#and if it wasn't for me he probably wouldn't have his own copy of his own podcast but i get to give that to him
magentagalaxies · 11 months
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this email was the first thing i saw when i woke up this morning and i haven't stopped smiling since i love scott thompson so much
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
Playboy!Jock x GN Reader
CW: playboy behavior, mentioned nsfw
🏈Brandon was the star player in the school football team, who had his pick of anyone he wanted because of his good looks and talent in sports.
🏈He was used to short relationships that meant seemingly nothing, it was always just them walking up to him all flustered, him flirting, then a one-night stand or two, then a breakup that left them either a sobbing mess or with a burning hatred for the jock, either way, he thought nothing of them in the long run.
🏈He was sitting with the rest of the football team during lunch when he saw you. He wasn't sure if you were new or not, there were many people in the school that he didn't pay any attention to, so seeing you for the first time made him intrigued.
🏈You were sitting alone in one of the tables close to the corner to get some much-needed peace and quiet when you feel a weight on the bench next to you. You turn and see Brandon, a member of the football team. You raise a brow at him while taking a bite out of your food.
🏈The fact that you seemed so uninterested in his presence was amusing to him and he started making small talk to you, a little teasing and playful insults sprinkled in, perhaps some flirting if you squint.
🏈But all you did was reply to his questions about your life in the driest ways possible with absolutely no interest in conversation with a playboy like him.
🏈You've heard of him before from some friends of yours, how he's fucked probably half of the cheerleading squad and had a lengthy history of chatting up girls just to fuck them and leave. All of this and the way he presented himself to you as some stuck-up douche who's only talking to you in order to make fun of you made you annoyed and a bit revolted by him.
🏈Brandon on the other hand couldn't get enough of you. The more he talked to you the more interested he was about you as a person. You were modest, you had interesting tastes in music, you had cool hobbies he's never heard of before from anyone he's talked to in the past, and most of all you were...beautiful.
🏈You weren't that different from everyone else compared to looks, sure you were a bit prettier but average nonetheless, why does he think you're so cute all of a sudden?
🏈the bell rang, and you immediately stood up to walk to class, much to the jock's dismay.
🏈He takes your hand before to went off with a gentle but tight grip.
🏈"uh...so you like, have good english scores right? You think you could tutor me sometime?"
🏈Ohhhhhh so that's why he talked to you, because you were a nerd and he needed you to copy homework from.
🏈You offer your English essay, but he refuses, asking if you were available to help him to make his own.
🏈You were pleasantly surprised to say the least, you never thought someone like him would choose tutoring instead of copying from someone else for an easy A+.
🏈You let out a small laugh and smiled at him. "huh, Alright. See you after school then..." You then run off in hopes you wouldn't be late to your next period.
🏈Brandon stood there a bit frazzled, why did he say that? Why does he want to be tutored all of a sudden? Why was your smile so precious? Why is his face heating up???
🏈Before he could get his thoughts together, his friends approached him, ushering him to start moving or else he'll be given another detention. He snapped out of his confused state and tried to laugh off the thoughts of you swirling around his head.
🏈Who the hell were you to make him feel so...good?
an: making a part 2 soon, probably, hopefully. requests are open so feel free to give any suggestions of more funny lads to write about!
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navybrat817 · 7 months
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Andy Barber x Female Reader Summary: You get to know Andy a bit more and put in your notice, but your boss doesn't it take it well. Word Count: Almost 4.4k Warnings: Slow burn, getting to know each other, sugar daddy contraction, tension, flirting, slight insecurities, inner monologue, yelling (apologies to anyone named Sean), Andy Barber (he's a warning, okay?) Graphic talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass, Divider - @firefly-graphics, Header - yours truly Previous Part: Sign the Dotted Line A/N: Welcome back to my Terms and Conditions AU! Hope you lovelies enjoy. Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby but any and all mistakes are my own. ❤️ Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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The feeling of floating on cloud nine wasn't something you experienced much in your life. There were high points, of course, but nothing like the elation that filled you as Andy went to make a copy of the contract. It was almost dizzying to think that for the next three quarters of a year, everything was going to be okay. Better than okay.
All thanks to Andy.
Estelle shrieked as she pulled you to your feet. “You're a sugar baby! You're a sugar baby!” she sang, making you laugh as she did a little dance with it.
“I thought you said I was going to be his ‘companion’,” you teased.
She leveled you with a look. “It’s the same thing,” she said, grabbing her bag. “And since your new ‘companion’ is taking you to the diner, why don’t we celebrate tomorrow? You better give me all the details.”
You giggled again at the implication as she squeezed you in a tight hug. If you weren’t happy before, you would've been thanks to her infectious attitude. “You sure don’t need me to head down with you?”
“No, I’m good. You just enjoy the rest of the day,” she said, winking at you and pointing at Andy when he came back. “Have fun and be good to her or I’ll destroy you,” she told him as she walked by with every ounce of confidence you wished you had. “And nice meeting you!”
You half expected there to be an air of awkwardness once the two of you were left alone and were surprised not to feel it at all. It was hard to describe the atmosphere outside of that, but it was something both familiar and new. Maybe that was because Andy continued to put you at ease all while exciting you. The next chapter of your time would be unpredictable in ways that you were looking forward to encountering.
Did he feel the same way?
Andy chuckled after a moment, the sound bringing a smile back to your face as he held up the papers in his hand. “I realize this is probably a bit outdated since everything is done electronically, but I prefer it this way.”
“I don't think it’s outdated,” you assured him as he handed you the contract, his fingers brushing yours. Would you ever get used to the jolt of electricity you felt at his touch? “It’s less of a chance of it getting leaked.”
Though it was you he worried about, you still wanted to protect his reputation.
“Yes, it is,” he said, smiling to himself when you tucked the papers carefully in your folder. “Estelle is serious, isn’t she? She’ll destroy me if I hurt you?”
“Oh, yeah. She isn’t afraid of anyone,” you said as you shifted slightly on your feet. “But I wouldn't worry about her. I don't expect you to hurt me.”
He had to know that.
Andy took a step closer. “She’s a good person to have on your side,” he commented, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at the soft look in his eyes. “And I have no intention of hurting you.”
You carefully considered his words with furrowed brows. “Aren't you supposed to say you promise not to hurt me?”
A sad smile touched his lips. “People make promises and usually do so for the right reasons, but they don't always lead to the desired outcome,” he replied as if he peeled back a small layer of himself that still left you with questions. “Take the weeklong silence, for example. I inadvertently hurt you by not reaching out.”
Your cheeks flamed, almost wishing you hadn't mentioned it. “But we talked about that. You didn't mean anything by it.”
“Yes, we did talk about it and I'm glad you told me how you felt. I still caused doubt in your mind though,” he said, his tone gentle and understanding without breaking eye contact. “So while I do want to promise that I’ll never hurt you, I'd rather promise that I have no intention of ever hurting you. Because I don't.”
It took a moment to recall that Andy was married once years ago. While you weren't sure why things ended, did his divorce give him a new perspective on making and keeping promises? Or was it his time as a lawyer?
Whatever the reason you had to respect him for his outlook.
“I appreciate that and I will hold you to that,” you said, falling in step beside him as you headed for the door.
He raised an eyebrow as he held it open for you to go through, allowing you to catch the scent of his cologne again as you walked past. You almost asked what brand it was just so you could get a bottle and spritz your worn in sweatshirts. “Isn't this the part where you promise you have no intention of hurting me?” He questioned.
“I don't think I have the power to hurt you,” you replied, not looking behind you as you headed toward the elevator. You were positive you didn't have that kind of influence nor did you want to hurt him. “But I promise that I have no intention to do so.”
You froze when he leaned in close, his beard ticking your ear and it took all of your inner strength not to turn your head toward him. “Never underestimate how powerful you are, honey,” he whispered, your breath rushing out of your lungs as he stepped back and gestured to the open elevator doors. “Shall we?”
“Sure,” you replied, your voice more breathy than you intended as you stepped inside. You swore you caught him smiling before he joined you.
“I gave my driver the afternoon off, so you’re stuck with me,” he said, pressing the button for the lowest level before the doors slid shut. “I hope that’s okay.”
“I think I can handle you driving,” you teased, happy that the two of you would be alone for part of the evening.
He chuckled before he went quiet again. The silence was comfortable, the soft dings as you passed each floor the only sound in the space. It gave you a moment to admire the man beside you. With his perfect posture, chin held high, and pristine suit, you tried to picture how he looked when he simply relaxed. No eyes on him. No one expecting anything from him.
Maybe he can show me that side of himself sometime soon.
“You’re staring,” he stated.
You smiled, not at all embarrassed that he caught you without looking your way. “I guess it’s because I’m still trying to figure you out.”
That and he was still one of the most handsome men you had ever seen.
But who was Andy Barber beyond his money? Your hero and your second chance at a better life, but what else? What did he do for fun? What did he want out of life, years from now?
Andy swung his head toward you as the elevator came to a stop. “I guess that makes two of us then.”
You found yourself in his car a few minutes later. The Audi still had that “new car” smell to it, the passenger seat sleek and not at all broken in. There wasn’t a spec of dust on the leather interior. Either he didn’t drive it often or he made sure to keep it in next to perfect condition.
Your mind drifted back to Andy’s earlier statement. What exactly was he trying to figure out? If he meant that he was trying to figure you out, he didn’t have to look too deeply. And if he was still trying to figure himself out, that was normal. Searching for your true self was a lifelong journey. And with your newfound sense of freedom at your fingertips, you’d be able to explore your own passions and visualize your ideal self.
But part of you figuring Andy out was getting to know him.
“Why the diner?” You asked, glancing over at him as he concentrated on the road in front of him. “I mean, why go there for coffee or food when you can go anywhere else?”
Maybe upscale places weren’t his usual style. He took you to the Courthouse and looked at ease there, but maybe the diner was an escape. Something different.
“I didn’t grow up with much, but my mom made it work as best as she could,” he admitted, a wistful note in his voice. “We never went hungry and she got creative with some meals so I wouldn’t get tired of eating the same thing. Things like fast food were considered a treat and diners were fine dining.”
You shifted in your seat as you listened, touched by the unexpected vulnerability. “I’ll bet she looked forward to those moments,” you said.
“She did and so did I,” he smiled over at you. “On the rare nights when she was able to save up and take us to a diner, she got a large breakfast or dinner meal for us to split. Best way to stretch her dollar and make sure neither of us felt hungry after.”
You almost reached over to take his hand, but you didn’t want to overstep. He was giving you a piece of himself by revealing a part of his past. That was more than you could ask for.
“I went to diners in college, too, when I was struggling to make ends meet,” he continued, stroking his beard for a moment. “I guess they kind of stuck with me because they reminded me of happier times. They also serve as a reminder to be thankful for what I have. It’s important to remember who I was then and who I am now.”
You let out a breath and closed your eyes as he turned onto the next street, wishing you could thank his mother for raising such an amazing man. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”
His hand covered yours unexpectedly when your eyes opened. “Thank you for asking.”
You turned your wrist so your palm met his, your stomach flipping as he held it a little tighter. Opening up was never easy, even if Andy made it sound effortless. You felt closer to him after hearing that important piece of his history. Even the crackle of electricity felt different this time. Instead of a jolt, it was like a steady hum.
Maybe that closeness was the reason you didn’t want to let go when he parked his car in front of the diner.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You swallowed as you glanced out the window, the flashing lights from the sign of the beckoning for you to go in. “I just can't believe I'm actually going to quit,” you said, clutching your bag with your other hand. “I mean, I do believe it. I have my resignation letter here and everything.”
“Even when you had that bit of doubt that the contract wouldn't go through, you had your letter ready,” he smiled.
You toyed with the strap of your bag as you tried to hide your smile. “I guess I did.”
Preparation never hurt anyone.
“But if you’d rather hold off until tomorrow, I understand. I can even drive you back here if you want to wait,” he offered.
For a moment, you questioned if you should wait. As you bit your lip to fight your smile more and squeezed Andy’s hand, you made your decision. You signed the contract. You were more than ready.
Most of all, you deserved to start your path to a better future.
“I’m ready,” you assured him, reluctantly releasing his hand before you unbuckled your seatbelt. “Are you going in or did you want to wait here?”
“I’ll grab a coffee while I wait,” he said, stopping you as you reached for your door handle. “Allow me.”
You smiled to yourself as he went around to let you out. “Are you always a gentleman?”
“Not always,” he said without missing a beat, winking as you joined him on the sidewalk.
You licked your lips and gazed into his bright blue eyes. Could he see the want in yours? What would it take to make him lose control?
“I’m looking forward to seeing that side of you, Mr. Barber,” you smiled, brushing past him as he inhaled.
But first things first.
The bell rang as you walked inside and you paused to take it all in. Taking Andy’s earlier story to heart, you wouldn’t allow yourself to forget that this diner was part of your story. It not only led him to you, but also kept you from becoming homeless. It was a blessing.
“Hey,” Casey, one of the veteran servers, nodded to you from behind the counter before she looked over your outfit. She seemed to forget all about you as Andy as he walked in behind you. You didn't blame her. “Hi there. Sit anywhere you’d like.”
Andy put his hand on your lower back before he leaned in, your breath hitching slightly. “Good luck, honey,” he whispered, releasing you as Casey gawked in your direction. “I’ll just have a coffee, please,” he said as he took a seat at the counter.
The usual warmth Andy exuded was down a notch. Still friendly, but different. Or maybe you were just telling yourself that in order to feel special. “Is Sean here?”
“Yep. In the office,” Casey answered, pouring Andy a fresh cup of coffee. “Just got here.”
“I’ll be right back,” you told Andy, feeling his eyes on you as you headed through the employee only doors.
Sean had his head buried in some paperwork as he grumbled to himself. With a deep breath, you knocked on the open door. He didn't speak to you much outside of your shifts and hardly praised you for a job well done, but he wasn't a bad boss. You felt bad disturbing him, but it was now or never.
“Hi. May I come in?” You asked as he looked up.
“Yeah. Don't shut the door though. Lock’s broken,” he said, nodding to the chair in front of his desk. “Didn’t expect to see you today. What are you all dressed up for?”
“Oh, I had a meeting,” you answered, which wasn’t a lie. You did meet with Andy. “That’s actually what I needed to talk to you about.”
“A meeting?” He repeated with a frown. “Don’t tell me you’re quitting.”
Your stomach began to twist in knots. The last thing you wanted to do was disappoint your boss, even if he wouldn’t be that for much longer. Being a waitress also wasn’t your dream job, but it helped you when you needed it.
Now you have to help yourself.
“Yes, I am. I’m putting in my two weeks notice,” you said quietly, taking the letter out of your bag and placing it on the desk when he stared impassively. “I found another opportunity and I’m going to take it, but I’m happy to take any shifts I can over the next two weeks to help.”
Sean didn’t speak for a moment as he drummed his fingers on the desk. “Two weeks? No, that's not gonna work. We’re short as it is,” he said, shoving the paper away before he leaned back in his chair. Was he serious? “You're gonna have to make it four weeks and then we'll revisit after that to see if we need you to stay on longer.”
“No. I'm giving you two weeks,” you reiterated, your tone unwavering. You wouldn’t let Sean bully you into staying longer, even as guilt crept up since the place was short-staffed. “That's standard and I can't do more than that. I'm sorry.”
“Oh, no. I'm still in charge and you'll give me four weeks. That’s final,” he argued, waving his hand dismissively as you shrank a bit in your chair. “Unless you have anything else to add, I’ll see you next shift.”
You clasped your hands in your lap to keep from shaking. You didn't expect him to react this way. “No, that’s not final. I can't give you four weeks,” you said as calmly as possible, even as you began to feel more uncomfortable. “I would if I could, but I can't. I’m sorry.”
“Can't or won't?” Sean asked, almost making you jump as he raised his voice. “Listen here, you've been a solid employee and I'm not going to lose you in two weeks or four weeks. Do you understand? And if you don't show up you can forget about ever getting a good recommendation from me. Might as well kiss that ‘opportunity’ of yours goodbye.”
Your eyes burned as your mind flashed back to when you were told you were laid off from your previous job, the compassionate tone of your old boss the opposite of the man in front of you. The situations were different, but both made you feel so small. Especially since Sean was essentially threatening your future endeavors. You refused to cry though.
He wouldn’t witness your tears.
You cleared your throat and maintained your resolve. “Two weeks, Sean. That’s it. I said I’m willing to work as many shifts as I can over the next two weeks, but I can't do more than that. I won’t,” you firmly spoke as his eyes widened. “I really don't want to end this on a bad note, please.”
He pushed himself to his feet as he thrust a finger toward your face as if it would somehow make him appear intimidating to tower over you. It wouldn’t sway you. “Listen here, you little-”
“Is everything okay?”
Andy’s voice made both of you jump as you spun in your chair. He stood in the doorway but didn’t look your way. He trained his gaze on your boss, his normally bright eyes narrow and cold.
Your boss must’ve felt malice in that stare since he sat down immediately. “Oh. Mr. Barber,” he said. Did he know him as a regular customer or merely recognize his status? “It’s just an issue with an employee. This doesn’t concern you.”
“There is no issue,” you corrected him.
“Actually, she’s with me, so it does concern me,” Andy spoke as he took a step into the office, staring your boss down with a clenched jaw. The space no longer felt like Sean’s. It was as if Andy owned it along with everything in it. “If you want to raise your voice at someone, I’m right here. You won’t speak to her that way though. Do you understand?”
The deep timbre almost knocked the air out of your lungs, your heart pounding from Andy defending you.
Sean coughed a bit as color filled his cheeks. He should be embarrassed. “I didn’t realize she was with you. I wouldn’t have…” he trailed off.
Your blood simmered. He wouldn’t have raised his voice at you if he knew you were with Andy. Was this a taste of what things were going to be like? How people were going to treat you moving forward?
“Who she’s with shouldn’t matter. Not to mention, your customers and employees could hear you since your door was open,” Andy added, disappointment thickly laced in his voice. “You said she was a solid employee. Why would you speak to her like that?”
Sean’s eyes flickered to you as you waited for an answer. “We’ve been short-staffed and I’ve been stressing over it. That’s no excuse. I'm sorry,” he said to Andy, making your blood go from simmering to boiling. A customer, a powerful man, got the apology, but not you. “Won’t happen again.”
“Maybe remind yourself to be kind to the people who work for you before you raise your voice again. They’re the ones who keep your business running,” Andy said.
With a hang of his head, your boss sighed. “Two weeks, huh?” He asked, the wind completely out of his sails as you nodded. “Okay. Two weeks it is.”
“Thanks,” you whispered before Andy walked over and held out his hand to help you to your feet. Luckily, you didn’t tremble as you took it and gave it a small squeeze. It was nice that he was on your side.
“And one more thing?” Andy added as Sean glanced up. “I’m not the one you should apologize to.”
You held up your other hand when Sean looked your way and opened his mouth. “No. The only reason you’re going to say you’re sorry is because he’s here,” you stated, looking at Andy momentarily. He responded with an encouraging smile. “And I don’t want an empty apology. You can keep it.”
It was nice that Andy wanted an apology on your behalf, but it wouldn't feel believable.
Sean’s face fell, but he didn’t argue. Up until today, he treated you decently. The pressures of running a business were tough, but he had no reason to take it out on you. At the same time, you felt bad for him.
“But thank you, Sean. You gave me a job when I needed one and I won’t forget that,” you added gently. “I’ll see you next shift.”
“Why don't I meet you outside? I just want one more quick word with your boss,” Andy said as Sean audibly swallowed.
“Sure,” you said, the knots in your gut unraveling as you left the two of them alone.
You exhaled as you walked back into the dining area, avoiding the gazes from a few of the customers. Your hand shook as you gave Casey a small wave. At least she didn’t look upset with you.
“Quitting, huh? Lucky duck,” she smiled sadly. “You okay? He had no right speaking to you like that.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you nodded, taking another breath. You didn't like anyone raising their voice at you, but you wouldn't allow yourself to dwell on it and didn’t need her to worry. All you could do was make the transition as smooth as possible over the next two weeks. “Didn't expect that kind of reaction. Didn’t expect anyone out here to hear it.”
“Sean’s voice carries and he’s probably just pissed that he’s losing another good one while he’s stuck here,” she guessed, glancing over her shoulder before she added in a whisper, “Oh, and that guy you’re with? He looked furious when he heard him.”
“He did?” You asked, an almost goofy smile appearing on your face.
“Yeah, he did. He had fire in his eyes. Put a bill down, got to his feet, and immediately walked back there. And I wasn’t about to stop him,” she said, her smile widening as she leaned on the counter. “I’d say he’s smitten.”
Your heart skipped a beat. First Estelle, now Casey. Though the latter had no clue about the arrangement. “He’s really something, isn't he?”
“Oh, yeah,” Casey said, straightening up when the employee door swung open.
Andy’s eyes landed on you as he walked through, his eyes soft again as he held out his hand. He also looked pleased with himself. “Ready?”
“Ready,” you said, taking it as you gave Casey a nod. “I’ll see you soon. Hope the rest of your shift is okay.”
“Me, too. See ya,” she said before she went back to assisting other customers.
“You okay?” Andy asked softly as he led you outside.
“I’m fine,” you promised, not wanting him to worry either or get upset. “But what did you say to Sean?”
“Nothing for you to worry about,” he answered, shaking his head. “Listen, I’m sorry if I overstepped by intervening. I just couldn’t let him talk to you like that.”
He easily deflected your question and you decided to let him have that victory for now.
You went in for a hug but kept space for him to breathe. He wrapped his arms tightly around you before you could pull away, your body melting into his. The bustling city around you faded as you focused on the warmth of his firm body. It made you forget all about Sean’s reaction.
“I’m glad you did,” you said, stepping back with a tiny smile. It meant the world that he defended you. “I tried to hold my own.”
“You did. You could've snapped back or walked out, but you didn't. That’s commendable and powerful,” he assured you, his gaze serious. “But I don't care if it’s your boss or a stranger or your best friend, I’m not about to let someone take their frustrations out on you.”
Warmth settled in your chest. You learned something else about Andy today: He truly wouldn't tolerate anyone disrespecting you. He continued to prove that he was a man of his word.
You also experienced firsthand how things worked in his world, how people would bend toward his will. If it was a test, you wouldn’t say you failed since you stood up for yourself. It wouldn’t always be that easy. Whether someone questioned your motives or place with Andy or not, you had to learn to grow a thick skin. Not just for your own benefit, but Andy’s, too.
He needed someone strong by his side.
“Thank you, Andy.”
“And, listen, if you don’t want to work those shifts or if he gives you a hard time-”
“I’ll be fine,” you promised. You doubted Sean would make it a hostile work environment, but you could handle it if there were any issues. “But I think I’d like to go home now.”
Andy blinked and gave you a single nod. “Sure. If that’s what you want.”
Is he disappointed at the thought of me ending the day right now?
You smiled as you tugged him in the direction of his car. “I’d also like you to see my place,” you said, his eyebrows shooting up. It surprised you that you offered, too. “It isn't much, but it’s comfortable. Maybe we can order takeout?”
It wasn’t exactly the ideal way to celebrate, but he shared a piece of himself on the drive over. The least you could do was let him see your apartment. And who knew where the evening would take you?
“Only if you’ll let me pay,” he smiled.
“You're not going to let me pay for anything, are you?” You smiled back.
“Not if I can help it,” he replied, opening the car door. “Let's get you home, honey.”
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We all need a man like Andy. And what's going to happen at the apartment? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Andy Barber Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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maivolpe · 1 year
as long as you’re with me (you’ll be just fine)
summary: you neglect an injury to be able to see your boyfriend. he, however, sees right through your charade.
a/n: my first "full" one-shot! this is a reminder to take care of yourselves or else. i hope you enjoy ♡
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader cw: descriptions of blood, stitches, wounds, needles, bucky dog-earing a book wc: 1.5k
the lights were dimmed when you arrived home, battered and bruised. you almost sank to your knees upon entrance, the exhaustion from the day coursing through your body. you dropped your backpack just inside the door with a resounding thud. you'd deal with it later.
your suit still stuck to your skin unpleasantly, the slick feeling of blood still coating your leg. it had taken a few minutes to even realize you had been stabbed, but that was a small mercy. it was a sharp pain like you'd never felt before, and the heat of it all tortured you through the rest of the fight. you had lost the feeling, for a few fleeting seconds, thanks to adrenaline, but now it was back. and worse than before, as your stupid suit rubbed against the wound.
shower, was the plan. shower everything off, bandage it up, and pretend like nothing happened. then you would get to spend the time with bucky that you missed on the mission.
his voice echoed softly across the room, and you squinted before realizing that bucky was tucked under a pile of blankets on the couch. only his eyes, his nose, and his battered copy of the hobbit showed. you laughed breathily, slowly making your way across the room to him. "hey, lover."
he dog-eared his page, causing you to wince internally, and struggled out of the blankets he had trapped himself in. his eyes flitted over your face, taking in your features. the small crease in your forehead, the bags under your eyes. the little tilt to your head, because... you were favoring one leg over the other. busted.
"where are you hurt?" he asked, though he already knew.
you groaned, defeated, and displayed your left leg in front of him. though your suit was still on, there was a sickening stain of blood collecting where you'd quickly wrapped it up and tied it off before leaving the compound.
"it's really not a big deal, doesn't hurt that badly. don't worry about me!"
bucky cocked an eyebrow at you, and reached for your leg. he gently bent your shin backwards, eliciting a hiss of pain from your lips.
"sure, princess. not that bad. sit down."
he headed off to the bathroom to fetch the kit, and you let yourself slowly sink onto the couch.
"if it was bad they wouldn't have let you leave," he called from the other room. "knife wound?"
"yeah," you answered. "i kind of... hid it? but i think they knew you were gonna patch me up regardless."
bucky walked back into the room, his bare feet grazing the carpet. "i'm nothing to you but a nurse."
you laughed and leaned forwards, trapping his lips in a soft kiss. it tasted like heaven after a long day of granola bars and the metallic tang of your own blood. but then again, it always tasted like heaven.
"hottest nurse i ever met."
he chuckled, tying his hair up to keep it out of his eyes and squatting down to see your thigh in the dim lighting. "don't tell sharon that."
he slowly untied the cloth you'd had tied just above your knee, muttering "crude" before letting it fall to the floor. while it wasn't completely soaked through with blood, you still looked away from it, instead watching bucky's jaw set as he pulled out a pair of scissors.
"'m just gonna cut your suit here," he assured. "you've got like fifty of 'em anyways."
you nodded your assent, laying back on the cushions as you heard the tear of fabric. he hissed upon seeing the wound, a three- or four-inch gash just above your knee. it was probably three-quarters of an inch deep, he figured. dried crimson covered every available inch of skin. if it had happened to himself, he wouldn't have cared. he had plenty of scars, and the serum would help to heal it fast enough that it didn't matter.
but to his girl?
he was filled with a rage he hadn't felt since the forties, when steve would show up bloodied and bruised, acting as unaffected as you were right now. he'd been against you going on missions in the first place - while he knew you were capable, he couldn't protect you in the field. he wanted, needed to protect you. but he knew the best way to do that would be to help now, to clean you up, and so he did.
"how're you feeling, pretty girl?" he asked, moving to the faucet in the kitchen. he ran the water over a clean cloth, never taking his eyes off of the couch where you lay.
you pressed the heels of your hands to your eyes, sighing. "'m a little dizzy. stitches?"
you closed your eyes - just for a minute - and it felt like the couch would swallow you up, or you would sink right through the cushions. it was quiet, only the ticking of the clock and the hum of the tacky lamp that bucky loved to read by filling the air. they soon faded, and you didn't question why. there was silence for a moment, and the burning in your leg subsided until it was just a dull ache.
your eyes flickered open in surprise at a cool pressure on your lips, parting them just a bit when you realized bucky was holding a glass to your mouth. it felt cool and wonderful trickling down your throat, and before you knew it, the cup was empty and he was pulling it away. he made up for it with the loving look he gave you, though it was tinged with a bit of sadness. it could've just been the shadows, the way the light fell on him, but you knew better.
"hang in there for me, doll," he murmured, sitting back down and pressing the wet cloth to your skin. the sting of the fabric against the gash was more than enough to bring you back down to earth. you groaned, and bucky nodded in sympathy.
"almost done."
he was finished in no time, though it felt like forever, and soon wielded the needle and nylon that you so dreaded.
“here, baby, i got you.” he tucked the end of one of his blankets into your mouth, letting you bite down on it. "ready?"
you nodded, giving him a weak thumbs up. ready as you'd ever be, you supposed.
he went in as quickly as he could, tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he slammed out stitch after stitch. you gritted your teeth, your breath hitching. it stung so badly. but it was done as fast as it had begun, and the needle clattered to the ground.
bucky pulled himself onto the couch next to you, his hands moving a million miles a minute. he gently took the fabric from your teeth, laying the blanket softly over your legs, hiding the stitches from view. you held your trembling hands out to him, and they were swallowed up in an instant, deft fingers tracing your veins.
“good job, darling, that was amazing,” he murmured, pressing a tentative kiss to your mouth. your lip quivered and he pulled away quickly, cautious eyes searching for any kind of pain he might’ve caused.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
tears gathered at your waterline, and you sniffled before choking out, “you treat me so well.”
he smiled, but knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. “you’ve been stabbed. do you think i wouldn't help you?”
“no i know you'll always help, but… i don't think i deserve it. i didn’t do amazing. it hurt.”
he laughed. “pretty girl, when i had to sew myself up for the first time, i was cussin’ and screamin’ everywhere. you didn’t even make a single sound.”
"well then i shouldn't have gotten stabbed," you grumbled.
he pulled you into his arms. “you got through the fight, first of all, and that's a win in my book. and on top of that, you toughed it out just to come see me, dove. which you shouldn’t have, that was stupid and reckless, but the point here is that you're strong. even stronger than me, i think."
you only hummed, moving your head to rest on his shoulder. it felt as though all of your energy had evaporated from your body, and would float away through an open window somewhere. the rumble of bucky's voice deliberately softened, proving your exhaustion did not go unnoticed.
“want me to sleep on the couch with you tonight?”
you hummed, leaning forward to kiss his neck as your way of saying yes. he chuckled again, the sweet melody of his laughter bringing a ghost of a smile to your tired face. you couldn't see his, but you knew he was grinning.
“c’n you read to me?”
bucky reached for his book, flipping to the dog-eared page. "i thought you'd never ask, dove."
"you know, one 'f these days 'm gonna get tired of hearing about dwarves."
"you won't," he said confidently. "you love me too much."
you snorted, but settled in, tucking your uninjured leg close to your body. bucky tightened his grip around you, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. he cleared his throat dramatically, coaxing another smile from your features.
“bilbo rushed along the passage, very angry, and altogether bewildered and bewuthered…”
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
ko-fi ♡
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chicken-fifi · 4 months
Stray Kids Reaction | What Would Attract Them to Somebody
Pairing: Skz Members x Reader
Requested by anon: paste here
A/n: i actually went ahead and used some of the info on them on Kprofiles when it came to their ideal type and then added some more that i thought fit the mold....maybe? i also ended up using a Koreaboo article (please let me finish before you hate on this decision), because it specifically quotes what the members said on SKZ Code. i wouldn't have jumped to this source if everything else wasn't tumblr (i didn't want to accidentally read something and unconsciously copy or rewrite something already out there so those were not touched)
Tunes: I'm listening to this Day6 playlist by 헤픈투 happen to on Youtube :)
Bang Chan:
“Doesn’t have an ideal type” (KProfiles.com)
Both sources said the above
I do think that Chris would like someone who’s passionate about what they do though
It doesn't have to an over the top passionate but having something that interests them and they love is a must
I also sense him being attracted to someone who’s very gentle in nature
Probably someone who has some introverted tendencies
Probably mixed in with some extrovertedness
An ambivert quite possibly
But leaning towards introvert
Someone who doesn’t mind affection (receiving)
And who he could rely on to be there for him just as much as he can be there for them
Lee Know:
“A person who matches well with him and someone he can talk comfortably with.” (KProfiles.com)
“‘Someone who won’t get sick of eating meat dishes with me every single day.’” (Koreaboo.com)
Given the above information
Minho would be attracted to someone very real
Someone who isn’t afraid to show their real selves to him
He would be attracted to someone who’s open and friendly
Easy to approach if you will
But who also having this calming aura about them
Not saying he would be attracted to a foodie
But he would certainly like someone who enjoys food
It would make him happy to see someone enjoy all types of food
Wanting to venture out into new cuisines and such
“A girl who can laugh with him when they’re together.” (KProfiles.com)
Changbin would 100% be attracted to someone who has a good sense of humor
An attractive laugh
A glowing smile
Someone who will make want to make a fool out of himself if it meant you would laugh
He would also be attracted to someone confident
Someone who can hold their own and stand tall but also display this gentle and humble nature
Overall, someone who really keep him on his toes in a way that is also secure
“‘Someone who would listen to my worries well and can empathize to them as if it’s their own worries.’” (KProfiles.com)
“‘Someone who looks indifferent on the outside, but is actually soft and sweet on the inside. Someone who has a cute smile.’” (Koreaboo.com)
Hyunjin is really attracted to empathy
But someone who displays this trait when it really counts
It’s not something that is always handed out
To put it simply someone who guards their entire being like their life depends on it
But who lowers those walls when someone really touches them and earns their trust
He’d be attracted to someone who can genuinely sit there and listen to him without giving advice
Someone who validates him and what he’s feeling without needing to give input
Definitely someone who affectionate behind closed door
Someone who values privacy
“‘Someone who can be the big spoon. (It also translates to ‘Someone who can bear-hug me.’)’” (Koreaboo.com)
Jisung, from the statement above, would be attracted to an affectionate person
I imagine someone who embodies comfort and softness
While still being raw and real
I’m not trying to say someone with a dominant personality
But someone who can definitely hold their own
He really looks for someone who make him feel comfortable
Cared for
Someone who protects him and can not baby him
But treat him every once in a while
I feel like he’d be attracted to someone who also embodies literal sunshine
Or happiness in a bottle
“‘Someone who eats well.’” (Koreaboo.com)
Felix for sure likes a foodie
But more so someone who enjoys eating good food
Someone well versed in different cuisines who will be open to try new food with him
If you can cook it’s a plus
Because now his mind is plagued with the idea of cooking with you in the kitchen
He really loves seeing your eyes sparkle when you eat
He’s also attracted to someone who can express their like for something in many different ways
With facial expressions
You name it
He like expressive people
“‘Someone passionate about their work.’” (Koreaboo.com)
Seungmin is attracted to someone who loves what that they
Someone who can make him interested and want to hear everything about their job even if he doesn’t understand a single thing about it
Seeing you get fired up as you talk (in a positive way) is some he enjoys
He’d also be attracted to someone who’s not a gossiper
I feel like oftentimes when it comes to the work environment it’s easy to get caught up in the toxic work environment
So someone who could steer clear of that and just be genuine and not judge someone based on rumors is nice
He like a passionate and humble human
“‘Someone who is diligent at what they do for work. Someone I can look up to, and I can talk to.’” (Koreaboo.com; not my fave, but these quotes are cited to be from SKZ CODE, I personally haven’t watched it so, idk how true that is since it does say it’s a parody of a dating show….)
Jeongin is attracted to inspiring individuals who like what they do and are humble
Someone with a good head on their shoulders who doesn’t let things get to them
Someone who takes care in everything they do to make it meets the standards they have for themselves
He’s attracted to someone who values comfort and privacy when it counts
Sharing enough to draw him in but not enough to let him know everything
Someone who builds the interest, but makes their intentions clear
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— after dark
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: graphic descriptions of gore and violence, angst, self - injury
summary: the demon doesn't think herself deserving enough — every single time she touches wednesday, she does so with bated breath, as if the girl is made of porcelain
word count: 3.4k
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The Weather Wane tended to be crowded on weekend afternoons, but Wednesday found herself enjoying the calm atmosphere of the coffee shop, lucky enough to only share the space with some old couple and a few teenagers. She sat in the corner by the window, reading a copy of Dracula, the only sound accompanying her being the quite chatter of other patrons that she quickly tuned down and the shuffling of the yellowed pages when she turned them.
(Y/n), on the other hand, seemed restless. She was sitting next to Wednesday, having long since finished her coffee, her arm draped over the seat, brows furrowed as she glared daggers at the barista working behind the counter. The poor guy had already caught her death stare once or twice as he kept glancing at the pair, averting his eyes quickly with a small shiver before returning to scrubbing at the coffee machine nervously. It seemed like he had something to say to the small ravenette, but with the seething oni basically burning holes into him, growling intimidatingly, it was akin to sneaking over a garden fence that clearly had a ‘beware of the angry dog’ sign plastered over it.
It wasn't like (Y/n) had anything personal against Tyler, she supposed. He didn't seem like a bad guy — hell, he didn't seem like anything at all. There was nothing special or out of ordinary about him. But, as the oni's gaze flicked down to Wednesday's face, her mind started to drift.
What if ordinary was what was best for the gloomy girl?
She was into weird things, of course, but... Being with a human would've been much more safe for her. It would've been a balanced relationship, and she wouldn't have to deal with some of the demonic trais (Y/n) knew vexed Wednesday to no end. Humans did have their own exasperating habits too, but in no way could they be compared to eating raw meat, growling in one's sleep or turning into a ferocious beast every Blood Moon.
Wait. When had (Y/n)'s thoughts taken such a drastic turn? She didn't like wallowing in self — doubt. She was an oni from a powerful bloodline with strong heritage, no human could ever best that. Besides, that bloodline consisted of demons and samurais. She could definitely protect Wednesday when needed.
"(Y/n), are you listening?"
Snapping out of her daze, the oni tilted her head to look at the Addams girl who was plaguing her thoughts, “Hm?”
"I asked if you wanted to take the longer route back to Nevermore. Night would probably befall us half — way... I'll hold your hand so you don't get lost." Wednesday muttered softly, looking up from her book.
The oni grinned, hand moving to tuck a stray lock of raven hair behind Wednesday's ear, her clawed finger gently tracing the smaller girl's cheekbone before she pulled away, "Sure. That'd be great."
Yeah. Yeah, she was pretty great. Eat that, Tyler Galpin.
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"Have you decided on the movie yet, (Y/n)?"
The demon groaned at the question, draping her blanket over her head to try and avoid answering.
"I did not," came the muffled response, "I'm having a hard time finding something to your liking that's not going to make me fall asleep halfway through."
"I'll watch whatever you like. I don't care."
"But I do!" (Y/n) shook the fluffy blanket off, her (h/c) hair emerging disheveled, and looked up at the ravenette with a pout, "I want you to actually enjoy what you're watching, not have to sit it through for my sake."
"I really don't care." The ravenette emphasized.
The demon sighed, her clawed finger sliding over the touch pad as she scrolled through the catalogue,
"Fine. But don't complain when it's too cheesy or stupid for you."
It was always like this with Wednesday on movie nights — she'd insist she had no preference, then the second the movie (Y/n)'d choose started, she'd grumble about it. They had watched most of the good horror movies that existed, the girls' favorites being Silence of the Lambs, Saw and Carrie, but the oni's mood would sometimes long for something less macabre, much to Wednesday's displeasure.
Running her hands through her wet hair, the ravenette grabbed her brush and moved to sit on her side of the bed, squinting to take a better look at the screen.
"... Breakfast Club?" She read with a frown, and her gaze slid over to the demon's face, "Are you doing this on purpose?"
"But it's really good! And it has a cool dance scene I thought you might enjoy... " (Y/n) sighed, looking back at the laptop sadly, "Or, you know... We could always rewatch Pulp Fiction again if you want to."
Wednesday sighed tiredly before putting the brush on her nightstand, lying down next to (Y/n) and grabbing her arm to pull the limb to her chest, albeit a little roughly, entwining her slender fingers with the oni's.
"Start the movie." She mumbled finally.
"Wha— really?"
"Start the wretched movie before I change my mind, (Y/n)."
The demon grinned, snuggling closer to the grumpy ravenette. She clicked on the movie poster and pressed space, then rest her cheek on top of Wednesday's head, sighing in content.
"But next time we're watching Tusk."
"No, Wednesday."
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The first time Wednesday noticed it, she thought she was seeing things — maybe it had been the lighting, or her imagination playing tricks, but the ravenette didn't really pay it too much thought. She was used to visions haunting her, after all.
They were in class, a few minutes before their break would end, and (Y/n) sat backwards in her chair, elbows resting on the back as she talked to Enid and Yoko at the desk behind her, while Wednesday busied herself with her herbology assignment, having taken a habit of doing all her school stuff at least a week ahead.
At some point the lively conversation died, and the ravenette noticed it was just the vampire and the werewolf talking amidst themselves. (Y/n) was completely silent.
Turning in her seat to glance at the oni, Wednesday saw the demon looking back at her already, chin resting on her arms. Her head was titled a bit, and her (e/c) eyes glistened with fondness, but much to the smaller girl's surprise, the usual slits were absent — (Y/n)'s pupils were widened, taking up her whole sclera.
"Is something wrong?" Wednesday asked, a bit bashful under the gaze.
"No," (Y/n) denied through her lazy smile, "You're just really pretty. I like looking at you. Is that wrong?"
Color dusted Wednesday's pale cheeks lightly, and she turned back to her notes, "It's not, I suppose."
Huh. What an interesting trait. She wondered what the cause of it was.
It happened again when the girls were at Wednesday’s dorm, going over the ravenette’s investigation. (Y/n) was standing in the middle of the room, watching the smaller girl gesture at her hand – made chart, different photos of people, newspapers records and some of her own written notes were spread around the board, neatly arranged.
“Do you know what this means, (Y/n)?” She asked, pushing the papers into the demon’s hands, pointing at the picture, then walking back to her chart, “These are not just some mindless murders, he’s collecting trophies, like a seasoned serial killer. It’s quite impressive, actually.” Wednesday rambled heatedly before turning around to face the other girl, ready to hear her opinion on the case – but the oni wasn’t looking at the papers.
Her gaze was focused on the ravenette, a small grin on her lips, and her slit pupils were widened so much Wednesday swore she could see her own reflection in the orbs.
“... (Y/n). Are you listening?”
“Uh - huh. Yeah. Something something mindless murders, yeah...”
Coming up to stand before the taller girl, Wednesday snapped her fingers in front of her face, successfully waking her demon up from her daze.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm listening." (Y/n) blinked, looking down at the photographs in her hands, and Wednesday watched her pupils become slitted again.
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Wednesday hated making out. Everything about it was gross to the girl, from the unhygienic exchange of bacteria to the awful feeling of being so close to another living being. But making out with her demon girlfriend... That was something completely different, and Wednesday found it becoming a perfect stress relief, her favorite past – time activity, something to look forward every time they were alone.
(Y/n) sighed into Wednesday’s lips as her hold on the girl’s waist tightened, pulling her closer where Wednesday straddled her on the bed. The ravenette slid her palms up to the demon’s shoulders, then up her neck, cold fleeting touch leaving goosebumps in its wake, and rested her hands on her powerful jaw. She pulled away, a small string of saliva between their mouths, and her tongue licked over the demon’s big tusks. (Y/n) whined, making Wednesday smile.
When her gaze slid from the oni’s lips up to her eyes, she found the puzzling sight again – (Y/n)’s pupils wide and round as she watched Wednesday, dazed and breathing heavily. Pressing her hands to the girl’s cheeks, the ravenette leaned in to take a closer look.
“(Y/n), your eyes...” she said quietly, “Did you know they do this?”
“Huh?” the demon slurred in reply, not really focusing on the question, “Do what?”
“Your pupils, they get... bigger sometimes. Especially when... When you look at me...” Wednesday trailed off, the realisation hitting her suddenly.
It seemed like the same thing had happened to (Y/n), as the demon’s face turned red and she averted her gaze, draping an arm over her eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she mumbled, embarrassed.
The ravenette sighed, grabbing the oni’s hand to pull it away from her face, “Are you getting shy on me now? Don’t be silly,” she pressed a small kiss to (Y/n)’s nose, chuckling at the way it scrunched under her gentle touch, “It’s a common thing for most felines, actually. Are you a kitten, perhaps?”
“Oh my God, stop.” (Y/n) groaned, hiding her face in her palms.
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Wednesday ran through the woods, completely out of breath. Her legs hurt, knees bleeding where she scraped them from falling, and she could barely see where she was going, the night air nipping at her skin and urging her forward. The forest was almost silent – the heaviness of danger hung in the air, making all the wilderness hold its breath.
How long had she been running? Why did the forest seem so endless and dark, like a pit with nothing but void awaiting in the end?
The girl heard a loud roar behind her and picked up pace as much as her tired legs could allow her. Deep down she knew she would never win this chase. It was natural — prey was always meant to be caught by the predator.
Loud growls paired with sounds of leaves crunching under heavy limbs made her realise the creature was catching up. Gathering the last bits of her strength, Wednesday pushed herself to her limits, rushing forward to try and blend in the dark trees.
A flash of (e/c) eyes and huge tusks, and the ravenette went tumbling down on the ground. The demon knocked her off her feet and sent her flying on the forest floor, pining Wednesday to it with her talons painfully sinking into her sides. The ravenette winced, looking up at the furious creature who opened her toothy maw with an animalistic growl, staring down at the small human with heavy breaths. The oni's gaze was absolutely insane — there were no traces of humanity, no traces of (Y/n), warm and soft and full of adoration when Wednesday used to look at her.
Only monstrous hunger remained.
The demon didn't waste any time to bare her tusks, spit dripping as she lowered her head to finally put an end to their cat-and-mouse game. Wednesday grabbed at the monster's face, arms straining as she tried to push the creature away, but her frail hands were barely an obstacle to the demon — the oni's powerful jaws locked on her neck sharply, a loud crunching sound followed, and the creature jerked her head away forcefully, biting a chunk of flesh off the ravenette's throat.
A gargled sound left Wednesday's mouth, a scream muffled by blood gushing out, and she choked on the liquid, fingers digging at the soil around her as her chest contacted in pitiful attempts to gather up air.
Her widened eyes met the wild gaze of the predator above her, and her mouth moved, trying to get something out. Scarlet spilled instead of words, making her choke again, and after a few seconds of painful breaths the girl’s body went completely still.
The demon swallowed the warm meat, licking her lips pleasantly. She grinned, her teeth bloody, and dipped her head again to take another big bite from the delicious dish.
When (Y/n) awoke, she shot up in her bed, a gasp leaving her lips as she tried to steady her breathing.
She looked around, realising she was in her dorm, and not in the forest. It was still dark, and the only light was coming from the window, the moon shining amidst the gloomy sky illuminating her room in a soft glow. She stared down at her lap with widened eyes, palms grasping her blanket in a death grip.
Trying to swallow around the lump in her throat, she pressed her hands against her forehead and her shoulders shook.
(Y/n) turned her head sharply — the small girl was sleeping soundly beside her, chest rising and falling with gentle breaths, and the demon felt bile rise up her throat.
God. She dreamt of eating her girlfriend. A being that now laid in the demon's bed, completely defenseless and fragile, trusting (Y/n) with her life more than anyone else.
Tearing the blanket off her body and stumbling to her feet, (Y/n) swayed, hitting her side against the desk, and her breathing turned erratic as the girl started to hyperventilate. She grabbed at her head, fingers carding through the (h/c) tresses, and the oni's claws slid down her face, leaving raw bleeding gashes that healed instantly. So the oni clawed at her cheeks again, again and again between choked breaths and pathetic hoarse whines escaping her throat, tears sliding down her chin and mixing with blood in a salty red river.
(Y/n) felt like screaming. She felt like clawing her eyes out, burying her fingers in the sockets of her skull and crushing them to never see the light of the day again.
She didn't deserve to.
Her legs gave out and the oni slid down to the wooden floor, leaning her head against the side of the desk. (Y/n) grabbed at her chest, talons piercing through the fabric of her shirt, wishing her heart would stop hurting. The girl wanted to rip it out of her own ribcage.
A soft touch on her back made the demon shiver, and she looked over her shoulder to find Wednesday sitting on her knees, hand outstretched and gently pressing into (Y/n)'s shaking form. Her expression was calm but in the darkness of her eyes swirled worry.
"Wed- Wednesday... Wednes... day, I... " The oni tried to speak through her quiet gasps and hiccups unsuccessfully.
"I'm here," came soft and quiet reassurance from the ravenette, "I'm right here, (Y/n)."
Clawed hands grasped at Wednesday's arms, and the demon hanged her head, face burying in the smaller girl's chest as she shook, tears coming in a seemingly unstoppable flow. Wednesday hugged the demon closer to herself, hands resting on her back, slender fingers tracing mindless circles there.
She didn't speak again.
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“Wednesday? What’s going on?” (Y/n) walked into the ravenette’s half - empty dorm to see the girl gathering her things around the room.
“I was expelled, (Y/n).” Wednesday deadpanned calmly without looking at the demon.
“W... What?”
“It’s the condition Sheriff Galpin imposed in exchange for him not pressing charges. I’m going home.”
“No, this is... This is ridiculous,” the demon felt a lump forming in her throat as she stepped closer to Wednesday, watching her pack her suitcase orderly, “I can talk to Weems. I’m sure she’ll understand, you don’t have to- “
“The decision’s already been made,” Wednesday interrupted, stacking her books in a pile, face completely impassive, “It seems I’ve lost.”
The demon pressed her clawed hands on the typewriter case when the smaller girl moved to grab the handle, “And you’re just going to leave like this?” she asked, frustrated, “When he’s out there, parading around the town as if he’s not a monstrous killer?”
“It does exasperate me, but,“ Wednesday averted her eyes, looking down at the floor, “Xavier’s right. If I’m not here... The prophecy won’t come true.”
“If you’re not here, this stupid school is done for,” (Y/n) grumbled, “But there’s one thing I can promise you. If Tyler ever shows his face around here, they’ll be scraping hyde intestines off the fucking walls.”
Wednesday didn’t reply. Her sagged shoulders straightened again, and the ravenette stepped away to gather what remained of her stuff, “I’ve known not to trust people all my life for the sake of not being let down, but... In the end, I was the one to disappoint everyone.”
“That’s bullshit,” the demon girl snapped, rushing after Wednesday and grabbing her by the hands, turning her around to face her, “You were the most intelligent, cunning and bold person around here. No one could ever compare.”
The demon’s voice shook slightly, and she pressed her blunt tusks into her bottom lip to stifle a sob, inhaling through her mouth with a hiss, before continuing, “You... you taught me to accept myself. To live without feeling unworthy of life. You were here, through thick and thin, by my side, even when I least deserved it...”
She stopped speaking for a moment, closing her eyes. Wednesday opened her mouth to reply, but then the warm grip on her palms tightened, and (Y/n) looked at her again.
“I love you, Wendesday.”
Wednesday’s dark pools of grey widened, and she felt emotions overwhelm her. Suddenly, the realisation came crushing down like a tidal wave – it was the last time she was seeing the oni. She won’t get to feel her touch again, watch her sleep in the dead of night, won’t ever share a desk with her in class. The ravenette felt tears well up in her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall.
“If there is a single good thing Nevermore gave me... It’s you, (Y/n).”
Wednesday leaned closer to the taller girl, pressing her plush lips against (Y/n)’s, and the oni pulled her closer by the waist, desperately trying to grasp all the warmth of Wednesday’s body to herself. The demon’s heart fluttered every time she kissed the ravenette, as if she had never kissed her before, not being able to get used to the soft feeling of her lips, but the kiss they shared now felt like a sorrowful goodbye, and (Y/n) couldn’t fight a single tear sliding down her face.
When they parted, Wednesday’s heart clenched at the sight of the distraught demon, and she raised a pale hand to gently wipe the stray drop off her cheek, “Don’t cry,” she berated the oni girl gently.
“I’m sorry. I don’t want you to leave,” leaning into the cold touch, the demon sighed shakily, “Fuck. What will I do without you?”
“What you always do. Laugh at the most idiotic things obnoxiously, skip classes, growl at people and eat everything without discrimination.”
(Y/n) chuckled, pressing her forehead against Wednesday’s with a small watery grin, “What a charmer you are.”
They stayed like this for a few moments, reluctant to let go of each other, before the demon opened her eyes, “Can I see you to the station?”
The ravenette nodded.
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My Nocturnal Serenade
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Tw; Mention of possible torture, mention of sleep deprivation, a quick mention of past sex, Sukuna being his own warning.
Please do not copy or steal my work
Note; this is the longest chapter I have written until now. Like wtf, how?! I hope you will all like it! Also, I tried writing a fight scene and failed. I'll try next time 😅
Summary; Sukuna scares his vessel into abandoning his shelter, hopefully, to finally reunite with you.
@robarrazi as promised I tagged you.
They had been travelling across the country for the past few days, only stopping at night and moving on the signs of dawn. Meanwhile, Sukuna had fun keeping the brat and Gojo Satoru on their toes. The King of curses would form a mouth and bit Gojo the second the sorcerer would put his hand on Yuji to comfort him or would simply start screaming the second his vessel would be asleep.
So much that even Gojo had barely slept lately. It was clear the Sorcerer wanted to kill him but could do nothing. It would only hurt the kid more. The brat already felt so bad for being the reason they were running around and now their absence of sleep.
They also stopped watching the news and not just because of the increasing ‘catastrophes’ hitting the country. No. Because Gojo Satoru had finally explained the whole situation to a lost and worried Yuji.
- “So, you are telling me we are running away from his lover?” asked the teen, pointing at Sukuna's mouth on his cheek. “But I thought you were the strongest? Can't you just, I don't know, annihilate him?”
- “It's not that simple I'm afraid” replied Gojo with a sigh. “We are facing someone who was known as one of the strongest of his generation. Worse, we know nothing about his current abilities, besides him being able to use Sukuna’s techniques. And we don't even know how he is doing it.”
Of course, they didn't know. They ignored most of what actually was your Cursed Techniques. But he did and they weren't ready for the big reveal. There was a reason Sukuna mastered hand-to-hand combat to face you. The King of Curses could not wait to see you fight against Gojo Satoru.
Even if he suspected you would prefer to run away and face the man once he was free from the brat's body. Just to be safe.
- “Of course, the only one who could tell us is Sukuna.” said Gojo, pointing to the mouth and eye. “But I bet he won't tell us a single thing.”
- “You will know soon enough Sa-to-ru” replied Sukuna, smirking. “I already told you a lot!”
- “Eh? What did he tell you senseï?” asked Yuji
- “The only thing he told me was how I would not be able to hide behind my technique. But that could mean a lot of things.” Gojo smiled at his student. “Even if I can't use them, I will still win.” Gojo was trying to reassure Yuji, but Sukuna wasn't blind to his worries.
- “I also told you I almost envied your confidence.” laughed Sukuna.
The sorcerer was about to reply, probably a snarky remark, when his phone rang. Without a word, Satoru left them to answer it.
Sukuna’s eye fell on his vessel’s hands; the teen was picking at his skin, almost to the blood. The lack of sleep and the stress were probably driving the boy mad. The King of Curses could also feel his fear and guilt eating the boy alive.
Because none of it would be happening if he didn't run to Gojo with the name. They wouldn't have gone to your tomb and you would not have known who was his vessel. Meaning the country would not be the victim of this sick game of hide and seek. Yuji wasn't dumb, and Sukuna knew the teen had realized what you were doing. You were trying to force him out, force him to play the hero and sacrifice himself so you would stop killing innocent souls.
This was honestly a big surprise. You hated killing, Sukuna remembered that. But you were also ready to do anything for your loved one and he was all you had left.
But maybe you also expected him to give you a hand. Pushing his vessel in that direction. Yes, he could force Yuji to run away, but where? None of them knew where you were at the moment. Unless he sends you a signal you could not miss.
Like destroying a huge chunk of town too.
But that means using the deal he had with the kid. Sure, a minute would be enough, but would you be there before Gojo or anyone arrived?
It was worth the risk.
- “Oi, brat.” called Sukuna, forming his eye and mouth on the teen’s hand.
- “What now Sukuna?” asked Yuji, rolling his eyes.
- “You know why he is walking away? Because he doesn't want you to know who is dead.” cackled the King of Curses, watching Yuji’s face lose all its colour.
- “Shut up! You don't know what the call is about and if it's anything bad, senseï will tell me. He won't hide it this time!” retorted the brat.
- “I don't need to, not when I know my beloved like the back of my hand. We have been playing Hide and Seek long enough now, he wants us out. He knows now you won't come out for innocent strangers, but what about your friends?”
- “You are lying!” accused Yuji, but his voice shook, almost breaking.
- “I would never lie about my one and only, stupid brat. Last I remember, you know nothing about him besides the fact we use to fuck.”
That was such a bad word to use to describe the endless nights you two would share. Even now, Sukuna could almost hear your moan or taste the sweat on your skin. Or feel the whimper threatening to leave his own mouth on some humiliating occasions and see the smile, and lust, you would have when noticing it.
Shit! He wanted to feel your hands and mouth on his body again and your lips against his, stealing his breath and self-control. Sukuna would give anything just to lose himself in your arms one more time.
Soon, he told himself. He just needed to break the kid’s trust in his teacher. Force him to run away.
- “Then, what will he do if we stay hidden?” asked the teen with a small voice.
- “Oh, but make you listen to him torturing your friends, making them scream your name. He will maybe have them beg him to kill them. Maybe that's what actually happening and why it's taking so long!” laughed Sukuna. “Your senseï might be listening to their cry for help, all because YOU won't let me reunite with my beloved. How egoist of you to run away and abandon them.”
- “Shut up! Just shut up!” sobbed Yuji, slapping his hand against Sukuna’s mouth. “This is not happening. It won't happen. They are strong and at school. Your lover can't beat them all!”
- “You want to bet? We are talking about the only man able to face me in my prime and force me into my last retrenchment. And he would do it alone, without help. This generation is weak and pathetic compared to the Sorcerers of my time. They stand no chance!”
Yuji said nothing but jumped on his feet and left the room, searching for his senseï. Sukuna cursed himself, hoping he did not just screw up his plan. Because now, if the teen opened his mouth, they might be locked away until you stopped your massacre.
Worse, they could decide to execute them to force you to stop. It would be a pretty bad idea. Knowing you, you would just slaughter them all in revenge.
The brat stopped in his track when he heard his senseï’s voice.
- “Who is going to watch over them now? Nanami won't be out the hospital for a couple of weeks and we can not let Megumi and Nobara alone. How did he know about them? No, I don't care about the fingers! It was clear he would come for them sooner or later. No, what we need now is to protect my students. Nanami barely won the time for them to escape and you are telling me that whore let them run away.” Gojo’s voice was cold and angry. “He is changing the game. Now he will target Yuji’s closest people and we can't let that happen. Two days have already passed and he will most likely attack again. No, I haven't told him anything. Now...”
Silently, Yuji stepped back. Even from the hand, Sukuna could see the tears rolling down his vessel’s face and the disbelief in his eyes. Sukuna wanted to laugh. Of course, you already took the matter into your own hands! You would never let anyone play you like that. No, you had too much pride for that. He just didn't expect you to act so quickly.
There was something behind that.
Normally you should have let them think they won until they had Gojo and Yuji come out of hiding. Then you would have tricked him by capturing his friends and then try to make a deal.
Sukuna's attention returned to his vessel. The brat had taken his backpack and was escaping by the window. Quietly, Yuji landed on the ground and immediately took off. Sometimes, Sukuna forgot just how fast the brat was!
- “If we want to find him, we need to go somewhere he can find us.” he said, reforming his mouth and eye on the brat's cheek so he could hear him.
- “And where will that be?” asked Yuji, chasing the tears from his eyes.
- “Right now? Probably in an abandoned area. From there, you'll switch with me.”
- “Hell no! You'll just kill everyone around!” screamed Yuji.
- “No, I won't you idiot! That would bring the other asshole to us. No, I'm going to destroy the abandoned buildings the same way my beloved did. It will be enough for him to know it's me and not a trap.”
- “And what makes you think he's in town?”
- “His attack was two days ago. He will be expecting a slow reaction, probably knowing Gojo would not tell you right away. So yes, he is close.”
But how close? Just behind that building? On the other side of town? Soon you would be in his arms, where you belong to.
It took them a few minutes, but Yuji finally stopped in an abandoned sector. All around were industrial buildings falling apart. It was perfect!
- “Good, now switch places with me.” ordered Sukuna
- “Not before we make sure there is no one inside!” objected the boy.
- “Are you stupid? I told you I won't be killing anyone and we don't have time. That white-haired fucker is most likely after us!”
That was enough and Sukuna was finally in control. It was so good! Smirking, Sukuna walked around, destroying each building with Dismantle and watching them fall apart. Even if he knew it would be more effective to do the same in a populated area, Sukuna didn't want to take any risk. He would be immediately spotted and you would have no chance to join him.
When the last building fell to the ground, the King of Curses ran away. Not before cutting his hand and letting small droplets of blood fall behind him. Too discreet to catch anyone's eye but yours, who would be searching for his track.
After healing, Sukuna joined the crowd. He could feel Yuji trying to take control back and cursed the boy.
- “Stop that! He won't be long and since you don't know what my beloved look like you will most likely miss him.” Sukuna relaxed, feeling his vessel calming. “The fact we destroyed an abandoned place should also make him understand to not attack, so his answer to our signal will be discreet. Now let me focus!”
Walking through the crowd, Sukuna had all his senses on alert. You could do absolutely anything at that point or Gojo could appear at any second. And the King of Curses refused to be surprised or miss you.
After what felt like hours he finally saw you and froze in place, admiring you.
You sat on top of the steps of a temple, wrapped in your traditional clothes. You looked exactly the same as the day he was vanquished. Your smile was still so soft and your eyes still looked at him with the love he didn't deserve from you.
Quietly, you rose on your feet and opened your arms.
- “My love, welcome back,” you said with honey in your voice.
Without a word, Sukuna jumped in those arms of yours, wrapping his tightly around you. You returned his embrace with the same strength, one of your hands coming to play with his hair. Sukuna pressed his face against the crook of your neck, smelling you. Yes. This was really you.
- “You are as beautiful as the day I lost,” he whispered, closing his eyes. “You are as perfect as I remember”
- “And you are only smaller.” you chuckled, before kissing his shoulder and neck. “I missed you so much, Sukuna.”
- “I lost thinking you would follow a mortal life. When I woke up I thought you were dead.” Sukuna hated how his voice was weak with all the emotions he felt. “I thought I would never see you again”
- “How could have I died when you sacrificed everything for me to live? I decided to embrace the same path as you, a little bit differently, and await your return. Your heart had been keeping me company ever since.”
Sukuna wanted to answer, but could not. The brat chooses that moment to regain control of his body. Of course, you felt the change. Still smiling, you cupped Yuji’s face in your hands. The poor thing was frozen in place, his body almost shaking.
- “And you are Itadori Yuji, my beloved’s vessel. You are finally coming out of your hiding place, young man. It was time.”
- “Now what?” Yuki asked, trying to hide his fear.
- “Now? I will restore my beloved to a body closer to his original of course,” you answered, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “Don’t be afraid my boy. I will not hurt you. I hate killing without reason, unlike Sukuna. You will be free to go and hunt us down once the ritual is over, even if you should rest for a few days.”
Yuji tried to reply but fell quiet as another voice answered for him.
- “Not on my watch. I don't know how you are doing that; preventing me from using my Cursed Techniques or any kind of Cursed Energy, but I won't let you leave with my student.” warned Gojo Satoru, standing just at beginning of the stairs, his blindfold missing and his blue eyes filled with pure hate and anger.
- “Gojo Satoru. Owner of Limitless and the Six Eyes. What a rare man you are. It is almost an honour to finally come face-to-face with the legend himself. Yet, I do not see why so many fear you. You are just a mortal man with a powerful heritage.” you replied, still holding Yuji's face in your hands.
- “S-Senseï! I'm sorry!” yelled the brat, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I heard your conversation. You lied to me! Again!” he accused in a sob.
- “Yuji, this is not the time...” tried to calm Gojo, but the boy didn't let him finish.
- “He won't kill me. I don't know how many fingers he stole, but Sukuna still will be far from his twenty fingers. We will still have a chance to stop them, but at least t-that guy will stop attacking.”
- “Itadori! If you go with him...”
- “I'll be a traitor and executed? I'm already a dead man walking senseï.” a soft sob escaped Yuji's mouth as he closed his eyes. “I don’t want to, but we don't have much of a choice here. Just, if anything goes bad for me, please senseï, don't let anything happen to Megumi and Nobara. Tell them I'm sorry!”
- “You'll tell them yourself, you idiot,” replied Gojo, blue eyes not leaving his student. “I will not let you sacrifice yourself like that.”
Sukuna laughed, satisfied. He could feel the fear and remorse of his vessel, just like the pain of betraying his friend. Because Gojo Satoru wasn't just his teacher, but also a friend. How disgusting. To be crying like that for so little!
And the fear was so delicious. Why wasn't the brat affected by your Cursed Technique? Sukuna had no answer, but the curious thing was how he could still feel your presence. The powerful aura surrounding you, choking him with fear, knowing there was nothing he could do against you.
For the first time since he had joined the world of Curses and Sorcerers, Itadori Yuji was faced with a real threat.
- “Not that I am not enjoying your little talk, you two, but I think that's enough,” said Sukuna, forming a mouth on the teen's face. “You are ruining our reunion!” he smiled as you kissed his mouth
- “You are right, enough is enough my love.”,” you said, turning your head toward Gojo.
- “ENCHAIN!” exclaimed Sukuna, regaining control of the body, just in time for you two to dodge Gojo's attack.
The man had jumped toward you, trying to grab his student. Now he looked at you two with more hate than ever. Sukuna only laughed, arms wrapped around your neck as he jumped on your back before pulling out his tongue like a child.
- “What are you gonna do now? Jump again? Try to punch us? Maybe insult and curse us until we give the boy back?” taunted Sukuna, almost purring as he felt your fingers in his hair and a shiver ran down his spine.
- “Let's go before more arrive. I would like to finish the transfer before tomorrow my love. We have waited long enough and have much to do.” you said as you kissed his cheek before turning back your attention to Gojo. “I will return the boy to you within two days from now. But do not worry Gojo Satoru, for we shall meet again soon enough.”
And with that, you left.
As fast as the wind, if not more, you ran through the streets until you left the city. On your back, Sukuna could not contain his joy and laugh. Neither could you. Your hands rested under his thighs, holding them as if you feared he would fall.
Kissing your neck, Sukuna sighed with satisfaction.
- “I never imagined I could love you more. Yet here we are!” he hummed against your skin.
- “Wait until I give you back eight more fingers!” you laughed
- “That's it, I'm marrying you!” he laughed
- “You always say that and here I am, still waiting for that ring!” you scoffed with a smile.
- “Wait until you give me back a body! I'm going to this time!” he smiled and kissed your neck again. “I will never let you go. We shall never be separated again. Never.”
- “We won't let anyone try. I want to show you the world. It has changed so much in a thousand years. You will like it.” you replied.
- “The only way I will like it is with you naked before my eyes.” he laughed as you slapped his thigh.
- “You are still such a pervert!” you scolded him with a smile, blushing.
This, Sukuna thought, must be heaven or true happiness. You two were finally reunited, with nothing standing in your way. Or almost. By tomorrow he would be free from that brat. Free to show you just how much he had missed and loved you. Closing his eyes, the King of Curses savoured that victory.
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vampykween · 6 months
You know how some freaky stuff happens sometimes. People going missing with no evidence of them getting kidnapped at all. You see this woman with her child walking inside the grocery store, shopping for groceries then suddenly she turn a corner and she and her child was never seen again. What if that happens to wife reader and her child with toxic husband simon? Honestly I just want an excuse to read through his pov for once
anon this so eerie!!! because i literally had a nightmare i got kidnapped last night i swear!!! also, forgive me this isn't totally fleshed out :( but i knew i would be better at writing the emotional side of this versus a ton of action but i hope you enjoy it anyway!
simon could recognize you anywhere; he could never get enough of the familiar hairstyle you always wore and the curves of your body. he also could recognize the little hands clasped in yours, toddling after you. you used to always lovingly complain that your firstborn was his carbon copy, so he would quiet you with kisses and retort that you two would just have to make another baby so you could have your mini-me. you're debating between some odd two items on the shelf like you always did; he used to groan at how long you spent grocery shopping, it's not like your family strayed too far from what you got every week. now, he'd give anything to have you reminding him to check off the items on your list and to please stop letting the baby gnaw all over the handle of the cart.
simon's heart ached at the realization that he was admiring what once was his life from afar. now you two were divorced, lived in separate places (he's a little proud you worked your ass off to get your own place, but only marginally), and he didn't get to wake up on weekends with slobbery little kisses pressed into his scarred face followed by squeals of "daddy! daddy! wake up!"
shaking himself out of his daydreaming, he watches the three of you turn the corner, and despite feeling acutely aware that he probably looked like a creep, he trails behind you. instead of finding you and the girls, simon was met with the sight of a hastily abandoned cart and the tiny skeleton plushie his youngest always carried around.
suddenly he felt like he was on a mission; his senses were on high alert, and his head swiveled rapidly but steadily to survey his surroundings. there was nothing amiss in the aisle where you three had disappeared and so, he swiftly slinked through every aisle searching for any sign of his family.
when his search comes up short, simon's heart clenches painfully in his chest; his body growing hot with rage until he feels like a roaring furnace. he wasn't sure if the tears pressing behind his eyes were from anger or devastation. he couldn't bear losing his family again, not after he tried so hard to save them the first time. he may be emotionally damaged and shit at showing his appreciation, but you and those tiny girls were his entire universe. how was he supposed to go about his life when his reason for living had been snuffed out? you were the light to his dark and stormy aura, and he wouldn't rest until he found you; there was no alternative he would ever be able to forgive himself for.
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bethelighthalazia · 2 months
Obliviously obvious
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Summary:  Your friends tease you and Changbin until one of them takes it a little too far.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Changbin x fem!reader
Word Count:  1194
Warnings: none
networks: none
[note: this has been requested by @dinossaurz. I hope you like it <3 not beta’d]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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“Why don't you tell him, y/nnie?” Jeongin asked you for the probably hundredth time. Your friend knew about your feelings for Changbin and when he found you watching his hyung once again, the younger one tried to talk you into confessing to the rapper. “Because he would never feel the same, Innie. I'm not his type, believe me.” Was your answer, completely unaware of the feelings Changbin had developed for you ever since you became their choreographer. Some of the other boys noticed and it seemed like they made it into their personal mission to make you confess.
A few days later, you were sitting in the practice room with all the boys. You´re watching the dance practice to see where the guys can improve and what they did very well. While doing so, Minho was peeling some oranges for you and his members, handing you some of the pieces, but Changbin took them before you could, causing your best friend to shoot a glare at the younger male. “No no, hyung, y/nnie doesn't like the white stuff around it.” He mumbled and proceeded to peel the pith off of the orange slices before then handing them over to you. For you, this altercation was something normal, after all, the two of you are best friends, the others though, they just stare at you for a few moments. 
“She doesn't like the white stuff, eh?” Hyunjin asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows, but then chuckled. “It's the pith of the orange. It has a name and it's not ‘white stuff’, Binnie.” Changbin was about to give a snarky remark, but a look from Chan lets everyone go quiet again to focus on the video. When you finished your orange, you got up again and smiled, looking at the boys. “Should we try again? Jisung, you have to be a little faster, or else you could hit Minho. And you, Hyunjin, please calm those hips, yes? Yongbok is not a strip pole,” you chuckled, getting in position while the others gather around. “Oh, Binnie, your shoelaces are loose.” Again, some of the others shot you and Changbin a glance, who thanked you with a smile and crouched down to tie it properly again. 
A few hours later after practice, you all were gathered in the dorms, the boys usually invited you even though you were ‘only’ one of the background dancers and their choreographer, but you had such a close bond to them all by now. One of them actually fell in love with you over time; Changbin. And if he knew that your heart beats faster for him too, it would be a lot easier. 
You found yourself sitting next to him again, casually chatting while you all waited for the food, you were having a bbq together, and the others were watching you two with an amazed expression. It was very obvious for everyone that the two of you were head over heels for the other, just neither of you seemed to realize that. While you and Changbin were talking about music, he was casually cutting some meat for you and putting it on your plate, he even offered you some with his chopsticks that you ate without thinking about it. “Will you wipe her mouth too, hyung?” Han asked in a joking manner, a grin plastered all over his face, he just couldn't resist teasing.
“Yah, I could ask Minho hyung the same, Jisung!” Changbin hissed, his face covered in a light blush. It wasn't that he wouldn't want to do it, but it probably would be a bad idea, after all he doesn't know if you would be comfortable with it. “Huh, me?” The older one asked with a raised eyebrow, head tilted while looking at both of you, your face flustered as well. “I'm not the one shooting heart eyes to our choreographer.” Minho's words caused you to look up, blinking slowly. You hadn't really listened to them, but a chuckle from some of the others had pulled you out of your thoughts.
“I- I don't!” Changbin tried to defend himself, but the stutter and the blushing did not help at all. A laugh coming from the other end of the table let everyone perk up, looking at Seungmin who was the source of it. “We all have eyes, hyung! You're so obvious, it's a miracle that y/nnie hasn't noticed already. Even Hyunjin knows that you fell for her! Well, she hasn't noticed tho, otherwise she'd have confessed to you already…”
These words caused two pairs of chopsticks to drop onto the table with a clattering noise that cut the deep silence of the others. Your eyes wide, you tried to process what happened just now, your heart thumping hard in your chest. Did Seungmin say Changbin likes you? This probably was just a joke, right? Even Jisung sat there, silently staring at the two of you, jaw dropped. Only then, Seungmin realized that he possibly either has caused a big fight, or he has helped you, not entirely sure yet what it would be. 
Changbin on the other hand just sat there, swallowing hard as he looked down at his hands. Should he just seize the moment? What if you don't like him like this? He could lose his best friend, just because his heart had to find its way to you. 
“Binnie?” You asked quietly, blinking as you tried to process the situation right now. “Is- is that true?” The others just look at you two, Chan already mentally preparing himself to intervene if necessary while Minho shoots Seungmin a glare, the younger one praying that he didn't just destroy a friendship here.
After a few more minutes of silence, in which everyone is just staring at Changbin and you, the rapper then exhales slowly, fumbling with his pocket for a bit before pulling out an envelope. “Uhm…yeah. I- I actually wanted to- to ask you out, but-” He starts, his hand shaky as he puts the envelope on the table, his face deeply flustered. “Uhm…there's a carnival in town and I know you like those, so…I wanted to ask you to go there with me and then…you know…tell you-” Seeing him this flustered brought a deep blush onto your face as well, your heart beating so loud in your chest, you'd swear that the others could hear it too.
In the silence that followed, you tried to sort your thoughts. Changbin, your best friend and the man you fell in love with, also has feelings for you? Very slowly, as this revelation settled in, a smile appeared on your lips as you took his hand to give a gentle squeeze to it. “I- I would love to go with you.” you whispered, causing him to let out a relieved breath, his usual happy smile growing on his face again. 
With this, the others slowly turn their attention back to the food, Chan giving you a reassuring and proud smile before he also continues eating. Changbin and you stay leaned against each other, enjoying the slow beginning of a journey you'll take on together. 
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@mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @jayshoneybee, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie,
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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definitelysel · 8 months
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family amidst sorcery — drabble, fluff, angst in the end if you squint because jjk manga :')
gojo satoru x fem!reader
not proof read
w/c : 500-ish?
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Nobody says anything, but it is an established fact that Megumi has turned into Satoru's child courtesy of you. It was something that Satoru had never planned. He couldn’t imagine himself as a good parental figure for anyone.
If you asked anyone who had known Gojo Satoru since high school, they would all pray for the child who was unfortunate to fall under Satoru’s surveillance.
Honestly, Satoru swore that he would never deal with children because they are annoying and have been permanently scarred since the Rika Amanai Incident, but ever since you crash-landed in his life...You are adopting kids left and right. Megumi? Yuuji? Nobara? All your children.
Nobody was safe from your sight. Even the second years had become your children. You had the tendency to treat everyone like children and tend to them. In short, you were complete of Satoru. 
Yuuji and Nobara wanted steak? Done. Taking students on a vacation after rough missions? You coaxed Satoru into agreeing. He had to admit that he had grown fond of this little sorcerer family you and him had built. It was unironically, his place of solace and happiness.
Everyone had their humorous moments with you two as their guardians, especially Megumi who terms Satoru as his benefactor has his slip-ups and he ends up referring to him as 'dad.'
"You think of me as a father figure, Megumi?" Satoru's tone brightened up like a flashlight and he dramatically placed a hand on his chest, appearing touched by Megumi's words. Which he was, actually.
It reassured him that he wasn't as bad of a guardian as he had originally thought.
"What? You? As my father figure? You are much more of a bother figure." Megumi did a double take and quickly got defensive, yet one could see his cheekbones and earlobes pink up in embarrassment. You and Satoru chuckled at the sight of him grumbling.
"I am glad my ears are sharp otherwise I wouldn't have caught that." Satoru smiled and ruffled Megumi's hair. He had the tendency to do that. If you are shorter than Gojo Satoru, he would ultimately pat and or ruffle your hair which happens a lot since in most cases, you are shorter.
"You are hearing things, old man." Megumi sighed and was about to leave before you called him. "Hey! 'gumi! Don't go without eating."
He turned around and returned to indulge in the meal you had cooked for him as you and Satoru hung around the kitchen counters. The food was like a warm hug for him. A soft smile threatened to creep onto his face but he suppressed it.
After finishing, he got up and looked at you before saying, "Thank you. I appreciate it." There was a brief smile on his face which soon faded away as he made his way towards the door.
"Did you see that? Megumi can smile!" Satoru marvelled.
"Of course, he can, dummy!" You retorted.
He quietly chuckled before exiting to go and regroup with Yuuji and Nobara.
Needless to say, Megumi is too prideful to admit that he enjoys this found family, you three had created amidst the chaos of the jujutsu world where death was around the corner each day.
It was nice. Too nice. It was only a matter of time till this short-lived moment would be shattered.
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do not edit , plagiarise , copy or claim as your own or I will bite your toes off.
a/n : idk i have just mentally adopted megumi and probably every 1st and 2nd year. They are all so squish squish.
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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℘. flora's notes : i had this idea in the tramway omw to school while i was thinking of what nanami would like about me and what would make him fall in love w me 💀💀 NO CUZ LIKE I read this fic where nanami and reader met in uni then got married and it was SO CUTE now I'm just waiting 4 my nanami at uni
℘. sorry : 4 not posting this week, school is kicking my butt, i wanted to post so so bad because i miss interacting w u babes but i couldn't finish the requests, my brain just wouldn't function. you know that what i love the most about having this account is replying to ur comments and asks but this week i wasn't able to as much as i would have liked
℘. fem, gn and male reader friendly 💓
m.list | comment or reblog if you enjoyed !
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SATORU would need someone he can laugh with. like laugh his ass off. someone who will be able to deal with his shit humor, someone who will tease him back, someone who will playfully make fun of him. SOMEONE HE CAN PRANK. he'd be the happiest, smiling like an idiot looking at you having the time of your life making fun of his morning hair.
but he also wants someone who can deal with his overwhelming desire for attention 24/7. he likes the idea of being able to jump on you when you're lying on the couch, having you ruffle his hair and kiss his forehead. he's a child but he will provide for you. he truly wants to spoil his s/o, he has so much money he doesn't know what to do with it, why not spoiling the one he loves ? if you can cook that's a major bonus point, he is so bad at it. and his mind often wanders to the thought of hugging his partner from behind while they cook him a delicious meal.
YUUJI thinks having a shy s/o is adorable. he likes to feel like your hero in shining armor when you start to tremble in a crowd. he dreams about holding your waist in public, claiming you proud while reassuring you. he wants to have movie nights at least once a week, just the thought of having your head on his chest while he shows you his favourite movie makes him blush.
he's the kind of boyfriend who buys the stupidest thing because "it made him think of you". he wants someone who matches his sunshine personality. he wants to be unable to suppress the smile from his face when he's with you. his dream date is probably taking you to the fun fair and holding you close in the ferris wheel because you're afraid of heights.
NANAMI is in love with the romance portrayed in books and movies. he knows how hard it is to make that come true and he's willing to take any risks to make you feel complete. he's another man who wishes nothing but to make you happy and would give up his all to do so.
he values someone who is kind-hearted. he just melts when he sees how gracious, polite and smiley you are with everyone you meet. or when you make people's opinion matter mad make them feel valued. he loves how careful you are with others' feelings, you never judge, never assume, always make your own opinions about people.
he would probably be most attracted to someone who behaves elegantly, going from the clothing style to the manners. he dreams of an s/o he can have on his lap while he reads the text out loud. reading is such an intimate thing to him, he would love to share it with his one true love.
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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fangsandfeels · 8 months
Alright, so I've just paid attention to one little detail. I'm pretty sure that it was not intentional, but...I've only just cared to look up how Strahd (the most notorious vampire lord, The Vamp, the Real Deal) looks like:
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And then it hit me.
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Yeah, it probably wasn't intentional and Larian just went for a classy and corny vampiric look, but you can't tell me he doesn't look like the "We have Strahd at home" version. And you can't tell me he wouldn't try to emulate Strahd. We're talking about the fucker who spent hours in his seething corner writing whiny diary entries and sending "I gonna be better than you!" letters to all vampire coven leaders he knows.
Of course the bitch wished he was Strahd. Despite all the power he had, all the times he made himself look big by torturing and humiliating his spawns, all the beautiful faces he surrounded himself with, Cazador still remained the most loathsome, envious, and pathetic piece of shit who never amounted to anything and compensated in the ugliest and most despicable ways.
I wouldn't put it behind him to copy the look of the First Vampire and revel in his own little domain of dread in his palace.
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stardustluvs · 9 months
Phone Sex - Sam Golbach X Colby Brock
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Word Count: 710
Pairing: Sam Golbach x Colby Brock (established)
Summary: Sam and Colby rarely spend time apart. They get lonely and miss each other a little too much.
Warnings: NSFW
Author's Note: Day three let's go! Here's some more Solby content for yall, it's good for the soul...
Requests are open! || masterlist || kinktober m.list
"I miss you," Sam said over the phone.
Colby had gone back to Kansas for the weekend, something about his parents had come up, leaving Sam alone at their place in Vegas.
He would've went with, but traveling just took such a toll on him mentally, and they had only just returned from a long filming trip as is. He feared for his mental health if he would have left again.
"You should've come with," Colby teased.
Being in Kansas without Sam was strange too. They rarely spent time apart like this and now Colby has to last the whole weekend without Sam?
"You know I couldn't have," Sam sighed.
Colby nodded. He did know, even if he didn't like to admit that. Honestly, since the two of them decided to start dating, Colby's felt so much more clingy towards Sam, but honestly, them starting to date was something that just sort of happened.
Eventually they started holding hands and sharing quick kisses to the cheek...and then to the lips...and it only elevated from there.
It was magical almost, the way their relationship just worked and they'd always put each other first.
"We could still have fun though, y'know," Colby said, smirking a little afterwards.
Sam was almost certain that Colby's words had a sexual undertone to them, and God was he right.
"Colby..." Sam said softly under his breath.
"C'mon Sam, why're you worrying?" Colby asked.
"I''m not worrying, it would just be better if you were here," He admitted.
"I know, but I promise I'll make it up to you when I'm back," Colby promised.
Sam smiled a little at this, "Okay," he agreed.
"Can you set your phone up for me?" Colby asked, though it wasn't much of an actual question despite his words disguising it as one.
Sam nodded softly, positioning his phone up so it wouldn't fall, letting Colby get a good view of him.
"Take your shirt off, Sammy," Colby said, losing his own shirt as well.
Sam discarded his shirt to the floor somewhere.
"Look at you, my pretty boy," Colby praised, beginning to palm himself through his pants.
Sam's eyes were glued to his phone screen, watching as Colby felt himself.
Sam couldn't help himself as he copied Colby's actions, beginning to feel himself through his jeans. His hips stuttered a bit and he couldn't help trying to grind up into his hand.
God how he wished Colby were home right now.
Sam whined a little, not even meaning to.
Colby's hand slipped into his pants, groaning a little as his hand finally made contact to his dick.
"Show me yourself, Sam, wanna see you," Colby groaned softly.
Sam listened and shuffled his pants and boxers off, exposing himself in front of his phone camera for Colby.
He was painfully hard and was getting more and more desperate for his release.
Colby bit down on his lip a little, pushing his own pants and boxers down.
His hand wrapped back around his dick, resuming his previous action of pumping himself. He kept his eyes on Sam, silently giving the blond permission to touch himself.
Sam started moving at the same speed as Colby was, forever wishing it was Colby who was getting him off right now in person, instead of having to settle for a facetime call.
"Colby I'm getting so close, fuck," Sam groaned out.
"Keep going, cum for me," Colby told him, starting to get faster with his movements.
It didn't take too much longer for Sam to cum at Colby's request. His hips stuttered as he came, spurts of white covered parts of his skin and the covers underneath of him on his bed.
Colby came soon after, the sight having set him off, cursing under his breath. His head fell backwards, a groan that was probably too loud escaped his lips.
"Mm, fuck, can't wait to do that but in person," Colby laughed after catching his breath. Sam agreed softly before cleaning himself up, cuddling up under the covers.
"Can we like, not hang up tonight?" He asked Colby, yawning a little.
"Of course, anything you want," Colby replied, getting comfortable as well.
The both of them were fast asleep before any other words were spoken.
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witchersmistress · 1 year
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Pizza and orgasms
i do not give permisson for my work to be copied or used in any other form.
You've been friends with Henry for years, taking the mickey out of one another, been through all the boyfriends, girlfriends, the regrettable one night stands but there was always something that pulled you guys together. You guys got together for you weekly dinner nights when he was working or on a super busy schedule. It was a warm evening and you decided on pizza and of course Henry just had to use his big green egg grill.
Lounging outside as he cooked you talked about anything and everything, but your mind just couldn't let go of the fight you had with your ex, a few weeks ago. “Penny for your thoughts?” Henry quipped. Giving him a tight smile “Nothing just something stupid my ex said '' he rolled his eyes, he truly didn't like that man, but he was polite and respectful towards him, but that was about it, but no one was ever good enough for you and vice versa.
 “Come on love, out with it” your stomach did flips every time he called you love, even after all these years. “It's..just.. Ugh'' you blew out a frustrated breath. It was just awkward to admit to this and you were ashamed of your secret. Henry reached out and squeezed your hand, nodding slightly and he encouraged you to continue. “He accused me of faking the ugh big O when I was with him. '' I felt the apples of my cheeks turning red. He chuckled softly, “That man probably wouldn't know the difference anyway, whether it was true or not.”
But that wasn't the secret you were hiding. You laughed trying to hide behind it then openly admit the truth. Taking a sip of his white wine “So what did you say” I shook my head “I told him I didn't but that wasn't the truth” he let out a hearty laugh “So you did fake it, you rascal” you gave him a sad smile. This is Henry you're talking to, your best friend in the entire world, if you couldn't tell him you couldn't tell anyone, you  spoke as he took another sip of wine “ It's easy to fake when you haven't experienced it before” Henry was shocked. His eyes widened, as he set down his wine glass.”Come again?” straightening your shoulders `` Well, I've experienced orgasms by myself but not with a partner. "I looked at Henry to try and read his face but it was blank. After several long pauses he said “Baby girl” , our pizza long forgotten on the table, he got up and pulled you up with him “Come” walking into his house. 
He led you to the stairs and pointed up them. Your lip quivered “Henry what are you doing?” he gave you a stern look “Up the stairs” you walked passed him up the stairs, your heart pounding in your ears. Taking a left down the hall to his bedroom he pushed open the door. Turning to face him, he backed you into the bedroom slowly, shutting and locking the door behind him.He takes your hand and leads you  to the bed, pulling back the blankets and pushing you gently onto the cool, white sheets. You don’t protest. you feel numb, and your limbs are shaking as he pushes you back on the bed and lifts your legs onto it. He pulls off your jeans, dropping them to the floor. your legs shake harder, but he doesn’t give you a blanket. He kneels and spreads your knees, he moves forward and reaches for your shirt. “Do you ever cum?” “No,” you admit, letting him pull off your shirt. “I mean, yeah, but not during.” He nods, reaching behind you and unhooking your bra with no more effort than I’d put in. “From oral?” I swallow hard, dropping my gaze to the front of his pants.
 He’s got you naked on the bed, and he’s hard.  you weren't  wrong about having the same effect on him. Your own heart is racing in your chest, and pressure builds between your legs in anticipation and fear while his eyes move down your body. Your  nipples harden under his gaze, and hunger builds as he continues to drink you in with his cerulean blue  eyes, lingering on the tattoos on your thigh.
 “I haven’t… I’ve only given it,” you say. I don’t want to tell him the truth, that having someone so close to your center makes you more vulnerable than you  want to be. So you deflect. “I take care of myself.” “Tonight, I’m going to take care of you,” he says, sliding down the bed in one smooth motion. “Henry, wait,” you protest, but he’s between your legs, pushing them wider. you don’t want him down there, seeing you, smelling you. and even though you showered earlier, you're still self-conscious. No one’s ever been down there, looking at your cunt spread open like a sacrifice. you squirm, but he slides his arms under your legs, wrapping them around your thighs from below. He grabs you right in the crease of your hips, spreading your thighs at the very top. He lifts his gaze to mine, and there’s nothing empty in his eyes now. They’re brimming with heat, with desire. “ I thought you didn’t eat pussy,” you whisper, your thighs shaking in his hands. “This isn’t pussy,” he says. “It’s you.” 
He drops lower, and you grab his shoulders, suddenly more terrified of this vulnerability than of an angry Henry. you’d rather him laugh at you , no matter how much it hurts, than have him make you vulnerable like this. “You don’t have to—” My voice catches, breaking off as a shock of pure, erotic bliss rocks through you when his mouth touches you. His warm, wet tongue slowly strokes your clit, and all reason leaves you. All that’s left is the painfully exquisite sensation of his skilled, hungry mouth against your bare flesh. My fingers tangle in his hair, and with whatever bit of brainpower that remains to you, you try to pull him away because it’s too intimate, too much, and this is Henry Fucking Cavill, your best friend. “Just relax,” he murmurs, kissing you gently. “Let you make you as crazy as you make you.” Without waiting for an answer, he dips lower again, letting out a sound that’s half sigh, half moan as his tongue slips between your lips, toward your entrance. 
“Don’t,” you breathe, but you barely hear the sound because you are melting, weakening, as his lips and tongue and breath combine forces, overwhelming you. you drop your head back on the pillows, gripping his hair as if it can anchor you to this world even as his mouth moves against you like magic. He explores you slowly at first, tasting and sucking, his teeth nibbling gently at you, his tongue stroking you until you can’t breathe, and your hips start jerking involuntarily against his mouth.
He grips your thighs harder, his fingers cutting into your flesh, holding you still while his tongue moves faster. you let out a soft cry when his rough tongue breaches your opening, rasping against the raw, broken skin. But his mouth is wet, and you’m wet, and soon the burning sensation is too entwined with the swirling pleasure to tell where one ends and the other begins. “Henry,” you gasp. “Stop, it’s too much, you can’t—” He lets out a rough groan and squeezes your thighs harder, opening them wider, his whole body writhing in the bed sheets as he pushes deeper, thrusting his tongue into you until you're dizzy with it. you buck under him, grabbing at the pillows, at anything, because you're going to explode if he doesn’t stop. But he doesn’t stop.
He goes on and on, moaning into you, eating you, until you can’t hold back the soft, breathy cries that have been building inside you with pleasure. He fucks you relentlessly with his mouth, his tongue, until he pushes you over the edge.It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt, not even when I’ve given yourself a good one. This one is different, unwilling almost, as he drags it from your helpless body.
 A rush of wet heat flows from you in a way you’ve never felt, and you cry out, humiliation burning through you even as the orgasm clenches you in its grip. He moans deep in his throat, pushing his tongue deeper even as you cry out wordlessly, not sure if you’m telling him to stop or continue, not sure of anything except the waves of bone deep pleasure and release bearing you away on a current that you know will take you over the edge of the world into the abyss of Henry’s darkness, to be swallowed by his world.
When it ebbs, his mouth is still on you but moving slowly, his tongue lazily answering each pulse of your flesh with one of its own. you want him out, in case he didn’t notice how you came, so much it almost felt like you pissed yourself, so much it’s unladylike and humiliating and like everything about you, too fucking much. you made a mess no girl should make, and the shame aches behind your eyes as you wait for the gloating, the degrading taunts. This is Henry. There will be triumphant smirks and bragging that he proved he knows a thing or two about your body after all. He lifts his face at last, his lips shiny, his eyes wild and unfocused. “God, you taste so fucking good,” he groans.
 “I want to bite the fuck out of your pussy.” “No,” you cry, shoving at his forehead. He unclamps his hands from your aching things, which will surely be bruised to hell tomorrow. Instead of climbing on top of you as I expect, he braces his hands on your inner thighs and spreads them wide, staring down at you with that hazy, transfixed expression. There’s no way he can miss what you did now. When he leans down, you tense, trying to twist away. “I’m not going to bite you,” he snaps, forcing your legs wide. “Let me lick the cream out of your cunt.”
His tongue is gentle this time, slowly winding a spiral of pleasure deeper and deeper into your core as he laps up the mess of cum from your wrecked pussy until you swear even your heart is quivering for him. When you think you can’t take it another second, he slides a long finger into you. “Cum in my hand this time, baby girl,” he murmurs. “I want to feel you gush again.” Then his mouth descends, stroking you toward an edge you know you can’t come back from. This time, you didn't even try. you let him carry you over.
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nerdforestgirl · 26 days
Note: Hey. It's fourteen years since the first appearance of Amy Farrah Fowler, or Fluff Crawlspace if you will. I wrote a thing. I hope you enjoy it. This is not Amy Farrah Fowler enough, but it's what I have. It's cute.
“Go, Leonard,” Sheldon yelled from his spot in the stands. He actually had no idea if his son was anywhere close to scoring, but he usually cheered the boy on any time he go close to the goal. Sheldon didn't understand much of the game beyond what he picked up from watching NHL games with Leonard (which was really playing on his phone while the game played in the background). It didn't really matter. Amy reminded him that he needed to at least try to take interest in his son's hobbies. This was him trying.
“Daddy, I'm cold,” a little voice said from beside him.
“Oh no,” Sheldon said playfully. This was a common complaint from his daughter. She was too used to the California sun to want to spend so many of her Saturdays at the ice rink. She was bundled up in a jacket and gloves, but sometimes they just weren't enough.
Sheldon took off his hockey jersey and pulled it on over his daughter's head and over her arms. It was comically large on her small frame, but it should help keep her warm. Still, he knew that he would probably be taking her to the snack stand for a cup of hot chocolate before the game was over.
Sheldon picked up his daughter and pulled her onto his lap, and wrapped his arms around her. This was more for him that for her. Without the jersey, he was a little cold himself. Still, his little girl leaned into his chest and looked back down at her book.
“What are you reading?” Sheldon said quietly into her ear.
“Mommy's favorite,” she said proudly as she showed him the cover. It was an ancient and beat up, but well loved copy of The Long Winter. Amy had gotten her old set of The Little House on the Prairie books from her own mother about a month ago, and had promptly handed them over as long as the little girl promised to take good care of them. So far, she had done an excellent job.
Sheldon couldn't believe how much he enjoyed watching his children become actual humans. It seemed like no time since they had both been little blobs that just drank milk, pooped, and slept all day. And yet, somehow they had both grown into real people with interests all their own.
Sometimes he could see the little pieces of himself and Amy in them. Other times, he could see Georgie, Missy, his mother, his father, Meemaw, Pop Pop, and even his uncle Stumpy once or twice. People his children had never even met had wormed their way in. And on occasion, that drove Sheldon absolutely crazy. Other times, he didn't mind so much. He loved all of those people for a reason, so it wasn't bad to see them show up in his children. Except for Leonard's inexplicable habit of saying “ain't” after one week with his Uncle Georgie.
“Daddy, can I have a snack?”
“She will ruin her dinner,” Amy reminded Sheldon without even looking away from the game. It was getting intense, but it was at the other goal, so Sheldon wasn't as invested. He knew he wouldn't miss a goal from Leonard.
“Come on. Just a hot chocolate?” Sheldon asked his wife. His daughter didn't ever have to try to convince her mother to do anything. She had Sheldon so wrapped around her little finger that he did it for her.
“One hot chocolate. And bring me one too,” Amy agreed. It was chilly in here after all.
“And maybe some popcorn,” Sheldon muttered.
“No,” Amy said.
“I can't hear you,” Sheldon said as he was already walking away. He heard everything his wife said, but he wanted to spoil the girl a little anyway. He realized that his hand was empty, so he turned back.
“Coming, Mary?” Sheldon asked as he reached out his hand toward her.
Sheldon's daughter ran to catch up to her father and placed her small hand in his. He knew there were a limited number of days left that she would be willing to hold his hand, and he would not let go until that day came.
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My nocturnal serenade
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Tw; Sukuna being Sukuna I guess. Angst!
Do not copy or steal my work please
Note; I had this story in mind for a long time. Probably will make a part two! I just wanted some angst with our favourite curse.
Summary; Facing your tomb, Sukuna still remembers you a thousand years later. Yet, you still find a way to surprise him.
Standing there, on the doorstep of your tomb, stuck in a kid's body, Sukuna felt strangely numb. Of course, he knew you could not still be alive after a thousand years. After all, you were nothing but a mortal.
His mortal.
His sworn enemy.
His greatest and dearest lover.
Your smell and the sound of your heartbeat haunted every second of his awakening, leaving a hole in his existence. Freedom had, somehow, lost its taste. Because what was freedom if you weren't here to fight him? To taunt him and force him to surpass his own limits?
Sukuna almost grunted, feeling Yuji poke at his cheek where his eyes normally opened. The kid was a pain in his ass. Somehow the damn kid had provoked him enough that Sukuna had, accidentally, mentioned you.
And of course, the brat had run to Gojo Satoru before Sukuna could force him to silence.
And now here they were. Forcing themselves inside your last resting place. It felt so wrong. A feeling Sukuna wasn't used to and hated.
- “My, my! Look at that door!” exclaimed Gojo, a big smile plastered on his face.
- “Senseï, what door?” asked Nobara, pointing at the rock slab against the ground. “That's just a big rock.”
Sukuna felt anger rise inside him. How dare she, a worm, judge it? He could remember you whining about your family's luxurious tomb and how you hated it. You just wanted a humble grave. Nothing fancier than a commoner would get. He didn't understand at first, because you deserved so much more than a hole in the ground.
‘At last, no one shall find and disturb me.’ you had told him.
And it was true until now. Could he really let those rats desecrate your tomb?
- “ Yeah, doesn't look like it. The guy was apparently humble enough to refuse to be buried with the rest of his family.” replied Gojo, cracking his fingers. “I call bullshit. Pretty sure by opening it, we will find one or more of Sukuna's fingers.”
- “Why?” the question came from Megumi who stared at the tomb.
- “Why? But because he was a traitor of course!” exclaimed Gojo, chuckling.
For a second, Sukuna only saw red.
The next, his fist hit Gojo Satoru right on the jaw, sending the sorcerer flying back a couple of yards. By his side, both of Yuji's friends screamed the name of their senseï. And as fast as he got it, Sukuna lost control of his vessel's body.
- “Oh my God, Senseï! I'm so sorry!” Yuji's voice was disgustingly guilty.
Again, Sukuna didn't care. He just couldn't let that piece of shit talk badly about you. Not after everything you did for those fuckers you called friends or family.
Not when he could remember your last conversation together.
Your last request.
His faces rested against your naked chest, ear pressed hard to listen to your heartbeat. He wanted, no, needed to hear it one last time and memorize it. For this was the last time you two would be together. The next time, you would fight until one died.
The silence was heavy, and Sukuna savoured the feeling of your fingers playing with his hair and the heat of your body against his. Then, you had to talk.
- “Sukuna, I want you to kill me.”
- “What?”
- “You heard me right.” you chuckled, pulling his hair playfully. “Only one of us shall stand, the next time we met. And I do not want it to be me. I made my part, now I want to rest. I'm tired of fighting.” You slapped his shoulder before adding; “Imagine how much fear they will all have? They won't call you ‘King’ anymore, but God. Wouldn't you like it? It sounds so nice.”
It did sound nice. But only on paper, because the only thought of your lifeless body laying on the cold ground made him upset. Sukuna couldn't bare the thought.
-” Oi, are you listening to me?”
-”Yes.” he replied, his arms closing tighter around you.
Your hand stopped playing with his hair and came resting against the nape of his neck. He heard you sigh.
-”You do not like my idea, do you?”
-”I would rather have you by my side forever than lose you to the cold embrace of Death.” he said, lips moving against your skin. He felt you slap his shoulder again.
-”If I was a curse, I’ll make those legs my necklace!” you said, kicking his legs.
-”And if you were a curse, I’ll let you!” he chuckled, feeling you laugh.
-”As if!”
-”Oi! Are you calling me a liar?” he asked, falsely offended.
-” Well, I’m not calling you a truth-teller.”
At that, Sukuna smiled.
-”But, I am serious. I wish to die by your hand. Life without you will be boring. You are the only good fighting partner I have.”
-”Let’s make a deal. I’ll accept at one condition; if I’m vanquished first, eat my heart so I can be by your side until your last breath.”
-”And you eat mine if I die first.” you replied and Sukuna could swore he heard your smirk in your voice.
-”You got yourself a deal.”
-”You know... The sound of your legs as a necklace sound pretty tempting.”
-”Shut up!”
And again, you laughed. At the moment, it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
Gojo walked back to the group, his blindfold gone and blood dripping from his split lips. Yuki wouldn't shut up and kept saying he was sorry and asking his teacher if he was fine. The cruel and cold smile on the sorcerer's only told Sukuna that Gojo had all anticipated.
- “Ah! Don't worry Yuji. It only proves my point.” The blue eyes stared at the one Sukuna had opened. “So he really was your whore, huh?”
- “He was less a whore than you. Own many prostitutes did you whore yourself to? I'll bet more than you have hair on your head.” Sukuna barked, voice growling. If only he was truly in control!
- “Sorry!” said Yuji, slapping the demonic mouth.
After that, the group returned to the tomb. Again, Sukuna hated it. You just wanted to rest, be left alone. Now, he had to stand there, powerless, and let them do as they pleased.
A part of him also refused to see your remains.
His last memory of you was of your bloody body. Of the plead in your eyes as your lips mouthed ‘please’ and he mouthed back ‘I can’t. He had seen the chock, then the understanding in those beautiful eyes of yours.
Powerless, Sukuna could only watch them take the rock slab away. With one look to the inside, pure joy filled him and Sukuna burst laughing.
-”Senseï, what does it mean? Where’s the body?” asked Yuji as he jumped in the hole, grabbing the only thing the tomb held. “What is that?”
The kid showed the object; one big monstrous heart carved in black stone and fused to it, another heart, but human.
- “Troubles. A lot of it.” said Gojo, grave, his eyes on Sukuna's mouth and eye.
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