#and i've been working from home yesterday and today and likely tomorrow as well which is frustrating bc we finally got a piece of equipment
sureuncertainty · 30 days
okay guess we won't be going in to work tomorrow either, since we've been fighting off a panic attack all evening and cannot breathe
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camillahex · 4 months
okay my knee is doing better, i think the swelling is down a little and it's getting easier and easier to walk more on that leg. i figured out using one crutch is the best way for me to get around; i can get a little weight bearing on my knee and walk on it without pain and it's less cumbersome than using both crutches. i did keep forgetting to take ibuprofen today so it's been a little more painful but this morning there was less pain and stiffness than yesterday morning - that could also be because i actually slept on my back with my knee propped up rather than on my side last night, so. things are looking up
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taahko · 7 months
I just found your blog today can you please explain or point out a post that explains the MASH timeloop thing? I love the show but I've never heard anyone talk abt it that way before
oh yay hurray ive been waiting for an excuse to talk about this lmao sorry this is long
ok so basically maeve (my gf) and i started watching mash for the first time about a month ago and we started joking about it being like the characters were stuck in a time loop mostly because the same basic episode format is repeated over and over, because it's a sitcom from the 70s and the episodes arent meant to be watched en masse where you can start noticing all the little repetitions and plot holes and inconsistencies that naturally occur in longform tv
but then i started to pay attention to the dates being mentioned in the show - famously the korean war never technically ended, but american troops were involved in active on the ground fighting between 1950 and 1953, so the entire 11 seasons of mash have to be squeezed into that three year period. with 251 episodes occurring within 1,129 days, that gives every episode about 4.5 days of real time. so it works right? no time loop right? well wait a sec
for the first 5 seasons or so of mash they give very consistent dates about when things are happening. for example, bj arrives in korea in september of 1952, at the start of season 4. colonel potter arrives about a week after him, and talks about how he has 18 months left before his retirement. that gives us about 7 months for the shows final 7 seasons to take place in, meaning that by the episode 'point of view' in season 7 we should be around december of 1952. in that episode the pov character starts writing a letter home and in the corner he writes the date:
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september of 1951. ok, could be that this episode isn't meant to take place in the regular timeline of the season - maybe for some reason its just like, a random flashback episode. but bj, charles, and potter are all present, even though none of them got to korea until 1952. now i KNOW that this is not like, the True Hidden Secret Lore of MASH, this is the writers realizing they were running out of road and turning back the clock a bit to accommodate for how long the show was running on. but play in my time loop space with me please
more talking points:
consistent jokes about time zones and how difficult it is to call the states because "our today is their yesterday but if you call them now it might not reach them until our tomorrow and by that point our yesterday will be their today"
hawkeye's increasing mania over the seasons and his conviction that the war will never end, comparing the camp to dante's inferno multiple times. maeve once pointed out that the closer hawkeye comes to realizing that he's trapped in a time loop the closer he gets to being institutionalized - and what does the series finale cold open onto ? hawkeye in a mental institution. the only way out is to lose yourself etc. sidenote frank also escaped the time loop by going insane and getting institutionalized
in a war for all seasons bj potter and charles are all present at the 1951 new years party as well as the 1952 new years party
there are three christmas episodes, two of which bj is present for even though he should only have spent one christmas in korea
details of people's families and lives shift around - sometimes potter's got multiple grandchildren, sometimes he only has one, sometimes its a girl, sometimes its a boy, sometimes she's 5, sometimes he's 2
we're not the first people to talk about this either, here's a good video compilation posted a couple yrs ago of time loop moments
overall ive been using the time loop thesis to add another layer to my mash viewing experience. it increases the already present sense of constant dread, anger, frustration, and disgust with their situation that the characters feel, plus it feels like a very poignant take on the united states' constant warmongering and violent existence. it really never ends, it just goes on an on. the future's been canceled by the war department- we're just gonna replay the past.
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Plastic Off The Sofa
Summary: Rest when one is injured it is important to take as to not strain an injury any further. It is equally important to take care of those who have been injured and check in on them to make sure they are okay.
Words: 2,982
AN: This fic is inspired by the song of the same name. I highly recommend you go give it a listen if you. haven't heard it yet. It's a song that discusses a deep love where you are willing to put everything on the table and accept each other's flaws. It very much fits how I see these two
It was rare that Y/N took a sick day. Most times when she did it would land on days she was to work on the surface, which made today a double rare. She was sitting on the sofa in her apartment taking a sick day forcing herself to listen to her own advice and rest. She wasn't ill. Not even seasonal allergies were causing a sniffle. Y/N had spent the day before teaching her younger cousins different dancing techniques. It was a fairly normal occurrence for her. But with an unlucky fall and the pain she felt from her ankle, there was no way she'd be able to easily move in the Fortress. Hell, there wouldn't even be an easy way of getting to the Fortress.
So all she could do was sit on her sofa and rest her ankle. At least she had books she could focus on getting caught up on. Most of the day had been spent resting much to her annoyance. Despite getting rest, she felt restless like she needed to move around already. At least by tomorrow morning, she should be able to walk with little interference from her ankle.
Her mother had dropped by around noon to check on her with lunch in tow. Along with the get-well cards her younger cousins had made so fast. It was quite sweet of everyone. It's not like it was a major injury. She had gone through small ones like this every three or four years. There really was no big fuss to be made over it. Yet, the fuss they were making was still touching. Bringing comfort knowing that if it had been worse her family would be there for her.
So she sat there on her sofa too engrossed in her book to notice that it wasn't her mother knocking at her door. “You know where the key is!” She yelled out. It's something her mother never had taken the wrong way. If anything it was something they had become used to yelling at each other every now and then. It was a simple way of just letting the other know that they couldn’t make it to the door quickly.
She flipped a page in her book as her front door opened. Her back was to the door. “I told you I would be fine to make something small for dinner. You do understand I can still take care of myself, mama.” 
“Last I checked I wasn't your mother,” Wriothesley spoke before closing the door to her home.
Y/N's eyes widened as she quickly closed her book placing it on the coffee table before rushing to tighten the robe she had over the short nightgown. “What are you doing here?” She felt severely undressed for company with the cool touch of the silks feeling like flames against her skin now.
“I had some papers I had to drop off for Neuvillette and I figured I could at least come by and check on you.” It was hard not to let his eyes drink in the sight of his girlfriend. She looked relaxed with how dressed down she was. If anything it made him feel a bit overdressed for his visit.
She kept her eyes away from him, avoiding turning around to face him. Her face felt so warm. “I appreciate the visit. I just had a bad fall yesterday. I've just been following the advice I'd give to anyone else today.”
“It's good to know you're okay.” He let out a small laugh watching her struggle to use the dainty robe to cover up more. He took his jacket off and moved closer to the sofa. He placed the jacket on the front of her which she had been trying to cover up. “Better?”
“Thank you. To be fair I didn't expect any company other than my mother. If I knew you were going to stop by I would have gotten dressed. This just feels a bit inappropriate.” She pulled the jacket close using it as a way to hide that she remained in her pajamas all day long.
“You're overthinking again.”
“No, I'm not overthinking. I should go get dressed.” She reasoned as a quick way to fix her predicament.
“Yes, you are. You were in nothing but one of my shirts last week lying in my bed. I think we've crossed that line a long time ago to call what you're wearing inappropriate.” If it had been a year ago before they had gotten together, he would have given her privacy to go change. He probably wouldn't have even shown up at her doorstep. Wriothesley thought the shyness of seeing each other's bodies had already left that first night they had been together in his bed.
“But silks just feel more exposing than one of your shirts. Doesn’t help that I wasn't expecting to see you today.” The last sentence she spoke came out a bit more mumbled than the first.
Wriothesley laughed before leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Let’s agree to disagree on this one.” He tried lightening her mood. “Am I at least allowed to sit next to you while you tell me what happened to your ankle? Or are you just gonna sit here being a shy mess?” 
She frowned at his teasing. It sucked not being able to think of a good comeback. With her luck, she would probably be able to think of one long after the time had passed. “I guess you can sit next to me. And are you sure you want to know what happened to my ankle? It’s not that interesting.” She warned.
“It's the least you could do. The woman who subbed in for you practically interrogated me about how we were doing?”  Wriothesley shook his head at the memory of the morning.
“Was she short with red hair?” She moved over enough, creating room on the sofa for Wriothesley.
He sat down placing his arm on the backrest of the sofa. He tried to be comfortable while also giving her just enough space. Had it gone his way, she would have been curled up in his arms as they talked of their day. “Yeah, she had a nose ring too.”
Y/N leaned her back against him. Maybe she had been overthinking earlier. Sometimes it was easier to accept that fact even if she wasn’t sure of what exactly had caused her overthinking. “Elizabeth means well. She's just always getting her heart broken and just doesn't want it to happen to anyone else.” 
“Could have fooled me. It felt like she was waiting for me to slip up.”
Y/N laughed. “Well, I'll let you know if you passed her test.”
“Now what happened to your ankle?” He asked still wanting to know what had happened even if she found it to be a boring tale.
“I was teaching some of my cousins different techniques for dance. I was demonstrating something from ballet when my aunt's dog thought that would be a wonderful time to jump at me. See nothing that interesting.” She downplayed the simple event.
“You know ballet?” Wriothesley asked wondering how it hadn’t been brought up before.
“Navia wasn’t lying when she told you my mother put me in so many dance classes.”
“I just didn't think you were the ballet type.”
“It's not like I have a reason to talk about dance with you. Even then I don't practice It anymore. Haven't for the past seven years.”
“Why’s that?”
“It’s nice, it's just not what I wanted to do in life.” She explained not feeling the need to go any further. It wasn’t important to discuss. There was no need to focus on what she considered a small unimportant aspect of her life.
Wriothesley nodded in understanding. “So what have you been doing while you were resting?”
“Mostly reading. It has been a day of rest. I’ve done nothing of interest.”
“Was The book interesting at least?”
“It's interesting but not cause it's good kind of interesting. One of the ladies at work thought it would be fun to have a monthly book club. I just didn't think that this was her taste.” She thought back on what she had read throughout the day questioning if she should have just stuck to something she would have chosen for herself.
Wriothesley moved his free arm towards the book that lay on her coffee table. He picked up the book looking at the cover. “I'm glad that's the reason you're reading this. And you had me thinking I wasn't doing well enough in the romance department.” He teased as he put the book back. It was a book that had made its way into the Fortress a few years back making it something he had checked out of curiosity. 
“What would possibly make you think that?” She asked, entertaining his nonsense.
“You see, my girlfriend doesn't care to explain to me everything that happened to her ankle.” He began listing. “She suddenly finds it inappropriate for me to see her in silks despite having seen her in far less.”
“Wriothesley, did you come here to check on me or tease me?”
He ignored her second question remaining focused on her first one. “What's worse is that if she's worried about what she's wearing around me, I'll never get to kiss her. It would be horrible to make her uncomfortable.” He was being overly dramatic just to continue teasing her, even if his dramaticness contained an ounce of truth.
“You have issues, Ri.” She rolled her eyes with a smile before sitting up. Her words had no bite remaining playful, even when what she had said was something that held a level of truth. His jacket fell off of her onto the sofa as she moved. “I'm going to go get changed.” Y/N stood up making sure not to put too much weight on her hurt ankle.
“What if I don't want you to?” It was a question that was a tad selfish but it didn't hurt to say what was wanted. It wasn't like his wants were being forced on her. However, her wanting to change did make him question things. So all he could do was push the boundaries they had already broken once before. “How could I judge you for being comfortable in your own home when I'm the one who showed up unexpectedly?”
“Wriothesley…” her voice trailed off.
“I want you to be comfortable around me.” He tried playing it off with a laugh. Maybe he was just thinking too much into things himself. “Maybe I should just let you rest before I talk too much.” His words were softer as he forced out the sentence.
She looked at his face slightly defeated but filled with longing eyes. “I like hearing you talk.” She sat back down next to him. “You know I wouldn't have even told you where I hid the extra key if I didn't feel comfortable around you.”
“Yeah, I know. I just probably need to go back and get proper rest if I'm talking like this.” Wriothesley explained to not worry her. 
“Maybe I let my overthinking get the best of me. Don't let it get the best of you too.” Y/N placed her hand on his cheek. “How am I supposed to listen about getting out my own head if you just start doing what I do? You've done everything to make me feel comfortable around you. You’re even good about asking if I'm comfortable with the smallest things.”
“What else am I supposed to do? I know I'm not the nicest-looking guy around. I think I saw a kid hide behind their mom on the way over.”
“And I'm sure you gave them the sweetest smile.” Y/N placed a hand on his thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. “I know I said that I'm dressed inappropriately but I think it’s just the shock of you being here. I  got used to only having my mom check on me. I do appreciate that you’re here. I wasn’t expecting it even if you’re just here cause you had to drop something off.”
“I would have checked on you regardless. If not me going on my own, I'm sure Sigewinne would have dragged on up here.”
Y/N laughed at the mental image of his words. “It is funny to see her dragging you to the infirmary. I think it was my first month down there when I saw that for the first time.”
“She made a big deal out of it that time. I was nowhere near needing to go to the infirmary.”  Wriothesley shook his head at the memory.
“I thought it was cute.”
He rolled his eyes. “I don't think I would call that cute.”
“It calmed my nerves down back then. You know I only started working in the fortress as a way to get away from my problems.” She shook her head at her past self and smiled at what that choice had brought her in the end. “It might have been one of the few times I smiled that month. Seeing that you let Sigewinne drag you around was very cute.”
“I still wouldn't call it could cute.”
“Would you rather I call you cute?” She was half teasing.
“By any chance when you fell, did you hit your head too?” He teased back with a smirk knowing how her reaction was bound to go.
“You try standing balanced on your toes with a dog running at you!” She crossed her arms leaning back into a sofa before looking away from him. “I can't believe I attempted to give you a genuine compliment and you think it's out of an injury. I'm starting to think you really did come over to tease me.”
Wriothesley’s hand dropped from the back of the sofa onto her shoulder pulling her in close. “I haven't teased you once yet.”
With a roll of her eyes, Y/N turned her head towards him. “Now I know for sure you are just messing with me.” She tried to force a laugh down. “Quit looking at me like that.”
“Is it wrong to admire you?”
“You look like you are planning to do more than just admire me.”
“Only if you let me.”
“I let you know where the key to my home lies. I let you stay in my home despite your unannounced visit. I let you see me in my nightwear. Yet you still ask if I will let you. I think you know what I'll let you d-”
Was it right of Wriothesley to shut her up with a kiss? Considering the mini speech she gave it felt entirely right. Which only became reinforced by how she melted into the kiss. To be fair all he had craved was a few short kisses from her at least to make up for the ones he would steal from her while she was supposed to be working in the Fortress. They were always worth it even though every time she’d kick him out of the infirmary unable to hold back a smile or a laugh. 
Y/N had pulled away from the kiss, moving herself onto his lap effectively caging him in on the sofa.
“I thought your ankle was hurting.”
“I’ve been resting all day. I’ll be fine.”  Her hands had wandered onto his chest where she had begun to play with his tie, giving it a pull ever so lightly bringing him closer.
“Just making sure. I wouldn’t want you stressing your injury just cause eager for anothe-” He had been caught off guard,  a welcomed change.
Y/N pulled him in close, placing a peck on his lips. “You definitely don't get to judge how I take care of an injury. I think I've lost count of how many times I've had to get on you about taking care of yourself.” The unintended double entendre lost on her for a second.
“I might listen more if you got on me like this.” Wriothesley kept a hand on her back keeping her close. The other hand was left on her thigh almost still as his thumb traced small circles.
Y/N barely had a chance to roll her eyes before she had been kissed again. She pulled away only for Wriothesley to keep planting kisses on her face. “I doubt you would.”
He spoke between kisses. “I’d listen to you read one of those medical books I see you going over on your breaks.”
She laughed. “You mean the medical records I’m writing in while I’m working?”
He kissed her once again. “Yes, those.”
“I know you’re joking but that is very much against the law for me to read to you unless it involves me trying to get a patient to the surface for more intense medical care.”
He leaned his head back. “I know what I said but if you start explaining anything like that for work again right now I will just leave to pick up dinner for us instead.” He warned, trying not to let their mood get ruined.
“You're lucky. I could have gone into chemical formulas or how there's a painkiller derived from mold.” She joked partially. There had been quite a large number of times that Wriothesley had walked in on a long discussion on the origins of certain drugs. As much as he cared for her, it was one of the driest conversations to ever witness repeatedly.
Wriothesley rolled his eyes. “I am begging you to shut up.”
“Do better at making sure I can't talk then.” She knew her words were bait, a challenge that she hoped he would take. Her face looked akin to a siren that was ready to invite him underneath the waves. And Wriothesley was happily willing to make good on what she told him to do.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Jay Halstead- Work Husband Pt2
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Jay and I end the day at Mollys having a drink with Burgess, Atwater and Erin
"Atwater is the cheapest" Kim says laughing
"Oh really?" I place a beer in front of Jay and Erin then sit down
"I mean, the cheapest guy you will ever meet. We drove... wait for it, we drove around for a half hour yesterday looking for an ATM that wouldn't charge him a withdrawal fee"
"There's a two-drink minimum. So start knocking 'em back. All right, men" Atwater tells us as he's set up this business proposal
"Okay, then I want mine in that cup" Erin points to Atwater
"Next time"
"So you used to be a flight attendant" I wiggle my brows at Burgess "ever attend the mile high club?" I chuckle
"No and it was just while I was waiting to get into the police academy. How about you guys? well I know about you YN"
"I was in the military"
"Huh. You" Burgess nods towards Erin
"Just kicked around nothing glamorous"
"Hey YN" I turn around to see Kelly and Leslie walking towards me "we're heading off, you want a lift?" Severide asks
"Errm yeah, I've had one to many to drive" I start to get up from my seat when a hand is placed on my shoulder
"No stay for a bit. I'll drop her off"
"You sure?" I ask Jay
"Yeah, it's fine"
"Ok. I guess see you at home" Shay smiles and I wave off my two roommates then look back to the others
"It's getting late. Think I'm gonna head out" Burgess gets up from her seat, grabbing her jacket
"I'll get us all another drink" Erin says getting up. I watch Jay's eyes linger on her as she walks to the bar
"Has Jay got a little crush?" I nudge Jay chuckling
"What?" he looks back at me with shock "what no. And anyway when I joined this team I was told to keep it in my pants" this makes me laugh
"Voight just wants us all focused and anyway you didn't answer my question" I give Jay a smirk
"Erins a good looking girl yeah, but no I haven't as you say got a crush"
"Hmmm" I hum as Erin comes back placing another beer in front of each of us and then takes burgess's seat while I continue to sit next to Jay
"Jay, has YN let you drive the car yet?"
"No" he huffs crossing his arms
"Told me today he felt like a house husband" this makes Erin chuckle
"Don't worry Jay, it took me 3 years to get YN to let me drive when we were partners"
"3 years!" Jay practically yells
"I just like being in control of the car" I shrug.
Jay drops be off at the end of the evening
"Thanks for driving me back"
"No problem"
"You didn't need to come to the door with me"
I laugh as Jay leans against the wall
"It's late anything could happen"
"Even though the car is literally there" I point to Jays car which is barley 10ft away
"Can never be to carful" Jay shrugs
"Well thank you" I give him a smile when the door opens revealing Kelly
"Thanks Halstead" Jay just nods his head
"See you tomorrow" I tell Jay then head into the house. Kelly shuts the door behind us
"So you and Jay"
"What about us?" I ask frowning
"Well you've been out with him all night"
"Nothings going on. We work together that's all"
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theagstd · 3 months
One Night Stand
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➥ rundown ; as if the unexpected twist of a one-night stand turning out to be your CEO boss wasn't surreal enough, the situation takes a more challenging turn when both of you discover that you're expecting his child.
→ genre ; strangers to lovers | CEO au | pregnancy trope | slowburn
→ Jungkook x y/n
→ contains smut, fluff and angst
→ Chapter Five ; wc | 4.7k
primarily on Wattpad
Chapter Five
index ⇢ next chapter
"Ah, fuck." You mutter softly. Your head feels heavy, with one side numb and swollen. You sit up, holding your head as you slowly open your eyes. Your vision is blurry at first, then clears, revealing the feet of a man standing before you. "Awake?" The man asks, towering over you. You look up to see Mr. Jeon. "W-where am I?" you mumble, groaning from the pain in your head. 
It seems you took quite a fall. "In my office," he replies shortly, walking to his desk and leaning against it while you adjust yourself on his velvet couch. "I must've passed out from starvation," you mumble to yourself, though your CEO hears you clearly. He frowns and tilts his head when he hears you well. "Don't I pay you enough to buy groceries or at least takeout?" he asks sharply, the man was supposed to act like he didn't hear a word but he couldn't keep his mouth zipped up. You sigh deeply. His salary is more than sufficient, even allowing you to save, but that's not the issue, it's a you problem. you've not been eating well due to the loss of appetite. 
"It's not about the salary, I just didn't have lunch, dinner yesterday, or breakfast this morning." Jungkook's scowl grows deeper by the end of your words, puzzled why you haven't eaten for so long. He'd in fact noticed you only grabbing a croissant from the café when there are more filling options. And that's the only thing he's seen you carry around, or it's what he assumes. 
He wonders if he's overworking you. "And why is that?" He seems to be quite interested in you which is very much unlike him and it honestly amuses you even though you've got that throbbing pain in your head. You rub the most painful spot on your head as you speak; "I've lost my appetite the past few days. but it's funny that you're concerned about me, Mr. Jeon. Are you?" He snorts at your question, his hip leaves his desk as he moves closer to the couch and takes a seat. "Of course not, I'm concerned about my creative team and my business." 
That was an expected answer, of course.
"But you shouldn't skip meals. It's not good for you." "Says the one who only drinks coffee all day," you retort sarcastically, making Jungkook clench his jaw. "Getting quite chatty, Ms. Lee?" You roll your eyes before wincing at the pain. He notices your discomfort as his eyes flicker to your hand that presses the spot where you hit your head. "You should take the day off and rest-" "I'm fine, and I have a presentation to finish," you interrupt, suddenly remembering your project.
You've worked hard on it and can't let Park win! Jungkook walks to his large windows, hands in his pockets. "Firstly, you're not fine, and the meeting is postponed until the creative team is available. It wasn't an official meeting anyway-" "But it's just me. I just need to present my idea."
Jungkook turns to you, now standing from the couch as he sees your wide eyes indicating how desperate you are to finish your presentation. He sighs and looks around his office. "The creative team is busy. Take the day off and rest at home. You'll be paid for a half day-" "Will Jimin take my position?" you ask, eyes growing big and pleading, he looks at them, left to right and then heaves a breath. "No, nothing will be finalized until you present your work." 
You sigh in relief, smiling softly. Jungkook turns back to the city view with his palms inside the pockets of his office pants. "You can go, Ms. Lee. Go home." "Can't I just finish my work here?" "No, come back tomorrow. Today, you're excused." You nod, understanding his concern, and head for the door. "Yes, Mr. Jeon, I'll leave now." He nods, glancing at you over his shoulder.
"Get a checkup. You need it." You stop, confused as you raise your eyebrow.  'a checkup?' "I'm fine, Mr. Jeon. I can't afford to spend money on an unnecessary checkup just because I didn't have breakfast." "I suggest you get one just this once-" "I won't waste money on a $250 checkup." Jungkook sighs, rubbing his forehead, questioning why he even bothered.
"Do whatever you want," he whispers, exhausted by the argument. You leave his office, slightly regretting your tone. On your floor, Rosè greets you with a hug. "How are you feeling?" she asks, pulling back to see your face with a concerned look on her features. You smile softly, truly appreciating her worry. "I'm fine, Rosè. I just skipped breakfast. That's all." She frowns and sighs."You shouldn't skip meals." You groan internally. You're not a baby, you eat when you're hungry.
Instead of explaining, you nod and head to your desk to gather your things. You're exhausted, both physically and mentally, you don't feel like yourself anymore. you walk to your desk to grab your belongings before leaving the building when you're greeted by the one person you did not want to meet. "Impressed by my presentation, Ms. Lee?" Not Park Jimin. He's the last person you wanted to encounter, and he had the nerve to question you instead of showing concern for your well-being. He's incredibly arrogant and completely repulsive. You didn't bother to reply to him.
You ignore him since your head is throbbing. He leans against your desk, taunting you. "You fell hard for my idea," he laughs, that his eyes almost close. "I wouldn't be surprised if I get the position even without your presentation. You're not good enough for this company, Ms. Lee. You should stick to your café job. That was more you know, your league."
You grab your bag and walk away, not looking back, you're tired of this crap. Not today, you're not interested in messing with him. you just want some sleep. Jimin follows, annoyingly persistent. "Ms. Lee-" "Leave me alone, Park Jimin!" you scream, loud enough to turn heads.
Jungkook, just exiting his office, hears you and frowns by the loud sound of your voice and approaches. Your face is red with anger, your ears burning and so are your eyes. Jimin steps back, surprised. Jungkook doesn't like this, he's aware of Jimin's behavior towards you and other employees but he'd noticed how Park is persistent with the bulling towards you, the CEO does not encourage this behavior. You storm into the elevator, leaving everyone in shock. You don't know why you exploded, but Jimin pushes your buttons like no one else.
Jungkook remains silent, not wanting to interfere, while Jimin stands embarrassed, he rolls his eyes and gets back to his desk, so he doesn't make it more obvious with the commotion that took place.
You're lying on the bed, with half the evening free and nothing to do. There's only so much you can entertain yourself with, and right now, you're in the mood to do nothing. Sometimes, you feel sad that there's no one to talk to or hang out with when you're bored. You only have Kayla, and she's busy during the weekdays, and you're not really close to the other girls.
If you were back home, your mom would keep you company, asking for help in the kitchen to bake cookies or inviting you to watch her boring dramatic TV shows just so she wouldn't have to watch them alone. At least she made you feel like you had someone. But here in Seoul, you feel completely alone. You decide to relax while watching another thriller movie, and to your surprise, you receive a text message from Hoseok.
Hey y/n? Are you okay?
I heard you got half day because
you weren't feeling well?
Are you fine now?
Hey, I'm good Hobi.
I passed out during the meeting,
I'm assuming it's because I didn't have my breakfast.
This is why you need me!
You laughed at his text because, honestly, it was true. Every morning, he would buy you a freshly baked croissant or a grilled cheese sandwich and leave it on your table since you were always running late.
That one morning, you didn't have breakfast because your appetite had been dwindling due to stress from the projects, and you ended up passing out. But was skipping breakfast the only reason you fainted? 
Right, I can't possibly survive without you
ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
So did you have lunch?
Okay that's it,
I'm coming there rn
Hey no no, you don't have to
Send me your address
You couldn't resist complying with Mr. Jung Hoseok's persistent invitation to come over for lunch. It wasn't lunch time now, nearing 4 pm, but you were indeed hungry. You decided to wait for him to arrive so you could enjoy a meal together while watching a movie or simply chatting. You just craved some company, and Hoseok always provided great company.
It dawned on you that this would be the first time a male friend visited your place. Sure, you'd had boyfriends before, but never just a guy friend or someone random. Glancing around, you quickly tidied up the area, picking up the dirty laundry strewn around the couch.Already dressed in a crop top and sweatpants that were decent enough, you lounged on the couch and scrolled through TikTok until Hoseok's arrival. Though you couldn't deny feeling hunger creeping up slowly. 
After 15 minutes, the doorbell rang, and you were met with Hoseok's cheerful smile as you opened the door. He looked relaxed, as if he had been spending time curled up on his bed. "Hey, Ms. Lee!" "Hey, Mr. Jung." You exchanged jokes and laughter at the doorstep before inviting him in. Leading him to the couch, you grabbed the bags from his hands and headed to the kitchen. In your small apartment, the kitchen was on the left while the TV area was on the right.
Hoseok glanced around, admiring the modern and minimalist room, quite the opposite of his own colorful and vibrant home. "This place is so cute," he commented after taking in the space. "Wait, you draw?" he exclaimed, noticing the little art pieces on the table, along with vases and canvas featuring quotes and paintings of your favorite Disney princesses and cute bunnies.
You smiled as he picked up the drawings, the first person to truly notice them. "Yeah, I used to. Not anymore," you replied, seeing him admire the pieces. A drawing of a lovely house, a portrait of a young woman, and adorable little bunnies and hares. "Why?" "Lost inspiration and had no time. Dining table or TV?" "Which is easier?" "Come on, just tell me!" "TV?" You nodded, and he helped you set the table. The aroma of Chinese cuisine filled the room.
Your stomach grumbled, and Hoseok chuckled as you both sat on the floor to eat. Everything tasted great except for the chicken balls, which usually you loved, but today tasted horrible. You forced yourself to swallow them, hoping Hoseok didn't notice your discomfort. Quickly changing the subject, you suggested, "Let's watch a horror—" "Hell no," he interrupted, choking on his noodles. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, you couldn't help but laugh when he admitted he was scared. Hoseok was embarrassed, avoiding your gaze and trying to open his Sprite. 
"You're afraid of something other than Mr. Jeon? Seems like Jung Hoseok isn't as brave as he claims," you teased, still laughing at his expense. Hoseok placed the soft drink on the table with a thud, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Y/n, stop." "Okay, okay, let's watch—" "Elemental." You agreed, and he put on the movie as you both settled on the couch with your Sprites. It was a fun time, with Hoseok cracking jokes and laughing so much that you found yourself laughing along without reason. Hearing him laugh was contagious.
"Need another Sprite?" "Oh no, I must leave now. My bedtime is in 30 minutes," he replied, surprising you with his bedtime schedule. "Damn," you chuckled, realizing he had everything pla*nned while you... didn't. He stood up after spending three hours with you, and you were surprised to see it was almost 8 pm. "It was fun, Hobi. Thanks for coming by," you said, genuinely grateful for his company.
He shook his head, indicating you didn't need to thank him. "You should come over often, you know," you suggested, and he playfully exclaimed, "Ayeeee!" As he gave you a friendly hug, you felt comforted by his warmth. A hug from a guy felt warmer and more soothing, just what you needed. "Finally, you admitted that you like my company," he joked. "When have I ever said no?"
you retorted with a smile. He nodded, walking beside you to the door. Turning back, he gave you the softest smile he could manage. "Goodnight, Y/n." "Good night, Hoseok. Thanks for today. See you tomorrow," you bid him farewell as he exited the elevator, and you walked back inside. There wasn't much to clear up, Hoseok had even lent a hand with the dishes, which was a sweet gesture. Now that your stomach was full, you decided to do a bit of work before hitting the hay. You were tired and not in the mood to watch anything new, so work it was.
While working, you realized how enjoyable it was to be in the company of a guy friend. The vibe was different. With Kayla and the other girls, it was mostly gossip and chatter. But with Hoseok, it was fun. There was small talk, but the comfortable silence you both shared was refreshing. He was so lively and humorous, making you laugh so much, it's one thing you've missed a lot, laughing. And about work, you thought about it and realized it wasn't right to yell at Jimin, especially in front of your colleagues and Mr. Jeon. 
That wasn't like you. You need to resolve that, the first thing you would do upon entering the building was to apologize to both Jimin and Mr. Jeon. It was unprofessional. You had been so loud that Mr. Jeon was bound to be upset about causing a commotion. Yes, that's what you'd do.
Entering the building, you felt a little nervous after the previous day's events. The plan to apologize was still on, but as you stepped out of the elevator and walked towards your desk, there was no sign of Park Jimin. It was kind of a relief, but—oh, there he is. He glanced at you briefly and walked away. You sighed, trying not to roll your eyes. It was his fault anyway. Why did he constantly tease you and humiliate you for something you didn't do intentionally? You decided to apologize later.
You placed your items on the desk, took a seat, and turned on the desktop to tackle the pending work from yesterday. It seemed quiet around, or maybe you were imagining it, but you pushed that thought away and focused on your tasks. "Ma'am? I was waiting for you," Hoseok spoke as he leaned against your desk, holding a brown paper bag in his hand. Drawing closer to him, you sighed. Of course, he's here with breakfast. "Here's your cheese and onion croissant, Ms. Lee," 
he said in his fake British accent. You took it from his hand and nodded. This man is so thoughtful, you're so grateful for his gesture although you woke up with a slightly nauseous feeling. Hoseok has got that lovely morning smile that just makes you know that the day is gonna go well. he's so bright, like the sun. positive vibes. "Thank you, Mr. Jung. you both giggled after exchanging words. "Don't leave it on the desk, have it right now. It's still warm. i got you one from the fresh just baked batch," he instructed, and you followed his advice, taking a big bite in front of him to assure him you wouldn't forget about it. the way he got you the oven fresh croissant, it's so giggle worthy.
"I'm heading to a meeting. Let's catch up at lunch." "Sure!" After he left with a soft smile, you decided to have your breakfast before diving back into work. There was nothing more embarrassing than passing out again during work. It was still puzzling to you, you had never passed out before, ever.
"Hey, Y/n, how are you feeling today?" Rosè asked, placing her hand on your shoulder like she always does. You turned to face her. "Hey, Rosè, I've been great." "That's good, by the way Mr. Jeon wants your presentation." "My presentation?" "Yes, copy it to the spare pendrive." You nodded as she left. It was a good sign that he wanted to see it; at least it showed he was interested in your work. You placed the leftover croissant aside to copy the presentation; you couldn't wait anymore. You wanted this to be over, to be chosen over Park Jimin.
You unplugged the device, took the croissant in your hand, and headed for the elevator, munching on the last bit. Knocking on his door, you asked, "May I come in, Mr. Jeon?""Come in," he replied. You quickly swallowed what was in your mouth and stood in front of him. He glanced at you before speaking, "So, you had your breakfast." You nodded, feeling conscious if you have any bits of flake around your mouth and being a little embarrassed about yesterday.
"Pendrive?" You handed it to him and asked if everything was okay and if you could leave. "How do you feel?" His question caught you off guard. Why was Mr. Jeon Jungkook so concerned about you, as if you had passed out due to some serious illness? "I'm absolutely fine, Mr. Jeon." He nodded and dismissed you without any further words.
Jungkook's pov
"Sit down, Bam," I commanded my excitable puppy, who eagerly obeyed, his tail wagging in anticipation as I filled his bowl with kibble. Every morning, like clockwork, Bam had his breakfast at 7 am, followed by a day spent in the care of Ms. Taylor, our dedicated housemaid, who ensured he had company and training while I was at work. I placed a kiss on Bam's head before heading out to work, Leaving Bam behind always tugged at my heartstrings, despite the months we'd spent together. There was a pang of guilt every time I closed the door behind me, knowing he'd be alone until I returned, often late, to find him already curled up and half-asleep.
Work had been smoother lately, a welcome relief after years of navigating through turbulent waters. The disputes between employees had been managed well, replaced by a sense of purpose and teamwork that I took great pride in fostering and managing. However, one persistent source of commotion in the office was the escalating tension between Park Jimin and Ms. Lee. Jimin was undoubtedly one of our most talented graphic designers, his ideas consistently pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. 
Jimin's been stirring the pot lately, causing some tension with his coworkers, mostly Lee Y/n. But when I step back and think about it, maybe he's due for a promotion considering his time with the company and the talent he brings to the table. Those upcoming presentations are going to be key in deciding his next move. Plus, dealing with this urgent task from Kim Enterprises, our rivals, is really adding to the stress. When those important documents didn't show up on time, I felt the heat rising. Can't afford any hiccups, especially with such a big client on the line.
It's almost 1pm and I haven't received it yet. "Where the fuck is it?!" I immediately phoned Hyunjin and questioned him, "Where's the file?" "Pardon Mr Jeon, which file may I ask?" "Kim enterprise's!" "Yes Mr Jeon, Ms Lee Y/n was supposedly said to have the file, I will inform her to deliver it to you." Ms Lee? That irresponsible woma- I rang up her office phone, and she answered it right away.
"Lee Y/n speaking-" "to the office now!" If she doesn't come within the next 2 minutes- "Bring it to me, right fuc- right now." Yes I shouldn't cuss but when it comes to work. If it isn't done in my way, you'll only see a new me. She looked genuinely taken back by my choice of words, it's not like I said it intentionally but I want my work done on time and done responsibly.
As the meeting drew near, I braced myself for the impending encounter with Ms. Lee, though I had little choice in the matter. Settling into my seat, I wasted no time in initiating proceedings. Park Jimin's presentation was undeniably impressive, effortlessly capturing the attention of everyone present. "Excellent work, Mr. Park," I praised him even though i disapprove of his smug behavior. He presents well, interactively and just naturally grabs everyone's attention
I could see how her confidence crumbled after Park Jimin presented. How? How is she the same woman? Alcohol does wonders. I observed her as she stood from her seat, her nervousness was evident as she prepared to present, fidgeting and taking deep breaths.
She does not seem fine, neither is her behavior normal. What's with her today? There were obvious deep lines of frown in my forehead, she looks a little pale and her behaviour is quite questionable. Is she oka- in a matter of seconds, she collapsed to the floor, leaving us all in shock.  The employees looked at each other's face and gripped the table to stand from their seats but before they could reach Ms Lee, I was already beside her, directing the others for medical assistance. "Ms Lee?" "Ms Lee?" The employees called out her name, so did I. "What happened? Why did she pass out?" "Is she even okay?" Her face was almost completely pale and she was cold. Really cold.
I placed her head on my lap, keeping calm and not panicking like the other employees. I looked at them, they stared back at my face like fools. "What are you looking at? Bring the medical team!" Park Jimin was just standing by his seat, looking down at Ms Lee who was lying on the floor. He didn't say a word. "Ms Lee?" I mumbled, hoping she would wake up but she didn't move. The medical team arrived and I asked them to take her to my office as the couches are comfortable and so is the room temperature.
"The meeting is postponed until whenever we have free time." I informed Hyunjin and he nodded to my words and I continued to follow the medical team to my office. Ms Lee was placed on my velvet couch, the female doctor examining her pulses while I stood beside her. 
"Mr Jeon, I need some time with the patient alone." "Sure." I walked out of my office, waiting by the door until I was called inside after a few minutes. "Is she alright?" I questioned the female doctor who checked Ms Lee. "She's fine, she definitely hit her head hard, placing an ice pack would help her feel much better when she wakes up, I'll get the nurse to-" "no its fine, you can leave the ice pack here-" 
"And I'm not sure if she's aware of it or not but through my physical examination, I'm guessing she's pregnant." "Pregnant?" What? I mean okay, she should know about it and inform her boyfriend and family soon too. I was still pretty surprised at it though. She could be pregnant or not? And I've surely given her more stress than she's already got. She should've told me before?
Wait, does she even know about it? "Okay, thank you." I just say to the doctor and let her out the door. Ms Lee was still unconscious, the paleness in her face has decreased alot. The dots aren't connecting, she's pregnant and that's absolutely okay, normal. So if she's in a relationship then what was that night? It's not too long ago, about 2 months even but? Okay I'm being nosey.
Back at home, Bam's presence provided a welcome distraction, but my mind kept returning to Ms. Lee and the events of the day. The revelation of her pregnancy added a new layer of complexity to the situation. Was she aware of it? Should I have noticed the signs earlier?
"Hyunjin, I need Mr Park and Ms Lee's presentation in their respective pen drives." "Sure Mr Jeon." I must finish this off before it gets too late. There's a meeting scheduled today for Kim enterprises and I'm feeling a little nervous.
Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin, the two men. The threat to our business wants us to do their ad campaign, are they in their right minds? I could've easily declined it, however, it's Seokjin and Taehyung at the end of the day and whatever I do, I can't possibly deny my own friend's deal. "Mr Jeon?" "Come in."
Park Jimin walked in with his pendrive and he placed it on the table, giving me a slight smile before bowing and then he left. I plugged his pen drive in, reading the details before another knock was heard. "Come in." Ah, it's Ms Lee. I took one glance at her and she looked no different, munching something and trying to make it less noticeable. She placed the pendrive on my table and was about to leave.
"So you had your breakfast," she simply nodded to answer my question. "How do you feel?" I'm sure I caught her off guard because she looked at me confused, because why would Mr Jeon be concerned right? I know that's what she thought, heck I'm thinking the same too.
"I'm absolutely fine, Mr Jeon." I nodded at her words and dismissed her. Once I was done with Park Jimin's presentation, I plugged in Ms Lee's and that was definitely not what I expected. Her idea was great, fucking great even better than Park Jimin's and I'm surprised, I really am. Her presentation was detailed, colourful and to the point. She's capable, she's just not as confident as Park is. She just needs a push. 
"Mr Jeon, the Kims have arrived." "I'll be there." I took the elevator, it stopped at level 22, the doors opened and my eyebrows crossed, is that Ms Lee? There she was covering her mouth and gripping the table tightly, there weren't many people around her and she was trying not to cough. Should I be concerned? I stepped out of the elevator.
She's supposed to be in the meeting too. She tapped her chest a few times and took a deep breath, walking inside the meeting room and I followed her. "Good afternoon." I greeted them as I took my seat. Kim Seokjin was present, not Kim Taehyung. That's unlike him but okay. Lesser the tension. Ms Lee was finding it difficult to breathe, I could see her from the corner of my eye as she was seated beside Park Jimin who didn't even bother to look at Ms Lee once.
"So Mr Jeon, as you know my latest collection of clothing for Kim enterprises, for the autumn are ready. Of course, Jeon Industries has the best creative team, doesn't it? The advertising campaign is all yours. I'm sure the best of the best ideas come from this very room." Kim Seokjin spoke with that smirk on his face. He's so unbelievable.
He acts as if he owns the world, but that's simply not the case.
"Surely Mr Kim. My creative team is always ready for a new challenge. What have you got for us, team?" Park was obviously the first one to boldly volunteer to present his thoughts. "Go ahead, Mr Park." As Park was about to stand, Ms Lee gripped his wrist tight. Park Jimin looked at her in confusion, Ms Lee was covering her mouth again and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.
"Are you okay Ms le-" Y/n immediately stood from her seat as she made gagging sounds before abruptly making her way out of the room, leaving everyone having exchanged puzzled glances. The costume team was now whispering to each other while Kim enterprises managers were trying to figure out the reason for her sudden departure.
The atmosphere was surely filled with curiosity and disruption. Now I'm pretty sure Ms Lee isn't aware of her pregnancy. I've had pregnant employees before and they always managed to know how to deal with it or they take a leave but Ms Lee? She seems clueless.
She remains oblivious to her pregnancy, but it's essential that she becomes aware. I can't allow her to continue to be a focal point of attention, especially if it disrupts crucial meetings. I've reached my limit; it's time to address this issue directly. to her.
next chapter ⇢
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copperbadge · 1 year
I'm here! Well, I mean, I've been here for several hours at this point, but I've reached my lodgings and settled in. I hung up the next few days' worth of clothes, put my toiletries in the bathroom, took a shower, and am now running today's (which are also yesterday's) clothes through the small washer-dryer. We'll see if it actually dries them; if not at least I'm not doing this the hour before packing for Paris.
Went to Sainsbury's. You guys are not gonna believe the shit I found, but it's going to have to wait until my phone charges.
There have been a few hiccups on the road; the main one is that due to a complicated series of events, I have two USB ports I can charge all my gear from when I really could use four, and I'm not sure if I'll even have those two available once I leave London. I'm just going to have to be a little measured with my power use until I have more intel. In any case, most trains these days seem to have USB ports, so I'll just plug in whenever I can. As long as the phone stays charged I should be fine, and I can charge it like four times on my backup battery before the backup bites it.
Overall, despite Heathrow being a nightmare, it was a pleasant day -- I checked my luggage at the Tate Modern, did a loop of it, then went off to Pick & Cheese, the conveyor belt restaurant. I wanted one of everything but I know me, so I limited myself to three plates, which was enough to fill me up, although I imagine I'm going to have a snack before bed. (Hence Sainsbury's.) It was really, really good cheese and pairings, but I'm sure part of it was also that I hadn't had a real meal in roughly eighteen hours. The dinner they served on the flight was absolutely inedible; I had three or four protein/granola bars and a cup of Chobani, but that was pretty much it. It's fine -- Adderall is an appetite suppressant and normally it doesn't affect me because I'm home all day and like to eat, but actual hunger isn't an issue and as long as I make sure I get some calories in my face every few hours, blood sugar wasn't either. This is why I brought a literal dozen protein bars.
Still nice to sit somewhere and eat what amounted to a big plate of protein and sugar.
Everyone I've interacted with has been super nice, too -- people don't know how to walk on the sidewalk, which my midwestern-transplant soul found almost actively rude, but I chalked it up to tourists the same way we do back home. All the "staff" I've dealt with -- airport attendants, train officials, waitstaff, museum staff, the guy at Sainsbury's -- have been super nice. It reminds me that some cities actually want to be tourist cities, unlike Chicago, which begrudgingly admits we need tourists but really would rather they all die horribly. There's being a good customer service staffer and then there's actually being a nice person and I think most of the folks I dealt with are the latter.
Tomorrow I go to the British Museum, and I'm kind of glad that mudlarking fell through, because I feel like I definitely am going to need the morning to do a little recovering from all the walking. I'm going to ice my feet tonight and that should help.
So yes, here I am, in the new time zone, plotting a heist getting ready for tomorrow. I've successfully taken several different trains and a bus, and I know at least two of my payment cards work overseas plus my phone, so all of the major problems I anticipated are non-problems in the end.
I'm hoping tomorrow morning to go back over my posts and add anything that's needed and maybe post a few more photos from today, but we'll see. I have no idea what time I'll wake up tomorrow if I go to bed in the next half hour. Exciting to find out!
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey there! I work as a therapist and a few of us were starting to think of the clinical applications of chronivac. We were wondering if you wanted to work together to develop some presets that our clients could use to de-stress and take a break from their stressful lives. I know we have one stressed out university student who could benefit from something like this.
At Chronivac, we are always interested in collaborating with research institutions. After all, Chronivac is not used just to have fun. It is already being used for the treatment of various physical illnesses and also for resocialization projects. The use in the psychotherapeutic field would be new, but sounds interesting according to the research and development department. If the student they are talking about is available as a guinea pig, perhaps send us a requirements profile for a transformation. And we'll see what we can do….
Research Diary Timothy Walker
Day One: My psychotherapist tells me that my burn-out syndrome has progressed to the point that continuing my business studies is out of the question at this point. In fact, I am having a hard time concentrating. Writing this report is causing me great difficulty; my attention span is only a few minutes. Therefore, an experimental therapy has been decided with the psychology faculty, which is connected with a semester off for me. Under certain circumstances, the semester can be counted as an internship. Everything is fine with me. I am just tired. The work on the research diary was exhausting for me. I need to lie down.
Second day: I slept very well. No wild nightmares as usual. I woke up briefly once or twice at most, but went right back to sleep. Michael, who is in charge of the project as pysiotherapist, thinks that this would be a good starting point to work on my physical fitness. We both went running for an hour. I'm exhausted, I haven't moved that much since I started studying. But I feel good. Made myself a real breakfast for the first time in months according to my new nutrition plan. I'm supposed to spend the rest of the day walking on the beach. Let's see if that clears my head.
Third day: Before Michael came for the training session, I was already in the gym for an hour. I'm really enjoying the physical activity. The beach walk yesterday was great. And Michael was thrilled to see the progress I'm making in terms of fitness. Had the first session with my creativity coach today. Seems a little silly to me. But imagining what I would be doing if I weren't studying business was fun. But I have to admit, my head isn't really getting creative yet. At least writing the diary is already much easier for me.
Day four: I need new challenges. The beach run with Mike is fun, but it's not a sport. That's warming up. We discussed that I would go running alone for an hour tomorrow and that we would meet in the gym of the therapy center. I'm supposed to come without a T-shirt. Mike wants me to learn to love my body. To be honest, I already do. I've already jerked off twice today. And think about sex a lot more than usual. Mike also comes in the process. My creative trainer is also quite cute, but he's too skinny for me. I like men who have a lot of muscle on them.
Fifth day: Fuck, the workout with Mike is awesome! I love the gym from the first minute. Yes, the beach feels my home. But the gym is the place that prepares me for that home. Working out shirtless makes the workout even more intense. i can't get enough of Mike's and my sweat beading on our pecs. But I'm so horny. All the time. During the creative training with Kev it just bubbled out of me today. I would so love to be a lifeguard. Maybe not all the time. But on vacation. And on the weekends. The idea made me even hornier. Poor Kev. He's not my type, but I had to nail him during practice. No idea when I last had sex. but this first time in a long time was incredibly intense. Thank God Kev felt the same way….
Day six: Today is uh free day at da therapy center. Mike n kev are already down at da beach, I wanted to pump up da muscles beforehand. I'm looking forward to da sea n da sand. Both make my head so free. Although I wouldn't feel like my head wuz overly full right now anyway. Pumping, fucking, jogging n swimming. That's really all I'm thinking about right now. Kevin says that I certainly wouldn't have to worry about da practical entrance exams for lifeguards. But I shouldn't underestimate da theory. Shit, studying sucks. But I guess it haz to be.
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Day seven: I like it when I have da early shift. Da routine of opening da station is relaxing, da beach is still quiet, da few guests are usually relaxed n in uh gud mood. Wuz one of da best ideas of my life to take uh semester off n work as uh lifeguard. My pal mikey told me to lay off this crappy journal. Somehow I thought it wuz important until now. I can't remember why, either. Anyway. Da main thing is that da surf is gud. Den you can have some fun with da surfers afta work. Hehehehe…
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k1ttef1a · 5 months
I have plenty of requests for yuri voice, there’s not enough fics or headcanons, but! I hope you can change that! Can I have a Charlie fic where there’s top cas? Literally any top reader-
1) Can I have a Charlie fic where there’s top!fem! cas? Smut pls- and like the plot being he’s just pent up from stress and just needs a release-
2) Alphonse and Seth, seth still thinks he isn’t worthy of any love from them so sugurboo and Alphonse show him that is worth it? Switch!Alphonse, sub Seth, and dom top female sugarboo?
3)fin fluff/ angst(bc we need both sometimes) that who will not be named shows up at his shop, belittles him and even goes to hit him- and so sunflower basically steps in and helps
And so that’s it, please and thank you
Helping Out |Charlie
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pairing: Yuurivoice Charlie x fem! reader
warnings: smut, blowjob, dom? reader, sub Charlie
summary: Pete has been working Charlie to the bone, which means Charlie doesn't have a lot of time to relax so you decide to be a sweet girlfriend and help destress.
a/n: I've been having a bad case of writers block so this is kind of shitty.
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Charlie had to work overtime at Pete's because today they just so happened to be SEVERELY understaffed, unfortunately for him this wasn't the first time this week he had to work overtime so he was absolutely exhausted.
You could tell by the look in his eyes every time he came home that he was tired and was extremely stressed out, making you feel sorry for your poor boyfriend.
You were currently sitting on your bed, which you shared with Charlie, waiting for him to come home. As you waited for him to come home you checked the clock on the night stand. It was already 11:30?! You started to worry that he'd never come home. (You were being dramatic but still, you wondered if he'd come home soon or at least come home today).
As you thought about the whereabouts of your boyfriend you heard the front door open then close. Charlie walked into your guy's shared bedroom looking even more tired than yesterday, which made you quite upset. He shouldn't have to stay over time and get paid minimum wage.
"How was work today Chuck?" You asked in a sweet and soft tone, not wanting to be too loud since he had to deal with bitchy customers loud and obnoxious voices all day. "It was fine, Pete was just up my ass all day, you know the usual." He said as he kicked off his shoes and took off his black zip up sweater vest.
"I'm sorry." You replied, feeling sorry for him, having to deal with his boss. "You have nothing to be sorry for Cas, plus it's bringing in money I guess." He said, mumbling the last bit of his sentence. "I mean yeah but you should enjoy work, not come home feeling like shit." You said. It wasn't okay that he was coming back home feeling like crap then going to bed, waking up, going back to work, and restarting the cycle all over again.
"Well there's nothing I can really do." That was true, there was nothing he could really do. The jobs were all minimum wage and kinda shady, and the ones that weren't, you needed a really good resume, which he didn't really have considering the fact that he's quite literally worked for shady people and done shady things, and working for Pete of course.
While Charlie was in the shower washing off all the sweat and grime from that day, you tried to figure out a way to relax your boyfriend. He was off tomorrow, maybe you could just make the day all about him since he's been having bad days for the past week. Good cuddles, breakfast, maybe even take him shopping for some new clothes. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Charlie came out of the bathroom drying off his hair by shaking it like a dog, wearing black and red plaid pajama pants.
He plopped himself on the left side of you, pushing his head back against the pillow and sighing heavily. You got up and decided you'd start his special treatment tonight.
You laid yourself on Charlie's stomach, making him look at you, your faces a couple inches away from each other. "Chuck, can I ask you something?" You said. "Uh sure? What is it?" He said in response, his face slightly flushed from how close you were to his crotch, and from the shower. "Can I.. take care of you tonight?" You asked shyly. This wasn't the first time you guys have had sex but it was a bit more awkward due to the fact that he looked like he was about to pass out at any moment. "You really don't have to Cas, I won't be able to really give you anything back because I feel I'm about to pass the fuck ou-" Before he could finish his sentence you covered his mouth with your hand. "You don't have to give me anything back I just..wanna take care of you tonight." You said, looking at him compassionately. You wanted tonight to be about him and him only.
"I don't want anything in return, I can tell you've been really stressed out and I want to help you relax." You say as you take your hand off his mouth, waiting for a response. He sighs. "Okay." He knew you were pretty stubborn so it would be pretty much impossible for him to disagree with not giving you anything back in return.
You slid the rest of your body down his stomach to in between his legs. You grabbed the front of his pants and his boxers and pulled them down, his cock springing out.
You look at him to see his reaction but he's just looking at you with wide eyes, his face flushed even more than before. You look back down to his cock and give it a small kiss before slowly and carefully taking it all in your mouth, making him lean back into the pillow and moan.
You started to slowly suck him off, not wanting him to cum too fast. "C-cas can I put my hands in your hair please?" He asked. "Mhm." Is all you could say, not wanting to stop.
You started to pick up the pace, making him moan louder. Now the only thing you could hear was Charlie's moans and whimpers and the sound of you sucking him.
You could tell Charlie was close by the way he was bucking his hips slowly into your mouth and the way he was intertwining pieces of your hair into his fingers. "Fuck C-Cas I'm c-close~" You started sucking him off faster and faster, drool trickling down from your mouth to your chin. Charlie was a panting mess, begging and pleading to cum in your mouth, to which you let him.
Strings of his cum shooting to the back of your throat, while you groaned, tears streaming down your face from having to keep your jaw open for so long. You took his cock out of your mouth, as you whipped your lips that were covered in your saliva and a bit of the cum that managed to escape your mouth.
As you both tried catching your breath he pulled up his pants and brought you up to his chest, wiping away the tears that were still running down your cheeks. "S-sorry Cas, was I too rough? " He said, breathing heavily still trying to catch his breath. "N-no, no, not at all." You said sounding like you were about to fall asleep at any second.
"Thank you Casper, you really know how to relax me when I need it." He said in a sleepy voice before yawning and looking down at you to see you already more than half asleep.
"You're...wel..come." You said before fully falling asleep. Charlie then smirked softly and kissed your forehead, grabbing the blanket and covering the both of you.
"Good night Cas." He said before closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.
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☆ this was requested by @kenzib23! It's been about a month since I've posted a fanfic so here you go (I've been extremely busy and exhausted :')) my requests are open!
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lumine-no-hikari · 24 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #256
I think I must still be in a bit of a funk. I don't feel quite as bad off as yesterday, but it's still not great, for reasons I don't fully understand.
Well, that's all right. I still went to work, and I still had a pretty great time there. I made cookies and turnovers today, and Ma put the turnovers into nice, neat little boxes:
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I spent most of today bagging different kinds of breads and rolls, though, which was also nice. Bread has a lovely smell to it. The routine tasks and the nice smells are a boon to my frazzled brain. I think I must be more overwhelmed from a variety of things than I thought.
...I keep looking for you in various little ways, but lately, I guess it's kinda hard to find things that aren't... weird. In a lot of places, people depict you in a variety of cynical, cruel, and just... generally very unhealthy ways, as though you were violent, vicious, and mean from the very moment you took your first breath, and... I dunno. I guess it's disheartening and disconcerting. I've been spending less time in the various places online that I used to frequent, because of it.
...The uncertainty of whether or not any of the things I've tried to do for your sake will pull through is also feeling relatively unbearable at the moment, for some reason. Three years is a long time to withstand not knowing whether or not someone I've come to care deeply for, someone around whom I've tried to model the kind of person I want to be, will simply up and vanish from existence.
The idea that you might disappear instead of heal and move on terrifies me. The idea of watching you be mercilessly slaughtered a second time... it terrifies me.
...I'll get through it, though, so don't you worry about me. After all, what other choice have I got?
When I returned home, J was absent; he was supposed to go see a demolition derby somewhere I guess, but he changed his mind and went on a walk with one of his friends instead. He took some pictures for you along the way; he captured some pictures of a cute little snake, and some pictures of raindrops on leaves:
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...You are loved. And not just by me. Do you see...?
I thought I was going to play some Dead Cells today, but J had a lesson at Great Barrington and he wanted me to come along, so I did. He drove, but... I wasn't really inspired by the scenery. I managed to snap a couple of relatively decent ones, but... I dunno...
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...I guess I'm not really feeling especially proud of these today. But I hope you like them at least a little, anyway.
I think I might go to bed early. My brain has had enough of today, and I think I'm probably hoping that tomorrow I'll wake up and stop feeling so weird.
...Hey. I know you said that you've endured hell and so you're not afraid of death anymore. But like. Don't... don't give up and just die without putting yourself in a position where you can learn what heaven is like. It's out there. And I know it's out there, because I didn't used to think it was out there, either. And then, against all odds, and with a little bit of work, it kind of plopped in my lap unexpectedly. And I've been doing everything in my power to maintain it ever since.
...I know heaven is real because there's heaven at my house. And I know it, even on icky days like today, when it's hard to see. I know it because I practiced looking for it. Because finding heaven where you look is a skill that can be practiced, like any other. Cultivating a mindset that leads to heaven dropping unexpectedly into your lap is a skill that can be practiced, like any other.
I love you. And I'll write again tomorrow. So please keep yourself safe out there. Please.
Your friend, Lumine
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porlatamconlouis · 4 months
heyooo! jules here. i realized i haven't posted anything about the montevideo or buenos aires shows... i've been sort of on a weird mental space, in which i'm the happiest and somehow also mad? at the world? at myself? but anyway. this is about joy!
the show in mvdeo was amazing! my favorite so far before buenos aires happened. besides liam interrupting everyone's attention during giant rooks' set, the energy was so gooood. that performance of chemical, holy shit. oh, and i got to see three people at the back of the pit, when back to you started, one of them started singing without realizing and their friends were like "eh..?" and then the first person got sooo excited when they realized which song it was and started jumping while singing and hitting their friends' arms for them to realize what it was, hajshajsh. and then they all got it when the pre-chorus came around. it was so funny, and reminded me of the first time he sang it, watching the livestream with maia and how it also took us a few lines to realize but we were singing it, hajshajshs. anyway. great show!
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we stayed at a place called 'casa vegana' (vegan house), it was sort of an hostal in an cute old building, and very big on activism. there were posters plastered on every wall. and vegan food in montevideo was good as well!
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so definitely better memories were made in montevideo. :) even the ferry back to buenos aires was good! and okay... louis in vélez! what the hell. we were there? lol.
his energy, confidence and beauty were off the charts. not even the cold brought him down!!!
(fucking tumblr deleted a good chunk of what I wrote dammit)
i was saaaaaying... he could have used the catwalk more than three times. hajshaj. the energy in that stadium was so amazing... we were at the back of the front pit and everyone jumping up and down, and chanting on quiet times, and just... ugh. argentinian crowds are incredible! i've found my matches!
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also... i'm sorry i couldn't ask tom about the color lights during beauty. i only had time for one question before he ran away from me and that was "what happened to lucia?". but it was a funny interaction, because he looked scared and amused that i approached him by name at the end of the show to thank him for his work, hajshs. and then when i asked about lucia, i was about to add that i was referring to the lightbulb but HE KNEW what i was talking about. so they know. 😌 anyway, he just said "couldn't happen today" or something like that, and i was like "why?" and he just shrugged and kept walking away and said i don't know while being amused and like withholding information. so there's that.
anyway, then yesterday we went to see giant rooks at a small venue, and pffft. i make a separate post on my blog, because... i'm still reeling from it, i think. they might be too, because they haven't posted about it, hhahshss.
anyway. stocked up on vegan alfajores (i had a flashback to the last time i was here like 12 years ago, and also bought so many alfajores to bring home, so to have so many vegan options so i could do the same? ooof! (they won't make it homehome but they'll last for a bit).
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tomorrow we'll be on our way to chileee and soon meet up with andrea and alex! i'm sooo exciteeeedddd!
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 10th, 1996
Dear diary,
I'm exhausted.
I woke up early today so I could get to the field before school and finish practicing. I finally managed to consistently land the routine, but it was a close call. I didn't get a chance to get to it last night, so if I hadn't gotten it this morning I would have completely bombed at today's practice. Luckily, everything turned out okay and I didn't make any mistakes.
I would have stayed yesterday after school but people were still doing extracurriculars so I went home first, thinking I could head back once everyone had left. As I'm still ahead with homework I decided to get started with clearing out the basement first. It was definitely a lot more work than I had accounted for.
I don't think I've been down in the basement in years, because I don't remember it being filled with this many boxes. I tried shoving the ones filled with books aside first as those could probably be kept or donated without much sorting, but there were plenty of others just filled with garbage and random crap. There was an entire cardboard box filled with dinosaurs - Mike used to be such a nerd. I could have sworn he'd had to donate all of those at some point - Mike complained about it often - but I'm also not surprised he found a way around it. Might have stolen them back out of the donation box when mom wasn't looking and squirreled them away somewhere.
Now I think about it, I do remember him using me as distraction one time. I think he got me gummy bears in return.
Anyway, there was a lot more to sort through than I'd thought.
I must have stayed down too long because mom came down to ask if I needed help looking for something. I told her I was just clearing out the basement so I could use the space and she seemed to freeze in her tracks. She looked around the basement for a moment, with this weird, sad look as if it hasn't been collecting dust for seven years, before her eyes settled on me again. Then she looked at me weird for a moment, before nodding with a tight smile and grabbing some boxes to sort through herself.
I almost started crying.
Maybe it's because of the look in her eyes as she'd stared at me, or because she'd looked close to tears herself. Or maybe I'm just feeling emotional.
Anyway, I really appreciated her help.
While cleaning, I found a bracelet underneath the cabinet - one of those woven bracelets you make at camp. It's green and blue and even has some beads braided into it. It's well crafted, honestly, but overall pretty ugly and chunky. I kind of like it. I matched my clothes to it and wore it today. It's nice to have something of Nancy's.
We managed to get the most important stuff shoved to the side for now. Mom knows which boxes need to go where, but it still took most of the evening to get it all done. Mom even ordered pizza so she could continue helping me. It was actually quite nice, especially once I had the idea to grab my CD player from upstairs and even mom started singing along.
It did mean we finished too late for me to justify going to back to school to practice, though, but everything worked out in the end. I might wake up early again tomorrow to practice in the basement - I really didn't mind that part. I liked starting my morning by being active, and now I can practice in the basement I won't have to miss breakfast with dad either.
That being said - I should probably go to sleep.
Love, Holly
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eonars · 17 days
Called out sick from work yday which was absolutely 100% the right choice but it means the weird purgatory weekend feeling has been extended by a day and I'm on antibiotics for the insane chest infection the work trip gave me + my period is due any minute so I've just been at home feeling both pulmonarily and gastrointestinally very very bad eating random food napping periodically not talking to anyone and listening to the CONSTANT afrobeat that's been coming from some kind of block party event that started yesterday afternoon. I know full well it's not gonna be like this forever and once I've kind of established myself a bit more I'll have people I know in the city and I've only been in this country a month and I'm sick and my main work friends are both on vacation rn but it's hard not to go a little crazy ya know. Been trapped in this studio apartment for what feels like years coughing and hacking my lungs out and now that I'm fully convinced I'm getting ghosted there's a crazy unstable side of me coming out that wants to send some kind of snide text even though it's just been one hang out and I guess we're still fully in ghosting is acceptable territory I just feel like my feelings were played with this time more than usual idk. Bought a burger today to get some red meat in me bc the start of my period always has my gums going completely white and my under eyes going dark and I feel like a bloodless zombie for the first day or so. Had a whole bunch of kale last night and earlier today too. Might go pity party mode and order dinner tomorrow instead of round 3 of leftover curry soup.
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Grocery shopping for the next couple of weeks is done. I made an order from Walmart and as soon as it was brought to me I realized I needed like five or six more things. So I had to go back out. Then since hubby is at work I had to bring everything in myself which is just exhausting. I think I am owed a nap.
My sister asked what I wanted for Christmas and it was pretty hard because I really have everything I need. I asked for more bedding and I've had my eye on some Firefly glass bracelets. I see the ads for Nogu constantly on here. I've been looking at the bracelets there and of course the more I look the more ads they send me. It's just their bracelets are fairly expensive and I'm so afraid that I'm going to spend the money and then they are not going to look like the ones in the pictures. I really want the green glow in the dark glass. So I found one on Etsy that was half the price and my sister ordered it. She also ordered us some monogram sheets and a bunch of bedding that just arrived today and I haven't even had the energy to open it up.
However she had also sent me something much earlier in the month that we had had a hard time getting delivered because neither one of us were home whenever you UPS came by. I started getting really curious about it because she said it was something very special that she saw it and thought of me. Well. , , it was delivered yesterday and oh boy...... I kind of felt like someone had given me a leg lamp. It was a set of super heavy Green Glass candelabras with dangling beads coming off the sides. And in the candelabras were these electronic candles that supposedly had their own remote control for that controlled how they flickered. It was the biggest ugliest monstrosity I think I have ever seen. And I guess she thought of me because it was Green and the Green Glass is very pretty but oh my God........ it's hideous. And I'm not even sure what the remote control is supposed to do we got the candles to turn on and that's about it.
They are so unbelievably heavy I guess if I could swing them they would make a great self-defense weapon. That's about the only good thing I can say for them.
But she is the only family I have and it is a thought that counts so I'm glad she was thinking of me.
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Tomorrow I am going to go and send off my final Christmas present Period I was able to get two of my closest friends And my sister Personalized tumblers from this place that does it locally. For my other friend who Is usually In much more need of groceries, I sent a gift card from Walmart and she was able to get herself an air fryer and a few groceries with it. So that made me happy.
Tuesday I'm sitting up a table at the only coffee shop in town where I happen to know the owner fairly well. I'm trying to sell off these dozens upon dozens of extra Mary Kay cosmetics I ended up with.
I had ordered some of them for a teacher that I work with but when I had to discipline her absolutely hateful and disrespectful son who told almost every teacher on campus---- including her --'to shut up and go to hell.
I don't know what he told her about me but suddenly she did not speak to me anymore,, & hasn't spoken to me in the last year.
So of course she was unwilling to purchase all the Cosmetics she had actually ordered from me once they came in. *sigh*
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Also last year I had to order $300 worth of cosmetics in order to keep my status as consultant. But then I just ran out of the energy to go out and sell the stuff. Most days I just want to go home and go to bed I don't want to track down any clients I don't want to give makeovers I just want to sleep. So anyway I'm trying to make whatever I can offer them and selling them cheap as stocking stuffers monday. Going to try to drag my carcass out of bed early and catch the morning Rush of people and I am so hoping I can sell a few things just to get them out of my hair.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
Have you had more hot or cold drinks today? Cold. I don't really like hot drinks.
What's a name you like that's similar to yours? The only similar name I can think of and that I like is Rowan, for a girl.
Where did you get the last plate/bowl you ate with from? I'm currently eating tuna sashimi salad from a paper bowl that the restaurant I ordered from provided.
How's your mental health today? Not too shabby. I've been rattled the last couple of weeks for various reasons, but I think it's all mellowed down now and it also helps that it's Friday again.
What bands and artists did you listen to when you were a teenager? So the #1 band in my heart then, now, and always will be Paramore, but I also got way way into punk rock because of CM Punk. In the bus to and from school, I would listen to Against Me!, Rancid, H2O, The Bouncing Souls...basically all of his favorites that he used to plug on social media all the time at the time. I also really liked Killswitch Engage.
Do your feelings get hurt easily? Idk, it depends on what's thrown at me. I don't care how people think of me for the most part, and being called out does not bother me; but I do get bothered when I am talked to in a way that the other person is clearly thinking that I'm stupid.
What sort of restaurant did you last eat at? Does food delivery count? I ordered Japanese tonight.
Do you have a friend who's always sending you TikTok videos? Do you actually watch them? I'm pretty sure my close friends occasionally would, but I never open my TikTok messages hahaha.
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? Nope.
Will you attend a wedding in the next 3 months? Nope.
Are you good at following instructions? In general, yeah. As long as I can read the instructions or have visual aid as either is how I prefer to pick up details.
What's your backyard or outdoor area like? Apart from being paved and having a basketball stand/net/hoop (what do you even call the whole thing?), there's not much else to it really. We have our cars parked nearby as well, and my dad's newest baby - his motorcycle - is by the backyard too.
Do you like your boss? (or your last boss if you don't currently have one? I like Trina, and I'm gonna miss her when she leaves.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Tuesday.
What did you have for breakfast yesterday? I didn't eat anything yesterday until 1 PM.
What do you do to entertain yourself on a long flight or journey? The 'longest' I've experienced was like 3.5 hours lol, but in any case I like downloading YouTube videos offline so I don't go crazy sitting down. It's also why a part of me, while excited at the prospect of traveling the world, also kind of dreads it because I can't imagine being on a plane for any longer than 5 hours... :/ Where are you right now? In my room.
Have you ever done a hearing test? I don't think so.
Do you hate small talk? Well, no. Sometimes it has to happen. The only aspect of it I would find awkward by is if the other person barely makes an effort to reply or make conversation.
What's the hottest temperature your current town/city has ever had? I'm not sure tbh, maybe somewhere around the 40s?
What programs/applications do you currently have open on the device you're using right now? I usually have only Chrome open on this laptop anymore.
How many steps per day do you do, generally? When I work from home, which takes up most of my time, nothing over 200. But then I'll have my event days or days out, and my steps for those can range anywhere between 3,000 to 8,000.
Have you had any snacks today? Nope, just full meals.
What's the next thing you'll tick off your to-do list? I'll need to take Agi to the groomers tomorrow because that boy's fur has gotten long and STINKY lmao.
Have you ever had a chia pet? No.
What's your favourite sandwich filling? Pulled pork.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? I don't.
What was the last reason you saw a doctor? Needed to take my annual medical exam.
Do you use light mode or dark mode on your phone? Dark.
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Y'ALL I'm having sinus surgery!
My whole life I've had allergies and sinus issues. I stay sick with sinus amd ear infection ls the entire time from October to April. The last couple years have been so bad. I finally got a primary care doctor last year and FINALLY got an Ear Nose and Throat Doctor. It only.took 20minutes for the doctor to be like "Oh its a hot mess." 🤣
Well I spent 3 weeks at my Sister House and on my way back home yesterday, Tuesday, a call that my Insurance denied preauthorization to fix my deviated Septum. Which is only one of a few things he's doing. Called them. Paperwork missing. I stopped driving to call the doctors. TEN times. And no answer.
So the first thing I did this morning was go to the ENTs office. I didn't even eat breakfast first. That's how serious it was. The nurse was working from home. And I was like "It has to be fixed TODAY. It's holiday tomorrow! Nothing will be open and my surgery is the next day." So got another nurse to call. They get told all the paperwork is there. And and approval is pending based on review. Marked urgent because TOMORROW IS A HOLIDAY.
So I called the Insurance this afternoon and get told they'll review it and have an answer before end of day.
And an hour later I get the email it's been approved.
I'm so happy. I was really worried it wouldn't get straightened out.
I wanted to go to an ENT 20 years ago as a teen. But a friend of a friend of my Mom's died during sinus surgery bc they didn't know he was allergic to the anesthesia. And my Mom noped out.amd REFUSED. it's been a long time coming.
But anyway I'm SO EXCITED. Like I'm so excited it's weird. 🤣
tldr: I'm having sinus surgery. There was a minor hiccup but it got straightened out. And I'm so excited it's weird.
Send good thoughts and any surgery recovery tips you have my way.
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