#and im sick of it!!!!! why should i have to just grin and bear literal abuse and harassment??
bisexualadamparrish · 2 years
having the worst fucking 24 hours 🤪
#feeling very 🤧🙃😶😞😒🤬🔪 today#was on family vacation yesterday and my parents told me n my sister my brither wasnt coming#only to spring on us last minute that he did in fact get off work and was in fact coming#and even though we said we woukdnt go if he was we went anyways but we drove down a day later#and he is just such a miserable fucking asshole and cant help but pick a fuckig fight and be as demeaning as possible#that he started some shit yesterday and my sister and i pcked up early and drove the eight hours home last night#and like it was the right choice if we had stayed it either would have kept escalating or we would have just hidden in our room at which#point why even fucking be there#but now my parents are guilt tripping us for 'punishing them for his behavior' and are telling us wr need to 'just ignore it and act like#adults for once' but the thing is we're always the ones who have to fucking ignore it and act like adults#and we told them if he was there we didnt want to be bc we knew being stuck.in a house w him for a full week had no way of ending well#and they still had us come and still coukdnt believe when we followed through on removing ourselves from thw situation when it got too be#too much and like. maybe it was dramatic of us but im sorry#there is no one else in my life who could treat me the way he does and speak to me the way he does and demean me the way he does that i#would tolerate being around me and they never would expect me to!!! if i had a friend who acted like he does even one single time they would#tell me to get that person out of my life but suddenly bc we're related im supposed to have no boundaries and just get through by Being The-#Bigger Person??? no fucking way y'all have been telling me to ignore him and to be the bigger person for as long as i can fucking remember#and im sick of it!!!!! why should i have to just grin and bear literal abuse and harassment??#he has such a horrible temper and multiple times in the pst he has let that temper escalate to him actually putting his hands on me#and threatening to hurt me and my sister#so how tf am i supposed to know when the next time his yelling is going to turn into more?#and even the yelling and ranting and hqrassment why tf would i put up with it???#aorry for the rant im just so fucking mad#and now im here at home w no plans and my car is broke so i cant even drive over to my partners house which is all i really want to do#and they're going to come get me when they get off of work but thats this evening and rn i just want to cry#anyways if you read this sorry 🤧🤧🤧 i just needed to get it out of my system#my post
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skinnyducky · 3 years
made for you // v.h.
hello.. im sorry i havent been posting. school has been keeping me busy but i wanted to post this. this idea comes from @yelenasdarling so thank you ! i recommend listening to halley’s comet by billie eilish (as well as the whole album) bc that’s the song that is being discussed in this (as well as many others), so yuh. enjoy ! and i promise i haven’t forgotten about party @ y/ns !
vinnie hacker x singer!fem!reader
Word Count: 1408, edited
As the year was coming to an end, so was your debut album. For months, you’d been working with the best producers, musicians, and doing endless promo for this album and within a few days, you’d be playing it for the label. Obviously because it is your first record, you’re protective over it. No one had heard it besides the people working on it. So, you were a bit nervous to let your pleading boyfriend, Vinnie, tag along to the studio with you.
It was Friday, and you two had been chilling in his room when your producer, Sarah, said she needed you to go over it before the label meeting. As you bid your goodbyes to Vinnie, informing him of the reason for your departure, he pouted. “Why can’t I come?” he nearly cried, giving you his puppy dog eyes. Because you couldn’t resist them—and you just can’t say “no” to him—you allowed him to come.
Now here the two of you were, in the studio and listening to Sarah go on and on about how long it took for her to finish mastering it. Your manager, Jen, had came too. She had to hear the album for herself also. She couldn’t have her client looking a mess in front of her bosses. Bad for business and her reputation.
“…and after an hour or two of making sure your vocals were clear, I finally finish the album.” Sarah explained. “Honestly, this is probably the best album I’ve produced in a minute, and I worked on SZA’s album.”
“That good?” Vinnie asked with a smirk, leaning against the studio door. “That’s sick. I’m ready to listen to it.”
As that sentence left Vinnie’s mouth, you felt your anxiety overcome you. “Are you sure, Sarah? There has to be some sort of adlib I need to rework or something. Can’t be ready so soon.”
“Y/n, it can’t get any better than this. This is a solid project. I should know, I spent days listening to it over and over again. Trust me, it’s ready.”
“Besides, it’s too late to rerecord now.” Jen added. “The label meeting is next Thursday, and we don’t have a week for Sarah to mix and master all over again. Once the label gives us the greenlight, if there’s anything to tweak, you can do it before you have to submit the final project. But until then, no changes and no additions.”
You sighed, nodded your head. It’s not that you were afraid of it not being perfect. You were more scared of what Vinnie would think. I mean, he’s the one who inspired the album; more than half of the songs are about him. His opinion meant everything to you, and if he didn’t like an inch of it…that would destroy you.
As you were sulking and picking at your chipped nail polish, Vinnie wandered over to you where you sat at the soundboard with Sarah. He leaned against it and smiled down at you. “What’s the matter, baby?”
“Nothing.” You sighed, keeping your head down. He scoffed and chuckled. “Y/n, you’re playing with your nail polish. You always do that when you’re upset.”
He pulled you up and took you out of your seat before sitting down himself and placing you on his lap. “Tell Santa what’s up.” He joked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I’m just nervous. This album means so much to me.”
“Completely understandable. It’s your first one, it should mean a lot to you.”
You shook your head. “It’s not just because of that. It’s also because it’s about you. The only reason you haven’t came with me to the studio until now is because I didn’t want you to hate anything on this, and it would kill me if you did.”
“Y/n, look at me”—you finally met his eyes for the first time—“I could never not like anything you do. Especially if it’s dedicated to me. That’s like throwing away a gift you gave me. I wouldn’t ever do that. So don’t think for a minute that I’d hate this. That’s literally impossible.”
You smiled, planting a kiss on his forehead. “You’re too good for me.”
“I know.” He laughed and turned to Sarah. “Play us the album!” He said dramatically, sending the producer into a fit of giggles.
She followed his orders and with a few clicks and the press of a button, the first song from your album rang out from the studio speakers. You watched timidly as Vinnie bobbed his head up and down as it went from track to track.
“This shit slaps!” He exclaimed as “Y/n Bossa Nova” played. He nearly about died during “Oxytocin”, claiming it to be god tier. Minutes went by until you got to the final track “Halley’s Comet”, and you were scared to play him this song.
While the other tracks were quite playful in nature, this one was different. The song was a bit cynical, but it was also like a love letter to Vinnie. Never before have you ever felt what you had with him. And at first that made you scared. But as the months went by and your relationship started to blossom, you realized he was the one for you. This was just your way of telling him that.
When it started, you looked everywhere but at Vinnie. It wasn’t just because you couldn’t bear to see the expression on his face, but also because this song was quite emotional. You didn’t want him to see you “being a little bitch” as you put it.
The sound of your soft vocals bounced off the walls and you felt Vinnie place his chin on your shoulder. His hold on you grew tighter as he swayed you two back forth. A small smile crept it’s way onto your face as you tried your best to stray away from crying.
“I’ve been loved before, but right now in this moment,” you sung, “I feel more and more like I was made for you…”
When those lyrics hit, you felt Vinnie stop swaying. Hell, you were pretty sure he had stopped breathing too. You didn’t know what to think about that; did he not like the song, is he shocked? What was he thinking and feeling? Shortly after, the song came to an end with you singing, “I think I might have fallen in love…what am I to do?”
And with that, the album finished. The room was silent, the only sound being your sniffles. Although that was broken when Sarah screamed. “Wasn’t that amazing!? Ugh, my power…I really outdid myself on this one.”
Thankfully, Jen understood the impact of that last song. “Sarah, why don’t we go get a Snickers or something from the vending machine?”
“I can’t eat anything fatty, Jen. You know this.”
Jen mouthed some profanities and threats at the woman causing her to shoot up from her chair and run out into the hallway. “We’ll leave you two alone for a minute.” Jen smiled, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.
Neither of you or Vinnie spoke and that somewhat was comforting. However, part of it made you feel insecure about the album, “Halley’s Comet” in specific. Out of all the songs, that’s the one you wanted him to like the most.
The silence soon grew uncomfortable, so you decided to be the first to speak. “Well, that was the album. What’d you think?”
He opened his mouth, but it was obviously he couldn’t find the right words to say. “I-I don’t know how to even put it in words.”
“That bad?” You sighed.
“No, never.” He laughed. “It was beautiful, all of it really. And that last song, that was amazing.”
You pursed your lips, hiding the grin wanting to break free. “You think so?”
“Yeah, it was definitely one of my favorites. To know I had that much of an impact on you, it’s really sweet. I didn’t think I could simp for you any harder than I do now.”
“Shut up!” you laughed, slapping his shoulder.
“It’s the truth!” he said, throwing his hands up in defense. “I love you, Y/n. I really do.”
“I love you too.” And with that, he laid a sweet and gentle kiss on your lips.
Pulling back, he said, “Oh and just so you know, I agree with you.”
“On what?”
“You were definitely made for me.”
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the-omni-princess · 5 years
Fleece Navidad
Author: @the-omni-princess​
Summary: Your residential frequent flyer has a good reason for wanting to stop by to see you – again.
Prompt: Doctor AU
Word Count: 1.2K
Pairing: Doctor!Latina!Reader x Biker!Bucky
Warnings: Mentions of ER emergencies (including: Stomach related sicknesses, stabbings, broken bones, small cuts, and injuries), cursing
This was for @mypassionsarenysins​​ ‘s 1k challenge! Congrats!!! Prompt was Doctor AU #mypassionsarenysins1k
Merry Christmas, Happy First Night of Hanukah, and Happy Holidays!!!
I also have a Stucky fic posting on Christmas (I hope), and another fic posting before the years ended! Hopefully will have started that Blood Bound chapter as well! Have a great holiday guys! <3
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It was yet another long night with little to no sleep. At the very least, the ER seemed to be mostly empty. A few kids that ate stuff they weren’t supposed to, an accidental hand stabbing in Room 3, and a broken ankle in Room 5. For an ER in Brooklyn at night, it could have been much worse, but it seemed with the oncoming snowstorm, fewer people seemed to be out. Fewer people, fewer emergencies, and a slow night.
It was almost midnight Christmas night, and you sipped on your gingerbread coffee, counting down the minutes until your shift was over and you could spend the next few days on break from work. The nurses on duty had most of the patients covered, while you, the main doctor on duty for another hour, just watched over the few people still here. For once, it was peaceful. That was until your residential frequent flyer strolled in.
James “Bucky” Barnes, the president of the Avengers Motorcycle Club, sauntered in, clutching his arm. His number two and three, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, by his side, both looking equally bored. “Mr. Barnes,” you sighed softly, letting one of the nurses handle the sick child with food poisoning in Room 2. “To what do I owe the absolute pleasure?” sarcasm dripped like venom in your voice. Overall, the Avengers were a band of Do-gooders, intimidating bikers that protected the people who needed it around town; but lately, their president seemed to have a permanent bed in your ER.
“Aw, doll, it’s good to see you too,” Bucky teased back, grinning as he followed you to Room 4, sitting on the bed. “See it’s not too bad today, just some bruises and cuts, making sure I didn’t break anything is all.” He held out his arm, and sure enough, his wrist was bruised up, swollen, with a bit of blood.
You glanced towards his cohorts, “Do you just let him run into walls like a Roomba?” you looked more annoyed than anything. Sure, this biker was cute – okay fine, hot as fuck – but he tended to just take up space in your ER. Granted, he only seemed to show up when you were on duty and when the ER was slow, but still.
“Aw, doll, you’re no fun. It’s Christmas and you're stuck here,” he pouted as you began to clean and bandage his wrist, quickly figuring out it wasn’t broken and didn’t need stitches. Both of his friends looked at him with a pointed expression when you turned around.
“I’m here because I want to, Barnes. It’s my job.” You finished bandaging him before sitting beside him. “Rogers, Wilson, out. You two can wait in the waiting room.” Both men rushed out the curtain, moving down the hallway quickly. You turned on the biker, your face scrunched up, “How many times do I have to tell you, Bucky? Stay out of my ER! Just because we went on a few dates and have one tomorrow doesn’t mean you can take up space when others might need it.”
Bucky had the decency to look away bashfully, “I didn’t want you to be alone on Christmas, baby doll,” he murmured softly, making you melt.
“Babe, I celebrated Christmas yesterday. Had my sisters over, that’s why I didn’t go out to lunch with you. I’m Latina, I’ve always celebrated Christmas the night before.” You said gently, smiling faintly as he went red.
“Oh-Oh! Fuck, I’m sorry, Sweetheart, I wasn’t thinking-“
“You’re right, you weren’t, but I forgive you,” you teased, kissing his cheek before checking your watch. “I’m off in twenty minutes, think you can have enough patience to wait for me in the waiting room with the boys?”
He nodded quickly, grinning, “Poor guys think I’m a love-sick puppy, following you around.”
“That’s because you are, babe,” you teased, smiling up at him. “You get out of here and tell them either about us or some excuse, I’ll be there when I clock out.”
He stood back up, smiling as he pulled you into his arms. “Promise?”
“Promise,” you kissed his nose, “Now go.”
He reluctantly walked off towards your waiting room while you checked on the last few patients of yours. You quickly said goodbye a few minutes later to your nurses and the doctor rotating onto duty while you clocked out.
When you made your way to the waiting room, Bucky, Steve, and Sam stood there, the latter two with shit-eating grins on their faces. “Should I ask whats got you two so excited?” You teased, unable to stop the smile from your face as Bucky led you out the door and into the chilly weather. No snow this Christmas but still decently cold, which had you shivering in your scrubs. The current fleece sweater you were wearing with the words ‘Fleece Navidad’ and a little sheep wasn’t giving you much warmth as the temperature dropped.
Bucky placed his leather jacket around your shoulders, using the little shuffle you did into the warmth of the leather – the scent of smoky cologne filling your senses – to pull you into his embrace. “I might have told them about us,” he said in a soft voice, tilting your chin up gently.
“Oh, did you now?” You grinned, “Did you also mention that you’re a secret teddy bear that didn’t want his girlfriend to feel lonely on Christmas, so you slammed your hand into a wall?”
Sam snickered behind you, and Bucky shot him a dirty look before softening as he looked back down towards you. “I might have skipped that part. Let me give you a ride home, sweetheart. My ma would kill me if she found out I let you take the subway home this late at night in this weather.” He gently pushed a stray baby hair out of your face, your usual work hairdo messy from the long and hectic shift.
“Only if you can promise me hot cocoa and dancing to Christmas Frank Sinatra record.”
“Deal,” he pulled you closer, making a shooing motion towards his friends as he finally closed the distance and kissed you softly. Slow movements underneath the spell of each other, gentle caresses, not caring about the intruders to your little moment.
“Not to make this even cuter, but you guys are even under the mistletoe!” Steve teased, Sam and him chuckling as the leaned on the wall near their bikes.
You looked up, and sure enough, one of your coworkers had taped a small bundle of mistletoe above your heads. Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle, tugging you impossibly closer. “Perfect,” he kissed your nose, absentmindedly noticing it was growing cold, making you melt with his charming and goofy smile. “Merry Christmas, baby girl.”
“Merry Christmas, Bucky.” Surrounded by the lights of a distance ambulance leaving the lot and the bright white lights of the inside of the ER, you couldn’t help but compare it to the holiday lights strung around the rest of the city, bathing you and Bucky with holiday warmth as Carol of the Bells begun to play in some café down the street. This right here, with the man you were slowly but quickly falling in love with, was the most perfect end to your holiday than you could have dreamt of.
Permanent Tags:
@minetticatinwonderland​  / @lumar014​ / @maniacproffesor​ / @gollyderek​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ / @avengerstones​ / @momc95​ / @loving-life-my-way​ / @agentpeggybarnes​ / @marvelmaree​ / @thefridgeismybestie​ / miraclesoflove  / hello-fanfiction-goodbye-grades  / deathofmissjackson
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For a tag, just reply/comment, if I don’t see it, just message me. Tell me what you think! Literally, any comment makes me happy! Like, comment, reblog, interact <3
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Hiraeth (Pt. 3)
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(a/n: I've decided that im going to start posting new parts on my wattpad a few days before I post here as a sort of early access sort of thing… please consider checking it out!)
"Movie night?" You were sipping another iced coffee, this one of your keurig's creation. In front of you stood four girls trying to worm their way into your room.
"Really more of a girl's movie night." Sierra smiled, looking innocent. At least, as innocent as she could be. "Besides, we have nail polish. And face masks!"
You knew better than to argue so instead, you just sighed and moved out of the doorway, allowing them entrance into your room. God help you if you got caught having a sleepover on a school night, especially with students from another house.
When it came time for you to pick a movie, a wave of nostalgia overtook you, and you found yourself selecting The Princess Bride.
"OMG. I loved this movie when I was a kid." Sierra currently had on a sheet mask that made her look like a panda bear and was painting Kaykay's nails a bright shade of bubblegum pink.
"Me, too. I always wanted to find someone like Wesley." Kaykay sighed into her chocolate bar. You kept a stash on hand for kids who were feeling down, but let the girls raid it. Just this once.
"I forgot how dumb Buttercup was. She contributes nothing but problems to the entire movie." Kaykay's comment mirrored your own thoughts on the princess, not that you had expected her to have seen The Princess Bride before.
"Yeah, Buttercup definitely does not pass the Bechdel test." Crystal was admiring Sierra's handiwork on her own nails, hers a shade of bright blue.
You scoffed. "Are you kidding me? Buttercup invented the Bechdel test. A sexy lamp could have contributed more to the plot line than she did."
The girls laughed, each of them still watching Buttercup crying over Wesley despite the teasing.
"Damn. I wonder if there are any Wesleys around here." It was Sierra who first brought it up. The boy talk. It happened at every sleepover. You were expecting it, but that didn't mean that you were prepared for it.
"I don't know. Maybe." Crystal said. "I'll tell you who's not a Wesley, though. Ashton. That man is the biggest player I've ever met."
"Um, have you met Michael Clifford?" Kaykay gave Crystal the side eye, as if she was offended on Michael's behalf.
"Not only have I met him, but I've had to watch him flex during chapel." Sierra shuddered. "It's terrifying."
"I dread the day Luke becomes interested in girls." You gave a low chuckle. "He's still in the "girls have cooties" stage right now."
"Literally the only guy who I could even remotely see in a relationship aside from Ashton is Hood." Kaykay looked at you the entire time she talked. Which meant she definitely saw you blush at the thought of Hood in a relationship.
Sierra grinned, but she didn't push you. All she needed was that blush. Girls' night was super fun, and she was gonna force all of you to do this more often, but Sierra would be a liar if she said there were no ulterior motives for said girls' night. This was icing on the cake.
She and Kaykay met eyes, sharing small smiles. There was still much work to be done, but they were off to a great start.
Hood was starstruck by you, that much was clear to Sierra.
The stoic man the group once thought they knew had been reduced basically to a puppy. He 'escorted' you to and from all your classes, sat next you at all the meals, chatted you up over coffee on weekends. He even smiled and laughed at pretty much everything you said.
Sierra hadn't even known that Hood was capable of getting above a smirk on the smiling scale. Judging from the blush that had spread across your face, you were feeling much of the same. Although, you did seem to be better at hiding it that Hood, who froze every time he saw you. Without fail. Every. Single. Time.
Sierra had known from the very beginning what a great match you two were for each other, but even she couldn't have predicted this mess of emotions. You two were into each other, that was obvious. Now she just had to trick you into making it obvious to each other.
"I'm dying." Sierra banged her head down onto the table dramatically, sighing loudly. She raised her head ever so slightly to see if you was paying attention to her, and sighed louder when she realized you were not.
"Well, maybe you could be considerate and be a bit more quiet as you ease into the cold embrace of death?" You didn't look up from your book, trying to find that one specific bit about cellular mitosis in your textbook. Biology was a bitch for you, and the moaning coming from your study buddy didn't make things easier.
"Ughhhhh." Great, more moaning. Sierra was going to be the death of you, dragging you into the afterlife with her. You slammed the book shut, reached into your wallet and threw a twenty at her, watching as it dejectedly fluttered to a stop next to her arm.
"Go get us coffee, then. Take a break." You reopened the book, not even bothering to make sure she left. The upcoming test was stressing you out, and you really hadn't planned on taking multiple children under your wing when thinking about studying hours.
"Hey." God, what now?  Or, more accurately, who now? It was always someone doing something with this group, and you were exhausted right now. You didn't think you could handle another crisis.
"What?" You closed your book with a whack, the word coming out like canine teeth in a fight.
When you looked up, it was just in time to see Calum hiding a flinch. You mentally sighed, regretting your words.
"Um, I was just gonna ask if you were okay?" Calum's hand came up to scratch the back of his head, the other holding his backpack on his shoulder. He looked a bit sick, almost as if he'd rather be anywhere else.
"Not really." The words were thinly veiled with impatience. You were barely halfway through the first unit and there were still two more to go after this, and that was only for biology.
"Oh, um, anything I can do to help?" Calum swallowed thickly. He should have never come over here. He knew you didn't like him, were only tolerating him for the rest of the group. God, he wanted to run. Just as fast as his legs could take him away from here. How could he be dumb enough to think you liked him?
"Yeah, peace and quiet." You didn't even get the word 'peace' out before Calum mumbled out a 'bye' and walk-sprinted away from you, straight out of the library.
It was weird, but it was also a bit too late to track him down and force his feelings out of him now.
One foot, then the other. Repeat. And repeat. And repeat.
Hood kept repeating the mantra over and over, synchronizing his arms and legs to mold the air around him. He cut through it, gliding and fighting, gasping as he rounded the corner of the field once again. The air didn't stay in his lungs long enough, making them burn, and cramping his sides. But he could still replay the conversation with you in his head in perfect detail, so he kept running. He'd stay out here all night if he had to.
Because after running, he could always practice shooting. And then dribbling. And then whatever came to his mind next.
When you had said peace and quiet... you had sounded exactly like...
Hood shook his head, sprinting the next lap to push that thought away. You had been funny and kind, that night in the library closet. Just truth and idiocy, drunk on exhaustion. Then that night in the car. When it was just you and him and the stars. You had laughed, and teased, and sang softly to every song on the radio. It was honest. He thought you were a good person.
So why had you tricked him into believing you liked him?
Suddenly, the stitch in his side turned into a heart attack. The shortness of breath from running became air escaping his lungs and never coming back. He footsteps slowed, his feet muddling together until one of them caught on the other and sent him stumbling to to ground. He couldn't even see the grass to catch himself. His vision had gone kaleidoscopic, all darkness and spots.
This was it. He was about to die.
He couldn't get air in, couldn't stop shaking enough to get to his bag and text someone. They'd find his body in the morning, probably. Here, drenched in sweat and bile.
"Hey, Calum!" You had noticed Calum running laps earlier as you walked back to the dorms from the library. Things had ended weird with the two of you earlier, and you wanted a chance to, if not fix it, at least figure out what was going on. You assumed he was still peeved, though. Even after calling his named again, he still hadn't looked up.
"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. I know I said peace and quiet to you, but I was hardcore projecting Sierra's chattery-ness onto you." You plopped down next to him slipping off your sandals and beginning to lace up your cleats. Calum still didn't look up.
"Hey." You nudged his shoulder, only to have your hand come away drenched in sweat. Weird. You looked at the boy sitting next to you a bit closer, noting him sort of shivering, even though he was burning up, and the way he wasn't quite breathing, but ... panting. Shit. "Calum. Hey. Look at me."
Realization hit you like a truck. He wasn't mad or ignoring you. He was having a panic attack. You scooted closer to him, gently cupping his cheeks in you hands and bringing his face up to meet your eyes. They darted around wildly for a moment before zeroing in on yours.
"Cal. You are okay. I need you to breathe for me, okay bud?" These sort of situations... they weren't new to you. It hurt you to be able to say that, but you were grateful for it at least for right now. "Come. Focus."
The first thing he felt was cold. Cold hands, right on his face. They felt nice on his feverish skin. The hands brought his head up, moving his head for him, since his neck was incapable. Everywhere was too bright, the was too much to take in. But your eyes... he could focus on your eyes. Slowly, painfully, you got him to breathe. In four, hold seven, out eight. Hood knew the exercises. He pretty much wrote the book on them. But they were so much easier when they came from you. Hood watched as the sun set behind you, escaping in a way Hood only wished he could.
"Hey Luke, wait up!" You jogged along the covered pathway, trying to catch up to your favorite child-genius. Luke was lost in his own little world. He was reading and walking again, which you and Crystal had both told him not to do anymore. He was doing it anyway.
Which, of course, meant that Luke didn't see him until it was too late.
Torrin. God, you hated that asshole. He had been giving Luke crap the entire time you had known him and probably before that, as well. So, when you saw Torrin hone his attention in on Luke, you dropped your crap right there and kicked your jog up to a sprint.
You got there a split second too late to stop Torrin from slapping Luke's book out of his hands. That was about as far as you would let him get, though.
"What the hell, Torrin?" Just like that you were in front of Luke, pushing him behind you, shielding him with your body.
"What?" The asshole had the gall to smirk, putting his hands into his pockets. God, you wanted to slap that grin right off his smug face. "I'm just teasing."
"Yeah, last time your 'teasing' resulted in him having to buy a new book bag and replace all his notebooks." You growled the words out.
"Fuck off, bitch. This is between me and the twerp." Torrin was never bright enough to grasp the concept of patience.
"Hey, better idea. Go fuck yourself." You watched as the bullies features contorted into pure rage, the kind only testosterone and teenage angst could encite.
"I'm done with you." Torrin grabbed your shoulders, pushing you away from Luke, who tried to back away.
Oh, this was gonna be bad. You remember thinking that specifically, that part was one of the only moments of clarity you had. Everything sort of blurred after you decked Torrin square on his chin, knocking him flat on his ass.
tags: @rbforsmileycal​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
vampire barry hcs.
@gazebros and i put together our collective genius again and created some self indulgent vampire hcs for our Babey.
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after barry leaves the army, he's greeted by fuches.
a very old and very rude vampire who's never quite adapted to modern life as well as he thinks he has.
he turns barry himself, so that barry will have to do what he says. sire bond, and all that.
twilight wasn't lying about the excruciating pain stuff.
barry actually is pretty chill with being a vampire.
he's forgotten a lot of his time as a human, so he doesn't have much to compare it to.
he thinks it's cool that he doesn't have to sleep as much, and he can sleep for actual weeks at a time if he wants to.
the sunlight thing is a bummer.
he doesn't die, or anything, and he's usually okay if it's cloudy, but staying out too long in direct sunlight kinda hurts.
he's okay, apart from the whole, uh, blood sucking part.
he's okay with doing it to survive, but then he finds out what fuches really wants from him.
to kill for the sake of killing.
to get people out of the way.
and he has no choice.
he joins the acting class, he supposes, as an escape.
he hates how easy it is for him to kill.
he hates his own strength.
he's put his foot through the floor more than once while running down the stairs, late to class.
he's torn off the door and broken quite a few light switches, tearing them out of the ceiling.
he hates that he can sink his teeth into a human's throat as easily as if it were butter.
he hates that draining the life from someone is as effortless as it is. second nature.
he needs to be around humans, he finds.
he needs to remember that there's a reason for him being here.
not just to kill.
to live
and experience
and create a new life separate from the one he's forgotten so much about.
and in the acting class, he meets you.
and you're so wonderful.
you make him feel like he's alive.
his heart doesn't beat any longer, but he seems to forget about all that when he's with you.
and apparently, the thing about vampires being hopeless romantics is not a myth, because he falls for you so hard.
it doesn't take you long to figure out he's a vampire, either.
it was small things, really.
he was cold. and sometimes he didn't move for like... a solid hour.
also, um, his complete lack of reflection threw you.
but you were too far in love with him for it to bother you.
"so, were you waiting for me to ask you about your obvious vampirism?"
"barry, you're dead."
"oh. yeah. will you be my girlfriend, by the way?"
"fuck yeah."
the first time he kisses you, he ends up pushing you through the drywall of his apartment.
"holy shit, are you okay?"
"yeah, yeah, fine, i'm just... inside the wall."
"you're a good kisser."
you forget he's a vampire, sometimes.
when he's coming to stay at your house, and you go inside to make coffee or whatever, and notice that he hasn't come in with you.
he's just standing on the doorstep.
all polite and stuff.
just waiting.
in the rain.
"what are you-- oh!"
"yeah, you gotta invite me in."
"shit, sorry. come in."
"it's chill. wanna watch zack galifianakis?"
and then you spend the whole night debunking vampire myths.
it's 3am, and barry is ok because he doesn't need sleep for another few days.
you're sprawled on your bed, and he's running his fingers through your hair, and you're just staring up at him with The Biggest Heart Eyes.
and he knows he would do anything for you.
the human girl he fell in love with.
"your eyes are so beautiful."
that kinda stops him in his tracks.
"are they? i don't know what they look like."
"wait, you- don't you remember?"
"my human life is kinda... fuzzy? like trying to see through dirty water. and it's been about seven years since i've seen my own face. fuches burned all the pictures of me, all my records. took me off the grid."
and you lost your absolute Shit™
because that's fucked up.
because barry is the most beautiful man you've ever seen and he doesn't know what he looks like.
"they're blue. like, the softest blue. and kinda grey, too. and sometimes... when you laugh... you get these little eye crinkles-"
"im in love with you."
"that's the first time you've said that to me, barry."
"well, i am."
barry doesnt care much for how he looks, but he loves the way you describe him. so he lets you continue.
"your hair is brown. really... fluffy looking. i just want to touch it all the time, you really make shit hard for me."
he grins
"and my lips?"
"oh... soft."
and he kisses you so slow and soft and Your Heart Falls Out Of Your Ass.
barry is cold. he doesn't have blood. so. he's cold.
but he does feel it sometimes.
and there's not much he can do about it when he does.
"hi, i can't come to work today because my boyfriend doesn't generate body heat and hasn't slept in two weeks so i need to warm him up."
vampires don't sleep, my ass.
he's always falling asleep on your chest, or with his head in your lap listening to you talk about your day.
he can go without it for a long time, but he loves waking up next to you. he also just loves watching you sleep. listening to your breathing and your heartbeat. the rush of blood.
let's be real, sometimes he finds it hard to not, like, drink your blood.
but one feed and he's good for a couple weeks.
let's address the elephant in the room.
the sex thing.
y'all watch twilight and you're laughing because edward won't have sex with bella.
and barry completely has a straight face.
"no dude i could literally kill you."
"yeah, uh, that's never once stopped you."
breaking the bed Every Other Night.
his heightened senses and vampire awareness means he's So Good at sex.
his attitude to changing you is so relaxed.
he's kinda like. "yeah. if it happens, it happens. you get to be my girlfriend literally forever. that's pretty rad."
"so if you go at it too hard and snap my spine just change me quick."
neck kisses are his Thing.
they're so fucking hot.
vampire neck kisses? that's the dream.
barry can't eat garlic. it makes him sick.
apparently, he gives ZERO FUCKS.
he eats some of your homemade garlic bread and you spend half the night sat on the bathroom floor with him patting his back while he throws it up.
"barry, you stupid bitch."
he tried to drink animal blood once, too.
and again, he threw up.
"babe, i don't care if it's ethical, it's fucking disgusting."
he's always riled up when he comes home from a hit.
you can't be mad at him, because you know he doesn't have a choice.
it's considerably harder and more dangerous trying to calm down a vampire, though, so sometimes you sit there while he smashes things, and wait for him to finish so he can come and cry on you.
the circumstances under which he changes you are not pleasant.
fuches finds out about you. he finds out where barry has been hiding, and he beats you within an inch of your life.
and barry finds you in your apartment and he knows what happened.
you're beaten and broken and bloodied on the ground and he has to stop breathing because he can smell you and he could drain you right there if he doesn't watch himself.
and he's never been bothered about changing you but now it's happening.
now he's faced with your imminent death and he could very well lose you and he freezes up.
your eyes meet his frantically but he's not sure if you know he's there.
he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, and he can taste the blood, and it almost pushes him over the edge.
he dips his head down to your neck, and the rush of blood he's become accustomed to is so much weaker.
your breathing is shallow.
"im sorry."
he knows this will hurt.
and it does. he has to take you somewhere, quick. because you scream until the screams don't sound like screams anymore.
he takes you to the same place fuches took him when he turned. it's a bunker, far enough away from anyone to rouse suspicion.
and he holds you to him while you writhe in pain and beg for him to kill you as the venom changes every cell in your body.
he can't do anything about it.
at some point, he doesn't know when,
you stop screaming.
you stop moving and breathing and he's worried that it hasn't worked.
that he's done it wrong.
but the change is visible.
your features are the same, but different.
your skin is as smooth as marble and almost as cold.
the way you move and speak and hold yourself is different.
but you're still you.
and you're alive.
and he kisses the remaining life from you as soon as you sit up.
"hey, bear. that fuches guy is a bastard."
"i know."
"no, he really ripped into me."
"i know."
"thanks for not letting me die."
"no problem."
"i love you."
"i love you too."
though barry only has eight years of experience, it's still eight more than you have.
but you adapt to vampire life very easily.
somehow, you find your feet faster than he did.
"i think we should invest in a space heater."
now that barry doesn't need to hold back, you have to retire to remote cabins for days at a time to fuck. because you don't get tired easily and you're very loud.
desks and walls and bedframes being literally obliterated.
at one point the bed falls through the floor
with the two of you on it
and you don't fucking notice.
you keep pretending to move countries to throw fuches off your trail.
it's kinda fun, setting up elaborate scent traps and making him think you're somewhere in europe when you've not actually left the state.
everyone at the acting class begins to wonder why the two of you look so good, but also so washed out.
"they're vampires, im telling you."
"shut the fuck up, man, what if they can hear us?"
y'all are so extra. drinking blood out of capri sun pouches and going out in the sun in huge sunhats and clout goggles.
going as stereotypical cloaked vampires for halloween and spending hours freaking people out in the hall of mirrors.
soft vampire love, guys.
y'all have napped for literal weeks at a time. just holding each other.
you just love each other so much.
let vampires be SOFT.
because you are.
barry just holds your face and looks at you. he's never going to be able to get over how fucking ethereal you are, even his heightened vampire sight can't take it in
"do you think that we're going to be this in love forever?"
"how are you sure?"
"because i can't function without you."
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canyouhearthelight · 5 years
The Miys, Ch. 62
Thank you, everyone, for bearing with me on the delays for this chapter.  There was a benefit: @satan-parisienne got to beta the chapter, AND our other sister got caught up all the way in the meantime.
Right now, I’m at 463 followers.  As soon as I hit 500, do we want to do another character contest, or Name the Colony??  I am honestly dying to have all of you name the Colony... I feel like it would make you ALL crew-members of the Ark!
Same warning as always: this is a plague arc, so there are several references to medical procedures.
“There has to be a correlation.”
It was the first thing I heard as I woke up from yet another episode of passing out.  Once again, I had been wandering a dream version of the Ark, complete with ever changing levels of dereliction.  No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to speak with the Else again, however, and if the Council asked anyone else to even try, no one had informed me.
Blearily, I glanced toward the voice that I had heard.  Grey’s hair was ruffled in every direction, as though they had run their hands through it repeatedly.  Antoine was asleep, a tube trailing away from a bandage on his arm – I wasn’t the only one in the room needing transfusions anymore.  Maverick and Conor were berthed on either side of me, blotches taunting me from the skin around their eyes.  Tears pricked at my eyes as I tried to steady my breath before speaking. “How long have you been at it, Grey?”
With a sigh they turned toward me, forcing a kind smile on their face. “Sophia. How are you feeling?”
“Like I’m living in a horror movie. Again,” I groaned. “But seriously. Are the shadows because you’ve been working too much, or are you sick, too?”
“Medical scans only show slightly decreased iron levels from my baseline,” Grey admitted. “But that could also be related to standing and running tests for the last twelve hours.”
I tapped the space beside me in my berth. “Sit down for a minute. Take a break. You know as well as I do that wearing yourself out is counterproductive.” With great reluctance, they folded themselves to sit beside me. “You’re stressed out, aren’t you?” I asked, tapping their fingers gently.
The smile this time was reluctant but genuine. “People are falling ill all over the ship.  I have been trying to find a connection – some common activity that they all may have come into contact with each other during.”
“There’s the Food Festival,” I pointed out.
“Very few Terran viruses have such a long gestation period,” Grey explained. “And those that do, have a much different set of symptoms.  Additionally, in a setting this small, there are precious the majority of the ship do not share.”
“And you have the problem with the platforms,” I realized ruefully before glancing at my partners.
Cool fingers tapped my cheek. “That issue can wait,” Grey admonished gently. “It is not as important as the health of the people on this ship.”
“Speaking of…” I tried to prop myself up on my elbows, but a pointed look from my friend – as effective as any of Tyche’s glares – had me surrendering to leaning back on the pillows again. “Is there anyone on the ship who isn’t sick so far?”
Grey nodded with a grimace. “The number of those not affected numbers in the low double digits, unfortunately.”
“What do they have in common?”
“Hermits, every last one,” a voice announced quietly as the door hissed open. “And that’s saying something, coming from me.”  A tantalizing smell wafted over, setting my mouth and eyes watering as Tyche grinned like the cat who got the cream.  She shoved a forkful of something deep reddish brown into her mouth and moaned. “Phaal curry with scotch bonnets. Why didn’t you tell me about this stuff, Soph?”
“Noah is going to kill you if he comes in here,” I warned. “They have officially deemed that a biohazard.”
Grey winced. “I feel I should deem that a biohazard.  How are you eating that? Where did you even find it?”
“Four menus deep in my sister’s food console when I stopped in to water the plants,” she explained around yet another mouthful. “I warned Noah I have it, and they promised to wait for the scrubbers to clear the room before they come in here.”
“Give me a bite and I won’t complain,” I wheedled.  Noah never let me take that stuff out of my quarters.  “And tell me what you mean by hermits?”
Obligingly, she sauntered over and held out a forkful of nuclear-spicy lamb as she clarified. “The few people who aren’t sick are the ones who haven’t left their quarters since arriving.  They make me and Derek look downright outgoing.”
“Wait,” I sputtered as sweat beaded and started to drip from my quickly-numbing face. “They haven’t left their quarters in over a year?”
“Nope,” she confirmed. “They contribute, but all of it is remotely.  Programming, online tutoring, that sort of thing.”
“Well, that tells us a great deal of nothing,” I sighed. “We can’t even narrow down what activities they haven’t participated in, because they haven’t participated in any.”
“So go the other route,” she shrugged. “Who is the most sick?”
“Nixe,” Grey and I answered in unison.  Our resident mermaid was still holding on, but she hadn’t regained consciousness yet.
“Wait,” I interjected as I realized something. I squinted at my sister. “Your symptoms showed up before Antoine’s. How come you’re up, bouncing around?”
“You kidding?” she cocked an eyebrow at me. “Soph. I’ve lived most of my life with sever anemia. Even now I probably have more in my body than I ever did back on Earth. I feel amazing, by comparison.”
“She also has a habitually high-iron diet,” Grey added, tilting their head and glancing at me. “Current comestibles notwithstanding.”
“That makes sense,” I conceded. “So we can’t even build a timeline around onset of symptoms, can we?”
“Negative.  Several people on the ship have high-iron diets for various reasons. Particularly your sister and Maverick.”
I rolled my head to left and squinted. “Really?  He’s one of the pickiest eaters I know.”
“Spinach, tofu, red meat,” they started ticking off on their fingers. “Lentils and other legumes, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, and organ meats are among the foods with the highest iron content.”
My eyes widened. “You practically listed Maverick’s entire diet, Grey.”
“I am well aware.  I do monitor his nutrition closely, as he still has to prove he has consumed sufficient healthy calories in order to start his daily shift.”
“Huh,” I grunted. “So, he could have been sick the longest and we are just now seeing it?”
“While I highly doubt it, your theory is somewhat correct.”
“Weh di’ oo geh ‘im oo ee ohgah mee?” Tyche asked delicately around the last of her curry.
“Conor likes kidney pie, black pudding, and liver with onions,” I explained, trying not to wince at my sister’s breathtaking lack of manners and reminding myself that she just found out she can eat food she only dreamed of trying in the past.
She gulped, a look of revulsion on her face. “Liver and onions? That’s disgusting.”
As Grey completely lost their composure and gaped openly at the statement, I shrugged and soldiered on. “Not my idea of a good time, either, but they like it, so it’s their bonding time.”
“Surely not all three at once?”
“Christ, no. I would kill them if they ate kidney pie without me.”
“Okay, just checking.”  Tyche made her way to a disposal and made Noah aware that the curry had vacated the premises.
By this point, Grey was absentmindedly scratching at the rash that appeared from simply being near the dish.  “Can one of you explain to me how someone even eats something like that?  My eyes are burning just from being near food that spicy?”
“Ask her,” Tyche gestured. “I’m still figuring this out.”
I scowled at being put on the spot before turning to our friend. “I’ve always loved spicy food,” I admitted. “And I’ve never had any digestive issues with it. As I got older, I tried spicier and spicier food. It’s all so – vibrant. So full of flavor. Sure, you have some stuff that is just spicy for the sake of being painful, and I hate that kind of food. It’s just hate and spite made into food. No one should do that.” I sighed, struggling with my words. “Most spicy foods are ethnic foods, and I always liked being able to enjoy the ‘full’ version, for lack of a better term.  Being able to go to any country and say ‘I want to eat this the way you eat it,’ and mean that.  It just opens so many doors.”
“And it isn’t just spicy food,” Tyche pitched in. “She found this old show once, where this guy went around the world and tried weird native foods, and that was always her dream.  Every chance she got to travel like that, she tried the weirdest, most disgusting foods she could, just because she knew she wouldn’t get sick.”
“What was the worst?” Grey asked.  When we looked at each other in doubt, they laughed quietly. “It helps me get my mind off of all this.” They waved vaguely at the lab equipment. “So, tell me.  I never got to travel much before this.  I would like to hear.”
“Well,” I started hesitantly. “I only managed to choke down one bite of balut, but that may be more squeamish heart than squeamish stomach. Anything involving hard fat or cartilage is just right out, sorry.  I can’t get past the texture.  Once I got past the smell, durian was actually pretty good.  Most bugs are really nutty and delicious, surprisingly.  Balut was probably the one I liked the least. But – “ I held up my hands in a defensive posture. “I literally don’t remember what it tasted like, I couldn’t get my mind past the thought of what I was eating, so take that for what you will.”
Grey paled slightly as they looked the dish up on their datapad. “People eat that?”
Tyche nodded. “Yep.  I don’t get it either, but it’s a delicacy.”
They paled further as they looked up other dishes and confirmed I had tried them. “How did you not get ill?”
“Cast iron stomach,” Tyche and I explained, laughing at ourselves for responding in synch.
“Cast iron stomach, indeed,” they murmured.  Suddenly, their head snapped up.  They stared intently at the wall behind me before squinting slightly. “Cast iron…”
Without explanation, Grey jumped up from my berth, brushing past my sister on their way to the lab equipment. “Iron.  Whatever we are looking for is impacting iron absorption and red blood cell function. – “ Tyche and I looked at each other in confusion as Grey continued their impression of a rambling mad-scientist. “But nutritive iron does have elemental iron as part of the molecule…” Images flickered around the researcher as they scanned through notes and images; expanding this one, discarding that one, squinting at a few. “What if we are segregating the two for no reason… bacteria are bacteria, and the tail failed, too.”
The tail failed? Tyche mouthed at me. I shrugged, lost as she was.  We stared on in concern as Grey muttered, only half-audibly, into the night.
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topaztales · 5 years
Hey! So this is my Richie x Eddie fic, titled Nightmares. 
In summary, Eddie survives and comes to live with Richie after divorcing his wife. But following the events in Derry, Richie struggles with PTSD and heavily internalized homophobia that manifests in terrible nightmares. Richie tries not to show how it’s affecting him, But Eddie eventually catches up.
this one’s kinda angsty but I promise it gets happy, please check AO3 for the complete tag/warning list.
First chapter is below the cut!
 chapter 1- The Phone Call
Richie could taste blood. It wasn’t his blood, he knew it wasn’t. He knew because Eddie was standing above him wide eyed as the claw tore through his chest. His blood spilled everywhere. It was on Richie’s glasses, in his mouth. He was helpless to watch his best friend, his Eddie, get tossed aside like nothing. Limp. The image was seared into his mind until everything went black. For a moment, it was all gone.
Then Richie could taste blood. Then he watched happen again. Then it was gone and he could taste blood. Then again. And again. Again. Again.
Eventually Richie’s eyes shot open and he was staring at his blurry ceiling, breathing hard. His throat was tight and sore from crying in his sleep.  He scrambled around for his glasses, swinging his legs over the side of his bed so he could sit up property. Shoving his glasses on his face, Richie got his bearings. He was in his small apartment, in Los Angeles, in California. Not in the Neilbolt house, not Derry, not Maine. 
Richie struggled to catch his breath. Bracing his hands on his knees, he recalled Eddie’s old breathing exercises. In, out. In, out, trying to slow his breathing. In, out. Blood on his glasses. No. In, out. Blood in his mouth. Stop it. In, out. In, out. Eddies gone. Richie choked on a sob before clapping his hand over his mouth as if he was afraid of being heard. He knew it wasn’t true, that Eddie was still alive. But when Richie was alone in the dark his mind started playing tricks on him. Richie knew that when he came out the deadlights, he’d just barely knocked Eddie out of the way of the direct path of the claw, but it still did lots of damage. In his dreams, Richie wasn’t so fast. It sent a chill down his spine. 
Shakily, Richie grabbed his phone and unlocked it, staring at his recent call list. Eddie’s name was at the top. They called each other often after leaving Derry. While Eddie was in the hospital, they’d talked about what came next. 
Richie had joked Eddie should become a professional clown killer since he was clearly so good at it. Eddie had just rolled his eyes. He’d been in the hospital for about a week by this point, the wound in his side still requiring professional care. 
“Very funny dickhead.” Eddie retorted, but there was no bite in his words.
“But seriously, are we just supposed to go back to our old lives after this shit?” Richie asked, leaning back in the chair at Eddie’s bedside. “I mean, shit has to change now. I’m going to have to start working killer alien clown jokes into my act. My manager’s gonna have an aneurism.”
Eddie laughed, and Richies heart clenched like he was thirteen again. He loved hearing that laugh.
“Yeah, shit’s gonna change.” he said. Eddie’s voice was soft, almost contemplative. 
Richie huffed. “I just said that dude. Pay attention.” He reached out and pinched Eddie’s not-stabbed cheek. “Earth to Spaghetti, do you copy? Over.”
Eddie slapped his hand away with false annoyance. “Oh grow up Rich, I was literally agreeing with you. God, you’re impossible.” Richie just laughed. 
There was silence for a beat. Richie was looking for a joke to fill the void, but before he could find one Eddie broke the silence. 
“I’m going to leave my wife.” He blurted. Richie was a bit taken aback by the suddenness. Eddie was staring straight ahead, looking surprised at his own outburst.
“So, she told you then?” Richie asked, hesitantly.
Eddie raised an eyebrow at him. “Told me what?”
Richie’s grinned, a look Eddie knew meant a punchline was incoming. “About our torrid affair, I’ve been smashing your woman for weeks now.”
Eddie shoved him. “Oh, beep fucking beep, asshole!” Richie just laughed. “Im serious Rich! God I try to have one genuine moment and you have to fuck it up.”
  “Alright, alright. I’m sorry Eds” Richie certainly didn’t sound sorry. 
“Don’t call me that.”
That exchange had happened about two months ago. Once Eddie was discharged, he went to sort things out with Myra. “I faced an evil alien murder clown,” he’d said. “I can certainly face my wife long enough to leave her.” Richie had swelled with pride at how brave Eddie had been. He’d always been brave. Not like Richie, who woke up crying every night with nightmares. There was a handful of recurring ones, all involving Eddie. Eddie dying was common, so were all the deaths of his friends he watched in the deadlights. But sometimes Richie dreamt they were in the hammock again. Richie would look up from his comic book to see Eddie staring at him, smiling. Then his face would start to flake away into white paint as his features contorted and he’d start mocking Richie. You’re sick Richie! You’re perverted, I know you are. I know all about your dirty little secret. Richie couldn’t move. The voice was an awful amalgamation of Eddie and Pennywise, and it shook Richie to his core. Who’d stay friends with you? You’re a filthy fag. 
Other times he could feel Henry Bowers fists slamming into him, and his head swirled with all of his insults. Freak. Fairy. Pervert. Fag. Sometimes the names were hurled by Bowers, sometimes Pennywise, sometimes Eddie. 
Every time, Richie woke up crying. He’d considered telling Eddie about the nightmares, but he had no idea how that conversation would go. “Hey Eddie sorry to wake you, but my immense gay feelings for you and the traumas we’ve encountered have compounded into terrible nightmares that make my cry like a little bitch.” Yeah, no. Besides the terrible phrasing, Eddie had enough on his plate with his messy divorce. Myra had apparently not taken it well, and they’re still battling it out. He didn’t need Richie stacking more problems on him right now. So Richie would manage. 
Eddie called him later in the day, just after five. Richie had been paying some bills, a terrible and grown up thing to do. He was taking a leave from doing gigs. His manager, Steve, had just about ripped him a new one for leaving on such a short notice until Richie told him an old friend had passed away, and that’s why he left so suddenly. It was also why he needed time from gigs, to “process.” Begrudgingly, Steve accepted. Hard to argue with the dead friend excuse, even if it wasn’t the whole truth. But now he ways paying bills from savings alone, so he was happy for the distraction that was Eddie’s phone call. 
“Chhk, Eduardo, do you copy? Over.” Richie spoke into his cell phone like it was a walkie talkie. He heard Eddie groan on the other end of the line. 
“Remind me why I bother calling you?” Eddie asked.
“Chhk, because I’m your best friend and you have to, chhk, over.”
Eddie chuckled. “Knock it off Rich, I actually have some news.”
“Chhk, You’re supposed to end all transmissions with ‘Over’, Eds. chhk, over.”
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie said, before sighing and giving in. “Over.”
Richie smiled. “See, that wasn’t so hard! So what’s the news?” he said, deciding to drop the walkie talkie bit now that Eddie had caved.
“Well,” he sounded shaky. “There’s good news and bad news.”
“I already know the bad news.” Richie said solemnly.
“How’s that?”
“Myra's pregnant and it’s mine.”
Eddie groaned. “I'm hanging up now-”
“Wait, wait!” Richie laughed, “C’mon eds, just tell me what the news is.”
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie replied on instinct. He paused for a moment, then said, “We got it finalized today.”
Richie sat up in his chair. “That’s great news! Why didn’t you lead with that?”
He could hear Eddie huff. “Because someone can’t ever shut up long enough to let me get a word in.”
Richie hummed. “Can’t imagine who that would be, sounds a bit rude.”
“He’s the biggest asshole I know, hands down.”
“Well any man who sleeps with his best friend’s now ex-wife has gotta be a huge douche.”
“Jesus Christ, Richie.”
“That’s what your ex-wife said!” Richie jumped at the chance of the joke.
“Would you let me finish?”
“THAT’S WHAT YOUR-” The line went dead as Richie laughed. He knew Eddie didn’t mean anything by the end of the call, it was just a way to tell Richie to shut up. Richie chuckled to himself as he dialed Eddie back. He picked up on the second ring.
“Got it all out of your system dickwad?” Eddie asked, sounding mildly annoyed.
Richie shook his head to himself and answered, “My humor never leaves my system, my dear boy.”
Richie could feel Eddie rolling his eyes on the other side of the country. “Do you even want to hear the bad news?”
Richie paused. Did he? “Yeah, uh, shoot.”
Eddie sighed. He sounded tired now. “Like I said, it’s been messy with Myra. She’s taking everything she can get. That includes, uhm,” Eddie swallowed, “that includes our apartment.”
Richie didn’t really know how to respond to that. The phone was silent for awhile until Eddie spoke up again. “It’s not like I’m homeless now or anything,” he hurried. His voice was a bit nervous and Richie could tell he was going into a freak-out. “Its just I really liked the place and Myra and I picked it out together and I hate apartment hunting because there’s so many factors involved and its so stressful-”
“Move in with me.” Richie blurted. Fuck. He hadn’t meant to say that aloud, but he hated hearing Eddie panic without being able to do anything about it. Now the line was silent and Richie had to resist the urge to slam his head into his desk. 
“What?” Eddie asked, like he didn’t believe what he’d heard.
Richie stood up from his desk and started pacing nervously. “I- I mean, you could stay with me if you like. At least until you find a place of your own. I don't know, I just thought”-he had not thought at all- “that it might help relieve some of the stress. So you don’t have to rush the process.”
Richie paused, but the line was still silent. Fuck. He’s fucked it. Why does he never think before opening his stupid mouth? Why would Eddie want to stay with him all the way in L.A.? 
His place is a mess! And Richie… well Richie is also a mess. 
“Okay.” Richie was so busy panicking he barely heard the reply.
“What did you say?”
“I said okay, numbnuts. If it’s really alright, I think I need a break from NYC anyways.”
“Oh.” Richie’s heart started to race. He hadn’t seen Eddie since they left Derry. “Well, you’re going to have to give me some time to vacate the guest room.”
“Oh, do you have a guest over? There’s really no rush-”
“No, no, its fine. It’s just that your mom has spent the past few nights with me.”
“Beep Beep Richie.”
They agreed it would be best for Eddie to come the next day, give him time to pack everything and fly over.  So Richie spent the rest of the day cleaning and rearranging his apartment. He did actually have a spare room, but he had made it into a rarely used office/storage room. Eddie would take his room of course. Not only was it cleaner, but Richie secretly hoped that if Eddie was comfortable, he’d stay longer. So Richie rearranged the office to fit an air mattress. Since he had no actual idea of how long Eddie would be staying, at some point he figured he’d have to buy a second bed. He was okay with that, but an air mattress would have to do for now. Then he deep cleaned everything else. He did all the dishes that had stacked up, did laundry, and spent the day swimming in his thoughts as he cleaned. Eddie would be living with him. Living with him! For god knows how long but it was happening! Richie didn’t know if he was more excited or nervous. On one hand, he’d be living with the boy he’d had a crush on since he was thirteen. On the other hand, he’d be living with the straight boy he’d had a secret gay crush on since the eighties, a very unkind time for such situations.
At least I’ll know he’s alive. Richie thought to himself. The thought made his hands freeze over his dishes. In all the excitement over the phone call, Richie hadn’t even considered his nightmares. What if Eddie heard him crying in his sleep? God, that would be embarrassing. But Richie supposed he was right the first time. At least he’d know Eddie was alive. 
Richie had the apartment to a satisfactory level by two A.M., at which point he could barely keep his eyes open. Climbing into bed Richie thought about how tomorrow night, Eddie would be here. He tried to keep his mind on positive thoughts as he drifted to sleep. 
Then Richie could taste blood.
If you enjoyed this chapter please please please go check out the rest on AO3! Chapters 1-3 are there now with roughly two more on the way. Hope you liked it!
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possiblypeachy · 5 years
“Wait, the tears are good tears?” for Jacob and Flor, the cuties!
thank you thank you!! my internet has been horseshit today so this was a fun way to bide my time!
also, i would like you all to know that this:
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is how i envisioned jacob while writing this ksjksjdksjdk i literally cannot stop thinking about this image im--
i’m also determined to get one of these below 1000 words bc i write too much for everything sigh
― ❊ ― 
Florence had been feeling tired lately. She was unsure on why she’d felt so fatigued all of a sudden, though simply chalked it up to her busily preparing for a trip to Dorset to meet with the family again. Worrying had a tendency to tire out her mind, which in turn made her body want to laze in bed all day. Briefly, she’d thought that maybe all her trips to the chamber pot in the night could be adding to her weariness but Florence dismissed it and simply decided to lay off of all the tea.
Then came the sickness. It was the kind of bottom-of-the-stomach queasiness that made her grimace whenever she heard that familiar growling. She’d dealt with such things before (stomach bugs were a far too prevalent part of her childhood) and, despite Freddy’s initial worrying, she refused to waste the doctor’s time with something that would pass in a few days.
It did not pass in a few days.
Upon Lissie having to hold her shawl back while Florence threw up in a backstreet near the market, she all but ordered her to go and see the doctor. Florence fought against the idea at first, joking that Lissie must’ve put something in her cooking that had made her so ill. This, in itself, earned her a slap on the arm from the older woman, to which Florence had grinned cheekily, secretly hoping that that would be enough to make Lissie let her off of the hook. Of course, Lissie could not be shaken off so easily and asked her to go again, a knowing glint in her eyes.
Florence was in and out of the damned clinic as quickly as possible, wanting nothing more than to get back home and curl up with Duncan and a good book. When Freddy had asked what the doctor had said, his sister had told him that “it’s a simple stomach bug; nothing to be worried about” and hurried upstairs. 
Why had she hurried upstairs?
Because she was lying.
What exactly was she lying about?
Florence was--
“Lissie told me you’ve been throwing up again.” Her bedroom door opened without much warning and, instinctually, Florence gathered up her now undone hair to try to keep her from looking indecent. It didn’t work, however; she had far too much of it to just hold in her hands. As soon as honey eyes met with hazel, her locks dropped back down her back and she sighed quietly, rubbing the space between her eyebrows. The door clicked shut behind Jacob and Duncan yowled at him in greeting, to which he gave the tomcat a brief scratch behind the ear. “What did the doctor tell you?” He glanced about while shrugging off his jacket, “Where’s your medicine?”
Florence swallowed once and rolled her lips inwards to let her chew at them. She inhaled so much that she could feel the strain in the lace of her corset. “You should learn to knock, Jacob. I could’ve been nude.”
From the bed, her eyes met his and he raised a brow, the corners of his lips tugging into an amused smile. “Yes, because I certainly haven’t seen that before.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head in a feeble attempt to keep back a laugh. The toes of his boots touched her own and he collected her hands up in his hands, playing with them as if to draw attention to him. “What’s wrong?”
A riot began in Florence’s mind and her gaze dipped away from his briefly, hands limp as he moved them about. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. It was just… some bad food.”
“What? Bad food for the past two weeks?” Jacob narrowed his eyes at her. “I’ll tell Lissie you said that.”
Florence huffed out something that resembled a laugh but it was dry and worried and muttered something like:  “That will be the very least of her concerns.”
At that, Jacob’s brows drew together and the playing with her hands stopped. Instead, he just held them, that worried glint growing in his gaze. “Flor, love, what’s going on? I need to know so I can help because, if you--”
“Jacob, I’m alright--”
“-- end up horribly ill from something I could’ve prevented, I’d never--”
“I’m pregnant.”
He paused.
She looked vacantly at the wall behind him. 
His grip on her hands disappeared and they fell into her lap.
Florence’s mouth opened then closed again, accompanied by the first tear of many beginning its descent along the curve of her cheek. “Jacob, I’m sorry.” He said nothing but there was a twitch in his lip that she couldn’t make sense of. “If you want to--” God, she felt like she was choking, “-- to leave, I’d understand. I can-- I can give the baby to--” Florence hiccuped, one of her hands coming up to press against her own chest as if doing so would calm her breathing, “-- one of my sisters or-- or maybe--”
Arms enveloped her and she began to sob, muttering weak apologies until it was the only thing she could bear to think of. Her arms were trapped against his chest, hands balled into fists, and her face was buried into the crook of his neck. Jacob pitied her-- that’s what it was. One last embrace before he left. It was for the better, she told herself; he had things to do. He was busy-- too busy to marry a woman and raise a child that he didn’t want. 
Hands cupped her face when he pulled away, her tears rolling past the curve of his thumb. Jacob’s eyes were red too, cheeks wet with… tears? Had he been crying too? A little grin cracked across his features and it was like seeing sunlight again after years stuck in the dark. “You glorious, glorious woman.” He muttered, pressing his forehead to her own. Wasn’t he unhappy? The kiss he gave her told her the answer. 
Through a rather ugly sniff, she laughed, tears still careening down her face. She didn’t hate them this time though because they were borne of a lovelier emotion entirely. “The tears are good tears?” 
“Of course they are.” Jacob was still smiling, gaze cloudy. It made Florence feel miles better about her crying. “Well, mostly.” His expression became more serious and one of his thumbs stroked along her cheek to keep her attention on him. “It hurts me to know that you’d think such things.”
She frowned a little but it was more out of a sense of guilt than anything else. “You’re… well, you.” Florence put on a voice that made the both of them chuckle, “Sir Jacob Frye: leader of The Rooks, her Majesty’s saviour--”
“You think I’m not yet grand enough to raise a child of the Abberline family?” He raised a brow and she grinned, that dimple appearing in her cheek that made him feel like all was right with the world. “I’ll get a couple more titles, if you’d like? How about: Sir Jacob Frye the railroad baron?” 
Florence began to laugh, shaking her head. “Jacob, that’s not what I--”
“If I became a doctor, would I be Sir Doctor Jacob Frye, do you think? Or, would it be the other way around?”
“How about I try to switch about some documents to become a duke? Would that be good enough for my lady?”
She had started that terrible laugh of hers-- the one that sounded like a pig’s squeal-- only this time some sniffs and coughs were there too. There was a pause in which he was just grinning at her, searching her expression for any signs of doubt or worry. “You’re terrible.” Florence said somewhere between a snort and a giggle, her wide grin calming into a smaller, more delicate smile. One of her hands came up to cup his cheek like he had done to her and their eyes met. “I love you, Jacob Frye.”
“Right back at you, lovely Flor.”
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90sgrungewriter · 7 years
1. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited
“Come on, you’ll be able to meet our new singer! The dude is a fucking beast when he gets up there. You promised you’d be at our first show and you bailed, now’s your chance to make it up to ol’ Stoney!” The long-haired man ruffled your hair while you tried swatting his hand away, rolling your eyes as you sat your paint brush and tray down on the small table to your left. You stood up and glared at him.
“Go fuck yourself. I had come back late from my class, you know I felt bad about that!” You spoke loudly. You didn’t understand why it mattered so much that you were there to begin with. Stone Gossard was a popular guy.
You and him had been friends for years, along with Jeff Ament. Since grade school, you guys were the three musketeers. You often sit back and think about those days, and where you’s all are now. It was awesome that the friendship was still strong as ever, even in your twenties. While they had chose the musical way, you leaned more towards art and painting. Not that you weren’t musically inclined, in fact you were just as advanced as Stone on guitar, if not more. But for some reason it just didn’t compare to the way you felt when your paint brush stroked across the surface. That was your thing. 
It was a Saturday afternoon, you finally had a day off. You had been painting all day, Tom Petty blasting out your record player. Then Stone came in the picture, begging you to attend his Mookie show. They had recently gotten a new singer, some guy from California. You had heard the infamous demo tape, and he did indeed have the voice of an angel. But its not what you wanted to do tonight. To attend a sweaty show crowded with drunk people didn’t sound very appealing. You wanted some alone time, to just do your thing, but the guilt from ditching his last show still weighed heavy on your heart. 
Yes, Stone could be annoying as fuck, but he was still your friend. Almost family. It felt that way anyway. His parents had always treated you like their own, they were so kind. You knew you had to go tonight.
“The guys miss you, they haven’t seen you in forever. You’ve been so busy. Jeff would be happy as all fucking hell if you were there. Please?” He gave his doe-eyed stare and you just turned away and sighed.
“Alright Stone. You got me. I’ll be there-” You were interrupted when he engulfed you in a bear hug, your face squished up against his chest. He was wearing a navy blue sweater with black shorts and his dark boots. He smelled like cigarettes and mint. He had on his Dallas Cowboys hat with a bandanna underneath. He pulled away, a wide smile across his lips his hands rest on your upper arms tightly. 
“Thanks Dani! We’ll pick you up around 7. Be ready!” He kissed your cheek and with that, left your small apartment. You chuckled to yourself as you turned back to your painting. 
“You’re welcome Stone.” You smiled softly, and brushed the wet paint on to the canvas.
It was currently 6:30 and you were touching up the last bits of your painting. You knew the guys would be here to pick you up soon, so you decided against cleaning shit up. That could wait.
Instead, you made your way to your bathroom and washed what you could of the paint off you. After that, you brushed your teeth and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your short hair that ran just below your jawline was a bit matted, but didn’t look terrible so you just let it be. You had no makeup on, not that you even owned any, and you didn’t quite care. Sure you had breakouts sometimes, but covering that up wasn’t going to make you feel better about yourself. Right now though, that wasn’t the case, thankfully. 
You went to your bedroom and quickly changed into your dark, ripped denim overalls and paired it with your black Chili Peppers t-shirt. Just as you were putting on your socks you heard your front door open.
“Honey we’re home!” A male voice yelled. Jeff.
Footsteps approached your room and that infectious smile stood in your doorway. 
“Hey Jeff. New hat?” you questioned standing up, observing. He was an avid fan of quirky hats and you loved it. This hat was pink and huge. He grinned and grabbed it with his hand, placing it on top of your head. You glanced in the mirror and giggled. You looked pretty fucking goofy. 
“Yes mam! Thrift store down the road from here. They got some pretty wicked stuff in there, man. You should check it out!” He stated enthusiastically and threw his arm around your shoulder. You smiled at the touch.
You slipped on your black boots and the two of you made your way outside, talking stupid shit like always. He led you to the truck they had been using since the good Love Bone days. It was big enough to put all the gear in and it had some value, you figured they would never part ways with it. 
There was loud music coming from within the truck, and you had assumed all the guys were in there but as you looked, it was only Mike, whom occupied the drivers seat. He made his way out and around over to you.
“Hey you! Where have you been hiding? Its been a while.” He asks teasingly as he wraps his arms around you. You wrapped yours around his waist equally as tight. 
Mike and you were pretty close, Stone introduced you two when you were about 15 years old. He was the one who practically taught you to play guitar. Out of the whole band, you felt like you could relate to Mike the most. He shared your quiet-like features, and definitely understood your anxiety issues. It was something you really appreciated and you enjoyed his company. It always made you happy to see these boys and you would always consider yourself lucky to have them in your life.
“I know, school has been stressing me out to the max lately.” You said as you pulled away and made your way to the back of the truck while he went back for his drivers seat. You were quickly stopped though, before you could even hop in.
“Ladies sit up front, don’t be silly.” Stone teased as he pushed you to the passenger side door that was wide open. 
“How chivalrous of you, Gossard. I thank you.” You spoke heartily. 
“I am! Whatever the fuck that means.” You laughed aloud and sat in your seat.
Next thing you guys were in  the parking lot of the club.
“I’m gonna grab a beer. That cool?” You looked at them both. Jeff was opening the back doors to the vehicle to grab his gear. 
“Yeah, if you see any of the guys in there tell them to come grab there shit.” You nodded in response and smiled. He winked and started grabbing his stuff.
You made your way inside and looked around. It wasn’t that bad, but you knew by the end of the night this place would be way more packed than it was now. But maybe some time with your friends was what you needed.
Before you could even find the bartender you spot Stone, so you  just decided to make your way over there first. He sport the exact same clothing as before, which didn’t really surprise you. 
“Well look who decided to actually show up tonight! Miss Dani, we are honored to have your presence at our second Mookie Blaylock show!” Stone spoke sarcastically, witty smile plastered on his face. You shot him a look. He was with Matt Cameron from Soundgarden and some guy you’ve never seen before. You could only assume that was Eddie. He was cute, his blue eyes gaze  into yours for just a moment. You felt a positive energy radiate from him and it made you smile.
“Yes Stone, there’s absolutely no where else I’d rather be on earth right now.” You shot back, with a lot of sass. Matt laughed.
“Hey Dani.” Matt said to you. You waved your hand and smiled wide.
You turned to the curly haired man and held your hand out. “ Hi, you must be Eddie?” He smiled small and nodded, hand enveloping yours gently. “Im Danica. But most people just call me Dani. Nice to finally put a face to the voice! That was some demo tape bud, you got a beautiful style.” And that was the honest truth. His voice was literally liquid gold on that tape. He looked down, face flushing, small smile on his lips and his brows furrowed. He looked like he did not do well with compliments so to help him out you decided to just change the subject. The last thing you wanted to do was make this guy uncomfortable here. He was probably sick of gloomy Seattle and missing the beaches of sunny California already. You wondered how long he had been here for anyway? You pulled your hand back and let it fall to your side.
“Jeff is out by the truck and wants you guys to go get your shit.” You punched his shoulder. He grabbed it in fake hurt. You flipped him the bird and tried not to crack a smile. But that proved to be too hard.
“Yep, lets go Ed!” He chirped and made his way toward the entrance. Ed smiled lightly at you. You took it as an awkward thank you for the compliment you gave him and you returned the smile. 
“I’m going to grab a beer.” you stated to Matt as Eddie was trying to catch up to Jeff.
“I’m with you, man.” Matt spoke and you guys made your way to the bartender for a cold one. 
You had spoken to Matt on numerous occasions as Mother Love Bone (as well as Green River) have played quite a few shows with Soundgarden. He was a genuine guy, a bit quiet, but so were you. And you appreciated the silence sometimes. It was never awkward. 
You guys drank your beers and spoke about upcoming Soundgarden shows. You hadn’t seen them play in a few months as things had been very hectic for them, so you were a bit excited as you learned they would be playing tonight too.
After the boys got their shit together, everyone watched Mudhoney perform an awesome show. Mark was a cool guy, and you were glad that he had a band of his own now. They were great. You all drank your beer and smoked cigarettes and laughed.There were a few joints passed around too so you were in an extremely good mood.  People were definitely starting to crowd in.
You couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at Eddie every now and then. He didn’t say much, so people were always trying to get him to talk. You felt a bit bad, so maybe you could try and get him away from everything for at least a few minutes. 
While the guys were distracted by Steve’s loud solo, your hand made its way to Eddie’s shoulder and you squeezed gently, trying not to startle him. You didn’t think it worked very well in your favor, as his head quickly turned to find you. His crystal eyes bore into your own hazel ones, face inches away. You didn’t mean to be that close to him and you hoped it didn’t make things weird. You were trying to get closer so you could talk to him without the others really paying attention. Not to mention it was super loud. You also almost forgot that Jeff’s hat was still on your head as it was just grazing Eddie’s forehead. You took a mental note to give it back to him before he goes up there.
Lucky for you, it didn’t seem to make Eddie too uncomfortable, but you did notice his face change. His brows furrowed as he pursed his lips, his cheeks were a light shade of pink and his eyes darted down to your lips for half a second. It happened so fast you almost wondered if it had really happened. But you were pretty certain it did.
“Wanna dip? We could go have a smoke outside? You look like you could step out for a few minutes.” You removed your hand as you spoke. 
He merely nodded and you both stood up, leaving your empty bottles by your seats. Looking around, everyone was still just focusing on the awesome show that the Mudhoney guys were giving the crowd. 
You made your way to the entrance, Eddie following behind you. Once you’s were outside you each lit one and smoked in silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable and you were glad about that. 
After a few minutes, you were halfway done your cig and you thought it was time to start up a small conversation, but he spoke first.
“Isn’t that Jeff’s hat?” He rose an eyebrow in curiosity. You giggled and nodded.
“Yeah, he put it on my head before we left my place and apparently its still up there.” You pointed up at it with your index finger. He laughed softly and took another drag.
“So how are you liking Seattle so far? Everything you thought it would be?” you took a puff, eyeing him. He looked sexy smoking.
He chuckled quietly, eyes glued to the ground. You had a feeling you were making it a bit awkward, but you were here now and nothing you could do. Just let it play out.
“I guess. It could be worse, right? I mean, the people are pretty cool.” He looked up at you, you observed his beautiful cheekbones. You noticed you were probably staring too long when he looked away and shook his head.
“I mean, its great.” He stuttered sounding a bit nervous. “I’m sorry, I’m insulting you aren’t I? Fuck, that’s not what I wanted to do. Its just-” You interrupted his rambling with a light chuckle.
“Don’t worry dude, I could give less of a shit what you think of the city I guess. Just trying to make a bit of talk. You miss your family right? I mean I don’t blame you. I would too.” You spoke evenly. He smiled slightly and took the last puff of his smoke and tossed it to the pavement. 
“Yeah.” Was all he said. 
You finished your smoke as well and put it out. You both still just sat there in silence staring at the street ahead of you. It was a bit busy, but nothing to crazy for a Saturday night.
Then, Eddie broke the silence this time. “Uh - Stone tells me you’re an artist?” You turned to find him already looking at you with a hint of curiosity. 
“I guess. I mean, if you wanna call it that.” You smiled.
“I’d like to see your art sometime.” He said quietly, almost like he didn’t know what he was saying, like it just flowed naturally out of his mouth. 
“Sounds like a plan.” You stated as you stood up. He got the idea and stood up as well, as you both made your way back inside the dingy nightclub.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Can you do a married!au with Seokmin where he asks you to dance with him after a long day? Like super romantic and stuff? Thank you! 
warnings: super romantic, super cheesy, super fLUFF THAT I ACTUALLY HAD TO TAKE A BREAK FROM WRITING BC IT WAS SUPER SWEET!!!!
i hope yall enjoy this piece as much as i loved writing it <33333333
The sizzling of the stove and soft BTOB melodies crackled from your speakers, the only sounds that drifted from the kitchen
You were humming along to the harmonies, the cute pastel pink apron Seokmin bought for you last month wrapped securely around your waist as you twirled with a spatula in one hand but u didnt twirl that much ok pls dont burn the house down
You were about to reach the peak of the song when the familiar bell rang
You glanced at the clock and smiled to yourself
“7, just as expected”
You quickly wiped your hands on a nearby towel and scurried off to the front door
“Welcome home, honey!!!” you chirped
He had a slightly worn out smile but the second he laid eyes on you, his eyes lit up and the tired grin became the embodiment of the sun and blinded you lmao i luv death!!!
“AaAhHhHhHH, who’s this cutie pie??!!??!” he says with his pearly whites displaying and bear hugs you, rocking you back and forth can he just be a model for all toothpaste commercials
Im dead do u hEAR ME IM DEAD
Your face is squished into his chest and he keeps cooing at you like
“SEOKMIN P L S WE HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR YEARS ALREADY!!!!” you laugh, wrapping your arms around him awwwwwww :’)))))))))))))))))))))))
“YOU’RE JUST TOO CUTE <333333333333”
Gives you quick but a lOT of pecks on the head, cheeks, literally scattered every inch of your face
“Omg seokmin,,,, pls you are too much!!! But i like it” you say but you’re also pouting bc he kissed everywhere but your lips
He’s more than aware of that
“Oh? You want me to stop though?” he cheekily grins at your frown
You’re about to lean in when you smell something a little burnt
“oH CRAP MY BURGERS!!!!” gotta go fast
As you’re running towards the stove he follows shortly and he’s like oooo burgers omg????
And you’re like o ok its just slightly burnt nothing too serious phew
You’re in front of the pan doing your thing when he comes fROM BEHIND AND BACK HUGS YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“You cooked burgers today??? What’s the special occasion?” you feel his chest vibrating as he gently rests his chin on your shoulder
Ok im sorry i need a breather wow ok im crying omg this is real husband material pls someone hOLD ME
He turns his neck to the left and gives you another cheek kiss and you’re trying to decipher whether your cheeks are flaming from him or the proximity between you and the heat emitting from the stove
Maybe its both maybe its maybelline im sorry i rlly gotta stop bUT I LOVE THAT JOKE LOL
He giggles at the wide grin on your face and he just gives you aNOTHER ONE :’)))) PLS DATE OR MARRY ME SEOK
“Omg ok seokmin i love you but pls im about to finish w these burgers!!! Have a seat!! It should be ready in a few more minutes”
“:(((( but i missed you aaaallll daayyyyyy”
“We’ll have more time to ourselves after dinner hun!!!” you briefly kiss him on the cheek and turn back to the pan
Error: Lee Seokmin has combusted
He’s sitting back at the dinner table while admiring your back view and he’s literally the heart eyes emoji
The look on his face with the soft stare and the corners of his lips slightly lifted upwards aaaAAAWWWW
You present him with the final product on a plate, one in each hand of yours for the both of you
“Bon appetite!!!” you say as you place it front of him and place his utensils with it
His heart eyes are almost as intense as they were when he looked at you but he’s stuffing his face so it’s kinda hard to tell LOL
“Mmghglg so good!!!” he says in between huge mouthfuls
And you’re like :’))))) i luv my hubby also u have something on your face lmao
He starts venting about his day at work and how rehearsal was just insANE
“We practiced for 5 hours without a break,,, and then we took half an hour ish break,,, and went back to dancing for 4 more and repeated this cycle since 7am”
“Soonyoung told me this really lame joke”
“Why do you always laugh tho”
“That’s what friends do!!! Laugh at your bad jokes bc of how bad they are!!!”
“We also went in the studio to record more of the new songs”
“Jihoon kept wanting me to redo it,,,, i think we all did at least 15 takes. Individually.”
And his lil chatter mouth kept going on and on but you’re just happy listening to his voice
In the midst of ranting about how complicated the footwork is, he notices you just sitting there and staring at him
“You’re not gonna finish your burger?”
And you’re like oH RIGHT LOL
“I just always get so captivated when you talk,,,, it’s so soothing”
And at first he’s like “huh?” with a little confused look and then when he finally registers he breaks out into the bIGGEST SMILE EVER AND HE’S EMBARRASSED
As you and seokmin are finishing up your meal, he’s like aaa that was the best meal ever bless ur soul
You’re like alright time to clear the table and you get up and start gathering the dishes when he’s like wait!! and grabs your wrist
“Let’s dance” he says with a gleam in his eyes
“Seokmin we gotta do the dishes first ok? And aren’t you tired of doing your choreo for practically the entire day??”
“I’ll never get tired of you though :))” uM MY HEART I HAVE CHEST PAINS
“Ok,,, since you asked so nicely,,,,,,,,,” you reluctantly agree while you place the dishes in the sink
When you meet him in the living room he’s already at the speakers and scrolling through his phone to find a song
“Ah perfect!” he taps on the song and turns back to you
You’re both getting in position to slow dance and you’re just like
“This is the cheesiest you have ever been today,,,, are you sick?”
The familiar first guitar strings of “Photograph” start playing and he softly smiles at you
Wait can u guys actually play it rn
Like. right now. Now. at this instance.
Just pause reading and play it
You can continue now
“No,,, i just need you to know i appreciate you,,, whether you’re doing chores that i can’t do at the moment or just plainly lending me an ear,,,,, I love everything you do”
You’re so mesmerized by him that you can only gape back with your mouth slightly parted open
He shakes his head and chuckles, “you don’t have to say anything. Just relax”
As the song progresses you rest your head on his chest, your bodies comfortably pressed against each other as you slowly sway
He gives you another kiss on the top of your head and murmurs, “i’m so lucky to have someone like you” lsjddfsjdfjl my HEART MY H E AR T
“The person who has the luck is me, being able to find a catch like you” you respond, a small smile creeping on your face
He twirls you around, the both of you laughing without a care in the world
The song is about to come to an end when he dips you low and stares into your eyes LJSFDJDFJDFDF IM EMBARRASED AND THIS ISNT EVEN HAPPENING TO ME BYE
You’re both looking at each other so fondly and you barely notice how he lifts you back up bc you’re both leaning in
One arm is holding your waist up, and the other is caressing your cheek as your lips meet
His soft kiss has you weak in the knees despite how you should be used to them by now but he always takes away your breath every time
You break away, your foreheads touching
“,,,,,,,oH RIGHT THE DISHES you’re helping me wash” you say and drag him to the sink
All he can do is laugh and silently pray that he will always come home to this :’))))))))))))))))
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