#and i hope it rains again so i can kiss ger in the rain
the-aqueerium · 2 years
Kissing girls in the rain is a win-win bc
You keep each other warm in in each other's arms with kissing and loving each other
Even if one of you gets sick, you can take care of the other and give them love and affection
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||An Officer's corruption part Eleven||
Hi all there today on this Saturday. Time for another one to be added to this now mini series. XD This is a small series me and @demon-blood-youths is doing so please understand this gets dark and mature. So just a heads up.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
Part Eight ((Slight NSFW warning))
Part Nine
Part Ten
((Your reading part Eleven))
||OVA Chapters|| ((My friend Demon mun is writing for the series))
OVA part one
OVA part two
||Drabble summary||
From planing and thinking, tonight would be the night the prisoners will try to get Melinda under their clutches and the other female guards too. However, their little plan might have a slight mess up. What will happen in this one? And it seems Jinx was going to check on her prison but it seems she ran into another issue. Wanna know what? Read to find out.
~Medium nsfw is present in this drabble ((Sexual theme is present))
~Friends with benefits is present in this
~Drug use is present in this drabble
~Flirting is present in this drabble
~Possessive behavior will be present
~Dom and sub behavior is present in this
||Guests in Drabble||
Kinie Ger, Jaron Jackal, Ahmed, Fin Reer, and Van Ink belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Jinx violet, Melinda brooks, Summer, and Winter are OCs that belong to me and the same for Sukuna Ryomen, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro comes from Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to having him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
A few hours were gone by but Sukuna was gone after it started to heavily rain seeing the clouds forming. Warden Kinie was silent looking from the window but her golden eyes were glowing as she looks quiet hearing some thunder.
~~~~Flashback/Two hours ago~~~~~
'What are you implying here? You wish to-'
"As I said; I wish to know more about you Kinie. So how about a simple..meet up at my main office you and me. I really would love to know more about you. Even with us speaking to business. So, here is my deal. After you see what I'm willing to offer, you can get to know me better and I'll help you with whatever you ask. Anything at all." He was holding her hand again but she looks quiet then down.
What is his deal? Kinie wasn't sure how to feel about this given the fact she was one of the toughest wardens here in New York. However, this man..he had more power around his little finger and it was terrifying. But she wouldn't let him know that!
"..I said I would think about it remember? I don't....I still need time to think of a answer."
"I know you do..but take all the time you need. I can be of some help to you my princess. I mean, after all.." He then did something she was not expecting. He pulls her close against his strong form, making her tense as he feels her hand held so delicately while touching her cheek.
"I know that I'm willing to help someone as beautiful as you." he said with his red eyes looking down at her. He was way too close but she only looks away from his gaze that Sukuna smiled. Still cute. In a moment, he gently lets go but looks still holding her hand.
"I hope to hear from you again, Miss Warden but don't take too long..I tend to be.....curious of your choice. And I Hope to hear about more of my baby brother's release sooner than I hoped....." he said getting ready to leave but in that moment, he kissed her cheek making her quickly hold it. He smiled to her then turns to leave the office and a speechless Kinie.
~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~
Kinie said nothing but she only grits her teeth growling deeply to herself. Damn it. She will not show weakness even to a man like that. Though, she was curious to what he means by what he said. Even so, she only sighed to cover her face for a moment while wondering. What will she do now?
~~~~~~Meanwhile with Jinx & Ink~~~~~~~~
They were taking a slight break but Ink was happily eating some food that luckily had pizza bites here! She was smiling chewing on one she enjoyed with Jinx eating some calazone for herself.
"Hey Ink?" she sees her swallow the pizza bite to look at her.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Have you heard anything from Kali? She's been gone for a while now." she mutters thinking about where she is. However, Ink thinks a bit then shrugs.
"I don't know. I think she might be doing something really important right now so she isn't here with us. But, I'm hoping she is alright. Knowing her.." she smiled eating another pizza bite. Of course Jinx thinks about that but she also was checking her phone seeing that her other officers; Melinda, Vivi, Breezy, Mouse, Echo, and Ping were alright. Each still busy from their group chat messages. She smiled knowing her friends and officer sisters were good.
"Oh well, I'm sure she will be fine and what about the six claws? Are they behaving themselves?" she asked.
"Huh? They are but they are all pretty funny though. Even though six of them have done bad things..they seem like good guys somehow. I don't know, it's just a feeling in a way." she laughed rubbing the back of her head that Jinx blinks to laugh.
"True but knowing that I bet it's true. Even if some of these prisoners are evil and cold, not all of them are...bad. Though, it's hard to find which one is which.." she said thinking about Yuji again but when she did her cheeks flushed pink that Ink noticed.
"Uhhh you okay Jinx? Your face is red-"
"Ah! I'm fine! Sorry just thinking about something silly." she said waving her hand laughing that Ink tilts her head to blink. "Though, have you heard from your officers too?"
"I have. I already talked to Rust but he sounded busy. Hellmare is working with getting one prisoner to turn his ways back. It was said he was in a gang where the head leader is the baby sister of that other guy." Ink said thinking.
"Hold on, baby sister?" Jinx asked seeing Ink nod.
"Uhhhh what else? Oh! I heard Maggie was watching a wild ice fire user prisoner but he's pretty tough. She and him already got into some fights so far but she is tough to take him on. Fosh is alright working with officer mouse uhhh.....I heard Gerald and Taz were still in the study board and helping two new young officers. Ping and Timmy were their names......." Ink was thinking.
"Navarro is working with another special bomber I think that's on your time Echo right? He and her are working the bomb squad together and their doing well. OF course Jaron is alright working with Melinda from what he told me though he sounded worried about something." Ink said.
"Then Ophelia is working with another doctor named Hex I believe his name was but he seems to be a bit silent for one. He might be a bit nervous working around officers but she is getting close and hoping he is with her too.
"Hmmmm seems their all busy. Oh! But what about Shdwkyz? Have you heard from him?"
"As for him..No. I have tried to call him but his phone goes to voice mail. He's always busy even so but I understand. I heard the one he's watching over is also going through some investigation..."
"Geez..they all are busy alright. Well, hopefully they are all doing alright though Ink." she said smiling but Ink smiled knowing her fellow officers were alright. However, as the two were eating, they look seeing the heavy rain geez, it's coming down like crazy.
"Seems we might be in if this keeps up to tomorrow."
"Yeah...though, the rain is nice.." Jinx said with a hum seeing Ink smiling to nod. However, their break was over. Seems it was time to head back to work.
"I'll see you later Ink and be careful ya hear." Jinx smiled as Ink grins doing a fistbump with her as the two leave to head to their locations.
~~~With Jinx~~~
She was walking down the hallway thinking to herself but hearing the heavy downpours along with the storm passing by. "Wow, they were not kidding when they said it was going to be heavy rain today..guess this means it will go into tonight. Seems it will be loud during dinner." she sighed to keep walking. However, as she did, she looks seeing she's near Itadori's cell.
"........" She remains quiet thinking about it but looks away shaking her head. 'No no, your fine Jinx. Just keep moving along. I need to get to my location regarding keeping a eye on him. Or was he still doing his daily workout near the Gym? No, he as the other inmates are back in their cells till dinner comes around......so what is....' she thought as she was able to take a step.
A slight noise was heard making her stop. Her eyes widen hearing that and looks to the area where the cell was. She wonders if she was hearing things. Maybe she was. She turns to walk but the next noise was a weak moan this time to her eyes widen.
'Ohhhh no..no no not again...just ignore it Jinx..I need to....but what if something is wrong?' she thought hearing the really soft moans now coming out but they seem to be muffled? Biting her cheek, she goes to check it out. 'I'll just take a slight look see. It couldn't be that.....right?'
In a while, she gets to the same area again but Jinx made sure she was careful. She could just go and check on them just a quick look. 'You can do this. Just look and that's it......I need to be sure to show I'm-' as she was about to, the sound was more clear hearing a whimpering moan that made her quiet to press up against where she was before that night.
"Easy Kisho...don't struggle so much. You might end up getting hurting your wrists if you keep moving.." A familiar voice. Wasn't that Fushiguro? She heard nothing from him but heard another voice.
"Damn, you really got him tied up Megumi. I thought you said you were not into this sort of thing.."
"It's trying new things Itadori. Besides, he don't seem to mind it given the fact he's being punished again."
She blinks confused hearing this but given her better judgement, she goes to take a peak. Right away, her red eyes widen seeing what she did. Itadori and Megumi were there but Kisho too. However, he seems to be tied up using some of the sheets in their cell. He was sitting up against the wall with something covering his eyes and mouth a gag maybe? He was twitching and shaking with his head down but the sound of buzzing is heard.
'Hold on..what the fuck?! what are they doing to him!' she thought but saw some things were inside of him. It twitched quivering as he was shaking and whimpering through the gag they got him in.
"Mfffnnnnnn!! Mmmm!! Mmmmfffnnmmmm!!!" He was struggling from the binds Megumi put him in but he only looks holding the collar while he was near him.
"What's wrong? Feels good? You seem to be squirming there Kisho.." He said this into his ear but he lowers one hand to brush against the hole that he tenses up crying behind the gag.
"Hmmm, that's not a clear answer. Though...you seem to like it." He speaks against his neck but Yuji was looking at his cell phone while relaxing. However, he gets the feeling someone was watching that he only smirked.
"Or maybe we need to increase the vibrations.." he said seeing Megumi look till he held up a main remove and turns the dial. The vibrations got stronger that made Kisho throw his head back screaming behind his gag.
"MMMMMMMM!!!!!!! MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" Right away, Kisho accidentally came again right on both Megumi and a bit on Yuji. The two blink seeing this but looks to him as Kisho falls back, panting through his nose deeply with tears running down his cheeks. Drool was even seeping past the gag that Yuji whistled.
"That was a big one.....I think we might have made him too sensitive."
"Maybe but he knows what I warned him. He was being punished because of today..and I'm sticking to it. Though, seeing him like this is still arousing..I think he'll sing nicely.." he said already hard.
"I figure but remember, he can't be too loud..you can do that later tonight after everyone is sent to bed Megumi.."
"Fine fine.." he grumbled but looks to him. "Hey Kisho, you still with us..." he asked but he pulls him close but he saw he was shaking still feeling the hard vibrations. He was squirming in pleasure not able to think that Yuji smiled.
"Hey Megumi, how about we ask him? Remove the gag for a second." Jinx blinks hearing this from her hiding spot, hearing some shuffling but heard heavy panting with weak moans now coming out.
"Ahhh~ Naahhh nuggnnnnn!!!" Kisho was shaking looking like he really was out of it. Even if he came twice, his body was aching and throbbing.
"Haaa...haaaaa...n..no....ah!! N..no more..No more p..pleasure please..I..I said I was..s..s..sorry.....mmmm..." He was twitching claming down on the vibrators inside of him. They were just going nuts and he's having trouble focusing right now.
"Ah ah ah remember what I said Kisho? You are being punished for today remember?...and it seems like a fun idea don't you think?" He gets near him that Kisho backs up shaking but he feels his chin grabbed to be pulled up.
"B..b...but it..eeeiiii!" He feels him pushing fingers into him now messing with his hole again. He shudders biting down on his bottom lip with Megumi kissing his neck.
"But what? Your not fighting back..so maybe you don't mind. You seem to Love the punishments I give you...naughty little phoenix.." he growls seeing Kisho shaking again.
"P..Pl...ease..please s..spare me...I.....Mfffnn!" He got kissed by him to keep him silent but Yuji saw this only to look at the door. Jinx was silent in hiding but her face was red again. Not again! She just took care of it but she was shaking where she stood hearing this.
'I have t..to stop this..I have to tell Warden Kinie b..but...why won't my legs move? I can't move..' she thought looking down hearing the moans from Kisho.
Yuji decided to smile having a idea even with the thunder outside. "Hey, let me have a go again..I think he really needs to be punished Megumi." He blinks to hear but Kisho's eyes widen. Again!?
"Hmmmm...fine...though knowing you, you'll end up maybe breaking him." he said but he carefully lets him go that Yuji pulls him against his chest looking down at him. Now Kisho was shaking with Megumi behind him to grab the vibrators.
"It's alright....besides, I can give you something else. Think of it as another mini lesson...." he said before Megumi pulls them out hearing a yelp from Kisho that moans out loudly by mistake before Yuji covers his mouth.
"Shhhhhhh....naughty phoenix. You'll make too much noise......." he chuckled but makes him lay down right on his back looking down at him. Even if Kisho was shaking, twitching and already aching he was too weak to move.
"Y..Yuji..w..wait please..I...I don't know if I'll st..stay sane if you d..do it again."
"Hmmm but that's the point. Since you wanna misbehave and keep getting in trouble...maybe we need to keep showing you that it's not good to be bad like that." he said to shift his position. He could see Kisho's half lidded eyes looking up at him shaking but he knew Megumi was watching seeing what he will do. He already lowers his own pants down showing himself off that Kisho was shaking worse.
"And since you came so much..you'll really be moaning just like a girl being so sensitive...." he teased.
"I..Itadori..I....wait a s...second I'm.." Before he could, he tenses feeling something hot slam into him that he arches his back crying out with eyes wide but they were hidden with the brown bangs that his lips were parted drooling as he quickly tightens around him. Yuji twitched feeling the hotter heat again that he chuckled to look at him.
"What was that? Seems you almost came from that. And the moan was blocked off thanks to the thunder. It's always hot to do it even during a storm..." he said keeping him down before pulling his hips back then thrusts down into him hearing weak moans from Kisho again.
"Ahhhhh....ahhhhhh.......hhaaaaa...N..No no..n.not a..a..ahhhhhhh...a...again..not a..again..mmmmmmm...."
"Not again? But your liking it...your already sucking me in so nicely...that means you must really want it." he said but Kisho was already in a daze gripping the sheets as Itadori was thrusting into him.
"I..I never said I..nuggghhhh!! Ahhhhh....ahhhhhhh......Ohhhh f..fuck....f..fu..mmmmmm!!"
"Don't lie to me Kisho..your tightening around me..and moaning out even if I'm not going hard..your already losing it. Besides, it feels good..don't it?" he said seeing him shaking but not answer. Growling, Yuji keeps looking down at him before quickening his hips.
"Answer me Kisho. Does it feel good?"
"Ahhhhhhh!!!! Y...Yes s..sir! F..fuck it f..feels good! It feels s..so good..I can f...feel it so d....deep..it's really deep!" he moans twitching as he was keeping his head back into the pillow while thrusting hard into him.
"mmmm good boy...even if you say you want to stop..your already submitting to me." he teased still slamming into him that Kisho was crying out still crying in pleasure shaking. Megumi was watching even if he was excited himself but he got hard already wanting a turn but he will wait. That and he'll have time to play with him tonight.
In the hall, Jinx was shocked hearing the moans but the storm was cutting out Kisho's moans with the rain. Though, he sounded so lost from this. These guys were just punishing him like nothing. She should do something but..she couldn't move. She couldn't speak thinking how Itadori would have dominated her if he wanted to!
However, she hears more moans and crying out as Kisho was moaning.
"Y..Yuji w..wait wait wait!" He struggles but he was shaking trying to clear his thoughts.
N..Not t..this position...N..Not this oooohhhhh!!!" He was shaking feeling Yuji's hands on his thighs holding them down as he thrusts now rougher into him. He was panting still punishing him but he only closed his eyes ripping the sheets due to the roughness.
"Ohhhhhh D...deep! T..too deep!!" he moans twitching that his tongue was out slightly while looking dazed out in pleasure.
"Damn Itadori.."
"Sorry, seeing him like this sorta got me wanna break him...though if you broke him it would be fun. I see that Miko will have fun breaking him herself if she wanted to." he teased seeing Kisho twitching but he only leans down to kiss him as he muffled the moans and yet he didn't stop.
When he breaks the kiss, he sees Kisho twitching again with his cries being worse. "Though, you would love that..wouldn't you?" he said against his neck but Kisho couldn't help it that his hands were about to move but Megumi held them down.
"Ahhhhhhh!!! ahhhhh!!!!...f..fuck m..me...fuck me!! Fuck fuck fuck fuck-FUCK!!" He moans wrapping his legs around Itadori's waist.
"Haaaaa so greedy....what do you want now Kisho?" Yuji teased but he looks at him showing a primal expression like his own eyes were glowing.
"Ohhhhh m..more..f.fuck m..me more! Please I w..wanna c..cum! Let me cum!" he begs but Megumi looks to him as he was still being rammed into.
"What was that?" Itadori said snapping his hips forward to stop seeing Kisho shaking as he was panting.
"Please..what Kisho?" he said in a low tone but he gulps shaking tightening more around him. Damn that voice was already hitting him.
"...P..Please f..fuck me more...b..break me please......" Hearing this, Yuji smiled to hold his hips pulling him.
"Grrrrr..fine.....I'll break you. I'll break you over and over till you cum non stop." he said now jackhammering into him that he screams looking dazed again.
"AHHHH Y..YESSSS YES PLEASE HARDER! I WANT IT HARDER!!" he begs but Megumi was kissing him to hush him but he only kisses back with Yuji still punishing him. He seriously was a mess but he didn't mind. He tries to stay sane even if his body was throbbing all over. Yuji was a beast in bed but he feels the kiss break panting out moaning that his eyes were hidden.
"Y..Yuji..Yuji....hhaaaa Y..Yuji!!!!!!"
"That's it..just savor it Kisho..let it all come out...." he teased thrusting into him. "That way, you'll feel even better won't you?" he said against his neck but he latches onto it kissing him there but he won't bite him.
"Y..Yes sir..oh god y..yes sir!!" he moans out of it but he felt something burning in his stomach as he throbs like he was going to cum.
"Hmm? He's close...did you wanna cum Kisho?" he asked but he only nods to squirm.
"Y...yes..s..so close! I'm close!" he begs but Yuji smiled still quickening his hips. "Y..Yes right there! I..I wanna cum..I wanna cum......." He only laughed that he suddenly uses his strength to lift him up and hold him in his arms now ramming up as Kisho screams holding onto him. He looks up at the ceiling clawing his back feeling the monster thrusts.
"Then go ahead and cum Kisho..let it out. We wanna see you cum." he growls that Kisho was shaking.
"I...I'm c...cumming..I'm cumming..I..I'm gonna!" as he threw his head back screaming he came violently on himself and Itadori's chest as he clams around him only to cum inside hard. He panted holding his hips down making sure he took every drop as the two were heavily panting sweaty.
Megumi was impressed but he only sees Kisho twitching feeling some of the hot cum dripping out even if he was shaking.
"I think I broke him a bit..but..at least he'll be more fun later tonight for you." he teased Megumi who rolls his eyes to look. However, while holding Kisho his eyes looks to the door and wonders if his guest liked the second show.
In the hallway, jinx was gone but their was a slight puddle there where she stood.
~~~~~~~~Meanwhile at Fin's prison~~~~~~~~~~
Fin was speaking with Winter again to check on her but it seems she was just as quiet as usual. She's been doing something but with the tempting towards him, it was getting harder not to be mad at her.
"For the last time, will you please stop? I only came to check on you and here you are trying to-"
"I said I wasn't doing anything warden..I'm behaving as you said...besides, you keep checking on me meaning you must care hmm?" she giggled that Fin sighed. Yeah, she was just as worse as the other.
"Or are you here for another reason? Finally give into your urges to have a-"
"No! Look just....I'm here to give you your food for dinner..I'm asking that you stay at the wall and wait till I leave to get it." he said but Winter smiled unsure about that. However, she held her hands up to show she might 'behave'. Seeing this, he goes to unlock the cell and opens it. He walks in with the tray but goes to look at her who looks back.
Both her Cobalt ice blue eyes meets with his cold blue eyes. A lycan and a fallen maiden demon. Almost like a werewolf against a vampire. Ready to rip at each other's throats due to their blood aggravating one another. They said nothing looking to one another but he only looks away trying not to do anything. He sets her food down showing it was just made but he only turns to leave her cell. However, as he did he felt something only to quickly turn showing a ice hatchets that blocks a ice daggers.
"!?" What the fuck was she doing!? "The hell are you-" He feels her ram him against the cell door but she only looks to him as their eyes glow to one another.
"You really are strong..how fun. You really are a strong one~" she purrs to look right at him. Gritting he shoves her back as she rolls on the ground quickly rebounding to see him trying to get out. However, she trips him as he slams against the wall of her prison making him wince. However, he hears something stab into the wall trapping him by the collar of his uniform sleeves. She was sitting on top of his lap looking down at him.
"The hell!? Get off of me!"
"Now now..I won't kill you..your way too much fun to. Besides..I only wanted to say sorry." she pouts in a kid like voice that he glares at her.
"How the hell is this saying sorry! Get the hell off of me!"
"Hmmmm...I will. Though..I would love to give you something in case you wanna play again.." she said.
"The hell are you saying? As the warden I order you to get off of-" However, his words were stopped by her. His eyes widen to feel her soft lips against his own. She kissed him while gripping his uniform. He closed his eyes and closed his hands into fists but he also tasted something like copper that made had her break the kiss. She panted to smile, licking her lips showing she bit him.
"Not bad your one cute kisser." she teased but he only growls to shove her off but gets free from the daggers. He leaves the cell relocking it and leaves quickly. Winter sits there looking at him but she only looks to her fingers then touches her bottom lip. She still tasted some of his blood licking her lip clean slowly.
"Oh my warden..you really are going to be fun to tease..." she giggled. Meanwhile, as Ahmed was heading back from giving Summer her dinner, he spots Fin who was rushing off.
"Fin? Hey! Where are you going?" he asked.
"Just to the office! I just....I need to sit down."
"But we-hold on, are you okay? What happened to your uniform?!" he asked seeing it but Fin said nothing to sigh covering his face.
"It's nothing I......" as he turns to tell him that, he stops noticing that Ahmed was holding his neck. Was he hurt? "Hold on, are you-"
"....Lets just say Summer is a biter.." he said in a cold tone but the two knew they were getting worse. This might be a problem.
~~~~~~Later at dinnertime~~~~~
Finally, the plan was set. Seeing that all the prisoners were eating now. All officers were standing guard or some being on break. Right now, Melinda was sitting with Jaron eating some food while hearing other officers talking about today. It was crazy given the close riot happening but lucky it didn't.
"I'm telling you guys it's true! I think we might need to rethink of a new plan here." one officer said but Jaron blinks to look.
"Maybe but we could always try another way." he said pointing his fork at the other who thinks.
"Well, I think how you persway others works really well. You were able to stop so many random fights thanks to it, officer Jackal." a male officer said but Jaron smiled.
"I don't got a mind for violence but I try to use that more than the violent way." he said as Melinda laughs to agree.
"Knowing you Jaron you always had a good heart. Though, violent never fixes anything even when one tries to cause it. That's why I'm glad to know that you always have that caring side about you." she said that Jaron scratches his cheek blushing a bit.
"Thanks Melinda." he said.
While they were eating, the few prisoners that was able to hide the drug was happily waiting for the plan to work. They said their would be a special desert for everyone but they were seeing the officers talking.
"Are you sure the chef in that kitchen put the drug in her food? It's not working."
"Trust me, it takes a bit to kick in but I made sure he got enough to do it. We just need to wait." he said eating some food as the other prisoners were curious. Would the drugs work? So far, everyone was talking or eating more as the time passes......until Melinda felt off for some reason.
"Hmm?" she held her head but she was confused.
"Hey, you okay?" Jaron asked.
"Yeah..I'm okay. Just a slight headache.." she said smiling to him but he blinks wondering that.
"Huh? But you were fine just now. Did you need one of us to take you to the infirmary?" Haliee said worried.
"No no, I'm fine. I'm sure it will go away on it's own. That and the fact I never eaten breakfast due to the roll call." she said smiling. However, Haliee and Jaron was worried knowing if she was alright she would be. So they left it alone. As Dinner kept going, the headache got worse, that Melinda stops eating to hold her head but now she felt like something was wrong.
"........." Somehow, she felt hot and she didn't know why to make her rest her head against Jaron's shoulder.
"Hmm? Melinda? What's the matter? Are you alright?" he asked worried.
"...I.....I said I'm fine. I just..my headache went away but I...don't feel.." she mutters but he noticed she looked flushed that made the other officers worry. The prisoner that had the drug put in her food smiled. Seems like it worked.
"Heh, time to go gentlemen...do it." he said as one nods before another begins to signal two others. One quickly goes to see the generator of power for the cafeteria before the light went out!
Right away, prisoners got up now shouting to start fighting the officers while some others were causing confusion. However, Jaron was looking about with Haliee getting up trying to stop them. Though, that's when a few prisoners quickly attack with one grabbing Melinda who struggles trying to push them away but he picks her up over his shoulder rushing out.
"MELINDA!!" two officers shouted but Jaron noticed.
"HEY, PUT HER DOWN!" he said giving chase but he got through now following after the prisoner that took her. Everywhere was a black out even with two officers trying to get the generator back up. Jaron runs following the prisoner before he sees him make a left turn. Though, in a way, as he did, he looks to see the two were gone.
"Melinda!?...Melinda!!!...Damn it! Where did he go!" he hissed but that's when one shows up behind him and suddenly hits him hard behind the head to knock him out. He passed out before being taken as well.
~~~~~~~Somewhere else~~~~~~
Something splashes against Jaron waking him up with a gasp coughing slightly. He winces from the headache he got and a stinging throbbing pain. With a groan he opens his eyes to blink but his vision was fuzzy. "...What...where.." he looks to move but he couldn't feeling his wrists tied up.
"Well, good to see you can join us.." he looks up quickly hearing a voice but stops seeing who. A prisoner was there but he was smiling. However, that's not what got him worried. He saw another officer but she had her wrists tied up, sitting in the corner but her head was tilted to the side while softly breathing like she was ill. Whatever was going on, something happened that Jaron looks worried to see the prisoner look at him.
"Lets have a little...chat, officer Jackal."
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camslightstories · 4 years
Tolerate it - Part 5
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Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers.
Notes: I’m so sorry! I haven't updated in the last couple days, they have been erratic, I have been so much homework and my family is not the easiest. I apologize for it. But the good thing is that I wrote two chapter in less than 24 hours, and the next one would be up tomorrow. 
I hope you guys enjoy it, and if you have any feedback, comment or request, I will accepted gladly. I know my writing isn't the best but I hope you guys like it. I’m also going to repost my favorite stories from other writers and I will be asking for request, so if you have one just hit me up. Have a great day, guys!
Taglist: @multi-images
Tears running down through your cheeks, and raindrops hitting your body, as you walked through the streets of National City. The rainstorm seems to get worse, and you didn't notice. You walked slowly as millions of questions invaded your head.
Since the moment you walked out of the apartment, your mind went blank as everything that had happened seconds before came back to you. You were soaked in rain, and every time a thunder would make their presence known you would flinch. The lights of the cars were the only thing that illuminated the streets as you walked with the smell of the wet ground. 
With every single question and doubt, a memory would cross your mind. Your first date. Your first kiss. Your first sleepover. Your first Gala. Your first morning together. Your first time. Your first Christmas. Your first Anniversary. Your first day after moving in. All of it.  
Your clouded mind tried to make sense of the situation. Fears and insecurities crashing into you as you tried to gather your thoughts, trying to get Lena out of your head. But you couldn't, you didn't want to admit it, but you didn't want to. 
Lena was the person who brings out the best of you, Lena who with a soft smile would have you happily cheering the whole day. Lena who was in every step of the way when you failed in every possible way. Lena who will hug you protectively at night making you sleep as peaceful as you ever could. Lena who shared her home with you after 1 year and a half of dating. Lena who made all your insecurities go away. Lena who received every present you gave her even if it wasn't at her status. Lena who made you feel saved and loved after so long. 
Lena who became your everything. Lena who became the light of your life. Lena who you would wait hours even though you were tired just to see her. Lena who made you become a morning person, so you could just make her coffee as she gets ready for work so you could see her smile before leaving. Lena who would be running up and down through your head at every second of the day. 
Lena who somehow fixed you without you even noticing, and now without noticing broke you beyond repair again. You had felt so lost when you lost your dad, you thought that was going to be the worst moment and feeling of your life. But little did you know that when the love of your life, loves someone else and you choose to leave for her to be happy was going to be your downfall. 
Weren't you enough?
Was Kara always the one she wanted?
Was all of it a temporal fill for her?
Was all of the loving and caring a facade?
Were you ever not gonna be enough for anything?
Why would this happen to you?
Weren't you broken enough?
Why did the universe decide that this was your life?
As the thoughts kept your head running you found yourself staring at your job place. It was quiet and dark, lights were off and all of the stores except for the bar downstreet were closed. You went through the back door leaning into it, trying to calm yourself down, even though it was not possible. All you could feel was pain and not a pain that with some pills was going to go away. 
You walked inside and noticed that somehow the silence and the darkness of the place had taunted you for so long, but you didn't recognize it. That feeling of scariness you didn't recognize for a long time. 
For a moment you opened the phone in your hand, tears rolling down the screen as you did. The Danvers Christmas photo with Lena, Maggie, and Jonn was in the background, all of you smiling like a family. You couldn't help to feel selfish when the only wish you had was to keep your relationship with Lena. But you knew you couldn’t, you knew the moment you decide to be selfish the happiness and the well being of the most important people for you would be at risk.
You lifted your glance from your phone, finding paper and pens in which you annotated the customized orders. You remembered how when you were kids and Kara had just arrived on Earth, you guys watched Harry Potter making you and Kara complete nerds for it. You guys decided to write each other letters to communicate, and since Kara was still learning English it worked great. After a few years, Alex became part of the writing, so it became a thing until Alex and Kara both left for college.
You grabbed the pen with trembling hands, shaky breath, and soft salted tears coming from your eyes. You stared at the paper as you cleaned your tearful eyes. You wrote for each one of them, and as you kept going, each one would get harder.
The pain runned through your veins until you had finally fallen asleep in one of the chairs. Soaked in rain, and makeup stains under your eyes and cheeks. Your breathing had become erratic the moment you walked out of the apartment. Whimpering as you slept on the chair.
The sunlight came through the window of the bakery. The sound of the door opening and closing woke you up. The noise frightened you. The scare made you fall to the floor, hitting your head and shoulder first. 
You said but were interrupted when the voice of your boss called you out. Rubbing your temples as you now felt the pain coming back.“Freaking-” 
“Danvers? What are you doing here?” JJ said as she heard your complaint. Her tone was somewhat cold and worried. 
You looked up to see your boss, staring right back at you. With judging eyes, examining every single part of your face. The bags under your eyes, the ruined makeup that runned through your cheeks. The way your eyes were red and looked exhausted from crying. You looked so broken, exhausted, crushed, lost. You looked like a little girl who had just lost everything in her life.
“I knew that Luthor would leave you like this, she is just as bad-” She claimed as she rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
You interrupted, yelling. You felt your blood boiled, Lena was everything to you, and you wouldn't let anyone talk badly about her. Especially if they are comparing to her family, that line nobody should cross, Lena was good, strong, and so many things, that not even the world deserved her. “Don't you dare to talk about Lena like that!”
“Danvers! Open your eyes, look at you!” She exclaimed as she waved her hand pointing at you. 
You murmured, as you got up and tried to clean your clothes only to find them still wet the night before. “I’m fine”
The brunette looked at you in misbelief, before she commented, walking closer to you.“No, you are not, you are a broken little girl lost because you trusted a Luthor”
“Lena is not like her family!” You exclaimed as you furrowed your eyes. Thoughts came into your mind, saying your boss was right. Lena had done the same thing Barry, Lucy and you Dad did. 
“Yes, she is! She fits into the Luthor family profile perfectly-” She said, snapping you out of your thoughts, 
“She is everything good in this world. And I will not let you speak of ger like that!” You yelled as you slammed both of your hands on the table, with irritation before pointing your finger at her threatly.
After a few seconds of both of you losing your cool, JJ pinched her nose, before looking at you madly. “Okay then, did you sleep here?”
“I'm gonna take that as a yes, and without any further you are fired, get out of my bakery” You kept quiet, and avoided her glance in irritance. She looked at you and scoffed
“JJ? Please come on-” You resonated but the brunette just shocked her head before pointing at the door.
“You broke the contract, you slept in the workplace, and most importantly you are not in shape working here, Danvers” She responded with a cold voice.
“You can't be serious” You shake your head with a sad smile, joking. You couldn't lose it, not after you lost everything.
“I am and leave before I call the police” You looked at her in disbelief, as the last straw of the cup came out.
You walked out of the bakery with tears. Cleaning them with your sleeves as you entered the jewelry shop. You have visited millions of times, with hope and happiness in your chest.
“Hello, Mr. Rogers,” You said as you walked inside, seeing the old man in the chair reading the newspaper. 
“Good morning, Y/N. A beautiful morning isn't it?” He responded as he got up to hug you. 
Mr. Rogers had become somehow a therapist during the last two years, you would come into the jewelry shop and ramble about your day after paying a part for the ring you were fancying for Lena.
You murmured as you pulled away, putting on your best facade. “Yeah”
The nickname, Mr. Rogers had put on you after you came with Maggie to help her with their wedding rings, and made a sad smile on your face.  “How can I help you, baby Danvers?
You avoided his glance for a few seconds, before looking him in the eye, as you felt your eyes grow tired and wet.“Mr. Rogers, I want to return the ring” 
“Are you sure? Y/N, you've been paying this ring for two years now, and all the money will take me at least two days to return it to you” The man spoke as he looked at you worried. 
You commented, your voice breaking at the middle of the sentence.“Yes I'm sure, Mr. Rogers, please just give all the money to the orphanage”
“Miss. Y/N-” The old man noticed and went to speak up. But you interrupted him cleaning your tears and taking a deep breath.
You said cutting him off, trying to evade the conversation. “Please don't, Mr. Rogers. Please don't”
  “Can you give these to my Alex, the next time you see her?” The old man hugged you, of pity and worries. And you started to walk away before you put 5 letters on the counter giving him the best facade you could.
He responded nodding, putting the letters behind the register.“Yes, as you wish Y/N” 
“Goodbye, Mr. Rogers. Thank you for everything” You concluded before walking out of the store, as tears began to flow freely. The feeling of everything slipping away remained and became stronger. You felt lost, broken, numb, without anything or anyone.
The walk to your and Lena’s shared penthouse, well now Lena’s penthouse felt longer than it already was. Your mind and heart with throbbed pain, that felt any never-ending. You walked through the streets with your head down, since every time you would lookup. You would see something that would remind you of Lena.
Your heart ached as you waited outside of the Penthouse building. Mr. Smith waited in the car, as Lena came down to go to LCorp as any other day. Dressed in the green shirt of your first date, black heels, a black skirt, and a perfectly done ponytail. You watched as she looked like nothing had happened.
Your heartaches, as she looks normal. Like if nothing had affected her. Tears began to come out, so you walked to the inside parking of the building, and entered it by the garage door. 
The only light on the apartment was in the kitchen. The cold air of the penthouse occupied the penthouse. The silence was the only thing that could be heard. 
The penthouse was perfectly decorated for you and Lena. There were photos of the two of you hanging around, photos with the superfriends, and with your mom and sisters. There wasn't much color in the apartment it still felt like home. Blankets and Pillows on the couch hanging for comfort.
Pain and memories flowed into you, as you walked through the penthouse. Every Single Part of the apartment had space in your memory. You walked slowly to where the pictures were hung, and each one in where you stood took them away. The moment you went to remove the picture of your’s and Lena’s anniversary, everything came crashing down.
This time, it felt heavier, it felt stronger, it felt real. Your heartache was slowly consuming you from the inside out. It felt like a never stopping pain. It felt like an avalanche of emotions, angriness, emptiness, heartbreak, sadness. It felt surreal, you couldn't even make out the events of last night, neither less your feelings. 
As the time passed your doubts, and insecurities crowded your mind as you worked your way into collecting your things. And somehow in the makeup for excuses for Kara and Lena, you worked extremely well. Taking only the things that strictly belonged to you. 
Boxes slowly began to crowd the living room, and your bottling feelings began to count down when you noticed there wasn't anything else to pack. Pain caught your throat, and tears invaded your eyes, as the last boxes were closed. 
You glanced around the penthouse when you felt your breathing getting heavier, and the wall closing in. But there wasn't anything that could help you, there was only pain, in every inch of the place. 
You slide down the wall of the kitchen as the feelings sunk in. Tears flowed out of your eyes and small nonsense of crying would come out of your mouth. You let them flow in, you let them destroy you, you let them cause pain. You couldn't do anything, not because you weren't capable, but because you couldn't hurt your own family. 
Avalanches of emotions came and went away in the question of minutes, and somewhere around the way, you had found yourself the courage to face reality. To get up and do the right thing. 
Your phone rang the moment the UBER was downstairs waiting for you. You closed your eyes, gaining all of the courage you had, to close the door and walk away. 
With now a change of casual clothes, you walked inside LCorp and found Jess as fast as you could, without seeing your ex-girlfriend. The brunette young woman looked at you with a smile, before she spoke up. “Miss Y/N, Miss Luthor is available”
“I'm not here to see, Lena. Jess” You said as you walked to her desk with a yellow envelope, in which the keys of the penthouse were. 
The Latine woman, looked at you confused before she commented “Then how can I be of your assistance, Miss Danvers?”
With a sad smile, you responded. Avoiding her glance.“Please don't call me Miss Danvers Jess, feels like I'm Kara or my mom”
You took a second to gather the courage, before putting the envelope on her desk, taking a deep breath.“Also, I'm just here to give you this, so you could give it to Lena”
“I hope you the best, Jess” The Brunette caught your meaning and the situation. Putting dots together when she saw the small tear coming from your eye, as you tried to keep up with your posture. She nodded and let you go without any other explanation.
Walking out of the LCorp building was harder than you thought, the feeling of regret and heartbreak began to creep out of your chest, as you felt the tears coming out. You were leaving for them, so they could be happy, and they could be okay. And you would do it all over again. 
Crowded streets, sunlighted days, food overwhelm, the technology used, and superheroes capes, was what made National City. And even when you experience the most bearable moments of the city, you never once saw it fall down. Thanks to a lot of good people, including Lena Luthor and Kara Zor-El, and they deserved each other, and you couldn't get in the way of that. 
Some places feel at home temporarily. But the truth is that home can be anything. A place, a memory, a thing, a person. Sooner or later we find our way home. But for various reasons, you don't feel like you would find a home. Not even a light out of the tunnel that the universe has put on your way. 
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
I could be super late but! You requested some soft Detalff requests so I was curious if I could request a scenario where he comforts the reader after she has a bad nightmare? All romantic and cuddly and stuff!
A/N: I hope this is good for you babe!!
You jolted awake, one hand clutching the blanket while the other held a wrist. Your eyes were wide but you couldn’t see who it was that you held at first. You were dazed, confused. You didn’t know where you were 
“My love, look at me.” Dettlaff’s deep baritone was soft, begging you to turn your attention to him. 
You blinked a few times until you could hear everything around you. Rain tapped against the window. Thunder quietly rumbled outside. 
Then you could smell the fire, the wood burning in the hearth. With a deep inhale, you could smell Dettlaff’s sweet but earthy scent. 
Finally, you could see him. He was sitting up in bed beside you, watching you closely with worried eyes. 
“Darling, are you okay?”
You couldn’t find your voice. It was lost with your train of thought. All you could think about was the horrors you’d seen a few minutes prior. 
But he was there. Dettlaff was right there in front of you. He wasn’t hurt, he wasn’t in danger. 
Tears blurred your vision and your heart became caught in your throat. 
You turned over on to your side to face him and tucked your nose into his chest. 
His arms enveloped you, offering you safety and comfort. 
“I’m right here, my love.” He assured you, kissing your head firmly. “I won’t let anything hurt you.”
“You-You were....” Your arm slipped around his skin waist, your hand pressed flat against his back. “There was-Dettlaff-There was so much blood.” You choked. 
He hushed you, burying his nose into your hair. 
“I love you.” He reminded you softly. “Just breathe.”
You nodded, taking the best deep breath you could. You exhaled slowly, pressing your face even further into him - if that was possible. 
You listened to him, to his gentle words, and to the rain outside. 
When he heard you calm down and when he knew that you stopped crying, he lifted his head from yours. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You nodded your head, afraid to lift your head from his chest. In his chest, you were safe. There was no possibility that anything was wrong. Everything was okay.  
“Whenever you are ready, darling, I’m right here.”
You took a deep breath and decided you wanted to look at him. 
You pulled your head back, mumbling a quiet apology when you realized your tears had dampened his skin where you had your face buried in his chest. 
Dettlaff hooked two fingers beneath your chin and tilted your head up. Your eyes met his. The sight of him was enough to calm you down. He was okay. He was there, right in front of you. 
“I love you.” You murmured, kissing his chin then his cheek. 
“I love you more.” 
Your eyes fell to his chest. 
“It was.... the same one I’ve had before.” You started, your voice quiet. “We’re sitting in a field. There’s so many beautiful flowers around us. It’s so pretty. Then-Then out of nowhere, there’s people attacking us. They’re-Dettlaff, they go after you only. And I-I can’t do anything but watch you die.” Your voice broke and tears found their way to your eyes once more. 
“My sweet, you know I can never die.” His hand came up to the back of your head, gently brushing through your hair. 
You moved towards him again, putting your face in his neck and wrapping one arm tightly around his side. 
“I can’t lose you.” Your words were muffled but Dettlaff understood you. 
“I’m not going anywhere, my love.”
The rain outside came down heavier than before. Thunder crackled across the sky. 
Dettlaff held you when you jumped, the sudden sound spooking you.
“I can’t lose you, Dettlaff.” You repeated. You weren’t sure if you were repeating it for yourself or for him. 
“There is nothing in this world that could ever take you away from me, Y/N.” He pulled away from you a little and tilted your head up once more. You needed to look at him, to know he was there with you in that moment. You needed to realize it was just a horrible dream and that nothing was going to happen to him. “Say it, my love.”
“You aren’t going anywhere. You-You aren’t leaving me.” Your voice was shaky but saying those words out loud made you feel better.
“Thank you.” He kissed your forehead. “Do you think you can go back to sleep?”
“Not anytime soon.” You shook your head.
“Let’s go make some tea.” He suggested, pushing the blankets off of himself and you. 
You nodded, sitting up in bed. You rubbed your face and letting out a breath. 
He walked around to your side of the bed. As you slipped down from the bed and your bare feet touched the cold wood, his hand found yours. He laced your fingers together. 
Together, you walked to the kitchen where he started a pot of water over the fire for tea.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an–actual–human–disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24
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edensbuttercups · 4 years
Swords & daggers - Part three (final)
Pairing: Geralt x reader  Word count: 3.2k  A/N: First of all I apologize for not being as active, I’m currently drawing one thing + writing a fic (anon I’ll finish it eventually I swear!) and a little... angsty... thing? Don’t know what to call it but yes, that’s also in the works.  Anyway, this is the “final” chapter but there will be a bonus chapter and I’ll get to work on it when I finish the rest!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
Part one Part two
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The next couple of days went by fast, way too fast you thought, as you slowly made your way towards a small city not too far from the forest in which you had stayed. Geralt had heard that some sort of beast was roaming the area and decided to check it out, satisfied with the amount of coins offered.
You reached the city just before nightfall. You made your way towards the tavern, grabbing food and drinks while Geralt paid for the night. You sat at the table, your eyes glued to the Witcher. He nodded and turned around, smiling as he met your eyes, walking towards you.
“The room is paid for. I’ll be leaving early tomorrow, before sunrise.” “You’ll be leaving? Am I not coming with you?” “It’s dangerous.” He explained, glancing up from his drink, justifying himself once more when he saw your look. “More than last time. It’s just better if you stay here.” “Right.” You huffed, feeling the sore muscles tense and relax. Maybe a little break wouldn’t hurt after all. “And how long…?” “I can’t know for sure. It could be one day, two, maybe more.” You nodded, not comforted by his words. He reached over, his hand hovering over yours before he found the courage to hold it. “If I don’t come back, you’ll have to-“ “No. You are coming back, end of story.” You took a spoonful of the tasteless soup you had managed to get your hands on and swallowed it, your face contorting in disgust. “I’m sorry you ended up with me.” He spoke softly, his eyes not meeting yours, so softly that you wondered if he really spoke at all. You stayed in silence while you tried to meet his eye, the guilt in his eyes evident and making you understand that he had indeed spoken those words. “What do you mean? You’re the best person I could’ve ended up with.” “I should’ve left you in that city with someone trustworthy, not dragged you along with me to face whatever creature haunts the back of people’s minds.” “Trust me, Geralt, I’d rather be here than there. I’m lucky to have met you.” “You’ll be going home soon anyway.” He sat up, turning his back to you. “I’m going to our room. It’s the third on the right.” He seemed tired, stressed. You knew that you were an extra cost for him, an extra mouth to feed, an extra worry, but you wanted to believe that you were more of a friend than a hindrance. You stared at the glass in front of you, the red liquid dark and strong. You felt your eyes become heavy, tired from the long day. “I’m coming too.” You muttered, standing up and walking ahead, leaving him behind as you reached the room and sat on one of the beds. You shuffled under the covers, falling asleep after a couple of minutes. Too quickly to hear Geralt softly whispering good night, too quickly to see the way he smiled when he looked at you, or the way his face grew serious a few seconds later, worry and sadness washing over it. 
The next morning you woke up to an empty room. You sat up and stretched, heading towards the small bathroom to freshen up. You sat in the tub for a while, the water growing cold as you counted the days that were left. There wasn’t much that you were going to miss; the food was terrible, the beds made your back sore and you hadn’t met many friendly faces, but you had your Witcher, you had Roach, and you had some peace. No more deadlines, no more bills to pay, no more stress, but you missed your family, your friends, your town, your rights, your comforts.
You walked downstairs, eating breakfast on your way around the small town you had ended up staying in. It was small, cozy, and the sun seemed to shine more than in the other cities. “Miss!” you slowed down, turning around as your hand slipped to your dagger. A young man stood nearby, smiling at you kindly. “I deeply apologize for disturbing you. I have just arrived in this town and was wondering where the tavern was? Do you happen to know?” “I do! It’s just down the road.” You pointed in the direction from which you had just come from. “I can walk you there if you want.” You offered. “I’d love that.” He smiled. “Oh, I’m Amrin.” He bowed, reaching for your hand and holding it up. “Oh. I’m y/n. Nice to meet you”
You spent the day talking. He had decided to stay for a couple of months, and he was kind, so you decided to make friends with him while you waited for Geralt to come back.
That night you laid in bed, your thoughts bouncing from Amrin to Geralt. “it’s only been one day” you whispered. “I’m sure he’ll be back tomorrow.”
 The next morning a knock woke you up. You jumped out of bed, quickly fixing your hair and straightening your clothes, and ran to the door. “Ger-“ you froze. “Amrin.” You smiled. “Waiting for someone else?” he raised his eyebrows, amused. “Indeed. But you’re here, so how may I help you?” “I wanted to ask you if you’d allow me the pleasure of your company for the day. I’m here to collect information… for a book. But your company would make the whole task more enjoyable.” So you agreed. You followed him around for three days, each day more worried for your Witcher. You started growing uneasy, ignoring your new friend, not noticing the way he glanced at you, the way his touch lingered just a bit too long, the way he introduced you to the people he interviewed. You planned on leaving the next day. You were going to find that Witcher, no matter what. That night you sat in front of your meal; your mind no longer clouded. “I’m leaving tomorrow.” You announced, interrupting Amrin as he described the most beautiful castles, cities and ports. “What? No. Please just... just stay for one more day. I wanted to take you out, I... really... like you.” he finally uttered the words, his confidence vanishing as he spoke. “I have to find Geralt.” You explained, smiling as you spoke his name. “So he’s your special someone then? I had no chances from day one, hmm?.” He smiled as his hand found yours, his fingers tangling with your own. “I am going to miss you.” He raised his hand to your cheek, his eyes glued to yours. “Goodbye.” He raised from his seat and kissed you, a sweet kiss that you would’ve melted in if only your heart wasn’t fluttering with worry. You smiled and got up, waving goodbye and quietly make your way back to your room.
As you got up the stairs you glanced up, noticing the door to your room ajar. You grabbed your dagger and raised it in front of you as you slipped into the room, glancing around. You got to the middle of the room, studying what you could see of the bathroom, jumping up and turning around quickly when the door slammed behind you. “What the fuck, Geralt!” you shouted, throwing the dagger on a close table and cursing under your breath. “You should always check behind the door first.” He smiled, taking a few steps towards you, limping slightly. “You’re wounded.” “Nothing serious.” His tone was cold, his eyes avoid you. “Do you need stitches or bandages?” you asked, feeling the tension that had quickly made its way into the room. “I’ll be fine. So, I’m guessing you found someone to take you home.” “What are you talking about?” you suspected that he was talking about Amrin, but you wanted him to voice his concerns. “Well, you seemed pretty close before with-“ “I was saying goodbye to him.” You interrupted him. “Well that’s a pretty good way to say goodbye, might have to pick it up myself.” “I was planning on leaving tomorrow morning.” Geralt nodded, taking his swords from his back and placing them on the bed. “I was going to look for you.” You added, walking towards the small window, gazing out. You could feel him looking at you; had the Witcher been jealous? Had he grown to like you? Or were you just imagining things? “I’m going to sleep.” “Good idea. We’ll be leaving tomorrow; we’ll have to head back to the forest from which you came. You’ll be home soon.” He said with a bitter tone. “What, will you miss me?” you joked, walking towards him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before he could move away. He grunted, trying to look annoyed, but you had spotted the small smile on his lips, and that was enough. “Good night.” You said as you slipped into the bed, facing him. “Good night” he replied, turning away.
 The next morning you left, the two of you on Roach, making your way through the forests. You rested your head on his back, tracing your fingers against his back as you felt a sense of sadness wash over you. In a few days you’d be back home, with all the comforts you missed but without Geralt.  “You’ll soon be free to travel freely again” you broke the silence; Geralt hummed, but didn’t add anything.  That night you camped in the woods, in some small ruins that sheltered you from the rain that had started to pour down in the late afternoon.  “Well that was lucky!” You exclaimed, placing your small cover next to Geralt’s, preparing the makeshift bed for the night. You sat on the floor and looked up, fed up with the Witcher’s silent treatment. “So are you going to talk or are we just going to go back to being strangers until the day I leave?” He turned to glare at you, but didn’t answer. You sighed, laying down and closing your eyes.
Days had passed, between long walks and few words, and you had finally reached the place that had brought you here a whole month ago. You knew that Geralt was being so stubbornly silent because of a reason, but you weren’t sure if the reason was the moments spent with Amrin or your departure, but you knew for sure that you weren’t going to leave on bad terms. “When is the… portal… thing, going to open?”  “Tomorrow evening. We’ll camp here until then.” he spoke without looking at you, placing his belongings under a tree, as the sun started to set behind you. “Right” you walked up to the top of the hill, looking down to the city that was being painted gold. You had lived there so long, yet if now felt so different, so far from what you knew. You heard footsteps approach as you gaze ahead, making a shiver running down your back.  “Do you miss it?” He asked, breaking the vow of silence that he had so clearly made.  “I do in some ways. But I’m afraid I’ll miss other things way more when I go back.” you turned to face him, happy to see the smile that finally graced his face after so long. “Really?” he turned to face you, tilting his head to the side, amused by your words. “Yes. Roach has been such a great companion! May I bring her back with me?” you joked, winking and laughing. “Only if you bring me along too.” he smiled and looked away, picturing the two of you in a changed world with Roach by your side. He didn’t mind it one bit.   “Would you come with me?” he looked down, trying to find an answer for a question he longed for you to ask. You waited for what seemed like an eternity before nodding, understanding how, no matter how much you hoped for a positive answer, it was an impossible question. You walked back and picked some sticks on your way there, eager to prepare a small fire and cook something. 
That night you sat together, eating the fish you had catched on your way to the forest, enjoying the sounds of nature and of the crackling fire. You decided to talk about your plans for once you got back, needing to break the silence. You noticed that Geralt listened closely, nodding every now and then, but never spoke. 
The next morning you woke next to each other. You remember falling asleep near the fire, but he must’ve moved you to the makeshift beds you had made. He was so close to you, and you took your time studying him. His eyes moved slightly, fluttering open after a moment. “Mornin’” you whispered. “Morning.” he kept your eyes on you “Were you looking at me?” you smiled at his hoarse voice, hoarser than usual. You liked seeing him like this, without his armor, physical and metaphorical, at ease and in peace, if only for just a moment.  “Yes. And I’ve got to say, your face is pretty but finally hearing your voice again?” you placed a hand on your forehead and pretended to faint. He laughed and closed his eyes, shuffling closer. You traced a hand on his cheek, falling in a trance with the way he moved. His eyes opened and you studied the way the gold irises shined in the light, reminding you of every sunrise you had ever seen.  “Your eyes are beautiful.” you moved your hand to rest on his cheek, studying his amber eyes. “They’re the consequence of a mutation.”  “Doesn’t mean they aren’t beautiful.” he smiled, this time taking your place and tracing his fingers along your skin, breathing in your scent.  “We should go look for some food. A last feast before you leave, if you will.” he raised an eyebrow, sitting up and raising his head to meet the sunrays. “If we must. Where do we find food?” 
You spent the morning picking berries, fishing and finding some wild artichokes, eating them throughout the day as old stories and adventures were shared. 
The day went by fast and before you knew it, the moon had decided to appear from behind a mountain. “Time to go.” he said, pointing up to the sky. The two of you walked up to where you had first come from many days ago. “Thank you for everything.” you pulled him into a hug, holding him tight for a moment before taking a step back. He smiled, taking a few steps back and looking up once more. The moon was high, yet the sun hadn’t fully set yet, making everything bright and light. “Have a good life, little one.” he said, lifting his hand, turning away. The truth was that he didn’t want to leave you, but he had no right to ask you to stay.  You stood still, watching him turn away and take some slow steps towards the small camp you had spent the night at.  “Geralt!” it was now or never. He turned around, surprised to see you running towards him. He opened his arms, holding you when you jumped in his arms, your lips meeting into a kiss you had both craved for the entirety of the month. You felt the ground shiver underneath you, your mind drunk on the love you felt for the man that held you tight, the world forgotten as you held each other, enjoying the moment for as long as you could. Your arms were held tightly around his neck, his hands rested in your hair and on the small of your back, and no matter how much you wanted to stay in this moment, right now, right here, you knew you had to let him go or you’d miss your way home.  “I’ve got to go.” you pulled away, taking a step back with a smile. “But I can come back. If you’d like me to.” He smiled back, nodding. “I’d love that.”  You agreed on a date, two full moons from now, and you stepped back, the moonlight giving the two of you an ethereal look.  “Goodbye.” you whispered.  “Goodbye.” He whispered back.  You looked at him, taking in every little detail. You were going to miss him. You had grown to love him, with his stubborn ways, his hidden smiles, his kind gestures. You still had the dagger he had gifted you, you held it close as you smiled, before a thought ran through your mind. You looked up, eyeing the moon. Last time it didn’t take long for you to slip back in time, but this time you didn’t feel like a rug had been pulled from under your feet, this time you didn’t feel like the world was whirling around you.  “Shouldn’t it have already happened?” You asked, trying to ignore the thought that was attempting to form in your mind.  “I… don’t know. I think we should just wait.”  “Last time it happened fast.” you whispered.  “Let’s just wait.” but you didn’t. Because that thought had finally formed, and even if in some way you needed it to be true, you needed proof. You ran up to the edge, glancing down to the city as Geralt ran to you, cursing as he caught up.  “We have to go back. You’ll have to stay another month otherwise.” he wasn’t angry, but he knew you’d leave soon and he didn’t want you to be stuck here for another month. He knew that you had to leave, but having to postpone his goodbyes, even just for a couple of minutes, was painful; he just wanted to get over with it.  “Geralt.” You started, hoping he’d realize. “Let’s go.” he held your hand and pulled you along with him, but you stood your ground, pulling him back to you.  “Geralt.” you said again, trying to find the words, looking to the side, towards the city. Before you could add anything his eyes fell to the city behind you, his eyes widening in confusion. The houses were lit up, as were the roads, and near the edge of the town a train made its way towards the mountains. You stood in silence, looking at the glistening lights, wondering how he’d react. You felt guilty. You were partly relieved that the two of you were still together, but you knew that this wasn’t his plan afterall, and you didn’t want him to feel out of place.  “I think that… it worked. Just…” you started, fumbling. He muttered a swear, his eyes dancing between you and the shining city.  “This is your time.”  “Yes. I’m sorry, this is all my fault! I shouldn’t have kissed… well no, that’s not true, I rather enjoyed kissing you. But I should’ve chosen better timing!” he glanced at you for a moment and laughed sweetly, turning towards you and giving you the softest look, moving closer to you and resting his forehead on your own.  “I wouldn’t trade that kiss for anything. And after all it’s only fair, you got to live in my world for a month, now it’s my turn.” You kissed him, pulling him in, satisfied with the turn of events.  “That seems like a great plan.” you moved your lips to his cheek, placing a kiss on each one of them. “But first we’ve got to lose the swords and choose some new clothes for you.” You laughed as he nodded, serious and eager to explore this new world. You walked down hand in hand, meeting Roach, who had somehow found her way to your time too, halfway, and heading to your home. This was going to be interesting.  
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afaye1999 · 7 years
Endlessly [Noctis Lucis Caelum]
This is the second Noctis fanfic I had written and it was honestly my favorite one to write. It's seriously not the best, but I enjoyed it. Originally posted on Quotev. The song it was inspired by was "Endlessly" by The Cab. (The lyrics in italics)
I hope you guys enjoy it as well. Feedback is always welcomed!❤ -6.7 pages 2414 words-
There's a shop down the street where they sell plastic rings for a quarter a piece,
I swear it.
Yeah, I know that it's cheap; Not like gold in your dreams, but I hope that you'll still wear it.
He sat in the booth with his friends. They were all babbling on about something, but the young adult male just fidgeted with a small plastic ring incased in a plastic container a little bigger than the ring that he had gotten from a gumball machine.
He couldn't help but let his mind trail off towards her. She was beautiful. Her hair was long and a trailed down her back. The natural waves of it perfectly in sync with one another. Her skin was flawless and the time he was even lucky enough to brush his fingers against an exposed patch, it felt softer than petals on a fully bloomed rose. Her eyes were hypnotic and her voice was smoother than a fine wine that slid down your throat with ease, leaving you with wanting more until you became completely intoxicated.
She didn't know that he was the prince, but even if she did, she didn't seem like she cared, but Noctis wanted to keep up the masquerade. He shook the piece of 'jewelry' in its plastic tomb.
"Uh, Noct?" Prompto questioned the zoned out ravenette, giving him a curious look.
"Whatcha got there?" Gladiolus said teasingly as he snatched the toy ring from the prince.
"Hey! Give it back!" Noctis yelled as he reached over the table and snatched it back. This time tucking it safely away in his pocket.
"What does the royal highness need with a toy ring?" Ignis said giving the now embarrassed prince a questionable stare.
"No reason.." He muttered back, trying to act like the past minute never happened. He turned his head to gaze out the window trying to hide the fire to his cheeks, but failing miserably.
Even though he could confide in his pals for anything, he didn't want them to know about why he had it, let alone her. He watched as cars passed by, the thought of her still invading his thoughts 
"Yo Noooct! Let's go, I'm tired." Prompto yelled to the unresponsive male. Noctis looked to his friend and exited the booth making their way towards the Regalia after paying.
It was late and Noctis had snuck out. Probably wasn't his best idea to travel alone at night with daemons looming about, but it was the only time he'd get alone.
He uncaged the small plastic ring and let out a long exhale before clentching his fist around it. What was he thinking? Why was he even trying to attempt this? He felt shy and awkward. Anxiety causing his palms to become sweaty and self doubt to settle in. 
Yeah, the ink may stain my skin and my jeans may all be ripped.
I'm not perfect, But I swear I'm perfect for you.
And there's no guarantee that this will be easy. It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Now I'm no angel; I'm just me, but I will love you endlessly.
Wings aern't what you need, you need me.
He felt like hopping back into the car and heading back to the small hotel they were staying at. It took alot just to get to where he was and now that he was here, it was harder trying to muster up the courage to see her, let alone give her some toy ring.
What was he thinking? This was embarrassing and she would probably laugh in his face for even trying to give her such a petty thing. He might as well have had came clean and bought her something that she deserved. Something that, even though would pale in comparison to her beauty, would complement her and show that he wanted her for himself.
He took a deep breath and forced himself up the stairs to the hotel room she said she was staying at.
When the two first met, she seemed to not recognize who Noctis was. He had bumped into her, making her drop whatever she had in her small arms all over the black top. She had snapped at him rather quickly, causing him to be taken back by her venomous words, but she had apologized mere seconds later.
Noctis just helped her with her things and this was the start of their friendship. She didn't know he was royalty and to be honest she didn't care about what went on in the kingdom or who was in charge. She had better things to do than keep up with someone else's life.
After all, she had her own life to live.
The female laid in the bed staring out the sliding glass doors. She didn't bother shutting the blinds. Nobody in Eos was bad and she was sure that no one would bother being a peeping tom.
Noctis ran through her mind. Images of running her fingers through his soft blue-black hair. Getting lost in his dark eyes. Brushing her plump lips against his. She wanted the male. She wanted to be next to him. For him to help warm her bed. To roll over in the morning and press her body against his. She wanted to feel his fingers graze her cheek before he would steal a kiss.
The fact of the matter was that she is lonely and she wanted to feel complete.
She wanted him.
Him and every problem, flaw, and smile that came along.
She wanted his love.
The young woman ran her fingers over her face and through her semi-wet hair as she huffed out a long, hot breath of air. She climbed out of the comfort of her sheets before stepping out onto the balcony and letting the night air engulf her somewhat bare body.
There's a house on the hill with a view of the town and I know how you adore it.
So I'll work everyday through the sun and thr rain until I can afford it.
Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy cause they can only see I'm not perfect,
But I swear that I'm perfect for you.
Noctis knocked lightly on the door, shoving the hand that held the small ring in his pocket. Each passing second felt like an eternity waiting for her to answer the door, but before she could make her way back into the room towards the door Noctis ran down the steps into the safety of his car and sped off.
The prince silently cursed to himself, hitting a hand on the steering wheel. He felt idiotic. When he arrived at the hotel he was staying at with his friends he didn't bother going inside. Instead he sat on the steps leading to the front door.
"What is wrong with you...she's just a girl.." He whispered to himself, not noticing that Prompto had made his way outside.
"Who is?" The blond had said to the embarrassed male, startling him.
"No one." Noctis managed to choke out. Prompto was his bestfriend and he had met him in school. He told Prompto more than Ignis and Gladiolus, but for some reason he didn't want to confide into the same age male.
Prompto didn't want to accept that as an answer and Noctis knew that.
"C'mon dude." Prompto whined, being sure to make eye contact with the quiet soon to be king.
Noctis pulled out the fake painted gold ring with a small white pretend diamond placed perfectly in the center. The ring looked real and like it could be used as a wedding band, but Noctis had only paid 25 cents for it.
He gave the ring a slight toss towards Prompto and watched as he caught it and help it up to the moon before handing it back.
"What do you plan on doing with that?" He questioned and watched as Noctis shrugged his shoulders.
Noctis wasn't lying even though he had an idea on what he wanted to do with it. He also knew that if he didn't act quick he would most likely never get to see the female again.
"I want to give it to this girl.." Noctis finally let out. He felt a sense of relief flow through him.
"You couldn't have gotten her one that's , I don't know, real?" Prompto put emphasis on the word real. Noctis shook his head before answering.
"She doesn't know that I'm the 'soon to be king', at least I don't think she does." He stated stealing a quick glance at Prompto who looked as if he was deep in thought.
"Oh.." Prompto managed to get out, "You know, we'll be leaving here soon to Altissa, right? And what about lady Luna?" He looked seriously at the prince.
"I don't know.," Noctis groaned out, "That's why I feel so conflicted and I've been quiet lately. I don't know what I'm doing." He ran his hand down his face. He played with the fake ring with his free hand and looked towards Prompto.
"Go." Prompto said with a smile.
"Huh?" The prince looked to him confused.
"Go to her Noct. She obviously means something to you. I'll cover for you and the missing car. Just try to hurry back." Prompto told him, still smiling but placing a hand on his shoulder. Noctis nodded okay to the childish blond.
Noctis hopped in the Regalia, speeding of towards her once again, this time confidence over flowing out of him.
There's no guarantee that this will be easy.
It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Now I'm no angel. I'm just me, but I will love you endlessly.
Wings aern't what you need, you need me.
You need me.
Noctis stood outside the hotel, this time facing towards the sliding glass doors. He threw small pebbles at the glass trying to get her attention. When she woke up, she jumped at the sudden sound of rock hitting the glass. She slipped on a small robe and made her way out of the room and onto the balcony.
When ger vision focused, she saw her raven haired friend that she was dreaming about. He stood down on the ground, looking up towards her.
"Hang on, I'll be down!" She yelled and watched as he nodded.
She couldn't believe that he was here, especially with how late it actually was. She slipped on pants and a t-shirt that was thrown to the ground and made her way outside. The early morning night air hit her causing her to shiver, but she didn't mind the cold breeze. She met up with the prince.
"Get in." He said in a rushed tone as he opened the passenger side door for the lady. Once she had obliged, he shut the door and hopped in taking off.
"Where are we going?" She questioned. It wasn't that she didn't trust her new found friend, she was just curious.
"You'll see." He said, confidence oozing out of the smile he flashed at her quickly.
The sun was rising and he was set on heading to towards the ocean. The woman didn't have much, let alone a car and he vaugly remembered that she said she would like to vist the ocean.
Once they arrived he had her close her eyes as he led her towards the water. They had left their shoes in the car and let the cool sand squeeze between their toes until they hit the edge of where the salty water connected. She knew instantly where they were and became a little too excited when Noctis had removed his hands.
"There..." He whispered in satisfaction as he took in the view as well.
"Noct.." The girl gasped, placing a hand over her open mouth then turned to the prince in hiding. "You didn't have to bring me here.." She whispered before throwing her arms around his neck hugging him.
They sat at the beach for about an hour. It was still early, but he knew how bad he would be scolded if Ignis found out.
"Oh..I wanted to give you something.." Noctis stated nervously before digging around in his pocket.
The ink may stain my skin and my jeans may all be ripped. 
I'm not perfect, but I swear I'm perfect for you.
There's no guarantee that this will be easy. It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Now I'm no angel; I'm just me, but I will love you endlessly.
Wings aern't what you need, you need me.
You need me.
The girl smiled and waited patiently until Noctis pulled out the ring and handed it too her. Careful to hide his face for the fire that was building on his cheeks.
"Now I know its not much.. and It's not real.. But I.." He started out mumbling.
The girl didn't care. She loved it and she would cherish it for eternity. She slipped it on her finger and pulled Noctis's face toward hers. She had a big smile on her face and it got even wider seeing him blush. 
"I love it Prince Noctis." She stated before softly pressing her lips on his.
Noctis didn't hesitate to kiss back or pull her closer, causing her to fall ontop of him while he place his hand at the base of her skull. He entangled his fingers in her hair and broke the kiss, not breaking eye contact with her though.
"I thought.." He started, but she had cut him off.
"I knew the whole time Noct." She said smiling before leaning down for another kiss.
When they got back to the hotel she was staying at she started to climb out of the car. The prince grabbed her wrist quickly making her stop.
"Hey.. I'll be back for you. I promise." After that he let go. She gave him a sad smile and waved goodbye.
Little did the young adults know that he wouldn't be coming back.
There's a shop down the street that sells plastic rings for a quarter a piece
I swear it.
Yeah, I know that its cheap, not like gold in your dreams
But I hope you'll still wear it..
-The End-
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Myah squeaked as she hit the ground with a rather hard thump and looked up at the man above her, scowling at him. Her green eyes flashed as she attempted to push herself up only to think better of it halfway through and instead rolled away and back onto her feet, though still crouching. "Dio is going to yell at you again." She mocked, nodding her head towards the now muddy leather britches and burgundy tunic she wore. 
"Wouldn't have happened if you'd been faster. Again." 
She cursed, attempting to lift the heavy iron sword she was holding but only ended up losing her grip again. "This sword is too heavy...Geralt, I'm not as strong as you." 
"Strength has nothing to do with it, Myah, now move." He stepped towards her, watching how she moved away from him, backing up until she was almost at the back of the short wall of the training ring. She frowned and looked at him. 
"And now I'm dead." 
"Don't curse." 
Myah sighed and pushed off the wall, heaving the sword back up again though ended up dragging it through the mud. Behind her, Brom scoffed, and she sucked in a defiant breath, picking it up again, this time with a little less difficulty. 
"I'm never going to be able to swing this thing around my head like you do." 
"You're still young, Myah, you'll learn. They did this to you, to be honest." 
"Hmm?" Geralt motioned for her to stand in front of him and handed her a skin of water as he took a scrap of cloth from his saddlebag, pulling it tight before starting to curl it over his knuckles. Myah raised an eyebrow but said nothing at first. 
"Brom and the other one started your training with a wooden sword. It teaches without hurting you..." He caught sight of a purplish bruise on her shoulder and smirked. "much...but it's lighter than steel and doesn't bend like silver. All a wooden sword will ever be is a toy. If you were going to be carrying a staff, it would have made more sense. But you want steel or silver like mine, right?" 
She nodded. "Yes, sir." 
He narrowed his golden eyes, and she couldn't hide the giggle. She's still a child Geralt reminded himself, probably not even bled yet. She's feisty though, undoubtedly stronger than she looks and living in the wilds, she would have had to be. He stopped in front of Myah for a moment before shaking his head and walking around behind her. She tried turning, but he gently pushed her back the other direction. 
"Are you going to gag me?" She giggled again and turned her head only to have him turn it back again.
"For all the good it would do me. Close your eyes. You need to learn how to listen." 
"I do listen." 
"Why is that always your answer...either hmm.." she lowered her voice, mocking him the best she could. "or fuck." Above them, Brom and the Boar and a small handful of other guards or workers sniggered. Myah giggled again, too, covering her mouth with her hand as she did so. This time he flicked her on the top of her head. 
"Don't curse." 
"Ow! Sorry..." As the blindfold settled over her eyes, she took in a slow, calculated breath and closed her eyes, trying to tune out everything. The cloth had been linen at one time or another, probably used as a bandage once and was a little wet from the rain earlier in the day. He never puts his saddlebag with his saddle, she thought. 
"What do you hear?" 
"Myah." His tone was a little harsh and annoyed. She sighed and tried again to clear her mind. "Um... Renshaw...there's another storm coming tonight." Geralt turned his head to the side and saw a massive black raven sitting on a chopping block, he was, in fact, clicking his beak and making sounds to another set of birds that were sitting on the posts across from them. If he hadn't known the bird to be a Raven Lord, he would have thought she had been gifted with animal speech. Instead, he turned his attention back to her again. 
"Yes...but what else? Listen with your ears, not your mind." Myah cleared her throat and tried to calm her mind. She was young, she knew it. And she had pestered him into teaching her how to fight. Not like Brom, who was unbelievably fast for an older man or like the Boar, who never spoke unless it was for a good reason and often let his sword do the talking. They were brutish and had more training as soldiers and combat. Witchers moved like rushing water, careful and determined, every step seemingly planned out in advance. And the way they fought was just as cold and calculated. She knew he was only doing it so she'd stop annoying him and to some degree that annoyed her. But she was determined to be of more use than a spell caster or apothecary. 
"Myah..." His voice brought her back, and she took in a sharp breath. Not being able to see him suddenly made her nervous. Geralt felt her sudden change in mood and smirked. 
"You're afraid because you can't see me." 
"But you can feel me." 
"Feel? What do you mean? I can't see you, I can't hear you..." 
"You won't always be able to see your attacker, they may come from behind or one side or the other and may do so at night. You have to be able to sense them. Now...where am I?" 
Myah frowned, turning her head right and left before she stopped moving altogether. Her fingers twitched at her sides as she felt the air around her shift. Like an unnatural breeze had blown past her right ear. She moved too slow the first couple of times and had Geralt's leather studded bracer connect with her cheek. It wasn't hard enough to hurt her but definitely sent the message home. The third time, she blocked him. And then again, on the left. And the back. And the front. He continued this method, moving around her slightly, coming at her from different angles or not moving at all, barely breathing loud enough for her to hear and then attacking her after there was a lull. She faltered whenever he would pause, letting her guard down, and the contact would correct her. She was going to be hurting tonight, but the hits came less and less as she managed to get a handle on how to avoid him. 
They did this for what felt like hours, though the voice of the raven in her head told her it was only a few minutes. There was still time for something else, and if she'd learned anything from him, Geralt liked surprises. She started to remove her blindfold.  
"No." Firm and deliberate. She swallowed, feeling suddenly terrified and cold though she couldn't put her finger on why. And then she heard it. He had unsheathed his sword. The sound it had made through the air told her it was the steel sword...the one for humans. Breathing slowly, Myah tried to calm herself down, though it wasn't working as well as she'd hoped. Geralt turned his head towards her and smirked, his eyes shifting to where Brom was standing above the training area. He had no intention of actually hurting the girl but she was getting cocky, being able to block his movements thus far. 
"I can smell your fear." 
"I can hear your heart..." While it was a quick comeback from her, it wasn't entirely a lie. His heartbeat was slower than the average human, so quiet it was barely there at all, but even so...she could hear it if she really strained her ears to do so. Myah felt him place a hilt into her hand and curling her fingers around it, she was surprised at how much lighter it was than the monstrosity they had started with less than an hour ago. As she gripped the metal, she realized it was the silver one. For monsters...
"Defend yourself."
Fighting blind should have been impossible, but somehow she was able to hold her own again the man twice her size. The sound of silver and steel clashing was jarring at first, but she reminded herself, if it wasn't the sword, it was going to be her skin and that just incensed her more. Geralt was barely breaking a sweat as he swung his steel sword through the air, connecting several times with the one he had given the girl, though most of the time he missed her completely. She was fast, agile and moved like an elf. A swirl of burgundy through the air as she turned and managed to dodge and parry most of his attacks. A couple of them landed, cutting into the cloth of her shirt around her stomach or across her shoulder. The blade merely kissed her skin, but if he'd been trying to kill her, he would have succeeded. 
He chuckled in spite of himself, and Myah turned on her heel to finally take him down. Unfortunately, she lost her footing in the mud and slid down onto her hands and knees at a slight angle to him. Geralt flicked his wrist, the blade of his sword coming under her chin, right against her neck. Her heartbeat quickened, she was breathing heavy but rather than cry out for him to stop, she rolled to the side, getting into her feet as she had done earlier this afternoon and gripping into the sword, she lunched at him. She stopped only a few inches from his stomach, and he laughed. 
"Good!" He moved back from her, his own boots sliding a bit in the mud though he didn't fall like she did. Myah pulled the blindfold off and looked up at him, scrambling up the gentle slope and stopped for a moment to breathe. When his arm went around her shoulders, she squeaked and dropped the sword out of reflex more than anything. Instantly, she knew she was done for.  
Geralt had her, and if he had a mind to, he could have killed her then. He opened to mouth to reprimand her but was silenced when she threw her head back into his jaw and pushed her small frame into his, attempting to use his size against him. She had seen Maeve do this once while training with some of the other handmaidens and hoped she had enough ability to actually pull it off. Jumping up and pushing off the ground, she was attempting to get enough traction to flip over his shoulder and out of his grip, with luck landing on her feet behind him and be able to grab the sword. It almost worked. She did manage to get over the top of the Witcher, though she didn't have time to plant her feet well enough and ended up falling back onto her ass with a thump and a whimper. For his part, Geralt turned and looked down at her, only smiling. 
"That was impressive." 
"It would have been more impressive if I'd been able to do it right." 
"You used my strength against me, and yes, had you landed on your feet, you would have been able to run at the very least." 
"I would have tried for my sword." 
"And lost your head." 
She started to ask why then thought about it. If she hadn't dropped her sword, she could have taken Geralt down when she landed, but because she had nothing to defend herself with, the only safe option would have been to run. Her face flushed for a moment, and she had to push down the urge to cry. Geralt held his hand down to her. 
"I think that's enough for today." 
"The sun's not gone down yet," She croaked, not looking at him. 
"You've moved from a toy to steel to silver in one day, I think that's enough. We'll work on that flip a bit more as time goes on...." She would need a dagger for that to work correctly. Motioning for her to take his hand, Geralt pulled the girl off the ground as she hissed with pain. She wobbled a little, her left leg hurting a little from how she'd slid down the hill and stumbled forward, her hand flattening against his chest. It surprised her a little when he caught her, holding her steady long enough for her to get her bearings, which she did after a minute or two of just staring up at him. Hard and cold as he tried to be, she could see a look in his eyes similar to the one her father often gave her. Myah pushed herself off of him after realizing she was staring and turned away, carefully walking up the path out of the pit. "I'm dreading the bruises." 
"You'll bruise less the faster you learn. We'll go riding tomorrow, I want to see your speed when you're running and how well you can climb." 
"You'll never catch me." Her tone had softened, and as she turned her head, he could see she was smiling. He shook his head as they walked up the path to the exit of the ring. Brom and the Boar were standing at the top, and she looked between the two of them with a proud smile. The Boar spoke first, his eyes fixed on the Witcher.
"You did well today, little bird." 
"Thank you, Boar." She smiled up at him. He was an imposing figure, broad shoulders and almost as tall as her father. It was really the scars on his face that generally struck fear in people. She'd heard stories that he had faced down dragon fire without even flinching, and that's how he'd gotten his scars, but there was some part of her that didn't believe that. He'd known the Queen since she was young before she'd become a Queen and a conquerer, Myah knew that much. But the Boar, so-called because of the boar's head helmet he always wore, was really a gentle soul whenever he was around her and her sister. 
"She almost had you, Witcher."
"Hmm." Myah giggled again and nodded to Brom as she spoke to her.
"Dionysia is waiting for you inside. She's drawing a bath, and she'll take a look at those marks." Myah nodded and turned back to Geralt for a moment, watching as he sheathed his swords and turned his attention to Brom. The two old warriors seemed to be staring one another down. "Thank you, Brom. Geralt, I'll see you in the morning for our ride." She was trying not to sound too excited bt honestly she was looking forward to not being in the Keep for a few hours. Plus...less time she'd have to work on spells...lately they weren't going well. 
A sudden caw got her attention as she walked through the stone archway leading into the Keep. Beside her, a massive black bird floated almost as though carried by a breeze before he started to change size. The flapping of his wings soon turned to soft clicks of heeled boots on the stones beside her.
"I'm getting better, Renshaw, did you see?" 
"I did, you're doing quite well. Especially against a Witcher." 
"He won't hurt me, something tells me Dio would turn him into something unpleasant if he tried. I just hope papa won't be angry." 
"He wanted Brom to teach you, I'm sure this is no different." Renshaw's bright eyes watched her as she tried to walk off the limp that was obviously hurting her, though she didn't make much noise about it. "You're getting much stronger." 
"Now, if only my magic was too.." The two shared a laugh as he followed her to her chambers, where Dionysia was waiting with a warm bath. Renshaw watched as she moved into her room and began telling the other woman all about her training. Lingering for a moment longer, he shifted his form again and flew toward the tower where Ulric slept.
As the Boar left them, following Myah up the path to the Keep, Brom and Geralt shared a look before the latter moved around the old man. 
"You shouldn't take her riding, it's not particularly safe beyond the walls." 
"Remember who you're talking to." Geralt scoffed, moving towards the stables where Roach was being cleaned by one of the boys. Setting his sword bag beside her, he laid his hand on her nose and rubbed it. Though he acknowledged that Brom was still there, he didn't turn to face him. 
"She's too young for me to have much use for her." 
"She likes you." 
"She's naive." 
"I do not deny that." 
Geralt said nothing, though Roach raised her head and bucked it against his. Straightening up, he turned to face Brom. "I'll take one of the battle maidens with me, in case something happens. Though no one crosses a Witcher these days." 
"Why do you want to take her out?" 
"I want to see her climb, and these high walls have more perils than a few trees." He let out a breath and squared up to the old man. "I pose no threat to her, the girl has a wild streak in her, I want to see what happens when she's set free, and it takes her. She started casting twice before thinking better of it... I'd like to see what she can do when she's left with no option." He paused. 
"Or no one stopping her." 
Geralt only nodded as he walked around Brom and started for the Keep himself. He stopped but didn't look back at Brom, as something dawned on him. "She can't hurt me." 
"You said that about Norelia once." 
Geralt frowned but didn't respond to that. Norelia was a different case. He didn't have the same kind of affection for Myah that he did for the "Black Queen." The term still amused him and always reminded him of her falling through the sky and tumbling into his life. It was a short-lived romance, as so many of them are, but she left a lasting impact on him. Brom wanted to call the look Myah gave him infatuation, and he knew that, but it was more often that of a child to her father. Love and the knowledge she would always be safe with him. She was a curious young woman, which could be her downfall, but little Celestia often gave him the same giddy look.
As he moved through the Keep, Geralt walked up the spiral stairs through the dormitory to the room he had been staying it. The room was bigger than most, with a large, four-post bed in the middle of the room and a small table beneath a mirror and a basin beneath that. In the alcove beside the door was a table with a few chairs. One of the handmaidens must have prepared his room for him it when Myah had come in, as now there was also a large wooden tub in the middle of the floor and a table beside that with various oils and flowers. Geralt crouched down, unlacing his boots and stepped out of them before undressing the rest of the way and stepped into the water. It was warmer than he had been expecting, though a touch of magic never seemed far in the Keep. Closing his eyes, Geralt let his head fall back over the back of the tub, relaxing enough that he actually fell asleep like that. It wasn't often that he was secure enough to sleep, much less in such a vulnerable position, but the Keep was safe. Plus...there was a dragon in the tower.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Okieeee... I had a thought.... Dettlaff holding you and cuddling while listening to the rain on the roof, and he hears you humming a song and you’re just holding him and it’s sweet and aaaaaaa!!!!!🥺
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A/N: Okay I added these two together! I hope you guys like this<3
You moved through the house, pushing doors open and searching rooms for your dear husband. He’d been missing for the better half of the morning. You weren’t too sure where he’d gone off too, but you knew he couldn’t have gotten far. He didn’t like traveling in the rain, and it was pouring down outside. 
You arrived at the library. It was once a guest room, but both you and Dettlaff agreed it’d be of better use if it was a library to hold all the books you enjoyed and ones you had yet to read. 
He stood near the large windows that overlooked the front lawn. His hands were clasped behind his back and his shoulders were squared. His posture was impeccable, and it always seemed to amaze you. Muscles rippled beneath ivory skin with every breath he took. His biceps flexed from how he held his arms. 
Icy blue eyes seemed focused on the cloudy sky. 
“You’re thinking.” You stated, moving into the room. 
Dettlaff turned his head to look at you. 
“Hello, darling.”
You gave him a little smile, but his eyes didn’t stay on you long enough for him to see it. 
You stayed silent as you approached him, your hand coming to rest between his shoulder blades. His skin was cold to the touch. 
“Are you cold?”
“I’m comfortable.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“Many things.”
“What sort of things?” You kissed his shoulder. 
He looked down at you, his gaze softening. 
“I don’t wish to trouble you with the dark thoughts that cloud my mind.” He pressed his lips to your forehead in a tender kiss. But you frowned. 
“Is there anything I can do?” You tilted your head to the side a little. 
He was silent for a few moments, staring out at the gray sky. 
“I’d like to lay down for a bit. If you’ll join me, that is.”
“Of course.” You nodded, smiling. 
The two of you walked alongside each other to the master room. Just before you got into bed with him, you pushed the windows open to allow the sound of the rain to come in easier. A steady stream of water came down off of the roof but luckily it didn’t enter the house. 
“I hate the rain.” Dettlaff mumbled under his breath.
“You hate being wet. You enjoy the sound of the rain.” You climbed into bed. You settled with facing him so you could trace his collarbones. “Please tell me what it is that clouds your thoughts.” You begged softly, unable to meet his gaze. 
He didn’t answer you, so you thought maybe he didn’t want to talk about it. It was difficult to get Dettlaff to talk about his emotions sometimes, especially the darker ones. 
“Syanna.” He murmured her name with a sadness that broke your heart. 
Unintentionally, you drew your hand away from him. Your eyes flickered up to meet his, eyebrows crinkling together. 
You couldn't help but feel a little upset that he was thinking about her. And you had every right to be. He was your husband and he was thinking about a past lover, one that used him.
“She’s the reason so many know me as a beast.”
“You were used. She used you for her own purpose. You shouldn’t be giving her any thought. What you did-,”
“My actions caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. They had nothing to do with what was going on with Syanna and myself.”
You pressed your lips together in a firm line. You didn’t know what to say. He was right. Many innocent people had died at the hands of the very vampires he led into the city. 
“I don’t deserve you.” He breathed out, eyes closing. 
“You deserve more than Syanna. More than a woman who used you, used your feelings towards her. She manipulated you, Dettlaff.”
“But what I did for her, Y/N, I would do again for you.”
Your eyes widened a little as you met his gaze. His hand came up to stroke the side of your face. 
“I would slaughter all of Toussaint if it meant keeping you safe.”
“Don’t say that.” You shook your head, pulling his hand away from your face so that you could hold it. “I’d- Dettlaff, I wouldn’t want you to do that.”
“But I would.” He whispered, his voice weak. 
“And I wouldn’t let you.” You reached up to cup his face, your thumb brushing along his jaw. “You aren’t a monster, Dettlaff. You have a heart and you are kind and compassionate.”
He shook his head, eyes closing. He moved towards you, tucking his nose into your chest.  
“You were manipulated, Dettlaff.” You reminded him, cradling his head to your chest. 
Thunder rumbled quietly outside. The sound of the rain dripping from the roof was comforting and relaxing. 
“Sing to me, please.” He quietly spoke, his voice muffled by his mouth being pushed into your chest. 
You began to hum softly, combing your fingers through his hair. After a while, you were sure he’d fallen asleep. His breathing had slowed down and he didn’t seem so tense. But you didn’t stop humming. You watched the rain fall outside. 
“I love you.” You murmured into his ear. “And you deserve good things.”
Soon, you were feeling sleepy yourself. You buried your nose in his hair and closed your eyes.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration shadow-hunters-love @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an–actual–human–disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @she-wolfoftheinquisition @titaniafire @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
“Tell us about her, Eskel.” Geralt poured his tankard full once more of liquor, only glancing over to his brother whenever the tankard was full to the brim. 
Eskel shook his head, a little smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He brought his tankard up to his mouth to take a swig of the foul concoction Lambert had created for him. 
“Why not?” Lambert burped. “And what’s with that grin? Don’t think I can’t see that, Eskel.”
“Why do you guys want to know about her so badly?”
“Cause we wanna know she’s treating you right.” Lambert shrugged his shoulders. 
“And we care about you.” Geralt added. “And this woman obviously has you wrapped around her little finger.”
“I’ll say.” Lambert chuckled. “He goes out of his way not once, not twice, but three times a year to see her! Goes clear to Kovir just to see some wench-,”
“Watch your words.” Eskel snapped, sending his little brother a sharp glare. Lambert put his hands up to show he meant no harm. 
“Didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Ignore him.” Geralt shook his head at the young wolf. “What’s she like?”
Eskel looked down at his tankard, eyeing the dark brown liquid inside. 
Boys workin on empty Is that the kind’a way to face the burning heat? I just think about my baby I’m so full of love I could barely eat
“Unlike anyone I’ve ever come across.” Eskel paused for a moment to bite his bottom lip.
He didn’t know what love felt like until he met you.
“When I’m away from her…. The pain is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.” The dark haired witcher’s voice fell to a quiet whisper. 
Lambert became somber and Geralt listened carefully, tilting his head to the side just a little. 
“It’s…. I think it’s worse than the Trials.” Eskel admitted, looking up to Geralt. “I just…. I feel empty…. My chest…. You know? And there’s this constant fear that when I get back to her, she won’t be there. I’m…. I’m afraid of losing track of time. What if-if one day, I go back and she’s….. she’s gone?”
Geralt silently nodded, knowing exactly what his brother meant. Loving a human was difficult, especially when a witcher didn’t age at the same rate as them. 
Lambert belched rather loudly, the sound echoing off of the stone walls. His serious composure faded and he chuckled. 
“Is she good…. you know?”
“Oh, Lambert.” Geralt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“What! I’m just curious.” Lambert leaned against the table with his elbows, eyes set on Eskel. 
The witcher cleared his throat, looking down at his tankard. 
There’s nothing sweeter than my baby, I’d never want once from the cherry tree Cause my baby’s sweet as can be, she gives me toothaches just from kissing me
“I don’t want to talk about her like that.” He muttered out, but then the drunken half of him said what he was thinking. “She gives the best kisses.”
Geralt smiled while Lambert snorted. 
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know.” Eskel finished off the last bit of liquor in his tankard and then poured himself another. “Just…. just miss her a lot.”
“What’s her occupation?”
“She’s a healer. One of the best I’ve ever seen.” Eskel wrapped his large hands around his tankard. “I want to bring her here one winter but I…. I can’t ask that of her. For her to leave her home, her work for me.”
“But if she loves you, maybe she’d be willing to just visit.” Geralt suggested. 
Eskel fell silent. 
“Does she?” Lambert asked quietly, running his thumb over the side of his tankard. This sort of talk always made him anxious and nervous, but sometimes it was good for the brothers to have a serious moment. 
Eskel ran a hand over his face, thinking back to the first time you had admitted your feelings for him. 
My baby never fret none about what my hands and my body done If the lord don’t forgive me, I’d still have my baby and my babe would have me
It was the third summer after you’d met when you told him you loved him. There was a terrible storm that night. Lightning flashed outside and rain pounded against the roof. 
You laid in bed with him, snuggled up as close to him as possible. You chatted quietly until the conversation died off. Then you settled with tracing shapes into his chest, eyes finding the wolf pendant that rested on his tanned skin. 
“Hey…. Eskel?”
You lifted your head so you could look up at him, but you couldn’t meet his gaze. So instead, you focused on his lips. 
“I…. I love you. You know that, right?”
He seemed to freeze up for a moment like a corner animal. Then he was sitting up and getting out of bed, leaving you beneath the linens alone. 
“Eskel, wait-,”
“I-I knew I shouldn’t have stayed.” He shook his head. 
“I’m- Eskel, just hold on!” You shouted, your voice cracking when you said his name. “I’m sorry, Eskel-,”
“You have no reason to be sorry, Y/N.” He shook his head as he tugged on a pair of trousers. “It’s my fault for staying so damned long. I’m-I knew I shouldn’t have.”
He didn’t answer you, lacing his trousers up and moving towards the door. But your hand clasped his wrist first. He froze again, afraid to move. 
“Eskel, tell me why.” You stepped around him, putting yourself between him and the door so he’d have nowhere to go.
His eyes diverted away from you, focusing instead on the window.
“Because…. I’m not what you…. What you deserve.”
Wordlessly, you wrapped your arms around his torso, burying your face in his chest. His first instinct was to hug you back, but he couldn’t bring himself to. He couldn’t put his hands on you, not while his skin crawled at the very thought of ruining someone as perfect as you. 
“Eskel, I love you. What’s been done to you, who you are…. It means nothing to me.”
“I’m-Y/N….” Eskel trailed off for a moment. “I’ve-I have killed people.”
“It’s okay.” You assured him, squeezing him tightly. “It won’t change that I love you. You’re a good man, Eskel.”
Slowly, his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. He buried his nose in your hair and exhaled softly. 
When I was kissing on my baby, and she put her love down soft and sweet In the lowland plot I was free, heaven and hell were words to me. 
Eskel shifted in his seat, bringing himself back to reality. He took a drink of his liquor and shook his head. 
“I’d do anything for her, and I know she’d do the same for me.”
Lambert and Geralt looked at each other for just a moment before Lambert pushed himself to his feet. 
“Next winter, maybe bring her along with you.”
Eskel nodded his head, watching his little brother leave. 
“She makes you happy.” Geralt said, yellow eyes finding Eskel. The latter nodded, a little smile coming to his lips. “Good. From the way you talk about her, I think she’d fit right in.”
Eskel was left at the table feeling warm and tingly inside. One of his biggest fears with you meeting his brothers was that they wouldn’t like you, or perhaps you wouldn’t like them. Lambert could be quite a dick and sometimes Geralt acted as if he had no sense.
But the witcher was left feeling hopeful for the future, looking forward to seeing you again.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @she-wolfoftheinquisition @titaniafire
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