#and i wanted to some cute little beck moments
plush-rabbit · 8 months
Dating Vox Headcanons
I have opinions again!! It's been forever!!
A/N: its kinda on brand for me to fall for a tv headed demon
It comes to no surprise that Vox is obsessive when it comes to things that interest him. Taking note of you, is both a blessing and a curse. It’s cute- He’s cute. When he attempts to speak to you in the beginning, he’s mauve, not skipping a beat in his attempt to make himself bigger and better than anyone you’ve ever known. However, the moment that you take interest in him- that you actually encourage him to talk more about himself- he might actually short circuit a bit. His screen freezes and he might even flash SMPTE colors on his screen. 
As cute as he can be in the beginning, his obsessiveness also leaves you with no privacy whatsoever. He needs to know what you’re doing. It’s almost more than a need. It’s a want. It’s a desire to check in on you no matter what he’s doing in the meantime. He checks on you constantly, and sometimes it's for the worst. Hearing you laugh with someone that isn’t him, knowing that you’re having a good time when he isn’t around, is enough to have him claw at the table. He won’t confront you about it- at least not in the beginning of the relationship. At some point, you just become aware that he’s there. That as long as there’s some sort of screen- a camera, a television, a watch, anything- he can be there in no time flat. 
He needs you close to him. He doesn’t want to wait a second more without you, so he’ll hire you as his personal assistant. It’s great pay and hours, and the benefits are reserved to you and only you. At first, you’re grateful- you’re in Hell and your partner is someone who holds power, honestly, it could be worse. He gets the benefit of seeing you everyday, practically 24/7, with you at his beck and call. You scurry beside him, take your lunches beside him, he takes up your entire time. The few times that you are allowed to go eat with others in the building, he’s keeping an eye on you. He needs to make sure that he can trust the others around you- that they won’t set you up for failure.
That being said, any relationships that you have outside of him and the other Vees, is monitored. Thanks to technology and addictive personalities, everyone has some sort of device on them at all times. He needs to make sure you aren’t with people who will whisper misguidance into your ear. He needs to make sure that you’re okay. However, the minute someone gets a bit too cozy with you, he’ll make sure to take care of the problem. Whether it's stitching an audio together to make it sound like they’re badmouthing you, or anything of the sort, he’ll do it. He just needs you with him. He can’t risk someone else starting to tell you how suffocating the relationship sounds.
It’s gifts here and there for you! Whatever you want- whatever you’ve even browsed online, he’s sending it your way via express shipping. It’s wonderful at first- you get what you want and all you have to do is tell the television demon how wonderful he is and how much you appreciate him and how you’ll never leave him. It’s sweet at first, you get nice things, but then you have an argument with him, and you realize that his gifts aren’t just that. What he gave you was expensive- would it kill you to just be a little kinder to him? You can’t just smile and admit you’re wrong at least once? Especially after everything he’s done for you?
Whether you’re tolerated by Velvette or Valentino or not, you’re stuck in every meeting that Vox has with them. Lunches, dinners, conferences, attempting to calm Valentino down after a tantrum, overseeing Velvette and her fashion shows- you’re right there, next to Vox. His hand claws over the top of your head, patting you, or raking his claws down your back or over your arm in an attempt to soothe him. The way he sees it, he soothes everyone else, and there’s no one to settle his nerves except for you. You’re an accessory at times- dolled up, perched at his side, and only speaking when you’re given permission to. You’re paraded around the office, following him close at his heels, making sure that where he goes, you follow. You can’t be left alone- what if something were to happen to you? He needs to be close by to make sure that you stay safe.
He hates getting upset at you. It breaks his heart- or whatever he has inside of him- to see you snap at him. You curl your lips, bare your fangs and with tears in your eyes, you tell him how you’re exhausted and how you don’t want to be some accessory to him, how you’re tired of being stuck inside the damn tower. You never listen to his warnings of it being so dangerous outside, and when you do make an attempt to walk away from him, you remember that he’s an Overlord, and you are not. He’s horrific, mean, and much stronger than you are, and he has no trouble putting you in your place if you even make an attempt to leave him. He really does hate yelling at you. You’re terrified of him days after, flinching and tensing when he reaches for you. But you’re just a bit dense and while you’re pretty, there’s not much going on in that head of yours, so you have to understand that he just has to be assertive sometimes. 
After an argument, he doesn’t necessarily say he’s sorry, but he is softer around you for quite some time. His hands caress yours, and he adorns your wrist in jewelry, letting the tips of claws bump over every bridge of charms and rings. His claw traces over your fingertips, and he mumbles sweet things to you. He tells you how pretty you are, and how sweet you are to him. He takes a day off to just spend with you, to make up for everything that happened before. An apology will never be spoken out loud, he could never admit that he went too far, but he would tell you that maybe you two can leave the tower, go someplace nice and see all that he doesn’t let you see alone.
Considering who he is surrounded with consistently, he needs attention that isn’t cruel. He craves your attention. He likes how kind you are to him. In those moments where everything is still, and the lights aren’t so bright, but coloring you both in a golden hue, he likes the quiet when it's with you. It’s interesting to watch him be so apprehensive with his movements. He slowly rests himself on his stomach, the back of his screen facing upwards, as your hand starts to scratch up and down his back. You can feel him shiver, you can feel his breath, the tapping of his claws against you- the stillness that he tries to hold just so you won’t stop. If your phone buzzes, or your attention is taken away, he buries himself further into you, a low hum emitting from him. It’s the few times you see him so mellow.
There are times when Vox can be sweet. When he has the time- usually during a lunch, or one of your breaks- he’s right beside you, listening to you rattle on about this or that, showing him a video on your phone. He’ll nod and laugh, be attentive and ask follow up questions so you know he’s actually paying attention. You’re pressed close to him, his arm over your shoulders, your legs over his, bodies pressed so close together, it’s a wonder you two haven’t melded into one. Even if his screen makes certain things difficult, it doesn’t stop you from seeking him out. Despite how malicious he can be, you return to him, you adore how he talks sweetly to you, how he calls you his one and only, his dear, his sweetheart. 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 15 days
Freebie :) for whatever is in your head :D
Please Enjoy one almost smut.
Logan walked into the apartment and frowned slightly, it was quiet and that was weird. He didn't expect you to be at his beck and call exactly, but... he'd gotten used to having you home when he got there. And when you weren't it felt wrong.
You were young. And you had friends. And a day job you didn't need. One you kept to fill your time while he was away on missions. That he understood. You were too smart to just lay around and look pretty all day long with your tits out. Even if you could and he enjoyed the odd day when you did, sending him racy pictures to rile him up.
So he did what he did BEFORE he had you to do it. Got his own drink and lit his own cigar, grumbling to himself about it. For a moment he debated calling you, seeing where you were. Checking on you. But he dismissed the idea.
It was still early. And it was the middle of the week. Maybe you did go out for a while, getting your nails done or something. He shrugged to himself and tutted. "Girls," he grumbled, without any real heat.
He'd been alive a long time. And you weren't his first sugar baby. Sure- some of them liked to run around, but you weren't that type. Too sweet. You told him if you were going out with work friends always who and where; and he knew because early on he checked. More out of curiosity than anything. You stayed with your girl group and came home giggly and more drunk than he liked but... you were young. This was probably just shopping or something.
The sound of bags rustling and footsteps made him cock his head as he exhaled a cloud of smoke and he glanced at the clock, turning the stereo down just slightly. "Princess?" he called
"You're home!" you yelp, dropping bags with a metallic thud, "Shit, Carla and I went to yoga and then I went to find a new pan for-"
Logan hauled himself out of his chair with a smirk and crossed the floor to you, "I figured you were just out doin' whatever it is pretty girls do when they got a free afternoon and some extra money, bub." He kissed you hello and stroked your back affectionately.
"Sorry, Lo, I know you like it when I'm home when you get here." You scritch lightly at the back of his neck and bite your lip nervously. Hoping he's not annoyed.
He closed his eyes slightly and dropped his head when you scratch at his neck and rumbled wordlessly before whistling softly, "New nails too? You had a busy day."
"And I got a pedicure. And a present for you."
"For me?" He looked at you and quirked an eyebrow, pulling you closer, "What kind of present, Princess? Pans are nice but-"
"That's for me to know and you to find out later," you hum, standing on your toes and tugging at him slightly to make him bend down so you can kiss his cheek. "But first, I need to get a shower. Ugh I've been running all day and between that and Yoga I am gross."
"Princess," Logan said warningly as you start to pull away. "You know what happens when you tease me."
"Shower first, then dinner, then present," you pout. "I'm stinky and hungry. I'm not teasing. I'm building dramatic tension."
He folded his arms across his chest and smirked at you. He could see the mischief in your eyes despite your protest and weighed his options. He could let you have this. Let you win this one and play this one little game with him- it WAS cute. And you weren't being a brat YET. You wanted his attention. That's what the nails and the 'present' were for. Making him feel special- you probably planned to be wearing it when he came home and now you had to pivot.
"Been waitn' for you all day," he mused. "I better let you get a shower and something in your belly now because once I get started you're not gettin' away from me until I decide we're done. Understood?"
And when your eyes light up and you nod, trying not to smile- still trying to pout for him, he smirks. That's his girl. He could let you win this one. Let you fuss over him, even if he didn't mind when you smelled like sweat and salt. He could take you right there if you wanted. But, if you wanted to play your little game and be admired a little first, he wasn't going to complain.
Dinner was agony. Even if you didn't tease him. You fussed over him, making sure he got enough to eat and making sure he had a drink and a cigar. Kisses and rubbing his neck and shoulders- Christ it felt good.
Like it did every time you did it for him. Idealized domesticity, he knew. But- you did it because you liked doing it for him. And he loved you doing it. But finally, when you started clearing plates, he stopped you, "I was promised a present," he rumbled, pulling you down for a kiss that he knew would make your knees go weak.
"I'm not teasing I just-"
"I know," he soothed, stroking your side. He did know. This was just for him. A little bit of extra fussing. Extra attention. Making him feel good. "Being so sweet to me today, Princess," he praised. "Being a good girl. Gonna keep being good for me, huh?"
The praise hits where he wants. You need it today. And when you swallow hard, nodding mutely he pats your hip, "Go on, bub. Go wrap it all up for me and make it pretty."
And when you scamper off, he takes a drag of his cigar and grins; exhaling a cloud of smoke before going to start the dishes. Anything to give you some time and ignore the ache in his groin.
By the time he has the last spoon in the dishwasher, he can hear the rapid beat of your heart in the doorway. And the scent of arousal hits his nose and it's all he can do not to whip around with a growl and force himself to move slowly.
It would be a shame to ruin all your hard work.
But hell if he doesn't want to throw you on the bed and tear that flimsy little confection to bits as he fucks you full of his come until you can't think. "I didn't think it was my birthday," he mused. "Or an anniversary. What's the occasion, Princess?" He stepped closer. Stalking forward hungrily.
"I-I thought you'd like it," you murmur.
"You were right," he hummed. Pink. Sheer. Pushing your breasts forward and somehow leaving nothing and everything and everything to the imagination. Straps falling from your shoulders. You even put on makeup and heels. "Christ... You got horny just putting this on for me, didn't you?"
You bite your lip and look up at him, "A little."
"Such a sweet little thing," he purred, pulling you towards him as he dropped into his chair. "So sweet to me."
"You've been busy. And stressed so-"
"So my princess wanted to make it all better huh?" he hummed, stroking the ruffled on your backside and giving you a loving pat. "Wanted to make me forget all about it?"
"Well, I think I forgot," he said grinning, "And I think it's time for bed."
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so-mordor-itis · 1 year
Through Her Eyes
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Synopsis: Ada observes you and Leon as you trek through the village and castle of Los Illuminados, only to realize he wasn't her little loyal pup anymore.
A/N: I wanted to try something different! I saw a lot of people writing jealous reader or jealous Leon, but I was like "No one has done an Ada POV yet, I could give it a shot. I might do a part 2 with the rest of the game if you guys would like!
Read the sequel here!
@izuniias , @spookluckpuck , @uhlunaro , @inaflashimagine , @amatxs , @aussiepineapple1st , @honeysoakedbandages , @boundinparchment , @tosuckmyweenis , @airanke
It was interesting, watching you two communicate. Leon had this way of shrugging his shoulders whenever he spoke, sometimes tossing his arms into the air to somehow solidify his point. You, on the other hand, were a bit carefree with your body language, Ada noticed. Quite the opposite to your companion. Perhaps it was because you were more comfortable with him, maybe you have worked with him for a longer time than she estimated. You two were discussing a plan, but Ada couldn’t get the absolute details. If she did, she would’ve most likely been seen–at least heard. The environment was rough and rocky, full of sticks and branches that easily could be broken or snagged against her outfit. She knew better.
Though she did catch a brief moment with you two when she was forced to get closer–she had grabbed her binoculars to observe some of the villagers ahead, they were carrying pitchforks and axes, glancing around like mindless dogs. How cute, such obedient little pups.
“We could split up, maybe we’d find Ashley easier that way.” You suggested, maybe adding a shrug of your own shoulders.
“No, I don’t think splitting up would be the best idea,” Leon said instantly. Ada felt her chest coil at the sound of his voice. It was deeper now, more scratchy, rugged. He had definitely seen more than what he was forced to at Raccoon City. She figured that would be the case, now being the President’s little weapon, being kept under his nose for his every beck and call. Wesker made sure to do some research on him, in case he would be a nuisance in the process of delivering the amber. You, on the other hand, were a new, unexpected addition. Perhaps another lackey the President kept hidden. But Ada couldn’t help wondering why only two people? The President’s daughter was taken here, wasn’t she? She would’ve thought Daddy would come to collect his little girl as soon as he could with an army of men at the ready. Or, he’s truly that worried for his image and was desperate to keep this under wraps because of what was at this location.
“Stuck to me like glue, huh?” You quipped. Ada heard Leon scoff, the sound of a gun being reloaded echoed throughout the area.
“I’d rather you be here than in the dirt somewhere I can’t see.” Protective, she noted. Interesting. You two must’ve been friends, at least. Then again, what did she know? He could’ve been like this with a lot of people. He definitely had a habit of being friendly, of asking questions.
“Hunnigan said the path to the lake was beyond a windmill, right? Then I guess that’s our destination.”
Ada cursed under her breath before launching herself off the roof of one of the houses. She would’ve been out in the open, easily spotted. She hunched over a barrel, checking her own guns. A few bullets had been used earlier when she rang the church bell. She didn’t know what compelled her to come back to the village area, but she found herself here, observing. Too late to complain now, the damage was done. She would book it for a different direction the moment you two were out of sight.
She poked her head out slightly, watching as your shadows came into view and then your figures. She had stopped paying attention to what you two were talking about, that wasn’t in her job description. Though she couldn’t help eyeing Leon for a second longer. His physique had certainly changed, too. He had more muscle, his eyes were tired, small gray circles under them. You were trailing behind him, holding your pistol with a tight grip. Ada noticed your eyes darting back and forth, now extremely cautious. From what she could note, you were the observer type and she had to be extra alert for anything that could cause a sound.
“Wait,” you said, stopping in your tracks. “There’s a path up ahead.” You started trekking towards it, footsteps were heavy with movement. You were in a hurry. Leon seemed to be startled slightly but quickly followed suit. Ada felt a smirk forming on her lips. He was following you so fast, like a lost puppy, just as he did with her. You had him wrapped around your finger and didn’t even realize it. Ada was convinced if Leon had a tail, it would surely be wagging. He was under your spell.
“Still a good boy, huh Leon?” Ada murmured to herself.
After saving Leon from nearly being crushed to death by a taller man–Luis called him the ‘big cheese’ of the village–Ada had lost track of you two by the time night fell across the village. This was good. It allowed her to carry through with the delivery of the amber with no trouble. No more distractions.
At least, until Luis found himself caught in between two messes.
From a rock, Ada discovered what seemed to be a battle for survival in a nearby, abandoned house. She noticed your figure and then Leon’s, and then her little carrier pigeon. You three were scrambling around one another, fighting off Gnado after Gnado, scraping by with the skin of your teeth. Ah, she would’ve helped, surely, but she had bigger priorities. She knew Luis could handle himself and if it truly was time for her to rescue someone she’d do what she needed to. She had at least one grenade she could spare if she truly had to.
It wasn’t necessary, you three pulled through somehow. Ada had told Leon he had some unique version of dumb luck, and it seemed it still carried through.
Luis found her later, desperate to catch his breath. She reminded him of the deal, of the amber. He was annoyed, clearly, but he knew what he had to do.
Once Ada arrived at the castle, she started to notice some little attributes of you and Leon. The both of you were a good team–you have saved him countless times, pulling him towards you when an axe was about to slice his throat, shooting over his shoulder when he couldn’t see an enemy. Ada had to admit you were skilled, and it was no wonder you two were there to protect little Miss Graham. The girl was petrified of the whole thing. She reminded Ada of a doe-eyed lamb, sheltered from the dangers of the world until only recently.
Before Ada encountered Leon in the castle, she had accidentally found you two–not three, the girl must’ve been taken away, the two of you probably running yourselves ragged trying to retrieve her again. Ada quickly hid in a spot she knew she wouldn’t be found. You had requested Leon stop for a second, sliding down the wall of a hallway to catch your breath.
“You alright?” Leon asked softly.
“Just peachy,” you snapped, gritting your teeth once first aid spray hit raw skin. You had an open wound, skin sliced open, red flowing to the floor. “Sorry, it just hurts like hell.”
“No, I get it,” Leon said he didn’t have much on him but guns and some herbs, but Ada watched as he grabbed a tablecloth from one of the stands. “Surely they wouldn’t mind if we borrow this?”
You looked at him with big eyes full of gentleness and wonder, of awe and inspiration, the same way he had to her, and she realized that it wasn’t just Leon that was under a spell. Though you immediately hardened your gaze when you realized he was now looking at you.
“There, that should hold you. For a while, I’d hope. Wouldn’t want you to bleed on their fancy carpet.”
“Oh, the horror.” You feigned concern.
Did you two even realize you were flirting? Did you even realize that when you were scourging through your bag, Leon had a softer look on his face? Was watching you with such intent, with such curiosity?
Ada sighed, loading her pistol. She wouldn’t be able to drag him with her this time, but that was fine.
She could find some other way.
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rationaliity · 4 months
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OUGHHHH ANONNNNNNN YOU'RE SOOOOO RIGHT I LOVE YOU HERES A LITTLE BLURB FOR YA !! there's no penetration, just oral for ratio since i didn't know if you wanted gender neutral reader or not !!
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you and ratio had an agreement going on. when you had the collar on, you let him make the decisions. no thinking was necessary on your part, all you had to do was listen to him when he spoke to you and do as you were told, that was it. when he put the white and blue collar with the cute little golden bell on it around your neck while you were on your knees in front of him, you could feel your head empty. no matter how stressed or tired you were, no matter how nervous or angry you felt, everything would slowly disappear, replaced by the tranquility of no longer needing to be in control of things. the tension in your body would leave, leaving just a soft, needy little puppy behind.
" good pup, " ratio hummed in approval as he watched your body visibly relax, his hand gently caressing the side of your cheek, and you found yourself with your eyes closed, nuzzling into his touch. words escaped you in this moment, after all, good puppies don't bark no matter how happy they were. he took notice of your silence and seemed pleased with it, his hand lingering for a moment longer before pulling away. " your owner has to do some work now, okay ? i trust you know where to go ? go to your spot, pup. i'll be there soon. "
ratio pointed over to his study room, and your gaze obediently followed, scampering towards the room without question. your spot was your favorite place in the entire house: your kennel set up adjacent to his work station. it was filled with pillows, blankets, and stuffies of all kinds, as well as dog toys galore that he would often pick up for you on his work trips. your favorite was this blue silicone bone that you could chew on to keep your mouth satiated, which was exactly what you were going for.
you felt like biting on something, needing something to fill your mouth, and you assumed that the bone would sate that need. it usually did, so you curled up in your cage quietly, shifting through the things in the kennel until you found the blue chew toy. while you were looking for your toy, ratio had walked inside and sat down at his desk, his back turned to you as he began writing on his latest project.
the almost rhythmic sound of his pen tapping against his paper as he wrote down his ideas soothed you a little bit as you laid on your beck, a stuffed animal in your arms and the chew toy in your mouth. you bit down on it, chewing on it until drool began to slip down from your lips down your cheek.
it was calming, yeah, but you still felt somewhat unsatisfied with it. you could feel your canines struggle to tear through the hard silicone, biting at the same area there was a slight indent to see if you really could bite through it. maybe it was the lack of stimulation, but you also knew that ratio needed to focus.. well, your rational brain knew that he needed to focus, anyhow.
puppy you ? not so much.
you poked your head out of the kennel, your bell giving you away. ratio stopped writing for a moment, but when you froze in place, he continued, not turning back to look at you. he was either deep in thought or trying to test you, you weren't sure about either one. you shuffled out of the kennel, your eyes trained on his back, as if waiting for him to swivel around and face you head on, but that never came.
finally, you were beside him at this point, your head level with his legs because of how tall his chair was built for tall people like him. you looked up at him, sitting your head on his plush thigh, but he didn't take any notice of you at first, focused on finishing this paragraph of his project at least. before you really thought about it, your tongue was darting out, and you licked his pants, the drool from earlier still on your tongue, leaving a wet stripe on his pants.
" pup- " ratio's voice held a hint of warning, but he still didn't look your way, his hand writing furiously on the paper. you could hear, though, just how he was feeling by how hard the pen was tapping against the paper, letting you know that he was getting riled up even if he didn't show it outright. you took a tentative second lip, blinking up at him innocently, as if daring him to do something about your transgressions.
you watched as he opened the drawer on this left without looking at it, his eyes still scanning his paper for any flaws or misconceptions that he may have accidentally written on the paper without realizing it, always scrutinizing his own work. his hand dug for something metal in the drawer, making your head tilt as you tried to recognize the sound. metal.. oh !
before you could have the full realization, ratio had sat the pen in his hand down, swiftly grabbing you by the collar, two of his fingers curled around the metal semi circular ring at the base of your collar, choking you slightly as he pulled you up slightly til you were right in his face. " you're aware that i need to focus, at yet, here you are, drooling on my lap like a stupid mutt. " while he was speaking, his other hand pulled out the leash, attaching it to the ring on your collar, the metal chains wrapped around his fist a few times to hold you tightly against him.
" i can find a more useful task for that tongue of yours, rather than letting you dirty my pants with your spit, " he growled, already more than just a little tired of your shit, even though he knew exactly how you could be, too. in fact, he had been rather hoping that something like this was going to happen, although he would much rather die than admit that to himself. he'd been working himself to the bone to get this project out there. if you could take a break and not use your brain, just that dumb puppy body of yours, shouldn't he be able to focus on his bodily pleasures, too ?
in other words, he needed a break just as much as you needed his cock in your mouth to satiate that tingling feeling you had inside. and he was more than happy to give it to you, quickly working to unbutton his pants, his legs spreading to give you better access to his already hard cock. he just needed to feel your lips wrap around him, and his mind, usually going faster than a bullet train, suddenly quieted.
you looked up at him through your lashes, your cheeks puffed out around his cock, your eyes watery from the sudden intrusion even though you had initiated it yourself. ratio let out a quiet groan, his head thrown back slightly as you diligently worked on his erection. this is what you needed, this is what he needed. you both needed the exact same thing.
" deeper, you can take it deeper, yeah ? " he almost sounded desperate at this point, choking out the words as if he couldn't think of anything else to say. " you can, because you're such a good pup. " ratio whispered gently, his chest rising and falling with every low grunt that he let out.
you nodded a little bit, mostly to yourself, spit running down his cock as it trickled from your lips, making his cock smoothly glide in your mouth, your mouth wrapped around him with an expertise that he'd specifically trained into you. you knew how to please him perfectly, in no small part to how natural it came to you, but equal part his.. teaching.
ratio found his other hand not holding the leash grabbing the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair. he really wanted to force you down until your nose was touching his pubic bone, but he didn't, somehow having enough self restraint to keep himself in control for the most part. this felt so good, your lips wrapped around his throbbing, aching cock. it was everything that he had needed. you were everything that he needed.
" i'm gonna cum, pup. you want it ? " ratio asked, looking down at you as he saw something dark flicker in your eyes. you seemed to get more eager, as if excited for your little treat, pulling back from his cock most of the way until it was just the tip in his mouth and then bringing your head back down several times, keeping your head as far down as you could take it without choking. " fuck- pup- i'm- fuck- " it was a rare sight to see the doctor veritas ratio at a loss for words, but as he shot his load into your throat with a loud groan spilling from his lips, you were sure you were the only one in the cosmos that was lucky enough to hear him come so undone like this.
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you swallowed it all eagerly, your hands on his thighs to steady yourself as you took your treat for being such a good pup for him. even after he came, you continued to suckle on his cock, your eyes half closed as you found yourself just peaceful. ratio, too, after the sensitivity from his orgasm subsided, looked down at his paperwork, his head clearer and able to properly focus on his work now that he had gotten some stress relief in. he let you suck on his cock quietly, cockwarming him until you were satisfied. he wasn't even sure if he'd cum again, only knowing that you were comfortable where you were at, and he wasn't going to move you.
— ♡ rationaliity 2024
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noproofread · 30 days
Diamond to the Sun
"I held a diamond to the sun to count the moments on account of the way you smile for me"
HELLOO I WROTE AND IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF LOL. writing is hard but it's been a minute since i've written for sanji so here we are :D
Sanji x gn!reader
Fluff. Mild angst. Praise lol. Pet names :).Reader is emotionally unavailable, or so they think. Sanji is determined to break down their walls. Sanji's just a regular loverboy <3
tag list: @vangowithit @fanaticsnail @dakingsu-blog
word count: 1,018
masterlist here
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He loved watching you.
Admiring you.
Every time you smiled he felt his heart jump. He felt weightless at the sound of your laugh. You knew this well, and you had made it clear to him that you didn’t do “love.” You didn’t do relationships. You didn’t believe in it. Sanji didn’t care. He would gladly pine for you even if you didn’t return his affections. You would wake up to breakfast in bed, little notes with beautiful words about you.
“I don’t need to see the sun as long as you’re here.”
“The world is in slow motion whenever you smile for me.”
You would be lying if you didn’t feel flattered. Sanji practically worshiped the ground you walked on. It was cute. You had never experienced someone devote so much love to you. You had grown accustomed to people using you to get their rocks off and leave you. You never had any good experiences so you gave up on everything. You closed yourself off for good. And yet here he was. The blond, charismatic, flirty chef dropping everything to be at your beck and call.
You sat out on the deck, admiring the way the waves crashed against the ship. Droplets of salt water spraying onto your skin, cooling you down as the sun beamed at its highest point. You felt him looking at you. You smiled to yourself, unsure if you smiled because you liked having his attention or because it was cute to see him so powerless in front of you.
“Sanji” you called out to him. He sprinted in your direction as quickly as he could. “Yes, my diamond?” Diamond. His nickname for you. You smiled at him. “Can you get me some lemonade with lots of ice? I feel like I’m cooking in this heat.” You said with a wink. The cook blushed bright red and nodded before heading off to the kitchen as if nothing else mattered but your request.
When he returned with your beverage he stood there for a moment, watching you drink it. Seeing how your lips wrapped around the straw he so carefully chose for you. How your eyes closed as you savored the sweet citrusy flavors that he curated for you. How pretty you looked under the bright light of the sun. How your skin glistened with sweat and droplets of water. He was completely infatuated. You picked up a cube of ice with the straw and maneuvered it into your mouth to chew on it.
“Sanji, are you okay?” You asked after a few moments. He suddenly kneeled down in front of you. Looking up at you as if you were his entire world. It was sweet. You were surprisingly nervous. He had never really looked at you like that. Nobody had ever looked at you like that. It was an odd feeling. You had gotten so used to feeling mostly nothing, at least when it came to people showing interest in you. They never cared so why should you? But Sanji was different. His eyes were different.
“I just want you to know how much I adore you, my diamond. You may not believe in love but I have enough love for the both of us.” “Sanji-” “I would do anything for you. If the gods are real I would gladly let them go for you. I would fight them for you. I would die for you.” He continued. You knelt down to his level, a small smile on your face as you moved some of his hair out of the way.
"You sweet sweet thing.” You kissed his cheek. He blushed. He grabbed your hand, using it to caress his own cheek. Feeling how soft your fingers felt against his skin. You gasped, feeling your own heart flutter at the intimate action. You smiled affectionately. You did care for him. “Thank you for your lovely words, Sanji. I appreciate them more than you know. I just-” You hesitated for a moment. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” He stood, taking your hands in the process to help you up. You met his eyes. His kind, doting eyes. If anyone was going to break your walls, it would be him.
“I know it will take a long time, but I will always be here.” He grinned. You barely noticed his thumb tracing circles on your hand. Sanji looked into your eyes. It felt like he saw you. Like he really saw you. As if he already knew your past, your traumas, your fears, your regrets. You felt almost vulnerable in his gaze. He only knew what you had told him. And yet it was like he had known you forever. Something you were unfamiliar with. An exciting feeling. You laughed softly. “Thank you, Sanji. My blonde prince. Thank you for being patient with me.” You felt his hands tense at the word “prince.” Sanji’s heart pounded against his chest. He didn’t want this moment to end. This perfect moment, with him holding your hands as the sun illuminated both of you. You let go first, his hands dropping to his sides as you picked up the glass of lemonade. Only a couple of ice cubes left as the rest had melted.
“Would you like more ice, my diamond?” Sanji asked, his gaze had shifted to a more flirtatious state. You chuckled. There he is. There’s the Sanji you are used to.
“I would love more ice.” You responded, handing him the glass.
He bowed as if he was your butler. A bow that said “your wish is my command.” And he walked to the kitchen. You laughed breathlessly, watching him light up at the sound. You glanced back at the blue sea, biting your lip at the lingering memory of the tender moment you shared with the chef. Moments later, he reappeared with your glass. You took it from him and stared at the ice for a second. Before he could leave you reached out for his hand.
“Would you want to stay and keep me company?”
“I’d want nothing more.”
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ya-zz · 4 months
Ok so you know that thing that happens when people with boobs wear a tank top to bed and then somehow they (the bobbs) end up just OUT every fucking time (I woke up like this 😒) could we get some hanzo, Cassidy, and genji getting an accidental view while you're asleep (I would add ramattra but idk how much boobs do for omnics, if you think his reaction would be funny/cute/interesting go ahead and write your man as well)) ♡
I hope works not stressing you too much and you get to rest and relax when you can
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Warm nights meant less clothing.
Tank tops and shorts were the go to whenever you'd sleep beside the archer.
Hanzo would curl up beside you before getting too warm and turning over, which you didn't mind.
Some nights, tossing and turning from the heat were inevitable which also meant your top would shift around your body.
You couldn't help it, you were a pretty deep sleeper.
The archer would wake up early most mornings and kiss your temple before getting out of bed.
Sometimes, a little slip of your breasts would cause him to cover you up with a light blanket.
He didn't want you to wake up embarrassed, not saying a word about it at any given point.
He didn't mind, it was normal.
Of course, however, it would be on his mind until you woke up.
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Cassidy was used to bare chests, having his on show most days when the heat was too much for a shirt.
Seeing you in loose tank tops always sent his mind racing.
Inappropriate thoughts would consume him and the nights would always end in some fun.
When you're eventually passed out, he'd snuggle up close to you, arms wrapped around your midsection.
When the morning sun broke through the window, the heat hitting his face before yours, he'd stir awake.
The usual morning groan as he sits up would fill your still tired mind as you laid beside him.
When Cassidy would look over, your top showing your chest, he'd move to lay beside you, burying his head in your neck.
He couldn't help his hands wander, groping and teasing you awake.
The cowboy was always gentle before it would lead to some extra fun for that morning.
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He was used to heat, and the metal within his body would be hotter than his skin some days, especially after an afternoon in the sun.
When nightfall came, the metal was cold and somewhat soothing against your skin.
genji would stay by you as long as he was able to, until either you shifted away or he turned to the other side.
Most nights blankets weren't necessary, as you had a personal heater at your beck and call just on the other side of the bed.
When the nights were warm and tank tops came into play, Genji was all for them.
He enjoyed the sight of you and in the morning when your top had shifted to expose your breasts, he'd sit there and stare for a moment.
Some days you caught him with a red face, other days he would be a gentleman and cover you up before you woke.
... and then there were the days when he couldn't help but tease you.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 1 month
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 103... You have been warned...! 👌
This was such a cute little chapter to return to after the month long break...!! 💗😊💗
Mission 103 was a short, but fun little chapter staring the Forger family, so let's talk about it shall we...? 😄
We start this chapter with an EXTREMELY bored Anya on break from school...!!
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Anya always be lookin' so dang goofy when she's bored, I LOVE IT!! 😂
After Twilight comes home and makes Anya do her homework, Anya sees a news report about a seal named Belle and decides that she wants to go see her...!! 😆
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...But, Loid quickly declines Anya's offer because he isn't letting her go anywhere until she finishes her homework...! Then Twilight goes to change the channel and is annoyed to see that other channels are also talking about Belle the seal, when brings up a good point to the frustrated Loid:
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I COULDN'T AGREE MORE YOR!! 😊 I can't even watch the news sometimes because of how sad and depressing it can get, so it's always nice to wholesome stuff like Belle the seal for change...!! 💗
So the Forgers decide to go see Belle and guess who they run into...:
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(Also I love this panel with Beck...!! 😂😂😂):
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Anyway, it turns out that Becky is also here to see Belle and even asks Anya if she would like head over to the news crew and possibly get on TV, but because Anya read Twilight's mind about how that would be a bad idea (i.e. he's a spy and must not draw attention to himself and she's originally from an orphanage), Anya must decline Becky's offer...!! 😌
After waiting awhile (and even wanting to throw hands with the seal for not showing up 🤣), Becky decides to head home while the Forgers stick around...!! Anya starts getting bored of waiting and goes to play for a bit while Yor sit and talk in my probably favorite part in this entire chapter...!! 😁:
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I adore that Yor is doing her very best to get Loid to relax for a bit, it truly warms my heart...!! 💗🤗💗 Also, the two page spread in this chapter is just SO BEAUTIFUL!! 🥹
After that beautiful moment, as Bod and Anya are playing, they stumble across the elusive seal Belle...!! 😲:
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It turns out (after Anya read her mind) that Belle was hiding because the humans kept following her around, which is totally understandable for Belle to do because usually when some people see a cute animal, they don't really consider how that animal might be feel about all this new found attention they're getting... 😔 So, the Forgers decide to sit quietly near her and after a while of watching her, Belle decides to leave and get them a crawfish as a parting gift!! 🤗 After that exchange, Twilight has a thought:
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He thinks back to what Handler said all the way back in Mission 78 and wonders if Belle could be another animal experiment... But before he could think any further on that, Bond gets bit on the nose by the crawfish that Belle left and decides that he might be over thinking this and so, the Forgers finally decide to head home after their little adventure with Belle the seal...!! 😄
And that was Mission 103, a really fun and sweet chapter to return with after the month long break...!! 💗😊💗 I just loved everything Yor did throughout this chapter (though I love Yor all of the time), she was most definitely the best part this chapter...!! 😍 Loid was quite grumpy this chapter (he even called Anya a brat at one point) and though I understand where he's coming from, I hope that he'll fully take Yor's advice to heart one of these days...!! 🤗 Also, Belle was SOOO ADORABLE, I love her!! 💗😍💗
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanna say, so until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 😄SEE YA!! 👋😁
Actually... THIS was my TRUE favorite part of the entire chapter:
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Okay, now I'm done...!! BYE! 👌😎
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madamechrissy · 2 months
♡ Time after Time ♡
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ CEO! Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Fingering, cunnlingus, cumming, dirty talk, jealousy (Gojo is kinda a dick again but he eats reader out good lol)
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ 4,908
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ Gojo Satoru is your boss And you've been his head assistant for over two years now. You do everything for him, including and not limited to cleaning his messes, picking out his clothes, and writing his speeches. Sixteen hour days... night calls... You are tired of being overworked and at his beck and call. You decide you are going to put in your two weeks notice. He is shocked, and wants to try to keep you, because you're the best. But you know better. Right? . You really wanna fucking quit. You also wanna fuck him. Also, fuck him.
A/N (Kinda has 'two weeks notice' vibes a bit! No use of y/n.) Fully finished on Ao3 but I'm going to slowly get it all up here!
Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
You balance the cups of coffee, one for Nanami, one for Gojo and one for yourself, cursing yourself for not just grabbing a drink carrier. You head up the elevator of Kamo tower, punching in your number, thankful that no one was in there and you could breathe for a moment.
Yesterday was intense.
This week has been intense. Since Gojo set his sights on you, it’s all you can do to keep it together lately. You feel nervous as you even think of seeing him back in his role as the arrogant ass of a boss, after feeling like you got to know him just a bit, that there was more to him. Was it enough to stay though?
The elevator dings and you walk out, smiling at Shoko and Suguru who were talking amongst themselves. They greeted you, as did nearly everyone that worked in the giant offices. You did know a lot of people for having no ‘friends’ per se. You peek as you turn towards Nanami’s desk, seeing him sit there contemplatively staring at a chart as his shoulder held the office phone to his ear.
You look to the left and see Gojo Satoru leaning against the office door, with a pretty young girl with blue hair leaning towards him, wearing a cute little business suit. You pause, looking down at your coffees in your hand, and then Gojo catches your gaze, hidden behind his shades.
He calls out your name and you internally curse, popping your and Nanami’s coffees on your desk real quick, before bringing Gojo his signature drink you got daily for him. A white chocolate mocha with extra sugar. You had absolutely no clue how he drank those and ate candy like he did and still had his lean physique.
“Here you go, Sir.” You said with a smile, handing him the Starbucks cup with his name on it. He gave you a little nod, taking it, peeking at your desk as if wondering why you had two cups.
“Thanks. This is Miwa, she is going to be helping you with the smaller tasks, like getting coffee for instance.” He took a sip, sighing, and you looked to the young girl, who was grinning up at Gojo like he was a rock star. Gojo tells Miwa your name, and she notices you for a moment.
“Oh! I’ve heard so much about you!” She takes your hand and shakes it with a sweet smile. You have to admit her energy is really kind, and you get no bad vibes from her. Even if she’s clearly wanting to pounce on Gojo.
“It’s great to meet you, Miwa. I certainly can use some help with these things so I can focus more on the business side of my work.” You sigh in relief a bit. Gojo was actually listening and trying to help. You should be happy, right?
“It’s so awesome to be here! Ahh Mr. Gojo is just the best isn’t he?” Miwa batted her dark blue lashes at Gojo, who preened under the attention like some fucking peacok, standing even taller as she leaned so close her breasts were against his shoulder.
“I am the best, it’s true. Aren’t I?” He peered at you. You snorted, instantly covering the action, and his jaw tensed. Miwa looked shocked at you.
“He’s an amazing boss and businessman. So what is her title exactly? Just so I know how to train her.”
He opens his mouth, but she cuts him off, yanking out her cell phone, handing it to you with puppy dog eyes. “Could you take a picture of us, please? ” She asks you, and you blink for a moment. Confused.
“Yeah, please. ” Gojo looks to you, pushing down his shades, those words dripping with reminders of yesterday. You feel your cheeks heating up as you take her little cell phone, scowling up at Gojo, who was grinning.
Oh yeah, you hate him.
You just remembered.
“Sure can, Miwa get close to him so I can get you both in the shot.” You say, saccarine dripping out of your words like venom.
You watch Gojo’s grin go away, jaw tensing. As if he couldn’t stand the thought of you not being jealous. You weren’t playing his games. Miwa literally squeals, standing in front of Gojo, grabbing his arm and putting around her shoulders. You remembered your selfie with Gojo, you weren’t touching or anything like this, but you remember how happy you were.
“Perfect. Smile, you two!” You watch him put on a little smile and throw his peace sign, as Miwa looks like she’s won the whole fucking lottery. “Love it. Look, Miwa, what do you think?”
Miwa bounces up and down and hugs you. “Ohmygod I love it! Thank you so much! My friends are gonna flip.” She giggled, texting away. You errantly notice her making it her phone background.
“I’m glad. I have a couple things to do but I’m here if you need help.” You told her, and she grinned brightly. She was adorable, you had to admit.
“Meet me in my office in a few.” Gojo told you firmly. You give him a little nod, barely acknowledging him.
“You got it, boss.” Your sarcasm drips like venom too. You give him a little two finger salute, and then go back to your desk, snatching up the coffees. When you turn back around Gojo is staring at you, eyes trailing up slowly across your body like a fucking caress.
You hate him.
He licks his lower lip, making it glossy, then turns, guiding Miwa into the office, who was still lovingly staring at her phone. They closed the doors and you roll your eyes as you think of whatever dirty shit his whore ass is gonna get to. Miwa seemed sweet so you almost wanted to warn her, but fuck it.
You head over to Nanami’s desk once more, and he’s just hanging up, giving you a little smile, just one side of his firm lips turning up, and you hand him his cup.
“It’s your usual.” You smile, and he sighs.
“Ugh thank you, I needed one.” He takes a sip.
“Of course.” You turn to head, but he surprises you by calling out your name. You turn back. “Hmm?”
“I could really use your help here. If you have a minute.” He gets up and yanks a chair from across his desk, pulling it next to him and patting it.
“ The Nanami Kento needs help from me?” You giggle, sitting down next to him, inhaling his woodsy scent. He was wearing one of his outrageous cheetah print ties, which went against the basic color suits he always wore.
“You’re an expert at figures.” He crooked his finger, and you leaned in, looking at his monitor, which had graphs and charts. “Could you make sure I’m not missing something?”
“Sure. Hmm. Scooch.” He scooches over, and you squeeze in next to him, starting to add and click. You’re right against him, legs brushing together, and damn if he wasn’t built like some action star, hard muscles against your firm thighs. You felt your pulse quicken a tad at the contact.
“You feeling warm? I can turn on my fan.” Nanami asks, looking at you, and you chew on your lip, remembering the embarrassing words you had said to Gojo the other night. Ugh.
“Could you?” Maybe it would help your redness. He leans across you, and you avert your eyes, to see Miwa sitting on Gojo’s desk, her legs dangling, Gojo in his seat, leaned back. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.
“Better?” He asks, and you feel the little breeze hit your chest. You sigh, smiling at him.
“Much. Thank you. I’m under that air vent over there it must be a little colder.” You know it’s bs but you roll with it. Your eyes peer back to Gojo’s office and you see he is now scowling at you, completely ignoring the blue haired girl in a skirt on his damn desk.
“Is she taking over when you leave?” Kento asked quietly. You looked at him, shrugging a shoulder a bit before focusing back on his chart, tapping the keyboard with your numbers.
“He hasn’t told me yet, and I still am not sure I’m leaving. But he said she’d be doing little things, like coffee runs and errands.”
“That is actually weirdly thoughtful.” Nanami pursed his lips a bit. You nodded.
“It actually is. I am supposed to talk to him later so I guess I’ll figure out my plans then.”
“I really wouldn’t like you to leave.” Nanami’s hand was on your thigh for just a moment, before yanking it off as if realizing you two were in an office, clearing his throat and pulling on his collar.
You felt confused. How could you even talk to him when you’d just been kissing Gojo yesterday? And what was that with Gojo anyway… it’s not as if Gojo would be with you. He hadn’t had a consistent girlfriend since you’d known him, instead opting for a bunch of women at once. So why even entertain those thoughts. But also what the fuck were you feeling?
Was orgasm brain that intense?
“Shit.” Nanami sighed. You realized you were in your head, making him feel awkward. You took his hand under the desk, smiling softly.
“No no. Don’t. I would miss seeing you too.” You told him, and he exhaled a bit, smirking then, peering at you under his shades.
“Hot as a friend huh.”
“Oh god!” You buried your head in your hands, and he laughed at you softly. “You’re teasing me!”
“Maybe a little.” You nudged him with your elbow, grinning. “We could be friends outside of work. If we could stay awake long enough.”
You grinned at him. “Yeah I’d like that. Are you trying to convince me to stay with the promise of your charming company?”
He scoffed. “So charming.”
“You kind of are.”
“Is it working?”
“Hmm. It may be. Maybe I should go work for Suguru.” You said with a sigh, Nanami laughed.
“It would be world war three. The only one worse to go to would be Sukuna.” He gave a little shiver.
“Oh gosh. Imagine. Okay, there. Got it all fixed.” You showed Nanami the figures on his monitor, and he leaned over your shoulder to look at them.
“You’re a genius.” His breath tickled your ear a little. You flushed.
“No, not at all. Just a nerd.” You turn your chair, finding you two rather close, and lowering your gaze a bit to focus on his tie. “You sure have the most interesting ties I’ve ever seen. Maybe I should get you a funky one for Christmas.”
“An ugly christmas tie? Ugh.” You laughed, standing then, and scooching your chair back in its place.
“I’d get a cute one. With snowmen.”
You shook your head with laughter, and he stood, then too, as you took your coffee and sipped it. “The Starbucks girl asked for your number from me.” You said, and he turned slightly pink on his cheeks.
“Well shit.”
“Yeah, I told her to ask you personally. She said she was too nervous. She was cute.” You gave him a little smile. “Well, tell me if you need anything else, kay?”
“Thanks again. Oh, hey… you busy tomorrow night?”
“I never have plans.” You roll your eyes with a sigh. He chuckled.
“I understand that. But me, Shoko, and Suguru are grabbing drinks. And a couple people from work. You wanna come too?”
“Sure, that actually sounds really nice.” You’d have once turned down going out because of work making you so tired, but you realized you had to start putting yourself first. “I’ll be there for sure.”
“Good. We will have a drink. Since I’m your hot friend.” He winked, and you grimaced, blushing as he laughed softly at you.
“You are.” You winked back, giggling and running off to your desk. It was fun, just thinking of actually going out. Relaxing with everyone. You just almost get to your desk when Miwa is walking out of Gojo’s office, all starry eyed.
“I’ll get right on these, Mr. Gojo.” She had a stack full of papers.
“Thank you, Miwa.” He smiled at her, and she waved to you before running off. You turned to go to your desk but he paused you, saying your name. You looked up at him, sipping your drink.
“My office.” Was all he said, and you rolled your eyes, following him in, hearing him shut the door with a click behind you, locking it. You frowned, turning around, getting snatched up by him as he flicked shut the blinds with one button, pressing you into the door with his hard body.
“What… What the fuck!?” You demanded, shoving at him. He put his arms on either side of your head, lowering to your level, lips a breath from yours. You could nearly taste the mint, licking your lips nervously, eyes looking up into his, furiously scowling.
“Having fun flirting with Kento, were you?” He demanded, gritting his teeth together. You bit out a laugh, brows lowering over your eyes.
“Why do you care? Were you having fun with the view under that little assistant’s skirt as she fucking stroked your ego?”
He scowled, reaching a hand down to your waist, yanking you against his hard body. You ignore how good it feels. “You think she interests me?”
“You’re interested in any pretty thing with two legs.” You roll your eyes, leaning back to get away from him, but he yanks you closer.
“I hired her to help you with stupid shit. So that you’ll just stay.” He voice was husky, and you sighed, lowering your lashes.
“I know and I’m really thankful. But don’t act like she wasn’t all over you and you didn’t like it. That’s just bullshit.”
“You’re jealous as fuck.” He smirked cruelly, tilting your chin up, making you meet his goddamn eyes.
“You’re jealous. Not me.” You hissed. He raised a brow.
“Oh? Wouldn’t mind if I ate her out on this desk here, hmm?” His words hit you like a punch to the gut. You steeled yourself.
“Nope. Why would it? I’m used to you being a whole man whore. It doesn’t affect me at all.”
“You’re a liar.”
You shoved at him, then, hard, but he didn’t budge, like fucking steel. You felt your body vicerally reacting to his big hand on your waist, thumb digging in. “You’re the one all fucking pissy I helped Nanami with some damn figures. Pulling me in here like some psycho.”
“You want to fuck him, still, do you?” He demanded angrily. You narrowed your eyes.
“What do you care either way? We’re not together.”
Gojo froze, and his hand dug in painfully, to where you winced, but your nipples hardened under your blouse. “I’m not fucking the new girl. You’re not as smart as I thought you were.”
“I’m very smart, thank you. Okay do you want a cookie, Satoru? A gold star? That you don’t fuck the little eighteen year old who wants your dick? I don’t even fucking care.”
He laughed, dark, digging his hand until it was in your hair, yanking it. “You act like you weren’t coming on my fingers yesterday.” You overheated, again, chest heaving, your breath coming out in little pants. His eyes went down your chest. “I can see you want me, now, even. Is my nun growing adventurous?”
“No the hell I’m not. I am… not… don’t want…”
“Can’t even finish your lie.” He slid a hand up to your breast, cupping it over your thin white blouse, moaning softly. “Not even wearing a bra are you? Is it because you wanted this?”
“Nope. I forgot.” You were lying to yourself. He plucked a nipple over the thin fabric, making you gasp.
“I’ve never seen you here not in some bra that makes these look smaller. As if that works. I could tell how big they were.” He pinched your nipple hard, and you cry out softly, before slamming a hand on your mouth. It was too late. He had the devious glint in his damn blue eyes.
“I hate you.” You bit out, and his hand went under your blouse, hot and hard, squeezing the softness of your breast, making you clench your teeth so that you didn’t moan again. He was grinning at you.
“Oh sweetheart, holding it in?” He pinched your nipple hard, twisting it just a bit, watching you falter, your knees wobble. He enjoyed it, like a predator with his goddamn pray, eyes drinking in your flushed face, your parted lips.
“Innapropriate workplace actions. I’m telling HR.” You start chuckling then, and Gojo did too, throwing his head back.
“I literally am HR.” He kissed you, and you bit his lower lip, trying to hurt him, but instead he moaned.
“You’re shit at HR, Satoru.” He bit your lower lip now, licking it, as if it was a little apology. You sighed. It felt good. “Mmm. Stop.”
“Why?” His whisper was alluring, it shot your brain down, and spoke directly to your pussy. Fucking Gojo.
“Because we’re at work, dick! Also you’re acting jealous when I’m sure you’ll be fucking the new girl.”
“You’re stupid as shit.” You scowled, and went to slap him. He snatched your wrist, slamming it into the door, trapping you. “I want you, how fucking clear should I make this?”
“I won’t be one of your-”
“I. Want. You.” He shook you as he spoke. You blinked, shaking your head. “Oh, I don’t?”
“You just want to have fun, play some game with me.”
“I don’t play games.”
“Sure the fuck do.”
“Let’s play this game then. The quiet game.” You yelp as he picks you up with ease, carrying you to his big mahogany desk, sitting your ass on it.
“The what?” You wriggled, and he scooched up your skirt, eyeing you, thin brow raised. “What are you…”
“Shh.” He put a finger to your lips. “You think I wanna play games when all I wanna do is fucking taste you.”
“Oh…” You felt yourself dripping, and he yanked down your pink panties, already damp, the cool air smacking your cunt. “I… why…”
“Because you taste good.” He whispered, sitting in his office chair as you were spread apart for him, eyes raking you in intimately. He kissed your thigh, nipping, then biting hard. You start to cry out and he grins. “Ah ah. Quiet game. Keep that pretty mouth shut, baby girl.”
“Gojo… we can’t! I…” You trembled when he barely brushed his thumb against your clit, swirling in your desire.
“Already so wet and all we did was kiss.” He teased you, blowing gently on your already sensitive clit, making you cry out, jerking your whole body. “Stop lying. Tell me the truth.”
“What truth? Unh!” Pleasure shot through your body, straight up through your tummy, making you ache when he placed a kiss right above where your swollen clit was, torturing you. “Satoru…”
“Tell me you want me to. That you need me to.” He murmured, and you hated him more. He took all your defenses away.
“I won’t.” You tried to close your legs, but he pushed them open,
“You’re so fucking stubborn. Admit you want it.” He flicked his tongue on your clit then, and you gasped, covering your mouth with your hand, eyes rolling back in pleasure you had never felt before. “Say it, fucking brat.”
“No.” He yanked away, and you cried out, then he smacked your pussy, enough to sting, and you hated that you actually liked it. You slid up on your elbows, and before you knew it he had your shirt wide open, your breasts spilled out, and he leaned over you in his black suit, gorgeous as fuck.
“You want me to make you cum, don’t you?” His silken words did things. You couldn’t lie when his face was against yours, his forehead touching yours.
“Yes.” It was weak, pathetic, you were shivering. His lips brushed yours, and you felt things, more than physical. When he was breathing heavily, his eyes lidded, lips parted, affected by you too. You reached your hands up to the lapels of his jacket, lifting your hips up. “Do you want me, though?”
He let out a breathy laugh, as you ran your hand down his shirt, feeling his hard chest. “You think I don’t want you, fucking brat? What, you think I wanted that little Miwa girl?”
You nod, feeling emotions you shouldn't be blinking back stupid tears. “Why wouldn’t you? You are Gojo Satoru. You can have whoever you want.”
“I want you. Silly girl.” He kissed down your breasts, to your nipples, flicking a tongue on them and then sucking. Your hands went into his silky hair. “Tell me what you want. Words, baby girl.”
“I want… I want you to…” You were stammering, blushing. He looked up at you, smiling.
“You’re so cute. I’ll make it easier.” He returned to between your thighs, kissing them softly. “Say you want to come on my face.”
“That’s a lot!” You covered your face, so nervous, so shy out of nowhere. He could see you wide open. He pulled your hands down.
“Your pussy is so pretty.” He purred. “Nervous?”
“I just haven’t… I want to…”
“Say it.” He kissed you there again, breath hot against where you were already dripping wet.
“I want to come on your fucking face.” You couldn’t believe the words out of your mouth, what this man did to you. “Please, make me.”
“As the lady commands.” He said softly, then his head dipped, and the sight of his white hair between your thighs was enough to make you melt, but his tongue sliding up your slit… 
“Jesusfucking shit ahh!” He laughed against you, peeking up.
“Quiet game.” He winked, and you nodded, biting your knuckles as he did the motion once more, your pussy pulsed around nothing, aching. You couldn’t believe you were here, wide open, on your boss’s desk. And you begged for it.
“Mmm.” You moaned into your hand when his fingers spread your plump lips apart, tongue sliding in deliciously, like nothing you could describe, as his finger found the hood of your clit, pulling up for his tongue to slide back and flick. You jerked, and he held your hip down, tilting his head and starting to flick faster and faster.
You started panting, breath heaving, hand balled into a fist as your cries muffled into it. The only noise in the office was Gojo slurping up your wetness and your little sighs of pleasure, as he literally drank you in. He slid a finger in you, looking up at you, and you see his chin is glistening with your desire.
“Fuck.” He whispered, and you felt yourself fall apart, pulsing around his finger. He groaned and flicked his tongue as his finger massaged your g spot, and it was impossible not to make noise. You shoved both hands on your face, crying out, shaking. Everything went dark then fuzzy, and you became so dripping wet his finger slid with ease.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” Your hips twitched against him, as he licked you through your orgasm, then kept licking after, when you were so sensitive you couldn't handle it. “Satoru… unh… so good I-”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
You freak out, trying to close your legs, but he grins like some Demon, his whole face wet at this point, making you blush in embarrassment. He licks his lips, continuing crooking that finger deep in you.
“Yes?” He asks calmly, calmly, hitting a spot that made you ache, shoving his hand on your mouth now. His eyes drank in your face.
“Mr. Gojo I have that done… I wanted to talk to you. Are you busy?” Miwa's voice came from the other side. Gojo was studying your expressions as his hand pressed hard, the other now fucking you with two fingers. You moaned against his hand, body rolling in overstimulation.
“I am a little busy right now. Is it important?” He asks so calmly. He smirks at you, not stopping his fingers from fucking you. Your eyes roll back, back arching, clinging to his wrist like some fucking lifeline.
“Oh no, I actually heard there's a work get together Friday. Can I come?” He laughed that laugh of his, looking right into your eyes.
“You can come.” As he said it he pushed in deep, and you started pulsing again, falling apart when his palm put pressure on your clit. You wanted to fucking scream.
“Thank you!” She ran off and Gojo eased his fingers out, shoving them in your mouth.
“Suck them off.” He ordered, and you did, so much of your wetness, and your pussy ached, empty, oversensitive, the air hurting your puffy aching lips. “You admit you're jealous. Now. I saw it on that face.”
“I can't be.” You finally whispered as he eased his hand off your mouth.
“You like to lie to me. Its annoying.” He pulled you down on wobbly legs, bending you over his desk. He slapped the fuck out of your bare ass.
“Dick! That hurts!” You hiss, it was no sexy little slap, he had left a whelp. It stung and burned and brought tears to your eyes.
“Admit it.” He bent over you, whispering in your ear, finger caressing your slit. “You want me to yourself. Already. Greedy little bitch.”
“Do… Not. Am not. Ow!” He smacked you so hard you jerked forward.
“You like it.” He played with your cunt. “She's stupid fucking wet.”
“Yes I like it ugh!” You tensed waiting for another smack, but instead he kissed your neck. So sweet. A walking contradiction.
“Good girl. Now. You're jealous. Say it.”
“Why? Why do this.”
“I want you to admit it.” He caressed your backside, thumb brushing your sickness.
“I shouldn't be.”
He paused, then sighed, kissing your bare shoulder. “Neither should I.”
You froze, turning your head, and your eyes met. Had he said that? Admitted that… was he… were you…
“Yeah. I am.” You sighed, hating what he made you admit. He wasn't grinning though. He kissed you, taking your breath away, hands finding your breasts.
“You're beautiful.” He whispered, and you felt it. You lost yourself in the kiss. You wanted more, arching your hips up, ass against his rock hard length pressing against his dress pants. He moaned, grip tightening.
“Fuck me.” You watched his jaw drop. “Please, Satoru. Please fuck me.”
Gojo lost it, turning you around, kissing you wildly, tongues dancing, saliva dripping between you. You drank each other's moans as he pressed hard against you, and you grinded on him, throwing your head back.
“I want you to come around my cock, tight and pulsing. I want to fucking push my come inside you. Fill you the fuck up.” He was pressing so hard you wanted to come again from just friction. 
“Mnh. Do it. I can take it.” He laughed a bit, easing from you, pecking kisses on your neck.
“Am I old fashioned? I kind of want my first time with you in my bed.” You felt like an idiot, burying your face in his chest. “Hey…”
“I'm such a hoe, ‘fuck me here on your desk’. And you are like let's wait. I think the orgasm brain is dangerous.”
He laughed softly, pulling your face up to look at him. “I'd fuck a normal woman right here and be done. I just think I'd like to spend my time with you. A lot of time.” His jaw tensed. “Fuck. Maybe my brain is fried from your orgasms.”
You started laughing, hands trembling as you attempted to button your shirt. “Shit.”
“Let me.” His calm hands made quick work of adjusting your clothes. He found your panties and slid them up you. “I want you. Do you see now.” You nod shyly. “Good. Now go think of my tongue on you while you flirt with fucking Nanami.”
“Ugh! Stupid.” You shook your head and he grinned. His pretty fucking eyes bore into you. He could see through you. “I was just talking to him.”
“And so was I with Miwa.” He helped adjust your hair.
“This is… it feels good.” You leaned back as he brushed out your hair with his fingers. He kissed you once more. 
“Get back to work now, assistant. I need you to get on that presentation.” He tapped your nose. You rolled your eyes.
“Yes Mr. Gojo.” You batted your eyelashes. He snorted.
“Wish I liked nice girls and not this evil fucking bitch.” He smacked you again, over your skirt. You smirked at that.
“Wish I liked a nice guy and not a demon.”
“Demon with an amazing tongue.” He stuck it out and you bit your lip, making him chuckle darkly.
“It is, but you're still a dick.”
“And you're a bitch. A bitch who tastes really good.” Your whole body was jello. You'd never felt that fucking good.
And now you have to work.
What the fuck happened…
Did you just admit you liked him? Begged him to fuck you on his desk?
That tongue had done things...
Yep you were screwed.
Chapter 6
Chapter on A03:
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cybunii · 9 months
a/n: i got sad and wrote this LOL but people wanted a part two to the other one so i hope this one is just as good !!
pairing: Leon kennedy x Gn!reader
cw: sad leon, maybe ooc?
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Leon didn't like being alone after he met you. 
He clung to you as soon as he met you, doing everything in his power just to get an ounce of your attention. It's almost like a puppy begging their owner for treats or toys, he needed you, it was simple.
He’d walk to the ends of the earth for you, maybe even haunting you after death.
Even if he was cranky, or didn't understand the little things you did. He still loved you with every single piece of him, his heart belonged to you. 
And that was enough. 
Holidays have always been odd for him, his work never let him off around these days and he's so used to all of the stress that comes with the job. 
He felt almost empty, or maybe useless. 
He put that energy into almost everything he did with you, helping with baking and decorating. Even taking the time to decorate the outside of the house. It made him feel content, at least it made you happy. 
After helping you bake the first time, he was practically hooked. One bite of the desert you made and his fate was sealed, you had baked his heart and served it up for him to eat. 
He didn't think he minded that thought that much, maybe it was self-destructive or obsessive- But he would let you do anything to him, then again cannibalism always had weird hints of romance in those books he picked up. 
Decorating was fun at times, your pushy nature about how certain things needed to be done made you seem cute. 
He didn't understand the hype behind real christmas trees or specific ornaments on them, then again he didn't celebrate christmas growing up. Not that he never wanted to, but Santa and presents were off the table from a very young age. 
The way the ornaments lit up when the lights were plugged in was stunning. 
He decided that was his favorite part, well maybe one of them. Seeing your face break out into a smile once you stepped back from the finished tree may as well be burned into his memory. He wished he could've taken a picture.
He knew the holidays would be different this year, he was warned about a dangerous mission about a week ago, and the possibility of him coming back was less than none. 
He didn't like those odds. 
Not that he feared death or his job, but the first thing that came to mind was you. I mean he fought for you, secretly laid on his deathbed a few times, and thought of coming home to you later. 
He could never tell them no though, who was he to go against them? He was at their beck and call, a mindless robot who goes on missions and returns with less and less of his sanity intact. 
You weren't the jealous type, or at least he didn't think you were. He could handle you hating him, but he didn't want to feel the hatred at the moment, coming up with a desperate plan at the last second. 
He used Ada as an escape plan, thinking chasing after a woman on christmas would make you hate him, that way it was easier for him to leave. 
You didn't give a reaction, just staring at him with a blank expression. 
Every silent minute felt like hours, the seconds slowly shattering his heart the longer he stood there. Not like you knew that, he had been trained to keep a straight face, this was nothing.
He knew what nothing felt like when he left you. Leaving out the door with nothing to his name, no car, no clothes, and absolutely no money. Only a throwaway phone he used. 
He didn't want to look back at you, even if you showed no reaction, he didn't want to break down crying at the sight of your blank face. 
His only destination was the location they gave him, punching the place in and groaning when its hours away. 
He made it there the next day and to his surprise? 
They no longer needed him, the mission was a success by some other agent who was able to get there quicker and finish the job. They didn't know what he did to get there, and quickly ushered him out, saying they'll call if they ever needed him for something else. 
If leaving you didn't break him, knowing he could've come back to you absolutely crushed him. I mean even to the point of dry heavy sobs in some random hotel that he managed to get a room at, grabbing at the sheets as the tears ran down his red face. 
He never was the type to show his true emotions, always bottling them up until they turned to anger wasn't exactly the best thing for him to do. 
They always led to moments like these, a bottle exploding under the pressure and going everywhere, unable to be fixed or glued back together. 
It took him hours to stop crying, only because nothing else would come out anymore. 
His puffy eyes and disheveled hair made him frown, he never was one to look so pathetic, at least not in these situations.
He just wanted to lay somewhere, letting all of his emotions out and not having to do anything else. He never was the best type to be alone, his thoughts never made it easy.
He never did leave the state, coming back to your town with the promise of a small job at some weird office. Didn’t matter to him, it made decent money. 
He was observant of his surroundings at all times, his broken heart controlling his eyes as he walked the town, hoping to even see just a glimpse of you. 
He never did. 
He wondered if you had moved away. 
He hoped you didn't, with enough money he didn't mind going everywhere to find you. There's no limit to what he would've done to find you. 
There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think of you, or how sorry he was for leaving. He would look out the window at night just staring at the moon, hoping you were too, at least you'd be doing the same thing he was. 
That would be enough for him. 
With the extra money he had, he would just walk around the town for hours. Going to the most popular restaurants and parks. Supposedly those were fun things to do, but he knew he only went there because he went there with you. 
He couldn't even shop without thinking of you, buying the small snacks and not thinking about it until he got home, leaving them sitting in the cabinet for months because his mind tricked him you were still around. 
It was sad, and he knew that. 
It was heartbreaking to know christmas was next week. How had time slipped by him that fast?
He may not have had his own traditions, but he’d never forget what he did with you. Practically burning a hole in his wallet as he bought a real christmas tree, buying the same ornaments and lights, and every single ingredient for the stuff you baked. 
The finished tree never did look as pretty without your smile paired with it.
And the deserts tasted empty, it wasn't like they weren't good- But they could be so much better if you had made them. 
He had bought you something too. 
It may have been corny, and also pathetic- He seemed to like that word, being hard on himself had to be his favorite pastime at this point. 
But he bought you a ring, one you had pointed at on a random day saying you wanted it. It hadn't even been a week since you started dating when you said that, and he remembered it ever since. 
He was definitely using that memory for later. 
But now it sits under the bright, but also dull tree, the lights bouncing off the shiny wrapping paper. He dreamed of giving it to you, maybe even placing it in your mailbox with no return address. 
He decided that was creepy, a good call on his end.
He wasn't a stalker, maybe not in a bad way. 
That’s beside the point. 
He missed you that night, maybe more than any other night. His mind decided to be real nice to him that night, creating a dream of you being together again and being happy, celebrating christmas like old times. 
He may have woken up that next morning and bawled his eyes out, but that was okay.
It felt real to him. 
And that was enough for now. 
word count: 1.5k
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burning-academia-if · 4 months
Beware! Nsft!
How would the ROs (in a crushing stage) react to having a spicy dream about MC?
This is just...pure smut lmfaO
            This isn’t the first time, and he doesn’t think it’ll be the last. You beneath him, gasping, his own body pressing close to you. Your mouth on his, your moans being swallowed by the desperate kisses he gives you. His hands skim down bare skin, wanting more, so much more. More then you could ever give.
            The way you say his name is everything he’s ever wanted. His mouth leaves yours, wandering down your neck, your shoulders, you neck, stomach, hips, to the spot right between your legs. You writhe against him, back arching and he takes far too much pleasure in the sound that gasps out your mouth.
            An alarm sounds, somewhere, and he blinks awake. It takes too long to register where he is, considering how many times he’s had this dream. The flash of guilt isn’t as strong as the first time he’s had it, but it’s still there. Especially when he realizes how hard he still is, and the way your image is lodged into your brain.
            He groans. A cold shower and enough mental screaming at himself will make it all go away. It’s not like the longing is as part of him as his own bloodstream.
            Everything is soft and hazy. He finds himself pressed against a couch or bed or somewhere soft. You lean over him, and he lifts his head, eyes tracing your every move. Your fingers dance down his face, ghosting his neck and he lets his eyes close.
            “What do you want?” He breathes.
            “You.” You say it so plainly, and he rises up to press his lips against yours. His hands wrap around your waist, and you settle on his lap. When your fingers thread through his hair, his fingers go under your shirt. He tugs on it and you pull away just long enough for him to take it off you.
            His own shirt comes off and the feel of your skin against his is enough for him to moan your name, pleading. You press into him, and he says you name again and then—
            The alarm on his phone goes off and his eyes open in a daze. His skin feels too warm and the blankets too heavy. He turns off his alarm sighs. He’s in deep now, isn’t he?
            It starts so soft and innocent. The two of you are in a room that’s probably the Student Government meeting room. You slip into the seat next to her, resting your head on her shoulder. She means to shoo you away, before you distract her from whatever she’s doing.
            Instead you nuzzle against her shoulder and she sighs. You take her hand, and she entwines her fingers against yours, “You’re distracting me.”
            “I can distract you a little more.” Your voice is teasing before you kiss her cheek. She can’t help but laugh, trying to push you away as you rain kisses on her. But then she’s somehow against the wall, and your kisses aren’t on her face but her neck.
            You pull at her, and her braid comes undone and falls around her. Your other hand trails down and slips between her legs. The moment you press down, she’s gone. Her hands grip onto your shoulders for purchase, grinding against your hand, the mounting pressure building.
            You’re still laughing, murmuring how cute she looks coming undone. She’s so close to some kind of release.
            Then her door flies open and Eloise is shouting she can’t find something and she’s painfully awake.
            She grabs the nearest thing and throws it at the door. Hopefully her roommate thinks it’s because she’s upset at being woken up, and not notice how painfully red her face is, and how she wishes to vanish you from her mind.
            Zoe’s never had strong feelings about sex. It’s something a lot of people do, and some people…don’t. It makes the way their throat catches foreign to them. You lean over them, face blurry against the backdrop of a blue sky and burning sun. Your fingers splay across their face and they nuzzle against it.
            “Zoe.” You murmur, and they don’t question why the two of you are here, atop a hill with grass as soft as satin wrapping around your bodies. When you call their name, they only turn towards you, eyes fluttering closed as you brush a kiss against their lips.
            It’s soft, warm. Their usual inhibition bleeds away. They reach a hand up, and pull you close. You nip at their lips, and they gasp away. With a soft laugh, you nuzzle against their neck, and they try to move away.
            “Hey that tickles—” At least it does, until your teeth sink in. Heat ignites in their chest as they gasp. You press a kiss against it to sooth before curling up against their side.
            The sky becomes dark all at once. Your hand traces circles against their side, “I want to touch you. Can I?”
            Can you? No one has ever seen their body before, and they’ve never wanted someone to perceive it. But you? It feels so easy now, to do this with you. They rise, pulling at their shirt. Your hand stops them with a shake of your head. They relent, and let you pull it off them. Any embarrassment they expect doesn’t come, letting your eyes trace their body.
            You lean forward again, and they catch you in their arms. Your hands on their skin feels nice. They want to sink into it. They want to sink into you. They won’t run from you. No matter what you want to do.
            “Zoe! Mom said to get your ass up, it’s your turn for morning shift!” Zoe gasps awake, brain scattering as they bolt up in bed. Their brother raises an eyebrow at them, which they only meet with a throw of a pillow in their direction.
            “I had my alarm set you heathen.” They grumble, heart beat racing. Why did they have that dream about you? It wasn’t like them to dream like that? They thought they might bury themselves into the earth today instead.
            Everything is loud and noisy, and he’s not sure who’s dragging the other to somewhere more secluded. There’s a shut of a door, he doesn’t think anyone will hear amongst the music and their own chatter. The two of you are pressed together, mouth against mouth, hands wandering across each other’s bodies.
            He slots a leg between yours, swallowing your gasps at the sudden friction. His fingers are swift with the buttons of your jeans. Everything is a neon haze. You’re arching against him, desperate to be ever closer. He’s about to show you just how close you can be.
            “Lars,” you manage to gasp, wrenching yourself away, “Someone could see us—”
            “Scared?” He slips his hand beneath your waistband and you squirm, moving against his touch on instinct. “With how you feel, you seem more excited to get caught then anything.”
            “No—I—” Your words fail you as he keeps going, eyes squeezing shut. You blindly reach for him, fumbling with his own pants, too lost in your own pleasure to do it right. Your hand finally manages to undo it, then—
            He startles awake. The grey, early morning haze greets him. Lars isn’t sure what woke him up. It could have been even the slightest of sound. That doesn’t matter. He rubs a hand over his face.
            “You can’t be fucking serious.” He groans. You in his dreams was bad enough, but like that? He couldn’t believe he’s already so far gone.
            How many times had they imagined your body? They’ve always wanted you to yield everything to them. Heart, soul, and body. The image of you laying so pretty and bare beneath them feels like a lifelong longing finally fulfilled. Their teeth has sunk into so many places, leaving marks and bruises all along your body. You’re begging for them, a type of release. They kiss your inner thigh, refusing to give you what you want.
            They’ve wanted this for so long, they’re going to take their time with you. Their own pleasure hardly matters. They’re mapping out every inch of skin, cataloguing every expression your face can make. All of it. They want all of it and more.
            “Please—” You gasp, “Please.”
            Even your begging sounds like music to them. But not yet. Not quite. They rise up, bracing themself over you. Their hand traces the outline of your mouth. Your lips part, and they slip a finger inside, feeling you bite down, tongue brushing against it.
            Their voice is a command, “You can’t just beg without stating what you want, my little moon. You have to tell me exactly what you want me to do.”
            Your eyes open, and there’s the faintest flash of defiance in your eyes, even in this state. A thrill rushes through them. Oh, they love when you don’t make things easy. They love seeing you fight them, pressing you until you finally break down.
            The soft nibbles turn into a hard bite. On instinct they yank their hand away, but really they feel the way their body shuddered at the sensation. You frown at them, and the next thing they know, you’re pulling them down. In a blink, you’ve switched position. You’re on top, legs on either side of them.
            “What about you? What do you want?” Your hips grind into theirs and they suck in a breath.
            “Everything. Every piece of you.” They reach out their hands to hold your waist, but you snatch them by the wrists and pin them down. The sensation makes them feel like their falling. And the feeling of falling wakes them up.
            In the dark, they breathe hard. A hand is thrown over their eyes, thoughts scattered. You. You. You. God, they would do anything to have you.
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Happy Wednesday everyone! Today we have eight fics in modern settings for you all! Have a look at them below the cut and if you end up checking some of them out on ao3, please don’t forget to leave kudos and comments! 🩷
Having Trouble Breathing In by Torchiclove (17,445 words, Teen) Pairing: Keyleth/Pike Trickfoot (Pikeleth) Warnings: None
‘The paramedic would take her breath away, if the asthma hadn’t done it for her.’ Keyleth falls for Pike in a modern AU.
Reccer Says: Enjoyable and well written fic of Keyleth falling for Pike in a modern AU. Explores Keyleth as a character with anxiety and it's a great, gentle depiction of falling in love with great characterisation despite the rare pair.
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Live your whole life on a might-have-been by Chrome (2,681 words, Teen) Pairing: Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast (Widobrave) Warnings: None
Just a very short and atmospheric peice set in a modern au where Caleb and Veth met at university, and he’s driving her part of the way home for the holidays.
Reccer Says: I can’t describe the feelings this fic gives me. It’s understated and bittersweet and so full of longing that you’ll want to die. It feels like a Hemingway story almost with the way it manages to pack so much meaning in between the words the characters actually say.
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And I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes by SunshineAndaLittleFlour (1,007 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Drunk kissing
Molly didn’t realize he probably shouldn’t be kissing someone else’s partner until after he’d already started doing it.
Reccer Says: This fic, this whole series in fact, is absolutely wonderful! Its fun, flirty and emotional as well as smutty and one of the best stories/series for the purple boys and their ginger partner. Always a delight to read and this fic starts an awesome series off wonderfully!
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softly, softly by maricolous (837 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf (Fjolly) Warnings: None
Fjord comes home from his shitty retail job to Molly, his roommate-turned-partner. They make out about it.
Reccer Says: It’s very cute and sweet, with a side of what feels Fjolly-typical horniness. It’s a fun little fic!
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if we were a movie by burningdarkfire (8,800 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Jester decides to try and set Caleb and Essek up and ropes Beau into it. Cue many “friend” double-dates, a classic disaster lesbian Beau crush, attempts at coping with it, delightful romcom nonsense, a fun side of Shadowgast, and a very sweet ending.
Reccer Says: It’s silly, it’s fun, it’s heartfelt. Everyone’s voices are so on-point and every moment Feels like them. Beau is a mess and I love her, I want to squish Jester in my hands, and the wizards are menaces of a side pairing. Also the conversation between Beau and Essek at the maid cafe is so good.
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candy hearts (so sweet on you) by thaumasilva (5,149 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Implied Stalking (not between Beaujes)
Beau keeps visiting the gift wrapping station at the mall to get her Winter’s Crest presents wrapped, and the cute tiefling working there keeps giving her candy hearts with flirty messages, or: Three times Beau wanted to ask Jester out, and the one time she didn’t have to.
Reccer Says: It's just a sweet as the name implies, aaaa it's so cute
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Intervention by VioletTeaTime (1,965 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fjord intimidates the guy bothering bartender!Beau’s favorite customer into taking a hint and leaving. Then he gets flirted with and Beau complains about having to watch.
Reccer Says: ace fjord my beloved <3 also the boys' background friendships with Beau are very sweet
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all actions and reactions by grayintogreen (2,879 words, General) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Jester Lavorre (Jestrid) Warnings: Depression, Burn-out
One of her friends suffered a breakdown, the other found religion, and now Astrid Beck, suffering from burnout and stress and a myriad of other things a pre-law student can suffer, has found the cherry on her misery sundae. Someone keeps buying all of the cinnamon scones she loves, and now she must end them.
Reccer Says: An amazing translation of the characters into a Modern AU, and surprisingly sweet
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Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Whump. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Pre-Relationship, and you can also submit fics for that now!
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
please, let me just take care of you
summary: your busy-bee of a partner suddenly gets sick, but is a little stubborn to accept your doting and care giving right away
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pairings (separate): mona, sucrose, and albedo x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), is in a relationship with the characters mentioned, and reader is not traveler
word count: 578 words~ per section (2 mins each~)
genre: romance, reverse hurt/comfort
format: one shot
warnings: descriptions of characters being sick (no vomit or anything) and characters (mona) being anxious to get back to work
a/n: currently twirling my hair and kicking my feet while thinking about taking care of my s/o whilst there sick💖 hope you enjoy this💖
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Mona feels unproductive while she’s stuck in bed with a cold. She always does whenever she’s sick, but especially now. 
Because right now, you’re bustling around in her poor excuse of a kitchen, making her a soup. Ever since she described her symptoms to you this morning, you’ve taken on the role as Mona’s personal nurse. You waited on her beck and call, serving her fresh, warm meals that surely cost you something. And you’re ever so sweet to her, giving her sweet smiles and making light conversation with Mona so her sick brain isn’t overwhelmed. 
And she hates it. 
Not because she hates you, but more so that she hates that she is being forced to rest. Rent’s due sometime soon, and she barely has enough for it. She knows Goth’s patience is wearing thin, and she can’t afford any other place in Mondstadt as of now. Mona needs to work, making mora through the many side jobs she’s picked up from the Adventurer’s Guild. She absolutely cannot be resting right now, you don’t understand—
“Mona, you better be back in bed when I turn around,” you called from the kitchen, your voice carrying to the front entrance, where Mona was now frozen in place. “I just made some chicken noodle soup for you, so you better be resting like I asked you to.”
She faltered, but relented and went back to bed. “You don’t have to do that, dear.”
You brought her soup with a smile. “I want to, though.”
Mona looked at you, her lips thinning out into a tight frown. “Why?”
“Because I love you?”
“Oh. Well,” her cheeks had turned a pretty pink now, “you don’t need to do this for me, dear. I’ve gotten by just fine before, I really don’t need to rest or stay in bed all day. So, please, just let me—”
“No, dear, you don’t understand. I need to complete the—”
You shook your head again. “Mona, what you ‘need’ is to rest so you can be better later. I’m just trying to make sure my girlfriend is taken care of, alright?” you sighed and looked at her once more. “Please don’t be mad at me. I know that you need some mora, and I’ve told you multiple times—”
“You aren’t paying my rent,” Mona snapped, her tone more angry than she meant it to.
“I basically live here.”
“...No comment.”
You chuckled, which made Mona smile reluctantly.
“Alright, babe. Whatever you say,” you tell her. “How about I run a few errands for you? Just so you don’t get overwhelmed by tasks when you’re feeling good enough to do side jobs. Is that alright?”
Mona looked at you, analysing your features. No hidden intent, no mischievous smile. Just her cute partner, being as sincere as you can be in this moment. Nothing to indicate that you’ll hold this above her in the future. 
As if they ever would, she snapped at herself as she met your loving gaze.
She sighed. “Alright. But you better come back in one piece, my dear. It would be a shame if I had no one to take care of me.”
You kissed her temple, causing Mona to blush quite hard. “Of course, Mona.”
She was in shock for a moment, silently screaming and clutching her head in her hands at the loving action. Mona blames it on her illness for making her so flustered. As if she didn’t react like that every time you touched her, no matter how long you two had been together.
She heard the door open and snapped up, quick to yell her adorations to you in her signature fashion.
“I love you!” she stammered out, blushing a deep red when she heard the sounds of Mondstadt driftting in. “Be back soon, please.”
“Anything for you, babe!” you shout back, blowing her a kiss that sent her under the covers, flustered beyond belief. “Rest up, my star!”
And as the door shut behind you, Mona clutched her head under the blankets as her face grew impossibly warm. 
If it’s not this stupid sickness that’ll kill me, it’ll be them, she thinks.
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Time management has never been one of Sucrose’s strengths.
Like sand in an hourglass, time slipped by her quickly. Sucrose didn’t mind though, as she found her work enjoyable. She got lost in conducting experiments and writing lab reports, passion and coffee being the only things that fuel her to work. 
But whilst in the middle of her work, Sucrose often forgets to take care of herself. She began to favor coffee over sleeping, staying extra late at the lab so she could complete some “last minute” work before she went home. The lunches you packed for her were left forgotten in her office until the next day, the smell being so pungent she could smell it the moment she enters the room. And don’t even try to ask Sucrose when was the last time she drank water, because she doesn’t know the answer herself.
With these working conditions Sucrose put herself through, it was only inevitable for her to get sick. 
You had to drag her back into bed when she tried to go to work, stuffed up nose and weary eyed. She was insistent that she was fine, despite the snot that threatened to dribble out of her nose. But after a convincing offer of some well deserved rest and relaxation, Sucrose reluctantly agreed.
“M’fine,” she grumbled, squinting up at you in bed. “Don’t worry about me.”
You felt her forehead and chewed your lip in worry. “You’re hot.”
Sucrose pulled the covers up to her head, whining beneath the covers. “Don’t tease me when I’m sick!” You saw her pretty amber eyes and smirked. “Stop that!”
“Oh, you know I didn’t mean it that way,” you frowned. But then you perked up and grinned, “but I will say, you do look really—“
“Ah! That’s enough out of you,” Sucrose interjected, furrowing her brows.
“I’m sorry, baby,” you cooed. You bent down and hugged her through the covers. “I’m just speaking the truth, y’know?”
“Argh, cut it out! My brain’s all mushy gushy already,” she complained. “Don’t need you to make me all mushy and gushy, too.”
You chuckled. “Alright, alright. I’ll go easy on ya, deal?”
Sucrose let the covers down to her chin and nodded. Her face was flushed pink. She shuddered underneath the covers and bundled up more, making your heart tighten. Poor thing, is all you can think as you caress her cheek.
Sucrose nuzzled into your hand, her eyelashes fluttering close. “Mm, honey?”
“You’re… you’re not mad at me, right?”
You frowned. “Mad at you? Angel, what for?”
Sucrose looked away from you and mumbled, “For not taking care of myself. I know you have better things to do—”
“—than take care of my sick girlfriend? Nonsense.” You leaned down and gave her temple a quick peck. “Don’t fret your pretty little head over that, angel. Now, get some sleep for me, okay?”
Sucrose nodded slowly, turning over to sleep on her preferred side. “Okay. I’ll try.”
You smiled and got up to leave, already planning some sort of dish that could help Sucrose feel better.
You turned around and looked at her. Sucrose had sat up in bed quickly, still clutching onto the covers of your shared bed. 
“I just wanted to say thank you for doing all this,” she said. “And… and I love you, a lot.”
Your heart sped up quickly, urging you to run over to her and kiss her all over her cute face. But instead, you take a deep breath and lean on the door’s frame for a moment. 
“I love you a lot, too, Sucrose. Now, get some rest.”
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Time and time again, Albedo tried to reassure you that he couldn’t get sick. He’s made out of limestone, for goodness sake! There is no way he could possibly be ill, Dragonspine’s freezing weather conditions be damned. So, really, there is absolutely no reason to worry your pretty little head over your boyfriend.
Until there is, in the form of Albedo greeting you with a pair of rosy cheeks and a sniffy nose after spending a week in Dragonspine alone. 
He’s more than aware that his current state is… quite pitiful, safe to say. As soon as he landed on your doorstep, you practically cradled him into your arms and swaddled him in blankets. The whole experience was infantilizing and slightly frustrating, as Albedo kept wanting to assure you he would be fine. Though, he would like to secretly admit that this feeling of being pampered wasn’t too bad, after all.
“Good morning, love,” you greeted from the doorway to your shared bedroom. You nudged the door open with your foot, smiling bright when you saw your boyfriend snuggled up into bed, begrudgingly.
“Good morning,” he mumbled. He raised his brow at the tray you carried. “What’s that?”
You sat down, gently, on the bed and placed it on Albedo’s lap, once he sat up. “Your breakfast. I made sure to make you something that’ll warm you up from the inside out.”
He gave you a strange look, as though he was analysing your actions. It almost made your heart sink.
“What’s that look for?” you asked, sheepishly.
Albedo blinked and then blushed, suddenly realising he was caught up in staring at you. “Sorry. I was just expecting a cheeky ‘I told you so.’”
“Oh,” you sighed, furrowing your brow as you recounted the many times you nagged at him to stay warm whilst away in Dragonspine. “Well, believe it or not, I’m not as petty as you think I am.”
“That’s not what I meant—”
You pecked his cheek and smiled. “I know. Don’t worry about silly things like that, alright? I want you to rest up and feel better, love.”
“I’ll try.”
You gave him a warning look.
“I will,” he corrected himself, quickly. “I’ll rest after I eat breakfast.”
You smiled, titling your head up in victory. “Good. Now, I’ll just be in the other room. If you need anything, just call me. Okay, Albedo?”
He nodded, his focus now on pushing his food around on the plate. “Yes, dear. Thank you for this meal.”
“Anything for you, my love,” you winked at him. “Now, eat up. You need all the energy you can get.”
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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bratshaws · 9 months
through the hourglass 333. brb x oc
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a/n: woop ITS SHORT BECAUSE TUMBLR HAAATES MEEEE (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
She doesn’t sleep at first, she’s telling him all the things they could do. So many things! So little time! And while Rooster adored her, he adored her with his whole being, he knew she needed sleep, “Gorgeous.”
“And- oh they can have onesies– oh I don’t want to be a Disney adult though,Roos!” she rambles and rambles as he hugs her from behind, smiling on her shoulder, “We need to make sure we don’t meet any either, they are weird.”
Rooster chuckled, the warmth of Beatrice's excitement contagious. He hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "You're adorable, you know that?"
She giggled, a sound that filled the room with pure joy. "I can't help it! Disneyland does that to people. And, I'm serious about the onesies. Imagine all of us in matching onesies taking a family photo. It would be the cutest thing ever."
Rooster grinned, playing along with her enthusiasm. " I can picture it. We'd be the talk of Disneyland."
Beatrice turned in his arms, her eyes sparkling  "Oh, we could even get custom ones with 'Bradshaw Family' embroidered on them. It'll be our Disneyland uniform." she pauses “No,no, let’s not, too much right?”
"You're right, that might be pushing it a bit. But the idea of matching onesies is cute. We can find a balance between adorable and not overdoing it."
Beatrice grinned, her eyes narrowing playfully. "Fine, no 'Bradshaw Family' onesies, but we're definitely getting matching Mickey and Minnie Mouse onesies. Deal?"
"Deal." Rooster sealed the agreement with a quick kiss, savoring the sweetness of the moment. He marveled at the simple joy that Beatrice brought into their lives, turning ordinary experiences into extraordinary memories.
Her excitement, though infectious, had been fueled by adrenaline, and now her body yearned for rest. He guided her toward the bed, coaxing her to lie down.
"Come on, Bea. You need some sleep," Rooster said gently, brushing a strand of hair from her face.
She pouted, a playful defiance in her eyes. "But I'm not tired! There's still so much to plan and discuss."
Rooster chuckled, knowing her too well. "We have plenty of time for that, gorgeous. Right now, you need to recharge. I promise we'll continue our Disneyland brainstorming session in the morning."
Beatrice sighed, relenting to the comforting pull of the bed. "Fine, but you better be ready for some serious planning, Mr. Bradshaw."
Rooster grinned, tucking her in and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Wouldn't have it any other way. Now close those beautiful eyes and dream on."
She frowns, “But—”
‘Gorgeous.” he slides under the covers, “You said you were tired.”
Beatrice couldn't resist his charm, and with a playful huff, she finally closed her eyes. Rooster watched as the tension gradually eased from her features, and a serene calm replaced the excitement that had filled the room moments ago.
The gentle rhythm of her breathing signaled that sleep was claiming its rightful place. Rooster lay beside her, his mind momentarily drifting to the events of the day. 
As Beatrice slipped into the embrace of sleep, Rooster's thoughts lingered on the gratitude he felt for the life they had built together. And soon enough,  he was out too.
The morning sun cast a soft glow through the curtains, Rooster stirred awake, his arm draped protectively over Beatrice, who was still lost in the realms of dreams. He pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead that made her smile in her sleep, then another to her nose, “Mornin’.” he coos, voice deep because of sleep, “I know you are awake.”
Beatrice stirred, a contented smile playing on her lips as she slowly emerged from the depths of slumber. The warmth of Rooster's kiss lingered on her skin, and she opened her eyes to meet his gaze. "Good morning," she murmured, her voice soft with the remnants of dreams. "You always know how to wake me up right."
Rooster chuckled, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her arm. "It's a special skill I've developed over the years. How did you sleep?"
"Like a baby. Your magical massage worked wonders," she said, stretching beneath the sheets.
He grinned, leaning in for another lingering kiss. "Glad to hear it.”
Beatrice's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she hummed quietly "What's on the agenda today?"
Rooster just propping his head up with his fist,elbow on the pillow. "Well, I was thinking we could start with a hearty breakfast, courtesy of yours truly. Then, maybe a stroll around the neighborhood, followed by a spontaneous decision on what to do next."
Beatrice laughed, the sound filling the room with joy. "I like the sound of that.”
“I’ll have you know though, I gotta go to the base real quick later, but-’
Her brows furrow “Everything okay?”
Rooster's expression softened, and he brushed a strand of hair away from Beatrice's face. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just some paperwork and checking in. Nothing to worry about."
“Hmmm,alright, is it because of the investigation…?”
"Nah, it's just routine stuff. The aftermath of the investigation settling down. I'll be back before you know it."
Beatrice nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Well I hope so after all you just came back.”
Rooster leaned in, capturing Beatrice's lips in a reassuring kiss. "I promise, it'll be quick. Then we can have the rest of the day to ourselves. Deal?"
Beatrice grinned, her worries melting away with the warmth of Rooster's affection. "Deal. But only if you promise to bring back some of that charm you used on me when we first met."
Rooster chuckled. "Consider it done, Mrs. Bradshaw." and he got up from the bed.
True to his word, whipped up a delicious breakfast—a hearty feast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes that filled the kitchen as Bea checked on the kids. Soon enough Nikki, Aurora, and Gavin, joined them at the table, sort of, Nikki did while the twins were on their bouncers, babbling themselves awake.
Beatrice prepared to feed the twins while looking into her phone, “Oh damn,it’s going to storm this week.”
Rooster, flipping a pancake with practiced ease, glanced over at Beatrice. "Storm, huh? We might need to adjust our plans for the week."
Beatrice nodded, her gaze fixed on the weather forecast. "Yeah, it looks like it's going to be a pretty intense one. Maybe we should rethink the outdoor activities."
Rooster considered the options, the sizzle of bacon in the background. "No worries. We can figure something else out.”
“Yeah…” she looks outside, back to were the Halton’s once lived, “...damn there’s no one there, Miranda really left.”
Rooster joined Beatrice by the window, his arm wrapping around her shoulders after he turned the stove out. "Yeah," Rooster said, his voice a reflective murmur. "Miranda moving away is a big change. The neighborhood won't be the same without them." he jokes.
“It’ll be better.” and she swats his chest but laughs like him.
“I mean true but…god, leaving Mark when he’s so uh…” a pause, “Messed up?”
“They deserve each other,gorgeous.” he mutters, kissing the back of her head before he steps back. Bea keeps her eyes ahead for a few seconds, then go back to the twins, picking Aurora first since she was so fussy.
“Is Mark,well, in some sort of jail,Roos?”
Rooster sighed, his expression growing somber as he pondered Beatrice's question. "Not jail, exactly. He's in custody awaiting trial. The evidence against him is pretty damning, and with the FBI involved, it's a complex situation. He'll likely face legal consequences for his actions."
Beatrice's brows furrowed with concern. "I can't believe it came to this. I mean, we knew he was involved in some shady things, but this..."
Rooster nodded, his gaze fixed on the stormy sky outside before he turned to Nicole. "Yeah, it's a tough situation. Internal Affairs and the FBI are digging deep, trying to unravel the extent of Mark's involvement. It's not just about him anymore; it's about dismantling the entire operation."
Beatrice rocked Aurora gently in her arms, "I thought stuff like that only happened in movies.”
"Real life can be stranger and more complex than any movie, Bea. You know that.”
"You're right, Roos. I–” thunder rumbled outside and she gasped, the noise making the kids, and the dogs, a bit startled “Jesus.”
Rooster glanced at the stormy sky, realizing that the approaching thunderstorm might make the kids and the dogs a bit uneasy. He moved quickly, checking on Nikki, who seemed fascinated by the raindrops on the window, and then reassuring Gavin the best he could
"Looks like the storm's rolling in faster than expected," Rooster remarked, glancing at the dark clouds outside.
Beatrice nodded, juggling Aurora in her arms "Yeah, we might need to stay indoors until it passes. Poor kids and the dogs, they're not used to thunderstorms." she pauses, “Well maybe Nikki is.” their oldest was just having a blast looking outside, “I didn’t think it’d get here so soon.”
As the thunder rumbled again, Nikki's eyes widened with fascination, and she pressed her small hands against the window. Aurora, still in Bea's arms, looked up with wide eyes, her tiny fingers fidgeting with a strand of her hair. The dogs, sensing the change in the atmosphere, huddled closer to the family.
Rooster joined Beatrice by the window, gazing at the rain pouring down and the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the sky. "The storm should pass soon."
Beatrice nodded, her concern shifting from the storm to the kids then to Rooster. "Do you have to go later? This storm seems like it’ll last for a bit.”
Rooster glanced at the storm outside, then back at Beatrice, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'll check in. If the weather's too rough, I might be able to stay a bit longer. They'll understand."
Beatrice smiled appreciatively, "That would be great. The kids love having you around. Especially now.."
Rooster chuckled, leaning in to give her a quick kiss. "I'll do my best, Bea. I promise.”
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fauville · 6 months
‘trying to get the other to dance with them’ from the prompts!! For whichever pairing you think it suits best 💕
thank you sm for the prompt!! 🩷
kitty/morgan this time. this is actually my first time writing about them and it's been a while since i've written about morgan at all, so apologies for any butchery of her character, lol.
★ ★ ★
“I don’t dance, sweetheart,” Morgan says, folding her arms at Kitty’s bright, hopeful smile.
Even Morgan can admit that she looks cute as shit tonight: with her dangling pink heart earrings and light blue frilly dress that ends midway to her plump bare thigh. With her heels she’s almost as tall as Morgan, which makes her bristle a little, but she’s so adorable that Morgan barely even notices it.
She herself, of course, barely made any effort. She’s only here, at this stupid fucking office party, because Kitty asked her to come. Sometimes Morgan feels like a pining dog who is at her owner’s every beck and call with her. She chews on her unlit cigarette on the edge of the dance floor and wonders if she could ever say no to her for anything.
Well. Anything except dancing, of course.
“Please?” Kitty tries one more time, but after Morgan shakes her head, she relents and just kisses her cheek, before wandering off to the snack table. Morgan rubs her cheek, her fingers coming off with a pink glittery mess. She groans out loud and uses her shirt sleeve to rub off the lipstick stain, but she’s smiling lightly and is stupidly aware of it, too. Shit.
Morgan keeps staring after Kitty, as she sways on her feet to the beat of the music, popping a green grape into her mouth as she chats with someone Morgan doesn’t know. It’s kind of annoying how friendly Kitty is with everyone, because that means no one ever leaves her alone. It’s very rare that Morgan can spend time with her outside the warehouse for someone not to interrupt them in the middle of it. The worst part is that Kitty is too nice to tell them to fuck off and when Morgan does it on her behalf, Kitty gets pissed off at <i>her</i> instead of the obnoxious intruders.
Morgan is so focused on Kitty that she doesn’t notice that guy (Sloppy? Ronnie? She doesn’t care what his fucking name is), Kitty’s ex, seeing Kitty from across the dance floor and making his way to her. She frowns when maybe-Ronnie touches Kitty’s shoulder with a too gentle and familiar grip to Morgan’s tastes.
Kitty turns to look at him, her smile polite but also fake, but Sloppy doesn’t notice it and takes Kitty’s hand in his own, swiping a finger across her knuckles.
And Morgan sees red.
She drops her cigarette to the ground and is by Kitty’s side as fast as lighting. Ronnie blinks at her speedy arrival and then yelps as Morgan grabs his wrist in a too tight grip.
“Let go,” she growls, and Sloppy squeaks in fear to her delight.
Morgan is aware that Kitty is currently staring at her with wide eyes, but she doesn’t look at her, her eyes focused on his fearful face as her grip tightens even more.
“Morgan,” Kitty says very softly beside her. She doesn’t sound upset, but she takes Morgan’s free hand into her own and squeezes it gently.
Morgan releases his hand and he rips it to his chest, massaging his wrist with his fingers.
“Get lost,” Morgan grunts, and Sloppy does-- so fast he looks like a vampire himself. He fucking wishes he was.
Morgan folds her arms, Kitty’s hand falling away, as she watches him go with a satisfied smirk. After a moment she turns to look at Kitty, who doesn’t look angry, like Morgan expected she would. Instead she’s smiling and, for some unknown reason, Morgan’s heart squeezes inside her chest.
“You wanted to dance?” Morgan asks with a quirked eyebrow, swallowing down whatever she was feeling before, and offers Kitty her hand.
Kitty laughs. “I’d thought you’d never ask,” she says and leads Morgan to the dance floor.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 4 months
Yandere Sebastian x Mina (OC) - Glory Be Thy Goddess 🌟
Word Count: 2,251 words
Scenario: Yandere Sebastian is so madly in love with Mina that even in the calmest of moments his mind never seems to be tame about her.
Includes: yandere and/or possessive canon character, OC character, first point of view from Sebastian.
Thank you for commissioning! It's so highly appreciated lovely! ✨
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I need her so bad.
It's a constant thought that's on my mind these days. As.. much as I've been trying to hide it; to keep it together when in the presence of her, I can't seem to stop thinking about Mina. At any point.
I remember the first time I laid eyes on her; the way the sunlight seemed to hit her like a halo around an Angel and I knew I was a demon and that's exactly why I just had to have her. To keep her all to myself, to stake my claim on her to I could experience her perfection as much as he wanted and whenever he wanted.
The thought of anyone else approaching her was enough to piss me off, to send me into a sour mood that could stick for the whole days. I never feel right without her; it's gotten to the point where I can't imagine not waking up at her side, not being there for every beck and call she could ever make for me.
Mina is mine.
I say it all the time; I've been saying it even before I was fully aware of it.. glaring heatedly whenever someone seemed to approach her with interest and not the kind that seemed friendly either… with the silly belief that they could possibly be a better mate for her than I am and I've come to realize that that was as foolish as believing in the flying spaghetti monster or something like elves or whatever…
Silly; because Mina doesn't see them like she seems to see me.
Even so, I can still get annoyed… irritated, when someone bothers us but the way Mina smiles at me, the way she feels when our hands graze each other… the way her voice sounds whenever she allows me to hear and listen to her.
The only people I can stand being around her are Sam and Abigail and even then sometimes… sometimes I can't help but want so much more.
To steal her away, to run away together and I've even come to really… enjoy being outside with the help of her.
She's so insanely bright, like a million twinkling stars in the shy and I love it so, so much even when I hate how it I'm not the only one it seems to draw in.
I can't stand it.
The idea of someone seeing her and seeing what I see; an angel so pure, too pure for this world… pisses me off and bad.
They wouldn't know how to treat her, not like I knew how to.
Sometimes when someone seems to take her in for just a little too long, or smirk just a tad too mischievously at her I gently grab hold of her but I’m stern as well. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders or waist because she's mine and I like people knowing that especially because seeing their surprised faces was only just enough to stop me from wringing my fingers around their throats. It's interesting really; the way being around Mina has only managed to bring out parts of me that feel so fucking alive. I love Sam and Abigail but even with that I've always felt like something or someone was still missing and after so much time… I'm more than confident that that person is Mina.
She's so cute, so extravagant and I need her…
So, so bad.
I need her all the time and even though we've been together for months now all I can do is find myself so deeply infatuated with her that I wonder if she even knows how much I crave her.
In some ways it pisses me off; the fact that I can't wake up a single day without the thought of her smile being the first thing on my mind or the way that when she's not around all I can do is think about her, where she was… her smiles as she tells silly little jokes, the way her eyes twinkled when I speak to her and called her name, or the way her hand feels on mine when we lay together and cuddle.
I'm moving even before I can really even help myself; standing up from the seat I've been sitting in for the last handful of minutes in her home while she happily hums and washes dishes. I look over to the stove and the smell of something both savory and sweet reminds me of the fact that right now it was just me and her in here.. in the home that we'll hopefully grow many precious and beautiful children in. Never before had I thought I'd even dream of such a thing, having children of any sort but ever since we've gotten together it's been a growing thought in the back of my head. Every time I look at her these days all I can wonder is where we'll be years from now and I'm so so happy with the many different possibilities that I'll be damned if someone tries to take her from me.
“Sebastian?” She suddenly speaks and I perk like a dog being called by its precious owner.
I've been so lost in thought that I've been staring.
She looks over her shoulder at me, that smile that I fall in love with over and over again is showing on her lips that I just so desperately love to kiss. With the little giggle she seems to give a moment after it's clear that she's managed to pick up on the fact that I've only been so quiet for the last handful of minutes because I was taking her in; consuming the energy she always seemed to have more and more of… always giving looks that made his heart rush in his chest even after all this time.
I need her.
She has to have my child…
I want it so bad it's killing me and before I even realized it.. I was standing behind her, eyes bright as I looked down at her back before reaching over slowly. I hug her, wrapping my arms slowly around her soft waist and then humming lowly as I lean in and gently press my face against her shoulder blade to give it a nuzzle. The sound of her letting out a scoffed laugh makes my head spin and butterflies brew in my gut as my arms carefully tighten around her.
I take my time; pressing snuggly against my head and gently running my lips along her smooth and tasty skin. As my arms hug her I can't seem to help the way the feeling of her makes my cock stiffen. It's the spell she has on me and the spell I happily take every time she's around. She sucks in a breath, moving her head and tilting it to give me some more room and oh how sweet of her.
I waste no time moving even closer; the gentle tracings of my lips on her skin turning into sweet kisses.
I'm fucking losing it.
I need her.
I move my hands up and greedily cup her breasts, fondling her just the way I’ve come to know she likes, gentle kisses turning into nips, my teeth grazing her skin and fuck the way she seems to loosen, weaken, in my arms knowing well that I’ll hold her easily no matter what.
The way she seems to lower her head a little now tells me everything I need to know; that this woman, my woman loved it when I showed my love for her.
I could show her so much more.
It's hard not to pin her down right here; it's taking everything in me not to lose it but I have a better idea. One that may just prove to everyone once and for all that this woman was taken.
I growl, a low snarl coming from deep within my throat and the way she shivers and gasps has my cock so fucking hard that I'm starting to worry I might break my zipper.
It's fine.
She presses back into me, falling into my caresses and touches like she's supposed to and the way that she's squirming makes me tempted to help make an even bigger family. I've always wondered; always imagined what being with someone like this would really feel like and for so long I was left wondering. No one was of interest, was worth my time and just as it seemed like j was starting to understand that there she was. Showing up like an omen and I remember the first time I laid my eyes on her, how the room seemed to grow quiet and nothing else seemed to matter but her… the way my heart had gone from perfectly calm to a racing mess in my chest even as I held my neutral expression.
She came over with no issue, everything about her was just as beautiful as she was. It's her voice, her eyes, her smile… and I just can't stand it.
I'm so helplessly infatuated with her.
She spoke so freely, so easily even with the slight nervousness that could be detected and I nearly fainted. With how much alcohol I had actually managed to drink that night and yes..fully prepared for the consequences; it would have been easy to think I was simply hallucinating.
‘No fucking way..’ I thought with the weight breath I had managed to deeply breathe in as if braving myself and oh when she spoke I think a shiver ran up my spine.
She's a goddess.
One that I had received the privilege of meeting and I lose myself every time and it's all because of her.
Now as my kisses grow a bit rough; gentle nips turning into harder bites and my tongue would slip out right after just to ease the sudden spikes of pain with a following gush of cool pleasure and of it's so hard not to take advantage of this… to not mark her up just to make sure everyone knew she was mine. I can't help it, I can't stop it… I desperately need her and I need others to know their places.
Just thinking about others looking at her with greedy eyes, hearing and listening to whispers makes me feel like exploring just how easily it could be to hide a body.
I bite down with force, eyes closed and brows furrowed as she cries out when my teeth breath the skin and I…I don't mean to hurt her but fuck the way she cries out and rolls her hips into mine, is to know this is needed.
She needs this.
I… need this.
I continue to touch her, showering her in so many kisses, my tongue running over that bite mark, the one that stands out beautifully in the open… in a hard and nearly impossible place. I keep touching her; hands running from his breast and rubbing them and gently groping turns to my hands moving to move and run my palm down her frame up until I can grip the tips of her thighs and grip her and hold her tight against me.
She's mine.
She's been put on this planet to be mine…
And people needed to know that.. and I'm willing to show them.
I pull away from her skin; wet lips lightly panting as I take my mouth from her delicate skin to look at her throat and oh, it's so beautiful. The mark I've left on her stands out so beautifully and I can't help but feel proud, like I might just rip her clothes off right here and spend the next few hours making a mess out of her in every which way.
“S-Sebastian!~” she squeaks loudly and I can't help but grin against that skin of hers.
I touch her so leisurely; hands squeezing and rubbing her thighs before slowly moving to slide my hands under her shirt and caress her belly. The belly that I love so much, the one that helped carry our precious and beautiful baby and it's warm, her skin feeling so fucking good under my skin.
“I love you Mina.” I coo, voice heavy as I hold her close, breath hitting her skin and as she shakily moves one of her hands to shaking grab one of my own, rubbing my knuckles caring before she looks over her shoulder again at me.
Our eyes connect and Mina grins before brushing her lips against mine in a way that lights my soul so brightly that I think I'm actually starting to melt from the inside out.
“I love you too Sebastian.. you..you know I love you more than most of this planet.” She admits and my eyes widen, heart soaring and oh it's so good to hear her say it from her own lips.
I kiss her again but I can't hold back, I can't be as gentle as I probably should but Mina doesn't seem to hate it as she turns in my arms allowing me to hold her better.. to cup her thighs and press her front against my own as our lips meld into each other in a way that really made the world around them seem like nothing but a dream.
All I need is her.
All I want is her…and I'm willing to do anything and everything to keep her safe and loved at my side.
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agattthaa · 1 year
Pairing: Beckett Harrington/F!MC
Word count: 1.277
Warnings: A little bit of jealousy, but is nothing out of this world, they are cute and in love
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-I still don't understand why you bought this tuneless device for me. 
-And I already told you, Beck. It works for a bunch of stuff. Sets alarms, play audiobooks, track your daily activities. That helps me a lot when I'm practicing Thieth. It can help on your secret workout section. 
-You practice yoga with me everyday. 
-Yes, Beckett, I do. And I don't have a six pack. -She pointed out, to which he only rolled his eyes and continued.
-And between all my activities, I don't have the time for a 'secret workout section'. You know that, we spent the vast majority of the day together. 
-My mother always says that a man can always find some way to hide something, if he really wants. 
-And you think that what I would choose to hide from you would be a workout section? -He lifted one of his eyebrows. 
-Why Harrington? Do you have anything else that you want to hide from me? -It was her turn to lift an eyebrow, but the smirk on her lips didn't let her expression be too serious. 
-You know very well I do not. Besides, considering how many people in this school wish to take my place, if I was hiding something, you would already know. -His voice grew to be clearly annoyed, meanwhile, her smirk turned into a smile instantly, because she knew perfectly well what he was implying. 
-Oh my, is THE Beckett Harrington jealous right now? -she poked his side. Her smile growing bigger as he turned red. 
It was risky, Eli knew it. They were in this thing for almost a year now, before he really considered himself to be a true pendpal, before he accepted that he now had friends, before Rafe. 
And while they were definitely a thing, they weren't that thing she wanted them to be. They did everything a couple did. Sometimes even more. 
They spend almost every moment together, they went on little dates, he gave her flowers almost daily, made notes specifically for her so she could understand her classes better, they slept together with most of the nights just holding each other and actually sleeping, he gave her the sweetest forehead kisses and held her hand all the time, and she knew fully well he did not appreciated PDA but knew she did. 
Most married couples aren't so serious. Sheira had told her, and she knew it. And yet, he didn't ask that goddamn question. So she didn’t imply anything. 
But now, he gave her the perfect opportunity, so what could she possibly do if not take that opportunity. 
-I don't believe I have a reason to be. -He answered when the red had subdued. 
He tried to play it cool, but she knew him too well. She could hear the words he didn't say. She knew he was asking her if he had a reason to be jealous. He was laid on her bed, as usual, but his eyes were not on her, and that was unusual. He was scared of her answer. 
She sat down closer to him. He was laid on his side, so she placed herself in front of her torso, placing her hand on his face and caressing her thumb against his cheek. 
-I don't believe you have a reason to be. Although you say otherwise, only one person showed interest in me since I came here. 
-And why do you think that is, Eli? -He sat down, lacing her hand on his, while the other touched her face in adoration. -Why do you think I must be by your side every minute? Why I never let go of your hand? Why I kiss you out of nowhere?
-Because you have an enormous crush on me that you can't get over no matter how hard you try? -Her smirk made him smile hopelessly.  
-I never tried to get over it, first of all. Besides my enormous crush on you, it's the eyes. The eyes that follow you everywhere, Eli. I don't know how you don't see it. Everywhere you go, everyone watches you, with eyes filled with hope that one day you'll look towards them as well. Goddammit, last week I went to the bathroom and that guy from your team was asking you if you wanted to do something after practice. 
-He told me it was a team outing, Beck.
-Yeah, one that neither Griffin nor Zeph knew about. 
-Besides, I said no. 
-I know you did. Still, you don't know what it's like. 
-That's what you think. Do you have any idea how many of this year's juniors are watching you? A girl came to ask me if you were single  Beck. How many times has that happened to you? 
The moment the words left her mouth, she regretted it. His eyes instantly got bigger. He was not expecting her to say that. 
-What did you answer her, Eli?
-That's irrelevant.  
-Eli, what did you tell her? 
-I think you know what I told her, Beckett Harrington. 
-Full name won't work this time and I don't. What did you tell her, Eli? 
-Had any blonde girl come to you asking for a date, Harrington? If not, I think you know what I told her. 
His face turned to a lovestruck smile. 
-You told her I wasn't single, didn't you, Eli? -She looked away from him when his smile became too blinding. He took that opportunity to kiss her temple, her cheeks, her eyes. -Did you tell her you were my girlfriend?
-You are the one saying that, Harrington, not me. 
-I can almost see it. The skeptical look on your face, you looked her up and down I'm sure of it, and you tried to be crude, but she didn't realize it because you never can do it. Then you said it, the most beautiful words "No, I am his girlfriend". Was it like it, Eli? 
She didn't say anything. Because Eli knew Beckett, but he also knew her. It was exactly what had happened, but she would not admit it. 
-I won't say it before you do, Harrington. No matter how much you annoy me.
-Why must you be so headstrong, my love? -He held her face, forcing her to look at him. -Eli, can I also tell people that you are my girlfriend? 
Her face broke on a sweet smile and she melted on his hands. 
-Ask properly, Harrington.  
He smiled, letting a little bit of air come out of his nose. 
-Eli, my sun and all my stars, will you be my girlfriend? 
-I'll think about it. -She pulled him closer, smiling almost as much as him. -Okay, I will. 
-You are impossible. 
-And yet, you love me. -She joked against his lips. 
-I really do. 
Before she could say anything, he kissed her, making her melt on his arms. She, with her hand on his face, pulled him closer, and he held her by her waist, hugging her close and closer, as if he could not bear to be apart from her not even by a centimeters, not even by a second. 
But their peace was disrupted almost immediately. A loud beep was almost deafening when compared to the silence they had before. 
When they look down on the watch on Beckett's arm. The words "Abnormal heart rate decteted" were in bright red. Almost as red as Beckett's face. 
-I'll never wear this again. 
Eli's cheeks hurted from how much she laughed. She held his face on her hands, running her thumbs on his cheeks before giving him a small kiss. 
-Yeah, you don't have to worry about anything. 
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