#and i care about god
lilacandladybugs · 3 years
“You have to answer to God for all of this crap.”
“Oh sweetie, I know your God. I know him so well. He raised me, demanded my unquestioning devotion to him, told me that my value lay in my obedience, and my future in servitude. He kept me chained in silence, told me to forgive my abusers. He told me that without him, I was worth nothing, and demanded that I trust him even as he ignored my cries for help. He called me his daughter, and then dangled me over the flames of hell. And when he decided not to drop me in he said, “See? It’s because I love you.” So let me be perfectly clear: He has to answer to me first (x).”
Ok, so. I’m gunna talk about my experiences and thoughts with these ideas bc it matters to me a lot and while it’s really well written and clever it just is like such a fundamental misunderstanding of who God is. 
If nothing else i hope i can offer you this: God is so patient, and gentle, and kind, and loving.
He sits with us like someone training dogs to trust people again, not touching us, but sitting in our presence in humility, he is not demanding, his love is an open invitation and that is all. He waits for us. He listens to us. He welcomes us to ask him questions, to test him, he says, “Come, let us reason together.” 
He made everything that is tender and delicate and beautiful for us, he has lived for all eternity in a perfect loving relationship because he is one God in three persons, and he made us because he delights in sharing that love with others.
He leads us by clean pastures and quiet waters. He promises to restore your soul.
He does not want to be represented to us by his power. He comes to us in the whisper. 
That’s the God that I saw at 3 am lying awake staring at the ceiling fan, that’s the God that I met in the road under a streetlight, and that’s the one that I want to tell you about. 
So I will probably write a series of posts about it if I have the energy (we’ll see what happens bc she does an excellent job of distilling a lot of complex ideas and criticisms and feelings in a really short amount of time, and it will take me way longer to explain my perspective on God than it took her) but here are some topics this brings up that I’m planning on talking about:
Who is God exactly, and how can we know him?
How does the Bible view the value of humanity?
What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
Do people have value apart from God?
How do various atheist philosophies view the value of humanity?
Explain the concept of obedience to God
Isn’t that just the same as compliance?
Why is sin bad? What is sin?
How does the Bible talk about abuse?
How do atheist philosophies talk about abuse?
Does God care about abuse victims?
How does the Bible talk about forgiveness? What is forgiveness?
Why should I trust a God who has never protected me? 
There is no good father who would allow abuse to happen to me without rescuing me. 
How then can God call himself a good father?
If God is loving, why would he send people to hell?
What is love?
What is justice?
What is mercy?
im aware this is like a whole book worth of information and if u think I won’t do it hold my beer watch this lol
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kal-culator · 2 years
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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ive been laughing about psychomedian for the past hour
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squiddlysq · 2 years
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Ingo has forgotten what a Five Night at Freddy is but he has not forgotten. The Terror.
obvs based on this stupid ass post
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moffymoth · 3 years
I find it funny that Gir became a cute merchandise icon when in the show and comics he’s probably one of the more horrific characters on there. Like yes he’s very cute but Gir doesn’t have any morals and has killed multiple people on occasion. The world is his sandbox and the people around him are at the mercy of his whims.
Edit: Yes, I know this is exactly why some of you liked him, I like it too. I’m mad because there’s no official merch of Gir being a menace to society.
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natjennie · 2 years
what really gets me about "you brought history's greatest pirate to ruin" is that stede didnt. he didnt do anything to blackbeard. he was only ever in the company of ed. and he gave ed so many outs. never once pushed anything on him he didnt want to do. from the very first "do you fancy a fine fabric?" "can you keep a secret?" to the agreement to teach each other after the lighthouse plan to "co-captain?" "co-captain?" to "you'd save me a seat, wouldnt you?" to "you dont have to do this" to "and what makes ed happy?" stede always puts the option in ed's hands. he never, not once, presumes what ed wants. he is kind, and open, and courteous. and yet he continues to blame himself, to feel such great shame for wanting, even when the other party wants it too.
during the whole beach scene, ed is making the decisions. he's doing what he wants to do, what makes him happy. he asks if stede wants to come with him, if he agrees to the plan. there is no forcefulness in anything that they do with each other ever. the idea that stede has done anything to ed is ridiculous; if ed, if blackbeard was against anything stede did he would fucking know about it.
but the fact that badminton got so under stede's skin that he couldn't see that. he couldnt possibly understand that ed would choose to be with him, choose to go along with what he suggested, because god knows no one else in his life has ever trusted stede's judgement or been kind or gone along with him willingly. so of course he assumes he must have manipulated ed in some way. he must have been ruining him, seeping into the cracks and becoming an awful puppet master, ed could never want to be with him, of course it's his fault. you know!!!!
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ariespsyche · 3 years
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i just think they should have matching fancy outfits...
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chucktaylorupset · 2 years
its been a million years.  percy has gone from young millenial to squarely gen z.  i think that while he’s up on that mountain demanding the gods pay their fucking child support, he should tell hera at the top of his sixteen year old pipsqueak lungs that polyamory is a thing now and she doesn’t have to define her marriage the traditional way if she doesn’t want to.  she’s the goddess of all marriages!  that includes these modern ones too!!
hera is like zeus would you agree to an open relationship zeus is like SOLD i have been trying to do this for years, completely neglects to read the fine print that this goes two ways before signing on the dotted line for this deal with the prada wearing devil because fundamentally, zeus is an asshole
hera starts hooking up with committed married couples and having SUPREMELY powerful demigod children.  they are all her favorites and she lavishes them with powers and gifts and attention.  she has, unlike the other gods, no millenia of experience with mortal children to temper her reaction, and so this whole move honestly causes more problems than not.
meanwhile hades and persephone; poeseidon and amphirite; dionysus and ariadne; all of them have been trying to talk to hera about this thing for DECADES and then perseus fucking protagonist powers jackson comes in and turns a quarter of a century into wasted work.
#my post#pjo#it's very key that zeus is big butthurt about this#and that most of the olympians are ethically nonmonogamous thanks to some great work done by either aphrodite or eros#back at the end of the 1900s#being a child of hera is extremely weird because you're not prepared for it like most single parents of demigods are#also most of heras partners come out okay but ALL of them are 'blessed' to never be divorced which uh#can have some variability in terms of results#gods are complicated kids#a lot of hera demigods come up with parents who have very healthy relationships and pass on those emotional intelligence skills!#and then they start coming into their powers and suddenly they inherit a girlboss pta mom who will speak to the manager#and WILL support them taking over the world cause it's what they deserve. if that's what they want <3#most of them are emotionally healthy enough that they don't even Want to take over the world but uh. they sure are offered that as option#if they want to#hera kids have the Oposite problem of a lot of demigods who have gods practiced in loving mortal kids#they're like i cannot stress how much we Do Not Have To Prove Ourselves to her#we have to be very careful about wanting things she will just handle them  to us also#once we get married we can't divorce she would either kill us or it would Be A Thing for the rest of our lives#it's... very stressful to be a child of hera#they mostly try to befriend the chill party kids because they need to catch some Chill
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sonknuxadow · 3 years
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harksness · 3 years
Me watching Sersi's relationships with Dane and Ikaris:
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Me watching Phastos and his husband, and Makkari and Druig:
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mstrchu · 2 years
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*shakes myself upside down*
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tls123 · 2 years
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people’s favorite the untamed scenes  —  for @trans-xianxian
jiang cheng’s take care
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panncakes · 2 years
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Pran choosing Pat.
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hephaestuscrew · 2 years
I think every Wolf 359 fan should look at the timeline of the show every once in while and find something to go insane about.
Like the fact that the whole podcast happens over the course of just over two years, and Eiffel spent 193 days of that time entirely alone on Lovelace's shuttle... Or the fact that they were already 448 days into the mission by the time of the first episode and Eiffel still hadn't taken the DSSPPM out of its plastic wrapping... Or the fact that it took 607 days of living together before Minkowski mentioned her husband to Eiffel and Hera... Or the fact that Lovelace had been on the station for only 14 days when Eiffel nearly died from Decima and only 21 days when Eiffel got stranded in deep space... Or the fact that it was Day 666 when he got stranded... Or the fact that there were 81 days between Minkowski finding out about Eiffel's jail sentence and her telling him that she knew... Or the fact that Minkowski, Eiffel and Jacobi spent 15 days under Pryce's mind control... Or the fact that the second Hephaestus mission was 1223 days long when it was only meant to be 730... Or the fact that there were nearly 7 years between Isabel Lovelace arriving on the Hephaestus for the first time and her finally leaving it behind for good...
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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Hornet my beloved,,,
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b4kuch1n · 3 years
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I’m now on a mental mountain retreat to do nothing but guzzle melted snow and draw psychonauts stuff
#psychonauts#razputin aquato#lili zanotto#sasha nein#milla vodello#ft. spirou#PSYCHONAUTS 2 SPOILERS AHOY#gods I fucking love raz#I didnt get to like. be entrenched in the first psychonauts due to being seven at the time#and also poor as fuck#and also not in the US#but when the news about psychonauts 2 came out baku's transformation immediately begun#and slowly. they metamorphosize into. a psychonauts enjoyer#man I care raz so much he sparks joy#ESPECIALLY in 2 he is so baby!! why did they make him so freakign baby in 2!!!#like psychonauts 1 raz: a little rascal. a well meaning little gremlin. as willing to curse you out as he is to help#psychonauts 2 raz: Just Trying His Fuckign Best Oh My Gods Can Someone Please Pat His Head#it's probably because at camp he's the same age as all the kids#but at the motherlobe he is literally The Youngest#and everyone's legit intimidating#(I think about sam boole. I think about her a normal amount)#GODS the way raz says always 'my friend dogen' like honey!! buddy!! darlin#clenches fists. I Care He#(in more uh. personal news. it's been hectic today so this is how I cope lol)#(some gumroad news started my day out Very off)#(and the sitch in hanoi's getting a bit tighter so. that's stressful)#(but I'm dealin. I finished drawing before midnight today so maybe I'll get a good amount of sleep for the day)#holds onto psychonauts 2 like a limpet this is My sleepover and I get to choose the coping mechanism#my mountain retreat babey!!#that said tho I still wanna finish sketching the leon comic this week
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