#and i get to keep the old one in my own room now šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ
tobythetrashytrash Ā· 9 months
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I'm finally playing Valhalla again, but since it's been a little over three years since I last played, I started from the beginning again šŸ’Ŗ
So here's my favorite photos so far!
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Don't Leave Me Here
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Changing format and style, because I want to keep my motivation strong. šŸ’ŖšŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘
Fandom: Star Wars
Request: Nope. This is the very self-indulgent one shot.
Pairing:Ā Cassian AndorĀ x F!Reader
Summaries: Battle of Scariff brings hope to the Galaxy and the Rebels, but what about the Rogue One's crews, especially with your long-time-crush, Captain Andor.
Contents: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Mutual pining, Friends to lovers, Soft Cassian, Love confessing, Idiots in love.
Warning: Angst. Describing of Injuries, blood, pain and death. Crying. Anxiety. ClichƩ plot. Writer is being too over emotional and regret nothing.
Rate: M for melodrama
Words: 2,285
A/N: Alternate version of Rouge One 2016's ending. Because I had realised that I didn't write my own. Also, feel a little bit sad, because 2024 is feeling like eternity. But I'm gonna write Cassian's fix-it fan fictions, until I can't write. English is my second Language, please feel free to correct me, and let me know if I miss any CW+TW. Enjoy Reading šŸ˜Š
šŸŒ¹Click to MyĀ AO3
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Death Star Plan was successfully stolen. The battle at Scariff had been considered as a big victory for rebellions. Everyone who stayed at Yavin IV was cheering and crying with joy. Some systems, even, officially declared independents over the Empireā€™s sovereign right there. Some systems, which tended to give up before, decided to maintain alliances. The spark of flame was reigniting again. The light at the end of the darkest tunnel was like a new dawn ā€” hope.
But it just was at the very first minutes, when the Plan completely broadcast. The Rogue One crews returned with survivors ā€“ were not long enough after the battle ended ā€“ but mostly were casualties. All Medbay turned into a big, chaotic area; doctors, nurses, medical staffs, and medical droids managed to diagnose every crewā€™s condition from the worst to ā€˜nothing much to worry aboutā€™.
And the worst, whose state was severe, was Captain Cassian Andor. Y/Nā€™s one of her old and good friends, since she had joined the Rebellions in the first month.
Cassian was a mystery (some even said he was scary), moody, tense and taciturn on the outside ā€“ for almost everybody on Yavin IV Base. Actually, he was not. He had a strange humour and points of views toward life, also knowledges in many fields which attracted his team, many women on the base, and Y/N.
As the volunteer at Medbay ā€“ after hearing there were survivors ā€“ Y/N ran and helped the staffs as much as her strength allowed. First time she saw Cassian, he was covered by blood and wounds, while she was pastingĀ BactaĀ gel on a supporting crew. She didnā€™t spare a time to visit him, she must stay outside ā€“ standing by. When she finished all the tasks, she noticed that a doctor and assistances had taken care of Cassian already. She was about to visit him in a patient room, but it was forbidden.
Few hours later, the Rebellion Alliances had received the news; Princess Leia was being held in custody by the Empire. Was anything worst happened to the Alliances right now? Ā Ā Ā 
Three days had passed by, Y/N had switched to the ā€˜autopilotā€™ mode on working in her station, doing routine. Thanks to all the works which kept her busy until resting time, they also made her forgot what she had dreamt in her sleeping.
On the fourth day, main crews on the cargo ship gradually came to consciousness. Y/Nā€™s good friend at Medbay told her that late morning. She immediately visited them and listening to the incident near the broadcasting tower on Scariff.
Jyn told Y/N everything which Cassian did. She even encouraged her to hold tight on the hope.Ā ChirrutĀ said the force had been staying with Cassian, and the force always worked in many surprising ways. Moreover, the medical staffs allowed everyone, whoever cared about Cassian, to visit him. He was getting much better now, but still unconscious.
She didnā€™t want to dig up those memories of him being covered by blood and wounds four days ago. Nevertheless, she shook them out, made up her mind, and deciding to see him. Maybe Jyn andĀ ChirrutĀ wereĀ right.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Y/N exited her station to the room where Cassian was placed. She noticed the one and only re-programming Imperial droid on Yavin IV. He stood and starred through the window, seem like he hoped his Captain was waking soon.
ā€œY/N.ā€ K2SO greeted, ā€œI have calculated the possible that you are going to visit Cassian today, the percentage isā€¦ā€
ā€œDonā€™t tell me.ā€ She cut the droid. ā€œLet me go inside without your statistic. My head is aching enough.ā€
Keying a code, going inside, she cursed herself for being rude to K2SO. Somehow, after visiting Cassian ā€“ she would apologise to the droid ā€“ since she had forgotten his good intention, underneath the sarcasm.
As Y/N approached the bed, all Cassianā€™s blood and wounds were cleansed. BPM pulse and body temperature had not become normal yet. He would not wake up within two or three days, according to the report. Numerous I.V.s were still plugging into his veins, also a bandage on his torso.
Y/N sat on a chair beside the bed, examining Cassianā€™s state closely while she tried to hold back her tears, but it was failed. She could not help herself. All tears ran down her cheeks like a great flood. Four days and three nights felt like months. She let vulnerability got her by sobbing uncontrollably, started talking to him and wishing he could hear;
ā€œCassian, I know you are willingly to do anything for the Rebellion. Iā€™m really proud. But why do you always run into suicide missions?ā€ Her voice was depressed. ā€œSometimes, you donā€™t have to prove that you are one of the best rebel spies by destroying yourself. Mon Mothma and many commanders speak of you highlyā€¦ even princess Leiaā€¦ā€
Tears still ran down, while she was reaching for his hand, biting lower lip and shook her head.
ā€œI survived the first month because of your helps. You introduce me to many things I know just a bit or havenā€™t known before, so I can fit in. When I feel down, blue, even black, you cheer me up with your eccentric jokes ā€“ and if you are out for a mission, you always say goodbyeā€¦ this timeā€¦ you donā€™t even give me a chanceā€¦ā€
Y/N recalled what was happening when Rogue One recklessly leaved for Scariff, after most allies and commanders objected. She was there. When the meeting ended, she sought Cassian or whoever in his unit. Too late. They had gone.
ā€œI want to blame my stupid brain for bringing the pain that I do not desire to feel. That isnā€™t a reason. Those words in my mind ā€“ I wish I could tell you, after all of these yearsā€¦ā€ Y/N softly squeezed his hand ā€œSince here we are, only you and me. When you wake up, we are going to be the same. Itā€™s now or never.ā€
She paused for seconds, took one deep breath, and let all her feels breaking control.
ā€œI love you, Cassian. More than a good friend. I love you with all my heart, my soul, my breath, and my entire existence. You are the one. Every time you come back, I just donā€™t want to hug you ā€“ I want to kiss you like thereā€™s no tomorrow, jumping into you, embracing you in my armsā€¦ā€¦ā€
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Y/N kept confessing her feelings toward Cassian until she recognised she was going to weep again. She stopped, stood up, leaned forward to kiss Cassianā€™s forehead gently, and whispered before leaving.
ā€œJust donā€™t leave me hereā€¦ā€
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  She dried her eyes, leaved Cassian behind, and repressing the desire to look at him again.Ā As she exited, K2SO still had been on the spot. She sighed, walking toward the droid.
ā€œIā€™m sorry Kay. I shouldnā€™t say such things. Well, I donā€™t have any excuse.ā€
ā€œAt least you didnā€™t hit me. I donā€™t expect anything. I have calculated, there is a high chance that youā€™re going to apologise. So, I forgive you.ā€
Y/N could swear to Kriff that K2SO mentally shrugged, judging by his tone. She crossed her arms and faking a smile.
ā€œThen weā€™re even.ā€ Looking on the floor, she gazed up at K2SOĀ again. ā€œTell me, have you calculated when Captain Andor is going to wake up?ā€
ā€œI did, but I think you donā€™t need it anymore.ā€
She raised her eyebrows. The droid did say nothing, just looked into the room. She followed suit, shook her head, and suddenly rushing inside.
Cassian opened his eyes. Blinking rapidly, he glanced around. The last thing he remembered ā€“ before everything turning black ā€“ was K2SO and Jyn helping him into an escape pod, also thinking about Y/N and regretting that he had not bid a proper farewell yet. And how the Kriff he could be here now, at the medical section onĀ Rebelliā€”
ā€œMaker!ā€ she exclaimed, stopping him from the train of thought ā€“ While she was restraining herself from hugging him.
Cassian swore in his native tongue. Unbelievably, his eyes might be deceiving him ā€“ Y/N was here ā€“ impossible. This place could be wherever the creatures went after the death.
ā€œNo, this isnā€™t true. Scariff was destroyed by the Death Starā€¦ You canā€™t be here.ā€
Y/N wanted to punch him in the face, but it could send him back to the unconsciousness again. She tried to keep calm, but instead, her tears explode again.
ā€œDonā€™t you dare say such a thingā€”ā€
His mouth was gaping a little, looking downward at his own body. His torso and his head still hurt. He felt everything which plugged on his arm, thinking backward ā€“ moreover, before he could open his eye ā€“ he could hear Y/N said somethingā€¦ about the relationship, andĀ love. Especially what he had been holding on for a long time, the same thing she had blurted out. He thought they were an illusion.
He sat up, his back and his bone were cracking loudly. He breathed deeply, restraining all the agony. Y/N supported him; holding his upper body and adjusting pillows.
ā€œIā€™m so sorry, Y/N.ā€ He paused, as she was sitting beside the bed, ā€œThis mission is important. We must do it fast. That fucking weapon is too dangerousā€¦ like Iā€™ve told you before, if we waited for permission, the Empire could beĀ a hundred steps aheadā€¦ā€
ā€œNo hard feelings. You survive, wake up and healing. The Empire is going to fall. Those are all I want.ā€ Ā 
Seeing Y/N sniffed, sobbed and looked down at the floor, Cassianā€™s eyes were softer than ever. He reached out to take her hand, that grab an edge of the bed, caressing it gently.
ā€œPlease donā€™t cry. Kay tells me once that tears can drain oneself, andā€¦ You deserve all happiness in the galaxy.ā€
She gazed into his eyes. Perplexing spread on her pale face.
ā€œWhat Kayā€™s randomly statistic has to do with my happiness?ā€
Cassian sighed quietly. Smiling, he whispered inĀ Kenari, decided to speak all his heart out.
ā€œCome sitting here.ā€ He patted a space on the mattress. Although she was still dazing, sheĀ consented. Here, it was closer than ever, every time they interacted.
ā€œYour happiness is my happiness. Your pain is my pain.ā€
She gasped. Something was dawning in her mind, but he still kept continuing;
ā€œI thought I was dead or dreaming. It is not. I hear what you have said. I feel all the things you have done. Iā€™m not going to leave you here anymore. I love you, Y/N; with all my heart, my breath, my soul, and my entire existence.ā€
ā€œPlease donā€™t leave me here, too.ā€
His voice was filled with pleading and the utmost longing. His eyes had not brightened yet, but they were brighter than ever ā€“ before he disappeared as the council was dismissing.
ā€œIā€™m not gonna leave you. Ever.ā€
All the affectionate and things which left unsaid within their eyes were exploding. Her lips were parted ā€“ trying to reply ā€“ but his hand slowly moving to her face. Caressing it tenderly and trailing downward from her cheek to her chin, he tugged her weave behind her ear. Cassian and Y/N could feel their breaths upon their own skins. Their eyes were exchanging feeling from through all of these years, as she put her hand on his shoulder.
Cassian didnā€™t hesitate. He leaned in to capture Y/NĀ lipsĀ softly. It was like a butterfly pecking on flowers, an index finger touching a velvet cloth. They paused for seconds to catch the breath. She sensed that the temperature in this room was rising and warmer than before.
ā€œI wonā€™t do this againā€¦ā€ He whispered, looked into her eyes and circling his thumbs over her cheek and her hand.
ā€œYou donā€™t have toā€¦ā€
ā€œIā€™m not gonna be reckless. I will ask Mon Mothma and other commanders for table-work. More time on base, less time tā€”ā€
Y/N sealed Cassianā€™s mouth with her lips, lightly pushing him back on pillows. His eyes were widening, but he grinned while kissing her back. His hand on hers moved from to the back of her neck, gradually pulling her down to deepen the passionate kiss.
ā€œThere is ninety-nine per cent that Y/N is gonna kiss you like this, Cassian.ā€
Y/N was abruptly jumping back to a chair. She almost fell from a sickbed, as she heard K2SOā€™s voice. Cassian, also the same, but he gripped a metal beside tightly enough.
ā€œKay!ā€ Cassian hissed the Droid, who was standing near infirmaryā€™s trolleys.
ā€œOh, I shouldnā€™t have disturbed you both, since you have always wished the scenario like this, should I?ā€
ā€œGo visiting others.ā€ He ordered. The droid did as he was told ā€“ turned around and walking out. Both Cassian and Y/N heard K2SO talking to himself, distinctly, like the droid wanted them to hear.
ā€œHumans are such the peculiar life-forms. I will ask technicians on loadingĀ how toĀ understand the humankindĀ programme.ā€
ā€œMaybe I will tell the technicians to not upload that.ā€
Cassian sighed loudly, shook his head, and turning to Y/N for opinion. But what he saw was she had been covering her face with her hands in shyness.
ā€œNo, Iā€™m gonna tell them myself.ā€
Cassian joyfully laughed. She still sat and posing as the same. If his eyes were not deceived him, he saw the redness on her temple, her ears, and her neck.
ā€œI should tell you how I feel earlier. But, it's okay, you are lovely when you are like this.ā€
ā€œStop it.ā€ She glanced and swiftly pressing the comm, calling a doctor, before Cassian could tease her more.
At the point, she didnā€™t doubt why K2SO just being K2SO. Because the one who had reprogrammed this imperial droid was just the same as him.
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Thank you for reading Your likes, comments and rebloggings are appreciated! šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
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icarus-does-fall Ā· 5 months
Dontcha just love when the parents (read stepmom and the allowing father) abused you for almost 12? years to keep at it even after moving out?
My bad- šŸ˜” beeing openly traumatized isn't very "silly little gay guy" of me, apologies besties (I am... very possibly high and needed to vent <3)
Just fucking *love* being called a pathological lier and manipulator which started at NINE MOTHERFUCKING YEARS OLD cause I was oh I don't know a child??? Who was uprooted and whose dad married a bitch CAUSE GOD TOLD HIM TO????
I was eight (through seventeen) and this bitch was breaking my things and tearing apart my room KICKING ME OUT OF MY ROOM all cause she got upset over something
Guess who learned early in life how to hide brusiesšŸ’Ŗ (shit got thrown at me <3 like a TV remote, an ice pack, shoes, dishes fucking great right)
Motherfucker tried to kick me out THREE TIMES just cause I somehow pissed her off (read forgot to do the dishes ONE night, talked back cause I was getting screamed at till 2am, didn't scrub the fuckin baseboards, ect ect)
But noooo now im nearly TWENTY and these fuckers are still doing the same shit cause I expect them to keep their promises?? Cause I'm living my life??? Cause I've proved I don't need them?? So of course they're going to do everything they can to break the life I've been building for myself
CAUSE TO THEM IM ALWAYS GONNA BE FUCKING 12 AND NOT ABLE TO EXIST WITHOUT HELP (please read, ive been raising myself since I was 5, and had to keep multiple alive since that age as well)
Suuuuure I've been hospitalized sometimes cause I took on too much and my mental health shattered so I shattered (im a little traumatized srry)
But then I get to make funny little jokes about how I was hurt and scared for life, i cope that wayšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
I got so much fucking wrong with me it's no wonder my relationships go bad, I scare people and I'm fucked up so I pick fucked up people, I should stop huh but damn does hearing the words "I want you, need you, love you" does wonders for my serotonin
AND!! And I've never needed help to survive, I've done that shit on my own cause someone needed to raise me and it wasn't going to be my parents
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rainyraisin Ā· 1 year
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Jeez thisā€™ll be a long one
Honestly, what I hope people notice when looking at my art is the small details. But the thing is, unless youā€™re actively looking for them, you probably wonā€™t notice some of them, which leads to you being like the only person who realises dhjsbfkd- I love your silly little analysises sm though so idm that muchā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
Thereā€™s even more small details than these (keeping it to these because of the mobile photo limit) but I donā€™t do them as often as Iā€™d like to, honestly I might ramp it up a bit at this point because I had a lot of fun with them in one of my latest pieces. Btw there are small details that I like more than these but some of them are reticent spoilers so Iā€™m gonna keep from talking about those for now.
(Putting this all as a read more as this post will be LONG.)
Starting with one of the most obvious small details but one I just like a lot, the staff magical girl Ret!Don holds is shaped as a flower made out of octagons (which is the main shape I try to go for when it comes to Deeā€™s patterns but sometimes they turn out as hexagons dgehbfjd I mix them up a little bit)
Edit: forgot to mention, I picked a flower specifically cause silly guy loves botany hehe šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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This one appears in a LOT of my drawings of tot Ret!Don, this is the way I like to convey a character not having their glasses on. Since he doesnā€™t get his glasses till heā€™s 7-8 years old (doing a timeline rn so weā€™ll see exactly when at some point dhdjhfjf), the majority of drawings of younger Dee will have this feature, especially as I tend to start drawing them with full eyes rather than line eyes at 9 years old (the pupils still look like this but the eyes as a whole are different)
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Another silly tot thing (this is just smth Iā€™m working on btw I havenā€™t posted any of it yet, dw about it tho :)))) ). I gave Leo this silly shirt to convey that this is the year that Splinter appoints him leader after stripping the role from Raph. Guy is already exhausted from his new role but heā€™s powering through it, look at him go!!! (Thatā€™s not gonna last long)
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This is one Iā€™ve already pointed out but it was a while back so I figured Iā€™d include it here too. On Donnie and Karaiā€™s refs (from April 13th and April 17th respectively), they both have a pattern of three dots in a sort of arch shape above their right eyes, Donnieā€™s showing whilst his mask is off and Karaiā€™s showing whilst her mask is on. This particular pattern only shows for each character when theyā€™re involved in a certain clan :) It also illustrates their connection later on in the show, far prior to the arc even occurring (still got a while to go!)
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Two out of three of the images on these next two examples are from a piece Iā€™ll prolly be posting later today! Basically in that piece I have included a couple of polaroids in characters decorating the room as I like to do that a lot for characters who I think would have these kinds of photos (Leo doesnā€™t have as many, only keeping two in his room but Don and Mikey display them on the walls whilst Raph has a small collection hidden away). This first one is in Donnieā€™s room and depicts the day Donnie got his glasses with Aprilā€™s help!! The guy was ecstatic frā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ April isnā€™t much of a hugger but she decided it was fine this time.
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These next two images are from Leoā€™s and Donnieā€™s room respectively. I figured it would be nice to have a picture that all four brothers own, even if itā€™s bittersweet given later context. This was taken pre-leader Leo, so whilst Raph isnā€™t having the best time (the poor guy :( ), this was probably the best the otherā€™s lives were for ages.
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Okay, now weā€™re getting into stupidly small details. In the Top Of My School animatic, Mikey is drawing a picture of ice cream kitty during the second lyric ā€œSome people never learnt how to be driven, some people donā€™t even tryā€. Other small details in this animatic include Leoā€™s trophies and blue ribbon which he scavenged from the dump, the Hamato Clan box which was retrieved in episode 1, along with the picture of Leo Mikey drew when he was younger, which (other than the hamato box) all first appeared in a drawing of Ret!Mikey and FA!Mikey spray-painting Ret!Leoā€™s room and were later mentioned in Chapter 3 of Reticent, ā€œConsequencesā€. Another small detail is in one of the final scenes of the animatic whilst Leo is staring at himself in a mirror, realising someā€¦ not so nice stuff about his self worth, he replicates Splinterā€™s words and actions from earlier in the animatic.
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I think the ice cream kitty detail is smaller but i wanted to keep these last two together (and also I talked about more than one small detail in that section). The first one is Mikeyā€™s little stickers on his nunchucks in Season 2 Part 2!!! Just a little guy :) some are random, some are references to other characters, some are references to other iterations of Mikey (wonder which sticker that one is CHXJHDJF)
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Now, this one is STUPID SMALL, to the point I donā€™t even think you can see it without zooming in on the original via Procreate (might prove myself wrong later though dbsjfbdj idk). During Season 2 Part 1, Caseyā€™s purple detail are him changing his studs to be purple. I later considered changing it to something bigger (although I had NO clue what that would be, his sneakers maybe?) but then I thought about it more and honestly, I think Leo would be kinda peed off with him if he wore anything bigger/more noticeable cause honestly I bet he didnā€™t even notice the change the entire time Casey had these in-
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Basically, the entire point of this post is, I like small details and I might have hints to past or future events in reticent in pieces via those small details, so be on the lookout!!! Thank you Aaron for asking a question, especially this one, it was very fun rambling, and THANK U FOR ALL UR ANALYSISES SO FARā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ«¶šŸ«¶ (I know itā€™s difficult to do them since ur co-creator so like u have to try avoid spoilers but I appreciate them all the same :D)
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petri808 Ā· 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of people who mean something special to you. Share some happiness šŸŒŗšŸ’œ
Right now, itā€™s been tough so the things that make me happy are more like goals.
1) I enjoy writing, but havenā€™t been able to do much in over a year. So, little by little, even if itā€™s a sentence I push myself to do something. Iā€™m proud of myself for finishing a secret Santa story on time this year!
2) the friends Iā€™ve made online have gotten me though a lot of the tough times, so please know I love you guys a lot! Getting back to you all helps to motivate me to get better šŸ’œ and Iā€™ll try to pop into Discord here and there when up to it. Oh, and I even got to meet two of you irl this August! You know who you are. Thatā€™s something Iā€™ll remember for the rest of my life.
3) related to above is interacting with the fandom. I had to drop out of the nalu blog cause I couldnā€™t keep up anymore. Giving up sucked, since Iā€™d been doing it since fall of 2018, but it wasnā€™t fair to everyone else to let it flounder. Seeing it continue makes me really happy.
4) my irl bestie of 27+ years has been living with me for a couple years while their family home is rebuilt after a fire. Itā€™s made me undeniably happy to be able to help her, and her helping me through all the shit Iā€™ve been dealing with. Iā€™m blessed to have such an amazing friend. Iā€™d lost tough with most of our old friends from hs, but this has motivated me to rekindle the relationships.
5) lastly, imma be selfish and say myself cause Iā€™m proud I didnā€™t give up. 20 years ago this strife mightā€™ve led to suicide, so that means I have gotten stronger. Looks like I just have more information I can stick in a story šŸ™ƒlol. Making myself happy is a big motivator.
Even with help, surviving whatever happens to you is ultimately due to your own efforts of not giving up, so Always remember to pat yourselves on the back!
Iā€™m right with you girl šŸ„¹āœŠ @cstorm86 itā€™s been a hell of a ride lately, but youā€™re a survivor! You got this! šŸ’Ŗ
Iā€™ll explain why Iā€™ve been MIA from here for so long below.
From spring 2019 to august 2021 so much crap happened with my family. My uncles cancer/death revealed an explosive skeleton in the family closet that left my grandma homeless in November 2019. Neither her surviving kids would take her for selfish reasons so she lived with me. She was doing so well!ā€¦ but In September 2020 her daughter finally took her, stuck her in a room sending her health plummeting and she died by the following April 2021. The final straw was my mom dying from Covid in august 2021 because my trumpster half-siblings who didnā€™t believe in Covid brought it home. Theyā€™re now all dead to me. Iā€™ve also been having a lot of medical problems on top of this so, in September 2021 I justā€¦ crackedā€¦ Three psychiatrists, two anti-depressants, one antipsychotic, and two therapists later Iā€™ve finally found a good therapeutic fit. Psychotherapy is tough but I really like it and I think Iā€™ve started the road to recovery. I highly recommend this form of therapy when you need to fully break free from past traumas.
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 7~
things are not looking great for shen qiao. first he's betrayed by his shidi, then he's accosted by this old man who wants to bang him, now he's left his old sect behind... rip bby šŸ˜” the old man is enjoying his sorry state a bit TOO much lol WHAT HOW DID HE MAKE THAT FLOWER EXPLODE??? HOLY SHIT HE MADE PETALS INTO A FLOWER AND THEN BROKE IT??? THATS SO COOL??? oh uhhhh there's something about a ring, good and evil, and clearing out mt xuandu or sth idk *shrug* yws: A-QIAO I HEARD U HAVE THAT GAY THOUGHT. SHARE IT A-QIAO. SHARE UR GAY THOUGHTS WITH ME. >:) now the old man and shen qiao are on a date. let's see if shen qiao will be allowed to drink without coughing or eat without fighting anyone :D damn nicholas cage is LOOSE in the jianghu, i can't believe he's just going round taking ppl's facesā€¦ā€¦.off ;A; ITS HARD TO CONCENTRATE WHEN SO MANY PPL TALK AT ONCE, AND THE SUBTITLES SHOW ME THE DIALOGUE FOR BOTH. PLS ....aaaaaand it's no dinner for shen qiao. AGAIN. smh šŸ˜© oh god he's being a menace again. the old man, not nicholas cage. although nicholas cage also being a menace too somewhere out there is certainly possible, idk yws: oh?? ur gonna go ''''practise'''' alone in ur room??? when u could ''''practise'''' with ME instead???? >;DDD shen qiao: u are being kind of annoying :/ a lot of yws's dialogue are just hums of varying tones to express varying amounts of disdain and horny. i respect that shen qiao constantly being dismissed bc of his appearance is both frustrating and hilarious. esp when he gets the chance to LAY THE SMACKDOWN on his bullies šŸ’ŖšŸ˜¤ WOO FIGHT SCENE! HELL YEAH! GO SHEN QIAO!!! SHOW THAT XIAOZI WHAT'S UP!!! oh!! he apologised! what a nice young man, he learnt a lesson! good for him! i take back what i said, ur not a brat šŸ˜Š DAMN RIGHT BEING NICE IS NOT BEING A PUSHOVER. THANK U FOR SAYING SO!! LISTEN TO SHEN QIAO, HE'S CORRECT!! gasp!! it's MY SON!! YU SHENGYAN!!! (see i remembered his name this time. all on my own. i'm LEARNING y'all) oh my gOD THAT FREAK WANTS HIS FACE!! LET GO OF MY SON'S FACE U MONSTER!! huo xijing: here is ur friend's face lol. i did u a favour, can i have urs too?? lol yws: ONLY I MAY KILL YU SHENGYAN AND PEEL OFF HIS FA--did u just. did u just call me old WHY IS EVERYONE OBSESSED WITH HOW HOT SHEN QIAO IS??? i mean they're right BUT THEY ALL KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT, IT'S SO STRANGE???? hxj: ooh a pretty boy, i'll take his face instead! :D sq: no :/ oh jesus who's this now?? too many new friends at once, im overwhelmed, im so confused ;A; AH!! yuan xiuxiu!! she's a LADY SECT LEADER??? i didn't know they had those!!! oh but the poor thing hasn't even got any shoes, how sad smh šŸ˜” somebody fetch her a pair of slippers or something, this is so sad omg šŸ˜” yxx: tee hee, im seductive and pretty~ yws: back off, tart, im gay >:( awww shen qiao wants to avenge that poor tortured lass ;A; he's such a good man, i really like him a lot ;A; i love how huo xijing is willing to literally peel faces off of human skulls, but the SECONDsomebody had him at a disadvantage, it's 'uuuuwww shen-laoshi, have mercyyy on meeeee uwu' GOT EM!!! GOOD ONE SHEN QIAO!!! U SHOWED HIM SHEN QIAO!!! šŸ’ŖšŸ˜¤ yxx: how dare u kill my pet murderer??! *attacks the sick man* yws: BACK OFF BITCH, HE'S MINE D:< AWW HE'S HE'S MAKING SURE SHEN QIAO IS OK??? THAT'S SO CUTE????? the old man doesn't know it yet, but he's totally gonna fall in love for real and he's gonna be MISERABLE and im gonna laugh SO HARD >:D i look forward to ur suffering, yan wushi!! šŸ˜„
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scorchieart Ā· 2 years
Hey! Guess you'll have to round off the modern hc's with Leon and Yves now.
Yikes, this has been gathering dust for a bit. But after reading Leon and Yves's memories of each other in the True Love event I opened my notebook in a flash! I'm glad people seem to be enjoying this AU as much as I do.
This one goes out to you Ox-Anon, and all my fellow middle children out there šŸ’Ŗ
Silly Headcanons About the Princes as Children - Part 5:Ā Modern-Day
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Licht, Nokto & Luke's set here // Jin, Chevalier & Clavis's set here
Leon Dompteur
Literally the most perfect child anyone could ask for. Polite, kind, follows directions without making a fuss, doesn't raise his voice unnecessarily, offers help without being asked, goes to bed on time... basically the kid that parents point to when they say: "Why can't you be more like him?"
Despite this, it is physically impossible to hold a grudge against this boy. Give him 2 minutes and he'll charm his way into becoming your new best friend. Children and adults, students and teachers, young and old; everyone has only good things to say about that Leon Dompteur.
That's all the people see on the surface at least. But behind closed doors...
Leon is still amazing (Can't pull the wool over our eyes!) He is the single thing keeping his family from self-destructing. A "brother whisperer" if you will, he has the unique ability to lull and listen, then serve justice.
If Yves is throwing a fit because Jin gobbled up his fresh batch of cupcakes, Leon will send Jin to the park to walk it off then help Yves prepare a new batch.
If Chevalier is pummeling Clavis for running experiments on his limited edition imported encyclopedias, Leon will bandage Clavis up then walk with Chevalier to the bookstore to help pick and carry new titles to cheer him up (and ask the store clerk if they have any worn or discarded books to bring back for Clavis).
If the twins are fighting over the last piece of candy, Leon will eat it himself and remind them that nothing, especially not something as trivial as sweets, is worth ruining their friendship over. Once they make up and shake hands, he'll go out and buy a new pack for each of them.
Jin often jokes that Leon should go into politics when he grows up.
A very active child, practically a daredevil. He loves sports, parks, and basically anything outdoorsy. But that also means he's the one to get injured the most. It's like he's stuck in the revolving door at the hospital.
Leon's room is the envy of boys all over. He has a racecar bed, the latest gaming system with dozens of titles, glow-in-the-dark stars dotting the walls and ceiling, and more gadgets and toys than a kid could ever hope to play with. Now if only he could keep the room tidy...
Yves Kloss
Literally the most adorable child anyone could ask for. Big baby-blue eyes, pudgy little hands, pink pinchable cheeks, button red nose that twitches when he's fussy... basically the kid that parents point to when they say: "Why can't I have him?"
Loves being in the kitchen (most obvious statement of the year). He has his own corner with his preferred baking tools and ingredients that no one (Jin) is allowed to touch. Adults end up asking him about recipes or how to use kitchen appliances.
Quite the sensitive little caterpillar, it doesn't take much to set the poor kid off. Eat the desserts he makes without permission? Angry tears. Trip him in the playground and sully his outfit? Heartbroken tears. Comment on how he cries too much? Bitter tears.
Yves doesn't like being alone but he's incredibly shy around strangers, so he usually tags himself onto his brothers when they go for outings. If the waterworks happen to flow, he'll usually have someone by his side to protect or console him.
A fashion enthusiast from a young age, Yves enjoys flipping through fashion magazines and replicating the styles and themes in his own wardrobe.
But sometimes he can be indecisive about certain elements, like pant color or if he should add a jacket or if it looks better with the shirt tucked in. In those cases, he dresses the twins up in his top 2 options and takes them to his other brothers to ask their opinion.
Was very scared to start school when Clavis planted in his mind that the teachers were actually swamp monsters that lived in the lake by the school and punished students who answer questions wrong with toilet swirlies. Yves couldn't go to the bathroom without someone on standby outside the door for the entire week leading up to the first day.
On the night before, he dreamed of his classroom flooding and him hanging on to his bobbing desk for dear life while Clavis laughed from the roof. He awoke with a start and, after confirming his sheets were thankfully still dry, grabbed his stuffed kitten and snuck out of his room.
He would have headed for Jin's room had Jin not been sleeping over at a friend's house. Yves never ventured anywhere within 30 feet of Chevalier's room and there was no chance he'd go to Clavis after that dream, so he scurried over to Leon's room.
In the dark of the night, he tiptoed through the maze of discarded action figures and game boards, but tripped when his foot caught in a jump rope and landed on a model rocket that let out an earsplitting buzzing noise.
Leon jumped awake and fell off the bed right on top of Yves. When they both calmed down from the shock, Leon turned the rocket off and pulled Yves into the passenger seat side of the bed where the boy told him about his nightmare.
Leon listened thoughtfully before springing out of bed again. He rummaged around a bit in the mess then returned with a pair of watch-looking devices.
"They're like phones," he'd said, slipping one onto Yves's wrist. "If someone's mean to you, or the room floods, or Clavis meets you in the bathroom, press the button and I'll come running."
Taglist: @atelieredux @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus
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bbokkie Ā· 2 years
My Guitar, Your Voice (Pt. 2!!)
(Omg hi, hello, yes tis is I!! Iā€™m still not off my feet but I have this burden for leaving the people who read the first part of this story in a cliffhanger and after re-reading the oneshot for the 3rd time this week, I have finally pieced up a part 2!! Donā€™t forget to smash that like button and subscribe šŸ’Ŗ)
Yoru had left you behind for Valorant, but the day he was supposed to go, he promised you heā€™d be back. Even with his cocky attitude, heā€™d let even his own ego aside to assure you everything will be alright at the end of the day.
ā€œWhyā€™re you crying?ā€ he scoffed playfully. You had your small ego yourself, you didnā€™t want him see you cry, in this vulnerable position.. you hated it.
ā€œHey, you know Iā€™ll be back for you, right?ā€ he said in a whisper, interlocking his fingers with yours. You looked at him with tear drizzled eyes and trembling lips. You were too into the situation to say anything. Everything happened so fast, you couldnā€™t keep up. But Yoru, Yoru was there for you even though heā€™ll be the one in the battlefield, not you.
ā€œYou canā€™t keep staring at me like that forever, you know.ā€ a small grin tugged his lips. You smiled sadly, closing your eyes as the last of your tears fall down your cheeks.
ā€œIā€™ll come back for you, I always do.ā€
Every night without that goofy blue haired, cocky, ego having man was getting intoxicating. The other side of the bed laid empty, with nothing, no one.
Every night, you looked at that side of the bed, suddenly remembering every night you spent with him and every time you looked at him whilst he slept peacefully.
You turned to your side, unable to sleep. There you met with Ryoā€™s face, your eyes seemingly locked itself to just stare at his face.
Eyelids closed and the occasional snore here and there that made you giggle every time a small snort escaped his lips.Ā 
Your eyes would soften the longer you looked at him. You took in his features, studying all of them with your wandering eyes.
But now, there was nothing to look at beside you.
Just a crinkled pillow and half the blanket you had laid out, like the old days.
Suddenly, late at night around 12:15 am to be exact your phone buzzed loudly. You snapped out of your sleep which was more of a nap, honestly. You grabbed your phone from the bedside table and squinted at it.
And squinting at it menacingly.
Then the letters finally matched with your blurry vision.
Facetime call from Ryo šŸ™„...
Your eyes widened before finally picking it up.
ā€œFinally, took you long enough.ā€ his voice, you never realized how much you missed it. Tears welled your eyes.
He opened his camera, revealing him in a bed.Ā ā€œWhat? Arenā€™t you gonna open your camera too?ā€ he sat up, leaning back at his bed frame. Snapping out of your daze, you quickly opened the camera button.Ā ā€œMiss me already?ā€ you said teasingly. He chuckled.Ā ā€œI think you missed me more.ā€ he retorted. Then there was a pause, you two were just looking at each other.
At this point, I think we all know that you two missed each other equally.
ā€œStop looking at me, creep.ā€ you rolled your eyes, exiting out of the bed.Ā ā€œHowā€™s life there, hon?ā€ you suddenly asked him.Ā ā€œItā€™s alright, I guess. The people here are annoying as fuck though.ā€ he complained.
You set your phone on the table, getting a glass to provide it support when you placed it in front of the glass so he could still look at you.
Resting your chin on your arm, you stared at him again.
ā€œYou definitely miss me more.ā€ you said. His eyebrows furrowed as a small smile appeared on his lips.
Deep into the conversation, he stopped for a moment.Ā ā€œCan you sing something for me?ā€ he asked, a small blush flushing his cheeks like he was too embarrassed to say it.Ā 
You giggled.Ā 
You quickly went to the kitchen to fetch a spatula before hurrying back to your phone.
You held the spatula to your mouth, looking at him.Ā ā€œAny requests?ā€ you smiled.Ā ā€œSing any of our songs.ā€
You closed your eyes and the room quickly submitted into a lone voice that sang melodies.
Back to his perspective, he was smiling like an idiot. He didnā€™t know what to focus on, your face, or your angelic voice that rang his ears like melodic church bells.
His heart started beating faster, he remembered this feeling. The feeling he felt when he first laid eyes on you, it all rushed back to him.
At that moment, he fell in love all over again.
There you guys were, rambling about everything that happened when both of you were apart from each other. Anything that came to mind you both shared it.
Times like his were something to remember.Ā 
The call finally ended when both of you were in bed, huddled in blankets, about to drift into the planes of deep sleep.
Looking at each other for the last time before drifting to slumber.Ā 
Even though we are far apart from each other, my love for you will never drift away.
( WHAT WHATTT LETā€™S GOO!! I hope you guys enjoyed this, if you donā€™t Iā€™ll combust into tears šŸ˜ šŸ˜ , donā€™t worry Iā€™ll make a small oneshot where Yoru comes back home someday, some month. Iā€™m messing with you. ;) - Bokie )
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just-a-venomous-kinnie Ā· 3 years
Hajime x Oc pt.3!
Ok so I have a big finale planned! ( coming after PT.20) and MAY do a season 2 where I come up with random scary stories but for now, we'll keep it to season 1.
The talking Mary doll
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You already know what povšŸ’Ŗ
The group of teens find their way to school. Satsuki stops to blow her breath to see it turns to fog. She makes a comment about it being cooler than a witches coochie and Leo says that his father told him there was a high chance of snow.
Satsuki makes a comment about the guys having 'shrinkage issues' while Leo interjects that it only happens in pools, not cold weather.
" James 1:14, each one is tempted by his own evil desire but I think your skirt is helping him out slutski- I mean Satsuki" Momoko says.
" you are just jealous of my Mary Hearts" Satsuki says to her.
" I'll tell you what, if i was a girl and i had an ass your size there's no way I'd wear a micro mini in fact id probably wear moo moo's" Hajime says before Satsuki kicks him in the face. Just say that happens, Najimi comes running down the street.
" Sorry I'm late guys! I had to fix my hair cause this shit did NOT want to cooperate! I was this close to putting my bonnet back on and going to sleep" Najimi says,
"Wait I thought only black people could wear those?" Leo says questioning her.
" What do I look like? White?! God damn your blind for a boy with glasses" Najimi yells at him while twisting her scarf.
" oh good grief where'd Keiichirou run off to.. Keii- Get back here do you know how many child molesters there are in Japan!? Satsuki says, Yelling at the boy. He beckons her to come look at what he found around the corner.
The group all come to find him standing in front of a doll sitting on the trash. Momoko makes a comment about it not being a bratz doll and Satsuki makes a remark about it being dirty and old like Wendy William's. Keiichirou asks if he can have it, to which she says that it's not right to pick thing up that people have thrown away and that she wasn't going to have an ( R-Slur) Gay brother.
Cut to after the kids go to school and go home.
Najimi's 3rd person pov
Najimi sits in her room while reading over an d manga she owned while talking to Momoko. Flipping through the pages she tries not to listen to Momoko read her bible scriptures.
" You know, the only reason you probably have friends is because you're somewhat up to 2019's standard of pretty" Najimi says irritated.
" Whatever do you mean? You're just mad that you're getting edged by a damn anime book that the two main characters just won't fuck in if their lives depended on it" Momoko says on the other end of the phone.
" it's a YAOI for you're information and why can't they just hurry up and get it over with already?! We all know Fujisaki has a crush on yuri let's just get to the fuckin!" She says, flipping through the pages.
" Poor homosexuals. I truly feel bad for your damned souls. Forever to burn in the fiery pits of hell for your crimes against nature" Momoko says, distraught.
" Oh shut the hell up. A murderer can repent to get into heaven but I'll burn simply because i like coochie?" Najimi asks
" If that's how the lord intends-" Momoko says on the other side of the phone.
Najimi hangs up and throws her phone on the dresser while still flipping through pages.
Next day, Same 3rd person pov
Satsuki goes on about the Mary Mary doll and how it was being taken care of by her dad. She looked hella sleepy, like she hadn't slept in two weeks. Hajime says that she should've let Keiichirou keep the doll. Leo played with them and he didn't turn out to be a fag was his point.
" Personally, I don't fuck with dolls anymore. After watching the boy that one time, I'd say to just fuck the dude and get rid of the doll. But if it was a monster high doll, that's a different story" Najimi said while leaning back in her chair.
" I remember you black girls always went crazy over those dolls" Leo said looking at her.
" THE FUCK YOU MEAN BLACK GIRLS--" Najimi said walking over to Leo hitting him on the head several times.
While Hajime was laughing at the sight of Leo profusely apologizing, Satsuki was called to the office. The group turned to the speaker and looked at Satsuki.
" Hopefully it's not the dean. Her big tittied ass nearly sent me to a prep school because of a food fight i set up 3 weeks ago" Hajime said looking at Satsuki.
Satsuki's 3rd person pov
Satsuki walked into the office when a teacher said that she had a call. She took a breath and picked up the phone. It was Mary Mary again, in fear she slammed the phone down. Soon all the phones started to ring so Satsuki burst out the room. Leo and Hajime asked where the fire was but didn't get an answer as Satsuki kept running away.
Leo, Hajime and Najimi follow Satsuki to the roof. Hajime asks if he was gay while Leo asks if he was kicked out yet.
" My dad's not homophobic but I'm not tryna have a little brother so don't send his gay ass to my house" Najimi says walking up to Satsuki.
Satsuki explains that it was mary mary and that she was trying to kill her. Hajime yells at her about needing therapy till she snaps back at him saying she doesn't need it. Someone calls Leo and tells him to put Satsuki on the phone. It was Mary Mary and she was on the roof with them. Satsuki has a breakdown while the group huddle together in fear.
Mr.Sakata finds the kids and says that her dad got into an accident and that she needed to go to the hospital. The kids run to go with her while mary sits on the roof.
Skip to the hospital
The kids run to his room, Satsuki and Keiichirou run to him in tears. Mr.Sakata talks to Mr. Miyanoshita about running his mouth to the kids and asks Hajime if he could watch over Keiichirou and Satsuki. Mr.Sakata walks the kids out while Satsuki talks about killing mary. Mary sits in one of the seats while the kids look at her.
Mr.Sakata offers to sell her to some guys and he takes them there.
The man at the doll temple explain that they reenact movies with dolls. They said that the doll was good for the lady in alone in the dark. Leo goes on about how it was creepy that he knew of the place while Satsuki stared at the ground. Mr.Sakata asks her what's wrong when she answers it was nothing.
"Thank god we dropped that doll off. I would've shat myself if we had that shit lying around still" Najimi says as Leo makes a comment about the place being a doll prison. The group decide to let it brush off of them as they head home.
Later that night after Mr.Sakata drops Satsuki,Keiichirou,Hajime and Najimi off at the Miyanoshita residence.
Hajime continues to get all pissy about not being paid to watch Satsuki and Keiichirou.
"Shit Mr.Miyanoshita kinda fine tho..I'll do it for him this one time" Najimi says very sly. Hajime gives her a disgusted look before the phone rings.
Keiichirou starts to cry while Hajime asks if she's gonna pick it up.
"I mean your dad IS in the hospital. If you don't pick up it's kinda your fault if he dies,just sayin" Najimi says while trying to calm Keiichirou down.
The phone plays with Mary on the other line. Satsuki starts to cry as Najimi's face goes white.
Satsuki answers yes as Hajime says that this Barbie bitch is going DOWN.
"Yeah, I'll be damned if I let a cabbage patch kid fuck with my favorite white girl" Najimi says.
Hajime,Satsuki,Keiichirou and Najimi run to a secret abandoned gymnasium
Hajime goes on about how him and Leo spent ages trying to save up for this thing but all they got were sleeping bags. They spent all their money on pornos and lube "but it's the thought that counts" was his reasoning.Keiichirou says he has to go to the bathroom. Hajime urges him to piss on a poster while the young boy explains that it was number two.
"Take him to go shit Hajime. I'll watch the doors in the front for her" Najimi says while walking outside with the two.
The door seems to shut on Najimi.
"GOD DAMMIT! IF YOU HAD TO PISS YOU COULD'VE JUST SAID SO. I WASN'T EVEN LOOKING!" Najimi says while tugging her hair out of the closed door.
While the boys are gone and Satsuki sits alone inside. She feels a breeze. She then looks up to see Mary Mary and some black things turn up. They ponder playing games until they start to chant
"Satsuki's a goner, Yes we know, Mary Mary tells us so. Rip off her arms and then her legs. Pluck out her eyeballs then her brains. Satsuki's a goneršŸŽ¶ Will she win or will she lose? Mary Mary you will choose."
Mary tells her that she'll lose and soon all the little black things wrap around her. She starts to scream and Najimi hears from outside.
"THE HELLS GOING ON IN THERE?! HAJIME! KEIICHIROU!" Najimi yells trying to break the door down. The boys come rushing over to see what happened as they hear chanting.
"She was fine until the door slammed on me and now i can't get back in!" Najimi says to them. Momoko runs up to then asking where she was until they turn to the doors.
Inside, they decided on playing pluck it out by almost getting her eyes out. The handkerchief that Satsuki used to wipe Mary off with falls and she looks at it. The little things stop and whine as Mary tells then to fuck off. Satsuki sits on the ground shaking as Mary talks about almost cutting her tits off.
Mary leaves as soon as Najimi and Momoko rush in and grab her. Soon Hajine bursts through the window. Momoko points at him as he starts to bleed out of the head screaming for help.
Najimi grabs one of the blankets and wraps his head with it.
"Yeah and hopefully I forget you ever existed." Hajime tests as she starts to hit him on the head.
" SHIT I WAS JOKING WOMAN" Hajime yells as he starts to bleed more. The teens soon get to and direct Hajime to the hospital.
Lmao I'm literally so surprised I actually finished this. I hope you liked it, the writing may be a bit off since I left this in my drafts for about a month or so but its the thought that countsšŸ•ŗ.
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