#and how momo also ends up 'protected' and receives 'comfort' the same way she shows comfort and affection
alexiethymia · 2 years
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a chain of headpats
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Mina Ashido Headcanons!
@jewel116 requested some headcanons of our Alien Queen and I am here to deliver!
Some of these also could be considered BakuSquad HCs, hope that's alright.
I also went ahead and included some Adult Mina and 18+ Mina Headcanons too. Both are below the cut and clearly stated. Warnings are posted at each header mark.
If anyone has any other requests, lemme know!
Basic Mina Headcanons
Warnings: It's as fluffy as her dang hair! (Swearing)
. Most definitely has ADHD! In class, she is constantly tapping her foot on bouncing her leg as a means of trying her best to keep focused.
. Has a collection of shirts that she has designated for sleep and loungewear because she's burned acid holes in them by accident. Sometimes she'll wear them to concerts and shows if the design is cool enough.
. Loves piggyback rides! Frequently will run and jump on the backs of the guys in the BakuSquad. Even Katsuki himself puts up with it after a while.
. While Katsuki is the 'mom' of the squad, Mina is the one everyone goes to when they need comfort. Denki will curl up in her lap after a long day, Eijiro frequently goes to her when his insecurities creep back in, Hanta shows up late at night and they talk in her room about nothing just because he doesn't want to be alone, and Katsuki, well, he shows up to her room, slams the door and complains for a solid half-hour after reading a particularly heartbreaking scene in a manga while she listens to every word and validates his feelings.
. Mina worries far more than people believe she does. Her bubbly, loud, personality usually masks it but she knows when people are lying to her about what's going on in their heads.
. Sitting properly in a chair physically bothers her. She'd much rather be hanging upside down off it.
. She lowkey likes that the boys get protective over her.
. Mina is the type of person who gets A LOT of random thoughts that pop up in her head and one of the few people who actually will engage with the sheer randomness of the ideas is Shoto. Not only does he engage, he comes up with his own! The two can talk for hours.
. Loves hosting 'spa parties' in the common area of the dorms, everyone is welcome to join.
. When road trips happen, she's making the playlists (technically, she and Kyoka switch off).
. Tries teaching Tenya, Izuku, and Shoto how to flirt. After a very embarrassing first hour, Shoto didn't learn a single thing, Izuku was only good at it when paired with Shoto and Tenya... Tenya had her SHOOK! Man has game and she made sure everyone knew!
. Has weekly meetings with Yuga where they drink tea and spill the tea.
. She is so damn ticklish. Hanta was teasing her one day, she warned him to stop, he received an elbow to the face for not listening.
. Tried to grow her hair out once but it didn't grow down... it grew OUT. Mina thought she rocked it, and she totally did but ended up having it cut back down so poor Tsyu could see in class.
. Wakes up early three days a week to practice her hand-to-hand combat with Eijiro. Mina wants to improve her technique and Eijiro needed to work on his mobility, it benefits them both.
. Just Dance is her favorite game, she dominates.
. Easily forms new interests.
. Won't admit it but she gets jealous super easily.
. Will be the first to attempt to throw hands for a friend! I HC she was picked on as a child for looking so different but it never really phased her too badly, she likes looking different but understands that not everyone thinks like she does. So, if someone were to say something about Mezo's facemask, she's stepping in to defend the guy without hesitation.
. Knows every TikTok dance EVER. If a new one comes out, she's mastered it by end of the day and her account is always up to date.
. (Popular idea but important to reinforce) Mina and Eijiro co-founded a club, Horn Buddies, specifically to make Eri feel more welcome. They take her on trips and group outings. The only horned person who's not allowed to join is Pony because she was rude as heck to Mezo.
. Mina gets extra competitive over board games.
. She can ice skate and roller skate like a champ.
. Mina is resilient, dedicated, and passionate. She has goals and the girl will achieve them.
Pro Hero - Adult Mina Headcanons
Warnings - Mentions of alcohol use and swearing
. Gets several tattoos and piercings.
. Starts a roller derby club with most of the girls from 1A.
. Loves going out to the hottest dance clubs just as much as she enjoys staying in and munching on take-out food with friends.
. The Horn Buddies club she formed with Eijiro has now expanded into regular society and both young heroes couldn't be more proud. Together they've formed a foundation that strives to help those with non-flashy, unconventional, or misunderstood quirks feel welcomed and loved.
. Does her best to shop small whenever she can. Mina wants to help her community in as many different ways as possible.
. Becomes a fashion icon for many small, just starting out, alternative clothing lines. They love her look and the standard she sets.
. Goes to fashion and runway shows with Momo on the regular. While Momo prefers buying right off the rack, Mina goes to thrift stores and buys items that are coming back into style.
. Does her best to stay in touch with her classmates. She really cherished the friendships she made and goes the extra mile to make sure everyone stays connected.
. Has told off Shoto's father. Sent the man an anonymous bag of flaming dog shit as well for making his son so damn stressed. Sorry, not sorry.
. As long as she isn't in the middle of a fight, Mina will always stop to take a photo with a fan or sign an autograph. In or out of costume, she doesn't care.
. In high school, Mina's room was always decked out for the holidays. She goes decoration crazy and it is always done well. But, now that she's an adult with that pro hero money and her own place, she's the best house on the block decorated for each and every holiday! Inside and out! Also throws holiday-themed parties.
. Got absolutely trashed with the BakuSquad one night and taught them all how to twerk. By the end of the lesson, she deemed Katsuki was the best of her students.
. Loves to drink. Is a lightweight. Katsuki and Eijiro have carried her home more times than they can count.
NSFW 18+ Mina HC Below - Minors DNI
Warnings: Drinking, rough sex, mentions of orgies, handcuffs, impact play, and praise kinks. Subtle sexual relations with BakuSquad, Jiro, Todoroki, and Ochaco.
. The Queen of stripteases and lap dances.
. If any of her friends are at a party or some event and they need a fake date, Mina is their go-to person. She's handsy. She's flirty. And has no problem with platonic make-outs.
. Always encourages kissing-themed games at parties. Seven Minutes in Heaven, Spin the Bottle, those sorts of games. Mina also loves to play cupid and has rigged a game or two to get people together.
. Has made out with every member of the BakuSquad at least once as well as Kyoka, Shoto, and Ochaco simply because she was curious.
. Has attempted to start an orgy with the BakuSquad before when intoxicated. Still mentions it in passing just in case they change their minds.
. Has gone further with Katsuki and Eijiro though. Maybe both at the same time once or twice or several times...
. Wonderfully filthy dirty talk. Can even make Katsuki blush.
. (A personal favorite of mine that was in a previous post) When they were first years, Eijiro asked innocently enough, to touch her horns. He was gentle but that didn't matter. Our poor girl was so damn flustered! Her face turned red bright, she felt hot, and she had to go take a very cold shower!
. Ei felt terrible about it. It took them both maturing for her to explain exactly why she reacted that way... and then asked him to do it again.
. Is likely to send NSFW texts and photos while people are indeed at work. She is a Pro Hero though so only certain people are allowed to have those photos. A scandal is the last thing she wants.
. Very good at communication and is not afraid to speak her mind about what she wants and needs out of a relationship and her sex life.
. Loud, very loud, very needy.
. Fuzzy handcuffs in every color she can think of and adores impact play.
. Let her know she's doing a good job, Mina responds well to praise.
. Big cuddler after sex. Wants to snuggle into you and more than likely take a nap.
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squishytenya · 4 years
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕪 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
↬ Parings: dekusquad x reader poly
↬ Reader: Gender Neutral
↬ Warnings: mentions of arguments towards the end
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Honestly it was probably Ochako who got you guys into this relationship
She was already dating Tsuyu, Midoriya and Iida but saw how her partners looked at the couple that was you and Todoroki
It was bought up to you one day after class and you admitted to the brunette that both you and your boyfriend had feelings for them all and boom, with a little bit of meddling all 6 of you guys were in a poly relationship
You guys take it in turns to decide on dates so you end up going to many different places or staying in and doing different things
For example, aquariums (Tsu), cooking dates (Ochako) and cinema trips (Izuku) are common ones
Most dates are full group dates to places like fairs or non-fancy restaurants because most people assume you’re a group of friends and don’t hassle you
God forbid they do give you guys any trouble though cause you have unfortunately chosen 5 very protective partners 
Hecklers have to face your surprisingly terrifying girlfriends or risk being lectured by Iida and Midoriya
Shouto chooses to just freeze their feet, he couldn’t care less about being told off by someone *cough* Iida *cough*
Not that Tenya really minds, he finds it as entertaining as the rest of you, but he doesn’t want any of his partners getting into trouble 
Lowkey he and Tsuyu are the only people stopping you and your dumbass partners getting killed or in trouble
When you try to tie yourself to a rope so Uraraka can make you a human balloon? Iida is there to make sure that its at least inside
When Todoroki tries to see if he can cook a steak on his chest? Tsuyu is there with a fire extinguisher 
Cuddle piles are a must!
Usually, you guys move a couple of mattresses on the floor because you can’t fit on one bed and you steal all of the blankets and pillows to make a sort of den in whoever room you choose to 
All of your s/o’s are in the hero course so they are pretty built which makes for some top tier cuddle sessions
Iida is usually on the bottom or in the middle because he’s the biggest but as you guys all gain muscle mass and height it tends to change around a bit
A lot of the time you are pulled on top of Izuku as a kind of human weighted blanket to calm his anxious muttering but you’re not exactly mad about it
If Todoroki has a particularly hard time with his family he gets to be in the middle with all of you bunched around him in a comfort circle
Tsuyu is put in the same position during the winter because she can’t get too cold
You also lend her any and all hoodies/jumpers and cuddle her at any given point, you do not care who else is in the room cause your girlfriend comes first
She also likes to attach herself to Shouto’s warmer side and he lowkey heats himself up for her
All of you pitch in when Ochako is struggling with money by buying her lunch or necessities etc cause she’s usually too embarrassed to ask for your help
They do the same for you if you’re in a similar situation, your rich kid bfs make sure of that
Most of you have a mini first-aid kit on hand for Izuku as well because he manages to hurt himself without even using his quirk
He always awkwardly laughs about it and tries to brush it off but is secretly so soft that you have a habit of kissing it better
All of you eventually picked up this habit of yours and it was a hoot t explain when he hit his head on the door frame and Shouto walked up to him, placed a kiss on his head, and sat down without his expression changing at all
Izuku, who is never good at handling PDA, went so red that Momo actually asked if he needed to lie down 
In fact, not many of you are very good at handling PDA as you’re all easily flustered and yet you find each other so damn cute that you can’t help it sometimes
One of your weak points is Asui’s little tongue blep, it never fails to make you coo at her and pull her into a small kiss
(Who can blame you i would literally die for her)
Shouto tends to be nonchalant about receiving it but the soft blush gives it away a little, he has no shame when it comes to giving it though
Uraraka gets that cute little round blush but always returns the affection, it’s a rule of hers and she ends up being one of the more affectionate partners
Iida does his arm chop thing but always compliments you in some way or another when any of you show affection to him
(he also is secretly very affectionate in private but don’t tell anyone)
Tsuyu gets a little bashful but the girl is kinda shameless and will fully just pull you onto her lap in front of anyone and everyone 
It does not matter what size you are. You. are, going. On. the. Lap. 
As stated before, Izuku is probably the worst at receiving PDA cause he always goes red as a firetruck, starts stuttering and is literally immobile for a whole minute afterwards
It doesn’t matter if it’s a cheek peck or full-blown making out, you’re gonna get this reaction
Tsu likes to tease him for this though and you end up joining in most of the time
In private though he is a like a koala, always touching one of you in some way or another and he really likes to snuggle his head into one of your necks
Ochako is a spooner and likes to wrap her arm around your waist from behind, Todoroki is also a spooner but he prefers for you to be on your back so he can see your face
Tenya likes it when one of you guys lays on top of him, head on his chest and legs intertwined and Asui just likes to starfish on top of any given one of you
Unless she’s cold and then we get a Shouji situation
You guys are one of the most healthy, mutually supportive relationships going and you only really fight when you’re worried about each other
Every fight is intervened by another s/o before it gets the chance to grow and you guys have some hot chocolate while talking it out
This usually ends in a cuddle pile and an organised date for the next day
They’re all just really soft for you and each other even if they have different ways of showing it
But there is always going to be someone for you to talk to or get affection nd comfort from in this relationship
Even if they are blunt, blushy morons, they’re your morons and you wouldn’t have them any other way
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Hope you enjoyed, these were really long! Don’t forget, my requests are always open :)
Remember, reblogs help content creators
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jtrokujo · 3 years
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pairing: Shoto Todoroki x fem!Reader
word count: 2.1 k
warnings: none
genre: fluff
summary: the bad relationship in the past mixed feelings of him until his heart beat faster and faster for a certain person. Because of his nervousness and fear, he didn't even dare to have a dialogue with her and therefore decided to use the old-fashioned way of confessing his feelings.
The rain, which kept beating on the window panes, saw the young girl see her prospect.
The weather was once again not pleasant.
It should probably stop tomorrow, let's hope, because it has been raining almost continuously for about 3 days.
In addition, the wind blows very strongly from time to time, which doesn't really make the situation any better.
With the heater turned on, she also put on cuddly clothes plus a towel on her hair, as she comes from school and the hair has gotten wet from the weather.
The girl quickly remembered something specific, which is why she reached for her bag.
Rummaging through, she searched for something specific, but she did not find it at first glance, which almost increased her panic.
She took her bag and shook it out.
It came down like in slow motion.
Grabbing it quickly, she took it and made herself comfortable on her bed.
The young girl has been receiving one and the other letter from a mysterious person for weeks.
In addition, every time she opens the letter, a white flower shines out, but it's not just a white flower, but that of a white rose.
How they love this.
The font; clean and orderly.
The Rose; soft and pleasantly scented.
And this notation; the new butterflies that dance in her every time.
Actually, she has no eye on anyone or has the feeling that someone has an eye for her.
Maybe it's because she doesn't pay attention to everyone.
Because she goes to a hero school to become a heroine and not to make new friends.
Still, she has friends with whom she spends most of her time.
The only person who knows is Mina, but sometimes the (H / C) hairy one wishes to have the quirk that other voices take from her.
Example; when they want their books for the next subject and open their locker, the letter falls like every time the letter falls, Mina screeches now and then like a madwoman and sometimes watches the boys, but one thing is clear, it is not a member of the BakuSquad.
With a pounding heart, she finally began to read the letter she had delivered.
As reluctantly as I like to talk about my feelings, or in this case write, I know easily too acceptably that I can do it with you.
Every day I see your smile, your smile that lets butterflies fly into my stomach, your radiance, which gives me protection, your trustworthiness, which makes me cheer up from the difficult days that I have behind me, your jokes that make my heart laugh and that although some of them are also pretty bad or your character itself, everything is perfect, as if you were a handmade doll that does not show a thread.
Everything about you is perfect, your mind, your warmth, your body and infinitely much more.
I want to tell you every day how optimal you are, nonetheless that is also the problem.
You are effortlessly too impeccable to me, in the course of giving almost everyone the cold shoulder, you are pleasant to everyone, for yourself to a few you do not particularly like.
I love getting up every morning just to see you.
It is already funny to master that you talk to me without knowing that it is me.
That this very cowardly person who has the courage to talk to everyone in the way I want, in spite of all this, cannot tell the person that I designed for those feelings.
We talk this way many times, we also spend our free time together and I like to listen to you, but you don't recognize me, the person who wrote you these and other letters every evening with a sad expression on his face.
However, it makes me happy that you read it and also that you hide it as quickly as you can.
I wonder how we were in our previous lifetimes, if you understand what I mean, if not I will explain it to you immediately.
For example, in the 18th century we were lovers who were not allowed to be together and therefore fled.
Or in ancient Romans, for example, when I fought a lion for you.
Or when we spent most of the time together in the Ice Age, just so as not to have to end up as huge insights.
Or will we see each other again in our subsequent lifetime?
I sincerely hope that it is clear to you that there are enough of people out there who love you in the way you are, please do not forget that alone.
And if you should be hungry, do not ignore your stomach and eat as much as you can, nevertheless not too pronounced is not healthy!
See you tomorrow.
As always, she folded her letter again, united as she had previously.
Immediately afterwards she knelt in front of her bed to be able to get at an old shoebox.
She slowly opened it and put her letter there.
Since she receives a newfangled letter almost every independent day, her shoebox is still bursting, as it is obviously not too big.
So far she has received at least 20 letters from her Mysterious Admirers, but she hoped that he should not come to school one day so that she can control who is behind all this.
Especially when the (H / C) wanted to lie down, she noticed that she still had to do her homework for tomorrow.
Sighing, she got up from her bed and did her homework equally.
In the morning with no dream whatsoever, her alarm clock woke her up from her sleep.
As much as she wanted to sleep, she gave up regardless of that and got up after slowing down several times.
Yawning, she did her 'morning trial' as if continuously.
After she put on the last pair of her, she said goodbye and was long gone.
After a few minutes she finally arrived, but as always earlier than the others, that Iida and Momo are at school earlier than some teachers, it ultimately doesn't surprise anyone.
From minute to minute the students enter, some talking to each other, some in turn sit quietly in their place and wait for the school bell to ring.
Hitting the floor with her foot, she looked out the window and saw some students entering the school grounds.
Some themselves, some with friends.
By the time anyone entered the classroom, she turned and saw him.
Shoto Todoroki.
Even when they were very small they learned to control themselves, nevertheless they were not like you can see during the films or series from the beginning buddies, no more precisely old acquaintances.
Of course they talked to each other, but they were too different.
It is already clear that they are having the same dreams, however a voice keeps saying again and again at any given moment; You do not belong together.
Anyway, she just doesn't like remembering her old days with Shoto.l
Of course, right now, in some ways, she understands why he was this way, that it hurt her.
There was that one moment when she finally had the courage to talk to him, but it all tended to be a failure instead of what she had planned.
It was the beginning of summer, the sun was shining continuously, the ice was melting on your hands, the long day and the short night, going swimming in combination with relatives and much more.
A real season for people who love warmth endlessly or for those who never get bored.
However, the summer vacation does not initiate for 3 days.
Will Shoto still manage?
At home, things were by no means exceptionally acceptable.
Why no human soul knows except for the people who are to blame.
Even the educators had already asked his parents or his father whether everything was okay at home, he laughed heartily and said that Shoto had been constantly in this way for a long time and that everything was okay at home.
They are currently on a break, which is why all the children are outside and enjoying the weather these days.
The marginal girl saw him watching, 'You will do it, (Y / N), ask him without a hitch if he would like to play with you.'
Of course she could have asked the other one if she had been given a little consideration.
Every time she tries to talk to her fellow human beings, ignore them, they or they walk away without saying a word and since no one soul wants to talk to Shoto, she saw this as her chance to talk to him and who knows, they might Be friends.
"Oi, Shoto." slowly turned, the tiny boy around whence the voice came anyway.
"Do we want to play UNO together?" she asked kindly and shows him the cards.
"I want to be to myself and please don't bother me." he said softly and turned away from her.
Since the little one was a bit sensitive, it had hurt her for a long time, as he had long since turned her away.
Sometimes he said coldly 'Don't nerve' or 'Please get out of here'.
Sighing, she sat a little further away beside him, in silence until the pause passed.
"Good morning, (Y / N)." she heard his voice.
Turning to his direction, she explained it to him in exactly the same way and, just like the other students before, gave her consideration from the window.
The half-white haired man hung his head sadly and hoped that any second the school bell would explain.
Since one day of school at the UA, they had mutually unusual aura.
Because since the beginning of elementary school you have had no more 'contact' because you go to the selected schools and immediately?
Now they are behaving strangely and already speaking only one sentence in one sentence, they have by no means had a real dialogue together.
Nevertheless, it may also be better that way.
Suddenly the school bell explained and all the students took their seats.
"Good morning, students."
"Good morning Aizawa-sensei!" said the students in chorus, with which the lessons began from now on.
"Finally, I had the feeling that this lesson would never end, because this time the lesson with the present mic was pretty bad, he had scared me so much that I forgot what my name was in English." Mina pouted to herself, while her friend, (Y / N), laughed at her heartily.
"Hey, that's not funny!" she said indignantly and finally opened it.
"Yes, please forgive me, Alien Queen."
"Hey, my name was clearly better than yours!"
"Oh yes?" said the (H / C) amused and opened her locker and like every time her letter landed on the floor.
In a few seconds Minas beamed with joy and quickly picked it up for her friend, "Do you have any idea who that might be?" she asked excitedly.
"No, unfortunately not." her friend sighed and put it in her pocket.
"Doesn't matter now, let me escort you home." she said and left without waiting for her.
"Hey, (Y / N), please wait for me!"
On arrival at home (Y / N) did her daily routine, sitting comfortably on the bed with her letter in her hand, she slowly opened it and noticed at first glance that it seemed a little different from the others.
It was short, quite a bit.
Not like the others in that the last sentence on the sheet should be so small that everything fits.
Tomorrow, at the cherry blossom place.
Right after school.
So short and dry?
Well, I had a choice, but I can defend myself at any time and why should I, it's clear that he goes to the UA just like me.
It doesn't matter now either, I should get ready for bed now.
"Are you sure you want to go there alone?" Mina asked uncertainly and meanwhile put on her street shoes.
"Yes, but if you want you can send you my location."
"Ok ... but tell me who this person is, understand ?!" Mina giggled to herself.
"Naturally." (Y / N) took a look at her cell phone and saw that she was spending a little longer time with Mina than expected.
"I think I should go!" and jogged out of school, Mina shouting after her "Send me your location!"
"Will I!"
Except for breathing, she has arrived at the meeting point, but she does not know whether she came too early or too late.
While walking in the park, she saw friends talking to each other, couples sitting on a bench and talking about different topics or older seniors taking a little walk.
"I'm very happy that you came, (Y / N)." she heard his voice behind her out of nowhere.
Slowly, as if in slow motion, she turned around and said quietly, with a grin, his name "Shoto?"
"Finally, I had the feeling that this lesson would never end, because this time the lesson with the present mic was pretty bad, he had scared me so much that I forgot what my name was in English." Mina pouted to herself, while her friend, (Y / N), laughed at her heartily.
"Hey, that's not funny!" she said indignantly and finally opened it.
"Yes, please forgive me, Alien Queen."
"Hey, my name was clearly better than yours!"
"Oh yes?" said the (H / C) amused and opened her locker and like every time her letter landed on the floor.
In a few seconds Minas beamed with joy and quickly picked it up for her friend, "Do you have any idea who that might be?" she asked excitedly.
"No, unfortunately not." her friend sighed and put it in her pocket.
"Doesn't matter now, let me escort you home." she said and left without waiting for her.
"Hey, (Y / N), please wait for me!"
On arrival at home (Y / N) did her daily routine, sitting comfortably on the bed with her letter in her hand, she slowly opened it and noticed at first glance that it seemed a little different from the others.
It was short, quite a bit.
Not like the others in that the last sentence on the sheet should be so small that everything fits.
Tomorrow, at the cherry blossom place.
Right after school.
So short and dry?
Well, I had a choice, but I can defend myself at any time and why should I, it's clear that he goes to the UA just like me.
It doesn't matter now either, I should get ready for bed now.
"Are you sure you want to go there alone?" Mina asked uncertainly and meanwhile put on her street shoes.
"Yes, but if you want you can send you my location."
"Ok ... but tell me who this person is, understand ?!" Mina giggled to herself.
"Naturally." (Y / N) took a look at her cell phone and saw that she was spending a little longer time with Mina than expected.
"I think I should go!" and jogged out of school, Mina shouting after her "Send me your location!"
"Will I!"
Except for breathing, she has arrived at the meeting point, but she does not know whether she came too early or too late.
While walking in the park, she saw friends talking to each other, couples sitting on a bench and talking about different topics or older seniors taking a little walk.
"I'm very happy that you came, (Y / N)." she heard his voice behind her out of nowhere.
Slowly, as if in slow motion, she turned around and said quietly, with a grin, his name "Shoto?"
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chaoticevilbean · 4 years
Firebender!Sokka AU
Just a Scene Part 1/?
Pakku and Katara separated from their hug, smiles still firmly in place. Katara opened her mouth to continue their conversation, but snapped it shut as a realization hit her.
“Where’s Sokka,” she asked, her head swiveling to look for the other. Pakku’s brow furrowed as the waterbending master came to the same thought. The boy hadn’t come over, despite his sister’s exclamation at the sight of her old teacher and now grandfather.
“He’s over there, Sugar Queen,” Toph pointed from where she stood by Zuko and Suki. All three seemed at least slightly confused and waiting for some sort of explanation. Katara glanced over at where Toph pointed, seeing her brother speaking with the masters, and strode over to the rest of the team. It would be better to clarify the situation now instead of waiting.
Master Pakku did not walk over to another person. He did not call after his student and granddaughter. He did not move in any way besides turning to face the other adults. His mind was reeling at the sight before him.
Sokka was speaking to Piandao with more respect than the waterbender had ever seen the boy use. He spoke in a similar manner to Jeong Jeong, but he was also looser with the former admiral, occasionally nudging the man on the shoulder in a playful way. Bumi did not receive any formality or the respect he might elicit as a king. Instead, the royal threw his arm around Sokka, and even from his distanced position, Pakku could hear the terrible jokes his colleague was interjecting with. All four of the people were acting friendly with each other, and Sokka fit in with them like the winning move in a game of Pai Sho.
Pakku had heard about the other masters’ experiences with the Avatar and his friends. He had shared his own at the same meeting. He would’ve joined the group if it had just been the strange behaviors. He was not in any way prepared for when Jeong Jeong threw a fireball at Sokka’s head and the teen caught it, laughing like it was an inside joke.
His grandson… his Water Tribe grandson… was a firebender. A strong one if he could catch such a close attack with the ease he did. And had he not been informed from the others about the firebender of non-Fire Nation heritage? The very same men now conversing as though there had been no fire, no strangeness to the situation. His grandson, the very same he had passed off as an annoyance; who he’d assumed was as idiotic as his actions; who was cocky and was cut from the very mission he’d joined despite having a team to protect; that very same boy was one of the most powerful, if not the most, powerful firebender in the world.
And the boy hadn’t even greeted Pakku in passing. He’d simply joined the other elders and struck up easy conversation. It hit home in him more than learning that he’d attacked his granddaughter. More than finding out that Kanna had left him and married another. It somehow even hit harder than realizing he had driven his love further away by not fighting for what she’d believed in so passionately. Sokka had no reason to greet the waterbender. When had Pakku been anything but brusque with him? Shown any interest in the boy or his life? He’d ignored him for Katara and her strong bending.
It seemed Pakku was destined to keep driving his family away.
Sokka wasn’t paying attention to his sister’s reunion with her teacher. He knew she’d missed the grouchy old man despite the fact that he was, well, grouchy. Sokka could now understand it better himself, having missed Jeong Jeong after their group had had to flee. So he gave the two space and instead moved over to greet his friends and masters.
“Master Piandao,” he greeted, bowing to his mentors, “Master Jeong Jeong… Bumi.” For the last man, he changed the bow to that of the Earth Kingdom, beaming at the King as he did so. It really was just for show when it came to the royal.
The bows were instantly returned, despite the superior positions of the elders not demanding it. Jeong Jeong rose swiftly from his, making intense eye contact as he did. Sokka remained calm, remembering the first time he’d been subject to the almost-glare.
“Is there something you need, Master Jeong Jeong?” he tried. It was apparently the wrong move as the deserter’s gaze hardened sharply.
“You’re injured.”
“Then why did you call me by name?” Sokka frowned before the question clicked.
“You seriously think I’m injured just because I didn’t call you J2?”
“J2,” Piandao repeated, a grin forming quickly at the nickname.
“We can discuss my questionable naming skills later,” the younger firebender intervened before the conversation could wander. “Now is the time to discuss what is going on and what is going to happen before we try to avoid dying tomorrow.”
“When did you develop aangxiety?” Bumi asked as he threw his arm across the teen’s shoulders. A few chuckles escaped before he could stop them, not that he was trying that hard.
“I’ve always had anxiety. Then I got a little airhead and suddenly I can’t go a day with aangst.”
“Agni, there’s two of them,” Piandao muttered, running a hand down his face. Jeong Jeong let out a huff of amusement at the duo, who were giggling at the puns. “What is it you wished to talk about, Sokka?” the master swordsman continued, now making his own attempt at changing the subject. The Water Tribe warrior raised an eyebrow at the mock pain in his master’s expression but obliged the man.
“I wanted to discuss what you’re all doing together, as well as the plan for Sozin’s Comet. Both Aang and Momo,” Sokka directed that last part at Bumi, “have disappeared. We know that Aang will likely show up when the Comet comes to fight the Firelord, but we don’t have a solid plan. Until Zuko informed us of Ozai’s plan to wipe out the Earth Kingdom, Aang was going to wait for the Comet to pass before he fought.”
“So our intel was correct,” Jeong Jeong stated solemnly. “Ozai plans to destroy the other nations as his grandfather destroyed the Air Nomads.”
“It will be easier to thwart the plan if Aang handles the Loserlord,” Bumi earned himself a couple of snickers at that, “and we have these kids to help.”
“I believe it would be best to discuss this with the other masters.”
“There are more of you?” Sokka asked curiously, wondering what other old people had gathered.
“There are a few, but only one will likely be available with all of our preparations. General Iroh, the Dragon of the West.” The teen nodded at that. It fit with what he had seen of the group's apparent association.
“I’ll go get the others and then you can lead us to your camp. I’m guessing you’re going to take back Ba Sing Se?”
“Yes. We will wait,” Piandao told his former pupil. Sokka bowed once more to the trio before hurrying back to his team. He passed Pakku again, surprised that the old man had not joined his companions seeing as Katara was no longer speaking to him. He ignored the thought in favor of addressing his friends.
“Gaang, pack up quickly. We’re gonna head to the old people camp and plan for tomorrow. Do any of you want to forgo the meeting?”
“I’m coming and you can’t stop me,” Toph stated firmly. Sokka nodded and looked to the others.
“I’ll sit this one out,” Suki said. “I think I’d be better with helping preparations.”
“I’ll sit out, too,” Katara added, drawing surprised faces from her comrades. “I don’t think I’ll be much help with the planning.”
“Alright. Zuko?”
“I don’t know. I’m not one for planning but I know more about the Fire Nation.”
“Well, your uncle is here, and he’ll be at the meeting.” The prince startled slightly at the comment, likely remembering their parting. He’d never mentioned the terms they ended on, but the group assumed they weren’t good ones.
“I’ll go,” Zuko finally decided. “But I might leave.”
“Understandable. I’ll keep that in mind. Now put the gear away and we’ll head out.” The team split up seamlessly, heading to do the jobs they each unspokenly had. The only ones who didn’t move to join were Toph and Sokka, the latter because the earthbender had latched onto his arm.
“Not so fast, Snoozles.”
“What’s the matter, Toph?” Sokka studied his younger companion. For the first time in a long while, she appeared uncertain or uneasy. The firebender couldn’t figure out which.
“Why don’t you like your grandfather?” she inquired quietly. It was so uncharacteristic of her and, coupled with the weird question, caused the young chief to pause.
“My grandfather? Both my grandfathers are dead,” he informed the girl before him.
“Pakku’s marrying your Gran-Gran, at least according to Katara.”
“Oh.” He paused again. “I don’t… not like Pakku. It’s just that I don’t really have anything to talk to him about. He’s closer to Katara than me.”
“But you ignored him.”
“He was talking to Katara.” Toph opened her mouth to continue, but Sokka cut her off, feeling the conversation was going nowhere. “Is this all you were concerned about? Because he’s a good man, if still a little sexist. And I have no problems with him. So let’s help the others and then we can head out. If you’re still worried, talk to him on the way over.” The preteen huffed, blowing her bangs to the side as she turned on her heel and stomped away. Sokka sighed as he went over to pack up his tent and help Katara with the sleeping roll. He would definitely need to watch how he acted around his apparent-grandfather.
The Gaang were at the large camp where the Order of the White Lotus, the group that the masters belonged to, had set up for the taking back of Ba Sing Se. Suki and Katara quickly left to lead Appa to a safe place and begin aiding in the preparations. Zuko and Toph noticeably pressed closer to Sokka, drawing comfort from the father of the group. He noticed their tension and discreetly started rolling his tile, knowing that the motion would likely only draw attention from his teammates. Predictably, the flanking duo relaxed at the sight of the round piece of wood. Sokka would need to paint it again after the meeting.
Piandao walked off to wake up Iroh, who had taken an early night, while the others entered a large tent with a table and exactly eight chairs within, one on each end and three on either side. A map was weighted on the wooden surface, several Pai Sho tiles marking different spots of the world. Jeong Jeong and Bumi sat on the right side of the table with Pakku across from them, a seat saved for Piandao next to the waterbender. Sokka moved to sit near Jeong Jeong but found Toph pushing Zuko into the chair. Upon moving to sit across from the prince, Sokka was shoved out of the way by Toph, who smirked as she made herself a rock stool.
“Toph, from the bottom of my heart, why?” She smirked more.
“You’re forgetting that I’m nobility. I know how we’re supposed to be seated, Snoozles.”
“Yeah, I do, too,” he retorted. “The most important people go on either end, and the ones on their right are the second most important. But I’m not the highest in position. Zuko is.”
“Zuko’s a prince,” Toph smiled smugly. “And I’m a lady.”
“Exactly. So why did you reverse our positions?”
“You are absolutely right. I’ll fix that for you.” With a stomp, the stool was pushed back into the ground and Toph stalked over to Zuko. She tugged him up and dragged him over to the other side of the table, pressing him into the chair she’d just vacated. With yet another smirk, she sat in his old seat, feet once again propped up.
“Toph, I’m not higher than a lady, and definitely not a prince.”
“Oh really?” Sokka did not like that look. “Remember when you and Katara told us about the Southern Water Tribe’s hierarchy? Well, I do. Actually really interesting to learn about the Water Tribe since no one ever thought to teach me. You’re going to teach me more when Loserlord’s dead. Anyways, you and Katara are royalty by your Tribe’s standards. You’re the children of the Chief. Only, Katara told us something after you left to meditate.”
“She didn’t,” the firebender groaned out, throwing his head back in annoyance.
“She did,” the little earthbender responded proudly. “You, Snoozles, are the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, which means you not only outrank me, but also everyone else here including our resident prince.”
Sokka didn’t attempt to fight it at that point. He simply sat down at the head of the table between his two friends, resigned to just accept Toph’s unusual behavior. Normally, she would take any opportunity to be the one in charge, but here she was, pushing the lead onto the older kid.
“Sokka, are you really the Chief?” Pakku’s questions caught three adolescents off guard, Zuko having been fully invested in seeing who would win the argument.
“Yeah,” the boy confirmed, settling back as they waited for Piandao and Iroh. “Dad left with the other warriors, so I was made Chief. Gran-Gran’s Chief in Absence.”
“She told me such, but I assumed her son was still leading.”
“That was Dad. He knew that they weren’t going to be back for a long time, so he seceded the position to me. He was following tradition and passing it to me as I was the eldest male and his son. Should’ve just given it to Gran-Gran.”
“But you’re fifteen,” Jeong Jeong interrupted, leaning forward with a glare. “How long ago did you become Chief?”
“It was about four years ago. I was eleven.”
“Wait, you ran a nation at eleven?”
“Not you, too! C’mon Zuko!”
“You ran a nation at eleven! Yet when I came for Aang, you said you were a warrior, not a chief!”
“Why are you all shouting?”
Everyone sitting at the table jerked towards the entrance to the tent, staring in surprise at the duo standing there. Piandao walked in first, sitting between Pakku and Zuko and peering around the prince at his old student. General Iroh entered after, moving to take his place across from Sokka, at the other head of the table.
“Apparently no one but the Gaang knew Sokka’s a king.”
“Toph! Chief, not king!”
“Same thing.” There was a loud thud as the teen’s forehead hit the wood, which was repeated at a lower volume as he began to bang lightly with his skull against the surface. It continued for about thirty seconds with the others staring amusedly at him, before Zuko slid his hand between the two opposing forces. Sokka looked up at his friend with a tiny pout before exhaling and pulling himself upright.
“Whatever, let’s just start this meeting. General Iroh, what are your plans for tomorrow?” The atmosphere snapped into a tenser feel, a seriousness falling over the group.
“Earthbenders will aid in our entrance, with all firebenders directly behind. Once we are within, we masters and the more experience benders will combat those aided by the Comet. All other warriors will begin taking down the lesser threats, such as nonbenders and earthbenders. We assumed your team would have a plan for fighting my brother.” Sokka nodded, lips pursed in concentration as he studied the map. He was able to figure out what most of the pieces marked, and it was with that that his mind worked out a strategy. He began rolling his tile again, something he had stopped when entering the tent. It was a movement done under the table but still visible to his friends.
“There’s going to be an airfleet, correct?” Iroh tipped his head in confirmation at the inquiry. “That means that they can travel far and fast in the relatively short time of the Comet. And they could split up easily to cover more area. It’s a given that Ozai will be there with the fleet. When Aang comes to fight, that will separate them from the ships. We’ll then need to take them out, or else the destruction will be exponentially larger.”
“No one but powerful and loyal Fire Nation engineers ever saw the blueprints,” Piandao commented. “We don’t have the time to get them and figure out how to take them down or find a way around the crew.”
“Why would you- oh, you guys don’t know. Makes sense.”
“What don’t we know?”
“I invented airships. You won’t need to get blueprints, I’ll just go there myself. They’re made of metal, so Toph will need to come as well. A smaller team will be better, so us and maybe one or two more people. That will nullify the fleet and prevent most of the destruction. Someone will need to take out Azula as well. She’ll be controlling the Fire Nation while Ozai makes the attack. I would suggest Zuko for that, as he’s got the best knowledge of the Caldera and Azula’s tactics.”
“Regarding your attack, I think that it would be best if you sent your most powerful earthbenders underground with a strong group of warriors. If you go deep enough, only the Dai Li could possibly sense you and you could make an attack from within the city, forcing the soldiers to fight on two fronts. From what Zuko told me, most of the Dai Li went with Azula. Maybe all of them but it’s better to assume some are there. They could be defeated easily by Bumi, so he definitely should go. If the nonbenders went through the tunnels after the main group, then some of the weaker earthbenders could make separate paths and pop up at different places throughout Ba Sing Se. Not only would that ensure that they aren’t attacked by Dai Li, it would also allow them to sneak up on the nonbenders and any other combatants they might meet. Warn them that some people have been brainwashed. We don’t have a way to figure out who and with the Fire Nation, who knows what they did with that technology.”
“Healers and medics should remain behind for the first ten minutes or so before following the second group underground. That way they won’t be attacked. They should wear something to distinguish them from soldiers. Maybe have them wear white, as it’s not going to be a color that blends in. If they help everyone regardless of the side they’re on, then they also won’t be attacked.”
“When did you have the time to plan this?” Jeong Jeong asked, his tone shocked.
“He’s the Schedule Master,” Toph spoke up in glee. She always loved seeing people on the opposite side of Sokka’s plans.
“Right now, it doesn’t matter when I made the plan. We just need to figure out who will go and where they’ll go to. Toph and I for the airfleet, Aang fighting Ozai, and Zuko with someone else against Azula. Katara can take on the role of both healer and fighter, so she can fit anywhere, and Suki’s a great warrior.”
“Very well.” Iroh moved a few of the markers around, rearranging them to represent the modified plan. A white tile in the Caldera’s location was moved to the center instead of the outer edge and a yellow one was placed on top of a red. Zuko and Aang. Without waiting to see the tile that Iroh would move for himself, Sokka took his white lotus and placed it on the coast of the Earth Kingdom most likely to be attacked.
“I see you kept the tile,” Piandao mused, a proud look in his eyes.
“Yes. You gave it to me, after all.” It came to the boy’s realization that the Order of the White Lotus probably had some special meaning to the tile, especially since they held Pai Sho in such a high regard that even Jeong Jeong had a board.
“Piandao was right to do so,” Bumi stated with a finality that moved them back to the plan.
“The strategies would work, and it is a thought none of us had to include healers in our battle. A fine idea to lessen any causalities on both sides. However, we need to decide on the whereabouts of your team. And we need to discuss the effects the Comet might have on you, given your peculiarity.”
“Katara can go with Zuko. She’ll fight with him and keep him alive. That’s extremely necessary, both because he’s a friend and because he’s next in line. Zuko, you’ll need to take over as fast as possible. The Fire Sages should be there due to Azula’s possible coronation. I don’t really understand how all that works, but if they’re there and you defeat her, you still have the most right to the throne outside of your father and any position held by Azula is rightfully yours. They’ll listen to you if Katara’s there to yell at them.”
“Are you sure we can take my sister? She’s insane and incredibly powerful.”
“Who knows dragon fire? Not her. Who is the only person Lan stays with besides myself? Not her. You are powerful enough to stop her in a fight, and you have the world’s greatest waterbender to aid you if anything goes wrong, which it will. You can do this.”
“Who is Lan?” Sokka, Toph, and Zuko all stared at Pakku for a moment, before their expressions changed. Toph was grinning with mischief, knowing perfectly well how the reactions would go. Zuko became utterly embarrassed as he would have to admit he was special when it came to the little Bluey. Sokka was grinning like Toph, but his was in pride at the thought of showing off his baby. With steady hands, the Spirit-touched boy reached into his shirt and withdrew the complacent being.
What occurred next was hysterical in many different ways. Jeong Jeong tipped over his chair as he jumped back in his seat, and Bumi barely managed to get out of his own before it, too, was knocked over. Piandao fell into Pakku, who caught the man and tilted back as far as he could go. Iroh sat frozen and tense at the end, eyes unbelieving. A huge slew of expletives exploded into the air from various masters, drawing Toph into a cackling fit. Sokka was clutching Lan protectively against his chest, angry at how no one seemed to appreciate his baby, and Zuko was trying to comfort the boy without breaking down into laughter.
Lan, sensing her caretaker’s distress and woken from her nap, wrapped carefully around Sokka’s neck and growled. When the attention was successfully drawn her way, she moved further up into the black hair above her, and hit her small paws against the firebender’s head. It was an action that somehow conveyed “be nice” without any previous knowledge of Lan’s antics.
“You all need to be nicer to my baby,” Sokka pouted, gently tugging said baby into his arms again. “She deserves better.”
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fang-wolfsbane · 3 years
Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia: Inked Feathered Flame: Chapter 04: Training Exercise
“So gear up, and meet me at the training grounds,” their current class teacher, the famous number one hero, All Might said, and with a press of a button, the wall on the left side of the classroom slid open, revealing numbered cubbies, each containing a hero suit they had all gotten the chance to give their opinion on.
Opening his cubby, Akuriru bit his bottom lip nervously. When he originally filled in his hero costume requirements sheet, he had been nothing less than uncertain about its appearance, never mind functionality. He didn’t want to end up looking like a costume clown, but he also needed his suit to be functional, so he had opted, with help from Momo, for clothing that left plenty of space to make full use of his quirk for the day he got more than his current tattoo. In the end, he had settled for black ripped pants, steady combat boots and a loose tank top and hoodie. A casual look, but still functional.
A glance towards Kyoka and Denki revealed that they had similar ideas in mind, respective of their own quirks. Kyoka met his eyes and flashed a kind smile as she and the girls all headed towards their changing room. Holding the body-heat adjusting fabric, Akuriru found himself smiling. Things were really starting to look up for him.
He might have thought too soon. All Might gave them a simple simulation situation where they divided into teams of two, one half playing the hero and the other half villains. Just his luck that All Might didn’t take into consideration that there were twenty-one students, leaving him as the odd number out. He had opted to sit the exercise out, only to receive a dramatic lecture from his teacher instead.
In the end, he ended up in a team with Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu, or Tsu, as she insisted they all call her. Fumikage didn’t talk much, but he felt comfortable enough that Akuriru found himself to be relaxed around the other male student.
Their team was to play the villains, something he hadn’t expected, but neither did the team they were up against. All Might on the other hand had thought it a good opportunity for the team playing the heroes to deal with a situation where they would be outnumbered. It made sense, so no one had thought to argue against it.
Fumikage had chosen to defend the object the heroes were sent in to disarm, or capture them first, which left him and Tsuyu to attack. Tsuyu seemed to know exactly how she would go about it, but it left Akuriru a little uneasy. His tattoo could work for both attack and defence if he tried but going up against his classmates did leave him a little on edge.
Becoming a fulltime hero required going up against opponents, fighting in close to far ranges, whether you were adept at it or not. Akuriru knew he would need to practice on all fronts. Momo had nearly drilled that fact into him. If it hadn’t been for her own enthusiasm to become a hero, he would have dropped out before she even suggested this whole crazy route in the first place.
Tsuyu had voted to be the first line of attack, leaving Akuriru as the second line, and if they both failed, then it was up to Fumikage. If he remembered right, they were going up against Momo and Minoru Mineta. He didn’t know Minoru as well as he knew Momo, but he didn’t appreciate the way the purple-haired boy eyed his cousin, or any female in their class. He was certain they felt similar to him on that front.
Tsuyu had set herself against the wall, waiting until they could hear their opponents approaching. Just as Momo rounded the corner, Tsuyu’s long tongue struck out, blocking his cousin from entering the room as it wrapped around her waist and yanked her off to the side, earning a startled yelp from the taller girl.
“Don’t worry Yaoyorozu, I’ll save you!” Minoru’s voice screeched from where he came tumbling through the open doored threshold, his short legs spiralling in mid-air.
“Iro-kun, grab him!” Tsuyu called out, trying to hold Momo in place with her arms pinned to her sides. Akuriru had to shake his head to clear his thoughts before he realised that Tsuyu meant Minoru might get through their defence. Luckily for him, he had manifested his tattoo before their arrival.
With his right hand firmly grasped onto the pole, Akuriru spun the modified spear around, the tip blunted so as to not cause any physical harm. Upon spotting it, Minoru fell back on his backside. Akuriru had never felt like he possessed any physical power over anyone else but standing above Minoru left him with an idea of how that might feel. All he needed to do was pin him down and then Fumikage could wrap the given capture tape around their temporary enemies and win them their round.
He brought the spear down and felt it come into contact with something squishy. His first thought was that he might have accidentally struck Minoru and hurt him, but the second he looked, he saw his spear had been diverted by one of Minoru’s hair balls and stuck to the floor beside him. Who knew the little pervert had such fast reflexes?
With a snarky grin, Minoru jumped to his feet and rushed past. Akuriru released his hold on his spear, but must’ve lost most of his concentration, causing the tattoo to think that it was done with its current task and forcing itself back to its original spot. The unconcentrated return hit him like a bat to the back of his leg as he went down from the temporary pain.
Minoru used the situation to his full advantage, until Tsuyu’s voice called out for Fumikage. Akuriru would have felt sorry for Minoru because of their team’s technical disadvantage with having someone on their team that had a quirk that allowed him to use a physical manifestation that served as a second person, but All Might had decided that his role would be chosen through randomly drawing a team’s assigned letter, which had ended up with Akuriru joining an already three-person team. With how he had let Minoru slip past him, he was certain that both Fumikage and Tsuyu regretted being forced to team up with him.
Fumikage and Dark Shadow wasted no time in capturing Minoru, spinning around him like a snail waiting for an opportunity to strike. Tsuyu already had Momo wrapped in tape against the wall, taking care of Minoru less than a minute later. He couldn’t deny that she and Fumikage made a pretty good team. He would have smiled, had he not nearly cost them their victory.
Because Izuku had been injured during his and Ochaco’s match against Katsuki and Tenya, Akuriru was assigned as her replacement partner for the reverse situation exercise. Since Ochaco had already played the hero and Akuriru was the odd one out, they were assigned the villain roles against Mina Ashido and Yuga Aoyama.
Ochaco had the idea that she’d levitate the supposed threat outside the building’s window whilst Akuriru focused on trying to restrain their classmates. He wanted to point out to her why he wasn’t the best choice for defending her, but seeing the excitement in her eyes, he couldn’t bring himself to do so, so he had agreed.
At least they weren’t up against Fumikage and Tsuyu. He didn’t feel up to looking them in the eye, especially not after Tsuyu had been kind enough to tell him not to worry over Minoru slipping past him. It might not have been such a big deal during a training exercise, but if the situation had been real… he didn’t want to think about it.
He must have zoned out, because the moment Ochaco patted his shoulder, Akuriru had nearly launched himself into the air out of fright.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked, her face showing the same concern her voice portrayed. An expression he had seen so rarely that he almost didn’t know how to respond to it. They weren’t that much different in terms of height, his own reaching more to Katsuki’s height, if only a centimetre shorter.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was just, uh, thinking about how to stop Ashido and Aoyama when they get here,” Akuriru said, attempting his best chuckle in his current nervous state. She must’ve bought it, because a second later she gave him the same confident, reassuring smile she gave Izuku when the two of them were teamed up. He only hoped that he would be as good as a partner to her as Izuku had been.
“Oh, well that’s good! Try not to worry about it so much, okay? We can do it if we work together!”
Her energetic attitude was near enough to put him at ease enough to relax his shoulders. His quirk became painful when he was stressed. She must have guessed, or at least asked Momo, when she heard he’d be her replacement partner. The two of them didn’t know everything about each other’s quirks, but he knew she became nauseous when using her quirk too much, and she probably knew his became painful to control if he lost concentration. Luckily for both of them, they knew Yuga got a stomach ache from his, so at most he would probably attempt to use it three times, meaning Mina would be their main attacker.
He had only seen Mina use her quirk once or twice, not nearly enough times to try and find its weakness. They were at a clear disadvantage against her. that didn’t mean that he didn’t wish Ochaco could use her quirk on their opponents instead, but he understood her reasoning for protecting their objective first. If they could defeat their opponents or keep the object out of their reach until the time ran out, then they would win. He didn’t plan on letting down her like he had done with his previous teammates.
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polar-stars · 7 years
24 Days of SnS Ship Drabbles
Day 2
Tosuke x Rindo - "presents"
Some Helpful Advice
Rindo's fist punched the air.
"It's finally that time of the year everyone!"
The redhead stood in front of the usual silent assembly of young Elites, a wide grin on her pink lips. Things like Etsuya looking on his golden watch, Nene's stoic expression or Momo playing with Bucchi unsettled Rindo not one bit.
"The Elite Ten Secret Santa!" She spread her arms wide, as if presenting a sculpture or something. In fact she was only presenting a humble, little Santa Hat laying on the table and filled with ten pieces of paper.
She lifted it up in the air and continued to ignore the groans that came from Etsuya and Terunori, or the blank expressions from everyone else. The only one mirroring her happy expression was Satoshi, but he was probably not capable of not smiling.
But nothing stops Rindo Kobayashi on her way and so she only started to elaborate cheerfully. "So...You all know the rules. You're all going to pull a name out of the hat. You're going to read the name on it, tell it to no one else and buy a present for the person afterwards. Got it?"
Some nods, some eye rolls and some who didn't reacted at all.
And so Rindo walked around the table and let everyone pull their piece. It went smoothly as no one pulled their own name and soon Rindo was the only one without the name.
Eagerly she grabbed the last piece of paper.
Terunori Kuga was what the paper piece read. By the second Rindou had read the name, thousands of present ideas filled Rindou's head at the same time.
While she sorted all of her visions, Eishi stood up and announced. "With that the Elite Ten meeting is over for today. Have a safe ride home and a wonderful week, everybody."
The Elites jumped up from their seats with such a synergy, one could swear they had practiced it.
This was the only thing that was happening in synergy though. Afterwards everyone went their own way.
Rindou took her coat and huddled herself into the black warmth that would hopefully protect her from the threatening, icy winds that howled outside.
As she began to walk, she suddenly felt the presence of Tosuke Megishima next to her.
She turned her head. "Ey, Megishima! Is there something you want to tell me?"
Tosuke's expression remained stoic as ever.
"What do girls like?" He nonchalantly questioned.
Four simple words. That was the only thing that Tosuke needed to have Rindou's full attention in a heartbeat.
Abruptly the redhead stopped in her walk and swung around to fully face her classmate. Her grin was wide and excited, exposing the vampire-like fangs of Rindou perfectly. "What did ya say?"
Tosuke had stood still as well. His face remained calm and he repeated. "What do girls like?"
Laughter from Rindou was what followed as she eagerly clapped her hands together. "Oh my, Oh my! How delightful." She calmed down again and gave Tosuke a mischievous smirk afterwards. "Who did ya pull? Kinokuni-Chan or Akanegakubo-Chan? Or even...." The smirk went even wider. "....Nakiri-Chan?"
Tosuke was emotionless. "You said we shall not tell anyone who we pulled,"
Rindou pouted and put her hands on her hips. "Maaaan, Megishima! How should I help you like this?!" Before Tosuke could even come up with an answer, she was already happy again and announced. "Then I guess I have to stay general then! Don't go for something 'classical' as red roses or something. It could work for Kinokuni or Nakiri, but I just find it not very original. Do something that one remembers!" "Hm..." "Instead ..."
She tapped her chin while a million ideas rose in her head. Nothing unusual for a creative mind like Rindou.
"...instead, how about some heart-shaped cook utensil? A little cheesy, but not an everyday gift if I may say so. Oh! Handmade soup fitting to her personality could also be an idea! Or a set of candles that float on water. Or some very nice hair clip. Or a cute pillow. Or bath bombs.....OR..." Her eyes grew as she had the ultimate enlightenment in between all her rambling.
Tosuke leaned forwards a little, but reverted this action right away as Rindou cajoled. "Pyjamas!"
"....Pyjamas?" Tosuke tilted his head and showed an actual emotion for once. Confusion.
Eagerly Rindou nodded. "I don't know about Kinokuni, Akanegakubo or Nakiri, but personally I would be flattered by a comfortable, warm pyjama that I can huddle myself in everyday!"
A small silent emerged, before Tosuke turned around. But not without saying. "Well, thanks Kobayashi!"
"Anytime, Megishima!"
The day of the Elite Secret Santa Gift Exchange arrived faster than Rindou expected.
Eishi had collected every gift and gave them out depending on the name written on it.
Rindou had something wrapped in deep red glittering paper and bound with a dark green bow. But whatever it was that was in it, Rindou was way to caught up in watching the others packing out their gifts to pay any attention to her own.
Terunori was genuinely astonished by the beautiful porcelain dragon Rindou had bought for him. And even brought himself to stutter a "We..Well....Thank you..." to Rindou.
Etsuya had way more problems with giving the brightly smiling Satoshi a thank you for the wallet he got from him.
Eishi, on the other hand, was already wearing the gloves that Nene had knitted for him.
Rindou's attention of course mostly laid on her female companions in the ten. To finally find out who of them would receive the gift from Tosuke and what he ultimately bought.
First Nene unwrapped her gift and revealed it to be earrings from Etsuya, who suddenly found the ceiling awfully interesting as she turned to him.
One out, two to go.
Like a lurking cat searching for a bird to devour, Rindou immediately turned her head as she heard Momo telling Bucchi she would unwrap her gift now. But to Rindou's disappointment Eishi apparently gifted her. It was an adorable, little tea-set that one would swear was made for puppets. Despite her stoic expression, the pleased blush that rouse on Momo's soft cheeks told that she was happy.
Two out, one to go.
Immediately Rindou's sharp, yellow eyes shifted their focus to the blonde Nakiri heiress, silently sitting at the end on the table. She has not yet touched the purple gift that laid in front of her.
Just as her hands reached out for it though, the familiar voice of Eishi rang through Rindou's ears. "Rindou...? Don't you want to unpack your gift...?"
"Hm? Yeah...I guess.." She replied slightly absently. To not miss any of Erina's unpacking, she quickly ripped of the red paper and green bow, just to be greeted by a brown box.
This is taking too much time.
She took off the cover and from the moment on she did, the world stood still.
Laying inside there was a black, fluffy pyjama decorated with little white cats. Just by looking at it alone Rindou could tell that this material would certainly keep her warmth.
Next to it laid a card that read. "Merry Christmas, Megishima"
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