#like i hate hate hate voice recordings/voicemail/calls because of that lol
uncanny-tranny · 11 months
happy transsexual thursday! I'm very pleased that my voice is getting lower - it's one of the effects I most hoped to experience when I started T last year. I actually like the way it sounds when I hear a recording, which is a big difference from before.
Yes!! It's so amazing just how flexible and malleable the human body is
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“harry’s stylist, right?” part II
Harry and his stylist go from colleagues to friends to lovers because they’ve been in love with each other from the jump
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this gif bc i couldn’t fine the fit i wanted to showcase, but that night him and y/n get closer than they had gotten before :))
and we’re back :) - this is the last part of this i may do some little blurbs and stuff about these two if people want it (maybe) i hope you all enjoy this part, it’s not proofread so sorry about that lol. Feedback and reblogs are so very very appreciated, also feel free to message me about you’re feelings about this
Word Count: just over 10k | Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, implication of smut, i think that’s it
part 1
After the call with Jeff, which wasn’t really a conversation at all, moreso a berating from him, she was in the worst mood. She shrugged off the Bode jacket and hung it up in her entryway closet. She wasn’t planning on wearing it ever again. Without the jacket on, her shirt that seemed to be exactly on the nose with it’s “we’re in the shit” graphic was clear and she untucked it from her light mint pants. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Instead of picking her phone up again, she decided she could do without communication for a while. Her feet padded to her bedroom, after removing her nikes and socks. In her bedroom she opened up her record player, wanting music, but not wanting to be bothered with her laptop since it had a connection to the internet. 
She grabbed her Electric Warrior by T. Rex and slipped out the first record from its sheath. As she set up the music, she couldn’t remember where she’d even gotten the record but for some reason it had called to. She skipped over Mambo Sun, the first track, though, and had it play Cosmic Dancer first. It was calming to her, she swayed a bit to the soothing beat and then climbed into her bed. Staring at the ceiling, she wondered about when her life had gotten so complicated. The rhythm in the music and the exhausting thought material lulled her to sleep as the afternoon sun washed her room a perfect golden from behind her shade.
When she woke up again, it was midnight and she was starving. The record had stopped spinning hours ago, she hadn’t even gotten through side A. It was forgotten as she made her way to her kitchen, groggily.
After settling on cereal and an alcoholic seltzer for dinner, she was really in the mood to treat herself, she made her way back to her living space. On the couch, she tucked her legs beneath herself and spooned the sugary food into her mouth. She had only soy milk in the place because she didn’t like cow’s milk and it didn’t keep when she was gone for extended periods of time. Then as she sipped from the black cherry White Claw, she dug her hand into the cushion next to her. Her hand reemerged with her discarded phone from earlier. She decided it was reasonable to go on it now.
More messages from various people in her life and hundreds of social media notifications. She was going to ignore social media for as long as she possibly could. Four missed calls. 2 voicemails. Styles Harry. Why she kept contacts backwards in her phone was unimportant, it’s just what she did.  
She sighed and took a bigger sip of the barely alcoholic drink. Then clicked the voicemail notifications and pressed the first one on speaker as she began to read his texts as well. Then the next voicemail. She checked the time in California, it was still a reasonable part of the day there so instead of texting back she rang him.
“Har- H. Hi.”
“Y/N! Are you alright?” The concern apparent in his tone. She was taken aback. He hadn’t necessarily sounded angry in his texts or voicemails, but she just assumed he was being courteous since it was a live conversation.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“No! Why would I be?”
“Because I just had my ass handed to me by Jeff earlier.” She slightly mumbled and shrugged, still upset with how she had been spoken to by Jeff.
“Oh gosh, I told him not to be harsh. It’s honestly not a big deal. I thought it was fine, you texted me too!”
“Yeah, well apparently wearing your clothes means we’re dating and that’s not cool in the world’s eyes,” you scoff.
“I know how much you like that coat...I thought you looked great in it, too.” He finishes in a slight whisper, not wanting to be overheard.
“Harry…” you can’t keep the smile off your face. It was a cute compliment even if the situation wasn’t ideal. “Why do your fans have to be so smart and know there’s only two of those coats in the world and I don’t own the other one.”
He laughs, blushing at how you said his name. This time not using his nickname didn’t bother him, it felt even more intimate somehow.
He rubs a hand through his hair, “I know, pesky little devils, gotta love’em, though”
She hums, not sure if she can agree about loving them right now since they’re probably eating her alive all over social media.
“So you’re alright, darling?” He asks again.
“Mhmm,” she pauses at the pet name, it was soothing right now. All she wanted was to curl into his chest, but he was half a world away, quite literally. His words would have to do in his absence. “I’m really glad you’re not mad at me, H. That would’ve made this a hundred times worse.”
He huffs, wishing he could be with her to comfort her. He hated this part of his life. A friend couldn’t borrow a piece of his clothing without everyone assuming that they were seeing each other. It was disgusting and it made him dislike tabloids and social media even more than he already did.
“Trust me. I’d never be mad at you, pet. And I’d definitely never be mad at you for looking good as fuck in my clothes.”
“Shut up!” She squeals, his tone turning from earnest to teasing in one breath. He cackles on the other end of the line because despite her mean words, he could hear the smile on her lips.
“When are you flying back to London?” Her voice grows quiet again after she takes another sip of her drink.
“Thursday,” he almost whispers back, having contained his mirth again.
“We have some work to do on your Graham Norton and Jingle Bell Ball outfits. The listening party ones are all picked up -”
“Y/N,” Harry cuts her off, “It’s late for you, go to bed. Try not to stress out too much, we’ll talk when I’m back about work. For now, take a few days off to not think about my clothes.”
She sighs, “Thanks, H. You’re right. Have a good rest of your day.”
“Goodnight, m’love.”
She ends the phone call and chalks the almost ‘my’ sounding syllable that she heard before love was just her tired mind and Harry’s mumbling voice. It most certainly wasn’t.
After a restful few days of doing absolutely nothing, something rare for Y/N, she was extremely well rested. So much so that she was peacefully asleep when Harry let himself into her flat since they had agreed to meet at her place when he got back to London. As much as he wanted her to take time off and not over work herself, his schedule was a busy one and now that he was back, they had work to do.
Inside her flat, he was greeted with silence. He made his way to her bedroom at the back of the flat. He’d been here a handful of times. She always told him she preferred to spread out when she worked and Harry’s was the place for that. The door to the bedroom was slightly ajar and he pushed it open slowly with his ring clad hand. His black nails are freshly painted and shiny, no chips. Still in her bed, Y/N shifted around softly. He smiled to himself, taking in how the room smelled over lavender and how she had pink floral sheets. He walked to the window and raised the shade, hoping to have her wake up without and coaxing from him.
“H,” her voice mumbles into her pillow and he thinks she’s woken up. His face turns to look at her, but her eyes are still closed and she looks completely asleep. He wonders if she’s trying to trick him, but then she mumbles again.
“Mhhh, tha’ tickles,” and she giggles. He kind of grimaces, feeling like he shouldn’t be hearing this. He hadn’t known she spoke in her sleep, it was sweet, but with the context right now, he thought him having this knowledge might not sit well with her.
“Y/N,” he says loudly, before clearing his throat. Her eyes shoot wide and she sits up, dropping the sheet she had been snuggling.
“Harry! Oh my god!”
“Meeting, remember?”
“Oh my god,” she glances around her surroundings, Harry still standing at her window. “What time is it?”
“1 pm. We said 1 right?”
“We did, I just...I don’t know what happened. Sorry, give me a second. I’m out of it.”
When she emerged from her room, dressed and ready for the day, Harry had brewed a pot of coffee with her machine that she really only had for guests.
“Sorry again,” she sits at her countertop, searching for her notebook in her bag.
“No worries,” then he leans across the countertop, “Seemed like you were in the middle of a nice dream.”
His brows are raised as she avoids his gaze. She flushes easily, “I- it was...just one of those usual dreams.”
“You have dreams about me often?”
“I didn’t say that!” Her eyes shoot up to meet his and he grins. He takes a sip of his coffee before speaking again.
“I heard you say ‘H’.”
She rolls her eyes, “That proves nothing.”
They both stare at each other for a minute, not talking or moving. Harry is simply grinning at her as she twitches her hand with her pen in it now. Her eyes are trying to figure out what Harry’s getting at, searching his expression for how he feels about knowing she dreams of him. She certainly wasn’t going to get into it with him, even if he did continue prodding.
“Alright,” she begins when he doesn’t seem to want to press it further. “Oh!” She jumps up, dropping her pen and forgetting about whatever else she was going to say. “Your jacket! And shirt! I cleaned the shirt and the jacket…” She runs out of the room to go to her front closet where she had hung up both the jacket and the shirt.
Returning, she holds them out to Harry and he rounds the countertop to look at them.
“Perfect shape,” he admires the spotless shirt and his beloved jacket. He puts them on the back of the chair that was next to them. “Won’t forget my jacket again.”
She smiles sheepishly, thinking back to Jeff’s conversation with her. Harry notices her change in demeanor and takes one of her hands. Her eyes flash up to his face and her body tenses, he feels it even in her hand.
“Have you gone on any social media since you’ve been home?” His eyes are wide as he runs his thumb over the back of her hand.
She softens slightly, “Oh yeah, after the first day I decided to check. Most were funny and sweet, their nasty comments didn't get to me.”
Her eyes are big on her face and Harry watches as her worries and concerns all wash through the swirling colors in them. He wants to take all of that pain away and just stare into her abyss forever.
“What did Jeff say exactly?” He knows that’s what she’s alluding to. Harry loved his manager, but when he had called him about the jacket incident he had been pretty short with Harry and hadn’t given much information on his chat with Y/N. The way she looked right now bothered him because ultimately Harry was in charge of Y/N in his employment of her and if Jeff had acted like her superior in a way that was harmful he’d be downright upset.
Her eyes grow glassy immediately and Harry’s anger begins to bubble in the pit of his stomach. She tries to blink anything away, but fails.
“I don’t know why I’m crying, it wasn’t terrible. It’s just, all my life, I’ve had to work to be taken seriously because of who I am and I hate when I get talked down to by a man. Especially over a stupid fucking publicity thing for you. Like I’m sorry, but I don’t see you as a public figure where I have to worry about every goddamn thing I do messing up your image.” She pauses, taking a deep breath, realizing she’d gotten really worked up as she spoke. The tears running down her face more in anger than sadness. Harry watches on, letting her work through her thought process. “He was just so mean… for what?” She whispers finally.
“Oh god…darling,” Harry grips her hand more firmly. He wants to take her in his arms, but he’s not sure if that’s what’s best for her right now, so he just keeps holding her hand. She stares up at him, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. Her eyes now tinted a light red.
“I’m sorry he spoke to you in that way. That isn’t his job at all, I’ll definitely talk to him since I didn’t have the full story before. He gets very worried about the media perception thing, especially right now with the album.”  
She bites the inside of her cheek, blinking up at Harry. “I know your image is important, too, otherwise why the fuck would I be here? Right? I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal I borrowed the jacket.”
“In a perfect world my image wouldn’t matter at all,” Harry sighed, “Fame is a stupid, fickle thing musicians like me get stuck with.”
“Please, you love the attention,” she teases, poking at his chest. The sweatshirt he wore wrinkling under her touch.
“‘M serious,” he insists, “I’m saying it shouldn’t matter that you borrowed my jacket, but sadly it comes across to the rest of the world like I’m dating you.” He pokes her sternum in return.
“And that would be the end of the world?” she smiles, her tone still teasing, but that worry is back and swimming in her eyes again.
This time, though, Harry must not see it because he laughs and lets go of her hand. “For a lot of people, I think it might be.”
She bites at her lip and tries to contain the laugh that bubbles in her. He was right and as he wandered back into the kitchen for more coffee, she shook her head trying to rid herself of those pesky feelings that had been hoping for a different answer.
The next few weeks go off without a hitch. Harry’s outfits look incredible for the listening parties. Then for the Graham Norton Show, the Jingle Bell Ball, and the One Night Only at the Forum. Every single outfit is received with praise and everything seems to be coming up Harry Styles. Y/N has been traveling to most of his appearances, making sure everything is in order before he goes out. She’s always by his side before he walks out into the public eye. Taking his picture and saving it in the lookbook that keeps growing, smoothing over his lapels, either unbuttoning or buttoning a middle button when she thought he had too many or not enough undone for the look. Whatever it was, she was there for him.
Then, after his appearances, they would debrief. Debriefs really were just time that Harry carved out in his schedule to just be alone with Y/N. Sure, they talked about clothes, that’s how they had first connected, but it always turned to other ideas. They’d talk about his songs and she’d ask about the meanings that he wouldn’t share with the rest of the world. He’d happily tell her about it and they enjoyed that time together. There were stolen glances and lingering touches, but at the end of the day they were professionals who were friends. It wasn’t maybe what either of them wanted, but they weren’t unhappy.
Harry just got back from Los Angeles after filming for his Ellen show appearance and he was set to play the Bowery Ballroom tomorrow in London. After this there was going to be a lot of downtime on Harry’s schedule because of the holidays. He had marked out almost a whole month of time off, at least from appearances. They still had to start planning tour outfits and finalize the outfits for the events after the break. Right now, all she was focused on was getting Harry into the beautiful yellow Gucci suit that was a twin of the Watermelon Sugar suit he had worn on Saturday Night Live. Harry said he wanted to check the suit before tomorrow for some reason, so Y/N had made her way over.
She finished buttoning the sleeves of the jacket and stepped back to admire Harry once again. No matter what he wore he always looked marvelous in her eyes. She’d argue anyone could say that about Harry though. He could pull anything off and make it his own with barely any effort.
Today, his hair was disheveled and mused from his plane ride back into London. The flight from California to England was a rough one, even when you traveled in the type of luxury Harry did. Despite his tired body and eyes, the suit looked stunning on him. He wore it without shoes and she giggled when she saw his feet. His feet tattoos never failed to make her laugh and she had no explanation for why.
While Harry looked good in everything, there actually was something a little off with the suit right now. Normally, it hugged him just right to make him look perfectly muscled and defined, but it seemed to be hanging a little looser in some areas.
She tapped a finger to her lip, looking him over, unsure of what was off.
“Did you lose weight, H?”
“Huh?” He looks down at himself and somewhat notices the looser fit, but wasn’t quite sure if he had lost weight. “Don’t think so.”
She hums and steps closer to him, dropping her hands to tug at various parts of the suit, trying to figure out whether she should take anything in or leave it be.
“It’s probably all the travel I’ve been doin’. Can be draining me more than I realize.” He ponders as she continues to work silently over the suit.
Her hands travel beneath the suit and encircle his waist, almost as if she’s hugging him, but not really. His stomach flexes at the contact, her chest pressed softly against his. She grips a bit of the shirt from the back and then unfolds herself from him to look at the mirror. The shirt is now taut against his sternum and pectorals under the coat. She tilts her head, silently asking him his opinion.
“I think it’s fine the way it is, honestly.”
“Okay,” she nods and releases her hold on the shirt, hand slithering out from beneath his coat. He exhales deeply through his nose. “Make sure you eat properly tonight.” She says before beginning to pack up her things, done for the day. Harry begins to undress himself.
She turns back to face him as he hands her the jacket and shirt, her eyes run over the length of his torso, both for the sake of checking on his health and for other purely selfish reasons. All the tattoos still remained where they always were when she saw him like this. It never got old, his beautiful body. He didn’t even need clothes to look good. She blinks back to reality when the fabric comes in contact with her hand.
“Make sure you treat yourself this holiday season, you deserve it, H. And it seems like any weight you ever gain is muscle anyways, so you don’t exactly have to worry around the sweets table.”
Harry laughs heartily as he slips on his long sleeve shirt he was wearing. Then he starts on the pants as she turns away again to hang up the top parts of the suit.
Finally, she adds when he hands her the suit pants, “Just don’t want you overworking yourself, seriously, H.”
He looks at her as he buttons up his baggy blue jeans. The outfit he wore was just the first clean things he had grabbed when he had gotten home. His green eyes turn serious after the mirthfilled last few moments.
He crosses to her side as she puts away the clothes in the garment bag. His hand lands softly on her shoulder and she turns to him at his touch. “I know. You’re so good to me, darling. Always making sure I’m taking care of myself…”
It’s quiet. The soft breeze in the London air outside barely whispers around the house. Harry’s voice was laced with love, even if it wasn’t his intention. His ‘thank you’ was piercing into her heart and his touch wasn’t helping her stay focused. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt Harry take a step closer to her, his head ducking slightly down to her level. Then, right on the edge of her left temple and her hairline, his soft lips pressed against her skin. They brushed against her for just a moment, lingering for the respectful amount of time. But all she wanted was anything but respectful. She wanted his lips pressed against hers, she wanted his hands in her hair, yanking her deeply into him. She wanted to scream when he pulled away, but she didn’t. She smiled warmly up at Harry and her eyelashes fluttered on their own accord like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Thank you,” he whispers again.
“What would you do without me?” She pushes at him playfully, shaking off her giddiness. Then she turns back to her work, scooping up all the items of hers on the table.
“Probably have to walk around naked, huh?”
“Oh my god!” She laughs and starts for the door, Harry follows behind to walk to her out to her car. “Maybe I should quit! People would love it.” She continues laughing as she hangs the garment in the passenger's seat side.
“No thank you, please,” Harry hurriedly says.
She turns to him as she closes the door and leans against the car. This was their routine right before she left, a final chat against the car before she drove off for the night.
“Tomorrow’s going to be amazing, H. It’s gonna be electric!” She scrunches her nose slightly at the pun about the venue as she smiles up at him.
He sticks his tongue into the side of his cheek, holding back a laugh. His eyes narrow at her, slyly. “Very funny.”
She only winks at him before pushing herself off of her car and walks to the driver’s side of the car.
He waves as she begins to pull out of the driveway and she flashes him a peace sign and a mouthed ‘Bye’ when she turns onto the street.
After the Bowery Ballroom show, Y/N barely sees Harry at the after party. She doesn’t worry about it too much. His management was going to have a holiday party next week before the little break began for the team. So, she knew she’d see him before she flew back to see her family for the holidays. She was going home for two weeks and then would be back for New Year’s and then would get back to work after that.
She saw Harry exactly twice after the show. First, she saw Harry right after the show and he was all sweaty and exhilarated. He tackled her in a bear hug with such strength she would have fallen back if he hadn’t been holding her so tightly. When he pulled away, he placed two extremely slobbery kisses on her cheeks and she laughed, tipping her head back in pure bliss. Then he was pulled away by Jeff to change and get ready for the after party.
Jeff had apologized over text about the tone he had taken over the whole jacket thing, but only Harry had told him to. It was fine with Y/N, she told him that too, but she just never felt like being around him for very long if she could help it after that. That’s why she liked that most of her job entailed dealing with Harry directly. If she had to go through Jeff for everything she’d likely pull her hair out. He was still short with her at whole team meetings and not necessarily courteous when they were around each other casually. Like she said, it was fine, she just didn’t make it her business to be around Jeff.
The second time she saw Harry was around half past one am. She was pretty sure it was time for her to uber home and she wanted to say goodbye to Harry. Her well-liquored body stumbled around the big room. Deciding to take shots with the band had gotten her to where she was now and she wasn’t complaining she was happy. She was in a celebratory mood and wanted to see Harry right now. Tell him how much fun she had and how proud she was of him. How much she loved him… Hopefully she kept that part to herself.
“Harry!” She finally exclaims, coming upon a group of people surrounding the star himself. She ignored the rest of the people, likely stars too, but she really couldn’t care less. One of them tried to straighten up as if he was going to block her from Harry, feeling like she maybe wasn’t someone Harry wanted to see since they didn’t know her. No one seemed to ever recognize Y/N as Harry’s stylist when it mattered. Harry waved them off, a little drunk as well, but obviously recognizing Y/N.
“Darling!” He exclaims and raises his arms out to her. She grips onto him quickly and snuggles into him happily. With her still in his arms, he turns them from the prying eyes of the group he had been with.
She raises her head from his warm chest so that her lips are near his ear, “Congratulations, Mr. Styles.”
“Thanks, baby,” he purrs into her ear, his voice coarse and low, carrying over the music. She giggles at the nickname, her entire plan going out the metaphorical window.
Her fingers smooth up over the fabric on his chest, a nice short sleeve silk button down that was tucked into dark high waisted trousers - they’d picked it out last week. One of her fingers begins to trace around his collarbone after she reaches the opening of the shirt. His eyes flutter shut at the contact. They were so needy for each other. Each touch would coarse heat through them every time.
“I’m going…” She says after a moment of silence between them. The party was raging around them, most not paying any mind to the two of them off in their own world.
“Don’t go,” Harry practically begs. A hand flies up to pet over the top of her hair and she smiles even wider.
“It’s late and I’m tired,” she makes a face in response to Harry’s pout, “You have lots of people to entertain, Mr. Styles.” Her teeth capture her bottom lip as she stares at him intently.
He groans and pulls her closer. This time his lips brush right against her ear and she wants to shiver, but he keeps her in place. “If you keep calling me that, you’re gonna drive me insane.”
Her eyes widen but her hazy mind isn’t processing all of what is going on. She barely takes inventory of ‘baby’, for him to say she’s turning him on without actually saying it. Tomorrow Y/N would have to deal with that one.
She pulls back from him, creating space between their chests, but he still holds her waist close to him. She leans up and places a kiss on the corner of his lips. It’s technically supposed to be a kiss on the cheek but if she had moved her lips a millimeter to the right they would have been on Harry’s. This gesture has his grip tightening on her, but she pulls away.
“Goodnight!” She sings as she bounces out of sight, wiggling her fingers in a wave before completely being gone.
Harry sighs and runs a hand over his face, kind of in shock of the last five minutes. He had liked it. He just hadn’t expected it. When he turns his attention back to the group that was behind him, it’s not the same as it was before. Jeff looks at him with narrowed eyes and Harry’s eyes go wide and his grin widens as well.
Tonight is the management holiday party for Harry’s team. Y/N and Harry had seen each other two days after the Electric Ballroom to debrief, but mostly to get brunch. They didn’t talk about the little teases they shared at the after party. Both of them just assumed that the other probably didn’t remember and didn’t want to go through the trouble and embarrassment of recounting it. Alcohol has that effect of making you a little bolder than you actually are.
Brunch with Harry solidified Y/N’s thoughts on fame. Celebrity could be so strange, because there was the one day when she got photographed with just Harry’s jacket on and there was speculation of dating, but then she could go out to brunch with him and not be bothered at all. It made absolutely no sense.
Anyway, tonight there were no gifts, but Y/N had gotten Harry something even though he said he never needs anything. She hoped she’d be able to give it to him after they were walking back to their transportation since she wanted it to be a surprise and not have everyone know she gave him a gift. It wasn’t a big deal - or maybe it was - it was just an item she knew Harry had been fawning over. It was so him and she knew he’d probably end up buying it for himself eventually, but it felt nice to be able to give him something for once. Price didn’t matter. Still, she was a little nervous and tucked and re-tucked it several times in the back seat of her car before heading inside.
It was a restaurant his management had rented out for their party. She gave her name and headed inside. The lighting was overly dimmed and it smelled like expensive alcohol and delicious food. It was everything an A-list singer deserved as a celebration. She never could fully grasp that the Harry she had gotten to know as her friend was also the same Harry that the entire world was infatuated with, for good reason. He was charming in the best way, terribly sincere, insanely talented, and all around a good human being. She knew that, it just surprised her that everyone else knew it too. There was just that disconnect for her that she shared him with the rest of the world.
Her high heeled heels brought her to the backroom of the restaurant. They managed to shimmer even in the dim light. She had gone for winter chic with a sequin and mesh white dress, that looked like fresh snow with a cream and blue swirling design on the under layer so that her undergarments weren’t showing through. It was like a modern ice princess look that was finished with her heels that had sparkles on the entire back of them. Her hair was down and her makeup a little more done up than usual. She used a light blue eyeshadow to imitate ice and added some rhinestones on the inner parts of her eyes. She may have watched a Euphoria-inspired makeup look tutorial on youtube and she wasn’t afraid to admit that.
The scene she came upon was what she expected. Lots of men in suits and a good amount of women in power suits too. The people in any interesting clothes were Harry and his band. Some of the business people’s partners were dressed up more but it all wasn’t too exciting. Plus, Harry’s famous friends group hadn’t shown up yet. Y/N hid her disappointment easily, not surprised about the lack of flavor she saw in the style. She just repeated the mantra her mother had always told her: “You can never be overdressed, only underdressed.” It stuck with her always and made her go for those bolder styles when she needed to.
Harry was there, sipping on a glass of water. She figured he might not want to get started on drinking so early in the evening. Tonight didn’t feel like a drinking night for her either. After the last big party, she had woken up with a massive hangover and a few memories that she wished she hadn’t made. She wasn’t planning on repeating that series of events.
As she goes to grab a glass of water on the large table, she gets a tap on her shoulder. She spins.
“Happy Holidays, darling!”
Her eyes widen and her smile immediately grows. Harry grins back at her, his mouth open in the perfect winning smile of his and his eyes twinkling with happiness.
“Happy Holidays to you too, Mr.-” She stops herself, remembering back to the last party, “H.” She finishes firmly after clearing her throat. Harry’s grin turns to a wicked knowing smirk.
“I’m happy you came! I know you’re not super connected to all of the groups here, Harry Lambert is around somewhere though and I know he’s been wanting to talk with you about clothes.”
Harry watches as her eyes shine even brighter when he mentions the other stylist. It was true, Y/N didn’t really mesh with any of the groups that worked around Harry. The stylist kind of stood alone in regards to where she fit into his life, not the business part, not the band part, not the crew, and not the other celebrities. Harry Lambert and other fashion people didn’t always come to these events so it was seldom that Y/N had her own people to talk to. Not that mingling was hard for her, he just knew she didn’t like to do that as much so whenever another stylist or designer was there he always made sure to introduce them - if they weren’t already acquainted.
“That’s amazing! I haven’t seen him in ages… I’ll have to get his opinion on how I’ve been doing.”
Harry licks his lips as he laughs a little at her comment. She looked beautiful tonight and he wanted to tell her.
“Harry. What the hell are you wearing?” Her eyes flash as she takes in his appearance.
He looks down at himself and then back at her confused. They hadn’t picked the outfit out, but he thought it looked nice.
“Obviously not the suit! On your head?”
“Oh. It’s a gift from Mitch and Sarah.” He pauses to reach up to play with the headband sat on top of his curls. “It’s mistletoe and it seems like you’re standing beneath it. You know what that means,” he toys with it as he wiggles his eyebrows.
She scoffs sarcastically, looking to the side for a means of escape, “No way.”
“C’mon! It’s tradition!” He steps forward playfully and she places a hand on his chest.
“You can kiss my cheek.” She says finally and Harry looks at her disapprovingly.
He wags a finger at her with his free hand, “You’re the one under the mistletoe, you have to kiss me.”
“Okay that’s definitely not how this works! Now you don’t get any kiss at all, you cheeky bastard.”
“Fine. But don’t come crying to me when you’re the one with coal in your stocking.”
“Haha.” Her eyes once again roll to the side as she pushes him back and he steps back like she actually had a strong push. Then they both actually laugh and she gives him a quick side hug with a whispered, “there”. Harry smiles down at her, but it falters slightly when she’s already pulling away. He wanted her at his side the entire night, but sadly that wasn’t reality.
She drags him around the restaurant in search of Harry Lambert since the party had started to grow and she needed his height to get her where she wanted to go. Maybe. Or maybe she just liked the way he held her hand to lead her through the crowd that was most definitely not dense enough for her to have to hold on to him to stay with him at all.
She sees more of Harry at this party. They have some good conversations about plans for the holidays and snickering about who was already too drunk even though it wasn’t even midnight. She can’t believe he keeps on the stupid headband all night, giving and receiving various types of kisses from every person he talks to. Some are kisses on the cheek, others are friendly smooches on the mouth. Thankfully all of them are those cute little pecks that friends always tend to share, otherwise Y/N might have had to excuse herself and leave early. Jealous little thing.
As the night dragged on, she began to question herself on that front. Why was she growing jealous when friends would kiss Harry. She could've kissed Harry. She practically did the other week. But now, after refusing him a mistletoe kiss and seeing everyone else do what she didn’t have the courage to do, she felt childish. Well, childish or not, she knew why she couldn’t kiss him. Kissing Harry wouldn’t be just a friend thing for her. It would mean a lot more and if it was just a friend thing for him she wouldn’t be sure if she could handle going on with their working relationship after. Her job was the most important thing in her life. Being a stylist, loving clothes, and working on personal designs for the future was her life. Giving up this prestigious of a job was out of the question. Maybe the idea of being with Harry had crossed her mind, but she didn’t know how it could ever be realistic. If they got together could she keep her job? Would she have to quit? And find a new one? There were too many unknowns for her to ever actually entertain it. That’s why they went to the edge so often, she always would back away and she was sure that if she didn’t, Harry would for her.
He knew her. He knew her passion, he watches it firsthand everyday they work together. Even when they’re not working he can see her mind forming different ideas just based off of the things she sees people wear on the streets. He watches her fingers fiddle over her phone, typing out notes for design ideas and screenshotting inspiration. So every time they went to the edge of changing their relationship, he knew he couldn’t push it because he never wanted to hurt her or her dreams in some way. She was too important to him to simply mess that up.  Even if it hurt him.
So when Harry slides in the back of her car that night at 2 am because Y/N says she has something important to show him, he’s fully ready to stop their flirting from going any further. And when she tells him she needs to show him something, she has the most pure intentions when she pulls out the nicely wrapped box, its wrapping paper a swirling lavender pattern that’s really not festive at all, but she prefers it.
He looks between her and the box that she’s now placed in his lap. His green eyes flickering even in the darkness of the car, the city lights illuminating the backseat enough for them.
“You know I don’t need anything…” He fiddles with the skinny mesh ribbon neatly tied around the box.
She makes a little gesture, pushing him to open the present, “I know, but I also know you’ve been wanting this and you deserve it.”
He unwraps the paper to reveal a Gucci box and he rolls his eyes at her, but smiles genuinely as he lifts the top of the box off. It reveals a 1955 Horsebit Shoulder Bag in beautiful shiny black leather. It’s gorgeous.
“I can’t...I don’t know what to say,” Harry’s eyes are huge as his delicate hands ghost over the bag's details. He had been wanting it and he hadn’t gotten the courage to buy it yet. He liked purses, but sometimes he even had his doubts about what he could pull off.
His eyes go back to her and she smiles widely at him, all her teeth on display because she’s just that happy. “This is a really expensive bag, Y/N.”
“If it makes you feel better I can charge it as a wardrobe expense, but then it’s not really a gift from me,” She sighs at his unrelenting gaze.
“Thank you.” He touches at the bag again and then does a dance in his spot. “And don’t worry, I will always remember this as a gift from you. I love it.”
She smiles and leans over the box to look at the bag, admiring the beauty of it as well. “It’s pretty great.”
“Mhmm,” Harry hums and she raises her eyes, seeing his trained on her face. “You’re under the mistletoe again, darling,” he smirks.
Her breath stops once again, how could he do that to her so easily? Their eyes stay locked under the city lights. The fake mistletoe bobs above them still connected to the silly headband. It’s colorful leaves and fun stripes mock her when she flicks her gaze up to it for a moment. Then back to Harry. Harry who’s holding the gift she just gave him. Harry who looks beautiful tonight. Harry who is her favorite person in the world to spend time with.
Now. Now is when she pulls back from the ledge. This is when she takes a step back and stops herself. When Harry laughs it off. When she pushes him away. When they go about the rest of their day like that electricity hadn’t gone up either of their spines.
But that’s not what happens. Instead, she nods in agreement and then crashes her lips against Harry’s. It’s not like those friend kisses that had happened with him all night under that same mistletoe. It’s hard and hot and fast. Her lips are pressed to his for one searing moment and then she’s biting his lip, desperate to taste more of him. She had been longing for this for so long and now that she had it, she couldn’t let it go.
Harry’s hands fly to her cheeks as he pulls her closer, more into his lap. He pushes the box into the front area of the car blindly. The gift was completely forgotten. This was a far more important matter. Her lips were wet and plush and they tasted like the single Manhattan she had halfway through the night and vanilla lip gloss. When she bites his lip, he can’t hold back the moan inside his throat and she presses her tongue into his mouth quickly. He was her oasis and she had been traveling for months. He responds with similar vigor, enjoying the way her body presses to his in the backseat of this little car.
They kiss for as long as they can. Licking, sucking, and biting each other’s lips to taste as much as they can. But it’s just kissing. Neither of them work to travel anywhere else. Their lips are seemingly enough. Each press of their lips communicates what they had been longing for. It’s euphoric.
When the windows start to fog and her eyes open for a random moment, she realizes they need to cool whatever this is.
“H-Harry,”  She gulps for a breath of air and she tries to get his attention. “I gotta get home.”
“Come back to my place,” he mumbles into her collarbone, happily licking over his love bite.
She laughs and swallows slowly, “That is definitely out of the question, I have a flight tomorrow.”
He removes his mouth from her and straightens up. His lips are even brighter pink than usual and perfectly puffy. His hair disheveled from her hands. She blushes at the thought.
“Right, forgot about that,” he opens the car door and they both slide out. They stand at her car, just like they usually did outside his house. However this time is quite different from most.
They sigh heavily, in unison. The winter air is cold in London. She shivers slightly and knows she can’t stay in his presence much longer.
“Merry Christmas, H.”
He leans down and places one last sweet kiss to her lips. She wrinkles her nose and smiles  unabashedly.
“Merry Christmas, Darling.”
Harry and her don’t talk as much while she’s back home for the holidays. There’s no work to be discussed and while they parted on not necessarily bad terms, there was definitely a conversation that needed to be had between the two. Neither seemed to want to have that conversation over the phone, or worse, text. So for the next week and a half, Harry and Y/N exchanged texts of funny memes that reminded them of each other and odd anecdotes from family members that had made them laugh. Nothing really substantial, just small, I was thinking of you messages.
When she walked out of the luggage carousel at London Heathrow Airport, she expected to be getting in the queue for an uber. Instead, before she could cross the street to get to the queue even, a tall man stopped her. A tall, scruffy, extremely buff, extremely handsome, and extremely kissable man. Harry. It would be terribly strange if it was anyone else.
“Excuse me, ma’am, do you need a lift back to your flat?” His dark sunglasses cover his face and a big coat, scarf, and hat make him hardly recognizable. The curls sticking out from beneath the cute knit scarf are thankfully a dead give away for her. As well as his perfect drawling voice.
She shivered in the cold, her matching grey sweatpants and Treat People With Kindness sweatshirt had been warm enough on the flight, but proved inadequate for almost January in London. Yet, Harry’s presence brings a smile to her face.
“It’s good to see you, H.”
He laughs, his cover obviously blown. His arms encircle her body and she instantly melts into his embrace. His large coat easily fell around her and warmed her. His own natural body heat adds to her new found warmth as well.
“You too,” he murmured. His head buries into the crook of her neck, warming her cold skin.
He pulls back after a rather long embrace, realizing they’re still out on the sidewalk. He takes one step back and she visibly deflates at his absence, the cold once again surrounding her.
“Let’s get you home,” he grabs at the handle of her suitcase in one hand and her hand in the other. The warmth returns and she grins, placated by his touch.
“So are you coming to my party tonight?” He inquires once he settles into the driver’s seat after putting her suitcase in the back.
She shifts in her seat, arms wrapped tightly around herself, still cold without any warmth from Harry or the car. “Don’t you suppose there was a reason why I chose to come home today?”
Harry’s ears perk at the use of home, never assuming Y/N viewed London as her home, still it made him smile.
As the car purrs to life, heat immediately seeping out of the seats and vents, Harry’s phone connects as well. NFWMB by Hozier begins to play softly and she glances at Harry again. The song was so sultry and soft, like expensive dark chocolate melting on your tongue. The mood in the car seemed to shift. Their eyes met, Harry’s green ones narrowing at her, trying to decipher the look she was giving to him.
Then he drove off, softly singing along to the words through the sleepy streets. It was surprisingly quiet out for the holidays, people choosing to lay low during the day so they could celebrate the changing of decades in full force tonight.
After the song ends, his eyes travel over to her again and she’s already looking at him. She had missed his face. Sure, he’d sent some silly selfies while she was gone. Mostly on Christmas Eve with his family when he had gotten drunk on mulled wine and eggnog and brandy. Still, in person, he was even more beautiful. The high cheek bones that glistened with a shine most makeup could only hope to produce. Full raspberry lips with stubble growing to frame above and below. The crinkles growing on his forehead and by his eyes that showed him aging with grace. The precious few moles that had gotten lucky enough to live on his face forever. His big green eyes that were consistently bright with interest and intellect, but deep and knowing despite his loving demeanor. She loved those big green eyes, they were just so big and she didn’t understand how no one took the same interest in them as her. All of it, just sitting there beside her. Don’t even get her started on the soul that inhabited the beautiful man beside her. She never would stop spiraling then.
“What?” He asks softly, the sounds of Paul McCartney during some era fading in.
She blinks, hazily in admirance, “Nothing,” she replies.
“What?” He insists, laughing slightly, the lips she loves so much widening in excitement.
“Just missed you.”
Her voice is quiet but strong, serious. A blush creeps up his neck, taking hold of his features.
“Missed you too,” his left hand reaches across the console to take hold of her hand that resided on her thigh. He squeezes her hand softly and they both smile at each other again.
“Don’t worry, I can get my stuff upstairs. I don’t want you being out in the cold any longer than you have to. I’ll see you tonight, H!” She pushes her body across the console and places a kiss on his cheek before jumping out of the car. Harry makes a half smile, knowing he can’t change her mind. He waves to her behind the window as she travels into her building.
“See you.” He says to himself before driving back to his home to finish up preparing for tonight’s festivities. The party was going to be more intimate than the Christmas party at the restaurant. Tonight was just Harry’s family and closest friend - the band, Jeff and his family, Y/N, and a few others.
The whole night Harry and Y/N are within a foot of each other, if not on top of each other. He never leaves her side nor does she his. They are tethered to one another. The longest they’re apart is when Harry gets them refills of Champagne and Y/N journeys to the restroom. They laugh and catch up.
As the night goes on, Harry begins to whisper sweet nothings in her ear and she giggles and places her hand on his chest flirtily. Their interaction is a dance, bedroom eyes and low voices, lingering touches and suggestive lip bites.
When the countdown begins to grow closer, everyone refills their drinks and gathers in the center of Harry’s living room. They cheer and countdown to 2020. And of course, Y/N’s by Harry’s side as he begins the count. And when they get to ‘one’ and everyone’s saying “Happy New Year”, Harry and her are sharing a chaste peck to the lips that electrifies everything they had been saying to each other all night. She sighs into his mouth, but pulls away quickly, aware of their surroundings. No one particularly questions the kiss, either not paying attention or caring. Harry beams down at her and they enjoy the rest of the evening.
At around 1 am, the last of the guests stumble out of Harry’s homes and into waiting ubers and safe rides. Y/N lingers back, beginning to clean the discarded glassware and paper plates. Her and Harry are definitely tipsy, but they enjoy the cleaning work, making terrible jokes about New Year’s and commenting on what people wore tonight. When it’s relatively cleaned in the kitchen, Y/N wanders out to the living room and finds Harry reclined back on the couch.
“H,” She sticks out her foot and nudges him with her boot.
“C’mere,” he reaches out his hand to her, his coat discarded, leaving his arms bare with only a white tank top on.
She takes his hand hesitantly and is yanked on top of Harry in an instant. With a loud huff, she settles above him. “That wasn’t nice.”
“Shush,” his pointer finger goes over her lips, her eyes narrow at him, “Can you believe we’re seeing 2020?”
“Oh my god! I hate you!” She rolls her eyes at his pun and shakes herself from his hand around her waist. She stands up to walk away but he easily grasps her wrist and stops her, easily sitting himself up on the couch.
He looks at her and her annoyance, that wasn’t all too strong in the first place, dissipates. She sighs, “I should probably be heading home.”
“You should stay, it’s so late,” his hand rubbing over the skin on her wrist.
She bites her lip, contemplating the offer, he was right. “I’m really tired and we haven’t really talked, H.”
“But we-”
“Not about us. We’ve been skirting around it, flirting with each other all night, but we haven’t talked about what’s going on. I can’t stay if you expect something from me.”
“I don’t expect anything from you, Y/N. That’s not why I want you to say,” Harry says earnestly, realizing quickly  what she’s saying. “I’ve never expected anything from you. An offer to stay is just an offer to stay.”
“Okay,” she finally smiles and sits down beside Harry.
“You can sleep in the guest bedroom, too. If that makes you more comfortable?”
“Oh...I don’t know if we have to take it that far. Plus, you’re like a personal heater and I get cold at night.”
Harry perks up, he had been feeling resigned that maybe she wasn't on the same page as him. He wanted to be with her all the time but also didn’t want to put any pressure on her. She just made him so happy.
“Great! Let’s get to bed then.” He pops up from the couch and brings her into his arms, “You know where all my clothes are, so you can just borrow whatever you want, and then I’m sure I have extra toothbrushes…”
She giggles into his side as she watches him ramble animatedly. Sometimes he was oh so bright, so joyful and carefree. A stark contrast from the quiet confidence he often exhibited for the public.
She woke up in the warm embrace of Harry. His whole bed smelled like him, vanilla mixed with spices of tobacco and sandalwood. It was delicious and she snuggled in deeper to the soft chest she laid against, breathing in his scent deeply.
They rested there for a long time. Harry makes his awakening known with a lingering kiss to her forehead. They both sigh in contentment, radiant in each other’s arms.
“What’s the plan today?” She ponders as Harry’s fingers trace patterns over her skin. He hums in thought.
“Wanna be with you…”
She laughs and looks up at him, “Me too, but we can’t lay around all day.”
“Well, we could.” Harry insists.
She laughs again and twists in his arms, settling so she’s facing him. She bites her lip as she thinks about something, scanning his face over and over.
“I’m gonna go home and get ready for the day. Let’s just explore the city and do some 2020 shopping. Who knows, maybe fashion’s changed since the last decade,” she grins.
Harry chuckles a little and pets at her hair, “I like the sound of that. And we can talk - about us.”
He tilts his head forward and meets her lips once again, savoring her taste. Each kiss makes him want more. She was good.
Harry lugs in the four heavy shopping bags into her flat, as she carries the single small bag from the chocolatier he had dragged them into. He presses her to the counter when he sets down the bags and begins to kiss her face all over. She giggles and places her hands on his shoulders, giving him a kiss to the lips before pulling away.
They had talked about what they wanted, what they saw in each other and how that fit into their work relationship and the rest of their lives. Harry would have to talk to Jeff, but more so as a by the way this is what I’m doing with my life, not an ask for permission. Y/N would continue as his stylist until the end of the tour cycle, but afterwards she’d go back to freelancing. They wanted to try to date and be as normal as possible. She told him how she didn’t love the fame or the celebrities. Sure she dealt with those things for work, but when they were off duty, she wanted to be regular. She wanted to go out on dates and make dinner on weekend nights. Harry had agreed, he wanted those things too and he understood her wish to keep work and their relationship separate. However, he’d made her concede to allowing kisses during work hours. She had laughed and said it was an easy term to agree to.
It was going to be a good thing. They were both giddy with excitement, the new year, and all the new things they had bought on their relationship high.
“Oh!” She pushed Harry further away from her and hurried into her room. He laughed and looked confusedly after her. “Wait there!” She called. Harry leaned against the back of her upholstered chair.
“Close your eyes!” She says before coming back into the room. Harry’s hands go over his eyes easily as he grins blindly in her direction.
“‘M waiting…”
Harry’s hands slip away and his green eyes blink open. In front of him stands Y/N holding up a hand knit brown sweater vest with horizontal red, cream and blue thin stripes along with the thicker brown stripes. Harry beams, reaching his hands out to take hold of it.
“It was supposed to be a surprise for later, but I found it at this vintage place while I was home and I couldn’t wait any longer to show it to you.”
“Darling, this is gorgeous. I love it! But you shouldn’t have...”
“I thought you could wear it for Lizzo’s concert. I know you said you liked the other sweater vest, but this one is so-”
“You spoil me, seriously.” He cuts her off and laughs before pulling her back into him. Their lips collide in a searing kiss, Harry’s excitement over the new garment making him eager to show her how much he really loved it.
A small sigh escapes her lips as Harry presses into her. His tongue pushing into her mouth in a way that turns the sigh into a moan.
“Let me show you just how much I love it,” He murmurs against her lips, casting the garment onto the back of the chair he had previously been leaning on.
She smiles, eyes fluttering open and meeting his with adoration swelling in their depths. Then she allows him to back their intertwined bodies into her room.
Some apartment in New York a few months later:
“I knew it!” 
“Huh?” Aidy lifts her head from the skit she was working on to look at her friend and coworker. 
“That stylist...for Harry Styles,” Heidi shifts, sitting up and turning her phone to face Aidy, “She was seen out with him, getting lunch in London and then making out on a street corner. I bet they were dating back in November when he was on the show!” 
Aidy laughs, thinking back to her conversation with the stylist that night of Harry’s show. The girl had been so in love that night and Harry had been smitten all week, describing her in the best way, praising her every decision, yearning for her even. And now they were actually together...she was happy for them. 
“I don’t know about that...but they were head over Gucci heels for each other that’s for sure.” 
Heidi and her scroll through the pictures on social media of the singer and his girlfriend. 
“They probably are the best dressed couple I have ever seen,” Heidi grumbles. 
“Now that is definitely accurate.”
taglist: @meredithhuntt​ @sovereigndeadlyperfect @marauderswhisperer​ @toribentleyva​ @girlboss99​ @harryssunflxwer​ @loverofaccents​ @stephaniemalvie​ @mk15x @beanholland​ @stfxlou​ @loliismutt​ @pinkisawesome101​ @stilljosiegrossie​ @kikisparadise18​ @clementimee​
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
BlackHeart Bakery
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Who says Halloween can’t be romantic?
Pairing: Emo! Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: fluff
A/N: HI OMG IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE. I love you, I hope you like it. I’m sorry it isn’t longer but, I still can’t wait for you to read it.
-you never imagined that the quirky lil bakery down the street from your university would change your life  
-But it did
-“Omg shut up, you’re so dumb.”
-“Rawr xD”
-“Did you just say rawr xD out loud??? That totally defeats the purpose of its existence...”
-“Don’t cite the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written.”
-“And now you’re quoting the chronicles of narnia- alright just go back to sleep you big dummy...”
-“Mmm but you married a big dummy so what does that say about you”
-“Jungkook don't spoil it oh my god!”
-“Like they don’t know what’s coming already- spoiler alert losers! I get the girl.”
-“I hate you...”
-“Mm yeah- I love it when you talk dirty to me baby. The last time you said that- we ended up fuc-“
-“Ok! That’s enough! Our story begins...”
-Jungkook’s bakery was quite famous around your city
-If people didn’t come for the gaudy Halloween decorations  
-They came for the music  
-Exclusively pop punk, if you’re wondering
-It was like 2009 everyday  
-Which was comforting, considering the world has gotten a little
-Since then
-But anyways
-If they didn’t come for the music or the decorations
-They came for the AMAZING espresso  
-And the spooky themed treats
-But if you’re being honest
-You think the main thing that keeps them coming back
-Is Jungkook  
-If his sweeping black hair didn’t get you
-Or the adorable cheeky twinkle in his eyes
-It was the tattoos and the piercings  
-He looked like he walked right off of a black veil brides music video set  
-He was hot
-This was obvious
-But he didn’t seem to think so
-You had come to the conclusion that he was oblivious  
-he shoved his feet into his big black doc martens every morning  
-Slipped on his beaded bracelets and studded chokers
-Pulled his fall out boy t-shirt over his
-And just thought hm
-I’m pretty average I guess (lol)
-That’s a direct quote from him btw
-Men truly are hopeless
-Jungkook opened the bakery two years ago
-He had mentioned to you that he had saved up money from his 3 part time jobs to put a down payment on the building  
-Which was wedged between a sex shop
-And a thrift store
-And honestly his bakery
-Blackheart Bakery, if you’re being specific  
-Fits right in
-Jungkook refuses to hire new staff
-“They won’t do it right.” He whined to you one day
-“One time I tried to hire this guy and he put the sugared googly eyes on the cookie skeletons ALL WRONG”
-“How do you put googly eyes on wrong?” You had giggled
-“you just do- i- See? This is exactly why I can’t hire anyone...”
-You had started chewing on the end of your pencil in the midst of your laughter
-It was an unconscious habit
-And it makes Jungkook shift uncomfortably, his hands moving off of the top of your table
-“Don’t do that...” he had muttered, smirking to himself as he walked back behind the counter  
-he did that a lot
-He’d mutter something  
-Mildly flirtatious under his breath and then  
-Just walk away
-It was quite confusing
-But honestly you had a feeling he was just a filrty person  
-You certainly weren’t the only girl he smirked at
-Not that you pay attention
-Maybe you do  
-Pay attention  
-but it’s not your fault!!!!  
-You just  
-Can’t help but feel a little jealous
-You kiiiiiinda have a little thing for him
-Maybe it’s a big thing  
-Maybe it’s a massive
-But look at him!!!
-You simply couldn’t be blamed
-It was his fault  
-That’s what you’re going with
-It was Jungkook
-And his tight t shirts
-His ripped jeans
-His dangly earrings
-His tattoos
-His big
-Stupid boots
-Ugh ok
-You have work to do
-The whole reason you began coming to Jungkook's cafe was so you -could find a consistent place to study for your exams
-You were in school to become a teacher :)  
-And teachers have to study very very hard  
-Educating the youth is no easy feat  
-Jungkook had asked what you were studying during the first week you arrived at his spooky house of baked goods
-“Oh I’m an education major”
-“Ahh so you’re getting an education about...education.” He concludes
-“I love it.”
-“So meta.”
-“Are they educating you on the disparities between impoverished children and wealthier children?”
-His wide eyes were brimming with genuine curiosity  
-You kind of got a kick out of how candid he was about such heavy conversation topics
-“Not as much as they should be but, I’m actually writing a paper on a similar topic right now...”
-This caused a brilliant grin to come over his face
-It was almost blinding really
-And it made your heartbeat all wonky  
-“Of course you are. You look smart like that...”
-He had backed away from your table then, seemingly satisfied
-Had you passed the vibe check?
-“I’ll leave you to your paper.” He nodded to your laptop but as he walked away, he pivoted back towards you on and the heel of his combat boot, “welcome to Blackheart Bakery by the way, let me know if I can get you anything.”
-Another brilliant smile is sent your way  
-“Thank you.” You had smiled back, sending a tiny wave his way
-Which in turn, made HIS heartbeat all wonky  
-You’re cute
-Like really cute
-And despite how often it may seem like his eyes are elsewhere
-They are ALWAYS on you
-Every chance he gets he is glancing your way
-Smirking to himself at how endearing you are
-Brow furrowed
-Lips pouted in concentration  
-Completely oblivious to his gaze
-He has to remind himself to look away  
-He doesn’t want to be a creep
-“Creepy men deserved to get kicked in the teeth...”
-He’s said this to you before when another patron had made you uncomfortable
-Jungkook kicked him out immediately  
-“If you don’t leave, I’ll have no choice but to kick you in the teeth. One, because I can’t compromise my personal philosophy and two because you’re making my favorite customer uncomfortable.”
-Oh look there goes your heartbeat again
-The guy leaves in an angry rush, flipping Jungkook off in the process
-Saying something about leaving a bad Yelp review  
-He doesn’t care tho
-He definitely doesn’t want to be a creep
-You’re just so  
-He rolls his eyes at himself behind the espresso bar
-The latte in front of him neglected  
-In need of a bit of foam
-“Focus Jeon, she’s just a chick...”
No wait
-“She’s just a woman. A woman who I respect, like I respect all women...”
-He’s been watching a lot of feminist theory on YouTube
-He likes staying educated  
-And also fuck the patriarchy
-The man waiting for his drink has arched a brow at this point, wondering if his barista has lost his mind
-“Uhhh medium...” he checks the cup for his awful hand writing, “ghostly toasted marshmallow latte!”
-“Thanks.” The guy mutters, throwing a judging look Jungkook's way  
-He gives him a lazy salute as the guy struts away with a briefcase in tow
-“Thaaanks.” Jungkook mocks him, his face scrunching up in annoyance  
-Stupid man
-With his stupid briefcase  
-As Jungkook is pulling out a batch of cream cheese frosting stuffed pumpkin muffins  
-Or as Jungkook calls them
-PUNK-in Muffins
-Movement at the counter catches his eye
-is that
-”oh shit...” He grunts, hastily wiping his hands on his apron and rushing over to the counter
-normally he would meander
-or even slump to greet any new guests at this hour
-and by this hour
-he means 45 minutes before closing
-Jungkook’s bakery is open til midnight on weeknights
-9pm on Sundays
-and 3am on Saturdays (for the culture of course, gotta keep it spooky)
-tonight happens to be a Friday night and the person awaiting his assistance is
-”You’re still here?” He gawks, the black polish on his nails glimmering as he punches in a few keys on the register
-You offer him a tired and slightly amused smile, “No. Y/N died around 4:30, you’re speaking to her ghost. Please leave your message after the tone.”
-Jungkook cracks a smile, his palms resting on flat on the counter, “Do ghosts check their voicemails?”
-“Oh of course not but, I will be checking yours because you have access to caffeine.”
-Jungkook laughs
-no...he giggles  
-and it’s fucking cute
-but you digress
-“I feel like I should cut you off...this is your 4th latte; I’m pretty sure you’re 80% caffeine at this point...”
-“Noooo, don’t do that.” You whine slumping against the counter, “I just need to finish this one page...”
-He quirks a brow as he scribbles something on your cup, unimpressed with your statement, “You said that three hours ago. I’ll make you another one but I’m not putting an extra shot in.”
-Your face turns up in protest but he click his tongue against his teeth , shaking a manicured finger at you
-“Ah ah- nope. I don’t want to hear it. You either take that or I’m making you a hot chocolate and shutting the buildings power off.”
-With a dramatic sigh, you concede
-“Ugh fine. Here-” You go to hand him your debit card but he shakes his head
-“Put that away.”
-You want to protest but given the fact that he’s made the rules thus far during this interaction, you doubt you’d be able to stop him.
-A smile appears on your face then, appreciative of his generosity
-“Thank you.”
-He merely grins, waving you off before rolling up the sleeves of his black Blink 182 shirt
-as soon as his tattoos are out
-all the moisture leaves your mouth
-you try your hardest not to stare at him
-expertly, he eases the espresso shots into the milk, tongue poking between his lips in concentration
-and you
-being sleep-deprived
-and a little loopy
-decide to  
-if you could even call it that
-which you could but you shouldn’t
-“For the record, when I finally dig my way out of this of mountain of death I’m stuck in, I will definitely take you up on that hot chocolate...”
-Jungkook’s brow quirks at the tone of your voice, his hands suddenly itching with nerves
-was that
-was that flirty?
-should he flirt back?
-“My hot chocolate is legendary. You won’t be disappointed.” His lips display a small grin as he places the lid atop your finished latte, “Also mountain of death is a great name and I WILL be stealing it.”
-You giggle
-“and I WILL be suing you for copyright.”
-He laughs now, wiping up the bit of milk he spilled
-the sinewy muscles in his forearm tensing and untensing
“Good luck getting me to show up to court.”
-and that’s kinda how it was between you and Jungkook
-for like six months
-it was a little bit flirty but never anything to push either over you over the edge.
-and speaking of being on edge
-recently, you had gone from vacationing in your timeshare on the edge
-to signing a 35 year mortgage contract  
-4 bedrooms
-2.5 bathrooms
-of pure
-you could feel it in the middle of your back
-shoving itself up between your shoulder blades
-your body seemed to ache with it
-the worst part being
-it was Halloween
-You should be out with your friends, having fun
-wearing itchy costumes and drinking sugary drinks
-but instead, your headed towards the bakery to work
-Jungkook was behind the counter, smiling happily at a family dressed like the cast of scooby doo
-from what you could see he was wearing a skeleton onesie
-his jet black hair tousled perfectly above his head
-he looked adorable
-(and hot)
-He notices you instantly, his face turning up in surprise
-you offer up a small wave and head over to your table
-you know he’s going to say something about you being there but
-you don’t really have much of a choice
-this work has to be done
-it takes him a second to spot you but when he does
-he seems to perk up
-his smile brightening as he looks back towards his customer
-as you’re setting everything up, you feel a presence (not the spooky kind) at the end of your table
-it’s Jungkook and he has your regular order in one hand, along with something wrapped in skeleton-patterned parchment paper
-“I know, I know.” You acknowledge before he’s even able to chide you for being here
-He smirks “What are you doing studying on the holiest day of the year??”
-You giggle
-“The holiest day of the year huh?”
-“Of course. Halloween is the one night a year that the homies can dress like total -sluts and no one can say anything about it.”
-This makes you giggle again
-“And you went with slutty skeleton huh? I love it- it’s like as naked as you can possibly get.”
-He chuckles, gesturing to his costume
-His floppy black hair getting in his face
-“Damn right baby.”
-The way he grins tells you the pet name is a joke
-But the deepening of his voice gets to you anyway
-“Thank you for this. I promise I’ll get out of your hair early tonight.”
-“The only thing I’m worried about getting out of my hair is this white spray paint. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”
-He’s put a streak of white spray paint in his raven locks
-Why? You’re not certain
-Does it look good on him, like everything else does?
-Its been a few hours since your night of studying began
-Jungkook’s dropped off two free lattes since you’ve arrived  
-As well as a slice of his ‘I write cinnamon not tragedies’ bread
-Which was equally hilarious and delicious
-You caught him glancing over at your table a few times but you didn’t think anything of it
-He’s probably just checking to make sure that no one needs your table
-His bakery is packed most nights but Halloween is a special night at Blackheart Bakery
-He has a trick or treat counter set up with free (homemade) candy
-A photo op complete with a fake haunted house backdrop
-A Halloween playlist
-And a bunch of discounts on his signature lattes and food
-you watch him amongst the chaos
-He is completely unfazed
-He seems elated at the amount of customers he has
-he grins and laughs at something a man dressed like Thor says at his counter
-he seems entirely in his element
-you realize that the denial tactics you’ve been trying out haven’t been working
-because this floppy haired, tattooed, slutty skeleton/baker kind of has a hold on your heart
-you’ve been friends for a long time now
-he always makes sure you’re taken care of
-he always asks if you’re ok
-he always gives you this little grin
-it feels like a secret sometimes
-but maybe it’s been his way of letting you know where he stands
-he’s been bringing you lattes and pastries for months now
-he never charges you full-price
-he always reminds you not to work too hard
-he likes you doesn’t he?
-you look back over at the counter to see him bending over and handing a skeleton cookie to a little girl dressed like Captain Marvel
-he laughs at something she says
-his eyes focused entirely on her and whatever she seems to be proclaiming to him  
-your heart goes wonky again
-enough is enough
-you’re doing this  
-Jungkook’s done so much of the work thus far
-it’s time for you to seal the deal
-and if he rejects you, well…
-you can just crawl into a hole and never come out again
-easy peasy
-You can feel his eyes on you as you get up to take your place in line
-luckily there isn’t anyone else behind you
-rejection with an audience would certainly be worse
-Jungkook has his witty comment ready for you as you approach the register
-“I know for a fact you haven’t finished your third latte and I’m not making you another one until-“
-“I’m not here for another latte.” You laugh, trying to ignore the thrashing of your heartbeat
-“No? Well, are you finally going to try my Welcome to the Blackened Chicken Parade Burger then? I’ve been asking you for like three weeks…”
-god he’s fucking cute
-“I’m here to ask you out.”
-Jungkook swears he feels his heart stop
-“You’re here to…”
-He repeats the first part of your response as his he didn’t hear you
-his black fingernails anxiously tapping against the countertop
-“I’m here to ask you out- on a date.”
-Jungkooks face seems to go through various stages of confusion before a shy smirk presents itself on his pretty mouth
-“Me? You’re asking me-“ He places a hand on his chest, “-out on a date?”
-“Yes!” You laugh, slapping the counter a bit too hard, your nerves getting the best of you, “Are you down?”
-He shakes his head but his answer contradicts his movements
-“So down, beyond down. There is no one on Earth who is more DOWN than I am. Yes. My answer is yes. 50000% yes.”
-you can’t help the smile on your lips
-“great. So are you free next Friday then?”
-He grins with his teeth this time, nodding emphatically  
-“Consider the shop closed.”
-and so it was
-you returned to your table moments later  
-feeling on top of the world
-you did it
-you asked Jungkook out
-and he said yes
-and now you
-you try your best to engage with your studies but with Jungkook on your mind
-its really hard
-roughly two hours later, things at the bakery have finally started to slow down
-“Hey uh- Y/N?”
-Jungkook's voice that pulls you out of your studying trance
-he’s standing at the entrance of his back room, waving you over with his hand
-and who are you to deny him?
-you make your way over there, annoyed at the instant increase in your heartrate
-he stands awkwardly to the side and gestures to the boxes on the metal rack
-“I just remembered that I’ve never given you a tour of the place. I give all my regulars a tour of the stockroom and my office and uh-”
-he cuts himself off and clumsily cups your cheek
-he pulls you into a kiss
-a really good kiss
-his lips are so warm
-he smells like cinnamon
-you could literally die happy
-The ridiculous nature of his first attempt to kiss you, makes you giggle into his mouth
-you feel him smile, his hands smushing your cheeks together as he pulls away
-“Ok I lied. There is no tour. I’ve just been watching you focus on your computer for the last two hours and you’re just really fucking cute and-”
-this time, it’s you who cuts him off
-“You better give me an actual tour next time. How else am I going to steal your secret recipes?”
-he scoffs in mock offense
-“Ah ha! So that’s the only reason you asked me out huh? Should I be calling you Plankton instead of Y/N? Ew no wait- that would make me Mr. Krabs and he’s a dirty capitalist...”
-You laugh, “Oooh good point. Guess you’ll just have to be Karen, my computer wife.”
-This makes him laugh now and the sound warms your soul
-“I could live with that- I like your last name better anyways.”
-with another kiss, your adventure with the emo baker of your dreams begins
-It may have been Halloween but it sure felt like Christmas to you
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hollandsangel · 3 years
i hope new york holds you | c.b.
crying bc this imagine gives me corbina vibes
inspired by the line “i hope new york holds you, i hope it holds you like i do” from la la lost you by NIKI and 88rising (it doesn’t really reconcile w the imagine but it’s still a vv good song)
summary: loving someone far away hurts sometimes
warnings: not sad this time lol
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His house still smelled like you. He was still missing the chain he had let you borrow, but he didn’t want it back. 
You were back home, in New York. You always told him that you loved how it got cold in the winter there, that the way Times Square looked on New Year’s Eve was one of your favourite views, and that nothing could beat a New York thrift shop. New York was your home, but you were his.
He missed you more and more every time you said goodbye, he hated waking up without you in his bed, hated waking up when you were across the country. Corbyn knew you missed him too, he could tell from all the hoodies of his you shoved into your suitcase before you left him each time and from all the random packages he received from you unannounced. 
Sometimes the long distance thing was good, especially once the two of you had gotten used to it over the past two years. But sometimes, it wasn’t so good. Sometimes he would listen to voicemails you had sent him months ago, other times you would call him crying at one am because you just couldn’t stand to be so far from him for so long. When he would pick you up at the airport, neither of you would let go of each other for nearly four hours afterwards, but that’s how you liked it.
Daniel looked over to the seat Corbyn had just been sitting in, his attention being drawn to the ringing phone. Daniel grabbed Corbyn’s phone from the couch cushion,, sliding to accept your facetime request.
“Hey babe, I was wondering if you left one of your chains here when you came last month, because I found a silver one but it’s not mine and I’m pretty sure I saw- oh hey Daniel.” You finally looked up from your bedroom floor, which you had been tidying up when you called your boyfriend.
“Don’t tell Corbyn I called you babe.”
Daniel laughed at you, promising he wouldn’t when Corbyn came into his view. “Hey, Corbyn! Y/n called and I picked up, she called me babe because she wasn’t looking at the screen.”
“Daniel! You promised!” He only shrugged towards the phone, handing it to Corbyn who had a bright grin lighting up his face.
“Hey pretty girl.” 
“He betrayed me.”
“It’s okay, as long as he isn’t calling you babe.” The words came tumbling out between the grin on his lips.
“Ew.” You cringed, only making Corbyn’s smile widen. 
“So how’s New York? Snowing there yet?” he asked, sitting back down on the now empty couch.
“A little, most of it came yesterday and today. It looked really pretty last night, I should've sent you a video.” you leaned out of the frame to plug in your phone before continuing, “if it snows again, I’ll make sure to send one.”
“I can’t wait.”
“So how ‘bout you, how’s L.A. been?”
Corbyn let out a huff, his hair flying upwards as he did. “Fast.”
Your eyebrows bowed together, examining your boyfriend through the screen. “How so bub?”
He sunk further into the sofa, switching the hand he held his phone in before he spoke again. “Well there’s rehearsals and interviews, then there’s fittings and recordings and shows and the guy’s and I have been getting together basically every night at Daniel’s to write. We just keep going, and I love it, I really do. This is the dream, but I miss my bed.” he finished with a laugh. “I miss you. I wish we could be together for christmas this year.
The corners of your lips turned up in a sad smile, “I miss you too baby. And I’ll see you on New Years’ Eve.” your attempts to comfort him were fruitless.
“I hope New York holds you.” He took a small breath, “hope it holds you like I do.”
You smiled at him, and he admired you through the pixilated facetime resolution. “No one holds me like you do Corb.”
The change in weather from New York to L.A. always took you by surprise. You boarded the plane with snow in your hair and got off with the sun kissing your skin. Even two days before New Years Eve, the breeze was light and the air was hot. Your body buzzed as you pulled your ringing phone from your back pocket, worried it would be your boyfriend and that you would have to lie to him about your location again. The nerves in your body relaxed slightly when the name across your screen revealed Daniel’s name.
“Do you think he knows?” your voice was worried as you spoke into the phone, eyes searching for your luggage on the conveyor belt.
“What a greeting y/n/n.”
“Oh, hi Daniel, how are you? Yeah, I’m good too. Okay so do you think Corb knows I’m here to surprise him three days early?” 
“You’re the worst. And nah, he’s at my house with Zach and Jonah working out right now, so he’s definitely distracted.”
You finally found your suitcase and started looking for your gate, dying to get out of the airport. “What does he think you’re doing then?”
“Picking up the food we ordered, which I still need to grab by the way.”
“Alright, as long as you buy me lunch.”
Once you had made it through the airport, you had to try and navigate for Daniel’s car. Lucky, he saw you first and drove right up to you, and you were happy to see a familiar face. 
“He’s gonna be so excited to see you, like might actually jump on you excited.”
“I hope so, I really miss him too.”
The drive back to Daniel’s house had you restless, all you wanted was to be back in Corbyn’s arms.
Daniel had you take the food into the back where the boys were, knowing that Corbyn would be caught off guard. With that, you casually walked through the house into the back yard, setting the two bags of food on the table before speaking up.
“So, who ordered what?” Corbyn snapped up at your voice, his eyes finding you immediately.
“y/n!? What are you doing here!?” he was at your side in an instant, pulling you into him as tightly as he could. You didn’t even mind that he was sweaty and out of breath, at least he was finally with you.
“I missed you baby, merry late christmas.” you mumbled against his chest, tightening the hold you had on him.
“I missed you more, I love you so much.” he lifted your chin, and you took in his appearance quickly. No shirt, thick chain, his favourite hat resting backwards over his brunette locks. He interrupted your wondering eyes by pressing his lips to yours, and you had almost forgotten how perfect his kisses were. Almost. “Best christmas gift I could have gotten.” he kissed you again.
“So, does New York hold you like I do?” he asked playfully, kissing your forehead before looking back down at you.
You shook your head, snuggling back into his chest.
No one could hold you like he could.
@randomlimelightxxx @chanelwonders @baby-bearie @averysbestyears @g7aesthetic @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @babyzachyy @jayjaw023
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ravenluvsppnbc · 3 years
today’s prompt was “break up/make up” but i don’t like breakups so i did this. i hope it is suffice. please enjoy. its on ao3 also :)
”It had been a week. Beca felt so alone. She laid still in her bed, starring at the wall. She really was so alone—she lost everything. Chloe, who had broken up with her last week. She couldn’t talk to anyone about it, which makes sense, considering the cause of sudden singleness. Beca was scared. She was terrified to come out. Chloe couldn’t do it. She loved Beca, so much. But hiding isn’t fun after devoting a year and a half to someone.
A part of Chloe regrets it. She loves Beca. She still wants to be with her, but if Beca isn’t ready, none of it is going to work.
Beca is still sulking. She hasn’t gotten out of bed in almost two days, except for times when necessary. Her eyes are bloodshot and her makeup from days prior is soaked into her face, yet so erased. Surprisingly, she hasn’t slept in days. 
It was nearing midnight when she reached for the phone on her bedside table. She dialed the numbers. She knew she shouldn’t. But she couldn’t help it. Chloe declined the call. Of course. But Beca listened to the sweet voicemail.
“Hey! It’s Chloe! I can’t make it to the phone right now, leave me a message!” Beca smiled as her girlfrie- EX-girlfriend’s voice played through the speaker. This was kinda their thing. Voicemails. Weird, but sweet in a way. Beca would always call Chloe at some late hour, when there was no way that Chloe would pick up. She’d leave a message for Chloe to wake up to. It was like a morning text, Beca’s way. Beca sighed, remembering all of this. She could tell that Chloe was smiling when she recorded the greeting.
Beca loved happy Chloe—well, she loved Chloe, but happy Chloe was always her favorite. Happy Chloe seemed to just make everything better. Chloe could reflect her happiness onto everything and everyone. Everyone needed it. Chloe was just special like that.
“Hey. It’s me, Beca. Uh. I don’t have a whole lot to say, but I really want—need—to talk to you. I still want to be with you. And I know you made your choice a few days ago. I totally respect it. But I also think I’m ready. Meet me in the park tomorrow night—if you don’t come, I’ll know the answer.”
Chloe listened to the voicemail a few times. Of course she still loved Beca.  
Chloe walked into the park when the sun had just set. She put her hands into her jacket pockets as she looked for Beca, who she found, waiting on a bench. She immediately noticed that Beca had been crying. She hated seeing Beca sad. Beca wiped another tear from her face as she stood up. “Hi.”
“Hey.” Chloe replied, patting Beca’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Beca starts, “I really am. I didn’t mean to hurt you by hiding. I was trying to figure some stuff out.”
The brisk air traveled all around them, as they walked through the park. There’s some silence for a few minutes. Chloe looks up at the stars.
The fight from the other day repeats in Beca’s head, over and over and over. “Beca you don’t understand. I want to be here with you, together. I want to kiss you in pubic and hold you hand. I want to be yours. All you do is hide me. Are you embarrassed of me? You don’t seem to be when we’re alone.”
“Chloe, I’m sorry-”
“So am I. Because I’m done. I can’t do this if you won’t stop hiding.”
Beca sighs, bringing herself back into the present with a hard blink. She hears Chloe say, “Beca it’s okay.
“No. Chloe it’s not. Not for me. I am so in love with you, and I, I hope you aren’t completely over me. I want to get back together.” Beca says, fidgeting with her hands. “And I will come out. I just need a second.”
“Metaphorical second or a literal second? I don’t know how many seconds I can wait, Beca. I still love you, but I hate not being able to kiss or date you in public.”
“I know. I’m just scared. Of everything. The world. People. I don’t want this to change things for me. I’m still Beca, but when I’m openly-gay-Beca, how many people will leave, or judge me? I don’t want to lose everyone.”
“I think you’re really overthinking it. you won’t lose the Bellas, or me. And your friends and family—if they don’t like it, they’re not really your friends or your family. And even if it comes to that. I am your friend. I am your family. The Bellas are too. We’re all here for you. We all love you.”
After a long hug, Beca backs away from Chloe.
“Okay. Let’s do this shit then.” Beca says, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. She grips Chloe’s face with a lot of force than she should have, which causes Chloe to giggle. Beca had really missed this. 
Chloe pulls Beca into the kiss. It’s cold and lovely. Beca snaps a candid shot, letting out a chuckle as she pulled out of the kiss for air. She opens instagram, posting the photo, tagging Chloe, and captioning it, “guys im gay lol.”
“Alright. Now that that’s done, would you like to go back home and cuddle, and perhaps watch a movie.” Beca jokes, shutting her phone off and shoving it back into her pocket.
“You’re so weird. Obviously, let’s go.”
As she settled into bed that night, Beca checked her phone. Loads of likes and comments on her new post. All supportive. She really did go through all this trouble just to realize that she had the best people in her life. 
She lets out a sigh of relief as she snuggles into her girlfriend again. She had not a worry at all.”
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oh-so-scenarios · 4 years
ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪɴɢs...♠| 08
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⤖ ᴡʜᴏ ʜᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇs? Jᴜɴɢ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ ɪs ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴜsʏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴏғ ʜɪs ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ɴᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ. Hᴇ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ʜɪs sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ʜɪᴍ…ʀɪɢʜᴛ?
⤖ Mᴀғɪᴀ Lᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ x ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, Aɴɢsᴛ, sᴍᴜᴛ, sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ!ᴀᴜ,
A/N: Unedited. This is kind of a filler chapter. Finally entering Phase 2 of this story. Lol yall don’t know what that means, but my goodness did it take a while. Please ignore any typos!
(Word Count: 6.1K)
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He hates me. I know it. I crossed the line. That’s probably what I did. I kissed him on the cheek? I confessed my feelings and probably made him even more uncomfortable? Way to go Y/n! Way to go!
It’s been 7 days since the Charity Gala, and while things were buzzing in the news about the transportation company that was being sued for the “loss” of the real artworks, Hoseok has been ignoring me like the plague. Or so I think.
Jennie and I are at the headquarters as much as we are at the hospital and in each visit, and I haven’t seen Hoseok once. No one said anything about him, or where he might be, so I can only assume I angered him. My heart feels...crushed? I thought there was a warm moment, a real moment somewhere in that night of fake hugs and smiles. 
It must have been the alcohol getting to my head, thinking that something was...beginning. It was silent as Jennie and I cleaned up the operating area, the patient still not woken as he rested in the recovery bed.
This is 3rd surgery Jennie and I have performed for the black market. I seem to be the only uncomfortable, seeing as Jennie hums calmly while stripping the dirty gloves off her hands and slipping off the disposable plastic apron to reveal the dark blue scrubs that I also wore. I copied her motions, slipping my gloves off and throwing the apron into the trash bin. 
I took a deep breath and placed my hands on my hips. After the patient was awake and well enough to leave, we’ll have to come back and clean the area better.
I looked over at Jennie who stared back at me with a knowing look, “Jungkook said he was buying fried chicken for everyone.” She spoke softly, glancing towards the knocked-out patient. I wordlessly walked past her to the sink, washing my hands with soap and drying them off. 
I moved to the side, giving her the space to do the same. Her hair was pulled up into a high bun, and though I nagged her about that being inappropriate for surgery, she looked like a chich college student. 
I stood by the sink waiting for her while she hummed to herself. She’s been very happy lately. It’s because of Jaehyun. He makes her happy, and the love radiating from her was depressing. She cheered me on, telling me that the kiss on the cheek was a brave move. It was a great move! I was being assertive! 
But why do I feel like shit? Not a single text, not a call or even an order passed down to Jungkook. Hoseok is missing in action, and no one wants to admit it. If he didn’t hate me before, he hates me now.
We walked out of the room and out the lobby area, finding a chaotic scene. Six men seated around the large round table, fussing and bickering with boxes of fried chicken sat between them. I snickered at the scene, watching Jin stood from his seat to yell at Taehyung.
“You said you didn’t like Lemon pepper! Why are they over on your side!” His voice echoed through the place, while his eyes widen. He shook his head vigorously and his face turned a bright red. Giggles emerged in the room as Taehyung pushed the basket of chicken across the table.
I quietly walked up to a seat beside Namjoon who showed me a kind smile. 
“Done with the surgery already?” Jimin chimes. I nod, glancing over the different types of chicken. Jennie sits about 3 seats away from me, digging into the food right away. Namjoon pushes a basket of some wings, silently offering it to me.
 “Is Hoseok avoiding me?” I asked softly, I was hoping they wouldn’t hear me. That the loud smacking of lips as they ate would drown out my words, but everyone stopped to look at me. Yoongi’s brows furrowed and he looked towards the others as if they had the answer. 
“What do you mean?” Namjoon asked from beside me. I sighed, leaning forward, looking over the wings once more. 
“I haven’t seen him since the gala, and he’s not ordering me around like he usually does…” I trail off as I realize I sound like a whining child.
Jungkook raises an eyebrow at me, chewing the last of the food in his mouth before speaking.
“Boss traveled Y/n, I thought you knew,” Jungkook said a matter of a fact. My mouth made a small O shape, embarrassment consuming my whole body.
“He traveled?” I questioned, looking to Jin who was nodding slowly.
“He left 2 days after the gala, he has some business in Japan. I told him to tell you, but I guess he didn’t.” Jungkook adds with his eyes focused on the wing in his hands. His gaze flickered up to me knowingly. 
Jungkook hasn’t asked me what we were arguing about at the gala when he interrupted, the ride home is silent, while I sniffled and wiped my tears. I can’t be certain why I was crying. Maybe it was because he thought so little of my feelings? Or he found it so hard to believe that someone could like him?
“Why would Boss avoid you?” Namjoon asked, before pointing at the wings he set in front of me. It was silent order to start eating or he was going to take them for himself. 
I reached forward and grabbed one wing, twisting it around with my fingers. I can’t be sure what the flavor is, but that didn’t matter right now. The room grew quiet, some chewing and shuffling containers being all that’s heard. 
I sighed, “I kissed him--” 
“You kissed boss?!” Jungkook exclaims in...excitement? 
“--On the cheek!” I add quickly, not wanting him to jump to conclusions. 
“Wow noona” Jungkook said with his wide eyes gleaming, “and what did he do?
I shrugged, “Nothing. He didn’t say or do anything.” I took a bite of the wing, looking up to see all the guys at the table smiling slightly.
“So what were you so worried about?” Taehyung voices as he reaches for a napkin to clean his mouth. 
“I thought I crossed the line? I didn’t want to anger him or come on too strong.” I was hesitant to say anymore. I only really talk to Jungkook. This is the first time I’m really having a conversation with anyone. Other than Yoongi of course. I didn’t feel uncomfortable though. 
The older guys, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi, weren’t strangers; but they certainly weren’t close friends. They work the closest with Hoseok, so I don't see them as often as I do Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. They do the more of the details for Hoseok. They aren’t as eager to share as the younger guys.
“Hoseok will only protest never encourage.” When Seokjin says it like he’s solved the case, my brows furrow. I’m not following. 
After meeting my unclear facial expression, he sighed and leaned back in his seat. 
“He didn’t say anything, so he didn’t hate it. If he didn’t like it, he’d let you know for sure.”
“That’s just how Hoseok is.” Yoongi adds simply, “And if you are so curious to what he’s up to, just call him.”
“Call him?” 
“Duh. If you’re bothering him, he won’t even pick up. You’ve already gone ahead to do something bold like kissing him, you can’t get bashful now.” Yoongi starts to work on another wing, taking a big bite before reaching for the open water bottle on the table. He pushes his hair back, despite the thick headband that was already feeding that purpose. 
Jennie hadn’t spoken this whole time, too busy stuffing her face with wings. I kept eating while she wiped her mouth with her arm, my eyes widening at the uncharacteristic behavior. Jaehyun is rubbing off on her and that’s clear. Jennie used to be ...stiff. A bit stuck up but not enough to come off as a bitch. 
She had high standards and expected only the finer things, yet she would also go with the flow of things, not wanting on the chance to experience something she could later brag about. Since meeting Jaehyun, she has loosened up in terms of the proper chip that was on her shoulder.
“I say,” She takes a sip of water, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t her water to take. 
She repeats herself, “I say you keep on with what you’re doing. Be forward. You have to be with a laid back guy like Hoseok. Call him, holding his hand, kiss his cheek and all that. If he says he doesn’t like it, stop.”
Taehyung claps his hands together, “We won’t say anything about it and act oblivious! Just do what feels right and we’ll act like it’s nothing new!” 
Taehyung pumps his fight up into the air, the whole action being something you’d expect if he was drunk.
“Operation ‘help Boss understand Y/n’s feelings’ is a go!” 
“He understands,” I mumble, “I told him that I liked that despite his lifestyle.” 
Taehyung shook his head, “No Y/n...we need him to understand!” He deepened his voice on the word ‘understand’.
“Hyung is very smart, but he’s also...dense when it comes to things like this. For him to understand, he needs to see actions. Once he feels like he’s got a handle on the situation, he’ll possibly respond or make a move.”
 I chuckled, “You really know Hoseok really well.”
Taehyung kisses his teeth, “I’ve been studying the mystery that is Jung Hoseok for 8 years now.”
It sounded so easy when the others were talking about it. Call him. Don’t text him, but call him. But now that I am lying on my bed, the butterflies in my stomach were overwhelming. I look at the clock on my wall to see that it’s nearing 10pm, I’m sure he’s awake. 
I grabbed my phone, scrolling and finding his contract. I pressed his name and watched the screen change as the number dialed. I placed the phone on speaker, staring up at the ceiling while I waited, hoping to hear his voice.
A few more rings later, and it went to voicemail. I sighed, hanging up before it could start recording. Of course, he’s busy. According to Namjoon, Hoseok is going for his actual investment work. One day I’ll get Hoseok to tell me more about his investment company. It’s thriving and doing well. 
I turned onto my side, sleep suddenly growing heavy on my eyes. It’s been a long day and I was finally feeling the tiring work of the day while my body relaxed and went slack against my bed and pillow. 
I don’t remember how long my eyes were closed before I felt a buzzing vibrating the bed. My eyes fluttered open, and though my vision was blurry, I could make out the caller ID. 
I grabbed my phone quickly, swiping to answer and hitting the speaker button. I set it down on my bed, staring at the black screen while soft breathing sounded through the iPhone speaker.
“Doc.” He said quietly. He sounded bored, with no sense of urgency or sleepiness. I looked at the clock again. It is 11:34pm. 
“Hi.” I croaked, eyes widen at my own voice. I cleared my throat as quietly as I could.
“I woke you up.” He said, almost sounding sorry. 
I shook my head slowly as if he could see me lying there in my bed, with my hair a mess and my baggy T-shirt and shorts. 
“I don’t mind. I don’t work tomorrow.” I answered. There a beat of silence, and I can hear cars zooming in the background.
“You called me?” He sounded annoyed, not because I called, but the fact that I wasn’t speaking. 
“Yeah,” I replied softly, “I didn’t realize you traveled.”
“I guess I didn’t tell you, it was sort of last minute. I had to handle some business.” He replied. 
“Oh, I see.” I pause for a moment, “I hope I’m not bothering you when you’re busy.” I rush out that last bit, my nerves getting to me. 
“No, you’re not.” 
“Ok, cool. Umm...how much longer are you staying in Japan?” My desperate attempts at preventing an awkward silence.
“Why?” I could hear the smirk in his voice, “Do you miss me?” He chuckles soon after, showing that he was teasing. I bit on my bottom lip nervously as he laughed. I gripped my bedsheets in on hand and closed my eyes, thinking of how I should be bold. Without opening my eyes I spoke the first thing that came to mind.
“I miss you a lot.” Hearing the words leave my lips caused my skin to tingle. My eyes remain closed while I listen to Hoseok on the other line. His laughter dies down and I heard a slight shuffle. He doesn’t speak for a short time, leaving me in my dread and fear.  
“I’ll be back in 4 days,” His teasing tone was no more, he spoke simply and plainly. My shoulders drop in relief. He’s ignoring my statement, which I regret even saying so him ignoring it is for the best. I heard more shuffling and what sounded like a car door closing.
My eyes stay closed as I speak again.
“Good,” My voice is light, sleepiness taking hold of me again. I yawned lightly, and we sit in silence for a little while.
“Go to bed, Y/n.” Sounding like he was ordering a child. But I was too tired to say something smart. 
“Good night Hoseok, sorry for bothering you,” I muttered. 
He takes in a deep breath, sounding like he made up his mind on something, “Y/n?”
I hum in reply, irritation rising as he was keeping me from falling asleep.
“Whenever you start missing me, just call me.” He said the words casually, but he spoke quietly this time. My eyes snapped open in surprise. He cleared his throat, showing discomfort with his own words. He’s nervous?  I looked at my phone in time to see the screen flash to black as he hung up the phone without a goodbye. 
He said to call him whenever I start missing him? I laid there with my eyes wide and my mind empty. My heart racing to the point of my vision vibrating as I stared blankly at the wall opposite of me.
The conversation was short, awkward and almost forced but...it wasn’t awful. I would like to think that he enjoyed our conversation. He also didn’t say anything about the kiss or the gala. But it was nice to have a small normal chat. 
Whenever you start missing me, just call me. 
My lips turned up into a shy smile, “He’s too cute.” I say to no one in particular.
To say, nothing had changed...wrong. But to say things had changed would also be wrong. Hoseok hasn’t brought up the gala, the kiss or even the investigation being conducted on the small delivering company that is being accused of swapping the real art with fake art.
Hoseok wasn’t really attempting to make conversation, but he wouldn’t suggest hanging up whenever we sat in silence. He comes back from Japan tomorrow, but I’ve called him 2 more times in the past 3 days. Usually later at night, when he is on his way back to the hotel. Calling him the second time was harder than calling the first time. 
Whenever you start missing me, just call me. What was that? Where did that come from? He doesn’t make mention of it again, and neither do I. But it feels like his words loomed over us with every conversation we had. Like he wanted to say something about it but was waiting for me to bring it up. 
I stared up at the ceiling as I heard the shuffling of bedsheets and blankets. Unlike the other times I called, Hoseok was actually in his hotel bed this time. Since our conversations were barely conversations. I’d ask him how his day was, I’d get a one-word answer followed by me desperately trying to keep the flow of things going. I wanted to try and dig deeper. If he doesn’t want to tell me. He won’t. 
“Hoseok?” My voice sounds quiet and lacks confidence. When he replies he sounds distracted and I can faintly hear his fingers tapping away at his phone screen.
“Yeah?” He sounds distracted.
“So you took over for your father when you were 16?” I asked timidly, a slight tremble in my voice. I heard another shuffle, with a small sigh following after.
“Yeah,” He answered, “No big deal.” 
He was trying to brush it off, but I wasn’t going to move on that quickly.
“It must have been scary...dealing with the death of your father, but also being ushered into such a big role.”
“I don’t want your pity.” He hissed. My heart dropped a bit, feeling the peaceful chat turning dour. 
“I’m not pitying you, I just imagine it must have been hard.”
“I managed, I had the guys to help me out. I did what was expected of me and I turned out fine.” 
I opened my mouth to reply but he kept speaking, so I sat and listened.
“My dad was sick, and I knew what was coming so I was ready for it. I prepared and was able to move forward.” 
“How do you prepare for something like that? Taking such a big role I mean.”
He groans, “I don’t know. I just stopped hanging out with friends, I stopped my hobbies and things like that. My relationship with the guys also changed. It was...rough.”
My eyes perked up, “You knew the guys before?” 
Hoseok lets out a humorless chuckle, a bitterness underlying the action. 
“They were my best friends before I became their boss.” He sounded sad, and I felt sad as well. There was a longing in his voice. How much as his relationship with the boys changed? They seem...close, right? I wouldn’t exactly call their relationship the typical friendship, but I wouldn’t say it’s lacking. 
Before I respond, ready to reassure Hoseok, a thought enters my mind. I don’t know what their friendship was before, and how or why did the guys agree to do such work for Hoseok? Were they already aware of Hoseok’s father and the lifestyle he had? 
“They’re still your best friends now.” I inject, wondering why he was speaking in the past tense. 
He scoffs, “Nah, I wouldn’t agree.”
“They just work for me at this point, I doubt they like me anymore.” The statement sounded so insecure. My brows furrowed and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The flashbacks to Taehyung’s cheeky smile as he spoke about Hoseok were battling the words I just heard.
“What?” I shake my head, “What would make you think that? Has the boss, employee overshadowed the friendship? Is that what you think?” 
He doesn’t respond, leaving me with his calm breathing as a sign of his distress.
“I don’t think it’s that way at all Hoseok! If you feel that way, I think you should talk to them about it.” 
When he still refuses to speak, my heart grows heavier. Does he go around just thinking everyone holds some sort of animosity, does he? The conversation at the gala makes sense, and a light bulb flickers on above my head.
Do you really like me? 
“Why are you so keen on having everyone detest you?” My tone comes out a bit rougher than I intended, but it doesn’t seem like he noticed.
“My line of work doesn’t really let me be a people person.”
“But that’s work, isn’t it? There’s a time where you gotta shut the work mindset off...right?”
Another beat of silence, my own breathing sounding louder than Hoseok’s. Another shuffle from his end and a grunt. I’m guessing he was changing his position on the bed. 
“Go to sleep, doc. You’ll see me tomorrow.” That’s all he said and the line disconnected. He hung up. 
Once again I’m left lying in my bed with my thumping heart and my thoughts. What a ball of secrets Jung Hoseok is. Just what is going on in that head and heart of his?
“We did the best we could,” I said to Jennie as we walked down the hospital hallway. We trailed behind Dr. Lee who was looking down at his clipboard. Our heels click against the tile floor, as we zoom towards room 323. We were on our way to check on a patient who just woke from a surgery we performed the day before. 
We already knew this was going to be a rough one. A terrible car accident has left a couple in a sad state. The wife, an older woman in her early 50’s had damage to her legs, leaving her partially paralyzed. Only temporarily. With proper physical therapy, Ms. Cho will be able to walk again.
As for Mr. Cho, he is stuck in a sleep-like-state. A coma, one could say, however it is believed that he can hear his surroundings. Though we did surgery to stop the internal bleeding, the seriousness of his injuries can’t be known until he awake. 
I glanced at my outfit, the yellow dress seeming too bright for the depressing atmosphere we were going to enter. However, the yellow dress was significant to my mood. The happy butterflies floating around my stomach were clouding my focus. 
It was a dress Jennie gifted me a few months back, and it sat in my closet collecting dust. The dress stopped right at my knees, it’s shaping being form-fitting with being skin tight. The hem of the skirt ruffled out, giving it a spring vibe. The whole dress was covered in white polka dots, less than you would regularly see for the pattern. The v neck wasn’t deep enough to be inappropriate, and the sort sleeves also had the same ruffle as the skirt hem. My white heels complimented the whole look.
When I strolled into work today, Jennie was sipping her coffee, only to have her eyes widen as she choked. 
“Wow,” She breathed, “You look hot!” I cringed, gesturing my hands for her to bring her voice down. She was being too loud. A few nurses turned their eyes, raising their eyebrows. 
“Mr. Jung must be returning today,” one of the nurses at the help desk muttered loudly, “I heard he hasn’t been at any board meetings because he traveled.” I turned my head towards the voice to meet a teasing set of eyes. 
I stared at her and she shrugged, “Am I wrong?” She giggled looking me up and down. The other nurses giggled along with her. 
“It is that obvious?” I whispered to Jennie. She took another sip from her Starbucks cup before she gave me a thorough once over. She takes a look at my outfit, a cheesy smile pulling at her lips while her eyes moved up to my face.
“Oh hell yeah.” She chimes. I grunt, covering my face with both hands.
“He’s going to think I’m such a try-hard.” I groaned then adjusted my white doctor’s coat to try to cover the dress more.
Jennie bites her lip, the red lipstick that painted them not smudging one bit. She brought her coffee cup up to her lips as if to take a sip. She raised her shoulders and turned her body to the side as if she was hiding something from me with her body.
“Y/n, I’d be more worried that you’d make him hard.” She whispers just loud enough for me to hear. My face heats up and a coy expression grazes my face.
“You think so?”
“Oh, I know so!” She exclaimed, winking at me.
We stood there waiting for Mr. Lee to arrive. He told us to meet him here at noon, and it’s already 12:23. The longer we stood there talking, the more I noticed glances my way from patients and fellow workers. 
“Is the dress inappropriate for work?” My face scrunches up and my insecure questions slip from my lips.
“No, not at all. You’re just giving off different vibes than usual. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, you look good.” 
Before I could reply, Jennie spoke again, “You talked to him on the phone yesterday?” 
“Yup,” I said popping the p, “The conversation gets...better. It was very weird at first but it’s smoother now. You can tell he doesn’t usually do that kind of thing.” 
Jennie nodded in an approving manner, “That’s sweet.” She smiled and took another long sip of her coffee from tossing the empty cup into the nearby trash can. She turned back around just as Dr. Lee rounded the corner. 
“Took him long enough,” Jennie said under her breath. She stuffed her hands into her coat pockets, giving me a better look of her outfit. She wore a simple black turtleneck, the fabric looking too thin to protect from any cold, and a sage green skirt that was shorter than my dress with black heels. Her red lipstick popped and her slicked-back ponytail with the side part made her look so slick.
Jennie takes more risks with her outfits than I do. She dances right on the line of a provocative and voguish. No wonder this amazing dress I’m wearing is something she bought me. My hair was down today, Jennie telling me that pulled the outfit together more.
“Sorry for being late ladies. I-” Dr. Lee’s voice catches in his throat as he looked up from his clipboard. He gawked at me, blinking his eyes repeatedly and racking his eyes down my body. He snaps out of his trance not a second later, looking back to my face and shamelessly smiling at me.
“Dr. L/n, you are...breath-taking.” He said honestly. 
I roll my eyes, “Thank you, Dr. Lee.” 
“Let me take you out to dinner.” 
I falsely give it some thought, “Mh, sure! I’ll be sure to bring Mr. Jung along.” 
His smile drops at the mention of Hoseok, but the flirty nature in his eyes doesn’t change.
“Well, I’ll always be here.” He said with a wink, looking down at his clipboard again.
“And that’s unfortunate.” Jennie jeered back.
And that’s how we ended up where we are now, marching down the hallway to deliver not so good news to an older lady. By the time we reached the door of room 323, yelling could be heard. A thin and harsh voice was shouting while the calm voice of a nurse battled on.
Dr. Lee opened the door and all the noise stopped.
“Ms. Cho.” Dr. Lee said as he stepped in and we followed.
“Where is my husband?!” She shouts. 
Dr. Lee sighs, “Please Ms. Cho, give us some time to help you understand what is going on.” 
After she yells on for a few more minutes, Dr. Lee manages to calm her down. Her chest rises and falls intensely as lays back in her hospital bed. Her brows were furrowed and she glowered at us. Her gaze shifted between the 3 of us. Dr. Lee is going to do most of the talking, and we were just here to give the details of the surgery and the results.
Jennie and I took some time to explain to Ms. Cho the results of her surgery along with the condition of her legs. We had to pause for a moment as she cried. I made sure to give her a tissue and tried my best to comfort her. After we finished updating her on her condition, came the hard news of her husband.
There is no easy way to break news like that. And it’s always hard to see how people handle news like this. One of the nurses rubbed her back as she sobbed. Her black hair falling into her face.
We were in there for quite some time, setting up her physical therapy appointments. Jennie was discussing with Dr. Lee while I spoke to the nurse regarding the changes to Ms. Cho’s care.
“Young lady,” Ms. Cho suddenly says to me, sniffling in the process. I look over at her, showing a small smile.
“I know you have many patients to take care of, and you probably hear this a lot. But...my husband is my everything. Please do whatever you can to save him. Money isn’t an issue.” It’s hard to believe this soft-spoken woman was the same angry voice shouting earlier.
Her bloodshot eyes were tired and sad, but in general, she looked young for her age. Her skin lacked wrinkles or any significant sign of aging. 
I smiled at her, “Of course Ms. Cho, we will do our best.”
A small smile pulls at the corner of her lips and I watch her eyes move to my white coat, “Dr. L/n?” She reads my name.
I smile, “Yup, that’s me. Y/n L/n.” 
“A lovely name for a lovely girl.” She says softly. 
“Thank you so much, ma’am. I must say you’re also very beautiful.” 
She laughs slightly, having it fade off into a sigh, “My beauty is all I have at this point.” 
She throws a gentle punch at her legs, “These things are useless.” She mutters. 
“Ms. Cho, you won’t be in a wheelchair forever, we can promise you that,” I assured her.
She looks towards Dr. Lee and back at me, “Is that guy any good? His rehearsed smile and strong cologne are throwing me off.” 
I cough to hide my laughter while the nurse closes to me giggles with her hand covering her mouth.
“Dr. Lee is one of the finest doctors I know, he won’t lead you astray. His smile may be a practice, but if there’s one thing that is genuine, it’s his love for helping others.” She nods like my words put her doubts to rest.
“Thank you Dr. L/n, and I apologize for yelling at you earlier. That isn’t like me.” She looks down shyly, clearly embarrassed by her previous behavior.
“Don’t worry about it Mrs. Cho, I would have reacted the same way. You just went through a very disorienting series of events. I wouldn’t expect you to be poised.”
She smiles but soon gasps as if forgetting something. 
“And the other driver? How is he?”
While I explained the conditions of the other driver, who also had serious injuries, Jennie and Dr. Lee came back from the corner of the room they were standing in.
“Mrs. Cho, you’ll be staying with us here at Seoul Sky Hospital for some time and we’re happy to have you. We will do whatever we can to give you a steady recovery; we will also work to look after your husband.” She nods, showing a strained smile. After a few more words, we start to shuffle out of the room. I am the last to leave, giving her a small smile.
I’m sitting in the passenger's seat of the car while Jennie sits in the back with her arms stretched up across the seat. Her back leans against the door while her eyes are closed. Jungkook is driving yelling at Jin who is on speakerphone.
“Boss agreed to buy dinner, and you wanna eat chicken...again? Let’s get noodles!” Jungkook whines. I giggled as he pouts.
“Yah! He said we could order whatever! I’ll order chicken and you order noodles!”
“Why do we have to order from too different places?” Jungkook replies. 
“Just figure something out!” Someone barks in the background. It sounds like Yoongi. I can just picture Hoseok sitting among the chaos.
I laughed at their banter, but it came out a bit chopped. My nerves were getting to me. I was quiet most of the ride, but just like everyone said, be bold. Do whatever feels right. What’s the worst that could happen? He could reject me? Embarrass me in front of all the guys, and make the atmosphere?
Yikes! I just cringed at the thought. 
I shut the car door and followed behind Jungkook and Jennie as he did the regular door unlocking as well as the double doors.  Everyone was in the “lobby” area. Jimin and Taehyung stood around Yoongi who sat at the circular table. They were clearly annoyed him, as he sat there with a blank face as they poked at him. 
Jin sat a few sat away from Yoongi and had a smaller MacBook opened. 
Namjoon stood in front of the chalkboard, writing and a few things, and beside him was Hoseok. My heart hammered a bit. I could see most of his back, and a bit of his side profile. He on the circular table, some papers in his hands. He was looking between the papers in his hand and the words that Namjoon was writing.
He wore an oversized red t-shirt, and grey joggers with black sneakers. He wore one of those fancy Rolex watches on his risk and his hair was a bit messy.
There’s that same old focused face of his. 
Jungkook left my side, heading towards Jin who I guess was ordering food. Jennie gave me a knowing smile and nodded towards Hoseok. I walked further into the room, feeling self-conscious as I caught the guys' attention. I no longer had my white doctor’s coat to hide in.
One of the guys' whistle and I ducked my head down shyly. Namjoon turns around at the sound but Hoseok doesn’t seem to care. 
“Hi everyone,” I said shyly as I got closer.
Everyone says their hellos, well everyone but Hoseok. Namjoon smiled at me, his gaze flickering to Hoseok quickly. Namjoon turned back to the blackboard and continued with what he was writing.
Jennie also went about greeting everyone, saying her hellos before taking a seat at the table. She leans back and grins while crossing her arms. I act oblivious to the fact that everyone was secretly waiting for me to approach Hoseok. I walk around the table, ending up on his right side. 
“Hey,” I said softly. 
“Hey,” Hoseok replies pausing for a beat before looking at me. I don’t miss the way his eyelashes flutter and his eyes flickered down my body quickly. 
“How was your flight?” I asked just as his eyes met mine again. His eyes were narrowed  
“It was good.” Since he was seated on the table, his line of sight was my face, making us the same height at that moment. He refocuses on what Namjoon is writing. 
There’s that warmth I always feel when he’s around. His presence is so...comforting.
I stare at his profile for a second more and just...do what feels right. 
I take hold of his bicep while leaning forward and I did the same thing I did at the gala. I kissed him on the cheek. I pulled back, my face still close. He looks at me, eyes wide. I smile in response, almost wanting to laugh at the deer in the headlights expression that was on his face. 
“I’m glad you’re back,” I spoke softly. His eyes, no longer wide, scanned over my face. His eyes narrowed and he looked at me...wantingly? My eyes widen in response. Whoa. I drew back completely, taking my hand off his bicep and noticing just how the atmosphere in the room changed.
I faced the board, flustered by Hoseok’s gaze on me. 
“S-so what are you writing, Namjoon?” I asked quickly and my heart fluttered, wondering if Hoseok’s eyes were still on me. And they were. I could feel his eyes on the profile of my face. I drew in a deep breath, trying to seem interested in what Namjoon was telling me.
Something about someone going around Korea saying they are ‘Seok’ the mafia head and creating trouble. Someone is basically pretending to be Hoseok. 
I nodded understandingly. 
“Boss is looking hungry,” Taehyung sang playfully as he walked around the table.
Jennie snickers and to no one, in particular, says, “But not for food.”
I turn to look at Hoseok just in time to see his gaze move from me to the paper in his hand. He scoffs, in a light manner this time, and a small smile stays on his lips as he goes back to reading the document. Chuckles sound through the room at Jennie’s remark. Hoseok doesn’t say anything, focusing on the work at hand.
But the red color of his ears said it all. 
“Cute.” I cooed to myself, and Hoseok heard, his red ears getting even brighter. 
Hoseok,  I’m gonna break those walls down Brick by brick.
Thank you for reading! Like, reblog and let me know what you think :)) I also have a question for you, how do you view “Y/n” in terms of personality and character? Also any predictions? 
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charincharge · 4 years
Kiss And Cry, Part 4
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jurdan figure skating au > masterlist
AN: I told you I’d be back soon! And I AM. In case you couldn’t tell... things are getting a little... NSFW (just like... a smidge lol, nothing too major). Anyway. Things will be heating up realllly soon. Hope you enjoy. Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one....
Madoc canceled practice for the rest of the week, which, with only two months until Nationals, was making Jude extremely nervous. She understood that Nicasia’s accident had taken Cardan out of the running, which Madoc was clearly upset about, but that didn’t mean that Jude and Locke could take it easy.
Jude made sure that Locke was back on the ice with her that day. She couldn’t slack off and lose steam now. They were so close.
Locke panted heavily as they wrapped up their practice. Sweat dripped down both their foreheads, muscles aching with fatigue.
Jude hopped off the ice and grabbed her phone, which had been recording their last run through, and she pressed play.
“You need to work on your landings,” Jude pointed to Locke’s shaky footwork after their double axel. “And here,” she pointed to his hand, which had fumbled around her hip while lifting her. “Hand to my waist, not my hip.”
Jude had no problem going through their game tape, looking for weaknesses and flaws. She would look for anything they could practice to oblivion to smooth out until they were nothing but icy perfection. This year she would be placing and making it to Worlds. There was no doubt in her mind.
Jude was so engrossed in the playback, she barely noticed anyone hovering behind her until she heard Cardan’s smooth voice. “You’re half a turn short there,” he pointed out.
“No, I’m not,” Jude said, indignant. She was sure Cardan had just come to annoy her. Why else would he be there? It wasn’t like he had a partner to practice with. Shouldn’t he be in the hospital at his best friend’s side?
“You want to win, right?” He paused. “Your triple was only two and a half.”
Jude rewound the video and replayed. He was right. She was. Damn it.
“The judges take off serious points for shit like that,” he said, flicking his dark hair out of his eyes. Jude fully turned to take him in, expecting him to look at least somewhat rattled from the events of yesterday, but Cardan was just as infuriatingly polished as if nothing had happened. His concentrated mask of confidence was only betrayed by the faintest traces of dark circles beneath his eyes.
“Good catch, Cardan,” Locke fawned, the admiration thick on his tongue. Disgusting. As if Cardan needed more people pining over him. It seemed now that Nicasia was out of the picture that Locke wanted to be tagged in. Unrelatable.
“I’m all about teamwork,” Cardan replied with a wink, and Jude had to restrain from rolling her eyes at the soft pink blush that traveled up Locke’s neck and ears.
“I assumed you’d be off the team,” Jude said.
“Sorry to disappoint,” Cardan said with a shrug.
“Who’s the unlucky soul who gets to partner you now?” Jude asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Cardan blinked twice, his thick fringe of lashes practically batting up and down at her, as he cocked his head. “I’m looking right at her.”
Jude shook her head. She couldn’t have heard him right. “What?” she asked.
“I didn’t realize you were dumb, too,” Cardan snickered, and a wave of fury took over Jude as she walked toward him.
His smirk fell from his face as she grew closer. He instinctively backed up a step until his calves were pressed against the bleachers. Nowhere left to go, Jude pressed her hand against his chest, just barely at the base of his neck, their faces merely inches as she seethed wildly.
“I already have a partner.” She looked over her shoulder at Locke, whose blush had faded, and he was looking pallid beneath the overhead fluorescent lights of the rink. “And a routine.”
She looked back at Cardan, his throat bobbing with a slow swallow as he wrapped his hand around hers and removed it from where it was dangerously close to strangling him.
“Yes, well,” Cardan cleared his throat. “Now you’ll be learning a new one.”
Blood rushed to Jude’s ears as she rushed to her cellphone to call her Coach. It went straight to voicemail, and Jude went to call back again when Madoc appeared, a scowl across his face as he made his way toward the three skaters.
“Madoc!” Jude began, but he held up his hand firmly.
“First of all,” Madoc sighed. “I thought I made it clear practice was canceled this week. But, since Garrett called me when you arrived, I thought I should show up and clear the air.”
Jude groaned. Garrett, the rink’s manager, was always getting the best gossip from befriending the skaters. It figured that he’d be reporting back to Madoc. Jude would bet there was even money in it for him. She went to complain again – there was no way she would leave Locke and skate with Cardan – but Madoc cut her off.
“I understand these are… not normal circumstances,” Madoc said. “But Cardan still wants to compete.”
“So find someone else,” Jude argued. “There are a billion skaters out who would love to be on our team.”
“Not who I trust to skate in Nationals,” Madoc snapped, and Jude was fairly certain that was the closest Madoc had ever come to complimenting her. He was trying to soften her up. Still, she remained resolute.
“I can’t skate with him.”
Madoc’s eyes narrowed. “That remains to be seen.” Jude opened her mouth to protest again, but Madoc silenced her. “Stop. You will continue to practice your routines with Locke, but you will also learn Nicasia’s parts in her routines with Cardan. At the end of four weeks, I will decide which pairing will compete at Nationals.”
Jude snapped her mouth shut. So, it wasn’t a definite. She could still skate with Locke. She just had to make sure that Madoc saw they were the better pair.
“Jude and Cardan, you will report to the studio tomorrow morning, so Jude can start learning the choreography off the ice,” Madoc began. “Then, you will report to the ice to keep practicing with Locke in the afternoons. Good?”
Jude nodded succinctly.
Satisfied, Madoc stalked off, leaving the skaters to deal with each other.
Jude expected Locke to look downtrodden by the prospect of a competition with Cardan, but he seemed to be glowing with excitement.
“So, we’re still on the same team, then,” Locke smiled. “For a few more weeks, at least.”
His grin widened as Cardan wrapped his arm around Locke’s shoulders and smirked at him coyly. “Please, Locke, we’re always on the same team in my heart.” Cardan placed his hand across his chest, clutching at his shirt, as he winked again.
Jude thought Locke was going to pass out with how thick Cardan was laying on his flirting, and Jude couldn’t stop the large roll of her eyes.
“Oh please. Nicasia’s been in the hospital for all of one day, and you’re already trying to get your dick wet?” She thought she saw him frown for the smallest second, but it was gone before she could even process it, so she kept berating him, hoping she could pin that frown there. “You can’t even go a few hours, huh?” she snipped.
“Language, Jude,” Cardan feigned shock as he chastised her and wrapped his arm more tightly around Locke, pulling him closer. “Don’t be jealous.”
“You could not pay me to touch you,” Jude scoffed. “Who even knows where that thing has been.” She didn’t want to hear another retort from Cardan and turned on her heel, heading to the locker room to shower, but Cardan shouted after her anyway.
“Seems like someone’s anxious to find out.” He laughed. “Please, Jude, you don’t have to pretend you don’t want me.”
She growled under her breath but didn’t turn around. But his words sloshed around her head as she showered off. She hated that he’d gotten in the last word. She knew it was his mission in life to drive her insane. And though she wouldn’t usually dare to, she decided she couldn’t ignore this one, couldn’t let him think she was remotely interested. She needed to squash that down before it became a thing. Especially if they were going to be skating together. She needed to set some boundaries. Some rules.
When she made it back out to the rink, Cardan was nowhere to be found. But his overly large SUV, that was most definitely overcompensating for something, was still in the lot.
So, against her better judgement, Jude made her way into the mens’ locker room.
She paused as soon as she entered, the realization that she’d made a grave mistake hitting her as soon as the door closed behind her. Because in front of her, was a bare-chested Cardan, head thrown back in ecstasy, leaning against the green lockers, dark eyes closed and lashes fluttering against his flushed cheeks, and fingers knotted in the head of red hair kneeling on the cold ground between his knees.
Jude backed into the door, a wave of embarrassment and horror washing over her as she watched Locke’s head bob up and down over his lap, urged by Cardan’s tight grip. She knew that Locke had been interested, but she hadn’t realized both of them would work so fast. And she hadn’t realized that Cardan would take him up on it. She wondered if they’d even kissed, or if they’d just gone straight to this. She felt dizzy and nauseous, the walls closing in on her the longer she looked. She couldn’t breathe.
Cardan’s naked torso glinted with droplets of water, which fell from his dark waves, rolling over his defined chest, marked by a steel bar through each nipple, and down the thin path of hair that led to where Locke’s face was covering. But from what she could see, it turned out the SUV was in fact, not overcompensating for anything.
A hot blush streaked across Jude’s cheeks and chest. Surely, her face was on fire with how hot she suddenly felt. Sweat dampened her palms, and her heartbeat thundered loudly in her ears, trying to drown out the indecent sounds of Locke’s mouth slurping and sucking.
Jude reached for the door, fumbling with her clammy fingers, but her hand slid as she turned the knob, and Cardan’s eyes opened slowly, a lazy smile on his face, his dark eyes staring straight at her, as if he expected her there.
He didn’t take his eyes off of her, didn’t stop his measured pace, as Locke worked him. Cardan simply curled his lips up into an uneven smile, his chin lifting slightly in her direction. His eyes, blown out with lust ,stared her down, pinned her where she stood, and it was only when he closed his eyes again and moaned loudly that Jude finally regained her sanity.
The door pushed open easily beneath her grasp, and Jude barely had enough sense to grab her bag before running out to the parking lot.
The cold winter afternoon felt like knives against her flushed cheeks. She breathed hard, willing the image of Cardan with his pants around his ankles to subside from her brain, but it was useless. That cocky smile, that blissed out expression would haunt her forever.
Jude took another shower when she got home, but even scrubbing her skin raw didn’t help. She felt unhinged. Dirty. Upset. She couldn’t shake her unease all through the rest of the afternoon and barely ate at dinner, much to Madoc’s delight.
And as Jude’s body finally gave way to unconsciousness that night, her dreams were plagued with dark eyes, lithe bodies slick with wet, and coy smiles.
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ellynefics · 7 years
Here With You
genre;; Realistic, Idol Minhyuk x Civilian reader
pairing;; Minhyuk x Male!Reader -- Mentions of Showhyuk
warnings;; fluff, angst
words;; 2175 (2k)
this work is experimental !! I decided to write something within the span of 12 hours, and this is what came out. It hasn’t gone through the million or so revisions that I usually put my work through (lol), so please forgive any mistakes! Inspired in part by Here With You by Lost Frequencies and Netsky
"Hello, Lee Minhyuk? Um--my name is Ahn Seungyoun; (Y/FL/N) and I are housemates and I got your number from his phone. I’m so sorry to bother you, I know you’re an idol, and might not even be in Korea right now. But I’m scared for him. I don’t think he’s moved from his spot in bed for the whole weekend, except to do absolutely necessary things--go to the bathroom, mostly...he whimpers and cries in the night, and I’ve tried to get him to eat, to drink, and he won’t. Please, I don’t know what else to do. He won’t talk to me. You’re so important to him, maybe he’ll listen to you. Call me back at--”
Minhyuk’s heart dropped deep into the pit of his stomach, and he brushed back the purple-blue hair on his brow. He hadn’t known what to expect as he had stepped out in the hall to listen to his voicemail, but this was definitely a shock.
It was a fine summer day at Starship HQ. As usual, Lee Minhyuk was lounging in a chair in the studio, watching Jooheon and Changkyun record something and drawing a little cartoon on a piece of paper. He was taken by surprise when phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out to an unfamiliar--but local--phonecall. Not thinking much of it, he let it ring through, and a minute later, the cell buzzed again, letting him know that someone had left a message.
“Jooheonie, Changkyunie,” Minhyuk poked his head back in and quietly called to his friends. “I’m sorry to bolt like this, but there’s something I need to take care of.”
Minutes later, Minhyuk was calling your housemate to let him know that he was on his way, and hopping onto the nine o’clock bus at the same time, mask pulled full width over his face. No one paid much attention to him, which he appreciated because it gave him a moment to think.
Minhyuk didn’t keep in touch with many of his old friends from before he became an idol, but you were an exception. The two of you had been best buds in High School and through his turbulent audition days. When Seungyoun had said that Minhyuk was so important to you, he wasn’t wrong. Likewise, you had meant the entire world to Minhyuk--for a while. The tall, beautiful boy remembered everything: long, loving gazes; passionate kisses. Warmth and close heartbeats under the sheets; the feel of your rough fingers laced in his own. How handsome and beautiful you looked when you were locked in hot embrace; the contentment that pooled and settled in his heart when he woke up at your side.
But then Minhyuk had started training, and you were accepted into Seoul National University’s Engineering program. These were dreams come true for both of you, but paths that differed greatly from one another. Together, you decided that once he moved out and into the dorms with the other trainees, that would be the end of your love life, and it would be back to good friends. Now, the only contact you kept was the occasional text and/or phone call. You lived your life, and he lived his. Still, he cared enough that he’d drop everything in your moment of need. 
Seungyoun’s news troubled Minhyuk deeply. He had seen you at your lowest points before, but never had anything been this bad. It almost felt like his heart was being torn from his chest. Guilt, shame, and sadness washed over him as he chastised himself for not seeing this coming earlier. You had been going through a rough patch lately. The last time you had called, you sounded weak and less confident than usual. Minhyuk heard straight from your lips that your passion for engineering, the one that had carried you through your younger years, was gone. After spending a few months floundering to find something to replace it, you had dropped out of school, expanding to full time hours at a menial job. This was temporary, so you claimed, as you decided what the fuck you were going to do now.
Half an hour later, Minhyuk was knocking quietly on the door of your apartment, and a skinny boy with dark circles under his eyes opened it. He stood up straighter and bowed, almost in disbelief, as he registered who it was. “Hello, Minhyuk, come in. I’m Seungyoun, it’s good to meet you.”
“You as well,” the idol replied distractedly. “Where is he...?”
“Still in bed. Down the hall, to the left.”
Of course Minhyuk knew where your room was, but that wasn’t important right now. The taller boy just nodded and kicked off his shoes at the doormat before making a beeline for there.
The room was dark when he turned the knob and let himself in. The stuffy, hopeless air hit him like a tidal wave. Just barely, he could see you huddled under your gray comforter, a rock-like lump except for your gentle breaths. They were too rapid for you to be asleep; you must be brewing in your own disappointment and discontent. Minhyuk’s already-broken heart shattered further.
“(Y/N)?” He said, lowly, and came over to seat himself on the edge of your mattress, grabbing your shoulder and shaking it a little. “It’s Minhyuk. What’s wrong? Your housemate told me that you’ve been like this all weekend.”
No reply, not even a muscle twitch. Minhyuk’s brow furrowed, mouth pressing into a line and his lip corners twitching down. He reached over to tap the base of the little gray lamp on your nightstand. Soft light illuminated the room. 
“(Y/N)?” He queried, again. 
“Please, You should get up and get some food to eat. It’ll make you feel so much better. Go outside, breathe the fresh air.”
“Even I remember to eat. (Y/N)--remember when I announced that I was going to become a trainee at Starship? You smiled and said that you’d be happy as long as I didn’t starve myself. I think about that every day.”
He finally got a deep sigh out of you, but nothing else.
“You shouldn’t starve yourself, either. Come on.” Attaching himself to your arm, he hauled up and managed to pull you onto your back. Suddenly, however, you retaliated, jerking yourself out of his grasp and pushing him away, making him fall off the bed and onto the floor with an umph. Minhyuk felt a flash of anger rip through him, and his cheeks heated up. “Fine, if that’s how you want it to be. I care about you, (Y/N), I was just trying to help but I guess I’ll leave now.”
Your small, weak voice cracked, and immediately the other boy regretted his frustrated words. In the low light, he saw that fresh drops were retracing the old tear streaks on your cheeks. Minhyuk gave a sigh. “Ugh--I’m sorry. Just--please tell me what the matter is. I might be an idol now, but I’m still Lee Minhyuk, your friend, confidante, and former lover. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
You couldn’t do anything but sob for a few minutes. Minhyuk got back up on the mattress and laid down next to you. Almost instantly, you were pressed into his chest, hands clutching at his shirt. 
“I’m such a failure,” You managed to gasp at last. “I left my job, applied for another I actually was excited about--after feeling like shit for months and months--but I didn’t get it, and I hate myself. I have an incomplete degree and crushing college debt. I don’t hang out with anyone anymore, except--Seungyoun, and I push even him away when I’m drunk and angry. I just want to die here.”
“Shh, shh.” Minhyuk ran a hand through your hair, and your breathing gradually slowed. “You’re not a failure. You have your whole life ahead of you. You can pick yourself back up and find happiness, I believe in you.”
“Wh--why are you still my friend, Minhyuk?”
“Because you’re my friend, too. We’ve known each other for so long, and when we talk, we still understand each other, though we can’t see each other often. I still have love in my heart for you.”
There was a long silence.
“Sometimes I wish that you’d hold me like you used to, my sexy boy.” The quiet whisper flowed from your lips before you could stop it.
Minhyuk smiled gently, and leaned forward to give you a peck on the forehead. “You know I can’t, baby.”
You sighed. Wet filled your eyes, and Minhyuk’s chest tightened as he imagined how maybe you were remembering the disappointment you felt when during your last phone call, he told you that he had fallen in love again. “Yeah. Hyunwoo, right?” 
“Yes.” Minhyuk and Hyunwoo had started dating about two months ago, and it was bliss. Minhyuk hadn’t felt anything so strong for anyone since--well, you.
“I’m happy for you, really. He seems like such a caring person, and definitely a much better boyfriend than I ever was.”
“Yah, don’t you dare say that,” Minhyuk’s eyes widened and he scolded you harshly, more so than he really wanted. “You were the perfect boyfriend. I’m frankly jealous of the person that I know is out there, waiting for you.”
“I don’t think there’s anyone, Minhyuk-ah, but--thank you. You always say the right things.”
“There is, there is. Don’t doubt me. You know I’m always right.” Minhyuk started to cry as well, as he squeezed you tight to him. “I’m sorry, I regret not--not talking to you more. I just don’t think about it enough. I’m always so tired from everything we do--I’m living my dream but I shouldn’t forget the past and how you helped bring me to this point.”
“It’s ok, Minhyuk.” Your hand stroke his side, soothing his sudden weariness. “I haven’t been calling you, either. I’ll try to do it more, too.”
Silence reigned again for a little while, but now it was understanding, peaceful silence. Minhyuk took that moment to clear his mind of his worries, unload himself of the things that had been cluttering his thoughts. 
Finally he asked, “(Y/N), you mentioned...a job you were excited about? What was it, maybe there are other places that are hiring similar positions.”
You chuckled, an unexpected sound against his breast. “You’ll laugh at me, Minhyuk-ah.”
“Try me.”
“It was--a kid’s sports camp.”
Minhyuk’s jaw went slack. “Why would I laugh at you for that? I’ll tell you a secret, I’ve always wanted kids.”
“That’s not a secret. You’ve said it in interviews, and what was that thing you did--Monsta X-Ray?”
A sunshine smile spread across Minhyuk’s face. “I didn’t know you followed me that closely, (Y/N)-(y)ah.”
“I do.” Your face went a little red. “My family and friends all think I’m crazy, but I still support you.”
“Ahh--You have no idea how much that means to me.” Minhyuk could barely continue through his tears. “And it is a secret. No one knows that I’ve always wanted to--even since the time I was with you.”
You smiled. Minhyuk wondered if you were thinking about all those times when the two of you would see a cute baby or toddler, and Minhyuk’s face would light up.
“Anyways, come on, let’s get you some food. Your stomach is growling like an angry tiger. Also, I think you’ve got a very worried housemate to apologize to and make up to.”
The two of you untangled yourselves, and you shakily got up, following Minhyuk out to the kitchen. Seungyoun was there waiting, finishing a bowl of ramyun. His eyes widened when he saw you, and how terrible you looked, tear stains running down your face, hair dishevelled, face pale like a ghost. Yet, he brightened too. “Oh my God, (Y/N)! I was so scared, I thought I’d have to call a hotline and the emergency room and everything--let me make you something to eat--nice and gentle on the stomach. And water! You need a glass of water!”
He dashed around, preparing things. You sat in a chair, and while Seungyoun’s back was turned, Minhyuk took your hand one last time. “Promise me you’ll take care of yourself. Next time I call, I also want to hear that you’ve been looking for a counselor or psychiatrist or something. That’s the most important thing. For me, ok?”
You nodded, smiled, and gave his slender hand a squeeze. “For you, Minhyukie.”
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baekzhang · 7 years
misdial | pcy
Tumblr media
park chanyeol. reader-insert. 5,6k words. fluff/angst. au
—it all started with one misdial, then a second and a third and…
this one is for Sasha @floofyeol
3.12 a.m: missed call from Park Chanyeol
“You called me?” 
“Oh, did I? I’m sorry, it was a misdial.”
“Oh, I see.”
3.14 a.m.: incoming call from Park Chanyeol
“Actually, I just wanted to hear your voice.”
[2016/10/15] 2.01 p.m.: incoming call
“Baekhyun, I accidentally deleted your number! I’m coming in around five minutes!” 
“Hello? Who’s speaking there? And who’s Baekhyun?” 
“Oh shit…” 
[2016/10/15] 2.02 p.m.: call ended
new contact added: strange dude
[2016/10/15] 6.18 p.m.: missed call from strange dude
[2016/10/15] 6.19 p.m.: you have a new voicemail from strange dude
“Hey, Baekhyun, it’s me Chanyeol. Answer your phone, you piece of shit and tell me if I left my keys at your place because I’m standing in front of your door and…well, no keys.”
—would you like to replay the message?: [no]
edited contact “strange guy” to “Chanyeol”
[2016/10/15] 6.22 p.m.: you have a new message from Chanyeol
» I found my keys! I forgot them in the car 
» btw, since when do you have a cat? You have one on your display picture…
[read: 6.25 p.m.]
[2016/10/15] 6.30 p.m.
» why aren’t you answering!? I know you read it! Unless this phone is broken again…if so, then I am sorry :(
[read: 6.42 p.m.]
» I’m going to buy a new one omg. We didn’t get into a fight, right? We’re still bros? 
[read: 6.45 p.m.]
» that’s it, I’m coming over.
[read: 6.46 p.m.]
[2016/10/16] 1.57 a.m.: incoming call from Chanyeol
“I’m tired, but I can’t sleep. Maybe energy drinks are not the way to go after all.”
“Hey, are you even on the phone!?”
“I hate this phone, Baekhyun!” 
“Anyway…yesterday I accidentally called a wrong number when I wanted to call you, and I think it was a girl, whom I called. I was so embarrassed, hyung.” 
“Guess what, you called her again.”
[2016/10/16] 2.02 a.m.: you ended the call with Chanyeol
[2016/10/16] 2.03 a.m.: new message from Chanyeol
» Oh my God! So…all the time since yesterday I called you and not Baekhyun??? I’m sooooo sorry :((
» And that’s the reason why I didn’t see a cat when I went to his apartment…
» Your cat is cute! I like cats, although dogs are cool, too! Although Vivi can be a pain. Just like Sehun
» Wait…you don’t even know them.
[read: 2.05 a.m.]
« yeah, I have a cat, and I like dogs, too.
« it’s okay, I guess I should have said something earlier. Your name’s Chanyeol, right?
[read: 2.06 a.m.]
» you know my name??? 
[read: 2.06 a.m.]
« you mentioned it in the voicemail you sent me. Remember? It was the one about a key or something.
« I’m ____ btw
[read: 2.07 a.m.]
» oh, hey. My name’s Park Chanyeol. 
» also, I don’t really know what to say because this entire situation is a little bit flustering
» this has never happened to me
» or at least, I never noticed it before
[read: 2.09 a.m.]
« if it makes you feel better, it hasn’t happened to me before either
»actually…that doesn’t help at all, but thanks, tho!
« lol, you’re welcome. Anyways, I am off to sleep. You should, too. Don’t drink too many energy drinks, Chanyeol!
[read: 2.12 a.m.]
edited contact “Chanyeol” to “Park Chanyeol”
—you changed your display picture
[2016/10/18] 7.36 p.m.: new message from Park Chanyeol
» Aha!
« aha?
» yes, aha! You changed your picture! Finally I know what the cat owner looks like
« you could have just asked me ahahaha
» but wouldn’t that be creepy?
« I believe getting late night calls from a guy calling me Baekhyun and complaining about not being able to sleep is a more advanced level of creepy
[read: 7.40 p.m.]
[2016/10/18] 11.48 p.m.: incoming call from Park Chanyeol
“Damn, misdial again.”
“Didn’t you edit the contact?”
“Oh, yeah, I should do that, once I figure out how this phone works.”
“I can’t believe you.”
[2016/10/18] 11.50 p.m.: you ended the call with Park Chanyeol
[2016/10/18] 11.54 p.m.: incoming call from Park Chanyeol
“Baekhyun! Why is your number so similar to ____’s?” 
“I don’t know, how about you ask Baekhyun.”
“I give up on this phone.”
[2016/10/18] 11.56 p.m.: call ended
You chuckled as you put your phone aside, he was cute, the clumsy type of cute, although having a rather deep voice, he could rise up a little bit in octaves, making his voice sound awfully adorable. If it wasn’t for that attitude, you’d have probably already blocked his contact, but somehow, even when you don’t want this fact to reach your consciousness yet, you were intrigued by all of this. Receiving a call from someone you didn’t know at all, smiling mischievously to yourself when that certain someone didn’t get that he was calling the wrong person and is having a monologue with his nemesis called phone…it was something you might let yourself get used to. 
[2016/10/19] 8.07 a.m.: new text message to ‘Park Chanyeol’
« and, did you reach Baekhyun? I didn’t receive any calls from you for 8 hours now. Is this a new record?
[read: 8.07 a.m.]
» (■■■)
« I take your long typing for a no then
» (■■■)
« are you typing a novel or something?
» :((
» rude
» I was double checking, no tripple checking so that I wouldn’t wake you up when you’re asleep. and it’s really early, do you always wake up this early?
[read: 8.17 a.m.]
« (■■■)
» now who’s writing the novel here?
« (■■■)
» hahahahaha
« i hate you
[read: 8.23 a.m.]
» love you, too
« (■■■)
» omg…no
« byeeee
[2016/10/19] 8.25 a.m.: incoming call from ‘Park Chanyeol’
“Baekhyun, wow you’re up early today! Listen, I just told this ___ girl that I love her, and…okay, no, I can’t act this out.”
“That’s what they call me. Sly Fox Chanyeol.”
“I can’t take you serious. I have to go to work now, it was nice talking to you, Mr. Sly Fox Chanyeol.”
[2016/10/19] 8.27 a.m.: call ended
edited contact “Park Chanyeol” to “Sly Fox Chanyeol”
[2016/10/19] 9.35 p.m.: you have been added to group “kyungsoo sucks”
»[ksoo]: how rude
—[ksoo] changed the group name to “chanyeol sucks more”
»[Sly Fox Chanyeol]: that’s what you get for abusing your admin rights and throwing out baekhyun!
—[Sly Fox Chanyeol] changed the group name to “ksoo byesoo”
»[kai]: who’s this number?
»[Sly Fox Chanyeol]: what do you mean? that’s baekhyun!
—[kai] added contact [bbh]
»[kai]: no, that’s baekhyun
»[bbh]: jongin, i don’t want to be added back by you. kyungsoo should do that himself with a cake as an apology
—[ksoo] removed contact [bbh]
»[Sly Fox Chanyeol]: satansoo at his prime time again….
»[kai]: you still haven’t answered my question
»[Sly Fox Chanyeol]: what question?
»[Sly Fox Chanyeol]: oh fuck no
—you were removed 
[2016/10/19] 9.41 p.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Rude. Kyungsoo is so rude.”
“Are you trying to mimic Baekhyun?”
“Cute. Sorry about falsely adding you to the group.”
“It’s okay. It was funny to watch the scene. But you really have to edit your contacts.”
“Tell me how. It keeps changing back!”
“Ask Kyungsoo.”
“Like hell I’ll ask Satansoo. He’s a scary little man.” 
“Oh, yes. The tiniest are the most vicious.”
“I know! I am tall and I am not even close to his mean self.”
“I though you’re Sly Fox Chanyeol.”
“That I am, but I am not evil, satanic and have that killing look like Do Kyungsoo. If you ever see a little man looking like he comes from Star Trek when looking at his hair, then make a run for it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
[2016/10/19] 9.49 p.m.: you ended the call with ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/10/21] 1.20 p.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“You’re wearing a red jacket, black ripped jeans and sit at the bus stop, don’t you lie to me.”
“What in the world. Yes, I am.”
“Look to your right.”
“Wow, you didn’t lie when you said you’re tall.”
“I never lie.”
“Why would Sly Fox Chanyeol ever lie.”
“That sounds very ironic.”
“Just like the fact that you are 5 meters away from me and still haven’t ended the call.”
“Oh, yeah, right.”
[2016/10/21] 1.24 p.m.: call ended
[2016/10/21] 7.45 p.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’ [deny]
[2016/10/21] 8.01 p.m.: you have 8 missed calls from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/10/21] 8.03 p.m.: you have one new voicemail from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Okay, I knew I screwed up. I didn’t know what I was doing and I can completely understand if you don’t want to talk to me at all. I shouldn’t have done that. What was I even thinking? Ugh…look, ___, this was not done on purpose. It just happened, and I….I am sorry. I am sincerely sorry, please, forgive me.” 
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2016/10/21] 8.05 p.m.: new message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
» I’m sorry :((
[read: 8.05 p.m.]
» I really am sorry!
» please, talk to me
[read: 8.06 p.m.]
» okay, keep me on read
» at least you haven’t blocked me yet
» I feel very bad
» where did you go?
» give me a read…
» this is frustrating
[read: 10.56 p.m.]
[2016/10/22] 2.02 a.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“I know it’s really late, Baekhyun, but I have a really big problem. There is this girl, you know, the one I thought was you as in your number. Her name is ___ and I saw her today and…I might have taken her out on a date and kissed her and she wasn’t impressed and I feel bad and I don’t know what to do, she doesn’t answer my texts or takes my calls. I don’t even know if she listened to that voice mail I left her. I know I am talking a lot and really fast right now, but I can’t sleep. She is nice and she calls me Sly Fox Chanyeol, isn’t that amazing? And she is really cute, you can’t even imagine how adorable she is. I really have to give you credit for having such a similar number, but back to the point…where was I? Ah, right, so I kissed her, and I liked it for my point, but maybe she didn’t. I have no idea, I am not an expert at kissing. My last girlfriend was from middle school and I farted at our first kiss. Don’t worry, I didn’t blew when I kissed ___! But maybe I just shouldn’t have. She probably doesn’t even like me, but I think I like her. Ah, I probably like her. Don’t tell Kyungsoo, he’ll laugh at me. Did you ever have that sort of problem, Baekhyun? You seem to get along with ladies just fine. So…I really need your help with this. I don’t want to mess up more with her. Should I keep on texting her? Should I call her again? Should I hope to encounter her randomly again? Maybe I should just give her her space…argh, this is really some situation. Thank your for listening to me, Baekhyun. You’re always there for me, even when Satansoo is in your neck, you still help me out and support me. But really, what should I do? Hey…are you asleep? You’re snoring like a girl. Remember when we had that sleepover at Sehun’s? I fell asleep very fast and you told me I snore like a girl. Anyway, keep on dreaming. Uhh, good night? I hope I’ll figure things out with ___ soon.”
[2016/10/22] 2.18 p.m.: call ended. 
[2016/10/22] 6.25 a.m.: new message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
» on a scale from 1 to 10 I wouldn’t even be surprised if you said I fucked up like a 12
» but I hope that your forgiving skills are a 12, too ;)))
» I am really hoping
» praying
» in church
» in front of the church because it’s closed
» but it’s the thought that counts
[read: 9.03 a.m.]
[9.10 a.m.]
« In nomine patris 
[read: 9.10 a.m.]
» holy, praying works!
» I’m sorry…again
» please, talk to your favorite sly fox again
[read: 9.11 a.m.]
[2016/10/22] 9.12 a.m.: calling ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Shut up before you say anything. You don’t even know me much. How can you say you like me? You called me yesterday night, so that’s how I confirmed that that kiss wasn’t meant for Baekhyun. It was very startling because we are basically strangers. You are nice, that is out of question and I don’t think that you see me as some easy hook-up. You are just very inexperienced and have no real idea about this, at least this is my opinion, which I have built in this damn one week since you called me. I am not saying this to make you feel bad, or to reject you…just so that you know your pace with everything. You seem nice, clumsy nice and a techno-phobic, but nice nevertheless. So yeah…”
“Yeah…you’re right. I’m very inexperienced and it was stupid of me to kiss you. I’ll try to…be better. Maybe for now…”
“We shouldn’t talk much. I think you and I need a little bit of time to think. Yeah, that would be the best.”
[2016/10/22] 9.21 a.m.: you ended the call.
[2016/11/03] 3.12 a.m: missed call from Sly Fox Chanyeol
“You called me?”
“Oh, did I? I’m sorry, it was a misdial.”
“Oh, I see.”
[2016/11/03] 3.14 a.m.: incoming call from Sly Fox Chanyeol
“Actually, I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve heard yours. I missed it.”
“Are we still awkward?”
“I think we were awkward from the very beginning, Chanyeol.”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
[2016/11/03] 3.18 a.m.: call ended
[2016/11/04] 6.10 p.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol
“Misdial again?”
“No no no…this time I did want to call you.”
“What an honor…So, what did you call me for? I’m curious.”
“Would you like…to, umm, go to the movies with me?”
“Oh, yeah sure. When?”
“Now? I’m bored and I’d look like a loser if I went in there alone. Baekhyun has a night shift and I don’t want to ask Satansoo.”
“Second choice? Aw..”
“No, not like that—”
“I’ll change real quick. See you in twenty.”
[2016/11/04] 6.12 p.m.: you ended the call
[2016/11/04] 11.47 p.m.: new message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
» I liked our…ummm
[read: 11.47 p.m.]
« date?
« why wouldn’t it be? Of course it was :D
» I thought it would be awkward to call it a date
« I told you to find your own pace, Chanyeol. A date is fine. Kissing, no.
» so this was date 2?
[read: 11.55 p.m.]
« 1 ½
[2016/11/09] 3.15 p.m.: you have 2 missed calls from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/11/09] 3.15 pm.: you have 1 new voice message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Sorry for the two calls, I forgot you were at work. Anyway, are you up for date five and a half? I’ll pick you up at seven.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2016/11/10] 01.02 a.m.: new text message to ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
« alright, you did it
» did what?
« everything!
» ???
[read: 01.04 a.m.]
[2016/11/10] 01.04 a.m.: calling ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Mr. Park Sly Fox Chanyeol, I like you.”
[2016/11/10] 01.05 a.m.: call ended
[2016/11/10] 1.05 a.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Baekhyun, she said she likes me! Me. Park Chanyeol. __ likes me. I am flipping out at past midnight and my neighbors are already complaining, but I don’t give a fuck. I give minus fucks. But wait…no, I hung up on her before answering. Kill me.”
“Can I take this as a ‘Yes, I’ll be your boyfriend’ then?”
“Oh no, not again. But yes. Yes, please. I’ll be your boyfriend. I’ll be your husband, let me just rob a bank and buy you the prettiest ring in the world.”
“Oh if so, then also get a guide on how to not be cheesy, too. Thank you, babe.”
“Babe? Oh my god…”
“Calm down ahaha.”
“How can I calm down right now.”
“I’ll leave you to your excitement and hit the hay then. Good night, babe.”
[2016/11/10] 01.08 a.m.: you ended the call
[2016/11/10] 01.08. a.m.: new text message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
» does that mean you’ll save me up as a ‘babe’ now, too?
« considering the fact that you still have me saved up as Baekhyun…no, I think I’ll keep you as Sly Fox Chanyeol
» okay, touché
[read: 01.10 a.m.]
[2016/11/10] 07.10 a.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“What in the world, Chanyeol. Why are you calling me this early?”
“Don’t you have to work in like twenty minutes…babe?”
“Oh shit, yes. I’ll be late to work. My boss is going to burn me to ashes.”
“Dress up quickly and open up the door. I came to drive you to work.”
“I do not regret liking you. I’ll keep you forever and beyond that wow.”
“Open the door, though. Else you have a frozen best boyfriend.”
[2016/11/10] 07.12 a.m.: you ended the call
[2016/11/22] 10.20 p.m.: new message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
» okay, I don’t know
[read: 10.20 p.m.]
« why are you texting me, you’re sitting one meter away from me
» why are you texting back then? Hmm? 
« …no comment
« but what do you ‘not know’?
» what to say. It’s awkward. I’ve never had a girl stay over
« cuteeee. If you want me to, I can leave. I did not really want to stay here…for that hahaha
» sureeeee. no, please, stay. I like having you around me :)
[read: 10.23 p.m.]
[2016/12/02] 03.01 a.m.: incoming call
“I need cuddles.”
“Oh dear God no. It’s three in the morning, Chanyeol.”
“Can’t I demand cuddles at three?”
“No, you can’t. Especially not when I have to wake up early and am in need of ever second of sleep.”
[2016/12/02] 03.02 a.m.: you ended the call
[2016/12/02] 03.02 a.m.: new text message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
» what? not even a good night or sorry?
« for what do I even need to apologize
» for not cuddling me
« oh, now that you mention it….
» yeah!
[read: 03.04 a.m.]
» hey, say it
[read: 03.04 a.m.]
» are you ignoring me?
[read: 03.05 a.m.]
[2016/12/22] 02.12 p.m.: you have 3 missed calls from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/12/22] 02.12 p.m.: calling ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Jeez, three calls?”
“Oh, yeah! Why didn’t you pick up?”
“I was in line in the grocery store. Sorry.”
“It’s alright, I was just wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with me?”
“I’ll be at my parents’ house by the 25th. But we can spend Christmas Eve together.”
“Fair enough. At my place then?”
“Sure. Hey, Chanyeol?”
“Ah, nevermind. I’ll hang up now, my bus is coming. Bye.”
[2016/12/22] 02.15 p.m.: you ended the call
[2016/12/25] 01.10 p.m.: you have 5 missed calls from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/12/25] 01.10 p.m.: new voice message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Ah crap, I forgot that you have your phone turned off in the plane. Sorry for the number of calls. I was just wondering if you arrived safely at your parents? I hope you did! I’m going to have to spend my Christmas with Satansoo. My parents are still on vacation. I already miss you, ___. I also forgot to give you your present yesterday…ugh, I am so forgetful when I am with you.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2016/12/28] 02.45 a.m.: calling ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Hey, Chanyeol.”
“Babe, it’s in the middle of the night. Did you just arrive back to Seoul? Should I come and pick you up?”
“Ah, no. I just wanted to tell you that I’ll stay a little bit longer with my parents.”
“Did you tell them about—”
“No, I didn’t. I just want to spend some time with Mom and Dad.”
“I see…”
[2016/12/28] 02.48 a.m.: call ended
[2016/12/30] 06.12 a.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“I miss waking up to you. I miss seeing your sleeping face. I miss waking you up with a kiss. I miss you, when will you come back?”
“Tomorrow. I’ll be back by tomorrow.”
[2016/12/30] 06.13 a.m.: you ended the call
[2016/12/30] 06.20 p.m.: you have three missed calls from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/12/30] 06.20 p.m.: new voice message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Tomorrow you say? You’ve been back since you called me that you’d be staying longer. Why? Why did you lie to me? Did I do something wrong? Did you find someone better when you were away?”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2016/12/31] 04.19 p.m.: you have 1 missed call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/12/31] 04.19 p.m.: new voice message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Are you breaking up with me? Because it feels like it. You haven’t taken any of my calls. At least end it properly with me instead of leaving me with some unknown relationship status.”
[2016/01/01] 10.11 a.m.: you have 2 missed calls from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2017/01/01] 10.11 a.m.: new voice message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“Fine, then don’t. I’m tired of trying to contact you. You obviously have other things to do. Happy New Year, I guess.”
[2017/01/06] 12.39 p.m.: you have 1 missed call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
[2016/01/06] 12.39 p.m.: new voice message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
“I sent your present and that scarf you forgot at my place to your apartment. If you even want to have either of them. My calls you certainly don’t want.”
[2017/01/10] 12.30 a.m.: incoming call from Park Chanyeol
“You actually picked up.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh, now you’re sorry? How about two weeks earlier?”
“No, I’ve been sorry then, too.”
“Then why? Why did you cut contact with me? Did I do anything wrong?”
“Can you come over?”
“Forget it.”
[2017/01/10] 12.35 a.m.: you ended the call
[2017/01/10] 12.35 a.m.: new message from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
» I’ll be in twenty
[read: 12.37 a.m.]
[01.45 a.m.]
« where are you?
[2017/01/10] 02.23 a.m.: incoming call
“Is this Byun Baekhyun’s number? This is regarding to Park Chanyeol?”
“Yes, he’s been a victim to a severe car accident. Now, am I speaking to Byun Baekhyun?”
“No, this is ___ ___, but..is everything alright!? Is he alive? Please, telll me he is alive? Please…”
“He is alive, he survived the accident barely, but he is in a coma. We don’t know when he’ll wake up, neither do we know if he’ll suffer amnesia.”
“Miss? Are you still—”
[2017/01/10] 02.25 a.m.: you ended the call
[2017/11/09] 11.14 a.m.: —– missed calls from Baekhyun
[2017/11/09] 11.14 a.m.: you have — new voice message from Baekhyun
[2017/01/11] 04.32 a.m.:
“Chanyeol…this is ___. You might have me still saved up as Baekhyun, though. I came to see you today, yesterday, I mean. I couldn’t sleep that night, I still can’t sleep. I’ve felt responsible for everything that happened to you. I still feel that way. Was it my fault? Did you drive in the middle of the night to see me?”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/01/14] 06.34 p.m.:
“I came to visit you today again. I saw Baekhyun for the first time in my life. He seems like a nice guy, no wonder you and him were so close. We talked a little while…he told me something more about you. I didn’t know you play any instruments…he showed me some of what you’ve composed. It’s good. I made it my ringtone for you.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/01/19] 2.22 p.m.:
“The doctors said that you haven’t made any progress and I broke down in tears. Baekhyun was crying, too. Satansoo— I mean Kyungsoo was there, too. He told us that you’ll be fine. He bought flowers for you; I thought it was very cute. I hope you’ll be better soon.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/02/1] 03.32 a.m.:
“It’s one of those nights again. I just find myself calling you again and again. You still haven’t made any progress according to the doctors. I’ve been up for two days. I couldn’t go to work, neither go to see you. I really miss you. I really miss you calling me Baekhyun and complaining about something, especially me. And then when I told you that I am not Baekhyun…you would always shriek and end the call. I think I really have fallen for that.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/02/14] 5.01 a.m.:
“Don’t ask me why I did it, I just did. They wanted to give your number away, so I paid all the phone bills for you. Baekhyun told me I am insane. He and I have grown to be very good friends, by the way. Chanyeol…I guess that by calling you and being directed to your voice mail…for some reason I feel that you’re alive that way. No, what am I talking about. You are alive. You are still alive. You’ll wake up soon. You will, okay….”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/03/03] 9.03 p.m.:
“The fox plushy in your room…I won it for you. You told me that you wanted to take me to an arcade to win me that fox plushy, but we never made it. I put all my coins into winning that thing! I ended up borrowing some from Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, though. I hope you’ll like it. Consider it as a present from us three…but it was me who won it, so give me some more credit.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/03/17] 01.06 a.m.: 
“Oh…hey, Chanyeol. I don’t know what to tell you, if I had to be honest…I only called to hear your ‘this is Chanyeol, I am currently too busy being awesome to answer your call, but you can leave me a message’. I guess that’s the only thing that makes me feel sane nowadays.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/03/18] 06.01 a.m.: 
“I was replaying the first voice message you sent to me…I mean Baekhyun for an hour. I wish I had declined your calls more often, so I’d now have something more to hold onto.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/03/21] 12.08 p.m.:
“I thought that with time passing, I’d deal better with the situation, but I guess time can’t heal all wounds. At least I was hoping that your wounds would be healing. Maybe I was wrong. They said that chances of you waking up are now less than five per cent. I don’t know what to do. I just left the hospital and I just want to drown myself in alcohol.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/03/23] 03.56 a.m.:
“I started smoking again. I quitted smoking when we started going out. I hate the taste of it. I don’t miss smoking at all. It’s a waste of money, but I was hoping you to be mad at me. Maybe you’d wake up and scold me. Then again…you are not someone to do that, you’d just take it out of my mouth, kiss me and tell me that you’re better than tobacco. And you’d be right. You’re the best thing I ever had.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/01] 9.05 a.m.:
“I hate you. You are stupid. I don’t care about you.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/01] 9.07 a.m.:
“April Fools! Ha, I got you, didn’t I?”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/01] 6.18 p.m.:
“I was in the hospital for the entire day with Baekhyun because the nurse caught us drawing a beard on your face with a black marker. We thought it’d be a nice April Fools joke. Well, we laughed, the nurse didn’t.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/07] 03.21 a.m.:
“Baekhyun told me that I have to stop calling you because it’s not good for me. He saw the amount of times I’ve been calling you. I know he’s only worried about me, but can’t he understand that when calling you I feel free for a moment? It gives me hopes because there are messages you haven’t heard. These voice mails I sent to you…don’t they give you a reason to wake up?”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/13] 5.04 a.m.:
“It’s five in the morning. I was crashing at Baekhyun’s. We were binge watching some dramas. He was crying so much, it was quite cute. Anyway…I promised him to stop calling your phone, but I only did that to make him shut up about it. I set myself an alarm for five to call you and I’ll delete my calling history, too. So…hey, how are you? I think I am doing fine. Work is doing good, perhaps I’ll get promoted soon. I’ll go visit you again today. Probably after work, so wake up by seven, okay?”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/15] 5.07 a.m.:
“I love you.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [yes]
[2017/04/15] 5.08 a.m.:
“That’s what I couldn’t tell you. If I did, all this wouldn’t have happened.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/15] 5.09 a.m.:
“I was scared you wouldn’t. I was too scared. I was an idiot. I still am. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/04/21] 5.09 a.m.:
“You know…I’ve befriended with all your friends. I keep on making stupid jokes. I say that I am Sly Fox ___. I’m always with Baekhyun. Am I doing all of that to keep you alive? I think so, I just don’t know if I do that for them or for myself, maybe for you…”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/05/01] 5.01 a.m.:
“I haven’t left you a voice mail in a while. I don’t know why I haven’t been calling you these days. But here I am again. I went to the hospital yesterday and I saw your mother for the first time. She asked me if I was your girlfriend, I didn’t know what to answer, so I just smiled. Our relationship is difficult and I don’t know how to define it anymore. I just don’t try to define it, my head would hurt only.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/05/10] 05.08 a.m.:
“I went to the movies with Baekhyun yesterday and stayed at his again. I like his place, I can’t go to yours, so this is what comes closest to yours. You were always hanging out here with him, right? I emptied a few bottles with him and ordered food. Do you think we could do that sometime, too? With or without Baekhyun…I don’t mind.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/05/21] 5.02 a.m.:
“Baekhyun found the phone bill. I don’t think he was angry at me, but he was looking sad. I told him that I want to pay for your phone bill, so that one day you can hear all I’d been telling you about. He probably knows that I am still calling you these days, but he doesn’t say anything.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/05/31] 5.03 a.m.:
“I think I try to stick to the promise I gave to Baekhyun. I’ll call you less, and eventually I’ll stop. The doctors keep saying that it’s hopeless. I was begging your mother to not turn off the machines. Baekhyun was supporting me. For a time I was thinking that he gave you up, too. But maybe he is trying to be the strong one, whilst I am the weak one. I see why he is your best friend.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/06/27] 5.05 a.m.:
“I was trying to delete your number for the last three days, but I couldn’t, and I still can’t. I wrote it down in my notes just in case I’d delete it and regre. I’d regret it anyway because deleting you from my phone would be like deleting you from my life. This phone and your clumsiness was how we met. I can’t delete you.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/08/02] 5.01 a.m.:
“Whenever I want to cry because of you, I look at all the texts you sent me. Maybe people are right when they say that remembering the good times makes you overcome the bad ones. Baekhyun always looks at pictures of you two. I wish we’d have taken that many photos together. At least I have one of you…you know that time when we were making ramen at yours and you had a noodle sticking on your nose? I took a secret photo of you. It’s my home screen ever since.”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
[2017/09/23] 5.15 a.m.: 
“I miss you…still. Visiting you in hospital has been my routine for a long while, at least twice a week. I haven’t been going there for a while now. Maybe I just don’t want to hear the doctor saying that your state keeps worsening. I am just scared he’d say that you’re…you know. But perhaps…I’ll have to say goodbye eventually, even though I don’t want to. I won’t say goodbye…I won’t…, but—”
—would you like to replay the voice message?: [no]
—you have no new voice messages.
[2017/11/09] 12.04 p.m.: incoming call from ‘Sly Fox Chanyeol’
—click to continue [x]
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