#and i was on a train and the page reloaded
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thenextchapterbegins · 10 months
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So Yves doesn't like children, but what about Blanche? Would he be willing to have a child with Reader? If so, I bet he would be very loving and gentle. he would knit baby clothes with the reader and talk about the names he liked.
Anyway, I love your work! I reload your tumblr page every day to see Blanche's content, I want to bite him and eat him with love. I love Monty too! Since your post about what he would be like with kids, I've had baby fever.
Have a nice day! <3
Yes, that is true. Blanche would definitely be very loving and gentle. Perhaps a bit nervous and awkward at first, but he quickly becomes an excellent parent passing on wonderful morals. Yet it feels like something is wrong.
His arms are wide enough to fit the two of you, you would be holding your child while sitting on his lap, as Blanche sways the rocking chair back and forth. Occasionally pressing kisses on your forehead and the baby's.
The mortar and pestle would be out a lot more. As he doesn't have a food processor, Blanche would be making all the baby food by hand, grinding and pounding it down with strenuous love. The child will only eat the most nutritious produce from his garden. Blanche will take note of their likes and dislikes, so he knew which one to plant more of.
The sound of a baby crying may be grating, but never to Blanche. He would simply pick them up and coo until they stopped, or let them babble happily because Daddy is there to comfort them. Oddly, he never got irate due to lack of sleep or personal time. Unlike you, Blanche doesn't necessarily need that.
Unfortunately for you, Blanche would be guilt-tripping you a lot more to stay for longer. You wouldn't need to do most of the hard work anyway, but say goodbye to your social life, as you will have to be with him and the baby 24/7. You wouldn't have to do anything, though. Blanche would cook, clean, and give you backrubs all while caring for the child so much that it wouldn't cry, as it's always smiling and content.
More often than not, you would feel bad. Or get frustrated at the speed at which he's moving. So you would take over his chores and tell him to focus on the child. Blanche would refuse, choosing to hover near you while bouncing the baby up and down in his arms. He wanted to be with the love of his life and his giggling blessing as much as possible.
He would be wearing that baby sling until your child is old enough to move around on their own. Then, it would be retired to the "Chest of Love and Memories" in the shared bedroom.
All their clothes would be handmade, and Blanche would lovingly embroider their name onto them while humming the tune they seemed to like. The same goes for the toys, he would make sure it's safe and age-appropriate. His whittling knife would be out a lot more, but not around the baby.
He would name his children based on flowers such as Rose and Marigold, bringing out a book about botany from his Box of Jolly and Joy, telling you all the names he found beautiful and fitting towards the bundle of joy that is about to be.
Blanche will instill patience, love, and calmness in the child. He leads by example by never being aggressive, loud, or unpleasant, he punishes them firmly yet lovingly. You're just glad they grew up to be mild and mellow, unlike other teenagers who seem to rebel if their parents are too much of a pushover or too much of a stuffy jerk. Your child would strangely prioritize your needs and wants over anyone else's, not even their own. While it's sweet, it is a bit concerning. It's as if Blanche has trained them to devote their lives to serving you, and you only.
Your husband is always present, maybe even too present. You couldn't remember the last time you didn't see or hear Blanche and your child around. Although it's warm and fuzzy to constantly have them around, spending time with you, sharing laughs, cuddling, and bonding tightly, it's undeniable that they're driving you crazy. The three of you are always together if you're not working, Blanche makes sure of it.
If you are holding down a job, your husband and your kid will try everything under the sun to get you to be with them 24/7. They will cling onto you and you will not shake them off no matter what.
Blanche isn't very keen on letting the child go to school, preferring to teach them everything himself with the help of books, exploration, and real-life applications. Your husband would beg to keep them homeschooled, Blanche is an excellent teacher and he can prove it; especially when you realize that your child's vast knowledge in language, arts, mathematics, and science rivaled that of a 50-year-old when they're only 8. When you put them into the public schooling system against Blanche's wishes, your husband would burst into tears, fearing that his child would go through the same levels of bullying he did.
While your child excelled in every class, and every subject and became the favorite of all the teachers, they were alienated by their peers, just like how their father was. At least they're not beating him up like how they did to Blanche in his youth. But still, Blanche would continuously pressure you to pull them out of the education system, trying to convince you that it isn't required for your child to be in this environment. The three of you could live together in the woods, isolated and in bliss.
Your child agreed too. They could not determine what would make their classmates want to be friends. They tried and tried until they were tired, your child wanted nothing but to go back home to their family.
They're so mature, so much more beyond their years that it's unbelievable. It's almost like the fact that parenthood can be hard, painful, and ugly is a myth. They have never acted out, never been disrespectful, always heed your words, and never had to go to you for help on normal teenage things. It's like another mini Blanche was instantly birthed, it's so very eerie.
And you knew that it has everything to do with your husband's way of bringing them up. He's with them every waking and slumbering second of the day, they're inseparable and always working as a unit to care for you.
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reve-writes · 1 year
—you bury me; leon kennedy.
ʚ leon kennedy x reader | resident evil | 1,1k words. ʚ leon and reader finishes a mission. | can be read as a continuation of rotten work. ʚ injuries; zombies and stuff; fluff (no one dies dw). ʚ a/n more of my attempt to write slightly flirty banters between reader and leon. i learned the phrase "you bury me" aka "ya'aburnee" and my life has never been the same.
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There are times when you think Leon is invincible, like he has come alive straight out of the pages of a comic book. He barrels through the undead like a machine—all tough exterior and deadly shooting accuracy that has your jaw dropping with awe.
And then, there are times when you are reminded he isn't. He is no untouchable otherworldly alien born with diamond-hard skin and superhuman strength. He's just flesh and bone knitted together and he bleeds. Despite his might, he's just one bad day away from an infection just as everyone else.
“Fuck,” he curses, face all red and chest heaving. “Goddamnit. Fuck.”
Your hands are trembling as you reload your magazine. The scene replays over and over in your mind: rotten jaw unhinging so close to his neck, teeth within biting distance and you think your entire world is coming to a halt.
Leon swivels out of the way just in time.
You're not a religious person, but for that one split second he avoids the death sentence, you think you should sing praises and grateful prayers.
“Are you okay?” You ask over guns blazing. Your magazine finally clicks in and you start opening fire to the growing hoard of zombies around you.
“Never been better,” he replies through gritted teeth. It was a dumb question to ask. You know he's not faring well—he is limping across the field, left foot practically being dragged behind him. He uses one hand to shoot, the other has an open gash through his short-fingered glove down his palm. His sweat-slicked forehead is also red with blood from a cut just over his eyebrow.
“Lean on me,” you tell him, moving to hoop his left arm around your shoulder. He's not a small man—what with trained muscles over his bones and a figure that slightly towers over you. “Let me help you, Leon.”
He tries to shake himself off of you. “Just get to the extraction point.”
“We'll get there quicker if you would—”
“Just run!”
“And what? Leave you here to be their dinner?” You protest, forcefully pushing yourself under his arm. “No way. I haven't even gotten a taste.”
Leon—even with the miserable situation you are in—chuckles. “Really? Is this the right time?”
He relents and lets you hobble him along. The field stretches long—somewhere off of a rural village whose residents are now nothing more than grotesque-looking undead. You've made it two-thirds of the way.
Bullets fly left and right, both from you and Leon. “Shut up, Leon. Walk faster.”
“Told you to run, didn't I?”
Your breathing is laboured from the Sisyphean effort. “Out of the question. I can't have your death on my conscience.”
“Not dying that easily, don't worry.”
He better not.
The helicopter engine roars in your ears as you step closer, dusty air stinging your eyes. You hear gunshots from your rescuer, covering you from nearby zombies. Your whole body is burning when you're finally hauled into the chopper with Leon. You finally let your muscles loosen, tension melting away as the engine roars to life under you.
The rest occurs in quick motion blurs. The usual mission reports and check-ups and then you're walking out the door with a patched-up, healthier-looking Leon by your side.
“Shouldn't they keep you on bedrest?” You ask. “Can't have anything happen to their golden boy.”
“They tried to.” He shrugs. “I'm fine, though.”
You stare at him, disbelief apparent in your wide-eyed expression. “Fine? How are you fine?”
You gesture to the walking stick he tucks under his arm and his splined foot. He waves a hand dismissively. “I've had worse.”
“You were so close to getting bit.”
The words echo into a drawn-out silence as the meaning truly sinks into him. It is strange, the numbness he has developed to the thought of dying. Constant exposure to mortal peril has desensitised him, he supposes.
“I watched it almost happen and for a terrible moment I thought that you were going turn into... into—”
“I didn't.”
He's right. You find comfort in knowing that he is still standing, that he's not going down so easily, but even Leon Kennedy is merely human.
“You know, if things ever go to shit, I hope I... go before you do.”
He's not following. Not exactly. “How come?”
“Don't worry about it.” You don't elaborate, but you know you mean it. A world without Leon Kennedy sounds like a world you don't want to be a part of. As much as he makes you want to tear your hair out, he's the only person who understands and shares your burdens.
He hums thoughtfully, frowning, but ends up chalking it up to your usual rambling. “Okay, then. I'll catch you later.”
He starts walking to the car they've provided for him—chauffeur and all. Must be nice to be the golden boy. Before he has even walked three steps away, you grab his wrist with a slight tug and he halts.
“Go home,” you request. “You better not go and get wasted in some bar. Rest, Leon. You deserve it.”
“I wasn't going to.”
The look in his eyes says that he is most definitely going to drink his sorrows away.
“You're so unbelievably stubborn.”
“Look who's talking.” He holds up his wrist that you're still grabbing, wriggling it out of your grasp to press his palm on yours, fingers interlocking. “Also, if you wanted to hold hands, you could've just asked.”
“I seem to also recall you saying something along the lines of wanting to have a taste—”
“Leon,” you interrupt immediately, not wanting to drag out the embarrassment that he's oh-so-generously giving you. “I mean it. Get some rest.”
“What are you? My parent?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You need to recover well. The world needs saving and I need my mission partner.”
His hand is still warm over on yours, now hanging low by your side and the two of you look almost normal. Just two people holding hands waiting for their ride.
“You're cute when you worry about me.”
That has an involuntary smile to bloom on your face as you've used the same line on him before.
“Only when I worry?”
“And on other occasions.” This has you dizzy.
“Well.” He drops your hand and it twitches, already missing the spaces between his fingers. “I better get going.”
He gestures at the impatient-looking driver who has been sitting there the entire time. You shake your head at him. “Poor guy.”
“I'll call.” He gets into the passenger seat. You're standing just a step away from the rolled-down window.
“I might pick up.”
Before he has a chance to retort, you gesture the driver to go ahead and the car speeds off at once, leaving you to spend the rest of the day constantly checking if your phone has rung.
[ ]
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call-me-strega · 6 months
pls help me find this
Dang it! I was read a prompt but my page reloaded before I finished and I can’t find it again.
It’s a dc x dp au where Tim and Danny are a part of the batfam before Damian shows up and once he does Dick and Bruce are forced to take his threats seriously bc he has no problems attacking not only Trained Vigilante Tim but also decidedly Untrained Civilian Danny. Danny decides to be petty and engages in sibling warfare, playing up being scared/wary of Damian. Bruce and Dick can’t handle the idea he feels unsafe and are more rigid with Damian, who is essential screwing himself over with this behavior.
If anyone knows what this is pls send me the link. I want to finish reading it.
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blackjackkent · 6 months
Wandered Rakha around the rest of the tiefling party. She's not overly interested in a ton of interaction with the tieflings themselves (because she's still pretty worried she's going to lash out at them).
It's weird not having Rolan and his siblings here. :(
Rakha mostly hangs around with her companions.
Chatted with Shadowheart about how she never expected to care about the refugees or want to help them - that she was trained not to focus on anything that distracted from Shar. Rakha feels pretty odd about that too; she isn't particularly good at altruism, yet, but she recognizes that they did a good thing for these people, even if the beast's bloodthirst was involved half the time. (I had to reload because I accidentally had Rakha agree to share some wine with her, because I thought she meant just sharing a drink while they were chatting, but she actually meant the cutscene wine later where you can make out with her, and all the other companions started talking about how cute we looked together. XD LEAVE ME ALONE I HAD A NICE MOMENT WITH WYLL AND THAT'S ALL THAT'S HAPPENING.)
Astarion is, as usual, having a terrible time at the party. Rakha kind of doesn't blame him, but they had a nice moment of connection thinking about all the goblins they killed. Astarion tried to come onto her and suggested they find each other after the party, which she found kind of baffling and shut him down directly. He got grumpy about it. She decides it was probably the wine talking and moves on.
Lae'zel is ABSOLUTELY acting like a spurned lover and I feel bad for finding it quite funny - not because she's clearly upset (I love Lae'zel far too much for that) but because Rakha is SO fucking confused about it. Lae'zel> "I have seen the kith'raki tear a screaming neogi's legs from its belly to fashion into blades. Yet they could not match your nerve today. It was enough to drive me to madness. I smell their blood on you still. I smell your moisture. How torturous for us both that I'll never get a taste. Oh, but do enjoy yourself this night. I intend to, myself." Rakha, inwardly> Look, I respect and trust you more than basically anyone in camp and I don't know how we got onto such completely different pages on this, but also WHAT are you talking about?
Gale told Rakha about Tara - how he locked himself in his tower in a depressive haze after his failure with the orb, and how Tara helped him discover the treatment and find magical items to help him. He says she would be proud of them for helping the tieflings. Rakha... frankly doesn't much care what Gale's cat would think of her, but it does make her think more about Wyll telling her he was proud of her, earlier in the evening. (He also went down the dialogue pathway of talking about how phenomenal she is and stuff like that - the romance setup. I had Rakha basically tell him it's not happening, but realistically I don't think, for her story, that that part of the conversation happened at all; she and Gale are cautious allies and definitely connected over some things today, but neither of them feels that way about each other.)
Karlach, as usual, is just a total sweetheart about the whole thing. She's incredibly excited about seeing the refugees safe, about her own freedom, about her friendship with Rakha and the others. Rakha is considerably less effusive... but Karlach has, in her own way, had almost as much of an effect on her as Lae'zel and Wyll have, purely by virtue of how her kindness comes as naturally to her as breathing.
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Narrator: The buzz of celebration quiets to a soothing hum as you approach your bunk. You've picked up a few pleasant memories on your journey, amongst your struggles.
Go to bed, hoping to dream of Wyll.
Narrator: Somewhere, in the corner of your heart, you suspect he might be dreaming of you too.
When bedtime rolls around, I think Rakha asks the others to post a guard over her. It's been a good night, and the beast has quieted since her interaction with Wyll... but she doesn't trust it and has no reason to. And for once she is absolutely determined that she will not spill blood tonight.
In the end, Lae'zel keeps watch the whole night, her eyes fixed unblinkingly on Rakha as she sleeps. Wyll tries to take over from her halfway to morning and she snarls at him and tells him she has the matter handled.
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atvace · 1 year
Lady Dior and the Seven Dilfs
Chapter 4: First Order of Business
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Ghost, Soap, Gaz and you eventually took turns in aim training, knife throwing and handgun shooting. it was actually quite fun. A little about your before-military-background, you used to shoot water guns when youre 3, BB gel guns when youre about 7 and youve won arcade games for your little niece when youre 14.
a lot of arcade games. your younger cousins always look up on you whenever you won them prizes from huge plushies, Hotwheels, even legos.
speaking of guns, you've surfaced to the depth of the internet back when you were young. having to use your mother's iPad to access such gores and disturbing content. Adapting to the FBI, forced to eliminate people off, you had absolutely no problem.
Empathy and sympathy is out of the window. your past relationship with you ex boyfriends left you quite heartless. you got scammed in Roblox once, it is merely a canon event. the homeless guy you give your spare change to molested a school girl once and you beat him until he lost vision. world hasn't been treating you well, and you just go with the flow and give zero fucks to nearly anyone.
"nice shot, (y/n)." Gaz rests his hand to your back. you sighed proudly, "Thanks, Gaz!" you nudged his side. "You got any question, (y/n)? you said you're a little less experienced with sub machine guns." Soap stored the unused MSMC.
Back in your FBI days, handguns are the most effecient weapon you can handle. It's been a while since the last time you were using the automatic rifles because your all-gun training was when youre in early 20s. you never liked heavy machinery gun because theyre too hefty for you to bring anywhere.
you prefer something quiete, small but fast. you prefer sniper as long ranged, revolver or a usp for mid combat and knifes for close. In your horse riding phase, you possessed an archery skill. you were slightly above average but stopped after your arrow accidently killed a wild bunny.
"I genuinely think they are too heavy for me. in what I observe in myself, I think im far much better using snipers, handguns or knifes." You reloaded your empty mags of revolver. "Lads," Price peeked his head out as the four of you turned to the source of the voice. "Lets do some deathmatch."
"Okay the goal is basically deathmatch." Price gave everyone a compass to keep track of where we going. "but, all of you will be using either the paintbal or" he paused for a moment. "an airsoft."
You raised your eyebrow with a questioning look. "what about the mission?" Price looked at you while wearing a sunglasses and a fisherman hat, "Oh, Laswell contacted me and she said we should take our time training. the mission takes place in a deserted island. That is why I decided to play a game of deathmatch." He smiles.
"any questions?" Prive crosses his arm. "Where are you gonna wait?" Soap tilt his head, "duh" he pointed his thumb to the white single chair beach bench behind Gaz. "and youre going to..?" Gaz unfinished question turned into a hum, "I'm gonna chill. you kids go fight. also, dont aim for the head." Ghost, Gaz and Soap sprinted at the last words. leaving you and Price alone.
"(y/n), why dont you go with them?" Price walked over his bench and sat like a retired dad. "Um.. captain," you held your fingers together. "Yes, (y/n). I'm all ears." Gaz took out a newspapers and widened the main page. "By any chance, do you have a..." you cringed at your request.
"combat bow? yellow lid below the wooden table under the ventilation." Price flipped a page, which cause your eyes to spark. "Howd you know?" You smiled at him. "I bought that for you the time your demotion letter were sent to me. archery was in your resume." He sipped his lemonade, still reading the newspapers.
you instantly love him. his gesture of kindness tattooed your head, you have to give him something special for him one day or another. "what are you waiting for, go get it." He flips the paper again. "Thank you!!" you got to your feet towards the airsoft shed.
upon arrival, you saw Gaz, Ghost and Soap chattering together with weapons in their grasp. all of them were in full airsoft gear and it was your first time seeing them in full combat attire. you felt butterflies in your stomach when they walked pass you.
shooking you head, you manage to get in the shed and find the box Price told you to get. you opened it and revealed a beautiful matte black curve bow with strong wires perfectly fit for field combat. but below the shaped foam, you noticed there was another bow.
it was a compound bow. with an armguard, quiver and a few customizable arrows. but what caught you is two kunais and some static ropes. you smiled to yourself and quickly geared up.
"I bet you don't last 5 minutes, Jhonny." Ghost mocked. "How do you know, I do cardio at least twice a week." Soap clucked his airsfot shotgun. "How are you going to last more than that in forest when you barely awake 2 minutes in bed." Ghost places his airsoft m4 to his shoulders. Gaz looked at the both of them terrified.
"Hey guys, sorry I took long." the three of them shifted their gaze at you, frozen in place. "I was actually struggling but Did i wear my harness correctly?" you turned your back facing them. the way the straps makes your thigh squished and your ass popping makes all of their jaw dropped.
"remember to stay focus, brothers." Price coughed loud enough for them breaking their gaze. "I-I mean.. you look good (y/n). I- Its just-" Soap flick his shirt as a fan as you walk towards them. "Is it hot in here?" Gaz did the same, waving his hand to his burning face, "Are you hot, (y/n)? I mean you are hot- I mean-" he snickered to himself as Ghost playfully smack the back of his head. "Mouth."
you tied the rope to the round hole in the edge of the kunai, tightening it. "Holy shit, are you going to kill us for real?" Gaz watched you taking out a real knife. "Oh, fuck. no I'm planning to climb the trees with these."
you chuckled at him the re-adjusted the strings of your bow, making sure its not loose. "are you sure youre going to wear that?" Ghost pawn himself to you, looking down to your bow then your shoes. "Oh, this?" you furrowed your eyebrow and look straight to his eyes. "No, the boots." He sternly replied.
you wore a black sleeveless turtleneck and a tight black gym pants. Soap told you wearing these wont affect much training in the range but for outdoors, I think (y/n looks fine.
You are wearing a Bershka buckle heeled Boots in black. you swifted your foot to the side, showing the shine of the leather to him then scoffed. "At least I want to be stylish when defeating you. humph," you walk past him but he stopped you by placing his enormous hand to your stomach level.
"I know its painful wearing heeled footwear, (y/n)." you look at him SURPRISINGLY soft. "As long you are comfortable, you can use anything you want. just remember, theres no fashion standards in here. Please make yourself pleasant." he finished and joined the others to the starting line, leaving you flabbergasted.
"alright, sergeants. get into position." Price stated, still in his beach dad mode. you clung the bow to your back feeling soap's eyes at you. "You seriously gonna use that thing?" He chuckled. "I like my fighting style similar to my money," you draw a smirk "Old money."
"ready?" you stanced ass up, of course theyre gazing at you. "set," you draw sketches in your mind what to do next. "Go!" you lunged your knees so fast it left a hole in the ground. you felt yellings from behind, mostly Gaz and Soap's
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHES FAST" you cant tell if thats Gaz's or Soap's. you were far beyond allready. with your tied knifes, you jumped and throw one of it towards a huge tree and swing towards those steady large stem, climbing it.
the heels you wore made you climb the trees easier. it spikes your weight to the brances and makes you jump easier. even though you feel a slight pain in the joint in every step, you gaslight yourself that you are fine.
from tree to trees you go. you have the lower body power of a God. in distinction to thousands of miles walking around a shopping centre from around the world, your legs can kick nearly 100,000franklins. not a world record, but still something youre proud about.
you tried to look around for your first victim, but your focus was striked as a paintball went close to your side, painting blue at the branch you sat on. "You missed!" you yelled at whoever shot that to you and quickly jump to another tree
you guess that was Gaz but he was nowhere in your sight. you gambled your guesses that Soap mightve been close to Gaz because the two of them are most likely too noisy to be hidden. hunting Ghost would be the hardest for you but you want to at least beat someone.
as you were on top, you took your bow and get the arrow into the sight, aiming to the grown. you saw Soap creeping around tall grasses from an approximately 40 meters north-east in your position. you shot your plunger arrows towards Soap's shoulder and he screamed in high pitch.
"Fuck! good job, (L/N)! wherever you are.. oh there you are" Soap waved his hands at you which you returned. "I was about to aim to your heart but I'm afraid you might fall for me, Scrub daddy." you winked at him and jump to another tree, searching for Gaz.
Gaz, from another slight distance got scared from the scream and quickly scattered. you were to quick to guess where he went, but your focus broke when a splatter of paint went through your side hitting a tree. "Fuck." you quicken your pace to find a safer spot to camp.
you heard a low grunt from somewhere and assumed quickly that was Ghost. not wanting to waste anymore time, you swung yourself throught the branches from one and another, still getting shot at from behind. this time, Gaz spotted you.
Seeing a bush of plants, you rolled yourself mid air and down to the ground swiftly equip your bow to shot. refusing to make any sound, you stood still waiting for Gaz to approach you first. "(y/n), i saw you~" Gaz whistled and nerved his gun.
From the source of his voice, you knew he is around front-right side of your spot. you observe how the wind blows and the sound of leaves brushing againts each other, you pulled the arrow close to the side of your ear, aiming and gambled on how he made sounds.
one snap of a twig, you swifted your left hand and release. "OW JESUS FUCK" Gaz's claim gave a wave of relief in your heart. you pushed the bush away revealing Gaz holding his thigh with a plunged arrow sticking out.
"You okay, Gazzy?" you cooed and leaned to the tree. "Fuck you're so good, (y/n). good job." he laughed and walk towards Price's previous spot. "hm, kinky." you walk the other direction. he probably came at your statement.
You jabbed the Kunai side by side, creating a rope trap for Ghost if he ever cross the path. You knew hes not easy to caught but the least you can do is having something to watch your back. proud of your (not) good idea, you climbed a tree and hid.
not too long after, you heard rustling from across your tree. taking your chances, you aimed at whatever made that noise. and there you can see it, the top of his helmet. You gave him a warning shot by aiming inches from his head.
you peered your gaze down to your trap, biting your lip when the trap you set was disabled. "Fuck, he knew." you hissed and looked back at your compound sight.
you lost him after. you stood lazily on top of the branch and tried to look around. not long after you felt a piercing gaze from the right side of your view. you shot another arrow to a suspicious bush. but suddenly a paintbullet striked at the side of your face hitting the tree, but you anchored your body to the side too heavily.
you dodged a bullet, thats one realisation. second, you lost balance and fell. "(Y/N)!" Ghost's source of voice is nowhere to be seen but you feel yourself falling to the ground.
you landed nape first and you laid down in silent. "Fuck." you grunt in pain, crawling to the clostest bush you can find just to be hidden from plain sight. unfortunately, it has thorns but you were too lightheaded to feel more pain. you pull out your bow again and aimed towards your guesses for Ghost's bearing.
feeling your head dizzy, you accidently released your arrow and you fell to your stomach, now exposed to the forest and the person you shot. to your surprise, you saw Ghost standing in the distance, with your plunge arrow right in his heart.
at least thats what you saw before you blacked out. "Bloody fucking hell, (y/n)" You feel a soft touch to your shoulders and your back is met by a fleshy feeling. you assumed that someone placed your head to their lap. "Holy shit," Gaz's voice lingered around the air as you just painfully still there. "Did she hit her head? yes she fuckin did oh my God" you could hear Soap opening a zipper.
"I lost my vision," you said laying still in assumeable Ghost's lap. "She lost her vision?!" Gaz crawled to your side. "How many fingers am I holdin?!" He hold out two fingers. "....ten" you muttered. "Oh shit she did-" Gaz said as Soap poured out the contents of his bag.
"Fuck I forgot my portable medkit." He curses. "This will do," you feel yourself ascending to the air as Ghost picked you up, not bothering about the arrow that plunged in his chest. "Gaz, Soap, clean her shit. now." He tosses you to his shoulders unintentionally bared your ass out which made the other two stared. "Eyes down, sergeants." Ghost hissed at the two as he ran out of the forest.
"You're not going to die, (y/n)." Price said patching up your back. you got a twig and a few cut thorns sticking in your back. you got blacked out for a few moments because your head was thrashed to a nearby rock. "But captain technically I'm dead now.." you muttered and whinced in pain as he pull the last thorn in your back.
"Why are you dead, (y/n)?" Price dabbed rubbing alcohol to a cotton to your back. "My skin is all bruised up now... my years of bodycare routine is wasted." You pouted to him. "(y/n), you'll be facing worser gushes than this. you have to manage, alright?" he wrapped a bandage over your stomach and back. "even with scars, you are still a beautiful girl."
you got back outside the field to see Gaz, Soap, and Ghost surrounding a table. you peered over to see and your eyes widened in horror. you compound bow broke into pieces as the only thing keeping it together is the strings. "Oh my God I barely used that" your knees weakened and Soap caught you on time.
"its alright, We'll tell the factory to make another." Soap patted your head and leered to your exposed bandages. "You good? I mean these" he poked your back and you stood at your feet. "Oh those are fines just a small cut." you place your hands to your hips and swayed to the side, "I'm hurt but I still look hot." you blew a kiss to him which he sneered.
"Alright, folks. Let's talk about illegal smuggling." Price place himself between you and Soap as Gaz and Ghost across the three of you. "Yippie!" you clasp your hand excitedly and watch Price scroll open the map. "(y/n), thats...not something to 'yippe' about.." Gaz frowned. "I'd like to have a coquette war crime." you sway your hair.
"Laswell detected an illegal drug smuggling and suspicious movement in the east. unfortunately they have a hostage." your smile dropped. "An Iranian prisoner is loose and assumeably made a new base undergound Verdansk," Price marked a specific land in the map with a red ink. "the hostage is an 18 years old daughter of the legislation supreme court"
when Price was explaining the mission, Ghost stared at you with an empty expression. his eyes look dull and dark. you noticed this but tried so hard to not exchange look with him.
you knew this is would be going down, you overheard Kate Laswell talking about it to your former chief, Artofay. It was bigger than what Price is explaining right now but you conclude hes just simplifying things out to make the mission more pivot. if it weren't for the demotion, you're probably at a spa right now getting ready to slay this mission over.
maybe in another universe, Leon Kennedy was your husband and you didn't get demoted. another probability that you are 141's intel for Verdansk but instead you're here being in the same team and deployed on field.
"I want everyone to be careful because we have no idea what drug they have," Price pointed the Verdansk city and Urziskan city. "there could be an injection drug, an epi-pen drug, gas drug. Verdansk is the orginate of the underground black market. I want to hear no report about any of you getting drugged." Price's tone turned sharp and serious.
"Pack for a week, we'll leave tomorrow by dusk." "Yes sir." we said in unison. "Gaz, I want you in the front line with me, Soap you will be a recon, Ghost as a watchtower and (y/n)," the mens tilts to you. "No heels." you gasped in offended.
"What?! thats bullshit." you protested. "you're bullshit," Ghost spat out. "Ghost!" Price beats the potential arguement. Gaz and soap looked at each other knowing its not the right time to talk or joke about it. "(y/n), I understand how much...vogue meant to you. but we will be going to a possible hostilities," Price softly explain to you like you are 5. "I'd like for you to wear something...safe." he finishes.
"Captain, I refuse." This time you stated coldly. "I'd like to prove it to you that I'm a woman whose capable of engaging any sort of combat in any sort of attire," You took a deep leap of faith. working in heels wasn't just a bragging thing, but its your signature way in doing your job.
Its also another way for you to remember that you mothet is always watching you. Heels meant more than fashion to you, you hold on to her decaying memories by wearing them nearly every occassion. Your mom is a huge poignant figure in your life and you'd force yourself to remember her as much as you can for the rest of your life.
but the men you're dealing now, they ain't shit. this is why you prefered working alone or with girls back in the FBI. but you don't expect the world to revolve around you, it's not how it works. really sucked to be integrated with a group of people who doesn't understand you except yourself.
that's where you have to save yourself, because who will?
"If you know about the compound bow, then I assume you know the reason behind the heels, right captain?" you smiled softly, yet cold. your eyes like siren, gazing to him for ruth.
he finally sighs in defeat, "Only if you bring a back up shoe. you know what? dismiss. 6PM in my office though." he rubbed his temper, which made Ghost iritated. "Thank you, pops!" you hugged him tightly enough to make him croaked and walk away happily leaving the four behind.
"Captain." Ghost looked to Price drawing dissapointed in his gaze. "Ghost." Price is too tired to argue with the skull man allready, Soap held Ghost's shoulder and sighs. "..Jhonny," The british tilt his head down to his mohawk. "Nah, man. let her be." Gaz commented at the telepathy phenomenon.
"Bloody fucking hell all she had to do was listen." Ghost grunts and anchored his fist to the table. "You doubt too much, Riley." Price exclaimed. "Do you not see she fell from a tree because of those damned heels?" Ghost pointed back to the forest they were practicing at. "Riley, she shot an arrow to your heart with a compound bow like a cupid, don't get me started." Price took out a cigar and lit it up.
Gaz and Soap wheezed at the fact you technically won the friendly deathmatch but stopped when Ghost glared at them. "Have a little faith, believe her for once." He huffed out the nicotine air. "Just because shes new in here, you shouldn't forgot where she came from. She goes to hell like a vacation," Price shooks the cigar, letting the ashes fall to the ground.
"The Devil wears Prada, Riley."
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i hate modern web design! i hate bad optimisation i hate “see less often” i hate sliding menus i hate popups slowly fading in and out i hate never being able to access files i hate “snooze for 7 days” i hate “you might like” i hate whitespace i hate pre-set fonts i hate bad search tools i hate smooth transitions i hate everything useful being hidden in menus inside menus inside menus i hate machine learning algorithms deciding what i want to see for me i hate webpages getting sick if you don’t reload them often enough i hate homogenization i hate reinventing the wheel for accessibility because your website is intentionally incompatible with the fantastic tools that already existed in the name of sleekness i hate people shouting at each other for things that are the web designers’ fault i hate “a team of trained monkeys”-style error messages that don’t tell me what i need to know to fix the problem i hate opaqueness i hate “sponsored content” i hate “trending” i hate information-farming redirect pages i hate gamification i hate every decision needing to run past a bunch of tech-illiterate old men i hate feeling like a commodity and i hate making someone else’s numbers go up
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adachimoe · 8 months
Persona 3 Reload x Keio Railway
This blog has temporarily become a "Look at this cute Persona 3 Reload collab artwork" blog. Atlus posted the latest P3R collab, which is with the Keio Railway in Tokyo.
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(These character poses are from the new main key art that was posted on Twitter earlier.)
The Keio Inokashira route between Shibuya and Kichijoji (As Seen in Persona 5) will have special trains with P3 Reload decals/wrappings. Announcements for these trains will be recorded by Maaya Sakamoto (Aigis's VA).
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There's also a stamp rally (As Also Seen in Persona 5 with Jose lol) and you can take photos with large cutouts/standees of SEES at the stamp rally locations.
There is also a merch store, of course. The merch uses the SD graphics of SEES as train conductors plus the art from the new visual. You can see all of it in Atlus's news piece or on the pop up shop's page.
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I want an acrylic standee of Koromaru in his little conductor uniform...
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based--ball · 25 days
i wrote a poem for @timebegins-onopeningday a few weeks ago and decided i want to share it here. it's about danny jansen and jordan romano and spring training and the trade deadline and loving in secret and leaving with the world watching. and a little bit about the tragically hip, because i will never stop making baseball about the tragically hip.
format notes: there are blank spaces in the poem, and each one has a handful of words or phrases that fit in that space. if you read on my neocities site, each time you refresh the page, it will randomize each spot to make a slightly different variation every time. if you read it on ao3 (linked below the read more), you have to find the corresponding number and pick a word/phrase (the "word bank" is at the bottom, below the main text). i suggest reading it on neocities and reloading the page a few times to see what different versions you get, and then looking at all of the possibilities on ao3 if you would like.
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nocentraltheme · 3 months
I hate it how websites on mobile just dont ever work
Especially with social media. I hate downloading apps, I lose focus and open them more easily, but on a longer train ride or something I sometimes want to open tumblr or reddit or whatever. And the norm is that they like?? refuse to fucking work???
It took me 4 tries to type this post out and im hoping I wont need to restart it, because on mobile it sometimes just starts writing backwards for some incomprehensible reason and doesnt let you write again unless you reload the page.
No website shows pictures correctly, its impossible to close a pop up window (although I think that might be intentional) and I dare you to play a video anywhere
Tried these with 2 different phones and with chrome and firefox as well.
Like what if my phone doesnt have the space for it? A reasonably old phone has like 16GB of storage and half of that is OS already
please bring back regular websites
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
@theanoninyourinbox got me hooked on this generator because they’re an evil little gremlin /j /lh
so i doodled the cats i played with! i played for over an hour lmao
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freckleheart is the orange spotted she-cat! she’s peaceful and breezy. her parents were larkcloud and raggedfoot, and her brother was rileysong. she trained two apprentices- cypresspaw and primroseheart- and was rendered half-blind by a group of rogues. i lost her when i accidentally reloaded the page :((
swiftwing is the white she-cat! she’s confident and folksy, and has a scar above her left eye (which i forgot to add) that she got when she was attacked by a wolf as a kit. her parents were barkleaf and songwing, her brother was rednose, and her mate was greendawn. she had four kits- needlefang, webkit, bravewhisker, and puddlebelly! she was my best fighter, with a steady 10/10 stat. i… accidentally reloaded and lost her too.
spidertail is a boss ass lady!!! she was a medicine cat with a 10/10 reputation stat! she died at 169 (haha nice) moons older after being struck by lightning. she outlived three leaders, four of her apprentices, her apprentice’s apprentice, and her apprentice’s apprentice’s apprentice. she lost her tail to an eagle when she was an elder. boss lady i am love her.
squirrelkit is my three-legged little baby! her traits were hearty and proud. her clan leader kept trying to pressure her into becoming a med cat because of her missing leg, and squirrel kept spitting in her face! she was killed by a warrior from an enemy clan :((
toadkit was the only tom i ever rolled. he was born half-deaf and was educated and subjective. he didn’t live very long- he died of redcough at three moons old.
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smellslikebot · 11 months
hello hello long time follower first time asker. all your posts about neopets have made me curious about the site bc i have only ever really existed on the fringe of neopets and used other virtual pet sites in the 2010s (whereas neopets is more 2000s)... so questions: are you on the Actual Neopets Website or like a "rewritten" version (cause i think i heard something about those..? idk) and also what would your tips be for a Neopets Beginner? thank you sorry this question is long and sounds a bit silly. have a good day :-)
hey thanks for asking!! i've been thinking about writing up something like this for a while, but i hesitated because neopets is kind of weird to recommend to new players. i'm currently on NEOPETS.COM™ because all the neoclones i'm interested in are invite-only or aren't always accepting/processing applications... anyway here are my Tips(?) (i don't even know what to call this anymore because i got carried away writing it)
(i'll put any warnings/disclaimers at the end because i don't want to look like i'm trying to talk anyone out of checking out neopets lol. there are just some things to be aware of)
most importantly, try to have fun! =)
you can earn some neopoints by giving the games a try, or earn trophies for your profile by getting one of the high scores for the month. not all of the Flash-based games are working at the moment (they're using an emulator that doesn't have full compatibility yet), but Neopets also has a lot of browser-based game options like Sakhmet Solitaire, Dice-A-Roo, Cheat!, and NeoQuest. since those games involve reloading the page a lot, they're also a good way to trigger random events, which can yield NP, rare items, faerie quests, etc.
check out the spotlights & contests! you can earn nice prizes for some of these, like the Art Gallery and the Poetry Contest. even if you don't care to enter, I think it's interesting to browse the old entries and see what it took to win the Beauty Contest in the early 2000s.
you can read up on the lore and history of the site on Jellyneo's Book of Ages, which hosts information about the site's characters, old plots, collectible cards, and more. the Neopedia and the Gallery of Evil are also worth a look!
if you're interested in pet customization, Dress to Impress is a great resource for planning outfits and trying out wearable items you don't own yet, and I think it's pretty fun to play around with! just be sure to filter out Neocash items from your searches.
every Neopet has its own customizable webpage, so you can find all sorts of neat petpages-- guides, petpage directories, character pages, etc.
making "progress"
Jellyneo and The Daily Neopets are great resources! Jellyneo's Item Database in particular is nice for looking up approximate item prices
if you explore the site a bit, you'll find some activities and freebies you can access daily. do these dailies consistently for a decent profit and a chance of getting rare items. Jellyneo has a useful list of dailies here! Trudy's Surprise in particular will pay out increasing amounts of NP if you spin on consecutive days.
you can win 15 items a day by beating opponents in the Battledome, and even the easier opponents-- the Chia Clown and the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot-- have some decently profitable drops. start training one of your Neopets at the Swashbuckling Academy on Krawk Island using Dubloons, which you can receive from dailies or purchase via the Shop Wizard. some inexpensive beginner equipment: Scroll of Ultranova, Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, Parasol of Unfortunate Demise, Downsize!, and Magical Healing Potion. oh, and don't train the Movement stat-- it's mostly useless!
browser extensions and userscripts can make the site more user-friendly/less janky! I use Ruffle to fix some of the broken Flash elements, and out of this list, I use the following Tampermonkey scripts: Search Helper, Sidebar Dailies, Grumpy/Wise King Autofill, BD Winnings Counter, Random Events Logger, and Shenkuu Lunar Temple Solver
right now, an event called the Faerie Festival is going on! every day until October 19, you can receive a free Faerie Quest, which usually only happens by chance. open a Shop Wizard tab before you receive your quest so you can easily look up the requested item. a lot of users have been receiving the sought-after Fountain Faerie Quest, which gives you access to a single free color change for one of your Neopets. you can pick almost any color, so choose wisely!
DON'T talk about most external websites or try to exchange contact info on Neopets or you'll get warned, even in neomails! here's a list of their approved fan sites
as a website founded by white British university students in 1999, Neopets' portrayal of other cultures has often ranged from insensitive or orientalist (several "tribal" pet wearables/a character from the Lost Desert in a stereotypical "belly dancer" outfit/the existence of a single East Asian mishmash land) to outright nasty (the "Sacrificers" plot in 2000 revolving around violent "cannibal islanders", plus a lot of issues with Mystery Island's lore/designs in general). the site also has a "no religion" rule and blocks words like "Jewish", but has a Christmas color for pets... I don't necessarily want them to remove old content entirely, but maybe some parts of the site warrant a Neopets version of that Looney Tunes disclaimer lol.
Neopets is heavy on gambling and chance, and random events (which have a chance of occurring every time you load a page) can be positive or negative. put valuable items in the Safety Deposit Box as soon as you get them, because they can be taken from your inventory via random event or unlucky wheel spin!
each individual pet has foods they will refuse to eat, books they will refuse to read, etc. Certain Neopet species may have unique "allergies" or other quirks, e.g. the Grarrl and the Skeith can eat non-food items, which can be useful for discarding junk, but can also result in accidentally feeding them valuable items... NEVER click "feed" when you're trying to use medicine/potions!!
overall, the site is kind of a mess right now! there are frequent errors and slow load times caused by increased traffic, poorly-implemented word filters that restrict words like "grape" and "cucumber," and the site currently exists in a half-converted state between the old and new layout. it's also outdated/poorly coded in a lot of aspects; pet and user names can never be changed, for example, so if you create or adopt a pet with a name deemed inappropriate, they will straight-up just delete that pet. this recently happened to someone on the subreddit who advertised the fact that they'd adopted a pet named Meowyjuana. RIP 🫡
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skinandscales-if · 1 year
Hi again, the train fight is still not working for me. I did try reloading and replaying just in case. I don't know what it may be dependent on but I clicked check the map -> transform -> take a fighting stance. That's where I get stuck. Every other option works fine for me.
oh weird! okay I went through it again and still didn’t run into issues but here:
there are three possible changes to that page, one where you try transforming and fail (what I assumed happened on your route), one where you don’t transform and succeed, and another where you don’t transform and fail. all three should be working but are you running into a physical error message? or a missing next button? or no text altogether? maybe something else entirely?
I updated the game again with minor separate edits but maybe it needed the kick? let me know and if you’re comfortable with it- feel free to message me separately so we can get this figured out! I’d like to get to the bottom of this so you can actually enjoy the game haha
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mallwalker · 1 year
5 hour train tomorrow perhaps i will finally start listening to honey this pod... i never know what to do when im out of amca i just keep reloading their spotify page as if that makes episodes come faster
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ask-de-writer · 1 year
It is a problem with my Firefox,
It took me long enough to sort that out. I have switched browsers for now. My Avast browser seems to work well.
When Firefox decided to go boom, it was loading pages incompletely. I could not make posts, nor mark likes. Many images failed to load. It was bad and frustrating too.
Tried reloading Windows and re opening Tumblr. Worse than not working, it loaded the public page improperly, with no images at all, and needed me to log in. HOWEVER, Tumblr would not recognize my email and password, even though I copied them from Tumblr's own stored login info.
Had to sign in on AVAST too but it worked like a freight train, to use an expression that really dates me.
It is late now, will try catching things up tomorrow.
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