#and i want to have FUN on tumblr so i’m just gonna reblog literally whatever i want!!!!!
likedbyuarmyhope · 5 months
rn my queue is full of all the posts that were left in my likes and drafts but as soon as that runs out i’m gonna start being normal and just reblog stuff as i see it. you know. like a normal person
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emmkitt · 3 months
me:im never gonna post ever agajn… also me:erm hi guys
OK SO!! as a thank you to you all for being aweoske silly goobers/pos i made some freebie object designs just for yall!!! be sure to read the rest of the post so u know all the rules n stuff
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including a cut so hopefully the text doesnt take up ur entire screen HHDHD, rules and info are below the cut so hit read more if ur interested in entering!!
SO, im gonna be raffling thes guys off! sorry theres a bit of reading, but dont worry!! you gots plenty of time to read it all :3!!
-you MUST have a Toyhouse account! this is how i keep track of designs, and by keeping the character on toyhouse i’ll be able to make sure the design isnt stolen. That being said, if you dont currently have a toyhouse account you can still enter!! if you win, i’ll give you a code so you can make an account! (it takes like 2 seconds its ez peasy i promise lmao). I have plenty of codes so don’t feel like you cant participate if you dont have an account hdhd
-PLEASE only enter using one account. I know tumblr is funky and you can like make a morbillion different sideblogs, im relying on the honor system here… I don’t wanna make a rule like ‘if your oldest post isnt older than a week, you cannot enter’ cause i know sometimes people just. dont post. lmao. and that wouldnt be fair to them. I want everyone to have an equal chance, don’t ruin it for everyone else by entering multiple times……please… i beg of thee…
-I don’t really have a strict design ownership terms of service. basically just dont use my designs to spread hate that’s all i ask. idc if you resell or trade or change up the design or whatever just. just dont be a jerk about it. (also spare my poor fragile heart and dont just enter to win the design and resell it…. i want these to hopefully go to people who actually plan to use the design. I understand sometimes you just cant get attached and that’s fine, but if your sole intention is to resell….. yer gonna make poor lil ol me cry…)
-You’ll automatically be entered for each design, however you will only be able to win a maximum of one. If there’s any in the group that you for sure think you will not want/use, just let me know in your reblog! I wont be upset about that!
-Since there’s only four, I won’t be able to give everyone who enters a design :[, if you think you’ll get upset if you don’t win please don’t enter.
-if you have any questions at all just leave a comment and i’ll try to get back to you asap :]!
to enter::
all ya gotta do is reblog! maybe include a random fun fact, or your favorite object show character, or a recommendation for a movie to watch, or literally ANYTHING, entertain me with your rambles!!!! (not required though of course) (also you will totally not bribe me with floory rambles/fun facts I WILL NOT GIVE IN!!!!/silly)
Please please be sure to only reblog once! It’ll make it easier for me to sort through everything!!
no other requirements! u dont gotta like this or comment or be following me just reblogging is all ya gotta do!!
The raffle ends and i will choose winners on March 2nd at 4:00 CST (my timezone yay!!) (it may end a bit later if i end up forgetting … hopefully i wont)
if you will need a toyhouse code if you win you can include that in your reblog just so I’m aware ahead of time!! it will not impact your chances to win… im literally drowning in codes.. take them.. plea…s
I THINK THATS IT??? sorry its a long post but if yall can make it through 40,000 words of gay fanfic you can make it through my 200 word ramble/SILLY
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musette22 · 6 months
hey minnie! I hope this is not too out of topic but I was curious why you decided to do a side-blog and if you‘d recommend it.
I’m new to tumblr and a bit clueless but I’ve been reading your blog and saw you always give amazing answers.
I have many interests but my blog is only really devoted to one because I’m scared people will get annoyed if I reblog or post about other stuff.
just now tho, I’ve seen a post from someone I always like stuff from talking about how it’s pretty rude to not reblog and just like because of the „I like it but it‘s not good enough for my followers to see“ implication. And because tumblr is supposed to be a community and reblogging is the biggest feature.
I know your main blog is also just devoted to evanstan/stucky so I thought you might understand and have some thoughts. So I guess I’m asking what were your reasons to make a side blog and is it better to have several where I might only post very sporadically or should I just say fuck it and put it all in one but risk diminishing my chances at having mutuals? Or just continue liking and not reblogging? I don‘t know tumblr etiquette but you seem very well versed in it and if I’ll listen to someone it‘s definitely gonna be you!
I hope you have a great day and I’m a big fan
Hello sweetheart! ❤️ Thank you for your ask, this is a very interesting question, actually! And I totally understand why you'd be a bit lost here and unsure how to go about this, so I'll do my best to help.
I'll put the rest of my reply under the cut, because it got kind of long (is anyone surprised, really)
First of all, I truly truly think that being on tumblr and blogging should be something that's primarily for your own enjoyment, and I think that you can literally do whatever you like! There may be a bit of etiquette, sure, but there are no real rules (apart from not being an asshole to other people, but that goes without saying). Go wild and have fun, that's the main rule of tumblr imo! <3
Having said that though, I do understand your concerns, specifically with regard to wanting to make mutuals and friends! But also, the liking but not reblogging issue *is* kind of a problem Tumblr has been facing for a while now. I always figured it was mostly due to the influence of Instagram, which it probably is, but it's interesting to get this new perspective. I don't think I'd ever really considered that there are users on this site who *only* like certain things not because they don't like the content enough to reblog it, but because the post doesn't fit their blog's theme and they don't want to spam their followers and mutuals with things they didn't sign up for. That's interesting, and a valid consideration! And also, I really like what you said about Tumblr being a community and reblogging being its biggest feature - you get it!! <3 So I understand your dilemma, and I think making a side blog would definitely solve a lot of it, to be honest.
I personally have a few different reasons for making a side blog for my other fandom instead of just reblogging everything on my main. One of those reasons is that I myself like to curate my dash quite carefully and tailor it to my interests as much as possible. I do that by following blogs that post the kind of stuff I'm interested in of course, but also by filtering pretty much everything I have no interest in. That does mean I get a LOT of filtered posts on my dash, but after a while you kind of learn to tune them out. So because that's how I like to tailor my own dash, the idea of putting lots of stuff my mutuals and followers don't care about on their dashes just doesn't feel right to me. That's not to say I blame anyone else for using their main for all of their interests, because it's their blog, and if that's how they want to do it then good for them! I'll filter out the stuff I don't want to see and then it's all good. But it's just not how I personally wanted to do it, I'm a bit too neurotic for that. Also, because my main has a lot of followers, I'd feel extra bad for spamming so many people with other stuff, you know? 😅
On a related side note, I'll admit that I have unfollowed people whose main blog theme shifted over time from our mutual interest to something I didn't know or care about, but a few posts here and there is not going to be reason for me to unfollow. It really only happens when people completely jump ship, you know? And then there are also people I have become so close with that even that didn't affect our friendship, and I am still mutuals with them just because I like them as people and I enjoy their presence on my dash, even if I don't know what they're talking about half the time 😅 By which I'm trying to say that if you make the right friends, it won't really matter what you post and where!
Another reason for making a side blog is that I liked the freedom a new blog brought to just be as unhinged as I wanted about my other ship and interests without having to keep reiterating on my main that having a "new" interest didn't mean I was giving up my other interests, you know? I like being able to post as much as I like on my sideblog without feeling like I have to hold back for whatever reason. And maybe part of it was also that a side blog allowed me to show a different side to myself there that I don't show on my main a lot? On my side blog, no one knew me or had any expectations of how I talked or what I posted, and it's just good to just do whatever!
I'm not sure if any of that is helpful to you though, if you're still quite new on Tumblr, but maybe it provides a bit of context that might be useful. While I can't tell you for sure what the right way to go about it would be for you, because it differs from person to person, I do think making a side blog (or maybe even more than one) could be a good way to separate your interests, and not having to feel like you're annoying people either by spamming them or by not reblogging their posts. I don't think it necessarily matters if you only post on your sideblogs sporadically, by the way. You can still interact with people in those fandoms and make friends and mutuals even if you don't post constantly! I've made a few new friends in the Milex/AM fandom that only pop in every now and then, and I don't like them any less for it.
It took me a hot minute to get used to having a side blog I used frequently (I have a couple more for Bangs and such, but I don't use them often) and I did accidentally post to the wrong blog quite a bit in the beginning, but it's definitely gotten easier with time! So don't be deterred by that. I'd say, give the side blog(s) a go, and if it doesn't work for you, you can just stop using them and try a different approach! I hope that whatever you settle on will help you have a more enjoyable fandom experience, in any case 💗 Hope this very long winded reply helped a little, lovely! Sending hugs xxx
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rinadragomir · 1 year
I fully understand your feelings about not being able to say that you liked Chain of Thorns, even if it’s only a little bit because I feel the same way. People are allowed to have hated the book, dislike the book, feel meh about it, like the book, love the book, or have whatever feelings towards the book that they want, but when it’s gotten to the point where the people who enjoyed the book feel like they can’t say anything, that’s a problem. The people of this fandom are the reason that I stay out of it and don’t come near it. I create my own person bubble, and I am perfectly content there.
Me, I’m personally someone who loved the book, but that’s because I threw out any theories or expectations that I had prior to reading it. Like sure, I had them, but I knew I had to go in with an open mind, just like I do every book I read, whether it’s part of a series or not. Was the book perfect? No, what book is? (The day a book is considered perfect is the day that I win the lottery). For me, however, I was satisfied with it. I couldn’t put it down, and when I can’t put a book down, that tells me that it’s something that I will love the rest of my life. The only expectation that I had of Cassie was for her to give me a book that I enjoyed, and she gave me that. Point blank.
Nonono I'm not afraid to say I loved Chain of Thorns. Like GUYS🤌🏻 if I'll make a post where I'm complimenting this book AND ANY OF YOU DECIDE TO FUCKING SEND HATE?! - YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD🔪 I'm gonna bully you for the rest of my days, you'll regret even thinking about sending hate
The thing is: I don't feel like posting about chot AT ALL🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm trying to make edits, reblog sth interesting I find on my dash sometimes, but I refuse to go through any TSC tags, especially Chain of Thorns (cause someone can make a hate post about for example Lucie and then casually use #tmi #tid #tda. The dander is everywhere)
I thought I was strong enough to make positive content by myself, I know there are people who wanna enjoy a fun Tumblr experience just like me and I really want to give them such an opportunity. But I literally can't find any motivation or strength to start it. The hate wave was just TOO OVERWHELMING.
I was online 24/7 the first week after chot was released and it was the worst post-book online experience in my life😮‍💨 You read sth -> you open Twitter/Tumblr to see people's reaction on this scene -> you see hate. You wanna chat with your moots about certain scene you liked -> you text them -> you see "yes but you know what I hated about it-". And i was going through this for more than a week. I was hoping sth might change. But nothing changed.
It doesn't matter how much you like something, if it's surrounded by SO MUCH HATE DAILY - you simply can't be as excited as you were in the beginning ;-;
People are allowed to express their opinions, react to sth, even if their reaction is posting hate daily for the entire month☝🏻 (but if you think sending hate to the author is okay - there's sth wrong with you, you need professional help). And no one is allowed to stop them, they're not doing anything illegal! But my mistake was that I ALLOWED them to ruin MY exciting experience. So I'm not making the same mistake twice. My choice - to avoid anything that can make me feel bad.
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therunawaykind · 1 year
Right everyone, Hello people! This is a long post so buckle up!
You all know or at least have heard the basic idea when it comes to this little project/initiative within the server which was kinda inspired by what missmonsters used to do on her discord server as well as just Jo…just a constant inspiration.  As of right now, this is a project initiative thing that is starting up/being held on my Discord Server and hopefully maybe sometime in the future it'll be posted/work somehow through Tumblr
This is a fun initiative for writers both experienced and inexperienced to take part in! We all know writing can be very fucking tedious at times…so why not add prompts into that mix? That always has the chance of being quite ridiculous and crazy! That’s all part of the fun, right?
As of right now the plan going forward is there will be prompt drops a few times a month there isn’t a set schedule for this initiative like it is all subject to change and adapt if people feel like they’re getting too many prompts or maybe even possibly not enough prompts! In addition to that the only time there should some sort of schedule is if someone or multiple people who is participating want to start a prompt challenge with one person or a group of people it is in those circumstances there is a deadline aka a schedule. 
Now I imagine the prompts on some occasions are probably gonna be wild, crazy, ridiculous and whatever else you can possibly think of. With that it is in my head that maybe once a month at least at some stage throughout this lil project there will be prompts…ideas?....inspirations? Given out…picked? For people taking part in this and what I mean by that is I do like the idea of fics being inspired by movies, books, TV Shows literally any medium you can think of. I do think it would just be a really fun and cool experience for people and seeing the progress of it all. 
One thing I do wanna make clear is there is no one set person running this thing, I didn’t wanna risk the chance of ruining the fun and spontaneity of this lil project by just assigning one person to be in charge. Unless there is like a big announcement or like as I mentioned before the assigning of prompts for fics such as a movie, TV shows, books etc, it is all between the group of people taking part which I’m hoping will be a nicer experience and rules won’t be needed. Though if it is needed I feel like you all know by now you can contact me or one of the mods and we’ll get whatever it is under control. 
I think that’s everything…..besides well okay the tumblr blog @runawayswrite that is going to be used for reblogging the fics that were created and written using the prompts discussed in that channel. The tags that will more than likely be used for that blog/submissions will probably be #RunawaysWrite and #RunawayPrompts. Now I’m also including #RunawayPrompts because I’m thinking depending on how the prompts go I will also post them to Tumblr for the vast amount of writers on this hellsite, just for an added thing for fun even if it was just random followers adding a silly lil thing to this whole initiative that I thought would be nice and fun especially if they didn’t have Discord or straight up didn’t wanna join. 
This post is just letting people and other writers know on the off chance that they do wanna join the discord and participate or just participate through Tumblr at some stage even if that is at a later date. If people do wanna join my discord do just send me a message!
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sungbeam · 8 months
Firstly I wan’t to apologize for the spam once again 😭 but I wanted to show you how much your writing means to me and to all of deobiblr since I see that you’ve been struggling with reblogs :(
I just want you to know that it’s not your fault, nor is it your writing. While I was going through the LIU ML I did notice that there was quite a huge difference in reblogs and interactions but please don’t think that it’s because of your writing! Tbh it can be a multiple of factors such as people only reading fics for certain members (even though they’re missing out on amazing stories but wtv-), ghost readers, people forgetting to reblog the second part (cough cough), shyness ig??, not realizing it was a part of a series, they’re no longer active to complete reading the series, they want to wait fir the series to end before reading it all in one go, or because they simply don’t know that reblogs weigh more than likes on tumblr :(
So…. Yeah! I just wanted to reassure you that all your fics hold such a dear place in my heart and I never want you to forget how much joy you, your fics, and your writing bring to people! Including me haha
I’m also wishing that my reblogs helped at least a little with getting more exposure to the LIU series and provide you with a little comfort that people are still reading and appreciating! Sorry, I feel like I keep repeating myself haha ^^;
Oh! And I’ve also read all your replies and thank you! Ily too 😭🫶 I wish my reactions were a little fresher but I kept up with the series since the beginning basically and I haven’t re-read them (YET!) so my reactions might be a little dull or repetitive/doesn’t bring anything new to the table but thank you for taking your time to read through all of them!
I’m a bit of a blog lurker sometimes so tbh I just read whatever was posted/asked LMAOOOO so I can’t remember exactly where I get some info from but I do know that it was said at one point 😭
Ok sorry that I keep trailing on but thank you once again for taking your time to read this and all my other reblogs and I only wish you the absolute best! Good vibes, lots of love, showers with kisses and roses for you forever! 😚
(P.s. you can decide if you want to answer this publicly or like… subtweet me or smth idk 😭 I was just a lil too shy to be all up in your dms HAHA ok bye fr now muah)
omg user floatingpluto ur so precious 🫂 PLS don't apologize for the reblog spam, i literally had the absolute time of my life both reading thru ur tags AND replying to them (´Д⊂ヽ sometimes idek what to say in response to reblogs bc i feel like i get repetitive even tho i just wanna express my appreciation :')) but it was really fun replying to urs !!!
ahhhh the trouble w reblogs 😔🤧 i fear it's a struggle for everyone nowadays, and i feel a little silly being such a child abt them when ik i prob get a little more interaction than some others :') but thank u for being so kind and considerate abt it!! no matter what, ur reblogs did help me in more ways than one and i appreciate that so, so much. also w the less interactions bit, i def understand that things r going on in people's lives other than fanfic, which is what i keep trying to remind myself of when i do have those really low days of interaction </3 ig my insecurity is just glaringly obvious nowadays 🤡😭
ALSO no worries abt whether or not u bring something "new" to the table in ur replies TT i personally thought they were quite fun and unique!! take ur time w the rereads, and don't feel like u have to just cuz u told me u were gonna !! 😋
much love and hugs!!! 💖💖
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note-boom · 2 years
Getting Around Here...
All right, we’ve reached the point where I’ve been told I have 1000 posts on here, so I’m gonna make a navigation/what’s this blog about post so I don’t go insane...
What’s This Blog About?
Basically this started as a realization that I was saving way too many BSD-related links on the app I use to keep track of all my obsessions, reactions to things, etc. So I figured a Tumblr blog would be the solution, and now this is my archive of things I would usually just save as a link elsewhere (plus some thoughts of my own to spice it up a bit.)
Navigation Stuff
Now how do I tag things for future explorations?
Fandom Tags: #bsd, #bungo stray dogs, #bungou stray dogs (will be updated if I switch/tack on other fandoms)
Character Tags: In general, I just use [acronym] [character’s most used name]. Like #bsd atsushi. Sometimes, I use two like #bsd edgar allan poe/#bsd poe or #bsd gogol/#bsd nikolai gogol but only when I’m not sure what their most used name is. There’s also #bsd characters (for unnamed characters or just incorrect quotes) this one (when there are too many characters to tag) and group specific tags (armed detective agency, port mafia, bsd guild, soukoku, shin soukoku, there’s no naming consistency)
Meta Tags: #bsd musings (for literally anything that contemplates bsd) #bsd theories (for theories, specifically) #character analysis (metas about characters)
Specific Media Tags: #bsd official art, #manga things (anything that features the manga panels) #anime things (anything that features anime screenshots and the like) #light novel things (anything referring to the light novels) #stage play things (anything featuring stuff about the stage play) #bsd fanart, #bsd edits, #bsd gifset, #bsd fanfic. Of course, there will also be tags for the light novels specifically, which is usually just bsd [light novel name], and wan.
Additional Tags: #humor, #alternate universe, #crossover, #random fandom spamdom (generally fandom related either because of my tags or the post’s contents itself) #bsd fandom slander (mostly a subset of humor that lovingly slanders the characters) #not fandom spam (has nothing to do with the fandom specifically) #spitting nonsense (my posts) #rambling in the tags sorry (when I get a bit TOO carried away) #note re-reblogs (currently nonexistent but the time will come...i advise blocking this tag lest you wake up to find 50 posts rereblogged because I didn't want to queue them...)
Spoilers tags will be tagged bsd spoilers (for all of them), manga spoilers/bsd manga spoilers, and anime spoilers/bsd anime spoilers.
In (Rambly) Conclusion
Why am I writing this like a three-point thesis...ah never mind.
And that’s how I sort out my obsession with this stupid show. If any other piece of media seizes me by the throat like BSD has, then I’ll probably start posting about it here (but my fixations are usually short lived and thus onto main sideblog they go).
I tend to...ramble in the tags a lot, which I mildly feel bad for (there’s a reason why I generally just privately save things). So if you’re seeing this because I spam reblogged you and you wondered who in the world was crowding your notifs with tags, I’m sorry. I also try not to crawl out of the tags too much, though, just do so if they don’t fit my rambles (oops....)
I try and lessen the blow by slapping most everything on the queue (but I don’t tag what I queue, let there be CHAOS), so maybe that helps a bit?
That said, I DO love tags, so feel free to spam reblog whatever you want from here and comment-tag as much as you want...I LOVE seeing people say stuff (whether I agree or not, this IS just for fun). I don’t usually use the comment/reply section or the like button because I don’t actually do anything in my main blog (I just work off sideblogs, heh), so I’ll likely abuse the reblog button a lot or just hope my vibes of appreciation are psychically felt.
OH RIGHT!! Asks are always open. Feel free to scream at me about literally anything, ask anything, or share cool links and shiny stuff I can reblog/save (the last one especially because I am a magpie of fandom things). I generally have to be asked things to talk about them, so I do warn you that the right ask can really get me going.
And with that, back to spamming I go!
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runawayswrite · 1 year
Right hello! As you've probably seen from my other blog @therunawaykind this is the blog for the RunawaysWrite & #RunawayPrompts initiative project thing.
This blog will mainly be used for reblogging & sharing the fics of all the writers that are taking part in this little project thing. As well as possibly at a later date sharing the prompts for followers and possible participants that just wanna take part via Tumblr. It's all just a bit of fun at the end of the day!
Under the cut will basically be the exact same post that you have seen on my other account @therunawaykind I just want to make sure that people know the purpose of this blog is and what this whole project is about. So with that I bid you adieu!
Right everyone, Hello people!
You all know or at least have heard the basic idea when it comes to this little project/initiative within the server which was kinda inspired by what missmonsters used do on her discord server as well as just Jo…just a constant inspiration. 
A fun initiative for writers both experienced and inexperienced to take part in! We all know writing can be very fucking tedious at times…so why not add prompts into that mix? That always has the chance of being quite ridiculous and crazy! That’s all part of the fun right?
As of right now the plan going forward is there will be prompt drops a few times a month there isn’t a set schedule for this initiative like it is all subject to change and adapt if people feel like they’re getting too many prompts or maybe even possibly not enough prompts! In addition to that the only time there should some sort of schedule is if someone or multiple people who is participating want to start a prompt challenge with one person or a group of people it is in those circumstances there is a deadline aka a schedule. 
Now I imagine the prompts on some occasions are probably gonna be wild, crazy, ridiculous and whatever else you can possibly think of. With that it is in my head that maybe once a month at least at some stage throughout this lil project there will be prompts…ideas?....inspirations? Given out…picked? For people taking part in this and what I mean by that is I do like the idea of fics being inspired by movies, books, TV Shows literally any medium you can think of. I do think it would just be a really fun and cool experience for people and seeing the progress of it all. 
One thing I do wanna make clear is there is no one set person running this thing, I didn’t wanna risk the chance of ruining the fun and spontaneity of this lil project by just assigning one person to be in charge. Unless there is like a big announcement or like as I mentioned before the assigning of prompts for fics such as a movie, TV shows, books etc, it is all between the group of people taking part which I’m hoping will be a nicer experience and rules won’t be needed. Though if it is needed I feel like you all know by now you can contact me or one of the mods and we’ll get whatever it is under control. 
I think that’s everything…..besides well okay the tumblr blog RunawaysWrite that is going to be used for reblogging the fics that were created and written using the prompts discussed in that channel. The tags that will more than likely be used for that blog/submissions will probably be #RunawaysWrite and #RunawayPrompts. Now I’m also including #RunawayPrompts because I’m thinking depending on how the prompts go I will also post them to Tumblr for the vast amount of writers on that hellsite, just for an added thing for fun even if it was just random followers adding a silly lil thing to this whole initiative that I thought would be nice and fun especially if they didn’t have Discord or straight up didn’t wanna join. 
But this post is just to let people and other writers know on the off chance that they do wanna join the discord and participate or just participate through tumblr maybe…though I may not start that aspect till a later date
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I’m very new to the fandom and was afraid there wouldn’t be much content for it, let alone new stuff. I was so glad to be proven wrong! You are almost single-handedly keeping the killer and healer tag on both tumblr and ao3 alive and I have nothing but respect for you.
I have no specific question, but take this as permission to talk about anything. The show, characters, headcanons, WIPs, finished fics… whatever’s on your mind
Aw, thank you so much! I didn't honestly think I would be the one to keep this fandom alive but there's just something about Killer and Healer that like...has not let me go for the past year. Like, most times, I'll watch a drama, get into it for a little while, then move on. But Killer and Healer? Nah fam, that shit gripped my heart, put it in a fucking cage with a lock on it and was like "you're mine" and I'm just like "okay". But I do feel like our little fandom is growing slowly, because I do notice when people start reblogging/liking a lot of my Killer and Healer posts, which always makes me happy because I want more people to join, to experience the absolute beauty (and pain) that is Killer and Healer.
Now! You said I can talk about anything so I'm going to talk about my WIPs, because I love them and I'm very excited for them. WIPs are under the cut
I Could Never Forget You - Amnesia au/Temporary memory loss where Jiang Yuelou gets hurt during a case and forgets that he's married to Chen Yuzhi. Chen Yuzhi is hurt but doesn't try to force the relationship, even though everyone else is like bruh, Jiang Yuelou is dating someone else; someone who is not you. Jiang Yuelou thankfully regains his memory whenever he finds out Chen Yuzhi is hurt and in the hospital
My Pirate, My Prince - based off of this ask. I've written a pirate au for Junchun, where it's pirate!Zhan Junbai x mermaid!Yu Tangchun, but I haven't written a pirate au for Yuezhi yet. And I had a story written before semi-plotted out like a year ago but I just wasn't feeling it. But this one? Oh, I'm feeling this one
Prettiest Flower in Town - Florist!Chen Yuzhi x Triad Leader!Jiang Yuelou. Funny story, I was actually working on this WIP when the idea for my newest WIP popped into my head. But, I love me some mafia aus so obviously there has to be more, right? You can never have enough mafia aus
So This Is What Love Feels Like - Jiang Yuelou has a crush on Chen Yuzhi but he has no idea what the feeling inside of him is (it's love, Jiang Yuelou. It's love) so he asks Song Rong, who is definitely not the person to ask, but he plays "dumb" and says that Jiang Yuelou should go see Chen Yuzhi because whatever he's experiencing sounds "serious". Pour one out for Song Rong, best fucking wingman in the Jing City Police Department
Stake Me Through the Heart - this is another vampire au but it's a twist! Vampire Hunter!Jiang Yuelou x Vampire!Chen Yuzhi. My past vampire aus have been where Jiang Yuelou has been the vampire but not this time! I'm actually quite excited for this one because I've never written a vampire hunter x vampire fic before, it's always been vampire x human so...I'm gonna have fun. Oh, there is gonna be angst in this fic, I can tell you that much
Tattoo on My Arm and In My Heart - this is just the title for now, but it's Tattoo Artist!Zhan Junbai x Street Singer!Yu Tangchun. I actually got this idea when watching one of the many Killer and Healer behind the scene clips and noticed that of the main four, Chen Yucheng is the only one who has tattoos on his arms. So...tada! Idea is born, all from literally staring at an actor's tattoos on his forearms (writers are weird man, ideas come from anywhere)
The Demon and the Angel - my newest WIP that you can read all the background details about here
You're a Good Father, Jiang Yuelou - Single Father!Chen Yuzhi x Police Chief!Jiang Yuelou. Don't know why I wanted to write this fic but I just feel like it needs to be written. Of course it's gonna be fluffy because there's baby Keying involved but there's also gonna be angst (because it's me and because we need to get Jiang Yuelou's past involved, obvi)
恨君���似江楼月 | Killer and Healer - my baby, my precious, the Killer and Healer rewrite. I'm honestly really proud with how much I've written for this story and I'm so proud and grateful that everyone is loving the story as much as I'm loving writing it. There's still gonna be deaths (as I can't save everyone) but there won't be as many because jesus fucking christ it's like we were just cutting down people like they were flies. And we don't even SPEAK of the last five minutes of ep. 37...honestly, we don't speak of ep. 37 at all but unfortunately, it but be written. HOWEVER. There will be a happy ending because GOD DAMN IT my boys and my characters deserve one. The ending for this fic I have planned out and oh...my god. It's gonna be good.
Nothing Can Separate Me From You - I don't know if I'll write this one, it's there in my WIP folder but basically the premise of this one is Zhao Moqing is doing her damndest to try and get Jiang Yuelou all for herself by giving him gifts or following him (and just being creepy) but unfortunately he's in love with Chen Yuzhi and that pisses her the fuck off. So she actually ends up causing a rift between the two by kissing Jiang Yuelou suddenly in front of Chen Yuzhi and that's a whole mess...she thinks she's got Jiang Yuelou all to herself now but nope! He's still very much so in love with Chen Yuzhi. So Zhao Moqing decides to frame Chen Yuzhi with opium and get him arrested and when that plan fails, she flies off the handle at Chen Yuzhi and demands to know how Chen Yuzhi got Jiang Yuelou to be so devoted to him because she's done everything, even framing Chen Yuzhi with opium, to get Jiang Yuelou to pay attention to her but it's not working. Little does she know that Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi planned the whole arrest thing to get her to incriminate herself so she gets arrested and Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi go home for cuddles and apologies
High School Au - based off of this ask. I don't know if I'm going to write this one either but I have thoughts and I just have to detail them out better I think. But I'm pretty sure the K&H fandom doesn't have a high school au yet and if it doesn't have one, that means I probably have to write one
But thank you for allowing me to talk about my WIPs! I always love talking about them. And if you ever wanna scream about Killer and Healer, my ask box is always open
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timesnewreader · 1 year
Hello and welcome!
I made this blog because I’ve been reading reader insert for a long ass time and I wanted a place to shamelessly reblog all of it as too many people I know in real life follow my main👍
This will basically be a place for fic recs as I read them as well as things I’ve previously enjoyed. This will mostly be reader insert as I find that Tumblr is the best place on the internet to go for that specifically and it takes a fair amount of curation to find good ones. I may also recommend fics I read on ao3, but this is really just for fun and I might forget so I make no promises. I’m also just gonna reblog whatever tf I want on here I’m gonna be honest including any ship fic I like.👍
This blog will feature mostly NSFW content meaning that this is an 18+ account! IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS BLOG!!
I occasionally read and interact with dark content, if you’re uncomfortable with that I respect it and I suggest you steer clear. I will do my best to properly tag things and I hope you will curate your own internet experience and block those tags. (Or me if you so choose✌️)
I’m literally just doing this for funsies and to hype up authors I like. I make no commitments and I don’t really have any expectations for where this will go or if anyone will even see it. So let’s just vibe!
My main fandoms for reader insert are: Jujutsu Kaisen, Haikyuu, MHA, Demon Slayer, and recently a bit of Blue Lock. I also post Asiof/got/hotd occasionally but I don’t read a massive amount of reader insert for those. But I also just reblog whatever my favorite authors have written for because they can make me insane no matter the fandom.
This is a side blog so all of my likes and whatnot will come from my main octopishisahybridanimal👍
With all that said, I hope you enjoy!
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somanysoundtracks · 2 years
Block any and everyone you want to
Gonna let you in on a secret <.< >.> It is perfectly fine to mute or block literally anyone you want to on social media. For literally any reason. tumblr, twitter, Facebook, Discord, whatever. Doesn’t matter.
They are not entitled to your time or your eyeballs. Most people on here are here for fun, not a job. For people on here for work, that’s a whole other thing. They should know how to handle that. But if you’re here for fun? In your free time? As someone who is paid to argue things for a living, you can block whoever you want.
No reason is too stupid or too petty.
You don’t like their fandom takes? Block.
They draw/write/cosplay a thing you don’t like? Block.
They reblog/share a lot of posts on any subject you don’t care about? Block.
They make you uncomfortable? Block.
I am not paid to get on here every day and listen to everyone screeching into the void. I have a paying job for that. And even when I’m on the clock, I have professional boundaries.
There’s this stupid fear perpetuated mostly by rightwingers that if you block people with “differing opinions” that you’ll create an echo chamber, which isn’t “healthy”, because apparently blocking people screaming hate speech means you’ll be left with clones of yourself simply because you focus on voices that better match your own beliefs. Anyone who says this has never been in a room of people who align politically, share a religion, a profession, a fandom, a ship, or a favorite character. Maybe it’s just because of my religious background, but trust me when I say that sharing qualities with people in your circle will not suddenly leave you in an echo chamber where you cannot hear alternative perspectives and grow as a person. Listening to someone who shares my religion but has different privileges than me due to their race, and thus has a different experience of life, is very different to listening to someone try to explain that taking my rights away is “only politics” and thus doesn’t matter.
What does end up happening if you don’t mute or block people because of the scary “echo chamber” is that your feed ends up veering rightwing (and you will be more miserable on it), because rightwingers love talking about how much they are silenced by the left, despite the fact that rightwingers control most media. That’s not a conspiracy theory. Literally look up who heads the corporations in charge of your local and national newspapers, television and film studios, and whatever social media you use. Just look up the paradox of tolerance. I’m not saying be more distrustful and don’t listen to diverse voices you wouldn’t otherwise listen to. But often in the quest to be more tolerant, those actually diverse voices get drowned out by the more popular rightwing ones. Looking up a podcast by marginalized creators is far more worth your time than paying attention to Fox News or those 10 guys who said a bad thing wouldn’t happen but oops now they’re wrong let’s get their opinion instead of the people actually affected by the bad thing.
So take it from me. You’re probably not paid to look at stuff on here. Mute or block anyone you want to. It’s a lot more comfortable.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
romeo and juliet
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Pairing: Fezco (Euphoria) x Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: Fezco sees her at his store for the first time, and he can’t help but let himself fall in love.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: feminine pronouns used (she/her), brief references to romeo and juliet (you don’t need any prior understanding of the book)
A/N: hii, so this is like the first fanfic i’ve written ever, so idk if it will qualify as a “good” fanfic. also i’m brand new to posting on tumblr so you’re gonna have to bear with me here. thank you for reading, likes/reblogs and constructive criticism are always appreciated :)
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Fezco never got around to reading Romeo and Juliet. He had dropped out of school before it became required reading, and quite frankly, he had no interest in reading almost five hundred pages of convoluted nonsense. He did, however, understand the basic plot. A guy, Romeo, quickly falls in love with a girl, Juliet, but before their love can truly blossom, it’s cut short by the tragic blade of death. It’s a timeless tale that’s been hammered into his brain through tacky remakes and boring English lessons.
He couldn’t help but think of the Shakespearean classic as he stared curiously at the girl standing in front of him. He had never seen her before, but she was a welcome sight to sore eyes that were constantly subjected to the scrutinizing stares he received from his typical patrons. She wasn’t wearing anything particularly special, just sweatpants and a tight crop top, but the way the fluorescent lights seemed to create a halo around her head, combined with the fact that her voice sounded like a literal muse, made Fezco certain that she was an angel sent from God himself. He wondered if this was how Romeo felt when he first met Juliet, star-struck and in awe at the sight that stood before him.
“Do you think I could get a pack of gum too?” she asks, pulling Fezco out of his thoughts and into the present. He looks at her blankly, mind racing in a fruitless attempt to process what she just said.
“Sorry?” he finally spits out after what feels like hours.
“A pack of gum. Can I get a pack of gum?” she asks again, brows knitted together in confusion.
“Oh. Yeah, uh, what flavor you want?”
“Just mint will do.”
“Aight, here you go,” he replies, pulling a pack of peppermint gum off the shelf behind him. He hands her the gum and when her hand just so happens to brush past his, he swears that he feels sparks racing up his arm and down his spine. “That it?” he asks, trying to ignore the disappointment that creeps into the back of his mind when she nods her head. “Aight, that’ll be twelve dollars,” he relays as he tallies up the cost of her items. He looks down at his feet and mentally chides himself for feeling so enraptured by someone he just met, someone that he would probably never see again, knowing his luck. Against his better judgment, he takes one last look at her as she searches for her wallet in her bag. “You a reader?” he prompts, desperate for another chance to hear her voice.
“What?” she responds, confusion painted on her face.
“Your bag, you got a book in there,” Fez quickly explained, suddenly aware of the fact that he probably looked like a creep looking in her bag. He held his breath as he watched her register what he just said, praying that whatever God had sent her would not be so cruel as to take her away.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m a reader. Well, I’m trying to be at least, I used to read all the time when I was younger but somewhere along the way I just…stopped I guess. I’m trying to get back into that habit. I haven’t been very successful,” she admitted, letting a smile grace her features. 
“You’re good,” Fez chuckled, “what you reading?”
“Romeo and Juliet,” she answered.
“For real?” Fezco asked, surprised that anyone would willingly subject themselves to that torture.
“Yes, and before you start making fun of me, I’d like to make it known that it’s actually got a pretty good plot. Granted, I can barely understand anything they’re saying, but I would be lying if I said I don’t enjoy reading it. Maybe you should check it out, we could start a book club,” she joked; a smile tugging on the corners of her mouth.
“Maybe, I don’t know if I could keep up with a smart girl like you though."
“Yeah, I don’t know if smart is the word I would use to describe myself."
“You gotta give yourself more credit ma, you deserve it.” 
“Funny, that’s exactly what my therapist said,” she quipped as she pulled out three five-dollar bills, “here, you can keep the change.” Fezco took the money from her outstretched hand and filed it into the register next to him. He watched her close her wallet as he bagged her items, handing them across the glass counter and into her hands. 
Fezco wouldn’t describe himself as impulsive; he wasn’t cold and calculating like some corrupt businessman, but he liked to put some thought into the actions he took. There were a lot of things he had to consider; who would it help, who would it hurt, would it affect his future, would it be worth it? Despite his calm demeanor, he constantly felt as though there was a typhoon of thoughts swirling around his brain. So when he decided, in the spur of the moment, to ask the girl in front of him for her name, he felt as if somebody else had taken control over his mind and body. He sucked in a breath as he watched her decide whether or not she was going to comply with his request. 
She looked up from her phone and stared at him curiously. Had it been any other girl he might have felt creeped out, but he couldn’t blame her when he was doing the exact same thing. After what felt like an excruciatingly long time, which was more likely just a few seconds, she obliged, letting her name slip out of her lips. 
He didn’t often think much about names, in his mind they were just meaningless words people went by. A random combination of letters that were probably picked out of some cookie-cutter mommy blog, a moniker that really didn’t have much meaning in regards to who someone was as a person. He couldn’t say that about her name. It seemed to fit her perfectly, like a tailored glove made for a queen. He didn’t know anything about her, but he knew that her name encapsulated everything about her personality perfectly, an entire story beautifully told through the letters and sounds that formed her name. He repeated it out loud, relishing in how it felt on his tongue. “That’s a pretty name,” he replied earnestly.
“Thank you,” she said, a large smile plastered on her face. “You?”
“Fezco, but you can just call me Fez,” he answered, excited that she had seemed curious about him, even if it was just pleasantries.
“Fez, that’s a pretty cool name,” she remarked. “Well, thanks for helping me, Fez. Have a nice night.”
“You too ma. See you ‘round,” he replied, grateful that her back was turned so she couldn’t see the childish grin plastered on his face. He watched her get into her car and drive off like a love-struck teenager with a high school crush. Running a hand over the top of his head, he whispered her name to himself again, repeating it over and over like a prayer. 
Fezco considered himself to be a realist, it wasn’t something he had consciously decided to be, but rather a product of his cruel, unfortunate childhood. He knew that he had been dealt bad cards in life, and he knew that he couldn’t change the deck. He also knew that she probably wasn’t interested in him, how could she be? She looked like she had been sculpted by the hands of Aphrodite herself; she probably had guys much better than him begging for a chance to talk to her. Fezco considered himself to be a realist, but that night, as he was ordering more stock for his store, he added something else to his typical order. A fresh copy of Romeo and Juliet.
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navegandoaciegas · 3 years
Maneater Writing Challenge
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(gif not mine, found of Pinterest)
Hello everyone! I hope you’re doing great!!
In honor of the upcoming Hot Girls Summer, and of me hitting 2.6k followers here on Tumblr, I wanted to host a smut writing challenge with the topic of “Maneaters”, aka fem doms.
FemDom is a large term that includes many different kind of dominant women. It originates in the BDSM community and it indicates activities and relationships where the female partner is in charge. There’s different type of femdoms, for example the gentle kind that combines sexual dominance with nurturing elements (example: mommy kink), or the more widely known dominatrix kind that enjoys dominating in a cruel, strict way.
Fem!Dom readers x Sub!Male character is a pretty rare trope in the Marvel fandom, but I hope that by hosting this challenge I will inspire more people to write this type of content.
Let’s go over the boring rules before we can get to the fun stuff:
You can write for any characters played by Sebastian Stan (ex. Bucky Barnes, Lee Bodecker...) or Chris Evans (Steve Rogers, Andy Barber). Any other Marvel character, like Sam Wilson, is also fine.
The story must be a reader insert (character x reader). So no OC’s and no character x character. Poly and multiple characters x reader is fine to me.
The closing date is September 9th, my birthday! No pressure if you can’t get it done by then.
You must be 18+ to participate.
No word limit, but please use ‘read more’ if your story is longer than 250 characters.
Due to the nature of the challenge, all stories must include smut. You can make it nsfw of any kind, as any genre is welcome: fluff, angst, dark (dub-con, non-con), hurt/comfort.
Any AU, trope and kink is welcome except: scat, snuff, gore, underage, bestiality.
Send me an ask or a dm with the prompts you’ve chosen. Choose at least one. You can pick as many as you want from all categories. No limits of # people per prompt.
I’m going to reblog and comment each story I get, and I will eventually create a masterlist with all the submissions I get.
If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I picked over 50 prompts in total, so I hope you’ll find at least one that will inspire your creativity.
The prompts are listed below the cut.
Lyrics (You can use the whole song or the lyrics I selected as inspo):
Maneater by Nelly Furtado: I wanna see you all on your knees, knees, you either wanna be with me or be me. Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds: Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored, I'm the girl you'd die for. I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out, 'cause that's what young love is all about. So pull me closer and kiss me hard, I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart.
How to be a Heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds: Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun, but baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run. Rule number two, just don't get attached to somebody you could lose.
CryBaby by Megan Thee Stallion: Uh, his friends and his dad hate me (yeah), I broke his lil' heart, he a crybaby
Heart of Glass by Blondie: Once I had a love and it was divine, soon found out I was losing my mind. It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind. Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.
Daisy by Ashnikko: Make your man call me daddy, he talk too much, he's too chatty.
Get on your knees by Nicki Minaj: You gotta beg for it, beg for it, I wanna see you lookin' up. Baby I'ma need you to beg, beg beg for it. Get on your knees, get on your knees, get on your knees.
Poker Face by Lady Gaga: Russian roulette is not the same without a gun. And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun.
Mommy kink
Gagged and Bound
Anal Plugs
Chastity belts
Body Worship
Loss of Virginity (Virgin Character)
Innocence Kink
Corruption Kink
Men wearing panties and stockings
Revenge/Makeup sex
House Husband kink
Mistress kink
Lactation/Breastfeeding kink
Breeding kink
“How quick can you make me cum?”
“I’m not touching you unless you beg me to.”
“Bad boys don’t get to cum.”
“Take it.”
“Please, mommy.”
“You look so pretty on your knees.”
“I like men better when they shut the fuck up.”
“Did that hurt? (...) Good, because it was meant to.”
“Keep making those noises for me, baby.”
“You’re not coming unless I say so.”
“You’re in so much trouble, baby boy.”
“Should've thought about it before you decided to piss me off.”
“Jealousy looks great on you.”
“I’ll be so good to you.”
“I’m yours, all yours.”
“Please, gimme more.”
“So fucking tight.”
“You’re such a pathetic little slut.”
“Look at you, drooling all over yourself.”
Situations (You don’t have to use these, but I thought I could give you some extra inspiration):
Jealous reader shows character who he belongs to;
Reader pegs the ‘_’ (insert whatever annoying behavior you want) out of the character;
Reader cucks disobedient character;
Character surprises the reader with a maid costume;
Reader makes character wear a sex toy (anal plug, vibrating panties, chastity belt) in a public setting;
Seemingly innocent and sweet reader surprises character with a kinky side;
Seemingly kinky and experienced character reveals a soft, innocent interior;
Reader gets revenge on her cheating partner;
Reader verbally humiliates the character;
Character accidentally call the reader “mommy” in the middle of sex;
Yandere!Reader is obsessed with character;
Yandere!Reader thinks that the character is cheating on her with another woman.
Tagging some writers who may be interested. Please don’t feel pressured to join.
@buckycuddlebuddy @msmarvelwrites @sweeterthanthis @whateveriwant @imanuglywombat @nsfwsebbie @jtargaryen18 @jobean12-blog @world-of-aus @river-soul @buckyownsmylife @burnthematches @sherrybaby14 @sinner-as-saint @kleohoneyao3 @literate-lamb @candy-and-writing @cap-n-stuff @docharleythegeekqueen @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @honeyloverogers @honeygingergemini @fafulous @foxgloveprincess @giorno-plays-piano @gotnofucks @gogolucky13 @cherienymphe @mcudarklibrary @emilykjh @overr-written @teamcap4bucky @threeminutesoflife @iraot @sebbysbaby @propertyofpoeandbucky @hailmary-yramliah @cryptidcasanova @asadmarveltrashbag @angrythingstarlight
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rexsjaigeyes · 3 years
Not sure if anyone will read this or if anyone even gives a shit but this is my blog so whatever. Needed to rant about some stuff I've been feeling about tumblr lately. But before I do that, I would like to reiterate that MINORS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. Unkindly fuck off if you are under 18.
As for the other shit I need to get off my chest:
I've honestly been very disappointed in the vibes on tumblr lately. I know this doesn't apply to ALL of you, but it's feeling like more and more people are taking advantage of content creators on this hellsite. Interaction has been shit lately, and yeah that includes the horrendous likes-to-reblogs ratio on my fics (as well as other people's fics).
Again, this doesn't apply to everyone; I have so many amazing moots who take the time to interact with me even when they are creating content of their own. It's just that when you have literally 2,000 followers and only get interaction from your 20 moots, things start to get extremely frustrating.
Before the ship requests, I was literally begging for y'all to interact and send asks. It seems like only when I do celebrations, people flood my inbox like never before. Where is that enthusiasm the rest of the time? And why is it so hard for my fics to get reblogged when I (once more) have literally 2,000 of you following me??
On top of that, I've been putting so much work into these ship requests (and the rest of my blog) but some of y'all have been so entitled with the way I spend my time. It's not just me; I've seen the same rancid vibes and entitled asks sent to other blogs too. Don't even get me started on the fact that I take the time to post clear rules, guidelines, etc. all over my blog yet I still get asks and shit about things that are clearly stated if you just READ. I'm not exaggerating — it's getting so bad that I'm starting to question if the people sending this shit are actually minors bc the reading comprehension really ain't there.
Content creators on this site are not asking for much. We give you consistent free content and, at the most, ask for a reblog. For you to hit ONE button. But apparently, some of y'all can't even do that. And on top of that, y'all are sending me shit that gives me the feeling you don't understand I have more shit to do besides continuously churn out free content for you. It is frankly disrespectful and I'm tired of it.
Again, this probably only applies to like a handful of you. But it is getting to be so much that I'm considering taking a long break from tumblr. Bc the rancid vibes have really been unacceptable. As of now, I don't know if I'll actually do that, but I'll keep y'all updated...
I don't think this post is gonna change anything honestly, bc this shit has been happening to me since I hit 1k. I don't know how many times content creators can beg for a simple reblog before y'all understand the importance of that.
And I don't care if this post pisses any of you off. The unfollow button is right there. I'm done keeping quiet about this. Yeah, I write for fun, but I'm not gonna put the extra work into posting publicly if all these people who clearly like my shit don't want to support me. Because let's not fool anyone — with 2k followers and y'all begging me to finish simple ship requests, you obviously think my writing is good. So do the bare minimum to support me and other writers you like.
Interact in ways that don't say "write this shit for me" or that hassle content creators about when they will finish something. And fucking reblog content that you like.
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chuckbass-love · 3 years
56 and 100 with andy or steve plss
Hellooo lovely. First of all thank you for the request and i’m sorry for the long wait. I was taking a break from requests to work on the multiple series that i’ve got going on but i’m back now and i hope this is worth the wait. Secondly, i chose Andy for this and i really hope you love it.
Prompt #100: “Call me selfish, but i don’t ever want anyone else to touch you”
Prompt #56: “Come sit on my face, let me show you how much i missed you”
Disclaimer: My work is not to be translated or to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, fluff, smut, oral sex ( f receiving), language and ass grabbing. 18+ guys
Word Count: 2,861
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @lovingpostit go check them out💜
I’ll Show You
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It’s been one hell of a day at work today and all you want now is just to cuddle up on the couch next to Andy, a glass of wine in hand and some random movie that he’s been dying to watch all week on the TV. To tell the truth you don’t even care what movie it is, all that matters is that he’s next to you, holding your body close to his with his cologne filling up your senses and intoxicating you. Oh and lots of kisses are also a must.
You could honestly spend forever in his company and it’s been that way since you first met, you’ve always been drawn to each other like magnets, to put it in the most cliche way possible. But it suits the two of you because you’re both introverted and home bodies. So any time you get where you can just sit together and enjoy each others company, you take it no questions asked.
This week has surprisingly dragged, probably due to all of the clients you’ve had. Your calendar has quite literally been chock a block full not to mention the severity of the things your clients unload onto you. It’s been tough. But you got into this business because you can’t help but help people and you knew the second you started on your journey to becoming a therapist that it was never going to be easy. Nothing good ever comes easy. But you don’t mind that, you’ve never shied away from a challenge before and your brains are just another thing added onto a long list that Andy keeps of why he fell in love with you.
That along with your heart of gold.
On the drive home you decide to turn the radio volume up a little more than usual, you need something to keep you going until you can run into the arms of your love and as Led Zeppelin comes onto the radio, you know you picked the right day to crank the volume up. What a band.
Andy is just making his way out of his own office and down to the parking lot to drive home himself. He’s usually home before you but tonight he had to clear up a couple things before he got to leave and much like your career, his is also never stress free, but he loves it too much to give it up.
As you park your car you notice Andy’s isn’t here yet which isn’t unusual, you know he’s most likely had to stay behind a little later so you decide that you’ll be the one to start cooking dinner ready for when he arrives. You step out of your car and head to the back seat to retrieve your bag along with your jacket from this morning before strutting up to your front door. But before you can even put the key in the lock, your neighbour Ian jogs over, calling your name to catch your attention.
“Ian, hi” you beam, greeting him with a friendly smile, one which he returns gladly.
“Y/N, me and Julie were just talking and since i’m taking the boys out golfing tomorrow, she’ll have a spare coupon for the spa, if you’re interested in joining her”
You have been rather tense lately and since it’s Saturday tomorrow, you’re not gonna pass up such a wonderful opportunity to relieve the tension building and the knots forming all over your back.
“Sure, that would be great. What time?”
“11” he responds simply and you nod your head rather enthusiastically.
He places his hand on yours as he smiles from ear to ear “brilliant, she’ll be over at half ten then just to be safe. Have a nice evening” and with that he walks away just as Andy is walking towards you with a not so cheery look on his face. Must have been a tough day at work for him too.
“Hi handsome, what’s with the pouty face?” you tease as you let the two of you into your shared house but he doesn’t seem to be laughing at your not so funny joke.
“Andy?” you press him for some kind of response even if it’s a nod or mumbling, you’d rather something than to be blanked by him but to no avail.
He just shrugs his coat off, hooking it onto the coat rack before slipping his shoes off and placing them in the shoe holder. And since he doesn’t seem to be responding any time soon, you do the same before padding into the kitchen to have a look at what you have in the refrigerator and the cupboards to cook for dinner. You eventually settle on a simple dish, mac n cheese. It doesn’t take too long to cook and that’s exactly what you need seeing as you’re starving.
You take one of the many pots and pour some water in it before setting it on the stove on a medium heat to boil whilst you change into something a little comfier.
As soon as you enter your shared bedroom you see Andy making his way into the closet too and when you walk in he turns his head to see you staring right back at him, confusion all over your face.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, hoping that this time he might actually tell you rather than acting like you didn’t open your mouth “what did Ian want?” is all he says and it’s all he needs to say for you to know just why he’s acting off with you.
Ian and Julie have lived opposite you ever since you moved in and you automatically got along, all four of you. They’d get a babysitter for their children and you’d double date every now and then but those fun times were interrupted when Andy insisted that Ian had a thing for you. Although you tried to convince him that it wasn’t true and he was just paranoid, you couldn’t help but notice the evidence too. The way Ian would look at you and hold his stare a little too long, the way he’d flirt without you realising it at the time and obviously today, the way he had his hand on yours. Andy must have taken one look at that and assumed the worst.
“He asked if i’d go to the spa tomorrow with Julie, i said yes, why?” you have to be sure though, although you’re assuming now, you want him to be able to tell you what’s got him so bitter.
“I don’t trust him” he mutters as he finishes changing into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
“He’s harmless Andy”
“I saw the way he was with you just now, touching you and giving you that shit eating grin, he knew what he was doing”
“Andy, whatever he thinks of me, i don’t care. I’m with you for a reason, can you just trust me”
“It’s not that i don’t trust you” he snaps
“Except it seems that way”
You hold off on changing for now, deciding that storming off childishly is the better option. Once you’re back downstairs you then place the pasta into the now boiling water, making sure to turn the heat up one more too.
“Why can’t you just see things from my perspective here?” he wonders out loud as he leans on the kitchen counter, catching your attention. The way his hands are in his pockets and his shoulders are hunched over, it makes you feel bad for even getting mad at him. Sure jealousy isn’t great but when he gets so worried about other men stealing you away you can’t help but realise just how much he loves you. He loves you so much that the thought of you leaving breaks him let alone if you were to actually go.
But he doesn’t have to worry about that and you’ve told him plenty of times.
“It’s not that i don’t see things from your perspective, it’s the fact that there’s no telling you. I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than be without you yet you’re too caught up with Ian having a little crush to notice that”
“Yeah well call me selfish Y/N, but i don’t ever want anyone else to touch you let alone flirt”
Instead of fighting back against him you step closer and wrap your arms around him as you stand on your tip toes and just as your lips touch his, his hands grip your face gently.
His grip tightens the more you kiss him and when you slip your tongue in, he loses all control. His hands dance all over your body, leaving no spot untouched. Goosebumps form all over as the kiss heats up, the pasta long forgotten on the stove as you’re too busy being ravished by your man.
“Someone’s very possessive” you mock, smirking a little into the kiss before he kisses you so hard it knocks the air from your lungs and when you pull away you’re gasping.
Your breathing hitches as he rests his forehead to yours, his handsome face inches away from yours and all you want to do is just claim his lips, just like you did seconds before. You can’t get enough of him.
However, he beats you to it, gripping your chin aggressively as he bites down on your bottom lip with need. You pull him closer by wrapping your arms around his neck loosely to which he happily obliges.
“Is that a problem?” he asks, raising his brows at you as you struggle to regain control of your breathing, you simply shake your head no in response, half expecting it to end here. But he has other plans.
“Good” he starts, slowly walking into the lounge leaving you stood there confused. So you decide to follow, only to find him laying down on the couch with his eyes trained on you.
“Now, why don’t you come sit on my face, let me show you how much i missed you today”
Your heart skips a beat as you watch him smile afterwards, you can’t quite believe that he’s all yours.
Without another second left to pass, you head over to him and begin to straddle his waist. He quickly takes control, moving you further up until you’re hovering above his chest.
Large calloused hands grip the hem of your skirt, slowly pushing it up to expose your laced black panties. Andy can’t help but choke on air as he sets his eyes on your panty clad mound. But rather than waste time, he starts to devour you over the lace before eventually slipping them to the side and feasting on you like a man starved.
The sensation causes you to throw your head back and practically scream due to how good it feels. His tongue on you like this will never get old, it’ll always be one of the best things in life, one that you’ll continue to enjoy for many years to come. The way his skilful tongue glides over your puffy folds with such precision before he eventually latches on to your bundle of nerves, it’s almost too much to bare and you can feel the coil tightening already with every suck and lick.
And when he slurps on you as he drinks the juices that pour from your fountain you’re unable to stop your hips from moving on their own accord and before you know it, you’re grinding yourself on him desperately as he lays there taking it like the greedy man he’s always going to be for you.
For him, you’re it. You’re the one and you always have been since he first met you.
After Laurie he didn’t expect to ever want another woman again until you came along. You rocked his world, turned it upside down and since then, he’s been hooked. He’s obsessed with the taste of you, the smell of you, the sight of you and the sound of you. You ignite a fire within him, alert all of his senses and turn his whole body into gooseflesh. Just the way he loves.
He flickers his eyelashes before looking up at you as his hands make their way to your perfectly shaped ass so that he can dig his claws into the soft skin of your round globes, causing you to keen for more.
The sounds your making should have alerted the neighbours by now but even if they do, Andy doesn’t care. He just loves the music you make as you arch your back, still riding his tongue as he pushes it further into your tight and wet hole.
“Please, Andy” you cry out, reaching down to run your fingers through his fluffy hair, you’re desperate now, even more so.
“Hm?” he mumbles, the noise vibrating onto your pussy “i’m gonna cum” you breathe out heavily, trying to gain control over the situation but failing miserably. 
Andy rests his hands on your hips, stilling the movements before diving back in for more. He swirls his tongue around your folds once again before ultimately settling his plump lips around your pulsating clit and sucking like his life depends on it.
You can’t hold back anymore, the sinful moans are enough to make him cum too without you even so much as touching him.
And with one final suck and two of his fingers massaging your folds, you cum with a frantic sob. Your body launches forward and he pulls you down so that you’re laying on top of him.
He strokes your back delicately, soothing your shaking body. He can feel your legs jolting every couple of seconds.
Eventually you get off of him and attempt to stand up but of course, you fail miserably.
“So, how was that?” he rasps, chuckling simultaneously
“Perfect, oh and i missed you too today” you smile and he eventually stands up as you slouch down.
“Good, now just let me finish the job then we can order takeout” he says, causing you to furrow your brows but the unasked questions have their answer once he gets on his knees on the floor between your legs and dives right back in.
You shiver a little, your pussy is still trying to recover but he just can’t get enough. His tongue laps at the cum still spilling out of you, making sure that every last drop is inside of his mouth before swallowing it all.
“Now i’m done” he quips and you sit up a little, pulling him closer to you so you can get a taste of yourself on his tongue. Once he slips it into your mouth you can’t help but get carried away, until the door knocks, disturbing you from your peaceful and romantic moment.
You stand up to go and answer it, quickly sorting out your appearance in the hallway mirror before you open it. It’s Ian.
“Ian, hi... again” you giggle nervously as you turn to see Andy’s face change from content to angry in seconds. He practically jumps up off the couch to join you at the door, his beard still damp with your arousal.
You watch as Andy stares the poor man down before wiping at his face.
“I was just stopping by to let you know that Julie wants to leave at 10 instead, you know because of traffic and all” you can practically smell anxiety on him and Andy notices it too.
“Sure, that works for me” you say before the situation turns awkward.
You glance over at Andy who is just stood there watching him intently but he’s coming off rather intimidating.
“Anyway, we’re about to order takeout Ian so we have to go” Andy adds in before snaking his arm around you waist and pulling you closer to him, you follow Ians eyes as he looks down at your skirt and you can only hope Andy didn’t spot that but judging by the change in his breathing, he did.
Shortly after Andy bids Ian goodbye and as he’s walking off, you’re still in the doorway.
You turn to your jealous boyfriend and tut, resting your hands on your hips but he soon disbands your serious facial expression as he smacks your bum which causes you to squeal.
“Let’s get you to bed so i can really show you how much i missed you” he kicks the door shut as he picks you up to carry you to your shared bedroom and you just know you have a long night ahead of you.
General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferous @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @candlefics @yassspose @randomsevans  @fanficforfun 
Just Chris & His Characters Tags: @onetwo3000 @sheofthegarden @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @mrsbbarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 @thejemersoninferno @denisemarieangelina @janeyboo @evansphnx12 @dwights-new-plague @whxre4cevans @cherry-gemz 
LMK if you wanna be added to any of my tag lists...
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norcumii · 3 years
TW: abuse, suicide, depression, fandom wank, purity culture
There’s a post floating around this corner of fandom recently, by someone claiming to be fifteen:
if ur like at or over the age of 30 and u invest time into fandom spaces and shipping please touch a blade of grass. pay ur taxes or something. log off
Now, I’m not reblogging their post with this commentary because I’ve blocked them and that seems unfair and unkind, but also because they’re fifteen, and if that doesn’t entitle one to have ridiculous opinions on the internet, what does?
But I do have some words I need to say.
I was over thirty when I fell into the Clone Wars fandom. I used to have been in Star Wars – I gave it up during the Prequels era (when they were in the theaters and everything), because it didn’t hold my interest. Looking back, it’s because I didn’t have access to the information that Wookieepedia provides, and the insights provided by experience and life – and thus understanding of politics and humanity in general.
And that’s ok. I still have very fond memories of my older-than-thirty parents letting me stay up late to watch the OT, and even fonder memories of my grandmother enjoying sitting down with me and VHS tapes of Return of the Jedi – her favorite of the trilogy.
I fell back into the fandom in 2014 – after the Clone Wars series ended. I was over thirty. I was suicidal. I was stuck in an abusive relationship. I woke up each morning sleep deprived and regretting I had to face yet another day.
I was just killing time because I wasn’t brave enough to kill myself – and the attempts I did make proved I wasn’t very good at that, either.
But in the process of just marking time, I read fic because I had just enough energy to be able to immerse myself in stories that had roots in movies and shows I used to like. I could find some smidge of enjoyment in further, non-canonical adventures, and ANY smidge of enjoyment those days was a gods-damned miracle.
I got on tumblr. I found other fandom people. One of them recommended The Clone Wars if I wanted to watch something, and hey, it was on Netflix.
I cried within five minutes of starting the first episode. The voice acting, the sounds – this was a fragment of my childhood I hadn’t realized I had missed. It reminded me of my dead grandmother, some of the good times with my family that by then, lived far away – and seemed even further away from the daily hell I called a life.
I fell in love with the clones: the potential, the romance and the tragedy of it all. Then slowly, so slowly I didn’t realize it was happening, a thought began to settle into my head.
I loved these characters, these clones who had nothing, who were stuck in a terrible situation with no escape, and I felt both fondness and outrage at their circumstances. I wanted better for them. I wanted them to have good lives, good opportunities, a chance to escape to become whatever they might want to be.
And maybe....
If I could care about that many imaginary people....
If I could look at these folks who didn’t exist and say “this isn’t fair, this isn’t right, you matter”–
Maybe –
Maybe I might matter too. Maybe I might deserve better. Oh, there was no question in my mind that they were far better beings than I ever might be, but there were too many parallels, of being trapped by a supposed benevolent dictator who was actually a manipulator draining everything from them – I wasn’t as, would never be as deserving, but....
I could make these absolutist statements about the clones. The Jedi. Hell, even the corrupt Republic deserved better than what Sidious wrought.
What made me so much worse that I might deserve what my abuser put me through?
Then I cautiously started asking these questions of myself, and asking other questions of those around me – fandom people, since my abuser kept me far too busy to make friends in brick space. These fandom people who were certainly above the twenty year mark, and more than a few who were also above thirty. They reassured me of various points of reality: no, what I was experiencing wasn’t normal; no, folks in relationships don’t argue like that. They could rec fic to me, stories with relationships like mine that were tagged “abuse” so I could recognize it, so I could read it and go “oh, that’s what a more normal person would do.”
I could cry about my circumstances and not feel like a useless, whiny little bitch who just needed to be better, who should be perfect all the time, who needed to be there for her guy because that’s what people do when they care.
I could look at that last sentence, and go “wait. People who care about their partners don’t demand that of them, especially not when it is literally killing them.” If I imagined any person treating the clones the way my abuser treated me, the sheer outrage was off the charts.
Star Wars – Star Wars fandom – quite literally saved my life.
While I was in my thirties.
Those fans, those friends, and the communal appreciation for the clones and all the rest of the mess that is Star Wars were reasons to live when I have tried giving up on everything else.
So yeah, I’m not gonna dogpile on some kid who thinks that after thirty you’re not allowed any good or fun things in life. But I do need to say “thank you” to you – all of you, those reading this who have any participation in fandom.
You’re lifesavers.
Thank you.
Thank you, and please, keep enjoying fandom for as long as you want. We all have different reasons we’re here, but we all have a right to live, to exist, and be happy.
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