#and him practically shouting
silentvoidtreeshop · 1 year
just had the WEIRDEST fucking interaction with my older brother (the goncharov beanie guy)
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Guys who are most likely dead in canon
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madootles · 2 years
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d***** can get fucked for refusing to advertise this movie. it really is so good and the many artists and creatives who put their jobs on the line to bring this story to us deserve all our appreciation and love. 
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the-lavender-clown · 4 months
Just finished a Voyager rewatch with my mom and I think one of my favorite things about it that turned into an inside joke between us is how often when something happens and Tuvok is a main part of the episode there's a 80% chance that he's going to recommend a mind meld and if he does there's a 99.9% chance they're gonna do one despite multiple warnings from the Doctor that it’s not a good idea
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3416 · 8 months
this truly separates the one sport athletes from the rest.... i love this team so dearly
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sergle · 10 months
Where and who is this guy cause I know a gal that needs to detittify down to like a b cup
listen, that second doctor is SICK and I'd love to shout him out bc I think he has really good results!! but there's a chance I'll consent to having my before/after surgery results used on his practice's patient gallery, so I don't want anyone to look for those, and I don't wanna doxx myself to where people know exactly whereabouts I'll be on exactly what day, lmao.
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wolfofcelestia · 1 month
I saw fanart of Zhongli today and it reminded me that I used to be a simp for him. And it doesn't really register sometimes because my head is always just bouncing between my top two husbandos but I decided to put all my faves together and
My type is just. So. Obvious.
I know these are usually for like 10 characters, but I get stuck on certain characters too much
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Basically my type is well-dressed, good-natured literal gentle men with some kind of gapmoe dorky side
And who have very high potential of being dom in bed 🫠
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lazaruspiss · 3 months
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emotional necrophiliac.png
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getosugurusbangs · 5 months
every day i thank god that my mom is supportive of my design headcanons for characters because if i had to answer her questioning me about why i do it, i’d probably lose it
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enemywasp · 1 month
Where's the line drawn between being a student and being a worker? cause currently I feel more like an unpaid worker but I have a horrible feeling any complaint would be left with "Its experience"
Rant in tags sorry I just need to complain
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
i swear one day i'll learn how to draw and i'll make so much art of arkham!eddie with his dirty fingers pressed into the flesh of a fat girl or fuck it, any riddler, and then you'll all be sorry
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
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For your consideration, Terror fandom; Fae!Crozier
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priffi · 3 months
they're both assholes, can we acknowledge that? he did some shit but he also doesn't deserve the extra shit she's doing. she's allowed to speak out but she's not allowed to bring that extra pain. there's a reason he's coming back and it's not because he wants to but because he has to my god
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anotherpapercut · 2 years
when I was in 8th grade I had the same teacher for physics and geometry and he was like one of those dudes who always wanted to be one of the cool kids but never was so now he got to be the cool teacher that all the cool kids loved so he would like straight up bully the weird kids (me and my friends lol ✌️) and I thought it was wack as hell that a grown ass man was calling my friend, a 13 year old girl, stupid in front of the whole class for asking a fucking question so I constantly told him to back off and would get in full on screaming matches with the man about why he was not allowed to treat us like that (at one point I basically told him that if he ever made my friend cry again I would not rest until his teaching license was revoked lol) and it got to the point where he was like. actually for real beefing with me during class and in the hallways when he saw me and sometimes after school
anyway I just wanna say first of all fuck you Mr. Glasson, second of all what kind of like 28 y/o man has a fr beef with a fucking 13 year old. I literally wore a cloak to school. he was having beef with a child with pink hair, in a cloak. can you fucking imagine jsbdksbdndmdbnd
#one time i was early for class and i was in like the advanced program so most of us had the majority of our core clases together#so we were all talking abt the history honework due later today and i told my friend that i had made drawings for my answers#and showed her and my other friends and then my other classmates wanted to see so they were like passing it around#then like literally the second the bell rang‚ right as it was being handed back to me to be put away‚ he snatched it out of my fucking hand#and ripped part of it and crumpled it up and threw it in the fucking trash!#and fucking said 'class has started no other work is allowed'#which was bullshit because he used to help the jocky kids with their fucking other classes homework during class so fuck him#anyway i was really upset because i had worked really hard on it and i was afraid i would get a 0 on the assignment#then after class this kid that was one of the cool kids who had like never talked to me in any sort of kind way before#walked up to me and gave me the assignment back#he had dug it out of the trash (glasson actually made sure to put it under food that was in there :))#and hed wiped it off and smoothed it out and taped it back together#and he couldnt really meet my eyes but as he handed it to me he said 'im sorry. that was really messed up. you didnt deserve that' and left#it still stands out to me as an unbelievably kind gesture#shout out to horned (his last name)#oh and another time id finished literally all my class work and my homework and id helped my friend finish hers#and there was like 20 minutes of class left to i decided to practice my circular gallifreyan and the mother fucker did the exact same thing#bitch what did you want me to do? i completed my work and then did your fucking job for you and helped my friends#should i have stared at a wall????#FUCK you mr glasson i hope ur wife left u#also i stole his personal copy of his favorite book AND a textbook AND a graphing calculator#bc he told us once he had to pay for them out of his own pocket and they were really expensive ❤️#i also did manage to kick him in the shin once and stomp on his foot another time without getting in trouble#amd i always wondered why he didnt have me suspended#but now im p sure it was to cover his own ass because he had 2 classes of witnesses who'd seen him say nasty shit to me#as well as an entire hallway of teachers who once heard us fucking screaming at each other#that was the time i threatened to get his license revoked ❤️❤️
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deathbydarkelves · 2 months
Pretty neat of Heilung to have a guy reading a German poem about a gruesome battle in the rain for five minutes and after he finishes a guy fucking dies screaming in your right ear. No idea what the dying guy was saying but shit it sounded real at certain points 😭
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
Projecting my countriness onto Scarecrow: he knows how to square dance and he’s damn good at it.
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