#and i haven't even watched total drama island
catoslvt · 1 year
Duncan Tarun (tdi) x Reader
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You replace courtney in this sorry ☹️
Challenges are weekly, so I don't need to watch the show 24/7, to figure out who's out first, etc, soz zxx
I stand at the edge of the boat, my heart racing.
I'm only here for one reason, to win, and maybe to make some friends, but mainly to win.
As it begins to pull up to the island, I notice a big crowd of people there already, probably more than half of the contestants, if not all of them, I'm not close enough to see yet.
As the boat stops at the dock, I grab my bags and climb out, where Chris greets me.
"This is y/n!" He exclaims as he motions to all of the other contestants, and a few of them wave whilst some roll their eyes, but I approach the group anyway with a smile, before fitting myself in a gap next to a really pretty girl with green / midnight blue hair and a short boy.
"Nice hair." I tell her, and she smiles widely at me, before an extremely attractive boy arrives on the dock, and I notice almost everyone swooning for him, but my attention is grabbed when a ginger girl begins to arrive, screaming her head off, she must've been excited because she jumps out of the boat before its even docked, whacking her head and chin full force off of the dock, which causes me to let out a small laugh.
Once Chris has helped the girl, he clears his throat.
"First things first, we need a group photo for the promos, everyone to the end of the dock." He announces as I walk with the girl and the short boy.
"I'm gwen." She tells me with a smile.
"I'm y/n." I introduce, and the short boy next to me smiles at me.
"I'm Cody." He says, and I just nod at him before I stand at the edge of the dock, staring down at the water.
As we all pose, gwen and I wrapping our arms around each other, Chris holds up his camera.
"Okay.. three..two..one." He begins, but he quickly lets out a large 'oops!'
"Okay, forgot the lens cap. Okay, hold that pose.." He yells again.
"One.. tw- no wait, cards full. Hang on." He says and I let out a small groan.
"Jesus, do you want me to do it for you?" I call to him earning a small laugh from the group, but Chris just shakes his head, but I did earn a small smile from him.
"Come on man, my face is starting to freeze." A girl I haven't been introduced to yet groans.
"Got it! Okay, everyone, say Wawanakwa!" He yells to us, and we all begin to say it, but the dock breaks beneath us, sending us all plummeting into the water.
"Okay, guys, dry off and meet at the camp fire pit in ten." Chris announces, and as Gwen and I climb out of the water, I stare at her.
"He totally planned that, right?" I ask, and she lets out a small laugh as she nods her head at me.
As we all sit around the fire pit, Chris begins to talk.
"This is Camp Wawanaka, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates,your competition and maybe even your friends." He says as we all look around each other, smiling at each other whilst a fairly attractive boy up the back just glares at each other, earning a slight eye roll from me.
"The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" Chris exclaims before the same boy from earlier storms to the front, a slight grin on his face.
"Excuse me, what will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her." He coos as he points a finger at Heather, I think that's her name anyway Gwen told me it is.
"They're not Co-ed, are they?" She asks, and Chris stares at all of us.
"No, girls, get one side of each cabin. Boys get the other side." He explains and Linday puts up her hand.
"Excuse me, Kyle, can I have a cabin with a lake view since I'm the prettiest?" She asks, her voice deafingly squeaky.
"Okay, you are, but that's not really how it works here. And it's Chris." He states, and Gwen looks at me with a shocked look on her face.
"That sounded really creepy." She mouths and I nod in agreement.
Suddenly, the two girls Sadie and Kadie who would look like fraternal twins from afar begin to cry in case they're not in the same cabin and Gwen scoffs.
"This cannot be happening." She mumbles, and Owen pulls her and Tyler into a hug by the neck earning an eruption of laughter from me.
"Here's the deal, we're going to split you into two teams. If I call your name out, go stand over there." Chris instructs as he points a finger to the back corner of the fire pit.
"Gwen, trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, kadie, Owen, leshawna, Justin, and noah! From this moment on, you are officially known as the screaming gophers!" He exclaims, and I stare at gwen as she walks away, feeling slightly lonely at the fact the only person I've spoken to so far is in the opposite team.
"The rest of you over here, Geoff, Bridgette, dj, Tyler, Sadie, izzy, y/n, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold, move move move!" He exclaims, and I stand up and force myself to walk over to the other side of the fire pit.
"But Kadies a gopher! I have to be a gopher!" Sadie screams, and i walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder.
"Sadie, is it? Come on, it'll be okay." I say as I lead her over to our team, trying to drown out her and Kadies screaming on how this isn't fair.
I let out a large laugh when I heard our team name.
"Oh, come on? The killer bass? Who came up with that." I mutter under my breath, and Bridgette laughs before Chris begins speaking again.
"Alright, campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition. You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest." He says with a smile, and I nod my head, I'll probably be in there a lot.
"Alright, any questions? Cool. Let's find your cabins." He says, not really giving us time to ask any questions though.
As he leads us to the cabins, I audibly gasp at how small they are.
"Gophers, you're in the east cabin, bass. You're in the west!" He exclaims before ushering us into the cabins, where I slap my hand over my mouth when I see its bunk beds.
"Y/n, do you want to share one with me?" Bridgette asks and I nod at her.
"You can take the top if you want, I don't mind." She offers as I set my bags down on the floor at the bed she's standing at.
"Thanks." I say with a small smile.
As Bridgette and I walk outside, the same dude that was glaring at everyone at the campfire approaches us, his names Duncan I'm pretty sure.
"Nice piercings." I say, raising my eyebrows at him, and he smiles slightly and goes to say something until blood curdling screams come from the other teams cabins, and we all run over.
"Man, that white girl can scream." Leshawna says and we all let out small chuckles before we look in the cabin to see Lindsay ontop of a chair pointing at something crawling around the floor.
"What is it!? Kill it!" She screams, and Dj looks at the floor and lets out an even higher pitched scream as he throws himself at a bed, breaking it instantly.
"That was my bed." Gwen states as she stares at her now broken bed, and I let out a laugh from beside her.
"Just come sneak into our cabin." I say with a joking nudge to her side and she smiles.
As everyone tries to kill the cochroach, making us all scream, Duncan just storms in with an axe and slams it into the floor, cutting the cockroach in half, atleast it did the job I suppose.
"Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach." Gwen says with a small chuckle, and I nod in agreement.
"Hey, now you've got a dead cockroack and a dent on your floor." I say to her, and she just laughs.
As I stand behind gwen in the line for food, Duncan stands behind me, and I can turn to him.
"Not got your axe now, hm?" I ask with a laugh, and he just rolls his eyes before I turn away again.
"Listen up, I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day. Grab a tray. Get your food and sit your butts down now!" The chef yells, and I raise my eyebrows slightly, taken back by his attitude and sterness.
As he piles food onto our plates, I stare at the food, unsure if it's actually even food, as I walk over and take a seat next to Bridgette, and Duncan raises his eyebrows as he walks over and sits down directly infront of me.
"Yo, my man. Can we order a pizza?" Geoff asks Chris and chef quickly throws a knife at him, missing him by inches, which makes my eyes widen in shock.
Surely this isn't safe.
"Your first challenge begins in one hour." Chris exclaims before he walks out, and we all let out little 'oooo's of excitement.
As we all stand at the edge of the cliff, I regret getting excited.
"Okay, your first challenge is simple. Your first task is to jump off this 1000ft high cliff into the lake." Chris begins, and we all just shrug.
"Sounds easy enough." I whisper to Gwen.
"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, man-eating sharks. Inside, that is the safe zone, which is your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free." He tells us and leshawna shakes her head in total disbelief.
"Excuse me?" She quizzes.
"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge, building a hot tub!" He exclaims.
"The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, killer bass. You're up first." He then finishes and as Bridgette and I move closer to the edge, our faces both change in fear.
"Oh, wow. So, who wants to go first?" She quizzes, and our whole team stays silent, Duncan even turning his back to us, and a million thoughts race through my head.
I mean, if I go first I get it over and done with, meaning over peoples screaming won't put me off.
"So, who's up first?" Eva asks and Duncan stares over at me.
"Ladies first." He coos and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Fine, I'll go." I say with a shrug as I approach the edge of the cliff, staring down at the water below me.
As I jump, I actually begin enjoying it, not letting out a single scream as I land in the smaller target, a boat coming to whisk me out of the water almost instantly as I happily climb on, looking back up at the top of the cliff to see Bridgette leaning over and shooting me a thumbs up.
Then Tyler goes, landing on the buoy, letting out a painful groan as he slides off it, causing me to slap a hand over my mouth.
Then Geoff goes, letting out excited screams without a care in the world, Eva following straight behind, Duncan falling close behind too as I stare at him with a small smile on my face as I watch how unfazed he is by this, almost as if he goes cliff diving every other weekend.
Ezekiel comes close behind, too, still wearing his shoes and hat for some reason, but I decide not to quiz against it, and we all clap and cheer from the small sandy area not too far away, even Duncan smiling slightly.
Then Harold comes down, landing on the water in the splits.
"Good luck trying to conceive with him." I mumble to Eva, who smiles slightly, but Duncan is the one who laughs.
"I didn't know you could laugh." I tease with a sarcastic smile.
"I didn't know you could he funny." He teases back, giving me the same smile.
I then realise bridgette, Dj, and Sadie haven't come down yet, which confuses me slightly, why aren't they coming?
But then my jaw drops when both Sadie and kadie jump down from the cliff.
"No fucking way did he let Kadie move into our team." I gasp to myself, which means either Bridgette, Izzy or Dj swapped into the Gophers, and I wouldn't care who did along as it wasn't Bridgette.
But I realise the rest of our team chickened out, as the other team begins to jump.
The screaming Gophers won the challenge they actually won, which means we have to drag our crates back to the camp, and we've got a decent amount away from where the crates were first placed, when Sadie, Kadie and Tyler all decide they need to pee, making me groan in annoyance.
"We're never winning this." I grumble to Eva and bridgette, who both nod in agreement.
Once they all eventually come back, we begin pushing our crates again, my arms beginning to ache from the weight of mine, but yet again Sadie and Kadie slow us down by itching themselves.
"You guys are way behind the other team. Like way behind, what's the problem?" Chris asks and I roll my eyes and point at them.
"Their butts are itchy." I groan in annoyance.
"Did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?" Bridgette asks, and I try not to laugh at her chicken hat, but it's almost impossible.
"Yeah?" Kadie says.
"Did you happen to notice what kind of plants you were squatting down on?" Bridgette continues to ask.
"They were kind of oval shaped and green and all over the place." Sadie answers, put I zone out of their conversation as I continue to push my crate back to camp.
"Need help?" Duncan asks as he casually strolls over to me.
"Where's your crate?" I gasp and he points smugly over to Dj as he pushes a crate.
"Had to let the chicken do something." He says with a small laugh, and I move over slightly so there's enough space for Duncan to help push my crate.
"I didn't actually expect you to jump off of the cliff first." He admits, and I turn to him and smile, secretly being grateful for his help, as my arms don't ache as much from pushing and we're definitely getting closer to camp.
"Neither did I if I'm gonna be honest." I tell him with an awkward laugh.
"I'm Duncan, by the way incase you didn't already know that." He says and I feel his eyes on me.
"I'm y/n." I introduce with a smile.
Duncan and I are the first to make it back to camp, I collapse to my knees in exhaustion and decide to wait until the rest of my team are back to start doing stuff, and when we start building our hot tub, it's obvious what team wins.
"Congratulations screaming Gophers, you guys have won the challenge!" Chris exclaims, and I let out a small sigh.
"Gophers, you're safe from elimination, and you get to use this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer, killer bass. What can I say? You lost, and I'll see your sorry butts tonight at the campfire for elimination." Chris says before walking off.
"So uh, what do we do now?" Kadie asks as our team all sits around the dinner table, eating whatever concoction chef has made for us.
"We have to think of someone to eliminate?" I say as if it wasn't obvious, and I can see Duncans' growing smile from beside me.
"Well, I think it should be either Bridgette or Dj." He says, and I shake my head.
"Not bridgette, she's my only good friend on this team, gwen is on the other team." I beg, and Duncan just smiles at me.
When Ezekiel says something really sexist, it's a bit obvious who we're gonna vote.
When he said that boys were better at sports and stronger than girls, I wanted to twist his stupid little head off of his shoulders, I mean, he's annoyed me ever since he got on this team, and he creeps me out. Especially when he was picking his nose and staring at me.
"Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." Duncan says to Ezekiel after I told him why we all voted for him.
"Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire, but at this camp, marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers, which means you're out of the contest, and you can't come back Ever." Chris states, and we all just stare at him.
"The first marshmallow of the night goes to Geoff." He says, and Geoff runs to Chris and grabs his marshmallow.
"Tyler." Chris then says and Chris lets out a victory cheer as he collects his marshmallow.
"Kadie, bridgette, Dj, Harold, Sadie, Duncan." Chris continues and I suddenly stare up at the group.
Why is it now between Ezekiel and I, when there's one marshmallow left.
Suddenly, my heart begins to race, and I think I feel myself sweating.
"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening.. y/n!" He bursts, and i stand up extremely happy as I collect my marshmallow from him, stabbing my marshmallow with my stick as I begin roasting it over the fire.
I wake up and rub my eyes, letting out a small groan as I roll over, falling off of the top bunk with a large thud, waking up basically all the girls who weren't already awake from the foghorn.
"Are you alright!?" Bridgette yells, and I sit up and shoot her a thumbs up.
"I forgot I wasn't at home. My beds a lot bigger than that, and it's closer to the floor." I tell her as we both let out small laughs, before Eva clears her throat.
"Are you sure you're okay? You bumped your head pretty hard." She states and I turn to her with a large smile.
"I'm sure I'm fine, I fall so much I'm really Clumsy." I say before Chris screams for everyone to hurry up and get out, so I quickly scramble to get changed before we all line up outside, and I speed walk to Gwen were I stand next to her.
"I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris yells, a little too enthusiastically, and Owen quickly panics.
"Oh, excuse me, I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast." He says as she shakes his head, and chris sort of nods as if it was the whole point of this.
"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometre, run around the lake!" He yells, and Eva's eyebrows furrow as she lunges at Chris trying to hit him, but Duncan holds her back.
"Oh, so you're funny now!? You know what i think would be funny?" She exclaims.
"Eva, calm down it won't be that bad." I call to her.
Don't get me wrong, I like Eva, but her temper scares me so badly, and I've only known her for a week, but she is nice when she wants to be.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Eva quizzes Chris, and he looks at us all with a smug expression as he points to his watch.
"A little.. you have about thirty seconds." He then says, and Eva's brows furrow as she tries to lunge at him again, but duncans grip on her is too strong.
When the run begins, I suddenly realise how warm it is, and I'm really not in the mood to run, like don't get me wrong, I enjoy running and I'm good at it, but not when it's extremely warm and I'm just up but I walk beside Gwen to begin with, and we both laugh at how other people are running as if they're being chased by a mad psycho serial killer and I tell her about my fall earlier.
"Pick up the pace people, if you're not back for dinner tonight, you don't get to eat!" Chris exclaims as he drives past us on a scooter, and gwen and I both look at each other before we take off in a sprint.
I'm really happy I signed up for Total Drama Island because i met gwen, and I've not had a friend like her ever, I hope we'll still stay in touch once the shows ended.
Gwen and i make it back to the cabin shortly after, and burst in the door panting and almost falling too our knees out of exhaustion.
"Sorry Chris, I think you've mistaken yourself for my P.E. teacher." I growl as I go and sit at the table with people from my team, and Chris lets out a small laugh.
"I could have more than one career." He jokes and I let out a small laugh.
"Is one of them being a major pain?" I quiz and his laughing stops as he just shakes his head at me, but he smiles anyways.
"Clear a table now!" Owen screams as he barges into the cabin and drops noah on it, quickly giving him cpr as gwen stares. I'm shocked, leshawna walking in close behind.
"Where were you, Harold!? We lost!" I scream, and he just shakes me away before gwen lets out a squeal.
"Wait a minute if they lost.. that means we won the challenge!" She yells happily and her full team begins celebrating but Chris quickly shuts them down.
"Woah there, hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris denies and I stare at him with pure anger, are you seriously telling me I just sprinted for nothing?
"What did you just say?" Gwen gasps, taking the words right out my mouth as I slam my head down on the table extremely outraged.
"Who's hungry!?" Chris yells and as I sit up I see a large table full of all sorts of foods, and usually I'm a picky eater but after I've ate the shit that chefs been making, I'm not so picky anymore.
I stand up and happily run to the table, staring down at all the food, and instantly we all begin eating, nobody caring about the usual table manners we'd normally have, and once we've ate the full table, I can practically feel a full food baby growing inside of me.
"Okay, campers, time for part two of your challenge." Chris yells through a megaphone.
"I thought eating was the second part." Owen gasps.
"What more do you want from us?" Gwen also gasps and Heather nods in agreement.
"Weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough?" Heather exclaims and I glare at her for insulting gwen.
"Uhm, let me think about that. No!" Chris screams through the megaphone.
"It's time for the awake-a-thon!" He yells, and I stare at him and gasp. He's just made us run and then eat ourselves to the brink of explosion, and now he's going to make us stay awake.
"The what-a-thon?" Owen asks confused and I turn my head to him, how stupid can one person be.
"Don't worry, this is an easy one. The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." He announces, and I groan, I am not surviving this one.
"So, what you're saying was the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to stop us from staying awake?" Gwen asks and chris nods.
"That's right gwen!" He exclaims with an evil smile.
"Move move move!" He then yells, and we all leave the cabin, gwen grabbing me as trent approaches her.
"So, how long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?" He asks, but he's mainly asking gwen.
"About an hour give or take." She answers but as Owen walks past us I shake my head.
"Probably less." I say as we walk out the door.
It's been eleven hours, and everyone's still up, but it's clear we're all tired due to the dark eyebags we've all grown to get, but the thing is I'm not even that tired to be honest, but the tiredness kicks in once Owen passes out from lack of sleep, and I instantly realise I am extremely tired.
"This is so boring." I sigh to Duncan who is now somehow sitting beside me, although minutes ago he was nowhere to he seen.
"Atleast the fun people are still awake." He says with a slight nudge to my shoulder earning a small smile from me.
"This has to be some sort of illegal." I then say to Duncan and he just shrugs.
"I mean, we did agree to doing weird stuff like this, plus I've done worse and gotten away with it, so im sure they can too." He tells me, and I cross my arms.
"I wish I could go back in time to tell myself not to do it." I groan, and Duncan nods in agreement as I turn to look at him, and he lets out a small chuckle.
"Heard you fall earlier." He coos and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, from the top bunk while I was still half asleep." I add, and he raises an eyebrow.
I'm assuming we've almost been up for 24 hours now, and I've came to the conclusion that if I walk around then I can't fall asleep, I mean I'm keeping my brain occupied aren't I?
"Y/n, you have to sit down. You're going to end up killing yourself." Duncan calls and I shrug him off.
"At least i'll die active." I argue, and he just rolls his eyes as he continues to watch me walk around.
Looking back, I totally regret walking around. It made me so much more exhausted, but I didn't want to fall asleep, not yet atleast I don't want to be one of the first people out.
Bridgette, izzy, noah, Sadie, Harold, and kadie are all all sleeping now, and honestly, I'm extremely jealous, but no way am I falling asleep on national TV.
"Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the twenty four hour mark, time to take things up a notch, fairytales." Chris yells as chef walks in wearing a lamb costume whilst carrying a harp, and i know this won't be good, so I begin jogging on the spot, trying to do anything that'll help me stay awake because at this point I'm desperate.
As Chris begins to read the fairy tales in his monotone voice, chef starts playing the harp, and I can't help but let out a small laugh to myself at how insane he looks.
Tyler and Geoff almost instantly fall asleep, and I panic, i have to stay awake otherwise my team will lose, and I do not want to vote another player out.
We very slowly hit the forty hour mark and I find myself back next to Duncan, and we both try to spark up a little conversation.
"The first day when you said 'nice piercings' to me, were you saying it to be mean? Not that I care or anything, I just want to know." Duncan asks as we move to sit on the floor facing each other.
"No, I meant it. They're cool. I wish I was brave enough to pull something like that off." I tell him with a genuine smile, and he shrugs.
"I mean, you never know unless you try, right?" He asks, and I shrug, I suppose he's right.
"My parents would never, they'd kill me." I gasp and he laughs.
"That's one of the reasons why I did it." Duncan tells me, and I laugh and stare at him.
"Oh, big Mr. criminal rebels against his parents." I joke as I rub my eyes, trying my hardest to stay awake now that I'm talking to Duncan.
"Give me a break." He groans, but I can't help but see the smile he's trying his hardest to conceal.
"So, how's life for you outside the island?" Duncan then asks desperately, trying to keep the conversation going as it's keeping us both up.
"Well, I go to school during the day and at weekends I work at a small coffee shop near my house." I answer and he scoffs.
"God. Do you actually care about your education?" He asks, as if it was even a question, and I let out a small laugh.
"I mean, it probably sounds boring or whatever, but I want to be a history teacher when I leave school, I love history." I tell him and he rolls his eyes so I gasp.
"Oh come on, then Mr Big hard criminal, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I ask, and he raises his eyebrows.
"A professional criminal." He answers, and I can't really tell if he's joking or not.
"Nope. Now you can't be one because you've just ruined your plans on national TV, I wouldn't be surprised if you're whisked away back to juvy after saying that." I tell him with a joking laugh which he returns.
"Wouldn't be the first time." He tells me and I stare at him confused, suddenly now extremely intrigued.
"What've you gone to Juvie for?" I question, and he smiles at the fact I'm actually interested.
"Fights, vandalism, petty theft, just the boring stuff, you know?" He asks with a small chuckle.
"You act as if going to Juvie is an everyday thing." I say with a horrified look before he starts a different conversation.
"Why did you sign up for Total Drama?" He asks me and I think for a second.
"I mean, for the experience, I suppose, I don't really do stuff like this and to make friends on the show, I guess. I don't have many friends back at home. What about you?" I respond and he nods.
"To get out of juvie, also for the money, but then again I'm not guaranteed to win anyway am I?" He answers, and I nod. He has a fair point. Whoever wins is completely luck based, apart from challenges anyway.
But my attention is grabbed when Owen walks past us butt naked, and we both let out large laughs, and I'm surprised it didn't wake the other already sleeping contestants up.
"Even when you're dying of exhaustion, you're still pretty." Duncan says to me and I look at him as I begin blushing with a small smile on my face, but I say nothing and look away trying to hide my blush.
"You've got a boyfriend back at home, don't you? Sorry." Duncan quickly says, and i shake my head as I turn to him.
"No, I don't, I just don't handle compliments well, plus you're not too bad yourself." I reassure you, and he nods as he begins smiling again.
We eventually hit the fifty-one hour mark when everyone looks at Justin, who's just been staring out into the forest, unmoving for the past probably, fifty hours, I'd say.
But when gwen pokes his face and his actual eyes open, revealling that he painted his eyes on I let out a horrific gasp.
"Holy shit." I gasp to myself.
"His eyelids are painted, I saw it!" Eva screams, and everyone turns to Justin as chris begins to walk over to investigate, but he's still out although it was impressive.
We finally hit the eighty five hour mark, and honestly, i know duncan inside out, i could answer any question about him. it's insane, and that's when Duncan leans close to my ear as he points to Harold.
"Do you want to see something funny?" He whispers and I nod and Duncan quickly slips away before he comes back with a cup of water and places Harold's hand in it, instantly making him pee himself I snort with laughter as I slap a hand over my mouth trying to quiet myself.
"You're so sad!" I whisper yell to Duncan through my laughter.
Heather, gwen, Trent, Duncan Eva, and I are the only ones left, and I hope they all fall asleep soon so I can finally shut my eyes.
"Alright, you six stay with me. The rest of you go get a shower for heavens sake you stinK!" Chris yells to everyone who's now eliminated.
"I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said 'chef, I don't want it to come to this!' But darn it, these campers are tough, so I've come up with the most boring, sleep inducing activity I can find." Chris yells and I furrow my eyebrows.
Honestly. What can be more boring than sitting awake for eighty five hours straight with hardly anything to do apart from talk to Duncan and gwen, and as much as I wasn't complaining, I was going to kill the other contestants just so I could sleep, I mean seriously how is it possible we all stayed up for that long? But I don't mind staying up with Duncan. He's really nice once you get to know him. I think I like him a little.
"The history of Canada, a pop-up book. Chapter one, the beaver and a real fine hat." Chris says putting on the same monotone voice from earlier as he pulls out the book, opening it up and I let out a massive sigh as I go to throw my hands up outraged, I realise Duncan and I are sitting as if we're glued shoulder to shoulder together and I find myself blushing.
Eighty six hours in now, Chris is still reading, Eva and Heather are asleep now so it's just two remaining from each team.
As chris continued to groan on with that silly monotone voice, I was due standing up and ripping that silly book from his hands and beating him to death with it.
Gwens pov 😜
As trent falls asleep, I look towards y/n and Duncan to see how my competition is holding up, and that's when I watch y/n fall asleep, her head landing on duncans shoulder as he turns bright red clearly oblivious on what to do, and he stays like that for a solid ten minutes until Chris closes the book.
"Bathroom break, any takers?" He asks and I watch as duncans leg bounces up and down as he clearly needs the toilet.
"I've held it this long, sweetheart, I could go all day." He scoffs to me and I raise my eyebrows as I stand up.
"Yeah, but can you hold it for another ten chapters?" I coo, and his face goes ghostly white, and he goes to jump up, but y/n let's out a small tired groan, and he looks at me.
"Gwen, swap places with me, we can switch back once I'm done." He begs and I nod my head as we carefully switch places, me being careful not to wakeup y/n, but chef comes quickly to pick her up and take her to her cabin so she can sleep on her bed for a little while.
Back to ur pov
When I wake up, i only hear Eva screaming and throwing things around in our cabin, but I'm too tired to care so I instantly fall back asleep, being awake for eightysix hours changes you I swear.
As I sit next to Duncan at the bonfire falling in and out of sleep, he has to shake me to make sure I stay awake from time to time, and each time I open my eyes to his extremely tired smile, but I think its cute that he's still trying for me, could Duncan like me back?
I know it's insane that I've now got a crush on Duncan when I've only known him for a week, but after spending eighty six hours talking to him straight, it changed my perspective on him, he's sweet.
I'm not even listening to what Chris has to say, really. I'm too tired, I'm only listening for my name, which is said third, so I happily stand up and grab my marshmallow, sticking it on my stick as I hold it over the fire till its a perfect golden shade, and I blow on it for a few seconds and begin eating it, letting out a small gasp when I realised I did it perfectly, and as much as I'm sad that Eva was voted out anyway, I'm kinda glad. Her temper was too much for me.
"I definitely do like Duncan, I think he's really nice to me anyway, and that's all that matters, right? But he can't like me. He's probably just acting like this with me, so I fall into a fake alliance like what Heather is doing with Lindsay and Beth. It's cruel but smart." I say to the camera in the confession booth toilet thing, I'm still not too sure what it even is at this point, before I rake my mind trying to think of what else to say, but there's nothing really, so I open the door and climb out, walking straight Into Duncan.
"Woah there, princess, watch your step." He coos as he places his hand on my shoulders.
"Watch where you're standing." I coo back as I motion to how he's right infront of the door.
"Maybe I wanted to hear what you were saying." He says, and I feel my face drop. He's joking, right? He has to be joking.
"It's meant to be confidential!" I gasp as I stare at him.
"Confidential, but you're saying it to a camera which broadcasts it to live TV? Cmon y/n I thought you were smarter than this, you want to be a history teacher!" Duncan argues and I roll my eyes but I can't help but smile at him.
"It's not an act, by the way." He says as he grabs my chin with two fingers and forces it up to look at him, and I turn bright red before he lets go and begins climbing in our make do confession booth.
"I'll see you at dinner, princess." He then coos as he slams the door, and I stand and stare at the door for a minute. Surely this isn't happening.
As I walk back to the cabins, I see gwen walking over to me with a large smile on her face as I approach her and I quickly grab her wrist and drag her into a area only slightly into the forest, but its far away from everyone so nobody can hear, and I let it all spill, everything.
"Wait, so Duncan heard you confessing you like him, and now he's flirting with you?" She asks with a small laugh and I shrug.
"I don't know if I could say it was flirting.. more like teasing?" I answer and she shakes her head.
"Y/n, come on, how blind are you? He's so into you." She says as she grabs my shoulders and shakes them violently, shaking up my brains, but we both laugh anyway.
"So what should I do about it?" I then ask, and she smirks.
"At dinner, ignore him. Come sit with trent, and I, make him talk to you." She states and I nod slowly taking all this in.
And at dinner I do exactly that, I sit next to gwen, trent sitting directly infront of us as we eat chefs food, and honestly I've grown to like it and I'll definitely miss it when I have to go home, but I think I'm going to miss everything about the camp, even maybe Chris and Heather. Maybe.
All throughout dinner, I can feel duncans eyes on me, and gwen confirms it when she nudges me.
"God y/n, I'm surprised your head hasn't exploded with the way he's staring at you." She whispers and I smile and look up at Duncan, who continues to stare at me even now that I've noticed his staring, and he doesn't even look embarrassed that he's been caught and instead he just waves and I wave back, and gwen motions for him to come sit with us and honestly he flies off of the table he's sitting at and practically runs towards our table taking the seat infront of me.
"I couldn't handle another minute of Sadie and kadie talking." He groans, and I smile.
"Yeah? Try sharing a bedroom with them all night they sit and giggle about best friend stuff." I say, furrowing my eyebrows, and gwen nudges me.
"If we're ever invited back once this season is over, we should beg Chris to let us on the same team so we can do that." She gasps and I widen my eyes at her as I nod.
"Yeah, smart idea." I agree and Duncan and trent both shake their heads.
"Please don't." They both beg in usion and gwen, and I let out small laughs.
Once dinners over, we all decide to walk to the firepit, seeing as we don't see anyone walking in that direction, and once we get there, Duncan grabs my hand.
"You guys wouldn't mind if I borrowed y/n for a moment?" Duncan asks, but he doesn't even wait for an answer as he drags me down to the bottom of the dock of shame where he stands infront of me, and I can't help but imagine how many people are watching this right now, but I mean it's not really my main concern at this exact moment of time.
"I do actually like you, and I know it's hard to believe seeing the sort of situation we're in right now, but I really do." Duncan quietly tells me, his big Mr criminal ego suddenly dissapeared.
"Well, you listened to my time with the camera so you know I like you too." I tell him as i shake my head.
"No, but y/n, I mean I like you, like no matter what happens on this island, I want to leave it being in a relationship with you." He continues and I just laugh.
"Duncan?" I ask.
"What?" He replies.
"Shut up." I say with a small laugh before I lean up and kiss him.
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So I was wondering. For your yandere town. What if the darling was a HUGE animal lover? Like they see some stray dog and the darling goes "ight, you are mine now".
You’re in luck. I’ve actually had the idea for a yandere pet store owner for a little while now. Rex is a big friendly man, who always has a smile on his face (he looks like Makoto from Free!). He is a huge hunk with an even bigger heart. It's hard not to melt at the sight of him bottle feeding a tiny kitten in his hands.
The shop itself serves a few purposes. Instead of just selling pets, it mostly serves as a supply shop. There isn't really the market to justify having many pets in the shop. Most of the animals end up being adopted by Rex eventually. Additionally, Rex used to be a vet in a big city before he moved into town and continues his practice here. His gentle demeanor soothes the animals in his care whether it's a puppy, a bird, or a snake. He looks after each one with the same amount of affection, even the tarantula someone has. Finally, he runs a pet daycare out of his home connected to the shop for people who need to leave town or work late hours.
That's where you come in. With your love of animals, of course the two of you would cross paths. You happened across a cat outdoors. You coaxed it over, looking for any sign of ownership. It seemed perfectly happy to let you pick it up and examine it. You hoped it wasn't someone's cat that they let outside (outdoor cats are not good everyone, they're destructive to the environment and spread parasites). You decided to bring it to Rex, wanting to see if he knew its owner or if it was chipped. How could he not fall in love, seeing the cat purring in your arms and refusing to leave. He scanned between its shoulders, finding the contact info of his owner. He left to make a phone call, coming back a few minutes later. Apparently his owner had been worried after her cat escaped out a window.
The two of you got to talking and Rex took the time to show you the other animals in his care. He watched you coo at the puppies and lizards sleeping under a heat lamp. How could he not extend the offer to you? He could always use an extra set of hands.
If you say yes, most residents will find an excuse to come in. Anyone who doesn't have a pet will adopt one as a way to connect with you. They'll leave it at the daycare in the hopes you'll be there when they come back to pick their pet up. Rex works alongside you, protecting you from the more aggressive citizens. He loves taking the opportunity to show off for you. He could sling large bags of dog food with ease, something he always insisted on doing instead of you. He was also surprisingly good at math, able to calculate prices fairly quickly.
He has a cousin named Lumi who moved to town two years after Rex did, but she rarely speaks to him. She's far more reclusive. You might see her peaking out at you from the shadows of the fish and aquarium supply shop across the street. (i haven't seen totally drama island but she kind of looks like gwen from that)
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
out of the three (four? if you wanna include ridonculous race) noah appeared in, which one do you think noah could have won if he cared about the competition
hot take; none of them.
he did care about the competition (at least somewhat) in the first season and it was objectively his worst. in island, he was too blinded by his own hubris to consider the fact that he was, for all intents and purposes, isolating himself in a socially driven competition. he was standoffish and rude, which would've been fine if he hadn't outright directed negative attention to himself with his comments AND refusal to participate in the dodgeball challenge, and he offered little in terms of both teamwork and team utility anyway. so being voted out early was a given, and a much needed wake-up call for him.
he didn't compete in season 2, but if he did i doubt he'd make it to the finale. i'd like to say he'd make it pretty far into action- both because action has a lot more technology and media references, which noah could play to his advantage as both an established nerd and a canonical hacker (though these aspects of him are mostly delegated to his biographies/interviews outsode of the show itself), and because we know he does learn from his mistakes in season 1 so he'd try to be a better teammate (like he does in season 3). but i truly and honestly don't think he'd stand a chance against powerhouses like courtney and duncan, or have even a smidge of beth and owen's in-competiton social game/likability, so he'd eventually be voted out.
and in season 3, as much as i disagree with the amazons winning the challenge, getting rid of noah there and then was the right play from a narrative standpoint. because, at the end of the day, he's a filler character. he doesn't have any engaging plotlines of his own to warrant keeping him around, and his only real use from a writing standpoint is to make snide comments and witty one-liners; when the remaining cast all have at least one subplot going for them, and you need to 'thin the herd', you get rid of the deadweight characters first.
by world tour, i believe he's only competing for the sake of it, and he doesn't really care about winning or losing; if anything i'd say he only went along with the celebrity manhunt bus chase because he was supposed to stay with chris/the total drama crew, and since he was fired from being chris' assistant he didn't have anything better to do (he's always been a passive character, so going along with the crowd for curiosities sake is very much something he would do).
but if he did care?
i think he'd make it to early merge. a noah who cares about the competition would try to take down alejandro for the sake of his own survivability (after all, how long is it going to be until team victory is gone and alejandro turns on his own teammates as his next targets?) thus making himself plot relevant enough to keep around- maybe even allying himself with heather to do so. but alejandro, whilst not as smart as noah, is far more savvy and capable than him, and their 'rivalry' would end in noah being voted out.
or maybe he'd embrace his villain-coding (watch island again and tell me he isn't villain-coded. he does a "mwu-ha-ha" laugh and says "excellent." he's so campy bond antagonist coded in island) and ally himself with alejandro to garuntee his survivability, helping him weed out the competition as a right-hand man. eventually, alejandro would discard noah- either because noah would refuse to help him eliminate owen, or because they'd make their way far enough into the competition that noah becomes less of an ally and more of a threat and have him eliminated accordingly. because noah might be the villain, but alejandro's the archvillain.
that, and i think the finalists of each season are already the best picks from their rosters. i wouldn't change any of them to give one sarcastic twink the chance of winning.
(i haven't seen ridonculous race but i'm fairly certain caring about the competition is part of his character arc in it? he comes in guns blasing and then gets sidetracked by being smitten with emma, at least that's my understanding of it. so nothing would change there.)
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heliswife · 3 months
a/n : y/n and akito long distance relationship arc... what will happen to these two star-crossed lovers? find out next time on total! drama! island! sorry i haven't watched total drama in like forever but I still make these jokes 🤧 last minute title change btw, wow
taglist: @stellas-starry-stories13 @sl-vega @bookiezzz
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"Y/N?" The creak of a door and Sayaka's honeyed voice made you spin around and squeeze Sayaka as tightly as you could. "Y/N... what's wrong? What happened between you and that guy?"
Sayaka brought you inside and wiped your tears. The rest of the group rushed over to see you, which made you start crying again.
"I'm going to beat Shinonome's ass if he did anything bad to you," Rei threatened.
"It's not that," You sniffled, "It's the opposite. He- He was so nice and stuff, and I finally got to see him again, but now he's gone. He even confessed to me!
"Y/N... what did you do in response?" Mika asked.
"I told him I liked him back and we kissed." You felt embarrassed sharing the memory to your group mates, but thinking about it made you feel so warm inside.
The three girls gasped, their voices overlaying one another.
"If we get our group into a dating scandal, we're fucked, you know that?"
"Oh my, oh my god!! Y/N! I knew it'd happen! You have to keep in touch with Shinonome!"
"You really let some guy who you haven't seen in ages kiss you? Was that a good idea?"
Your now dried eyes were starting to get teary again. You were such a crybaby, get yourself together, y/n! "Please, I can deal with this. Media isn't going to find out about Akito and I, then after this tour, we'll blow up! Project Sekai Entertainment loves us, don't worry."
"Y/N I..." Mika trailed off. "Okay. I trust you. We need to get going in three hours anyways, so maybe you should've said your goodbyes to your man a little later."
Your man. Your man. Your cheeks dusted a pale pink with those words. "I should've." Is all you can manage to spit out. You're starting to regret saying bye to him so soon. "I love you guys so much, y'all are the best. Let's make our fans go wild." You grinned.
"Yeah!!" Sayaka cheered, and so you and the rest of SWEET TOOTH spent the remaining three hours in Shibuya laughing and joking around.
You'd see Akito again soon. You and him both know it.
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haveaclock · 5 months
Hi everyone?
Back from my little break I guess.
1 year is quite little
yea sure April 18 ,2023( the last time I posted) was a long time ago but,
"It's April 21st!! Of 2024!!"
oh wait I'm talking to myself again..
Guess whose back, Back again, Shady's back..tell a friend.
I have an excuse! I was going to take a break in observance of my little sister turning 10 (she's 11 she's growing up way too fast), boom one year later.
Genuinely forgot why I left Tumblr,for that matter social media after that..blame it on mental health and stress.
People should know that stuff happens in a year, things change. So guess what, this blog is changing..whoopi. Excluding my pfp I love it so much for absolutely no reason
Blog things.
When I created this blog, I was in my "Jeantonio era", Jeantonio hyperfixation, if you were a CS fan in late 2022 most likely I was in your screen yapping about them and what not. Literally that was all my blog was good for, for that reason alone.
Yea, no more of that. I'm guessing the light switch turned off. I don't know what happened genuinely speaking they just aren't like..you can say I've gotten mature, when I look back at my posts I want to cry, bawl and curl up into a ball fetus position by the pure cringe of it. I don't know.
Not all only Jeantonio, it's just CS in general, sure I'm in a discord server (hi @tiredguyswag) about La Femme Rouge but I really just don't feel the same way about the show I used to. Blame it on personal life I guess.
now that I say that all I say on discord is how I stopped having a Jeantonio hyperfixation 🙃
Don't get me wrong I still love the,but I'll barely post about them. Yea, mind blower.
Next segment
Bio thing
It's funny how I haven't made this before but that's that I guess,
- I go by Cassandra,
-Minor (don't hit on me 😒)
Hobbies: Drawing, Animations, Running,..does talking count?
.. I'll just skip to the fandoms part.
- Avatar:The Last Airbender
- Carmen SanDiego (kinda obvious)
- Any kind of children's show
-Mandela Catalogue
- Undertale, but just barely
- Steven Universe
- Genshin Impact
I've forgotten now
Now, this shall come as a Total shocker for you guys but,
- Total Drama Island
see what I did there
next segment
Everyone knows what a hyperfixation is,
A character(s) or show, or something you like so much you traumatize them or you draw them in class so much you have 3 full pages of that one character.
(Okay, funny thing is I've never drawn El Topo and Le Chèvre like, never in my life until like, January this year during Carmen week, crazy.)
Anyways, I'm pretty sure I was never one of those users that had a new hyperfixation like, by the day, "Jeantonio 4 life man"
Which is funny,
Okay I'll get on with it Rajbow (Raj and Bowie) is cool guys.
I love Rajbow so much man..
It's like ... it's like Terry McGurin watched Carmen SanDiego and then implemented Jeantonio onto Total Drama Island.
I will go on and on about them like..
Like look at them!!
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Goofy Goobers times 2x man..
I didn't even mention Wayne man..Wayne!!!
I will put each of them in my pocket..each!
It's a brainrot.. man..
Will I be making remarks about my hating Bowie? No!
Le Chèvre got them because I hated him but now I don't because I forgot my reason,
or I just made him too fem queen in my head..
I love Bowie man..
And Raj..
And Wayne..
Platonic Raynebow 4 life man..
I forgot the majority of the stuff I came here to say, so I'll just say what I remember, and leave you guys to forget this,
-I'm going to delete a lot of my old posts most likely this weekend, they were very cringe man, understand where I'm coming from...
-Thetalkwithaveaclock isn't coming back, it's getting killed off. But then again nobody cared or knew what it was,
- Posting won't be something you'll be getting in every 56 seconds, it's more like every 56 days or something..I either just don't want to come back to Tumblr or its school man..
Yeah, that's pretty much it..I forgot a lot of what I was going to say to you guys, okay..uh..
Bye Bye..CS nation?.. I'm guessing the majority of this will be read by CS nation..
- cassandra
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hughjidiot · 10 months
Thoughts on Season 2, Episode 1 of the Total Drama Island Reboot
So I still haven't seen season one of the reboot in full, only bits and pieces. (IDK what the hell is going on with the US release schedule.) But I've seen enough to get a feel for the plot and characters, and it seems really good. Now the second episode of season two has been leaked and I was able to watch it in full, so here are my thoughts. Spoilers below the cut, obviously.
So Priya is mentioned multiple times as being the season one winner, and to my knowledge Bowie's ending hasn't aired anywhere. Some are wondering if Bowie will even get an ending, but I think he will - alternate winners have been a thing in Total Drama since the beginning, and the finale of the season one was shot in a way that the winner can be interchangeable. So I'm pretty sure Bowie will get an ending where he canonically wins.
Not sure how long Priya, Milie and Bowie will stick around to be honest, since they already got a lot of screentime in season one. Pretty sure Bowie will stick around for a little bit to give us some Rajbow, but I'm not sure about Priya and Millie.
Speaking of Millie, she continues to be her socially awkward self. It's also a nice change of pace to see her genuinely trying at the challenge, even if she still isn't very good.
Caleb is an interesting one. He's obviously still bitter about being voted off first last time, and now he's determined to prove himself. Some have been predicting that he could evolve into a full on antagonist like Justin did in TDA, but I think it's still too early to tell one way or the other. If they go the antagonist route I at least hope he's better than Justin was, who was basically just Alejandro's buggy prototype.
Chase and Emma broke up offscreen, which I'm honestly glad for. I hope this doesn't lead to another "will they/won't they" that lasts for much of the season. In fact if I'm being honest I kind of hope Chase is an early boot and Emma finally moves on to someone who can actually treat her right. That'd be some good development on Emma's part.
Ripper... I'll be honest, he's one of my least favorite contestants of the new generation. He does fit his role of an obnoxious jerk, I'll give him that. But if I'm being honest I hope he's also an early boot because there are other characters far more deserving of screentime; particularly those that got eliminated instead of Ripper back in season one. Which leads me to...
Axel is one of the contestants I'm most excited to see in season two. She's the newest in the "abrasive tomboy" archetype after Eva and Jo. Eva never got any major character development and Jo always stayed a jerk with the occasional moment of kindness, so I was hoping Axel would be the one to break the trend and get some real character development. What we've seen so far with her saying she's trying to be nicer has me cautiously optimistic.
Speaking of character development, how about Nichelle? I and many others expected her to get training and become a stronger contestant, but I wasn't expecting to see evidence of that right off the bat in the first episode! She's another contestant I'll be watching closely.
Damien didn't do a whole lot, which kind of surprised me. Damien was at the top of my list for being a major character in season two, after he lost in season one right as he vowed to start taking the game seriously. But that can still happen; it's only episode one after all, and you can't frontload the first episode with every single plotline right away.
Seeing Julia and MK being on good terms and showing mutual respect was something I didn't see coming after how things went down between them in season one. But you know what, I'm here for an MK/Julia alliance arc. Also MK is my favorite character of the new generation and I look forward to seeing her schemes, especially after she talked about getting her hands on an intern uniform.
Wayne and Raj are wildcards to me, I honestly have no idea how long they'll last or what their specific plots will be. But like I said earlier with Bowie, I think at least he and Raj will stick around for at least a little while for Rajbow. It's genuinely one of the best written couples the show has given us.
Zee I don't picture getting very far. As much as I like Zee he already made it fairly far in season one, and not sure how much material they can get out of his whole "influencer" arc.
Last but not least, Lauren AKA Scary Girl. As a fan of her it hurt to see her voted off first, but I understand; there's other characters that are far more deserving of screentime, and Lauren is pretty one note. That being said, it's obvious we haven't seen the last of Lauren. I'm guessing she'll pull an Ezekiel and keep sneaking back onto to the show to disrupt things.
And that's everything. So far I'm really enjoying this new season and I'll be following it closely.
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gaytotaldrama · 1 year
For the requests: maybe Brott? (Brick x Scott)
full disclosure: i haven't gotten to TDROTI in my rewatch yet (mid-TDWT rn) so if anyone seems OOC i apologize it's been a while since ive seen it!! but i think brott is a super cute pairing and brick has always been one of my faves from the newer casts so i hope you enjoy :)
also on my ao3!
Part of a soldier's duty is to keep alert, and notice the little things not everyone else does. Brick may not be top of the class, but he had to have gotten picked for the new season of Total Drama for a reason. And if he really wants a shot at the money, it's probably best to start strategizing before the game even begins.
Which is why Brick starts people-watching as soon as he boards the boat to the island, so he can get a head start on sizing up the - somewhat intimidating - competition.
The most obvious threats, he checks out first. The girl in the grey tracksuit is clearly super athletic, as is the guy in the jersey he's pretty sure is named Lightning. Loud, both of them, but probably also headstrong. Easy to anger. Brick's known plenty like that over the course of his years of training. They'll be ones to watch out for, for sure.
The big guy is quiet - really quiet - and Brick's positive he's got to be secretly housing some mad brains up there. The small kid with the glasses won't get anywhere in the physical challenges, but in Brick's experience, those types of people can serve up a truly merciless smackdown of intelligence. Brick wouldn't call himself dumb, but he's never exactly been an Einstein - watch out for them, too.
Zoey is sweet - she'd introduced herself to Brick near the top of the boat ride, obviously eager to get to know her fellow competitors - and therefore not much cause for concern. Ditto Mike, who seems both nervous and excited, and ultimately, non-threatening. Dakota (and he knows her name is Dakota, because she'd loudly announced herself as she'd sashayed on board) is caught up in her own glossy glamorous self, the curly-haired guy too wrapped up in his video games to give Brick cause for much worry. The Italian girl is a little scary (not that Brick's afraid or anything, haha) and the small kid in the green sweater has done nothing but meditate this whole time. Yeah, they shouldn't be a problem.
Neither is the loud girl in the pink jacket. Brick never caught her name - he's sure she introduced herself, but she's been talking the ear off of everyone non-stop and in all that prattle, none of it seems to actually hold any merit. And Brick would know a thing or two about merit, yes sir!
Chatty Cathy's current victim appears to be the only other remaining contestant - looks like your classic Nova Scotian farm boy, chopped red hair, threadbare wifebeater, unimpressed look on his face. Brick doesn't know his name, or his deal - strength from years of outdoor chores? Some hidden smarts no one would assume of him? Brick has no idea. Come to think of it, Brick's not even sure he's heard the guy say a word. Not that it's in any way easy to get a sentence in edgewise with pink jacket girl around, of course - had she said her name was Tracey? Sarah?
"What are you staring at, buzzcut?"
Brick instantly straightens his spine, standing at attention, embarrassed to have been caught looking at the farm boy. "Nothing. I wasn't staring at anything."
"Uh, yeah, you totally were," says pink jacket. "It was so obvious! By the way, did you know that my great-great-great-great-great uncle Gordon first coined the term obvious wayyyyyy back in - "
"Put a sock in it," farm guy mutters, and strangely, she seems to listen to him. He diverts his attention back to Brick, advancing on him like some sort of terrifying jungle cat. "Trying to size up the competition?" He sniffs, thin lips curled into a sneer. "All you need to know about me is that I'm gonna kick your sorry ass off this island."
Brick stands his ground. "With all due respect, you don't know that for certain. Mr....?"
"Scott." He grabs a hold of the front of Brick's shirt, pulling him in close and oh no, he's hot, and whoa, he's got freckles like everywhere. "I'll make sure you won't forget it, private."
And with one last withering glare, he lets go of Brick and stomps away.
"Wow." In all that had just happened, Brick had forgotten Staci (!!) entirely, but she's throwing an arm around his shoulder now in what she likely thinks is a comforting manner. "That guy is gonna eat you alive! Speaking of cannibals, my cousin's sister's dog's landlord totally eats people! Chris would probably love to have him on the show, yah, he's a total maniac but I bet he'd be great for ratings, ya know? Ya know, my great-great-great-great - "
But Brick isn't listening to a word. He's staring down at his shirt, positive he can see the imprint of Scott's fingers seared into the fabric there, because why else would Brick have burned the way he did when Scott touched him?
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animationadventures · 1 month
Total Drama time!
So, the finale is down to Bowie, Millie, and Priya! Interesting how they went for a three-way finale; we haven't seen one of those since World Tour when it was down to Heather, Alejandro, and Cody. Good times.
I also appreciated that unlike Pahkitew Island, all the eliminated campers came back for the finale. It was so cute to see Raj excited to see Bowie again, and some of the campers' commentary during the challenge was hilarious. Like Wayne eating Raj's popcorn when he covered his eyes, and Scary Girl being disappointed that nobody fell in the lava.
I didn't like the first part as much as I did the second part. The first part felt too much like they were trying to repeat the All-Stars finale where Mike and Zoey had to cross three moats, one of which was lava. The second part with the goats was more interesting; I think they could have just made the whole challenge about milking goats as a metaphor for milking the franchise.
Priya and Millie repairing their friendship was sweet. They both basically had no friends, but they found friendship in each other.
Congratulations to Priya for winning the game, and it's kinda surprising that the writers didn't bother with alternate endings this season. Would have been good to see the version where Bowie won too.
My one nitpick about Priya winning is that validates her parents' toxic training methods even though Millie has pointed out in her notes how messed up the training stuff was. It would have been better story-wise if Priya lost because it would let her recognize that Millie's perspective was right and grow from that.
Looking forward to the next season, whenever they plan on starting to air that.
Please watch Total Drama on Cartoon Network as many times as you can. Also watch it on Max as many times as you can. This is the only way we can show executives that we want a third season with this cast!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 9 months
Did you finish the S2 of the Total Drama Reboot (all the eps are out already) ? I did and while the season started strong the ending flopped badly imo.
Incoming spoilers (and long rant) if you haven't watched it yet:
The winner is not it I'm sorry. Wayne is a cool character but he had zero stand outs moments to justify his win. They tried to recreate Owen's win in Island but at least Owen was really strong in some challenges (including destroying the main villain Heather in the final 3 challenge). Wayne literally flopped hard in almost all of the challenges this season and then got hard carried by his best friend's boyfriend in the final 3 for his win. Also I don't understand how he got so many enthusiastic supporters when Raj and Bowie were the only characters he interacted with from that group, especially cause he didn't even need them as Bowie literally did almost all the work for him by himself.
Julia dominated this season but it felt hollow, she quite literally had no opposition left after she got Bowie booted off. Imagine if Heather got booted in the middle point of World Tour and Alejandro just freely dominated his way into a final 3 with the likes of DJ and Cody (which he somehow would've still lost just to have one of the good guys win). That's pretty much how I felt about the final 3 from this season. Mkulia (and their cheating conflict with Bowraj) did carry the first half, so I'm gonna give them that.
Priyaleb literally got turned into a Skave 2.0 with their flip floppity mess drama just without the "Keith" plot point at the end to bomb out their relationship completely. They turned Priya into a Courtney knock-off who's more obsessed with revenge and winning (even tho she already won a season) than her own boyfriend. She even seems to despise Caleb's personality and is only in love with the idea of having a hot boyfriend (just like Courtney seemed in love with the thrill of being with a bad boy than Duncan himself and we know how that relationship ended up). Honestly if they bring up this couple for another season they're def gonna have a huge messy break up, I just don't see them lasting with the way they've been portrayed in these last S2 eps.
Ngl but I actually enjoyed Ripaxel, even tho they were just the gross comedic relief side couple. Surprisingly Ripper treated Axel like a Queen (unlike Caleb who just kept embarrassing his girl over and over on international tv) and Axel stopped abusing him completely after they started dating, so they're unironically one of the healthiest TDI couples so far. And even tho they're the horny couple at least Ripper really does seem to have genuine feelings for her unlike Priya for Caleb.
And I really hated the Hockey Bros flanderization this season. Last season they were dumb himbos but they were still very competent in the team challenges, heck arguably the best overall from their team. But this season they literally got turned into man children who probably wouldn't be able to cross the street without Bowie around to take them by their hands. Which literally didn't make sense at all when this season was supposed to focus more on them than the last one.
They really had Millie go crazy in that one ep and almost kill Damien just to win a challenge, but honestly I kinda dig that. Her team was so boring that they needed at least one (secretly) unhinged member.
Bowie was clearly weaker as a character this season but he still served. Scary Girl was technically in only 2 episodes and you know she still SERVED. I didn't really care about the other characters this season tbf.
So overall it might still not be the worst season (I mean All Stars and Pahkitew still exist) but season 1 of the Reboot was def superior imo. While I'm not opposed to at least some of this cast coming back in a future season I really hope they create a new cast beforehand if they get the greenlight for new seasons cause they're already exhausting all the plotlines for this one and some of them already started to become flanderized. At the very least they should add new characters and change the location to shake things up if they still want to go ahead with this cast.
So Yes, I did finish Season 2
And much like season 1 I found it mid. I think Season 1 ended stronger, but started pretty weak. While Season 2 was the reverse
I did think it had a promising start, I even liked how Priya and Kaleb were set up for the drama. But after the reveal it kind of... fizzled out. Like they could have milked the drama more and Priya had a right to want revenge but Priya was never such a super angry revenge person before and it felt weird.
They turned Caleb into a complete idiot after they resolved the arc. He was smart, just not game show savvy. That was his thing.
I wouldnt call it anywhere CLOSE to the atrocity that was Skave. But it was a lot less fun. At least Priya calmed down at the end.
But the moment the season went down hill for me was when Damien got eliminated.
I really felt they were setting him up for something good in the character arc department but they didnt. I knew he was doomed the moment he found the immunity idol but it would have been a nice inversion to have HIM use it.
And lets be real, I didnt care about the final 3 at all, I knew Julia wasnt going to win because lets face it she is basically Diet Heather.
They even did something to her hair like Heather.
As for Wayne winning. I didnt care, it was going to be him or Caleb.
Season 2 could have used more Scary Girl. Every scene she was in was gold.
I also appreciated the tasteful cameos of Owen. MacArthur and the Tennis pros.
It wasnt anything awful, but i did find it fizzled out in the later half.
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tdpriya · 1 year
there is no universe where i don't ask you on your opinions on my lords and saviours: jo, eva, macarthur and lindsay
you don't need to do all four if it's too much!
no worries, i can do all of them!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: She's sapphic in some kind of way! I don't solidly headcanon her as pan, bi, lesbian, or anything of the sort but I do think she's into women. Gender Headcanon: Cis woman. A ship I have with said character: Jomaria is so cute tbh. A BROTP I have with said character: Jock!!! Her and Brick's whole rivalry thing is one of my favorite parts of TDROTI and it always has been. A NOTP I have with said character: Her x Cameron. Also her x Lightning. I just really can't see it working but I do like her being friends with them. A random headcanon: She isn't flexible at all and she really wishes she was. General Opinion over said character: One of my favorite Total Drama characters!!! When I was a little kid I think she's part of what awoke my taste in tough women. I'm pretty sure I had a crush on her as a kid. I love her fierceness and competitive personality and her really dumb insults are pretty funny to me. I like her way of playing the game and wish we got more of her in All Stars.
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian! Gender Headcanon: Cis woman but nonbinary butch Eva is also a cool idea. A ship I have with said character: Evzy! Her and Izzy need to kiss please. A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Noah! I love Team E-Scope sorry. A NOTP I have with said character: I don't dislike any Eva ships except the obviously bad ones (her x Chris or Chef). A random headcanon: She struggles to express gratitude towards others and struggles to show others she likes them. Her social skills aren't great in general but she does try! General Opinion over said character: Even if she doesn't have as much screen time as other gen 1 characters I absolutely love her. Fierce girls are one of my favorite things and I find her overbearingness to be kind of funny. I wish she was a competitor outside of Island 2007.
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian. Gender Headcanon: Cis girl but I could definitely also see her as trans. A ship I have with said character: Macsanders of course! I think they'd make a cute couple. A BROTP I have with said character: Not sure actually.  A NOTP I have with said character: I haven't watched Ridonculous Race in a long while but her and Brody never appealed to me. At all. A random headcanon: I think she used to get injured a lot when she was younger because of her brashness. General Opinion over said character: She's okay! I didn't have that strong of an opinion of her when watching Ridonculous Race and I feel like I'd need to see it again to form a solid opinion of her.
Sexuality Headcanon: Sapphic! I sometimes see her as bi and sometimes see her as a lesbian. Gender Headcanon: Trans girl! She's very proud! A ship I have with said character: Lyler. They're wlw to me. Bethsay is also cute! A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Gwen! Their interactions in Island 2007 are kind of funny. Also her and DJ! A NOTP I have with said character: Her x Chris/Chef and also her x Heather. It's just a kids cartoon and I don't think shipping her with Heather is the most heinous thing ever but I just don't get it. A random headcanon: She's very tall! She stands at around six feet, even without her heel boots. Tyler is shorter than her. General Opinion over said character: She's sooo good. She's one of the most memorable characters in my opinion and I find her so adorable and funny. I don't like how she gets dumber every season though.
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popculturebuffet · 4 months
Did you hear the reboot seasons of Total Drama are finally gonna air in the USA starting on June 1st on Cartoon Network? Considering they've been airing in other countries for a year now, is it cool it's finally airing here? Especially since they need to get a lot of views in USA to motivate the higher ups to renew them for more seasons after that.
Yup! And I can't wait. I've even considered doing my own season for funsies ala dead meat's horror survivor.
I've held out on watching the new seasons simply because I wanted to support them. Granted I didn't think there'd be a decent sized gap between the US and CA airings, but for once Warner Bros Discovery actually makes some remote sense with a seemingly baffling decision: They wanted to wait for summer, and given we're going back to camp (and a somehow unsunken Wawanakwa), it fits well.
It's not the SMARTEST decision as full spoilers for the season are already out there and going to wikipedia could tell you the results, but it's still one that makes some sense and has historical precident both raitings wise and tradition wise. Unlike say shelving shows or locking them in a vault for always and always, this at least makes some sense and the bar really is that low that that's a win.
On the renewal side i'm not AS worried since this is a co-production with Fresh TV and , to my shock when I looked it up to confirm, the BBC. While it's clear Warner has decent stake in this (the show aired on Discovery+ in italy, where it aired early), they could be swayed by international numbers and Fresh isn't nearly as likely to let them just.. give up after five minutes and move on. This is their biggest franchise, their big breakout hit in the US, and one I do think COULD make that comeback: Survivor still exists. Reality compettition shows haven't gone away and teen drama always sells. I think the show has a genuine chance to do gangbusters again and I look forward to watching it as it comes out. I DO hope they dont' super delay part 2 of this season, as so far it's just intended to run through the summer, but otherwise i'm pumped to go back to the island. again.
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inky-evergreen · 2 years
Bro I haven't even watched Total drama island but Ezekiel's ass got me thinking about it now like...WHAT THE FUCK
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seafoam-taide · 2 years
OKAY SO. im so curious whats the fandom with the object people and the one named tesla and the lightbulb who i think is tesla's friend. Please ive been seeing it everywhere and cant find a name for it,,, i wanna know a bit more about it to see if i wanna check it out
Hi!!! Okay so. Well. The overarching name for aaall this nonsense is the Object Show Community, or OSC. At least, that's what I've gathered. Tesla specifically is @ecto-hazard's OC for an object /camp/ called RIP- Rune's Immature Party. If you haven't caught on already, acronyms are Kind Of A Thing. If you want to look into Tesla stuff specifically, here's a link to Grey's post with the master doc! They're comics and you should totally read them I'm not biased at all. There's also a brief explanation for camps in the doc I think. That should probably be its own post if you want me to talk about it, though.
So the actual meat of all this object stuff is, as the name suggests, the object shows, most of which are on youtube. The main two(? I think?) are Inanimate Insanity and Battle For Dream Island, but there are like, over 500 or something of them all over the place. It's a Huge Thing. Those two start off preeetty goofy but the most recent seasons are really cool stuff in my opinion.
Oh and, to give you a little bit of context, the basic like. 'structure' of an object show is like you know those reality TV competition shows where there's a set cast that gets whittled down through some sort of voting system. like survivor. its like that but with object characters.
In case you want to watch some, here's a list of the shows I've watched so far that I liked:
Battle For Dream Island [BFDI] by jacknjellify - The Original. the one that sparked all this nonsense. at least. to my knowledge. there are uh. 5 seasons now i think? it's a lot. it's so much. it's hours and hours of content. the first one was made when the two creators were like 10 or something so keep that in mind but it just gets better from there Inanimate Insanity [II] by AnimationEpic - tbh probably the most popular one right now??? at least from what i've seen. it's season 1 is even worse than BFDI's season 1 but it's current seasons... holy FUCK. HOLY /SHIT/. OH MY GODDD. also canon nonbinary character (tho a lot of the rest of its representation attempts are. not so great) Animated Inanimate Battle [AIB] by GatlingGroink57 - goofy funny but with a really good grasp on characters. Has like. 60 characters but each one managed to be memorable??? one of my favorites i love oodle SO MUCH ONE, or as it's often called, 'HfjONE' by Cheesy Hfj - very much NOT goofy funny. first show I watched. A very interesting (and upsetting) take on the expected format of an object show. its kind of hilarious this was my first one in retrospect it is not your usual object show Paper Puppets Take 2 [PPT2] by YellowAngiru - sooo fun and cool and creative... each episode has it's own unique intro + theme and there are some spooky plot things and drama and it's fun Sacriverse by Sacri - if you wanna watch this one you should use this playlist, this one is like. goofy funny but also analog horror and it's spread out along a bunch of videos and??? watching this playlist was an. experience. also it has HAPPY STAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a bunch more in a list I haven't watched yet and also a bunch more I likely haven't even heard of so this list is nowhere near end all be all. There's so much. There is. sooo much. god.
Also sorry to go back to Tesla after all that BUT if you like the Tesla entries there are more entries for other characters from that season and season 2 is happening rn so like... ooo you wanna join the server so bad and look at everybody's cool entries ooooooooo
OKAY that was a lot. Oh geez. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk abt this and I hope this was helpful somewhat??? ALSO anything said here could possibly be false bcuz I have only been here like. A month. A little over that. I'm still pretty new to it also. If you have any more questions I'd be happy to answer them.
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What kinds of challenges do you think ROTI would have had if the island wasn't mutated?
That's actually hard for me to answer, partly because it's hard for me to imagine ROTI without the mutant aspect, and partly because I just struggle with coming up with challenge ideas in general; it's a major part of why my "my way" posts are less about specific challenges and more about stuff relating to the characters and relationships.
Plus, I actually haven't watched ROTI in a while - I will admit I took a bit of a break from even the seasons of Total Drama I liked, so I haven't seen the episodes of ROTI in years.
But, from what I do remember, I actually feel like a lot of the challenges could remain close to the same? I don't remember the toxic/mutant aspects often being a key point of the challenges, outside of sometimes the campers having to deal with mutated animals, which would presumably just be regular animals in the version where the island wasn't mutated.
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starrtoon · 1 year
Out of curiosity did you happen to hear about the new season of total drama and if so what are your thoughts on it?
heard about it, haven't watched it if it's even out yet.
after I read posts about how they changed Chris' voice actor and seeing a clip that's too close to looking like a fart fetish, I don't think I'll watch it at all tbh lmao.
I know the original series had Owen and his stupid fart gags, but I don't remember them getting as bad as what I saw in that clip.
I think I lost all hope for another good Total Drama series after what they did with Total Dramarama. like, I know Revenge of the Island, All-Stars, Pahkitew Island and the Ridonculous Race aren't popular, but I'd pick all of them over Total Dramarama.
the first 3 seasons will always be the best to me tho. (especially 🎶WOOORRRRLD TOOOUUURRRRR🎶)
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you-will-return · 2 years
Guys guys guys!!! I just finished the jacket!!!
I do have to take care of some uni stuff beforehand but the second I'm done with that I'll make a post to show off the finished product :)
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