#and i do just really love bella swan
thenewsthaturdead · 1 year
vážení a milí, dnes má svátek Isabela, takže..
všechno nejlepší k svátku, Bello!!
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naprostá ikona <3
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waldensblog · 2 years
The transformation from 
Bella I-won’t-leave-Forks-because-Edward-might-come-back Swan 
Bella I-would-run-away-with-you-Jake Swan
is *chef’s kiss*
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vintageseawitch · 2 months
eddie boi was at the peak of "him being interesting in any way, shape or form" when he was feeding on baddies & he did more for the sake of humanity than the Cullen & Denali ✨️ecological disaster✨️ clans put together 🥰🧛‍♂️🩸
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dayurno · 8 months
twilight kevjean au
kevin is bella
jean is edward
i have not read the books nor watched the movies but something about this speaks to me
you havent consumed twilight at all this is so funny to me!!! ok!!!! who's jacob you reckon? neil? andrew? jeremy? i've been watching read throughs of the twilight books because i'm an eternally nosy person and a terrible woman and i do remember it was really funny hearing people criticize edward's unusual behavior towards bella because in the end it was just book one kandrew.... literally just that......... tch! but i agree that jean has a more soggy wet vampire look to him than andrew ever will
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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I never thought much about the future until suddenly the friends I adored most started relationships and left me in the past as if our friendship never even mattered, like their boyfriend was the most important thing
My sister and I use to be close as kids but when she moved away with our mom and rarely visited me and dad, who she regularly called Charlie, we grew apart leaving me feeling like I lost all my friends and my sister, after a while I grew depressed and I never wanted to leave the house, dad grew concerned and after many absent calls from school he allowed me to start home schooling myself and my grades have never been better
Most nights it was just me and Charlie some days I’d get the courage to go down to the reserve hang out on the beach with Leah, Seth and Jake, sometimes I’d go for hikes in the forest behind the house just to clear my head, but other than that I’d stay in my room listening to music, reading the books dad would bring home for me, and doing school work
That’s how life was for so many years, it was routine and it never bothered me and dad loved having me around, after Bella and mom left he was so broken and with my help, even as a little girl, I pulled him out of that deep dark hole and he became that Charlie that joked around and made me smile
But then dad got the call that Bella was moving back for the rest of highschool since mom would be traveling with Phil for baseball, hopeful that I could reconnect with my sister again
Dad and I picked out a new bed spread for her hoping she’d love it, and he even let me pick out a new book as a thank you for helping him out with getting everything ready for her arrival, after a few days it was time for dad to go pick Bella up from the airport in port angeles, I was a nervous wreck which was crazy I mean she’s my sister why should I be nervous
Finally the familiar sheriff cruiser pulled up in the drive way, I walked out the door with an umbrella quickly shuffling over to Bella to cover her from the rain knowing how she favoured the warm dry weather, complete opposite of me
“Welcome home Bella!” I smiled as we walked back inside as dad got her bags following closely behind
She shook off her coat and placed her little cactus down on the counter
“You’ve grown so much you’re a year younger but you’re already taller than me” she said as she hugged me
“Come on bells we’ll show you your room!” Dad said as he walked up the stairs with her bags
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She settled in for the rest of the day until it was supper time, I set out the table and dished up our meal, dads game playing in the background as we ate
“So are you excited for school on Monday?” I asked
“Not really but atleast I’ll have you there”
“What? No im homeschooled remember”
“Well…..” dad drawled out
“Dad what did you do?” My heart was racing now at the implication
“I thought since Bella’s back now it would be good for you to get out there again, you need some experiences honey”
“But you know I have no one there, no one wants to be friends with me we’ve been over this”
“You might make new friends honey, give give it a chance for your old man” I sighed slumping back in my chair trying to wrap my head around having to socialize again
“Atleast you’ll be with me, dad said since your grades are so good you got bumped up a grade and can have some certain classes together, depending on our courses” that settled my anxiety a little
Bella and dad cleaned up from dinner as I sat out on the porch, in desperate need for fresh air to do its magic, only 2 more days and I’ll be back in a school again, who knows maybe some new kids have arrived and aren’t too set in their groups yet
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Monday came quickly and I was a ball of nerves, I glanced in the mirror as made sure my hair was just the way I wanted, wearing a casual outfit, simple flared black leggings, a dark rich blue longsleeve with my old worn out dark brown carhartt jacket, quickly spraying my vanilla perfume
I walked down stairs to meet Bella in the kitchen, she grabbed an apple as she picked up her backpack from the table
“Are you ready to go?” She asked
“Almost can I make a tea quickly?” She nodded and I quickly wiped together a chai tea latte, grabbing my lunch from the fridge and meeting her in the truck dad had gotten for us but since I didn’t have my license, seeing as I never needed one before now, she would be driving us
The drive to school was calming, hearing the steady rain fall against the windshield, pulling into the parking lot everyone stared until we got out, I kept my eyes down as Bella led me to the schools main office
“Okay here’s your schedule, we have math together at the end of the day, the bells about to ring so I gotta head to world history are you good to find your way to chemistry?”
“Oh ummm yeah I’ll be fine”
“Okay see you at lunch” she smiled gently before she left down the hall
Looking at my schedule I memorized the room number hoping it wouldn’t be too hard to find, turning the corner I rammed into what felt like a brick wall, dropping my books I look infront of me to see the most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen, his eyes a golden amber, hair as dark as night and his skin as pale as snow
“Sorry about that, I haven’t seen you around before” he said soothingly as he handed me the books that had momentarily scattered the floor, not even realizing he had picked them up, too busy oogling him I suppose
“Oh yeah I’m just re-enrolling here again, just trying to find my class” he looked down at my schedule a striking smile adorning his face
“Come this way gorgeous, got the same class” walking along the mostly bare hallways I noticed his gentle glide, I’ve never seen such a…..well such a perfect human, obviously I was way out of my league if I could think he’d ever be interested in me, I mean I’m plain and simple what would he ever see in me, best I stay in my lane, but dad did want me to make friends so that couldn’t hurt….right?
We got to the classroom and the teacher assigned us to sit together, the class went by pretty boring, every now and then I’d take glances at Emmett and I swear he did the same but he was probably just looking at someone else, moments like this made me wish I was a beautiful as my sister, she never had a problem with guys wanting her, they basically drooled over her, even if she never acted on any offers she was still wanted
It felt like I was a living ghost most days, no one noticed me anywhere I’d go, a big reason I wanted to be homeschooled, now I’m thrown back into this miserable place, I’ll bet by lunch time Bella with have a table full of new friends while I sit alone, not even a second glance from anyone
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Lunch time rolled around and as I entered the cafeteria I searched for Bella and just as I guessed she was surrounded with bright smiles, excited to get to know her, she glanced my way and I waved hoping she’d wave me over to sit but she just gave a half assed smile and got back to talking with her new friends, I felt my heart rip at that, thinking things would be different this time with her here but I guess I was wrong
I found an empty table near the windows and made myself comfortable for another lonely lunch, I pulled out my bag from my backpack but my appetite was lost and I had no desire to eat so I just pushed my lunch to the side and looked out the window just wanting to go home
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{Emmett’s POV}
I couldn’t get her out of my head, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and her blood sings to me, when she bumped into me in the hallway I felt my whole world shift, she didn’t talk much but just being near her felt right
Lunch came, my least favourite part of the day, having to pretend for an hour, I glanced around the cafeteria hoping to catch a glimpse of my mate again, my eyes landed on her sat alone looking glum a few tables down, the others followed my gaze and smiled knowingly
“Who’s she?” Rosalie asked
“I think she’s my mate”
“Her thoughts are overwhelming loud” Edward stated
“What do you mean?” I asked nervously
“She’s not the happiest girl, I can hear how depressed she is, how unwanted she feels”
“I can feel how broken her heart is” Jasper added
This has to be the worst feeling knowing the one I’m suppose to love unconditionally and she is quite perfect in my eyes, has been broken and feels unloved
I got up from the table and made my way to her sliding in the seat across from her, her eyes were so glazed over with sadness she didn’t even realize I sat down
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{Normal pov}
“So how’s your first day?” I jumped snapping out of my thoughts noticing Emmett is sat across from me
“Oh sorry I didn’t see you, ummm today has been fine I guess, thanks again for helping me earlier”
“It’s not problem, umm I was wondering maybe if you’re not too busy this weekend if you’d wanna hang out?” My heart raced at this
“Really? You wanna hang out with me?”
“Yeah of course, who would wanna spend time with the most beautiful girl in the school” his smile warmed my heart but quickly faded at a realization
“Is this a prank, because if it is it’s cruel” I said as my bottom lip wobbled
“No what? I would never do something like that I really wanna get to know you, so how about after school on Friday I’ll meet you in the parking lot and we can go do something?”
“Okay……sure id really like that” his face beamed with excitement
“Perfect it’s a date then gorgeous”
This felt surreal there’s no way there wasn’t a catch here, how could someone wanna spend their free time with me, but like Charlie said it doesn’t hurt to try, I just hope this doesn’t break my heart more
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Part 2
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pinkmoonzzz · 1 month
Hiiii! Would you be winging to do head canons for if the Cullens realized they liked you? What would they do and what would it be like to date them? Thanks in advance Luv! 💜💜💜
Hell yeah! Of course :D
Edward cullen:
• we already know from bella that it takes a while, but when it clicks in his brain, it brings him so much joy and happiness but he also becomes scared as fuck he was not prepared for him to fall for someone
• he tries to stay away from you, but that boy at his core is a romantic
• he takes things extremely slow. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or scare you off, he already hates himself and if he somehow made a mistake and made you uncomfortable he's profusely apologizing and tries to not bash his head into the wall because it will make a dent of his forehead
• also knowing that he has to learn how to keep himself from not, letting his thirst take over he has to keep things slow for himself
• the most gentleman ever, bouquets of flowers, he's opening your car door for you, properly meets your parents, leads you with his hand on your back, hand holding, the works.
• jealous ass mf. He doesn't really like to show it, but when you show you're uncomfortable and turn down a guy's flirting, he is all smiles.
• he loves listening to you talk about your favorite things, the more details the better
• gentle kisses when he takes you back home from a date
• he will take his knowledge of your favorite things and incorporate them into the date,he wants every date to be perfect
• if he can read your mind, he will answer your thoughts
• he will also humiliate you because he can read your thoughts
• "Oh, so you think I look good in this sweatshirt so good that you would -"
• if you think about something you want, it has been order, shipped, and delivered to your house by him
• if you have insomnia, he will stay up talking with you in your bed until you're too tired to form a sentence and fall asleep
• he tries every method to help you go to bed earlier and be able to be well rested
• if you have night terrors, he'll hold you on his arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, trying to get your heart rate down to normal
• if you sleep walk, he follows you curiously around unless you try to go outside your home, that's when he steps in and carries you back to bed
Bella swan (human and vampire):
■ this girl is red-faced around you at all times
■ she tries to talk you and then stumble over every single word, embarrassing her even worse
■ shy as hell around you
■ but this girl is bold. You might have to make the first move, but once you do, now she's pushing for more.
■ does not take things slow at all. She wants to jump your bones
■ date to the bookstore where you watch her point out every book she wants to read and then doesn't by a single book
■ you do grab one of the books she wants and buy it for her, and she is so happy and will finish it that night
■ will yap your ear off about books
■ small celebrations with just the two of you
■ vampire bella I think is a different story
■ she definitely is more courageous and might make the first move
■ probably almost bites you because, like I said, she doesn't take things slow, and you try to kiss her, but now she wants to put her tongue in your mouth and overestimated her restistance to your blood and she seperates herself from you very quickly, if she could have a heart attack she would've at that moment
■ she learned from that situation to take things slower because she doesn't want to hurt you more than she wants to kiss you like it's the end of the world
Alice cullen:
○ she already knows she likes you and that you're meant to be together before you even meet
○ if it was socially appropriate to do a back flip when you're excited, she would be the day you meet
○ she's obvious as hell and it's so cute
○ when you guys do start dating, you're like her little doll
○ she is always dressing you up and trying out new styles of makeup on you
○ pet names, she loves them, she will never use your name again just every pet name in the book
○ she's always has to be touching you, whether she's leaning on you, holding your hand, kissing your cheek, she just wants to be touching you at all times
○ the date planner, she loves it so much, and if there is any day she gets to celebrate you, she's doing something big and extravagant
Jasper hale
▪︎ this poor boy doesn't know what to do with himself
▪︎ he is taking every single precaution he can and is asking advice from his family
▪︎ you're probably gonna have to make the first move with him
▪︎ when he feels your joy when you see him and are with him, it's makes him so happy
▪︎ when he feels that's your emotions have changed from friendship to romance, he almost makes the first move, but won't
▪︎ dating him is different, though, once he gets comfortable, he'll take the lead on things
▪︎ likes country music and will show you his country music if you ask him to. Will yap about the south
▪︎ teaches you how to ride a horse if you don't already know how to
▪︎ he loves connecting with his southern roots and will be so happy if you take an interest in them
▪︎ will happily do any date he's just happy he's with you
Emmett cullen:
● he lays the flirting on thick
● always, always complimenting you
● "Show me the outfit," he says while twirling you around
● he's your biggest supporter
● loves pranking you and playing games with you
● always carrying you, and he's a hugger
● love language is touch
● date night in, orders pizza for you to each while watching a comedy movie
● would do an escape room with you
Rosalie hale:
□ deep denial.
□ acts like she hates you, but you chip away at her hatred and fear and she eventually gives in
□ you are always passenger princess with her
□ being able to show you and her car off at the same time is a huge win for her
□ she likes doing your hair, and if you're lying next to each other's, she'll just brush her fingers through your hair
□ does not know how to verbally show her affection and shows it all through action
□ she is jealous like Edward, but she will interrupt the person who's trying to hit on you and will verbally rip into them
□ parallel play. Maybe she's fixing her car while you're reading next to her in a chair
□ if she could dream, she'd dream about living the American dream with you, picket house fence, dropping the kids off at school the whole thing ☹️
Carlisle cullen:
☆ I think he's just shocked
☆ in his centuries of living I don't think he expected it to happen
☆ he will be friends with you but doesn't try to woo you because he doesn't want you involved with vampires
☆ Alice was the one to convince him to let him pursue you by telling him her visions
☆ at first, he did little things, buy you your favorite drink, and lightly flirt, nothing way to obvious
☆ when you reciprocated, he would lay on the flirting a little more, until he was 99% sure you liked him back and then he asked you out on a date
☆ he loves to spoil you and gets sad when you try not to let him
☆ gift giver, obviously
☆ he wants you to have a comfortable life financially
☆ slips $100 in the pocket of your coat when you aren't looking
☆ he will always set time away from work for you
☆ always making sure you are physically well
☆ he logs your vitamins, and what products you use, everything because he wants you to have a balanced, good quality life
☆ king of advice giving
☆ maybe you want to learn a new language or something, and he will teach you better than anyone will
Esme cullen:
♡ obvious with her feelings and isn't afraid to tell you
♡ making sure you're safe getting back to your home and telling you the best routes and things you should carry and know
♡ cooks for you, she loves to cook for you
♡ maybe you mention wanting to try a new food, and she is on it. She's already looked up a recipe and is in the car driving to the grocery store
♡ loves cuddles
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Summary: You and Edward Cullen used to have a romantic relationship. But fate seemed not to believe in the possibility of a vampire and a potential she-wolf being together. Years after your separation, you return to Forks. Edward is committed to Bella Swan, and Jacob Black has his own pack. What happens when, upon your return, you begin to transform into a she-wolf and both Edward and Jacob seem eager to revisit the past with you?
Author's Note: The characters in this fanfic do not belong to me but to Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight universe. The story blends events that happened in the Twilight saga movies with invented ones. Enjoy reading. This story will contain inappropriate language, a possible love triangle, scenes of violence, and romance.
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The same nightmare every night, recurring in your mind as if it were an impossible memory to forget. A large part of the Quileute tribe killed by the hands of the one you will someday love. Not that your love story with Edward Cullen was worth anything. After all, he is a vampire. You are a descendant of a lineage of shapeshifters who transform into wolves. What could go right in this story? You've been driving for about two hours to reach Forks. It's been a month since you started having nightmares involving the tribe to which you belong and your ex-boyfriend. So, you decided to return to Forks to see your friends and those who are like family to you and, if possible, stay as far away as possible from Edward Cullen.
"If you had picked up your phone, Sam, you'd know I'm almost there. But since you didn't, just know I'm entering Forks now. I'll head to La Push as soon as possible." You say, leaving a message on Sam's voicemail. He knew you'd be arriving soon but didn't know exactly when. In fact, it was his idea for you to return to Forks. As your nightmares have become more frequent, you're so sleepy that you can barely tell how you're still managing to drive.
And then, like flashbacks in your mind, your moments with Edward and the pack you were part of come to the surface. You remember how you met Edward amidst a fight between the Quileutes and the Cullen vampires. One of them had accidentally crossed the border that separated the vampires from the wolves. It was chaos. Your father, who was alive at the time, was very angry and considered killing a Cullen to show that invading Quileute territory was a bad idea. Luckily, Jacob's father was more sensible. Edward read your mind for the first time that day. He knew you were curious about what the Cullens were doing crossing the border that separated the two enemies. So later, at the border, he found you and explained. Jasper had been hunting an unknown vampire who had hurt Alice and ended up crossing over. That was the first time you wondered if a vampire was okay, and when Edward noticed your slight concern for Jasper, he believed you were different. Amidst your moment of recollection, you lose concentration. But you only realize this when your car hits someone hard. You're dazed by the impact, but as soon as you look ahead, you feel a certain relief. Edward is right in front of you, staring at you with a curious look as if he doesn't quite understand that it's really you.
"What are you doing, Cullen?" you ask in an enraged tone. Of course you're angry. He's a vampire, unscathed after the collision with your car, while your car and you have suffered some impact. I mean, you can feel blood trickling near your right eye, but the damage to your car is definitely more significant.
"It's going to sound strange. Alice had a vision that saw me doing this as soon as you arrived here. I'm not saying I did it on purpose. In fact, I am hunting. But you really are here." Edward speaks as if he still doesn't quite understand that you're actually in front of him. You take a deep breath, trying to resist the urge to kill him for what happened to your car. In reality, you're unsure whether you should get out of the car or not. You're bleeding, and that could be a challenge for Edward.
"I'm not going to attack you, don't worry. I thought you knew I would never do something like that to you. I mean…" Edward says, and you automatically get out of the car, walking toward him. Something about the proximity between you leaves both of you speechless. You always hated when Cullen listened to your thoughts, and he knows that. The courtesy of having your private thoughts respected seemed to be valid only during your relationship.
"You mean you wouldn't attack anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. I know, I know you, Edward. What surprises me is the fact that you don't seem to know me. You know I hate when you… never mind. Maybe you only respected me while we were together. Now we're strangers to each other." You say, realizing how different he seems, even though he hasn't aged a day since the last time you saw him.
"I'm still the same, Y/N. The same guy you walked away from years ago." Edward speaks softly but with a certain sadness in his words. You look at him, unsure of how to respond. Yes, you ended your brief relationship out of fear of what your father would do to him if he found out.
"Look, I didn't intend to bring the past back. I think it's better if you go your way and I go mine." You say, turning to leave and drive your somewhat damaged car. But Edward appears in front of you before you can open the door.
"Carlisle can take care of that for you. I know he'd be glad to see you again." Edward says, stepping a little closer to you. You stare at him, this time not understanding what he wants. It's obvious he's talking about the injury on your head, but you don't understand why he seems so reluctant to distance himself.
"And I should go to your father figure and ask him to help me based on what? The fact that you and I were together years ago? The fact that my tribe has no idea what happened between us? Maybe I should go ask him how he feels about seeing you about to marry a human. What do you think, Edward?" Your tone is absurdly ironic but realistic. Just the fact that you're here now with Edward could jeopardize everything. If Sam or Jacob see you here with him talking about your past relationship, it could cause a mess. Not to mention that Cullen is now committed.
"I caused this in you. Maybe you should go to Carlisle for the same reason anyone in this town would. You've had an accident, Y/N, you need to take care of this." Edward says, gently touching the area where you got hurt. You let out a soft groan of pain and then pull away.
"How do you suggest I deal with the complications that going to Carlisle would bring me?" You ask, almost grumbling. Edward smiles slightly, as if he even misses these conversations you used to have when you were together.
"Do you remember the farthest spot from here where we used to meet when we were dating? Meet Carlisle there when you can. Unfortunately, Jacob is already on his way here, and I think it's better if I'm not here when he arrives." Edward speaks, and before you can say anything in response, he's already gone.
"Your cowardice is remarkable!" You shout, hoping he hears you. As you turn around, Black is behind you. He's clearly sweaty, must have come running in his human form.
"What happened to you, Y/N?" Jacob Black asks, quickly approaching you. He must be worried because you're injured and apparently talking to yourself in the middle of the road.
"I had an accident. I hit an animal, actually. It was quite a mess. How did you know I was here?" You ask curiously as Jacob gets closer to you, analyzing and sniffing you. You wonder if you smell bad, but then remember that Edward was here just a little while ago.
"Since when did you learn to lie to me? I thought we were honest with each other." Jacob says, looking into your eyes, and you feel guilty for lying to him.
"You want to have a relationship argument here? Then it was better not to have come at all. If you could excuse me." You say, walking past Jacob and heading towards your car, but he gently grabs your hand before you can open the car door.
"I missed you," Jacob says as he gently strokes your hand. You look at him and then walk towards him, embracing him.
"I missed you too, more than you can imagine. How about you drive what's left of my car to La Push, so we can have a better conversation?" You say, hugging him tighter, as if you didn't want to let go. It's strange, but seeing him safe made you feel better. After dreaming so many times about Jacob's death, it's good to see him like this.
"I'll drive your old tin can here. You can sit comfortably in the passenger seat. And don't worry, I'm sure there will be some bandages for you there." He says, kissing your cheek and opening the passenger door for you. You get into the car and watch him enter the car and take the wheel. He starts driving, and you slowly begin to close your eyes, hoping that now that you're in Forks, your nightmares won't come true.
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kimi240302 · 1 year
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A/N: Before you read this story, be aware I am from Germany and can't write a bit of English. That's why I'm sending this through an app that translates it for me. 
A/N2.0: In this story, the characters are all a little older. 
Summary: Y/N Swan tries everything to keep her promise to stay away from Demetri Volturi. But can you stay away from the man fate bound you to?
Demetri Volturi x Female!Swan!reader 
Words: 2,8
Part 1 of Daylight Masterlist
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Request list  / Playlist
18+ I am new to the whole smut writing so please be nice 
“ You and I drink the poison from the same vine Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time Hidin´ all of our sins from  the daylight” - David Kushner 
"You have to promise me that Y/N." Bella looked at her younger sister with piercing eyes. However, the latter did not understand what her older sister and the Cullens family had. Confused, the young girl looked up from her place on the couch. "Why should I promise you to stay away from Demetri Volturi? I don't even really know this man?" "Y/N..." Carlisle began, but Bella interrupted him. "The less she knows, the better it is for her!" Y/N jumped up angrily. "Tell me Bella are you kidding me?! I didn't know anything when you dragged me to Italy with you. I didn't know there were vampires or people who could turn into giant wolves. I was normal, I was happy." The young girl stopped, took one deep breath and wrapped her arms around herself. "Now I'm scared of what lies ahead, being bound to a vampire who is apparently the villain for you? But instead of explaining everything to me, I'm supposed to bluntly forget what I've seen, heard and felt because it's easier for you and your oh-so-great Cullens? You want me to make a promise I don't even understand just because you don't like the Volturi?" Y/N took another deep breath. Her vision blurred from tears she wasn't ready to let Bella see. "Let me tell you something Bella, I don't like Edward either. Yet I'm not telling you to stay away from him or how to live your life!" Y/N turned on her heel and left the Cullens' living room, leaving the entire family in stunned disbelief.
"She's right." Carlisle was the first to find his voice again. "Y/N has been through a lot the last few days. We should have explained everything to her calmly first and then..." "And then what? Demetri Volturi won't leave her alone. Not when she's his mate."  Rosalie looked at everyone around once, her gaze stopping on Bella. "You pushed her into this world, now you can't just kick her out. That's not how it works." "I'm just trying to protect her!" Rosalie raised an eyebrow. "Then you shouldn't have taken her with you." Esme looked at Rosalie warningly. "What happened can't be undone. Blaming each other doesn't change that anymore." The vampire turned to her husband, placing a hand on his arm as she did so. "You should talk to Y/N, after all, you know the Volturi best." Slowly he nodded, "But not today. Y/N needs to process what all happened from today first."
Humming to herself, Y/N was just turning around in the kitchen of her home to get to the fridge when, out of nowhere, Carlisle stood in front of her. "Jesus Christ! Do you have to scare me like that!" Amused, the blond-haired man looked at Y/N. "Sorry. I forget sometimes that not everyone, can hear everything that's going on around them."   Nodding, Y/N looked at Carlisle, which turned into an uncomfortable silence that the young girl was the first to break.  Sighing, Y/N let herself sink down on the chair in the kitchen and looked at Carlisle. "My father isn't here." "We both know I'm not here for your father Y/N." He lowered himself to the chair across from her. The latter tensed slightly. Reassuringly, Carlisle placed his cold hand on the young girl's. "I'm here to give you an idea of why Bella and my family want you to keep your distance from Demetri and the rest of the Volturi." Y/N just nodded and looked at Carlisle tensely. "You should know that the Volturi clan that Demetri belongs to are kind of like our supreme ones. They rule over the species of vampires and have done so for a very long time. Led by the three kings you met in Italy. Aro the head one, he can see everything you think, what you have experienced or what you have planned with one touch. He can be very overwhelming. But I think you have already witnessed this. He's occasionally..." Carlisle searched for the right words, but Y/N filled the void for him. "Extreme when you're not used to it?" Carlisle smiled, nodding as he did so. "Aro is extreme when it comes to enforcing the rules and can get too brutal in the process. But Caius is the one who has the most fun punishing those who have done wrong in his eyes." "What is his ability?" "He has none, other than his viciousness, he is simply loyal to Aro. Marcus, on the other hand, is the calmest of the three. His passion for life was taken from him when his wife was killed. His ability is to see the relationships between individuals." Y/N nodded. "And what does that have to do with Demetri?" Carlisle sat up a little straighter. "Demetri is part of the Kings' main guards with Felix, Jane and Alec. They do jobs and make sure no one can overthrow the Volturi. They do that by wiping out entire clans or individuals." "So he's an murderer?" Carlisle winced briefly. He hadn't expected Y/N to answer so directly with such a neutral expression on her face. "You can look at it that way, yes. But the main reason Bella wants you to stay away is because the Volturi feed on human blood. They don't see humans as equals, they just see them as something to feed on. Bella...we're all worried that Aro will see you as a threat to Demetri's loyalty and will have you killed."
Y/N let herself sink against the back of the chair with drooping shoulders. Several minutes of silence passed until the young girl cleared her throat. "Marcus lost his wife and became sad, absent and quiet after that?" Confused, Carlisle nodded and was about to ask why, but Y/N kept talking. "Was she his mate?" Again Carlisle nodded. "Is this what happens to vampires when they find their mate and can't be with them?"  Carlisle was startled by these thoughts. "I don't know. But I suspect this may lead to that." Y/N looked closely at the man in front of her. "Then you must really hate the Volturi if you wish such a fate for Demetri."
"Y/N..." Bella stood in the kitchen doorway. "I just want what's best for you." Defeated, the young girl looked down at her hands, which she had folded in her lap. "I won't say I understand this whole vampire thing, or if I even really want to understand it. But I do know that I don't necessarily want to be dragged into the middle of this whole thing. The Volturi thing is your thing, not mine and even if you think that the visit to Italy has dragged me into it, you are wrong. I have my life and I will live it how I want." Bella and Carlisle both wanted to say something, but Y/N's raised hand stopped them. "I will promise you Bella and the Cullens that I will do my best to stay away from Demetri." Bella smiled at her. "As long as you're here in Forks, nothing will happen to you. We'll all make sure of that." Y/N twisted her mouth into a pained smile. "There's something you should know. Our father already knows, and he supports me completely in this. I'm moving to Seattle next week." "What are you going to do there, and by yourself? Does mom know about this?" "I got a school offer, which I can't refuse. Mom was the one who helped me to fill out and get everything I needed for it. I'm going to start packing today." "Y/N you can't just leave now" Bella spread her arms, setting to say more. But Y/N simply got up to leave the room. "You willingly entered the world of the supernatural. I didn't, that's what you decided for me, and now I'm deciding for me to leave."
"Are you settling in okay?" Y/N set her phone down on her desk and saw Bella making herself comfortable on her bed. "Bella I've been gone for six months. I almost feel like I'm home already." Bella laughed. "I still can't believe my younger sister is the first of us to live alone." Smiling, Y/N looked around her one-bedroom apartment. It wasn't much, however it was nice and big and cozy. Everything she needed to get by on her own. "Now tell me what is Seattle like and your school?"
Y/N's face was barely noticeably twisted as she began to talk about her school. She loved Seattle and the people she had made friends with. They helped Y/N get out of herself and enjoy her life like the young girl never had before. But the feeling of constantly having eyes on her didn't leave her. As if someone was constantly in her shadows. Several times, she could swear she thought she saw Demetri Volturi. The first time, Y/N was sitting in a café with friends, relaxing after a long day at school. The second time was at the library and the last was at a club where she had gone to celebrate a Friday with her class.  However, she did not tell Bella about it. She didn't want her to worry or make up anything so that her parents would send Y/N back to Forks. Because she was sure her sister would go to such lengths to keep an eye on her. Especially now that Bella had calmed down a bit when it came to the subject of Demetri Volturi.
"Damn!" Y/N looked around at her desk, "What's wrong?" Bella looked at her sister with concern. The latter, annoyed with herself, just shook her head. "I have to turn in this homework tomorrow, and the book I need to do these assignments is in my locker at school." "Then just ask for more time." Y/N shook her head. "I can't, but the library is still open and I know they need to have that book there." "Be careful, will you?"  "I always am Bella!" The addressed raised an eyebrow and was about to say something, but Y/N pointed her index finger at her sister, "People who jump off cliffs voluntarily should be quiet!" Defensively, Bella raised her hands. "I'm not saying anything anyway!" "Better that way."
Y/N shakily rubbed her hands together as she walked down the street. Seattle was cloudy as the smell of a coming rain worked its way to the surface. The shivering came, but not only from the cold air, but also because of the renewed feeling of being watched. Discreetly, she turned her head from right to left. But she could not see anything that seemed strange to her. Shrugging her shoulders, Y/N looked for her headphones in her bag and put them in her ears, hoping to get rid of the feeling as quickly as possible. In the library she asked directly at the entrance if the book she needed was really here and was relieved when the librarian said that the book was in the back of the library.
Again with her headphones in her ears, Y/N walked past the many bookshelves. Every now and then she let her fingers glide over the various book spines, while she hummed softly along to the melody. The shadow that followed her stayed out of the young girl's thoughts. Nor did she notice him standing almost directly behind her as she stopped in front of one of the shelves, her eyes roaming over the various book spines. Annoyed, Y/N pulled a frown from her face. The book she needed was on the top shelf. Standing on her tiptoes, she reached for the black leather book, but only her fingertips touched the spine. With a sigh, she stood back up properly and was about to turn around to go back to the front to ask for a stool or other help.
Y/N froze, however, when a body came up directly behind her, or rather when the upper body of a stranger nestled directly against her back and she saw a pale hand reaching for the book. Startled, Y/N pushed the air out of her lungs and turned around. At the quickness of her turn, her headphones fell to the floor and rolled away in different directions. But the young girl no longer cared, because when she looked up, Y/N saw into a pair of red eyes. Demetri Volturi stood not two inches from Y/N, looking down at the young Swan. A smile had settled on his lips, which was more akin to a Predator having his prey where he wanted it than pure friendliness.
"Demetri..." Y/N sounded breathless, which only made the vampire smile wider. "Good evening mon amour. Is this what you needed?" Demetri ignored her questioning look and held the book between them, but Y/N didn't even notice it. She was too distracted by his closeness and his eyes. "What are you doing here?" The blond-haired vampire tilted his head slightly. His smile softened as he lifted his left hand, the one not holding the book, to brush a stray strand behind Y/N's ear. "I came to check on you." Unwillingly, Y/N closed her eyes as Demetri slid his cold fingers back over her cheek. Instantly, goosebumps spread all over her body as she leaned a little further into his touch. Y/N couldn't help it, it was almost as if something was pulling her towards Demetri.
"This isn't your first time here, is it?" Slowly, her eyelids fluttered open. Slightly, Demetri shook his head. His hand lingered on his mate's cheek. "You've just never been alone." Absently, Demetri placed the book, behind Y/N on the shelf. His hand he placed as a support on the edge of just that. In this way he enclosed Y/N and at the same time came even closer to her. His lips were just above hers. "Demetri, what are you doing?" Panic slowly spread through Y/N. Her hands went to his chest, where she tried to push him away. But Demetri just stopped, no matter what Y/N was trying to do. When the vampire put his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, she gave up. Y/N curled her fingers into Demetri's jacket and studied him. His left hand rested on her waist while he slightly strengthened the grip of his right hand on the shelf, making the wood creak in protest.
"I tried to stay away from you after I overheard your conversation with Bella. After I listened to you promise her to stay away from me." Demetri stopped. Still with his eyes closed, he moved his forehead away from hers. He tilted his face slightly forward so that his lips were only millimeters from hers. Y/N drew in a sharp breath as Demetri let his lips move further over her skin to her cheek, to her neck. There he found her pulse point and placed a kiss directly on it.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock as her fingers clawed tighter into his jacket. "Demetri?" Her voice trembled. "Don't do this, please!" Now the young girl sounded tormented. Demetri released his lips from her neck and looked at Y/N again. "Admit it Cheri, you were thinking of me as much as I was thinking of you. Of my hands on your waist, my voice close to your ear, like in Volterra when I finally found you." Again she closed her eyes, almost as if it caused her pain to admit this simple truth.
Y/N still remembered clearly the day she met Demetri Volturi for the first time. His arms wrapped around her so that he could better protect her. The way he had whispered in her ear that she shouldn't be afraid because he would keep her safe. The way he didn't let go of her until he was sure the danger was over. Nor had she forgotten the feeling of safety and security that Demetri had triggered in her.
"Tell me you haven't thought about me for a second and I'll let you go. You won't see me again." Demetri came closer to her lips again. Y/N opened her mouth to tell him to leave, but nothing came out. So she closed it again. Because the truth was, she hadn't stopped thinking about him. Demetri released his right hand from the shelf and let it wander to the back of Y/N's neck. He pulled her a little closer to him. Prevented her from looking away. "Say it!" He challenged her, his eyes falling on Y/N's lips. "Tell me you hate me!" "I can't." Demetri's eyes settled on hers again. He saw the confusion and at the same time the craving he himself felt when he was near Y/N. Demetri broke eye contact, lifted his lips to Y/N's forehead and placed a lingering kiss there. When he released his lips from her skin, he lowered them to her ear. "How long can you hide your sins from the daylight?"
Confused, Y/N wanted to know what Demetri meant by that, but in the next moment he was gone and so was the feeling of his closeness.
A/N3.0: Please let me know how it was and if you want a second part?
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the-faceless-bride · 11 months
🌲Welcome to Forks 🍃
Tags: @art3mas @the-atlantic-french-fry @mzcrazy2 @sadbitchfangirl @sinofwriting @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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Characters: [name] Swan, Bella Swan, Charlie Swan, Jacob Black, and The Cullen family
Plot summary: Renae had enough of your attitude, she decided it was best for you to stay with your sister and Father in Forks. Paying to fly you out to forks, To Charlie's Delit and Bella's chagrin. However, seeing how Bella has been acting you watch closely as to what she does. And seeing how she treats Dad and an old friend Jacob, you feel it best to call her out. Because that's what big sisters do.
Warning: swearing, yelling, Bella being a hypocrite and not like other girls, crying, arguments, slapping, Edward being a creep.
A/n: Fuck Edward. And not in a good way. In a grossed out over his bs way.
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Chapter one: welcome Home.
Chapter summary: finally, after so long of arguing, craving to get out of the heat, wanting to be with your dad and go home. Your mother finally agreed. You were on your way back to forks.
This chapter will contain? Bella is stand-off-ish (what else is new), Charlie is the best dad he could be, fluff, and readers' first day in forks.
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You ran to your Dad; he had been waiting for you leaning against his car a smile on his face, happy both his litter girls were home. His arms were wide open for you, "Dad!" you screeched as you let your body crash into him, you missed your dad. You hated being away from him, and while Bella took to your mother, you were and always will be a daddy's girl.
Charlie looked at you, pulling away his hands resting on your shoulders. "wow. Look at you!" you smiled as you brushed soft curls from your face, "My little girl, grown up!.. Well. Not grown up too much. You're still my baby girl you hear me?" you laughed as you nodded your head. "well. What do you say we go home, sweetpea?"
The drive back wasn't painfully long, time seemed to fly catching up with your favorite parent. You told him about how you found a love for fashion, how you missed forks, how good it was to not be in constant heat.
Pulling to the house you could barely remember still felt good and nostalgic, "who's truck?" you asked confused. Maybe Dad got a new car? "oh, yeah that's Bella's got her it as a welcome home gift." he paused then looked down then to you, "Well...now I feel bad I didn't think to get you something." you smiled at up at your dad, you loved Charlie. "it's ok dad, im just happy to be home."
He smiled at the use of the word home, giving a cheery "let's go!" you practically bounced to the front door. Ready to get in the house and race up to your old room wanting to see what had been made of it.
As soon as Charlie opened the door you rushed up the stairs, Charlie letting out a chuckle locking the door behind him before following after you, "Slow down! I'm getting old I can't chase after you like I used to!" he huffled with a smile.
Your room was untouched. Just as it always has been. Twin bed, white ruffled bed frame, light dusted pink walls, soft carpet, chipped white painted bedside table and dresser, the vanity in the middle of the wall near the window. It was perfect. Just as it always has been.
But then it hit you, "Wait. Where's Bella?" you turned to a slightly out-of-breath Charlie, "Oh, well. She's got this new... Boy. Friend. A friend she's been hanging out with recently." he mumbled unsettled by the topic, Bella... Your sister. Your awkward, no-fun, book-loving, blend-in-with-the-crowd sister Bella. Was out late... With a guy?
Maybe this whole moving to forks thing was a really good thing for her.
"oh! Before we do anything else someone wants to see you!" you focus your attention back on your dad and not on your thoughts as you tilt your head, you just got here who would want to see you already? Charlie was now the one rushing down the steps to open the door, you laughing and closing on his heel.
" Hey [name]"
You hugged Billy, before pulling Jacob down to your height and messing with his hair, he laughed and 'struggled' in your grip. You always loved Jacob, he always followed you around when you were younger. You were a year older than him and Bella, they always wanted to hang out with you, no matter where you went Jake and Bells were close behind you.
"im happy to see you [name], im glad to have my two best friends back." you really hugged Jacob this time. No longer the little boy you had to protect from the other older kids like Paul.
Feels so long ago.
Just then a car pulled up to the house, an expensive car at that.
Out came Bella still in her loose hoodie, layered shirts, unbrushed hair pulled back with a plain headband, baggy jeans, and a brown book bag. Yup. Same old Bells. But then came out a boy. Pale as could be with fluffed-up hair, nothing noticeable with what he was wearing, he looked like 'random guy in a crowd #4' the one thing that stood out was his eyes. Pricing gold eyes.
He stared at you, an odd expression on his face. His Face contorted like he was in pain. Looking you up and down.
From your softly curled hair, light eye make-up blushed cheeks, and plump lips, the loose complementary scarf that clung loosely around your shoulders, your tight top, fuzzy sweater, skirt, leggings, and fluffy leg warmers, what was this guy staring at?
His eyes shifted to Billy and Jacob and he made a face, one that shifted from pain. To disgust. You narrowed your eyes, just what in the hell was this guy's problem?!
Then what made you realize you had work to do, and a serious chat to have.
When your Dad smiled at your sister slightly opening his arms and giving a "Hey sweetie Bells!" she made and face heading in side with a mumbled "hi Charlie."
... Oh fuck no.
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Um, if you’re taking Twilight requests, what about Edward lying about being a virgin and having never loved anyone before Bella? A past vampire lover shows up out of the blue and is upset that Edward has moved on? Maybe they separated because she didn’t want to do the vegetarian diet? But then she changed her mind because she was lonely and missed Edward. So she shows up asking the Cullens to let her join and teach her the diet in the hopes she and Edward can get back together. Carlisle can’t turn her away (maybe he turned her after Edward) and so she stays but it’s awkward for everyone. So you have this love triangle with the ex, Edward, and Bella. But Bella also still has her thing with Jacob lol. So it’s kind of a love square. And Bella feels insecure about this new woman showing up and it puts a strain on the relationship with Edward and the Cullens.
I just find it hard to believe Edward didn’t have an interest in anyone at all in 80+ years after being turned. It would really suck being the only single in a house of couples.
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Vampire!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Bella Swan
Warnings: love square, mentions of blood (human and animal), hurt feelings, cheating?, longing, both bella and edward are sexually frustrated lol, past relationships mentioned, might be a two parter 🤷🏽‍♀️
Words: 2761
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He can't help but think of her when the smell of jasmine filled the air. Bringing him back to a moment in time that he saved specifically to reminisce on when Edward found himself alone. He could practically feel the gentle breeze tousle his bronze hair. Her laugh ringing in his ears as clear as church bells. The only thing that ruined the memory was recalling the smear of red on her smiling face. Red of human blood.
Pulling himself out of his revery, Edward realizes that he'd been sitting at the piano for a possible hour, staring off as he dissociated. He hadn't thought of her in a while.
Must have to do with Bella's new perfume. It reminds him of-
The pinging of his phone has him sharply inhaling, abruptly remembering the physical world he's almost rudely thrown out of his own mind.
Bella's name shows up on his screen. That's right, he's supposed to be picking her up for a date in five minutes.
Edward scratches his head, pondering how long he'd exactly been there.
Quickly dashing to his keys, Edward is out the door in seconds. Dwelling in the past served him no purpose. His life was finally starting to move forward.
Well, there were a few halts along the way. Mainly one that went by the name of Jacob Black. A massive thorn in his side.
Damn it all that Bella even reciprocated the mongrel's feelings, despite her protesting. No doubt Bella loved Edward, that still didn't mean she didn't love Jacob too.
Perhaps that was why he was thinking so much about her as of late.
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The lights in your hotel room are all turned off. Didn't matter if they were on. Your vision was clear either way as they watched the subtle movement of shadows cast by what little light streamed in through the blinds.
Your dinner lay still on the bed next to you. Nutrients drained from it. Usually you tried not to make a mess when you ate. If you had enough time in the day (also if your prey was easy on the eyes) you'd work on a way not to kill them. Only take a bit of their blood then dash off while they slept. Nothing too gruesome, though they probably question the healing slit on their wrist when they awoke the next morning.
Tonight, unfortunately, took a different tone. An atypical type of desperation filled you to the brim, screaming at you to consume every part of the man who you had your teeth sunk in. You wanted to rip him to shreds and actually eat the meat that clung to his bones. It terrified even you.
You sigh and finally withdrew yourself to the bathroom. There was work to be done. The blood on your face dried a long time ago.
What were you even doing with your immortal life?
Day in, day out, everything felt the same. Especially the gaping loneliness you'd been feeling.
In your beginning days of immortality, you'd quite enjoyed it. You discovered all sorts of new things you could do with your powerful new body. And you liked discovering them with Edward.
Back then it was just the four of you for the longest time: you, Edward, Carlisle and shortly after Esme. Then you and Edward went off together on your own for a couple of years.
You wished you and Edward had never strayed from Carlisle. At the end of it, you realized that you didn't want to go back. You wanted to feast on human blood and not shy away your power.
Young and dumb, that's what you thought of your past self now. Decades later and you were now seeing the repercussions of your actions come to light.
You missed having a mate to travel the world with. Someone to turn to late at night to keep you company. You miss Edward's gentle caresses that coaxed your attention his way.
The blood of humans wasn't worth it anymore.
Losing track of how many years it had been since you checked your private PO box, you honestly weren't anticipating anything. The only one who knew about it was Carlisle. He'd begged for some form of contact information before you split from his coven. Fatherly responsibility was the root of it. His second vampiric creation.
A part of you is delighted to find two slim envelopes collecting dust. The first one was dated over a decade ago. They'd been in Alaska apparently and met other vegetarian vampires. Most recent one only several weeks old. In this one he gave you an exact address in Washington.
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You stare at Carlisle's hand writing. Getting choked up, you put the letters in your bag. It was quite the journey you had ahead of you to get to Forks.
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In the blink of an eye, Edward leaps away from Bella at the feel of her fingers digging into his shirt in an attempt to deepen the kiss. They'd been playing this push and pull game for some time now.
"Bella-" He sighs in exasperation and runs a hand through his tousled hair.
Bella's brows furrow in return, a pout rising on her lips as she sits back on her bed again but at a distance. She'd heard him repeat himself so many times about being careful with her. How she's so fragile compared to him. Like she didn't already know of her delicate mortal body. Just a few months ago James nearly broke every bone in her body.
"I know!" She hadn't meant to sharply snap at him. Edward was just trying to protect her like he always did. A steady exhale flares through her nose as she rests her head against the back board of her bed. He constantly left her craving more of his touch.
Like any man, Edward desired physical contact. With Bella that desire was too much. Too dangerous. The forbidden fruit that Edward must resist by any and all costs.
The first and last girl he'd taken to bed was. . .
What he could never tell Bella was that he wasn't a virgin like he had told her. After all, he had been alive for decades. Being a virgin for that long was implausible.
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He traced where the golden rays of the sun hit your skin. In the presence of light, your skin reflects like a million sparkling stars. You're trying to fix the headboard of your bed that both of you broke during your love making.
"We can just buy a new one." Edward chuckles, his fingers run up your bare spine causing you to shiver. The headboard wasn't the only thing both of you accidentally demolished. Bedsheets were torn to shreds, feathers from the pillows dusted your hair, even the mattress creaked ominously.
Your brows are creased in a small pout. "I hope this doesn't happen every time we have sex."
At your words, Edward felt something in his stomach unfurl and warm. Happy to hear that this wouldn't be the last time he got to touch you.
When you catch him staring, your frown turns up into a coy smile. "What're you looking at?"
"Obviously. But why?" You ask that like you weren't still naked as the day you were born.
He coaxes you back into his arms, little resistance from your part as you rest your head against his chest. "Because you're painfully beautiful."
Edward wasn't just buttering you up. When he said that, there was undeniable warmth and adoration that dripped from his tone. He was smitten. You'd never had any man regard you in such a way that made you feel vulnerable. You trusted Edward with your most vulnerable self.
He smirks when he reads your thoughts. Gently, he tilts your head back so that he can capture your lips.
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After you, Edward thought he'd never fall in love again. Not as intensely as he had with you.
Bella came extremely close. But because she was human, Edward was limited in how he can show his affection. Even holding her hand, Edward had to reign in his supernatural strength. The slightest amount of his real strength could break her entire hand.
Without reading her thoughts, he could feel her annoyance and frustration. She desperately wanted to take things to the next level like any healthy teenager would. Bella desired to experience the physical aspects of their relationship. Were he human or even like Jacob. . . Edward would be more than happy to let himself fall into his temptations.
That just wasn't so.
The drive back home was a silent one as Bella stared out the window. As of late her attempts to get intimate in him were becoming more and more frequent. Along with her desire for Edward to change her into a vampire. He didn't want to change her just because it would make their relationship easier. That was still a last case scenario that he kept in the back of his mind. She didn't view her humanity the way Edward and his family did. It wasn't something to carelessly throw away. None of them had a choice in the matter. All were on the brink of death when Carlisle turned them. They would not have willingly given up their mortality.
Edward tried multiple times to convey this to Bella. It would go in one ear and out the other. Normally Edward didn't mind stubborn women. You were as stubborn as a bull during arguments. The two of you literally butting heads to get your point across. Those arguments never mattered in the end. There'd only been one argument that truly tore the two of you apart. Your very last argument.
Getting within a five mile radius of the Cullen house, Edward nearly slams the brakes of the car when he listens to the minds of those in the house. One whom he couldn't quite believe he was hearing.
Bella felt the swerving of the car. She glances at Edward with concern. "A-Are you okay?"
His grip tightened on the wheel, the flimsy material bends under his fingers.
He was hearing YOUR thoughts.
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Esme refused to let you out of her hug.
Helplessly, you glance around the room; your gaze landing on a smiling Carlisle.
"Welcome home." His smile is heard in his words.
Finally Esme pulls back, her hands flying to your face to turn it this way and that. "Have you been eating enough? Oh look at your clothes. Alice, can you get her some new clothes?" You notice how her face flinches with nervousness when her gold eyes meet your red ones.
"I'm fine, Esme." You giggle and lower her hands away from your face to give them a reassuring squeeze.
"Clearly. Look at her eyes. She's been feeding on human blood." Rosalie needlessly points out. Yeah, you didn't really miss her. You had no idea what her mate saw in her besides the pretty face. Emmett was a bear of a man with the personality of a stuffed animal. You hadn't yet met Alice, Jasper or Emmett. When you left it was only Carlisle, Edward, Esme, Rosalie and you.
"I know that'll have to change if I want to live here again." You murmur defensively. "I'm ready now. Human blood isn't worth being alone anymore."
Esme's smile beams and once again she smothers you in a bear hug.
"Esme, give her some space. We don't want to scare her off." Carlisle pats his wife on her shoulder. Even Carlisle couldn't stop smiling. He'd sent that letter so long ago that he doubted you'd even read it.
"By the way. . . Where's Edward?" You curiously ask. Everyone appeared to be home except the one face you really wanted to see.
Instantly the room goes deadly silent.
Carlisle grimaces and glances at his wife who was equally unsure of how to tell you. "There's something you need to know."
Your eyebrow quirks up. "Oh?"
He couldn't continue. The door swings open. No one had heard the sound of Edward's car entering the driveway or heard his hurried steps up the porch.
When the two of you lock eyes, the rigidness of his frame slackens and his honey eyes glisten with that same fondness he'd always had for you. He breathes out your name like it's a sacred phrase. You were even more beautiful to him standing there than the day he'd lost you.
You feel it to. That instant pull of your heart as it attempts to escape from your chest to jump at Edward. Your entire body vibrates with the intense urge to be close to him.
You would have run to him. Had it not been for the human girl at his side.
The rose tint your world had taken on faded in that moment to reveal the drabness of this brunette that stuck to his side. Her own brown eyes wavering in your presence.
Now highly conscious of Bella's existence next to him, Edward hastily makes introductions. "Um, Bella, this is (y/n). (y/n), this is. . . Bella."
Alice groans. "Way to go Ed."
"What's going on?" Timidly asked Bella who was still staring at you. She didn't like the way you and Edward had stared at one another like star-crossed lovers come together again. Bella hated how he'd said your name with such veneration. For so long Bella possessed Edward's sole attention. She was loathe to relinquish any of it.
Jasper and Emmett averted their eyes from the train wreck that was occurring.
Being blunt as usual, Rosalie steps in. "They used to date too."
Bella's eyes widen and with an expression of betrayal flicks to Edward. "Date?"
"Well, probably more than simple dating from the sounds that would come out of their room." Rosalie's tone was that of boredom. This was old news to her but new news to Bella. News that shattered her perception of everything around her.
"Rosalie!" Edward snaps at her.
She rolls her eyes. "Everyone was taking way too damn long in saying anything. What? Doesn't Bella deserve to know?" Rosalie looks at you while pointing a finger between Edward and Bella. "They're dating now."
"Yeah, I kinda got that." You glare at the blonde who was unaffected by the daggers thrown at her. Really, you were angry with the human girl. A human with the man you'd called your mate for so long. Jealousy licks the walls of your stomach like white hot flames.
Edward stands in front of Bella. "You're the one who left me." He whispers but everyone can hear it.
Bristling, you turn your back on the two and back to your adoptive father. "Where did you say my room was?"
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"You told me you never had sex before!!" Bella can't help the shaky quality of her voice. Anger and hurt overwhelmed her. Tears bubble along her lower lashes. She keeps as far away from Edward as possible. "What else haven't you told me? O-Or lied to me about?"
"And you still love her! No! Don't try to deny it. I heard you say her name when you first saw her. Everyone did Edward!" Maybe that was the worst part of it. That Edward still held a flame for you. She had so many questions. How long was it after their separation did Edward meet Bella? Why weren't they still together? Clearly you were staying if you'd asked Carlisle where your room was. For how long?
Did you intend to take Edward from her? Would you hurt her?
"I shouldn't have lied to you. I'm sorry, Bella." And he was. Edward never thought you'd come back to him after all those years apart. Boy he was royally fucked though.
Because he was still in love with you. That much was evident. The knowledge of you being just down the hall was driving him crazy. Something deep inside of him was begging to be with you.
Meanwhile on your end of the hallway, you're doing the best you can to not break everything in your room. He was right. Damnit he was right. You were the one to leave. Unable to accommodate to the vegetarian lifestyle. You gave up Edward for the high that human blood offered you. It would be unfair to expect Edward to pine for you. You should've taken into thought that maybe he'd moved on.
The backs of your eyes burned with the urge to cry. Unable to produce tears, all you can do is wrap yourself in blankets and let the dark swallow you whole.
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agaypanic · 6 months
Hey! Could you do Charlie Swan x wife fem!reader where she own a bakery and they first met there (sort of flashback) and their journey through their relationship. And please add Bella (as someone nice & she accept her). Tag me later! Thank :)
Black Coffee and a Bagel (Charlie Swan X Baker!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Chief Swan coming into your bakery for breakfast one day turns into a life full of love, baking, and coffee.
A/N: this took forever to write holy shit. i usually dont add the word count to the actual fic, but i feel like i should tell yall this is over 5k words… when i read the twilight books (its been so hard getting through them bc they’re lowkey boring guys…) i envision charlie as billy burke but with kinda curly hair bc that’s what he has in the books, so that’s how he looks in this lol reader’s age isn’t specified so she can be read as charlie’s age or younger (legal obvi). maybe a bit ooc charlie but idc
It was a usual cloudy day in Forks, Washington. Like most other town residents, you didn’t really mind the gloomy weather. As long as your heaters worked and you had a decent jacket, you didn’t really care.
You were always the busiest in the morning. You owned a bakery in the middle of town, the only one open at six in the morning. Almost everyone came through your shop for breakfast or a drink before heading to work or school. 
But every now and then, you had a first-time customer.
The bell above your front door jingled, and you heard footsteps enter with a bit of hesitancy. You looked up from the espresso machine you were cleaning to see a man with curly dark hair, a mustache, and a badge.
“Chief Swan,” you smiled, moving to the counter. He was looking around the bakery with mild curiosity. “Haven’t seen you here before.”
“Yeah, I uh… I forgot to grab a coffee before I left the house.” He sounded like he was a bit embarrassed by his mistake. Then he finally looked up, chocolate brown eyes locking with yours. “And a lot of people talk about this place, so I figured it’d be a good opportunity to check it out.”
“Well, I’m glad to have you here. Welcome to Bear Claw Bakery.” You smile at him, maybe a bit too cheerfully for how early in the morning it was, but it was all part of your brand. Seeing such a handsome face also helped. “I can make any coffee you’d like.”
“I can see that.” Chief Swan said, gesturing to the convoluted drink menu on the wall behind you. He seemed a bit intimidated by all the choices.
“How about a black coffee?” He lit up, seemingly relieved by your suggestion.
“Yes, please. Large.”
As you made his coffee, you fell into a comfortable silence. You became focused on his drink, and he decided to peruse your display cases of baked goods. After all, this was a bakery.
“See anything you like?” You ask as you put the lid on his cup, remembering to add a sleeve so he wouldn’t burn his hand.
He hummed, staring at a tray of bagels for a few seconds before looking at you. He straightened up, pointing to the baked goods.
“Could I get a bagel? Plain.” 
“Of course!” You slid the glass door open and grabbed a bagel with your tongs, putting it in a goody bag and folding the top a few times. Chief Swan watched you for a small moment before fumbling for his wallet, keeping his eyes on the counter in front of him. You watched him pull out a bill and waved your hand. “Oh, no. On the house.”
“What?” He looked up at you in surprise, and you just smiled at him.
“Think of it as a first-time discount.” You shrug as you push his coffee and bagel towards him. 
He folded the bill but didn’t put it back in his wallet. Instead, while maintaining eye contact, he dropped it into the tip jar beside him.
“Thanks, uh…” He said as he pocketed the wallet and grabbed his coffee. It was then that you realized that he didn’t know your name.
“Oh! Y/n.” You stuck your hand out without thinking. But before you could pull it back, he shook your hand with a polite smile. “And you’re obviously Chief Swan.” You said with an airy laugh.
“Please, call me Charlie.” He punctuated his name by squeezing your hand before letting go. There was a softness to his tone that you didn’t suspect, but you enjoyed it.
“Charlie,” you repeated, liking the sound of it. “I hope you like the coffee and the bagel.”
He nodded once, grabbed the goody bag still on the counter, and left with a small wave. You didn’t have much time to think about the interaction because a group of high schoolers soon came in, chattering loudly about different things. One thing you knew for sure, though, was that you hoped he’d be back sometime soon.
You were surprised to see Charlie back at the bakery the next day. You were unlocking the front door when he pulled up next to your car in his police cruiser.
“Right on time.” You laughed as he exited the car. “I’m just starting to open.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know your hours,” he said, checking his watch. The sun was barely starting to peek out from the clouds. “I have to go to the station early today, was hoping I could get coffee and a bagel.”
“Of course! Come on in,” you say, holding the door open just long enough for him to catch as you rush to behind the counter.
You started on Charlie’s coffee before going to the back to get a bag of fresh bagels. At the front, he was leaning against the counter, waiting for you.
“So I’m guessing you liked it?” You asked with a smile as you bagged up a bagel for him, putting the rest in the display case. “The coffee and bagel? Since you came back.” You added after a moment of silence.
“Oh, yeah!” He said, sounding as if he was a bit distracted by something. “Both were delicious.”
“I’m glad.” You placed his bagel and coffee on the counter.
“Now I’m hoping to actually pay this time,” Charlie said, raising his brows, and you couldn’t help but giggle. You told him the total, and when you gave him his change, he dropped it into the tip jar. “Thanks again. And sorry for coming so early.”
“It’s no problem, Chief-” You cut yourself off, receiving a knowing look from him. “Charlie. It’s really no problem. Hope you have a good day.” 
“Same to you, Y/n.” 
Charlie grabbed his things, waved at you, and walked out. After watching him drive away, you continued to open the bakery for the day. As you served the people coming in, you wondered if Charlie’s coming in would become a regular occurrence. Deep down, you hoped so.
Charlie Swan coming to the bakery became a daily habit. It pleased you not only because you were proud to have such a loyal customer, but also because the man was handsome and very nice, despite his usual awkward demeanor. He’d be one of the first people to come in, or the first if he had to go to the station early. You always savored the small talk you shared with him, silently begging for no one to come in when he talked because then he’d stay a little longer, no matter how many times he said that he should really be going.
You were really starting to like Charlie Swan, both as a friend and something more. Of course, you kept that part to yourself.
“Black coffee and a bagel.” It was more of a statement than a question as Charlie opened the door. He ordered the same thing every day; honestly, you admired his consistency.
“Yup.” He responded, pulling out his wallet before he even reached the counter. “Oh, by the way, I was wondering if you did like, deliveries? Or something like that?”
“Depends.” You answer. “I do catering and delivery for parties and stuff.”
“Ah,” Charlie clicked his tongue, seeming a little disappointed. “Was just wondering because I’ve been having to work a lot of late nights with all those bear attacks.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard a bit about those,” you sighed. “Poor people.”
“Yeah, I know. And anyways, if I’m being honest, your coffee’s better than the stuff we have at the station. But I get it if you don’t do that sort of thing.”
“I can do it!” You decide before even thinking about it. But when you gave it some thought, you remembered that you were the boss. If you went while one of your employees was working, they could surely hold down the fort for the ten minutes you’d be gone. “I, um, I can do that for you.”
“Really?” Although his expression didn’t change much, you could tell that Charlie’s eyes were lighting up. He must’ve really loved your coffee.
“Yeah! Perks of being your own boss.” You laugh, grabbing a piece of paper and writing down your number. “We don’t have a phone for the bakery yet; I just keep forgetting to do that. So this is my number.” You slid the paper over to Charlie, who grabbed it without letting his eyes leave you. “Just call me, and it’ll probably take me five to ten minutes to get to the station. We close at nine, but I stay way later than that most nights, so feel free to call whenever.”
Charlie pocketed the piece of paper like it was a precious item he didn’t want to get wrinkled or crumpled. 
“I’ll do that,” he said, reaching for his breakfast. “I’ll see you later, Y/n.”
“See you later, Charlie.” You watched him leave, and once he was out the door, you finally realized that you had just unabashedly given the cute Chief of Police your phone number. Telling him to call you anytime. 
And he did. At around eight that night, you got a call from an unknown number, and a somewhat groggy Charlie was speaking on the other end.
“Y/n?” He asked, as if he was unsure whether or not you had actually given him your number.
“Hey, Charlie!” you responded, clearly more awake than him. “Need a coffee?”
“Please.” He sounded desperate, and you were a bit embarrassed by the fact that his tone needed you to take a moment to recompose yourself. The way he said it was a bit whiny, but his voice was husky, probably from his tiredness. A long sigh came from the phone. “I feel like I’m going crazy over here.”
“Then I’ll be over soon.” 
You and Charlie said quick goodbyes to each other, and you went to the counter to make his coffee. You told Maddie, who was working the closing shift with you, that you’d be back soon, but she could lock up without you if needed. Then you were on your way to the police station.
The parking lot was empty except for one cruiser, which you guessed was Charlie’s. Walking into the building to find it empty and dark, aside from an office at the far end, confirmed your suspicions.
“Delivery for Chief Swan.” You say, knocking on his office door, which was cracked open the slightest bit. Charlie looked up at you from his desk, and you wouldn’t be surprised if your presence had awakened him from an unplanned nap. His dark curly locks were a tousled mess, probably the result of his hands constantly running through them, and his eyelids seemed heavy.
“My savior,” Charlie grumbled, sitting up the slightest bit and reaching for the large cup. You stood in silence as you watched him gulp down the hot liquid, wondering how he didn’t immediately stop in pain. You guessed that his fatigue made him immune somehow, or less caring about burning his throat. “Good stuff.”
“Maybe instead of drinking it and scalding yourself, you should head home?” You suggested with a small laugh.
“Too much to do,” Charlie said with a sigh, leaning back in his chair. “Too much going on for me to stop.”
“Well, it’s better to stop before you reach your limit, or you might be stopping for good.”
Charlie thought about what you said with a slight hum. His half-lidded eyes scanned his messy desk, cluttered with reports and other papers. To be completely honest, he was starting to doze off a little by the time you came, and words were starting to jumble together when he tried to read. 
“M’kay.” He sighed, taking another sip of coffee, this time wincing a bit at the heat. “You got a point there.” 
You watched as Charlie somewhat sluggishly got ready to leave. He threw on his jacket and turned off the lights, gesturing for you to leave the office first. When you got to the station’s front entrance, he held the door open for you.
“Thanks for the coffee.” He said after walking you to your car. “And drive safe.”
“Anytime,” you respond, opening the door and getting in the driver’s seat. “And the same goes for you.”
Charlie smiled, patting the top of your car as a farewell before walking over to his cruiser. Although he had turned on his car before you, he didn’t start driving until you left the parking lot.
A few months later, you were at your absolute busiest. Graduation was just around the corner, and almost every senior’s parent in Forks called asking if you could cater or do pick up orders for graduation parties. Although it meant your business would be booming for a while, you were slowly losing your sanity.
“Just a second!” You yelled from the back room after hearing the bell above the door ring. Carefully, you slid a large tray filled with cupcakes into one of your fridges and closed the door.
“Take your time!” Charlie yelled back, making you want to be as quick as possible. You wiped your hands on your apron and ran to the front, where Charlie greeted you with a smile. “Hey, Y/n. You busy?”
“Always am,” you laughed, leaning against the counter. “But I always have time for you, Charlie. Black coffee and a bagel?”
“You know me so well.” Charlie watched as you moved around, making his hot drink and picking out a bagel from the stack you had made this morning. “How are things?”
“Hectic.” You answer, rising from your crouched position to bag up the bagel. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle. Almost every parent has been ordering at least seventy-five cupcakes for their kids’ graduation parties, and there’s at least three parties happening every week.” You grabbed Charlie’s coffee, putting a lid on the cup before handing it to him. Despite it being scalding hot, he took a sip while he listened. “I’m grateful, obviously, but if I have to frost another cupcake, I think I’m gonna get carpal tunnel.”
“I forgot graduation parties were a thing,” Charlie said with a slightly embarrassed laugh. “I don’t know if Bella would want one, though; she kind of hates being the center of attention.”
“Well, if she decides to have one, you know who to call for the baked goods.” You say with a smile, taking Charlie’s cash and watching him put the change in the tip jar. You loved the familiarity and routine that you had with Charlie. Every day, he ordered the same thing without fail, asked how you were doing, used a bill that was anywhere between a few dollars more to over twice the amount needed, and put the change he got into your decorated tip jar. 
“I’ll ask her about it.” To most, it looked like Charlie was wearing a straight face. But you could tell that there was a slight upward curve to his lip. “Kinda hoping she says yes. I think it’d be fun.”
“Have a good day, Charlie.”
“Have a good day, Y/n.”
Later in the day, the bakery was crowded. School had just gotten out, and most of the kids came for a little pick-me-up, whether it was some kind of caffeinated drink or a sweet treat. Plus, some parents came by to pick up their party orders.
You didn’t expect to see Charlie in the crowd today, accompanied by a girl who seemed around high school age. You assumed that this was Bella, his daughter.
“Hey, Y/n.” Charlie greeted you once they reached the counter. “Place is packed.”
“Yup! I think finals are just around the corner, so these kids need all the help they can get.” You looked over at the young girl who stood next to Charlie. “Is this your daughter?”
“Yeah. Y/n, this is Bella. Bella, this is Y/n.” You greeted each other before Charlie spoke again. “I asked Bella about the whole graduation party thing, and she said it sounded like fun. So I decided to meet her here on my break so we could set up an order.”
“Awesome!” You grinned, grabbing an order form. Usually, you would be slightly dying on the inside if someone was making an order like this. But there seemed to be something about Charlie that diffused any annoyance or dread you would normally feel. “So, what were you thinking? Cupcakes?”
“Actually, we were thinking of a cake.” This answer made you perk up. Bella nodded, confirming the decision, which you quickly jotted down. While the three of you talked, Charlie’s radio on his shoulder sounded. “I gotta take this, I’ll be right back. Bells, just tell Y/n what you want, and I’ll pay for it. And if you want a drink or something, go ahead and order. Oh! Could I get a-”
“Black coffee?” You finished, giving Charlie a knowing smile. His usually pale cheeks seemed to turn pink, but you just chalked it up to the slightly warm and crowded room. “Of course, now go take your call.”
You waved Charlie away, who fought against the small crowd of students to get out of the building. You asked two of your employees to get on the register and start taking orders before turning back to Bella. As you wrote down what she wanted, she spoke somewhat timidly, as if she was saying something that was supposed to be a secret.
“He talks about you sometimes.” You looked at her with slight confusion. “My dad.”
“Oh?” Your heartbeat quickened at the information. It surprised you that Charlie thought of you outside of the bakery, let alone talked about you. “Really?”
“Yeah.” She bit her lip, trying to keep more from spilling. But it didn’t work. “Half of the time, he’s raving about your coffee.”
“It’s just black coffee,” you said with a shrug, flipping the pen around with your fingers to release your giddy energy.
“Yeah, but you’re the one who makes it. And the other half of the time, he’s talking about how nice you are.”
“He thinks I’m nice?” You were glad your employees were taking care of the other customers because you were now completely distracted from the task at hand. Bella nodded, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Well, I think he’s nice, too.”
“Who’s nice?” You and Bella jumped at Charlie’s surprise return.
“Uhh, no one.” You brushed off, quickly filling out the rest of the paper before turning it around and handing Charlie your pen. “Sign here, and we can get started on the order. Oh, did you want to do pick up or delivery?”
“Delivery,” Bella answered before Charlie could, eyes darting from you to her father. Neither of you opposed, so when you got the paper back, you marked the delivery option.
“Delivery it is.” You said, putting your pen in one of your apron pockets. “Charlie, I’ll get you your coffee. Bella, did you want anything?”
“No, I’m fine, thanks.” You nodded and quickly made a large black coffee. After checking them out and Charlie putting his change in the jar, you waved goodbye to the two Swans. “See you next week, Bella. And I’ll see you tomorrow, Charlie?”
“Of course.” He said with a smile before guiding Bella out of the shop.
You couldn’t wait to see Charlie Swan again.
A week later, you loaded Bella’s finished graduation cake into your car. After telling Maddie you’d be back soon, you got in the driver’s seat and drove to the Swan house. Everyone knew where everyone was in this town, but you still had your eyes glued to your map when they weren’t on the road, too scared to miss a turn. 
Soon, you pulled up to a white two-story house. You were confident that it was Charlie’s place when you saw his police cruiser and a red truck, which must have been Bella’s. There were a few cars scattered up and down the street, but you found a free spot right in front of the cop car. When you got out and grabbed the two-tiered cake, Charlie emerged from the front door.
“Y/n! You made it!” He jogged over to you as you closed the car door with a swing of your hip. “Here, lemme get that for ya.”
“You’re sweet, Charlie.” You carefully handed the cake to him and followed him inside. The place seemed to be packed with teens and their parents. Some stood out, and you knew exactly who they were from their pale complexions and beautiful features.
“Did you wanna stay for a bit?” Charlie asked as he set the cake down on a table. He scratched the back of his head, growing a bit shy. “You, uhh, you could taste your masterpiece. Mingle and stuff.”
“I should probably be getting back to the bakery…” You looked down at your watch. You supposed you could spare a few minutes. After all, you were the boss. Maddie was responsible; she would call you if she had any problems. “Well, I think I could stay a few minutes.”
“Great.” Charlie put on a large grin, one that you had probably never seen before. But it suited him nicely. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
Charlie laid a hand on the small of your back to guide you through the small crowd. You already knew most of the people here, either regulars of yours or having recently become well acquainted with them because of delivery or pick-up orders. But then Charlie took you to a small group of people that you don’t remember every meeting, but you knew of them well.
“Y/n, these are the Cullens.” Charlie introduced. “Doctor Carlisle, his wife Esme, Bella’s boyfriend Edward, and his sister Alice.”
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You said kindly, shaking each hand that reached out to you. Their hands were cold, but that didn’t bother you. It was actually a bit refreshing after having your hands in and out of ovens for the past few weeks.
“Y/n made Bella’s cake,” Charlie said, proudly pointing to your creation on the table. “She owns Bear Claw Bakery. She’s… pretty amazing, at what she does.”
“I see that,” Carlisle said, looking at the cake. “Amazing detail, I bet it looks even better up close. You’re quite talented.”
“All you need is a steady hand.” You said, not used to compliments or attention like this. 
“Well, I know a thing or two about that,” Carlisle said with a laugh. You laughed along, and you couldn’t help but notice Charlie’s hand move to wrap more around your waist.
“Thank you for making Bella’s cake,” Edward said, his voice cool and even. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“She will,” Alice said with finality, as if she had already seen Bella’s reaction to the cake.
“Thank you.” You couldn’t help but lean slightly into Charlie; he was just so warm and comfortable. He seemed a bit surprised but didn’t reject your actions. Instead, he welcomed them with a squeeze on your waist. “I was happy to do it, really.”
“Do you want a drink?” Charlie asked, leaning close to you to ask.
“Sure.” As Charlie guided you to the kitchen, you looked over your shoulder at the Cullens. “It was nice to meet you!” They all gave similar and polite responses. And then they were out of view, and you and Charlie were alone in the kitchen.
For a while, you and Charlie stayed in the kitchen, watching people pass by to talk to others or get a refreshment. This was the first time you were around Charlie in a non-professional environment. You were both nervous and ecstatic.
“So, how’d you get into, uh, baking and stuff?” Charlie asked, taking a swig of his beer. You took a sip of your Coke before responding.
“My mom, I think. Every birthday or special occasion, she always insisted on making a giant cake or cupcakes or whatever, instead of buying it from the store. I liked to help her, mainly because she’d let me eat the leftover frosting and pour the batter in the pan.” You leaned on the counter, smiling fondly at the memories that ran through your head. “Even when you’re by yourself, I think it’s really special. I dunno, that’s kind of a sappy answer, but-”
“No, no.” Charlie shook his head before smiling at you. “I think that’s really sweet.”
After a brief moment of eye contact, you both took a sip of your drinks, lifting them to your lips and setting them down simultaneously.
“Are you doing anything this Saturday?” The question surprised you and Charlie, even though Charlie had asked it. But he didn’t take it back. Instead, he waited for a response while anxiously tapping his fingers against his beer bottle.
“Maybe.” You said with a shrug. “Why do you ask?”
“Well…” Charlie’s fingers smoothed over his mustache, which you had noticed to be a habit of his when he was thinking. “I’ve never really baked before, I think. And you make it sound like a lot of fun. So… I dunno, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over or something, and we could make something?”
“I’d love to.” You said, butterflies filling your stomach. 
“Really?” Charlie seemed relieved by your answer, and you nodded swiftly to solidify it. “Great! Maybe this time, I can make you a coffee.”
“I’d like that a lot.” You took a sip of your Coke to contain your growing smile, but it didn’t help much. Your giddiness was infectious, Charlie feeling the exact excitement you were.
When Saturday came, you had an extra pep in your step. You made sure to put a slight bit more effort into your appearance before you left. You knew you didn’t have to impress Charlie in any way, but this felt like a sort of milestone. You were going to spend time with him outside of work, doing one of your favorite activities together.
“Bella’s out with Edward,” Charlie said as he let you into the house. “So we’ll have the house to ourselves.”
“Sounds good to me.” You responded, setting your bag on the kitchen counter and pulling out a recipe card.
“So, what are we making?” He asked, clapping his hands and rubbing them together as he looked over your shoulder.
“Black Forest gâteau.” You answered, looking down at the card and then up at Charlie. He seemed slightly confused, but looked like he didn’t want you to know he was confused. You laughed lightly. “Basically, a chocolate cake with cherry filling.”
“Ah.” Charlie nodded in understanding. “Sounds delicious.”
While you started taking ingredients out of your bag, Charlie made a pot of coffee for the both of you. After pouring himself a plain black coffee, he asked you what you wanted in yours. When he was finished, he handed you the warm mug, and you both simultaneously took a sip. You sighed in delight.
“Delicious.” You said, giving him a wink before turning back to your ingredients. Charlie took another gulp of coffee to hide his flusteredness before moving to stand next to you.
You guided Charlie through the recipe, working together to measure ingredients and mix them. While pouring the batter into a few cake pans, you made light conversation about your days since Bella’s party. After the pans were put in the oven to bake, you made the cherry filling to put between the layers. 
“This is really nice.” You said, slowly dropping down to sit in front of the oven to watch the cake layers bake for the next few minutes. Charlie dried his hands and walked over to you, looking down at you curiously. “Thanks for having me over.”
Charlie crouched next to you and sighed, probably because he wasn’t used to sitting on the floor. He mirrored your position, legs crisscrossed and elbows resting on his knees.
“No problem.” 
The two of you watched the cakes slowly rise through the small oven window. Basking in the quiet and comfortable moment, you couldn’t help but lean over and rest your head on Charlie’s shoulder. 
“This is really nice.” You repeated, albeit quieter, even though there was no need to whisper. Charlie’s head tilted to rest on yours, lifting his bent right leg and planting his foot on the floor to be more comfortable.
“Yeah…” Charlie’s hand drifted towards yours, and in a moment of bravery, you grabbed it and intertwined his fingers with yours. “It is.”
Over the next two months, you and Charlie grew closer than you ever thought possible. He still came to the bakery every day for his coffee and bagel. But almost every weekend, you’d go to each other’s house to make some kind of treat, and Charlie always insisted on making coffee for both of you. 
Getting closer to Charlie meant you also got closer to Bella. She was a bit reserved, spending most of her time with her boyfriend and his family. But you were able to make conversation with her whenever you were both at the Swan house. It was usually only a few minutes, the sweet spot where you had arrived and Bella was about to leave. But it was special to you.
You were a bit shocked when you found out that Bella and Edward were getting married in August, just under two months after they had graduated high school. Bella hadn’t even turned nineteen yet. But you knew love when you saw it, and it wasn’t like you had a say on the matter. Bella was grateful, however, for you being able to calm Charlie down when he found out about it.
When she told you she was getting married, Bella asked if you could make the wedding cake. You didn’t even think before saying yes, feeling honored that she wanted you to do it. After some talking, you both decided on a green triple-tiered cake covered in fondant flowers to resemble a meadow.
“You did amazing.” Charlie had snuck up behind you during the reception, the two of you looking at the cake you had worked so hard on.
“Thank you, bear.” You don’t really remember how Charlie’s nickname came about, but it fit him so well that you started to refer to him with the nickname more than his real name. Although you weren’t together, it was said with all the affection and love you held for him.
Music echoed throughout the Cullens’s backyard, where the wedding and reception were held. It was a beautiful forest, lit by fairy lights strung around tall trees. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Charlie asked timidly, looking at the dancefloor littered with people for a moment before returning to you. “I mean, I’m not much of a dancer. But if you want to, I-”
“I’d love to.” You cut him off with a bright smile, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the crowd.
Despite saying he wasn’t a dancer, Charlie moved well. He kept one of your hands in a gentle grip while his other was planted firmly on your waist, radiating warmth. As you listened to the music, you rested your head on his chest, sighing contently. 
“I love you, Charlie Swan,” you said softly, too relaxed and in the moment to keep your filter. You felt Charlie stiffen under you briefly before he, too, relaxed. He held your hand tighter, keeping it to his chest.
“I love you too, Y/n L/n.” You lifted your head just enough to look at him. The soft look he gave you made you weak at the knees, but you found the strength to reach up to kiss him. 
“Alice,” Bella said softly to her new sister-in-law, the two girls watching you and Charlie closely, unbeknownst to you. “Do you think this’ll last? Them, I mean.”
Alice turned to Bella and smiled before looking back at the two of you. You broke apart from the kiss and continued to dance.
“I’ve had the same vision of them since I met Y/n. They get to grow old together.”
“So Charlie will be happy? And Y/n?” Alice placed a comforting hand on Bella’s shoulder, knowing why she was asking these questions. The Cullens knew what Bella wanted, and Bella knew it would probably kill Charlie when she got what she had been chasing after for so long.
“The happiest. Whatever it is they have, it’s special. You won’t have to worry about either of them.”
Bella sighed in relief, patting Alice’s hand.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
Misunderstandings and New Found Love
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Pairing: Paul Lahote x Hybrid!reader
Characters: Sam Uley, Hybrid!reader, Emily Young, Edward Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Esme Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Victoria, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Jacob Black, Embry Call, Quil Ateara V, Bella Swan (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: The science in here makes total sense, angst, fluff, happy ending, the ending might be quick but there's time skips people, characters might be ooc but idc, twilight tings, Sam and Emily being iconic, cursing, reader uses last name when they're mad, Jared's the comedic relief, Paul and reader have a past
Word Count: 4,800
You look up, ready to help the most recent customer who walked in; only to find the one person you didn’t. You hold back the urge to roll your eyes. “How can I help you, sir?”
“I’m not here to ask.”
“Then why are you here,” you hiss at him.
"I'm just... checking on you.”
“Checking on me? Did you check on me when my dad died or when my mom left and died in the accident because as I recall, Uley, you didn’t. So, I’m going to kindly ask that you get whatever you need and leave.”
“Have we really come to this?”
“Yes,” you nod, grabbing the next order and setting it in front of one of your regulars before walking back to him. “Ever since you all… changed, things have been tense."
"Why are you here?”
“You know why.”
“No one-"
“You have no idea what anyone thinks or the looks they give me.” You take a deep breath, trying not to let him know how much it affects you. “I just- I want it to stop. I’m tired of them all staring at me like I’m a monster. As if this isn’t enough,” you mumble the last part under your breath.
His shoulders sag, not realizing anything that’s going on in your life. “You should come by the res tomorrow.”
Before you can try and argue with him as he rearranges the bags so he can have a better grip on them.
“No one but Em and I will be there.”
“They’re going to know I was there.”
“They won’t know it was you specifically and besides, I’m their alpha.”
“Way to use your title for your own gain.”
“It got you to smile. Thanks for the food.”
You shake your head, knowing it’s a bad idea even though you’re sitting in their makeshift driveway.
Sam’s warmth emanates through the door. “You coming in?”
“You gonna put on a shirt.”
“I will if you come in.”
“That sounds like blackmail.”
“Sam, quit standing in front of her door. She can’t get out if you’re just standing there.”
“Yeah, Sam.”
He narrows his eyes and steps back. “You really want to make fun of the alpha?”
“Yeah, I really do.”
“Alright, you two.”
You snicker when the man beside you lowers his head, looking like a sad puppy.
“It’s nice to see you again. How are you?”
You shrug, officially feeling more awkward than ever.
“You can talk to us, you know. We always cared about you.”
“That’s nice of you to say, Emily. But I don’t think anyone in town would agree with you.”
“Good thing I’m not like everyone else.”
You lower your head as the scent of one of her infamous muffins hits your sensitive nose.
“I’m sure you’re hungry after being up for a while.”
You shrug.
“So, what brings you here?”
“Your heater came into the diner, again and basically begged me to come over.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “You’re one to talk.”
“Why do you think I’m in layers?”
“A sign of self-torture.”
“I can’t pretend that they’re not hiding themselves from the world after everything that’s happened.”
“Thanks for never changing and I’ll take that as my cue to leave.” You move to get off the stool.
“No, you’re not. Sam, stop bringing up things they’re not ready to talk about.”
She hands you a mug of hot cocoa, knowing it’s your favorite to have around the holidays.
“What… do you guys know?” You tap the rim of the mug, watching the steam disappear.
“Only that you shifted,” he answers after the couple share a look with one another.
“Everyone thinks I shifted in the car, right?”
“Not everyone.”
“What do you think happened?” You ask, lifting your head.
"A cold one was nearby.”
You nod, “yeah. She,” you shake your head, feeling your body start to shake.
"You don’t have to talk about it.”
You give her a soft smile.
“She decided to leave because it was too much and left me a note, not even bothering to apologize and it- it pissed me off. I shifted and then ran after her, only to find one of them going after her and… took care of it.”
“You weren’t in the car?”
You shake your head, wiping your cheeks. "No."
"Why does everyone think you were?”
“I pulled her out and-” You cover your face.
“Do you remember who it was?”
“It was some redhead, I think. She definitely wasn’t happy with me.”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug, not wanting to worry them.
After talking for a few hours, you know it’s time to leave.
“What? No," Emily whines.
"Em, they don’t like me, and I’d rather not be glared at while you try and take care of everyone.”
“I still don’t want you to leave.”
“I do.” You grab your stuff and grab your bag before pausing. “Thank you for listening.”
“Always,” the woman smiles. “We’ll see you again, okay.”
You kept in touch but didn’t go back to their home for a while, not until you were dragged back by Sam but we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves.
You knew what was happening and watched from a distance, never letting the cold ones or the other wolves know of your presence.
The alpha was the only one who knew you were there.
You didn’t tell him you’d be nearby in case they needed an extra body because they thought you were a murderer.
A couple of the newborns sneaked into the woods to try and escape but never got far enough with you there.
Body parts were flying around so no one questioned anything when more came their way.
Then you turned around and noticed one of them aiming for Leah, before Jake could even try to intervene, you did; barely batting an eye when they stared in your direction.
You shoved her out of the way and took care of the newborn before anyone could get hurt, shocking everyone but Sam, who grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side. “What was that?”
“I saved someone from your pack before they could get hurt, what’s it look like?”
“Don’t take that attitude with me.”
“Try and control me, watch what happens.”
He growls your name.
“I needed this.”
The mind reader is beside you two, trying to calm everyone down. “She’s the reason, isn’t she?”
You glance at him from the corner of your eye. “Yeah, so this felt like I could save someone and get my own revenge.”
“She, did it?”
You scoff, snatching your arm out of his grasp. “Don’t act like you didn’t know. You knew the moment I told you.”
He tries to defend himself but you’re not having any of it. “I ask one thing of you, vegetarian.”
He raises his brow.
“I lite her.” You pull up your sleeve, he notices the bite on your arm but doesn’t comment on it (yet).
You take the torch from the blonde and stare into the red head’s eyes for a second, “hopefully you’re not tortured too bad in hell.”
You glance at the other cold ones and raise a brow. “If you guys die, you’re definitely not going where that bitch is. You know better and have worked on redeeming yourselves.”
They glance at one another, not expecting you to hear that.
You rip your sleeves and make a quick wrap for the human. “Wrap this around your arm, it should help until you can get the proper bandaging."
She blinks owlishly, “oh- uh- thanks?”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Who do you think you are?” She gets in your face.
“You better move before you do something you’re going to regret, Leah.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s rich coming from the murderer.”
You scoff through your nose and grab her by the collar of her shirt, her eyes widen not expecting this to get physical but doesn’t back down. “Say that again when I’m the one who saved your ass. You have no idea what happened that day, so you need to shut your mouth.”
Sam stands behind you, waiting to see what happens because he knows that you know better than to fight someone.
“Keep your pack in check, Uley.”
“Where are you going?”
“Somewhere I won’t get pissed off.”
You start to head into the woods when the mind reader stands in front of you.
“Did she do that?”
You don’t need to look down to figure out what he’s talking about. “That’s why neither you nor the others can smell me. I hide it.”
“They don’t know, do they?”
“Not about this, only Sam and his girl know about the red head's involvement. I only shared so you’d know.”
“That was kind of you to share even when you didn’t need to.”
“Yeah, I get it. I’m frickin’ amazing, can I go now?”
He steps aside. “You should stay with them.”
“How can I do that when they don’t trust me?”
“Make them.”
“It’s not easy, Cullen.”
“If you can do it with their alpha, you can tell the others.”
You roll your eyes, “get your girl checked out before she gets an infection.”
He heads back over towards Bella.
“Did you see her arms?” The human asks.
He nods. “They don’t know.”
“Know what?”
“Of Victoria’s involvement in the worst day of her life.”
Esme and Jasper’s shoulders sag, unable to imagine what you went through.
“And it’s still alive?” Rosalie chimes in.
“She'll become hybrid.”
The Cullens raise their brows.
Sam orders everyone to go back to Emily’s and hopes you do the same after seeing your arms.
You roll your eyes and answer his call. “Unavailable, please leave a message after I hang up."
“Cute, get to Emily’s.”
“You can’t make me.”
You can hear the couple arguing over who should be the one to talk to you.
“Please come over. We have a lot to talk about.”
You sigh, “do they still think I did it?"
"You can change their minds.”
“That’s so much work,” you groan.
“Please. I haven’t seen you in a few weeks and I know you barely know your way around a kitchen.”
“I’m better than you think.”
You stand on the porch, knowing it's going to be hell the moment you step inside.
“You’re going to put a hole in their porch the longer you stay out there,” Paul jokes, earning a chuckle from almost all of his pack mates.
You open the door and ignore their gazes as Emily pulls you into a hug.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” She pulls back and checks over your eyes stopping on your arms. Her worried eyes land on your face. “Did she-”
You glance at the pack from the corner of your eye, sensing their stares.
Sam stands beside you, placing a hand on your back as he shares a stare with his fiancée. “Sit down with the others while I finish up dinner.”
He guides you to sit but the uncomfortableness emanating from them makes you aim for the couch. "You're sitting at the table.”
“A pack sits together.”
Paul and Jared scoff. “As if they’re part of the pack. Not after what happened,” the former says.
You tense up, closing your eyes so as to not lose your cool.
“Don’t talk about it,” Emily tells them.
“How are we supposed to ignore the fact-”
You growl, eyes changing colors; you can’t turn around. “Ignore the fact that my mother died, and I almost did, at the hands of that red headed bitch no less.”
Emily says your name.
“Sorry, Em. I know cursing is basically forbidden in here but that was me being nice.”
You push yourself off the couch. “This was a bad idea.” You try to pass the pack when one of them sticks their foot out, you kick it with too much strength, irking the hot head.
You open the door and nearly fall, the doorway being the only reason you’re still standing.
“Hey, hey,” Sam started freaking out. “What’s going on?”
You run towards the railing and throw up.
“Why is it- are throwing up-” He stops himself when he sees the color. “What did you do?”
“I’m dying lone wolf. What does it look like?”
“I told you-”
“They hate me. It was never going to happen.”
He picks you up and brings you back inside. “Call Carlisle and ask him what we can do?”
Paul makes another snide comment and you’re losing it.
You get away from the alpha and grab the wolf’s shoulders, shoving him into the wall, not at all making eye contact with him until you hold him in place, with the black bile dripping down your chin.
“Listen here, Lahote and listen well. I will not take any more of your smartass comments. I am still a person with the same issues as yours just a little extra, but your comments stop now. I am tired of everyone thinking I did it. You want to know what happened. That red head came into town and my mom decided enough was enough, she packed a bag and was getting ready to leave. I shifted, found her about to eat my mom and wound-up getting bit only to find that she did go for my mom and held her till her last breath. Then as they hauled her away, I found the scars and realized what happened. Someone spread some rumors and here we are. You want to say anything else?”
He shakes his head, letting out a deep breath.
"Holy shit!" Jared says as soon as your body sways.
Leah, the closest to you, grabs you before you could fall. "We need to take her to a hospital."
"She won't go but maybe the imprint will help?"
"Holy shit!"
"Shut up, Jared," Embry takes initiative and reaches over to punch his pack brother's shoulder. "Shut up man. You're not helping."
The one who can't stop repeating himself rolls his eyes. "You can't tell me I'm the only ones whose mind was blown with everything we just learned."
"You're not but you can shut up."
"Take her to the guest room while I call-"
"No!" Paul stays where he is, debating on leaving now so as not to hurt you anymore than he already has.
The sight of his imprint half dead in Leah's arms and the jokes he made while trying to trip you make him realize he's an even bigger idiot than he thought. "Don't call the leech doctor."
"What are we supposed to do? Let them slowly die when we know there's someone who could have saved them?"
The hot head wants to growl at his alpha but doesn't because he doesn't want to lose it faster than he wants, he's having a hard time trying to calm himself as it is.
"He's here."
Carlisle smiles, "Alice had a vision and sent me over as soon as she could."
"We appreciate it."
"What's going on with our patient?"
Everyone tells them what they know and have seen.
"I see. There is a likely possibility that the venom is working through their system and hasn't quite mixed yet."
"What does that mean? They have to die in order to live?" Paul chimes in.
"It may also have to do with the fact that they haven't shifted as often as you and are not part of a pack. Lone shifters have a hard enough time trying to survive on their own but mixing in the venom, is well-"
"A death sentence just waiting to happen," Sam finishes for him.
The doctor doesn’t want to tell him he's right and knows his silence is enough.
"Is there anything we can do?"
"Continue to make sure they are comfortable and let nature heal them."
"So, your solution is to let them die?!"
"Get him out of here," Sam orders Jared, Embry, Leah, and Quil.
They drag him out so the two can continue their conversation.
"I know you just imprinted but you need to calm down, dude," Jared tells him.
Paul continues to shake, unsure of anything he's feeling right now.
On the one hand he has someone to love and protect but on the other hand, he has to try even harder to control himself otherwise he's going to lose it.
He's also upset because he was acting like such a dick to his imprint and even though he never thought he'd find them; he definitely didn't want this to be his first impression. "How am I supposed to calm down when everyone's solution is to let them die?"
With Jared blocking his way in, he can easily get in his face.
"How would you feel if this was happening with Kim, huh? Tell me that."
His friend's face hardens, "don't talk about her."
"Then don't try and talk about mine like you know something."
They stare at each other, their chests heaving with each heavy breath they take.
"Great, now that we've had our macho match, can we go for a run? As much as I want to make it up to them, I don't want to be here any longer when we can't apologize," Embry interrupts.
The two shake their heads and head into the woods so they can phase and be free to run wherever they want.
"How can we help them?" Sam asks the doctor.
"I'm going to be honest with you, Sam. This is a little out of my jurisdiction, but I will do all that I can to help anyway, I can."
The alpha nods, "I appreciate it."
"I believe now their transition will be complete within the next few days."
"What brought this on?"
"It was only a matter of time before it hit, and I think the adrenaline and stress of the battle speeded things up." He glances back at the alpha who stares at your body with much concern. "May I ask, how close you are to the lone shifter?"
"Before everything happened, we were close. I always thought of them as my younger sibling but then everything happened, and I stopped talking to them because I was concerned for their safety and didn't want to hurt them."
The doctor can tell by the look on the shifter’s face that he's still disappointed in himself. "You did all you could and allowing my assistance is more than they could ask for."
"How long will it take?"
"My guess is, they'll be ready by tomorrow."
"So soon?"
"Their shifter DNA is altering the venom and their genetics. Now that they're resting, they've been able to heal themselves."
He notices the expression on Sam's face. "Let's give them privacy. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."
Emily and Sam hug one another, unsure of what to think; they never wanted this for you, and they feel terrible because they can't help you.
"The boys should be back soon, yeah?"
He nods. "Hopefully Paul's calmed down."
"I think this is going to be a hard time for him."
"Yeah, I know," the alpha sighs.
The boys and Leah make it back to their home and sit at the table. "What are we going to do?"
"We have to wait."
"Did you two know?" Leah asks.
"They told us what happened, but we didn't know she bit her," Sam tells her. "We knew they were hiding something, but we didn't expect this."
"You should have told us," Paul grumbles while snacking on a muffin.
"You didn't even like them until you imprinted," Jake points out.
"I'm not the one on trial here."
The young wolf scoffs, "you should be."
The hot head stands up, pushing the chair back. "You want to take this outside?"
"Maybe I do."
"Alright, you two, that's enough."
They back down at the voice of the alpha, although it takes Jake a few more seconds before he sits down where he was. "You two need to stop it. We've got enough to deal with right now."
After an hour, most of the pack leaves; some to do their patrol shift, others to spend time with their family.
"Do you want to stay in the room with them?" Emily asks, noticing the longing he directs at the door.
He doesn't want to say it out loud and nods.
"I'll tell Sam when he gets back, you can go in but be careful, okay?"
"Do you think they'll forgive me?"
She nods, remembering her and Sam's minor falling out after his episode. "It'll take time."
He sighs and the door inches open, he hesitates to move.
The sight of you almost lifeless and thinking he hates you, kills him.
Why didn’t anyone tell them they’d get so sappy?
He doesn’t know whether he likes it or not as he takes a seat by the bed. His eyes trail over your face, taking in every inch of you.
If he was the artsy type, he’d definitely paint you. He doesn’t know when he fell asleep but waking up to the sun rising was annoying, just because he was one with nature doesn’t mean he needs it to be his alarm clock.
He rubs his eyes, trying to remember everything that happened last night and glances down at you.
You moved in your sleep, the hand practically reaching for him, warms his heart.
He grabs it, wanting you to be comfortable and not wake up with achy joints.
Your eyes move and he doesn’t realize it. It’s hard to open your eyes but you manage to do it, only to find the hothead holding your hand.
You freeze and his eyes trail up your arm, staring into yours.
“You like me now?” Your voice cracks after not having used it in a while.
He shakes his head and reaches for the glass Emily left, inching closer and closer to your face.
You grab it from him after pushing yourself up, back resting against the headboard. “What happened?”
“You died.”
You blink your eyes rapidly, trying to understand what he just said. “I’m sorry?”
“The venom from the bite was killing you and the fact that you barely shift… didn’t help.”
“So, now I’m both?”
“I think so.”
You set the cup down and push sheets off your heating body.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Leaving,” you grumble.
He pushes himself out of the chair and grabs your wrists, stopping you. “No, you’re not.”
“You don’t own me.”
“The imprint bond says otherwise.”
You snatch your wrists out of his grasp, “no, the bond is basically saying we’re soulmates and you don’t own me.”
You make it out of the door and into the hallway before it clicks. “We’re imprints?!”
“I think they’re awake,” Jared comments and shoves a piece of bacon into his mouth.
Embry smacks the back of his head.
“No, no, no.” You stand before the woman you go to for everything. “Tell me it’s not true.”
The corners of her lips twitch.
You snatch a sausage and munch on it. “This is not right.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. I feel the love.”
You purse your lips and glare at him. “You’re the one that was being a dick yesterday and now because of the bond, you want to be my prince charming.”
“I never said that.”
“You’re acting like it.” You sit on the couch before any of them realize where you are going. Your head plops against the back of the couch. “Why am I so damn emotional?”
A warm hand rests against your knee; you lift your head and find those damn attractive eyes that have always captivated you. “You went through a big change which has altered a part of you.”
“I didn’t want this,” you sniff.
He nods, “I know but w- you’re going to get through it.”
“You weren’t nearly half as nice as this before you shifted.”
“Sweetheart, I was nicer to you than most people.”
“It’s true,” Jared and Quil chime in.
“No one asked you two.”
They stare at you with wide eyes and raised brows as if this had proven their point.
“If you’ll let me, I’ll be there for you.”
You stare at him, gulping at his words. “How do I know you mean that, and you aren’t just saying that, so I don’t eat half the town?”
“We,” he clears his throat. “We came up with an alternative if you wound up being more of a leech- cold one, more of a cold one.”
“Am I going to eat a bunny?”
“Or a squirrel,” Jared jokes, earning no amused faces in return. “You all need a new sense of humor,” he mumbles, crossing his arms.
“How do you feel?” Sam asks.
“Like I’m on an emotional roller coaster.”
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m always hungry for Em’s food.”
Paul guides you to the table so you all can eat.
“Should we call the doc?” Embry wonders out loud.
“Don’t need to,” your imprint grumbles.
You run to the door, opening it. “I smell bunny.”
He chuckles, “it was the only thing we had.”
“Do I have to?”
“It will help with the urges.”
“There’s only one urge I have, and I don’t like it.”
“What?” Seth asks.
“Nobody tell him,” says Quil.
“Come on, don’t be like that.”
“I think it would be wise if you took this. We don’t know the severity of your condition yet.”
“I’m fine. Just trying to wrap my head around the fact that no one hates me.”
“We’re totally sorry, by the way,” Embry adds. “Ow!”
“Not my fault, man,” Jared raises his hands.
The two start to brawl, leaving Sam to try and stop it while Carlisle talks to you and Paul, explaining how you should be careful and thanking you for your assistance.
“I know I was a jerk to you but,” he glances over to Emily and Sam. “Would you ever consider accepting my apology and going out with me?”
“Give me a few days to adjust and then if I think I’m well enough, ask me again.”
“Hey, man. It wasn’t a no, alright,” Seth holds his hand up for a high five.
The hothead shoves the kid to the side, following you so he can sit in the open chair to your left.
Emily pours you a drink and sits down so you all can eat.
A few days later and you’re feeling better, still adjusting to everyone’s new attitude towards you.
You stick with more human meals than the animal blood the Cullen’s shared with you, not wanting to rely on it.
Things with Paul are still interesting.
He’s slowly worming his way back into your heart. “You want to go on patrol with me?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Quil?”
“He wanted to switch.”
You stare at him with a deadpan expression. “Did you threaten him?”
He raises his hands. “I did nothing.”
“Sure, you did,” you chuckle. “Come on,” you call out.
“Where are you going?”
“We have to patrol.”
He stares at your bare back. “This reminds me of when I first took you out.”
“You barely asked me out and then kept me in your backseat after school.”
“I wanted you to stay warm.”
“Oh, is that what they call it?” You ask with mischief in your eyes.
He nods, pulling you back into him by your waist; his chin resting on your shoulder. “I actually kept you there so no one else would see you.”
“Didn’t want them seeing the hottie in my car and think they could get with you.”
“What a gentleman,” you tell him with a dry tone.
He shrugs, chuckling under his breath, “I try.”
“Are you serious?”
“About what?”
You run behind a tree and shift, waiting for him to catch up; it doesn’t take him long.
“About what?”
“Not wanting anyone to ask me out.”
“Why would I lie about that?”
“To get in my pants?”
“I was already getting with you.”
“I wouldn’t be so cocky. You’re still in the early stages of this relationship.”
“So, we’re in a relationship?”
“I never said that.”
He nudges you with his snout. “You did, don’t deny it.”
“I’m denying nothing. You need your hearing checked.”
“I think I heard you just fine.”
You roll your eyes and speed up, racing to meet the others; you meet Leah, Embry, and Jared.
The two former run to you and tackle you, playing around with you while Jared goes for Paul.
All of you run back to Emily’s when Sam calls you all back.
The air flowing through your fur is amazing, not to mention the fact that you’re getting to know your imprint, slowly but surely falling for him. 
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madebyrolo · 8 months
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Placeholder - Jacob Black x reader
One shot
Inspired by the Radiohead song “India Rubber”
Y/n has had a crush on Jacob since middle school, entering high school they start to get closer but then Bella his longtime crush comes back to town.
comment Bella slander I love it but #teamedward #jacobishotter
*not proof read or edited*
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Did it all for you to say, you never wanted me that way.
I’ve had the biggest crush on Jacob ever since middle school. We were at La push and him and his friends were playing soccer and 12 year me went crazy for some reason. We went to school together but it wasn’t easy being friends with your crush. It wasn’t until summer before freshmam year once we started getting closer. He got a car and he would give me rides to school. Those school rides turned into hangouts.
First he brought his friends along, we would go get pizza, go to the arcade, bowling or the beach. Though it wasn’t until the fall when it would he just us two. He called them friend dates although I would wanted it to be more.
Then came spring. The daughter of Chief Swan came back in town. Jacob and Bella were best friends when they were young cause of their dads. Bella was 2 years older than him. She was 17 now and he was 15 and a lot has changed since she’s was last here. Jacob had a crush on Bella it wasn’t hard to tell. As soon as he heard the news from his dad that Bella was back in town he started spending time with her, catching up and trying to be the best friends they used to be.
Now the dogs have had their meat, I think I’ll go plug in the mains.
He and the rest of the boys went back to school on the rez too so she hardly saw him and now she was forced to ride the bus. With that Jacob and y/n daily hangs out turned to after school only. But sometimes he would cancel cause and she quotes “reconnecting with Bella” so now it was weekend only.
Soon the summer came around and Bella got a boyfriend and basically kicked Jacob to the curb. Now y/n had her Jacob back. They caught up after her time was stolen by Bella and Jacob acted like nothing happened. The same cycle happened again. Hanging out as a group, then alone, then Bella. Everyday, after school, weeekend only, then cancelations.
It was fall and Bella broke up with Edward. Jacob was back to following her around like a lost puppy. Y/n noticed Bella was treating Jacob like a place holder and y/n didn’t like it. Even though it pains her that Jacob has feeling for Bella, doesn’t mean she can play with him all she wants. She know he’s wrapped around her finger and she takes advantage of that.
Jacob was blinded by love, although he knew that he was temporary to her, he loved that he was at least hers for while. Edward leaving Bella in emotional mess was the shitiest thing he’s done but Jacob took it as an opportunity to swoop in and take Bella for himself. So he went to the one person he knew for advice, y/n. He pulled up to her house and texted her he was outside.
Y/n excited that Jacob wanted to hang out because it’s been weeks since they’ve did. She excitedly put her shoes on and headed out her door. Once she got in the car she was ready to list some ideas for what they could do but before Jacob ask her what set her down an emotional spiral.
“Y/n I need help” he turned to her
“Yea what’s up.”
“I wanna make Bella a little basket because she’s been really upset with her breakup”
Of course it’s for Bella y/n thought
“Uh sure”
“Okay what would you if you were going though a heartbreak ?”
“Um well candy always a good one, you can put in her favorites. I love gummy worms-”
“Bella hates them, she thinks they’re too chewy” he cut her off
“Um well like I said her favorites. I candle and a nice soft cute blanket. Maybe something sentimental between you guys of some thing” y/n told him
“Yes the sentimental things that’s good!”
There was silence between them
“Y/n Im gonna be honest with you, I feel comfortable and trust you enough to say this” he said with a deep breath
“I have feelings for Bella and I want to ask her out” yup and there it is. Her heart sunk. Y/n always knew but now that she has the confirmation makes it worse.
“I never felt this way about anyone before. She’s perfect, everything I want in someone. She’s self preserved, she’s smart and-”
Y/n couldn’t keep listening to him. He was praising her. He was in love with her. Every word he said she could hear the “love” in his voice. It was soul crushing. The boy she loved was in love with someone els. She always thought she would’ve ended up with him, she was so positive. They were close, she finally had him all too herself once he stopped inviting his friends. But then a Bella came. Bella, Bella, Bella all about her.
She snapped out of her emotions trying not to tear up infront of him but once she heard the sentence she broke.
“ I love her y/n.”
With that she couldn’t stay silent anymore.
I tumble like a clown. Before your baying hounds. I suffocated myself into your hands.
“Enough Jake, I’ve had enough! Can’t you see she’s doesn’t care about you? She’s using you. She’s waiting for Edward to come back you’re just a placeholder, it’s been like this since last year?! Once she met him she left you. She’s in love with him not you, she loves the attention she gets not you, she loves the “security” she gets from you not you! She knows you won’t leave cause you’ve been obsessed with her ever since you were younger. she loves the idea of you not you. you know she’ll never stop loving Edward but you don’t wanna admit it!!” y/n yells at him.
Jacob has tears slowing filling up his eye, his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel out of anger. He knows it’s the truth.
“Get out.” he says calmly trying not to lose his temper.
“Just know with me you’ll never be a burden. You wouldn’t be 1 or 2 in my life, you’ll be my life.” y/n says as she slams the door. Jacob speeds off.
Time skip 2 years.
Who would’ve guess Edward came back. Bella and them are graduating and everyone in school got an invite to the Cullens graduation party. Even though Y/n somewhat resented Bella even though she’s with Edward. Her crush on Jacob died out but you never really get over your first love. She decided to go to the party because a party’s a party.
It was 8pm and y/n was the party. She was hanging out with her friends now and the newly seniors while she was a newly junior. They were drinking, singing terribly and playing truth or dare. Y/n gets up to get a refill feeling a bit tipsy but she’s not wasted. As shes in the kitchen she runs into an old friend. Jacob.
When you spare your make up smile, im instantly your biggest fan.
He looks at with the most innocent smile acting like they’re fall out never happened. It’s been 2 years. They’re 16 now and they grown into their more mature selfs (and body’s) Jacob obviously spoke up first
“You look nice” he said staring at her.
“Thanks you too” she replied sipping her drink.
How was I supposed to know that you’ve practice it before.
 └────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘
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Oh come on Bella Rewrite (Fem!swan reader x Felix volturi) pt 1
A/n: This is the first reinstallment of my oh come on bella series, I really hope everyone likes where I am going with this, first chapter is still mostly the same just more detailed now and a bit more polished than before. please feel free to request, I am rebranding my blog and need some fresh prompts.~kenzie
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Pairing: Fem reader x felix
type and warnings: M for mature due to mentions of murder, suicidal thoughts, edwards a bit of a dick, Bestfriend alice!
word count: 3584
date posted: September, 9th 2024
Life has the tendency to fuck people, I experienced this firsthand. My life has been anything but easy, in fact it has been rather difficult. It all started when I was about 5 years old when my birth parents were murdered. I’m not sure why the culprit left little old me alive, but they did. I woke up in the middle of the night for a glass of water when I found them bloody and lifeless in the kitchen. At the tender age of five my life turned upside down. Chief Swan was the responding officer to my 911 call. I remember when he found me, I was cuddled up next to my bloody mom and dad hyperventilating.
Charlie decided then and there to adopt me out of the system I was about to be put into. Charlie welcomed me with open arms into his life yet despite this I still feel like I don’t belong in the Swan family, I feel like an outcast due to how long it took for Bella and I to get along. Bella was about seven when I came into their life. As any seven-year-old would be she was jealous and scared that this meant her dad didn’t love her anymore. Though I do owe my life to Charlie, if it wasn’t for Charlie whom I now call dad I would most likely be dead in an alleyway by now.
I am two years younger than my adopted sister Bella, which makes me sixteen years old. She and I are learning to get along better as we grow up. I remember the first time she referred to me as her sister, it made my heart feel full, she was thirteen and I was eleven.  Bella and I are relatively cool, but oh my fuck I hate her boyfriend, Edward. He has caused my sister so much pain and so much heartache, plus he reads my mind without my permission. This leads us to where we are now, in a stolen car speeding down the roads in Italy heading to rescue her sparkling boytoy. The only reason I agreed to go is because Alice asked, and I have a hard time saying no to the pixie like girl. She’s one of my best friends.
“Bella, you need to go! He won’t see you coming.” Alice exclaims and lets her out to run the streets of Volterra.
Once we are parked in a parking garage Alice freezes eyes slightly glazed over. “Alice what do you see?” I asked, getting out of the car.
“y/n/n stay here in the car,” Alice pleads with me.
“Hell no! They have my older sister in a room full of less than friendly vampires! Alice, I love you to death, but I am not staying here with Bella in there.” I state looking Alice in her Golden eyes.
“I am not going to win this one am I.” Alice sighs out.
“Nope, not a chance sorry.” I say as we start to walk in the shadowed streets of Volterra towards the castle.
We look down over a ledge and see Bella and Edward talking to two men in grey cloaks. Alice takes my hand in her cold one, “stay behind me.” she quietly whispers to me and jumps dragging me with her.
“Now boys we wouldn’t want to cause a scene now, would we?” she asks purposely shielding me from view of the two men even though they could more than likely smell me, they know I am there.
Curious and tired of standing behind Alice I move very slowly so I am standing slightly to the left but still behind her.  I get a good look at the two men; one is short yet still taller than me with sandy blonde hair and striking red eyes. My gaze switches to the other man who is very very tall, at least 6ft 3, if not taller. He has broad shoulders, nice biceps, and a strong face with the same striking crimson eyes. My breath catches in my throat when his hard red gaze lands on me and I swear I see his eyes soften, “Wait! I told you to stay behind me!” Alice grabs me to gently push me behind her again. She freezes when the tall man growls at her.
‘Wow he’s hot for a vampire.’ I think in my head
“y/n No!” Edward scolds me like a child
“Dammit Edward, I told you to stay out of my Fucking head.” I yelled angrily at him.
“Language little Dove.” I hear a sultry voice say, it sends a slight shiver down my spine and relaxes me at the same fucking time.
“Sorry, but Seriously Edward, stay, out, of, my, head! You are not ruining this trip for me; I was pulled out of bed to rescue your stupid ass, the least you can do is let me have my thoughts in peace.” I sternly grit out.
“You didn’t have to come.” He spat out at me 
I walk towards Edward in anger, “Edward you know better than anyone else as to why I must be here, you are always reading my thoughts, I know you heard them that night and yet you didn’t say anything, I was hospitalized because you couldn’t use your gift for good. If you had told Bella what I was thinking about I could been helped but you only tell her my secrets when it is amusing to you. I am not allowed to be alone until my therapy is up.”
“Watch yourself.” he growls standing tall a bit in front of Bella.
“No, you watch yourself! Mr. I’m too good to stay with my sister, if you wouldn’t have left her like you did none of this would have happened.” I find myself walking closer to Edward until I feel arms go around my waist not allowing me to move further.
“at least Bella doesn’t find a heartless killer attractive.” he states
Shocked I let out a laugh and remove the arms from my waist, “Seriously, Y/n!” Bella exclaims
“Oh! Come on Bella! Get over yourself Edward isn’t a saint either. I know he’s killed people too” I state still in the arms of the strong man I don’t know.
“y/n, he kills innocent people.” She whines out like a child.
“And Edward hasn’t?” I question
“don’t talk about him like that.” I roll my eyes at Bella comment. I love my sister but she can be such a hypocrite at times.
Bella comes stepping towards me with fire burning in her eyes. Bella starts to raise her hand when I am pulled behind a strong body and her hand is grabbed. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”  A rough voice states.
I see Bella become even paler as she walks back up to Edward. Before anymore commotion could happen, I see a young-looking girl walk towards us, “Demetri, Felix, Aro sent me to see what was taking you so long. “  She stops walking and glances over us, “I can see why, the Masters will be please with this, this way.”
In silence we follow the girl though I am stopped by a cold hand gingerly pulling me back and to face him.  “Are you alright, little dove.” the tall man asks bending down to my height to look me in my eyes.
“Yes, I am alright, thank you.” I feel my face get warm yet I maintain eye contact as I respond.
“Does he always treat you like that?”  he asks as we start to catch up with the others, my cheeks are flushed warm.
“Yeah, he’s a dickh-” “Language Little one.”  I am interrupted by the gaint man whose name I have yet to learn.
“I’m Sorry Giant.” I say shyly walking forward not looking at the man.
“Giant?!?” He questioned sounding a bit offended, maybe.
“Well, I don’t know your name, so Giant it is.” I smile at him softly
“I’m Felix Volturi, what is your name little Dove?” He finally introduces himself to me
“Nice to finally put a name to a face, I'm y/n swan, Bella's adopted sister.”
“A pretty name for a Pretty girl.” he says, and I blush so red, I'm probably redder than Felix’s eyes.
I notice that we are outside the throne room, and I start to get nervous, “Don’t be scared little Dove no one will harm you. He gently leads me into the throne room with his head on the small of my back in an oddly comforting way. I know that deep down I should feel frightened, but I feel very safe with the tall vampire who could kill me with only his pinky finger. We walk in and stop a little bit behind Alice and the blonde vampire.
“Felix how nice of you to finally join us, and you brought another human with you.”
“My apologies masters.” He marches forward leaving me behind Alice to give this other vampire his hand. After a few moments he starts to laugh, “magnifico.” he turns his red gaze towards me, “may I?” he asks as he slowly makes his way to me.
Frightened I look around the room for Felix, “little dove I promise it’s okay, no one is going to hurt you with me around.” Felix says as he gently rubs my back to soothe me.
With one last glance at Felix, I just nod and put my hand out for the vampire to take. “Aro reads thoughts y/n kind of like myself.” Edward states
‘Edward, I thought I told you to stay out of my head.’ I think and then I hear Aro giggle a bit at that thought. He turns to the tired looking vampire and the tired vampire just nods his head, “True mates they are.”
Bella seems to connect the dots faster than I do. “NO! I will NOT allow it,” Bella roughly grabs my wrist and pulls me behind her, I let out a wince of pain. I can see that this visibly upsets Felix, he marches towards Bella with eyes blazing red with anger.
“Keep your hands off of her and get away from her!” he growl out on his way towards her.
Before he can get to Bella, Edward maneuvers past me to push Bella behind him. This causes her to knock into me in the process and I fall to the hard ground, putting my hands out to catch myself before my face hits the hard ground with a groan. The short blonde vampire gently helps me back to my feet, “Are you okay little human?” He asks softly checking on me
“Thank you, I will be fine.” I say with a nod and turn back towards the commotion.
I can see Edward trying to take on the giant Vampire himself which is kind of pitiful to watch as I see Felix throw him around like it was nothing, “wow.” I whisper under my breath memorized.
“Y/n Y/M Swan!” Bella scolds me after they are done fighting, and Edward is back near her.
“What, it’s not my fault!” I exclaim, He’s hot I think in my head
“He kills people Y/N!” Bella tries to argue
“Oh, Come on Bella get over yourself! Edward is no saint either.” I shoot back, this makes Felix look at me with pride and Edward glares back at me.
“Cullen, you better relax your gaze when you look at her before I relax it for you.” Felix shoving a cloak into his arms roughly before making his way to me.
“Are you alright?” he asks me wiping some hair out of my face and placing it behind my ear.
“yeah, I am fine Felix, thank you.” I say blushing
“Demetri please escort them out.” Aro states going to sit back on his throne.
I start to walk towards the door behind my sister, “Not you y/n, we have a lot to discuss.” Aro states
Bella stops walking and turns, “I’m not leaving her alone, what needs to be said can be said here and now.”
“Y/n you are to stay here in Volterra with Felix.” Aro bluntly states
I feel my face get hot and my hands start to shake, my breathing quickens; I am going to have a panic attack. Felix can sense my accelerated heartbeat and brings me into a comforting hug. A gentle almost nonexistent humming rumbles in Felix chest starting calm me down.
“She can’t stay, she’s only 16.” Bella tries to reason with the old vampire king
Once I am calm enough, I turn in Felix’s arms looking up into his eyes, “Please allow me to return to Forks long enough for me to graduate, after my graduation I am more than willing to come back and stay with you no complaints.” I plead with the gentle giant.
“Do I have your word?” Aro questions
“Of course, I never break an oath.” I state sincerely
 Aro waits a moment “Very well, you may go back...but only until graduation, in two years Felix will be coming to bring you home.”
“Thank you I am so grateful.” I say with a serious tone.
“You may all leave at sundown until then you will be brought to a different room. Dinner will be here shortly.” The blonde king grumbles out.
I turn and look up at Felix, I wrap my hand under his arms as I am to short to reach his shoulders with my 5’4 frame. I squeeze him as tight as I can which doesn’t do much to him, after a second he gently places his arms around my waist, “When will I see you again?” I ask meekly resting my chin on his chest straining my neck a bit
“I will try my best to visit you when I can Little one but I am not certain.” He says and gently kisses my forehead with his cold lips, “Now go with Demetri.”
Demetri leads us to a different room, “Don’t leave here until sundown.” He states and turns to leave, smiling at me softly on his way out.
I am stuck in this room with Alice watching Bella and Edward being all lovey Dovey. After about an hour of the torture of watching the couple, the door opens and a person walks in, I don’t pay it any mind as I think it is just Demetri. I am very much pleasantly surprised when I hear the voice of the one and only Felix, “Little Dove, will you please come with me.”
Bella and Edward both perk up at this question, “No she isn’t leaving this room with you!” Bella exclaims
“Bella let her go, Felix won’t do anything to hurt her, in fact she is the safest with him than anyone else, vampire or otherwise, there is no one safer for her to be around.”  Alice comes to my aid by saying this.
Without another word from my sister or Edward I take Felix's outstretched hand and allow him to gently pick me up off the cold stone floor.  He doesn’t release his gentle grip on my hand once I am standing. He keeps my hand in his as he leads me through the castle. We stop as he opens a new door, “Lady’s first.”
I walk into what seemly is a bedroom, I can feel my nerves slightly rise when he shuts the door behind him. “Hey, it’s okay, relax cara mia it’s okay. I figured that you would want to talk somewhere more private.” He says while sitting at a table by a huge bookshelf. Amazed, I walk over to the bookshelf and gently run my fingers along the leather spines of the books as I walk past them in fascination. Most of these are first editions kept in pristine condition, these books are very much loved.
I stop when I hear his voice, “Do you like read?”
I turn my attention to him, back now to the bookshelf and I answer, “Very much so,” I pause, “Have you read all these?”
“Yes, I have actually, you have a lot of extra time on your hands when your immortal.” he jokes, “so tell me, what’s your favorite genre of book.”
I kind of giggle out of embarrassment, “As ironic as it sounds, I really enjoy fantasy.”
Felix nods his head and makes his way over to the shelf directly in front of me. He gently places one hand on my hip and with the other he reaches to the top of the bookshelf with minimal effort. He pulls a small but thick leather book from above my head.
When he brings the book down to my height his cold hand releases my hip to present the book to me, “Here little Dove, this one is called The Bloody Chamber, it was published in 1979 and it is a collection of short stories.”
I gently run my fingers over the leather cover with gold writing across it. “Felix, this is a first edition, I can’t take this back to Forks with me.”  I make eye contact with his memorizing red ones, which I noticed are brighter now that he has fed.
“yes, you can, I trust you to take care of it.” He states like it was the most obvious thing ever.
With a smile I pull him in for a hug “Thank you Fe! I’ll take really good care of it.”
“I know you will.”
“Fe?” I question
“Yes Dove?” he replies looking down at me
“How tall are you?” I question
“I’m 6 foot 7.” he replies with amusement
“How is that even possible.”
“I was a gladiator before I was turned by Aro.”
“Really? That is so cool!” I pause before questioning. "Will you help me with my history test next year.”
“Of course, once I figure out contact information that is.” Felix states
My smile dropped slightly, my phone... I left it back in forks, “I left my phone in forks, and I don’t know my new phone number yet.”
“you’re okay, I need to get myself a phone anyway, until then how about I write to you.”
“I would really like that a lot Felix.” I look and see that the sun is starting to set over the horizon.
“I should probably get you back to your sister before she thinks I ran away with you.” he jokes and leads me back to the room we were waiting in.
I giggle as we head towards the small room, “Yeah that’s probably for the best unfortunately.”
“Don’t you worry Dove soon I won’t have to give you back.” He smiles out.
“I really hate goodbyes, so I’ll see you later Felix.” I say feeling my tear ducts start to swell with tears as I already feel such a strong pull to him.
“See you later Dove, Stay out of trouble for me okay.” He says handing me the book from earlier.
“I promise, stay safe please.” I say grabbing the book with our hands accidentally touching.
Before I go, I stand on my tippy toes and place my hands on his shoulders to help steady myself; he places his hands on my hips to steady me further. I gently kiss him on the cheek as a goodbye gesture. I make my way over to alice with a small smile. As I walk away arm and arm with Alice, I see his eyes widen slightly in shock.
Alice and I let Bella and Edward go in front of us, “So did he follow through with kissing you?” she asks teasingly
“What no, we just talked and he gave me a book. It was really sweet” I smile sweetly
“You like him already, don’t you?” she asks
“I’m pretty sure I might, I do feel safe with him.” I state
“You and him are going to be really happy, I’ve seen it. You both are going to bring out the good in each other.” she finishes her statement fondly. “It was honestly what I was wishing for Edward and Bella too but it’s not looking very good.”
When Bella and I finally make it home we face the wrath of Charlie Swan. It was more so pointed at Bella than myself. This is because she left me no choice, I had to go. Bella had to be home by 4 pm every day, I however got to stay out until 5pm. Our punishment is going to be in effect until the end of the school year. I run up to my room after we are done with Charlie’s lecture, and I sit on my queen size bed. I gently opened the book that Felix had given me. I let my eyes scan the words on the pages only carefully turning them with the softest touch to not transfer too much of my skin's oils back on to the original parchment.  
I read the first short story before putting my bookmark into the book and gently placing it on the bookshelf where it will remain safe. I crawl into bed and place my head on the pillow as I start to drift off into a deep sleep thinking of Felix. I hope I get a letter from him soon.
@small-town-wayward-daughter @venusdelaroix @trashy-panda777 @kezibear143 @smithmallory13 @im-as-mad-as-a-wax-bananna @sunsetswurve @believinghurts
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@melinsk1 @ssa--holmes @artaxerxesthegreat @jenfox25 @lacychick @smileykiddie08 @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Waiting🖤 Part.2
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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Friday came and I was a nervous wreck, I didn’t care to tell Bella or dad about this seeing as Bella has already distanced herself from me and I didn’t wanna get dads hopes up, sitting in math class, the last class of the day I kept glancing at the clock ticking closer and closer to the final bell, trying to distract myself I delved back into the worksheet infront of me, soon enough the bell rang and my heart jumped
Anxiously I threw everything into my bag and left the school straight to the parking lot, where Emmett was leaned against his silver jeep, when his eyes landed on me that bright smile stretch across his face making his amber eyes shine
“Hey gorgeous you ready for the best night of your life?” I could feel the heat rush to my face only making his smirk widen
“Not like that y/n, not yet anyways, come on hop in” he said as he held the door open for me, quickly getting in the drivers seat next to me
“Sooo um what’re we doing?”
“Thought we could go hiking, maybe get out of the cloud bank into some sunlight”
“I love hiking! Sounds like fun” finally relaxing knowing now it’s something I’m use to doing
He drove for a while out of forks to a near by hiking trail not commonly used by the public, we got out and started our journey
“So tell me a bit about yourself Angel” he said breaking the silence
“Well there’s not much to know, I’ve lived here my whole life, my sister and mom left when I was young so it’s just been me and my dad, I became homeschooled until now and I usually just read and do homework”
“Not a big social butterfly I assume?”
“Not really, what about you? Tell me everything!”
“Well I have 4 adopted siblings, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Edward, you’ll love Alice she’s the sweetest, I like getting out into the forest, love music and working out”
“Yeah I can tell” I smiled glancing at his bulging muscles under his long sleeve shirt
“Woah she’s got some fire in her after all” he laughed nudging my arm
“What can I say you bring it out of me” his hand grazed against mine until he went for it and intertwined his fingers through mine
“Why so nervous pretty girl? Do I fluster you?”
“Maybe, I’ve never really done stuff like this but it’s nice” I saw his features soften as he looked down at me and gently squeezed my hand
“Really? A beautiful thing like yourself, I’m surprised you don’t have boys on their knees begging for your attention”
“I think you have me mixed up with my sister” I laughed nervously
“And who might that be because I don’t even need to see her to know your beauty is beyond anything of this world”
“Emmett stop you’re just trying to make me blush, and my sister is Bella, Bella swan she’s new to the school” he stopped dead in his tracks with a shocked expression
“Bella is your sister, like your actual sister?”
“So you already know her, not a surprise”
“No it’s not that, my brother Edward has been after her since she came at the start of the week, kind of funny how two brothers can like two sisters, but I must say I got the more beautiful”
“You’re too sweet Em, I can’t believe she hasn’t said anything”
“Edward is a very awkward secretive guy I’m sure Bella is the same way maybe that’s why she hasn’t said anything”
“Can’t say you’re wrong”
He looked me up and down trying to judge something, curious
“Do you trust me?”
“I only just meet you but yeah, I do”
In an instant he flung me over his back so I was clung to him like a monkey
“Hold on tight sunshine” everything flew by in a blur, there was no shape to anything with the speed he was going, but however he was doing this it didn’t scare me or make me wonder what the hell was happening, I actually felt at peace
Soon enough he stopped as we cleared the cloud bank and the sun was beaming, he placed me gently back down on my feet and turned around, his skin was like a million tiny crystals, I was in awe by how much more beautiful he became
“Are you scared?” He asked as his face scrunch with worry
I raised my hand and traced down his cheek feeling his hard cold skin
“No quite the opposite, you’re beautiful Emmett”
“Don’t you wanna know what I am?” He asked placing his hands on my hips
“Whatever you are I’d never judge, I feel you’d never hurt me so I don’t care what you are”
“How did I get so lucky” he stated as he lifted me like I weighed a feather, wrapping my legs around his waist
“What do you mean?”
“Us vampires have mates and the moment you bumped into me in the hallways I knew you were mine, the one I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with”
“But why me, you could have anybody”
“You’re everything I’ll ever need, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you Angel, and I’ll spend the rest of eternity showing you how amazing you are”
My heart swelled with the most love I’ve ever felt and I’m lucky enough to finally find the one who will brighten my life
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Taglist: @whit0912 @serenadingtigers @twilightlover2007
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jamilelucato · 7 months
Unlikely - Emmett Cullen
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Summary: Edward Cullen discovers a surprising secret when he inadvertently tunes into the thoughts of a fellow student, [y/n] [y/l/n], revealing her crush on none other than his brother, Emmett. As their unexpected connection unfolds, both face the complexities of love and the challenges of their supernatural existence.
Pairing: [y/n] [y/l/n] x Emmett Cullen
Universe: Twilight
Author's Note: So, I have had this in store for a while, waiting for the right time to post it. I feel like Emmett deserves I do it. Btw, I can't promise a part 2 or something like that. For an unknown reason, it's been hard for me to write characters kissing and stuff. But get them flirting below.
Info: Emmett here is supposedly enroled in the same year as Edward and Bella, because I wanted to keep him in school whereas I wanted Rosalie gone. Love Rosalie, though. I'm telling you this because it's not canon, so... there you go.
### Edward was the first to notice, of course.
He wasn't paying much attention until this girl's thoughts popped louder than the rest of the cafeteria.
Edward already had so much trouble — keeping tabs on Bella Swan — that his most minor concern was the other students at Forks High School.
But her thoughts were loud and clear. I can't believe it! I… I am crushing on him! Gods, embarrassing…
Edward Cullen frowned. He was always around teenagers, and more often than not, they'd find themselves in love. Why was this random girl's mental voice so loud and clear, then?
He's never paid attention to me before. He just borrowed me a pen. Get a grip on yourself, [y/n]! The girl's mind shouted, reprehending herself.
"What is it, Edward?" Bella asked, calling back his attention to her. Edward was curious about the other students, but no one in the world came before Bella Swan to him.
"Someone's called my attention," Edward answered, letting Bella grasp his hand.
"Good or bad?" she asked.
"A student," Edward answered, unsure yet if listening to the random girl's thoughts so clearly was a bad sign. "She's found herself crushing on someone."
Bella looked puzzled. "Oh, well. It happens to all of us," she jested but still looked worried. "Any idea why her voice is louder?"
Even after all those many months apart, Bella quickly understood Edward's gift. But the loud voice had disappeared.
"It was [y/n] [y/l/n]. But I don't know who she's crushing on that can be so bad…" Edward let his sentence trail off, looking around the cafeteria for the human.
Emmett's face lit up, and he chimed in. "[y/n]? I talked to her today in Biology class. She's my lab partner."
Bella moved her neck to face Emmett better. "I did not know that."
Emmett shrugged. "I mean, it's not like we interact. She's been my partner for a while in that class, but you know…" he didn't finish his sentence, embarrassed to tell Bella what he really thought. But Edward read it all in Emmett's mind: but I don't usually bother with humans.
Edward pressed his lips together, reacting to his brother's thought. He also didn't want to tell Bella that he agreed.
"But what was it about [y/n], anyway? Is she in danger?" Emmett asked, not showing his concern. To Bella, it all seemed like curiosity. But to Edward, well, he saw Emmett's thoughts trailing off.
"No, not at all," Edward nodded. "I don't think I've tuned to her thoughts before, that's all. It was just so loud a minute ago."
"Ah," Emmett let out. What was she saying? I know you won't tell me, but you sure as hell told Bella.
"What I said is what I heard," Edward affirmed, answering Emmett's mind. 
"So she has a crush, good for her!" Emmett said, raising his tone just a bit but enough for Bella to notice. 
Before Edward could intrude on his brother's reaction, Emmett left.
Emmett sat at his seat, tensed. Being a vampire and all, he had no need for breathing, definitely no need for oxygen. But it was a habit to do so, to get a grasp of scent and also to act more "human". However, that day, he felt like he was hyperventilating.
So Edward had heard [y/n] had a crush on someone. No big deal. Was she one of the funniest girls he ever met? Yes. Did she have such a crooked smile that made her more beautiful? Yes. Did she seem to always understand him, even when he barely spoke to her? Yes. But that meant nothing and would stay meaning nothing, for she was a human, and he was a vampire. 
Emmett concluded it would have been better if Edward had not mentioned any of [y/n]'s thoughts. In fact, since Edward was always so focused on Bella, Emmett thought [y/n] would stay out of his radar. Goddammit.
"Hey, Emm," [y/n] said, catching Emmett by surprise as she sat beside him.
[y/n] was in many other classes Emmett was enrolled in, but Biology was the only course they actively sat together. Well, one time in English class, Emmett was left out of group partners, and [y/n] politely and unexpectedly asked him to join her group. But that had been one time.
He wouldn't admit it to his siblings, but [y/n] had caught him off guard. Emmett had been so distracted thinking about her that her scent passed unnoticed when she was finally there.
"Hi, [y/n]!" he replied, quickly cleaning his throat after noticing his "hi" had sounded a bit too high-pitched. He wished he had a nickname for [y/n] as she had, with time, shortened his name after the forced proximity. He had tried out some possibilities in his mind, but he was a man of his time, and just calling her by her first name and not simply "miss" was too much for his little mind.
"It's snowing today," she prompted, shifting her eyes from his face to the window nearby.
"I noticed," Emmett nodded.
"Do you plan to snow-fight your siblings?" she asked shyly after becoming embarrassed by his gruff reply.
Emmett's face lit up just a bit, and he hoped it was invisible for [y/n]'s human eyes. She's trying to make small talk, he concluded, smiling internally.
"You've noticed I do that, huh," he playfully leaned his head.
[y/n] smiled. "Last year, I saw you trying to hit Alice. She was quick though," she said, moving her shoulders as if to shrug, but not quite. "I just hope you don't plan to have your fight in the cafeteria again."
Emmett's eyebrows were eager to shoot up, but he controlled them just in time. So [y/n] had noticed him and his siblings since the year before. Of course, she had known Emmett since their first high school year — or should he say her first high school year? — and of course, one thing or another, she was bound to catch up about the Cullens. But to have detected him launching Alice a snowball... and to remember it, that was something.
"Be careful then," Emmett joked. "I can't make any promises."
"Oh, please," [y/n] rolled her eyes, shifting the way she sat so she could look to the front of the classroom. She continued without facing Emmett, "As if you would ever hit on me... I mean, on me! No! I mean, hit me! With a snowball."
Her face was so red Emmett thought her head was going to explode. Did humans' heads do that? Did they explode?
[y/n] saw he looked concerned, but she misinterpreted it. Emmett had barely noticed her slip in language use.
"I don't mean you would hit on me at all," she kept shaking her head as if to erase her language mistake. "Not that it matters; both are something you would never do," she whispered now, more to herself than to the boy, but being a vampire, he heard it all. "Forget it, Emmett. I'm so sorry."
Emmett was instantly calmer, but not because he was glad she apologised — why was she apologising again? — but because the redness was slowly disappearing from [y/n]'s face, which definitely meant she was not gonna explode, he felt very relieved, which surprised him. When Edward had mentioned, the year before, how easily humans could die, Emmett had thought his brother was being absurd. But he was worried about this human girl beside him for some reason.
He planned to ask [y/n] if she was indeed all right, but the professor walked in, and all the chances he had to do so seemed to disappear.
[y/n] could not, for her life, tell what Mr. Banner was going on and on about. Was it about cells? About nature? She was utterly unfocused, even though her eyes were fixed on the weird teacher. Well, actually, she would fix her gaze at anything and anyone, if that was enough, to avoid looking to her left and eyeing Emmett Cullen.
All her mind could do was blame herself. She had known Emmett since the Cullens came to the town; there was no reason for fuss. The family was undoubtedly the most beautiful of all. All of them could be models, including Dr. Carlisle, whom she met when she unintentionally had to stitch a bruise. Since entering high school and having known them, her gaze was fatally met with Emmett's.
It was not as if he had reacted in any other way, if not with boredom. She grew discouraged after each "incident" but continued to spy on the Cullen family. However, whenever Rosalie and Edward caught her staring, [y/n] felt uneasy and quickly averted her gaze. She knew there was no point in admiring Emmett Cullen when he already had Rosalie Hale by his side. So, who was [y/n] compared to the stunning blonde goddess?
[y/n] was extremely surprised when she witnessed the Cullens' return to Forks.
Seeing Bella Swan go through a "mourning process," [y/n] felt understood because she had felt the same way, although on a much smaller scale. However, she would never have confessed it or let it show. Who was she to miss the Cullens?
She never expected Edward Cullen or Emmett to come back, but one day, there they were. [y/n] arrived late one day and had not noticed the extra car in the parking lot. When it was time for biology class, [y/n] was caught off guard to see that she had a new (old) partner already sitting at the table they were supposed to share.
Letting herself dive into this thread of thought, [y/n] was sure that it was not at that moment, when he returned, that she saw herself surrendered to Emmett. Yes, she had gotten more loose and relaxed when she noticed that Rosalie had not accompanied her siblings or Jasper Hale because they had graduated. But Edward's gaze still haunted her. Something told her that the whole family moved by the boy's fault (even if the rumours said that Dr Carlisle had accepted a better job), so [y/n] was afraid that Edward would make his family move again.
After secretly paying attention, she was surprised to detect that Bella was also afraid of them disappearing again.
Before Biology class ended, [y/n]'s mind replayed a specific, very recent memory. The day before, she was about to write something down when her pen started failing. She thought she wasn't reacting noticeably, but somehow Emmett glimpsed her sudden need.
"Do you want a pen of mine to borrow?" he asked, already holding the thing out to her grasp.
[y/n] raised her eyes from her notebook to meet his golden gaze.
"Oh, thank you," she smiled, borrowing the pen.
Emmett had said nothing more and returned his gaze to Mr Banner. [y/n] thought she ought to do the same and rushed to write down the rest of the speech.
When the class had ended, [y/n] turned to Emmett before he could head out. "Here you go, Emm," she smiled at him, trying her hardest to look polite. "Thank you."
The nickname must have gotten him off guard — even though [y/n] was sure she had called him so before — because his golden eyes widened.
"You can keep it," he said, not a hint of hesitation, even though his expression seemed hesitant.
"Oh," [y/n] gasped. "Thanks again, then," she smiled with her cheeks high, feeling they were reddening.
It was then he surprised her: Emmett smiled.
She did not see it coming at all. [y/n] had talked to the boy before. They had even joked around — when Mr Benner said something sex-related, the duo was really juvenile for that topic, and they would always let a little chuckle out — but that smile was different. It was wide, genuine. Emmett showed all his beautiful white teeth at her, and she was mesmerised by the whole view. He had dimples.
Emmett Cullen had dimples!
[y/n] remembered stumbling in her words, trying to find something to say because she wanted Emmett to keep smiling. But he simply nodded at her and got up, leaving the classroom before [y/n] could form a coherent thought.
She spent the whole day revisiting the memory of his smile and dimples. She was frozen in that Biology class; it was as if she never left. In her mind, she kept the conversation going. She knew he was a clown — she liked him best of all the Cullens for it — and so perhaps, she could have prompted a joke, such as "Do you think we're so poor compared to you, rich Cullens, that I need a pen as a gift?" It could've been funny; maybe he would've kept smiling. Perhaps he would laugh but really laugh and not hold back as usual.
But, in the end, she said nothing, just like today.
When Mr Banner announced they were free, [y/n] instantly turned her gaze to Emmett.
"Oh, sorry there, Emm," she swallowed hard, trying to keep her brave facade as she spoke to him. "It seems there's no longer snow for your fight."
He shrugged, and a light of playfulness hit his face. "No problem there. I can just punch Edward straight up."
She wasn't sure if it had been his innocent way of speaking or if it had been the mention of just the right brother, but [y/n] cracked up in one of her loudest laughs yet. The students who hadn't already run out of the classroom all turned to stare at her.
Emmett seemed to get in a shocked state. He wasn't expecting that reaction.
"I'm sorry," [y/n] said, trying to catch her breath. It was not easy; she still wanted to laugh. "I... I don't know why that was so funny."
"Maybe because Edward has a very punchable face," Emmett suggested, letting go of his restraints and following [y/n] in chuckles.
"I'm sure you've done that many times," [y/n] raised a brow, instigating him to go on.
"Unfortunately," Emmett tilted, "no, I have not."
"Oh," [y/n] did not see that answer coming, "too much of a good brother?"
Emmett snorted a laugh. "Definitely not that. I just never seem to catch him," Emmett knew why that was so, whereas [y/n] would never have a clue: Edward read his mind any time Emmett tried to catch the sibling by surprise with punches or simply trying to give a scare.
As much as [y/n] wanted to continue the conversation, she had the next class to go to. She sighed lowly, but Emmett heard it right away, and he couldn't help smiling at her silly human reaction to leaving.
[y/n] stared at his smile like a child watching Santa come down from the chimney.
"Dimples," she thought aloud, not realising it until it was too late. Hoping Emmett didn't notice, she averted her eyes and started gathering her books, but the Cullen had heard it all too well.
He remained silent, though, allowing her heartbeat to stead again. When she was already up, probably about to nod him goodbye, he said, "You have dimples too."
Red is definitely her colour. How have I never noticed before? Besides that cute turtle neck she was wearing, when the red flushed her cheeks, that was...
The image totally got Edward by surprise. He was walking out of one of his classes when, passing the hallway, a mind ahead called his attention to a particular image. Then, the voice! The oh-so-familiar, very annoying mental voice of none other than Emmett Cullen.
In seconds, Edward was beside his sibling. "What was that?"
Shit! Emmett's face was as embarrassed as his mental voice. The sibling quickly started singing some random annoying pop song to pull Edward out of his mind, but it was too late.
"Why were you thinking of [y/n] like that?" Edward asked.
"Like what?" Emmett replied, but Edward's question worked, making Emmett revisit his thoughts, and [y/n]'s face popped up again, with Edward getting a complete view.
The old-school vampire was suddenly repulsed and stepped slightly to the side.
You are the one in my mind! Emmett accused him in thought.
"Not because I want to, believe me!" Edward exclaimed, returning to his spot next to Emmett. "Brother, I better hope you know what you're doing."
"I'm not doing anything," Emmett said defensively.
Edward raised a brow, wishing Emmett could read his thoughts and see how foolish in love Emmett had thought about [y/n].
"Stay out of my business," Emmett nudged his brother. I can't find anyone pretty anymore? 
"After having Rosalie, I highly doubt you'd think that of a human," Edward answered Emmett's unspoken question.
"Rosalie and I... we're not a couple. We have our fun; that's all," Emmett said. "Besides, we haven't had fun in decades; you know that."
Edward knew because he had read their sex-deprived thoughts before. Still, he had thought Emmett was evolving, for he had stopped picturing Rosalie in a… needy way. But now, it seemed it had a different reason why.
Suddenly, another piece fell into place.
"She has fallen for you," Edward gasped in such a whisper only vampire hearing could catch it.
What? Emmett's mind shouted. "Don't be silly," he said aloud.
"It was definitely you [y/n] mentioned having a crush on yesterday," Edward continued his theory, forcing them both to stop walking and stay in the middle of the hallway. "That's probably why she caught my attention; she must have exclaimed your name! In thought," he added, although it was apparent.
"Are you sure about this?" Emmett asked, out of habit mostly, for he knew that no amount of hoping could make Edward wrong, not when he had a sibling so powerful.
Emmett's mind was racing as he tried to process it all. It was the first time Edward had trouble keeping up with him. Emmett was generally slower, even mentally, than Edward, but that was not the case now as he tried to understand everything about [y/n]. Edward caught up to some images — [y/n] blushing, [y/n] making a joke and laughing alone, and then the terrifying one. It was similar to the ones Edward had regarding Bella, too: [y/n] with eyes so red and skin so pale that there was no denying her heart no longer beat.
But when Edward returned his gaze to his taller brother, Emmett was not sad at the view, not half as much as Edward was when he thought of Bella as a vampire.
"Stop it," Edward begged, noticing Emmett's mind went on; he had started enduring the idea of Bella talking to [y/n] about what it was like to love a monster.
Emmett shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. "Sorry, man. It's just that...I never thought someone like her would fall for me."
Edward's worries shifted topics. "Why would you say that?" Edward had felt like that; he still felt like that with Bella, always thinking of himself as a killer and not deserving of love. But Emmett was most comfortable being a vampire out of all his family members. So, his brother had never thought to see him doubting himself.
Emmett's thoughts were faster than his tongue. Not even Rosalie fell for me, not really, and she was the one that found me, and she's our... species. [y/n] is a human girl with a life ahead of her, a full one at that; I don't see how she'd fallen for me. "Are you sure it's love?" Emmett asked out loud.
"Well, she thought it was a crush," Edward replied, returning to his own memories of [y/n]. But he didn't dwell on them for long. Edward was still trying to process Emmett's confession about Rosalie. He had always seen Emmett as cheerful, never realising that his brother might also feel unloved. They had more in common than Edward had ever thought.
Emmett sighed, and even before Edward could say anything — advice or a comforting word — Emmett lowered his head. "I know, Edward. I understand the risks."
Edward frowned. He couldn't believe Emmett immediately concluded that Edward would be mad at him. Of course, there were risks, not just because the girl involved was human. Even if Emmett didn't think Rosalie loved him (and Edward, being a mind reader and all, agreed), she would also cause some trouble. 
But who was Edward to judge his brother's choices regarding a human?
"Look, if you decide to pursue this relationship, I'll support you."
Emmett smiled, surprised but yet feeling grateful for his brother's support. Thank you, he thought, and Edward nodded.
Edward thought love was a powerful emotion, and he couldn't blame Emmett for feeling like he did. However, he hoped that Emmett would make the right decision, whatever that may be.
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