to go see her mom. And she's making a deal with Penny. And they made a deal a life for a life Penny loses she dies in the Ghoulies are out of Riverdale forever but if Roxy loses the Ghoulies get Riverdale.
The final chapter. As far as everyone knows fangs is dead. Roxy does walk into the bar bloody and announcing that Penny Peabody is dead. Fangs is actually alive. Everyone made her go to the ER. Roxy is officially the new Serpent Queen. I forgot I made that change in the story, in this fanfic I made Fred Andrews when the election. In the end everything was good.
Overall, not my favorite story. This is one of the stories that was like run on drama and trauma.I'm pretty sure I was originally going to bring back Jackson and that would have been a little more chaotic too. So im going to give it 6/10.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, October 26
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover Story: Death Mysteries -- Whitney Houston autopsy cover-up; Kenny Rogers’ body is missing 
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Page 2: Reba McEntire’s new romance with Rex Linn convinced Kelly Clarkson she needed to walk away from her unhappy marriage -- while Reba’s love life was heating up Kelly’s relationship with husband Brandon Blackstock who is Reba’s former stepson was hitting the rocks and Kelly remained very close with Reba and Reba would tell her how happy Rex had made her
Page 3: Control freak Tom Cruise is a basket case after he couldn’t charm Cher into leaving their steamy fling out of her upcoming memoir and the image-conscious actor was so panicky over Cher spilling their sexy secrets that he personally called her -- they had a strong physical attraction when they met at a White House event back in the ‘80s and eventually they hooked up and it was very hot and very intense and over in a matter of weeks but it left a nice impression on Cher so she only has good things to say about their relationship but what happened between them could prove very embarrassing if it got out and Tom doesn’t want that to happen -- unfortunately for Tom Cher wouldn’t say anything about what she intends to write and wouldn’t promise to leave Tom out and that’s made Tom even more paranoid and he’s wondering if he’s going to have to take legal action
Page 4: Kanye West is keeping a secret divorce diary to use against wife Kim Kardashian and its potential dishy dirt has her famous family quaking in their boots -- Kanye’s convinced Kim’s about the kick him to the curb and is putting together collateral to crush her and her family is the couple spirals into a $2.2 billion divorce, Jennifer Garner at 48 is flaunting her best body ever and her motivation is to compete with ex-husband Ben Affleck’s 32-year-old girlfriend Ana de Armas because Jen was tired of hearing how Ben’s fallen head over heels for Ana and wanted to remind him what he’s missing -- Jen’s always been very confident of her looks but she decided to step out of mom mode to remind everyone how hot she still is 
Page 5: Devastated Lisa Marie Presley has been relying on an old pal Smashing Pumpkins rocker Billy Corgan to repair her shattered life in the wake of the suicide of her son -- Lisa Marie and Billy were spotted together at Graceland not long ago and he’s been a huge source of support for her -- though they were rumored to have had a romance in 2018 Billy’s fully committed to his baby mama fashion designer Chloe Mendel and Lisa Marie would like nothing better for them to make beautiful music again but she knows he’s taken and she needs his friendship more than ever. 
Page 6: Ambitious anchor Gayle King is calling the shots at CBS This Morning after executive producer Diana Miller quit in the latest backstage shake-up; there was tension between Gayle and Diana and now Diana is gone -- it’s like the show gave Gayle the keys to the car and even if she runs it into a ditch the network gives her more power -- Gayle also clashed with former co-host Norah O’Donnell who successfully snagged the anchor chair at CBS Evening News but Norah hasn’t wowed in the ratings and it’s a matter of time before Gayle gets the coveted job 
Page 7: The mystery over the fate of country great Kenny Rogers’ body has left his own family members in the dark -- sources close to the singer said he’d been cremated while others charged his body is still on ice and Kenny’s body is missing as far as most people are concerned and there’s no place fans can go and pay their respects -- it’s most likely he’s been cremated and the ashes have yet to be scattered but there have also been whispers in certain circles that he could have been cryogenically frozen to preserve his body for a later date, many of Hollywood’s biggest names are abandoning Tinseltown to escape the COVID-19 pandemic and a collapsing entertainment industry -- Julia Roberts hightailing it to San Francisco and Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson getting citizenship in Greece and Pierce Brosnan put his Malibu mansion on the market and Jim Cameron is peddling his prized L.A. compound
Page 8: Frustrated Jon Stewart’s plans to reinvent himself as the next Steven Spielberg have flopped and he’s pretty unhappy about it and he wants to be viewed as a respected serious filmmaker but he’s hit more roadblocks than he ever saw as a comedian or talk show host -- he was left fuming when Irresistible his latest outing as a director was met by mediocre reviews and limited to pay-per-view and streaming services last summer even with box office draw and best buddy Steve Carell in the cast -- he could snap his fingers and get any TV project but he’s setting his sights much higher and he’s walked away from millions of dollars to go back to TV because he wants to prove he is a creative force in the film industry 
Page 9: Frustrated Brad Pitt is threatening to have ex Angelina Jolie dragged to jail if she refuses to end her harassment campaign against him and hash out a divorce and custody agreement and he’s had it with Angie’s intimidation tactics and is fed up with being labeled a bad dad and it’s no exaggeration to say Brad’s scared of Angie and he wants professional witnesses around them at all times when he attempts to see their children but for Brad though it would be the ultimate revenge to see Angie led away in handcuffs, Nashville legend Travis Tritt is trying to keep up with country music’s up-and-comers by getting a lift from plastic surgery and recent photos show the 57-year-old almost unrecognizable with a line-free face and skin as tight as a drum -- Travis is getting ready to put out his first album of new music in more than ten years and it’s hard to blame the guy when he’s completing against singers 30 years younger 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Julia Garner got a touch-up on the Staten Island set of Inventing Anna, Reverend Run visited a mural of slain Run-DMC bandmate Jam Master Jay in NYC’s Hollis Queens, Vanessa Paradis and daughter Lily-Rose Depp in Paris
Page 11: Lovestruck Chrissy Metz is already talking marriage and babies with newly unveiled beau Bradley Collins but she has a history of falling for guys fast which has previously been a recipe for heartbreak and while nobody’s doubting Bradley’s intentions there’s a lot of confusion about why they kept their romance totally hidden until now, the devastating fire that tore through Rachael Ray’s home has made her reassess her life and she and husband John Cusimano are now considering adopting a baby -- losing so many of their possessions in the fire made them realize they weren’t all that important anyway so they bulldozed the house and are rebuilding and the word is they’ll add a nursery
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Danny Trejo cuddled a rescue pup (picture), Lizzo is the first plus-sized Black woman to ever grace the cover of Vogue but pulling off the shoot was a challenge with most designers unable to find clothes that fit her, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are very private and they’re livid with Lance Bass after he confirmed that they had another baby, when he was NBC’s biggest star Matt Lauer conducted almost every high-profile interview and now editors and doing a lot of cropping and zooming to preserve archived footage while removing Matt 
Page 14: Crime 
Page 15: Rock guitar god Eddie Van Halen who tragically died after a brave battle with cancer wanted to be buried with one of his Frankenstrat guitars that he created to define his signature sound -- Eddie felt like he owed his whole life to that instrument and he loved that thing as much as his family, Perez Hilton dished he kissed notorious skirt-chaser John Mayer in a New York nightclub and the lip-lock happened right in front of John’s then girlfriend Jessica Simpson who didn’t seem to know whether she was incredibly embarrassed or really turned on
Page 16: Cover Story -- explosive new autopsy evidence proves superstar Whitney Houston didn’t have to die -- eight years after she passed mysteries about her final moments and blatant blunders at the death scene point to murder and a shocking coverup and now investigators are demanding a new probe into the 2012 tragedy in a Los Angeles hotel bathroom and for Whitney’s body to be exhumed -- a private eye believes the autopsy proves Whitney was murdered but the case was never pursued because she was dismissed as a druggie and she was marginalized by law enforcement as a dead drug user 
Page 18: American Life
Page 19: Horror movie legend John Saxon’s family started battling over his fortune even before he passed on July 25 -- in legal papers filed in May his son Antonio claimed the actor’s third wife Gloria Martel had been pocketing money against John’s wishes, Netflix faces criminal charges in Texas over the controversial film Cuties -- according to court documents a Tyler County grand jury indicted Netflix claiming it knowingly promoted visual material that depicts the lewd exhibition of the private parts of a clothed or partially clothed child younger than 18 -- Netflix said in a statement that Cuties is a social commentary about the sexualization of young children and this charge is without merit 
Page 20: Suzanne Somers recently cheated death when she and husband Alan Hamel fell down a flight of stairs at their Palm Springs home and although Alan wasn’t seriously injured the terrifying spill left Suzanne in agony with two displaced vertebrae and forced her to undergo delicate neck surgery but she said the surgery went off without a hitch and promised she is on the mend, Hollywood Hookups -- Sofia Richie has unfollowed Scott Disick on Instagram, Zac Efron hopes to marry Vanessa Valladares, Sharon Stone and Mindy Kaling are both on the market 
Page 21: Twelve years after she was placed under conservatorship Britney Spears remains unable to sign her own name on official documents -- Britney recently made moves asking to allow a different financial group to step in and help run her life as well as gain more freedom but lawyer Andrew Wallet said Britney to this day does not have the capacity to sign documents and make decisions for herself and she is susceptible to undue influences, the audience for the Saturday Night Live season premiere came away with more than just a few yuks they also received $150 because to get around New York State pandemic guidelines SNL gave each guest a parting gift of $150 paychecks as if they were employees, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may soon have a new neighbor in heavy metal maniac Tommy Lee -- the drummer was recently spotted checking out a $2.3 million three-acre plot next to the rogue royals’ $14 million home in Montecito and he was obviously pumped about living there but building the tattooed rocker’s home would mean tons of truck traffic and hopefully Harry and Meghan don’t get upset with the building work he’s planning 
Page 22: ABC is reeling from a barrage of allegations from employees and on-air talent who’ve blasted it as a toxic and racist working environment -- the network which is owned by the family-friendly Walt Disney Corporation was rocked when Sunny Hostin the popular co-host of The View accused company executives of institutional and personal racism in her memoir and in later interviews about the book
Page 26: Lonely country singer Kenny Chesney is looking to find a new ladylove and is talking about finally settling down for good -- he is unhappily single after his eight-year relationship with model Mary Nolan hit the rocks -- he spends all the time he’s not on the road at his island paradise in Antigua but he misses having a partner and he’s even asked pals Matthew McConaughey and Richard Branson to play matchmaker 
Page 28: America is preparing for World War III as China amps up war games in the South Pacific and readies plans to invade U.S. allies -- military insiders warn China and Russia and their tyrannical accomplices in Iran and North Korea and Syria and Turkey are bracing to launch a coordinated attack against America and the west that could end in nuclear disaster 
Page 36: Health Watch 
Page 38: Rolling Stones guitarist Ron Wood has traded in his debauched days of sex drugs and rock ‘n’ roll for knitting, Rod Stewart revealed there’s a deep freeze between him and former close pal Elton John and that Elton refused his attempts to that things out -- the two ‘70s icons had been friends for decades before Rod blasted Elton’s biopic and his most recent music tour -- when Rod realized he was in the doghouse he tried to bait Elton with a bone for his kids by inviting Elton’s boys Zachary and Elijah to come play soccer with his sons Alistair and Aiden only to be greeted with the sounds of silence 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- The Christian Siriano collection 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Sophie Okonedo in Ratched 
Page 47: Odd List 
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qbrooklyn1056 · 3 years
El angelito que cambió NYC!
The lack of resources when it comes to children should never be an issue. Why is it that rich children get treated so, much better than less fortunate children? Aren't children, children and they all should be loved and tread equally? This is no where near the case for most poor children. The system seems like they fail to protect black and brown babies, like to them its not as important as finding justice for white baby. When describing children, you think of lovable, sweet and some of the smartest little humans you’ll come across. Children are the key to joy some may say and their pure innocence makes up for some of the most hilarious and memories moments. What happens when you have people who use their children innocence for their own personal gains, and the lack of a system making sure putting the safety of children needs at top priority. You get a dead child and a ton of excuses. Either way, 6-year-old Elisa Izquierdo, who would have been 32 years old this year, but instead is resting in Cypress Hills Cemetery. This would be at the hands of the people who she should’ve been most protected by.
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Elisa Izquierdo was born on February 11th 1989, in Brooklyn NY, at Woodhull hospital. She was born to Gustavo Izquierdo, who was a Cuban immigrant dancer, and her mother Awilda Lopez who was Puerto Rican. The pair met in a homeless shelter in Fort Greene Brooklyn, where Izquierdo was a caretaker, and she was a resident of the shelter. Two years into the relationship Lopez got pregnant with Elisa. Izquierdo would break up with Lopez after discovering she was heavy into using crack cocaine, and that was actually part of the reason she was into the shelter anyway. She would lose her two oldest kids to child welfare (Now ACS), the same year Elisa was born. Elisa had crack cocaine in her system and Elisa was permanently place with her father. He made sure she was his world and got her into a good school, but a health condition would interfere with him paying for Elisa schooling. Says the daily news, who covered the whole story throughout the trail.
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Should a parent that had been on drugs get their children back? For most, I would say, Hell No, not untroubled the child is 17 and older. This way the child can fight back or speak up against the abuse if its happening. Plus,, most abuse patents, usually only go after the weak and small, because they can't fight back. Now, the same year her mother claimed to completely drug treatment and had an apartment on Manhattan Lower East side, Rutgers Houses projects. She was now married to a maintenance worker named Carlos Lopez. Lopez was granted unsupervised visits every second weekend. This is where her two oldest siblings would tell family, that Elisa was being abused and lock in a cupboard by their mom and step-dad. (Family members did nothing). While Elisa would return home and begin bedwetting and had scars all over including her genitalia. She would vomit after coming from her mom house and would refuse to go in bathrooms. (Information also provided by the daily news), I don't know about most people, but if a child is showing all these signs, something is very wrong. This is nothing you sweep under a rug this is something the U.S. Marshall's should even be notified of. This little girl was being treated like a human punching bag, all for just being herself. Elisa story should be made into a movie or shown at them programs for people who abuse kids. Should also be shown to new parents, so they can have an understanding of the real world. Even people thinking about having a baby Should see this story, so they know how much work kids are but they may also come to realize they're not ready for a child.
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Her father is the type of dad I believe anybody wouldn't want as a dad or any woman would love to have a baby by him, because of how much he cared and loved his daughter. He was a real standup guy who just wanted the best for his baby girl. He never could imagine that the person he had a baby with, was the devil in the flesh. Himand teacher notice the bruises, and she said she didn’t want to go back to her house ever again. Elisa also, told a social worker what had happened, and Izquierdo tried everything to stop the visitation rights, but the courts said she could continue to see her daughter, but under the conditions she doesn’t hit her child Izquierdo would purchase tickets for Cuba for the date of May 26, 1994, he planned on moving him and Elisa there. He would be rushed to the hospital in May, finding that he had Lung Cancer, he would pass on the same day him and his daughter was supposed to start their new life May 26, 1994. The director of the school still tried to report the mother after the father died because the school was worried. Since he wasn’t there to fight for her anymore. I sometimes wonder why God took him away from that Elisa, because she really needed him at this time, but even though this story is tragic. It's because of Elisa's story a rules and regulations have change when it comes to children.
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This is were we see things get really bad for little Elisa. This is were child welfare dropped the ball over and over. This is were this beautiful little girl will lose her life because everyone around her was dropping the ball. Her mother would get temporary custody after she filed a permanent custody order of Elisa, Izquierdo family would challenge the decision, Lopez lawyer made her seem like a saint, who wasn’t going to use drugs again, and Elisa wanted to be with her biological mother. Judge Phoebe Greenbaum approved permanent custody in September 1994. Elisa was withdrawn from private school and sent to public school 126 in Manhattan. She was said to be “uncommunicative, emotionally disturbed, and urinated often”. Also, the principle at the new school said “Elisa was tearing out hair and walking with difficulty.” In 1995, some ones sent an anonymous letter to child welfare and said Lopez cut off Elisa hair and was locking her in dark rooms. The school kept reporting and child welfare kept saying “Not reportable “due to lack of evidence. The evidence was obviously there. It was supposed to be a caseworker checking on Elisa all the time. Lopez back on drugs and that spring withdrew Elisa from 126 and didn’t enroll her another school. She was in her six child and but Elisa for some reason was always her target. Why wasn't this judge disbarred? This is a slap in the face to any child going through abuse. You are basically giving the abuser a pass to do whatever they want to the child with no consequences. Do you really think that a person on drugs, who beats her child everyday, is going to change overnight? I'm here to tell you absolutely not, Not when they don't even like there own child. I believe a lot of these people should have been brought up on charges and given prison time to show the world we will not tolerate this kind of abuse.
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To imagine this poor little girl being beating and abused by somebody that she hope would protect, turned out to be a monster. The mother was an evil women with real problems, besides drug use. In my opinion she knew exactlywhat she was doing, because she didn'treat all her kids that way or even think about doing half the things she did to Elisato the others. I mean this women made this child. eat her own feces, sexually assaulted with a hairbrush, hair mopped with the floor, and way more horrible things. Carlos Lopez would beat Elisa and the oldest two because they weren’t his. November 22nd. Lopez would phone her sister and says her daughter was “retarded on the bed" and she had fluid coming from her nose and mouth, which was said to be brain fluid. She was told to take her to the hospital and she said “I’ll think about it after she did the dishes.” The next day a neighbor came to see what was going on and told Lopez to call the police and she said “No.” The neighbor did and Lopez talked of committing suicide. She would admit that she threw her daughter into a wall two days prior. The autopsy revealed broken fingers, vaginal tear, burns, welts, and a bone protruding through her skin.
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Elisa story gained lots of media attention and the Newspapers, such as dateline, New York times, and time magazine just to name a few. Everyone was in some way scolding child welfare services for dropping the ball horribly. Judge Phoebe Greenbaum faced a lot of backlash and claimed she followed proper procedures in the case. Then Mayor Rudolph Giulliani would create ACS (Administration for Children Services). Devoted to child welfare, which years down the line would have a lot of similar cases like Elisa. In 1996 then Governor George Pataki signed Elisa's law which is for every agency whether private or city work together to make sure children are safe, and to also protect the child’s privacy or workers in case of any situation with abuse. This is about the need to increase accountability in the city.
This whole situation is just wrong, so many people failed this child and looked the other way. I guess it goes back to what I was asking at the beginning. I believe poverty can play a big part in children not getting enough love and support from their families, because they have to work and make sure things are taking care of. One thing I learned is no matter what, talk to a child and see if anything is going on. Any little sign of anything you confront the situation, you don’t want to wait until it too late to do something about it. Hurting one of most God creatures is absolutely disgusting, and there should be no coming back from that. I wonder if she was from a family with money would child service had taken her case way more serious? The answer most likely is yes. Money talks in this country and the sad part is, people don’t take action until its always too late. One child is too many to lose to child abuse.
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kitkat1092 · 5 years
Camp Camp Theory
Guys! What if David actually adopted all the kids instead of just Max in the Dadvid au. I’m thinking that Max’s parents left him at camp (obviously), Nerris’s mom died from a car accident that lead to her dad becoming extremely depressed and committing suicide, Ered’s dads getting killed on duty, Nikki’s mom abandoning her to go live and mooch off of a rich guy, Neil’s dad getting Quarter sister and AIDS and dies, Nurf’s mom losing custody of him after getting into a prison fight, Space Kid’s family all gets a one way ticket to go to space for life and he can’t go because he’s too young, Harrison’s parents finally cracked under fear and went insane, Dolph’s dad was killed in action, and Preston’s grandmother dies from old age.
Guys, I don’t even remember writing this 😂
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
Bart Corbin: The murders of the dentist:
Bart was a very successful dentist in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and he was married to Jennifer Corbin. Together the couple led a nice life, they owned a beautiful new home, nice new vehicles, and they had two perfect little boys, Dalton and Dillon. The family had the means to take extravagant vacations, like cruises to Italy; everything seemed to be so perfect, on the outside anyways.
Jennifer had not been happy for some time now. She was aware of the affair her husband was having with his secretary. Jen had been lonely, and Bart was not exactly kind; he could be abusive, not only towards Jen, but also their young children.
In January of 2004 Jennifer decided to work on herself, she was determined to get her confidence back. She began working out to lose her extra baby weight, and she picked up a day job working at a church's preschool while the boys were at school. Then Jen's mother surprised her with an online game called EverQuest, mom had been playing it and decided that her daughter might want to join.
Jen was soon obsessed with her gaming, and she and Bart were fighting more than ever; she'd even asked Bart for a divorce!
See, Jen had met someone on EverQuest; his name was Chris, a man from Missouri. They had been sending constant emails, and chatting on the phone at all hours. Jen felt special again, she fell hard and quick; this new couple began making plans for a new life, plans which did not involve Bart Corbin. The dentist, having had his own affairs, quickly picked up on the signs of infidelity.
On Friday, November 10th of 2004, Jennifer's new world game crashing down. Chris couldn't keep up his charade, and admitted that he was really a she. Her name was really Anita Hearn, she was a married mother with children of her own; Jen had been catfished. She was absolutely devastated; Jen told her sister about her affair, and admitted that she still loved her online lover, regardless of the person's gender. The couple were planning to meet on Thanksgiving weekend, and prove their love for one another.
The Corbins spent Thanksgiving at her sister's house; Jennifer seemed happy enough, but Bart was brooding; the dentist had spent most of the holiday locked in the basement. At 6 pm, Bart demanded that it was time they returned home; the dentist made a pit stop at a local grocery store and Jen ran inside real quick. She made the mistake of leaving her phone in the vehicle with Bart, and this is when he found proof of his wife's affair. There were love poems on the device, and Bart confronted Jen immediately. Bart punched Jen right in the face as the boys in the back seat cried. Jen called her father, she and the boys went to stay at his house for a few days.
On Monday, November 29th of 2004, Bart Corbin filed for divorce. The dentist asked for custody of the children and to be awarded all of the couples’ assets, including the home. The very next day, Bart discreetly drove to Troy, Alabama, where he met with his friend Richard Wilson to borrow a .38 Smith & Wesson. He told his friend that Jen had been having an affair and he was afraid for his life. Meanwhile, Bart and Jen's young son had a premonition: the 7 year old child was telling everyone at school that his father was about to kill his mother. Somehow he already knew what was coming.
By December 1st Jen had left her parent's and returned home temporarily, just until she could acquire her own place. When she woke up this morning, Jen found her purse on the floor; her new cell phone, a credit card, and some personal papers were missing. She knew Bart had been in the bedroom as she slept, and that he'd taken her belongings. The couple quarreled, and she called 911; the operator listened as Bart ran over Jennifer's foot with his car. Still Jen refused to press charges; the two decided to try and get along, for the boys sake. Jen wanted peace, but she would never have it.
At 1:45 a.m. on December 4th, Bart's parent's neighbor, Steve, noticed the dentist pull into the driveway of his family's home. Just a few hours later, little Dalton ran to a neighbor's house in his underwear; he was crying, saying that his daddy had killed his mommy. 911 was alerted.
While Jen and the boys slept, Bart had snuck into the house. Using a pillow to muffle the sound, he shot her in the back of the head at point blank range, instantly taking his wife's life. He then pulled Jennifer’s body into a semi-sitting position and placed the gun in her hand, attempting to make the murder look like a suicide. He then left his boys alone in the home to discover their mommy's corpse.
After Jen's murder, Bart didn't even take his boys with him, they were left in the care of Jen's sister. The dentist lawyered up immediately.
This wasn't Bart's first murder. He had gotten away with it years before, and he fully intended to get away with it again.
Nobody left Bart Corbin and survived.
Back in 1987 Dolly Hearn had been enrolled in the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry in Augusta. Her father had been a dentist, and she wanted to walk in his footsteps. Dolly was drop dead gorgeous, she reminds me of a young Delta Burke; she was vivacious, intelligent, and charming. Again, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who disliked this bright young woman. It was in dental college that Dolly met Bart Corbin; they had fallen in love and began spending every waking moment together. Within months Bart had proposed; this took Dolly aback, and she politely declined. The ambitious college student had no intentions of allowing anything to come between her and her dreams, and a man wasn't gonna hold her back. But Bart wouldn't take no for an answer, he pestered her to accept his proposal and he became controlling, domineering. Dolly told several friends of Bart’s obsession with her; friends watched helplessly as Dolly began withdrawing into herself. Finally, she gathered her courage and broke off the relationship.
Bart simply couldn't handle the rejection. At first he begged and pleaded for a second chance, he even threatened suicide. Taking pity on him, Dolly began seeing him again, but not in she serious manner. In November of 1989, Dolly was ready to move on, she broke it off for good. Within days of the break up, bad things began to happen. Dolly was finding different windows and doors in her apartment left open, openings which she was certain had been closed, plus her car was vandalized. She knew it was all Bart's doing, and she did report it to police. Still, Dolly's heart was too big; she was aware that pressing charges would ruin Bart's career before it even began, so she dropped the charges. But Bart didn't stop here, he began stealing her dental tools, messing with her contact lens solution, he even stole her beloved cat, Tabitha! Then he ruined Dolly's senior project, a set of dentures which she'd been painstakingly working on throughout the year to make perfect; suddenly this bright young woman was flunking out of dental school. Bart wouldn't stop, and Dolly became so afraid that she borrowed her father's gun for protection.
Wednesday, June 6th of 1989 started out like any other: Dolly went about her usual routine, and Bart called her; she hadn't been home long when a friend knocked on her apartment door. Said friend came into the apartment, and noticed a man standing alone in the dark bathroom; sadly this friend didn't say anything to Dolly about it. They thought that Dolly must know he was there, and maybe she hadn't wanted anyone to know she had a man over. If only this friend had said something, Dolly might still be alive.
Later that day, Dolly’s roommate came home to find her sitting slumped over on the couch, covered in blood; a .38 revolver was laying in her lap. Despite the harassment, despite the fact that everyone said she would never commit suicide, police deemed the death a suicide. For the next 15 years there would be no justice for Dolly. When his first victim's parents heard of Jen's demise, they promptly contacted Jen's family. They immediately knew that Bart had done it again, and these two families who had never met before suddenly had a very strong bond; together they were determined to get justice for the women in Bart's life. Dolly's case was finally reopened, and police realized that the college student had not shot herself.
At Christmas of 2004, Bart was finally indicted for the murder of Dolly Hearn, and the next month he was charged with killing his wife. Thankfully the man who had given Bart the gun just a week prior to the murder came forward; because of this Bart plead guilty to the murders of his wife and former girlfriend. There dentist was sentenced to two concurrent life sentences and will be eligible for parole in late 2020.
There's actually a third murder in which Bart was suspected, a colleague and an acquaintance.
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Jennifer’s sister, Heather Tierney, has officially adopted Dalton and Dillon. She has raised them alongside her own children. They are reportedly doing well. 17 years after her murder, Dolly Hearn was posthumously granted her Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree.
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alright after answering questions all day I have a few of my own for your sweet characters :) So, what is your characters primary source of comfort when something's wrong (do they like to be held or talked to or have their hair played with or what?) and also like have any of them ever lost anyone close to them?
Source of Comfort:
Madix: He just likes having people there with him, even in the same room is good. Just knowing that he isn’t alone is all he wants.
Riley: He’s really into touch-based comfort. He likes when Madix touches their heads together, or rubs his stomach, or tangles his fingers in his hair.
Dakota: Also likes touch, especially on his back. There’s something about not being able to do that to himself that makes him feel like people actual care about him. It’s why he likes when Blair scratches or traces on his back.
Blair: She likes big long hugs where she’s enveloped, and the world is blocked out. Dakota is great for this because he’s big and cuddly. She feels completely safe with him.
Micah: He feels comforted with familiar things. Smells and sensation that make him feel safe help him stay calm. So, wearing Alexi’s clothes helps him or just smelling something that reminds him of the good people in his life. 
Alexi: Being distracted provides comfort. Getting his mind off whatever is bothering him is helpful, even if it’s not great in the long-term. When things get serious, he just likes knowing that he’s not crazy for having certain reactions.
Mateo: He actually likes being alone when things get tough because he’s comfortable with himself. Also, showing intense emotions around people makes him feel awkward.
Shawn: He likes having people talk to him, reassuring words or just comforting non-sense. Sometimes using logic is helpful, like making things predictable and easy to digest.
 Lost someone close? Trigger Warning: Homophobia, transphobia, addiction, suicide mention. 
Madix: Not really? Unless grandparents count, but that’s how life goes.
Riley: So, when Riley came out as gay, it caused a huge rift between him and his family. He basically never talks to either of his sisters, or his mom, and it’s touchy with his dad who just blindly follows his mom. Not technically losing a person, but they’re not in his life anymore.
Dakota: He doesn’t even know if his mom is alive because his dad got custody when his sister and he were really young. His mom was violent and an addict, so he also technically lost her.
Blair: Nope.
Micah: Micah is Riley’s cousin. Their moms are sisters, so the homophobia (and transphobia!) was a problem for him. He lost that whole side of his family, but thankfully his stepdad was supportive and divorced that bitch.
Alexi: No
Mateo: Nah.
Shawn: One of his highschool friends committed suicide in his 11th grade because of depression.
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goddesslunaris · 5 years
My life story
I don't have the right to be sad. My friends are going through much worse. One of them tried to kill himself a few months ago over another of our friends actually killing themselves. Another has a very bad home life and is being watched by cps and vapes. Another is 16 and pregnant while with a 22 year old man. Another is so obsessed over her boyfriend that sje actually ran away from her own home to live with him, she cuts her body amd says that her parents at home do this.
And then there's me, an angsty, angry, depressed, anxious, ptsd infested teen who is lazy beyond belief and quits everything she loves doing because of her "episodes". Here is a little background history of me:
-sinxe kindergarten i was bullied terribly. Very very terribly
-when my dad was alive him and my mom would argue in front of me, he would insult her and call her a stupid bitch
-my mom was stuck in an abusive relationship for 4 years before she saw my dad again. This was back before they got married.
-dad suffered from an abusive dad and burned himself with cigarettes. He blamed my now dead grandma for that.
-my grandma died about 2 years ago, i left the hospital after saying my final words. I find out after i get home that grandma passed away, she woke up, smiled, Then closed her eyes for the last time.
-before this, 3 years ago, my dad died from copd and health issues. I found his corpse on the ground in him and my mom's room
-he was white, purple in places. I felt his corpse, it was freezing
-i suffered verbal abuse from him the sicker he got. I knew he didn't mean it, but it still hurt.
-my mom is a workaholic, rushes when doing groceries because dad was very impatient
-she'a so thin, you can literally see her arms, legs, and ribs. Her thighs are virtually non-existent
-her old jobs treated her horribly
-i get annoyed easily and lash out at her which makes me feel even more terrible.
-but that would make my mom even more sad, she can't lose me too.
-she said she would kill herself if i was gone
-i am a piece of shit
-i was WATERBOARDED by the kids in my old neighborhood when i was 11
-kept Diaries with plans and thoughts to commit murder on those who wronged me.
-held a knife to my wrist when i was younger, but couldn't cut myself, was too scared.
-i had 2 terrible boyfriends. One of them left me because i'm an atheist
-the other left me because i wouldn't sleep with him. He was 18 i was 15.
-i stopped hurting mom and grandma physically  but verbally i hurt them and it makes me even more sad.
-my close friend is only 16 and she does meth and doesn't have custody of her and her 22 year old's baby, appley. Now she has anither child on the way and does drugs still. She was a theif and a pathological liar, still is.
-my friend kyle has dropped off the radar, won't amswer my texts or calls, the last we talked we had a small spat over my, now ex, boyfriend. I broke up with my ex and told him, but he didn't answer, it'a been a year and 8 months since i last spoke to him.
-he had a girlfriend and a child, but they were killed by a mugger. His home life is bad, and he smokes weed. A close friend of his committed suicide, he told me about his gf and baby when me, him, and our friend jeremy were hanging out behind main event and being teens.
-my life is unfulfiling, constantly bored and stuck with nothing but my thoughts. Money is tight and my mom's job is kinda rocky at the moment.
Compared to me, those i hold dear have it worse I DON'T DESERVE TO BE SAD. I DON'T DESERVE TO BE HAPPY. i don't deserve anything
@theegolover1 @slasher-beware
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littlemissrainhoe · 5 years
It’s finally here! Here’s my piece for the BNHA Flash Bang. It’s an Asylum AU where UA is an asylum and BNHA Canon is just Izuku’s hallucination. Needless to say, this is pretty dark so please take heed of the warnings carefully. Read at AO3 for some story notes.
Many thanks to @bnhaflashbang for organizing this bang and to @creativebluegalaxy for working on the wonderful art for this fic! ^^
Title: corrupted lens; [AO3 link]
Summary: Midoriya Izuku’s life changes when the Number One Hero tells him he can be a hero. Taken as his protégé, Izuku trains under All Might and manages to get into UA—the best hero school in the world! But that is just the beginning, for a big evil is rising from the shadows, threatening the world of heroes.
(Aizawa Shouta is tired. Of all his current patients at Ulysses Asylum, no one gives him more sleepless nights than Midoriya Izuku, the boy who was kidnapped and tortured by the infamous serial killer All Might—the boy who went missing for ten months and never came back.)
Rating: Teen and Up
Ship: None
Warnings: Mentions of Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Injury, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Kidnapping, Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Stockholm Syndrome and Mentally Ill Characters
When Izuku wakes up, he doesn’t expect to be greeted by the familiar white walls of the infirmary.
He could only blink sluggishly, disoriented as he is, trying to remember what happened before he fell asleep. Did he get injured in another battle simulation? Izuku winces at the thought. If that is indeed the case, then that means he broke his promise again. Didn’t Recovery Girl say she won’t use her quirk on him if he injured himself again? All Might must be so disappoi—
(A body destroyed by a fierce fight, sickly and emaciated, yet still standing tall.)
All… Might…
(An arm stretching outwards, worn from battle but never wavering.)
All Might?
(An ever-present grin, somehow embodying both encouragement and promise.)
Where are you—?
(“You’re next.”)
“All Might!” Izuku screamed.
The sudden influx of memories is nothing short of torturous. Not only do they remind him of the heavy weight of the mantle his mentor has left him to carry, but the fact that the reign of All Might has ended fills him with despair.
One by one and all at once, Izuku can’t tell which emotions emerge and where they end. Anger, sadness, heartbreak—fear like no other. All Might is gone. His hero may not be dead, but already the world feels bleaker; Izuku can feel the gaping hole the Symbol of Peace has left behind deep in his bones.
Izuku can only cry and cry, grieving the loss of his hero. He mourns the man who saved his life, who encouraged his dreams when no one else did, who believed in him no matter what, and who taught him how to live for other’s sake—how to be a hero.
His mom, his teachers, his classmates—not a single one of them believed he could achieve his dreams, that Izuku could be special. One by one, they broke him down, until only a sliver of hope remained.
But All Might gave him a chance, and as hard as his training was, All Might had given him more hope than anyone else has. Now that he’s passing on the baton, Izuku shouldn’t cower—he should bravely answer his call.
Now more than ever, the people need a hero to look up to, to keep them safe; they need a Symbol of Peace. Determined, he bats away the fear and loneliness that restrains him from moving forward.
With All Might’s power residing in me, I can’t lose.
“… to break curfew but Kacchan was in danger, Sensei. We had to save him, and it was the only way…”
“We managed to put him under.”
Shouta looks up at Shuuzenji-san’s entrance, pausing the video. Her usually immaculate hairdo’s in disarray, probably from rushing to Midoriya’s room. Shouta was just watching the recording of yesterday’s session when Midoriya, who was asleep, suddenly started screaming.
“Hopefully, this doesn’t happen again,” she continues, “but if he wakes up this violently once more, we’d have no choice but to restrain him in his sleep too.”
“Did he hurt himself?”
“No, but he did manage to punch the orderlies holding him down and wake the other residents.” She eyes him sternly. “Speaking of sleep, when was the last time you had some, young man?”
Shouta sighs, fully aware of what she sees. The panda eyes, the scruffy face, the littered coffee cups and strewn out sleeping bag—the room has all the evidence for a typical Aizawa Overnighter. He’s been up for almost 57 hours, but she doesn’t have to know that. He just has to last a few more hours before he can finally pass out.
“Had no choice,” he grunts, resolutely turning back to the computer. “Someone has to keep an eye on Ward 1A before the patients try to break out again.”
He hears her sigh behind him but she doesn’t argue further as she sits next to him. It’s hard to put up too much fuss when this is already the second incident this week. Patients escaping is already a cause for alarm, but a mentally-unstable criminal breaking into their facility? Even worse. No one even realized he was in the building until the guards were alerted that someone unauthorized was attempting to access Midoriya’s room.
Shouta clenches his fist, immediate anger springing up at the thought of the vile man. Hasn’t he destroyed that boy’s life enough?
When Shouta first took Midoriya Izuku as his patient, he never thought it would be easy—but he never expected it to be this hard.
Shouta first heard about Midoriya in the news, whose case had blown up in the media. A fourteen-year-old boy who vanished on his way home from school, the police were notified of his disappearance a full week after he went missing—and only because Midoriya’s teacher called his mother to inquire about his absence. By then, it was assumed the boy committed suicide after evidence of bullying and domestic violence (to which Midoriya Inko is currently serving jail time for) came to light. But when investigators found no body, the missing boy’s estranged father Midoriya Hisashi insisted on continuing the search.
That’s when the letters started to appear.
Signed by All Might—the serial killer most known for the Musutafu Massacre where he videotaped himself laughing as he set off multiple bombs placed under a commercial district, killing hundreds and injuring more—the case got more notorious. For the first time since his apparent “retirement” five years ago, the criminal once again resurfaced like the boogeyman. He sent pictures and videos of him “training” Midoriya to become his “successor”, laughing menacingly as he repeatedly abused the boy, both physically and sexually, until he passed out.
It took ten months before they found him, and even then All Might was already long gone. Evidence of malnutrition, incorrectly-healed bones, head trauma, multiple lacerations, and fresh traces of semen were found on Midoriya. After his brief stint at Musutafu General Hospital, he was immediately placed in Ulysses Asylum (better known as ‘UA’) by his father, in the hopes of his son’s recovery.
Shouta immediately knew something was strange during their first session. Midoriya’s eyes were slightly unfocused, despite the sedatives having already left his system. He spoke of “quirks” as special abilities instead of behavioral habits, of becoming a “hero” and defeating “villains”—concepts that Shouta knew to be fantasy but Midoriya believed as truth. It’s like his brain has been completely rewritten to view the world as a superpowered society—like a corrupted lens that obscures his eyes from the full truth.
Though he’s aware of his surroundings to a point, his brain filters any fact that doesn’t align with its version of reality. Midoriya would talk fondly about his abusive mother making him his favorite food, gush about his kidnapper helping him make his dreams come true, about the patients in Ward 1A and how they’re all training to become heroes.
Midoriya Izuku views the world like a comic book where he is its protagonist—the once powerless boy who will become the greatest hero. After the abuse and trauma he experienced, it’s the only way his brain could cope.
Aside from that and a self-sacrificing streak that borders on self-harm, there’s technically nothing wrong with him. During his stay, he’s managed to demonstrate his high IQ, make friends, and encourage a few tight-lipped patients to open up more. Though there’s been little progress in realigning Midoriya’s “worldview”, the fact that he’s responding well to his stay here is already a big leap forward.
That is until five days ago, when All Might broke into UA. More than ten people in the staff were injured driving that lunatic away from Midoriya, including Yamada, who Shouta usually switches shifts with. Hence, the ridiculous overtime.
At least the bastard’s finally in police custody, Shouta thinks, recalling the reveal of the man’s identity on the news. As unbiased as he should be, seeing Yagi Toshinori in cuffs brings both relief and vicious satisfaction. It’s a big cause for celebration everywhere—to finally have the monster responsible for many murders right where he belongs.
But that doesn’t mean all is well.
Seeing Yagi must have triggered something in Midoriya; why else would he have tried to escape after months of clean behavior? And now it seems like he’s beginning to act out even more. The only question is why.
Shouta sighs. The Midoriya on the screen just looks at him beseechingly, wrapped up in the straitjacket they put him in after leading an escape attempt with some of the other patients.
This problem child will be the death of him.
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mexamix · 6 years
Trigger Warning
Suicide, Guilt, Death, Toxic Relationship, Counseling, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, PTSD, Dissociation, Sexual Assualt.
1) I do need a professional counselor or therapist
2) This past weekend proved it - March of 2019
3) I will find one in my own time
4) This will not be coherent (most likely)
5) I don't need to talk here, needed to write.
6) I quit my job of over 5.5 years, on a whim, over this weekend, because even in my mental state I knew it wasn't good for me. But I hurt the people I was trying to not to
Tumblr has been and always will be a happy place for me - I understand that it's not for everyone, and it's the least furthest thing from perfect. But it's how I found who I feel to be the love of my life. It's where I can make new friends with a simple hello, and we don't have to talk every day, and that's okay. It's where I can express and explore every part of myself, and I can be safe. I can love myself as much as I want, explore mental health, become aware of different perspectives, and have my eyes opened to how the world and the people around me are hurting. It has the potential to be an incredible place for every walk of life.
And on this blog, the one that started it all, I feel safe to write posts like this.
I have had a happy life. Raised by wonderful people. Live in a quiet town that actually raised me to believe that I could do anything I put my mind to. I love to travel. When I have a job, any job, I give it my all. I am also ridiculously creative, in so many ways, you should hear the mental list of ideas I have. I finally found exercise I like. I love to cook. I have many wonderful friends from all different walks of life. Graduated college "on time." Loved by everyone, and if I'm not, please let me make it right. Don't be mad at me. Please don't hate me. Please don't leave me.
I have no control. It was too much.
I am always growing and learning - in fact, I am so "grown up," I recently friended everyone on Facebook at once! Old friends that I'm ecstatic are doing well, mended broken fences, I even forgave my parents! My mom of all people! Everything is great! I'm finally feeling like myself again!
Oh she wants to talk. Oh she's liking my pictures. She's commenting. Again and again and again and again and AGAIN FUCK WHY IS HER NAME EVERYWHERE.
My parents divorced when I was a kid. They were "high school sweethearts." Mom never showed up to the custody court hearing. And I've never asked my dad to tell me everything that happened from his perspective.
Because they left me
They abandoned me
They didn't want to raise me
She was never a real fucking mother and I had to see her every other damn weekend.
And the minute I didn't have to legally be in her presence, my dad started bringing over girlfriends that looked just like her.
Acted like her.
Felt like her.
Left the same bad taste in my mouth.
I don't want to be my mother.
I had a wonderful childhood...aced every test, took it semi-okay (not really) when I didn't get good a good grade in college, but still graduated with honors! I can live anywhere I want with my experience and degree!
Oh but my grandparents have a lot of health issues.
My boyfriend will move up here and leave everything...for me.
why do I have to leave? This safe little town, it has so many good memories, we can have a life here, I can buy a house, I can have the CLASSIC AMERICAN DREAM. I CAN WORK EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK WITH NO TIME FOR MYSELF OR LOVED ONES. I CAN FIX IT. NOTHING'S WRONG.
I love to travel and I want to see the world - financially I cannot.
I was raised by my grandparents. They are my true parents. They love and support me no matter what. I was raised in a loving household. With good Christian values. But everyone hated my beliefs in high school, part of who I am. And I thought traditional was best. Why don't you drink? Oh you can't be GAY that's WRONG aren't you a GOOD CHRISTIAN GIRL. Ewww you are way too clingy, back the fuck off, we're just friends, I don't *actually* like you. Why don't you let loose??? Have some fun! Be like us!
Why are you hanging out with that boy who said he likes you? Dude sure you had a wonderful first date, but do you know him?? He has NONE of the same interests as you! So what if he seems like a great guy!! Listen to us!!!!! WE KNOW BEST.
I wished I had just been friends with my "first" boyfriend. I wish we had never kissed. I wish I hadn't clung onto him because he was the first guy to supposedly not care how clingy he was.
I was sexually assaulted in high school. I had pushed my friends away, and I didn't know what to do. Or who to tell. No one else would like me, right?
I should've just been his friend.
My wonderful boyfriend and I recently had our five year anniversary - half of that was long distance. I live in a fairy tale!! He's got some giant surprise for me!! What's it going to be?? A trip? A proposal? A house? I get to meet every celebrity I follow????? All of the above?????
I am a highly sensitive person. I see details and patterns.
I work hard to have a good life.
I am not upper class, in fact if I lost my grandparents, I'd be "lower class" compared to society standards. But I like nice things, fancy things, shiny things, pretty things, let me spend all if my money because shopping is happy!!!! I have a job!!! I can buy whatever I want because I KNOW BEST and I HAVE MONEY and what's one more thing to add to the collection??? I'll always have money!!!
I have too much. I have no control. In "real life" I have no money if I lost everything.
Let me buy a house! Let's rent a house! I can DO it I can AFFORD it, it can be an INVESTMENT, I can't have all of the noise, I need pets, I need my own place I want it to be MINE I just need to GET OUT.
I had my first panic attack.
From my brain going into overdrive, and seeing details and patterns. Not trusting people. Couldn't sit still. But from feeling cared for. Then wondering if everyone around me knew something that I didn't. I get what I want right?? What do I want????? I can have EVERYTHING????? I can have FREEDOM??????????? What does everyone SEE that I'M MISSING???
the effects are just now starting to wear off I guess. I've been to two doctors. But I was delusional, thinking I was okay when I wasn't, hurting those around me, dissociating multiple times, screaming at my boyfriend, terrified to talk to the doctors, overly angry, absent, happy, manic.
ever since the first time I dissociated, I've felt like while there's more love and support every day, the country they I live in is no longer my home.
I became aware of how Dissociation felt the night of the 2016 election.
Watch what you say. Who you piss off. Nothing is safe. Safe places are childish. Act "normal." no DON'T try and have a relationship with that person STOP STOP STOP it's TOO MUCH you'll LOSE THEM you need to get out out out, somewhere safe, DON'T BE YOURSELF JUST GET OUT DAMMIT.
apartments are scary. loud men are scary. people not believing the minorites, are scary. this country is scary. not remembering things, it's incredibly scary.
not having any self-worth....is terrifying.
My first "boyfriend" committed suicide.
This was years ago. I thought I was over him. I was sad, because I knew he had a hard life too. I tried to be his friend when he messaged me, but I didn't know how. I was still a young adult. Inexperienced. What was I supposed to do??? I didn't read the signs!! I could've helped him if I'd just KNOWN. AND NOW HE'S GONE.
I needed to block his Facebook from myself, because it's still up. I'm reminded of all of the good times. How he only sexually assulted me, he didn't actually *rape* me, that's different, I was *lucky* that he didn't rape me in that house alone when the only person who knew where I was TRUSTED me!! I told them to go. It was fine.
I was lucky. I didn't know what a Toxic Relationship was.
and when I went to try and block his Facebook, I found his memorial page, made by good friends.
He was such a good person. Don't talk bad about the death. Just remember the *good* times. No bad times. It's so sweet! I should *contribute* something!!! Remember all of the GOOD times we had??????? There was never ANYTHING bad!
I had my first panic attack, I was sleep deprived, and the terrifying effects are just now wearing off.
I almost had another one just seeing that Facebook page and feeling like I should contribute.
I am lucky. But I have a past, just like everyone else. And no one needs to know everything. But I need professional help, and rest, and time to myself. But the thought of people leaving because of something I did, or how I acted...it never should've gotten to this point. But it did.
And while it doesn't excuse my actions, I hope it helps spread awareness of mental health and the effects of what high stress and anxiety can do to a person, as well as bring more awareness to the behaviors and mental conditions that can affect anyone, even when they can't just let the past go.
I am not a doctor. But I need to talk to a professional counselor, therapist, etc. No one deserves to deal with the effects of my mental state after what happened.
Please watch the YouTube channel Psych2go. It is accessible, free education about the different aspects of mental health, and the variables that go into it.
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