#and i’m very hard on my self because of it 😅🙈
moonkhao · 4 months
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Since you’re studying Fine Arts, you’ll paint on this canvas. I’ve drafted some wording here.
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sessakag · 4 months
Now all I can think about is Prey!Papa-Naruto because it would be the wildest funniest thing ever! Poor Hinata is probably trying to make sure her kids grow up to be good morally upstanding people and Naruto is just….Yeah 😬. Funnily enough this Naruto probably wouldn’t have as much of a contentious relationship with Boruto because there’s no way he’s putting work above spending time how he wants 😭. And as a Kawaki hater I’m pleased to say I don’t see this Naruto being altruistic enough to take in some random abused kid so really we’ve got my ideal version of the Uzumaki family 🫢. Anyway, I bet parent-teacher conferences and kiddy playdates and birthday parties are gonna be fun times 🤣. Speaking of bday parties happy early birthday! I hope it’ll be a fun one.
Daddy Prey!Naruto is the funniest thing ever, lol.
For sure, Naruto would spend time with his little mini-me. Who would stop him?
I feel like Boruto would be very aware that his father is a homicidal nutjob and spend his time trying to keep innocents out of harms way, but he does it in ways that are just as bad as his father, because of course, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, and that he has this huge blind spot to when his own inner crazy is starting to show, lol. And of course, mess with his mom or baby sister, well then, you'll have a hard time telling Naruto and Boruto apart at all🤭he'd justify his violence and the bodies in his closet because Prey!Narupapa taught him that delusion is just another way to say correct, and there's nothing wrong with customizing your own reality when it's convenient. He'd also spend so much time trying to undo Hima's worst tendencies their dad is teaching her in an effort to help his mom out, but ends up making it worse by teaching her "alternative" tendencies that are just as bad but much more slicker than his father's open bluntness, which ultimately, makes Hinata's job harder, lol. Poor lady, I can see her trying to explain the situation to her crazy husband. Hinata: I'm trying to make sure the kids have a moral compass, Naruto Naruto: The fuck they need that for?
I'll be honest, I really don't know all that much about Kawaki since I don't watch the show, but his design is very cool, and the clips I've seen of him on youtube I vibe with🤭but Naruto being altruistic and adopting a poor orphan? Not fuckin likely at all, lol. Prey!Naruto wouldn't care about any kids but his own🤷🏽‍♀️so you're all set for sure, lol.
Parent-teacher conferences would be lit af😂imagine Naruto's big buff tatted up self sitting in one of those itty bitty chairs at a table lower than his knees while the teacher tries to get him to understand that it's not a good thing that his little girl is drawing her classmates with their heads somewhere other than on their shoulders🤣he would be so insulted and have a very scary diatribe about why Hima's work is "art" not a "red flag". The teacher would resign the next day by the time he was done. Omg birthdays🙈One word: Pinata. Take that as you will, lmao!
And omg, I wanna write Prey!Naruto at a PTA meeting, lmao! And you'd think Hinata was the one that dragged him to it, but NO, he'd go on his own because he's a super paranoid bastard that needs to know what is going on in his orbit and that includes his hellspawns, and if he doesn't like what he hears he'll have to retire a few folks to ensure things are being run for the benefit of his offspring😂
Hima's not doing a kiddy playdate, study date, pretend date, any date. Over somebody else's dead body would Naruto allow his baby girl to do any sorta dating🤣hell naw, and don't @ him about it. End of discussion. Why? Because Naruto knows how guys are, and considering the things he does to Hima's mother on a regular basis, he's dead set on not letting any guy near his daughter until she's at least 80 years old, if she's lucky. Teen!Hima good luck trying to date or get a boyfriend😅especially since big brother's not gonna be too keen on the idea either, lol. And thank you for the early birthday wishes!!💕
I feel like this SOL Prey!Naruto family is set in stone to be a thing at this point, lmao. I'm certainly sold on it. I won't say whether or not I plan on Hinata getting knocked up in Prey, ya'll will have to wait and find out but I definitely think this should be a full SOL fic at this point, lol. It's just too good to pass up🤭
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willkimurashat · 2 years
2022 Fics in Review
Thank you so much for tagging me @rebelrayne !!! I only started writing this year, as my new-found hobby, and I actually found it quite fun and therapeutic :) that being said, I don’t have a lot to share, but it’s still cool to look back on it lol!
In 2022 I…
…wrote the following one-shots:
First Impressions Don’t Have to Decide Everything, Right?
MC x Will, 4k+ words
My first ever fic!! It will always hold a special place in my heart, even though I’m kinda scared to reread it and feel incredibly cringy🙈
The Answer Was Simple
MC x Suresh, 2.3k+ words, Lie detector prompt
I’m really proud of this one actually. I wrote it in one sitting and I was surprisingly satisfied with how it came out:) still can’t believe all the love I got for it here on tumblr!
Snog, Marry, Die
Halloween-themed, 7k+ words, tw: blood, violence, murder, death
I was just rereading it yesterday, and I still think it came out so fun lol! Every time I read the title, makes me feel like I was such a genius for coming up with that pun lmao, like, I am wayyy too proud of that title haha😂
…started the following multi-chaptered wips:
MC x Will, s4 rewrite, 61.6k+ words
Ah, the fic that kinda started it all:) It was such an ambitious plan, and I think it’s only now hit me, just how ambitious it really is to do a whole season rewrite lol… I hate how slow I am with writing it, but I love writing it so much nonetheless - it’s my baby!
An Unnamed College AU
Started writing this back in the summer, I haven’t touched it in months, but I haven’t given up on it yet either. I just didn’t think the plot fully through before starting it lol! Maybe I will get back to it, who’s to say?
An Unnamed Xmas fic
Something I started, but lost motivation and didn’t finish… whoopsie daisy👀 maybe next year?
An Unnamed Romcom-Inspired fic
I am actually super excited about this! The idea has been occupying my mind for a few weeks now:) I think this one’s kinda self-indulgent, but my bday is coming up in 1.5 months, so I’m allowing it lol😅 no, but I think it’s actually gonna be really fun, and I hope you guys think so too! Stay tuned!
…reached the following milestones:
Started writing! I mean, it’s a big deal because it got me through a lot actually, as this year was absolutely fucked.
100 kudos across all of my fics on ao3! Like, WHAT??? HOWWWW THANK YOUUUU
1301 hits across all of my fics on ao3! Again, HOWWW I LOVE YOU ALL
Collectively wrote 71,089 words across the fics officially posted to ao3! I didn’t know I could do that wtf!!!
Stargazing currently sits at about 61k words, which is approximately 122 A4 pages, which is also about the same as the word count of Carrie by Stephen King! (I never read it, but it’s still super freaking impressive!!)
And let me be sappy for a moment lol:) After years of stalking the tumblr litg tag, I finally caved in and made myself a sideblog too lol! I had a very very shitty year, but this place has been my safe space. I am so grateful I got to know so many of you - you are all so wonderful and funny and talented and inspiring! I’m not usually a hug person, but I am squeezing you all so tight right now❤️ thank you for being here and ranting/venting/crying/laughing with me, I love you all!❤️❤️❤️
Tagging: I feel like at this point everyone’s done it, but if you haven’t and you want to - I’m tagging you! I am so so proud of all of you for all the hard work you’ve done this year!!
Happy New Year, my lovely friends! Wishing you all peace, kindness, and lots of wonderful moments in 2023! I hope it treats you well ❤️❤️❤️
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Hello there, I hope you’ve been well :) and thank you, you’re a storyteller yourself as well!
Funny talking about the rain, today was pouring. Do you feel the rain the way you talk about? Not gonna lie, today when I woke up and saw the sky crying I wanted nothing but stay in bed. However I dream of someday going out there on the pouring rain and just run or dance, just fully embracing it.
You are absolutely right about the flowers, but I got curious, which one do you feel like at the moment? The dying flower? The light? The underappreciated rain keeping it alive? The environment not sure if it’s helping or not? Or do you feel like you’re just there watching?
I hope today was kind to you too 🥰 I hope the moon collected all your yearnings and I hope the stars will guide you 💫
Hey anon ☺️, I’ve been well thank you. How have you been? A storyteller? Mmmm, I can talk for the whole of England 😅😬.
I love the rain, I always enjoy it and I feel the rain. I love listening to the rain hitting the floor. I can’t dance but I’d love to dance in the rain. Maybe kiss a cute girl in the rain too 🙈. That dream isn’t hard, I say do it 🤷‍♀️.
Okay okay, never had this question before. Very interesting, I feel like I’m just there watching it. I don’t feel like a dying flower as I refuse to be beaten. I’ll be honest, I feel all of them a little if that makes sense?. I feel so deeply, certain trauma I view it as draining but at the same time a light. It gives me strength and I’ll stand up for what I believe is right and what is right. So it’s given me strength as well as causing me pain.
Thank you, your words are very kind and your mind is magnificent. I hope you are a write or I’ll be shocked because you my friend are so gentle with your words and kind. I hope today brought you some positivity, a smile on your face filled with happiness. However, if all you did was breath and get through the day just know that is okay too and should be proud of yourself. Sometimes getting through the day is a challenge within itself.
Remember, whenever you set the bar, however you view yourself that’s where people will meet you. If you accept the crappy low things and the bar is at the bottom they will meet you there. If you tolerate no shit, your standards are high automatically people will meet you where you are. Value yourself, have self worth and know that you control your life nobody else. Be who you are and own it 👏 👑
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lossie92 · 3 years
Looking for Home - META
Here it is, guys!
I actually come up with headcanons and make notes for all my stories, but I’ve only recently started to write them down in more detail.
Also, yes, I'm crazy enough that all character names have meanings. Even if I only mention this or that OC in passing, you better believe that I spent at least fifteen minutes deciding on a good name for them 🙈 
Either way, this is the first time I’ve ever shared my notes with any audience and I hope you’ll like it 😊
Please bear in mind that everything under the cut can be considered a ❗spoiler❗, so if you haven’t read Looking for Home yet, I would highly recommend doing that before checking out the META.
I wouldn’t want to spoil the story for you 😅
WARNINGS: discussion of sex and mental health issues, implied/referenced self-harm, swearing, implied/referenced underage relationship (both parties are consenting and they are also considered adults in this universe)
Nakano: Meaning ‘warrior’. Madara was returning from a short mission when he heard something and decided to investigate. He found a cat, little more than a kitten really, holding onto a piece of drift wood in a particularly perilous section of the Naka River. She was bleeding, missing one ear and clearly terrified as she desperately fought for her life. He managed to save her and brought her home with him. The cat was a bit skittish at the beginning, but now she absolutely worships the ground Madara and Tobirama walk on. She really fucking hates everyone else though.
If you are interested in how she looks, imagine the below, but with one ear.
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Yes, that’s one very angry-looking maine coon 😂
Kameko: Meaning 'tortoise child'. Tortoises actually symbolise longevity in Japan (and most of East Asian, as far as I know) and Madara's grandmother is rather old by the standards of the era at sixty-something. I am pretty sure it is mentioned somewhere in canon that shinobi used to die like flies during the Warring States Period and not many of them made it past thirty. So yeah, pretty sure she is considered immortal at this point.
She is Tajima’s mother and she had to basically raise Madara and Izuna after their mom died when they were still young teens (it happened during the year following Madara’s meetings with Hashirama, so he was around fourteen). She took it very seriously and showered her grandsons with affection and love at every turn, which is the reason why both of them are somewhat well-adjusted despite growing up half-orphaned in a war-torn country.
Jin: Meaning ‘tender’. She’s Madara’s and Izuna’s only first cousin that’s still alive and also Kagami’s mom. She is a force of nature, this one. Everyone underestimates her, because she just seems so innocent and sweet, but if you get on her bad side, you better run. The mark of friendship with her is when she starts teasing and joking around. She definitely considers herself to be Tobirama’s buddy now.
Nobutama: From Nobu meaning ‘faith’ or ‘trust’ and adding the -tama/-rama suffix typical in male Senju names. Coming up with this name was hard, y’all.
He is an only child and was conceived very early on into Mito’s and Hashirama’s marriage. They were married very young too, around fifteen-sixteen, which I assume would have been considered normal at the time (it would have definitely been normal in feudal Japan). I mean, most of the ninja seemed to die around thirty, so they had to procreate sometime before that, you know?
He is a very kind, sweet kid, but a little bit on the dense side. Looks like Hashirama did at his age, but with Mito’s pretty red hair.
Hitomi: Meaning ‘pupil of the eye’/ ‘wisdom and intellect’ (depending on kanji). She’s the Uchiha clan healer and ophthalmologist, and Hikaku’s mother. Yes, I did name an eye doctor after a part of a literal eye and I’m very proud of myself.
I headcanon that the Uchiha specialize in treating eye conditions. There is no way they have been struggling with blindness and impaired vision for centuries and haven’t found a way to counteract them. It would make no sense.
Of course Madara noticed Tobirama squinting at things and how the man would develop these killer headaches if he read for too long quite early into their marriage. He knows what it looks like when people have poor vision, so he took Tobirama to see Hitomi at some point and that’s how our fave Senju ended up with glasses. And yes, Tobirama’s poor vision is the result of albinism. All hail the albino Tobirama headcanon, am I right?
Eichi: Meaning ‘wisdom’. Since the guy ends up insulting the entire female population of Konoha in one sentence, I don’t think we can attribute much wisdom to him though. Izuna had the right idea when he called this dude an idiot. It makes the name even funnier, in my opinion.
Masukagami: Meaning ‘The Clear Mirror’. It’s an actual historical tale, the last book in a four-part series, believed to have been compiled during the Northern and Southern Court period in Japan. Since Madara enjoys history and non-fiction in general, I thought it would make for a nice gift, especially if it was a fancier edition or something. I will include his reaction to receiving it in the sequel, don’t worry.
How Kamako-obaa found out about Tobirama’s abysmal eating habits: Madara did in fact snitch on Tobirama under the guise of his regular bitching about everything under the sun. That man is vicious AF when he tries to take care of his precious people and let’s face it: Tobirama in this verse needs a fucking minder to keep him functional. The reason he did it was of course to make sure his grandmother would be vigilant enough to notice if his idiot spouse reverted back to thinking paperwork and science were more important than basic bodily functions the moment Madara left the village. As evidenced in the story, he was right to do so and he has absolutely no regrets.
The lack of Hashirama in this story: A lot of madatobi stories feature Hashirama as the matchmaker figure or at least a driving force that pushes the main characters into realizing their feelings for each other in some way. Don’t get me wrong, I love these tropes! They’re great! However, I wanted to do something different. That’s why it’s Kameko-obaa, Jin, Mito, Touka, Izuna, and even Kagami a little tiny bit who are responsible for not-so-gently pushing Tobirama in the right direction.
My personal favourite is Mito’s quiet understanding and support. In a way, she has the most in common with Tobirama in this universe – they are both very private people, they value logic and are very intellectual, and had been married off for the sake of politics, just to name a few. I also feel like Tobirama would definitely see her as an older sister and would be more willing to come to her for help instead of asking Touka who, while well-meaning, is probably also not the most gentle or patient.
Madara being responsible for foreign affairs: I know, I know. Sounds crazy, right? Here me out, though! Madara has been shown to have an awful temper, yes, but we are also led to believe that most of it might have been Zetsu’s influence. Besides, I think he would have been very different at home or when he was working compared to his battle persona. Kinda hard to work when you’re pumped on adrenaline and borderline feral, you know? I also think it would be hilarious if the reason he was good at politics was that people were scared of him and he knew it and used it to his advantage. He wouldn’t even have to do much! Just be there and act all calm, but menacing at the same time, and people would proceed to lose their proverbial shit, because they are sure he is plotting their deaths or something like that if he has been too quiet for too long. The funniest thing is nobody realizes that this is going on and they are just all quietly impressed with his diplomatic skills. Madara doubtlessly finds it very amusing.
Madara and his teas: In my head Madara has a bit of a tea obsession (well, he has my own tea obsession, but amplified, but that’s neither here nor there). He has a collection of different tea leaves, dried fruits and herbs, etc. and he uses them to make his own blends. Sometimes they’re definitely a miss, but quite often he ends up with a very good and unique tea as a result. He also likes to spend some extra money on pre-made blends if they’re good quality and from a reliable supplier. Tobirama, as mentioned, really appreciates the tea, but his skills at making it are virtually nonexistent. He had been known to burn very expensive tea leaves by accident. That’s why Madara doesn’t trust him with the tea cupboard.
Also, the tea Madara prepares at the end is the blue pea tea. Look it up, that shit is fascinating!
Madara acting as a househusband: This is not necessarily because he is actually trying to fill that role consciously. In this universe, he definitely exhibits some obsessive-compulsive behaviours (e.g. cleaning the house until it’s spotless, keeping things in order and getting stressed if they’re not, being almost unreasonably snippy when someone moves things from their ‘rightful place’, etc.). Experiencing trauma can trigger things like that, although it is not the only reason why people clean, of course. He also suffers from depression to some extent, though I think this can be said about the majority of characters in Naruto.
Tobirama isn’t aware why Madara acts this way and doesn’t really understand it, but he accommodates him nevertheless.
Tobirama’s panic attack: As you might have noticed, there is something going on with Tobirama behind the scenes. I will explore it in more detail in the sequel, but this is basically a leftover from his less than ideal childhood (you can read more about my headcanon for this HERE) and a result of trauma. Also, depression and some form of an anxiety disorder, because these are always fun to experience 🤦‍♀️
He taught himself that pain could bring him out of an episode and that’s what he has been using for years to deal with them. It works, but it’s a form of self-harm and not a healthy tactic at all. He is very bad a recognizing and processing his own feelings as well. Like, really bad. Then once he gets on with the uptake, he blurts them out. That’s mostly why he panicked in this situation – he knew that now that the love for Madara was realized, he was at a risk of just saying it randomly and he was terrified of Madara’s reaction.
Madara’s and Tobirama’s marriage: Offering Tobirama as a spouse for Madara was supposed to be an insult. As mentioned in the story, the Senju Elders were convinced it would spark the conflict anew, because Tobirama is a man and wouldn’t be able to give Madara heirs. The joke’s on them though, because the Uchiha clan is chill as a cucumber about same-sex marriage and couldn’t really care less. They are maybe a little bit shocked and wary of Tobirama as the prospective bride, but they roll with it in the end. Madara is actually kind of happy about it. Yes, he doesn’t really like Tobirama and doesn’t really trust him all that much either, but at the same time he knows his gay ass could have ended up married to a woman, so, you know, all in all it’s not that bad of a deal. Plus, he has eyes and, if nothing else, Tobirama is at least very to look at 🤭
It goes without saying, I think, but just in case that wasn’t clear: there was no wedding night and the two of them have been sleeping in separate rooms for this entire time.
Tobirama’s and Madara’s sexuality: As mentioned above, I see Madara as being gay in this story and someone quite experienced and sure of his own sexuality as well. He was encouraged to be careful, but also explore his options and experiment, and that’s basically what he did.
Tobirama, on the other hand, has only kissed someone once out of curiosity (that it just so happened to be a boy isn’t really all that relevant). He wasn’t really interested in finding out more about sex afterwards, very much convinced it wasn’t really for him. I see him as someone on the ace spectrum here, probably demisexual, so yeah, friendship and an emotional connection overall would have made him attracted to Madara more than looks ever could. The fact that Madara is the type of stupid pretty that makes everyone notice his attractiveness almost immediately is its own thing.
Seals and fuinjutsu: I think that the application of sealing in Naruto wasn’t explored to its full potential. As a group of techniques it seems the most versatile of them all, to be honest. You can seal anything and make any number of things work through sealing. I mean, you can even seal jutsu! Come on, if that’s not the coolest thing, I don’t know what else is!
There are so many things you can use seals for and it’s really exciting to come up with some everyday non-military uses for them. My take on them may not be canon-compliant, but I don’t really care.
The heat-preserving seals are used mostly for food, but they can also be useful for keeping an optimal temperature of any number of things. They are not meant to be used on humans or any living organisms though, just inanimate objects and such, because they can interfere with the organism’s natural temperature and cause a heatstroke in humans.
The sealing embroidery is a specialty of Yuki no Kuni. In a lot of stories I’ve read, Konoha seems to come up with every new invention and I thought it would be nice to give other countries something of their own as well. It made sense why people from the Land of Snow would develop a way to keep themselves warm that didn’t involve donning on layers upon layers of clothing.
Also, chakra influencing one’s body temperature should have been noticed and documented by people who are primarily affected by it. Tobirama, who is from a clan of predominately Doton users, would likely have little contact with people who are as proficient with Suiton as he is and thus wouldn’t have been able to link his penchant for being cold with it.
Hanten jackets: These are great. If you can get your hands on one, please do. They are really warm and cosy, and most of them are made from cotton, so they are very breathable as well. They are considered casual clothing, unlike haori which is part of formal wear. The one Madara got for Tobirama was handmade and the stitching was done with silk chakra-infused thread. It is also reversible – one side is plain black with the Senju and Uchiha clan mons in red right under the collar and the other is the indigo blue waves with silver seals embroidery. This is kind of how I imagined it looks like:
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The houses in Konoha: Most of them are traditional Japanese-style buildings. I’m sorry, but my brain cannot process Founders Era characters using a stove and sleeping in regular beds at home if the story isn’t set in Modern AU, so here we are: irori, shoji screens, zabuton, and all that jazz.
Traditional Japanese houses are really well engineered though. They may seem old-timely and outdated, but they’re really not. I would highly recommend looking up some blueprints and generally any info about their construction you can find. They are great and very beautiful.
I also think that the architecture we are familiar with from the original series would have become more mainstream and popular around the time Hiruzen became the Hokage as more and more foreigners arrived and settled in Konoha, sort of mimicking the modernization of Japan in a way.
There is more, but I’ll make a separate post for it when I publish the sequel. I don’t want to spoil too much of the story before it’s even fully written 😉
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yonkimint · 2 years
I just wanted to pop in to check on you, i guess. I'm sorry that you have to see the negativity directed over here? I don't know if I'm putting it right but, I'm really sorry for that. I haven't been following you for much long but i read your fics and i really really like them. Honestly, it was your smau after which i actually started considering to interact with any. So, i hope you're able to overlook the reactions you are getting right now. I hate to see you feel this way because it's disheartening. You put so much effort and it's beautiful, your work really is. If you feel the need to take a break or something, please do- because afterall you're a human who is putting so much of energy into something and if that something isn't rewarding in any sense, you should take a pause. Keeping that aside. I just wanted you to know that i actually do love this fic. It was your first that i found and then binge read the others. I really like the characters and how they navigate through the mess that we all have faced once in our life or relate to. Like i said earlier, it is hard for me read self inserts, so i read them as any other normal work. And i don't find any "villian" character. To me all of them are extremely human. And like you too, i don't get why there so much of hate directed towards tae. However, i do understand where they are coming from and i don't want to invalidate their opinions and feelings - while reading we tend to get attached to certain characters and tend to see their sides and empathise with them more. I would like to see how and where this fic goes from here, of you wish to continue with it.
I think i have rambled on a lot🙈 anyways i hope you have a good ahead. I love your works and I'm sending a virtual hug to you for giving us so much of yourself and your energy w/o anything in return. All love your wayy❤️ (also, ignore my typos please 🥺)
I truly appreciate this ask so much! Thank you for taking the time to write all of this and fill it with so much love! Even though this is just silly fanfiction, I do try really hard to make it enjoyable and relatable and it was never my intention to invalidate anyone’s perspectives or their feelings.
Like I totally see everyone’s perspective on hating Tae. He hasn’t handled anything in this AU very well at all but to me, it felt like people were putting all the blame on him and that’s where I started to get weighed down.
I was going to try and finish the AU tonight but I think, given my current emotional state which is: frazzled, anxious, upset, etc, I’ll hold off until I’m in a better headspace!
Thank you for being so understanding! I’m definitely gonna push through and finish The End is You and I but I’m not sure about writing another one after this... maybe it’s time for me to bow out of the smau writing game. 😅
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
hi 🙉🙈 it’s me again, yes you are very sweet and I’m so happy I came across your blog :)
I’m not really good at self into, but I will give you as much as I can ( u know it’s so awkward, like I always feel embarrassed and cringe when I do speak about myself 😂, uk sometimes it seems like I’m afraid that I will say something and it will look if I am like kind of showing off or on the other contrary my life is pathetic or I will look silly 😂ukwim?😂 Ahhh anyway, thank you for agreeing to do this and your time:) I hope it won’t take you long and I hope you will have some fun 🙈💖
my name’s ellie and I’m a Leo sun and gemini moon :)I study foreign languages and I enjoy making new friends:) ppl say I’m a curious cat, but I got tired very easily and disappointed 😂 I’m ENFJ
As for hobbies I used to be into photography and traveling, but now considering everything that’s happening I’m mostly at home watching tv shows , murder & mystery docs ( thanks to which I can’t sleep well, plus I don’t like and never watch horror movies ahhh) and entertaining myself with dances and music. Also I’m such a sucker for karaoke ! Omg 😂
Also I love bad food , I hate cooking ..😅😂and I think if my mum wouldn’t cook anything I would be just eating instant noodles and hamburgers..😂
I love Holidays! decorating , preparing gifts esp some meaningful ones with memories or reminders of smth , also matching gifts 😀⭐️❣️
I also love animals😅 I want to have a cat but my mum won’t let me..😩🙉 maybe one day I will:)
Omg I think I’ve praised myself too much haha , my bad sides are that I’m very insecure and I think too dependent on other’s opinions , I think I get angry often when ppl mistreat me , also I’m possessive and not really good at forgiving , I’m also I think easily compromised .. but it’s not that I’m violent or hurting or planing revenge 😂 it’s just gets into my head and I hv this like an anxiety stuff . It’s also hard for me to say no and I cut off ppl pretty often. Oh I think I wrote the whole poem 😂 I’m bad at it! I’ve told you 😅😂
Ahhh now I’ll think about it the whole night , if u said too much uk🙈😂 and what u will think about me , cz I really like your blog and I think you are really amazing and sweet ~
As for the ship could I ask TXT , SKZ AND BLACKPINK? please ~~ also if you want ENHYPEN, I’m kinda new to a group and I’ve noticed you write a lot about them lately ~ so I’d be like really curious, cz u r a pro hehe 🙉
The pics aren’t sendin I guess my story is too huge hah , il try in next ask ~
Hey Ellie!! Sorry for the slight delay in replying, but here we go!!
First off, can I just say that you're really pretty? Like wow💖
Anyway, so in TXT, idk why but I'm really on shipping you with Soobin. Maybe it's because you seem like the kind of person who would fit well with him, especially since your hobbies range from traveling which is strictly outdoors activity to staying at home watching movies which is strictly an indoor one. Soobin comes across as exactly that sort of a person as well, not too opposed to going out, but not too keen either. Moreover if we're talking about your weaknesses, then I feel like Soobin used to be similar to you in not really knowing how to put his opinion forward, but look at him now. He has become so straightforward and independent when it comes to his opinions, and I feel he'll be able to help you have more faith in yourself too, without being too obnoxious. He's pretty understanding, and I think he'll be able to ease your thoughts as well. Finally, he's a huge foodie like you say you are, and he really seems like the type to love animals (cough Choi Odi) and festivals too, so I think you'll be a good match.
In SKZ, I think Minho would be a good fit for you, because he too, is the right mix of being an indoor/outdoor person. He even cooks well, so I think he'll be able to get you to eat healthy, and you can even try out your photography skills on him since he loves to pose😂He is a huge animal lover as well, so you'll fit right in, and being the headstrong person that he is, he will be able to get you to have a teensy bit more conviction in yourself. He can even help you vent out your anger by planning the murder of the person who made you mad, but at the same time, we know his threats are always empty so he won't really let you do anything wrong. He's emotionally quite perceptive, and will be able to sense if you're ever facing some trouble in life, only to be there for you.
Blackpink is a little tricky for me, but I think Jennie would be a good fit. She'll help you work on your weaknesses without being too annoying, and given her love for traveling (actually all BP members seem to love traveling lmao), I think you can expect quite a few amazing getaways. She too, loves to be photographed, so I feel that she will be up for all sorts of photography experiments with you, and I think that if you love bad food so much, she'll be a good influence on you by encouraging you to look after yourself.
I'm not really a pro on Enhypen lmao😂😂They're one of my fav groups tho and people love my Enha works so here I am! Heeseung seems to be the perfect fit, being just the right mix of headstrong and emotionally perceptive. He's the biggest homebody, so I think it'll be really fun and cozy just staying in with him, watching movies. That being said, he is also pretty flexible, so going out on dates won't be too much of a hassle. He's really understanding, so he will be able to sense your anger or emotions without you even having to say anything. The only problem might be his own love for ramen lmao, but hey, you can learn to eat healthier together!
Hope you liked this, and thank you for being such an absolute sweetheart and liking my blog💖
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zacs-of-rwby · 4 years
Oh good, I was hoping you’d do this ask trend
I’m holding myself back from asking about all of them so
“The crow no one sees” and “how an angle gets its wings” 👀
Awwwwww that makes me so happy, thank you, Otter 🤗 ok so...
The Crow No One Sees
Day 4 of Ozqrow week. The prompt itself is a bit of a spoiler as it is simply "Love Confession" 🙈 it's very short and I don't want to spoil too much so instead I'll just share a snippet lol.
The bitter loner persona that Qrow is known for effortlessly melts away as soon as they’re alone. Maybe that’s why Glynda thinks that Oz deserves better- she doesn’t actually know the real Qrow.
How an Angel Gets Its Wings
I am so damn excited that you asked about this one, omg 😆
This will be part 3 of my series Hard to Find, Hard to Keep, Hard to Forget which is a collaborative self-indulgent shipping AU I am writing with help from my brother 😅
Part 3 will focus on Aaliyah (my OC) and Oscar as they grow up Absolutely Engrossed in huntsman culture following in the footsteps of their dads (Qrow and Oz, because I'm predictable lol) and cousins. It's mostly just a convoluted excuse to turn all of our favorite characters into one huge family because- as I have said before and will say until the day I die- found family trope is best trope.
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