#and how much she trusts and values his opinion as a scientist
amaryllis-sagitta · 9 days
DATV spoilers about the Evanuris (IGN First)
Sooo, a snippet from the video part basically confirms some historical parallels:
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Maferath allegedly envied Andraste's position, the loyalty she evoked and the lands she conquered, and he betrayed her, leading to her captivity and execution in Tevinter.
According to the legend, Flemeth's husband pursued her for a long time after he learned she had a lover. He deceived them by inviting them to his deathbed, which sounded like an offer of reconciliation. Yet, Bann Conobar captured Flemeth and killed her lover.
Motivations differ, but the theme of trust betrayed on the husband's part persists. This means that Elgar'nan most likely instigated the murder of Mythal and installed himself as the autocrat, since Mythal seemed to be somehow elevated even among the Evanuris. The analogy to Andraste rings much closer, and there is another interesting implication of that:
Maferath had three sons, who founded the Orlesian tribes, the Ciriane tribes and the Free Marches. They did not come from Andraste but from a concubine.
The Evanuris are often grouped as Elgar'nan & Mythal, Falon'Din & Dirthamen, then three more as supposed siblings: Andruil, June & Sylaise, or alternatively June & Sylaise being spouses, then Ghilan'nain as promoted by Andruil and Fen'Harel as a... stray.
Following that analogy, Andruil, June & Sylaise were "truly" of Elgar'nan but not of Mythal, and Elgar'nan might have had an interest to secure something for them, possibly in exchange for loyalty. They were likely aligned with the All-Father but somehow distant from the All-Mother. Which would explain how the majority of the Evanuris gremium, at least, wouldn't have rebelled against Elgar'nan's tyranny.
Falon'Din's and Dirthamen's positions in this dynamic are still uncertain - we know Solas hated Falon'Din's guts so much he had to diss him upon seeing a dedicated temple mosaic. But that sounds either like something deeply personal or like a fundamental difference of values and opinions that wasn't caused by Mythal's fall specifically. We also have myths that connect Ghilan'nain with Dirthamen, presumably before her amoral scientist phase (if she actually had a moral decline arc).
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sadsack-phd-a · 2 years
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The whole development of Flug and Penumbra’s friendship is just really cute to me tbh
Like it’s very understated--as in it only ever really comes up in Penumbra’s Instagram. You see Flug pop in periodically in her posts, but the first post is (presumably) the second time they’re meeting. Flug is clearly frazzled, tense, and clearly didn’t expect anybody to want to snap a selfie with him. 
And then for the rest of the time Penumbra’s Instagram is active, you just sort of see them popping in and out of each other’s lives and it’s just... wholesome??? Genuinely sweet???
Cut for me being extremely Normal about mad scientist besties.
Like! They send each other holiday and birthday gifts!
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Flug tries to help her find a cure for her condition!
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It’s super cute too because Flug sends her a handwritten letter that’s like “Hello Miss Penumbra! I am following up with you as a client! For business reasons! To discuss the business thing! By the way, do you think we’ll be able to meet up at Business Thing this year? It was really nice seeing you at Business Thing!” Meanwhile Penumbra is like “this is my FRIEND this is my BUDDY he’s my LITTLE SCIENCE PAL!”
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Flug is there for her in an Emotional Support Zoom Call when the media starts vilifying her!
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idk, like. While I love the kind of volatile sibling relationship Flug and Demencia have, and the doting parent-child relationship Flug has with 5.0.5., it’s really sweet to see him have an earnest and genuine friendship with a peer who respects him as a fellow professional, likes him for who he is, and genuinely loves spending time with him. It’s a dynamic I don’t fully expect to see explored in the series proper, but I love that they took the time to flesh it out a bit.
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mystery-salad · 3 years
Let’s Have A Talk About Canach
Canach is a character you can't possibly not know about in the gw2 fandom and game, he shows up everywhere and regardless of how good or bad the opinion is, everyone has some sort of thoughts on the guy. He does not fade into the background. And he is, at his core, the best handled and nuanced antagonist-turned-friend I've seen in a game.
And that is because he cares deeply. He cares so deeply and intensely about everything and everyone he can find room for, no matter how much he's been hurt or ridiculed or insulted or talked down to. And through that caring he stumbles a lot, but he learns over time to handle it better, to the point that he becomes a valued and trusted friend.
Let's start at the beginning.
Canach didn't have an easy life from nearly day one, the first time you can see his name pop up in the history of sylvari is in lws2 Seeds of Truth. Through a memory of Caithe's you find out about a group of secondborns captured by inquest scientists intent to experiment on the "newly discovered" sylvari. Among those captured is Canach. And what have the inquest done with these test subjects? Well they've directly tied their lives to powering golems of course. As Faolain dismantles a golem you hear Canach yell "No! Cease your attacks! I feel a strong energetic connection between us and those constructs." And not a moment later one of the secondborn captives dies with a scream.
Further fatalities occur before the rescue, Faolain does as she wishes and, no matter what you do as Caithe, she will continue dismantling the golems. You can hear several screams and cries punctuate the soundtrack as you race her callous violence to save the remaining secondborn. It's a hell of an introduction to the outside world and it's likely to warp these saplings' perception of what lies ahead for them outside of the Grove. And yet, in your success, as you save the sylvari who were in danger, Canach speaks again. "Pain, humiliation, and eventually death. For us...and for them. Did you have to kill them?"
The next time you find Canach is in a part of the story that we at large no longer have access to, in lws1 when he had been hired by the Consortium to map and explore Southsun Cove. This was in preparation for building settlements and tourist facilities around the newly discovered island. During this exploration he began to closely study the local flora, collecting passion flowers with his team to study them further, which accidentally provoked the local karka to attack the expedition. Those who survived the attack fled back to Lion's Arch with karka on their tails. To avoid being arrested for instigating the karka attack unintentionally, Canach volunteered to help fight the Ancient Karka though he fled soon after.
In the events and dialogue encountered within said karka attack, Canach is prickly at best. Defensive immediately upon the assumption that you, like everyone else around him right now, sees this all as directly his fault. And he’s not wrong, you are there to oppose and fight him. The man has a quick defensive habit of making it clear he'll stand up for himself if he thinks you may wish him ill will, an understandable defense to have in the life he's led so far and being stuck around groups such as the Consortium. And he's justified in this bitterness, despite the Consortium sending out many researchers such as him and being the reason this was even a problem, they let Canach take the fall and full guilt of this incident, as the person with his fingerprints on the knife so to speak. "I've admitted my mistake, but I deny the Lionguard's right to punish me. The Captain's Council has done much worse to secure their positions." "I am secondborn sylvari; I do not make excuses. What's done is done. Punishing me benefits no one. However, if I'm alive and free, I can make restitution to the city."
Upon fleeing the Ancient Karka fight, a manhunt begins for the fugitive Canach, by order of Ellen Kiel. In his freedom as he runs from the law though, he takes it upon himself to position as a champion of the weak. No doubt in part to avoid guilt, but he could have run so much further and caused so much more damage had he simply been avoiding custody. Instead he seeks out and destroys a molten alliance weapons facility, aiming to aid in his freedom rather than hinder. His goal is ultimately to get even with his old Consortium contractor and to free the refugees from the molten alliance and the Consortium's contracts, who only walked into danger because the Consortium had lied about the safety of their new island settlements and afterwards had been coerced into signing contracts for safety that would also prove to force them to stay on as new labor for the Consortium.
In his effort to cause civil unrest and toward the Consortium's plans and to get ahold of the corrupt contracts, he spread a wildlife-aggravating toxin that caused enough commotion to again put the island on the Lionguard's radar, leading to his eventual capture by Ellen Kiel with assistance from the Commander. This does however also lead to Elen herself having those contracts destroyed, though subtly handled for reputation’s sake. Even in the supposed failure of crimes, he's already helping people.
While it feels like a lifetime before we see him again, Canach does show up several times in lws2 Party Politics and any present day depictions show him to now be a Shining Blade agent. Not by choice, but by the event of Countess Anise purchasing his billet from the Lionguard and enforcing his sentence as now serving the Shining Blade for an undetermined length of time. He is once again working for an organization he doesn't really side with, for a boss he doesn't seem to much like or trust at all. Back to where he was in lws1 at the start. But this time, there's a small difference. He will willingly go through this duty, to serve his sentence at least out in the open rather than confined to a cell. The lesser of two evils in his eyes. "Technically, I'm still a prisoner. It's just now my bars are lined with velvet." "So long as I'm a good grunt, she'll keep me with her and I don't have to go back in the cell." "I'm no fool. I could be in a much worse situation than this. I guess you could say I learned my lesson. I know I have a reputation for acting rashly, but those days are behind me."
He does make his distaste of his new boss clear though, just as blunt and sarcastic and prickly as he was the first time he'd met the Commander on less than ideal terms. After all, he has to hold his own and he's far learned by now that no one else will back him up. He's on his own, surrounded by noble humans in a city that functions as his prison.
Again he shows up in lws2, now in Caithe's Reconnaissance Squad as a willing enough teammate who works with Caithe to try and figure out what exactly is going on with the mordrem in the Silverwastes. There's minor banter, and already he's less scathing than when at Anise's side. He knows his strengths, and he makes himself useful to a very effective degree. It's worth noting that unlike with the Ancient Karka, he does not flee as the mordrem outnumber the team. He stays right at your side fighting the danger until escape for everyone is possible, the first of many fights to come where Canach will be an ally now.
And then we hit Heart of Thorns. A hell of an expansion for the game, one where Canach appears even in the trailer for it. He is once again defending himself from others, shouting "We are not your enemies!" A line shown to prove that others are indeed now wary at best, hateful at worst of sylvari for being unwitting dragon minions the whole time. Many times in this plot you are faced with characters who do not want anything to do with sylvari, who expect the race to attack on sight or report back to Mordremoth. Further cementing his own distrust of others, and his harsher demeanor towards those who would wish him harm on sight.
And yet, when he could take this as a huge chance to just say "fuck you" to everyone and go on a rampage or leave, entirely with the excuse of "what can I say, mordremoth got to me I couldn't help it", he does not. Instead he follows through on Anise's orders and joins the Commander in the search for Trahearne and the rescue of many along the way. No matter how loud the dragon gets in his head and no matter how antagonistic some companions can be, despite how often his dialogue is him once again having to defend his sanity against teammates, he stays with you. Because he has something to prove here and he will make it clear that sylvari are more than their maker. "I have an obvious personal stake in defeating the jungle dragon." "I don't want anyone mistaking me for a mordrem guard of pact turncoat." "It would be a cruel irony for me to die wrongly accused." He even goes so far as to tell you what Mordremoth is thinking if the opportunity arises, effectively a spy on your side. "Mordremoth knows we're here, but it doesn't seem concerned. It's interested, but not...urgent." along with bringing up the dragon's much quieter voice while within Rata Novus.
He also is the first to reach out to a mordrem found within Rata Novus, not with swords but cautious yet kind words. "The call is quieter here. Maybe this one sought refuge. Maybe there's something left inside." "Brother? Hello?" And he so calmly pulls answers from the distressed mordrem, talks with them for as long as they can hold their will, and does not fight until the mordrem strikes first. And while it still ends in a fight, he tried. He did what no one else in that scene would have, and it provided the team with invaluable heartbreaking information about how Mordremoth corrupts sylvari, along with one moment of kindness in what was a panicked and terrified end for a sylvari who gave in to the call. Again, he goes above and beyond to care about someone who by all accounts should be an enemy on sight.
And then we come to the end of Heart of Thorns. Where Canach is one of the three teammates you can choose to enter the dragon's mind with you to defeat Mordremoth. And his reasoning on why he should help doesn't include asking you to trust him, he's smart and knows the two of you don't yet have enough actual time together to have built trust from a rocky start. But instead he appeals with the fact that he has nothing to lose and everything to prove here. "I can help you, and I've got less to lose and more to gain than anyone else here." "You know what I'm capable of, and you know the circumstances that lead me here...so you know I'll help you get the job done. No matter what."
Even more convincing are his words once brought into the mind to face down a vision of himself as Mordremoth's corrupted champion. "My mind has always been my own. I seek no master and never have. I am no one's servant." "No. To redeem myself, I choose to serve." "I've done my best to kill the old me. I remain ready to eliminate this version." "I was strong enough to change what I was."
In lws3 we once again cross paths with Canach almost immediately. He returns once again, though not as our companion this time. Instead, he is back under the thumb of Anise, on a Shining Blade mission to apprehend or kill Lord Caudecus, the leader of the White mantle. Our interactions with him this season are tangential and only intersect when we also happen to be after the same person.
But this time is notably his last set of missions under Anise's orders. Upon the capture or death of Caudecus, he will officially be a legally free man once more. High stakes for a sylvari who's spent more time under the orders of others than he'd ever care for, being constantly reminded of his mistakes and shortcomings. And yet, despite the dangers he faces and the scathing exchanges with Anise and the White Mantle that can be heard throughout, he still takes time to be kind when necessary. Upon finding out that Demi, the woman accompanying you, is Caudecus' daughter, he pauses in his snark towards Anise and the White Mantle to instead discuss Caudecus' current state with her. "Is he really your father? I'm so sorry." "Well...he was consuming bloodstone his lackeys gathered from the explosion. He might be unrecognizable to you, my dear."
And upon earning his freedom at last, he doesn't immediately leave. He sees Lady Valette Wi begging to atone for her own wrongdoings and, despite being on the receiving end of her animosity moments ago like the rest of the team, he immediately goes to bat for her. "She should stand trial. Past deeds... You should be given a chance to make up for them."
And then he parts ways, striking out on his own for the first time in many years. Not for too long though of course, as he says your paths will cross again, and they certainly do in Path of Fire.
You reunite with him in Zalambur's casino, a location Canach has been frequenting for an unknown amount of time and he's quite comfortable there. Though he makes it clear shortly after that he intends to again accompany you, now as a friend and official teammate as you go to take down a God. Despite Rytlock's immediate greeting of asking you if he can kill Canach, he works several times with the charr, trying constantly to handle the partnership with skill while still throwing barbed words, well earned, back and forth. There's a running joke on the wager he placed on the Commander winning, a plot-handy vote of confidence from him in the coming battle.
I write all this long-winded backstory to say, Canach cares. He cares so deeply and so unabashedly, he cares enough for it to rashly drive decisions and calm moments where he's annoyed and push him back into danger with the Commander because the world matters to him too.
Yes, he’s snarky. But that snark is only dark or piercing when in response to someone who does not respect him as his own person. The Commander when arresting him, Anise who holds his contract, the Consortium who threw him under the bus and abandoned him, Rytlock who repeatedly is overtly racist and cruel to him...he holds respect for himself, and a caution well earned through a very harsh life. And he still works with all these people cooperatively despite his words.
And why do you think we find him in a casino of all places, once he’s free? He could’ve met with us anywhere in Amnoon, he knew we were coming. But the casino was his chosen hangout whenever not out with us. Think about it further than “he’s got a great bet on us and he’s good at gambling”. Think about how the Consortium is around, helping Amnoon. How the casino is known to serve people regardless of morality or reputation, a point made in a way that says nowhere else in Amnoon tends towards that. This is likely the only place Canach can genuinely relax and avoid most chances of side-eyes and backhanded comments. He’s on equal ground here and he can’t be guaranteed the same with the group that threw him under the bus milling around the city. On top of that we have an all too real trend he follows of someone with a lot of discrimination and trauma veering into troubling habits such as gambling, because they’re the few unbiased communities when it comes to people who could face discrimination. Join a gang they don’t judge, drown yourself in drugs or alcohol to ease the pain at the end of the day, the casino won’t judge you so long as you spend your money here.
He is so scarred by the world. He’s faced an onslaught of difficulties from when he was a sapling to now, and many people with positions of power ensure he will never forget it.
And yet. And yet! He chooses to be kind every time the opportunity arises. He chooses to be kind to Demi, a woman he’s just met who’s related to the villain who had him imprisoned and tortured. He chooses to be kind to Lady Wi who he directly fought. He chooses to talk gently with a mordrem who could lose control at any second. And he chooses to feel loss and sorrow when the inquest who hurt him and his friends are killed. He shows compassion whenever possible, and it's clearly fueled by empathy in his case with how he seems to emotionally connect with these people so surprisingly well in spite of everything.
Special shout-out to @ascalonianpicnic who helped me try to make this as short as possible, it was so hard to edit it down on my own!
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thisisarcanereverie · 3 years
What it Means to be Worthy (Thor x Reader)
WARNINGS: unprotected sex (wrap it up pals) Do NOT read unless you are 18+. 
Also I have never written smut before so I hope it’s ok. I honestly couldn’t have written it if I hadn’t been listening to Deity by Valeree (highly recommend listening while reading the smut. It will probably make it better.) 
“Thor,” you called the God of Thunder, “Thor it’s (Y/n).”
You heard a small grunt coming from the living room as you entered through the front door. You immediately went to cover your nose from the stench that invaded your senses upon entering. 
It seemed as though the whole house smelled of rotten food, sweat, and something akin to a pigs feces. It was a smell that you never quite got used to, even after 2 years of smelling it every day. 
You quietly made your way through the house until you saw a sight you were quite used to seeing now. 
Thor on the ground, shirtless, covered in sweat and grime. His beard was filthy from vomit and dandruff and his hair greasy and matted to his head. 
There had been a time where he cared so much about his hair that he got triggered if you had tried to trim it. 
After 2 years of seeing this scene before you, it failed to surprise you. 
Now it just angered you. 
You knew you couldn’t understand the pain he was in, he lost his entire family, half his people, and Asgard. 
Sure, the people of Midgard were generous and gave your people sanctuary, a place for your people to call home once again. 
But that didn’t stop you from missing Asgard’s golden palace and it’s mountains of lush green forests. How you missed running with Thor and Loki through those forests after dark to get to the highest peak you could to watch the glittering of the gold during sunrise. 
You had been playmates with the Princes since infancy. You had trained and fought alongside them in battle, joined them in celebrations after each conquest, mourned the loss of Frigga with them. 
You went with Thor all those years ago to retrieve Loki and joined the Avengers with him. 
But now the Avengers were gone, long since disbanded before the battle of Wakanda. 
You weren’t angry at him, your anger was towards the cruel fate that had befallen your precious friends. You had cared for Loki, almost as much as Thor if not equal to. 
If you were honest, you weren’t in better shape. Your grief had taken hold of you as well. Your kind smile had turned cynical. Anyone who tried to get close to you often was met with your icy glare and scoff. 
Thor was the only one who brought out the caring person you once were. 
With a deep sigh you expertly walked around the empty booze bottles and to the grieving man before you. Thor may have gotten soft around the middle but he weighed about the same as you slumped his arms around your shoulders. Thor groaned and went pale, his eyes barely opening. 
“C’mon blondie,” you softly spoke, “let’s get you washed up.”
You half dragged the god to the bathroom, he threw up halfway there but you paid no mind. You would clean that after getting him in the shower. 
You didn’t bother stripping him before setting him in the tub. Without warning or mercy you pointed the shower hose directly at his face and turned the water to icy cold. 
Thor yelled at the icy feeling, borderline pleading, for you to turn off the water. However, over the course of 2 years the patience you had for him had worn thin and so you continued to spray until the stench subsided a little. 
Thor was fully awake and sober now, seeing your figure as clear as day tower over him in the tub with a look on your face akin to a mother scolding a misbehaving child. 
Thor felt so small and powerless under your gaze and he loathed it. 
“You could have stopped a while ago.”
“This needs to stop Thor.” 
Your hands motioned to him, Thor once admired those hands and the strength that they had. Now he just found them annoying. 
He found you annoying. 
You came by everyday and pulled him out of his stupor, clean up after him a little, and try to clean him up. You treated him like a child who couldn’t take care of himself and he loathed it so. 
“I am King of Asgard you do not get to tell me what to do.”
“What King would wallow himself in such a way.”
He bolted upright and stood in the tub, successfully towering over your frame, you had gone too far. You didn’t get to say such things to him. 
What Thor didn’t count on was the world getting fuzzy and a little dark when he stood up, so although he towered over you he was as stable as a wind chime. 
You held onto his frame to prevent him from falling flat onto his face. You felt Thor stiffen under your touch. 
You knew Thor was now sensitive and insecure in areas he never was before. 
It seemed like yesterday that he was admiring himself in one of Asgard’s golden mirrors, his long hair had looked like spun gold in Asgard’s sunlight and his figure was that befitting of a god. 
But none of that had ever mattered to you, even when Thor became full of himself to the point of him being ill tempered and arrogant, you couldn’t find it in yourself to ever give up on him. 
Not that you tried to give up on him anyways.
Loki had asked you one day why you didn’t. Why didn’t you give up on the golden prince when he clearly would never feel the same way. 
“I love him too much to be without him. Even if that means watching him parade himself around as a peacock and watch women fly to him like bees to honey.” 
Then Thor was banished and the only reason why you didn’t follow was due to Loki’s intervening. 
Then Thor met Jane Foster. 
The memory of the beautiful scientist brought back bittersweet memories. You had never seen Thor so deep in love, and that made you both sad and happy. 
Happy that he finally found someone who could keep him humble and who he loved just as much as you loved him. 
Sad that when you often caught Thor daydreaming, that it wasn’t you he was daydreaming about. 
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and sat the giant on the edge of the tub while you went to gather fresh clothes for him. 
You gathered a simple sweatshirt and pants for him to pull on once he was finished with his shower. 
As you set the clothes beside the sink you couldn’t help but feel the gnawing feeling in the deepest parts of your heart and the nagging thoughts in your head. 
You knew that Thor was hellbent on this self destructive path and you knew that there was nothing you could possibly do to prevent it. 
It was either you let Thor drown himself in his despair or you let him drown you with it as well. 
You had accepted long ago that Thor would never see you as anything more than what you had always been. 
His playmate since infancy. 
The girl who got a starry look every time he entered a room. 
You had saved up money from the jobs you had worked over the past 2 years, you finally saved up enough to get away from New Asgard. Leave its people to the hands of their self pitying King and Val. 
It wasn’t like they needed you or the other way around. 
No one would notice your absence. 
You began to pick up around Thor’s home, recycling empty liquor bottles and trashing pizza boxes and rotted food. Vacuuming the carpets and dusting here and there. 
This will be the last time you do as such. 
You needed to leave, staying here and wallowing in Thor’s despair and depression as much as your own wasn’t good for you. And you knew deep down you had been enabling him, every time you cleaned his house and washed and fed him you knew that he only got worse and that you were supporting him when you did this. 
You needed to leave for Thor’s sake as much as your own. 
You wondered how long it would take him to notice. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to tell Thor, you doubt he would even care at this point. 
The walk back to your house was only a few minutes, having moved into the house closest to his in case of emergency. 
Most of your things were packed and already in your apartment in New York waiting for you. Well things of value, the rest you had sold online, it was amazing what the internet could do. By far one of the greatest inventions on Midgard in your opinion. 
All that was left to do was, pack a few pieces of clothing and toiletries. 
And write a goodbye letter to Thor explaining where you went and why. 
You had avoided writing it, not wanting to say goodbye. Not wanting Thor to not care. 
It wasn’t like you were completely leaving Thor, Valkyrie (Val as you called her) assured you that she would make sure he didn’t starve or drink himself to an early grave. 
You trusted her to make good on her promise. 
You leaving wasn’t even your idea in the first place, Val had tried to get you to leave a year earlier, but you were too stubborn to leave then. 
You grabbed the piece of stationary and began to write. 
By the time you're sober enough to read this I’ll already be gone. I don’t predict that I’ll be back. 
Val will be making sure you don’t starve or drink yourself into an early grave in my place. 
I just can’t do this anymore Thor. 
I had loved you since we were but children running around the palace gardens, I still do. However I accepted the fact that you could never see me as anything more than your old playmate and dear friend so long ago. 
I had tried to be by your side in a supporting role no matter how much it had hurt me. 
When you became an arrogant ass I tried my hardest to explain away your tantrums. 
When you came back from banishment I listened to you swoon over Lady Jane Foster with a smile on my face even though it tore me apart. 
I had stayed with you, took care of you. It took me so long to realize that I had just been enabling you this entire time. 
I had been supporting your self destructive behavior and I refuse to play that part any longer. I need to leave, not just for me but for you. 
You need to sort through your emotions, you need to learn how to handle yourself by yourself. You need me not holding your hand when you do that. 
I need to discover for myself what it means to be worthy-’
A loud pounding at your door disrupted your train of thought as you wrote. Normally no one would bother you, not unless it had to deal with Thor. 
The floorboards creaked as you made your way to your door. The pounding had not ceased until you flew the door open to reveal Thor. 
His hair was still damp from his shower and the sweats you had picked out were already stained from the beer he held in one hand. His sky blue eye was hidden behind dark shades. 
“(Y/n),” Thor said, “I need a thing.”
“Thor right now isn’t a good time.” 
“Don’t worry Lady (Y/n) it won’t take even a second I’ll be in and out.” Thor assured, flashing you a smile that could make your legs go weak. Despite how much hurt you were in you were still no match for Thor’s charms. 
“What thing do you need?”
“Just a thing I’ll know the name of it when I see it.” 
You stepped aside as you let Thor in, hoping that he won’t notice the lack of furniture or the note left on the table. You decided to let him be while you went and finished packing whatever was in the bathroom. After that you went back to the living area where you had left the note only to see Thor sitting on the couch, his fingers clenching the paper tightly. He had taken his shades off, the deep dark circles stood out against his skin a tribute to how tired he truly was. 
He looked up and you were taken aback by the sorrow that filled his eyes. red rimmed the blue eye as fresh tears began to fall. 
“You weren’t supposed to read that yet.” 
“And when was I supposed to read it then?! When you were god knows where you will be!” His voice bellowed as tears continued to fall down his cheek. 
“Thor please don’t yell.” 
“No (Y/n)!” he cut you off, “you,” his finger pointed at you, his gaze as intense as lightning, “you don’t get to leave like this. You don’t get to leave me too.”
“Thor I don’t have a choice,” you argue, “I need to let you go. I need to find who I am without you and you need-”
You could hear thunder roaring in the distance outside, lightning danced around his fingers faintly. Thor had never scared you, but right now you were close to it. 
“Thor,” you say calmly hoping somehow your calm tone will calm the God of Thunder, “I’m sorry for choosing the cowards way, I wanted to avoid this.”
“Did you truly think you would be able to avoid me for long.” The lightning had yet to cease but his eyes seemed to stop glowing ever so slightly. 
“I didn’t think you would have noticed for at least a few days.” 
“Why would you think I wouldn’t notice immediately?” He asked like it was the most incredulous question. He took a step closer to you while you took a step back. Thunder still roared outside and lightning still curled around his fingers. Thor furrowed his eyes in confusion until he finally seemed to hear the thunder storm outside and realize he had scared you. 
Thor had scared you. 
Immediately the pain in his chest worsened with the guilt that he had scared you. That he had so little control over his powers when he was so emotional. Slowly he closed his eyes and he took a deep breath in and out. He then felt his powers subside and the thunder had stopped. 
You could see his shoulders hunch forward with shame and you instictivly placed a hand over his shoulder to comfort him. Thor was quick to envelop your hand with his. Holding onto your hand for dear life. 
Your eyes then met, closer than you had ever been before. 
“What thing were you looking for?” you asked softly, “you said you came over for a thing.”
“I lied,” Thor admitted softly, “I just didn’t want to be alone.” 
The next thing you knew was the faint taste of beer and blueberries on your lips and strong, calloused hands making their way to your shoulders. 
Thor was just as good a kisser as you imagined. Lips moving expertly over your own, moving against yours so desperately. Like a man dying of thirst. 
You knew you should push him off of you, but for one second you wanted to enjoy his lips on yours. Kissing you like you had always wanted to kiss him. 
You moved your lips against his, relishing every moment. Because you knew you wouldn’t be able to kiss him again. 
Only when Thor's hands traveled to your waist did you break away. Albeit, you couldn’t push him further than just enough to give you some breathing space. 
“Thor,’ you said, “you’re drunk you don’t want this.” 
‘When will you stop telling me what I want and don’t want.” His lips moved from your lips to the corner of your mouth and slowly made their way to your neck. 
“Thor I do not want this if your reasoning is impaired.”
“I appreciate the thought dear one, but I only had half a beer tonight.” 
Asgardians could handle their booze well, especially Thor. For Thor to be the least bit intoxicated he would have had to drink 3 large bottles of Asgardian booze. However, when it came to Midgard it took 4 large barrows of Midgardian beer for it to have the same effect on him. Thor mostly drank it for the taste.
“Unless you would rather I stop.” Thor said, before his hands had removed themselves from your waist you stopped them. 
With every ounce of passion in you, you grabbed a handful of his long hair and pressed your lips to his. 
It was a mess of passionate and needy kisses and moans. Thor’s battle-worn hands had roamed over your body in a desperate need to feel you. 
He was quick to rid you of your shirt, hands feeling every inch of naked skin as he could. Holding you like you were the only thing keeping him grounded to the earth. 
You moaned as his hands found your breasts, his large hands covering them over your bra. Your hands made quick work with your bra, removing the suffocating fabric before lifting Thor’s shirt. 
you felt him stiffen as you rid him of his shirt. 
He wasn’t as muscular as he had been 2 years ago, however it took more than 2 years to completely diminish what his body had been. Although his stomach had softened as well as his arms. You didn’t care in the slightest, loving Thor in every shape he came in. 
Your hands lovingly brushed over his torso as you began to leave open mouthed kisses down his neck, over his chest, it wasn’t until you were at the waistband on his sweatpants did he bring you back up and kissed you with fiery passion. 
Thor laid you in front of the fireplace that you forgot you lit a while ago. Honestly a little surprised that the fire was still going. 
You didn’t have much time to think about that as you felt Thor’s lips travel  from your neck and over your breasts. Your nails scratched the floor beneath you as you felt him at the waistband of your jeans. 
You felt Thor pause and you looked at him. 
“Are you sure dear one?” 
Your heart melted at the new nickname, as you nodded to him. However that wasn’t enough for the blonde adonis as he traveled up your body and littered your neck in open mouth kisses. 
“I need to hear you say you want this dear one.” 
“Please Thor,” you pleaded as he ground his hips into yours slowly, your hips meeting his as his pace slows even more successfully driving you insane. 
“I need you Thor.”
“What do you need dear one?”
“I need you to finish what we started.” 
With that Thor slammed his lips on yours as he rid you of your pants, underwear included. He leaned back and his eyes drank in your figure illuminated by the fire light. You were breathtaking, any one would buckle at the sight of you. 
Pride swelled in Thor’s heart as this view was reserved for him only. 
Just as you were about to say something you felt Thor’s beard tickle the inside of your thigh and without warning Thor dived in. 
Your hands immediately flew to his hair and grabbed fists full of it, anything to tether you to reality. 
As Thor worked his magic on your bundle of nerves your moans filled the empty house. Thor moaned as your grip on his hair tightened which sent waves of pleasure throughout your body. Thor lifted your legs over his shoulders and gripped your thighs firmly as his tongue worked faster. 
Just as you were about to reach your blissful release you felt him pull away. Your arousal practically dripped from his lips onto his beard. 
He rid himself of the last piece of clothing before capturing your lips once again. Unlike the kisses from before, this was gentle and sweet. You could taste yourself on his lips as he tenderly kissed you. 
You slowly ran your hands over his chest, committing him to memory. 
Thor pulled away from your lips as he entered you. 
Your mouth let out a silent scream of pleasure as Thor let out a shaky breath of pleasure. Thor waited for a few seconds, relishing in the feeling of you around him before finally moving his hips against yours. 
Thor was soft and slow in his thrusts, making sure to worship every part of you. His lips were everywhere, from your face to your breasts. 
You met in time with his thrusts. The only sound in the room being your shaky breaths, moans of pleasure, and skin on skin. And it sounded like a chorus to you. 
Thor’s thrusts became erratic and unyielding, the knot in your stomach was on the verge of bursting when Thor whispered in your ear. 
“Let go dear one, I’ll catch you.”
With that the knot had become undone, leaving your body shaking from the overwhelming pleasure. 
Thor had not been too far behind you before he too reached his climax. 
Thor laid down beside you, still coming down from his high. You laid your head on his chest and he instinctively wrapped his arms around you. 
This was everything you had ever wanted, to lay beside Thor with his arm beside you. Well almost everything. 
As Thor began to play with the ends of your head as you replayed the past two years in your head. 
“I think you may have been right.” Thor broke the silence, you lifted your head off his chest to see his gaze distant as he stared at the ceiling. 
“When have I ever been anything otherwise.”
Thor’s chest rumbled in laughter as unshed tears began to fill his eyes. He refused to cry, not now. 
“I agree that you need to leave dear one.” Thor’s voice cracked, “I have become a pitiful king to my people, but I have been an even worse friend to you.” his eyes left their place on the ceiling and rested on your face. “You have been faithfully by my side ever since either of us could remember. You had defended me when I didn’t deserve it and loved me when no one did. Not even myself.” His calloused hand caressed your cheek, thumb brushing the tears that had escaped your eyes away. “you don’t deserve to drown in my despair with me. You deserve a life of adventure and you deserve the time to figure out who you are.” You pressed your forehead to his as tears leaked out. “I need to let you go.”
Thor had spent the night committing every touch and every scent to memory. He had no idea when his feelings for you grew to such lengths but he knew now that he had figured it out much too late. 
He wasn’t the man you deserved by your side. 
Thor waved you off at the airport and watched as the metal contraption took you away from his side for the first time since his banishment all those years ago. 
He hoped that if you returned he would be a man worthy of you again. 
Thor only wished he knew where to start.
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aaronsciencia · 3 years
things I wrote about Kepler once
(I already posted this as a thread on twitter but who cares. obvious note: just my opinion, would love to hear others thoughts about these things!)
1. why Kepler hates Hilbert and how that shows how much respect Kepler has for his own team
there are many reasons to hate Hilbert, alright, but the first thought that came into my mind after I thought a bit longer about this was: “oh fuck the respect he has for Maxwell huh”
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Kepler only did the whole “hand in drawer” thing because Hilbert was way too lost in his own thoughts to answer Eiffel - his superior- , something we know Maxwell does all the time. Yes, Hilbert doesn’t respect his superiors, but that’s not the only reason why Kepler almost broke his hand, like I’ve said Maxwell also does this, but Kepler knows that Maxwell 100% knows what she is doing when she doesn't respond for a moment. The work she did for and with Kepler gave enough ground for trust and respect because her work is THAT good. Even Michelle (Maxwell's VA) once said: Kepler made her the boss of herself and he may be the commanding officer but he gave her a lot of autonomy [because of her excellent work]
and sure, this could have also been about Eiffel a bit because “hey, look Hilbert, if he doesn’t want to be a part of this, then you can’t do this to him.”, but I don’t think so. It’s not about the person. It’s not about Eiffel. Forcing someone to do something without prior consent? and ESPECIALLY without the needed knowledge if and how it works? That’s something he doesn't agree with (+ he already hated Hilbert and how he works). Hilbert may be a good scientist, but a human life means literally nothing to him, so he acts sloppier than a scientist who values human life which results in a high body count. He uses more resources than needed and that’s something Kepler would never tolerate. If the results don’t match the used resources, you’re out. Him gaining sympathy and trust from Eiffel is just a bonus. I mean… they never wanted to return with the Haephestus crew to begin with, why bother saving their lives, they just need extra hands for the mission itself.The bodycount in the end matches the results. Bigger picture, right? (and that’s why I love the scene now with Hilbert at the end where he talks with Eiffel and says:“You have no reason to trust me, but please: do not make the mistake of trusting him.” (idk. I just like how this scene is caused because of a lack of trust and ends with someone telling the other one what happened is no soil to grow trust on, but moving on)
2. Kepler and Jacobis first interaction (mini-episode: things that break other things )
Just a short thing first that ties to the finale: I am thinking a lot about how Kepler went from "friend" to "Daniel" to "Jacobi" and then to "Daniel" again.
also: Kepler quotes Shakespeare literally 2 min into the first conversation with Jacobi and basically sees himself as King Lear in that part of the play and Jacobi as Kent. Kent, who comes to the king to ask to serve him, so King Lear asks Kent for his loyalty in that scene.
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I actually really like the scene he chose, because it does continue with King Lear after a few lines saying: "I thank thee, fellow; thou servest me, and I'll love thee." (it's something just "randomly" thrown in until you look it up and I love little things like that)
2.1 Kepler just knows the most random shit ever wtf
besides him being able to just quote god damn Shakespeare (which Eiffel does as well tho) he also does this. how the fuck do you just know things like this?
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3. He gets less impulsive in really intense situations after Maxwell's death
fr: he literally doesn’t hesitate to kill Lovelace. Yes, she wasn’t human, but no one except him knew that and tbh I’m pretty sure that he would have shot her in the head like this even if she would have been the original.
But in the finale he gives Rachel literally every opportunity to not get shot. Gabriel in a Q&A once said "Kepler decided to kill Rachel when she figures out what he has done and not before that. And even in that scene he is giving Rachel every out. " He is like “Don’t you think we could do something else?” but she is like “No. No, this is the way to go." he doesn't even shoot her in the head.
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nancy-plays-dutp · 2 years
The Perfect Storm
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I figured I’d start with one of my most recent favourites. In my opinion The Perfect Storm (PerSt) is one of the best books in this whole game.
The MC becomes Cordelia, who runs away from her family to become a pirate in search of a legend passed down from her grandmother. The whole aesthetic of this story is very Pirates of the Caribbean, and the outfits are all detailed and interesting and very fun. The writing in this book was also a highlight for me, from the witty dialogue to the plot progression, and kept me engaged the whole way through.
This book is two chapters in length, and near the beginning you get to pick which type of ship you want to buy. This affects most of the path splits in the rest of the story, as different ships require different strategies for overcoming obstacles, and I really enjoyed this. It was very immersive and really felt like I had agency in creating this story, and allowed the world and characters to have more depth because you got to see the same situation with a different solution.
Cordelia was a delight to play. She continually comes up with creative ideas, and her heart for adventure and discovery really shines through her actions. Her mission is not just to discover the truth behind her grandmother’s stories but to discover herself; in an interesting nod to the first book, Queen Marie, the MC actually ponders why she’s become Cordelia and decides that its to help her take that first step into her own adventure. While she’d been constrained before by her parents expectations for her to marry well and be a docile, quiet wife, Cordelia grows a great deal throughout the story in courage, experience, and wisdom. One thing I found especially touching is how much she believes in those around her, finding it easy to bolster and encourage those she travels with, but she needs to find that same confidence for herself.
There are three companions in this book, and they all help Cordelia with her character growth and are well written characters in their own right. Mary Read is your first mate, and throughout the story she struggles with depression. Cordelia helps support her and encourage her, in a way that I personally found very realistic and touching, and Read’s character arc was honestly one that I wasn’t expecting. I thought she was just going to be the dependable guide who’d help teach you about sailing, but getting to see her work together with Cordelia and see them both grow from that relationship was amazing.
Your ships navigator is Keats, and he’s a scholar who wants to get some practical experience so he’ll be recognized for his skill. I will admit that I have a weak spot for scientists, and his design is fantastic. But he did not disappoint; I found it delightful how his discoveries move the story forward, and how much joy he takes in them. His relationship with Cordelia was also fantastic, as she grows to understand that under his posturing is a deep insecurity, and he grows to trust her and let himself simply exist with her without unrealistic expectations.
Finally you have Charles Vane, your pirate rival. After he attacks your ship and you fight him off there’s an electric relationship between the characters, and their dialogue perfectly reflects their battle of wits and wills. You’re introduced to Vane as the worst of the worst in the pirate world, but gradually come to see his core values of loyalty to those he cares about, and you both make sacrifices for each other and aid each other during the story. Also he calls you “Lady Nemesis,” which I found amazing.
As for side characters you have a whole ship crew and various merchants that you interact with. The standouts here include your grandmother, remembered through flashbacks, who still has a strong character and a legacy left behind. My favourite part about her was how they handled the “reveal” that she was the Pirate Queen of old. Cordelia doesn’t seem too shocked about it, and its clear that this is because before that title she was her grandmother, and that loving relationship matters more than anything else. Flashbacks can be a hard sell for me, since they can really slow the story down, but I thought the use of them here was well done and appropriate.
The surprising side character for me was Governor Hamilton. He originally seems like just a mentor figure who sends you on missions, but getting to know him throughout the story reveals so much more background and he truly becomes a grandfather figure. His past is compelling and his character truly reflects his wisdom and maturity.
One aspect of this story that really surprised me was how much pirating was actually allowed. Some DUTP books have a bad habit of punishing you for taking opportunities to fight or cheat your way through problems, but no such thing happens here. I got to live my wild pirate dreams and I loved every moment of it.
The riddles and prophecies throughout the book were also very well done. The sea is a mystical fantasy world, and you encounter krakens and mermaids and hurricanes, and each thing is as awe inspiring and terrifying as it should be. Most of the backgrounds for this book were set on your ship, which I really enjoyed seeing as it really helped with that feeling of being out of the ordinary and exploring the unknown.
Finally, the ending: I hesitate to discuss it because I really think that discovering it yourself is an unforgettable experience, so feel free to come back to the next paragraph after you’ve had a chance to play through this book yourself. I don’t think it will destroy the experience but it’s hard to describe just how meaningful it is without having played it.
The Abyssal Lantern is the object of legend that gave your grandmother her legendary Pirate Queen powers, and throughout the book you find various map pieces that lead you to it. The map pieces also had a beautiful riddle, and the solution to it was very clever and lead to one of my favourite album art pieces I’ve ever seen. And then they did something very brave: they let the Abyssal Lantern be about the journey. In the story you’ve already done many things attributed to the Pirate Queen, so upon finding that the lantern is fairly ordinary Cordelia realizes that she’s made herself into a legend. The lantern doesn’t give her power, but it has the power of legends because she herself holds it. I find this to be the perfect way to avoid invalidating all the struggles and trials she’d gone through before by giving her a magical power up, and a nice twist on the Abyssal Lantern legend that fits well with all the clues leading up to it. In another story it might have felt like a cop out but here it was a relief, because Cordelia has everything she needs to succeed by just being herself.
In summary The Perfect Storm really is the perfect book. Everything I wanted in a pirate book and more, it surpassed my expectations and gave me a satisfying and well crafted story with beloved characters, engaging twists, and gorgeous art and outfits. I highly recommend playing it as soon as possible.
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dragonturtle2 · 3 years
Charting Penny's course, on the eve of the V8 finale.
I just realized that one of the lengthiest essays I ever posted online was never copied or cross posted over here to Tumblr.  A huge mistake on my part.  For one, as a big fan of transhumanism, I got a kind of enjoyment mapping out the distinctions Penny Poledina’s series-wide arc, even with the flaws.  Two, I’m actually kind of proud of the predictions I made at the end.  Not because I was correct about one of them; I remarked how I’d LIKE Rooster Teeth to do something, not that they’d actually take the shot.  But some of the stuff I thought of was fun, and I do feel a bit of validation for having my thoughts line up with the actual writers; especially in lieu of how heated other people’s reactions were to something sorrowful and unexpected.  
Tonight I had been responding to a critique I'd found earlier on Tumblr. They had remarked that Penny's conflict in Volumes 2, 7 and 8 were just recycling the question of whether Penny was a real girl. That doing so was just boring as heck, when the question has been answered firmly with Penny becoming the Winter Maiden. I thought the question of “what makes a person a person, and not just a simulated pattern of behaviors with the instinct to survive?” was broad enough to get a few arcs’ worth of visitation.  But I thought just responding with that one lengthy sentence could come off as belittling sarcasm. So tried to offer up an my actual interpretation and clear opinion. I got this monstrosity.
Volume 1 has Penny reaching out to make friends, V2 is finally admitting her robot nature to someone and vocalizing her fears about being a real girl.  Volume 3 dangles the upcoming conflict of her wanting to exercise independent action, step away from the national military organization that bankrolled and housed her, and go to Beacon with her friends.  But that got cut short.
Volume 7 picks up the thread of Penny’s independent actions.  Not just with the ability to disagree with or full-on disobey orders, but her own value system and initiative.  Not only is she asking Winter about how to make decisions in life, she is also silently (and not-so-silently) judging whether Winter is morally right, or even truly happy with her own choices.  When she takes Freya’s hand, she asks something that no one has probably said to Freya in awhile: “Are you OK?”
Volume 8 is focused on the things being taken from her.  Her previous family-unit-facsimile of James, Winter and the Ace Ops have labeled her a traitor and are now hunting her.  Being targeted as the Maiden makes her distance herself from her friends, so they aren’t further harmed .  In doing that, she also leaves behind her previous dedication, protecting Mantle, to launch Amity Tower and assist in the bigger picture of warning the entire planet.  Then in the pursuit of that goal she damages herself, pushes her body to it’s limit, and says goodbye to her father.  
Volume 8 might seem to backpedal, and spend much of the season emphasizing how inhuman Penny is. That’s the point.  After Freya essentially canonizes Penny as human, with her ‘blessing,’ Penny’s new identity (to herself and the audience) is arrested in the most traumatic ways possible.  Her body is peeled back and cut open.  Her schematics are passed around and assessed by characters and factions more than ever.  The hacking is the Atlas military complex literally claiming ownership over her, exploiting the body and code they created alongside Pietro.  (In contrast with the earlier consensual control and teamwork with Pietro, which even then she hardly enjoyed).  How much pain can you inflict on a person until they devolve, or abandon rational thought?  Little wonder Penny ends up begging the team to end her own life.  She’s now taken Winter’s role from Volume 7, her self-esteem having sunken even lower.  “My life doesn’t matter!“
When that ghastly moment was (temporarily) resolved with a quick revelation and Jaune’s Semblance, it was a moment of mixed feelings for me in an episode I otherwise loved.  But I really came around to it afterword.  They have to head to Vault for a permanent fix pretty much immediately, so it doesn’t feel like the writers used Jaune to kick the can down the road until they felt like tackling it.  A very direct benefit is that by pausing Penny’s affliction, Penny gains the ability to actually have a conversation with people, to have scenes beyond just desperately wrestling her.   It also spared us the repeated dialogue of “I must go to the Vault.  I don’t want to!  I must - I don’t! - I MUST- I DON’T!”  Seriously, that routine was wearing thin.  
Whether any fans predicted Jaune’s Semblance being able to help or not, I’m pleased when characters are able to quickly conceive applications of in-universe fictional powers.  This is such a refreshing improvement over how CRWBY previously couldn’t bring Ruby to even ASK about the Silver Eyes that put her in a coma.  
There were missteps along the way.  Ruby really should have reacted more to her friend coming back to life; RT leaning on the Fourth Wall doesn’t fully remove the sting. ("It seems we will have to wait!”)  We also never see any of our protagonists outside of Ruby even react to the revelation of a robotic life form.  When they meet Penny again at V7′s start, apparently ALL of them, even Oscar, were so acquainted with Penny’s story that none of them had any questions for her the entire Volume.  There was no sense of betrayed trust, or trauma from watching one friend be ripped apart by another.  These are disappointments, but not deal breakers.  Now, I want to talk about how post-Ambrosius Penny may fit in with the rest of the story.  Maybe it’s stupid of me to try to get this out by 4 in the morning the day the finale drops, but I’m on a role, and I want to get my ideas out in the open before they’re tainted by hindsight.  Otherwise I won’t feel like even finishing this.  
I’m not going to launch into a tangent with the metaphysical mechanics on whether Penny’s new body would have ‘logically’ been conjured or not.  (For the record I think it works).  I just want to talk about the message the show is conveying, and what they could do with it.  My base assumption is that Cinder is going to get the Winter Maiden power.  It would be great way to coincide with her (GASP) actual character development this volume.  But more importantly, if she doesn’t succeed in her goal, and get an upgrade to compete with our leveled-up protagonists, I can’t see how she can be an interesting or threatening villain going forward.  A few ways this can end for Penny:
Pietro could give up the last bit of his life to bring her back.  He’d probably need to get assistance from Abrosius, since he’s lacking in equipment; he’s a brilliant scientist, so explaining it certainly wouldn’t be an obstacle.  Maybe Penny would be back to being a synthetic, maybe she remains organic.  Either way, it’s a compromise with having a functional villain, while keeping around a fandom darling.  Personally, I think RT needs to evoke the spirit of Volume 3, and make people cry.
Actually killing Penny would be bold and stand-out.  By taking away Penny’s function of a core that can be salvaged (as explained at the start of Volume 7), and having her body get incinerated just like Pyrrha, RT can fully signal “This character is dead, and can’t be resurrected.”  The heart break would be brilliant, with Penny getting to know the joys of an organic body just to be immediately ripped away from life.  This would beautifully parallel with General Ironwood.  James clamped down on human emotion because he thought it would give him the strength to stand against the darkness.  Penny’s friends made her MORE human in a loving act of rescue, but now have to watch as she dies like any other human.  Both characters would be cautionary tales regarding the Atlas Arc’s question of Trust.  To leave yourself open.
Alrighty, now that I’ve gotten to feel like an intellectual by making some proclamations of doom, I want to throw out a tinfoil hat theory that actually combines the two previous versions.  What’s fascinated me for years, and the show hasn’t re-visited, is the nature of Cinder’s parasite.  Can Cinder talk to it?  Will it begin gaining sentience?  What’s relevant to Penny is what exactly this thing DOES.  When it comes to it’s soul-power-absorbing function, we’ve never actually seen it’s full extent.  The process with Amber was interrupted, with half the power just zipping over to Cinder after Amber expired.  With Raven and Penny’s power, Cinder’s arm only got a little taste of them both, since both of their captures were unsuccessful.  What if Cinder’s parasite can absorb more than raw power?  Pinnochio is eventually swallowed by a monstrous beast.  We were all sure it would be The Whale.  But what if it’s Cinder?
I’ll be watching the finale in about 5 hours.  The idea that I could be correct about something that takes everyone else off guard (Penny’s death) has an electric feeling, and I totally understand why people can get hung up on the stories they compose in their head.  But I don’t want to start thinking any of MY ideas HAVE to come true for me to get joy from whatever happens to Penny or Volume 8.  Regardless, reviewing character arcs that preceded wherever we are in the present is always worthwhile.  
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magemelondew · 4 years
I know I don't normally post stuff like this, but I just hate it so much when people call Wheatley derogatory names like "idiot" and "moron" as if it's affectionate and funny because like.. it's straight up bullying. How do I know that? Oh, well, it's probably because people did it to me as a child.
Sure, he's a fictional character, but my point still stands; calling him those things is bullying. He wasn't made to be stupid. GLaDOS tells you that. You can't exactly take everything she says at face value, as she can often mislead. It's like a rumor going around at school, you hear something about someone and it spreads and nobody stops to think if it's true. By just blindly believing things about people, you're causing harm to the person in question, and especially so when you're promoting it.
If you dig around in the game's files, an unused line has Wheatley telling a story in the turret factory where he explains that rumor got around about an accident he had caused.
"Over there is where they used to keep the old neurotoxin release button… BIG responsibility, the guy in charge of the neurotoxin release button… And guess who he WAS? …Wasn’t me. But I was his assistant, and I did a lot of his admin. You know, in the end, yes… they let me go… It’s all politics, to be honest. It’s a big popularity contest. It’s all about who you know and whose back you’re willing to scratch and who doesn’t touch – y’know, or in my case who did accidentally touch – the neurotoxin button… But y’know, not entirely my fault! You shoulda seen the SIZE of it! It was huge! I mean I should have got a raise for all the times that I DIDN’T… accidentally bump into it…"
The foreman was going to hire him, until he heard about what Wheatley had done. So they sent him to the lowest job available– the relaxation center. He doesn't have a job, really, he's not in charge of anything. The entire facility there is automatic, He was just there as a safeguard for whenever it failed. They didn't trust them because of those rumors.
"Here's an interesting story. You might like this. I almost got a job down here in Manufacturing. But, uh, guess who the foreman went with? Only an exact duplicate of himself. Nepotism. Ended up giving me the WORST possible job, tending to all the smelly humans."
It's possible that these things were intentionally made up to give him social anxiety and self-esteem issues, thinking that would slow GLaDOS down. He's all emotion, literally, so affecting him in that fashion would absolutely stunt her ability to think clearly. I don't think there's much proof to back this up, that's simply my own thoughts on it.
To the scientists and GLaDOS, emotions only get in the way of rational thinking. Wheatley listens more to his heart than his head, well, in a figurative sense. The scientists see that as irrational and moronic, hence him being called the intelligence dampening core. He's the perfect way to interrupt rational thinking in GLaDOS, as he fills her head with fear or anxiety. People who feel emotions a lot deeply tend to place their own feelings over logic. And later in the story, Wheatley valued the euphoric response that the chassis gave him.
Many people have hurt Wheatley in the past. His anxiety, self doubt, and his inability to trust others much all are effects of people talking about him being his back and having nobody to cling to. He liked Chell because she knew nothing about him. She didn't say anything mean to him, and it was like a fresh pallette. Not to mention that she was the only person he had probably seen for long time.
For someone who had been hurt by people all his life, wouldn't he absolutely hate humans altogether? They smell bad, talk bad things about him behind his back, and call him names. They made him dislike himself since the start of his life, but he still holds out hope to be cared for by someone. Someone who doesn't know him at all, or knows about the things people have said about him.
And when he's placed into the chassis, GLaDOS just blurts out the one thing he's extremely insecure about.
When wheatley gets the chassis, it's a form of drug use, as said by GLaDOS.
"The body he's squatting in - MY body - has a built-in euphoric response to testing. Eventually you build up a resistance to it, and it can get a little... unbearable. Unless you have the mental capacity to push past it."
His bottled up emotions just released and he exploded the moment he got reminded of his own past. The way he was mentally lead him to substance abuse, as shown by his immediate addiction to the chassis. He was highly focused on the pleasure response from testing rather of the facility. Well, not like he even knew how to take care of the facility in the first place.
He's a core who's been told off because of how clumsy and impulsive he is, and those are things he can't really control. They didn't know what to do with him, so they were probably always scolding him for his mistakes and never praising him for doing something right, therefore, he's always doubting himself. How is he supposed to know when he's doing something right? That's probably why he makes those mistakes, he's never been able to properly learn how.
GLaDOS tries to defeat Wheatley out of sheer anger, and when she insults him, he becomes furious. He doesn't want to be reminded of how he's been treated his entire life. And for once in his life, he has the power to retaliate. So he does. He gets legitimately angry and tries to kill them both.
He thinks that now that Chell believes it too, that she thinks he's an idiot as well, since he's never had anyone stand up for him or have his back. He spends a lot of his time in the chassis trying to prove otherwise. He just hates being thought of that way so much when he knows he's not.
"You're in this together, aren't you? You've been playing me the whole time! Both of you! First you make me think you're brain damaged! Then you convince me you're sworn enemies with your best friend over here!"
A lot of people might bring up the paradox that she tried to use against him as proof as he's unintelligent, but really, he's simply choosing not to listen to GLaDOS.
"Hey, Moron!"
"Oh. Hello."
"Alright. Paradox time. This. Sentence. Is. FALSE don't think about it don't think about it..."
"Um, true. I'll go with true."
"I'll be honest, I might have heard that one before, though. Sort of cheating."
He's not thinking about it because he didn't care what she had to say. He saw her as just another asshole in his life and acted ignorant towards her comments.
He's also the only character in the game who apologizes. Nobody else does except him.
Yes, he's just a fictional character and whatever, I know, he's not real. But.. let me tell you why this is so important to me.
When I was a child, I had a lot of issues with other people. They would call me a crybaby, they would spread rumors about me doing disgusting things and other horrible things. Even my teacher didn't like me. I was diagnosed with ADHD at a very young age, and that made me very emotional and sensitive, making me stand out from everyone else.
Nobody wanted to spend time with me, nobody wanted to sit with me, and I spent most of my time alone in the library playing computer games since the kids outside wouldn't even let me play with them. Kids were scared of even touching me because of Diary of A Wimpy kid books spreading the idea of the cheese touch, and everything there called it the Sarah touch. It was horrible. Bullying made me introverted and now, I spend all my time alone because I didn't have friends. I'm sensitive and insecure, and I have issues communicating with people, as well as taking things people say a bit too personally sometimes. By the end of elementary school, I only really had 2 friends.
Although my experience isn't the same, I know that a lot of these things are similar; being singled out because of things you don't understand or have control of, and people constantly spreading rumors and lies about you to make people hate you and avoid you. You learn to not trust people around you and that you're the only person you can really rely on.
Sure, you can keep thinking Wheatley is a moron, I can't help that. All I want is people to stop spreading it everywhere and look into it for themselves. To develop their own opinions based on his actions rather than what GLaDOS says about him. I just want people to know that they're doing the same exact thing the kids at school did to them as a child to Wheatley, and it's not right.
Thank you for reading. Sorry if this was a bit all over the place, I just want people entering the fandom or have been in it for a while to see this and take some kind of action to improve upon themselves and their views of others around them. I used to think the same thing. I thought he was a power hungry idiot, but.. he's not. And I think that should be more widespread knowledge.
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Okay, just finished episode 2. Just in case it's not obvious, there will be spoilers here. There will also be some opinions that you may not agree with. That's fine but don't come after me in replies about it. I'm allowed to have my own opinion on things and express that. This is also pretty long lol. Okay, with that out for the way, here are my thoughts:
I enjoyed this one much more than the first.
I laughed a little at Loki vs Miss Minutes. It was a bit out of character in my opinion but I can reason it that being stuck at the TVA (and apparently having to study) must get boring. Especially if you have a cheery little cartoon character hanging around.
Loki seemed a little more Loki-like in this episode too which I liked. The moment at the renaissance fair was good at first. I thought we were getting some 'old' Loki before the end bit. I know there will be people who disagree in my perception of Loki as a character (and that's fine. You can interpret him anyway you like but so can I) but he's over a thousand years old, not to mention the God of Lies. It's silly for him to let his manipulation be so obvious like that.
Unfortunately, some of the campy stuff was still there in his character (I cringe everytime I see the 'I'd never do it again' clip. People really find that so funny?). It was bearable though. He was less 'cartoon-y' in this episode, at least.
The interaction with Mobius was great for the most part. Hiddles and Owen Wilson have great chemistry on screen. They play well off each other. I still don't know if I trust Mobius fully but, at face value, it really seems that Mobius wants to believe in Loki and trust him. I feel like it could be a front though and he has his own agenda. I could be wrong though.
As silly as it was, I actually (and believe me, it surprised me too) enjoyed Loki's method of causing a scene in Pompeii. I think the reason it didn't bother me like the other silly aspects of the last episode, is that it shows how done Loki is with all of this while also trying to prove he's right. And really, how iconic Loki can you get than him grinning maniacally as a volcano erupts in the background. Very God of Mischief that we never really got see much of in the movies.
I was a bit disappointed with the fight near the end of the episode. It wasn't bad but it showed nothing of Loki's usual fighting style. Sure, he didn't have his daggers but he usually moves a lot more fluidly when fighting than he does in this episode. We could assume that Lady Loki infused her host's bodies with super strength (otherwise they probably would have died considering Loki's body weight is 500 pounds. That display he got thrown into should have been a bit more destroyed because of that, in my opinion) but still, Loki usually fights a lot better than what we saw, even when up against formidable enemies. I guess writing Loki trying to use a dagger on Thanos was a slippery slope to some weird combat choices. I won't go on because then it will probably turn into a bad writing rant.
Anyway, I was also disappointed with the Lady Loki reveal. I predicted that she would be the Loki that's killing the minute men but I had hoped she would look more like comic Lady Loki. Why blonde? It just doesn't make sense for her not to have dark hair too. That look is iconic. Blonde just makes me think of Amora, the Enchantress. I'm just going to have to headcannon that it's to help stay under the radar, even though that excuse doesn't work. She can do illusions, after all. So far, I'm really pleased with the actress that's playing her though (don't know her name, forgive me). Can't wait to see more of her. Ooh, I just thought of a what if. Obviously it's not the case because Loki would have reacted more when she revealed herself but it could have a been cool twist. What if Lady Loki was actually Sigyn, Loki's wife turned evil? It would have tied in well considering the next episode is called The Ex Factor. If anyone wants to write that fic, go ahead lol.
Last point and it is very nit picky. When Loki and Mobius go to one of the places, you can see their breath, indicating it is cold. Loki's breath shouldn't really be visible though, should it? The way I understand it, your breath becomes visible in the cold because your body heat is interacting with the coldness (or something like that. I'm not a scientist). Loki is a Frost giant and doesn't have much, if any body heat. We know that from the Avengers movie where, on the screen, you can see Loki's heat signature in the glass cell. It was freezing cold. I know, its a very nit picky thing and you can reason that Loki uses his magic to make his body less Jotunn-like (because we know how much he hates being one). Still, it was something I immediately picked up on.
All in all, I liked the episode. If the rest of the show continues like this, I think I'll enjoy it. Like I said, it was definitely a step up from the first one.
One final note before I leave you, we all have to appreciate how great Loki looks in the TVA uniform. Sure, I miss his usual armour but he does look very handsome (still not a fan of the hair)
Oh, almost forgot, I did laugh quite a bit when they were showing the different Loki variants. Especially the normal looking one with the trophy. It looked like someone dug out one of Tom's photos from his Eton rugby playing days. Please give us more subtle jokes like this.
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tripsonflatground · 3 years
Something that I think would be an interesting B plot in the next comic/cartoon/film (it probably wouldn’t happen in film because Hollywood but oh well) iteration of Tony Stark’s Iron Man origin or just early in his Iron Man career is if this is another version where he has the Arc reactor in his chest rather than as part of the suit, but rather than it hurting him like in the MCU, it just makes him stand out in ways that are uncomfortable and lead him to change things about him or ideas/values he has. Like, scientists are always wanting to poke and prod at it, romantic interests seem nervous around it, people “jokingly” start calling him a cyborg, people stare at it when he passes by. 
And part of it is like really draws on the hypervisibility aspects of disability, you know where you’re just going about your day but you feel like you’re being watched/stared at. And then there are the people who ask really insensitive questions - for Tony, it might be like “does it hurt?” or “does the light keep you from sleeping?” or “does it make you, like, radioactive?” And so this thing that helps him be a superhero and keeps him alive is also this thing that seems to give people an excuse to be really invasive about his life and tell him what he should be doing and how he should be taking care of his body. He’s never related to Bruce Banner more than with this. 
And another part of it this arc reactor making people thing or seeming to allow more public visibility of or access to his body or more public opinions about his body is that the first time Tony unironically tells someone “My eyes are up here” when he notices them staring at his chest when talking to him or when he’s talking, maybe during a meeting or something - Tony just freezes as his life just shatters. Here he’s been, a womanizing playboy, not thinking much about all of his sexual escapades, or casually being flirtatious maybe to the point of overly so, or the way he’ll eye up a cute girl, and now this. He never minded when people couldn’t keep his eyes off him before because he knew he was attractive and that was why they were looking. But there’s nothing positive when people are looking at him like this, not when he’s just going about his day as Tony Stark in a business suit or in coveralls working on something mechanical/robotic or in casual clothes just out with his friends or in his home. And now he’s just said the same thing to someone that he got told by women at college parties and benefit galas alike. Suddenly he gets, a little bit, what it’s like to be objectified. He understands a bit what it’s like to be reduced down to body parts - body parts other than the brain, which he already understood and knew how to cope with, but it is so not the same as being known for your brain. And it feels awful. So the first chance he gets he finds a woman he trusts - maybe Pepper, maybe he heads over to the Baxter Building to visit fellow scientist Sue Storm, maybe if he’s an Avenger he talks to his female fellow Avengers, maybe Janet/Wasp, Natasha/Black Widow, Jessica/Spider-Woman, Carol/Captain Marvel, Jennifer/She-Hulk, Wanda/Scarlet Witch, and/or Barbara/Mockingbird. Whoever it is, they have a long, HARD conversation. Maybe multiple, as Tony asks new/further questions and stuff like work and supervillains make for interruptions.
So we get a Tony Stark/Iron Man who’s still arrogant and egotistical, who’s still sex-positive, who still likes to have things his way, who’s still rich and show-offy, who’s still hardworking and inventive and creative, who’s still a genius and proud of it, who’s still an alcoholic, who will still get up to shenanigans, but who also becomes a big believer in body positivity and a person’s right to their body, who becomes a feminist and a disability rights activist, who becomes someone who advocates against rape and against torture tactics by the police and military.
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savannahstanfield27 · 4 years
Retrospective on Huey Laforet and Firo Prochainezo
Hey all, 
So this is going to be a digression on why I believe that Huey and Firo are the dual main characters of Baccano, and also describing their similarities and differences. This is just my opinion of course, I bet everyone has different interpretations of who the main character is. 
Nevertheless, this is going to be very long, so I’m going to include a cut so that I don’t take up a ton of space on anyone’s dash. Warning for spoilers for the entire series (anime/light novels/light novel/drama cd/etc) throughout this post.
Primary Point 
Firo and Huey are two very important characters in the world of Baccano. Firo, a member of the Martillo Family, and Huey, immortal terrorist and scientist. If it weren’t for the additions of the 1700′s and 2000′s arcs I wouldn’t have come to this conclusion, but they only solidified my point. To me, the story of Baccano exists to tell the story of Huey and Firo, how they grow as people, how they struggle, and how their interactions with other characters changes them. 
I won’t go into detail on each and every interaction they have, if you’ve watched the show or read the novels, you most likely already grasp what I’m saying. I’m going to focus on Huey’s relationships with Monica and Elmer, and Firo’s relationships to the Martillo Family, Ennis, and the Gandors/Claire. They interact with most of the characters in the novels at some point, but I believe these are the most significant to their character development, 
Firo and Huey are sometimes two sides of the same coin, sometimes they’re complete opposites. I intend to explore these points in this post. 
Adolescent Years
Alright, so first I’d like to start off talking in length about Firo and Huey’s adolescence. Huey presumably loses his father at a young age, there is not a lot of development on that front. His mother is executed by drowning in front of him. This obviously takes a toll on Huey, as by his mother he was described as “innocent” prior to this incident. Firo, on the other hand, describes never knowing his father as he died before he was born. Firo’s mother dies of tuberculosis before he reaches 10 years of age
In Huey’s case, he develops a hatred for the world around him and he desires the destruction of it. He copes with his loss by being consumed by anger and negative emotions. Huey is taken in by Dalton and he becomes an alchemist. You could call this a “found family,” but Huey doesn’t have much of a connection to them. The other students in the alchemy class gossip about him, and Huey puts on fake airs to seem well adjusted. 
Huey does eventually gain a core group of friends: Monica and later Elmer. You could add Niki to this list as she is also part of the group but she was always an outlier to me. Huey never opened up to her. He tries to keep Monica away from him and reacts to Elmer’s kindness with open hatred. However, he eventually grows to trust them and they are the two people he is about to rely on and feel compassion for. They form the Mask Makers, an organization specializing in illegal activity. I prefer to call this Huey’s “found family,” rather than Dalton and the other alchemists. 
Now let’s discuss Firo. He lives only to survive after his mother’s death, pick-pocketing on the streets of Manhattan. I’ll be discussing his relationship with the Gandors and Claire at length later, so I will not include it here. We haven’t been given a lot of information on how Firo copes with his Mother’s death, that I can find. Please enlighten me if you know and I’ll edit the post with your contribution. 
Firo eventually is taken in by the Martillo family. You could say Maiza is like an older brother figure to him, and the Don Martillo a father figure. They are also an illegal organization, and they make Firo feel welcome and needed. Rather than pushing away from those who care about him, like Huey, he embraces those who care about him. Firo is someone who yearns to belong. Firo spends a lot of his childhood comparing himself to his friends, but I will be taking that into account in a different section. 
While Huey and Firo grow up in similar situations, it is the result of what happens after that changes them. They both find a core group of people to support them. In Firo’s case, he retains many feelings of inferiority but he continues to become his own person, relying well on his family and friends. Huey is only willing to open up to a few people, and after Monica is taken from him, he loses any interest in opening himself up again. Firo grows forward as a person, yet Huey regresses backwards. 
Feelings on Death
I’ve already described how Huey coped with his mother’s death, but now I’d like to talk about Monica. Monica was Huey’s lover, whom he finally was able to open up to after so long. Her death caused him to shut down as a person. He is not the same man after he returns to Lotto Valentino. That emotional void in him is the only way he can cope with her death, as well as striving to complete his fruitless goal of meeting with her again. He feels guilt towards both of these deaths, as he describes to Victor in 1931. 
Sometimes, when Huey thinks of his happier memories with his lost family, his face seems to brighten and open up a little. He quickly shuts that down in favor of treating the situation like an experiment. He even ponders to Victor in 1931 about if there is a scientific way to discover which is his worst memory. He copes by not coping in the slightest. (Because of this, I both yearn and fear for his reaction to meeting Luchino hopefully in 2003)
Huey seems unfazed by his own possible death. The only time I can find him actually voicing an opinion about it is when Firo attacks him in 1934. He doesn’t seem to possess fear or regret, only interest in his lack of foresight that this might occur. 
Firo has not had to cope with much death in his life. Many of his friends are immortal, as well as his Martillo family. However, the outlier here is Claire Stanfield. Claire has always been the person Firo saw as above him, and in 1936 he stops to ponder on what would happen if Claire died. Claire will die eventually. Firo knows he is going to have to cope with that. The thought makes his chest tighten, and he decides not to think about it, because he cannot imagine a world that Claire is not in. 
Firo deals with his anxieties about death by feeling denial here. He decides he just won’t think about it. On his own death, in 1934, Ladd Russo acknowledges with glee that Firo still fears his own death, he does not view himself as an invincible and strong being. 
Both Huey and Firo possess equally bad coping mechanisms when it comes to losing their loved ones. They both choose to deny and forget. Huey becomes obsessed with the denial, spending his entire life trying to gain the knowledge to meet Monica again. This causes his subsequent emotional detachment, and lack of interest in his own possible death. Firo, on the other hand, possesses immortality but still fears his own death. When thinking on the possible deaths of others, he prefers to put it out of his mind. 
Feelings on Love
In regards to love, Huey runs from it and struggles to embrace it. I’m speaking in a romantic sense, I should preface. Huey finds it difficult to comprehend that he might have some sort of feelings for Monica. He can’t fathom that someone managed to make an impression on him. He tries desperately to run from this feeling and deny it, but eventually he ends his struggles and embraces his love for Monica. 
With familial love, Huey does not feel any of it. He does not value his daughters in an emotional way. They are merely tools for him to achieve his goals. He will tell them anything, especially in Leeza’s case, in order to appease them or to make them more loyal to him. Chane and Leeza possess complete and utter loyalty and devotion towards Huey, but he does not return it. (on that note i’d love to do a future post on Hilton and her relationships with Chane and Huey)
Firo runs towards love. He sees Ennis and immediately becomes infatuated enough to follow her. He falls hard and fast. There is no denial on his part. Firo finds it easy to open up to people, as a social being, but he does struggle to speak his feelings to Ennis. It did take fifty years for them to get married after all. Though he has embraced his love for Ennis, Firo finds it hard to tell her, and instead shows it by all the things he does for her. 
With familial love, Firo has a fierce loyalty to the Martillo family. They are “home” to him. Especially in regards to Maiza, who can be seen as an older brother figure, he is completely loyal. This can be compared to his relationship to the Gandors, three brothers who shared the same apartment building with him in his childhood. He cares for them enough to help them, a rival family, in 1927. His loyalty to the Martillos only swells when Molsa praises him for helping his “family.”
I also think it’s a great parallel of Melvi Dormentaire kidnapping Ennis and the 1700′s Dormentaires holding Monica. They are both on a boat after all. Both Huey and Firo experience helplessness when they realize what has happened to the women they love. However, they immediately jump right on track to figuring out how to save her. This is a great example of Firo expressing guilt. He often feels down when he cannot help those he cares about, like he failed them. Huey is the same way about the situation with Monica. He was so close...and then he lost her..
Relationships with Close Friends
I’m going to focus on Huey’s relationships with Elmer and Fermet. In regards to Elmer, Huey views him as his one true friend. Though in his youth, he hated Elmer and tried to stay away from him, they eventually became friends and Huey was able to open up to him. Even without seeing him for 300 years, Huey still thinks about Elmer and keeps his promises to him. This is why Huey does not hurt “innocents,” because it would make Elmer sad. 
Huey often references Elmer and his worldviews during conversation, which causes him to actually express emotion. Elmer managed to touch Huey as a person and this deeply affects him as a person. Both Huey and Elmer can relate on both an emotional and intellectual level, they understand each other well even in their youth. 
I’m not sure how well this point will come across to everyone, but I’ve always viewed Fermet as Huey’s “Claire,” in regards to Firo. Fermet is also an intellectual genius. He is the person who managed to take everything away from Huey, for seemingly no reason. However, they manage to collaborate on their research later on. This is merely my personal interpretation, but I believe that Huey does have a slight inferiority complex in regards to Fermet, and that he does not like having to rely on the same person who took everything from him for help with research. I’d love to hear anyone else’s opinion on this!
Firo possesses a deep inferiority complex when it comes to the Gandors and Claire. He has always viewed them as one step ahead of him. Especially in the case of Claire, Firo views him as successful in regards to his confidence in love and in his own abilities. Firo compares himself to Claire throughout his life, almost treating him like an idol or mentor at times. He feels insecure, such as in 1927, when Claire’s own abilities surpass his. He does not like to feel useless or unneeded. 
In regards to the Gandors, specifically in the case of Luck, Firo views him as the perfect “gangster” and as someone who has always been ahead of him. Compared to the Gandors, he sees himself as the inferior child. Luck is not that much older than Firo, but he possesses much more emotional maturity and restraint, something Firo finds it hard to come to terms with at times. 
Firo idolizes the “true mafioso” figure and he wants to be like that, which is how he views the Gandors as. Many of his friendships stem from insecurity and inferiority. He wants to make it on his own, without having to rely on his family (The Gandors). 
In his youth, Huey was much less reckless. He proceeded with caution and did not like to get involved in most situations. This is demonstrated when he decides to ignore Niki being attacked in Lotto Valentino. He is forced by the situation to fight the attackers, but it is implied that he doesn’t possess much strength or technique on the subject of fighting physically. 
(I will add that Huey is noted as looking feminine by various characters such as Elmer, but it does not seem to faze him that much)
Huey has an enthralling personality as he ages. He is manipulative by nature and will stoop to any level to get what he wants. He tends to speak in a detached manner, but outwardly he is very pleasant and polite (similar to his facade from his youth). His manipulative techniques have caused many people to fall victim to his spell, increasing his amount of subordinates and allies. 
Huey’s primary goal is to meet Monica again, and to obtain the knowledge to do such. He lives by researching and doing experiments, learning more about humans and why they do what they do. He views humans as “raw materials,” and their only use to him is to further his experiments. Huey is a very detached person from the world. 
Firo is extremely reckless throughout his life. There are many examples one could place here: pick pocketing a Mafia Executive as a child, following Ennis, rescuing Barnes, etc. Firo is always ready to jump into the situation at hand. He is friendly and sociable, but can be very irritable and negative when the mood strikes him. His sharp temper and bluntness do mellow with age, but they are at their worst in the early 1930′s. 
Firo has many issues with femininity and his “babyface,” which most likely stem from a childhood incident in which he was kidnapped and mistaken for a young girl. He is insecure about this and will strike back at anyone who messes with him for it, except for Claire. 
Firo is not outwardly manipulative and cruel, but gaining the trust and help of others does come easy to him. In 2002, Ennis says this on Firo: “ Firo was really very good at getting people to do what he wanted without telling them the important things. Actually, to be precise, he was good at making them want to help him.” 
Firo and Huey both possess the type of personalities that make it easy to manipulate others, whether knowingly or unknowingly. They make others want to believe them and help them out. Firo is much more blunt and emotional than Huey in the 1900′s, but I do find 1700′s Huey quite similar to Firo, especially in his emotional angry outbursts to Elmer. 
Relationship to Knowledge/ Meeting in 1934/35
Huey’s relationship to knowledge is simple, he wants to know more in order to keep his promise with Monica. Huey views himself as a scientist and as a researcher. He pursues knowledge and wishes to obtain it. When he meets Firo in 1934, he questions him about having all the knowledge that Szilard has accumulated. He wonders if that changes the subject as a person. Huey is greatly intrigued by the ways that other people act. 
Firo never finished school, and he does not consider himself intellectually smart. After devouring Szilard he is consumed with memories of many alchemists, and a vast amount of knowledge is now at his disposal. He grows worried that the memories will consume him and that he will become just as bad as Szilard. He fears the knowledge that he possesses, preferring not to look into it. He doesn’t seem to understand why it interests Huey so much. 
Their meeting, first in 1934, astounded me when I first read it. The way Firo reacted to Huey was much like how Huey reacted to Elmer (this is a digression...) They are two characters who grew through similar circumstances, one becoming more of a person, one becoming less of a person. Firo runs from knowledge, Huey yearns for it. Firo embraces the love and support of others, Huey uses it for his own needs. But they both retain that key element of living and dying for someone else. 
Huey is living to find Monica. Firo is living for his Family. Both possess flaws and strengths. As for their meeting in 1935, we don’t know the full details yet but I cannot wait to find out what they were cooking up behind closed doors. 
I fully believe that Huey and Firo were destined to be the main characters of Baccano. Their stories grow and change as they interact with others and are affected by them. Think back on Maiza’s quote “maybe every encounter is some sort of miracle in it’s own way.” Huey and Firo change throughout every single arc, for better or for worse. 
The 1700′s arc is about Huey’s adolescence, and about how he loses his humanity because of tragedy. But we are also able to see how he was once a much different man, and his personal relationships with the few he decides to let in. 
The 1930′s arc presents Firo, someone who is neither destined to be hero nor villain. His inferiority complex clashes with his deep need to help those he cares about. With every interaction- Ennis, Czes, Maiza, Christopher, Isaac and Miria, Melvi- he grows as a person. He learns and develops. Huey has regressed in the 1930′s, and we are seeing how he coped with the events of the 1700′s. And everything comes to a head when they meet in 1934, and when the tragedy of Monica’s capture seems to repeat itself in 1935. 
The 2000′s arc shows a much more refined Firo. He’s retained many of his good qualities from his adolescence, but he has grown to be much more kind and understanding. Of course, he worries (”can i really be a family man?”) he messes up, he acts reckless even. But he has matured into someone who his friends and family can be proud of. He should be proud of himself. I’ll leave my thoughts on 2000′s Huey for when 2003: epilogue is released. 
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my ramblings. I’ve been a fan for a long time, but with no outlet to share these thoughts other than my dear friends, so it feels nice to let them out once in a while. 
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lambdapeers · 3 years
Covid 19 - What Should I Do?
It has been over a yr as a result of the Covid19 Pandemic struck the world. What should you do now? First, I am not a Doctor, I don't also have a
more here
background in the medical discipline. My background is inside the safety and lock enterprise. I do have an entire lot of common sense and I can separate the hype from actuality.
Sadly, it was an election 12 months when this virus hit. That made it political. Each occasions should be ashamed of themselves. I honestly imagine that if politics weren't concerned a lot much less people would have died. Selections were made based mostly on politics not what was the best for the American individuals. That continues at present.
The info retailers have additionally turned political. I take note a time that everytime you tuned into the news you felt that you've been getting the reality with no bias. As we communicate that may also be very totally different, and that distinction has moreover worth American lives. The knowledge media could possibly be very quick to report something with out doing their very personal analysis. This causes them to present the flawed information to people, again costing lives.
Fortunately, folks have caught on to this and now get their info type multiple sources that they trust. Because of this fact, newspapers are closing down, and individuals are "decreasing the twine" going to what they wish to watch by streaming.
So, what do it's a must to do Now? Properly, evidently infections, hospitalization, and deaths are taking place. The consensus from the Medical Consultants is that by fall we must be again to common, no matter that's. It's best to do what appears correct to you. Use your frequent sense. Get your info from as many different sources as you'll.
In my opinion everyone ought to get the vaccine. I understand that there was some resistance from some people. I feel that this resistance is age related. Older of us over 60 have been quick to get the vaccine when provided, in any case they had been the age group that was dying. The youthful generations not a lot.
Consider it this manner over ninety five% of each American as been vaccinated in opposition to Polio, measles, mumps, and different childhood diseases. What variety of Kids and Infants would have died if their mother and father refused to get them vaccinated.
As adults getting a vaccine is your different, do your analysis, be sure you evaluation numerous respected sources. Search for sources that DON'T agree together with your place, so you will get a clear picture of the other aspect. Then make the decision that is finest for you.
George Uliano is a safety expert with years of legislation enforcement and safety expertise. He earned a Bachelors Degree in Felony Justice and Enterprise graduating with honors. George holds three U.S. patents on totally different locking ideas. This mix offers George and His Firm Locking Strategies Worldwide Inc the distinctive capacity to supply its prospects with the precise safety at a cheap value.
Whereas remaining cautious by social distancing and masking in public, my working a blog buddy and writer Cat Michaels admits getting the vaccine was a comfort. "Getting the vaccine was THE most improbable, ginormous discount," she talked about. "Truly, my neck and shoulder muscular tissues lastly relaxed, plus I'm sleeping higher. Its like my fairy godmother vanquished the evil dragon, who had been threatening my each switch. I even went into a grocery retailer (gasp!) for the second time in 12 months and now run fast errands with out concern or nervousness."
The Dangerous News
Now, here's the damaging info: Whereas boomers are among the first within the nation to be absolutely vaccinated and desirous to rejoin the world, consultants warn that safety precautions should nonetheless be taken.
After all, these vaccines aren't 100% environment friendly, lots of the country has not been vaccinated yet, and extra contagious and deadly variants are popping up with some uncertainty about the effectiveness of the vaccines in direction of these new strains.
Thankfully, there's rising evidence that people who discover themselves vaccinated do not unfold the virus, nonetheless scientists are still lambda virus making an attempt to grasp how prolonged vaccine security lasts.
So, while some boomers have a satan-may-care perspective, others actually really feel more cautious. They're nonetheless reluctant to eat at consuming locations or go to bars the place individuals are not prone to social distance or placed on masks. I'm actually amongst that group.
And whereas some are making journey plans, most boomer mustn't reserving trips for 2021. "We now have seen an uptick in inquiries about 2022 and 2023," said Gary Pollard, CTC, president of Ambassador Excursions in an interview for TravelPulse.com. "Numerous the confirmed bookings are from the purchasers who've been to go in 2020, then 2021 and now are trying further out." Some inside the journey business have famous that just a few of their older purchasers have opted for domestic holidays in 2021.
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jeebie-sims · 4 years
emmrokplayssims said: 
headcanon meme: vidcund curious 👀 
cracks knuckles
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Sexuality: There’s only ever one woman on Vidcund’s mind— Circe Salamis. Every time he closes his eyes he can see how the cold lights of her home lab reflects off of her expansive collection of scalpels and knives. She’s always there, looming in the edges of his mind with embers and fire in her eyes. Circe is cruel and cold, calculating and conniving, and he adores that about her. Vidcund knows exactly how much Circe’s wedding ring actually means to her, and how much she values the control she has over both Loki and her test subject. The thing is, Vidcund doesn’t realize how little of his pining for Circe is of his own volition and how much of it is simply Circe playing her little games. 
Gender: Male
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Random Ship: Vidcund pines and yearns for Circe, but still, he prefers to work alone. Living at the edge of discovery, in the grey area of legality and in the shadows of moral alignment is exhausting and leaves very little time for romantic endeavors, and Vidcund wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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BROTP: Vidcund and Loki Beaker. Both men are a lot more similar than either would care to believe. Both are ill-tempered, stubborn, and had their own moments of cruelty. More importantly both Vidcund and Loki are enamored by Circe. Whether she reciprocates feelings for either man (or if she is even capable of such emotions) is a mystery. Vidcund and Loki are enemies, same as they are in the EAxis universe— they’ve just got a sort of interesting relationship with eachother. Scientists who are in and out of prison can really only confide in one another. What little Vidcund does tell Loki about the experiments and projects he’s doing isn’t told to the Daily Nova nor is it reported to the police, and vice versa. There’s no friendship or companionship between these two sims, just a flimsy alliance borne out of necessity. 
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NOTP: Vidcund and his siblings. After what happened to Tycho, the trust that his siblings once had in Vidcund has since gone. Pascal, Lola, and Chloe are no contact with him. Pascal took it the worst, which was almost expected. He was already quite a paranoid and cautious sim to begin with, and this was only heightened by the kidnapping of his son. Pascal never lets Tycho out of his sight now, much less leave the house unless it’s completely necessary. He’s just too afraid of anyone coming in to take Tycho again. 
Jenny and Lazlo talk to Vidcund, but very rarely. Both feel extremely conflicted about doing so— on one hand, both sims value family, and science, but on the other hand, the fact that Vidcund went out and kidnapped and later sold his own alien nephew just to fund an project was almost too much for them to bear. 
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Random Headcanon: Vidcund’s vices, much like many scientists and geniuses of his caliber,  are his narcissistic traits and his vanity. He wants to go down in history, and even if he is a little too far gone to be regarded as a scientific hero rather than a cautionary tale, that doesn’t stop him from publishing his (heavily redacted) findings or continuing to patent his inventions. He does think about Tycho, often, in fact. As he tends to the hydroponic garden, he finds himself deep in his mind thinking about what would’ve been done to him, but also about all the findings he could’ve published and all the breakthroughs his project would’ve gotten at his expense. He knew full and well that what he did was cold and callous, but one life in exchange for an entire lifetime’s worth of research and discovery was a small price to pay. 
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General Opinion: I love my version of Vidcund and the EAxis Vidcund equally. I like the lighthearted dorkiness of the EAxis one, but at the same time I’ve always had a soft spot for darker characters too.  I didn’t join the simblr community as a Vidcund stan, but I can sort of feel myself becoming one. I created this version as a joke at first, but he’s growing on me. 
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joannie95 · 5 years
Legacy - Part 16
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Pairing: Carter! reader x ?????
Summary:  Everyone knows Peggy Carter is a force to be reckoned with, who could have guessed her granddaughter would hold the same ferocity, if not more.This story follows y/n Carter’s life as she faces the obstacles life pitches her.
A/N: I am giving Natasha a very bitchy personality for now but trust me its not staying that way. I tried to do as much research on that acronym but I have no idea if it works well together I just needed words with the right letters. proof read by @welldonebeca
Warnings: A very bitchy Natasha 
You walked into your lab with Phil; he was going to introduce you to some agents you will be working closely with from now on. You had already met Clint many times before, and you had an interesting relationship. He saw you as a little sister he could constantly bug and you saw him as the older brother you never wanted. You never officially met Natasha but you had heard of her, you haven’t formed an opinion on her yet, but hopefully she’d be easy to work with.
“How has Peggy been dealing with everything?” he asked.
“She’s been good. She’s very adamant on being able to handle things on her own but she knows I won’t hear of it. We’ve talked about her setting a routine and having things written down for whenever she has those moments and forgets where she is; just small changes at a time, but we have talked about her retiring soon, you know, before things get worse. You know what grandma is like, she doesn’t want to feel like she’s losing her freedom or becoming useless.”
“Yeah I understand, ever since I started at shield she’s always been moving never slowed down. It’ll be different not having her around as often though." 
Phil was right, your grandma was never the type to slow down. 
"She doesn’t want me to sit around and worry about her so that’s why I’m here. She said just because she has to take a step back that doesn’t mean I have to. It’s going to be difficult but I know I have to keep busy.”
You walked towards the gym you had built into your lab. You wanted to be able to train in an area where you wouldn’t have to worry that people would find out about your abilities.
“Alright. Well, agent Barton and agent Romanoff should be here soon, Fury wants you to train with them today and soon enough they’ll join you on missions.”
You were excited. You loved lab work but you knew that with your new abilities you are capable to do more. 
Phil saw the excitement in your eyes but a hint of nervousness just as well. 
“Do you think you’ll work well with Barton and Romanoff?”
“I know I will with Clint, we’re practically family at this point.” You started to mess with your necklace. “But I’ve never met Agent Romanoff before, she’s gone on missions to retrieve items for me, but that’s it. I’m not sure how we’ll work at this level.”
Phil’s face softened once he saw your nervous tic. “She’s a little rough around the edges, but I’m sure once you get to know her you’ll work well together." 
You look up when you begin to hear your AI speak. 
"Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff are approaching your lab, Miss Carter.”
 You look to the door and see Clint running in and Natasha walking in after him. 
“Thank you, Albert.”
Clint runs towards you and gives you a bear hug. 
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“Hey, kid how are you doing?”
You started laughing, you knew no matter how annoying Clint tried to be he was family and you loved him. “I would be much better if you put me down." 
Clint put you down, he loved to annoy you but you knew he meant well. 
"Sorry kid. Nat, get over here.”
You saw the beautiful redhead walking towards the 3 of you, and she was the definition of intimidating with a presence to her that made you want to curl into a ball and hide.
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“Natasha this is y/n, y/n this is Natasha.” Clint introduced the two of you. 
“Hi, it’s good to finally meet you.” 
You held out your hand for her to shake but she just looked at it with a raised brow. 
“Who’s Albert?”
“My AI, it’s actually an acronym for A Laborsaving Biometric Encryption Repository Technology.” You stated proudly. 
She just rolled her eyes and turned to Phil. 
“Coulson please tell me why we’re here.” She seemed to have an annoyed tone to her, as if she has better things to do.
“Fury wants the three of you to train together and see how you work so you can all eventually go on missions together.”
She crossed her arms and turned her body away from you. “Why does a lab rat think she can go on missions with us? She said in an irritated tone.
"Excuse me?” Oh no you were not about to let anyone talk to you like that. “I know I can go on missions with you because I can fight as well if not better than either of you." 
You could see the annoyance and anger in her eyes
. "Please, you’re just a scientist. I could destroy you with my hands tied behind my back.
And there it was, you’ve met people like her before. People who think you can’t do something because you’re just a kid, just a girl or just a scientists. Your grandma proved people like her wrong and you will too.
"Fine, prove it.”
She had a cocky smirk on her face. 
“It’s your funeral.”
Phil looked towards you with a smile on his face. 
“Don’t hurt her.”
“She asked for it.” The redhead stated.
Phil started laughing. “Actually I was talking to y/n.”
You both started circling the mat. You had looked into Natasha’s file. It was classified but after a little bit of hacking you were able to get through. She is extremely versatile in her fighting style but everyone has to have a weakness. 
“What makes you think you can work on the field,” she throws a punch but you block it. “We can’t worry about keeping you safe, that could get one of us hurt or even killed and that would all be on you." 
She tried to throw a low kick towards you but you flipped backwards to avoid it and swept a low kick and knocked her flat on her back. She kicked herself back up. Within seconds she threw a punch to your stomach and two kicks to your side and knocked you down.
"You’re weak and you don’t belong out there." 
And that did it, you wouldn’t let anyone talk to you like that. You flipped yourself back up, when she went in for another punch you blocked it, grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. You turned, wrapped your arm around her neck and flipped her over your shoulder. You pinned her down, she struggled but you didn’t budge.
"Alright that’s enough.” Phil called out with a proud smile.
You looked towards Natasha as she got up. “I know my value and anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter. Now if we’re done here I have better things to do than to deal with people like you.” And with that said she walked out of your lab.
Legacy Tags:
@agentmarvel13 @1v-kayla @5sos-wdw @a-dancing-hufflepuff@annoylinglyaries @avngrsinitiative @bradfordsgreekgod @babypink224221@captainam-erika-trash @carisi-sonny @chook007 @cosmiccomicloverqueen@daniellajocelyn @doctoranon @ecamille-xo @ellieababy @futuremissstark@gummiwormsandonedirection @henrietteoaks @hermionie-is-my-queen@ineedmorefanfics @isabella-bby @junitorials13 @katykyll@klanceiscannon14 @littlephoenix-fire @lovemarvelousfics @l0kisbitch@ludwigvonbaethoven @maddie-laufeyson @magnificentsoulecollector@moli1497 @nanajaeminniee @paintballkid711 @pastelpurplexoox@princessizzy36 @shallowshawn @sillydecoy @spodermanpete@starstruckgardenstudentzonk @thatweirdchick147 @tienna-laufeeyson16@wishiwasanavenger @xalinx @zaza-jones @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
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Marcel Herman:
Marcel Herman is a warlock and a former teacher from Hawthorne’s School For Extraordinary Young Men.
Do. Not. Trust. This. Man...
He’s almost worse than Damien, and as slimy as he is. Since after all, Marcel is the one who taught Damien the most at Hawthorne,  he encouraged his prowess and taught him quite a few of his sick values. He told Damien to be better than the witches, to take what he needed and wanted and to not let anyone else take it away from him. But it’s this kind of attitude that got him fired from Hawthorne as John Henry thought that he was a horrible influence on their students, and too ‘fucked up’ for them.
And he’s also a complete asshole to both Amy and Shinsou, and a misogynist as he thinks that the witches are nothing but ‘self-righteous cows’, but something of a racist as he mocks Amy and Shinsou by saying ‘I thought your people were supposed to be smart’.
Marcel is someone I wanted to be a very, VERY bad man, as he embodies some of the worst in humanity. I thought about Aizawa and All-Might and how Horikoshi writes them as good, compassionate teachers because they ARE. And I made Marcel the complete opposite, because sometimes other characters can give you ideas for a similar or opposite character. Marcel is the complete opposite of those two.
He’s a grown-man who knows how children’s minds work for the most part, and knows how they’re much more emotional and less put-together than adults like him are, and uses that to his advantage. He’s extremely toxic, horrible and sick-minded as well, and he’s got no excuse either, he simply feels entitled and insane enough to believe that his ideals are what’s going to make the world ‘better’ even though he literally wants to spread his poison to the world because he believes that his influence is what’s going to make everything ‘right’. Even though his influence involves literally poisoning everyone, to create ‘newer and better beings’ while killing off the originals and allowing him to seize control and power over them.
He first appears to Amy and Shinsou during the former’s days in isolation at her mansion, particularly after Shinsou’s time during the Joint Training Arc. Amy and Shinsou were merely spending a day together as Madison, Mallory and Coco were spending a day together in Tokyo to relax. Amy spotted the mysterious warlock outside her gates and she instantly attacks upon seeing him. However, Marcel attempts to appeal to her by saying he means no harm and wishes to speak with the only other young witch in Japan. Naturally, Shinsou is skeptical of him and tells her that he has to be some evil old bastard, although Amy wants to hear him out since she assumed that she, Madison, Mallory and Coco were the only witches in Japan. Marcel requested help with an experiment, but Amy got a bad vibe from him and told him to leave as she only helps if someone is going to die.
Taking her remark literally, he uses his giant squid-like monster to enrapture Shinsou into it’s tentacles much to his shock and horror and remarks to Amy that ‘now someone is going to die’. 
Alarmed and disgusted, Shinsou attempts to break free from the tentacles that wrapped around his torso, until Marcel warns him that it’s a ‘bad idea’, and Amy immediately tries to attack the warlock, but he immediately stops her attack via Concilium. Marcel then gives Amy an ultimatum, as he wanted her to retrieve DNA from a student of 1-A or any powerful individual for him to keep for an experiment, otherwise he’ll wake up his dormant monster to strangle, kill and impregnate Shinsou.
Panicking and not wanting to imagine that horrible fate, Shinsou screams for Amy to get someone’s DNA fast as the tentacles were beginning to wrap themselves tighter around him. Marcel gave Amy no choice, as the witch ran every way, which way to find DNA from a classmate, and eventually but reluctantly settled on retrieving DNA from Todoroki, who offered a few strands of his hair for her to use.
Although Amy didn’t explain herself, she cheerfully took the DNA pieces and gave it to Marcel. But when Amy demands that he free Shinsou, Marcel admits that he lied about letting him live and awoke his monster and had gotten ready to kill and impregnate Shinsou, only for Amy to intervene and pry it away from his body with her telekinesis. Unfortunately, this angered Marcel as he fought with her, using his monster as his back-up as a horrified Shinsou picked himself up to help his friend.
Their efforts were good, but Marcel proved to be a very effective and experienced warlock as he used the ground to trap Shinsou and exerted his powerful Concilium over Amy. Marcel talks about his plans to use UA as his new ‘lab’ since he wanted to use the students and teachers for his sick experiments and offer them up as bait and ‘hosts’ for his squid monster much to Amy’s horror.  
Marcel attempted to appeal to her by the use of emotional manipulation by tricking her into believing she wanted them to suffer, but Amy, who knew she never wanted that, calls him sick as she becomes all the more determined to stop him. Only for a sadistic Marcel to tell her that she will never save her friends as his squid monster approaches her and he told it to kill her. Thankfully, Iida and Yaoyorozu had arrived to visit Amy at her mansion to check up on her, but Marcel seizes the opportunity to attack them as he immediately goes after them. The two teens quickly fight back as soon as Marcel threatens them, but Marcel is much too powerful as he takes Yaoyorozu hostage and his monster traps Iida. 
Fearful for her friend’s lives, this gives her the boost of adrenaline to use her telekinesis to make her dagger stab Marcel in the back, forcing him to let go of Yaoyorozu and using all her might to retract the monster with Sentio Compassios to free Iida. Marcel tried to plead with her to let him go, but an enraged Amy threw him and his monster at an extremely far distance. As Amy frees Shinsou from the ground and rescues Iida and Yaoyorozu, she tearfully hugs her friends who quickly console her.
Marcel calls himself ‘man of science’ as he utilizes both magic and science together, believing it to be the only way to ‘change the world’, and views himself as a visionary because he thinks that his fucked up ideas are the only thing that can make the world better. But in actuality he’s a twisted, vile man who has no empathy for anybody or any other humans, including his fellow warlocks and witches as he deemed the other warlocks as ‘idiots’ for not believing in his insane ideals.
His lack of empathy is shown when he not only threatens Shinsou’s life but when he laughs at Amy’s hopelessness and tears when she thought Shinsou was going to be killed. Marcel is not exactly a sociopath as he understands empathy from other people, and uses it against them, but does not seem capable of it himself and is far too self-centered to feel genuine affection for anybody else. Although he is fond of his squid-like creature, calling it his ‘child’.
Despite this disturbing trait, Marcel is somewhat kooky and eccentric as he has a very dry but messed up sense of humor as he cracked very bad jokes about Shinsou’s situation when he had his squid trap him. And is also sarcastic as he can taunt and mock other heroes who approach him.
Marcel is also unbothered by horrifying things that others have done, as he is aware of others who have performed human experimentation such as Overhaul and Dr. Ujiko. He showed little to no shock, and instead noted that they were ‘sloppy’ in the execution of their ideas since they got caught by the heroes, but at the same time thought that they had the right ideas.
Marcel: (To Amy) Surely you know the name of the man Kai Chisaki?
Amy: (clenches her fists, tearing up when she thinks about Magne) Yeah… I do… he killed my friend… one of these days… he’s going to die for that…
Marcel: (not at all sympathetic) That man had quite an idea… I wouldn’t mind reverting the human population back to their natural states. Only us witches and warlocks should have the power after all so I give him those ‘mad props’… And Dr. Ujiko… (Amy looks confused) He’s a doctor too you see? He made those Nomu creatures you and your friends fought off… rather ugly in my opinion. But also…brilliant. It’s just that... how they did it was sloppy, very sloppy... child’s play even, I mean they got caught. What kind of villain gets caught? 
Marcel aimed to make his experiments better, taking new inspiration from the two villains. However, the mad scientist he felt the most inspired by was Dr. Arthur Arden/Hans Gruper, the nazi doctor who worked at the abandoned Briarcliff Manor asylum, but also viewed the serial killer Dr. Oliver Thredson/Bloody Face as an enlightened and fascinating man. These two individuals who were some of the most inhumane and vile human beings Amy had done her research on and despised with every ounce of her being as Dr. Arden was a Nazi, and Bloody Face was a serial killer and rapist.
The warlock wanted to be better than them, and so he did his own human experimentation, starting with a woman he felt an attraction to. He was fascinated by the squid species, particularly cuttlefish and octopuses. Through a series of magic, potions and a dead squid, he would kidnap the woman he felt attracted to and used her for his twisted experiments which is what resulted in the giant squid-like creature that accompanies him, as she ‘gave birth’ to the monster according to him. He fondly calls it ‘their child’ much to Amy’s immense disgust.
He’s extremely cruel by nature and has a sadistic side as he took joy in seeing Amy’s misery and fear over the lives of her friends, and even smiled when his creature almost killed Shinsou. As Marcel had no problem murdering people, including teenagers, and had no problem killing bystanders because he didn’t hesitate to attack and threaten the lives of Iida and Yaoyorozu. At those same times, Marcel also displayed a twisted sense of humor even as he was going to murder him in what would have been his final moments.
Marcel: (To Amy) Well! You succeeded and got me what I needed but because I need him more for my work and all... say good-bye to your friend. (To Shinsou) Just a warning kid it’s going to hurt like hell so... feel free to pray unless... you don’t do that of course not EVERYONE is religious but... either way it won’t help. (chuckles)
Shinsou: (being smothered by the creature as it prepares to impregnate him, his mouth covered by a strong appendage) NOOOOOOOOOO!!
He’s an arrogant man, arrogant enough to believe that his ideals and plans for humanity are going to make everything better. But he was also extremely proud of his skills as a warlock, as he claims that he was able to defeat John Henry Moore and Behold Chablis when they tried to confront him and he would have killed them had Cordelia not stepped in. Marcel’s arrogance is still apparent though, as he laughs off the pro-heroes as a joke when Iida and Yaoyorozu attempted to intimidate him when he caught them. 
However, Marcel is also extremely cowardly at the same time as he let his monster take care of Iida, while he himself held Yaoyorozu, a young girl, hostage. His cowardice shows when he pleaded for Amy to spare him despite what he did to her friends and as a result Amy threw him into the sky. Likewise,  he only came to Amy when other witches such as Madison, Mallory and Coco weren’t around and attacked her when she was alone and vulnerable because he knew that she and Shinsou wouldn’t have been able to take him on alone. A pragmatic move but also a display of cowardice as he also panicked when he thought that Madison or Mallory had returned.
Even though he’s a coward, Marcel is also a very vindictive and petty man, as he plans to get revenge on Amy after what she did to him and for foiling his ideas and is still currently out there. Plotting. As he still has Todoroki's DNA given to him by Amy as well as DNA from Amy herself and Shinsou.
Marcel appears to be a frail man, and is physically weak, but his magic is extremely powerful enough to take on more than 30 warlocks and witches all by himself. As he’s extremely proficient in Telekinesis, Concilium, Teleportation and Spellcraft, as well as Scrying as it’s what he used to find and track down Amy. 
Although he is mad, he was a pretty good scientist who created deadly potion, including one that allowed one to take the appearance of another using their DNA. Which is the potion that he forced Amy to help him make and later told her why he wanted someone else’s DNA. 
Another potion he created is what he claims to be the ‘cure to quirks’, as he felt inspired by Chisaki’s Quirk-Erasing Bullets, but named this potion the ‘Eradication’ potion. He designed it to be better, without relying on the DNA of another human to erase a quirk. As this potion can completely one’s DNA, eliminating their mutations and any semblance of supernatural or magic in them as he used the means of several spells and other antibodies to create it. He states that this potion will actually work on witches and warlocks, unlike the Quirk-Erasing bullets as he hypothesizes that they can’t work on witches or warlocks, since their magic comes from the light and other sources and not just their DNA.
And he also successfully created his squid-creature through horrible means to be both a pet and a killer of his enemies, but also act as a breeding mule to create ‘new beings’ and replicate the ones his squid impregnates.
So there he is... wow... he’s even worse than Damien... I hate him XD He’s stuck on an island but he’s going to come back... and I’m going to make sure he suffers I promise. I’m talking chainsaws.. because at the time Amy just wanted to get rid of him and rescue her friends, next time she sees him... it will NOT be pretty but it will be EPIC. 
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paragonrobits · 5 years
MCU AU where Tony is straight up just a super genius Obadiah kept in the basement of Stark Industries making weapons, and was so deliberately sheltered and isolated from the real word that he genuinely had no real influence on anything going on around him, or any awareness of what the stuff he was making was actually doing
Obadiah also deliberately set it up so that Tony was a charismatic face of the company, but he had no real say in anything, and was unaware of this, because Tony did have just enough influence to hire people and keep them on, and one of the people he hired was Pepper, who is genuinely aware of what’s going on and has in fact been gunning for Obadiah and his job literally the instant she was hired.
(thus, Pepper as the boss of Stark Industries is a thing from the get-go, or at least her long term plan)
Rhodey is also in the dark on the true nature of Stark Industries. He’s Tony’s friend, and while he’s frustrated at how naive and obstinate he can be, he’s genuinely unaware of the nature of his company and that Tony has less power in it than anyone would suspect; as a result, neither of them has any real thing to do with the military buying Stark weapons, though they lean on Rhodey to make the most of that, even though he gets Tony to rein in the things he makes for the sake of not going full mad scientist. Rhodey believes in accountability and chain of command, but he also believes that putting an arc reactor in every missle for maximum boom is an extremely bad idea when those missiles are going to official military stuff. he’s about deterrence and shields, and doesn’t want tony actually making dangerous weapons for people that can’t be entirely trusted.
when the Ten Rings go off script and don’t kill Tony, the harshness of the situation, and them being blunt about everything going on, opens Tony’s eyes to the reality of what’s been hidden from him; seeing the consequences of the things hidden from him induces a strong aversion to killing if at all possible, makes him passionate about saving people, and gives him an even nastier guilt complex about responsibility and the things he creates.
some other important details: Yinsin actually survives the escape from the Ten Rings, though its hard to say if he ought to be a supporting character or go off and do his own thing. Possibly he takes up a role similar to Coulson; after his experiences and the rise of superheroics, he becomes fascinated by Weird Stuff and tends to pop up everywhere in an investigative role, often serving to speculate on HOW something is possible. If Yinsin is baffled by something, its narrative shorthand for something that is genuinely mystical or otherworldly. Bonus points if he has his own narrative going on throughout the movies that ultimately culminates in him becoming a full fledged sorcerer off-screen, but its never actually shown; instead, snippets from his appearances set up a story and its up to the viewer to figure out how it all fits together, so that he has the coolest possible story and its an outrage we don’t get to see his journey firsthand.
(Also, Yinsin makes his own equivalent to the Iron Man armor, though it’s not meant for combat, but exploration and medical tools.)
JARVIS’ nature as a true, sapient AI is also made clear from the get-go, though the ficition is that he is simply a household smart system that’s modeled to sound like the real Jarvis, and in truth, simply this ficiton alone has made Tony famous among AI Researchers because holy shit he made an actual AI. MULTIPLE TIMES. he keeps making friendly AIs that consider themselves part of the human family, for lack of a better word, and seem to have human moral values.
(Once Ultron shows up, it’s made abundantly clear that his cruelty, vindictiveness and desire to kill all humans is an aberration. if he’s around for long enough that the other AIs have an opinion on him, they don’t like him very much. he feels.... off.)
personally i think having Tony as being totally sheltered and divorced from the realities of the world he makes at the beginning of Iron Man 1 would soften a lot of the later criticism; making him go full ‘mad scientist genuinely unaware of the potential of what he makes and what it’s used for’ feels genuinely right with his character development, and shifting the CEO aspects to Pepper entirely also gives her more agency.
basically, Tony’s later obsession with accountability to the point that it makes him reckless and wild? it’s a trait from the get go, it just gets... amplified, by later events.
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