#and how she lights up when she sees Miorine
parme-tan · 1 year
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I love her I love her, I love them!!
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
Can you expand on how they are implied to be closer offscreen than what is shown?
It's mostly in background details in a couple episodes!
First, episode 4: Miorine invites Suletta to stay in her room overnight to help her with her upcoming test (In the novel it's stated that Suletta doesn't yet have a dorm and has been staying at an on-campus hotel). We get a good look at her room (it's actually pretty small) during these few scenes, but looking around, it becomes clear that there is only one bed in the room, and during their conversation that night, when the camera angles back towards the living space, there isn't a 2nd mattress set out.
So they almost certainly shared Miorine's bed that night.
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Episode 8: After the founding of GUND-Arm Inc, Miorine starts researching the GUND Format and the history of GUND technology. We see her lying in bed, looking at her phone, with TWO tablets on the bed around her. One is hers, but the other? It could only be Suletta's. And by this point Suletta is living at the Earth House dorms, so she's still coming by to spend nights in Miorine's room even while having her own place to sleep. We don't see the room itself or where Suletta is in this scene, but they may still be sharing Miorine's bed.
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Episode 19: In the aftermath of the last two episodes, Suletta is shown lying in bed, burying her face in a pillow. But she's lying the wrong way, with her feet at the top of the bed with another pillow, presumably the one she normally sleeps with. The other pillow? Probably Miorine's, and Suletta is burying her face in it because she finds Miorine's scent comforting.
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The girl's dorms at Earth House show 6 bunks, with one pillow each. Suletta, Nika, Chuchu, Lilique and Aliya account for 5 occupants, leaving one spare bed (and pillow). Miorine is almost definitely doing most of her GUND-Arm Inc. work out of Earth House, and she probably spent nights there, sleeping in the spare bunk. Suletta, hurt and seeking any sort of comfort, steals Miorine's pillow from her bunk to take into bed with her.
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Most of the investigative work from this I got from these two tweets.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to take Suletta & Miorine's relationship the way it's presented in the show, and the pace at which it develops, at face value. But in light of Bandai's statement regarding their relationship, and some of the rumors (like the kiss scene), I feel like it's safe to say that Bandai suppressed the way the staff was allowed to depict their relationship.
Showing Suletta & Miorine sharing a bed, even in a completely chaste manner, was probably a no go. They definitely weren't allowed to show them kissing, saying "I love you" to each other and obviously the word marriage and the actual wedding were off limits.
So instead we get little background details like this showing they're closer off-screen than we're allowed to see. We get scenes in episode 11, 17 and 22 that are clearly supposed to be a confession, proposal and kiss, but the wording had to be changed and the kiss had to be changed to a more subtle intimate interaction. They couldn't show a wedding, have anyone say the two were married or have them call each other wife, so the staff added the "Sister-in-Law" line to make their marriage explicit without drawing Bandai's ire.
Personally, I think the staff wanted to have them kiss AND show the wedding on screen, but were stopped by Bandai. There's clearly some foreshadowing to a kiss in S1, especially with El5n almost kissing Suletta, and I wonder if they were originally going to kiss in episode 11. Their marriage and wedding is built up throughout the show, starting from the very first episode, and in episode 17 Suletta clearly talks about how she wants to have a ceremony with pretty dresses and matching rings. And just look at some of the artwork some members of the staff drew in the "unofficial" staff artbook showing Suletta & Miorine married or being intimately close once they were off Bandai's leash.
And then there's the song "The Way We Wanna Go", an absolutely beautiful song with a title befitting a couple moving forward together. It's got vocals by Clara Sorace just like The Witch From Mercury, Aerial Rebuild, Quiet Zero and Liberation From The Curse, all major themes for major moments in the show, but The Way We Wanna Go wasn't included in the show. I personally believe it was going to play during their wedding at the end of the show, but the wedding was replaced by the epilogue and the song was replaced by Houseki no Hibi in the process.
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valiart · 3 months
Behold, little baby fanfiction. I've never written one before, but the whole Sulemio fandom and the Sulemio week got me a bit inspired at the final hour. I don't have Ao3, so here it goes:
The Wedding We Didn't Get
(3500 words, Wedding Prompt/Free Day)
The sun rose over the craggy walls of the Caloris Basin on Mercury. Suletta held her thumb up to the burning orb, failing to eclipse it by a factor of three. All her life, she’d help up a fist to cover the star, but on Earth and the more distant planets, people just held up a thumb. Non-Mercurians always imagined the sun to be monstrously huge when seen from Mercury, as though it devoured the whole horizon. The idea seemed rude to Suletta. They made the sun out to be some kind of monster, boiling her planet alive.
Suletta had never looked at the sun that way. She loved the way it broke into rainbows across visors and windows. She watched, through the glassy walls of the most refrigerated place on Mercury, as the morning light sublimated nighttime rime into puffs of steam. She’d never been in a place to watch the sun for more than a few minutes; the suits couldn’t handle much more than that. But those few minutes in the light of the full sun were beautiful, the literal definition of radiant.
The only thing that could ever surpass the sun stood before her right now.
Miorine had wanted to wear a suit. She’d always dreaded the idea of her own wedding; after all, she’d expected to despise her spouse, if not directly rival them. Her father had apparently intended for the competition to protect her, to give her the strongest possible partner, but one that wasn’t her choice. He’d never trusted her to make the right decision. He’d always thought someone else should lead in her stead.
So dreaming of being married in a suit always made her feel strong, powerful. She wore the pants. She had the power, chauvinistic as it was. Her spouse was lucky to be marrying her, and not the other way around.
Then Suletta had said “I always imagined seeing us in our dresses.”
The last thing Miorine had expected from her spouse was love. Much less love at first sight. Much less the stupid insipid head-over-heels heart pounding, sweaty-palmed, short-of-breath bullshit wrought by the mere sight of her volcanic victor, her red-earth lover, her insanely perfect wife. How someone so sweet could have come from a desolate rock such as this completely escaped Miorine. The very idea that joy could come from these blasted plains and half-melted crags was absurd.
And yet the proof stood before her, resplendent in a puffy green dress decked out with live roses and tomatoes. Suletta’s hair was sewn into the same shapes, an intricate hairstyle she’d said was popular in Roman times. Suletta wobbled a little bit on her crutches; even with the support rigging built into the dress, the fruit was heavy and cumbersome. With its flared frills and borderline Victorian volume, it was the kind of dress Miorine would never have been caught dead in.
“Your garden was how I fell in love with you, Miss Miorine,” Suletta said. Had said, but still did. “I want everyone to know that side of you.”
Idiot. Miorine thought, as her face turned bright red and tears welled in her eyes, threatening her tastefully winged eyeliner and immaculately porcelain blush. Stupid asshole idiot. I hate you. I hate you so much. I wish I could punch you. I wish I could tear those crutches away and throw you into orbit.
Suletta held up her thumb to the sun, then back down to Miorine, eliciting chuckles from the small audience. The dome was only big enough for twenty people; any larger and the amount of refrigeration necessary to keep it livable would have been prohibitively expensive. Unreasonable when the rest of the colony needed every watt they could scrape together.
Earth House et-al sat stage right, with only Sabine to break up the mix, a surprise plus-one from Nika. No matter. The old rivalries were moot now. Everyone wanted the same thing: peace. And Miorine was going to see it delivered.
She’d never thought she’d come this far. When she’d gone out in her suit on that fateful day, she’d half expected to simply float into deep space and die. That possibility hadn’t scared her. She’d welcomed it.
And then this dumbass came into her life, and suddenly living became the only thing Miorine cared about. So long as she lived with Suletta. So long as she could listen to that embarrassed stammer, see that pitiful blush, feel those calloused hands. So long as she could see that saccharine smile, Miorine could go any distance, hurdle any obstacle.
So when Suletta said she wanted dresses. Suletta got dresses. Even after Suletta described hers. Miorine had wanted to die. Instead, she’d simply said: “Do whatever you want.”
Miorine wore white lace, gauzy across the chest. Body-tight, so Suletta could not imagine anything but her. Simple lines, with faint silver threads drawing the vines of the garden they’d made together. Subtle enough that only a careful viewer would notice the design, but obvious enough that Suletta would understand. She wore crystal heels and simple pearl earrings. She’d cut her mullet, and kept the bob. Simple, professional, herself. Her outfit may as well have been in the dictionary as a visual definition of class.
She felt so fake next to Suletta.
She felt so hopeful as she took her place beside her.
She shivered when Suletta took her hands.
“Enough flirting, you two. You’re making this embarrassing.” Guel said, with false authority. When they’d asked him to officiate, his first question had been “Why me?” Then he’d shaken his head. It was, after all, better not to know that Suletta just felt bad for all the trouble she’d caused him. In a way, no one had suffered more than him from Suletta’s arrival at Asticassia. It seemed only fair.
“Do your job.” Miorine hissed. She tapped his phone, where the entire ceremony was laid out in plain text. She hadn’t trusted him to remember it all. No matter how much Suletta had changed her, Miorine still had trouble letting go of control.
Guel coughed into his hand. He began reading the nondenominational, interplanetarily legal text Miorine had picked out. A simple declaration that they would share assets, interests, and fulfill each other’s obligations in the eyes of the law—whichever law that happened to be at the time, corporate or Spacer or Earthian. Simple, unemotional, with nothing for anyone to pick at that might show favor to one belief system or government.
“The groom has chosen to write her own vows.” Guel said, with relief. His part was effectively done. Though he routinely gave speeches himself, being at the centre of an actually emotional scene clearly went above his capacities.
“As the champion of Asticassia’s dueling tournament, Suletta Mercury has earned the right to recite her vows first.”
Suletta stared down at her notes. The tablet, and therefore the words, trembled in her grip. She really thought she’d be braver than this. She’d killed people, for goodness’ sake. To protect Miss Miorine, of course, but that didn’t change the facts. She was someone with blood on her hands. She should be able to handle getting married.
She looked to her mother, silent and still in her wheelchair. Mr. Rembran sat next to her, equally still, but from stoicism rather than paralysis. She had dressed her mother in a simple blue dress, easy to take off and on, comfortable and soft. A red-white-and-blue striped blanket kept her warm. She couldn’t speak, even with computer aid. Eri said her brain refused to make the connections. She wasn’t brain-dead, but she wasn’t far from it. Still, there seemed to be light in her eyes that hadn’t been there the day before. As ruthless as her mother was, she’d always acted out of love. She cared. No matter how present or gone she might be, she was here, today, watching her daughter get married.
“The first time I saw you,” Suletta began, her voice wavering, “I thought you were trying to kill yourself. You were so angry with me for saving you. Then you stole Aerial, and tried to fight Guel yourself. I thought you had a death wish. Then I got engaged to you! I thought I was coming to school to make friends, not get married. I thought you were terrifying. I still do. But when I saw how messy your room was-“
“Hey!” Miorine scowled and blushed. Laughter broke out.
“A-and how beautiful your garden was,” Suletta said quickly, scrolling past the paragraphs where she described Miorine’s mess in intricate detail, down to a particular stain that had taken three long weeks to remove even with industrial solvents. “I quickly learned how caring you were, how much love was in your heart. It takes a lot of love to raise plants. It seems so simple on Earth, but here we have to make the soil from the ground up. We have to purify the water. We have to make the air, and import fertilizer at great expense. Asticassia is not too different from Mercury in that way. And the tomatoes you grew were the most delicious I have ever had. You were callous and distant, and beautiful.”
Suletta’s hands shook. One of her crutches slipped loose. Even with Mercury’s low gravity, holding herself up with one arm was borderline impossible. She tipped forward.
Miorine darted forwards and caught both the crutch and her. She very carefully placed the crutch back under Suletta’s armpit, and propped Suletta back up. She rearranged the tomatoes that had been dislodged in her brief fall, and stood back, eyes closed. She took a small breath, and waited.
Suletta stared at Miorine, lost in her grace.
“Keep talking.” Miorine said, with perfect calm.
“Ah! Um, I… I’ll always remember the way you pushed me up against the window and told me you needed me. When you said to email you three times a day, I thought you were still mad at me, because I would have messaged you more. I want to share every moment with you. I want to tell you about the little bug I saw, or the nice thing someone said, or just share a photo of the sunlight on the rocks. I want to be with you every day, to protect you, to help you, to turn your forever frowns forever upside-down.
“I promise that even though I’ll never pilot a mobile suit again, I’ll always fight for you. I’ll always stand by your side, even if I can’t stand. I’ll never betray the trust you’ve given me. And I swear to get better at cooking so you can stop ordering food all the time. Most importantly, I promise to make you happy. I want to see you wake up with a smile, to put you to bed with a kiss. I want to see our babies. I want to see how beautifully you age. I want to know you, so completely that I can’t separate you from myself. I promise that these wants will never change. I promise to be the best partner there can be.”
Miorine stood like a statue now, still as marble and just as white. As the sun shone down on her, it seemed that she did not reflect its burning light, but radiated on her own with a cool brilliance of greater magnitude than any star.
“As best I can, that is…” Suletta said, looking down from Miorine’s placid expression.
Guel bit his lip and tried not to cry. He failed. Voice choking, he said: “How you can you just stand there like that?”
“That’s not your line,” Miorine said, quietly.
Guel swallowed his pride and wiped his tears. “The bride has also chosen to write her own vows,” he said. “Miorine Rembran, please recite your vows.”
Miorine sucked in a breath. She couldn’t lose her composure now. She had to be strong. She had to be perfect. She was the youngest President in history. She could not fail, for even her wedding was a public, political act. No matter how human she wanted to be for Suletta, she had to be a public figure first.
She told herself all this to no avail.
“I…” she carefully opened her eyes and looked down so the sight of Suletta wouldn’t overwhelm her. She had her speech memorized. All 100 words. Simple, curt, effective.
Suletta. You are a powerful, strong person. I respect you completely. I trust you. You are more than a fighter, you are a friend, and you are the correct fiancée for me. I solemnly vow to support your efforts to advance education across the system, and to support those who have no one else. I promise to listen to you, to believe you, and to consult you. I am grateful for the opportunity to call myself your wife. It is difficult for me to say this in front of so many people, but I love you. I always will.
Tears plopped onto the tiled floor. Fat and heavy, and soon joined by more.
“I hate you!” Miorine cried. “How am I supposed to follow that, huh? How am I supposed to match you?”
Earth House howled with laughter. Even her father cracked a small smile.
Miorine sobbed, staring into those innocent blue eyes, quivering above the stupidest fucking smirk Miorine had ever seen, so small and serene and sure, as though this shame were cute, and fuck, it must be to her.
“How can I possibly stand next to you when you are everything in this universe. You are bravery. You are valor. You are my knight in shining armor, even when you’re not wearing anything at all.”
Suletta gasped.
“See! I can make you flustered too. So don’t think you get a monopoly.”
“Mioooo…” Suletta whined.
“Everything you do drives me completely insane,” Miorine said. “The way you know exactly what I want before I know it. The way you follow my instructions to the letter, and better. The way you always stand up for me even when I don’t deserve it. The way you can just pop into a room like a tray of free cookies and make every single person smile. The way you look at me makes me want to rip my face off.
“I love you so intensely that just thinking your name makes my heart pound. You make it so easy to love you. So easy to stand up. You make me want to wake up every day. To take care of myself, so I can take care of you. You may not pilot a mobile suit anymore, you may never be able to walk on your own again, but you are still the most powerful person I know. Nevertheless, I promise to protect you. I promise to carry you when you fall. I promise to hold your hand. To tuck you in. To let you call me Miomio when when Suletta is upsetta. To clean you if you can’t, to feed you if you can’t. To take care of your mother. To take care of whatever family we have. You have done so much for me. I owe you my life.”
She sucked in a breath, deep and shaking.
“I owe you my life,” she repeated, between sobs. “But I’m giving you my heart. So don’t break it!”
Laughter interrupted audible sobs from the small crowd.
“Now rest, my noble warrior.” Miorine said, cradling Suletta’s warm brown cheek in her hand. “Rest, my precious groom. Rest, because I will hold you. I will stand for you. And I will be there with you for everything, until I no longer draw breath.”
“Miorine…” Suletta’s blue eyes shivered beneath an ocean of tears.
Guel coughed, and waved a nearby drone over. The drone was shaped like a giant tomato, and had only one function. Though no one else could know it, Ericht controlled the drone; she couldn’t take much more part in this ceremony than to be a digital flower girl, but that was enough for all of them. They were together, and would be, forever.
“We will now exchange rings.” Guel said, trying hard to maintain his composure. The drone’s top flipped open. Inside lay two small rings. One was a simple platinum band studded with rubies; it had belonged to her mother. Suletta, ever the teacher, wanted to give her something with history.
The other ring was a bright silver mash, not a single piece of metal but a fused conglomerate of shards. Aerial’s pieces, almost microscopic, sifted from the vacuum at great expense. Her researchers had wanted to study the shards. She’d given them what remained after this came together. Love trumped research.
“Miorine! That’s not the ring we picked out for me.” Suletta said with a gasp.
“I know.” Miorine said. “But I think this one suits you better.”
“It’s supposed to be the other way round,” Guel interjected, “But President Rembran, please place the ring on the groom’s finger.”
Miorine wiped the tears from her face and picked up the Aerial ring. She gently slipped it onto Suletta’s finger long, strong fingers. Suletta covered her mouth and shook with sobs.
“Ms. Mercury, please place the ring on the bride’s finger.”
Suletta trembled as she picked up the simple band, and slid it onto Miorine’s thin digit. Miorine could not help but think that Suletta was so strong. So gentle. So effortlessly perfect.
“By the power vested in me by the Sol Compact, I now pronounce you wife and wife. Mrs. Mercury, you may now kiss the bride.”
They stared at him.
“Ah, the original Mrs. Mercury.”
Suletta couldn’t move. She could barely see through the veil of tears. She could only vaguely lurch forward with trembling legs and shivering arms and hope that the shimmering white shape in front of her was her wife and not a particularly attractive pole.
Her Mio’s hands found her. One wrapped around her hand, pulling her upright. The other wrapped around her waist, pulling her in. Miorine’s delicate lips brushed against Suletta’s at first, gently sharing a warm breath, a flicker of tongue, so swift and temporary that Suletta couldn’t be sure it happened. Then they were pressed together, breath joining breath, lips against lips, tongues seeking tongues, desperate for each other even in this disturbingly public view, in this tiny glass dome on a boiling rock.
Suletta pushed away, exclaiming with shame: “Mio!”
Then she realized that Miorine’s hand was no longer entwined with hers. Instead, she reached under Suletta’s legs, and swept her off her feet.
“You’re lucky this is Mercury.” Miorine said. “I can’t do this on Earth.”
“Miorine, I’m supposed to-“
“You’re not my groom anymore. You’re my wife. And I choose to carry you.”
As Miorine carried Suletta past their friends, past their family, all standing and clapping, Suletta looked once again to her mother. She expected to see nothing. After all, she was barely present. At her healthiest, she had been stoic and stalwart, cunning and sweet, but never soft.
A single tear travelled down the creases of her face, dripping onto the blanket below. Mr. Rembran took out a small handkerchief and wiped the tear away. He nodded to her.
Suletta nodded back.
“You know,” Miorine said, as the pressure doors sealed behind them, “you’re lucky your legs don’t work right now.”
“Why?” Suletta said, completely confused.
“Because after tonight, you won’t be able to move a muscle.”
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pastelraccoons · 3 months
Sulemio Week 24 has begun! Here is my first contribution for the prompt: Horror.
(If you would rather read this on AO3, you can do so here!)
An eerie silence pressed down on Miorine. No sound could be heard except for her heavy breaths and the slight groans coming from her injured father atop the floating stretcher. Her fingers ached from how hard she gripped the handles of it. Her eyes soon flicked down to look over her father.
Sweat clung to his forehead. His eyes were clenched shut in pain. The muscles in his jaw twitched from how hard he grit his teeth together. Miorine could see red staining the blanket she hastily draped over him.
“I'll save you.” Miorine said in a low voice. “Just so I can curse you in your hospital bed!”
“Found you, Delling Rembran!”
An unknown voice made her straighten her posture and put her on high alert. Miorine soon found herself staring straight down a gun's barrel. She couldn't see the face of the man holding the weapon past the dark tinted visor of his helmet.
Miorine swallowed, and a bead of cold sweat rolled down the back of her neck. She pushed against the stretcher and used her body to shield her only family as the mysterious man continued to approach. He was saying something, but she couldn't even hear her heart beating anymore. She clenched her eyes shut, ready for the bang.
The silence broke with a deafening crash. Aerial burst through the wall in a cloud of dust and debris. The man gasped and aimed his weapon towards Aerial instead. Time slowed to a crawl.
“Oh no you don't!” Suletta's voice pulled Miorine back to reality. Without warning, Aerial’s hand slammed down.
Crimson erupted from beneath its palm and between its fingers. A warm splat hit Miorine’s cheek when a dismembered arm drifted past her head to thump against the wall. Her hands trembled and gripped the stretcher tighter.
Her heart thudded painfully in her chest. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the glowing eyes of Aerial.
It was just a cold, heartless machine of destruction. Just like her father said.
Its eyes suddenly glowed a bright red. It lifted its hand up with a metallic creak. Viscera stretched between its fingers and the floor before breaking away. Blood and bone floated aimlessly through the air thanks to the low gravity. The scent of copper filled Miorine's senses.
Her eyes widened in terror. She stared up at the sticky hand casting a shadow over her. Aerial reached out, its palm hovering over Miorine and her father. Adrenaline flooded her veins, but fear kept her bolted to the spot. Aerial's hand started to quickly slam down towards her and-
Miorine jerked upright with a gasp. Her chest heaved with frantic pants. A cold sweat covered her face and neck that caused her hair to uncomfortably stick to her skin. It took her a moment to calm down enough to realize it was a dream. Her hands shook when she gripped the sheets over her legs.
“Miorine?” Suletta's soft, worried voice broke through her panic. Miorine turned to her right to see Suletta shuffling upright to prop herself up against the headboard. Concern shone clearly in her eyes. “Is everything okay?”
“I… I'm fine, dear.” Miorine breathed a sigh of relief. “It was just a nightmare.”
“What about? You can tell me, if you think it'll help.”
“Well…” Miorine picked at a loose thread on the sheets. “It was when you saved me at Plant Quetta. Aerial was… Was about to kill me.”
Suletta hummed in thought before she reached over and draped an arm around Miorine's shoulders. Without another word, she pulled Miorine against her.
Miorine welcomed the comforting embrace. She eagerly tucked herself against Suletta's side and rested her head on her chest. Suletta ran her fingers through Miorine's hair.
“I'd never mean to hurt you,” Suletta whispered. She pressed a light kiss against the top of Miorine's head. “And I'd never let anyone else hurt you. Ever.”
Miorine's frantic heartbeat began to settle. She curled up closer against Suletta's side, drinking in her warmth. She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, then opened them again.
When she did, the little light in their bedroom caught on her wedding ring. Miorine turned her hand around to admire it then smiled to herself. She slowly adjusted herself until she was able to look up at Suletta.
Suletta tilted her head slightly with curiosity. Miorine caressed Suletta's cheek in her hand. She drank in the warmth against her palm. Her thumb traced along one of the scars stretched across Suletta’s skin before she hummed herself. Without another word, she leaned up to press a light kiss against Suletta's lips.
“I love you,” she muttered into the small space between them. “And I know you'd never hurt me.”
“I love you too.” Suletta smiled and returned the loving gesture.
A comfortable silence settled between them when Miorine relaxed into Suletta’s hold. She laid her head on Suletta's chest and instead focused on her heartbeat. Her fear had melted away without her even noticing.
She closed her eyes and let herself drift back to sleep, now only dreaming of the pleasant days ahead of them.
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 10 months
RWBY Fanfic Master Post
Seeing as how this has become, primarily, a RWBY blog... and I write a lot of RWBY fanfic... here ya go:
Ongoing Stories
We May Fall (A Dance of Light and Shadow) - Weiss Schnee will do anything to safeguard the secret that she's actually a faunus. But when her long-suppressed heat cycle begins dramatically, all of Team RWBY finds out in one wild night that will bind them together like never before and change the fate of Remnant itself. (Pollination, no Enabler)
On Silver Wings We Soar - Maria died young and got her soul stuck in a weapon that Ruby found 100 years later. So now on top of the fall of Beacon, our heroines have to navigate a love triangle between Ruby, Weiss, and the ghost attached to a harpoon-axe that's also a gun. (Maria + WhiteRose, background Bees, KnightLight, Hellebore, and Renora)
Haven Trail - It's RWBY meets Oregon Trail! Yang leads a group of pioneers across a Grimm-infested wilderness. Blake is torn between Yang and Velvet, whose abusive husband is a threat to everyone, while Ruby and Weiss dance around their feelings for each other and Cinder and Emerald try to dig up ancient technological secrets. Oh yeah, and there's dysentery. (WhiteRose, Bumblebey, Black Velvet, Chaos Emeralds, Arkos, Hellebore)
The Dragon From Mercury - G Witch with Yang in Suletta's role, Blake in Miorine's, featuring Ruby as Aerial. (Bumbleby)
Scattered Petals - a canon-divergent AU focusing on reimagining the story through rarepairs. (Schneekos, Ladybug, Baked Alaska, Crosshares, KnightLight, Rainbow Quartz, Firewall)
Completed Stories
The Monsters Within Us - Fairy tale AU where maiden Blake is pursued by the cruel Baron Taurus, only to stumble into the arms of Yang... who is a half-human, half-serpent lamia. Lots of amazing illustrations, and monsterfucking with plot and feelings! (Bumbleby, background Rainbow Quartz)
Frozen Lemonade - College AU. Rivals Weiss and Yang find their one-time cathartic hate-fuck complicated when Tai and Willow meet at a celebrity therapy event and elope, suddenly tying the two of them together. (Freezerburn, Schneekos, Greek Fire, background Nuts & Dolts)
In Rainbow's Shadow - Ilia & Emerald work as a covert ops wet team, taking on missions requiring stealth and dubious morality. They confront their feelings for each other in the middle of a deep ocean research station performing nightmarish Grimm experiments. (Rainbow Quartz)
Through a Mirror, Brightly - when a mysterious Grimm traps Weiss in a ghostly, sidereal state and erases her from everyone's memory, it falls to the feelings she and Ruby had for each other to bring them back together. Lots of illustrations! (WhiteRose, background Bees)
Let's See the Sunrise Together - modern AU. Weiss's arranged marriage is in jeopardy when the bachelorette party Coco throws her ends up at a strip club where she's enraptured by the beautiful Yang Xiao Long. (Freezerburn, background Crosshares)
A Medical Necessity - Blake goes into heat over the winter holiday break, with only Weiss around to help her. Smut and feels. (Monochrome)
The Curse of the Abominable Snow-Grimm - RWBY goes on a team building mission to a ski resort, where a mysterious Grimm attack will force them to confront Weiss and Blake's past, and their feelings for their new teammates. (WhiteRose, Bumbleby)
Cold Nights, Warm Hearts - in a modern AU, Winter Schnee is very nervous about going to her girlfriend Cinder Fall's winter solstice celebration and meeting her pagan friends. (Temperature Play)
I've also got a bunch of shorts and one-shots if you're interested. Almost everything I write is sapphic, and I do a lot of smut with plot.
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smokestarrules · 1 year
Spare domestic Sulemio headcanons? I'm bereft of no Suletta Sundays.
I know, how are we supposed to move on with the rest of our lives without her ever again? Something something cruel and unusual punishment.
It's a no-brainer to me that they have kids eventually--at least two--but I also don't think they rush into it; Suletta's still recovering and with her schools and Miorine's work, they're both decently busy people most of the time. Still, it's very clear from the start that there's going to be a family.
Miorine is an absolute hellion in the kitchen for a long time, but she's so determined to be able to make dinner for Suletta that eventually she gets the hang of it. She's very proud of how far she's come with the skill.
The little garden in their backyard was kept a secret from Miorine for months until the tomatoes started to grow. Suletta led her back there for the first time once they began to ripen and pointed out the two sections: one for Notrette's special tomatoes (Suletta had managed to discreetly take one with them to Earth; Miorine cries when she hears that) and one little patch of land still empty, ready for whatever Miorine would want to plant there.
Things are still tense between Miorine and Prospera and probably always will be, but Suletta appreciates it every time they speak to each other in a civil manner. The household is largely peaceful.
After a particularly stressful incident involving a draining sink and Suletta's reflexes being blessedly quicker, Eri is at some point banned from any of the bathrooms, just to be safe.
Miorine often has nightmares about the destruction at Quinn Harbor; she never tries to wake Suletta with them, but there's often no hiding it from her. No matter the time or what they have planned for the next day, Suletta always attends to her with whatever she needs. It's the least she can do---after all, Miorine does the exact same thing for her when it's Suletta's turn to have her sleep disturbed.
The first class of kids Suletta ever teaches always light up whenever they see Miorine, and while she's fairly hopeless with them at first, she treats every child with respect (that she was never given herself) and makes sure she's gentle with them. Suletta can never tear her eyes away when this is happening.
(When they do have children of their own, this feeling only intensifies tenfold.)
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md-guel · 3 months
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hey everyone and welcome to the first guel wednesday!!! which is basically when i talk a little bit about some parts of guel for every episode every wednesday just so i can do something more in this sideblog. why wednesday? because it sounds a bit like guel's name and also that gives me time to queue things up for the rest of the series ahahahaha
anyway I'm gonna get started with episode 1! also known as the episode we all decided to unanimously hate guel's ass 🤣
though if you ask me now, I'm obviously going to tell you that that's one part of why I love guel the way I do. I'm a sideblog, after all. but so, that's the thing about the guel of episode 1, he's a textbook first boss antagonist. he's highly skilled which means he's someone whose ass needs to be beaten. he's wearing a fluffy mullet which, in his holder pilot suit, really gave me the vibes of the leader of a rowdy motorcycle gang in the american films of the 80s or 90s. and he's really arrogant, he's got his own clique, he's using phrases like "teach you some discipline" and "correct your ignorance" like some villain with a fake british accent.
and then there's this:
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(i really want to know how miorine thought she could overpower guel's tits—i mean guel's chesticles. i mean—)
you could say he just read one too many fantasy books, you could say he just needs a different hobby outside of duels. but destruction of private property and attacking someone are definitely inexcusable. as far as episode 1 is concerned, this is his biggest villain arc.
personally, though, in light of how the whole show turned out, i think this was the first sign that he's started individuating from his dad. without the context of episode 2 and onwards, it's easy to see it as just a spoiled brat who got called something he didn't like. and I mean who wants to be called his daddy's little lap dog, right? but there must be something about what miorine said that really hit a sensitive nerve and I think there's every possibility that it's because he's finally coming to terms with how he's trapped by his dad's shadow.
there's also other lines like:
"Did you see that, Miorine? How Guel Jeturk fights his duels!" (Duels are pretty much the only things he can claim for himself)
"Both you and the company will be mine before long." (In the same way his father never knew how to separate his son from the fate of his company)
"You just need to shut your mouth and give yourself over to me." (As long as he obeyed his dad, Vim has no reason to discipline him)
these are just off the top of my head. it just sucks that the way he's retaliating against his abuse is to be abusive himself, especially when he and miorine are both just pawns being used by their fathers to extend the longevity of a broken capitalistic system. remember, kids, a victim of abuse is still capable of causing abuse. but considering how insular benerit companies are that their kids are only allowed to form factions within the boundaries of their individual companies, it isn't difficult to imagine how guel could have been raised in a similarly small world. his mother presumably didn't have much influence on him, and even though he has a sibling, lauda's only enabling his abuse. neither of them are aware of this, of course. and I think for the most part, at this point of his life, guel still doesn't understand the kind of abuse he's living in. he's just singing "there must be more than this [corporate] life" (to the tune of "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast)
(no, I didn't know until today that that was the title of the first song of the movie and yes, now that I think of it, guel is perfectly like Gaston in episode 1. call him "Gueston" I guess)
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pencil-peach · 11 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 12
And so, we have reached part 13 in my attempt to transcribe and discuss the text that appears on monitors and screens in G Witch (and talk about stuff I think is cool)
This is the Episode 12, the season 1 finale: "Keep Marching on Instead of Running Off."
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You have to wear a normal spacesuit while reading this post...
Like episode 11, this episode is actually very light on text, (for obvious reasons..) so I'll also spend some more time discussing little things in the episode I think are interesting.
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The text on the panel for the EV (Elevator) reads C BLOCK No. C - 6 The EV is arriving shortly.
It also has 3 symbols on the bottom, with one crossed out. It's hard to know what they mean, but my best guess is: - Communication (Which is currently unusable due to the attack) - Multi-Directional (As in, isn't a one way elevator, can go back and forth) - Capacity (In this case, multiple people can use it at once.)
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Also, in this scene, Miorine talks about "opening the bulkhead from the control center." What she means is she wants to find the control center so she can open the giant wall that separated her and Suletta. The first thing that both girls thought of doing when they were separated was rescuing the other.
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Also, also, the fact that C Block still has some semblance of power despite having been fully disconnected from the rest of the plant must mean that every individual block must have some sort of reserve power system in case something like this happens. I wonder how expensive this place was to build....
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I really like the scene where we see Sophie activate Permet Score 4, because I think they put so much focus on it in order to put a lot of things we've seen earlier into perspective.
Up until now, we've only seen 3 characters (other than Eri but she doesn't count) activate Permet Score 4: Nadim in the prologue, El4n in episode 6, and now Sophie.
I think the first thing we can see when we compare these instances is how, broadly, Gundam Pilots have generally been made to become more resilient to Permet in the 21 years since Vanadis.
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As far as we can tell, Nadim was probably one of the most skilled Gundam Pilots at Vanadis. (Other than Eri but she's like. cheating.)
Even acknowledging that he hadn't piloted a Gundam in some time (He says as much when he first activates Permet 3), he's still incredibly adept at controlling GUND Bits and nearly singlehandedly holds off the attack by Cathedra. (Thought Wendy's efforts must also definitely be acknowledged.)
When Wendy starts suffering from Permet exposure, Nadim tells her that she can't raise her score any higher
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We never see or hear exactly which score she's at, but her Gundam is deactivated by the Antidote, which only works up to Score 3. So she's either at 2 - 3, and she's clearly suffering its effects harder than Nadim, who's also at 3 at this point.
But despite Nadim's clear adeptness at Piloting the Lfrith and his much stronger resilience to Permet, when he activates Score 4, he dies nigh instantly. He doesn't survive longer than a minute.
When Gundams had first been developed, Score 3 was considered the absolute limit, both in terms of what a human could bear and what Gundam tech could handle.
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We can see this reflected on the Lfrith itself. When first launched, and up to Score 3, Lfrith's body appears completely normal.
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But when he activates Score 4, its entire body glows bright red as opposed to just its GUND components. A sign that its bearing a load it can't handle.
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And when Nadim finally dies, we can see its body is also horribly scarred with Permet Burns.
Sophie's Permet 4 scene is a showcase of how Gundam Tech has evolved in the 21 years since Vanadis.
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When Sophie activates Permet 4, she's pushing up against the human limit. Her heart is pounding so fast and so hard we can hear it over the music. She says she can't breathe and might even throw up, and unlike El4n, she's not an Enhanced Person. She's entirely unaugmented, but unlike Nadim, she lives.
Gundam Pilots have become more resilient since Vanadis, but also of note is that they've also gotten younger. We don't know the ages of Nadim, Wendy, and Elnora, but they're all clearly adults. In fact, we only ever see Adults piloting Gundams in the prologue. When Prospera realizes Eri reached Layer 33, she's horrified, and I wouldn't be surprised in part because a child piloting a Gundam is just something that had never been done before.
But now, Gundams are piloted almost EXCLUSIVELY by young people. Younger people are raised and trained and experimented on at earlier and earlier ages because it seems that, for some reason, they are just better at being able to handle them.
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The tech has also improved much since then. Whenever Lfrith Ur reaches score 4, that device on its shoulder unfurls and activates, and retracts when it goes back under. the Ur and Thorn were built off of the pre-production Lfrith models, and in order to get around its Score limitations, they just added an extra Permet Processing unit to its back to bear the extra load.
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El4n is a special case, and his reaction to Score 4 in comparison to Nadim and Sophie stands as a testament to the effectiveness of Bel's Artificial Nervous System. At Score 4, El4n acts more like he's under the symptoms an unenhanced person would experience at Score 3.
All that suffering just to reduce the permet load by 1. How sad.
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Anyway, the EMERGENCY EXIT Suletta uses is labaled as an EVACUATION PASSAGE.
It also has the same 3 symbols as on the elevator. If we try and apply the same labeling method as I used on the elevator, then.. -Communication (Offline) -Direction - One Way -Capacity - 1 person. The direction and Capacity make sense, but the communication is a little dubious? Maybe that symbol designates if it leads to an exit or something....
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Normally, when Miorine refers to her dad, she calls him "Kusoyaji," which is a portmanteau of "Kuso" (a general swear word usually meaning 'damn' or 'shit'), and "oyaji" (which is a word for father) Calling him a terrible dad, but in this scene after he protects her and she sees that he's critically wounded, she shouts "Otou-san!" instead, which is a more common/respectful word to use for your father. This is localized into English as having Miorine usually call him a "Lousy Father," or something similar, but in this scene she just calls him "Dad"
We also learn a little more about Notrette in this scene, as when Delling tells Miorine to choose the best option of survival and leave him, he says it's what Notrette would do, and that they'd both decided at some point that if anything happened, one of them had to survive in order to raise her.
It's not much, but it seems that Notrette was a very logically minded person, who always looked toward the future in her decisions. I wouldn't doubt that Delling tried to save her, but left without her at her own insistence.
Sometimes I feel as though this scene is paralleling that incident in a way we can't know, and Miorine managing to save Delling here implies that if Delling had tried and not ran away, he could have saved Notrette. But that's just speculation on my part.
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There's no real way to prove this, (other than the fact that their voices sound similar) but I've always believed that the closeup of this DOF member we see when they enter the plant is the same DOF member that Suletta kills at the end of the episode.
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When Vim launches in the Dilanza Sol, he comments that he worked his way up the corporate ladder by "personally claiming his rivals' heads." It's most assuredly a figure of speech, but um, well.
Like father like son.
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When Guel launches in the Desultor, he tries to communicate to the Dilanza Sol, but remember, the comms are jammed, so it returns an error.
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After the deed has been done, the network begins reactivating, and we see NETWORK ONLINE appear on Guel's monitor.
This is our first sign that the DOF are starting to run out of time.
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I think a lot about this scene. Maybe not in the way you're supposed to think about it though. I just can't shake this idea that Prospera intentionally waited for one of the soldiers to be right in front of Suletta before killing them. She and Godoy had been standing there the whole time, on both sides of the hall. Surely there were better times to have attacked them than when they were right in front of Suletta.
Maybe I'm not giving her enough credit but wouldn't it make sense? She needs Suletta to be okay with the idea of killing someone. Wouldn't seeing her mother do it in order to save her life be perfect for that? Prospera barely comforts her afterward either. She immediately explains to her that if she hadn't done it, Suletta might have been killed, and that fighting can save everyone.
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And of course, it's obvious, but I just love the symbolism in this shot. It's so good. Suletta stepping out of the darkness and crossing the line, led by her mother's blinding light, onto the bloody path. It's so good. Such a good fucking scene. Grrggrhgrh
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The music that plays during this fight between Suletta and Sophie is titled AERIAL REBUILD
If you haven't already, you should give it a listen. It's genuinely one of my favorite tracks in the entire OST, top 3 at least, and we don't hear much of it in this scene.
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During their duel, Sophie calls Aerial REBUILD's face "scary" and says she "liked her better before."
Aerial is no longer pretending to be a machine made for silly school duels, that line has been crossed, and its true purpose is beginning to be revealed.
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The truly terrifying thing about REBUILD's GUND Bit Cannon is that we never see it at full capacity. In fact, this one time we see it, it's at its WEAKEST strength. All mobile suits used in Asticassia have a regulation program installed that limits the energy output of their beam weapons. (With this restriction, all energy weapons only produce green colored beams.) Despite being off Asticassia for months now, Aerial NEVER had that program uninstalled, so its Beam Weapons are still at their lowest output. And, Despite That, the beam produced by this cannon is...
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This Powerful. It's so powerful, that when Aerial uses it, you can see it have to activate its back thrusters to counteract the recoil.
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It's SO powerful, that it completely melts the legs of a Desultor who just happened to GRAZE it ever so slightly.
Not to talk about future episodes here, but I actually cannot stress that it is genuinely a miracle that Miorine forcefully shut Aerial down in this moment in episode 17.
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Because, and I mean this with zero exaggeration, Suletta would have ERASED GUEL and SPLIT THE SCHOOL IN HALF if she released the charge on this god damn canon.
Lord In Heaven, Prospera.
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TEXT: SUBJECT: Business Correspondence FROM: Peil Technologies To: ELAN CERES HIGHEST PRIORITY
An attack has been made on Plant Quetta by the terrorist orginization 'Dawn of Fold' 2 unidentified MS using GUND FORMAT were confirmed. We will contact you later with further instructions.
This is the email 5lan receives from Peil after the DOF leave. They got that information quick, huh? I wonder how... We also see that he only ever receives Business Correspondence emails from Peil and Course Schedule updates from Asticassia in his inbox. He doesn't have any friends.
And with that, we have completed Ep 12, the entirety of Season 1! Wow...what a ride it has been thus far...
Thank you for coming on this journey with me...!
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Whatever happens next, we'll face it together, won't we?
Episode 13. >>
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hey its time for episode 4
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starting off with one of the funniest fucking scenes in this whole show with suletta just fucking hauling ass right out of there after guel just surprise proposes to her
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just want to juxtapose this with her wild feelings speech in 17 about buying rings and wearing the prettiest dresses
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this shot just reminded me of a random detail from the manual for chuchu's demi trainer - it says earth house can't afford their own demi trainers so chuchu's is a modified older version because thats the best they could do.
suletta pilots a demi trainer during the whole field test thing so like... does she own or have a demi trainer loaned out for school use or something? i honestly forgot chuchu pilots her own suit in this scene cuz i had just accepted that the demi trainers for practical exams etc were like just there for the students to use whenever
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i know this was like probably the easier way to write suletta becoming friends with earth house but lmao why didnt she just ask miorine from the start to help for the makeup exam. baka suletta.
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suletta please.
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till will forever go down as bestboy in the series tbh. like someone needs to write a fic where he wingmans for suletta while nika does it for miorine
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suletta, you naive little baby
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there really was absolutely no reason for miorine to get all handsy and possessive here lmao like she could just stood infront of suletta or even right next to her and still had the same confrontation and warning about the other houses being bad news
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the 2nd light novel picking up from here and highlighting miorine's jealousy over el4n during this whole arc is perfect lmao
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kinda fun to speculate on how suletta saw miorine during the beginning. like she was completely surprised miorine didnt belong to a house. suletta's so awkward and socially inept she couldnt tell she was dealing with the one other person at school who was equally socially inept
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i feel like there's a lot of frames i never paused on to read like this one lol. i never realized suletta got so many questions wrong. well "wrong" cuz reading through her answers it almost sounds like she just didnt give the benerit group approved answers lmao kinda like when you get stupid training stuff at work and they're just chockful of anti-union propaganda
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never forget the first time we saw miorine's room
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i know so many people don't really care about the class conflict in ad stella, but god, i wish they really hadnt dropped the ball on this. like in the 1st cour they had something really good here
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obligatory shot of chuchu's dads
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miorine rembran will not let anyone insult her woman
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does anyone know what this gold gate/door thing was supposed to be? after the second school shooting, there's a shot shown where it's the only thing left standing in that area and i dont think ive ever seen anyone talk about it before
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see like even this is good re: class politics. like its not this cut and dry all spacians are evil capitalists thing. mercurian miners were pretty much lured out by the benerit group to be exploited for their labor and then left to dry once a cheaper source for permet was found. bless the fic writers who've turned that into appalachian town suletta because it's such a perfect analogy
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suletta mercury literally got decked in the face and we all just focused on the chuchu punch
imagine miorine sitting with her in her room just helping her ice her face
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by the way how excited do you think suletta was to call someone senpai just like in her fair use mangas lmao
ok all set with episode 4. ive gotta say, it is super jarring to go back to these slice of life school episodes after everything we've been through in the second cours. like yeah that was kind of the point in having the first half of the series have pretty much no stakes since these kids are about to be thrown into war
you know for all the complaining a lot of losers did when the show started about this not being a "real" gundam series, the only difference between watching suletta's journey versus say amuro's... is that we got to see suletta's life before everything got wrecked. with amuro we just immediately start off at the point where Everything Goes Bad
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skye-huntress · 1 year
The Witch from Mercury Season 2 Reaction
Episode 22: “The Woven Path”
Kicking off with Eri wreaking havoc on more fleets. At least the person in charge had enough sense to retreat
What a reversal. Now its Miorine who has retreated into her room
Breaking out the Demi Barding again. Not sure how much good it will do against an opponent that can override any Permit systems, but I doubt Chuchu could sit this one out anyway
Rouji is going, too? Is he going to do plot things, now?
Felsi be like, “Let me come, too! I also want to do plot things for a change!”
Suletta is making her own choices, now. She wants to stop her mother and sister, and she wants to see Miorine again. Go get your girl, Suletta!
We’re duelling, again?!
Wait, its a fencing duel?! Like a normal one?
I’m pretty sure he let her win. Still satisfying, though.
Finally, the reunion we’ve been waiting for, and the talk we’ve been waiting even longer than that for.
Nice bed hair. About time she came back out into the light. She just needed the right person to reach out to her.
So whatever Delling was working on in Plant Quetta is the missing piece to completing Quiet Zero, so they were moved.
Suletta and the Calibarn are the distraction. She won’t have backup since no other Gundam is up to the task, to say nothing of the pilots. Chuchu will pilot the modified Demi to bring in the infiltration team.
Suletta has to maintain Permit Score 5 on her own with any filters. Here’s hoping she neither dies nor suffers any long term effects. She’s got a wedding to attend.
That’s quite an entrance. So this is what Suletta’s like when she is fighting on her own.
And there’s Guel’s dumbass baby brother. Seriously?! You’re picking to go after Miorine now?! During the operation to stop the doomsday weapon!
Calibarn vs. Aerial. Suletta vs. Ericht. Guel vs. Lauda. Can we fit anymore sibling death battles into this climax?
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crestofshame · 1 year
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I hope you don’t mind me responding to this with a post so I’m not restricted by the limited reply character count!
But, yes! I really, really loved that scene. My understanding was that the intention of the silence was mostly just to add a feeling of suspense for the audience, seeing that we experience the show with Suletta as our protagonist. While we do have a more omniscient understanding of the characters than we would if we were entirely restricted to a Suletta POV only, especially with the show’s use of dramatic irony to build conflict, the show is written for us to root for Suletta. So, during that silence, we have that extra sense of dread because we can clearly see Miorine shouting, but can’t hear anything until the moment Suletta wakes up.
I agree that it is a very well-integrated callback.
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So much is the same from the blue light
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To the headbutt (which is not really easy to get a screen grab of from episode 1 because that one was mostly a folly effect that conveyed it).
While it’s true that these two scenes were intentionally very similar, I feel like a lot of their relationship is in general centered around them saving each other in both a figurative and a literal sense.
Besides these two scenes, there’s also the one where Miorine drags Suletta out of the way from that first duel she witnesses. Then Suletta stops Guel and his lackeys from trashing Miorine’s greenhouse (which is very personal to her). Then we have Miorine trying to step in and fight Suletta’s duel against Guel for her and struggling, so Suletta steps in and takes her place. There’s also the instance where Miorine saves Suletta in court from her father and throws away her chance to escape to Earth. Suletta also continues dueling over and over to ensure that Miorine isn’t married off to some jerk. Not to mention that Miorine starts a whole-ass company to save Suletta from going back to court. Then you have Suletta having the spiral where she feels useless and Miorine confronting her and reassigning the work she originally thought was burdensome on Suletta so that she knows that she is wanted and needed. Suletta also literally KILLS someone to save Miorine at Plant, and Miorine responds in horror when she realizes how deep Prospera’s influence runs and she decides to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of Suletta not being tainted by the whole “sins of the father” premise that we see through the show.
We see another small reference to all of these instances after they’ve been separated for that time after their “breakup” where we see Mio spiral into a depression for platforming someone to start a war, and is pulled back into reality by Suletta (which I could write another analysis on in itself). Shaddiq even asks Miorine if her change in character is “because of that Mercurian Girl,” which shows that their strengthening relationship is palpable to other characters. So, to me, to see that this whole cycle of building trust and feelings for one another through saving the other person start and end in the same way was confirmation for just how important it is that their relationship is mutual in what they provide for each other, which is generally one of the primary factors of a successful and loving relationship. The sequence being the same is just a beautiful cherry-on-top for this whole “I want you to rely on me” / “Now I want to ask her the same” cycle.
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jtavington · 1 year
Another fic teaser
From roughly the halfway point of my “Sulemio are reunited after the attack on Asticassia AU”
Suletta woke. The bedroom was pitch black, It had been a long time since Plant Quetta had featured in her nightmares. She lay back against the sheets until her breathing had studied and she was firmly in the present. Her mother had seemed a goddess to her then. She would have killed, maimed such, even abandoned Miorine at her slightest word. She had merely driven Miorine away because she had treated a man’s death as a joke. All because she was convinced her mother would only order her to do something right and just. Her mother would only kill if it were right and just.
If only she had known better, all the suffering of the last few months could have been avoided. Despite what she had told Miorine, this was in fact her fault. She lay there in the darkness until she realized sleep wasn’t going to claim her, gave up, and put on her slippers.
A pale light shone from under Miorine’s door. Suletta frowned. At least one of them should have been able to get some sleep that night. She cracked the door open. Miorine sat at her desk, her head resting on her hands. The strap of her undershirt had slid off her shoulder and her hair flew in every direction. She was so tiny without her heels.
She looked up. The dark circles under her eyes were deeper without the aid of makeup. Suletta braced herself for Miorine to yell at her for invading her privacy, for seeing her as anything less than perfectly put together, but she sighed instead. “Couldn’t sleep either?”
Suletta took that as invitation to come inside. Other people insisted that they were the ones paid to clean her room twice a week, so this was her first good look. It was cleaner, but somehow even more impersonal than the chairman’s office. A bed that might have belonged to her parents once upon a time dominated the room. Plain white sheets had
There were no models or art on the desk or walls. Not so much as a photograph of her mother on the nightstand.
“I’ve been trying to think how were going to survive this,” Miorine said at last. “Getting the other companies to just give up their assets is impossible. Even if I’m not guilty, surrendering myself might be the only thing I can do for peace.”
Suletta crossed the distance between them. “Don’t talk like that. Besides, you are the president. Can’t you just give away the assets and change the election rules without asking? I don’t remember your dad ever asking for much.”
“Yeah, well, dad’s an asshole.” She picked up a pen and twirled it absently between her fingers. “Hmm. The president does have emergency powers to liquidate Group assets at will, but that requires the other companies to agree that there is a state of emergency. And that would take a simultaneous planetwide uprising on Earth or a declaration of war by the League, which would defeat the purpose. Unlike dad, I’m not going to deliberately slaughter innocent people so I can create a crisis and make myself dictator.”
At least she wasn’t calling herself a murderer anymore. That was progress. “That’s a good thing. You’re a good person who deserves to be happy.”
Miorine’s eyes widened. Suletta winced. The boundaries between them were marked like a minefield with fading warning beacons. She never knew she disturbed their uneasy peace until it was too late. “I’m sorry. I’ll go now.”
“Stay please.” Her voice was a croak. “If you really believe that after everything, then stay with me tonight.”
“What?” When people said things like that in movies they meant only one thing. Her face burned from her nose to the tips of her ears. “I—I’m not. We’re not—are we?”
“I knew it was stupid. I—oh. You thought I meant—" It was her turn to blush. “No, I would never—rargh I never had a problem talking before you showed up!” She raked her hands through her hair. What I mean is, would you stay in the room with me tonight? If I don’t get some sleep, I’m going to start seeing things during meetings tomorrow, and I always slept better when you stayed over at Asticassia.”
Suletta meant to say yes, but all that came out was a squeak. The sole chair was the one Miorine was using. It looked too small for her, with barely any padding. It wouldn’t have been comfortable to do paperwork in, let alone sleep the rest of the night. But Miorine had asked it of her. They switched places, and Suletta fidgeted to get comfortable. She was definitely going to have a crack in her neck in the morning.
Miorine frowned. “It hurts doesn’t it.”
“I’ll manage.”
“Yes or no?” Suletta nodded, and Miorine huffed. “Stop trying to hurt yourself for me.”
“What about seeing people during your meetings?” Her gaze fell on the bed. The very large bed that could have fit all the girls of Earth House if they had squished together. She sat down on the edge. Her face burned again. This was stupid, so stupid, but how else was she going to keep Miorine on her feet at work tomorrow? “I can sleep here.” She reached back as far she could with one hand and only hit the middle of the bed. “See? Lots of room.”
Miorine blinked. “You’re cra—are you sure you’re okay with this?”
Suletta nodded and lay back on the sheets. Miorine went around to the other side and slipped under the covers as if they would break if she tugged them too hard. A vast gulf of white lay between them. Miorine exhaled. “Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Good night, Suletta. Lights off.”
Suletta lay there, listening to the rise and fall of Miorine’s chest. Slowly, gradually, her breathing deepened until it was replaced by light snores. Miorine snored. That was… kind of cute. Miorine would kill her if she said that, but there was no harm in thinking it while Miorine was safely unconscious.
Sleep continued to elude her. Someday, she was going to have to do something about her mother. She couldn’t let more people die because she was afraid. Her mother had killed people because it was convenient. She would be a tyrant with Quiet Zero. At the same time, yes, Eri did deserve to live freely and what Delling did to her was horrible. Treating her like a common criminal was almost as bad at ignoring it.
Justice, her family, a better life for people on Earth. She was greedy enough to want it all.
She rolled onto her side. Miorine’s face was peaceful in sleep. A strand of hair dangled dangerously close to her mouth. Suletta brushed it away. Miorine’s skin was as smooth and perfect as Suletta’s was rough. She traced the line of Miorine’s cheek with her thumb and bit back a sob. Thoughts she had pushed into a little box ever since she came here threatened to erupt. Her family and those other things weren’t all she wanted. She wanted Miorine too. Not like they were now in this in between state, but not like they were at school either. The Holder system turned a fiancé into a jailer. They…they never could have been really happy with that hanging over them. No, she wanted Miorine as herself. To lay together like this and not be afraid of touching her. To be allowed to stay forever without worrying over the day she would no longer be needed.
I don’t want to be her groom. I want to be her wife. The thought sounded in Suletta’s head like a thunderclap. This was the thing they had been avoiding like a wound all this time. Miorine had rigged the duel out of love for Suletta. She and Guel were avoiding their engagement as much as possible. She had exploded at the workers gossiping about Suletta. She had been there pacing this morning, and Suletta had known she would.
Miorine still loved her.
“I love you too,” she whispered and stroked Miorine’s cheek. Miorine murmured in her sleep and scooted closer. Her leg swung over Suletta’s, trapping her. She was so warm. Heaviness settled over Suletta’s limbs. This was what it was like to share a bed with someone she loved. It could be like that for the rest of their lives. They could go to sleep and wake up each morning. All she had to do was say the word. She had a brief, comical flash of waking Miorine up and dropping to one knee then and there. No one would object. Guel would be thrilled as long as Jeturk was taking care of. Delling was in a coma. Miorine was the president. She had the power to find or create a loophole to free herself. It really was that simple.
Suletta froze. No it wasn’t. They had loved each other before. She had been determined to waive all her rights as Holder back then because she wanted Miorine’s free choice. Miorine had manipulated her out of that same love, and it had nearly broke her. The scar on her heart wouldn’t heal no matter how many times she compared herself to Martin and Nika. She closed her eyes. If she could will herself to power through a duel, she should be able to will herself to trust. “Trust her, trust her, trust her,” she whispered under her breath. Nothing happened. What if something happened with Quiet Zero and Miorine sent her away again for her own good? What if…
Her thoughts circled like that even as she clung to Miorine. She wished, desperately, that she had an ordinary mother and sister she could have asked for advice. But then, if she had an ordinary mother and sister, perhaps her heart would not have been so scarred in the first place.
Suletta woke by degrees to find she was alone and very much not in her own room. Last night hadn’t been a fever dream after all. She turned to where Miorine had been, and her hand clutched around a piece of paper. Didn’t want to wake you. Take the day off. Will be home this evening.
A twinge of disappointment passed over her. She wondered what it would’ve been like to wake up together. Not to mention that Miorine not being here meant they couldn’t have the conversation Suletta would like to have gotten over with so she didn’t feel sick to her stomach. At least Miorine didn’t seem angry with her. She got up, stumbled back to her room, and checked her phone. 12:03. No wonder Miorine had left without her.
Suletta blinked. Was that Lauda? She dressed and went downstairs to find Lauda glaring at the poor maid explaining that President Rembran wasn’t at home. His hair was messier than it had been at school and his clothes were rumpled.
“I’ll wait.” His gaze landed on Suletta. “You! You’re the one making a fool of my brother!”
“Me? What did I do?”
He pushed past the maid to stand toe to toe with her. “You know what you did. I will not stand here while you make a cuckold of my brother!”
“Cuckold?” Her brain mentally went through a series of word-of-the-day emails and she gasped. “I haven’t.” Not technically. At least Guel didn’t seem to think it would have counted as cheating.
“Do you take me for a fool! The gossips won’t shut up about the president and her scandalous mistress.” A vein bulged in his temple. “I demand satisfaction.”
The maid hastily retreated, probably no farther than the door. “Satisfaction?” Suletta asked.
He sighed, as if he resented her interrupting his rant with questions. “It means I challenge you to a duel.”
“A duel? We aren’t at Asticassia. I don’t even have a mobile suit. And there is nothing going on between me and Miorine.”
“A duel with fencing swords, idiot. It was how people worth anything settled their fights before the marriage game. Of course, if you’re a coward…”
She wasn’t a coward, but she wasn’t an idiot either. “A sword fight will make you believe that I’m innocent. Shouldn’t you be with Petra?”
“Don’t talk to me about Petra.” His anger was colder, more solid. She’ll never walk again because of Shaddiq and that terrorist. I can’t help her, but I can restore my family’s honor.”
So that was it. He wasn’t mad at her, not really. He was worrying over Petra just like she had worried over Miorine. “You patched things up with her? She was really mad at you before.”
“That isn’t your business, but yes we did. I’m going to marry her when she gets out of the hospital.”
That gave her an idea. Lauda was angry all the time, but he was also the only person she knew with actual relationship experience. “Fine. I’ll duel you. But if I win, you have to tell me how you patched things up with Petra. In detail.”
“And if I win, you find somewhere else to live.” His eyes glinted with triumph. “As the challenged you may choose weapon and format. I’m prepared for all three styles.”
“Epee, first point wins?” She really hoped those lessons were going to pay off. It would be awkward to explain to Miorine and Guel why she needed an apartment. “Any place or time is fine.”
He clapped his hands together. “No time like the present. I will return in a few minutes with my gear. The ground will be…ah let’s use the open space between the greenhouse and residence. I want you to look and see what a homewrecker you are.”
He bowed with barely correct formality and turned on his heel. Suletta returned to her room for her own gear. She thrust the blade experimentally. She could do this. Fencing was about timing and good preparation, knowing when to ignore the opponents movement and when to strike. Besides, this was her best chance to salvage things with Miorine.
The weather AI had decided to gift them a clear day with a few wispy clouds and an artificial breeze. Lauda arrived a few minutes later in his fencing jacket and wearing his mask with the visor. “This shall be our piste. Are you prepared?” Suletta nodded, and he brought his blade into a salute. “Victory is never decided by standing alone.”
She returned it “Nor is it decided by skill alone.”
“The result itself is the only truth.” They put their visors down as one. “Fix, release!”
Lauda pushed forward into a lunge. Suletta brought her blade into a parry just before he would have gotten her in the shoulder. She shouldn’t have been surprised he was aggressive. He was good too, with fast attacks that forced her to pay attention to everywhere at once and left her little room to do much beside retreat.
Think. The person who controlled the tempo of the match was the one who won. He was more experienced than she was, but he had always had trouble concentrating on mobile suit duels when he was angry. Right now, he was furious.
She parried his latest attack, advanced half a step, and extended her blade. It wasn’t enough for a full-on strike, but it was there if he wanted to push it aside. He did, going straight for her. Suletta retreated. Lauda’s foot went over the guard. He tried to back up, but it was too late. Suletta flicked her wrist and drove the point of her blade into his mask.
“Do you acknowledge the touch?”
“I do.” He tore off his mask. “Damn you, you Mercurian wench! Why do you take everything from my family?” He lowered his head.
Suletta looked at the greenhouse. She had won because there was no other choice. “The only thing I ever took from your family is Guel’s Holder status, and he got that back. I don’t think he wants to marry Miorine.” His fists were balled up at his sides. He was crying. “You can yell at me if you want, though.”
“Everything was perfect before you showed up. My brother was perfect. Our future was secure.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “And then you and your Gundam showed up. My brother trailed after you like a lovesick puppy. You, a woman nothing to offer him. My father threw him out of school. He ran away, and came back as someone who was barely my brother.” His voice cracked. “I had to overhear that he killed our father. Overhear. None of that would’ve happened if you had just stayed where you belong.”
Guel had killed his father? Jeturk had been murdered by terrorists at Plant Quetta. There must’ve been a terrible accident and the media had covered it up, just like they had covered up or distorted so many things in the last few months. “I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to have family turn out to be not quite what you thought they were. But they’re still your family. I know Guel loves you. Just talk to him.”
“I don’t need advice from you. You scarcely need advice from me either. Haft the school in love with you and seducing a man’s fiancée right under his nose.”
“I’m not seducing anyone. Guel brought me here himself and told me to live with Miorine.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “I want to be happy with the person I love, like you are with Petra.”
“Me and my rash vows.” He closed his eyes and wiped away his tears. Suletta pretended not to notice. “I assume that you’re asking because you and Miorine are fighting?”
“Not fighting. I found out she rigged the duel to keep me safe, but it didn’t work.”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Let me finish.” She shot him a look, and he backed up a step. “I’d like to start over with her, but I don’t know how to trust her. How did you get Petra to trust you again?”
He put his hand on his forehead. “I can’t believe my brother fell in love with someone as dense as you. I was too happy to see her alive to argue much about standing her up. I apologized. If you must know, perhaps I even groveled. I promised to always make time for her, and I plan on keeping that promise.”
“She was afraid that you would do the same thing again and made you prove you wouldn’t.” Just like Suletta was afraid Miorine would lie to her or be cruel in order to “save” her. And yet, not like that at all. “How can she be so sure you’ll keep your word. I mean, the day could come that you get busy and miss your date.”
“I suppose I could. But the attack clarified some things for me. I’ve made a promise, and she’s chosen to take me at my word.” His lips quirked upward. “If you cannot take her at her word, perhaps you really are a coward.”
“What the hell is going on here?”
Suletta turned around to find Miorine and Guel standing behind her. Guel mostly looked confused, but Miorine was tapping her foot the way she did when she was annoyed. Uh-oh. “Stop disappearing like that. And why are you wearing fencing gear.”
“Just a friendly spar. Ms. Mercury wanted some advice on her technique, and I was the only person available.”
One glance told her that neither Miorine nor Guel believed him. “I’m not sure I want to know. I came to get you because our lawyer called. The Space Assembly League is subpoenaing Miorine and myself to testify before a subcommittee. We’ll be leaving for a couple of weeks starting tomorrow.”
“It’s just a dog and pony show. No need to be worried.” The lines around her eyes told Suletta the truth.
Lauda went ashen beside her. “Brother”?
“It will be fine. I’m more worried about you. Did you forget we were supposed to have lunch?”
“I did. I had a personal matter to attend to.” He looked at Suletta and swallowed. “If you don’t mind eating late, I can join you. We have some things to talk about before you go.”
“I’ll never understand those two,” Miorine said when they’d gone. She looked Suletta up and down. “Sword in hand and fencing gear. You were dueling Lauda just now, weren’t you?”
Busted. “Does it help that I won?”
“Not really. The guy’s a hothead and a jerk. You could have been hurt. The last thing I need is to worry about you getting caught in some crazy revenge scheme while I’m away.”
Miorine was going away to do battle with something worse than any fairytale dragon and deadlier than Gundams. If they were going to speak, it had to be now. She put her epee on the ground. “Lauda thought we were having an affair and wanted to defend his brother’s honor.”
Miorine hissed. “I’m going to string up every gossip in the Benerit Group when I come home. With barbed wire.” She fidgeted. “You know, as much as I like having you here, you can go.”
“I don’t want to.” She twisted her fingers together. Love required trust. Trust required faith. Faith required courage. “. I asked him for advice. I still love you, I never stopped. I want to try again, I just don’t know how.”
Miorine didn’t move, didn’t so much as blink. Oh no. She had misread the situation terribly. Miorine had moved on and she had just made a fool of herself for no good reason. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed—”
“Don’t you dare run away from me.” Miorine’s voice was cracked, broken. “I never stopped either. If I deserved anything good in this world, I would want you back.” She turned away to hide her face. “But are you sure? I don’t know how to love anyone without hurting them.”
She wished Delling were awake so she could tell him how high and sharp he had forced his daughter to build her walls and had coded the heart of the most loving person Suletta had ever known with a layer of ice. She would give her mother almost the same lecture. “I don’t know how either. But maybe if we take it slow, we can find the path?”
Miorine wiped her eyes once more. “You’re an idiot. Okay.”
“Okay.” She turned at last. Her eyes were red, but her smile was the most beautiful Sulettta had seen. “We’ll give it a shot. Casual, no commitments. Just two people going on a date.”
Suletta tried and failed to swallow her own tears. She held out her hand. “So, maybe you could take me with you to the League?”
“That’s your idea of a first date?”
“I never got the field trip growing up.” Love meant supporting people when the whole world was against them and helping to bear their burdens. “It’ll be fun.”
Miorine took her hand. The fingers twined together, rough skin mixing with smooth, and it was somehow more intimate than anything they had shared as bride and groom. Hand-in-hand they walked back to the house and toward whatever the future had in store.
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
Inspired by a post from another user, I've decided to update and add to my Sulemio headcanons to make them more "aggressively gay" as they put it, in light of it becoming obvious Bandai suppressed the depiction of Sulemio. I said in my earlier headcanons that I was undecided on when they first kissed because I was torn between "how the show presents their relationship at face value vs. how the show provides evidence that they're much closer in private and off screen." This is headcanons going all in on the latter.
Disclaimer: for my headcanons I see Suletta as trans and a lesbian, and Miorine as a lesbian. I have no issues with cis Suletta or bi readings of either girl. It's all up to interpretation after all. 🤷‍♀️
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- Miorine starts sharing her bed with Suletta in episode 4. This continues throughout season 1.
- Miorine is definitely the sex crazed one, at least early on. While Suletta's thoughts about sharing a bed are mostly chaste early on, Miorine lets her thoughs run wild with ideas and she often has to take care of herself to calm down.
- At first, Suletta only vists the greenhouse when she knows Miorine is there, but eventually they start going and leaving together, until finally Suletta starts showing up to the greenhouse on her own.
- Suletta starts finding herself visibly aroused by Miorine, and struggles to hide it from her. Miorine's statement that it's normal for two women to be together starts taking root and Suletta realizes she's never felt this way towards anyone else, especially guys.
- Suletta stays overnight at Miorine's room 2-3 times a week, usually on weekends. Other students take notice and rumors start spreading that they're sleeping together and maybe Miorine is serious about Suletta.
- When Suletta brings up the rumors to Miorine, she tells Suletta not to take them seriously, but secretly she's happy that others think they're that close.
- Miorine often steals Suletta's Holder uniform before she wakes up in the morning. Some days she wraps herself in it, enjoys Suletta's scent and masturbates while Suletta is still sleeping. Suletta thinks Miorine is very attractive wearing the oversized uniform and doesn't mind her lingering scent on her uniform.
- One night Miorine joins Suletta in the Aerial's cockpit and sits directly on her lap. This provokes an immediate and unsurprising reaction from Suletta (and her body). Multiple alarms start going off inside the Aerial's cockpit shortly afterwards, completely distracting them both. Eri apologizes to the utterly embarrassed couple years later.
- After episode 8, they start holding hands while walking around campus together.
- Miorine gives Suletta a kiss on the cheek before the duel against Grassley House, "for good luck." (Chuchu gets one from Nika too.)
- Suletta starts spending more nights at Miorine's room. And the nights she doesn't are the ones Miorine stays late working at Earth House. Miorine starts wearing Suletta's uniform around the Earth House dorms in the morning.
- They're inseparable at this point and most everyone assumes they're for real. Some doubters remain, thinking they're trying to sell it as hard as possible.
- They start cuddling in bed together. Most nights Suletta holds Miorine close to her in a spooning position. Suletta often gently kisses the back of Miorine's shoulders and neck in this position.
- Some nights Suletta gets aroused and will gently hump Miorine's legs or back, hoping she won't be disturbed. If this wakes Miorine or Miorine is awake when Suletta starts, she'll touch herself in response. They both know, but neither acknowledges it.
- Their first "proper" kiss is after Suletta promises to stay by Miorine's side in episode 11. Suletta tells Miorine how much she loves her while giving her the keychains. Miorine promises Suletta they'll kiss more when they get back to school, and maybe do more than that.
- Suletta keeps her promise to message Miorine 3 times a day while they're separated. Mostly she sends updates on the greenhouse or their classes, but sometimes she sends ideas for their wedding and pictures of locations, dresses, rings, etc. When Miorine gets her phone back, she saves every single message and image Suletta sent her.
- After Miorine returns to Asticassia, she purposely avoids sharing her bed together with Suletta in the days before her birthday. She knows if they get any closer or sleep together her determination will break and she won't be able to go through with her plan.
- Even after the divorce, neither of them deletes the various messages, images and videos they'd sent each other in the months prior. It gave them a measure of strength to keep moving forward, and that small sliver of hope that maybe they'd find their way to be together again in a better world.
- Suletta would've gone to see Miorine regardless of the outcome of her duel with Guel. But the fact that he tried to stand between her and Miorine have Suletta extra motivation to defeat him decisively in one last duel.
- Suletta pulls Miorine into a hug and a long kiss after Mio takes her hand. They quickly move into Miorine's room to continue and have sex for the first time.
- Afterwards, Miorine holds Suletta tightly as Suletta breaks down and confides to Miorine that she fears dying in the Calibarn and they'll never get to be together like this again. Miorine comforts her and helps give her the confidence to continue moving forward once again.
- They make a promise to go to Earth together afterwards, and grow more tomatoes together. Though neither makes a formal proposal, they both understand that they want to spend the rest of their lives together, no matter what.
- After Quiet Zero, Miorine formally proposes to Suletta the first day she regains consciousness. Still full of grief over what she did to Suletta on her birthday and after having almost lost her for good, she makes sure Suletta knows right away she loves and cares for her more than anything, duels or Holder title be damned, and she wants to soend her whole life with Suletta for love, not any obligation. Suletta accepts, and even through the pain says it's the happiest she's ever been in her life. Miorine proposes with her mother's ring.
- Yes, Suletta's nails were trimmed, and yes, Miorine is very much enjoying her wife's improving dexterity, thank you very much. Eri has learned to stop accessing electronics in their room during certain times of the night and morning.
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Gonna put this under a keep reading too for... reasons.
It details Ellyus (my OC) rescuing Elan 4 because I'm still salty about his fate, damn it—
Y'know how Miorine could change the colour of Suletta's piloting suit and school uniform with just a tap with her phone? From that I think it's fair to reason that the uniforms of all the students would be able to do so as well, as theoretically any of them can potentially become the Holder, right? Miorine just has to be the one to authorize the change bc she's the Bride. Which means there's some programming or somesuch built into the fabric of the uniforms, telling them which colours to display, there must be some sort of technology involved with this.
Which means that technically, theoretically, if Ellyus were to somehow hack the mechanism...
Chaos in the entire school in the form of everybody's uniforms “malfunctioning” aka displaying colours they should NOT be displaying. Neon? Yes. Technicolor tie-dyed rainbow effect? Why not!! The school faculty is rushing to fix it but alas Ellyus had somehow taken over the controls of the mechanism so it doesn't stop until he lets up. Maybe he even makes them blink like disco lights or Christmas lights.
He was picking his and Suletta's uniforms apart to study the effect and how things got there, came out the other end with the power to unleash unruly pranks on everybody— And he took that principle and applied that to make a new thing, something like an Invisibility Cloak? Fabric that imitates the surroundings to make whatever it's covering invisible (he can make so many shenanigans with this). He also makes a couple big-ass blanket/cloak type things, just basically fuck-off huge sheets of fabric, and also decides to coat every surface of his handmade hovercraft including the buttons with the fabric.
Aka: a stealth transport device has just been born (yes I know that the decision to glue fabric on every surface of the machine is... weird at least and unhinged at best but hey, this is Ellyus after all). And I am pleased to inform you that it has a snack compartment.
So we've established that Ellyus is a) good at hacking, and b) has an invisible auto-mobile, right? So on the day Elan 4 is slated to die, like he's literally in front of the incinerator, all power in the building cuts off, the Peil ppl are trying to fix it but alas Ellyus is the one with the controls.
(Maybe he even snuck his little mobile onto the huge transport carriers taking Elan back to wherever Peil is and snuck into the facility that way) Surprise! Ellyus makes his way into the incinerating room and frees a very confused Elan from his bounds, scatters some plant ash he robbed (aka nicely asked) from Miorine in Elan's place, puts Elan under the invisi-blanket (he brought an extra) and proceeds to bridal-carry him out the facility.
Elan is so confused he doesn't even know where to start, but he decides to ask wtf why are they floating what are they even sitting on, Ellyus just cheerfully replies “my invisi-mobile! isn't it cool? we're getting you out of here, I promise. okay?”
4 was already disoriented and confused, he was so sure he was gonna die but now... everything's been thrown into jeopardy and he needs something, anything to ground him, anything he can anchor himself onto, and the fact that he can't see the craft nor Ellyus when he turns everything invisible really really doesn't help with the state of his mind— he starts freaking out until Ellyus just. pulls him onto his lap as he drove the hovercraft. He may not be able to see El but he can feel him and that's... that's kinda enough. It has to be. It staved off a panic attack at the very least.
They make it onto a ship, at which point El parks the craft in a remote corner before turning everything visible again and proceeds to feed 4.
Here's some... dialogue of Ellyus I scribbled out while bored:
“Hey, hey. You alright? You're shaking. I'm sorry. Didn't have much time to explain, we had to get away, you understand. And oh, let me just—” *opens snack compartment to take out the same type of concealing clothes he's wearing* “Should've given you this sooner, you must be so cold! Don't worry, this'll keep you warm, okay? You'll be warm. And you'll never have to pilot that damn thing again. Here, here, eat some more.”
“How did you know?” “Eat some more. What'd you say?” “That I was going to die today. That I was going to die period. How did you know?” “I just did. I knew. Had a feeling.” “What?” “Look, it's. It's hard to explain. It's like watching a glass fall off a building in slow motion, yeah? It's gonna shatter. You know it's gonna shatter. Like that. Does that make sense?”
(4 is thinking to himself “that makes no sense at all” but he... can't find it in himself to mind bc El is just so damn sweet already rambling about Earth House and where he'd settle 4 and picking out a new name and all that jazz)
*on the phone* “Hello? Suletta! Aye, sorry about the silence and oh, I've kidnapped Elan. Do you mind? I promise I'll return him by sundown! Hey, hey, none of that, we're all gonna celebrate a happy birthday together because uh, the thing may have become literal— What? Oh, pay it no mind. See you this evening, sweetie!”
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pastelraccoons · 3 months
Sulemio Week 2024 Day 7: Free Day (Werewolf Suletta)
(This is a continuation of one of my prompts from last year's Sulemio Week, which you can read here!)
"Suletta, are you sure about this?"
Miorine looked down at Suletta. Instead of the human she always knew, she had perched herself atop a werewolf's back.
She warily looked around just in case someone just happened to come by. She shrugged her shoulders to adjust the backpack she wore. The chilly, late-night autumn air bit at her cheeks. A low fog covered the forest floor, and the full moon cut through the canopy with pale white light.
A low rumble that Miorine could only assume was a laugh shook Suletta's shoulders.
"Of course, I'm sure! You did say you wanted to spend more time with me whenever I changed, right?"
"Well, yes," Miorine briefly paused to gather her thoughts. "But when you asked if I wanted to wander through the woods with you, I didn't exactly expect this."
Suletta let out another laugh.
"You'll like this, I promise. I have a plan."
Miorine sighed.
"Okay. I trust you."
"Then hold on tight to me, okay?"
Miorine nodded with a hum, forgetting that Suletta couldn't see her, then buried her hands deep into the coarse fur around Suletta's neck. She grasped at the red hair between her fingers when Suletta's body lowered to the ground.
She could feel Suletta's muscles tense beneath her, ready to spring forward at a moment's notice. Her hand-like paws dug deep into the earth. Then, without warning, she took off.
Miorine's heart lurched in her chest. She reflexively clenched her eyes shut since wasn't ready for the sudden start. She grit her teeth and then forced her eyes open against the wind.
Trees and foliage passed by them in a blur of greens, browns, and blacks. Despite the fear that settled in the pit of her stomach, she couldn't hide the awe at Suletta's sheer control as she bolted through the dense trees.
Suletta soon burst through the treeline. Her claws flung dirt around her when she made a hard turn towards a structure of large rocks.
Miorine's arms shot around Suletta's neck when she suddenly started to jump from stone to stone. She buried her face into her fur to calm her frantic heartbeat.
A scratching sound filled her ears before Suletta came to a halt. She sat down and shook her head to shake off the few leaves and twigs that had become stuck there.
“We're here, Miorine,” she said.
Miorine lifted her face from the fur. Her tight grip around Suletta’s neck loosened until she was able to slide off her back. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she finally took in their new surroundings.
A sparkling lake stretched out before them. The moon and stars reflected and wobbled on its surface. Miorine couldn't help but be in awe at the natural beauty of it.
As Miorine was distracted, Suletta sat back on her haunches and tilted her head back to let out a howl. Her tail swished behind her and knocked aside several small pebbles in the process. Miorine wasn't sure how she could tell, but it sounded strangely joyful to her.
“This place is beautiful, Suletta,” she finally said. Suletta's tail wagged faster.
“I found this place when I first transformed,” she said. Suletta finally stood to walk closer to the edge of the rocks. Even hunched over, she towered over Miorine. “I felt safe here. Something about it is just so calming.”
Miorine hummed.
“Can I ask why you wanted me to bring a blanket and some pillows, though?” She shrugged her shoulders to gesture towards the backpack. Suletta smiled. At least, that's what she thought that was.
“I want you to stay with me until the sunrise,” she told her. “I'll… kinda need a blanket in the morning.”
Miorine's face flushed red once she realized what she meant. She cleared her throat to quickly push that thought aside. Either way, she smiled in return.
“I'd love to stay with you tonight.”
Suletta's tail kicked up into high gear. She excitedly jumped forward to drag her tongue against Miorine's cheek. Her nose wrinkled from the extremely wet kiss, but she knew that was all Suletta could do at the moment.
“Easy, easy!” She laughed, then pressed a kiss of her own to her snout. “You're gonna knock me over.”
“Sorry. I'm just really glad you don't find… this scary.” Suletta made a vague gesture to herself. Miorine shook her head.
“I told you, you're not. You're the sweetest pup there is.” Miorine stood on her toes to ruffle the fur between her ears. She then placed her hands on her hips. “Since you want to watch the sunset, why don't we look at the stars in the meantime?”
“Yeah, I think I'd like that.” Suletta stretched her arms high above her head with a yawn. Her tongue curled from it and showed off her sharp canines. “But I could also go for a nap after all that running.”
“A nap it is then.” Miorine chuckled.
She slipped her backpack off her shoulders and plopped it onto the floor. She knelt down to rummage inside until she managed to free the large blanket.
As Miorine pulled out a small pillow, Suletta slowly laid down on her stomach and then curled up into a ball. Once she was settled, Miorine threw the blanket over her. She held onto the edge of it and twisted it slightly in her hands.
“Hey, do you mind if I nap against you?” Miorine asked. “You just look really warm.”
Suletta smiled up at her.
“Of course you can.”
Miorine returned the smile before crawling underneath the blanket. She slipped her way under Suletta’s arm, where she pulled her close to her body. Miorine hummed and buried her face into her chest. She had never felt safer and warmer than at that moment. A wave of grogginess finally washed over her when she yawned herself.
“Goodnight,” Suletta mumbled with another yawn. Her tail did one final round of sleepy wagging. “I love you.”
Miorine grabbed handfuls of fur to pull her body as close as she could against her. She could feel Suletta's heart beating against her face. She thought if she had a tail of her own, it'd be wagging as well.
“Night,” she mumbled into the fur and muscle. “I love you too.”
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gremoria411 · 1 year
Alright then. So we have another Witch from Mercury episode that hits like a goddamn truck.
Heavy spoilers follow for Witch from Mercury Episode 14 (and 13). Sorta a mix of feelings and predictions.
Not gonna lie, really loving the new season so far, basically because both episodes have been pretty jam-packed. Like, there’s a lot going on with expansion and character development to a lotta people. Standouts include Chuchu, Nika and Lady Prospera.
I did absolutely love how Lauda has this big dramatic speech and genuinely guns it for Suletta, but then gets absolutely stomped. I feel like things are probably gonna end badly for him, if only because Guel’s more interesting. Still, watching Pettra and Chuchu defend him was nice, everyone has someone that cares about them.
There was also a small bit of development for Elan…… five? (I really should’ve rewatched this prior, oh well). Like, he doesn’t step in to ruin Shaddiq’s plans, and he expresses fear when faced with dire odds. Like, I guess Elan Four was about necessity, whereas Elan Five is about cowardice? Its a neat contrast, or perhaps how Elan Four influences Elan Five?
I love how we’re finally getting some insight into Lady Prospera’s actions though. I mean, episode 14 confirms a lotta theories some people have been having, which is rad, but I’m honestly just here to see what the heck she’s up to. So, Quiet Zero, I’m guessing it’s some sort of shutdown weapon? GUND-ARM System suits are shown to be able to totally overpower any non-Gundam suit (“only a Gundam can defeat a Gundam” thanks, Elan Four), so presumably their only threat would be another GUND-ARM system suit, which quiet zero focuses on taking over/shutting down? Though having written that down, it sounds like something too small-scale for what Prospera’s talking about.
EDIT: I have remembered that the Gundam Schwarzette is a thing. Given that that mobile suit literally has a zero on its face design, it’s possible that it mounts the “Quiet Zero” system in question. It’s also possible that the quiet zero is somehow connected to the ms-style GUND-bits that the Lfrith’s were using.
It’s also entirely plausible that every word she says to Miorine is a lie. I don’t think she’s lying when she talks with Belmeria, that sounds like what she actually believes. But there she’s with an old friend who she holds a lot of power over. Miorine is different, so I’m less inclined to trust anything she says to her. It is interesting that while talking with Miorine, she steps out of the darkness and into the light, so it’s possible that these are her original, noble goals, that have slowly been twisted into things she’d go to terrible lengths over? Things to ponder.
Shaddiq’s been…. Interesting, to say the least. Since I just spent a whole two paragraphs talking about Prospera’s possible goals (and honestly, I might write more later), it’s good to see the show’s other resident Char Clone stepping up to the plate (The Elan’s have too much other baggage for me to weigh in on them, and we don’t really know what’s going on with Guel yet). Shaddiq’s essentially plotting a coup from under his own father, and is straight up financing terrorist operations. It’s unclear how this is going to end for him, since it’s being repeatedly proven that he isn’t quite as smart as he thinks he is, so I feel like he’s going to go down a couple pegs at some point. I honestly don’t have a clue on where he’s going from here, so I’m very much looking forward to it. Grassley defence systems seems to have a monopoly on non-aerial Gundam tech, so I’m betting that they’ve been supplying Dawn of Fold with the Lfrith’s and GUND-bits.
Alright, guess I can’t really avoid talking about it any more can I?
Sophie Pulone gets a really nice focus episode, then dies attempting to take down Suletta in the Aerial. I genuinely wasn’t expecting her to bite it so soon, and it’s only made me more interested in seeing what the whole deal is with her and Norea du Noc. It’s quite interesting because Sophie is essentially a Gender-swapped (and perhaps slightly more childish) Mikazuki Augus, from Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans. She fights because that is her choice, for the things she wants in life, because that is what she is good at. I just find it really neat how she’s basically a takedown of the protagonist from the last show, showing what would happen were they actually overpowered. It also loops back to earlier, her death being the thing that breaks Norea’s emotionless composure and shows how these Gundam pilots view Suletta - as a terrifying monster.
It has greater implications too, since for all Sophie’s combat ability and credentials as a mobile suit pilot, she dies fairly quickly, as a pawn in someone else’s (in this case Shaddiq’s) plan. It sends the message that it isn’t the characters with raw power and deadly mobile suits that are dangerous, but the movers and shakers behind the scenes. Like Shaddiq. Like Prospera.
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