#and i suck at using the internet
daggerpinknife · 2 years
do you think i can sell my a series of unfortunate events books for like a million dollars
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snewdraws · 4 months
if yall want to have fun on the internet while feeling like apart of a community you should join neocities and make your own personal website im so srs.
you’ll need to learn html coding but there are loads of free templates you can use! this layout generator is a great place to start, and neocities also has their own starter guide. i promise coding is not as scary as it looks, once you learn the basics it is rewarding & fun!
having a personal website on neocities is like having a little virtual house that you can freely customise how you want then you can go and visit other ppls virtual houses. it’s comfy, slow-paced and very welcoming compared to current social media.
if you don’t want to join, i still recommend checking out peoples websites ^_^ they are interactive works of art! keep in mind most are best viewed on a computer rather than mobile.
here is my website if you’d like to check it out :3
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godbirdart · 6 months
if there's one [1] thing i will be forever grateful for in the internet era it's the vast variety and availability of pose / anatomy references supplied by photographers and models
i can go online and find PERFECT references for how fat folds crease the skin or how muscles wrap around the body and as someone who habitually draws most of his OCs ~modestly lean~ and wants to hone his skill in other body types, it is literally a godsend to have those refs so readily available
seriously, thank you all models and photographers for providing me the resources i need to expand my art skills i owe u my life
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sadisthetic · 8 months
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i get into hi fi rush and then proceed to make the most TOXIC ASS hfr oc. this is seltzer (he/they). he is Hashtag Problematic.
hes a precanon character who i created for the main purpose of exploring chais backstory which is FREE REAL ESTATE and subject chai to wretched things. making up a reason why chai is such a lonely ass independent guy at the start of the game AND SELF INDULGING AT THE SAME TIME (i love emotional whump). seltzer is red flag ass emotionally manipulative motherfucker. lmao
he is uhh. chais ex-"friend" that chai met at a venue during a local band performance in college. in quotes bc its a kinda complicated one sided deal. hes in a band called acid scale thats just a group of friends fucking around with instruments. their skills are mediocre and their music is DOGSHIT
somehow chai ends up hanging out with them. it doesnt end well
more sketches of the bastard below
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cemeterything · 1 year
okay fine i'll read homestuck. whatever. i've cracked i can't take it anymore i need to fuck around and find out.
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meruz · 1 year
i feel weird posting video on tumblr it just doesnt really seem like the platform for it like when im using this website i dont really watch videos... i look at gifs and niche memes.... but ive been making a lot of videos for tiktok/instagram so idk. heres one you can see more here
ANYWAYS process for this piece . also before I started recording anything i did most of the lineart between assignments on my work computer so i put some screenshots of that below the cut.
lately ive been drawing whatever bg perspective/lines makes sense for a pose and then positioning the angle/composition/"camera" after.
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original sketch i started with + bg I extrapolated around it. i did this for a bunch of my life is strange 2 fanart also.
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final framing. kinda makes me feel like a photographer. or 3d modeller. I guess its makes dutch angles especially easier. theyre kind of difficult for me to do without drawing the normal un-dutched perspective first so i rarely plan out a dutch angle from the beginning. downside is that i ed up cropping out a lot of the drawing but.. thats why ive been doing it after the lines phase as opposed to after colors LOL.
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cinnamonsly · 1 month
sorry for the inactivity here i literally have not been drawing at all😐😐😐 like i want to but i have 0 motivation and 0 ideas. sigh
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wrylu · 3 months
idk why i'm so moody these days but i find my despair funny
aka my average day as of now
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
everything that could go wrong today has and I’m just ready to call it quits for this year while I’m ahead. Not even going to try anymore.
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maburito · 3 months
Holy shit IT WORKED!!
I've been completely lost I didn't thought it would work i was just desesperate aeoirgjoiejgrji
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ducktollers · 3 months
i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU
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statementlou · 21 days
He cannot be the same man unfollowing mason greenwood and firing jordan green within days of the accusation coming out lol now that its liam he suddenly deems everything ok it seems
I'm sorry if you don't see a difference between how you treat a celebrity you don't know who repeatedly brutally raped and beat their partner while threatening their life, or an employee who serially engaged in predatory premeditated grooming and rape of multiple minors VS how you deal with a situation with a friend who, yes, committed emotional partner abuse, both by being clueless about the impact of their actions and by directly manipulating and pressuring their partner.
But I don't actually think the solution to a friend doing problematic things is necessarily to say "ah well, we had a nice run but you're dead to me now" rather than attempt to help them be better (which can in fact look like/ mean supporting them) although yes, I am aware that in that I differ from the bulk of people driving online discourse culture. We don't know for a fact that that's what Louis does! But we don't know it isn't either, and I personally do feel that there might be grounds for hope that the man who unfollowed Mason Greenwood and fired Jordan Green and tried again and again to singlehandedly put Anthony Russell in a better place, as well as various other people in his personal life struggling with addiction issues, including Liam himself for years now, might in fact care and have something to say to his friend about it all (over the last months and years one assumes, since unlike us he's had a front row seat to this whole situation all along). And yeah, about that... you do know that Louis has to have known about all this since long before yesterday right? And yet the suggestion seems to be that it becoming public knowledge should be the breaking point... like in the named situations above, them becoming public was relevant because he found out at the same time as us! If I believed Louis knew what JG was doing and that he only fired him because we found out I would NOT be here, yk? But no way is that the situation here, like hell I assume him and Liam were on the phone for hours at a time with Liam drunkenly freaking out like I can't raise a fucking kid! So I told her... blah blah blah... etc.
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derpinette · 5 months
when i exchange a message whether i receive or send one i have to immediately shut off my device & walk some laps for a few minutes to shake off the adrenaline rush
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
something that's been weighing on my mind ever since learning about the situation with ezra / toonimal is seeing how these predators will take the active hostility that is frequently directed towards minors in online spaces to their advantage and use it to prey on vulnerable children. i think that we as adults in online fandom should probably come together and maybe rethink the language / manner we go about interacting with kids bc clearly the way things are rn is causing active harm.
like obviously, if you're an adult and aren't comfortable with minors interacting with you or your content, you should be allowed to set that boundary and should be vocal about it, ( especially if the content you create isn't safe for them to consume. ) but i don't think talking to them like they're a blight on all that is good and holy is the way to go about it. maybe just saying you're an 18 plus account will suffice, you don't have to tell them to fuck off.
#i'm opening myself up for ppl to leave the stupidest takes on this post but whatever i need to get this off my mind#before anyone says anything about the kids on that website. they're grooming victims. they're literally kids being taken advantage of#show them some fucking kindness and be understanding that they're the victims in this situation#idk what it is about becoming an adult that causes so many ppl to lose their empathy towards minors it's weird#like yeah kids can be annoying and pushy on online spaces sometimes but a lot of them are old enough to know online etiquette lbr#alot of us were annoying kids on the internet at some point we should understand that you don't just. get a handbook for how to act online#that's shit you learn overtime but ppl seem to forget that#they also seem to forget that talking down to kids isn't gonna teach them shit they're not gonna listen to you if you treat them like idiots#what i'm trying to say is that we really need to talk to minors more respectfully and maybe give them a little grace#( obviously there will be situations where some of them need to be yanked up by the collar but there's ways to go about that >>>#without treating them like shit )#these kids need to know that there's spaces for them to be online safely without having to stumble into places that'll pray on them#we all know how much it sucked to be a kid online we should want better for the ones coming in after us ya know#sorry if this comes across as preachy it just breaks my heart and boils me blood to see kids being taken advantage of like this#especially when there's ways to prevent it idk#how do i even tag this....#mj.txt#there's trigger warning on the linked post btw#tw csa mention
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animentality · 1 year
you talk like a proshipper
i don't believe in censorship.
I also don't believe in the idea that people will read bad fanfiction and do bad things.
you guys got that order wrong. bad things happen, and they are reflected in fiction. people are allowed to discuss bad things that happen to themselves or others through their chosen medium.
as long as they don't bother a real person, who cares?
you motherfuckers are siding with conservatives on this bullshit.
there are no fucking thought crimes. you are not a bad person because you ship will and hannibal.
you are not a bad person because you wank it to toxic ass romances.
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viv-ribbon · 11 months
tweet about how chrome is a performance hog that's killing adblockers and harvests all of your data and how its high marketshare (which is the result of anti-competitive/monopolistic practices, especially with android) allows google to uncritically invent and decide new web standards on its own because Everything Is Chrome including implementing fun new ways for ads to track you even if you disable cookies/etc: 154 rts, 704 likes
tweet that says "i hate google but you'd have to put a gun to my head before i ever switched to FIREFOX": 40,582 rts, 84,293 likes
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