#and i think it's such an achievement to like your own voice in a recording considering how many are insecure about it (including me)
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
happy transsexual thursday! I'm very pleased that my voice is getting lower - it's one of the effects I most hoped to experience when I started T last year. I actually like the way it sounds when I hear a recording, which is a big difference from before.
Yes!! It's so amazing just how flexible and malleable the human body is
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emmg · 14 days
I don't think Bioware fully comprehends the absolute chaos it’s about to release by handing us, the unapologetic mage-bangers, Emmrich "well done, my dear" Volkarin after the emotional war crime that was the Solas romance.
It’s like they’re handing us an emotionally healthy daddy figure wrapped in a big ol’ “yes, praise me harder” bow and just expecting us to behave.
AO3? Oh, it’s about to be a bloodbath. A flood of unholy praise kink is going to rain down like mana from horny heaven. The poor voice actor? He’s got no idea what’s coming. Fans, barely coherent, will be sobbing in his DMs, pleading for him to record lines like, "darling, sweet thing, apple of my throbbing loins,” because suddenly that’s the only thing keeping them going.
And you just know the fics are gonna go there. We’re talking steamy, full-blown, knee-weakening sex scenes so detailed you’ll practically hear the slapping sounds through your screen. Every silver hair, every wrinkled brow is going to get worshipped like it’s the goddamn Holy Grail. Emmrich? He’s not just a mentor now, no—he’s the silver-fox sex wizard of everyone’s dirtiest, most depraved dreams.
Bioware, you’ve dragged us through the emotional meat grinder with Solas, and now you’re tossing us this emotionally sane and well-adapted snack with decades of good coping mechanisms? Oh, baby, the sex scenes are gonna be biblical. I’m talking hands-on-bookshelves, robes ripped off, candles flickering like we’re summoning a demon but, surprise, it’s just Emmrich praising your efforts in bed like you’re acing your dissertation. It's gonna be 'well done, my dear' while you’re doing ungodly things to that silver fox, and he’s stroking your hair like you just unlocked a new achievement.
Me? Oh, honey, I’ll be on the front lines like a horny general leading the charge into the unholy lands. November 1st? I’m not just showing up, I’m rolling in with a pre-written, fully locked-and-loaded stash of smut so scandalous, my Orthodox ancestors will not only crucify me—they’ll disown me in the afterlife. I’m gonna make them turn in their graves so hard, we’ll solve the energy crisis.
And let’s not get it twisted—I’m going to worship this thin, emotionally available mage like he’s the last goddamn spellcaster left in Thedas. I’m talking tongue tracing every single one of his ribs like I’m mapping out the delicate lines of a cathedral—except it’s not sacred, it’s blasphemous as fuck. Forget holy water; it’s gonna be sweat, and I’ll be so deep into my thirst, my own character, Rook, will be doing things that’d make even the most depraved demon of desire blush. Every sliver of his body, every wrinkle, every bone—especially the bones—is getting the Rook Treatment™.
Bioware? You better brace yourself because I’m about to publish smut so audacious, so flagrantly wanton, even the Deep Roads will seem vanilla.
We’ve suffered. And now poor Emmrich’s going to be buried alive under the weight of all that… pent-up thirst. Welcome to the show, sweet necromancer.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
Natalie Wood (West Side Story, The Great Race)—She went through so much shit which I know can be said for all these women but Natalie really was a star and her death often overshadows her career and life. She could make you cry, but she also had the capacity to be incredibly funny which I think is lost on people.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Natalie Wood:
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Judy Garland:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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star-anise · 10 months
Everyone's got a take, and I've got a take too, about the current Internet Villain: James Somerton, a gay Youtuber who just got exposed (in the back half of a 4-hour video) as massively plagiarizing the work of LGBTQ+ media critics, historians, and memoirists, and then exposed in another 2-hour video as just making up the wildest nonsense about the topics he demonstrably had access to accurate information on.
He achieved a six-figure income on his work by squeezing money out of his audience with claims...
That only he was creating content that preserved queer history and elevated the voices and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community (a lie)
He was in serious financial distress and would have to go out of business if people didn't give him tons of money (a lie)
That he was going to use some of that cash to make definitely good and not-at-all-plagiarized independent movies, a thing he was definitely skilled and experienced enough to do (a lie), and
That those plagiarism allegations were incorrect,, and frankly,,,, hurtful and homophobic. (a GIANT lie)
Like, here's a visualization of the script of one of his videos, "Society and Queer Horror". The highlighted bits were lifted nearly verbatim from the works of others—the 18 authors identified at the time the exposé was posted—and presented as Somerton's own work.
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So here's what drives me absolutely up the wall about this:
If he had just ADMITTED that it was the work of other people, THAT WOULD STILL BE COOL. If he had just said, up front, "We are going on a survey of thoughts and insights people have had about this topic", that would still be a good video with a real audience!
Like yes, he studied business in university, he might not have gotten the kinds of research skills and knowledge someone like Kaz Rowe uses to not just report on the history and analysis of others, but evaluate their relative validity and trustworthiness.
But honestly, since watching my niblings (oldest is 13) watch Youtube, I think you honestly can't underestimate the number of viewers who are really hungry for someone saying, "I don't understand this topic! Let's explore it together!"
But NOOOOOOO, Somerton didn't want to be just some schmuck waxing enthusiastic about homoeroticism on film and acknowledging the smartness of other people. He wanted to be HIM, MR. SMARTYBOY, very sophisticated and alluring and thoughtful and deep. Definitely an intellectual heavyweight who just happened to spout off his own personal ideas and analysis that put him at the forefront of all the scholarship on the topic he's come across.
I hate being wrong. Hate being wrong. But blogging for most of my life has forced me to confront constant textual evidence that two or ten or twenty years ago, I said some dumb-ass shit. Honestly, it'd probably keep me up at night sometimes even if I didn't have a written record. I absolutely understand the desire to scan the field, find the coolest people around, and quickly clothe yourself in as perfect an imitation of them as you can manage.
But if you want to be an artist or a scholar who produces something lasting, you can't prioritize coolness over truth all the time. To develop your true, independent voice, you need to find a time and place where it is just you and just the work you're doing, and you have pick up your tools and say, I don't know if I'm doing this right, but this is what feels right to me.
There are a lot of things in life to which we can only truly contribute our presence and our perspectives. Things we can only witness or hold space for. We cannot go back and bleed the pain out of history, or erase the complexity of another person's life. Not honestly, at least.
But those are the times that need our presence, our perspectives, our witness, and our space. When we gather round and tell sad tales about the death of kings, honesty can be the only thing you give that's worth a damn in the large scale of things.
If this dude had owned up to the truth and honestly showed the work of trying to piece together a queer understanding of the world, trying to draw the threads of culture together until he found a place he fit inside them, it would have been so much more valuable to our culture as a whole.
He probably made more money this way, though. While it lasted.
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
What is your favorite bar from the myriad of good bars from Kendrick Lamar involving drake, i.e. Euphoria, Meet the Grahams, & Not Like Us?
note: when I say "Drake" I mean the constructed pop star. when I say "Aubrey" I mean the human being and actor behind the narrative that is "Drake".
Euphoria my favorite bar from this track is the whole "I'm the biggest hater" refrain. i like it because that singular section alone completely obliterated Taylor Made Freestyle. by paraphrasing the late DMX's famous quote about Drake, he is demonstrating how you can respectfully and powerfully use words from the mouths of dead predecessors to discredit your opponent, further showing how much of a stupid tactless clown-show popstar-turned-con-artist Aubrey Graham is in using the AI mockery of Tupac's voice to taunt Kendrick, the current voice of the West Coast and-- to many-- the people's successor to Pac.
6:16 in LA with a slightly lighter tone than the other disses, i consider this song to be a person to person sit-down and final warning to Aubrey that Kendrick is willing to provide. he explains that OVO is full of moles and wires, Aubrey is being hustled with nobody on his side, and going as far as saying "you can't sleep, these images trouble you" hinting at the fact that he would be going after Drake's personal failings that he thinks about when he goes home at night and stops being Drake. which he totally did in meet the grahams. also, bonus points to my favorite rhyme scheme in the song, just cuz it's so much fun to say:
Your lil memes is losin' steam, they figured you out The forced opinions is not convincin', y'all need a new route
like, what a perfect little two-bar rhyme scheme.
meet the grahams in this song, the most powerful lyrics to me (and the ones that usually make me start tearing up) are the ones where Kendrick stops being sorrowful and starts being angry.
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya? You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements, Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
this reminds me of every traumatic scolding i ever received as a child. i think that the word "disappointed" isn't strong enough to convey the feeling here. something closer would be "let down", because Kendrick's whole thing recently has been peace and uplifting people. he was willing to tolerate the competition for the game, but there were so many times that he warned Drake to not mention Kendrick's family. ultimately, in this stage of their careers, what they were fighting for was not fame or power, it was their legacy. they were fighting over how they were going to be remembered, and Kendrick was not about to let his pacifism make him passive in watching someone pretending to be a part of his culture stain how he will be written about in the records of Hip-Hop history. in specific, i love the line "take that mask off, i wanna see what's under them achievements" because he is BEGGING Audrey to respond honestly, as himself. he is begging him to cast off the facade of "Drake" and speak with any amount of dignity, because at this point there was no more room to speculate on whether or not he actually was who he claimed to be with regards to his music. at this point, the consensus was pretty thoroughly in the camp of "the actor Audrey Graham has been co-opting the image of the American Rapper for his career".
Not Like Us i think i love the bar "he has all eyes on me and imma send it up to Pac" because it goes back to the core of what this is about to Kendrick in fighting for legacy. the media, specifically the white dominated media, sucks the culture (that is to say, Black culture) dry for all it's worth monetarily, and in the process there have been many twisted caricatures or unfair narratives left in the wake of black creatives who are no longer alive to defend their own names. there's an entire tangent about how tabloids disproportionately affect black creatives due to the very fact that white supremacy discounts the respect these names have to the (largely un-melinated) higherups in hollywood, and as a result there is less PR dedicated to keeping their image clean, but i think im not qualified to go off on it. the point is, Drake disrespected Pac's legacy (and continues to do so by owning his ring, really, instead of having it be in the possession of someone who's at least from the west coast), and Kendrick wanted to put some honor on his name. he made sure that he was not just mentioned in the shameful (Taylor Made) and angry (euphoria) parts of this beef, but also its most triumphant moment.
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stilljuststardust · 8 months
If you don't trust subliminals, make your own. (how to do that)
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It's really simple, but I've seen a lot of people who say they wish they could but don't know how so here's everything you need to know.
You don't need a computer for this you can use your phone.
What you need:
An editing software, capcut works great
Voice to text, you can use Google translate, your own voice, or if you're extra: an AI voice replica of your comfort character
A list of affirmations that resonate with you or a list of what you want
Music, ASMR, nature sounds, frequencies. Capcut has free music, you can also screen record any of these off of YouTube. Feel free to create a custom DR ambiance with this.
These work best if you mix and match. Do whatever you want there's no rules.
1. I,you,we
"I can shift.
You can shift.
We can shift."
This basically lets it sink into your subconscious.
2. I feel I love
This tricks your subconscious into believing you have it by telling yourself how much you love having it.
Example: " I love how often I shift"
This is not just limited to "I love" but any feelings you would feel if you had achieved your goal.
3. Why do I
Pretty straight forward, this phrases affirmations are questions.
Example: "why is shifting so easy for me"
4. Adverb
This is something you can add to affirmations to tweak them. Things like "instantly" or "effortlessly " I don't really think it warrants an example.
5. Everyone thinks, everyone says
This basically is affirming that everyone also believes you have your manifestation and you should too.
Example: "Everyone says your skin is flawless"
6. Mantras
Things that rhyme, are fun to say, or get stuck in your head. They work great!
Theres many more but it's just some ideas to get you going.
How to put it together
Write out your list of affirmations
Record text to speech, your voice, or an AI voice saying your affirmations
In whatever you're using to edit extract the audio and layer it with a louder audio of music, asmr, ambiance etc.
Lower the volume of the affirmations
If you feel like it add images you associate with what you're wanting
If you want it on YouTube you can upload it and keep it on private or unlisted
That's literally it.
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Comfort [Mer!Warriors + Reader]
All it takes is a single moment for everything you think you know to flip on its head.
I originally had different plans for this AU continuation, but I came across a post of someone asking for a comfort fic and thought I'd try.
Part: 1 / 2
TW: Maybe? Hard to tell sometimes.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
It had been a long day. Between back breaking work and the weariness of too long spent fighting to maintain your composure, the weight of all your hardships seemed to have finally caught up to you. You were just so tired, but even the promise of escape sleep offered seemed impossible to achieve.
Not with this overly spoiled creature screeching (elegantly, somehow. God damned elegantly. like a fully accompanied angel's choir) for your attention. As though this was something you two routinely did (for the record, it wasn't. you didn't know what his damned problem was). And ignoring him wasn't working, as it was going on the second hour now and he had somehow only gotten louder.
You honestly just wanted to cry. You just wanted to sleep.
You just wanted a break that didn't make you feel guilty. Guilty for not wanting to live up to everyone's expectations for once. For just wanting to sit down, eat something horrendously unhealthy, and then maybe nap for a few hours before dinner. And then go right back to sleep without everyone expecting you to fix every damned problem that blew their way.
The perfect day (but it wouldn't be. not really. because you couldn't even imagine closing your eyes when there was still so much to do). And it was being thoroughly destroyed (it was never something that existed anyway) by the unceasing, unholy (ethereal) screeching of the Center's resident golden boy.
How the mer knew just when to start acting up when no one but you was around, you'd probably never know. But it was damned concerning, and annoying. Especially when he decided to be difficult. Like now (oh God. why'd it have to be now when you were at your lowest).
You'd give in eventually, you knew. It was inevitable, and both him and you knew this. You couldn't afford to leave him to his own devices for too long, especially when he had a habit of taking out his frustration on your co-workers when ignored (and not even in an obvious way either. but underhandedly. like 'accidently' splashing water on their phones and equipment during his more enthusiastic performances).
You heard his screech again, but this time you could hear the low edge that entered his cry. Like the threat of a blade gliding delicately under a silk cloth, smooth and lilting and deadly in its sharpness. A dark, foreboding promise all wrapped up in a beautiful symphony of sweet nothings.
"I'm coming! Just give me a moment!" You finally called out, wincing at the way your voice nearly wobbled. Frustration and exhaustion mixing together into a singular moment of weakness.
It was silent then, and a form of primeval dread filled your stomach at the sudden stillness in the air. Because there was no way he hadn't heard the shake of your voice, nor the emotions that caused it. There was absolutely no way he didn't realize how vulnerable you were at the moment.
Numb. Suddenly, you were numb all over. From your ears to your toes, you could feel the cold pinprick of tingling nothingness itching just below your skin. But through it all, even as your feet took you to the bottom of War's tank ladder, you felt oddly detached from your body.
Ah. You were afraid. As tired and as emotionally drained as you were, you still somehow managed to drudge up enough self-preservation to be afraid of Wars. And you weren't sure how to feel about that. You hadn't really thought about it in a long time. Just how much power he now had over you, after that fateful day you'd come to his tank and cut him a deal.
You still didn't want to think about it. You just wanted to get this over with and go to sleep. You didn't even care that you'd regret this later, when you could finally think past the numbness that had settled over your limbs.
And there he was, from one step on the ladder to the next. Quiet, still as death and submerged up to his eeriely shining, dilated eyes in the dark water of his sleeping tank. The inky blackness of the night around him fading the long, billowing ends of his fins into a smoky wisp of shimmering starlight.
You'd forgotten how beautiful he was at night, when the faint luminescence of his fins and scales ran golden fireflies across the darkened navy of his elegant blue fins. How his enchanting, predatory eyes caught even the faintest hints of starlight and built entire galaxies along the darks of them. How he smiled so prettily when he rose from the water, even if you knew it was a lie (fake. dangerous).
The smile was different this time though. There was something sharper about it, so similar yet so different from the charming upturn of plush lips he so often used to entice the unwary into his clutches.
It was enough to unnerve you, this unknown expression that had settled so distinctly upon his pretty face. Enough even to pull you from your exhausted haze and into something almost approaching alertness. Your nerves firing with renewed unease, even several meters above the water and (allegedly, though you didn't believe that for a second) out of War's reach.
And then he lifted a single, elegant hand. Raised a single, elegant finger. And beckoned you to him in a gesture so human it nearly drew a blush to your cheeks (much to your shame).
If you ever discovered who taught him that gesture, you'd skin them yourself. You swore it. But that was for later, because right then you were frozen in shock. Not even because of the connotations behind such a gesture while an attractive male such as him was behind it.
No. It was the meaning behind the gesture.
"No." You said, so pumped full of adrenaline you didn't even feel the exhaustion that'd been weighing down your bones just moments before. "I'm not that far gone, Wars. No matter what you think you heard."
His eyes narrowed just the slightest bit, condescending and frustrated both. Flickering. Dilating. Contracting.
It would be almost funny, to see a mer as smug and put together as Wars showing anything other than slight annoyance (and honestly, it usually is). But right now, with the darkness closing in from all sides and the weight of everything haunting your every step, it was a reminder. A reminder that for all you had managed to keep your composure around this predator, you were still afraid.
You were afraid. And you always had been. From the moment you set eyes on him and knew (just knew, when no one else could see it) that this creature was hunting you and everyone else around him. Even bloodied and mangled and trapped as he was, he had never stopped hunting. That he watching you, just as you were watching him. Always.
He gestured again, tilting his head slightly. Another gesture that sent warning signals straight into your brain, causing your breathing to pick up and a light sheen of cold sweat to start forming on your shoulders, back and forehead. His eyes had fully dilated by now as well, adding an even more alien quality to his unnaturally beautiful features.
You swallowed, trapped between your self-preservation instincts screaming at you to turn tail and run, and the logic of your mind quietly reminding you that this predator would have killed you already had he wanted (that he could kill someone else too, if he felt the need to call your bluff). Because he would. You knew that. Accidents happened all the time. What was one more? (He'd probably fake tears too. the bastard.)
You glanced off to the side, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end under his unnatural stare. "Wars I- You know that's not how this works."
You were met with silence. You were too shaken (too compromised) to even think of meeting his gaze. The sharp, unfaltering, stunningly inhuman gaze.
The faint rippling of water. A slight swoosh. And then.
A great, echoing splash. The catwalk under you shaking and nearly tilting as a great weight was suddenly upon it. The flash of shimmering gold across a sea of dark blue. And suddenly he was in your face, so close you could see the ring of blue, blue, blue encircling the dark pools of his eyes.
You couldn't move. You couldn't scream. You couldn't even breathe. Not when he leaned further into your space (so close now you could see the glitter of scales under his eyes. like gold dust). Not when a clawed, webbed hand came up to your fear stricken face. Not when your skin touched for the first time (warm. soft. supple. nothing like your mind had always imagined it).
Not when his powerful (deadly. predator's. killer's) arms gently (so gently. almost tenderly. but that can't be it because he's him and you're you) pulled you into his chest. Not when he pulled you both down until he was laying along the catwalk with you laying flush on top of him. And not when he buried his face (his mouth. his lips. his teeth. teeth. teeth.) into your hair and just...breathed.
In. Out. In. Out. Steady. Even. Inevitable. His large, warm hands on your back, claws delicately kneading into your clothes. His chest rumbling, so faint you'd have missed it entirely had you not been tucked up under his chin (had he not been pressing you into the place in his chest the vibrations were strongest).
Slowly, your breath returned to you. You began to calm. Your mind begun to clear. And you realized, with sudden clarity, what it was that was happening. What this behavior was.
The gentle nipping at your hair. The tender kneading of his (sharp) claws into the thick ruffles of your clothes. The way he had cradled your significantly smaller body into his larger form and curled his silky (thick, powerful) tail fins around you as best he could with so little space.
The way his whole chest seemed to vibrate. The sound so low it was nearly nonexistent. An action you hadn't known Wars was even capable of, let alone willing to utilize. For a human of all things.
You swallowed, not daring to take your eyes off the gleam of his collarbone (shimmering, even in the dark). "Are you trying to comfort me?"
He pushed you harder into his chest, under his chin. His face nuzzling deeper into your hair, until his mouth was pressed softly against the shell of your ear. His hot breath fanning against your sensitive skin.
"Mine." He cooed (disjointed and raw, unnatural but hauntingly beautiful), one hand having found its way up into the fine hairs at your nape. Just holding them between gentle fingers, thumb caressing your exposed neck. "Strong. Brave." He hummed.
He nosed at the delicate lining of your ear. Nuzzling you. "Beautiful." He purred, pulling away just enough to force you to meet his eyes. His gaze so black you saw yourself reflected in them. "Always mine. Give me. Everything bad."
Looking into his liquid night, blue-mooned eyes. Feeling his hands cradling you protectively, possessively, trying to separate you from the world beyond. You finally understood. Everything.
Wars was territorial after all. Of his space. Of his food. Of his resources. Of anything, everything that was his. That he'd claimed.
Knowing that, how could you have forgotten the most important resource a mer can ever possess? When it had been staring you in the face this whole time?
Warmth began to build behind your eyes, and try as you might, you felt the gates you had held so tightly closed for so long beginning to slip from your grasp. And you just couldn't believe it. That this was really about to happen.
In front of Wars of all creatures. The one predator that had everyone fooled.
But that was the thing, wasn't it. From the very beginning, for all his smiles and sweet nothings, never had he truly tried to hide his fangs from you. Never you. Even as he kept the rest of the world at an arms length away.
He had let you in (had reeled you in). He had let you see (had forced you to see) the dark shaded colors of his heart. His truest self.
Honesty, completely and utterly, from a creature that thrives off deception. How could you have been so blinded by your fear you'd not noticed.
The first few tears finally escaped down the curve of your cheek, and when a gentle, tender, loving thumb came to wipe them away. You broke, and it all came pouring out. In the arms of the predator you still feared so much, but knew, without question, would never allow harm to befall you.
Because he is a territorial mer. And there is nothing a mer covets more than their pod. Their family. Their reason for everything else that follows after.
And Wars, the mer who never wanted to leave. Who, after all was said and done, was still a mer like any other. Had no one but you. Only you. By choice. By fate.
By design.
You'd been hunted. And you'd been caught. And now he would never let you go. And he would protect you from everything.
For as long as he lived.
Back to the shadows.
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nuumbie · 4 months
Prompt: You witness a memory bubble at Sir Edward’s. A product of a dream belonging to the trailblaze. Unlike the last Dream Bubble isn’t very much fun at all.
Author’s Notes: Less of Akivili!Reader x Aha. More like Reader reads a self-insert of Ahavili Fanfiction. Romantic-Undertones. A character study based on my perception of both characters based on what little crumbs Star Rail has given us. Hope you enjoy.
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You had gotten a text from Sir Edward… apparently you are moving up in the ranks! You are a prized enough customer to get told when they’re having a sale on memories… obviously to maximize your achievements and to fully grasp all of the expierence! This was a must to go and see.
It’s a little exciting to witness the dreams of a long dead Aeon in order to understand them your fingers grasp the bubble. It’s warm as you hold it delicately within your fingertips. A precious memory that belongs to the Astral Express. It’s a little giddying of a thought to understand the crew better. To know of the paths your predecessors had laid out for you… and to understand the Aeon Akivili a little better considering how much of your life revolves in their footsteps…
You note in the back of your mind to tell Himeko… maybe Danheng and March? Perhaps, even Mr Yang would be curious! You can’t help but to imagine their reactions. Pompom’s especially! They seemed a little curious with the last memory bubble you bought… perhaps these souvenirs could serve as precious to the conductor? Such thoughts motivate you forward to press on! “So this is it…”
“You’re excited aren’t you?” Edward��s pupils widen at you. “This was recommended by a certain party. I’m not sure how they got their hands on the memory. I haven’t looked at it myself. You’ll have to tell me how much fun you’re having.”
You pause catching his words. “Eh… you didn’t check? Isn’t that apart of your job?”
“That it is, that it is… this isn’t mine to look at however. The person who left it with me said it was a gift for you and said ‘not to ruin the surprise no matter what’. It’s your choice whether you look at it in the end.”
Oh, that makes you less-wanting to open it up to peek inside. What if they downloaded something scary on it? What if it isn’t a memory of the Astral Express at all but a bunch of jumpscares or even worse… a Rickroll? The memory that once pleasantly reminded you of jelly now hangs like slime between your fingers… “Was… it a girl with pigtails? And a fox-mask…? Kind of short?” You even your hand around where she usually stands when compared to you regardless of your own height.
“Ah, how elaborate of a description!” Edward cheers. “No, it was this blue-haired man—“
You immediately feel all joy you felt suck out of you in instants. A world record pace.
Technically, it still could be Sparkle. That doesn’t narrow it down at all now that you really think about it. You suddenly don’t really want to do this. Because it’s either Sparkle or him… a gift from any of those two hasn’t really ended well for you in the past the more you think about it. Actually, all it’s gotten you is bucket loads of trauma and pains in the butt. But…
“Will I get stellar jades if I do this?”
Edward blinks a couple of times in confusion. “Ah, they did leave some around here somewhere in there now that you mention it… you’d have to stick your hand inside to get it.”
You immediately stick your hand within the dream bubble and grab hold of it and you don’t look back. Such is the will of the trailblaze.
Akivilli’s form is unknown to you yet you can feel the wet grass on your tush as the memories rush into your brain and take hold of your consciousness.
Things you know about Akivilli, perhaps bipedal? Ah, with how things are. They could possibly be a walking trash can on legs and you wouldn’t even know the difference. You try to focus through the haze of the memories.
The words are not your own. But the voice that leaves your throat is yours without any doubt in your head. A shame that you couldn’t choose for another to read it to you again… or at least have the option of it.
You find yourself laughing. Your voice calling back at you despite not knowing the words until you hear them. It’s a bit unnerving, but you soon sit back, relax, and then the dream plays out as your vision returns.
It’s a starry night sky. A view you’ve grown accustomed to. It hasn’t lost its luster yet and you fear the day that the sight of the stars no longer excites you. You reach your hand out towards the stars, tracing the constellations. Although, you can’t see your hands. You can somehow feel its warmth. It goes from your hand to your chest, leaving you warm and fuzzy inside like you drank a bunch of hot cocoa. You can’t stifle the giggle that escapes your throat. It’s you but it isn’t. It’s a strange, disembodying feeling. You should be used to it by now, but you can’t say you are any closer to coping with it than you were before.
“I think I’m really happy.” An emotion that’s not yours, a feeling that doesn’t belong to you, the bubbly, overwhelming feeling of happiness. One that you don’t understand overwhelms you. “Right now. I wonder. Is this what humans call peace? I wish this feeling could last forever.”
But it can’t. It’s a sad and happy thought. The fact you’ll go to experience many more joys and sorrows. That you’ve yet to feel even more highs and lows. For the reason for living is to go through the good and the bad.
“Ah, Akivili, Akivili—“ perhaps, you should have expected it. considering who gave you the dream bubble, but you’re still surprised. a shapeless miasma, surrounded by masks, your sight is blurry when you gaze directly at the figure. without a head THEIR arms wiggling as they hold a multitude of faces, masks, they circle between them on a dime. the mask that looks back at you in THEIR iconic smile. THEY laugh. “The real star is right here. Before your eyes. A touch away! Yet, you yearn for something so far away? How silly, how cruel, to call the night sky beautiful when I’m right here!”
A resounding sound of a million hands snapping. Louder than a gunshot.
“Pay attention to me instead.”
THEY snap their fingers.
The star you were tracing bursts into bright, colorful confetti.
A deep sadness consumes you. The constellation has lost a piece of itself. Millions of years into nothing but scraps of paper floating through outer space. “Agh— AHA.” what a hard name to yell. you weep for the fallen star with your whole chest so it knows it was loved “… you guys never change. I liked that star too.”
“Oh, but we do.” THEY tilt the mask, facing upside down. The smile is curved into a frown. “Nothing lasts forever, Akivili, my Akivili. I’m sure at the end of the universe that IX will swallow all of us down and eat us up. We will change inevitably. Ena turned into Xipe’s late night snack. This moment will go away. That is why I wish for you to admire Aha’s radiance instead! You can disappear. I would spend my eternity thinking about the time you preferred a star over me.”
You feel a deep sadness that isn’t yours. You crush it in your palms and hold it in your hands.
“Don’t get jealous. I do prefer you.” THEY giggle. you don’t turn to face THEM despite that. Glancing out towards the night sky. Bright stars hang across the planet. a planet so small and insignifant in the face of such a big universe. but that’s why it’s so important. your fingers line the stars in the sky into a million different shapes, you can taste the thrill of adventure, the loving unknown. the future and the heat of it on your tongue. a million light years away. “I like that you’re here next to me. I like that you’re with me. This sight is only so enjoyable because I have someone to love it so throughly with.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t though.” you grab where your heart would be. but as an aeon, do you even have one of those? nobody’s ever dissected an aeon before. perhaps they’re made out of rock candy, gears, oils, and a dash of love. because you don’t know. it’s as possible as any other possibility. “Can’t you at least try to hold a little empathy? That star had a long time left. And even if it didn’t— stars usually last a long time after they die. But now it’s just gone. The sky is missing a piece of itself. What will people look at when they place their eyes on that particular patch of sky?”
“Ewww!” THEIR voice transforms. the sound of a child, a mimicked sound and replica of a hundred crying children. THEIR face morphs into disgust. the haughty laugh is accompanied by a loud boo you’d hear from a game show. you have to stifle a laugh as they whine. “You’re killing me, killing me. Ah, dearest, loveliest, Akivili— are you trying to shackle me?”
“My detested, beloathed Aha.” you laugh loudly and try to match THEIR joy. though, a part of you lingers on the fallen star, the fallen aeon, and you resolve to live and hold onto this feeling even tighter until it sears a hole in you that’ll last forever even when you’re gone. “If only I could.”
You don’t know what love is. But you capture it in bits and pieces. You feel it ringing in every piece of you and it calls out to you when you look out at the express crew, whenever you glance up at the night sky you promised to explore, whenever the astral express warp-jumps and even you feel a little dizzy with the sensation of truly being alive.
And you feel it, too. Even for things you shouldn’t. To the things that feel like sand that flows through your fingers. To the things that will move on without you. Because worlds spin, the galaxy changes, every time you close your eyes for as much as you gain there is always something to lose.
Aha doesn’t have a face. THEIR fingertip press against your face, however, pressing your lips into a smile, you think despite being the embodiment of joy they can not smile without a head. “Ahaha.”
“Didn’t you say you could die without regret?” THEY reach out for your hand with their other arms. they move your body, while you stand there uselessly, positioning you like they were inviting you to dance. but they don’t move. neither do you. “You’ve got plenty of regrets itching at your lips, Akivili. So many words left unsaid. You should say them. You have so much power, you have the ability to reach the heavens, to reach for the stars you like so very much. But you always refuse to take.”
“It was a metaphor.” you mutter back. though, it sounds more sad than you intend. Aha notices. they ruffle your hair giggling at your sorry attempts. You don’t resist as much as you should.
“A trailblazer isn’t meant to stay in one place, Akivili. Isn’t that your path? You should tread it properly.” THEY make a buzzer-sound effect. “You’re doing it wrong.”
“You’re so strange.” THEY laugh harder and harder. their hands reach for their stomach to hold it. like THEY would fall over if they hadn’t. “Except, not strange at all! You’re strange because you’re an Aeon— but you’re so lamefully, painfully, mundane from your pinky finger to your toes. You’re a walking, talking, contradiction. To be honest, it’s lame, so dreadfully, drearily, lame.”
“Akivili, Akivili.” THEY smile and they sing a song, out of tune, manical. “I love that part of you, though, you who’s is one-and-only across all the world trees…”
You don’t understand THEM at all. But they just insulted you. You stare at THEM dumbfounded, with crossed arms, but the mask smiles back will a look filled with endearment.
“You know.” You pout as your fingers— does Akivili even have hands? But, you can feel something reaching, weakly lifting, trying to cling to them and hold onto something that touches back. “I want you to stay. The Astral Express. You could join me. We accept everyone. You could be a nameless, too. On the express, everyone is the same.”
“Everyone’s accepted me.” Your heart sings at the thought. “They’d accept you, too. That’s what I want.”
“I know.” Aha‘s smile is strange. “I wanted to hear you say it anyway! Akivili wants me. Akivili wants me. They really said it! I should sing it to so everyone in the galaxy can hear. I wonder if they’d create a holiday over it? So everyone can memorize the date you poured yourself out to me!”
“Don’t.” You pout knowing where this is going. It’d only serve as a reminder. “You’re too cruel, sometimes.”
“I’m the nicest to you.” AHA smiles. “Isn’t that so funny? I care about you. I’d miss you. That’s such a funny thought to me! I can’t help but to laugh.”
You flashback to a time where they wondered out-loud how you’d react if THEY blew up the express. You remember silence before THEY laughed it off and said it was something for the back-burner.
Nice is subjective.
“Would you join me, though? Would you leave your express for me?” Aha giggles. “Would you watch the stars burn with me. All the way from the theater seat? Would you come with me, instead? We could do other things. Everything. I could show you things you’d never get to see on your train if you’d let me.”
“I wouldn’t.” you repeat before you can even think about the words leaving your mouth. “You know I wouldn’t.”
“I know, too. See? You can live up to your namesake.” THEY tap your nose. “It’s written in you. It’s interwoven in you. You shouldn’t forget your beginnings despite all the time that goes by.”
“It’s your meaning.” THEY cackle. “No matter how hard you try, so better to embrace the upcoming tragedy.”
“I know.” Aha hugs you, deeply. “It’s okay. Akivili, my Akivili. Don’t cry! I’ll always take time out of my day to see you! You’re the most exciting show which always gets me to smile the most! I’ll always be watching over you. Maybe, one day. If you miss Aha so much. THEY would like to see you personally from first-ticket seats every now and again on your little missions, too.”
“We could never give each other our forever.” THEY squeeze hard enough for it to hurt, hands wrapping around you, possessively. but, you know better than that. you know they’ll let you go. maybe, you wish they would try a little harder to stay. “My Akivili. I’ll give you all of my now. Because I really do enjoy this! And maybe I’ll give you my later, and even more of a latter after that, and even more. Even if that seems sad. It’s not. We can’t give ourselves everything to each other.”
“But I’ll give more to you than I’ve ever given anyone else.”
“After all, I’m one of the few things that won’t go away, won’t I?” a deep sadness spills in your gut threatening to pour out. “You’re the same. Some things get boring with time. But you grow more wonderful with time. I fall a little deeper in love with you each time I see you!” ❤️
“I love you, Akivili, my Akivili.”
You ignore the burning sensation in your stomach. This grief is another feeling to cherish. A grief for something that hasn’t happened yet. Aha calls you THEIRS. But, you know deep down—
THEY would never be YOURS.
“I think I love you, too.”
Your hold is so tight it burns. You hold onto this. Knowing the moment you open your eyes it will all disappear. But that’s okay. You repeat to yourself. Because this moment is so good. And it’ll happen again. Even if it won’t last.
It’s so good because it won’t last, that means you have to make it. You try to tell yourself that. Repeating the words like a prayer. It really is funny. You’re an Aeon who begs.
“You sweet-talker!!!” THEY laugh. “You should tell me more of this Express! Aha is curious, Aha is curious! Ahaahaa… maybe I’ll take some time out of my schedule and go and visit! Would that make you happy?”
“Don’t play with my feelings like that after so throughly rejecting me.” You deadpan back, but you can’t help but to stifle the sound of your own laughter, however sad. “The express really does welcome everyone. Even if it’s only for awhile.”
And you’re right.
Like everything.
This fades away, too.
You wake up standing up. The dream bubble in your hand oozes through your fingers. Leaking onto the floor. Edward’s voice brings you from your stupor.
“Oh, it’s not meant to do that. Forgive me. I don’t think you’ll be able to view this memory for a second time. I wonder if I could recover it…”
So you won’t be able to bring it to the express. You wonder if you would’ve. Knowing what you saw.
It felt more personal— too personal to share. Can you bring yourself to say anything to Edward? Not really. You just shake your head. It’s okay. It’s really better this way.
Looking into your hands now sticky with the hopes and dreams of a long-dead Aeon, you find a measly 75 jades. It’s coated in the sliminess of the dream bubble.
It’s barely enough for half a pull.
131 notes · View notes
whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#29: The Malfunction (1.04)
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From the first three TOWL episodes, it was clear that Rick had been dealing with a lot of inner turmoil. But in the following conversation with Michonne, we see just how much damage has been done in the years he's been isolated. Because even when given an out to break free, Rick still won't go home with the woman he knows he needs like he needs air - and that right there lets you know the temp controller was right to declare a malfunction...
So after Rick hilariously gets riled up by the technology in this apartment, he’s ready to air out some grievances of his own. 
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He turns to Michonne and says, “I told you not to show them who you are. And you break the kill record. You grab the R-DIM from Thorne and nearly get yourself killed.”
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And I love Michonne’s little ☹️ face when he’s talking.
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I was like Rick, we and Michonne don’t give a damn about the CRM after she just told you that you have a son.
Like are we really talking about the R-DIM and not RJ right now?
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But CRM talk is how Rick deflects from the real issues.
And then sounding truly shaken Rick addresses how Michonne is making it a bit challenging to achieve his goal of keeping her alive when she's pulling them out of helicopters.
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Homeboy is understandably still recovering from that helicopter plunge lol. But also, an A is gonna do what an A is gonna do so he should’ve known Michonne was going to A it up and somehow take matters into her own hands. 
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And then Michonne let’s him know why she did this when she approaches him and passionately says, “That’s because I don’t like who you are with them. What they make you. It isn’t you.” 
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I like that she says ‘it isn’t you’ because she knows him so well and she knows that what Rick has become isn’t true to himself.
And I always appreciate the way Michonne doesn’t lose sight of the fact that the CRM is responsible for what Rick is now, whereas Rick seems to think he’s the one to blame for the shell of a person he’s become.
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Rick somberly says, “You think I want this?” Which makes me sad and also it’s interesting how he keeps saying “you think.” It matters to him that Michonne knows this outcome is not at all something he wanted or that he didn’t want to be with her. 
The tech voice chimes in again and says, “Your preferred temperature has been reached.” I love that it chimes in here saying this after Richonne really did just get a whole bunch off their chest in their heated argument. 
Michonne silently looks at Rick with teary eyes. She knows he didn't want this CRM life, but she also knows he's still refusing to go for what he actually wants which is being home with her.
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So then Michonne walks away very visibly frustrated as she hits one of the items in the apartment. Rick finally switches up his approach a bit more to old Rick when he softly says, “Are you gonna give it to me?”
Michonne turns around shaking her head at all this as she says, “So what? We just let them win?” (Side note: I love the rain in the background it really sets the mood. The earth cries when Richonne fights, ijs 😌) 
Rick takes a breath and looks down as he shows a moment of pained vulnerability and says, “Look at me. They won a long time ago. They won the day Jadis brought me here.”  And as he says this you can really sense just how defeated Rick is. 😢
He’s lost all belief in himself and I feel like the scars, the one hand, the CRM gear, it’s like he looks at all that and sees reminders of how the CRM won against him as well as seeing it as how he sacrificed his life to save his family. He just wasn’t expecting that family to also show up and try to save him. And what he has to see is that Michonne doesn’t and would never look at him and see the failure he thinks he is. 
This is Michonne’s first time learning that trifling Jadis was behind Rick’s disappearance all those years ago so she says, “She brought you?” And then she quickly puts it together saying, “She was working for them wasn’t she.” Rick says, “With them” and I wonder if he corrects it that way because he’s clarifying that Jadis was way more hands-on in this than just being another worker. 
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Rick finally gets to tell Michonne what happened after the bridge explosion when he says, “She was running away from Alexandria. She saw me half dead at the riverbank.” Then he finally tells Michonne about what prompted his switch up from 'we’ll get away together' to just trying to get Michonne home when he says, “She will destroy our home if I try to leave. I was making her let you go. I got that much out of her.”
It’s crazy this isn’t even the first time Rick had to make a deal with a villain regarding Michonne. But as we see the difference between the Governor deal and this Jadis deal is now Rick truly wouldn’t even consider for a second trading Michonne’s safety for anything. He’ll do whatever to ensure she’s okay, including painfully being apart from her.
Michonne asks, “You want me to go?” And while it’s a very different context it reminds me of when Rick said the same to Michonne in my favorite TWD Richonne moment from 9.03. And both times they know the answer is no. I think Michonne asks this here because she’s like 'As long as you don’t want me to go then we can take on anything else.' What Rick wants is more important to Michonne than what Jadis or the CRM has going on.
And then I absolutely love the delivery when Rick so sincerely says, “I want you to live.” He means that with everything in him and he not only wants it - as we’ll learn by the end of the ep, he needs her to live.
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The problem is he’s become so one-track-minded about it, that all he can focus on is keeping her alive instead of really seeing her and letting it sink in that she’s with him right now. But also I just love the way he says he wants her to live because it’s so clear that she’s who he’d do anything to protect. Again, he’s just struggling to realize that he’s who she’d do anything to protect too.
The face he makes before he says I want you to live - it’s evident that her leaving is the last thing he wants. You can tell the idea of her leaving is heartbreaking to him, especially after the pain of having gone without her all these years, but again, he’ll break his own heart 1000 times if it means keeping her safe. 
Michonne is quiet as she looks into Rick’s eyes and then Rick shares, “She’s threatened by us because together, you and me, she thinks we can do anything.” And knowing that’s the only thing Jadis has ever been right about, Michonne assuredly says, “We can.” And again I love Michonne's belief in them.
I especially have to keep reminding myself that it’s still only been a few days since Rick and Michonne have been reunited. Like being in each other's presence is still so fresh but despite how much they’ve gone through apart and how much they’ve changed as individuals, Michonne still knows she and Rick are an unstoppable duo together.
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She says, “We can stop her.” And the tears in her eyes. 😭 You can feel how much she wants Rick to remember they can take on anyone and anything that's keeping their family apart. It’s always so visible how deeply Richonne feels about each other which is why they so badly want to figure this out.
Rick says, “You saw what happened to your friends. It will happen to everyone we know.” And first, let me just say that I love that they’re trying to communicate despite feeling so much and being on separate pages. Like this fight they're having with each other is also one of the ways they’re fighting for each other. 
And then I adore hearing Rick say, “To our children. Our son.” 😭 It’s his first time verbally acknowledging their son RJ specifically and the breathy way he says it you can tell that while he has a wall up, the news of his son is still very much on his mind and means something immense to him.
Even just saying the words ‘our son’ aloud carried weight to him and I love that we’ve arrived at a point where Rick is mentioning his son with Michonne. 🥲 As much as Rick tries it for the first half of this episode, one thing I do really appreciate is that the second he learns about RJ, his son is fully included in who he has to fight for and protect. He loves him already. 🥹
I love seeing Richonne have this conversation as parents of their kids. This is our first time hearing Rick refer to Judith as their child too so I’m just here for it all the way. 🙌🏽
Michonne says, “If we get to Alexandria first…” But Rick doesn’t think that’s realistic as he interjects with, “Hide everyone we know? If we get there in time. You want to risk that?” It’s interesting the first thing he thinks they’d have to do is hide and be on defense rather than be on offense about it. 
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Then Michonne is speaking my language when she says, “We kill her then. Should have done that in the beginning.” Truer words have never been spoken, y'all. 💯 And I'm glad that Michonne is willing and ready to take that evil lady out. Had me like...
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Rick explains why that won’t work either when he says, “She left it all behind - who we are, where we’re from - so people will find us if we did that.” I love that they’re still a 'we.' And you can see in Rick’s sad eyes that he really feels there is no way out of this for him and he’s convinced himself that going home together just isn’t on the table.
Rick looks at her for a moment and then says, “Please just give me the PRB.” He knows that all he can do is ask and say please because you know he would never just try to grab it from her. 
Michonne glares at him and walks away and I think part of her is frustrated that Rick so immediately wants to turn to pressing the PRB to 'solve' their problems without at least trying another option with her. Michonne asks him why all the BS because I’m sure she’s wondering why Rick was doing the most at the CRM to evade having to tell her all this context he’s just now giving her. 
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Rick says, “I had to get you out.” And you can tell again that he’s just so convinced that what he’s doing is what’s best for her and what he has to do as someone who feels in every way meant to protect her. And I like how he walks toward her (cuz 🧲 ) and so they can still have this fight face-to-face. Again, I don’t think Rick would keep on in a fight like this in his previous relationship but in his marriage with Michonne, he can’t help but stay in it and try to explain.
And honestly, I'd bet Michonne is also more expressive in this relationship than in her previous one too. Like she’s allowing herself to feel the full extent of what she’s feeling and vocalize it and I love to see it. Again, it’s the biggest breath of fresh air seeing Michonne’s emotions and feelings be a focus. Reason number one million why I’ll forever applaud Danai for this episode. 👏🏽💐
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Michonne then says, “To lie? To leave that note and think I would just leave. Me?” I’m glad she asked that because she’s like 'now Rick, I know you know me better than that.' No matter how long it’s been, he knows Michonne wouldn't just leave him behind. 
Rick says, “Both of us couldn’t go home. Would you have gone if I told you?” And she wouldn’t have. But still, if he told her the truth, she’d help devise some sort of a plan together and they’d figure out how to go home like Richonne always does so he should have told her.
The way Rick’s voice stays going up a few octaves in this fight. Poor guy is going through it. 🥺 And he’s putting Michonne through it too which needs to stop. 🥺 (Side note: This whole marital fight is so good and raw and even when at odds I’m just sitting here watching them thinking look at my babies, they even fight attractively lol 😋) 
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Michonne knows she wouldn’t have gone if he told her so, being willing to draw up a new plan, she calmly offers up a solution saying, “Okay. We go back. We find her evidence. We destroy it. We kill her. And then we go home.” Sounds like a plan to me. 💁🏽‍♀️
I like how Michonne is like no matter what the plan is, killing Jadis stays a part of it. I’m with her all the way. 👏🏽 
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I know Michonne knows this mission can’t be deemed a success until they’re back with their babies and so they have to get home no matter what. Rick is silent and visibly anxious and this is the first indicator of the ep that tells you there’s a lot more keeping Rick stuck than just the threat of others.
Like Michonne is willing to accommodate him and even go back with the dreaded CRM, and her plan could be their way out - but it’s risky, and even more, it’ll mean Rick potentially has to experience losing Michonne again which killed him the first time.
It’s interesting how Rick's trauma has formed in a way that makes him more focused on how having her again means losing her again. I love the way they explore that this episode.
Again, Danai said we aren’t doing surfacey trauma, we’re going to really dive into the deeply damaging toll that what these characters have been through would take. And to her I forever say...
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When Rick is silent, Michonne can sense his apprehension and she asks, “Do you think we can do anything? Because I do.” Aw this moment. It’s so sweet and so sad. 🥺
It's sweet because again Michonne believes in them like no other and trusts that after everything they’ve been through there’s nothing they can’t do. But then it’s sad because it also feels like right now she’s believing in them alone since Rick is now convinced they’re no match for the CRM. 
Rick is again silent and shaken and so Michonne asks, “What did they do to you?” I know a lot of thought was put into the dialogue this episode which made me put a lot of thought into reflecting on the significance of the wording choices. And something I really like in this episode is how Michonne always brings it back to this idea that the CRM did something, they took something. She knows this is not Rick’s doing like he thinks it is.
And I like how when wording things this way she slowly but surely frees Rick up to realize that rather than think he’s done something wrong - something wrong has been done to him. And if it’s been done it can be undone. Like when it comes to undoing the damage the CRM did to Rick, Michonne knows...
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I also just really like how this two-character episode is between two soulmates who have a long-established interconnection which means Michonne can sense something far deeper going on with Rick even if he’s not outright saying it. And when she asks 'What did they do to you?' it feels like it’s her searching for that deeper truth she knows and can feel has a hold on him.  
Rick just quietly says, “We need to go back.” He’s stuck on that. And Michonne blinks and asks, “...And after that?” Rick is so fixated on this route and so Michonne's question is her trying to gauge if this is really him saying they just don’t even try and then go their separate ways when they go back.
Rick stays looking down, silent, and my heart breaks into a million pieces when Michonne then has an emotional smile and asks, “Do you still love me?” Y'all, it makes me want to shed a tear every time. 😭😭😭
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gif cred: @nat111love
Like the way she vulnerably says it knowing it’s one of the most painful things to even have to wonder but she’s trying to smile almost as though trying to let him know he can be honest if that’s the case. 🥺
I know in almost 8 years of being apart and being as in love as ever with him, Michonne probably never once wondered if Rick still loved her. But I think after all this out-of-character behavior from him it had to cross her mind as a possible reason why he could push her away this much when the Rick she knew would never do these things. 
It kills me to see Michonne like this. 💔 I’m sad it had to get to the point of her even asking him this question and bracing for the answer. And I really do see Michonne the woman, human being, and wife in this moment. Like for years she’s had to operate first and foremost as a mom and community leader but here she’s just a woman who needs reassurance that the love of her life still loves her. 😢
It’s also interesting that she asks this even despite Rick having said 'I love you' a couple times in letters and in words since they've reunited. It just goes to show that Michonne is an actions-person and so while the words are nice she also knows the actions have been as she’ll say later - not how Rick loves. 
The one good thing is that Michonne does not have to sit with this question for long because Rick is quick to reassure her when he steps towards her, looks right in her eyes and whispers, “Always.” 😭
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gif cred: @nat111love
I love that that’s how he responds because it’s not just saying ‘yes’ it’s saying ‘always yes’ - past, present, future, he always loves her. 🥹And then he makes it even better by sincerely letting her know, “I’ve never stopped loving you.” 🥲
I’m very glad he said that and so quickly because despite being silent for a while in this scene, this is one thing he is eager to dispel her doubts about. You can tell that the one thing that’s most intolerable to him is making Michonne think any of his actions are coming from a lack of love.
Like he can have her thinking everything they have is broken but not that he doesn’t love her because in fact for the last few years, all he’s been is love for her. It’s the only emotion he even still has intact since he’s been living while dead. He's adamant that she knows the ‘I love you forever’ part of that getaway boat note was 100% true.
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gif cred: @msanonships
Rick’s eyes have never lied to Michonne. Even if he tries to she can look right in his eyes and know he’s still in there and he’s still longing to be with her regardless of what’s currently keeping them apart
And not to get too ahead just yet, but all I’ll say is I do get why Michonne mentions the toll this “back and forth” is taking on her later in the ep because Rick's inner turmoil really is causing some whiplash. One moment he’s saying it’s over and another moment he’s saying with the utmost sincerity that he’ll always love her and has never stopped loving her. It's a lot of emotions to put Michonne through. However, I am glad that it’s always crystal clear in Rick's face which one he really means.
And when he says he never stopped loving her, he means that. Michonne knows he means it too and I love the way she looks in his eyes hearing this and even more, believing this. They are both so extremely good at conveying how much they love each other in just their eyes alone. 😍
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
The way Michonne looks at Rick here just clearly communicates that she’s never stopped loving him either. I love when they pan out too and we can see that they’re holding each other. I knew those magnets in them were gonna start getting their way eventually lol.
And it’s just so sweet and tender that even after the yelling and the disagreeing and the hurt that still all needs to be addressed, they can still find themselves in this position looking at each other with all the love in the world. 
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So then, choosing to trust and defer to Rick yet again, Michonne slowly hands him the PRB. That’s a big deal. One; because Michonne wouldn’t just surrender to something like this for anyone.
But also two; because what this is essentially doing is agreeing to let Rick call the CRM and potentially move forward with him and her going separate ways. That has to be so painful to nearly agree to but she’s willing to meet Rick where he’s at because I think when she looks in his eyes she truly does trust that he’s trying to do what’s best for them because of how much he loves her. 
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gif cred: @taiturner
As soon as Rick has the PRB a new development occurs. Rick and Michonne look out the window and see that their helicopter crashed into a building during the storm. Now is the universe a Richonner or is the universe a Richonner? 😋
Rick says, “That’s our helicopter. You saved our lives.” See Michonne may be crazy but she is also always right. Amen. 😇 And I like how Rick immediately gives Michonne credit for saving their lives. Even in a fight, he’s gonna give his wife her flowers. 💐
Michonne is elated by what this implies for them as she says, “It’s gone. So we’re gone.” Rick says, “yeah” in a way that doesn’t sound nearly as relieved by that thought.
But also I like that he does respond to her by saying yeah because, while it’s such a small detail, something I’ve always noted in these posts is how Richonne stays verbally acknowledging each other's words even with just a yeah to affirm. Hence why it was so jarring when Rick had no verbal acknowledgment about their son, initially. Again, watching that whole RJ reveal moment...
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Michonne turns to Rick with her pretty smile and says, “Jadis will think we died in there. They all will.” And Rick is again silent and hesitant so Michonne says, “Rick?” And then unable to look her in the eye, Rick looks down and just says, “No.”
It’s wild enough hearing Rick say an outright no to Michonne because he usually avoids that but especially regarding this - finally having a way to go home together. I’m telling you the way Michonne is looking at him is the same way I was looking at him cuz what???
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gif cred: @figmentof
Michonne softly asks, “What did you say?” And then Rick just rocks us all when he says, “I’m not going home.” And if it wasn’t obvious that there has been some serious damage done to Rick Grimes since he’s been away all these years this moment right here made it ultra clear. 
He has an out to go home and be with the woman he needs to live and his baby girl and the young son he dreamt about and has never met and he's not taking the opportunity - that lets you know something is seriously wrong. Like...
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Another thing I applaud Danai for is how she had to write a Rick Grimes that is acting out of character while still feeling like the character. She did that very well and Andy played it phenomenally too. 👏🏽
The scene ends with Michonne looking right at Rick as he can’t bring himself to make full eye contact, instead looking down and defeated. This riveting sequence made me very curious to see what was really going on with Rick because we now know it’s not just the CRM keeping Rick in chains but some far deeper internal imprisonment beneath the surface.
And fortunately, it will all get explored excellently as the episode progresses. 😌👌🏽
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akiiireix · 8 months
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Midnight (Fem Reader x Gojo Satoru)
nsfw warning (please do not interact if you're underaged. Thank you.)
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
Inappropriate behavior of any kind, are prohibited inside the building and if caught, will lead to immediate termination of the job.
The very words you yourself had told everyone on the first day you opened this company loomed in your head. Yet, you were the one on the table moaning, as he had his fingers deep inside you, smirking at the sound of your voice.
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Being CEO of a company was no joke. (Y/N) Murakami had rose to this position of respect and achievement through hard work alone and no one, not one single person was able to criticize her. Her company, Murakami Records, was famous for it's mutual respect between all workers and their boss. It was however a big surprise to everyone in the world that (Y/N) was still single.
"I wouldn't want to be tied down by a man while I have a huge company to run. The only way I can focus on the wellbeing of every worker is when I have all the time in the world" she laughed, in response to a question asked at a talk show.
It wasn't like you never got confessions from other men, but you choose to remain that way and sweetly but firmly denied all kinds of romantic advances that were made to you........
.......... that is, until one night.
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"If Gojo would do any work in this place like he's meant to, we'd get through the day much faster." (Y/N) grumbled as she spoke to her vice president Kento Nanami. You were growing tired of Gojo's childish ways.
Nanami shook his head, "I hate to stand up for him but he ultimately does get all his work done, albeit a minute before the deadline."
Hating the fact that he was right, you sigh and get back to your computer and continue with your work. Satoru Gojo was your personal assistant. It was his job to manage your meetings, book appointments and remind you of these. Somehow he'd never do it when he was supposed to, reminding you only 5 minutes prior to a meeting and completely getting on your nerves.
However, he was the best at what he did and if you looked past his annoying nature, he really did get the job done. "Y/N-san, you have an appointment with Music World in like.... 5 minutes" Gojo popped his head in and reminded you.
Groaning at yet another late reminder, you close you laptop and head towards the meeting room. "Don't even think about it." you warn a chuckling Nanami as you walk out.
The day went on as usual and soon it was time to head out.
Reminder: Guest Lecturer event about women entrepreneurs is tomorrow 13.01.2023 at 9:00am.
"That little-" you fumed when you saw the last minute reminder. You had put off on writing your speech for the event due to the other pressing work you had had to tend to and had told Gojo to remind you about it a week in advance so you could prepare the speech.
Nanami came into the office with his bag, "Not leaving yet?" he questioned when he saw you setting you laptop up. "Not yet, The guest lecturer event is tomorrow and someone forgot to remind me about it."
You look up to see Nanami's concerned face, he proceeds to keep his bags down to come and help you. "Oh no, don't worry about it. I'll wrap this up quickly and head home."
"Are you sure about that?"
"100%." After promising to call him as soon as you leave, he left you to your own devices.
Muttering curses directed at Gojo you then started to work on your speech. You were so immersed in your work that you didn't hear the faint ding of the elevator.
"I didn't realize the great (Y/N) had such a dirty mouth." You could practically feel the smirk on his face as he said it. "And I wonder whose fault it is," you murmur frustratedly.
Gojo walks slowly behind your chair, "oh come on boss, surely you can't blame this one on me."
Taking a pause from typing, you turn to glare at him, "I most definitely can." Pushing your chair back you walk towards the mirror cabinet in your office. "I need a drink" you turn and look at him, "and you need to leave."
You pour yourself a drink and watch in the mirror as Gojo comes close to you. "You look tired boss, let me help you out a little. Consider it an apology for making you work late" he whispers in your ears as his hands slid to your butt.
"Now is not the time for jokes Gojo." you reply, narrowing your eyes at him.
"Oh I'm not joking."
He takes the empty glass from your hand and keeps it back inside the cabinet, "Don't want to break anything now, do we?" he chuckles.
He pressed soft kisses on your neck, "Gojo, you really need to stop this." you try to tell him firmly but your voice comes out soft. He simply chuckled at your words.
"If you really want me to stop," he whispered as he hiked up your skirt a little and slip his hands underneath. "I'll stop." He stopped caressing your thighs and pulls away. The sudden loss, makes you whimper in protest.
"If you didn't really wanna stop you should've just said so boss." he shoves his hand between your legs, eliciting a shiver, and rubs your panties. "Already wet for someone who wanted me to leave." he teased as he rubbed his hands over her panties.
You subtly move back and forth, trying to get his hands to do more than just rub, "Stop playing with me Gojo" you whimpered.
"Is that really what you want?" you nod, "then ask me nicely." He was seemingly enjoying you whimpering infront of him. His beloved boss, reduced to such states with just a single touch. Oh he was definitely going to enjoy himself.
"Please," you cooed.
He slowly slipped your panties off and slipped one finger in, knowing exactly where to touch you to elicit moans. "Aren't you wet for me boss," he slid his finger out and sucked on it while looking right at your face.
"Is this all you're capable of Gojo?" you question him, knowing that you were probably pushing his buttons and it would later come back to bite you.
Narrowing his eyes, he shoved his fingers back into you, this time not restricting himself to just one but three. Not being able to control yourself, you let out a loud moan which seemed to echo throughout the office. "You'll know not to taunt me ever again when I'm done with you." he pulled you close and began sucking on your neck while he pumped his fingers in and out of you with slow deliberate movements.
The way he moved his fingers, made your mind go blank. You tried your best to hold your composure as he steadily increased his pace and just when you thought you were able to keep a check on yourself, his fingers curled deep inside you at just the right spot, eliciting another indecent moan from you.
"That's right, I don't want you hiding it from me boss. After all I need to know if I'm treating you well." He stopped sucking and tilted your chin and kissed you hard. You brought your hands up and raked it through his hair, pulling softly.
He groans as you bite down on his lip while kissing him, "I'm not the only one who wants this Gojo, you can't control yourself for long." He breaks the kiss and looks at you but your eyes are somewhere else..... looking down at the very prominent bulge in his pants. You slide your hand to his pants to take it off but before you get far he stops you.
"Not today. Today is all about you. Besides, I quite like the idea of you having to owe me one."
Biting down on your lips in frustration you make an annoyed face to which Gojo only laughs. He swiftly pulls down you skirt and unbuttons your shirt leaving you only with your bra on and your panties pulled down halfway.
He licks his lips in anticipation.
"You say it's all about me and yet I'm the only one without clothes on."
Understanding your words, he lets you unbutton his shirt and you run your hands across his chest. "Like what you see?" he asks, causing you to blush.
He kisses you again, hands cupping your breasts. He moves his hand to your back and removes your bra in one motion. You moan into his mouth as he massages your breasts. "Oh fuck,"
He walks towards your chair, still kissing you and sits down. You feel yourself being pulled on his lap as he continues to massage your breasts and kiss you. Taking opportunity of your position, you slowly grind your hips back and forth on his lap.
He suddenly stopped kissing you, leaving a trail of saliva between the two of you. Roughly he turned you around so your back was facing his chest. Spreading your legs apart, he thrust his fingers in once more, this time moving at a much faster pace. "Oh fuck, yes," you scream as he keeps going over and over again. Your body shudders as your head tilts back towards his face.
"Just like that, that's my good girl." he cooes in your ears as you keep moaning. You could feel yourself getting closer with each thrust which somehow felt deeper each time. Realizing that you would not be able to hold on much longer, you spread your legs wider, giving him more space. He brought his other hand and shoved it inside your mouth.
You suck on his fingers and close your eyes as you feel the pleasure explode through you, your breathing slowing down as you come undone around his fingers. "Now's not the time to rest," he whispers as he nibbles on your ears, "time for round 2."
Without giving you a moment to breathe, he unzips his pants and pulls out his cock which was already quite hard. Pulling you up, he positions you on top of him and brings you down. Your eyes widen as you feel him inside you, he moves you around and let's you position yourself. When you're ready, you slowly move up and down. You place your hands on his shoulder as you move.
"Fucking God," you cried out as you keep moving, "Oh you feel so good Gojo. Fuck yes, right there."
The place was still and the only voices you could hear were the two of yours, yours being louder as you cried out in pleasure.
"That's a good girl (Y/N), you look so good sitting on my cock." he said, running his fingers over her body. He watched hungrily as your breasts bouncing up and down as you rode him. You watch as his cock disappears into your body, each time sending a spark of pleasure up your body. You fasten your pace and moan his name, feeling his cock touch your belly button from the inside. "So good, fuck me......don't stop." you stuttered as you felt yourself nearing climax.
You moved faster until you finally came and slowed your pace to a halt. As soon as you got off him, he came on your legs. "Well isn't someone satisfied." he murmured.
"That works both ways," you purred, blushing all over.
As you slowly put your clothes back on, he kisses you softly one last time on your lips before he leaves. "I guess that makes up for my mistake boss. I'l let you finish your work now."
He walked out the office, "Oh and one more thing," he called catching your attention, "I'll be back to take what you owe me." And with that, he left the building, leaving you to finish a speech you could no longer concentrate on as the scenes of the past hour flashed through your mind. After half an hour of still being unable to finish, you gave up and decided to head home.
As you left the floor, you saw the one rule you expected everyone to follow because no second chances were allowed.
Inappropriate behavior of any kind, are prohibited inside the building and if caught, will lead to immediate termination of the job.
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blissfulbarbie · 1 year
Just Once a Year / Pedro Pascal x Reader
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Sequel out now: Maybe Twice a Year
The grand ballroom was alive with the shimmering glow of chandeliers, an ethereal scene that provided a backdrop for the most prestigious awards ceremony of the year. This was the first time Pedro was being nominated and he was nominated for not 1, not 2, but 3 awards. As a first timer, he has broken records for this achievement - and yet what should be a night pure of celebration and joy for him is tinged with sorrow. 
He found himself seated in a sea of Hollywood's elite, his heart a complex interplay of anticipation and trepidation. The vacant chair beside him was a stark reminder of the impending arrival of his ex-girlfriend.
Pedro's fingers tapped rhythmically against his thigh as he waited for the inevitable moment. He stole glances at the entrance, his chest tightening with each passing second. And then, there you were - radiant as ever in a gown that shimmered like stardust, hair cascading down your back. A small part of him felt relieved that you didn’t appear with your new rumoured beau, but had taken your brother as your plus one instead. 
Your eyes met briefly, a connection that carried years of memories and emotions, before you turned away, gaze drifting toward the stage. Pedro's heart raced, and he fumbled with his cufflinks, trying to mask his turmoil with a composed facade.
"Hey Pedro," your voice, warm but cautious, pulled him from his thoughts. "It's been a while."
Pedro's lips curved into a polite smile, one that concealed the storm of emotions raging within him. "Yeah, quite a while."
As the awards ceremony unfolded, a symphony of applause and cheers filled the air, a stark contrast to the uneasy silence that hung between Pedro and you. You exchanged pleasantries about the weather, your recent projects, and the industry's ever-shifting landscape, all while the ghosts of your shared past danced beneath your words. 
“How is it we’re talking about the fucking weather when I know what you look like at 2am when you’re too anxious to sleep?” Pedro thought to himself silently. 
"You look absolutely stunning tonight," Pedro ventured instead, his voice carrying a note of wistfulness.
A soft smile tugged at the corner of your lips. "Thank you. You look handsome as always. And God I can’t believe I forgot to say this already but congrats on everything. You’ve been in some amazing stuff lately.” 
He chuckled softly, his gaze fixed intently on you. "Thank you. So have you,” he replied but he was finding it hard to produce words in his mouth when all he kept thinking about was that you had been keeping up with his projects and had seen his shows. He wondered if you liked them. He wondered if you were proud of him. 
The nominees for each category were announced, and the room brimmed with palpable tension. Pedro's name was called, and he graciously accepted the award, his gaze briefly locking with yours as he did. The applause that followed felt distant, as though they were enveloped in a world of their own making. He didn’t know if it was appropriate to hug you before he went to get his award, although he dreamt of this moment his whole life. For you to be the first one he embraced when he finally made a name for himself - it’s all he’s ever wanted. But he knows he shouldn’t, so he turns to his sister instead before making his way on the stage. 
When he returns you give him a polite congratulations and the show goes on. In a momentary lull between awards, you turned to Pedro, a soft sigh escaping you. "Can I be honest? This.. sucks. I don’t know how to make small talk with you anymore.” 
Pedro nodded, a shared understanding passing between the both of you. "I know. I don’t either.” 
As the ceremony neared its conclusion, Pedro found himself stealing glances at you. There was something different about you—an air of newfound confidence, a sense of independence that he hadn't seen before. Pride mingled with a touch of melancholy as he realized that both of you had evolved since your tumultuous breakup.
Just before the event drew to a close, you leaned closer to Pedro, your voice a soft whisper in the cacophony of the room. "Congratulations on your award, Pedro. You truly deserve it. More than anyone else in this room."
"Thank you," he replied, his voice holding a tenderness that belied the complexity of the situation.
As you stood to leave, you turned to him, your eyes holding a mosaic of emotions and words left unsaid. "Take care, Pedro."
"You too, sweetheart," he responded, his voice a gentle murmur.
Walking away from each other felt like a symphony of unfinished sentences and unspoken feelings. Pedro couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia, of the love you once shared and the heartache that followed. Yet, an unexpected thought bubbled to the surface of his mind: "I get to see her. At least once a year, I get to see her." It was a sentiment that resonated deeply within him, a small solace that fueled his determination to excel in his craft, to secure nominations, and to continue crossing paths with you in these fleeting moments. You were a brilliant actress and he had no doubt you’d continue climbing your way to the top. He wanted to be there when you did. Even if he didn’t get to be by your side when you did, he’d settle for being in the same room.
As he exited the grand ballroom, Pedro cast a final glance back at you, who stood amidst a constellation of fellow actors and industry luminaries. A surge of pride swelled within him as he watched you shine, your accomplishments standing as a testament to your talent and resilience. In that moment, despite the awkwardness and pain that had punctuated your encounter, Pedro felt a genuine admiration for you—a reminder of how far you both had come and how he’d never stop rooting for you.
He walked away with a heart brimming with emotions, knowing that the annual awards ceremony had become more than just a gathering of stars for him—it was a canvas upon which your shared journey would continue to unfold, inspiring him to strive for greatness and to keep crossing paths with the woman who had once captured his heart. He would settle for watching your life through pictures and screens if it meant he could have this moment with you - once a year.
Dedicated to my babycakes: @just-some-random-blogger who co-erced me into writing <3
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exaltedfuzz · 4 months
Goddammit, your last lanamia comic made me cry.. What master storytelling spirits are you channeling that make you know these characters better than the original writers?
Deepest apologies... I have worse planned. Poor Mia. (and Lana... but you'll see why I say poor Mia soon enough, I hope...)
As for writing characters, it really helps to talk to yourself in their "voices" to try and figure them out. Mumble to yourself when you're cooking, when you're walking and nobody's around, but also listen to people speak. When you put what you know into dialogue it sounds way less phony than if you're purely trying to advance plot with ham-fisted exposition... Though you need a bit of that too, if you're trying to drive something. It's good to write stuff down in a script, get a recording app out, say it all (put on a different voice for each character, why not?) and when you stumble over the sentences because they suck to say out loud, rewrite them so they don't. Your most powerful tool in writing speech is speaking. 
Think about the context too, it's dead important. Surrounding events and characters are what keep things grounded... Nothing exists in a vacuum. It's really useful that AA has such a packed world, with so many characters in proximity. Makes it easier to de-vacuum things. I guess the same is true for most fan works. 
Having a start and end point really helps. But, more so in a sense of "where is this character at the start of this scene, and what do they want to achieve". When you're writing "aspirationally" like this, you can get into the groove better than if you have a point A and a point B that you are looking to get to overall. And then considering the dynamics between the characters and taking that into account when understanding how those goals may be compromised, ignored, pushed for... Who has the most power in a scene generally decides what goal is pushed towards. 
Another thing is focalised narrative. Usually when I'm doing these comics (at the moment), I follow Lana, and most of the emotional core is in her reactions to things. You don't want to zero in too much to one character, or you'll end up flattening the rest, but having a core character is a good way to keep things simple. It's tempting to just chuck as many characters as you can into something, but you have to remember that you're then going to have to have them all exist... 
Also, honestly, going back to the source text plenty, and with an eye for specifics, is really useful. Take note of how characters refer to each other, which is a huge thing in AA specifically... And also what humanity is in them. For Lana, for instance, she's quite witty, and quick to make light of herself with that wittiness. ("Oh, this? I cut myself by accident. When I stabbed him, that is. I'm not very good at being a criminal, I suppose.") I try to put this slightly irritating joking into how I write her. With Ace Attorney characters, you're looking at them at very intense points in their "lives", so they're probably acting differently to normal, but picking up on these little things can make all the difference. Obviously, as well, there’s the “that… was probably why she was attracted to me” line. I take this as a reluctance to publicly acknowledge the mutuality of said attraction… (“Intellectually” seems like a Lana-ism to deflect that Ema picked up, to me. Lana doesn’t seem to be very comfortable with who she is in general. She wears her King of Prosecutors medals when Edgeworth seems to think the award is tacky, and even Manfred, obsessed with achievement and perfection, and apparently winner of multiple King awards, doesn’t display his medals. Obviously this is because when they were designed, it was before the idea of King of Prosecutors existed, but I think that Lana pinning her achievements to her chest where they can clearly be seen in order to convince to both those around her and, more pressingly, to herself, that she is competent is interesting.) Her own goals also always come second to Ema. I think she’s probably felt quite suffocated by having to spend her whole adulthood so far being a mother to her.I have a lot of thoughts on her as a character, both in the context of lanamia and outwith. She’s very compelling to me, and although most of the time when I'm drawing her, it's the "used to be so gentle, always smiling" Lana that we never actually see in game, I want to push some of these key aspects of her in game identity into her, so I interpret that "gentleness" as a slight nervousness, and that "always smiling" as something mostly for Ema's sake, so she doesn't have to see her rock crumble, so to speak. Anyway, that's enough on her...
I don't know if you really wanted my dialogue writing tips, but anyway. There they are. I wrote way more than I meant to, so sorry about that, haha! Hope some of this could be useful.
I don't know that I know the characters better than their creators... I only hope I'm doing them and the stories I think they could have lived in justice. Thank you very much for the ask, haha!
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
minho coworker headcanons <3
a/n: how could i ever even describe how fond i am of minho ?? he is so silly and weird and i'd protect him at all costs <333 as my job has been less than desirable for a long time, these coworkers hcs bring me soooo much comfort, and i hope they provide the same kind of serotonin for you !! pics not mine~
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none! | pairing: coworker!minho x gn!reader | requests: open
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almost everyone in the office is scared of him
you two never crossed paths because you work in different departments, so the only things you knew about him were what coworkers told you
the first time you saw him was when you went into a quiet place in the office to watch some videos and take a mental break from work
he was hiding in that very place because he had been reprimanded by his supervisor for a project (his partner on it was the one who dropped the ball but just so happened to be “sick” that day) and minho needed to collect himself before going back to his desk
that’s how you caught the scariest guy in the office looking at pictures of his beloved cats
when he noticed you, he tried to play it cool and act annoyed, but you saw the tips of his ears turn red as he realized you saw him being super soft for his precious cats
reading the room, you asked “rough day?” and the genuine concern in your voice completely melted minho’s scary facade away
he scoffed, rolled his eyes, and answered “yeah. gotta love being someone else’s fall guy”
that sparked a conversation that included him showing off his cats to you, and you showing him the silly little videos you were watching to boost your mood 
slowly but surely, minho would seek you out whenever he wanted a friendly conversation 
you were the only person in the office he didn’t try to intimidate, and everyone else was in complete awe of this
especially when they saw you two doing word/logic puzzles at work during your breaks
he even bought one of those massive puzzle books so you two could use it
whenever your lunches didn’t line up, you’d leave each other teasing and/or encouraging notes in the margins of the pages 
that book became a conversational record between you two
he’d never admit it, but, sometimes, when minho was feeling sentimental, he’d look through old pages and laugh at how your notes got more and more ridiculous as you two got more and more comfortable with each other :,-)
you become the minho translator because you just know him so well uwu
like if you two are sitting together during a coffee break and a coworker asks about weekend plans, minho would give a vague answer about interdimensional travel
before your coworker’s brain goes into overdrive trying to decode the statement, you’d explain, “he’s going to the animated film festival this weekend”
your coworker nods and silently leaves after getting their coffee, completely unaware of the snort minho let out at your translation
minho, despite befriending you, does not let go of his scary persona
in fact, because he’s so fond of you, he’ll use it to protect you
if someone bad mouths your quality of work or makes a snide remark about you in general, minho responds in a way that gives them nightmares for weeks
he never tells you that he does that, but you do catch him smirking whenever one of the perpetrators is nicer to you in the office >:-)
he’s super supportive of you at work too !! 
he’s your number one advocate when it comes to asking for a raise, applying for a promotion, etc.
minho thinks you deserve the best, and he’ll fight tooth and nail himself to get that for you, even though he knows you are more than capable of achieving greatness yourself
he thinks so highly of your skills and talent, and he wants to make sure you recognize your own potential <3
if he’s feeling insecure or down because of work or poor interactions with coworkers, he’ll turn to you for support, even if he doesn’t directly admit that something’s bothering him 
he could make a joke like “ah, how’re you going to solve this crossword if i get fired?”
obviously, you’d know exactly what he means by that and say “if you’re getting fired, i’m quitting because firing such a smart and competent employee is a major red flag”
he’d tease, “wow,  you’re really dedicated to crossword puzzles”
you’d nod, and he’d smile softly because he knew that you were always going to be his rock at work, and he’s eternally grateful for that
minho is so selective with the people he lets close to him, and, since you passed the test, he wants you two to be close outside of the office too
it takes him a while to work up the courage to invite you to hangout after work
but, when he’s throwing a casual dinner party with his friends, he knows it’s the perfect time to see each other without being bound by work schedules
you of course accept his invitation, but you also admit you’re a little nervous to meet all his friends
minho reassures you by telling you that he, a perfect and extremely cool person, has curated an impeccable group of people, so you have nothing to be worried about
and he’s totally right because all of his friends are not only super funny and kind, but they also love you !!!
and, more importantly, soonie, doongie, and dori love you <3333
every single one of his friends exposes minho for talking about you constantly lmao
minho gives them death glares but they refuse to miss out on the opportunity to tease him <3
especially chan because he thinks it’s so cute that minho is trying to act cool to impress you <3
by the end of the night, minho’s smiling ear to ear because you mesh so well with his friend group :,,,,-)
you two reference funny moments from the dinner party the next time you meet at work, and you’re both just bubbling with happiness because you can’t believe how lucky you are to have met each other by chance in a quiet corner of the office on a random afternoon <333
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theforestghost · 2 months
MegOP Week 2024 Day 2
Day 2: Sacred/Secret Fandom: Transformers Animated Prompt: Optimus is the reincarnation of the 13th but does not know it. Rating: G
Optimus stood uncomfortably, somewhere deep inside the Hall of Records, in an office he didn’t recognize. It was filled with data pads and an old desk that could easily be considered ancient. Behind the desk was a podium and on it a rectangular metal object that resembled a data pad but appeared even more archaic than the desk before him. The room was lowly lit, giving off a blue glow from lights that ran through the walls. Tall narrow windows stood high above, filtering in the orange light of Hadeen and showing the dust particles that danced in the air. Aside from the door he entered from, Optimus could see one more to his right, hidden behind shelving and an organic mesh curtain of a faded red, tied open by delicate bismuth rope. It was oddly expensive for decor in the Hall of Records and Optimus felt his tanks sink at the thought of who could possibly own this office.
He was not left waiting for long, however. The hidden door slid open and a single mech strode towards him with the same practiced elegance of any noble. Optimus clamped his plates shut as the mech approached the desk but chose to come before him instead. This mech was taller than Optimus, lean and wore a metal mesh cape of interlocking links that clinked ever so delicately as they moved. His armor was red and blue, but lighter in shade than his own and the plates on his faceplate resembled what Sari called a beard and mustache. Optimus did his best to not step back when he came to a stop right before him.
“You are Optimus Prime, correct?” The mech asked, his voice was hoarse and rough. Now up close, Optimus could see that his optics were far closer to a bright teal, hidden behind his helm crest and watching Optimus with a soft gaze that he did not feel as uncomfortable as he thought he would under.
“Yes, though I’ve been stripped of my title of Prime so it’s just Optimus.” Optimus said, foregoing formality. He was not here as an Autobot, but as a prisoner, a traitor to the Great Autobot Cause since he’d taken Megatron’s badge as his own. And when he’d just gotten to Iacon to help with the attack, the Elite Guard showed up just for him, but instead of being dragged in front of Ultra Magnus like he’d expected, he’d instead been brought before this mech who gave off a familiar field.
“You will always be a Prime, a true Prime. No matter your state of spark.” The mech said, placing a servo on Optimus’ shoulder pauldron. This confused him even more but the mech before him didn’t seem too interested in giving Optimus any answers as he continued to speak. “I am Alpha Trion, in proper formality I am a Councilman. In actuality, I am simply an observer. My duties lie in documenting the history of Cybertron and its people, from the time of my very creation, to now.”
Optimus knew the designation Alpha Trion. He was considered the oldest Cybertronian by many, the head of the Hall of Records, a Councilman with no significant achievements nor participation who many forgot even held the title. Optimus had only seen his image a couple of times and obviously had forgotten it quite easily. But why would someone who calls themselves an observer, bring a traitor to their own office instead of Fortress Max?
“I know who you are, but why am I here?” Optimus asked, flexing the stasis cuffs currently locked in front of him. “I’m a traitor to the cause, shouldn’t you be handing me over to Ultra Magnus?”
“If I did such a thing, I would not be free to speak with you as I am now.” Alpha Trion said. His optics trailed down to the stasis cuffs before looking back at Optimus. “I can remove these if you promise to stay and listen to what I wish to share.”
Optimus couldn’t deny it, he was curious. What did this Councilman want with him of all mechs? He couldn’t think of it as being anything good, that’s for sure. Maybe he thought Optimus could convince Megatron to stop their attack on Iacon? Not that it was gonna happen. Optimus was one of the processors behind their current assault, he wouldn’t stop halfway for some bot he just met! But he could hear him out if it meant losing the cuffs.
“Okay, deal.” Optimus said, holding out his servos.
Alpha Trion took them gently and released the lock with ease. The cuffs fell to the floor in a clatter and Optimus ran his servos over his sore wrists to make sure there wasn’t any damage. The Autobots who had captured him had been none too gentle with the shock feature on the cuffs and his plating was charred on the surface but perfectly fine underneath. Alpha Trion gestured for Optimus to follow him to the small podium behind his desk and Optimus did. He stepped to the side, allowing Optimus to stand beside him and view the rectangular object from before. When Alpha Trion ran his servo above it, the gears on the surface began to shift and turn, generating a mechanical sound very similar to their transformation sounds.
Before Optimus’s optics, the object shifted, opening up and expanding to reveal two glass screens on either side, illuminated in a bright blue. Alpha Trion tapped on one side and glyphs of an ancient writing appeared on both screens. Alpha Trion scrolled through this archaic data pad before stopping at one in a more modern script before he turned to Optimus. 
“This is the Covenant of the Primes.” Alpha Trion explained. “The record I have made from the creation of myself and my siblings, to this very cycle. My existence is ambiguous, my opinions unnecessary. I simply see what our people do and record it, good or bad.”
“So you know that everything the council is doing is wrong!” Optimus said, turning to Alpha Trion and clenching his servos. “You know it’s wrong! And you’re in a position to change all of this and you refuse to do anything because of some personal belief that you aren’t allowed to? That’s slag!”
“I will not deny that my feigned ignorance has aided in the harm of many of Cybertron’s people, both civilian and warframe. I am reminded that every solar cycle I awaken from recharge and see what this society has become. But my role was decided by Primus and I cannot deviate from it, no matter the outcome.” Alpha Trion said, not looking at Optimus. 
“That’s selfish!” Optimus said. “You can’t hide behind Primus and pretend everything is okay! Life doesn’t work like that!”
“Please settle, raising your voice at me will make no difference.” Alpha Trion ex-vented, finally turning to Optimus. “If you believe my position is so influential, then go and request the other Councilman to listen to me. I assure you they will simply ignore you.”
“So your position is just a farce? Is anything I’m hearing even real or just your delusions?” Optimus growled, denta bared. A habit he’d picked up from being around the Decepticons.
“Settle, Thirteen.” Alpha Trion said again.
“I am not Thirteen!” Optimus said. “You… you’re… you’re the one who’s been contacting me in that thread!?”
“I was.” Alpha Trion nodded.
“Why? I-I don’t get it?” Optimus held his helm in his servo. He began to pace to try and calm himself but it didn’t help but rev him up more. “I made that post since I didn’t have access to the archives from Decepticon Space. I was just looking for information on ancient artifacts and myths to distract myself. You were the one who gave me all of that information! But you kept calling me Thirteen, why?”
“Because that is your designation.” Alpha Trion said. “Before you became Optimus Prime, before any of Cybertron developed as a society and became capable of conquering planets. Back when it was just us, creations of Primus and an ancient race who wanted to make Cybertron their own. We fought them, destroyed them and drove them away, but we lost so many of our siblings. And even those of us that survived, they did not live long after, joining the Well and returning to our creator before they could see the results of our energon shed. 
“You were the youngest of us, named Thirteen since you were the thirteenth created. So young but so capable. You were our strategist, you allowed our campaigns to flourish and succeed and gave us hope that we could complete the task Primus created us for. In the end, you survived the fighting, but joined the Well not long after, your frame too strained to keep functioning. I mourned you, all of us survivors did. You were our precious youngest.”
Alpha Trion stopped speaking. His field was tight with remorse and guilt, like even after all this time, he was still hurt by the loss of Thirteen. Optimus stood before him, watching and waiting for the rest of this story and what it would mean to him. He relaxed his servos though, feeling the earlier rage began to dissipate as the ancient mech before him slowly came undone. 
“I apologize. We were brothers and after losing so many of the others in the fighting, I could not accept your end for a long time. I never expected to be the last remaining of my siblings, even with my task as an observer. I had always dreamed you would stand beside me as Cybertron grew and changed.” Alpha Trion admitted. “Until just over a million stellar cycles ago, when I received a message from Primus.”
“A message from Primus?” Optimus questioned, not truly believing this.
“It is possible to speak with Primus and our other siblings through the Matrix. I solely know its location and there have been numerous occasions in the past that I have received his guidance.” Alpha Trion explained. “Though I am unable to act on this information, I am often warned of changes to come. However, this time I was told that one of my siblings would reincarnate into a new frame in the near future. Primus had watched the decline of Cybertron and what it had become, so he sent one of his original creations to aid them… and that sibling was you, Thirteen.”
“And you expect me to just believe all of this?” Optimus asked. “This all sounds absolutely crazy! I have never heard of reincarnation nor the original thirteen creations of Primus! I barely even know you!”
“That is a fault of the Great Purge, many of our siblings were Warframes and the Council refused to accept them as being a part of the legacy of our people.” Alpha Trion said.
It made sense, but Optimus still wasn’t biting. “If I am this so-called Thirteen, then why can’t I remember anything?” Optimus demanded.
“You have the spark of Thirteen, but your frame was constructed through Vector Sigma, placed in a mature protoform and unable to grow like you naturally should. Your frame did not accept the old memories, leading to your insomnia.” Alpha Trion explained. “But I believe that interfacing with the ancient artifacts such as the AllSpark and Matrix will allow you to recall them. I have the Matrix here with me, if you just hold it in your servos I am certain you will remember everything about us.”
“N-n-no!” Optimus said, stepping back. “I won’t be tricked into holding something that can rewrite my processor!”
“Please Thirteen-“
“My designation is Optimus!” Optimus shouted. Alpha Trion was worse than Megatron in this case!
“You must remember your past in order to save Cybertron!” Alpha Trion pleaded. 
“I will help Cybertron by getting back to the Decepticons and Megatron!” Optimus retorted. “I won’t go anywhere near that thing!”
“It will not harm you.” Alpha Trion said.
“You think I’m scared of pain?” Optimus stressed, stepping back even more. His optics darted to the door and to the window; he wasn’t seeing many escape options. “I will not be rewritten!”
Alpha Trion opened his intake to speak, but before he could, a massive explosion over helm caused both to drop to the floor, arms up to protect themselves from falling debris. Optimus’ battle mask snapped into place as he used the distraction to move away from Alpha Trion. His ax had been taken when he’d initially been caught so he instead grabbed a decent size chunk of fallen ceiling, ready to use it as a blunt object until he saw who’d broken the ceiling.
Megatron descended into the room, swords out and clearly ready to offline whoever had taken Optimus. He landed closer to Alpha Trion and leveled his sword with the old mech who still remained on the ground. Clearly he hadn’t gotten over the shock of the initial explosion. 
“Megatron!” Optimus shouted, stepping around Alpha Trion to get to the warlord.
“Optimus, are you unharmed?” Megatron asked, optics trailing over his frame but the sword still pointed at Alpha Trion.
“I’m fine!” Optimus said, stopping just before the mech. “Your explosion hurt me more than he did. How’d you even find me?”
“I made sure I had the ability to find you even when your signature is hidden.” Megatron admitted. 
“… Did you put a tracker on me?!” Optimus shouted, pointing a digit at Megatron.
“Given your history of getting lost on strange planets, I believe my actions are warranted.” Megatron admitted. 
Optimus growled. “We will talk about this later!” He said. “Just get me out of here, I don’t want to be here anymore!”
“What did this mech do to you?” Megatron asked, wrapping a servo around Optimus and pulling him closer. His focus on Alpha Trion again, red optics burning bright. 
“He just said stupid things.” Optimus said, hiding his faceplate under his helm.
Megatron glanced down at Optimus before withdrawing his sword and lifting him up to sit on his arm. Megatron wanted to question Optimus more but clearly he was uncomfortable here and needed to get away. So he turned on his thrusters, committed the kneeling mech’s appearance to memory and flew out of the hole he’d created. Optimus wrapped his arms around Megatron’s helm, hiding in his neck cables as Megatron took him back to their ship. Even the sounds of Iacon being attacked didn’t seem to disturb the smaller mech.
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Leon - Ikemen Prince - Rain
Pairing: female reader x Leon
Word count: 444
Warning: NSFW
A/N: Happy birthday to the sweet lion I love so much <3
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“Come on, lion boy. I thought you were faster than that but I guess I was wrong”, you giggle while running as fast as you can through the woods.
The sun is setting down on the horizon. You run toward an open field surrounded by dark rain clouds.
Your body is drenched, but today nothing will stop you from achieving your goal.
Months ago, you were chatting in Leon’s room when he asked what you’d like to do on his birthday, and you said blatantly you never had the chance to have sex with him in the rain. At that moment, you two laughed about it but you didn’t think you’d get such an opportunity to experience wild sex on his birthday for the first time.
While you recorded that moment, you could swear you heard Leon’s voice behind you, but due to the sound of the rain, it was hard to tell if he was actually saying something. If you could guess, it sounded like a lion’s roar as if he was commanding you to stop.
Without looking back, you keep running. When you get to your destination – the grandiose tree with red flowers – Leon is already pinning you against the tree.
“Well, well. Well. That’s a first. I didn’t expect to see my wife running away from me on my own birthday”, says an amused and curious lion.
 After catching your breath, you tease him – “You don’t seem upset about it.”
“I’m not. If anything, I should thank you for allowing me to see you so wet.”
Leon looks at you from head to toe as if he were engraving that image of you on his memory. He first bit your lower lips while grabbing your waist tightly with those big hands of his.
You do your best to hold onto him to not lose balance. Touching his wet body is driving you crazy. And without restraint, you help him to take his clothes off.
Leon grins when he sees you contemplating his body in awe.
He then pulls you towards him to undress you skillfully. One could think it would be a bit trickier as your dress was completely drenched, but to Leon, your clothes were light as a feather.
And also light as a feather you were when he lifted you to position your body just the way he wanted to fuck you hard against the tree.
Your breaths intertwined while Leon was thrusting wildly inside of you.
You tried your best to say a coherent sentence, just a simple ‘happy birthday’ to your beloved, but the moment was so intense that you could only save the talk for later.
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moonlightndaydreams · 4 months
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Limbo Part 7
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader x Han Jisung
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
Synopsis: Lee Minho is the mysterious new accountant at your workplace, and he seems to have his sights set on you. But things aren't so simple when your ex boyfriend Han comes back into the picture. Can you and Minho make it work, or will you get back with Han?
Spoiler: Happy ending, eventual poly minsung.
MDNI / smut
Chapter Summary: Heartbreak and embarrassment... that's all I'm going to say for this one.
Taglist: open.
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CW: angst, heartbreak, embarrassment, sexual content, revelations.
Coffee. You needed coffee. It was two in the afternoon, and you felt like a zombie. You’d managed to get through two meetings, drop off some clothes to the hospital, fix a technical glitch in the recording booth, and defuse a “debate” between Binnie and Felix. Autopilot my ass, you thought to yourself. But the most important thing you achieved today was to avoid Minho. You hadn’t seen or heard him all day. Felix had told Hyunjin that he was locked away working and hadn’t left his desk all day.
You walked down the last of the stairs to the main foyer area towards the cafe. Was he avoiding you? You shook your head. He probably hadn’t even given you a second thought.
You nearly fell over. You’d been so deep in thought you hadn't been looking where you were going. You shyly looked up to find Minho standing before you. Shit! 
“Oh, Hi Minho,” you started. Your voice didn’t sound like your own, but had a rather bizarre shrillness you didn’t recognise.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Minho placed his hands on your shoulders, and leaned down to get a better look at you.
You stiffened uncomfortably. He was close. He was too close. You could smell his cologne wafting towards you. It smelled so good. You didn’t want to look him in the eye, and you certainly didn’t want him seeing how crappy you looked today. You were sure you’d looked how you felt. Like shit.
“Minho, It’s a good thing I finally ran into you. I wanted to explain to you. About last -”
“Look. Y/n. I,” he began and ran his fingers through his hair. “Come sit.” He ushered you to an empty bench in the foyer. “Look,” he hesitated. You felt sick. Whatever Minho was about to say it couldn’t be good.
“I think…maybe we should have some distance. You know, maybe keep things…professional? I - I feel it’s for the best.”
Your mouth hung agape, stunned. “Wait. What?” You eventually managed. Minho wouldn’t quite meet your eyes and his expression looked pained. “I’m… I’m really sorry for stringing you along. It was wrong of me.” He finally looked at you. “It’s not you. It’s me. I- I just can’t do this.” He stood and walked away, leaving you standing in the middle of the foyer unable to move and as though you’d been kicked in the guts.
You hid in the podcast recording studio for the rest of the day. You couldn’t think properly. You didn’t want to face Hyunjin and Binnie just yet. You would fill them in later. For now you just let yourself cry. Fuck you, Han. If it weren’t for him then you and Minho’s night would have turned out completely different. Maybe? Maybe Minho would have fucked you in your own bed and still broke things off with you today? Fuck Minho. Fuck men. They’re all just a bunch of assholes.
Minho remained friendly and polite with you for the next few weeks, treating you the same as all the other staff. He didn’t go out of his way to talk to you, but if he had to interact with you he was nice about it. It almost made you more mad than if he acted like he hated you. At least if he seemed like he hated you then you could get over him for being an asshole.
“What a fucking dickhead.” You mumbled to yourself while at your desk. You still didn’t understand why Minho had broken things off. He never did give you a proper explanation, and it looked like you’d never truly know what went wrong. Perhaps you were just a bit of fun for him? Or maybe he’d found a better option? That was probably it. You had seen than bitch Janine hanging around him an awful lot. What has she got that you don’t?
“She works in his department, of course she’s going to be seen close to him?” Binnie reminded you.
“Plus, he doesn’t look at her in that way.” Hyunjin added, looking up from his computer.
“What way?” said Binnie.
“The way he looks at y/n. He still looks at her like he used to...when she’s not looking, you know?”
Your eyes flicked up. “What are you even talking about?” But you knew, because you’d caught him a few times yourself. Not that you were looking at him or anything.
“He still gazes at you, babe.” Hyunjin said with wide eyes.
“Well I wish he wouldn’t ‘cos that just makes things harder.” You mumbled returning your attention back to your work.
“Thanks for all your help, y/n. It’s meant a lot to us.” Mina smiled.
“Hey,” you reached across the dining table and squeezed her hand. “Of course. You’re basically family.”
You had popped by Mina’s home for a cup of coffee. Their Mom was on track to make a full recovery, but remained in hospital for now.
“So, how is Han?” You hesitated in asking about her brother.
She offered a wry smile. “He’s… he’s doing okay. He’s still beating himself up about it, you know, blaming himself.” she said, hugging her mug with her hands.
“But why? He didn’t do anything wrong?” But as you said those words, you remembered what he’d said that night on the bench. “I was meant to pick Mum up from her appointment, and I was held up at the…”
“He was running late from his recovery mentoring session. He was supposed to pick Mom up, but he was late. So Mom started heading home on foot.” Mina explained. “I can understand why he feels the way he does… but,” she met your eyes. “I could never blame him.”
The two of you sat in silence for a moment. Mina had dealt with a drunk Han almost as much as you. Who knows what she had to deal with after you left him? Mina stayed by his side when you couldn’t. Did you give up on him too easily? Are you a coward or a bitch for leaving him?
Why the fuck would Mina ever want to speak to you again after leaving her brother like you did? You almost felt like you shouldn’t be there, sitting in her house. You didn’t deserve her kindness.
You cleared your throat. “Recovery mentoring session?” You asked curiously.
Mina blinked, her mind elsewhere. “Yeah. He sees this volunteer guy every week at the rehab centre. They’d become pretty good friends, actually. Anyway he was with him the night Mom got hit.”
“Hey Sis!” The front door opened and Han walked in, interrupting the conversation. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. You were surprised to see him, and even more surprised at the nervousness that arose as he approached you.
Han stopped in his tracks when he saw you sitting at the dining table. “Oh, y/n. Hi.” He said, his gaze lingering on you a moment longer than necessary.
“Hannie, have you eaten? Want me to cook something?” Mina said scurrying off to the kitchen.
“Food would be great.” He called after her but remained rooted to the spot
You swallowed nervously. “I… Um… Need to get going.” You made to stand up.
“Please, y/n. You don’t have to leave. Stay for some food.” He kept his eyes downcast, focusing on the floor just in front of your feet.
“I insist.” Mina called from the kitchen.
Mina’s rolled omelet was delicious, but the atmosphere was awkward. Mina did her best to drive the conversation, and you tried your best to be polite. But Han stayed mostly silent. You were confused about how he was making you feel. You thought time would help you move on, that you’d be over him, or at least feel indifferent. But sitting with him eating his sister’s cooking, it was clear that although your anger and resentment had faded, there were other feelings still there.
Was it just that he’d been someone you’d cared about for so long, that deep down you’ll always feel something for him? Or was it guilt that was doing things to your heart? Why did you feel a strong pull to be close to him? It was probably because you were still upset with Minho. Yes that was surely it. You were just feeling wounded and rejected, and Han just happened to be the only other man that was in your proximity. Binnie and Hyunjin don't count.
But why did you keep looking at his neck and remembering the taste of it when you’d nibble on his skin? Or watch his hands and remember how skilled he was with them? How he knew exactly what to do with them inside your pussy?
Your gaze landed on his lips. You remembered the way they felt on her own lips. The way they’d kiss your entire body. The way they’d suck on your clit.
You felt flushed and ashamed. No. This was not right. This was not okay. Your eyes shot up to Han’s. He was looking straight at you. He’d been watching you too. Had he been watching you the entire time?
“I really need to go.” You said out of the blue and collected your handbag. “It was good to see you, Mina. Han.” You nodded towards him on your way out.
On your drive home, you felt nothing but sick with confusion and guilt. The more you were learning about Han and his recovery, the more you felt you could’ve done more to support him. Instead, you’d cut him out of your life in one swift moment. Where was your compassion? Where was your empathy? You felt like a fucking coward. And why were you still feeling things for him? That was certainly not something you wanted. It had to be part of the guilt.
You smacked the steering wheel and cried out in an anger. Between your unresolved guilt about Han, and the feeling of rejection from Minho, you felt like the biggest fucking loser in the world. You weren’t good enough. Simple as that. You weren’t good enough to help your partner when he needed you, and you weren’t good enough for Minho to want to be more than a brief fuck-buddy. Was there really something wrong with you?
You drove the rest of the way home in some sort of trance. You were fed up. Tired. Confused. You dumped your handbag on the dining table and went straight to your room, hiding under the covers and quite happy to never come out again.
“Morning people!” Felix announced himself as he entered your office.
“And how did we pull up after last night?” He scooted around behind Hyunjin and gave him a prod on the cheek.
“Ugh you stink, Felix! Get off me!”
“Last time I do a work thing on a Wednesday” Binnie piped up.
You laughed dryly to yourself. “Yep, us folks at SKZ know how to go hard.” you rolled your eyes.
Felix wasn’t listening, he was too busy staring confusedly at Hyunjin’s laptop screen. He scrunched up his nose. “Since when does your job involve watching Netflix?”
Hyunjin looked up at you and Binnie innocently. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”.
“What is it anyway?” Felix continued.
“Yeah what are you doing?” Binnie was now out of his seat and around behind Hyunjin, and stood next to Felix. They both squinted to see the images despite the glare.
“Uggh! Hyunjin!” Binnie said “Come on we have so much work to do.” He pouted and returned back to his desk, plonking himself down on his chair and then deciding to spin around on it.
“Binne, you’ll be sick, hun. Just.. stop, okay?” You said, then turned your attention to Hyunjin. “What are you watching anyway?”.
“K-Drama.” Hyunjin winked at you. “And I am working, Binnie. It’s for my podcast”.
“We’ll have to watch one of these when I come over tonight.. You know ‘Netflix and Chill’.” Felix laughed at himself, thinking he was clever. He gave Hyunjin a peck on the cheek and then sauntered out of the office.
“Yeah we’ll see about that.” Hyunjin mumbled.
You sat quietly in your chair. Your head was pounding, and you felt deeply embarrassed to even show your face at work after last night. Holy shit. You massaged your forehead hoping to ease some of the throbbing. You didn’t want to recall last night’s events.
Chris had decided it would be a wonderful team building activity to all go out to the Karaoke bar.
“It’ll be fun.” Begged Felix when you’d said you weren't going. Minho was going to be there and you did not want to have to socialize with him around. But you ended up going along anyway after your friends begged you.
That was your first mistake. Everything went downhill after that. You got smashed. You danced and sang sexy whilst trying to give Minho a lap dance. Minho left the room. Ugghh! How fucking humiliating. But the worst part of the entire night was slipping into a side room so you could take a moment to die, when you ran into Minho with that fucking bitch Janine trying to climb onto his lap.
Fuck him, then. You took a sip of the water bottle on your desk and logged back into your emails. You clicked on a new email that was addressed to all staff.
Your jaw dropped.
There on the screen was a video of you from the karaoke bar singing and dancing in front of Minho. But not only that, underneath the video was a link and title that said “y/n’s secret podcast”. You clicked on the link and suddenly the room was filled with the sound of people having sex.
“Oh… yes… fuck… Oh God… like that…”
Your face turned white as a ghost. It was an audio of you and Minho having sex. Your mind frantically tried to work out where this had come from.
“You like me fucking you on a desk at work, huh?”
“Yes… grrr… Come for me, kitten…”
Of course, the podcast booth. You must’ve knocked the microphone on.
You began to panic. Anxiety coursed through you and your body felt like it was on fire. You were going to vomit. You couldn’t breath, and you felt light headed.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.
Hyunjin and Binnie looked at each other and then at you. “Kitten?” Hyunjin gulped.
“Maybe most people won’t open it?” Binnie tried to sound hopeful but he wasn’t convincing. “I’ll ring Felix. He’ll sort it. Fuck. Y/n. You need to speak to Chris. Whoever has it out for Minho is fucking with you too.”
Hyunjin reached across and patted your hand “It’ll be fine, babes.” he said gently.
How many people had heard it? You had to stop the email. Somehow. Was there even a way?
You opened the work chat and clicked on Felix’s chat icon.
You: Felix! WTF? Have you seen the email?
You scratched your scalp vigorously, waiting for a reply. Then ping!
Felix: Fuck! This is bad, love.
You: That isn’t helpful. What can you do?
Felix: Well, we can recall the ones that haven’t been opened, but the ones that have… Sorry.
You: Shit! Shit! Shit! What about the sender? How can I tell who sent it?
Felix: It’s from a main email, not a specific one. Let me look into it.
You: OK Thanks!
Suddenly, you were confronted with a bunch of “pings” from the staff chat. Had Felix figured it out already? You flicked the chat open. It wasn’t Felix. Instead there were ten new chats icons. You clicked on the first.
Jenny from marketing: WTF? Are you okay?
She clicked on another chat head. 
Tim: That’s real bad luck.
You continued to click through the other chat heads. More of the same.
Tears began to well up in your eyes. You turned off the chat to off-line. Felix would have to call you or come in to give you an update. 
You turned your browser back to emails. There were emails upon emails there too.
Everyone knew. 
“Where the hell have you been?” Binnie barked at Felix when he finally walked into their office.
“Oh love,” he wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a compassionate hug. He peeled away and wiped your tear-stained cheek.
“Y/n?” He finally said pulling up a chair beside you. He hesitated momentarily. “I know where that email came from.” he bit his lip, unsure how to continue. 
Hyunjin looked wide eyed. “Tell us!” he demanded. “Who’s the arsehole, Felix?”
You waited for Felix to respond. The silence felt heavy.
“Don’t get pissed at me,” he began. “But it came from Minho’s account.”
You opened your mouth in disbelief. You were stunned. You opened your mouth to speak. Felix raised his hand to hush you. “But… that doesn’t mean it was Minho who sent it.”
“What does that even mean?” cried Hyunjin.
“Well think about it.” Felix lowered his tone to continue “He definitely didn’t record the video from last night. Someone else had to have. It doesn’t make sense for it to be Minho. Why would he want the whole building hearing the two of you… ?” he waved his arms around.
Hyunjin scoffed. But you nodded slowly, considering what he had just said. He was right. No one would send that video out unless they wanted to humiliate both you and Minho. Why would Minho do that?
“Hmmm, maybe if we can find out who logged into the computer around that time, then we’d have a lead. I can’t believe such a fucker would do that to you y/n”. Hyunjin offered.
“You know though,” Felix leaned back in the chair. He scrunched his face thoughtfully. “When I was talking to Seungmin about those files he said got mixed up. Well, he mentioned something about Minho’s profile being deleted too.”
You and Hyunjin glanced at each other, wide-eyed. You were confused. “What do mean? What are you saying?”
“Think about it.” Felix began counting on his fingers, starting with his thumb. “Minho’s profile and details were wiped from the database. The report Minho was responsible for was tampered with. A video of Minho being serenaded by a woman who was wasted goes viral at work, and an audio of you two… you know.”
“Fucking? You can actually say the word you know, Felix? You say fuck all the time.” Binnie stated.
“Fine!” Felix scowled at Binnie, “fucking.” Satisfied with his Sherlock skills, Felix relaxed back into the chair. 
“But, how are we going to get to the bottom of this?” Hyunjin sighed.
Your desk phone buzzed. You felt like you were going to be sick. “I can’t. I can’t answer it.”
“It’s okay, sweetie.” Binnie soothed and picked up your phone. “Y/n's phone, Changbin speaking…. Hmmm. Okay. I’ll let her know.”
“Chris wants you in his office now.”
You entered Chris’ office to find Minho was also there. He greeted you with a curt nod but didn’t speak to you. He looked as mortified as you did.
“Great. So now you’re both here,” Chris scratched his head. This was awkward for him. Never in a million years did you ever expect to be in Chris’s office for a reason like this.
“Chris, I know it wasn’t very… professional… for us to be using the workspace for… There’s no excuse and I wish to apologise.” Minho explained.
Chris laughed dryly. “I actually don’t care about what you two are doing, but really shouldn’t be doing it here. As your boss I need to be discouraging it.”
You glanced at Minho who looked awkward as fuck.
Chan sighed. “But... I’m more concerned about how an email with inappropriate content has been leaked.” Chris looked at you and then Minho. “I’m really sorry this has happened to you both. That I haven’t been able to protect your privacy. We’re looking into it, but I think it’d be best if you both took some time off.”
"Wait.” You and Minho began to protest.
Chris held up his hands to silence you. “You can work from home. But, please, it’s best if you are both not here for the time being.”
You were furious and Minho was about to say something else, when a knock at the door interrupted him.
Felix cracked the door open, poking his head in. “We’ve found the culprit.” He announced.
You left the office building, but only made it as far as the park across the road, plonking yourself down on the park bench. You just sat, feeling completely numb. You would have cried if your hadn’t felt so exhausted and empty. Instead, you just closed your eyes and focused on your breath.
Everything will be fine. Everyone will forget. I will be okay.
You repeated this to yourself like a mantra for the next ten minutes, but images of your work colleagues listening to you engaging in something so personal, so intimate, overwhelmed your mind.
Eventually, you opened her eyes to find Minho sitting next to you. You didn’t know how long he’d been sitting there. You didn’t exactly want to see him, but right now he was the only one that had any idea of the humiliation you were feeling.
“How are you?” He asked kindly, concern in his eyes.
“Oh my God, Minho.” You shook your head. “Everything is so fucked right now.” You looked up at the cloudy sky and let out a loud breath.
“It is. I’m sorry.” He whispered. “So,” Minho continued after a moment. “They found out who is behind the… email… well who was behind all of it really.”
“Who?” Your eyes widened.
Minho sucked his teeth. “It was Janine.” He said. “It turns out she applied for my position and when she didn’t get it, well…” he shrugged.
Your mind went instantly to Minho and Janine in the side room at the karoke bar.
“Nothing happened with her, that night.” It was as if Minho had sensed your thoughts.
“It’s really none of my business.” You said flatly, glaring at him. You pretended you didn’t care.
“Look,” he shuffled closer to you, making your body tense. “I didn’t give you a proper explanation. About ending things so abruptly. I’m sorry.” He said sincerely.
You looked him in the eye. “You didn’t give me any explanation! I don’t know what I did wrong, or if you thought I was expecting, I don’t know, more than fucking in the office?” You felt anger rising in your body. “Just tell me why. So I know, instead of racking my brain trying to figure it out.”
Minho’s demeanour remained calm. You could feel his eyes on you, trying to connect to yours, but your couldn’t make eye contact. Instead you kept her eyes downcast.
“You know how I mentioned I volunteer for a program?” he began. You nodded, unsure where this was headed. “Well, it’s at a community facility where I am part of a program where we connect with and mentor those recovering from various addictions.” He paused before continuing. “So… I have this…. client, I guess you could call it. He and I have become really good friends over the past nine months. We meet regularly. Sometimes we talk, sometimes just hang out.” He cleared his throat. “You know how Han blames himself for his mother’s accident?”
Your heart stopped. You snapped you head up, locking eyes with Minho. What was he saying? How does he know this?
“Han was with me. He’s the person I’m mentoring, y/n.”
Your mind recalled the night when Han was on your doorstep. They had recognized each other. “I’m sure Han’s okay.”
“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” you demanded, fury in your eyes.
“I didn’t want to break Han’s trust.” He replied calmly.
“Is that why you had to leave all of a sudden that night?”
Minho nodded. “I tried looking for him too. But I couldn’t find him. I was relieved to learn that he was safe.”
Then it dawned on you. Han must have told him about some girlfriend that abandoned him in his darkest hour and never spoke to him again. You must have sounded like a selfish bitch? No wonder Minho didn’t want anything to do with you after finding out that the girlfriend Han talked about was in fact you. Panic pulsed through your veins. That’s why he broke it off with you.
“I have to go.” You needed to get as far away from Minho as possible.
“Wait. I haven’t fin-” Minho placed a hand on your shoulder.
“No. Minho. I can’t stay.” You removed his hand and left as quickly as you could, not looking back. There was no way you could stay and keep talking to him when you felt so ashamed of yourself.
How could everything feel so fucked up right now?
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