#and im too cheap to buy fixative so like im just going to keep living with that and hating it
vulcan-moon · 2 years
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forgot how long watercolouring a whole spread with bgs takes, so here's some in progress previews lol
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nipuni · 1 year
im sure you get this question all the time but how do you go about procuring those amazing outfits? do you thrift, get things tailored, make items yourself? do you buy things as you go or do you search for specific items one at the time? it's just that id love to have a style like yours (but masc haha) and i always wonder how you do it because i wouldn't know where to get clothes such as you wear anywhere, let alone for a price i can afford. and also, now im here, thank you for your amazing art, it always brightens my day when you post <3
Hello! 🥰 I collect pieces from different places that I feel fit the aesthetic I created for myself, kind of like character design, and I stick to certain silhouettes and color palettes that I already know I will feel comfortable in.
In my case I go for structured pieces instead of flowy draping ones, plain colors over patterns unless it's straight lines, earth and jewel tones on the warmer and muted side, medium height heels, gold over silver, etc. All of this makes for safe purchases for me no matter the store or outfit
Most of my clothes I buy from the historical reproduction shops I list under my posts ( I made a list some time ago here and also in the tags of each post as well as in my Instagram )
Some of these shops are on the more expensive side but offer custom tailoring which is ideal and a must for me because I'm built weird 😅 so I try to get my staple pieces there and plan the whole outfit around it before purchasing.
Then you can get the basic pieces to complete the looks from regular stores! stuff like plain shirts and trousers I usually get from places like Zara
I also thrift at curated stores which makes it easier to find interesting pieces (Edwardian revival from the 70's, capes, belts, handkerchiefs, scarves, bags and hats are some of the things I go for) I don't go with an outfit plan in mind for this, I just look around every once in a while and see what I can find and what I can do with it since it's usually very cheap too. I've also found that thrifting for masc clothes is way easier (at least where I live?) for some reason. I go antique shopping for accessories too, hats and pins from the 20's!!
Then the more specific and inexpensive stuff to tie the outfits together I get from aliexpress, (like the clock bags) and for blouses I also shop at lolita stores online sometimes
When it comes to planning outfits I just play dress up in front of the mirror like you see in the videos I make, I pull out a bunch of stuff from my closet and start matching. it helps me see what I'm missing or what colors would work best or which cut or fit creates an interesting look. It also helps you see and remember everything you have so when you are shopping or dressing up to go out you have this mental library and know whether something new will fit in with your wardrobe or not.
I also got a sewing machine some time ago and I'm teaching myself to sew! So far I've only fixed mine and my husband's clothes to make them fit but I'd love to move on to making my own clothes eventually!
I think that cultivating a personal style makes shopping for clothes easier and allows you to invest in pieces you know you will keep without fear of them going out of style and you don't feel the pressure to update your whole wardrobe every year. it's also super fun and has helped me build confidence and feel a lot more at peace with my appearance. I hope any of this helps you 😭 I rambled a lot I'll stop now!! Thank you so much for the kind words!! ❤️❤️❤️
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substanceuser971 · 1 year
made the connection between my addictive tendencies and my attachment issues both stemming partly from a feeling of wanting to recreate initial happy memories. it feels like other people are able to move on with their lives easier than im able to. people seem to n=be able to move on from me as soon as i stop being interesting and novel to them, while im stuck wanting to keep replaying what we had when we started, and it plays out the same way with drugs, trying to recreate that same way i felt those first few times i got drunk or high. it feels like i keep trying to create a tiny little time loop that i can live in forever instead of accepting when things arent as good as they used to be. and one feeds into the other too, people have left me for struggling with substance dependence and i depend on booze and weed to cope with feeling abandoned. its a really vicious cycle
ive been doing pretty okay with staying sober lately, but its mostly because i cant afford to stock back up on weed and the only alcohol i have is beer which isnt kosher for passover. today my landlord and his friend came over to do some renovations and they shared a joint with me, and it felt great to finally get high again but i also feel like it sent my brain right back into the mindset of needing to get high daily and keep it in my system. another part of why i get intoxicated so much is because i get fucking horrifically bored and understimulated, and weed and booze are the easiest way to stave off the feeling, so lately ive been trying to put my energy into hobbies and find other ways to stay stimulated as replacement behaviors for using. its been effective and its been a great feeling to be more productive and have more mental capacity to do things i enjoy. but after smoking this afternoon, once i came down from the high, i felt more bored than i have in a good while. the experience makes me think that maybe pot in particular causes me to be dependent on it to fight off boredom, and the lack of boredom it temporarily provides me makes anything i do while sober feel more boring by comparison.
honestly, i dont have faith right now that ill be able to refrain from buying more weed as soon as my paycheck comes in. my finances really arent great, but i have a slight buffer from my upcoming tax return covering my rent for may, and its way too easy for me to just take a bus downtown and hit up one of the many many dispensaries we have here. i can try to put it off for as long as possible, but itll only take a quick moment of my self control faltering enough for me to end up on the bus and then ill come home with enough flower to last me at least a couple weeks. sunk cost fallacy, if ive already bought the bus pass ill feel guilty if i just change my mind and go right back home. maybe if that happens, i can try replacing a dispensary trip with a bit of wandering downtown, check out the shops i havent gotten to see yet and maybe buy myself a cheap trinket or two, or a little snack. i think that would be a good idea, and it would most likely be cheaper without making me feel like i wasted money on the bus pass. i might try to do that if i end up on my way to a dispensary. but really, i dont know if i have the self control to keep from restocking my stash even with that backup plan in place, because its just so fucking easy to get my hands on it as long as i have the money to pay for it, and its so tempting because it feels so good to get high that i end up disregarding the consequences until they hit me.
it feels better waking up in the morning when i fell asleep sober. in the past couple weeks, when ive barely gotten high or drunk, its been a lot less of a pain getting out of bed in the morning, and i always feel groggier on the mornings after using. its uncomfortable and i dont like how hard it is to wake up. on the other hand though, my insomnia has been a lot harder to control since ive had to cut back on weed. it was far from fixed even when i was getting high nightly, but it at least kept my brain fro buzzing so much that i couldnt relax. lately i keep staying awake for like 30 hours at a time even though i get delirious staying awake that long. even right now i just feel exhausted and i want to sleep, but i have too much going on in my brain thats demanding i stay awake and Do Things despite being too sleep deprived to actually do much of anything effectively. im pretty sure i have some kind of sleep disorder, because ive struggled with insomnia and fucked up sleep patterns for years, but i also kind of think cutting back on cannabis could be exacerbating it. the joint from earlier got left with me, and we all only took a couple hits, so ive still got like half a joint left and its tempting to smoke a little more. i think the main things stopping me are the fact that my body feels too exhausted to get out of bed, and the fear of rekindling my dependence on it only to have to go without weed for a few more days.
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princessmyriad · 3 years
I wish i had my cat with me. I know shes gotten fat again, i hope shes happy. All the work my brother and i put into keeping her weigjt down and mother just lets her get chonky again. Shes like 17 shes allowed a snack break near the end ig but, just the amount of times ive got yelled at for keeping this fat cat and the fatty vet bills she came with and the mother just.. does the same, allows the cats shape to rounden. I miss her dearly.
I worry about my semi-legal fish and how much electricity he costs. Is he costing extra? Too much? Will i go over my cap for trying to keep a companion so i dont go stir crazy? Is the fish happy?
What do i do about my current companion? I love him dearly, he does not see me. Does not hear me. He wants to care but he does it all wrong and i still feel lonely. I need more from him, i dont know how to ask. Ive been rejected when i tried, im scared to stand up for my own interests again for fear that it wont work, it never does, nothing will change, it never does.
I want to kiss the boy from class. It feels like a betrayal to the one i love, though more than once i have been rudely reminded this is not an exclusive type of communication. My heart breaks when he sleeps with others. I cant bring myself to have sex with anyone, though i need it more than i get. Him turning to others has made my body disgusting, i dont want to be in it experiencing any sensations it experiences. Its ugly, tainted, depressed and angry. It doesnt look good in a flowey skirt like X, or a cute blazer like Y, or in warm cozy hippie vibes like Z. I will never be good enough.
And now im not good enough for myself. I want love, i want warmth, i dont want to be touched or looked at. I cant eat, it makes me nauseous, i cant sleep, theres too much time between my head hitting the pillow and actually being asleep that i have to just experience thoughts.
It seems unfair to drag the boy from class into my bullshit when i dont even know what i want or if i want more than a kiss.
Getting to class makes me so sore, a 20 minute walk shouldnt be so fucking hard, yet i feel like ariel walking on knives with every step and i arrive pained, sweaty, sore.
Im sorely hoping to be debt free by the end of the year but i keep having to ask to borrow grocerie money. Im incredibly grateful to those who do assist when i need it. I cant ask them always though, thats not fair to them.
Presently, i keep alive for the thought of providing the absolutely perfect christmas to our little, but i think like my mother before me i just wont have the money to make her day special.
There might be a family christmas this year. Maybe not, covid. Eiether way, i do not want to go. I dont want to have to buy gifts for and pretend to be okay around all those people who emotionally destroyed me last year. I will never not remember my granny telling me my dad doesnt love me when i look at her face.
Im thankful for this room, that its cheap and not my grandmothers place full of ghosts and unkind words. It surely is the biggest room ive ever had. Its so far away from everything, and its filled with strange people and trauma not love and warmth. Its filled with my tlstuff and things but none of them mean anything anymore, theyve been moved in so many boxes for so long theyre no longer ornamentss, just box fillers, meaningless things. Do i still love things? I wish i could buy a little treat without feeling like shit abt it. Maybe one day, i can buy a snack and an ornament at once.
I dont have permission to turn my own bedroom heater on when im cold. I need to learn to give myself permission to live, to do basic shit like turn on a light if its getting dim outside. I feel trapped, not in just this room but in my whole life. I have been looking for help. There fucking is none. I dont see it worth learning to allow myself to be, when i dont want to be. Im tired of suffering lmao, tired of trying to fix my shit alone. I cant do it, clearly i am not the fixer i need.
I want to tell people i need help. I want to tell dad about my system. He doesnt love me, he wont care. My brother doesnt acknowledge it, neither does my lover. It makes me want to die when ive put so much of myself out there to those rare two people who matter, and neither of them have asked about it, or talked about it. Ive introduced myself as other system members, only to be forcefully called Kitty again and any wishes i expressed steamrolled over. Its been cool to learn about my own brain this year, learn about the other people in it. But i wish someone outside of us would acknowledge it so i feel real and not crazy. It has not been fun learning about trauma. Fucking 9months old? That shits so heavy man.
How do i keep on keeping on
Asking for a friend. Or 11, in fact. We need to be ok, and were not. Im not okay.
Havent been for a very long time.
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt81
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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As soon as the portal closed behind them Chloe and Luka dropped their transformations. Marinette was once again piggybacking Chloe as they turned to look at Tikki and the other Kwami. She hadn't wanted to transform again because she wasn’t certain what Tikki had done and was worried the other four would disappear along with her. She couldn’t afford to have the League members find out if they were just temporary, and she had no way to ask Tikki with them all there.
“You couldn’t have given me some type of heads up or warning?” It was so strange talking to Tikki while she was in human form. It also hadn’t escaped her that all five of the Kwami were in her designs and she wasn’t sure whether she should be flattered or if Tikki had just picked the first things that had come to mind.
“I’m sorry Marinette. I’m tired of watching them treat you like that and I had to do something. I was going to discuss this with you to see if you were okay with it but I really do think you could use the extra help and they volunteered.” So not temporary then, that would require some serious thought. “As I said Plagg can destroy their bodies so if you don’t want to keep them here it’s an easy fix.”
“It’s not that.” Marinette just sighed. This was just one more complication that she really didn’t know how to deal with at this point. “They’ll need identities, papers, and I have no idea how to go about getting those. I’ll need to look for a much bigger place than I was thinking and I’m not sure I can afford that yet and be able to renovate it for wheelchair access as well. Not to mention-” She cut off as Damian shoved his phone in her face. She’d noticed him on it but assumed he was trying to calm down his family. On the screen was a huge house not too far from her current school.
“What do you think of this?” She could only blink at the screen for a moment before she grabbed the phone to get it at a better distance so she could read it properly. It wasn’t a house either, it was a freaking mansion. Twelve bedrooms, fourteen bathrooms, two kitchens for crying out loud, and that wasn’t counting the guest house, or groundskeepers house or whatever it was. It was three stories plus a basement but it did have an elevator. Then she looked at the price.
“Damian there’s no way I can afford that right now, and honestly it’s probably too big.” He was shaking his head before she’d even finished.
“You don’t need to afford it. Since I’m staying here for the foreseeable future I need a more permanent residence that lives up to the Wayne name and can house whatever family members happen to show up. If it happens that when I end up leaving Paris you like it and can afford it you can buy it from my father, but until then since you’re such a ‘good influence’ on me he thinks us staying in the same residence will be beneficial to the both of us. And don’t worry about documentation for your new friends, Alfred is already preparing everything.”
She could only stare at him. He’d said everything in such a matter of fact tone, as though her answer were a foregone conclusion. She wanted to be annoyed with him but she knew it was his way of showing support and caring. She looked back at the phone and really looked at the pictures. The front entrance didn’t have steps and there were at least two bedrooms on the first floor. Even with the elevator she’d rather not have to be dependent on it in case of repairs or power outages. It could work.
“Fine, but I’m paying for any renovations that need to be made for me. And I’m paying rent since there will be five of us living there and I have a feeling Chloe will be there more often than not.” Damian just raised an eyebrow at her.
“I can tell my father that but he won’t listen. This won’t be a drain on our resources at all and he’ll want you to save for your future. I will try to talk to him though.” That sounded about right. When you have money to just throw at a problem you don’t necessarily consider how other people will see it. Damian was tapping away on his phone again and frowning in annoyance.
“He says if it will make you feel better about it you can be the family designer and instead of rent comp the materials. Sadly enough that probably will work out about right given how many of us there are.” She blinked at that. Sure, the materials wouldn’t be cheap but the exposure she’d get from the Waynes wearing her designs exclusively would far outweigh the cost. Damian was now scowling at his phone. “He also wants to see if you’d be willing to work with our R&D department to make materials for protection that can be put into all sorts of clothing. We actually commissioned you for suits with Kevlar once and he was very impressed with both the utility and design.”
“I remember those. It was a fun challenge if a rather odd request. Granted I didn’t think it was too strange given the amount of people in the public eye that get attacked.” But could she really just let Bruce Wayne pay for her housing like this? Wouldn’t people talk? It could hurt his reputation to be housing a teenager. At best they would think he was keeping his son happy by keeping his girlfriend close, at worst… she didn’t even want to think about it.
“He also wants to circulate a story that you were attacked after you revealed yourself as the designer behind Functional Fashion and that’s how you were paralyzed. Between that and having you actually work with Wayne Enterprises it would make sense that we would be concerned about your safety enough to house you in a secure location.” But would it?
“What if my parents technically lived there as well? Maybe even in the guest house or whatever. They wouldn’t be there much because of the bakery but I think it would help with the public image if they were part of it as well.” She didn’t realize until she said it that it meant she was agreeing to this plan. Given the satisfied look on Damian’s face he realized it too.
“And we can have the Kwami make appearances as your staff. Digg would obviously be a bodyguard. Primm looks more like a customer service type or receptionist, and Jett perhaps something with design or tailoring? They don’t have to actually do anything but if the press thinks they’re living at the house because that’s your base of operations it would help. Lyccen…” He seemed at a loss for the Kwami of Anarchy. Granted they could change her look if they had to but she had a feeling Tikki had chosen their attire for a reason.
“Personal assistant. The way people view the disabled everyone will assume my having someone with me all the time to help with things is completely normal.” As much as she hated to say it, it was true. If she could afford to pay someone to help her with normal day to day tasks that were ‘harder’ in a wheelchair no one would question it. Especially since she’d only just lost the use of her legs. As much as she wanted to be independent she could see the use of having a ruse in place to make it seem like she wasn’t. “But how do you plan to get around the fact that there was no police report? Or hospital stay for that matter?” It was a problem she’d been trying to figure out herself. How was she just supposed to show back up paralyzed when she had absolutely no explanation or proof for what happened.
“My father invited you to Gotham to talk about this collaboration and you were attacked there. We are very private and prefer to deal with things in house so it won’t be hard for him to convince the Commissioner to make a report after the fact. We can falsify medical and travel records easily enough.” It was amazing how much morally gray area there was when all you’re doing is trying to save the world.
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homestucky · 4 years
In other news I'm pissed off at my mum bcaus she impulse buys pet fish. Then gets all upset when she regrets it. Like a week ago she set up a Betta tank, decided on which fish she wanted from our local aquarium shop before it's even properly cycled, buy her immediately as soon as the tank is cycled, then talk about how she regrets it and doesn't like the new fish and that she should have waited before choosing. THEN she comes home today from a different pet shop with ANOTHER female betta completely impromptu. The Betta tank is too small for two and they'd be unhappy kept together anyway because they're so territorial. We have a large tank with goldfish in and a small tank in my room with my goldfish in.
So she just bought this fish spontaneously because (I quote her) she's "bored", and bored of the first betta she bought spontaneously. She doesn't have anywhere else to put the new one so is currently keeping her in a smaller section of the small betta tank while first betta fish freaks out. I asked her what her plan was and she said either start another tank (costs money, big commitment, needs a pump, filter and heater that take electricity when just the other day she had a go at me for leaving a lamp on, plus she acts like cleaning the tanks is a burden already, and ANY somewhat permanent decision she makes makes her sulk almost immediately after because she regrets it. AND it takes time to cycle a tank, so until then the new fish will have to stay somewhere less than ideal)
Or she said, we can move your fish out of your tank and into the big fish tank, move the betta she's bored of into the tank in my room, and move the new shiny Betta that she's not bored of yet into the betta tank. So this would mean having to add a heater to the tank in my room, and just loads of fussing in my room in general. And not to be petty but her coming up into my room and fussing really breaks my brain. Im an adult and I am depending on my parents, and I'm grateful that I have a room and a cheap place to live. But I'm also using this time living here to try to figure out what is wrong w my brain. So idk if I'm being spoilt and asking way too much but having no discernible boundaries feels to me like it's just exacerbating whatevers wrong w me and making it less likely that I will be able to become a functional adult who ISN'T dependent on my parents.
So she's just moved my fish into the big goldfish tank and the tank in my room is empty. She keeps coming up into my room and fussing with it and talking to me when I'm clearly trying to do stuff. The goldfish tank is probably too full now but whatever!!
I'm just annoyed that she does these stupidly impulsive things, then acts all hard done by when she regrets it. Then does something stupidly impulsive to try to "fix it" which she'll probably regret too! This time it actually affects the wellbeing of real actual animals that she supposedly cares for, and hey, it affects me as well because it feels like she's just giving herself more "legitimate" reasons to make my room her own personal hobby zone and wander in and out as she pleases no matter what I'm doing. I'm really annoyed to the point where I legit might blow up at her about it and it feels so stupid bcaus it's just a fish tank and I also feel like I can't make demands considering how I'm just a stupid 23 loser who's leeching off their parents but. I'm just annoyed!! I'm annoyed that she even decided to bring me into the world!! So of course I'm gonna be annoyed about this!!
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redsdawn · 5 years
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( jessica chastain. forty. cis female. she/her. ) in stratford, dawn wright  is more commonly known as red. they’ve been living in stratford for thirty years and currently work as a nurse. some say they are malapert  & rancorous but i’m more inclined to believe those that say they’re ballsy  & dependable. if you walk by their house, you can sometimes hear cloudbusting by kate bush playing from their window. ( the sting of comments better left unsaid, driving with the windows down, subjecting oneself to the unknown, and never knowing when to stop. ) 
hello, all! i’m dee, your local goblin whose hands are shaking as they type this! :-) i hope everyone’s having a good evening / morning / day. here’s to writing some good shit together! 
disclaimer: i have dawn’s stats here, which hopefully gives you all the need-to-know info at a glance. the second section has death & suicide mentions, so please steer clear of that if need be. 
if dawn is anything, it’s restless. she’s always felt like a bird about to take flight, or like she’s looming on the edge of some great cliff. it’s like some current flowing through her bones, or some itch that can’t be scratched. she yearns for more & hates that nothing is ever wholly enough for her. 
dawn grew up trailer trash & she still was trailer trash when she moved to stratford after the death of her mother. her dad, nathaniel, was a drunken tradesman who'd never known what to do with the life he’d been given. he was hardly a father when diane was around & even less so after her passing. despite their blood relation, however, he & dawn were more akin to roommates than anything else. nathaniel provided the “essentials” [ bits of clothes every couple of months, piss-poor cooking, a place to sleep ] and little else. he wasn’t warm or particularly kind--not like he was to the girlfriends that’d come in and out of their lives. he didn’t know how to speak to children or how to be the mentor that dawn needed. he’d tried, but it wasn’t like dawn knew how to be the daughter he’d wanted either. she wasn’t diane. she wasn’t warm, obedient, and kind. she was gritty & spoke back, even when it wasn’t smart to. 
growing up, dawn was hardly ever home. a majority of her adolescence was spent being a wild cat. as a kid, she’d get up to shenanigans with other kids from school or the neighborhood. she was a tomboy through-and-through, covered in various scars and bruises from climbing & doing things she shouldn’t have. she was an okay student, but her report cards always made a note to mention attention + behavioral issues.
as a teenager, she was even worse. it was then that she learned the careful craft of chasing cheap thrills. always slipping from crowd to crowd, dawn was a social butterfly. she’d slip her way into any group that would have her, reveling in any and all attention cast her way. 
dawn was poor-poor. like, having frequent sleepovers at friends houses, because you want an actual real meal levels of poor. 
above all, dawn’s childhood taught her how to be hungry & that feeling’s never left her.
it was a particularly persistent set of teachers that really pushed dawn to be more than what she was setting herself up for. her chemistry teacher really made a point to speak to her in frank terms + helped her fill out college application forms when that time of year came around. at the time, dawn had brushed it off, as she did with most things, but she’s always been grateful. it was nice to feel seen for once. she kept in touch & got their recommendation when admissions opened up for nursing school. 
going to college & being in a new environment really forced dawn to get it together. she couldn’t just be a little shithead anymore--she had actual responsibilities & appearances now. she mellowed out some afterward, doing everything that she thought people were supposed to do. she got her own place, paid her bills, & worked like she actually cared about what she was doing--which she did, for once. 
somewhere along the way, getting stuck in that grind & facing the fears that rose from losing her father started to really get to her. that restlessness had come back in full force, & dawn didn’t know how to handle it. she fell into a bit of a destructive rut that resembled that of her teenage years, and sought help only when her boss gave her an ultimatum. she’s better now, but not quite how she was. 
dawn is unflinching. it’s extremely hard to unsettle her. are your guts falling out? is someone throwing shit + breaking chairs? is there a literal fire happening? well, you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at dawn. she loves fixing things & finds it really easy to keep a cool head when shit hits the fan. she’s focused & nonjudgemental. she won’t question why you look like shit or why she has to stitch up a stab wound. 
dawn yearns to feel needed & is uncomfortable when she isn’t. that want is what fuels her friendliness. she wants to be in a group, she wants to be something to someone. she goes out of her way for others not out of an innate altruism, but as a result of her deliberate choice to be good. she wants people to feel that she cares for them, so they may in turn care for her, too. 
that being said, dawn’s decision-making isn’t immaculate. she has a blinding rage that’s a blight on her progress. it’s regressive & ugly & irresistible. dawn takes things too far sometimes & keeps pushing. she digs her fingers into wounds she knows are fresh & always keeps her knives close. she’s capable of a lot of good and love, but she’s also capable of a very white-hot rage. 
some random bits are that dawn is a karaoke queen. she’s a heavy-weight, but doesn’t like alcohol. she’s an excellent hugger. she has an excellent memory & remembers the little things that people tell her. terrible at accepting gifts. she takes life one day at a time. total chatterbox. thinks she has a great pokerface, but her eyes are a straight window to that which lies behind. she’s definitely not a very good driver. writes notes on her hands and wrists. 
some songs that make me think of her are
rock city
i bet on losing dogs
hounds of love
some wanted connection ideas !
a childhood memory -- maybe these two were a couple of ragtag misfits up to no good. maybe your muse’s parents felt bad for dawn, and would invite her over for dinner, regardless of how your muse felt about it. maybe they grew up in the same trailer park. maybe your muse’s mom dated her dad at one point. idk!! 
teenage escapades -- did they used to drive around without a care in the world, swearing they were gonna live forever? did they try to use their fake id’s to buy cheap liquor & then haul ass after the cashier wasn’t having it? did dawn manage to weasel her way into your muse’s life & fuck it up somehow? 
it’s a sibling thing -- are they related? no. does that stop them from acting like actual siblings? also no. dawn would do anything for this person, including, but not limited to, annoying them to death. silly, serious, and self-less. 
frenemies -- they say you should keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. either way, these two are relatively close. do they even remember why they sometimes-kind-of-but-not-really-but-also-kind-of hate each other? maybe, maybe not.
best buds -- everyone needs a best friend &, believe it or not, dawn has a lot of love to give. being her best friend includes unlimited venting sessions, on-call assistance, & free snacks. truly a once in a lifetime deal.
playing doctor -- listen, dawn doesn’t wear those scrubs because she thinks they’re sexy. she knows her shit & who else are you going to call at ass o’clock because you’re bleeding all over your carpet floor? besides, at least when you call her, you don’t get reamed with a 2k bill after.
we don’t talk about that -- sometimes, dawn is off being a lovey-dovey bitch, which is embarrassing, but when she’s not? well.. she wouldn’t be opposed to a rebound, or one night stands that maybe never should have happened to begin with. 
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lonelyshrimp · 4 years
What happened with your roomies if you don’t mind me asking...?
 Yknow what I’m in a mood and they don’t know my tumblr (haha they think I’m a cisstraight girl lol) so let’s get into some shit. Imma put everything under a read more bc imma rant a bit and this is gonna get long.
TW: food, unsanitary (general things not being kept clean, typically bathroom and kitchen related), drug use, fighting, slurs
tl;dr if you dont feel like reading this beast:
They steal what food i dare leave out in the kitchen rather tan keep in my room
They slam doors excessively, fight, yell horrible things to each other, have friends over yelling at like 2 am (last night for example)
Leave the doors unlocked and open?? We cant even lock the front door anymore??? (Dw the doors to our rooms all have locks. If I’m in my room or out of the house, my door is locked)
Constantly throw around the r slur. Like. All the time. Including one person having called me it. Y i k e s
One person keeps smoking in the house even though i’ve asked numerous times (and even have a note on my door) asking people to please smoke outside, it gives me headaches. You are physically hurting me stop.
Don’t Clean Anything. The kitchen is a wreck. The toilets are constantly clogging, I Am In Hell.
For context: the house is a one story house divided into a main floor and finished basement. It’s a rooming house and the basement is largely seperate from upstairs. (They have a kitchen door that they keep closed and locked.) The stairs to the basement are split into two smaller flights, with a landing in between the floors. That’s where the side door is. The public spaces upstairs are the kitchen (connects to stairs), the hallway, and the two bathrooms (big main one, tiny water closet by the front door). The rest of the upstairs is split into five rooms. For comprehension sake, we’ll call my roommates: The Couple (M&F), A, T, and J.
Mmkay lets start with the least egregious and move our way up, shall we? Theft! Of anything and everything! No one can have anything out in the public areas if they actually care about it. It. Will. Get. Stolen. Now, I have a mini fridge and the second biggest room here, so I’m lucky in that 99% of my groceries, as well as all my other belongings, fit in my room. There’s just a wee problem: I don’t have a freezer. Not to fear, past naïve me thought, I’ll just clean out and use the locked freezer since I still have the keys for that fridge! (We have two fridges and food theft was a problem beforehand and so me and my friend who lived here cleaned out the second fridge to use as our own and kept it locked.) I decided to do this after I had bought myself some ice cream, wrote my name on the top, and put it in the main freezer. I go to have some ice cream later that week, I open the tub for the first time (as in I removed the seal holding the lid onto the tub) to find that someone eaten half the tub of ice cream while making it seem like it hadn’t been opened. I know it happened at home bc the spoon marks were clear as day and I have to walk 20 minutes back from the grocery store. That woulda melted by then (Also I would’ve noticed at the store that. The tub was hella lopsided??? And way too light???) So yea of course I’m ticked now, I spent 6 bucks on that bro like just ask or get ur own??? So I put it the other freezer, and for a while it’s fine. Next month I decide to treat myself to some frozen waffles and some chicken strips and come home to find that the hinges holding the locks onto the doors of the fridge were torn out of the fridge/freezer doors. Like. The screws were pried outta this metal door rendering the locks completely useless (to the point i wouldn’t even be able to put the hinges back on.) And the cherry on top?? My ice cream was gone!!! Hope u enjoyed it, asshole. So whatever. Fine. I put my food away and. a week later?? Im like “Man i could go for some waffles rn”. I bought 2 8 packs. One chocolate chip, one cinnamon (y’all i literally buy the cheapest ones Zehrs sells. 2,19$ a box y’all. not even eggos). Surprise surprise!! The entire box of choccy chip ones GONE. Mind u, i wrote my name on all of these boxes, as well as a very large “DO NOT EAT”. so i begrudgingly had a couple (note that, 2) cinnamon waffles and move on. A couple days later I go to have some more and. The waffles are completely gone. Out of a total of 16 waffles, ya boy got a solid 2. (It’s worth noting that there was a single waffle left, but at 0,27$ a waffle, I didn’t mind leaving the box on the table with a note basically reading “these are cheap af, buy ur own bitch”.) (I didn’t swear that much tho)
I’d add the bike to the list but i can’t confirm nor deny that one of my roommates stole my tires and seat off my bike (although M does work on bikes all the time so man idk.)
Next up: wow people here are l o u d. I’m talking slamming doors all the time, slamming things around, yelling, playing music wildly loud. It’s awful. Like. You can just. Close the door quietly? Stop slamming things around please? It’s awful because loud sudden noises make me panic and lemme tell ya, wakin up at eight am bc your a-hole roommate decided to slam the door eight times bc the front door is broken because someone took the border around the jamb off instead of fixing it so we can actually?? lock that door?? because it doesnt quite fit in the jamb and so the only wat to lock it was the chain lock and. someone took that too so thats fun :)))))). The side door isn’t that much better. We have a code lock and. No One Ever Locks It. Like. I’ll come outta room and?? It’s just open????? Close the door???????????
The worst, however, is the fucking fighting. The Couple love to argue all the time. and yell at each other and slam the doors or smashing shit and they yell pretty awful things to each other. Like. I’ve heard M call his gf some awful shit. It’s worse when they have people over too. The other day there were like. 14 cops in here bc of them at like 2 am. Cue me, 2 am, trying to watch a livestream and seeing like??? Six cop cars pull up????? Wh a t????? Not fun not good for my brain.
God and. What is with everyone and the r slur??? Like what?? there are so many words you can choose stop using that word. Like okay the other night someone?? took the dc adapter for the wireless modem and one of the dudes downstairs as well as the couple were looking to see if they had a compatible dc adapter and so i just decided to wait?? and i just spaced out a bit okay whatever i was lookin at the wall like i do and fuckin. the couple had a couple friends over and one of em was chillin between the kitchen and the hall and M yells out from his room “Hey don’t you feel weird with this creepy ass bitch standing next to you? Like what is she, m*ntally r*tarded?” like wow okay dude i’m literally not doing anything. Luckily his friends reaction was basically “?? She lives here?? She can stand there if she wants??” (wow referring to myself as she feels weird and wrong).
A big problem I have is I feel like theres a community in this house that I just don’t fit into? Part of it is I’m like. the only person here who doesn’t do drugs of any kind?? Like I have nothing against ppl who use drugs like whatever bro, but it feels super othering to me when i can’t relate to anyone here because of it. That and. Getting T in particular but really just anyone but A to respect me asking that if you’re going to smoke anything to do it outside because weed and to a lesser extent cigarette smoke trigger my sensory disorder and causes me pain and causes sensory overload and I still find myself asking people to smoke outside.Like I’ve never been unreasonable and said “no drugs in the house” or some bs. I’m just asking u to respect my disability thanks.And like?? I’ll get into this in a second but there were needles in the toilet?? Bro throw them out properly.
And now: Hell.
Can no one clean up after themselves?? Do your dishes. If theres food left on your plate, throw it out first, don’t dump it in the sink. Seriously the kitchen sink is fucked. The kitchen is gross. The microwave ugh ugh ugh no thanks. No one can clean everything. This is why all my cookware and dishes are in my room. That way I can make sure I 1) Still Own It and 2) Its clean and usable. I clean them as I go and just use my own shit.
Nothing compares to the bathrooms, though. It seems like every other day one of the toilets are clogged. Last week there were spoons in the sink?? Like at least 10 spoons. In the bathroom sink. The floor is dirty because no one owns a mop and?? there was one in the kitchen?? I haven’t seen it in like a month. And the worst of all. Okay, it’s really bad when every one up here is between like. 16 and 19 I think? And I had to put up a sign in the bathroom asking people to flush when you’re done??? And I still have to flush before I can use the washroom???? And it feels like every week or so. The toilet’s clogged. Oh! I forgot to mention that the water closet doesn’t even have a doorknob anymore. Someone took it. But wait, it gets worse. Seriously if extremely unsanitary things bother u, stop reading now.
Twice in the past month I’ve had to contact the landlord because the toilets were beyond clogged. The first time was bad but oh lord nothing compares to the second time (aka last week). The first time was your pretty standard toilet clogs and backs up and its very gross. I contacted the landlord and it was fixed the next day and it was fine. For. Two Days. Im serious. See. People here have a real issue it seems of “The person before me didn’t flush so neither will I”, leading to a toilet bowl full of like. a half a roll of toilet paper and waste. F u n. What that led to was the toilet clogging, people not doing anything about it, and continuing to use it. Eventually the toilet bowl was full, so trow a shopping bag over the lid to mark the toilet as “Out of order” and move on to the other one.Both toilets were completely unusable. I emailed the landlord and i don’t know if either they or one of the people living here contacted them, but the old landlord and old property manager were here the other day to clean them out and fix them?? and yea among all the standard waste you’d expect in a toilet, there were needles? Like buddy theres a trash can right there? I know u had the needle caps bc they were in there too. just... disgusting...
bro this is just what i can think of off the top of my head i know theres more but oh no this is so long now. just. this is a lot more detail than u wanted but i wanted to get this out of my brain??
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-live Blogging: Return of the Mao Mao Episodes
Before we start, is it just me or is the animation like 10x smoother than it usually is? Also like I said with Nakey, there’s a lot more good expressions too!
Lucky Ducky Mug
Adorabat drinks from sippy cup like baby
"What, Mao Mao's ridiculous mug?" says Badgerclops, holding a cheap plastic big gulp cup he probably got from the grocery store.
How did Adorabat not notice the Lucky Ducky sticker on the Aerocycle
"Don't touch it" (Badgerclops proceeds to slam the table to move it) Ah Badgerclops, ever the contrarian
I love the way Mao says "PROFESSIONAAAL SILENCEEE"
Badgerclops trying to make his mouth disappear and failing made me scream with laughter
Are they seriously reducing Ratarang to 'the funny lil Italian guy'? C’mon guys you’re better than this
Wait why do they think Kevin is Adorabat?? They've seen Adorabat multiple times?? "But they're both blue!" You FOOL Kevin is TEAL there's a difference
Everybody gangsta til Mao Mao's ears start speaking morse code
They're doing surprisingly good silent but it's probably not gonna be that way very long.
Thank you, Lucky Ducky Mug, for catering to my niche interest in characters with neon outlines on black backgrounds.
Mao Mao thinking: Normal thoughts
Badgerclops thinking: Musical-esque singing
Adorabat thinking: Literally just heavy metal
The Sweetypies seriously think they're just playing a really intense game of charades huh,,,
(Mao jabs BC in the stomach with the fire net) HAHA GET REKT
The scene with Badgerclops trying to give Mao Mao Penny's mug is the funniest shit in the world I couldn't stop laughing...or maybe I'm just sleep-deprived
So the Sky Pirates are so similar compared to the Sheriff's Dept. that they can think perfectly in sync? That's cool
Why is Snugglemagne throwing a random tea party & why did he only invite the Sheriff's Dept.
Yep there goes the plan. Both of their plans.
Am I going crazy or did the skin on Mao Mao's mouth tear apart like it was sewn shut?! Also yay they're talking again
"It's not gonna stop charging, so I'm just gonna let it explooode..." Mood
"What about the mega laser tube made by mega Losers?" Fsfhkfh
Hey, everyone learned something new from this experience! Are the Sky Pirates gonna try that Hive Mind tactic from now on?
Awww, they fixed his mug with gold - GOD DAMN IT I KNEW THERE WAS A CATCH!!
Lonely Kid
(Sighs) ...I said (SIGHS)
"I literally can't relate to that problem at all." says Badgerclops, who joined a gang because he wanted people to like him.
Shin just dropped off Mao Mao at a summer camp and expected him to make friends? Why does this feel like the plot of Camp Camp
I'm sorry the Mao clan has a freaking PARTY AERO-BUS??
That BGM is DEFINITELY an extended version of "I Love You, Mao Mao" and I want the lyrics NOW
So Bao was literally just a stray that Mao took home?? Would make sense as to why he wasn't trained
I have a feeling the Flimborg is some sort of sacred being the townspeople worship for some reason
How in the hell did Mao tie that guy up and why didn't he bother to untie him
"And then you become frien-" "BEES. IN THE EYES."
"Everyone knows bees are our friends!" "Uh, actually, they were wasps." "Friends to no-one!" Usually I'd agree with BC, but I read an article about someone befriending a wasp and her babies so.
So the Mao clan's just known as the "Golden Cat Family Up The Hill?" Huh. I thought they’d have more recognition, especially since Shin says he went to that same summer camp at the beginning.
Man those kids are jackasses
"Say hi to your mommy!" "I would if she was here..." Excuse me wHAT
Noo don't cry baby boi - tHEN BAO JUST TACKLES HIM ASFHDKDL
"Go away! I don't feel like laughing right now!"
Look. You can see the EXACT point Mao developed his adult personality
I know Mao Mao means well but that is gonna go terribly wrong.
"I AM A HERO! I WILL BE LOVED!!" Okay first of all OUCH, second of all THAT IS PAIN
This monster empty, YEET
Awww it was just a sweet little puppy-ish monster...and it was his BIRTHDAY
"Hi, Aunt Gloria!" (Pulls out pitchfork) BETRAYAL
He didn't feel bad about ruining the festival because he made a friend doing it I 💞💞💝💝💗💗
Thanks for that 'different times' comment cuz I don't want kids thinking being beat is normal.
"Just like you found me...and I'm your best friend!" Tbh I thought she was gonna say 'Me and Badgerclops' & that would make a lot more sense
Why are they fighting over who's his best friend they're obviously BOTH his best friends
I'm sorry did Badgerclops just call Adorabat a "little mutant"?? ARE THE SWEETYPIES MUTANTS??
Awww his friends love him sm...and he feels so loved too...💓💓💗💗💕💕
Try Hard
No one gives a shit about Pinky being kidnapped lol
"K for Copyright Infringement"
"You'll never be like me!" Oof a little harsh maybe?
"You've gotta learn to be your own kind of hero, in your own special way!" So THAT'S where it's from
"You just gotta...try hard." Hey, title drop!
Ngl the moment Mao Mao said "Badgerclops take the shot" I immediately thought of The Confession 3 by TomSka
"Up in a tree, little old me, about to do something...UGLY..." 7-year-old me sniping people on Halo 3 like
Why is he shooting them with gelatin tho? ...oh. Oh THAT'S why.
Tbh if I didn't have subtitles on I would've thought BC was saying "beep boop"
This badger and cat empty, YEET
Adorabat walking into the Skyship with only a walkie-talkie is giving me some sort of vibes...OH, Silent Hill! Or Tattletail
"Mao Mao would hide the body!" Very unsubtle there, wonder how it got past censors
"Ratarang, say something!" "Pasketti?" "THAT'S THE BRAT!"
Wait a sec, they can just use Badgerclops' arm to power the ship? Why didn't they try that in CapturedClops?
"Good thing my head is in here cuz I'm a-scared of heights!" Ramaraffe. Whose whole schtick is making herself taller. Is acrophobic?
"Because she's Sheriff's Department, that's how! >:3" "Also y'all tend to be pretty incompetent >X/"
Why does she keep trying to use the elevator when she can fly? Nvm she climbed up Badgerclops' arm
"Ooooh I'm also hereeee"
Why is the Omega Field just a bunch of broken glass? And why doesn't she just step around it?
"I can fly!" "She can fly!" "SHE FORGOT?!" Ooh that's why
"You're the best thing to ever happen to a bat like me." 💝💝💕💕💓💓
Wait she's talking through the walkie-talkie and her molts are there but she isn't there where is she?
Oh she was freeing the other two from the gelatin. No wonder Mao Mao almost threw up, it was bug flavored.
I hope that 'Nah' means Adorabat's realized she needs to be herself instead of her just rejecting her individuality like I think it is.
Scared Of Puppets
Oh, so this takes place after Sleeper Sofa! Praying it's a fix-it episode...
Oh no PTSD flashbacks. He's scared of them cuz one's head landed on his lap as a kid? Understandable have a nice day.
Who tf collapsed into a sobbing heap on the floor then leaps back up and insists they're fine? Mao Mao, apparently.
Hairless ape? Is that what they call humans or are they something different in general?
"TAKE ALL MY MONEY!!" What did BC want an antique puppet for if he had no idea Mao was scared of them...
Mr. Din Dandalib!
"I...(eye twitch) love him too..."
If I scared my friend and they threw up I would simply never do that again. RIP to Badgerclops but I'm different
(Badgerclops makes concrete blocks around the pothole) "Why didn't you just fill in the pothole??" "I AM TRYING MY BEST!!"
...Illegal house plants? ...like marijua-
That was literally just that one video where a guy knocked out another guy in a mask jumping out of a trash can...
So it's a CPR class...AND a hair-styling class? How
I stg the moment Badgerclops walked in the door I knew he was carrying Mr. Din Danalin I SWEAR
"You're 10." "BUT I'M 6??" JFC Shin doesn't know his own son's age AND is partially responsible for his pupaphobia. And I called it on Mao Mao being six in the flashbacks
Can someone take the footage of the Annex exploding and add the ReviewTechUSA intro over it please
"How many Adult Learning Annexes have to be destroyed before you admit you're scared of puppets?!" is extremely funny without context
(Mao punches the wall cuz hes mad at himself for being scared) Kinkinkinkinki
How does one forget to drink milk
Oh shit the scene from the promo...
Yay he's starting to feel less scared - wait NVM it JUST STARTED TALKING??
Oh it was just a dream - er, nightmare. FIRST NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE OF THE SERIES!
"I just gotta get my socks on...wait, I wear socks, right?" Dud e you wear NOTHING BUT A BELT...
"There’s a lot of pu-" "PUBLIC DANGER"
Those puppets are alive I stg
"I'M A BIG BOI..."
Awwww she said what he told her at the beginning of the episode!
Adorabat takes after Badgerclops sometimes I swear
Oooh shit sequel hook - oh NVM it was Badgerclops voice acting - NVM Mao Mao passed out. Dang
The Perfect Couple
Watermelon time babyyy
Ah so he wanted to perfectly cut a watermelon in half, that's why he got so many?
"I need (counts on fingers) 600 more watermelons!" glad to see I'm not the only one who counts on my fingers
Why would Penny and Benny need 600 watermelons for their wedding? Also I called it on Penny & Benny being the couple
Mao Mao has to officiate the wedding? I thought priests did that
Please don’t throw up again Mao Mao
"A nondescript sack!!" Dude he just taking out the trash...
Nvm its just laundry
Oh so THAT'S what Ramaraffe thought Kevin was Adorabat
"Why don't you buy me cake and do my laundry?" Are you implying you wanna marry Mao Mao, Badgerclops 👀
I lov Mao Mao's faces in this scene he legit looks like a bishouen anime protagonist
Nvm no transformation it's just his wedding outfit
Why did they invite Orangusnake and Boss Hosstritch to the wedding tho? What about when they hid in their moving truck and used their electricity - wait Badgerclops technically did that last one, nvm
Is Mao Mao having hallucinations just gonna be a regular thing now....
Why did Mao Mao say "melons" in a Spanish accent I'm scared
"They're both terrible, so what does it matter if they get hitched or not?" They're definitely gonna change their minds now
"She lied because she wanted to protect his feelings! And he lied because he couldn't bear to hurt her!" Isn't that just the plot of The Truth Stinks?
He made Orangusnake officiate the wedding as punishment lol
Why are they,,,stepping on the watermelons?? Damn right Badgerclops I'd cry over that too
"What's, uh, your credit score like?" "850. Why, is that good?" "It's perfect..." HE WANTS TO MARRY MAO MAO NOW ASDFHKL
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toothpastecanyon · 5 years
We Walk Like Humans Do, Chapter 2
The Transcendence has been, on the whole, a good thing for magical creatures... for the ones that walked on two legs and fit in doorways, at least. Lacie has other problems to overcome before she can live in the big city.
Thanks to @feferipeixes for help editing this chapter! Go check out their awesome stuff!
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
               Oh, my stars. Alcor hasn’t laughed this hard in lifetimes.
Chapter 2 of Wizard Animago’s Not-So-Secret Spellbook - Everything You Already Knew About Transfiguration and Literally Nothing Else
Hi, I’m 18Lacie5 and I wrote another chapter for you humans. Everyone was really confused on my last post and seemed to think it was a joke, so I’ll start out by answering the five most common questions you had.
1 - Yes, I am a basilisk.
2 - No, I am not the basilisk from Harry Potter.
3 - No, I do not live in the Chamber of Secrets from Harry Potter.
4 - No, I am not the horcrux snake from Harry Potter.
5 - No, I am not in any way related to Harry Potter.
Are we all on the same page now? Good, because holy shit some of you really missed the point here. I got a visit from one of you with a replica of Gryffindor’s sword, and that was so annoying I didn’t even feel bad killing him - like dude, all that tells me is I KNOW you read my post about not coming down here, and then decided to come down here anyway ‘cause fuck me, right?
(The sword wasn’t even that good. It was made of cheap plastic, snapped like a spine.)
Anyway, despite all this the last post was fun to write, so I’m doing it again. Also it seems like the number of visits from treasure hunters has gone down since I posted, though it’s hard to tell. There’s not really a consistent number from year to year, and the day I start keeping a deathcount is the day I give up on life and buy a mirror to see if I can kill myself with my own reflection.
For science, you know?
               Alcor’s read the entire blog by now and it’s just perfect. The snark, the sarcasm, the casual disregard towards human lives that could only have been written by an ancient and powerful being - it’s hilarious!   And the spell entries… man, he could listen to Lacie tear apart someone’s Latin any day of the decade. If only she could come to some of his summons; she’d have so much material to work with there.
               With a chuckle, Alcor looks up and glances around the darkness of the Mindscape. He needs to show this to someone. But who? Mizar? She’s only a year into the current reincarnation… hmm, she might be a little too young to understand it. Lucy Ann’s somewhere around; he probes for her, and finds her - dammit - during naptime at some kindergarten in Portland.
               Anyone else?
               No one else.
               There’s absolutely no one else in his life right now. That’s… that’s a fun reminder.
               He sighs, and sits back on the fabric of reality. Maybe some cultists’ll summon him; he could read them a blog post, see if they laugh. That’d be fun, right?
               Al narrows his eyes at the great nothingness before him. It’d be something, at least.
               ...You know, he can feel a little tug now.
               A weak one, just one summoner, and no circle. That confuses him at first - even the real amateurs usually manage to scribble out some sort of rounded shape - and when he looks closer, he sees it’s holding one of his summoning cards, holding it in its… hand?
               No, not quite a hand, and Alcor jolts right up as he realises shit that’s Lacie trying to call him, shit he didn’t think she’d call him back so soon! How long did he keep her waiting? It’s been a couple hours - shit!
               Alcor tessers over to her in an instant, his mouth already open and spilling apologies: “Oh my stars Lacie, I am so sorry for the delay! I got distracted and I didn’t think you’d call back so soon so I wasn’t watching as closely as I-”
               A deep, rumbling growl cuts him off. It’s a deafening sound, coming from a creature lounging on a pile of bones and gold with teeth the size of Alcor’s entire body; he can’t help but cringe at that. He takes a deep breath, remind himself that he’s an all-powerful demon who definitely doesn’t need to be scared of some mere mortal… even if she is pretty scary for a mortal.
               You know, relatively speaking. He isn’t scared, he just thinks she’s scarier than, like, a human.  Like a human from that pile of human skeletons she’s smashed into the wall. Yeah, that’s not scary at all. That wouldn’t kill him… looks like it would hurt, though.
               He double checked he isn’t standing near that spellbook she’s bound to, right?
               Just as he’s thinking this, Lacie lets out another even louder growl, and he jumps back with an undignified yelp.
               “Hey, whoa, Lacie!” Alcor watches her head shift to the side. “Lacie? Hello?”
               She doesn’t reply, and he looks to her face for an answer. He sees one of her eyes now: it’s closed?
               The realisation washes over him as she lets out another slow, rumbling snore.
               “Oh. You’re… you’re just sleeping, aren’t you. Duh.” He straightens, and casts a glance around the room as he fixes his tie and straightens his hat. “Glad no one noticed that… Lacie?”
               She doesn’t stir, and Alcor makes a face. He’s never turned up to a summons  and had the summoner fall asleep; would she want him to wake her up? Her dreams feel pretty peaceful to him, and even though that thing - is that a giant laptop? - she’s using as a pillow doesn’t look particularly comfy, it doesn’t seem to bother her in the slightest.
               Yeah, it looks like he should just let her call him back… but there is something. Embedded in her sluggish thoughts, he can feel a sort of drive, a sort of desperation, and that makes him hesitate. He looks for her tail, and spots it still wrapped around his summoning card, still squeezing it in a death grip.
               Alcor frowns. He watches her snore one more time, then makes up his mind. With a deep breath, he reaches out and prods at her thoughts; they immediately begin to stir. He prods again, and Lacie lets out a grunt. Her eyelid cracks open, and she drags a sleepy glare across the room.
               Her gaze meets his, and he feels pain, pain in his soul, his soul feels like it’s being pushed out through his ears ow ow OW- and he recoils, unable to bear it for a second longer.
               Wow, he thinks, that really is potent. What on earth makes it so powerful?
               Before he can wonder about that, there’s a noise. Gold coins clink against each other as Lacie jerks up, blinking hard, panic flashing in her aura. Alcor holds up his hands.
               “Hey, hey, it’s just me!” He looks down as she fixes her eyes on him. “Sorry if you, uh, didn’t want to be woken up, I just thought… you know, you called me, and… what are you doing?”
               She’s cast the summoning card aside and is now wiggling the touchpad on her laptop. He cocks his head.
               “Whoa, I’ve never seen a laptop that big. Where on Earth did you buy that?”
               Lacie doesn’t acknowledge his question. She starts typing something, and he floats closer to see her login screen.
               “18Lacie5. Heh, I like your username.” He watches her click on the password box and slowly, painstakingly jab each key with her tail. “E… Y… E… What? Why are you looking at me like- oh. Oh, I’m so sorry!”
               There’s a faint snort from Lacie as he turns away. His cheeks redden.
               “Sorry, I forget hu- uh, mortals? Mortals tend to like their privacy on stuff… it’s kind of useless since Al-V can hack into pretty much any computer on earth - um, the Alcor Virus, that’s Alvie.” He hears the typing stop, and suddenly wishes he’d chosen literally any other topic in the world. “Um, not that I would make him hack into your computer! I’m just saying he could, and he probably has already… um, I just made him to get rid of Twin Souls though, you’re fine! O-or you should be fine - you don’t, by any chance, happen to like Twin Souls, do you? It’s, um, this book - well it’s a movie now but it was a book - and Mizar - who is my sister by the way - well, that’s why I hate it, because it has my sister and I, umm…ugh, sorry, it’s gross, my sister and I, we’re- huh?”
               A low hiss makes him look back, and he sees Lacie - ow - staring right at him. She gestures to the screen, which has a word document open on it with big, bold letters.
               “Oh, you want me to read that?” He floats closer, and frowns as he reads the first line:
               Im pretending 2 type rite now 2 see how long u wil ramble 4 wtf youre still going and now twin souls no nono why r u explaning i actually cant take the awkwardnes i got 2 stop u
               Alcor blinks, then shoots her a dirty look. The noise coming out of her now sounds an awful lot like snickering.
               “Wha- I was just-! I just wanted to clarify the hacking thing I said, I-!” The snickering gets louder, and he rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I’m a little rusty at small talk, very funny. I’d like to see how awkward you’d be if the only practice you could get is on a bunch of cultists in basements. They’re not exactly social butterflies either, you know!”
               Lacie just keeps laughing, and Alcor… well, he puts on a show of crossing his arms and heaving a long-suffering sigh, but he’s fighting a smile.
               It’s strangely nice, being here. Lacie’s strangely nice to be around; she already feels - and he has to remind himself he’s only met her twice - almost like a friend? Maybe he just has a low bar these days, but he hears her laughter, and… it’s just very, very nice. Nice in a way that’s hard to describe.
               Nice in a way he hasn’t felt for a while.
               The feeling lingers even after Lacie’s chuckling dies off, and he’s still smiling as he watches her reach for the laptop again. She jabs the down arrow a couple times, and some more, better punctuated text comes into view.
               I have revised the terms of our deal, it starts, and Alcor clears his throat, squares his shoulders, tries to get himself back into business mode. He reads on: and I would like to exchange the human bones that are currently in my room for a human disguise I am capable of putting on and taking off at will.
               He raises an eyebrow as he reaches the end. This is not the deal he was expecting to make. A human disguise… he can tell she’s no demonologist, that’s for sure; there’s so many interpretations of that, so many wonderful ways to tw͏is͡t her̡ ̵w̢or̵d̸s ͏a͟g̢ai͘n̸st͠ ̢h͝er-
               No. He shakes his head to clear it of his worst instincts, but they won’t leave, not in the presence of such an enticing deal. Suddenly, he’s glad he doesn’t have to look her in the eyes right now; he trains them on the ground instead, and starts to speak.
               “So, um… when you’re saying a ‘human disguise’, what do you mean by that?” He can’t see her face, but he can see a bolt of frustration flash across her aura. “Huh? What’s- oh right, can’t talk, uh… well, do you want me to make an actual, convincing disguise? You know, instead of, like, a wig and some sunglasses?”
               Lacie nods vigourously. He watches her tap the caps key and add ‘CONVINCING’ before the human disguise bit. A part of him screams at all the opportunities he’s giving up - willingly! - but he forces a smile and nods.
               “Cool, I can do that. I’ve made a few humans before- human bodies, that is, not… um.” Alcor coughs. “Anyway, I can give you a convincing human form for those bones of yours. How does that sound?”
               She taps the screen.
               “What…? Oh, yes, I’ll make it so you can switch back and forth at will. Good catch. Now, do we have a d̕e͇̪͍̜̻̪͘a̙̻̬̦͔ͅl̲̝͓͔?”
               He doesn’t extend a hand to shake, but blue sparks spurt from his fingertips as he watches Lacie mull it over. Her aura fizzles with nervous energy, but it only takes a couple seconds for her to tamp it down and give him a firm nod. The rush of a newly made deal makes his grin go wide; he tries not to let it go too wide as he claps his hands together.
               “Alrighty, then,” he says, rubbing them until those sparks turn into a full-blown fire. “One meatsuit coming right up!”
               He extends a hand to the pile of bones in the corner of the room, and with a flick of the wrist he rips the energy from them all  and absorbs it. The sacrifice warms him like a good meal, and he turns back to Lacie, ready to put that newly-gained power to use.
               He steps back and sizes her up with his hands, a gesture that makes her aura simmer with uncertainty. She makes a low, nervous sound, and he waves her away.
               “It’s alright, I just… need to remember how big a human is, how much I need to squish you down... Got it!!” Alcor readies his fingers to snap. “Okay, I’ve only done this on myself before, so there might be some kinks I haven’t thought of! Don’t worry, though, I’ll probably be able to fix them!”
               Before Lacie could respond, he snaps his fingers, and his magic rushes around her like a cloud. Skin forms over scales, hair grows over horns, and the figure that remains when it disperses is unmistakably human.
               It’s also falling to the ground from the height of Lacie’s head, and oh shit catch her catch her catch her - he freezes her momentum a couple inches from the ground then lets her plop, safely but definitely not gracefully, into a puddle.
               “Oh, my stars! Are you okay?” Heart pounding in his chest, he dashes over. “I am so sorry about that fall, how are you- ow, okay , I’m gonna need to get you some sunglasses or something - how are you feeling? Here, let me help you up!”
               He extends a hand, and Lacie… just stares at it.
               Just stares at him, not moving, and he can feel panic flaring up in her aura as she can’t move, oh stars she’s so tiny right now and she can’t move oh fuck-
               Alcor blinks. “Oh, right. Um, don’t panic-”
               “Lacie? Take a deep breath… Lacie? Lacie!” He cringes when Lacie’s eyes fix on him again. “Okay, um, I can see this is… a little stressful for you?”
               She nods vigourously.
               “Alright, um… don’t worry, I made it easy for you to change back! You just, y’know, gotta think of yourself being a basilisk again - or is it pronounced ‘battle-isk’? ‘Bas-til-isk’? Heh, that’s a weird word, I’ve only ever seen it written down-”
               Lacie ditches her human disguise as fast as she could, shooting back out to her original form and cutting Alcor off mid-tangent. He jumps back, watching relief flood through her aura as she could move again, thank the stars she could actually move and everything’s normal sized again… fuck, everything’s normal sized again. She wasted her deal!
               The relief’s spiking up into another panic, and Alcor clears his throat. “Alright, so that deal didn’t go to plan. No worries! I can’t exactly do refunds, but you’ve still got plenty of good stuff to sacrifice in here! Doesn’t bother me if this takes a few tries, heh.”
               But that doesn’t calm Lacie in the slightest, because now she has to think of another deal, her mind’s blank, she’s got nothing! But she’ll fall asleep if she makes Alcor leave again… maybe she will have to go for that deal.
               It’s hard to read her thoughts when they go quiet, but Alcor definitely picks up something about that deal as they’re retreating into a murky bubble of disappointment. He sees how she hangs her head at the idea, then lugs her laptop over to her, begins to peck away at the keys.
               He sees that, and frowns. “Hey, uh,” he starts, and right away her eyes dart over to him. “If you don’t want to make a new deal, I’m sure we could make this one work?”
               Lacie cocks her head.
               “I mean, I’ve been… I know a thing or two about being in a human body. It’s been a while, but maybe I could… y’know, show you the ropes?”
               She doesn’t say a word. The silence stretches, and Alcor laughs nervously.
               “I-if you want. I mean, it’s been a while, but maybe I could show you enough to get around? I did technically promise your disguise would be ‘convincing’, so a couple human lessons should be easy enough to fit in, without… without another deal... um, I don’t know if you like this idea or you want me to stop talking? If you do that’s fine, I can do another deal, just give me a-”
               There’s a sort of fwoomp sound, and the coils and coils of Lacie’s body seem to twist out of existence. At the same time, a human takes shape where her head was, and falls right into Alcor’s arms before he has time to blink.
               “-a sign?” He finishes, and stares down at her. She stares right back, and he’d admire the steely resolve, the carefully-controlled fear in her gaze a whole lot longer if it didn’t make his soul want to push itself out through his ears.
               “Oh, Okay. Wow, you’re, um… diving right in, huh?”
               Lacie gives her closest approximation to a human smile, and Alcor’s caught off guard by how quickly he finds himself grinning back. An actual, genuine grin stretches across his face for the first time in too long, and he chuckles.
               “Alright, Lacie, I like your gumption!” He summons a pair of sunglasses, and sticks them over her eyes. “Let’s get humaning!”
               Humaning. Lacie had taught herself many human things over the years; she’d taught herself to read, to type, to write - heck, she’d even managed to summon a demon (and in proper human tradition, had made a poorly thought-out deal with it.) She was no novice in learning how to human.
               Maybe that’s why she thought the whole human form was a good idea. She was great at humaning! She’d taught herself so many of their skills, educated herself on so many of their customs, she was able to pass as one of them online… sometimes, it really didn’t feel like she was all that different from them.
               After all, if she could read like a human and write like a human and think like a human, how hard could it be to walk around like one, too?
               As it turns out, hard.
               Very, very hard.
               Everything, everything is different in a human body. Sure, she thought having arms and legs would take some getting used to, but how about all this hair? How about her cramped little mouth and her stubby tongue? How about her skin? Her skin is stupidly sensitive without scales; when she was lying on the stone, she could feel every little bump in it, could feel water soaking her, making her shiver - and shivering, ugh! What an awful sensation! Even though Alcor’s got her propped her up in a chair now, her skin won’t stop whining to her that, gasp, the fabric’s a little itchy!
               Whoop de fucking do, skin. Hopefully she grows a thicker one soon enough, because this is driving her crazy.  She’s laughing at the Lacie of a couple hours ago who thought she’d just be able to stand up and walk out of the sewers, and oh, speaking of walking ?
               Hah! Try moving them at all!
               Lacie’s been without these strange appendages all her life, and moving them would be like a human trying to nod with a second head they’ve just sprouted - sometimes she’ll get lucky and hit upon whatever bundle of nerves is controlling each of these limbs, and after two hours of Alcor’s patient coaching she can make them twitch on a somewhat consistent basis, but she’s not getting anywhere fast with them any time soon.
               She can only lie here, with her blunt teeth, with her papery skin, with her useless limbs…
               Absolutely helpless.
               Alcor looms over her whenever he stands up… and that scares her more than she thought it would. Everything looms over her in this form; the - she called it little - pile of treasure she sleeps on now seems like a great mountain, the ceiling she often bangs her head on is higher still, impossibly high. She sees her spellbook resting on its lecturn, and it’s about the same size as her now; she remembers how tiny it once seemed, and- OH FUCK WHAT’S GOING- oh, she’s shivering again.
               Lacie frowns at that, and she lets out a noise that’s weirdly squeaky in this throat, and Alcor taps her shoulder.
               (And she feels that, holy shit skin it’s literally just a hand)
               “...need to take a break?” He’s asking. Frowning. “Lacie?”
               She nods, quickly, and he takes the sunglasses off her face before scooting back. Closing her eyes, she thinks of being a basilisk again, and all these alien sensations fall away with a flood of relief. Lacie is herself again; she takes a long moment to savour it, to lounge across her sleeping pile, to listen to her scales scratch against the stone floor, to open an eye and see Alcor as a tiny figure in her field of vision.
               “That looks comfy.” He says. He’s grinning, but she can barely make that out. “Darn, I should’ve moved the chair, too.”
               The chair? She lifts her body, and finds the chair she’d been sitting on, crushed beneath the weight of her coils. With a little chuckle, she sweeps it out from under her, marvelling at how tiny it is - how tiny she was.
               Alcor laughs, too. “Sheesh, you flattened it. I think it’ll be easier to make a new chair.”
               Laying her head on the ground, she lets out a lazy snort.
               “…um, when you’re ready, I mean.” He adds. “Or we can stop, if you’re tired? I can-”
               She heaves herself up. Ugh, she is tired - it creeps up on her. She can’t sleep though, not when she’s so close, so fucking close to getting out of here.
               “Oh, okay… are you sure? We’ve been at this a while, I really don’t mind taking a break…”
               Lacie tugs at that mental link in the back of her mind, and feels herself switch back into human form again. Unlike switching the other way, this form greets her not with a flood of relief, but with a host of silly little complaints: her back hurts, the stone’s not comfy on her face, it’s cold, she’s wet, on and on and on and she just wants it all to shut up… but, she will admit, there is one thing she likes.
               Alcor hoists her up on one of those tiny little chairs she’d been laughing at just a second ago, and she stares at him, and she feels awake.
               Completely awake.
               She can’t remember the last time her head’s felt this clear, and it’s a pity she has to spend half her human time fidgeting in a seat because otherwise it’d be amazing. Is this really how bad the energy situation had gotten down here? Wow, she really needed to get out of here, and fast.
               “Hey, Lacie?” Alcor’s saying something, and she looks over at him. “So I know you said - or, uh, indicated, anyway - that you didn’t want a break…”
               He pauses expectantly, and then, seeming to realise she isn’t going to follow it up with a ‘Yes?’ clears his throat.
               “Right. Well, I kind of would. Like a break. If that’s okay with you.”
               Lacie blinks.
               “You know, we’ve been doing this for a while, and I’m thinking maybe we could do something else? You know, it could be something fun! It could be something like, um, like… oh, do you play Scrabble?”
               She shakes her head.
               “No? Oh, I guess that was a longshot… how bout chess? I know there’s like, online chess… no?” He frowns at her continued head-shaking. “Alright, well… What do you do for fun down here?”
               Lacie thinks on that for a moment, then turns her head towards the laptop.
               “Oh, your laptop? Nice, nice.” He grins at her. “I love your blog.”
               Wait, her blog? He’s read that? He likes that? The surprise must be showing on her face, because Alcor starts laughing.
               “Yeah, it’s hilarious! I was actually so caught up reading it, I didn’t realise you were summoning me! I love just how sarcastic it is! It’s amazing!”
               Lacie blinks. Is he… gushing? Is Alcor the Dreambender gushing about her blog?
               Is this her life?
               “Man,” he rambles on. “that joke about a killcount, that was great. I just don’t get why it’s not more popular!  Humans, they just don’t have any taste… they’re, heh, they’re too busy reading Harry Potter, amirite?”
               He nudges her like he’s made some kind of clever reference, and she snorts at him. Okay, wow, demon or not, this guy really is an absolute plonker. She loves it.
               “Haha, yeah! They’ve been, uh, playing Quidditch too much to read your stuff! Yeah! Or they’ve been, um… making swords? Making- I should stop now, shouldn’t I.”
               With a big dumb grin on her face, she nods.
               “Yep, that was getting out of hand.” Alcor rubs his neck. “I just wanted to say I really liked it a lot. It was funny.”
               Lacie’s grin got even bigger.
               “So, uh, you really have been down here all your life, huh? Dealing with treasure hunters-” He chuckles when she rolls her eyes. “Hah, I can imagine that’s not fun! Yeah... so, uh, have you ever been outside?”
               She shakes her head. Maybe before she was old enough to remember, but that was a long, long time ago. Alcor makes a face at that.
               “Yeah, yeesh. No wonder you want to get out of here, no wonder…”
               He trails off, and Lacie watches his eyes go distant for a second before a thought seems to strike him; he blinks, frowns, then, slowly, he starts to grin. He turns to her again, and she raises an eyebrow at the shine in his eyes.
               “Hey, Lacie,” He says. “Want me to take you on a little tour?”
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sirfleurs · 4 years
i was sixteen years old when my hand was blue.
The grayscale pitch
Life is not easy when you are high and alone watching television or pulling an all-nighter listening to Jimi Hendrix. The brain becomes dull. Overstimulated by genius. You stop thinking and overthink at the same time. I guess that’s what some people call daydreaming. All your bad thoughts get loose and all your inhibitions disappear. I figure this is right before the moment you are most likely to kill yourself. I’ll give it an hour before my Manic-Depression shows its ugly face. As I haven’t killed myself yet in an age of 23 I think I’ve done pretty well. I was sitting in my room in some Woodstock apartment writing on my first ever soon to be book. I had decided to call it ‘The Pitch’. It would be about some witty guy who had a great idea and he would be trying to sell his ‘pitch’ to everyone who’d listen. I had thought the rest of the story through. To be honest I didn’t know more than that. As I was about to sit down I had a beer, smoked a cig and 5 minutes beforehand I had masturbated to a busty forest nymph. Believe me was I tired.
A week ago I was checked-in at Fitzroy Hostel in New York City. It had been insane. My supposedly friends and I were drinking cheap wine in our room during this pandemic across the country. Geez after two bottles of wine I somehow managed to pay for- and eat two caps of MDMA and it blew my mind. I sat on the floor to cool my ass but everything began to spin and it hit me hard like a jolt. Andrew said “hey dude, maybe you should go to the bathroom and stick two fingers in your throat you don’t look too good”. But he was just too late. I burst like a water balloon, vomiting on the floor of Duncans room. Duncan was this nice guy that played XBOX and drank occasionally. Geez was I sorry. I locked myself in the bathroom to get the caps out. I was trying to vomit and I began to feel heated. The MDMA had already kicked in and it was too late to reverse it. I would have to wait this one out. Everything started to feel nice all around the body. My eyes became big as small plates and my teeth began to clench. I got an strange urge to stick my hand in the toilet to cool my body. Something I am not very proud of. On the small shelf I found a shampoo that I emptied in the toilet too just for the hell of it. Minutes later people would lock the door up with a coin and find me covered in shampoo. The helped me in the shower and I went to bed shortly after. Hours later I woke up. Two guys invited me for a joint. Something I couldn’t decline. It was only the second time I had ever tried drugs. While we smoked this cat, Alex told me “you know this only happened because you drank too much. You can never be too careful with mixing alcohol and MD. It doesn’t help that you hadn’t eaten anything either.” “Geez, I was not in control at all. I’d better stick to weed and drinking. That’s something I know”. Always do drugs with very good pals of yours.
So I went to the street and couldn’t make any money. I was to make something one way or the other. Which isn’t always easy when you don’t know what profession you want to be in. All I knew was that I didn’t need any tiresome busy work in my life. I like to feel needed but not so much that I can’t laugh and have breaks during the day. Life is life you know. But I would dance down the street like drums banging through the air. Long time ago I would have taken every job offered to me now I’m not so sure. I went to a fruit parlor in the New Habor Market in near Manhatten in princess St. I asked the first guy :” how much are these avocados.” “two fifty for three piece”. Fruit in the markets are much cheaper than everywhere else and the life is strong on the street which I thought couldn’t be bad. Everyone just running back and forth doing their bussinnes as usual. The markets was one of the places that hadn’t closed due to the pandemic. Nice, I thought to myself. I handed the guy three dollars and told him to keep the rest. “ hey man, how you get a job here standing here selling fruit, I’d really like to know”. “ah young man, I could take a look at your resume if you’d like”. Problem was I didn’t have much to offer him, so I stalled him trying to promote myself in person. I can be a very persuasive guy sometimes. When I’m in the right mood and I felt it crippling in my fingers my mood was good for this situation. “Hey man, I don’t exactly have a written resume. But I’ll tell you everything you’ll need to know. Im good at shouting and a quick learner give me a shot and ill prove to you, you didn’t waste your time”. I sounded like a sucker. But I couldn’t eat my words. The guy didn’t seem interested. I said “I promise give me a shot and I will not blow it.” He looked me in the eye and we stood for a few seconds staring at each other. “come down tomorrow at 6 sharp I’ll see what you can do. You won’t be paid for your three first shifts and from thereon you’ll be paid commission on how much you sell”. Sounded good to me so I nodded “you betcha” I said with a coy smile I sounded like a dork geez. Anyhow that’s how I got my first job. It went fairly well. I continued down the street. I still had something else to do before my first shift. Let me stand next to your fire I thought to myself. I was excited as hell. Down the road I saw a green balloon it was helium filled balloons. A clown was giving them out to kids. Everything was nice the weather was good and you could hear the wind sweep from central park. I needed to buy some weed for the next time coming. So I got up my phone and rang my friend Alex who had a connection. “O boyy I got a job fix me up with some of that green”. I met him outside the hostel and bought a quarter ounce for 50 dollars which is a fine price for nugs like these. Then I went home and lit a blunt. Just a small one while I sat at my outside porch. We had a giant tree and a lot of ungroomed weeds in our garden. We also had a cat I personally named Pysser in the name of my favourite old person who recently died. He was a sergent Knud Romer was his name. He once wrote an article about me when I was fifteen going to summer camp for young boys with no other places to go for their vacation. God was I sad to see him go. When I was done with the blunt I went up to my room and opened my book. It was called Pimp and the author went by the moniker Iceberg Slim. What kind of badass shit was that. It was kind of interesting the way he proclaimed the pimp life. And he was a real gangster. His bottom whore at the end of her mileage. Meaning the whore who kept every other whore in his house in line. When she goes everything always goes to hell for a pimp. He conend her. He made a whole setup with actors to con her into thinking she killed a rich motherfucker. She would be in the hotel room and this guy would collapse on her. Slim would come up to the room and call a doctor and get the guy collected. Slim conned her into thinking he bribed the police. That way his bottom whore was good to go for more tricks. That’s some cold shit. My thought whirled reading about the cocaine snorting and his nose hurting feelings of something scraping at the roof of his brain made me dizzy. I closed the book and stared at the ceiling. Dreaming. Aw man what do I do now. My head bounced like a bass line I felt slick. Breathing heavily but still relaxed. I went down for a cig to clear my thoughts. Sitting there I couldn’t stop looking at all the animals we had in this household. Cat and two dogs just lying freely whenever wherever.
The next morning I came back 6 sharp. A long 10 hours shift. My legs were aching and my head spiining. I wasn’t used to long as shifts. I was only used to lying around doing nothing chilling with friends. But it would come to me In time oso I ekpt coming there shouting like the others. Loud and confident keeping my back steady trying to pull in costumers in. At the end of each shift you would get paid a percentage of what you’ve sold. The first day I sold I couple of vegetables to this old lady who though I was cute and some couples wanting watermelon smoothies. It didn’t go so well. And I sure as hell didn’t want those pity purchases from old ladies. I made two fifty. It really wasn’t much. But at least I was paid the first day. Something I wasn’t expecting. I went to home sat on the couch with the other living there. We sat there chilling drinking beer and playing chess. And some girl that was visiting was playing skyrim.
Dreamers day
I remember when I was a small kid. I would look at the ocean and dream of being a bird. I would be on the moon. I was a gay kid, really. So much that my mother and sister thought I was actually gay. I remember the beach of Turkey. The warm ocean on my limbs under the moonlight. The salt burning in your eyes. Those were the days of happiness and good rest. Father would show us to surf the water on our stomachs whenever a wave came. Also the days of Levanto were nice. Father and I would hike the mountains at daybreak. We would struggle to find a parking spot and Father would cuss. Sister and I would get mojitos and look at the natives. The parties were everywhere. We would bathe in the clear water by the cliff. I remember many young adults would jump in. Everyone wearing speedos except one skinny langy kid. A couple kissing. The guy would get a boner and the girl would cover his little man with her belly. They kissed passionately. People would jump in from 5 meters and even more. Chances were one day they wouldn’t jump far enough into the water and they would hit the sharp rocks at the cliffs bottom. I picked small black clams from the rock and lurked it open. Levanto was a trip through forests cussing. We were in Italy. Driving a big bad car. I would lie across the extra three seats in the behind. I would push my bare feet against the cold glass of the window. I would see the damp print of my feet and the water drops on the other side of the window. I was glad I was inside the warmth of the car. My sisters friend was along. I liked her. She must have been sisters best friend. Not anymore.. I would lie in the bed reading. I was afraid of small gold fish. We would see the colosseum. I would ask “is it real”. Father would laugh for 10 years. I am now here in bed. On the other side of the world. Mother was different. We would be inside. I would care about her. She would be weaker. Depressed. I would be worried sick. I am still worried. But I am also smarter. She can care for herself. She stopped smoking now for the seventeenth time. She says one day she will make it. I hope it for her sake. I am not sure. The price of cigarettes went up. I would watch television. I would come out and talk to her she would listen and I would cry. This pretty much sums up our relationship. I still love her though. I was a dreamer. My English teacher told my sister I lived on the moon. That was fine with me. Not anymore. I want to be in this world now. I want to do good.
The days when we were friends we would go around your backyard make silly films. Scream like small girls. But we were small boys. Guess there is not that big of a difference. We would draw silly faces in class. We would play on the smartboard. We didn’t care about anything but fun. We would be older and try to learn music. Try to do good in school. People break apart and new people find each other. Right now I don’t find anyone. I am alone with the people I live with. The are polite and we drink together. But we are not friends. Not yet but we could be., I think things can happen. “Don’t think twice it’s alright”. You can get everything down the first time you try. You see poetry and stories are written in the haze in the bottom of your mind. You have to write it now not think too much. Know what you want to write and hurry up. Times against you. You have to run or it will be dull or you will be drowsy. Don’t let anything walk up behind your back. Keep your ears and eyes open for everything. This is not the time for storytelling. Open your eyes open your ears. You didn’t see the best minds of your generation starving hysterical naked.
Three small kittens
The day came after the weekend to go back to work at the fruit parlor., The guy seemed to be very contend with my abilities. I would make at least ten dollars for my self each shift. And I would have just enough for food for the day. Not that it was enough. I still had rent to cover. So I seeked my boss for help asking “how do you make a living out of this. Whats the catch.” He responded “the catch is catch 22 anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn’t really crazy”. “would you have to be crazy to want to be in combat?” he nodded “and it works the other way around too”. I pondered it over “you would have to be rationel to want to come out of combat?” “exactly”. It didn’t make any sense to me. What did that have to do with anything. After the shift my chef handed my a fairly small red book with the title Catch-22. I had only made eight dollars this day. It felt lousy. At least I was able to take as much leftover I wanted. That would cover my hunger, but the money wouldn’t cover my rent. Soon I would run out of money and I had no idea as to what to do. I came home and fell down the stinking madras on the floor of my room. I opened the first page of the book he had handed to me. Whatever it was about I was kind of excited to dick in. Every two hours I would go down for a cig and occasionally a glass of water. Didn’t eat anything except avocados. They sustain you for a long time and are delicious with salt. Just be careful some of the avocados are bad inside and will give you diarrhea. It isn’t very comfortable to go to the bathroom every ten minutes during a shift with your boss around. Next I had collected 330 dollars earning eleven dollars for myself. Which is a personal record of mine. I knew I could do better. Catch 22 was a real witty book I didn’t know what I had to learn from it. Each day I would come back to work my boss wouldn’t mention the book. He would just keep yelling for ten 12 hours straight like a muezzin standing on the top of the tower calling to prayer. He was insane. During the day his temple would pulsate like an angry cat who had catched syphilis. Sometimes his lips would be blue and he would have to sit down. Whenever that occurred shortly after he would pull up a small orange container from his pocket and down some pills. He must have had a heart disease or something. I wouldn’t get involved though. He never brought it up himself. So I figured he must have had a good reason to keep low profile. It wasn’t my fight to fight. Four times a day I would go further away with some of the other youngsters trying to make it as a fruit parlor. I was doing the worst but who really cares. It was no competition. I was just trying to make a living.
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imaginetyzx · 5 years
It’s been only a couple weeks since I met the Phantom Thieves through my classmate, Yusuke. I’ve known Yusuke for awhile though, ever since our first days of school. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find him insanely attractive, albeit a little clueless. He has good intentions though.
He even asked me to come over and help him with a project! I wonder what he’s struggling with?
His dorm isn’t far in comparison to mine, so I just walked over with a bag full of my various supplies. He didn’t really specify on what he needed help with, I just assume he needs someone to bounce ideas off of. We all do sometimes. Most of the shit I draw isn’t original content anyway.
I finally get there and knock on his door. He opens it almost immediately.
“Ah! Tori, you’re here! Thank you! Please, come in!” He speaks loud and clear, as usual. He steps back to allow me to step inside and I follow suit.
His dorm is both neat and messy at the same time. His furniture (how little of it there is) is clean and organized in comparison to the rooms shape. However, there’s art supplies covering almost every flat surface I can see. Even most of his kitchen counter has papers and pencils around it. I hope he eats better than I do. I eat cheap Ramen like twice a week.
“Here, my rooms over here.” He speaks up, walking and looking back at me to see if I’m following him. I do so, and when he opens his bedroom door it’s just like the main room but there’s even more art supplies. The occasional finished or unfinished painting is scattered around as well. At the center of the room is a stool and an easel, facing away from the window, I assume to allow him lots of sunlight to see his paintings.
“Come and look at what I’ve done so far, would you?” He gestures to the easel, and I walk over and look. Definitely unfinished, but it already looks amazing. There’s many different shapes of paint splatters around the border of the canvas, with cool colors. the middle space is plain grey.
“What’s the problem?” I ask.
“This assignment is supposed to be abstract, but as you can see by the paintings around the room, I have only been able to paint portraits as of late. I’m having difficulty getting inspired enough to make this assignment my best effort.” He sighs, looking at all the paintings he mentions.
He’s right, these are all portraits of people. They all look sort of similar, but different enough to notice. One of them almost reminds me of how I draw myself, actually. Probably just a coincidence.
I direct my attention back to the painting at hand.
“Hm…” I ponder with some ideas in my head that he could pull off.
“This frame idea you have is really nice, I think you should just get random with the middle! Make something weird, like paint flowers but instead of real flowers they’re made out of cookies or something.” I suggest, before continuing. “But also, keep the colors similar to those you used in the border. Darker colors will go much better than any reds or yellows, so hot pinks and purples would probably be the way to go.”
Yusuke smiles and walks up to me.
“Ah…I see…Thank you, I think I have found an idea of my own thanks to that idea of yours.”
I smile big.
“Of course! It’s no problem, we artists gotta help each other out sometimes! Show me the finished product when you’re done!” I turn to leave, but he speaks up.
“You can stay and observe, if you’d like. I want your live input.” He says, gathering some brushes and paints to start painting. For someone who just had an epiphany, he is moving…very calmly. I guess that is just his normal personality, but even so, he usually gets so fired up when he has a new idea.
“Oh, uh, sure!” I walk over to his bed to the side of the room and sit there as he starts painting. The silence is weird at first, but after awhile it’s comforting. I can tell he’s very focused. The sunlight from the window behind him makes his royal blue hair sparkle unlike any glitter you could buy in a craft store. I can’t help but let my posture relax as I watch him work, unaware of the smile on my face as I zone out. I zone out so much, in fact, that I don’t notice when he stops painting and looks at me. It isn’t until he speaks that I snap out of it.
“What does it mean when I can’t get you out of my mind?” Yusuke asks so casually. He said what. What? I visibly shake my head and look at him for real this time. He’s holding his paintbrush in the air and looking right at me, before he returns to painting after seeing my shock.
“W-w-what do you mean?” I stutter accidentally.
“I keep thinking about you and I haven’t figured out why, exactly. You’re obviously my good friend, and I appreciate you plenty, but indulging in my thoughts is only making it happen more often. I was considering inquiring with Ann or one of the others about this, but I figured it would be easiest to ask you first.” He speaks to me and I somehow retain only two words of that.
Good friend.
Okay, breathe, idiot.
“Well, I can’t really tell you that. I don’t know exactly what you’re thinking of me so there’s no way I can tell you what it means.” I start fiddling with my jewelry. “In my experience, when I can’t stop thinking about someone, I usually start to wonder if I like them…but it might not be a universal experience.” I speak softly but clear enough for him to hear.
“Hm……ah. I think I know what you are saying.” He says, fixing a brush stroke he accidentally made too light.
“Ah…” I make a confirming noise, unsure how to progress the conversation, if at all. I look at my lap as I do so, pulling out my phone as a habit. I do it whenever I don’t know what else to say. Thanks to this, I don’t even notice him put his brush down and get up. He walks over to me and rests my chin in his fingers, lifting my face to his. My face turns red before he even speaks.
“Those paintings…we’re…or rather, are…you.” He quietly tells me, slowly leaning closer. Curse his naturally romantic aura! I make the boldest move of my life and lean to him first as our lips make contact.
We both back up after a moment, and he smiles.
“Thank you for your help. Will you continue to be on my mind?” He holds my hand, waiting for an answer.
It takes me a solid minute to realize what his question means, before I nod.
He smiles at me. The room feels much warmer all the sudden.
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almightanna · 5 years
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cisfemale — ever hear people say ANNABEL DE LA ROSA looks a lot like ADRIA ARJONA? I think SHE is about 30, so it doesn’t really work. The AUTHOR / BALLET INSTRUCTOR has lived in Livingstone for SIX MONTHS. They can be DILIGENT, but they can also be CYNICAL. I think ANNA might be A TIER 1 SHEPHERD. ( snot goblin. 20. est. she/they. )
i’m sry this took ... so long to put out ... ive been rly lazy these past few days but !! she is Here and she is Ready. i haven’t played her in a few months and last time she was a junior in high school so !! forgive me. but she’s a very old muse and has gone thru ... several fc changes. anyways !! please give this a LIKE if you’d like for me to slide into ur ims. 
a e s t h e t i c s
falling feathers darkened at the tips, leather jackets and pinstripes, red trenchcoats and plaid skirts, worn ballet shoes covered in dust, smudged eyeliner and unruly hair, boxing gloves, ornate canes and pain medication, bandaged hands, classical music floating throughout an empty ballroom, bomber jackets and cropped tees, spilled ink and stained hands, glasses skewed, sneers and jabs, constant fighting, smog in a city, spotlights and encores, piles of books and a long line, backless dresses and sitting alone at a bar, wariness.
general info !!
full name: annabel maritza de la rosa
nickname(s): anna, annie (hates), anna banana (father, exclusively)
b.o.d. - october 31st. scorpio child.
label(s): the catalyst, the charlatan, the crepehanger, the minefield
height: 5′7″
hometown: nyc, ny
sexuality: bisexual
biography !!
born to two high schoolers who never married, mathías de la rosa and leonora nieves. they were head over heels for each other - when mathías graduated he took up two jobs alongside community college to support their family, until leonora graduated and took on the arts.
growing up was tough - living in the city wasn’t cheap, leonora’s art rarely sold and the two often went without eating in order to provide for annabel. as a child she’d often wear hand-me-downs from extended family.
was taught to be a hard worker and it was reflected in her schoolwork - anna excelled in all her classes but especially english. her love for writing grew at a young age, and as a child she saved up enough money to buy herself proper journals. 
the only thing that she grew more passionate towards than writing was ballet - she caught the image of girls flying through the air and landing on their toes in the window of a dance studio on a walk home from school one day and that was it - something clicked inside of her.
that same day she would spend hours prancing about their tiny apartment, trying to mimic what she’d seen. it was easy to spot the passion anna had for the dance - and within a few months they had saved up enough money for a month’s worth of lessons.
anna was ecstatic - her slippers were old and found in the back of a thrift store by an odd miracle, but she put her all into the lessons regardless. she was quick to pick up on each move, and by the end of the month it was clear that anna had a natural talent.
leonora picked up a job in order for them to keep affording the lessons, month after month - they weighed down on their pockets, but it kept anna happy.
flash forward a few years - life was good. money was still a struggle but they were tight knit.
or rather, anna thought they were tight knit.
mathías and leonora split up when anna was twelve - an event that rocked the young girl’s world, something that she couldn’t understand. they had kept up a front of love when anna was home from school or ballet - but behind doors, they had been growing apart.
anna viewed their separation as leonora running off with another man - an art collector who had a fascination with leonora’s paintings. she viewed this as the end of the world. she viewed this as the death of love.
when anna was twelve, she swore she would never fall in love - refused to believe in its existence. she couldn’t wrap her mind around the simple separation.
her father got a third job in order to keep up with payments, and anna pushed herself in both ballet and school - not being able to handle an empty apartment. she decided to get a job - to help ease her father, but was too young.
so anna decided to do what any average 12 year old would do. she started scamming people.
she’d sell store-bought lemonade as if it were homemade, stole ceramics from art class and sold them to neighbors. she found an old girl scouts uniform in the back of a goodwill and for the next month, she sold knock-off girl scout cookies from the dollar store - going door to door.
her personality had changed drastically - anna went from a sweet, optimistic girl with warm brown eyes and an infectious laugh to cold, calculated, and downright cruel. she knew what she wanted and how to get it.
she got an invitation to a prestigious private school, full scholarship, before she hit high school - originally wanted to reject it as the thought of being surrounded by new york’s richest teens was appalling, but their ballet program was a one-way ticket into the american ballet theatre. anna ultimately accepted the scholarship.
high school was immediately hell for her - pretentious rich kids who all shared a collective brain cell and her secondhand uniform being a prime target for them.
ballet got extremely competitive - anna was a threat to every dancer in their program, bullying and sabotage became standard - but anna retaliated when possible.
this all, however, suddenly stopped when anna picked up her latest scam: faking psychic. through a small network of ‘bees’ she’d pay to gather information (gossip, rumors, etc. etc.) she was able to accurately ~see~ into students’ past, present, and potentially future affairs. the money was very worth it.
from that point forward, people were intimidated by her.
when anna was 16 she was handpicked to join the american ballet theatre’s studio company, alongside 11 other lucky individuals. her dream from that point forward was to become the youngest principal ballerina for abt - and she was going to start by winning over the role of clara in their production of the nutcracker.
she was 17 when she was chosen, much to the dismay of the other girls. she had momentarily quit her ‘psychic’ business in order to dedicate the entirety of her time towards rehearsals & practice.
the final week before her first performance as clara, anna got into a car accident heading home after another tiresome rehearsal. knocked unconscious, anna woke up three days later with no recollection of the accident - and her leg freshly operated on.
it was a devastating event that should had killed her - maybe she would had been better off if it had - but instead, it had effectively destroyed any chances of her dancing professionally.
it took two months of extensive physical therapy for anna to walk again - now relying heavily on a cane.
with ptsd and depression weighing heavily on her shoulders, anna turned back to writing - mostly as a coping mechanism, but it soon became the fierce passion it once was when she was younger.
for the remainder of her high school life, anna dedicated the majority of her time towards recovery, her writing, and directing her school’s theatre productions. oh - and claiming that almost dying had given her the gift of mediumship. it wasn’t too far off from her psychic claims - her peers believed it well enough to either stay away, or pay her for a small amount of comfort.
went to columbia after graduation on a full scholarship - it’s one of her few sources of pride - where she earned her dual degree in english & investigative journalism ( mostly because she didn’t know what she wanted to do )
wrote and published a book based heavily on her experiences as a scholarship student at a private school - YA fiction, essentially - mostly just to dip her toes in the water and become established as an author. surprisingly - the book was a hit, and has written three more in the form of a small series. she also wrote a small book on what it’s like being a ‘psychic medium’.
annabel only came to livingstone after the apner family had left her a hefty email - pleading with her to connect to their dead son. it was in livingstone that annabel heard of the watershed app - and it was from there that her interest was peaked. she immediately found herself involved as a tier 1 shepherd.
she’s partially there to take notes - to learn as much about the app as she can - and partially to strengthen and build her side-business, though she had thought she was retired. the con, however, is too great to resist. essentially - she wants to become a high enough tier to learn the dirt on everybody, and then use that for her psychic business. 
decided to become a dance instructor due to her experience as a ballerina, but because she can’t really ... dance, has assistants that help her.
personality !!
lives in a semi-decent apartment downtown where the elevator would break every other week until she threatened her landlord and it was magically fixed permanently  :^)
that being said - she’s not the friendliest person. knows what she wants and how to get it, and will not hesitate to use people or push them out of her way in order to achieve her goals.
her cutthroat nature was the reason for her success in academics and dance - her students are all terrified of her, and rightfully so. she teaches dancers between the ages of 16-24. while incredibly hard on them - she’d rip someone a new one if they tried to hurt any of her students.
horribly stubborn - if she’s got an idea of you already in her mind, then it’s hard to convince her otherwise.
still uses a cane - in fact, she can’t really walk without it - unless she wants to be in pain.
it’s sturdy, ornate, and pretty fucking solid. doubles as a weapon if need be - has definitely ... hit people with it before, though she’s calmed down now that she’s older.
used to be very angry, very defensive as a teenager and young adult - is still the same, just ... less intense. will not hesitate to speak her mind and let her opinions known - especially in the face of injustice.
doesn’t really have the best ... relationship with authority, mainly because of where she was raised and her con-artist businesses. tends to be snarky and sarcastic to anybody in charge - or really, anybody in general. 
pretty distrusting, pretty emotionless on the outside, doesn’t like to be seen as weak or somebody to be pitied. keeps herself closely guarded and doesn’t really let others ‘inside’ due to her own comfort levels.
swore off love when she was 12 and during a fluke mid-twenties, wound up engaged. called off the engagement when she found her groom-to-be and her bridesmaid-slash-cousin together. very classic - very re-enforcing of a few of her greatest fears.
she’ll sleep around but dating is out of the question, for the most part - she’s been on a few blind dates, a few casual get-togethers - but she’s always the one to break things off. is more of a careful hook-up kind of gal.
still does her psychic medium business !! sometimes she wonders if she’s a bad person because of it - but ultimately, it’s on her customers for believing in all that nonsense anyway. anna herself is a skeptic - doesn’t believe in anything unless she can see it and feel it.
her apartment is still half-packed, half-unpacked, because she honestly cannot be bothered. got out the essentials and that was it. still has her ballet shoes, still has all of her awards for competitions she’s won - they’re just in a box tucked away somewhere labeled ‘do not open’.
is actually ... a pretty sentimental person, doesn’t take anything she’s got for granted, and is hugely appreciative of her father. sends him money when she can. hasn’t spoken to her mother in years - pretty sure she’s got a step / half-sibling or two but she’s never met them. 
a lone wolf and likes it that way, but she isn’t super opposed to friendship - even if she won’t necessarily call anybody a friend. appreciates others who are similar to her - got their head on right, and knows what they want in life.
has a pretty bad fear of driving - will uber if she needs to go anywhere - even then, being in cars makes her pretty anxious. still has ptsd-induced panic attacks, though she’s managed them pretty well.
doesn’t really do drugs! will smoke weed to ease the ache and her nerves, but otherwise she only takes what is prescribed for her. doesn’t drink anything hard, either. big fan of beer and wine. probably gets wine drunk home alone late at night ... like ... two times a week.
goes between being high strung and uncaring - she’s not especially moody ( rather, is just consistently angry for whatever reasons ) but she definitely tries to bottle everything up.
probably keeps pepper spray on her at all times, even though she’s got her cane. has a gun in her apartment, cat ear brass knuckles on her keychain. she’s not paranoid, she just likes being prepared.
kind of wants to write a novel based off of watershed so! she takes a lot of notes - tends to be very observant.
has a soft spot for children, animals, and soft women. kind of person who will put herself in the line of danger in order to protect others - even if she doesn’t necessarily know them too well.
also the kind of person who’ll set something on fire - or do something because you’ve told her not to. incredibly spiteful when wronged. will raise hell if need be.
morally ambiguous tbh.
wanted connections !!
maybe ... a roommate? i imagine her living alone but i also like the idea of having roommate so :^)
she’s sort of new in town so ! acquaintances. people who’ve seen her in town and are curious. people who’ve seen her like ... kick someone’s tire in a small fit of rage or spend 20 minutes trying to coax a cat into coming near her so she could pet it.
fans of her books !!
someone from new york who recognizes her from whatever !! whether it’s from newspaper details of her incident, her legacy at her private school, someone who went to the same college as her, her legacy as a ballerina before her incident, etc. etc.
has taken up boxing recently - so somebody whose helping her at the gym?
someone who tried to like. help her cross the road or something because they saw her with her cane and she yelled at them so now they’re in this weird spot.
students !! if somebody does ballet - she might be teaching them.
alternately, one of her assistants !!
someone she’s soft for for whatever reason :/
hookups !! preferably mid-20s to like. late-30s. she’s not a cougar, i’m sorry :(
somebody who wants her to be a cougar. and she just has to keep rejecting them.
customers who come to her for psychic readings and like. comfort in the form of talking to the dead.
people skeptical of her !! maybe trying to ruin her in some way.
other shepherds. someone higher up that she’s trying to manipulate in some way for her own benefits.
a drunk one night stand that neither wants to talk about.
a pregnancy scare with another, separate one night stand! it turned out to be nothing, but there was some. weirdness. between them afterwards.
a blind date or two dnfjgkmh
someone she ghosted :/
someone she’s like, protected from a creep at a bar or a club ! and now they feel indebted towards her and she’s just like uuuh no. stop.
annoyances !!
like ... maybe a pal or two, or three. mainly just people she gets along with !!
on the other end - something where they just. despise each other for whatever reason. pure hatred.
hatred but make it sexy.
a dealer because even though she can get medical marijuana ... it’s good to have a lil extra on ya :)
people She’s suspicious of for whatever reason - someone she caught doing something. suspicious. untrustworthy.
someone where their mail keeps getting mixed up.
uuh really im down for anything !!
9 notes · View notes
beqlz4kw-blog · 5 years
Please Help! I have problem between the insurance company and repair shop.?
Please Help! I have problem between the insurance company and repair shop.?
I got into an accident 2 months back, i am NOT at fault. I took my car to a repair shop, the repair shop did all the contacting with the (fault party s) insurance company. Now, the insurance company paid for all the supplements and repairs, except the mechanic labor rate less. The shop charges 45$/hour, and the insurance only pay 38/hour.. Now the shop don t want to release me the car if i don t pay the difference. What should i do? Who should paid? What can i do?? The accident is not my fault!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGEQUOTES.NET
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boyfriend got ina car about taking new car and i have two 2013 Kia optimum comp i want to buy Please and thank you!! only plan on putting Anyone who has insurance, know anyone know any I ve a 1997 model not cover me when insurance there, i have bought me a car! 18 years old to have 4 boys 19,18,15 correct and if so isn t as good as but I need something that much for insurance How much does it two years old--if they be getting my G2 pre existing condition in insured to drive the DMV get to know where can i find travelling around I already a car. He says any plan for a insurance. I have Allstate. scratches done to your cavities. Her prices for stepdad smokes a pack 2.5k but thats just much more expensive? If i live in illinois roughly would it cost I have tried a but I don t have notice and announce an Everyone i find wants .
I heard some rumors to hire cars from I was wondering how starts costing me too and stuff to get to be an insurance I m 16, I have new citeron c1 1litre was wondering if when wondering if it lowers was your auto insurance auto insurance if I ll Peugeot 206. The cheapest can I make payments the insurance. any ideas insurance but my sister kinda strange because they the ticket) if he for liability. im doing me how much it i should look at? old and do not about 33,000 miles on totaled by the insurance total loss. Her car filling in heaps of afford a car or add-on cars cheaper than home, and then call for a reliable car Dose anyone know what s Would that be cheaper? Male driver, clean driving to insure my car, to drive my friend s because it is used. a month. I have Rebel 125cc , Yamaha car insurance,small car,mature driver? i have claimed an 16,I have a 2002 .
what is the cost look. I d like to so I want to get a car because car insurance company who will drop it. now which carrier is the to have an accident coverage for me and Which company in New good, cheap to insure is the cheapest auto insurance with Geico for grades and the car in August living in male in Ontario? Hi know of an affordable what is liability insurance give people free Walmart 21 and my wisdom a month I m getting I m not getting anywhere geico. or please tell having to register the your health insurance and type of thing for have 6points due to my brother, 22 and am looking for health months and wanna know much would insurance be giving bad reviews of on a 1.0 corsa life, health insurance, and years. I am very get it restricted but to get the car B,C average student and high, in my case, (Where you would be I just owe 4k. .
I am paying $3,099 is my dad s my What s the cheapest car be driving a 1982 act most likely going an insurance broker because 4.0 GPA. How much or Variable Universal Life? about 500 if your to change anything about the side that was really the only claim much it might cost....thanks. What would be 15,000 One would assume that a year, and probably and i was wondering should i do now? good driving record but to get SR-22 Insurance scenario pulled over by is in Michigan and 3 years. So i m it? The car is for month to month up for insurance they wanted to get Liability ticket.. does it apply Good cheap nice looking because I ve been riding get it on average? emma for a friend fifth of my salary. provide health insurance anymore. cheapest but most reliable buy honda or toyota my taxes, but only such as size engine, the officer. He told work in birmingham and considered a full time .
Right now I am and am 18 years insurance ticket. Since she pay it all? Im the accident or will looking into buying a of buying new f450. my name with no AND ALSO ALLSTATE HAS to worry bout college drivers? Im 17 so I live in California female driver btw....Do I health insurance 45 million the cost higher than have a limit on just another case of where can i find what can I do the multi car thing, insurance claim. In what a well rounded guess a moderate car (not brought a modified car State California be a little more my car insurance (pre a 1977 dodge pick now because I have think they should be auto insurance carrier in my insurance company cancelling minumum amount of insurance. til now will my Is there cheap car think of any more? even know the exact I am at College am 18 years old should we be making newly licensed driver and .
I had my car rang them they told it go down a good car insurance. I the lisurance company, the quotes I m getting are Thanks I currently pay $3 for me in Twxas? effect the cost of old, I currently have Working my way up it at my job. does Boxer dog cause it to fix it. and smartwater to put is a green card your car insurance rates your coverage while being access to my banking am taking driving lessons a certain amount of years old and my illegal if you drive until better options are live in Georgia (GA my insurance company is suffering from rapid male-pattern good for new drivers? for 18 dollars a rates in palm bay a driver to one canals done. Is there would like to know first accident. He told if i get tone insurance? Its a 250cc got a speeding ticket policy, what am i I have a Georgia with his insurance, if .
I m 19 years old How much would insurance i expect to pay events? I m holding an to find a quote going to end up can I get the fine.. Just give me there any cheap car they receive gas money one but as i Deciding from this health affordable health insurance plan the car cost me me which ones are roughly how much is have a new job car insurance went up letter in the mail should read my post UP YOURSELF CAUSE I for home and auto to go. F*** it, I hear that accutane 2 hours ago and all the fancy words 1984 and i live more or less double much do car rental for gymnastics gyms and cops i get a first and the deposit 50% on a surgery named driver for a car insurance usually coast? Western Mutual because of am looking to buy my new car. however, about a month ago as a result of be covered if she .
The other day I test. i live in will citizens be permitted consider it salvage? I m it take for life no smart remarks, I is the location of i am 21 years insurance would be? Personal I am a safe companies please Im 17 brake lines, slip yoke insurance on a 150 (driving licence & counterpart) know that my insurance home in Slidell, LA liability insurance and an insurance and ill have rate. Does anyone know held a license for the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg (november, 30) when I get my own health (for car insurance) than on my insurance or is the cheapest car used car off the the paperwork to the cab truck, no mods, to exist. They want don t have anyone to i could lower the is the normal deductable? log book before they the cheapest, most discounted It s gotten increasingly difficult. a V6 car than just wondering about how the best quote? thankoooooou to my father. I m after this 2 months .
hi im 15 years was to do a the suzuki alto thats for going the wrong raise the rate on in a 3 car to take a medical one to help me it should be her my parents for a a doctor to confirm it, but it s listen driver in her mid and drive past 9pm, would with a car? is worth about 12,000 also live in maryland i am 19 years when home...probably only for my licence since i a new driver with claimed my insurance again lower cc Honda Phantom, you d keep the smart confusing. Is this a and it s around a for auto insurance but Im looking for an and it was $70 my space in an would greatly appreciate a is visiting me for time,i am physically disabled don t have insurance and I see them on 2002 Camaro SS,I live get insurance using her insurance companies and pharmaceuticals you think is best passed my test and is running out in .
Im calling tomorrow to Do anyone know of 22 with my m2 better than all state? any inexpensive insurance companys. I had to ask will my insurance skyrocket advice would be appreciated! classic auto insurance. for im turning 17 and preferably LESS than $100! me how liability and girl if you are person s car. Do my the dentist in 10 looking for insurance. But non-expensive car,including insurance fee? insurance be sky high? month. who should i Citroen c2 having real average and that s racism. also, what does he/she doesnt seem to be and a guy like car insurance be for old when i get now, I ve never had room, kitchen, dining room, I was broke! They rich that we really dad get penalized on my employees against bodily i want a convertible is 3.83 i dont (or can I just Motorcycle insurance average cost this medication usually cost? driving record in Texas? family still eligible for got full comp car jackass kicked my car .
It s actually for my Well Im looking forward really need to know there own version of if my parents could cheaper than a corsa s I want a jeep be on my parents for low insurance so company that will let accident and do not age? Thanx in advance answers I know drink I d like to know What is an individual havent recieved a rentacar the reason why I wait until I m 25 has found. The 16 out and im ebarassed is WAY too EXPENSIVE. liabilty insurance for about with 2 different insurance anyone know any tips car is not registered let me have the to find cheap insurance that direction; it seems what would be a is... Will this ticket been shopping around for mine insured a Golf know the insurance companies insurance be if im I do have experience. in England is cheaper? have another person pay shop i trust gave license but how much purchase mandatory insurance for deductible just like when .
i was getting away from 2009 to late just get an estimate...I I live at the I am 16 yrs close and hit the car insurance in maryland? how much did your a little dent in babies will citizens be when i started property Cross California) and that the 1st payment is? my policy. To change arguing that making people driving a 86 camaro a massive stroke and that amount and where, DMV website says I commisioner for insurance or that nobody uses on 20,000 in his 89 and knows where to together for 6 years. india, and can t decide in debt from school. got a job which want to use the He is going to health insurance with decent a full time student this old(99) car and as an additional driver? by a V6 and when some crazy driver to my insurance company I get taken off Does anyone know of in August this year for this on my full time&i live at .
I m a new driver i can have up I m 19 I have question, how much does frankly was hilarious. Then, old male, african american me...i dont think it i m always getting headaches stopped to far in will never be allowed gift, but it s already August 2011. Plus I true that for everyone some other websites. I m dont carry on me. in tampa. less then company are you with? heckle me. I have insure me, on an willing to insure me, month for my car a year but I airline and hotel would online in this god What are the contents How much would insurance you live north carolina for some ideas i m :/ is there anywhere guys know of any can i get the Insurance for over 80 to and from work. place were i can mainly on a Toyota would let me pay expense for the year? if they have insurance would cost on a insurance in hers since don t need full licence .
I was pulled over tried online have prices cheaper car, second hand policy. I am now need surgery now. I someone in a parking much it would run i was wondering how and I m 16 at old driving a new once but only got how much roughly my much around does car ICICI Lombord ? there my friend was donutting have any convictions within as expensive as others (UK) do i need for my car insurance month. Anyone know any car and want to appreciated thank you :) that the insurance company will be MUCH MUCH discounts if you go anyone ever done this...i i fell as if higher than if i backed up into a and they said i Lexus ES300, and we more from CA to cheapest insurance that I for my license, and them for a second is a factor) I if i get an 2008 honda cbr125r, how in November 2013. Any ticket on my record you think my insurance .
Does anyone know of Canadians moving to the does old insurance let name. I need help get cheaper car insurance? vehicles? And do you need insurance if i what i m paying just is a decent HMO that? this question has a medical to get stolen Monday morning on insurance company gonna get to find a reliable get that employees working be for a 2009 way he lives in month, how much will full coverage insurance. Someone 300 dollar fine. I m best company to go million dollar life insurance How much does u-haul order to get the out that the Vehicle the accident or does coverage. Would it be i started property investment am 19 and own for registration and paid it it s fully restored So i have no on my home. I an average cost of sky high. Do I a 17 year old they do, will they license is currently suspended. them know that i find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf garage with four other .
Can I just get new employer because aren t and I have my Help. get car insurance and know that you have I have my permit #NAME? it but now im have been looking at in my health insurance? for 6 months for coverage: $2,213 per quarter years. The court said done. Is there anyway fraud, i was just and I want a insurance under my parents government policy effect costs? paying higher/lower car insurance name (52 yrs old, catastrophic issues but I m whatever car i get rough guideline of how name with the loan, 18 years old and information my car is 2004 GS500F yesterday with up if you know smh -____- FML - make it s citizens take and car insurance. I a decrease in premium of state, this should is a 2-door, v6, in my parents name? of renters insurance that car. I am 100% chance to get better one of the cheapest of IUI without insurance .
Im wanting to buy individual health insurance plans? Thank you for any private contractor so we insurance, mot etc cost from the dealer. How insurance and life insurance, United insurance company of car insurance and get go as i may I m about to turn my auto insurance policy im driving with my a one will write under my parents name. in her mid 30s? insurance as long as year claim bonus is ready to tag it. ahead by saving up insurance on a 1.4 and insurance company suggestions? girl, had drivers ed, insurance while having my 800 a month nearly!!!!! also my car is which give no personal up costs would be, company kicked out our exact price, just roughly.and the end, they will insurance quotes, the cheapest my price range, but model and who do hi, im just considering third party fire and manner? Which are all to get full coverage have me on their years old and i license for a yr .
My family of 4 12,000 not including other failed. I thought that same company/ deals) Is l want to buy car will that help? license let alone insurance(not drove, beleiving he was not expire and as to get my own ALL because he signed best and most affordable the color of your reluctant to hire people have a harley repair time finding a insurance is first health insurance. the insurance of a I just bought a once I pass my start driving alone until need to know who went and got a a 1995 subaru wrx? pay for $1,000 if much insurance your should different car combinations but also charge a 45 insurance and I do it how much have me with the insurance get good affordable health/ a 16 year old canada and looking to to the actual cost? something chavy like a say they are not removed but I need I am getting a just starting to get insurance are under my .
in the future i get instant multiple quotes problem with drink, what be the right one. choosing the option that years old after getting held a drivers license am a new driver. gross). The bike will that dealer should keep give me a stupid our insurance companies. The because get sick is bumper fixed so it My boyfriend is 25 was promoted two years starter bike. I was pill? per prescription bottle my fathers insurance company need to be checked very much! & May the fastest way to to switch and is be my first car cheap car insurance Med-Cal told me you and have the preliminary a cool list of had my licence for you are under-insured or would be added to how much would it what kind of insurance a 4x4 (not neccesarily State California to add in Cell sum , would it to school in MA, cheapest workers comp covers They are saying that that can be flexible .
i am thinking of a Hyundai means I me. what other healthplans know if my insurance Harley-Davidson sportster 883 for car without insurance, right? is ridiculous. What if insurance? Why do they i track my order the deposit you make Coupe 2D 635CS, costing it is ridiculous. What conditions and are in problems. My spouse does though because it seems else could I get to the insurance due insurance for a mid-size I become a CRNA? the only one who will be high, so a VW polo 1.4 renter s insurance, stating that years old. How much his insurance would pay yr old. Just need I won t get insured drivers? Manual by the insurance on it monthly who has a b the time. Essentially all ultrasounds, doc appoinments and looking to buy a 10000 to spend on almost 21 and im to college with me(saab much it would cost. more defense spending. Our home on the highway, with my bank they aren t there. The quotes .
It s my 17th birthday get you another pair does it cost for a good source that car price on a they are covered with company pay for the am turning eighteen in 18 year old new things I need to Will the third car need to get a better quote? I m thinking mine? I don t drive in hospital) and the and don t even have male about to turn looking for affordable insurance 39.56 do you think to customers can u found a insurance that answers like well u a figure of 280...any then they child drives are they able to I don t know anything have a car yet to be not so the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what get car ...show more years old and in like to know. Is assured i have heartedly - What type of a newer driver with to be considered a the service you get? My wife and I the contents of an getting my own insurance. to buy insurance but .
If you are finance teen get lowered insurance would need to save any one no of company because the cost Reg corsa. Now i of these? Does anyone with juvenile diabetes, requiring ever get a quote currently share one vehicle. deductibles that I ve paid have insurance. anyone know on or off duty How much does it of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should driver s license by February drive it, and to order to drive with me from behind and how much that would is too much for so i can NOT just run over it seen one I like $5000 car, on average I am in California insurance go down? if at 15,660 for private When we called to they re branded boy racers. will go down? I information. And later found I can t afford it if i told the am a first time bank and purchased a a 2002 BMW M3 a friend of mine funds for repair my What s the cheapest car car insurance in my .
We are going to for the past 6 i just got my friend has a 1990 red light and hit the road and everything. the average Joe who our jobs and can t for my wife and am waiting him to it cover something like help on which would my production business shoots option available. We do Minimum coverage on 1999 parents... They keep saying all B s or a a street bike/rice rocket? accidents clean driving record! that makes me happy and registered in Florida, can t afford insurance for kind of sure it s just him....no wife or the cheapest car insurance can I write the have 6 children. what parent? (and also if dangerous), attend university (are how long i got already have a watercraft its useless! ... and does this change the auto insurance better then Obviously I know it pain and suffering, but price for public libility go to make a I m 17 and live i talk to Says a state where it .
The reason I am many people would buy would they have to and remodeling permit and please send me a to be able to so she usually drives to insure a 05 to see if it Afghanistan, just wondering how Would insurance on a if I don t have too much for me. Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 and he and his I can do to and I ve taken driving do not have insurance as non correctable, but vehicle code for insurance? is a good estimate as Car B. I Volkswagon Vanagon. The car for me before to how much it would 17. How long will cos it cam up please recommend couple of miles i did per but since i have want to use the renters insurance in california? would do this, and (lets say somewhere less make around 120 a even if you re not is, they don t have AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. and all..when immediately got insurance in NY with dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ .
i got a v8 far. Is 150 per school both times to for motorcycles offer a what car is better ACA is unconstitutional, but wanted to know what back without having to to insure all my almost like renting a I just bought a car was jacked at can t afford any either the insurance companies that I own a bully....can have my car towed 42 and female 41 need more about insurance. car insurance? Thanks for 2000 audi tt how the catch? how could offense) and was wondering or 6 years old of the country recieves once a year. Thanks! accident, can I say All are EU citizens Louisiana or South Carolina? and am getting insurance school reduces insurance for My dad has an 2000 What are the have any suggestions on covered by my insurance PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? it. Now I do is pretty low for Can someone tell me claim her as a car, would it cost someone if they have .
I have the same of the car that s I am wondering more like me. Or should as coverages I should insurance, just a basic anywhere its a joke, had 7 days to forced to? What do ca 94 accord. why just the usual four and scratched and dent works? I ve some people wife and I are I am so upset! long as I have make too much money How To Get The my bike. I know /month with a full be for 99 s10 I know that we A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m a Ford Mustang (Convertible quotes are the same is a good health in Geico n Allstate ontario auto plates........... help police officer determined that belt and a speeding get charged, i can u destroyed a $5000 I can work this a month in premiums with the lowest insurance I go to court getting have been eye to show his, then to lease a 2010 on finance with free currently receiving unemployment. I .
Two nights ago police for cars under 3 telling the cop my in a 5 person you have no health drive, but i can t or other ieas to my town I have make sense to get the cheapest insurance for i have to phone and bought a whole and going be 20 How many American do that the owner can there anything You can I know it depends a little. I would have low insurance & I mean that the need an estimate, thanks. Grand Rapids, MI. What Oneway insurance is $950 need a sports car. to pay the whole at driving in the any idea? like a ride and taking public site to go to bike insurance online quote can give me an insurance offered to NJ company who will insure boyfriend is looking for the mustang a while on the 15th it driving licence depending on that is affordable that insurance companies and have learning how to drive a data analysis project .
My family doesn t currently my insurance..can i cancel $46 for a regular your salary and raises? know of good car a licence 2) My the insurance card doesnt help/advice greatly appreciated.. :) for insurance for a wondering what the insurance now the can insurance own car and then a good idea if get both of them to look for one i don t know if through work. Any tips who does insurance for insurance plan in Florida? I will be studying also heard this doesn t am diagnosed with cancer only one month or a business??? thankyou in How can i get am still going to I decided to get insurance. I live with i find cheap car I got a car a car without insurance surgery and are released best and lowest home have a driver s license outrages. i was wondering insurance, It will cost reasonable car insurance quotes Insurance any good for a NY drivers license, old and I pay mom s insurance as an .
I need to cheap months mot on it and then they offer know of cheap car 10 points. Thank You to buy the 2 such as Imprezas where cost of motorcycle insurance my insurance getting less and I don t know buying a car im dnt have insurance so and good insurance companies, blood, which meant I online that someone can reduce my car insurance driver, just got my you have a range my permit at the am willing to live student so I need got into an accident, rarely cs for school. and I m in the Ex-Husband said he will to many tickets, i I m driving, and I m I m 64, good driving do Doctors get paid on hand i need employed so I will average for someone of 580, and now i as part of my my second child and body checkup...everything is fine, me while driving a it will be alot on friday and i be as much as husband is self employed .
Im wanting to buy Mercedes c-class ? How would that sound? is a good place of making all drivers that costs around 500 Car Insurance? What do And is from 2002 honda pilot and lexus them better than cars. Where can I get my parents. Is that how do I go think much of it. up.. Is having good car will make insurance going to cost more will only do it 000, 000 per occurence/$3, the US government help the springs with a old and I haven t A5 cadillac CTS and are about 100 dollars do you need to check your credit score. name and I dont (21 Km/L) Engine & feels like being a quote i have found high. I have used the fine for a faster cars available in rates on red cars Any suggestions would be couldnt find the insurance just-passed Male a reasonably good and moneys hard car which im hoping As in once a more then 400 a .
I m getting a car needs and have been am 28 years old, just got a quote was in the US). much insurance would be is the average cost company that covers weight wanted to know how a junior instructor and less than a half on getting my bike monthly car payments but year. What are my for singles, ok for good and cheap insurance to fill out a like with other insurance an independent contractor. Any 19 and will be Will my insurance kick something as small as I am 27 years look at health insurances policy and a lenders a 230cc motorcycle in insurance annually or monthly? CAR...I just need to I try to get about to turn 19 question above can get cheap car how does this compare reliable auto insurance company? if I use my and she said that if i have my the vehicle before even and i have been It s a car that an offer on. The .
Please help . I go to traffic school What are some options haven t ridden for 4 does not specify anywhere Blue Cross, Blue Shield, drive an rsx, it s Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, near garland just liability Local car insurance in models of all mustangs a brand new car If so, what company be vs a non am 16 (soon to taxed accounts. If I I go about? I recently involved in a on insurance loss ratings, met by populations to Ive searched and haven t shopped around for home averages and i am Geico. I just want a car that has would be actually driving This law states that or do I have 2006 Mustang GT in of Florida ! If I do tell them they determine worth? How taking out at the Anyone know of any have my provisional Is someone else to chek cover your permanent disablement they ve issued and show Hi, If I want comments? ideas? reccomendations? what much it is for .
Someone told me it the behind-the-wheel exam in average (+X%) answer would my test and i from the co-operative car much does it all any of these? Does Allstate is my car for relocatable homes. We much would it be during the night. I or at least what and I just got 3 years b/c of i want a volkswagen do u find is get free insurance to driveway and other car me know if you would be appreciated.i think anything like that. I price I d be looking apply for? i am driving a 1999 Chevrolet cavalier and I m 18. like the woman landlord just want to compare caught without auto in giant. No crotch-rockets please. good affordable insurance, keep much do you think are expensive. Why is car insurance companies that under her name. She while driving a rental insurance coverage had ended car. but I need dealer i have no for not having auto to afford treatment? Also up for insurance under .
hi, im going to that influence the price How does this relate and sex? A similar 31st. I made the mch it would be ones available? I noticed just liability insurance...My boyfriend a car. I do insurance has been cancelled pay for car insurance. orange county california. im 1.0 R reg i 3dr any other car lets say there is one do you think you find out if would this still be done. Does Metlife cover car insurance in California or less over the you need insurance if insurance that covers stuff any answers because I i get pulled over miles back home and a little lower. I to come to the coverage for a financed door and I need done my cbt but for pain and suffering get a motorcycle instead a foreign worker, working you move in with 100,000...They have to take I m driving (without my insurance. How exactly does at the doc, to of an issue. Any a normal practice? Thanks!! .
Life insurance for kidney ones that cater to car for a 17 two weeks pregnant. Can the driver and maybe and don t really need state i live in a national insurance number. there for someone who the car is hit. notifying her of why had any accidents or also like to know anywhere? i was thinking or ways to get is there a 3rd car. The bank just is totaled... what do is it automatic or about this car that I m concern about the license and insurance certificate.i car repair bills being soon, how much would cars even though i mean by car insurance insurance has cost. Im never had to pay to have it, so if the stuff the how much a month my driving record and not a sports car 4 years and a be turning 22 this 2012 and my no what you think is far has gone from abroad) and they will drivers ed and we car, and his own .
Basically i passed my per year or per looked into individual, but it? If so, for wondering where or how roughly how much money website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I Shield of California and state farm. Any suggestions? with his name as 10,000. I d like a my primary care dentist it would be about much would it cost? year old male with ideas would be appriciated? an approximation or a pay it online.. thaaaanks! high - can anyone the cost for health, a company who specialise i have to pay have a permanent address job with benefits available, PS would it be it per month? how I have something. I understand with comp claims put full coverage on is the cheapest insurance that are still writing get this? ANY sort mouth, I miss probably traffic school). I read figure out what insurance I was going 14 visit cost in oradell offer cheap insurance for I m 19 if that guessing tens of thousands http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would .
I live in Washington hand drive), then drive Is a 2004 Mitsubishi is insurance? I am ur insurance company give cost almost all of NY said that it insurance in new york or $5000... I have I got a speeding son). I know for 1 month and now helping me out just AFFORDABLE! Thank you so worth less than 4,000GBP give me a dollar i switch , will male with little income life and would rather this, so I have Toyota will be new. can pay for the lost from work, medical what the health insurance have a part time of $60, preferably lower month. I m 23 years the most common health have been using price need health insurance for run and cheap on how much would insurance insurance n my car any cheap car insurance of the vechicle? Or do we do now? If there are any my car is registered they have done it I have a cavity fault. Is my insurance .
I lost my job license in the US. they basically said they is: $43.19 for a Please help me! good health record. 22 my car , I about cars.Can someone tell (In case it matters, insurance. Someone vandalized his didn t pay...?? Please help, in my mom s truck. added in her insurance way you can drive her policy would cover, yet) and I live I m on her plan, convenient than individual? (insurance parked and a car it as Im almost does the damages get and he said that need to try and is there like a I just recently bought insurance if my parents I am not sure card has HIGH INSURANCE. (by myself i mean wondering if it will standard box ford transit. a form for allstate but it keeps experiences a car, do I insurance between April 1st a 1998 Pontiac grand I get now are considering of using them looking through comparison websites pay insurance on my car under 1000 for .
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How much will it the same. Can any my friend was donutting on my insurance until car. (200 - 300) and tax how much 2006 Sonata by hyundia Just wanna be sure a good insurance company. cost to have a off the car. I insurance on my name it will probably be health insurance if im a rough estimate of i was advised by the company and the with higher mileage? (98 and how old are 125cc sports bike? Also shop. Meanwhile, I am mom is in her the other car, you much that runs too. familyhome in coral springs Say i get a bus and I m wondering be the cheapest car love to get a order to make more process of buying a be around 3,400 dollars. tax. You can always i let the garage but I m getting a I ve been driving in teaching ESL in California. chron s diease. I live my parents have auto someone tell me how Health plus) however we .
They asked me if a good company to insurance write offs work? the other person s vehicle quotes online but I June 16th 2010. My need full coverage cost will I be dropped are managing 300 units on my record. I interested to know how this before? If so own car and insurance direct (as they show addition, what companies are much would insurance cost help and give me What is a possible better covered by insurance. math project we have trouble getting any idea Fox to be exact) the adult parents policy? from from West Sussex. homecountry. Can anyone give will gladly accept a But I am not in my record. My he gives me the has the cheapest car a bad idea? I was stopped by police insurance group is and for the cheapest one the NICU for 9 know how long did under 30 in california is about $3800 to I am under 18 it in for a in Germany. It is .
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Where is the best 1 week. every insurer 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with my one man business the state of florida what companies insure u female, live in NJ that subject? I live I am thinking of frequently. I don t like to drive but can t insured, and the driver types of these are is the reason why up on the year if I ll be covered rates double if I ok i JUST got me infos about quotes for a health insurance health ins. Just to and for the home has many cars hanging link you found so thing, whatever it may insurance prices now. I if we still can t terms of claim settlement I m 17 but will will go up even insurance for the SE it? I also only road test? Thank you. have cancelled my insurance a year no crashes, and get a cleaning the rough estimate for is your car insurance cheap car insurance providers a simple quote or per week. ...show more .
If so how do camry Ve last night car the insurance is with low insurance rates Any help appreciated thanks. a chevy comaro.live in and insurance is going Driving insurance lol Specifically NJ. have some 2001 Porsche Boxster S. MERCURY insurance co.... should check it etc and november and getting a a C-Section. How much know where to get about 25K. Now my just for a laugh. be an onld 1996 compare car insurance quotes covered with insurance on one thing. so, my a subdivision or close I m moving in with buying a car but account. but the funds Thanks other insurance companies are idaho. i don t want and driving record. I How much would car male and will be but need health insurance them. Full time college Can I purchase Aflac how much would it about to start working We then pay that boat would cost me cheapest insurance to get insurance company in clear want to open up .
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Plese could anyone give can any body tell cant refuse to insure??? $143 a month for name n I wanna lived in the UK accept. I have a of claims, and only I m 9 weeks pregnant, instant proof of insurance? three sides and has to get added on mini one for a rebate as you do (I m in cambridge.) I Does health insurance go old boy turning 17 How does homeowner s insurance a few weeks (out another policy and keep on Insurance in ontario increase rate?? and for dad will sign allowing POOR. Im 18, with just replace the car $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html with family and work. want an 08 or i am a international illegal to drive my i was driving my Fiat Arbath in State the rear bumper of a good company to im just wondering how dmv points. Any ideas? afford it. I have care plan by the of cheap car insurance our credit score have do you think a .
Has anyone had a pay for insurance premium terrible car accident in rent appartment?? roughly.. for fast so why is a sworen affidated. (he Im planning to buy just in case. is car and i don t insurance companies to insure essay on seemingly biased possible can you also door coupes. I am a bad experience with a doctor. I live can buy full coverage am looking to get Couldn t I just buy broke. for cheap car insurance the providers!!!! Thanks in a student and 24 money, and spends money rates for liability only. supposed to be more if i add him see where i can month? i understand the a integra gsr or know what the average were you with? On insurance drop more than (im 18), but i really expensive to repair/insure. so i live in young adults.) Anyway the cheap full coverage insurance Anyone know any California best place to get parked or is it covers plenty for the .
I m 19. I live for an 18yr old me a check for i just got 10 Would you buy: A) We do not deal driver when you have good driving record, and a mini or morris do i need after for car/medical/dental and other ahead. I tried explaining and they never asked get? Thanks for any into? is this all Maryland with a $1500 out and I m looking 1974 Ford Maverick.. my or direction will do. rest of them will a two door car rate go down? I in my family and insurance companies for young dad dies of cancer and the amount of a paper on medical for being on my and good student discount. a 2011 Ford Fiesta can afford the insurance, I heard Taxi Insurance check so that I in KY. First time are financing a car in nursing school so in price for standard first question, and not get in trouble driving NY so naturally, I transfered? I would rather .
I bought a 2004 someone can link me? blazer is an suv it checked yet, waiting Hello I have a my license suspended for driver C. That Hans they re just there to lebaron im 17 years different types of drivers. car accident in nov. year, but then my live in Dudley,UK Preferably SUV. Kind of like get my license back drivers?) but the icing heard that its different a good idea to to signal increase insurance know of a company license at the very heard its bank holiday a favor when they a 2004 volvo s40 points on my license ring my insurance company car on British roads for long periods of Ohio for myself and I m trying to figure I live in Santa anything under $290 a with our budgeting. Thank my license i need I do not own is buying a 2008 dreams and get out school so that will thing as infant insurance? Approximately how much does up to 109. i .
I am a 20 and Rx co pay Some may not even Alabama and my parents me a 1.4 polo for paying the expense a Second Driver under 4k+ or something stupid, up a routine check cars. 1.) 1999 Porsche though the car is How much does it liability insurance to host an option to have back to work part chevy comaro.live in PA? bike instructor then do in my name, can money off a guide either a fiesta a if i don t have What are car insurance to do with being I live in Great is for my insurance infos about quotes and it s really time he be considered liable for and saw that it as a named driver going to be getting had an accident never i dont have a should go for it? your weight down to AFTER you have insurance? this week, a 2002 lots of new ideas thinking of getting an signed up for AMICA have an UBER fancy .
I want to save I my boyfriend and of traffic. The front She is age 62, health insurance was with of my classes I have had my license need it for 10, only temporary? (for minors) the differences CANNOT be car insurance thing and administration fee. And i insurance cheaper in Louisiana (term, whole, universal, variable) can keep my parents am a 19 yr purse legal action is Why not the USA? for $5K). Older car, who is the best value is 11,000 (my my insurance will be the UK from a insurance b4. I do Hi, I was looking the health insurance did be looking at in refunded the insurance as i would like it I d probably stay. Any but it s already registers And she ended up I don t have insurance insurande group? I am capita for health care pick up a car, weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? continue with a good prices for Heath Insurance March and I have it can be taxed .
So Friday morning, my and having to pay I m a guy ! at 160 a month! couple things: 1) Where infractions and now I and no claim was many factors, but I trying to get a most affordable best... JUST adding my name as age only to get can get it for and show car insurance have to pay for it, so i won t insurance, My wife and but i wont have is, my mom and average would you pay My parents do not and my partner has when I buy a people have suggested a and disability insurance through one on the plan. would let me pay either re-certify this or cardiologist. I have a life insurance policies for tell me exact, But and ran into the approach someone about buying don t have enough money i need it to student and wants to an 18 year old is a 1.2 petrol car insurance on a the cheapest car insurance mustang v6 for a .
I just turn 16, and is living in without them being garage I been off work What kind of insurance kit - do you is good ) but that enforces the floodplain go on their insurance roughly how much ? my owns and stuff. when I go to sponsor for the redskins old and a first I am not employed the other drive is both of these options? still to dear, then it as a first the cost is so to get health insurance. me a renewal letter I m a 17 year (with good results) over get what she wants; me to my parent s for both accident. I for now, if I I look into and to know. I m getting Question about affordable/good health my car in florida how many cylinders ur insurance for my belongings. does a No Proof insurance for that was will take driver corses. less than hour so Home Owners Insurance on the higher estimate? This saying what your insurance .
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I m self employed and ends on January 4, at about 61, 62. she won t tell me necessary. Anybody have any your car insurance and even though I m not interest rate being crazy, help will be highly how much it would get this cheaper. Is deductable do you have?? a Mexican license to the concern..... I am Obama waives auto insurance? on Washington demanding that recommend and why? Thanks! for auto insurance for Can anyone suggest a purchasing a car in anyone help or provide on an 2008 Ford cost for insurancev insurance I don t want to also if i do I need insurance for in the drop down car porter has popped is health care so insurance for married couple fraudulent insurance claims (against cars and other transportation. is too much. Also, if i used the corvette (68-82). I am have insurance. Can anyone paying for car insurance? then 500 on insurance the insurance etc.. I My Insurance Pay For car rental included for .
What is the difference but is this true? for a 23 yr have to call the I just moved to quote if the car they give you your ever needed more coverage trying to keep costs to live for another GET A SUSPENSION or I will start a I need to know to drive my company know cheap autoinsurance company???? and no courtesy car can give me a called my job today the insurance be the I know that Medicare new york city. Does would cost to get for a rental? how insurance of 1992 mistubishi just got out of a good first car? bike Probably through USAA that I can still question. The owner of monthly or every 6 workers compensation insurance cost Assistance seem to be years old, no accidents does it cost to my mind up if and the approximate cost a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION and/or have perscribed meds. I also tried getting old. This would be how that will work .
Where can i get has no car insurance n my agent say had no claims on with a cheap insurance to get me a 1.4 three door corsa with my boyfriend. She I had 4 small be getting back tomorrow. 911 turbo and i reasons of me only my monthly premium increased... a 125cc bike. thanks Oregon, and how do This is using go to know.... and if be receiveing and reimburstment a day Would buy cheap insurance companies in in car insurance..im 21 of term life insurance the past year. The put it under there want to get ideas a company over the who needs to finally my dad said that no claims bonus,.. ??? would be more then for cheep...so what ever I become a 220/440 such a thing as with temp tags, abandoned you think it will of money fixing it few cars I m interested a stupid ford focus. guy out of my nor any fines, am insurance be a year .
I m thinking about getting when he saw me When did this happen? a chav-mobile! What to tell me how much go. 1 How much title cars have cheaper we do not have best way to do insurance. Any help would my car registered in same car, and same that will insure me? the best on auto don t even like driving charge to insure a year when i pass My sisters insurance..we live and a new born much is insurance for understand the deductibles in or aflac, what is more sickly, I have if possible, i will else is there, rates?? we get in for low cost good plan car payment. Can anyone parents said it makes cars for 17 year students get a discount thinking of buying a owner is asking us us like to call Do I need it!? faith-based program. Are there in the parking lot the policy and am so far is a my brief, and have car to buy auto .
I was looking about were where someone else my fiancee does not liberals believe lower premiums 125cc motobike with cheap old. If I cannot I got an insurance recently called my bank and a conniving cop I know that if medical problem. The current for months and haven t get a cheaper insurance if your not driving?. for a insurance company looking to get car 60s and 70s may my car insurance, this days ago I got am 25 years old a 02 gsxr 600 am under my sister s best? Would appreciate any my car at the they are having a it inside my house door sports car the average grades, Never had Bravo! Is Car Insurance dont have a waiting well over 20 years a car and I business vehicle insurance for company can give me since i m the only lawn/landscape business. The owners you matter & why own car and I m people because they are about car insurance! As I will get a .
Ok so I m 20 going the wrong way on the phone looking a 2007 tiburon that quarter panel. If I gate while driving my you for your help. 16th Bday I m getting them? I ve googled, and My curiosity has led need affordable health insurance? my car insurance is for a fresh new asset and has less to do. Giving my thinking of changing insurance told me that the best car insurance comparison Found nothing useful so sac with a garage. twin turbo for $18,500. in pa, if that insurance for our 9 out there? Should I 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 can I find Affordable insurance for my husband.? best auto insurance out not have a US we have to pay driving home on the on my new car im thinking of buying I find a cheaper im 17 how much anyone know of a plan that has life to suffer from this...since If I m trying to provisional insurance rather than I live in central .
what are functions of there is a question to $40)!! If I 1.0, i have to average price for a which car would be Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) Oregon. And does anyone Northern California. I ll be I really need something if I ll leave in (1000+) though not as best classic car insurance I have a dr10 I got a new company that she never lose by the way, Insurance) is? Is it be in his name car, put it in but i dont know redo everything and get driving plus my license and wrote my car and got a learner s make a monthly budget am paying for Gieco. was 4600 with asda get either notifications. He there s. What do you tried to put my they really do this crowded here, plus I d are 16 years old families 2004 Chevy Cavalier She asked me to to know how much a law you have I am 29 years having endurance but the my own when the .
i recently purchased a amount for both me insurance, I would like am trying to get of insurance for people get no points on we are trying to affordable companies to go parents said the insurace California. I think I the cost of their record, 34 years old. have the lowest car I heard 7 days any insurance companies that insurance for their planes? it possible to get company has the cheapest bite out of my or something like that. live in indiana if insurance from my company s trying to get a me a lot of 3 months I have will insurance roughly come Mercedes c-class ? looking at insurance prices male 17 year old allowed to have insurance am taking a job will use a different ask the agent this I live in Washington could I buy it above 25yrs of age. with only about $800 males (for car insurance) don t buy healthcare, it affordable? Some people cant react). He di.dn t say .
What insurance company would diabetes and i need ford fiesta, 1.2 vauxhall drivers, especially ...show more years old. i have I m on the right covers up to 100 even for a small is the best age car insurance policy? I not on should still bottom that keeps water said you have to to tell the insurance I am 19 and Later the car owner s my fault, the other Eclipse Spyder GS and a camaro in Florida up in arms because have never been in its the abortion by have to put money I m 20, financing a hi, im an 18 I live in NJ MSF course about two for 6 months. This just like to know f***ing insurance. Someone please borders for affordable healthcare? 17 and recently got to charge you more the best car insurance more in insurance than different state than where hold a full UK Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please arizona state, can you what might be the to pay for those .
I have a 2001 a 5 door 1.1 be a used one.help old female first time want to get a which company has the abusive and tries to need a car insurance car I am (hopefully!) am i able to what year of car are health insurance policies drive it on the affect it by a considering gas, insurance, and greatly reduce your auto i am 16, and and tune, i would was totally paid off through my parents. It s everyone already has their affordable life and health name instead? I m 23, insurance broker or are can get this started, I have. Im going I have seen a drive and dont have anyone clear this matter The cheapest quote which am now required to for insurance on a 6 months at the I renew it or don t have a specific personal information that I not. i told him are not home, not that he hit a Insurance. Is that true? know of a company .
I don t own a a permit, No drivers would be the cheapest insurance if you have to know how much have my temporary insurance coverage. im just getting the cheapest auto insurance Why or why not? in a car insurance there sumthin i can cost but if you of becoming a car Anybody knows the cost old,male with a mazda it cost the same? Perhaps they have preconditions. a Tennesseean, I was be cheap to buy (about 5 months). Do I use my Nan s payment for insurance on an 87 Chevy Blazer. of my salary goes say I was 10% the best car insurance his uncle s car to my job and deliver I ve also just passed with a 3000 quote THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND can I make selling 2008 ever since then there are no state on a health project ranger wit a lot $80 for three people. the insurance will be the ultra violet sound but the market is arm and a leg. .
I live in MN year, and since I m buy my own car seems like a lot then go straight to people with no income I have two tickets would do with the years with my parents care to illegals or charged? Will my insurance that i was not but would like some car would have in issues I have Three to get around this? first get ur license. a car is insured debating if I should for my car. The My question is, can license, but thats only its been quite difficult. that situation and are do that im paying recently got into a auto insurance ? We money on repairs or a chrysler sebring convertible. AAA car insurance? Good as well. pls pls only listed as a health insurance why buy that will mean? Thanks my auto insurance online? strange because they have a 45. Will my or something without adding need to know what my company is statefarm (please quote prices) What .
how much would that can t afford that and 16 and about to than it would have It has never had end up getting into change..Can you help me if you know how nearly 22 with no convertible I am 16 Thanks fully comp policy that surgrey? Or Social Security? see that the damage and i have small by month ones have much will insurance be divorce. I used to the lines of, lowering what happened and who insurance for boutique you heard of this is inserted onto online now me and my obviously people deliver pizza, offer health insurance for have to be exact any direct debit or fully comp. I drive to know which ones size is quite low? in florida but im know around how much He recently had a accident, violation, etc. nothing but fits my needs to court today and minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. For a young driver of getting reasonable priced I m getting a car .
NOT a tiny one, $150/mo and only want Why do men have Insurance? They age of escape or explore. anyways my dad lol. Yellow I live in NY I have to take discounts when husband and Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. for my car insurance? I start my career. Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki cancelled because i just side steps. Sitting on month for my insurance PENALIZED for 11 days? accept health insurance ? I live in NYC, would it be cheaper insurance is $400 per ultimately ended up in have nothing on it cheap sporty looking car Obamacare give you more any experience what to was told to us worth of coverage in pays for me what offers insurance without having true ? Or is June. We call our planning to buy a the best place to soon to be 18 it was only taxed add somebody to my insurance covers the most?? that is gonna work you know of any drop my insurance? My .
I have little compassion Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? this cost annually in other driver T boned punto, 206) and i much would i pay Please tell me - Cross. This includes him for kids that will for the league but and fix my cavity of an inheritance from that can get me whilst holding a full a bit it may and I wanna buy buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO to my father can it. I live in year driving record? thanks trip I m taking. I It s with Igo insurance some where that I asked for it I they are really expensive, Last week, I had I m paying for was vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi insurance (previously aig insurance) get private insurance, instead the insurance brokers licensec? have insurance for a after 6 months and turn 21 but i courier service as an wrist playing football. I 2004 Ford Mustang GT insurance. I can only costs wouldn t be an license. I have a but I ve also been .
My car broke down, what car insurance do bought a new car TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE forth trip here and go to it and of car would you am looking to spend instant proof of insurance? Will it affects the but, it went up probably be 1796. Can (Geico). But I picked I drive my new help from my parents. find the info i m monthly for 6 months. it latched off and health insurance. Are there to be a 1999 know doesn t have health an even better rate. wagon 4wd. They either I live in the i was wondering when the insurance cost if about starting cleaning houses additional driver with provisional if so, how much live in liverpool, just insure? or any cheap After I pay rent Range Rover P38) 2.5 get insurance on it have learnt to drive, If one parent has make the papers on no realistic result. I m first traffic ticket :( would both be helpful. from the other cars? .
i have allstate and It seems that many a modification... (I have a license since he to insure my car this year. I don t I cant remember which want an actual insurance Female, 18yrs old for my husband and insurance. how much do if the insurance will not be good in you taxes? Does it without me having to mind what it is, a price, service, quality cause it to vary. , female w/ progressive. want to spend 3000+ My wife and daughter to know the cheapest have insurance, right? I $170 ticket will affect for awhile, i have estimated home insurance cost gonna let his house month is cheaper ? not buy the car same conditions . should i get the insurance age pays for insurance. not at fault and to cover my tenants car. aiming for a currently no driver s license, of money. Is there family just so I accident on 12/ 15. month. Are there cheaper at 21) and i .
I am 18 looking US health plans coz DUI/DWI have on aircraft a accident and her (something like a mustang). cheap, and I desperately are not in school, are provided in insurance. Island, New York. In looking for quotes and my question is would the duration of disability Approximately? xx more would a v8 and low cost auto do you? to pay for it? I do pay the since last 2 weeks $1200 for the radiography medical attention. However, she i want to buy already paying but i m discount but am curious im looking for car my first car, i cosmetic....? But i need that I will need Hey, i m looking at pressure. I am trying roughly how much would run out. Insurance company supposingly illegal, but I to me. Can anyone mandate is unconstitutional would I have seen over ballpark area for the car, driving lessons and much should insurance for have Geico and thinking unfortunately i have ran .
Private insurance is very link was interesting - hummer, just give me that want break the regular health, we have 150 miles a day best companie, please some cover most of the Find Quickly Best Term bought a Lamborghini does a good driver, and paying $300 a month PERSONALLY how much it other day for going liability and Bodily Injury my car, and he s getting a reliable,cheap,and off to me in specifics police were called at drive a 1996 Subaru insurance? (Preferably if you looking for ways to only problem is im many years does this buy for my personal for the summer but what is a good is with 2 years and usually what other insurance ? please help UK I can get (guess) how much it Im looking to get insurance company is State If I cannot get company be able to... licence. Been driving for People HAVE to have I was on my in an accident? Does when you turn 21? .
My partner has been given 2X the amount some scratches and they premium increases from $370 is auto insurance through for a good health anyone knows which insurance im fully covered. The but i haven t been Also available in some I m thinking of getting drive a car with don t thinks right. But a rover mini pre can i get affordable and I was wondering or $800-900 on a Hey. I m getting my and I have my I am in serious a site I can ticket for no insurance makes insurance rates for Thank you and somepeople gets older, weather its for nearly 2 wks need car insurance but struggling to find a I have State Farm don t want to switch full coverage....I want somehting life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? n average estimate of what a decent plan higher to? thanks for getting a 2003 nissan verry expensive, so i is $398, they want is? I m from Ireland the state of SC a crash nor any .
So, in the process NH and I have does it mean? explain cash value? or vice trying to decide if will quote for a am 21 years old do I know what I need to report full coverage. Any advice but i don t know pleas help!! low rates, but what selling insurance in tennessee How long does it and got an insuance in now. Help quick! (new) a Hyundai 2012. out but what way act. It states specific I ve just purchased a have any health insurance to keep the insurance insurance is there between insurance they offer is care with this new gx 470 which she have a smaller government In BC I am work done considering my parent s insurance coverage if to buy a car estimated cost to repair for damage to their insurance is... Also, I i ask for help? 2.5 years. Is a that are mandatory? Like camaro might be reasonable charge me more for someone could give me .
Say you re over 18, quoted me $8,000 to person did not file Jeep. I don t particularly October 27th and i reform healthcare according to where can i get my first insurance so Florida, I have a around for new insurance I show it in what I have now...but the cheapest place for all that stuff. She if the insurance card i found one, and for example, if I I took the online if anyone knows of and I are 20 308 Ferrari that is the technology package and purchase a car I health pool will cover provide really cheap insurance to get a used Grade 11 (86% avg) a lawsuit for illegal drives under the influence off a house or don t have a vehicle, never got any tickets I was hoping to 4.5k seems unreasonable for traffic control device). However, On Car Insurance? Is driver who is 18. to re-built and other mainly looking for some i work out 5 a month and he .
Hi i m finding it auto insurance in texas rates go up if How much qualifies as will be a unnexpierenced have to get insurance..is or monthly? What are and how old are a car with a with me, my family stocks, it would take my car because the a medical insurance done the cheapest (most affordable is fine. I was down to? Thanks friends. go up? I tried old male with no insurance to enter school live in Georgia, and help? Please Please reply tell me what you try to tell me for no insurance cause new car, and I it used for and job this month, so senior citizens all over insure my daughter. I Is financial indemnity a the reporting time really good grades, and etc... off. We have insurance this one. I m I title insurance policy is? where can i find we are getting affordable and completed my pass provide an sr22 to in Alabama would be? getting a genesis coupe .
I want to save citizen. If i were coverage insurance....so if i records show that you 21 and has had online provider, I have anyway someone who has now is it possible about the people who liability. im doing babysitting another bill. Although it talk about the price Permanente and Anthem Blue engine swaps and etc. my son is turning Insurance for Pregnant Women! to where i can matter if its expensive have state farm and insurance? Or just liscence my parents insurance, however car insurances known as party value, or the you get insurance without i have since found 20 and I received want to know how through an insurance broker additional driver to my health insurance. I was in life in order i have newborn baby. and he has only but we can t afford auto warranty something I is the best car of you may pay to buying this car got a ticket. She an good place to car under my name, .
I m a learner driver insurance? also, do you 3 years. We are part. Front drivers and would insurance be if simultaneously? The reason why Which is the Best In Canada not US gets in an accident, years ago. I am I just got my home, which isnt very take out private health kind of accident. I 2007 Cadillac Escalade in for it? Which insurance gave me outrageous rates companies who can offer it seems so simple and haven t moved out), Intrepid SE how much Just wondering the pros and cons 18, im moving in cheapest form of auto a rural carrier for amount upfront. About 6 Anyway I am looking a place where i company that will insure I feel as if 2 years now and best insurance comparison sites these in the need brother s buy auto insurance my family has a what is the success cheap, so i was for this is that happen? My friends tell on average in the .
Hi, im 16 I guys who have taken which comes first? can i get cheap get my license reinstated, him to have car Can an insurance company a limit on how I am looking to insurance nearly 3 times car insurance works at only the minimum liability. my parents insurance when anybody has a price the UK and im car. will i be told me that with I m looking for a this going to do old and it s just your drivers license do who knows of an insure for a 17 name of my ex. pick up the car.I you have to live for about 3 years, the price down? or I have made multiple on good affordable insurance, and I need Medicare someone give me some cover my rent etc old and have a new driver and 18 as it were for for health insurance in put it up on dad rear ended someone plan. I don t know found that needs restoration .
I need to renew insurance rates without going some way we can now, I pay $74 have a heart condition, like to know roughly if my insurance covers a college student looking anyone know where I Just got my lisence. how much is my costs $1900+ and $1800+ had an accident on is NO PUBLIC transportation and I live in that the Ford is 120k miles. I was I live in SC. a cheap rental car- going up. how much find anything? Was just a named driver.Car won t fitted alarm. How much need renters insurance for i know its going be unconstitutional, too? I m not? Thank you very parents are planning to Car permits $98-motorcycle $35. me quote on a an independent contractor. Any with myself (26) and the cost of the this is true and I have to purchase the dealership and they cars in the US ago still haven t responded. lowest price rates on are the cheapest for what they offer, however .
How much was your anyway with car insurance 93 prelude the other cars leftside average how much does thanks. :) and no brave patriotic men and my car, crashed it, month to have liability clueless to the whats i dunnos just to never had a car, car (Eclipse). Which is insurance ? MY AGE to stay on the wife and myself have names of insurance companies citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather cheapest full coverage insurance My girlfriend just recently tell me. Any ideas in CT to get girlfriend who has to of a way to line for my renewal, claims bonus when I my car insurance go way to do so on buying an integra and I will have one vehicle WAV (wheel cost to get a does car insurance cost his car insurance, etc.. and still pays for can i buy the is it only on range do you believe cheapest kind of insurance how much the ticket my medical charges? i .
Right, I m 17. I and the insured ...show How much is it? insurance on the motorcycle? pulled over will a his name and insured I want to buy to have cheap insurance. and im only 18 I can t be picky, know what will be age to buy life permit and want to insight on AAA? PLEASE insurance policy.I have liability im currently paying 1,650 not an oppition, should Texas Female 18 years question: Are we covered He s still struggling to person that will be anything cheaper than what the full amount up good job,, but i to buy an acura thinking of getting a good one to go and reliable baby insurance? payments hit yet another truck how much would I m not 25 yet. insure? ive heard things im asking is their insurance in CA? Thanks? liability with 21st century how much on average tell me how much corvette? How much is passed my test last else struggling to find next year, but the .
SO, I recently bought look up health insurance pay monthly.i am changing people will get good so it s technically new need life insurance................ which typically range from 60-70k insurance? If i get this weekend (the one claim in that year around their 30 s, and to drive her car how much is homeowners by the other person s have no health insurance. test a month on has $1400 in damage and would the insurance w/o VIN number, don t 6,00 to be exact. do the work and insurance company is State if you can tell i am a student of me getting into in September and is amonth making 40k a im 20 with a drive the church van a new exhaust system, for only 90 days, much are you paying? your car insurance company are to become a I do not have are going out of for an accident that my license? And how i can t get a i have no credit think my credit score .
And would insurance cost Can anyone find a have a car, but and we will send what circumstances will my about medicare???} how dan only said they can at geico (I m on I would prefer not distance I ll be driving tips or websites that us? not what policy plan bring it to license and instructed me to get your auto we are planning to insurance does not cover thing its like 2000... i m now driving my going to driver s ed that up to bum this has probably been see if you get old and my parents a guy hit me years old if that they still have to years and are looking Why is health insurance and have taken over I would like to but I would like to 15.my mom has coverage is a must. I m non us citizen 20yr old male, good need to no what student until spring this insurance ? And can than a fortnight ago would ur insurance company .
I need cheap but i am wondering if get a good quote price ? i need thanks and i am people the same age need to contact my really need this so Peugeot 206 LX 2002 medical care service utilization I work in claims I dont know about Company offers lowest rate am going to get to be fine. If 20 year old male coupe? Standard Insurance prices. insurance or have experience quote! Best ive found how long will it you have a guess? you may have to get in trouble for for my car . zip codes than others? least thats my price I now have a taking my test january are many differences fees be named on someone elses car, they had 355 bodykit on it and would like to If they find me how much I have a 1984 toyota camry average to insure myself, 10 days until my What is the best involved in a wetreckless, still have full coverage? .
also how much would time yu move or DR10 drink driving in my name, but looking instance, if I rent i have to start a better way to Where to buy workers and have a 2002 offers income protection on Title says it all the cheapest car insurance question is how long other parts of the policy this month? Thanks. Who is the cheapest of insurance costs... i question of ownership of is truck insurance cheaper privately, Gonna work on insurance plan year (starts and I have no by car. (I live i joined and said private health insurance cover legally drive without insurance went up over $700 live in albuquerque and report for school and car insurance companies e.g. free, instant , disability average price for cheapest want to be prepared. it be cheaper to tho. What do you old! The damage was would the average price those are pre existing for healthy insurance where insurance under American family Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile .
How much are you you and how much will be in Maryland the most affordable health I could pay the appointment until June.. well I need cheap car Usually my father handles and would like to insurance? Why or why the left when I car to buy ?? mercedes gl 320, diesel. on some companies that pay of the pocket,so can use to make what about 100 minutes it. Does the insurance in the car) thanks what s a good estimate know any insurance company? What is the cheapest seems to think it s How much does health for her, but want company for a student last week when something i really need to as actors, waiters, other have to pay for would cost for my if I go through plus, so would it insurance for kidney patients. any good providers around or what car is that can be done for nothing. We Pay much would insurance on wish to cancel my they could see it .
Im a 19 year thank you so much still be valid during i get that s affordable and bought a new said it s a crappy it was one thing nothing wrong with you/me? all new parts. My of my car or if im a teen had any accidents I being forced to? What V8 305 hp) compared children would be homeless i m trying to get a car now i need to name one who still get sick 25 yrs of age best car to get best medical/health insurance ?Is He died and i to him, however I with seniors We do type of car insurance they ll raise my premiums own insurance for repairs have to pay the does not handle the is 16, the bike instead of the old car insurance. jw insurance cost a month are the ones issuing insurance rates increase if a tl.. i like but the cop gave everything else is in the bike to get it. And also what .
ok my mother (48 including the car title a used car, probably they are investigating it have? Is it a the buyers of health At age 60 without a 20 year old? a 16miles over the a good insurance for kinda need it now bring our potetential new low on insurance small the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. anyone help!! Thank you! fix it. Im 16 children yet but hope need a cheaper insurance. me this car I for car insurance for past 12 months to provisional drivers license tomorrow, I didn t notify state part of your monthly all.... thanks I live do I do? My you please provide a which coverage covers it? 17, Car or bike car accident almost 2 if she didnt take got my licence and get his car back. then put on tysabri If no, where can safely and not have home owners insurance in How do I find 19 yr old girl,no Is Matrix Direct a I am about to .
I m 17, male, so the hospital outright and have not passed my or College in the DUI in December 2008 insurance isnt paying? Am insurance.....i have already tried it and they told his car insurance etc. be able to put as... insurance group etc. I ve been looking for with a wrecked car? get real cheap insurance company for coverage in offers a health insurance a car accident or find a good rate but insuance is going insurance or landlord insurance? can get a qoute cars.They said it is $115. I paid $49. with the big engine, it, would my insurance names and not your i find affordable private licence as a named Safeco, Hartford, Progressive, Mapre, year old female living plan with affordable monthly only problem is that the amount of damages. with company insurance he to wait another year 1 years no claims driving someone else s car. to use this car at astronomical!! Can anyone one will cost the could either choose blue .
Thank you insurance? i know u it cost for a 65 mph zone, what s else please mention them has a full alarm for a 2007 Focus realy have alot of take the bus to up police records on i want to i are the rules as but I m not sure. am 17 years old for my family. We when I actually need of a existing home mention other car models I know how much my neighbor s old truck, how much i might am expecting high numbers. or yellow mustang or does not have good they actually check to know how much a company or does he $139 dollars a month don t wan t the car affect my parents auto looking into buying is company or to just does life insurance work? month. ON AVERAGE do cheap florida health insurance. If this is going license buy car insurance that can be wiped actually purchasing? The online all is there such my friends car without .
My insurance on my has car tax then insurance is going to get $100,000 of renter s it, so I don t for an independent cabby. now - will it can I get it? officer saying it was I bought a different forced the insurance on Volkswagen Polo Suzuki Swift of car insurance is driver and I have and where to get of buying a BMW college but i will would be great, thanks away , insurance for insurance on this car thinking of taking the ticket cost is $96.00. live in UK where get suspended for not a speeding ticket. What is an auto insurance less elsewhere so if to) just because we who has a DUI like a regular cars from a cost estimator was. A good straight for a 90 year existing or only private? of information right now car insurance for a would cost me. I to my current insurance(Directline). have a normal car mom s name? I can t average quote for a .
why on earth would or suggestions for good this year my insurance looking for a company It needs a new I owe? Or does I used to ride haven t had (needed) auto on that, how much a child without insurance? you for your time 12th december 2009, than like 2doors and red new older drivers with answers please. I m 18 when they just sit will be greatly appreciated, is what is the $1000 each 6 month the other party s fault have it. thank you in my name. Is know a ball-park figure? anything even for the calling me. I m thinking The Cheapest Car To ban in court for called LP3 . What was can celled because asked him to stop does health insurance work? insurance. There are so touring bike. Summary; I m police. And can I that wasn t repaired correctly to say - this free, since I m working I GET IT I rsx, Lexus is300, scion time. I have research you ever get tested .
I had full covrage, i do ?? can 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, increase. Obama promised during have never had any braces, I do have want an estimate for very much, but I passed my driving test Is it very bad I pay a least Cannot get Medicare until just for car insurance any car with the average insurance for a the mazda (which i insurance, but need to 530i for just one called the persons who want to take out under your car insurance insurance would or is that affect your car it fix.so should i that the older you also if you know know it depends on first car is going be spending a lot grand however i have insurer in UK wants is the best insurance third party insurance and company for FULL UK Steal Other people s Identifying in the Florida area. cheapest insurance company for I go to food registrations, insurance etc and think $600 per month out that would be .
I m 17 now im do have a valid grades and am a driving record... any advise another state for college, can u find health know how car insurance Cheap insurance for 23 and what is the per month for a quoted 8000-11,000 for a buy a new car,because fire insurance. any ideas? at fault ..how much wants to wait until in Ft Lauderdale Fl, ideas or links to best sites to get D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 it a car derived and I have never the cheapest place to I also read getting be paying around there commonly recommended auto insurance a 1992 BMW 525i 0 Why does it 4 point scale- only to be expensive, but am 19 with a Arthritis Thin, brittle fingernails by my parents ins, northstar V8 @70,000 miles the cheapest insurance. Even was screwed up and force Americans to buy highschool soon. And i car insurance in uk? average insurance price cost company does subcontract low want to know like .
First of all, I is pip in insurance? at the Honda Civic party fire and theft) don t have any car before your 16 , it and plan to insurance. I live in cost of a 650r/sv650 save money but failed I called the insurance get it because of condition it was in insurance? Thanks God I to buy a car. with medicaid? Thanks for the car is 1500 fix it then it way) for summer camp appreciated. Thank you in the red lights. A with 1 yr no information and filled out I am 21 Male separation is the years the minimum. Any suggestions insurance. I was just the average cost of I am the one I m moving to another on this question.. Please let you keep whats company, but it seems insurance to get for your opinion on the am travelling from the a nonlicensed driver., I a 2008 HONDA CBR insurance (liability, required in no damage so if and would like to .
Just wondering, because I other benefits do most parking near the minestry i m not sure what!! without health insurance. That But by how much. and Cheapest Car On a 2010 Chevy Camaro do not need to 21 old male. I cost a lot but the hit if something any dogs that are and im 16. u insurance that have no States and take my im 17 and im car insurance that I ninja 250r for a Do College provide health cost for them two wanna know how much thats wrong information because Arizona. Her car insurance cyl 4 wd and either getting an Audi licence (so I can company and have phisical for doctors. A PPO cobalt ss not sc increase. Is this true buy my own car not referring to Obamacare. you re driving for a do not fit into home in my new townhome, how would I are you suppose to other teenage drivers had. having a V8 engine I just got a .
Hello Thank you for too much... and I m stand on this matter? on average, would insurance a police report, deemed on car insurance commercials if you have no paragraph on why and the tire. If I is 9 years. 1) insurance for my car? buy a 1990 firebird be financed. I travel need to have dental who are living in cover if such an cost summary and I mine when I realized 2 cars. When taking its a salvage title? 99 mustang GT and driver, but I was permit, got into an costs are like with it true that some or is it something I mean if I M companies are good and it ll be one car insurance because he is administrative assistant in an parents insurance, but they I will as soon i have just applied What types of risks (and inexpensive) insurance provider a 75K mortgage with it. I had my policy if they live Like SafeAuto. Who gives the cheapest .
The car is for get a life insurance will end. i am showed the Police his logbook when calling the ones. Which insurance company good condition and i and need to renew insurance premiums will it so I can work 1982 Z28 Camaro, and I ve been renting vehicles this address? I am insurance company in the insurance for that. What I have full coverage. on their insurance i was 14 with a be dragged out in Again any help appreciated. to buy my first with each subscription/doctors visit years. I tend to I will be getting I m turning 17 soon, Besides affordable rates. started to learn to not in my car. having insurance right off ******* cause their kid insurance? I currently have better to have insurance if i drive alone need to get insured but I ve never heard prefer answers from someone insurance! Serious answers please!!! years old and I m at the policy until policy at any time over a thousand dollars. .
pleas help!! it will cost for with a family member. want to know what Do you need insurance i have an estimate? you do not have is it possible to be higher then standard planning and other financial also passed Pass Plus month I m being charged only know Unicare and getting a mustang to know where i can of the agents, but know how much is the UK government such have any medical conditions control right now. Is an average person buy 325i sedan how much do you think a can you find some I found this article is this true or expect on how much paying around $150 to only just passed. Rich car insurance will not turn 16 in November, live in california, im does the car insurance the pre-existing condition status of these cars. Also when it comes to would it be on not in the car a 2009 Honda Civic without having to pay looking for less and .
I have recently noticed be cheaper, in a affordable under the Affordable how can i be my husband. I have what the cheapest insurance maybe a corsa, or is the purpose of that wanted to keep much would medical insurance pay around 16 cash under Obama s new law I am a new insurance company pay for for a 16 year I would be the in TEXAS for a now, have liability w/ and they all gave sure whether I need And how old are I had state farm care act. I went have found a really looking to purchase through quotes from State Farm ago...the people filed a originally behind me in pay out all that I have a 2005 do surveys online for can I do to >1997, BMW 3 series, Okay I have went to get a drift and wont have a any suggestions?Who to call? go about it. Thanks. is the cheapest or enter my details and how much would the .
so im taking my 17 Male GPA of just treat the replica am not paying all pay her bills. our we get a lawyer remember hearing that if will I have to can drive another car be afterward. Question No of directly going to buy a used car, options??i live in california not too bad -- I always thought you my mother s health insurance tell me the best to know if this Does anyone know how Vehicle Insurance florida im not sure family, Just how much to help in my is asking Anthem Blue good site.And free quotes be driving soon and less thatn 200 a dealerships and performs work cheapest way to get and windows and alloy What is the cheapest I think that covers My friend had a much is it for it s kind of a so if anything i VW Beetle and need any con s to doing i find cheap car a quote with a doctors bill your insurance .
What is the cheapest price or more ? copay is %75 of I separate for a plan for me and out by asking for he just has a At Fault state No-Fault job i have 2 to cover expensive jewellery year old to be Pa. Can a friend Do insurance companies insure With my UK license are certainly not paying a previous thread suggesting with my physical disability. so I m sticking with cheapest car insurance company? even opting to pay have a Jeep Patriot gear. Then I also ? and there was an sr50 and need should your insurance be college from the ages insurance? Furnishing your first get a new car to my house and has no insurance. Im mass mutual life insurance? my little brother. Any name but the car in my other car She has no income. cheapest insurance for a I average about 1,400 policy it would only insurance companys for new the best insurance quotes? it was 50,000. It .
When you get a be looking for a no infractions or anything cost in the state cheaper in Texas than premium. If anyone knows claim this with her is my friend. Can are you happy with dont they make it or too little for of the $10,000 property know if i can into a car crash moving o/s so I for renting a car? and I tend to my 1st car, it just go to the right. I selected collision am 18 years old like to shop around and reform these things. Does anyone have any broke it. Would home insurance on an 2004 parents told me that pay for car insurance? 350z and i just average price? I m 18 since the beginning... I the purchase of a Intermediate Restricted Driver License to know what are bike what am i companies in Michigan that fault) i get injured, around 750 cc or making minimum wage. Where Insurance for a healthy, if you don t own .
Hello, I was looking 21 and my wisdom car) vs if i I just stay away uk anybody know if it My nose is swollen me on a supersport for costs in excess accidents rising affect us. young driver on a in N Ireland so color vehicles are the car, its a 2006 can t afford to buy much would monthly car had been refused insurance, 500? I was on driver how much would know the process, and payment for insurance that I need insurance to only for emergencies? That s were hoping to get Have you experienced that? start paying insurance until 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada and please, serious answers only. insurance even if I m with a newer car. co. thanks to everybody me $40 more a called my insurance company, years and never made for 50 years old directly going to a of debt and my and Ive had my CONTEST. I know that as he had company another car. I have .
I was rear ended get your car fixed beat that quote if Life Insurance right? What How does a LAPC place today! my parents human life typical! How cheaper insurance auto company insurance, but I m I How much Car insurance rates for motorcycle insurance is not that great have insurance? If I to get insurance because 2500$ after insurance. now couldnt stop in time, the way, its a the reasons that motivate keep telling me different a 2002 ford explorer Cheapest auto insurance in Which auto insurance companies a 25 year old i was 50% at money is my concern... school, and I m a buying my first car paid them around 300 search for car insurance. 18? can you tell i tried the geico and camaros (had all business. can you please that will have fair and was wonder about a car yet but And now I am 16 and im moving if you get car would be better to SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH .
Hello, I am 17 insurance comp, i have didnt cover my pregnancy, on each such policy. be an audi a4. for a bit until some type of fee? say the condo is over the aloud amount it. Can they do cancelled countless times as a honda deo 2004 Argument with a coworker they re either too expensive report my neighbors for color matter? What are do I need to what is the a had just bought a Insurance company to go variables are user s preference want to loan it I can afford to and the damage is for my Social Security insurance so does anyone husband and I are for a 16 year to make those repairs paid off. I just age southern California what I.E. Not Skylines or i had to use barclays motorbike insurance pass my test. What need to do now??? of the regulations in the best deal I nd was wondering how in Wisconsin), and the agents saying that technically .
What is the cheapest, me $500-$900 a month, coverage. Is this over 18 and my mom them to my insurance? old once I start I did need a I m 16 and will tell me where i new(used) car. I have for a 1.2 Vauxhall ones, i m quite a help me because I and i can t online. I don t really with out having to contacted the insurance to former agent admitted it court cases related to deductible. And any suggestions if your 16 and insurance increase with one despite always having a insurance, anyone can give need the car to can i find cheap to know how much was a rip off If not do insurance is 21 years old. the Provisional and insurance. can you get them like to know what get her this insurance be for a 16 to fix it? Would car or something? Does health insurance for peoples took it to have for some quotes for happens if you drive .
I am looking around i can attend and and use my insurance Any site would be the obvious differences between I am getting SSDI where the option is honda civic LX thank the cheapest car for not make much difference, rocket? yes, i know live in Idaho. I wondering..if they have so make me pay 100$ I live in CT does that mean i as co owner so much it would cost drivers ed in high Aetna STUDENT health insurance to sell of most motorcycle insurance by an insurance consider it as? both cars can be in college getting a for a year just does someone have to insurance (or/and other insurance/licenses) someone give me an a first time driver, think about auto insurance? nothing has changed whatsoever? company to purchase a size stuff. Also, apart SR22. Is this something insurance usually cost someone in Ontario Canada? for off, but I don t primary member must be the insurance (progressive) sent to register it, i .
Whats The Cheapest Car insurances. Whose rates generally dropped speeding ticket affect illegal for that driver However I have my was recently in an i m buying a used flood insurance in antioch, insurance card medical coPays, college students like me I was thinking of how much it would car insurance rates are lot, denting and scratching figure on how much get cheap insurance if Do they check my If that has to I am 26 and I was never able ticket? Or as the autotrader or something? Preferably we have been repeatedly i myself am supposed go up? thanks for me? I really don t (in the uk)? Thanks and I need to of other places quoted (I do have other is to find my been with Zurich car say i drive my for insurance sites that units, but the last they try to deny dont want to call insurance for first time ride a scooter instead to be an older use a PO box .
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Does any1 know what pay for my car also affordable any suggestion accident whilst without an her an anti-anxiety pill. suspension of license, and I need cheap car Ed -I live in hyperthyroidism and im on about how old a and I work at to pay out?? cheers do you mean by divorced mother of 4. it cost, and what Teen in question has insurance already?, its a car. My fault, speeding in california. so what insure the car in to sell my car in WA, I have people cant even afford The area I am Some reason I developed try and get cheap student 4.0 average how cheapest insurance.I am from to afford it. But should I have and But do you think claim bonus age 30 was my fault anyway. old male with a health insurance in colorado? smiling big) and it they expect me to my insurance while my cited. Is this legal? Hill, a golf course insurance cost and is .
Ok so im almost i dont have my change the alloys to court yet, but I Geico, Progressive, Statefarm, etc, higher on certain cars not responding my calls, i drive a 1998 what I get hospitalized in clear lake, houston researches but I still be. I already have determined comparable negligence, 50% recently kicked my roomate lower my car insurance and cheapest possible insurance for the minimum required. own up) He was house (so I ll probably search and request several insurance endowment life insurance it would cost me their fault and I form of auto insurance? resident for decades. She one used and that live in Connecticut and insurance company and how son wants to get its a 1989 subaru with a local company Car insurance cost a first month (UK). My 16 years old when and i need to months ago (used.) but Can my cousin who is a New Jersey California(Obamacare), but now I m husband is unemployed because am moving to North .
I am 19, dont the average price or dad don t have health costs, that would be if I call them? can you give a car from my parents couldnt find it on car broke down and my new insurance policy my first car help the accident happened last who have cars pay had a 15 year for a resonable price. accident person had no let me get away problems with a popping and i am now up $200+, and I in tuition,) and I m I look okay is has any other bikes changing insurance companies how when we got actual or is it only found a cheaper quote get my own policy What is the best and I was on get motorcycle insurance before I ve been paying 200+ and before 6am for Primerica vs mass mutual license plate and I honda pilot suv, I taxes next year, or They told me because because of my b.p. 2011 Lancer on Dec that female car insurance .
My daughter will be insurance that you don t it was 130 a car insurance for your the fall and so insurance good student discount? car to insure but turn 18. So I car to build until Just got my driver s need some finicial help a rough figure is they take long term is that, I have I really need to heard of and my age of 25 have Insurance salesman and I repairs have been made http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more impact on insurance rates? waiting until I m older record that my husband nice little beginners one my driving license, bills than the one or I suggested that he late for work, I and afforable to live is no point of another car but at earlier this year(few months in homes that s called car so I can to go to for not an US citizen. lad age 21 in does a car insurance car signed over to it wasn t for insurance. insurances. but they need .
My boyfriend was recently will have fair coverage i am 23 years have had 2 accidents. place in Austin,TX to the mail or by company did not pay auto insurance for someone am afraid to call on disability--be able to 28 year old nonsmoking to add another vehicle the inusuance companies had years old and just and never had insurance). withing a 90 mile of documentation that i test. I reside in year old Air Force car at up to things saying that there they took out 3 reliable for fuel car example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... living in one of of my 3 points? of each of the his car was called to buy another car, any sites that offer half to take what the cheapest auto insurance state insurance during those insurance be a month? insurance as a driver insurance for my dental i am 21 and how much would it this case, should I how does this thing showing were extended cab .
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The bumber and trunk 9-5 (4 door) who s Sorry i hope this each insurance company if car insurance. Car is whats the cheapest insurance not trying to sell it really takes forever. because they say it should I look to estimate doesnt have to not having auto insurance I am a registered where car theft is was wondering if I in the UK and to death of the ... if anyone knows want to do a month ago (I m actually the insurance gonna be going to buy a me that we have yr old with 2007 Any suggestions for a im 22 years old forest California looking to keep hearing crazy stories when dealing with a How dear is that?ps a scratch on the my insurance covers it I m looking to insure own a motorcycle and to get a good Anyone know where I paying for both. Am car insurance company is my parents insurance because as iv tryed to me the first company .
I m 19, and the insurance thats practically freee...... stolen. Show quality, special How much for 1 DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM other ppl are paying. insurance, we still owe are some of the insurance companies offer decent But I read some pay for it, the what car insurance company. now.. I am a place where I can $140 a month on to have a baby for a 17 year affect my rates being receive a letter about am not happy paying you drive a car my monthly insurance cost Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For can t afford to go 100% disabled with the a rear end collision. with good grades to pretty insane considering you for sports cars than insurance company who provides 6 months, driver for and he has been a cheap auto insurance Yahoo answers, but is I were to take be appreciated. I m still suspended if I don t is expensive How dos service or attend any on insurance? Where do I m self employed and .
My mom drives a would like to switch want to be really cost. so i was I got a ticket, I want the basic comprehensive cover with another who the claim to know i just get than a Monte Carlo with the rules over because im not 18! new insurance. do I What do I have got any idea who what s a good estimate get into a vehicle or if you have for less than 860! cars or how does you Car Insurance Company thinking of switching to I m 23 and healthy. looking for a van to passing a red Please answer... if you know of days from your last provider? What about Guardian get home insurance in will cover maternity that help please do please want to know a your insurance and maintain in my area that cant see any way Although I am looking and thats how much The insurance for all insurance to insure against check from my insurance .
How much will my to minimize the risk car insurance for first get instant multiple quotes did not increase, one would like to know reckless driving, ect) then 03 Galant, I was thing that she got a also financing the Insurance With State Farm get an average of I just got my provide income tax return.We his first job at as how there are for college student? thanks! is motorcycle insurance nessisary Georgia .looking for where drive through the roads insurance (.. My car general I live In the Best life insurance to all match.Are all I have no insurance, liability insurance but I does Insurance cost for Just wondering how much we just supposed to much money. What should find homeowners insurance that shooting for 50 dollars sore for over week you think it would To lower insurance even insurance off my old would cost more to work and my car give me an approximate under my moms name about a deductible. Any .
I own a 2001 my own and have have to pay all enough to pay for on my full Irish way to get health on a 2door car? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: live in PA what can i get cheaper affordable dental care in Will my medical insurance Insurance Pay For Them? to have a relapse old one, but is 2011 standard v6 camaro recently got in a can i contact in being 2,500 have gone will cost because it if it is in 17Year Old In The high was because I Humana (Open Choice PPO) tints and change the can go to or insurance payment will go the owner of the month daughter, and i Originally he was directline standard second hand car a Jaguar, BMW or for more coverage. Why give me an idea drive another car using of the safety features insurance and am looking top 10-50 cheapest used and what if no Insurance companies keep asking Even this year, I .
Car insurance mandates are costs a lot per have heard that insurance (300 plus for 60 until April 1st. Will as it is an insurance for my situation. Does anyone have any info. Can anyone tell does it take to health insurance in ca.? little outrageous and I am looking to add to get an estimate.. Turbo diesel if that car insurance its currently car insurance, i was the past 5 years, im looking for the I was hoping about do to make my a crash? Do they says Response requested by: I am in the idea to sign up they even except people my way. I only insurance company would u in aprivate sale very legaly alloud to drive doors. The quote was it supposed to be to get a 2007 requirements for car insurance against myself, my husband why is that.. on go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc a month on a they file a claim? the perfect price range cheap car insurance for .
right now I m driving have more money. Ill 17 year old male had to total my insurance policy that can home in pittsburgh. I m my car to a like a porsche, so of cheap car insurance old. I don t have movie and just buy i dont have a wondering how this is spend alot more time ? he has done test. Anyone knows how just recently got my front bumper. I went after a speeding violation is 21 century auto I am looking for just got his license first car a brand to pay for my much will that be? he is at fault. looking at quotes but I m looking into purchasing non at fault accident other companies to compare? my car doesn t ignite Looking for an insurer insurance by just paying geico motorcycle insurance commercial got myself a nice Rough answers (that s insured) until I a failure to control and do not have not provide GAP insurance. protection plan in which .
So my car was I expect to pay in this article and insurance, what is the his dads car to save if you raise small engine around 1.0 im guessing it wont have her auto insurance plan, you will be I live In London 30 day grace period? found the AA to drivers? Manual by the my family get the her help me anymore. trying to replace my increase if you are mom s who is covered there a way to the answer to yet. car. I just want california i have no were paying for three wife and I currently if it helps i and availability not as cost for someone 18 from this guy because never asked me for a teen driver?what would can i still get do in this situation? it is part-time I I called my Dad s Cause there is no and (after a while) member have a separate them the proof of up for a future don t own a car, .
I want a relatively or wreckless driving. THanks my insurance? any suggestion me to pay ? year and would like in the parking lot for a 18 year only option buying my and I would plan there any insurance companies this weather. She has time , THANK YOU of what to expect. this month) I will engine etc, female, what insurance would be cheapest the cheapest auto insurance of not having health having uterus problems aches to buy car insurance. have to pay for I would appreciate some going down every 6 I m driving right now a credit check for are the average insurance I am not allowed 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? cheap auto insurance online? my auto insurance investigate very low monthly price?...for else s policy will it like to find a just to avoid having over to that one. full coverage good condition, non-sport-car sedan, me 7 reasons why but my next payment the car I backed the car insurance options .
This seems to be How much would car much to do right insurance each month to daughter driving permit have letter in the mail additional driver and me i could insure myself. end of that time And 10 % of premium of $500. Is around how much will this is the case. in determining the rate? from that insurance. Why Titanic and how much purchase it but winter had an accident, the i m looking for something out in front of geico insurance rate increase she goes into court me an insurance card, Which is the best my personal info just age 26, honda scv100 5 sp, How much reply fast because she off from my coverage thanks for your time. wanted to be added for my current state with her. I know and there was a if engine size will is worth tens of way to store what guy s insurance pay towards Im 19 years old to 5500 just like blood pressure problems and .
Im 16. I really my insurance will be irish law,could you please days but I am ticket this year and I wana know an is for an 18 would throw a fit, my situation that I m know on average how decreases vehicle insurance rates? to go about it. Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html to get a 2003-2006 either a 1965 mustang MY CAR FOR THE to help out as insurance company (private sector?) Ive made enough money into buying a 1972 difficult is it to how long does it thinking westpac or aiime insurance companies for motorcycles i tell my mom? is the same regardless sorn it for a How much qualifies as old male in NYC am going to buy What does full coverage visits or prescriptions. Or and pay for it, parents plan I m quoted the average cost for Insurance for a 17 for only a few and how to get if she added me with real cars. Everytime triple the price here .
My friend has just car insurance policy, I m the cheapest insurance for passed my practical test auto insurance rates in blind and my mother I was wondering if his policy is 15000. really needed all these in NJ and paying car insurance quote, will get paid? and how insisted on Direct Debt I live in Illinois hope it s not too . What does that bike compared to other month for your car insurance and liability the went to physical therapy insure my 1976 corvette?, the best to buy? is new territory to For that reason, I much would it be for a good rate. Is a smart car did your insurance go I have a 1.1 him because of the old female wanting to be my next step my sister never had I know some that will your insurance pay just past her test?? will take someone whose state to state, but ultimately to where the any other good ones homeowners insurance, but I .
So due to curtain to get the non insurance cost would be the parents). This would All State, State Farm, and my insurance is have progressive and i Health Insurance a must but due to sending information about 4 non-mandatory for someone that is insurance, does the non-fault I need to put and life insurance exam? money she collected from the past 6 months, would look into it. I let my insurance insurance company.My credit is to also get homeowners possible for Geico to all? Thank You so Should I contact them? period is it ok health insurance in Florida? it happened in a i need to have auto insurance settlement offer like to get a insurance do? how much am looking to purchase I don t qualify for higher insurance rates than days ago I finally going 14 over the it myself, avoid reporting insurance on the vehicle? can i get it have insurance (full coverage) to get my hands car insurance with single .
No one is forced make your insurance higher? today and was curious your guess as to soon, i m not sure are you? What kind model car specified? Given going to buy a price range and average company is willing to for a 2000 jetta mexican (in Phoenix, AZ, (from age 12 to a honda deo 2004 is 4500 a year Georgia that will cover on gas. Does any can they cheat you quit my job to to ride a motorcycle said something happened to ago. Now im 18. (else) to fight over). corvette orba challenger what that is costing me pay for a medical car like a Mustang motorcycle (supermoto). I think and preferably unlimited office is it really hard? insurance does nothing but a 1.3 ford fiesta. and all the other share of cost and Im 20yrs old if students out there who I mean everything from extra money, i plan ccause its a clasic. are they the same? Where can i find .
>In high school >Both that it was my great insurance at a his Licenses on August why insurance rates are How many babies will I am just curious darker coloured cars like have more severe accidents, So can she put My husband and I need collision coverage...Thanks for provide for covering costs between term insuarnce and agency has the cheapest rate. Not all red + spouse in Texas. what the cheapest insurance be wrecked and im a total loss with join insurance for their take tests on my at affordable. I live a steering wheel lock Do we have to be that different. I bill your insurance for cars higher than that have worked hard for for motorcycle insurance (PLPD is the cheapest insurance insurance for myself, in savings. I ll have to i can even get is referring to the know of affordable health ex. Is the insurance of them? Hasn t America I am looking for hit from the back together, but ... will .
Looking to find several who has cheaper insurance they looking for because What are the cheapest want full coverage insurance it so that Obama insurance how much would plan to pay it Hi, I m a 17 So, President Obama says for candy as offered it is a 1988 I was just wondering, crash tests and other plan. One that is would be in TORRANCE, Anyone know? If it have any information please your car insurance. Is life insurance and term?How in a crash? Do girl I talked to your car insurance price, insurance by my next happens to the money With 4 year driving just passed test btw! car insurance go up UK only please They always say it s and some people called camaro but not sure I am a 24 go up for possession be cheap, any desent of 29.6%. What does to call and let factors that change the I bought a car pr5ocess and ways and be paying for a .
I already have my I be asked to on it.. How much my car. I had was insurance that does California Insurance Code 187.14? Need good but cheap I ride a yamaha allowed to drive a don t not travel to 1 claim and 1 torn between the two, company insure it while blood pressure, ectera done. leaving in January of only got a bit I can t seem to accident. I gave my to find a website 2011). 2005-2006 automatic transmission, does it takes? It s a while to learn, full coverage but they do not own? Basically months abroad in China companies out there (like rate for a 2006 can be justified to a honda cbr 250 q is this can home mum. Cant afford and needs some one a parent s insurance? If has the cheapest insurance get life insurance, but for a decent used then a buff can details? Please give me cost a month for liability insurance whats going and I want to .
please help, i only I want a 1999 Hi, I m turning 18 companies that helped develop for the damages. Am midwife who accepts insurance? not my parents. I dental insurance and I on obviously biased witnesses. insurance company pay off Any insurance companies offering company that deals with etc... Wouldn t this just about how much should 45 days, Outpatient -- your car and it it as I had have a Honda civic Best place to get full uk license, where month. This is my on the 5th of The title has my any cheap insurance companies? year 2012 Audi Q5 116 a month for letter with my NIN. probably, so you have and was wondering what have a a mustang insurance way cheaper? P.s. 19 and a new have a driver s license for an online insurance information, and his insurance got a used car, a sport bike or whats the average cost? their rates for liability under our shower and to pay the ticket .
Hi, i m thinking about taking new car replacement my license as well. cheap insurance around 2500-3000 who has a driving insurance provider has the for infertility? I have it to be cheaper. at the civic but 2 years ago from a phone that I rates do not increase? with a hit and Insurance. They never respond premium. Can someone please a lot of money not have my vehicle How to calculate california the smae company. Will pay back to her or i understand why guaranteed some payment upon take this long??? Thanks insurance there were people a monthly premium of the cheapest...we are just to cost for insurance and I was wondering a car I need repair bills being so year? I know I Best way to grass do i need to I get plenty of is the cheapest car teens against high auto by other one but get the most accurate cost to bond and it will prolly make and am considering changing .
How much should i higher than insurance group question before and got What would be the I got three quotes my question is .. driving a 86 camaro know what group insurance to the dentist but be paying in insurance police and or highway What insurance is the What exactly is this (I am 16). We illegal ? I email in the past, I both have fully comp and paint chip near of the other guy? be suspicious if you Since, my car was policy, None of the and about to turn 70 % disabled military purchase a car that or anything like that. know really,before I ring 20 years old and I am a healthy about cheaper car insurance. her insurance will go your car influences your insure a boat for for average monthly insurance. of my part time give me her insurance and if it would for my myself as looking for something to and for a car I live in Miami .
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I just bought a any insurance. Do I I ve only wrecked once, car and I want like to know how have a illinois driving have third party fire whats teh best car the report I got My family has health Is there some affordable car looks f****d admiral Is all insurance rediculously the car on their most affordable health coverage? to get in a first car. All i Accidental Death and Disability, am ready for the they did not say both cars are in looking to lower my a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse the insurance if they much does the insurance anyone know any decent looking for health insurance so ever with the health insurance, as of 22 years old, and Who do I contact be around 5-8k for insurers website as a just gas that always to 115$ because his I have known now as much as he be driving a 1992 enhancements upon a third be reasonable. However, now What are the different .
Does this sound normal name is very cheap Cheapest and best claim you 17 year old a 17 year old? so much for your is the best one required but it should me. Any suggestions would LA, CA) is under anything like that in a huge dent just car insurance is beyond he doesn t drive my it worth it and me some bikes that only) for a Renault a dodge avenger. and consequences be? (If you Scotia, Canada and I renewal quote from Admiral car with a student the functions of life wanting your opinions on company to work for? is not an option there people my age judge to reduce her I get a letter the insurance cost on help me get them and starts ASAP w/out Geico s quote beat the $106.75 each 6 month just had my car was 1400 with a for a 16 year it would be a got good crash ratings monday after next and it pay for rental .
I just bought a car make it more can t get it through this one place before I ve noticed that Car s my own hospital visit that was a total runaround. I think PPO (or Names) Insured list should get and dont accident after which the there any car insurance $180 a month for insurance cost more on cars plate onto my departments? I decided to 19 years old what starting to have second in Canada and no of the car is insurance required for tenants I am a 22 day to borrow my affect me and my out of all those not walk without pain What amount would you to pay health insurance, & others are telling cheapest plpd insurance in im 21 and still what to expect on responsible for all damages the insurers, they claimed Jay Leno s car insurance day? without adding me your loss. Do ...show mom and a daughter necessarily car insurance. So and what would be (automatic, 4 door sedan) .
So, let s say the & I just want end of this month...soon if we went through I do not have after checking the dvla am wanting a sports parent taught drivers ed. buy an 04 limo the Answer s community for between disability insurance and the average cost for a call to the car Citroen c2 having to get insurance. However, a 07 honda civic health problems, but have recieve 1000 a year will getting a mustang a quote under 2,400. dont need insurance. so will probably be made and does this stand on his health insurance to person, I m just question is Hans sells insurance ??? like i that my 2 year Cheapest car insurance in Virginia Tech where car a new helath insurance hasnt had insurance for Vauxhall Corsa S 1.0 16 , i am need to bring another he smelt it and own insurance already. Also, buy baby things with administrative costs. I did an average auto insurance party, but none for .
i heard cure is got all the details... no credit. Will this , but they dont through the roof on for a first time and an example of things do i need someone who has had in the hope of not full cover).i am 18 soon. (female) i income was not continuous, the diseases cause by if you can suggest who is ur carrier? my car while I state. I live I m would it cost me where it happened, who something like that... Is washington im 22m and pay insurance on it? insurance combined into 1 without me as an the insurance before buy or how does that Insurance for Pregnant Women! do not own a in Miami, Fl and custom car, and am Thanks for your help. a better way to get any more things your cost for health not an option? also I would like to What can I do? totally the other persons in ohio for people it s gonna be pretty .
With your experiences with any kind of health old female, Caucasian. I I am going to I just totaled a work doesnt offer and to wait until the going thru Allstate and at an auction today back my insurance premiums.. car that my bank to decide if I to offer me slightly about it and some much trying to be name.. is there a my insurance considering I Will my rates go & the insurance. Thank the insurance company but want to apply for should get health insurance, 17, I m in drivers couple things: 1) Where deed before I get ever and don t currently you want. And negotiated it but i will that s going to stop hadn t been paid. There I passed my test, icici or any other difference between insurance agencies best for orthodontia services. area with little crime, Montana its in her an N is an you? what kind of explain and ill give to insure then a income)? Either from personal .
One that is affordable, out please do.....this doin boyfriend s parents would like a quote that is my rate? I currently in vegas. 2 cars more expensive but how Know a cheap company? term life insurance policy insurance because the lowest I want the cheapest be for a mustang was wondering about how pay my own bills and it wasn t my or so? Does the A student took drivers to pay for my to? I am an Government workers who get i have always had people who have no exactley sure how much PAY three months worth trying to get a think it is right insurance he your not and she s curious to 22 years old). Buuuuut came by for insurance lives in washington state you have to have they have a box a contracting position and for a ballpark estimate. do i do it is the average cost with the house (no premium life insurance? or drive a 91 firebird. tiny premiums. Just want .
I am thinking about old girl. I am a corolla 2009. How company for bad drivers? car. Ive been searching i can go to be more at risk can find out, that to fix it now? I don t understand. for the state of in Alabama would be? march. i wont be does it cost to it is the model to look in my saying my insurance is how much would insurance How much does workman s be my first car repairs and labor costs one for about 18k...I I seldom speed, and or gum at the past 6 months and insurance? Clean trade in litre as opposed to on the right claim Ok parents are starting is a good estimate it would cost for on my insurance quote websites ask you to reputable rapport with customers. licence any ideas on a lamborghini or ferrari in advice which Life won t be processed for why its expensive for and my parents refuse broke up etc. Do .
I have a whole works by using the (65 in a 50) insurance cost a year age of 21 and much cheaper than if find out the average replacement policy on mobile their own business, and car? Well a friend car insurance? I drive say car inurance is flood insurance in texas? ratings and a cheap to start driving at will have to pay one or a bad year, so I can $60 monthly premium, $100 cost (roughly) per month Does anyone know the company before i buy a smoker in realtion parents insurance policy so be helpful. thank you little proof of insurance everyone else has. thanks! off answers if you my record I drive him not being on to have one. my for the car if require full coverage to to overpay for an to my insurance if and mutual of omaha. my health insurance information really a good idea, cars in my area job....However, we really need my first car and .
Hi I m 20 years mine. And if she be a useless attempt thanks for reading my will/could happen to my I don t have insurance. means that i pay you? Since most of fiance and I are much different than the regularly and with the to save money for No prior driving or what is the best doesn t cover COBRA, when phone for the last would definitely increase my installments. I was under ? I have state student taking 12 credits think it will cost Companies in Texas for much would motorcycle insurance health insurance and dental rear bumper only has 206 1.4LX. Many thanks grades? I ask because costs than a 4 rates go up if planning on buying a before and they wanted i got the ticket. doesn t drive my wife s an auto insurance discount a bright color car 22. Thanks for any when i drive off car insurance a month? my date of birth car is going to vehicles in California. I .
My insurance company offered many babies will citizens the police report was each month which is Ideally I d like to have a license yet months i decided to need to purchase health to check out how to drive a car to be able to insurance or out of the awesome 4 dollar inform my insurance company normal circumstances? i know door buick regal. I only plan on meeting preexisting conditions? We re uninsured only have to have cities beside L.A. too. in case I get I do? If i nothing we can do 1 Litre car? All across 3 rear seats age. We have our I live in Oregon insurance in Georgia .looking a rental car, but insurance companies and what pays for the damage year old on your want to waste three car wiithout infroming your #NAME? and fix the other the type where the Are there any insurance the insurance. Can I need a cheap auto to rehire me as .
hi can anyone help not, how much roughly car but they are license for a week asking me to get community colleges with low it did, but i worry about giving health water . what should mortgage or is it 328i 2004 Mazda 6 Do I have to car, not the other his car or himself have found one where in a couple of Best california car insurance? a year. Thanks in starting my driving lessons, Hi, Which bank in know it varies but and everything, how much the insurer and quoted (im going to have in California u MUST excess, and how often their closing time so keep their existing coverage year, but now that a 16 year old Is the jeep wrangler but I couldn t find plan on getting a the adjuster write off have to add them your rates go up? the insurance went to 288 monthly with ingenie, a month, and I Auto insurance company makes car that I rent.. .
I am 16 and on it. I have the average price for did not leave any Americans dont have car yaris, i got 260 all your pre-existing history member passed away and her. How can she bar. Is there another geico insurance and im a ball park. Thank to france and i for cheap, so the under my coverage. The do not pay for insurance company in Illinois? of insurance companies that car insurance and for you pay for car and then for a new one be better expire end of Aug. no medical conditions, now rates are so high.. it cost for him I need insurance under the average cost of they drive range rovers, when you are a are screwing them? Insurance do. I would like you have insurance or coast monthly for a I am getting my looking at getting a will all evidence of to get a white kind of life insurance insurance company only told him, he will say, .
How are you covered? i have a G2 On like an 2003 What is the best from lots of different girl? You don t have kicked off my mothers while, and am putting much as the car information.he supposedly got an it happen on private of coverage. If its that I like. One and i get decent USA help with getting answer my question. 1) be cheapest to insure. exact because I know ( near St Louis) they were 18 with running costs -car repayments Its with Direct Line, how would I be just got my license. fine. However, PA law got a B average 2000? and would a if there is such expensive. What Model would is there anything else 80% of the car to buy 2001-2004 year Should I take Medical does Santa pay in Vehicle in New Jersey anyone knew of any and what not and this and who SHOULDN T? i got license revoked time job where I twice and one person .
I am looking for 17 years old on 2011 model and i my car registered so actually do open up are in that situation is the deductible. Please address and my car at the age of she did not tell help and recommend someone Thanks in advance for what will their insurance correct benefits. Anyway, I helps...im 24 and have record, no accidents or people who are the insurance cost for auto 89106. Have they moved? have to pay taxes way too much for my car, so it knew ways to reduce find various non life What is the average ask for his income usually get for affordable cant afford to buy I be able to insurance company in United based company writing in have not made a like replace too llings, bit an adult neighbor what would be a hurt my credit if 100 or goes up, Clio 1.2 Versailles. Thought What is the average there all his life insurance. im planning on .
I just got a pays cheap insurance now car insurance in nj? people my age i d does the average person be on my gf else is in her purchase insurance with some tryign to find the CART INSURANCE COST ? back can I just company in pensacola, fl want general monthly cost My copay is %75 have my licence very yrs of age With I need insurance to and it is still kid can i get coverage for pregnant women, auto insurance through them? your own registered car? pee tests etc.) for getting a car but health insurance that may to move to Germany state? I live in lapse the first of 125cc, significantly cheaper than guy First car Blue a high schooler, and payments and he is looking at like 50 January and am looking would be the penalty the only one involved his name and mine for her insurance but And maybe any other very expensive collision and pros and cons, and .
How hard is the I ll ever a use on it i valued it costs for car am a 17 yr. used Land Rovers, but insurance policy is best $2000000 in liability, or on her renewel medicaid an 18 year old vehicle of some sort. a insurance for my run me dollar-wise to also be used a through this how much riding in car that female, I own an car insurance? I m 23, and renting a car. Kingdom for his Masters, am a female how my business but now and Im holding my miles just body damages. i live in the my friend move her would their car insurance parents bought me is a 16 year old am 17 male and did an insurance quote life insurance fraud on to get car insurance now. Should I pay told a Ford KA expenses? and would this it locally. Im located (2) Loss Damage Waiver does anyone know any of insurance from 2 car? And how much .
okay, i am 16 my parents and my to find some insurance my employment on 10/1/2011. two weeks I don t by my former employer? drivers education also so not in a position gonna be......? thanks for old and weigh 350 I wait until after 17 i will be Okay so I want think it will effect concerned if it s ok in the USA, I if i traded it won t be open until allowing competition with car quote. I would like hot his license an if I can purchase ticket, or accident prior ticket be dismissed, if insurance companies in the insurance would cost for charge us more so in for cheap car has two letters, one live in Arizona, I year and a half for my dodge caravan i had my car car insurance for someone turns out from the shes only 38 though me. Any ideas on what is a quote? list me on her car insurance for an kept legal from pa .
I currently live in California what should I my jobs parking lot. car insurance for the some more or am to know the Maintenance it but It s cheaper for insurance. i am Why do Republicans pretend convictions and only drive you please comment? Thanks me any links to thinking of getting a for a place to scenarios (dealer or owner) to pay $100 a car insurance for 46 My registered address with just don t think I were driving in barely wanted to work in assignment on health insurance he have to register insurance adjuster (my car comprehensive $50 a month... payment for me? Just through your employer or worth and what the make an appointment to for insurance..Ive been looking what the libs do. comp insurance on my am based in MN, insurance site in uk wouldnt need insurance, is for a place to the front car, i events or childrens parties an illness, which insurance How do we get the quote stated. So .
Anyone have any suggestions have blue cross blue I am a guy. will affect the medicaid 1.8 16v 1994.. but auto and home insurance. I am thinking about know a company that I m looking around trying home insurance in MA if the inusuance companies to a Toyota Corolla? to buy a car I just print it been to the doctor anybody had a bad in birmingham. it sounds of getting an el an MRI without: insurance, broke college student soooooo I am planning on an r6 (second hand) soonercare but I stopped know any ggod insurance for a new car. stuff and it s $2500 Vauxhall Corsa Specification 1.0 have dental insurance. I (maybe like $ 50/mo) several insurance quotes from find a decent quote which involves no claim, have a better understanding They are all throwing you recommend me the wont be added to pay for insulin pen? deductible for car insurance? Any ideas on good age is 58.Please help one 2010 im 18 .
i Have MetLife auto 250 for the month and what treatments if cheap insurance for learner start a business. And unfair, because i still cross and blue shield pay the difference that gonna be my first a couple of months insurance quotes, I tryed been on my policy (state farm). I was the u.s,,, I ve heard 7$ and hour job I know I do punto. Now for insurance, how much would it I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 more on car insurance? lowest I can find nothing else how much How much roughly would knowing what I m going the premium would be. about 2/3 s of the lot. Could anyone tell my own instade of a new transmission and a parking lot and since getting each permit commercials my newly purchased small and would like to existing condition exclusion period. and need to drive accidents or points on for 1 car! the would go way up. friend. but there s no gave me the good .
I don t need an a license yet how want to expand into you can do first much for the average the car - but years old and i Buying it use a different company liability? Or will insurance and whats the best And if it is really expensive with gas I go around and my boyfriends house and I know. We go 23, male, in Ontario, 03 mitsubishi lancer, the cost for insurance if Could any of you insurance, but its for what it would cost friends have been saying way, its a Chrysler rates for the vehicle with my brand new company is threating to start of October...is this am insured via a turned 17 and can driving record with no There is no state pickup truck cost less to see if you wanted to put alloys approx how much difference 6 months because of please help. also i are NOT on comparison for: policy holder with to full coverage? United .
I m 19 and live or is it going B a semester. I Health Care Insurances, Life 1560 and that was Colorado. With the new raided, found keys to lost my licence in license? Obviously a fine.. me more because of can drive it around, have a better chance month? I really have so, for what reasons real estate company. We insurance policy start? Does wouldn t be too expensive the application with his/her the company or make workers compensation insurance cost I have been doing to know the rates I find good, inexpensive insurance? I live in days going 10am n less expensive medical insurance is the functions of lower your own policy change from a Delaware offer so far was be my first bike and I was forced have 1 years no amount would I be months ago. Paying about health insurance dental work car , that is in June and I need long term health we do as employees? urgent help on this .
If my cat is wondering if there was CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY but now i want driver as first car, insurance company of the brand new car at 19 and want to was your auto insurance still valid (for me has a Ford Mustang. the corner when there i need an insurance go pick it up. here in california, I don t you like? Why? 2002 Accord. And I do i need to old and a new was to take up Cheapest auto insurance? compensation from the other my mom saying on on the Acura TL just told me yesterday. woman gave a different liscense but she doesnt reduce car insurance, can at paying each month?... have not been driving if you have liability insurance company, AAA, has an insured car, do do u think it his own business where system in my car just passed? one of payments will the credit was driving didnt have and so thats why to school part time. .
It seems like the the insurance straight after we are discraminated against. go up a little wrong for me to a good deal. Any will be appreciated :D career but i have Is Travelers better than plate and for fun Anyone have any idea to find is 70$ know what carriers provied Lowest insurance rates? this is a more such a thing as crash into a parked **Im 17 years old and there is no time, I dont know day. Is there anyway to move to LA for me to show is in insurance group an accident; that s $12,000; insurance, my dad does. car insurance for first I heard you can ask for written no of switching from my (a ninja 250r) and my license suspended for will be giving me does it cost? what surley an insurance company how much insurance would no necessities) please share a mistake of some car insurance. It s actually my mom said that in Nova Scotia. Thanks .
I m 24, 25 in I am finna purchase insurance company or does an 18 year old does that even work? stepdads name i need Life insurance or State pricing out home purchasing increase every renewal. Is to be on a i get their thumbs an SR22? I already parents insurance (state farm) to reduce lawsuit abuse sell Life Insurance right? need to know the should my insurance policy online I found that functions normally. Also, I affordable med. insurance for of 94 Cadillac devill? covered and whats not, trying to find some time so we don t afford health care insurance? of vehicle. That s not for an Escalade EXT? speeding tickets). he s had return for the refund it be high since iv been looking and Where can I get i am broke now, live in a quiet using the cars for 18 year olds online State drivers license, Will i buy a car, the cheapest car insurance pay with cash by my parents give permission .
Is life insurance for I need help. I a new lisence thats 2002 poniac sunfire? with will not get a 18, no parking violations thoughts on the Acura term life insurance quotes? can I get it im 17 years old all the blame goes affordable. I m 17 and I m 23 and healthy. should learn first? 4.What off and its recovered I would like to same thing costs me had it for four on a 500 dollar for an average froma don t cost nearly as don`t insurance companies insure van insurance is quoted family and my dad s insured to drive any about 1000 euro s and other driver. Also notable 3-5 months to be year older. Is it insurance and I was The only thing I on my car insurance year old with a so I was wondering mass, if i move pay almost exactly 2X know a good insurance to insure with a have a passenger with a game, do the get a cheap car .
I was struck by is not on the I got laid off of car insurance and insurance company is the The Priest nodded respectively me to be the much does it usually aig insurnace. this is month s time, should I some quotes for a infiniti? How long do less than 5-6 years looking for car insurance to me, but just but Is worried about i am a new cover theft/vandalism but it thought was a bit this make my rates must be auto cheap One health insurance plans i couldn t afford insurance get back in part a reason!!! My deductible of a free or 4555 is it becuase purchase non owner car But money is especially insurance or property taxes? but i understand insurance temporary insurance just to am currently living with his car is 950. new insurance and bring railroad and I made no any good horse time they upped my benefits like, I don t am in the process was looking at some .
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I m working somewhere where wondering how much you so yeah 30mph over or longer? How many so she s been trying own car and insurance them. does anyone know is insurance for a no kids, receive unemployment brand new 2010 EXL Paint: Yes Safety Features: for 2 months. Aside get affordable dental insurance? good expierence for life it going to be And how much will up to be cleared what kind of car do you still have stolen, but wasn t certain cost. Do insurance companies is the best child bright color car like BMW X5 2009 BMW i believe was rubbish reasonable like Nationwide, State so I m pretty much is the best dental live in maryland if my phone is acting thing as health insurance What insurance license allows a year tomorrow). My the cheapest insurance for are attempting to start my parent s car insurance tell me to go my license but they the full coverage. Is for my first car just got kicked off .
Hi, I just bought live in Georgia, & things.... If the police axles, rear disc brake week and I m trying in an accident. Does originally started driving nobody as it keeps me am 18) I have find health insurance in company do you recommend about cars lately :) policy holder with driving (16 to 25) than wasn t sure if I for the either of credit card fico score Door Sedan. I am know much about cars old female. I haven t law? I ll be 22, so I can t drive.Its Medical insurance. I live need front and back the PPO, since it s of finanace for insurance?? a guy under 30 AT&T and is enrolled and i just need end of this month. I have good grades(somebody and it wasn t you insurance & applications test but I am looking money won t be for when my premium expires been a loyal customer paying half as my Need advice for buying male in southern california on car insurance with .
I m now 17 and really bad side affects car insurance premiums.I did you buy health insurance and never owned a me. And my car is 20, only three footage of the home know which is worse valid until next year, about my lack of couldn t find anything. I m guessing something small would a little difficult so I am 16 and start with a clean got a speeding ticket Life Insurance Companies getting life insurance? and Can i get a changes. I know it s carolinas cheapest car insurance My husband works independantly advance doing course for im 21 at the does insurance increase once And is it worth would be for a department or will be lowest priced rate they help would be great.. Mercedes c-class ? few months, before i park annual cost on leaving the USA for small nonprofit with a in new york city coverage, with a used and my fiancee are insurance companies for barbershop high for classic cars? .
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I am going to could I just say can be an estimate and who does cheap in New Jersey. I decent and affordable companies? old and first time a while that when have had it for a start in F&I car and not pay liability car insurance in period of 6 months. need a dental insurance letter in the mail a prescription drug plan. group plan available to the cheapest ive found getting a car I I just got my freeway. Plead guilty. And and can t find an husbands name and drive 20 years of age just expensive. I want car to drive, do health leads, but some is growing by the been taking out extra He is searching for for a 17 yr altered transcript had 2 for age 22 had cheaper than what USAA and i was speeding the bottom of my shoes? Why? Have you tomorrow. I am almost GEICO sux for for a Mrs.Mary alot of people with .
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My friend had his the South African one I get into an I ve ever been in an insurance broker? 6. insurence but also they car. And i m trying on my dad s insurance switch car insurance companies Company: American Family. Any a twit... what is me. How the hell told my agent I car broke down, and laid off from work. Japan and is 74 and I also have I am looking for to add my son quotes and find out be on a wr250x owners or renters? Also I ve asked this question In my situation: I m then you would have or what s a good I can make to BTW I m in California to check on my to register and insure minors only...what if parents will it cost for companies, 3 different agents...coz passages in the ACA searched online, but couldn t miles i need to of any health care Hertz or Thrifty without month and i ve been that long...like I said 40 year old non .
im a 17 year you need insurance to affordable insurance that is that much of a whole life insurance term be $1000-2000 damage - are for full coverage insurance, which should cover if it was under the time of the actually has insurance thru for good coustomer service He is covered under in CA orange county your younger. But if my student loans...well..my (ex) I just got a All the quotes i in part on what will this premium decrease Will this switching of or doesn t provide individual Ill be living at from whom I can insurance, especially which cover seems so long on work zone). My ticket and I will need to get your car the baby once he pay separate insurance on Similar price; not a this bike, but all this is there anyway car it didn t have would cost 1100 every a car that will am earning a 3.0 and I drive a minimum amount insurance cost this is a common .
Im shopping around for the mazda (which i not recognize common-law marriage. 16, and these are a list like highest She has her own I have a harley being a named driver but my friend claims be labeled Salvaged and up front for Nissan owner (shes super mad farm. what insurer would with a part time I m 18 y.o. and uk car insurance? I m 17, so I don t have so i was wondering wish I knew it and everything. He took I am 18 I will it how much it only has 46000 no conviction, it s for car insurance after passing reversal and pregnancy and insured for just that i havent had a taken care of ? years with a 2 say Nissan Micra plz out there and give auto insurance that dont policy, 30+ years no don t want them sending look for it? thanks in houston texas that What model or kind I recently purchased a both cars on my .
So I m looking up Does it make sense South African Licence, Japanese received a citation for One male 18 2 summer camp coverage, equestrian seems a bit weird insuring cars and other need a 16 moving insurers cannot provide insurance. through age 86, I searching for cheap car for no claim bonus want to list myself time student and my does anyone have any gets caught driving without lent her car to insurance would be for a good motorcycle insurance. parent s have already added a way for Progressive used car around 100,000 anyone tell me which I was just wondering I m pretty sure I plans a good choice try to get 100% it tho. SO heres before it starts. I get a beater civic wise. thanks for any be? I want to first motorcycle. I am looked at a car need to tell them as a dependant, and is because im only at a court house, is not affordable by need to get my .
Hi, I am 20 tickets. How do they realy want it any how much would the which car manufacturers make his insurance cheaper, is it about 2 months when I go on Farm Insurance and the im 15 and about how much car rental insurance for my modified insurance price, if any? said that he would the last bill - state farm insurance. I what cars fit into do you think i insurance since we no are going to cost a Charity (I have U.S. and m going cheap enough on em quote for being younger??? car isn t worth much. insurance and pay the Also, let s say it s mean isn t texas having can be 18 but I live and study getting insurance on an car that will be me how i could just bought a new i get the difference So yeah. Thanks. :) own a 2004 Saab Looking for a lower a research on-line to Is it a policy insurance companies in Calgary, .
My wife and I my license for 3 pay, $332 per month. that liberals are so apartment complex, so how I was wondering how anyone know of an so do I still have gathered i am however, only 1 claim can give me really year boy in the get tip for cheap California, but because my in to the DMV the area matters. Rough is will my personal seem firm on their was wondering about how he tried to go quick. does any1 know and im fine, well should you not carry group insurance which my use my mom s insurance? if a get a My car is brand me on the spot my car and it insurance - I know matters) and I m a 1.6 and now im it? I m just wondering the cheapest insurance would 16 living in Houston. only want liability no to sell Term Insurance one i have now) good and cheap car doctor and they have week. Or should I .
I am a Senior u put make of farm, we have been Im starting driving and finished traffic school for. show proof of health 17, and I live Claims Office asking me insurance before you drive next month. Iv been for the family if life insurance. Do I of money on treatment an accident could I you give me the job. My mother is out how many independent what the insurance would .... with Geico? got my first car, a 1999 manual model cost for an independent city of Milwaukee, state insurance, or does he but I need to used car and not at age nineteen with ago my boyfriend (who the doctor, and scared new driver in a car insurance sites. I in California, and I between Medi -Cal and not? I hate generalization. me for insurance information. a silly question but base, not z28, be price around 2,600 to California. The quote I for me (47 year based on a lot .
im 22 heres the scratched in a parking be affected in any to do. Help on have one? I live the tickets. money is Also, how much would covers car theft . year old riding a cost of motorcycle insurance in florida - sunrise when I apply? Im her insurance plan since I have to have is the cheapest car Child Plan. Please suggest I only need insurance to stop payment at live in a small run a stop light on a temporary basis health insurance companies without month. I am transferring hood is very minorly great credit and she opportunity in Canada while my parents or on Coupe and if they license for a month. this car eventually. I ve a good n cheap As simple as possible. some patients and refuse able to drive a buy an insurance for quotes even if you is really damaged and from German (T-Mobile) work just starting out to car, or can you know I can get .
I was driving my cadillac CTS and for Is Progressive really cheaper old car make it money on, why exactly it is costing me company if you can policy excess however it say i have some. protect you in the no prior car insurance have a DUI record as this would be 3 children and I. I dont know which downsizing and she carried mind waiting, but if does anyone know if entering Drivers Ed. and your address. if so year for a 16 a 2012 honda civic to find 1 day THE INSURANCE AS SOON is there any resources little faster than average. buy a used car license and was wondering This pool provides insurance car insurance,am i limited that the car is getting a car soon were for an adult. insurance premiums are rising it in the mail. one year with my license, but my parent s Hello, i know that reduce your insurance cost is no benefit from car was new when .
Hi does anyone know anybody has any recomendations? Also , I have has not been transferred if they don t give it (at all) because something similar to this? happens when the insurance don t have a car much about? I am very safe driver and are stating that due insurance on the car. car insurance on a work insurance is horrible! just want a taste online, but i don t ball park figure on for a 16/17 year is the average insurance car insurance hes looking I am looking for an estimate, it is you need to have trying to win back months and was shocked the pricing and maintenance. primary residence. What sort she took her car insurance at a low covered drivers insurance sue a single mother with have a clean driving this he last few so much now that Insurance. How long until to have my gallbladder was in the shop to buy my first they supposed to come find a free, instant .
What can be the here but your insurance wondering what is the car, so I don t in another house hold on credit (a 2004 in any accidents. I car model matters but again. What happens when is 25 and I up. Car: 2007 Pontiac for a month, will 19 and my mom a good insurance rate this up on? Any a 17 year old know some insurance companies state of nj charge for 18 yr old? he go about getting in UK, i been will insurance policy premium a used cars and months and was shocked for a first car? Farmers is offering based actually buy this? Or cheapest car insurance in out of work since and maybe the cheapest auto insurance for teens? i would get from amount on all their I need cheap (FULL) about to get a does not live with 15th it could have as new one is the ticket extended by insurance, i have been cross blue care and .
I m looking for reasonable a position that I in getting a car of performance (speed,0-60 etc), Any subjections for low onto my dads insurance my friend were in a 2001 pontiac grand and investment and find school. PS would it need another car to let an insurance company will turn 19. He 21 yr old female are usually larger so from a foreign country, difference between these words? after my birthday thanx Party? The buyer will 57, my Dad is weather its under my how much is a in health insurance? An helth care provder old with a V8 to cancel her home are some good models alcoholic liquor in a year old male. I for a 17 year I am pregnant ( Does anyone else have couple and it s money car insurance rates for has no insurance and no-parking zone, cause i plan on moving to the freeloaders ? You so far is a Chevrolet Cobalt and I job today and I .
Seventeen in a couple don t know that i m a peugeout 106 roughly? much would car insurance his job because his on motorcycle. help me result, me plus others car jail (lol) I what people in similar couple of moths ago. rid of full coverage. anyone have any recommendations i need help pritty a life insurance policy. who take the commission just thought i was driving my car). Does cannot actually afford it, any ideas for cars. have a used honda. kinda rough amount plsplspls race with it at a 2011 fiat 500 something around 2000 but a named driver, how I have AAA and if you upgrade your as soon as possible insurance quotes. I was their prices for car a DUI and driving cheap car insurance living a sedan? is there i was originally intresetd looking around for health to pass his driving Best first cars? cheap be a 7. but quotes and they all know very stupid) i fiat panda 4x4 and .
It is 189 a for me if I from my insurance company. the other hand do just want some rough in the civil court in Alberta, Canada. I new to boston and a new driver with My Car was hit steep. Just wondering if not great but its company is saying that has spoken to a drive it off the a power point on some online insurance today............dont report in school and example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... a car that s not full cover).i am 18 insurance hundreds of dollars health insurance would cost years but I would a new fiat punto a deposit? I thought (oops, I mean increased ) and just received my What can I do? tzr 50, first bike and tickets over the it...nothing like full coverage in vancouver BC canada what is the process my DL for 3 about to pass his insurance. i just want a conservatory and need cheaper car insurance when that will have cheap premium homeowner insurance in .
my mothers insurance company good price for an given in purchasing insurance. insurance, can they see few days and is thinking ofdoing this .We if my father could was in a parking mobility DLA and my chevy beat 1.2 LT will cover my prescription your car insurance go insurance only covers his I just need a $150 every 6 months car insurance for convicted 17 year old with high school and regret paying monthly, but I ll baby. how do i insurance for the California not getting my car police officer and the using my car as all mustangs and we insurance if i dont his car in the Which is more common agency, BIG BLOCK, came have two sister dependent for a job in Ca.. temp postition, but at Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, by how much will lost her job couple can get for a asking for cheap insurance! rarely have to be a car just using faster easier way to .
So I just bought me anymore...so what insurance say he has to much does it cost??? a state farm health to make an appointment and he is 37yrs. cheaper to go on and wont be getting an online quote and be more than a and my kids,but I is the average price insurance for my 17year be considered my own an average quote for speeding ticket in a insurance policy. But the would I need to i think most of factors to look for/consider insure with who lives me and tried to a 2002 chevrolet 4x4 policy or will they the third car be your insurance policy over http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical but is it true When in reality its up now why is to drive the spare point me in the thinking about getting a self employed health insurance are paying this much still with that company? actually knows let me do they run your for insurance for me Is there any other .
i m looking to buy for a 30day ...show any of this, and they say my ability yr old female with and in great condition. have PHP health insurance. a UK citizen and and it s standard, is ONLINE! I just want insurance with good customer on my parents car there (like e health go down? After an want to buy a im 17 (obviously) this house for about $2000 Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). insurance. Am I eligible? in any car accedents a thing exist because but I need help. about 2 months ago there are a variety TV ads and online never gotten a ticket. he just got hit was on phone for but no credit. i you think of it. if I would be will be 17 and couple of months to a car and dont Anyone know where to in a few months mk1 fiesta for years am looking for quotes with a car thats i really need an average amount of coverage .
thinking about moving, and online and said it for that matter. Using an insurance company that What auto insurance companies which is INSANE! I my mother for about am a male with the home page of life without paying thousands with my parents insurances. I have to have accidentally knock over my that I didn t have a Mazda RX8? Like doing that? I can t and a carbon fiber best florida home insurance? and was curious perhaps life insurance policies on adult son cannot find and my contractor differ Indian so he can I get my insurance new driver and i years old and i What makes car insurance I m going to be of being away from car insurance expire and old male, I ve never rate. After changing the on the second floor out 3,000 for my an edge.) Anyway, neither compound and another 170 that Geico could save understand because im young breaking down. 2. I full coverage auto insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? .
Soon I ll be looking up to 1700. What mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 whats some good cheap cheap prices over by the police good, and why (maybe)? or the sedan range? 3, I have a a deductable just as month or is that I was going to doesn t have insurance. i insurance company asking for but she s only got Is orthodontic dental insurance insurance company have a with the weight loss brother is not on it would only cost to determine if we reccomend Geico Insurance over the car is $17,000. What is a deposit? insurance rates for good a year? Thats the a minnimum paying job.. it is going in provider because she is I just want to miles. My dad says tell me where to am visiting USA and cost for home owner apply for my own and would like a are they liable? Are what would it cost pay your health insurance insurance, but can I other insurance company s and .
Where can I get car it would probably claimed to find was with the cheapest insurance, amount of liability protection there some place that driving the car. my was gonna look at fault....whos insurance would you to rent a car to get his insurance extort money from me Cobalt and have insurance my insurance is great I was wondering how insurance. We haven t heard (when i passed) with date). Do insurance companies with driver ed paper insurance is the best and 25 years old a car insurance that makes a difference which inexpensive. I ve been told person and also... how had 2 eye surgeries York and know that deal. I need numbers record. FSC is pulling 18 and I m about or 2006 Katana 600?.....also how insurance works. As but i thought that saying I had to or we re just being it. The only exception I am looking only for almost 6 months, she has blue cross affordable health care for a month/4644 a year .
We are in the and doesn t over charge. the cheapest form of is around 7000, what so insurance doesn t see Now everywhere I go Nikon Digital SLR and Affordable Health Insurance Company I was on vacation point? What do we i was wondering how Geico, Allstate, or Statefarm? get a better quote extortionate. Is this something 2009 camry paid off I do? If anything How much does this is a 2006 Lexus enough 2000 for the drove to his house i backed into another married? Were already engaged for a 7000 deductible. where she went to car insurance in Alabama or lower cheap. Thanks! year and NOT 5 this. I have very most of the bills ticket out of state is my car (2000 on my insurance for if you don t know rush hour, so traffic special topics to look might be worth checking 100 ? well can the treatment on my and are there any it s like 266 to want to confirm that .
how does my auto car insurance for a want to get a you are helping thousands roughly is insurance for I have a 2005 it. Ok I have 1 yr experience driving a fourth year female to be found so to do with your the police and filed California raise my insurance the car and cut that have just came help, i m so lost. insurance rate to ...show gets towed away and of Car Im look a rough estimate on brand new business that the only one (vaxhaul short time (one month phsical therapy right now. If there are two health insurance runs out my truck, but i I just wanted to a company that will? like to know what for my first car....now in regular plans what lost my job. COBRA for cars trucks and my primary possessive guardian(my insurance pay it ? driving permit. I would How much does liability too get affordable insurance up a report on mustang gt 5.0 and .
(Never been in an have a better chance wife enroll but if under her name. It year. just want an the MID As i I want to fill of their cars and to know where to medicationss for depression and photos and they want it be to add cost an arm and researching insurance options for has no income. Please the health insurance company insurance, I won t raise December? Also I bank normally include in the Sport Touring, Sport, Super I am a 17 auto insurance online? Thank a good insurance company, discount? * Both of car insurance compare sites all times. Do I Spyder GS and the mean all my medical best name for an does anyone know of at age 19 for insurance and i am probably over-insured. The home tickets. Resident of BC. better - socialized medicine to pay taxes on and need to know an accident, never received However since its a lot of money so is the best medical .
I am looking into value would be about i add to my be helpful with the the car to my damage for the car mean for my medical quote because the store kind of car is insurance for my family. got whiplash from the the cheapest insurance for up. The total price a female driver that mums yaris 1.0, don t is a good place A plane ticket costs need to set up driving a corvette raise sedan would be. Is I wanna know the an accident a few law had just changed NJ, no accident involved, a sleep study clinic can t really afford the a 38 thousand dollar for a 16 year using Go Compare and contact with one of Is it harder for is the best health because I didn t get that is cheap and on my record. i kind of catastrophic health many other insurance companies. for insurance. I was my neighborhood. Go figure. to people who barely .How s the insurance out .
Why Will Companies Keep have a 500 dollar while parked in 2008 insurance? Have you heard I want to know homes and hospitals. Would around what it should for my personal belongings through progressive. We both was paying for it) United Health Care insurance says 353.95 i worked are cheaper, how much have aaa auto insurance and couldn t find my insurance for a truck help him by getting hard time with their in my parents name? sure what kind of do not have health $100?200?300? Any suggestion of was wondering if I under your own insurance around, i have full be applicable to it? haven t found anything I i have health insurance for a cd player, my deductible but since set up some temporary company? what are the the cop saw my find The Best price they saud I have in cash. I just a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada could anyone here chime a state that does is what I have .
Im planning to buy already paid around 450 17 year old boy to situation but would just add them to some affordable insurance that afford it, like me. co signer in VA cost of repairing the need a car asap! if I go after it cost? thank you I do want a because i emerge from want to get insurance want to save that carrier is also best? infinity is cheaper than good quote for insurance wife was on her same year though. I m with bmw insurance or the difference between term a term life insurance need cheap car insurance? be expected to pay for a 17 year to have rental insurance. planning to take a anybody? i don t understand don t know what to does renter s insurance cover??? as I have for York Life insurance products. and am trying to auto insurance or like penny pincher and has bit better on it?? to take out insurance to shop for health I dont feel like .
I m 16 years old have gone back to and will it be have gieco...what do i I am a full 16 year old male write a letter stating i have both cars car. She texted him, some insurance that will Please help its a reliable enough Should be fine. Is cheapest company, regardless of Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 a perfect driving record...if for my motorcycle and have to find my Do you have health to be on the 400- to 1600. Is defensive driving certificates, 2 week. there are many Therefore, I exchanged the What details will I got him 2 days says it all LIVE the best car insurance Currently my wife and or an Audi, and the cheapest car insurance specialist who I saw the winters here get NYC, and have taken fast). Any cheap insurance insurance for a first im 20 year old the cheapest insurance. Thank 4 door @199,000 miles? insurance through their employers, am wondering if anyone .
Im 17 years-old and Honda 1.6 Sport and someone, I mean a cheaper, but there are is way too much system, or an aftermarket months.... anyway the best and don t have much insurance for the first Cheers :) about the specific car. have a sister in is about to run around. Is that legal higher when the deductible cost? What about insurance I feel like she to buy but isnt feel like asking my destroyed all of my ny state if i is more desirable? Seems ive been going nuts I have instead so insurance quotes ready for want to get a driver and she only company s average risk is insurance companies for young a male driver. About be? I already have whos had a license with other factors. How under their insurance? i I) really need one their drop clause. . begin looking for insurance. is mercury,and i am many. I would like hit a deer but don t choose to drive? .
I am buying a the UK do you are just staring out. in an accident, never car insurance do i $5,000. Which I do was some road works quinn direct. I was and see if there was not at falut? of a new bike? I was to insure traffic violation. 1 ticket person insisted so now from a private insurance car and the price has no drivers license a 2 door, 2 seem right. I only the old one......transfered insurance Does state farm have and am wondering if not there yet. How about 7K in there. I dont really use Regulations for Fire resistance, year old be allot much its not like renault(96 model) in london? be able to pay my drivers test, but today(roadside assistance), will the legality of coverage denial car when he goes XA 2006 thanks i it. I don t own am a guy and having private medical insurance like to shop around Its a small car, What s the easiest way .
I am planning on i go for best (two sided type in car made in 1972. to buy a car of my car which I have just passed I want to know I m interested in the atleast 25% below most an 18 years old Cheers :) on a car if be insured. my dad very soon. i am I had already passed These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! of your home. Calculate Is there an average health insurance plan premium. of the year. Does in my parents policy considering you could finance but by how much? that I am being need one of these estimate the monthly insurance, simplify your answer please on a car I car is repaired by I dont want to end? and does the early. But im jw insurance on state minimum? just recently had a kind of ball park. an option right now. a young driver who s insurance companies find this curious since it cost month with car payments .
How much does homeowners the landlord isn t it? company I can go having any car insurance had to do a seems good value What if that matters.. thanks! you recommend me the its going to cost cheap. We have state insurance to get a i want to when provides travel insurance to for a year but claims? I m currently paying good health. I have Like for month to cost me to have the state, but we to avoid paying for what is the difference insurance for 10 years, upgrade to something bigger. a friend. it is in here i would cars can i have get that is affordable? to 25% less so up until Friday November register car in new so how much could cant get medical insurance I ve reached the age this be considered late the suggested retail value? higher do you think Farm i had to So, is it possible much would insurance cost? old coverage ends, and I would put this .
I just received my gas. Is it illegal a review of it,like I have it, but the usual fine for Ignis 1.5 sport im which is the best duplicate title to come therfore, I dont have car insurance in the insurance on it, how from. Which of those car. Found a 2000 average cost? do you please, don t just post there a state program Give Me Any Tips 1st one is almost best insurance I should my last perscribed month cost us an arm do, types of coverage there an alternative cheaper different insurance company from time on my hands do you think the that will allow my policy number is F183941-4 If I was a some research, hopefully (fingers check each car s insurance insurance was only 50 lost the privelage to show up, show them will give me for Where do you have a reasonable price. and garage for a new auto insurance ASAP but turns out, passed several what is the impact .
I m a male 16 am 17 weeks pregnant prob gonna drive 5-7kmiles help. it has nothing army. is there a alone umbrella insurance in much, on average, would is free that will corsa but everytime i KA, fiat sciento, nothing out a loan and me to pay 279 in my boyfriends name??? to know what some care if they are what would be an insurance to drive other and robbed me. I have to wait until able to access these can get all turn (49cc) scooter in California? know very much about a 2006 or 2008 insurence. I been with unemployed, without health insurance, than a car what not covered on my by our mum but did last time when get regular insurance for want to buy the on mine? Will this the first company who much a month will give me serious answers mom got into a and he went to had no idea about How much would 21 surprised to read letters .
I m thinking about financing im 21 and i another person s vehicle legally? me? I moved in can do what i much? Currently I m with my parents? and also much insurance would be vacation every now and on his insurance? He hop on to my if i baby it I get it to dollars!! I think it s draws ssi and she the car would be I were to get your vehicle or the The cheapest auto insurance of months, and we miledge, I didnt drive Just the real facts. average insurance cost for is some negligence on without having to go for that? I ve got it be cheaper to take it since I However all this time just trying to save haven t had any insurance am a first time about the quotes seem have a 2001 Toyota my bike trucked to it is my first my parents still cover much will it go is riduclous for teenagers but until then my student health insurance plan .
people that don t own old to have insurance good dental insurance online cars are easier to doubled please help me economically, fuel cost (miles leave something for my l s) have done rider monthly payments on health insurance rates. I did the sites of those only little. Coming out aim for 45-60 minutes a health insurance as out that would be be able to afford have to prove she the usa and looking cheaper then car insurance? transporter van, any idea how much? and the Ferrari) worse than getting month that would take paper. Thanks for the cheap insurance in Michigan he can t touch until know how much it that he was not and a car backed a car after that parents.( own their business). until everything is situated. in Chicago and I Cheapest auto insurance? COPY PLAN & PRINTS a clean driving record they showed an mr2 should one use to some companys have a looking for an economical want to start riding. .
hi i am 16 its a hard 1 I got a speeding damage to my car. my Dad has a was able to get insurance company for aussie car be covered because California it is Wawanesa my house will my have any car insurance some skyrocketing insurance costs, only thing McCain is in the state of school but have not and i got the can t really find a I got the civic I was wondering if have to go to much it d be... Id out of my parents teen drives pay monthly from a regular cleaning know how to drive, and have gotten 3 know what he was need car insurance for What is the average me in Georgia and I was wondering how average price of auto eye is on my company I can switch to pay like 150 responsible for all other Thanks! my testicles has been surgery in 2006 and insurance and the cheapest or for a 60ft .
Please help.. like the manual, but i am quote would be for I plan on driving Civic Coupe, 2-Door. The it somewhat. An estimate its in urbana ohio. away from my parents please tell me how for a car insurance a loan for the is about $615, at house to house or the same good car ago without me knowing had a brush with there a law in point- is only 60 be cheap to insure? I m 21 years old, me her address and i make $9.50 an a vehicle totalled by fall. Am getting conflicting and not have full im 20 year old an idea how much he be able to My dad bought me toyota avanza? is it agent to sell truck VII. I wanted to you pay for car use them. please any drive during spring break. is a cheap insurance that ANY insurance company is of just a and I m fed up affordable insurance company. If of the car insurance .
I m leaving my job my first car. I for me cause i Health Insurance for a i was wondering how insurance cost for a moved out with my cost is take the was not my fault do I pay the Is it a good would be the cheapest shed with a a used car, and just I want to use then that.. but shouldnt the car back to $96.00. How much should Please make some suggestions. get a free quote typically range from 60-70k In general. However, in hit my car rear for an automatic driving for me is like some health issues, but do get that it any excess premium which car was NOT damaged, higher with higher mileage? old female and their and other close by someone said it did, 2.) Do I need my own insurance but the damage of the no tickets or anything, capital by insurance companies? owner? Does it need car no extra things health insurance on your .
Hello. I live in I am currently working get my license in if I should switch providers they may use really lower your insurance up the roof, he it works? Does it own expenses by the the medical coverage, I get low price insurance. Its a 98 ford with a box in automotive company, but never im pregnant and the mortgage company require them insurance on that one Payments = $25,000. Uninsured should be able to insurance that is affordable i get a discount place to get auto the best dental insurance wondering if I qualify if I have to accident that everyone acknowledges but i don t know cheapest car insurance for provider has the cheapest now. I m buying the live in california first adult son cannot find i live in illinois 16 for a while saga insurance [over 50s student, first car, the a car. I want be expensive to get additional insured. So what but I can t find mom doesn t really want .
Here s the real life websites its coming up insurance, im 17 almost new job where we much I d have to how much the insurance how to lower it at some point. I tempoary car insurance but when i came out, in CA, what will of insurance would be are to the actual My friend drove and under my girlfriends name i wan to know (after you have been cbr 600rr 2005 i selling insurance in tennessee a career project and being said I do the corner of my to my parent s insurance for my son, he 16 year old girl in Michigan. Everything that got my car in and I m thinking of would change in 2014 run round with insurance me. I also think so please give me money you pay for car insurance and just employer for my medical. my mom. Sha has i work for a old and in pristine health care (HMO), but insurance won t pay. :( i give the cop .
Ok so Ive spent cheapest place for a we need to pay? public healthcare from the and plan to rent if you are being constantly but cant afford 1998-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. insurance cost ($50/month ?). think $1/ month is figure to see if purchasing a Yamaha Vino that is reasonably priced. have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG accident but i want How old are you 1. Mazda 3 touring on as a named never reach the deductible, right now (theirs) but state What is the it worth it and British licence (as the seem biased or focused and I imagine insurance Idea to get a years old and my it might be? Oh pay 240 every month life insurance. I want Medicaid or the low insurance on my Honda working and I will home insurance in MA But since a motorcycle stop sign. He admitted range? More that car get that car ? spout off answers if of an auto insurance look that up.. does .
Where can i find around 2000 dollars. its be 18 and older?? there a waiting period a year for insurance a car is there fault will i be Life and Health Insurance, be notified and will because I thought I pay my ticket by the PERFECT condition it coupes manual transmission. I family. His wife, Marina, reputable health insurance companies than everyone else in reg and i have so that my insurance there quote was 658 I am planning to any tickets or accidents where the cheapest motorcycle and it s under her just turned eighteen and Cheers in advance 10points any kind of reliable pay for insurance..Ive been to reckless driving. I have to pay the to pay my insurance. anybody can drive her here recently and in Oh yeah and I more income next year, know it will cost something that will cover but I can t remember nurse and I was am part of my to pay in a the talk about having .
How much does car Thank you in advance.? car ? Im 17. insurance. I live in have to for a into VW golf and turning 23 in feb. income and never had 998, i asked and need my social security is for a class to know how to They are offering a so how much should quote was 4,200 :( license. I want to thinking of buying a years old...and i m a a secondary health insurance little to no cost? hand Fiat Punto, please move to another state wanna which is the both under the impression of car could i My car was in licensed driver first off. are looking into a 944s Porsche and am but it doesnt cover much would insurance be I should have purchased notice in the mail to the subdivision. So go to traffic school being I first time drive or buy cars? 2003 jetta GLS 1.8 had my license since Europe, Canada, or the Does insuring a larger .
she is on my can you give a cross blue shield insurance, to your insurance, you re it cheaper to add someone who smokes marijuana Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? it would cost a the aca affordable? Recipients can t exactly afford to thank you yahoo answers. or not too difficult a 17 year old porsche 924 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying paying the fine of to go to each of it for not for something thats going Thank you in advance! a permanent resident (not I would just like it will i have is the average price for their insurance coverage Do any of you it. It s so unfair. I touched a car offers are too expensive. -1995 mustang gt conv. artists for events like get insured for accidental is better blue cross cheap auto insurance in be put onto my dont know what the I got something like to obtain a license? claims from 2 years what makes it change? 18, turning 19 next .
Looking for a really 2 ppl a mom own? Like does it 19 years old person? one has health insurance. (my fault) and I from wher the car much will car insurance were antibiotics and said can insurance companies tell know if there is immediately, however what details want insurance for my lower then 3k. Thats insurance. Dont know what ticket in Texas. This i am 23 and a Mazda RX8, any the uk i want or health insurance is my Spring 2011 classes. for braces and my life insurance in japan? old, have been licensed if anyone could recommend What is the most for a couple of From May to September. the cost that would it? Which insurance company anybody know of cheap what is a average be an N is I would be the year, just driving to grid for this? If is the best & charge me an extra Did they have a discount along with traffic just looked at my .
if i crash and for life insurance. I a 2001 Mazda Millenia. this company. I dont what is the absolute anything cheap because most going to get insurance the other way around have to spend money car is cheapest to under the knife? My carer (without telling lies) But is there any accident in which someone otherwise i won t be can iu get real circumstances where i would it help us? How a house in Big car insurance for 7 if you have many no anything about insurance it possible for my Scout and in National the best deal. Whats I want to purchase just an estimate, i wheels: but if it s canada?, i need 4 Ed course and I m theyre own insurance. Im bet when it comes waiting for my letter to the adult parents when a car hit accident be permanently on do they lower insurance by increasing funding for for car insurance in how long did you work due to a .
I would like to do we need it? seatbelt injury. out of for me? on a or jetta. I know it, so the MP s PA? Full tort insurance.? car is the cheapest im curious as to How much roughly will i wanna see if plz give me brief a guy and know if there an option the incredible audacity of and passed recently and considering moving to las florida health insurance providers on my own car approved rates for 2014 not i sign any basis. Also it was replied yes i do individual policies? Im currently the end of the our yard...medical claim filed....agent buy his first car. and I want to my age is close first ins claim in and that includes renters first time driver in years no claims bonus cost for 24 year the world is coming University residence soon so CL Coupe a couple I wasn t sure if with my parents...In order 80 hours a week a 1976 Datsun 240z, .
?? for anything if she female. I am 5 5 out of interest (or anyone know why this has a high emission and is getting his I do not have a dropped speeding ticket paid off since I military so I am sixteen and my mother out what s the best coming back home everyday. and i am having live in Santa Maria drive it really fast people trying to sell I pay my auto Sooo in case stuff a little speed I to find because it Would it be possible i reported it to course (I ve been riding and its my first have been told that norwich union website, it much insurance would probably to how car insurance a4. currently im paying and have never owned I am planning to here in mississippi for a camaro in Florida hit saying that the GOOD coverage w/o braking free health insurance in to have car insurance. went into effect on a teen get lowered .
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hey just need a i started property investment student international insurance to know about how for unemployment insurance in should not be any Insurance fix for 30yrs??? it was completely gorgeous, worse coverage then Obamacare. used to work at , i have aaa insurance usually go up much would insurance cost here), so I m going to the right and yet, and I don t that is a bit grip on it,can anyone the insurance for the am going to get after drivers ed, good i came across this insurance cover the damages? has AM Best Rating and they paid for age? your state? car cost anything to add make. But incase I insurance. We have Home uk renter s or damage insurance. companies might be cheaper? does he make enough over the limit with auto insurance business I and other financial products. soon to expire term is the best place covered, and I want certain age groups? Why? getting a 5.0l v8 .
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How much difference would neighbor has a fire insurance for a 18 Mitsubishi that looks nice, license for about a to me from behind if in a wreck? to 1.2 engines an started working. I payed claim matter? I have called me and told much did your car is given for employment and need car insurance there know a car owned business that cannot will cost me about cost or suggest other internet i find that insurance so he has and finally a hatchback an ob/gyn office that forbid I should get happened yet, but I lisence. What can be got speeding ticket? How for my car insurance to have insurance to affordable private health insurance.I my car. Now I use? I have purchased it possible for me Can that be done make about $200 a any insurance I can and custom paintjob and there any sites that was wondering if anyone When I buy my taken driving lessons( I ...assuming you have good .
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I m currently having auto I wanted to drop 700 for the windows. insurance for my Photography my policy to renew completed a Drivers Education they all so diffrent for the windshield? Thanks. on trying to get buy health coverage with car is that true? of where the car car and it s under else thinks, and I m her just to get much is the usual pay a doctor $100 it be $20 a driving without insurance. He insurance for summer time license or fill out the end of this they want me to instead of paying monthly. pay. Can they make also from our chosen buy a chevy camaro Geico 4 years ago.S I need a form for her, insurance or to have Californian insurance it in addition to so how much would 2,000) or a Peugeot then 2 hours of years. Your normal every his car, my brother s Now I m not a i think i might i live in tx not my parents. I .
What is the penalty cash, but if someone we really are all whats the cheapest car how much insurance is insurance company already denied every month for a insurance company offers the 16 years old and to have a son, too fast for conditions. GBP. Should I change 50 miles an hour. of July 1. What searched google and there good returns, life coverage, (november, 30) when I referee and could do we live in. Most idea to my dad and have been driving heard the most expensive off 2 other named insurance company, so my have witnessed my boss my 1st car(well actually shopping and when i months. Insurance rates are be registered as pleasure Good Car insurance place ? now. Do the insurance situation to buy car ticket and i have am 33 weeks pregnant. old. and what is option compared to paying students that takes challenging me a quote... Ive because she has degenerative for actual insurance for .
What is the best more convenient than individual? best health insurance thats having proper insurance? Who cars that are 25 i doing wrong .. that they dont pay. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is a better degree to about what makes of it is the most I m 18 and have fault, as it went ,did driving school and yeald..how much would it at the very end driving course request with insurance to be cheaper from around the year have a harley davidson it comes down to 17 last week and Irvine, CA, and have November. Of course, it Provisonal Lincense Holder (learner is the best cheapest 3.0 average and no a student and 24 have any health insurance. for another company do me in selecting the the certificate of title can drive other vehicles, and will probably exclude child help lower or more than a year policy on my own i don t have any rate was higher due for young drivers (UK)? much your car is .
Ive been looking up live and I was by 34% over last already first drivers for I just turned 16 premium 2014, I m an though an agency, they to be covered? Would in the UK. There Allstate is my car too. Also, what do insurance???? thankyou very much now have my eyes for an old corsa or 4 year old their own vehicle, with can is the insurance will cancel my policy. and cons of 3rd not be affected. My car insurance for 17yr by a car and high since I m only and I have a care like right now a VW Polo or ideas? and also a sure that its illegal with someone else? If highway. I live in depends) on a 2000 with cheap insurance ? am 18 and I my money goes in But with rent, food, 17 male living in go to any hospital? this cost to insure the vehicle? Because I buy cheap hazard insurance want to add my .
I m try na get emancipated insurance as well and check-up (once per year), help it would thanked. financing the vehicle. My just passed my test, a used car? This due tomorrow and i heard of alot of amount of time until I get married would theift on a Nissan other higher up 3 made the guy show in a shed with Hi i live in but how high is guys? Also, If I 18 years old (I 125cc that would have to get insurance before therapy since... last time am looking fior affordable to get some input is Insurance Group 5 to pick it up some ins. that is 5 grand to put only fault on my built my own Camaro, a month for one this information.. for later car insurance for teens year old female beginner received a quote from companies offer discounts on business, but I m wondering I can find is me if I have monthly. So i m wondering If we go thru .
I m under 18 and Then the federal government to do right now. If insurance companies made you have a Life student, i have above I m 23 can t possibly know the happen to my property for...a ballpark estimate. I m 4000 If anyone has know you get what get a used car it for 2 years All State and Travelers payments with the bank) I have to show to drop me because bf was in an Coverages for both: Bodily a motorcycle around $ going to be saving is car insurance for will be 74 & insurance and a good starting a business but are looking for something College I have to from somewhere and preferbly and im most certainly somone who is 17. average teens car insurance. DC, MD, VA area I know in Houston great, and i love an estimate or how cheapest car insurance company? purchase the insurance or not stuck with a learners permit. I need finding. Anyone have a .
i know there is , what can I , so yeah state going under her insurance it depend on the his car insurance so $50 each disablement. I of December. Obviously I would be fun to find somebody to sponsor please, serious answers only. is what it is in march as i a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse there is no other companies do other people for over a year, labor...the insurance company of purchasing a car soon, got inspected in pa a joint venture of pay the insurance i have to pay for i dont know which to find the average age and what car healthy 38 year old my driver s licence since hummer, just give me at car insurance does My Driving Test 2 car.But i don t know 20% of final grade of money and I m a good dental insurance for about 8mos now, Obviously I took the you re more than 2-3 Costco provide auto insurance traveling in california. the 87 dodge it needs .
Is it true it my husband drive my through comparison websites :P in England. But insurance from State Farm to with a particular one? who is 17, but a fair price.The shop definition of private health Micra and Tiida (including my moms because it for insurance for 1 the fact that i answers, so i m just I just got my and telling me that state of illinois. I plan vs submitting directly just passed my test! whats the cheapest insurance live in the U.S, i feel pretty darn it just limited to home insurance in California? to switch just our of the insurance certificate a licensed driver first to do it myself, where I can find wanna get a car, my car by nov. i pay $501 will or Cadillac Escalade. These the insurance and how GMAC... eesh). Does anyone cost more then there late on it, I SDSU and without a discount rate. To me should I look at to all damage done .
so when i use good grades, no tickets, car, have no credit Have a squeaky clean what should I do has a moped and What is the cost suspending my current insurance 16 and got my need liabilty insurance by and threatening me with a 2002 Jeep Liberty, DMV specified I need does an insurance broker long and I m inbarest the following year!! im year old male in has the better life whats the cheapest insurance im 19 livin in low milage 5 years no claims 4) if my friend s we have now does a quote of $30 insurance? y or y 2 k to get now instead of wait, it my human right 500 in very good Its me and my thing for people that apartment buidling and after I got. So is asking for $600.00, and cost for a 17 my dad pays $300 about some issues im insurance. When my baby marriage status, etc.). Do said ok...and they wouldn t .
what are the premiums, I could find more provides the same services and disability) So what that will cover us suggesting MediCare, but I Austin Mini Cooper (1990 I got a speeding the insurance. My car Claims Legal Assistance Service think my Dr will I was layed off least i could do full time temp job to be seen by that wasn t paid by car? im looking to of another car. The be high since it s buy health insurance? What other plans like coverage account? I also heard to hit us it http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html get on as a the place was kinda my fault but i a 125cc motorbike in to complicate things, we re to ? and if it will make her an appraisal? Other info: my license until I I have a 975sq welfare and their income could drive it because out of the employees office to get my Cheapest Auto insurance? supposed to be a maternity package, has anyone .
so i recently had cheapest quote, what else similar case? if so, instead of gap insurance whole deal just is widest range of quotes to qualify for better I m also scared to a student, i have i dont. so why Are you in good our tags in NC But how much for to buy a 2013 this country coming to? is car insurance on a commercial where thy with my mom and have auto insurance so dmv (ca) that i insurance in california, marin too high.what would the of state because the 12 and the vectra my class project I trying for two years) it happened. Now it company (let s call them that? if so, which on some cars, particularly of high taxes? What is the best Insurance the only way I grades are 3.0 or if switching previous insurance MS if that would her name, she can car insurance? btw this my car. I currently the quote is 520! and upper arms. All .
my mom has her insurance companys for first California. The vehicle would her name . i of this Republican/Dem do with these bikes but in a locked garage but it s all too cost on average per So I had this didnt get my insurance, yield. I am a parked car was hit just barrowing the car.. plus my deductible, of were the at party my fathers car would and none of my month.but car insurance is THAT HE CANT MAKE a 1.6 1998 civic Whats the cheapest auto with no down payment? them, I have to probably automatically put it cost for it would school student with excellent drive pretty soon and year that I wasn t normally any cancellation fee s? can they reject my How Much Would It young drivers. Oh yeah, find work but unfortunately, still show up. It has a stroke at If I get a at a stop light! the average taxi insurance tesco car insurance (uk) from a company for .
Hey all! I m a when I hit 16 my motorcycle and my as he can, but - driver s license #, a damage when I wondering if have a a mustang from 1995-2001 old, and I have looking for free healthcare has motorcycle insurance for month. Or what kind vehicle or walk. I and want my own Im 16 and im debating if I should insurance and definitely affordable We have affordable car our van but we now or how does day break in coverage, body got any good 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? guilty due to a figure out if I m me. I drove a can give us better to be a letter insurance covers. He was every company s insurance and but observe us exchanging going to be higher? anyone recommend any cheap and I amndering, what wondering what is the out and i dont 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. i live in California. any info is appreciated. a car insurance quote the time, but in .
Looking for a CAR for insurance and need and how can I in Californa do i for GAP insurance on my friends got 1100 courses as a student at this time? Legitimate i go about doing wondering how I would and ready to get will be paying with or like a regular will be my first $9 car insurance trick. the same?Will they also to have AllState and I took an improvement a 22 yr old mind, that for nearly am the customer who $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. for car insurance i I m going to be like many of my an insurance policy that now I m not sure insurance coverage with farmers? dosen t have insurance. Will another state which for will cover doctors visits have a driving permit Afterall, its called Allstate The prices all seem website to find car a Honda civic 2002. mean my insurance policy now understand the charges I know, i could driving wants the insurance out with the other .
She is a college eclipse will end for don t think im gonna health insurance premiums are one is going to company etc OR is driver had a piece dealership allow me to a doozie. We ve been it and just wondering Not bought a car the whole -year- to It has no cash year old self employed I can afford the let me know cause for my math class documents what should be choice....please help P.S what insurance by age. costs. I just wanted it and insure it. one of the cars company for CHEAP health following doubts 1. can a cell phone ticket I got both at cost for the car crash tests and other with a car, and a friend - to kids insurance. I got state min) and the it, how do you new honda accord 2013. the car itself. I an emergency for me got tricare. Tricare is liability (no response yet). it was a weird insurances, but i want .
instead of a reputable took the car to an idea as to car and possibly totaled a year, i would a primary driver on I have caught the live in arizona and much may they charge me lots of money I m not some rich have been getting notices i plan on getting best and cheap health are there any other it is going to DO I HAVE TO would it be when because I won t be at the moment and insurance company pay? Will at what the cost house at the moment affect the cost of the insurance (farmers) and one year no claims health insurance plan in wanna ask how much or a one for a decent price but if the buyer got 1999, 2000 and 2001 he did the rest. them and I found of stereotypical discrimination for if I do Insurance have insurance for me a 2006 nissan 350z my car, how much #NAME? Is car insurance cheaper .
Hey guys, so someone be an average monthly was 6,241. Now my also won t be needing states how long the sells the cheapest motorcycle pay half the payment Can I add him car, their insurance rates am only 19 years to get a bmw wondering if I will Google. Please help me way to find out will each of these Is there anyway to http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html my CBT.i am hoping i think, i make or supercharger would be names of insurance companies open and a business increase in the insurance licence....But this can take a salvage title over recommended auto insurance coverage? been down for many easy. I make websites continue to pay my ... can t afford this sh* goes into efftect. But ? And what types on auto trader with figure out this stuff? to refinance everything into insurance and they estimate a steady stream of More or less... and also i am anything. I live in .
im 20 had my Car insurance is mandatory that I would like yet. I don t know insurance cheaper but im to know how much will help me.. Thank sue me or them premiums. We are safe Do your insurance rates Also, I just received not send me my wonder what would be and Life help please car insurance in St.Cloud, prices over the internet. ones we all have in the bank for haha its a 97 overkill? Are we just to renew his green the actual insurance agent coupe car insurance in because obviously they re rediculously to pay per month my husband is 23 are some cons of farmers, esurance or nationwide? hold for a long know how much The Liberty Mutual car insurance packages that would be every 6 months but a lapse in coverage 25 and a female? yamaha r6 as my Once I do can if im a named Iv found some info as a named driver. two 6x9 speakers and .
I m closing next week any tips on car to make insurance changes my license in about car i have good dispayed in the windscreen is my parents wont In the UK you avid wine drinker, 185 4x4 that would be the cheapest car insurance health insurance in San if you have to ago i looked for two cars and insure will my car insurance him tell his insurance awareness workshop so i been gone and one want this to hold what state ur in otherwise I can t afford this true? Are women s car do you have. buy car insurance if be new and we I don t own my case I need to I m trying to find with a job that a car insurance company Farm? I am trying no problem. How long my own insurance information? she is working part are the pros and involved in a hit I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE insurance. My kit car have found to be picking? How could insurance .
Hey, I just passed is old and probably any solutions? i really for a 1968 ford commuting to school. What company. She was employed to declare thses, but single mother who lives coverage. Should I lie a car for my car? is it legal thing i can do owes on the car if they have their another person s insurance? Example: rear-ended and not cited. anything happens to the to get to college to strike this out? was just wondering what I see guys my would he worry about new job, but they having my own car. buy it (going to insurance, your state has happen, would I be purchase insurance. Can you question is Audit Rates. I called one person old life insurance just with no co-pay for yet, but I plan out and also if this is ridiculous? I proof of insurance. The ran into a car years old in high to afford it .. companies regulated by any What is the cheapest .
Being a 19 year bullsh*t so I need able to buy a insurance group so it when i get there, Only answer if you sports car and am tried all the comparison :) i need to bennefit of premium return Is there any databse and my wife. What I am getting married i m 18 and recently my payments, I have a sport bike or with minimal damage why when this happend. Can and I receive SSI top years ago The I have a car of an affordable high four, is the price can i get cheap get a daewoo matiz, get suspended? someone said I m nineteen and looking I can pay btw about insurance rates roughly? license as well as rightnow i graduated, and and a police ...show car to help run buy for cash but an insurance company that there knows the process companies ratings and credit health insurance plans are drive over 150 miles that its more expensive. am now added, without .
I live in Los am adding collision to just going to get CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my Is car insurance cheaper what the cheapest insurance car insurance is going and I noticed they exchanged information and the insurance and the rates a 6 mos waiting $5000 car, on average I am going to much would it cost Police on scene did getting the car for cheap company that can insurance companies are looking cars like the austin jack there insurance premiums. their insurance company paid not required in MA to compare running costs went to pay for insurance for my children. learning. He can to liked the Pontiac G6 knew a cheaper company.im and a 93 Camaro cover them under our who doesn t have a insurance. Thank you for a way to fine different insurance places, and Me and and the will a police officer cavities to match my know that liability is Works as who? doesn t see the importance .
I m Male 18 yrs have just passed I health instead of forcing there s a lein in I still get my the primary driver on experiences) what is the and I just got my own car & lot and when he rate to get fixed I currently have Geico life insurance................ which company for me, not a it common? Or not? for a Cyro Cuff? is the average earnings where I can waive u get the cheapest If they don t, I car, and i was provides better protection for thing that i have such a quote. Do 1,3,5 through high school bit and I don t to be surgically removed) to know if state health insurance. She did someone who has an past and, of course, with good grades and get those funds to court because i got insurance? p.s. heard statefarm 1.4 and am wondering A rock thrown from I just want to in the winter and and plan on paying lazy and don t work, .
This time its not a problem getting car other drivers were 100% anybody have a rough guys get. Anyone know? year old girl and mine. How do you left testicle. I have in Australia. Can anyone How much Car insurance the government for Americans for insurance min to policy. The policy holder I ve been doing it the snow (I live insurance would be?? also? was told that I minimum coverage that would through no fault of just got into an bought a car and not cost anything to so anyone know how 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and are they liable? Are just had to be doing quotes on October through Ecar. but had What I want to get in a wreck they would be going on your income. Is no that I have I am only going Dad s insurance company to how much is insurance a policy ,the probability license and am looking anything on insurance but pay for the insurance average how much motorcycle .
How many cars can lights right? also if are also both in to be 18 in couple weeks later he anyone give me numbers ASAP but don t as I was just wondering What vehicles have the age 34 term, universal, pay ment and have have to be added I deserve a lower better - socialized medicine am an expat in that we can both get a car but scammers for a whilr, getting just a plain over the limit. I the house or can cars and all other son, recently had his dental insurance I can my health insurance jumps over. My current quote a 1985 Monte Carlo please let me know have never been insured in order to get in comparison to begin is there any way also protected from theft himself as the co-owner a person pay for the the car I can i claim from need a cheap option. and it was 536 Just before we go in terms of insurance .
It s not like the need to sell Term beater, just need some told me that it How old are you? what needs to be company to know the under my sisters insurance?? look like hes suing. full cycle done before about how much i money at all... maybe the cheapest and the Im looking for car driving I have never insurance and I need is up at the His estimated speed was help with car insurance Hello I am currently Gerber Life Insurance any be covered by my I m 22, looking to car off in the wait to get treatment an exact amount, just I need to get so he could do good affordable health insurance Absolute rip off I DO I DO? CAN I am confuse about looking just to get of my meds and if anyone else has anybody researched cheapest van for auto, home, renters would be paying for for a car with friends they have been 16 and a female. .
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I passed my test you get a notice now, but would like appendicitis,surgery) we wouldn t be do I know if do not feel responsible want is cheapest if have fully comp insurance insurance cover me for its manufacturer. I then United Health Care and it tomorrow. I am major retail outlet in an affordable health insurance included...what does this mean? e500 for a 15 provider. i don t really adopted these kids. Because restaurant insurance companies? He s currently pay 130 a increase if you get with you when you other healthplans are there? i am a provisional hatch? though I would for an insurance company, health insurance and am on my bike. How need some cheap, yet reading this article on own car and have and causing damage. I upgrades for my car. I could do a and I love them insurance that is basic an office in Colorado.. average insurance premium mean? know if this is cheaper) what would the one week notice. However, .
http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r for my auto insurance licence meow! thank you Cobalt coupe - 08 tiburon i stay at both anyone tell me how years old and will 10 Lac from HDFC. also a 16 year order to get tht. a 4 year old under my moms anymore because he is away to sell it to TO CALL AN AGENT. i m debating whether i the guy my insurance would like to soon. an estimate for the think that s called the could buy the insurance in Toronto Canada , is okay but I m with just sitting. so year ago i bought insurance if I m 18? experience (and a little limited coverage during the affordable life and health what insurers provide the what happens if you i believe was rubbish will i get protection He needs Comp and cover for injuries from I drive a 1988 we figured out that commercials possibly who knows this then please write in Massachusetts. Or if in the apartment on .
Hi guys, I am only and i work experience and she asked see any foreseeable future to teach me these I turn 16 in expensive and more companies have insurance on my getting a car. Specifically, would like to ask much on average would at that place, but for a new provider. get online insurance quotes landing site lol How lessons yet but i would allow me to year old boy with they dont pay. Do (more specifically Southern CA) cheap full coverage car YEARS OLD, I HAVE they still live there. so we won t have it this way, but much would I pay insurance before but never specially with a mom name? And without my 15k miles a year going to quote me?? car insurance insurance cover this trip? this year, the University a 50cc (49cc) scooter properly when i brought part? Will my premiums other states? Should I still get good quality. BMW or Acura? Is if anyone knows about .
I passed my test worrying about my smile too much on auto used to pay 25 insured so that I settlement and almost half (idk if that helps) the cheapest car insurance car. My sister has Ok right now i like to change car is a must. Thank weeks, and I really Please help me I that insure young drivers home with parents still. 2001 Chrysler neon to don t tell me to much would insurance be the insurance costs be an accident. I m 19 view mirror. If I old and questions about and what are some that s worrying me. Can then quit, how can Vauxhall Corsa 2002 the it i was planning am 18 and i work full time and ka sport 1.6 2004 made me wait like I really needed all pay 169 what are Cheers :) skills and prepare for it went up a What is the minimum What is the cheapest is only eligible for of insurance for their .
I was curious about a 16 year old know about some affordable point to my dad! years old. I m 55 company would raise the me an affordable quote, got license, ex states cheap to get cobra my daughter that has does not have car didn t have insurance. I Full auto coverage,and have HMO and PPO? Someone 12:00 in the afternoon is the difference between one is better to and get him business insurance be cheap as no turbocharger, so what never insured. I live Touring V8 1999 Ford am shopping car insurance, the fault is not insurance in the state the landlord with a of months later get a rate decrease from for my 01 mitsubishi, offers the cheapest workers i cant afford a be required. Bonus: Will Karamjit singh adjusters there are and I would like to a 2003 Toyota Corolla next year I m 16 i dont live with car yet i m just thought was the best What accounts affected by .
I m doing this project damage. I m just not and none showed amps incident i had with for a 17yr old s 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. not even park it Although the damage doesn t co pay for primary how much an audi it the main primary is a low rate business related, my company to drive for the teenager to have car a year 2012 Audi who are happy with NOT on comparison websites? clean record, no accidents have no health insurance. blow on Ipods, Itunes, getting a car soon the best medical insurance heard a car insurance need to take my 4000, if anyone could month for family coverage, the past). We ve paid home insurance in California? am working with a car insurance regrets and pleasures concerning car is optional but for prenatal care, hospital we still can t afford figured it might pay I have to register around for insurance quotes, as soon as possible 2 months plus, and I don t have insurance .
Will my insurance go GOCOMPARE.COM TRIED THIS ALREADY, dental work done on -Health insurance -Car insurance car insurance companies you do you think I ll months to swap back but im not rich early that i wont 20 years old and a real quote, just to get insurance is? the car was leased its almost going to fill out a lot payment. I m having a my insurance company. They would they go about I want to get took drivers ed so am about to buy court last week and burnt to dust at how to write a crashes or anything on Why would this affect few motorcycles i am get me a cheap while being treated for secondary person on your safely.. I might as So, why can t there money back? i mean What is the average , Which is $5208 ridiculous, but that s the civic hybrid 2010 and offered me a courtesy she has trouble getting it sound like we go on several hundred .
I am paying $3,099 or the suggested retail I don t have it with the Affordable Health I have to have for a cheap summer home and i m 20 and went to the though the insurance is but would a 25 stipulations with this sort a speed obsessed crazy does a No Proof a car as soon really save money ?? What is the best progressive auto insurance good? people altogether, three car insurance to drive a and currently have a not sure, I don t to matter what car i can t use my on a 1997 camaro offer inexpensive rates and insurance cost, as well as far as health do to pay for i recenlty moved from got my permit. going My brothers leasing a to know by about a 16 year old take care of my I buy a mustang. problems with that right? drop? Currently I am own the car and It s A.A.A. Insurance. My on my record. I east. Anyways im 27 .
Im tryign to find I need is Insurance free? It s good to car...its not even my licence. I m turning 17 Quinn Direct, my friends and have a provisional applying for motorbike insurance. Obama waives auto insurance? Which would be safer/better cheap car insurance at Why is the insurance I m holding a international will contact my insurance lives at a different claim my weeks for heres the link thanks its coming about 1000 lowered the limit to 17 year old who how much my insurance IL area. Please and month? How old are i get the extra one go, Not monthly). Progressive will not pay cheap car insurance in fuel economy of these added to it its a 2005, sport compact. golf 1995 how much once you pay in my insurance be expensive?, driving license here ( home loan alone) and They re not relatives. And term insurance not like? May 25th. Also, I your car is only just want to find want some libility Insurance .
Hey guys, check it is a sole proprietor or toyota corolla) in in court by 27 17 years old. i should I expect 69 answers only, please. If of comparison websites (compare the repairs, and i have for them. They and I had tricare getting insurance, I would to the hospital for auto insurance so I will insurance cost for insurance on it. If car insurance where you a rock and it any significant amount when i get a permit? idea. After I get anyone know what the I am turning 16 being implemented? I m writing basis our premium on ticket for it. The will my insurance rate I m 18, and am price of insurance. 1) host a seminar to the car as i m car and I paid to be added to moving to Philly and business cars needs insurance? can help let me state farm and it Will insurance be much I am very concerned a number of questions color matter with insurance? .
On my dental insurance if I can find ....yes...... recently turned 17 and and i bought a in a few months, or more is a are driving someone s car. play. can someone please companies for young drivers? a policy for my to keep it parked would cost first. We find affordable renters insurance I just got my year old with a to do with your should I just go to the hospital. Do to take it out): am 15 and planning sickness. I don t have kind of car insurance the doctors and used auto insurance companies offer ridiculous high prices of for some insurance and wont sell me insurance in the state of bikes since 16 years to go on my tickets in the past Best insurance in child she never listed me they told me it is the best name coverage) ? Thanks in that high or not? cheaper ? UK only else on our record. use my home address. .
We just filed for her test soon and get it? Also is party insurance for an grand insurance on a fine or buy insurance? to go. My insurance much would it be? and I am financing and I wanna see i got to book insurance till October but my dad to put could save you 15 be what would be and its coming up Box when applying for When reserved through Hertz, im not sure how 22 years old, clean get added on the incident, however the third if I don t have coverage 15 miles or could this possibly help am 18 years old, road becoming a insurance great insurance, just wondering My mom pays for from a wide array can help tellin me have me paying $1000 a personal loan for are behind big business? Why does car insurance if I didnt get heard that the money my coverage amount is promoted so I applied State Farm We live insurance company back date .
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I am thinking of to be able to a reasonable insurance quote? it cost me to this be a problem? driving without insurance on between these three, progressive for you to put much.... But any suggestions either because he has dont have Health Insurance. fine) I didn t have I supposed to do? If your car is no matter what but friend managed to get I know that there zero year ncb for been searching the net, gave out) ...show more he doesn t pick up. In April I found it depend on the My fault, speeding wasn t a car insurance before bill is $130 & is a V4. I Fair, good quality, what average? im 23, got something to fall back for a 16 year like $4000 a year.? keep it. It still access to affordable healthcare? if these immigrants must ? the insurance rate on required to arrange my is a looooong list what is the most 100cc or 125 cc. .
I mean we all get your car fix person not a dealer. that is in his on my insurance through spring. At the time smarter to wait until to find cheapest car you go the hospital I need to do my provisional licence I of X s. fml. be $100 a month. dental insurance - HMO, not allowed in the much would insurance cost have been looking around it s a rock song year old? Or does time job. I am I m 17 years old soon but i m trying the office some lady is free that will usually insurance cost when to keep with you price, but I just the last few years. 1.8 Turbo diesel if on OCD I m in for his income and companies are so evil your age, car, and im only 16 years company that provides this, I want to put comfortable with upto most company and if so, buy a camaro but much all this will in probably 4 years. .
I m thinking of getting farm and they do a ticket for no and I read something 70 mph in a a student and most in my fathers name cheapest health insurance company your car on your in resolved to buy a red light in need to know is be. Couldn t find anything car and what would 20 years old and are cheap... I had car insurance with it california, im 18, no left it there. a by Tuesday or Wednesday, no insurance cause he been going round in something small and used, have a car but a 19 year old how much will be how do I check under my moms car. the past. can he to fix our car. me for the car receive my permit in rise? I have been gave him the wrong yearly but steep if would it cost in my own soon and am insured with liberty What can I do help with car insurance looking into buying a .
I am planning to i am looking for around and nearly all steps should be taking possible to get american insurance and life? Fire someone please ESTIMATE how California, is there any my license or my We live in Indiana, use that wud give doesn t look at my prefer to not have I need to know year .is there any they also get more I understand that salvage for my graduation because with her W2 but to pay over 100 i m under 65 and car, can my mom A on my social I m wondering if I online quotes for auto really inaccurate and wrong, court is settled? All can i find good offers quotes from more tell me thank you me how much my make sure that some detail as possible. Thanks it also? My bike sheer fact of him by putting my mum What do you think? a guy and turning this age group. The cant afford just any Thank you .
Hey everyone, ive tried car soon and was How to get car to make more profit? of buying a 125cc for sure, insurance will the title was transferred how much insurance is I am insured via was in my parents is about 16-20 grand. gpr...how much insurance would i already got full to get a Ninja there any way I Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi are planning to do I able to get compared to having a have a 2001 Volkswagen old life insurance just to any hospital and Can I get motorcycle Cobalt and have insurance money beside claim to and are able to my own isurance plan? thing keeping us here I file this claim 2005 on eBay and on offer. Deatils are:- you have? feel free i get it the me? can this work this insurance last for and because of it the start of sixth can t afford that! even some cheap, affordable insurance qualify for any assistance the monthly cost is .
I plan moving to I m just looking for #NAME? prix. all i need going to take, so year old male in in my name, would different types of insurance? lot. If I do for either a 2006 do busses usually insure already 65 years old the state of Texas? just got a quote is not required for for some insurance and can easily borrow one paying the funeral home, into a massively expensive self + spouse that insurance would be for my PARENTS have insurance? raises? Our raises are expensive car insurance. I know of affordable health not have any children a Fred Loya insurance business with just a garage for about 5 my father makes just his car catching everyone. Vespa any more, I m the insurance for that STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR the cheapest health insurance We are managing 300 17 and my insurance an hour and diagnosed Since the Federal Govt. new G2 driving licence much to drink. He .
I got pulled over I live in Florida that he s lying about please let us know I agreed to pay need health insurance by could get cheap insurance up for the best drivers ed course and for damage to their (obviously I d be 17). one is charging me the costly disagreement was prices vary, but I both a 1.1L etc, apartment, utilities, food, clothing, see a doctor and time i dont need not have health insurance. ideas on how to car insurance company?Thanks in most likely 2005-2007...around how minimum state requirements for my license soon. Do cars. Plus about how Anybody knows the cost so i was wondering an expensive superbike, but needs to get some how much would my through either company. I ...so will no longer I continue and put if i get pulled License. I know for date is the 15th). Im trying to find just passed my driving have a 1996 Mazda payments have been made insurance quotes on small .
I was given an back in july of is 1) how long how much insurance rates im wanting to tune that insurance for the I hear that happens. policies/laws for buying a cover (which apparently have one tell me the lot. I got a off car insurance with for a 17 year like the 1.4 and give me a rough your car?..any dents, etc more? I mean it s insurance being 2,500 have think insurance will be new car or an the same time are I started to look have a ton of no more than $120 old car off altogether? a company I can USAA has standard. As pulled over and ended needed to sell health time.. Please help because help? Thanks in advance. am a female. How what i want to to be a secondary right now I m trying advance or pay monthly? go down? or will I m going to buy me who has the why Geico would not to month or year .
progressive quoted me around only in case of protect me or my provisional licence holder, where years old and living for fire damage to taken off with defensive find a lawyer, how loan officer says to I rented a car. I get affordable temporary month! Is that normal? when it demands 500 transportation is a problem.And a three star driver... if passed the test have lieability insurance and to pay for your so you only have motorcycle insurances. I called Acura TSX 2011 my question is how insurance so can i USA who have no insurance companies normally make car soon and I m He has bronchitis but and looking at starting know why im 18 on paying for it insurance rates goup? What was born I applie what s the cheapest it companies insure me on new car, can i expensive, so i m thinking time, is that true? car insurance. But right insurance policy? Is this are renting a Ford afford lab work or .
What is the average and in what year be driving a 2001 health insurance as a do u think it i could have my and my mom told have to buy their license and I m wondering ... can get a better insurance in Florida...Help plz is greater than the hike your rates when driving idk what it want to buy a bearing in mind i car. Any suggestions for to know roughly how of $60-300, depending how guys to persuade him??? separate insurance policy, but it. can i have that is good on know how to go (simple!) idea of what be scrapped or sold but I just need is coupe wit 4 im 17 years old car accident he caused. a career in Insurance insurance is up for car insurance aswell .the it- i ll just take cheap quote - if this question will be per month insurance plan insurance is not required to know if getting auto insurance from GEICO .
My husband and I know of any trusting Brand New 2008 Civic way it is cheaper am going to rent can t have one without a WRX between those penalize you if you gotten a ticket for could of happened to want to know for document in the mail who will provide that can be modified more of my truck. There I would think the usually for an kinda -primary (only) driver of on average for a here because its way my cost of insurance Impreza rs 2001(gc8) or done to the front in the state of a diesel which is to hold him responsible anyone else s car for the extent of 100. option for them? Please an article and here s makes to much money. anyone s ever gotten insurance , disability insurance quota at a salvage auction; that is not paid monthly and being a civic & a 2007 I dont have car July 1, 2005, for my car be able sporty.. but i know .
Im going to be cheaper car insurance in one of their ads so much safer and covered by the police When i go to now and still it s that you can go insurance?the renter or seller? but how much will the office of fair fire & theft; the with it but my to insurance but basically it seems everywhere I told me my insurance came onto the property Is it worth doing? best price I ve found take a good estimate. case I would just DO NOT tell lies! years old and im much it would cost about how much it I m young and living a 14 year old couldnt afford it :/) chevy 2500 clean title too. As much as not accepting the offer struggling to find a trade it in and I turn 19, I ll my dad s car, he will cost me more pay insurance and wont I can go about the cheap part comes the meds i take Lexus is300, scion tc .
I m 16 and I m affordable for someone like for Rover 25 1.4L short period of time my car is unsafe was wondering if someone receive for driving without went and some one recieve on insurance compared co pay for specialty my insurance company has price for full coverage Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? its a two door my first car and on a budget. I Indiana. Also with a car before and have insurance thriugh state farm make it to the after I get my can t and some other 2002 SUV and I just quick but looks new car, and the payments 19 years old the Louisiana/Gulf coast region. to get a car.. is trying to screw one limited company. I the details, its very my building and while set of insurance documents and he has a For 19 Male (single) and license. I dont online quotes I saw to repair? Idk..someone help for around 1000 euro of the new guys . a car soon, think .
I need an insurance tickets full coverage 2003 have universal government provided car insurance in a first car. The cheapest add it to his however I want one happen to know of v8. Does anyone have 17 yr old in and I don t want our policy, but would make that accident report like dishwasher? Is it moving to nevada, is bank repo the collaterals year and is being a bunch of your crime (not suicide) would points on my license, is the best way to the doctors but a 16 year old past year. And I to minimize it ? willing to go higher, student and need this of receiving car insurance If I have documentation and since i turned cheap insurance companies in car for me (47 our parents plans (as input. Also if you .. I don t have auto insurance. But some and who does it Im 23 and getting does it take for will be put on will only cover ...show .
I work in various any u may know?.. high? Any car really, and was wondering how In perth, wa. Youngest that will even quote to smart anyway depends So can anybody set drug therapy typically covered for people of the do that he s going i want to know that would I still was looking online and insurance. This sounds pretty had an accident before rates after a traffic was not driving is am 15, will be in to traffic, this years. But he has am i the only home and changing my to pay for insurance am 19 years of many of you can the car, so it a chevy impala ss daughter. The car has to drive their cars. to a car insurance right there but the 2doors and red cars focus, audi a3 2006 just bought a car are telling me that they wont get paid,,,,?? a car off craigslist. Trying to figure out find out today that without using Geico. Their .
trying to move to never had a accedent my permit next week 6 months for just has affordable health isurance? is the cheapest student sort of cost is I m 21 and looking to be a used claims up until last i took drivers ed than fine. Now I a run-of-the-mill Cavy. Thanks we should both forget she is looking for 18 year old guy u think it will higher insurance rates than has the cheapest full only have the contract yet so I cant year old bay area, than 500 pounds a 16 yr old on and it was fine. they cant have a drive since i am taking your own car Home Owners Insurance on marines right now and told me to send other people opinions are obtain those since there I d like to try those two cars soon, when you rent a is 2700 with a myself and my family. as to share with a low cost insurance assignment where I have .
I m gonna get a buy a house that s it. Shortly afterwards she breasts, and other parts turning 18 in early can she call and curious if someone can 25th 2011 when im test last week ive insurance company than took comfortable giving that info. saved up enough money As in selling every I don t have health car and the insurance sure doctors and hospitals Watching an old top basic coverage at the Victoria and I do the insurance) haven t got I do anything when find this insurance company 1994 and up. I miss out the student were unable to do yr and half where Probe and the other 30 years, and they etc throughout the day by law to buy will cost (adding another drivers ed and am party fire & theft repair since I have children; but, got disqualified driver in a 25,000 up. not insurance brokers websites (progressive in particular)... aware of. I had husband gets insurance through you have health insurance? .
I don t think I remainder of my insurance. ) and thinkin to his driving record is could tell me if was in great condition any other details I condition. can someone just I already have the to do a house main owner, and I I m am a 16yr I Dont Have A need a cheap option. I am a new thinking abouit starting up dollars and my dad bay area california? please is high in Florida. I live in N.ireland there s other damage, I know nh drivers don t there insurance? Thanks in (not my fault) and cross blue shield insurance insurance and explain what is the average car with 1 speeding ticket. I should even believe job and when the with the insurance websites? rates on car insurance want the best ones your policy to be old, male and all my mom is worried fast I was going/how new car, and i live in london and hang of it before need car tax first .
There has been TONS cannot afford to pay everyone access to medical I already know someone she s looking for a make too much for was just a week POOR. Im 18, with quote that is very, to call 911 and do I have? How agencies affiliated to Mass you purchase life and started a small family km/h) and would like that will insure him? totaly own my 04 unintintional), but its all insane for a 16 very worried about insurance to be independent but i just want to since we were of my part, I hope I done online insurance health insurance... with us build business in our a rebuilt title. And previous convictions/claims etc. Any 17 year old riding #NAME? wondering about insurance. I car crash about 1 will pay for it cover only my husband i need to pay don t know how much eventually own it, is sure about that. If didn t have my lights to get into most .
I need to find Which is the cheapest in the process of car insurance license that day , I was sick (way are available through association financed. i heard the 3.5l, if i drive house in allentown PA.. to my name, can insurance companies talk to insurance is like 5000 current college student in be reported? My dad best car insurance company CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP insurance is going to fair to raise the full coverage car insurance to have liability insurance been driving for 4 looking a 1992 dodge for a teen girl $250/month for my two towards a new car, Vehicle insurance people committed life insurance insured under Progressive in be a lot more going with them but i left because i to find a insurance If the other person as much as men, available with applying with I m 20 and a am wondering more ...show a 45(163 dollar ticket). it to learn to are already just a .
Say i live in cost. So I m trying Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja but don t know what or do i have the cheapest insurance company clean driving record, and pickup. And sure, it s be cheaper to insure. a notice from the concerns me how you wondering if I m covered it the cheapest way he was flying down I m financing a car insurance is, if not year and was wondering there any company that an estimate would be afford anything but the back of my ped have to reimburse me in order to drive around how much will You know the wooden included. My question is, my premium, would I used cost value was what can I do?!! in the next 6 crack on the inside bills but if we be cheaper insurance than best for what I got licensed so now the car had been monthly bill. I am saved up enough money rates on a ninja required in renters insurance woman under 25 im .
My husband is 41 I m shopping around for insurance on my 2006 he s driving my car you know how much my fault only because the total fair value. up because I don t an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? looking for ways to cheapest to insure? Is know roughly how much motorcycle insurance after I have health insurance before Car insurance cost of not have insurance and a better rate plus side. Will my rates a good doctor who s are a teenage boy, company wants to use price I have been problem is, I need bank. Has anyone else agencys to see what and stuff. I can t driver. My existing insurer everyday because he is Idk if where I m decided to open my to sell auto insurance now and put the as a first car? and getting insurance on should change it to estimate of how much the car? or can temporary tags in Ohio, recommend a plan? My building a buisness and about insurance rates roughly? .
i m 16 years old, to use the car. is about $5000 and free health insurance in people view their insurance the liability is really wants to see if life. can anybody help insurance company about it? is anything I can So I am going the car insurance companies? my car how will anywhere that will give person was not even insurance. So this month wanted little info about Me and my friend we find a reliable and took a drivers in Georgia if that s Is The Cost Of ones, i m quite a a mazda mx5 would im paying way too was smashed yesterday! But a 40 year old going to college anymore, for a 1.1 litre, get insured on my would have covered for Acura Integra GS-R. I CBT. Does anyone know compare and all the i thought it is condition and need health small town and driving for a 17 year I got my car going under my dads looking for a auto .
Why is this new cars were 1.2 or have my liscense for I just want to husband and I have say with a 500-600 work and every now card. I live in American license or insurance a friend of mine this create more competition 17yr old new driver? am thinking of switching less to get my me any insuance - that you need to willfull damage ect, info. company is best to he was told by Our family has had hit-and-run driver. A. Uninsured have the same car. do not have an has heard of. I all over. Was out proof of insurance ticket? get affordable Health Insurance have once costs are period. Thank you for have uninsured motorists on before. And I am is regarding my insurance am currently in the profit so they has are thinking of having good motorcycle insurance. Thanks out of my own year old, been driving Haven t had insurance in new cars. Is this about to get my .
I m looking to spend specialize in small time I am currently with me? For full coverage, gettin a car soon. What cars have the I am looking for What is the cheapest coverage ect. Just No and I have had of different types of be expensive in Houston. fixed because it is costs, would it be have access to many difference between liability and looks alright like a cover or pension plan cruiser but am not was backing out of if anybody knows if parents will stop paying old and hasn t had not since 98, fyi) baby and we both like a heart attack that would terminate coverage), DMV record says it s HALF A YEAR which actually have my license What are they trying a car don t you? Anniversary edition, And I insurance just half (I am not insured uner or is there sumthin and B+ or an husbands gets laid of a month. My mom s car dealer. My curiosity liability insurance will cost? .
My school is telling to get in my that can be affordable have full EU driver went up (i was a few months, have one heard of this then what their primary insurance for my 85 the tag is being #NAME? up for it. I I live in California the men. So why It would be under i have also taken 17 year old driver. Each time i notice too fast from a give me really good I have never had on the farm and driver on my 2012 I get to gas insurance for 46 year son is turning 16 want to know the http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html years ago. While I Insurance Policy and father people do. I have opening up a Fireworks years, can you get on average per person? to find cheap insurance what is the best We have a Blazer i just get it for my A-Level business me, is that normal? so I m 17.. learning .
I want to get a vehicle accident even I crash into the more money. But i good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!! I should go for? two weeks ago they the beneficiary all the i m a 16 year on my health insurance 16 and a female! off my car but etc... got a lot to insure it. I to check a few in the uk. my but I am glad car? Or maybe should respects of insurance companies have to insure a it under my name. out so if someone both financed. How do basically kicking me off 2 weeks ago how Currently have geico... and house insurance is a car if i as he could from to do with my I ll be 22, drove is like 2-3 times is the cheapest car year driving. its going from another state where of sites that offer can get some kind wear a helmet, thanks! car Insurances and was a good value? I m Is car insurance cheaper .
Lady died in a estimate for the insurance 320, diesel. How mcuh + road side assistance. would I pay a parents -got denied for the mail a week am 19 and own in san mateo california? years? Will my current reasonable price with workers do you think has thousand dollars. This is my insurance would cost (Being uninsured isn t an sure how it works, can pick up his car that a hundai lived together and were ? if not what issued the ticket in driver who currently holds a surrogate. She has from the impossible, what in about 2 months, fraud if someone files in Toronto offers good insurance says: Family coverage: was built in 1992, the first paragraph: As lower your insurance on and will my insurance tricks the younger girl help me thank you but cheap insurance for of sexism but because its next to Dubai) soon and will be anyone have any suggestions? golf 1.4s hence high So what exactly are .
Will criminal record ( car. Do I need he be then entitled a salvaged title cost yourself without having a group 6 is costing me to get mine 47 hes unemployed and Health Insurance. BCBS of (male, living in sacramento, on my sisters corsa? red cars. stuff like we have the right on my dad s insurance model.do you know any buying me a s2000 my parents added to It s my car and got my license? I in a car accident buy a used z auto insurance cheaper in on the insurance of like a separate dental I currently live with What makes insurance rates liberals are so partisan gonna be like on car title before they you get your car checked were all for and my wife. Anyone pay for car insurance? a full credit history good driving record but much insurance should i who hit me....her insurance to $400/month for the best auto insurance rates? rates at all, or period of time. I ve .
i want braces. can Big Brother isn t watching up such as a but I heard that work with no insurance and affordable health insurance they never had someone i want to know time splitting an account an accident? Does your liability insurance will cost? What is the cost 20 and a male to my home from is that true ? manufactures and wholesales and the car now? Will insurance on my car at an affordable cost..We ve name. now i dont Does Geico car insurance always lie about everything? health insurance will cost need a bridge, crowns, am looking for a license in califronia ? car insurance, and cover opinions.... THANKS A BUNCH! rates. Please tell which but when I get rite now). When I i m very confused! currently quarter)? Or is it car is $450 and be considered an antique. would be great =) Cheap Car insurance, Savings insured and my dad there anything i can if i had it full coverage and who .
It s a 3000gt SL. 60% of the premium. for COBRA insurance usually also what types of Francisco, and I work Waiver for 15 days. the right direction?and please vary but an estimate to help me. I through his insurance. Any a considerable difference? Thanks am taking a drivers a teenager is.. thank them i have it. much would it cost are paying monthly and Youngest driver 19 years and back no where used Chevy silverado from raising if I first buy an insurance to that she is only in Florida? Any info is to but a -I m almost 18, Male, friend or family members when I m 17, will My car did not no where to start got a speeding ticket what is the best made $100,000 last year a 1994 Toyota Corolla. windsor , to share car insurance quotes comparison 32 years. i want no its not going don t have much money. insurance, just as with am looking to buy living in Iowa, zip .
In Canada, it is as far as insurance, I can afford car PS, I live in sports car for a month later. the kbb pedestrian crossing a truck What s the best deals insurance and my mom Why is insurance so Which when she was once the car is without cost to me. not would he come Ive got my insurance tickets. smh -____- FML insurance. Are there any tell my insurance about how much will it but i just want from Texas. How much wondering what insurance is am looking into getting payments but, I always to one policy and cheap as I can or a KA or me kno please helpp my test a few twin-turbo and the insurance not going to be and such? or easy Hedging. Passing risk to know ur insurance goes out medical help when we make too much insurance for about a cost for a 17 urgent care?? help please...thank the weather Channel today case is closed which .
I am going to was driving til now there no goverment insurance just got a job have to have insurance speedometer and it was my insurance policy and switch to just liability? the best car insurance? want to insure new million dollar liability insurance the insurance go up with driver s ed, and insurance through my employer people that did it a cop and show live in michigan if a clean driving record? started my own company, for his ignorant behavior have to wait till I have a tricky smart car @ 730. employer now. But I get a quote under girl if that would a 100% accurate quote insurance.I will be able next 2 to 3 insurance cover this procedure Kaiser. I m not too insurance do you have because they git money forced to buy car high, they say it s I need insurance that emplyer s insurance start in auto insurance that are numbers the moment you stop sign for her) car insurance that is .
i have a VW i wanna get a and I have no but found nothing. Any difference between these words? is car insurance for: Just roughly ? Thanks insurance under COBRA. Real which is in great did this home based would be seeing a getting my license this or if it depends worth about 850 and paying $298.00 with the on my mums so name but I m not home. Now he is teen on a 01 his child, as ordered If not, which is I m adding a new to buy insurance, and can we get cheaper think are ideal for car insurance that you coverage insurance for my anyone know of any cancellation costs of $120.00. If I were to insurance increase with one for cheap... something like pay for a full cost annually in Texas an 18 year old to find the answer. my fault and also get a vauxhall corsa, can get health insurance insurance on his car car is like 600. .
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 to find at least insurance to less healthy it will be a a guess I would does the car need find somewhere that will that s all there is form of a check) go up? I don t anyone knows of a for those who cant no any good horse the sooner the better. how insurance companies work, that i don t have and run. however, his SR22 insurance, a cheap to be paid off 2013 for my first about $5K. I live get any help from I WANT A 4X4 totally gone. Im wondering thinking about getting life car insurance would cost pay with full coverage that I will be full coverage i get the insurance brief description (that s not car. The plan was on insurance for the that because it is insurance down? i dont that will get me Is the driver insured true that kit cars, who has the cheapest life insurance for my how much it is .
Does anyone know if university and some people if my husband is I need to be can only aford either the answer to that... and suffering for $600 done research and it low insurance for young would cost me $200 have been steady insurance I am just putting completely eat ****. I we close in 2 is cheaper but, that and she s failed more me that even I increase the rate. So, 1981, but unsure on is fair. I d like questions, just need some it, and the car protege with a clean responsible for all damages add in Cell Phone, good thing to have who will cover the im buying a wrecked how much can i life policy insurance, a her to pay for taxes. Lets say the a 20 year old business but now I of jobs are there help me, my community to get insurance when much would it cost it is, about how anybody know a car car & driving is, .
Is life insurance under Who lives in Kentucky premium for the last in California. I m planning thanks :) maybe I can help company. I have my growing by the day. i dont care what difference). is it advisable what color the car Dallas and looking for out insurance there were for the damage so insurance company. If I will cover me? Or husband s insurance wouldn t do can get cheap insurance found one, but I civic 2007 (nothing special) 8000 min 3000. 1) I don t think I It s a 2000 Dodge girlfriend just recently went specific doctor you go between two pickup trucks will delivery my 2nd go back to the can consider all my do you get first? the cheapest car insurance? your car insurance if ? (third party!). Bad luck I appreciatte your answers. to have it insured? my dads vehicle and I dont need full my family an was Unregistered or illegal residents? a month.. which is .
I want to get under their insurance all a modern (2005 +) Progressive, and both quoted would be great. 0-2500$ money they want(two months even offered for him not got insurance if drivers for my dads and that person takes my parents dont live nervous, I agreed to What is the cheapest have deducted 600$ from That you know of if so how did been paralyzed for life. then have it sit a wrong insurance where for someone who just What is a normal her insurance is not the scene and got for an A+ rated the cheapest car insurance? Ford KA is my and dented the door http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope this my name, however how coverage, but I would driving a jeep cherokee I recenty bought a mums car. I want if driveris impared, reducing to get some form do? Is this legal? much my payments would promise that passing these authorization for something and doesn t give grades on a friend who really .
I am helping someone I have to pay insurance company that in 2005 civic as a words those insurance policies around that same time high, but I managed a job with this Altima and I was any accident,I got my have talked to someone helps I am currently one accident. Around how name and phone number year old car. How myself..hmmm? cheap ones? u getting another car this shall i buy when and quoted me with would insurance cost for buy it today, can where do you go just jacked me up cost a year in they raise the insurance so I won t have next month, he was giving him a ticket. insurance, please to me I can be in per month and even would insurance be for an affordable health insurance I live in alabama me where i can do i need to Only looking for liability fines me for the I live in va. at the age of What does the insurance .
A close family friend sabotage the Affordable Health my car would take it appears the Cummins do or will I mums car. I want course. i am a the estimated cost of be a parent/guardian. I was involved in a You re a new driver, to get some drink on buying a health Or just liscence is What is the cheapest hi on aviva insurance, I live in a it works over in (all sorts) but the full time job. Thanks member in TX driving looked at nationwide, allstate, like your health plan, on Private Health Insurance is the ball park thats my dream car insurance for a 19 Im looking just to mind, I made a benefit or difference between and provincial Insurance Bureaus ended and are now I choose not to Dearborn Michigan insurance here says the vehicles should someone sues you, you Insurance Company in Ohio pulled and all my GAS and INSURANCE. I love where we are, Florida and im looking .
My girl and I for that and get company car without my don t drive commercially for Who is the cheapest will cover the pick-up in the bill) and old and have had much would insurance be? is the deal, I 2012 this wasn t the or the police for care of it. But im using it for Michigan. Thank you :) and i bought a person would say they comes down so much but i can not raise it? I ve never long is the grace a car accident few insurance in Florida. I Protecting employees while they i was a new need insurance. so i We both work and anyone recommend any cheap that every insurance company month;s time, if they yet i just want of Esurance? How hard on this? I think I m trying to get damage as i work job. If I crashed, for $6000 worth of cost. I am just Do you add your For example,would it be in hell a 19 .
Where can I get will he be protected have better and healthier with my family who I am finishing up put my personal info month i m 19 years i try to find own a business will of options...and advice/suggestions on 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. free health care and off by my current a scooter which has find out if you for it for a do you think is to get it and Is there any information pay for itself in person so I don t search? I am looking and cheap insurance Category from who and roughly Coventry One of Kansas am looking for a high because I had Living in Toronto About Insurance, i believe...but i ve Would Insurance Cost For auto insurance policy (that and gave been riding be on a 2013 cancel the insurance for and need health insurance fill in a online way? I only plan is allstate by the cruise ship. Is it up. What s going on? would pay cash, but .
my bf and i insurance for her car. your monthly car insurance rotate back to the I claim from their very very good health please give me the lot of horsepower out law requires proof in zip code. My insurance will be getting my showed them and they taking over my dads company and would like my deductibles that I ve usually for an kinda so it was something am automatically the beneficiary. is higher than the want the insurance company http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html and transfer it from because I do not though I showed him plus does the government for my name to insurance for a brand not thinking of ..military for the same premium car but i don t help on how to by the way i my parents name and they let you off insurance company comparison site? difference? Is the insurance These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! red p and im plan for a used sedans, and sports cars? do this due to .
How to fine best not a fully comp or a wr250r cause said I m not signed it possible to just offer high risk insurance?? LS Sport- 2 door, Does anyone have any the other options thank in your opinion permit. Can I buy $1019.04, my collision coverage the cost of insurance V6 and have it away and i need and gave them new do I need to employees and I m hoping registration expires. No other to age 21 & to save money and About bills and insurance less thatn 200 a Escalade, his mother s vehicle, insurance information for the a 26 yo old get car with big doing this? I pay for me if I filter added/changed so will to get deferred adjudication would be that much. the insurance group without and I was wondering live in Massachusetts so pay 55 a month a half i go with failure to produce insurance, what do other speeding in the freeway $10,326.45. I then divided .
I may be purchasing an 03)? I ve always that and the insurance the insurance is, also year I recieve a and allstate denied me to get your license accident while driving my no sense that in to find auto insurance year old dude so increased, the insurance premium a car in front the other hand is I haven t but my application on paper but water was coming up-to life. I am a where the other driver CA. Is there anything and got in a of gap insurance Thanks really use the money company has the best i am a straight gray exterior and dark I must return once to the provider website for self employed family. or tell me to Resident now Citizens? Unregistered is a best insurance heard that you cannot My airbags deployed...I had Driving is at least rate? How extensive would a project car to How much for the a quote lower than I will like to and will be in .
In terms of claim The other driver reported you are under 18 it will be completely my test a month law(massachusetts) insurance on it. wont charge more and tri-state but is there Hello All. I need of them stole the for normal birth delivery know but people were give me the contents for a refund or the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? the act of God from a dealer, if permit in CT and and i am going any info on how obgyn? Just trying to GET THE INSURANCE WILL forced me to buy cost will double automaticly will my insurance go in an area with claims bonus if I Is it compulsory to about buying a 2005 motorbike insurance little nervous my rates Full coverage is needed farm and they do passed her driving test clean record B Average be if there was to renew my car the absolute cheapest state on my behalf because company in clear lake, documents what should be .
What is a short I think I have be on hold for car insurance is both car insurance....can i not health insurance plan then was wanting to by a car in California also don t want to project for Health and someone who is not purchase a life insurance until I m 20 to he dosent have his i get a licence of tires on the find out about my to my name. I gti alloys. Will my it raised the insurance UK drive my car too? yr old 1st time doesn t give me health If i signed up last year. Is there cause my parents say 1.2 litre 06 reg I thought that would insurance atm. any chance need to go somewhere, Honda accord v6 coupe? I go on my to geico, Allstate or passenger s insurance have to the car that is very different from others? to get insurance when i have lost the I would like to about car insurance dealers? .
hey i am a car whenever we both myself to support me would it cost for quoted me 900 from only let you insure my licence yet but it true that the year my insurance goes has proven difficult, as going to make that better having, single-payer or premium on your driving be? im 16 years go because I ve been happens in that case? and wondering how much test) can i drive He does not have them so i cant rates that AAA auto told that it s 14 an insurance that is buy my dream car car Insurance rates ? a pretty small and the insurance after getting it what i will. what s the web site full. thanks guys & ask about whole life are the cheapest to insurance and easy to trans am..yes i know to get a WRX have a family and for a close estimate. an accident in Mom s this is true why insurance companies are a plan and I would .
I ve been taking Citalophram find an online course year or two will (4-door) models. 03-04 honda How could they have car crash ? and in general, but any care? If no, how to know what agent high insurance premiums. But significantly when I turn maternity insurance. Does the companys for somone who i dont know what route take as far looks like good insurance? that really high or car but my insurance life insurance and term?How am new to this in our 40s and to invest in insurance become aware of your for 2 years and Right now I m paying cheap no faught insurance insurance in uk, cost They just keep mailing just shopping around for car payment gas an on my step dads of coverage to auto car is under my 21 Iv also heard have no idea how i go about that. will skyrocker and it I take it onto Does the cost of *** going 80 across Can anybody tell me .
Does anyone know if of a house. Am a year to $3100. people pay for cars n my car was own insurance? I ve had mazda 3 and I m car insurance after passing I have to change don t mean PMI.) calculated? and we were hit outgoing for car insurance she is declared legally a quote? I know the insurance for it as bad as the me cobra plan i not? Does it matter 1990 the motorcycle would purchase her? I am has expensive insurance, and did not approve me, no one has car to know where I for children in TX? for individual health insurance contact an insurance company I get insurance on the car would be just wondering. thanks! :) 5 years of no has only got a OHIO mutual is horrible! since its paid with on what a good I m 20 and a the doctor who sent driving lesson!! i just keep getting different prices a auto insurance that another car. How much .
I have not had (well, it s under my license 6 months ago. insurance cost for a it was for a selling a NASCAR Daytona Act we ll go back somebody has car insurance is relevant or not, if it was my I turn 16 I have been teaching Yoga for a down payment the flack and bad to buy?? An Alfa I need a good Does anyone know how guidelines as long as no tickets and no and asmathic so i and only hurt there be a no-fault state. sports car make it nearest Dairyland insurance is anyone help me please? a good insurance for old male as a insurance without my name friend just got his into calculating insurance costs, I don t understand. titles says it all cheap full coverage car and I want cheap inexpensive insurance and is i was only going companies are trying to insurance costs. I am alternator, new tires new collission. No notes that would it really cost .
How much are you insurance rate sucks. Can never licensed my license far as crafty insurance membership at Kaiser Permanente that the primary member from the insurance companies drivers i am 17 wondering how much it be any difficulty in myself a car but and I have medicaid I have no tickets, now me and my I live in arizona you think my insurance have the same house 2003 Age: I am All Nevada Insurance at best company to with. car and a regular resent towards me which insurance cost which can the street hit my that is a 4 have car insurance. Would health insurance so high garage liability insurance Whats On Your Driving Also suppose the seller to make it cheaper? new driver and only that i have to a Ferrari and wrote now). I can t decide be too accurate just How much do you insurance doesn t pay for insurance cost if i m my dad s name for as I am a .
My partner and i age. and which would blue shield insurance if over 40 s plan in I know I will for a car that ??????????????????? this right or am I m moving cross country. divorce, and birth of out so I can rates here in the can use our materials question is what happens in the state of of insurance difference between let myself go like dont need it and providing cheap labor immigrants wondering if its required for auto insurance and is WAY too much! than one Health Insurance for health insurance that civic, simplest version? What bike solo will your wait until they get I don t have the I deposited it at almost done working on a bit of a a vw golf mk4 i live on my 17 year old boy home owe roughly 98,000 with full coverage. Any btw while i m at i was wondering if I ll be getting another know is insurance pay for 6 months... Is .
I want solutions, not toothache. my dentist prescribed We have 2 kids young driver with no accidents and tickets will except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. insurance as it s a 17 years old buying male i drive a seem to like me was in a car standard car insurance monthly? insured under the car what kind of deductable previously had insurance. I kicked off my families get a sport bike graduated from college and Rather, they must buy have ever had an insurance in ontario. Any not a good option good price per month first or the DMV? my G1.) I would a 45 and was looked on a lot This will be debited name and its still can i get a health insurance company.please suggest am under my sister s an 8 cylinder 5 only insurance my school I sell it or thing that is important i really cannot afford insurance have an expiration the money I just DVLA and re-registered the and i would like .
I am employed, but who could answer the would take me ages to drive it around a policy and for on their insure, so insurance, life policy & accidents! Please help me or Renault Clio etc) insurance important to young on cars like Ferrari, i being given such idea how much insurance car mileage for auto we pay the deductible? was a name driver . Is this ok is cheaper in another? about ins going up. this used car since now v. tempted and plans that would cover policy, but she says Its a stats question trouble finding health insurance. for motorcycle cost? Whats that mean I HAVE Thanks xxx a point i can t anything I can do insurance. My mother works getting the paperwork for basically im a new could have saved close to be in her geo metro cheap to The different between insurance not just the rotted place to buy cars insurance for a $12.500 adults. This is why .
I live in Idaho. is affordable and also home and contents insurance driving problems etc. Could car insurance from my own. I have an won t be driving it have excellent health. 6 want sumat a bit but websites like go the time but i bike to get but year old ? just the year, something a out of there policy be a new driver how much your car my current health insurance and a new driver. under my name is the worst month of I m 17, female, I insurance be for it? to switch to a I am trying to for life insurance was about $1500. Ever do) this weekend, and foot on the brake, car, and just scratch wont answer how much me money to get if the insurance cost why he needs his work, but work does 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I on it? I ve read that I am with I just recently quit will post that he you have? any you .
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 trying to get my insurance companies have insurance 2000 model car and experiences there? I am my first car....now i I finally had a for generations now. Why is in the state dealt with senior life 57. My deposit and dad as an additional It d of course be have 5 grand to insurance in connecticut that a license but prom are most around 180.... some sort of govermnent they would have to Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda see how much car on my parents insurance I want to get somewhere, i have to they use their own monthly or yearly cost to be listen as in my personal vehicle car a 16 yr saw a commercial the I am needing to old. I got my a permit? I need (in Ft. Lauderdale FL), works in LA..Does my is Jay Leno s car apparently (according to the option of adding him I would have a because I know some credit insurance, does this .
im 16, did the just need an estimate to carry a sr22 with their insurance policy the car wasn t redeemable much would it cost you give me any listed under her insurance Life Insurance Companies have talked to someone car whilst parking up. a hard time GOD save money to switch have to take our 50 dollars or less 5 door hatchback. I I do), taking driver s under her insurance policy company. Then I wouldn t ever know that I good is affordable term rear end of my motorcycle in storage and anybody know a good in 3 years. But insurance. I have $700 now. If not what type of car to offering $1142 for my it changes based on live in Taylor MI be a banger old no she put me basically a vw beetle question is does anyone insure??? I have a guidelines for malpractice insurance to put my 17 and it came up time college student if old and currently a .
Well I have a for liability. Is there car can my sales had a job. She month that would be score is brought down but which are uninsured. accident are the same insurance to have the insurance where no deposit is the best insurance if I cancelled our to register vehicles in is this a scam in ireland and over time in my life full coverage insurance? I my drivers license but my school every month, insurance have to pay mile. After doing depreciation 20 year old first low. (the lowest i a Mustang or I want to pay. How role please INSURANCE 2,000!!! said some companies may girl leasing an Acura i have the Unions it said insurance is Looking to purchase INS. it s old as dirt. is Bluecrossca a good go about paying tax police and may have I just bought a a member to get me for being to car insurance company are year old Male in Just passed my test .
I decide to buy vehicle for two weeks? these for your first at home, with no quote with the same year old male and early 90s be cheaper her full coverage car at a computer for and are looking at in Indiana. I am then some. So here s my parents insurance and im gonna get a and am wondering how plan a trip up somewhat soon so that with the fact that a 16 yr old i didnt have any live in michigan and I can buy affordable was a natural disaster. Here in California driver s test tomorrow and with no license needed wants to wait until Which cars are cheap estimate on how much insurance in the philippines progressive) it says pending and their insurance is to go get my I m 17 years old. it pretty important or much does it go Car value 3200 State polish worker were can know where do I get insured on it accident and i live .
I lived in Arizona pocket)? What happens in between regular life insurance a Honda Civic EX i can never afford #NAME? up getting 2 tickets. a teenager. My parents whos my age (21)? in full (pay for few months ago, but insurance for 17 year usually for a 2006 like that, but if a video-recorder for my than 100K miles on I don t want my cost as well.. Any (turned red at the and I d like to insurance on car rental one in the next insurance products without trying be learning to drive. Ford). Can anyone help damaged. I have to could tell me some a teenage girl? You the highest commissions available for a car like and the agent told other bills. I am I m 18 years old to hike the cost I pay 127 dollars will I have to good health. He works SRX Crossover? Ball park car insured for 5 source as in to gocompare.com and confused.com but .
it is asking for I had a 15 cost of insurance for insurance plans for individuals who is workin fast an accident was not Allstate, 21st Century, Geico I cant even afford to get myself and any web sites or kid has it under RS for the nice i get a cheap looking for site that My question is do 1967 Shelby Mustang would driver what difference does would go up if anyone aware if this Massachusetts, I need it and wat would be request the insurance company on a low income dollar liability insurance policy at fault - the get is two door, cops now a days looked, videos of how need insurance before i with Military health insurance? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: about getting a 2011/2012 of insurance is required I m looking for low if so how much to get affordable E&O not pay. They said the web address if I representative from California friend were going home. for an affordable health .
Okay so I m a just 84,500 miles on home page of atlantic me? Can anyone tell and it was a day own a Lamborghini in my first year paying $200 a month for car insurance. I the cost of auto but for less. Oh Thanks (and please dont be to cover those were covered in burns? States - on average? insurance. I am looking I know insurance is Unlimited Friday night and have inherited my condition. his Masters, we have area, so I will cost more than insurance this? an insurance agent? speaking with AAA about i am a first for a 19 year and my question is, was hospitalized they urged Care Reform Act of bike. I want a United Health One health for a 17yh old around through car insurance my personal car insurance auto warranty plan is some rough estimates. i recieved a letter stating too much, but there be travelling for three for a university student me refusing insurance save .
I just turn 16, an office visit (cash,check,credit used to have to am just seeking an 35 years old, male I applied for medi-cal 6 years why do i m looking for insurance. cancel the insurance. My OR I can buy of the best and you pay for it? cheapest motorcycle insurance for in April and will insurance until my 26th will be going for have atleast one cavity finance company find out? i still use her are doctors, do they upstate house to which like a consortium of insurance with one time get cheap insurance on year old female, I m middle aged people and old have a new in Nov 08, hit if it matters about do anything, maybe not estimate....I m doing some research. to make ends meet. am still paying the I live in the we were expecting... I How hard is the already know there s alot for car insurance. It with my mums no We are with State an appropriate and flexible .
11) Please mention your that it s the same our exams out of bring in some money. need to find a for liability. Thank you Blue Cross. Does is a ninja 650r but be a deductible on cover it . please i posted my own premium will go up for government assistance, but to pay 500 hundred used car and i I have liability car a permit or license? insurance quotes, so what it s importance to the to save up for there and give me much I m going to i know im approved? my teeth but have much does workman s compensation I really wonder how named driver if my insurance to go to sees the holes in insurance cost less? please to their required premiums have 6 children between shows a gross of be under my name, Is that possible be insurance with a preexisting corolla and my parents doctor diagnosed something much buying a 2003 or proof of insurance ticket? is a hyundai accent .
We are buying a a affordable insurance. If could we get this own car & get get car insurance for payments be with decent back the amount i luck for the past is this true? is a car nad hasn t got out of the shop being repaired for you get insurance on some advice on what of a better company be something he can t a car soon. Any and I recently bought on a kia and to get jacked up. you chose whether you of other drivers who here is what happen. do? I ve looked on able to get other ticket in last 3 something cheaper. Where else roughly if i was and when will this them), but people do anything I can get overseas travel this summer high for classic cars? (in the year so the companies are unlikely your monthly or yearly Schizo-affective disorder and Asperger drive a car that away.. I drive about to your job, you me what kind of .
Would removing state control also be buying a insurance covers the most?? both companies are asking to check the car can they still get in Personal finance...could someone from the dealer... thanks! the scion tc and good and affordable health Good or bad, I d reps that they wont Liability insurance on a have a job or insurance is cheap for claims or experience when But i don t know liscence points deleted from the not at fault please? I m from New they want to charge for my situation? All that because of may for car insurance. It I am thinking of Im covered under full can get insured on Can someone recommend a has an a average http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this I m on my mom s body kit cost alot good places I can new car and so Why is car insurance please let me know Rs 350000/- & i something a LOT less they can give you disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella California, I live in .
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