#and i got 2 05s and one funky :]
basslinegrave · 6 months
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my 2020 furby chart vs one i made now
teal - dreamies, light green - would like to have, grey check - have, red check - had at some point
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skylarynn-ninjago · 2 years
Plot concepts/canon divergences
Continuation of this post over there.
01 - Masters of Spinjitzu
The pilot season.  As mentioned there are not major changes in overall plot, however I am adding in an episode [called “A Brother’s Shadow”] to cover what’s going on with Nya in the Underworld since we literally never see what all went down between when she was captured and when she was chained up in the Fire Temple.  Also I will be giving plot to the mini movies, which tacks an additional 5 episodes [“New Masters of Spinjitzu” is getting thrown in the fire] onto the season, making it a nice round 10 episodes.
02 - Rise of the Snakes
Season 1.  As mentioned it’s not overly different from the original, though there will be seeding for concepts I introduce later, such as Lloyd’s aunt Koko and the Kagami family of professional dancers.  
03 - Legacy of the Green Ninja
Season 2.  Lloyd’s aunt Koko is introduced in the same episode Misako is, and she participates in shenanigans from then onwards for the season.   Also I will try to come up with some explanation of Dr. Julien leaving Echo on the Lighthouse so he’s not an utterly Terrible Parent™.
04 - Rebooted
Season 3.  Hopefully I can try to iron out/rectify most of the pacing issues they had, as the show was going to be 4 episodes, then 13, then 8, and you can kinda tell with the way the plot’s tempo fluctuates.  Also there will be reference to Koko having traversed Hiroshi’s Labyrinth because she’s Like That™.  Koko might get involved in the season, but if so it will be towards the end.  Also also Cryptor won’t be blown[frozen?] to bits exactly, there will be salvageable remnants of him left for reasons To Be Seen.
05 - Tournament of the Elements
Season 4.  The Ninja board Chen’s ship to find shock! horror! Koko is here for some reason!  She’s then revealed to be the Master of Sand, which is why she’s so helpful on Misako’s digs.  We’re also introduced to Viridian Kagami, another oc and the alleged Master of Glass, though strangely no one actually witnesses him using his element... Oh and at the end I add a reference to Skylor having a little brother.
06 - Possession
Season 5.  Koko gets involved once word reaches her of Lloyd being possessed and she spends most of the season helping Misako figure shit out because those two are Nerd Siblings™.  Also two other original characters are introduced/referenced: Cerulea Kagami, or just Lea, who was kicked out of the Kagami family of professional dancers for breaking a mirror [It Makes Sense In Context™]and was promptly adopted as a sister by Ronin; and Kaiya Mori, Ronin’s biological daughter who’s only really mentioned in passing.  She is roughly Nya’s age and, as her name literally means “forgiveness”, has a lot to do with the mistakes Ronin references making.
07 - Skybound
Season 6.  Still haven’t rewatched it [which I really should do] but I did some critical thinking about the ending and decided to completely rework it.  Functionally the season holds the same narrative space, but I found it kinda counterintuitive that in the season where it’s heavily emphasized wishes do not solve problems, the entire season is fixed with a very poorly-worded wish.  So instead Jay does not make a final wish, but the plot is resolved by other means.  If y’all are curious I will gladly explain the Shenanigans™ there, but I don’t want to spoil it quite yet.
08 - Escape from Tera Uragiri
The first [of many] of my fan seasons.  As previously explained it is inspired by Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. and tells how the Imperial Family of Ninjago got the Mask of Deception before Sons of Garmadon: Ronin.  Also introduces Fugi-Dove 5 seasons before his first canon appearance because a friend suggested it as a joke and I cannot say no to the bird man.
09 - Echoes of Memory
The second fan season.  Features Ronin accidentally adopting Echo Zane and Echo joining the Ninja’s funky family.  Also features Jay and Nya explaining what the hell was Skybound.
10 - Day of the Departed
The holiday special.  I’m throwing in Li’l Nelson to help Cole, because evidently the writers originally planned on it based on his presence in the sets.  And Yang doesn’t get a redemption because that man’s motives make no sense [why are you afraid of getting forgotten when you know for a fact you’re well known for creating a martial art?  You literally possessed the portrait of you hanging in the museum, there’s no way you think no one remembers you] so instead Morro sticks around and helps yeet Cole through the Rift [and maybe accidentally crosses it himself...].  Also, I really didn’t get why Pythor hopped on the murder train so quick when he has no reason to do so, and instead changed it to Pythor trying to warn Lloyd of the Shenanigans™ [much like Morro] purely to spite Chen for culturally appropriating his tribe and wearing their remains as a hat.  He still almost gets killed by Lloyd because he’s proven himself Untrustworthy™.
11 - Hands of Time
Season 7.  There’s...a lot of pacing issues in this season, and the dialogue kinda suffers throughout, so hopefully I can fix those things.  For once, Koko is not likely to be around.  Also there will be episodes about Dareth and Ronin post-Dareth breaking Ronin’s leg because Dareth found this anemic emo teen in the street and decided to adopt him.  Yes it is Morro, and no he is not happy because he Did Not sign up for mortality again.
12 - Decoded
No idea if this season is canon or not frankly, but it’s a thing, so.  I’m just adding Echo to it pretty much. Though now that I think about it this might be when I have Echo give Gizmo/Tai-D [that adorable glorified roomba tea bot Dr. Julien had at the Lighthouse] an upgrade in body and sentience, and he has now become a young child with built-in rollerskates who likes to help fix things.   Unlike Zane and Echo [and PIXAL I guess] Gizmo isn’t big on the whole fighting thing and would rather stay at the Monastery, but heaven help you if you try to attack the Monastery because there’s now a devious robotic Kevin McAllister living there.  
13 - Obsession
The third fan season where I stole the concept from The Fire That Burns Too Brightly.  It’s on AO3, go read it. Gist is Kai gets a stalker who’s trying to destroy the Element of Fire and murder Kai for Personal Trauma Reasons™ and Lloyd contemplates Murder™.
14 - Apex Predator
The shiny new fourth fan season.  Stole this concept from an AI actually, a TannerFishies YouTube video where he was generating potential Ninjago seasons.   So the pitch is that one of the 16 Realms is just the Old West, from whence originates the villainous Talon, an outlaw of some ilk that the Ninja have to defeat.  Talon is based on Great Horned Owls, which makes him rather terrifying to be frank.   Also this will be a Nya/Koko focus season because I didn’t realize I didn’t have those yet.   Oh and there will be a wonderful episode called “Holstergeist” [stole that from Reddit] where the Ninja tried to get help by bringing back ghosts in the Caves of Despair from the prospecting era [got that idea from tumblr’s very own drawtice].
15 - Sons of Garmadon
Season 8.  There’s now a total of 6 Oni Masks, 3 Greater and 3 Lesser.  The Greater 3 are those from the show - Deception, Vengeance, and Hatred - while the Lesser 3 are similar concepts - Fear, Cruelty, and Corruption.  There are also 6 Dragon Amulets, one to counter each Mask as follows: Deception/Loyalty, Vengeance/Forgiveness, Hatred/Compassion, Fear/Bravery, Cruelty/Kindness, Corruption/Justice.   Also there’s a 4th general amongst the Sons of Garmadon called Tempest; no one’s really sure where he came from, but he never takes off his mask.  He just casually showed up with the Mask of Cruelty as well [that’s not the mask he wears constantly] and he won’t tell where he got it.   Oh and the Falcon mysteriously vanishes.
16 - Hunted
Season 9.  Lea and Koko join Lloyd’s resistance, and about halfway through the season Tempest just disappears on the Sons to Harumi’s great befuddlement because they’d been Bonding™.  Not really sure what Echo’s role in this will be, so that needs to be ironed out. Also Morro finally reveals his alive-ness to [what remains of] the Ninja, which nearly gets him drowned by Nya.  He’s captured by the Sons of Garmadon before the other Ninja return from the First Realm, which is really fun because he just pops up after the jail break and all the OG Ninja have a freak-out before Lloyd and Nya can explain It’s Okay, He’s Chill Now.  
17 - March of the Oni
Season 10.  Definitely adjusting the pacing because so much happened in so little time.  Totally having an entire episode dedicated to the introduction of the Oni and calling it “The Bringers of Doom” because kickass melodrama is the flavor of the day.   Also Echo and Morro have been added, and Morro very nearly yeets himself off the Bounty when Cole falls, only not also falling into the cloud because Jay catches him by the collar, because up to this point Cole was the Ninja closest with Morro and he was Not about to lose his Only Friend™. Also also the Falcon reappears, now in a shiny new body as another sentient Nindroid but with wings because bird go brr and calling himself Merlin.  He helps evacuate people and integrates into the group after the Oni shenanigans.
18 - Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Fire Chapter
Season 11, part 1.  Gizmo and PIXAL become best friends building stuff together and Merlin helps them sometimes. Unlike the other Ninja, Morro did not go out of shape and thus is not being harassed by Wu.  In fact, he’s definitely helping Wu prank everyone.   Kai isn’t super out of shape, as, post-reforging the Golden Weapons, he’s taken up blacksmithing again and has in fact made all the Ninja’s weapons.  He has been slacking off in the combat training, however. Lloyd also isn’t completely out of shape I feel, but he is definitely slacking somewhat.   Oh and, while Echo and Gizmo stay behind, Merlin is definitely going into the Never-Realm to get his brother back.
19 - Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Ice Chapter
Season 11, part 2.  Morro actually kinda enjoys the Never-Realm because he Does Not like really hot environments.  Sorla gives him some advice about the PTSD this man clearly has, and I might have him go after Cole to find the Traveller’s Tree because Only Friend™.  Also this is where we learn he has Iron Deficiency Anemia because he starts fainting and such.  Not a fun time. Merlin has Bonding Time™ with all the Ninja and proves to be really useful as a flyer. Also Echo helps PIXAL during the episode with the Preeminent, but he’s incapacitated so she still gets her dramatic I’m The Only Line Of Defense moment.
20 - Prime Empire
Season 12.  Somehow Jay’s mother Liberty is being used for Prime Empire, I’m just not sure how.  Also the season might start earlier, with Jay getting a letter from his hitherto-unknown sister Ivy Gordon asking for help to find their missing mom. Also not sure how Echo and Merlin will fit into this season, but I’ll figure it out.  Merlin is going to be very pissed when the Mechanic abducts Zane.   Morro enters Prime Empire and probably dies between Cole/Kai and Lloyd.  Also he gets an alt avatar form that just looks like the depressed teenage offspring of Hot Topic.
21 - Master of the Mountain
Season 13.  Morro ends up with Zane and Kai among the Geckles, and his anemia comes up again because the glop shit they’re given does not contain enough iron to keep this man conscious.  Oh and during the whole Trial by Mino thing, Morro’s just Jedi Flipping™ over the thing to keep from getting gored while Kai and Zane try to dodge.  And he’s probably the one who makes the slug fly down the ice slick. Likely to add some episodes about what’s going on at the Monastery like how they did in the Ice Chapter, covering the jailbreak that supposedly happens before the Island.
22 - Malediction
The fifth fan season.  Focuses on Morro and features Clouse as the villain, actually revealing his familial origins.  Takes place on Chen’s Island and Much Shenaniganry™ occurs. Not all of the Ninja are present for it, as Kai is visiting his parents and Cole is visiting Lou.   Also Lea is there looking for Ronin because he’s mysteriously vanished while out trying to catch escaped inmates from Kryptarium and she’s worried about him.  And this is when it’s finally revealed that Viridian from all the way back in Tournament is not, in fact, the Master of Glass, but rather Lea is.  After the Shenaniganry™, Lloyd offers for her to join the Ninja so she can better master her element and she accepts.
23 - The Island
Either a miniseries or season 14, people count it differently.  Lea is now officially one of the team, but they have not yet found her missing adoptive brother [Ronin].   Oh and Koko was on the expedition team with Misako and Wu and Clutch, and she’s Very Much Done with Clutch’s Shit™.   When they find the fake Wojira there’s still the bit like this: Lloyd: Who do we know that uses weird vehicles to get his way? Lea: Ronin! Lloyd: Actually I was gonna say the Mechanic, but that works too-- But instead of ending there it deviates slightly Lea: No, I mean--Ronin! And we get the reveal that Ronin had been captured by these hooligans while doing his bounty hunting and in fact the real mastermind was the Mechanic, who is then sent to prison while Ronin’s taken to a hospital.
24 - Throne of Glass
The sixth fan season, and Lea’s focus.  The city has finally gotten its act together long enough to elect the Kagami family as the new Imperial Family of Ninjago after Harumi nuked her parents.  This upsets Lea, because that is the family that cast her out.   Much Shenaniganry™ occurs, though like in Malediction only a few of the Ninja are here:  Jay and Nya are visiting with Jay’s family [Ed and Edna but also Liberty and his sister Ivy] Lloyd has been kidnapped by Koko to go off adventuring in some remote jungle somewhere And Zane, Merlin, Echo, and Gizmo have gone off to Do a Thing in honor of their late father Dr. Julien, with PIXAL coming along with.   Lea and Cole have a lot of Bonding™ as we learn about their shared history at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts, and Lea’s family tries to have her assassinated because Reasons™.  Dragon Amulets are found and used.   Also there’s a big fancy Imperial Ball that happens so Morro wears a dress to hide more knives on his person and Kai wears a dress because he’s a Fashion Victim™ and not to be outdone.  
25 - Seabound
Season 14 or 15 depending on how you count.  Morro’s powers start going wacky just like Nya’s, and he goes with them in the HydroBounty but Does Not have a Fun Time because thalassophobia/aquaphobia residual from his Ghosty Days.   Merlin, Echo, Gizmo, and Lea all vibe at the Monastery with Kai, Ray, and Cole and have an absolute blast. Also, after Kai calls Maya and she starts annoying Nya, Misako suggests that since Ronin helped her figure her powers out the first time Nya should call Ronin.  So she does, and now Maya and Ronin are competitively trying to help her. When Nya goes to merge with the sea, Morro follows her and merges with the sky.  While Nya has her nifty water dragon form he has a white tiger form.  Also he’s not got the same ‘call of the sea’ thing Nya has going on, so he mostly maintains his identity’s integrity.  
26 - Cloudburst Elegy
The seventh fan season covering shenanigans between Seabound and Crystallized.   So, much like how Nyad had also previously merged with the sea, there’s an elemental Master of Wind who had merged with the sky before Morro had and was semi-stuck in the white tiger form.  He causes shit [and is the reason Jay ends up at the lighthouse].  No one has a good time.
27 - Crystallized, Part I
Season 15-16, part 1.  Morro is also un-merged with his element, though in the process a giant white tiger also pops into existence; the other Wind Elemental.  Koko names him Benji and he’s a menace once he wakes up but is thoroughly perplexed by Koko, She Who Has No Fear, enough that he actually listens to her commands because whoever has the audacity to tell a tiger “Bad kitty!  Sit!” is worthy of respect. Ronin is still in prison in this season, but that’s because he broke into places to find a way to fix Nya.  He’s quite relieved to hear that she’s okay now. The whole scene where Lloyd convinces an inmate to be better still happens, but rather than be Ronin, it’s someone else: namely Eugene Chen, or Gene as the Darkly’s kids knew him, Skylor’s younger brother that was fleetingly foreshadowed by me in Tournament.  While Sky took over the noodle production, he took over the crime syndicate.  Lloyd convinces him to Do Better, and Gene sneaks out of Kryptarium the same time Pythor’s busted out. Speaking of, the Crystal Council actually tries to recruit Nadakhan [the alt timeline had been explained by the Ninja in a press conference so it’s common knowledge by now] but he declined for reasons to do with how I end Skybound, so they opt for their second choice: Pythor.  Pythor also declines initially, but he’s strong-armed into it by them taunting him with information on his son, Clancee. Also I’ve made Clancee be Pythor’s son by the way.
28 - Crystallized, Part II
Season 15-16, part 2.  So firstly when the Crystal Council comes for the Golden Weapons, I’m changing the assignment slightly.  Pythor gets the Shurikens of Ice [and fights Nya in the finale] while the Mechanic gets the Nunchucks of Lightning [and fights Jay in the finale].   Morro’s in the same boat as Nya on the power loss front and is with her, Wu, Skylor, PIXAL, Echo, and Gizmo when the Monastery’s blown up.   Lea and Merlin are with Cole, Kai, Zane, and Jay in the subway.  Koko was at Domu with Misako because Nerd Siblings™. Garmadon’s subplot with Lloyd is changed. Also there’s a whole subplot about the relationship between Ultra Violet and the Mechanic and it’s kinda sad.   Only the OG Ninja get fancy new vehicles, so Lea, Koko, and Morro were all on the Bounty when it went down.  Echo, Merlin, and Gizmo were all with PIXAL and Skylor in the Sam X cave for those shenanigans. Lea, Koko, and Morro end up navigating the city together.  Merlin, Echo, PIXAL, and Skylor all entered city separately to try and avoid detection.  PIXAL found Zane first and then Merlin found her, Zane, and the inmates at Borg Tower later.  Echo ended up with Jay and Nya.  During the Distress Calls sequence, while Lloyd leaves a message for the Serpentine, Cole tries to broadcast to Shintaro, and Nya sends fish to Merlopia, Morro has the wacky idea to message the Never-Realm and manages to contact Sorla with magic Bansha taught him, while Kai suggest calling Faith for help and Wu does so with some Traveller’s Tea one of the paperkids found. In the ‘allies unite’ sequence, in addition to everyone who shows up, Gene appears with his crew of criminals, Nadakhan appears with his Sky Pirates, Akita and Kataru pop out of a portal from the Never-Realm, and Faith flies in on Firstbourne with some of her Dragon Riders.   The OG Ninja are the only ones who can do the Dragon Form since they’re the sub-elements of Creation, and when they release their powers it just gives Lloyd the Golden Power again instead of making a gold dragon for him to ride that just disappears at the end because my god that was so dumb... Harumi is sent to prison for her various atrocities, along with most of the Crystal Council.  Vania does come to collect her father and take him back to Shintaran prison.  Also we finally find out that Mr. F/Mr. E is actually the rebuilt remains of Cryptor that I hinted at in Rebooted.  And also that the Sons of Garmadon general Tempest was secretly Morro all along.   The inmates who helped [Ronin, Killow, Ultra Violet, and Fugi-Dove] all get their sentences changed so they can do ‘public service’ instead and they end up working at Skylor’s noodlehouse since Skylor becomes a full-time Ninja.  Killow cooks, Fugi-Dove does waitressing, and Ultra Violet handles customer service while Ronin supervises them.   The Sons of Garmadon [Harumi, Killow, Ultra Violet, Mr. F, and Morro] have a very messy and complicated reunion, but they all work out their grudges and rebuild their friendships, with everyone agreeing to work for good from now on.  Pythor is reunited with Clancee after centuries.   Akita and Kataru decide to stay in Ninjago while Faith returns to her realm.  
The story doesn’t end there, I’ve just not worked out everything following that.
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Notes on SP eps
SP eps I forgot to take notes on the first 3 I do it later lmao fell free to use these stamps for edits or anything
S4. ep16 6:11 Cartman s l i d e s s4 ep17 1:55 Ike and Kyle wholesome s4 ep17 8:03 Mr.Hanky and his wife need to s4 ep17 16:07 KYLE EHAT THE HECK???? s5 ep1 17:54 Uncle Jimbo is a homo (WHAT s5 ep4 11:38 DON'T THINK I DON'T SEE YA s5 ep6 14:39 "Sit down Kyle" Can't ">:("
s5 ep7 00:30 "Scream for me btch" "AAAA" s5 ep7 15:12 "We gotta get rid of the gorls"
s5 ep8 21:01 Highly streaches s5 ep9 14:52 "We're speaking English rn does that make sense???" s5 ep9 21:58 "?!??!?!?" (Idk tbh s5 ep10 12:50 *Background shinanigans the boys and res to town laughing lmao) + Sometime later in ep Style moment lol s5 ep12 I just really like Tolkien's voice s5 ep13 21:00 FCK HIM UP KYLE! (Also dude Kenny really is cared for) s5 ep14 (Entire ep) Butters dude. That is messed uuuupp. s6 ep2 17:00 A SIMPLE LIL MOTAGGGE s6 ep3 4:30 "Star trek dude has an axe in bg) STAN KYLE AND CARTMAN I WILL PUNCH YOU STOP GASLIGHTING MY SON + 16:02 I love robbary and fraud I'm a shoplisting
s6 ep4 3:30 THE WAY THEY ROLL 3:58 STAN BE COMMITING CRIMES 4:30 "W h a t??" Bebe has some other ideas 6:32 THEY GOT CAUGHT 10:47 Kyle take off your hat what the hell 15:25 "Don't have a dad Mike not gonna work" 16:00 FIghting in background 16:40 Stanley :((( Has sores Stan is one big pussy
s6 ep5 6:55 STAN's NOSE PINCH LMAO I low-key really like this ep the subplot of Cheif tryna contorl his TV is gold lmao 14:13 They're excited 18:40 "We'll kill butter's later!" 20:05 "WHOOOO YEAHHHHH!!!"
s6 ep6 5:30 REALITY TV (reanimated THIS) 9:19 are they breaking the 4th wall???
s6 ep8 4:20 The boys chillin (Where's Ken?) 5:15 Tweek: "I'M A WHAT?!" 7:08 Craig: Walks away 7:42 Kyle: "Get the **** of here." Pure disgust
s6 ep9 4:20 Kyle is confusion It looks really funky witht the art style 14:35 SP creators :DDD 16:28 TWEEK HAS A MISSUL LAUNCHER
s6 ep10 4:50 WHA ape grunts 5:20 I feel you Wendy 7:17 Girls no :( 10:04 "Bebe you're still cool" 13:15 "HAOHAOHA" 16:00 Jeez fanon bebe is insanely inaccurate 17:25 Cute Parent Marshes moment 19:00 HOW WENDY 21:04 THE BOYS ARE HUGGINH
s6 ep11 6:34 Craig deffo got them tall genes 8:58 "I didn't mean to! (be abducted)" 11:40 "Im nugh dune wiuth mgh pizza…" 19:57 "Oh god our parents are so stupid dude." + cute moments 21:20 HELP STAN-
S6 ep12 1:45 "Mrky" Ok Current realization "KENNY!" 8:11 "Maybe you got brain cancer" "YOU THINK!?" "Cartman don't get brain cancer." 20:11 I'm scared for new Randy
s6 ep13 11:59 "I'm not playing anymore." s6 ep15 7:40 DAMN STAN. 9:25 LET KENNY WATCH FATSO 11:00 Psychic Stan ("No I'm not!") 13:47 Stan pinching his nose 16:30 Stan you're still in the school why are you slaming the door 17:53 Kyle: :o
s6 ep16 4:10 Stan nose pinch again :D 7:10 Stutters duo on an adventure (entire ep) 8:40 "They're lying" 11:40 "how many parents have you enacted revenge on??" 12:21 "18,000$" - "How bout 5 bucks." 13:18 this entire scene is geuninlly interesting to see knowing Eric's character It showcases his COMPLEXITY WHEN DEALING WITH PEOPLE 15:55 POP OFF STAN 16:30 Cartman can speak spanish?? Dude he's dedicated. 17:50 Stan is smart
s6 ep17 (Throughout the ep Jimmy sings <3) 6:16 TWEEK YOU'RE NOT CRAZY 11:50 Kyle and Cartman interaction lmao 14:21 the way Jesus specifies "Eric" Cartman lmao 14:30 JESUS HAS A GUN 15:40 I'm packing 17:40 "Dude this is pretty fcked up." 19:22 Idk who these kids are they're in a different style and its a little odd. 21:10 NVM THIS IS THE SAME 21:20 KENNY! KENNY'S BACK! DUDE WHERE THE HEEL WERE YOU????
S7 ep1 0:50 IKE IS NOT A WEPON KYLE Cartman??? Dude you good?????? I HATE HOW CALLED OUT I FEEL BY THE SCIENCTIST IN THIS EP HE THINKS EXACTLY LIKE ME There is a scene somewhere where Kenny pulls his Parka "Oh shit did we do that??" 20:00 KENNY NO
s7 ep2 1:30 "Oh I'm a dork huh :(" 2:45 Stan and Kyle dealing with Cartman's bs 7:45 Epic scene with Jimmy and Timmy 12:10 An attempt was made to sit 14:40 "Holy guacomole!" 23:30 "Me too-"
s7 ep3 3:50 "Lets go Kyle!" 11:27 "We're not Killing kyle" "Mrph!"[Yeah!] 14:40 "Whoa-o-ok thank you." 16:15 "A present from jesus himself!" Looks up 16:18 TButters? 18:59 Roblox coil sound
s7 ep4 3:34 "SHUT UP AND STUDY." 6:30 Why is he puttign so mcuh effort into the walk 7:47 Uhhh pop off Gerald?? 7:57 STAN NOSE PINCH 8:25 Kenny fucking leaves 13:55 Randy has talent 21:22 Kyle nose pich + "I- I don't know"
s7 ep5 (didn'r take anything ig"
s7 ep6 2:12 "Why won't she let me eat the piee." 3:40 Kenny is an artist (for twitter.) 4:13 WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS CONCLUSION 4:26 TUCKER??? CRAIG'S LONG LOST SIBLING? 5:05 Cartman has no right to be this detailed for a fatass 5:15 Kenny :((( 7:17 Sign languages Kyle: "What?????" 8:34 "hehehe thats gay" "hehehe we're gay" 9:16 "GRRRRR!" 10:27 The girl is so cute though 17:48 WDYM THE MCCORMICKS??? 18:20 "Kenny it doesn't go pekwwww it goes BANG BANG BANG"
s7 ep7 2:44 "26,000 DOLLARS?!?!" 5:30 CHEF!! 5:45 "We've had such great times here" CHAOS WHEN??? 6:51 Kennys cute here 9:17 Sharon and Randy moment 12:57 THOMAS TUCKER'S HEIGHT HELP
s7 ep8 00:55 KENNNYYY'S DESIGN 1:20 We're you guys waiting for the bus how tf are your switching to machovers 1:45 3:55 "OH MY GOD WHERE IS MY HOMEWORK I AM FREAKING OUU~U~UT!!" 4:45 YES CHEF 5:15 Well. Uh. I guess dreams come true. 11:12 KYLE WHERE TF DID YOU KEEP THAT 12:22 why is Liane there she's a whor-
s7 ep9 1:00 The kid's music tastes 2:10 Cartman being an ENTJ 2:54 Tolkien looked really epic 4:40 KYLE WHAT DID YOU DO? "I DON'T KNOW D:'" 8:45 "Why would I be looking way over there??" 10:30 Cartman tugging at Kyle's hat 16:56 Uh- 21:00 HELL YEAH TOLKIEN BEAT HIS ASS 21:25 YES BUTTERS YESSSS
s7 ep10 6:54 "GARALD WHERE ARE THE BOYS??" 8:00 SWEEP THE KIDS 9:26 HELP THE LINE MOVING LIKE A WORM 11:04 "I love youh guys, except for you kyel" 11:15 KENNY HOODIE PULL 13:00 Idk i just love this scene with all the kids :DD 18:17 Stan's Gang devising a plan
s7 ep11 CASA BONITA 1:30 "I have never been a dck to you!" 10:32 CARTAMAN? 11:20 I swear to- 12:00 cartman's little dancin 12:30 Butters singin 14:00 this entire scene with Eric. 17:00 why is Kenny wearing a tuxido over his parka. 19:31 ERIC SPEEDRUN GO
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robomi-os · 1 year
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Playlist : イケオジDISCO vol.7 2023.05.20 (sat) at  The Annex (Shinjuku)
part 1 (20:00 - 21:00)
Saturday Love (Extended Version) / Cherrelle & Alexander O'Neal
My One Temptation / Mica Paris
Diamonds (Cool Summer Mix Edit) / Herb Alpert feat. Janet Jackson and Lisa Keith
Knocked Out (Extended Version) / Paula Abdul
Real Love (Extended Version) / Jody Watley
Say No Go (Say No Dope Mix) / De La Soul
Funky Cold Medina / Tone Loc
I'm Coming Out (Dj Edit) / Diana Ross
Holiday Rap (12'' Remix) / M.C. Miker 'G' & Deejay Sven
Keep On Dancing (Club Mix) / Clop & Kay
Tell It To My Heart (Select Mix Remix) / Taylor Dayne
Toy Boy (Extended Bicep Mix) / Sinitta
Love Is The Gun (Street Latin Wolff 3) / Blue Mercedes
Blame It On The Boogie (PWL Mix) / Big Fun
All Of Me (The Boy O Boy Mix) / Sabrina
Take Me To Your Heart (Autumn Leaves Mix) / Rick Astley
Boys And Girls (Extended Version) Mandy
part 2 (00:00 - 01:00)
I Need You / Maurice White
Eternal Flame / The Bangles
The War Song (Ultimate Dance Mix) / Culture Club  
Wonderful World, Beautiful People (Extended Version) / Amazulu
I Should Be So Lucky (Extended Version) / Kylie Minogue
Whenever You Need Somebody (Lonely Hearts Mix) / Rick Astley
Boys [Summertime Love] (Pete Hammond Remix) / Sabrina
Everlasting Love (Razormaid Mix) / Sandra
Tonight (UltraTraxx XXL Maxi Mix) / Ken Lazro
Hand On Your Heart (Smokin' Remix) / Kylie Minogue
I Don't Wanna Get Hurt (12" Version) / Donna Summer
Hooked On Love (The Big Revolver Mix) /Dead Or Alive
Got To Be Certain (Extended) / Kylie Minogue
Made In Heaven (Maid In England) / Kylie Minogue
Love In The First Degree (Jailers Mix With Intro) / Bananarama
Too Many Broken Hearts (Extended) / Jason Donovan
Turn It Into Love (Extended Version) / Hazell Dean
B2B (04:00 - 05:00)
1st verse
Cruising / Sinitta
Let Me Feel It (Belgium Mix) / Samantha Gilles
I Believe In Dreams / Jacky Raw
2nd verse
Can't Live Without You (Sanfrandisko Mix) / Suzy Q
The Perfect Kiss (2022 Digital Master) / New Order
Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) (Extended Remix) / Hazell Dean
0 notes
putschki1969 · 3 years
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『Wakana Shark Festival Special 2022 ~Talk &Mini Live~』Live Commentary
Wakana’s event is about to start. As always I will be providing my live reaction. If you are interested, there is still time to get a ticket. Tweet by Wakana staff | Instagram post by Wakana | Tweet by Yurie
‖Details Botanical Land Member Exclusive Event 『Wakana Shark Festival Special 2022 ~Talk & Mini Live~』 Date:2022/02/06 (Sun) Time:15:30~(JST) Appearance by:Wakana Piano:Yurie Sakai‖Ticket details Ticket sales: Bitfan tickets Livestream: Bitfan Live Ticket sales period: Jan 21 to Feb 10 (Archive until Feb 14)
● [FC ONLY] Premium viewing ticket with autographed 3rd Anniversary Card and T-shirt ¥ 7,500 ● [FC ONLY] Regular viewing ticket ¥ 3,500
❗ Join her FAN CLUB NOW! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗ Japanese tutorial for BITFAN | My tutorial for BITFAN
•————— ♬ —————•
Wakana is wearing a gorgeous floral dress. They are starting with the live corner. *excited*
LIVE CORNER: 01. 時を越える夜に (Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni): Love the sounds. They have pretty good acoustics, Yurie’s piano accompaniment is beautiful. Wakana sounds solid for a studio live.  Loved it! 02. 愛の花 (Ai no Hana): OMG, did not expect that! SO HAPPY! One of my all time faves as you know!! 03. 夕焼け (Yuuyake): Such a good set list so far. Loving all these ballads! 04. 夢のゆくえ (Yume no Yukue): Glad we also got one of her anime covers! Great pick! 05. Happy Hello Day: This always makes me happy. Wakana has so much fun performing it. It’s the final song (hopefully there is gonna be a little encore). I was hoping she would be singing her new song. Would be fitting for her anniversary. 06. Shark Song: With Wakana on piano! So cool. it’s the first time I am hearing her play the piano. She struggles quite a bit but is definitely trying her best XD So freaking cute!  She is just too nervous. Yurie is a kind teacher and being super supportive, she cheers her on!  Ganbare!!! LOL, this totally turned into a piano lesson XD Wakana is embarrassed that this will be available in the archive for everyone to see.
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DESIGNING T-SHIRT TOGETHER CORNER: Ohhhh, fans get to design her 3rd Anniversary t-shirt together with her. We get different options for the design: 1. T-shirt with a drawing by Wakana 2. T-shirt with her cute characters (shark-chan, leaf-chan, hippos, gyoza-chan, etc) 3. T-shirt with Wakana’s face 4. T-shirt with with a Wakana badge which you can remove 5. T-shirt with a print of the shark song music sheets Waaaaahhh! I want #3 so bad!! Give me her face on a t-shirt! I will wear it proudly!! Some fans are suggesting a set of all five t-shirts. YESSSS!! Give it to me! Btw, Wakana’s favourite is actually #5. Wakana is a bit surprised and embarrassed that so many fans want her face on a shirt. Right now they are thinking about using one of the designs for the front and one for the back so we have more options. Seems like the front will be a drawing (#1) and the back will be the shark song (#2) [No big fat Wakana face on my t-shirt *forever sad*]. They want Wakana to draw the picture right there in front of us, she is doing a dinosaur (which could possibly become a new character). Wakana will do a proper drawing later, this one turned out a little funky. Now it’s time to decide on a colour. Most people want blue or (mint) green which would be fitting I guess. It’s gonna be mint green (good choice!). Wakana also decides that her dinosaur character will be a velociraptor (Rap-chan) so everyone, please look forward to it ^_^
LOTTERY CORNER: She throws a dice to decide how many people get a present. First she throws a 4 but she feels like that’s not enough. She throws again and gets a 5 so she decides that a total of 9 people will get a present. 5 people will get one of her goods with a signature. 4 people will get a polaroid from today’s event. Unfortunately I didn’t win anything. Used up all my luck with the Keiko hat XD
No new announcements of a release or future event T_T Guess we will have to be patient.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
@ri-ships-takari​ replied to your post:
hosoda did say some funky things about the hikari-taichi complex (reference lol: https://wavemotioncannon.com/2017/11/05/mamoru-hosoda-digimon-interview-part-2/) but ya, that was just him welp
also dropping here to say i respect, appreciate (and ngl in a way kinda fear) the fire and sheer frustration you must have had to write such an comprehensive and extensively researched major fact check lol thanks for writing and sharing!
This might be an unexpected thing to say, but thank you for bringing this up, because I have actually seen this interview before but have always been hesitant to bring this up because the contents are a very "elephant in the room" matter; I've never been sure whether it's right for me to be the one to bring it up or whether I should just let it be, but now that someone else finally has I have an excuse to talk about it. So yep, this is the “brocon Hikari” take’s most reliable fallback, the infamous interview where Hosoda basically flat-out admitted that the “erotic” atmosphere between the three and leaning right into that exact sentiment was deliberately invoked in Adventure episode 21. I also think this is why Araki Kae tends to joke about Hikari’s brother complex so much; I take voice actor statements with a grain of salt when talking about the characters, but they do tend to shed some light on what kind of directions they received, and the interview here itself states that it seems Araki picked up on this. For one of her first major appearances as Hikari, at that; hell of a first impression indeed. However, yes, grain of salt (elaboration under the cut).
I cite from interviews a lot, so it's easy to think I don't believe in death-of-the-author at all, but that's not the case; I think when you have a series with such an arcane writing style like Adventure and 02, they provide helpful reference for guiding analysis and the intent behind some choices, but even if we did know the authorial intent behind every creator who worked on Digimon, they’d be likely to contradict each other, especially when you take into account the existing canon contradictions between stuff (and I ironically cite an interview for this, but Seki herself has been open about the differences in the characters between writers). The best you can do is take the 104 episodes and movies we got in conjunction and simply try your best to make a consistent thread of it -- after all, I’m well aware that Hurricane Touchdown gives me timeline contradiction problems because Kakudou wasn’t on it and for no deeper reason than that, but the workarounds are so easy to do that I can make it work. And, for the most part, Adventure and 02 are shockingly consistent about their characterizations given the circumstances, and way more than they tend to be given credit for. So me being in such flagrant disregard of Hosoda’s statements here is not so much because I hate them (I mean, I do, but that’s not the issue here) but rather that the rest of the series simply doesn’t support them. Not even just about the brother complex issue, either:
She doesn’t have special powers or anything like that
We find out later in the series that she very much does, and Hikari’s early ability to see the Digimon was because of her pseudo-ESP abilities regarding Digimon, which are later elaborated on in the rest of Adventure and through all of 02 in contexts that have nothing to do with her brother. 
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In fact, even model sheets based on her later appearances in Adventure explicitly instruct you in handwritten text to see her as a fairly bright and normal (if a bit reserved) girl, which does kind of contradict what Hosoda said here about mature ennui or whatever. Moreover, the notes directly say, in clear words to the point of using the episode number, that her behavior in Adventure episode 21 is to be considered as unusual for her based on the context of her having been sick from a cold at the time. Even notes aside, Hosoda’s movies and Adventure episode 21 are specifically the ones that treat her with that ~ingenue~ while the rest of the series itself does not. And, in the end, in terms of what actually made it into the series, it’s not like Hosoda said that Hikari explicitly has the hots for her brother or something (at least, those aspects are him obviously morbidly joking about it, so they do need to be seen as tongue-in-cheek humor) and more that he confirmed that he wanted to evoke that “atmosphere”, an atmosphere that completely vanishes in Hikari’s later appearances with Taichi. My suspected reason is that Hikari’s character wasn’t intended to be fully fleshed out at the time of her first appearance in Adventure episode 21 because she hadn’t been planned to join the Adventure group at the time (I’m guessing the Digivice tease at the end was just saying “Hikari won’t always be left out, don’t worry” rather than being intended to foreshadow her later outright joining the group), so by the time they got around to wanting to flesh out Hikari’s character as a regular, they went ahead and took a different direction with her. (But that’s just my guess, and is totally in tinfoil hat territory.)
So yeah, it’s not that I think Hosoda (and possibly Konaka’s) interpretations are invalid just because they’re guest staff, but rather that between them and the more than 50 other episodes Hikari appeared in, I’d rather prioritize the consistent portrayal across said episodes where she was shown to be a rather independent person, and take the parts from Adventure episode 21 and 02 episode 13 that actually track with that. Plus, if you can forgive me salting a bit, I do have some degree of irritation at the fact that two of Hikari’s most famous episodes, including her important introductory one, are put on such a pedestal just for being by “auteurs” -- I mean, 02 episode 31 is also important for her, but nobody ever talks about that despite that being one of her key moments of character development! -- and moreover I have to admit that I’ve historically had serious issues with both of their ways of handling female characters as well, which only drives my irritation towards it further. I fully admit that my refusal to have Hikari be seen in this light is partially because I don’t want her to be seen in this light either, but you have to understand that I’m going to have a prejudice against putting too much stock of Hikari’s characterization in the hands of the guy who wrote a whole thing about how feminists are the real problem and the guy whom I still hold misgivings against for portraying Sora in a disrespectful light in Our War Game! (which I also think has somewhat impacted fanbase discourse of her as a character rather than how she was actually portrayed in Adventure)...
Anyway, thank you for sitting through all that if you did! And thank you for the kind words; a lot of it comes from issues with things I’ve had to see, but I also was surprised at how many of the relevant misreadings I myself had made prior to recent rewatches, and the Chikara-Hiroki-Yukio thing was one of the reasons I was inspired to make it...
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hey folks! I’m back doing Song Review Saturday on The Babbler after a brief hiatus! tonight, we got a funky little review of “Twisting” by They Might Be Giants!
if you haven’t listened to the song yet, I hope you find it as pleasurable as I do — it’s one of my favorites 😏
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itsbenedict · 3 years
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I just finished hosting a 15-person game of Mafia for some friends. One tradition we have for these games is that every death is accompanied by some themed narration, so for my game I opted to spice it up with some art on top. Had to draw it real quick since I didn't know for sure who was going to die next until it happened.
The game's theme was "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", with the hidden subtheme that all the roles (stands) were named after They Might Be Giants (@tmbgareok) songs! A list of their powers, links to songs, and a recap of the game under the cut.
01) Mogis - 「Flo Wheeler」
02) TD260 - 「Working Undercover For The Man」
03) JGH27 - 「Good To Be Alive」
04) Raya - 「Stone Cold Coup D'Etat」
05) KK / Sahrimnir - 「Thinking Machine」
06) Spontaneous Combustion - 「The Statue Got Me High」
07) Leviwulf - 「Push Back The Hands」
08) DarkFalco - 「I Am Alone」
09) Deli064 - 「Doctor Worm」
10) Fedaykin - 「Letterbox」
11) Surge - 「I Am Alone」
12) Wikxen - 「Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head」
13) Minby - 「Where Your Eyes Don't Go」
14) Bel - 「(She Was A) Hotel Detective」
15) SnakeInABox - 「By The Time You Get This」
Bold roles were Jotunheim (Mafia), normal roles were Johnsburg (Town), and italicized roles were third parties. (Jotunheim is the realm of giants from Norse mythology! The mafia were, in fact, giants! And the town's job was to figure out who might be giants! And the two sides were Jo and Jo! JOKES!)
「Flo Wheeler」 was a town role with a power that was pretty dangerous to the user- if anyone happened to be watching or tracking when a kill took place at night, Mogis would look like they'd visited the target that night in addition to whoever actually did. It could potentially be used to catch a mafioso in a lie, but otherwise it was more of an obstacle for the town to overcome- a miller-type role.
♪ You can't do the time, therefore you didn't do the crime ♪
「Working Undercover For The Man」 was a third-party role working for the Speedwagon Foundation to perform a threat assessment. TD could win with the town, but could win and leave early if he could guess all the names or powers of every other stand in the game. He could scan a name every night, to help that along.
♪ Planning midnight raids / On our unsuspecting fans / While the roadies rig / The video surveillance van ♪
「Good To Be Alive」 was a spin on the usual town doctor role- normally, a doctor can target a player and prevent their death if they would die that night. But... JGH couldn't actually prevent deaths- just fake it. The dead would become ghosts, who couldn't vote and couldn't be killed but were still allowed to talk as if they were alive.
♪ Hello leg / such a shaky leg / Just barely more than decoration ♪
「Stone Cold Coup D'Etat」 was a third party with an unusual win condition. They had to recruit a certain number of people to a private side-chat- and then make sure all those people got killed. Plus, she could redirect anything that happened to her at night to her recruits. If the recruits figured out what she was doing and got rid of her, they'd get a boost to their power.
♪ The bark now commands the trees / The queen is overruled by the bees ♪
「Thinking Machine」 was a town role with a mysterious purpose that didn't seem to make much sense at first. Sah would get, every morning, a strange series of numbers and letters of uncertain origin. It was information, somehow, but how to use it?
♪ Tape has brightening arm connect (Wait, that didn't make sense.) / Self-paint lever itching does! (That made even less sense!) ♪
「The Statue Got Me High」 was a mafia power. As the song describes, the victim is enthralled by the monolith and forced to obey its commands, until their eventual death. That is, Spont could recruit a player to the mafia, but they'd die one night later- and if he wasn't careful, he could die and his recruit would flip back.
♪ And now it is your turn (your turn to hear the stone and then your turn to burn) / The stone, it calls to you (you can't refuse to do the things it tells you to) ♪
「Push Back The Hands」 was a passive ability that caused anything that would happen to Levi- a nightkill, an execution, some other power- to be delayed by one day, giving him some time to react. He'd be told who it was that targeted him, so going after him as mafia was risky.
♪ Screeching tires but never a collision / Endless day without a sunset provision ♪
「I Am Alone」 was a weird one. See, DarkFalco, who was mafia, didn't have a stand as such. She was the stand- and she was the stand of Surge, who was town. They were linked together in everything, meaning the mafia had to work to keep Surge alive on top of their own people. She could send messages to Surge at night to mess with him, though.
♪ Before you fire I should inform you / One of us is a double ♪
「Doctor Worm」 had no real special abilities. His ability was to be pretty good at playing the drums, a power that had absolutely no relevance in a game of Mafia.
♪ I'm not a real doctor, but I am a real worm I am an actual worm ♪
「Letterbox」 was a mafia ability that let Fedaykin pick another player, and offer that player a chance to deliver a private message to one other player of their choice. He could see the "secret" communications, though, and once per game he could edit the message before delivering it.
♪ I'll never know what you'll find when you open up your letter box tomorrow ♪
「Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head」 is a classically mafia ability, but in the hands of a town player: the ability to force another player to vote for another. Normally the manipulated person isn't allowed to say what happened, but there was no such restriction here- confusion's no good for the town.
♪ Memo to myself: do the dumb things i gotta do: Touch the puppet head ♪
「Where Your Eyes Don't Go」 let Minby pick someone else to watch him at night. If anyone visited him to target him with an ability, the person he designated would be told the names of those people. A nasty trap for the mafia, as long as Minby doesn't pick a mafioso to share the information with.
♪ Where your eyes don't go, a part of you is hovering / It's a nightmare that you'll never be discovering / You're free to come and go / Or talk like Kurtis Blow / But there's a pair of eyes in back of your head ♪
「(She Was A) Hotel Detective」 was a very powerful town role- Bel was the cop, and could scan another player's alignment at night, plus track or watch them. Except... not directly. She couldn't scan players- she could scan hotel rooms, and if other players didn't check into the hotel at night or give up their room numbers, her information was useless.
Here are the room numbers, in order: Levi (1) Snake (2) JGH (3) TD (4) Spont (5) Sah (6) Deli (7) Fed (8) Minby (9) Falco/Surge (10) Raya (11) Wikxen (12) Mogis (13).
(Oh, and Thinking Machine's codes were actually encoded versions of her results, and Sah would get a weaker version of her power if she ever died.)
♪ She's got her ear to the walls / And she's tappin' the calls / If you've got a secret, boy / Forget about it! ♪
「By The Time You Get This」 imbued its wielder with the incredible powers of... an estate lawyer! Which meant Snake could leave a will behind when he died, naming another player and casting a vote on them from beyond the grave the next day.
♪ By the time you get this note / We'll no longer be alive / But our skulls are smiling still / At the thought of things to come ♪
So! Here's how it all shook out.
Day 1: The first day is always kind of a tossup, since no one has any information yet, and everyone's just trying to verbally stir the pot. Levi soft-claims his role right out the gate, warning town not to try targeting him or else. Mogis is executed, casting a vote on himself to save the town the trouble of dealing with Flo Wheeler.
Night 1: Spont uses the statue to recruit Wikxen, at the same time that Wikxen forces Snake to vote for Levi. So, now the usually-scum power in the hands of town is in the hands of scum for real. Bel scans room 3, and learns that its occupant is innocent. Raya recruits DarkFalco, and accidentally recruits Surge alongside her, to her surprise. JGH tries protecting Levi, to test if his claim was a bluff.
Day 2: Levi tries to push JGH on the basis of having targeted him last night, but everyone agrees to wait and see if Levi actually dies first. Votes circle around Wikxen and Raya for suspicious-seeming defensiveness on Day 1, and ultimately, when it seems like Wikxen's about to be executed, a small group of players flip their votes at the last minute and vote Raya out while she's asleep and can't defend herself. Rude! She was poised to win the game for herself and the town, since she'd convinced Falco that the mafia would benefit somehow if they were all recruited.
Night 2: The mafia kills Minby- and Minby opts to tell have Fed watch him, wasting his power. Lucky for town, though, Bel happens to scan room 8, confirming Fed is mafia since he volunteered his room number. Wikxen's coat contains a furnace where there used to be a guy.
Day 3: Wikxen forced Snake to vote for J, making him look bad- but Sah begins sharing his bizarre results from Thinking Machine, and Bel confirms that they're a log of her detective power. Then she points out that Fed is mafia, and the town falls in line behind the accusation with Sah to confirm.
Night 3: Spont uses the statue to recruit Bel, to keep any more problematic scans from ruining them. Bel, before being recruited, scans room 10, though- and now the town knows there's something funky with Falco and Surge, because Sah gets the results and knows what they mean. Due to their mismatched alignments, though, the encoded version is still misleading, so there's wiggle room. TD scans Spont and learns his role name.
Day 4: Spont concocts a daring scheme. He has Bel lie and claim to have received an incriminating result on him- so that Bel will be caught in said lie when Sah produces his own results. The plan is to frame Bel, who's a dead girl walking anyway, and clear Spont's name going forward. But the town talks themselves into explaining away the contradiction- even when TD reveals Spont's stand name, and Spont denies it outright and claims 「Combustible Head」, a fake vigilante (town nightkiller) role instead, the town explains away that, too. After a few more people claim, TD260 has completed his mission- his correct guess wins him the game and he leaves. Spont cleverly excuses himself by claiming that TD lied about his role to get him to claim his "real" one. Afterwards, the town ends up executing Deli064 instead, for some reason- poor Doctor Worm!
Night 4: The evidence vanishes from Bel's charred and smoking chair- because JGH tries to protect her at the same time the mafia are killing him! Bel is a ghost now, and the town never finds out her alignment.
Day 5: Bel not dying poses a problem for the mafia, because Spont was supposed to prove his own innocence by pretending to kill her! The mafia tries to misdirect by having Bel lie again, claiming to scan room 10 when she actually scanned room 6, Sah. Ultimately, though, the town is able to coordinate behind killing Surge and Falco, which- because they're linked- is a compromise option that both parties are happy with (when perhaps they shouldn't be).
Night 5: Since Bel is technically dead, Spont recruits again, grabbing Sah and removing the threat of scans entirely. If he'd recruited Snake instead, they'd have won on the spot, since only his will-vote prevented them from winning instantly due to outnumbering the town. We move on to a somewhat redundant...
Day 6: It's now down to five players- Spont, Sah, and Bel vs Levi and Snake. The mafia technically outnumber the town, but Bel's vote doesn't count, and Sah's going to burn the next night- so the town can still win by forcing a tie and then using Snake's By The Time You Get This power to place a vote on Spont. But that's if they can figure it out and get on the same page, and... they don't. There's no way there could be three mafia still alive, so the mafia are able to sow total confusion and ultimately get the town all voting for Bel... who's a ghost, and can't vote or be executed, which the town doesn't know because JGH died before he could fully explain. The execution defaults to Snake, and the mafia win the game.
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faerociousbeast · 3 years
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I posted 6,887 times in 2021
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#belly of the beast ✧ faerociousbeast - 1567 posts
#anoninopinopinono - 262 posts
#fae plays stuff - 221 posts
#faecore - 134 posts
#prepcatto - 113 posts
#ginger (derogatory) (affectionate) - 102 posts
#mothie from stem (stabbing torture evildoing murder) - 100 posts
#faevourite - 91 posts
#one shot wonder - 75 posts
#fae watches stuff - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#cryign dying sobbing all of the ings i dont even post content hardly i am just i am the most vibing person ever please i dont thjrbfkdjgfjkd
My Top Posts in 2021
uncropped screenshots are fun bc you can focus on everything except for what they were trying to show you. why are you at 2% charge? check your damn discord notifs. wtf is that tab you have open
77 notes • Posted 2021-11-15 14:05:44 GMT
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77 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 23:13:41 GMT
i think we should all be able to wear whatever we want and afford it while also not getting looked down in society upon like why the fuck are you getting mad that someone walked in during your shift dressed in wizard robes jessica you should be grateful youre getting to witness this
93 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 00:43:39 GMT
most fucked up found family to date has got to be the tumblr mutuals
236 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 01:43:08 GMT
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made one of these :DD id under cut for accessibility, and also bc my handwriting kinda sucks i prolly shouldve typed this out instead
[ID: An ask game featuring 9 different coloured circles. In order, there is a lime green circle, navy blue, magenta, in the next row there is light blue, yellow, purple, and in the final row there is red, pink, and green.
- very upbeat! uses a lot of caps and exclamation marks!!! - SO MANY MUTUALS - has a favourite animal and rbs posts of them
- PLEASE SLEEP - always online - incomprehensible posts - what??? timezone??? - intimidating cryptid
- YEAAHH FUNKY - great taste in music - doesn’t really stick to one aesthetic
- chill vibes doesn’t really post much - might have different fandoms/mutual groups
- FUN FUN FUN - greatest ideas ever - bestie material - really awesome to talk with
- famous artist/writer pal - cool! nice! how are we even mutuals - GENDER.
- soo cool. what is up with that - also weird hours - famous for weird reasons, had at least ONE post blow up
- AESTHETIC! - so talented but doesn’t realize it - really sweet but seems to be afraid of interacting :( (sad emoticon)
- parent friend - actually has some sort of schedule - mature, makes self help or drink water reminder posts
/End ID]
253 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 01:54:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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funky-sea-cryptid · 3 years
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I posted 1,454 times in 2021
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#what - 15 posts
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#the last kingdom - 7 posts
#howling - 6 posts
#vikings valhalla - 5 posts
#yes - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i was 100% neutral on harry styles until watermelon sugar was released and now i am flown into a homicidal rage every time i hear his voice
My Top Posts in 2021
uhtred of bebbanburg is bisexual and no one can tell me different.
33 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 04:30:06 GMT
yeah it’s so exciting that the Vikings Valhalla trailer thing came out today but there should be a lot of support towards Caroline Henderson, the actress for jarl haakon in that show. literally all of the comments on youtube were so angry that a black woman was playing a viking. she got casted because she fit the role and no bastards should take that from her because of their white supremacy circlejerk. vikings were historically multiethnic, so this isn’t some “historical inaccuracy”. ps if people are mad about historical accuracy, why aren’t we fighting harder for women to be shown as the workers of finances in viking communities? why does everyone have great teeth? or does this “historical accuracy” only extend to what horrible people want to see in television.
white supremacists don’t even BREATHE on this post. if you interact i am blocking you. fuck you. i can and will throw hands. i will stomp you to death with my fucking hooves.
35 notes • Posted 2021-10-12 15:25:48 GMT
jon holding up a statement: georgie look it's the good kush
georgie: this is the magnus archives how good can it be
37 notes • Posted 2021-09-01 22:07:08 GMT
diversity win! the man coming to kick your ass was not born of woman!
150 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 11:17:51 GMT
imagine being one of the first people to watch macbeth imagine the fucking drama if that was me i would leave the globe theatre with my 15th century friends like “i canneth believe that macbeth killed banquo the only one he ever caredth about” id lay awake at night in my shitty bed like “holy fuck i dideth just see that” id go to work on my embroidery and be thinking “is it just i who thinks macduff and malcolms lips doth touch offstage?” i would live my 15th century life forever changed, obsessed with a play i saw once
1703 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 22:55:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
color things funky: a tutorial
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protip! it’s best to pick gifs were the subject doesn’t really move. if you go well, hey! you pick gifs where the subject really moves all the time! yes, i do, because i am a clown who loves making things difficult for herself. if you do not love making things difficult for yourself, pick gifs where the subject barely moves.
part zero: the gifs themselves
idk if you have ever made a gif before the quick n easy way i go of making them is finding a clip on youtube, putting it in this 4k video downloader, opening photoshop File > Import > Video Frames to Layer, take the selected clip, bada bing bada boom you’ve got a gif.
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but as you can see for the first row, with no lighting adjustments, your gif is kinda dull. i use 2 (two) steps in lighting. curves and levels. (you’re also gonna wanna crop that bad boy and set the frame rate the .05)
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alright! you’re basically done, but now you just want to add a sharpening feature. if you’re good at making gifs and like now how to use other people’s sharpening actions that’s litty but if you’re like me and only read one gif making tutorial ever and have just been making the rest up as you go, then here’s what i do: using the lil button in the bottom left corner of the timeline, convert the timeline from frame animation to video timeline. select all your frames (except text, if you have it!) and convert to a smart object. then go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen
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but now let’s get to why you’re really here:
part one: coloring with hue/saturation
this methods works great if your subject moves a lot in the frame, but won’t work well if the background is the same color as your subject’s skin (reds & oranges, some yellows)
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this methods works great if your subject moves a lot in the frame, but won’t work well if the background is the same color as your subject’s skin (reds & oranges, some yellows)
so: you’ve lightened your gif. it looks like the middle one. now, you open the adjustment for hue/saturation. as the background is yellow, i am going to go to the yellow adjustments. the first thing i do is blast the saturation and adjust the parameters so i know that it won’t effect my subjects skin tone. one that’s out of the way, i can put the saturation back to normal and start working with hue. you don’t want to go all the way to a new color at once, with yellows you can usually reach a green or a pink in one layer.
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then you can open another hue/saturation, go into the greens and just mess around until you like the color background. but now her skin is looking very yellow against a cyan background. time to fix that! go to reds, make everything a little cooler, lighten it, saturate it. hmm. still yellow. go to yellows, make everything a little cooler, lighten it, saturate it. and then, as a little bonus, go to magentas and drag them over until they are affecting just the lips and parts of the cheeks, saturate it and mess with the hue until the lips/cheeks are a color you like.
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part two: coloring with a color layer
the following methods are for when the subject and background are too similar in hue or you just want a specific color are don’t want to have to dick around with the hue slider.
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okay, you did lighting, your subject doesn’t move; it’s time to open a layer, pick a color, and grab your brush tool. paint the entire canvas, then set blending mode to color. put a mask on that bad boy. get that layer off your subject. maybe feather it a little. adjust skin tone to match the new background. done!
two notes: on your color layer, you want to make sure your thumbtack, eye, and fx keys are all ON, that way the layer is visible with the color filter applied and the mask location remains consistent. you’ll be able to tell if you missed this step. the other note is that i have my hue/saturation added under the color layer. this is so i don’t accidentally manipulate the color i’ve dyed the gif. this is purely a case by case basis, and you should do whatever works best for your gif.
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part three: coloring with a hue layer
this is basically the same process as the above method. the only difference is blending mode is hue not color. the difference between these two filters is that hue will not dye colors that are already in grayscale, giving the gif a more subtle coloring.
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the only difference between the left and right gifs is hue vs color, no saturation was change.
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part four: get jiggy with it
combine methods! paint backgrounds! add gradients! live ur life!
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this is just a color blended layer! but rather than paint it one solid color, i used the gradient tool to give it a different color background. to change the hoodie from green to red, i added a hue/saturation layer, masked it so it only covered the hoodie, and "colorized” the layer to entirely red.
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you can do any combination of blends you want! mess around with things! have fun! do what you want! and if you want to share what you make with me, i track #usermargaret!
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rewatching decadence
ep1: so... indoctrinating kids that they life their life in service to an upper class. also like, the way deca dence takes care of giant gadoll is to punch it like no giant sword or laser canon or anything just the power of a giant mountain sized fist. this show actually has some good foreshadowing from seeing Natsume from the perspective of Kaburagi’s hud, to Natsume’s dad (Muno) finding the Solid Quake logo at the beginning of the episode and the logo again being shown in the last shot at the announcement signs off with have a profitable day which is a weird public safety announcement but makes sense as a company slogan. I’m still not sure what the “TIME 1:00  POINT SE,07,G” means. I didn’t write it down last time because I was unsure of myself, but my first thought when the cyborgs showed up was VR chatroom for the upper class.
ep2: yeahs that’s totally an advertisement that plays right after natsume realizes the human costs of war as the tankers pay respects to the fallen. I realized what it was with the cartoony designs, the bright colors and patterns, the funky shapes of all the structures aboard the space ship, it looks like a tv show for toddlers. inoffensive and deliberately cheerful to distract from the horrors of a corporation owning your person. the eng subtitles are confusing here it should be “real death(simulation) awaits” in that the company is advertising being able to experience death but not have any of its permanent consequences as a feature of the game. The cyborgs are corporate wage slaves being compensated for their labor in company credits and the only other things we seen them do outside of work is play the company’s mmo, or recreational drugs. “I should be proud of my function and to be scrapped” as property of the company. aaaa that’s terrible. aaa. what are cyborg cores??? and why are they valuable. Solid Quake has no control over the core, only the cyborg’s housing. Is it that they cannot produce more? Considering the others on the team got executed for sentenced to an eternal forced labor camp with appalling conditions, Minato really did pull some strings for Kaburagi. ooh so “time until scrapping” and “operational limit near are two different warnings. the first is a general reminder of lifespan and the second is because oxyone levels are low. now its “TIME 20:00  POINT SE,05,I”. all those new gadoll events probably wreck havoc on the tanker economy. its 400c now and i think it was 500 for 2 earlier. First time through I wasn’t paying attention and totally thought kaburagi was an assassin, but no he’s just clean up crew. ahh yes, come spend you wages at the company run stores. micro transactions... wait so where were people getting the number 13 from?
ep3: ah yes Solid Quake charges to use the media center, truly a micro transaction hell. Natsume’s character arc is about whether to push herself or not. Here Fei acts as part of a continuing dialectic saying that Tankers have no place outside of Deca-Dence, that sooner of later Natsume will die from it, and once again highlighting Natsume’s right arm. In the other level of this though, tankers shouldn’t go outside because that’s not their role in the solid quake mmo, and those who would disrupt the mmo are killed. I like how you can see Kaburagi switch from videogame logic (oh she’s low level so let’s just stick her in the tutorial zone) to real life (what skills and experiences would help in fighting). So several corporations took advantage of desperate people to sell them a service that would augment them with mechanical parts. I get that pipe in a little outfit is funny, but does no one really realize its a gadoll, i meant natsume recognizes it instantly. like the scene where Natsume talks about her right arm, the anime does a good job of showing how her feeling about it are complicated. She’s lived with that arm for years, but it also hinders her sometimes, and people will comment about it. there’s this specific type of humor that pops up in this show and given how its the same joke, my guess is that its the same person behind it. The “joke” being that Natsume is put in a position that references sexual assault. The first is with fennel where she makes up an excuse of having to go see kaburagi to get away from him. And then there’s this episode. There’s also a few stray lines here and there that alarm me in that they imply Natsume has dealt with the threat of assault before. Since they didn’t do anything meaningful with this, I’d rather it just not be there. Minato is in on the secret of Pipe’s existence and by the way the two talk, they’ve called each other before in the last 7 years. Its good to know that Kaburagi wasn’t JUST brooding for 7 years and that the two of them stayed in contact.
ep4: Natsume after having gained confidence in herself takes down several gadoll and earns her place in The Power. Its a fulfilling payoff after seeing her train for several episodes. Natsume is where she always wanted to be, fighting gadoll in the Power. gahh It really is a patch release trailer. Ohh so I assumed that the other structures on the cartoon earth were other corporations, but in this episode we see one of them (the white and red striped cone thing opposite the deca-dence dome) and the cyborgs there are talking about the game (MMO LARPing lol), so either Solid Quake owns multiple of those structures, or these cyborgs are customers not owned by Solid Quake and playing of their own volition. that would makes the cone cyborgs where solid quake is deriving its profit from since its not like it pays its workers. reading comments online, a lot of people missed that because a ranker was found to be cheating (mikey), the rankings were abolished. In the present time, gears/players are not ranked. Ah so Kaburagi was transferred to the maintenance department from the warrior department. Wow reassignment is so much better than the poop jail. I remember it being said, armor repair, doctor, and weapon shop could be employee(cyborg) run so I wonder if the medics and that one armor shop guy are tankers or not. So this anime already snuck in a sex joke with the when the poop gang swapped kaburagi’s avatar with a sex toy, so i wonder if the safetyprivatemode was made so that the mods wouldn’t have to listen to robot sex. I really wish this show could have had 24 episodes. The trend for the past 20 years has been shorter and shorter shows so I know it would have been likely impossible to get the clearance and funding for 24 eps but oooh in som alternate universe maybe... i brought up fleshing out minor characters and character relationships before but there also stuff like Natsume’s right hand almost clamping on ... Mindy? Which usually would be a narrative flag but is completely dropped because of the episode limit. And the confidence Natsume gained last episode come to work against Kaburagi trying to keep her from the suicide mission. Its only from this point on that Kaburagi starts to really change, as of this point he is still a loyal cog to a machine that does not care about him. Kaburagi and Natsume in the 2nd half of the episode continue the same dialectic that runs through the whole of the show, about giving up and learning to try again, about pushing your limit, about why someone bothers trying. On the collectivist versus individualist spectrum, Deca-Dence is on the individualist side with assertions of the importance for deciding for yourself what you will do with your life. Its an interesting counterpoint to The Twilight Mirage (Friends at the Table) which I am currently listening to in that The Twilight Mirage is a western production and strongly collectivist with one of the antagonist being sort of kind of an embodiment of independence/individualism while japanese works as a whole tend to be more about the whole over the individual than western ones. Kurenai talking about why she fights is very good and very important for 2 reasons, first it help flesh out not only her but offer a very needed other opinion on what its like to live as a Tanker, second it segues nicely into Natsume’s memories of her dad telling her about the outside world and him being the only one to believe she can do it (fight in The Power) as contrasted with flashbacks of all the other characters telling her she can’t. This culminates in Natsume gathering her resolve to fight not because of something grand like changing the world or the fate of humanity, but something very personal scale: changing herself and proving to herself that she can do it. The is also the climax of her character arc, the point of no return.
ep5: If last episode was natsume’s point of no return, then either this episode or episode 7 is Kaburagi’s. Rationally speaking, the optimal scenario would have been for Kaburagi to stall long enough for the Tankers to escape before pulling back himself, but emotionally and narratively, there’s no way he couldn’t. After all the build up of deciding for yourself how to live and pushing your limits. Its appropriate that here in defense of the girl that inspired him to live and choose for himself rather than just continue existing in the default of what Solid Quake demands of him, that Kaburagi chooses to release his operational limiter (literally pushing him limit) and derail the company’s plans. How did no one realize purple dude was breaking imprisonment to play on a hacked avatar. Like he’s still as purple and bloodthirsty as ever. He acts and speaks the same. Someone would have totally seen him and gone “eyyyyy [i forgot this guy’s name] is back” and talked to people about it and someone should have heard. So I remember reading comments from various idiots who were mad because they mistakenly thought the anime took place in a virtual space and that Natsume was made of lines of code. And first off even if that was true there’s a difference between objective reality and the lived experiences of a person and what’s to say her experiences and emotions would be any less real than yours. And second, did everyone forget The Hunger Games? Like its just another game that plays with real lives and doesn’t care who gets killed. Solid Quake is just using humans as a stage prop. Man this episode is jam packed. Its like getting punched in the face 4 times. The pacing of the last 4 minutes was really good. The quiet scene as dawn breaks acts in direct contrast to the high energy of the Stargate takedown that preceded it. After time and against not listening to him, Minato still calls Kabu to check in with him. There’s also his certainly that it was Kaburagi that saved the Deca-Dence mech (i need to be clearer when I’m talking about the physical fortress city mech, the mmorpg game, or the deca-dence system itself). And then when the world state gets reset is just so good because it make it clear that the gadoll were never the true enemy. The tankers could kill as many gadoll as they want and nothing would change. Kaburagi’s at an interesting point here, in that he’s no longer in a state of having given up like he was in episode 1 just waiting to die and following along with Solid Quake’s orders, as of this episode he has deliberately gone against the company’s rules, and yet he’s still believes that nothing will actually change. He’s broken a rule and resigned himself to punishment instead of say for example getting rid of the punishment all together. He’s still a good little employee that hasn’t rebelled against the system. And then the “Take care of Pipe” and Natsume turns around and he’s already gone, is sooo good. The final shot too of his avatar face down in the snow! The “This world needs bugs” is in direct contrast to Hugin/Fugin(?) repeating that this world must be rid of bugs, and the same phrase Kaburagi repeated 7 years ago when he was transferred to the Maintenance Department instead of being killed. I wonder how much the cyborgs feel in their original bodies  vs. how much they feel in their Gear avatars. Kaburagi doesn’t seem to care about food and no food stalls were shown in the Gear area so maybe they doesn’t have much sense of taste? The avatars also have a lessened sense of pain. And then the limit release sequence shows connections increasing between the two bodies so does it make the cyborgs more attuned with the avatar’s senses?
ep6: eh so this is another example of what I mean when I say some of the humor in this show is in bad taste. They probably put the oxyone port where the ass would be just to make this joke. But this is better then doing to it Natsume. The animators even had a gleam censor for the over where the capsule was inserted as if it wasn’t obvious enough what it was suppose to look like. Spurned on by the the promise that one day if they work hard and behave (”rehabilitated”), the cyborgs will get let out when in actuality its a forced labor camp so that Solid Quake can squeeze just a little more labor our of the cyborgs for even less compensation. The cartoony style here helps offset just how horrific there working conditions are. And Kaburagi still the good little employee (iiko) tries his hardest to play by the rules and win. Except in this game, there is no “win’ written into the rules. So finally he is forced to move outside of the system Solid Quake has made. I still can’t believe they let Donatello keep the gun... Maybe cyborg cores are brains. In 5.5 Kaburagi’s core is in the top half of his metal case, and Donatello’s is also in his head. I’m still not sure what that sequence where Kaburagi takes the head fin and an image of a cyborg core is overlayed, means.
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skylarynn-ninjago · 2 years
Rise of the Snakes - React, pt 2
Never Trust a Snake
1:00 For a robot, Zane be having some trippy dreams man
1:04 So like...does Zane get hurt?  Does he feel pain?  Were pain receptors built into his design?  How does he work?
1:12 So I initially paused this here to comment on how the dutch angles only made the dream trippier, and then I noticed the lighting makes Wu's robes look like they're actually his skin.
2:09 No real commentary, I just like the collar grab
2:12 Was the junk on the deck at the start of this dream?
2:21 Would anyone believe me if I said I figured out the Green Ninja would be Lloyd without having it spoiled for me purely because he was the only one with the right-shaped eyebrows?
2:46 Mans spinning for no reason
2:54 Also I'm debating on if I should start the Lloyd Fights His Dad counter now or if it's invalid because dream
3:11 The Falcon being one creepy motherclucker
3:48 Why is Zane staring like that, did man blow a fuse?
3:56 Aka the pose that led to Kai getting yeeted in the pilot
4:15 So question here, but when they reference the Final Battle throughout s2, do they mean the fight at the end of s2 or the fight at the end of s15?  Because that's the final final battle against the Overlord.  [still not the last fight against him in my thing but oh well]
9:11 Only because someone made them op later
9:29 Pythor sure is a messy eater, leaving skeletons everywhere
10:01 In pain, in need~ Pythor would make a good Ursula imo
10:29 Why did all the Anacondrai have tails when in all the other tribes only the general did?  Is it because Pythor has a tail but isn't a general?
10:33 The P stands for Phony
11:02 Not as much as Aspheera does but close
12:03 The 'no walking on grass' sign was outside the Four Weapons smithy.  Gotta wonder if Lloyd had any idea the Ninja had a connection there.  Also begs the question if he was knocking over trash in Jamanakai Village or Ignacia
12:18 I know it probably wasn't intended to be them, but damn would it be funny if the boys whose boats Lloyd and Pythor sank turned out to be Gene and Brad.
12:42 So why does Pythor treat Lloyd nicely like this?  He could've easily overpowered him and taken the map or straight eaten him.  Did he feel bad that Lloyd had no friends?  For a really wild thought, it's been canonically stated that Clancee's a hybrid, likely Venomari/Anacondrai.  Was Pythor nice because Lloyd reminded him of Clancee, Pythor's own son[theoretically]?
15:41 Funky that there're designs for siege engines on the blackboard of what's clearly a chemistry classroom.  Are they being taught how to throw tear gas at enemies?
16:24 Y'know sometimes Jay sounds like Ryan Reynolds
17:20 Gotta wonder if the school sued them for that one or not
18:30 Part of me wants to know what it is, another part of me is concerned about the answer
20:51 Definitely, Garm's got quite the grudge against snakes
Can of Worms
Did they play videogames a lot at Darkly's?  How'd Lloyd get so good at it?
1:54 Other pranks: slight inconvenience or wound to pride Prank against Jay: Attempted Murder™
2:46 Cole Brookestone: Would Hurt A Child™
3:44 Funny thing is literally everyone on board at the moment is a ninja by the show's end
4:17 Attempted Fratricide™
7:08 Note that Cole's more sensitive/perceptive of underground disturbances
8:12 Okay but like...can you actually choke out Zane?  Is that possible?
8:50 They insult Cole's chili a surprising amount actually
9:25 So what was the plan here?  If Pythor hadn't beat them to the tomb and the Venomari were still inside...would Kai and Jay have just released them?
11:26 Given that Kai saw the rope before it was actually there, it'd be really funny if there was black market Venomari spit people got high off of to see the future and just generally have an acid trip.
12:19 Did anything come from that little dart?  Like was it a tranquilizer or a tracker or something?  What was the point?
12:37 Much like the earlier question, why do sedatives work on Zane?
14:13 It is at this point I would make reference to the One-Armed Ronin, with Wu commenting that all the Serpentine were terrified of him, but unfortunately Wu has no idea who the Ronin was or if he's still alive.  His identity would be revealed later in the series.
15:20 ...did Cole used to jump from the mountains he climbed?  Honestly though I can totally see him being a cliff diver.
16:02 Jay, wasn't it here that you met Wu?  You jumped off an apartment complex and crashed into a billboard.  
16:40 Is that Acidicus by chance?
16:55 Talking about yourself there Pythor
17:05 The Ninja are the loudest whisperers I've ever heard
19:10 Times Ninja have been Captured: Kai: 1 Cole: 1 Jay: 1
The Snake King
Job dedication
3:00 I'd reference the Ronin again here because even if he's just a human the Serpentine still feared him, and Wu would be aware of that
4:02 Vinny?
4:51 ...did...did Nya just pop down and catch the snakes as Samurai X while the Ninja were still falling from the Bounty?  How the frick--
6:22 This actually holds true in mine because Lloyd figures out Nya's the Samurai way before Kai did.
8:40 How is this costume at all convincing?  Scales knows Lloyd, and Lloyd's trying to impersonate a Hypnobrai, who Scales likely knows all of the names of
10:59 Why is it the loss of the maracas that gives away Lloyd?  Of all the things
11:10 Lloyd was missing overnight and no one noticed
11:39 Cole didn't find him and proceeded to not tell anyone.  Great job Cole.
12:28 Gee I dunno, maybe the tire tracks have something to do with it
12:31 Was it the tire tracks?
13:20 Times Ninja have been Captured: Lloyd: 2 Also Lloyd in a Cage™: 2
13:35 Times Ninja have been Captured: Kai: 2 Cole: 2 Jay: 2 Zane: 1 Should I start a 'other Ninja in a Cage™' counter?
14:25 Times Ninja have been Captured: Nya: 1
15:14 Oh look she killed him
16:15 Considering the Great Devourer was actually under the city, all of them almost got Devoured™
16:48 Like any good rescue, complaints are mandatory
19:05 Kai takes that so damn well, it's amazing
19:50 So the suit has the same auto-repair function as the Iron Giant?
0 notes
pearlposts · 4 years
The Best of Soft Rock: More Than A Feeling
 SONG TITLE                                ARTIST       TIME
Lowdown                                     Boz Scaggs    5:18
Whenever I Call You “Friend”  Kenny Loggins    3:18
Piano Man                                    Billy Joel         5:40
Longer                                     Dan Fogelberg    3:18
Miracles                                Jefferson Starship  3:33
Lost in Love                              Air Supply          3:55
More Than I Can Say              Leo Sayer            3:39
Rosanna                                         Toto              4:03
More Than a Feeling                  Boston              3:26
Take It on the Run               REO Speedwagon  3:37
Make Me Lose Control           Eric Carmen         4:48
Total Eclipse of the Heart       Bonnie Tyler         5:35
Living Inside Myself              Gino Vannelli          4:25
The Flame                            Cheap Trick            4:50
Sara                                        Starship               4:23
SONG TITLE                                  ARTIST                   TIME
Livin’ Thing                         Electric Light Orchestra        3:34
This Is It                                   Kenny Loggins                 3:59
Africa                                                Toto                          4:59
Eye In The Sky                      Alan Parsons Project          4:35
Look What You’ve Done to Me       Boz Scaggs                5:18
You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling Daryl Hall & John Oates  4:36
All Out Of Love                              Air Supply                    4:03
Can’t Fight This Feeling           REO Speedwagon            4:55
The Search Is Over                        Survivor                       4:14
All by Myself                               Eric Carmen                    7:11
Without You                               Harry Nilsson                   3:21
Year of the Cat                           Al Stewart                        6:38
Dust in the Wind                         Kansas                            3:27
Vincent                                    Don McLean                       4:01
Please Come to Boston         David Loggins                     4:09
SONG TITLE                                    ARTIST                                  TIME
Baby I’m-a Want You                           Bread                                   2:32
A Horse with No Name                       America                                 4:09
Diamond Girl                                    Seals & Crofts                          4:04
I Saw the Light                                 Todd Rundgren                         3:01
Blinded by the Light                Manfred Mann's Earth Band              3:51
It Might Be You                               Stephen Bishop                          4:14
She’s Gone/Sara Smile/Rich Girl        Hall & Oates                           3:29
Minute By Minute                         The Doobie Brothers                     3:28
Sentimental Lady                                Bob Welch                              3:46
How Much I Feel                                 Ambrosia                                 4:44
Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime The Korgis                               4:12
If You Leave Me Now                          Chicago                                   3:57
Sailing                                        Christopher Cross                             4:17
Waiting For A Girl Like You             Foreigner                                     4:52
Against All Odds                            Phil Collins                                    3:25
SONG TITLE                                    ARTIST                                              TIME
Ride Like the Wind                        Christopher Cross                                  4:32
Saturday in the Park                          Chicago                                              3:57
Sister Golden Hair                              America                                              3:20
You’re So Vain                                Carly Simon                                            4:18
If                                                          Bread                                                  2:35
Ooh Baby Baby                              Linda Ronstadt                                        2:42
Him                                                Rupert Holmes                                         3:40
You Are the Woman                         Firefall                                                    2:45
All I Need                                       Jack Wagner                                             3:32
Walking In Memphis                       Marc Cohn                                                4:19
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All  Air Supply                                                5:01
I Want to Know What Love Is        Foreigner                                                   5:00
The Living Years                    Mike + the Mechanics                                       5:33
Drive                                               The Cars                                                   3:57
One More Night                           Phil Collins                                                   4:48
I’ll Be There                             The Escape Club                                             4:57
SONG TITLE                                                     ARTIST                                TIME
Summer Breeze                                           Seals & Crofts                             3:26
Key Largo                                                     Bertie Higgins                             3:19
Make It with You                                                 Bread                                    3:12
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?     Chicago                               3:22
Dream Weaver                                           Gary Wright                                  4:18
Hello It’s Me                                            Todd Rundgren                                3:52
Sara Smile                                      Daryl Hall and John Oates                       3:12
Chuck E.’s In Love                             Rickie Lee Jones                                  3:28
Black Water                                  The Doobie Brothers                                 4:16
Still the One                                             Orleans                                           3:56
Hurt So Bad                                      Linda Ronstadt                                      3:18
Cool Change                                  Little River Band                                      4:08
Biggest Part Of Me                            Ambrosia                                              5:27
Never Be the Same                    Christopher Cross                                       4:41
You Can Do Magic                           America                                                 3:57
SONG TITLE                                    ARTIST                                                TIME
The Guitar Man                                 Bread                                                   3:45
Tin Man                                           America                                                  3:27
Wildfire                               Michael Martin Murphey                                     4:50
25 or 6 to 4                                  Chicago                                                     4:52
Lotta Love                               Nicolette Larson                                             2:43
What a Fool Believes         The Doobie Brothers                                          2:27
Steal Away                              Robbie Dupree                                              3:31
You’re the Only Woman              Ambrosia                                                   4:22
Sexy Eyes                                Dr. Hook                                                       3:00
Kiss You All Over                       Exile                                                           3:30
Even the Nights Are Better   Air Supply                                                       3:59
Arthur’s Theme                  Christopher Cross                                             3:55
Dance with Me                       Orleans                                                         3:21
Beautiful in My Eyes            Joshua Kadison                                              4:10
Black Velvet                        Alannah Myles                                                 4:48
SONG TITLE                        ARTIST                                                         TIME
California Dreamin’      The Mamas & The Papas                                       2:54
Kokomo                        The Beach Boys                                                     3:36
Ventura Highway             America                                                               3:32
Listen to the Music      The Doobie Brothers                                               3:27
I Can See Clearly Now     Johnny Nash                                                     2:43
It Never Rains in Southern California  Albert Hammond                             3:38
Thank You For Being A Friend            Andrew Gold                                   4:45
Everything I Own                                    Bread                                           3:07
When Will I Be Loved                     Linda Ronstadt                                     2:10
I Keep Forgettin’                         Michael McDonald                                    3:41
Baby Come Back                               Player                                                2:16
Circle in the Sand                       Belinda Carlisle                                         4:27
Hold On                                     Wilson Phillips                                            3:41
I’ll Be Over You                              Toto                                                        3:50
Just the Way It Is, Baby          The Rembrandts                                           4:09
 SONG TITLE                            ARTIST                                                     TIME
We Don’t Talk Anymore       Cliff Richard                                                      4:13
Baker Street                       Gerry Rafferty                                                     2:13
When Your in Love with a Beautiful Woman  Dr. Hook                                  2:56
Fool (If You Think It’s Over)       Chris Rea                                                     3:33
You’re No Good                     Linda Ronstadt                                                 3:46
Reminiscing                        Little River Band                                                 3:17
The Air That I Breathe           The Hollies                                                       4:12
Sad Eyes                            Robert John                                                        1:55
I Go Crazy                          Paul Davis                                                           5:23
Hearts                                Marty Balin                                                           4:19
These Dreams                     Heart                                                                  4:17
Jessie                           Joshua Kadison                                                         4:22
Release Me                   Wilson Phillips                                                          3:54
The Doctor                 The Doobie Brothers                                                    3:45
SONG TITLE                    ARTIST                                                               TIME
Maggie May                Rod Stewart                                                               5:15
Higher and Higher      Rita Coolidge                                                             4:01
Whatcha Gonna Do?  Pablo Cruise                                                              4:15
I’m in You                   Peter Frampton                                                           4:11
Drift Away                     Dobie Gray                                                              3:56
More Love                   Kim Carnes                                                               3:37
Babe                             Styx                                                                         4:01
Into The Night        Benny Mardones                                                            4:31
It’s a Heartache       Bonnie Tyler                                                                 3:45
While You See a Chance   Steve Winwood                                                 4:06
Show Me the Way       Peter Frampton                                                        2:30
Fooled Around and Fell in Love    Elvin Bishop                                           4:37
Lonesome Loser           Little River Band                                                     3:54
I’m Not in Love                10 CC                                                                    6:07
I Just Wanna Stop         Gino Vannelli                                                           3:37
SONG TITLE                    ARTIST                                                              TIME
Daniel                          Elton John                                                                3:53
I Need You                   America                                                                    3:07
I Can Dream About You    Dan Hartman                                                       4:11
Escape                      Rupert Holmes                                                            3:54
I’d Really Love to See You Tonight  England Dan & John Ford Coley          2:38
On and On                 Stephen Bishop                                                          3:01
Tempted                        Squeeze                                                                  4:01
The Things We Do For Love   10 CC                                                           3:31
The Best of Times           Styx                                                                      4:18
Cry                       Godley and Creme                                                          3:55
Your Wildest Dreams   The Moody Blues                                                    4:51
Higher Love                 Steve Winwood                                                       5:46
More Than Words           Extreme                                                               5:36
I’d Do Anything for Love    Meat Loaf                                                          5:17
Do You Feel Like We Do      Peter Frampton                                              7:20
SONG TITLE                      ARTIST                                                          TIME
So In to You             Atlanta Rhythm Section                                             4:23
Fly, Robin, Fly           Silver Connection                                                     3:50
Sentimental Lady        Bob Welch                                                              3:46
Show And Tell             Al Wilson                                                                 3:29
Wild Flower             The New Birth                                                             3:59
Delta Dawn             Helen Reddy                                                               3:09
American Pie          Don McLean                                                                8:35
Rock Me Gently      Andy Kim                                                                     3:29
Go All The Way      The Raspberries                                                          3:22
Mr. Big Stuff            Jean Knight                                                                 2:49
Oh Babe, What Would You Say     Hurricane Smith                                   3:26
Hooked On A Feeling     Blue Swede                                                         2:53
 Having My Baby           Paul Anka                                                             2:33
Last Song                     Edward Bear                                                          3:13
The Streak                   Ray Stevens                                                           3:18
SONG TITLE                  ARTIST                                                               TIME
Rhinestone Cowboy   Glen Campbell                                                         3:16
Too Late To Turn Back Now  Cornelius Brothers And Sister Rose             3:20
Boogie Fever             The Sylvers                                                              3:30
Reminiscing            Little River Band                                                         3:17
I Just Want To Celebrate    Rare Earth                                                      2:54
One Bad Apple           The Osmonds                                                         2:43
Have You Never Been Mellow   Olivia Newton-John                                 3:33
Magic                            Pilot                                                                      3:05
Boogie Oogie Oogie     A Taste of Honey                                                  3:38
Right Back Where We Started From   Maxine Nightingale                        3:15
Sad Eyes                        Robert John                                                        1:55
Gonna Fly Now                Bill Conti                                                            2:48
My Sharona                  The Knack                                                            4:02
You Sexy Thing          Hot Chocolate                                                        4:05
Puppy Love               Donny Osmond                                                       3:06
SONG TITLE                 ARTIST                                                              TIME
Love Train                  The O'Jays                                                              2:58
Knock Three Times     Dawn                                                                      2:55
Brandy                    Looking Glass                                                             3:04
Little Willy                  Sweet                                                                       3:12
Baby Don’t Get Hooked on Me    Mac Davis                                              3:06
Take Me Home, Country Roads    John Denver                                         3:13
It Never Rains in Southern California   Albert Hammond                           3:38
Brand New Key                Melanie                                                              2:26
Come and Get Your Love       Redbone                                                      3:32
More. More, More (Part 1)      Andrea True Connection                              3:02
I Can See Clearly Now         Johnny Nash                                                  2:43
Everybody Plays the Fool     The Main Ingredient                                       3:22
Indian Reservation             Paul Revere & The Raiders                              2:52
The Cover of “Rolling Stone”   Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show                2:55
When Will I See You Again      The Three Degrees                                     3:00
SONG TITLE                           ARTIST                                                      TIME
Rich Girl                    Daryl Hall and John Oates                                        2:23
Lady Marmalade                    LaBelle                                                         3:21
Best of My Love              The Emotions                                                      3:41
Fire                             The Pointer Sisters                                                  3:28
Miracles                        Jefferson Starship                                                 3:33
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing    Leo Sayer                                            2:51
Here You Come Again         Dolly Parton                                                   2:58
Disco Lady                        Johnnie Taylor                                                  4:25
Saturday Night                Bay City Rollers                                                  2:56
Rock On                           David Essex                                                      3:26
Wildfire                  Michael Martin Murphey                                              4:50
You Take My Breath Away   Rex Smith                                                    3:15
I Go Crazy                      Paul Davis                                                         5:23
Stumblin’ In        Suzi Quatro and Chris Norman                                      3:31
Torn Between Two Lovers    Mary MacGregor                                         3:44
SONG TITLE                      ARTIST                                                          TIME
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown     Jim Croce                                                         3:00
Don’t Pull Your Love     Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds                          2:41
Love Will Keep Us Together  Captain and Tennille with Neil Sedaka        3:24
Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song  B.J. Thomas             3:22
She’s A Lady                 Tom Jones                                                           2:51
How Do You Do?       Mouth & MacNeal                                                   4:07
Black and White        Three Dog Night                                                      3:51
Escape                      Rupert Holmes                                                        3:54
Drift Away                 Dobie Gray                                                              3:56
It’s a Love Beat     The DeFranco Family                                                 3:09
I’m in You               Peter Frampton                                                          4:11
The Candy Man     Sammy Davis, Jr.                                                      3:10
Spiders & Snakes   Jim Stafford                                                              3:05
Billy, Don’t Be A Hero  Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods                       3:40
The Morning After     Maureen McGovern                                                2:20
SONG TITLE                                   ARTIST                                          TIME
Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves          Cher                                               2:36
Maggie May                                Rod Stewart                                         5:15
Baby Come Back                            Player                                              2:16
I Just Wanna Stop                   Gino Vannelli                                           3:37
Jackie Blue                 Ozark Mountain Daredevils                                  3:37
Higher And Higher               Rita Coolidge                                              4:01
I’m Not in Love                           10 CC                                                   6:07
Y.M.C.A.                               Village People                                            3:45
Will It Go Round in Circles     Billy Preston                                              3:46
I Just Want to Be Your Everything   Andy Gibb                                        3:44
Do You Wanna Make Love        Peter McCann                                        4:01
Signs                            Five Man Electrical Band                                    4:02
Disco Duck                              Rick Dees                                                3:14
Montego Bay                       Bobby Bloom                                               2:55
If I Can’t Have You            Yvonne Elliman                                              3:00
SONG TITLE                         ARTIST                                                     TIME
Play That Funky Music      Wild Cherry                                                    3:16
One Toke Over the Line    Brewer & Shipley                                            3:21
Afternoon Delight          Starland Vocal Band                                           3:14
Life is a Rock                      Reunion                                                        3:31
I Can Help                         Billy Swan                                                       2:57
My Maria                       B.W. Stevenson                                                  2:31
Magnet and Steel            Walter Egan                                                     3:25
Beach Baby                    First Class                                                         2:42
The Rapper                   The Jaggerz                                                        2:45
Brother Louie                  Stories                                                               3:57
Precious and Few            Climax                                                              2:46
O-o-h Child               The 5 Stairsteps                                                      3:15
Playground in My Mind    Clint Holmes                                                     2:57
Put Your Hand In The Hand   Ocean                                                        2:53
Please Come to Boston    David Loggins                                                  4:09
SONG TITLE                      ARTIST                                                         TIME
Turn The Beat Around    Vicki Sue Robinson                                            3:24
Ring My Bell                     Anita Ward                                                        3:31
Sometimes When We Touch   Dan Hill                                                      2:22
Rose Garden               Lynn Anderson                                                      2:49
In The Summertime      Mungo Jerry                                                         3:37
Seasons in the Sun      Terry Jacks                                                           3:30
The Night Chicago Died   Paper Lace                                                       3:32
Rock The Boat            Hues Corporation                                                  3:09
Don’t Give Up on Us        David Soul                                                        3:39
Kung Fu Fighting         Carl Douglas                                                         3:17
Love Grows                Edison Lighthouse                                                  2:51
Sweet Mary              Wadsworth Mansion                                                 2:42
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia   Vicki Lawrence                     3:36
TSOP             MFSB featuring the Three Degrees                                   3:35
Feelings                    Morris Albert                                                            3:45
6 notes · View notes
jaeyooniverse · 5 years
the FIRST COLLECTION commentary no one asked for, by yours truly
1. Good Guy
00:00 - I love that the recent comebacks have had That Sound at the beginning. Not the same sound but a distinct sound that the moment the song starts you just KNOW. They are sounds i love to imitate tbh
00:08 - okay idk why but the crescendo of the synth/strings (i dont know music words, bare with me for this) it’s so pretty and very well represents how i gradually get more excited as the song starts ( ilove this song). also i’ve watched so may stages that now my mind just immediately starts the fanchant
00:16/00:21/00:23/other times but i wont list them all - the echos!! ugh i love it *chefs kiss*
00:21 - okay i love all of taeyangs opening line but esp the “oh noo”
00:29 - the Slight autotune to dawon’s voice as he says “baby” is my aesthetic
00:38 -  jaeyoon does this part so well like it’s just so PERFECT for him; i love how he says “yeah” sdfhdjkd
00:47 - THE BASS DURING THE CHORUS. this alone gets me so excited it’s so GOOD ; this chorus is the perfect type of addictive like it’s catchy but you wont get annoyed when it’s stuck in your head oof
01:01 - what do i even say,, inseong,,,,
01:14 - i’m probably gonna say this a million times but jaeyoons vocals are so perfect for his parts, props to whoever decides the line distribution, truly, and props to my man’s execution ♡_♡
01:17 - i’m upset youngbin’s part is so short bc it’s so GOOD esp the “feel it” and the “that’s what i like neoui jeonbureul YEH” and omg now whenever his part comes on i think about that penguin video and him reenacting it 🥺🥺 
01:26 - zuhos part is also gold and i love the dance during his & bin’s parts !
01:36 - am i the only one(haha) who gets butterflies in my stomach when dawon sings?? something about the slight run when he sings “molla~ yeah”... oof
01:41 - ROWOON. Yes. i love how soft his voice is compared to when jaeyoon sings this shdfkjh
01:51 - i already mentioned the bass during the chorus but i MUST point it out again. i love the triple beat or WHATEVER you wanna call it ugh it’s my favorite part
02:02 - who can “oh yeah” like rowoon? no one can, no one’s doing it like him
02:19 - i can’t believe i had to wait more than 2 minutes to hear hwiyoung rap for like 2 seconds but ANWAY i love his part i love his rapping voice also the little guitar part in the bg!! good stuff!!! 
02:33 - okay inseong i get it, you have vocals. also i was lowkey disappointed that note didn’t last longer?? also also the first time i heard this i got flashbacks to Be A Man by MBLAQ when G.O’s sings his “never” (that’s how long i wanted inseong’s note to be) and funnily so, it’s around the same time mark as this one lmaoo
02:36 - how the muic goes quiet afterwards,, inseong’s voice echoing and fading away,, poetic cinema
02:37 - THE BASS ,, it hits differently when it’s that end-of-the-song hype 😩
02:39 - THE “OH!” 
02:46 - this part also hits different,, when you watch the stage and zuho is in center looking like THAT....it hits, it truly hits...
02:50 - okay waait i literally just noticed this but is that jaeyoon saying “you so bad” in the bg??
02:53 - not to be dramatic but the first time i heard this song i literally teared up (i still do, if i’m sensitive enough) when it got to this part like dawon’s voice is just something else !! when he sings “naya”,,, ugh the color, the emotion, the man,,,, also cant listen to this part and NOT think about (or do) his little dab move thing sdhfkjh
02:57 - the “chajabwa!” oh vocal king 😩
2. Am I the Only One
00:06 - 😳
00:11 - jaeYOON! I love how airy ? his voice can sound The echoes man, the echoes,,
00:38 - okay this is literally one of my favorite lines dawon’s voice sounds so good here i literally canNOT get over it any time i listen to this song. That “OoH” at ~00:43? the “geuriumi miumi dwaegimaneul I PRAY” ,, an instant classic
00:48 - the VOCALS at this part,, unmatched
01:07 - the “oh-ohh” in the bg i love it shjkshf
01:34 - loook when i tell you youngbins part is my fave part of this song!!! it’s a shame it’s so short but OH i’m always so excited when it starts,, idk what it is,, his voice? the vibes?? the rhymes?? whatever it is,,, it all comes together to make one of my fave youngbin verses
02:00 - yes I already pointed out dawon’s “i pray” part but it hits different everytime he does it, i’m telling you!
02:01 - the amount of layers in this song,, i think it’s inseong&rowoon right?? and then jaeyoon’s little “hey ay”s 🥺
02:39 - chani’s part is like, third favorite for this song. I love his voice, the vibes of this ,, the “yeh yeh” at ~2:43
02:54 - zuho does this thing where it sounds like he’s trying to rush and squish his verse into a certain frame of measures but in the end it still spills into the next measure and tbh i like it here dsfhjkh
02:57 - the POWER in this man’s VOICE ugh this verse is truly for me like going from dawon singing like THAT to jaeyoon, oof i’m in love
03:23 - youngbin’s “tell me where the love goes”,, the little echo of it (how many times will i mention echoes? stay tuned)
03:34 - that ending,, *chef’s kiss*
3. Shh
firstly i love that i now know Two (2) songs with this title (okay the Seventeen one has another ‘h’ but, still), and i love that they’re two diff feels. seventeens is that Good Noise, and has the “shh , just trust me” vibe, while sf9’s is just “shhhut up”
00:00 - the guitar! yes
00:12 - i dont even know what to call this sound but i love it
00:26 - LOVE tae’s vocals oof
00:28 - “right here is where i wanna be”,, you know where i wanna be?? an sf9 concert
00:33 - jaeyoon’s “baby don’t question me”,,, 😳
00:40 - the R is Rowoon stands for RealTalent
00:54 - the instrumental to this song is so good like i could just listen to that alone; also that “ooh~” we stan!
01:02 - inseong’s vocals in this song (okay in ANY song, but we’re talking about this song rn) are just,, amazing
01:26 - i just noticed how that “yeahhh” drags on idk how i feel about this im shdfjkh
01:36 - hi i’m tawa and i’m a dawonaholic
01:50 - shout to that beautiful saxophone tho,, gorgeous
02:03 - see i’m trying to limit how many times i mention dawons lines bc otherwise i would just comment on all of his lines ANYWAY this line hits different the second time around,, when he hits this note,,, i’m ascending as we speak
02:25 - okay the instrumental during zuho’s part,,, good stuff.. his part in general,, GOOD stuff!! 
02:30 - the pause at the end of the line and then the little ‘ding’! musical gold
02:33 - his little “whoop”s and “hey”s and “ay”s omg Number One Hype Man Baek Juho!! the build up of the music & him increasing the speed of his rap,, who is doing it like zuho please tell me
02:39 - here’s a secret: i love dawon’s vocals
02:45/2:51 -  K I M   I N S E O N G
02:56 - okay just one more time,, i love dawons vocals
Wait was hwiyoungbin in this song? Sdfhkjh
4. Lullu Lalla 
okay idk what i was on the first time i heard this song but for whatever reason i didn’t think much of it,, but now i have seen the [beautiful] light i absolutely love this song
00:00 - like it just started and the music is so cute and cheery omg i love this, youngbin’s little “here we go yo~”
00:07 - okay i know the lyric is “drop in” but in my mind i always say “jopping” 💀💀
00:11 - “hey what’s good?” sir it’s your voice,, your voice is whats good
00:20 - hwis voice is so cute i love it sdhfjkh
00:30 - the little “WheeEe” !! i giggle every time it’s so flippin cute like i have the stupidest smile on my face rn i love this part so mcuh
00:40 - the ‘ya jamkkan’ and then the small pause yo i LOVE this and also the “jinjja?” sdhfjkshj GOD i love this song 
00:41 - if you try to tell me this song is not perfect for jaeyoon’s voice i will Not listen to you. youve lost your right to form opinions i’m sorry
00:54 - i have no idea what to call it but that little high pitch noise/sound/thing that kinda mimics the lyrics/rhythm is so cute to me, esp in a later part of the song but we’ll get to that when we get to that
01:05 - “DONT YOU STOP”, filed under “Lines Tawa Cannot Hear and NOT Sing Along To”
01:09 - i really cant think of any other word to describe dawons voice here except cute :(( maybe i just think hes cute :(( also inseong’s “you’re so crazy~” like okay we get it you have vocals 
01:12 - sdhfjkhkj the only thing better than the “whee” is chani going “yeaayyy” 😭😭😭 tell me this isnt the cutest part of the song!! I dare you!!
01:22 - there goes zuho doing that thing with his rap again
01:24 - “nan sweet guy” is also filed under “Lines Tawa Cannot Hear and NOT Sing Along To”, i think jaeyoons voice is so soft and pretty here :c 
02:07 - idk what to say i just like these lines
02:12 - completely unbiased but this is like my fave part of the song omg yes dawon bb hit those notes 😭 and the at the end of his note that high pitch thing comes in and does its little thing and it’s so cute okay? this whole song is just so CUte. i havent read the lyrics translations but the small words/phrases ive picked up oh it’s cute i should really read the translations for these songs sometime shdfkjsh
02:23 - the way dawon says “beolsseo time over” is like one of my favorite things ever, along with how he says “joha” (well, more like “jowa” sdhfkjh but it’s so cute ugh im devastated why do i love his voice so much okay anyway--
02:49 - yoo taeyang ily
02:53 - “that was crazy” you know what’s crazy? How cute that song is
5. One Love
00:00 omg cute funky queennn!! also not to be me but like,, jaeyoons ooh-ooh ooh’s at the beginning is enough reason for this to win aoty no i will not accept any other opinions
00:20 - idk why i just like how inseong says “naman bollae”
00:24 - jaeyoon ;;-;;
00:33 - just,, this,,, *heart eyes* taeyang’s lil airy voice is like,, so good,, so beautiful
00:41 - baby,,,i want you, so loving for you,,, you’re all i think about all day,,,,, bros this is lichrally me @ dawon i can’t believe the writers for this song would get inspo from me WHERE ARE MY ROYALTIES. okay but seriously his voice when he sings haru jongil ni saengakbbuniya :((( <33 i like to imagine he’s softly smiling as his voice softens and trails off at the end,,, oh no oh boy im soft look what ive done ive thought about this for too long lets move on before i start-- *cries*
01:09 - part 247023789 of my crying over dawon’s vocals. stay tuned for more
01:22 - ugh kim inseong if you dont stop 
01:29 - OW
01:30 - love how taeyang sings this esp the ending syllable omg 
01:44 - the little trill or whatever in jaeyoon’s voice,, filed under “Reasons to Smile”
01:57 - i lichrally screamed like his voice is just so pretty and then the layering when he says “bbuniya” im gonna cry see you guys later 
02:43 - chani~~~
02:47 - whys hwi rapping like he had a time limit and he almost went over it like,,, they really just smooshed rap line all into this one part which like i guess i get? the way this song goes doesnt really lend itself to rap i guess ?
02:51 - the pause, the silence,,, only to be broken by the golden vocals of kim inseong,, im love
02:58 - seong’s lil “yeah!"
03:17 - “focus on my mind YEAH”
03:27 - sweet ending to a sweet song ;c
6. Like the Hands Held TIght
this song is truly Fall in Love’s little cousin like they are really related and im not good with words so i cant explain it but i just KNOW. sometimes i’ll be singing fall in love in my head but then somehow it turns into like the hands held tight?? If i could make song mash-ups i would
00:06 - i go “take my, my hands yeahh” at least once a day. thank you taeyang
00:14 - i need a taeyang solo and i need it now ; also i really like hwis verse? Idk what it is about it but it fits him very well and he does so good during the stages, he rocks it
00:32 - i like all of bin’s verse but esp this part especially especially bc of the choreo during it
00:37 - and then THIS part and dawon’s the only one on stage,,, what an experience,,
00:44 - the way he pronounces maeumeul is just.. *chefs kiss*
00:49 - another instance of tae’s wonderful airy? singing being absolutely perfect for the song concept
00:55 - aah~
01:00 - the EMOTION 
01:08 - idk what it is but inseong singing ‘gotongdoO~!’,, my heart,, sasiliya feel it
01:12 - imma say it now bc you already know im thinking it,, jaeyoons voice is PERFECT for this song, hands down no questions,,, that falsetto
01:16 - “nae huimangui bichi neoya” ♡_♡
01:19 - “sumeul swineun iyudo” 
01:21 - “AY. AY!”
Idk if it’s obvious but i just LOVE his part it’s so good i love the way he sings
01:34 - ‘yeah yeah yeah’
01:35 - omg i love rowoons part and his little dance during the stage it’s so good so wonderful just all around amazing great job seokwoo
01:37/01:39 - the little pause before the “yeah”s and just how different these two yeahs are but also i love them both equally
01:47 - *eun dan oh voice* HARU-YAH sdhfkjh okay anyway i love the way jaeyoon sings these lines esp how he says haru and naeili (also? Time over? like is this lullu lalla?)
01:57/02:06 - dawon :’) 
02:42 - dAngerOUS neooreuuuul wihaaaae
02:47 - dawon’s vocals omgggg
02:53 - okay whos that high note im LIVING for this
02:57 - ugh okay i love taeyang in the background; taeyang in this song in general,,, 
03:05 - jaeyoons lines are just so gooddd i love singing along to this song
7. Fire
00:00 - love the little sounds at the beginning,, quality start
00:04 - “it’s me” uhm okay but who are you? 
00:05 - the instrumental is so good tho sdhkjh oof
00:36 - not biased or anything but oh my goodness dawon’s voice!! It’s so pretty :c
00:41 - ready! ready! (go)
00:43 - LET’S GOO
The chorus for this song is just,,, so GOOD im sorry i only have like 5 words in my vocabulary but omg it’s just,,good
00:49 - this line!! I love it
00:59 - rowoon has that kinda voice that he could be saying any nonsense and you’d just be like *heart eyes* yes say it again king;; the way he says “let it go, let it go”
01:05 - love me love me love me YEAH 👌🏾
01:15 - YES
01:25 - omg youngbin ily omg his part is so lit but not like HYPE lit it’s just,, it’s chill lit we vibin
01:38 - im a little bit in love with dawon’s vocals in this song. just a little.
01:42 - the way he says READY. YOU GUYS IM CRYING I LOVE HIM?
01:50 - the way inseong sings “neoman” just,, soO good. inseong... good. 
02:01 - rowoon if you dont be careful im gonna ‘fall in love’ with you
02:15 - chani & zuhos raps + the music change im LOVE this it’s so good
2:24 - omg zuho finishes his rap on time OH YEAH
02:27 - *cries* okay this is it,, this is my favorite dawon line in this song
02:34 - is it really an sf9 song without inseong’s incredible vocals??
02:40 - wait maybe this is my favorite dawon line?? Idk dont touch me;;; the way he says “neoman”,,,,, give me amoemn t dklfmsd fn.l
02:41 - okay and this part, that note,,,, lee sanghyuk,,,,,
8. Stop it Now
00:01 - okay we vibin
00:16 - i really think hwi’s voice fits this song so well, along with like the hands held tight, also love the instrumental during his part;;; is this his longest verse on the album ,, sdhfkj
00:31 - im not gonna lie i think this is jaeyoon but part of me is like what if its taeyang,, either way,, beautiful voice
00:45 - THIS is taeyang and THIS LINE?? perfect, he executes it so well. this album was truly made for him; also love the instrumental here,, i feel like i’d hear it in the bg of a fantasy mmo/rpg
00:59 - idk what it is about inseongs voice but i love it
01:03 - chaniiii
01:06 - :)
01:16 - hello there sir
01:31 - oh his voice is so pretty ;-;
02:23 - zuho’s raps being the buildup is my aesthetic bro
02:31 - YES inseong homygod
02:36 - dawon ;cc also inseongs bg vocals,, thanks for your contribution king
02:40 - wait was i not paying attention or is this the first time rowoon sings (i probably wasnt paying attention)
02:44 - dawons little ‘yeah yeah’ and little adlibs?? filed under “Reasons to Stan”
02:51 - all the layering these background vocals and adlibs and just,,, what a lovely mix
02:53 - inseong imma let you finish but dawon’s “janin hage” is the greatest :// no im not biased
9. Dance with Us
00:01 - i love zuhos voice throughout this song omg :( 
00:05 - omg the piano in the bg is so cute um i love it:((((
00:21 - the way inseong sings “nun bushyeo” 🥺
00:23 - tae’s high notes 🥺🥺🥺
00:28 - okay this line,, him saying ‘i like you’,,, ;;-;;
00:30 - lovvvvve hwis verse here, and the little “ay”s 
00:38 - LMAO i just noticed the “AH!” in the bg??? Why?? 
00:40 - okay this line reminds me of bin’s verse in another song but i cant?? pinpoint it???? uhhhh i think it’s see u tomorrow?
00:47 - okay that transition from jaeyoon to taeyang,,, *chefs kiss*
00:52 - rowoon saying ‘haru’, they did it for us @extraordinary you stans
also im  reading the lyrics as i do this and omg wait this song is so cute so precious,,”today was hard,wasnt it baby? Close your eyes you can hug me??” i’m sobbing?? I’m developing a new love for this song oh my heart--
00:56 - rowoons vocals when he says “naege angyeodo dwae” omg pls
00:57 - LOVE the layering during the chorus it’s so good but also i cant tell who the lower voice is? Zuho? Hwiyoung??
01:12 omg *a wild dawon appears*
01:16 - SKR SKRR
01:19 - no i’ll never shut up about dawon’s vocals
01:40 - these vocals mannnn,, you know what?? I need a jaeyoon & taeyang duet. like i know weve already got one from concerts but i need MORE 
02:27 - i just love this part :(( 
02:31 - i was literally like “wheres inseong” and then he comes out with his powerful vocals as per usual,,,
02:35/’8 - like do you hear this??? go OFF sir also love how the music quiets down and then slowly builds back up !!
03:23 - *whispers* dope
10. Beautiful Light
00:11 - “once in a lifetime~”
00:34 - i have already said and will continue to say this but rowoons voice is so perfect for this song
00:49 - dawon i would LOVE to be with you forever
00:53 - ugh this chorus is just so cute, so sweet ;c
00:59 - the way they sing “malhae JUlgeoya”,,, ugh love this little note jump thing idk what to call it,, it’s like a pretty version of a voice crack 😂😅
01:23 - zuhoooo
01:40 come through main vocalist kim youngkyunnnn!!
02:00 - yes im pointing out this line again i LOVE it
02:23 - this part 🥺🥺 
02:29 - OKAY THIs PART!!! I swear rowoon’s voice is sooo pretty hear idk what it is but when he sings this line,,, my heart feels thing,,,emotions,,, it’s so much
02:33 - that “hoo-oh~” ugh rowoon please record an audiobook i could listen to you for hours 😔
02:44 - alright,, i have figured out the formula for sf9 songs,,, music slow down then build up with inseong’s high/long note around ~2:30-40 dkfhjsk before the last chorus but this time with more adlibs (probably also by inseong)
okay i’m done (for now) fsdfhjkhsf i’d be surprised if anyone actualy read any of this tbh. if you did read this, congratulations you have a better attention span that i do LMAO i would say stan sf9 but if youre reading this you probably already do
okay bye goodnight
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makeste · 5 years
Favorite BnHA OST Tracks
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anon I never thought this day would come. (థ ェ థ) 
I fucking adore this OST. and no one has ever asked me about it. which is fine, but I think we all need to just take a moment to acknowledge that the BnHA soundtrack fucking slaps. I’m not just saying that as a fan of the series; I’m saying it as objective fact. it’s up there with Zelda and Game of Thrones and How to Train Your Dragon. this soundtrack deserves all the love. and up till this point I’d resigned myself to loving it quietly, but now you have unlocked pandora’s box so I just hope you’re ready!!
I have... let’s see... six BnHA-related playlists right now lol. out of these, three are composed of tracks from the OST (the other three are my character-inspired playlists. wait, did I say three? actually there’s four of those. so seven in all. good lord). this soundtrack gets a lot of play, you guys. when I like something, I have a tendency to put it on repeat until I’m sick of it. so if I never get sick of it, you can imagine how that ends up going.
I was going to do a top ten of this, but then I went through the playlist and wrote down all my favorites and there were like thirty. I briefly entertained the idea of just saying FUCK IT I’LL JUST POST THEM ALL!!!!, but I had to sit myself down and lecture myself about having some goddamn self control. so I narrowed it down to like... twenty-three. and then finally down to seventeen. soo, it’s a top ten, plus seven honorable mentions. this is the best I can do guys. this is taking everything I’ve got, so please just humor me this once.
I promise this post won’t be super long. I’m not even gonna put it under a cut. I will restrain myself. okay here we go.
 10. Bombing King!!
Katsukiiiiii. I couldn’t not put this here, who the hell do you think I am. it’s perfect for him. it’s rowdy (I love how it just crashes in with those opening drums and guitar without so much as a how-do-you-do), but it’s got a real drive to it, and a fucking legit leitmotif that can be cut into sections and remixed in any number of ways (see: number 4). if you want to make it sad you can make it sad. want to make it even more badass, you can definitely do that. it makes me excited because there’s so many ways to play around with it for his future character development.
9. Cavalry Battle
this track makes me want to go out and cause a ruckus. it’s so full of energy and there’s an optimism to it, but like a clever, resourceful optimism. I love when the melody smooths out at around 1:14. it’s like, the team is coming together and we’re gonna kick some ass. they should play this in promos for the Olympics.
8. Nevertheless, Go Beyond
this makes me want to save the world. this one actually gets bonus points for the title because it’s so emotive, and somehow nails the exact feeling that the music manages to convey. even when you can’t go on, go on. you’re a hero. people are depending on you. get up.
7. All For One
ooooooohhhhhh my gooodddddddd. “The Power of All For One” is arguably the creepier track, but this one is more epic. it sends chills down my spine. he’s so fearsome. only the strongest of the strong can hope to defeat him. good vs evillllllll. god the bass in this is so good. and the vocals. and the frenzied urgency of the strings. and the Inception-stype WHOOOOOOOM at the end ugh.
6. Your Power
I almost went with “I Absolutely Won’t Use the Heat (Left)” because it’s so sad and haunting, but in the end this version won out because, as with the All For One track above, it’s the more epic of the two. I really consider them to be two parts of the same track though. anyways, so Todoroki’s motif is hands down the most haunting on the OST. fact. it’s so goddamn tragic?? and this version of it has that resounding drum beat that to me feels like a kind of grim determination. it’s a great track, and perfect for that theatrical Todoroki family drama lol.
5. My Hero Academia
this traccccccck. is so good. it makes me picture someone standing on the edge of a cliff at dawn looking down on the city below. it’s just got this kind of legendary feel to it somehow. this is an “only the beginning of the adventure” type of track. I also associate this with Iida unveiling his Reciproburst during the Sports Festival arc, because it was used so fucking well during that scene. “everyone, there’s less than a minute left...” I honestly get chills every time I watch that. it’s like quintessential BnHA.
4. Katsuki and Izuku
guys. I don’t want to throw the word “masterpiece” around all willy-nilly, but this. this, right here, is why I like character motifs so much. because you can play with them and wind them apart and together and bam, just like that you’re telling a fucking story. so anyways, in case you didn’t know, this track combines You Say Run/Jet Set Run (a.k.a. Deku’s themes) with Bombing King!! (a.k.a. Katsuki’s theme). bringing the two of them together through the power of music ffff why am I so weak to this shit. when You Say Run kicks in at around 26 seconds I fucking looooose it. then when Katsuki’s theme first joins in at around 52 seconds I lose it all over again. this is a better arrangement of it than Bombing King tbh. which is perfect, because the whole point of their story is that the two of them make each other better! anyways, they just complement each other so perfectly. IT’S LIKE THIS TRACK IS A METAPHOR FOR SOMETHING YOU GUYS. waiting on the anime to fucking use this in season 4, since it went unused in s3 despite them having all the opportunities in the world smdh. they might actually use it in the upcoming movie, come to think.
3. You Say Run
obviously. what else is there even to say. this is a fucking tour de force. chills every time. I know y’all came here for 2:05, but honestly the whole track is a rush from start to finish. I’m literally not exaggerating when I say that this music taught me the meaning of plus ultra. like on a spiritual level. music is cool. please don’t be mad at me that I only put it at third. if anything, that ought to tell you just how much I love the #1 and #2 tracks.
2. Hero A
I can play this on repeat for hours. not an exaggeration. this has the highest play count of any of my BnHA tracks. I’m not a naturally energetic person. I want to be, but I’m not. but this track is like a fucking life-hack to get you pumped the fuck up. and it’s so catchy, and it makes you feel so good, like you can really do anything. it might not be easy, but you can do it! I actually like the “you can be a hero/you say run” motifs in this track even better than the original tracks tbh. especially when it goes a bit quieter and then builds up again starting from 1:45, and then the percussion kicks in again, and it’s like something out of a Rocky movie. this track makes me fucking believe. it makes me want to try.
 and before we go to number one, here are some runner-ups. (by “some” I mean a fuckton more of them but my descriptions are shorter. compromise)
 You Can Be a Hero - the track that proved it’s possible to simultaneously make someone feel more inspired than they’ve ever been in their entire life while also causing them to ugly cry
Heroic Fighting Battle Song - why is the season 2 OST so fucking good
Go Seize It! - why is the season 2 OST so fucking good
The Threat of Offense and Defense - this theme makes me want to solve difficult puzzles very dramatically
Battle of Deku - this is just here because of Deku VS Kacchan part 2. I 100% associate it with that fight. it’s a great track, but it wouldn’t quite stand out among all the other tracks if it wasn’t for that. but that fight does exist, so now this track makes me think of rivals throwing down and it’s great
Yoarashi Inasa - specifically the part that starts in at 1:14. it’s like the Naruto and FLCL soundtracks had a really funky baby
People Always Reaching for the Top “the winner of the U.A. sports festival is...” the only reason this track isn’t higher is because I don’t feel like it stands quite as well on its own as some of the other tracks. but with context?? god. I love how this was used at the end of Bakugou VS Todoroki. it was just the perfect cue for that scene. so good.
 ...bonus runner-ups because I’m a fucking liar and have no self-control at all
 From Me to You - this is the one used when Kacchan joins the scooby squad. it’s quiet and sad and hopeful all at once. the perfect theme for something ending and something else beginning
Rampaging Evil - I associate this with Tomura. it’s badass and usually means that some hardcore shit is happening
Predecessor’s Sworn Friend - this track is some straight up Cowboy Bebop shit. badass grandpa gettin to work
 okay, without any further ado let’s finish up with number one
 1. One for All Vs. All for One
good. versus. evil. this is epic incarnate. how is it so good. I have so many feels about it oh god. it’s so desperate and so determined at the same time. it perfectly conveys this image of one person, almost at their limit, standing alone against something terrible, and somehow reaching deep within themselves to summon the courage to fight. it is beautiful. it is powerful as shit. it may just be the most heroic thing I’ve ever heard.
 so that’s my top ten twenty! rest assured, this is still leaving a lot out. like the rest of the entire goddamn soundtrack. god this series fucking spoils us.
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