#and i just keep forgetting to post it a lot of the time
x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 days
hawthorne brothers after a (verbal) fight with their so head canons
my moot @never-enough-novels requested this a while ago (at this point she might not even remember asking for this), so here it is. hope you like them <3.
i mentioned this in my averyjameson fight hcs post, but, whenever they fight, jameson gets scared that avery will realize she deserves better and leave him. bc of this, when they're done fighting, he always cuddles up next to her for comfort. avery just sits there with him telling him that he's stuck with her.
jameson tends to blame himself for most of his fights with avery bc he thinks he's the problem (anti-hero) which makes him hate himself so, after they fight, they always sit down and watch friends or any other tv show to distract him (he's never explicitly said that it makes him hate himself but avery can see it. she started the 'tradition').
he hates fighting so he usually starts planning their next date after one. he's next to her lying in bed watching their tv show typing ideas on his phone. he sometimes asks avery for some input. he'll be there like 'hey, heiress, should our next date be in italy or spain', and avery just tells him that he doesn't have to do so much and they can just have a candlelit rooftop date. jameson then tells her she deserves the world and that he'll do anything for her. avery ends up shedding a few (happy) tears discreetly.
he becomes a touch starved mess. he's either holding avery's hand, begging for hugs and cuddles, or pulling avery into his arms so that he can stroke her hair and kiss her face.
fights tend to make him tired so he usually falls asleep next to avery while they watch their show. avery sees this, closes the tv, pulls him into her arms, and falls asleep too.
like jameson, he'll start blaming himself for his fights with his so, but, instead of finding healthy ways to distract himself, he overworks himself the next day to forget about it (i say next day bc he spends the day of the fight (after it of course) with his so)
fights give him anxiety so, to losen up, he takes a bubble bath (and sometimes his so joins him)
he finds this weird, but he always feels the need to change clothes after a fight bc when he looks in the mirror and sees the suit that he wore during the fight, he starts thinking about it and it makes him feel bad. his so usually has another suit out ready for him to put on.
at night, when his so is sleeping, he goes out for a swim to clear his mind. sometimes, one of his brothers (or avery) finds him and tells to get back to bed bc its late. sometimes he listens and sometimes he doesn't. when he doesn't they just sit there with him/keep an eye on him from further away if he wants to be alone. (this might seem ooc of the brothers/avery but, in my head, in the books, whenever grayson is out for a swim at night, its usually around 10 pm and here its like 3am which is why avery/the brothers intervene)
he has to go to the bathroom and fix his hair bc he tends to run his hands through his hair when he's fighting with his so and it always messes it up, enough to annoy him.
xander: (i honestly see him and max as the type of couple who don't fight)
fights take a lot out of him bc he rarely has them which makes him hungry. he usually goes downstairs to have a scone and ends up bringing one up for max or he gets on of the maids to bring some food up for them.
he goes out the next day and buys items to make max a care package. he buys little bows and glitter to decorate (a rich boy's care package includes things like : 10 new books (or more), 100 bags of her favorite candy that she'll never have the time to finish (he only puts on in the care package and the rest he gets shipped to her), a new necklace with a customized pendant that reminds him of her, and more all wrapped and placed in a designer handbag)
in bed, later that night, he secretly wonders if he's good enough of a boyfriend for max. he doesn't dwell on this for too long bc he's scared of his own emotions, but he does take some time to think about it.
if he does dwell on it (what i mentioned in my last hc), he gets up and goes to his lab. he usually ends up building smth that he knows max wants to please her and to prove to himself that he's good enough (also building distracts him. its a 2 in 1). also, idk how to explain this so here's an example: max and him fought him bc he didn't give max enough kisses in her opinion so he builds a machine that slaps him every hour and yells 'kisses' (they would never fight about this, but this was easy to come up with a gadget for it).
sometimes, when he dwells on it (what i mentioned 2 hcs ago), he ends up taking a walk bc fresh air always clears his mind.
his first insitnct, after a fight, is to ask libby if she's ok. his feelings don't matter to him if she's not ok. if she's ok, he'll kiss her and think about what he's feeling (if he isn't happy), but if she's sad, he'll pick her up, sit her on his lap, and whisper sweet nothing into her ear.
libby doesn't need to explicitly say this, but nash knows she has abandonment issues and thinks that their fights will someday lead to him leaving her, so sits he goes out and buys her a gift and a card in which he writes that he'll never leave her and that he can't wait to grow old with her.
he's obsessed with her playing with his hair and it always cheers him up. their fights will sometimes sour his mood so he lays his head down on her lap which she knows means he wants her to play with his hair. he'll close his eyes and either relax or fall asleep. libby finds him adorable.
bc fights sour his mood, he usually brings libby out for some horseback riding. he also gets some food ready so that, during their ride, they can sit down somewhere and have a picnic. usually they take these rides close to sunset so that, when they settle down to eat, the sun is setting.
if the fight upset him or made him anxious and he doesn't want to talk about his feelings to libby, he either heads to the bar at night (not to drink but to bartend) or he gets a massage therapist to show up at the house and give him a massage. this usually ends up clearing his mind.
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space-owl · 13 hours
Stolas is incredibly classist!
And probably doesn’t realise it.
I already made a short post about it here but I want to go more into detail with all of this.
First I want to show how he is acting with demons that aren’t Goetia and then how his classism even bleeds into the relationship with Blitzø.
Disclaimer: I love Stolas, he is one of my favourite characters of the show! Doesnt mean though I wont critic him for some of the bullshit he is pulling
Stolas is constantly dismissing other demons and looking at all of them from a high angle. We can clearly see it when he interacts with Millie and Moxxie
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Just look at his uninterested face too while Moxxie is talking to him
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Not to forget he keeps referring to Imps as "little ones“ etc
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Of course he is aware of his status sometimes and does use it to get into Ozzies. But he also does it while presenting himself on a higher angle than the poor bouncer in front of the club would’ve needed
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Like Stolas you’re already one of the princes of hell, the guy KNOWS who you are! Why are you giving him this look??
He doesn't see any imp or even any demon who is ranked below him as equal. It shows again when he is directly attacked by Striker. Stolas was mostly chill about the situation and not even fully aware he was in danger!
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Yes, he brings it up but he isn’t fully convinced of it himself. The first time he REALLY understands he is in big trouble is when he realises that his glare doesn’t work!
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I don’t think Stolas doesn’t know what holy rope is. But I do believe that he himself didn’t think an IMP could possess such dangerous equipment!
And what shows it to me the MOST that he really doesnt seem to hold any respect to Imps that aren't Blitzø is this:
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How he handles Pringles, the butler of the family!
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He literally squeezes him so tightly the poor guy cant get any air anymore!
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Just holding him and handling him as if he was an object! Dude is already getting dizzy and Stolas wont let go of him!
Yes I know I suppose this is mostly a visual gag to make the scene more entertaining. We just cant forget that animation is a long process to do. Anything, any action a character does is there for a reason! If Stolas WASN'T a person who wouldnt handle an Imp butler like this, it would'nt be in the scene!
This is already enough proof for me that Stolas is very classist. Its so casual for him and normal that he doesnt even seem to realise it! Why do I think that? Because it bleeds into the relationship with Blitzø!
All the things Stolas keeps saying about Imps, he also says directly to Blitzø.
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Calling Blitzø "his little Imp", again just saying Imps are little and "things" to be posessed
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Dismissing Blitzø when he tries to get serious, just saying he is cute even though Blitzø is trying to complain
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Also the constant cheek pinching, something youd mostly do to a child.
And dont forget the most posessive thing of all of them to say in "Truth Seekers"
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"Who dares to threaten my impish little plaything?" (youtube didnt pick up the audio here so no automatic subtitles appeared (holy shit im so thankful season 2 finally has proper subtitles!))
Stolas literally called Blitzø HIS "plaything", also pointing out the Imp part again.
Id say something like "oh but that was probably just before he got feelings for Blitzø! And then it changed!" I mean even if that was the case it wouldnt make it any better. But no, Stolas literally had a crush on Blitzø the first time he SAW him! Look, this is his literal first reaction:
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Stolas always had feelings for Blitzø, but still he keeps downplaying Blitzøs feelings and totally ignores the class thing. Because he himself is already in a higher class! So he can just pick and choose which Imp he respects and which he doesnt.
Worst of all of this is that as a child Stolas was a LOT more open about those things!
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Until his father "corrects" him
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And Stolas rememberd this statement until his aduldhood. The only exeption he makes to this rule is Blitzø.
And Blitzø of course notices those things. Of course he notices the constant dismiss of Stolas! Being called a "Plaything" and a "little imp!" He is already self conscious enough. And that makes him even more vunerable and hyper aware of those things.
Even though Stolas showed general intersted in him someties, Blitzø already accepted himself as his little tool.
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Moxxie even brings it up to Blitzø, obviously playing to Stolas feelings for him.
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But Blitzø immediately thinks its still just about something sexual. And nothing else.
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Because he cant see himself being anything else to Stolas than just a plaything. It doesnt matter how often Stolas was honest with him and showed interest. His constant belitteling and downplaying on him and also any other Imp that happens to be present while Blitzø is with him is enough.
With ALL of that context, its totally clear why Blitzø lashed out at Stolas in Full Moon. For him this confession came out of nowhere. He didnt have time to breathe or understand what was really going on there. And Stolas himself keeps ignoring their class difference and has 0 self reflection on that part so far, not getting why this is so upsetting to Blitzø.
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"Blitzø, I think so very highly of you. I didnt realize you think so low of me!"
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 14 hours
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll Tips: Running + Managing a Blog! ୭₊˚ 💿🎀
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll tips!! ˙𓈒 𓏸 ; Hey Hey Dolls!! Welcome back 2 Doll Tips!! Where i give you tips and tricks in literally anything u want today i got and ask from a lovely new follower ! on advice for starting a manifestation blog!! So lets get into it!! 🎀 @liyahaffirmed
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₊˚💿✩ 1; Posting Ideas !! ୭₊˚
When it comes to manifestation there are lots of topics you can post about its quite a diverse topic & community with lots of different opinions on different things some manifestation topics you can post about
Ignoring The Unfavorable/3D
Things to manifest
Manifesting Techniques
Conciseness etc.
₊˚ 🏩✩ 2 ; Aesthetics !! ୭₊˚
Aesthetics are important for almost any social media platform not only to make you recognizable, showcasing authenticity & because who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures and fonts for me personally i don’t follow a set aesthetic more so i showcase my authentic self with things i like and i try not to categorize myself with a certain aesthetic but its still fine to take inspiration here and there make your posts authentically your own!!
₊˚🪼✩ 3 ; Decorate it !! ୭₊˚
Who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures?? when decorating your posts/blog you wanna make sure that its not only fun to look it but also make sure you have your own signature look/trade mark it could really be anything you want it 2 you can find super cute images/symbols on Pinterest and tumblr but also you wanna make your own 2 be recognizable you can utilize this all through your blog like
Fonts/Word coloring
dividers (be sure 2 give creds to og creators)
color schemes
master list
personalized hashtags!
₊˚ 🌸✩ 4 ; Posting Schedule + Organization !! ୭₊˚
Running a blog can sometimes be a tedious process especially if you have other things to do so what i like 2 do is make a posting schedule for certain dates and have my posts organized and ready 2 be posted i have a table spread sheet on my notion of different types of posts and when i posts them also you can utilize the queue feature so you can post without having to forget!!
₊˚🎀✩ 5 ; Consistency is Key !! ୭₊˚
When i first started my blog i only posted like small little affirmation posts but when i really started to take this seriously and keep pushing out blog posts i started to gain s following and now i have literally my biggest social media platform on my tumblr
also not being consistent will not only let you down but also your viewers because you may not realize it but people will actually love your blog more than you think!!
₊˚⭐️✩ 6 ; Negativity !! ୭₊˚
At times you will get nasty messages in your ask box,reblogs or even a comment section and literally just ignore these people especially the anon asks they’re too scared to just say it to your face so they wanna be little pricks and throw reads and you and buck at you for no reason just delete the asks,ignore it or sometimes you can also throw a read back st them and sometimes they won’t even respond because they’re essentially little punks or like to mess with people 4 no reason
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danieyells · 2 days
If you could, could you post Alan’s lines? I like him but he’s so stone cold at low affinity it’s hard to sus out his personality
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SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ANON AND @otomelover23 so many things got in the way. . .mostly myself lol. . . .
Honestly that stone coldness is a big part of his personality. He's not great at expressing himself and he's very to the point. But as his affinity goes up, he's more. . .concerned for you. And he wants you around more, trusting himself to have you around more.
I posted all of them again this time! A lot of his have similar energy because of his stiffness, so I feel like being able to see them all helps to idk see the gradual change i think.
"Get your things. We're going."
"...What do you want?"
"Don't get involved with me."
"I'm going out. You guys get back to work."
"Get back. It's dangerous."
"Slack off once, and you'll find out how hard it is to get back in the game."
You've got mail:
"Some letters here for you."
Affinity 1:
"Oh, you're awake."
Affinity 2:
"I don't eat in the cafeteria. Portions aren't big enough. That's the only reason."
don't feel awkward in there or like people find you too intimidating to be near or anything? aren't worried about seeing Dante? if you say so.
Affinity 3:
"My wallet? Yeah, it's pretty beat up. Can't bring myself to chuck it though. Got some good memories with it."
reminds me of my brother, who kept our dad's old wallet. It's basically in tatters, held together by rubber bands, but sometimes what you have is what you have. . . .
Affinity 4:
"I'm going to the Pit. You should go back to your house, {PC}."
he doesn't want you to see him punch a man into oblivion.
Affinity 5:
"That sounds like a bike engine, but it's not one I know. ...Be right back."
INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT much like Tohma he's probably pretty security conscious. Maybe he's more security conscious because Tohma isn't around. Or maybe he's not used to how Bonnie sounds yet.
Affinity 6:
"Was that class really revision...? I didn't think I missed that many..."
my boy is not book smart, he is fist smart and maybe street smart. please study with him. he needs flash cards. pretty sure the only reason he's passed any grade is because he goes on plenty of missions.
Affinity 7:
"Lunch? Huh. I forgot to eat. Guess I'll just grill some meat and have it with rice and miso soup. That's my go-to."
y'know what i'm glad someone here eats proper meals. even if you forget at least you're eating eventually!!!
Affinity 8:
"One of the Vagastrom guys asked me to add him on WickChat... Do you know how to do that?"
Affinity 9:
"I don't want to get anyone mixed up in my life."
He looks sad when he says this. . .he's really worried about how being close to him will affect others huh.
Affinity 10:
"Better sleep. Got an early day tomorrow."
Affinity 11:
"497... 498... 499... 500... Phew..."
don't mind pc they're just gonna watch you do 500 sit-ups/push-ups/pull-ups/whatever. . .no no they don't mind the sweat at all please continue--
Affinity 12:
"Bandana seems to disappear right around this time every day lately... What's he doing?"
this chat's between 11am and 4pm. . .pretty sure Sho would be busy with the food truck around that point. . .does Alan not know Sho runs a business lmao. . .I mean I guess Alan doesn't go into the more populous parts of Darkwick much.
Affinity 13:
"The first-years've each got their own strengths. Both can do stuff I can't."
Affinity 14:
"Bandana's got potential. He's quick, and he's strong. Rest comes down to motivation."
I think Sho's motivated, just motivated to do his own thing. Although I'm sure he'll develop more interest in the world and actions of the Institute and anomalies eventually. . .maybe. Or maybe Hyde's interest will keep him away lol.
Affinity 15:
"I'm heading out. Mission. Make sure you go to class. ...I'll let you know when I'm back."
alright mom i'll go to class gosh. does this feel like a headpat or forehead kiss line to anyone else? he just doesn't want you to worry about him. He knows he's doing something dangerous. But he promises he'll come home. He won't be reckless because you're waiting. Maybe I'm reading too much into it lol.
Affinity 16:
"Where am I...? Guess I should tell them I'm gonna be late. WickChat was this picture, wasn't it...?"
poor boy is so lost lmao please help him get where he needs to go. . .how does this man go on hikes in the mountains and shit. . . .
Affinity 17:
"You're still awake? Don't stay up too late."
Affinity 18:
"Oh, didn't see you there. I'm heading out for a run, but... Could you wait here for me?"
He wants to spend time with you, so please be waiting when he comes back. . . .
Affinity 19:
"I pat people on the head a lot? Didn't notice. I'm doing it again? ...Sorry."
IT'S HARD NOT TO WHEN PEOPLE ARE SO MUCH SHORTER THAN YOU also that wasn't a complaint please give them lots of pats :'3
Affinity 20:
"I'm taking some of the Vagastrom guys to the mountains today. ...You want to come too?"
Affinity 21:
"This one's all fixed up. I'm gonna take a shower. Wait there."
there like in the shower or--(he uses 底 which refers to someplace near the listener, so he just means 'where you're sitting' but still.)
Affinity 22:
"{PC}. Got time after this? A friend of mine gave me some fresh boar meat."
He wants to cook for you! He cooks in a very wilderness style, but still! He wants to share his bounty! He's showing you he can be a good provider. No, he didn't hunt it himself but good community connections are also important!
Affinity 23:
"You're you, not someone else. You're doing a good job. Hold your head high."
he doesn't want you to fall into a cycle of self-loathing or of trying to be anyone but yourself. Maybe what others do feels more impressive to you, but you aren't them and you can't compare yourself to them. Even if you're 'weak' in one way or another, you have your own worth in other ways. So be proud of yourself, instead of trying to get the pride of somebody else. I think he really cares about your mental wellbeing and he doesn't want you to lose yourself. Because he's lost himself--and he doesn't want that for you. Don't wallow in self-pity, don't agonize over the past. Be proud of how far you've come and walk your own path.
Affinity 24:
"Can't sleep? ...I'll take you for a drive. Quick run should help you reset."
Imagine falling asleep in his car and he has to figure out. . .does he wake you up, does he carry you somewhere. . .he could bring you back to your place but he doesn't know how to get there so. . .you wake up in his room, in his bed. . .does he have the understanding that "you probably shouldn't sleep in the same bed as somebody without them okaying it first" and he sets up his tent and sleeps in it or uses his sleeping bag or sleeps somewhere else in the dorm or maybe in his car. . .frankly even if he doesn't he'd be afraid of hurting you in his sleep. There's no way he'd sleep in the same bed as you. Maybe lie awake in there with you or something. But he'd be too scared of what harm he could cause to fall asleep.
Affinity 25(max):
"I'm lucky I've got you, {PC}. As long as you're with me, I feel like I won't lose sight of who I am."
HE SMILES WHEN HE SAYS THIS. 99% of his lines have his usual expression, but this one he really smiles and that's how you know how much he appreciates you. I feel like he kind of gave up on himself--he's a big, dangerous brute, he's not someone worth getting close to, it's dangerous to even want to. . .but you make him feel like maybe he has a chance again. You make him look in the mirror and see someone he hasn't seen in a long time, and he realizes that person is himself and he would have never seen the version of him who isn't dirtied with blood again without you.
"Don't get lax just 'cause it's warm out. Stay focused."
"... Good camping weather."
"Oh, it's you. Must've dozed off. Better get back to work."
"The cherry blossom illuminations? ...That kind of thing's not for me."
"It's getting hot out. Make sure you stay hydrated."
"Looks like we've got another mission order. There's more anomalies out there in summer."
"The Pit's getting noisy. Those guys better not be pulling stupid shit again..."
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again... I was just going for a jog. Didn't think you'd be round this corner."
Alan turning a corner and slamming straight into you and being shocked aw--
"Good season for a workout. Want to join me?"
"...Maybe I'll go check out the fall leaves."
"The days are getting shorter. You should get home before it gets dark."
"...Long nights make me think about stuff I'd rather forget."
he killed dante in the autumn or winter. noted.
"Cold out in the mornings lately. Guess I'll warm up with a coffee."
"The first-years ditched... What do they mean, "too cold"?"
"As long as you got some muscle, you can handle the cold."
i handle the cold well because i'm fat, myself. my brother, who's plenty muscular, gets cold much easier than i do U:
"It's freezing... Guess I'll break out the kerosene heater. Gotta make sure you ventilate if you use it indoors, but it works real fast. Can't do without it in winter."
His birthday:
"Whose birthday? ...Mine? Oh... Forgot all about it. ...Thanks."
Your birthday:
"Today's your birthday, yeah? ... Get your stuff. I'll take you for a drive."
New Years:
"You helped us out a lot last year. Hope you'll stick around."
Valentine's Day:
"This chocolate's for me? Do everything proper, don't you? Thanks. I appreciate it."
HE SMILED AGAIN. I wonder if he's ever been given valentine's chocolate before. Even if he thinks it's just out of obligation, I think he must be really happy. . . .
White Day:
"White Day's when you repay people for what they got you on Valentine's Day, right? Sorry if these aren't your thing... Didn't really know what you like..."
. . .my first thought was that i read that sometimes lingerie is given as a white day return present. . .and i just imagined that Alan asked what he was supposed to do if he liked the person he got a valentine's day gift from on valentine's and Leo saw an opportunity for chaos and said to get them some sexy white underwear and Alan just. . .believed him. And it's a very embarrassing moment for everyone involved. pc absolutely wears them when alan asks them out for things tho. waiting for the day alan finds out they're wearing it.
April Fool's Day:
"I'm actually a dog. Woof. ...Sorry, that was a lie. Forget I said anything."
he's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
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"Saw an anomaly I'd never seen before just now. Ran away when I tried to stop it. That's when I realized it was a human."
i would not be surprised if his upbringing was sheltered and he just did not know about halloween to begin with haha
"...You should spend Christmas with family."
Well everyone's stuck at Darkwick so that's not likely to happen. Also don't tell that to Sho. . .but we can be family now! And spend Christmas together!
"...You okay?"
"...You seem busy. Let me know if you need anything."
"...You came back. You look all right. We're gonna need you for the next mission."
SO YOU SEE HE'S A LOT KINDER AND SWEETER WHEN HIS AFFINITY GETS UP THERE. . .BUT HE'S STILL COLD. BECAUSE HE'S AFRAID. . .but you make him feel more comfortable. You help him feel less like a destructive monster and more like a person. Where he pushed you away before, he keeps you closer now. Still a little at arm's distance but much closer than before. I HOPE THIS HELPED YOU SEE MORE OF HIS PERSONALITY, ANON o/
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mashiraostail · 14 hours
can u write some soft cuddling hc for the main party?
aw (does have some minor spoilers for the game!)
Shadowheart: Doesn't really mind the position you're in but will certainly like to be able to hold hands, even just laying side by side, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand. She'd also like to see your face, and be able to kiss you. She not a quiet cuddler either, she likes to chat about nothing in particular, how dinner was, the strange hairstyle you'd seen someone in the city sporting, asking questions about your life pre tadpole and so on. Just gets softer post nightsong if she goes against Shar. I think she'll really enjoy having something in someone for once, she's spent her whole life not really knowing or having much of anything so she'll really revel in you. She'll want to touch your face, hold your hands, smell you and just be as close as possible.
Astarion: He's snarky and all but once he's warmed up I think he'll really enjoy a bit of a snuggle. He's not picky at all either, he'll enjoy tucking you into his chest, resting his chin on your hair, and listening to you breathe. He'll also enjoy laying his head on your chest, feeling you arms come around him and hearing your heart beat under his ear. Enjoys chaste little kisses, peppered along his hairline or neck or wherever you can reach with no intention of anything more. He's not as talkative as Shadowheart, in fact he probably won't say much at all unless you do. It's not that he doesn't want to talk he just...is enjoy you, your beating heart, the feeling of your hands on his back, the warmth of you. He'll forget to say anything, and that's fine because his presence will just lull you to sleep. If you do get to chatting he won't mind, in fact you'll probably find he'll deveulge some incredibly tender information at times like these. He's loved cats, always, he isn't sure why, he learned to sew to maintain his clothes from his life, just something to hold onto. Try not to be too snarky with him in these moments, he'll most certainly recoil at it.
Wyll: Dutiful big spoon, he likes to rub your back, or your tummy. Besides Halsin I think Wyll is the most obsessed with your smell, he'll definitely bury his face in your neck and take some comically big whiffs of you. Also most likely to tickle you. He compliments you a lot too, your skin is soft, your hair smells nice, you are just generally lovely, and thank you for allowing me to be so close to you. He loves to listen to you talk too, cuddling is a great time to yap to him about anything. Literally anything. Short bows vs longbows, which one do you like better, why? Recount some fond memories, talk about your favorite food, he's just happy to listen. He likes when you lay against his chest the best though, he loves squeezing you and getting to cast the occasional glance down at you. Chronic forehead kisser too, he'll be leaning in to kiss you mid sentence, he's just delighted to be allowed it.
Halsin: He's soooooooo big spoon shaped and he loves curling around you and tucking you away. He's so warm too so he's the best napping partner. He loves a chest/stomach rub though so you have to indulge him as it would be unkind not to. But don't linger tooo much because Halsin and Karlach are probably most likely to turn cuddling into something a bit....more. He also enjoys being 'little' spoon, having a backpack is funny to him and he'll hold onto your arms wrapped around him to keep you in place. He enjoys it as quiet time, just getting to enjoy the company of someone he loves when there is little time to be afforded to such pleasures. And a pleasure it is, simple and easy and kind there is little in the wold Halsin prefers than spending that time with you. He does enjoy a few quiet, affectionate words shared between you though. Nothing grand or poetic but some soft appreciation for your closeness, the feeling of skin on skin, or a quiet confession of love isn't uncommon.
Karlach: Bear hugger. Major bear hugger. Once she can finally touch you she does not ever want to take her hands off you. She'll wrap her arms and legs around you, kiss you everywhere, and beg you to stay the night with her in her tent. Cuddling becomes a sacred ritual to her, you always end your day in each other's arms talking about anything and everything. In these quiet moments Karlach wonders if her heart really was stolen, because she's never felt more full of love than she does now. She loves to crack jokes and tickle you, hearing your laugh, feeling you turn into her neck or chest, it all puts her on cloud nine. She'll run her fingers through your hair, and possibly start a thumb war.
Gale: Oh boy does he just love to end a day with you. He loves to have you sitting between his legs, your back against his chest while he talks about the whole day as if you weren't there for it all. He may spend the time reading or writing too but he'll always ask you to talk for a bit. Gale loves talking, especially with you and if you entertain him he'll talk until the sun rises. He loves to rest his head in your lap while he talks with you, the feeling of your hands in his hair, your fingers against his scalp, your palm resting on his stomach. Gale struggles to think of anything better after a long day on the road. I think secretly Gale likes this sort of human connection, the skin to skin, studying your eye color and all the shades of your skin. Connecting via the weave isn't unpleasant by any means but something about this sort of connection is new to him. Maybe being with Mystra made him cast it out of his mind, or maybe it had never been any good with any one else... he isn't sure. He is sure that he loves it now, he wants to rest his forehead against yours, he wants to feel your hands in his shirt, against his stomach, he wants to feel the huff of your laughter against his lips and most of all he just wants you however you'll have him.
Lae'zel: She's almost adverse to it at first. Ease into things, sit shoulder to shoulder, rest your head on her arm, let your thighs touch when you sit beside each other. It comes like most of your relationship, with trust and with time. Eventually she'll look forward to you after the day's up. Mostly she just likes to have her arm around you, she likes to slick your hair back off your forehead and pull your head even closer into her. She'll make a mean little quip about Gale or Astarion and you'll laugh and Gods help her it actually lights something up in her chest and all she can think to do is pick her hand up off your shoulder and pull you into her. The first time it happens it actually makes her stomach hurt. She's never been one for the mundane, for a routine, but there she was, chatting with you about nothing while you traced out shapes on the back of her hand. In these moments she could almost see it for herself, whiling away the days with you.
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 day
We outside with a Bad Boy~ (Satan Attacker Prologue Part II)
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if you're seeing this first, check out Part I here ->
If you already checked it out, then let's continueeeee
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So we left off on Beel trying to take MC away before shit went down in Satan's office. So here we have Levi trying to guilt trip them into going with him (thanks Levi)
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And then we have Mammon who's just trying to have a relaxing spa day (in boiling gold....Mammon...please think about how human bodies and skin work against a temperature so high where gold can be boiled please babes)
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So because MC can't make a choice at the moment, all three kings are growling at each other (i'd be melting to be honest because yes fight over me) and then there's something strange? another noise? huh?????
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So we have Satan busting inside his office, slamming the kings into the wall, and doing that ever so famous Akira motorcyle pose to come whisk MC away from the scene.
And idk about ya'll but even though I was having a time watching those three fight over MC, I was rooting for Satan being able to take them away because I mean...presentation. He showed up like the badass he is AND on a motorbike he tinkers and fixes up himself?
handy. hot. fast. amazing hair.
let's motherfucking go bby.
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So we begin the chase....and from this screenshot alone, I'm pretty sure he's done something similar before where he's had to run away from them at some point. Probably when they were kids and playing tag.
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SO they do come after MC and Satan. Mammon using his gigantic hands and Levi's monster tentacle things that he summons from his coffin. (iirc from his event that monster is called Leviathan and Levi just adopted the name because he doesn't actually have a real name just a number he was given at the devil camps)
So let me get this straight for a moment.
The nobles and other subjects that help in the palace were just getting done fixing up the place and here comes these two crashing and bashing things up again.
I'd be pi s s s s e d as a citizen who just finished fixing up my driveway/house and it gets fucked up again. It reminds me of Gotham city. Like what insurance will cover this? (lmao)
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So Beel is also chasing us with his swarm of flies. Satan isn't worried about this nor was he worried about Levi or Mammon, calling them slow for how large they are and himself quick and nimble because of how 'small' he is compared to them.
And it clears because he maneuvers through those skinny-ass alleyways of Gehenna quite easily, and it's unfamiliar stuff for the other kings so ofc they can't really catch Satan on his own stomping grounds.
But full stop before I continue.
Have ya'll noticed that Satan embodies street punk, bad boy could be in a biker gang or part of the yakuza but lives in a quaint European town like Gehenna with Victorian meets Balenciaga (cause of the Gucci/Loui V boots) dressed nobles? Like...I feel Gehenna should have been reminiscent of a place like Cyberpunk 2077 or like that city in Gantz.0 or just anything city wise with lots of rainy days and cyberwave music.
So back to our story because I had to stop and think about some wishful stuff for Satan lmao
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SOOO he ended up killing Beel's flies because he knew the exact time that a restaurant throws out their hot boiling pots of water for this weird red corn with teeth that Belial eats a lot (gawd I'd starve in Hell nothing is normal for me to eat lmao)
And he zoom zoom zooms to different part of the city
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Sometimes I keep forgetting that I like certain elements of Satan. That he has qualities that I thirst for in theory for a partner that I know I don't want irl because the moment they even do it I'd dry up like a desert.
But when Satan does it? Floodgates.
So we're in an alleyway of just an area that looks nothing like the rest of Gehenna (peep the background it looks like a downtown area unless Europe is like that, idk I've never been outside the states with my broke ass, I just recently got my passport like a couple years ago T^T)
And MC is talking loud as per usual, and Satan is like "shhh" lmao
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the reason being is because he's trying to make sure that he got away from everyone, and since all they hear are just random citizens in suits walking around, that means the coast is clear for now.
also, he's heated up? oh you know what that means
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Okay I take back my prior statement about the background, I couldn't see the transition to the city area MY BAD FOLKS
anyways Satan's got us all pushed up on the wall, MC describing how they haven't seen him in a while so everything is like new, like how they first met, and that he may be smaller than the other kings, but he's larger than MC (lets me know that MC is probably at best 5ft 5 or 5 ft 6)
Also...grabbing MC by the scruff of their neck? HELLO?
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Now see...he would of had me right there. I'd be a trembling mess because don't tell me that while we're outside? You need to?
Mean you are horny as fuck right now and you need to take me to pound town? AFTER SAYING ONLY HE CAN TAKE US ANYWHERE FUCHOSUJNCOJOKLSNLJKNFLKJ
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Look at the pan out on the first screenshot, I'm crying...his horns make up most of his height and that will always amuse the fuck out of me.
Also MC brought up that his body is hard, like he's made of condensed muscle and I'm like oh you know when people draw on large canvases and shrink it down and the image because sharper?
(I know weird analogy but work with me)
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that pink CAWK could reach anywhere as far as I'm concerned
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oh I jumped the gun earlier...this is when he says he can take you anywhere lololol
but yeah that would send me to the heavens, i'd be begging for him to fuck me at this point like take me ANYWHERE SATAN like I know you will, because yeah.
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^^^ me with that d i c k
ANYWAYS LOLOL I'm so unserious ya'll i'm sorry
But that ends the prologue. I DO plan on summarizing the rest of this story btw but I have to figure out how I want to do it because it's mostly just smut stuff lmao and I have to choose the screenshots carefully cause his dick is out in most of it and tumblr is NO NO with that.
As my closing statement there was a time where MC was just like "I wish there were three of me so I could go with all of them" and I'm just thinking to myself....
Beel would be interested in helping you tackle that, MC...and then Levi would probably be like "Yeah if I hack you into pieces for not coming with me" and Mammon is just like "Three of you? All for me??? :D"
It would be so silly.
but as usual, thank you for stopping by and reading my react rambles. It's always a pleasure and I appreciate you all <3
Stay tuned for more react posts because I'm on a role today~ so you will be bombared.
your lovely admin- \(♡´౪<♡)/
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residentflamingo · 3 hours
Twice Members' Favorite Places to Kiss You
Twice x fem! reader
Warnings: so sweet you’ll get a toothache <3
A/N: I’ve been in a really bad writing slump lately, so that is the main reason why I have not been posting at all. And school has also been kicking me in the ass 💀✌️ I have so many good drafts I want to share with you guys, but my motivation has been at 0% for a while. But lately I have been getting a lot better, so more works are expected to come soon! Which also means I will be opening back up my requests box :D Someone did request me to write something a long time ago, but I have been steadily working on it over time. It’s got about 5,000 words on it, so as long as my lazy ass doesn’t put off to writing it, that draft will be coming out soon as well. Thank you to all of you lovely people who have been patient, and also the ones that have been liking my posts. You guys are phenomenal and I love and appreciate all of you ❤️
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Lips ♡
A very standard one, but well suitable for her
She loves how soft and plump your lips are
Like Sana, Nayeon is a very affectionate person
So after she’s had a loooong day at the studio, all she wants to do is give you some repetitive and silly kisses that end up in slow and passionate ones
(Sometimes she’ll even bite your lip if she’s feeling a little bit frisky that night…)
“Oh my gosh I missed you so much Y/N. You won’t believe how many new dance routines they made us learn today.”
Her favorite kinds of kisses are good luck kisses and goodnight kisses <3
(And the passionate ones of course ;)
Nayeon loves how sweet it feels to be able to show her love through a kiss, and be able to feel your soft lips in the process
Kissing your lips make her feel grounded, and wanting nothing more than to spend every moment of every day with you
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Forehead ♡
Very domestic and homey feeling for her
Her kisses are always very sentimental and sweet
She doesn’t kiss as often as other people, which makes the wait worth it every time
“Here honey, you go lay down and rest. I can do the rest of the laundry for you.”
Always kisses you randomly and making sure it catches you off guard
She loves seeing you all flustered and shy <3
Kissing you on the forehead reminds her of being married to you someday, and just being able to protect you from harm
You are everything to her, and she never wants you to feel anything less than that
And if you’re shorter than her, then it’s an even better reason for her to kiss you on the forehead <3
Will also give you the biggest kiss when she comes home from work 🥺
“I missed you so much honey, what have you been up to?”
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Tummy ♡
When you had previously told her about being insecure about your tummy, you never thought she would take it so seriously
But oh boy how wrong you were
It instantly became Momo's favorite place to kiss you
Momo made sure to always remember it so she could prove your insecurities wrong
She loves how soft and chunky your tummy is, and just can't ever get enough of it
Also loves how much you giggle when she kisses you
If you ever have those days where you're not feeling too great, she will start giving you kisses there first and make sure you feel so loved and beautiful
“You are so beautiful Y/N. Don’t you ever forget it.”
“Your stretch marks are not ugly at all honey I promise. They make you look even more gorgeous.”
She will sometimes leave hickies and bite marks there too, but only when she’s in the mood and you give her permission
If you are also pregnant, she will not hesitate to smother your tummy in kisses then too <3
It would be almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Her end goal is to always make you feel loved, and to remind you that you are the most beautiful woman she has ever set her eyes on
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Dimples ♡
We all know Sana is a very affectionate person. So choosing her favorite spot to kiss you would be impossible right?
Nope not at all for her.
The first thing that had drawn her to you was your radiant smile
But the deal breaker was the dimples that came along with it
She just couldn’t get enough of them
Once you guys had been dating for about 3-4 months, you both had gotten very comfortable with each other and started being all lovey dovey and such
That was when you noticed how much she loved to kiss your dimples
Any chance she could get, she made sure to kiss you in that same spot
It never failed to make you blush every time, and that’s part of the reason why she would constantly kiss you there
She also loves how well they compliment your face, and how adorable they make you look
“Y/N have I ever told you how much I love your dimples? They make you look so cute!” *pinches your cheeks*
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Cheeks ♡
She doesn’t mind kissing on the lips. She loves it actually, but she kissing your cheeks even better
Jihyo’s kisses are the most genuine ones you will ever feel in your entire life
Sometimes it’s hard for her to say how much she loves you outloud, so she’ll express it through her kisses
When you’re having a bad day and come home tired, she’ll wrap her arms around you and give soft pecks on your cheeks
Or when Jihyo has to leave for early morning dance practice, she’ll slowly wake you up by peppering your face with kisses too
It’s just a super sweet gesture for her, and your puffy cheeks are too cute to not kiss anyways
She loves the way you blush when she randomly walks up to you and kisses you
Jihyo adores you so much, even if it’s hard for her to say outloud sometimes
When she does, she makes sure it meaningful, and at the perfect time
“I love you so much Y/N. Even if I don’t say it outloud that much, I really do. You’re my world, and I never want you to feel any lesser than that.”
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Nose ♡–-
When you confessed to her that you hated the shape/size of your nose, she made it one of her top priorities to make you feel less insecure about it
Her shy persona may keep her from expressing a lot of things, but it didn’t stop her from showing her affection for you
You were used to her always giving you warm hugs, and very soft kisses on the lips
But when she added your nose to the agenda, it was game over for you
She loves to kiss your nose when you look super cute, and she can’t handle it
Or when you’re doing something sweet for her like washing the dishes, or doing her laundry. She’ll always find a way to pay you back with affection
“Thank you so much baby. You’re so sweet.”
Over time your insecurities had slowly gone away after receiving so much love and support from her, making your nose the very very least of your worries
Having someone like her in your life made you realize that looks weren’t every thing, and that you never have to worry about when you’re with her
“Honey your nose is so cold. *kisses your nose* Here let me kiss it some more so it will feel warmer...”
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Hands/ fingers ♡
Dahyun is very loving and sweet
She loves to hold your hand when you two are walking around Seoul together, or just cuddling on the couch
She loves the intimacy it brings between you two
If she doesn't express her love with words at the moment, she will express it with actions
She'll bring your hand up to her lip and pepper your knuckles, fingers, and whatever else with kisses
Something else that she would never admit, is how she loves the softness of your hands
It reminds her of when she was little, and she would hold her mother’s hand
Dahyun wants you to feel loved and adored by her at all times, even if it’s not verbally
When you guys are at restaurants, she will have no shame holding your hand from across the table and kissing it
“Dahyun be careful. People might see us.”
She’ll just laugh and say, “Let them. Nothing will ever stop me from expressing my love for you darling.”
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Jawline/Neck ♡
We all know Chaeyoung is a big romantic
And can sometimes be a bit flirty with it too
So it’s no surprise that her favorite place to kiss you, would be the most intimate and steamy
Even though it is her favorite spot to kiss you, she doesn’t really kiss there very often
But when she does, she makes sure to go all out
She loves how intimate it is, and loves hearing/ seeing your reaction every time she kisses in that area
Most definitely will leave hickies too, so be aware when she starts going to town down there
“You like it when I kiss you like this baby?”
You can just already see her smirking while saying that…
She loves riling you up and making you melt from her touch <3
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Ears ♡
Tzuyu is a one-of-a-kind woman, and the sweetest one you have ever met
When you guys first started dating you it stayed at the awkward stage for a little bit longer than most couples
But when she started warming up to you, her affection towards you became even greater
It started with little kisses on the nose, then on the cheek, lips, she eventually progressed to your ears
You thought it was weird at first, but you eventually grew to love it
Tzuyu loves to hug you from behind because of the height difference, and she’ll often whisper in your ear how much she loves you
Sometimes she’ll nibble a little bit too after kissing it, but not very often
If you have slightly larger size ears, she would tease you about it every now and then
But not enough to where you would feel insecure
She just thinks your ears are super cute, and make you even more loveable
"I love you so much Y/N... Don't ever change. You are perfect just the way you are."
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starlostseungmin · 1 hour
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✰ notes: felix is finally here !! hyunjin will be posted soon. not proofread. DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS! thank you <33
chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han ( felix )seungmin | jeongin
Husband Felix who proposed like this [ read here. ]
Husband Felix who is the sunshine of your rainy days, an angel sent to love and make you happy, and has the sweetest smile of all. 
Husband Felix who loves to bake your favorite pastries every weekend. You’d try to help but he keeps you out of the kitchen just to surprise you with what he made (sometimes they’re burnt) but he is a good cook anyway. 
Husband Felix whose freckles you love to trace with your fingers while he’s asleep and you’d tell him how much you love them, “They’re like constellations.” with a smile on your face. He gets shy after that. 
Husband Felix who cries every time you do movie marathons because he gets swayed easily by the plot, especially melodramas.  
Husband Felix who always wanted a golden retriever puppy and begged you to adopt one, but you told him you already have Seungmin at the dorms. 
Husband Felix who lets you win every time you play video games with him and gets loud when he loses at uno. Thanks to Chan. 
Husband Felix who gives you flowers when you go on dates because it makes him think of you and would say you are as pretty as them. 
Husband Felix whose ideal date is to have a picnic by the river or the beach so you can watch the sunset or sunrise together while holding hands. 
Husband Felix who loves taking pictures of you and showing them to you later saying how beautiful you look on each of them. 
Husband Felix who knows exactly how to flirt but is weird and funny sometimes. It never fails to make you laugh. 
Husband Felix who makes your heart flutter every time he smiles and it gets worse when he kisses your lips at random times leaving a blush on your cheeks. He loves to cuddle and is probably the clingy one in this relationship. You don’t mind anyway and you love him for that. “I was born to give hugs!!”
Husband Felix who lets you play with his hair and style it whatever you want on a boring weekend. 
Husband Felix who calls and texts you every time he gets the chance when he’s not around because he misses you so much. He would hug you tight and smother you with kisses when you surprise him while he’s on tour or after he’s been away from you for too long. 
Husband Felix who is a great drinking buddy but gets drunk easily. He always has so much to confess on how much he loves you when he’s drunk and cries while taking everything to heart. 
Husband Felix who is so annoying (lovingly) and cute at the same time that you can’t even get mad. He does it on purpose. 
Husband Felix who takes you on vacation a lot of times a year to his favorite countries, lets you use his card to make a big or small purchase and spoils you by buying you gifts or giving you something from the brands that he’s working with. “Take them or I’ll sell them online having me as a freebie,” He would say while wriggling his brows. “You can’t sell them,” “I know so take them!” 
Husband Felix who gets jealous when you spend a little too much time with his friends instead of him when you’re hanging out during their free time and sulks at the corner like a pouty duckling. 
Husband Felix who takes a day off from work and cooks for you when you get sick. He’s the type to not let you move a single muscle and asks you to stay in bedーthat he’ll do everything you ask for, except argue with him.
Husband Felix who doesn’t want to fight with you. He doesn’t like seeing you cry and most likely hides himself when he’s the one crying. He’ll apologize immediately and take you in his arms, whispering tons of I love yous. 
Husband Felix who would say encouraging words when you’re sad and would insert funny jokes just to see you smile. 
Husband Felix whose love languages are words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, gift-giving, and quality time. 
Husband Felix who doesn’t mind if you don’t want or want children with him because he respects you so much and always choose the things that would make you comfortable. 
Husband Felix who doesn’t just love you but is willing to give up everything in the world just to have you which he already did. 
Husband Felix whom you promised to take care of him well, never hurt him, never leave but love him and would always be right there for him. 
Husband Felix who will and always choose you.
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bgsartcavern · 3 months
i like the way you draw the shapebots! the mech designs for the JSaB au are really cool too, haven't been in that fandom for a while but maybe we'll get back into that eventually... you're a big fan of robots based on shapes, huh? can't blame you, i think about Orbot and Cubot so much
Hey thanks! Yeah, coincidentally its been shape robot after shape robot lately...but honestly I love robots in general! Before shapebots and my JSaB AU I was really big into Transformers so the robot fixations have been going on a loooong time lol. Always happy to find another shapebot fan out here! Sometimes we feel a little scarce since they don't get much attention compared to other Sonic characters haha. Hopefully I can get more shapebot art out soon, I do have things in the works!
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luna-lovegreat · 2 months
I want. Four to get appreciation. Because
Four gave a ton of unnoticed help when Twilight was injured
The fight with Wild was difficult, and I know we're all concerned about his negative view of the shadow crystal
But Four did something that no one else really thought of to help- He took care of Twi's stuff
From the beginning he told Twilight to not worry about them
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So Four took care of pretty much everything but the others (that Sky and Wars handled)
He took care of Epona
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Which is so very important- he took care of Twilight's horse. After her arrival at the stable Four followed up on her
And for Epona, a horse so attached to her human, having some company can help so much for reassurance
He took care of Twilight's stuff
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He got Twi's shield- his bags and equipment, and organized it into one place
And he was worried. He obviously found the shadow crystal while handling Twi's stuff, but his negative reactions to it were out of concern.
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Also- because of his placement in this scene
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I'm fairly convinced Four was ready to start cooking before Wild showed up (since he's beside the counter with food supplies). At the very least he had the basket of fruit out for everyone -but he was literally standing with food behind him- he thought of everything
And he did housekeeping!
Wars payed for the inn, so Four took care of the inn
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Realistically these boys were probably not too concerned with tidyness. Four got all of Twi's things on one table, and took care of the room they stayed in
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Organizing tables and Twi's things, having food supplies ready, and opening the curtains- overall he was the one tidying up the inn
Four helped in a huge way! He took care of Twi's horse (Epona is so important), his equipment and shield and bag, as well as the other rooms in the inn
Four filled in all the little tasks that others didn't think of. He helped in ways that were needed, but not obvious
There's a lot of problems with the shadow crystal and with Wild, and I don't know what's gonna happen in the future
But don't forget this- don't forget that Four was one who stepped up in an almost unnoticeable way
Don't forget that when everyone was barely holding it together, Four visited Twilight's horse and took care of his things
No matter what develops in the future- this amount of care shown is important ya know?
Art and comic from Jojo @linkeduniverse au :)))
#epona is so important#Lu four#linkeduniverse#linked universe#I work with horses and#Epona is INCREDIBLE- she's extremely attuned to humans and emotions. she doesn't scare easily and can keep her cool in a fight#but it's still super stressful to suddenly be in a fairly large and populated town- separated from her person#and for such an empathetic horse? Four going and TALKING to her- gently petting her nose and just being near her#means so so much! that literally matters so much to a horses mental state in a foreign situation- just having company#he checked on Epona and gave her company like !!!!!! it's so considerate and means so much for Epona! Four I love you !!!!!#uhhhh yeah!#with the food- I don't think the innkeeper would have free/complimentary food out- but wars wallet def had it covered#then wild showed up with potions in a cooking frenzy- but four was still shown with food behind him- he thought of everything#I don't know what's gonna happen with the shadow crystal and stuff. but no matter what happens in the future- this matters.#he did a ton of small things no one else thought of it matters he cares so much didjdkdksjfjj#I have a lot of posts I'm making/editing and trying to get to. I'm just a little gal trying my best :/#so many ideas and so little time... I love you guys and this fandom so much :))#(if I said anything off or offensive let me know... I'm always nervous about that but I want to hear from you if I'm wrong)#(also you are so so cool and valuable don't forget that ok? I love you and you are important)#:)
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
i stand by that a better, more sensible, and more intriguing plot for TSATS would have been, instead of retconning literally everything:
Bob is dead (because he was very explicitly absorbed/killed by Tartarus Himself in House of Hades, alongside Damasen), and nobody is going into Tartarus to save him. He made his sacrifice and is gone. However. Remember how the Titans, including Bob, were just kind of kicking around for several years? Particularly. On a cruise ship full of mortals. And Bob happened to be kicking around in general for an extra year versus all the other Titans. And he mythologically sometimes has a mortal demigod son who partook in the Calydonian Boar Hunt (Dryas of Calydon). Yeah.
So turns out, Bob/Iapetus leaves behind a demigod (demititan?) child. And because Nico was pretty much his only friend, he named Nico his child's godfather. And while he's not being left in charge of the child, as a son of Hades and godfather to this kid, Nico is duty-bound to fulfill Bob's last will and go find this like 2 year old to make sure they're safe. So Nico has to undertake this very unusual quest (that raises many questions, such as "demititans are a thing?" and "DOES THIS MEAN THERE'S POTENTIALLY MORE-?!" and "SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS?") and is kind of freaking out because. He's the son of Hades! He's notoriously bad with living things, and animals, and definitely small children! Even if he does find this kid and assure they're safe, he is the last person who should be undergoing any kind of quest involving even potentially having to babysit. Fortunately, his boyfriend is the human embodiment of sunshine and calmness and good vibes, and also once helped a nymph give birth, so he feels Marginally More Confident in theoretical demititan babysitting and offers to come along on this Epic Journey of Figuring Out What In Hades' Name Is Up With This Demititan Baby Business.
Proceed with wholesome epic shenanigans quest of Nico and Will scurrying around trying to locate this random OP baby while Nico has an existential crisis about the nature of his powers because he doesn't want to let Bob down! Both for Hades Kid Honor Reasons and because Bob was his friend! But what if he's destined to fail this quest just because of who he is? Because he's simply not built for hanging out with the living/mortals? And Will reassuring him that He Will Probably Not Traumatize The Weird OP Titan Baby And It'll Be Fine, and simultaneously getting a peek into the weird other life Nico leads hanging out with immortals much more than the average demigod, which Nico considers his norm. Bonus shenanigans of both of them getting caught off-guard and culture shocked from where each other's respective worlds (Nico's mostly-immortal versus Will's mostly-mortal) cross over and learning to navigate those for each other - Nico finally starting to make some mortal connections and get glimpses at modern mortal American life, and Will trying not to get his brain literally incinerated while Nico's happily casually catching up with some of his old friends who happen to be literal gods.
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#will solace#solangelo#long post //#LISTEN I JUST THINK WE DONT NEED TO BE RETCONNING THINGS WHEN THERE IS A HIGHLY INTRIGUING MYTH RIGHT THERE#listen. *listen.* Iapetus in myth has a demigod child? and we're in the series? that's all about demigods?#and had titans running around for 4 years? some primarily on a giant ship mostly full of mortals?#and Iapetus himself was running around for closer to like 5 years?#I AM JUST SAYING. that is enough time. and the right conditions. that there are perhaps demititans now.#that alone is a fascinating plot set-up that ties in basically all previous series inherently and has a reasonable starting point#of *course* Nico would be named Bob's child's godfather!#of *course* Nico would consider it a very important personal duty to see out Bob's final will and go on some quest about it!#and under those conditions it makes *perfect sense* for Nico to want to bring Will along! and that he would be very helpful on said quest!#bringing along a lot of skills and abilities in areas that Nico lacks! that are crucial for a quest like that!#also then immediately the plot becomes Will reassuring Nico about his powers being cool and not evil and him being spooky is okay#while Will is also trying to not literally have his brain melt cause Nico's casually introducing him to a trio of death gods or something#forgetting that Will cannot look upon a god's true form#and Will's dragging Nico across the US while Nico is struggling to keep up cause Will forgot that Nico's not American and not from that era#its cute! it's interesting! it immediately begs the question of a next-gen series focusing on a main cast of demititan kids#dont go back to Tartarus that's lame and overdone and ruins a ton of stuff. dont retcon everything that also ruins a ton#give us the fluffy roadtrip comedy that they clearly wanted to write instead anyways#you can even keep the elements of Nico feeling out of his depth and Will constantly on the verge of death. except it makes sense this time.#and it's kind of funny cause Nico's just freaking out over babysitting and it highlights how much tankier Nico is vs Will#even just in casual interactions. yeah Nico can casually look upon a god's true form. dont worry about it#meanwhile Will is slowly collecting sunglasses the entire trip and layering them up for whenever Nico introduces him to another deity
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megaerakles · 2 years
Dp x DC Crossover Concept I think is fun but will never have time to properly write
Several years ago the scientist of the GIW were investigating the miraculous resurrection of Vlad Masters by ectoplasm. Their team managed to isolate the cause to a randomly mutated gene that he possessed which they dubbed “the ReGen Gene”. A project known as Project Phoenix managed to splice this gene into what was eventually just two viable human embryos made primarily of genetic material provided by the project’s Lead Scientist Sheila Haywood and one of her male friends. The specimens were implanted into the friend’s wife who had volunteered thinking it was part of a research project to cure something or other.
One of the junior scientists on the team [the future Dr. Maddie Fenton, in fact, although that was not her original name] had a crisis of conscience about the work and decided to tell the woman carrying the babies the real nature of the experiment. When the woman learned that the plan was to intentionally kill the babies to see if they could be brought back to life, she decided to go into hiding. With Maddie’s assistance, she convinced her husband to flee with her to Gotham City to protect the babies.
When the children were born, they decided that keeping the twins together would make them easier to find. The couple, under the assumed names of Willis and Catherine Todd, kept the older one and named him Jason. Maddie took the other, and moved her small family with new identities to a random town in Illinois, where she determined to raised Danny alongside her own young daughter as her son.
Things mostly happen the same as the original canons; Maddie and Jack continue their work in ectology and eventually this leads to 14 year old Danny unknowingly proving the experiment a success, replicating Vlad’s resurrection and acquisition of powers. Danny still keeps this from his parents so Maddie has no idea. Vlad’s obsession with Danny is fueled by the fact that he figures out Danny is one of the Project Phoenix subjects and is convinced that because Danny shares that *one* gene copied from his own DNA, he should be considered Danny’s true father. (If he found Jason he’d also try to steal Jason as his son)
Jason’s life follows the same pattern, except for the fact that Sheila Haywood (who was fired from the project for losing the specimens and went rogue trying to get them back) had been actively searching for signs of him, only to locate him after he’d been adopted by Bruce Wayne and was too well protected to simply be snatched away (she’s tried hiring kidnappers a couple of times, and every single time, either Batman or Nightwing or fucking Superman had been on their assess before they’d even made it out of Gotham. The woman just does not possess the resources to fend off the entire Justice League when they’re determined to protect the son of a billionaire socialite for some strange reason). Sheila does plant the other birth certificate in the hopes of him eventually deciding to come to her before resuming her still fruitless search for the other twin.
Unfortunately for Sheila Haywood, when her plan finally works and Jason seeks her out, he brings along the Joker and the Batman for the ride. Sheila tries to make this still work in her favor by making a deal with the Joker and arranging for Jason’s death so that she can then bring him back to life and finally prove her experiment a success, but that backfires and she is killed too. Jason’s corpse is taken away by Batman to be buried in Gotham.
Now, there’s not a lot of ambient ectoplasm in Gotham’s atmosphere. However the Lazurus Pit buried under the city has contaminated the soil with low levels of ectoplasm through leeching over the years. After some time, this is enough to revive Jason, but not enough for him to manifest powers or completely heal the brain damage he suffered at death before he crawls out of the grave. Talia shows up to whisk him away.
Not exactly clear on all the details, but Danny is eventually captured by the GiW and placed in containment to be studied as their successful experiment (the Fenton parents might be killed in the struggle to capture him maybe?). They also finally manage to locate Jason, and when they learn he’s already dead they send some people to retrieve his corpse to see if he can be reanimated too.
There is, of course, no corpse to be obtained, and they have to regroup and communicate with their bosses to decide what to do. Their activity drew the attention of Robin, who sets up surveillance of the grave site. That means when a couple of the GiW goons come back to test the soil for ectoplasm, Batman and Robin get a front row seat to their conversation regarding Project Phoenix, the fact that they’ve concluded Jason has been resurrected, and the fact that Jason’s long lost twin brother is currently being held prisoner in a high security facility and making himself a nuisance for his guards (one of the goons has spent time on Danny guard duty and has much to say about it).
Batman and Robin go rescue Danny!
Jazz and Dani were *also* trying to find and rescue Danny, using a magical tracker from the ghost zone that relied on using Dani’s blood to lead them to the one who shared her blood. Unfortunately for Dani and Jazz, the GiW facility is shielded against this type of ghost tracking. Unfortunately for Talia, who has just finished giving Jason his Lazarus Pit Bath (and unwittingly suppling the rest of the ectoplasm needed to properly give him his ghost powers), the League of Assassins is *not*
Basically, the two parties rescue the twin that’s not their own and then have to work to find and reunite with the other group without knowing the others are also actively on the move and searching, so they keep missing each other. Danny is freaking out because not only does he have a twin brother who also died and came back, the twin was apparently adopted by Batman, but Batman is helping him hide from the GiW so that’s cool. Jason is trying to learn as much as he can about his new powers from Dani while also protecting his two new sisters who keep trying to protect *him* instead even though he has actual vigilante training, except he can’t tell them that, and the League of Assassins AND the GiW are both after him and all he wants is to get back to his dad and the help them find this twin brother of his he just heard about. (It is important to note that the Jason, Dani, and Jazz party are all simultaneously convinced they are the most competent member of their contingent-Jason due to his training and history of survival, Dani due to her relative mastery of ghost powers and history of survival, and Jazz due to her age and perceived maturity—and are privately trying to take on the full responsibility of protecting the other two)
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vermillioncrown · 9 months
On BIL: Is Kagami just gonna go on continuing to normie the shit out of these Ball Sport Mad Idiots? Because I think he would. He would totally normie them all the way to his victory. He would normie so hard that this weirdo troupe Generation of Chuunibyous would completely go batshit crazy trying to "figure out" what his "special ability" is. Which by the way is actually just Kagami's (absolutely incomprehensible) ability of his to actually be Human OMG 🤯
to not normie is to go counter to the central premise of bil, thus he must. it's pretty logical and i'm not fond of pulling the rug from under people in a story
him pushing back against having a "special ability" like how they emphasize in canon is half kagami being kagami against all ball sport nonsense, and half his personality trait to never own up to anything ever -> and that comprises of another two parts (1. never let them know your next move 2. it's unhealthy to base your self-worth on One Thing You're Good At...for now)
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rohirric-hunter · 2 months
Also I'm vaguely offended at the implicit assumption that hobbits as a general rule don't already know who Morgoth is
#this is about something i posted a long time ago but its been eating at me#like obviously they know who morgoth is#they know who sauron is#or at any rate have as much of an understanding of him as anyone else who isnt a scholar or resident of gondor#so it stands to reason that they would also have a basic understanding of morgoth#a dark lord who has just about the same amount to do with them and their lives#i mean i think people get this impression that hobbits are dumb and dont know things from pippin and sam#pippin is a child#and while sam himself is curious and smart and eager to learn and know things#i would put money on it that you could tell the gaffer that the earth was round and he would immediately forget that information#because it doesnt have anything to do with his life and he therefore doesnt need to know it#so sam hasnt really been told as many things as a lot of people#both of them are bad examples#compare them to bilbos ability to infer things in the hobbit based on a general background knowledge of the world at large#like he knows what a furrier is! i dont even know what a furrier is!#but anyway the point is i think the hobbits know how the world works#they keep to themselves but theyre not isolated lmao#like idk if yall are aware of this but theres this road that runs right through the middle of their country called the GREAT EAST ROAD#they turn suspicious people back at the borders but there are plenty of perfectly respectable people who come through#down. you know. the GREAT EAST ROAD#they know whats out there. they just dont care
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dykeza · 1 year
Ichigo being a stay at home dad who works online is so in character for him actually…… he’s the type of dad to enforce 1 hour of no screen time outside playing in the yard and/or playground. He texts Orihime goofy pictures of Kazui jumping around in some water fixture in the local park and carries him home soaked to the bone and shivering with the biggest smile on his face and then they eat ice cream and wait for Orihime to get home so they can have family game night.
#I cannot see how someone can dislike ichihime and their beloved baby boy#they’re so silly!!#honestly I think a lot of it comes from forgetting Ichigo isn’t Just his badassery and trauma and stubbornness#Ichigo is goofy and funny and likes playing games and has shown how genuinely warm and welcomed/welcoming he is around Hime#and a lot of the times when I see posts referencing how Orihime is bad for him or is like… a creep or whatever#I can’t help but notice that it just. doesn’t sound like Ichigo at all#Ichigo Kurosaki is full of love and compassion and he adores everything around him#he loves and honors even the most evil of people and recognizes others struggles even if he can’t relate#there isn’t a single thing about him that conveys this supposed dislike for Orihime or this discontent with his life#Ichigo is like. a happy person#he suffers and he endures so much and he keeps finding new ways to love and understand others#he fights so hard to be happy… so why can’t people except that maybe he is?#at some point you just have to accept that a character can be content#Ichigo is married to Orihime. he works from home. he adores his son and his wife and his family#and like. that’s okay? there doesn’t need to be some deep reason. you don’t need to try and drag even more character out of him#he has enough!!!!!! he has more than enough character to go around!!#please let Ichigo Kurosaki love his wife and his son… and also let Rukia do the same#I know I just now mention her but this tangent is directed towards the Weird ichirukis I see poking around on twt and tumblr#Rukia is happy with her husband!!! she likes Renji!!!! she likes him so much in fact that she married him and had a kid with him#Rukia and Ichigo both are very hardheaded characters and if they’re unhappy with their circumstances THEYLL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT#they’re not scared to be honest with themselves and others anymore!! they’re very vocal about their opinions if you haven’t noticed yet#some of the first things we learn about both of them is that they aren’t scared to speak their mind#I am fucking certain that if they happened to Not Want to end up with their respective spouses they would’ve just. not married them#idk what copium ichirukis that don’t like Renji and/or Orihime are smoking I really don’t#you love these characters so much and yet you discredit one of their most recognizable traits!!! their readiness to DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!!!!#they’ve proven time and time again thag they do whatever they want within reason#there is not a possible universe where either of these characters would sit quietly and let themselves be unhappy for the sake of the others#because they’ve learned. and they’ve grown. and they trust Renji/Orihime enough to understand their decisions becuase it’s in the fucking—#—text how much they respect and trust them to understand their feelings#this ramble is too long I’ve reached 30 tags URASHIN CANON GOODNIHHT AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAA
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peachyspaceslvt · 11 months
Hiiii do you have any ATJ&characterd recs?
hii yes, i have a few! most of them are Tangerine but i have a couple for Pietro and Kraven. also i think i've probably shared a lot of these to my rec blog so apologies if you've read them! i've been a bit busy as of late so i haven't had as much time to find and read fics
desperado! by @keravnous (also literally all of her tangerine fics tbh)
Wedding Ring by @augustghosts
Backup Plan by @tangerinesilk
Killshot by @megplant
the touch you crave by @spidervee
sophisticated by @tawus
the codeine scene by @konigbabe
Pietro Maximoff
Learn To Love Again by @sweeter-innocence-fics
The Hunter by @sidepartskinnyjeans
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