#and i read classics and love romantic and renaissance art so i understand that
surelyucantbe · 1 year
no offence but if h*rry p*tter is your 'comfort media' you should probably examine what it is about its status quo underlying philosophy that is so comforting to you
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jjuzoir · 3 years
Homare Arisugawa General HCS
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request: “Hi Sora! I never see any art/writing for my boy Homare from A3! (Maybe because his dialogue is so ridiculous.) Would you mind writing something for him?” from tlali
a/n: ahhh i don’t think i’ve ever taken so long in a request jdjdndnd but i just wanted to make it right because i love homare so much❕ he deserves everything and more i just HDHSJJA we need more homare love 🤬 his dialogue is hilarious and i feel like we need to appreciate his style more no more homare slander 🙅
word count: 1667
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- He smells like earl gray tea. No one knows why since he uses unscented soaps, he says it’s probably because he spends most of his time drinking or around tea.
- He’s very particular about his hair, he uses very specific shampoos and conditioners that he will absolutely not share or change unless he notices his hair needs it. Talking about his hair, it’s naturally kind of dry so he uses a lot of hydrating products which leaves him with the softest, most fluffy hair ever. It’s like touching a cloud.
- One of his favorite gifts given to him is a tie given to him as a birthday gift by his members. Everyone pitched it, including Izumi, and Azuma picked it out. It’s black, much like his everyday tie, but it’s got a small embroidered snowflake.
- He’s got three main pairs of glasses; his everyday ones he keeps at hand when he goes out, his at home ones which are (according to him) less flattering, and his driving ones. Keep in mind he can’t drive, he doesn’t even own a car.
- He can speak french and latin, and he’s super loud about it too. He’ll sometimes slip in french phrases and no one will understand other than Chikage and it’s just a mess - Muku is always so amazed that he knows two other languages too and probably asks him to teach him sometime.
- Definitely has the prettiest handwriting when it comes to the roman alphabet, he writes in ink and with fancy pens that cost more than Banri’s tuition.
- Absolutely has a bunch of business cards printed out, each with its own quote made by him. Sakyo thought it was such a waste printing them until he realized that no matter how many Homare took when he went to run errands he always gave them all, to whom? No one knows.
- He’s very well respected in the literary community, which still shocks pretty much everyone. He gets stopped often by fans or people who’ve read his work, it happens at least once a day and Izumi really doesn’t… she doesn’t understand, poor girl.
- He’s not that good with phone calls, he’s not bad but he definitely prefers texting or just talking face to face. To him there’s just a certain level of discontent he doesn’t like that doesn’t exist in other mediums.
- His favorite shows are either comedies or heavy hitting detective shows, there is no inbetween. You’ll walk in on him watching a sitcom leave the room and walk in on a serial killer chase down.
- About his love for detective shows, his favorite pastime is trying to solve the mysteries with the main character. He’ll rewatch the episode so many times to try and pick up clues, he’ll take notes and come to a conclusion and he loves the feeling of getting it right.
- In the same spirit as the statement above, absolutely got Tsumugi and Sakyo hooked on some of his favorites and they hang out to talk about the latest episodes and the overarching mystery. The conversations can tend to get kind of heavy very quick, more than once Muku thought they were investigating a real crime and almost fainted.
- He looks like he’s probably allergic to wool sweaters, they make his skin itch and he always needs to use a shirt underneath them - so he tends to buy those expensive anti-allergic ones that need to be washed in a very specific way that could probably pay Tsuzuru’s whole college debt and it takes a lot of restraint from the playwright not to steal one and sell in the black market.
- Talking about Tsuzuru, he often gives him writing advice. Said advice tends to be very useful, like keeping a pen and notebook on him in case anything comes to mind during the day or writing daily to help ease him into a style, etc. Homare genuinely wants him to bloom into a writer and is willing to beta-read anything Minagi needs, be it a script or a sleep deprived rambling about the gay subtext in Nocturnity.
- Arisugawa sets himself reading goals each month, he likes to read at least one book. He prefers poetry books or classic english literature, but he also likes to read romance books or really bizarre dystopian novels.
- Has read more books than most people in the company and can give very detailed recommendations if you give him like a day.
- Sings operas in the shower, unless stopped he will keep going until the second act. Surprisingly good falsetto, but one time Tenma thought it was a Banshee for a second and almost cried into Juza’s chest.
- He’s not only an overly emotional drunk but also a loud drunk, he’s already quite loud but when he’s downed half a bottle of wine and a shot of vodka he’s louder than the Summer Troupe combined. Because of this, Izumi tends to restrict his alcohol intake when they’re at the dorm.
- I can see him being very big into musicals, not all musicals but a very specific niche; classic horror novels turned into musicals. He’s a very big fan of both the German and Korean versions of Dracula, his favorite song is probably “Zu Ende” or the Korean version of “It’s Over”. He also likes the Frankenstein musical too, but overall he finds Junsu’s Dracula more interesting thus his preference.
- He will talk your ear off if you mention any musical though, be it a classic like Phantom or something newer like Heathers.
- A very big fan of Ghibli movies, he told me so himself today. He really likes Spirited Away though, it’s a movie he’s watched so many times but he’s still completely enamoured by it; he probably has made the Winter Troupe watch it at least once and Hisoka definitely knows the beginning of the movie by heart now.
- Homare is also really good at drawing, not like Kazunari but he’s probably the second best. He learned by analyzing and looking at artists he admired and picking up on their techniques. A true Renaissance Man™️.
- I feel like he’d also have a bunch of skills that are kind of, useless? He can probably carve wood and make candles, he also took a course in glass blowing probably. Arisugawa just wants to try everything at least once, his motto is probably to explore and learn as much as possible, not just about art but the world (he can be surprisingly smart if you have a dictionary at hand).
- Very observant, just in general. Which can be both good and bad, it’s good because it helps him understand the situation in ways others might not but it leads to him to sometimes overthinking things and behaving in manners which may annoy or hurt others.
- He also has a hard time trying to react to social cues, as seen in game, with certain people. While he’s worked it out with the Winter troupe and the Mankai company he still struggles when it comes to new people.
- Will make little tunes he sings in the shower that kind of become a little daily song, each day there’s a new one he’ll hum.
- He also canonly makes music and he makes contemporary electro-pop, you cannot change my mind. He probably also mixes opera and classical music into his tunes, which can go from 1 minute to 10, so you end up with a very cool mix of orchestra and techno-pop - it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he’s probably got his own niche group.
- Now, into more romantic HCs...
- He’s a good flirt, a very good flirt. They may sound weird looking back at it, but his pickup lines work and they work well.
- He knows when to stop pursuing someone too. He senses even a bit of discomfort and he’s backing away, won’t ask anything. Very big on consent and unless stated absolutely explicitly he’ll keep his distance.
- A true gentleman, please - he’ll never let his dates pay, always open the doors for them, will even do the “walk on the inside of the sidewalk” when he’s walking you home.
- His favorite dates tend to be ones where you get to know more about each other, not always necessarily by talking though. Being able to go into a bookstore and look at the books, seeing the ones you pick, what you pick at a cafe or restaurant, it all helps him draw a better picture of who you are and he likes to think it helps you get to know him better too.
- He’s very in tune with his S/O’s feelings but is afraid of overstepping any boundaries which may lead to some miscommunication at the beginning of the relationship. But it’s workable and it wouldn’t be that big an issue in the long run as long as his partner is willing to help him understand them.
- Not big on PDA, thinks certain things should remain inside - not to say he wouldn’t talk for hours about his partner to anyone who listens but things like kissing or hugs tend to be behind closed doors. He’s okay with hand holding and maybe a kiss on the cheek though!
- Likes wearing matching outfits with his S/O, thinks it shows how they’re “one in spirit, heart, and mind” and will not stop pointing it out to the point even married couples feel single as they hear him ramble on about the subtle coordination in your color schemes to create a perfect contrast.
- Notices the smallest things like how much sugar you like in your drinks, the telltale signs of when you’re lying or uncomfortable, how you act when you’re too cold or too hot, and learns it by heart.
- Homare is also the kind of boyfriend who’d confront the waiter if they get your order wrong, he’s not ashamed of it either.
- He kind of just wants to make sure you’re doing well and happy, he’s a gentleman.
- Damn… I love him so much
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mikrokosmos · 4 years
“Beethoven Sucks at Music”
A Response from a Classical Geek
So this video by the ever insightful 12tone channel came up in my YouTube recs, and I knew from the clickbait title I had to respond. To be fair to him, the argument is much more legit than the title would give off, but there are still some points that I want to comment on
“Can you name a Beethoven tune?”
He starts off saying most people can maybe hum a few melodies, but probably don’t know most of Beethoven’s work. Bee’s one of my favorite composers, and I have listened through all his major works. But sure, there are many classical fans who either haven’t listen to much of Ludwig, or don’t even like what they have heard so they listen to others. However, the general public? Well how much of the general public can name a Van Gogh other than Starry Night? How many know the name of the painter of The Scream? If you showed a random person on the street a set of Renaissance paintings, could they tell which artist painted which? What about impressionist paintings? Or have they read anything by Flaubert or Ibsen or Woolf? I’m not trying to gatekeep or be a snob [I couldn’t name the Renaissance painters, and I haven’t read any of those three], but rather to point out that “greatness” in art doesn’t have to equate with popularity. And Beethoven is definitely more popular than most classical ‘greats’.
The Canon
This is a pretty big insight that more people should reflect on. Why is Beethoven programed so much? Because he sells, and he sells because of people who like his music, but also people who want to be the people who like his music because Beethoven is a mark of cultural capital. Doesn’t mean they don’t “really” enjoy it, but that there could be an subconscious [or maybe deliberate/weaponized] desire to show others “I appreciate fine art”. Again, not trying to gatekeep, but think of the difference between...I don’t know, a random teenager who comes across Beethoven online and falls in love with the power of the scherzo from the 9th and wants to hear more, and someone like Ben Shapiro playing a Beethoven violin sonata after making a podcast about how Rap isn’t real music or that today’s music is “worse” than the Western greats. You see what I’m getting at? There is unfortunately a vocal minority of classical fans that want to use the music as fodder for their reactionary arguments.
Next, he does a great job covering the history of “the canon” and the cultural factors that created it.
We say Beethoven is good because of German-centric nationalism
Partly true. It’s especially funny to look at what composers of the 19th and early 20th century were thinking and saying about Beethoven and the Germans. Both the French and the Russians were annoyed by the German superiority being pushed in the music world and wanted to make their own cultural standards for ‘greatness’. And famously, both Debussy and Ravel were sick of Beethoven and were “anti-Wagnerian” in their aesthetics, and most of the “classics” of the Modern era were reacting to and against Beethoven, Brahms, and Wagner. Of course it doesn’t mean that Beethoven’s music isn’t great, rather that German nationalism and also ethnic pride coming from the German immigrants of 19th century America has a lot of cultural dominance. Ask a French person who the greatest composers are and they’re likely to say Couperin before Bach, Berlioz before Beethoven.
He then points out that, while the Canon is a cultural agreement, it is kept fixed and fossilized.
Focusing on Beethoven keeps music students from focusing on what they care about
You don’t have to love Beethoven. But if he’s saying that schools should only focus on what is ‘culturally relevant’, then are we throwing Shakespeare out of the curriculum? I don’t live in the same culture and time as him, but I still find Macbeth compelling, and Julius Caesar, and Othello...they are still great stories, and forget the idea of ‘high art’ because they’re full of lowbrow death and murder plots, sex jokes, fart jokes, and have a lot of badass moments [the witches of Macbeth, the ghosts of Hamlet, the assassination of Caesar, the sword fights and taunts of Romeo and Juliet, etc.]. I don’t live in Beethoven’s time either, but the Eroica pounds in my heart. I don’t think that the old classics should be the only thing we look at, but I don’t think we should only look at contemporary popular culture either. And frankly the best academic courses and professors are those who examine both with a similar eye. We always draw cultural parallels across art through time.
Who gets left out of the Canon?
This is a legit thing to look at. Lately there has been a greater shift at performing and looking into the music of otherwise ‘marginalized groups’. Though it may be too little too late, especially when the zeitgeist of today is knowing that there are so many stories and perspectives that are ignored or shut out from a canon. How often do you see the distinction of “women composers” instead of mentioning people by name? The same happens with “black composers”, or composers from non-European or non-”Western” countries. It’s important and overall a better thing for our culture to highlight these people, but there is still the connotation of them as a footnote to the “real” canon that doesn’t need a modifier [I mean, how often do you hear someone call Beethoven a great German composer, instead of just “great composer”? Lili Boulanger is a great composer who is almost always called a great woman composer…]
I also agree that there is the issue with the idea of teaching only what’s “important” for understanding a class, especially with art since it is cultural but usually it is taught like a forward thinking narrative. The major influencers are mentioned while great artists who can’t serve the narrative are left out. An interesting example would be Schopenhauer and his philosophic influence on classical music for his time, even though his major ideas are from Hindu and Buddhist theology filtered through 19th century German philosophy.
The Invisible Hand of the Canon
Also a great point. Why do we assume that the music of black composers isn’t “good enough”? Or “women composers”? Or “Turkish composers”, “Mexican composers”, “Filipino composers”, etc.? Where are these standards coming from? Let’s bring up two other greats, Mozart and Debussy. Who is better? Really, it falls down to opinion, because the music aesthetics of the two are so different, that you cannot make a real judgment without admitting that you’re assuming one set of standards over the other. Now, the music of Boulanger is much closer to Debussy than Mozart, so why would we judge her against Mozart to determine if she deserves to be sanctified into the Canon?
And I hate to be a gatekeeper, but I love out-snobbing the snobs, so when someone takes the conservative position of the Canon’s greatness, I wonder are they able to listen to a piece by Schoenberg and explain its relation to the German romantic tradition, regardless of if they enjoy it or not? Because I have seen ignorant defenders of Beethoven and Mozart call his work “random noise that a cat could play” and I want to know if they actually engage with the music beyond listening to 30 seconds and getting a rage wedgie
Does Beethoven suck?
He admits no, it was just clickbait. But his attitude or proposed attitude toward Beethoven is much more honest. The ‘greatness’ of his work is the experience you get from listening to it. Or, you can respect his art without really caring about it or listening to it much. But yeah, the more we acknowledge the artifice of the Canon, the easier it is for us to look at more music with a more critical eye, and I think that’s much more engagement than passively agreeing with the assumption of greatness for cultural capital. No, Mr. Shapiro, you don’t look smart or impressive for talking about Mozart instead of Lamar at a cocktail party. And if you do, it’s because you’re trying to impress stick-in-your-ass dull rich people who have no taste.
The End :D
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quillyfied · 5 years
Mega Good Omens Fic Rec Post 2
Part 2 is here!
99 titles this time because I have no self-control, once again separated into different categories: Jaunts through History/Canon, South Downs, Post-Apocalypse, Bus Ride/Night Before/Heaven and Hell, AU/UA, Soft, Before (a new category exclusive to this list, about Heaven before and during the War), Touch-Starved/Body Worship/Wings, Bonus, and H/C /Whump/BAMF. Warnings for gore and explicit material present where applicable.
Enjoy these as I have, because they’re all worth savoring!
Mega GOmens Fic Rec Post MASTER
1. Paperwork – Mirach (T, the one where Aziraphale is filling out forms for a new corporation and is idly flashing back to the reasons for his discorporation. It has a lot to do with Crowley. This one is so sweet and heartfelt, and also has a surprise at the end that gave me a good chuckle.)
2. A Dozen Red Roses for My Darling – @raiining (G, the one where Crowley finds himself in a bit of a pickle while doing a miracle for Aziraphale. This one has the funniest summary and I don’t even know why it’s so funny to me. It’s even better that it’s a Regency story, and the underlying tension between Crowley and Aziraphale is so good. Simple and sweet.)
3. When the lights go out (run away with me) – strawberriesandtophats (T, the one where Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis skip out for the night. Has a gorgeous little rendezvous between the two of them, and a wonderful second chapter where they find Warlock again. Entirely too beautiful. All the emotions.)
4. older now, and the light is dim – WISHBONE (NR, the one where Aziraphale walks in on Crowley holding baby Warlock and both he and my heart go entirely to pieces. Based on that one gingerhaole fanart, it captures the quiet tenderness of the art perfectly, and then beyond—Crowley goes a little protective at one point and then Aziraphale is introspective and it’s GOOD.)
5.  It begins, as it will end, in a garden – @tenoko1 (G, the one where it’s the cold open but with a recurring theme of flowers woven in. This one has fluctuating gender presentations and Crowley and Aziraphale discorporating each other and one utterly perfect moment where Aziraphale tries to kill Crowley and can’t make herself do it, and it is all Too Soft and Too Beautiful for words.)
6. A House in the Country – @theoldaquarian (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale take a vacation in an abandoned house in the Lake District for a summer. It’s beautiful and there’s pining and there might be thirty-six rooms in this place but it’s nicer to spend time together, dangit. Understated and quiet and perfect.)
7. The Gospel of Crowley – gutterandthestars (T, the one where Crowley gets on with tempting Christ and in true Crowley fashion it backfires on him. Jesus has the BEST characterization, he and Crowley have wonderful banter, and the whole thing is poignant and hilarious. Loved it from start to finish.)
8. build me a city, call it jerusalem – @gyzym (T, the one where Crowley considers Right and Wrong. Book-verse. Jumps around in history and is one of those really esoteric, artistic pieces that makes you stop and think about what you just read. Absolutely gorgeous.)
9. Solitarius – @popcornpowergoddess (G, the one where Crowley blesses an old cottage and is sad. This one blew my mind when I read the author is fifteen, because WOW they are going places if they’re already this good. The work is heartbreaking and a little funny and so, so visually appealing. A real treat for the brain.)
10. Sawdust of Words – @aethelflaedladyofmercia (G and T, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship and the Ineffable Plan get looked at from another angle. This series is already gonna rip me to pieces—Early Days had the most gorgeous and DIFFERENT storyline for Aziraphale post-Adam and Eve getting cast out, and it has him and Crowley actually arguing and being contentious at first in their relationship, it’s so good, especially when they start to try and work it out. Obedience hurt me in ways I did not ask for. The stories jump around in the timeline and it’s all so GOOD, I’m READY for more!)
11. An Angel who did not so much Fall In Love as Settle Into It Gradually – @theladyzephyr (G, the one where it’s exactly what it says on the tin. Jumps through history and has precious tender moments and less-than-tender moments all jumbled up in there, you can really feel with Aziraphale where he starts to lose the fight against his feelings. Just fantastic.)
12. Inauspicious (But Not Impossible) – @thetunewillcome (M, the one where there’s a kiss in 1945 and immediate consequences, and Aziraphale contemplates Romeo and Juliet. IMO doesn’t deserve the M rating, the kissing and the snogging are both pretty innocuous. The pining is real and delicious and painful, and the ways Heaven and Hell choose to remind their agents of what happens to traitors is Awful. Nothing gory, just sad. But it ends so much happier.)
13. and you can say that my hair’s a disgrace – @phoenix-soar (T, the one that’s an ode to Crowley’s hair throughout the years, and excuses for Aziraphale to touch it. Intimate, romantic, intensely emotional, just a real treat of a fic. Aziraphale loves Crowley and his hair so much.)
14. As Yearning Lips to Unyielding Stone – SanSanFanFan (G, the one where Crowley gets maudlin over a statue that looks like Aziraphale. Oh my gosh, you guys. You guys, the PINING. The YEARNING. The LONGING. It’s exquisite and painful and a work of art in and of itself. I have a soft spot for period fics, especially Italian Renaissance, for some reason, and THIS is one of the best.)
15. What’s Done In the Dark – @charmingpplincardigans (T, the one where Crowley literally glows with love and HOLY CRAP ON A STICK, Y’ALL, this one is an epic. It’s as much a story about growth as it is about love, and it’s so, so satisfying to watch Crowley go through this journey. I don’t have the words, just know that it’s one of those fics you can’t pass up. A+++++++)
16. Hot Days, Mad Blood – noodlefrog (T, the one where Aziraphale teaches Crowley how to duel, or he will in future chapters. This is a brand-spanking-new one that is gonna be so much fun to watch update. Italian Renaissance! Swordplay! Crowley being a smitten idiot! Aziraphale being competent! It’s gonna be so good y’all.)
17. make your good love known to me (or just tell me about your day) – Sky_Stars_Sea (G, the one where Crowley is adjusting to living with Aziraphale. Has a beautiful sensory experience running throughout, and Crowley being so vulnerable it physically hurts. Beautiful, beautiful story.)
18. The Cottage at the End of the Lane – Angelina_Aintithenniel (T, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale have to defend what’s theirs. I have never screamed at my computer so much while reading a fic series, mostly along the lines of “LEAVE THEM AND THEIR HOUSE ALONE,” because this series is the Madoka Magica of fics: cute and fluffy casing, unexpectedly wild, angsty, action-packed innards. I adore this whole series. It makes me FEEL things.)
19. in my darkness I remember – @anthxnyjcrxwley (T, the one where it’s a soft, quiet night in the South Downs. A straight shot of fluff right to the heart, friendos, nothing more, nothing less. Stuff a mattress with this fic and say goodbye to any and all worldy pains.)
20. there’s no kingdom to come – killingthemoon (T, the one where Crowley slips off to fix up the cottage before springing it on Aziraphale. Tender, sweet, has a gorgeous ending scene that’s lots of fun and lots of shouting at the sky.)
21. A Heaven More Like This – miladyshakespeare (T, the one where it’s a Welsh cottage this time, cycling through a year. Such a beautiful piece of longing and uncertainty as Crowley and Aziraphale circle each other, a lot of quiet themes about letting yourself be cared for and letting yourself care, and also there’s a cat.)
22. The Legend of Devil’s Dyke – @sameoldsorceress (M, the one that’s a retelling of a popular South Downs local legend. Not sure at all why this one is rated M but it might be the gratuitous use of the word “cocks”, though in context it’s not filthy at all. This one is FUN, y’all, and I agree with the sentiment of the Tumblr post that inspired the fic, there need to be more fics featuring local South Downs legends.)
23. Slow – @theirdarkreturning (T, the one where the Antichrist makes some assumptions when he puts the world back together. Scores points for being very Jewish and playing right into the classic nigh-Shakespearean trope of miscommunication. Hilarious and sweet also the one where God signs the marriage certificate.)
24. Binary Stars – samael_the_scrivener (T, the one where Crowley has an emotional breakdown and Aziraphale does his best to make it right. Heavily emotional and angsty, nearly had me in tears right along with Crowley, and Aziraphale’s portion doesn’t back down from the tone, they have to fight tooth and nail through the emotional blockage to get to understanding and it’s positively sublime.)
25. If We’ve Got Nothing (We’ve Got Us) – @kedreeva (G, the one where everyone ends up where they’re meant to be. A gorgeous story about found family and working through differences and—eventually—God’s Ineffable Plan possibly coming to full fruition. I don’t wanna spoil too much, it’s best experienced blind.)
26. The Ludicrous and Many Disasters of Mister A.Z. Fell, Houseplant – @souljellied (T, the one where it is also exactly what it says on the tin and is exactly as ridiculous as you’d hope. With an unexpected but not unwelcome dash of angst, to boot. Crowley doesn’t take too well to being unable to immediately find Aziraphale, after all. Aziraphale is mostly wondering how to get out of this mess.)
27. In the (Second) Beginning – cherryfeather (M, the one where they have an inevitable conversation after the Ritz. Doesn’t really need the M rating since the smooching is intense but not graphic, and has the single greatest scene of Aziraphale reminding Crowley he’s a sensualist of ALL TIME. Fabulous work, very formative for me tbh.)
28. all I need, darling, is a life in your shape – @mortuarybees (G, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley need some convincing in the form of their well-meaning friends putting them in a room with one bed. The pining is delicious and piping hot, friends, and then suddenly oh my GoSatSomebody, they were roommates. A great little number with a beautiful confession scene.)
29. corrections – @0nelater (T, the one where Crowley is having a slow, melting come-apart about his feelings. Lots of Crowley being, in his own words, a basket case, and having a fundamental misunderstanding of how angels sensing love works, and how those two concepts are resolved. Has beautiful color symbolism and fun meta throughout.)
30. dearly beloved – @dissatisfied-starlight (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale get married, despite the universe’s best efforts, it seems. Hilarious and sweet and surprising! Not to spoil anything, but also has the best Beelzebub characterization as a nice little cherry on top.)
31. A Buried and Burning Flame – Lissomedi (G, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale visit an art museum and happen upon a disturbingly accurate and intimate depiction of themselves. Lots of Crowley pining and then being miserable, lots of Aziraphale being confused and then exasperated. So cute and sweet.)
32. The Long Game – sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive (G, the one that’s an adventure romp with proper twists and pining and saving the world. I love the spirit of this one, and the various inconveniences the cast have to overcome to stay out of Heaven and Hell’s radar. The building action right before the climax of the plot is heart-stopping, and the resolution is suitably satisfying. Was a fun way to spend a late night, for sure.)
33. in which labels are finnicky things – REVVIII (T, the one where Aziraphale is trying to figure out the perimeters of their relationship post-Apocalypse. He tries so hard, does his research, but honestly, nothing is gonna do it like talking to Crowley about it openly, which is, of course, not his first course of action. Very cute, especially when he’s trying to suss out what friends with benefits are.)
34. if you wanna be alone, come with me – mygalfriday (G, the one where they can’t even make it into Crowley’s flat before it all comes spilling out. Short and sweet shot of fluff, just a perfect little sip of serotonin.)
35. The Things We Did and Didn’t Do – @dietraumerei (G, the one where they finally get their act together and defeat Heaven and Hell with the power of LOVE. Such tender, very emotion. Wow.)
36. Too Generous – rfsmiley (T, the one where That One Line, you know the one, from Pride and Prejudice serves as the inspiration. There’s some sneaky shirt-opening and it’s both hot and kinda funny. The very definition of “enthusiastic consent.”)
37. Exit Interview – Pygmy Puff (G, the one where Crowley has to survive a round of paperwork in order to get out of Heaven in Aziraphale’s body. This one went in a completely unexpected direction. I was ready for a humorous romp through Heaven’s bureaucracy. I got so much more than I was bargaining for. Read it, it’s ridiculous in all the best ways and surprisingly dangerous.)
38. An Honest Surrender – @kedreeva (T, the one where their plan to fool Heaven and Hell is a little different. Y’all might already know this one as the Angel Marriage fic, but for those who don’t, imagine “marriage” as we know it and then throw that concept out the window, because what happens is too weird and beautiful for words. My words, anyway.)
39. Mr. Fell – @amarguerite (T, the one that’s a reverse AU where Aziraphale is a Victorian dandy frat boy party-thrower who used to date Satan and talks about it constantly, and Crowley is Heaven’s perfect little soldier and all the PTSD that comes with. Tons of heart and originality already, though it’s still early in the fic, and a truly special dynamic between Aziraphale and Crowley. Also Aziraphale accidentally causes Original Sin by inventing brunch and if that doesn’t get you to read, nothing will.)
40. Keep Getting Stranger (I Do) – @callipygiangoldfish (T, the one that’s a Howl’s Moving Castle AU, patterned more after the book than the movie. It’s a wonderful little adventure about accepting yourself and the side-dish of falling in love is SCRUMPTIOUS.)
41. By the Light of My Stars – @theladydrgn (T, the one where Crowley was Raphael and in love with Aziraphale and that bit doesn’t change, at least. Has probably my favorite tag used in any fic ever of all time, I’ll see if you can spot it. Protective Crowley for MILES and MILES in this one, what he does to a demon that threatens Aziraphale is pure poetry. Going in a promising direction for sure!)
42. flammam gladii hinc – @wildenessat221b (G, the series where Crowley was Raphael and wiped Aziraphale’s memory to protect him. Has the BEST backstory for the flaming sword, of all things, and a bittersweet story throughout. Told in terms of [redacted] so it’s got a bit of mystery to it but not much. Somehow that makes it sadder.)
43. Bring Out Your Dead – metallic_sweet (T, the one where Crowley is Raphael and a healer no matter what Heaven tries to get him to do. A reverse AU where Aziraphale is a shark, of all things, and a warrior with a supernaturally bad sense of direction trying his best. It’s a refreshing change of pace in both reverse AUs and Raphael AUs; Crowley is still gruff and Aziraphale is still sweet and it’s perfect.)
44. Something to do with these sacred words – @thehumantrampoline (T, the one where Crowley confesses early and often. It’s both lovely and sad, in a way, for Crowley to be so open about his feelings so much without Aziraphale doing much about it besides panic internally, but the ending is sweet, very much so.)
45. reckless and wild and stricken – @weatheredlaw (T, the one where Armageddon happens again and this time it’s a true post-apocalyptic nightmare scenario. Weatheredlaw is famous for having fics that just tear at the heartstrings, and this one’s no different. It’s tender and it’s sad and it’s desperate and it HAUNTS ME.)
46. A price to pay – @aerococonut (T, the one where performing miracles costs Crowley something. A lovely look at the technicalities of Crowley—and Aziraphale, mind—doing something they aren’t made for, and the ways it changes them. Fans of fics about chronic pain, this is the one.)
47. Soulmates – GoodandIneffable (G, the one where your lies put marks on your soulmate’s body, and Aziraphale and Crowley are soulmates. This is one I wish had at least a 3k-word expansion, because the concept is gorgeous and Crowley’s realization at what it truly means to be Aziraphale’s soulmate is staggering. Short, but worth it.)
48. i love(d) you – extraordinarilyextreme (G, the one that’s a Star Wars AU and it WRECKED ME. Force-bonds, love, betrayal, forgiveness, AUGH. It’s too much. I love it. Also Padawans Warlock and Adam ftw.)
49. The Book of Aziraphale – @gigglesnortbangdead (T, the one where Aziraphale wrote poetry he never intended to make public, and naturally it goes public. This had the potential to be silly or sweet and wound up directly in poignant instead; Aziraphale takes a decidedly self-loathing approach with a lot of his poetry and it’s amazing to watch him work through his feelings about himself and about Crowley.)
50. Of Celestial Sonnets and Pitiable Poets – trieduntrue (T, the one where Crowley wrote poetry he never intended to make public and then Hell finds it. So naturally, to save his skin, he has it printed and distributed under the guise of “spreading sin.” Then he writes and publishes a second one completely drunk. This one is pure silliness and Crowley schadenfreude; it really plays up the beloved device of “everything Crowley does backfires on him somehow” in the most lighthearted way.)
51. The Healer and the Lover – Nnm (T and G, the series where Aziraphale’s name means “of Raphael” and that’s who Crowley used to be, and there’s a lot of complicated feelings involved. Really emotionally complex and interesting take on the Raphael AU, one I’ve come back to a lot because it’s so compelling.)
52. Tracing The Stars On Your Skin – PunJedi (T, the one where Crowley’s freckles used to be stars. Achingly sweet and sad, goes through each constellation Crowley made and has a story for it. The end is just gorgeous, really emotional and sweet.)
53. On the Matter of Touch – @somedrunkpirate (T, the one where Aziraphale is flooded with the emotions of the ones he touches, and Crowley is a touch-starved lovesick sad sap. Incredibly tender and emotional, lots about boundaries and communication and the Mortifying Ordeal of letting yourself care and be cared for.)
54. keep me close – @saints-and-demons-preserve-us (G, the one where Aziraphale accidentally discovers that Crowley does local theatre. It’s so funny and sweet and full of longing and excellent Broadway tunes, and also Aziraphale is The Most Awkward and it’s gratifying af.)
55. i keep a window for you (it’s always open) – @campgender (T, the one where they quote Romeo and Juliet a lot. It’s beautiful and romantic and Shakespeare always deserves appreciation. The lines that are picked out are especially gorgeous in the context of the fic.)
56. Hunter’s Heart, Hunter’s Mouth – kashiichan (T, the series where Aziraphale romances Crowley with poetry. I’m new here so I don’t quite understand the Gomens fandom’s immortal love of Richard Siken, but I can darn well appreciate good poetry, especially when it’s couched in tender touches and overwhelming feels.)
57. Fools in Love – @theres-a-goldensky (T and M, the series where this is absolutely true. The first is a frankly hilarious jaunt at Aziraphale trying different hobbies and dragging Crowley into them, the second is Aziraphale not realizing he’s projecting his own longing for Crowley onto everyone around him and then getting jealous of his own warped perceptions. M rating is more for lascivious intent and verbiage than actual smut, and what an intent it is XD)
58. To Trust in One Another – bluespring864 (T, the one where Aziraphale is haunted by something insensitive he once said to Crowley. Do you enjoy pining that builds until it breaks every dam in the universe? Do you enjoy self-flagellating for something dumb you said once? Welcome to paradise, friends, a sweet, adorable paradise.)
59. Best Not To Dwell On It – @saaliyah (G, the one where they make out in a linen closet sometime in the early 1800s. Short, simple, sweet, and making out in a linen closet, what more do you thirsty lovies need XD)
60. Something So Precious – @freyjawriter24 (G, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley are adopted by two separate groups of old ladies who take it upon themselves to matchmake, as groups of old ladies are wont to do. Too adorable for words, will cause literal discorporation.)
61. Birds of a Feather – @idiopathicsmile (T, the one where Aziraphale is nesting and Crowley doesn’t get it. Another one of those classic miscommunication fics where everything is awful until they finally get on the same page, and then it’s wonderful. Also the thought of Aziraphale in particular feathering his nest with things he and Crowley both like is the sweetest mental image of all time.)
62. Just Hold On Tight – @books-n-bentleys (G, the one where communication is key to every relationship. Love languages are a thing and making sure you and your partner come to an understanding about them is important; see this fic for why this is a really good idea. Because every relationship deserves tenderness and understanding and the correct level of schmoop.)
63. Braving Those Angry Skies – ladymerlot (T, the one where Crowley nearly kills himself saving Aziraphale from Nazis. Crowley is so perfectly in character throughout it’s almost funny even when it isn’t (maybe especially when it isn’t). A prime example of my favorite Gomens fic trope to date. I know I don’t have a lot of variance in my adjectives but you guys TENDER. ROMANTIC. SWEET. IT’S ALL OF THEM.)
64. Moral Arguments – WhiteQueenWrites (T, the one where Crowley and the gang help a woman get revenge on her truly horrible ex. This one is FUN, there’s no other way to say it. It’s cathartic and satisfying and is one of those fics I wish was a cheesy movie I could watch while eating disgusting amounts of popcorn.)
65. get religion quick (cause you’re looking divine) – @brinnanza (G, the one where Aziraphale is convinced Crowley doesn’t love him back and it’s fine. Cute and emotional and must absolutely be read with its counterpart below. This one first, that’s why it’s listed first; they aren’t related in the way that they’re the same scene from different perspectives, they’re just similar situations with the roles swapped, and it’s so worth reading, these idiots I swear 2 Someone.)
66. you play with my feelings (right from the start) – @penrosesun (G, the one where Crowley is convinced Aziraphale doesn’t love him back and it’s fine. Hilarious and emotional and must absolutely be read with its counterpart above. Really illustrates how two smart people can completely miss the point for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.)
67. Worth Any Price – @sameoldsorceress (T, the one where Crowley sets up a kissing booth. You guys I was ready for fun shenanigans involving Crowley kissing the general public and maybe Aziraphale getting a little bothered under the collar. I was not expecting the FEELS. The PLOT. The UNEXPECTED PUNCH TO THE GUT. Absolutely an underrated treasure in this fandom, needs to be talked of often.)
68. Bodies of Change – @dietraumerei (G, the one where Aziraphale has new clothes. This one plays right into my Fashion itch and it’s wonderful and body-positive and so, so sweet. Crowley is so smitten with his angel.)
69. i did not know ‘twas love i gave – miribees (T, the one where Aziraphale makes Crowley a mixtape. This one is unexpectedly bittersweet and tender, with Crowley and Aziraphale in a fight for a good chunk of the fic, but it’s the apology and the making up that’s sweetest, of course.)
70. World Cold, Aziraphale Warm – maddiemaynot (NR, the one where Crowley is trying his best, okay. It’s unbearably romantic how much they love each other, how they slide into soft intimacy in fits and starts. Also has quite possibly the most disastrous date in history, but it’s the thought that counts.)
71. Fractured Heart – @asparklethatisblue (T, the one that’s gonna murder me with Aziraphale’s feels. The premise is that angels can be physically broken by strong emotion, and what’s stronger than the grief of losing a loved one to the Rebellion? Also dealing with Aziraphale’s feelings for Crowley getting tangled up in his feelings for his lost heavenly love, and it’s DELICIOUS.)
72. ask, and ye shall receive – @ariaste (G, the one where Crawly gets exactly what he’s asking for. Very much has the feel of my something-great grandpa, who once told a man “Go ahead, shoot me!” and was obliged. Hilarious and sweet, you can FEEL God’s smugness throughout the entire fic.)
73. what wound did ever heal – HallsofStone2941 (M, the one where Aziraphale is wounded in the War in Heaven and carries it with him. Rated M for one line involving sexytimes that truly isn’t that bad at all. Aziraphale is just so good and brave and Aziraphale about it all, A+++ characterization.)
74. Falling – @differentjasper (T, the one where the War in Heaven changed a lot of things. Read this if you want to picture little baby angel Aziraphale and Crowley and then get EMOTIONALLY WRECKED about them. I kinda wanted to rip my own heart out just to stop it from hurting so much while reading it.)
75. Uncaffeinated Decisions – @suntosirius (T, the one where Aziraphale is insecure and Crowley is sleepy. Utterly heart-rending in the best way; reading Crowley being so loving of Aziraphale’s body was extremely cathartic and satisfying, and continues to deliver every re-read.)
76. And So He Bringeth Them Unto the Haven – @je-suis-em-jee (T, the one where they’re both so touch-starved it’s obscene. Pitch-perfect romance and intimacy, I could feel the affection and love in my very bones.)
77.  All that’s been shown to me (Sunlight) – WillowRoseBrook (T, the one where Aziraphale needs some convincing that being soft is good. I’m especially weak for softness being praised, so this one hit me like a nail between the eyes. Intense, passionate, and intimate. Deffo got that praise kink going, too.)
78. These Fragments I Have Shored Against My Ruins – @istezada (NR, the one with vague D/s themes as Crowley and Aziraphale work through their traumas together. Has wing grooming and praising and misunderstandings and communication, oh my. A veritable piñata of feels.)
79. Long For the Touch of Your Hand – sara_wolfe (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale Did the Do in ancient Athens and predictably never touched again because Miscommunication. Oh, y’all, so mournful and uncertain, so desperate and sweet! My skin literally ached the first time I read this, it was the best.)
80. I Love My Lover With A-- – DictionaryWrites2 (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale have a game that involves kissing and adjectives. Book-verse, one of those curious fics where you’re both drowning in feels and learning something. Sensual in all the best ways and so achingly loving.)
81. Untouched – @etaleah (T, the one that RIPPED MY HEART FROM MY CHEST WITHIN THE FIRST COUPLE HUNDRED WORDS OR LESS. And then CONTINUED TO PUMMEL ME INTO THE GROUND FOR THREE THOUSAND WORDS. Crowley is so painfully touch-starved it kicked my own touch-starvedness into overdrive. Will take your emotions and leave them bleeding and broken before carefully bandaging them up and giving them a snuggle.)
82. a garden all their own – @letmetemptyou (T, the one where Crowley gets some much-needed TLC as he starts to process the day of Armageddon. Plaintive, poignant, and deeply emotional. Absolutely wrecked me.)
83. High Risk, No Reward – @asideofourown (T, the one where idiots try to rob the bookshop. BAMF Aziraphale and hapless mortals, it doesn’t get any better than this.)
84. Asportation – @mazarin221b (T, the one where Aziraphale gets kidnapped and gets the best of his kidnappers. Or, rather, brings out the best in his kidnappers. Such a delightful way for Aziraphale to deal with the people who tried to put him up for ransom, the whole thing is utterly charming.)
85. A Button to Lurk – @reidluver (T, a quiet and mournful look at a possible spin on Michael and Hastur’s relationships with Ligur, and what’s left after Armageddon. Took me completely by surprise. Understated, powerful, and dignified, if you can believe it. Of course it is, it’s Michael.)
86. And So They Grew Better – JiMoriartea (NR, the one that’s about the plants! Basically has canon from the perspective of the unfortunate little plant that gets singled out for having a leaf spot. She is a delight and I’m so proud of her, and can’t wait to see her completely miss the point of future events XD)
87. Secret Agent Man – @theaceace (G, the one from the perspective of an actual secret agent who doesn’t think Crowley and Aziraphale are very good at their jobs. Baffling and hilarious and wonderful in every way.)
88. The Point of You and Me – Rizandace (T, the one where you think everything is gonna be fine and then Gabriel happens. The danger is real. The emotions are real. The heart-stopping was figurative but felt pretty real at the time, tbh. Prepare to get punched in the face with your feelings.)
89. (Don’t) Say My Name – @cosmicocelot (M, the one where Crowley gets summoned by a not-nice person. M for torture. A classic search-and-rescue and it’s the best OH SNAP moment when Aziraphale finally catches up. Woof.)
90. Something Wicked – @thepaisleyelf (M, the one where Aziraphale gets summoned by a not-nice person. M for torture, though it’s supernatural and not exactly graphic. This one is an intense and wild adventure, y’all, that morphs straight into intense and desperate attempts at care and healing. The whole thing is a tender love story wrapped in a Victorian supernatural candy coating and it SLAPS.)
91. Every Demon Wants his Pound of Flesh – @dolphin-bouillabaisse (T, the one where Hastur is stalking Crowley. If hurt!Crowley trying to be brave and not let anyone know he’s hurting and bamf!Aziraphale taking care of business once he finally figures it out is your flavor, then welcome to Flavor Town, because this one is juicy. Was not at ALL expecting the ending, it’s delicious and vindictive.)
92. And we could feel, (none of it) – @clankclunk (G, the one where Aziraphale comes to grips with how Crowley knows to save him and the implications of that. Aziraphale’s entire emotional journey through this fic is so heartbreaking. But the conclusion is the exact counterbalance of healing and sweetness needed. Also Heaven is full of dicks but we knew that (except Aziraphale didn’t but that’s the point of this fic, now go read it).)
93. the wonder that keeps the stars apart – Nilmiel (G, the one where, fourteen hours after he gets the holy water, Crowley immediately has an Incident. Painful and emotional and intensely sweet. The second chapter has the best closure, even though it happens post-Armageddon’t.)
94. goodnight sweet prince (and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest) – @xoxoemynn (T, the one where Crowley needs a nap. Told throughout like a bedtime story in between the narrative and it’s such a charming effect, watching Crowley succumb to his exhaustion and Aziraphale take care of him.)
95. Fragments of Life – TheGirlWithBrightEyes (G, T, M, the series where Crowley has PTSD and anxiety, and Aziraphale adjusts. This series is a heartbreaking one and doesn’t shy away from the ugly parts of neurodivergence, but as much pain as there is, there is an equal and even greater amount of comfort and positive reinforcement. The single M is for a fic that toes the line of smut but doesn’t actually go over. Feels as cathartic as a good long cry.)
96. A Choiceless Hope In Grief – @thealphaaxolotl (NR, the one inspired by Orpheus and Eurydice. Featuring Crowley trapped in Tartarus and Aziraphale being more determined than Heaven and Hell combined to save him. One of those stories that drags you through the dark but doesn’t leave you there—at least, not alone, not without comfort.)
97. November Rain – FeatherBlack (T, the one where Crowley has a very bad time dealing with his emotions and Aziraphale is very bad at communicating. Visceral and emotional and raw and difficult to read at times with how miserable everyone is, but it does get better. It does definitely get better.)
98. Within These Walls – Elvendork (G and T, the series that you think is gonna be a fluffy “Greatest Showman” song-inspired jaunt but then comes out of left field with a sucker punch straight to the throat. Touching and thrilling and who invited Gabriel and Sandalphon, because I sure didn’t.)
99. Sticks and Stones – Kaz_Langston (T, the one where Aziraphale develops disordered eating because Gabriel is a dick. This one hurt so much, Aziraphale does not deserve what happens to him, but he does deserve the love and care Crowley gives him as a result.)
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namea · 5 years
Goth Rainbowcy Challenge!
I’m sorry guys, I couldn’t resist. So this is my Goth Rainbowcy challenge. I came up with it for shits and giggles but I think it’ll be fun! It’s a 7 gen challenge that plays with different game features and goth subcultures at the same time. You don’t have to be goth to do it (I’m not) and you can play with vanilla, berry, or any sims in between. Hit the read-more to see it! Tag “GothRainbowcy” with your pictures. I’d love to see them!! <333 
Goth Rainbowcy rules:
No money cheats
No trait, skill, or gameplay cheats
Occasional motives cheating allowed
Appearance cheats free game
Choose the heir however you want.
Aging should be on.
 You can play this berry, banilla, or however you want!! I have a mix in my game so who knows where mine will go! While matching hair/eyes/clothes are encouraged like in most rainbowcy challenges they aren’t mandatory at all!
Gen 1 – Fledgling Goth
If no one wants to try and understand you, you’ll strike out on your own! Build a life for yourself and start a successful dark legacy of awesomeness.
 Start as a monochrome black white and grey themed goth teen. Choose any aspiration or traits and any style of gothiness that you want. Start on an empty lot. Choose any 3 of the following items to place on the lot:
3 small planters
Cheapest BBQ grill
Potty Bush
Ice chest
woodworking table
Cheapest sink
Don’t purchase anything else until you’ve made 500 simoleons. 
Have 1 pet. Have the following on the lot:
Cat: Cheapest litter box, Cheapest bowl
Dog: Cheapest bowl, One cheap toy
Don’t get another pet when this one dies
Get a job you slacker! Any job will do. When you’ve made 500 simoleons (in any way) go ahead and choose one extra item from the list to give yourself as a reward. Make sure you have at least 100 simoleons left!
Maintain a B or higher grade in school. 
Have at least 1 best friend who isn’t goth.
Have at least 1 other friend who is goth.
Have at least 1 enemy
Have at least 1 friend who is a senior citizen
Attempt (but fail) to get to know Death until you’re a senior yourself, then become friends with Death.
Upon aging into adult get a job in any industry you like and advance to the furthest level.
Upon aging into adult complete your aspiration.
Upon aging into an adult marry and have at least one child with another goth.
Build a house on your lot bit by bit for you and your family to live in. It can be themed gothy or not, up to you. 
Gen 2: Red – Gothabilly
Your parents taught you a love of goth culture and fashion…but they never expected that you’d hear the swinging sounds of the 50’s in your heart. It’s time to make your way into the world and show it what you can do!
This sim should have the Serial Romantic aspiration and the following traits: Music Lover, Self Assured, and ONE other trait of your choosing. Upon reaching adulthood they should enter the entertainer career and eventually choose the musician branch.
This generation starts when your sim is a teen. This sim should have a red and black aesthetic with a 50’s twist similar to rockabilly but more goth. Red hair and eyes recommended. To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
Own at least 2 guitars and one microphone.
Have checkered floors in your kitchen.
Win a Karaoke contest at least twice
Have 3 non-goth best friends who introduce them to music as a kid or teen.
Have 1 goth best friend
Win a dance off against someone.
Reach level 10 of the guitar skill and singing skill.
 Reach the highest level of the musician career.
Marry a non Gothabilly goth.
Have one child with them.
Eventually break up and marry a non goth.
Have one child with them
Break up and marry another goth. If you don’t have a boy and a girl yet have kids with them until you have at least one boy and one girl. Stay with them or break up as you want.
Have a dog and a cat.
Max relationship with your children and pets. Be friends again with both exes before death.
Finish the aspiration.
 Gen 3: Orange – Steampunk
Music never interested you the way it did your parents. You weren’t social or loud, you didn’t care much for the 50’s aesthetic…in fact you worried you weren’t even…goth…until you saw a steam engine in a movie. You were enamored quickly and suddenly it made sense, the cogs and steam of the world. Brass goggles, corsets, clockwork and elegance. This is your scene. Your parents may not understand but they love you anyway.
This generation starts when your founder has died. The sim should have an orange, brown, black, and brass aesthetic or however you wanna do steampunk. Orange hair and eyes recommended. Skin too if ya wanna berrify it.
This sim should have the Nerd Brain aspiration and the following traits: Genius, Loner, and one other trait of your choosing. Upon reaching adulthood you should join the Scientist career.
To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
Reach the top level of the scientist career
Have 2 cats
Reach level 10 of the handiness skill
Reach level 10 of the fishing skill
Own a woodworking table and create at least one of every option.
Catch at least 12 different kinds of fish
Have only one child with a one night stand
Never marry, you’re too busy!
Have a strained relationship with your child
Max relationship with your cats
Have only 1 best friend who is goth but be on good terms with as many of your coworkers as possible.
Earn the marketable trait
Own at least 4 high tier electronics
Fully upgrade at least 5 things in the family home.
Complete the aspiration
Retire after reaching the highest scientist level and concentrate on inventing at home.
Finally fall in love as a senior but don’t marry before death.
Generation 4 – Yellow: Pastel Goth
You never got along with your parent and felt cheated by not having a two parent home. Their aesthetic wasn’t as dark as your grandparents but you still try to distance yourself from it as much as possible. The cute but creepy aesthetic of pastel goth appeals to you in a lot of ways and that’s where you’re going with your life.
This generation starts when the sim is a teen. This sim should have the Super Parent aspiration and the following traits: Childish, Family oriented, And one other trait of your choice! This sim should join the social media career as a trend setter.
To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next gen starts:
Completely re-decorate the family home (except your parent’s room) replacing all black with white and the colours to pastels with some black accents.
Reach the top level of the trend setter career.
Own at least 2 rats in your lifetime.
Max the Parenting, gardening, and floral arranging skills.
Grow a cowplant
Earn a money tree.
Earn the green thumb trait.
Leave the house at night as little as possible.
Have 2 goth best friends
Have 1 pastel goth friend
Have at least 1 non goth friend
Marry your goth high school sweetheart
Have at least 2 kids
Finally get a friendly relationship with your parent after your first child is born.
Max your relationship with your kids but not your spouse.
Make at least 5000 simoleons with things you grow.
Generation 5 – Green: Cybergoth
You were always close with your parents but man that pastel aesthetic bothered you. Looking into old family albums you found pictures of your great grandparents and started learning about the darker sides of goth. Nothing could keep up with the electronic beats in your ears until you found cybergoth. With shiny blacks and neon colours you were home. Gas masks and hoses forever! Just don’t trip over them.
 Generation 2 should be dead before this generation starts. This generation starts when your sim reaches teenhood. This sim should have the Computer whiz aspiration and the following traits: Hot headed, Dance Machine, One other trait of your choice. Green hair and eyes are recommended.
 To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
 Join the programmer career but quit when you get to the career split and join the secret agent career in the oracle branch.
Max the DJ skill
Max the Dancing skill
Get rid of the pastel in at least half of the house
Reach at least level 5 in the programming and Video game skills
Win at least 3 dance offs
Have 1 goth best friend
Meet at least 2 aliens and become friends
Max your relationship with your spouse and kids
Have no pets
Earn the Mentor trait
Die before reaching senior age
Generation 6 – Blue: Victorian Goth
The death of your parent struck you hard…but not just with sadness. You discovered a beauty in the calm darkness of the graveyard. Poetry and art call to you and invite you to feel and experience that sadness until it leaves you feeling refreshed.
Generation 3 and 4 should be dead before this generation starts along with the parent from gen 5. This generation starts as soon as gen 5 parent dies. This sim should have the Renaissance Sim aspiration and the following traits: Gloomy, Art Lover, and one trait of your choice. Blue hair and eyes recommended.
To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
Finish redecorating the house back to its dark roots with a classical flair
Join the artist career and advance to the highest level in the branch of your choice.
Max the art skill
Max the violin skill
Max the logic skill
Max the gardening skill
Grow Roses, Dahlias, Orchids, and wolfsbane..
Graft to create a deathflower, then plant it and grow them.
Grow Roses, Dahlias, Orchids, and wolfsbane as well.
Paint at least 2 masterpieces in every art category.
Don’t go out during the day if possible.
Work from home as much as possible.
Have no close friends
Have a black cat. Keep owning one cat at a time of their family line.
Meet a marry a vampire.
Have one child with them.
Allow them to turn you the day before you become a senior.
Grow a plasma fruit tree
Max your relationship with your child but not your spouse.
Your spouse dies of “mysterious circumstances”.
Final generation – Purple: Modern Vamp Goth 
People talk about your family a lot. They’ve always been dark, your parents never came out in the day, and one parent disappeared under mysterious circumstances. They whisper that your other parent did it but you don’t care. You know it’s not true. You love the darkness but you’re a cheerful soul at heart. You grew up knowing something was different about your parents but it’s not until you reach teendom that you learn about your vampiric heritage and what that means. It’s time to embrace eternity.
This is the final gen! Thanks for playing!! This sim should have any of the vampire aspirations and the following traits: Cheerful Good/Evil (your choice) and one other trait of your choice. They should join the writer career and max out the author branch writing the story of their family. Purple hair and eyes recommended. Try to do the following:
Write at least 1 book of each genre
Finish all of the vampire lore books and max the vampire lore skill
Become a master vampire
Turn at least 3 sims and move them in with you
Own a coffin
Have 1 non goth best friend, turn them as well.
Max at least 7 skills
Earn at least 500,000 simoleons
Max the pipe organ skill
Destroy and rebuild the house completely or move to another world.
Thanks for playing!!
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xeno-aligned · 6 years
copy & pasted under the read more in order to have a local copy.
A Brief His and Herstory of Butch And Femme
BY: JEM ZERO 16 DEC 2017
When America’s LGBTQ+ folk started coming out of the closet in the 1950s, the underground scene was dominated by working class people who had less to lose if they were outed. Butch/femme presentation arose as a way for lesbians to identify each other, also serving as a security measure when undercover cops tried to infiltrate the local scenes. Butch women exhibited dapper and dandy aesthetics, and came to be known for being aggressive because they took protective roles during raids and other examples of homophobic violence. The image of the butch lesbian became a negative stereotypes for lesbians as a whole, leaving out femme lesbians, who are (pretty insultingly) considered undetectable as lesbians due to their feminine presentation.
In modern times there’s less need for strict adherence to these roles; instead, they become heritage. A great deal of political rebellion is wrapped up in each individual aesthetic. Butch obviously involves rejecting classically feminine gender expectations, while femme fights against their derogatory connotations.
But while butch/femme has been a part of lesbian culture, these terms and identities are not exclusive to queer women. Many others in the LGBTQ community utilize these signifiers for themselves, including “butch queen” or “femme daddy.” Butch and femme have different meanings within queer subcultures, and it’s important to understand the reasons they were created and established.
The Etymology
The term “lesbian” derives from the island on which Sappho lived—if you didn’t already guess, she was a poet who wrote extensively about lady-lovin’. Before Lesbos lent its name to lesbians, the 1880s described attraction between women as Sapphism. In 1925, “lesbian” was officially recorded as the word for a female sodomite. (Ick.) Ten years before that, “bisexual” was defined as "attraction to both sexes."
In upcoming decades, Sapphic women would start tearing down the shrouds that obscured the lives of queer women for much of recorded history. Come the ‘40s and ‘50s, butch and femme were coined, putting names to the visual and behavioral expression that could be seen in pictures as early as 1903. So, yeah—Western Sapphic women popularized these terms, but the conversation doesn’t end there, nor did it start there.
Before femme emerged as its own entity, multiple etymological predecessors were used to describe gender nonconforming people. Femminiello was a non-derogatory Italian term that referred to a feminine person who was assigned male—this could be a trans woman, an effeminate gay man, or the general queering of binarist norms. En femme derives from French, and was used to describe cross-dressers.
Butch, first used in 1902 to mean "tough youth," has less recorded history. Considering how “fem” derivatives were popularized for assigned male folks, one might attribute this inequality to the holes in history where gender-defying assigned female folks ought to be.
The first time these concepts were used to specifically indicate women was the emergence of Sapphic visibility in twentieth century. This is the ground upon which Lesbian Exclusivism builds its tower, and the historical and scientific erasure of bisexual women is where it crumbles. Seriously, did we forget that was a thing?
The assumption that any woman who defies gender norms is automatically a lesbian relies on the perpetuation of misogynist, patriarchal stereotypes against bisexual women. A bisexual woman is just as likely to suffer in a marriage with a man, or else be mocked as an unlovable spinster. A woman who might potentially enjoy a man is not precluded from nonconformist gender expression. Many famous gender nonconforming women were bisexual—La Maupin (Julie d'Aubigny), for example.
Most records describing sexual and romantic attraction between women were written by men, and uphold male biases. What happens, then, when a woman is not as openly lascivious as the ones too undeniably bisexual to silence? Historically, if text or art depicts something the dominant culture at the time disagrees with, the evidence is destroyed. Without voices of the Sapphists themselves, it’s impossible to definitively draw a line between lesbians and bisexuals within Sapphic history.
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Beyond White Identities
Another massive hole in the Lesbian Exclusivist’s defenses lies in the creeping plague that is the Mainstream White Gay; it lurks insidiously, hauling along the mangled tatters of culture that was stolen from Queer and Trans People of Colour (QTPOC). In many documents, examples provided of Sapphic intimacy are almost always offered from the perspective of white cis women, leaving huge gaps where women of color, whether trans or cis, and nonbinary people were concerned. This is the case despite the fact that some of the themes we still celebrate as integral to queer culture were developed by Black and Latinx LGBTQ+ folk during the Harlem Renaissance, which spanned approximately from 1920 to 1935.
A question I can’t help but ask is: Where do queer Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color fit into the primarily white butch/femme narrative? Does it mean anything that the crackdown on Black queer folk seemed to coincide with the time period when mainstream lesbianism adopted butch and femme as identifiers?
Similar concepts to butch/femme exist throughout the modern Sapphic scene. Black women often identify as WLW (Women-Loving-Women), and use terms like “stud” and “aggressive femme.” Some Asian queer women use “tomboy” instead of butch. Derivatives and subcategories abound, sometimes intersecting with asexual and trans identities. “Stone butch” for dominant lesbians who don’t want to receive sexual stimulation; “hard femme” as a gender-inclusive, fat-positive, QTPOC-dominated political aesthetic; “futch” for the in-betweenies who embody both butch and femme vibes. These all center women and nonbinary Sapphics, but there’s still more.
Paris is Burning, a documentary filmed about New York City ball culture in the 1980s, describes butch queens among the colourful range of identities prevalent in that haven of QTPOC queerness. Despite having a traditionally masculine physique, the gay male butch queen did not stick to gender expectations from straight society or gay culture. Instead, he expertly twisted up his manly features with women’s clothing and accessories, creating a persona that was neither explicitly masculine nor feminine.
Butch Queens Up in Pumps, a book by Marlon M. Bailey, expounds upon their presence within inner city Detroit’s Ballroom scene, its cover featuring a muscular gay man in a business casual shirt paired with high heels. Despite this nuance, butch remains statically defined as a masculine queer woman, leaving men of color out of the conversation.
For many QTPOC, especially those who transcend binary gender roles, embracing the spirit of butch and femme is inextricable with their racial identity. Many dark-skinned people are negatively portrayed as aggressive and hypermasculine, which makes it critical to celebrate the radical softness that can accompany femme expressions. Similarly, the intrinsic queerness of butch allows some nonbinary people to embrace the values and aesthetics that make them feel empowered without identifying themselves as men.
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Butch, Femme, and Gender
It’s pretty clear to me that the voices leading the Lesbian Exclusive argument consistently fail to account for where butch and femme have always, in some form, represented diverse gender expression for all identities.
‘Butch’ and ‘femme’ began to die out in the 1970s when Second Wave Feminism and Lesbian Separatism came together to form a beautiful baby, whom they named “Gender Is Dead.” White, middle class cis women wrestled working class QTWOC out of the limelight, claiming that masculine gender expression was a perversion of lesbian identity. The assassination attempt was largely unsuccessful, however: use of these identifiers surged back to life in the ‘80s and ‘90s, now popularized outside of class and race barriers.
Looking at all this put together, I have to say that it’s a mystery to me why so many lesbians, primarily white, believe that their history should take precedence over… everyone else that makes up the spectrum of LGBTQ+ experiences, even bi/pan Sapphics in same-gender relationships. If someone truly believes that owning butch/femme is more important than uniting and protecting all members of the Sapphic community from the horrors of homophobic and gendered oppression, maybe they’re the one who shouldn’t be invited to the party.
As a nonbinary lesbian, I have experienced my share of time on the flogging-block. I empathize strongly with the queer folks being told that these cherished identities are not theirs to claim. Faced with this brutal, unnecessary battle, I value unity above all else. There’s no reason for poor trans women, nonbinary Black femmes, bisexual Asian toms, gay Latino drag queens, or any other marginalized and hurting person to be left out of the dialogue that is butch and femme, with all its wonderful deconstructions of mainstream heteronormative culture.
It is my Christmas wish that the Lesbian Exclusivist Tower is torn down before we open the new chapter in history that is 2018. Out of everything the LGBTQ+ community has to worry about already, petty infighting shouldn’t be entertained—especially when its historical foundation is so flimsy. Queering gender norms has always been the heart of butch/femme expression, and that belongs to all of us.
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ursae-minoris-world · 6 years
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So I’ve watched the Dragon Prince ! :D
Let me share a few impressions. I’m a bit out of it for Reasons so don’t expect this to be very articulated but...
- I knew as soon as I heard about this cartoon (when it was still in production) that it was the sort of universe I’d like, and I’m not disappointed ! I love the atmosphere and world building and I’m curious to learn more about this universe. It’s rather classic so far, but it has all the elements I enjoy ! And I’m sure they did get into interesting details and lore. You can feel from the start that there’s more to it.
A lot more under the cut (warning : spoilers !)
- I really enjoyed the characters ? All of them ? They’re all quite interesting and have distinct personalities and I find all of them likeable. I like how all of them interact, how their personalities are multifaceted ; you can see why they make the choices they make, whatever side they’re on. Viren is a bit of the exception as he seems a more classical Bad Guy but there are also plenty of hints that it’s more complicated than it seems, and I'm curious about his past and what made him take the road that he is (or seems to be) taking now.  I don’t really have a fav right now, although I do love Amaya very much. I hope we’ll see her again soon.
The main trio works well and I’ll enjoy following their adventures. I’m quite attached to Callum (even if he’s a bit typical for a main protagonist for that kind of stories ; he works for me ), I do enjoy Rayla’s personality a lot and am interested in her past as well as her internal conflicts. Ezran, I just read as... cute little brother. I’m waiting to see more of his development, so far he’s the one I’m the least interested in, as sweet as he is.
Claudia and Soren are interesting to me as well, they are already in a situation of moral conflict that I’m eager to watch the evolution of, and I like how they... sort of try to cheer each other up and to stick together through it. If conflict happens between them (and it’s not that unlikely) I’m going to be upset lol.
I’m very intrigued by Harrow and Viren and about that past they seem to share.
I’m both very worried for Runaan and very interested to know more about him. I liked him pretty much, he seemed actually protective of Rayla and that’s sweet. I want to know more about the moon elves in general.
I like Gren and I wonder what will happen to him.
I’m also curious of those who are not there : Callum and Ezran’s mom, Callum’s dad, Rayla’s parents...
...now at the same time, to be perfectly honest, I didn’t have the immediate connection with any character that I had to characters in Voltron, specially with Hunk, Shiro, and Keith (well passed my first impression for Keith, but still as soon as the first episode). The characters in Voltron feel a bit more...  real to me, while the tdp characters still read to me as characters - good, interesting, engaging characters, but still. Which is totally fine. Voltron is definitely more an exception than a rule for me, and I can count on one hand shows that had that effect on me. It’s probably not fair to compare both shows on that aspect, as they are very different and as my attachment to Voltron is definitely an outlier. It’s actually quite soothing to not be as emotionally invested this time lol.
- The story is pretty good and I’m definitely interested to see how it will play out, and I do want to also know more about the past and what led to the current situation, as it seems to be more complicated than we’re first told (obviously). I liked how they’re not afraid of complexity (there is more to the war than good guys fighting bad guys) and to get dark or scary. The pacing was effective too, it kept me engaged while not getting me overwhelmed (I do like to be occasionally overwhelmed lol, but hey, we’re pretty early in the story for that). There is some foreshadowing going on, and it works, but it’s almost too easy at times. It was pretty obvious that Ezran could talk to animals, for example. I guess here the foreshadowing is more meant for the general audience, including the kids, to catch, while in Voltron they are more like hints for the fans and not necessarily intended to be seen by everybody.
Occasionally I felt some situations were solved too easily. I found Rayla’s issue with her binding was solved a bit quickly and even if it does make sense... I’d have preferred she found a solution herself, rather than this. Same with her issues of being an assassin without a victim, it seems something too deep to be solved in just one conversation. But at the same time, I do expect it to bite her again when she’ll be confronted to the judgement of her peers, and when she’ll have to learn to understand better her parents’ situation...
Then again... this is the first season. In the first season of Steven Universe, I thought it was just a fun and goofy show where the characters would just be fighting monsters without much more being explained (and I was ok with it), while Steven would learn to master his powers. In the first season of Gravity Falls, I thought it’s just be fun supernatural summer adventures for the kids and I didn’t expect the story to go that deep nor to turn... how it turned. When I watched the first season of Voltron, I thought it would be a monster of the week kind of show with maybe some nice character development along the way. Here, the first season is already quite dark and complex, let’s not complain about things getting solved easily. It has room to become... well even more dark and complex, and there are definitely going to be issues that will take much more work to solve.
As for the style and animation, I do like the general style and charadesign. I’ll probably be tempted to draw fanart. The cast is quite diverse, although I would have liked maybe a little more diversity in body shapes as well. The 3d cell-shaded to look like 2d is...ok. I’ll get used to it. My reference for that is Renaissance and I find it worked better even if it’s much older (2006!). But then, they were going for a very different aesthetic. I’ve seen plenty people complain about the frame rate, which I’ve also read was an artistic choice to remind of hand drawn animation. It didn’t bother me that much, and I got used to it pretty quick. I think the style and animation are  likely to improve / change while the show keeps developing, too.
Other than that, I don’t have any ships at the moment. Which is pretty normal and my default to be honest. I just... don’t usually ship. The closest I could get was... Harrow and Viren, lol. Yeah, not the nicest dynamic right ? But they do seem to have been very close and have a quite passionate relationship (by witch I do mean both in good and bad ways). So I’m a bit curious about that. But I don’t really see them in a romantic light (or want to interpret / imagine them as such).
Other than that, maybe I will get more attached to a pair as the story develops... or maybe not.
TL; DR : I enjoyed the Dragon Prince and I’ll be sure to watch the next seasons. I think it’s already clear that it’s going to be a good, compelling story.
I feel we’re in a bit of a golden age for cartoons lately, with really good shows like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time (I personally couldn’t get into it, but from what I’ve heard there is a lot more to it than you see first), Trollhunters (I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ve heard a lot of good about it and definitely plan to), Voltron... I think it’s pretty clear already that the the Dragon Prince will be up there as well and will be remembered as part of that golden age.
I expect to enjoy it a lot, just like I loved Gravity Falls and still love Steven Universe. But I also know it’s not going to replace Voltron in my heart (and that’s a personal statement more than a judgement of quality).
There is a very special connection that I had immediately to Voltron, it’s universe and characters that isn’t here. And it’s quite normal, as Voltron is... very special to me somehow, despite of all it’s flaws.
So I’m likely to share Dragon Prince art, theories and so on, but I don’t think I’ll delve into it like I do with Voltron. I don’t feel the need to read all interviews, to invest time in listening podcasts and watch each convention panel and so on. Nor do I feel the need to read and even less write fanfictions, and I’m not tempted to write long metas or character analysis either. It might change as time passes and we get more seasons, and maybe fandom will tempt me but...right now it’s not the case.
On a more fandom related note, I was wondering a bit of what this blog would become after the end of Voltron, and if I’d have to look for Dragon Prince blogs, but it seems it’s all happening organically, as a lot of the blogs I follow are following tdp as well, which is nice ! :D
Aaaand last but not least : my tags for the dragon prince will be pretty much the ones I use for Voltron, but with tdp first (ex : tdp spoilers, tdp thoughts, tdp meta, etc).
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sydneytownsendx · 3 years
Assignment 5:part 2
After researching Jenny Saville and finding out that her main reason for drawing plus size women is for the amount of skin, I was inspired to have a go at sketching some of my own playing with different mediums.
For my first sketch, I used oil pastels to try to mimic the texture of skin. I found this piece difficult to work with as my sketch is on a4, I couldnt add the detail that I originally imagined. I struggled to add definition to the face and resulting in blending the different shades with each other rather then using my fingers.
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For my second sketch, I used a black charcoal stick and I love the way this turned out! Eventhough it’s black and white and most of Jenny’s artwork is in colour; I feel as though this sketch most related to Saville’s work. To lay down the layers of shadows, I used my finger to rub the pigment into the paper in order to create a more realistic illusion rather then having harsh stroke lines.
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As I loved how the charcoal turned out so much, I decided to use coloured conte sticks for my third sketch. I didn’t want to focus to much of my time on the bikini as I wanted to spend my time focusing on the skin like Saville. I used 4 different shade in my set and used my fingers to blend the colours together.
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For my fourth sketch, I used 5 different colour brush pens and coloured in from dark to light to create the gradient of the skin.
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As much as I do like my sketches above, I feel like they don’t really tell much of a story. This then led me to look at another artist Tracy Emin.
Tracey Emin Research point:
Tracey Emin’s expressive and visceral art is one of disclosure, dealing with personal experience and heightened states of emotion. Emin’s practice includes painting, drawing, film, photography, sewn appliqué, sculpture and neon, all of which are transformed into highly personalised mediums for her singular voice. Rather then drawing something that she’s fascinated by like Saville; Tracey creates through emotion and experiences that she has either been through or is going through in that moment of time. ‘Emin makes reference to her family, childhood, and chaotic teenage years growing up in the seaside town of Margate. Her relationships, pregnancies and abortions are recounted through drawings, photographs, found objects and videos in a manner that is neither tragic nor sentimental and which resonates deeply with the audience.’ https://whitecube.com/artists/artist/tracey_emin
The two paintings below are figure drawings from Tracey Emin. The first piece ‘Terribly wrong’ is a drawing showing the horror that she went through having an abortion in 1994 after splitting with her ex. “She exhibited drawings, together with documentation and remnants of the events of this disastrous week in Minky Manky at South London Gallery in 1995 under the collective title A Week From Hell.” The second image is a painting ‘They Held me down while he Fucked me 1976’, 2018 is a painting that shows the movement in her imagination of another tragic event that she went through. ‘When Emin was 13, her 14 year girlfriend and her 19 year old boyfriend held her down whilst the boyfriend’s mate raped her. They thought she needed to lose her virginity not knowing that she had been raped four months before.’ https://200-percent.com/tag/tracey-emin-they-held-me-down-while-he-fucked-me-1976/
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Seeing how these two artists create figurative work for two completely different reasons defiantly opened my eyes to show me that the experience of art really is different for everyone.
I then wanted to dig deeper into researching art throughout time and how the figure has changed to do with factors such as culture, propaganda and fashion.
As much as i wanted to be able to research art throughout time for all continents, i focused on researching about European, African and Asian art throughout time.
Art throughout time Europe:
“European art history began with early mobile anthropomorphic carvings in the Paleolithic era, as well as cave paintings reflecting the natural world. Europe took a distinct turn from other regions with the rise of the Greek empire, and Greek classical art and architecture influenced later European art for centuries. The Christian church influenced much of medieval art until the Renaissance, when a revival in classical ideas turned artistic attention to humanistic themes. Subsequent artistic movements were alternatively progressive and conservative, typically developing as reactions to previous movements.”
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In the 1400’s the renaissance period started. During the Renaissance period art was used as a religious tool to help people who could not read and write to understand the bible. Most artworks, particularly paintings, contained symbols or icons which held extra meaning. Some of the most recognizable Renaissance symbols were embedded in paintings by using imagery of animals, flowers, fruits and many other symbols. The use of color was used as well to give a certain meaning to paintings.
Colours: The symbolic meaning of the following colors is not directly related only to the Renaissance period. Their meaning has been rather universally accepted. Red denotes excitement and intensity, Pink stands for feelings of tenderness, Yellow symbolizes joy, happiness, optimism, Blue reflects peace, tranquility. Green represents nature and health, White stands for purity and cleanliness, Black represents power, sophistication formality and death.
Animals: Serpents and snakes indicate the reason for the fall of mankind or something evil, the Swan symbolized purity, Dogs had a double symbolism of fidelity and seductiveness, Rabbit was a symbol of purity and fertility, Birds had several meanings which represented sacrifice, resurrection, the soul, and death, Butterflies were indicative of resurrection, the Ox represented calmness strength and humility, Dragon stood for Satan or devil, Lion for the resurrection and also courage, Cats represented lust, desire, treason shrewdness and treachery, the White Horse was a symbol of victory, lamb stood for peace, and innocence, Unicorn was a symbol of purity and harmony, Wolf symbolized compassion,
Flowers: A red Carnation was a symbol of love and pink carnations, symbol of marriage, a white Lily was the flower used as the emblem of the Virgin, Orchids represented jealousy and deceit, Rose symbolized the Virgin Mary, the meaning of Tulips was wealth and prosperity, a Lily represented purity, virginity, the Iris represented spring, the Lavender was desire and the Dandelion was a symbol of innocence.
Fruits: The Pomegranate stood for desire and eternal life, the Apple represented evil as in the forbidden fruit of Adam and Eve, a Pear meant marital faith. The Strawberry stood for harmony. Peaches symbolized virtue and honor. A rotting or half-eaten peach symbolized an immoral woman who has tarnished her reputation. Orange was the symbol of free will, the Lemon was symbolic of a bitter heart or a sour disposition. Grapes signified lewdness and lustful thoughts.
Other symbols: A depicted Garden represented paradise, Key stood for many things mainly access to heaven or knowledge, the Mirror had many symbolic meanings such as prudence, clarity, and fidelity or vanity and introspective nature, also truth and objectivity by reflecting a precise image, the Boat mainly associated with Christian symbols, was symbolic means of transport along a spiritual path, an Open book as expected, signified education or knowledge, the Lute was symbolic of a romantic love, the Hourglass symbolized the passing of time, Bells were a sign of clarity and transparency, a Sword and arrows were martyrdom, Trees represent spiritual nourishment, triumph over temptation.
The renaissance period produce innovated thinkers and artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. Art during this time is known for its realistic scenery, linear perspective and its innovative light and dark shadowing.
Italys intermingling of maths, science and art led to the discovery of perspective in the arts. Perspective was an achievement that allowed new space to be configured in a painting and meant that images were now mathematically accurate with dimention and depth. This meant that art started to appear 3D rather then 2D. Two examples of this are shown below.
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The painting above is ‘The Coronation of the Virgin by Agnolo Gaddi’. Eventhough the painting is extremely detailed with a great vibrancy of colour; the lack of linear perspective makes the painting appear 2D. This painting is believed to have been painted around 1370 which was just before the idea of perspective really got explored.
A great example showing perspective during the Renaissance is ‘The school of Athens by Rafael’ painted in 1508. As you can see in the painting below; the piece appears 3D and as if the canvas is literally protruding backwards with the room. After comparing the two, its safe to say that from 1370-1500’s; the fashion didn’t change much but the skill and knowledge behind a painting dramatically changed.
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During the Renaissance period, the church was one of the most powerful and wealthiest institutions in Italy. This meant that church’s were able to commission artists to create sculptures and architecture. Christian saints were painted and sculpted to replace the Byzantine mosaics and murals. Artists began incorporating and fusing the Christian iconography with the Greek and Roman symbols and imagery.
Another factor which influenced artists during this period was the Medici family. ‘The House of Medici was an Italian banking family and political dynasty that first began to gather prominence under Cosimo de' Medici in the Republic of Florence during the first half of the 15th century.’ The Medici needed images, particularly portraits, to establish their power. They used portraits as a propaganda weapon. Artists would use the symbolism as mentioned above to get across the message that the family wanted. The portrait below of ‘Eleanor of Toledo painted by Agnolo di Cosimo (also known as Bronzino) shows the use of symbolism very well. ‘The portrait is of Eleanor of Toledo with her son Giovanni in 1545. It is considered to be the first state portrait to depict a rulers wife with his heir. The painting was made to demonstrate the wealth, domesticity and the continuity of the Medici family.’
The first colour that hit me while studying this picture was the royal blue background surrounded by the black shadows. Blue represents peace and tranquility while black represents power and sophistication in this case. Eleanor is also draped in a black, white and yellow patterned dress which is showing how she herself is powerful, sophisticated, happy, optimistic with purity and cleanliness. Eleanors infant child is dressed in mainly blue with a golden shimmer with white frills insisting that he is also peaceful, happy and pure. Both Eleanor and her son have very pale white skin with a blush of pink on their cheeks. Not only would white skin represent purity and cleanliness but it also screamed wealth. In the past, most people of European decent worked outdoors, so only those who were rich enough to stay inside were pale. Paleness was exclusive, and therefore fashionable. The blush of pink on their cheeks creates a feeling of tenderness and kindness. In total the propaganda painting below screams that the family are full of harmonious and power and wealth.
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topfygad · 4 years
The top 10 luxury hotels in Venice, Italy [as ranked by a hotel expert]
Venice is probably the most romantic city in the world. It’s the perfect place to propose or have a very romantic holiday. This is the reason why many tourists want to add a little extra to their trip and plan to stay at one of the many luxury hotels in Venice. But which one is the best? And which offers the best value?
I have been to the beautiful lagoon city many times and probably seen all the tourist attractions in Venice three times over. I have also been visiting the top luxury resorts in the world for more than 30 years. So, with all that experience, I compiled this list of my favorite luxury hotels in Venice for you.
I ranked it according to my personal preferences, but I also added all the pros and cons of each hotel so you can form your own opinion. Whether you like two swim in a pool after a long day exploring Venice or want to sleep in an authentic palazzo, I’m sure you will find some good inspiration here.
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There are three important things I would like to point out ahead. It’s possible to dine at most of the hotels I listed below. So, if you just want to see the lobby or enjoy the view from the rooftop, it can be a viable alternative to staying there.
And secondly: Venice is a very densely populated city. Hotel rooms are considerably smaller here than in other places around the world, and perhaps also a bit more expensive. BUT some hotels are almost 50% cheaper in the low season (February, March, November). So, it’s possible to find a good bargain as well.
Apart from the ranking, I also provided a direct link to booking.com for each hotel. That’s where I always book my short stays and over the years I just found them to be the cheapest overall (besides they’d match any cheaper price). For longer stays (4+ days), I’d recommend using a travel agent because they usually will be able to get you some nice perks.
Note: I earn a small commission for purchases made through links in this article.
The best luxury hotels in Venice
1. Aman Venice (11/10)
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The main restaurant of Aman Venice
My personal favorite hotel in the city is by far the Aman Venice. It’s located in an ancient 16th-century palazzo. Staying here really feels like you were part of the Venetian aristocracy for a day or two. The amazing ballroom on the first floor is nothing short of spectacular.
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The Aman Venice hotel
It is also the only hotel in the inner city with a big garden terrace and has by far the biggest entry-level rooms. In fact, with 45-77m² the lowest category at Aman Venice is still bigger than most of the biggest suites at all the other luxury hotels. I loved the mix between contemporary design and original frescos by Tiepolo and other famous artists.
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The main staircase of Aman Venice
This is the perfect hotel if you want to immerse yourself in the history of the city. You’ll find it very close to the Rialto Bridge (5 minutes away), so it’s also perfect for exploring both parts of Venice. I gave it 11 out of 10 possible points because it truly exceeds your expectations.
You can read my detailed review of Aman Venice here
Beautiful authentic Venetian Palazzo
biggest rooms in the city
only 24 rooms & very quiet hotel
amazing views of the Grand Canal
Spotless service and very refined modern luxury
the perfect mix between Renaissance art & contemporary design.
The most expensive hotel in Venice;
no pool (but there is a little spa & gym)
just one restaurant and one bar
2. Gritti Palace (9/10)
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The Gritti Palace hotel
The Gritti Palace hotel opened in 1895 and has been a Venetian landmark ever since. The website states “it’s a place of exceptional art and elegance with a homely feel” and there is little else to add. If you want to live like royalty and be treated like it, then this is your place
A lot of the big suites have a direct view of the Grand Canal and they are quite spectacular. Mind you, it’s all very plush and golden, but I didn’t feel the interiors of the 15th-century palazzo were dusty. It’s very classic, to be sure, but beautiful nonetheless. It is now run by Mariott.
Direct link to booking.com for the Gritti Palace
Inside an authentic Venetian Palazzo
Beautiful restaurant terrace on the Canal Grande
amazing signature suites with direct Canal grande view
very central (5min to St Mark’s Square)
Quite expensive,
no pool (but there is a little spa & gym)
3. Hotel Danieli (8/10)
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The Danieli luxury hotel (orange) right next to the Doge’s Palace
If you’d rank the top luxury hotels in Venice according to their popularity on social media, then the Hotel Danieli would certainly come out first. The lobby of the historic hotel has been featured so often it could be considered a landmark in itself.
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The iconic lobby of the Hotel Danieli
The rooms are pure opulent Venetian style, though quite a lot of them are located in the modern annex of the hotel. I personally always felt it is a bit touristy, but there is no denying it’s beautiful.
Here’s a direct link to booking.com for Hotel Danieli
amazing location; directly next to the Doge’s Palace
beautiful public areas
local hotel with a lot of tradition
wonderful rooftop terrace
somewhat small rooms & big hotel
not all rooms are in the old palazzo
no pool
4. Belmond Cipriani (10/10)
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The Belmond Cipriani (on the left around the pool) as seen from San Giorgio Maggiore
The hotel Cipriani on the island of Guidecca is also one of the extremely famous luxury hotels in Venice. Starting from the 1970ies, the biggest movie stars and celebrities all stayed here. It is the place where Bellini cocktail was invented and the place exudes La Dolce Vita from every pore.
It also happens to be the only luxury hotel in Venice with a big pool. After a day exploring the city, could you think of something better than relaxing an hour or two at the pool? The rooms are quite big and posh, the restaurants ambitious, the service flawless, and you’ll find everything here you’d expect from a classic luxury hotel.
Book the Belmond Cipriani on booking.com
huge garden and pool
authentic modern luxury
flawless service and classic design
located on Guidecca & have to take a water taxi to see the city
a modern hotel without a historic context
quite expensive
No view of Venice from most rooms
5. Bauer Palazzo (6/10)
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The Bauer Palazzo and the new annex (in the shadows)
If you are looking for a hotel that offers pure and classic Venetian design, then the Bauer Palazzo is a good choice. There are stucco, gold, silk, and crystals everywhere you look and most rooms share this rather opulent design. St. Mark’s square is just around the corner and some big suites even have a nice view of the Grand Canal.
Back in the 1980ies it was one of THE top hotels in Venice, but I do feel they are losing ground a bit. On a more positive note, the hotel is also considerably cheaper than the adjacent Gritti Palace, even though the rooms are just as big.
Book the Bauer Palazzo directly on booking.com
reasonable prices
house with lots of tradition in a good location
pure Venetian design (lots of gold, silk, crystal, etc)
small but nice terrace
good location
the new part of the hotel is quite ug..i mean interesting
Service not as over the top as in other luxury hotels in Venice
no pool or garden
6. JW Marriott Venice (6/10)
If you’d ask me about the most exciting hotel openings in Venice in the past years, then I’d blurt out JW Marriott Venice faster than you could count to one. You see, space is incredibly limited in the inner city and most of the exciting houses are centuries old making it hard to make adjustments according to the needs of modern luxury hotels.
Marriott found a beautiful property on the Isola delle Rose and developed it into a new hotel with a lovely pool and big rooms. Prices are quite fair and there is a huge park around the hotel. It does take 20 to 25 minutes to get to St. Mark’s Square by boat though. But if you plan to stay a couple of more days in summer, I’m sure this is a lovely alternative.
In terms of pure luxury, it has to be noted that it’s not en par with the Aman the Belmond or the Danieli. The furniture is slightly less opulent, the service a tiny bit less extravagant, but so is the price.
Book the JW Marriott Venice directly on booking.com
beautiful new property with a lovely pool
considerably less expensive
new hotel (opened 2015)
very far away from the city
less over the top than the other hotels on this list
7. St. Regis Venice (9/10)
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The St. Regis Venice (the two creamybuildings between the garden belong to the hotel)
St. Regis has been a household name among luxury connoisseurs for ages. Their signature butler service and their luxurious classic design sure make the choice hard. The hotel only opened in 2019 and they basically took over the former Westing Europe & Regina hotel.
It’s a beautiful location, nonetheless and only takes 5 minutes to St. Mark’s square. I feel if you are looking for a luxury hotel in Venice with a very contemporary design and first-class service, then this would be your hotel. You won’t even find the smallest bit of Venetian kitsch, which can be a bit overwhelming. And those terrace suites above the Grand Canal are unrivaled in Venice (u won’t find them like that in any other hotel).
Book the St. Regis Venice directly on booking.com
suites with amazing Grand Canal view terraces
beautiful location right across San Maria della Salute
new hotel with butler service
beautiful garden & grand canal terrace
rather competitive prices
no a historic property & standard contemporary design
no pool (just a small gym)
8. San Clemente Palace Kempinski (8/10)
A luxury hotel in Venice that is currently still under the radar? That would be the beautiful Kempinski property on San Clemente Island. My father raves about it constantly and cannot understand why I absolutely want to stay in the city.
Well, there is no denying the hotel is beautiful, quiet, has a big garden, and a big pool. But of course, it also takes like 15 minutes by boat to get to St. Mark’s Square. Still, Kempinski is one of the luxury hotel chains in Europe and their hotel in Venice really benefits from all their experience. If I’d plan a wedding (or big party) and the Cipriani was too expensive, then I’d pick the San Clemente Palace Kempinski. the big park is just ideal and there is a chapel!
Book the San Clemente Palace Kempinski on booking.com
beautiful pool and park on a private Island
Member of the Leading Hotels of the World
historic property with its own chapel
competitive prices & good value
need to take the water taxi (15min) to get to the city
Quite the big hotel (196 rooms)
9. Baglioni Hotel Luna (7/10)
If you love luxury hotels then you certainly heard of the Leading Hotel of the World. The Baglioni is part of the illustrious register and certainly lives up to its status. There’s an ever so slight modern twist on classic Venetian design and the location right behind the Royal Gardens is just fantastic for exploring the inner city.
Book the Baglioni Hotel Luna on booking.com
excellent location
competitive price & nice value
traditional Venetian design (but not too oppulent=
most rooms don’t have a nice view
no garden terrace or lagoon view restaurant
10. Hotel Metropole (6/10)
I am a bit reluctant to mention the Hotel Metropole on this list. Why? Because unlike all the other hotels on this list there is nothing truly unique about it. The design is very opulent, the location on the Venetian waterfront is quite nice and the rooms are well-appointed.
At the same time, there is no big ballroom or rooftop-terrace. No rooms with an outstanding view or historic details. As far as luxury hotels go, this is “only” a charming small hotel with a good standard and a good location. I also feel, you get a bit more value at the St. Regis or the Danieli for almost the same price.
Here’s a direct link to booking.com for the Hotel Metropole
good location (5 minutes to Doge’s Palace)
opulent Venetian design
no rooms with beautiful views
no pool or garden terrace
comparative small entry-level rooms
Other luxury hotels in Venice, Italy
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A restaurant near the Rialto Bridge
Of course, there are plenty of other fantastic 5 star hotels in Venice. Even though I generally don’t like them at all, the Hilton Molino Stucky could be a very good alternative if you want to find a good bargain (and that rooftop pool is a-mazing!)
But in terms of the top luxury hotels, this list is quite complete. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some nice 4 or 3 star hotels in the city. But as budget travel is not exactly my personal focus, you’d probably have to ask somebody else.
In a way, you could say that spending 500 USD or more a night in Venice is a waste of time. After all, you are spending most of your day exploring the city. While that may (or may not) be true, I also feel a hotel can be so much more than just a bed. If you are eating your breakfast in a ballroom that is almost as old and opulent as the Doge’s Palace you added so much more depth to your stay. But maybe that’s just me?
One thing, you certainly shouldn’t fuss too much around is the location. A lot of luxury hotels are close to St. Mark’s Square, but as you are probably planning to explore the whole city, it doesn’t matter all much where you start. Plus a water taxi/bus can get you anywhere in no time. So, if you are wondering where to stay in Venice – just pick what appeals the most to you!
Further reads:
Anyways, that was my list of the top luxury hotels in Venice, Italy. Got any questions? Feel free to comment below!
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from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/33dNcMR via IFTTT
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insideanairport · 5 years
Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra” (part II/II)
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Iran between Zoroaster (زرتشت) and Islam
Last Thursday night (June 20th), Trump approved an attack on Iran after a US drone was shot down, yet he suddenly changed his mind and pulled back from the attack. (5) While Trump almost attacked Iran and started a new area of war and misery in the world, Iranians inside Iran and around the world are frightened by this escalation. Today, Iran’s Jewish community is the largest in the Mideast outside Israel – and feels safe and respected. (6) 
Iranians in the diaspora have a variety of ethnicities, languages, religions, and political views but with different intensities, they all share the common Iranian-something else identity. There are many different political oppositions to the current Islamic Republic which in itself is one of the most straight-forward opponents of the United States hegemony and its imperial projects. Politically, Iranian Left has a wide spectrum; from the ultra-radical MEK which is supported by no one else but John Bolton, to Tudeh Party of Iran. Iranian right-wing opposition has also a wide gamut from ultra-right nationalists such as Persian Renaissance, Jason Reza Jorjani who hangs out with American white-supremacists Richard Spencer, to the good old monarchists, and of course the recent infamous Mohamad Tawhidi a fake Muslim cleric educated in Iran who is now a hero for the white-nationalists and Islamophobes. (7) (8)
Iranian nationalists see themselves as Caucasian or white. This might be in part due to the fact that etymologically the word Iran means “land of Aryans”. The Avestan name Airiianəm vaējō "Aryan expanse", is a reference in the Zoroastrian Avesta (Vendidad, Fargard 1) to the Aryans’ mother country and one of Ahura Mazda's "sixteen perfect lands". (9) Before the Islamic Revolution of 1978, Shah of Iran was seeing himself as a descendant of the great ancient Persian kings. In 1971, Shah decided to organize a huge event on the 2500-Year Celebration of Persian Empire (officially known as the 2500th year of Foundation of Imperial State of Iran). Many historians argue that this event resulted in the Iranian Revolution and eventual replacement of the Persian monarchy with the Islamic Republic. If you fancy watching some part of the event, there is good propaganda video narrated by Orsen Welles. 
Before the Shah, for a short period, Iran had a cozy democracy in 1951-1952. Iran democratically elected its 25th prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh (محمد مصدق‎), who was a supporter of secular democracy and resistance to foreign domination. He nationalized the Iranian oil for the first time in 1951. The oil industry had been built by the British on Persian lands since 1913 through the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC/AIOC -later British Petroleum and BP). Mosaddegh’s government was overthrown in a coup d'état (28 Mordad 1332) orchestrated by the United States' CIA and the United Kingdom's MI6. (10)
Nietzsche and Postmodernism
Zoroaster [Zarathustra as its older form] was the ancient Persian prophet who lived in Iran at some point between 1500 BCE - 1000 BCE. Nietzsche chose the older version of Zoroaster’s name “Zarathustra”. Before publishing the book, Nietzsche included the first paragraph of Zarathustra’s prologue in his previous book Joyous Science (1882). There are two differences between this paragraph and the opening in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. (1) The title Incipit Tragoedia [tragedy begins] and (2) in Joyous Science the lake of Zarathustra’s home is mentioned as “lake Urmi” [today’s lake Urmia] compare to the prologue in Thus Spoke Zarathustra where the name of the lake is left out. We know that the real birthplace of Zoroaster is uncertain. (11)
Nietzsche’s anti-Christian and anti-majoritarian views (it's reversals of Christian morality and values) are picked up by white feminists and queer theorists for obvious reasons. As Michael Hardt wrote in the forward for Deleuze’s "Nietzsche and Philosophy”, postmodernists didn’t just use these concepts to get away from the dominant French Philosophical establishment of ’50s and ’60s but they were also genuinely interested in Nietzsche’s anti-universalities views.
Although very similar in methodology, there are some differences between the Nietzschean concept of solitude (which is very predominant in this work) and postcolonial marginalization and anxiety. Words such as "happiness” and “joy” has a distinctive meaning for Nietzsche which wasn’t unpacked in this book but was the main topic of his previous book Joyous Science (1882). Nietzschean Dionysius is more tonal in this book rather than descriptive and maybe has giving its chair to the bigger umbrella of Eternal Return as the "fundamental conception" of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. (-Ecce Homo, 1888)
Importance of writing as an activist
“Of all that is written I love only that which is written with blood. Write with blood: and you will discover that blood is spirit. It is not easy to understand the blood of another: I hate the reading idler. He who knows the reader does nothing further for the reader. Another century of readers – and spirit itself will stink. That everyone is allowed to learn to read will in the long run ruin not only writing but thinking, too. Once spirit was God, then it became man, and now it is even becoming mob[populace].”
At the end of chapter 4 in Joyous Science, Nietzsche inserted the opening of the Zarathustra’s prologue. He is making his readers ready for a transformation. For understanding Thus Spoke Zarathustra, it is essential for the reader to read Joyous Science first. Nietzsche wants to prepare his readers for his philosophy, so in a way, he is selective about who is he talking to.
“We not only want to be understood when we write, but also just as surely not to be understood. It is by no means an objection to a book that someone finds it unintelligible: perhaps this was precisely the author’s intention – perhaps he did not want to be understood by ‘just anyone’. Every individual with a distinguished intellect and sense of taste, when he wishes to communicate himself, always selects his listeners; by selecting them, he simultaneously excludes ‘the others’. All the subtler laws of style have their origin here; they simultaneously ward off, create distance and forbid ‘entrance’ (or intelligibility, as I have said) – while allowing the words to be heard by those whose sense of hearing resembles the author’s. And between ourselves, may I say that, in my own case, I do not want my ignorance or the vivacity of my temperament to prevent me from being understandable to you, my friends; certainly not the vivacity, however much it may compel me to come to grips with a thing quickly, in order to come to grips with it at all. (The Joyous Science - Book V, 381 On the Question of Intelligibility”)
Anti-Nietzsche writers
Anti-Nietzsche writers usually refer only to Nietzsche’s text from his early period (before the break with Wenger) without taking his later works into consideration. Taking his works out of context is a sign of dismissal of his philosophy and art. Nietzsche met Wagner at the home of Hermann Brockhaus an Orientalist who was married to Wagner’s sister, Ottilie. Brockhaus was himself a specialist in Sanskrit and Persian whose publications included an edition of the Vendidad Sade—a text of the Zoroastrian religion. (12) It was only after the publication of “Richard Wagner in Bayreuth” that he realized who Wagner really was (an anti-Semitic coward). After completion of “Human, All-Too-Human” (1878) and continuation of his friendship with Jewish philosopher Paul Rée, Nietzsche ends his friendship with Wagner, who comes under attack in a thinly-disguised characterization of “the artist”. (12)
“Nietzsche had long hymned the sublime power that Wagner’s music exercised over his senses but now he realised how it robbed him of his free will. The realisation filled him with a growing resentment against the delirious, befogging metaphysical seduction that once had seemed like the highest redemption of life. Now he saw Wagner as a terrible danger, and his own devotion to him as reeking of a nihilist flight from the world. He criticised Wagner for being a romantic histrionic, a spurious tyrant, a sensual manipulator. Wagner’s music had shattered his nerves and ruined his health; Wagner was surely not a composer, but a disease?” 
(Sue Prideaux, “I Am Dynamite!: A Life of Nietzsche”)
To even start talking about Heidegger and Nietzschean metaphysics, is to miss-read Nietzsche, just as taking "Will To Power” as something that Nietzsche actually published is wrong. Will to Power was never meant to be a book, it was put together by Nietzsche’s Nazi sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche and Heinrich Köselitz. They have selected, added and subtracted parts to Nietzsche’s notes in order to compile a book that is accessible to their average readers. (See Will to Power introduction by R. Kevin Hill, Penguin Classics 2017). Sue Prideaux described this perfectly in Nietzsche’s biography "I Am Dynamite!: A Life of Friedrich Nietzsche”. And Carol Diethe’s wrote a biography on Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche which gives us more insight into her proto-Fascist mentality.
The Will to Power book, did everything that Nazis wanted, hugely swerving from Nietzsche’s philosophy, the book starts with "European nihilism" and ends with the forceful sentence “This world is the will to power – and nothing besides! And even you yourselves are this will to power – and nothing besides!”. No other philosophy could do better justice to the Nazi cause than this fabricated assemblage.
Majority of Nietzsche’s work can be hijacked by ultra-right and the new alt-right, expect his fundamental critic of Christianity which is at the heart of his philosophy. Fascist and racist white writers such as Jordan Peterson, Oscar Levy (who wrote the introduction to Untimely mediation in 1909 and according to Walter Kaufmann, forged a fake autobiography of Nietzsche titled “My Sister and I”), Richard Spencer and others have tried to utilize Nietzsche in their hatred of brown and black peoples, religious minorities, Muslims and Jews, Queer people, and liberals. (13)  
Methodologically, Nietzsche doesn’t throw away, archaic classical concepts such as; nobility, civilization, and barbarism, he appropriates and instrumentalizes them for his philosophical end. He didn’t have everything perfect, after all, we are talking about a dude who lived his mature period 140 years ago and was using a “writing ball” to type. (14) He has comical and outdated stuff as well. His rejection of vegetarianism is one of them.
Who is living in Nietzsche’s world
It seems to me the worst thing that we can do when reading Nietzsche is to put his philosophy into a functionalist and majoritarian (national) use. He argues in Joyous Science concerning consciousness (which he perceives as a communal category rather than an individual one):
“the growth of consciousness is dangerous, and whoever lives among the most conscious Europeans even knows that it is a disease. As one might have guessed, it is not the antithesis of subject and object which concerns me here; I leave that distinction to the epistemologists who have remained entangled in the snares of grammar (the metaphysics of the people). Even less is it the antithesis of the ‘thing in itself’ and the phenomenon; for we do not ‘know’ enough to be entitled to make such a distinction. We have absolutely no organ for knowledge, for ‘truth’; we ‘know’ (or believe, or imagine) exactly as much as may be useful to us, exactly as much as promotes the interests of the human herd or species; and even what is called ‘useful’ here is ultimately only what we believe to be useful, what we imagine to be useful, but perhaps is precisely the most fatal stupidity which will some day lead to our destruction.”
Nietzsche’s critique of European Universalism and Western Humanism is still valid and timely, yet if we stay within the hegemonic “white domain“ (White-main) our theoretical understanding of Nietzsche, will be centered somewhere between the Alt-right racism, white phenomenology, European Modernist and localists, Silicon Valley accelerationism and Nick Land (which is equally racist). The only way to get out of this binary is to step out of White-main and find Nietzsche in between the lines of the second-generation non-European Nietzsche intellectuals (Fanon, Derrida, Aimé Césaire, Muhammad Iqbal, Ali Shariati) and the third-generation intellectuals (Spivak, Bhabha). At this time in history, Europeans can’t (and shouldn’t) any longer teach or perpetuate Nietzsche’s philosophy for any end. Not for Germany, not for any other white-majority nation. This is simply because they are already living in Nietzsche’s post-God reality.
1. NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH and HOLLINGDALE, R. J. . Ecce Homo. s.l. : PENGUIN BOOKS, 2004. 9780141921730. 2. Sandis, Constantine. Nietzsche’s Dance With Zarathustra . philosophy now. [Online] 2012. https://philosophynow.org/issues/93/Nietzsches_Dance_With_Zarathustra. 3. Ashouri, Daryoush. Nietzsche and Persia. http://www.iranicaonline.org. [Online] July 20, 2003. http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/nietzsche-and-persia. 4. Nietzsche, Friedrich. the joyous science . s.l. : Penguin Classics, 2018. 5. Michael D. Shear, Eric Schmitt, Michael Crowley and Maggie Haberman. Strikes on Iran Approved by Trump, Then Abruptly Pulled Back. nytimes.com. [Online] June 20, 2019 . https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/20/world/middleeast/iran-us-drone.html. 6. Hjelmgaard, Kim. Iran’s Jewish community is the largest in the Mideast outside Israel – and feels safe and respected. msn. [Online] 8 29, 2018. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/iran%E2%80%99s-jewish-community-is-the-largest-in-the-mideast-outside-israel-%E2%80%93-and-feels-safe-and-respected/ss-BBMAVgX. 7. Mackey, Robert. How a Fringe Muslim Cleric From Australia Became a Hero to America’s Far Right. theintercept.com. [Online] June 25, 2019. https://theintercept.com/2019/06/25/mohamad-tawhidi-far-right/?fbclid=IwAR25hr0TV8w0erffRrGhccVkC5G0KFwjR3y7tM7n2j-4nx4pp_b5PssuFzo. 8. Schaeffer, Carol. ALT FIGHT Jason Jorjani Fancied Himself an Intellectual Leader of a White Supremacist Movement — Then It Came Crashing Down. theintercept.com. [Online] March 18 , 2018. https://theintercept.com/2018/03/18/alt-right-jason-jorjani/. 9. ĒRĀN-WĒZ . Encyclopedia Iranica. [Online] http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/eran-wez. 10. Kinzer, Stephen. All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror . s.l. : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. 11. Nietzsche, Friedrich. Joyous Science. s.l. : Penguin Calssics, 2018. 12. Wicks, Robert. Nietzsche’s Life and Works. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [Online] 2018. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nietzsche-life-works/. 13. Illing, Sean. The alt-right is drunk on bad readings of Nietzsche. The Nazis were too. www.vox.com. [Online] Dec 30, 2018. https://www.vox.com/2017/8/17/16140846/alt-right-nietzsche-richard-spencer-nazism. 14. Herbst, Felix. Nietzsche’s Writing Ball (Video). felixherbst.de. [Online] https://vimeo.com/43124993.
(Part II/II)
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all of them
((I’m guessing you mean the mun thing because I didn’t reblog anything else and if not and you’re just sending all of them out of context then wh o o boi I just put myself through An Ordeal for nothing.
☯ Is there a muse you’ve always wanted to play?
Yes! Nepeta!!!! I’ve always wanted to play her but I don’t have the confidence because I lack proper grasp of her character.
♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?
Ooo yes definitely. Beloved, for one, has the most amazing prose I have ever seen. I’ve learned a lot from their writing and I still aspire to someday be able to write something as breathtaking as their works. Quenive as well has spectacular writing and their stories and dialogue flow so well and j u st ohmy g od.
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
Definitely. I would say it was all of the people I’ve roleplayed with before that allowed me to develop Hal so much. The people in my old group chat definitely helped me flesh out different aspects of Hal that I could play (ie: sadist demon while still managing to be an angsty know-it-all) and the spontaneous connections on parp really helped me figure out how to play Hal in stupid situations while still keeping him ic.
♥ What’s your favorite ship with your muse?
Ha ha h a,,h,a,,,,wh ee zes
♡ Would you ever write a poly ship?
If anyone were actually interested in writing a poly ship with me, then yes definitely.
♦ What’s an AU that you’ve always wanted?
Oh boi there are just s o  m a n y. That one godstuck au maybe. That would be fun to play out. Also the generic vampire aus I am weak for them. There’s also the au’s I’ve made that would be fun to play out but they’re difficult to explain. Merstuck au’s are also amongst the favorites to play along with dragon rider au’s I love me my fantasy genre. Whoops that was more than one but listen ok I want a lot of AU’s.
♢ What’s an AU that you think just won’t work with your muse?
Hmmm I’m not sure. I can’t think of any at the top of my head but any AU that revolves around Jake probably wouldn’t work well with Hal.
♔ What’s your opinion on teacher/student verses? Do you have any of these as threads?
I’m not personally a fan of them and I can’t say I see the appeal but if that’s what rocks another person’s boat then I’m not going to be the one hating on them. As of the moment I don’t have any as threads.
♕ Do you like magic!anons? Why or why not?
Yes!! They’re a lot of fun and I always think throwing the unexpected at my muses is the greatest thing ever. 
⚜ What is the best time to write for you? Why?
Late afternoon or evening because that’s the time I’m awake and Functional and have actually thought of Creative ideas to write.
★ What type of historical AU would you like to do one day?
Maybe something based on the Renaissance period? Or the classic medieval period. Ancient Greece would also be fun to play out.
☆ What type of fantasy AU would you like to do one day?
There are many. Just, anything that is fantasy I probably want to do it. I’ve never really tried the whole AU with the fae/faeries so perhaps that would be fun to look into.
☄ Do you think your muse would have liked going to high school sports games? Do you or did you go to high school sports games?
Nope, he wouldn’t be interested in the actual sport. Going to see hot guys though? Definitely. I don’t generally go on a day to day basis because I understand like nothing. If a friend wanted me to go or a teacher was giving extra credit for me to then yeah I’d go.
☾ Do you like writing smut? Why or why not?
I have actually never written smut so I can’t really say. I think it’d be difficult for me to having had no experience whatsoever with anything relating to smut.
☽ Do you like writing angst? Why or why not?
Yes and no. Yes because I love to make my muse suffer and it’s great and fun to throw Tragic headcanons to my rp partner and to watch them suffer(not really) a well. No because,, I am a simple person,, who wants my muses to be happy,, and roleplaying angst fucking h u r t s.
☼ What’s an FC that you’re dying to use? Why?
Uhhhh???? I don’t really have one of a Real Life Person but I pretty much draw my own interpretations of Hal so? That probably counts maybe. 
☀ What’s an FC that you desperately want to play with? Why?
See above.
☁ What’s an FC that you refuse to play with? Why?
See also above. 
☂ How does your muse spend a rainy day? How do you spend a rainy day?
Napping against the window sill lulled to sleep by the gentle patter of rain falling upon the glass is how he spends a rainy day. I, on the other hand, spend it indoors on my laptop like I do every single day.
☃ If your muse was cartoonized, what would their FC be? Why?
☺ What’s a character that you desperately want your muse to play with? Why?
Any of the robots. Literally any. I hardly ever get interactions with any of the robots it’s kind of sad.
☹ What’s a character that you refuse to play with? Why?
There aren’t any I would refuse to play with but there are some that I prefer to not interact with. This is due to the fact that either I or my muse or both dislikes the character and roleplaying with them would actually require more effort on my part.
☢ Are there any ships that you would like to write for one day? Any that you wouldn’t?
There are definitely ships I would like to write for one day because I’m a sucker for that really. There are also ships I wouldn’t but I’m not going to get into that because I don’t want to be involved in The Discourse.
☣ What’s one thing that will make you drop a thread?
If a mun godmodded my character or forced their character onto mine, probably.
♨ What’s a muse that you wished had lasted, but didn’t?
Mmm can’t really say I have one. All of my main muses stuck with me. I guess there were my OC’s that I used to rp with my friends but it’s not that much. I do wish that my friends and I could have lasted in rping with each other tho.
❀ Do you like reblog karma? Why or why not?
Assuming I have the correct definition of reblog karma, yes. It’s nice because it’s like a win win scenario. Everyone gets asks in their inbox and it’s kind of just polite y’know? Like a tip of the head “I see you like this rp meme just as I do so I’ll send you something so we both can enjoy it.”
✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?
Nnoot really? I have my own drawings of how I depict myself through my art if that counts.
♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What’s one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
Sometimes but not really. He doesn’t listen to music for inspiration, more of to fill the gaps of silence that occasionally settle in. Gasoline definitely reminds me of Hal. Definitely.
✂ Do you like to format your posts? Why or why not?
I like when other people do because it’s aesthetically pleasing and it’s so nice and spiffy. I, personally, don’t like to because it’s a pain in the ass and I only have so much patience.
✆ Other than RPing, what’s a hobby of yours?
Drawing! My icon and header is drawn by me so-
✉ Do you RP on any other platforms?
Does Parp count? Sometimes I use cherubplay too but not too often because the people there intimidate me.
❤ Have you or are you currently in love?
Romantically, probably not if you get what I’m hinting at. ;)
❥ Has something ever happened for you to hate a ship? Why?
Hoooo boi you can bet on it. Let’s just say an extended encounter with a really Toxic Roleplayer And Person In General has led to me disliking basically any ship involving a certain character.
ツ Who has been your favorite muse to play so far? Why?
Hal because he’s such an asshole I love it. I don’t generally get to be mean but man with Hal I can be as petty as I want.
回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
There was this once I tried to roleplay Dave and it just. It went terribly wrong I had no grasp on his character and I still don’t. Never again.
✘ People come in a group. If I were to look on your blog, who would I see you interacting with the most?
@timaeustestbed this one. This one @documentingsatan has also been taking up a lot of blog interaction lately too. Though they’re both the same people.
ღ Do you have a personal blog? Do you share it with your followers or do you keep it private?
I do! It’s linked right on my “mun page” lmao.
▼ Do you keep your character in character even if they are one of the worst people in the world?
I would like to think I do because Hal is objectively one of the worst people in the world. Though, I’ll admit I do a lot of justification for Hal’s actions from Hal’s point of view because Hal doesn’t see himself as a villain. Just a terrible person. I am also very soft on Hal and he probably acts happier than he should.
▽ Why did you create this muse?
True story but when I finished reading Homestuck I was like “shit I need to pick a character to roleplay” because that’s just what I did. I like to roleplay and Homestuck was such a large fandom that it was bound to be Fun to roleplay. There were many Failed and Subpar attempts to rp some characters on parp and I just couldn’t find a character that clicked, y’know. I tried John, Dave, Karkat, Jade, Rose, Dirk and just nope. And then. On a random spur as I scrolled through the available options in the Parp menu I saw “Lil Hal.” Of course, at the time, I only clicked it because I had thought I exhausted all other resources and if I fucked up everyone else why not fuck up this character I knew nothing about it (and I mean literally nothing about. I used to hate when Hal started talking in the comic because I thought it was so damn annoying). But surprise I was?? I was good at rping him?? People liked my shitty depiction of Hal. So I read more about Hal and how to play him and he just grew on me and here I am today.
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vivanaija · 7 years
21 Great books that can make you feel well-read even if they are the only ones you read
21 Great books that can make you feel well-read even if they are the only ones you read
Everyone wants to feel intelligent. Sometimes, we even start to feel pretty smart. But then it happens, that feeling of blandness when you find yourself amidst a bookish discuss by chance, and you’re just smiling and nodding, beaming plastic smiles until the facade cracks. Awkward feeling….
The truth is that even the nerdiest book nerds haven’t read everything in the literary canon. If you’re feeling particularly inferior to your bookish friends though, reading the titles on this list will help. Although they are not, by any means, the most influential works in the world’s literature canon— the 21 books included here are some of the works where creativity openly makes love to art, and I have arguably wagged the most tongues both recently and since ages. Read them, and you probably won’t miss a bookish reference for a long, long time….
While everyone should attempt to be a Shakespearean at one point in life, this list below mainly covers Fiction, Non-Fiction, Autobiographies, Biographies and/or Memoirs
Disclaimer: Oh dear Book-Nerd reading this, we may not agree on all below, but we surely gonna be on the same page on some….*tongue out*
In no particular order. ….here they are…..
‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’ by Khaled Hosseini
A Thousand Splendid Suns is the followup to Khaled Hosseini’s hit debut novel, The Kite Runner. Like Hosseini’s first book, A Thousand Splendid Suns takes place in Afghanistan and deals heavily with the impact of regime changes on the country’s people. Unlike its predecessor, the novel centers on the experiences of Afghan women, who must bond together in order to survive the harshness of poverty, domestic violence, and disenfranchisement.
  ‘A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius’ by Dave Eggers
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius is like an after-school special come true. This memoir chronicles the author’s experiences after taking on the responsibility of raising his younger brother after his parents’ deaths. Readers join Eggers in grappling with the magnitude of responsibility thrust upon him, and all the anxieties that come with it.
  ‘Americanah’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Since its publication in 2013, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s award-winning novel, Americanah, has become one of the most talked-about books of the millennium. It’s been featured on choice pick lists from NPR, Goodreads, and The New York Times. If you want to know what the best contemporary fiction looks like, read this book. Ko ju be e lo.(Supplementary: ‘Purple Hibiscus’ and ‘Half of a Yellow Sun’ are two other books from the same author that definitely thrill)
  ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ by Charles Dickens
When I eventually read this “highly famous” book, I was like ‘really, that’s it?”. But, honestly though, I’m really glad to have read it. Getting through Charles Dickens’ writing style can be a struggle if you don’t truly enjoy it, but the pound of flesh to get in reading it is the plot. A Tale of Two Cities is a gripping tale of political complications and revolution, and trust me, you won’t regret reading it.
  ‘1984’ by George Orwell
Amazing dystopian book set in a utopian age. Speaking of haunting, allow me to present the book that can turn you into a fetal curl of paranoia. Of all the books on this list, 1984 is probably the easiest to read and the most widely referenced. Ever hear of Big Brother, the Thought Police, or Thought crime? …all from this novel. Read it, and just try to remain calm. *winks*
(Supplementary: ‘Animal Farm’ is the other popular work by this author, that has also proven to be a must-read)
  ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood pushes the boundary between genre fiction and big-L Literature off the edge of a cliff, where it catches fire and crumbles to ash. When I first read The Handmaid’s Tale, I was a pimply teenager obsessed with dystopian fiction. Reading it again in university, I realized I’d missed so much of Atwood’s skill in my focus on her novel’s science fiction aspects. This is one of the greatest works of feminist fiction ever written, so add it to your TBR today.
  “Long walk to freedom’ by Nelson Mandela
If you are not a prolific reader, the size and weight of this volume (aside from e-readers, LOL) may look daunting. After reading the first two or three chapters, you will be tempted to give up. DON’T!!! It’s just about to get really good.
This autobiography chronicles Mandela’s life, first as the son of a tribal chief, then as an educated Black man under apartheid (a dangerous thing to be), then the journey, both outward and inward, from attorney to the leader of a revolution. You will read about his time on Riecher’s Island, the notorious prison, and the various experiences he had in the courtroom and in captivity. He tells of the cunning ways those who were jailed for political reasons created to communicate and to an extent, continue to lead from inside prison. And he breaks up the horror with an occasional vignette of a surprisingly kindly jailor or other authority figure who does small, decent things when no one is looking.
If you are interested in the history of South Africa and the defeat of Apartheid, this is a must-read.
A favourite quote from the book read thus:
“As I finally walked through those gates to enter a car on the other side, I felt- even at the age of seventy-one- that my life was beginning anew. My ten thousand days of imprisonment were over.”
(Supplementary: ‘Conversations With Myself’ is another sound work by the author worth a read)
  “Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua Achebe
  This is probably the one for which its mention brings the cringe when it’s content hasn’t honed a space in your mental library, especially as a Nigerian.
The 1958 novel follows the life of one-named Okonkwo, an Igbo (“Ibo” in the novel) leader and local wrestling champion in the fictional Nigerian village of Umuofia. The work is split into three parts, the first describing his family and personal history, the customs and society of the Igbo, and the second and third sections introduce the influence of British colonialism and Christian missionaries on the Igbo community.
  ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ by Gabriel García Márquez
Meek Marquez is one of the few writers I know, who asides from creativity, also pen with grace. At its heart, One Hundred Years of Solitude is a cultural history of Colombia, as told through the experiences of seven generations of the Buendía family. Layered with rich symbolism, metaphor, and prose, Márquez’s novel is a heavy but enjoyable and romantic read.
  ‘Infinite Jest’ by David Foster Wallace
Witty Wallace nailed this, though wierdly. So, this book is long. If you aren’t a big reader to begin with, starting with something lighter might help. Infinite Jest weighs in at nearly 1100 pages in hardcover. Author David Foster Wallace, who committed suicide in 2008, is a rock star darling, the Kurt Cobain of English Lit. And this tome is an ode to his genius. Make a point to read it; you won’t be disappointed.
  ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald
In the last few years, The Great Gatsby — always a popular choice for high school English classes — has experienced a renaissance of its own. It was part of the National Endowment for the Arts’ Big Read, and let’s not forget the 2013 film starring Leonardo DiCaprio. If you’re sick of hearing about this book but have never read it, now’s the time. It’s a short and bittersweet read that captures upper-crust life in the Roaring Twenties. Everyone’s read it, so joining in on the fun is sure to give you something to talk about.
  “The Chronicles of Narnia’ by C.S Lewis
This one is an ensemble of literary depth, and I’m sure most of us have seen a ‘slice’ of the writer’s imagination in the movie adaption. It is a series of seven high-fantasy novels, which though have been widely considered a classic of children’s literature, have been throughly referenced in many other ways, especially within human sociology, political and spiritual/religious circles. It is Lewis’ best-known work, having sold over 100 million copies in 47 languages. The entire 7-part ensemble were written between 1949 and 1954.
(Supplementary: ‘The Games of Thrones’ by R.R Martin can fit where Narnia does too. Read both if chance ‘happeneth’)
  “The Man died’ by Wole Soyinka
This is a book that surprisingly flashed light in the “wonderful prospects” of solitary confinement. Living with the knowledge that he could be summarily executed at any moment while imprisoned in one of those dark days in early Nigeria, Wole Soyinka sought to preserve his sanity by writing his thoughts down on toilet paper with homemade pens and ink. This book is a result of all that Soyinka soliloquy.
(Supplementary: Other notable works by this Nobel prize winner include, ‘AKE’, ‘You Must Set Forth At Dawn’, Trials of Brother Jero’, ‘King Baabu’ and ‘Opera Wonyosi’, and others, all of which will definitely make a good read)
  ‘White Teeth’ by Zadie Smith
Similar to Americanah, Zadie Smith’s White Teeth tells the story of immigrant life in the United Kingdom. The novel deals with themes of assimilation and ethnic diversity, as individuals from Bangladesh and Jamaica, and their children, navigate an overwhelmingly white society. Lost religions, customs, and identities feature prominently, as does the discovery of new ones.
  ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Book nerds will generally be quick to correct anyone who uses “Frankenstein” to refer to “Frankenstein’s monster.” LOL… Most people know the story of a scientist who sews together corpses and tries to play God, but only folks who read and remember the novel understand that it’s really all about the human condition. What constitutes life, death, right, and wrong? Who is worthy of love? Frankenstein gives readers a vehicle to explore these and more questions.
  ‘Beloved’ by Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison’s Beloved is a Pulitzer Prize winner, and its popularity hasn’t dropped off since its publication in 1987. This is the tragic story of a former slave haunted — quite literally — by the ghost of the young daughter she killed years before. Beloved is more than just a spirit, but you’ll have to read the book to find out exactly who — or what — she is.
  The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Martin Luther King Jr. and Clayborne Carson (Editor)
A first-person account of the extraordinary life of America’s greatest civil rights leader. It begins with his boyhood as the son of a preacher, his education as a minister, his ascendancy as a leader of civil rights, & his complex relationships with leading political & social figures of the day. It’s sad how so many of Dr. King’s insights into society years ago still seem to flick the right cords across governments today.
(Supplementary: ‘AWO’ – The Autobiography of Obafemi Awolowo…..I read this book out of deep love for The great Awo and his wit. You won’t find sense lacking in every line)
  ‘The Joy Luck Club’ by Amy Tan
Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club attained both mainstream and literary success after its 1989 release. The novel follows a group of Chinese immigrants and their American-born children as they navigate interpersonal relationships and the conflict of assimilation and identity. Because of its widespread readership, you’ll hear it referred to a great deal, so it would be a good idea to pop this one into your library.
  ‘If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler’ by Italo Calvino
Allow me the hipsterism, but If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler is just so meta. You’re reading about the experience of reading, and half the book is told in the second person. You (as the book’s protagonist) begin reading If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler (the eponymous book-within-the-book) only to uncover a vast network of conspiracy and intrigue. If you find yourself asking “What’s going on here?” you aren’t alone. Almost 45 years after Italo Calvino’s book was published, it’s still pretty damn experimental. Even if you don’t totally get the novel, you’ll still have plenty to talk about with your friends, who probably don’t really get it, either.
  “Blood River’ by Tim Butcher
This book is more like a thrilling travelogue. For lovers of Africa, travel writing or sheer adventurism. Tim takes the reader on a vividly narrated journey into the heart of the Congo, and he expertly intertwines that great undertaking with his own adventures, Tim takes on challenges, extreme adversity and genuinely uplifting experiences. Fast paced but with great attention to detail, this actually is a terrific read.
  ‘We are all completely beside ourselves’ by Karen Joy Fowler
This book is funny. The Guardian wrote,  ‘A provocative take on family love, where a psychologist father’s animal-human behaviour experiment on his children has heartbreaking and hilarious repercussions’.
Although on a flip side, Fowler’s comedy raises questions about animal rights, parental subterfuge and self-delusion.
You will laugh, you will think too.
  There you have them folks!
More reviews on other genres will come soon..watch this space. ..*winks*
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flying-venus-blog · 7 years
Add Euro to your travel diary
 Though it’s a small world after all, but gifting something that fulfills anyone’s dreams is something very big. Flying Venus travels understand your every wish and the troubles that you might face when you want to ease your parent’s desire. Believe me it will leave an impression in your eyes. Feel free to book and relax! Rest there is a connecting rope to Europe behind the curtains that will turn up your wish into action.
As Europe encompasses a vast area, stretching from Asia in the East to the Atlantic in the West, and from Arctic in the North to Africa in the South. It is virtually impossible to cover the entire Europe in a Euro Trip of a week or two. But that doesn’t mean you can’t taste heaven! Because even the heaven is worthy in eleven. Yes, you saw right, now you can see the paradise in just 10 nights and 11 days with the best of the amenities, sight-seeing’s, lip smacking meals with no worries of Visa, passport, flights and the budget. Wanna know why? Read further!
Duration: 10 Nights & 11 Days
Destination : Brussels, Paris, Zurich, Venice, Pisa - Florence, Rome
Day 1 – Brussels
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As the centre of European culture and institutions, Brussels has much more to offer than most people imagine. Apart from its famous chocolates and beers, there are almost 90 museums, beautiful parks, architecture, bars and much more. I know the you will definitely love the aura of this city.
Arrive at Airport and transfer to reach your Hotel (The balance day is at leisure so that you can relax after your long flight or you can choose you to visit the local markets to get an idea of the place)
Day 2 - Brussels – Paris
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Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe. Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design. A large part of the city, including the River Seine, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This amusing city will take you to the castle of the magnificence.
Attractions: Gothic Hotel de Ville Town Hall, Grand Place, Royal Palace, Manneken Pis, and Cathedral of Saints Michel & Gudule.
Post Breakfast; proceed to Grand Place to witness the statue of Mannekin Piss. Visit City Square, St. Michel's Cathedral and enjoy a photo stop at Atomium. Continue onto Paris, the city of lights well known for its fashion, perfumes, champagne and wines.
 Day 3 – Paris
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To all who come to this happy place, welcome! Disneyland Paris consist of two parks, Disneyland Park, Walt Disney Studios Park and a shopping district called Disney Village. Euro Disneyland is dedicated to the young and the young at heart, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration for the entire world. We believe it will give you a chance to be in dreamland again.
Attractions: Disneyland
This day is at leisure. You can spend your day relaxing at your Hotel or choose an optional excursion to Euro Disneyland (one day one park).
 Day 4 – Paris
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Add another taste into your travel dairies as the city has the second highest number of Michelin-restaurants in the world and contains numerous iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Moulin Rouge, Lido, making it one of the most popular international tourist destinations in the world, with around 14 million tourists annually.
Attractions: Eiffel Tower ,de la concorde, Alexander Bridge, Concords Square
This morning start you day with visit to popular sites like place de la concorde, Champs Elysees, Alexander Bridge, Concords Square concluding the tour at Eiffel Tower. Later enjoy a cruise on River Seine.
 Day 5 - Paris – Zurich
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The city of Zurich lies in the heart of Europe and at the center of Switzerland, on the northern shores of Lake Zurich. Its multicultural flair and the variety of leisure activities on offer attract guests from all over the world. Zurich boasts the highest density of clubs in Switzerland – here, you can never turn up too late. I truly felt that you will for sure love the air here.
Check out and board your coach to drive to the largest city in Switzerland - Zurich, a global center for banking and finance.
 Day 6 – Zurich
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 Zurich offers a unique mixture of attractions with over 50 museums and more than 100 art galleries, international fashion labels and Zurich designs, and the most flamboyant and lively nightlife in Switzerland.
Attractions: Titlis Rotairs, Lion Monument, Chapel Bridge
After breakfast, proceed for an extraordinary ride on world's first rotating cable car which is famous by the name of “Titlis Rotairs”. Later, in the afternoon, proceed to the city of Lucerne to view the Lion Monument and Chapel Bridge - one of the oldest wooden bridge in the world.  
Day 7 – Zurich
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You can better feel how happy you will be with the best Recreational activities which ranges from a visit to the riverside and lakeside bathing areas in the very heart of the city, to a spectacular hike on the Uetliberg mountain.
Attractions: Mt. Jungfrau, Interlaken- orientation tour.
This day is at leisure. You can spend your day relaxing at your Hotel or choose an optional excursion to Mt. Jungfrau - Top of Europe. Group members not opting for Mt. Jungfrau will have an opportunity to proceed to the city of Interlaken for an orientation tour.
Day 8  - Zurich – Venice
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Venice is one of the most interesting and lovely places in the world.. Venice and its lagoon are a UNESCO World Heritage site. I believe you’ll especially love the places which are awarded at the world record, so this is the one amidst all.
Attractions: Vaparetto ride, Venice Island, Venetion, Bell Tower
 Post breakfast, drive to the magical lagoon city of Venice. Enjoy Vaparetto ride which will descend you to the Venice Island i.e. St. Mark’s Square. Enjoy a guided tour of Island and learn the history of the Basilica and its Byzantine heritage, the Doge's Palace and its contiguous prisons, Venetion, Murano Glass factory, St. Mark Cathedral, Bell Tower with Bridge of Sighs, etc. 
Day 9 - Venice - Pisa – Florence
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The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa, known worldwide for its immense beauty and the catchy art of the frame. You will love to see the height and the attraction of the Florence, its art will make your trip worthy.
Attractions: Field of Miracles, Tower of Pisa and beautiful Florence
After breakfast, check out and proceed to Pisa to visit the Field of Miracles. Witness the flawless Baptistery & Leaning Tower of Pisa (photo stop), which had been able to made its way in the seven wonders of world. Later continue your journey to Florence, a home to many masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture. Enjoy a guided walking tour of Florence.
Day 10 - Florence – Rome
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Rome, the 'Eternal City', is the capital and largest city of Italy and of the Lazio region. It's the famed city of the Roman Empire, the Seven Hills, La Dolce Vita, the Vatican City and Three Coins in the Fountain. Can imagine a view in your eyes? I know its Jaw Dropping!
Attractions: St. Peter's Basilica, Arch de Constantine, The Arch of Augustus, The Circus Maximus.
After Breakfast, board your coach and proceed to the Eternal City of Rome. Upon arrival, enjoy a guided city tour with the stopover at St. Peter's Basilica tracked by a photo stop at the grand remnants of the Forum & other monuments of ancient Roman rulers and the Colosseum. You will also perceive Arch de Constantine, The Forum Romanum, The Arch of Augustus, The temples of Saturn & Concord, The Circus Maximus & other renowned Roman Monuments.
Day 11 – Rome
Bid a farewell to your group. Take a shuttle transfer to the Airport.
Accommodation for 01 night in Brussels
Accommodation for 03 nights in Paris
Accommodation for 03 nights in Zurich
Accommodation for 01 night in Venice
Accommodation for 01 night in Florence / Pisa
Accommodation for 01 night in Rome
Coach transfer throughout the tour except on first and last day for Airport Arrivals and Departures
Guided Tour of Paris, Venice, Florence and Rome
Paris: Eiffel Tower level 3 (subject to availability), Seine River Cruise
Zurich: Mt.Titlis
Venice: Vaparetto ride
10 Breakfast and 10 Dinners
Air Tickets
Visa and  Insurance
Extra charges/expenses of personal nature like laundry, mineral water/drinks,     telephone or any other charges/expenses not mentioned in Inclusions.
So what are you waiting for? Decide upon the destinations and book Europe tour packages right away. We assist in Visa,Passports,Cheap air ticketing,the flexible accommodations and much more. Flying Venus Travels believes in turning vision into mission. For more log into Flying Venus travels.
Paris: Disneyland (one day one park)                                     € 68 PP Lido Show (23:00)                                                                   € 100 PP Zurich: Mt. Jungfrau - Top of Europe                                       € 149 PP Venice: Gondola Ride 30mins, min 6 Pax                                € 100 PP Pisa: Entry Tickets of Leaning Tower of Pisa                           € 18 PP
Adult Cost on Twin / Double / Triple                                         84500 PP Airfare+ Visa Charges                                                              55000 PP
Total                                                                                         1,39,500
Disclaimer- Airfares may vary at the time of Bookings.
Brussels: Van der Valk Hotel Brussels Airport / Parker Hotel Brussels Airport or Similar Paris: Hôtel Forest Hill Paris Meudon Vélizy / ibis Styles Paris C.D.G Airport or Similar Zurich: Novotel Zurich Airport Messe / Thessoni Classic or Similar Venice: Russott Hotel or Similar Pisa-Florence: Euro Hotel / Hotel Delta Florence or Similar Rome: Mercure Roma West or Similar
Tour Cost Excludes:
Cost for Ticket + Visa + Insurance, Cost of Basic Travel Quota (BTQ) equivalent to USD 10,000, No Porterage included, Any increase in   the rate of exchange leading to an increase in surface transportation and land arrangements, which may come into effect prior to departure. The tour price is subject to increase without notice if this rate changes substantially prior to the departure of your tour. Any expenses of personal nature such as laundry, wines, mineral water, food and drink not in the regular menu provided by us pay TV, mini-bar, telephone calls, etc. Meals other than what is mentioned in your Itinerary. Cost of excursions, city sightseeing, entrance fees and local guides other than that mentioned in “Tour Cost Includes”, Overseas Mediclaim, Tips to Driver: EURO 2 per pax per day (Compulsory)
Terms & Conditions:
Vouchers are not transferable and valid only for the services mentioned therein. Any services not specifically requested, confirmed and noted on vouchers will not be rendered. All extras to be paid directly to the hotels / the service   providers.
Passenger Comments / Complaints :
It is imperative that any complaints be made known to the respective handling agents or its representatives without any delay so that appropriate action can be taken.
Cancellation / Refunds:
Cancellation charges will be levied for bookings cancelled after confirmations are done. Requests for refund should be made in writing  within 14 days after the scheduled completion of the services. Refund requests for curtailed stays cannot be processed unless provided  with documentary evidence from hotel / the service provider. All refund requests are subject to obtaining a refund approval from the hotel / the service provider and no refund can be given without this approval. Flying Venus reserves the right to process and whether or not to approve the refund request and if necessary charge an administrative fee. For packages, no refunds can be processed for partially utilized services and no-Shows. In the event of no show Flying Venus Travels reserves the right to release the complete booking and levy 100% cancellation charges.
Notice given for Cancellation            Cancellation Charge
More than 45 Days                                25% of total holiday cost
44-29 Days                                            35% of total holiday cost
28-14 Days                                            50% of total holiday cost
13-8 Days                                              75% of total holiday cost
7 Days or less                                        100% of total holiday cost
It is understood that, we act as Travel operators only for all services covered hereby. Further we shall not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage resulting from acts of God, dangers, fire, breakdown of machinery, equipment or vehicles, acts of government authority, wars, civil disturbances, riots, thefts, pilferage, epidemics, quarantines or any delays or changes including any extra expenses which the passenger may incur as a result of any of the foregoing  causes.
During your holiday your driver, tour leader, guide, hotel or other service providers may offer services or excursions which are not included  in the price of your holiday or listed in our itinerary. Since they do not form part of your tour with us, we do not accept any responsibility for their cancellation or curtailment or for any loss, damage, injury or death that you may suffer. If you wish to make a complaint or bring a claim in relation to such excursions or activities, then you should contact the person who offered them to you   directly.
Your Holiday Price:
Once we have sent you a booking confirmation or invoice, we will only change the price of your holiday if there is a change or increase in any one or more of the following:
a)     Transportation costs (including the cost of  fuel);
b)     Dues, taxes or fees chargeable ,such as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports;   or
c)     The exchange rate applicable to the particular holiday package. (Our prices are fixed using the exchange rates available in the month  of November
d)     In the event of a significant increase in any of the components that are included in your tour cost i.e.: hotels, entrances, flights, transportation & food.
Tour Operation:
If we do not have minimum 25 Pax required to operate the group tour, we might operate the tour on other date or on individual basis covering the same itinerary, where we would not be able to provide you the services of a full time tour manager, but there will be a local guide who will assist you to all the main sightseeing  places.
 In the event of a breakdown of a coach on a touring holiday, our liability will be limited; if, for any reason we cannot provide a replacement coach and that you miss out on a significant attraction we will reimburse the amount which we have paid to the supplier, though we will endeavour to replace the coach at the earliest. However sometimes delays will occur due to many reasons beyond our control. In this event we are also entitled to use a replacement coach that we deem fit to conclude the rest of the journey. The replacement coach may or may  not have the same amenities as the original  coach.
If your visa is rejected/refused or delayed by the consulate and we know the outcome 15 days prior to departure, then we will charge 25%  of the tour cost. If the visa is rejected within 15 to 8 days of tour departure then the cancellation will be 35% of the tour cost. If the visa is rejected within 7 days or less of tour departure then the cancellation will be 70% of the tour   cost.
0 notes
topfygad · 4 years
The top 10 luxury hotels in Venice, Italy [as ranked by a hotel expert]
Venice is probably the most romantic city in the world. It’s the perfect place to propose or have a very romantic holiday. This is the reason why many tourists want to add a little extra to their trip and plan to stay at one of the many luxury hotels in Venice. But which one is the best? And which offers the best value?
I have been to the beautiful lagoon city many times and probably seen all the tourist attractions in Venice three times over. I have also been visiting the top luxury resorts in the world for more than 30 years. So, with all that experience, I compiled this list of my favorite luxury hotels in Venice for you.
I ranked it according to my personal preferences, but I also added all the pros and cons of each hotel so you can form your own opinion. Whether you like two swim in a pool after a long day exploring Venice or want to sleep in an authentic palazzo, I’m sure you will find some good inspiration here.
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There are three important things I would like to point out ahead. It’s possible to dine at most of the hotels I listed below. So, if you just want to see the lobby or enjoy the view from the rooftop, it can be a viable alternative to staying there.
And secondly: Venice is a very densely populated city. Hotel rooms are considerably smaller here than in other places around the world, and perhaps also a bit more expensive. BUT some hotels are almost 50% cheaper in the low season (February, March, November). So, it’s possible to find a good bargain as well.
Apart from the ranking, I also provided a direct link to booking.com for each hotel. That’s where I always book my short stays and over the years I just found them to be the cheapest overall (besides they’d match any cheaper price). For longer stays (4+ days), I’d recommend using a travel agent because they usually will be able to get you some nice perks.
Note: I earn a small commission for purchases made through links in this article.
The best luxury hotels in Venice
1. Aman Venice (11/10)
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The main restaurant of Aman Venice
My personal favorite hotel in the city is by far the Aman Venice. It’s located in an ancient 16th-century palazzo. Staying here really feels like you were part of the Venetian aristocracy for a day or two. The amazing ballroom on the first floor is nothing short of spectacular.
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The Aman Venice hotel
It is also the only hotel in the inner city with a big garden terrace and has by far the biggest entry-level rooms. In fact, with 45-77m² the lowest category at Aman Venice is still bigger than most of the biggest suites at all the other luxury hotels. I loved the mix between contemporary design and original frescos by Tiepolo and other famous artists.
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The main staircase of Aman Venice
This is the perfect hotel if you want to immerse yourself in the history of the city. You’ll find it very close to the Rialto Bridge (5 minutes away), so it’s also perfect for exploring both parts of Venice. I gave it 11 out of 10 possible points because it truly exceeds your expectations.
You can read my detailed review of Aman Venice here
Beautiful authentic Venetian Palazzo
biggest rooms in the city
only 24 rooms & very quiet hotel
amazing views of the Grand Canal
Spotless service and very refined modern luxury
the perfect mix between Renaissance art & contemporary design.
The most expensive hotel in Venice;
no pool (but there is a little spa & gym)
just one restaurant and one bar
2. Gritti Palace (9/10)
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The Gritti Palace hotel
The Gritti Palace hotel opened in 1895 and has been a Venetian landmark ever since. The website states “it’s a place of exceptional art and elegance with a homely feel” and there is little else to add. If you want to live like royalty and be treated like it, then this is your place
A lot of the big suites have a direct view of the Grand Canal and they are quite spectacular. Mind you, it’s all very plush and golden, but I didn’t feel the interiors of the 15th-century palazzo were dusty. It’s very classic, to be sure, but beautiful nonetheless. It is now run by Mariott.
Direct link to booking.com for the Gritti Palace
Inside an authentic Venetian Palazzo
Beautiful restaurant terrace on the Canal Grande
amazing signature suites with direct Canal grande view
very central (5min to St Mark’s Square)
Quite expensive,
no pool (but there is a little spa & gym)
3. Hotel Danieli (8/10)
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The Danieli luxury hotel (orange) right next to the Doge’s Palace
If you’d rank the top luxury hotels in Venice according to their popularity on social media, then the Hotel Danieli would certainly come out first. The lobby of the historic hotel has been featured so often it could be considered a landmark in itself.
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The iconic lobby of the Hotel Danieli
The rooms are pure opulent Venetian style, though quite a lot of them are located in the modern annex of the hotel. I personally always felt it is a bit touristy, but there is no denying it’s beautiful.
Here’s a direct link to booking.com for Hotel Danieli
amazing location; directly next to the Doge’s Palace
beautiful public areas
local hotel with a lot of tradition
wonderful rooftop terrace
somewhat small rooms & big hotel
not all rooms are in the old palazzo
no pool
4. Belmond Cipriani (10/10)
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The Belmond Cipriani (on the left around the pool) as seen from San Giorgio Maggiore
The hotel Cipriani on the island of Guidecca is also one of the extremely famous luxury hotels in Venice. Starting from the 1970ies, the biggest movie stars and celebrities all stayed here. It is the place where Bellini cocktail was invented and the place exudes La Dolce Vita from every pore.
It also happens to be the only luxury hotel in Venice with a big pool. After a day exploring the city, could you think of something better than relaxing an hour or two at the pool? The rooms are quite big and posh, the restaurants ambitious, the service flawless, and you’ll find everything here you’d expect from a classic luxury hotel.
Book the Belmond Cipriani on booking.com
huge garden and pool
authentic modern luxury
flawless service and classic design
located on Guidecca & have to take a water taxi to see the city
a modern hotel without a historic context
quite expensive
No view of Venice from most rooms
5. Bauer Palazzo (6/10)
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The Bauer Palazzo and the new annex (in the shadows)
If you are looking for a hotel that offers pure and classic Venetian design, then the Bauer Palazzo is a good choice. There are stucco, gold, silk, and crystals everywhere you look and most rooms share this rather opulent design. St. Mark’s square is just around the corner and some big suites even have a nice view of the Grand Canal.
Back in the 1980ies it was one of THE top hotels in Venice, but I do feel they are losing ground a bit. On a more positive note, the hotel is also considerably cheaper than the adjacent Gritti Palace, even though the rooms are just as big.
Book the Bauer Palazzo directly on booking.com
reasonable prices
house with lots of tradition in a good location
pure Venetian design (lots of gold, silk, crystal, etc)
small but nice terrace
good location
the new part of the hotel is quite ug..i mean interesting
Service not as over the top as in other luxury hotels in Venice
no pool or garden
6. JW Marriott Venice (6/10)
If you’d ask me about the most exciting hotel openings in Venice in the past years, then I’d blurt out JW Marriott Venice faster than you could count to one. You see, space is incredibly limited in the inner city and most of the exciting houses are centuries old making it hard to make adjustments according to the needs of modern luxury hotels.
Marriott found a beautiful property on the Isola delle Rose and developed it into a new hotel with a lovely pool and big rooms. Prices are quite fair and there is a huge park around the hotel. It does take 20 to 25 minutes to get to St. Mark’s Square by boat though. But if you plan to stay a couple of more days in summer, I’m sure this is a lovely alternative.
In terms of pure luxury, it has to be noted that it’s not en par with the Aman the Belmond or the Danieli. The furniture is slightly less opulent, the service a tiny bit less extravagant, but so is the price.
Book the JW Marriott Venice directly on booking.com
beautiful new property with a lovely pool
considerably less expensive
new hotel (opened 2015)
very far away from the city
less over the top than the other hotels on this list
7. St. Regis Venice (9/10)
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The St. Regis Venice (the two creamybuildings between the garden belong to the hotel)
St. Regis has been a household name among luxury connoisseurs for ages. Their signature butler service and their luxurious classic design sure make the choice hard. The hotel only opened in 2019 and they basically took over the former Westing Europe & Regina hotel.
It’s a beautiful location, nonetheless and only takes 5 minutes to St. Mark’s square. I feel if you are looking for a luxury hotel in Venice with a very contemporary design and first-class service, then this would be your hotel. You won’t even find the smallest bit of Venetian kitsch, which can be a bit overwhelming. And those terrace suites above the Grand Canal are unrivaled in Venice (u won’t find them like that in any other hotel).
Book the St. Regis Venice directly on booking.com
suites with amazing Grand Canal view terraces
beautiful location right across San Maria della Salute
new hotel with butler service
beautiful garden & grand canal terrace
rather competitive prices
no a historic property & standard contemporary design
no pool (just a small gym)
8. San Clemente Palace Kempinski (8/10)
A luxury hotel in Venice that is currently still under the radar? That would be the beautiful Kempinski property on San Clemente Island. My father raves about it constantly and cannot understand why I absolutely want to stay in the city.
Well, there is no denying the hotel is beautiful, quiet, has a big garden, and a big pool. But of course, it also takes like 15 minutes by boat to get to St. Mark’s Square. Still, Kempinski is one of the luxury hotel chains in Europe and their hotel in Venice really benefits from all their experience. If I’d plan a wedding (or big party) and the Cipriani was too expensive, then I’d pick the San Clemente Palace Kempinski. the big park is just ideal and there is a chapel!
Book the San Clemente Palace Kempinski on booking.com
beautiful pool and park on a private Island
Member of the Leading Hotels of the World
historic property with its own chapel
competitive prices & good value
need to take the water taxi (15min) to get to the city
Quite the big hotel (196 rooms)
9. Baglioni Hotel Luna (7/10)
If you love luxury hotels then you certainly heard of the Leading Hotel of the World. The Baglioni is part of the illustrious register and certainly lives up to its status. There’s an ever so slight modern twist on classic Venetian design and the location right behind the Royal Gardens is just fantastic for exploring the inner city.
Book the Baglioni Hotel Luna on booking.com
excellent location
competitive price & nice value
traditional Venetian design (but not too oppulent=
most rooms don’t have a nice view
no garden terrace or lagoon view restaurant
10. Hotel Metropole (6/10)
I am a bit reluctant to mention the Hotel Metropole on this list. Why? Because unlike all the other hotels on this list there is nothing truly unique about it. The design is very opulent, the location on the Venetian waterfront is quite nice and the rooms are well-appointed.
At the same time, there is no big ballroom or rooftop-terrace. No rooms with an outstanding view or historic details. As far as luxury hotels go, this is “only” a charming small hotel with a good standard and a good location. I also feel, you get a bit more value at the St. Regis or the Danieli for almost the same price.
Here’s a direct link to booking.com for the Hotel Metropole
good location (5 minutes to Doge’s Palace)
opulent Venetian design
no rooms with beautiful views
no pool or garden terrace
comparative small entry-level rooms
Other luxury hotels in Venice, Italy
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A restaurant near the Rialto Bridge
Of course, there are plenty of other fantastic 5 star hotels in Venice. Even though I generally don’t like them at all, the Hilton Molino Stucky could be a very good alternative if you want to find a good bargain (and that rooftop pool is a-mazing!)
But in terms of the top luxury hotels, this list is quite complete. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some nice 4 or 3 star hotels in the city. But as budget travel is not exactly my personal focus, you’d probably have to ask somebody else.
In a way, you could say that spending 500 USD or more a night in Venice is a waste of time. After all, you are spending most of your day exploring the city. While that may (or may not) be true, I also feel a hotel can be so much more than just a bed. If you are eating your breakfast in a ballroom that is almost as old and opulent as the Doge’s Palace you added so much more depth to your stay. But maybe that’s just me?
One thing, you certainly shouldn’t fuss too much around is the location. A lot of luxury hotels are close to St. Mark’s Square, but as you are probably planning to explore the whole city, it doesn’t matter all much where you start. Plus a water taxi/bus can get you anywhere in no time. So, if you are wondering where to stay in Venice – just pick what appeals the most to you!
Further reads:
Anyways, that was my list of the top luxury hotels in Venice, Italy. Got any questions? Feel free to comment below!
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/the-top-10-luxury-hotels-in-venice-italy-as-ranked-by-a-hotel-expert/
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topfygad · 4 years
The top 10 luxury hotels in Venice, Italy [as ranked by a hotel expert]
Venice is probably the most romantic city in the world. It’s the perfect place to propose or have a very romantic holiday. This is the reason why many tourists want to add a little extra to their trip and plan to stay at one of the many luxury hotels in Venice. But which one is the best? And which offers the best value?
I have been to the beautiful lagoon city many times and probably seen all the tourist attractions in Venice three times over. I have also been visiting the top luxury resorts in the world for more than 30 years. So, with all that experience, I compiled this list of my favorite luxury hotels in Venice for you.
I ranked it according to my personal preferences, but I also added all the pros and cons of each hotel so you can form your own opinion. Whether you like two swim in a pool after a long day exploring Venice or want to sleep in an authentic palazzo, I’m sure you will find some good inspiration here.
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There are three important things I would like to point out ahead. It’s possible to dine at most of the hotels I listed below. So, if you just want to see the lobby or enjoy the view from the rooftop, it can be a viable alternative to staying there.
And secondly: Venice is a very densely populated city. Hotel rooms are considerably smaller here than in other places around the world, and perhaps also a bit more expensive. BUT some hotels are almost 50% cheaper in the low season (February, March, November). So, it’s possible to find a good bargain as well.
Apart from the ranking, I also provided a direct link to booking.com for each hotel. That’s where I always book my short stays and over the years I just found them to be the cheapest overall (besides they’d match any cheaper price). For longer stays (4+ days), I’d recommend using a travel agent because they usually will be able to get you some nice perks.
Note: I earn a small commission for purchases made through links in this article.
The best luxury hotels in Venice
1. Aman Venice (11/10)
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The main restaurant of Aman Venice
My personal favorite hotel in the city is by far the Aman Venice. It’s located in an ancient 16th-century palazzo. Staying here really feels like you were part of the Venetian aristocracy for a day or two. The amazing ballroom on the first floor is nothing short of spectacular.
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The Aman Venice hotel
It is also the only hotel in the inner city with a big garden terrace and has by far the biggest entry-level rooms. In fact, with 45-77m² the lowest category at Aman Venice is still bigger than most of the biggest suites at all the other luxury hotels. I loved the mix between contemporary design and original frescos by Tiepolo and other famous artists.
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The main staircase of Aman Venice
This is the perfect hotel if you want to immerse yourself in the history of the city. You’ll find it very close to the Rialto Bridge (5 minutes away), so it’s also perfect for exploring both parts of Venice. I gave it 11 out of 10 possible points because it truly exceeds your expectations.
You can read my detailed review of Aman Venice here
Beautiful authentic Venetian Palazzo
biggest rooms in the city
only 24 rooms & very quiet hotel
amazing views of the Grand Canal
Spotless service and very refined modern luxury
the perfect mix between Renaissance art & contemporary design.
The most expensive hotel in Venice;
no pool (but there is a little spa & gym)
just one restaurant and one bar
2. Gritti Palace (9/10)
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The Gritti Palace hotel
The Gritti Palace hotel opened in 1895 and has been a Venetian landmark ever since. The website states “it’s a place of exceptional art and elegance with a homely feel” and there is little else to add. If you want to live like royalty and be treated like it, then this is your place
A lot of the big suites have a direct view of the Grand Canal and they are quite spectacular. Mind you, it’s all very plush and golden, but I didn’t feel the interiors of the 15th-century palazzo were dusty. It’s very classic, to be sure, but beautiful nonetheless. It is now run by Mariott.
Direct link to booking.com for the Gritti Palace
Inside an authentic Venetian Palazzo
Beautiful restaurant terrace on the Canal Grande
amazing signature suites with direct Canal grande view
very central (5min to St Mark’s Square)
Quite expensive,
no pool (but there is a little spa & gym)
3. Hotel Danieli (8/10)
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The Danieli luxury hotel (orange) right next to the Doge’s Palace
If you’d rank the top luxury hotels in Venice according to their popularity on social media, then the Hotel Danieli would certainly come out first. The lobby of the historic hotel has been featured so often it could be considered a landmark in itself.
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The iconic lobby of the Hotel Danieli
The rooms are pure opulent Venetian style, though quite a lot of them are located in the modern annex of the hotel. I personally always felt it is a bit touristy, but there is no denying it’s beautiful.
Here’s a direct link to booking.com for Hotel Danieli
amazing location; directly next to the Doge’s Palace
beautiful public areas
local hotel with a lot of tradition
wonderful rooftop terrace
somewhat small rooms & big hotel
not all rooms are in the old palazzo
no pool
4. Belmond Cipriani (10/10)
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The Belmond Cipriani (on the left around the pool) as seen from San Giorgio Maggiore
The hotel Cipriani on the island of Guidecca is also one of the extremely famous luxury hotels in Venice. Starting from the 1970ies, the biggest movie stars and celebrities all stayed here. It is the place where Bellini cocktail was invented and the place exudes La Dolce Vita from every pore.
It also happens to be the only luxury hotel in Venice with a big pool. After a day exploring the city, could you think of something better than relaxing an hour or two at the pool? The rooms are quite big and posh, the restaurants ambitious, the service flawless, and you’ll find everything here you’d expect from a classic luxury hotel.
Book the Belmond Cipriani on booking.com
huge garden and pool
authentic modern luxury
flawless service and classic design
located on Guidecca & have to take a water taxi to see the city
a modern hotel without a historic context
quite expensive
No view of Venice from most rooms
5. Bauer Palazzo (6/10)
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The Bauer Palazzo and the new annex (in the shadows)
If you are looking for a hotel that offers pure and classic Venetian design, then the Bauer Palazzo is a good choice. There are stucco, gold, silk, and crystals everywhere you look and most rooms share this rather opulent design. St. Mark’s square is just around the corner and some big suites even have a nice view of the Grand Canal.
Back in the 1980ies it was one of THE top hotels in Venice, but I do feel they are losing ground a bit. On a more positive note, the hotel is also considerably cheaper than the adjacent Gritti Palace, even though the rooms are just as big.
Book the Bauer Palazzo directly on booking.com
reasonable prices
house with lots of tradition in a good location
pure Venetian design (lots of gold, silk, crystal, etc)
small but nice terrace
good location
the new part of the hotel is quite ug..i mean interesting
Service not as over the top as in other luxury hotels in Venice
no pool or garden
6. JW Marriott Venice (6/10)
If you’d ask me about the most exciting hotel openings in Venice in the past years, then I’d blurt out JW Marriott Venice faster than you could count to one. You see, space is incredibly limited in the inner city and most of the exciting houses are centuries old making it hard to make adjustments according to the needs of modern luxury hotels.
Marriott found a beautiful property on the Isola delle Rose and developed it into a new hotel with a lovely pool and big rooms. Prices are quite fair and there is a huge park around the hotel. It does take 20 to 25 minutes to get to St. Mark’s Square by boat though. But if you plan to stay a couple of more days in summer, I’m sure this is a lovely alternative.
In terms of pure luxury, it has to be noted that it’s not en par with the Aman the Belmond or the Danieli. The furniture is slightly less opulent, the service a tiny bit less extravagant, but so is the price.
Book the JW Marriott Venice directly on booking.com
beautiful new property with a lovely pool
considerably less expensive
new hotel (opened 2015)
very far away from the city
less over the top than the other hotels on this list
7. St. Regis Venice (9/10)
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The St. Regis Venice (the two creamybuildings between the garden belong to the hotel)
St. Regis has been a household name among luxury connoisseurs for ages. Their signature butler service and their luxurious classic design sure make the choice hard. The hotel only opened in 2019 and they basically took over the former Westing Europe & Regina hotel.
It’s a beautiful location, nonetheless and only takes 5 minutes to St. Mark’s square. I feel if you are looking for a luxury hotel in Venice with a very contemporary design and first-class service, then this would be your hotel. You won’t even find the smallest bit of Venetian kitsch, which can be a bit overwhelming. And those terrace suites above the Grand Canal are unrivaled in Venice (u won’t find them like that in any other hotel).
Book the St. Regis Venice directly on booking.com
suites with amazing Grand Canal view terraces
beautiful location right across San Maria della Salute
new hotel with butler service
beautiful garden & grand canal terrace
rather competitive prices
no a historic property & standard contemporary design
no pool (just a small gym)
8. San Clemente Palace Kempinski (8/10)
A luxury hotel in Venice that is currently still under the radar? That would be the beautiful Kempinski property on San Clemente Island. My father raves about it constantly and cannot understand why I absolutely want to stay in the city.
Well, there is no denying the hotel is beautiful, quiet, has a big garden, and a big pool. But of course, it also takes like 15 minutes by boat to get to St. Mark’s Square. Still, Kempinski is one of the luxury hotel chains in Europe and their hotel in Venice really benefits from all their experience. If I’d plan a wedding (or big party) and the Cipriani was too expensive, then I’d pick the San Clemente Palace Kempinski. the big park is just ideal and there is a chapel!
Book the San Clemente Palace Kempinski on booking.com
beautiful pool and park on a private Island
Member of the Leading Hotels of the World
historic property with its own chapel
competitive prices & good value
need to take the water taxi (15min) to get to the city
Quite the big hotel (196 rooms)
9. Baglioni Hotel Luna (7/10)
If you love luxury hotels then you certainly heard of the Leading Hotel of the World. The Baglioni is part of the illustrious register and certainly lives up to its status. There’s an ever so slight modern twist on classic Venetian design and the location right behind the Royal Gardens is just fantastic for exploring the inner city.
Book the Baglioni Hotel Luna on booking.com
excellent location
competitive price & nice value
traditional Venetian design (but not too oppulent=
most rooms don’t have a nice view
no garden terrace or lagoon view restaurant
10. Hotel Metropole (6/10)
I am a bit reluctant to mention the Hotel Metropole on this list. Why? Because unlike all the other hotels on this list there is nothing truly unique about it. The design is very opulent, the location on the Venetian waterfront is quite nice and the rooms are well-appointed.
At the same time, there is no big ballroom or rooftop-terrace. No rooms with an outstanding view or historic details. As far as luxury hotels go, this is “only” a charming small hotel with a good standard and a good location. I also feel, you get a bit more value at the St. Regis or the Danieli for almost the same price.
Here’s a direct link to booking.com for the Hotel Metropole
good location (5 minutes to Doge’s Palace)
opulent Venetian design
no rooms with beautiful views
no pool or garden terrace
comparative small entry-level rooms
Other luxury hotels in Venice, Italy
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A restaurant near the Rialto Bridge
Of course, there are plenty of other fantastic 5 star hotels in Venice. Even though I generally don’t like them at all, the Hilton Molino Stucky could be a very good alternative if you want to find a good bargain (and that rooftop pool is a-mazing!)
But in terms of the top luxury hotels, this list is quite complete. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some nice 4 or 3 star hotels in the city. But as budget travel is not exactly my personal focus, you’d probably have to ask somebody else.
In a way, you could say that spending 500 USD or more a night in Venice is a waste of time. After all, you are spending most of your day exploring the city. While that may (or may not) be true, I also feel a hotel can be so much more than just a bed. If you are eating your breakfast in a ballroom that is almost as old and opulent as the Doge’s Palace you added so much more depth to your stay. But maybe that’s just me?
One thing, you certainly shouldn’t fuss too much around is the location. A lot of luxury hotels are close to St. Mark’s Square, but as you are probably planning to explore the whole city, it doesn’t matter all much where you start. Plus a water taxi/bus can get you anywhere in no time. So, if you are wondering where to stay in Venice – just pick what appeals the most to you!
Further reads:
Anyways, that was my list of the top luxury hotels in Venice, Italy. Got any questions? Feel free to comment below!
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from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/33dNcMR via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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