#and i don't see how something that is entirely constructed by a person gains its own agency when ultimately
decepti-geek · 1 year
I’m sure people have lots of fun with the doomed by the narrative thing but whenever I see it I turn into the project runway guy
“doomed by the narrative” shut up it’s the fucking creator making creative decisions
#i wasn't as annoyed by this until i just now found out that it's like... a wholesale made up trope?#just from tumblr?#and i am a firm believer in descriptivisim and not just going by the tools/words that have already been created#but at the same tim i genuinely do not understand the... purpose of this one?#The Narrative is not like. an independently-acting force#i absolutely won't deny that it's its own THING but i think a thing can be a Thing#without posessing its own agency and ability to affect stuff#and i don't see how something that is entirely constructed by a person gains its own agency when ultimately#that still just comes from the person?#it feels a bit wizard of oz pay no attention to the man behind the curtain#the narrative didnt doom that character the author decided that they were gonna die#and yeah that's in service to the narrative but i dont like the... implication i see there#that the version of the narrative we get is somehow The narrative#and not just. one option#informed by the author's choices#no piece of media is technically perfect or some kind of manifestation of its ideal form like cmon#writing#i also want it noted that i looked the thing up at all because i was puzzling over it#and wanted to know what the original idea was behind it in case it turned out id been getting the grapevine version and missed something#i can't find where it started?#like i genuinely would like to know what the original intent was of the person who came up with it#but i can't find it#so im now just. skeptical of any use of it ngl because whilst it's still new i guess people can be meaning a whole lot of things by it#until some popular idea of what it means coalesces or whatever#but even then im still like#it feels like this weird abdication of agency for characters/author and attributing all the agency to something that ultimately HAS none?#so just kinda banishing it into the aether i guess
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distortedkilling · 5 months
I'm sorry if this is a too deep question out of nowhere, but on your HCs, how do you think the curses (and mahito especially) perceive gender? Mahito uses masculine pronouns in canon, but do you think he identifies with a specific gender? Is agender? Is interested in studying the importance we humans give to it, or thinks it's too stupid and unecessary? Does he comprehend certain prejudices that humans have due to gender ideas? I was also going to include asking about sexuality too, but I think this is already a pretty big ask </3 have a good day S2
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Feel free to ask anything you like! I love deep questions.
With curses in general I think the context matters - as in, the type of curse they are. Say a curse exists that was born from the suffering women have endured, I feel like that curse would be more attached to the associated gender because its existence and nature surrounds that gender specifically. Whether that curse has the sentience or care to identify as said gender is another thing to consider. How a curse presents itself could be directly related to that gender its nature is associated with, or it could be a more ambiguous thing that covets aspects of the specific gender despite being something more akin to agender.
I think it comes down to the nature of the curse (why the curse was born to begin with) + the level of sentience of the curse (if it possesses the awareness to care about gender). I think a curse lacking sentience/awareness that identifies as a gender is likely echoing its nature without consideration - like a ghost looping in the place it died. Curses seem to echo "gibberish" about what made them or is related to their birth.
By default I lean towards the 'no' zone of curses perceiving gender to the degree humans do. While gender can be important to the type of curse it is, gender doesn't actually serve a purpose beyond that to them. It's entirely a human construct in terms of identification. Gender serves a reproductive purpose, sure, but how many curses are out there making babies? I ask that because curses, as we know them, lean more into negative and destructive habits than positive and creation based ones.
The context of a curse is what can give them a gender association, but a curse possessing sentience to some degree is what can define their perception on gender - if they even have one.
With Mahito I think he understands humans value gender perception. I don't think he personally cares deeply on the matter himself in terms of identification, but he likes the way the male form feels more-so than the female form. From the angle I write him from, I feel like he's agender but likes to be masculine presenting in body to a degree.
(Side note: I have a running theory way off to the side on the fact he was more masc leaning because human hatred, fear and betrayal in history has been more knowingly caused by men and patriarchies. That's not me saying women haven't done shit things in history, mind you, since Mahito isn't really bound to any one gender doing one. But predominantly in history, regardless of country even, we see male leaders of nations or clans being the ones to decide the fates of others. Betraying their people, enslavement, forcing their people into war, murdering for their own gain or enjoyment, etc. and the greater documentation we have of it regarding men over women.
It made me think that maybe Mahito's development into a masc leaning build was influenced by that. But he also keeps his features feminine leaning because plenty of women in history have also done wrong. Both in the past and present day - whatever the span of energy was that built up enough to make him. Or remake him (again and again).
It's a very tentative thing I'm considering because obviously it Doesn't Sound Great on paper. But Mahito is a little bit of a scholar of sorts, between human psychology, philosophy and (in my opinion) having some manner of interest in history - I can see him kind of playing with this angle because it could feel right to him to embody aspects of what birthed him. Presenting as a feminine man also is its own topic that inspires stupid amounts of hatred in people. Seeing as Mahito likes to make people upset, uncomfortable, etc. I can also see him forming his body based on that.
And while I know a person's art style is liable to change here and there and what not - I find it fun to think that Mahito is just shapeshifting himself a little here and there. Thins his muscles, gets a little leaner now and then, sometimes gets more bulky. Adjusts depending on his wants or if he thinks it's necessary to.
Anyways, these thoughts in here are just tentative ones I'm musing on because I'm trying to factor in the things that birthed him and how they've played a role in humanity. So take this section in parenthesis with a grain of salt for now.)
Back to your inquiry, I think he'd be interested to learn how humans perceive it and what the fuss is all about. The subject of gender in the modern era sparks a lot of negativity between those who are going unheard and those who are obtuse on the matter. I think Mahito understands gender in the form of human reproduction and doesn't inherently think more on it beyond that. If someone corrected him on how their identify he'd take a second to consider their physical form and if it was based on that or based on their mental perception of themselves. Either way, I don't really feel like he'd have a care in going along with how someone identifies as, since gender to him isn't a huge deal. On top of that, his interest in psychology and philosophy surrounding the subject is probably the saving grace here that would have him be interested in going along with it. Because without that, he really wouldn't care and would call someone whatever came to mind. This isn't to say he's a nice curse, btw. Mahito will likely make rude jokes at the expense of someone. Gender, orientation, whatever regarding all that isn't really off limits if he wants to be mean in some way.
I think Mahito has a good understanding on the prejudices that exist. While he has no real attachment to gender as a curse and just decides based on his whim of what he likes at the time, he understands the value humans have with it and the negativity that generates because of the subject. Hell, he was probably born from a decent chunk of the hatred ignorant people have on the subject and the hatred (and fear) people on the other side of the debate (nonbinary, trans, etc) also experience. Mahito sees this issues humans face and thinks they are silly things to squabble about. But hey, they are generating negativity and kind of proving his own ideology so he isn't about to complain either.
Also feel free to ask about sexuality! I'm pausing this answer without that part because I'm not wholly sure what about it you'd like me to address. If you mean how curses or Mahito perceive sexuality? Or if he associates with that-- like similar questions here just flipped for that subject or something else. So rather than presuming I'll let you feel free to ask if you'd like so I can give the inquiry the attention it deserves.
If I didn't answer something enough, feel free to specify and I'll clarify my thoughts further. I don't mind at all.
Mind anyone who gets this far, this is just my own opinion of how I write Mahito. It's fine if you disagree with any part of it. ^^
Thank you very much for asking! It was lovely to answer.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 month
Higurashi Festival Accompanying Chapter 23
Okay, so Mion wasn't as smart as thought she was. No one realized that Rika's "manga" was her telling them about her situation.
Satoko realized the situation when she saw Rika talking with Akasaka and company, while Mion would have learned everything the night before when Rika and Satoko came to her house.
At this point, Keiichi and Rena are the only ones who hadn't been informed and you can see the cogs turning as they try to process such an unexpected occurrence.
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Hanyu is the only one who remembers Massacre and how Keiichi was able to rally everyone to unite against something no one thought they could defeat. So she's getting him to start beating the drums again. And the whole club gets fired up to take on Tokyo.
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The club members are not combatants. They foster a spirit of winning through trickery and deception. In military terms, they're guerilla fighters.
Rather than just bunkering down and waiting for Tomitake to fix things, they're going to take an offensive by sabotaging the enemy's offensive weapons. And the way to do that is by exploiting how it's not actually possible to determine if Emergency Manual 34 is necessary until it would be too late.
No one actually knows for sure if Rika's death would cause the villagers to go insane (it won't) and the entire premise is an educated guess (that's wrong) and the manual is only used to prevent an outbreak (that won't happen).
Honestly, invoking the manual has a better likelihood of causing an outbreak of Hinamizawa Syndrome considering that in the timelines where it is used, many people from the village who left went insane from the stress of finding out their home and families were killed.
Anyway, Rika's friends all realize that if Rika is found dead after 48 hours, then Emergency Manual 34 loses all its power. So they're going to keep her hidden until the morning of the Cotton Drifting, and then Ooishi will declare that Rika was found dead and had died more than 48 hours ago. So Operation 48 hours begins.
While Keiichi, Rena, and Satoko were shocked when Mion brought up Rika dying, Rika just stared at Mion blankly and Hanyu smiled.
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The next day, Ooishi goes to visit the construction manager's grave and brings white bellflowers with him. As he talks about what he's learned and the plan Mion's group has come up with, he thinks about how someone always brings blue hydangeas to his grave each year. And as he questions who that might be, the answer arrives.
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I figured I should look up flower symbolism for this scene. What I found is hydrangeas symbolize unity and togetherness in Japan. Meanwhile, bellflowers symbolize happiness.
Akane and Ooishi talk about the Dam War and how it's over so all the hatred and animosity from it needs to go away as well. The biggest regret that Oryou and all the Sonozakis have is they couldn't make amends with the manager.
I personally assume this is not something common across other timelines. I don't think Oryou and Akane were secretly bringing flowers and ohagi to the manager's grave every year in every arc. Instead, I think this is a knock-on effect from Massacre. Keiichi and his friends had to fight to make the village move on and start healing their wounds from the Dam War.
What I think happened is that sentiment was carried forward to this world. Somewhere in her mind, Oryou remembered how Keiichi fought to unite the village to save Satoko and he confronted the negative sentiment still existing. So this time, she's gained an opportunity to help heal the village like she should have, and part of it is doing what she can to make amends with the man who represented the opposition.
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This is a story about repentance, forgiveness, and second chances.
This is the first time that Shion has actually appeared in this arc. I'm going to headcanon that she managed to convince Oryou to put an end to the Sonozaki-Hojo feud back in 1982. I just want her to have some claim in crafting this world since she's the only major character who isn't involved in anything yet.
Ooishi and Akane talk about how the war is over and they need to move on to a new era. As they talk about making amends and becoming friends, a butterfly flies by. To add to all the symbolism in this scene, butterflies are symbols of change. So we're given a not-subtle-at-all demonstration that Ooishi's heart is changing for the better as he can finally let his grief and hatred go.
And now Ooishi has his answer to what he should do. He's going to help fight Tokyo by assisting with Mion's Operation 48 hours. And he's not going to regret the consequences.
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bihansthot · 2 years
I want your take of Ermac please 👁👁
Like what do you think of them? Social life? Love interest? His background? Friendship? And maybe a possibly of meeting Noob Saibot/Bi-han??(lol) Just in general how do you see them? Give me a whole novel about them, I'm ready-
(Yes, I love Ermac way too much how can you tell-)
I don't know that I can write an entire novel about Ermac the way I can about Bi-Han, but I'll give it a shot.
So, Ermac, I've always enjoyed them as a kharacter, call me a basic ass slut if you want but I've always had a thing for the palette swap "ninjas" well except for that dick who killed my husband. I've never really played them a lot though, for no real reason other than I'm a Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot main, with the exception of UMK3 in which I mained Rain as I talked about in a prior post, but that doesn't mean I've never played Ermac, I just probably played them for their ending and that was it. I like them though! I think their design is really cool, particularly in the later games and I really like that they're so unique. Like they're a construct of souls, like how cool is that? It must be so exhausting being them though like there's no break from all the different opinions all the different souls must have.
I think their background is fascinating, I think most people know he started as a rumor way back in MK1 where in they left a macro code in the game titled "ERMACS", short for error macro, and the rumor spread throughout the kommunity of a secret unlockable warrior. The rumor continued to gain popularity in MK2 where there was a scrambled message in the game "Ermac does not exist" which fueled people's curiosity even further. They finally make their official debut in UMK3 and was designed by Papa Tobias, there's actually a lot of really interesting history about the kharacter and their creation over on their wiki page, this was kind of just a super condensed version for those who may not know the kharacter's origin.
Ermac's original Friendship in MK Trilogy is him levitating the opponent and then turning them into a rabbit, which leads me to believe Ermac might be into magic to some extent. Sadly we haven't gotten an updated game to see what their friendship might be now, but maybe it's something fun them using their telekinesis to fly the opponent around or something. As far as friendships are concerned ally wise its complicated, Ermac's entire existence was to be an enforcer for Shao Kahn, however they change alliances in Deception and becomes an ally to the "good guys" but later on in MKX they're loyal to Shao Kahn's successors, first Mileena and later Kotal. I like to personally think they are good friends with Reptile, both of them are the only one of their kind and could bond over the loneliness and solitude that comes with being the only one of their species/existence, they're both also extremely loyal. I can also see Ermac getting along with Erron Black, Ermac is a quiet being and Error appreciates the quiet. I'm sure there are others Ermac probably get along with, but honestly I haven't really put in a lot of thought into who gets along with whom in the MK world.
A meeting with Noob Saibot huh? I'm not exactly sure where a meeting between the two of them would take place? Perhaps if Ermac had been in MK11 the two would have been allies under Kronika? Honestly though I kind of see Noob viewing Ermac as an all you can eat buffet LOL since ya know Noob "enslaves and consumes souls". As long as their goals aligned though there's no reason for them not to be allies, the only real problem I can see is Kronika resurrects Shao Kahn, which means Ermac would probably be loyal to Shao Kahn in MK11, and Noob doesn't take orders from anyone let alone Shao Kahn, so they might butt heads over that.
I hope that covers things pretty well, I'm still pretty out of it from my migraine but felt guilty that I hadn't really done anything today, so I hope this is sufficient lovely. Overall I really do like Ermac though and would love to see them get more screen time in MK12 if it's not a weird prequel, though I suppose Ermac can still be in it even if it is a weird prequel after all they're an amalgamation of souls so they might be hundreds or thousands of years old. I think they're a really interesting kharacter with a really interesting history and deserve a bigger presence in the MK world.
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nashmusings · 3 years
【Book Review】 Small Notebook Usage Techniques to Help Your Live Your Days The Way You Want, Everyone's 74 Usage Examples
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If you're a weeb (odds that you are, reading this blog), you'd know that JP titles are no fucking joke. In this post, besides reviewing the book, I'll be talking about some of the take-home messages from the book and anything of interest that stuck out to me. I'll also be looking at this book through the lens of a bullet journal user.
What's the book about?
It's actually the 2nd in a series called the "Small Notebook Usage Techniques", this one collects 74 examples from other small notebook users, the first one was solely by the author sharing his usage examples and MO. This one does have a taste of the author's, Takahashi Takuya (herein Takahashi), own usage and his MO. This book was published in Late Feb of 2021, and so it's very COVID-19-centered. As with Covid, everyone was locked home and overwhelmed by the changes the pandemic wrought. And so, this book was sort of written with that in mind, to 'reclaim' back our lives through the mighty small notebook.
Why a small sized notebook?
A small canvas has its own charms and perks, one may argue that an A5 book is the way to go. With a smaller space, you don't feel pressured to finish up the entire page to avoid wastage. And it's the 'perfect' size for one 'subject'. Not to mention that it's small-enough to be forked out anywhere or on the go so that you can quickly jot things down that comes to mind. Takahashi's MO on small notebooks does share some parallels with bullet journalling, in the sense of brain dumping all that you have onto the page. Numbered pages are essential, as well as an index. Here are the spreads that are under the "Takahashi-Style" spreads.
A to-do list & idea memo that grants you the ability to observe everyday happenings
A to-do list with a reward system
A grid that allows you to see everyone's roles (for work hierarchies and the like)
A memo that grants you the ability to deepen your understanding on a particular thing
A themepark-like route for going about meetings
A personal manual (referential spread)
Whiteboard-like usage (braindumping)
Inventory list
Namecard scrapbook
Running record
Uneasiness/worry memo
Cooping memo
Emergency contact memo I'll be going through a few of these spreads which I found interesting and that I found especially useful for the small notebook format, as some of the spreads can easily be compiled in a bullet journal. The book comes with lots of visuals and sample diagrams so I'd highly recommend you pick up the book. Every spread in the Takahashi-Style makes use of a header with a date to it and have it underlined (at number 1).
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A grid that allows you to see everyone's roles (for work hierarchies and the like) sample page
1. The to-do list & idea memo that grants you the ability to observe everyday happenings
The to-do list will be comprised of 1 daily page, and here you write down all your tasks for the day. The idea memo section is made so that there's as little friction as possible by using the last page of the book, you can always rotate the book vertically to get your page spread orientation right. This memo section is just a list, with the date of when the idea was written and a bullet point of what the idea entails. You can always attach the page number to the heading when you explore that idea in detail in the front section of the book.
2. A to do list with a reward system
This one is fairly straight forward. Construct a to-do list of what needs to be done in the day and then make a margin at the bottom of the page with the heading "reward" and leave a checkbox next to it. Set yourself a rule, if you've managed to complete the urgent or all tasks, get yourself that 'reward' and check it off once you receive it. The reward can be something as simple as a desert or whatever you consider rewarding.
3. A memo that grants you the ability to deepen your understanding on a particular thing
If you heard or saw about something, odds are that you don't really understand it from the getgo. Especially now in the context of the pandemic where the rules set by the government regarding infection control ever changes day by day. Takahashi recommends taking memos on such things (but of course it can be applied to any topic at hand) to deepen your understanding on the matter. So the spread starts with the heading of the desired topic and you write down notes or details of said topic. A bullet point format would be things look cleaner and easier to refer to later in time.
4. Uneasiness/worry memo
When going about our daily lives, we come across many things that induces stress in us, as well as making us uneasy or worried about. In order to sort through our murky thoughts, it's best to get it all down on paper. By making these worries visible to the eye on paper, you're able to gain a 3rd person view about the matter. In doing so, you'll be able to see the ways of resolving the issue or making sense out of it, rationalizing it. You can always use the left side of the spread to list down the issues and the right side the solutions to said issues.
5. Cooping memo
In this spread, you list the number of things or ways to help you detoxify your stress away. By listing them down ahead of time, you save your head the trouble of trying to find such information since you're going through a stressful time. It could be something as simple as getting your favourite drink or going to that special place to even ordering that favourite dish of yours. Whatever works for you, it can be in any scale.
My way of using a small notebook
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"Small notebook 1"
Any of these spreads can be implemented into the bullet journal but I'm quite particular and I like having excuses to use more stationeries and hence I got myself a passport-sized Traveler's Notebook.
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Index page, with the page number and it's respective heading Unfortunately due to Covid, my living conditions changed for the worse, forcing me to live with a relative who practically takes a dump on my own mental health. And thus, I use writing as means of therapy and a way to sort out my thoughts. So, I use my small notebook as a means of understanding a mental health issue, breaking it down and thinking of ways to solve it. I also use it as a space to break down my monthly finances and stick in reminders for altered budgets cause on one unfortunate month I had to spend more because of emergencies.
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I just dump down my troubles and add explanations to it to gain some perspective
I'll give this book a 7.5/10. It has a LOT of sample usages from many users but quite a number of them are common spreads that you'll find in the bullet journal community and thus I personally felt that my money was partially wasted. I quite like the idea of having a notebook small enough to be easily pulled out whenever I'm out and about, so this book opened my mind quite a bit in that regard. I'd recommend this book if you're a fan of Japanese stationery and would like to see how the locals use their notebooks.
I hope this post was of help to you. The book is sadly only available in Japanese. There are ebook versions for sale as well. AmazonJP (Kindle ver available): https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4768314570/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_937X6D1FFSBBQKB0ZTAN RakutenJP (no Kobo ver available): https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/16607928/
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atheistforhumanity · 4 years
Hi. Sorry if this is a bit long, I would totally understand if you don't want to respond to this. So, I live in a very religious country, questions are immoral and we must follow said religion dearly or else. I have only recently begun reading about atheism and so far I feel my beliefs in religion are falling apart. I am no longer convinced of the religion, I am not sure sure if there is a god but i no longer care. However, there is one argument for religion that I just can't seem to respond to that is how do we get a sense of purpose and have a (objective) value system without religion. Without religion, we start lacking purpose because life doesn't matter and when we die nothing happens, so what's the point? With religion however, there is a sense that we were created by a god, who created us for an important reason and it's our purpose to discover that destiny and fulfill it. And without religion, we have no objective set of values, we merely rely on a subject ever changing world view. Like say with lgbt rights. I could say that everyone should do what they want as long as they are not harming others or themselves and that's why I believe that lgbt people should do whatever they want. But, someone might view it as harmful to others or the people in said relationships. So our values are subjective. With religion however, we can just refer to the rule book and that's it. While multiple religions have different set of values, they can still help communities agree on their values. So my question, in a world that lacks religion, how can we have consistent morals and identify our sense of purpose and reason for existence. Thank you.
Anon, thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts with me. I appreciate when anyone seeks my opinion. Thank you. 
You’ve brought up some important topics that many people struggle with. As you have said, I’ve heard many people say that confusion in these areas are most responsible for them being unsure of what they believe. Hopefully after this post you’ll gain some clarity and be able to make a new assessment. 
What is Our Purpose?
I often hear from people that a sense of purpose is their main reason for sticking with religion, even when they have doubts. The religious often flaunt their idea of purpose as an unmatched quality only they can provide. So here is a different way of approaching this question.
When a religious person asks me how to know their purpose, I first point out that they are assuming that we are meant to have a purpose or that an objective purpose is a requirement of life. Many people try to figure out life through the lens of what is meant to happen, but I believe this is misguided. We think this way because our minds seek order and finite understanding of the world around us. Therefore, we assume that we must be meant to do something. 
However, I submit the cold reality of our existence. We are the results of millions of years of evolutionary change on 1 planet out of many, many trillions. Our form of life does not have any objective purpose, because our creation was not planned or orchestrated. This is an idea religious people have a hard time grasping. That what exists was not crafted, constructed, or produced from a greater mind. All evidence points the fact that we are the result of trillions of random occurrences over billions of years. 
If you let go of the assumption that we were purposefully created, then you can let go of the idea that we require an objective purpose. After all, the idea that were created by an intelligent force has no evidence to support that view. There is no evidence to support the existence of a god. There is no evidence to support the idea that we innately have purpose. 
This is not a bad thing. Many people often dive immediately into the lake of hopelessness, saying that nothing matters without purpose. I reject this idea entirely. It is short sighted to say that if my life is not eternal then nothing I do matters. A nihilist says this while existing in a world wide society of billions of people where we see, feel, and know pain and happiness by our actions and the actions of others. We are all aware of well documented history where single figures have had profound world changing effects for good and evil. To put it simply, every action has a consequence, and regardless of how you feel about that consequence, since it undeniably miniscule to profound effects on others that live, it cannot be said that it does not matter. Not when we are creatures of wants, needs, and desires. No, to say that our actions don’t matter is an absurdity. 
Where Do We Get Our Values? 
I say that your actions matter for the fact that they have consequence. But how do we know what is right and wrong, or what those terms even mean without an objective guide?
I have a few things to say on this topic. The first is that the Bible or Quran do not actually set objective morals. Without getting into too much detail, we must recognize major contradictions in the holy books. Rules are set, such as thou shall not kill, but the rules are also broken very quickly and without remorse. Both God/Allah kills and murders on a whim, and on a mass scale. Both God/Allah instruct their followers to kill and slaughter. The morals given by these holy books are purely subjective because they only apply when they say they apply. For instance, rules against not enslaving your neighbors meant exactly that, don’t enslave other Jews, but you can enslave others. 
More importantly, these morals change and progress over time as society challenges the old ideas and ushers in new thinking. No Christians or Muslims live under the exact moral law as set down at the dawn of the religions. ISIS is an example of an attempt to do so. So these religious morals are not actually accepted as objective by the people. 
Second, religion only claims that their morals are object and cannot prove this claim. It takes very little critical thinking to know that one would rather live in America under secular law than any location in 12th Century Europe when religion controlled laws and morals virtually 100%. Every religion has a different set of morals that they claim is objective, yet none can show themselves to be better than another. More importantly, none can show themselves to be as moral as what secular philosophy has produced, which gives the Western world freedom and liberty like the world has never seen. 
As for the idea that it would be easier to follow a “rule book” whether that be the Bible, the Quran, or the teaching of Buddha the same could be said for any other moral philosophy. Society would be simple if we committed ourselves to Utilitarianism completely, but we cannot say it would be better. Our experience across the globe has bore out the simple truth that adopting eclectic laws in an environment where they can always be challenged and improved on is the best model the world has ever seen. There are still theocracies in the world and millions of people from around the globe do not flood to immigrate there. 
Not All Opinions Are Equal 
Once we remove the idea of objective morality, people often go straight to the idea that nothing can be determined because there will always be differences of opinion. They think that without objectivity set by a higher power that no idea can be proven wrong. This is just not true. There is a universal prohibition against murder. Regardless of the fact that some people find it acceptable, by virtue of intellect and practical application it is undeniable that forbidding murder is the best choice for all societies. 
Here we take our first steps toward a new idea of objectivity. Ideas are not objective because of their source, but rather by their merit and application. Universal agreement is not required for an idea to be objectively true. For instance, many people believe the world is flat, but this is objectively false. Morals work the same way. Murder is objectively wrong, but there are still criminals that take it up for sport or work. The fact that someone is too ignorant to see a truth does not mean it is not true. 
Let’s look at the issue of lgbtq people specifically. I wrote another post explaining why the American medical community ended its stance that homosexuality was a mental illness. For much of the 20th century in America, homosexuality was considered to be an illness and a moral wrong. This changed when the American Psychological Association actually started researching homosexuality and could not show any evidence that it caused harm of any kind. 
What if someone says that being gay is harmful to the person? Well, since we’ve found no justification for this, such a person is left with this argument. Homosexuality is bad, and therefore homosexuality is harmful because it’s bad, and it’s bad because it’s harmful. This is a perfect example of circular reasoning. 
While it is not always easy to tell who is right or wrong in a debate, we have developed knowledge of faulty arguments such as circular reasoning, and we know objectively that they are not valid. No matter how many people do not understand this or refuse to accept this is irrelevant. Circular reasoning will never prove anything, no matter how emotionally charge people are over the issue.  
I hope that you take some time to think about these ideas and apply them to the questions you’re wondering about. In short, I believe that religion attempts to create a false need in the mind of society to confirm itself as the answer. We are fully capable of living full, productive, and moral lives without religion in our life or society in anyway. 
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novelistash · 3 years
Wattpad & Twitch?
I saw the term Writeblr. Am I a Writeblr? Is Writeblr a page or a person? Well, this Jon Snow has been dipping their toe into the wide world of Wattpad. Any other writers on there? Drop your links! I've been reading stories live on Twitch, and it's been a lot of fun! There's a lot of lost talent there, as with all writing spaces, but it definitely needs some help finding air to breathe.
Why did I decide to read Wattpad stories live on Twitch? Read more. (I hope I'm using this feature right.)
About two and a half years back, I decided that it was time to stop dragging my feet and get traditionally published. (Well I try to get trad pubbed.) I knew that Twitter would be the place to promote and Wattpad would generally be the place to share, but I also knew those places would be full of competition. November was coming up so I thought, "why don't I live stream Nano? That'll be fun." It wasn't.
As much as people don't want to read, they definitely don't want to read while an author is writing. Twitter had a very small writing community then and I haven't seen it get any more popular. Which isn't to say it couldn't get popular, but I don't think it works as a way to GET an audience. I could talk about those who've found moderate success, but if I'm going to do that I'd like to talk to them and maybe interview them. Something I've considered putting on my ghost town of a YT channel.
Regardless, I was on Twitch for about a month. I never gained any kind of following and every viewer I saw on those channels were people like me, those who were trying to promote their own writing. So, yes, I could gain followers of other writers, but I couldn't build a brand that way. I had too much experience with similar platforms to think otherwise. If I wanted to get readers, I needed to be on the platform that readers were using.
That lead me to more or less wasting two years on Twitter. I mean, I met some cool people while on there and had good interactions. But was it good for my brand? Did it help me find readers? I'd say a resounding "no" on both parts. The funny thing about Twitter is that it's great at making you think that people care about you. Shit post about a bad day? Hundreds of replies. Link to a blog going into detail about that bad day? Now you're starting to see how little people actually care. At some point I can go into the nuances of my time in the trenches of Twitter, but the point is that it didn't help my writing career.
For me, the biggest problem with Twitter was the same problem with all writer-centric spaces: we are sellers without customers. I like to describe these spaces as towns of vendors. We each have our vendor stall set up, and see lots of people walking. This is great! That means there are customers! Except all of those people walking on the street are also vendors. They're only there to sell their own wares. Yes, there's mutual inflation and reciprocal commerce, but writers make a poor basis for a readership. If someone is selling eggs, they want to sell to bakers, cooks, and the common man, not their fellow ranchers.
Regardless of fame and fortune, I want a readership. I write for myself, yes, but once those words are on the page, I want someone to read those words. I've been writing for over twenty years by this point and during that time my perspective has almost always been, how do I get readers? It's a natural question to ask, but it's driven by selfish desires at its core. I think for the writers of today, the bigger question might need to be, "how do I get people to read?"
The larger problem with readers, is that there aren't that many of them. If there are ten billion eggs in a town of a hundred, most of those eggs are going to rot. And even though most everyone knows that the general public doesn't habitually read, there seems to be this stigma against talking about it. Ever since I started writing, the talking point has always been "people thought comics would destroy the novel, but it didn't."
Okay, so, there are still readers, but could you say that a majority of the people read? Comic books, television, movies, and video games all offer more senses than the written word. They offer experiences that books never can, so why would anyone choose to read a book when they could instead watch that same story play out on screen?
Well, the written word can actually offer things that other media can't. In general, novels are closer to the emotional landscape of the story. Books invite the reader to be a part of the creation process, rather than a passive observer. The lack of a spoken word or portrait lets the reader construct whatever voice or face they desire. Beyond all of that, readers tend to spend more time with a book than any other media. (I'll hold off on a thorough debate of the narrative quality of iterative gameplay loops in video games for the time being, but I'd be hard pressed to find someone who enjoyed Preston Garvey's procedurally generated missions more than any of the designed quests in Fallout 4.) The point is that the written word is not without value, simply that its qualities are losing appreciation.
That's where the idea of reading stories came about, not as a way to increase my visibility, but as a way to increase the number of readers in the world. Opera single handedly created a boom in book sales by doing little more than talking about books. I think that modern entertainment can take interest in reading farther. Podcasts and Twitch streams are filled with content that is actually dead air, but people will tune in and listen. They connect with the player, the streamer, the speaker, and they are content to be apart of somebody else's discovery. A big part of what makes Twitch successful is simply watching these personalities react.
Wattpad is literally an endless supply of new stories that are available for free online. For some, anything that isn't traditionally published is a book not worth anyone's time. But there are hundreds of thousands of people submitting entire novels to literary agents every single year. Statistics alone supports the idea that great books are not going to get the representation they deserve. What are those thousands of unpublished authors supposed to do with their novels, wait patiently for exterior validation?
I don't think there's any shame in self publishing a novel and Wattpad and platforms like it are a perfectly reasonable way of putting out that content. Is there under edited content on Wattpad? Of course, but can anyone in good faith say the same isn't true of all published works? Yes, some writers are just starting out, and they dump their content onto Wattpad, but I don't understand why that's immediately a reason to balk. The writers liked the idea enough to bring it to life. Sure, finding a way to manifest those ideas is complex and difficult, but I honestly believe that a first body of work can still have an unironic entertainment in them.
I've been streaming on Wednesdays from 10am-noon pacific time. I might change that moving forward, but right now it's looking like I'm only going to be adding more time. If you're interested in joining me for story time, check me out on Twitch.
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araminakilla · 5 years
Posible Ducktales season 2 finale timeline according to trailer
So, since I'm not the only one who thinks that, with all the villains gathering to destroy Scrooge and family... where does Lunaris fit in all of this? Here's my (long) theory.
Glomgold and Ma Beagle: The first allies
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Those two are the classic villains than are more asociated with Scrooge and have past feuds with him.
For Glomgold, it can be the bet. Maybe he is losing and wants to take everything the real Scotish duck has without waiting any longer.
For Ma Beagle, it could be the lands problem that Scrooge had with Grandpa Beagle, or maybe they lost for real some Beagle Boys in the Duck's quest for D'jinn's lamp and they want to avenge said Beagles by killing Scrooge's closest relatives.
As other post pointed out, Glomgold actually learned something in the 87 cents episode about what makes Scrooge so sucesful, and that's his family. That's why he said in the trailer that he's looking for a family, not only to show respect to Ma and his boys, but because he really thinks gaining a villainous family is the way he could win for once and for all.
The others
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Mark Beaks
The grey parrot is going to appear in an episode with Louie, Goldie, Doofus and (as I like to call him) his robot son Mini Beaks. It seems like the millenial wants something with Doofus, be it money or social status as he's in the duckling's tree house. Unfortunatly, so are Scrooge's nephew and lover, maybe to try and scam him.
Maybe at the end of the episode, Doofus doesn't want to help the parrot, and instead he will help Louie (or no one, as this incarnation of Doofus is a great pain in the... tail) making Beaks to swear revenge against the Mcduck family, an opportunity that comes with Glomgold and his alliance of terror.
Magica de Spell
The sorceress somehow has her powers back (or just basic ones) and I'm sure that she's the reason that the ducklings (and Violet) end up in some kind of dream land where everyone can wish for anything and that becomes true, kinda like Coraline's other world or Bill Cipher's bubble for Mabel.
I say this because Webby has the look of Scrooge, Violet has some books, Huey is tall, Louie just wants to be a cat (Aristocats reference, anyone?) and Dewey is popular in the school he never had the chance to go (if his looks, Dewey's costume that dances and that poster behind Magica when she's with Lena alone in the lockets who says "you can Dew it" is any indication).
Anyway, that world was created by Magica as a way to reclaim Lena again, who surely having her evil aunt back is the last thing that she wanted.
I'm pretty sure the kids end up defeating Magica again and keeping Lena, but Magica swears revenge and, just like Beaks, she is recluted by Glomgold and company, and she would have to swallow her pride and follow the South African duck... for the moment.
Don Karnage
He is an interesting case, as we haven't see him since his debut episode. I don't know how the villains can found him, as he and his crew are in the sky, but I have a theory of why they would choose him.
Simple, Dewey posted on the Internet about how he and his family fought and defeated the "not so great" captain Don Karnage, making the pirate wolf very livid and maybe ashamed about how his reputation went down faster than a malfuctioning plane after he lost to a child of all things.
The villains probably read about him on the web and wondered if he wanted to have his revenge too. They were right.
They somehow contact the Don, and not only they obtain a great swordman, but also an entire pirate crew. It's a pity they don't let the pirates sing, it could have been an interesting semi-musical episode.
The Time Tube's role
So, where does Gyro's time tube fits in all this madness? It could be:
1. The villains did it
They stole it so they can ruin Scrooge's life for the start and mess with his present.
2. Louie did it
In the trailer, we see Louie in the tub while having some treasure. Given how he screwed up things in the lamp episode, most of us theorize that he is the one behind all the time traveling stuff.
3. Gyro did it on accident
It can be that, as this is Gyro's creation after all, it went out of control itself and its presence afected the present in many ways. Or it could be that it ended up in the past and Bubba is the one doing the time traveling stuff to bring Tootsie with him while making a mess.
4. A combination of the other ones with the first one
Either Gyro, or Bubba, or Louie did it, but it was as the same time as "Glomgold's family" was attacking the Mcduck Manor.
Anyway, this will indicate the introduction of Bubba and his pet triceratops and the battle with the villains will take place.
The final result?
The ducks win, the villains lose and Gyro learns to control his time tube better for other important ocasions that, as we know, are about to happen... BIG TIME.
Lunaris' Invasion
I'm 99% sure the battle with the Moonlanders will take place after the battle with Glomgold and company.
Why? Because in this picture (in the inferior corner) we see five pictures of Scrooge's enemies. We see Magica's face, Mark's beak, Ma Beagle's nose and the other ones are Glomgold and Karnage for sure.
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This could indicate that the five lost to the Duck family or they were near them at the time the alien's computer seached information about Della's clan.
There's also about a picture of Gizmoduck (pretty sure they know about his other identity too... take new notes Fenton) indicating that they are aware of the technology the Earthlings have.
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And talking about superheroes, this is the moment that Launchpad and Scrooge recruit Darkwing Duck, as we can see that the Scotish one is wearing the same clothes.
All seems to indicate the battle with the aliens takes place at night in Calisota. Scrooge is charging with the help of the Ottoman Empire brothers, Emily Quackfaster, Gyro, Demonworth, Beakly, Lena, Violet (she's there too, next to Lena, she's just that small), M'ma Cabrera, Gizmoduck and Gabby McStabberson.
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Penumbra and Donald: The last hope
So, it seems like Penny is becoming a good girl if the poster for season 3 is any indication. Ergo, she is the one to return Donald to his family and thanks God the lack of an orange blimp didn't change things.
Penumbra is the only one to know the true, and the only one who could stop all this invation. How? Screaming and shooting laser guns like everyone else? I don't think so. She will use the same strategy Della used with the Moon mite.
She would use kindness and a peaceful aproach. She would probably said that Della was a good person all along, that she was wrong and Lunaris is the thread to all. I'm sure that after that, the Moonlanders will stop any violence.
But what about Donald? Mister "I prefer to not have many adventures and don't appear in many episodes" is going to have. Some. Good. EPIC MOMENTS
I mean, look at him battling Lunaris and tell me you don't see the rise of the Duck Avenger. Some random alien is acusing his twin sister of treason and decides to punish her along with her boys? His boys?
Lunaris is death Moon meat. Period.
When he returns to Earth, he would have a very heartwarming reunion with his boys and his sister. At last, the Duck twins are together and nothing will tear them apart again.
Scrooge's allies: Coincidence or selection?
Now, what makes us have a lot of hype apart from the epic return of our main characters after months is the return of characters that we didn't know were making a return, like Gabby McStabberson or the Living Mummies. Characters that, be for their unique design or personality make us decide for more moments with them, and we got it.
But... Why? Why them?
Aside for the fanservice aspect, there has to be another reason for that.
It could be that Scrooge had recluted Gabby and the wolf brothers and would pay them later, or simply they want to make sure their home planet isn't invaded.
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Not sure about where the Ottoman Empire brothers fit in all of this. Maybe there is going to be an episode about how they reconcile with the help of one of the triplets.
Now, we got to a very interesting part (and I'm not only saying this because I'm a fan of those two)
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Aliens vs Middle Eastern people
Now that's something you don't see very often. *Ahem* well, the reason this little scene is so important is because it show us that the Moonlanders are attacking Egypt.
Egypt. As in, they are not only seeking Della and her family. They are attacking all the Earth at the same time. We can be sure that the aliens are the ones attacking Amunet and D'jinn because of the yellow/golden lasers that almost hit the warrior (thanks Amunet) and are the same ones Gabby is repeling with her sword/dagger.
Also, the battle is taking part at the same time but in different places. In Duckburg is night, and in Egypt; day.
But other option is that D'jinn and the Mummies are not confronting the aliens by coincidence.
They were actually selected.
Remember the picture that shows an alien computer with the Duck family at the center and Scrooge's enemies and Gizmoduck in the corners?
Who can't say the aliens did the same with Scrooge's allies and family all around the globe?
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There are a lot of golden spaceships in construction. Maybe not all of them go to Duckburg but to different parts of the World.
If the selective theory is true then that means there are going to be aliens following Fethry, Gladstone, Selene, even the Buzzards (yes please, they had it coming)
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Also, in this Earth hologram under the picture of the triplets, there seems to be like a close up Earth map, maybe with the bright dots indicating where are Scrooge's allies and family now.
Be it coincidence or computer selection, one thing is for sure. Lunaris is going to make an example of all of them. His frustration about his father being a coward has made him a ruthless, merciless, alien guy who is going to prove the Moon's superiority to the World.
Now that's downright sadistic Lunaris.
When you said you wanted the Earthlings to fear you and the Moon... you really mean it.
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Well, that was all I got to say about the future events of this season. Hope this helps and I can't wait for September, the Hype is killing me slowly.
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 7 years
Henry's Unfortunate Ink-antation [Part One]
[submitted by: @the-elusive-blue-skittle]
Sigh… The animation is WELL overdue AGAIN. Henry sits at his desk, with a chewed-up pencil resting between his teeth like a cigar- not that he’d know how to smoke one. That’s Sammy’s thing.
“Ugh, this is all wrong… How did the pose get so stiff,” the man asks himself, slumping over in his chair. “It’s been a hard week, and it’s only Tuesday…”
He tugs at the tie tucked beneath his sweater. Why can’t he seem to get his hands to work today? Perhaps he just hasn’t had enough coffee…
Meanwhile, the toons are chasing each other around the studio. Bendy, who’s filled a plastic bucket with ink from the Machine, is running as fast as his little inky legs can take him.
“Bendy! You put that bucket down right this instant,” Alice yells, holding her halo over her head with one arm, the other desperately grasping for Bendy’s tail.
“Fat chance, sweetcheeks! I never get ta pull pranks ‘round here,” the demon replies, kicking up his speed as ink sloshes in every which direction. The bucket doesn’t seem to get any emptier.
A wide grin creeps its way onto Bendy’s face as he spots a certain someone’s wide-open office door.
Henry’s office.
The man rakes his fingers through his soft brown hair, smiling as he finally gets the details right on his drawing. He’s getting somewhere at last.
“There we go… Much better.”
S P L A S H.
… Ink is EVERYWHERE. Henry blinks a couple times as the liquid dribbles down his entire body. He grimaces and tries to wipe the ink away from his eyes and mouth, but to no avail. It’s as if the ink replaces his entire form en masse. Henry coughs a wet cough and stands up, leaning against his desk.
’… Huh. Well, that’s a little funny. The desk looks a little higher up than it was when I sat down. Maybe it’s just the fumes getting to my head…’
At least, that’s what Henry THINKS before his body seems to hiccup, sending him another inch closer to the ground. That CAN’T be right. The shrinking seems to speed up as the man’s sight seems to get blurrier and blurrier, though quickly fixing itself as his field of vision converts to full color-blindness. The poor sap, now lacking nine inches in height, unwittingly gets simpler under all that ink. His hands shift and shape into chubbier, more exaggerated versions of themselves, with four fingers on each now-gloved hand. The changes travel up his arms, which get thinner and more versatile as they lose definition, becoming simple curved lines, free to wiggle, contort, and stretch as needed. Henry’s inky frame gets chubbier as the ink soaks in to over-exaggerate the facade his sweater gives off, making the man look weightier than he really is. His legs go through similar changes to his arms, getting thinner and stretchier, though his feet get larger to make the ‘character’ look more grounded, and less likely to topple over.
On Henry’s face, his features get simpler. All constructs of his eyes dissipate, except for the ‘pie-style’ eyes they’re replaced with. The man’s eyebrows reduce to simple lines as they gain the freedom to even surpass the top of his head to convey more dramatized expressions. His neck slimming, Henry’s vocal cords regress, making the changing man’s voice much more high-pitched, though not in a boyish or unflattering way. The fluffy, brown hair doesn’t change, much to the dazed man’s relief, though soon enough, all the color seems to leak out from the bottom of his form, and therefore, with the rest of the thick ink that would soon soak through the floorboards and leave Henry as… A toon.
He’s a toon.
“Gosh…” Henry slaps his hands over his mouth. What did he say? “What happened to my voice?! Did you hear me say that just now?!”
This is when he starts to panic, though in a cartoonish, goofy way. ‘Sweat drops’ fly from his forehead as his noodly legs wobble underneath him. He chews at the tips of his gloves like they’re his usual fingernails. “H-How much of that stuff did you even get on me, Bendy?”
“Uhh… I got a bucket full 'f ink from the Ink Machine?”
“Uh.. Eheheh… Whoops,” Bendy grins a big, nervous grin, placing his hands behind his back and backing away cautiously. “But ya know what? It’s gonna wear off in a few days! No need to worry at all!”
Henry glares with a menacing scowl, stomping the floor and groaning in frustration. “I have a wife waiting for me, Bendy! She’s gonna be looking all over for me, for pete’s sake!”
“Well, gee, Henry, I’m sorry,” Bendy sighs, kicking the floor in a meek manner as he shoves his gloved hands in nonexistent pockets, head hung low. And what a way to make Henry feel guilty, for as soon as Bendy apologizes for the horrible prank, the man-turned-toon’s expression softens. Henry inspects his body to the best of his ability, seeming somewhat shocked at the remaining joints in his arms. Clenching and unclenching his fists, the former human looks up from the floor to Bendy.
“… You know what? This can’t get any worse, I guess!” Henry exclaims with a sudden determined expression, pounding a fist into an open hand. “It shouldn’t take too long to wear off, right?”
It’s been an hour. Henry ALREADY can’t stand the sudden change, feeling very uncomfortable at the loss in height and mass. He finds himself a lot more prone to tripping and comedically falling on his face on every loose nail or floorboard. Tired of this nonsense, the new toon pouts and plops down in the middle of the floor, resting his head in a four-fingered hand.
… To which someone obliviously trips over him and lands with a light 'thud’ nearby.
“Gosh, are you okay?” GOD, he still hates that. The person that unfortunately didn’t see the tiny toon sits up and rubs his forehead, turning around to locate the source of Henry’s voice. Uh-oh.
It’s Joey.
“Pfft-” Joey starts to snicker before Henry would hastily shove a finger over his boss’s mouth. “Don’t. Laugh.”
“He-Henry, you- heheh.. You’re-”
“Choose your words CAREFULLY.”
Joey breaks down wheezing and giggling (like an idiot) as Henry reacts by turning a darker shade of grey, presumably getting red in the face from embarrassment. Joey wipes the tears from his eyes, catching his breath. “Y-You’re so… So CUTE…”
Leave it to Joey to find any and every way to push every button Henry has. The toon balls his fists and stomps angrily, like a toddler having a temper tantrum. And really? He’s not too far off from being just that.
“I am NOT cute, Joey,” Henry yells in his new, expressive voice. This prompts Joey to pinch the toon’s cheek, stretching it far past any human’s elasticity capacity.
“Ohhhh, yes you aaaare,” Joey teases with a big grin on his face. “How did this even HAPPEN?”
“Take a wild guess. And let go of me!”
Joey lets go of Henry’s cheek and gets up off the floor. “Let me guess. Is it something to do with the little devil himself?”
“Yeah, and when this is over, I’m getting rid of ALL the buckets in the studio,” Henry whines, crossing his arms and turning his back to his boss. “No exceptions! I don't WANT to be stuck like this forever!” The toon’s lip quivers as he’s thrown into a full-fledged, cartoony crying fit. He hardly seems to notice the shift in emotional expression, going from a stoic, no-funny-business animator to, well…
A goofy little dork.
Henry wails as literal waterfalls of tears flow from the corners of his eyes, water pooling on the floor at his sides. If someone doesn’t stop him, the entire room’s going to fill up!
Joey pinches the bridge of his nose. He ALREADY has to deal with THREE over-emotional toons! “Henry, you're NOT going to be stuck like this forever. But you WILL be stuck like this for at least a week.”
“A WEEK?!” Henry gasps, hands placed on each cheek. “I’M GONNA BE TRAPPED HERE FOR A WEEK? Ohhhhhh, this is UNBELIEVABLE…”
Joey rests a hand on the tiny toon’s shoulder, handing over a handkerchief so Henry can wipe his tears. Henry takes the cloth, sniffling pitifully as he blows his nose, prompting the sound of a trumpet blaring.  “What am I gonna do this whole time? I can’t animate like this!” The toon produces a pencil from behind his ear and holds it out. The pencil itself droops weakly as a spontaneous sad-trombone noise plays out of nowhere. He tosses the utensil behind him, proceeding to hit a nonexistent cat, a loud 'REEEEOW’ ringing out, followed by a CRASH.
Henry pulls, with stretchy arms, a fainting couch from what could only be called 'off-screen’. He rests a hand against his forehead as he crumbles onto the sofa with a weary expression. Joey rolls his eyes. It’s not like he can just tell Henry to stop being so dramatic.
“Now, Henry, there’s no need to… Fret,” Joey rubs the back of his head, somewhat bothered by the loss of his favorite handkerchief. “I don’t usually do this, but just this once, I’ll let you have a break for however long this lasts. How does that sound?”
Henry sits up in excitement. “Really? You'd do that? For me?”
“Well, I can’t imagine that it’d be very easy to draw with four fingers on each hand, and…”
Suddenly, Joey is wrapped in a hefty squeeze, with the toon’s arms wrapped around his form several times, like a coil. “Oh, thank you, Joey! I knew I could count on you,” Henry exclaims, with a big, goofy grin on his face.
“… It’s no trouble,” Joey smiles softly and hugs his co-worker back. “Now run along and do… Whatever it is you do when you’re not working. You can even try playing around with the other toons for a while!”
Henry pushes the fainting couch 'off-screen’ with a kick, resulting in another anomalous crash. “Play, huh? I haven’t played since sixth grade…”
“Well,” Joey starts. “What’s a toon to do other than goof around all day?” Henry raises a brow. “Oh, yeah? No. Not doing it.”
“You know you want to.”
Henry hesitates. Something in him agrees with his boss. He has some internal instinct to run amok and cause trouble, for sure. But on the other hand, he doesn’t want to get FIRED.
Plus, it’s REALLY embarrassing.
“… Well… I don’t know about this, Joey. It’s a little…”
“HENRY,” an unidentified voice, accompanied by swift footsteps rings out.
“Whuh, B-Boris- GUH!”
Henry gets tackled to the ground by the massive cartoon wolf, squeezed in one of his famous 'wolf hugs’. “Oh, Henry, look at you! You’re just like us!”
“Yeah, I, uh.. I noticed, buddy.”
Boris gasps. “You know what this means, right, Henry?”
Henry shrugs. “What DOES it mean, Boris?”
“It means that we gotta teach you how to be a toon!”
“I’m sure I know PLENTY.”
“Well, then, c'mon,” Boris exclaims, getting off of Henry, lifting him up and taking him by the hand. “Let’s go have some fun!”
“Wait, Boris-”
And just like that, Boris whisks Henry away as Joey watches with a smile. This is going to get interesting.
((hey guys in happier news, my friend skittle’s writing a super long and amazing toon henry fic for this blog’s au and this is part one. its amazing and adorable and i hope it gets the love it honestly deserves, and thank you again skittle for this Blessing of a fic :D))
part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven
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