#and if you're looking for angstier fics there are good ones there too
90sbee · 11 months
Dying is not an option (when you're by my side)
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Leon S. Kennedy x Gn!reader
1k words. Also on a03
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Soft fingers caress his lips, keep his body warm, his belly full and his back massaged.
“I’ll always have a home,” Leon finally manages to get out, a complete sentence, voice without hesitation.
He closes his eyes, kisses the skin of your shoulder.
Hell, he is trying.
When his mind seems to get too clouded by the visions of monsters, you pull him out of the depths of his trauma. He does his best to love you. He tries.
Or the fic in which you make Leon repeat comforting phrases so it finally gets in his head that he is loved.
Just a very soft idea that wouldn't leave my head and that's been too long in the wip folder. The warnings make it seem worse than it is, but happy ending I promise!!! Had re4r in mind for this one but can be read with other older versions of him. (Though the older the Leon, the angstier it gets lmao)
Content: No use of y/n, very very soft love, hurt/comfort, some angst, established relationship, living together, sitting on his lap, a tiny bit of possessive Leon (yay!)
Warnings: +18 ONLY. No smut but some suggestive lines. Mentions of blood, suicide, guns and overall (some brief) gore. Leon's mental struggles (depression, anxiety). I'm not a native English speaker but I (lazily) proofread and edited this one.
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You lean forward, just a little closer to his body. Leon groans, his face unreadable still.
“Don’t want to,” he muses, kind of annoyed at your proposal.
“Just trust me.”
He reluctantly nods, as you get comfortable on his lap. His firm thighs under you, the warmest and comfiest seat you could ever ask for.
You worry about him, worry so much.
You know now: know what he does, what he works as. At first it was hard to believe it, the stories about human turned monsters, about creatures that linger between heaven and hell. But you had to believe him, you were forced to the first time Leon crumbled down in your arms, sobbing the entirety of the night, the immensity of his body reduced to shivering and tears.
“I love you,” you had told him that time. “I’m not letting you go. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
You whisper the same things again now, your voice reverberating close to his ear. Leon eases the grip on your hips, replaces it with a soft touch. He tries to calm down, closes his eyes for a moment too long.
“You love me,” he seems to ask, as if trying to convince himself of it, as if trying to find himself worthy of such a feeling from someone like you.
“I do,” you confirm, cupping his cheeks.
He nods, though his heart is thumping in his chest still. Your hands move to his shoulders, then to his arms, caressing the skin with soft strokes.
“I love you… Look at me.”
He obliges, eyes like the ocean, marked by the heavy and dark eyebags.
It breaks your heart to see him like this. Your lip trembles as you lean closer, shortening the distance.
It is entirely possible —as you’re so much aware of— that one day you’ll come home to an unlocked gun and his body in the bathtub. Or maybe it would be the rifle, the carpet stained with blood and pieces of what used to be his jaw.
A jaw that you love so much, that you kiss now.
Leon sighs, seems content with such affection, his hands getting lost down your thighs.
“Listen to me. You’re gonna repeat as I say, okay?” an attempt to get him out of his head, to remind him of who he is.
“ …‘Kay,” he mumbles, seemingly distracted.
“I’m… good.”
He scrunches his nose, pinkish lips downturned. Naturally, he doesn’t dare to say those words. He doesn’t want to trick his brain.
“C’mon,” you egg him, patting his shoulder gently.
The action seems to at least make his lips curve slightly.
“I’m good,” he whispers, his voice insecure.
He tries. You can see how hard he does it: coming home as much possible, the dirty laundry now clean and with a soft cinnamon scent. A sunflower in the kitchen vase next to the window, the coffee mug always clean even when you leave it in the sink, ready to be washed in the morning.
“I’m a good partner,” you resume, reminiscing.
That does stops him in his tracks, a gentle blush rooting on his cheeks, the smile more pronounced now. Leon presses his face against your neck.
“… Do I really have to say it?”
He breathes on your neck, as if trying to take in a bit of your kindness, a bit of your peace. He closes his eyes, tries to control his breathing. But his hands grip your hips harder.
He fucking loves you.
Leon is not sure he deserves this yet, the warm body on the bed, the pretty smile that kisses him goodbye, lets him go away even in the middle of the night.
“I love you,” he backtracks, pressing a kiss on your neck.
You chuckle, and allow him that admission.
“Very cute but that’s not what you had to repeat.”
Leon raises his eyebrows, feigning annoyance. He keeps his fingers on your hips, dancing on your skin, drawing patterns as he keeps you close. He wishes he could sign his name there, mark you forever so you’d never get too far away from him… So he’d always have a right to come back to you.
“But I love you…” he pouts.
You grab his face with utmost care, force his cheeks to look upwards at your face.
“I love you too. Lots.”
You kiss his forehead. His body melts under that touch.
“ ‘m a good partner” he mumbles, quickly.
“My baby loves me.”
Now Leon chuckles.
“My baby loves me,” he hides again on your neck, his smile etched constantly on his face now. You hug him closer, kiss his forehead once more, as if sheltering a lost angel in your arms.
“I’ll always have a home.”
Oh, that one seems to break him a little. Leon immediately whines, his hands gripping your body with ferocity against his. He can’t say… He shouldn’t. He… he can’t and…
His heart starts beating faster and he gulps.
“You can do it…” you encourage him and he wants to try. He knows, deep inside, that is true and that he is now safe. It takes him several minutes until his anxiety dissipates and he can look up at you, your eyes encapsulating warmth that he had never experienced with anyone else.
Soft fingers caress his lips, keep his body warm, his belly full and his back massaged.
“I’ll always have a home,” Leon finally manages to get out, a complete sentence, voice without hesitation.
He closes his eyes, kisses the skin of your shoulder.
Hell, he is trying. It is seen not only in how much he makes time for you, but also in the way he follows along with your little silly ideas, suggestions to try to build himself up again.
And though he wouldn’t directly admit it, since you two are together he has promised himself to fight his hardest in every mission. He spits his own blood, wipes off the exhaustion from his face and keeps pushing forward. Because, he’ll be damned, he wants to see you once more. And once more. And again and again… And when he comes home, to you, Leon immediately checks —for the tenth time— the safety on each gun and leaves them in locked boxes, his fingers slowly forgetting what it’s like to toy with weapons in the sanctuary that you’ve built for the two of you. The cold of the metal is now replaced by the warmth between your thighs, the flesh on your hips, the softness of your hands.
Hell, he is definitely trying.
And it’s fucking working.
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God to be on his lap honestly!!! A dream. And if you've made it to the end, thank you!! Mwah, sweet soul 💙
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hughiecampbelle · 4 months
How Cruel Is That? (Shiv Roy x Fem!Reader Oneshot)
Character/s: Shiv
Word Count: 1,258
Inspired By: Good Luck, Babe! - Chappell Roan
Requested: Not requested, but taken from the prompt list anyways :) tease + wedding ring
A/N: Alternatively titled So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings lol. Do I love Shiv? Of course. Am I here to show my appreciation for her with the help of Chappell Roan? Also of course :P Kinda on a roll with fics so don't be afraid to request!!! The angstier the better! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Succession Masterlist / REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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When you look at her, you know exactly how the night will play out. It will be poetic. It will be Shakespearean. It will be everything you could have ever wanted. Your wedding ring will find its place on the nightstand. It will wait, patiently, quietly, until you’ve decided you’ve had enough of this fantastic world and decide to return to reality. The living. It slips back on without a fight, without resentment, and you consider yourself lucky. One day, maybe soon, maybe not, you imagine your ring refusing your finger, as if it knows what you’ve done, as if it will take the a moral high ground. It will break out in hives at the very thought of you. It will whisper everything it has seen to the man you promised yourself to, and your father, and perhaps even her father. It will all come crashing down. Though, a small part of you, too small to name, dreams of that day. With nothing left, no one tied to you by vows or blood or name, you could finally choose. Not the way you did roses or hyacinths, cream or egg shell, but truly, really choose a life for yourself. One worth every sacrifice, every heartbreak, every night spent as his wife. 
Her dress will fall to the floor. She will step out of her heels. Her hair, her makeup, all of it the very essence of perfection. Impeccable. In these moments, you’re seventeen all over again. Your pulse racing, heat rising to your face, questioning if this is happening as it has happened so many years since. You’re hidden in the back of the summer house, your skin hot from the sun and sea. You try to kiss each and every one of her freckles. You’re trying not to laugh too loud on her flowery bed, the mattress soft. It leaves the two of you sinking into one another. You’re as still as possible, pressed together beneath the bushes in the garden, grass prickling into your back. Even the moonlight cannot conceal what you two have been doing. Between kisses she will smile and giggle (a sound that makes your very insides melt) and ask you if you’re alright. You sense that she, too, has been taken back. All those times you should have been caught. All those times you weren’t. When you can find your voice, you promise you’re better than that. You’ll find yourself grabbing at her, unable to touch enough of her, unable to get enough of her. You thank God for her, for this moment, never sure you will get to do this again. You must live as if this is the very last time. You must savor every moment.
Her perfume, always the same scent, has become a comfort, an aphrodisiac. Licorice, bitter, and woods, natural, and her. All of her. You never liked his cologne. It was never right. You tried to find one that smelled of her, that resembled her, but nothing could substitute. Nothing could compare. Her voice is icy, her words frozen over, and you wish every night for hypothermia. She leaves her ring on. It has become a recent accessory, a new staple, though she’s made it clear it changes nothing about your dynamic. Still, she leaves it on. You catch yourself eyeing it when it catches the light. She doesn’t have a routine as you do, an inner reasoning, a way to compartmentalize. There is no division of worlds. In her life, there is him and there is you. In yours, there is him or there is her. A decision you still have not made. You are not her forbidden fruit as she is yours. She does not separate you and him. She has always loved you. She has only recently started to love him. You hope, foolishly of course, her love for you is greater than his. You know she is much more important to you than your husband ever will be. He is an obligation, a duty, a responsibility. She is frivolity. She is passion and joy and love. True love. Not just the empty sentence you find yourself reciting back to him. This is more than a couple of silly letters taped together haphazardly, forced between your teeth so that you might later gag them up when the time is right. No, this is not that. 
For now, you’ll have to wait. For now, all you have are your memories, your hopes of the future, all your expectations of tonight. For now, you must be patient. Across the room, you keep an eye on her. You wait for the right moment. It comes. She moves, so do you. You turn away from him, trying not to look at her directly as you both make your way to the bar. She is the sun and you hope, you pray, you might fly too close. It is worth being burned. It is worth setting your life aflame. He doesn’t take notice. He never does. Instead, he closes the gap in the circle, acclimating to a conversation (a life) without his wife. You wonder if he would even miss you. Sure, the beginning would be rough. He would have to fend for himself. But he can hire help. He won’t have to lift a finger. The only catch is that he’d be going to bed alone. He’d manage. He always does. You take note that her husband doesn’t notice her lack of presence. You would, you want to cry. You would notice everything about her. You bite your tongue. Where there are eyes, there are lips. You stand beside her, asking for another drink, leaving enough space between you. She fills the gap. Her arm falls by your side. Pathetically, you reach out just a little, the tips of your fingers touching hers. She remains stoic, even bored looking, but you can feel her hand wrap itself around yours. She squeezes it. Once. Twice. Three times. You breathe a sigh of relief. Sometimes you find yourself questioning if any of it was real. Was that a stolen glance? Is she following you? Is her hand really on your thigh under the table? You wonder if it’s all in your head: a singular grand delusion, an epic between you and the idea of her. This, though, reminds you it’s real and so is she. Shiv looks at you for a second, less than, and flashes a knowing smile, before letting go and grabbing her glass. 
She leaves you gasping for air, heart racing, palms sweating. She doesn’t look back, she doesn’t check on you, but she doesn’t need to. Her smile said it all. It spoke every word, every reassurance, you needed to hear. She’s been waiting for you. She will wait for you, tonight, in a room between yours and hers. She will find you. She will undress you. And you will become young again. Naive, and blushing, and full of nervousness. You will be hers and she will be yours. It told you to go back to your husband, to be doting and affectionate, but to remember that she awaits you. She always will. It isn’t right. You know this, you’re no fool. Cheating on him with the woman you love. But nothing in this world is right or fair or just. If it was, you would have ended up with her instead. You would have been her wife, not his. But you’re not. You don’t think you ever will be. How cruel is that?
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Fic Rec time because why not: Death Note Edition ✨
These are some of my favorite DN fanfics and I figured I'd share them with you :3 Even if you've probably already seen some of them.
I am also a multishipper so this going to LONG. Buckle in 🚀
Five Days by Shadow_of_Quill
Rated M. Noncon Warning. Several instances throughout the week where people don't keep their hands to themselves around Light.
Despite the serious subject matter Light deals with it in a very Light™ way. This is the origin of a few of my angstier Light headcanons.
This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella
Rated T. MCD Warning. After an international tribunal condemns nineteen-year-old Light Yagami to death, the Kira Task Force must come to terms with the fallout of the case–and with Light’s surprising last request.
I'm pretty sure everyone's read this one at some point. It's a classic. Everybody's GOTTA read this one at least once. Angsty but it's hhhhhhHHHHHH 🙏 So good.
And This Is All There Ever Was by Min Daae
Rated T. MCD Warning. In which Light has confessed, in order to win.
This one is technically lawlight, but it feels very gen to me so I put it NEAR the lawlight list. I love Light being a spiteful shit and this is him being spiteful to the very end. This man will do anything to win.
Polarity by Writeous
Rated T. Some people are born with soulmarks: small, colorful images tattooed onto your skin that represent the people who would prove most important in your life. By all accounts, soulbonds are supposed to be beautiful, something to be cherished and revered over the course of your life. Light Yagami grows up with a bold, typeface L on his hand and a soulmate that hates him.
I'm obsessed with this fic. OB. SESSED. It only has one chapter so far but I love the dynamic on this one. I love soulmate aus but specifically the grittier ones. It has a MCD warning but as of now it's not applicable yet. Highly recommend.
Time Speaks by aSmallMoon333
Rated E. In his first life, L died in the arms of his greatest enemy.
In his brief second one, he died alone.
And in his third, too-long life, L died anticipating finally getting even with the man who'd won their game one too many times.
And Light Yagami? If he'd known this is what picking up the Death Note would bring....well, he'd probably still have done it anyway.
This fic? Superb. Spectacular. I reread it at LEAST once a month. It has lodged in my brain and rots everything else around it I am so obsessed. L and Light are so unhinged and in love and petty and I love them. MCD warning, obviously, but it doesn't stick. This was my first fic back into the DN fandom and honestly I think it should be everyone else's too 🙏 My friends tell me they're getting back into DN and I immediately recc them this fic.
louder then bells by relic_crown
Rated M. No one has ever seen Light’s soul, but it haunts his dreams as a monster: eyes bloody as sunrise, feathers tasting of citrus and sharpie fumes, breath hot as summer and twice as brutal. At first, he thinks the notebook itself is his soulmate. Then he tells himself Misa can be enough.
L ruins everything. For the first time, someone sees Light’s soul, and through his eyes Light knows it must look monstrous – why else would L be hunting him over it?
A soulmate/His Dark Materials AU—can you tell I have a thing for soulmate AUs? I adore the vibes of this fic, from the mystery of Light's soul, to L's distinct creepiness, to how Light views Kira :) I cannot explain that last bit to you, you're just gonna have to read it.
Slow to Boil by TrashKing
Rated E. L has loved Kira since he knew there was a Kira to love. Unfortunately for him Light Yagami doesn’t quite understand the whole process of being seduced so L will have to take the frog in the pot approach to taming this beast.
I have a kink for L having a Kira kink, and this is one of my favorites to read when I have my 'I Need L To Be Obsessed With Kira' cravings. Very fun read, highly recommend ✨
The Many Forms of Blessings by TrashKing
Rated E. Light was taken in by Wammy House after he lost his family in the accident. Now eighteen he finds it’s a tradition at the house that the best of every generation meet the mysterious creature who lives in the catacombs under the estate; L. Light is reluctant and that unease proves well placed when it’s revealed the graduates L likes never leave the underground.
And THIS fic is the one I circle back to when I get my 'I Need L To Be Obsessed With Light' cravings :3 Dark and beautiful in that Beauty & The Beast/Leda & The Swan way. I really love Light's characterization in this fic, as well as the darker take on the Light Grows Up In Wammy's trope.
Rabbit Holes by TrashKing
Rated M. L Lawliet, head programmer and engineer for W&W Cybernetics, arrives at Tokyo-3 to fix a malfunction that killed eight people. The problem is that 'malfunction' turns out to be a newly sentient super computer called Kira. L disconnects him from the rest of the installation to begin a historic interrogation, but Kira might not be as defanged as L believes.
If you can't tell by now I am trash for TrashKing's fics—I can't help it I'm straight up in love with their Light. I would recc literally all of their fics but we don't got time for that, there's over fifty. This fic is fluffy and funny and really interesting, and it was a super fun read! I liked the inclusion of Ryuk and Light's very wholesome and yet still very Light™ reactions to human experiences :)
Into The Grey by Kratos_Aurion
Rated E. Light is a young, hot, reclusive Omega who follows all the rules and does it all right. Except when he's sneaking out to capture criminals as the vigilante only known as Kira. L will always and forever be the world's greatest detective, but the Alpha might have a little competition in the Kanto region of Japan.
In a world just barely free of Omega oppression, these two geniuses find themselves in a race against the clock and each other.
VIGILANTE 👏 LIGHT 👏 I love this little scheming bastard. I love the twists and turns this fic takes and the persistent aura of dread and danger. I also just like it when L and Light bicker and fight and they do that a lot in this fic. A lot. It's great. I can't explain what else I particularly like about this fic without spoiling it, so you're just gonna have to read it.
Extrajudicial by Boo_Yeah
Rated M. L knows that Light Yagami is guilty. And he is forced to accept that he will never be able to prove it.
So, just this once, he decides to break his principles and go above the law. He kidnaps Light and takes him to Wammy's house.
He's sure that having the kids interact with a real-life mass murderer will be a very educational experience indeed.
Or: Light is Kira, L is sick of how easily manipulated the police are, and he secretly wants to see what will happen if he forces Light into a domestic situation with children just as intelligent as he is.
I am a person who really enjoys L Wins AU, so L yoinking Light from Japan just to hide him away in Wammy's to try and redeem (?) him all while Light kicks and screams is something that just speaks to me personally 🙏 L just wants to not kill his friend and Light just wants to continue to commit crimes, top tier story on God.
Animal Games by tsukinoyagi
Rated T. Gone Girl AU. L has moved his lovely, vile, entirely batshit husband out of their beautiful Brooklyn brownstone into a Missouri suburb, then left him to his own devices. He is under the impression that this is going to end well.
This fic is beautifully written and it scratches that itch I have for malicious antagonism between established lawlight. These bitches are SO toxic and I love them. I really enjoyed the different perspectives just so you can see that both of them are unreliable narrators.
The Gods of The Godless by foreskinsmoothie
Rated E. Noncon Warning. Light was perfect. And now that he’s not, there’s just nothing left for him here, in this life.
After a night that ruined his life, left him crippled and spurred forth multiple failed suicide attempts, Light decides his best course of action is putting himself in the most dangerous situation he can think of and making grotesque gangsters do his dirty work. He slips into the sight of Ryuk, infamous for fucking male escorts, then killing them in a brutal blur. Or so those dark web message boards say.
Light’s fate is in Gods hands… or maybe a creature far crueler has plans for him.
I LOVE THIS FIC. I ADORE IT. It's dark and gritty, but as someone deranged about human (?) Ryuk and his and Light's dynamic, this fic is wonderful. The noncon is not between Ryuk and Light, but the descriptions are explicit so be aware of that. Both Light and Ryuk have my entire heart here no lie.
Toes, Knuckles, Teeth by TrashKing
Rated E. Ryuk's always been good at bending rules. Shinigami aren't supposed to have sex with humans but, well, by his estimation Light is also a Shinigami.
This fic revolves in my brain at 3x microwave speeds, okay? I am studying this fic like it is the scrolls of old, alright? I hold unhinged amounts of feralness for this fic. It's a smutty little character study, and it has imprinted itself onto the back of my eyelids forever. This fic addresses every reason that I'm so obsessed with Ryuk and Light's relationship. SO GOOD 🔥
what doesn't kill me makes me want you more by neallo
Rated M. “Poor Near,” Mello says, stepping closer and pulling Near’s head back further, tilting her face up as Mello cages her against the wall. “How long have you liked me?”
Near’s heart is kicking against her ribcage so hard it almost hurts, and her ears are burning with embarrassment. She squeezes her eyes shut, unable to hold the blonde’s gaze. “Mello, I...” she tries to speak, hoarse.
“Has it been months?” Mello asks, her voice getting closer as Near feels her lean down. She braves a glimpse through her lashes and watches as Mello bends her head to brush her cheek against Near’s, putting her lips next to Near’s ear. “Years, maybe?” The older girl teases.
Near finds it in herself to squeak out a “yes,” and almost jumps at Mello’s sharp intake of breath.
“Years,” Mello marvels.
A Fem Meronia fic set in Wammy's era where Mello finds out that Near enjoys getting bullied by her—because Near has a MASSIVE crush on her. What more could you possibly want out of life? Amazing fic.
The Archer Ensnared by jabbernatty
Rated E. Near has two goals: the first, to celebrate Mello’s birthday. The second- a secret. His methods for achieving these? Questionable.
THIS. FIC. THIS ONE. Near is my favorite levels of unhinged and this is so in character for me. I enjoy it a lot. If you haven't figured it out by now I enjoy romantic antagonism and problematic relationships and this fic has both 😍
we will be better than i was by sahwen
Rated M. AU in which Mello swallows their pride and works alongside Near. Things aren't as different as one might expect.
Nonbinary Mello, domestic-edging meronia, and tragedy mixed in with funny shenanigans. The way this written is just,,,so pretty?? I'm in love with it. 10/10 it has everything.
metempsychosis by palant1r
Rated M. MCD Warning. After the warehouse — it will always be "the warehouse" to him, a vague noun as a substitute for years of betrayal — Matsuda wakes up the next morning faced with a second chance. One day to fix everything, one day to build the January 28 he wants. And that day will repeat for as long as it takes to get things right.
He knows that he can't save everyone. But it would be nice if he could just save someone.
Matsuda gets stuck in a time loop and the situation quickly gets worse.
This fic is a TRIP I tell you, but a very good one. Matsuda's characterization in this is so much fun. This fic is about the journey of grief and all the madness and moral contemplation that comes along with shooting the greatest mass murderer of all time who was also your best friend that you're in love with. Very good read.
Alive by still_lycoris
Rated M. Light Yagami is a Shinigami. And Matsuda has found the Notebook ...
This is such an interesting idea, I really enjoyed it. Matsuda's moral struggle seems to be a persistent theme in matsulight fics but honestly that's half the fun. Good fic 👌
A Secret Note by KeehlingOver
Rated E. What Mello left out of his writings on the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases.
Or, these edibles ain't shi--
This fic is so fucking funny holy shit. Whenever I need a pick-me-up I reread this fic. It's T4T bdaymassacre, what more could you want?
Aggressive Top by ThePunkRanger
Rated E. Naomi Misora isn’t about to admit that the mysterious detective Ryuzaki sparked something in her, but when he insists that he’s an “aggressive top” she just can’t let it slide. So she does something entirely unprecedented, and invites him over to prove it.
What has she gotten herself into?
Naomi is sick of Ryuzaki's shit, and Beyond has reverse-psychology-ed his head between Naomi's legs 🙏 This one is unfinished but it left off on a cliffhanger that drives me FUCKIN' NUTS BRO. FIRE.
Playing The Part by ThePunkRanger
Rated E. Someone is kidnapping members of Southern California’s BDSM community, and the world’s greatest detective is in the market for a reliable team to go undercover on his behalf.
It’s been two years since the arrest of Rue Ryuzaki, the serial killer behind the Los Angeles BB murder case, and Naomi Misora has been happy to live her life under the assumption that she’ll never have to see him again. Unfortunately, L has other ideas; ones that involve her pretending to be in a Pup/Handler relationship with the murderer she put behind bars.
I'll be real and say that I wasn't sure about this fic at first, but it's actually very wholesome?? And respectful of the kink community! There's some extra angst in the background with L's controlling tendencies (there are cameras in that hotel room. I feel it in my bones.) and his and B's rough history, but honestly I think that makes it even more interesting. Top tier fic. 👌
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hardlypartying · 8 months
hey, im obsessed with your latest riara fic and all your other ones too, they're so fucking good. I was just wondering if you had any favorites you'd want to recommend that you've read on ao3?
thank you so much love! :') riara is a small but mighty ship and the fandom has done a great job at keeping us afloat with amazing fics-- there's a list of all the fics where you can sort through the length, ratings and type of fics you may like:
i just read Pull Me Down by bellarkyyy and loved it-- i'm very partial to filling in the gaps of kiara's kook year to when the show picks up in s1 haha. also The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you by her, a beautiful s3 rewrite!
i have yet to finish this but i reeeaaallly enjoy it, kids these days norefinedsugar
and never love you ( like i can ) by dormant_bender for a more angstier vibe
that's just the tip of the iceberg, i really recommend looking through the list!!
and if you're open to other ships, my bookmarks on ao3 are other fandom fics that changed my life lol, everything i write is a direct reflection/me trying to emulate a modicum of ~feelings~ those stories tore through me
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Binged debaser and now my brain is obsessively waiting for chapter 12. The characterization is too fucking good! I wasn’t in the fandom before and randomly looked for fic because I revisited the movie recently and forgot how gay it was omg. Speaking of do you have any stuilly fic recs ?
Hey thank you so much! And yeah the movie is incredibly gay, was written by a gay man, has since admitted that the gayness was there in coding, ITS GAY.
I did a pass through my bookmarks for you- and tbh I'm bad at remembering to bookmark stuff sometimes so there are def some missing, don't take this as a definitive list. They're all from AO3 so I'm def missing stuff posted elsewhere too. Also most of these are 18+, always read the tags.
Some recs for completed fics:
cut me, sharpen me by gay villains This is hands down my fave stuilly fic, it got me to start writing debaser and also inspired the bathroom scene in chapter 9. HOT AS HELL. (oneshot)
Forever and Ever and Ever & those deep waters by Negen These have a really interesting, poetic and slightly abstract writing style, a little angsty, but also beautiful.
Some kind of Soulmates by somethingscarlet13 This is some fluffy old man shit. They're married. It's soft. Billy is SOFT. (oneshot)
Within these bones is an evil unknown by StuartLoomis Billy is smitten in this one. its pretty dang sweet. He still manages to convince himself he's being manipulative tho. I also really like the way they wrote Stu.(oneshot)
Full dark, no stars by savantgard This one is a dark little piece of smut, definitely angstier but hot tbh (oneshot)
Queer as in fuck you by touchydynamite A rare trans Billy fic! I really like the character exploration in this one but also watch out for the end, its canon compliant if you're wanting to avoid that (oneshot)
On the hunt (for costumes) by Urboyfriendsbraininmypocket Them being the worst, but it's also silly and smutty and they compare dicks in a changing room. What more could you want? (three chapters)
Love struck idiot by Pokeshadow Exploring your best friends body by choking him and seeing where it goes. Pretty fun tbh, pretty hot. (oneshot)
Die to feel your touch by empirestrikesback Short piece of character exploration, has some really great lines (oneshot)
You'll be the death of me by nayfem Another shorter character exploration, a little angsty but also funny in parts, and the Stu and Randy interactions are a lot of fun. (oneshot)
Incomplete fics:
Time to cash in by liver alone Really promising start, might be abandoned but still a good read. Author also has a Randy/Stu oneshot if you're into that.
All aboard again (crazy but that's how it goes) by manubibi Set after the newest scream movie, with an alive Stu who just got out of prison and wants to be there for Sam. Good tragic shit. Plus ohhh the Billy hallucinations that Stu has (😭)
Two Pandora's Boxes by CrystalClear201521 Loving the characterization of kid Billy in this, gave me the drive to start writing my own young Billy and Stu. Angsty also, ngl.
The Bends by dogmeatstew Angsty again, but not too much, just like, the amount that comes pre-packaged with Billy Loomis. Also the Bends (like the full album) is definitively a Billy album, I used it in debaser too (the song he listens to on repeat in chapter 11 is from this album).
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youunravelme · 5 months
Hope you are okay re the medical issues you mentioned!! Just wanted to say that I cannot wait for Murphy’s Law!! Your fics are truly some of the best I’ve read on tumblr and I definitely consider you my favourite Mat Barzal writer!! Can I ask how you come up with the plots for your pieces? Maybe my imagination just isn’t great but I don’t think I’d ever be able to do it haha
Keep up the amazing work! 💞
i'm good now lol, to summarize my medical problems: i had gallstones and really bad flare ups. i'll probably have to get surgery to get my gallbladder removed at some point, but that's a problem for a later date lolol.
you're too kind!! seriously, thank you for sending sweet messages like this, makes my day/night each and every time.
now i'm gonna warn you, this is way more in depth than you probably wanted, but we both know i'm not good at being succinct.
as far as plot, maybe this isn't the best way, but it works for me. for most of the fics i'm currently writing, i think of a trope and build off that. so for this is how you fall in love, i started with fake dating and built in mommy issues and other female character's internalized misogyny and the reader's insecurity. for the first fic i wrote, head start, i wanted a childhood best friends to lovers for jack. for murphy's law, i took the brother's best friend trope and added fwb to it. for this matty tkachuk fic, i took the second chance romance with a heaping pile of suffering and angst and started writing that.
now for to all the girls you've loved before, i was projecting because i was a nanny at the time (i wasn't in love with the dad lol, in case that was ever a thought someone had) and wanted to create a world where ordinary people could fall in love with a famous person lolol my favorite disney princess is cinderella, can you tell?
for the worst wing woman, i built the story off the reader's profession and personality instead of a specific trope.
but i also use music to inspire me as well! drops of jupiter was taken from the train song but an angstier version, if that makes sense. it's nice to have a friend was inspired by seven by taylor swift.
i read a shit ton of fics (which is one reason it takes me so long to write lolol) and i find so much inspiration in just the words people are using to create beautiful stories and phrases (i'm looking at you @chewingcyanide). i think improving your writing means reading other people's work and getting inspiration from the things they're creating. i literally look at emme's (chewingcyanide, linked above) work and take mental notes at the sheer talent in her word choice, it's so evocative. or i'll look into @thewintersoldierdisaster's works and get righteously jealous of her banter and dialogue (seriously check her stuff out!).
i say all this to say there's not a wrong or right way to write and find inspiration. i think starting with tropes or songs might be the easiest, but i always shoot to make it my own. ultimately speaking, it's about writing what you love and what inspires you the most.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 1 year
5) "Things you didn't say at all" with BellHands :3
(send me a ship and one of these and i'll write a mini fic)
so this one got longer and angstier than I intended but you can kind of see where the happy ending would be if I could be bothered to actually write it
"I love you." The words were on Sam's mind the morning he left, watching Izzy's slumbering form as the sunlight streamed through the curtains in their room. He almost said them, should have said them, but he didn't. Neither of them were the sort to speak something like that out loud. (which was one of the many reasons Sam was thinking it in the first place) Instead, he gathered his clothes and dressed for the day. By the time he'd shrugged on his coat, Izzy was beginning to stir. "Good morning," Sam said softly. Izzy just groaned and pulled Sam's pillow over his head. Sam chuckled softly. "It's almost noon. Won't your captain notice if you aren't back by then?" "He's old and senile," Izzy mumbled into the pillow. "He wouldn't notice if I were dead." "You won't have to put up with him too much longer," Sam promised. "Once I get my own ship, you'll be my first mate and we'll be--" "--the most notorious pirates on the seven seas," Izzy finished for him, "yes, I know. You say it every fucking day" "And I mean it every fucking day," Sam said, smiling. He glanced at his pocketwatch, frowning at the time. He sighed. "I have to go. You're due in Trinidad three weeks from today, correct?" "If the fucking crew actually gets their shit together," Izzy grunted, finally sitting up. He looked like an angel with the sun shining on his mussed hair and the bags under his eyes. "Then I'll see you then," Sam said, taking one last look before sweeping out the door as dramatically as he could, just to give Izzy something to look at. Sam did not see Izzy then, nor did he for the next two decades. He'd obtained the Wydah on the very trip he took after that last time he'd seen Izzy, though he'd had to miss their reunion on Trinidad to do so. Their schedules had prevented them from meeting for the next while, though he'd heard of Izzy's exploits and he tried to make sure Izzy would hear of his, and in the meantime he was determined to become the best captain the world had ever seen--one who would be worthy of having Izzy Hands as a first mate and a lover. Instead, he lost his ship and his crew in a storm, and he only barely survived himself. Rumors of his death spread far and wide, and by the time he'd recovered enough to return to the world he'd learned that Izzy had thrown his lot in with Blackbeard. He would spend the better part of the next twenty years determined to best Blackbeard and win Izzy back, and every single day was filled with regret for not telling Izzy he loved him when he had the chance.
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kay-elle-cee · 11 months
*I’m dressed as Lily’s hopes and dreams from the fic, ibfibg.*
Trick or a Treat!
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So brave, I applaud you! (And you're going straight for my heart with that costume!)
So this is a fic that I got the idea for last year based on a conversation about lack of accessibility access at Hogwarts when I attended Leakycon, and that's spiraled into a fic where Lily and Petunia own a bakery that serves both Magical and Muggle clientele, and Lily's taught Petunia, a Muggle, how to brew Potions that they then infuse into their baked goods (like a weed brownie, but magic).
ANYWAY I love this idea so so so so much but I've outlined the fic twice and it just keeps being angstier than I want it to be (surprise!) so I haven't really sat down and worked on it for a few months. I believe I've shared this snippet before, but I don't know if you were around for it (I hope not, so it's new to you!).
Trick or Treat in my ask box! 👻
Lily’s head falls to the side. “I have plans with James tonight, you know that.” “You had plans with him last night, too,” Petunia admonishes, putting the stopper back in the empty vial, her skin taking on a softer, more evened-out natural glow. She frowns. “You promised me you’d make some more this week — you know it’s one of the ones I can’t do.” Just as Lily opens her mouth to reply, a rapid knocking on the glass window of the bakery startles the both of them. “Speaking of Loverboy…” Petunia says wryly. Lily can’t tamper down the grin that split across her face at the sight of her boyfriend. Quickly picking up her wand, she flicks it to unlock the door and he darts inside, out of the chilly November air. He runs a hand through his hair to shake out the few snowflakes that had begun to fall, and she feels her heart pathetically beat a little faster. Pulling his jacket tighter around him, his eyes find hers and he returns her smile with his own lopsided one. “Hey, Lil.” He tore his attention away for the briefest moment to offer a kind nod to the other occupant in the room. “Petunia.” The older girl just sighs. “I’ll leave you to it.” Gathering her purse and walking to the door, she looks over her shoulder before stepping out. “Don’t forget my potion, Lily. You promised.” Her eyes flit dismissively to James and she’s gone. James’ eyebrows are raised as his attention turns back to Lily, who’s giving him an apologetic smile. “Do you mind hanging out here for a bit?” “If you’re here, I’m here,” he replies simply, hopping up to sit on the counter beside her. Brushing some flyaways from her eyes, his hand lingers on her cheek as he leans in and kisses her. He feels Lily’s smile against his lips and any residual chill from the weather or her sister’s usual dismissal disappears. Pulling back, he returns her grin. “How can I help?”
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Countdown to 2023 - Day 1
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First, am I the only one that is in total denial that we are just days away from 2023? Excuse me, but I'm still trying to figure out how it's not 2010... and here we are in 2023. One thing is true, my friends, time is swift, and while days may seem long, years go by in the blink of an eye. Please keep that in mind, always.
Day 1 - 3 writers or stories that made this year bright
Well, I'm so grateful to Dani for providing this directive: The number is just for fun; you are welcome to include more or less than the daily "guide" number. Because 3 just will not cut it.
I'm often hesitant to do these things because I absolutely hate leaving anyone feeling left out, but then I also lose the opportunity to celebrate some who have really been special to me. So, in that spirit, please understand that there is no way today's post, or those that follow, could ever completely capture everyone who has been an important part of my fandom experience this year. If we have interacted in any way, big or small, I see you, and you matter.
So, without further ado... here are my definitely more than 3 mentions for 2023.
@a-crepusculo My sweet, sweet friend. Your poetic writing, which often leaves me with the greatest case of imposter syndrome, is made more special for me because I know the beautiful soul that lies behind it. It's a reflection of you and who you are, and that reflection is beautiful. How happy I am whenever I see a notification that you've posted, and I know it's not something you can focus on now, but just know it's missed - and I hope you'll grace us with your work again. You're amazing.
Writing that is always absolutely captivating. I still am enthralled with watching Ethan and Charlie's relationship grow, unfurl, and grow again. You've made me dissolve into tears more times than I can count, and for this angst-lover, that is SUCH a GOOD thing! I'm so glad you're still sharing with us!
How fortunate are we all to still have the love that is Gen and Ethan to look forward to? I'm serious. The fandom has dwindled for sure, but we are so lucky to still have cornerstones that remain - and you, my friend - are among them. I know it's been a bumpy ass year, but I'm so glad you're still here!
I mean - the fics are incredible - but they're almost secondary at this point. I don't think I'd still be here if not for you this year. Thank you. Sincerely. But that doesn't mean your fics get to be ignored. The Allende family forever has my heart, and I find it hard to determine what I love more: Your heartwarming fics about them that leave me a puddle on the floor or your Ethan/Lilac smuts that leave puddles in other ways. 😂 I'm sitting here trying to pick one or two fics to highlight, to say this is what I remember most this year, and I can't because there are too many to name. I am so, so grateful for you, for your talent, and for still being willing to share it with us. Adjust that crown, baby, if you must - but never take it off!
This year I fell in love with a new Choices story for the first time in a very, very long time. I'm now an official Wake the Dead stan. But, how sad that factors have led to the fandom being almost non-existent for new Choices stories. So, you can only imagine my excitement when I discovered Julia's incredible stories about Kiera and Eli. My only regret, I've already read them all! But I anxiously look forward to more.
While I am a lover of all things angst, I am always so grateful for a soft spot to land after my heart is ripped to shreds. When I need that respite, I always know where to go, and that's to Mal. Though I have to admit, this year, she got me with a few angstier pieces too. You Weren't Meant for Me, and Reflections and Renewals come to mind. Our fandom may be growing ever smaller, but I'm so happy you're still here creating! 💕
I have to thank you for the lovely surprise fic where you brought your Merida and Ethan, Dani's Bryce and Olivia, and my crazy little Tobias & Casey together. I was just giddy, and I love that these three couples now have a shared moment in fandom history. I just wanted you to know how special that was to me! 💕
Girl, what would I do without my favorite fellow Tobias stan and her incredible creation of Tobias and Samantha? You know how much I simply adore these two, and I love getting the backstories behind them. The original Tobias queen, I will always bow to you! 💕
Continuing on my reasons to be grateful for Wake the Dead, it also led to me being introduced to Dani's work and Dani as a person. Both of those things were highlights of my fandom experience in 2023. I simply adore her writing, her strong, beautiful MC Malia, and the special relationship she has with Troy. Safe is an absolute masterpiece, and the only reason I have not finished reading it yet is that I truly don't want it to end! I love your work, I've loved our conversations, and I'm so glad we've gotten to know each other better.
This year, I had the pleasure of being introduced to Bryce and Olivia, and my heart will always be grateful! The only bad thing is time has yet to allow me to go back and follow this absolutely lovely duo right from the start. But I will, I assure you I will. This heartwarming duo is delightful on their own or when they're engaging with the little firecracker that is Keiki. I simply adore them all!
My lovely "Tif". 😊 When I think of fandom joy this year, you immediately come to mind. I'm always so excited to see a notification from you and since I can't get enough of Ethan and Celia, I'm now happy to be going back to the past to find more. You're such an important part of the fandom, and you made 2023 infinitely better.
Another lovely cornerstone of our community. We can always count on you to bring Ethan love to us and, more importantly, bring the beautiful, spunky Victoria along with him (you know I'd pick her over him. lol) I know we say we'll be doing this together until we're in the old-folks home (though I'll be there LONG before you lol) and I hope we keep to that! The fandom wouldn't be the same without you!
A special shout-out to the newcomers who have joined the fandom this year. Some are new to Tumblr, and some are just new to creating, but they helped breathe new life and creativity, and I know I'm not alone in being so grateful for their presence here. @cariantha @mydemonsdrivealimo @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @openheartforeverinmyheart Thank you for being part of this craziness and bringing joy to my year - and I'm sure others.
I know they're not really here anymore, but that does not mean that they weren't appreciated this year, and if they check-in, I want them to know that they're thought of: @choiceskatie @lem-20 @bex-la-get
Honorable mentions to @alj4890 @ambraambrose @choicesfanaf @coffeeheartaddict2 @gutsfics @heauxplesslydevoted @headoverheelsforramsey @hopelessromantic1352 @inlocusmads @lsvdw-blog @parisa-kh @peonierose @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @takeharryandgo @takemyopenheart @the-pale-goddess @utterlyinevitable Each of you has helped keep our little crazy thing going despite the odds, and I hope you know you're appreciated!
I am confident I've forgotten people, and I'm even more confident I'll feel like shit about it, but trust me, as I said, if we've interacted in any way, you've made 2023 better!
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dandywonderous · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @kiaxet
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
210, but about 110 of those have been copied over from my old FFN account (almost all of the One Piece fics, basically).
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I'm mostly only writing for Rise of the TMNT, but I have written a lot for One Piece and Free!, as well as Twisted Wonderland, Persona 5, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, FFXV, KnB, and others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good (ROTTMNT) 2. Tight Fit (FFXV) 3. Tapping Out (ROTTMNT) 4. Lab Accident (ROTTMNT) 5. Things Overheard (Hiding Under the Bed of the King of Athens) (Hades)
5. Do you respond to comments?
No |'D I don't know why but it just gives me anxiety so I don't. I do appreciate the comments, I'm just bad at responding. I'm sorry!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably this old fic where Sanji just dies in the end, but I think I have fics that are angstier in the middle even if they end better. For something that's not just the character dying, probably Herbal Tea (ROTTMNT), or maybe Failures and Heroes (You and Me) (ROTTMNT)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings so this is hard! Probably a tie between Tight Fit and IMBI, since those have their central characters going through pure hell but getting all kinds of love in the end (including romantic love in Prompto's case).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Once. This is the hazard of writing AkeShu (P5) lmao.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY I sure do. I write all kinds of smut, including a few gross kinks most people put in their hard nos. If you're poking around in my full fic list proceed with caution. Lately since I've been writing so much ROTTMNT I haven't been writing smut, though, since I'm more into the canon for the fluff and family feels. The last smut fic I wrote was The Appearance of Impropriety (FE3H), which is a Dimitri/Edelgard/Hubert threesome. And before that, it was a TWST AzuJami fic that, well, took advantage of Azul's octopus anatomy, if you get what I'm sayin'.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't really written fandom crossovers since I was a teenager and tbh I don't remember much about them, I think they were more crackfics than anything serious. I have written several AUs that use other fandoms, though. Probably the weirdest one I've actually written is a Free! RinRei Dragon Age AU, where Rin is a templar and Rei is a mage (the forbidden love of it all). I also have waaaay too many ideas in my head for an ROTTMNT FFX AU where Mikey is a summoner.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I remember back in my FFN days I would occasionally search up my fics and find them c/ped to random clickbait sites, probably as a bot scrapping operation. But to my knowledge I've never actually had anyone take one of my fics and claim it as theirs. Even that bot reposting still had my username attached lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep! The fabulous @e-turn has translated several of my ROTTMNT fics into Russian! I've had other requests before, too, but I'm not sure how far those went. If anyone does want to translate my works, feel free! Just be sure you're crediting me, and if it's going on AO3 be sure to link the original!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have done some co-writing and some fic round robin events but none of them ever got to the point where they actually got published, because someone would flake out or we would just lose steam. I might be up for it, if it were a project we were both really invested in, but I'd probably have to be friends with the co-writer first.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
MMM this is hard... probably RinRei from Free! I've never felt quite as intensely about a ship as I did that one.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hold On To Me (KnB); I love it but I am so far out of KnB fandom at this point haha.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voice, I think; it's what I usually get compliments on and what I feel the best writing. In a way, fanfiction (and fandom RP) has really helped me think about characterization. Something I was certainly guilty of in my younger days (and that a lot of amateur writers are guilty of) was having my characters act as vehicles for plot, doing or saying whatever I needed them to in the moment to move the plot where it needed to go. This meant none of my characters had any kind of consistent characterization and all of them were samey. We joke about "he wouldn't fucking say that," but in a funny way this kind of thinking really got me to think about characterization and character agency. Before I would say, "we need to get from point A to point B, so let's do that." After trying to get into the groove of writing already strongly characterized characters, and please an audience with certain expectations, I found myself thinking really hard about what would motivate a character from point A to point B, and if the circumstances I'd set up weren't enough to cause that, I'd need to tweak them, or better yet, explore what I think the character WOULD actually do in that scenario (which may be more fun anyway). This is a skill I think fanfiction is great for helping new writers develop.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I wish I had stronger word choice at times, and had stronger imagery. I'll read lines in other people's work that just blow me away haha. I could never write so poetically, I think.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If you are good at a language, or have someone fluent helping you out, then go for it. There's no reason any work needs to be written in only one language. I'm not a purist on this. That said I also think writing "he said in Spanish" or something like that is fine. If it serves your purposes better for your fic to all be in one language, or you aren't confident enough to write in a different language, then you can just make it clear to your audience that a different language is being spoken now. Especially because I come from a lot of anime fandoms, I'm used to there being a sort of unspoken understanding that the characters are not speaking English and what we're getting is just the English approximation/localization of what they're saying. So this doesn't bother me. And of course, throwing in random Japanese exclamations in an otherwise English language fic always comes off a bit campy. I do think it's fine for things like terms of address and nicknames, though. I've never really gotten the hubbub over not having honorifics like "-san" or "-chan" in fics because the same people who usually hate that are also fine with "Señor" or "Mademoiselle" in writing and, like, what's the difference? Idk if any of what I said answers the question. My thoughts are that it's variable, ig.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically it was for the book Alas, Babylon, and it was a class assignment in 9th grade English.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ah this is hard... IMBI is my longest fic and I'm really proud of how it turned out, but I think I'll always have a soft spot for I Keep on Hopin' (We'll Eat Cake by the Ocean) (TWST) - warning that this fic is NSFW and has explicit smut.
Idk who to tag. @aria-faye @unpredictable-probabilities @daboyau ? Anyone else who wants to do it feel free!
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thatmexisaurusrex · 11 months
Author Question Tag Game Thing
Awww, thank you so much for tagging me, @cobrafantasies! 🥰
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
too high 😂
3. What fandoms do you write for?
SamBucky mostly, but I've done other ships
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You’re a Sunflower (I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much)  Bucky Quest 2K14 Bucky Quest 2K15  How Had He Not Seen It Sooner? Wakanda Watch 2K17
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to, but then I got so behind on them that it's kind of stressful to think about. I'm sorry if I haven't responded to a comment 😅 I love comments dearly and I'm sorry I haven't been responding, please keep commenting.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm more of a happy endings person, buuuut I've written a few with semi-angsty endings. I'd say then like a sinner before the gates of heaven (I’ll come crawling back to you) has the one of the angstier endings I've made.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my endings are happy, but Bucky Quest probably is one of my favorite happy endings out of the ones I've made.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn't say that's something I usually do. Perhaps criticize if something needs to be said, but for the most part, I just like to say nice things to people because writing is hard, especially something free like fanfiction, and I want to make people feel like they're appreciated 🥺
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Mostly adorable, dorky people in love being goofy who happen to be doing something steamy.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not usually, no. I can't think of one that I've done, actually.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I feel like someone would tell me if it happened, though.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! Bucky Quest has a Spanish translation!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Several fics. My favorite was probably the multi-creator collab Water They Waiting For 🥰
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
SamBucky definitely 😆
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Art Thief!Bucky, PI!Sam fic. It's written. I just don't know if I'm happy with it. And do people still want to see it even??? I have no clue lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Description is a strength of mine as well as comedy 😆 I think I'm pretty good at characters and dialogue too but maybe other people who read my work will know better haha
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing. I have such a bad time sitting down and reading my work out loud to get all the grammar things and make sure it's coherent. Not because I don't like my work, but because I like writing more than reading if that makes sense? And I suck at catching grammar and typo problems in my own work haha
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Sometimes I translate. I've definitely done that before or looked up a song in a different language other than English. I try not to translate too much since I won't say languages are my forte, though, I can at least understand Spanish okay (eight years of Spanish will do that for a person, though, I wish I was better at actually writing it). I've translated stuff into Morse code even. Sometimes, I just say it's in another language and italicize the dialogue. If you're scared of translating and don't want to mess up, that's not the worst trick.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto. Don't look at me 😂
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I don't have favorites, I love my babies equally. Though I will say I do truly enjoy Buffy Burnes Ph.D. the Scientific Illustrator Roommate, The Meeting of Branchus and Apollo, and The Bone Man dearly.
No pressure, tagging: @sambambucky @questinwitchface @sassysambucky @saryasy @firstelevens
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
🍓🍉🥭🫐 for the ask tag thing :3
Thank you so much hun!! <33
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Ooh, I would have to say "You Know You're Right." A Daryl Dixon x Reader fic that I wrote that I was terrified was going to be bad, but I actually spent a lot of time brainstorming for it so it wouldn't be horrible! It's about a reader who's transmasc and a stoner. He doesn't really have a lot of survival instincts and mostly jumps from house to house looking for stashes of weed, nicotine, or CDs. Daryl finds him outside Alexandria when walkers are trying to get to him and he ultimately saves him and they become smoke buddies which leads to a teeny bit more :) I like the fic, and the requester REALLY liked it! So I guess that's all that matters! I'm not too upset about it being less popular than my others tbh.
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I have a mix of preferences for short or long fics. It truly depends on if I have a lot of motivation or a lot of planning for the idea! It just takes me a while to write longer ones because I start to ramble and I also have to proofread and read it all later haha. I do prefer single ones over multi-chapter though. I can never keep the motivation going for multi-chapter fics and then I feel HORRIBLE when I abandon them! Single ones are just so much easier for my small attention-spanned brain lmao. Plus, I habit of jumping from fandom to fandom. *Side eyes all my slasher and borderlands wips that got abandoned due to my TWD brain rot*
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
Angst - I am a sucker for writing angst! I love it when I feel something when I write a fic. When I look over a sentence or a paragraph and I just know it's going to make someone sad. IDK, it's just super fun to write for and I like that I can bleed some of my emotions into some of my angstier fics! Fluff - I also love fluff because I am fairly good at conveying emotion into Fluffy fics, at least I like to think so. Plus then it gives me more room to delve into a plot and add background information and stuff. Smut - I write this the most (I'm a whore, I know 💀) but it's not really my favorite to write for if I don't have one of the two categories above to join it. Smut itself can get a little boring for me or I have days where I remember I'm ace and I'm all "Oh gross..." LMAO I do enjoy writing peoples requests so dwdw Crack - I don't think I have ever written a crack fic?? It seems like it would be fun though! Putting it last though because I've never done one!
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Hmm, I would have to say Aaron from TWD. There's not enough Aaron content for the gays 🗣️ 🗣️ I also think not enough people in TWD fandom write for mlm or transmasc readers, but that's all right, because I will write for them hehe
I can't really think of anything else? I don't really think about this stuff too much 😭
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stevethehairington · 2 years
Hi hi for the writer ask game:💘👻✨
hiii thank you for the ask!!
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
haha i think this one is pretty obvious once you take a look at my ao3 😂 nah but i definitely find it easier to write fluff! i do like to write angst on occasion too and depending on the specific kind of angst that can be easy to write as well, but yeah, for me generally fluff is just the easier one to do! what can i say? i'm a soft bitch lmao.
sometimes i wish i could do angst more, just because i feel like fluffy stuff doesn't get the same level of traction and reaction as the angstier stuff. which is something i feel like i've seen more in this fandom than any other fandom i've ever been in. this fandom sometimes makes writing fluff feel like i'm in an "always the bridesmaid never the bride" kind of situation lmao, and idk it just feels like angst gets all the credit and fluff isn't taken as seriously. which is a pretty big bummer as someone who mostly writes fluff, and it can be pretty disheartening sometimes. i try not to let it get to me too much, but like, sometimes it does.
to anyone else who feels that sometimes too: i'm here to say that fluff is valid, fluff is great, fluff is fantastic, fluff can be just as hardhitting and emotional as angst. you're doing amazing with your fluff and keep it up!!
so yeah, to answer the question lmao, fluff is easier for me to write!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
ooh hm well idk if i have a "wildest" headcanon lmao. but the one that is currently taking over my whole entire brain right now is mustache steve harrington dskfjsd.
i just. there have been SO many good art pieces lately of steve with a mustache and i am so very into that for him and i'm vibing with it heavily. if you've followed me through fandoms you'll know that this isn't the first mustachioed man that i've loved - i'm looking at you, psl era mack (iykyk, if you don't wELL. that's a story for another day lmao)
but yeah i just think that steve would grow himself a lil mustache. maybe it would start as a dare, maybe he would do it 'cause he's bored, maybe he just wants to try something new, or my personal favorite, maybe he's crushing hard on eddie and they're watching a movie together and eddie points out an actor that has a mustache and makes some sort of comment about how hot he is or how good he looks, and, well, steve goes guy eddie thinks is hot has a mustache? logically that must mean eddie will think he's hot if he grows a mustache too so. he does that.
and the thing is - it works. like, the kids hate the mustache, robin hates the mustache, nancy just gives him a pitiful look when she sees it and only just refrains from asking if it's some sort of midlife crisis despite not being in his midlife yet lmao. but eddie. eddie. he fucking loves it. he hadn't been thinking specifically about the mustache when he'd called that actor hot, doesn't even realize that's why steve's doing it either, but he's losing his mind over it. and he has no idea why either!! he's never been into mustache's before. he's never gone coo coo for cocoa puffs over them. he's never thought about them in this much vivid detail before. but steve. steve and his goddamn sexy little mustache.
needless to say, the mustache is the best wingman steve's ever had, and eddie never wants him to shave it off.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
oh man this is so hard because i've gotten so so many wonderful comments and i love every single one that i get so much.
if i have to pick favorites, i suppose these are two that have stuck with me a lot, that i think back on often:
i included a detail about eddie tripping over grass in one of my fics and someone pointed that out and said:
"Because you didn't take the trip anywhere, it wasn't a means to end. It wasn't a plot point. It was just a human thing that would happen to someone like Eddie, someone who moves without looking, who's too busy giving attention to what he's appreciating to care where he puts his feet. That kind of detail is the kind of shit that makes me hit subscribe. It's what turns a great writer into a memorable writer in a sea of great writers."
and this one really blew my socks off because being considered a memorable writer!!! that's huge that's so incredible that's makes me feel so honored. there are SO many talented writers in this fandom, so to stick out to someone like that, to be remembered amongst them all, that means soso much to me.
and then this comment, which is one i think back on ALL the time. like it actually, genuinely made me cry it was so kind and so sweet and so lovely. i'm not including the whole comment here bc it's a pretty long one, but one of my favorite parts of it was this:
"It’s the way you write perfectly imperfect moments that does it for me. A lot of fic writers want every moment to be the best one, the most important one, the brightest one, but there needs to be balance and build up. Some moments need to sit and stew before they turn into anything good. Sometimes a look downward is all we need for the pieces to click together and for the scene to feel whole, for the moment to feel real. You’ve got that."
this commentor also complimented my characterization, which is soooo important to me. i just felt very very seen by this comment - the whole thing! - and i just so appreciated the kind things this commentor said and the way they like picked apart my writing in the best kind of way. like, this commentor gets what i was doing with my writing here - what i try to do with all of my writing. and it just felt so nice to be recognized for that and for that to be complimented. this one means the world to me, and i want to frame it on my wall sfdsf.
fanfic writer ask game
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kitkatt0430 · 7 months
Random Numbers! 4, 6, 7, 12, 17, 21, 29, 35
4.) Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I've answered that one over here :D
6.) What's your ratio for rating your works?
So I mostly write gen/teen rated fics - it's not quite a 50/50 split between those since I do occasionally write M or E, but maybe a 48/47 percent split between G and T? Something like that anyway, I'm too lazy to do the exact calculations.
If it's T there's probably swearing and some violence to them, harder themes, maybe some kissing fades to black implied sex. My G rated fics might still wind up with swearing in them, but otherwise they're more likely to be of the lighter and fluffier variety. Not always, since I do enjoy leaning into angstier stuff sometimes.
I've been overly cautious with a few of my M rated fics that could probably actually be T rated, but I tend to be of a better safe than sorry mindset with those. Though the few E rated fics I've done have absolutely earned their rating.
7.) Your favourite ao3 tag.
Fix Fic/Fix-it/variations thereof. I absolutely love a good fix fic for canon ailments. :D That said, I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers too, so when I can get a combination of both? I will probably stay up reading waaaay to late as a result. Hello three AM, where did you come from?
12.) If you write in more than one language, what's the difference?
If it's not complicated and in, say, Spanish then I'll usually put the actual Spanish into the fic with a translation below in the end notes. Spanish in particular I did learn some of in high school though I admit a lot of that's faded. If what I'm trying to say is complicated enough that I don't want to risk online translators screwing it up for me (or my memory being too hazy), then I'll write it in English with something to denote it's intended to be another language. Usually italics, though too much italics can become difficult for me to read through when I go back for edits.
I'll also look up common phrases and idioms to try and throw those in where they'd work most naturally - especially when I remember to play with Hartley and Eobard's tendency to use Latin as their personal secret language.
17.) Past or present tense? Why?
Past tense tends to flow most naturally for me, though sometimes I'll slip up into present tense. I tend to mostly read books that are past tense, so that's probably why it feels more natural/flows better when I write.
21.) Can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? If you can, what's your secret?
If they're a one shot fic then, most of the time, they stay that way. But if the fic is longer than a one chapter fic? I'm probably not going to be able to predict very well. The shorter a fic is, the better I can guess. The longer the fic is, the more I risk having it wind up on hiatus with x/? chapters sitting there mocking me.
29.) What's the hardest thing about writing?
Keeping my focus on one idea long enough to complete it. I've got so many ideas knocking around in my brain and I want to write them all.
35.) Thoughts on writing challenges/contests.
I like participating in events like prompt weekends/week long/month long events. Or bingos. I like the self imposed challenges there of completing on time. But I'm not really into contests or gifting events. I'm not really a competitive person, I tend to find it amusing in others but exhausting when I try to be too competitive myself. It kind of sucks the fun out for me. So writing contests aren't really interesting for me to participate in for that reason.
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al-kaysani · 4 years
hi! i kinda left fandom but came back bc of tog so i could find some good quynh content, and ended up sorely disappointed at how hard it is to find stuff. yours is one of my favorite blogs rn tho, so i was wondering if you by any chance had some recs for more pls? blogs, fic, hcs, art?
hello! i definitely feel the same - hopefully tog2 will give us more quynh background/screen time and we’ll all have more canon to elaborate on. in the meantime:
here are some blogs that i like who post a good amount of quynh & andy/quynh: @lesbianandromache , @afterlaughy , @nicolodigenovas , @ssungods , @justqueeerious , @themoonwheniamlost (if anyone has other blog recs please reply with them)
there’s also her tags on togsource and theoldguarddaily and the general andy x quynh and quynh x andy tags on tumblr for art! (you could also search [ the old guard quynh ] on tumblr but a lot of the posts on there aren’t about her)
and lastly i went through her tag on ao3 and picked out some that i really liked, so those are under the cut! (and if anyone has fic recs i am begging you to reply/send them to me)
Memories - trigger warning for drowning, death.
character study during her imprisonment, and it is sad, but it has a hopeful ending and i’m always a sucker for those.
Loveable, and Oh, my love, don’t forsake me - 
these are both by dani @afterlaughy which is why i’m grouping them up, but i love her writing! she balances the love and angst very well, andromaquynh fandom legend
raised from the darkest depths - this fic does discuss quynh’s trauma and recovery so be careful if you have to!
i like a good rescue fic! it also considers how lengthy and difficult quynh’s recovery would be pre any type of reunion, but it has a hopeful ending too.
let the water hold me down
this is sad and spooky and strange? but in a good way - i would do anything to set a mood like the author does here.
touch the threshold, it is ancient
it’s very heartwarming and very well written!
worship me not, love me until the end - light gore.
i know 5 + 1 fics have been done many times but this one is so good i really need to yell about it! historical accuracy!! the way they’ve made their mark in history!! a really interesting interpretation of that scene in the desert!! quynh in chapter two alone is one of the best things that i’ve ever read!! angst and humor and godliness with our immortal wives making it through it all :”) 
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blackberrywars · 2 years
I saw the flash fic thing you're doing!! If you're in the mood any of your adorable Kitten Shenanigans™ would be delightful ❤️❤️❤️
Ask and ye shall receive, my friend! It ended up just slightly angstier than intended, because witchers and Vesemir are involved, but I hope it meets your expectations for the Kitten Shenanigans™. Full disclosure, it is heavily inspired by this post.
Kittens love to be tossed.
This epiphany —perhaps the most important one in all of Guxart’s many, many years of raising kittens into Cats— came at the cost of his ungreyed temples and his witcher-slow pulse. All he remembers now, four decades later, is that he had been walking through a Toussaint forest with Gezras when a horrible, ear-piercing shriek shattered the peaceful morning air. It had ripped through him like poison. Made his guts fall through to his feet. Nearly took him out at the knees before he whipped his useless body around, sprinting to the source, the lake where he’d left his kittens to bathe. Another scream found his ears, and he barely fucking registers the orange blur of Gezras beside him as he pushed ahead, bursting though the treeline to save his kitten 
The sound nearly tore his throat apart, but how could he care? Just beyond the shores stood Lexandre, cowering from the claws of a water hag. He ran. Vicious, disgusting claws tore into his back as he tackled his kitten, curling him into his chest and away from the danger. He barely felt them, just kicked away underwater as fast as he could, hearing the sound of steel on flesh, knowing that Gezras had the danger in hand so he could focus on getting his precious cargo to safety. When Lexandre began to scratch at his arm, he pulled them upwards to the surface, took their heads above the sudden waves.
He expected screaming. He expected whimpering and sobbing, to have to comfort his kittens and scold them in the morning.
He hadn’t expected laughter.
— — —
From that day onward —when the beat of his heart had kept pace only with the rapid, joyful cries of “Again! Again! Again!” as rowdy kits begged to be tackled once more— Guxart had a new tool to wrangle his growing clowder. Lakes, rivers, bushes, leaf piles, snowdrifts, pillows. Other kittens, on occasion. And oftentimes, right back into his arms. Any and every surface that could give them a somewhat soft landing, and Guxart has both an irresistible reward for good behavior and a deterrent for excessive mischief, all in one. Good kits are tossed, repeatedly. Naughty kits would have to, unsatisfyingly, throw themselves. It minimizes considerable damage. So, when he decides to show Vesemir his newfound knowledge, he expects more gratitude than he gets, and maybe even a fun, tossing-related reward of his own.
“What the actual fuck, Guxart.”
It was foolish, in retrospect.
“What? They’re having fun, look at ‘em.” 
Guxart’s newest charge, a dwarvish girl just barely past five summers, falls hard into his arms, giggling with glee. Kiyan’s weight pulls at the strained muscles of his back the same way her smile pulls at the strained strings of his too-soft heart. Shrödinger handles his other kit, Joël, in a similar manner, tossing him higher still. The pair had done excellent in their drills today, and had been slowly learning to hold knives properly with no delays, thanks to the promise of being tossed. His wolf snarls, curling his lip. It’s handsome, but ultimately unnecessary.
“You’re going to hurt yourself, damnit! What the fuck are you even doing to them? What for?”
“I’ll be fine, pretty boy. My kits aren’t so big yet. And it’s called kitten-tossing, a favorite pastime around here.”
He catches Kiyan again, and lets the resistant kitten wiggle her way out of his arms to be tossed by some other willing elder before turning back to his sometimes-lover.
“The long and short is that they like it. It keeps the hellions sweet, and I thought you’d appreciate that for your own little pack. I’m sure they’re no kits, but surely not all of your pups are as stiff as the pole stuck up Rennes’ ass.”
“Don’t you bring up Rennes, not when he doesn’t know I’m even here. What are you coddling them for? With their odds, what’s the point?”
Guxart sighs, rubbing at his graying temples. The movement makes his shoulder twinge again, but he ignores it again.
“Fuck off, Vesi. I can love them at least a little while, or however long they last. Besides, I think it really does help them —we don’t just get lucky picking acrobatic children, not with how desperate we’ve been for new trainees. The throwing… balances them, oddly enough.”
“Maybe. Or it’ could be what makes them all crazy.”
It’s a low blow, and it stings like bitter herbs in a fresh wound. But Vesemir can’t stay for long, so Guxart lets it slide with a wink and a laugh. A joke.
“Then what’s my excuse, hm? And yours, for coming here?”
“Don’t make it like that. You’ve always had your way of handling your recruits, and I won’t stop you. Lexandre turned out mostly fine, explosives aside.”
With that, the Wolf bumps his hip against Guxart’s, the best apology he can make, and Guxart takes it. He likes his way, and this method is one of his best to not only prepare his kittens for witcher life, but show them some kind of affection under the guise of training. It works, whether Vesemir understands it or not. He’ll bet anything the bastard adopts it himself, once he gets a pup who needs it badly enough.
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