#and i didnt see much but there wasnt anything wrong with the art of it i saw
tsams-confessions · 20 days
This fandom is slowly but surely turning into the undertale community. Also why are we drawing chapters pregnant I just got jump-scared by pregnant moon….. y’all know Davis is on this platform right? …… r-right?!?
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aria0fgold · 4 months
I always wondered how anyone was able to write something with more than 5k words when I'd always struggle with it but now with how this mhyk fic is going I'm like: I understand. Also I feel like my writing has improved somehow? Which I'm really REALLY happy for.
#aria rants#its easier for me to put my thoughts to words now that it felt like i was on a roll. and tbf the fic's story being more on the lighthearted#chaotic side helped a lot with that cuz i can just go ham with it but like going from one scene to the next was easier for me today somehow#honestly really proud and happy to see myself improve in writing too cuz its the first skill im rlly proud of myself for#like when i was a kid i was first an art kid. id draw mermaids and stuff in my notebook with a pencil but after i tried out writing#just focused all on writing instead and for the longest time. i wasnt actually confident with my writing so much so that there were#moments where id think back to the past and wished that i kept going with art instead of writing cuz it felt like the years#ive spent on writing was a waste in a way where i didnt improve anything at all. also didnt help that i chose to keep writing#using 1st pov which is ngl. a wrong move with how really difficult it was to pull off esp as a beginner#it wasnt until last year that i began to grow a lil confident with my writing enough to post bout it (omori fics and all that)#and tbh! i am confident bout it now too! and happy that im pursuing art as well and improving on BOTH!#its the best thing and im rlly happy with how everything is going for me. i got great friends that im so happy to have made#a new and old skill that im making improvements and also growth for my own self too >:3#anyway i fooled you all this was actually a heartfelt message in disguise mwahahahahaha
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razzmothazz · 5 months
i think its so funny when youre on the wrong side of the pjsk fandom before you get into it because you will see people talking about rui like hes trying to kill tsukasa and is literally making saw traps just to put that guy in them like a lab rat and is just absolutely evil and manipulative and then you actually read the stories and rui is just such a kind and caring guy that when tsukasa did get hurt by his machines [ON ACCIDENT] he straight up went welp. guess im never doing anything dangerous ever again and im a failure as a director and only got over it when tsukasa started screaming at him that he likes his crazy ideas and if he didnt want to do them he simply wouldnt. or when rui got hurt when tsukasa couldnt test the thing out and his thought was just "well im glad it wasnt tsukasa that got hurt :] it would really mess up the show if our star✩ was the injured one"
or you will see people talking about ena like shes the worst person ever and is just mean to everyone for fun and hates everyone with her whole being. and again. you read the stories and shes just a girl that struggles with her emotions. shes trying her best but she just never learned how to control her emotions and how to deal with them because she lives in a home where everyone feels somewhat hostile towards her, especially her father who she feels only wants to aggravate her on purpose because he never clearly communicates with her. you can see she is very kind and caring as well, especially visible with how she treats mizuki and their secret. yes shes mean at first but shes clearly trying to work on her issues and do better. her relationship with akito is very complicated but she clearly cares about him too, which is shown in the childhood flashback where she tells him that he should find something to do that he loves and stick to it, she encouraged him to not give up so easily on something if it feels right and he lives by those words to this day.
and akito is portrayed as an asshole, especially to ena, but he also clearly cares about her. hes not good at stating it but he clearly shows it with my favourite example being when ena was having something of a breakdown and was trashing her art supplies. akito walked in, agitated at the noise but as soon as he saw what she was doing he was clearly worried. he didnt want her giving up on her passion, just like ena didnt want him to give up on his. of course, ena in the emotional state she was in didnt listen, but akito knows her. his "you will regret this" mightve been taken as mean and something he said just to be annoying but it wasnt. he said that because he knows his sister and how much she wants to create, and she would definetly regret getting rid of all that stuff. he tried his best to calm her down in some way, to talk to her, to give her some time to think about this and if this is really something she wants to do or if her emotions are getting the best of her again.
i think about that moment at least 5 times a day because its such a nothing scene but it actually shows so much to me, as someone who was both ena and akito in similar situations. sorry i care a lot about the shinonome siblings they mean the world to me
tldr: rui isnt a manipulative ass he just has a hobby, ena isnt a bitch she just doesnt know how to deal with emotions properly and has trouble understanding how others feel, and akito isnt a shitling of a brother he actually tries his best
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internet-overdosed · 3 months
What's the point of living? like, genuinely. All i do is wake up, dread the day, power through the day, and then go home and go to sleep.
There's not much to it, I'm not smart, i never study even though i want to, and when i do get the motivation to study i never actually remember anything. I'm a below average student, no one in my family would be proud of that.
I have classmates who consider themselves my friends but honestly i feel no connection towards them. People online are a similar story, i do care about them though. Sometimes i love someone so much it flips a switch in my brain and i start hating them or i start being so scared of them that i cry whenever i even see their name.
I have no one, and no one has me. I'm in a constant cycle of loneliness but its no ones fault other than my own.
I don't have talents, i suck at everything. And even in the things i have skill in, its never enough, im always worse than the people around me. Art, music, dance, everything.
I'm ugly, im overweight, im just a fly that happened to land on an incomplete masterpiece. a fly that dies from being trapped in the drying paint.
I have a terrible personality, a personality i steal from the people around me. And right now ive stolen it from someone who didnt care for me or my friends and deeply hurt them.
I've hurt so many people. People who loved and cared for me. I've abandoned so many people. I myself am scared of abandonment, which is why i leave people first. Which is something i didnt even notice about myself until my best friend (who i later abandoned) pointed it out.
When i try to make friends or talk to people i always mess it up and say the wrong thing, they always end up hating me or thinking i hate them and i just dont know what to do anymore.
I'm always sad and lonely and i just wanna die. I don't even deserve to feel that way cause ive had a pretty good life.
My mom tried her best, she had a fucked up life and turned into a fucked up person. She tries her best though. She deserves better than some rat child who hates her because her best just wasnt enough apparently. sure, i live in a room where theres no space cause theres trash everywhere, i have to share a bed with my mom, but thats nothing compared to everyone elses issues.
My life doesnt matter, its just a cycle of pain i put myself through.
I just want one person i can love and who loves me back, thats all. Thats all i want before i end my miserable little life.
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theygotlost · 1 month
alright guys. here's the 411 on norm. i was gonna save most of this for the master doc but i dont think im finishing that any time soon.
norman goldmeyer is bishop's best friend. he's the studio art instructor at the same university and they're practically joined at the hip during their free time. he has a husband eugene whos a real sensitive sweet shy guy, kinda like if my star trek oc marty was gay i guess (both personality and aesthetically lol). I wont bother making a whole post about eugene cause he has a pretty minor role but he's there.
norm is like bishop's opposite, always energetic and cheerful and extroverted and very much a fun goofy uncle type of guy. the thing about norm is that when he sees someone who seems withdrawn or lonely or standing off alone in the corner, he makes it his mission to coax them out of their shell. bishop never really gelled well with the other professors. she was always professional and respectful, but she's just not very social and it's not easy for her to connect on a personal level. norman was the only one who persisted in getting to know her and try to make her smile and let her swag blossom. and ofc the gay solidarity helps a lot too. this setting is totally anachronistic with the legal same sex marriage and professors being openly gay while keeping their job at a prestigious private academic institution but there's still a persisting sense of otherness that norman empathizes with.
because of his skills as an artist, the local organized crime outfit coerced him into creating forgeries and counterfeit bills and documents for them. obviously he didnt want to get involved but they threatened to kill eugene if he refused, and it wasnt even a question for him after that— he'd do absolutely anything if it meant keeping eugene safe. they also threatened him if he told eugene or anyone else about what was going on, and the stress of keeping up a double life was wearing him down. it made the quality of his forgeries worse and it all went wrong when two of the mobsters told him he better improve his work fast or else there would be consequences. they only meant to give him a warning, but there was a moment of panic and confusion and the more hotheaded of the two fatally shot norman and they had to dump the body in a hurry (these guys are like, really imcompetent honestly. in a more lighthearted story it would be funny. imagine mr. pin and mr. tulip).
ive already made multiple comparisons between bishop and walter white, so to extend the breaking bad influence ever further norman is a lot like gale boetticher. poor guy wasnt cut out for the criminal underworld, they just needed his expertise and he was too afraid for the wellbeing of himself and his loved ones to back out and dies unceremoniously becuase of it ☹
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thedogeveryonehates · 11 months
Hi tömblr gang, ran into a situation at work, pls advise:
Got on a consultation call with a US customer at work
US performing arts student, african american, 19/20 years old i think
As I was going through my pitch with them, we also made some casual conversation
They used the word 'rizz' jokingly
Already knowing what rizz means, but trying to keep up conversation to have a back and forth going, i asked what it meant, saying that i was from indonesia so i wasnt too familiar
After explaining it, they made the wild assumption that: since i didnt know what rizz meant, "i was 'actively ignorant' to aave and therefore 'kinda racist' "
I then confessed that i knew what it meant, we kinda laughed about it, and the rest of the call went fine
Our calls are recorded and since the heads of department always review our calls, i was worried that being calleda racist would affect my performance review - which is next week. I talked to my sales head afterwards about it and he said it was fine but he's gonna bring it up with the boss to see if theres anything we can learn from the call lmao
Anyways, is this the normal thought process ppl go through? Like what if i genuinely didnt know what some words meant - do I just avoid asking what things mean? I dont think i did anything particularly wrong
Them jumping to that conclusion seemed very much exaggerate-y, but I was wondering if this thought process is normal, or if its just a newer generation thing, or if this would never actually happen a second time and i just got unlucky with who i was paired up with.
I'm getting on calls with ppl from the US, EUR, and AUS daily now in this role (fuck my life) and need some input hehe
Help an indo boy out
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dazaisreason · 2 months
Sufism and forms of it
I have noted there are not much information about cape malays on this app so i will be giving a fair share of information for people who want to learn more of their culture. I am trying to spread more information of the culture as an asian as respectful as i can. If i have stated anything wrong or depicted it in an off way you may correct me i am going off of what i have seen and information i have gathered >^<
I also took photos in which you can see the website aswell incase you want to know where i got the information from.
I was scrolling through pinterest, usually i add books i find interesting to a pinterestboard i saved and i saw a book about 'Sufism'. It reminded me of my Brothers name and it sounded like i had heard it before. I still have the picture
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Posted by Scribd on pinterest
Now about Sufism. You could talk to some Sufis yourself (through quora) etc. Afterall i am not one so i might not be able to catch their perspective well or how sufism is construction or rules to it there are.
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There is debate on what is sufism. Some might say it is just a way to follow a religion or that it is a form of islam that some muslims practice. Giving up nafs to devote yourself to Allah. Some people refer to them as 'True believers' others as 'Delusional' or intertwining themselves with the jinn.
Jinn is a different being other than muslims youll need to look into the quran for that. You have different types of jinns. Sometimes even muslim jinns.
And for 'Nafs'
Nafs (نَفْس) is an Arabic word occurring in the Quran, literally meaning "self", and has been translated as "psyche", "ego" or "soul". The term is cognate ... read more into it i couldnt load the website myself.
( from en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Nafs )
It is quite the mystic belief. And to add some muslims do not see it as valid due to the music & dance aswell or because they are puttiing too much effort.
(I am not sure since some say music is when lyrics and instruments are used. This is also a debate within the muslim community aswell)
Nafs is desires in my words.
I have observed my fair share of extreme muslims and things related to it. Many muslims debate on this type of religousness and form islam. The practice being foreign to alot of non-muslims.
Some see it as detached from islam due to it being seen as 'bid'ah'
Bid'ah - In Islamic law, when used without qualification, bid'ah denotes any newly invented matter that is without precedent and is in opposition to the Quran and Sunnah. Scholars generally have divided bid'ah into two types: innovations in worldly matters and that of in religious matters.
(Got from wikipedia)
I have seen a form of sufism when attending a function with family members to a family friend. My grandpa (2) was friends with this person and they invited our family over.
Have you ever heard of Ratiep? Ratiep is a practice of sufism performed by cape malays. It is an art form rooted in sufi muslim traditions, looked at as 'taboo' by some people.
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The scenario that i saw played out, drums were playing im not sure but it was a very intense thing. They drew out their swords and slammed it on their wrists/forearm while reciting something. I say something because i do not know much about the practice. I do not know what they were reciting. Not a drop of blood was seen. It is a spiritual trance state, it is said
'Pure, clean and clear. Their minds need to be free of sin and focused. Pure, clean and clear, if not the sword would cut their arm off. They go for training too.'
- My mothers words. I tried to interview her on the topic but she wasnt brought up like that so she didnt know much besides this one time we were invited. She didnt know anything besides that sufism exists and that they need to be 'pure' and go for training. Any other muslim would be able to tell you that aswell.
It is seen as very interesting to me, it shows how many forms and practices there are in religion. Islam is truly very diverse.
There were children running around the stage the men were on while the men were hitting the swords on their wrists, they did not falter not even for a second. It truly showed how concentrated and absorbed they were.
Afterwards maybe hours later im not sure i was a kid then, i remember talking to one of the men, a short greeting. A simple selamat. He seemed quite normal. (That sounds off but its because people assume these people have psychosis or things related to that. 'out of their minds' kind of.)
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It certainly sparks up a conversation, is this kind of devotion to a religion normal or should it be accepted? Though many followers of religion dont strive to be the absorbed followers, there are people who do.
This is a simple piece of writing i made due to being interested on the subject. I do not accept the demonization of these people or romanticization either.
I do think it could have bad effects if not done correctly but thats a personal opinion. I do like it if it is done genuinely. It seems quite enchanting aswell.
Very interesting!
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zushimart · 1 year
my modern au hc for scara & ei has always been tht she was a working single mom of two and nvr had time to put twds her kids (and she nvr received luv from her own mother so she has a lot of trouble giving what she nvr got). she probably had a very “hands off” approach to parenting, thinking it was better if she wasnt as involved bc she didnt want to “ruin” anything w/her interference, but it kind of manifested as neglect & a very distant parent-child relationship. she doesnt know much about him at all and scara thinks she doesnt care at all (she does care, she just doesn’t know how to properly express it). and while his younger sister, raiden, stonewalls to protect herself (bc, through scara, she sees what happens if u DO care/set those expectations for their mother), scara doesn’t and just gets hurt over and over by that perceived lack of interest in his life. i also think ei’s also very down-to-earth and practical, so when scara starts expressing a love for the arts (in his last yrs of high school + starts applying to colleges) she tries to steer him away and into a stereotypical money making career (doctor, businessman, computer scientist, etc.). he goes to school for art against her advice, and their relationship is very tense till this day. i think modern au scara understands on some level that this is an intergenerational trauma thing and not malicious intent on her behalf, but he cant help but feel wronged. ykyk. like why couldnt ei be supportive, proud? why can’t she tell him she loves him? 😞💔 anyway in his adulthood i bet he’s a successful artist ... maybe a scholar of the arts (art history major in college? maybe goes to a trade school for something) and dabbles in making his own on the side. maybe sculpting or pottery... jewelry making possibly. i think he’d know how to do a lot of things with his hands. i bet he knows how to sew or embroider, detailed finger painting... charcoal... he just works with a lot of mediums. probably sells his work or has his art displayed in a gallery every once in awhile. doesn’t tell anyone ever, though. he’s too shy to show his art to people he’s close to (he never EVER wants to show ei. it wld hurt too much if she was unimpressed w his work, but i think she definitely peruses his works without him knowing on online galleries or news articles. she reads academic papers he posts, etc.. silent, proud from afar, achingly unsure how to connect). 
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
while I dont agree with your take on banshees ( I enjoyed it and I felt colin delivered a really good perfomance and I found his performance to be much stronger than austin tbh) I can actually see why someone may not like it, its structured like an irish fable and its comedy is very bleek, mundane and absurdist which is not something someone might be looking for in a comedy. I can see how that comedic style may not connect with everyone as opposed to the romanitic comedy or a buddy comedy. My sister had a similar opinion where she couldnt connect with the film and lost interest in it real quick.
But to that one anon, its unfair to expect everyone to understand the allegory of irish civil war, if the viewer couldnt see the connections then it may be because the film didnt truly contextualize the setting or the histories of the characters or maybe the viewer just wasnt invested in the film.
Also art in general has multiple meanings, the allegory to civil war is one of many themes the film presents.
I agree women king should have been there but dont hate me but Im taking out elvis.
while I dont agree with your take on banshees ( I enjoyed it and I felt colin delivered a really good perfomance
I definitely felt like Colin's acting was strong in this film. The entire cast was great imo. Very believable. 😊👍🏾 I've just seen Colin in other films where I felt like his acting was more noteworthy. There wasn't really anything that really stood out to me that made me say that his acting was much BETTER than Brendan's or Austin's. I'm sorry. 🤷🏾‍♀️ That's just my opinion.
and I found his performance to be much stronger than austin tbh)
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Yeeeaaa see, I'm sorry but this is where I'm gonna have to disagree with you here lol 😆
In all honesty, I actually think that Austin probably had the hardest job out of all the other nominees. I venture to guess he probably worked the hardest as well. He and Baz poured their blood, sweat and tears into that film...a prep and filming that took all in all about 2 and a half years in the making...
Having to not only act, but also sing, play piano, play guitar, work with a vocal coach who not only had to train him on speaking with a southern drawl, but also how to SPEAK like Elvis spoke, SING like Elvis sang, MOVE like Elvis moved, have the same mannerisms that Elvis had, etc... and this is someone who's larger than life that everyone knew/knows, so the pressure to nail it must have been immense!
Add on top of that, thanks to covid, they could no longer film the movie in chronological order, so one day, Austin had to be 1968 Elvis, and the very next day be Elvis from the 50s.... including having to tweak his singing AND speaking voice for those various decades because Elvis' voice changed over the years. 🥴 I mean, to make sure you don't get confused with all of that... That in itself is amazing.
Austin's acting may not have been Shakespeare lol, but imo he did a very excellent job, and really stood out (even above Tom Hanks) in the role, and that's very hard to do since Tom is a GOAT. They have some very TENSE scenes together in the film which I think Austin did beautifully imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Colin's acting was good too (don't get wrong), but imo just about anyone could have been in the role and it would have been the same. Nothing really stood out to me. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Imo, Brendan's acting in "The Whale" is the best, with Austin being a close second based on the top 3 contenders that I've seen so far of nominated "Best Actors".
I haven't seen EEAAO yet, so my mind might change after that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I can actually see why someone may not like it, its structured like an irish fable and its comedy is very bleek, mundane and absurdist which is not something someone might be looking for in a comedy. I can see how that comedic style may not connect with everyone as opposed to the romanitic comedy or a buddy comedy. My sister had a similar opinion where she couldnt connect with the film and lost interest in it real quick.
I actually don't mind dry humor, or even films from a foreign perspective. I actually like some foreign films, and I did find some of the scenes in the church confessional to be pretty funny lol 🤣
I just wouldn't really call it a "comedy", but to each his/her own 🤷🏾‍♀️
I agree women king should have been there but dont hate me but Im taking out elvis.
Lol I'm not gonna hate you lol 😂 Everyone is entitled to their own opinions! That's the beauty of art!
I mean, the way "Woman King" has just been completely IGNORED by the Academy, when this is usually the type of movie based on historical elements that they typically seem to like.... is just very very interesting to me. 😒
I looked through the list of Best Picture again and I tried to find a "weakest link" lol, but I honestly can't find one tbh. Of all the films I've seen, I think they ALL have smthg great about them.
I personally wouldn't take out "Elvis" because to me it was probably one of Baz Luhrmann's Best films (jmho lol), and the film itself said a lot about a time in US history, fighting for civil rights, amongst an artist and singer blended into the very fabric of American living, and how the music really touched different aspects of people's lives. Not to mention, the fact that Elvis wouldn't be anywhere without black music, which I felt the film tried to highlight beautifully.
It was hard to cram 30 years of someone's life into a 2.5 hour movie, but I felt like Baz did the best he could do!
Honestly? You're probably going to hate me lol, but if I had to take out one film I've seen so far and put "Woman King" in for BP nomination, I would actually take out "The Banshees of Inisherin" 👀 I'm sorry!! 🙈😅😅
Compared to the other films on that list? 👀 Like, c'mon lol 😆
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sonicboomseason3 · 2 years
Feel free to not respond to or to delete this ask, but I witnessed that one ask you for with... A lot of Sonic characters in it. I think I can help you with "Traffic Light"
I could be wrong, but that seems to be the team name people call Mighty the Armadillo, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and Scourge the Hedgehog, because of their coloration. (red, yellow, green)
Alright, that's all! Love your S3 posts, you have great ideas, sorry you're getting people who come and make demands like that. 🥰
oh thank you for the explanation!! when i googled it earlier i didnt see anything so i was confused. anyway ive never read archie and thus know jack shit about any of them, especially mighty and ray. im aware theyre also part of the classic lore but i dont know much about that era outside of the main 4 characters either.
i also wasnt too bothered by the ask lol it was just one person that im positive is a kid that debatably is too young to be on this site. being called a karen for being concerned about art theft made me laugh though
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our-inspire-verse · 5 months
More sad below
(Written earlier, posted when i got time) my art VV
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Its just sorta sucky bc everyone apparently knew before i did. And it wasnt like it was denial, Cadance looked at me with so much pity and i had no reason to understand why "this tired is different" meant i would LOSe him. I didn't know that the "sometimes i got tired and need to rest for a few days haha! I'll be alright" didnt extend past his 50s. I had no idea to even fully comprehend that he wouldn't always be there. I wasn't stupid, I'd grown up around death and loss and change, but I'd spent 30 years being aggressively shown that people i loved dearest wouldn't leave me for anything in the universe, and would face death for me. I never paused to think too hard about it because i didn't know what i would do. And i was right. I didnt know. I froze.
I keep seeing the memory of realizing things were about to change. Me, Cadance and Danny were playing in the living room with pool noodles. It was just a random fucking day man. It was just, us being us. Stupid bullshit when my world was collapsing. Everything was about to be the worst it ever EVER would be for me. And i was laughing so hard i was lightheaded with Dan. We were slinging styrofoam at each other and i didnt even notice the phone ring. I didnt think too hard on seeing Alder's face, i thought, oh, work. He'll tell me when he hangs up:)
And the playing got softer from the other 2. I didnt understand that they were eavesdropping subtly. I didn't know they'd seen that phonecall enough to know why i should have stopped. It didnt matter, they told me eventually. It didn't matter because Alder pulled me aside, alone into his room.
He told me he had a very serious doctor appointment coming up, and he needed me to be there for it if i could. Of course, anything Bobby. I called him Bobby, because Aldi used to make him mad. Only playfully, he wouldn't really get that mad much, save for protecting me. He told me that this was going to be really hard, and he was sorry in advance for everything that was coming up. I got scared finally. I said whats wrong?
"They think they found something... In my head. They didn't... say that. But i can infer" he was choked up. "I can infer around the silence. The 'you need to make an appointment' instead of 'you're clear, sir.' I just. I need you to understand something very real is going on right now." I didnt understand, or i didnt want to. The fragility of humans i used to rub in Dan's face during fights was biting me and drawing out all of my blood. I didnt want to see it.
Alder was only 67. He was only 67 and he got like 35 years with me. That number repeated for the whole year since i first fronted and got labeled as host. Since the memories started coming in. 35. That stupid, terrible number. Sucks. That now, years and timelines and dimensions apart, souls changed over massive time periods, and im feeling the weight of the first night i slept on the idea that i could maybe possibly lose him soon. And soon I'll have to sleep in this life again, knowing alllll that new information about what happened between then and now.
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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ask-october-fox · 3 years
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Well well well.. if it isnt the consequences of my own actions. More under the cut!
This is going to be very long so I apologize.   So uh...I think its about time I say something about this.. I really thought I wouldnt have to but it seems its about time I come clean about why there is a major lack of ‘actual’ updates from me this year. NGL I thought I could just ignore this and get through this month without much fuss but as the past few days have proven anything, that would be a lie. So to put this bluntly. I am in a lot of pain. And I have been for a while now but its only gotten really bad in the last month. Like everyone else in the world, I have a lot of wrist/hand problems due to my job. About 2 years ago I had gotten a real bad pain in my left elbow and went to the doctor after a couple months to see if something was wrong. The Doctor couldnt really find anything wrong, and sent me home with some meds that really didnt help. Over time the pain came and went and I worked with it, just powering through and getting over it. I have tried just about everything: meds, warm water, cold water, massages, resting, creams/lotions and anything else I could think of. Over time that pain spread to my shoulder and to my wrist and hand. Again, some days werent so bad so I just continued on as normal.  This past September was.... rough. After being hit head on by Hurricane Ida and losing power for about a week and pretty much melting in my own house, already killed a lot of my motivation for this blog, but it was when I tried to get back to work things got bad. The pain in my left arm is.... almost unbearable some days. I can usually get about 2-4 hours of work time in before it starts to hurt and anything after that becomes far too distracting and I cant focus. I went to the Doctor on the 2nd of this month and even she seemed confused on what the actual problem might be, so she is sending me to a specialist but the earliest they can see me isnt until the 20th. This has become very... very frustrating. I want to do this blog, I want to answer your questions, but I physically cant. And it pains me more to know that I cant bc this blog ONLY runs for this month, I feel like there isnt much of an excuse for me to not have content for you all. Hence why most of my stuff has been pictures or misc things. The “quick replies” arent too bad since I can usually doodle up a little reaction image in about 10-15 min or reuse past ones, but to do my longer replies it starts to be a little much. Now I also wasnt kidding when I said I was busy too, that part is very true, but this is actually the main reason why there hasnt been a lot of art this year and may not be. Im at my wits end, im not too sure what else to do, and at this point im more just mad at myself for not being better prepared. I DO have things to post and I have some great stuff im excited to share with you all but as far as replies go.. I might be able to do like...1 a week or something. You all come back here each year and I feel so awful to have so little to show you this time around. I know this cant be helped and im sure that people are much more understanding than I keep thinking they are. But its just been weighing on me more and more and just needed to be open about this. I am hoping that next year will be better and that I will be more prepared, but for now... this may be the best I can do. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for still coming here and keeping me company and enjoying my short time here. You all are the reason I keep coming back too after all! Well this ended up being a bit wordy, huh? Haha~ If you read through all of that, I appreciate it greatly! 🦊🕯
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neptunebeetle · 4 years
I. Should stop letting myself get walked all over when it comes to requests
#so like#this person that found my art bc i drew geah and also that one gift i did for that one person#anyways. so i see them request a LOT of artists#i know this because they change their pfp every time they get another drawing they requested#and i have done..... like...... what. five requests?#and they’ve been very nice and thankful for me to keep drawing things and they even drew something for me in return#but i just. like. its always their geah oc/self ins and dont get me wrong geah is still an amazing lovely show that i hold very dearly#but its so hard for me to give attention to it unless im just like... doodling it out of boredom#it sucks too bc my geah fanart gets the most likes of anything i post (including when i was drawing TF)#i wish i could just be interested in things normally#its honestly becoming a chore to draw it :( and i hate that! because i really wanna only draw it for myself#i dont wanna have negative feelings for drawing it#ah but you see? when i had my f/naf account That was the ENTIRE premise of the account#i had. non. stop. requests. EVERY. DRAWING. ON THAT ACCOUNT. WAS A REQUEST.#except maybe like what? 4 drawings?#maybe 5 but anyways it started out as doodle requests and progressively turned into full drawings#and i was only posting once a month#and yknow actually i didnt mind THAT much bc i was into fn/af for yearrrrrs so it wasnt hard to keep it goong#going* but towards the end i just had to stop and disappear from that acc#i have. learned my lesson to noT make accounts based on one sole interest (unless like. on tumbkr if its a side acc or something)#but god. yeah no i just. maybe its annoying but i HAVE to keep all my inconsistent interests together#AND I NEED TO STOP BEING A DOOR MAT HGNNNNNN#i actually have really been wanting to take requests lately since im gonna open comms sometime in the near(?) future#and therefore probably wont do requests anymore? unless i just feel like it#bc i doubt people will actually comm me but yknow 😪
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wiltkingart · 3 years
hi wilt, sorry if this is a weird ask, but do you have any advice on working faster? ive been drawing for a while, but i feel like even relatively simple things take me a long time to do well compared 2 other people. But whenever I try and force myself to work faster, i think my art suffers for it. I'm just drawing for myself rn, so there's no outside pressure or anything, im just unsure how to draw/paint faster without sacrificing the quality of what i'm working on.
i can speak from my personal experience, at the very least!
first off i want to preface that taking longer than other people to make art isnt a bad thing at all. some artists that i admire a lot have said that they take days or weeks or even months to make a single art piece. the fast paced pressure of being a modern ‘social media artist’ does us more harm than good, i think. and there’s really nothing wrong at all about taking your time, especially if you like your art better when you go at your own pace.
personally i have gotten significantly faster at art over the past 3 years, but that wasnt ever actually my intention. in fact my goal was just to simplify my sketches to make the whole process easier on my hand. but by simplifying my sketches, i ended up cutting back severely on the amount of time it would normally take to overwork and cleanup my sketches, as well as reducing the amount of time i needed to clean up my work while coloring. so it became a positive side effect of my original goal, rather than my main focus.
for example, this is what my sketches looked like in 2016
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i would spend so much time and effort on them that i would often end up just using the sketch as lineart and coloring underneath.
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lots of artists do this, and it isnt bad at all! but this was very stressful on my hand. i literally got tendonitis so bad i had to see a physical therapist and rethink my whole life, and i was hardly able to make actual paintings because it would take so long and the rendering/cleanup process was hell. in 2017 i tried to mitigate the problem by letting myself be messy in both the sketch + painting process. thus the start of the wiggly era.
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but it wasnt enough. i still didnt like how much time i was spending on cleanup/rendering. so began my 2018 journey to simplify my sketches and i forced myself to do this by completely removing my ability to use pen pressure by using the binary tool. i also started laying down silhouettes first, which is something i still do to this day.
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i’ll admit it was a rough period of time, but i kept at it! i liked how i had more freedom and maneuverability with the painting phase. and eventually i adapted to it and became more comfortable with it and my art started to look and feel decent again.
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i became so comfortable with it that i decided it was time to set aside the binary tool and go back to my good old friend the marker tool, because i missed having the ability to make sketches that looked good on their own too. but by now i had the ability to quickly and effectively make sketches that held the bare minimum information i needed to work with.
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and right now im really happy with my current art process. its super flexible and im satisfied with splitting up my time as 10% sketch 90% color/painting. plus my hand pain is at an all time minimum! so i guess what im trying to say with all this is that as long as you’re happy with your process and your art, it doesn’t matter how slow or fast you are. if you’re not happy with your process, then by all means try new things. but i dont think speed is in any way an indicator of skill.
“im just unsure how to draw/paint faster without sacrificing the quality of what i'm working on.”
if you dont want to change the way your art looks then there’s no need to force the issue. but if you are still interested in trying to speed up your work, there will most definitely be a dip in quality for a while while you figure things out and learn new techniques, as i think ive shown with my journey. but that dip will be temporary.
as far as how to speed up your work, ive only shown my approach to it and there’s dozens of different ways to do it. some people force themselves to do 5 min / 1 min / 30 second figure studies. other people use multiply/overlay effects to speed up the coloring process. its a highly personal matter and i would recommend asking other artists or looking up tutorials! best of luck and i hope this helps in some small way.
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Can we please have Bo, Vincent and Lester with a teenage son who suddenly rushes over to them, hugging them and sobbing and apologizing for yelling at them? :'3
Sorry im late, ive been dealing with school and stress. sorry if this isnt what you wanted, but imma do some head cannons for dis one
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- bo loves his son more than anything possible.
- bo wasnt sorry when he yelled at his son, because he didnt see that he himself was wrong. (bo's kinda like that)
- so when bo came to his senses and realized that he was wrong he went to his sons room and rushed over to him and hugged him tight.
- "im sorry, i shouldnt have yelled at you like that"
- bo apologized and tried his best to keep his temper under control.
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- vincent doesnt speak very much. but he does when he gets angry.
- fuck signing. my mans yelling.
- he got angry when his son accidentally broke the arm off of a wax statue. vincent was PISSED.
- vincent got in his sons face and yelled.
- soon afterwards vincent felt bad for yelling and rushed over to his son and hugged him tightly and apologized. vincent gifted his son with art supplies.
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- lester is a hard man to piss off. his kind heart isnt easily overthrown.
- his son took lesters truck out for a drive and accidentally popped a tire, and lester lost his SHIT.
- screaming about 'how the hell am i gonna pay for this?"
- after lester yelled at his sona dn sent him to his room. he felt bad and decided to apologize.
- he entered his sons room and rushed over and hugged hum tightly.
- "m sorry"
- after he apologized he took his son out hunting. and did what his son loved to do.
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