#and i have change my url disease
flintmcgraw · 2 years
oooooh im trying so hard not to be annoying
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jerrythebug · 6 months
I've made my way through the first 50 issues of JLI (and -A, a bit of -E too but not too much - I'm not a big fan of the art style in it, so I don't read it much except the few crossovers they had so far), here's a bit of my thoughts and feelings so far!
I'm having a blast, I really like how comedic this League is, but despite that they have great drama too - I liked Booster quitting! I wasn't expecting that to happen, but he left - and his corporate-shilled team was kinda fun too, I loved the jackets with their sponsor's logos all over.
I hoped to see more Beetle, he kinda doesn't do too much on the team? Like he got brainwashed once and started stabbing people (good for him!) but after that he's mostly just sitting in his pilot seat or goofing around. I want him to save the day, idk. It was nice to see his arguments with Booster tho, my fave moment was how he decked him at robo-Scott funeral. And when Booster came back to the team with the legendary 'should I get on my knees and beg' scene - simply iconic! Top 3 moments of all time dare I say! I am starting to really see the Boostle light.
Also Guy is growing on me like a parasite. I love when his boots are extra huge, in one issue they were so big I giggled whenever he showed up. I took a screenshot cause it's ridiculous (I love it)
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BIG BOOTS! I'm a sucker for BIG BOOTS!
Over all. I'm having so much fun, it was a great way to finally start reading DC comics for me. Can't wait to read what these fools get up to next! Can't wait to mess up the reading order (again) and spoil myself some huge event!
Thanks for not reading, Jerry out 💙
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sunieepo · 2 months
This is Eman a Biotechnologist from Gaza. Asking for help is not easy. It's not easy at all. You have no idea how mentally and emotionally tiring this is. But when thinking that the price is my family's life, getting out of here safely and achieve my doctoral degree dream, it just pushes me more and more to do this until we reach our goal. I'm here as I try to reach out to more people asking for their help to support our family's campaign so we can survive while all you have to do is literally donating even by just the price of your morning coffee or maybe a simple breakfast, So I think I'm not asking for so much. We're really tired of living under these catastrophic conditions for a whole 10 months. Your generosity will not only change our lives but also remind us that even in our darkest hour, we are not alone. https://gofund.me/d597b8e2
Hi there, Eman. I'm a biotechnologist just like you. I looked up your work and saw your research on identifying genetic risk factors for ischemic heart disease and celiac disease. That's really admirable work, and I hope you can one day achieve your dream of studying for your PhD in Malaysia. For now, I've donated what I can to try and keep you and your family safe.
Clickable URL to the page: https://gofund.me/d597b8e2
Note for my followers that I have checked this blog and can confirm this fundraiser is vetted.
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Raz Reads Les Mis (XX)
Marius - Friends of the A B C
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This chapter was incredibly fun, and introduced a cast that could carry the rest of this book
But I don't want them to because I want to see Valjean again
We meet the original Dead Poets Society, or at least the political French version of them
Their membership being comprised of Enjolras, Combeferre, Prouvaire, Feuilly, Courfeyrac, Bahorel, Lesgle, Joly and Gran
Enjolras is our natural leader, our beauty, our pillar of everything the Friends of the A B C aspire to, the logic, the backbone
Combeferre is the water to Enjolras' fire, the philosophy to his logic, the balance to his passion
Prouvaire (or Jehan) loves love, he is the soft romantic, he will bring flowers to a first date
Feuilly is an orphan and lives of hard work for low pay, obsessed with international relations and adopting the people of France when there was nobody there to adopt him
Courfeyrac is the exact same character as Tholomyes, but I beg to disagree - I have a hit on Tholomyes, I'd be friends with Courfeyrac
Hugo creates a trilogy of Enjolras, Combeferre and Courfeyrac; Enjolras the chief, Combeferre the guide, Courfeyrac the centre
Bahorel's whole personality is that he never wants to be a lawyer and sees even the law school as a carrier of infectious disease
Lesgle (called Bousseut) is berated for a whole page for being bald at 25 - this is just ergonomical for French summers, leave him alone
Joly is our medic, who is also a hypochondriac and if he were around today he'd run a witchcraft Tumblr
Grantaire is apparently ugly and in love with Enjolras and compared to both Patroclus and Hephaestion
I have opinions on Enjolras and Grantaire
But I will treat them as platonic (and not unrequited pining) and a metaphor until evidence suggests otherwise
And I think Courfeyrac is my favourite, from these descriptions at least - the irony
This is the group that Marius stumbles upon, all because he and Bousseut share a law class together that Marius didn't attend
Courfeyrac meets Bousseut and Marius while they are talking together at a cafe and Marius is introduced to the rest of the Friends
Courfeyrac calls him "a pupil" when he learns of Marius' political ideology - a little too pro-Napoleon for the Friends, but Courfeyrac's whole intro screams "I can fix him"
The Friends are drinking and Grantiare is rambling about 100 different topics, making the sort of sense that someone drunk will, the sort that they probably don't realise themselves doing
Somehow, through fate, the conversation turns to Waterloo
Waterloo! Marius knows Waterloo
The impassioned, naieve child talks with so much pride of how much he adores and respects Napoleon
The Friends are shocked into silence
But Enjolras is there to lead him out of the darkness of the woods
Poor Marius is confused for where his beliefs now lie, but the pupil will soon learn
Rent becomes due for his hotel, which Courfeyrac offers to pay, but Marius insists on doing himself
"Yeah I'll just sell my clothes and learn English and German and I'll be fine"
His principles even stop him from accepting financial aid from his aunt
And thus is how the life of Marius begins
This chapter was great! I really enjoyed meeting all the Friends and seeing their unique personalities and viewpoints all start to blend into one unified group. @pilferingapples is your url lifted from Grantaire's rant perhaps? I can just imagine him drunk and jovial and telling the Friends anything and everything that comes into his mind. He and Enjolras seem like the perfect opposites to bookend the society of the Friends with. And I want to know how Marius fares! Does his mind change? Is he accepted? Does he manage to find his way in the world?
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mangocheesecakes · 4 months
magandang umaga rose! i'm worried sisngh is the new maureen jane aloot
Please Donate to us life and miserable life in rafah is going So bad may allah. Even just not for me just for my kids and wife my brothers and sisters 🤲🏼🇵🇸
Please do not report or Say any bad please me so tired make a account again. 2nd time tblr delete my account plz tmblr not delete anymore.. we need so urgent help
My brothers and sisters assalam salamu alaykum! I am making this post To find a urgent help for each of you here that support fhalestine. I need to cross my 3 kids and my wife before the Monday hit.. I lost my 6 months old baby son Last 6 nights when the situation got more Bad. 1sr4eli will never stop until we will all di3!!
I am full heartedly begging and kneeling down to all of you just for my kids and my loving wife to get out here. It’s been weeks of hardship, no enough food and water for us. Tent will no longer stand for long.. if we not done from b0mb5 and bull33t5 we also di3 from hunger and diseases.. I can’t lose another family ya allah please save us and my family I can’t do this alone. I maybe a man and a father but this one me can’t promise I can do alone 💔
they have a picture and a video, but the video starts after the speaker has given their name, and cuts off abruptly. the paypal account given is https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/OMensom?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US under the name Omar Mensom, and it says "please send as frnds and fmly my brothers and sisters"
Anon you're the best. This is absolutely the new Maureen Jane Aloot / Laura Deramas scam. Thank you!
Everyone, you know the drill: block and warn everyone you see interacting with their post. I can't attach screenshots at the moment but anon has kindly provided us with the full text of their post, and I'll tag this answer with the scam account's url (urls if it changes) and other relevant tags so others will be alerted. Thank you as always and magandang araw din sa'yo, anon 😁. I will be posting the next ask you sent as well!
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sleep-can-wait · 21 days
Hello dear.. Please don't skip my message My name is Mohammed, from the afflicted and destroyed Gaza Strip, where life has become impossible and tragic, and where we see death and pain every moment and every day. Our children suffer from hunger, pain, deprivation and lack of medicine. The war deprived them of playing, school, and their most basic rights. They are now suffering from woes and tragedies. 😭😭 During the war, my wife gave birth to a child and I could not find any milk for him Our conditions are tragic, and we live in a shelter that lacks the minimum requirements for life and is plagued by diseases and epidemics Please help me save my children from the hell of the Gaza Strip and provide them with a decent life 😔 Your assistance, no matter how simple, is enough to ease the burden on us and help us overcome our crisis. Please sympathize with me and donate to me or contribute to sharing the campaign and spreading it widely
Hello sadly I’m just a minor and I don’t have any money but could everyone please spread the word? I’m really sorry for your situation and that I can’t do more.
@book-girl4evaaa @hxart-of-thx-ocxan @hazellevessque everyone changed their url 😭so I’m tagging a few for now
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niehuaisangsfan · 26 days
Hey sorry for going through like 4 million posts from your blog in immediate succession. Not only did I see your URL in the throes of an episode of Nie Huaisang disease but also you have really good posts tagged for WWX
SDFGDFDFG you are so welcome to go down my whole blog, i tag most everything so i can do that myself sometimes
Really making me want to watch the untamed again, I haven’t lost my mind over it in a while. I miss nie huaisang so much.. i still remember when i started it mid-2020 and could feel it changing my brain chemistry forever
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just-antithings · 1 year
The situation with Harry Potter fandom makes me wanna put my head through a wall.
I saw comments on a post that said "if you have a Harry Potter url I think you should kill yourself <3"
Like. What the fuck.
Dont get me wrong, I HATE jkr. Along with the transphobia, there's the antisemitic goblins, Asian stereotypes (Cho Chang really??), the fact that she said her werewolves were a metaphor for AIDS when there were explicitly "bad" werewolves who spread their "disease" to children on purpose, the fact that she made a race of magical creatures slaves and then mocked the one character going against the enslavement (but it's fine because they LIKE being enslaved) (also this character she also later attempted to retcon by saying she's Black. Big yikes), also the running joke of the one Irish character exploding things (written by a British woman in the nineties so there's some Implications there). She's bad. No one should support her, so no buying the games, books, movies, etc unless they're second hand.
And I know there are plenty of fans who agree with her, and seeing someone mention liking the franchise could raise some red flags.
Why the fuck do you go after creators of fanworks?? Jkr doesn't get shit from that, first of all. Second, she's mentioned previously she doesn't want any fanworks that aren't "kid-friendly", so anything with smut/queer characters other than Token Retcon Gay Mr. Dumblydoor would probably make her shit herself.
But newsflash! A lot of creators suck! Taking it out on people who separate the content from the creator and are just doing this for comfort reasons, people who KNOW why she's wrong and have often been a target of that bullshit themselves? Jerk behavior.
Im nonbinary. I loved Harry Potter growing up. I grew out of it before a lot of this came out, but it still fuckin hurt. I'm just so sick of people taking it out on those making fanworks that don't even support jkr instead of...yknow...going after jkr herself. You're just punching down to the people already hurt, because you can't do shit to the one who hurt them and you need to take out your rage somewhere ig.
Anyway fuck jkr fuck transphobes who like her and fuck these people man
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okthatsgreat · 3 months
WOWWWW it has been so so so long. i changed my url even. kozuelovemail …. But just got caught up and the last chapter made me sprint around my house and run into various objects. i might be back when i get everything down into Words but god the way hiyoko’s trying but she’s like. awful at it. mikan trying but also being so capable of that kind of cruelty. FINALLY getting more insight into The Akane Incident. so good!!!!!!!!! do u have any insights into ur writing process here ,,,
HIIIIIII HI HI!!!!!!!!! NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN loving the name change. it rules so hardddd hiiii :3
IVE BEEN SO EXCITEDDD for this one ive been so exciteddd. so much bitterness all compiling until this very momenttt where everybody reverts back to a version of themselves they hate so badddddddddd. YAYYY!!!!!
AND of course The Akane Incident YEA!!! really having fun piecing together what her whole deal is........... slowly but surely. and we'll definitely be getting more into that next chapter with her and fuyuhiko. Jesus
OK SO!! a LOT of this chapter was straight up dialogueeeeee it was almost like writing a script there was so much dialogue LMAO. something i do with huge dialogue scenes like this is take a lesson from every acting class and give every character a motive going in. so basically everybody in that room had a goal or a position to take in that scene and i made sure a lot of it clashheeedddd just to really amp up the tension. mikans role was to explain and then to defend herself at any cost, a lot of which stems from this "me and against them" mentality that she's backed herself into. hiyokos was to understand/to defend the kids, and while she does genuinely care about making sure those kids are safe she is really uncomfortable around mikan and that tends to make her louder/more argumentative/more suspicious in her unease. ibuki is unusually quiet and her goal is to have little opinion especially if that opinion goes against what mikan is saying (reflecting that gullible disease she had in the killing game). mahiru is in that uncomfortable position where she has to act as a sort of moderator, especially with hiyoko and mikan but more so hiyoko (which has already been established as a role she doesnttttt want to take lol). and because this scene was so argumentative i felt it was best if none of them ever really "achieved" their goal in the end lmaoo
with arguments as well i LOVEEEEE having characters cut each other off and stammer!!!! i think its important to note that in real life arguments dont tend to be these perfect back and forths where Person A gets to say something biting and then Person B waits their turn before saying something biting back. depending on the character and also how much power they have in the conversation, a lot of the time people will fight for their voice to be heard or make smaller comments in between sentences if this makes sense. especially with characters like hiyoko and mikan, hiyoko especially wants to feel heard, which means when she DOES get a moment to speak it tends to come out a bit louder and more biting. mikan, who is rambling at this point and hardly listening, will cut people off a lot and in turn has to BE cut off. so nobody in this scene (especially when it gets super tense!!) is able to communicate their opinion in a formal, "perfect" way, whether that be because another character is unwilling to listen, they are stammering or nervous, or simply because they just keep getting cut off by another character who wants to state their piece !!! does any of that make sense.
and then of course with dialogue heavy scenes building tension is important too!!! with this scene especially it starts out at its lowest, builds tension, goes back down again, and then REALLYYYY BUILDS up until mikan yells out that last comment!!! i tried playing with who was "in control" of the conversation just to help build that tension, and had it flip flop back and forth between people pretty often as it progressed. like as much as hiyoko acts confident and loud i tried to have a few moments where its clear she is losing control in this conversation while mikan is grabbing it, and vice versa. and even at the end when mikan """won""" the argument she immediately reverts back to powerless and lets the other three take control of whatever happens next
with two characters who are both so angry but so different it was a TON OF FUN TO WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!! because ultimately their discomfort over their past is turning them into people they well and truly hate and they KNOWWWW that, which is just making them even MORE uneased and argumentative. mikans pov deals a lot with regret and how angry she was becoming with this, and its all balled up into THIS! this TERRIBLE TERRIBLE SITUATION!!! especially with how high-stakes everything is, its extremely difficult for mikan and hiyoko to have a rational explanation where they explain their feelings in a calm and collected manner without the both of them reverting back to their high-school selves.... mikans resentment boiling over and her need to defend herself quickly turning into a need to hurt others, and hiyoko feeling as if the only way she can obtain power over the person who killed her is by becoming harsh and mean. YAY!
anyways goddd. hopefully this was understandable im just typing words at this point HGJFDKG. but YEAH SUPER FUN TO WRITE CANT WAIT TO GET BACK TO AKANE because yeppppppp her situation is slowly becoming more clear :) its all so fucked up
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houseownerz · 4 months
I should just change my url to houseownerz,,, but I have chronic url changing disease wahhhh
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mika-0730 · 4 months
I've been doing a bunch of thinking around a lot of things since starting my leave and thought it was time to make a new intro post after slightly changing up my URL and thinking about who "I" am.
Intro time!!
I'm Mika! 30s poly transbian (she/her)! This blog will be NSFW, so keep that in mind when following/viewing. I'm typically kinda noisy, happy-go-lucky and klutzy, a failwife office lady who loves to make delicious food and gets easily flustered. I'm the type who could help lead a ransomware recovery event, but can also forget what i had for breakfast and can barely function on a day to day basis.
Content will be explicitly for ladies and enbies (and whatever Identity you have between those), men are welcome to hang out but don't be weird or you'll get a block.
I lean more femme x femme and t4t, but can be a good bit flexible around that.
I'm a Switch, though I'm unsure if domme or sub leaning, depends on my mood. Definitely top leaning, but not opposed to bottoming for people i trust. Haven't had many opportunities for that, so i can't say whether i do or don't love it.
This blog will be my main one, including general NSFW content. Lots of art, cooking, titties, and things i find relatable. I'm chronically disabled with fibromyalgia and a few injuries, so you'll probably see some posts around that as well.
I do have thoughts on a lot of the hot topic trans rights, sexuality, and gender things, but i probably won't talk about them too much. My general philosophy is i won't judge you for them, and i hope we can be civil around what we agree and disagree on.
If i unfollow you, it's me saying "i think we're cool but I'm not a big fan of the things you post for one reason or another. Still down with having you around"
If i softblock you, it's me saying "i think you're fine but not a person i really wanna be around. If you wanna follow me back you can, but i might not interact with you too much"
If i block you, you can eat shit and fuck off.
If we're mutuals, feel free to ask for my discord, flirt, send me a random message, down for all kinds of interactions with friends (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
I have a side blog for more personal NSFW talk, and heavier kinks, but I'm not sharing that one. You'll know it when you see it, and if you really want it I'm not opposed to giving it out to certain people
@screams-of-the-siren is my vent blog now, where I'm going to try and keep my diary like readmores and frustrations
You may come across my alter, @one-moof-too-few , who's still generally developing. They've been through a hard time getting me to a safe place over the past near two decades, but they're generally friendly if a bit distant.
Tags ever growing, but below
#Relatable!!! - things that i find relatable
#art - art i like
#cuties - people i find cute
#my loves - my absolute favorites, the ones i would do almost anything for and would let do so many things for me
#mikachuuuu 💗💗 - Hatsune Miku art
#Lewd Posts - stuff i find NSFW. More sex based rather than nudity, but poses can make a massive difference in my thoughts
#Tech tips - things i find useful
#capitalism is a disease - politics tag. Some flavor of communist, can get along with anarchists okay, but if you're a Rep, Dem, or a libertarian you can fuck off. Certified genocidal joe and nancy "let them eat ice cream" hater, and no I'm not voting for a genocidal maniac who made me seek asylum from Texas while in full control of the house, Senate, and Whitehouse.
#Silicon Valley can eat my ass - the tech news i absolutely hate, typically around startups and capitalism based tech
#Tech Tips - things i find useful in technology, especially around accessibility
#i should remember this - shit i should definitely remember, wherever it being motivational or advice, that i definitely will not
#chronic pain
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sunmisbf · 11 months
sorry for changing my url n icon at the same time but i have a disease called sunmiritis n i need to have her face on my blog one way or another
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1eos · 5 months
Miss kendra how GOOD is adderal with the cant get over something aspect of adhd? I forgot to like a musician on tumblr saying they have a performance and i lost their url, and now im just mad abour that instead of like moving on with my life. I assume this is adhd, the symptoms of that disease are nigh infinite
me realizing that since starting adderall my moments of being fixated on an upsetting thing for hours has decreased
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im learning that adderall doesn't magically fix everything all at once (at least on the small dosage im on) but its like someone who knows what they're doing holding your hand and giving you the support to do something if that makes sense. so its like if its a problem you're actively aware of and want to change adderall will let you do it and then some! so with not being spiraling on a relatively small thing if you really want to get over stuff and move on adderall will deadass pick you up and THROW you into something better to do 😭😭😭😭 but if you aren't trying to change it'll just dampen the hold a problem has on you.
like not too long ago i saw a tweet that would usually have me pacing around the room writing arguments in my head but instead i just disagreed briefly in my head and went back to what i was doing it was wild
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intertexts · 9 months
ROS INTERTEXTS MY FRIEND ROS INTERTEXTS!! u mentioned like on new years or sumn that i should recommend u some kind of media that would change ur brain chemistry so i am here to personally recommend that u read the book series Escape From Furnace by Alexander Gordon Smith IT’S LITERALY MY FAV SERIES EVER IDK HOW I DIDN’T THINK 2 TELL U ABOUT IT RIGHT THEN AND THERE!! WHAT THE HECK!!! anyway it’s about this 14 year old kid named Alex who is framed for his friend’s murder and goes to this prison for kids who are killers and it is underground and impossible to escape. it starts as a prison escape thriller but it gets steadily darker with human experiments and Unfathomable Horrors and eventually morphs into a series that is actually about struggling with your identity when you just feel like an irredeemable monster. harrowing shit 10/10 there are five books and each one is more heart wrenching than the last i cried multiple times rereading it would recommend 👍
(also side note!! i still have the url hornfreaker idk if ur following that blog on this acc but i am using it as a kind of mutuals only blog. for the homies and the hornfreakers <3)
WHISKEY ANACHRONISTICFALSEHOOD MY BELOVED FRIEND!!!! HI!!!! oh my god dude u know whats funny. i adore u & i WILL b taking this rec very seriously but its also bcos escape from furnace has BEEN on my tbr list!!!! since u started posting ab it again a while ago!!!! i went ohh hmmm it looks like this is something whiskey really likes.... it sounds cool... i'm always inflicted by the seeing my friends Like A Thing & going oh!! theyre obsessed w this!! im so curious Why.. i wanna know Why its so good & what resonates this hard with them... disease. but. on GOD i WILL start it this year it sounds so fucking good!!!!!!!! for sure!!!!!
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batjokesbrainrot · 2 years
batjokes fic rec [international edition]
Hey guys. In this post, I am going to recommend some of my favorite batjokes fanfictions. Wait, you've it seen all? This is getting redundant?
Then worry no more, Because I've brought you probably underappreciated fictions (to English readers) written in Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish!
+ btw, the list will also include shameless smuts because there's not enough to be put in another post
Translator recommendations
Russian - Yandex (and sometimes Google translate/Deepl)
Spanish - Google Translate or Deepl
Korean - Google Translate
Chinese - Deepl (and sometimes Google translate)
Japanese - Deepl & Papago (Yeah this one is tricky. Don't ever use GT)
Tip: You can copy/paste URL into Google Translate and Papago. You can also upload documents for complete translation in Deepl. (For NSFW works on Pixiv, I usually use this site to extract links).
Batman/Joker stories are romantic that squeeze your heart. All plots are elaborately written and all of them come to a full circle. Their characterizations and interaction are amazing.
Five times Joker died, one time he didn't (Arkhamverse)
Joker dies the same way in Arkham City, but each time Bruce's reaction is different. Joker remains in character but the story gets very romantic. And the stunning imagery.. don't get me started on it.
Gotham Disease (#48 verse)
Two amnesiac patients entered the hospital. They are briefly interviewed and they describe their strange dreams.
Other fics that are not mentioned are also strongly recommended!
Her fics are well-written that left me emotionally devastated for months.
H (Telltale: The Enemy Within)
John explains to Bruce why he is special to him.
The Good Old Days (Batman Beyond)
Joker finds Bruce in his most vulnerable state.
"If it weren't for you, my old age would have been much less depressing." - Bruce
A late-night guest (N52, amnesiac!batjokes)
Batman appears at Jack's house at midnight with severe wounds.
She understands Batman and Joker very well. Her character analyses are comic-accurate and inspiring.
Twelves Steps to Quit (post-Joker War)
After the last incident, Joker disappears completely. Bruce, somehow conflicted, follows the trace to Joker's hideout. A story consisting of 9 chapters.
Diseazhaze also has NSFWs in her AO3 account and other fics that I have not yet read in her lofter blog.
F*ck you, Bat by mariferlafuria
Omegaverse batjokes. The way the writer brings Bruce's struggle and his identity as alpha together is brilliant. Non-con is from Joker's flashback, so keep that in mind.
only had an eye for that which was evil by muerteporagua (N52)
Joker POV. Character study fic. The fic's main focus is not romance, but I had to include this one. It's about Joker's despair and his choice.
There is no immortality by Jenny_Ien
The Laughing Batman takes over Joker's universe and tries to persuade him to see the world his way.
This is non/dub-con. And their interaction is violent. However, I want to point out that the writing is mesmerizing. So, so, beautiful. I'd have believed if I saw colors bleeding through texts.
Union of Strong and Independent by Браво (The Harley Quinn Show)
Joker is very towards Batman and Bruce takes it. Harley and her gang, unfortunately, walks into their affair.
This is Harley POV. Joker is very narcissistic and has a disturbing moment with Harley but this is hilarious. If you liked or hated the show, read this. I still remember the members' reactions, haha.
HIBANA by 桐野
Joker wakes up in a hospital room, and with his memory missing, he gladly accepts B's declaration, "I will personally watch over you," but his severely injured body has undergone certain changes.
+ I will be keep making changes!
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twentythousandvolts · 2 years
hi. i want to change my url but i dont know what i want to make it. its just that yearly Time For A Change.. despite this one still being really Me i jsut want something new. soooooo. POLL!! what do i change it to
^^ i already have all of these. btw.
sniperriflez is good because i have a disease about sniper rifles but only from halo. if you know the ""Secret"" Cab Lore you understand why. con of this is tht people might think i like the military. 3dghostt is good because im insane about the song plug me in by lil soda boi.. i wanna be a 3d ghost in ur dream.... really true! con of this one is that it has a double "t" at the end wild-eep.. i LIKE it i like the noise but THIS ONE has a downside of people thinking i like apple. i hate apple. i just like this one sound effect that they dont even put on things anymore. perfectcapoxxo is nice because its um. well its the song perfect by capoxxo. but the con is that its kinda long and a bit too specific maybe? i dont know. FOLLOWERS! DECIDE FOR ME!!
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