#and i see more of this from fans on twitter than anything but it's irritating as shit! she isn't good rep but she's still a woc. stop it
nifftylicious · 2 months
i get soooooo annoyed whenever people keep denying that niffty is in fact asian. no matter what, when viv toyed with the idea, that can of worms opened and is going to stay open.
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abiiors · 4 months
Okay okay okay but what about the reader being married to Ross but she’s really tired that he’s always out of the house in the studio with new singers until late and she’s always alone and he kinda neglects their marrige and doesn’t realize it? And it’s super angsty because she would do anything for him, but he’s never there for her anymore. Like something along the lines of Tove Lo’s “true romance” - ‘We are meant to be, I'd die for love and loyalty’, because the reader just feels that Ross doesn’t care about her anymore and would rather spent time with those other girls until late - because that’s what he does everyday
i’ve been thinking about this for a while, idk if this makes any sense 😭😭
why... would you make me think of this you're evil 😭😭 i changed it a little bit because i just cannot make him that much of an asshole :( but here you gooo
your footsteps echo in the house as you walk up to the kitchen counter. it happens a lot these days, this echo around your house. it's a constant reminder of how this place remains empty more often than not; even on days when both you and ross are in town.
first, it was because he wanted to work on the new album in solitude.  you were supportive, giving him as much space as possible. then when the recording started, he basically turned into a machine, staying at the studio till odd hours of the morning. all he had time for at home was to have dinner and pass out. 
you see it all on twitter, all the updates on his life--what he's wearing for the day, what his hair looks like--all through the screen of your phone, all next to fans and strangers alike. he always looks the same in them, smiling and happy and like a proper rockstar. but the rare few times you see him his eyes are glazed over, there are tired circles under his eyes. and you've lost count of how many times he's fallen asleep halfway through conversations.
at this point, you can count on one hand how many times you've seen him in the last month. and you're supposed to be living together for fuck’s sake!
"you’re home," his voice comes from somewhere behind you, making you jump out of your skin.
"jesus, ross! don’t do that," you press a hand to your chest, trying your best to keep the irritation out of your voice. it bleeds through anyway. 
"do what?" he asks nonchalantly and the irritation bubbles up more and more to the surface. your skin feels uncomfortably warm, almost like a rash might break out if you tried to swallow your anger anymore.
"nothing," you shake your head, "you’re home today…" the sentence trails off, unsure and awkward. ross raises an eyebrow. 
"yes, it’s a sunday. and this is my house too remember.’ there's an unexpected bite to his voice, something that almost makes you flinch.
the snark makes you retort. "well, you have been using it as a hotel an awful lot lately." you turn your back to him, making your way back to your bedroom. 
when did he even come back? where did he even sleep? the made looks unmade only on your side, his is still arranged neatly. just as cold and untouched as it was last night.
ross follows you because this fight, or argument, or whatever it is, is clearly not over. 
"what’s that supposed to mean?" he stops at the threshold, arms crossed in front of his chest.
you turn around to look at him. he looks like the same ross as always, with long hair, and a rough beard you've always adored. he's wearing the t-shirt you bought for him a long time ago, back when you still bought surprise gifts for each other. it strains over his arms--old and faded and familiar in a jarring way because there is nothing familiar about him right. nothing familiar about the way he stands there and looks at you. he looks like your ross and yet looking at him makes you feel…nothing. 
"don’t act dumb, ross," you retort. suddenly there's no more energy in your body. suddenly it's all so tiring and weary that you have to stop whatever you're doing and sit on the edge of the bed. "do you even know when you were home the last time?"
ross looks a little taken aback, opening his mouth and closing it again when he can't immediately come up with a retort. a second later he rolls his eyes, "so this is what it’s about? that i’m not constantly here—"
"you know that’s not what this is about," you interrupt, "don’t make me out to be some clingy child!"
"and yet you’re holding my job against me! you know how important it is that this turns out good for us. you know how important—"
"definitely more important than me anyway," you mutter under your breath, not even trying to keep the bitterness out of it. it's not fair and it's not the right thing to say. you know how dedicated he is to his music but this time you're tired. just this once you want to stomp your feet and demand his attention and yell at the top of your lungs about how neglected you've felt. air out all your grievances until you don't feel so heavy and burdened anymore.
"what was that?" he's suddenly standing up straight, no longer leaning against the doorframe, "are you being serious right now?"
it would be so easy to take it back, to tell him you didn't mean it and you can try to be more understanding. but the anger rising in you burns every rational thought.  
"you heard me," you try to push past him. all you want to do is be alone, lock yourself in the bathroom for a bit, and just have a good cry, but of course, ross blocks your path. 
"leave me alone, ross," the tone of warning clear in your voice, "you were fine doing that for the past couple of months anyway."
"i have been home!" he sounds incredulous, "you’re acting like this is the first time you’re seeing me in six months." ross paces around a bit, rubbing a hand over his face, "besides, it’s not like you have been home a lot lately."
"well, sorry i didn’t wait for you to come home and finally spend some time with me!’ you yell back.
at some point, you got tired of waiting around. you started making plans with anyone and everyone who would ask you to hang out. you started staying at work later than necessary, doing more work than anyone asked of you. 
"fuck," he mutters, "i just…i don’t know how to make this work anymore," he turns around, facing away from you. the coward doesn't even have it in him to look you in the eye anymore. 
such a simple sentence, “i don’t know how to make this work anymore”, but you feel your heart shattering into a million pieces. when did it come to this? when did you and ross stop being the best thing in each other’s life? when did everything go to shit?
there's no other woman in his life, that much you're sure of.  and he hasn't flipped a switch overnight, no. this has been coming for a few months now. frankly, it's surprising that this fight hasn’t happened sooner. 
"so this is it then? you just...don't know?" your voice sounds smaller than it ever has. there was a time when ross would have instantly turned around and apologised. he would have pulled you into his chest and said sorry till the word lost its meaning. he would have done anything to show he cares.
but he just sighs, still looking the other way. 
the silence is suffocating, none of you willing to acknowledge it, to say the words that would fully seal the deal. all ross does is shake his head and walk away. 
two minutes later the front door gently thuds shut. he didn't even slam it shut, there's no anger behind it, just bitter resignation. 
you sniffle, wiping the few tears that slipped out, and get your suitcase out. you'd just pack the essentials now; an overnight bag, some documents, and work stuff. ross wouldn’t be home for the next few days anyway. and even if he was, you aren't so confident anymore that he would try to stop you from leaving.
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wildpeachfarm · 16 days
Hi Moku!
What does one do after taking a fat nap and waking up disoriented? They scroll your blog of course and keep up with the daily news! (And random absolutely serious discussions of underwear 😭).
I saw some mention of CCs moving weirdly again about the Dteam, and teaming with Sapnap for an event, and I’d just like to add my thoughts on the matter.
I feel like this is a common occurrence in the four years I’ve been a fan and part of this fandom. The process literally goes like this:
someone from Dteam (usually dream) gets called out for something, Twitter freaks out and reacts before the “cancelled” party can respond/apologize, upcoming projects are pushed back months/years depending on severity of “cancelation”, unrelated CCs speak out against “cancelled” party (usually Dream), project release is finally approaching and hype is being created, fans and CCs alike suddenly like Dteam again. And then it gets rinsed and repeated till it’s sucked dry.
Only difference in this case was it was George being called out and Dream sticking by his boy, rather than Dream being called out and Sapnap defending him. And it just becomes increasingly more obvious how performative all these CCs and their fans are, the more this cycle rears its big, ugly head.
I think the difference in this situation as opposed to others is that Dteams own friends (if you can even call them that) spoke out against George, and that showed their fans that George is absolutely despicable and irredeemable, making Dream also the same by proxy.
And with this knowledge I raise this question. Why was this situation the one that did it for them? Dream has been accused of everything under the sun (even lost a year of his life trying to prove himself innocent over false allegation), and they all stuck by him-very loudly and proudly, might I add. Why then, do these people choose now to revoke their support and end friendships? Especially without first talking to the accused party? Their friend?
Seeing people associating with Sapnap, the same people who were quick to (very loudly) denounce George leaves a sour taste in my mouth. And the people expecting Dream to just drop George irritates the hell out of me, too. Why is it so hard to remember that these three men are a packaged deal, regardless of how much solo content is produced?
Whilst dream was going through some of the hardest shit in his life, those two stuck by him. When Sapnap was getting called out for joining Kick, they stuck by him. And even now, Sapnap and Dream both released statements saying George is their friend, he made a mistake, and to support Caiti. Reading comprehension must be poor here cause nowhere in either of their statements did they say they’d stop being friends with George. Thats their fucking bro, and they will support him, as he’s done with them.
Everyday I’m further surprised why Twitter clout means so much to people, when that’s not where peoples’ fanbases are. The mob they are constantly trying to appease will turn its back on them the second they get called out. Y’all were quick and loud with your responses (George hadn’t even released anything yet), and now that dreams teasing his project release, yall want in on the hype from that? Sure, but give a public apology to George for the way you jumped to conclusions and basically threw away a friendship. And give him a private one, as well that you actually mean what you say (though we don’t need to know about that one).
“Watch how ccs move the next couple of days” “anyone who does something like that is no friend of mine” (not verbatim) ‘my truth about dream’ “keeping him at arms length”- that’s a whole lot of words to say you’re weak-willed people who don’t support their friends in time of need but actually care more about your image than being a good friend, and I’d hate to have friends like that. I hope if they do try to come back now, they aren’t welcomed back by Dteam. We all know Dream don’t care how people treat him, but he don’t play when it comes George (and Sapnap, but George is the one who was in the hot seat recently). I hope he “keeps them at arms length” for how they responded to the situation, and basically threw away multiple friendships.
Yall don’t get to act the way you do, and then try to reap the benefits of someone else’s hard work and success, especially when you’ve publicly ended your friendship with them. We’ve reached the end of that vicious cycle, but I’m hoping this outcome is different; I’m hoping this time there is no welcoming back for these performative CCs, and they can sit there and reflect on why that is. Maybe then they’ll grow a backbone.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject matter. (Don’t know anything in regards to the underwear discussion 😭). I apparently love getting on my soapbox every time I send something, so I thank you for reading it every time.
Have an awesome day, love!
-L :)
Hi L!! Yeah i absolutely agree with pretty much everything you said and I think what made so many CCs jump ship this time was the fact that it was a content creator within the community that spoke out similar to Shelby. However, that does not excuse their poor or extreme reactions to handling the situation.
I do think that the cycle you mentioned is super tiring and I feel like the community needs to do a better job of going "oh you dont fuck with us anymore? okay bye" and not following their actions for months afterwards to hate on them (unless we see hypocritical actions like coming back to hang with our CCs with no prior apology or public support because thats just a bit odd tbh)
I appreciate the soapboxing tbh!! It's always a good read :)
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alarrytale · 2 months
they released a new interview from Brazil where they asked about Larry rumours and he started talking about F as his most important person in the world and he gets annoyed with Larry conspiracy theories but he can’t do anything about it cause the fans don’t want to change their minds
Did you see L talked about F and that larries irritate him? Why is he bringing it up all the time? How it can be good for a promo? And it’s kind of getting embarrassing..
Hi, anon!
I've been busy at work all day and haven't checked tumblr or twitter until now lol.
Eh, the stunt free promo was fun while it lasted. He always end up killing the vibes. I don't understand how this is helping his case at all. He's shooting himself in the foot, because this kills excitement and engagement among his core fans and largest target group. It won't sell any tickets. This isn't working to kill any rumours either. We are all pretty non-plussed over this. Nobody believes him. I'm very eh about it.
He's gaslighting us by trying to make us feel guilty about F hurting over the rumours. Not cool. I would think F is hurting more over L being an absent father, than what strangers on the internet says about his absent father, a father who's also said he wants to spend the next 10 years touring and not actually parent his kid. Lol, this fake narrative they're going for isn't making sense.
Anyways, it's disappointing, embarrasing, futile and it won't gain him any fans, quite the opposite. 5 or 15 larry denials, it won't matter. He's still lying and larry is real.
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dennisboobs · 5 months
i think one of the biggest issues in modern fandom is that despite the abundance of autistic/adhd/audhd fans, a declaration that cringe culture is dead, and the fact that we're all watching the same show, there is large portion of people who participate in fandom as a popularity contest, where the focus shifts off of the main interest and develops almost a secondary hyperfixation with specific creators, blogs, accounts, in a way that at least borders on parasocial.
this is nothing new, but the attitude that springs from it then dictates a specific Way to interact with that fandom, meaning that those who aren't interested in following select clique leaders are outcast and seen as More Cringe because they don't speak or act within acceptable parameters. when people have a platform, there's a pressure to be funny, be entertaining, to produce more Content that your followers WANT to see, the stuff they followed you for. sometimes this leads to plagiarism, ripping off posts from other platforms or lesser known accounts because you feel a compulsion to post ANYTHING for engagement instead of what you WANT to post. speaking from experience here, i am something of a Former YouTuber with a sizeable following, and i've been through it on other social media with several other fandom sideblogs and shit.
different platforms, different friend groups, different subsections – depending on preferred characters, ships, etc. – are inevitably going to be far more insular, and especially long-time fans who are less interested in the general media and more about a selection of specific interests is going to fall into this trap eventually. however, i think social media influences this more now than it did even a few years back, especially on twitter where it's more difficult to find "content" without a well-known account attached.
a while back someone made an always sunny iceberg that had a bunch of shit i had never seen before, despite having personally trawled the waybackmachine and archived a bunch of semi-lost media, running and overhauling the wiki with its decades of collected trivia, and having been on sunnyblr. a lot of it was from the podcast, but the stuff i had no recollection of was obscure ass sunnytwt drama that only involved like. a very small group of individuals. the thing is that these few accounts are minor celebrities in the fandom, and everyone follows them. i myself followed one or two of them when i first got into the fandom because they were posting clips reblogged by non-sunny mutuals. there are a TON of sunny focused accounts on twirter, but only a few that have multi-thousand followings, primarily for this reason. this is essentially your only gateway into the sunny fandom on twitter. here (on tumblr), you can easily look in the tags and curate your followed blogs (or look at the iasip subreddit) but it's a lot harder to find fandom content without that organized space (most people don't specifically tag tweets), instead you have to rely on the few sunny accounts you followed incidentally to deliver you retweets so you can follow more accounts.
so then what happens? you follow more accounts? see a variety of sunny content? follow a tag to see fandom newcomers' posts, art, fics? no, you follow the same 5 accounts you started with and stay in the echo chamber, caught up in drama and taking sides based on your few mutuals' opinions, maybe things get a little too personal and you stay following someone even though you disagree with their posts because you really don't have much of a choice, they can see if you unfollow, and they put posts on your timeline. you make a private account and start quote retweeting them to get out your irritations, a passive aggressive reminder that they're wrong. your other mutual quote retweets someone calling them stupid, and you also decide to tell them how wrong they are, because it's a popularity contest, not an open discussion. there's a Content Draught during the hiatus and people start getting bored. it becomes less and less about the original show, and more about the cliques, the exciting new drama of the day, the actors.
new fans are lost, long-time fans who don't care about all this extra shit are alienated, and it leads to a very odd type of gatekeeping that has these Elevated fans looking down on people for actually wanting to engage with the source media. yes, this includes the fans on reddit who spout quotes. this includes the people who liveblog their first time watching the show. this includes people who care about the show because it's still fresh and exciting and they haven't yet been made to feel that it's something to hide because it's cringey or dated or stupid to take it Too Seriously theorizing and dissecting the Poop and Fart Show.
I am guilty of all of this too, i think for quite a while i've been feeling like i need to defend myself by lashing out at other people because i am extremely sensitive to being made fun of for actually caring about my special interest. but i think that analysis and criticism (within reason) are extremely important facets of fandom and we as a fandom should be trying to encourage that rather than make fun of other fans. i think this is probably the reason for a lot of the issues with fan superiority, gatekeeping, the general awful atmosphere in the fandom. it's easy to complain and make counter content to someone else's post, it's a lot harder to grow the balls to have a proper in-depth lore discussion with them, or better yet, make your own stuff. ive been joking about a fandom-wide rewatch, but i genuinely think we should organize something like that. and i think everyone should set aside the judgement and just enjoy themselves. i'm sick and tired of feeling unwelcome in a fandom that i dedicate a lot of time to because i'm unashamed about enjoying the source media and i suspect a lot of you probably feel the same. you don't need to push everything through an irony filter and self depreciate, you can just like sunny and want to participate in fandom.
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theamazingannie · 6 months
Finished the first two episodes of PJO. Got thoughts (if anyone cares). Putting under a read more cuz it’s a bit lengthy
Before I go into the cons (cuz I got some unfortunately), the pros:
Aryan is so cute I adore him
I love the main trio in general. I think some of the acting isn’t always great but their chemistry and adorableness make up for it
I especially love the percabeth relationship. Walker and Leah did a great job showing that doofus Percy and irritated Annabeth relationship. Especially their early on “Annabeth looking down on Percy while he understandably flounders around.” I cannot wait to see more of them!!!
Saw someone on Twitter talk about the armor adjustment scene and how it could be a parallel to them later on as their relationship progresses and I hope so badly that they do that
Love Clarisse. Does a great balance between being unlikeable and being unenjoyable
LOVE Mr. D. Had absolutely no doubt that Jason Mantzoukas would crush this role and am glad to see it. Perfect level of unhinged and unnervingness. Literally the perfect person to play the role
It has a decent script. Not perfect, but I like how witty Percy is and there’s a lot of good written chemistry between characters and I found myself chuckling a lot, which is great as an adult with a show targeted towards younger audiences
The scenery is GREAT. I always have a hard time visualizing camp in my mind while reading and I think the show perfectly balances a normal summer camp with fantasy. Would’ve liked to see more of it, like a proper tour, but I know there’s not a lot of time. Hopefully we get to see more of it in later episodes
Great fight choreography. Wish there was a little more of it. Again, maybe they were cut for time but the fight scenes just seemed very rushed. But what we did see was so good. Especially loved Percy’s little duck and roll thing he did
Which brings us to the negatives. I wish I didn’t have any, but unfortunately I have a lot. I base these both as a fan of the books and as a show as a whole:
First things first, the pacing. It’s awful. It felt like a bunch of random scenes clipped together. There’s almost zero flow between scenes. It reminds me of watching the deleted scenes in the DVD bonus features and the weirdly long pauses between some scenes added to that. Nothing felt connected
To add to pacing, everything felt really rushed. As I said before, I get that timing is an issue, but I felt sped through everything. Considering it’s a tv show and we were promised more than was in the book, I didn’t expect so much to be left out. Nothing too important, but as I said before, it could’ve used better transitioning between scenes. I was left kind of disappointed and I can’t imagine not reading the books and being expected to follow this
On that note, explanations were iffy. It felt like they wanted to rush through explaining stuff to get to other parts which is fine for us readers but I think new audiences might struggle to follow. There’s a lot of information that the audience needs to know and I don’t think they properly addressed everything
One thing that comes to mind as I’m typing this is the wheelchair. They never show what it’s for. They introduce Chiron at camp as a centaur and have him be one for the entire time and so to an unknowing audience there’s just a random empty wheelchair during a scene. If they weren’t going to use it, they should’ve cut that out
The scene with the Cloven Elders felt unnecessary. I get they want to explore other POVs outside Percy’s but nothing that happened in that scene felt necessary to the plot. Barely anything happens and most of what happens is explained verbally through Grover later. I wonder if the scene was cut for time but it probably should’ve been cut altogether. It didn’t add anything except a tiny bit of worldbuilding and having them go INSIDE the tree was weird and not even from the books. There’s like a whole forest inside the forest which gives me Dodona vibes which it shouldn’t
As I said before, the acting isn’t great at times. That’s fine considering I was a House of Anubis stan once (hence the icon). Acting is honestly not the most important part of a show as long as they have interesting characters with good chemistry (which they do!) but still pulled me out of it a bit. Some of the delivery was kind of dry
There were multiple times when I thought the direction could’ve been better. It wasn’t necessarily the acting (although that was part of it). For example, which Annabeth says “you drool in your sleep”. She says it very monotonously and matter of fact and just stared at him unmoving which is fine cuz I think that’s how it worked in the book but I think it might’ve worked better if she said it more petulantly and hurried away. This is very nitpicky tho and is mostly just opinion
Speaking of Annabeth, though: I wanted to see her more! I get we will see her plenty throughout the season but I love her and would’ve liked her to be introduced sooner. She meets Percy earlier in the books so she could’ve been introduced sooner. I also want to see her and Chiron interact (which we will hopefully get ep 3) so we can see that father daughter relationship. (I did like the way she was introduced though. They did that really well. I just want to see her more🥰)
A note for the next ep promo: WHY did it spoil that they were gonna be meeting Medusa??! That was supposed to be a surprise and they just gave it away in the PROMO????
One last thing cuz I’m mad. I already made a separate post about it but THALL-EE-UH???? That’s literally how I pronounced it when I first read it and was repeatedly told it was wrong and it was TALL-ee-uh so I switched my brain over and NOW you tell me I was right??? I knew some pronounciations were gonna be wrong but I was PRETTY SURE about that one
I definitely had more thoughts while watching (some that are extremely nitpicky that I’m going to force myself to ignore) but I didn’t take notes while watching and am already starting to forget details. Overall, I did love it, but I think a lot of the love came from my existing love of the series. I first read PJO 13 years ago and it was the first book series I truly fell in love with and remains my favorite to this day. A lot of feelings are my love biasing me both positively and negatively, and it makes me wonder if I would have chosen to continue watching the show if I hadn’t already had that love. Honestly, I don’t think I would. However, I do plan on continuing to watch and support and hopefully the rest of the season goes well!
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fourstores · 1 month
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 for whatever you want <3
1. resident evil 8 was such a missed opportunity to do like. idk. anything. im not sure if i necessarily agree with people saying that it was nothing more than a tech demo for re4make, but i definitely see where they're coming from. the factory is a slog, moreau's swamp sucks. house beneviento is by far the scariest part of the entire game and the atmosphere is incredible, but it is CRIMINALLY short. castle d is gorgeous, but lady d herself falls flat as a nemesis / mr x type of enemy. i also just? dont like the writing in re8 at all. the characters are written strangely. i dont know how to put it into words. ethan feels weird. chris feels weird. mia feels weird and was tossed to the side and went from who she was in re7 to like an anime mom. this one is very petty but the fanbase for re8 is annoying as SHIT also. most re fans are irritating but re8 fans are something ELSE. the best thing about re8 is how it looks
2. this very quickly turned from unpopular opinions to Lilith's Hater Hour and im not sure how to word this either but a part of me hates how popular aw2 got. like a big part of me LOVES that, i feel like alan wake has always been underrated and ive loved it for years, its one of my favorite games ever, and im so happy to see it get recognition!! but predictably most of the fanbase has latched onto casey and zane/darling while completely ignoring saga as a character. its a bit annoying </3
3. i do not understand the hype around star wars, or why it got so popular. sorry to my mutuals for saying this on twitter like 3 times in the last 2 weeks and then again here FJFGHJH but i dont get it! i like the prequels, i like the sequels, i like rogue one, i like kotor (havent played either of them but i enjoy them nonetheless), i liked kenobi (pointing obi wan fan) i havent watched andor yet but i know i'll enjoy it. but most of star wars as a whole i just dont think its that. good? like. dont get me wrong when its done well its enjoyable!! but there are better sci fi serieses out there by far. star wars feels like lucasfilms throwing shit at the wall because it looks cool but has little sustenance. i will NOT start on my star trek vs star wars bullshit again because its INCREDIBLY biased LOL
4. i hate fallout 3. i hate traversing it. i hate playing it. i hate how it looks. i dont like the characters. i dont like the story. i dont like the writing. i like fallout 4 more than i like fallout 3, because 4 is at least enjoyable to play and lose myself in, even if the writing is arguably worse. when i first played fallout 3 i kept thinking to myself like. this is it? because for years all i heard was how good it was. and it just isnt LOL
5. i hate alien 3 also. i have not seen it and i do not plan on watching it because i KNOW it will make me angry. i am a BIG hater of shit thats just needlessly pessimistic / depressing / nihilistic simply for the sake of it, and from everything i've read of alien 3, thats exactly how it comes across to me. im sure if i WATCHED it i could more coherently explain why i dislike it, but im so attached to the dynamic that ripley, hicks and newt have that seeing it get thrown away immediately in the start of alien 3 would make me pass away badly
HELP. i didn't mean to ramble this much omg JJFDGJKFDGH i dont think most of this is very well written im sorry it's all very word vomit. i have had a little bit to drink and im feeling very haterish tonight. something in the air. thank you for indulging me <333
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nia26 · 2 years
A rant on how embarrassingly inconsistent Twitter bl fandom is about sex, purity, nc scenes, and things of the like:
The discourse and pushback I’ve seen on bl Twitter surrounding gmmtv’s 2023 MOCK trailer for Only Friends has been utterly fucking weird and annoying. Especially considering how people have been jumping through hoops this year defending high heat shows like Kinnporsche, Love In The Air, and Big Dragon. Like I’m really confused cause are people now all of a sudden tired of shows with high heat? Even fucking today people have been hyping up and posting all the nc scenes from the LITA special ep so why are people upset about Only Friends when the script probably isn’t even finished?
Listen my first bl was Together With Me in 2017 and even for bl 2022 standards I think it’s still pretty bold and sexually explicit. Even What The Duck (2018) is still very sexually explicit for today. I know I’m missing a couple but my point is that there have always been sexually explicit bl series. I know 2022 was a boom year for more mature and adult bl that everyone has been begging for (2023 looks like that as well) but I mean there’s always been these types of bl shows so why all of the pushback for Only Friends?
What really irritated me to write this rant was seeing the same people who defended MAME/LITA for its sexual content now have criticism for JOJO/Only Friends for its sexual content. Also, people (mainly The Eclipse stans) who’ve been criticizing MAME/LITA for its sexual content have now flipped and are defending JOJO/Only Friends for its sexual content. You see how fucking confused, annoyed, and frustrated I am.
Now I’m not going to defend Mame/ Lita or The Eclipse because I dropped both during the early episodes and I’m not a fan of Mame’s previous work but I’m going to defend Jojo cause IN MY OPINION he’s gmmtv’s only openly queer director/screenwriter who has consistently put out quality, queer, thought-provoking, progressive, entertaining, and well-written series. Just watch Friend Zone 1-2, 3 will be free, and The Player. Jojo does a phenomenal job writing and directing shows about messy queer relationships that have more to offer than just nc scenes. Don’t speak on him or Only Friends if you’ve not done your due diligence and research and watched his previous work.
Anyways, I really find it odd that people who’ve been defending MAME and LITA for its high sexual content are now upset that Only Friends used sex to sell their show in the MOCK trailer . Now I do think there’s a valid critique for how now in 2022/2023 bl producers are using sex to market and sell their shows but this argument is extremely hypocritical coming from people who defend MAME and LITA when that’s how MAME has always marketed and sold all her shows as well. If you’ve sat there and enjoyed Mame’s shows (who IN MY OPINION has relied heavily on chemistry, fanservice, and nc scenes to appeal to viewers cause her writing is weak) but now have “critique” for Jojo and Only Friends well I got news for you the call is coming from inside the house. If anything Mame is the main contributor to now more bl producers using sex to sell cause they’ve seen how popular it has made her shows.
Another thing that’s annoying me are mainly The Eclipse/FirstKhao stans who complained every day about people fetishizing LITA for its sexual content and 0 plot while claiming The Eclipse was better for its lack of sex and “better” plot have now switched and are defending Only Friends for its sexual content. It’s very clear bl fans will switch their stance on a topic if it means supporting and defending their favs. FirstKhao stans were just championing on how pure, wholesome, and innocent The Eclipse was and how it was better than LITA. Now all of a sudden FirstKhao stans are defending the integrity of the sexual content in Only Friends. Imma be honest, if FirstKhao weren’t in the cast or if MAME was the screenwriter for Only Friends 100% guarantee these firstkhaos stans would not be changing their stance on “purity” and defending Only Friends this much. If you’re going to stand firm on a topic it shouldn’t change based on if your favs are involved or if you hate the people involved. The same energy needs to be kept for everyone. Now all of a sudden Only Friends isn’t selling sex but LITA was? Both shows used sex to market.
Now I understand people having more faith in Jojo than Mame cause of their difference in screenwriting and filmography which I do as well but Jojo does work for gmmtv and they have a track record of fucking up potentially good shows. Also MAME could always improve on her next show which many people who like her work claim she has already which is fine. I think people over criticize MAME as well as she has her strengths cause if not people wouldn’t tune in and love her shows like that do. But like I said before, MAME is one of the main reasons sex sells and marketed in bl look at what the success of TharnType did to the industry. I wouldn’t be surprise if more directors like Jojo followed her blueprint.
As mentioned before, there’s several valid criticisms on the negative effects of marketing and selling shows based off sex and nc scenes to appeal to more viewers. However, some of these criticisms are on the viewers cause producers can statistically figure out which types of scenes are replayed the most and see how fans interact on social media to certain scenes and in turn give viewers more of what they want to make money. If viewers are mad at bl producers sex marketing their shows maybe interrogate how y’all interact with these shows and certain scenes than maybe things will change.
Also, this purity vs sex-obsessed conversation about bl is inconsequential. Purity does not equal a good show and it’s equally not wrong to like like more fluffy BLs. “Sex-obsessed” is not bad especially concerning fictional shows and fictional characters. I mean erotica has been a popular genre for centuries. What’s exactly matters is production, storytelling, directing, character/plot development, acting, etc. Shows can be “pure” or “sex-obsessed” but what makes them good or bad is determined by the things I just listed.
Another thing I want to say is people shouldn’t be complaining this much about thai BLs in 2022/2023 when damn near 30+ different BLs from different countries come out every damn week. People tend to hyper focused on Thailand cause their the biggest contributor in asia but there’s so many other countries that have phenomenal mlm shows. Instead on complaining about Thailand all day broaden your horizon. 
I wanna end this saying I hope gmmtv still lets Jojo tell Only Friends the way he wanted and intended instead of dumbing his work down so he doesn’t come off “sex-obsessed” (which his previous his works never were anyway). Jojo is an openly gay man who has always spoke up about queer rights/issues in his previous works and I don’t expect that to change with Only Friends.
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fortanreviews · 1 year
Big Bad Fortrant: Discord
Hello, I’d like you to welcome to my very first blogpost of my new blog, where I talk about things and share my thoughts regardless of whether anybody gives a fuck or not.
There will be many types of blogposts each with their own tag. And naturally, since Thursday is my least favourite day of the week; Thursdays will be saved for rants. The name of this tag came from an old callout post somebody did for me over 10 years ago.
I originally wanted to go on a rant about my least favourite website in the whole world, Twitter, but I believe I am still struggling to properly put my grievances into sentences without coming across as a rambling lunatic. So, I’ll save it for another time. Instead I will be ranting about my second least favourite website in the whole world, Discord. Now Discord is different from Twitter because I have it on all the time, yet I still despise many aspects of the site and it’s culture.
Discord has more or less become the modern MSN, however the difference between that and Discord is, MSN didn’t have any servers, it had group chats yes, but these group chats were kept to one chat only, there were no multiple channels or threads or anything like that. When MSN fell, Skype became the next popular chatting tool, and when that fell, Discord stepped in to fill in the gaps.
The multiple channels idea was great and it prevented chats from being too crowded. Back in the dark Skype days, a large group chat only had one place to talk in and many topics ended up getting buried by eachother. With Discord, you could create multiple channels.
Unfortunately, over time, this has led to some questionable decisions. Many people have started to use Discord as a substitute for forums. This includes archiving material in said servers, the problem with discords are, you have to JOIN them in order to see them, they’re not public, they’re all very much private. This has led to many people insert download links in their discords for projects such as fangames, game mods and even archived works. Use Internet Archive for that you nimrods! 
And the privacy of Discord has led to another problem, the creation and distribution of echochambers. In my other blog, goddamnwebcomics, there are now two cases of webcomic creators locking themselves in a Discord chat with their rabid fans where nobody is allowed to criticise them. Anyone who raises their voice in any form will be either banned or put in a struggle session. And this is just two examples off the top of my head, there are so many communities that are used for echochambers and even inappropriate behaviour. Yes, Discord’s private nature allows sexual predators to find new victims easier than ever. A lot of people don’t use the old internet etiquette of never showing your face, address or real name. It shouldn’t be done in public but it ESPECIALLY shouldn’t be done in private.
Discord has recently gained more open critique lately from their users, but my main problem is really with the culture of it. The name change update is stupid, but I don’t see a reason to leave the site over it. However, I can eventually see another live chat program replace it as the Discord developers make more and more asinine decisions that make the site more irritating to use. At least users have an option to leave unlike the poor YouTube community. Until then, many people, me included, will continue to use the site despite hating it. Don’t worry, I have no plans of buying Nitro anytime soon.
Let me end this rant on a personal story, because I want all of my rants to come from a certain place of experience. I feel like I’ve seen the enormous flaws Discord had way back when people still loved the site. For that we must go back 6 years. For privacy reasons, every name in this story has been changed. It has also been embellished quite a bit.
I joined Creatividia Discord server after my friend had invited me there, Creatividia was an art group that loved to work on art but also criticise art. The community was nice but they were too obsessed with perfectionism. The leader of this group was a man named Ruth Grondan. Ruth had demoted the co-founder of Creatividia years ago for not being critical enough. When I first met Ruth, I got along with him. I was able to rise through the ranks of the server, but overtime I started doing stupid shit because it was 2017. Other creatividia members weren’t happy with my behaviour, but their problem was, outside of extreme cases they NEVER told me anything. Creatividia was very secretive because a lot of things that happened inside were “confidential information”. Creatividia you see was part of a much larger group, and what happened in Creatividia shouldn’t be spread to the larger group because they often spoke and critiqued people behind their backs.
Eventually, my friend, Ron Mullet, joined the Creatividia Server. He was made fun of a lot behind his back which I didn’t approve of. One day I openly got confrontational with them for constantly attacking Ron, so I was kicked. Ruth told me that he still respected me and my art. My art here was a video editing project that I have been working on for 10 years now. I appreciated that.
However, with Creatividia gone, I never really got proper feedback that I wanted ever again. If I wanted to know how they really felt about me, I tried to ask Ron Mullet who was still in the group but he told me what happens there is confidential information. Later that year, I learned that a friend of mine, Geyeeh, had been invited to the group. I asked Geyeeh about his invitation and he told me “I’m not sure how I would tell it to you”. I thought this could be my chance to get back to Creatividia server because I knew Geyeeh would convince them to invite me back. So I waited and got really impatient so I kept bombarding Ron with questions. I was getting really anxious because I really wanted the feedback. Eventually I got a message from Ruth that I wouldn’t be invited to the group anymore. I was upset and asked Geyeeh and Ron what the hell was going on. For the first time I saw Geyeeh, who was previously optimistic and passionate, very upset with my shit. Yes, I had acted wrong, but I do feel that in a lot of ways, I was justified to be impatient because I had no idea what was happening in Creatividia. It was a fucking silly art group, not fucking Pentagon. I feel that people there were not honest to me and they wanted to keep me out. I do regret how I behaved and I feel I learned an important lesson about compassion and respect.
My friendship with Geyeeh never really recovered after that, we’re still good friends but not to the level we used to be. Overtime people made “smaller” Creatividia servers but in those groups the existence of the main Creatividia server or “Head Group” was a secret. I remember once asking Ron if one person I felt bad for was in head group and he told me “They aren’t, and never ask me anything about that group again”. Both Ron and Geyeeh are very defensive of Creatividia, even if Ron was a victim of their bullying in the past. Geyeeh’s more defensive though, I believe it’s because Geyeeh really has no other community to be part of. They’re his only friends.
The only time I got to see a post from the Head Group afterwards was when someone shared a post talking about me with the name cropped out. However from the way it was written I could tell from the get-go it was written by Ruth. Ruth’s opinion on me and my work had changed in just a few months, calling my work “odd and nonsensical” and he said I would never be allowed in the Head Group again.
I feel Creatividia situation perfectly captures the problem I have with Discord, if Creatividia had been made few years earlier and the group had a forum instead of a discord server, the privacy problem wouldn’t really exist and we would have a much more healthy community. I can’t directly call out Creatividia without burning bridges so the only way I can call them out is by using subtle messages in my art, the fake names I used in this story did come from a group of OC’s I had created that were a parody of the said group. I might deepdive into these OC’s in the coming blogposts, but anyways Discord is awful because it’s used as a substitute for forums, it’s a haven for echochambers and online creeps, and it makes even the silliest community treat themselves like they’re Area 51. That’ll be all.
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trkstrnd · 1 year
I don't know if you watch 911 as much as 911ls or how active you are on twitter, but how do you feel about the buddie vs tarlos wars that are a constant thing? I see it start more from the buddie fans than the tarlos fans, because every time we get a new spoiler, picture or anything posted about tarlos at all, they always slide in to start talking trash and about how buddie is the superior ship. It can get quite irritating especially when most of the time they're actually complaining about the LACK of buddie/buddie screen time.
these fandom wars are exactly why i am not on twitter anymore. i have never unprovoked shat on buddie the way those fans do on tarlos. i tend to keep quiet about my opinion on this bc i know a lot of my moots and friends watch both (as do i) but i’m gonna say this very loud and clear as my stance on it.
if you support attacking fans of a different ship just to make yourself feel good or even worse, to make them feel bad, you are discrediting your ship and pushing apprehension towards it.
i have dealt with so much shit from buddie twt stans that any fiber of my being that ever wanted buddie canon is fucking gone. the ppl attacking tarlos to ‘prove that buddie is better’ have pushed me to a point where i don’t get much enjoyment out of og and interacting with the fandom much anymore because even though i know my og moots are wonderful, kind, beautiful people, it just seems overwhelmingly buddie buddie buddie and any mention of them sparks fight or flight in me, and it sucks.
i’ve been watching og since day one. i was quite literally 15 when 1.01 came out, and i fell in love with the format and the stories and looking into these characters lives, and at this point all i see while watching it is how ‘buddie stan’s are going to have a field day with this’. i’ve kind of distanced myself from og bc of this, and i know a lot of people who have distanced themselves from ls because of a few toxic ls creators out there (y’all know who).
comparing ships is not going to get you anywhere when everything in media is subjective. i hate horror, my friends love horror. i’m indifferent towards buddie, my friends love it, and i will support them in that if they don’t fucking attack me for being attached to my boys.
fandom is based off of mutual love of a piece of art or media, and in my opinion, one of the biggest foundations of live should be respect. please just respect one another, regardless if they like tarlos or buddie, because they can have a favorite without discrediting the other.
tldr this fandom discourse is quite literally so exhausting pls put ur energy into something that isn’t bringing others down for their interests.
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shiningwonderland · 1 year
Tokiya Ichinose (Repeat) Memorial
A day that felt like a dream
Translator: Koto (twitter: kotowari16) Proofreader: Mimi (twitter: _mimisaurora), Raz (twitter: agnadance) Editor: Pam (twitter: skywyld), Sasteria (tumblr: forestofsecret), Terry (twitter: turtlemudge), Mae (twitter: itoshikimaegirl)
Tumblr media
Things have gotten complicated.
To think that I’d be co-starring with HAYATO….
Saotome-san’s choices have me perplexed.
It was precisely because I wanted to avoid getting too involved with HAYATO that I went through the trouble of choosing and enrolling in Saotome Academy....
And yet….
"Wah, oh my gosh… HAYATO-sama is coming… HAYATO-sama is…."
The sparkle in Nanami-san’s eyes was….
I know you’re getting the opportunity to see your favorite idol in real life, but aren’t you getting a little too carried away?
Today was the first time in a week that we had a lesson in the recording room….
But Nanami-san had been acting like this ever since we received the news about Ohayaho~News earlier this morning.
She took her lessons seriously, but seemed to have her head in the clouds during recess and lunch breaks.
Even now, during the preparation for our lesson, her thoughts were completely occupied by HAYATO.
"Nanami-san… Aren’t you a bit too happy to be able to meet your favorite idol?"
"Eh?! Ah, aaaaaaaaaah, meeting him, that’s ridiculous. If I could catch a glimpse from afar, if only for a second… that would be more than enough to make me happy!"
What’s she going on about…?
If she’s his fan, wouldn’t it be obvious to want to talk to him?
"You can at least talk to him in some situations, can't you?"
"Eh… ah… no… that—I don’t want to intrude on him... and I wouldn’t want to end up bothering him either…."
She became extremely wary and made herself even smaller than she already was.
"In the meantime, since I’m going to be talking to HAYATO tomorrow, is there anything you want me to bring up?"
Suspecting she might ask for an autograph, I asked the question spitefully.
"Please do your best!"
She clenched her fists tightly and sounded as joyful as possible.
That wasn't what I was asking, but….
It looked like we weren’t quite on the same page.
"It’s his job. So, of course, he’ll do it perfectly. But you are HAYATO’s fan, right?"
"Yeah! I love him!"
An immediate answer….
And with a big smile, even….
She's quite remarkable.
"If you are a fan, then wouldn’t you want to talk to him personally?"
"Of course! But now isn’t the time. HAYATO-sama is my favorite idol, my inspiration, and… my dream…. Someday, when I’ve become a great composer, my dream is for him to sing my song. That’s why, until then, it’s enough for me to just be a fan who cheers him on from afar!"
Her eyes were shining even more than before as she talked about her dream.
The sight itself was beautiful, but for some reason it only irritated me.
"I see…. But the song you should be writing right now is mine. If you fail to debut, that dream won’t come true."
"I know! I’ll do my best! First is the recording test, right? Time to study, time to study ♪"
She prepared herself for the lesson in a good mood.
HAYATO’s impending arrival didn't distract me or interfere with my classes and lessons.
Those sparkling eyes, in addition to her being so excited….
There was nothing I could do about it, was there?
"Are you ready? I’m going to sing."
She was doing precisely what she needed to do. And yet, why, why was this so frustrating…?
And so, the next day.
HAYATO came to our school.
There was still something small that needed to be done, so I asked Nanami-san to take care of it and came to school early.
Ohayaho~News filming started early in the morning.
In spite of having arrived at the academy much earlier than on a normal school day, Nanami-san had already made it to our meeting place.
"So this place is going to be featured on Ohayaho~News today. How lovely."
You’re looking quite chipper this morning.
She had been like this during yesterday’s lesson, and the excitement had still been there on the way back home. Had she sustained it all this time? If that was the case, that was some tremendous energy she had.
What was it about HAYATO that animated her so much?
What was it about HAYATO that was so charming…?
HAYATO and me….
Why was it that HAYATO was the only one who provided her energy when we looked almost exactly the same…?
It had been puzzling me ever since yesterday.
I have to focus and stop worrying about unnecessary problems… because… I have work to do.
"Ah. Ichinose-san! Good morning. I hope you have a good day at work today."
"Yeah, likewise, have a good day."
I wondered what exactly she thought of me.
HAYATO or me, whose existence would have the greatest meaning to her…?
I believed I had put in some of my own effort as her partner, but….
I'd been pretty strict and unrelenting with her ever since school started, so she might not think too highly of me.
I thought of something else and hurriedly denied it: the idea that maybe she was enduring it just because my face resembled Hayato's, but was actually suffering.
Let's forget about it for now.
Because this is an important job that has been given to me, Ichinose Tokiya….
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gascon-en-exil · 9 months
Now there's a name I wasn't expecting to see pop up again.
Thanks to Twitter/X, I've learned that Anacybele is still active in the fandom - and still up to her usual schtick of loudly bashing anything that goes on in FE that she doesn't happen to like. In this case, it's the mere existence of Jugdral banners in Heroes, because she's annoyed at how long it's been since FEH's done a Path of Radiance banner. We're presumably ignoring that there was a Radiant Dawn banner at the start of this year (featuring one of her favorite characters, no less!), and that IS doesn't like to double dip on Tellius presumably because of the large roster overlap.
Not much irritates me anymore in this fandom, but really - Jugdral is the least represented setting in FEH by a good margin, and even if its fans have to deal with a torrent of "lol who?"s from half the internet whenever we get some content I think it's worth enjoying. You'd think she'd be a bit more sympathetic seeing as Tellius is arguably even less accessible than Jugdral these days - harder to emulate, extremely expensive to buy, less likely to be remade anytime soon - but I imagine that's asking too much.
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alarrytale · 7 months
Hi Marte, what made you irritated about the IQ interview? I thought all the focus on venue size was mercenary and then the pretence that they could 'handpick festivals' when none of the big UK or US festivals want him.
What’s the m*tt vines interview? I did a search but couldn’t find anything
Hi, the both of you!
Here is the link. I haven't read the whole thing, i just read snippets on hldaily promo and other uas on twitter. That was more than enough to annoy me....
First of all i can't stand when the people around them talk about them. You know they're going to present you with the current narrative, enforce his fake image and do subtle fan policing. I always hate it.
The first quote i read;
Louis is indie. That’s the music he loves and you can see that through the acts he requests to support him. It’s time now to shine the light on who he is.
If he's indie why all the boyband covers? Don't think the chavs and the alt/indie fans wants to show their face at a show of his when he's playing 1d? Also, why are you talking about who he is and not himself? He's indie because his support acts are indie? Have his management heard his songs? Back to you is indie? Wtf?? Also you need to stop trying to cater to a male audience, it's not going to work. It's embarrasing to watch you try and fail. The tries are also half assed, but that's expected, mostly because he isn't actually indie...
He can’t hide from his past. One Direction was one of the greatest boybands of all time, but we have to respect his journey and see him for the artist he wants to be and not for what he was.
Do we really have to respect his journey? Or do we really have to respect this fake image you've created for him? Because that's what you're really saying here... Also i don't have to respect shit from one who doesn’t respect his own fans...
He loves his fans and loves playing for them. He loves being on tour and seeing how the songs connect live.
He loves his fans, right... that's why he's yelling at us, throwing us under the bus and being rude to us on twitter? Fucking read the room. You don’t get to say that as his management mere days after the tirade he gave us. And for his songs to connect live he needs to know the lyrics to his own songs. Pretty basic really.
His fanbase is so loyal and they hang on every word he says, he’ll go onstage after the support acts and say ‘How amazing were they, go out and follow them,’ and that’s what his fans do because they really believe in him and trust him.
No, i'm pretty sure the dude spews so many lies about who he is and his fake son that we've stopped listening to him. No one is buying it. We don’t trust him for shit lmao. Also it's not about being loyal, it's about supporting a closeted gay man that's being sabotaged by the industry and help him succeed despite his fucked up image.
So yeah lol, kind of annoyed at them not having a clue about fandom and the current environment. Bad timing on this article.
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keystone8379 · 9 months
Loses once:
Regarding the Pokémon TCG, I watched Pokémon Path To The Peak. You know, the little Youtube miniseries about a girl who becomes the best TCG player. They reach the peak, if you will. It’s cute! I liked it despite only having a passing familiarity with the card game. (Marvel Snap is the only collectible card game I play) What I don’t have a passing familiarity with, however, is competing in a fighting game. Even though the series is good, it’s not great, and there’s one big reason for that. (Aside from the fact that it’s effectively an ad for the card game but I digress)
Let’s get the big issue out of the way first. The pacing. I get that this is more of a by-product of the length of the series (45 minutes) but because of it, we don’t get to see a lot of what makes competing in a competitive game so fun: the locals. Of course there’s a lot of card game specific stuff that the series glosses over such as deckbuilding and strategy, but as a fighting game fan, the local events being offscreen is so frustrating to me.
Competitive communities are more than the big events, a big part of them are getting with your group every month or so to play at a game store, or having memorable moments within those locals, or losing and learning from those losses!! The show’s length means it’s forced to only hit the important beats for the plot and we don’t get to see a lot of Ava’s growth as a player. The most irritating example for me is when we’re told that Ava “only cared about winning” in episode 4 but we don’t really see enough of that to believe it. This was after she lost 1 set to get 2nd at a major by the way!!! That’s incredibly difficult!!!
There are also a lot of things that are almost good, but not quite. In episode 1, teaching someone a game only to stomp them is a more frustrating experience than anything as someone who has tried to do that many, many times as opposed to how Joshua reacted. In episode 2, Celestine’s complete personality 180 is jarring, despite how well she plays off Ava and Joshua later. Edgar being on “Team Falinks” is an interesting chance to explore how stressful the expectations of an Org sponsor can be…until you realize that Edgar is the leader of that team. It’s these little things that wouldn’t bother a normal person but do bother me.
That isn’t to say I didn’t like the series though! I do! I think the series is full of cute moments, it’s funny, the fight scenes are animated well, in fact the entire show looks quite good. The main cast is fun and play off each other well. I like how weird Ava’s team is, you don’t usually see Oddish as someone’s ace backed up by a Darkrai. (Also, I crunched the numbers on Twitter, Ava’s fully evolved Oddish would have beaten Edgar’s Groudon if she went first)
I enjoyed this series. It’s good, but it’s not quite great. I wonder what other people thing of this and I’ll read as many RBs as I can. I really do feel like the series has a lot going for it and is still a fun watch. I just wish it had more substance.
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I made a drastic mistake on Twitter yesterday. I said something that came out wrong and I shouldn't have said it to begin with. I was thinking of deleting it the second after I sent it but I was in a panic. But once Thomas replied to it, I knew it was going to be over for me. The fandom already hates me for bs in the past so I was just ready to take the L. Thankfully, Thomas was understanding and we came to terms, I apologized and he took it well. So far, only blocked by three new people, two I followed for a while and commented under a lot. I know it's a consequence for an action I took. But, it was a mistake. I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. I was panicked when I typed that.
I am not in any way a doctor and I know I shouldn't claim to be. But I was going off of what Thomas has told us about his condition to do my own research to not only calm my nerves but also out of concern for Thomas. From what he has said, he said it came from sickness and worsens with stress. It was on the rest of his body as well. My assumption is some type of hives. Again, not trying to know what I'm talking about, just going off what I've looked into. Chronic Hives lasts a few months to the longest a year. So, this could call for some projects being postponed or rescheduled. Another thing that I believe is common knowledge is that running anything over a rash like an electric shaver or razor would irritate the rash and make it worse. Just wanted to worn him it could cause more harm than good.
I was genuinely panicking over things for several reasons. One was the concern for Thomas. I didn't want him to make a poor decision of this. I know I'm not his friend and just a fan but even his fans have recommended him stuff before for just sicknesses. I was and still am afraid that he could inflame the rash and worsen it causing more pain to him plus possibly more insecurity. He said it himself that it would only be for a small timeframe for the rash to heal so it isn't a permanent choice at least I hope not. I feel like shaving it all off would make the rash more noticeable and would surely cause more insecurity on him. Weigh the odds. Shave and risk inflammation of the rash more and make it more noticeable. Or don't shave and find another option like a new medication or hear something for another doctor. Sometimes doctors misdiagnose patients with something and give the wrong medicine for it. If you know this, another YouTuber by the name of JaidenAnimations had a similar situation happen to her. She developed hives from her stress from traveling for conventions and she was misdiagnosed before finally getting the right medication. I know I don't want to compare illnesses here but from my research it seems to be similar enough.
I was also panicking because I actually had the looming intrusive thought of Thomas being bald before and hearing he wanted to do it even for just a short while just triggered me. I have an intense fear of change that I know I need to get evaluated. I was like this with the beard choice too. I was just terrified things would change too much and scare me. He'd change too much. I know change is a part of life and I can't have much say but I can have concern. Another trigger was the fact that I had to shave my head when I was 2 when I was diagnosed with Leukemia cancer. I was like that for three years. Sure I was young and had no say but seeing Thomas bald would have just scared me. And this fear has happened to me before. I was in another fandom before Thomas'. From 2rd grade to 7th grade I watched a channel by the name of Good Mythical Morning. So from 2012 to 2017. Five years. I left when Link changed his hair because I love his old hair. And I'm not the only mythical beast who did. And now that I've been in Thomas' fandom for 5 years now and hear this decision made me fear that....I wouldn't love Thomas anymore. And I don't want that to happen. I know it seems my love is conditional here but..this is just my rampant fear of change because everytime there's a change in my life it's either bad or has a bad outcome. I was petrified, crying and hyperventilating over this. Texting my friends like crazy trying to find some comfort and help in this. It was horrible. I was literally sobbing over the thought of leaving the fandom. I don't want this to be that reason. My thoughts were racing, literally wishing I could go to Thomas directly and beg him not to on my knees sobbing. It was absolutely horrible. The whole day I was uneasy. This happened yet again...when I had my first bi awakening girl crush. Before I joined Thomas' fandom, I met a girl that I fell feeling for after a short while. One of the main things I loved about her was her hair. But when I heard she wanted to shave it off I lost it. Trying to be subtle to her about not doing it because I didn't want to be forceful. After a while she and I cut ties and that broke me. But she indirectly introduced me to Thomas' content. Then when "Moving On" came out, felt like Thomas knew what I was going through. He means so much to me to the point I literally was in tears concerned for him and begging he doesn't do it. I've literally have had intrusive thoughts of him flat out dying in the most gruesome of ways.
I had a concern about how this would effect filming. He said he wanted part 1 at least of the Sides season finale this year. And judging by that if this decision happens, it could postpone filming for it until the rash clears up and the hair grows back. Or even if he didn't shave it all off and managed to find a new thing to clear the rash he'd need to grow back the small amount lost. Again weigh the odds. Seeing it's already May with little updates on it and the fact he has other things he's working on in-between, somethings might have to be pushed back again which could include the season finale. And I know how fanders can get waiting impatiently for new sides content..and I didn't want Thomas to lose more fans, view and revenue because of this set back. I'm pretty sure Thomas will talk to his friend and team about this and how this decision could effect things. Seeing as with the beard, it was obvious it was gonna be shaved for continuity purposes. But this is bigger choice that could propose some issues. If he does shave it off, my guess it would take about 5 months to grow back the amount of hair we're used to seeing him have. Again..could cause a push back.
In short, I was heavily triggered by this decision he tweeted, I panicked over it, I have genuine concerns over his mental and physical health as well as business/project standpoint, and in the end I said what I shouldn't have in that one tweet reply and I am sorry.
I just hope that he doesn't do it for the sakes I mentioned but if he does that it's a non permanent choice(like he said) and hope he finds a cure for the rash and gets his lovely hair back again for the betterment of the future.
Again I am truly sorry.
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franki-lew-yo · 1 year
Any hopes I had for a Super Mario Movie were dead the moment it was announced Illumination was making it, sorry.
Illumination films (and Bluesky before that) are basic and hollow in a way that's just really insulting to me. Keep in mind I do unironic art of cereal mascots. I'm not immune to corporate marketing!! Even the most obscure indie stuff has to sell.
You know how some people rate modern Disney films by the merit of the original concept art because that always looks cooler even if there's no guarantee that the story would be any good or better than the finished product? I hate that so much. Same face syndrome+boring style+so-so writing+whatever you dislike about them aside; you can't ever say the writers behind those films aren't trying (minus Wreck it Ralph 2: I aint watching That. No not even if Comfortable Doug is in it). Hate it all you want for how oversaturated it is by the higher ups, but Frozen did try.
Illumination's films feel like the entire movie is governed by suits. They feel so calculated. So held back. They never push any boundaries not because the writers don't want to, but because the filmmakers can't allow anything too 'edgy'. You can't say the same for the Sony films or for even Dreamworks' 2000s catalogue. Those movies could be trainwrecks but I kinda prefer the edge of something like Bee Movie to the nothingburger of something like Sing. Why this is so sad to me is, simply put, there are writers behind these movies. There's absolutely art and imagination. It's not like working on Illumination makes you some kind of hack.
Secret Life of Pets and Sing feel like cute, safe ideas when you look at them in concept. They wouldn't blow people away ever but they would have been something...and then they were nothing because Chris Meledandri is a hack who thinks jangling keys is the substance of a good movie because he's only ever good at selling movies, not thinking of them. Despicable Me was actually the creation of Sergio Pablos, the guy who directed Klaus. Sergio had ideas and you can really feel in the script and in the concept for everything Despicable Me 1 is. Even the gags are really inspired, I think. I remember this old video that was just "Minions but without Minions" and it was a billion times more watchable than any of the full movies because you could tell where and what comic timing and detail the writers put into their work...and it all feels so wasted on the Minions. I like Illumination's artstyle. I keep seeing other critics of their films call them the most increative, worst designers in the world and I think that's so unfair. The robber family who picks up the minions in Minions have fine, designs, Ralphthemoviemaker. You're just being a pissy pants because you don't like the style.
I've literally never cared for/about Super Mario in any capacity and never care to. Details of what the characters should be matter not if you can make anything out of it. Just seeing some people push this narrative of "you have to like this movie because it's made to make you feel good and be" (no joke, I saw someone on twitter literally preaching that) makes me actively resent this film by association. I'm sorry but no. Don't you dare. Don't you dare wag your finger at me and tell me I'm not allowed to complain about something being subpar and irritating just because it was made to 'entertain' and clearly did that for you.
Am I making entire hate blogs over this that are just an echo chamber for other butthurt fauxcritic-cry babies? Am I posting cringe compilations and laughing at unironic fans? Am I bullying kids for their hyperfixation the way I still see people do with Frozen and Teen Titans Go? If the answer is "no" - cope. I don't like your feel good movie. Get it away from me.
It feels so hyperbolic --like, MysteriousMrEnter level hyperbolic, I mean-- but Chris Miladandri doesn't care about the films he produces and neither do their directors or overseers of story. Every Illumination film and Bluesky property deserved better than what this man expected of and made out of them.
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