#and i can’t say no when she asked so nicely to make her look slay
doggogills · 7 months
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so i’m watching secret life…
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phfenomena · 6 months
❝in that lavender haze❞ || tom blyth x f!reader
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| request- hear me out! lavender haze with tom 🤭
| A/N- done and done. im hearing you out and im listening so hard. i’ve been high probably like hundreds of times but still cannot properly word it sorry 💔
| WARNINGS- marijuana consumption (mega slay), kissing, eating, wine, tiktok, tooth rotting fluff,
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(divider by @benkeibear)
the feeling of your lungs being filled with smoke made you giddy, everything with sharp edges turning soft and fuzzy. coughing lightly at the larger hit you’d taken you passed the blunt to your left, to tom.
your eyes fixed on the way his lips wrapped around it and the way he closed his eyes at the sensation. your hopeless crush on your mutual friend with rachel had been developing for months, seeing him at every gathering and meet up.
he was fairly nice and polite, the true english way. you just wished he’d converse with you, more than small talk. you’re laying on your back on the floor and studying the swirling patterns on the ceiling. out of your peripheral vision you see tom lay down next to you.
staring at the ceiling with you, you don’t ever say too much. and you don’t really read into my melancholia.
“you don’t have much to say, do you?” you question into the air hoping that tom would cling on. he hums and says “yeah, i don’t know what you like or what you don’t like so i jus’ say nothing.” you turn your head to face him- all caution thrown to the wind. you find it hard to care about your words in your state. “when i first met you i thought you hated me, you wouldn’t talk to me like how you talked to everyone else. thought i might’ve done something. sometimes i still think that.” you confess and it hangs lowly over both of you.
“i was honestly kind of scared of you. in my head you’re this cool actress who does slashers and everyone loves her. i didn’t wanna say the wrong thing.” you smile and place your hand on your chest. “you think i’m cool? i think you’re cooler, tom.”
his eyes crinkle when he laughs and you love it. you find it hard to decipher where the high ends and where how tom makes you feel starts, but they’re mixing. “i think you’re really cool. you do these cool like artistic horror movies and i’m kind of obsessed with your acting.”
i find it dizzying, they’re bringing up my history. but you aren’t even listening.
the group on the couch and chairs above you pass a bottle of wine and finish off the blunt. your friend laughs loudly and you turn to look at him. “do you remember that time last year when you dated the like entire cast of that one movie? what’s it called? i can’t remember. that was funny as shit.” you cringe and cover your face trying to forget.
tom lightly grazes your shoulder with his finger and whispers “are you hungry? i really want pizza right now.” you smile and nod. he wasn’t going to ask about your questionable past times. he pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. “i can’t function enough to order pizza, could you do it?” you happily nod and scroll your way through the menu before you both agree on toppings you both like.
i just wanna stay in that lavender haze. talk your talk and go viral, i just need this love spiral.
the pair had found themselves in a corner, talking and giggling over pizza whilst telling stories. “yeah! and she kept asking when i was going to settle down and get married. during an interview for a horror movie.” tom shakes his head and laughs. “i couldn’t get through one promo or interview without someone showing me at-least one edit of me. it was torture.” you pull your phone out and show him how edits of him had filled your timeline.
“you’re literally everywhere. i’m not complaining but sometimes i want to see something else!” he picks his phone up and shows your his own home page. “i’m sorry i ruined your tiktok, but this might make up for it.” his entire for you page was filled with edits of you and you co-stars from your latest movie.
you laugh and watch them “i had no idea people made edits of me, i feel honored. it’s like a right of passage.” he sets his phone down as well as his pizza. “they only the use the same ten clips of you covered in blood, i need more content.” you place you own pizza down and lean towards him.
“do you wanna know a secret i’m not supposed to tell anyone?” he nods and leans closer. “i’m gonna in the next scream movie and i’m one of the ghostface’s, you’re gonna see me murdering on the big screen.” he raises his eyebrows and you barley take into account how close your faces are.
“i love everything you’re in. when i first met you, i went home and watched everything you’ve done.” he confesses with a smile and red eyes. “i did the exact same thing, rachel told me i was creepy! we’re like each others biggest fans.”
get it off your chest, get it off my desk. that lavender haze, i just wanna stay.
you’re sitting in the bathtub of your bathroom passing a blunt back and forth between you and tom. “it’s so much quieter in here, i love them but they’re so loud.” you say leaning your head back on the tile. he softly chuckles and looks at you. “i can’t believe we could’ve been hanging out for months, i should’ve just talked to you.” you smile and set the blunt in the ashtray you brought with you.
“yeah but where’s the fun in that? this is probably the best night i’ve had in a while.” you turn to look at him and you study his features. you’ve never had a chance to really look at him, your glossy eyes try to memorize each slope and curve of his face.
“can i kiss you?” you whisper out before even realizing you’ve said it. he mutters a small ‘yes’ and you’re leaning in, like your body’s on autopilot. he tastes like weed and pizza, you couldn’t find a bone in your body that cared. you sluggishly manage to inch onto his lap. “you’re so pretty.” he whispers in between kisses. his hands find purchase on your waist, not letting you even dream of getting off of him.
you reluctantly pull back and his lips chase yours. “do you wanna hang out tomorrow?” you ask him with a smile. “i would be honored, maybe i’ll take you out on a real date.” his hands are rubbing small circles on your waist. “the press is gonna love that one.” you mutter out before leaning back into him.
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
Braids and Mochi Escapades
Obanai x female reader
Mitsuri braids reader’s hair, Obanai can’t handle the cuteness!
Warnings: none
Being a hashira, your life involved seeing lots of blood, guts, and other horrible things. It didn’t consist of much light and happiness but that all changed one day when you seized the opportunity to work with another hashira and your whole perspective on life changed. You had never had so much fun than when you and Mitsuri slayed demons together. She was a formidable opponent and even taught you many skills you now utilized in your own missions. Not to mention, she was kind, funny, and naturally, very loving. These were traits you had embodied before your life darkened because of demons but Mitsuri showed you that you could still embrace and seek out good times even when all else seems hopeless. That’s how you found yourself having a sleepover with the Love Hashira after your semi annual hashira meeting was adjourned. The hashiras were all granted a few days’ rest before accepting any more missions so when Mitsuri invited you over for a girl’s night, you couldn’t say no (Shinobu did, though—she was always busy with some sort of research). You ordered as much sakura mochi the kitchen could begrudgingly make for you guys and made your way to Mitsuri’s room to hang out while the food was being prepared. You didn’t have the chance to announce yourself before her screen opened and the excitable girl wrapped you in a hug.
“Y/N! I’ve been looking forward to this all day! Come in, come in!”
She dragged you inside and you let out a sigh of relief when her strong grip finally released you. Putting down your futon and extra blankets, you felt your stomach flutter with happiness. You hadn’t had a sleepover since you were very young and were relishing the fact you could have a normal few days without the stressors of being a hashira.
“I ordered us sakura mochi from the kitchens, I hope that’s alright,” you said, a bit shy. You knew it was her favorite but you didn’t want to come off as overbearing. Your worries were instantly quelled by the huge smile that graced her face as she pulled you in for another hug, thank you’s flowing out of her mouth nonstop. You giggled, already feeling content at how the night was going and you hadn’t been there for over a minute.
“So, is there anything in particular you want to do while we wait? I’m not well versed on sleepover activities yet, I apologize,” you said sheepishly.
Mitsuri just gave you a kind smile. “Don’t apologize! Tonight’s going to be so much fun! Ooh! I know! I can braid your hair!”
You instantly lit up. You were always envious of how pretty Mitsuri’s hair was and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t tried her signature hairstyle on yourself many times. However, you could never make it look as cute as she does so you were ecstatic that she would bestow her skills upon your head. She brought over a box of ribbons, all different colors of the rainbow, to tie at the ends of your hair as you released the pulled back style you had kept your strands in. When Mitsuri sat behind you and began to gently detangle your hair, you felt a wave of relaxation run through you. It felt nice to have someone so eager to take care of you for a change. You two basked in the comfortable silence until the talkative girl spoke up.
“So, y/n, do you have a crush on anyone?”
Your eyes that were previously closed opened up in a flash. Of course she would ask that, she’s the Love Hashira! But you were embarrassed that you had allowed yourself to succumb to such a weakness like love. Not even love, just unrequited affection toward a man that barely acknowledged you. It was humiliating to let her know of the truth of your heart but you couldn’t find it within yourself to lie to her.
“Unfortunately, yes, I do. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever had the chance to lay eyes on but we’ve only spoken once out of all the years we’ve known each other. I watch him from afar but refuse to speak to him first out of fear. It’s shameful, I know.”
You were glad she couldn’t see your face as you spoke because you weren’t used to being this vulnerable. You were pleasantly surprised when she kept braiding, not skipping a beat.
“Oh, y/n, that’s so romantic! Pining and yearning are just two pillars of the many that make up love. It’s not shameful. Love is a complicated thing, especially for us, but if you face fear head on you’ll find that most things aren’t as scary as you think they might be. If you like him, he must have a good heart. Don’t be afraid to strike up conversation. He’ll come around eventually.”
You didn’t know how she did it but you instantly felt better. “You’re right, Mitsuri. Thank you.”
A few seconds passed.
“May I know who it is that’s captured your heart?”
You grimaced, knowing this would happen. “Um, I’m not sure I-”
“It’s probably Tengen, isn’t it? He’s so dreamy! If you’re into guys like that. Wait, you two have spoken many times so that doesn’t fit your description. Ugh, it isn’t Giyuu, is it?”
You tried your best not to laugh. Poor Giyuu, you didn’t know why no one liked him but even though you held a soft spot in your heart for him, it was the wrong man.
“No. Different raven haired man.”
She went quiet for a moment before gasping. “Obanai?”
You shook your head slightly in affirmation and she let out a high pitched squeal, inadvertently yanking on your finished braid in excitement. “Oh my gosh! You like Obanai? That’s so cute! You HAVE to talk to him, he’s such a sweetie!”
You grabbed onto your tender scalp in an attempt to soothe it after she almost ripped out all of your strands. “Now that the whole compound knows of my feelings,” you muttered, “I think my confidence to face him is completely shattered.”
Mitsuri gave you a pouty face. “No, don’t say that! You’re a beautiful girl and any man would be lucky to have you. He’s shy, you’re shy, it’s a tough combination but if you’ll allow me, I can tell him of your affections to see where it goes.”
“Oh, that’s alright, no need. If it’s meant to be, it will be. But thank you. And thank you for this gorgeous hair! Maybe this will give me the confidence boost I need to approach Obanai.” You gave the pink and green haired girl a hug and then inspected her work in a mirror. She had tied your (h/c) hair with ribbons, but they were mismatched colors. You were going to ask if she did that on accident before the realization of what the colors reminded you of set in. She had used one yellow ribbon and one turquoise ribbon, perfectly coordinating with Obanai’s eyes. Your mouth hung open in shock as Mitsuri giggled at your reaction.
“I hope you don’t mind! I was originally going to use just turquoise but when you mentioned your feelings for Obanai I thought this might be a way for you to feel closer to him. And it’s a great conversation starter.”
You gave her another huge hug, amazed at and grateful for her quick thinking. “Now that you’ve got me looking this good, we’re ready to get our food!”
Mitsuri clapped her hands in excitement and grabbed your arm as you two raced out the door of her room and into the warm summer night. The hot, sticky air permeated through your haori and left a slight sheen of sweat on your skin. You took a second to appreciate the quiet stillness of the compound, the smell of wisteria giving you comfort. You knew it was impossible for demons to be around, so why did it still feel like someone was watching you intently in secret? You shook it off, thinking you just weren't allowing yourself to let your guard down.
You laughed a little, turning to Mitsuri. "I'm not used to this relaxation time-"
She was gone. You would've been majorly freaked out if you hadn't spotted her entering a building beyond where you stood. Maybe her appetite turned ravenous and couldn't wait another second for food so she ran to the kitchen? You were confused and ready to catch up with her but your attention was turned to the rustling noise from above you. You stood under a wisteria tree and hanging over your braided head was a snake. Its white body slithered through the branches, staring at you and occasionally sticking its tongue out. You weren't familiar with snake behaviors but this one seemed friendly enough so you cautiously reached your hand toward it in an attempt to pet it. It didn't bite you when your fingers touched its smooth head so you took that as a good sign. You were extremely surprised, though, when it fell out of the branches, instead opting to rest on your shoulders. You tried to calm your breathing and before you could get too freaked out at your predicament, you almost facepalmed in realization that there was nothing to worry about. It was Kaburamaru, Obanai's snake friend, that had found his way to you. You were both looking at each other with curious eyes and you gave him a smile, trying to guess at what he was thinking.
"Mitsuri did my hair, Kaburamaru! That's why I look different. Though you probably recognized me by my scent from the other meetings you've attended, hmm?"
Being a snake, he obviously didn't answer you, but he did seem like he understood what you were saying, so you kept talking. "Are you hungry? We could try and find some frogs at the pond if you'd like."
He lifted his head and you could've sworn he shook it in disagreement.
"Alright then. Should we go find Obanai? It's a little late for you to be out here all by yourself."
"He's not by himself."
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard Obanai's voice from above you. You looked up and saw the bandaged face of your crush peering at you from some higher up branches, nearly in the same position you had found Kaburamaru.
"O-Obanai! I apologize for not greeting you. I hadn't noticed your presence." You bowed and hoped he would forgive you. He climbed out of the tree and landed at your feet, black hair moving effortlessly around him. Your mouth went dry and any words that could've been said had died in your throat the moment your eyes met his. He was even more beautiful at ground level when you could observe him up close. His eyes glistened in the full moon's light that blessed the Master's compound. The man of short stature had such a strong, powerful aura about him that almost made you dizzy, yet was so intoxicating that it drew you in. Neither of you shared any words for the next minute or so, unsure of what to say.
"Your hair's... different," muttered Obanai, taking in your appearance and then suddenly looking away.
"Mitsuri did it for me! I was telling Kaburamaru all about it. He seemed to notice as well," you said, the warmth of embarrassment creeping on your face as you registered that what you said suggested that you were conversing with a snake. If Obanai didn't think you were a weirdo before, he definitely did now.
"He's very perceptible," Obanai agreed, making you feel at ease about your previous panic. You two found yourselves in another awkward silence and you prayed to any god that would listen that Mitsuri would come back with your food soon.
"So what brings you out here this time of night?" you asked.
He cocked an eyebrow. "I thought you despised small talk."
Your eyes opened the tiniest bit wider. How had he known that? You barely interacted with him in all the years you had worked together yet he was aware of that little fact about you. Had he been noticing you all this time and you were too ignorant to see it?
"I do." You took in a breath. Time to be brave, y/n. "I just... wanted to talk to you. About anything. Get to know you better." Now it was your turn to look away as you cringed at how that sounded. You wished you had gone to Tengen for flirting lessons before ever coming in contact with Obanai.
Your head turned back to face him again as you answered with a shrug. "Because you're interesting." And because you're ridiculously handsome and I'm hopelessly in love with you!
His eyes narrowed. "Interesting enough to mock me with your hair bows?" He pointed accusingly to your hair, the ends of your mismatched ribbons adorning Kaburamaru as he continuously slid over your body.
"What? No, you have the wrong idea! I swear, I'm not mocking you, I-" You didn't know how to respond and your time was running out before Obanai hated your guts. You resigned to telling him the truth; you'd rather be hated for that than for something that was blatantly false. "I told Mitsuri I found you handsome but was too shy to speak to you so she thought matching the ribbons to your eyes would be a way for me to feel closer to you." He had an unreadable look on his face and you wished you could melt into a puddle on the ground and evaporate away from this conversation. You reached your hands to your hair and began to undo the ribbons. "It was a bad idea, I'm sorry for-"
"N-no! Don't!" Obanai's hands shot out so fast you never saw them coming. He grasped your fingers, stopping them from their job of removing the ribbon. When you felt his cool skin on yours, goosebumps made their way across your entire being. "They look pretty. Y-you look... pretty." Was it a trick of the light or was Obanai... blushing? You couldn't believe your ears. Did he just call you pretty? You thought your night was going to be amazing just being at a sleepover with your friend and now your crush was practically holding your hand and calling you pretty. Obanai was about to remove his hand from yours when Kaburamaru quickly wrapped himself around your conjoined appendages, not allowing either of you to let go. The Serpent Hashira was left in a state of blushing and stuttering apologies for his friend's indecencies and you were certain the snake was laughing at you both.
As if summoned by pounding heartbeats and gauche attempts at confessing feelings, Mitsuri finally appeared, copious amounts of sakura mochi toppling out of the bags she held.
"Oh my gosh, you two are SO cute together! Did y/n finally tell you that she likes you?" She asked Obanai, mochi flying out of her mouth as she took another bite. As he was always someone who had a snarky comeback or venomous reply, you had never seen him unable to produce words like at this moment when he was floundering for the right thing to say.
"I, well... she, umm... What's it to you anyway?" He finally spit out, but Mitsuri just laughed.
"I'm the LOVE Hashira, silly, I'm the expert at this stuff. Although, I must admit, Kaburamaru did most of my heavy lifting, didn't you?" She beamed at him as he finally released you and Obanai from each other to receive a big helping of raw meat from the pink and green haired girl. You stared at her incredulously.
"You're telling me that you worked together with a snake to set us up?"
"Kaburamaru found me earlier today and brought me to Shinazugawa who told me that he was tired of Obanai dancing around his feelings for you, y/n. He also mentioned that Obanai was probably talking about you nonstop to his closest friend, Kaburamaru, and that he was also done with the inaction. So, we devised a plan and now here we are. Isn't that adorable?"
"I told you he was perceptive," said Obanai, clearly embarrassed, but you found the whole thing to be strangely sweet. You decided it was time to get back to your sleepover where you and Mitsuri could fangirl over this moment for the rest of the night so you bid Obanai and his snake farewell. Before you could turn away to leave, Obanai got your attention one last time.
"I hope that one day I'll be strong and worthy enough to speak of my truest, deepest feelings for you myself, but until then," he reached up to pick a small bunch of wisteria off the tree and tucked it behind your ear, "please accept this gift and the meaning I've imposed on it."
You smiled shyly. "Thank you Obanai. I hope our paths continue to cross in the future." As you made your way back into Mitsuri's room, Obanai watched you until you closed the screen door behind you and for a little while after that. He couldn't promise to love you in a conventional way, but he swore from that day on, he would keep you as safe as possible in this unpredictable world you lived in.
On the day of the hashira's departure from the safety of Ubuyashiki's lands, you felt your heart sink at the remembrance of the danger you and Obanai had to go back out and face. However, your aching chest was abated by the raven haired man that entered your view, timidly thrusting a lump of something into your palms. You quickly unraveled the folded fabric and you were greeted with two knee high socks with the same black and white striped pattern as Obanai's haori.
"Obanai, that's so thoughtful of you! I'll treasure these forever."
"You don't need to treasure them, they're just socks," he grumbled, not meeting your eyes.
You giggled. "But they're from you. How could I not want to keep something so precious in good condition?"
"If they rip, I'll buy you more. So don't worry about it."
"Thank you so much for the kind gift." Your gaze softened at him as you frowned the tiniest bit. "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything, I feel bad."
"I don't need anything. Just..." He finally looked at you. Your hair ribbons mirrored his eyes once more (you swore to wear them like that until the day you died and then in every reincarnation you were born into) and he felt his heart beat against the walls of his chest. "Just don't die. That's all I ask of you. Let me be able to see you again."
Your own heart panged with the weight of his words. "I promise. I'll see you soon, Obanai Iguro."
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wol-fica · 1 year
-𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕣𝕖-
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BEFORE YOU READ: I’m not a medical expert, and all the information i could find on non-verbal people is from the internet. Everyone has different experiences with being mute and this is just the same. Please do not come after me saying i’m mocking non-verbal people.
This reader has selective mutism: in certain situations, she can speak simple words and phrases. in others, she can’t. (again, i found all of my claims from the internet)
summary - reader is getting judged for being non-verbal, so Tara comes to the rescue and saves her.
warning - use of the f slur, slight blood, violence, comfort, fluff af, Tara being a boss ass queen (slay)
Sometimes in life, you will come across people who don’t have the complexity to understand your own differences from them.
Wether it’s you have a different skin tone or if you speak a different language, there will always be someone who will challenge you.
Now, being non-verbal, you get this often. You didn’t choose to not be able to speak, but yet your inability to choose has left you with judgmental people who pick on you for no reason.
Currently, you were being pinned up against a wall in a store of the large Brookfield Place mall in NYC. You were doing this fun shopping trip with your friends when a group of jockey football players from your old school decided to target you.
“Awww, can the little faggot not scream?” One of them asked, getting all up in your space.
You whimpered, tears clouding your eyes as his hands clamped on your windpipe. His friends behind him were smirking, stupidly snickering as your conscious slowly slipped away from you.
Suddenly, his hand was ripped from your throat as he was thrown backwards. Chad, one of your new friends you made, was standing over him with a menacing gaze. The other two jocks were now backed into corners, Sam and Mindy glaring them down with ferocity you wish to never be caught in.
A cough exited your mouth, your body slumping over against the wall. You clutched your neck, attempting to breathe normally while regaining your composure. Soft hands suddenly cupped your face, gently pulling you upright to see who was saving you.
Tara Carpenter, your new-found girlfriend, was staring at you with worry as she led you away from the group of jumpers. She was silent, keeping her hand in yours as she dragged you into a nearby bathroom.
After sitting you down on the toilet, she got to work with wetting a paper towel and tilting your chin up so she could wipe the blood off your face from when one of the jocks socked you.
“Are you okay?” She finally asked, pausing from cleaning your face as she met your eyes.
‘Yes, i’m fine.’ You signed, leaning your cheek into her palm as she chuckled at your antics.
“I would be scolding you right now, but you are way to cute to yell at.”
You breathed out lightly, your way of laughing, and relaxed against the mall toilet as Tara finished cleaning you up. Once she finished, she pressed her lips to yours, her thumbs rubbing against your cheeks lovingly. As she pulled away, you wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her into you so she stood in between your legs.
“Mm, needy baby.” She hummed, her hands finding her way into your hair as she massaged your scalp.
‘For you.’ You signed with one hand, burying your face into her chest.
“I know, you’re whipped.”
You chuckled, leaning back to look up at her as she pursed her lips down at you. Her brown orbs bore into your soul, making you feel lost in her eyes. The small moment was quiet and nice, until Mindy burst into the room sporting a bloody lip.
“Good news, those jocks won’t be bothering you anymore Y/N!” She cheered, heading for the sink.
‘Thank you.’ You signed before leaning back into your girlfriend.
Tara glanced down to you, leaning down to your ear to mumbled a sweet, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whispered back.
you do not have permission to repost my work on any platform
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dmwrites · 1 year
(I am not sorry for this btw)
I woke up to my evil stepmom, Iskall85, throwing a potion of harming onto my bed.
“y/n! Wake up! You’re going to be late for school! Were you up late watching those stupid Minecraft YouTube videos again? You’re as useless as diorite! You are why I do hard drugs!” She left the room, and I sighed. Another boring day of my boring life. But I was going to be late for school if I didn’t get ready now.
I got up and put on my cutest outfit- my black suit. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, and stopped in front of the mirror to smooth down my mustache. I sighed. I was just y/n, no one special.
My evil stepmom Iskall85 was snorting redstone off the counter when I entered the kitchen. I sighed, because they were evil and wouldn’t even share their redstone dust with me, and grabbed a banana off the counter. There was a honk from outside.
"Bye, step-Iskall. I'm off to school." I said. My stepmom just flipped me off, and I went outside, sighing some more. I ran over to my bestie’s car and hoped in.
“Good morning Scar!”
“Goodness gracious, y/n, we’re gonna be late! Good thing the swaggon goes fast!” My bestie, Goodtimeswithscar said, slamming on the gas. Scar was super nice and popular, not to mention handsome, and everyone at school loved him. I would probably always be in his shadow, but at least he had taken me in as his friend.
“Sorry, I accidentally slept in. And my evil stepmom threw a potion of harming on me. Do I look okay? I only had time to put my hair up in a messy bun. And I bet my mustache looks atrocious!” I said.
“You look so good, y/n!” Scar said, blowing through a red light. “You’re so hard on yourself, you’re like the prettiest guy in school!”
“Whatever, that’s you you’re talking about.” I replied, but blushed a little.
The swaggon came screeching into the parking lot, and me and Scar got out, running to our science class.
Science class was usually a pretty good place to fix my hair and mustache, as the science we were assigned to do was always chaotic. Ms. ZombieCleo, and her assistant JoeHills, were kept pretty busy making sure no one accidentally created a toxic gas. Today, Docm77 and Rendog had been caught doing… something in the back of the classroom, and it gave me and Scar ample time to sort out ourselves.
“As I was saying, y/n, you have to stop being so hard on yourself!” Scar said, handing me a compact mirror and a mustache comb. “You get top grades, you’re great at redstone, and you always slay that suit!”
“I don’t know, Scar.” I said. “I just feel like I’m just some guy, you know? I’ll never catch anyone’s eye, or be prom queen.”
“Don’t be silly. I know you’re gonna achieve something great in this life, y/n.” Scar said earnestly.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and in came one of the secretaries, Geminitay.
“y/n to the principal’s office.” She said. She looked kind of worried.
Goodtimeswithscar gripped my arm. “Great Jellie, y/n, are you in trouble?”
“I don’t know.” I replied. “I can’t think of anything that I could have done.” But I stood up, grabbed my backpack, and followed Geminitay out the door. Ms. ZombieCleo and JoeHills didn’t notice me leave.
“Is everything okay?” I asked Gem.
“I- well- I’ll get the principal to explain it to you.” Gem said, and we walked in silence the rest of the way to the front office. I was so nervous.
“Hello, y/n.” My principal, Mr. Xisumavoid, waved me into his office when we arrived.
“Is everything okay, Mr. Void?” I asked him.
“Well, it is quite the situation.” Principal Xisumavoid said. “You see, your mom just called-”
“Step mom.” I corrected him.
“Right, step mom.” Principal Xisumavoid said. “Well, either way, she called to tell us that she has sold you to someone else so she could buy more redstone and potions.”
I gasped. “What? She sold me? To who?” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn’t believe my stepmom had sold me!
Principal Xisuma looked down at the paper in front of him. “Ah, to a person called Grian.”
“Wait, what? You mean the famous youtuber Grian from Minecraft?” I gasped.
“Yep. That’s me. Grian from Minecraft!”
I turned around to find Grian standing at the door to Principal Xisumavoid’s office. It was really him! With his waffle-looking hair and beady black eyes and red sweater, there was no mistaking him.
“y/n, when I saw that your evil stepmom put you up for sale on Facebook marketplace, I knew I had to do something! Don’t worry, y/n, I am very famous and rich. We will be best friends. And I must say, your moustache looks lovely.”
I gasped and blushed, my tears drying. Famous youtuber Grian complementing me? y/n? Suddenly, I knew my life was about to get a whole lot crazier.
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andydrysdalerogers · 3 months
Undercover ~ Five ~ My Girl
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Pairings: Jake Jensen and OFC Samantha Matthews
The Losers have made it back to their families and are out. Well, almost. A threat against the British crown needs to be handled and the CIA has tapped the Losers for one final mission. And they are sending in Jensen.
Jake Jensen hasn't been a civilian in years but now he's undercover to find out why his target is where he is and who he's after.
Enter Sam, someone who Jake doesn't expect and well, he didn't know he was looking for.
Can Jake handle his mission and falling in love? Especially when the truth leads to a bigger mission than expected?
*~* A Jake Jensen Story *~*
Author's note: this story continues after the events of the Losers. I may weave other characters into it but they are all minor. THE TAGLIST IS OPEN.
The playlist is available on Spotify.
cover photo by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: angst, death, smut, and a bunch of stuff a can’t say because it gives away the plot!
Previous: Four ~ Sara Lee's
Story Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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You know that phrase – walking on cloud nine? 
That’s Jake.  
He has no idea how he got to work.  
He has no idea how he got dressed.  
He only has one thing on his mind.  
His princess.  
Not the nickname he meant to have for her, but it works because she is just too precious and beautiful.  He wanted to be her knight in shiny armor, the one to slay the dragon.  With perfect timing, My Girl by the Temptations hits his headphones and Jake smiles as he hums to himself.  He gets to his floor, doing a little dance before he sees something that bothers him. He pulled off one of his headphones. 
“Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Anderson is not here yet so I will need to ask you to leave.”  
Jake could hear the frustration mixed with fear laced in Sam’s voice. He stepped close but out of the line of sight.  He knew Sam was strong but if she needed back up, he would step in.  
“Miss Matthews, don’t you want me to be close to you?” John cooed at her.  
“I’d rather sit on a cactus,” she replied.  “Now, please leave.”  
“I think you are making a rather foolish mistake, Samantha.”  John took a step forward.  
“And I think you are asking for a sexual harassment lawsuit,” she threw back at him.  
That was enough for Jake.  He stepped forward, “Hey Sam!”  
Sam sighed in relief.  “Hi JJ.” She moved to give Jake a kiss and a hug, missing the absolute rage face John gave the couple.  “You sleep well?” 
“Like a log. Nothing but good dreams,” he flashed her his signature half smile that positively would bring her to her knees.  
“Same.  Coffee later?” 
“Actually, since we are still early, would you like to nip down to Starbucks. My treat?” 
“I’d love to. Let me grab my bag.”  She turned back to her desk and gasped. “I left it in the break room.  I’ll be right back.”  She left her office, leaving the two men.  
“What do you think you are doing, Jensen?”  
“Taking my girl for coffee, Fitzgerald.” Jake got up in his face, still an inch or two taller than the man.  “You harass her again and I will pummel your ass.”  
Fitzgerald smirked. “You have no idea who you are dealing with, do you?” 
Jake knew he had to make the man think he was underestimating him.  He knew exactly who he was dealing with.  Ex-special forces for M-I 6, currently a for-hire mercenary, trained in multiple styles of martial arts, expert marksman.  But he needed John to keep his guard down on unassuming nerdy tech Jake Jensen.  
“Yeah, some punk accountant who won’t leave a lady alone after she asked nicely.  I know a great attorney.  Leave her alone.” Jake spun around and went to find Sam.  
John gritted his teeth as he watched the IT nerd walk away.  Jake Jensen was messing with the wrong man and the wrong cause.  
Sam walked out of the break room and found a gorgeous man waiting for her.  “Well, isn’t my knight in t-shirt armor.”  
“At your service, milady,” he replied with a bow. She giggled as he offered his arm, and she threaded her own through.  “So, I never asked, are you a straight coffee drinker or do you like specialty?”  
“Depends on the day.  If it's bad, I want all the sugar.  If it’s normal I’m ok with anything.”  
“So, if I make you mad, I need to bring you the sweetest coffee to butter you up.  Got it.  Filed that in my Sam folder.”  
That made Sam laughs out loud.  “Your Sam folder?” 
“Everything I've ever learned about you. All filed away for all scenarios.” He tapped his temple. “ For example, last night, I brought you a gin martini and a vodka one, but you only really drank the gin one.  Noted and filed.  You rearrange your burger plate before eating.  Now I know you like organization.”  
Sam looked at him with a blank face.  
Jake swallowed and patted the back of his neck.  “Sorry, I guess it’s the Ex-military in me.  I was trained to observe and retain.”  
Sam pulled him close to her and she got up on her tip toes.  “I think its super sweet,” she mumbled against his lips before pressing them to hers. Jake wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her closer and deepen the kiss slightly.  He pulled back to breathe, and they both had goofy smiles.  
The rest of the day flew, with Sam and Jake softly flirting through the instant messages.  A permanent smile was etched on Sam’s face and Mike took notice.  
“Who is he?” 
Sam jumped as Mike laughed at her reaction.  “What?” 
“Who is making the old Samantha reappear.” He took a sip of his afternoon coffee as he studied the flush of her cheeks.  
“Umm, just a guy,” she replied, feeling her ears getting warm.  
“Right.  About six feet, blond hair, glasses, new manager of our security tech team?” 
“What?” She squeaked.  
“Sam, sweetheart, its ok.  If Jake makes you happy then I’m all for it.  It's been a couple of years since Terry.  You deserve this.”  
“Thanks Mike.  We had our first date last night and hopefully have one tonight.”  
“Well, good luck.”  
The end of the day came, and Jake made his way over to Sam as close shop for the weekend.  “Ready to go princess?” 
“Sure JJ.”  She smiled at him and took his hand.  He led them out.  
“I was thinking, dinner and the carnival the next town over. What do ya say?” 
“I love the carnival.  You gonna win me a bear, JJ?” 
He kissed the side of her head as he put his arm around her.  “I’ll win you the biggest bear ever princess.”  
Jake drove Sam out to an Italian restaurant, treating her to one of the best lasagna she had ever had. The conversation flowed, Sam laughing at the stories Jake would share, Jake at full attention whenever Sam would tell a little more about herself.  
As the evening drew to a close, Jake walked Sam to her door, her newly won bear in her arms.  “I had an amazing night with you JJ.”  
“It was pretty good princess. Do you like your bear?” 
She looked down at the electric pink bear that had sparkles in its fur.  “I love it. Thank you for winning it for me.”  She looked up at him, her doe eyes making him feel like he was lost in the universe.  
He swallowed.  “It was my pleasure, princess.”  He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers. She melted against him as she moaned, and he deepened the kiss. He pulled back, just a bit to breathe, their lips still touching.  
“You wanna come in JJ?” She whispered against him.  
“Yeah,” he kissed her again, softly, before he let her go enough for her to turn and open the door.  Once they made it inside, Jake grasped her under her thighs to lift her up, Sam giggling as she held on around his neck, kissing right behind his ear.  
Jake growled at the sensation as he sat on her couch, forcing her to straddle his lap. His hands loved to her ass, kneading and squeezing, causing little moans to slip out of her mouth.  His mouth was busy, kissing around her neck. “JJ, god, please Jake.”  
“Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” Jake nipped at her collarbone. 
Sam lost her words but pushed her hips down onto his growing erection, causing him to groan at the pressure. She kissed him harder as she began to move back and forth.  
“So, my princess is a bad girl.” Jake pulled her back so she could look into his eyes.  “Good.  Because I want you to beg me. Where is your room?” 
“It's...uh... shit... down the hall. Last door.”  She squealed as Jake lifted her up, showing off how strong his arms were and carried her to her bedroom.  He laid her down on the bed and pulled off her shoes as she stared at him with her pupils blown.  
“I’m going to wreck you, pretty girl.”  She moaned softly as her hips floated up uncontrollably.  “You like that, Samantha?  She nodded as he crawled up to undo the button of her pants.  
“Jakey, please,” she wailed.  
“Oh, baby, I bet you taste good.” He placed his nose at the apex of her thighs and inhaled, smelling the arousal in her panties.  He placed a kiss over her clothed heat, and she jumped.  Jake smiled and moved upward, kissing her skin, gripping the hem of her blouse.  He pulled it up with him and placed kisses over the swell of her perky breasts. She tasted sweet to him, like forbidden fruit.  
Jake gave her a soft but deep kiss as he let his finger run over the silk of her panties, feeling the moisture that was now seeping through. He began to kiss down, dipping his tongue in her navel.  As he moved, he pulled her panties down to reveal herself to him. “Goddamm baby, you look delicious.”  He let his tongue explore her folds.  He listened to her mewl, “more,” and he smiled. He lifted her legs over his shoulders, smiled at her before sitting up, basically letting Sam dangle off his body.  
“JJ?” She questioned with a tremble in her voice.  
“Oh princess, I want you to feel everything.”  He latched onto her clit and began sucking and nibbling, getting Sam to start screaming.  He let a finger play with her folds before inserting his middle finger in. Sam could feel his rather thick finger penetrate her and she knew he was going to be big.  And then she realized he was still fully clothed while she was still in her bra. The roughness of his shirt against her ass just heightened her delight of his roughness.  
Jake couldn’t remember the last time a pussy tasted so good.  He was lost in her taste as he ate her like a man starved.  He could feel her clenching his finger as he moved, working to find that spot in her that would driver her crazy.  It took a couple of minutes but soon she started to squirm away from it.  “A-ha! I found it,” Jake crowed.  He worked her hard and then he heard... 
“Jake! I’m gonna cum! Oh god!” 
“Let go princess! Give me all your nectar!” Jake pushed a couple more times until Sam wailed and he tasted the sweet honey she released.  He worked her through the high before gently letting her down.  As he looked at her dazed look, he smiled and let her lay there, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.  Jake chuckled and worked on removing his clothes.  He fished for a condom from his wallet before letting his pants fall on the floor. Sam’s eyes began to focus when he moved to remove his boxers and roll on the rubber over his impressive length.   
“J-jake? I don’t think it will fit,” she said with a gasp.  
“Oh baby, I’ll go slow.” He climbed on top of her and pushed her legs farther apart to make room. He slotted in between and rubbed his tip in between her folds.  She mewled but still looked nervous.  “If you want me to stop, just say the word, princess.”  
“No, I want this JJ, I’m just nervous.”  
“Don’t be, princess.  I’m not gonna hurt you.”  He kissed her softly as he pushed slowly into her.  She groaned at the stretch, the fullness she was feeling.  It was nothing like Terry or anyone else for that matter.  “Sam, so tight, you were just made for me, weren’t you?” He didn’t stop until he was all the way in. He gave her a moment until she pleaded with him to move, and he slowly pulled out, as she cried out from the sensation.  Jake froze for a second.  “Princess, am I hurting you?” 
“No JJ, it feels so good.  Like a dream.  Please don’t stop.”  
Jake smiled as he pushed in faster and a little harder. His tip reached that spot in her that made her see stars. Sam moaned and groaned in pleasure, the fullness completing her.  “Harder, Jake, please.”  
Jake lifted Sam’s legs over his hip and began to pound her into the mattress.  “Like this, little girl?  You want me to ruin you for anyone else?” 
“Yes! Jake! Please! Oh god!”  Sam was starting to lose herself in the moment.  “Jake!” 
“Cum for me Samantha, squeeze me good.”  
Sam shuddered as her second orgasm washed over her, screaming Jake’s name as he showed no mercy, trying to reach his own high.  It didn’t take long, Sam was squeezing him in a vice grip. “Fuck! Sam!” Jake thrusted once more and released into the condom.  He landed on top of her but put most of his weight on his arms.  
The room was quiet except for their heavy breathing.  “Are you ok?” Jake asked.  
“I’m perfect JJ.”  Sam smiled softly as she kissed his nose.  
I’ll be right back, he kissed her forehead and carefully pulled out of her.  He went into the ensuite to clean up and grabbed as wash cloth.  He carefully cleaned her up and then climbed back into the bed.  
“You understand that I will never let you go now, right?”  Jake asked as she snuggled on his chest. He could feel Sam smile against his skin.  
“You understand that I don’t want to be anywhere else, right?” 
Jake smiled and kissed her forehead, holding her a little tighter as they drifted off to sleep.  
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John stared at the couple in bed, sound asleep, naked as they held each other.  It would be so easy to kill then right now but he needed to bide his time.  The only way for the plan to succeed was to keep Sam alive.  
John walked out of the house and reset the alarms so as not to alert them.  He lit a cigarette as he walked away, the smell of sex had turned him on.  Soon, it would be him and Samantha in the throes of passion.  And Jake would be gone from this world.   
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imdoingsortagay · 1 year
for the prompt, 12, 13, 14, 48 with innocent neighbor!r catching agnes masturbating pls
this is short but slay we love to see it
smut below the cut 18+
About almost a month of living in Westview, your sweet neighbor invited you to her house for lunch. Some people had warned you about the lady next door, but you decided to give her the benefit of the doubt because she had been so nice to you when you moved into the house next to hers.
What you didn't know was that Agnes had finished the lunch ahead of time, stressed with making sure the food was perfect for you and she needed some sort of stress relief.
She had about 20 minutes before you get here and decided to rub one out, using the new vibrator that she had gotten online. Now here the older woman was, laying naked on her bed, with the vibe on her clit, the other hand slowly fingering herself while she fails badly at keeping her moans private.
Agnes fails to hear the doorbell ring, too focused on her pleasure while you patiently wait for her to open the door. You try another time, knock right after and wait a couple of minutes before opening the door. She always said that you were welcome to let yourself in if she was busy.
Right as you open the door you hear moaning and start to blush, wondering what's going in and if Agnes is okay, You follow the sound of the moans to Agnes' bedroom, the door left a bit open. you cover your mouth when you see that the older woman is touching herself in her bedroom, her face full of pleasure as she pumps two fingers in her needy cunt while the vibrator gets her to her orgasm.
" Wish my kitten was here to watch," Agnes says before she loudly moans and you see her cum hard with the toy and her fingers in her pussy. Agnes looked amazing and the only like you've seen a woman do this was in porn when your college roommate had shown you a video but seeing it in person was amazing, to say the least.
" I can see you staring over there kitten," the older woman says as she grabs her blanket to cover the bottom half of her body, no shame in having her chest exposed.
" What do you-"
" y/n, you naughty girl," she interrupts you and motions you to come over, shyly walking towards the bedroom where she pats the spot next to her, feeling butterflies at how calm she's being right now while your mind is just not thoughts.
" Didn't they tell you it was rude to watch someone while they fuck themselves doll?" Agness asks in a sweet tone, giggling when you blush and fail to make any words come out of your mouth.
“I can’t believe you’re this innocent honey bun," Agnes starts off," have you ever touched yourself toots? or seen people do it?".
" no Agnes-"
" Call me mommy baby while in here," she tells you.
" No Mommy I promise, I never really thought about doing stuff like that while in college," you explain to the older woman next to you which sparks something in her.
“You’ve never even touched yourself?”
You shake your head, too embarrassed at the moment but you calm down just a bit when she runs her hand over your arm to try to calm you down.
“Makes me want to wreck you," she says," but I'd rather start off slow before we do anything more adventurous."
"Please," you let out," Want you to help me, mommy,".
In that moment it was Agnes who stays quiet that you were this innocent, excited to see how this will go between the two of you.
" Want me to guide you my sweet girl?"
you nod, too afraid about whimpering.
“I’ll guide you.”
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this was such an incredible episode oh my god. sorry for shitty formatting am on mobile
- jamie running while tied to roy’s bike in the opening
- jack giving the signed dickens first edition to keeley with the message to make her laugh
- “right?” “YES CHEF”
- sam wanting the restaurant to be absolutely perfect for his dad!!!
- more focus on sam this episode in general. i missed him in sunflowers!!
- beard’s total football powerpoint presentation
- trent’s funny little skeleton shirt :)
- “I WAS ROBBED!” jamie i would die for you
- barbra are you okay??
- keeley “oh we’re just good friends!!!” jones
- “how do you tell if a girl likes you or is just being nice?” “you can’t” x100
- “well marriage is a big commitment you know” “no im talking about pegging”
- the entire Pegging Conversation
- baz stating that his brother is a male whore
- “but luckily i’m in a good mood (: so you’ve only gotta do that for tHE WHOLE FUCKING PRACTICE!!!!”
- despite being in the background roy was an absolute gem this episode
- keeley being so awkward with jack
- jack declaring their relationship to the office
- barbra’s “no that’s enough dan, thank you”slay
- rebecca and keeley talking about mr amsterdam and jack
- “gezellig 🥰 but yeah i would have liked to have seen his penis”
- the comparisons between jack and rupert are making me nervous
- rebecca doesn’t want keeley to get hurt the same way she did 😭
- nate made his niece’s vision happen 🥺
- his rejection monologue
- brenda barot that evil woman
- sam was so polite in his call out but that bitch was awful to him
- nate’s awkwardness with jade
- “i like to eat my breakfast without chewing”
- beard and will switching places
- poor leslie in this episode for nothing but burns
- tedtrent content
- lasso my man cool it with the heart eyes
- the hostess wondering where nate is
- baz just wanted to be joined with his homies by the penis 😔
- his disappointment when jamie’s penis was okay
- nate was so proud of his craft project! and it was adorable! and then he tripped and dropped it and it got run over!
- the fact that nate didn’t run away and still asked jade out despite making a fool out of himself in public says A LOT about his growth this season
- jade saying yes with no hesitation! and nate was so happy!
- the restaurant being destroyed fucking gutted me. sam’s devestation and sisi’s quiet anger. god.
- return of the Gay Mug™️
- “next time we do this drill, we tie multiple guys’ dicks to one guy’s dick”
- ted looking at trent like he’s the single most important person in the world. tedtrents we are FEASTING this episode
- toheeb jimoh fucking blew me away this episode. the way he portrayed sam’s rage and heartbreak and frustration was incredible.
- sam’s dad being so open and warm and kind and loving in a show largely about shitty fathers. sam breaking down in his arms and ola just holding him. can this man adopt me please?
- “you do it for yourself.”
- “don’t fight back. fight forward.”
- the awkwardness between ola and rebecca cause sam told him about sleeping with her. tension so thick you could cut it with a mf butter knife
- the bar trio having full trust in ted and the team
- “since i was a straight fella” yeah okay mr ted “heart eyes for trent independent” lasso
- mustache lore
- “ass-squatch.” “you’re on fire :)” “make it stop” the AGONY in roy’s eyes
- return of the middle finger! trent rubbing his face as he flips jamie off lmao
- ur so right jamie let me kiss you on the mouth as a treat
- “but for the first time in weeks, the greyhounds are showing signs of life!”
- TRENT’S ENTIRE TOTAL FOOTBALL MONOLOGUE. sweaty, out of breath, hair a disaster, babbling intelligently about how it’s going to work.
- “doesn’t even matter what number four is (awkward arm gesture)”
- “what a fucking dork” “yeah. but he’s our dork <3”
- “well, we all just asked ourselves “what does the situation need?”” “and we thought your situation needed us :)”
- ola was so touched that sam named the restaurant after him <3
- the episode ending with sam, ola, and simi dancing around and cooking while the himbos have a blast in the dining room. chefs kiss. perfect episode start to finish
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hahayoon · 10 months
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bubble 1: Kang-nim and ugly maknaes
11:23am: OMG MY! I haven’t texted you a long time ago, how’ve you been?
2:00pm: i don’t know if i can show you this but I’m kinda busy
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4:00pm: i know hahaha I’m about to look crazy🤪🤪
5:00pm: so i just fought a luvie in the comments of a RV video???
5:10pm: she was saying Kim YeRim looked pretty but i said she wasn’t as a joke
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5:16pm: is this the Kim YeRim you’re defending luvie??? I’ve seen prettier maknaes😤
6:00pm: you happened to know Ning Yizhuo??? Seolhyun unnie???
6:30pm: Yerimie just texted me and complained, we’re talking later MY and luvie😑
7:30pm: so as you know I’m friends with this guy Kang ChanHe, he’s famous and stuff
7:40pm: his mother invited his friends over to have dinner
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7:50pm: Kang-nim, you were so cute😩😩
8:01pm: boring and ugly Kang-nim happy birthday, you’re a great man🥳🥳
9:01am: so i stumbled upon this hallway and BAM he smiled and nicely said “Yoon-ah happy birthday, have a nice day” and i thanked him and later i was there crying
9:02am: oh and i asked for a picture!!!!
9:05am: he was like “of course Yoon-ah, send it to me later” and i cried again
12:00pm: in other news, MinJeong and JiMin came to the company with pizza to celebrate, the other two things are preparing a surprise in the dorm🥹
12:04pm: oh, how i love my friends😭😭😭
8:00pm: I’m waiting for Kim YeRim to write me a whole essay about her love for me😡😡 the girls already cried with me and told me they appreciate me😡😡
8:30pm: thank u for all the loving messages MY 💜 you’re very much my everything and I’m extremely thankful of everything we’ve achieved together i promise to grow closer to you as well to make my love for u grow the biggest
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5:14pm: I’m bored🫠
5:40pm: I’m working on something for you MY🤭🤭🤭
5:47pm: can’t reveal too much just, 🍯 💃🏻🤖
6:00pm: anyways, look what Aeri just sent to me
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6:15pm: the group’s iPad we bought when we were trainees!
6:28pm: soooo slay✨as Aeri wrote on the gp
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pickalilywrites · 6 months
Ohh! Holidays fics are back on! I got this idea from the junior high manga. Mike, Nanaba and Gelgar bake a Christmas/Birthday cake for Levi's surprise birthday party that Hange is throwing.
thanks, this was fun!
a piece of cake
Hanji Zoe. Mike Zacharias. Nanaba. Gelgar. Canonverse. 2456 words. read on ao3!
Mike, Nanaba, Gelgar, and Hanji huddle around the oven. All of them are peering through the dark window and wondering if the cake is baking the way it’s supposed to. They all followed the instructions as best as they could (with a few improvisations along the way), but they couldn’t have possibly messed up the cake that much. It’s just a cake. Surely baking a cake can't be that much more difficult than slaying Titans. And yet … something about the cake doesn’t look right.  
“Is it supposed to look like that?” Mike asks. He straightens up, stretching his back after being hunched over to look at the oven for so long.  
They had put in the batter over half an hour ago and the cake hadn’t risen at all. It is baking, though, Hanji and the rest of them have confirmed as much, but it’s still the same height as it was when they had placed the batter in the oven.  
“I don’t know. Cakes look different when they don’t have frosting on them,” Hanji murmurs, still peering at the cake through the oven door. Although the rest of the baking crew is becoming discouraged, Hanji is still able to smile brightly as they ask, “Should we poke it again?”  
“I think we’ve poked it enough. It’s starting to look like the moon with all the holes we’ve poked in it,” Nanaba sighs. She also retreats from the oven and takes her place beside Mike. Her hands rest on her hips, and she shakes her head. “I don’t know. I think it might be time to throw in the towel.”  
Gelgar, who had put considerable effort into beating all the ingredients together, doesn’t seem to want to give up as easily. “We put in so much work! You can’t just tell us to give up. It’s not like what we have in the oven is inedible. It’ll probably look better when we put frosting on it.”  
Hanji nods enthusiastically. “I’m sure other people’s cakes have turned out the same. The frosting is there to hide the blemishes anyway.”  
“I don’t think that’s entirely true,” Nanaba sighs. She looks forlornly at the frosting they had made earlier. It sits sadly on the counter. “Our frosting is more liquid than anything. If we spread it on the cake, it’ll just drip down onto the plate. It’ll be more like a thin glaze. I’m afraid it won’t hide anything.”  
“I thought the frosting would be easier to make,” Mike says.  
The frosting was its own separate nightmare. It was made from a sugar syrup mixture that Mike had been mixing and then promptly forgot about when Hanji had called everyone over to look at the cake baking in the oven. When he had remembered the frosting on the stovetop, it had turned an ugly brown-black and had burnt at the bottom of the pan. He had promptly taken the pan off the stove and hurried on to beat the egg whites but had given up before they could hold stiff peaks. Even Nanaba and Gelgar had taken a turn beating the egg whites, but it seemed like they couldn’t beat in enough air to make the egg whites as stiff as the recipe specified. Hanji had assured them it would probably be okay — the frosting would probably just be a little bit runny, but the hardening sugar syrup might be able to give it more structure. What a terrible assumption they made.  
In the end, they had a bowl of half-burnt sugar frosting that tasted like caramel and charcoal. And that was after they had scraped out as much of the burnt sugar as they could.  
“If we spread it thin enough, I bet you’ll barely be able to taste the burnt parts at all,” Hanji says confidently. 
“I thought you just said we were going to use it to hide any mistakes,” Nanaba points out. 
“It can either taste nice or look nice. It’s too greedy to ask for both,” Gelgar says. It’s only now that his shoulders begin to sag, and he begins to deflate, giving into the dispirited nature that has taken over his other comrades. “I thought that recipe was supposed to be foolproof!”  
“You know what they say, too many fools in the kitchen spoils the cake,” Hanji says, their mouth set in a grim line. It looks as if they, too, are about to admit defeat. “It’s probably only foolproof enough for one fool.”  
Their gazes rest once again on the cake that is still baking in the oven. It’s been in there much longer than the thirty-five minutes specified by the recipe, but they haven’t pulled it out yet. Half of it is because they aren’t sure it’s done cooking, and the other half of it is because they are too frightened to come face-to-face with the mess they’ve created.  
“... It’s the thought that counts?” Mike says at least, and the other three begin to nod vigorously. 
“Not many people put this much effort in baking a cake for their colleagues,” Nanaba agrees, although it could be argued that if other people were as unskilled at baking as them, they would have opted for buying a cake at a bakery.  
“It’s filled with love, after all. I bet Levi has never eaten anything with this much love in his life,” Hanji says. They seem to have forgotten just how abysmal their cake-baking attempt is because their chest begins to swell with pride. “Don’t you think his eyes will well up with tears when he sees how much care we put into preparing this cake for him?”  
“Absolutely,” Gelgar says, and the other two nod their heads in agreement even though none of them have ever seen Captain Levi shed a tear in their lives.  
It’s then that they hear a knock against the doorframe and they turn to see a cheerful Petra and a scowling Auruo enter. Petra gives them a little wave as she bounds in, and she laughs when Hanji runs out to greet them.  
“Oh, Pet, how good it is to see you!” Hanji coos, enveloping the tiny ginger in their arms.  
“It’s always good to see you, too,” Petra says. She peers over Hanji’s shoulder where Gelgar, Nanaba, and Mike are still huddled around the stove. “You three as well, of course.”  
“I’m also here,” Auruo huffs. He always tries to maintain a cold, aloof air, but he actually enjoys getting attention from others. He protests when Hanji finally releases Petra and turns to ensnare him in a hug instead, but his cheeks flush from happiness after being noticed. “Don’t get too comfy. We’re not here for a friendly chat. We’re here on official business.”  
Petra turns to her colleague, still smiling but her lips are stretched into a dangerously thin line. “Don’t be rude, Auruo. Of course, we’re just here to visit the rest of our fellow soldiers and see how they’re doing.”  
“No, we’re not. We’re here for something far more important,” Auruo says, his voice growing louder as he attempts to exert his authority. He clears his throat. “We were specifically stationed here by our Captain to supervise you all.”  
“That’s not what happened!” Petra protests, her smile completely gone now. She turns back to Hanji and the group, brows knit together with concern that they might have been offended by Auruo’s words. “That’s not what happened at all. Our squad just happened to be passing by your barracks today and our Captain had some … concerns, so he asked that we stop by and just make sure things were alright with your squad.”  
“Oh, that’s very kind of you,” Hanji says. They let Auruo wriggle away from their grasp and they give Petra a smile that would be reassuring if not for the smell of burning cake in the oven. “We’re fine, though. Thank you so much for checking on us.”  
“Well, it’s a relief to hear that you’re all doing well.” Petra gives a nod and a polite smile, but she and Auruo stay rooted to their spots.  
Hanji and their party stare cordially at Petra and Auruo, and Petra and Auruo stare cordially back. Neither group says anything, but Petra and Auruo do glance towards the oven every once in a while and while Hanji can’t say for certain that the cake in the oven is on fire, it most certainly is smoking.  
“We don’t know what we’re doing with this cake, please help us,” Gelgar suddenly blurts out, and Petra’s expression relaxes now that the truth is out.  
“No worries, let me take a look,” Petra says and hurries over to the oven without another word. She grimaces after peering through the oven door and immediately turns off the stove. Even after she turns off the oven, there are flames of … something flickering in the oven, but she turns around and gives everyone a reassuring smile now that everything has been handled.  
“Tell us how bad it was,” Nanaba says.  
“Oh, well I’m sure you all tried your best,” Petra begins, but Nanaba won’t hear any of the ginger’s forced compliments.  
“Tell us how bad it was,” Nanaba repeats, her voice stronger this time, and Petra gulps nervously. 
“... I don’t believe any part of it can be salvaged,” Petra reluctantly answers, and the entire group gives a collective sigh.  
If Petra, the daughter of a baker, says their bake is hopeless, then they must accept the facts even if they had been denying the evidence in front of them the whole time. They were too stubborn to accept the fact that all their efforts to bake Levi a decent birthday cake were useless, but it’s come the time where they cannot ignore it any longer.  
“Well, I guess it could be worse,” Hanji says.  
“How could it be worse?” Gelgar grumbles, his arms folded grumpily across his chest. He’s hunched over, a disgruntled expression on his face as he gazes at the poor excuse of a cake burning in the oven. It’s only now that its fire is dying out, leaving only dying embers and a lump of hardened rock where a cake should be.  
“Levi could know what the cake is for,” Mike answers, and Auruo answers. 
“Of course, the Captain knows what the cake is for,” Auruo snickers with a smug look on his face. “He’s a smart man. He told us to come in here and stop whatever nonsense you were cooking up for his birthday.”  
“To be specific, he told us that he would rather ‘not have that fucking mess Hanji and the rest are making in the kitchen’ in preparation of his birthday,” Petra says. It’s always jarring to hear the Captain’s crass words in her voice, but it does soften the blow of them if only a little. “Although, I’m sure he appreciates the thought.”  
The four dejected soldiers look over at the oven once more. Petra’s words are meant to be reassuring, but they only make them feel worse.  
“Should we feed it to him anyway? If he really appreciated the thought, he’d eat it anyway,” Gelgar mumbles. 
“It’s made with love, so much love he might choke on it,” Nanaba murmurs.  
“A love to die for,” Mike agrees. 
“It’s tempting, but we should honor Levi’s wishes,” Hanji says. They think for a moment, seriously considering just giving Levi the hunk of coal of a cake, but then shake their head as they ultimately decide against it. They snap their fingers and point at Petra. “Petra, would it be too much trouble to ask your father to make us a cake?”  
“Oh, of course not,” Petra says. “Just let me know what you need.”  
“We need a cake,” Hanji says, spreading their hands as they envision the cake they had wanted to make for Levi’s birthday. “We need a cake that will shock Levi, one that will make him regret doubting our baking abilities. That cake has to be gorgeous and it has to taste amazing … but it can’t be too gorgeous or taste too amazing.”  
Petra nods as she takes mental notes of Hanji’s request, her brow furrowing as Hanji’s list of requirements lengthens. “So you’d like a cake that looks and tastes good, but you don’t want it to seem like it was made by a professional cake shop. You want it to look like it was homemade?”  
“Yes, exactly,” Hanji says, and their companions nod enthusiastically along with them.  
“Mess up the frosting a little, tell your dad not to make it too smooth,” Gelgar adds. “And make the piping uneven.”  
“We should have a message, too,” Mike says. “Maybe something like, ‘Happy birthday, Levi,’ but spell ‘birthday’ wrong. Maybe spell his name wrong, too.”  
“Do not spell his name wrong,” Nanaba says. 
“And most importantly,” Hanji says, “make it with love, lots and lots of love. That’s how he’ll know we made it.”  
Petra presses her lips together, barely suppressing a smile. It’s clear that this is something very important to Hanji and the others, and she doesn’t want to spoil their mood by laughing. She nods as she listens to her friends’ requests. “Yes, absolutely. I’ll let my father know and he’ll have a cake by the Captain’s birthday.”  
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pet!” Hanji exclaims as they reach out to clasp Petra’s hands in theirs. They’re beaming from ear to ear, happy to find a solution to their predicament. “You and your father are absolute, angels! Give him a kiss on the cheek for me, will you?”  
“I will,” Petra laughs. “Although, I’d deep clean the kitchen if I were you. The Captain has the nose of a hound, and he’ll be sure to smell any remains of the previous cake.”  
“Already on it,” Mike says, heading over to the oven. With mitted hands, he opens the oven, removes the cake, and chucks it into the trash bin.  
Hanji and the group thank Petra and Auruo for their help before bidding them goodbye, waving them off as they depart. Petra and Auruo can be heard bickering as they leave. 
“It’s never going to work, you know,” Auruo says, his voice loud enough that Hanji and the others can hear him clearly. “The Captain isn’t a fool. He’ll see right through it immediately.”  
“Auruo, I will poison your slice and then shove it down your throat if you don’t shut up,” Petra is heard hissing. 
Even though their baking session had resulted in disaster, Hanji looks quite satisfied. They dust off their hands and say proudly, “Well, that was a piece of cake, wasn’t it? And we thought getting the perfect cake for Levi’s birthday would be hard!” 
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livvyofthelake · 4 months
post season 1 lost character rankings <3 post is about to be long as fuck btw. heart
jack… i’m such a jack girl sorry for being predictable but he’s exactly my type of character… he has a hero complex and big brown eyes filled with tears he can’t save everyone but he has to try…
kate of course!!! blueprint for emma swan in many ways…. the coolest girl on lost island… her cunty 2000s layered tank tops and low rise bootcut jeans in exodus went crazy also but that is neither here nor there i just didn’t get a chance to mention it before. anyway. literally you always wanna run away katie!!!
sayid <3 THE it girl of lost island. he’s like if The Smart One was a heartthrob. you knowwww i’ve always been a sayid girl (ok yes naveen andrews was in ouat but my love for sayid is only like. 40% coming from that loyalty ok) he’s so. he’s the tech guy he’s the soldier he’s leading hikes he’s triangulating the signal he’s sooo kind he’s obsessed with the worst woman on the island he’s literally besties with kate he looks SO GOOD in his tank tops and i love him…
claire and YES i will acknowledge my emilie de ravin bias. it doesn’t matter what claire as a character is like, that’s my friend belle from the tv from middle school, we were in the trenches together, i love her always, claire makes the top five and that’s FINAL. peace and love <3 also she’s like basically mary from the bible for real
sun… she’s just cool and nice and lovely and her husband suckssss but she loves him and wants him to love her like he used to and she’s growing a garden and helping jack with medicinal stuff and everybody likes her cuz she’s just cool and nice!!!
shannon. and i ask you. did she really do anything wrong? don’t answer that. i’m a feminist. she’s like. there is flop in her slay eras and slay in her flop eras. and she’s soooo sad right now and she needs to keep all of her brother’s things because she doesn’t know how to exist in the world without him and she’s folding his old clothes because she’s anal and she speaks french but only barely because she knew this guy and she wants to help but she’s been a princess her whole life and she doesn’t know how to change but she has to and she’s maybe overcommitted to her zigzag hair part because she thinks beauty is her only currency and now she’s taking care of this kid’s dog because he picked her because he thought it would help her and she won’t say it but she loves these people so much and she doesn’t know how to show it and she doesn’t know what she’s doing and she doesn’t know how to carry it all!!!!!!!! i’m normal about her.
charlie has consistently been a favorite of mine but i’m just anticipating the inevitable season 2 heroin relapse storyline and i hateeeee it. but i do love charlie <3 i like how he has this insane devotion to claire for no reason other than he just wants to be nice and help her. he’s just a lovely guy…
walt and his cute little kid swagggg. his henry mills realness seriously. he’s about to be like. severely written out rip but we LOVED him here <3 when he gave his dog to shannon…. oh my god….
boone gets to not be near the bottom even though he was a total freak because well. no one else gave me joke material like him… he fucked that old man fr…. and then he died… and frankly those episodes on his death and leading up to it were so crazy i can’t not just forgive him for the freak shit. sorry for being an apologist for the guy who was in love with his sister. i mean be real though i’m a cassie girl i’m predisposed to forgive worse shit like that. maybe he only projected love onto her because she’s the only woman he knows. and he’s gay. idk. it doesn’t matter anyway who cares
jin. i actually kind of like jin now i like his dynamic with michael a lot and i think in season two he’ll get over the whole oh boohoo poor me i got roped into the mafia and i can’t tell my wife even though it would be good for our relationship to not have secrets. i forgive him. i hope michael or someone else tries to learn korean to better communicate with him though i don’t just want it to be jin having to learn english. like don’t act like michael wouldn’t try at least…
which of course brings us to michael. i like michael but he’s also kind of just not as interesting as the other characters. i imagine though that the 2004 writers room was overwhelmingly white and therefore just did not do as well writing the characters of color, so i’ll grant michael that forgiveness. i do like him i think the situation with walt is crazytown
hurley. not even my ouat bias could save hurley from being third to last. i don’t have a problem with him it’s just. he’s the comedic relief yk. and he IS funny, but like. idk. kinda like what’s going on with him and the numbers i hope that gets cool in s2
locke. booooo locke. an enemy of jack’s is an enemy of mine!! we’re gonna have a locke problem!! also i’m literally still upset about how he handled the boone situation. imagine you have trauma from your dad hurting you to help himself and then you meet a younger guy who looks up to you as a sort of father/mentor figure and you end up hurting him to help yourself and you have zero self awareness about it. kill yourself old man. your ass is not breaking the cycle.
sawyer. just. ….😒 remember when shannon was having an asthma attack and could have died and sawyer made it seem like he had her inhaler and told kate he’d give it to her if she kissed him. which is already icky. and then kate did it. and then he was like oh yeah btw i don’t have the inhaler haha! like. can you kill yourself.
and if i were asked to name my favorite episodes of the season? well most recently i loved do no harm, but all jack’s episodes were great to me so also white rabbit and all the best cowboys have daddy issues. and deus ex machina was crazy as well. and the moth. and exodus part one specifically but all three parts were pretty great too. born to run was also good! and can i be frank. can i say something we might not like. hearts and minds was a great episode… yes it’s the incest episode i know i was there… but speaking from a standpoint of like. what makes a tv episode a Good TV Episode, it kinda went crazy. i mean did we see the twist coming? for sure not! that’s tv! sometimes the point of tv is to make you go 😟 and well. hearts and minds did that…
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
[Domino side story] Smart, Social, and Shoto
Hitoshi, Ochako, and Shoto all watch as Izuku shifts his way towards one of the brightly colored houses in the little neighborhood. The three following Izuku's movements like hawks of varying interest
Hitoshi: I can't believe you pulled it off
Shoto: She pulled ON his clothes
Ochako: Don't underestimate the female gaze. Midoriya-Kun is already cute on his own, he just needed to dress to show off his assets
Shoto: is that why you made him wear skinny jeans?
Hitoshi: as-SET-
Ochako: No he's right
Hitoshi whips his head towards her: What?
Ochako: what? Midoriya-kun has a decently nice butt! Look!
Hitoshi: I'm not gonna look at my friend's ass
Shoto: I will
Shoto doesn't hesitate to stick his head out the back window and watch Izuku approach the house
Hitoshi: Todo that's fucking weird
Shoto: what's weird is Bakugo suddenly calling Izuku to tell him they're going to jam at Jiro-San's house instead
Ochako: sounds like a ret con from an author who forgot a plot point
Hitoshi: You two have been hanging out too much.. and get your head back in the car!
Shoto does: You can hang out with us too
Hitoshi: and be subjected to Chako and your horrible movie decisions. I'd rather get run over by a unicycle
Shoto: That's a sad way to die
Ochako: You're being dramatic
Hitoshi: Says the girl who cried watching a fictional fish losing his disabled son
both Hitoshi and Ochako turn to Shoto in the back
Ochako: well, that was a cold dump of water
Shoto: It was boiling hot-
Hitoshi: You need a shoulder to cry on and Izuku ain't here
Shoto: Oh then I should-
Shoto attempts to leave the car only for Ochako to quickly yank him back: NO! no no no. You just sit here and uh
Hitoshi: Not talk about your childhood trauma like it's a casual conversation starter
Ochako: be nice
Hitoshi: you first
Ochako shoves him lightly then smiles at Shoto: How about we go get something to eat? Midoriya-kun said he would take a bus home so we're free to just hang out together
Hitoshi: I'd rather just drop you both off at the nearest 7-11 and go home. I'm exhausted
Ochako: you've literally done nothing but complain today
Hitoshi: being this charming is hard work
Shoto: You should have a lot of energy then
Ochako highfives him
Hitoshi: ... I can't even be mad at that
Ochako: I taught him well
Shoto: Did I slay?
Ochako: You slaughtered
The trio, after leaving Izuku to do his A plot, drove down town for their own little B plot adventure
At least that's how Shoto's been calling it
Hitoshi: I can hear your internal monologue
Ochako: and here I thought Midoriya-kun's mumbling was bad
Shoto: This is why we're side characters
Ochako: We're not! I get Bakugo calls everyone an extra but it doesn't mean we are
Hitoshi: If anything, Shoto's the comic relief
Ochako: and what does that make you?
Hitoshi: the snarky side character that everyone loves but only appears to make fun of the main character
Ochako: and I'm..?
Shoto: the love interest
Ochako sputters and screams as Hitoshi accident swirves the car. He gets it back under control and slows down
Shoto ends up laying on his back on the floor of the car, legs up against the door while Ochako clutches at her seatbelt for dear life
Ochako: SHISO!
Shoto: you asked for my opinion
Hitoshi: your opinion is trash
Ochako: Oh what? So I'm not good enough to be a love interest
Hitoshi: I didn't fucking say that! But that would mean you're Mido's love interest and we all know he's ass over tits in love with a ticking time bomb
Shoto: I never said she was Izuku's love interest. I just said she was one
Ochako: to who?
Shoto climbs back onto his seat: To Spiderman
Hitoshi hits the brakes, sending Shoto flying forward and falling off his seat again
Shoto: you're a horrible driver
Hitoshi: suffer
Ochako quickly helps Shoto up and glares at Hitoshi who glares back
Ochako: I'm gonna need you to elaborate on that, Todo
Hitoshi: I'd rather stay ignorant
Shoto sits up again and rubs his head: Well, you've interacted with him before. You told us about how you blackmailed-
Ochako: bargained
Shoto: and threatened-
Ochako: negotiated
Shoto: Spiderman into becoming your model. And you two have talked and you've been open about how you find him attractive
Ochako: no need to call me out on that
Hitoshi: how does THAT make her a love interest? If anything she's an antagonist
Ochako: RUDE
Shoto: well, it's the first arc of their relationship. You told me he visits you every now and then even after you gave him the photo-
Hitoshi looks at Ochako: he WHAT
Shoto: -so there's room for a relationship to grow from it the more you two get to know one another
Ochako waves her hands: Don't be ridiculous. Without context you make it sound like he's already fallen in love with me or something
Hitoshi: has he?
Ochako: No! He comes over because- well I can't tell you!
Hitoshi: oh ho ho and why the FUCK not?
Ochako huffs: it's none of your business
Hitoshi: I beg to differ, Mochi. A vigilante hero is coming into your apartment to visit? For a reason you can't tell us?! Oh well it sounds to me that you two are having more than just a Photoshoot
Ochako growls: Are you calling me a-
Shoto: we're here
The two look out and see the ice cream shop Hitoshi had coincidentally stopped at when they started yelling. They both turn to each other then at Shoto who seemed very unaffected by the situation
Shoto: Are we gonna get ice cream or a divorce?
The conversation stopped there. Both Hitoshi and Ochako sat on either side of Shoto in a booth
The three ordered their ice cream in silence, trading glances and unspoken words of "We'll talk about it later"
All the while Shoto sits between the chaos
Unaware of what he had done
Shoto: You two sound like my parents before the divorce
Ochako: Keep eating your ice cream
Hitoshi: not the time, Todo
Shoto: it's like I'm 7 again
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 9 months
Damn now other people are starting to send asks...I need to up my annoyingness ante more /joke /lh Kazui and Amane will be the last two I ask about since you already did posts on them, and Es and Jackalope will be the next one, so as I see it the next one on the list isss...Yuno! She's currently fighting in my mind to turn my favorite quintet into a senary because one of my friends really likes her and it kinda got me to analyze her more, so I'm interested to see what you think !
Yeah I don’t why why everyone suddenly started sending asks I wonder who gave them that idea Õ_o /j /lh
CW: Abortion, sex work, suicide.
Uh… so you know when I said Shidou was the character I thought about the least? I… may have deadass forgotten Yuno existed when I said that ngl. I’m sure I’ll go insane over her when I get to analyzing her videos more in depth, but for now she’s kinda flown right under my radar. I’m sorry, I just weirdly can’t find it in me to care much about her. Obviously it's perfectly fine for others to enjoy her, and I don't think there's any major issues in her writing, it's just I can't get too invested.
I mean, it’s sorta similar to the Mahiru situation for me. It’s implied by the fact she really doesn’t seem to care about money that she was engaging in compensated dating just for fun, which… I just can’t relate to, I don’t like sex or dating. But sure, stay safe and slay or whatever.
(T1) Q20: The most expensive thing you've ever bought?
Y: What did I buy? I think a stuffed animal.
(T2) Q7: What would you do if you receive One Million Yen and you must spend right now?
Y: I'd have a nice meal with my family, then give them to my friends.
Now, I actually could sorta relate to her whole deal about always seeking “warmth” because she always gets bored of things easily (I think that’s what’s going on anyways).
(T1) Q24: Do you have a future dream?
Y: I wish I can find something I can really get absorbed into.
Me before DRDT and Milgram.
However, I just feel like it’s not explored in a very interesting way? She's not exactly Veronika Grebenshchikova you feel. Maybe I’m missing something, but “bored girl finds a hobby” is not the most compelling storyline in Milgram. Am I supposed to be scandalized by her compensated dating? Cause I’m not. I’m not gonna tell her how to live her life.
You could argue there's maybe safer and possibly better things for her to get into, but any actual discourse which could exist around that part of her story comes from the subject matter more than Yuno, if that makes sense. And I'm just personally not very informed in the whole subject of compensated dating, plus I find it a bit uncomfortable to research too much for personal reasons, so I feel like I can't fully immerse myself in it.
Which gets us to her “murder”, and I’m gonna be honest, I feel there’s some kinda culture shock thing going here. Because a big part (read: the main damn point) of her second VD is that it’s stupid we try to justify her actions for her, that we pity her without knowing the full story, that she doesn’t want to hear our excuses for being forgiven, etc…
Tear Drop: Feeling magnanimous? INNOCENT? I'm so not that
(2nd VD) Y: Even if I was scorned by you, I would have been okay with being told I'm not forgiven. I don't believe I'm not in the wrong. I'd accept it.
So she doesn’t think she’s innocent necessarily. She speaks vague on purpose, but that’s what’s she’s getting at. She thinks if we vote her innocent it must be because we’re looking down at her or assuming things about her life which aren’t true, it’s the main point of Tear Drop.
But… We don’t need excuses, Yuno. You did nothing wrong.
I usually say that as a joke, but here it’s just true. And any kind of moral ambiguity which may have existed is completely thrown out the window by the fact we’re comparing it to actual first degree murder. Girl we forgave the fucking organ harvester three numbers away from you why do you think we need excuses to forgive you? Innoing her is the easiest decision in all of Milgram imo.
Like I said, possibly a cultural issue? It’s not like I live in a particularly progressive country, but in the online circles I run in its very much accepted abortion isn’t murder. Yet, that’s not what she believes.
(2nd VD) Y: I have no intent to say abortion isn't murder. I'm a respectable murderer.
Or… does she?
(2nd VD) Y: To the extent of understanding the feeling of actually taking a life... I couldn't feel that that was a life. A discomfort and…the sensation of a foreign body….
Girlboss make up your mind.
The point is that she even regrets what she did, and wishes she could have prevented it.
(T2) Q10: If you could turn back time, would you commit the same murder once again?
Y: I'd make sure that I won't have to commit it. That's it.
In any case, I hope I'm making some amount of sense, and I can get across why I struggle to really get invested in analysis of her. Sorry.
Of course, voting isn't the only aspect of Milgram, but I also just don't find her personality and character arc all that interesting. Personal opinion, I don't think it's badly written or anything, but I just find it significantly less interesting than other characters.
That said, the most interesting thing to me is that she might be dead?
Y: Oh! Also, that reminds me, there was one thing I'm curious about. Es: What? Go ahead and say it. Yuno: Am I…really alive? Es: That's…what do you…. Yuno: Hm…if you don't know, then it's fine. Es: Yuno…. Yuno: Hey, it's time, right? Es: Y-yes. Prisoner number 2, Yuno. Sing your sins.
That's peculiar. Given the Haruka suicide theory I brought up in my post about him, it's definitely a possibility she's dead. It's possible she went through an unsafe abortion, given this question:
(T2) Q20: Did you hate the person you killed?
Y: It was too much of a pain to for me to think about anything.
So there's potential death one. Potential death two is her Undercover silhouette shot.
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Given I have no idea what the deal with this scene is, it's possible she jumped from here? I guess she does fall from stairs at the end of Umbilical, although she lands upright, though maybe that's her landing in Milgram? The issue with this suicide idea is this answer:
(T2) Q17: How many years do you want to live?
Y: About 40 years would be just right, I think.
... Okay, well, that's a concerning answer, kinda wish we got a bit more insight into what the deal is with that, but the point is she's currently not forty, so.
Anyways, that aside, I don't know what else to say. Yuno really hasn't rotted my brain as much as the other prisoners, so, uh, sorry I can't go any deeper atm. I feel kinda bad I can't say anything more positive since you clearly like her (_ _). Hope it's alright! Take care!
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Hi! Off sideblog/anon but anyways For the milgram ask game: Yuno for 2, 5, and 18
2. Favorite music video moment/frame?
Hmmm, I think this one is my favorite:
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Pop off, queen 💅🏻
Honestly, I love the irony of Yuno going, “Oh, so you love your ideal me? How about I break it and see how much you love me then?” To which the Internet told her, “YAAAAS, SLAY GURL SLAY.”
Yuno is going to live her life the way she sees fit, and you can’t stop her or her catsona. In all seriousness, I do admire the confidence and agency that they gave Yuno in Milgram. It would have been so, so easy to say she did sex work as a last resort to make ends meet or some other reason, and Yuno makes it clear that her choices, while we may not agree or like every single one, are entirely her own. No one forced her to do this. This was something she chose. Not only is her agency very refreshing, but I also enjoy her acceptance that she may be condemned and is even open to it, even if it is only there to kill this pitiable image of herself. Maybe condemned isn’t the best word… open to the consequences of her actions, be it good or bad? She doesn’t shy away from what she’s done or that she won’t stop because people tell her not to. It’s interesting. I like her character a lot actually. She’s in my top 3 for Milgram 😅
5. Favorite voice drama line/moment?
“Well, if I were to say what I was trying to say… It’s fucking bothersome.”
It doesn’t help that I’m weak for precision F-strikes. I think she’s the first, and so far the only character to say fuck and I am here for it. I remember having English teacher after English teacher emphasize the importance of a good hook, and Yuno executed it beautifully. Her hook is succinct and strong, and then she goes straight into ripping Es a new one over the changed circumstances of Milgram. I know Yuno has a devil may care attitude, but that attitude reads to me more as a defensive front to present to the world rather than her being flippant and ditzy. She foils nicely with Fuuta and Kotoko in how the three of them look for justice. Fuuta focused more on calling out bad behavior than reparations before Milgram and during Trial 1, while Kotoko is almost certainly doubling down on her belief that she is the fang of justice. During Yuno’s first trial voice drama, it seems like she’s trying to feel things out and see what exactly Es and Milgram have in store for her and the other prisoners. During the second voice drama, she seems to have a grasp on what Milgram wants (justice outside of the law, seemingly without regard for nuance) and decides not to play ball.
She lists all the new issues with the Milgram prisoners that she is aware of and presses Es on what they are going to do. When Es is verbally cornered and repeats Milgram’s purpose statement, Yuno asks if repeating it makes it easier to believe (also iconic). Yuno doesn’t seem to be interested in making Es pay, just aware that they are not infallible, so don’t act like it. She doesn’t beat the dead horse with assigning blame, like Trial 1 Fuuta would have, but she isn’t trying to force consequences for Es’s decisions like Kotoko would have.
Fuuta and Kotoko operate on simpler terms of black and white morality, which feeds their behavior before and during their time in Milgram. Yuno is acutely aware of society’s perceptions and that situations vary in terms of complexity so blanket statements like FORGIVEN and NOT FORGIVEN are ultimately useless. It doesn’t allow for nuance and just causes trouble.
18. What non DECO Vocaloid song fits them?
To be honest, I don’t really know any Japanese songs outside of Milgram. She’d probably sing Katy Perry’s “Hot n Cold” to Es and Jackalope as an additional middle finger to Milgram.
Maybe, Kesha’s “Woman”? No, I think “Die Young” fits her vibe better. It’s a fun song to dance and sing to, especially when the drums hit. Yuno can pop off to it.
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skjeinon · 2 years
okay i think my heart exploded after that dad!rod fic (coping with daddy issues too bff 🤙) so can we get like maybe you're rod's stepdaughter and you get insecure abt not belonging to the family but he's there to calm you down & tell you you're part of the family too
rod daughter becoming a thing on my account ?? slay, if it means i get to write more soft stuff
when you moved out and your mom married rod, it became hard to adjust. your mom and rod met when you were apart of the canes’ junior internship and they met at some canes dinner you had been invited to. they got so close that you suspected they were dating, him even showing up at your graduation. your mother was a widow so it felt nice to have a father figure as close as him.
something that you struggled with though was holidays. especially after college. your mom begged you to go local, but the begging wasn’t much needed. nc state had a lot of programs with the canes and it was your main reason to even stay local. so every holiday, especially christmas, you were stuck at home with your mom, rod and rods.. kids. obviously the boys came by for a coach/player family dinner and the martinooks and staals took time with coach cause it was who they bonded closest with, and to you that felt like family, at least by a sports teams standards but being around rods you just stuck out.
they loved your mom and they seemed to like you but it felt like none of them ever wanted to be around you for more than an awkward conversation. last one around the dinner table? they leave cause they can’t make conversation. stuck downstairs while everyone else has gone to bed? they leave cause they can’t make conversation. maybe it was all in your head but it just always felt.. weird.
at one point it got so bad that your mom pulled you to the side and had to ask what was wrong when you were doing homework in the kitchen while they all sat in the living room, laughing over some hockey story that skyler had to share.
“honey what’s wrong?”
“nothing, mom..” you smiled at her weakly, the screen in front of you glowing.
“obviously there is. please tell me.” her eyebrows were knitted together, she looked worried.
“well.. i um.. i just feel like his kids don’t like me.”
“honey.. you’ve known them for years now, why don’t you think that?”
“well.. every time i’ve been here, even for just the weekend and one of them is here, they just struggle to make conversation. or they- well i don’t know. i just feel like they just hate me.”
“i promise you they don’t..” she let out a soft sigh. she took your hand into hers and looked into the living room. rods eyes met hers. she gave him a worried look so he parted from the conversation and joined her in the kitchen.
“what’s wrong, kiddo?”
you loved that nickname. he only ever called you kiddo. you felt special.
you didn’t want to speak, you were almost embarrassed over the way you felt. like it was just in your head or something. your mom spoke up.
“she thinks the boys and briley just.. don’t like her.”
a look i’d worry even formed on his face. “oh my god.. no - kiddo hey..” he looked down at you and a visible look of sadness had formed on it. he had to think of something to say.
“look it’s nothing it’s fine.” you shook your head, looking back at your screen.
“no, no it’s not.. look. me and every person in there loves you just like they love each other. the only reason they can’t hold a conversation is just because they don’t know you that well. sometimes they just aren’t around enough to get to know you… and that’s on them. they tell me all the time that they wish they could talk to you more. that’s why they’re here this whole week.. so they can try to get to know you and your mom. you have nothing to prove to me because you’re already my daughter but to them, you’re a whole new person. they want to be your siblings so bad but they just struggle with communicating..” there was a short pause. “just like their dad.” he smiled, a smile forming on your face as well.
your mom walks around to the other side of the island and wrapped her arms around you. you felt safe against her.
“see.. it’s alright.” she smiled, kissing your head before looking back at rod.
“so.. since you know that.. do you want to try and be a little more open this week? me and your mom want to see you smile a little more” he offers, placing his hand against the back of your laptop to slowly close it.
you nodded and brought your hand to your face, quickly wiping the tears that had began to form in your eyes.
the rest of the night you spend it with the family, trying to finally click with the siblings. you learned that it would take a while but you were finally making progress. it probably meant more to you than it did anyone else but rod did help make you feel better.. he’s probably the best backup dad you could’ve asked for.
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vogelmeister · 1 year
1 and 13 for the weird writer’s asks?
1. This actually made go and check the settings on Goud. It’s this, if you’re wondering:
Tumblr media
So yeah. Also, if you are wondering, lot of my older works are in Carimba Math which is a slay.
The one font I cannot stand with anything, not with academic work, not with anything, is Calibri. It feels too drafty, too messy, I cannot format or get an idea of anything as a finished work in Calibri. Its a 'jotting-down-ideas-in-a-doc-that-will-be-eventually-named-asdfhjkl' type font. My brain can’t handle it. If im being serious about what I am putting in the doc, if I want it to become a project, and I think it has potential, we are changing the font first.
13. Honestly no. Not on the difficult scale. I haven't had scenes or subjects that are hard to write, mostly because I avoid them. Because like, why would I do that to myself when my stories are written for my own pleasure (even though Goud is a fucked up story if you think about it, but like, why would I write shit thats hard for me to write emotionally when I am not here to traumatise myself to the point where I actually need therapy. Most things about me revealed in my writing aren't serious)
Actually, you know what, bringing this up has answered the second part of the question. What is easy. Let's use my recent example here even if there are others, because I could use my stories to mirror my life for hours. Luna Mayborune and the worlds most hated science teacher I am looking at you. Miss Anne-Fleur de Smet, everyone's favourite Amsterdam resident who longs to fuck off and see the world. Actually she wants to see a mountain. In America. Anne-Fleur's whole thing of I don't like my home country and would like to leave forever has revealed emotions I have packed away nicely but I wouldn't say that is hard for me to write about emotionally. Like I am just like, eh, whatever. And yeah, that makes Anne-Fleur a much easier character to write for me, because, like, I get it. Sure it's interesting for me to write a character that actively hates the Netherlands knowing me, but like I have experience in Wanting To Leave. It wasn't that hard for me to unpack that, and in turn, it makes that easier for me to write. It also made the character who was originally the 2-D character that cheated on Merel and made her so much more real and human. Sure she's a bit intense about it, a whole lot more than me, but like yeah. I get it. She's an awful person but I get that part of her and if that's what its going to take to not make her a flat out evil person, then so be it. I don't agree with how she emotionally handles it, but whatever we ball.
Another less developed example of the "Oh, this is revealing something about me but it's nothing major" thing in Goud is Dirk-Jan coming home from Belgium and being like, oh god, things have changed around here and I am just expected to know and adapt. Once again, I have been through that. It made me go 'hmpf we should unpack that one, Ava.' but on the whole, not traumatic. Incredibly easy.
In turn the subjects that aren't overly traumatic and just on the who make me go "oh" and I have personally experienced are easier.
I hope this makes sense.
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