#and i have a lot of assignments due in two weeks which are all just hovering over me
puppyeared · 7 months
its so hard to watch time pass when things like careers and assignments exist. what do you mean im supposed to take that seriously
#I have an assignment that was due a week ago and I really really dont want to do it. I have to but i dont want to#im probably making it worse because my brain has built a wall around it so now i can’t do literally anything else until thats done. but#because I don’t want to do it I’m just kinda stuck. turns out this is what they meant when they said emotional regulation is part of#exec dysfunction.. I’ll have a thought like if I get a little bit of it done now i can get it over with. I can just submit something#and then not even 5 minutes later itll be like ugh but I have to draw all the assets out. I have to write things and make spreads ugh#and its just flopping between those two things. i hate it when ppl are like well how much time do you need to work on one thing#because BOY id love to know too. I’d love to know exactly when my brain wants to cooperate with me and work around that but I cant#even my period can’t decide when it wants to punch me in the stomach. which is kinda funny in the grand scheme of things but still#its so weird im just lying on my bed thinking abt all this like damn.. the time will pass anyways no matter what I decide to do.. damn….#if I submit that assignment now and take the L I literally won’t die. it’ll just be a deduction on an assignment nobody will ask me about#I know this but I’m still stressing myself about it so my thoughts aren’t really connecting to my body. weird#maybe its because Im having a hard time looking forward to things. theres definitely a lot I should be living for but I don’t really feel#a strong attachment to it I guess? it’s been like this for a while with holidays and meeting with friends so I just don’t#I kinda figured its because im pretty passionless and its more like passing interest. but it’s not very fun when it feels like I’m going to#be living distraction to distraction for the next 70 years or so lol#idk it kind of feels like slowly bleeding out. which is funny because I actually did experience blood loss this week#had a 30 minute nosebleed and literally could not stand. also it felt like someone was pinching the back of my brain which was interesting#yapping#does this count as vent#vent#Ive just been making an oc carrd and contemplate changing my blog header for the past 3 days honestly
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mainfaggot · 2 years
I have done nothing all day.
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if there's one thing i hate more than slackers in group projects its goddamn hypocrites
#this guy did jack shit for two full weeks when we're building the damn prototype#but STILL brought up the fact that most of our team blew off a report till the last minute in the beginning of march#*prototypes don't work* “sEe tHis iS wHy wE nEedEd tO hAvE a cOnvErsaTioN aBouT MS3”#like hon you lost the rights to the “y'all need to contribute more” argument the moment you left me hanging for 2-3 FUCKING WEEKS#like excuuuuuse me you been prioritizing extra curriculars all week get off your high horse stop lecturing everyone else about contribution#he made maybe 3 contributions? maybe?#first he 3D modeled an adapter and sent it to someone else to print (couldn't even do THAT himself smh)#then he sent the gc a sketch of an idea i roughly proposed literally the NIGHT BEFORE as his own contribution (that I ENDED UP BUILDING#then he...screwed on a few pipe fittings and called it a project :)#would be a LOT less pissed if he didn't show up to One Thing outside weekly team meetings/class#then apologize for slacking off BUT then launch into a FUCKING SPEECH ABOUT HOW HIM BEING HERE PROVES HIS COMMITTMENT#all because he DOESN'T LIKE GETTING UP EARLY. like sir. sir i am rIGHT FUCKING HERE. i was up till 4-5am working on this stfu#we've been building for three weeks and he's come into work on stuff wo me there ONCE for an HOUR#for context id spent about fifteen hours in the shop alone working on the fucking thing that WEEK#like im trying to be understanding ik tech week is hell#but i took “stepping back” as “i only have a few hours here and there to be in the shop and will do the writeups”#NOT “won't show up outside meetings AND we're splitting slides and writeups 80/20”#like id been in the lab all fuckin day and notice we have an assignment due (missed a SINGLE meeting due to exam)#and i ask him if theres anything i can do (and im thinking like look it over maybe add a spec or two)#and this fucker has the AUDACITY to ask me to write the full four paragraph summary cause he#*checks notes* copy-pasted some specs from milestone 3 so of COURSE its only fair that despite the fact I've been in the lab ALL DAY#that i write the four fuckin paragraphs too#course we're troubleshooting and he's like “did you clean the pump? did you disassemble it and rinse it?” like yes???#i did EVERYTHING i could think of before i even bothered texting you cause i know you're fucking useless#and then he raises fifteen different concerns which while valid would have been NICE TO HEAR WHEN I SENT YOU MY INITIAL DESIGNS#y'know BEFORE i spent over fifteen hours of my free time building this damn thing#with slackers i just pick up the work and move on with my life this idiot is trying to gaslight me into thinking that he contributed fairly#when i heard “i need to step back due to play stuff” i thought we'd be splitting it like 65:35 NOT FUCKING 95:5#and now hes probably going to give ME a poor peer review because I've been passive aggressive with him in the few meetings he showed up to#like i got shit going on too? how the fuck does he expect me to respond to being abandoned to do this shit myself
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seoktized · 2 months
coulomb’s law (s.jy + s.mt)
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working on a science project with two jocks wasn’t the worst thing ever.. even if you all got locked in a room together.
word count: 3.1k (unedited 😀)
genre: college au, smut
warnings: fingering, creampie, tit play, oral (m. receiving), unprotected sex. literally just smut idk what to tell u 😭
a/n: LOWKKKey self indulgent bc AWRF i love matthew and jake. finally back writing yayy!!! first long fic too omgomg pls tell me if u like, it means a lot!
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you always had a like for all things science, so when you heard you’d be completing a science project you were ecstatic.
‘this would be easy’ you told yourself.
you believed that until you were paired with seok matthew and jake sim who happened to be your former crushes and star football players for your college.
the two of them knew they were stars. matthew and jake didn’t care about doing school work, often paying another student with daddy’s money.
the two were untouchable. because who would bench their best players? especially when they’re so close to making it to the championship?
when your professor announced your name along with the two boys’ you quickly realized easy was an understatement.
after everyone was given their partners, your professor dismissed class in order for everyone to get started on the project.
you stood up and collected your things, mentally preparing yourself to hear either boy to scoff and tell you do the project yourself.
you made your way down the aisle to the area matthew and jake were sitting in, the two of them were engaged in a conversation
‘they probably didn’t hear what the professor even said’ you thought.
your suspicions were confirmed when jake looked up at you with a puzzled look on his face. the three of you rarely crossed paths, so he had the right to be confused.
matthew saw jake’s expression and followed his eyes. the two boys staring at you made chills run down your arms, you could sense the judgment in their eyes.
“are you just going to stand there or…” matthew asked, an awkward expression was present across his face.
“right, um, we were assigned as a group for the science project.” you had a tight grip on your books, the way jakes eyes scanned your figure made you feel small.
“science project?” matthew looked over to jake who shrug his shoulders, “what science project?”
you rolled your eyes, “the professor was literally talking about it the whole time.”
jake chuckled, “all i heard was blah blah blah.” matthew laughed at jakes words.
“well, it’s due in two weeks so i’d like to get started,” you reached into your pocket to grab your phone.
“give me your numbers so we can arrange time to work on it.” you stuck your phone out in their direction.
matthew’s eyebrows raised and jake had a smirk growing across his face.
“woah, asking for my number already? i don’t even know your name sweetheart.” jake teased.
you visibly cringed at jakes attempt at flirting, it was no surprise jake would try and fuck anything on legs. you swore to yourself you’d never give in his advances, or so you thought.
matthew grabbed your phone and typed in his name and number before handing it to jake to let him do the same. jake laughed a little as he was typing in his information. he handed the phone back and you saw a heart emoji next to his name.
you glanced up at him and he shot you a wink. quickly looking back down to your phone, you created a groupchat for the three of you. sending a ‘hi’ to make sure they were in the chat.
“anyways, i’ve gotta get going. i’ll text you guys later to work out the details.” you gave an awkward smile to which matthew responded with a wave.
“bye, doll.” jake grinned. after you turned you heard a hand collide with someone’s chest. you assumed that matthew smacked jake because of how desperate he seemed.
texting them was even harder. the boys barely replied. when one of them did respond, it was a short ‘can’t we have practice’
looking down at your phone, you read matthew’s text which was another excuse as to why they couldn’t join you.
sighing, you set your phone down and decided to start on the project on your own. you knew from the beginning it would be like this. you felt a bit silly for almost believing they’d try to work with you.
you were honestly glad they weren’t able to show up. the whole process would go by much faster without the two of them goofing off the whole time.
you pulled out your laptop and placed it on the table. glancing out the door of the small room you were in, you noticed the usually crowded library was empty. just you and the nice librarian who was busy tidying up her desk area.
opening your laptop you began to type away, looking at different sources to complete the research portion of the assignment. you were pulled away from your research by a buzz from your phone. flipping it over you saw a text from matthew.
matt: practice was canceled and we don’t have anything else to do
we’re coming to work on the project
y/n: okay. i’m in room 28
‘*they really wanna work on this project?*’ you thought. you shrugged your shoulders and continued to work as much as you could before they arrived.
minutes go by and you hear jake being obnoxiously loud. the librarian told him to be quiet and he said a small “sorry, sorry.”
matthew entered first, jake following behind like a lost puppy. jake shut the door behind him and the two walked over to you. jake slammed his backpack on the table a little too hard making you jump.
“shit- sorry,” he quickly apologized.
“so what do you want us to do?” matthew asked, pulling out a chair so he could sit down.
“well, i’ve started on the research part,” you turned your laptop around to the boys, showing them the progress you’ve made so far.
“so you guys could go through and start writing out the experiment we have to do. i’ll send it to you.”
the two nodded and brought out their own laptops. you quickly typed away on your computer, sending them the doc you were working on.
matthew was actually focused on working. jake on the other hand kept sighing as his short attention span was creating a problem for him.
“why the hell do you keep sighing?” matthew snipped, starting to get frustrated.
“i cant focus.” jake whined, his hands combing through his hair in frustration.
matthew rolled his eyes, “dude it’s only been 30 minutes.”
“actually, it’s been an hour. an hour of doing nothing!” jake exclaimed.
matthew shook his head in annoyance at jake. you felt your body start to ache from being slouched over for so long.
you stood up to stretch, “should we get snacks? there’s a vending machine around the corner.” you closed your laptop.
the two boys agreed and stood up to leave the room.
jake reached the door first and twisted the handle. it didn’t budge. he started to twist it more in panic until matthew pushed him out of the way to try himself.
the door was locked from the outside.
your eyes widened, realizing you were locked in a room with jake and matthew.
you pushed the two out of the way trying the handle as if you were stronger than the two of them. unlucky for you, the door did not open.
jake groaned and rubbed his face with his hands.
“ms. kim! can you come open the door?” you yelled out, hoping the librarian heard you.
seconds passed there was no answer. you let your forehead fall against the door, sighing in defeat.
“let me try again,” jake stepped up to the door, attempting to open it again. it didn’t work.
“i guess we’re stuck in here.” matthew shrugged.
you didn’t reply, instead you made your way back to where you were sitting. plopping down in the chair, you opened your laptop back up.
the two boys exchanged glances for a second. jake smirked and nodded at matthew. they returned to their seats as well.
“let’s play a game.” jake said.
his facial expression told you he was up to no good. but you didn’t want to bore yourself to death with work so, you agreed closing your computer once again.
“what game?” you asked.
“truth or dare” matthew smirked.
you pressed your lips into a line, nodding at matthew.
it could be fun. what could go wrong?
“alright jake first, truth or dare.” matthew asked.
“mm.. truth.” jake replied.
“you’re no fun. but hmm.. what’s your.. biggest turn on?” a wicked grin was on matthew’s face.
your eyes widened at matthew’s words. you quickly realized this wasn’t gonna be a fun game. jake chuckled at your expression before pretending to think.
“i don’t know.. probably… begging? something about a girl begging for my dick seems so sexy,” his words were laced with cockiness. matthew nodded and turned to you.
matthew’s gaze made chills run down your spine.
“truth or dare?” jake sat up, waiting to hear your answer.
“um, truth.” you quickly said. matthew shook his head.
“have you ever thought about fucking one of us?” matthew raised his eyebrows, both boys leaned in waiting for your answer. matthew was bold.
“n-no.” you lied. the two of them could see right through it though, nodding and continuing on with the game.
“matt! truth or dare?” jake exclaimed.
“ooh!” jake rubbed his hands together, you on the other hand was scared for what jake was going to say.
“i dare you to… makeout with her for 30 seconds.”
your wide eyes shifted from matthew over to jake, staring at him in bewilderment.
matthew turned to you, “is that okay?” you looked back over to him and paused for a second before slowly nodding.
“i need to hear you say it, love.” he purred.
“yes.. it’s okay” you squeaked.
matthew moved closer to you, turning his head to jake, “count for us.”
“alright, go.” matthew placed his hand on your cheek, pressing his lips to yours. quickly melting into the kiss, you let matthew slip his tongue into your mouth.
your own hands that were once in your lap had found their way to his hair. matthew was a good kisser causing you to almost go drunk on his lips.
“times up!” jake interrupted.
matthew pulled away and you chased his lips, wanting more.
“woah, doll, we gotta continue our game yeah?” he chuckled at your eagerness.
pouting, you leaned back into your chair.
“mkay jake, truth or dare?” matthew asked.
“mm i’ll go with dare now.”
“i dare you to play with y/n’s tits.” matthew’s eyes were glued to your chest watching as it moved up and down from your breathing.
jake shot up and moved around the table to where you were. feeling a little bold, you took off your own jacket and shirt. your white lacy bra on display for the two of them to see.
jakes eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. to your right, you heard matthew chuckle.
jakes hands made their way to the back of your bra, swiftly unclipping it. he slid your bra off slowly, his eyes never leaving your chest.
moving in closer, he stuck his tongue out, giving kitten licks to your hardened nipples.
even though it was something small, the pleasure he was giving you was overwhelming. you were completely turned on from making out with matthew and this was the cherry on top.
you remember how you told yourself you wouldn’t let jake have you this vulnerable, but all those thoughts subsided the moment he latched onto your mound.
you bit your lip in an attempt to suppress the whimpers that threaten to slip from your mouth.
jake was basically making out with your chest at this point, one of his hands was fondling with the one he didn’t have in his mouth.
you let your head tilt back before you heard matthew’s voice ring through your ears
“time’s up!”
you lifted your head up, looking at matthew who was visibly hard and who obviously didn’t want the two of you to stop.
jake detached himself from your tit with a loud pop before sitting back in his own chair. his eyes were still glued to your chest.
“did you enjoy yourself?” matthew asked.
you nodded—not being able to speak— the two boys and their previous actions was the only thing on your mind.
“alright princess, truth or dare?” jake’s voice was a bit deeper signaling that he must be as turned on as you are right now.
“dare.” you breathed out.
the two boys exchanged a glance before smiling at you. they both stood from their chairs, moving closer to you. and though you were almost their height, them standing above you like this made you feel small.
“we dare you to let us fuck you.” matthew’s hand went to your jaw once again, stroking it softly.
jake bent down to let his hand trail up your thigh, rubbing dangerously close to your heat. they were waiting for you to give them the green light, which you did with a small “go ahead,”
jake’s hand had now traveled to the waistband of your pants, tugging on them to signal that he wanted to take them off. you lifted your hips up in order for him to slip them off of you.
matthew, on the other hand, was placing kisses all over your exposed chest, tasting what his friend previously did.
jake’s hand pressed against your clothed cunt, watching as the wetness seeped through your panties.
“matt look,” he chuckled, matthew detached from your chest to look down.
“fuck, doll, you’re so wet for us. such a good girl,” matthew praised, you let out a whine at his words.
the want, the need for them was getting stronger. who would thought that a science project would’ve led to you getting this wet for two star football players.
you pushed your hips against jake’s hand, trying to get some friction where you needed him the most.
“you want us to fuck you, baby?” jake asked, letting his hand pull away from your core. he wanted you to beg for them, for him.
“mhm, please. please fuck me.” you whimpered.
“okay love, we will.” matthew replied before jake could.
the two of them raised from their positions for a second in order to rid themselves of their clothes. they were hard. and big. you were in for it.
“i want her mouth. her pretty swollen lips would look so good around my dick.” matthew told jake. he nodded in response to matthew.
“hop on the table for us, doll.” jake said. you quickly moved to the table, laying down for them.
matthew came over to one side and leaned down to place a kiss on your lips. when he pulled back he let his thumb rub over your bottom lip. his other hand was wrapped around his aching cock, stroking it slowly.
“alright baby. i’m gonna fuck your mouth, okay?” matthew asked.
you nodded, sticking your tongue out for him. he grinned in response before placing his dick on your tongue. you let your lips close over his girth and he began to thrust in and out slowly.
jake was now on the side adjacent to matthew. he pulled off your panties, discarding it with the rest of your clothes.
his thumb came in contact with your clit, making you moan around matthew’s cock. matthew winced at the feeling, whispering that your mouth felt so good.
two fingers were now circling your hole. jake pushed his fingers into your warm cunt, thrusting in and out before adding another finger. he continued his ministrations before deeming you prepped enough for his cock.
“gonna fuck you now.” he said before he slowly pushed in.
you all groaned in unison, pleasure on high. matthew was now thrusting at a faster pace, getting lost in the heat of your mouth.
jake was letting you adjust to his size before bottoming out. he stayed there for a second to relish in the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing around him so deliciously.
“fuckk you’re so tight-” jake winced. you tapped your foot on his thigh, signaling that he could move.
he started a quick but deep pace, watching as your tits bouced with every movement. his thrusting cause you to move against matthew’s cock, every thrust hitting the back of your throat.
matthew admired how you were gagging and sputtering on his cock. his hand brushed against your jaw, gripping it a little to thrust faster. you noticed he was starting to near his high as his breaths and groans started to increase.
he slipped himself out of your mouth, “fuck- open up.” he said as he started to stroke his length.
you obeyed and opened your mouth letting your tongue slip out too. he came on your face tongue with a loud groan.
“so so good for me, fuck.” he said as he came down from his peak.
jake’s thrusts were now relentless in an attempt to get both of you to cum. matthew intensely watched the area where you and jake were connected. he felt himself getting hard again at the sight.
your loud moans weren’t supressed anymore which boosted jake’s ego.
“fuck fuck fuck i’m close jake please!” you begged.
“me too, doll, fuck! can i cum inside?” he was roughly gripping your waist, rough enough to leave bruises.
“yeah, i’m on the pill!” you whined at the thought of him filling you up.
matthew was stroking his cock at the scene before him, his eyes flicking between your face and your cunt.
“god, i’m gonna fill this pretty pussy up,” jake moaned. you nodded at his words.
one more thrust was all it took for you to some undone, your back arching off the table, moaning loudly. jake came soon after with a “shit!” leaving his mouth from the way you were clenching around him. his hips were flush against yours, letting your cunt milk him dry.
he pulled out slowly and you whined from the loss of contact. matthew had came in his hand beside you, all three coming down from your highs.
the room was full of panting, everyone attempting to catch their breath.
“hello? is anyone in there?” you heard from outside the door.
all three of your heads shot up towards the door.
“yeah! we’re still studying. give us a second!” matthew shouted.
you stood to put on your clothes, struggling a bit due to your wobbly legs.
the two boys did the same before packing up their things. matthew saw how you were having trouble so he placed his things down to help you out. jake helped by packing your things into your bag.
you all made your way to the door, matthew’s hand was on the small of your back to stable your walking. jake opened the door, smiling at the librarian before you all brushed past her to leave.
“maybe we should work on projects together more often,” jake smiled. matthew made a noise of agreement and you nodded.
and that you did, always making A after A on every project with your new group.
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wintersoldiersoul · 8 months
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A/N: Literally have a flight to catch in 4 hours and this is how I'm spending my time. Also this was inspired by a video by The Stark Internship on TikTok! I love their account so much definitely check them out.
Summary: Bucky is fed up with your attitude
Warnings: Smut, Daddy kink, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), breeding kink
Everyone has days when they just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Today was one of those for you. You hadn't slept well in a few nights and you were irritable and on edge. Your had tons of assignments due for work, and your boss was a nightmare. Everything was pissing you off today from the slow walkers on the street, to your shoelaces coming untied. 
“Hey baby,” Bucky said, smiling and giving you a kiss when you walked through the door.
“Hi,” you deadpanned, slipping your bag off your shoulder and letting it fall to the ground.
His expression changed when he saw your mood. “Bad day?”
You nodded, strutting over to the kitchen to get the cold brew from the fridge. “Where’s the coffee?” You asked, unable to find it in the fridge.
“Oh I finished it this morning,” Bucky answered. “I was gonna grab some more tomorrow.”
You groaned, throwing your head back. “Why didn’t you just get more when you finished it? Now I have to go back out.”
“Sorry baby, I didn’t think you’d need coffee at 5pm,” he said apologetically. 
“Well I do because unfortunately for me, I haven’t slept all week because your body is like a fucking furnance and I have a killer headache that only caffeine can fix.” 
“I’ll go out and get you a coffee, okay?” Bucky had seen you in these moods a lot. You got irritable whenever you were stressed or tired or hungry, which was a lot. “You go relax.”
“Thanks,” you answered, slumping over to the home office. You did some more work, trying to get ahead of what you had to do tomorrow. 
“Here,” he said when he got back, placing a starbucks cup in front of you. “How can I help?”
“Just leave me alone,” you snapped. It came out harsher than you intended. “I’m sorry.”
But Bucky wasn’t offended. He just smirked at you. “That’s it,” he said sternly. “You have 30 minutes to get ready and then you and me? We’re going to dinner. And we’re gonna have a great time. And when we get back, I want you on the bed with your legs spread for me. And I’m gonna split you open on my cock and fuck that attitude right out of you, got it?” He commanded.
You swallowed harshly, already feeling your clit throbbing from his words. “Yes, sir.”
“Good,” he nodded his head and walked out of the room. 
You decided to play into his game while at dinner, acting extra bratty to see just how riled up you could get him. The second you walked in the door, his eyes narrowed. “I’m giving you a two minute head start. By the time I get in there, you better be naked and touching that pretty pussy, okay? Go.” 
You ran to the bedroom, completely submissive to him. You quickly discarded your clothing and laid on the bed moving a hand between your legs. You inserted two fingers inside of yourself, wetness pooling around your fingers. Bucky opened the door just as you were reaching your peak. 
“Good girl,” he smirked. “No cumming though. Not yet sweetheart.” He crawled on the bed moving his face in between your legs watching as you played with yourself. “Bet those little fingers don’t feel as good as mine. You need my thick fingers stretching you out to really feel good.” He grabbed your wrist and made you remove your fingers from yourself. “Nothing to say? No sassy little remark to fire back at me? You’ll do whatever Daddy tells you, won’t you?” His eyes darkened as he spoke.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good,” he said, running flesh fingers through your folds. “Such a perfect cunt,” he grunted as he inserted a finger, curling it slowly to torture you. “Too bad you’ve been a brat today.” He swiftly removed his finger and licked it clean. “Get on your knees. Now,” he commanded while undoing his belt and taking down his pants. Your mouth watered at the wet spot on his boxers where his tip was leaking. You reached out to take his underwear off but he shoved your hands away. “No no no, baby girl. You wait for Daddy to tell you what to do.” He smacked your ass hard and you moaned. 
“Daddy please!!” You begged like a child. “Wanna suck you.”
Bucky laughed darkly. “You need that slutty mouth filled? You want Daddy’s cock to choke on? Wan’ me to fuck your face real hard, don’t you?” You squeezed your legs together at his words, desperate for something. 
“Mhm, want it so badly. Wanna run my tongue over the slit and wrap my lips around your thick cock. Want you to stretch out my mouth.”
He inhaled sharply at your words. Bucky was dominant in bed, but he was so in awe of you that sometimes he just had to give in. “Oh fuck, Princess, the shit you say.” He slowly dragged his boxers down his legs. “Come make Daddy feel good.”
You crawled to him, immediately licking his slit, moaning at the taste of his pre-cum on your tongue. He threw his head back as you wrapped your lips around all of him and bobbed up and down. “Shit,” he gasped, grabbing your hair to move your head quicker. You brought one hand up and lightly squeezed his balls which caused him to start to move his hips, fucking your mouth just like he said we would. “Holy shit, Princess, oh-oh fuck.” He continued to mumble profanities as you moved. Bucky was always vocal in bed - something that you loved. Hearing the pleasure you brought him made everything so much better. “Gonna cum, baby. Gonna shoot a load in the back of your throat and I want you to swallow it all for me,” he said, breath growing more rapid. You continued until you felt the thick liquid hit your throat, swallowing it all with ease. “That’s a good girl,” he praised, pulling his dick out of your mouth. “Now lemme see how wet that little pussy is. Bet your clit is so swollen. Just begging to be played with,” he cood as he lifted you up onto the bed and held your legs apart. He blew cold air onto your clit, the sensation making you feral. You needed him. Your slick was running down your thighs. He brought his mouth closer and closer but never quite connecting it. He ran his hands up and down your inner thighs, making you squirm.
“D-Daddy please! I’ll be so good to you. You can do anything you want. Use me however you want just please touch me!”
He looked up at you from in between your legs and smirked. “Anything? You’d even let me fill this sweet cunt up with my cum?” He asked, causing another moan to ring out from your throat. “Oh you want that, don’t you. Dirty girl. You wanna be full of your Daddy?”
“Y-yes! Please, just-” you stopped short when he put his lips around your clit, sucking with full force. “Oh yes Daddy! Fuck!” He inserted two metal fingers inside you, the stretch sending fireworks throughout your body. His eyes connected with yours as he kept sucking your clit and fingering you. He loved watching your eyes when he pleasured you. Loved how glassy and dazed you looked. He added a third finger, stretching you to the hilt. Your orgasm was coming quick. “Can I cum, Daddy?” He moaned into your pussy signaling yes and you exploded. Your walls clenched and your clit throbbed as euphoria washed over you. 
Bucky didn’t stop his movements, though. If anything, he sucked a little harder and fingered you a little faster. You were letting out high pitched moans continuously, already on the brink of a second orgasm. “DADDY!” You yelled out as the most intense orgasm of your life washed over you, squirting onto his face and the bed. The sound of your liquid hitting the sheets made Bucky feral. He let you ride out your high on his face and his fingers before carefully removing himself.
“Oh, honey, you are too fucking much. Squirting for your Daddy, now that’s what good girls do. So proud of you angel.” He kissed you passionately, letting your taste on his tongue fill your mouth. “Gonna give you my cock now, okay? Gotta make sure all that attitude is really gone.” 
He aligned himself with your pussy and immediately thrusted all the way in. He gave you no time to adjust to his size before he snapped his hips hard, hitting your g-spot everytime. “Such a slutty little thing, look at ‘cha,” he taunted, unable to take his eyes away from his cock slipping in and out of you. “You got my cock fucking drenched, baby girl. You that desperate to be fucked? Making puddles on this bed I swear,” he said, continuing to fuck you hard. His hand reached to your clit, giving it a feather light touch just to tease you a little more. 
“Daddy, touch my clit, please! Been so good for you,” you pleaded.
He laughed. “Nothing is ever enough for you, is it? Got you stuffed full of cock and you’re asking for more?” Despite his teasing, he gave you what you wanted, connecting his fingers to your clit and applying the perfect amount of pressure. “Fuck, feel you squeezing me. You gonna cum again for me? You gonna cum all over Daddy’s big cock?”
“Yes, Daddy!” you screamed, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Cum with me baby girl, gonna fill you up. Gonna get you all pregnant and round. Fuck you’re gonna look so good carrying my baby,” he grunted, thrusts growing sloppy. 
“Give it to me, Daddy! Fill me up!” You moaned, feeling his cum shooting into your body and setting off your own orgasm. You screamed as you came, squirting for the second time.
When you had both finished, he removed his dick from you and got up to get a towel. He carefully cleaned you up, looking into your eyes with love.
“So, did we fix that attitude?”
“I don’t know,” you smirked. “I think there’s still some in there that needs to be fucked out of me.” 
“You’re trouble,” Bucky growled, crawling on top of you once again.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I really love you "Get off my screen" series! And I just and couldn't stop thinking about Reader just texting out of nowhere saying "Bruh I'm fucking dying"
And Vox is just going haywire(See what I did there?) Worried about you and ask what they mean and Reader be like "I'm dying because of BOARdom(Get it?)
You're Just Being Mean!
A/N: Omg I am absolutely writing this AHAHAHAHA- Vox is always the one screwing with dear Reader so I think it's about time to return the favor. Thank you @crazylzp143 for the inbox idea! I love how much this story is expanding and the ideas y'all have for it. As always, I hope you all enjoy this filler interlude and please keep the ideas coming! Happy reading!
You cheered, flopping backwards on your bed in a cheerful mood.
On your computer monitor was an empty assignment box.
You'd successfully accomplished all your required tasks before the semester's end which left you with a whole lot of free time to burn.
And did you absolutely just unwind and relax.
Playing games, watching movies, bingeing shows-
You practically spedran the chill pill treatment.
To the point where you managed to bore yourself before the day was even over.
You stared up at the ceiling with an annoyed look-
Wasn't there really anything else you could do?
And why did time pass by so slowly?
God you were bored.
In the middle of your TV show binge, your phone buzzed to life.
Considering you'd quickly found the plot line to be quite a drag, you just let the drama play while you no longer paid attention to it.
The white noise the show provided helped make it feel like you were actually doing something.
Even when you knew you weren't doing anything productive at all-
Looking over at your phone, you smiled upon opening the familiar chatbox that you saw almost daily.
"Heya Voxxy, what's up?"
"Well aren't you in a good mood today! Anything special?"
You playfully rolled your eyes, Vox really thought he was being cheeky this time wasn't he?
"Managed to complete all my work for the semester, so now I can just chillax until exams come around!"
"Wait what? Holy shit! You've got a whole two weeks of nothing then!"
"IKR! I can just laze around and do what I want after class hours!"
It wasn't surprising that Vox quickly got used to your schedule, you'd also grown slightly accustomed to his.
He knew the basic rundown of your schedule, like when your classes started and ended-
Just as much as you knew when he had to leave for his daily broadcast and when he would come back.
You could only guess him knowing when exam season happens was from looking at the calendars and schedules you had meticulously prepared in your computer.
There were times he would even remind you of things due on a day, like quizzes or projects to which you would grow embarrassed that it slipped your mind.
You were the one who made the calendar, how could you forget it???
Though it was probably helpful on his end that he quite literally had a digital reference to look back on.
You still wondered sometimes how he managed to end up with a TV for a head but didn't look into it much.
"Guess that means you'll be spending more time with me?"
"Dude, I already spend so much time with you! Any more and I'd have to call you my boyfriend!"
That message really shouldn't have caused Vox to bluescreen but it did.
He was just so flustered that his system crashed in it's entirety because of what you said.
Not that you noticed when all you got in reply was some keysmash and middle finger emojis.
Vox could only imagine you were laughing at his expense, and even then he couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with you.
It was only recently that he'd become hyper aware with how much you meant to him so jokes and comments like that easily sent his mental careening.
Not that he quite understood why he felt this way yet, a part of him still blamed some unknown untraceable malware that your devices shoved into his system.
Though he highly doubted that a stupid virus would make his stomach do flips whenever he saw your silly smile.
Oh whatever, he'll just have to run another malware check later or something.
You just continued to tease Vox for a good while before he had to excuse himself and leave for a meeting.
He was slightly glad that he had just a little respite from your teasing onslaught.
Any more of it and there was a high risk he would've accidentally caused another citywide blackout.
You tossed your phone onto an adjacent cushion and just laughed.
No wonder Vox liked to embarrass you so much.
It was downright hilarious and entertaining.
You couldn't help but feel slightly flattered with his reactions though, was your friendship that important to him?
So he really did care after all, what a dork.
The funny high you were running on, much to Vox's chagrin, didn't last long.
So you decided to go back to fucking with your TV headed companion since he usually did the same to you.
"Dudeeeee I'm fucking dyingggg-"
Vox made the mistake of checking his phone in the middle of the meeting and nearly gave himself a stroke upon reading your message.
What in Lucifer's name even happened?!
Last he checked you were completely fine???
He hadn't even left you for-
Taking a look at his internal clock, Vox glitched from sheer panic.
It hadn't even been an hour!
Was this supposed to be a joke??
Were you just fibbing with him?
Or god forbid you were actually hurt and needed help-
He was about to just bolt out of that meeting before another messaged snapped him out of it.
"I'm dying- dying of BOARDom! HAHA see what I did there?"
Vox felt the last of his patience leave him as rings appeared on his other eye.
The absolute nerve of you-!
"Oh fuck off (Y/N)."
With that, he angrily pocketed his phone and once again paid attention to the meeting.
The poor presenter in the front nearly shat himself from how irritated Vox looked, they didn't know that frustration was because of you though.
You just couldn't stop laughing at his reply, not realizing how badly your overlord friend took the joke until some noticeable time passed and there wasn't a single message or notification from him.
Now that started to concern you.
You'd be lucky to get through an hour with less than a hundred notifications at a time-
It's been two and there was still absolutely nothing.
Did something happen?
Was he upset or dealing with something?
Perchance... did you do something to upset him?
"Vox...? Hey, you good dude?"
You grew more concerned as the minutes ticked on.
Whatever it was- Vox was probably genuinely upset.
And you had a gut feeling it had something to do with you.
"I'm not talking to you."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes at his message, was he being childish?
So your hunch was right, you did manage to upset him- somehow.
"Ehhhh??? Why? What did I do?"
"You know what you fucking did (Y/N)."
Not really- that's why you asked.
Your hands dropped onto your lap tiredly as you looked up towards the ceiling.
What... what did you do wrong?
Scrolling up to read your chats, it didn't take long before you realized where it went wayside.
"Right, you don't really like it when I joke about dying huh."
"You never really told me why, and you never cared this much before. You would just laugh it off when I delivered the punchline."
"You're still young (Y/N). You have your whole life ahead of you. Dying puts you at risk of ending up here in hell with me."
"You know that doesn't sound as horrible as you paint it right?"
"I'll end up where you are, that can't seriously be that bad."
Vox genuinely wondered if you had a screw loose or something this time.
He continued to try hammering it into you that it was hell he was talking about.
Eternal damnation, the never-ending inferno, etc.
Ya know, where all the sinners went to suffer??
But again and again you would just keep repeating-
"But I'll be where you are, it won't be that bad- it can't be that bad."
Until he finally understood what you were insinuating.
It wouldn't be so bad, because he was there.
He would be there with you.
At that point the state of hell or where you were wasn't important.
Vox could only chuckle at his own foolishness.
Not to mention just how oblivious you were to your own words.
"I guess. Just don't do that again."
"I'll try not to. Besides, if I croak and end up at the heaven gates- I'll put in a good word for you."
"You? In heaven? Nice joke dollface."
"Oh fuck you too Vox, I was being optimistic."
The tech overlord just rolled his eyes, there was a real risk that he could lose you soley because heaven would take you away but he didn't dwell on it.
You were still here texting him, cracking jokes and being your obnoxiously cute self.
You were still on the other side of the screen furiously typing up a comeback of why you would be able to get into the pearly gates.
Vox just chuckled, as long as you were with him in the here and now-
He found he wouldn't care even if hell froze over.
A/N: Our Voxxy is starting to catch feels, well- slightly- he's just in the stages of caring a bit too much but not realizing it's romance yet. Writing this stuff is hilariously entertaining, plus the slow burn is just yummy hahahahah I'll be putting out some more interludes tomorrow but the direct continuation is finished! I just need to post these things chronologically XD
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marksmelodies · 7 months
Tumblr media
forever only
idol eric x fem reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex, unprotected sex, lots of kissing
note: if you haven’t watched eric’s LA vlog on theboyz youtube channel you definitely should before reading this since it’s heavily based on that!
minors dni
walking out of your apartment in los angeles you head to your favorite cafe down the street, walking through the door hearing the bell chime as you enter, you order your coffee and sit at a table finishing up some work for college. fall semester just started and it was always the most stressful but this time around you didn’t sign up for many classes making the workload a lot easier to handle
you could finally focus on dance a little more which is your passion ever since you could walk your parents put you in dance and you absolutely flourished. now a college student you spend most of your time teaching dance classes, mostly hip hop because that was more of your style
as you work on your computer with your headphones on you hear a text message notification go off, ignoring it you continue with your work, until it goes off again, you check your phone to see a message from an unknown number
unknown #: hey y/n, it’s been a long time, i hope you’re doing well! i just wanted to let you know that i will be in LA for a few days this week with my group, if you aren’t busy tomorrow, i’m having a get together with miles at my place to meet my members you should come too
unknown #: oh this is eric by the way
your heart immediately drops as a state of nausea washes over your body “ god damn it miles” you cuss under your breath as you call him
“ yo what’s up” he answers the phone
“ you’ve got to be kidding me” you sigh
“ what’s wrong with you?” he asks
“ what’s wrong with me? oh i don’t know maybe what’s wrong with me is i just got a text from eric.. eric sohn” you whisper yell over the phone as you exit the cafe to get some fresh air
“ oh yeah i gave him your number” he laughs
“ why, why would you do that” you yell
“ he asked about you, he wants to see you again y/n” miles sighs
“ i don’t understand why you would give him my phone number after the whole reason why i got a new one was to avoid him”
“ listen y/n it’s been years, don’t you think it’s time to see him again, he asks about you all the time and i’m tired of making up excuses to why you avoid him, he hasn’t been back to los angeles since he left freshman year and the first thing he asked me is if he can possibly see you again while he’s here” miles says
you feel the tears begin to pull from your eyes
“ it’s just really hard for me miles, you don’t think i want to see him too? i want nothing more than to see him again, to see how far he’s come, but i don’t know if my heart is ready for that”
“ i know, but it’s been years maybe it’s time to truly move on and hopefully seeing him can give you enough closure to do so” he says
“ yeah maybe your right” a long pause comes from you before you speak again
“ i’ll go tomorrow” you say
“ good, i’m glad to hear that, everything will be okay i promise” he says, after hanging up the phone you walk back into the cafe packing up your stuff and heading back home,as you sit on the bed looking at the message eric sent you finally get the courage to respond
“ sounds great i’ll be there” you text back before shutting your phone off
you and eric met in middle school, he was popular due to his talent in baseball, all the girls obsessed over him, not you though at least not at first,you had biology class together and eventually got assigned to do a project with one another, after that you two became inseparable, eric introduced you to your now best friend miles and the three of you became the friend group that everyone wanted to be apart of
as time went on you started to have a little crush on eric, that crush only got bigger and bigger as you two got older, eric felt the same way about you, although eric had been in total awe the second he laid his eyes on you for the first time, the more he got to know you the more he fell in love, the summer going into your eighth grade year eric confessed his feelings to you and you confessed back
your relationship with eric was very lighthearted, a simple middle school fling, acting the same way towards eachother as you did when you were just friends maybe with the benefit of hand holding but that was it, to everyone’s surprise you both made it over a year which was super long for a middle school relationship, but you and eric were truly in love and a lot of people underestimated your feelings for each other
you remember the day that eric told you he was leaving to move to korea to pursue his dreams , you were heartbroken but being the supportive person you were you didn’t let him see how sad you were about it, you gave him all the best wishes and the two of you split up on good terms, you both knew it was impossible to continue this relationship when you would be across the world from each other
that wasn’t the last time you saw eric though, once you became a senior in high school you and your dance team got invited to a dance workshop in seoul south korea, of course the universe just had to mess with you because during your trip you ran into him while visiting the han river late one night, one thing led to another and you ended up hooking up with him that night.. and the next morning…in full retrospect the intimate moments you shared with him during that trip was amazing but after you left it made you feel like shit, you kept in contact with eachother for a few months after you saw him but eventually the text messages became less frequent and then just stopped all together, it was your own fault letting him break your heart for the second time, you got your own hopes up, you couldn’t blame him for his inconsistency, you saw how busy his life had become, how hard he worked everyday without a break.
but selfishly you wished sometimes that he would have stayed in LA, become a college student like yourself and the two of you could be together again, maybe even be on the road to getting married and building a life together, you knew that was never in the cards for him, he was meant to be an idol there was no doubt about it but every so often you find yourself thinking about an alternate reality, one where the two of you could be together for good
that night was rough on you, tossing and turning over all the possibilities that could come out of the events of tomorrow, being honest with yourself you don’t even know how you’re going to look him in the eyes without falling in love with him all over again. as if you got over him in the first place, which newsflash.. you never did
waking up in the morning was hard, your alarm blared in your ears as you crawled out of bed. you spent most of the day mentally preparing yourself to see eric again, miles had arrived not too long ago as you were getting yourself ready
“ does this look too slutty” you say doing a turn in your bikini for your best friend
“ no you look good, hurry up though we’re going to be late” he says. quickly throwing on a minidress as a coverup you both leave your place as you head over to eric’s house
“ are you nervous” miles asks noticing your leg shaking up and down as you sit in the passenger seat
“ yeah i am, i feel like im going to throw up everywhere” you respond, finally pulling up to eric’s place you can hear the music playing and some faint yelling coming from the pool
getting out of the car you walk through the back gates to the pool area, standing behind miles trying to shield yourself from the sight of eric. that didn’t work “ miles, y/n, over here” eric waved the two of you down
walking over to the big canopy and a large table filled with a ton of korean dishes you finally stand there in front of eric for the first time in a long time, eric walks up to miles dabbing him up and then turning to you, he smiles at you pulling you into a hug “ im glad you made it y/n it means a lot that you’re here” he says
his familiar scent fills your nostrils causing you to gain a wave of nostalgia, pulling away you flash a tight lipped smile at him. “ guys this is my best friend miles and this is my friend y/n” eric says hesitating on the word friend, his members all smile and wave as you both do the same back
you sit next to miles during dinner, thankfully eric is across the table filming a vlog for the groups youtube channel, once dinner was finished everyone decided to go swimming
setting your stuff down on a chair you begin to take your dress off leaving you in nothing but a tiny bikini, you felt eyes on you, turning around eric’s eyes met yours before he turned away quickly trying not to make it obvious that he was staring at you
“ hey” eric walks up to you “ hey” you respond back looking to the ground “ im sorry if it’s awkward seeing me again” he says itching the back of his neck
“ no it’s fine it’s not awkward” you say completely lying. “ i missed having you around you know” eric says looking into your eyes “ yeah i missed you too” you say as you feel your heart beating out of your chest
he looked so good with nothing but his swim trunks on, his toned upper body out for display. “ let’s go in the pool yeah?” he asks
“ yeah i just have to put my hair up” you say to him as he gives you a look
“ you never changed have you” he laughs “ you’re going to get your hair wet regardless” he rolls his eyes at you
“ fine whatever” you say leaving your hair down
you walk with him to the deep end of the pool, everyone is already in but the two of you, “okay let’s jump in together on the count of three ready..one.. two… three..” eric counts, you had planned to pretend to jump in that way eric would have been the only one to actually jump but eric had the same idea as you
you both laugh as eric approaches you “ no eric don’t” you yell before he pushes you into the pool
quickly swimming up to the surface of the water you put your hand out to eric “ what the hell eric, at least help me out” you yell as eric grabs your hand. before he could pull you up you yank your arm back pulling him into the water with you
“ i should’ve saw that coming” he says laughing
“ i can’t believe you fell for that” you laugh
joining the others in a game of water spikeball miles makes eye contact with you smirking as you and eric continuously flirt with each other
“ that was a point” you yell to eric
“no it wasn’t” he yells back
“ yes it was” you splash water on him, he walks closer to you splashing you back before picking you up, eric lifts you up throwing you into the water, he swims over to you as you splash water in his face one last time “ that was mean” you say to him
he tucks a strand of lose hair behind your ear “so pretty” he whispers, the two of you now inches away from each other, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him right then and there but before anything could happen one of eric’s members yells for him to come join in the game again
eventually you get out of the pool, feeling tired from the continuous swim races that eric challenged you to even though you beat him every time. eric approached you sitting on one of the chairs “ come back in” he whines
“ no i’m tired of swimming” you say looking up at him “please y/n i’ll carry you” he says. you nod your head yes, knowing you could never say no to him “ sure” you say walking to the steps of the pool
all the guys had gotten out and were now inside the house talking to eachother, leaving just you and eric alone together in the pool. it had gotten dark, the sun was long gone, the pool light shined as you swam over to eric wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, he looks down at you smiling as he places one of his arms around your waist and the other on your ass to hold you up, you knew it was wrong, you knew that you shouldn’t be doing this but when it came to eric all of your sense left your brain and you begin to think with your heart instead
you lay your head on his shoulder as he carries you to the deep end sitting down on the ledge “ i meant what i said earlier, i really missed you pretty girl” eric whispers
“ i meant when i said i missed you too” you say lightly kissing the side of his neck. he rubs his hand up and down your back as the other rubs your thigh, taking your head off of his shoulder looking up at him, both of your eyes locking , you feel butterflies in your stomach as eric moves closer and closer until finally his lips are on yours
the kiss was passionate, you both had been waiting for this moment for a long time, he moves in closer holding the side of your face as one of your hand reaches into his hair while the other is pressed against his chest, you softly moan into the kiss as eric moves your bottoms to the side before entering his finger into your pussy without breaking the kiss
“ fuck eric” you moan noticing his eyes are now darker than they were before “ you’re so tight baby, when’s the last time you had sex” he asks kissing your neck “ the last time was with you” you say looking at him, eric smiles at the thought of no one else fucking you but him
he enters another finger into you causing you to moan loudly before eric covers your mouth with his other hand “ shh babygirl they can still hear you over the music, you don’t want anyone to hear us do you?” he says as he fucks you with his fingers “ fuck eric i’m gonna cum” you whine, he stops thrusting his fingers in you “ fuck yourself on my fingers baby” he says kissing your head, you feel the knot in your stomach tighten as you ride his fingers “ cum for me love” eric says, you throw your head back letting yourself ride out your climax releasing onto his fingers, you moan as your body begins to shake “ good girl” eric kisses your lips once again before letting you catch your breath as he fixes your bathing suit
getting out of the pool you notice eric’s dick poking out of his pants “ i feel bad let me help you” you say as he looks down at you “ i’ll be okay for now, i think somone will come looking for us if we’re out here any longer” he chuckles palming his boner
the sliding glass door opens “ hey we’re going start up a game of football if you wanna join” miles says poking his out of the door “ okay we’ll be right there” eric responds drying himself off as you do the same
sitting in the grass you watch majority of the guys play football, kevin and jacob walk up next to you as you invite them to sit down “ im finally meeting the girl eric won’t ever shut up about” kevin says looking to you
“ really he talks about me?” you ask
“ literally all the time” jacob responds
it goes quiet for a moment before kevin speaks again “ the two of you have chemistry you know?” he says. “ yeah we all could sense it the moment you got here” jacob adds
you sigh “ yeah that’s how it is with eric and i, no matter how long we go without talking to each other the moment we’re together we act as if we’re magnets constantly gravitating towards one another”
“ i haven’t seen eric this happy in a while” jacob states
“ yeah i’ve never seen him so in love” kevin says
“ you think he’s still in love with me?” you ask
“ oh we know he’s still in love with you” they both reassure you
“ i never stopped loving him you know, i did everything to avoid him, to stop thinking about him and look where it led me” you laugh looking over at eric who was running with the football in his hands
“ i think you should tell him that, he’s been beating himself up a lot about still being hooked on you all these years later” jacob says quickly stopping the conversation as eric approaches you
he sits down next to you pulling you into a hug “ ew eric get off of me your all sweaty” you yell pushing him off of you as he laughs hysterically, kevin and jacob smile at the sight of you both as you get up running away from eric as he tries to wipe his sweat on you. eventually capturing you in his arms eric throws you over his shoulder as you kick and scream pleading him to let you down
you are now all in front of the big tv everyone spread across the living room watching a horror movie, eric laid behind you on the couch as his arms wrapped around your waist, legs tangled together, at this point everyone had caught on that you and eric weren’t just “friends” miles smiles at the two of you cuddled on the couch. throughout the movie you and eric scream every so often hugging eachother tightly, everyone laughing at how scared you two are. as the move comes to an end eric moves closer to your face “ spend the night” eric whispers into your ear, “ okay” you say turning around placing a soft kiss to his lips
everyone except eric says goodbye to you and miles before leaving to go back to their hotel “ you ready to head out” miles asks you, you look at him before speaking “ um actually i think im gonna spend the night here with eric” you say to him, he lets out a big sigh before speaking again “ you know what’s going to happen if you do that right?” he asks as you nod your head yes
“ are you okay with having sex with him and then being thousands of miles away from each other again when he leaves, look i’m not going to tell you what to do with your life but this is exactly what happened last time” miles says
“ i don’t know what to tell you miles, im in love with him, im going to have alot more regret if i don’t spend every minute that i can with him before he leaves” you tell him. he pulls you into a hug “ you know i just care about you” he says before walking over to say his goodbyes to eric
“ i need to shower i feel gross” you say as he laughs bringing you up to his room, you and eric both shower together, it wasn’t in a sexual way but more of a romantic moment between to two of you, his hands roam your body as he washes your hair giving you kisses here and there as you do the same to him
as the two of you get out and dry off you feel eric’s naked body hug you from behind, his hard cock poking your back while he kisses your neck as you watch him in the mirror, feeling the warmth between your legs you can tell you’re getting wet for him “ i need you” you moan
that was all he needed to hear before picking you up and throwing you on the bed, leaning over you he hooks his mouth to one of your boobs while playing with the other, leaving open mouth kisses to your body, you trace his abs as you look into his eyes letting him know that you’re growing impatient, eric chuckles before kissing your lips, after spreading your legs eric drags his tip over your clit a few times causing you to whimper before lining his cock up with you as he slowly sides himself into your hole
“ oh my god eric” you choke out, as he stays still for a moment letting you get used to his size “ you’re so tight love” he says before slowly thrusting into you “ faster” you moan clawing at his back, eric brings one hand up to your neck while the other one grips your waist as he rams himself into you“ fuck baby you’re so wet for me” he grunts
turning you over leaving you on all fours arching your back for him, he grabs a handful of your hair before ramming into you once again causing you to scream when he hits your g spot “ you’re taking me so well babygirl, i’m so proud of you” he says as grab onto the sheets tears streaming down your face“ i’m coming” you moan as you squeeze around him, your hips shake repeatedly hinting that you had finished, “ good girl” he says flipping you around again once again placing your legs in his shoulders as he chases his own high, squeezing around him once again his thrusts become sloppy and rushed as he whimpers “ shit i’m coming” he says looking to you “ oh fuckkkk” he says moaning as you feel warm strings of him cum shoot into you, he stays inside of you as he wipes away your tears giving you multiple pecks on the lips “ you did so well for me baby, made me feel so good” he says pulling out of you watching his cum leak from your pussy as he used his fingers to push it back in causing moans to slip out form your mouth
the two of you weren’t even close to being done for the night, you went multiple rounds from having you on top riding him to him eating you out and then fucking you in front of the bathroom mirror, you both went at it, making up for lost time
the last round however was different, seeing you so fucked out made eric want to do nothing but be gentle with you, he layed you down on your stomach as he laid on top of you slowly thrusting into your pussy as he played with your hair, kissing on your shoulders “ as much as i love fucking you until you can’t walk nothing will ever beat making love to you” he whispers in your ear as you arch your back a little bit still lying down, his hands roam your body as he praises you “ you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever laid my eyes on” he carefully turns you over to look at your face
you wrap your legs around his torso as your hands play with his hair slowly and gently moving his length in and out of you“ i love you so much y/n” he says caressing your cheek, you look up at him “ i love you too eric” you say as he leans in to kiss you gently
after he came in you for the last time he cleaned you up putting the covers over your body before getting in bed with you, scooping you up into his arms he places a kiss on your forehead while gently rubbing your back “ eric?” you mumble into his chest “ yes sweet girl?”
“ did you mean what you said earlier about loving me” you ask looking up at him, he smiled before kissing your lips “ of course i did, i’ve loved you since i first laid my eyes on you, and i never stopped” he said raking his hands through your hair, you smile at his answer “ good because i never stopped loving you either”
a silence washed over the both of you until you spoke again “ eric?” you ask once more he chuckles at you “ yes sweet girl” repeats himself you stop and think about the question you’re going to ask “ is this the last time we’re going to see each other” your voice begins to tremble as your tears begin to fall onto his naked chest
“ oh sweetheart come here” he says pulling you up more so that your head in is in the crook of his neck as he rubs your back, “ look at me” he says as you sit up, eric places both of his hands on your cheeks wiping away your tears
“ i promise to do everything in my power to make sure that we see eachother a lot more often” he says before pulling you back into his chest as you begin to cry harder, “ i just never want to repeat what happened last time” you say trying to calm yourself down “ it won’t i’ll make sure of it” he says
“ im so sorry i stopped answering your calls and your messages, i just felt like i was holding you back on so many levels,i never wanted you to hold you back from finding love with someone who would be there for you way more than i could’ve” eric feels his eyes build up with tears, trying his best to hold them back, but he couldn’t causing him to break down, you lift your head up off of his chest when you feel eric’s body shake with his sobs
“ oh my god eric” you coo, the sight of the boy you had known since you were fourteen breaking down in front of you made you sob again along with him
eric had always been an emotional person, but around you he never showed that side of himself, for all the years of knowing you he was always the one wiping your tears not the other way around
you sit up placing his head to your chest letting him sob in the crook of your neck this this time. “ i don’t want to lose you again, i don’t think i can handle it this time” he says in between sobs. “ you won’t lose me eric i promise, if i start taking online courses for school i can visit you all the time and once i get my degree we can talk about me moving to korea” his head shoots up off of your chest “ y/n i cant ask you to leave everything and everyone you love behind just for me” he says, you shush him “ you’re not asking, i’m offering, eric i would move anywhere if it meant i get to be with you”
“ you would do that for me, leave everything you’ve ever know behind, move somewhere completely different on the other side of the world.. just for me” he asks. you chuckle at him before kissing his lips that taste like salt due to his tears
“ i would do it in a heartbeat” you say. as the two of you calmed down you lay back on his chest staring at the ceiling “ have you ever thought about our future together, like getting married and having kids” you ask looking to him, he looks down at you “ i think about it a lot actually, i think about how i would propose and what our wedding would be like, how beautiful you would look walking down the isle in your white dress, i think about how sexy you would be with the baby i put in your belly, how hot you would look waddling around pregnant with our child, you would make a hot mom by the way” he laughs
“ how about you? do you think about our future?” he asks raising his eyebrow “all the time, i think about marrying you a lot more than id like to admit, i think about having kids with you, i even think about you doing the sexy dad walk out of the hospital with our baby” you laugh
“ i promise one day we’ll get to experience all of that together”eric says before placing another kiss to your lips, he pauses before opening his mouth again to speak
“will you be my girlfriend again, this time for good” eric asks
“of course my love, i would love nothing more” you reply giving him one last kiss
“ goodnight i love you so much y/n”
“ goodnight eric i love you more”
you went to sleep peacefully that night, even though eric was leaving the next morning you felt content with his departure for the first time, you felt really confident in your relationship this time around, you knew you both were serious about doing anything and everything to be together as much as you could
you would have never believed that the boy you met in your middle school biology class would end up being the one you plan on sharing the rest of your life with, but here you are all these years later, that boy is now a man laying in your arms after a long night of making love to each other, your naked bodies tangled together as he lets out small snores, holding each other close promising to never let go again
i know i usually only write for nct but recently eric has been on my mind a lot so i needed to write for him hehe, i hoped you enjoyed <3
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sweetbans29 · 22 days
Long Way Home - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Due to a huge miscommunication, Caitlin and your sister Kate are put through the worst week of their life (based on THIS request)
Warnings: angst my peeps (you asked for it), a happy ending
Word Count: 3.2k
Sweetbans Masterlist
"I don't want you to go," Caitlin says, holding you against her. Your girlfriend of 2 years has not let you go for the last 3 days.
"That makes two of us," your older sister Kate says as she finishes making the three of you grilled cheeses.
Typically you would be the one to cook but since Caitlin had her arms around you 24/7 and the fact that you wouldn't be there pretty soon to make sure they are fed, you opted to let Kate take the lead in making food.
You were given your assignment a few days back and are about to head overseas. You knew this day was coming and so did your family and friends, but knowing never made it any easier.
Growing up, you knew you wanted to serve your country when you graduated high school. You knew when your elementary school hosted a day when active military staff and veterans came to your school for a service day. Your little third-grade self looked up to them and wanted to be them someday.
You went into the military right out of high school - going through training and then getting stationed only about twenty minutes out from where your older sister was going to college. It honestly was the best possible outcome for you starting off.
Kate meant the world to you. She's been your best friend since day one. Growing up people always thought the two of you were twins and honestly, you would have believed them. Kate is only 16 months older than you. The way your parents put you in school, Kate was a grade above you which kept the two of you close. The hardest year was when she went to college and you were stuck in your senior year of high school. The two of you would talk 24/7. She kept you updated on the transition from high school to college and you would keep her updated on your parents.
It was in Kate's sophomore year that Caitlin came onto the scene - Kate and she had become good friends as Kate took the freshman under her wing. You met Caitlin only a few weeks after Kate. You had some time in between training and your first post - deciding it would be fun to spend a few weeks with Kate. She introduced the two of you and it was like you had known each other your whole lives.
It was on that same trip that Caitlin asked you out, of course asking Kate for permission first. You didn't hesitate to say yes and the rest has been history. Caitlin's love for you hit hard right from the start and never stopped growing - you were the person to come into her life and opened her eyes as to why it hasn't worked with anyone else. Caitlin knew you were her end game.
Once you were stationed just outside of Iowa City, you moved in with Kate. Life was the best it had been in a while. You would go to all of Kate and Calitlin's home games and support them to the best of your ability. It was cool to get to meet more of their team, and they all loved you. How could they not? Kate and your apartment had been the hub for a lot of the team hangouts. It was a no-brainer since you had the best setup. Caitlin also practically lived there, which was also a pull as she would encourage the team since it meant she got to spend more time with you.
Slowly but surely Caitlin started bringing stuff over and found a home for it within your room. You not once complained seeing as she didn't really have much but knew how serious it was when she brought over her PS5 and her most worn basketball shoes.
"Are you sure it is okay that I am bringing all this stuff over?" She asks.
"I promise you, babe. It is perfect." You say and give her a smile.
"I just don't want to overstep," she says and you take hold of her shoulders.
"Hey - you know I don't make promises I don't mean," you say. She nods sheepishly. "I promise, this is exactly where you are meant to be." You reassure her.
When you found out you would be going overseas you had a sit-down conversation with Caitlin to break the news to her. She doesn't hide her frustration well but knows how much you pride yourself in serving your country. You tell her that when you go, she has to move in with Kate - not wanting either of your favorite people to be alone. You crack jokes with Caitlin about how she practically already lives there in an attempt to lighten the mood.
This brings it back to Kate making grilled cheeses with you sitting on the counter holding Caitlin.
"They are ready!" Kate yells in excitement over the perfectly cooked sandwiches. You grab a plate and immediately take a bite.
"Ahhh! Hot! Hot!" You say as you try to blow off the piece you had just taken a bite out, refusing to spit it out.
"Babe, you do that every time - will you ever learn?" Your girl teases you she grabs her own plate, blowing it off before taking a small bite herself.
"Hey, sometimes waiting is overrated." You say and go in for another bite. "Plus, when something is this good, if you could you would eat it in one bite."
The rest of the night is filled with light banter, cuddles from your girl, and another attempt at packing (which was quickly shut down when Caitlin held you captive on your bed, not allowing you to move).
Time moved faster than anyone would have liked as your send-off arrived. Your family came out, along with Caitlin and some of her team. They were there more as a support to Caitlin and Kate than to see you off but you were incredibly thankful for them.
You give hugs to your mom and dad first - they knew this day was coming and had much time to prepare yet still let out muffled sobs and final last-ditch pleas to stay.
You give hugs to all the girls who came in support of your two favorites and tell each and every one of them to watch over both Kate and Caitlin while you are away.
Kate is next. The two of you stand there embracing each other, neither of you saying anything knowing everything already. It is only before you release your sister that she whispers something in your ear.
"I've got her," Kate says and for the first time yet you feel a tear roll down your cheek. You wipe it away as fast as it appears, not wanting to make this any harder for anyone.
You whisper a thank you and release her - looking at her with the best smile you could muster up.
Finally, you turn to the love of your life. And runs into your embrace faster than you can brace for impact.
"I want to tell you not to go," she says with a sniffle. "But I know how much this means to you."
"I will be back before you know it," you say - trying to believe your own words. The truth is, you don't know when you will be back - this is an open-ended assignment which wasn't common in the military but due to where you are going is needed for the mission.
"I will call whenever I can and I will write," you tell her. "It will be our own little movie."
"Just come back to me, okay?" She says as your heart breaks hearing the desperation in her voice.
You separate from her just enough to reach down and grab her hand. A few months ago you had gotten her a dainty little ring embellished with diamonds for your anniversary. It was by no means an engagement ring or promise ring but in this moment it would have to do.
"I promise I'll come back to you," you say removing the band from her right hand and placing it on her ring finger. Caitlin knows to not take your promise lightly. She knows you would do anything to get back to her.
Both of you know that there is never a guarantee but the little gesture was enough for both of you to have faith in your promise.
You say your final goodbyes and before you know it you are off.
The first few months are hard as it is an adjustment for everyone. You Facetime Caitlin and Kate as much as you can - thankful that the wifi connection you had was stable. You told her as much as you could about where you were at, making sure not to disclose anything that would scare either of your girls. Kate would update you on the usual - this not being too far off from what her transition to college was. Caitlin on the other hand took the transition really hard, always crying in Kate's arms after the call ended. None of which was disclosed to you.
The next few months were harder as you were moved to a secondary location where the wifi was less stable - sometimes cutting out for a few weeks or more at a time. You sent letters to let them know you were doing okay even if a call didn't come. Every letter you would end with 'Slowly making my way back to you' then your signature. Caitlin would grip every word you wrote, most of the time falling asleep with them in her hand.
You were almost up to your year mark with no update on when you would be able to return home. They had moved you back to a base that had better wifi which was helpful in keeping up with Caitlin but still not as good at giving her a date when you would be home.
Caitlin was doing better and was able to keep her composure after calls with you. Whenever you would have a call with your girl, Kate would jump on towards the end of the call and tell you how Caitlin was really doing. Most of the time it would end with your girl getting frustrated with your sister for disclosing more than what was needed but you always appreciated it.
It was when things started to feel normal when it all hit the fan.
Kate and Caitlin had just finished their shoot-around before one of their home games and were about to head into the locker to get ready when one of the assistant coaches told them they needed to head to Coach Bluder's office immediately.
The two girls redirected to head to the office thinking it had to do with tonight's game. The sight they are met with is one that causes immediate confusion.
"Mom? Dad?" Kate asked, shocked to see her parents standing in her coach's office. Your mom is a wreck in the arms of your dad who has clearly shed his own fair share of tears. Coach Bluder looks like she has seen a ghost and tells Kate and Caitlin to take a seat.
"What's going on?" Caitlin says immediately feeling her stomach drop thinking there is only one reason they would be here.
"Why don't you two sit," Coach Bluder presses again.
"No, I think I would rather stand," Caitlin retorts. She is trying to tell herself if she doesn't give in to what they are asking then the news won't be real. Kate touches Caitlin's arm, starting to come to her own conclusions, and takes a seat.
Your dad is the first and only to speak.
"We got a visit this morning," he starts only looking into Caitlin's eyes. He refuses to look into his daughter's eyes, knowing he will not get through what needs to be said.
"There was an attack to which they said there were no survivors." He says as slow as molasses.
Caitlin just stares at him. Not yet has he mentioned your name or anything about you specifically which only prolongs reality.
Kate asks if they had to send you there to help out, then proceeds to ask if you are hurt. She doesn't understand why Mom is so torn up over that.
Your dad's eyes are still trained on Caitlin's, not breaking to look at Kate when she asks.
"It was her base-" Your dad barely gets out before Caitlin is countering.
"Bullshit," Caitlin says, not blinking twice. She refuses to believe the words coming from your dad's mouth. Normally this would have taken him back but under the circumstances, he was ready for any and all reactions.
That is when your mom cut in.
"They found her tags," she sniffles out. Before she is sobbing again she says, "Alongside an unidentifiable body."
"They are still searching, but they told us not to be hopeful." Your dad finishes as Kate breaks down like her mother.
Calitin on the other hand is completely numb. Her head is spinning and she feels like she is going to throw up. Before anyone can speak again, she runs out of the room.
She runs directly home, entering your once-shared apartment. She makes her way to your shared room and just stands in the doorway. She hadn't changed a single thing since you left, not wanting you to come home to a completely different place. That thought flies out the window when the pain settles in and the reality of you not returning hits her like a ton of bricks.
Caitlin's hands go swinging. Throwing anything she could get her hands on. By the time she is done, she is out of breath - the room looks like a tornado hit.
She finally falls to the floor - letting out the loudest cry.
Picking up one of your old Military sweatshirts, she puts it over her head and holds herself.
You on the other hand are sitting in the most uncomfortable plane imaginable - giddy to get back to surprise your two favorite girls. Your Leutienet set up a charter for you and a select other few to fly back to the States. It was something that only he and one other person knew about, not wanting news to get out.
You knew it was going to take you a long time to get back but with the three plane switches and delays due to equipment transfers - your 2 day trip quickly doubled.
It wasn't until day 4 that you were finally crossing back into US territory. Once your plane entered US airspace, your excitement grew even more. You knew there wasn't going to be any communication to anyone prior to your arrival which made the surprise that much more fun for you.
When you finally arrived at the base - you were met with a crowd of people. Confused, you started asking what happened. One of the captains pulled your group aside and let you know there was an attack and that they didn't know if you were a part of it or not.
It was hard to hear but you were so over the moon about seeing your sister and your girlfriend that you didn't think of the possibility of them thinking that you were a part of the bombing.
When you got in your rental - you thought it would be better to surprise them in person than give them a call. You want to see the joy in their eyes when they first hear your voice back home.
You make the drive to your apartment and park along the street. You are still in uniform as you walk up the steps of your apartment. It is the middle of the morning and expect both girls to be back from practice.
Unlocking the door you walk in.
All the blinds are closed and there are tissues everywhere. Food boxes are left on the table and counter, and most of the food is uneaten. You furrow your eyebrows as you see a sleeping Caitlin in Kate's lap. She looks absolutely sickly with her head being stroked by Kate as Kate's eyes try to adjust to the new light source entering their apartment.
The light is so bright that it takes her a few moments to make out the figure standing in the light as you.
"This isn't real," you hear Kate mumble. "You're not real."
You slowly close the door and make your way over to your sister. You were expecting excitement and happy tears and love as you walked in but were met with none of that.
"She's gone," Kate cries. "You're gone. This isn't real." She keeps saying over and over.
It is then when it hits you that everyone thought you were a part of the bombing.
You slowly make your way to your sister as you kneel in front of her and your still-sleeping girlfriend. Little to your knowledge, this was the first time that Kate was able to get Caitlin to sleep for more than 10 minutes before she ended up screaming your name and jolting awake.
Kate is so defeated that her hand doesn't even come up to try and touch you to see if you are real. She is so convinced she is hallucinating.
It is only when your hand comes up and touches her face that she lets out a gasp and a sob. She cries out your name, waking Caitlin.
Caitlin blinks a few times while she sits up. Her hands come to rub her eyes, trying to get them to unblur from all the built-up tears that had fallen.
She smells you before she sees you. Feeling a sense of peace wash over her before more tears are falling. She still hasn't seen you kneeling right in front of her. Kate is sobbing into a pillow - in shock at who is before her.
Your hand comes up to Caitlin's and she jumps, removing it from yours. Tears begin to roll down your face as you can't imagine the living hell she has been through these last few days.
"Caitlin," you say in the gentlest tone. Her head whips up, eyes finally meeting yours.
At first, her eyes flash with rage. Not rage at you but rage at herself for initially believing you are there. They are then in shock - not comprehending the sight in front of her. Her heart stops as she says your name.
Your hands come to her face as you caress both of her cheeks.
"They said you were gone," Caitlin says in disbelief. tears streaming down her face as her hands come up to yours. "They found your tags." Caitlin really doesn't know what to say. She still doesn't believe you're in front of her until she hears you speak again.
"I promised I would come back to you, when have I ever broken a promise?" You say as you bring her in for a kiss.
AN: Welp here it is - let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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bouncybongfairy · 4 months
felix catton x reader where felix cheats and tries to win reader back 🫣🫣🫣
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Nice Try
Felix Catton x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: A week after Felix cheats, you attempt to end your sulking by going to a party. He is there and convinces you to come back to his dorm; all in an attempt to win you back.
Word Count: 2.0k+
Account Ref: @kaionyx
TW: Drunken Sex, Nasty Smut
Things have been quite stressful lately. You’d already been struggling to keep up with all your assignments. Now with the recent infidelity in your relationship, it was near impossible to focus. Truly nothing made you cringe more than watching a man beg for forgiveness after cheating. Felix had been texting you all week, trying to salvage the relationship the two of you had. It just wasn’t happening, trying to find the respect you had for him was like looking for a unicorn. You were currently in your dorm, getting ready to go out. It was that time of the semester where parties were every weekend and the smell of hopelessness lingered in everyone's nose. Being confined to your room due to a mild depression, it was finally time to go out and be a whore. The first couple days you were feeling guilty for not responding to Felix. Now you couldn’t be more excited to go out, not even with any girlfriends. On a mission to get dicked down, you start doing your hair and makeup. Drawing on a thick wing of eyeliner and complementing it with huge eyelashes. It had been a week since the last time you wore makeup, which caused you to feel quite full of yourself. After getting dressed and making sure your purse had all the essentials before leaving.
The air outside was cold and crisp, enough to make your stomach tighten as you walked. Hitting your pen as you made your way towards the frat house. It was still pretty early so the lawn wasn’t completely thrashed with bottles and drunken students. Immediately you head towards the kitchen, making yourself a drink. Your face lights up when you see the sour cherry syrup sitting next to the Ciroc bottles. Mixing the two into a solo cup and making your way back into the living room. Felix was there, leaning against one of the walls. He immediately spots you, walking quite briskly to greet you. Asking why you haven’t been taking any of his calls or responding to messages. The fact that he was even asking was pissing you off, like he forgot he cheated on you. 
“Maybe you could come over to my place? I have a surprise for you,” he says, you could tell he was a little tipsy. When he could see you weren’t amused he started finding other reasons for you to come over, “not to mention you left a lot of shit at my place,” he says, resting his hand on your hips. You allow him to do so but not let him pull you closer. 
“Ask me again when I'm drunker,” you say, laughing and turning to walk in the other direction. 
Ending up spotting a few friends from your social science class. Grouping in with them as you drank, they all seemed quite excited to see you out and about. Knowing you’d recently been through a breakup, they were encouraging you to drink and smoke. You happily obliged, constantly making trips to the kitchen to refill your cup. Dancing on your friends, enjoying the energy of everyone around you. Like everyone was letting out their demons one way or another. However, you started feeling quite sticky, the air thick with smoke. You excuse yourself and make your way to the front yard. Needing a bit of fresh air and wanting to smoke a blunt. It was still quite nippy outside but the vodka blanket was keeping you warm. Lighting the blunt and taking a deep drag, tilting your head back and exhaling. Admiring the moon as you looked up at the sky. Suddenly you smell menthol, reminding you of Felix. Sure enough when you look for the smell, you see him standing a couple feet away from you. Just your luck you’d run into him outside while having a smoke. His eyes light up and he walks over to greet you. He trips a little on his way over, which makes you chuckle. “As embarrassing as that was, hearing your laugh really made it worth it,” he says, the cheesy pickup line made you roll your eyes. 
“Who’s dad gave you that one to use?” you joke, taking another drag. 
“Oh come one, don’t act like you don’t miss me,” he says, offering you a hit on his ciggy, “I know you love a good puff when you’re drunk,” he says, taking the blunt out of your hand to insinuate he wanted to trade. 
Due to your inebriation, you were a little more willing to entertain his foolishness. Taking a drag, closing your eyes to enjoy the fresh feeling of menthol stinging your chest. Not used to the potency of a cig, you start coughing a bit. He was making small talk with you, basically running down this past week's events. You weren’t really paying attention, instead admiring him as he spoke. The two of you had a very active and healthy sex life. Banging like rabbits, it didn’t matter where or when. When you’re used to fucking at least once a day, a week seemed like a century. He looked amazing with the porch lights shining down on him. Illuminating his massive figure, he bellowed so much smoke from his exhales; nearing incinerating the blunt into ash with just a few hits. The smell of his cologne flooding your nose, giving you a small level of comfort. 
“So have you thought about hanging out tonight?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. 
At first you were going to decline his offer, however you were in desperate need to catch a dick. It was also nice to have sex in an apartment as opposed to a dorm room with thin walls. Not to mention it would be quite dangerous to be walking alone on campus while cross faded. It was actually nice walking together while holding each other. Having his arm draped over your shoulder, hand caressing the soft skin of your neck. Running your hand up and down his arm, blushing when you felt goosebumps on his skin. Felix smoked your blunt into a roach, so you were passing the pen back and forth to each other. His apartment was only two blocks from campus, luckily because the both of you were wasted. You held onto his belt loops once you finally got to his apartment. Waiting patiently for him to unlock the door, immediately the smell of cologne and stale smoke. To some it might be gross but for you it was nostalgic; reminding you of a simpler time, when you were ignorant to who Felix really was. He was turning on the stereo, grabbing a bottle of Jewel of Russia vodka. 
“Is that the surprise?” you asked, as he filled two shot glasses.
“No give me a second,” he said, going back into the bedroom, when he came out he was holding a teddy bear with a shirt that said: sorry for being an asshole. With a box of Martin’s Chocolatier chocolates. You couldn’t help but laugh, as sweet as the gesture was, it was humorous at its core. When you’re reminded that these gifts are because he cheated. 
“Aww you’re so sweet,” you play along, acting like this made up for shit.
“Really? I don’t know if you’ve been getting my voicemails but I want you to know that I’m so fucking sorry. I’d do anything to show you how much I regret taking you for granted,” he said. 
“Anything?” you asked suggestively, letting your body weight be supported by the kitchen island. 
“Fucking anything,” he says, eyeing you like a oasis in a desert. 
You use your hand gesturing to him to come closer. Without hesitation he approaches you. Using the counter behind you to support himself, pressing his body completely against yours. You felt like fire had been ignited on your cheeks and ears. Grateful that your makeup was hiding how truly flustered you were. He was breathing heavily down onto you, the smell of liquor coming from his breath was making you wet. Both of you were testing each other, waiting to see who was going to make the first move. The tension in the room was enough to make you swell and ache. Watching him eye you down like a piece of meat. Wanting to pounce but being stubborn, wanting him to kiss you first. Suddenly, he picks you up. Now you were sitting on the counter, him standing between your legs. An involuntary gasp leaves your mouth from the sudden movement. The height difference between the two of you is now gone, making direct eye contact. Lips hovering over each other, nothing but a couple centimeters keeping the distance. Wrapping your legs around his hips, making his dick print press against you. The friction made him smash his mouth against yours. 
The kiss was sloppy and rough. Biting and sucking on each other's lips till they were raw. Wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible. He uses his arm to clear off the counter. Shit catering to the floor, not that either of you gave a fuck. You unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans, exposing himself. Following suit, pulling your dress and the panties to the side. Nothing could have pulled the two of you out of the moment even for a second; not even a condom. He sticks his fingers in your mouth, collecting saliva to wet himself down. Moaning as he practically finger fucked your mouth, looking at you like he couldn’t wait to rip you apart. After stroking himself for a couple moments, he was lining his head up with your entrance. Letting your head fall back onto the cold counter top, becoming impatient with waiting. He finally slid in, after having no contact for a week, the feeling of him filling you was euphoric. You pulled him down by the hair and for a while you both just embarrassed each other. Both of you enjoying each other's bodies after being apart both emotionally and physically. Once in a while you’d clench around him, enjoying the fullness; he’d rock his hips feeling you walls suffocating him with an intense heat. 
He began fucking into you, tired of wasting time. Coiling your fingering in his shaggy hair, pulling slightly as he kissed and sucked hickies onto your shoulder and neck. A thin layer of sweat starts to coat both your bodies as the pace quickens. Feeling close to coming, you push him away. Sitting up on your elbows, he pulls out and away looking confused and concerned. 
“Take me to the couch.” You said. 
He smirks and carries you over, taking a seat with you on his lap. Facing him while on your knees, he starts to knead and play with your chest. You line his cock up and sink down until you fully take his member into you. He gasps at how tight and wet you felt around him, a groan leaves your mouth. Starting to bounce up and down, slowly at first. Lifting your all the way from his tip back down to the base. His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth hung open as he watched. Working yourself on his cock, watching him get more and more flustered. Made you feel formidable, seeing the power your body wielded over him. Moving from your knees onto your toes, allowing you to bounce faster. He took this opportunity to start pounding up into you at an animalistic pace. Even though he was absolutely obliterating your cervix, the look on his face alone almost made you cum. He was bright red with sweat dripping, putting his heart and soul into destroying your pussy. 
He stops, picking you up without saying anything and walks the two of you into the bathroom. Setting you down before lamming the lights on and ripping the shower curtain off the hooks, causing them to fly to the ground. Seeing how desperate and rough he was driving you crazy. Still carrying you he slams your back into the shower wall. Pressing his full body weight onto you, pushing himself deep into you. Now that his hips and torso were helping support your weight, he reaches over and cuts the water on. Not even caring that the two of you were still clothed. The hot water rains down as he starts furiously slamming himself in you. Wet hair covered your face slightly, fucking up your makeup and lashes. Normally you’d be insecure about how ridiculous your face looked, makeup running down your face. He was making you feel like a pornstar, like you were the only thing that could satisfy him. Fucking into you so hard that all the bottles on the shower rack were bouncing loudly. He was panting, water dripping off the hair that was flopped on the front of his face; just slightly covering his eyes. Moaning so loud it was practically screaming, tightening around him as you got close. 
Feeling you start to tighten and convulse made him cum into you. Hard thrusts as he moaned loudly into your ear. Making eye contact as the two of you came together. The way you could feel him get harder, and the last couple thrust become more slippery only made you want more. Catching his breath and turning the water off. Instead of stopping, he just walked back to the bedroom. Standing at the foot of the bed before falling forward, so that the two of you were missionary on the bed. After fucking for so long, the two of you were both extremely sensitive. Almost to the point where you wanted to stop, but when he started rocking his hip again you couldn't get enough. Cum leaking out of you slightly, making his cock slide in and out so easily. You let your body go limp and he slowly trusted, increasing his pace. Holding the back of your knees up, allowing him to frantically chase his orgasm at a better angle. Due to you having recently orgasm, it didn’t take long before you were the both of you were teetering the edge of your climaxes. Gripping onto the blanket as you felt him fill you against. Bucking and rutting uncontrollably while moaning. He collapses next to you, both of you practically half dead. While he laid there passed out, you got up. Legs shaking but still determined to take the soaked clothes you had on. Putting on a pair of his sweatpants and hoodie. Reaching out trying to cuddle you, he notices you were up; dressed and on your phone. 
“Thank you for giving us a second chance,” he said groggily. 
“Who said that?” you asked, grabbing your purse before meeting the Uber you just ordered.
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nyoomfruits · 5 months
i somehow lost the ask but this was written for the ‘wanna practice’ kiss prompt with lestappen :)
The door of the dorm room swings open rather dramatically, banging against the opposing wall as Charles comes barging through, beeling for this bed and flopping down on it face first. 
“Do I just suck?” He asks, voice muffled by his pillow. 
“Yes,” Max says, not looking up from where he is working on his econ homework on his own side of the dorm room. 
“You don’t even have any context,” Charles says, unburrying his face. Max glances at him. He’s pouting.
“Hm,” Max says, pretends to consider it. “No, my answer stands.”
Charles makes a dramatic strangled warbling noise and falls back into the pillows. Not for the first time, Max regrets becoming his friend. It was easier, back in high school, when they were sworn enemies. Lot less exaggerated sighing as Charles waits for him to ask him what’s wrong. 
After the fifth sigh, a deep one that must be coming from the depths of Charles toes, Max finally relents. “Fine,” he says. “What happened?”
Charles looks up with entirely too much glee, happy to be indulged, as he says, “I think I’m like, unloveable.”
Max suppresses his snort as he thinks of all the people that would line up to get their shot with Charles Leclerc. “Sure,” he settles on. “Why?”
“I was making out with this girl last night and then she made this very obvious excuse and just left. And there was this guy, a week ago, we’d just been making out for like, maybe a minute and then he went ‘nope’ and left.” Charles has flopped onto his back now, staring miserably at the ceiling. 
“Maybe you’re just bad at kissing,” Max says, frowning down at his econ homework.
“What? No I’m not,” Charles says, indignant. There’s a pause, during which Max scribbles some things down in his notes. Then, very quietly, “Oh my god, maybe I am.”
Max makes a ‘well, there you go’ motion, and hopes this means he can finally go back to finishing this assignment. It isn’t due for another two days, but there’s that paper coming up and he has time now, so-
“Kiss me,” Charles says. Max hadn’t even heard him move, but he’s here now, leaning into Max’s space like some kind of siren out of a Greek myth trying to lure him into the depths of seduction. 
Or something. If anything, Max’s brain isn’t really working right. Charles is right there, in his space, hands leaning on the sides of Max’s desk chair, looking ridiculously… giddy, almost. Max had this dream once. But Charles had looked a lot more sultry and his eyes had been closed and he’d been sitting in Max’s lap instead of leaning over him and-
“Why,” Max says. In his haste to stop that insane train of thought, he forgets to phrase it as a question. 
Charles pouts at him. His nose is inches away from Max’s. “So you can tell me if I’m a bad kisser.”
“Who says I’d be a good judge of that,” Max says, instead of outright ‘no’, because he’s a self sabotaging idiot. “Maybe I’m a horrible kisser.”
Charles tssk’s. “You and Daniel dated for like two years. If you’d been bad at kissing he’d dumped you much sooner.”
“Thanks,” Max says, frowning. “I think.”
“Come on,” Charles weedles. “Just see it as like, practice. For you. For when the next Daniel comes along.”
Max snorts derisively. The next Daniel is currently trying to convince him to kiss, so. Whatever. “Fine,” Max eventually says, because Charles is a stubborn little bastard and maybe if they kiss he will finally leave Max to his assignment. 
Also Charles is still there, in his space, with his big green eyes and his stupid pouty mouth and Max is only a man, so. 
“Yay!” Charles says, and then abruptly lunges forward to smash his lips against Max’s. 
Their teeth clunk together and Max winces as his nose bumps against Charles’s, and he lets out a strangled little noise as he gently pushes Charles back. 
He’s starting to see there might be some truth to the whole ‘Charles is bad at kissing’ thing. 
“Wow, okay, let’s just,” he gently pushes a confused Charles further back and gets up out of his chair, so they’re face to face. “Maybe do it a little more gently, yeah? Like this,” He puts one hand on Charles chin, tilts his fac up a little, softly brushing their lips together before pressing a little harder, letting their lips slide against each other. 
And oh, it’s much better like this, Charles following Max’s lead, his hands coming to rest on Max’s waist as Max’s hands slip into Charles’s hair, and he’s a little enthusiastic with his tongue at first, but he’s a quick learner, and for a moment there Max forgets all concept of time. 
“Ah,” Charles says when he pulls away. There’s a frown on his face, like he's deep in thought. “Yes. I might have been doing that wrong.”
Max merely hums, still reeling a little bit from the experience, still feeling the faint touch of Charles’s lips on his own, not trusting himself to speak. 
“Well!” Charles suddenly says, seemingly shaking himself out of whatever thought process he’d gotten tangled up in. “Thanks for that! I shall put it into practice now.” 
It takes Max a while to understand what he means, but then Charles is putting on his jacket and grabbing his keys and oh. 
He means with other people. 
“Right,” Max says, trying really hard not to look disappointed. “Right, well, good luck.”
“Thanks!” Charles yells over his shoulder, before moving through the door, taking Max’s entire heart with him. 
Max is left standing in the middle of the room, staring forlornly at his econ homework. It suddenly lost all of its earlier appeal. Especially when he can still feel the ghost of Charles’s finger tips on his waist. 
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helaelaemond · 7 months
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TIPS FOR WRITING IN AN ENGLISH UNIVERSITY SETTING from someone who’s been through it!
This post is written with fanfic in mind, specifically about Michael Gavey as a Maths student at the University of Oxford.
University structure
At Oxford, you are there typically for three years. You’re not usually referred to as “first year”, “second year” or “third year/final year” as nouns, and are more likely to describe yourself as being “in my first year” etc. The only exception is your first few weeks at uni when you’re known as a fresher. Your first week in your first year is known as “freshers week”, and its lots of social activities around the uni and beyond.
OXFORD IS NOT A CAMPUS UNI. University housing and buildings are scattered around the city of Oxford, and so using terms like “on campus” are not applicable.
Term starts in early October, and most exams are wrapped up by June.
Oxford is one of four English universities that use the college system (the others being Cambridge - also called ‘The Other Place’ - Durham, and York) and for the sake of simplicity, you can think of this as a replacement term for ‘dorm’ (a term not typically used). You can find a list of all the colleges on the university’s website.
Within the college building, there are usually single rooms with en-suites, but some rooms have to share a communal bathroom.
University students do NOT have roommates - no one shares a bedroom. There are also some room types in a flat-like set up, with a cluster of a few rooms (2-8 typically) and a shared kitchen. This is less common at Oxford.
Students sometimes stay in university-provided accommodation for the duration of their studies, whilst some choose to live in private accommodation from their second year onwards. If they do this, they are still associated with their college, and by default their college does not change. Private accommodation usually means a regular house shared with a few other people - this is standard across all universities in the UK, not just Oxford.
Generally speaking, subjects that don’t require lab work have a pretty simple weekly structure of one lecture and one seminar per module. Lectures are observed silently, and seminars are for discussions. Even the boldest or more socially unaware individuals do not interrupt lectures (in my four years, I never ever experienced anyone interrupting or asking a question, and so if you’re going to write Michael doing that, be aware it is a huge taboo unless the lecturer has asked for participation). Students usually take 2-3 different modules per semester, and during the academic year, there are two semesters across three terms.
Reading week is a week of usually in late October/early November where there are no classes for a week and it is a time for self-study.
Most modules have at least one assignment (what Americans would call a term paper) due before the Christmas break in December, and then at least one exam after the break ends in January. Some modules on some courses have other assignments or contributors to grades (like group presentations) but this isn’t all that common. It is very rare for things like “extra credit” to be earned, if at all.
Unless reading a combined degree (like Politics and Economics), you only take one subject. There is nothing like a “major” and “minor”. When doing a combined degree, you take half your modules on one degree, and half your modules on the other, so it’s an even 50/50. You cannot choose any subject to do a combined degree for, and they are pre-set courses determined by the university. For example, you couldn’t do a combined degree of Maths and Geography just because you wanted to.
You don’t talk about what course you’re studying, you say what course you’re reading (which is why Michael says he’s “reading Maths” not studying it).
University culture
Nightclubbing isn’t much of a thing in Oxford. If you want a uni with great nightlife you go to Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield, Newcastle, London - not Oxford or Cambridge. Instead, students are much more likely to spend time in one of the dozens of pubs in Oxford. College parties (I.e university accommodation parties) don’t tend to be much of a thing either unless they’re organised by the social events committees in those colleges.
Elitism is an enormous problem at Oxford. For example, in 2015, 45% of all freshers were from private schools, while only less than 7% of children in the UK are privately educated. Classism is an issue that is so unbelievably rampant in places like Oxford that I can’t even begin to explain. But like many forms of prejudice in the UK, it’s rarely overt. It comes in the forms of exclusion from social activities (think a working class student not being able to go on a ski trip with course mates), social rules only familiar to the rich being the order of the day (having the right type of suit for a formal dinner).
Oxford is a place where lifelong connections are made that spill into entertainment, business, and (most worryingly) politics, but best believe that if you’re not from the right background, those connections are not yours to make. In fact, the likelihood of you even know they’re going on in the shadows is high.
Obviously, classism and elitism are themes of Saltburn, but please don’t take them too seriously, as it’s crucial to remember that the writer/director grew up in these very private inner circles of elites. As such, her spin is wildly… wild. She’s an incredibly unreliable source for basing any kind of opinion about these issues on.
That’s all I can think of right now! I highly encourage other people who have been through English universities to add on with advice you think you would helpful to writers 😁🫶
And if you’ve got any specific questions, let me know and I’ll help if I can!
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rosesbxrry · 2 years
The Laundromat
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Pairing: Stranger! Heeseung X Stranger Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞 (Minors DNI), college AU, neighbours!
Warnings: unprotected sex (pulling out), Heeseung being a pervert, male masturbation, fingering, panty stealing thing, voyeurism (as in publix sex in the laundromat), reader being a pervert as well, handjobs, lots of cursing, dirty talking, and a bunch of unwash laundry. Hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else
Summary: Heeseung had just moved into his own place after abondoning his roommate. With a laundromat and you, his hot neighbour in the new building, eveything seemed perfectly good until he open the dryer machine, only to see a baby pink panty.
The problem? It has your name on it.
Main masterlist
Word count: 3, 220 words
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Lee Heeseung described himself as an ordinary college student who was just getting by. 
He went through the same shit as any graduated high school student does; move out of your parent’s house and get a taste of what the adult world feels like. To say he struggled was an understatement really, because he did move out together with his best mate Beomgyu, whom he made a pact with since high school— sharing a flat together once they’ve escaped from the clutches of their parents. 
The freedom tasted sweet, if only Beomgyu didn’t ruined it by having sex with a random chick every night. 
Heeseung was no prude— as a young healthy man in their early 20’s, he had he’s shares of hook ups and sexual fantasy evident by the amount of porno magazines and DVDs under his bed. 
At first, he was kinda turned on by the voyeuristic aspect of hearing your roommate having sex. With the walls being extremely thin, he could hear every moan and wet sounds that it got him jerking on his white bed, pajama pants down to his knees with a hand on his hard leaking cock. But when he starts to hear it every fucking night, Heeseung wished he didn’t have a dick to get hard. 
It didn’t help that sometimes it sounded like it came out of a bad porno. He had to wear noise cancelling headphones just to burn the midnight oil to finish an assignment at two in the morning. 
The last draw was when he went to the kitchen one night, oblivious to the fact that Beomgyu was doing the devil’s tango on top of the island bar seat (He was wearing headphones on so he didn’t realize in the beginning). Heeseung crashed at Jake’s place for the moment because ain’t no way he was eating cereal there anymore after witnessing that. 
It took him a few weeks just to find a good place when he scored a good deal on a studio apartment not far from his campus.  
The monthly rent was reasonable, he didn’t have to share with any roommates and he had exclusive access to all the facilities in the building, including the laundromat at the ground floor beside the gym. 
It felt like a reward after all the sufferings he went through. 
But this was all just the beginning. You see, there was one tenant in the building that got his attention. 
The first day he used the laundromat, it was late in the afternoon. He was minding his own business, learning on how to operate the machines when you waltz in, clad in freshly used workout clothes that were sticking tight to your figure.
Heeseung can’t help but stare at you in the corner of his eyes, your ass peeking out from the leggings you wore, back facing away from him as you used the coin exchanger to get some change. Even with the loud music from his air pods and the blinking lights from the washing machine, he can’t take his eyes off you. 
Heeseung hasn’t been indulging himself sexually, which he blames it on Beomgyu and his studies for repressing the need for it, but you were literally the hottest thing he’d ever lay eyes on. 
He contemplated introducing himself but he backed off every time due to his cowardly nature, and the fact that he can’t stop the bulge forming whenever you were in the laundromat with him. He was your neighbor in a way after all. It wasn’t like he wanted to get in your pants right? Wrong. He very much wanted to dive straight into them. 
It didn’t help that you were always wearing workout clothes drenched in your sweat. 
It’s been like this for the past few weeks— he would secretly look at you, run away in embarrassment after finishing his laundry and touch himself with the thought of you, whether it was in the shower or on his bed. 
It was so fucking wrong for him to that, but you look so fucking hot wearing that shirt without a bra on, perky nipples visible under the fabric. He was glad that it was one in the morning with no one else doing the laundry except for you and him, enabling him to be the only one who got to witness it. 
Heeseung was a routine man. He likes to do his laundry precisely at a spot that no one else would use. He uses the one at the far corner on the left, the lowest row possible that he had to squad down in order to reach it. When he opened the lid without much thought, he closed it back hastily in shock.
No, this can’t be true.
He slowly opened it back, and low and behold, a baby pink panty was just sitting there. 
Heeseung stayed in his position while staring at the article of clothing, confusion plastered on his face. He was sure that no one else would use this spot, but he was naive to think that, clearly. Don’t panic, Heeseung. Just move it to the next machine and act as if nothing happened. The male made up his mind, pinching as little fabric as possible from the undergarment before pulling it out of the machine. 
He was gonna toss it in the other machine when he noticed a label on the inner seam of the waist. It was labelled with a name on it, specifically yours. 
L/N Y/N written clearly. 
Heeseung stood there in bewilderment. Fuck, what was he suppose to do now? He could be a good normal person and leave it in the machine and just use another one. You were bound to notice it was missing and come looking for it next time. But the perverted side of him, the one that has been aching for you, wanted to keep it to himself. 
And he did. He tossed it in his basket and brought it home. 
The things that he did to that article of clothing was unimaginable. 
He smelled it first, and it was definitely washed, the faint smell of floral and detergent was evident as he pushed the fabric closer to his noise. The little void inside of him wished that it was a used one, hoping to catch a whiff of your arousal in any way possible.
God, to be able to smell the juices of your pussy, he would do anything to do that. 
Heeseung was laying on his bed, pushing his pants and boxers down, pumping his hardened dick with one hand while the other was grabbing your panty, smoldering it on his face.
“Fuck.” he let out a desperate moan, thinking about the curves on your body, and the sweat that was dripping down your neck after you work out. Your scent sends shivers down to his cock, tiny precum trickling down his length before Heeseung gathers it, spreading it across until the tip of the head.   
“Your so fucking hot, Y/N. I wanna fuck you.” 
Heeseung moaned in pleasure, hips bucking on his hand, imagining that it was yours that was jerking him off, delicate and soft hands with blue nail polish pumping his cock. He swipe the tender head with his thumb, sending shockwaves of pleasure as he hump the air with his back arched, the familiar knot in his stomach burning for more. 
“More, please.” His whines filled the room, moving your panty to his shaft and rubbing the cotton fabric of your underwear with every thrust of his hips. His stomach rises and falls, feeling the delicious friction of the panty against his pulsating cock. 
“Please, please.” He whimpered. “Y/N, please fuck me.” His desperate request to you was lost in the empty room as he neared his high.
He closed his eyes, imagining that you were on top of him, your wet pussy filled with his big cock as you ride him, hands on his thighs, fucking yourself dumb until you cried his name out. He would have the beautiful view of your tits bouncing with every movement, his hand gripping on your hips to speed up the pace. 
Heeseung groaned in agony, biting on his lips as he was close to orgasming. He imagines sucking on your nipples, eating your folds and pounding into you with your head down and ass up, feeling your panty giving him the most beautiful pleasure before he cums, soiling the cotton fabric with his hot seeds. 
Strings of moan echoed the room as he pump his cock continuously, feeling ropes of hot semen smearing the fabric of your panty. His breathing was labored, mouth open to savor the last of his delightful high before feeling the evident flush on his skin due to cold sweats. 
Heeseung used your panty until your scent was no longer there. 
He watches the baby pink panty among his clothes, the bulk of clothing spinning around the machine as he washes his shame away. With his head down, he began to wonder what was wrong with him. He was definitely classified not only as a pervert but also a panty stealer. 
He folded your panty and placed it ontop of his side table. There was no way in hell he would return it back to you with the amount of dirty things he did to it. 
Heeseung usually does his laundry every Monday, dead in the morning when no one was there. His schedule switches from time to time where he does the laundry at odd times due to restricted time.
It was three in the morning when he decided to do his forgotten laundry, hoping to end his lazy ass for procrastinating on doing his chores. 
With his air pods and a basket full of dirty clothes to wash, he stops in tracks when he spots you at the glass window of the laundromat. He backed away to hide himself in case you saw him, peeking at the corner to see what you were doing at this late hour. 
You were squatted down in front of the dryer, the one he specifically always uses. Heeseung felt his heart beating fast and throat getting dry, thinking you were there searching for your missing panty. But when you place your bra inside the machine,  leaving through the back door of the laundromat, he blinks his eyes in surprise.
To say he was shocked was an understatement. 
Did you leave it there on purpose for him to find?
So many questions bombarded his head. He slowly went inside after he was sure you had left, making his way to the machine. He opened it to see the red bra staring back at him, and pulled it away to make sure your name was there. It was. 
He decided to grab an empty paper and pen from his place to write a message, telling you to meet him at exactly the same time dead in the morning. He left a message inside the dryer but took the bra with him. 
Heeseung was sure you and him were the only ones using that specific machine because when he saw you in the elevator one day as he squeezed through the amount of people, the stare you gave him allowed him to be confident that you saw the message loud and clear. 
He was shitting in his pants waiting for you in the laundromat. 
He doesn’t know what to say— should he confront you about leaving your undergarments on purpose for him to find? Or should he apologize for taking it in the first place? So many worries cross through his mind when he hears the door opened, turning his head to see you walking towards him shyly. 
You wore a blue cardigan with white flowy skirt, in contrast to your usual workout clothes. 
The both of you stood there awkwardly, facing each other but with your gaze averted from one another. The tension was tense as neither of you found the courage to speak first, but when Heeseung took the chance to open his mouth to say something, you pushed him to sit on the empty bench; totally taking him off guard. 
When you capture his lips with yours, you taste as sweet as he imagines. He tightens the grip on your hips, letting you lean down further with your hands on his cheeks to deepen the kiss— he lets your tongue explore the cavern of his mouth. Your scent invades his senses, the same one that sticks to your bra and panty (yes, he smelled the bra you left him too)
It was at this moment that Heeseung realized that his fantasy was coming true. 
A soft moan left your mouth, sending all the blood rushing to his shaft. He was becoming dizzier the more you moved your lips, saliva coating at the edges of each other’s mouth. When you let go of his mouth, tugging at the hairs on the back of his neck, you said something that had him exploding. 
“I wanted to kiss you so bad.” Your breath was hot against his cheeks as he saw the lust swimming in your eyes, causing him to swallow down. 
“Really?” His voice cracked a bit, not believing the words coming out of your mouth. You now grip on his shoulder, resting your forehead against his as you nod your head. 
“Of course. I wouldn’t leave my underwear for you if I didn't want to.” Heeseung flushed when he heard you say that; so you did purposely leave it for him to find. He brings your waist closer to him, standing in front of him with your lips close to his. 
“I want you so bad.” He whispered, the lust evident in his voice. 
You grab onto one of his hands that was resting on your waist, leading it under your skirt. Heeseung let out a gasp when he felt his fingers touching your wet folds, feeling the dampness between your legs. You were not wearing any panties. Fuck. 
The dent on his jeans grew bigger when he rubbed your soaked folds, earning whiny mewls from you as his lanky fingers probed your pulsating hole. You lurch forward when he pushes a finger inside, letting out a high pitch moan when he slowly rubs the inside of your walls. When he moves to enter another finger, scissoring your hole with back and forth motion, you are holding him by the shoulder to regain some balance, feeling your knees buckled at the pleasure that washes over you. 
“You like that?” He taunts, liking the way your face contracts with pleasure with each movement of his finger. 
“Hmm…love your fingers fucking me.” You move your hips to reciprocate his fingers that were moving in and out of your hole, your juices leaking down your inner thighs. You move down to palm his dent, earning a groan from Heeseung’s pouty lips. 
“Want to feel your cock in me.” you unzip his jeans, searching for a way to free his hardened shaft from the confinements. With skillful hands, you pump his dick out of the hole of his boxers, he’s precum coating the palm of your hand as you move to jerk him. 
Heeseung hissed at the warm contact but he let out a chuckle, watching you desperately rut your hips against his fingers for more friction. “Your pussy is drenched, you know that yeah? Are you ready for my cock baby?” 
You let a string of incoherent words of affirmation, lost in the way his fingers were moving inside of you that tears were starting to form at the corner of your eyes. You move to straddle his waist, holding onto his dick as you slowly push him inside. He aids you by holding on your waist with both hands, watching you choke as he stretches you out. 
“Fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.” His eyes rolled at the back of his head, feeling you engulfing his cock with your wet and hot walls. 
“Hee you're so big, you're stretching me out.” You moan, pushing down yourself as close to his hips as possible, needing to feel him fill you up. 
His heart stirs when you breathe out his name. You knew his name. 
When you feel yourself adjusting to his size, you start bouncing on his cock, holding onto his neck as you feel him thrust into you as well. The wet sound of skin slapping and the moans filled up the vacant laundromat, echoing in the dead of morning when every tenant was still sleeping.
The both of you were glad that the CCTV inside was broken, making you feel less shameful at how loud your moans were as Heeseung continued to pound into you mercilessly. You burrowed your face in the crook of his neck, feeling his hands wander under your cardigan, hearing him letting out a curse when he pinch your bare nipples. 
“Fuck, no bra too?” He growled close to your ear, causing you to yelp when you felt him dick twitch inside. He played with your breasts, thrusting roughly into you to the point where your legs felt like jelly. 
“Are you that desperate for me to fuck you huh? Baby wants my cock so much that she puts on a show just for me?” Your fingernails scratch at the skin of his neck, unable to move your hips at the amount of pleasure overwhelming your senses. But Heeseung didn’t mind doing all the work, rapidly ramming into you until you felt the familiar knot in your stomach. 
“I’m close.” You sobbed into his neck, feeling him hitting your g-spot over and over again, not letting you rest in between thrusts. His finger snakes into the front, thumb latching on your tender clit, causing you to go haywire at the feeling. 
“That’s it baby, cum on my cock.” He coaxed, your pussy clutching onto him tightly and sending him over the edge at the stimulation. All he could think of is his clumsy thrust and your wet pussy sucking him in, feeling dizzy at the amount of pleasure that was about to unfold. 
He lets you cum first, the loud whine that emitted from your mouth sends shivers down his spine as he rides you out of your high. When he reaches his own high, Heeseung pulls out in time for the ropes of his semen to drip down his jeans, dampening the area together with your juices. 
Heaving breathing filled the silence, and the sound of the flickering fluorescent lamp from time to time. You lay snug on his chest, feeling the aftermath of the orgasm relaxing your muscles. Heeseung pushes his bangs with one hand that was sticking to his forehead, adjusting his legs to give you more space to sit on his lap.
“I guess we’re beyond introduction at this point huh?”
You laugh, the embarrassment evident in your tone. He laughed as well, his chest moving up and down at the thought that you had wanted him the way he wanted you. But the real question was— Heeseung moved to look at you, eyes staring back at you with a cheeky smirk. 
“Do you still want your bra and panty or can I keep it?” 
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peachfridges · 2 years
modern warfare character fluff headcanons.
cw: mentions of injury, mentions of smut but nothing bad.
characters: simon ‘ghost’ riley, john ‘soap’ mactavish, alejandro vargas.
notes: reader is a medic assigned to task force 141/los vaqueros (for alejandro’s). pre-existing relationship between reader and the characters. i would have included gaz and price but i don’t know enough about their characters without being unhappy with how i’ve written them :(
simon ‘ghost’ riley:
as we know, ghost is very reserved and can come across as quite blunt.
however, when it’s just you and him, he begins to let his guard down. not entirely, but he allows himself to show you some affection.
he’d injured himself whilst out on a mission, a deep gash on his side. whilst you clean his wound, he told you what had happened and allowed himself to tell you how he was feeling.
when you’d first met, ghost was too tetchy to even let you touch him, but slowly you broke down his barriers and let him know you were one of the few people he can trust.
when you’re out in a bar with him and the rest of the task force, he stays by your side constantly and scares off anyone who tries to hit on you with merely a glare.
you two share his quarters when you’re back on base: it’s the only place ghost deems private enough to kiss you.
it’s rare ghost will take his mask off around you, but in order to kiss you he’ll lift the mask up just enough so his lips can capture yours.
the first time ghost took his mask off in front of you, he had just gotten back from a mission he’d been close to dying in. he didn’t want to die without you knowing what he looked like.
due to your active jobs and the dedication you both have to them, its rare you will find a chance to have sex.
however, when you do, it’s passionate and rough - we all know what ghost would be like in bed.
soap walked in one time unannounced and caught you and ghost in the ask. he couldn’t look at ghost for a good week after it happened.
safe to say he always knocks before entering from now on.
john ‘soap’ mactavish:
only you and ghost are allowed to call him johnny, price is very upset about it.
soap is very sweet and giving in a relationship, ensuring you’re always okay despite the fact one of the reasons he may be visiting you in your clinic is because of an injury he’d received in a mission.
always has his hands on you.
also always kissing you. it can vary from the top of your head (if you’re shorter than him), your forehead, your hands, or your lips.
ghost has to tell him to cut the pda out. the poor man can’t stand it.
tries to make out his injuries aren’t as bad as they look because he doesn’t want to worry you.
soap came in to the clinic once, having had to be manhandled by alejandro and ghost, and tried to tell u that a large cut on his leg where he’d lost a lot of blood from was ‘only a scratch’.
very cocky. like, seriously cocky. very flirty too. constantly flirting with you, like it never stops. it makes ghost feel physically ill to witness.
loves to take you out on dates when you both get a chance.
always making you laugh, he loves the sound of it and loves seeing you happy and smiling.
also lives for everytime you and him have sex, which is often.
he absolutely worships you in bed and makes sure you feel as much pleasure as he can give you.
king of aftercare. i said what i said.
alejandro vargas:
i feel like alejandro would be very caring, like soap, but also very firey.
you both constantly play-argue. it drives price mad - he can never tell if it’s real or fake and in the end just gives up caring.
not as touchy as soap, but loves to kiss you to show everyone who you belong to.
he doesn’t care where you are or who’s there, his lips will be on yours if he wants to show you his love.
roldofo swears he can see his brain from the amount of times and how hard he’s rolled his eyes around you both.
puts your safety above his own and you hate him for it.
obviously he knows you can look after yourself but losing you is one of his greatest fears. there are nights he can’t sleep because he’s worried you’ll be taken from him, but you know how to soothe his anxiety.
when los vaqueros joins forces with task force 141, he makes sure soap (the resident flirt) is well aware that you are his. he’s very possessive.
usually has his arm around your waist, being able to feel you comforts him to no end.
sex with him is heavenly.
he knows how to please and he’s arrogant with it too.
is not above making you beg for him.
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ginnsbaker · 9 months
Bulletproof - Alternative Ending
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Summary: Starts immediately after Chapter 5 where you unwittingly sacrificed yourself to keep Wanda alive.
Word count: 5k+ | Tags: Angst and character death(s) | Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Author's Note: This was suggested by @dogsandlife, and I'm super glad for it because I was already toying with this idea. I just couldn't bring myself to hurt most of you so I went ahead with the other plot. But for my angst-loving readers, I hope you enjoy this alternative ending :)
Series Masterlist
The compound is anything but quiet. 
One can hear hushed whispers, the shuffling of feet, and the distant drones of machines. It's not loud, but there's a heavy feeling in the air. Grief. Everyone's dealing with the recent destruction—surgeries, reports, nights where sleep just didn’t come. Death. 
Today's supposed to help them find some closure, but it's obvious a lot of them aren't there yet.
Steve stands at Wanda's door, fist raised. He hesitates, almost knocking a few times, but eventually just taps softly with his knuckle on the wooden panel. “Wanda?” he asks, trying to sound as normal as possible.
She hasn't been seen since the first night they arrived at the other base, where Wanda went straight to the room she was assigned to. The only clue that she's still managing is that Vision leaves food outside her door every day, and when he returns later in the day, most of it remains untouched, but he can tell Wanda has taken at least a bite or two. 
It’s far from the ideal diet of an Avenger, which leaves Wanda being indisposed in the meantime; though the rest of the team was successful in neutralizing and the people who masterminded the attack on the compound two weeks ago. 
Out of concern for how she might react, especially given how deeply your loss affected her, the team has kept this news from Wanda. They want to ensure the prisoners are safely relocated to a hard-to-track location before she learns of it. There's a shared apprehension that if Wanda discovers this prematurely, she might take matters into her own hands.
Steve senses that Wanda might already be aware, and her chilling silence may not just be due to grief. Part of it could stem from her resentment towards the team for withholding the information, preventing her from seeking the second thing she desires most after having you back—revenge.
(What Wanda yearns for the most is your return, but that's a reality no longer possible in this universe.)
Despite this, Steve pushes on, “The ceremony's about to start. Everyone's waiting. We don’t want to start without you. They were important to all of us, but I get that they were even more to you.”
The stillness from the other side of the door is almost suffocating.
Steve’s voice becomes impossibly softer as he tries again, “Wanda, I can't imagine how you feel right now. But we're here for you. We're family, remember?”
Steve strains his ears, hoping to catch the faintest whisper from Wanda, but the only sound that meets him is the steady hum of the central air conditioning. Time drags on awkwardly, and just when Steve is about to leave, a faint, broken voice emerges from the room. 
“They're gone, Steve.”
Swallowing hard, Steve nods, voice thick. “I know, Wanda. I know.”
He does know. Perhaps more than anyone on the team, save for Natasha. He's experienced profound losses throughout his life: his best friend, the woman he loved, even time and an entire era.
He wants to impart all of these to Wanda, but he’s afraid of invalidating the pain that Wanda’s feeling right now. 
And so, a brief, quiet moment passes between them before Steve rejoins the others.
The scene is chaos—the aftermath of unimaginable power unchecked.
Dust fills the air, and broken debris is scattered everywhere. The once-familiar corridors of the team's quarters are now unrecognizable. Everything is obliterated. The structure has been reduced to fine dust, making it impossible to discern that the remnants were once beds or lamps. Not even sound escaped her wrath.
The others soon rush in, Steve, Natasha, and Sam at the forefront. The sight that greets them is unlike anything they’ve ever seen before. Everything is utterly pulverized, and at the epicenter is Wanda, holding your limp body close to her.
For a moment, the scene before them leaves them at a loss for words, until Steve's gaze locks onto you, covered in blood with your arms hanging lifelessly. Steve radios the others, quickly outlining the situation. He struggles to describe it without revealing the full extent of Wanda’s powers, of which they were previously unaware.
Sam surveys the area for potential threats. “All clear!” he announces, not realizing the hidden danger masked by the visage of a mourning ally. Steve, however, spots it immediately from a distance.
The situation isn't volatile due to enemies nearby.
It's volatile because of Wanda.
“Wanda, what happened?” Natasha ventures, attempting to cut through the escalating tension. Yet Wanda's eyes stay locked on you, murmuring unintelligibly under her breath.
“Wanda!” Natasha's voice sharpens with alarm. “Snap out of it!”
But Wanda refuses to budge, ensnared in her own maelstrom of anguish and remorse. As her hands begin to glow with a familiar red hue, she whispers, her lips curling in a crazed half-smile, “I can save you.” 
Recognizing the imminent danger of Wanda's erratic powers, Natasha lunges forward to intervene. “Wanda, no!”
Her plea is met with an almost tangible wave of force. The sheer power from Wanda's emotions sends Natasha hurtling backwards, taking her off her feet. Recognizing both the immediate peril and a fleeting chance, Steve reacts without hesitation. He gathers you into his arms, holding you close to shield you, and makes a break for the Quinjet's safety.
Sam, after a momentary stagger, hurries over to Natasha's side. He extends a hand, helping her to rise. Together, they turn their attention back to Wanda, eyes fixed as they witness the raw display of her struggle, the internal battle to regain control over her formidable powers. Eventually, as if a storm subsides, Wanda's energy recedes. She collapses, emotionally and physically spent. Her eyes glisten with tears that soon spill over. 
“I—I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry…” Wanda stammers, bringing a hand to her mouth in horror at her actions.
Natasha cautiously approaches, ignoring the lingering pain from her fall. She carefully wraps an arm around Wanda, offering what comfort she can. “It’s okay,” she whispers, trying to sound more confident than she feels.
Sam surveys the scene, taking in the devastation and recognizing that not all of it was the enemy's handiwork. “We can't stay here,” he warns urgently. “We'll have company soon, and not the kind we want.”
Emerging from the Quinjet, Steve's motions for them to hurry. “Let’s go. Y/N needs help. Now.”
Natasha quickly takes in Wanda's dazed state and knows she needs to act. “Come on, we need to move,” she says, gently guiding her friend by the arm toward the jet.
As they get closer, Natasha throws a glance over her shoulder at Sam. “You coming?”
He hesitates, scanning the area. “I'm staying. Someone's got to help out here.”
She looks like she wants to argue, but with everything going on, she just nods, helping Wanda up the ramp. As the jet's engines ignite and they ascend, Sam's focus shifts back to the ground, the sheer magnitude of Wanda's episode hitting him. A distance away, he spots a few incinerated bodies, possibly caught in the sphere of Wanda’s wrath. Walking cautiously among the fallen, a chilling realization dawns on him: he can't tell who was with them and who was against. Allies and enemies, all indistinguishably mixed in the wake of Wanda's powers.
He feels a knot in his stomach. “Oh, Wanda,” he murmurs to himself, “what happened here?”
Though the clear skies suggest fair weather, the ceremony feels grim, leaving behind an eerie atmosphere that steadfastly clings to the hallways and corners you once roamed. All attendees are dressed in their finest black attire, but the pristine garments can't hide the profound sadness of the occasion.
Everyone is present except for a seat in the first row. Every now and then, Steve's eyes would drift toward the entrance, half-hoping, half-dreading that Wanda might walk in. The funeral begins with a brief sermon from a priest, despite no one being certain of your religious beliefs. Yet, it's protocol. It has always been the manner in which they bid farewell to a comrade, so everyone quietly follows suit.
Each of the Avengers, save for Wanda, takes a turn at the podium, sharing humorous and touching stories about you. They all wear the same regret and guilt on their faces, wishing they could have done more, could have treated you better, could have gotten to know you more. The eulogies are largely light in tone, and it's unclear whether it's because they wish to remember you fondly or if their bond with you was merely superficial and insincere.
Except for Daisy, the last person to speak, who seems to be taking it particularly hard. She gets choked up talking about how you took her under your wing, always sharing what you knew and helping her train. And when she needed a place to sleep, you gave her your own bed. She returns to her seat, tears silently streaming, and there's a brief, uneasy moment when no one steps in to comfort her.
They all glance around, seeking out Wanda. Their eyes eventually land on Steve, who simply responds with a solemn shake of his head. 
The entire ceremony lasts just under an hour. As the last notes of the eulogy fade and people start to head out, everyone gradually returns to their routine. For many, it's the last time they'll reflect or speak about you.
That same night, as Steve is about to wind down in his office, lost in thought, Vision phases through the wall. There's a resigned expression on Vision's face, momentarily making Steve forget that he isn't human. Reflecting later, Steve appreciates how Vision's virtue and outlook are more human-like than many individuals he's encountered throughout his life.
“Captain Rogers,” he starts, “Wanda has…chosen to sequester herself in Y/N's former cell.”
Steve looks up sharply, a crease forming on his brow. “Why would she do that?” 
He had anticipated something like this might occur, but he's baffled as to why Wanda would choose your old cell over your bedroom, where all your belongings still remain.
“I can't say I fully grasp the intricacies of the human heart, but maybe she's looking for a connection or a spot to grieve. Y/N’s room, with all its memories, might just be too overwhelming for her,” Vision offers, seemingly reading Steve's thoughts.
Hearing this, Steve glances at the approval document he must sign, allowing the compound's admin office to begin clearing out your bedroom. He's been putting off signing it, thinking Wanda might need more time with your belongings around. But now he wonders if erasing traces of you might help her come to terms with the loss.
Steve considers Vision’s words for a moment before nodding slowly. “Thanks, Vision. I'll go see her.”
Wanda is glued to your side, her fingers so tightly interwoven with yours that it's hard to tell where one hand ends and the other begins. Every now and then, she gently squeezes, perhaps hoping to feel a reassuring squeeze back. Her face is contorted, every line etched deep with raw pain, her eyes wet and reddened from endless tears. She looks at your hand, pale and devoid of its usual warmth, resting lifelessly in her grip.
But it's the faint, almost timid pulsation under her touch that keeps her from completely breaking down. Each breath you take is slow and labored, barely noticeable. But the quiet beep of the monitors serves as a constant reminder that there's still life within you. From time to time, she leans in, pressing her ear close to your chest, cherishing the gentle thud of your heartbeat, willing you to hold on just a little longer.
A while later, a group of nurses and doctors rush in, ready to prep you for surgery. Their hands move with purpose, reaching for various instruments and adjusting the array of machines beside your bed. That’s when, as if propelled by an invisible force, equipment flies off tables, and a few of the medical staff are pushed back against the walls. A nurse, caught off-guard, drops a syringe, its contents spilling onto the pristine floor. 
Natasha, having been alerted by the commotion, slips into the room, swiftly placing herself between Wanda and the medical staff.
“Wanda,” she implores cautiously, her eyes seeking the sorceress's, “let them do their job. He needs them.”
For a moment, it seems like she might snap, but then her gaze drops to the floor, tears spilling. As soon as they feel it’s safe, the medical staff decide that they need to move you immediately. The wheels of your bed squeak in protest as they begin to shift it out of the room.
Wanda's grip tightens on your hand, her knuckles white. She tries to follow, as if an invisible cord binds her to you. She mutters, almost inaudibly, “I won't leave them.”
One of the nurses, recognizing the precarious situation and the potential for Wanda's powers to erupt again, glances around hesitantly. They're all clearly apprehensive about telling Wanda she can't accompany you. It’s just in time that Steve finally arrives, quickly taking in the scene before him.
“Kid, it’s okay,” he murmurs quietly.
She turns to him, her eyes a storm of emotion, as she pleads, “No, it’s not. I need to be with them.”
“It’s not,” he confirms, offering her a sympathetic look. “But right now, they need to do their job. We have to trust them.”
But her grip on your hand doesn't loosen.
With a deep breath, Steve gently pries her fingers away from yours. It's a slow, agonizing process, each finger unlocking a fresh wave of sobs from Wanda. She resists, but Steve’s reassuring grip gives her no choice. Finally, as your hand slips away from hers, the reality of the situation hits anew.
As the medical team wheels you out of the room, Wanda collapses into Steve's arms, her cries a haunting sound in the tenebrous hallways of the hospital.
The long hours of surgery find Wanda staring into the void, her eyes wavering yet alert, even as exhaustion begins to bear down on her. A few feet away, a wall clock ticks on, displaying the agonizingly slow passage of time. She's acutely aware of each second, each minute, as they stretch into what feels like eons. Occasionally, her fingers would twitch, itching to do something, anything, to change the course of events. But they remain clenched in her lap, her knuckles white from the pressure.
Wanda isn't accustomed to the drawn-out dread of potentially losing someone. Her parents were taken away in an instant. Pietro saved Clint in a split-second, paying with his life. So, when the surgeon finally emerges, the expression on his face already giving away the news, Wanda can't stand it. She bolts.
Outside, the cold night air hits her, but she hardly feels it. Her feet carry her to a secluded spot in the hospital's garden, where the shadows from the trees envelope her. She sinks to the ground, her hands digging into the grass, seeking some form of grounding.
The rest of the team, still in the waiting room, exchange worried glances. Steve takes a step forward, as if to follow, but Natasha places a gentle hand on his arm.
“She needs a minute,” Natasha says quietly.
While they give Wanda time to process, the surgeon starts explaining the details, the clinical terms merging with the reality of what happened. The Avengers might face world-ending threats on a daily basis, but this personal loss, this kind of pain, hits different.
Little do they know that in the distance, Wanda's grief is causing ripples that are about to change everything.
Making his way through the maze of hallways, Steve's steps slow as he approaches the familiar penitentiary. He nears the familiar cell door, taking a moment to brace himself before nudging it open just slightly.
Inside, the room is dim, with just a small lamp fighting off the darkness. It's chilly, the sort of cold that seems to seep into your bones. There, on the simple bed, is Wanda, curled up and looking so small and vulnerable. Pushing the door open just a touch more, Steve walks in silently and sits beside Wanda. He doesn't say anything, instead he allows Wanda to acclimatize to his presence, to give her space and time to figure out that she’s not alone in this, never was.
After what seems like an eternity, Wanda, without looking at Steve, simply murmurs, “It's cold here.”
Steve just nods, at a loss for words. He takes off his jacket, trying to wrap it around her shoulders for comfort. But Wanda pushes it away, letting it drop to the ground. Steve clenches his jaw, recognizing that right now, reasoning with Wanda might be impossible.
Several beats pass before Wanda finally speaks up. “It should have been me,” she says, her voice as steely as the temperature of the room. “I should be the one in that grave.”
“Don't say that,” Steve insists, carefully placing a hand on her tense shoulder. “You couldn't have known.”
Wanda's eyes blaze with anger and sorrow. “I allowed it, Steve. I allowed Y/N to help me, to heal me. I let them drain their life to give to me.” Her voice wavers, and she trembles visibly. Steve can feel warmth where he's holding her but trusts that she won't lose control. “If Y/N hadn't found me, I'd be as good as dead. But now... they're gone, and I'm here.”
“Wanda, look at me,” he mutters, placing another hand on her other shoulder and twisting her gently so she can properly face him. His blue eyes seek out hers but she refuses to meet his gaze, eyes transfixed on the floor, lost and empty. “We make choices everyday. Choices that we think are for the best. You couldn't have predicted this outcome. None of us could.”
She angles her head, strands of hair partially covering her face, but one eye peeks through with a dangerous glint. “I let them step into danger, more than once. So try and tell me it's not on me.”
Steve, visibly unsettled, takes a ragged breath. “Wanda, I know it’s hard to understand now, to accept that what happened to Y/N is beyond your control. But we're all here for you, and if you need—”
“I don't want or need your help, Steve,” she retorts with an icy edge. “What I need is to be alone.”
Seeing the resolute, almost manic determination in her eyes, Steve hesitates before nodding slowly. “Alright,” he says.
“But remember this, Wanda,” Steve says, pausing at the threshold of the cell, a deep sadness in his eyes. “Y/N wouldn't want you to be alone, especially not like this.”
Wanda's lips twitch into a bitter smile. “What Y/N wanted doesn't matter now, does it? They're gone.”
Steve doesn't say anything else. He gives Wanda a long look, then walks out.
The pain is worse when she dreams.
In one of them, she relives a reality from before. She's transported back to a familiar morning. She remembers waking up in your room, the warmth of the sheets reminding her of the night before. Trying to push away her burgeoning feelings for you, she recalls inviting a stranger into her room, sharing some wine. But as he got closer, she pushed him away, realizing he wasn't what she truly wanted.
In her dream, she does things differently. Instead of slipping away like she did in reality, she lingers. She takes the time to study every detail of your face as you sleep—the freckles on your nose, the subtle movement of your lips as you mumble incoherent dreams, the occasional twitch of your eyelids. She gives in to an urge she had suppressed for the longest time, wrapping her arms around your waist, drawing you close. 
After what feels like hours, you stir. When you open your eyes, there's a brief moment of surprise before your lips curve into a soft, genuine smile, happy to see she's still there. Your fingers reach up, gently caressing her cheek. She leans into it, eyes closing for a moment as she takes in the sensation. “You stayed,” you murmur, your voice soft and filled with wonder.
Just as she's on the verge of promising to always stay by your side, Wanda jolts awake. Her smile fades the instant she grasps that it was all an illusion, a fleeting could-have-been.
The knife in her chest buries itself a little deeper after that. It does so again the following morning when she dreams of another memory, and in every version, she doesn't turn away from you.
One day, a woman approaches Wanda, offering to help her uncover the secret to inhabiting her dreams.
“Not merely dreams,” the woman clarifies, “but alternate realities.” Her name is Agatha, and she persuades Wanda that these realities are rightfully hers, waiting for her to claim them. Desperate for a way to be with you again, even if it's in another reality, Wanda listens intently.
“Each reality is like a page in a book. Some might be nearly identical to yours, with just a slight deviation. Others could be drastically different. The key is knowing how to navigate and control them,” Agatha explains.
"How?" Wanda questions, hands buried in the pockets of her jacket, walking alongside Agatha on a nondescript street in Westview, New Jersey. She'd made her way there upon discovering you'd purchased property, curious to envision the life you'd planned for yourself, had you lived.
“It's not as simple as snapping one's fingers,” Agatha says. “But with the right guidance and knowledge, you can access these realities, live in them, even mold them to your desires.”
Wanda hesitates, sensing the potential dangers of meddling with the fabric of existence. “What's the price?” she asks. 
Agatha doesn't look too pleased with Wanda's display of intelligence and her knack for spotting the early signs of manipulation. But she gets the feeling that Wanda might not care if she's being used, as long as she gets what she wants out of it.
“Every powerful spell comes with its costs,” Agatha replies cryptically. “But isn't a chance to be with Y/N, to have a life where grief doesn't consume you, worth any price?”
Living day to day, clutching onto moments of happiness in her dreams, only to be jerked back into a reality she can't stand—it's wearing on Wanda. The dreams are great, sure, but they're just that—dreams. And when they're over, it's back to the harsh light of day, and the reality that you’re gone. She's stuck in this loop, bouncing between what she wishes her life could be and the real world that just won't let her catch a break. Every dream feels like a tease, a brief escape before she's pulled back into the grind.
“So? I don’t have all day, dear.” Agatha's tone is dripping with impatience, her sharp eyes fixed on Wanda.
Wanda swallows hard, her gaze darting around the empty street, as if cautious to anyone who might be eavesdropping on the conversation, before settling back on the older witch. “What do you want in return?”
A slow, sly smile spreads across Agatha's face, making the air around her grow even colder. She takes a deliberate step closer to Wanda, their faces now mere inches apart. “You’re a sly witch than I made you out to be, aren’t you?”
Wanda holds her ground. “I need to know.”
Agatha chuckles softly, her breath caressing Wanda's face. “We'll get to that,” she purrs, drawing the moment out just to relish Wanda's discomfort. She then leans in even closer, her voice dropping to a hushed, almost seductive whisper. “First, let's talk about how we can make your dreams come true.”
Wanda hesitates, torn between the desperation of her desires and the voice in her head urging her to decline the offer, to grieve and move forward like anyone else would.
To forget you.
“And why would I trust you?” Wanda counters instead, buying herself more time.
Agatha straightens up, her smile unwavering as she finally takes a step back. “Oh, darling, you shouldn’t. But sometimes, our wants make strange bedfellows. And right now, I'm the best chance you've got.”
Wanda's footsteps are hesitant as she approaches the rubble-strewn site, each broken brick and twisted piece of metal echoing memories of that fateful day. The boundaries between realities have always been thin for Wanda, a mere whisper away. And on the 436th day since your sacrifice, she finally musters the courage to cross them.
Witnessing it all from this vantage point—that of an observer—feels utterly surreal.
She remembers the pain, the slow dimming of consciousness, and the sensation of life slipping away. But in this reality, it was her other self who had been impaled, left to bleed out beneath the rubble. And you, who she loved dearly in every universe, had been spared.
Or at least, that’s how she intends it to happen for this reality.
Wanda's fingers twitch, and with a fierce concentration of her magic, she lifts the heavy boulder trapping her other self. A bright crimson glow surrounds it as it's lifted and tossed aside, revealing the horrific sight beneath.
The other Wanda is a haunting reflection of what she might have been, pale with trails of blood smeared across her lips. The fabric of her clothes is stained with the vivid red of her own blood, which pools around her. It's a sight that should send a wave of nausea through Wanda, but truthfully she feels nothing.
Gently, Wanda cradles the injured version of herself, her hands shaking as they brush away the dirt and blood from the other's face. She can't stop herself from checking for a pulse, even though ironically, she’s there to make sure it stops beating.
“Hey,” she murmurs, patting the alternate Wanda's cheek softly, urging her to focus. “Look at me.”
Slowly, those familiar eyes flutter open, clouded with pain. The shock and fear in them are palpable when they take in the sight of her savior—especially the distinct headpiece that marked her transformation into the Scarlet Witch.
“Who... are you?”
“I'm you,” Wanda says, and without waiting for a reply, sparing her other self the pain of speaking, she continues, “Y/N sacrificed so much for you. For us. They became our greatest pain, and our love. And they will be here any minute now.”
“W-What are you talking about—”
“They will be here to save you and make themselves vulnerable in the process. And they will die,” Wanda's breath hitches at that, causing her to pause momentarily. “You don’t want that, do you?”
Her fading counterpart shakes her head, tears streaming down her face.
“Good,” Wanda says, offering a comforting smile. “Then let go, and I’ll take care of Y/N. Okay?”
Without waiting for a response, Wanda turns the body in her embrace into red wisps that dance around her in the air. 
Then, aware that it'll only be moments before you reach the scene, Wanda morphs into the likeness of her younger self. She looks just like the other version, but without any injuries that might spur you into action.
“Wanda!” she hears your voice from a distance and her eyes water at the sound.
She's done the unimaginable, claiming the identity of this universe's Wanda, seconds after she erased her very existence. She takes deep, shaky breaths, trying to get into character. She needs you to believe it’s her, even though she’s forgotten herself how she used to be.
Your steps quicken, shoes crunching on rubble, until you're right in front of her, surveying her from head to toe, searching for any signs of injury. “Wanda...how?” Your eyes are wide, filled with disbelief and relief. “I thought I'd lost you.”
“I managed to shield myself just in time when—” She doesn’t get to finish her practiced response when you pull her into a tight embrace, and she leans into it, her body shaking with genuine sobs. Her face buries into the crook of your neck, feeling the warmth and familiarity of your smell and touch. It's a grounding sensation amidst the madness she has just endured and inflicted.
“It's okay,” you murmur, your voice trembling. “You're here now, and that's all that matters.” You can feel the dampness on your shirt where her tears have soaked through, and you tighten your grip around her.
“We need to get out of here,” you say, casting a glance around the ruins. “Let's find safety first, then we'll figure everything out.”
She nods, taking a deep breath to steady herself, wiping away her tears. “I'm sorry,” Wanda says, her voice catching in her throat.
“For what?” you ask, confused.
“For making you worry,” she says, avoiding your eyes. The guilt she feels is so much deeper than what you perceive, but now isn’t the time to delve into it. 
She only recalls the next moments when the bullets are headed your way minutes later. But this time, they don't touch you. Wanda swiftly neutralizes the assailants, and you stare, a mix of shock and awe at the display of her powers that appear to have been amplified overnight.
You blink, trying to process what you just saw. “Wanda, what was that? I've never seen you...”
“We need to move. Now,” Wanda interrupts, a hint of panic in her voice. She grabs your hand, tugging you forward roughly.
You resist for a moment, glancing around. "Don't we need to wait for the others?"
She glances back at the devastation she caused, her face drawn. "There’s no time. They're not coming.”
“Please," she pleads, her eyes darting to the oncoming imaginary threats in the distance. “We'll figure it out once we're safe.”
It’s your weakness, your inability to say no to her, that makes you yield to her wishes. With one last uneasy look around, you let Wanda pull you away, but a slew of questions bubble up in your mind, waiting for a safer moment to be asked.
Wanda leads you somewhere faraway. 
In time, you cease to question her actions.
Gradually, the dreams stop haunting her nights.
But she finds herself unable to stop hunting for them every now and then.
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thmles · 1 year
| Betty.
- i don't know anything but i know i miss you.
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[warnings: a bit sad, a little angsty, just teenage love that i will never have, not proofread]
[a/n: i tried to do it in a sort of 2nd pov? i think it ended up pretty good? so... i might also try to write another miguel story? but i'm trying to figure out if it should be smut or angsty ]
All your life, you and Miles have been the best of friends. You were neighbors, classmates, play pals. You guys were never not together, whether it be skating or even going to his Uncle Aaron’s. When you got accepted into Visions Academy, Miles strived to get accepted just so the two of you can be together. His parents supported him in his decision thinking that it would be a great opportunity for him to learn more.
“‘I love you, dad.’” You mimicked Miles’ voice before laughing loudly. You guys were sitting in the cafeteria, surrounded by other students eating lunch. You could barely eat anything since you’ve been laughing at Miles the whole time.
“Yeah, yeah. Tease me all you want.” He groaned and slammed his head on the table. A few looks of concern came your way at the commotion. You stifle a laugh and rub Miles’ back.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Morales. It’s the first day of classes! Everything’s hectic, everything’s hard!” You told him with a smile. Miles groaned at the statement and propped his arm up and resting his head on it. He attempted to grab a fry from your plate before you smacked his hand. “Hey, I bought you your lunch. Don’t waste it.” You were quick to scold him and gave his tray a light shove. You took a sip of your Diet Coke Zero before continuing to eat your fries and bacon cheeseburger. “But your fries look way tastier!” He protested and made another move for your tray.
“Miles, I bought the exact same thing for you.”
“Well, stolen food is still better.”
You rolled your eyes. “How’s your first day? Hopefully not as eventful as mine.” Miles asked before popping more fries in his mouth.
“Well, I was late for the first class, then I went to grab some stuff from my locker but clearly underestimated how much time I need to go to the Physics Classroom which was on the other side of the building,” You sighed and grabbed fries from his tray and munched on them.
“Then I tripped going up the stairs, but some guy named Harry helped me up.” You finished and drank from your cup. Miles laughed at your story and his eyes lit up.
“Oh yeah, Uncle Aaron’s been asking about you! He told us to drop by sometime.”
You let out a laugh and shook your head. “I can’t make time this week, Miles. It’s only the first day and I have a lot of things to finish.”
He groaned and realized he had to finish things as well, especially the essay assigned by their physics teacher.
“Hey, Miles. Did you meet your Uncle Aaron last night? You didn’t text after you said you left your dorm.” You were quick to approach him in the hallway. “Wait, did you just grow a couple of inches? We were at about the same height yesterday? Or am I hallucinating?” You fired question after question and you failed to notice how each question agitated Miles.
“Look, I-I don’t know either, okay? Stop asking so many questions!” He stopped and yelled. The whole hallway became quiet as they gawked at the pair of you. You were stunned and hurt. “I-I was just worried, Miles. I didn’t mean to-” Before you could even finish your sentence, he bolted out the hallway and left you there. Other students stared at you before resuming whatever they were doing. You sighed and went back to class before you could overthink what was happening.
In the past days, it was revealed that Peter Parker was the man behind the mask of Spider-Man. Unfortunately, he passed due to the earthquake that day Miles stopped talking to you. For the past few days, you haven’t heard much from him, only knowing that he hung around a blond girl named, ‘Gwanda.’ His parents reached out to you hoping you knew what was going on with Miles since he hasn’t been talking to them either. They told you that his Uncle Aaron passed and the new Spider-Man was probably the one that killed him.
You figured you’d reach out to him by going to his dorm. You knew his roommate, Ganke, from your chemistry class and asked him where their dorm was. Later on that day, you knocked on the door, seeing a shadow moving around the room. You knocked gently and called out. With no response, you just talked. “Hey, Miles. It’s me. I-I know you’re probably busy there but I hope you can hear me. Something-Something happened to your Uncle Aaron,” You choked back a sob as tears began to form in your eyes. “I think it’d be best if your family told you about that.” You took a shaky breath.
“Miles, I don’t know anything but I know I miss you. I miss how we hang out and laugh at each other’s jokes. How we listen to each other’s music,” You heard a faint shuffle before you continued, “and how you make me the happiest person when we’re together. This is probably going to be the shittiest way I confess but I like you, Miles. I always have. You’re my best friend and I was always afraid I’d lose you if I said anything.” You leaned your head against the door.
“I know you feel pressured from your family and maybe even from me. But your family and I push you to do your best because we know you can do it. You are special, Miles. You have this spark inside of you and it is amazing. Just keep doing you and we’ll support you. We’re here for you, Miles.” A tear ran down your face and you were quick to wipe it away. You sniffed as you tried to hold back your tears. “We don’t have to talk soon. Take your time, okay? I’ll wait for you.”
Later on, you found yourself walking around Brooklyn to clear your head. The earthquake caused by the Fisk Tower got you shaken and felt the need to take a breather. You still haven’t heard from Miles. You looked at your phone for any new notifications and the picture of you and Miles on your middle school graduation looked back at you.
“It isn’t safe for young people to be out at night.” A voice pretending to be gruff and deep informing you. You looked up with a gasp. “Y-You’re that new Spider-Man! The one that just took down Fisk right?”
He let out a nervous laugh before continuing his deep voice. “T-That’s me!” You raised an eyebrow and observed his figure. You circled around him as he stood still. “Look, you have to get home before you-”
“Miles?” The lens of his mask grew wide.
“You remind me of my friend, Miles. He does this stupid deep voice thing when he makes fun of some older guys that annoy us.”
“Unless…” You put a hand on your chin as you began to think.
“How about I just get you home before something bad happens to you?”
The new Spider-Man swung you back at the Visions Academy. To say the experience was terrifying was an understatement. You were clinging to him like a baby koala. He made sure to gently land on the rooftop of the building and set you down just as gentle. He stood on the ledge, ready to leave and bid you a farewell, you cut him off.
“I know it’s you, Miles. I can smell your ‘unique’ cologne that I gifted you last Christmas.” You told him. You slowly approached him until you were on the ledge. You leaned against it as he sat down.
“Is that why you were avoiding us?” You asked him softly and looked at him. He took his mask off and looked down at the busy street below.
“Yeah. I was…trying to figure things out. I didn’t know who to talk to…” You let out a sigh and looked out at the city. The bright lights lit the city up like stars in the night sky. The wind was cold and you shivered through your thin sweater.
“I-I heard everything from earlier…about how you miss me and that you’ll support me and all of that..” You were thankful that it was dark as your face heated up. “And how you like me.” Miles finished and looked at you. “I-I meant what I said, Miles. It’s up to you but I understand if you don’t want to talk or be friends anymore after that-” You rambled nervously. Miles chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Don’t worry. I like you too.” Your face flushed red again as you hid your face in your hands. Miles laughed and gently tugged your hands out of your face. He got down the ledge and stood beside you, leaning against the ledge.
“How about a movie date at my place?” He suggested.
“How about we go to the Arts Museum then we watch a movie? Like Back to the Future?”
“Only if you buy pizza.”
“As long as you buy some ice cream.”
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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𝐎𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝
pairing: pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader
genre: angst, smut, romance, slow burn, mutual pining, secret relationship
series summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
word count: 5.6k
chapter summary: With Sarah at a sleepover, you, Joel and Tommy get together late to paint the now empty room, but with a distressing call from Sarah, Joel leaves to pick her up. You're just surprised as him when Sarah asks for you specifically. Later on, you accidentally see something that was meant for Asha's eyes only.
warnings: sarah gets her period for the first time so first-time period talk, nude photo (joel's), female masturbation (reader), feelings of loneliness (reader)
Chapter Four || Chapter Six
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It’s been two weeks since Asha became a part of Joel’s life. They were more similar to what he initially had thought. For starters, neither of them talked about their families or upbringings. It was from Tommy that Joel learned that her parents still resided in India and that she came here alone, unsupported for the most part. 
Joel, however, didn’t really have much family to talk about even if he wanted to. He only had Tommy and Sarah. He mentioned them a total of two times; one because Sarah got sick at school and he had to go and get her, meaning he had to cancel his lunch with Asha. And the second was when he showed up late one night with a black eye due to Tommy getting under the skin of the wrong crowd. That night he had thought of going to you instead, but then decided against it. The next day he learned that you cleaned up Tommy’s wounds— it shouldn’t have made his heart twinge with jealousy, but it did.
They used each other, Joel and Asha, at least that was what he felt, and it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. They enjoyed each other's company, had fun together, slept together. She made him aware of things that he wasn’t even aware of and vice versa. Asha never had the desire to talk about the future or asked to come over. Her apartment was just fine, and they often met up there instead of anywhere else. She never asked about his personal life. 
But that all changed as Joel was driving her from work to her home. 
“Tommy talks a lot about this girl,” she muses, smiling lightly. “Your neighbor I think? He came and ask me for room decor tips, it was cute.” 
“That’s the one,” Joel answers, shifting in his seat. “I knew he wasn’t clever enough to think of all of that on his own.” 
“He did come up with the color himself, so it wasn’t all me.” 
“He’s been braggin’ a lot, it’s annoyin’” 
She presses a hand on his thigh, squeezing, she drags her fingers up the seam of his jeans. “Come on, Joel. He’s just happy. I think she’s good for him.” 
“They’re both good for each other.” he nods, ignoring her hand resting right below his pelvis. “I’m actually heading there after dropping you off, you wanna come? I’m sure she’ll appreciate more female company.” 
She laughs and pulls her hand back to her lap, “Just because we both have vaginas doesn’t mean we’ll get along,” Asha hums, pulling her bag up from between her legs. “However, I do think we would get along. Sadly, I have an assignment due and need to finish at least most of it before you come over.” 
“Ah that’s right,” he pouts, annoyed at himself. “Sorry I forgot.” 
“It’s okay, I forget half the things you do.” 
“Is that normal for couples?”
She mulls over his question for a while, lips moving from side to side, a tick that she did whenever she was cooking up something clever. Then she stills, a wide smile spreading across her face. 
“I think for us it is.” 
Joel couldn't agree more, to be honest. He taps his thumbs against the steering wheel, pulling into her drive-thru. She quickly presses her lips into his cheekbone and he returns in like. Before she leaves, Asha’s hand stills at the handle, briefly turning to him. 
“By the way did you do that thing I asked you?” 
“Fuck,” he heaves out, letting his head drop. “I did, but I forgot it at home. I’ll bring it later tonight, promise.” 
“I’ll be waiting with bated breath, Joel Miller,” she grins. “Who’s looking after Sarah?” 
“She’s staying at her friends' tonight. Girls' night. She forced me to bake brownies.” 
“Never pinned you down for a chef.” 
“I’m not. We burned the first tray.” 
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You're feeling unreasonably happy. It’s a welcomed feeling, a soft tingle that starts from your toes, blossoms across your skin, and ends at your lips, forming a sheepish smile. You’re leaning against the doorframe looking at the now-empty room. You and Tommy had spread newspaper all over the floor, both of you wearing your scrappiest of clothes. 
Tommy opens a can of paint and starts mixing it with a wooden stick. 
“What are you doing that for?” 
Tommy turns to you, a grin on his face. "Well sweetheart, we can't just slap this paint on the walls. We need to mix it thoroughly to get the perfect consistency. This ain’t like one of your paintings."
You tilt your head, your eyebrow raising, an amused smile blossoms over your lips. "First of all, we do need consistency too. And what's the perfect consistency to paint a wall? It’s a wall, shouldn’t be that hard."
Tommy dips the wooden stick into the can and lifts it out, letting the excess paint drip back into the can. "It should be smooth and creamy, not too thick and not too thin. You don't want it to be runny, or it will drip all over the place, but if it's too thick, it won't spread evenly."
He starts stirring the paint in a circular motion, his wrist moving in a steady rhythm. The sound of the stick scraping against the bottom of the can fills the room, creating a soothing hum.
"As you mix the paint," he continues, "you should periodically lift the stick out of the can and let the paint drip back in. That way, you can see if it's the right consistency. If it's too thick, you can add a bit of water to thin it out, and if it's too thin, you can add a bit more paint."
You nod, taking mental notes. "Got it. Smooth and creamy.” 
Tommy grins. "Exactly, creamy is preferable. It responds better."
Your cheeks heat up at the response. Something about the way he rolls his tongue over the words make goosebumps rise on your skin, a tender shiver coursing through your body. With a soft shudder, you wrap your arms around yourself. 
“When do you think Joel is coming over?” 
“Don’t know. I think he’s with Asha.” 
“Asha,” you repeat, no emotion behind the words but still, you feel the corner of your lips quivering. “Do they get along well?” 
Tommy shrugs and slowly gets up, “I guess. Joel isn’t really the type to kiss and tell you know? And Asha…well, I guess it’s safe to say she’s pretty much the same.” 
“Basically perfect for each other.” 
“I mean, I probably wouldn’t go that far,” Tommy answers, scratching the back of his head. “Being so similar ain’t always a good thing.” 
Silence follows and you can vaguely hear a car pulling in next door, must be Joel. Thoughts wildly swirling in your head, you want to take this opportunity to ask about Sarah’s mother, something Joel never talks about, and also something Sarah never mentiones. You lick your lips, nails digging into your forearms. 
“Does it bother you?” 
The question takes you by surprise, you blink before answering. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Does it bother you that he’s with someone?” 
You try to keep your shock to a minimum. Tommy’s gaze reminds you of the yellow gaze of a hawk, piecing, overly observant. You swallow and let out a laugh with a desperate need to lighten the heavy air circling you both. You shake your head, walking up to Tommy, you give him a gentle pat with the back of your hand. 
“Why would that bother me? I’m just making conversation.” 
Tommy’s shoulders relax, dropping substantially. You’re surprised you hadn’t noticed how tense he was before. 
“Sorry, I was just thinkin’ too much.” 
Before you can answer a loud knock startles you both. “Must be Joel. 
“You go, I’ll open the rest of the cans.” 
Joel looks out of breath when you open the door for him, his chest heaves and he staggers forward, bracing himself by holding both knees. 
“Didn’t mean to be late,” he says. “But I brought whiskey.” 
“Is that why you went to your place first?” 
He closes the door behind him, “You heard that?” 
“Saw the lights.” 
You notice a magazine in his hands but fail to see the title, it’s rolled up. In the other he has the bottle and you take it from him, heading to the kitchen, he follows. 
“I also had to pick up somethin’ I promised Asha. I’m meetin’ up with her after this.” 
Your chest tightens and you roll your shoulders to ground yourself before reaching to get three glasses. “Isn’t that going to be late?” 
“I ain’t five.” he answers with a low chuckle. “But yeah it’s late but she has work to do and I promised you lot I’d be here.” 
“You didn’t have to come. You can go.” 
You wince at your own wording. It definitely came out harsh, no question about it. Taking a deep inhale, you feel the coolnes of the kitchen counter under your fingers, holding on to it. Joel’s presence looms near, his hand touching the small of your back. He’s not holding the magazine anymore. 
“Are you alright darlin’?” he asks with a hint of worry. He drags his fingers up your spine, a sudden heat coils in your stomach. “I didn’t mean it that way. I’m happy to be here, you know that.” 
“I do, sorry,” you mutter, fingers grasping two glasses before pulling away. “Tommy’s in the room, making the paint all creamy and stuff.” 
“He’s doing what now?” 
When you look at him all the happiness from before comes surging back, he has the most horrified, flabbergasted expression you’ve ever seen. The first hints of laughter come out in short bubbles, and as Joel continues to stare, you burst, loud, chest-rattling sounds of joy clawing out of your lungs. His shocked expression shifts into a happy one, a grin playing at the side of his lips. 
“I keep tellin’ him to stop sayin’ that,” he clicks his tongue. “I keep tellin’ him ‘saying smooth is enough’ he never listens.” 
“It did make me laugh a lot though, so maybe it’s not so bad that he says that.” 
“If it made you laugh it definitely ain’t a bad thing,” he answers, taking the bottle and heading toward the room. “I love hearin’ you laugh.” 
You force your legs to move despite wanting to stop and stare behind him as he disappears through the hall. First the kiss on the cheek, and now this. Blood pools under your fingernails, confusion makes your head spin—but you still continue to walk. The thoughts that began to form quickly disappear when you enter the room, you see Joel leaning over Tommy. 
“Why do you still use the word creamy?” he asks, hands in the air. “Why?” 
“It’s a fun word,” Tommy answers, eyes finding yours mid sentence and winks. 
Your mind races but you smile anyway. Tommy’s bizarre question from earlier must’ve riled me up, you think, stepping inside. There’s no logical reason why Joel dating Asha would bother you, he doesn’t belong to you, hell, you’re not even that close. You’re just acting up because him and Tommy are the first friends you made when you moved here. Just some friendly overprotectiveness, that’s all, you would act the same if Tommy was dating someone. 
You nod as a response to your thoughts, yes, you definitely would act the same. 
“Are you possessed or somethin’ what’s going on with you?” 
You flinch at the question and turn to Tommy, he has that familiar lopsided smile, eyes amused. 
“I’m good, I was just thinking of something.” 
You don’t miss the way Joel looks at you, worry crossing his face, but you act as if you didn’t see him. Taking a deep breath, you slap your hands together. 
“So, where do we start?”
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The room heavily smells of paint. Toxicity is slowly inhaled through your nostrils, burns your throat, and swirls in your lungs. You feel slightly queasy. Joel is sitting across from you with his legs outstretched and hands palms pressed into the newspaper-covered floors to keep himself upright. Tommy has his legs crossed, he leans forward to grab a piece of chocolate. And you. You have his jacket thrown above your shoulders, the night chill settling easier now that the room is empty and the walls wet with paint. 
While Tommy leans to grab the piece, his shirt rolls up his waist, you notice a tiny, crooked bullseye tattoo with two circles and a dot. Fascinated by this new discovery, you poke it, and, essentially, him. He flinches, giving you an almost offended look as he turns around. 
“The hell are you doin’?” he covers the patch of skin with his hand. 
“You have a tattoo.” 
It’s a statement. Joel gives you two a crooked grin as he takes a sip from his glass. Tommy raises an eyebrow, a small dimple forming on his right cheek as he smiles. 
“So? Just because I have a tat doesn’t mean you can poke me.” 
“Sorry, I just didn’t know you had one.” your lips crack a smile. “It’s cute.” 
You notice the soft flush coloring his cheeks, but you swiftly ignore it when Joel speaks, his voice low and scratchy from the late hour— and from inhaling the paint, probably. 
“Tommy had the bright idea to be a tattooist when we were in high school. He begged for a kit every year for his birthday, and one year I actually managed to get together a bit of cash to buy him one of them shit stick and poke sets.” 
“Awww, that’s adorable,” you grin, playfully shoving your shoulder into Tommy’s. The younger Miller shook his head, averting his eyes from his brother. “I’m assuming you got a tattoo too, right Joel?” 
Tommy scoffs at the sudden denial, he accusatorily points the piece of chocolate at his brother, then shoves it into his mouth, “Come on now, don’t be shy. Show off my masterpiece.” 
“Some masterpiece,” he grunts, rolling his eyes. “But fine.” 
You’re too stunned to actually notice the small patch of inked skin when he lifts his shirt, your mouth dry as sandpaper. He also has a crooked bullseye, a bit darker in shade compared to Tommy’s. The shape is right above his ribs, to the side of his torso. Some part of you wants to touch it as well, to follow the round pattern with the tips of your fingers but you fight the urge. 
“Cool,” you say unintelligently and he releases the shirt, covering his skin once more. You turn your head to Tommy. “Why did you stop?” 
He shrugs, “I don’t know. I kind of just did.” 
“Could be because you decided to dive head first into a war.” Joel says, with a fresh sounding bitterness. 
Tommy’s shoulders raise, his brown eyes a shade darker with the glare pointed directly at his brother. Family is never easy, no matter how close or loving. You know that Tommy is riddled with regret much like your own brother, though at least Tommy had the sense to get out before falling in completely. You place a hand on Tommy’s thigh and squeeze, your heart breaking instantly at the way his eyes soften when he looks at you. 
“If you decide to ever get back into it, I’d be happy to draw you up some designs.” 
“If that means you’re gonna get back into drawin’ again sure, I’ll get back into tattooing. I just need to find that old set.” 
“You’re not using me to experiment again,” Joel grins. “Just sayin’” 
Getting back into drawing. Seriously how long has it been? Has it been long enough that it was even obvious to Tommy and Joel? You had done a couple of sketches, not really anything riveting. The end product always resembled either a dark hole or a dark room of some kind. It was like a manifestation of your thoughts, complicated, scratchy, overlapping. A sea of gruesome lines. 
For you, painting has always been about expressing yourself in ways you couldn’t imagine. It could be a purple cat staring into a well. A city in ruins standing at the edge of a leaf. Sometimes it could be as simple as a girl in a hallway, threading upon a red carpet. Right now is a perfect time to express yourself. The pain, the void. But you can’t bring yourself to lift a brush or a pen. It’s too much. No image is clear enough for you to put on a canvas. Despite how complicated it looks, you feel that in the end art should be simple to make. Your hand should move in fluid motions, it shouldn’t be a struggle against waves of fear. 
“Hey,” Tommy touches your cheek, for some reason, you lean into the touch and the same fingers slide to the back of your head, giving your scalp a pleasant scratch. “Are you good?” 
“I was just thinking,” you answer, eyes momentarily finding Joel. He looks stiff as a rock. “I miss painting.” 
“Then paint,” Joel says. “What’s stopping you?” 
“Myself. I didn’t have this problem before but now I feel stuck. Everything comes to me all at once and all that combined results in an empty canvas.” 
“What if we gave you something to draw?” he asks, earning a confused look from both Tommy and yourself. He smooths his thumb over the corner of his lip. “Like, a single thing. Maybe it can ease you in.” 
“Did you have a suggestion?” 
“A butterfly.” 
Your eyes widen at the prospect of it; a creature with beautiful wings, something that could be any shape or size. A tiny thing that was an embodiment of elegance in most cultures. A god in some. You can imagine patterns above fluttering wings; orange, purple, pink. You’re reminded of fairies dancing and leaving behind fairy rings, you see a blue butterfly flying above into a blue sky that is paler in comparison. 
“A butterfly,” you repeat, your lips feeling numb. Only then do you notice that Tommy’s fingers hand slid to your neck, cupping it gently. “Yeah, I can do that.” 
“Sarah loves butterflies,” he remarks as if reminiscing a pleasant memory. “I’m sure she’ll love whatever you make of them.” 
And just like that, a sharp melody cuts through the conversation. Joel looks down at his phone, eyebrows raising with slight surprise and worry. His eyes snap to you both. 
“Speak of the devil,” he says, getting up. “Sorry, I’ll be right back.” 
He disappears, leaving you and Tommy alone. Sleep starting to make its way through the cracks of your reserve, you allow yourself to lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder. His hand gently glides down from your neck to the small of your back, a comforting touch. 
“Do you like the color?” he whispers. 
You stare up at the ceiling, a soft light lavender gives the room a dream-like state. Your eyes shift back to him, a soft smile tugs at your lips. 
“I do,” you hum. “But I think we should paint one of the walls a nice blue.” 
“Blue?” he asks. “Why blue?” 
“It reminds me of butterflies.” 
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You stare blankly at the white door in front of you. Both you and Tommy were taken aback when Joel asked you to come over after he brough Sarah back home. She refused to talk about it. And She asked for you specifically, Joel managed to learn what the issue was then. She’d gotten her period for the first time. 
Which is why you have a pack of pads, painkillers and the last pieces of chocolate. 
To be completely honest, you’re nervous as hell. It’s ridiculous really, considering Sarah is only fourteen years old. But alas, here you are, staring at the door with light filtering through the bottom gap. You’d told Joel to wait downstairs, and Tommy had offered to tidy up the room and throw out the newspapers. Right now, you’re regretting your decision of making Joel wait downstairs. 
Sucking in a deep breath, you knock on the door twice. A weak sound barely reaches your ears. 
“Come in.” 
Sarah’s laying on the bed, curled up into a ball with her back turned to the door. Your throat tightens a bit. You don’t quite remember what your first period was like, but you know it must’ve been rough. It’s not easy to go to the bathroom and suddenly see blood stains all over your underwear. Briefly, you wonder if Joel ever talked to her about it. Did it come as a shock? They teach what periods are in school right? 
Tentative, you make your way to the bed and gently sit at the foot of the bed. You notice her wincing a little. 
“Are you alright?” 
“‘T hurts.” 
“I brought you painkillers,” you inform. “also a bit of chocolate.” 
“I don’t want chocolate.” 
“Tell me what you need then.” 
“It was so humiliating,” she snaps, stretching her legs a bit but still refusing to look at you. “Everyone was there, well the girls, and I didn’t even notice it first. Sally did.” 
You don’t know what entices you to do it, but you place a hand over her ankle. She clams down for a moment, takes a deep breath. She shudders. 
“It was awful,” she chokes up. “They didn’t laugh or anything and it makes me even more upset that my first reaction was to call my dad.” 
“That’s normal,” you answer, rubbing soothing circles into her clothed skin. “These things are difficult, your hormones are all over the place—” 
You can’t help but chuckle at that, “Yeah it’s pretty gross. I’m just trying to say that it’s normal to call your dad and I’m sure your friends will understand.” 
“You’re too optimistic.” 
“Am I?” you tease. “First time I’ve heard of it.” 
Sarah sits up and pulls her knees close to her chest. She seems calmer now, more level-headed like her usual self. She holds your gaze, you could almost see a reflection of yourself in them. She’d been crying. Joel’s heart must’ve shattered into a million pieces. 
“Is it always going to hurt this bad?” 
“Kinda, yeah. I’m not going to try and bullshit you by saying it’s a beautiful thing. It’s not. But,” you offer her the last bit of chocolate, and she takes it with a small smile before plopping it on her tongue. “You’ll learn how to navigate it better. Just know that whatever you’re feeling, no matter the age, is always okay.” 
“So I can still call my dad when I’m like…Fifty?” 
“I’m sure he’ll be happy to pick you up wherever you are.” 
She snorts, “If he’s alive.” 
“That man has the stubbornness of a mule. He’ll come back as a zombie if he has to.” 
“That would actually be kinda cool.” 
You smile as she thinks about it, her eyes looking up to the ceiling. Meanwhile, you take a peek at her clock, 2 AM. Time sure does fly. 
“You should take a shower,” you say, turning back to Sarah. “And here, I brought you some pads. Do you want me to show you how to use it?” 
She shakes her head, “I’m good. Thanks by the way…I…appreciate it.”
“I’m here whenever you need me. I’m only a knock away.” 
“Isn’t that supposed to be a phone call away?” 
“I don’t think that fits the whole neighbor theme.” 
Before you leave, you notice a butterfly hanging from her window. A small smile touches your lips. 
It’s blue. 
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“Is she okay?” 
You’re not at all surprised when you see Joel with his head between his hands, elbows painfully digging into the kitchen counter. The circles under his eyes seem a shade darker, the white of his eyes stained with red. 
“She’s alright don’t worry. She going to take a shower now, and use the pads I gave her. I also brought her painkillers that she might want to take before bed,” you had unknowingly brought the box down with you. You place it in front of Joel, his gaze drops. His lips move slightly as he silently reads the brand. “There isn’t much in there you should buy another one tomorrow.” 
“Alright,” he answers, letting out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I’ll buy you a box too.” 
“No need, you’ve already done a lot for me. Helping your daughter navigate the wonders of womanhood is the least I could do.” you answer with a heaping amount of sarcasm in your tone. 
“I’d be lost without you, neighbor.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you grin and rest your hands on top of the counter as well. “You could’ve asked Asha to talk to her if I wasn’t around.” 
His face falls, a sudden chill settling around you both. He shakes his head, the crease between his brows deep. “She specifically asked for you. Besides the thing with Asha—” 
His words come to a sudden halt as if he doesn’t know how to describe the situation. Tommy had said that they were similar in character, you wonder if Asha is better at expressing her thoughts, you can’t imagine two people having the same struggle being together. 
Joel suddenly takes your hands into his own, eliciting a soft gasp from the back of your throat. 
“She asked for you,” he repeats again. “And I wouldn’t trust anyone else with a matter this sensitive.” 
His hands are warm but his fingertips are cold. With an overwhelming need to touch, you smooth your thumb over the mountains of his knuckles, dipping between the valleys and climbing uphill. He seems to have the same need. You can see the turmoil in his eyes as he leans closer, lips an inch away, he holds your gaze. A moment worth painting, you think, the suspense, the aching need, to be forced apart. Unlike you, Joel doesn’t explore the depths of your skin, so you continue to do so for the both of you. 
Your breath is lodged in your throat, a lump. You turn over his hand, tracing the lifelines and vanished marks of his skin. His pulse is fast under the pads of your fingers, the vein like a river overflowing across his forearm. You stop at the wrist, only your eyes allowed to continue the journey. 
Staring at his skin, visions of what Sarah’s mother must’ve looked like flash before your eyes. You wonder if she saw the same things that you did, you wonder what possessed her to leave all this behind—the scarred skin, the soft voice, the dark brown eyes, the daughter, the home, the life. 
Then you’re abundantly made aware of another’s presence when your eyes follow the slope of his right shoulder and see a darkened mark on his neck. Asha has been with him more intimately, you wonder what she sees when she looks at him. Is it the same as you? Does she see the sadness lurking under his skin? The worry of never being able to be enough for those around him? Does she understand what he feels? 
Do you? 
“I should go,” you exclaim, pulling away your hands like they’ve been burned. “Let me know if she needs anything else.” 
You’re halfway to the door when you feel his fingers circling your wrist, not enough to physically hold you but enough to make his presence known. You hear the words spilling from his lips ‘wait’ he says, ‘let me walk you over’ but it’s too late, you’re out the door, throwing yourself into the chill of the night. 
It’s too much, it’s too sudden, it’s too bizarre. 
Your fingertips are still tingling with the sensation of his skin underneath yours, the soft hairs, the tiny bumps littered over. It reminds you of the smooth feeling of oil over canvas, all you want to do is press your palms and spread your fingers, touching him, you want to feel everything. 
Tommy’s waiting on the porch, he gives you a look. “Is Sarah alright?” 
“She’s fine,” you say, a bit breathless. “She’s…yeah she’s going to be fine.” 
“Good,” he nods. “Anyway I should head back home, I cleared up the newspapers and I’ll come back for the cans tomorrow.” 
His mind seems to be whirring because he doesn’t notice how slowly you’re speaking, he doesn’t notice the frantic beating of your heart. Tommy nods to himself, and leans in, you feel the brush of his lips against your ear. 
“See you tomorrow, sweetheart.” 
His lips are on your cheek, soft and wet. He smells of cigarettes and paint, but something sweet lingers below the surface. Your heart drops, your stomach churns. The feeling disappears as quickly as it came. Before you can say anything, he’s already at the end of the three steps you have. 
“Goodnight,” Tommy calls out. 
You watch like a deer in headlights as the car moves away, the red light slowly disappearing into the distance. You touch where he had kissed. It wasn’t the first time, but it feels different. It reminds you of when Joel kissed you, a similar feeling. The only difference is that instead of stopping time, you feel like you’re drowning in it.
Then you realize. 
Tommy has feelings for you. 
You clearly have feelings for Joel. 
And you think Joel might have feelings for you too. 
Your fingers twitch, butterflies flutter wildly both in your stomach and in your head. 
You head inside. 
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You trudge into the bedroom, the scent of wet paint clinging to your skin like a suffocating blanket. You had brough along with you the magazine Joel had left on the coffee table. Sitting on the bed, you flip through the pages, but the content is dull, littered with construction jargon that is foreign to you. 
Just as you're about to give up on the magazine, a photograph falls out from between the pages, landing on your lap. A photograph, you deduce, picking it up from your lap. It feels fresh, glossy, and slightly uncomfortable to the touch. You gaze at the image, and it takes a moment for your brain to register what you're seeing.
Every ounce of blood is drained from your face, all that heat pooling between your legs. your eyes go wide. 
It’s Joel. 
Half of his face is out of frame and he’s shirtless but you recognize him. Saliva floods your mouth. It’s not a very neatly taken picture, probably time adjusted so he could pose, which explains the slight blur of the background. His jeans hang low on his hips, unbuttoned, and his fingers disappear beneath the waistband, hinting at what lies beneath.
You trace the way his muscles are firm under his skin, the softness of his stomach, the faint trail of hair leading down to his navel. 
The faint sight of the bullseye tattoo on his ribs solidifies to you that this is indeed Joel. You’re lightheaded. When he said he stopped by home to pick up something for Asha you hadn’t realized that this would be it, a suggestive, nearly nude, photo. Now you just feel stupid for assuming he could be into you, clearly, he and Asha are both comfortable with each other enough for stuff like this. 
You continue to stare, the blood rush loud in your ears. You memorize every curve, every little detail of his body. The small scars littered across his chest, the unsure hint of a smile that’s mostly hidden, the pebbled nipples due to the cool air of the room. You want to see what lies under his pants, you want to see the rest of him and engrave that into memory. You want his body to burn yours, make you into something beautiful—make you into art. 
You sneak your hand between your legs, one hand still propping the photo up. You never actually masturbated to a picture before, mostly videos or just your own imagination. There’s something…interesting about it. Your imagination is more vivid somehow as you look at the picture, you can almost feel the warmth of his body blanketing yours, those thick fingers circling your clit and slipping inside. 
A soft moan breaks from your lips. You feel blood heating your cheeks, your skin incredibly warm and head dizzy from staring at him. You imagine having him in your mouth, your tongue teasing that sensitive spot right under the head of his cock. You think of the sounds he’d make, how guttural they would be. 
You arch your back as you imagine his thick cock pressing into you, he pulls you closer to him. His hips move in a circular motion, pushing deeper and deeper into you as you moan in pleasure. His hands grasp your hips and he pulls you closer.
Your eyes flutter open as you imagine his lips on yours, tasting the sweat that is dripping from your skin. He flicks his tongue, exploring your mouth and sending sparks throughout your body. His hands move up your back, slowly tracing your spine until he reaches your shoulders. You feel his hands slide up around your neck as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss.
Your breath hitches as you feel the coarse hairs at the base of his cock rub against your clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You reach your hands around his back, pulling him even closer as his hips continue to move against yours. Your pleasure builds, and soon you let out a loud moan as you feel yourself cresting over the edge.
You imagine yourself collapsing against him, panting softly as the pleasure slowly ebbs away from your body. You feel the imaginary warmth of his embrace still surrounding you. It’s painful almost. Feeling him when he’s not here. Your heart hurts, chest heaving as you struggle to breathe. You take a sharp inhale, shaking your head. 
Tears blur your vision as you place the photo back between the pages of the magazine. 
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