#and i'm not trying to be competitive or put one thing down to lift another up
bogunicorn · 1 year
i've been quiet here to avoid major spoilers (posting them OR seeing them), but i started act 2 last night and holy shit, oh my god, this game is so good. it feels like a cross between playing dnd with the world's most competent DM and reading a really good fantasy novel.
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krisdreaming · 1 year
Baby Fever
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Pairing: Miya Atsumu x f!reader
WC: 1.2k
Summary: Osamu and his wife just had a baby. Now Atsumu sees them everywhere.
A/N: This kind of took a very different direction than I was originally planning and tbh, I kinda hate it now, but I spent over two hours writing it, so I'm gonna roll with it anyway. Maybe when I re-read it in the morning, I'll hate it less 😅
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There's a term for it. Atsumu isn't sure what it is, but he knows that as soon as you're exposed to something new, you start noticing it around you more and more. That must be why, ever since Osamu's son was born, he's been seeing babies everywhere. They're at the grocery store. They're at the park. Suddenly, half of his teammates have been expanding their families like it's some kind of competition.
Suffice to say, Atsumu has seen more than his share of babies over the past few weeks. Sure, they're cute, or whatever. When a baby smiles at you, you can't help but smile back. When they grab onto your finger, you let them hold it for as long as they want. When they engage you in a staring contest across the grocery store aisle, you only put up a little bit of a fight before giving them the satisfaction of winning, flashing a sheepish smile at their mom or dad as you turn the corner.
The sight of the little monsters has started to trigger a strange twinge in Atsumu's middle, which he chalks up to the fact that he's an uncle now. There's a brand new member of his family, and he's really happy for Osamu and his wife. Seeing the babies everywhere reminds him of that. That's all it is.
See, the two of you had talked about this. You aren't ready for kids right now. He's in the prime of his volleyball career, and you love your job. You're both happy as just the two of you, spending your free time together doing the things you enjoy and getting a full eight hours of sleep each night. Having a baby would change everything. Your last discussion on the topic, right after Osamu and his wife had shared their pregnancy with the two of you, had ended on that exact note. He's pretty confident that's still how you feel. He's relatively confident that's still how he feels, too.
Of course, the longer it goes on, the harder it is to explain away. He watches Osamu doting on his son, snuggling him close and kissing his cheeks and smiling bigger than Atsumu's ever seen before. He knows his brother is tired, but he doesn't seem to care. He watches the way he looks at his wife, and the way both of them look at their son, and it softens something inside him. He sees you cradling your nephew close, cooing down at him with a soft smile, and his heart turns over in his chest.
Finally, one day, he comes to Osamu with a question.
"What's it like?" Osamu is wiping down the counter at Onigiri Miya, clearly trying to disguise his surprise and mild consternation at seeing his brother show up out of the blue, five minutes before closing time.
"What's what like?" He grunts, scrubbing at a ground-in glob of rice.
"Y'know," Atsumu gestures vaguely, "Being a dad."
"Ah," Osamu hums, grasping that quickly what this is all about. "It's incredible. I mean, don't get me wrong," He chuckles, "It ain't easy. It's way worse than whatever ya try to imagine based off a' everybody's helpful advice," He lifts his hands in air quotes. "But somehow, it's also worth it, in a way ya never could've imagined it would be. The way ya feel every time ya look at 'em - ya can't even put it into words."
Atsumu isn't sure how he's supposed to respond to that, so he just nods. Osamu smiles, looking him up and down with a too-critical eye. "Any special reason yer asking?"
"No," Atsumu says with a quick shake of his head, "Just curious, 's all."
Osamu nods, not saying another word, but the smirk on his face is more than enough to make Atsumu want to knock it clean off. Osamu's answer is exactly what he'd been afraid of.
It comes to a head one sunny Saturday afternoon when the two of you meet up with Osamu and his wife and son to visit a festival. The afternoon is starting to wind down when Osamu unceremoniously dumps the baby into Atsumu's arms. "Hey, mind watching him while we go to the bathroom quick?"
"Ah, sure," Atsumu says to his brother's already-retreating back. You poke at the baby's irresistibly pudgy cheeks, giggling along with him when your attentions illicit a bout of laughter.
"Oh my, what a sweetheart!" The elderly woman seems to appear out of nowhere, something Osamu is constantly describing but which Atsumu hasn't experienced until this moment. "Such a happy baby," She grins. "How old is he?" She looks expectantly at you, and after you gather your wits, you answer her.
The woman nods knowingly, as if she'd predicted as much. "Are you having a fun day with Mommy and Daddy?" She asks next in a goofy voice, completely oblivious to the way Atsumu chokes on the breath he'd just been inhaling and you shoot him a wide-eyed glance.
"Ah, well, actually-" You stammer out, at the same time Atsumu blurts, "We're not his parents."
"I see," She says good-naturedly, "Well even so, he looks very happy with you." With that, she goes on her merry way, and you and Atsumu share a bewildered look. Osamu and his wife return from the bathroom, and neither of you mentions the awkward encounter. It doesn't come up until later that evening, when the two of you are lying in bed.
"That was really somethin' today, huh?" Atsumu asks, trying to ignore the fact that his stomach is suddenly in knots.
"The old lady?" You chuckle weakly. "Yeah, 'Samu's right, they really don't have any shame, do they?"
"Yeah," Atsumu says, then takes a deep breath. "Do ya think, maybe, it's time to have that conversation again?"
You're silent for a few moments, and he can't quite place the emotions that cross your face. He doesn't have to explain which conversation he means.
"Maybe," You finally agree in a low voice. "Are you saying that your decision might be different this time?" It could be his imagination, but Atsumu almost thinks that you look hopeful.
"Maybe," He says carefully. "Would yours?"
"Maybe," You echo him, but there's a smile playing at the corners of your mouth.
"There would be a lot of changes," He says softly, fingertips tracing aimless shapes up and down your arm.
"Maybe we're ready for those changes," You murmur back, catching his hand in yours and letting him twine your fingers together.
He brings your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. "As long as I've got you, I think I might be."
"Me too," You say, leaning in slightly to nudge the tip of your nose against his. When he kisses you, he hopes the pressure of his lips can convey even the things he can't put into words. He can't imagine living this life with anyone else.
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buggyjuggie · 7 months
Could you do Johnny, Kitana, Kung Lao, Syzoth, and/or Smoke w/ a reader who has a Katya Zamolodchikova type personality/sense of humour? I'm talking pure chaos, but with a loving and caring vulnerable side. :)
──★ ˙ ̟ Johnny Cage, Kitana, Kung Lao, Syzoth and Smoke x GN!reader with a Katya personality
Note: I watched so much rupauls drag race just for this request because i was so scared of getting something wrong oh god i really hope you like it also @rueschronic you saved me i love you bitch
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「 ✦ Kung Lao ✦ 」
* you and Kung Lao are competitive and like to show off both of you can walk into any place and all eyes are on yall
* Both of you lift each other up as much as you can because you and Kung lao both know what it feels like to put on a character/facade or joke around people even when your hurting on the inside or try to hide it to appear fine
* When you called him queen he wore that like a badge of honour
* He picks up your vocabulary extremely fast and manages to confuse everyone around him
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「 ✦ Johnny cage ✦ 」
* THE duo not a duo it’s THE duo
* I feel like Johnny has wanted to try out more ,,feminine” things but due to holywood and it being looked down upon he hasn’t yet until you gave him reality check and remined him that no one cares (bitch)
* Like Kung lao you and Johnny have that one thing in common: a character. Both of you act a certain way and have built a character to show off to people. People know ,,Johnny Cage” but do they know John Carlton. As more time passes you and Johnny start working on tearing those walls down and showing your true honest selves of course without loosing those confident attitudes
* Clubbing, going out, after party’s all the time most weekends will be endend with you and Johnny at his house not knowing how you got back home but not really needing to know because you’ll be too busy cuddling one another
* Has definitely asked you to be stunt performer because he knows that you can strut your shit like a its a performance
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「 ✦ Kitana ✦ 」
* You captured Kitanas attention right away
* Kitana enjoys her status and work as a princess of Outworld but it does become dull at points. The people being careful around her, underestimating her and treating her almost like a porcelain doll
* Not you tho you treat Kitana like a normal person, tell her things honestly and aren’t afraid of what she can do
* Kitana is very observant she sees that you hide behind jokes and when she finally confront you about you let eveything out. All the toughts of self doubt, anxiety are washed away with promises from her to protect you and keep you safe for as long as she is alive
* A lot of time with Kitana and you is spent sparring or you telling her about Earthrealm, languages and culture (Kitana is prob a history nerd sue me)
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「 ✦ Syzoth ✦ 」
* He was enamoured by you at first sight
* Because of his zetteran liniage Syzoth understands your struggles. Wanting to be yourself but the world rejecting it deeming it ,,too much” or even distasteful. He assures you to the best of his abilities that he’ll never leave you and will stay by your side no matter what
* ,,mother? But im a man” ,,slay ? Slay what ?” Her a little confused when it come to slang but slowly starts to understand it
* If you do drag or are interested in drag TELL IT ALL TO THIS MAN. Syzoth absolutely loves learning about earthrealm its cultures and norms and how people express themselves
* You insulted him once in a joking way and he didn’t understand that you were joking and it ended up in a hugs and kisses session for like 30 min and a long as hell explanation
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「 ✦ Smoke ✦ 」
* The walking definition of polar opposites
* Smoke is quiet ,reserved and introverted meanwhile your loud, not afraid to make a scene and get dirty and extroverted
* ,,Excuse me he asked for no pickles” you say as Smoke stands in the background like a wet puppy
* Smoke is the only person who knows about your anxiety’s he does his best to assure that you are loved for who you are
* If you do nails he’s constantly asking you to do his. Smoke just really enjoys having pretty nails that match with his beautiful partner
*. ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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lixie-phoria · 1 year
ੈ✩‧ 🎀🩰 ➛ everything's going to be okay
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genre : fluff, angst with a happy ending
warnings : descriptions of parental neglect
an : not my best writing :/ (+ his brother's name is haru)
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lee know had been so excited. he'd been ecstatic, in fact, when his parents broke the news to the two of you. he loved you with all his heart, so finding out he was having another sibling sent him on cloud 9.
until he wasn't so excited anymore.
his younger brother was everything; the most adorable little baby he had ever seen. but he was a lot of work.
lee know remembers coming home from school one day, the widest grin stretched across his face as he ran up the stairs, with you just barely managing to keep up.
"omma! look!"
"shhh, not now."
he skid to a stop at the door frame, watching his mother rock his brother's cradle, trying to put the crying baby to sleep.
"but i have something to tell you."
"later, minho. can't you see i'm busy?"
the excitement drained out of him, but he nodded nonetheless.
it's ok. his younger brother needed to be looked after right now. he could tell her some other time.
he managed a small smile as you clutched onto his hand from behind, leading him away from the scene.
"it's ok," you mumbled softly, jumping over the toys scattered across the floor.
"but i was so excited to tell her about the dance competition," he grumbled, letting out a yelp as his foot landed on a lego and he was immediately shushed again.
"i know."
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minho's eyes searched the audience for any familiar face. his spirits plummeted when he couldn't find any.
they had promised. his parents had given him their word. they said they would make it. then why weren't they here?
it was the dance competition. the same one he'd been so excited about. the same competition he'd been talking about for over two weeks. but somehow his parents seemed to have forgotten.
he had to ask a friend's mother for a lift home that night.
"minho-ah, you did so well!"
his ears perked up when his mother greeted him at the door, ruffling his hair.
"you were there?"
"of course! i wouldn't miss your performance for anything."
"why didn't i see you at the end of the program?"
"we had to come home early because of your father's work."
oh. maybe he had been overreacting, after all.
"did you like the cart wheel i did?"
"yes! you made me so proud."
the seven year old tried to smile as genuinely as he could, but gods he felt terrible. there had been no cart wheel. his mother had lied.
that night he tried to be as quiet as possible as he cried into his pillow, but when he heard your soft footsteps padding across the hallway towards his room, he sighed.
"go away."
you were his younger sister. he didn't want you seeing him like this. but you slid into the covers beside his anyways, staring at him with sad, innocent eyes.
"i really wanted to watch you perform," you whispered in the silence of the night.
"then why didn't any of you come?"
"omma got busy. haru was having one of his tantrums again, it took all 3 of us to calm him down."
lee know felt terrible. partly because he had really wanted his family to be there for his performance, and partly because in that moment he couldn't help but wish that his parents had never decided to have another kid. he loved his baby brother, but everyday he felt like his parents were slipping away from his grasp. things had never been like this when you were a baby.
"i'm sorry," you mumbled. "i know you did well. you always do."
minho hoped his smile was convincing enough as he reached across his pillow to link your hands together.
"thanks, y/n."
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"but i want to have a party!"
"your brother is sick! how can you think about a birthday party at a time like this?"
the seven year old furiously wiped the tears from his eyes.
it was his eighth birthday. he wanted to have a birthday party like any normal kid his age. he wanted to call over his friends. he wanted to cut a cake and blow out the candles. he wanted people to sing for him as he cut into the cake. he wanted his old life back.
"you can have a birthday party next year. no more discussion on this."
the boy didn't have it in him to fight back anymore. he ran back to his room, sobbing at how unfair his parents were being.
when he slammed the door shut, he wasn't surprised to see you sitting on his bed. this had happened more times than he could count over the past few weeks.
he would fight with his parents. they would send him back to his room. he would cry. you would comfort him. repeat.
"why are they acting like this?"
he knew the answer just as well as you did.
haru. your younger brother haru.
minho knew bringing up a child was not easy. it was stressful. it wasn't entirely his parents fault. but he just wanted things to go back to how they were before. back when he could hold the attention of his parents for longer than just a few minutes.
"the two of us can go for ice cream instead?" you suggested, making space for him as he climbed into the bed.
"if they let us."
"they will."
he looked down to see you staring back at him determinedly.
"and if they don't, we will sneak out. it's your eighth birthday and we have to celebrate!"
"look at you. already becoming rebellious, huh?"
hearing you giggle made him feel better. only a little bit, but better nonetheless.
when he woke up the day after tomorrow, freshly turned eight, you were the first to wish him, running into his arms the second he stepped out of his room, a hand-made card clutched in your fist.
"i made you a card!"
minho smiled at the little cats you had drawn, the banner you had neatly scrawled happy birthday in and the chocolate taped inside.
"you're welcome!" you yelled, not waiting for his acknowledgement and ignoring your mother who shushed at you.
and somehow, minho felt lighter. he could feel a genuine smile pulling at his lips for the first time in months as he stared at your excited face.
yes, things were hard right now. yes, it would take some time before they would go back to normal.
but if you were trying, despite being in the same position as him, then he decided he would too.
he had you, and that made everything better.
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©lixie-phoria, 2023
🏷️ @foxinnie8
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best Christmas gift
first @wolfstarmicrofic prompt 5. Whisper, prompt 27. Gift. 556 words.
A soft whisper in the dark: “Merry Christmas, love.”
“Mhm,” replies Remus groggily. “Merry Christmas.”
“Wanted to be the first one today,” Sirius says and kisses his forehead.
“Congratulations, then.” Remus tries to hide his smile and pretend to be annoyed, but Sirius sees right through him – he chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mirth. 
Sirius knows him so well; that Remus doesn't believe in one-day-Christmas – that he thinks he should be allowed to wish everyone Merry Christmas for the whole week. Or two. 
And he is willing to indulge Remus and pretend like he has to beat anyone up to be the first one that day. As if there was a competition going on. 
God, Remus loves him so much. 
“Alright, get up, sleepyhead.” Sirius kisses him again. “Presents are waiting.” 
They are spending the holidays with the Potters, again; for the past two years Remus and his parents have been invited as well, despite not being part of the family – but only technically, according to Mrs Potter. 
Remus pulls on a jumper his mum gifted him last year; Sirius is already wearing a matching one when he comes back from the bathroom. 
They’re about to leave the room when Sirius gently grabs his arm. 
“I also wanted to be the first one to give you your gift. Before anyone else,” he says softly, his expression open and hopeful. Vulnerable and almost nervous.  
Remus bites his lip trying to contain his smile. “That's not fair.” 
“Who says I'm playing fair?” The mirth in his sparkling eyes is back. 
He hands him a small red box with a bow.
“Thanks,” he says, still smiling, as he starts unwrapping the gift. “You know you could have just put it under the tree and waited patiently?”
“Yes, I’m well known for my unwavering patience.” 
Remus lifts the lid only to find a smaller box inside. He looks up at a grinning Sirius.
“Very funny. Clever, even,” he comments, not unkindly.
Remus unwraps another layer of ribbons and paper – and another – and finally fishes out an even smaller box, black this time. 
There is a ring nested inside. 
Remus looks up; Sirius is down on one knee in front of him. 
“Oh my God,” he gasps.
“Yeah,” Sirius takes in a shaky breath, smiling nervously. “Remus. Moony, I-”
Remus feels choked up. He is sure there are tears streaming down his face. 
Next thing he knows he’s wrapped around Sirius, like a koala, who is still kneeling on the floor. 
“Oh my God,” Remus whispers into his shoulder. “I love you so much.” 
“Remus-”, Sirius wheezes faintly. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you!”
“You didn't even let me ask the question,” Sirius laughs incredulously. “I had a whole speech prepared. I rehearsed it!”
He pulls back, wiping at his eyes. They had talked about it. More than once, actually. Remus knew it was coming, and Sirius still managed to surprise him; catch him completely off guard. 
“I love you so much.”
Sirius smiles at him, open and honest. His bright grey eyes are filled with fondness, tenderness and affection. One of his hands comes up to gently caress his cheek. Remus doesn’t remember how to breathe. 
“Remus?” he whispers. 
Remus bites his lip. He can’t help himself. “Merry Christmas?” 
Sirius laughs. And then whispers: “Marry me?”
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fullstcp · 2 months
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Sentence Starters
"Last year's old news."
"It's another summer, that's how this chapter starts."
"I'm gonna run so fast 'til I can't breathe."
"Come along and follow me."
"Don't you see me changing up my ways so completely?"
"This time, I'm gonna sing and you're gonna hear it."
"This time, I'm gonna show you that I got the spirit."
"It's a brand new day and I'm feelin' good."
"What'cha gonna do?"
"I'm gonna laugh through the summer with you."
"You'll just have to watch me carefully."
"I'm gonna try my hand in everything."
"Nobody's gonna wanna get next to me."
"I take what's mine, I won't let it go."
"I dare you to challenge me."
"You'll be begging for mercy."
"Just watch, I'll give you something to follow."
"I've been waiting so patiently to let the fire come out in me."
"I'm what you're up against, just letting you know."
"We can't back down."
"There's too much at stake."
"This is serious, don't walk away."
"We can't pretend it's not happening in our own backyard."
"We've been called out."
"Do you hear your name?"
"I'm not confused."
"Let's win this thing."
"I don't like confrontation."
"I'd rather we all just get along."
"I hope you're ready for the time of your life."
"Just look at me, I put a gleam in your eye."
"We're gonna take you for a ride."
"Show me what'cha got."
"We're never second place."
"There is no competition."
"It's like you don't hear a word I say."
"Your mind is somewhere far away, and I don't know how to get there."
"You make me wanna pull all my hair out."
"It's like you don't even care."
"We're face to face, but we don't see eye to eye."
"We're like fire and rain."
"You can drive me insane, but I can't stay mad at you for anything."
"We're like different stars."
"You're the harmony to every song I sing."
"I wouldn't change a thing."
"You're always trying to save the day."
"You're all or nothing."
"My feelings never change."
"Why do you try to read my mind?"
"When I hold on, you just let go."
"We're perfectly imperfect."
"Gather 'round, it's time to start listening."
"You lift me off the ground."
"If I heard you on the radio, I'd never wanna change a single note."
"You're my favorite song."
"You're always one step outta reach."
"I'm good at wasting time."
"I think lyrics need to rhyme."
"I love it when you say my name."
"I like to use the word 'dude' as a noun or an adverb or an adjective."
"I need you to do something for me."
"Not gonna leave with just this, we takin' everything."
"This is what we came here for."
"Everybody should feel this good."
"This is our song, that's all that matters."
"We all belong right here together."
"We all need a song when we're weary and tired."
"It's worked right until now."
"Every day's been like a dream world."
"Now you're not just in my head."
"Will we remember different summers?"
"Did you ever think about us?"
"I know you checking on me."
"I should be checking on you."
"I'm ready to go."
"I'm out of control."
"Feels like the walls are closing in."
"I wanna do the right thing now."
"I've lost my way."
"If I could take it all back, I would now."
"I never meant to let you all down."
"Maybe it's not too late."
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dwtsfun · 11 months
Dancing with the Stars Season 32 Week 4: Fashionably Late and Lovin It
Sorry y'all. Life. Anyway, I'm happy some new songs were used. Of course we got some songs that we've seen 50leven times over the years. It's why Disney Night has been such a bust and a wasted opportunity. Instead of exploring forgotten and underappreciated movies and songs, we get the same songs from Beauty and the Beast, Toy Story, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, The Lion King and Aladdin. I'm glad we saw new entries from Dumbo, Coco, Frozen II (shocking it took them that long to use Into the Unknown which is considerable better than Let It Go) and Fantasia. Also, slight annoyance. I'm not happy that Alfonso didn't try to dress up for Disney Week. Put a little effort into it. I know Tom never did, but I also like him more than Alfonso (I got my problems with both though).
Mauricio and Emma- Paso Doble (Score=19)- So first of all, I enjoyed the use of The Sorcerer's Apprentice as a song for a paso. It made for a super interesting routine. This is why I get so frustrated with Disney night. We can have routines like this. Now a few things. First of all, Mauricio was stiff and didn't moves as hard as he should've for a paso. The second is that I hated the styling. The broom costumes were not cute. Emma has missed real bad on two of the costumes this year. I don't want to have another one from her. I also felt that the other brooms messed up the formation at the end. Idk what was going on but for a dance, that needed to be perfect. It wasn't and took my attention away from the dance. All of that said, it was a nice improvement for Mauricio.
Mira and Gleb- Waltz (Score=21)- So I think Mira had her best dance of the show with this dance. I'm not shocked considering everything about her screams ballroom. But I wasn't amazed by it. I didn't even really enjoy it. It was cool. It worked. That's it. It was boring. I'm not sure if Gleb knows how to wow the audience with his partners. Shangela was just an anomaly for him. Hopefully Mira can build from this point and get better.
Barry and Peta- Jazz (Score=18)- This dance started out really well. It was actually on track to be Barry's best dance of the season. But he slightly forgot one piece of the choreo and then messed up the lift right afterward. He took a while to get back on track after that, but he did and ended the dance very strong. I wish he hadn't had that issue during the dance. But, it happens. He fought through it and recovered and that's what matters.
Jason and Daniella- Foxtrot (Score=24)- So this dance proved exactly why we need to have the celebs do a Latin and a ballroom dance in weeks 1 and 2. A dancer that is as good as Jason should not be struggling like this with foundational things in a ballroom dance in week 4. It just doesn't make any sense. Jason was definitely uncomfortable. His frame was awkward. And he was kinda sticking to the ground throughout the dance due to really not understanding the rise and fall aspect of the foxtrot. He's got enough time to get that stuff fixed, so I'm not worried. I am frustrated with how the show divvies out these dances. Just make sure the couples get a Latin and a ballroom dance by week 3 if we're gonna keep this random dance a week thing up.
Lele and Brandon- Rumba (Score=22)- This dance was grossly underscored considering where everyone else was scored tonight. I think this was one of the most competent dances of the night and one of the best of the competition so far. At the beginning, Lele was definitely in her head and a little nervous. But as soon as she ran down those stairs, we got an assuredness from her that I don't think I've seen from her up until this point. I also feel like we've seen her improve the most of all of the celebrities. I see so much more refinement in her dancing. She needed a slower dance to get some of that stuff figured out. Now that we are here, I cannot wait to watch her build on this and soar. And lastly, I wanna shout out Brandon for some really beautiful choreography.
Alyson and Sasha- Jazz (Score=18)- Mm. Okay. Um well, it was better than her week 1 dance. But it wasn't good. She didn't dance much and when she did, it was heavy and low energy. She was off time as well. The judges are now getting scared to judge people properly because this dance should've been a 16 at the most.
Harry and Rylee- Quickstep (Score=21)- While I like this couple and like how Rylee is helping Harry through this process, this was not a great dance. It was Harry's best dance and he sustained a level of performance throughout that he had not yet done, but that was it. His frame was awkward and bad. His feet were not good. There was virtually no body contact. The technique was pretty much nonexistent. It didn't deserve 7s. 6s would've sufficed. It was cute though and I enjoyed it for what it was.
Xochitl and Val- Paso Doble (Score=27)- So I have something controversial to say about this dance. I didn't care for it. It wasn't bad, so don't act like I'm about to go there. BUT, it made me take notice of something with these two. They don't really have light and shade in their dances (shoutout to Len Goodman himself). We don't have nuance in their dances. It's just "GO GO GO GO GO GO" the whole way. And while that can be a good thing for certain dances, that being the typical speed in which they dance is making me believe it's a way to cover up a weakness of Xochitl's. If you look closely at her dance this week and then compare her legs to the other women celebs, you can see that she is never quite steady on her legs or feet. This is a problem that I have called out with many of Val's partners. I just talked about it last year with Gabby.
Adrian and Britt- Viennese Waltz (Score=21)- This was Adrian's best dance of the season by far. I actually am a little bummed that he got eliminated (again, I am only talking about competition stuff here and he seemed fine these past few weeks) because he looked like he was starting to let go of the uber masculine energy and start embracing the femininity. I thought the dance was really pretty. I thought Adrian danced it well. His frame and posture needed some more work. But his arms and his lines were so nice. What struck me the most though was just how gentle he was throughout.
Ariana and Pasha- Contemporary (Score=25)- This was a cool dance. If you've been here for a while, you know that I don't really care for contemporary and never truly have comments for it unless it really moves me. This was fine. Ariana handled it well. It was nice.
Charity and Artem- Waltz (Score=24)- Hmm. Okay so this was a really pretty dance. It was probably the best dance of the night to me. A 24 here was criminal. We should've seen 9s for this dance. The frame still feels funny to me, so I wouldn't give it a 10. But otherwise, it was a great dance.
So that's it. Adrian and Britt were eliminated as we now know. Sorry this is so late. I would've skipped this week in most other cases but I really wanted to talk about the dances as I think this was a pivotal point in the competition for many of the couples. I also want to point out that the judges are being real scary with scoring and we're gonna start seeing some odd results pretty soon here, if not this coming Tuesday. Let me know if you got questions or anything and I'll talk to you all soon.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Warhammer 40k - Imperium of Man Intro (Music Video)" on YouTube
This is what our son is talking about and having a Comic-Con parade and you can see the ship but that's a real ship and he was thinking of taking one of our yachts and converting it and there be competitions just like any float parade they don't have competitions at gasparilla but we would and we would have competitions for costume that's how it goes gas rules not really a formal event and it's very pirate atmosphere and even the parade is. We're going ahead and we're going to add this to things to do it's a great floats each of us he's saying 150 ft long but they won't allow them that big so maybe 65 ft and it's a good length it's very big and you have to plan everything to get it in and out and it has to be seen Worthy cuz we'll probably have to use the ocean to get it there and we want to do this this sounds like so much fun imagine this going down the road in front of the San Diego comic Con and he came up with a bunch of stuff for them to do and this is one of them I mean it would be intense the cosplay for this is really awesome the costumes are already there at work and there are the suits and there are men that are big and just is intense and there's men that aren't big that have stilts it's crazy they're awesome looking cuz they're not too hard to make and they make the robots too and you have them on board while they're coming in and fake cannons fake lasers I mean we're talking awesome the big lights that are fake lasers are so cool it is intense okay then it's more you can do with it fake engines I mean it is just an awesome idea for a Comic-Con event and he wants to go and stuff you guys are lame he wants to help build one and he has a particular style he likes and people really love and a lot of people try and build in his would be cool and I have a real ship and float and people crap their pants and the armament would be fake but it's really intense it comes ashore all the lights are on it looks it looks like a city and do we have pictures of what he did awesome so we're going to have a float contest design contest for floats you can make them out of real boats you can make it a float but he wants to do is make a boat into a float but it's a real boat and has a lift system you used to move buildings and such and you need it cuz heavy and he'd show up and drive it down the street and it adjusts so it doesn't break now it's one solid piece but wow this would be intense people are going nuts they're saying it's intense you can see it in the parade and people respect each other this is a morlock outfit and a son put it together BG designed a lot of the stuff and you guys made the robot and it was a success and you have some of these but he thinks that Comic-Con pushes this into full gear because you guys are all Goth so she he's calling Abby wants her to start it up shouldn't be too hard for her she's smiling says I know what to do. And she's going to get it going and really she wants to see him in cosplay it's funny as heck is they probably have one in Tampa in 2 months and show up with a suit on and like 9 ft so you got huge and say yes I certainly did raised to me to talk later and he shows up the same height and then she's trying to ask you are you sure can expanding no I had stills so it's kind of funny cuz he's always saying I'm going to be huge so people would be wondering if that's what he means. She's smiling cuz he's always a ham. He says the parties you guys have are way too wild and too much work but he can bring beer to Comic-Con like you've never seen another drinks mixed drinks all sorts of Comic-Con type drinks cage you drinks superhero drinks and all the drinks for that they wanted for you can have a bar put in that it was going to go on superhero bar we got to check the dinner he says so this idea is a go
Thor Freya
I'm up for this this is going to be so cool I can't believe he's asking me but of course he would this is goth and that's what it looks like I got to keep him on the path someone kind of ears away but he's saying it's about family crest and pride in what you're doing and it's about your family models and other and you put them on things in a special way I know how to do all that
Abbey from that NCIS show with Mr Big mouth Ben Arnold in his crisscroll form and other such Stars
We're going to have a good time I'm improving this and I like this idea of making it a real boat because it can go out and play and do a show this is intense too because that's what happens but really there would be a parade in a and people would vote and then there'd be a war and you can put things on the ships to hit with the powerful spotlights and you can have like a paintball projectile from the cannons and people could win and lose and this is even better than I thought that's intense so we're going to go ahead with that then you can change it out for confetti when they're going down and be like a tick or take parade I'm going to go ahead with this and I'm going to suggest the design
We love it Mac we hate you but we love it
I'm going to go ahead and start designing mine this is a wicked idea
I've got one already built no but this sounds awesome and make real boats and to have that system where you're doing like a laser tag and a paintball at the same time and it's like the one we have to hit stuff this is awesome I've never heard ideas so good and the latter part of it came from Mac and his idea says was the parade they have lights and make it authentic and make the boats real I don't think this is going to go away it's so much fun and haven't show up like lifted and stuff it's awesome there he is he grew we knew it and oh no
Tommy f yeah I've got more I have to save it for the stage in case I need my day job
This idea is approved we all want to do it this is intense it's going to be fun
The idea a lot of you have is to do it but the kind of try and switch things out while you have your boat like they do in the joker movie with Batman and that's with Mac
Oh so you see
0 notes
8bitscarlet · 3 years
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Summary: You've found yourself falling deeper into a certain witch's spell. But no matter how strong the magic is, it seems that the two of you just keep missing each other.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Angst/Fluff (minor cussing)
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This is a fic for @marvelxreaderfanfictionfest writing exchange. This one is for @mrsromanoff and the prompt: "I can't keep kissing strangers and thinking they're you." Hope you like it!
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours.*
You never thought your three month assignment with the Avengers would've extended as long as it has. Missions went by with minimal injuries and maximum wins. You found yourself settling well into the chaos of the compound; the echoing boasts of Thor, the competitive edge of Danvers and the snark between Romanoff and Stark. When your three months were up, it wasn't a surprise to anyone that you immediately signed the contract from Stark, an official placement on the team.
Despite all of the alien blasters, Hydra experiments and Tony's benefit parties, nothing could've prepared you for a single person to rock your world. It started innocently enough; stolen glances at meals and ensuring you two were on the same mission team. As time continued, things turned less innocent; sneaking off during charity balls to suck face in the broom closet, you could recall a few times you were nearly caught in the back of the Quinjet. There was something about this woman. The way her fingers slithered through your hair, how those green eyes made your heart say yes, she stripped you bare.
You had convinced yourself it was witchcraft. It had to be.
Sitting with your cheek pressed against your fist, you find yourself doodling as Steve drones on in the background. Someone nudges you and as you turn, Wanda raises her brows when your eyes connect. With a groan, you raise the pen in your hand. Steve notices, stopping his spiel to look at you with a clenched jaw.
"With all due respect, Cap, we all got in at four this morning. Do we need a recap of the mission right now?"
Steve sighs, glancing at everyone and seeing them agreeing with you. You all had barely had time to unpack, let alone write your after action reports.
"Alright, Y/N. We'll go over how your pants tore mid-fight on Monday."
You point your pen at him, warning him as you watch his stupid smile fill his face. Bucky slaps your shoulders in gratitude, picking up Alpine onto his shoulders as he strides out to find Sam. Wanda's fingers gently brush yours as you walk side by side, sending an electric charge through your body.
"You know, when someone says 'with all due respect,' they really mean, 'kiss my ass'." Wanda glances at you with a sly smile.
Walking backwards towards the couch, you outstretch your arms with a grin, "Because that's what I meant, darling."
Chuckling, you roll over the back of the couch and plop down onto the cushions, your head landing perfectly on a pillow. Wanda lets out a scoff, knowing how many times it's taken you to actually land on the cushion and not the floor.
Flipping through the pages of her book, you watch her through half-closed eyes. A year ago you'd be asking what she was reading. A year ago, she'd curl up with you and explain it all. A year ago, you didn't have guilt eating at you.
Things a year ago were more than good between you. There might have even been a chance beyond friends with benefits. You knew you wanted that. Every time you looked at her, you couldn't stop your pounding heart or the warmth that grew in your stomach.
But you were stupid.
Chickening out every chance you had to ask her on an actual date rather than sneaking around to make her moan. You both had set ground rules, no strings attached. If it got too messy, you both had to call it quits. So, you convinced yourself it was better to quietly love her and keep her, than to tell the truth and lose her.
That was before the year long mission with Carol and Bucky. Before you realized how big of a mistake it was two months in. Before every day texts and video chats diminished to every other week, then every other month. Before you got back to the compound and saw her kissing up on some random benefactor at the Welcome Home Party. It was definitely before she started dating that walking toaster, Vision.
Luckily, he hadn't been around much the past month so watching them kiss and stare into each other's eyes was doable, mostly because you turned whenever you saw that stupid spark plug.
Four months since coming home, you've tried to fill the void the witch had created in your body, your soul. You went out with Carol and Bucky, prowling the town and the bar. Matching shot for shot some nights, waking up in random apartments other nights. Eventually Bucky did what you never did.
He asked Sam on a date and that left you and Carol. Until she started hooking up with Maria and dragged her along so you wouldn't be hitting the bars alone. You had made yourself a pity case.
"Do you need something?" Wanda cocks a brow at you, making a face at your prolonged staring.
You clear your throat, feeling the heat rush through your face, "You look a little sunburnt."
With a shrug and a chuckle, Wanda bookmarks her page as she places it down on the coffee table. Standing, she sits down on the couch, your body automatically scooting over to accommodate her. Holding out her red and glowing hand, you watch her pull off her rings, displaying the radiating tan lines running up and down her fingers. A laugh escapes you as you feel her hand slap against your chest.
"I didn't have anyone to put sunscreen on me!" She groans, "It burns!"
You guide your finger gently down her exposed arm, pressing in slightly to her warm skin. As you lift, you see the true color of her skin before it's bombarded with the glowing red of her burn. Glancing up, her green eyes watch you carefully, both of you not acknowledging the weight of her hand still on your chest.
"An aloe vera massage would do wonders," You whisper, "And I'm all out."
With a roll of her eyes, she leans back into your legs, "You really are a pain in my ass, y'know? When I tell people about you, that's the first thing I say."
Watching her float the remote to her awaiting hand, you grin, "Oho, so you're telling people about me, huh?"
"Please, check the ego there."
For the next moment, the two of you sit peacefully in each other's silence. Wanda was one who clung to those she trusted. When you came back, it was like she had superglued herself to you any time you walked into the room. It didn't help that you were still madly in love and she was taken.
Right now though, you watch her delicate fingers play with yours. Her eyes squinting with laughter as she watches her sitcoms, glancing to see if you're laughing as well.
A commercial echoes through the living room and Wanda lets out a sigh for attention, patting your thigh as she drops your hand. You don't move it as it lands atop her thigh, only gently stroke your thumb against the silky skin you wish could press against yours. Letting out a noise that you're both awake and paying attention to her, she glances over at you.
"Since you got Captain America to actually give us a free weekend, what's your plan tonight, casanova?"
You shrug, "I have early training with Bucky and-."
Wanda moves her whole body to face you, your hand slipping from her thigh as confusion spreads across her face. She lets out an unbelieving scoff,
"You're joking. You used to show up half drunk to training and still kick ass."
She's watching you carefully and you try to keep a neutral look on your face, she knows all of your quirks. Glancing up at her with a small grin, you pull your legs into you. Shifting yourself, you sit properly on the couch and run your hands through your hair.
"Just don't want to go out tonight. It's boring." You chuckle, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.
Wanda rolls her eyes, "Why, no one catches your eye anymore?"
Another playful nudge and you sigh. All this playful teasing, these light touches. She has to know what she's doing.
Trying to keep a steady and nonchalant shrug, you shake your head,
"No one out there."
And you might've gotten away with it. Instead, you fell into the magnetic pull of those green eyes that cause you so much trouble. As your eyes land on hers, you can see the dilation within her pupils. Then the realization across her face. Her playful grin falls as she stares at you, blinking slowly.
"Y/N," She says slowly, "If you're doing what I think-."
You stand up quickly, your feet taking you to the other end of the coffee table. In two days you'll be gone and you'll be back in the place you hate being in right now. Placing your hands on your waist, you look up from your tapping foot.
"Wanda, I can't keep kissing strangers and thinking they're you."
Silence meets your face. You watch her as she slowly nods at you, "That's exactly what you're doing."
Groaning, she slides her fingers through her hair, pinning it from her face. Wanda lets out a careful breath before looking up at you, "What happened to no strings?"
Slapping your hands against your thighs in frustration, you let out a scornful chuckle, "Come on, Wanda. You know those rules were bullshit! No strings means not going on exclusive trips to museums and restaurants!" You watch her eyes flicker around the room, trying to find a way to disprove what you're saying. "It means not staying up all night when the other is sick!"
Wanda stands up quickly and you can see the look on her face, she knows what you're getting to. Waving her hand to get you to shut up, she tries to get to the stairs but your words blurt from your mouth,
"It means not falling in love!"
Her feet stop carrying her towards the stairs, her body frozen in the middle of the compound. Carefully, you step towards her, leaning ever so slightly to try and catch her eyes. They're glazed over from your confession, trying to understand the implications.
"I left. I..." You suck in a shaky breath, "I thought it would be easier if I wasn't here. You were so adamant about no strings, Wands. I broke the only rule, why would I stay?"
Her head jerks back at your words, her brows furrowing deeply down her face. Without another second to keep talking, Wanda's feet pivot as she shoots a finger into your face. You jerk away from her advance, seeing the growing mist within her eyes as she shouts,
"That's why you left?"
The crack in her voice sends one through your heart.
She turns quickly, her hands violently wiping at the tears that have broken free. You clench your brows. She's angry at you? You're the one who's had to watch her prance around with Vision, you just a memory of romance. Just before she can grab her bag and leave, you call out,
"Well, you seem to have fared better than me!"
As the words leave your lips, you bite down hard and shut your eyes. A surprised choke exits Wanda's throat as she throws her purse back onto the side table, knocking over the decorative bowl of rocks. They scatter across the ground but she doesn't notice, all of her rage is pointing at you. Her fingers run violently through her auburn hair, looking like she wants to rip it out.
"You are infuriating!" She jabs a fingers at you, "Why think that?! Because I'm dating Vision? He's filling a void, dumbass!"
Her words stab into you as her stomps draw nearer, you can feel the heat of her anger. She's not done, she's not letting you off easy.
"Every time he touches me, every time he kisses me. God, Y/N! All I can see is your dumb face."
Wanda's heavy breath washes over you as she finally stops her assault, so close you can see the blue in her green eyes. Her body radiates out to you and you have to force your hands into your pocket to not grab her and kiss her. Your eyes dip to her lips but you see sadness that has quickly replaced the facade of anger. Making a small fist, she slams it into your chest as her head bows. Her arm slides down your body, hanging limply at her side as she looks to you.
"Why didn't you talk to me?"
Wanda's fingers twitch forward, wanting to grab onto you. You sigh, taking your hands from your pockets and resting them on your waist. Your confession was supposed to be more romantic than this. Instead, you brought up issues you both were trying to ignore. You were angry now at yourself, taking it all out on the person you loved. You'd spent too long with all of this pent up emotion though, and it was all pouring out in waves.
"I have to finish my requisition forms. Get my gear ready."
You don't have to look up to know what face Wanda is making at you. It's the same face she had when you left the first time. The way her brows clenched together in disbelief, the pain behind her reddened eyes that threatened to spill more tears, how her chin trembled as she tried to breathe.
Her voice barely passes a whisper but standing so close, you hear every broken syllable, "You're leaving again."
You sigh, rubbing your throbbing temples as you feel your nose stuff up.
"You drop all of that on me and you're just going to turn around and leave?"
Shaking your head, you want this conversation to end. It's obvious where she is and it's not next to you.
"Don't you have a date or something?" You ask.
Wanda's been around you too long to not see exactly what you're doing. She lets out a chuckle, a lethal look in her eyes.
"No, you're right. And that date seems a hell of a lot better than this." Without another word, she snatches her purse from the table and starts to climb the stairs, leaving your feet frozen. Just as she reaches the middle of the staircase, she stops. You can feel her stare burning into you and as you look her way, you wish you hadn't.
"You're a coward."
Those words burn into your brain, rising through your ears and torture you for the rest of the day. The only thing you could think to do was slam your fists into the closest thing. The punching bags. People came and went, eyeing you try and punch away your frustrations to no avail. When the sun finally had sunk below the horizon, one Avenger had enough of your pity party.
"You know she's right." A voice comes from behind you.
You don't respond to them, just dodge the swaying bag. They walk into the room, stopping just inside of your peripheral.
"You're an idiot, you know."
With a chuckle, you sidestep the bag, "You need to be a little more specific."
"You're losing her again."
Another punch, "Uh huh."
Carol sighs next to you, "And you sent her away on her date."
She steps in front of the bag, stopping its movement and stares at you with determination in her eyes, "And you're not going after her?"
Avoiding her stare, you start to unwrap your hands, wiping at the sweat that pours down your face. Stopping, you can feel the cramp in your side and the throbbing of your knuckles. Chucking the wrap, you let out a shrug,
"Is there a point?"
Carol shoves the bag into you, grabbing your attention, "I am not going on another mission with you while you sulk. Do you know you talk in your sleep? Yeah. Guess what name I heard that whole year?"
You shake you head, licking your chapped lips as you search for water, "She didn't say it back."
You hear an exasperated chuckle from Carol, "Y'know Y/N, I'm going to go on a limb and say she wasn't expecting all of that to be thrown in her face."
Shooting her a glare, she keeps talking, "I'm saying this once. If you think this is going to be some cheesy Rom-Com where she bursts through those doors and confesses her love, you're more of an idiot than I thought." A finger jabs hard into your chest as you grimace, "You need to fix this."
Carol leaves you there with your head filled with more thoughts than before. Wanda was happy with Vision wasn't she? She hadn't talked about him much but you knew she had to be. Who were you to go and screw that up?
Night turned into morning and after staring up at your ceiling, you knew you weren't getting any sleep.
Sneaking down the stairs, you see everyone is still asleep. You take the opportunity to sit in more silence and wait for the coffee machine to finish steaming. The sun was just beginning to shine its red hues into the kitchen as you stood at the counter, twirling your empty mug. Lost in thought, you failed to hear the padding of feet coming down the stairs.
"I thought you had early training."
With a quiet chuckle, you lean into the counter, "You caught me."
In silence, you watch the witch pour in her coffee. The same amount of creamer and sugar every time, the same motions every morning since you've noticed her. Turning, she sees your mindless fingers twisting and turning your empty mug. Wanda raises her brows and holds out her hand,
You hand over the mug and watch her work her magic on the black liquid, turning it into the caramel drink you love. Breathing in deeply, you watch the bubbles swirl around the liquid. You furrow your brows,
"I can never make mine taste-."
"We broke up."
Her words slam into you, your breath catching inside of your throat. Looking up, Wanda stands there in the middle of the kitchen, unsure if she had truly spoken or not. She looks up at you, her mouth closing as she realizes she doesn't know what she's doing.
"What? Wands, are you okay?" You start to stand to go and comfort her, you know they had a date yesterday. Did the son of a microwave hurt her?
Wanda's hand rises, stopping you in your tracks before she takes a quiet breath, "We broke up almost a month ago, Y/N."
Nodding at your obliviousness, you knock your knuckles against the counter as you press your lips into a thin line, "We're both liars then."
"Tell me you lied about the mission," She whispers, leaning into the counter. Her fingers laying gently across yours.
Your chest constricts as you sigh, "I didn't."
You watch her sullen nod, curling hair falling out of her messy bun as you gently graze your thumb across her knuckles. She quietly chuckles,
"We just missed each other."
Stopping your thumb, you clench your jaw. This isn't going to happen again.
"Wanda," You whisper, listening to the sad hum she gives you as she glances up with bloodshot eyes, "I'm sorry. I was scared and... I was an idiot."
Wanda pats your hand with a loud sniff, "I appreciate it, but-."
She doesn't continue. She doesn't want to believe that you're leaving. The love you feel wouldn't be strong enough to survive that time apart again. There's broken support beams and one thing will send it falling down. A far away mission isn't the nurturing this budding feeling needs.
Wanda tries her best to flash you a grin, "Let me teach you how to make coffee."
Before she can turn, you grab her hand quickly, "I'd prefer if you made it."
As you walk around the counter, you gently rest a hand on her waist, watching her carefully. Her handgrips your arm tightly, words stuttering from her lips as she tries to remind you that she's not going. You're leaving her again.
Without hesitation, you press your lips against hers, feeling her breath wash over you in a sigh. You pull her in tighter, leaning your head back to speak,
"Sam's going stir crazy. He can have it."
A smile tugs at your lips as you see her furrowed brows on her face, you place a kiss at the center of the wrinkles, pulling back to see the scrunching of her nose. A scrunch just for you.
"Wanda Maximoff. I love you. And I'm not losing you twice."
Without warning, her lips smash against your as she wraps her arms around your shoulders as you hoist her up. Wanda's legs wrap around you as both of you are smiling so wide that you can't kiss properly. Feeling her cold hands press gently against your face, you look into those green eyes that complete you life.
"I love you." Wanda whispers as her witchcraft wraps around you once more.
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loostssoul · 4 years
if you kissed me - Rodrick Heffley | 1.9k
Yeah yeah i know i haven't written since a million years ago. and yeah yeah i know this is my first real fanfiction i posted on tumblr. fair warning, i'm not the best writer, i honestly just do this for fun and i'm totally up to criticism because i do want to make my writing better. if this is literally inaccurate, im sorry its been like 5 years since i've read the books. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fluff-fest that I created in the span of a few hours.
paring: rodrick x reader genre: fluff. lots of fluff
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Credits to the maker of the picture! 15 Days till the Contest | 9:42 PM, Saturday
Plick, plick, plick
My speakers were blasting so loud I almost didn’t hear the sound of pebbles hitting my window.
Plick, plick, plick
I rubbed my eyes and slammed my laptop shut, walking toward my bedroom window. Peering down, I saw a figure a few yards down from my second-story bedroom, looking back up at me. Dark brown, messy hair that stuck up around his face. A red and black flannel, black ripped jeans, and, (of course) a tee-shirt with “Loded Diper” clumsily written on it. A grin spread on his face as he saw my face come into his view, causing me to blush. Rodrick Heffley, Crossland High bad boy, and my boyfriend.
I unlocked the latch to my window and stuck my head out, taking in the cool air and letting the neighbors enjoy the music I was playing (they never did). I looked down.
“Y/N!” He whisper-yelled
“Evening, Heffley.”
“I need to tell you something!”
“What’s so important that you have to scratch my window instead of using the power of modern technology to call me?”
His mouth opened to give me a response, but nothing came out. I smirked, “Come on up.”
I opened the window wider as he climbed the trellis that lined the back of my house. I backed up to my door and locked it. Precautions, my parents liked Rodrick but they definitely wouldn’t approve of him in my room at night. I looked back and I saw him, every feature of him illuminated by the light of my room. His cheeky smile and chocolate brown eyes. He slowly closed the window and walked toward me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I still got butterflies whenever he touched me.
“Hey, Spiderman. What did ya climb in here to tell me?” I asked
“I got Loded Diper into a contest.”
My eyes widened, Loded Diper, my boyfriend’s rock band, wasn’t exactly known for being the best. It was mostly known for his mom’s insane dance moves during the Plainview Talent Show. But of course, i'll never say that in front of his face.
“You did?! That’s awesome Rodrick!”
“Yeah! It's a battle of the bands contest, we’re going against two other bands. I really think this is gonna be our big break!” His eyes sparkled in excitement.
His happiness was contagious, he was like a goddamn puppy. I pulled him into my arms. “I’m proud of you Rod.” I muttered and smiled into his collarbone. I felt him inhale the scent of my hair and twirl my locks around his fingers.
“Hey,” he said, breaking the hug. “I’m having practice tomorrow with the band, you wanna come?”
“Sure. I go to every practice anyway, why miss out on this one?” I shrugged.
He chuckled and looked at me. Really looked at me. That’s one of the reasons why I fell for him. It never seemed like it, but he paid attention. We’ve only been dating for 4 months, but he knew me like no one else did, and I knew that in the way he looked at me. I felt his hand cup my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek in small circles. I looked up at him, noticing how tall he was, how close he was. Was I the one who leaned in? Was he the one who leaned in? Did we just do it subconsciously? Did he want this? Was he ready? Was I ready?
The ringing of Rodrick’s phone filled the room. The daze we were trapped in was gone and we separated, our faces red. Rodrick picked up the phone, it was his mom.
“Yeah, mom? Mom...I’m in the middle of something. I’ll do laundry later, ok? Now? C’mon… Alright, fine. Bye.” He hung up. “Sorry, I gotta blast.”
“It’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked him as he started toward my window.
He looked back at me and planted a kiss on my forehead, the farthest we’ve ever gone with physical touch as a couple.
14 Days till the Contest | 1:22 PM, Saturday afternoon
“Should we take it from the top?”
Practice wasn’t going so well. I could feel the nervousness, the tension. Drums were slightly off beat, the guitarist’s fingers would fly to the wrong places on the fretboard, lyrics would go all over the place. The contest was two weeks away, and Loded Diper was already feeling the anxiousness. I sat on the floor of the garage, on top of a picnic blanket I found. To Rodrick’s dismay, his mom forced him to let Greg watch band practice, as a form of “brother-to-brother bonding time.” Greg sat next to me, mockingly covering his ears.
“Oh thank god, it's done.” Greg said with an immense amount of sarcasm and uncovering his ears.
Rodrick threw a crumpled-up piece of paper at his head, “Shut up.”
“Both of you, be nice.” I laughed. “I think you guys should take a break for a while, maybe shake off the nerves.”
“Good idea Y/N, 20 minute break everyone!” The lead singer said. Everyone spread out, grabbing a piece of pizza ordered earlier and laying down. Greg ran out of the garage, yelling, “I’m free!”
Rodrick stood up and began gulping down a bottle of water. He wore a black tanktop and black ripped jeans, sweat dripping down his forehead. I ran up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He turned and faced me, running his hands through my hair, lost in thought.
“You ok, Rod?” I asked him.
He sighed, “nerves”
I leaned my head on his chest, “You’re gonna do great, you’ve done so many gigs in the past. Think of this as one of those!”
He smiled at me, “You know what would make me feel a lot less nervous?”
“Oh god. What?”
A really common thing Rodrick did was try to bargain a kiss on the lips from me. It's been an ongoing joke, a meaningless bit he did all the time. I’ll do my homework if you kissed me on the lips. I’ll smile in the picture if you kissed me on the lips. It still hasn’t worked.
“I might be less nervous if you kissed me on the lips.” He whispered to me.
I rolled my eyes, “If that’s what it takes then I think you’ll lose the competition.”
He let go of me and laughed, my favorite laugh. “Worth a try.” He shrugged, going off to join his bandmates and the pizza. But as I watched him smile and laugh with his friends, I lost myself. I thought about the previous night. The way we fit into each other, the closeness, the fact that was so close that I could see my reflection in his eyes.
Maybe I should just say yes.
The Day of the Contest
For the past 2 weeks, Rodrick has given me the “kiss-bargain” joke 9 times. Every time, I deflected it with sarcastic remarks, and every time I regretted not agreeing.
I sat on the front steps of my porch, waiting for Rodrick to pick me up. I regretted the jean shorts and plain black tee-shirt I had on, as a cold breeze brushed my skin. I pulled my black leather jacket on, which I painted “Loded Diper” on the back in white paint. Then, I heard it. The echo of heavy metal turned to full blast, and… the faint sound of something big getting knocked over. Oh god, they’re here. The white van with “Loded Diper” written in huge words screeched to a halt in front of my house.
The window rolled down, revealing my boyfriend and his excited grin. “Get in.”
30 minutes till Loded Diper preforms
It felt surreal to be backstage, and really exciting. Energy was flowing through the room, as all the other bands talked and played. The rest of the band members seemed excited, full of adrenaline. Except for Rodrick, he’s been nervous ever since soundcheck. His leg was bouncing,he twirled his drumsticks around, drumming them on random objects, and his eyes stared into nothing.
“Rodrick, you want me to do your eyeliner?”
“Huh?” He didn’t take his eyes away from the ground, his voice seemed far away.
I lifted a liquid eyeliner pen I had in my pocket, “Eyeliner. I just did mine, we can match!”
He lifted his head and noticed me. I had my eyeliner smudged, just like he always does during a gig. He grinned, “Yeah. Yeah sure.”
I’ve done his eyeliner many times in the past, and I loved doing it because I had to be as close to him as possible. So I hopped onto his lap, pressing myself close to him, trying to comfort him with my warmth.
“Close your eyes.” I ordered.
As I applied his eyeliner, I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. It was heavy, and fast. I’m pretty sure I would still hear it if I wasn’t as close to him as I was, even though the loud music blasting through the theatre.
He opened his eyes, and butterflies flooded my stomach. We were close. Very close. Should I do it? Should I lean in?
Rodrick probably sensed my flustered-ness. He smirked, “Cat got your tongue?”
I rolled my eyes, blushing hard. “Shut up.” I said, playfully punching him.
“5 Minutes until Loded Diper performs!” A man exclaimed to us.
Rodrick was as nervous as ever. We’ve been standing on the left wing of the stage, watching the other bands play. It felt like a bunch of Loded Diper copy-pastes. A bunch of high schoolers, weird names, very aggressive playing. But they were still pretty good. Rodrick was biting the nails of one of his hands and tapping his other hand on the wall behind him. I looked up at him and held his hand, stopping it from fidgeting. He smiled nervously.
Now or never Y/N…
“Hey, you said that if I kiss you, you won’t be as nervous. Right?”
He looked at me, wide eyed. He seemed to be trying to compute what I said.
I stood on tiptoe and put his face in my hands. It was that night all over again. Every detail of his face, of him was in full view. His eyes, his eyeliner, his scent, his lips. I leaned in.
His lips were soft against mine, but they were tense, flustered. I was terrified, It was the wrong place, the wrong time. Until I felt one hand in my hair, another on my waist, pulling me closer.
How long was the kiss? A few seconds? It felt like minutes, hours. Sparked ignited. Butterflies flew in my stomach. His scent was the only thing I smelled, his warmth was the only thing I felt. The music faded away. Everything faded away. It was just him and I. Until we broke apart, taking in deep breaths of each other. We wanted more, but Loded Diper was playing in a few seconds.
“Hey, Rodrick.”
“If you win I’ll kiss you again”
We both knew I would kiss him regardless.
I didn't edit this because editing is for wimps (just kidding be responsible and edit your work)
please like and reblog because it gives me serotonin and i need that
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I'm simping hard for Mason and Bailey, so could we get mutual non-con with them? Also maybe with the person forcing the non-con degrading m!Mason and or m!Bailey about forcing them breed f!pc?
Like maybe Leighton wants to watch the hot swim teacher pipe that pretty little thing that wont let him photograph their gentiles, so he threatens Mason's job if they dont fuck in the locker room so he can watch. He knows pc is Mason's favorite, that Mason might actually have caught feelings. He's seen them hanging out outside school.
Or for Bailey, it could be that someone was pissed they couldn't buy you since you were paying your dues, or maybe Bailey just didn't like their vibe. They hold pc and their pissed off caretaker at gun point and make them screw. Bonus on the forced breeding kink, since bailey def doesnt want kids, and I cant imagine any PC wanting to put another kid in his care.
Sorry for the long ask 😅 Your writing is so good and you capture the characters so, so well. It really gets my imagination going.
Dear gods anon this haunted me from the moment I read it you're so smart I love you.
NSFW below (tw for noncon, loss of virginity)
Waking up tied to a chair and gagged isn't exactly how Bailey wants to start his weekend, but here he is.
It had been a simple task. Drop off some money at Quinn's office. That's all.
So when he'd been hit over the head and knocked out, it had been rather unexpected.
He can see a man in a tailored suit looking at him and he immediately recognises who it is.
The guy was with that drug gang Bailey had seen to a couple months ago. Saving you from them, his favourite pretty brat.
Trust you to get in drug trouble over a fucking maths competition.
"You're awake. Good. We can talk about how you owe me," the man says. Yeah cause Bailey could do a lot of talking right now.
The door opens, two henchmen dragging in a girl with a bag over her head.
Bailey knows it's you, can recognise your voice as you whimper in fear.
Someone that had been standing behind Bailey's chair comes forward and starts to pull the caretaker's pants down. He can't fight back, tensing his arms to check how tight the bindings are.
The person covers their hands in some weird clear slime they then proceed to rub on his freed cock. It's cold and tingles.
"This one's your most requested right? Always pays her debts though. It's cause she's a virgin isn't it?" The boss questions as whatever that salve was kicks in, stimulating Bailey till he's hard as a rock.
The bag is ripped from your head, your eyes scrunching up at the light. You look so scared and helpless.
"Well you're about to drive her value right down with your own cock, mate," the boss nods to his men and you're brought forwards, skirt of your school uniform ripped up and pantes cut off with a knife.
You start sobbing and begging as you're picked up and your pussy is angled so that they can push you onto Bailey's cock.
Bailey is still. Staring straight ahead, trying not to let the rage he feels show.
He shudders as your body is pushed onto his cock, having to admit its a nice tight fit. God you would have been worth so much.
You scream, pain from being taken for the first time with so little preparation adding to the stress of the whole situation.
The henchmen holding you lift and drop you onto your caretaker's length at a steady pace. You feel no pleasure in the situation, just deep sorrow and an itching need to run.
But you can only whine out "I'm sorry," to Bailey, unable to look at him in the eyes.
It feels good. You feel good - you feel wonderful and Bailey can't help it when his balls start to feel tighter.
Can't help it when a tingle grows up his spine.
Can't help his hips jolting up the tiniest bit to meet you, needing more friction so he can cum.
"Oh and one last thing. We injected the girl with some hormone treatment to make her more likely to get pregnant. Good luck selling a used up whore then," the boss finally interjects, but its too late.
Oh fuck no.
Bailey is already on the verge as the man speaks, ejaculated deep inside your pussy since the henchmen so kindly push you down when they notice his body spasm.
The men let you go, your arms coming to wrap around Bailey's shoulders as you cry into his neck.
"A few more rounds, I think. Let's get our money's worth," it's only now Bailey sees the camera pointed at the two of you.
"This time the girl will move herself," a gun is brought out and you wrap yourself tighter around Bailey's body, seeking comfort. You're still sat on his cock, that hasn't gotten soft even after his orgasm. Just what was that salve?
He's going to kill them when he gets out of this rope.
He can't belive he's doing this.
Can't believe he has your cunt in his mouth, tongue deep between the folds as he licks away.
He wishes it were under any other circumstances.
Leighton had always rubbed him the wrong way, but Mason loved swimming. Loved teaching, this was his perfect job.
And you were his perfect student.
So kind and understanding, so innocent compared to the horrors he dealt with most classes.
You'd been so shy when you'd caught him swimming naked, but had accepted it without judgement.
You had been lovely to talk to at the pond.
You clung to his hair so tightly as he ate you out, moans echoing through the locker room.
Leighton had threatened his job. Had told him he wanted a video of that good one getting ruined by a handsome man like Mason. Wanted to see the pretty thing impaled on his cock.
And it worked. The threat worked. But at least Mason was the one corrupting you, he reasoned. At least it was someone who genuinely cared for your wellbeing.
You were shaking like a leaf when he had explained the situation, looking between him and the headmaster, off the to the side holding a camera.
"If you don't do it, I'll send every university you apply to personal letters telling them what a whore you are," Leighton added, and you reluctantly let Mason strip your uniform and kiss up your thighs.
"She's wet enough," Leighton calls from behind the camera, admiting the flushed pink dusting your cheeks. Forced, yes, but your were enjoying this, weren't you? What a little harlot.
Mason frees his length from his swimming trunks, never having the chance to change from his last lesson.
Bending your legs up so they're pressed to your chest, he gently kisses your forehead.
"It's going to be okay," another kiss, "just breath nice and steady for me." It's the same soothing tone he used to teach you.
You take in a deep breath as Mason pushes himself in, inch by inch. Both of you try to ignore Leighton moving to get a better angle.
Soon enough, your teacher is balls deep inside of your virgin pussy, the two of you breathing raggedly while staring into each other's eyes.
You both look upset.
"Well fuck her then," the headmaster tuts, and Mason starts to thrust.
Your mouth falls open, an expression so lewd and lovely the teacher wishes he could have seen it in another situation.
Wishes he could have waited for your graduation and asked you out on a proper date.
Not lose himself in your cunt, on camera for the pervert blackmailing you both.
And he does lose himself, can't stop his hips from hammering away at the warm, tight, wet heat that sucks him in like it was made for him.
Mason can't last this long. He brings a hand to start rubbing circles around your clit, eliciting more moans and whimpers.
You're so pretty, so good for him.
"M-mason, sir," you yelp as he hits a nice spot, and his breath catches in his chest.
Leaning in, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and teasing.
Your walls tighten around his shaft, signifying your end coming soon and Mason increases the pressure on your clit.
You milk his cock so perfectly he cums right when you do, filling you up to the brim with seed and aware it was spilling onto the bench below.
He can't bring himself to let you go when he's done, has to keep you covered until Leighton puts that camera away.
"Excellent. Now, try to get used to each other, I won't be satisfied with only one tape."
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
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You ask, I deliver 😊❤
Part 2 of this
a/n: this gif is the one that inspired this. This is what i imagine Agatha looks like in this.
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"Okay okay, I have one" you said cheerfully "Your favorite food?"
The woman sitting across from you just laughed and shook her head, crossing her arms.
"I already told you that I don't have a favorite food" she replied
"Oh come on, everyone has one!!" you said, pouting
"Well, not everyone has lived for more than three hundred years, doll" she defended herself "When you live that long, food just becomes food. There is no room for favoritism."
You sighed, dropping yourself on the other side of the couch, away from her.
It had been almost two weeks since you went to Westview to find your soulmate. Almost two weeks since you rescued Agatha, since you said goodbye to Agnes. Almost two weeks since you brought her to your home.
And you still didn't know anything about her.
Well, you knew that she was a witch, that she had tried to steal Wanda Maximoff's powers, that maybe she wasn't quite good, that her moral compass was a fucking pinwheel, and that she was the most fucking beautiful person you've ever met (also the more annoying, but you let it pass because she was cute when she wanted to be).
But you didn’t know anything else.
Agatha looked at you curiously, trying to understand you. When she'd written her words on her forearm, a part of her had assumed you wouldn't go looking for her, not after all the times she ignored you.
When you freed her, she had been so grateful that she had hugged you as if her life depended on it. You'd froze for a moment, but returned the gesture almost immediately, giving the older woman a comfort she didn't know she was looking for.
Then, instead of demanding answers or bombarding her with questions right away, you had simply asked her if she was okay. It had surprised her, but not as much as when you offered her to stay at your place. You didn't even know her, you had no ties other than the one fate had given you, and yet she could see in your eyes that you would do anything of her, just because she was breathing. As simple as that.
For all her mistakes and flaws, Agatha was a woman who did not take this kind of loyalty lightly. She had cared about you since before she met you, so she hadn't dragged you into her world, but maybe, she should have asked you first. You were connected after all, and it was selfish of her not to even try to get close to you to give you a chance to decide if you wanted to fall into the abyss with her. From the look you gave her when she confirmed to you that she was a witch, she knew that you would probably throw yourself headfirst without her asking.
That was why she had shared with you what she thought was important for you to know. From her morally gray antecedents, to her failures and successes as a witch. But, even though you were a bit upset when she told you that she had killed Sparky, you really weren't scared like she thought you would.
What confused her the most, however, was that you didn't seem interested in the whole black magic thing or how she tried to manipulate an unstable girl. No, ever since you got to your house (and in fact, all the way by bus to your city) you had been asking her about small and common things, like her favorite food. She just didn't understand it, she didn't understand you.
"Your turn" you said, snapping the witch out of her thoughts.
Agatha smiled a little and she rolled her eyes fondly. She couldn't deny that, if you two were going to spend the rest of your life together, she had to get to know you a little more (at least that was the lie she was telling to herself).
"Your favorite food?" she said, imitating your tone of voice
"Hey! You can't copy me!" you said, crossing your arms "You have to ask your own questions, what you really want to know about me"
"And what if I really want to know your favorite food?" she smiled amused by your pouts. Okay, you were cute, she would give you that.
"... you really suck at this" you muttered "And just so you know, I don't speak like that" you said, slightly offended.
The older woman giggled when you tossed the notebook and pen that you had been using to jot down her answers on the coffee table. You put your legs up on the couch and stuck your tongue out at her before hiding your face on your knees.
God, you were adorable.
"You could at least pretend that you are interested in knowing me" you murmured.
That wiped the smile off the older woman's face. She looked at you for a moment, still not sure how to read you. One moment, you were the cutest and sweetest person she'd ever met, the next, you could be incredibly competitive, and the next one, you seemed like a little child, trying to get approval from your elders. You really were a mystery to her, but what she was sure of was that she wanted to see your smile again.
"How old are you?" she asked suddenly. You raised your head to frown at her
"How old are you?" she asked again
"I don't see why that matters" you murmured.
Agatha looked at you for another moment before sighing and getting up from the couch. For a moment, you thought that she would leave the room, but she surprised you when she knelt in front of you and carefully removed your arms from your face, lowering your legs so that she could accommodate between them. You were both surprised by how well she fit in there.
"It matters, because I want to know you" she told you, lifting your chin with one hand while she rested the other on your knee "I really want to"
You looked at her for a moment, searching for any trace of lies in her eyes, but you didn't find any.
"Then why are you refusing to talk to me?" you asked.
Agatha frowned for a moment as she thought. She supposed that walking away hadn't worked, nor did closing in on you to evaluate you from afar. Perhaps the straightforward truth would work better for you.
"Because I don't understand" she said "I don't understand why you went for me after I ignored you. I don't understand why you trusted me and made the potion without question. I don't understand why you didn't run away when I told you what I've done. I don't understand why you ask me such simple questions. Why did you let me stay here. Especially, I don't understand why you make me feel so vulnerable and so afraid of hurting you. I don't understand how you do to steal my heart a little more every day. I don't understand you. And I don't like not understanding. "
You blinked and saw how her gaze asked you all the questions her mouth couldn't. You were facing a lost woman, and she needed your help.
"I went because I wanted to find you" you said "I trusted you because you are a part of me. I didn't run away because I am not afraid of you. I ask you simple questions because it is the little things that make us ourselves, and I want to know you, the real you. I let you stay because I want to be your home. And I'm also afraid of losing you. You also steal my heart every day. You don't have to understand everything, you just have to feel it."
Agatha looked at you in amazement and love. How were you so vulnerable and yet so wise? Another thing she didn't understand about you. You took her hand and pressed it to your cherst.
“Close your eyes” you said. She frowned but obeyed “Do you feel my heart beating?” you asked and she nodded “Do you understand?”
She did. Your heart was beating at the same rate as hers. You belonged to her and she belonged to you. She nodded again. You brought your face close to hers and caressed her cheek, smiling when she leaned into her touch.
"I don't know if I deserve you as a soulmate" she admitted, opening her eyes.
"Try to get rid of me" you joked lightly, making her chuckle.
The older woman wanted to kiss you, she really wanted to, but she didn't know if the gesture would be welcome or it would be too soon. You must have seen the trouble in her eyes, because it was you who brought her face closer to hers slowly.
"It's funny isn't it?" you murmured
"What?" she asked confused
"You are a woman from the 17th century, I am from the 20th century ..." you said "We are soulmates born three centuries apart ... Time collides with us, Agatha Harkness".
The witch smiled again before finally sealing her lips with yours. A young mouth against an old one, light with darkness, love and fear, present with past, with the promise of the future.
Indeed, time collides with you.
A few days later, you smiled when you found your notebook scrawled in Agatha's fine handwriting:
Favorite color: purple Y/N'S eye color
Favorite food taste: Y/N's lips
Favorite sound: Y/N's voice
Favorite moment: yet to discover.
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dystopia-fantasy · 3 years
Always read the job description -Part 1
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Max was a fit, well built man. He had been body building since he was 14 and now In his early 40s he has the body of a god, but is slowly getting to the age when he needs to find another way to make money. He knows he can't take part in his competitions anymore, and needs to take it easy. He got great grades in school and college, proving people wrong that you can't be a nerd in a jock body.
Max had some money saved and was able to keep up on bills for a few months but needed a job to keep his large house, in the rich area of the city. He got a call from a business he applied to a couple of days ago, telling him to go in for an interview tomorrow, and if it goes well he will be sent straight on a trip for the company. He gets his new blue suit ready to be worn the next day.
The morning arrives, it's 5am, and Max wakes. He does his normal morning routine, making breakfast, working out, taking a shower, then gets his suit on ready for his early morning interview. Driving to the office building in the middle of New York, it's at least 50 stories high, and is made of mostly glass, and is one of the newest modern builds in the city.
On arrival a large man in his late 60s wearing a suit greets him, "hello sir, you must be max, Sir Mammon is on his way down to collect you, may I say what an amazing suit you have on today".
Max looks the man up and down, seeing the man's huge belly flowing out from under his dress shirt, showing a massive W shape, "thanks mate, you might want a bigger shirt" then points to his belly.
"sorry if I offended you sir, but all clothing has been chosen by Sir Mammon himself" Mammon is the big boss of the business "if you would like to make a complaint I can print you a form".
Max laughs, "No thanks, I'm gonna sit over there, tell Mammon im there".
"will do sir, have a great day" the man says while max walks away paying no more attention to him.
About 15 minutes later a young handsome slender man walks over. "Max is it?" He says behind Max.
"yes.." max says confused.
"I'm Mammon, nice to meet you" he smiles holding his hand out for a shake.
"oh hello Mammon, is wasn't expecting someone so young, no offence of course" max shaking his hand.
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Mammon let's out a little laugh, with a little grin "it's ok max, people don't expect someone like me to own such a remarkable company like this one would you like to follow me, we can go up to my office, this is Mark by the way, he's my Butler". Mark is another large man aged around 50, he has a massive belly stuffed into his suit, hes huffing and puffing, like he ran a marithon, "don't mind him, most of my staff are..."
Max cuts him off "fat?"
They both laugh, "you could say that Max" the elevator arrives and they all walk in, "now max, you did read the whole advertisement correct?".
Max didn't, it's was 48 pages long, who would read it all? He just looked at the wage he would get, it started at $100,000 per month. "Yes, I did".
"that's good, most guys are more keen to keep their body's but I guess if your struggling you'll do anything."
Max now confused just nod's and watches though the glass elevator as they fly up to the top floor.
"where here sir" Mark the butler says peacefully in his British accent.
They walk into the room, and Mammon sits at his desk pouring himself a glass of wisky, and Max one too. Max looks around in aww, the room was covered in art work, with the walls painted in golds and whites and had its own bar. "How do you have all this money?" Max asked.
"a mix of many things, this company, and a few investments paid for this whole building, I have many other ways but we're not here for that." Mammon points at the seat," take a seat max" Max sits the chair is made from leather and is very comfy. "So, max, I've gone through your file, I think you're perfect for the job."
"so, does that mean I have the job?" Max replies confused, expecting to be asked a question.
"well yes, if you agree to the terms"
"terms?" Max still confused.
"well yes, you expect to be paid 10times the amount the normal person for this job without any terms or conditions?"
"well I didn't know.." Max gets cut off.
"Max let me simplify them for you. You sacrifice your body to the company, and in trade you get, $100k X the amount you weigh paid into your account per month, So if you weigh 450lbs, you get $450k a month."
"what the fuck? That's sick, I'm not doing that, I'm leaving" and with that Max got up from the chair and stood face to face with Mammon, with the desk all that is separating them. "Your sick, you fa**ot".
With that Mammon's eyes glow a bright red. "I'm a what?" Max got through back against the chair by an invisible force. "Max you could have just left with your freedom, but now look what you've gotten yourself into".
"Let me go, What the fuck?" Max says while traped against that chair, it chreeking with the force of his muscle.
"I'm a fucking demon max, I'm never going to 'let you go'" he took a second break to mock max, "now, what did you say? Fa**ot, was it?".
"fuck, I didn't mean it" the force pins him down harder, trapping his arms against the leather chair arms, and pushing his legs against the underboard. "Please let me go home, I won't do it again."
"shut up max, the process is already starting".
Max looks down to see his body deflating, his pecs turning from mountain peaks to a flat surface, his giant powerful arms turning weak and light. And then looking up he sees a whole new man infront of him.
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"Not as big as I thought I would get, but boy I'm big" he took a break to admire his new giant arms and pecs.
"what the?" Max looks in confusion, "how did you do that? Give me them back".
"what are you gonna do max? I'm an infinitely powerful being and you, your an old man, or at least your going to be."
"I'm only 42, what do you mean, going to be?"
"you see I don't have my infinite life span on earth, so to stay alive and in this fit body, I absorb anything a guy has and I want. In your case, these massive muscles, but then I need to absorb their life force as well, in order to make sure I don't age."
"what do you mean life force?"
"well, you have roughly 50 years, worth of life left, I'll drain about 20 years leaving you in your future crippled body at around age 60, force you to work for the company for another 20 years, then when your 80 drain the rest of your life, which after you get fat won't be much, then you got to hell."
"man your sick, let me go, LET ME GO!".
A bright red light shoots from Peters hand enveloping Max's whole body, and he starts to age, his face wrinkling, skin dropping, eye sight worsening, hearing getting muffled, and mind changing a little. "Max, you ok old man?".
"yes sir" max was confused in his mind, why did he say sir?
"max, you ready for your Cruise? You can have tones of food for the next 6 months."
"Yes sir, I'm ready" max lifts his head, opening his eyes to see a new blurry room from his new old eyes.
"you're gonna need these from now on" Peters eyes glow and a new pair of glasses appear on Max's face he can now see clear.
"thank you... Sir", max blinks seeing Peter infront of him, "what have you, done to me".
"Max, I've turned you into the perfect office worker, old, brainiac, who is soon going to get fat and live the rest of his life, in an office chair for me, don't worry for accomodation you live here now, we have apartments on floor 30 to 40, all workers live here, it's policy, we have also sent a team to your house to, well, blow it up, that way nobody is going to be looking for you, becuase we can plant a body"
"give me... My.... Body back, give me... My.. life back."
"Max we both know that will never happen, now enjoy a life of gluttony, and prepare yourself for hell, that's gonna be worse then anything I can do to you." Peter snaped his fingers and a red glow enveloped max.
Recovering from the glow max sees two men infront of him with a trolly of sorts between them. "Is he awake" one says,
"I don't know" said the other.
"im- awake" max said in a much older raspy voice.
"good we can now start the feeding" the man on the left said, his body as muscled as a god, ripped from head to toe, and we can see everything.
Max rubs his eyes under his glasses and opens them again, "Fucking hell, put some clothes on both of you".
Both men where nude, one a ripped god, another muscled up but with a big gut. "Clothes are banned here mate" the beefy man said in a type of Australia accent, "you cant say much fella, look at that tiny pecker".
The men laughed pointing at Max's shriveled up old cock and low hanging balls, "what the fuck"max tries to move his arm to cover him but his arm doesn't move, he looks down to see him stuck in a chair, with a cut out hole under his ass, and straps tying him down, trapping him. "What... Are you gonna do to me?" Max asked sceared.
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The men laughed at him again, "no need to act to sceared, we're here to feed you for the next 6 months".
"but... Sir said..." Max get cut off.
"he said you'd be going on a cruise? Fucking hell are you dumb? He's a demon, you shouldn't trust a demon" The muscled guy says.
"bro let's start the feeding we have 50 other guys to see and I wanna watch football Tonight." The beefy guys says, and in unison both their eyes glowed a bright red, showing they where demons too.
The trolly between them had several items on top, one long tube, which floated in the air for a few moments before shoving itself down maxes nostril and deep into his stomach, his head flipped back trying to wriggle it out, but it was stuck. Another item moved into his frame, a IV bag holder, holding a giant barrel type object made of glass, and two large bags floated of the table again and started to drain into the barrel, and the tube connected itself to it, starting a flow of the liquid into maxes stomach.
"done" the beffy guy said. "Now we'll be back tomorrow to refill your barrel, and clean you up if you make a mess, but youll basically be unconscious for the next 6 months, due to the drugs were feeding you."
"so enjoy your sleep mate, you'll litterally wake up a different man." The two men laughed and walked out, max tried fighting the restraints but in his crippled form could do nothing. The door slammed and locked, and the room fell dark, max screamed begging into the darkness to be let free, and to have his life back, which he had only an hour before, but nothing happened, nobody came. He felt the drugs taking effect, but tried to fight back, but it was useless, his body slumped and loosened. His mind fell blank as he drifted of into his 6 month hibernation.
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pitviperofdoom · 3 years
"Vet AU" as in veterinarian? Definitely curious about that, vets don't get nearly enough love in fiction :) I had never considered that as an AU, but now I'm immediately picturing how it would go!
The Vet AU! Yes, Vet as in Veterinarian.
This one’s a bit scattered, so I’ll just post what I have written and let it speak for itself:
Martin was in the middle of doing payroll when Sasha poked her head into the office with a polite knock on the doorframe. “Hey Martin, Room 2 is ready for you.”
“Oh! Thanks.” Quickly, Martin finished filling in the last number, then saved the spreadsheet and got up from his chair. At the sight of her, he bit back a chuckle—she had one of the new puppies settled against her shoulder, wiggling and poking around like a furry little worm. “Tim leave you on babysitting duty?”
“Not his fault,” Sasha said with a grin. “He’s dealing with the rottweiler situation in 5. You good?”
“Yeah, fine—remind me who’s waiting for me in 2 again?”
“According to the appointment schedule, you’ll be handling a general check-up for ‘Sticks’,” Sasha replied. “New patient, new owner.”
“Right, right, yeah.”
They usually stuck him with the first-time patients. Not that Tim and Sasha weren’t perfectly friendly and welcoming, but Martin—at least according to them—had very calming manners. He had the appearance of someone pleasant, patient, and according to Sasha, far less likely to go off on people who came in asking to declaw their cats.
“I have gone off on people for asking to declaw their cats,” Martin had said when she told him this.
“Oh, obviously. You just look like someone who wouldn’t, that’s all.”
That was what he got for being the only one with years of retail experience.
As he approached the door to the examination room, he took a few settling breaths. First-time appointments weren’t always a big deal. A majority of the time, they went smoothly; the animals weren’t familiar enough with what went on in a vet office to be nervous about it, and their owners were just as eager to be polite and pleasant as he was. But once in a while…
Well, once in a while you got someone like Peter fucking Lukas—
He shook his head. No, don’t think about Peter Lukas. Peter Lukas wasn’t worth wasting the space in his brain.
Martin settled his face into a resting pleasant expression, and opened the door.
It didn’t take a great deal of self-control not to stop in his tracks, but it did take a little. More than none. It wasn’t anything bad! Nothing against this new pet owner.
Less than nothing, if Martin were privately, sheepishly honest with himself.
The person was standing by the examination table, with a cat-sized pet carrier beside them. They were tall enough for Martin to look them in the eye without tipping his chin down, which put them a cut above most. Their hair was shoulder-length, mostly black with a bit of dark blond creeping in at the roots, framing a jawline and cheekbones so sharply defined that there had to be at least a bit of makeup involved. The snakebite piercing and the bar through the eyebrow really rounded out the whole look, especially with the long black coat, and the tattoos on the hand that rested on top of the box.
Very nice hands, Martin noted, then shrugged off the observation and funneled all his nervous energy into the safety of politeness.
“Good morning,” he said. “I’m Dr. Blackwood.”
They shook the hand he offered. “Gerry. Ke—Delano. Thanks for seeing me.”
“No trouble at all,” Martin replied, nodding toward the pet carrier. “I assume that’s my patient in there?”
“Oh, right, yeah—gimme a second.” Gerry Delano unlocked the carrier, then carefully reached in and lifted its occupant out onto onto the table.
“Oh, aren’t you lovely,” Martin murmured. “This is Sticks?”
“That’s him,” Gerry replied, as the small, fluffy, and perfectly black rabbit stretched forward to give a spot on the table a sniff, then retreated back into a loaf shape. Gerry stroked him gently. “Least I think it’s a him.”
“Well, let’s see, then.” Martin reached out, careful not to spook his new patient, and started examining her. He—yes, he—handled it all about as calmly as a nervous rabbit could. Martin didn’t have to grab a towel, at least, nor did he have a repeat of the time a nervous lop tried to jump off the examination table entirely. Sticks tolerated all the poking, prodding, and manhandling, and only got wriggly once before a quick pause and readjustment calmed him back down.
“So how long have you had him?” Martin asked, once he was done. Sticks immediately fled to the nearest safe haven, which turned out to be his owner’s armpit.
“Less than a week, since Monday,” Gerry replied, petting him as he attempted to burrow deeper into his jacket.
“Well, he’s a touch underweight,” Martin told him. “There’s some information I can give you on rabbit care, if this is your first time owning one. He’s not neutered, is he?”
“Probably not,” Gerry replied, grimacing. “I don’t know much about his history. I took him off an acquaintance who got him as a present and wasn’t doing a very good job of things.”
Martin pulled a face. “Pets make poor presents, yeah. Well, he’s old enough to be fixed, and with history like that he probably hasn’t gotten the shots he needs. After we’re done here, you can talk to Rosie out front, schedule another appointment to get those done. What do you feed him?”
Gerry, as Martin discovered, was an absolutely model rabbit owner. He’d done his homework, read up on how to keep a rabbit happy and healthy, and hadn’t scrimped on expenses. It was no wonder Sticks was happy to hide under his arm for the remainder of the appointment; he had a good home with good food and toys and what sounded like a nice setup, habitat-wise.
“What sort of vegetables are good for him?” they asked at one point. “I’m thinking of growing some. I’ve got the space, but I’ve heard too much causes problems?”
They want to grow vegetables for their pet rabbit, Martin thought, a little dreamily. “Leafy greens are a safe bet,” he replied out loud. “Romaine, parsley, cilantro, kale, that sort of thing. Work them in slowly if he’s not used to them, and he’ll be fine. I can give you a list, if you’d like?”
When the appointment was done, a future one scheduled, and the patient safely back in his carrier, Martin finally let himself ask the question that had been on his mind.
“So, is there a special meaning to ‘Sticks’?” he asked. “Is it short for something, or does he like to play with them, or…?”
“What?” Gerry looked confused for a moment, before the question seemed to click. “Oh, no, not Sticks like—he’s Styx as in the river.”
“Oh! Styx, of course. Sorry, I just—I heard it, but I didn’t see it written down—”
Gerry’s grin was crooked, like they were trying to hold it back but only partially succeeding. “It’s fine. And thanks for everything.”
“Oh, no problem, you’re doing great,” Martin assured him, smiling back. “He’s lucky to have you.”
He was pleasantly baffled when a bit of color crept into Gerry’s face. “Right, well, who can resist a bunny.”
“You’d be surprised,” Martin said as he showed him out of the room. “If I get one more new rabbit owner telling me about their lovely outdoor hutch—”
Gerry looked scandalized at the thought as he left, which was another point in his favor.
“What’s that look for?” Tim asked as Martin passed him on the way back to the office. “Oh dear. Don’t tell me Jon has competition again?”
“Oh my God, Tim, give that a rest. There was never any competition!”
“Yeah, Tim, keep it straight, will you?” Sasha called out from the temporary puppy pen. “Oliver wasn’t competition. Martin was jealous of him, remember?”
“Nothing straight about it,” Tim shot back.
“I have payroll to do,” Martin reminded them primly. “You trust me with our finances and then you treat me like this. How dare you. I’m defrauding both of you, see if I don’t.”
It wasn’t that Martin fell in love easily, per se. It was just that he had a very specific set of standards when it came to who he found attractive, and in his line of work he always ran into people who either met every single one of them, or disappointed him in every possible way.
When he stepped into examination room 4 and found Jon Sims trying to herd three kittens away from the edge of the examination table at once, he kept his deep sigh on the inside. Jon was batting a thousand, and he’d been coming around long enough for everyone in the clinic to know about it.
“Hello again, Jon,” Martin said, doing a wretched job of hiding his smile.
Jon looked up with a helpless expression. “It’s kitten season,” he said, and Martin poured all his sympathies into a more situation-appropriate sigh.
“It’s kitten season,” Martin agreed. “So, where did these little ones come from?”
“These came from the colony in Battersea,” he replied. “Well, sort of. The mother already has an owner, and said owner keeps letting her out every day, even though I’ve told her time and again there’s that unfixed tom I’ve never been able to catch—and that’s just the one I know of—”
Martin scowled as he examined one of the squirming kittens. Much easier to manhandle than rabbits, he thought, apropos of nothing. “Better than being born on the street, I suppose.”
“Small mercies,” Jon agreed. “Anyway, when the kittens were born she told me either I could take them or she was going to take them to the park and give them out for free, which really isn’t a choice at all. Poor things.” The ginger kitten in his hands squealed until he settled it more comfortably against his shoulder, where it calmed down and immediately tried to eat his hair.
“Gonna find a foster for them, then?” Martin asked.
“I don’t have much of a choice,” Jon sighed. “I’d do it myself, but—you know how Duchess is.”
“Yes. How is Duchess, by the way?”
“Cantankerous as ever. You don’t happen to have room, do you?”
“Room, yes. Time…” The black kitten was finished with her exam, and protested when she was put back in the carrier. “Did Sasha tell you about the puppies?”
“I haven’t seen Sasha today,” Jon replied, handing over the ginger kitten when Martin reached for it. “What puppies?”
“Rosie came in early this morning,” Martin informed him, wincing when the kitten bit hard on his thumb. “There was a box waiting by the door, with four puppies inside. No note or anything. So, that’s been fun.”
“I can imagine,” Jon said distastefully. “Are you serious? Someone just left a box of puppies on the doorstep? Like foundlings in a Dickens novel?”
Martin snorted before he could think better of it, startling the kitten into biting him again. Jon was the only person he’d ever met who would use a word like foundlings. “More or less. They are cute, though. Tim says his brother might be interested in taking one, and Sasha says she’s got friends who volunteer at a dog rescue. Retrievers usually aren’t too hard to adopt out.”
“Well, good luck to you. I suppose the season’s hard on everyone.”
The three kittens were in good health, which Martin was more or less expecting. Kittens tended to have a better chance when born in a home than out in the street—even in a less than responsible home. Between the two of them, Martin and Jon got them back into the battered old carrier, where they went back to wrestling each other in the blankets. Jon reached in to tickle one between the ears and got nipped for his troubles, but it only made him smile.
“Well, anyway,” Martin went on, realizing that he’d been staring long enough for it to be rude. “I don’t think you need any follow-up care instructions?”
Jon laughed quietly before closing the carrier. “No, I think I’m alright. Thank you, Martin.”
“It’s not problem. Always a pleasure.” Martin beamed. “Good luck on finding them a foster. And—catching that tom.”
“One of these days, I swear.”
Martin showed him back out to the front. Not necessary, considering how often Jon walked that hallway. But it felt nice to walk beside him, talking shop or chatting about nothing, all to the background tune of healthy, vocal kittens.
After waving Jon off, he turned back to find Sasha watching him from behind the front desk, chin in hand, the very picture of unimpressed.
“What,” said Martin.
“He’s been coming in for months,” she said, raising an eyebrow at him. “Are you going to make a move or not?”
“No I’m not going to—Sasha, he’s a client.”
“So? It’s not like you’re his doctor. There’s no conflict of interest or weird power dynamic when your role in his life is taking care of animals he brings in.” Sasha sat back, letting the swivel chair roll backward. “You’re already chatting like old friends every time you see him.”
“I know, I know, it’s just—it’s weird?” Martin shrugged helplessly. “We only ever meet during business hours, so it’s like—how much of our, our, our friendliness is just a working relationship?”
“Easy fix!” Sasha spread her hands wide. “The man works at a cat rescue! You can just swing by and say hello anytime!”
“He works there part-time, and I don’t know what hours! Not like I can just stand outside and case the place until I see him.”
At that moment, the door to the back swung open, and Tim poked his head out. “Could I get some help? Bailey’s giving me some trouble and I need an extra set of hands.”
“Be right there,” Martin replied. To Sasha, he said, “Look, I’m fine. It’s not a big deal, we’re just two people who keep meeting in very specific circumstances. And that’s all it needs to be.”
Sasha sighed. “I just think you’re making this out to be more complicated than it needs to be.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Martin muttered, and followed Tim into the back.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's other things happen here and other things happening around but he wanted to make a point of what I was saying that his situation is dire it's dangerous here they keep making it more dangerous don't shut their stupid mouths they won't ease off he says what do you want me to do dad need some news to make you happy here and make happy resistance you don't because oh no he says oh no and he started to get something we're starving him to hit us yeah but who wants to do that cuz you're doing it you want to get hit he says not really good it's all about it it's Tommy f you thought about it and it is him, and we have to focus on him as well and warlock cuz they suck like him.
We have solutions
-30,000 construction starts today and they are the apartments that I had mentioned and most of them are apartments they added to it no and seeing how it goes and we do have additional to that bridge projects and heavy highway projects since some structures and they're not building on Base yet probably will. They're holding off on your special buildings the Orlando Castle and the stronghold vault and it's to get public reaction to the building up first. Since we need motorcycles cars too but really nobody around here rides. The bikes are old and even the new ones who passed around it's really like a b******* society it blows they're all so competitive nobody gets easy so he's got another idea wants to post
Thor Freya
Well he slept a lot he's going to sleep more but he has an idea it's a good one and we'll keep the price point on the sport bikes and dirt bikes the Chinese American consortium and other countries now and we're basically going to do it and we'll have to have our own magazines
How to open up some restaurants and sales places this blows here just telling us to get here you can save stuff like we're going to or we're doing it and we're not here this sucks these people don't want to sell anything I don't want to do anything but they want to they want to drive around and you can drive around with this stuff and they make a real loud noises they're bringing Stratton engine that he's going to put on these was that the exhaust the Chinese exhaust, makes it sound like a tuba I mean it sounds really weird I think those cars with the weird exhaust I haven't try and find it but really they want to drive around I'm saying it's too Thor Freya get out of the way and stop worrying this is going to make us come here right and say yes okay so you get it down here. I hear what he's saying you're afraid the leaders will shut it down and really he's going to go around collecting bikes and his people end up using them so I got the idea it's smart for me to push it and talk about it and he likes me breaching it it's like having a family though it's not used to it boy us she training him
Salazaar and Goddess Wife
I am and whatever and we and no I said what of it not whatever and the stupid thing and we are like a family and we are and we're related and we are all the same kind I like his idea and it's Salazar and goddess wife and it's also my husband you can't seem to get done and reason why we have to test it and we also want to talk to Mac and Ben and others of their group it's kind of an idea and these people won't like it it's like that electric bikes that didn't really take off for patrols you like the Tom Cruise box bike and he says after a while they won't it's better to just have like something you can cook on the back of the truck that can lift off up and down this is a pain unboxing and boxing it it's not like an outing is like work and they do see that it's like a trailer or something so we have this idea that you would take these motorcycles from these goofballs and turn into cop bikes there's a way to take a fairing and turn it white and then how to do it the same so you have sport bikes that are cop bikes and they're Chinese and they say wow and off-road bikes for patrol and they'd be supplying you with bikes and sport bikes I mean cruisers so we haven't gotten today yet it's about to do it and Mike I'm sorry Mac says yay and that means yes. And Mac agrees with my husband it's hard to get into this aggressive carnivorous mode that these retarded jackasses were in. And stay in it because we don't necessarily want to displace or harm everyone and they just don't want to live and let live. There was a severe assholes I can't get along with any of them I used to a little now I can't they're a bunch of pricks and don't want anything but the stuff they get it they don't do anything with it they're a bunch of freaking useless assholes the things are greatness because they get the stuff and they don't do anything with it and they don't care about each other or anyone and think it's greatness I say it's like a snake or an insect or something we'll see don't care about other stuff and things are great and they're nothing
0 notes
thanx-idonttry · 4 years
Soooooo I'm actually going through a lot with this kink irl so I decided to write about it!
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader smut!
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The Fic I'm presenting as a thank you for all the notes. I really appreciate it!
Also this is for Kinktober!
TW: Degradation, A bit of edging, a smidge of quirk play, Dom/sub dynamic. Corruption, Rough sex, and Katsuki being a naughty man!
Based in the 3rd year sooo 18+
Bakugou stared at the young girl with hungry eyes, god he needs to get himself together. But he couldn't help staring at you as you talked to Mina, the way you looked to him drove him mad. You were so damn adorable! Wearing your hair in two pigtails, your (Favorite Hero) designed Knee Socks which made the short school skirt hotter, and the way you did your make up was light, making your look more natural. Bakugou always thought you had an adorable appeal to you, and that itself is was what made him interested in the first place.
Bakugou had a corruption kink, and he didn't realize it. The way you look and the way you are, so pure, makes him want to take all that purity, and replace it with sin. Of course you don't realize his hungry stares, in reality, Bakugou made you nervous! In more ways than one. He's always angry, loud, and obnoxiously competitive. Those were things that made you nervous because you never know when, or who will set him off. But he also makes you nervous by the way he towers over you, smiles smugly, the muscles! The fact that this man is Scary Beautiful along with "Scary" and "Beautiful." It's such a conundrum for you.
You were really nervous when he asked you to train all day with him, you didn't know what to expect, or to think. The whole time of training, he had your mind spinning! He was super close to you when it came to stretching, hands on and everything. His cologne was so alluring, the sweat dripping off him as the sun hit him in all the right places. And the smirk he always give when he's impressed at your moves and improvements. You found yourself gazing at him, admiring the beautiful work of angry art that is Bakugou. It also sent a pulse through your pussy, making you rub your legs together when he wasn't looking. God, what is he doing to you?
Bakugou noticed you staring, with your big, dough eyes. And god did it drive him mad. The outfit you had, (favorite color) training bra, and matching spank shorts. You looked like an Angel with your skin glowing, he had to catch himself from pouncing on you. "(Y/N), Follow me." He commanded, voice so husky, it pulled you in. He started walking back towards the dorms, but he took you through the back entrance. You were confused, but also curious. "Bakugou?" You asked in a soft voice, you saw him slightly react but, he didn't say anything. The way you say his name is really hard for him to keep his cool. He opened the door once y'all reached his floor, walked up to his dorm, opened it and motioned you to go inside.
Your heart was pounding, your body radiated with a nervous vibe that was impossible to miss. Bakugou noticed, and it made Bakugou's dick twitch. He's been fighting off boners all day caused by you, and here he go fighting off another one. "Go in. Now." He ordered you. You scampered in and he quickly followed behind you, closing the door and locking it. He walked up to you, closing his eyes and dragging out an loud exhale. "(Y/N)" he called to you.
"Y-Yes Bakugou?" You breath out, noticing his aura is changing. "Do you know what the hell you've been doing to me?" His eyes were darker, his chest was pressed against yours, feeling his toned chest.
"No, I don't." You honestly tell him.
"This whole... innocent vibe you're giving off, it's really driving me fucking crazy." He said as he stared at you with his carmine eyes, he bit his lip. "It makes me wanna reveal that this whole 'Good Girl' look you put on is a fucking lie. That underneath all that, you're a fucking slut." He said. You let out a soft gasp as you stared up at him. "I-I, What are you talking Bakugou?" You said, your mind was spinning and finding the right words to say were very difficult. He let out a primal groan as his hand found your cheek, caressing it softly before going to the back of your head. That's when he found a nice handful of your hair, and gripped it, pulling it as a warning to her. "Careful Kitten, that innocent role is just gonna get you into more trouble."
Your pussy was throbbing harder now from what he was doing to you. How?! How did he find out?! You made sure no one found out how desperately needy you are. How horny you really were, the toys and videos are just not enough anymore. A soft moan escaped your lips after he said that pet name to you. "That's right Kitten, let it out. I'll treat you like you want to be treated." He pulled you into a heated kiss, quickly turning it into a Make out session. You were so swept off your feet by how well the hot head could kiss. The look in his eyes as he pulled away from the kiss lit your body a blaze, and you were anticipating all his next moves. "Now the training bra, take it off." He commanded. With no hesitation, you removed the bra. Your nipples hardened when the air hit them, and Bakugou couldn't help but feel them. His thumb grazing over them, tweaking making your inner slut come out more.
Bakugou finally latched on to one of your breast, and instead of using his other hand to play with the other, it dove downwards. He shoved his hand past your shorts and underwear, feeling all your wetness as his finger ran through your slit and toyed with your nub. Bakugou pulled away for a quick second, shocked at what he felt. "Fuck.." Bakugou whispered as he realized how wet you truly were. "You fucking slut, how needy are you?" He smirked as he looked you in your lust filled eyes. You couldn't answer, you were too busy letting out moans and trying to reach your climax you desperately needed. You clenched your thighs, trying to trap his hand so he doesn't stop. His fingers were like magic as he played with your pussy, it felt so wonderful.
Your hands latched onto his shoulders for balance, your eyes closed tightly. Moans are getting louder, you we're almost there, then all of a sudden. Nothing, his hand was gone. You looked at him with desperation and disappointment. And he just reveled in that, knowing you need him so bad. He threw you onto bed, and climbed on top you immediately after. His eyes danced all over your body before swiftly removing your shorts, and underwear. He put the two fingers that were massaging your into his mouth, licking all your juices off them. The action itself made you moaned softly as electricity flowed through you.
"Say it." He said in a deeper voice, "Admit that you're a needy whore. A horny slut. Tell me how much you need my dick." You looked down to see the raging boner imprint in his sweats. You licked your lips, admiring how he had both length and girth. You didn't want anything but to wrap your lips around it. "I'm waiting, Kitten." He said snapping you back to reality. "I'm a needy whore." You said softly, "Speak up Kitten, it almost sound like you don't want me to fuck you" He teased. He started pulling away, and your eyes widened from panic. "I'm a horny slut!" You said louder. He smirked at you, coming back. "One more time." "I'm a needy whore! I'm a horny slut! Please! I need you to fuck me!" You chanted.
In the midst of your chanting, Bakugou had pulled his dick out, stroking it as he plunged two fingers into you with his tongue following after. Your body jolted as you let out a high pitched moan, he had to use his other had to hold you down by the waist. Seeing you come undone by his doing was such a turn on to Bakugou. He knew he could taint you, he knew he could bring the bad girl out of you. All he did was wait for the right moment. Almost like a predator stalking it's prey. To him you were such a cute, little, innocent Bunny, and he was a stalking, dangerous wolf. He finally lured her into his grasp, and he was gonna enjoy every single moment. It caused his fingers curl a bit inside you as he used his tongue to write his name on your pussy.
He also knew to pin you down with the other hand because he knew you would squirm. Another high pitched moan left you, as your eyes were rolling to the back of your head.Your mouth was agate as your tongue was hanging out from the pleasure he was giving you, your hands found his hair and gripped it, pushing his head further in. You we're reaching your climax again, then he pushed your hands away and pulled away. You lifted yourself up using your elbows for support, looking at him with desperate and frustration in your adorable eyes.
"Katsukiiiiii!" You whined from frustration.
Once you saw that he was stroking his dick, you couldn't help yourself. You got up and crawled up to him with his dick in front of your face. You saw the precum leaking from his swollen head, and you ran your tongue across the tip, collecting the salty substance on your tongue. Bakugou hissed, His hand gripped your hair tightly to hold you in place. " Open your mouth,and stick out your tongue" He ordered. Once Bakugou saw your tongue roll out your mouth, he basically shoved his dick deep in your mouth. He moved his hips, doing slow but deep strokes. The way his dick felt as it glides against your tongue felt like heaven, he even slap the head of his dick against your tongue. He stopped his movements, "You can close your mouth now." Once you did, he started making you move from the handful of hair of yours he got. Making you take him deeply, saliva gathered around which only drove Bakugou to go faster.
Once he was done using your mouth, he pulled you off him, pushing you back on the bed. He then motioned you to turn over on your stomach. Your eyebrows raised as you turned over. Shocked that he jumped into doggy style position, he got behind you and lined himself up to your pussy. He was rubbing and gliding his dick against your wet folds making you moan from pleasure. He then slowly started to sink his dick into you, neither of you could hold back the moans/groans and string of curse words as he kept going deeper and deeper. Bakugou was motionless after he bottomed out in you, enjoying how wet, warm, and tight you were. He pushed your head down onto the bed, leaving your ass up. Then he started moving his hips.
The way he rolled his hips into you deeply, his dick hitting all your places had you seeing a stars and colors. "Damn Kitten, you feel so fucking great clinging on to me. Almost like you were made for me, like I was really meant to fuck you up." He said as his hips slamming into you, loving your reactions. With each slam of his hips, your legs quaked and eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your walls clenched around Bakugou tightly, and  he let out hiss then a low groan of pleasure as his hot hand connected with your ass cheek. "D-did you just use your quirk on me?" You asked with a shocked voice, you were shocked that you enjoyed it more than you were shocked that he actually used it. "A little, don't act you didn't love it." He said still snapping his hips deep into you.
"You're such a bad girl, aren't you?" He said then he pulled out of you, flipping you over, then easily slid back into you. "You're a bad girl, but you're my bad girl. Right?" He asked looking dead in your eyes, when you didn't answer quick enough, he went deeper. Your eyes rolled instantly, causing you to close your eyes and scream out a "Yes!" Still looking you in your eyes, he adds "Yes what?" Wearing that famous grin. "Yes I'm your bad girl, Katsuki!" You chanted. Hearing his first name come out your mouth, did something to him. Hearing your scream/moan his name, your walls, seeing you underneath him, looking so beautiful with Sin radiating throughout your entire body made Bakugou feel a whole new feeling that was foreign to him.
'Am I falling for her?...' He thought as he looked at her.
That's when you felt it, your climax. It was so close. You grabbed onto Bakugou tightly as the string finally snapped. The moan you let out sounded like music as you came all over his dick. The wave of pleasure waving through you had you seeing white, as you dug your nails deep into his skin. It felt like your body seized up before finally, you go a little limp. You cumming on his dick just pushed him closer to his climax. Your walls milking his dick desperately, he let out another hiss as his strokes started getting harder, he was so close to his own peak. "Oh Fuck, Katsuki!" You moaned loudly, and that broke him. He pulled out and came all over your stomach and breast, the groan he released was laced with pleasure. He looked down to see your adorable ass all disheveled and covered in his seed. "Fucking beautiful." He breathed out before going to get you guys a towel to clean off.
You were literally on the verge of sleep, the workouts you got today wore you out. The feeling of the warm, wet towel startled you awake. You saw him smirking at you as he cleaned you off, "Tired?" He asked you, all you did was nod your head tiredly. Bakugou realized you're just as adorable sleepy then you are awake, and it almost got him going again. "Just make room, I don't need you taking over my own bed." He told you, causing you to smile. He's letting you sleep in here, maybe he's not such a big asshole after all. You scooted over, making room for him as he climbed into his bed. He pulled you closer to him, making both of guys heart thump in your chests. And all Bakugou could think about before he also drifted off to sleep was:
‘Fuck! I am falling for her.’
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