#and i skipped to 21 and will stay for a while LOL
I am 17 but i keep saying i am 16 when i introduce myself
it's gonna get worse. i'm 24 but i almost say 21 when someone asks 😭
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What Was I Made For?
Summary: Leon, a bodyguard assigned to watch and protect his client, confesses his feelings for the reader. Although he knew he shouldn’t be involved in a relationship with his client, he still reaches out for you.
Warning: fluff/comfort. smut. afab reader. bodyguard!leon x female!reader. oral (f receiving), missionary, slight age gap (Leon is 27 and reader is 21+) loss of virginity. protected sex. CONSENTED. not proofread lol.
A/N: i got inspired by multiple things; jo and laurie, pride and prejudice, i love you and what was i made for by billie eilish. i wanted to try and write a romance so pure that it makes people cry. I think this is my cheesiest work so far.
“I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love.” - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Your father had hired a bodyguard to protect you while he was away. He loved you, like any father would, but his work seemingly came first. Not that you had any word in it anyway. It seemed that most of the choices he made for you were clearly out his heart and not out malice.
But when the tall, muscular, blonde man entered your own house, you couldn't help but feel a little angry. Not at the stranger, he was just hired to do his job, you were mostly mad at your dad for even thinking you didn't have what it takes to defend yourself. You hated feeling small and be seen as weak but again, there was nothing you could about it except take it.
Leon was his name, Leon Scott Kennedy. He's quiet, blunt, and always had a serious expression on his face. You couldn't read him- no one could, really. It was a little unsettling but overtime you grew closer to him.
He'd help you out when you needed a ride, he would reach the highest shelf when you wanted something from the pantry; he was a man you can depend on. And he, too, grew to care about you.
What you didn’t know was that every time he saw you or was with you, his heart would skip a beat. His entire being would feel like that satisfying part of a song; the bridge or the chorus or whichever part it may be. He felt complete, but he also felt empty. For how could a girl like you love him like he loved you?
Fear. He was scared, scared that you might push him away and abandon him like everyone has. That he’d have to fetch for himself again and live in solitude until his job required him to be sent away.
And so he buried these feelings deep down. He promised to himself that in order to not get hurt, he’d tough it out. That he won’t soften on you; he promised himself to stay a strong man and not let the wild emotions in his heart deter him from doing his job. And that’s what he did. Feelings were deeper than six feet, never to be resurfaced again.
Tonight was rough for you, so you found yourself in a bar. You didn't tell Leon, why should he know about this? He'd run off and tell your father about you drinking and getting with some random guy.
So, you turned off your location and put your phone on 'Do Not Disturb.' You needed an escape, a break from current reality. And what better way than to spend it on drinking away.
But you couldn't get one drink in without him bursting through the doors of the bar. His eyes landed on you, and he dashed towards you, "What are you doing here?"
His fingers wrapped around your wrist before the cup of liquor could touch your lips. You furrowed your brows and stared at his scowl, he looked beyond pissed. You knew he had every right to feel that way but at the same time, you desperately wanted to be away for a while.
"How did you find me?" you asked him.
"I'm a government agent, Y/n. I have my ways," He replied as he took your glass and put it back down on the bar table, "C'mon, let's get you home."
He pulled you up by gently taking your forearm, he guided the two of you out and away from the bar.
“No, Leon, I don’t want to go home. I want-“
“I don’t care what you want, this isn’t safe for you. I will take you back whether you like it or not,” he quickly turned to look you. He was mad and his face was not hiding it.
With a sigh, you reluctantly let him take you away. He ended taking you both to his apartment as your place was quite literally one hour away and it was dead in the night.
“What were you thinking?” He seethed through gritted teeth, “What if something had happened to you, huh? Were you just planning on getting drunk? How would you have gotten back home if I didn’t get there?”
You were currently sitting down on his couch, wearing his clothes that he let you borrow since you didn’t feel comfortable in the dress you were wearing. Right now, he was going through one of his heated lectures where it made you feel like a child. Curse him and his authorative voice.
“What were you even doing there? That’s not a place you belong and you know it,” he stood in front of you as he glared down at you.
“I don’t know, I needed a break,” you mumbled.
Leon scoffed and deepened his furrowed brows, “A break? From what? What could possibly make you want to go to one of the most dangerous place a woman could ever be in. Don’t you ever think about your safety? What if a man had taken advantage of you and you’d gone missing by tomorrow morning?” Leon sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he paced around his living room.
His apartment was nice- small but cozy. It was very him, in a way. Minimal decor with blank walls, devoid of any pictures. He never takes pictures and you realized this a long time ago when he’d gaze at the walls in your house, staring at your pictures when you were young. He liked them but he also felt jealous. Leon didn’t have these pictures. But he did have memories he wished he could keep forever.
He was beyond stressed for you. He wouldn’t have forgiven himself if anything had happened to you. As these thought ran through his mind, he couldn’t help but feel a small tug at the string in his heart. Something he knew all too well. A feeling he’s been keeping locked away seemed to be coming back at the wrong time.
“Leon, give me a break. I just wanted to have some fun,” you mumbled as you looked at him pace back and forth like a madman. You knew he was concerned for you, but was that really it? Just concern?
“Fun? Your idea of fun is getting drunk and have creeps around you? Bullshit, Y/n. Bullshit,” he quickly retaliated.
“What was the real reason? And don’t lie to me, I can tell when you’re lying,” he grumbled and stopped pacing to look back at you.
You sighed, “I… I wanted to be cool. All my friends have gone out and had fun but not me. I’m always cooped up like a prisoner. When am I going to have my fun?”
His eyes softened slightly, very slightly, but he was still scowling at you. Do not break, is what he repeatedly told himself.
“Leon, I’m an adult. I want to make stupid decisions. I want to get drunk and have sex with random strangers,” you looked down at your hands playing with the drawstrings of the sweatpants you were wearing, “I wanted to get drunk and… lose my virginity,” you whispered.
He stood frozen in place, but then he sighed and rubbed his face with his hand, “Jesus Christ, Y/n… you’re-“
He looked at you exasperatedly, “You’re way too young to be going out and drinking with random guys— especially like this.” He leaned over you, placing his hands on the couch armrests on either side of your body before continuing. “God, I could smack you right now for being so stupid.”
He obviously didn’t mean it but he couldn’t help it. You worried him, you made him want to act irrational every time something bad was threatening you.
Your eyes slightly widened from how close he got but you weren’t complaining, “Too young?” You repeated in a whisper. You furrowed your brows and leaned closer to his face, “I’m not being stupid. It’s embarrassing being a virgin at this age. When did you lose your virginity, huh?” You quickly instigated.
“At 21,” Leon replied, his scowl lessening as he noticed that you leaned in closer. “And I was sober, too.”
His eyes remained fixated on your eyes and he stared deeply into them, “You are still too young though. That’s what I’m trying to say. When someone tells you, live your life, they don’t literally mean being in the center of danger."
You groaned and leaned back against the couch, seemingly frustrated, “I’m an adult, Leon.”
You rubbed your eyes and then looked at him, “All my friends have had sex before and I’m still seen like a fucking nun. At least you lost your virginity, who knows when I’m going to lose it,” you grumbled and crossed your arms over your chest.
He was quiet for a bit. He paced around some more before speaking again with a stern tone. "Just because you're an adult-- barely, I might add-- doesn't mean you know everything. Hell, you're still a virgin for a reason."
He sat down on the couch next to you as he tried to think of what else to say. Leon sighed and leaned forward, his elbows now resting on his knees as he looked back at you, "I can just picture it if you do go home with some guy."
Leon puts his hands back to the armrests, "Idiot pulls your pants down, gets on top of you and finishes in two seconds-"
“But at least I’ll get fucked, right?” You interjected and looked away, “It’ll be nice if someone did that, except the finishing quickly- obviously.”
“I mean- that’s gotta be an exaggeration too, right? Who finishes in two seconds?” You mumbled and looked back at him.
Leon sighs, his gaze softening slightly. He opens his mouth to say something before stopping and closing it again, “Jesus…” He takes a deep breath before speaking again. “No, it’s really not an exaggeration. There are a good number of guys who think that they’re in a movie when they’re with a girl like you. And then—“
Leon leans in close to you and grabs your arm, “You’ll hate yourself if you lose your virginity this way.”
You looked at his eyes and then sighed, “So what should I do? Be the only one who hasn’t slept with anyone before? I haven’t even kissed anyone and that is embarrassing. Everyone’s kissed someone before but not me,” you muttered.
You didn’t mind him grabbing your arm, you didn’t even notice it since you were too deep into the conversation. Why did he care anyway? It’s not like he’s going to tell your dad about this, is he?
He wouldn’t. You and him both knew he wouldn’t betray you like that. Because you both knew that deep down, feelings were there. Feelings that made the two of you act exactly like this. Like kids fighting.
“I know I’m still young but c’mon… you know kids my age have done things… I don’t want to be left out, you whispered.
“Goddamnit..” Leon groaned and grabbed the other arm, holding them in both of his huge, calloused hands, “Stop being so damn self-conscious.” He glared down at you, the intensity of his eyes nearly causing your heart rate to spike a bit.
“And stop thinking about other people. You’re young and you’ve already lost the most important one…” Leon leans in even closer to you, almost so close that your noses are touching.
You furrowed your brows confused, “I have?” You muttered, “I haven’t…” your voice trailed off as you tried to look away but you couldn’t. His blue eyes were piercing right through your eyes as both your noses were so close to touching.
He stared at you in silence, his nostrils flaring from his deep breathing. Then, without warning, he kissed you firmly on the lips, his lips meeting yours for a few solid seconds. Freezing as you felt his lips on yours, not realizing what he was doing, but then you melted. Your heart was beating so fast but you didn’t protest. You closed your eyes for those few seconds and when he pulled back you looked at him with a dazed look. He sighed and took a deep breath before speaking again, “Idiot.”
“Why… you…” you stuttered as you tried to think of something to say. Your cheeks were coated pink as you licked your lips, still tasting his lips on your lips.
Leon leaned back and glanced at you. His face was flushed, but his expression was nothing but a mix of pure tenderness and soft longing. He rubbed his thumb against the side of your cheek and looked down into your eyes before speaking in a tender, whispery voice,
“Because you won’t listen, you know you’ll regret it if you do something like that with some guy, and I didn’t want that to happen to you.”
His heart was beating out of his chest, he couldn’t believe he’d just done that but he didn’t regret it. If he could have a little bit of you, he’d take it with him to his grave.
“So… you did it instead…” you mumbled as you looked at him with big eyes. Your pupils were dilated as you stared at his eyes and then down at his lips. Then your eyes shifted back to his blue eyes again. It was unbelievable that he took it upon himself to give you your first kiss. And it left you wanting more. But was that allowed?
He looked down at your lips for a moment before looking back up. He noticed your wide, glazed over eyes, the rapid breathing, and how your cheeks were coated in pink. He noticed everything about you in this moment.
He leaned back in, close enough to be right in front of your face. Then, he placed his hand back on the side of your cheek and pulled you in for a second kiss, “I’d rather it be me instead of some guy who’ll probably just abandon you the moment they finish.”
His second kiss made you melt, you closed your eyes and brought your hand to the back of his head as you moved to straddle his lap. Once he pulled back, you looked at him, “Does that mean… you’ll take my virginity too?” You asked quietly. The question made you nervous but you still had to know if he’d do everything you just mentioned.
Leon had to take a deep breath in and out as he was getting ahead of himself here. He was barely holding back in his own eyes, and you could tell that he wanted to do so many things to you in just this moment.
But his answer was a slow nod, “Yes… I will.”
To which you could only respond with kissing him again. He grabbed your hips as you straddled him, taking you in one of his arms while you leaned down for the kiss. He moaned softly as your lips met once again for another long moment. He sighed slowly once you pulled away, leaning you back against his arm, “God, do you know how tempting it is to just carry you to my room right now and do everything to you?”
“Please do it,” you whispered as you looked down at him, your chest panting. You wanted him to absolutely wreck you. To make your first time unforgettable.
He groaned deeply at your words and lifted you off of his arm. He then picked you up, carrying you in his arms as he walked into the hall. Leon carried you into his room, and then gently laid you down on his bed, climbing on top of you and pinning you down once he did.
There were many things Leon expected in his life but none of them ever led to this moment. Sure, he’d be fine with kissing you and then pulling away to keep you safe. But that’s not what you wanted either. His heart kept pulling and pulling but he tried so hard to fight it. He tried not to fall too deep. Keyword tried.
Leon looked down at you as you lay there with your hair sprawled out and your legs spread open. Your blushing cheeks paired with your wide, dreamy eyeballs made it easy for him to feel something deep in his gut. He leaned down to your neck and began to kiss and bite it, “You have no idea about the things you make me feel.”
You closed your eyes and rolled your head back to give him more space to keep giving you hickeys on your neck. Your hands wrapped around the back of his head, gently tugging at his hair. You bit down on your bottom lip to try and suppress moans and whimpers daring to leave your throat.
“Leon,” you moaned softly as he kissed and bit your neck.
He couldn’t help it. When you tugged at his hair, his eyes rolled back for a moment from how good it felt. When you moaned his name, he had to bite your neck one last time before leaning back on his knees and taking off his shirt.
His muscly body was on display as he unbuttoned his fly and took his pants off, going back on top of you to pin you down against the bed again, “God, you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do this.”
He remained in his boxer-briefs and you couldn’t help but just stare at the hot man on top of you. Heart palpitations increased as you noticed the look he had on his face- pure lust and… love?
“Me too,” you whispered as you also hastily took off your shirt and sweatpants, tossing them away to God knows where.
You both seemed to have been wanting this. It would be a lie if chemistry didn’t exist between the two of you, but it was something that was kept away and ignored. There were so many things that go against the two of you and yet, you both have found yourselves in this moment. Entangled by the strings of both of your hearts pulling you together as one puzzle piece.
As soon as he saw you down to your bra and panties, it was enough for Leon’s blood to boil and he didn’t have the capacity to wait any longer. He pulled them off of you faster than you could react, leaving you completely naked on his bed. He grinned down at you, taking one of your hands and guiding it over his chest so you could feel his muscles.
“You’re beautiful,” he muttered, looking at you like you were his angel- his goddess. A siren that captured his heart.
Your cheeks got even more red as he guided your hand to his muscly chest, causing you to whine quietly.
His smirk grew and his eyes sparkled with mischief as they looked down at you. With one hand wrapped around yours and the other at the small of your back, he leaned down to softly bite your neck again.
This was the perfect moment for him, he felt like he could finally be closer to you. To finally feel you for the first time. A renaissance, a revival of the piece of art that was under him. The rebirth of happiness.
He paused for a moment and stared down at you before leaning in yet again, “Y/n…”
“God, just ruin me,” you whispered as he leaned down on your neck again to bite and kiss it. Pink and purple spots beginning to coat your delicate skin from the hickeys and love-bites. That man was desperate, deprived of love and you could tell by the way he was handling your body. It was like fire spreading through your body, the warm sensation running down your skin as he licked and nipped every crevice of your neck and collarbone. Marking you, claiming you, loving you.
He felt his entire body vibrate as those words left your lips. His eyes began to roll back one last time and he groaned lowly. Without waiting for another moment, Leon started to slowly move his head southward. He gently ran his hands along the side of your body as he kissed and bit your shoulders, chest, and then the top of your breasts.
“Leon,” you moaned softly as he began to kiss your breasts, feeling them become even more sensitive. Your nipples were hard from arousal to the point where they ached for more. Your hands wrapped around his head as your fingers interlaced with his blond hair, pulling him closer to your chest.
He was being gently encouraged to stay there. To continue to torture you. And he did. Once you tell a dog to stay, he stays. And god, he’d be a dog for you if you asked him to. To him, you were the warmth of the sun shining through his window.
To him, you were the reason he wakes up early in the morning.
To him, you were the reason why even bothered to stay.
To him, you were everything.
With one hand still holding yours, the other one moved to the side of your thigh to hold your leg in place. He kissed your chest again, this time with more intensity as his hands gripped your thigh even tighter. One hand slid up your thigh, slowly teasing the line of your underwear.
You both have longed for this. The unspoken words exchanged through glances said enough.
The way you spoke his name in a soft, breathy voice was enough to send a bolt of electricity through his body. He liked what he was doing to you, he really did.
He leaned in again, this time placing his mouth right on the line where his hand was. His fingers pulled your panties to the side as his eyes set on your wet cunt. He used his tongue to lightly brush back and forth, barely even teasing you. And then, without warning, he slid his fingers inside you.
You closed your eyes tightly shut and arched your back, “Leon!” You whimpered and moaned softly. It all felt so fulfilling.
His tongue, his hands- it all sent wave after wave of pleasure. Your hands gripped his bedsheets as you moaned his name like a prayer.
“Leon, Leon, Leon,” you breathed out.
You were so sweet and soft when you were at this state. That was something he loved about you. And when you were begging for him like this? It was enough for every part of him to get a little hot.
He slid his fingers in deeper, moving his fingers around a bit before curling them and moving them inside you. All while his mouth and tongue nipped at your clit.
He moaned softly as he did, still teasing you with his tongue. You tasted sweet. A sweet nectar that drove him over the edge. Well not really but he could. He could cum just now from how delicious your pussy tasted.
His tongue dragged along your wet folds, eliciting a shuddered moan from you. He loved your reactions, three way his touch affected you so much when he felt like he was doing nothing.
He’d do more if you let him into your heart, he thought.
“Oh my god,” you breathed out as he curled his fingers, “Leon,” you moaned softly in a whiny voice.
Leon’s body was twitching from all the noises you were spouting and the way your legs were squirming. It was a perfect mix of adorable and tantalizing in the best way possible.
He knew you were about to cum, given the fact your moans became more short and breathy. You merge began to twitch just a little and he had to grip your thighs to hold them down.
His fingers moved faster, his tongue moved quicker, but most importantly, the strength of his grasp on you and himself increased. He was close to losing himself at this point, ready to reach his peak at any moment.
“Leon!” You moaned a little too loud. Your back arched as your toes curled when you came on his face. His tongue and fingers made you feel like you reached heaven- nirvana too.
He moaned loudly as you released yourself against his face, grabbing onto your hips to keep you in place and prevent you from slipping away from him. But even so, he could taste and smell you on him, and the sight of such a pretty girl in this state turned him on infinitely more.
His blue eyes barely visible from his dilated pupils, his blonde hair shining from the light of his room, how your cum dripped down his face. But you couldn’t help but shift your focus to his lips. They were so much more plump than before and he had this look like he just struck gold.
At that moment, he pulled his hand out from between your legs and moved it to your shoulder, moving your leg and hand away from him.
He slowly sat up and leaned close to your ear again, “You taste so sweet I want to keep you all to myself,” he whispered.
You couldn’t believe you had my first orgasm from his tongue and fingers, you were left a panting mess. But that wasn’t the end. You looked up at him and kissed him as he was still on top of you. You could taste yourself on his lips and it caused you to moan just a little bit. And he groaned when you kissed him.
He broke the kiss off once more, breathing heavily and staring down at you. Your body was still covered in a slight glow from the orgasm you just had. His eyes were fixed on yours, his lips wet with your taste.
"God, I need you," he breathed in a low tone, staring back at your body.
“I need you too,” you whispered as you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him down with you. Your lips finding his again and his hands immediately went to your waist.
He groaned deeply as he kissed you again, diving back into the heat of the moment as his body was filled with every emotion in the book.
He felt something in that moment though… he felt something he’s only felt a few times in his life, something that could really take him to the highest heights and then throw him down to the lowest depths.
“I love you,” he whispered softly as he breathed out, looking deeply in your eyes and staring at you with pure adoration.
His tone, his words, his eyes- he meant it. And you knew it.
Your eyes were full of pure adoration as well. In this moment you had realized that this time, you had fallen for him. You loved him too.
The stolen glances from when you were in the same room, when he’s had to help you out countless times, when he comforted you on your lowest days, and when he would make you the happiest by remembering your favorite things. He was more than just a bodyguard to you. He became your world.
“I love you too,” you whispered back. You stared deeply into his eyes as your fingers gently brushed away blonde strands of hair from his face.
His heart was beating rapidly as he took in every single touch and movement you made to him. From the strokes of your fingers, to your soft voice, to the stare of admiration in your eyes, to the way you spoke to his face.
He was all yours now, this girl who was his to protect and cherish until his last breath.
There was no hiding how much he loved you by the way his eyes looked at you. It was clear in this moment that his feelings for you were genuine and honest. He didn't like you just because you were pretty and cute. He loved you for all of who you were.
He could feel tears stinging the back of his eyes as he leaned in and kissed you lightly, "I'll protect you until the day I die," he told you, staring deeply into your eyes.
His body was trembling as his heart beat against his chest again from these words. This was a feeling he truly didn't deserve. How could this girl love someone like him so much?
Your words brought out the feelings in his heart that he so desperately wanted to keep hidden away. He took in every moment of this, the way your eyes looked at him and the way your delicate hands were touching his face.
He felt complete. The strings playing at his heart were in your mercy and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
He pulled you in even tighter than he had ever done before. His hands were all over you as he kissed you repeatedly once more, his lips pressing against your own as your own taste filled his mouth once again.
He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want this moment to end.
He wanted to live in this moment forever.
He pulled away from you once more, looking straight down at your body with his blue eyes looking down at you, "You know, you're the first girl to ever really make me feel this way.” he muttered.
“Me too,” you whispered as you stared up at him with the same level of adoration and love.
No matter how many times you could deny it, you felt just the same as he did in this very moment. Your heart felt like it would combust at any moment from the fact that your feelings are being reciprocated. That you both felt the exactly same thing if not even more. And that was enough for you to want to be with him. Regardless of him being your bodyguard.
“I want you,” you whispered.
A warm feeling ran through his entire body after hearing these words. This was something he could never truly describe, a feeling that was so strong yet so light at the same time. The love coming from you was enough to give him an uncontrollable urge to make all of his fantasies and desires come true. He couldn't resist you anymore, not with this level of mutual love between the two.
"I want you too," he whispered back. "Just promise me one thing. Promise me that, no matter what happens, I'll never lose you."
“Say it,” he begged, “Promise me I’ll never lose you…” he begged in a whisper. It was a plea, he dreaded the idea of losing you. He wanted you forever. Just the mere thought of you being away from his arms was enough to make his heart shatter a bit.
He needed to hear you say it. To tell him everything was going to be okay and you’ll forever be his. Because at the end of the day, no matter how much shit he’s been through, he also dreams of having his true love by his side every time he wakes up.
“I promise,” you whispered, “I promise you’ll never lose me… if you let me have you.”
One simple sentence from your soft lips and he was ready to melt and fall at your feet. He was yours and you were his in that moment.
"You have me," was what he responded with, as he gently leaned in to kiss your neck and jaw again.
“And you have me,” you closed your eyes as you whispered to him. You wrapped your hands around his hair as your hips bucked against his
"I've always had you," he spoke in barely audible tone as it was filled with the sounds of wet kisses.
His hand slid down your side again, gently sliding underneath your hip to hold you in place as he began to bite your neck again. All of his attention was now on you, and there was no longer another thought in his mind.
You moaned softly at his kisses and touches, “Leon,” you breathed out as you tugged at his hair.
His breath hitched and he pulled back slowly, his blue eyes gazing down at you as you squirmed around under him. His lips were swollen from the heat of your kisses and his jaw was clenched tightly from the pure pleasure rushing down his body.
He sighed softly for a moment and his eyes trailed down to the dresser next to the bed. He picked up the condoms from the drawer, opened the pack and opened one of them, before looking back up at you.
As much as he’d love to do it raw, he would never hurt his baby. His girl. His darling. He wasn’t that kind of man. No… he’s better than that.
"I'll go slowly, okay?"
You nodded and stared as he opened the condom, “Yeah… I’m okay with that,” you reassured in a quiet voice, a small and shy smile tugging at your lips.
He felt something in his heart when seeing that small, shy smile. It hurt how cute you were. The way you said your words in that shy voice and the little smile, it all made his heart ache with happiness.
"You're so beautiful," he muttered softly before leaning in, "I hope this is everything you've thought it would be.”
With a lot of care and time, he pulled down his boxer-briefs and put the condom on. He made sure it was nice and snug. He hovered over you for a moment, his hands slowly moving to your waist and hip.
"Promise me you'll tell me if it hurts the first time, alright?” He whispered as he slowly shifted back over top of you, making sure he was positioned just right.
You nodded as you felt him position himself while being on top of you, “I will,” you reassured. Your hands found their way to his back as you embraced him.
He nodded back as he took a slow, steady breath in and out. He could feel your touch through his back, your hands slowly running along his back as he slowly entered you for the very first time.
You felt his cock slowly enter your cunt and it made you grip his shoulder blades as you closed your eyes.
He groaned softly as he sighed in relief, slowly pushing himself in until his pelvic made contact with you. He held himself in place and looked into your eyes for approval. To know that everything was okay before he’d start thrusting into you.
Your eyes closed tightly as your nails dig into his skin, he felt big or maybe you were tight, who knows. But it felt good. You opened your eyes and stared at him, giving him a nod that it didn’t hurt and everything was okay.
He sighed softly in relief, feeling the grip from your hands around his body tighten for a moment as his body relaxed from his slight worries.
"You feel amazing," was all he could muster out as he slowly and gentle began to rock back and forth, starting to move inside of you as he leaned back onto his knees again for support. As he began to thrust into you, your moans and his grunts echoed through his room as the bed gently creaked from his rocking.
The sight of you under him and the noises of your moans were enough to have his mind go blank from all of the thoughts.
His body was shaking as his heart thumped loudly in his chest. He felt the warmth of you around him and he couldn't think straight. He started to move in and out of you slowly, his grunts growing louder as time felt like it had stopped for the two of you.
His hands gripped the back of your thighs more firmly as his hands moved along your back again to have more of your body pressed up against his.
Your moans and his grunts were lost in his room as he began to move. The bed began to creak at his movements, slowly and gently slamming against the back wall. Your hands were gripping and scratching his back out of pleasure, it was a type of fulfillment that made you drunk on him. That made you addicted to everything about him. And you wanted to be selfish and keep him to yourself.
“Leon,” you moaned softly against his ear.
His breathing steadily got quicker as he leaned in closer to you. Your moans only fed the fire inside of him and made him move faster and harder. His lips were brushing and nibbling on your neck while he continued.
His back was arching as your nails dug deeper upon his skin. His breathing was quickening and he groan out your name, "Y/n..."
You were close to your second climax of the day, you felt like puddy or mush in his hands. His touch melted you into whatever he wanted- you wouldn’t even complain.
Your back arched and you pressed my breasts against his chest, “Leon,” you breathed out. Your moans began to get more airy and short.
He leaned down back to kiss you while he rocked faster and harder into you. He could feel the warmth of the room fill up with pure steam as sweat covered both of you. The kiss sloppy and wet, not even a real kiss since the two of you were moaning and grunting out of pleasure.
His grip tightened on you as he moaned your name again, his hands now grabbing onto yours and squeezing them tightly as his hips moved back and forth. His interlocked his hand with yours as he thrusted into you, his cock filling you. A sensation that drove you insane in the best way.
"Almost there," he whispered, his breathing growing heavy around you.
“Me too,” you whispered back as you closed your eyes and let him look down at your face. Your jaw slightly open as you moaned and whimpered.
He couldn’t help but stare at your face, he thought you looked beautiful like this. His eyes scanned every little detail about your face and body, wanting to remember this forever. If he could, he’d definitely have this moment hanged up on the wall of his apartment. A memory so important to him that he’d have no shame in showing you off. But he wouldn’t do that. You were his and he didn’t want anyone else but him to look at you like this.
Your walls were beginning to clump down on his cock. You were close to cumming for the second time today, which surprised you because you’ve never done this before.
Soon, you did climax on him while he kept going. Your body convulsed and fell limp under him as he chased his own high. Your eyes were half-lidded as you were overrun with that satisfied and happy feeling that came with the post-orgasm jitters.
He sighed deeply as he felt you throb around his cock. Your body shook and your head rolled back as the climax overwhelmed your body and flooded it with endorphins.
He groaned softly as he finally reached his climax, moaning out your name in such a heated tone. He was glad he was wearing a condom, but god did the thought of breeding ran through his head at least once.
He let loose with a loud groan as he came inside you, with the condom still on. His cock began to pulse inside of you as a surge of pleasure flooded his body with everything it ever needed.
He laid down on top of you, panting heavily as his sweat soaked body pressed up against you. His hands went back to their usual spot and laid against your hips as he breathed in sharply, his heart beat quickening even more.
"Oh God," he moaned, his eyes slowly closing in relief. He wanted to be inside you forever. You just felt so good. Too good, he’d say but he didn’t care. He wanted you. So. Much.
Your hands lazily drew circles on his back as you closed your eyes as well and let him fall on top of you. Letting out a deep sigh out of pleasure and relief, you couldn’t help but feel your heart also tug its strings.
“Thank you,” you whispered quietly. If you were asked who would’ve you wanted to have sex with, you’d only say Leon. He knows how to make you happy, he knows how to cheer you and make you feel this good. He knows you. Probably than you know yourself too.
He groaned softly as he heard those words, leaning a little back at you from his position. He leaned down to kiss you softly and gently, breathing in the scent of your hair as he looked into your eyes, his hair falling in front of his eyes, covering half of his face.
"You're welcome," he whispered back, his voice low, calm and soft as he laid back down on you with his face buried into your neck. He pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around your waist.
One thing he couldn't deny in this moment was how perfect this girl was to him. There was something about you that just made him feel complete, something that made everything in life just make sense.
"I love you," he whispered, his eyes still being closed.
“I love you too,” you whispered and closed your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him too. Basking yourself under his weight and warmth- albeit the sweat sticking you two together.
Your breathing slowed down from panting. You felt exhausted but it was worth it. You both needed a shower but you were too lazy right now- you both were too lazy to even move an inch.
This moment was one that he would keep dear to himself for all time. The feel of your skin, the smell of you and the warmth of your body all made him feel home. His fingers were running through your hair, and his breathing was becoming more normal again in that moment.
"We probably need to shower soon," he muttered as he kissed your neck one last time.
“Two more minutes,” you whispered as you held on to him tighter.
He sighed softly into your neck as he lay his forehead against yours. His eyes still closed as he chuckled at your request.
"Fine, two minutes before we get up," he whispered as his breath was still soft against your skin.
You sighed contently and relaxed under him. There were many things to do; get rid of the used condom, take a shower, and do aftercare. But for now, all you needed was to be with him. To feel loved.
And so you did, spending those two extra minutes together. Your bodies were still tightly intertwined, his head pressing against your neck as he gave you little kisses every now and then.
But eventually, his eyes opened and you could hear him sigh again as he shifted his body to be on his side rather than on top of you.
“So… ready for that shower?” You turned your head to the side and as he moved next to you instead of being on top of you.
"Yeah, I think it's about time we finally do so," he sighed as he rolled off of the bed. He stretched his arms upwards and you could hear his back crack at the stretch.
"I’m sticky with sweat all over," he chuckled, grabbing the blanket and placing it over your body before standing up and walking to the bathroom.
You giggled, “Don’t forget the condom,” you teased as he was still wearing the now used condom. You pulled the blanket aside and walked over to him to the bathroom.
He stopped once he heard your teasing, his body freezing from his pace as he looked down between his legs. He groaned as his face turned scarlet from embarrassment, he slowly turned around as all of his cocky confidence disappeared in a single second.
He let loose a laugh and took it off before flicking it into the bin.
He looked back at you and smirked weakly, "I'm going to pretend that never happened."
You chuckled and walked into the bathroom first, “It’s okay, don’t get embarrassed. It happens to hot people,” you grinned as you pulled him to the bathroom by the hands.
"Yeah, whatever," was all he could mumble as he stepped into the bathroom, his arm moving to the sink to turn on the faucet. Although, his smirk and slight snort didn’t go unnoticed by you. It made you happy that you could still tease and have fun with him during these moments.
"I'd say something back but you're pretty hot yourself so I'm not going to talk," he grumbled.
He looked over the shower at you with a raised eyebrow. Leon leaned back against the sink for support and folded his arms over his chest, a small smirk appearing on his face as he was beginning to calm down from his embarrassment.
"Cold," he answered back, without hesitation.
Scrunching up your face, you shook your head disapprovingly, “Cold? Seriously? What, do you live in the North Pole or something?” You joked as you turned the temperature adjustment to cold like he said.
A single chuckle left his mouth as he glared at you, "Shut up," he frowned with a slight giggle, "Don't tell me you're one of those people that likes burning hot water during a shower?"
“Actually yes, I love hot and steamy showers that burn my skin,” you mumbled as you joined him on the cold shower. You wrapped your arms around your body as you shivered, “Holy shit, dude. This is freezing,” you muttered through chittering teeth.
He put his hand around your waist once again and pulled you closer to his body, his chest pressing against your back as he pulled you into his embrace. His body growing warmer than yours as his hand began to rub your stomach. His body heat slowly transferred over to yours.
He sighed quietly and turned the knob up, changing the temperature to a warm feeling, although still not hot. You could feel his hands still wrap around you as his one hand went down underneath your chin and pulled your head back so you'd look at him.
He cupped your face with his hand and brushed your hair back out of your face, "There, is that better?" he asked you as he smirked and looked at you.
“Actually it is,” you huffed and turned back to begin cleaning your body.
He smirked and began to clean himself as well. His eyes gazing at you as the hot water ran down his body. His eyes traveled around every inch of your body as he took a look at you, he couldn't help but feel like he was staring at an image of beauty as you began to bathe yourself.
He couldn’t help it, he wrapped his arms wrapped around your waist from the side as they pulled you back into his form. He couldn’t help it, he loved this sight a little too much. It was so innocent and yet so attractive to him. You could be doing the simplest thing and he’d love it.
He continued to watch you soap yourself up, his face having a hint of a dreamy look in his eyes. His gaze traced your entire body, taking in your curves and how beautiful you were to him as he breathed in deeply.
"You have a beautiful body, you know that," he whispered.
You chuckled and kept lathering yourself in soap, “You think so?” You whispered.
He smirked and nodded his head as he continued to trace you with his eyes, his gaze admiring every single part of your body.
"More than beautiful," he sighed as his eyes continued to wander across your form. He couldn't help but wonder how he had gotten this lucky to have someone as perfect as you in his life.
"The prettiest face I've ever seen too. You're like a goddess to me," he moaned. He put his head against the side of your neck and kissed it softly as his hands moved up and down your body.
"Every inch of you is perfect," he murmured, "I'd say you're even better than a dream."
One could tell he was so madly in love. He never felt love like this, not this strong. And he wanted more. You broke him in the best way possible.
This version of Leon became a version that he hid away and promised himself to never bring back. Yet, in all the time that he’s been your bodyguard, you’ve managed to make him break that promise. His feelings took hold of him, probably for the first time in a while. But this time, he decided not to fight it.
This time, he decided to stay true to himself and let himself be loved and love the one girl who dared enough to love his broken self.
And he couldn’t ask for anything better.
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luvangelbreak · 5 months
Deprived | Four
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing (don't think there's anything else but lmk) word count: 3k a/n: my first time writing from matts pov and I'm nervy but hope y'all like it. also i know very little abt the seasons of hockey games at schools so if that's off, just ignore it lol.
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pov: matt
I don't know why I ditched school with Layla. I never really left school unless I was sick or when Chris and Nick needed a ride home. I knew that I would be fine if I skipped a couple classes, my grades were good enough for me to miss a full month and I would still pass but I tried to stay above average.
As I drove us back to school, my mind wandered to when she put her earring on my lip. It made me realise how gentle she was, the way she grabbed my chin to turn my head and pulled my lip down to delicately place the ring on my lip made my mind fuzzy. She always seemed like she was tough and rough around the edges. The way she carried herself around school as if she didn't care about anyone or anything was a deep contrast to who she was in that moment of softness. I let my mind travel away as I parked in my usual spot at school, sliding my seatbelt off before I turned the car off.
I turned to face her, seeing her pick her bag up from the ground and going to open the door before I interrupted her movements, "Hey."
She turned to face me, letting go of the door handle as she looked at me expectantly, "What?"
"Do you wanna sit with me at lunch? I know you don't really go to the cafeteria but it's better than wandering around the school alone," I offered, praying in my head that she would agree.
"I don't think your friends will want me there," she mumbled, not making eye contact with me as she looked out at the school.
"Doesn't matter what they want. I want you to sit with us," I smiled at her, hoping it would convince her further. I knew my friends would be confused but I hoped I could convince them by showing them she was just like everyone else in the school and she wasn't some monster our peers had made her out to be.
"I don't know..." she trailed off, biting her lip which I picked up was a nervous habit. She had done it so many times in the short amount of time that I had been talking to her and I tried to not make it obvious that I was staring at her lips, coughing before sitting upright.
"Come on, it will be fine," I smiled once again before I jumped out of the car. I made sure my phone was in my pocket as I hopped out of the car, grabbed my backpack from the backseat and waited for her to close her door before I locked it.
We started walking into the school as she trailed behind me. She was mindlessly following me as she looked at her phone. I swung the door open, stepping aside to let her walk in before me. She sent me a half-hearted smile as a thank you making my chest swell with warmth.
I liked seeing her smile and knowing that I'd only seen her smile when she was around me made me proud in a way. I couldn't explain why but I felt myself pull towards her every time I saw her in the hallway. It had taken me a while to figure out if it was a good idea or not to talk to her, but I'd now decided that I was going to keep talking to her until she was sick of me.
I made my way to the cafeteria, noting that the clock on the wall read that lunch had already been happening for about 5 minutes. Her walking slowed and I turned to face her, slowing my pace to match hers.
"You don't have to stay for the whole lunch. Just come say hi to everyone at least," I offered her another smile and she chewed at her lip making me glance at them again, "Please."
"No need to grovel, pretty boy. I'll go," she rolled her eyes, her hard demeanour returning now that we were on school grounds. I smiled wider at the nickname she had given me and I was glad to know it stuck. After putting my backpack in my locker, we walked towards the cafeteria again.
We walked through the doors to the large cafeteria, eyes turning to look at the both of us. I ignored them as I walked through the tables, making a B-line to where my friends sat as Layla travelled behind me.
"Hey," I nodded to my brothers, sitting down beside Nick as they glanced over my shoulder at Layla making me turn towards her. I patted the seat beside me, letting her know she could sit down. She slowly sat down next to me and I could feel how tense she was by her body language, "Nick, Chris, Nate, Allie, this is Layla."
"Hi," Layla mumbled from beside me and I hoped that my friends could pull themselves together and at least pretend to be nice until they got to know her properly.
"Hey," Allie smiled at her politely as Nick and Nate both gave her a small wave. Chris nodded at her, his face showing his distaste for her being here making me run my tongue along my teeth. Chris looked at me and I made a face to tell him to be nice.
"What the fuck is on your lip?" Nick asked and I rang my tongue over the ring that was on my lip.
"It's fake. Just trying it out," I shrugged and Nick looked at me in confusion but I brushed it off.
"You getting any food?" Nate asked me and I shook my head as I watched him snack on the small tray of food he had in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice speak and I looked to my right to see Mia staring down at Layla with confusion.
"Mia," I deadpanned and she glanced at me with a shrug of her shoulders, her cheerleading uniform riding up slightly as she did so.
"I'm just asking. She never even comes into the cafeteria and now she's sitting where I always sit," she stated in a bitchy tone making me frown at her.
"You can manage not sitting next to me for one day, Mia," I told her and she pursed her lips, a frown covering her face as she sat herself in between Layla and Allie.
"So why are you sitting here?" Mia asked Layla, her tone still bitchy as ever making me roll my eyes.
"Matt asked me to sit with you guys," Layla answered honestly, her tone not wavering in the slightest.
"Why?" Mia retorted as she opened the protein bar I didn't even notice she had.
"Because I wanted her to," I responded to Mia, my tone sharp to try and get her to stop. She was my biggest worry when I offered Layla to sit with us but I didn't realise she'd be so dramatic about it.
"Why didn't you get any food, Matty?" Mia asked me, now leaning over the table a little and completely ignoring Layla.
"I just ate," I answered honestly and I felt Layla's shoulder brush mine as she wriggled in her seat to get further away from Mia.
"What?" Nick asked now and I turned my head to face him.
I shrugged before replying, "We got McDonald's."
"And you didn't get anything for me?" Allie gasped dramatically making me smile at her as I shook my head.
"You skipped? For McDonald's with her?" my attention was brought back to Mia's bitter tone as she made a face of slight disgust.
"No I skipped because I wanted McDonald's and I asked her to come with me," I kept my tone flat to give her the hint that I was not impressed but she didn't seem to catch it.
"Why didn't you ask me?" Mia pouted and I shrugged, playing with the rings on my fingers.
"You were already in class," I told her and she rolled her eyes before I continued, "Besides, you never skip."
"What class do you have after this?" Allie asked Layla and I was thankful she diverted the conversation politely.
"Art and gym," Layla answered honestly and Allie's smile widened.
"You're in my gym class, right? Mr Rodes?" Allie asked and Layla nodded in response, "You should group up with me in class!"
"Uh, okay," Layla answered, confusion in her tone. I figured it was because she expected Allie to be a bitch, her cheerleading uniform and perfect red hair giving everyone the impression she was like Mia. Allie was one of the nicest people in school, she was down to talk to anybody and it's one of the reasons I was excited for Layla to sit with us.
"You always pair with me," Mia mumbled to Allie as she flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and Allie shrugged in response.
"You can go with Melissa? She always wants to go with you," Allie gave her a solution before digging back into her salad. Mia seemed more irritated than before and I hoped she would save it till Layla wasn't sitting with us. Unfortunately, I was wrong.
"She's here for like two seconds and fucks everything up," Mia mumbled under her breath as she bit into her protein bar.
"If you're gonna shit talk me while I'm sitting right next to you at least say it with your chest, Mia," Layla deadpanned to Mia and she seemed taken aback as she just stared at the bleached blonde girl sitting next to me.
"You're gonna let her talk to me like that?" Mia asked as she glanced at me and I raised my eyebrows.
"He's not your father. You can stand up for yourself," Layla spoke clearly and I pursed my lips, resisting the urge to smile as Mia looked in shock. Almost no one pushed back with Mia, we all knew she would blow up and just make things worse than they needed to be. But I enjoyed seeing Layla stand up to her, it proved to me that she wasn't scared of anyone, she just didn't care to talk to them.
"This is bullshit," Mia huffed as she crossed her arms and Layla raised her eyebrows in response. I looked over at Chris who was hiding his smile behind his sandwich and Nick who coughed in order to cover his laugh.
"Right well, I'm gonna go. I'll see you in gym Allie," Layla picked up her bag and stepped over the bench as she adjusted her hoodie. I realised she left her leather jacket in my car but decided I wouldn't tell her yet so I had an excuse to see her later.
"Where are you going?" I asked as she turned back to face me. Instead of speaking, she made a motion with her hand like she was smoking an imaginary cigarette as she walked backwards slowly with her eyebrows raised. I smiled at her while shaking my head and I watched as she spun around, walking out of the doors of the cafeteria.
"What was that about?" Nick asked as I turned around to face the group who were now looking at me expectantly.
"What?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing as I ran my tongue over the ring on my lip, pursing my lips to hide my smile.
"You said you weren't gonna talk to her anymore," Chris deadpanned and I shrugged, grabbing Nick's water and taking a sip before he ripped it out of my hands.
"I changed my mind," I lied, knowing I never actually intended to stop talking to her in the first place.
"She's bad news. You shouldn't be hanging around her unless you wanna end up being a junkie," Mia mumbled and all joy from my face dropped as I turned to look at her with a glare.
"Mia, can you shut up for once?" I spat and she frowned, her mouth hanging open and Nate raised his eyebrows, his mouth in a downturned smile of surprise before he and Allie looked at each other briefly.
"You hang out with her for one day and you're already a dick. You just proved my point," Mia looked at me with a cocky smile and I rolled my eyes.
"You guys are so fucking annoying," I sighed, running a hand over my face as my mind flashed the moment she grabbed my lip to put the ring in my lip, "The only reason she was rude to you is because you were being a bitch about her sitting here and then not pairing up with Allie in gym. It's not that big of a deal."
"I mean... I've heard a lot of shit about her man," Nate piped up as he raised his eyebrows at me and I shook my head.
"Who cares? She's not this psycho everyone pretends she is," I defended her and Nate just shrugged, on the fence on whether or not he thought it was a good idea for me to be talking to her, "You guys just have to give her a chance."
"I don't have to do anything," Mia mumbled, her irritated tone making me grind my teeth together to keep my cool.
"If you wanna continue being my friend, Mia, you're gonna have to figure out why you're such a bitch to her," I huffed and Allie's eyes widened and before I could say anything further, the bell for our next class rang through my ears. I got up from the table without another word and made my way to my locker, playing with the ring on my lip that was quickly becoming a habit.
My last two classes were spent trying to focus but instead, my brain wandered to Layla, hoping that Mia didn't scare her away from me. I leaned against the driver's side of my car, Nick and Chris talking about something as they walked over to me.
"Why aren't you in the car?" Chris asked, noting the fact that I usually waited for them in the driver's seat.
"Layla left her jacket. Gotta give it back to her," I told him honestly and he rolled his eyes as he jumped into the passenger seat. I was sure he was sick of me talking about her, I'd been building up the courage to talk to her for weeks and I constantly talked Chris's ear off about it. He always told me it was a bad idea and I, of course, never listened.
Nick slid in the back seat, shutting the door behind him and I felt the window behind me roll down. I turned around to see Chris holding her leather jacket out to me through the window and I gave him a small smile with a nod. He raised his eyebrows briefly as I took the jacket from him and he started rolling the window up.
"Just don't take forever. We gotta get our shit for training," Chris called out before the window was full rolled up. I turned back around as I hung the jacket over my left arm, pulling my phone out of my pocket to quickly check the time.
"I believe you have something of mine," Layla's voice rang through my ears and my head snapped up to see her standing in front of me, an amused look on her face. I stared at her for a moment, noticing that she was wearing her shorts from gym still and I could see a few more of her tattoos on her thighs before she spoke again, "You gonna give it to me or am I fighting you for it?"
"Oh right. My bad," I shook my head as I slipped my phone back into my pocket and handed her the jacket. I slid the ring off of my lip, wiping it with the hem of my shirt and I couldn't help but notice her eyes glance at the tattoos along my waist.
"Gonna miss that super cool lip ring," she said sarcastically as I chuckled, handing her the ring as her fingers brushed against mine. Her skin felt so much more soft than mine, it raised goosebumps along my arms.
"Give me another month and you won't have to miss it anymore," I smirked at her and I noticed her eyes lit up slightly as a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.
"You're gonna get it?" she asked, her voice full of hope as she slid her bag off of her shoulder and slipped her jacket on before grabbing her bag again.
I shrugged, leaning back against the car again, "Probably. Under one condition."
"What?" she asked sceptically, her eyes squinting at me and I smiled.
"Come to my last three games this season," I stated and she tilted her head as she looked out into the parking lot in thought.
"I won't have a way to get there," she retorted and with a raise of my eyebrows, I pointed to the car behind me before pointing to myself, "I don't know what to wear to your games."
With a shrug, I said, "Just wear whatever you're comfortable in."
"What day are your games on?" she asked sceptically before she bit her lip and I tore my eyes away from her mouth and back up to her eyes.
"Fridays at five," I told her and she sighed, shaking her head.
"I don't know..." she trailed off and I bit my lip to hide my smile.
I sighed dramatically as I pushed off of the car, "Guess I won't be getting my lip pierced any time soon."
"Oh for fucks sake. Fine," she huffed and I smiled at her, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I'll have to pick you up around four because we need to be there early to warm up but you can wait in the car if you don't wanna come inside," I explained and she nodded, goosebumps covering the skin on her legs from the cold air, "You need a ride home?"
"We don't have time for that. Hurry the fuck up!" Chris called from inside the car and I held up a middle finger behind me to flip him off.
"Nah, I'll be good," she gave me a half smile and I nodded as she started to walk backwards, "I'll see you when I'm looking at you."
With that she spun around and started walking out of the car park, leaving me with a triumphant smile on my face. I hopped in the car to see Nick and Chris staring at me with a judgemental look on their face.
"What?" I asked with a smile but they both stayed silent as I started the car, driving back to our house to grab mine and Chris's gear for training.
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dearmrsawyer · 4 months
phew planet earth is exhausting ! i've had a friend visiting Australia and staying with me the past 3 weeks, we've had fun and its been really really good to see her and spent time with her, but i truly have nothing left in the tank 😵 being switched on for company for 21 days is really difficult, especially when i feel like i was already in a deep deficit with everything going on the last few months! i hope that i didn't show that i was running on empty and she feels like i was online and functioning lol. this visit has been a light at the end of the tunnel for her for a long time so i wanted to make it good for her. while she was here i had to leave her for a night to go see louis (finally me and silv got to go to a 1d show together!!! at long last!! we skipped the support acts and told each other our woes lol), mum had the heart procedure she's waited 2 months for (such a relief it finally happened, v stressful to have it happen while i was hosting a visitor), and nonna went back into hospital (vvvv stressful to have happen while i was hosting a visitor!!!!!!!!!!!! also the hospital was like 'she has covid' and we were like HOW and spent 3 days panicked that someone else in the house had it and gave it to her, turns out they were detecting the infection she got in November, cool cool cool i had energy to spare on that stress no biggie!!!) is there anything else that wanted to take place while i was trying to get through being a good host lol. i could only take 1 week off work while she was here so i did have to work for 2 of those weeks, but we still got to fit in a decent amount of outings. also i drove to the airport for the very first time yesterday to get her to her flight and drove through the worst rain i've ever seen in my life lol, it looked like i was inside a car wash, it is quite literally a miracle we did not die on the road. so glad sydney saved that for the day of her departure skdjsdfklgkjl when i woke up that morning i turned on the tv to ease into consciousness and the first thing i heard was '3000 lightning strikes in sydney overnight' like OKAY i get it i've been given the difficult level 😂 anyways, i survived, i hope everyone has been good, i look forward to catching up on your lives 💕
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bastardtrait · 1 year
huge get to know me post
hi friendsies. I feel like sharing today. some of these are from a really long time ago because I've been hoarding them like the sewer-dwelling critter I am. thank you to everyone who tagged! if you also feel like sharing today then please by all means, use this post as an excuse.
last and current things tag! for this one I was tagged by @moonfromearth @newvegastrait and @airbussy-a330.
last song: water colour by Wheein
last show: I watched an episode of From with my brother & SIL which was pretty intriguing
currently watching: I do not...watch shows...I can't stick to shows if it'd save my life tbh
currently reading: Love Hate & Clickbait by Liz Bowery. it's fine so far. a solid 3/5 read. could I recommend it? if you're bored maybe.
current obsession: God of War Ragnarök. in fact I'm so obsessed I'm hellbent on 100%ing this game and I might even go back for NG+. please send help.
15 questions for 15 mutuals! for this one I was tagged by @autonomousllama and @thelastairsimblr.
Are you named after anyone? Yes, I've got my parents' names in my full legal name.
When was the last time you cried? you're gonna make me say it huh. fine. I cried during the middle part of God of War Ragnarök omg bye
Do you have kids? No...but it'd be nice someday...
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't know if I'm sarcastic. not really my form of humour. but I could be wrong.
What sorts of sports do you/have you played? I like swimming and diving, and football/soccer.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? okay this is gonna sound completely fucking unhinged so bear with me but...smell. like yeah that's a really normal answer right. but it's true. don't sue me.
Eye colour: brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings because I watched the ever-loving shit out of horror movies between 11-21 and now I don't care about them anymore.
Any special talents? I hate this question goodbye
Where were you born? the Philippines
What are your hobbies? cooking, video games, making and playing music, tabletop rpg's, painting. normal tweecore shit I guess.
Do you have any pets? yes, one overgrown rat the shelter tried to pass off as a dog but I know better. and I love him dearly.
How tall are you? driver's license says 173 cm which is around 5'8".
Favourite subject in school? god idk I haven't been in school in years. I guess history? maybe?
Dream job? I do not dream of having a job.
shuffle your playlist tag! I was tagged by @beebeesiims a while ago. in which I must shuffle my on repeat playlist and share the first 10 tracks GOD HERE WE GO...
Set Me Free - Twice
夜に駆ける Racing into the night - YOASOBI
きらり Flash - Fujii Kaze
真夜中のドア/Stay With Me - Matsubara Miki
Umaasa - Skusta Klee
Burning Friday Night - Lucky Kilimanjaro
Supernova - Ellegarden
Gunshot - KARD
Perfect World - Twice
Wonderland - iri
get to know the blogger tag! I was tagged by @lynxsimago aaages ago. some of these questions are the same as the ones above so those, I will skip.
show your wallpaper:
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yes I use windoze 7. sorry my slay is so gigantic.
last movie: Mambo Italiano from 2003. one of those so bad it's good movies.
craving: some ice cold aiyu jelly on bright, blistering summer day!
what are you wearing right now? shorts...and a bandage on my torso bc I burned myself last night lol
piercings? earlobes and left nostril. I want an eyebrow one too though.
tattoos? a bow and arrow design on my right forearm and the word "انتظار" on my left wrist.
glasses/contacts? I wear glasses
last thing I ate: a panino I made. it slapped.
favourite colour? yellow!
favourite fictional character? Samwise Gamgee probably.
last place I travelled: if driving an hour+ away from home counts, then it was to Brockville. if it should be longer than that, then it'd be Vancouver.
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freezeuchiha · 1 day
Helloo, this is my first nsfw post. I'm new on tumblr. So... bcs I simp for Izuna the most, I decided to use him as my first debut :> hope I could convey Izuna's character well here 🤗🤗
If anyone wants me to write about other uchiha with different scenarios pls let me know, my request box is always open (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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Izuna x fem!reader (modern AU)
note: older reader younger Izuna, unprotected sex, unestablished relationship, vanilla sex
You are trapped in boredom. The steady sound of clockwork and the air conditioning of your hotel room is too stale to listen to. Your (e/c) beads rolled from the bone-white ceiling towards the nightstand. That’s where your laptop is, your mainstay electronic item every time you’re busy managing work files at the office. Yes, in an office located in your home country.
There was no phone in your hand, it was now lying on another table with the charger plugged in. Almost entering the age of thirty, scrolling social media feels very boring. You wanna try a new experience. Something quite out of the box...
You sighed as you reached out with one hand to grab the laptop on the nightstand. The button lights up and you press it immediately. As you wait for the CPU to work, you twirled your (h/c) hair and daydreaming for a while…
The laptop turned on. Immediately, you open the browser and a second later your fingers are dancing on the keyboard to type the link of an international anonymous chat website. You almost laughed at your random action in the middle of the night. It feels like a teenager who is still hit by curiosity and adrenaline.
Minute by minute passed. Approximately, you have matched with 3 or 4 people from the anonymous website but you skipped them all because they were over 25 years old. You’re not into older men after all.
I only have time for younger men... You groaned to yourself.
On the fifth match attempt, your fingers moved lazily to type a ‘template’ message.
“hi, M or F?”
(ps: M = male, F = fem)
You waited for the answer. You hope to get a nice looking guy under 25 years. Oh my God please…
Oh, he answered!
“why are you awake at this time?”
“uhm, im just bored hehe”
“haha, same. I just have nothing to do so…”
“how old are u? I’m 21”
Yasss! A young boy, still 1 year ahead from 20… how cute!?
You almost squeaked. Excitedly, you typed your reply. It felt like winning a lottery.
“um… if I stated my age then im sure you would skip me :)”
“what does that mean? u r not a minor right?”
“no, ofc not”
“how old? now im kinda curious”
You stopped for a while. He’s curious? So… I guess he’s the open minded person that won’t skip me if I’m much older than him…?
“yea… it's more than 25”
“lol. are u lonely, mom? ahahah”
“uhm… maybe :>”
“well me too, lonely as heck”
“are you married?”
“no im still single, wbu?”
“why did u ask? ofc single, sweetie”
“how about a relationship? u want one?”
“well, I don’t think so. im currently on my business vacation, I just wanna have fun”
“so you’re bored? or lonely? or are you looking for company while being on vacation?”
“boy I don’t know, im still new in this country. I forgot to ask where are you from ig?”
“oh well, I’m from japan”
“and where are you from?”
“what a coincidence Imao, im on japan rn hehe. just arrived yesterday”
“I didn’t really expect that but that’s definitely interesting. u speak Japanese or u only can speak English?”
“I only speak eng, im from (your country name) actually”
“oww. how long do u plan to stay here? since u said that u r only on vacation”
“around 2 months… maybe? im a diplomat. I went to japan for an important business of cooperation with the state government. ofc I have a lot of time for myself like having a me time or going somewhere”
“oh, diplomatic missions huh? that’s something. guess u must be a rich women then, right? considering u work in diplomatic instation”
“uhm, if you say so… hahaha”
“yeah, u definitely come from a rather wealthy family”
“u must be bored in your hotel room considering it’s late at night “
“so true…”
“yeah, there’s really nothing to do at that time but chat and stuff”
"what’s ur name? by the way, mine is Izuna. Izuna Uchiha”
“its (Name). I already travel along tokyo at noon, and… I just wanna be more relaxed atm??”
“oh nice to talk to you then, (Name)”
“hahaha, so ur relaxing at midnight, eh?”
“I kinda have insomnia lol. wyd in 21? you supposed to be a college student”
“ohh, u have insomnia, well that makes sense… but u still need to rest, right?”
“im in college and yeah college is tough. still have some things to do, I have practicum classes tomorrow”
“what major are u in? faculty of medicine? idk why I guessed that haha”
“oh that’s a good guess, I would say the same too cause I take up medicine in college”
“do u guess that because I type like a nerd or someone smart?”
“idk…? just having the imaginary of being a doctor’s wife lol. that’s my childhood dream. jk”
“oh my… u wanted to become a doctor’s wife when you were a kid? lmao, I doubt I make a good doctor, but I will make an even better husband”
“hehe… okay :>”
You don’t know how to continue this conversation. God… I started to blush.
“u know, if I were the doctor u would want to marry… I would definitely treat u really nicely, I would pamper u everyday and make sure u would get everything, make sure u are happy, healthy"
“oh, uhm… is that so…?”
“what’s that?? u r getting embarrassed that I’m saying all of this? well, u shouldn’t be ashamed. it’s not ur fault that I’m such a romantic guy haha”
“okay… whatever is it. uhm… Izuna, are you ok if the chat getting more nsfw? If you aren’t its ok don’t skip, just say it”
“more nsfw? u mean like… how? r u gonna send me some or something? honestly, I’m not really against it ;)”
“send what? uhm… if you really not against it…”
“u want a pic or something, mom?”
“is that okay? sending your pic to a stranger? don’t call me ‘mom’ im not that old”
“I don’t really mind it, u can say I’m kinda a thrill seeker so yeah”
“okay, okayy… (Name)”
“alr… you go first”
“hmmm, finee”
Izuna takes a photo of his whole body, which looks really nice, the abs are toned and his body is really defined, but he didn’t include his face—it’s covered by his phone. He sent it to you.
Chat notifications that can only be seen once appear in the bottom left corner of your laptop screen. You immediately click the download button and see the contents. Your (e/c) irises widened at the sight that lay before your eyes.
How could I find a young man as cute as this…? Look at those abs…
Staring at the mirror selfie pic has enough to make you bite your lower lip, you take a little longer before replying.
Izuna noticed that you’re taking way longer than usual, so he managed to texts you.
“u still there or are u enjoying the view?”
“oh, uhm… I-I’m still here… dw”
“u sure? u r taking way too long”
“u didn’t screenshot it, right?”
How did he know??
“I… uh, I’m not”
“hahaha, are u sure (Name)??”
Izuna laughs, he knows that you screenshoted it that’s why he could tease you.
“yeah… sure?”
“alright, alright sorry, hehe… I won’t tease u anymore. but u won’t send something in return? if yes then I would be disappointed in u, jk”
“you really wanna see it? I mean… I’m not that good looking…”
“well looks aren’t everything yk? besides I sent u something and it wouldn’t really be fair if u don’t give something in return”
“uhm, wait then…”
You sent a pic of yourself—mirror selfie too—on a white cheongsam thigh-length dress, your phone covered your face but he was able to see your large sized cleavage and smooth skin thighs.
Izuna was pleasantly surprised when he saw the photo and smirked while licking his lips.
“oh my, I gotta say that u look so absolutely gorgeous right now. if I were there, we might do something else than just chat”
“uhm… wdym…?”
“u know what I mean. u r pretty and I really wouldn’t mind if u were here, we could have some fun if u get what I mean”
“oh… is that so…?”
“yea, I mean… look how beautiful u are, I wouldn’t mind having u for one night haha”
“uh really…? you sure u wanna do that thing?”
“yeah, I’m very sure. u should be glad that u know me. I would absolutely treat u very well. so what’s ur answer?"
“your parents would never know… right?”
“no, they wouldn’t know. I have my own place where I live”
“yeah so… you’d come to my hotel rn…?”
“hmmm, I will. send me the hotel name and ur room number so I can come there”
Looks like your brain has gone wonky. You are fascinated by the handsome young doctor candidate whom you have just met online. Well, at least you’re no longer a virgin so spending the night with a guy won’t change anything…?
Quickly, you sent him your hotel address.
“here… room 325, it’s on the 4th floor. pls be quick… I won’t lock my door, just come in”
“alr, I gotcha. I’ll be there as fast as I can”
The door opened when the 15 minutes had passed, with Izuna entering with a mischievous grin on his face. His eyes directly fell onto you as you were slightly pleasuring yourself—the dirty activity you’ve done before, since you’re too bored to wait for him. Izuna chuckled softly as he watched you do your business.
He stepped further into the room, locking the door gently behind him. As he approached, he made his way over to you.
“I see… you were impatient, (Name).” He said, his voice thick with lust as he sat beside you.
Seeing Izuna approach, the blood rushed to your face, making your cheeks flush bright red. As Izuna spoke, you yelped, immediately pulling your hand away as you sat up, trying to look composed once more. But your rapid breathing betrayed you...
Nonetheless, you smiled at him, a mix of embarrassment and excitement evident in your gaze.
"You're even more gorgeous in real life..." Izuna whispered softly against your lips, his hand moving up to gently caress your cheek while pulling you closer.
“T-Thanks… you too…” You’re way too nervous to reply, so…
Izuna grinned even wider, leaning in to press his lips against yours.
Eager to claim you, Izuna took control. With a firm grip, he held your hand, sliding your fingers off and replacing them with his own. He slid them inside your moist heat, feeling you quiver beneath his touch. Izuna stopped the kiss for a while as he chuckled softly, admiring your reaction.
He smiled against your lips, pleased with how wet you were. His fingers slipped inside of you, curling inside as he felt you clench around him.
“Is this what you need?” He whispered against you, biting your bottom lip gently.
Your cheeks turned redder. You can’t help but mutter his name quietly while gripping his shoulders. The rougher he moves, the rougher you clench your grip. His fingers suit you, you love the way it stretched your untouched for a long time pussy.
His thumb brushed against your clit, timing the motions just right with the insertion of his fingers. His other free hand traveled up your body, cupping your generous breasts through the thin fabric of your nightgown. He squeezed them firmly before moving the gown upwards, baring your skin to his hungry touch.
“P-Please be gentle… my breasts are my sensitive—"
Ignoring your warning, Izuna bent over, pressing soft kisses on your exposed chest—first on one nipple, and then on the other. The gentle, flicking motions of his tongue caused shivers to run down your spine, and you couldn’t hold back another loud moan.
With you in his grip, Izuna didn’t stop until you were a writhing mess beneath him, your breathing heavy and ragged. He sat up, staring deeply into your (e/c) eyes as he removed his shirt completely, offering you a view of his toned physique. With a smirk, he leaned down, pressing his lips against yours, firm and passionate, as he trailed kisses down your neck.
“How’s that, (Name)? Like this young Uchiha service?” He whispered hotly against her skin, his hand still busy within her.
Sensations overwhelmed you, your moans and screams fill the room as Izuna played with your body. His skilled fingers moved perfectly inside your pussy, pumping it at a faster tempo than before. While his tongue danced on your left breast, twisting your nipple as if to fly you to the seventh heaven. Your hands gripped the sheets tightly as you arched your back, unable to hold back your orgasm that was rapidly approaching.
Izuna grinned, pleased with your response. He obliged, increasing the pace of his fingers inside you, seeking to fulfill your desire. When he felt you tighten around his digits, he knew you were on the edge.
Your orgasm hit you hard, tears pricking your eyes as you cried out, bucking your hips and riding out the wave of pleasure. Thick white liquid flows out of your vaginal opening, the liquid is quite a lot, making the sheet under your vagina soaked with cum. Your breath was ragged, even though you had already cum, you still felt thirsty for Izuna’s touch.
Izuna chuckled to himself, unable to resist the reaction you made. Once you calmed down, Izuna withdrew his fingers, trailing a finger along his lips as he winked, his expression hot and devious. The view of him licking your own cum made it feel like there were butterflies in your stomach.
Your breathing goes irregular, tiredness starts to spread through your body. Your glazed eyes looked at the young man who was actually on top of your body. His handsome face seems to be able to bewitch and capture you at any time. Your thumb reached out to stroke Izuna’s cheek gently, as you asked to him with parted lips, “Izuna… I still want more…”
“Don’t worry, dear. I’ve got you.” He murmured, moving to remove his pants and boxers, revealing an erect cock that was just begging for release. “Do you need protection? Or not?”
“N-No need…” You chose it since you prefer to do it raw.
He positioned himself between your thighs, catching your gaze as he entered you, slow and deliberate. As he filled you, he watched your reactions, wanting to ensure that you were comfortable.
“Tell me if it started to feel hurt.” He said as he caresses your hair strands.
You nodded in hooded eyes.
When he was fully inside you, he began to move, a steady rhythm at first, allowing you to adjust to his size.
You moaned softly as Izuna entered you, your lips parted in a small gasp as your eyes fluttered shut momentarily before opening again to watch him. Each stroke brought more pleasure, your hips lifting to meet him, urging him on. Your nails dug into his back slightly as you clung to him. Your (e/c) beads never leaving his onyx one, caught in the heat of the moment.
Izuna leaned over you, his lips finding yours in a fierce kiss. He could feel you tightened around him, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before you both reached your inevitable climax.
“I-It hurts, Izunaa…” You whimpered as he reached your g-spot. But the pain was soon replaced by incomparable pleasure.
“Shhh… calm down, dear.” Izuna kissed your forehead while slowing down the tempo of his waist movements. Even so, the tip of his cock is still able to hit your g-spot with each thrust.
You met each of it with eagerness and fervor. You screamed as you fell over the edge, your walls gripping Izuna tightly, milking him of his desire. That was the final push he needed. With your name on his lips, Izuna joined her in their shared ecstasy, releasing deep within your as he let out a soft moan.
You seemed to run out of energy for a moment. You closed your eyes, it had been a long time since you had a truly satisfying lovemaking session like this.
“Wanna take some rest for a while? I still have a lot of stamina, in case you want to continue.” Izuna tempted you with a naughty smirk while squeezing your breasts once.
You pouted, “You’re such a tease.”
Izuna let a soft laugh as he pats your head. You got up from your lying position, followed by him who sat on the edge of the bed right now. Pamperingly, you clung to his muscular arms and rubbed his abs gently.
“Don’t you want to go to sleep? Aren’t you going to college tomorrow?” You asked while coding to raise yourself up his thighs.
“Take it easy. All medical major students are used to stay up late. It’s just that today I did a different staying up late activity than usual.” Izuna smiled while straddling your body over his thighs.
In just a few seconds, your tongues were intertwined. You grabbed his cock and shook it up and down, breaking Izuna’s concentration. A little annoyed with your behavior, he lifts your ass and slides his cock into your vagina in one swift movement. Makes you flinch and scream quite loudly.
“Ahhh! Why did you do that?” You protested, pulling his ponytail kinda roughly.
“Shut up, darling. I still want you tonight.” He moves your hips up and down while planting kisses on your neck area. Marking you as if you were truly his.
The next day, you woke up to bright sunlight shining through the windows of your apartment. Holding your slightly dizzy head, you rubbed your eyes. It looks like you fell asleep face down and your body was only covered by a blanket.
You tried to remember last night’s events…
Good grief! Where’s Izuna?
Scanned around the room, you couldn’t find Izuna. You’re a little disappointed because he just left you like that. But your disappointment was postponed when your eyes caught a piece of paper on the nightstand.
University of Tokyo (u already know which major im in)
contact me later if u want
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hustlecandy · 11 months
And now the final part! Thanks for the nice comments on the last two posts, it rly means a lot!! ^ ^
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Day (technically 19 but) 21: Berry
(I know I accidentally skipped this one in the last post I am sorry. Anyway this is the result of me watching too many JimmyHere YLYL streams while drawing)
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Day 22: Fungal
"Ah... Our favorite. Fate has smiled upon us."
"The textures work so well together!"
"...A bit too savoury. We shoulda put honey in it!"
(Imma be honest. I didn't get this line on my first playthrough, so when I did on my second I about broke down crying. Fate has smiled upon them,,, ;v;)
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Day 23: Flight
"We can fly as high as our hearts wish to! Soar to UNSEEN HEIGHTS!"
(The fact that Kabbu is terrified of heights but loves bounceshrooms is very underrated imo. I think he wants to overcome his fear someday and maybe learn how to fly on his own...)
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Day 24: Plant Enchanter
(What did you guys name your Chompys? I named mine Amarylis, intentionally spelt wrong due to character limits. I just think it's a pretty word :>)
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Day 25: Lost
"Everyone left on the rescue ferry...but I chose to stay. There's such a soothing beat… How could I leave this place behind? I've gotta find where it comes from...I've...gotta..."
(You ever wonder what happened to the bug who left that note on the Peacock Spider's island? I mean, they're obviously dead, but...I still wonder.)
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Day 26: Alternate Universe
(You ever make an AU based on a single line of dialogue & some concept art that gets stuck in your brain and refuses to leave? Yeah, that's what this AU is. The placeholder title is 'The Upcoming Storm', and is an answer to two questions: What if the Roaches followed through with their plans for a Thunder cordyceps? And what if one of Leif's ancestors decided to look into their disappearance?
So this is Cerice, their ridiculously energetic lesbian daughter [who they don't know is their daughter yet; she doesn't remember that they're her parent either] and host of the Thunder cordyceps! Don't worry, Grandpa and Muze still exist - Grandpa's her son. However, Team Snakemouth is split into two teams - Team Snake and Team Mothden - but they still work together. I might make a separate post abt it if anyone wants me to ^^)
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Day 27: Song
(Who's a better character for this prompt than the composer's self-insert, lol)
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Day 28: Medal
(I am a very firm believer in Poisoned Leif supremacy. Sorry Poisoned Vi and Kabbu, smashing bosses over the head with glaciers is just so viscerally satisfying)
[I didn't have any ideas for Boss Rush, sorry]
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Day 30: Bee
"You know...I was about her age when I came to my first festival. Everything was so much cooler than the boring Bee Kingdom! It really made me want to see the world!"
(I really wish they elaborated more on Vi deciding to become an explorer after her first festival! It's a very cute motivation & had a lotta story potential ;^;)
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Day 31: Everlasting
"The Usurper, Grasping For Power..."
(Hoaxe is a fun final boss but god DAMN did he kick my ass a hundred times over. It's a good thing I decided to max my rank and stock up on Queen's Dinners, Berry Smoothies & Miracle Shakes the 5th time around)
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rainbowangel110 · 3 months
Little sister watches ToH saga Ep 18-21
She watched episode 17 without me :( oh well
Ep 18
"Aww little Gus!"
"I don't like his friend." "Neither do I."
"Is he still your favorite palismen?" "Yeah :D" oh boy
"What's Hunter doing here?" "He's homeless right now." *giggles*
"I don't trust this." referring to 'Grey'
"Called it!"
"What is going on??"
Rambles to her about how strong Gus is to cover the entire school
Skip to the blush and I am all :DDDDDD while she's all "Oh?"
"So uh they have an instant kill spell apparently." "Why??" "No idea."
She loved the fight and the "Then how about just the two of us?" moment
Hunter runs in front of said moment "Dude you're ruining their moment."
"So uh... touch the bubble and all your bad memories come out." "I don't like that."
Second blush "Bruh." "THE EARS!!!"
"So now he's gonna tell them what's gonna happen!" "Yes!! Where's Luz though?" "Next episode."
Ep 19
"You recognize that voice right?" "The Collector."
"Aww she sent so many hearts." *cue eyeroll from her*
She's not homophobic, just a elementary schooler.
"So King's dad is.." "The Titan they live on? Yes."
"Nooo the Owl House!"
She really liked the little moments with King
"Raine!!!" "Eda and Raine finally talk to each other."
"Nice save." Referring to Terra showing up
Man I do not remember the Eva/Luz fight hurting this badly.
"Noo they got captured!"
I know she was close to crying a little there with the transport scene where Luz was pleading with Eda. But she didn't.
"Everyone is here!" "Are they safe??" "Yes."
"She gets to carve her palismen??" "Yeah!" "Yay!"
Ep 20
"So... do we think Belos is gonna keep his promise and free the Collector." *looks at me* "No."
"She carved an egg?" "Yeah."
Still not used to Luz and Amity referring to one another as girlfriend but is pretty chill with it.
"Gotta remember that promise."
"They head bonked lol." "Boys be like that." "Yep."
"She broke the thingy?" "The Tamagotchi? Yep."
Was not ready for the kiss lemme tell you
Full on :O
"I was distracted by the animation-" "Same."
"Wait but kissing is only if you get married. Are they already doing that???" MY SIDES. No sweetie, no.
"In a bush." "Bush buddies."
"Does King not get a disguise?" "He does get a cloak." "Aww."
Noticed the Luz teleporting thing, but the ensuing fight made her forget it like seconds later.
*end credits* "Is... why is she flying to the Moon? Is Belos on the moon?" HELP-
Ep 21
Was awwing over King sleeping and the palismen huddled together.
"Food :)"
"Is this why you call me Mittens?" :O
Tried to give her a sisterly head bonk during the Eda/Lilith moment but she was like "What are you doing lol?" :( I'm head bonking you! Goofball.
"I hope his pants do catch fire >:(" "Girl he's gonna catch more than that."
We cheered for Luz during her "Spicy Toss" moment. KICK HIS ASS!!
Okay she got spoiled by Youtube Shorts about the moment Belos got sigiled but nothing more, and I did my best to hide it from her so she was still cheering at that part.
Was upset at the crack on King's skull.
"It's like his horn :("
"Creepy monster thingy-" "I do agree-" Also this isn't the creepiest he can get lol
"So remeber how you asked how many clones Belos made?" "Yeah?" "So this" *referring to the GG Graveyard* "Is the full extent of it." ".... I don't like this." Kid neither do I, but, we stay silly :P
She sees the Collector for the first time
"Cool right?" ".... Kinda?"
"He's breaking King dad nooo."
"WAIT THIS IS HOW THEY?" "Yeah this is it." (Again, she got spoiled on them coming to the Human Realm)
"How are they gonna get back?" You'll have to see~~~
*points at Anne* "I know what that means :D"
*watching outro asking her questions, also stalling time so she can see the moment*
"Wait how's the door close-"
*rewind 10 seconds*
"Look at the doorknob."
"Is that-" "Yep :)"
Someone's alive. And angry :)"
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ceoofsalmonpants · 1 year
NAME: miles hollingsworth iii.
FACECLAIM: thomas doherty.
AGE: 21.
2 POSITIVE TRAITS: pretty and rich.
2 NEGATIVE TRAITS: reckless and impulsive.
salmon pants, summers in Europe, skipping therapy, self medicating, being a support system for his loved ones while ignoring his own needs, avoiding his father, writers block that lead to random bouts of inspiration staying up all night writing, champagne brunches, scars from your father your mother turned a blind eye to
After getting kicked out of my last school, I'm on the verge of getting cut off financially.
my main difference between canon is his relationships with lola and tristan never happened. the former bc i play lola too lol and the latter bc... i plead the fifth.
frankie and hunter are 2 of the most important people in his life and would do absolutely anything for them.
he spent most of his life in boarding schools, his father’s money kept him from getting kicked out sooner than he should’ve been.
after making a threat toward a professor he didn’t mean, he was kicked out of his college shortly before winter break and now he’s being forced to attend winchester university so his father can keep an eye on him. though his father couldn’t buy his way out of expulsion, he did buy their silence. his record shows he transferred and that’s the story he’s supposed to stick to to save face.
desperate for love and acceptance in his life, he doesn’t handle rejection well. he often acts out when he feels he’s being rejected by someone he thought he had a connection with. he can also be a little too trusting in an effort to find what he’s searching for.
he’d been groomed most of his life to follow his father’s footsteps to become a business man but instead fell in love with writing. it was his way of processing his abuse and the darkness that lives inside of him because it. much to his father’s disappointment he’s majoring in film with a minor in english.
as the mayor’s son, he cares very little about his father’s position. in fact, he’s convinced his father’s corrupt.
he suffers from ptsd, anxiety, and addiction, getting away from his father was the best thing that’s happened to him but now after being forced to move back home, he’s already begun skipping therapy and has relapsed despite needing to be on his best behavior.
lives at home and hates every single second of it. 
wants to write the next great novel someday.
bisexual king and proud!
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I am asking about the guy who stole the mona lisa !!
ok ^_^ hopefully everything is in order? i skipped around a bit bc i forgot some parts and had to go look them up later, so things were done kind of haphazardly... and jsyk i left a little bit of detail out bc i got tired of writing after a while lol...
vincenzo peruggia was born on october 8, 1881 in dumenza, italy. there, vincenzo learned decorative painting, and at 12 years old, he went to milan and worked as a housepainter.
at the age of 18 he went off to france, which was a popular place for young italians from vincenzo's region to move to, due to the region's poverty. he continued to work as a housepainter there.
also, this will be important later: his father was in debt and vincenzo wanted to help his family (consisting of his father, mother, younger sister, and three younger brothers) financially in any way that he could.
then when he was 20, he moved to paris.
in june 1908, he was drunk and waiting for a train to paris when he saw some children rolling terracotta pipes down the street. he yelled at the children, they ran away, and vincenzo picked up the pipes and dropped one. some people passing by thought he was stealing them bc he's italian and these french people are xenophobic. he was arrested for attempted theft.
around 12am on january 24, 1909, vincenzo exited a bar in the place de la republique. he was approached by a sex worker named abeille kauffman. he allegedly tried to attack her. he was arrested for carrying a weapon and not having his immigration papers, and he was in prison for eight days.
because of these two incidents, he hates the french.
anyway, in paris he continued to work as a housepainter until he fell ill from lead poisoning, which was a very common illness for painters to have. he had to stay at the lariboisière hospital for 15 days. the lead poisoning probably caused some brain damage.
after quitting his dangerous painting job, he worked for a glazing (as in doing stuff with glass) company called gobier.
(also, while working for gobier, his coworkers called him "dirty macaroni" and now he hates the french more.)
two paintings in the louvre were slashed within two months of each other. security at the louvre was considered comically bad. journalists stole art to show just how bad it was. to upgrade security, the louvre got a team of dogs and nightguards and decided to put 1600 of the paintings under glass cases. gobier was the louvre’s official glazier, usually repairing windows and skylights, so they were now the company responsible for this. vincenzo was one of five workers who cut and cleaned the glass for the cases. the work took place november 1909–january 1910 and november 1910–january 1911. while working there, he became familiar with the layout of the museum.
also while working there, vincenzo wondered why all this italian art was in a french museum. so he asked the louvre’s picture framer, pavard, why it was there, but pavard was just smugly like “haha how do you not know??” and wouldn’t tell him. one day, vincenzo found the answer: napoleon had stolen a bunch of italian art and sent it to paris. vincenzo was disgusted, and decided that he wanted to return at least one painting to italy...
once the glass casing job was finished, he left gobier and returned to housepainting.
then, on monday, august 21, 1911, vincenzo decided that today was the day to steal that painting. he woke up at 6am, got dressed in his white louvre worker’s uniform, and left his room in the tenth arrondissement (which had a large italian population btw), which was about two miles from the louvre. at around 7:05am, he arrived at the louvre, which was closed for its weekly cleaning. he entered through the jean goujin entrance and went through the first floor room, up the grand staircase, went left through a hallway, and turned left into the salon carré.
vincenzo had not previously decided to take the mona lisa, but chose it in the moment because it was the smallest painting there. this kind of ruined the whole “returning stolen paintings to italy” thing, because it had been bought by king francis i of france from leonardo da vinci while he was at his court. in france. it had moved around a bit since then, but has been kept in the louvre since 1797.
(the mona lisa was hung between the paintings "mystic marriage of saint catherine" by antonio da correggio and "the allegory of alfonso d'avalos" by titan. not important but just an extra detail...)
something to note: usually, the louvre had 166 guards; on mondays, it only had 12. the salon carré had no guards.
so, vincenzo took the painting off its four metal hooks, quietly walked out of the room and went into a service staircase. he hid the mona lisa behind some copies that had been made of various paintings (students frequently came in to copy paintings) and went to see if the door at the bottom—which would help him make a quick exit of the museum—was unlocked. it was not. he took out a screwdriver and removed the doorknob, but he still couldn’t open the door. he heard someone coming and sat down and tried to look inconspicuous. the person coming down the stairs was a plumber named jules sauvé. jules went to unlock the door, noticed the doorknob was missing, asked vincenzo what that was about, and vincenzo said he didn’t know anything about it. jules went through the door and locked it behind him.
accepting that he couldn’t leave through that door, vincenzo removed the mona lisa’s frame, which probably only took around a minute, and hid the frame behind those painting copies. he wrapped the painting in his smock (part of the uniform), placed it under his arm, and went back the way he entered the museum.
he left the louvre around 7:30am. a shop clerk on his way to work named andre bouquet was across the street and saw him carrying what he thought was a package and also saw him throw something into a ditch—the doorknob.
vincenzo got on a bus and immediately got off, realizing it wouldn’t take him back to his boarding house. instead, he got in a cab and went home.
some guards noticed the painting was missing, but just thought that it had been taken away to be photographed (paintings were often taken to be photographed on mondays. the photographs were to go on postcards and magazines), and didn't pay it much mind.
the next day, the louvre reopened, the mona lisa still wasn't there. around 11am, a guard found the painting's empty frame. the museum was searched, they thought it had to be around there somewhere, that maybe it had been hidden as a joke. but, to be careful, georges aaron bénédite, a curator substituting as the museum director (the actual museum director, théophile homolle, was away on vacation), contacted the prefect of police, louis lépine, who sent a bunch of detectives to go find it. they, of course, couldn't find it.
the theft was immediately international news. the mona lisa had been considered a masterpiece among french art fans since the 1860s, but now it had achieved proper fame, and literally everyone knew about the mona lisa. but the fame wasn't instantaneous—6500 flyers with pictures of the mona lisa were distrubuted so people would know it if they saw it and american newspapers misspelled the name and published photographs of the wrong painting.
a week after the theft, the louvre reopened, and people flooded in to see the empty spot on the wall (franz kafka was one of the people who went there to see it btw).
some famous suspects for the theft included: pablo picasso, bc he was an artist and (unknowingly) had stolen statues from the louvre in his possession; guillaume apollinaire, for similar reasons to picasso; jp morgan, bc he liked art and there was concern in france that american millionaires were buying all the good french paintings; kaiser wilhelm ii, bc france and germany had some pre-ww1 tensions going.
then some fingerprints were discovered on the glass by alphonse bertillon. 257 louvre workers had their fingerprints taken. then the gobier workers who had helped with the glass cases had their fingerprints taken, except for vincenzo, who didn’t show up.
meanwhile, vincenzo is still in paris at his little 9×16 room at 5 rue de l'hôpital st. louis. he first kept the painting on a table in his room covered by a piece of linen, then just had it sitting in his 6×6 closet. while it was just sitting there in the closet, inspector brunet of the sûreté came to interrogate him and quickly determined that he had nothing to do with it.
vincenzo’s life was normal, he just kept painting houses. he didn’t want to go to italy yet—he wanted to let everyone forget about the theft before he returned it so he wouldn’t get arrested.
btw, the whole time he had been in france, vincenzo had sent letters to his parents back in dumenza. after stealing the mona lisa, all his letters mentioned a “fortune” that he would soon have, and that he would share with his family. here we see vincenzo’s actual primary motive: getting money for himself and his family.
anyway. he showed the mona lisa to his best friend vincenzo lancellotti, who was also a housepainter and from the same region of italy. they played music together and ate together and dated women together <- examples of their best friendship activities. in winter of 1911, peruggia let lancellotti hold on to the mona lisa for six weeks while he built a crate with a false bottom to keep the painting in.
peruggia’s (i’m going to return to calling him vincenzo after this) girlfriend, mathilde, saw the crate. she told vincenzo that once they were married, she would get rid of it. but they were never married bc mathilde broke up with him after she found letters from other women in his room, and eventually she left paris permanently.
allegedly, in the summer of 1913, vincenzo went on a trip to london. while there, he went to see the art dealer henry j. duveen and tried to sell the mona lisa. we’ll get back to this later.
btw, people were beginning to think that the mona lisa had been destroyed, it had been years and no one could find it.
then, 28 months after the theft, in late 1913, vincenzo contacted an antiques dealer named alfredo geri, who he had heard about in an italian-language newspaper called the corriere della sera, about selling the painting. he signed his letter to him "leonardo v."
on december 7, 1913, peruggia had a meal at his favorite cafe and gave the waitress a tip of five francs. he announced that he was to be leaving for italy the next day. he told his assembled family and friends that he would be receiving “fortune, glory, and honors.” back in his room, he filled the top part of his mona lisa crate with clothing, tools, and his mandolin, and on december 8, set off on a train to florence. at the border, the crate was checked and the painting wasn’t found.
so alfredo and vincenzo meet. vincenzo offered to sell the mona lisa for 500,000 lire ($2,970,000 today). vincenzo said the painting was back in his room at the hotel he was staying at, the albergo tripoli-italian hotel (since renamed the hotel la gioconda). alfredo persuaded giovanni poggi, director of the uffizi gallery, to come with them (vincenzo specifically wanted the mona lisa to go be kept at the uffizi gallery). they all went up to room 20. vincenzo took everything out of the crate and revealed the painting. giovanni said he wanted to take the painting back to the uffizi gallery to see if it was the real deal. he and a few other experts examined it, and lo and behold, it was!
they then contacted the police and vincenzo was arrested, which he really was not expecting.
meanwhile, the italian people celebrated the mona lisa’s return to italy. it was kept in room 28 of the uffizi gallery. over 30,000 people visited the painting in just four hours; those who couldn’t get into the gallery rioted.
after a week in florence, the mona lisa traveled to rome, where it was handed over to the french ambassador. a good deal of italians wanted it to stay in italy, but y’know napoleon had never actually stolen it so they had no claim.
the mona lisa was exhibited in rome for a bit, then in milan, then it was returned to the louvre on december 31, 1913.
back to vincenzo: vincenzo’s trial began in florence on june 4, 1914. many italians still regarded him as a hero and a patriot. he denied ever trying to sell that painting to that guy in london and was angered by the accusation. his defense went for insanity; dr. paolo amaldi, the psychiatrist who examined him, had declared him "mentally deficient.” however, it’s possible that he lied about this because he supported vincenzo. paolo was a member of the socialist party, and vincenzo was probably some kind of leftist. also, paolo may have sympathized with vincenzo’s dislike of the french due to his (vincenzo’s) experiences as an immigrant worker.
that didn’t really matter though, as vincenzo was sentenced to one year and 15 days in prison. however, his attorneys filed an appeal and he was released after seven months and eight days.
(and remember vincenzo lancellotti? he and his brother, michele, were arrested and subsequently released without charges.)
world war 1 began a few days after vincenzo peruggia’s trial ended, and when he was released vincenzo joined the italian army. he was then captured by the austrians and was a prisoner of war for two years. at the end of the war he couldn’t find work in italy, so he went to paris with his wife annunciata. to avoid being detected by the french government who still hadn't gotten over the whole art theft thing, he adopted his birth name, pietro. they visited the louvre and saw the mona lisa.
also, he had a daughter named celestina. vincenzo died when she was a toddler. she said that her mother had told her to run toward him. she did and he collapsed, dead of a heart attack. also he was holding a tray of champagne & cookies at the time. this was on october 8, 1925, his 44th birthday.
30 years after he was buried, the cemetery needed the plot where he had been buried and what was left of him was moved into an underground locker thing.
and uh. i don't know where to put this but he was 5'3
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lokislastlove · 2 years
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
Ok some of these I have already answered so I’m just gonna skip those 😊😊 thank you for always making me feel loved sunshine!
4. There are probably so many… but the first one that came to mind is “darling”. Maybe it’s because I always hear it in Hiddlestons sexy sonorous voice. But dude if anyone called me darling I just melt and then wanna jump them. 🤤
5. I don’t think I do have any writing superstitions except maybe that if I’m tempted to add another sexy man to a story it’s inevitable that they will try to take over. Loki is particularly adept at ruining my plots. Haha
6. Oof I mean I write for fun so I don’t have big expectations for it, but I am terrified people who know me will read it and realize how fucking nuts I am. 😬
8. OMG only action or dialogue??? Ahh!!! That’s so horrible. I mean I think only action might be easier for me… but I have no idea how I’d do that… 😱
9. LOL! I LOVE ghosts and supernatural shit, but until I see or experience anything in real life, I maintain my skepticism. I’m definitely a Scully personality.
12. I’d wish to never get writers block! I’d wish that I could write well enough to make it a career. I’d wish that writing stays a joy in my life. 💕
13. Hmm I mean smut is always difficult for me in general but more troubling to write? Hmm I guess I just don’t write things that make me uncomfortable which is probably odd considering what I write 😬 none of the writing is easy to be honest. Hahaha it’s always a challenge, but a fun one.
16. My brother gave me a tiny dream catcher when I was a kid that I loved and used as a bookmark for a while. Kinda bummed I lost that thing.
20. Hahaha Life is a bitch… um I’d probably still pick love over a career. I’m a romantic bitch.
21. I mean I haven’t been writing that long so I could probably go back to life without it.
27. Stressful character?? Hmm I can’t think of a good answer. I feel like Loki is a struggle for me sometimes.
28. I mean I do think that Ransom and Lloyd are the most fun to write for. I don’t know why but I love them.
29. I don’t really have any one place I go… it just kinda hits as I’m reading or watching tv or whatever. Then I just write the idea down and develop it in my head.
31. I really am at a loss for words when it comes to how much I appreciate this community and all the readers here who have been so welcoming and encouraging to me. Fanfiction really has saved me. And I cannot express my gratitude toward everyone here who have given me an outlet and an escape from the stress of my life! I love you all so much. 💕
35. There are rules for this?! 😬
37. HAAAAA!!! Omg could you imagine? People would be terrified about how horny and dark my brain is.
38. Uhhh I mean we all probably write similarly… right? I do find it weird I keep writing everything on my phone rather than using my computer. 😅
39. Uhh well I haven’t reached that point yet. I mean sure not all my stuff gets a lot of feedback but it doesn’t bother me cuz I already wrote it and I enjoyed the process. I guess I just like the feeling of getting these fantasies out of my head. And I actually enjoy being able to go back and read something I wrote and going “oh I like this” hahaha it’s a pleasant experience even if I find things I wish I could have written differently.
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theehcneypot · 2 years
Hi darling! 🍯
Im curious to ask some numbers for the ask game.
My choices are: 44, 21 and 8 ( please feel free to skip the ones you're not comfortable with!).
⭐Waiting for the new update of "The Arrangement" ⭐
Sorry I’m just now getting to this I was so into redoing my blog. But the chapter is coming!
8. 4 turn offs.
Bad manners.
Lack of a sense of humor or no sense of humor at all.
Just constantly negative for no reason.
21. What I find attractive in other people.
A Sense of humor, it’s a must. Um...their passion for whatever they’re passionate about, overall good personality, intelligence, someone I can learn from. Honestly I’m sure there’s more but my attention is just not here at the moment lol.
44. My idea of a perfect date.
I’m a simple girl so either a sunset picnic at the park or beach. Or staying in cooking dinner together in a dim light setting, sipping wine while listening to R&B.
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eylses-vent-blog · 1 month
Log for may 21
So I’ve been staying with family so staying under my limit has been pretty hard so that’s why I haven’t posted one of these in a while
Finally was able to skip breakfast today :)
For lunch I ate kinda heavy since I’m having dinner so late I didn’t want my stomach to be noisy all afternoon lol. I had a tuna sandwich (390) and hummus (105) and cheese crackers (150)
Then for a snack I had one those chobani flips yogurt cups (170) it was birthday cake flavored lowkey kinda disappointing and definitely a waste of calories. I had a bowl of strawberries (20)
For dinner I had to go out with my family I was originally only going to have the tomato soup (200) but everyone commented on how little food that was so I also got breadsticks which came Alfredo sauce (750 and that was only for half) :(
My total was 1795 I literally want to die
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I really hate this month I surprised I haven’t gained more somehow I keep maintaining around 153
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2000snotebook · 5 months
What's an au you'll never write but still think about alot?
Gilded allegro frozen AU. essentially Ryan is older and assumes Anna’s role while Grace is younger but assumes Elsa’s role in the story. I would say Ryan carries Anna's personality more and Grace does with Elsa's tbh. I havent seen frozen since I was like 12 and I don't really see myself writing a fic about it. I did draw something related to it though (please ignore that I fucked up with the ages)
I actually wrote a long thread about it on my priv twitter that I'm gonna transcribe under the cut. I tweaked a few things about the story lol
I think little Grace didn't quite know how to make awesome snowballs and snowman yet, she just watch Ryan do them and try to copy him. She ends up making a tiny... kind of bell shaped... snow creature with two little rocks for eyes and no other appendages.
Grace looked a little disappointed that her snow-thing didn't look as cool as Ryan's but Ryan's like nooo it’s ok look! We can call it Kez... the snow...bell. And that seems to satisfy Grace for a while.
so everything more or less happens the same in canon (I guess you could assume Grace was adopted into the family?) Either way, Ryan (8) convinces Grace (7) to sneak out into the playroom late at night so they could fool around with Grace's snow powers. And Grace is just so delighted to spend time with her big brother and all, but Ryan gets a little too reckless and nearly slips and falls to his death. Grace narrowly manages to cushion his fall... but not before accidentally striking him in the head with the magic.
Things continue to progress as normal, Grace and Ryan's parents take them to those magical rock trolls to undo the effects of Graces magic and warn them that Ryan should never find out about her powers to keep this from ever happening again.
(to account for Ryan's other siblings, they were sworn to secrecy). So Ryan and Grace more or less grow up isolated within the castle. As far as Ryan knows, they had an accident playing in the snow outside, and now Grace doesn't seem to want to play with him anymore.
And the poor guy blames himself for scaring his sister and he wants to do anything to make it up to her. But poor Gracie, sworn to secrecy, just continues to push him away. And as much as that hurt Ryan, that never stopped him from trying throughout the years
Growing up, Ryan took up things like sword fighting and playing whatever the 19th century version of a guitar is to occupy himself (and also prepare to succeed the throne one day). He became really skilled in swordfighting over the years but his true passion lie in his guitar. It was his source of comfort where he felt painfully isolated.
At some point Grace + Ryan's family went to visit distant relatives overseas. Grace stayed home because she was sick, and Ryan insisted on staying home because he didn't want her to be alone. Of course, like in canon, tragedy strikes, and their family unfortunately perished in a storm, and the two grieved alone.
Eventually came the time for Ryan (now 21) to take the throne as king. Of course, he's estatic because he gets to see other people for the first time in YEARS. Meanwhile poor Grace (now 20) is just TERRIFIED because she's worried about exposing her powers to the public or even worse. To Ryan. But she figures as long as she keeps her gloves on, she'll be fine, and once the coronation ends she'll retreat back to her room
And then you've got Ryan practically skipping, jumping, and dancing all over the palace excited for his coronation... then he bumps into someone at the docks.
She's a beautiful young woman with flowing blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her name is Camila, the only daughter in a long line of sons. Ryan's absolutely enthralled by her. He even asks her to marry him, which she...surprisingly accepts!
The coronation happens as expected and Ryan is declared king and all... then he decides to announce his engagement to Camila! The audience is initially surprised but happy about this announcement... except for Grace. When Ryan is allowed to go into the crowd, he finds Camila. Grace intercepts the two, asking Ryan what the hell is going on, why has he decided to marry (and subsequently make queen) a woman he just met?? The two begin to argue, causing a commotion in the room.
Ryan insists that as King he can marry anyone he wants, not that Grace would even care, shutting her own brother out all these years despite his efforts to get through to her!! This upsets Ryan to the point of leaving the ball in the middle of the party. Camila tries to go after him, and Grace confronts him. In her desperation, grabs on to his arm. When Ryan pulls away from her, the action sets Grace off enough to accidentally expose her powers to Ryan and the other guests.
Terrified, she flees the area before anyone can apprehend her.
Aaaaand that's as far as I got in the AU
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survey--s · 9 months
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1.) What was the last strong scent you smelled? The candle that's burning, which is coffee and caramel scented.
2.) When was the last time you changed your outfit? This morning after I had a shower.
3.) What did you buy the last time you went shopping for new clothes? I got some new leggings and tops online a couple of weeks ago.
4.) What is your favorite meal of the day? I don't really eat set meals. I have breakfast but otherwise I generally just snack during the day, but if I'm out somewhere then I love going out for lunch.
5.) Do you typically eat breakfast or skip it? I always eat it - I work a busy, physical job and I would genuinely feel unwell if I didn't eat anything in the mornings.
6.) What was the last thing you took a picture of? The kitten.
7.) Do you have a collection of anything? Wax melts and jumpers.
8.) What was the last thing you threw away? An empty Malteasers wrapper.
9.) What is the cause of your current emotional state? I'm relaxed because it's Sunday but I'm tired because the dog was really restless last night and kept wanting a cuddle.
10.) What were the last plans you made? How about cancelled? To go to my mum's next weekend - we're off to Manchester on Saturday but I want to stay the Friday night too so we're planning a takeaway for tea. I can't remember the last time I cancelled plans.
11.) How did you discover your favorite band? My dad introduced me to them when I was tiny.
12.) Does the weather affect your mood? If so, in what ways? Yes, sometimes. If I don't have to go out then it doesn't really bother me, but I find wind and rain really stressful weather conditions to be outside in, to be brutally honest.
13.) When are you most likely to be bored? During a power outage. <--- yep.
14.) What was the last big decision you made? I can't remember, to be quite honest.
15.) Where was the last place you traveled to, and what did you do while there? Uh, to a clients' house to feed their cats, and then to the local shop to pick up some cat food for my fussy buggers who have all decided that they won't eat Felix anymore.
16.) What is your favorite thing to go shopping for? Books.
17.) How organized are you? I'm ridiculously organised, to be honest.
18.) What were the positives and negatives of your last week? Positives were that work went well, I saw my mum and I finally got a nice, relaxing weekend. The negatives were getting caught in the storm and the cats all getting the shits because their food suddenly started disagreeing with them lol.
19.) If applicable, how did you decide what you wanted to study in college/university? I just picked the subjects I enjoyed and was good at.
20.) What was the last thing you received in the mail? Some probiotics for the cats.
21.) What is one of your wildest dreams or ambitions? Owning a business on full-time livery. HA. I wish. 22.) When was the last time you performed in front of a group of people? I honestly don't remember.
23.) Who was the last person to upset you? How about the last person to cheer you up? I don't remember the last time I was upset or needed cheering up.
24.) Is there anything or anyone you’re trying to get over or let go of? No.
25.) What was the subject of your last phone conversation? It was with Suzanne about what dates she needed me to stay with Charlie over half-term.
26.) What are your plans for tomorrow? How about the weekend? I'm working tomorrow. I'm in Manchester over the weekend to see a play.
27.) When was the last time you were sick? I had an awful bug back in January time. I can't remember feeling that unwell, honestly. I have no idea what it was but I was so unwell.
28.) How close do you have to be with someone before you’ll consider them a friend? Not very close, really.
29.) What did the last jacket you wore look like? It's just a black and grey waterproof.
30.) Name five things you can grab from where you’re sitting. Simba, my phone, the remote, a can of Dr Pepper, socks.
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sydneyshipsstuff · 1 year
answering both of the recent tag games in one since im lazy (so scroll for the questions below the bingo)
tagged by @professional-benaddict (sorry for responding so late lol) and because i dont have too many mutuals, tagging anyone who sees it & wants to do it!
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I chose my baby Spider-Man/Peter Parkee, with a focus on the starker fandom!
1. How did you discover your fave?
spider-man movies -> video edits on insta/tiktok -> irondad fanfics on wattpad -> ao3 -> looking at starker in disgust -> becoming a part of the fandom
2. How long have you been a fan of your fave?
since homecoming! when it first came out but it took me a while to start interacting with the fandom
3. Do you write for your fave? (E.g. AU's, Drabbles, Fan Fics.)
sorta! i don't actively write, just kinda drabble sometimes and i mostly dont post that, plus helping others write, i do have drafts that have been in my docs for years though
4. Do you like what is canon about your fave?
i do but i feel bad for him! poor guy has nobody :((, but before endgame i was in love with canon.
5. Tell some of your headcanons of your fave.
•his spider abilities on top of the originals like purring, cant have peppermint, hibernates, etc
•his love of animals, always stopping on patrols to say hi to them or trying to keep the strays he finss
•being worthy of mjolnir and picking it up without knowing the significance
•that he worms his way into the hearts of everyone he meets
6. Do you draw for your fave? (E.g. Fan Art)
no i dont, but i love seeing others fan art obviously!
7. If your fave/s are portrayed by several actors, who are your fave portrayers?
basic, ik, but tommy.
8. Are you more into Books/ Comics/Films when it comes to your fave?
mostly the fanfics then anything, but the movies and comics are so entertaining.
9. Quote anything about what your fave has said.
this ones weird but when i went to new york i went out of my way to go to moma because of him mentioning it to tony
10. Quote your favourite line of your fave!
basic but the "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." because even though its sad/semi unhealthy to put that pressure on yourself, i relate to it in a way and uphold myself to helping whenever i can.
11. Ever made a edit for/of your fave?
i dont think so? maybe photos but that would have been a while ago
12. Songs you associate with your fave?
anything to do w new york really
13. If your fave was real, do you think they'd like you?
i think so, if we meant in a natural way lolol, i try to be social and i think id be able to joke with him
14. Amongst your fave/s who do you think are you? (E.g. You have 5 faves, amongst the 5 of them you think of yourself as fave no.3)
skipping because i only am answering for the one
15. Do you know your fave origin story?
yes i doo, radioactive spider bite, yada yada, parents dead, yada yada, uncle shot, rip, grew up in queens & stayed there
16. In 1 word describe your fave’s aesthetic.
17. Is/Are your fave/s famous on A03?
yes very much, but mostly for irondad
18. Ships that you like with your fave?
i do like irondad if thats even considered a ship, peter w tony, harley, steve, stephen, and bucky, either seperate or at the same time, and im open to other pairings too
19. Is/Are your fave/s well known?
yes very well
20. If your fave/s have a fandom, what do you think about the fandom?
i like them, idk if theyd like me now that ive gone to the dark side lol
21. Describe yourself using something your faves have said
oops kinda did this already for another question but, "I am Responsible. I…Oh crap. My backpack’s gone." I try to be responsible but i am very clumsy and forgetful lol, and i do a lot of stupid shit
22. If you would feed your fave/s something, what would it be?
as big of a meal as i could possibly make, very carby, probably pasta, get some meat on those bones and feed the super apetite
23. How do you see yourself in any of your fave/s?
i see the optimism/ akwardness in myseld as well, we are semi-close in age so i think that contributes to it
24. Ever taken a break from your fave/s?
sorta, it was very short and it was mostly in between going from irondad to starker as well as small breaks i took from everything lol
25. If your fave/s were to have a crossover, who and which character would they have a crossover with?
well they did have one with stephen and the other spidermen but i think it would be cool to see him really interacting w the women of marvel, aka kate, yelena or natasha (also rip), pepper, captain marvel, america chavez, etc.
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