#and im stoked you liked it!
almightyellie · 2 years
ELLIE!!!! ELLIE ELLIE ELLIE I’M SCREAMING!!!! I just finished Pride and Prejudice!! I’m like basking in the wonderment of the language and the ending and everything! Ugh I was so surprised at how well it aged! Being written in the 1810s, I thought there would be so many more problematic elements about it and especially about Elizabeth and Darcy, but it was super good! Like definitely some things didn’t age well but it really is true that Jane Austen was ahead of her time. And I so missed reading old books! I have to get back into reading. (Also you should know my urge to read this definitely came partially from that one gwil fic, although I previously bought the book)
Okay okay wheew. How are you doing this fine day my love? Are you in the habit of reading classic literature? Do you have any favorites? My apologies, I don’t mean to send you asks without enquiring about, complimenting, or otherwise sending my regards to you, so forgive me lmao. Also my apologies for like,,, shifting into some weird hybrid of formal old speech and using ‘lmao’, truly a mystery not even I can solve. Okay okay I’m done 😂
yayyy im so glad you loved it! it has definitely stood the test of time and im so glad it has; it's one of those stories that you can relate to and fall in love with no matter when.
im good! i took the weekend off work so i get to see my nephew and all my high school friends for a baby shower this weekend which is :,) so exciting. im not really in the habit of reading anything right now just bc school has been so rigorous this semester, but i did read song of the lark by willa cather for one of my classes and ended up really loving it. i would highly recommend it!
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dizzybizz · 5 months
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bro i think i have autism about her
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shyhandart · 7 months
We should be so lucky to get Asks from you! I love the pink pony with three legs you uploaded a while ago, you did a great job with her.
Could I get an Octavia? She's my favourite, no surprise. If that's not okay, please draw the pink pony again! I love her mane.
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Im so glad you like her!! I'll definitely draw sweetpea more.
Im not super into Octavia but i think shes cute. She gave me very square and sturdy energy for some reason whilst also being rather elegant. I found that combo odd as i typically associate elegance with smoother, flowing shapes. But she spoke to me and who was i to disagree
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itsyaraz · 3 months
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I make art sometimes ...That art is almost always stormlight related.
Anyway, here's a Renarin for the soul.
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So there's a 60s song. One of my favorites. I have several, but let's not focus on that. Its called Give Him A Great Big Kiss by The Shangri-Las, and everytime i hear it, it makes me think of steddie.
More so of Steve finding the song, probably in his mom's old record case. And he's always loved the song. But then he met Eddie. And it's meaning changed. His thoughts constantly drifting to Eddie when he hears it. And he starts singing it all goofy and love sick when he hears it now.
He and Robin work at a bar downtown, Eddie works at the mechanic shop around the corner. He comes in for early lunch a lot, and that's how they meet. They get along great. All of them do. Robin loves him to death. As far as she's concerned she gained another soulmate along side Steve. One who blabbers like her and they rant at each other constantly, Steve watching them fondly.
But he's also got it bad for Eddie. Obviously. And Robin knows this. Knows about the song. And the way Steve sings it all gooey and adoring and lost in thought.
After a few plays of the song she sings along with him, they duet they're hearts out when it comes on and the bar is empty. Usually right before they open. Both of them using mops, or bottles, or dishrags as microphones as they sing.
Eddie is pining too. He's got it so bad for Steve that he finds it hard to look at him sometimes. And Robin, drukenly one night, after Steve had fallen alseep in his chair beside the pool, had told Eddie to shoot his shot. That he'd sink it, or get a home run, or a touchdown, or some other sports term that neither of them really understood.
But everytime Eddie has tried to make a move, something comes up. They get interrupted. Every. Single. Time. Eddie had decided fate was against them and almost given up hope.
He'd had a plan today. Come to the bar for lunch before they opened, ask him, whether Robin was there or not. She'd been making it a point to not speak to them if it looked like they were talking about something important. Eddie knew it was pity for him. Was endlessly greatful.
But that was how he ended up at the bar. Ducking in the side entrance they left open for him. And he's about to burst in like normal, all loud enthusiasm to see his friends, but he hears Steve groaning about something, hears Robin laughing, hears his name, and it stops him, his hand pressed gently to the door.
"Uuugghhh my god. I'm useless. I was so good at this in school. I could ask anyone out. Like it was nothing." Steve grumbles, Eddie's stomach flutters, he pushed the door open, just a crack, can only see Robin where she's perched on the bar top, legs crossed.
"Maybe that's the problem." She shrugs, Eddie sees her drop her hand to the left, he bites his lip and carefully pushes the door a bit further. He has to stifle a laugh when he sees Steve, looking forlorn, head dropped onto the bar, Robin's hand petting at his hair absent-mindedly. He turns his head to look up at her and Eddie moves to the side a bit, hoping Steve doesn't notice him.
"Huh?" He huffs, glares up at her. She pats the side of his face a couple times and takes her hand back.
"You said you did it like it was nothing. Maybe this isn't nothing? With Eddie, I mean. Maybe it's... bigger. Better!" Her hands move in a flurry in front of her as she talks, Steve ducks away from them as he sits up on the stool properly.
"Better. ...elaborate?" He says slowly, his eyes on the ceiling, his face all screwed up the way Eddie loves, his concentration face, it would be Eddie's downfall one day.
Robin nods enthusiastically, plops her feet down onto the stool next to Steve.
"Well does it feel different? With Eddie? Than it did with all those other people?" She asks, looking down at him with an impossibly fond look.
Eddie watches Steve bite his lip, think for a long moment, his hand moves absent-mindedly to his stomach. Eddie mirrors him, his stomach fluttering as he watches. Feeling a bit guilty, but he can't look away. He can't move. He has to keep listening. Needs the courage, he tells himself. Steve nods.
"Yeah it does. It's different. He's different." Steve says, and he's got this dopey look on his face that Eddie's never seen. Robin nods, slides down off the bar, her butt replacing her feet as she holds Steve's knees tightly.
"Different then what? Then who?" Robin promtps, giving him a gentle squeeze.
"Different then everyone." Steve breathes it like a prayer and then immediately shoves his face into his hands with a groan as Robin makes a high pitched noise in her throat.
"You know what this needs don't you?" She asks, excitement coursing through her now. She's on her feet before Steve answers, bouncing out of veiw, toward the jukebox in the corner. Steve groans again and turns to follower her.
"Alcohol?" He asks, voice dry. Eddie hears Robin snort.
"Maybe after work. But right now what we need, is.... drum roll please." She draws out the please. Eddie watches Steve sit on the stool, watching her. He gives her nothing.
"I said drum roll!!" She shouts, and Steve grins, tapping his hands on the stool between his legs.
"Theeeeeee Eddie song!" She sings, and Eddie faintly hears the click of the Jukebox before a womans voice fills the air. Music kicking in after the first few words, Steve already bobbing along. Eddie's heart stutters in his chest. He knows this song. Has heard Steve humming it a few times. It's not a bad song. Eddie's open to things.
He watches Robin dance back into view as Steve starts mouthing the words, pretending to fight against it. But all Eddie can hear are the lyrics, as Steve really starts to get into it, taking Robin's hand and letting her pull him off his seat.
"Thick wavy hair. A little too long. All day loooong, he's singin his song." Steve starts to sway, and Eddie can't do it, they're moving out of view and he needs to see this. He ducks through the door quietly and sinks back to the back corner silently, both of them lost in the song as they dance. Robin chiming in now.
"Well, what color are his eyes?" She asks Steve, perfectly in sync with the song, they've clearly done this... a lot. Steve shrugs and counters,
"I don't know. He's always wearing shades." He sighs wistfully.
"Is he tall?" Robin asks, climbing back onto the bar, laying on her stomach, feet kicked up in the air.
"Well, I've got to look up." Steve stays out on the dining floor, dancing between the tables, swaying his hips.
"Yeah? Well I hear he's bad." Robin scrunches her face as she sings.
"Hmm. He's good bad. But he's not evil." Steve furrow his brow, 'thinking'.
"Tell me more. Tell me more." Robin sings, kicking her feet to the beat, chin in her hands as she grins at Steve. He does a fancy twirl and falls into a chair, dreamy look on his face as he continues.
"Big bulky sweaters, to match his eyes. Dirty fingernails, oh boy what a prize." He swoons a little, his head resting on his chin for a moment before he spins up out of the chair again, dancing towards Robin as he sings through the chorus again.
Eddie's breathing is fast now, his palms sweating as he watches and listenes to Steve sing about kissing him in the street, and loving and caring for him. Wanting to always be there for him. Eddie doesn't miss how fond he looks.
He's looked fond this entire time. Fond and... something else. Eddie's not sure there's a word for it. But he thinks 'longing' might be close. He wipes his palms on his grease stained jeans and moves foward, slowly, not wanting to draw attention, but he can't stay put any longer. Robin chimes in again, rolling onto her back dramatically, arms crossed over her chest.
"Is he a good dancer?"
"What do you mean is a good dancer?" Steve laughs into the line and Eddie's stomach flutters, he could watch Steve like this forever.
"Well how does he dance?" Robin sings, sitting up and facing Steve as he closes in on the stool in front of her, places his hands on it and practically sighs the last line.
"Close. Very, very, close."
The music fades. Robin singing the last of the 'oohs' gently as it does, both her and Steve smiling at each other. Eddie takes this moment to bump into a chair, sending it screeching a few inches across the floor, both of them flailing as they turn to look at him.
"Oh my god!" Robin yells, her hands clamping over her mouth. Steve is frozen as she looks between him and Eddie. Eddie raises one hand from his thigh, wobbles his hand in an awkward wave.
"Uhh... hey." He says, brilliantly. Steve's face is getting redder and redder as he stands there, and Eddie can see him tensing. About to bolt.
So he does something he's never been very good at. For Steve. He finds his bravery and walks right up to Steve, plants himself in front of him, hands landing on his shoulders harder than he meant too, but Steve doesn't flinch.
"Hey." Eddie breathes, his thumbs soothing over Steve's collarbones.
"You already said that." Steve says flatly, he's still staring at Eddie. Eddie's pretty sure he hasn't blinked since he hit the chair.
"Right. Yeah. Lemme try somethin else then." Eddie breathes, ducks forward, presses his lips gently to Steve's, feels Steve gasp against his lips and then feels his hands clamp down on his hips, hard.
It's a small kiss. Just a press of lips really, warm, and sweet, and gentle. But when Eddie pulls back, they're both breathless. Eddie vaguely hears Robin make that happy high pitched noise again, and clapping. And then any sounds from her are drowned out by the next song that clicks on, You Send Me by Sam Cooke. Eddie loves this song.
"You wanna dance?" He asks, brushes his nose against Steve's cheek, laughs when Steve follows him, trying to catch his lips again.
"I dunno. Are you a good dancer?" Steve asks, smirking at Eddie, though his eyes are shining and soft.
"What do you mean am I good dancer?" Eddie asks, feigning offense.
"Well... how do you dance?" Steve recites, sounding almost shy.
Eddie bites his lip, wraps his arm around Steve's waist, and pulls him tightly to his chest as he turns him further onto the dance floor, guiding them between tables with an out of character grace.
"Close. Very, very, close." Eddie breathes, his heart fluttering as Steve throws his head back and laughs, his arms circling Eddie's neck as they sway together, holding each other close as the music plays on.
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wiltking · 4 months
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new pride month playlist - grunge grime and gore edition. 49 tracks, 49 artists, one central theme with a big focus on small artists. made for chronological listening but feel free to jump around!
it's a fever haze, its a lustful fantasy. It's your worst nightmare and your most erotic dream. there's blood on your hands. you can't be sure it's yours. you can't be sure it isn't. there's a prickling in your brain you just can't shake. the dark will change you. the void will make you. the abyss is already within you.
dive into the a b y s s a l p r i s m.
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artzybumpkin · 4 months
Behold, I've impregnated the red thing from the smiley show :P
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Fr tho, A/llan's my favorite so.... ✨PRAGNET✨
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awildofnothing · 3 months
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iraprince · 7 months
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now that it's been officially posted in the updates, i can proudly announce that i'll be doing playbook art for Interstitial 2E, an extremely cool fucking game that i am SO excited about!!
the campaign on kickstarter pitches itself better than whatever i could cobble together for a post here, so i urge you to just go check it out, but i'm just really stoked about it so i wanted to throw my head back and howl a little bit. but basically like, do u want to play a sprawling campaign where u and ur friends play all your favorite characters in one big splashy crossover fanfic extravaganza? then you want interstitial!!
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dykrophone · 18 days
I'm going to fucking kill myself
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hwangyeddeongie · 14 days
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thoughts are being thunk in the think tank...
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teethbomb · 3 months
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It’s hip to be square
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You ever think about what's gonna happen when the Welcome Home website updates in December? Hopefully, at least for what I think, we'll get to see the fabled Julierella! Or any visual parts of the show in general. Probably something fit for the holiday spirit.
Maybe wondering about their relatives and loved ones living outside the neighborhood, and the fact that the residents haven't left to see them in some time.
Stuff like that! Maybe even some new recipes!
i try not to think about it or i'll become so nervoucited that i'll get nauseous
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mimikyuno · 6 months
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oh the himejoshis are eating good this spring 🛐 🌸
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I just love going on pinterest and randomly stumbling over OC posts from fandoms im browsing in. I love love love love love our universal wish of being in the story and influencing it meaningfully. I can't believe this absolutely loveletter to the story you want to participate in is seen as cringe.
So shoutout to everyone with OC's in any fandom ever. Keep going! Make the parents that are missing in the story or the children you'd like to see, give that character(s) kisses because you think they deserve them, smack that bad guy in the face. Make them overpowered and change the trajectory of canon or make them small and barely interact with the main story.
Just go off, I love every effort and everything you do, and you, for doing it.
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