#and i have a aiden and taylor
flufallo · 5 months
I know it's not the real thing but I want to go
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collidew1thesky · 7 months
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i was organizing my color palettes for them, and while i was at it i thought i should draw them in outfits i think they would wear
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thatoneluckybee · 1 month
I put them in Discord again
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livingponcho · 4 months
Ok but I love the idea of the SBG living together in the future, they all take care of each other and help each other with the shared PTSD.
Logan being the designated driver when the others drink
Aiden calming Ash down when she starts thinking the gate is reopening
Tyler making food for the others when one of them is sick and he’s off work
Logan and Taylor working together on projects (seeing as I see both of them going into similar fields that commonly overlap)
Ben doing late night shopping for the this week’s grocery
Taylor and Tyler feeling more safe seeing as they live together
Them all sharing and loving a support animal (some yapy dog Or a big dog)
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iamumbra195 · 3 months
Don’t have much to say but here are my favourite panels
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The expressions in this chapter are everything lol. The way Jessica is looking at Ash while she’s ‘not my problem he’s an idiot’ is hilarious and Mike’s perpetual state of confusion killed me.
Taylor and Aiden really had murder on their mind in that moment too lol.
Of course there is also the second family group hug of the series.
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emo-trash101 · 6 months
Y'all I am managing to get into School Bus Graveyard, so I'm adding it to the list of fandoms, feel free to request SBG stuff!
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mangk0 · 5 months
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Trust fall.
(alternate versions below the cut - click for better quality :3)
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mishoarts · 4 months
Them being older in the drawing and having fun in the house, I'm gonna take it as a confirmation of them surviving and getting a happy ending 👍👍👍
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applecranberryjuice · 1 month
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Something something it's a metaphor. Hair as a form of communication but also as passage of time and also as a way for letting people in and also as a detail etc etc you get it
Actual explanation in the tags btw
I'm really nervous about this comic actually, is not the best. It doesn't make sense, and the art is mid, but I put love in it and I think that's enough
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thurio-edau · 4 months
"It was her," Aiden yelled out, trying to get them to understand him. He couldn't get that bloody image of Ashlyn out of his mind. "I swear I saw her this time!"
"Cut it out! This is the fifth time you thought something you've seen is Ashlyn!" And of course Tyler didn't understand him. He never understood.
Aiden was getting mad. He lost control of his emotions without the smiling mask he always wore. "Are you calling me insane!? I know what I saw! I'm not delusional like your m--"
His eyes widened as he realized what he said, already too late. These were his friends, his found family, looking at him as if he was a monster.
"...I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."
Tyler didn't accept the apology though. He pulled Taylor from the arm and left, he couldn't stand Aiden especially lately. It was his fault. He always messed stuff up. He messed it up again.
"Damn it!" Ashlyn yelled to herself in her mind, waking up in the boring facility room yet again. She was so close to getting there... But she failed.
All she could do was talk inside her mind. Not even out loud, she couldn't let Alex and whoever else was there suspect anything. Now she needed an excuse to have a first aid kit in her room. She wasn't sure if she could walk outside and search for anything in the phantom dimension from how heavily injured she was. Yeah, she had Alex's card thanks to a trick she did, but she didn't have anything in real life except this room.
The walls were plain white. Lifeless and tired, just like her. She missed the braids her mom did each morning. She missed her father's awful jokes. She missed the graveyard, she missed her friends.
She missed that one smile.
The pain in her back and arms were obvious to her. Phantom claws were sharp for sure, she bled terribly in the phantom dimension. And Ashlyn woke up in the facility room yet again... All the distance she went was trashed.
They told her it was a fungus. That her parents knew she was here. That her friends knew she was here. That they were okay with it. They were okay with it. They were okay with her being kept away. They were okay with not getting to see her. They were okay with it.
Tch. Such bullshit. She didn't believe it, at all. It ate away at her, she didn't know how Tyler was right now. How Aiden was right now. A tree and a ceiling. Maybe they were fine. Tyler was alright. Aiden woke up okay. She still felt the way she clung to him once they woke up.
She had to get back. It was so close, why not get closer? One hour was the preparation... If she prepared the night before, she'd have six hours on the road. Right. She could do this. She was Ashlyn Banner, of course she could do it... Well, she needed to take care of her scars first because she could pass out. Every single night was important now, she was practically only alive for 7 hours in the phantom dimension. She felt dead in real life, 24 hours of doing nothing.
"I need to hurt myself somehow... So that I can have some kind of bandaging." Ashlyn thought.
But how? She didn't have a knife to injure herself with. And no way they'd just bring her one upon request. And trying anything drastic was too risky. Injuring her foot or legs were risky too... She needed that to get to her friends. But she definitely needed the bandaging, because her scars were too intense from the phantom claws.
Putting together a plan wasn't as hard as she thought.
im okay guys dont worry i wrote this out of free will yes sorry it sucks it was the free will
its just buildup rn honestly i literally didnt expect to make this an actual fic but here we go i guess
smoke signals part 2 . part 1 here
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womp-womp-waa · 7 days
Ben was the medic. It was his job to heal the others and help them. It's simple really, he heals. It's what he does.
If that's the truth then why can't he get the image of Tyler's organs flopping around out of his mind, the texture of Tyler's intestines on his bare hands, the blood sticking to his hands after he finished bandaging Tyler up.
Ben was the medic. He was meant to heal the other. So then why was it so unbearable to help Tyler? Why whenever he tried to sleep all he could do is see the bloody mess of Tyler's body? Why can he no longer stand anything with a slimy texture?
He was the medic. Why couldn't he heal Tyler?
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iifoundjoy · 2 months
ANOTHER THEORY (ft my brain that wont stfu)
you know that theory about ashlyn being "queen of the phantoms" because she was able to communicate with the one one the rooftop? i was thinking, because apparently thats hard for me NOT to do- that maybe instead of "queen", she is able to communicate with them because she might instead of "part" phantom in a way when she was born, she was seemingly born in between the two worlds, in the rift. i have this small headcanon that all the phantoms in their town and in that realm in general are just the shadow versions of those in the human dimension. so maybe the reason she is able to communicate with the phantoms is since she was born in between the two worlds, her phantom version was merged with her human self. it would also kind of explain why she could hear the phantom noises too, because the phantom version that wasn't able to be born into the phantom realm, is inside of her instead? the same could go for the rest of the gang. maybe the reason they're starting to become the phantoms is because when they were pulled into the rift, their human versions took over their phantoms, and now the phantoms stuck inside them are fighting to get out, to take over their bodies. because they aren't supposed to be there, the kids are in the wrong dimension and so they are anomalies, easy picking for the versions that resided before them.
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kalcium-yippee · 5 months
I feel like she would have a flat voice, but decently smooth. Very medium pitched and almost androgynous sometimes. The best comparison I have is Sara James (sarajamss) on tiktok but just flatter and less expressive lmao.
I think Aiden would have a cold voice if that makes sense. Compare to Ashlyn's i would describe as lukewarm in temperature. High-ish pitched that crackles maybe a bit. Very much a voice you'd hear regularly with kids his age but some sort of twist on it. Sounds more fem ig idk how to describe it. I have no real comparison.
She would have a higher pitched voice but talks and enunciates words as if she has a somewhat deeper voice if that makes sense. Temperature wise her voice would be chilly. Like cloudy 50 degree weather with a breeze (idk why I'm describing voices as weather but oh well). Best comparison is if Himeno and Kobeni from Chainsawman s voices combined.
Atp I'll just start w the temperature. He gives 60 degree weather lightly cloudy with a light breeze. Very average voice but there is something crinkly and welcoming about it. I feel like he would cut of the ends of some words and not realise it. Maybe like a young less theatre-y more spikey Jeremy Jordan?? but not really idk.
Angel Devil from Chainsawman English dub but..warmer. He has a warm voice so yuh. High pitched laugh. I really got nothing else.
When he could still talk his voice def would be something raw. Very warm temperature wise. Not warm like California warm like a NY forest in July. May be weird to say but like if a tiktok F-boy decided to crush his phone and live in the woods.
This barely made sense but the girlie who get it get and the girlie who don't aren't Chronically online.
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dragoness05 · 2 months
ok ok hear me out: murder mystery with the sbg gang
i feel like they’d all suspect Aiden a little bit but no one would say it out loud but PLOT TWIST it’s actually Logan
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starpunkssgalaxy · 5 months
you already know, a little short but its wtv
- Ben has a bunch of weird shirts, yk those ones that are like “I got my lobotomy done at Claire’s!” Aiden bought him one as a joke but Ben thought it was hilarious and got more
- if the group even makes it to adulthood i see aiden as a drag racer or something, he’d get a kick out of the thrill of it
- can you even imagine when they all have to get jobs? ash’s first job would be some kind of customer service and on rough shifts she just goes in the back to scream then come back out like “☺️ what can i do for you?” she quit that job and got a quieter one
- i could definitely see ash working at a library or something though, she gets to listen to music and stock shelves with books and barely interact with anyone? dream come true
- taylor and tyler are lifeguard material for sure, they would love working at the pool/waterpark
- logan once ripped a mannequins arm off in a store after jokingly shaking it and got so scared he hid it in the men’s bathroom
- ash loves old animated movies. the last unicorn, secrets of nimh, the black cauldron, arthur and the invisibles, she just has a collection of these kinds of dvds that are borderline nightmare fuel
- taylor is such an art girly idc, especially with coloring and i dont mean little kid coloring books but those adult insanely detailed ones and she can color and shade them beautifully
- in summertime taylor loves drawing on the sidewalk with chalk she just has such an eye for color
- aiden on the other hand is a doodler at heart, he and taylor will sometimes draw/color in class together
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iamumbra195 · 3 months
If the Graveyard kids were demigods, which Greek god would they be the child of? (Riodanverse AU)
For Ashlyn, I believe she would just be another of Apollo's kids, keeping to herself most of the time. Nobody really paid her any mind because out of the dozens of Apollo kids, there wasn't anything particularly remarkable about her. She wasn't the Head Counsellor or anything. She liked it that way. Ashlyn discovered she was a demigod when she was young and spent two full years at the camp to fully prepare for living as a demigod in the mortal world before becoming a summer-only kid. Her sensitivity to sound is one of the strange abilities she inherited but isn't fully able to control, which is why she wears enchanted earplugs that keep sounds at a more tolerable level. Beyond that, she was a pretty average Apollo kid. She was good at the basics like Archery and Music but not beyond that of a normal Apollo kid. The only thing that really stood out was her dancing. It was her special interest, incorporating it into her daily life as a demi-god as often as she could. Her fighting style was based on ballet in canon and she preferred fighting with her legs over her hands--even going as far as putting a weapon in her shoes so she could still use her legs to attack. So she is an average demigod overall. Until one day she discovers that she was one of the few to inherit Apollo's nosokinesis, the ability to create and control diseases (like her ability to open rifts and trap people in them in canon). There's also the fact that her name literally means 'dream' or 'vision', so considering the fact that Apollo is literally the god of prophecy, I think being a child of Apollo fits her very well.
For Logan, I feel that for a long time, he would just be another unclaimed kid. He didn't know anything about his real parents and his grandparents were always super cagey about it until he was older and got attacked by a monster and they finally took him to the camp. He still doesn't know who his biological mother was. Then one day after being pushed too far by bullies, he snapped just like in canon, and was claimed by Ares, the god of war. Much to his and Barron's (another child of Ares) dismay because what the fuck do you mean this dickhead is my half-brother?! He had initially believed that his parent was related to his love for space and astronomy or maybe even his intelligence and love for math but Ares?!
For Aiden, I think being a child of Hermes suits him best. I've done some tests and got answers like Ares or the Big Three, which I don't think those really fit him. But for some reason, I like the idea that he has the favour of/is a legacy of Hades or Hecate from his dad's side while being completely unaware of it until much later (the unexplained connection his dad has to Maverick). Children of Hermes tend to be more hyperactive than other demigods and are often referred to as a jack of all trades and I think those things really suit Aiden. When he was younger, his parents sent him to camp year round in hopes that it would help him and he came back with dyed blond hair, red eye contacts and a reckless streak a mile wide.
For Ben, I believe that this kid is and always will be a child of Apollo. His deep love and talent for singing and music, his rage and hurt at having this taken away from him. His knack for medicine despite only having experience through taking care of Aiden. He only discovered he was a demigod after his voice was destroyed so he never learned that he could heal people with his voice/singing until one of the others, maybe Taylor, were fatally injured and he had no supplies to save them so as one last attempt to comfort them, he breaks his years of silence and sings for them. To his complete astonishment, they started healing and were able to stay alive long enough to get the medical help they needed. He felt pressued to sing and use his voice after that because it could heal people but Aiden or one of the others nipped that in the bud and told him he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to. The idea of him also having premonitions when something bad is going to happen is cool, especially if it's the reason why he ends up catching little details the others fail to notice (a little nod to Canvas Ben for being so goddamn observant). His relationship with Aiden is also cute because children of Apollo and children of Hermes tend to get along, although not all of them do (Aiden and Ashlyn lol).
For Taylor and Tyler, I believe the twins would be children of Hephaestus. In some cultures, identical twins are treated as one entity/soul that was separated into two people and the same could be said about the Hernandez twins in this AU. Although they are different people with different interests and goals, that is how they are perceived as mortals. On the divine side of things, however, they are seen as a single soul split into two. That's why their connection goes far beyond that of regular mortal twins. Their abilities also reflect this. Taylor is a brilliant craftswoman and has a way with technology that separates her from the rest. She's also extremely fire-resistant, which proves to be useful considering her brother has the ability to manipulate fire. Tyler, on the other hand, has the basic skills needed to be a mechanic due to growing up with Taylor but it isn't instinctive in the same it is for Taylor. He is one of the few children of Hephaestus to have pyrokinesis, something he had to learn to master on his own because there wasn't anyone to teach him. They complete each other.
Although Aiden and Ashlyn spent a year or two in the camp, their paths never crossed and they were just another faceless person in the crowd of campers until they officially met when Ben and Aiden began to go to her high school in her sophomore year. Aiden clocked her as a demigod as soon as they met at the bus and was excited to meet another one of them outside of camp. He was also curious to know if she figured out what she was yet and if not, he could protect her from monsters and lead her to camp! Ashlyn recognized both Aiden and Ben as demigods but preferred to avoid mixing her mortal life with her mythological one so she avoided Aiden's needling to the best of her ability. When Ben finally told Aiden that she was another child of Apollo at camp, Aiden doubled down on the pestering which irritated Ashlyn beyond belief. Unfortunately for her, this wasn't the last she was going to see of him.
Mid-way through the first semester, Ashlyn received a prophecy from the Oracle stating that she and five others were to go on a quest. It was a shock to her and everyone in the camp because she was pretty unremarkable yet she was the one that had to go on the quest? It was ridiculously vague beyond the fact that she specifically had to go to Savannah with a group of five others. So she had to pick five other members for her team.
Nearly everyone tried to volunteer and because Ashlyn didn't particularly care who went along, names were drawn out of a bowl. With her luck, Aiden and Ben's names were both drawn out of the bowl, along with the Hernandez twins and Logan. She wasn't particularly happy with those chosen but she supposed it could be worse. Especially when she considered the fact she could've been going with him.
Barron was throwing a fit about how an unclaimed coward like Logan couldn't have possibly been picked but Tyler told him that no one would even want to go on a quest with him considering the only thing he cared about was glory and honour for himself.
And so, the six of them packed their things and started their journey to Savannah, Georgia where it all went to hell.
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