#and is objectively a very cool thing to name a sniper character
symphonicspecter · 2 years
How about Ghost type? (For the Pokémon ask)
Give me a pokemon type and I’ll tell you my team of that type
Rotom (Metta, after my X buddy named for Mettaton)
I just think these guys are really cute okay. Rather than being bound to one form, I’d like to let this one have access to any appliances it can (within reason. Be careful with my data and such.) It may not be the strongest in battle, but Rotom would be a very cool companion to help with technology. They also have been shown to be able to speak through some devices, so it would be handy for studying and communicating with pokemon.
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Chandelure (Female - Winchester, after my GO buddy. Named for the famed Winchester house)
The entire line are some of my very favorite pokemon. “They steal souls” yada yada you don’t know me. You don’t know her. Why don’t you watch her pretty flame dance and maybe you’ll calm down. They would probably make a nice nightlight in any form. Oh, and have you seen Chandelure in Pokemon Tournament? Pretty sure these guys kick ass in battle, stylishly. I’d like to put some ribbons or dangly jewelry on it.
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Drifblim (Female - Dorothy. You know like Wizard of Oz-)
Drifloon are cute too okay. And Drifblim have good HP! I bet they get pretty clingy as they need to hold on to stable things to avoid floating away while resting. I wouldn’t mind letting either member of this line hold on to me for grounding, as long as I don’t get unwillingly whisked off. A little bit of floating or flight for fun with this one would be pretty neat too!
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Decidueye (Male - Soren, after the Guardians of Gahoole character)
Look at this shit this rules. It’s a fucking giant owl that shoots arrows
They seem like a very noble and graceful pokemon. I haven’t had opportunity other than PE to try archery myself, but I had a lot of fun with it. Bow and arrow or snipers are my usual weapon choice in games - Decidueye is great for the careful aim from a distance strategy. Would love to pet one too. Cozy owl happy noises
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Aegislash (Male - Siverus - pronounced like Siv-air-us, after my X buddy)
It’s a sword and a shield!!! It’s great in battle and probably very fun to watch in battle too as it moves. As a possessed object pokemon, they’d be another cool pokemon to study, especially with communication help from Rotom. What stories do you have to tell?
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Cofagrigus (Male - Zoth)
Might not give the best hugs but can sort of hug. Tbh I’d like to just study Yamask. Are they really revived human spirits? They’re cute and fascinating pokemon to me and one of the few pokemon I’ve collected multiple of in game. While wild Cofagrigus may be defensive and hostile, trained ones likely tend to be loyal and protective.
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blogtaculous · 1 year
I’ve seen all the mainline entries of Neon Genesis: Evangelion and I have some opinions.
In general I like cosmic horror and using Christian iconography for cosmic horror goes hard as fuck, so naturally I am inclined towards liking the whole of Evangelion, but I think it stumbles by doing the usual anime thing of having an extremely high number of Macguffins and Secret Objects and Concepts. The Rebirth movies had a chance to consolidate all of these things, considering the change in format from 90s serial, but it actually doubled down and got worse!
I’m totally fine with a piece of media not spending a lot of exposition time on some of the outlier fluff, but Evangelion spends tons of time of fluff that doesn’t even matter, not to mention all the things that needed more exposition time. Barriers, spears, moons, bla bla bla… there’s just so much.
There was a lot to like, including, but not limited to:
The found footage of the Second Impact was great. “It’s spreading its wings!” with that broken feed was just enough to be vaguely unsettling and really cool.
The pilots have great motion in the plugs and it translated really well to the action by the Evas themselves. Asuka especially moves great in her plug.
Tokyo-3 is neat. Love the receding buildings and the missile launchers disguised as hillsides. The whole geofront is good.
Love that all the Angel’s weapons find ways to form a crucifix.
In general, very good characters.
The Angel concepts were good, especially in the rebirth movies where the bad ideas could be safely discarded. Loved both depictions of the sniper battle with (checks wiki) Ramiel.
Solid ending (of the rebirth movies). I’m glad Shinji didn’t win through force of arms but through patience and understanding. I’m glad Gendo got actually introspective and recognized he was wrong.
Obviously, there’s also a lot to not like. Let’s start off with the obvious that Shinji sucks. He does. Goddamn does it suck watching over 20 episodes and 3.5 movies where the main character acts like a baby. I am fully aware that he’s suffering, and that he’s got some trauma, but geez how exhausting is it to watch the entire plot revolve around “will the main character literally just do the thing already” over and over and over again. He spends 40+ minutes of Thrice Upon a Time just being a baby. There’s no other way to put it. He’s finally allowed to mature at the end, but it’s frustrating how much of the plot requires Shinji to be immature as long as possible.
Other things I didn’t like:
I briefly thought the time skip would be a super solid choice, allowing the narrative to break away from the original show and forge a new path unburdened. Unfortunately, it instead became extremely silly. The narrative scale ramps up as the resources available dwindle to zero. Mountains of Evas, four spaceships, clones everywhere…
The names of the rebirth movies. 3.0+1.01? Get out of here.
Speaking of 3.0+1.01… I think it was planned to get some mileage out of the same imagery as End of Evangelion despite the narrative being so different, which I thought was bad. Obviously they wanted Big Rei back on the horizon and the ocean of crucifixes across the earth, but it just came off as “been there, done that.” Especially without the image of everyone turning to soup as their souls were taken it just seems too self-referential. It didn’t need to happen in the film, it just needed us to see it.
Even with the most charitable reading, some of the nudity and sexual stuff from the show is not great considering the characters are 14. I’m down with media recognizing the inherent trauma of growing up and grappling with the conflict between childhood and adulthood when it comes to sex and relationships, but many times it felt leering instead of respectful given the media and it’s intended audience.
In general there was a missed opportunity to tell a more tight and consistent story in the rebirth movies, and 1.11 really proves that. Unfortunately it looks like the project ballooned too much as time went on.
Anyway, I liked it all fine. Some really solid stuff and some stuff that wasn’t. Mari and Misato and Asuke steal the show, because of course they do. I liked the tone shift in the original show as it embraced the cosmic horror, and was glad the rebirth movies really leaned into it, but at the end of the day there’s just too much going on, and I often got the feeling that what was happening on screen wasn’t connected to anything concrete. There are questions posed and I don’t think the creators even have answers (the Far Cry 5 gambit, if you will).
Honestly, just a few more passes over the shows own cosmology and it would be much better. If nothing else, it’s just further proof that crucifix imagery goes hard as fuck.
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executiveibex · 2 years
did I have an inordinate amount of fun listening to Echo, Even, Gig, and Grand bumbling around on Quire? absolutely! do I think that they should be on Quire in the first place? probably not!
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Warm (Revenant x Reader)
Theme: Reader comforts Revenant after a somewhat brutal loss in a duos match as Revenant becomes concerned with his image.
Warnings: Mentions of mania, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, threats of violence, graphically described violence, pain, sharp objects, borderline sexual fluff.
Reader's Notes: Revenant (Apex Legends) x Reader, reader is non-gendered in this chapter, this is getting romantic but hasn't crossed the line quite yet, reader will eventually have to be gendered (but I'll hold off as long as possible).
Writing Notes: Compliments give me fuel. Lot of development this chapter, more characters. I feel like this is increasingly revealing of who I am as a person, so I'm glad I'm anonymous.
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
The Apex Games are brutal. It's a miracle these people can be suspended in death boxes and sewn or pieced back together after what happens to them. You've heard murmurs that some of the visual brutality is simulated by an AI for the cameras while the much less damaged person is imprisoned in a deathbox, but you are not so sure of that. It looks too real, and the Legends seem way too accustomed to pain and morbid destruction for it not to be. You are desensitized to a lot of gore and snuff yourself, but you've come to know the Legends just well enough to shudder when they are disemboweled in front of you. When you first started volunteering to help, you remembered being endlessly relieved the first time you saw them all return from the medical ward.
Even though you know they will likely be fine, you whimper as Bloodhound takes an apparently fatal blow from the favorites for this duos match: Loba and Bangalore. It isn't very often that random chance creates such an iconic duos pair, but it's happening today and the cameras are loving it. The cameras have been so fixated on these two that you haven't seen night or day out of Revenant. According to the trackers on the screen, Revenant is still in the game, but his teammate--Fuse--was knocked out of the match early on. Knowing those two, they likely agreed to drop hot--in an area with lots of combatants. While it's a good way to get kills, it's also an ideal way to get killed. From previous matches, you have the impression Revenant will drop hot if his teammate or teammates agree, but he won't do so otherwise. Fuse is absolutely the type to agree to dropping hot. You worry for Fuse even though you are certain he will be back tomorrow or soon thereafter, ready for more.
Loba and Bangalore have used their combined skills to gather long-range sniper weapons and considerable kills so far this match. Bangalore is able to use her abilities to create confusion and draw combatants out from cover, and Loba could create or close distances with her warp band while also gathering excessive amounts of high-level weaponry, mods, and armor to make them all the more terrifying. They pulled ahead early in the game, and now they feel unstoppable. The cameras watch as they run across Olympus' beautifully groomed grass towards the next team to victimize.
You feel like you're not doing what you should be doing. Did Revenant really just want you to watch the match today? Shouldn't you do something helpful?
You get yourself to the edge of the bed, hop up, and start to make it. It was so perfect when you hopped in yesterday, you want to try to make it equally as perfect. Your legs no longer hurt, and you feel well-rested despite Revenant's creepily watchful eyes. You take a deep breath, stretch backwards, and get to making the bed. You will have to go to your volunteer bunk and change soon. You wonder if you will have to move out of the volunteer area--even though it's small and cramped, it's been your home for a few years now. Your coworkers feel more like roommates, varying from cool but introverted to outgoing but overbearing. You like all of them, and you have the unusual standing as one of the longest-running volunteers, staying through off and on seasons to keep things functioning. You don't want to lose them, or the only home you've known for a few years.
Gunshots ring out on the television, Loba and Bangalore are taking shots at another team fight from afar. You see the symbol for Lifeline pop up as knocked, then eliminated. Caustic's name pops up next. Finally, Revenant came up as knocked, but not eliminated. You can't help but panic just a little, but Revenant apparently had a self-revive and is moving again, fleeing the area as Loba gives vicious chase trying to make up the distance from sniping. Revenant is in bad shape, he has been fighting solo for a while, and Loba knows he is practically a free kill at this point. You're afraid this is going to turn into another Loba versus Revenant fight, a favorite of the audience due to how ruthless they both are with each other. You don't like them fighting. You don't like seeing Loba be nearly beheaded or gutted, and you don't like seeing Revenant be slowly but surely tortured to death. There is no alternative ending with those two. It's always violent, and Revenant doesn't stand much of a chance at this rate. He clearly knows that.
You stare at the television breathlessly, trying to make the bed without looking away. Loba is hunting, and Revenant is unable to keep enough distance. In a last gambit, Revenant manages to break line of sight, launching his silencer into the doorway of a bunker and then intentionally running into the opposing bunker. Loba falls for it, as she makes an immediate path for the bunker with the silencer, opting to take the back door. It buys Revenant enough time to use a Pheonix Kit, a piece of equipment that restores his shields and health completely for a much fairer fight.
Hell is about to break loose.
You plop down on the bench having finished the bed, unable to look away. Loba and Revenant meet eyes from within each bunker through the small windows on each side. Loba looks infuriated at his newly rejuvenated state. Revenant's look is too intense to be smug, it truly is a mechanical malice undescribable by any other terminology. These two loathe each other. The spectators roar in excitement at another bloodbath between the lovely but deadly master thief and her mechanical antagonist, the commentators giving a short review of the last time these two met on the battlefield.
Revenant, now unafraid of the odds, immediately dashes to close the gap between their bunkers. Loba flings her warp band in his direction, landing behind him, and immediately getting two Mastiff slugs in his back. You cringe at the sight. Revenant turns to meet her fire with his Volt, but Bangalore's lobbed smokescreen fills the area before his shots meet. Bangalore had been lagging behind Loba, but she was close enough now to take shots again. You hear Loba's Mastiff take a number of more shots in the smokescreen, the Volt returning fire. Bangalore calls in her Rolling Thunder, cascading aerial bombardment all throughout the smokescreen. Revenant manages to break free of the now-fading smokescreen, trying to escape the explosives, but it was clearly Bangalore's intent for him to do so. With her well-equipped Longbow, she manages to snipe Revenant, knocking him to his knees.
Loba was soon looming over him, waiting for the camera to catch up. The crowd chants and screeches waiting for the gore. There are no microphones on the Legends themselves, but you can tell that Revenant is cursing her as she comes over to finish him. You wince, you don't want to watch this, but you feel you have to.
Loba kicks his head hard enough to knock out any human opponent, sending him to the ground. His mask is cracked open, revealing the copper lining underneath and the wiring for his optics. He stays grounded, glaring at her with an unspeakably vicious hatred. He faces his demise with just as much malice as he had moments earlier, perhaps even more. She goes in for a direct stomp, plunging the five-inch tall heel of her shoe into and through Revenant's left optic. You grimace at the horror of it, wanting to cover your face to escape the imagery. Revenant's body lurches backwards and writhes in pain, grabbing aimlessly at his face, screaming so loudly that the drone camera picks it up as his vocalizations crack and become inundated with static.
Revenant isn't eliminated. Revenant is treated differently than the human and more finite combatants. His deaths are of no consequence, so he isn't protected from them. He can just come back, over and over. So the cameras roll and he's left to suffer whenever it makes for better television. The most bloodthirsty fans have always loved this double-standard, but you are beginning to revile it more by the moment.
Loba spits on him, taking a moment to parade to the crowd her triumphant moment. Revenant's last remaining optic is dimming uncontrollably, but is still locked on her when she returns to finish the job. They lock eyes for a moment. You don't know the details--nobody does--but it's clear they have some kind of history where all the hatred stems from. Revenant looks away in acceptance of his defeat, and his neck is immediately clamped down on by her heels. With a single twist of her leg, the cracking noise of his head being forcibly freed from his torso rings out. You want to vomit.
Revenant is only now considered eliminated, his husk of a chassis lying nearly in two pieces, his head twisted perpendicular to his torso. The crowd is absolutely ablaze. Loba reaches down, tearing the scarf off his head and holding it triumphantly in the air, looking as if she just scalped her kill. Bangalore shies away from the cameras herself, she's clearly ready to move on. Loba revels in the violence, just like Revenant does, but there is something especially malicious between them.
You feel the nausea taking hold even stronger. Revenant is someone you know now. He's shown you kindness, and you've become very fond of him. You can't say you know him extremely well, granted, but well enough to feel empathy for his pain. Watching him essentially have his skull broken, eye gouged, and neck severed is a lot to take. You could literally see the excruciating pain in his body language when his eye was stomped out. They shouldn't allow it. The moment a human life is in danger they get deathboxed. Only now that Revenant's body is dead and vacated of all living code, as well as the audience thoroughly satiated, does Revenant's corpse get deathboxed. He managed to fight his team all the way to seventh place alone. Loba and Bangalore continue on, the cameras lovingly cataloging their sweep.
You get up and turn off the television, sheepishly use your new ID to leave the room, and head to the volunteer bunks. It's the middle of the day, so nobody is around. A note on your bunk reads "Worried about you! Let me know when you get back. -Sherry". You scribble back, "Sorry Sherry, had a special request I had to run, need to talk later. Text me." and place it on her bunk. Sherry is the de facto leader of the volunteers, here since day one of season one. You know each other well. She doesn't pry often, but disappearing for a night is really out of character for you, so you don't mind it this once. She will know if you're allowed to stay in the volunteer bunks or not. You gather your things, just in case, and haul them to Revenant's room. You only have a single duffel bag of clothes and toiletries to your name. It has been that way since you found yourself on the streets years ago. It's easy enough to carry, but some amount of sadness still lingers in you as you haul your only worldly possessions in a single bag. The Apex Games gives you year-round work in exchange for a place to live rent-free. The Legends who tip well basically keep you at a decent wage for the hours. So despite not having much to your name in terms of assets, you now have a bank account with enough value to move on if absolutely necessary.
You use the badge to open Revenant's door. It dings satisfactorily, and you dump your bag on the floor. You're not leaving the area until he's back. You already decided. You're in some stage of denial after watching him die, but simultaneously you cannot be in denial if he always comes back. You shake your head, the nausea fights for its throne in your gut. You grab a change of clothes out of the bag and head to the bathroom in the far left corner of the room.
As you enter, you see a mostly untouched bathroom, spare for a strangely out-of-place comb, shaving cream, an old-fashioned razor blade, and the mirror smeared opaque with dried suds--likely from the shaving cream. None of those items make sense. Not a single one. Why was the mirror so filthy? Why did a simulacrum have shaving or hair brushing tools? You consider that it might be a coping mechanism, but that doesn't explain the mirror. Whatever, you'll clean it in a second. No need to make a big deal out of it all.
Halfway through changing, you lose your battle with nausea. You don't have anything in your stomach, a fact you quickly realize as you lurch over the toilet. Just stomach acid. What a violent and terrible death. You know he feels just as a human does, it's not his fault he isn't as fragile. It's so unfair. You stand tall, having expelled the worst of it. You finish putting on your "I'm not feeling it" shirt, and make a quick orbit to the duffel and back, picking up your toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash. You clean out your mouth thoroughly, trying to fight off the taste of acid.
You finish up, leaving your oral care items behind to take your dirty clothes to the laundry room and grab some mirror cleaning supplies while there. Since you know how to fully clean down a room, you figure it is within your ability to completely clean Revenant's room. Maybe Fuse's too, these cleans tend to be quick and efficient when you perform them.
• • • •
"Hey, oh my gosh, where were you last night?" The text comes in as you're hauling the cleaning supplies to Fuse's room. It's early afternoon, you'll be done with this before it even begins to get dark.
"Hey, sorry, I had a special request. I didn't mean to worry anyone. I'm cleaning Fuse's room now." You text back, hoping Sherry will meet you here and help wrap up even faster.
"OMW" The text comes in only moments after.
After a few minutes, you hear Fuse's door open. Sherry is a petite blonde woman in her early twenties. Despite her longer, curly hair, she is otherwise not too dissimilar looking from Wattson, her favorite Legend. They have a good relationship apparently, Wattson regularly jokingly adding "request for mon Sherry" to her requests, a play on "mon cherie" in French.
"I didn't see a request for Fuse to have his room cleaned, did you delete it from the system?" Sherry was always on-task.
"Oh, sorry, no, I kinda needed something to do." You look up from changing the bed sheets, "Do you mind giving me a hand?"
"Sure, but there are tons of requests you could have taken, why make one up?" She walks to the opposite side of the bed, nabs the sheet, and looks up, locking sights on your ID.
Her shock is immediate and silent. You notice that she has noticed.
"How did you get that..." She trails off, her head clearly running at max capacity with various theories.
"Revenant gave it to me." You answer blankly. "I don't know what to do."
Sherry stares, her expression becoming increasingly appalled and concerned.
"What... what happened last night? You didn't like... "earn" that, right? I mean, you didn't trade for it, did you?" Her expression grimaces further. "Does he even have the parts for that...?"
You suddenly realize what she's saying, and wave your hands to snap her attention.
"No! Nothing like that! He sees me so often he wanted a personal lackey instead." You see her expression soften for a moment before it snaps back.
"Then where were you last night?"
"You heard me, where were you then?"
You stare at the floor, unsure if you can lie so blatantly to her. She stares at you for a moment.
"One moment you're depressed, then next thing I know you're manic, then you disappear for a day and a half. Is this some kind of new suicide plot you have? Seduce a murder robot?" She seems genuinely worried.
"I promise it's not like that! I was exhausted! I accidentally fell asleep when I brought him water--"
"Why did nobody call the paramedics? If you passed out, you should have been given a health check! Why didn't that robot call anyone?" She genuinely cared about you, she was a good friend, through and through.
"Uh, well, I kinda slept in his bed."
Her face went from worry to one of shock and morbid concern. Her knees buckled for a moment and rectified themselves as she cartoon-ishly tried to process her thoughts.
"You see, I guess he's taken a liking to me, and he saw how tired I was, so--"
"So you slept with him just so you could get a break? You should have just asked for time off! You never take it! I would have given it to you!" She was clearly upset.
"It didn't happen like that!" She had a tendency to catastrophically think, so her mind was already five steps ahead of you in the worst possible timeline. If you could stop it now, hopefully it wouldn't continue.
"Wait, why are we changing Fuse's sheets? How many robots and people have you slept with?!" she dropped the sheets at a complete loss. Too late to stop her mental train, it was already off the rails and burning in a ditch.
"Sherry! Pay attention! I didn't do anything with anybody. I just passed out in Revenant's bed, and he decided not to kill me but promote me instead because he's Revenant and he does what he wants, even when it makes no sense to anybody. I didn't even see Fuse yesterday, I just figured I'd clean his room since both him and Revenant took a heck of a loss today." You didn't often get loud, so when you did it tended to garner attention.
Sherry sighed.
"Yeah, that sounds more like the truth than my insane theory." She rests her face in her palms for a moment. "So, uh, I guess you and Revenant are friends now?"
"Subordinate or lackey is probably a better term, but he actually is nice to me! Aside from all the threats..." You trail off, wondering if he means it or if he simply is keeping up his persona.
"Well, congratulations on becoming the homicidal robot's plaything?" She wasn't wrong. Actually, her term was probably more accurate. "Please don't get murdered. I didn't get you out of that homeless shelter just to deliver you into the hands of a bloodthirsty robot with a fascination for evisceration. I'll feel so bad if you die..." She trails off, catastrophic thoughts ablaze. "Just quit!" She perks up with her solution.
"He's not going to kill me, and if he does, it's not your fault. I'm choosing to do this."
She sighs, and starts making the bed with clean sheets, unsure of how to argue, or if the argument is worthwhile.
Sherry was the one you reached out to when you heard that you could work for the Apex Games in return for a bed, bathroom, food, and basic healthcare. She picked you up at the homeless shelter, and helped forge some fake credentials on your resumé at the time. She cleared you herself, pretending as if she never met you before and calling your previous "boss" who was actually just a very confused telemarketer, resulting in getting you the place and position you have now. You've always thought she's an upstanding person; her maternal instincts sometimes getting in the way of her letting people make their own choices freely though. She felt like an older sister to you.
"Please tell me you're at least getting paid. Without the tips from the other Legends, how are you going to keep saving up?" She asked weakly, finishing up by fluffing the pillows.
"Uh, well, I haven't asked yet... I actually meant to ask if I have a room still." You answered, a bit dumbfounded you hadn't considered that before.
"What?! Did you think this through at all?" She burst, but quickly softened, "Of course you still have a room, there should be a door in the back of every Legend's room with the same kind of bunks as we have. Those are for you special folks. It has a bathroom and everything."
"Ah, good, I kinda wish I could stay with you guys, but..."
"...but your new robot-boyfriend is calling you?" She breaks her melancholy with ruthless teasing, just like an older sister. "Yeah, I'll need the space for a new volunteer, definitely."
"I figured as much. Always running on short-handed here." You're a little relieved the choice is made for you.
"So, I'm guessing you now have all Revenant requests, now and forever?" She chuckles a bit. "You somehow take the biggest demotion and consider it a promotion. I can't believe you like dealing with that guy."
You banter back and fourth, finishing up Fuse's room. It'll be nice for him to come back to a clean room, especially considering how his match went that morning. Sherry promises to come around this part of the building more to keep an eye on you, swearing she will kick Revenant's ass if he does "whatever murder-bots do". You go your separate ways, laughing at each other's stupid quips.
• • • •
There is a door at the back of the room. Sherry was right. It is intentionally made to camouflage into the wall, as well as the scanner that opens it. You hold your ID up to it, hear the positive chirp, and the door slides open to reveal a nice small room and bathroom. It's a private bedroom embedded within Revenant's. The door now freely slides like a pocket door to open and close, apparently you only need to activate it once to get access. A nice little bed, a nice little dresser, and a nice little bathroom! It reminds you of a super tiny hotel room, everything is compact but still a notable step up from shared bunks. You breathe deeply, inhaling the smell of a fresh new room. You haul your duffel bag in and toss it into a little cubby under the mattress, and boom, you're moved in! So easy!
Revenant still isn't back yet though. You wonder how long it will take for his new chassis to activate and return here. You wish so badly to know how he is doing, but it is impossible to know. You grabbed some snacks from the kitchen alongside dinner with Sherry, so you have food to stress-binge on if necessary. You figure laying down for the night can't hurt. So you hit the lights in Revenant's room, leaving it to only be lit by the rising moonlight overhead through the skylight. You sneak into your little cubby of a room, flipping the lights off as you slide the door shut behind you. You don't have any skylight, in fact, your ceiling was about 6 feet or so shorter than his, making it much more average. Granted, his room is massive, but you are happy with your tiny private closet. It is so cool.
You fall back in the bed. Soft as can be. Same as his.
Sleep takes you very quickly.
• • • •
You wake up to an inhuman screeching. You jolt up, making yourself panic further as you check your surroundings and recall where you are. You're alone in the little bedroom, the screaming is from the other side of the door, in Revenant's main room. It echoes in a uncanny valley between human despair and mechanical detune. You leap out of bed and rush to open the door to see what is wrong.
The door slides open and you see Revenant, his mask and jaw tilting in opposite directions to replicate an open mouth, revealing a disturbingly black void where his mouth would be, no headscarf, howling in some kind of agony under the moonlight. It sounds so sad, so sorrowful. The pocket door clicks as it reaches its full open position, and Revenant's eyes lock on as soon as the sound is registered. His instincts are instantaneous. His howl slowly fades as he uses up what's left in his artificial lungs, his eyes never breaking from yours. The sorrow leaves him, his jaw slowly closes, and his stature returns for a moment.
"Are you okay?!" You ask him.
He hides is face and his body motions like a person who is sobbing for a few moments, but he doesn't. He couldn't even if he wanted. He regains himself quickly, walking up to you blankly.
"Hey, uh, are you oka--?"
"Keep me warm, skinsuit." His voice shakes as he pulls you into him in an embrace.
He is extremely cold, but his metal parts start to sap your body heat immediately. He is alive. He is new, but alive. You wrap your arms around his small abdomen, slipping under the pistons that hold up his large torso. You squeeze harder than you mean to, giving away that you are genuinely worried about him.
"I thought you left." He admits shakily, still not wholly able to hide his emotions. "I didn't..." He trails off. He places his hand on your head, messing with your hair a bit, until you gaze up at him. He looks down at you in the eye and you see something familiar. Disbelief. "You stayed."
You don't have words. Words mean nothing anyway in moments like this. You squeeze him tighter and he winces a little. You realize his abdomen is probably the least protected area of his body, and even you might be able to hurt him with the wrong touch. You lean forward and bury your face into it anyway, you're pretty sure you can feel a pouch through the leather skin that acts as a stomach receptacle, but you're not sure.
Revenant's body shakes a little like he cannot hold back tears, but as a simulacrum, he has none. You hear a sorrowful moan instead that is quickly stifled. Despite his persona, he has a very human personality.
"Come, keep me warm." He pulls you away for a moment so he can move again, then grabs your wrist and pulls you to the bed. The bed he never used. "It's easier with insulation." He rips the blanket off of it, wrapping it around you both in one sweeping movement, and sitting on the edge, pulling you down with him.
Your face flushes hot red. This is unlike him. He notices, and you swear you see a little bit of a pink glow on him too. He definitely had been flush during his stunt on live TV before joining the games. Insane to think they built that functionality into a mask. He grunts and breaks eye contact.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm just cold." He pulls you into his lap before you can say anything in response. "I have an easier time cooling down with fans than I do heating up. I'd have to run really stressful code to do that and using you is so much easier."
He redirects you to face away from him, and as soon as you do he sucks you in as close to him as you can. You're practically inside of his giant, looming frame. His breath rattles a little in his artificial lung pumps. His hands grapple around your hands while holding the blanket taut, holding them in balled fists and trading his cold for your heat. His vocalizer sounds as if it's giving a deep growl, closer to a purr, almost too soft to be heard, but not quite.
His new chassis smells a little more like plastics, metal shavings, and leather than the previous one, which had been muddled with the scent of dirt, grass, and polish. It's so cold, he must have only just made it inside. You wonder how far he had to run to get back here.
His head lowers to rest his face into your shoulder. You rest your head back on his. For a moment, this creature is just the same as you. Human.
He stays there, humming and purring and enjoying the moment. His body is no longer cold at all, he is now reflecting your heat back at you and feels warm himself. You carefully turn your head and push your face into the side of his mask where his ears would be. His head perks up a little for a moment, just long enough to catch his dumbfounded expression and pinkening cheekbones before his face retreats into your shoulder again. He squeezes you close, grappling your fists as if to never let go.
You sit there for a while, until finally you feel his cooling fans click to life. He lifts his head off your shoulder.
"Thank you." He says as he releases you. He looks away, clearly trying to hide from your gaze. You don't get up. You keep staring in his direction, hoping he will give in and turn to you. But you are both stubborn.
After a long while, you stand up in surrender, but place your hand on his unclothed head, petting it once, just for good measure. His hand rises to cover his face.
"Please go back to bed, I'm sorry for scaring you." He says in an abnormally low baritone, trying to hide himself further.
You surrender. It isn't worth prying away his façade when he isn't ready. He had already shown different colors than he did most of the time. This was scary, but in an unexplored territory sort of way. You weren't giving this exploration up after a single expedition. So it is best to rest up and not overextend.
You retreat into your little closet of a room, sliding the door gently shut. The moment it shuts completely, you hear Revenant move around rapidly. He's normally so silent. You recline into your bed, happy to be as warm as you are. You fall asleep almost instantly.
• • • •
You wake up, no idea what time it is. The room doesn't have a clock, maybe a bit of an oversight on the decorator's part. You get up, lurk over to the bathroom, and start performing your daily routine. Brush the teeth immediately, get the gross overnight flavor out of it. Strip and shower, thankfully there are already towels in the bathroom. Brush your hair while still damp after trying to get it as dry as possible with your towel. Deodorant. Grab your clothes. You put on something a bit nicer than yesterday. Finally, you're ready for whatever.
You waltz over, and knock on the door to make sure he won't be startled.
Instead, you hear a surprised grunt, scraping metal, and hushed curses against the door. You quickly go to open it, thinking he may be hurt, but the door is locked. You hesitate, dumbfounded. The Legends can lock people in like prisoners if they want to. Your attention snaps back as you hear the lock disengage, and the door flies open before you can move it. Revenant faces you, somehow looking a little disheveled.
"Were you outside my door the entire night...?" You ask, still fairly shocked.
"Doesn't matter." He absolutely was. He spoke hurriedly, potentially a little embarrassed. But he recovers his slow speaking pace quickly. "I should have just let myself in, I feel like I missed a great episode. Do you know what you said last night? Some pretty exciting gibberish."
"So you were against the door all night."
"Dammit, skinsuit!" He throws his arms up and turns away from you, towering over the doorway too short for him to enter comfortably. "You should have just slept out here. You know I get bored."
"I didn't think you wanted me to, you acted like you didn't."
"Well, I didn't really care!" He cared immensely, apparently. "I just needed something entertaining to keep my mind off yesterday." He crossed his arms, and began to meander over to the computer desk.
"I'm sorry, I wish you had told me."
"I was in a bad mood, just forget about it. It's fine." He tapped away at the computer, letting out a depressed sigh. "That scene from yesterday has all of Loba's fans riled up. They're posting it everywhere." He covers his face with his hands for a moment, motioning in embarrassment. "I can't believe I let that happen. I would have been better off letting Caustic gas me earlier."
"You were outnumbered, you did the best--"
"I'm getting my damn scarf back." He refused your comforting words, flinging himself to his feet and trudging out the door in a huff. You go to follow, but he whirls around, pointing straight to you, locking you in a glare. "You stay away from Loba, understand?"
He pauses, waiting to hear your reply.
"Uh, okay, I'll try to stay away from her."
While not an entirely satisfactory answer, Revenant whips back and disappears from sight. You sigh aloud. If those two have some kind of long-running hatred for each other, it would probably be best if you didn't get in the middle of it.
You peer over to the computer. He's right, Loba standing over his dead chassis holding up the scarf is everywhere. Loba fans are absolutely enamored by the triumphant image. Revenant fans openly mourn, swearing revenge. Loba and Bangalore apparently took the win, finally fighting down the second place team of Wattson and Rampart. Sherry will be miffed that Wattson had the spotlight and win taken from her. Although, now knowing you're on team Revenant, she probably will spare you any of her rants.
You stare at the image. It makes you overwhelmingly sad. Right before that snapshot was taken, Revenant was in unspeakable pain. The scream you heard on the broadcast echos in your head. It was one born of pain: strong, violent, and sharp until the static began to overwhelm it. The screeches you woke up to last night were not the same. They were mournful: hollow, airy, and almost melodic in their melancholy. Revenant can feel great pain, but clearly has some kind of appreciation for warmth and a kindly embrace. Why didn't others see that? Why does he have to suffer so much more, just because he is a simulacrum?
You close the browser. It messes with you. The imagery makes you upset. You feel you might vomit again if you're not careful.
You're snap back to attention at a commotion outside in the hallway. You peer out in the general direction of the other Legends' rooms.
"Fuck. You." Revenant's voice is so low it could rattle someone's bones. Fuse is standing in front of him, but Revenant is speaking beyond him to Loba, holding the scarf.
"It's my trophy. I'm a master thief, I don't just give things back." Loba proudly holds it in front of her face.
Fuse tries to keep Revenant at a fair distance from her, but Loba is standing her ground, completely unafraid.
"Woah now, come on, we don't need to settle this here and now." Fuse is attempting to keep the peace.
Revenant's growls can be heard from down the hallway, a number of volunteers have stopped to avoid getting too close, and a couple Legends are peering out their doors. The extra attention is displeasing to Revenant.
"Fine, but you will regret this." He starts to back off, prepared to fight another day, but Loba is relentless.
"Not if you want anything from me. Including that source code." Only now is she content to click her heels and turn away, Revenant suddenly looking like he lost the fight.
"Geeze, mate, do you really have to be so aggressive all the time?" Fuse gasps in a sigh of relief, addressing Revenant. "And I think I come on strong--you're a whole 'nother level!" He is already beaming a smile from under his moustache again, chuckling at his own joke.
Revenant shoots him a scowl for a moment, then turns back to you and begins to come back to the room, scarfless.
Fuse keeps pace with him as you retreat back inside, not sure if you should stay out of their way or not. You instinctively dive in behind the bed, staying low as not to be seen. You hear them come around the corner.
"Wait a minute, mate, I wanted to apologize." Revenant is already in the room, turning around to face Fuse who is standing in the doorway. You stay hidden behind the bed, nearly on the floor, listening in on their conversation. "That wasn't my best work out there yesterday. I feel like if I had been there, maybe you wouldn't have, uh..." He trailed off, his point was clear. "Listen, I'll talk to her, see if I can get 'yer scarf back. I don't want there to be any hard feelings."
Revenant's breathing pattern and low growl sounds like he is about to explode, and Fuse knows it too.
"Oh hey! They cleaned your room too!" His diffuses can be surprisingly effective. "Heh, I didn't even ask and apparently they decided to be like mum and make sure it got done whether I liked it or not."
Revenant hadn't actually noticed until now. He turns to look into the room. He peers across the way, seeing the bathroom mirror is reflective again.
"You're right." He sounds surprised. You swear you can hear another sigh of relief from Fuse now that the anger is gone.
"I was told it was that runner who seems to have a bit of a thing for 'ya did it. Seen 'em around lately?" Fuse asked. "I like to tip everyone, they do such a great job and they're not getting paid."
Revenant ignores him, walking into the middle of the room, peering around. To your recollection, he had never asked for his room to be cleaned as long as you have been volunteering. His room was very dusty. Now light is shining through all the windows, the television is clear, the bed sheets fresh, the carpet vacuumed...
"Yeah, where are they?" Revenant finally asks aloud. Is that your invitation to reveal yourself?
"Um, hi, sorry." You slowly pull yourself up from the floor, revealing your truly mediocre hiding spot.
Fuse gives a surprised stare, clearly catching a glimpse of your red badge, then laughs it off.
"You picked a cute one, didn't 'cha Rev?"
Revenant turns to face him in an absolute fury.
"Listen, I'm just telling ya to play nice." Revenant gets in Fuse's face immediately, but Fuse doesn't budge and meets him eye-to-eye for his next words. "You seem pretty defensive of 'em. Keep it that way."
Those words take Revenant aback just long enough for Fuse to break away and waltz up to you.
"Cheers, thanks for bein' my mum for me." He hands you enough money for a month of groceries, so generous!
"Thank you! That's very kind of you!" You chirp back, very happy to have more for your savings. Revenant seems shocked by the genuine joy in your voice.
As Fuse walks by Revenant to leave, you hear a short exchange:
"I'll try to get the scarf. Don't go killing anybody, and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary." Fuse murmurs.
"...thanks." Revenant sounds genuine.
Fuse gives him a side-hug on the way out, Revenant leaning away to escape it, but failing. Fuse laughs at Revenant's bashfulness. Getting a thanks from Revenant is a miracle unto itself, worthy of such a small celebration. Fuse is a genuinely good person. He is universally loved by the volunteers for his generosity and positivity. A lot of people have crushes on him, and you can understand why. One swift set of finger guns at each of you and Fuse is gone out the door, closing it behind himself.
"He's nice!" You say very matter-of-factly to Revenant.
"Sure, whatever you say, little skinsuit." He mumbles, seeming a bit exhausted by all the exchanges this morning. "What did he give you?"
"Money!" You hold out quite the wad of cash. Revenant chuckles a little under his breath at your happiness.
"What are you saving up for, anyway?"
"Well, for when this gig ends, I guess." You think aloud. "I just never want to be homeless again."
"Homeless?" Revenant looks at you with concern, "You were homeless before the Games?"
"Yeah, it's terrible out there..." You trail off your own words a bit sadly, but in seeing his concern for you, you decide to end on a high note. "With everything I save, I'll make sure I always have enough to live off of, and with the experience I'll have an easier time finding a job."
"Would it help if I paid you?" Revenant asks, plainly.
"Well, yes, but you don't need to."
"You should have told me." He almost whispers. He sounds a little sorrowful again.
You walk up and give him a quick hug.
"Sorry, I didn't know you would want to."
"If you keep getting too close to me, one of these days you're going to end up in a body bag." He sneers, trying to regain his vicious demeanor.
"Sorry, just keeping you warm, boss!" You play along, for now. You release him. "I have to actually get some food, go by the medical ward for some medicine, and then I need to leave the facility to pick up some new clothes. Do you need anything?"
Revenant stares for a moment.
"I'll be here when you return, bring me something alcoholic though." He answers, studying your eyes.
"Yes sir!" You rush out the door.
• • • •
When you return in the evening, you find Revenant's chassis laying like a corpse on the bed, his headscarf back on his head. His eyes are glowing dimly, staring at the ceiling with little interest.
"Oh hey." You address him.
"Oh, hey." He addresses you back, but slower. He keeps his eyes on the ceiling.
"You okay? You got your scarf back." You acknowledge, hoping he will perk up.
"Yeah." He sounds... depressed?
You put the bag of medicine on his computer desk, along with your bag of new clothes. You walk over with the remaining bag, which has the largest bottles of rum, whisky, and vodka the store sells. It is heavy and expensive, so you carefully place it on the end table next to his bed.
"I got you a ton of alcohol. It was kinda expensive, I'll probably need to be paid back." You carefully request, unsure how he will react. He gives you a thumbs up before his arm collapses onto the bed again. "What happened while I was gone?"
"Nothing much, I just got my scarf back." He sighs.
"Well, how did you get it?"
He moans audibly.
"Fuse got Mirage and Caustic to help him. Apparently it was an absolute mess. Mirage had to make tons of fakes to play keep away with my scarf, and Caustic gassed Loba's room with... zinc chlorides...? Something like that. It set off the fire alarms, everyone had to evacuate--"
"You didn't evacuate, did you?"
"Absolutely not. Anyways, in the chaos my scarf somehow ended up with Artur and Bloodhound."
"Oh geeze, what happened then?"
"They cleaned it, brought it to me, and gave it to me folded up neatly."
"Oh. Well... that last part isn't so bad."
"They were kind." His eyes tightened with discomfort, "And they left me with this." He holds up a single crow feather, perfectly dainty and undamaged.
"Aw, Artur!" You chirped; Artur was the sweetest bird you have met, not that you have met many.
Revenant sat up suddenly, his eyes getting bright again.
"Why would they do that?" He studied the feather in his hands, like he is completely bewildered with the concept of kindness. "They didn't owe me anything." He puts the feather down in front of him on the bed, pulling his hands up to hold his scarf in his grip on the two sides of his head. "They don't owe me this."
"Are you alright? You seem to not want to accept that Bloodhound is a nice person." You wanted to feed him the answer inside the question.
He stays silent for a while, taking the feather and handing it to you.
"Artur said this was for you, specifically."
"Wait, what do you me--"
"It's Bloodhound. It's in their name." He sighs, as you recognize concern in his tone, "They know who you are, they know you're here, and they recognized your scent on me." He lays down on his back, exasperated. "I can't let more people know." You hold Artur's feather, twirling it in your fingers. "They can't know. I am not like this." He seems genuinely upset.
"You seem cold." You prompted.
"I am very cold." He responds, overanalyzing each word for their deeper meaning.
"Do you want to be warm?" You put the feather down next to the bag of alcohol.
He pauses to sit back up before answering.
"Yes, but I can never let any of them know that." He answers plainly, but seriously.
You sit down next to him and are quickly grabbed and enveloped in his cold body, pulling you deeper onto the bed and directly under him. He almost instantly rests his head on your shoulder. His breath slows to a relaxed pace, rattling a little in his chest. His vocalizer hums at a low purr, and he moves his hands to feel your pulse, one at your chest and one to your jugular. He presses in, studying your inherent tick.
The television is on in front of you, but you haven't noticed it until now. The commentators are going over the edits of the "Loba the Scalper" image they found on social media, having nothing more important to talk about before the upcoming trios match. Revenant sighs a bit in your ear, still clearly bothered by his very public execution. You wrap your arms behind you to hug his waist. He holds you tighter for a moment, clearly understanding your intent is to comfort him.
You begin to massage the leather and the mechanisms underneath, unsure of how he will react; but he almost instantly squeezes you again, endorsing your idea. As you work into his back, his eyes dim and his breath quickens and deepens at strange intervals, relating to each long, deep stroke you perform. He slowly but surely relaxes his grip on you, potentially not realizing it. His mask digs into your shoulder, possibly trying to stifle his abnormal breathing. You keep at it for a few minutes, revelling in how sensitive his chassis is. Simulacrums were truly amazing.
Revenant's body melts under your touch, his chassis making odd movements clearly out of pure enjoyment. He's completely warm now, actually turning a bit hot as his code runs trying to keep up with your inputs. You worry that perhaps his circuits are being stressed too hard, but he also seems to be enjoying it so much.
He suddenly seems to shut down. His eyes go black, his weight falls on your shoulders, and his arms dislocate and slump out of his shoulder armor. You struggle to hold up his weight, his torso must be nearly two hundred pounds alone. No wonder he needs pistons to hold it up with his skinny waist.
He roars back to life, literally growling like a beast. His hands open and stretch like talons, the tips sharpening into claws. His legs cross in front of you, and his arms cross in front of you, and they pull you up against him in a nearly-crushing manner. His talons press into your flesh where they land, causing you a minor amount of pain. More concerningly, his jaw pulls open and he immediately goes as if to bite you, pushing your neck into the void of his mouth. He doesn't bite down though. His eyes are needle-thin, and brightened to a nearly red color. You gasp for breath in complete shock.
"You're mine!-Mine!-Mine!" His vocals are skipping as his hoarse, aggressive voice practically screams. "You belong to me!" He falls silent for a few moments. His shoulders refit themselves into their sockets as he slowly relaxes and retracts his claws from you. His softer voice returns. "Mine..." he calmly finishes. His jaw removes itself from your neck and closes. "I'm sorry. Emotions load faster than logic. It's hard to control myself after a reboot."
You had been holding your breath, and finally exhale and inhale, feeling faint with fear and deoxygenated blood. You slump back in his grip, putting your hands on your diaphragm to steady your breathing. You let yourself completely melt onto the bed, allowing yourself to look up at his face, gazing down at you.
"So, that's how you really feel then?" You pant, still catching your breath.
"Only a bit." He tries to comfort you, taking your hands in his. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you. Being a simulacrum is complicated. Even more complicated if you don't learn humanity while you're still human." He looks away, apparently not necessarily sure what he is missing in himself. "But I cannot deny there is truth in that emotion."
"It sounds like 'if I can't have you, nobody can' isn't off the table yet." You are slowly catching your breath.
"I would be very upset. I don't handle being upset well." His words are foreboding, but you're unsure if he is uncertain himself or trying to hide the truth. You want to sleep; you feel like you're going to have a heart attack. He squeezes your hands, noticing your weariness. "Sleep out here tonight."
You give him a weak thumbs up, fully expecting to just sleep right where you are. Revenant releases your hands, throws a blanket over you, and pulls you by your torso into a better sleeping position, up against a pillow. You throw out another thumbs up in approval. He snickers in response.
"I'm getting drunk. So sick of today. I'm going to create a scene so gruesome next game that everyone forgets about this little fiasco." He grumbles. You hear him cork something as you drift to sleep. "Have a good night, little skinsuit." Sleep was taking you rapidly.
"Thank you for the warmth." is the last thing you hear.
160 notes · View notes
mugichaaaa · 3 years
Bad Batch Analysis prt2
Welcome back everyone to part 2 to my Bad Batch analysis trailers. The trailer just happened to be posted around midnight and my wifi went out in the morning so I couldn’t really do much until now. Since we got another AMAZING trailer for the Bad Batch series I believe it’s time to do another analysis. If you haven’t read my first analysis from the first trailer you can read it here 
Without further ado let's get started. 
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The first scene we get from the trailer is a shot after that one shot we got from the first trailer. This could probably be around the time they landed on Kamino because if you look in the top right corner there is the Havoc Marauder. 
Training Sequence
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Next we see one of the many training grounds on Kamino. It’s strange seeing only one training ground and not multiple. It seems like this specific training ground might be underwater, as there is this long pole in the center with surrounding lights around it. Now that might be a reach, but honestly where could you see that training ground on the round houses above the ocean. 
Along with that in the Legends there was a Kaminoan Jedi who lived under the sea to try to prevent the vision she had. (the vision was the clone army betraying the Jedi) So it could be possible when the Kamioan’s were building the floating city they builded the bottom levels to be used as training grounds or something. 
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In this scene we can see that Echo is using a vibroblade. Now is this Echo’s own vibroblade or does this belong to Hunter and Echo just picked it up to destroy one of the droids?
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I feel like this shot can tell us a lot about the bad batch and how they interact with each other. Hunter and Crosshair are looking at the camera to which I can probably assume where Tarkin speaks to them. Echo lightly turns towards the direction of Tech, Hunter, and Crosshair. Tarkin probably said something that would make Echo turn to look at the three of them. 
Also Tech although very subtle looks at the ground. Now this could be two things, if Tarkin said something then it might be tech looking at the ground like a Child does when their parents scolds them. Or it might be Tech is exhausted and is looking at the destroyed droids all around him. 
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Hunter is seen talking to someone (probably Omega) telling them that their squad (aka the Bad Batch) is nothing but trouble. We can see Crosshair and Tech walk to a door which I can assume to be their barracks for the time being (before they escape). 
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I really like this scene from Crosshair. This seemed to show how well the Bad Batch worked together. Hunter throws his knife in the air and Crosshair goes and shoots it in place. Which might make it even more sad if Crosshair betrays the Bad Batch. Imagine this, The bad batch is in this certain situation where a duo between Crosshair and Hunter would work. Hunter turns to where Crosshair would normally be. 
“Cross lets-” 
All he sees no one, and the feeling of betrayal and pain seeps through him. 
Hunter Civilian Clothing
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So we see Hunter in Civilian clothes which is like. UGH please let me hold your hand Hunter. The first time we see them is at 0:31 where Hunter steals a speeder, probably to catch up to Fennec as we can see in 1:39 who has a kid. 
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We get a better look at Hunter’s Civilian clothes, it really reminds me of Cut lawquane’s outfit from The Clone Wars Season 2 “The Deserters”. Maybe we might see Cut lawquane in the Bad Batch, if so I think that would be really great to see. Cut’s children with Omega might be the cutest thing we might get from Bad Batch, that’s if it happens.  
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Now in this scene we see Tech piloting the ship, but if you look at the corner there is Hunter on a control panel with bandages wrapped around him. So this might be either Hunter getting injured from a mission (maybe from Fennec Shand??)
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This kid (not Omega) is dangling onto a cylindrical object. The Following scene with Hunter and the kid following a speeder that belongs to Fennec Shand. 
The Final Part of the Clone Wars 
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At 0:37 we see the Batchers coming down from what seems to be like a hill destroying B1 battle droids. While the next shot is Tech and Echo shooting down said droids. 
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So in my previous analysis I mentioned how for one the explosions I was wondering if it was the Batchers or the Empire. Now with this new Trailer it seems to be leaning more towards the Batchers doing this. 
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We see Hunter putting away his knife with Wrecker carrying what seems like to be a destroyed droid. 
Now I mentioned in my previous analysis that the snowy planet might be a Crosshair arc. But now with these new scenes with the snowy planet it might be a set up to Crosshair being something that most Bad Batch Stans don’t want. 
Crosshair as the traitor
So I know I talked about this in my last trailer analysis and I said this was very unlikely. But uhhhh now with this trailer I'm 70% sure Crosshair will betray the Bad Batch. Now the reason why I said Crosshair wouldn’t betray the Bad Batch was because the Purge trooper and Crosshair just didn’t have things that lined up. But now with this new trailer I am pretty worried for our boy Crosshair. 
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This is the ONLY scene we get of Omega and Crosshair together. Any other scenes with Omega and the Bad Batch Crosshair is nowhere in sight. 
I literally called this when I wrote about my predictions about the Bad Batch series. Where I wrote two paths. One where Crosshair was not the traitor and stays with the bad batch and one if Crosshair was the traitor (I censor the right since it had my actual name since I did the bad batch analysis during school)
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And 1:19 seems to likely prove my Crosshair is the traitor snippet I did. All the batchers + omega are running through what seems to be like the late night halls of Kamino. Who knew Echo would be following his brother’s footsteps. 
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Again Crosshair isn’t here 
… or maybe he might be hiding him behind Hunter to give us anxiety about what happened to Crosshair. But if Crosshair is gone then they need a new sniper to fill in his role...
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We are first introduced to a new character who is called “omega”.  Now who is Omega? Well we don’t know this is the first we EVER got to see them anywhere. Now when I first saw Omega I immediately thought of Satine’s Mandalore. We are not talking about the houses and clans (like house Wren). We’re talking about Satine’s Mandalorians (the pacifist) in which when we see her people in the clone wars they are normally pale with light colored eyes. Omega almost fits that but without the bright blue eyes. Another thing is that Omega kinda sounds like they have a Satine Mandalorian accent. As I was listening to Omega speak I was comparing it to Korkie and his friends and Omega lowkey sounds like Korkie’s friends but that’s probably a really big reach.
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This is where I think if Crosshair betrays the Bad Batch this is where Omega would come in and take Crosshair’s role as sniper. We don’t know how good Omega is but with Hunter’s heightened sense his sight might be just as good to teach Omega to work with a bow and arrow
The Explosion
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Now we have an explanation for the explosion we saw in the last trailer. It was definitely the bad batch and now we know it was part of the thrusters from a broken Venator Star Destroyer. Since now we got more context to that explosion, I believe that this will be on Bracca where maybe MAYBE we might see a young ginger Cal Kestis. 
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*breaths in* 
I’m so happy Rex and Echo are going to a reunion. I really hope Rex and Echo have a moment where Rex completely vents to Echo about everything that happened. Like Umbara, how much Five’s death took a toll on him, and when he left Jesse and his brothers during order 66. It would be really interesting to see if Rex has some sort of survivor's guilt. I know we see a little bit in Season 7 when he’s talking to Cody about the Domino squad but after order 66 I think it would be nice to dwell onto a little more. 
Another thing I really hope we get to see how Rex meets up with Wolffe and Gregor. 
AT-ET Walker
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We get a couple of scenes here of the AT-ET but here look at this. The republic symbol and the red paint is completely removed, it’s completely bare (which is so boring). Another thing is that the AT-ET are completely cutting across a group of people, these could be protestors of something that we yet not know of. 
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It seems like Hunter and Tech snuck into and AT-ET, now the next scene we get is an AT-ET blowing up another AT-ET. There are two possibilities on who shot at the AT-ET, one could be the Bad Batch themselves shooting at the other AT-ET or two it could be the Empire shooting at the Bad Batch stolen AT-ET 
Saw Gerra
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It’s really nice to see Saw Gerra, we have seen him in 5 star wars projects (Clone wars, Rogue one, Rebels, Jedi Fallen Order, and now Bad Batch). Since this is the beginning of the Empire we get that small time between Clone wars and Jedi: Fallen Order to see what Saw was up to. 
Fennec Shand
My wifey, I love her so much. But I did get something wrong and right with Fennec Shand in my last analysis. 
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First of all the explosion we see with Fennec Shand is NOT connected to the factory arc but instead connected to Hunter saving the kid. 
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But the thing I did get right was that one scene where Fennec was holding a gun out. That fog is from a fight and Fennec and her opponent are at a standstill. 
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One thing new about Fennec is that she had a Kid dangling off her speeder. First of all that’s not safe at all and 2 why does Fennec have a Kid with her and then why does Hunter have the child in the next scene?
Small theory but this kid might be just like Omega that escaped. Fennec is sent out to retrieve the kid but Hunter is like “not on my watch” and takes the kid. Fennec looks shocked that Hunter interferes with her job and looks ANGY. 
Or this kid might be just some random kid that Fennec took. 
Now a recurring segment called Cool things I saw on the Trailer 
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Just any scenes from the training scene with Wrecker is just cool and I’m like yes sir go off. 
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I swear every scene with Wrecker is a joy to see. He just brightens my day all the time
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Bad Batch are taking notes from Waxer and Boil about adopting kids during war times. 
This segment was short due to most of the trailer being analyzed and not much random spread out scenes. 
And that’s that! Thank you all who read this far, I hope I was able to make this clear enough for you all to understand. If there’s anything else you saw in the Trailer that I miss I would love for you to comment about it! I think i’m going to do a countdown for Bad Batch, idk let’s see how I keep this up. 
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dawnblade · 3 years
Okay hi you're like.
One of the only destiny players I follow, and I enjoy watching your commentary and stuff like that!!
Anyway, my boyfriend in the past month has gotten very into destiny 2 and Im starting to want to play too.
Any tips for a new player? 🥺
lord forgive me for the college thesis ive just written
thank you so much, im glad to hear youve enjoyed what ive had to say about this game!!! so, as for tips:
☆first off, ive heard the starting missions dont do a great job of easing new players into the game, so i think my advice for that would be that after you complete those, if you have any of the purchaseable big expansions (forsaken, shadowkeep, or beyond light), play through their campaigns so you can have a more "on rails" guided experience as you learn
if youre playing the free base game, you might have to set more goals for yourself. you can start by playing strikes, crucible, or gambit, OR you could explore each planet and see what they have going on. (i think to get to new planets you need to increase your power level, so thats a goal to shoot for!)
▪strikes are pve, essentially super short linear self-contained stories. you get matched with two other people and do some light combat with a boss at the end to get loot. its very casual and chill
▪crucible is pvp, you have different modes within the crucible to choose from, which are explained in-game. you can play matches for valor- which is more casual, or glory- which is more competitive
▪gambit is a mix of pve and pvp. your team and the opposing team fight enemies to collect something called motes from them. whichever team collects 100 motes, then summons and defeats the final boss first wins the match!!!
**there are also much harder versions of pvp and pve activities (raids, trials of osiris, grandmaster nightfall strikes, etc) but thats all endgame content and you probably wont get into that stuff until youve spent a good amount of time with the game
if you like checking things off a list, there are things called triumphs, which are basically in-game achievements, so completeing those could be your objective. theres a TON of those to complete, so you definitely wont run out of stuff to do LOL
☆weapon and armor drops might be confusing and overwhelming to a new player, so personally i wouldnt worry about them too much until you get some experience with the game and start getting into endgame content. getting something with good perks will really help you out later
when you wanna start grinding for better guns, looking up the best perks for each gun is absolutely recommended
trial and error, licherally just messing around, is also very useful to find something that suits your personal playstyle
☆the fastest way to up your seasonal rank is to be constantly doing bounties and seasonal challenges
seasonal ranks are mostly just for rewards and include resources and cosmetic items, but also provide some passive gameplay perks that can help you with a seasonal activity or getting better weapon + armor drops
☆the fastest way to up your power level is by doing weekly challenges for each activity (strikes, gambit, crucible, etc) and getting powerful gear from them
power level directly affects how hard an activity is going to be. if your power level is too low, enemies will be immune to damage, but if you are just slightly underleveled it can make for a more challenging activity if thats what you want ^_^ otherwise, if your power level is equal to or above whats required, enemy power will scale with you.
☆try to have a variety of weapon archetypes (like smgs, hand cannons, snipers, etc) and energies (solar, arc, void, and stasis) in your inventory.
there are third-party apps that let you bring and send weapons to storage without having to stop at the main hub world, but sometimes its just easier to be able to quick-swap for different situations.
having a few armor loadouts is useful as well but again, personally i wouldnt worry about armor modding and weapon perks TOO much when youre just starting out
☆if youre not sharing your account, you should use all three character slots on a warlock, a hunter, and a titan. obviously you dont HAVE to, you can be Oops All Hunters if you want, but ive found its super useful to have an understanding of how each class works, especially for endgame content
and finally, this game's campaigns tend to be pretty cool, but the lore is absolutely batshit and i recommend reading lore books and lore tabs and such when you can because they are super interesting. theres so many of them though i dont think its possible to actually read all of it, in which case i HIGHLY recommend watching "My Name Is Byf" on youtube if you want all of that information compiled neatly and explained thoroughly to you. or you can read the wikis or a site called the ishtar collective to learn more about aspects of the lore you might be interested in. the lore stuff you read about is mostly gonna be pick and choose regardless
SO, i think thats about all i can think of. i hope none of this was confusing, if you need any clarification id be glad to explain more!!! this game is a lot of fun with friends, so def play it with others when you can ^_^ plus, theres tons of resources for you to learn from, on youtube or reddit or wikis OR asking folks like myself!! a lot of veterans with more experience than me are also very willing to help you out, so totally dont be afraid to ask!!! i hope you have fun with the game!!!
also, if any other folks have some new player tips, do feel free to share!!
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I wanted to write a basic sheet of what all the characters are and their weapons to keep track of shit, it’s pretty long though- has all of the characters on except Lila cause I’m still working her out, but here’s everyone!
Note: These stats are not permanent and things can and will change. People who know spoilers will know what I mean.
Marinette- Ladybug Faunus, antenna. Her semblance is Cure which is a wide spread heal on both objects and injuries. This takes all of her aura usage and she has no control over how much she can use yet. So training it is actually learning how to suppress it’s power to lower quantities of aura use, so for now, she always uses it at the end of battle to heal her team with whatever remaining aura she might have left. Her weapon is a wire blade yo-yo. It can plant bombs and it can open up to have three blades, like a saw.
She named it Lucky Charm. - Adrien- Cat Faunus, ears. His semblance is Deteriorate. Basically a slower and smaller version of cataclysm. However it can be used more than once. His weapons are two arm blades (holds it like a police baton, think the hidden blade from Assassins Creed). The stretch out to around three feet. They fold inwards and turn into wrist guns (like yang but more.. stabby) They shoot out grappling hooks (the hook is the blades) that let him swing Spider-Man style. It’s cool, but he’s absolutely shit at it. He named them Cataclysm and Catastrophe - Alya- Fox faunus, tail. Her semblance is illusions that can destroyed when touched. Her weapon is a flute that turns into a rifle and a machete. She named it Vixen’s Hearsay - Chloe- human. Her semblance is Paralyzation. It’s basically just venom except she had to physically touch someone for it to work, it wears off eventually, and she has to tag someone again or wait if she wants them to unfreeze. Her weapon is a rifle with a long bayonet attached(Hellsing Anderson style)- which can also shoot out and become a grappling hook. She named it Queen’s Defiance - Nino- Turtle Faunus, scales. His semblance is aura enforced and fueled shields and force fields. His weapon is named Emerald Horizon and it is a giant discus with blades lining it. No gun unfortunately. - Kagami- Human. Her semblance is basically like Nora and Adam’s fused. There more electricity she intakes increases the strength and damage she can dish out in one single KO move. Very specific but very powerful. Basically Zenitsu She wields a sword that can split into two of she needs to. She named them Rajin and Fujin. No gun. Only sword. Only stab.
- Kim- Monkey Faunus, Tail. His semblance, Discombobulate, when activated, temporarily deletes one of someone’s five senses. Whichever sense is randomized. Has Sun’s weapon except it becomes a bow instead of a gun. It’s name is Dark Cupid. His arrows can explode. - Juleka-Tiger Faunus, tail. Her semblance is Obscurity. She can turn completely invisible. To turn more than one person invisible, she must be touching them physically. Her weapon is two sickle turning shotguns that she calls Lament and Coven. - Rose-Human. Her semblance is Charming Fragrance. She releases a toxin in the air that can mind control people. However she can’t control its range and who it affects yet. Her weapon is a backpack that either turns into or holds her grenade launcher. She named it Blooming Love - Luka- human. He has a cutlass that turns into a flintlock. His semblance is Banshee. He screams. Exactly what it sounds like. It can crack concrete. He named his cutlass Basilisk. - Max- human. His semblance, Vision, switches people’s vision but not body control, and he can also look through people’s vision without them knowing. His weapon is a sniper rifle that folds into a boomerang. He named it Markov’s Faith, after his.. ‘Secret Project’
- Ivan- Human. He has a giant fucking war hammer that turns into a machine gun. He named it Titan. No semblance yet. - Mylene- human. No semblance yet. She has ribbon she can wrap around opponents and thwart them. Smgs are attached to the end - Nathaniel- human. no semblance yet. He has two long hooks that have revolvers at the end that he switches between. Their names are Orikko and Sunrise. - Marc- Goat Faunus, Horns. No semblance yet. Sniper that turns into a club. He named it Reverser - Alix- Rabbit Faunus, ears. Her semblance, Time Hop, lets her see, at most, five minutes into the future. Basically Shulk’s thing from Xenoblade. What she does with this information depends on her, and makes need to be wise about her decisions. Her weapons are her legs and (also her EmberCelica-like gauntlets). The legs aren’t named cause they’re just her legs.. but they’re strong. Her gauntlets are named Heart and Ace. Both versions of her Prosthetic robotic enhancements that can turn into rollerblades on a whim. Her battle legs are bent and rabbit leg molded to make her run faster. Yes this means she can and might run on all fours if she’s not skating and just needs to bolt, it doesn’t help her dignity but it could work. She can also jump really high and far with these legs.  The heels of these shoes, regardless battle or not, can shoot out bullets and dust.
- Sabrina- Human. Her semblance is called Parakeet. It makes her able to perfectly imitate other people’s voices, and it can be very chaotic. Her weapon is a purse that turns into a chainsaw and a smg. She named it Hellsing.
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ionfusionpunk · 4 years
Mando’a Conjugation Tangents Because My Brain Got Lost
AKA: A Study of Ancient Mandalorian Culture and Society and the Development of Mando’a by Dissecting a Bunch of Words in a Bid to Find the One (Which I Don’t Find, but That’s Okay)
Um. So, I got carried away? 
It started with me creating a clone oc: Clone Commander Alloy. I love creating fun nicknames for my characters, and I thought it would be cool to give him a nickname in Mando’a. I thought: Hey, ‘alloy’ is close to ‘ally’, so maybe one of his close friends/vod call him tomad: ally. Cute. Then I thought, but what about ‘alloy’ in Mando’a? 
(You can jump to the very end for the TL;DR)
Cue me realizing there isn’t a straight translation. Cue me realizing there’s only one (1) metallic element given any sort of name in Mando’a: beskar, which is Mandalorian iron made of a metallic alloy (steel, which itself is an iron alloy, hence Mandalorian iron).
Cue me wanting to dissect the word beskar to figure out where it comes from.
After fighting with my brain for an hour, I finally just made it simple: since beskar is a confirmed alloy of which iron is the major part, then I just need to identify which part of the word is ‘iron’. Easily said and done if one considers that be means ‘of’ in Mando’a, leaving skar to mean iron. (I also cross referenced the Mando’a dictionary to make sure there weren’t any other words composed of skar as a word fragment in any form; it’s not). Literally translated then, beskar means ‘of iron’ which makes sense considering it’s an iron alloy - an alloy made of iron. Thus beskar transliterated is ‘alloy of iron’.
Now I want a word for ‘metal’, because ‘iron’ is too specific to be the only related word in Mando’a. 
I started by looking for ‘forge’, like a blacksmith forge, thinking it might hold a clue. It didn’t. ‘Forge’ in Mando’a is actually nau’ur kad: lit. light up a sword. And, like, I can see where that’s coming from? But it’s more poetic than functional. This is when I recall the word goran: blacksmith, metalworker.
Cool. Okay. ‘Metal’ is included in ‘metalworker’, so I might be a step closer. Unsatisfied with the poetic version of forge, I decide I want a single word that means something closer to what ‘metalworking’ implies; I turn goran into a verb by adding -ar, making it goranar: metalworking, and call it good. 
But I still want to isolate ‘metal’. Alright, so what part of goran is ‘worker’? Turns out that borarir is worker, and it’s base is bora: job. Instead, goran might come from gotal’ur: make, create/ gotal: made, created (an ‘-ized’ suffix). This is cool because tal means blood, so the Mandalorians seem to believe that to create something is very symbolic/ritualistic (like putting your blood, sweat, and tears into something). 
(Kay. Taking the Mandalorian culture into account, it would seem that they would have definitely practiced metalworking as an artform, right? Historically, only the nobility had swords because only they had the time to learn how to properly use them, and we’ve seen that the Mando’ade who aren’t soldiers are often agriculturalists. Yet kad is still a known word, and beskar is basically a deity. It would make sense that, in their development as a culture/society, metalworking would have been way big especially as an art form (I look back at the p o e t i c term for ‘forge’ as an example). It then stands to reason that there’s no reason why the words I want to create don’t exist. They’re just... buried. Deep. Just throwing that out there so I seem less crazy lmao.)
Now, I would think that ‘metal’ would be something close to ‘iron’ considering, logically, there would be a word for ‘metal’ first and then iron later as it was found to be the superior metallic element, especially in alloy form. Kar shows up in a few words, like kar’am: breath, kar’ta: heart, kar’tayl: awareness, knowledge, and kar’taylir: know, hold in heart. As far as kar’ta goes, ta is obviously derived from tal for blood. The am in kar’am is ‘change’. Taylir is hold, keep, preserve. Comparing with mandokar (which we should all know the meaning of by now, it’s used so. often), we can assume that kar either has something to do with the ‘self’ or is more an indication of something personally/culturally/spiritually precious (not the soul, though; colloquially, manda is used as ‘soul’). Furthermore, kar seems to be used in words where emotion is involved (like, 9.5/10 times). 
Personally, I think that kar could mean ‘iron’. Think about it: ‘iron change’ or the ‘change in iron’ to indicate breath just like how different levels of oxygen within the metal itself would affect quality. ‘Iron blood’ which, like, duh, but they wouldn’t have had the tech at the time to know human blood contains iron; they would have just compared the red of rusted iron to the color of blood, which, still cool. Mandokar would then be ‘an individual of/containing iron’ which fits with the definition.
Now, I can’t really get behind the fanon definition of kar being ‘star’. I can’t, because Ka’ra is ‘stars; ancient Mandalorian myth - ruling council of fallen kings’, so I would think ka would be ‘star’ and ra derived from the short list of words that start with ‘ram-’: ramaanar: die (general term), ramaanla: mortal (in the sense of fallible or vulnerable), ram’ika: raid, ramikad: commando, ramikadyc: commando state of mind, ram’or: attack, beseige, ramorla: beseiged, and ramser: sniper, marksman. Considering ika is a known diminutive, ram probably boils down to ‘battle’ or ‘war’ or something similar. Ka’ra then, would literally be something like ‘warrior stars’ - the great warrior kings of the past. 
Back to to beskar, then, which I can actually keep breaking down. In the dictionary is bes’bev: Mandalorian wind instrument also used for combat, a large metal flute with a sharpened, cut-off end. Knowing that laar is song and bes’laar is music, but also knowing that a defining feature of pure beskar is the ringing sound it makes when hit against more pure beskar, and bev: needle, spike, and considering my ‘metalworking as art’ theory, I can see where bes’bev comes from for sure, especially if we assume beskar as a word was created first so that bes could be used to indicate the sound of the metal-strikes. 
(Fun Facts: laar shows up again only in galaar: hawk, jai’galaar: shriek-hawk, the two conjugations of laar that give us ‘singing’ and ‘sing’, and werlaara: myth (archaic). Now, jai- comes from jair: scream, shriek, so that word’s self-explanatory. But werlaara is cool, because wer is archaic for ‘eon’, and laara would be the conjugated form of laar once again. From this we catch a glimpse of ancient Mandalorian culture - namely, the way they told stories: using music. Just thought that was supper cool.)
That still doesn’t really help me except just show where other words branched off. So. Square one (1): beskar breaks down into be: of and skar: iron. I would think the ‘s’ comes from the word for metal, especially if iron specifically, using the kar as an indication of strong emotion, is extra important as a metal to the Mandalorians. Based on the words I could find, the best match seems to be eso: flank, side. (Think of how the metal would have been used as armor to protect their flanks/sides). Look at bes; look at eso. I think metal might have been beso, because they would have used metal for armor before they ever used for art considering their warrior-clan history (again, in my head). So, beso: metal. 
Back to goran, ‘cause I think I’m on to something here. So, the closest to ran I could find was rang: ash. Considering the role that ash actually plays in forging metal objects, that makes a lot of sense to me if goran is a metalworker/blacksmith. If I think about how ne’tra is ‘black’, it’s not inconceivable that the ‘ra’ in goran is actually derived from that (again, ran means nothing by itself, and ra is ‘or’). The ‘n’ is most likely just tacked on bc why not and to make it a noun. That just leaves go which seems to have a direct link to whether the word is about creating/making something or not. Conclusion: go: the shaping of something. 
In the end, I couldn’t pin down a specific word for ‘alloy’, but I might get there someday. Thoughts? Sorry for the rambly-ness of this whole thing. I leterally was typing this up as the thoughts hit lol.
beskar: alloy of iron (from be: of and assuming kar: iron)
goranar: metalworking
kar: a uniquely Mandalorian word used to indicate extreme emotional/spiritual importance to the subject; iron
ka: star
bes: a uniquely Mandalorian word that indicates the equally unique sound made by hitting two pieces of pure beskar to together
beso: metal
go: the shaping of something
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afterspark-podcast · 4 years
Let’s Play Transformers War for Cybertron, Chapter 2 Transcript
[This can also be found on AO3!]
[Intro Music]
O: Hi guys!  Welcome back to our Let's Play of War for Cybertron.  We're gonna be doing Chapter 2 today, and playing as the Jets.  I’m gonna take Starscream cuz he's got a sniper rifle.  (This is literally the only reason.)
S: [snickers]
O: If you remember, last time, uh, Megatron went full crackhead on us and was trying to get Dark Energon to snort- I mean to take over Cybertron.  And was basically arguing with a giant holographic [hologram] Starscream the entire time, and then at the end Starscream's like, [screechy voice] “Teach me how to control Dark Energon it'll work for you!” [normal voice] Um, so now we're being Megatron's bitch.
S: Pretty much.
O: Does that pretty much sum it up?
S: Yeah… yeah.
C: I mean, speak for yourself, uhhh…
O: [laughs]
C: Yes, master.
O: You’re just like, Skywarp- Skywarp, is nobody's bitch, thank you!  [laugh] Um, Specs is gonna be doing Thundercracker and Chezni is gonna be doing Skywarp, sooo…
C: That sounds like a drug.
O: [laughs] Uh, yeah, so Chezni's gonna be doing the Bojack?
A: [laugh]
O: I can’t remember what the chapter’s called... we are in Chapter 2, Fuel of War.  Uh, so, we ready to start then?
C: Oh yeah.
S: Sure.
[OS: Character selection screen.  Characters are assigned as follows:
Chezni - Skywarp
Specspectacle - Thundercracker
Twilight-Owls - Starscream]
O: The cool thing about the jets is we can fly!  This is the only good thing I have to say about this.
[OS: Owls selects “Start Game.”]
C: Now it really sounds like a drug.
O: [laughs] With Thundercracker, you too can fly!
C: [laughs]
[The game starts and the volume jumps for the players.]
O: [muted] Oh, dammit, I know it’s coming!
[A cinematic opens with a text crawl being narrated by Steve Blum.
Narrator: Anxious to prove themselves worthy of the Decepticon name, Starscream and his minions fly to Cybertron.
The screen flickers slightly.]
C: Woah.
[Narrator: There, they must reconnect the energon bridge that will enable Megatron to manufacture more Dark Energon and conquer the Autobots once and for all.]
O: Space crack.  And conquer Optimus Prime once and for all- got it, got it, got it, I’m tracking.
[OS: The game swaps to gameplay and the volume spikes again.]
O: [muted]  Noooo, dammit.
[(COM) Megatron: Your orders are clear Starscream!  Infiltrate the Cybertron underground and reactivate the Energon Bridge.  I want that power online!
OS: All three seekers fly down into an enclosed area, and shoot missiles at a giant fan to gain access to another underground area on Cybertron.  The area they enter has various metal platforms rising out of what looks to be a sea of blue energon in the bottom of the area.
The screen reads, “New Objective: Find the Hidden Underground Entrance.”
Starscream: Megatron, Thundercracker has detected several Autobots up ahead.  Jetfire must have warned Zeta Prime and moved to intercept us already!
(COM) Megatron: Enough of your whining!  If the Autobots try to stop you, crush them!  Report back to me when you have found the Bridge.  Megatron out!]
S: Oh.  Yay.  I get to fly, don’t I?
[SS: Thundercracker rocks slightly back and forth in jet mode.]
O: Yup!
C: Yeahhhh.
O: Don’t- don’t uh, touch that blue stuff, you will explode if I remember properly?
[Starscream: That imbecile thinks I’m expendable.  ME!?  He’ll soon learn to never underestimate Starscream!
OS: Starscream looks down at the blue energon visible on the floor of the level, and then uses his thrusters to continue on ahead.]
S: Blue stuff, uhhh?
O: On the bottom there.
C: The ocean below us.
O: Maybe I’m wrong.
S: Ahh.  Okie dokie.
C: Maybe- maybe she's wrong Thundercracker, go try it!
S: [laughs] No, thank you!
C: [high pitched voice] Come on Thundercracker!
[CS: Thundercracker and Skywarp are still back at the beginning of the level, flying around slowly trying to get their bearings.]
O: So- my damn headphones cut out again.
S: Ohh.
C: Are they not working?
O: I can hear you guys it's just it's really, really annoying cuz it's only in one ear.
C: Okay.  Well, if we ever need to solve puzzles using stereo we'll let you know.
O: [laughs] Hey, I didn't say we needed it for recording, I said it's annoying.  Now catch up with me, will you?
C: I don't know how to do this!
O: You’re just a jet!
[SS: Thundercracker continues moving slowly forward.  Starscream turns around and comes towards the other players before using his thrusters to speed off again.]
S: How do you go fast?
O: Well, um-
C: If you hold right- right-click, you move super fast.
S: OH.
[SS: Starscream disappears off into the distance, Skywarp activates his thrusters and proceeds to fly around erratically, and Thundercracker follows shortly afterwards.]
C: Yeah, I know, I wish I would have known that when we were doing Escalation [game mode].
S: I’m good at-
O: [quietly] Oh, this is not the right way.
[OS: Starscream flies into a dead end and turns around to go back the direction he came.]
S: Where are we supposed to go?
O: Over here.
[OS: Starscream heads towards a doorway, transforming and landing on the platform.  Some sort of round machine detaches itself from the wall up ahead.
Skywarp: What is THAT?
Thundercracker: An Autobot probe.  We should avoid it to prevent detection.]
C: Can I shoot it?
[Starscream: Like that puny probe could stop me.  Blast them and get on with it!
CS: Skywarp flies forward in jet mode and shoots the probe, destroying it.]
C: Ha!  What do they mean, ‘avoid it’?
S: Ahh!
[CS: Thundercracker flies by, bouncing off the floor.]
C: You can just blow it up!
S: -up!
O: Sorry guys, once sec. [Owls makes another attempt to get her headphones working.]
C: Sure, let’s take a quick pause.
[SS: All the jets stop, and Thundercracker begins looking around at their surroundings.]
O: You like, cut in.
C: Let's have storytime!  Thundercracker, tell Skywarp a story!
O & S: [laugh]
S: Life is short, and then you die!
C: Holy crap!
A: [laugh]
O: Okay-
C: But we're late millions of years old, built from naturally-occurring gears and levers!
O & S: [laugh]
O: And naturally-occurring thrusters, apparently.  Anyway, let's go, I'm just gonna have to live with this.  That’s annoying.
[SS: Everyone begins moving forward again.]
C: And naturally occur- occurring combustible fuel sources.
S: Ah!
[OS: Starscream flies ahead, and a drone begins draining his health with a blue beam.  Shortly after, it is destroyed by Thundercracker.]
O: Thank you.  Far more polite than Starscream would ever be, but that's fine.
[CS: Skywarp is being targeted by another drone.]
C: Ah!  Ah!  This one’s draining my brain!
O: Where are you?
[Thundercracker: I have never traveled this deeply into Cybertron’s interior before.
Skywarp: [groans] You are as boring as ever, Thundercracker.]
C: Half dead.
[SS: Thundercracker moves slowly ahead leaving the other two behind.  The location marker for their next objective is ticking done off to the right of the screen.]
S: Oh, I think we’re supposed- I think we’re working on a timer?
O: Uh, I don’t think so.
[OS: Starscream takes out the last of the drones.]
S: Ohh~
O: That’s not a timer, that's how close we are to a thing.
S: Oh.
[OS: Starscream flies towards the opening the other two Seekers have disappeared through but transforms before he actually reaches the platform, falling down.]
O: Oh no!  Okay, that was dumb.
[OS: Starscream lands on some convenient pipes and transforms back into jet mode.]
S: Shit, was I not supposed to do the thing I did?
O: I don't know, I'm not there yet!
[SS: Skywarp is standing on a platform off to the left shooting at some moving pods on the other side of the large room he and Thundercracker are in.  The pods are being moved up a wall and into a large door that is opening and closing.]
C: Huh.
S: Or are we supposed to go in there?
C: I have no clue.  Let's do it!
S: [laughs]
[CS: Skywarp jumps up and transforms, attempting to enter while the door is open, but is stopped by an invisible wall.
Skywarp: Hey!  I don’t make a habit out of blowing you up!]
C: Oh nope, apparently that's bad.
[OS: Starscream flies upwards in a jerky motion.]
C: It really bothers me that there's not just like a, ‘fly up’ button.
Note: There is- we just didn’t realize it.  It’s a bit more obvious in Fall of Cybertron, but it is the same button in both games.
O: Right?  It's very annoying.
[OS: Starscream transforms and lands in a hallway, walking over to the nearby door panel and activating it.]
S: Yeah.
S: I'm just gonna be a plane.
A: [laughs]
[SS: The door opens, revealing an Autobot who fires on the party.
Autobot: Decepticons!
The Autobot runs off camera, leaving the Seekers in front of some sort of laser grid that is keeping them from advancing.
Starscream: What is this?  Some kind of Autobot trap?
Thundercracker: It’s an enemy detection barrier.
Skywarp: So it’s a trap!]
O: [snorts]
[CS: Starscream moves back and forth in front of the barrier and Skywarp and Thundercracker fire on the edges of the barrier.]
O: [quietly] Alright… how do we get around this?
[Thundercracker: The power conduits along the floors should direct us to its power source.]
O: I got stuck here last time and then felt like a dummy.
[OS: Skywarp transforms and shoots a glowing spot on the wall the power conduit was leading to, deactivating the barrier.
Starscream: Stupid Autobots.  To think their measly tricks could ever fool Starscream.]
S: Oh, how did you…?
O: He shot something.
C: I just shot- I just shot where the power conduit went.
O: Yeah.
S: Oh.
C: It was this big thing with all-
O: You know, the smart thing.
[SS: Skywarp walks over to the destroyed power conduit, and as he walks away Thundercracker shoots at it.]
C: [laughs]
[Thundercracker: The power core has to be somewhere in this room.]
C: Alright Starscream, what's our mission?
O: Ugh, to kill my headphones with a greasy spoon.
[OS: Starscream walks up to another barrier and uses the scope of his Null Ray to get a better view at the room on the other side.]
O: Uh… we need to kill the power conduit.
S: Oh-
C: Do more power conduit stuff-
[OS: Skywarp shoots at the doorframe in jet mode and Starscream walks away, seeing an open area off to the right that Thundercracker is floating in front of.]
S: Uh…
O: Or maybe we go over here?  Can’t remember.
[OS: Starscream transforms and flies through a narrow hallway, over the same blue energon substance as before.]
C: I don’t know.
[OS: Starscream navigates the narrower hallway and lands on in front of another barrier on the platform at the end.  He transforms and shoots the power conduit visible on the other side, deactivating the barrier.]
O: Aha!
[Starscream: Pathetic machinery.]
O: [snorts]
[SS: Thundercracker follows behind a running Starscream, while still in jet mode.]
O: [laughs] I'm sorry, I just love you guys following along as jets, it's hilarious.
S: [laughs]
[SS: The group exits the hallway into a small room with a health box and an ammo box off to the left.]
O: Uh, who needs health?
S: Uh, I need ammo?
O: Go ahead and take it.
C: I have two things of health.
S: Oh-
C: I’m gonna grab it.
S: Someone take health.
[CS: Thundercracker takes the ammo, and Skywarp grabs the ammo.  They both move over to the ledge Starscream is standing on.  Below, there is a group of 4 Autobots standing next to each other with their backs to the party, listening to a large Zeta Prime hologram in the middle of the room.
Zeta Prime: Autobots, this is Zeta Prime.  Be on high alert!  The Decepticons are planning to re-activate the Energon Bridge.  This would grant them access to an unstable energy source powerful enough to jeopardize the entire planet.  Any Decepticons activity must be reported immediately, and all Decepticons are to be shot on sight!  Zeta Prime out!
OS: Starscream watches the Autobots through his scope until Zeta Prime finishes speaking and then he immediately destroys a few of them before backing away from the ledge to reload his gun.
Starscream: How boring!  I’ve read more entertaining maintenance reports.
Autobot 1: Alert!  Alert!
SS: Thundercracker is shot by the remaining Autobots.]
S: [distressed noises]
[Autobot 2: Focus your fire on that Decepticon!
Starscream: None can resist us!]
C: I guess there are missiles?
[SS: Skywarp and Thundercracker take out the last Autobot.  Skywarp and Starscream begin flying around the room exploring and Skywarp shoots the remaining explosive canisters on the ground.  The hallway leading out of the room is blocked by another barrier.
Skywarp: That was easy!
Thundercracker: The others will likely be tougher.  I suggest we proceed with caution.]
O: Who was actually suggesting caution there?
[Skywarp: My neural circuitry is stinging.  Getting past this thing is impossible!
Starscream: Keep looking you fool.  The answer is here somewhere!]
O: [snorts]
[CS: Skywarp finds a door up near the top of the room that is being held shut by some clamps.  He shoots the clamps and enters the room, where another power conduit is visible on the wall.]
C: So, I guess there’s a door up above?  And I found a conduit.
[CS: Skywarp shoots the conduit and exits the way he came.]
O: Sweet.
S: And I just shot the door that the Autobots were in front of or something?  Or someone just did?  I don’t know.
[OS: Starscream and Thundercracker enter the hallway that was previously blocked.]
C: Well, it is polite to knock.
O: What? [laughs]
C: It's- she shot the door.  So she was knocking.  That's how Transformers knock, right?  With their gun?
[OS: The party enters a room that is divided in half by a drop across the center of the room.  On the other side of the crevice, several Autobots run into view.
Autobot: [shouting]
Skywarp: Rockets!
Starscream: Quickly, get to cover!]
O: I mean, that sounds right.  I don't know why that wouldn't be right.
[OS: Starscream takes several shoots at the opposing Autobots using the Scatter Blaster (shotgun), which isn’t very effective at his current range.
Thundercracker: My scans indicate that door should lead us to the next canyon.]
O: Oh my god, why?
[SS: The group takes out most of the Autobots visible on the other ledge.
Starscream: They fall so easily!
SS: Everyone flies over the gap to reach the other side, where Skywarp and Thundercracker take down the remaining Autobot from the group prior.
Starscream: Let all that see Starscream tremble in fear!]
S: Mmm.
C: The best part about being a jet is infinite ammo.
S: Mmm.
O: I forgot about that, that is pretty nice, right?
C: [laughs]
S: What do you mean infinite- OH!
C & O: [laugh]
C: That was the best! [laughs]
[SS: The group takes out another group of Autobots around the corner.  Thundercracker staying in jet mode to take advantage of the infinite ammo.]
S: That's nice.  I appreciate that.  Ohh~
C: Yeah, somehow I'm still getting hit though.  I'm still down to half health.
[OS: The groups another corner to find a third group of Autobots.  The group fires on them.
Autobot: Launching rockets!
Skywarp: I got another one!]
C: I think it's cuz the missiles come after you if you're in jet mode.
S: [distressed noises]
O: Down here?  Or do we go the other way?
S: Um-
[OS: Starscream flies over to what looks like a hole in the floor and looks at it before turning around and spying some ammo.]
O: No, that’s not the right- BULLETS!
[OS: Starscream runs through the ammo, but doesn’t pick it up.]
O: Maybe?  Why can't I pick it up!?!
C: They aren't flak bullets, are they?
[SS: Activates a console opening the nearby door.]
S: I just opened a door?
[SS: An Autobot charges forward from a small group, activating a glowy blue shield on their frame.
Autobot: DIE!]
S: Oh, whoops, sorry.
C: This is what happens when you don't knock!  People get very angry.
[Autobot: Decepticons!  Seal the door!
CS: The rest of the Autobots run out a doorway behind them and seal the door.  The party takes out the lone Autobot.
Skywarp: Those punks locked us out!
Starscream: Stop whining and find another way in!]
C: So wait, what are we doing here, exactly?
O: Uh, we're trying to turn the space crack bridge back on.
[OS: Starscream walks over to an opening in the floor and jumps down.
Thundercracker: My scans show an energon deposit beneath us.]
C: The space crack bridge?
O: The space crack bridge.
[Starscream: Perfect!  There may be a cave below!]
C: Okay.  Because-
S: It's cave time!  I don’t like caves.
[Skywarp: Where are we?
Starscream: We’re NOT where we NEED to be, Skywarp--so keep moving!
SS: Thundercracker and Skywarp follow Starscream down through the floor and into another underground room in their jet modes.  The underground room is crisscrossed by pipes and flowing energon.  The energeron is significantly closer to the party than in previous rooms because the ceilings are lower.
C: Because we need to get our new Lord and Savior, Megatron, his fix.
S: [laughs]
[Thundercracker: Crude energon is highly volatile, and flying this close to it is very dangerous.  We should proceed with caution.
OS: Starscream transforms and the group flies forward]
O: No, no, no, no, no, not Lord and Savior, Starscream's new squeeze.
C: Right.
O: [laughs]
[Skywarp: Tighten your logic circuits, would you Thundercracker?  It can’t be THAT bad.]
C: This is-
S: His new boy toy.
C: -just one big, complicated booty call for Starscream?
O & S: [laugh]
O: YUP!  The last level was a drug run, this is a booty call!
A: [laughs]
[SS: The party reaches an area where they can go up.  Starscream activates his thrusters and bumps into the ceiling before maneuvering his way out.  Skywarp zips past flying erratically, as Thundercracker brings up the rear flying slowly.]
C: Oh my gosh, I’m flying drunk!
O: [laughs] So you’re Skywarp, got it.
C: It’s hard to fly when you move fast!
[CS: Skywarp continues to fly erratically.]
S: [laughs]
O: That’s why you do it in little bursts!
C: I'm sure there's an innuendo in there somewhere.
[CS: Starscream flies past, USING HIS THRUSTERS CORRECTLY.]
O: [screechy voice] “Some of us know how to use our thrusters, Skywarp!”
C: [laughs]
S: I-
O: Sound about right?
[OS: Thundercracker bumps into Starscream.]
C: I'm sorry, boss! [laughs]  Oh no.  Boss, Thundercracker is lost.
O: [laughs]
[SS: Thundercracker is flying in the middle of a room, turning around slowly.  Skywarp zooms over.]
S: [laughs] Yes, I am where- shoot
C: Things got too steamy for ‘em.
[OS: Starscream is in a different location than the other two, shooting at a bunch of turrets and Autobots.]
S: Where are you- where the fuck are we supposed to be going?
C: Through the-
O: Uh, just through the cave, that’s all I got.
C: Through the waterfall.
S: Oh.
[SS: Thundercracker moves down lower and enters a cave behind the waterfall.  Skywarp flies ahead of him.]
C: You, no, you wanna go down.  There you go.
S: Yes, I- I did see that but it- when you guys are going- when I can see your names through the walls it's not very... cohesive for me, okay?
[OS: Starscream is continuing to shoot Autobots and turrets.]
C: Makes sense.
S: Sorry, I am NOT drunk flying.
[CS: Skywarp activates his thrusters and catches up with Starscream, turning to shoot at the remaining turrets.]
C: [laughs] Sure, sure.
[Skywarp: No hard feelings, right?
SS: Thundercracker catches up with the other two and joins in the fray.]
S: Ah, fuck.
[OS: With the Autobots vanquished, Starscream lands and transforms.]
O: Oh, I desperately want ammo, I'm like completely out [of non-jet ammo]. [laughs] I can't shoot worth shit as a jet, apparently.
O: Also, I need health.
S: There's ammo here, and heals.
[OS: Starscream runs over to a health chest, destroying it and grabbing the health.]
O: Okay, where’s the am-
[OS: Starscream turns and sees the ammo box, running over and destroying it as well.]
O: Oh, there’s the ammo.  Oh sweet god, I have sharp- uh, I have a sniper rifle shit again, okay.
[Starscream: We’re getting close!  The next entrance is just on the far side of this canyon.
A cinematic starts, as the party enters a large empty area, and a large ship with a whole bunch of Autobots inside drops down from above.]
S: Oh, goody.
C: How does Starscream know that?
O: Scans.  Bullshit.  It's a very complicated booty call, honey.
S: I don't know, he worked here?
C: [laughs]
O: I don’t think he did…
C: It’s like his old office?
[The large ship generates some sort of barrier to keep the party from advancing, and then begins firing mortars from several large cannons on it’s topside.]
O: [laughs before continuing in a screechy voice]  “This’ll show them for kicking me out!  Sleeping with the boss, HA!”
C: “Should have installed a coffee machine!”
[OS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the shield generator.
Thundercracker: The Autobot ship is generating an energy shield over the entrance!
Starscream: I can see that for myself, Thundercracker.  Enough babbling--destroy it!
Thundercracker: Target the mortars first!
CS: Skywarp flies over to the drop ship and transforms, hitting the mortars with his physical attack before swapping to his guns.]
S: [sighs]
[Skywarp: This thing is as crazy as I am!]
O: [snorts]
[Starscream: Just blast it!  It breaks, like everything else!
SS: Thundercracker is shooting at the mortars, swapping targets as they are destroyed.]
C: I think I did this in Super Star Wars once.
O: [laughs] I mean, probably?
[OS: Starscream is shooting at the mortars.  Autobots are seen flying in close proximity in the background as well as the remaining mortar guns shooting rounds up into the air that disperse and rain down.]
C: What is shooting at us!?
O: Uh, probably the Autobots.
S: Yeah.
[SS: Thundercracker destroys another mortar.]
S: The ship?
O: I tried to take out the motors- the mortars I could see.
[Starscream: Excellent!  Now, target the Aerialbots!
Skywarp: I’ll show them some REAL flying!
CS: Skywarp flies into a group of enemy Autobots, destroying a target, but his health dropping below 1 bar, before he flies out of range.]
S: Ah.  Oh, sorry.
[OS: Starscream is destroying enemy Autobots, when the downed ally icon appears off to his right.]
C: Oh no, I'm down.
[Skywarp: Here comes another wave!
OS: Starscream transforms into bot mode and begins to fall before transforming back into vehicle mode.]
O: Oh shit!  Why did I do that!?
S: Oh, hold on.  Uh…
[SS: Thundercracker flies over to Skywarp and begins to revive him.  Several Autobots are hovering around above Skywarp, and Thundercracker begins to take fire.]
S: I'm holding ‘E’ to revive!
C: Thank you.  I'm very bad at staying alive in the air.
[OS: Skywarp is revived and the whole party resumes firing on the Autobots.]
S: So am I?
[OS: Starscream takes heavy damage.]
O: Oh my god!!!
[SS: Thundercracker goes down.]
S: Sorry, I'm out.
C: Alright, I'll come get you.
[CS: Skywarp flies towards Thundercracker but overshoots and has to stop and turn around.]
C: Oh no, there’s too many of them!
[CS: Skywarp is still trying to maneuver his way over to Thundercracker, but several Autobots are firing on him at the same time.]
C: There’s too many, I can’t revive you!
[CS: Another downed ally icon appears to Skywarp’s left.]
O: I’m dead too.
C: No, no, why!?
S: [snickers]
[OS: The Mission Failed screen appears.]
O: Goodbye cruel world. [sighs]
S: Well, hopefully, it's not gonna toss us too far back from where we were?
[OS: Owls selects, “Restart from Last Checkpoint”.]
O: I think we spawn right before there, because I kept dying there, uh, on- when on my one player playthrough.
[OS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Find the Hidden Underground Entrance.”
Starscream: We’re getting close!  The next entrance is just on the far side of this canyon.
The same cinematic from before starts, with the drop ship dropping down into the canyon from above, generating the shield, attacking the party with mortar rounds, and releasing Aerialbots to attack the Seekers.]
C: This part is hard!
O: Yeah!  I know, it sucks!
C: Like, there’s no negotiating.
O: And you have to be in the air, because like, landing on the plane does not- or wha- landing on the ship doesn't make things ton easier for ya.
C: I think we're gonna have to focus on taking out the little guys.
O: Well, we need to take out the cannons [mortars] too - otherwise you'll really get fucked over.
C: Is there a finite amount of guys though?
O: I think so?  But I don't remember.
[OS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the shield generator.]
C: Alright, well I guess we'll rush the cannons then.
[Thundercracker: The Autobot ship is generating an energy shield over the entrance!
Starscream: I can see that for myself, Thundercracker.  Enough babbling--destroy it!
OS: The party moves forward and begins shooting at the mortars.]
O: Either that, or if you guys want to focus on the little ones I’ll focus on the cannons?  Either works.
[Thundercracker: Target the mortars first!]
Skywarp: This thing is as crazy as I am!
C: Alright, I'm gonna swap over to just focusing on the little guys now.
[CS: Skywarp zips off towards the back of the ship.]
C: There they are, they're coming out of the back of the ship.
[Starscream: Excellent!  Now, target the Aerialbots!
Skywarp: I’ll show them some REAL flying!]
Skywarp: Here comes another wave!
OS: Starscream continues shooting the mortars.  A downed ally icon appears to his left.]
S: Ah, well, I’m out.
[OS: Starscream transforms into robot mode, dropping down before transforming back into vehicle mode and zipping towards Thundercracker.]
C: Oh crap.
S: Sorry.
C: I can't find you.
S: I am towards the rear of the ship.
[OS: Starscream overshoots Thundercracker and has to turn around, while taking heavy fire from the multiple Autobots hovering over Thundercracker.]
O: Oh dammit!
S: You’re out too?
O: No, not yet yet.
O: Ugh, I’m try-
C: I- there- there you are.
O: Now I am.
C: Nooo!
[CS: Skywarp is downed and the Mission Failed screen displays briefly, before loading at the checkpoint again.]
O: Try to stay more towards the middle, because it's really, really hard when like, everybody's spread out everywhere?
[CS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Find the Hidden Underground Entrance.”
Starscream: We’re getting close!  The next entrance is just on the far side of this canyon.]
C: Um, they spawn in at the rear of the ship and they're sitting ducks while they run out.  So I'm still going to stay in the rear.
O: That's fine.
[CS: The same cinematic from before starts, but is skipped.  The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the shield generator.”]
O: Yes, can we-? There we go. [laughs] I was like, do we need to watch this again?  The answer is no.
C: But it’s so pretty!
[Thundercracker: The Autobot ship is generating an energy shield over the entrance!
Starscream: I can see that for myself, Thundercracker.  Enough babbling--destroy it!
Skywarp: Target the mortars first!
CS: The party flies in and all target the mortars, taking out three of them in rapid succession.
Skywarp: This thing is as crazy as I am!
Starscream: Just blast it!  It breaks, like everything else!
OS: Starscream and Thundercracker continue to attack the mortars.  Starscream is fired on by Aerialbots and his health drops to under 1 bar before he flies out of range.]
O: [quietly] Godammit.
[Starscream: Excellent!  Now, target the Aerialbots!
CS: Skywarp is at the rear of the ship shooting Aerialbots as they run out of the ship, before they’re able to transform into vehicle mode.
Skywarp: I’ll show them some REAL flying!
OS: Starscream transforms and lands on the ship, taking out one of the Aerialbots with his Null Ray.  He’s then fired on and transforms and flies off.
Thundercracker: Here comes another wave!]
O: Oh, dammit!
[Starscream: The blast doors are open!  Quickly!]
S: Uh…
[SS: Thundercracker hovers around the front of the dropship looking around.]
S: So, I’m-
[Skywarp: Watch out for those rocket snipers!
SS: A downed ally icon appears in the distance.]
O:  Dammit!  Dammit!  I’m down.
S: Oh shit.
C: Alright.
[Starscream: Enough of this nonsense!  We'll bring this annoyance down from the INSIDE.  Fly in and target its power core!
CS: Skywarp and Starscream take out an Aerialbot and Skywarp flies over to the downed Starscream.]
C: You can shoot while you’re down, so try and cover for me.
O: [quietly] If I can find them…
[CS: Starscream sort of scoots away from Thundercracker and Skywarp while firing on some of the Aerialbots still on the drop ship.]
C: Hey!  No, don't move away from us!
[OS: Skywarp revives Starscream.]
C: There we go.
O: [screechy voice] I LIVE!
[OS: The down ally icon appears on the left side of the screen.]
S: I'm out.  Shit.
[CS: Skywarp turns around and flies back over to where Starscream is reviving Thundercracker.
Starscream: None can resist us!  For glory!]
C: [laughs] For glory!
O: For getting my ass kicked.
S: [laughs]
[CS: Skywarp flies over to the opened portion of the drop ship and continues shooting at the Autobots inside.]
O: Okay, there we go.
S: Thank you. Oh!  Apparently I was not by the rear of the ship, I was by the front!
C: I think the ship just opened up.
O: Yeah.
[SS: Thundercracker enters the ship behind Skywarp as they both transform into robot mode.  Thundercracker picks up some health while Skywarp fires on Autobots.]
C: Alright, there’s health on my right, or my left, rather.
O: There's some on each, I'm gonna take this one.
C: I have two bars so I'm probably good for now.
[Autobot: Close the blast doors, and seal the ship!  We’ll trap them inside!]
Skywarp: Trap us?
Thundercracker: Orders, Starscream?
Starscream: Hahahaha!  Those idiots locked in here with their power core!  Plant a detpack on it!
OS: Starscream runs around shooting at Autobots before going down.]
O: Ugh!  I'm down, help.
S: Oh shi- shoot.
[CS: Thundercracker is off to the side reviving Starscream.  Skywarp chases down Autobots with a combination of gunfire and melee attacks, before going down as well.]
C: Ah, I'm down as well.
S: Uh, where are you?  Oh.
S: How am I not-
[SS: Thundercracker walks over to Skywarp and begins to revive him.  Another downed ally icon appears on the right hand side of the screen.]
O: I’m down again.
[SS: Thundercracker continues to try and revive Skywarp but also goes down when an Autobot walks up and shoots him at point blank range.]
S: Well damn it, so am I.
O: At least we start from here [after the ship has opened up].
S: Well, I mean we’re…
O: Oh fucking rockets!
S: Oh, the audio seems like it’s gone for me?
C: Oh, you lost audio?
S: I don’t know why, but I can’t hear the game anymore-
O: Did you accidentally turn it down?
S: -or you guys.
[Autobot: Close the blast doors, and seal the ship!  We’ll trap them inside!]
C: We can’t get into the ship anymore!
S: All my stuff is...uh, muted?  Why is my stuff muted?
[The video disappears and some white text is visible on a black background.]
Note (from sound editor, which is also Chezni):
Unfortunately at this point, we had a SNAFU with Specs' audio and had to restart the game.
Due to the restart, Specs' audio and footage became unusable due to a spike in her game volume that she corrects in about 16 minutes.
Don't worry!  You can still see and hear her in Owls' and Chezni's footage until the correction, which will be used until then.
Sorry for the interruption!
[OS: The game loads back at the checkpoint before the battle with the drop ship started.  The screen reads, “New Objective: Find the Hidden Underground Entrance.”  On the lower left the text, “Chezni has joined the game,” and “Specspectacle has joined the game,” is visible.]
O: [singing]  Dada dat dat dat dada da da.
S: If we don’t- mm.
C: Ah, hey, we’re back!
[Starscream: We’re getting close!  The next entrance is just on the far side of this canyon.
The same cinematic from before starts, but is skipped.  The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the shield generator.”]
C: Oh no!  We gotta do this again.
S: Ah, pfft.
[Thundercracker: The Autobot ship is generating an energy shield over the entrance!
Starscream: I can see that for myself, Thundercracker.  Enough babbling--destroy it!
Thundercracker: Target the mortars first!
OS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the shield generator.  The party flies forward and attacks the mortars.]
Skywarp: This thing is as crazy as I am!
Starscream: Just blast it!  It breaks, like everything else!]
S: Oh.
[Starscream: Excellent!  Now, target the Aerialbots!
Skywarp: I’ll show them some REAL flying!
CS: Skywarp continues to fly around and shoot the mortars before swapping to the Aerialbots.  A downed ally icon appears on the lower left of the screen.]
S: Oh.  Sorry, I’m out guys.
C: No worries.  I’m always amazed at the fact that while you’re flying, at like, light speed the enemies still hit you.
[Skywarp: Here comes another wave!]
S: Uh…
C: I’m sorry, I can’t, there was too much fire power.
O: Oh!
[OS: Starscream flies over to Thundercracker but is taken out along with Skywarp and the Mission Failed screen appears.]
O: I’m dead too.
S: So am I.
O: Oh my god, I hate this checkpoint!
[OS: Owls selects, “Restart from Last Checkpoint”.]
O: I hate this level, I hate this-
C: Shake off the rust.
[The screen reads, “New Objective: Find the hidden underground entrance.”]
O: Uh, no, there is no rust!  This part just sucks, it sucked it one player!
C: Shake off the rust!
[Starscream: We’re getting close!  The next entrance is just on the far side of this canyon.]
O: OH MY GOD, you’re a jerk.
C: The space rust.  What's the super rust called?
[OS: The same cinematic from before starts, but is skipped.  The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the shield generator.”]
O: Cosmic rust, dear?
C: Yeah, shake off the cosmic rust!
O: [screechy voice] “Only if you're Megatron!”
[CS: The party flies forward and attacks the mortars.
Thundercracker: The Autobot ship is generating an energy shield over the entrance!
Starscream: I can see that for myself, Thundercracker.  Enough babbling--destroy it!
Skywarp: Target the mortars first!]
C: Cosmic rust, it's coarse, and rough...
O: And gets everywhere.
C & O: [laugh]
[Skywarp: This thing is as crazy as I am!
Starscream: Just blast it!  It breaks, like everything else!
CS: Skywarp swaps over to attacking the Aerialbots.]
O: Oh my god!  Go away!
[Starscream: Excellent!  Now, target the Aerialbots!
Skywarp: I’ll show them some REAL flying!]
C: Oh my gosh, I'm definitely gonna die here.
[OS: Starscream continues to shoot at Aerialbots.]
S: Oh, I'm out, sorry guys.  I’m in the worst spot.
[OS: Starscream transforms into bot mode, dropping down and grabbing some energon before transforming back into vehicle mode and flying over to Thundercracker… who is awkwardly hanging in the air nose first into the drop ship.  The area is slanted, so it’s more difficult to maneuver around, but Starscream manages to get underneath him and revives him, while taking fire from nearby Aerialbots.]
C: That is a pretty bad spot!
S: [laughs]
C: I don't think I can…
S: [continues laughing even harder]
C: Like, those guys are just right there.
S: Oh.
O: Oh my god!
[Thundercracker: More reinforcements?
OS: Starscream flies off to get out of firing range of the Aerialbots, but another downed ally icon appears behind him and he turns around midair.]
O: I can't get everyone!
S: [laughs]
C: Well, you've got 700 seconds for me.
[OS: Starscream flies over to Skywarp and revives him.  Yet another downed ally icon appears to the left.]
O: Oh my god, GUYS!!
S: [continues to laugh harder]
[OS: Starscream zips over to Thundercracker and revives him, while already on low health and taking even more fire from Aerialbots.]
O: I need you to not!  I’m gonna die!
[Starscream: The blast doors are open!  Quickly!
Skywarp: Watch out for those rocket snipers!]
C: We did it!  We did it!
[Starscream: Enough of this nonsense!  We'll bring this annoyance down from the INSIDE.  Fly in and target its power core!]
S: Mm-mm.
[CS: Skywarp flies into the drop ship, transforming into robot mode and shooting at the Autobots inside.]
C: Oh my goodness.
S: Shit, shit!
[Autobot: Close the blast doors, and seal the ship!  We’ll trap them inside!]
O: I am inside, I cannot help.
S: Um.
[Skywarp: Trap us?
Thundercracker: Orders, Starscream?
CS: Thundercracker returns to jet mode.]
S: Shi- uh.
O: Where are you?
C: Where are you are you, Specs?
[CS: Skywarp turns around and sees that the door he and Starscream had entered through is no longer open.
Starscream: Hahahaha!  Those idiots locked in here with their power core!  Plant a detpack on it!]
S: [laughs]
O: If you're outside, we can't help, we’re stuck inside!
S: I’m outside!
C: Oh my god.
O: Of course you are!
S: [laughs] I’m sorry!
O: Oh well, at least we got the stupid door open, right?
C: That’s true.
S: Uh.
C: You're good- don't worry Skywarp- er, Thundercracker, you're completely safe out there!
O & S: [laugh]
C: No harm will come to you!
S: [laughs]
[CS: Starscream and Skywarp continue to maneuver around inside the ship taking out Autobots.  Skywarp goes down, while at the same time another downed ally icon appears offscreen to his left.]
C: Oh gosh, I’m down.
S: So am I, sorry.
O: Oh my god.
S: [laughs]
[CS: Skywarp takes out an Autobot while downed, and Starscream runs over and begins to revive him.]
C: Please save your poor little jet.
S: [laughs]
[CS: Skywarp is revived, he then transforms and follows Starscream into another section of the ship.]
O: You're so tiny and adorable.
[CS: Skywarp fires on yet more Autobots.]
O: [laughs] Seriously, you’re like a little itty bitty little jet when I’m in uh, robot mode, it’s great.
S: I blew up.
[CS: Skywarp is in a fire fight with an Autobot when the screen suddenly goes dark and the Mission Failed screen appears.]
C: Wait, what!?!
O: Well, she was outside!  She was outside and she was- and we couldn't get to her.
[OS: Owls selects, “Restart from Last Checkpoint”.]
S: [laughs]
Note: Apparently, there was lone Decepticon still outside that killed poor Thundercracker in cold blood, unfortunately, Specs footage was still unusable at this point, hence no visual.
[OS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the shield generator.”]
S: Sorry.
[Starscream: The blast doors are open!  Quickly!
Skywarp: Watch out for those rocket snipers!]
C: But how!?  What hurt you?
White text is overlaid on top of the screen: *Specs makes weird noises because her ears are starting to hurt…*
[Starscream: Enough of this nonsense!  We'll bring this annoyance down from the INSIDE.  Fly in and target its power core!]]
S: Mm.
C: Alright I got-
S: I’m inside now!
C: Hooray!
[Autobot: Close the blast doors, and seal the ship!  We’ll trap them inside!
OS: Starscream has entered the ship and transformed, taking out an Autobot with the Null Ray.  A down ally icon appears to his left.]
S: But I’m also dead!
C: Uh, un-hooray.
[OS: Starscream makes his way over to Thundercracker.
Skywarp: Trap us?
Thundercracker: Orders, Starscream?
Starscream: Hahahaha!  Those idiots locked in here with their power core!  Plant a detpack on it!
CS: Skywarp walks over to the power core and plants an explosive on it.]
S: Ah shoot.  Gosh darnit, who am I supposed to- gah!  I don’t like you.
[Autobot Ship: Warning!  Warning!  Warning!
The dropship begins to come to pieces around the party.
The screen reads, “New Objective: Escape the Autobot Dropship.]
S: I’m down.
[CS: Skywarp walks over to the downed Thundercracker.]
C: I got ya.
[Starscream: Unbelievable!  These Autobots are dumber than Skywarp!]
S: Thank you.
[Thundercracker: Perhaps, Starscream, but have you considered an escape route for US?]
S: Ah.
[Starscream: Try the upper deck!  Hurry!
OS: Thundercracker is revived, and Starscream transforms into jet mode and flies up to the second level of the drop ship.]
S: Uh.
C: I think we need to- yeah, go up.
[OS: The doorway in front of the party is sealed.
Skywarp: They sealed it off!]
S: Yeah, yeah, I kind of figured.
[OS: The front part of the ship falls away, and the part transforms into jet mode to make their exit.
Starscream: Now’s our chance!  Fly through the hole!]
O: [snorts]
C: No comment.
O: [laughs]
C: No comment.
[Skywarp: Dumber than Skywarp?  I’ll show YOU dumb, Starscream!
Starscream: You always do.
The screen reads, “New Objective: Continue your search for the underground.”
OS: The party flies forward, transforming and landing on the platform the shield generator was blocking.  Starscream runs forward and smashes an ammo chest before turning around and seeing some grenades in the corner.]
O: Okay, we've got ammo, grenades…
S: Uh…
O: Where's- where's- there's a Chezni.
[CS: Skywarp flies up and lands on the platform Starscream and Thundercracker are already on.]
O: You're always lagging behind Skywarp.
C: You know what?!
O: [laughs]
C: You know what?!
[CS: Skywarp starts running away from Starscream.]
C: ...I don’t know what.
[OS: Starscream chases after Skywarp.]
O: What are you- what are you gonna do?  You gonna run away?  We are the only two that will have you, and you know it!
C: [laughs]
O: Get back here Skywarp!
[CS: The party runs into a hallway, a shield chest is visible off to their right.]
O: [laughs] Does anyone need heal-
S: Uh, is that heals?
O: Yes.
S: Cuz I could use-
O: Go ahead.
C: It’s a shield not heals.
O: Well, it’ll still help.
S: Thank you.
O: I also thought it fully healed you, but perhaps I’m wrong.
[CS: A cinematic plays of the Seekers running into a room where a creepy looking Autobot is standing, before it jumps off the platform, disappearing in a flash of electricity.]
S: Oh!
O: What is that?  Oh right, I remember this.
C: That's not a real transformer.
[Skywarp: Did you see that?
Thundercracker: You mean that creepy looking that that just jumped over the side?
Skywarp: Yah.
Thundercracker: Nope.  I didn’t see anything.
Starscream: I should’ve left you two on the station.]
O: Uh, I’m gonna take this unless you guys want something- want it.
[OS: Starscream walks over to a Plasma Cannon (Charge) and swaps out his Scattershot for it.]
O: I dunno if I’ll like it, but we’ll see.
[Skywarp: Now this is some serious bang for our buck!]
S: Are we jumping?
C: What is- oh, nothing.
O: Yup.
[OS: Starscream walks over to the ledge and jumps down.]
C: We’re jets!  Jets don't jump, St- Thundercracker, they fly!
O: They fall with style! [laughs]
[OS: Starscream walks into a dark room, and the screen shakes.]
S: Wahh!
C: With- yeah, we don’t fall, we fly with style!
[OS: Starscream and Thundercracker are looking around the room.
Skywarp: I think I saw something.
Thundercracker: You think you saw what?
Starscream: SILENCE!  It could be an Autobot cloaker--keep your optics sharp!
CS: Skywarp walks over to an ammo chest before transforming and zipping over to a health chest and running into the energon inside..]
C: There's some ammo over here if anyone needs it.
O: There's a scatter blaster over here?
S: Uh…
C: I already have a scatter blaster.  It's horrible.
[OS: Starscream and Thundercracker are attempting to target one of the cloakers as it becoming visible when charging it’s attack.  Starscream tries to use the Plasma Cannon and charges it up, but the Cloaker disappears again.]
O: Where are they?
[OS: The Plasma Cannon goes off automatically, not hitting anything.]
O: Ugh.
S: Ohh~
[OS: A cloaker shoots Starscream from above.]
O: What the fuck!?  Right…
S: There's-
[CS: Skywarp flies around the room in jet mode, finally seeing one of the cloakers charge up an attack and shoot.]
C: Oh, it's invisible!
S: Yes, it's invisible, man!  Thank you.
C: You got to look for the shimmers.
O: Yeah, I need- oh, where was that other gun?  I need it. [snorts] This is bad.
[CS: Skywarp continues flying around, targeting cloakers with his jet mode’s machine guns when he spots them.  Starscream and Thundercracker are running around on the ground.]
S: Um.
[CS: Skywarp tries to shoot a cloaker but it runs away from him and disappears.]
C: Ah man, they're fast!
O: Ugh.
[OS: Starscream runs around the room trying to shoot things with the Scatter Blaster, with limited success.]
S: God, it’s a fast sucker!
O: It really is.
[OS: Starscream turns into vehicle mode briefly to destroy a cloaker with his machine guns before returning to bot mode.
Starscream: I’m ready to lead!
OS: A downed ally icon appears to the right.]
S: I'm out, sorry!  God, there’s so many of them!
C: Yeah, there's like, a ton all of a sudden.
[OS: Skywarp attempts to revive Thundercracker but is unable because Thundercracker is in vehicle mode and awkwardly angled away from a platform behind him.  Starscream transforms into jet mode and is able to begin reviving Thundercracker.]
O: I got her.
S: Thank you.
[OS: Skywarp runs out from underneath Thundercracker.  The party continues fighting the cloaked Autobots.]
C: I can't move.  I was like, stuck underneath her.
S: Mm.
C: When they- when they attack they charge up a ball of light.
O: Yeah, that's how I've been aiming at ‘em.
[OS: The party takes out the last of the cloakers.
Starscream: Hahaha!  Feel the power of my wrath!  Now, get the power back online so we can move on!]
S: Uh.
O: I didn't realize I could swap weapons [in vehicle mode].  I mean, I kind of figured it out earlier but thank god, I hate machine guns.
[Starscream: Get moving, Decepticons.  We must be getting close.]
S: Is there like-
O: Any health or ammo left in here?
C: I didn’t see any.
[CS: Skywarp flies around the room a bit before zipping through a door into the next room over.  The room is narrow with two openings to a larger area that is swarming with Autobots on a platform in the middle of the area.  There is a gun on the ground in front of the party.
Thundercracker: There it is.  The entrance to the underground.
Starscream: Another shield generator?!  These Autobots are getting on my nerves.]
O: I don’t need- there we go.
S: There’s a Null Ray scope?
O: Oh, I already have one, I can’t pick up another one.
[The screen reads, “New Objective: Deactivate the forcefield.”
Starscream: Bring down those shields!]
C: Uh, I’ll take the Null Ray scope.
[CS: Skywarp walks over and picked up the Null Ray, dropping his Scatter Blaster.]
O: It a sniper rifle.
S: Oh.  Um.  Well, nuts, I’m out!
[OS: Starscream is sniping Autobots when the downed ally icon appears to his right.]
S: Sorry, I’m down.
C: It’s fine, uh, I’ll cover.
[OS: Starscream walks over to Thundercracker and revives him.  Lines coming from the Autobots across the gap show that a large number of them are equipped with sniper rifles, explaining why Thundercracker died so quickly.]
S: Okay, mmm.
[OS: Starscream gets back behind cover and Thundercracker transforms and flies out of the small room the party is in, before being taken out almost immediately.]
S: Mmm, I'm out again.
[OS: Starscream transforms and flies over to Thundercracker to try and revive him.]
O: You need to not fly in here! [laughs]
[OS: Starscream also begins taking heavy fire from the enemy snipers.]
O: Dammit.
C: Shoot.
[OS: Starscream goes down and Thundercracker explodes.]
S: Sorry.
C: No, it's a fine.
[CS: The mission failed screen comes up briefly before restarting at the checkpoint in the room with the Null Ray.  The screen reads, “New Objective: Deactivate the forcefield,” upon loading.
Thundercracker: There it is.  The entrance to the underground.
C: Skywarp suddenly became Italian, “It's a fine!”
[Starscream: Another shield generator?!  These Autobots are getting on my nerves.  Bring down those shields!
CS: Skywarp transforms and enters the large room, flying around the edges, but inevitably takes heavy fire from the enemy snipers.]
S: Umm…oh, jesus- ugh.
[CS: Skywarp is down to 1 bar of health.  The down ally icon appears in the distance.]
S: Shit.  Well, I'm dead again.
[CS: Skywarp lands on a platform and transforms, heading towards a health chest.]
O: Chezni, do you have her?
C: Ah- I’m- um, no. [laughs]
[CS: Skywarp turns away from the chest and transforms, flying over to where Thundercracker is floating.]
O: Uhh…
S: Well, I’m-
C: I’ve got her now, but I’m probably gonna die.
[CS: Skywarp begins reviving Thundercracker but he quickly goes down too.]
C: Yeah, I died trying to do it.
[CS: Thundercracker explodes, and the “Mission Failed,” screen appears.]
S: Sorry.
C: Ah, that's alright.  So that part is probably better if we all stay in that enclosed area.
S: Okay, and then just snipe?
C: Ah, more or less.
[OS: Owls selects, “Restart From Last Checkpoint.”  The screen reads, “New Objective: Deactivate the forcefield,” upon loading.
Thundercracker: There it is.  The entrance to the underground.
Starscream: Another shield generator?!  These Autobots are getting on my nerves.  Bring down those shields!
OS: Starscream snipes 4 Autobots before ducking behind cover to reload.
Starscream: Ahahaha!  For glory!
CS: Skywarp snipes 3 Autobots before looking around at the lessened quantity of Autobots...]
C: I think we're good.  Maybe.
[CS: ...And is then shot at by yet more Autobots.]
C: Ah, I spoke too soon!
[OS: Starscream takes out two targets but the next two are shot by Skywarp.  He then tries to shoot another Autobot higher up on the middle area but misses, needing to reload again.]
O: [quietly] Come on.
S: Ohh~
C: Is that all of them?
O: Almost.
[OS: Starscream takes out the Autobot he previously missed.]
S: Mmm.
[CS: Skywarp transforms and flys over to the middle platform, taking out another Autobot.]
O: At the very least I think it’s most of them.
[OS: Starscream transforms in midair, and uses his energon mace on the enemy below as he’s falling, but doesn’t kill the Autobot.  The Autobot backs up and begins firing on Starscream, dropping him to 1 bar of health]
O: Dammit!
[OS: Starscream attempts to shoot the Autobot with his Null Ray but misses.  He then transforms into vehicle mode and takes him out with his machine gun.]
C: Ah, I’m down.
[OS: Starscream flies over to Skywarp, transforming and beginning to revive him.]
O: I am NOT gonna live through this.
S: Mmm.
[CS: Skywarp is revived and he hops back up.]
C: Thank you.
O: There you go.
S: Mmm.
O: Uhh, you okay?
Note: Keep in mind that Specs can barely hear us, or quite frankly herself, because her game volume is so loud at this point.
C: [Nasally voice] Starscream you're my hero.
[CS: Skywarp dodges fire from an enemy Autobot before running over and taking him out with his physical attack.]
O: [laughs] Now THAT seems like how they- the ways they would tease each other.
[CS: Skywarp uses one of his special moves that allows him to begin spinning the upper potion of his body around in a circle while holding his energon mace and takes out an Autobot.]
S: Mmm.
O: Specs, what’s wrong?
[OS: Starscream takes out an Autobot with the Null Ray, and when he exits the scope mode, Thundercracker is right next to him in vehicle mode.]
C: Yeah, I- where is Specs, actually?
O: She’s with me.
S: I'm right here.
C: Ohh, gosh darn-!
[OS: Starscream continues to snipe Autobots.  Skywarp goes down in front of him.]
C: I’m down again.
S: Mmm.
[OS: Starscream runs over and revives Skywarp.]
S: Ahh.
[Skywarp: The battery casing is opening.]
S: Ahh, okay...
C: This is quite chaotic!
O: A little bit, yeah.
S: No duh!
[OS: Starscream is running low on Null Ray ammo, and not seeing any immediate Autobots runs out from underneath the platform he was under, getting fired on from above immediately.]
O: Oh come on!
C: Come on Decepticons!
[Thundercracker: The shield batteries are exposed.  If we destroy them, we can lower the shield.
OS: Starscream is still under the platform, having swapped over to his Scatter Blaster and trying to take out some nearby Aerialbots (it’s not working terribly well).]
C: Are you... mice bots or are you car bots?!
[OS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Destroy the armor plating.”]
S: We’re fighting planes!
O: Uh, we’re jets? [laughs] We’re fighting jets!
S: I'm out of- shit.
[CS: The party continues fighting the Aerialbots.]
S: Mmm.  Mm.  Mmm.
O: [laughs] I’m sorry!  You're making very, very, many noises though.
[CS: The party takes out the remaining Autobots.  Skywarp flies over to the platform the other two Seekers are on/nearby and heals himself with a nearby health chest.
Starscream: Look out for those sentries, you bumbling idiots!]
C: These are- these are Specs’ concentrating noises.
S: [laughs]
O: [laughs] Is that what we’re calling it?
C: These are Specs’ magic words, do not steal them!
O: [laughs]
[OS: The party is able to destroy the plating on the giant door that was blocked by the shield generator.]
S: I can’t hear you guys very well!
O: [laughs] These are Specs’ magic words, do not steal them!
[OS: The screen reads, “New Objective: Re-route power to the energon bridge.”
The large round door in front of the party opens up and bridge forms from the main platform over to the door.  Starscream flies through the door, and the party enters was looks like a dilapidated tunnel with a bunch of piping and equipment scattered throughout.
Starscream: Move, Decepticons.  Into the tunnels!  We have a Bridge to activate!]
C: Well, whatever they were, seemed like it worked.
S: What?  I can barely hear you guys.
C: Really?
Skywarp: This place gives me the creeps.
Starscream: These tunnels were decommissioned long ago.  We’ll have to activate the power terminals to get the station back online.]
S: Yeah, the game is overpowering everything for me.
C: Did you- is it-
S: OHH!  Because it [the volume] went up to like 50 and I didn't realize it.
C & O: [laugh]
O: All we-
C: That would explain SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!
S: [laughs]
O: We just kept hearing you make noises and I kept asking you what was wrong, and I wasn’t getting a response, and I was like, “Okay…”
A: [laugh]
C: Like, we kept- we kept commenting, we were being like, “Oh hey Specs, how are you?” Like- like no response.
S: [laughs]
[SS: The party moves forward, further into the tunnels.
Skywarp: Incoming!  Take cover!  Wait?!  That’s not Autobot weaponry?!
Thundercracker: Interesting.  I’ve never seen these life forms before.]
C: That’s hilarious.
S: [laughs harder]
[Starscream: Who cares--if they get in my way, BLAST THEM!]
S: But I got things done!  It got- I was helpful, I was useful.
O: Yes!  Yes!
C: True, you died fewer times than I did.
O: Chezni died twice.
C: That’s pretty awesome.
O: If anyone should be ashamed of themselves it should be Chezni.
C: Yup.
O: I don't know what blowing these up does?
[CS: Starscream shoots an object that explodes near Skywarp.]
S: Oh~
C: You're a Decepticon, you love blowing things up, right?
[CS: Some strange mechanical tentacle things pop out of the walls and fly towards the party, but Skywarp destroys them.]
O: [screechy voice] Excuse me, I'm Starscream, I don't waste my ammo on something so trivial.
C: You have people do that for you.
O: [screechy voice] Uh, yes, those people are you.
C: [laughs]
S: Like, I think my performance in the last round is not uh, like, par for the course, probably.
[Starscream: There, just as I told you!  The Energon Bridge Terminal.  Find a way inside and activate it!
OS: The party continues onwards, before arriving in a large room with a large oblong structure in the center.]
S: Egh!
[Skywarp: I thought this place was deserted!
OS: Thundercracker and Starscream fly to the right side of the structure and begin shooting at the nearby sentries.  Multiple probes are also deployed and attack them both.]
C: Well, you thought wrong!
[Starscream: We must’ve tripped the station’s automated defenses.  Open fire!]
S: Uh…
O: Uh, help!
[OS: Thundercracker goes down.]
S: Nuts, sorry, I’m dead.
[OS: Starscream goes down.]
O: Ah, crap!  We're both dead, honey.
C: Yes, so am I.
[OS: The, “Mission Failed,” screen appears.]
O: We're all dead, honey. [laughs]
[OS: Owls selects, “Restart From Last Checkpoint.”]
C: I’m not sure what killed us?
O: Uh, I think it was things that came out of the middle there.  That better be a damn checkpoint.
[OS: The party starts in the same room they previously died in.  The screen reads, “New Objective: Re-route power to the energon bridge.”
Starscream: There, just as I told you!  The Energon Bridge Terminal.  Find a way inside and activate it!]
S: Sentries.
[OS: The party moves towards the door in the right side of the oblong object, shooting at the probes and sentries.
Skywarp: I thought this place was deserted!
Starscream: We must’ve tripped the station’s automated defenses.  Open fire!]
S: It’s sentry time!
[SS: Thundercracker destroys several sentry guns.]
S: Oh, there’s... thingies.
[Skywarp: More cloakers?  These guys creep me out!]
O: What the fuck is shooting at me?
[Thundercracker: What’s the matter, Skywarp--afraid?]
C: They're- they're like inside this big room.
[Skywarp: At least I’m not ugly.
Thundercracker: Ugly?  You and I look the SAME!]
S: I’m dead.
[SS: Thundercracker is killed by the last remaining sentry gun.]
O: I’ll try to get over there, I need to kill that thing first though.
S: Mmm.
[CS: Skywarp is inside the oblong structure exploring it, swapping back and forth between his robot and his vehicle modes.
Skywarp: Okay, let’s take off!]
S: Ah.
[CS: Skywarp is still flying around by himself in the structure.  He destroys two probes that move in front of him.]
S: Thank you- WAAAA!  Screw you!
O: Crap!
S: Oh shoot, are you behind me?
O: Yes I'm trying to- there, I killed it.
S: Oh, thank you.
C: Did anyone’s screen go dark, or is that just me?
[OS: Thundercracker and Starscream have finally entered the structure as well.  Overall, it is darker inside but everything’s still visible.]
O: It is a lot darker, yes.
C: Okay.
S: Yeah, it is.
C: I was a little confused.
O: Oh my god, I would kill for some damn health.
S: Same.
C: Last-
S: I mean, there's guns.
C: There's a plasma cannon.
[OS: The group walks over to some guns on the floor.  Starscream is at one bar of health.
Starscream: I still require medical attention!]
O: I did not like the plasma cannon at all.
C: Specs, you want it?
[SS: Starscream and Skywarp are running around in their bot modes, but Thundercracker is still in his vehicle mode.  He approaches the Plasma Cannon, but the prompt to pick it up doesn’t appear.]
S: Uh, mm, I can’t interact with it.
C: [laughs] You’re just scooting around as a jet.
S: [laughs]
C: You need to stop being a jet.  Stop being a jet, right now! [laughs]
S: I’m out of ammo.  Alright, okay, fine, I can pick that up.
[SS: Thundercracker transforms into bot mode and picks up the Plasma Cannon.]
C: Alright.
O: Okay…
S: Where are we supposed to go?
O: We should go down here, maybe?
[OS: Starscream is walking around when an energy blast charges in midair and is shot at him.]
O: Oh cripes, there are more of those invisible guys.
S: Oh.
C: Ah, so that’s what it is.
S: Where are you guys?
O: Ugh!
C: I’m on the bottom floor.
O: I am too, and I do not have a lot of health... so, help?
S: Ah.
C: I’m trying!
[CS: Skywarp chases around a clocker trying to shoot it before finally taking it out with a physical attack.]
S: I didn't realize there was a bottom floor, uh.
[CS: The party is near each other, all shooting at cloakers.]
S: Sorry, I am utilizing the spray-and-pray method of..
C: Hey, with infinite bullets you’re totally allowed to do that.
O: You can pray and spray as much as you want.
[SS: Thundercracker is assisting the rest of the party while in vehicle mode and spamming his machine guns.  He shoots something in the distance, causing an explosion.]
O: That was an explosion.
C: I think we got ‘em.
[SS: Starscream walks over to a console and activates it.  The lights come on and prompt to look at the ‘Ambush’ appears on the screen.]
O: We got ambushed?
[Thundercracker: Detecting Autobot energy signatures!]
O: [groans]
C: Nice to have lights again.
[Starscream: More fools rush to their death.  Destroy them!]
O: I can only destroy them when I have ammo, dipshit!
C: The melee button is a wonderful thing.
[Megatron (COM): Starscream, report!
Starscream: Megatron!  We are encountering significant Autobot resistance but…
SS: Thundercracker shoots a barrel of explosives and takes damage, he then shoots the other closer barrel and dies.]
S: I'm down.
[Megatron (COM): I will not suffer excuses.  Do not fail me!]
S: I am also not entirely sure how, unless I was too close to the explosion?
[CS: Skywarp engages some Autobots in combat but takes damage and goes down.]
C: I am also down.
[CS: Skywarp begins to slowly move through a nearby doorway.  In the distance Starscream can be seen reviving Thundercracker.
Skywarp: You really told him, Starscream.
Starscream: Silence!  Soon the Decepticons will be mine to control and Megatron will serve me!]
C: I'm trying to scoot to safety.
[OS: Starscream transforms and flies over to Skywarp.  He begins to revive him.]
O: [laughs] Scoot to safety?
C: [laughs]
O: You're so cute, and yet you keep dying.
S: We all need the heals.
C: I don't know who's killing- ow!  What the-?
[SS: Thundercracker continues to shoot at Autobots while in vehicle mode.  A downed ally icon appears to Thundercracker’s right.]
O: Just gonna start singing, ‘You're Welcome,’ from Moana, in- here in a minute I swear to god.
[SS: The downed ally icon disappears.]
C: I don't remember the lyrics.
O: [singing] You’re welcome! [laughs]
C: Yeah, that’s the only part I can remember.
C: Oh by the way I’m down again, no wait…
O: I remember it being the Rock and being awesome.
[CS: The party is running/flying around continuing to take out Autobots.]
C: I’m not down, I thought I was.
S: No you’re not.
O: [laughs] “No you’re not.”
S: [laughs]
C: You almost sounded like- angry like, how dare you tell me you were dead!?!
S: [laughs]
[CS: Skywarp uses his spinning ability in and empty room, steadily heading towards where Starscream and Thundercracker are.]
O: Thundercracker got hopeful, you can’t do that to him!
S: [continues laughing]
C: Oh, wait, I can turn invisible, right?
[CS: Skywarp uses his other ability and turns invisible.]
O: Yeah.
S: Yes?
C: Oh my goodness!  I should have been using this.
S: Well, yeah.
[OS: The party has moved up to the upper floor and are fighting more Autobots.]
S: [sighs]
O: Are you gonna-
[Skywarp: Watch where you point that thing!]
O: [snorts]
[SS: Thundercracker and Skywarp take out the last Autobot, and the objective icon appears above a nearby console.
S: Okay, we gotta do a thing with this, so…
[SS: Starscream walks over to the panel, activating it.  A shield blocking a large tunnel in front of the party drops.  The party runs/flies on ahead.
Starscream: My wounds remain unrepaired!]
O: Seriously, is there health anywhere?  Because I think we all need health.
C: I haven’t seen any.
S: Yeah.
[Thundercracker: The station is only showing power levels at 50%.  There must be another terminal deeper underground.
OS: The tunnel is full of robotic arms and big lasers that appears to be running automatically.]
S: Ack!
O: Oh, christ…
S: Um.
[CS: Skywarp pulls ahead of Starscream, and another tentacled thing flies into the tunnel before being taken out by Skywarp and Starscream.]
C: Oh, there's more sentries.
[Thundercracker: I’m reading Autobot energy signatures up ahead.]
S: Yes, you guys are rather in front of me.
[CS: Thundercracker comes to a bend in the tunnel, where he finds a lone Autobot standing on a raised platform.]
C: Ah, there’s missiles!
[CS: Skywarp takes out the Autobot.
Skywarp: I do enjoy sniping!
Starscream: Afraid to take them head on, Skywarp?]
S: Uh, I don't know where you guys are.  I think I’m lost.
C: It’s- it’s a-
[SS: Thundercracker flies down the tunnel arriving at the end and turning to his left, when he sees Starscream and Skywarp shooting at Autobots.]
S: Oh.
[SS: Skywarp turns around.]
C: You’re right behind us.
S: Okay.
[Skywarp: I’m the fastest thing on two wings!
SS: Thundercracker takes heavy damage from the enemy snipers.]
S: Aw, nuts.
[OS: Starscream is standing on a platform shooting at the Autobots on the far side of the room with a Thermal Rocket Launcher.]
O: Somebody said I needed a rocket launcher, and I got one.
S: Oh!
[OS: Starscream transforms and flies over to another platform inside the large room where the Autobots have been attacking them from.  Thundercracker hovers over an energon cube.]
O: You should grab that.
[OS: Thundercracker grabs the health and flies off while Starscream ducks behind cover to avoid enemy fire.]
S: Thank you, health is helpful.
[Starscream: The destruction can begin!]
S: Oh.
[CS: An invisible Skywarp comes up behind an Autobot hiding behind a shield and hits him multiple times with his physical move, taking him down.]
S: Ahhhh!  I don’t like this!
C: [laughs]
S: [laughs] But when do I like-
[SS: Thundercracker flies forward towards the remaining Autobots on the far side of the room, but is downed at a nearby Autobot.]
C: You sounded like Monsters Inc.
S: [laughs]
C: [singing] Take that thing back where it came from-
C & O: [singing] Or so help me!
C: [singing] So help me!
S: S- s- sorry-
O: AMMO!  Sweet fucking god, ammo!
S: Sor- sorry, I’m dead.
C: I'm gonna try to get to you, I don't know if I can with all that firing going on.
[OS: Starscream takes out two of the nearby Aerialbots in rapid succession with his Null Ray.]
C: I could turn invisible and resurrect you, and they don't shoot me!
[OS: The downed ally icon disappears and Thundercracker and Skywarp fly on ahead, Starscream transforming into jet mode to follow them.]
S: Nice!  That is-
O: Well, I did kill them too, but sure.
C: No, but I mean they don't shoot at me while I'm going in for the rescue.
S: Well, yeah.
C: Sorry, this is rev- this is a revelation for me!
O: There’s ammo back there, by the way, if anybody needed it.
[OS: Thundercracker flies over to the platform indicated by Starscream and retrieves ammo.]
C: I don’t need it.
O: It’s over here.
C: I've been punching things to death.
S: [laughs]
O: Good to know.
C: It's an effective-
[OS: Starscream flies straight ahead through a waterfall, arriving in a small cubby with an Autobot symbol flanked by two shield chests.]
C: Oh!  There's an Autobot symbol and two shields back here!
[OS: Starscream runs forward, using a physical attack on the Autobot symbol before taking one of the shields for himself.]
O: I’ll take that, and THAT!
C: There was an Autobot symbol, and there was two shields!
S: [laughs]
C: Now there’s one shield.
O: But- but ah, Specs, you can have the other shield.
C: Yeah.
S: Okay, I’m just not entirely sure where you guys are?
[SS: Thundercracker is slowly flying towards a door the objective icon is indicating.]
O: I have my sniper rifle-!
C: Behind the-
O: Behind the waterfall.
S: Um.
O: I have my sniper rifle back, I’m so happy!
[SS: Thundercracker lands in front the door where a console is sitting.]
S: Oh, I found a thing to interact with, do you want me to interact with it?
C: Wait- wait- wait- wait, if you're not gonna take the shield I will.  Alright, interact-
S: Well-
C: Interact away!
[SS: Thundercracker looks to his left, and runs over and picks up some nearby health.]
S: Well, actually I'm gonna- there's health, do you guys need health?
C: No, cuz I got a shield.
[Thundercracker: That’s much better.]
S: Okay, there’s also ammo, and then interaction time.  I think I'm opening a door.
[SS: Thundercracker runs back to the console activating it.  The door opens on another large room, where an Autobot is standing directly in front of Thundercracker with his back to him.]
S: Oh shit.
[Autobot: Alert!  Alert!]
S: Ohhh!
[CS: Skywarp turns invisible and him and Thundercracker rush into the room and begin engaging with Autobots.]
O: Shit, where- what happened?
S: It opened-
O: I like, teleported or something.
S: Sorry.
C: Yeah, you were too far behind.
[CS: Skywarp walks up behind an Autobot while invisible and takes him down with his Energon mace.]
S: Alright, shoot, what is… there- there is a point here somewhere, but I'm not sure what it is?
C: It is to murder all of the Autobots scum.
[OS: While Thundercracker and Skywarp continue to run around the room, Starscream stays behind cover, sniping various Autobots, including the ones at the two turrets.]
C: Look what you've done to me, Specs and Owls.
S: [laughs]
O: What?
C: Turned me into a Decepticon!
[OS: Starscream takes several shoots at an Autobot chasing Thundercracker but misses.]
O: Yeah, you're playing with me.  I don't know what you expected here, sweetie.
[SS: Thundercracker continues to fight with the Autobot chasing him, dropping below one bar health.  Starscream runs over and shoots him before running back to cover.]
S: Oh sorry, I think I am... oh no, I'm not dead.  I am just... damaged?  Ohh~
[SS: Thundercracker sees one of the explosive items and walks backwards trying to shoot it, but doesn’t realize he’s using one of the healing guns so it does nothing.]
C: You know, the phrase, “What's your damage?” takes on a whole new meaning-
[SS: A downed ally icon appears, and Starscream flies through the nearby door in jet mode.]
C: Oh, I'm down.
S: I don’t know what this thing does…?
C: Uh, game’s gonna get it ended-
O: Um, where are you?
C: I went into some weird room, and the door closed behind me.
[CS: Skywarp is down, and the timer continues to tick down...]
S: [laughs]
[OS: The Mission Failed screen appears.]
O: [groans]
S: Well, I’m dead.  Chezni, was dead-
O: No, that was Chezni, that was all Chezni’s fault.
[OS: Owls selects, “Restart from Last Checkpoint.”]
C: Yeah.
O: I was still alive!
[OS: The party restarts right outside the closed door Thundercracker had previously opened, the screen reads, “New Objective: Re-route power to the energon bridge.”  Starscream walks forward and activates the console, opening the door.]
C: I didn’t know the door was gonna close behind me!
Note: There was no door, he just got lost lol ~O
C: I was just flying around minding my own business.
[Autobot: Watch out!  Decepticons!
OS: Starscream walks over to his right and picks up some ammo.  A Neutron Assault Rifle is right next to it.]
O: Oh guns!  Hello ammo.
C: There's some health here.
[OS: Starscream runs back over to the door and takes cover, aiming at the Autobots inside the room.]
O: I'm actually good.
[SS: Thundercracker runs forward trying to attack an Autobot.  The Autobot is destroyed by Starscream but Thundercracker hits an explosive barrel with his physical attack and goes down.]
O: Headshot, motherfucker, headshot.
S: I'm dead.
C: There's a turret up here!
[OS: Starscream takes out two Autobots near the fallen Thundercracker, then transforms and flies over, transforming back to revive him.]
S: Ohh~
[OS: Thundercracker is revived.]
S: Thank you.
O: You're welcome!
[OS: Starscream transforms back into vehicle mode and flies back to the boxes he’s been taking cover behind.]
S: Oh~
C: I'm definitely taking this turret with me.
[CS: Skywarp rips off a turret, jumps down from the platform he’s on and immediately shoots the two Autobots he’s landed in front of.]
S: Oh~
[SS: Thundercracker is in jet mode, shooting at some Autobots with sheilds at close range, but is shot and goes down.]
S: Oh.  I'm dead.  I found... a thing, that I guess is a- one of the things we're supposed to interact with but I'm also dead, and yeah, Autobots.
O: If I can find you.
[SS: Thundercracker blows up.]
S: Nope, I blew up.  That was me.
[OS: The Mission Failed screen appears and Owls selects, “Restart from Last Checkpoint.”]
O: [sighs] Everybody just wants to blow up today and obviously I'm not cool because I don't understand why people find it fun.
[OS: The party spawns back in the same room as before.  The screen reads, “New Objective: Re-route power to the energon bridge.”  Starscream walks over to the console and opens the door.]
S: I did not want to blow up!
[Autobot: Alert!  Alert!
CS/OS/SS: The party runs in and begins to fight with the various Autobots.  Starscream remains behind cover sniping, while Skywarp and Thundercracker get more up close and personal with the enemy.]
S: Oh, it's a plasma cannon.  Oh, I'm out.
[CS: Skywarp is fighting with two Autobots with shields.  A downed ally icon appears to his right, before Skywarp goes down as well.  Skywarp begins to slowly float towards an opening to get back into the main room where the other Seekers are.]
C: Shoot, so am I.
[OS: Starscream is in the middle reviving Thundercracker.]
O: You two are killing me.
S: Sorry!
[OS: Starscream transforms and flies up to Skywarp to begin reviving him.]
S: Ah, nuts to you Autobot.
C: I'm trying to fly down.
[OS: Starscream’s thinking “Help me, don’t help me!” as Skywarp flies past him while he’s trying to revive him.  But Skywarp is successfully revived.]
O: You’re lucky I still have a shield left.
C: [laughs]
O: Are you alive?
C: Yep.
[CS: Skywarp continues to fight Autobots.]
O: Okay!  Everybody's still alive!
[SS: Thundercracker is fighting two shield Autobots and goes down.]
S: Sorry, I'm dead.
C & S: [laugh]
O: You’ve gotta be kidding me!
[CS: The Mission Failed screen appears and Owls selects, “Restart from Last Checkpoint.”]
C: Ah, so… I need to stop dying
O: I'm doing nothing wrong, got it?
[CS: The party starts at the checkpoint.]
C: [laughs]
O: I'm doing nothing wrong, that's what I thought!  Also, I'm taking this fucking ammo, okay?
[CS: Starscream runs past Skywarp and picks up some ammo.]
C: Okay!
[CS: Starscream opens the door.
Autobot: Alert!  Alert!]
O: [laughs]  We're just gonna call this in the chapter were Specs did nothing wrong.  Not a single thing! [Nothing like saying the wrong name for MYSELF, I meant Owls here ~O]
[CS: Skywarp immediately shoots the Autobot on the other side of the door before he can even turn around.]
C & S: [laugh]
[OS: Starscream shoots at an Autobot at one of the turrets, missing the first shot but getting him on the second.]
O: Oh my god, I'm hitting you, fucker!
[OS: Starscream continues to shoot at Autobots with his Null Ray from behind cover.]
S: Oh.
[CS: Skywarp rips off one of the turrets.
Skywarp: If Skywarp wants it, Skywarp takes it!
CS: He destroys multiple Autobots using the turret.]
C: Oh my goodness, are we alive?
[OS: Starscream continues to shoot at Autobots, heading into some of the narrower hallways connected to the main room they’ve been fighting in, following Thundercracker.]
S: Yes... somewhat, sort of.
O: Do you need that health?
[SS: Thundercracker walks past an energon cube.]
S: I've got three bars.
O: Take it because I still have a shield.
S: Um.
[CS: Skywarp is fighting several Autobots with shields, taking damage from various grenades that are being lobbed around the room.  He runs over to take out one of the Autobots with his physical attack, but goes down after killing them.]
C: Oh, ah, man I fell.  I'm on the left top room.
[SS: Starscream runs past Thundercracker and over to Skywarp and revives him.  Thundercracker walks over to a console.]
S: Oh.  It looks like, uh, do you want me to interact with this thing?
O: Uh, just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything in here, then yes.
C: I want this turret first.
O: Okay, let him take the turret.  Skywarp wants a souvenir turret!
[SS: Skywarp runs over to a turret and rips it off, while the other two Seekers stay near the console.]
S: [laughs]
O: That’s what I’m calling it, okay.
C: All right, this is my new toy.
O: Okay, now that everybody's happy-
[CS: Thundercracker activates the console, opening the door right in front of them.  Skywarp runs over and the party begins to shoot at the Autobots on the other side of the door.  Thundercracker is using a gun that shoots blue energy out of it, and it doesn’t seem to be affecting the enemies.]
S: Ahh!  Hi, Autobots!
C: [laughs] I don’t know why, but the way you said that was funny.
[Starscream: Nothing will stop me!  Blast those locks!
OS: The party continues shooting Autobots, as well as some locks on a door to the left.]
O: Did you pick up a healing gun!?!
C: What?
S: Me?  No?
O: I saw it healing things!  I don’t know where it was coming from, maybe it was an Autobot…
S: Uh, it's some sort of plasma thing?
O: Huh.
[SS: Thundercracker walks up to a closed door, it starts to open and he backs up.]
S: Uhhh!
[SS: The door opens, revealing no Autobots inside.]
S: Ohh!~
O: Health, thank you.
[SS: Thundercracker shoots the blue ray again and Skywarp walks up beside him..]
C: Actually, yeah, Specs has some kind of weird... I don't know what it is?
S: I don’t know, it’s a plasma gun, I don’t know.
O: Can you show-
[SS: Thundercracker swaps his gun from an Energon Repair Ray to a Plasma Cannon.]
S: Well, that’s a plasma-
O: Yeah, that one.
[SS: Thundercracker swaps back to the Energon Repair Ray, and backs away from Starscream and Skywarp.]
S: Oh, I've got an Energon Repair Ray, oh.
O: Yeah!  You’ve got a healing gun.
S: Okay, you’re- Owls you’re fully healed.  Lemme-
[SS: Starscream backs away from where Skywarp is standing.]
O: I’m fully healed.
S: When the hell did I get that?
O: I don't know.
[SS: Thundercracker heals Skywarp not quite to full health before swapping to his Plasma Cannon, which has no ammo left.
Skywarp: Now we’re talking!]
S: Sorry, but I'm all out of ammo, so I need to be a plane.
[SS: Thundercracker transforms into vehicle mode.]
C: [laughs]
[Starscream: All right… this station seems to funnel power directly to the Energon Bridge.
Thundercracker: Those are the Energon Bridge’s power control panels.
SS: The door closes in front of Thundercracker, locking him out of the room Starscream and Skywarp have walked into.]
S: Oh, um, I'm sorry, I'm on the wrong side of the door.
C: It’ll probably-
O: Hopefully, you’ll teleport?
C: -yeah.
[OS: An in-game cinematic starts, with the three Seekers walking around a large room full of various boxes, equipment, and tubes.  A door opens in front of Starscream, revealing a console, in front of some pod-like machine things behind glass.
Skywarp: Wow, Starscream--that WAS impressive.
Starscream: Silence, fool!  We need to supply these side terminals with their energon power cells.]
S: Oh yeah, good.
[OS: Starscream activates the console, but nothing moves.  Two red targets appear on either side of the glass panel.
Thundercracker:  Looks like the Autobots have locked these power cells down.
Starscream: Quickly--destroy the locks!]
S: Uh..
C: Destroy the locks?  Alright.
[CS: The party shoots at the locks, destroying them.]
C: Welp, we destroyed the locks!  Now what, fearless leader?
O: [screechy voice] Oh, don't ‘fearless leader’ me!
[CS: An in-game cinematic starts, and the three pod things behind glass move downwards, under the floor before getting destroyed.
Skywarp: What happened now!
Starscream: The Autobots have booby trapped this room.  Fools!
Skywarp: Wait--are you calling US fools, or the Autobots fools?]
O: [laughs]
[Skywarp: Because--I’m not getting the sense that you respect me!]
C & O: [laugh]
[Starscream: Silence!  Fool!
Skywarp: That’s EXACTLY what I’m talking about!]
O: [snorts and then laughs] I mean...
C: “Starscream!  I’m getting the distinct impression you don't respect me!”
[Starscream: This is almost too easy.  Quickly, find the other power terminals.
SS: Thundercracker flies around the outskirts of the room, but doesn’t see anything unusual.]
S: [laughs] Okay-
O: [screechy voice]  Respect?  What is that?  Some sort of Earth TERM?
C: ...Yes.
S: Umm, I'm not entirely sure what I should be doing?
C: Nah, I’m pretty lost too.
O: Uh, there's probably a power cell that we need to destroy- er, I destroyed one of them.
[Skywarp: Now we’re talkin’!]
O: Maybe?  ...Maybe not.  Maybe they just want to fuck with us.
[OS: Starscream is flying around near the floor, attempting to follow a glowing red conduit.]
O: Is that-
C: Oh, there's- no, we’ve got to follow the conduit.
S: Oh, the-
C: So follow the red glowy thing that's running along the floor.
S: Okay.
C: And then it goes up?
O: Cuz like, I killed one of them…
[CS: Skywarp continues to fly around the room.]
O: Hmm, no.
[CS: Skywarp follows a conduit that loops behind some of the boxes and other piping and finds one of the power cells.]
C: Oh, it's up here, hang on.
[CS: Skywarp destroys the power cell.
Starscream: Excellent, now keep looking--there should be just one more.
SS: Thundercracker shoots the last power cell.
Thundercracker: Energy barriers are 100% offline.
Starscream: Perfect!  Now--get these power cells into position!]
C: Wait a minute!  Can something not be a hundred percent offline? I mean, it’s- it's either on or off, you can't be in the middle.
O: [screechy voice] Shut up Skywarp!
C: [laughs]
O: [laughs] I'm sorry I can't resist.
C: Oh, I love it.
S: Alright, er-
O: Cool, where do we go now, dum-dums?
[OS: Starscream is walking around on the bottom of the room looking around for another console or something to activate.]
C: Right- right!?
O: [screechy voice] Fools!  Which way do we go!?
C: I don’t know what to do!
[OS: Starscream transforms and begins to slowly fly around the room looking for what they’re supposed to activate.
Thundercracker: The side terminals are showing power levels at maximum.]
S: I don’t know.  I mean, this looks like a door but...
[Starscream: Hahahaha!  We are but one click away from activating the full power of the Energon bridge!]
O: Cool.  How?
[OS: Starscream transforms, landing next to the now visible console, activating it.]
O: There we go, this one. [mutters something unintelligible]
[CS: The equipment in the room lights up, and begins transmitting energy.]
C: WOAH!  What the- ?
[Starscream: I did it!  Look at all that power flowing!  Onward, Decepticons!]
S: To where?
O: Space crack.  We have sup- supplied or booty call with space crack.
S: [laughs] Ah.  Okay, yes, out the door.
[CS: Activating the console has opened a door to a tunnel leading downwards.  The party enters.
Thundercracker: I am detecting an unknown energy signature nearby.  Off the scale…
Starscream: Then we are close - the Energon Bridge must be nearby.
OS: The party arrives in a large circular room.  A machine stands in the center, with flooring that is a mixture of metal frames and glass radiating from the center.  Above the machine there appears to be another glass platform of some kind going around the edge of the room.
Starscream: The device must be inside that machine.  Plant a Dark Energon Det-Pack on its power cable to activate it.
Thundercracker: My scans indicate that--]
S: Uh…
[Starscream: I’ve had enough of your readings!  Use Dark Energon and corrupt the machine!
OS: Starscream flies forward and transforms, landing in front of the device indicated by the UI, and plants a detpack on it.]
C: [laughs] Your READINGS!
S: Uh, I got locked out again.
[OS: The detpack explodes, and, “New Objective: Destroy the Energon Bridge Guardian,” pops up.
An in-game cinematic starts, the machine activates, with the upper portion lifting up and firing its guns at the party.
Skywarp: Whoa… what’s happening?!]
S: Okay, yay, it teleported me.
[Thundercracker: Precisely what I was afraid of.  Cybertron is trying to purge itself of contamination.]
C: Wait.  We're on Cybertron?
O: Yeah.
S: I guess.
[Skywarp: What contamination?
Starscream: He means US, you idiot!
OS: The Seekers all dodge a blast from device’s guns.  The camera focuses on Starscream as he flips into the air, transforming into jet mode.]
C: [laughs]
[Starscream: Quit blabbing and destroy this nuisance!]
S: Mm.
[SS: The upper portion of the device begins to rotate as it continues shooting.  Thundercracker hovers, shooting the machine.]
S: Alright, by- ?  Okay?  What am I supposed to be shooting?
[CS: Skywarp is shooting at the devices guns.]
C: Uh, if your reticle turns red it means you're hitting something.  I think it's the big- the big red circles is what you want to be aiming for on the machine, but not-
S: Um.
C: Oddly enough, not the big one in the center.
[CS: The device stops shooting and drops its guns, but other portions of the machine open up and begin generating wide pink laser beams that begin rotating.  There is an upper beam and lower beam, they are currently rotating in opposite directions to each other.
Thundercracker: Evade those beams!
Skywarp: Move!  Move!  Move!]
S: Oh.
C: I know that doesn't make a lot of sense but…
S: Sorry, I'm not entirely sure…?
[OS: Starscream and Thundercracker are flying around trying to avoid the beams.]
C: Well, right now we just need to be dodging the beam.
S: I'm... doing very badly at that!
C: Now shoot the small red circles.
[OS: The machine stops and the center opens up revealing a power core.]
O: Oh, no, shoot the Power Core!
[Starscream: The machine is vulnerable!  Focus your fire on the core!]
C: Yeah, now we need to shoot the power core.
S: Oh.
[OS: The party shoots the power core, and then the machine closes up, raising it’s guns and beginning to shoot again.]
S: Well, nuts.
C: Now go back to shooting the red- the red lights on the guns.
[CS: Skywarp circles around the machine, shooting at the guns.
Skywarp: Are we even hurting this thing?
Starscream: Not with your pathetic aim!  Focus fire on those guns!]
S: Oh sorry, I’m dead.
C: Uh, where are ya?
[CS: A downed ally icon appears on the other side of the room.  Skywarp begins flying around the machine to get to the other side.]
O: I see ya.
[CS: Another downed ally icon appears next to the first.]
O: I am also dead.
C: No!
O: Help?
C: I'm coming!
[CS: Skywarp zips towards Starscream and Thundercracker but overshoots.]
C: Shoot.
[CS: Thundercracker explodes as Skywarp turns around.]
S: Sorry, I'm dead.  Possibly we're all dead?
[SS: The game over screen displays.]
C: Well the show can't carry on without Skywarp!
S: [laughs]
[SS: The party spawns in the boss room.  “New Objective: Activate the Energon Bridge,” appears in the right hand corner.]
O: You mean Thunderacker!
C: Or Thundercracker, which one are you?
S: [laughs]
[Thundercracker: My scans indicate that--
Starscream: I’ve had enough of your readings!  Use Dark Energon and corrupt the machine!]
C: Jet A and Jet B.
O: I'm gonna make you build one of my model kits so that you'll remember which one- like, which one we're talking about.
[OS: New Objective, “Destroy the energon bridge guardian,” displays in the bottom right corner of the screen.]
C: They're both the same!
[OS: The same cinematic of the device activating from before plays.
Skywarp: Whoa… what’s happening?!]
O: [gruff voice] You're ugly! [normal voice] WE LOOK THE SAME! [laughs]
[Thundercracker: Precisely what I was afraid of.  Cybertron is trying to purge itself of contamination.]
C: And then there's red whiny jet, but at least I remember him.
S: [laughs]
[Skywarp: What contamination?
Starscream: He means US, you idiot!]
O: [screechy voice] Excuse me! I'm white, and red, and blue.  If you're going to insult me, at least have the decency to do it right.
[Starscream: Quit blabbing and destroy this nuisance!]
S: Mm.
C: Yeah, I'll let Megatron take care of that.
O: Shut up. [laughs]
C: [laughs]
[CS/OS: The party targets the device’s guns, until it drops it’s guns and activates it’s beams.
Thundercracker: Evade those beams!
Skywarp: Move!  Move!  Move!
SS: Thundercracker gets hit by one of the beams, taking away an significant portion of his health.  He attempts to fly higher, to where the upper glass platform is clearly visible, but is stopped by an invisible barrier.]
S: Uh, shit.
[SS: The machine stops and the center opens up revealing a power core.  The party shoots at it.
Starscream: The machine is vulnerable!  Focus your fire on the core!]
S: Why would they design it like that?
C: [laughs]
O: It has to cool off, I don't know.
[OS: The machine closes up, raising it’s guns and beginning to shoot again.  The party targets the guns.
Skywarp: Are we even hurting this thing?
Starscream: Not with your pathetic aim!  Focus fire on those guns!]
C: [laughs] That’s a perfectly valid question!
S: It's a shitty ass design!
C: It would be like if you created a giant weapon, but like, every two minutes it had to open up and expose its weakness.
S: [laughs]
[Skywarp:  Ha!  He’s not so tough!
SS: The device stops and drops it’s guns, preparing to generating the beams.]
O: What?  That's like, what video games do, isn't it?
C: Yeah, yeah, video games.
[SS: Thundercracker banks to the right to get away from the part of the machine that will generate the beams.]
S: Oh shit, woop.
O: Uh, you okay?
S: Yeah.  Okay, it’s just now it's time to fly.
[Megatron (COM): Starscream!  What is taking so long!
Starscream: Just a slight delay…
SS: The spinning beams start up again.  Thundercracker again tries to pull upwards but is still blocked by the invisible wall.  He is hit by a beam, but not destroyed.]
C: Oh no, I got cut in half.
S: Same…
[SS: The game over screen displays.]
A: [laugh]
O: Woooow.
A: [continue to laugh]
O: I just-
C: That’s unfortunate.
[SS: The party spawns in the boss room.  “New Objective: Activate the Energon Bridge,” appears in the right hand corner.]
O: You’re, like, required, when you edit this, honey, to like, go back and forth between me being a badass... and you two.
C & S: [laugh]
[Thundercracker: My scans indicate that--
Starscream: I’ve had enough of your readings!  Use Dark Energon and corrupt the machine!]
S: Look-
O: I mean that is the most loving way possible.
S: Look, I've been useful, sometimes!
O: [laughs]
[SS: The same cinematic of the device activating from before plays.
Skywarp: Whoa… what’s happening?!]
C: “I’ve been useful!”
O: [laughs]
C: “...sometimes!”
[Thundercracker: Precisely what I was afraid of.  Cybertron is trying to purge itself of contamination.]
O & S: [laugh]
O: I’m just saying, it’s very funny when it’s like, um-
[Skywarp: What contamination?
Starscream: He means US, you idiot!  Quit blabbing and destroy this nuisance!
CS: The party fires on the guns.]
O: Oh, I got cut in half and here I am flying like a badass, and I’m like, “Cut in half!?”
[SS: The device drops it’s guns and activates it’s beams.]
S: Ugh..
[Thundercracker: Evade those beams!
Skywarp: Move!  Move!  Move!]
S: Oh, shit.  Shit.
[SS: Thundercracker is flying around trying to avoid the beams, but nicks them several times before running into the center of the machine, which apparently is an insta-death.]
S: I hate... these pink things!
[SS: The game over screen displays.]
A: [laugh]
[Starscream: The device must be inside that machine.  Plant a Dark Energon Det-Pack on its power cable to activate it.
SS: The party spawns in the boss room.  “New Objective, activate the energon bridge,” displays in the right hand corner for disappearing.]
O: Death!  Pink horrible death!
S: [laughs]
[Thundercracker: My scans indicate that--
Starscream: I’ve had enough of your readings!  Use Dark Energon and corrupt the machine!
OS: Starscream flies forward, transforming and planting the detpak.]
C: Your ‘readings!’
O: [screechy voice] Your ‘readings’!
[OS: The same cinematic of the device activating from before plays.  New Objective, “Destroy the energon bridge guardian,” displays in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Skywarp: Whoa… what’s happening?!
Thundercracker: Precisely what I was afraid of.  Cybertron is trying to purge itself of contamination.
Skywarp: What contamination?
Starscream: He means US, you idiot!  Quit blabbing and destroy this nuisance!]
S: I got to be Sky- Thundercracker... the scientist.  For some reason.
[OS: The party target the guns.]
O: I mean, honestly, I think- I think I love it?  Skywarp’s [Thundercracker’s] the one that's like, “Oh my god, I fucking told you so, asshole!”
S: [laughs]
[SS: Thundercracker has destroyed the front portion of the guns directly in front of him, beams are no longer shooting  from that part.]
S: Ohh~  That was… helpful.
[CS: The guns drop.]
C: Okay, so I would recommend if you have trouble avoiding the blades-
[CS: Skywarp attempts to fly up to the secondary glass platform, but is also blocked by an invisible wall.  The machine activates the laserbeams.]
S: Yeah.
C: Oh, they won't let you.  They don't let you fly up!
[CS: The party dodges the laserbeams.]
S: Yes, I'm trying to fly up!
C: That's ridiculous!
O: Just fly in the same direction as one of them.  Whether it’s the top or the bottom.
[CS: The game over screen displays.]
S: I know.  I had tried that and they kept catching up to me.
O: You've got to speed up.
C: Oh yeah-
S: I’m using the thrusters!
C: You are?
O: Okay, if you stay more near the middle you have to travel less distance.
[CS: The party spawns in the boss room.  “New Objective, activate the energon bridge,” displays in the right hand corner for disappearing.]
C: Yeah.
O: Don't go all the way out.
[Thundercracker: My scans indicate that--
Starscream: I’ve had enough of your readings!  Use Dark Energon and corrupt the machine!
CS: Skywarp flies up to the glass platform that’s inaccessible during the fight.]
C: But yeah, look!  I'm totally up here!  You can fly up here before the boss battle starts, but then when it starts it won't let you fly out, that's ridiculous.
[CS: Skywarp flies over to the device in the center of the room and lands on top of it.]
C: Look, I'm on its head!
[CS: New Objective, “Destroy the energon bridge guardian,” displays in the bottom right corner of the screen.  The same cinematic of the device activating from before plays.
Skywarp: Whoa… what’s happening?!
S: [laughs]
C: I was!
[Thundercracker: Precisely what I was afraid of.  Cybertron is trying to purge itself of contamination.
Skywarp: What contamination?
Starscream: He means US, you idiot!]
S: I saw that.
C: And then it's like, oh no, you're fighting it you can't do the smart thing and you know fly away!
O: Even though we're fucking jets.
C: Right!
[Starscream: Quit blabbing and destroy this nuisance!
SS: The party targets the guns.]
S: [sighs]
[SS: The device drops it’s guns, and begins generating the laserbeams.
Thundercracker: Evade those beams!
Skywarp: Move!  Move!  Move!
SS: Thundercracker hangs close to the middle, but accidentally touches the center of he device, dying instantly.  The game over screen displays.]
S: Okay, I don't know what the hell killed me, but I died.
C: We're gonna have to figure this out.
S: I guess I was too close to it?  I touched it, I didn't touch the pink stuff.
[OS: Owls selects, “Continue from Last Checkpoint.”]
O: Yeah, don’t touch it.  Don’t touch it.
[Starscream: The device must be inside that machine.  Plant a Dark Energon Det-Pack on its power cable to activate it.
OS: The party spawns in the boss room.  “New Objective, activate the energon bridge,” displays in the right hand corner for disappearing.  Starscream flies forward and transforms, dropping to the platform below, and planting a detpack on it.]
C: So how much health do you have coming into this fight?
S: Full hel- full health.
C: Okay
[Thundercracker: My scans indicate that--
Starscream: I’ve had enough of your readings!  Use Dark Energon and corrupt the machine!]
C: When- when we activate- when it activates the blades one of us needs to find Specs and guide her.
S: [laughs]
[OS: New Objective, “Destroy the energon bridge guardian,” displays in the bottom right corner of the screen.  The same cinematic of the device activating from before plays.
Skywarp: Whoa… what’s happening?!
O: Or- just maybe follow Chezni, and see if that helps?
S: Uhh… I’ll try.
[Thundercracker: Precisely what I was afraid of.  Cybertron is trying to purge itself of contamination.
Skywarp: What contamination?
Starscream: He means US, you idiot!  Quit blabbing and destroy this nuisance!
CS: The party targets the guns.]
C: All right, I'll try and keep an eye on you.
[CS: Skywarp looks to his left and sees Thundercracker off in the distance.]
C: All right, there you are.
[CS: The machine drops its guns and Skywarp flies over next to Thundercracker.]
C: All right, Specs, come down here!
S: I'm following you.
C: All right.  Now we're just gonna fly in this direction.
[SS: Skywarp takes off as the beams start, Thundercracker stalls and gets hit by one of them before angling himself upwards and hitting one of the upper beams.]
S: Well, shit.
[SS: Thundercracker drops to the lower level and begins flying in the same direction as the pink laserbeam.]
S: Yes I'm flying in the direction of the pink…
[SS: The beams deactivate.]
S: [quietly] Shit, god.
C: That worked!
S: Thank you.  Ugh.
[SS: Thundercracker flies over to a glass cage thing with multiple energon cubes visible inside.  He destroys the cage and picks up some health.]
S: Oh, there's health.
[Starscream: The machine is vulnerable!  Focus your fire on the core!]
O: By all means take it.
C: Yeah, I don't need it.
[OS: Starscream and Skywarp take aim at the device’s power core.  Once the health drops a bit, the machine closes back up and raises its guns.  The party targets the guns.
Skywarp: Are we even hurting this thing?
Starscream: Not with your pathetic aim!  Focus fire on those guns!]
S: Hmmm.
[Skywarp: Ha!  He’s not so tough!
S: Ugh.
[OS: The machine drops it’s guns and activates it’s laserbeams.  The party flies around to avoid them.
Megatron (COM): Starscream!  What is taking so long!]
O: [snorts]
[Starscream: Just a slight delay...]
O: [laughs]
[Megatron (COM): I’m beginning to question your ability to deliver, Starscream.  Do not disappoint me!]
S: The booty call.
O: The booty call is being a jerk! [laughs]
C: “Just freshening up, boss!”
[OS: The machine drops the laserbeams and exposes its power core and the party shoots it.]
O: [laughs, before continuing on in a screechy voice] I'm TRYING to not be cut in two right now!
C: Okay, one more round!  One more round, right!?
[CS: The machine closes off the core.]
O: I do not have a ton of health left right now.
S: Um.
[Skywarp: What is it doing NOW?
Starscream: Who cares?  Just be ready for it!
CS: Lava is visible rising through the glass floor portions of the room.  Everything takes on an orangey-red glow.]
O: Oh dear.
[Thundercracker: Evasive maneuvers!]
S: Uh, shit.  I don’t know what’s happening.
[SS: The glass floor panels begin to explode.]
C: Lava.  Lava is happening.
S: Oh, goody.
[SS: The entire floor is covered with lava, except for a slightly raised ring around the base of the device.]
C: And missiles.
[SS: Fireballs come up out of the lava and target the party.]
S: Whilst I fly randomly, because I don't know what the hell I'm…
O: I mean, look, that's pretty much what we're doing.
C: Yeah, to be honest, I think that's to your benefit.
S: [laughs]
[OS: The machine generates the laserbeams again, but this time, both the upper and lower portions are stacked on top of each other and there’s easy way to move past them.]
S: Ah!
C: You’re kidding me.
S: Crap.
O: No, no-
[OS: Starscream hovers in place and is downed by fireballs.]
O: Oh damn it!
C: Are you down?
O: Uh, I’m down, I'm down.
C: All right, I…
[OS: The laserbeams begin moving and hit Starscream, cutting him in half.  The game over screen displays.]
O: And then I got cut in half.  Cool beans.
C: [laughs]
S: Okay.
O: I hope there was a checkpoint in the middle!
[SS: The party spawns in at the point of the fight where the lava starts to rise through the floor.]
C: [sarcastically] “I did nothing wrong!”
O: Uh-huh, up until that point I had not!
[SS: Thundercracker points towards the glass cages filled with energon.]
S: So- so- so you see the things that are down at the bottom? Those all have health in them.
[Skywarp: What is it doing NOW?
Starscream: Who cares?  Just be ready for it!
Thundercracker: Evasive maneuvers!]
S: Those cages, with cubes.
C: Gotcha.
S: There's cages with cubes!
[SS: The lava begins rising.]
C & S: [laugh]
[CS: Skywarp stops flying and turns towards the cages.]
C: Oh, those things!  I see, she's right there totally health in them.  That’s a lot of health!
[CS: The glass floor panels begin to explode.]
O: I plan on- yeah.
[OS: The party flies around, trying to avoid the fireballs.]
S: I don't know what I'm supposed to do right now?
C: Just fly away.
S: [laugh]
C: We're waiting for the machine to open up.
 C: Essentially we're just dodging the fireball missiles.  Cuz, you know, Cybertron decided (logically speaking) the best way to purge viruses from its core-
[SS: The machine generates the double laserbeams, Thundercracker flies right though the center and takes damage but doesn’t immediately die.  But then he accidently transforms and falls into the lava.]
S: Goddammit! [laughs]
C: -was to have fireball missiles!
[SS: The Mission Failed screen appears.]
S: I- I’m sorry. [laughs] That was me.
[SS: The party spawns at the battle midpoint.]
O: Hey, at least- at least we have a checkpoint, okay.  At least we have a checkpoint.
[CS: Skywarp shoots some of the energon cages and picks up some health.
Skywarp: Now I’m all shiny again!]
C: [laughs] I’m all shiny again.
[Skywarp: What is it doing NOW?
Starscream: Who cares?  Just be ready for it!
CS: The lava rises and the glass panels begin to break.
Thundercracker: Evasive maneuvers!
CS/OS/SS: The party flies around the machine, avoiding fireballs.]
C: Evasive maneuvers, otherwise known as flying around in a circle.
S: [laughs]
C: These are top-tier strategies right here.
S: Yeah, just fly randomly and- [laughs]
C: [laughs]
O: Pray.
C: It’s genius!
S: [laughs]
C: Wait, who are we praying to?
O: [attempting to imitate Skywarp] “Hey, boss!  I’m a genius!”
[OS: The laserbeams activate.]
C: Uh, isn’t- who is it, Drift?  Is Drift a god?
S: No…
O: No, Primus- Rung is, dear.
C: Rung, yeah.
[OS: The laserbeams begin to rotate.
Megatron (COM): Starscream!  What is taking so long!
Starscream: Just a slight delay…
OS: Thundercracker is visible in the distance running into one of the laserbeams and getting cut in half.]
S: Oh, shit.  Shit, AHHH!
[OS: The game over screen displays.]
S: I got cut in half.
O: [laughs] I saw that.
A: [laugh]
[OS: Owls selects, “Restart From Last Checkpoint,” and the party spawns at the previous checkpoint.]
C: Okay, so Specs, I'm sure you know this but just to go over it strategically.
S: [laughs]
[Skywarp: What is it doing NOW?
Starscream: Who cares?  Just be ready for it!
CS: The lava rises and the explosions start happening.  The party flies around avoiding fireballs.
Thundercracker: Evasive maneuvers!]
C: You're doing great dodging the fireballs, but eventually when those blades come out they start very slowly.  You need to-
S: [still laughing] I knoooow!
C: Okay.
O: “I knoooow!”
C & S: [laughs]
O: What I’m getting from this is that Thundercracker is like, the worst flyer out of these three?
C: [laughs]
S: [laughs] Thundercracker is a scientist!
O: [laughs] So is Starscream, supposedly!  Apparently, his flight is affected by how much he wants a booty call.
O & S: [laugh]
C: I mean-
S: Granted, you know, probably part of my issue is that my mouse is, you know, a rollerball one.
[SS: The laserbeams come up just as Thundercracker is flying, and he manages to fly through the middle, only taking minor damage.  He stops once on the other side of the beam.]
C: Oh right, she's playing with that crazy rollerball- rollerball mouse.  That would be pretty hard.
[SS: The dual laserbeams begin moving.
Megatron (COM): Starscream!  What is taking so long!
Starscream: Just a slight delay...]
C: All right, now they're gonna start moving you need to slowly-
S: Yes! I am- I am zooming! [laughs]
O: I think you mean, “NYRMING”.
[Megatron (COM): I’m beginning to question your ability to deliver, Starscream.  Do not disappoint me!
O: Oh shit!
[OS: The laserbeams stop, and Starscream goes through the middle of them.]
S: Oh shit!  I can’t turn around!
[OS: The laserbeams begin moving in the opposite direction from before.  Starscream turns around but off in the distance Thundercracker goes through them.]
S: Oh, it didn’t kill me.  Shit!
[CS: Skywarp is attempting to get health from one of the energon cages but one of the laserbeams hits him and kills him.]
C: Are you kidding me?
[CS: The game over screen displays.]
O: ARGH!  Which of us died!?
C: That was me.
O: Oh my god it was you!
C: Yup.
O: I blame you!
[CS: The party restarts at the checkpoint.]
O: I went through the middle of them and didn't die, earlier!
C: Yup.
O: I was so proud of myself and this is what I have to deal with!
C: [sighs] I am so sorry.
[Skywarp: What is it doing NOW?
Starscream: Who cares?  Just be ready for it!]
S: And be aware that there is, in fact, Energon, or heal.
[OS: The lava begins to rise and blow up the glass panels below.  The party flies around avoiding fireballs.
Thundercracker: Evasive maneuvers!]
C: Yeah, no, that’s actually what got me killed.
O: That doesn’t help when you just get cut in half.
C: Um, I went in for the Energon and then, uh...
S: Then you died.
C: Yep.
S: [laughs] That happened to me.  That was like, not the most recent death but…
O: I did not need to get hit by the fireballs, thank you!
S: Good-bye, fireballs! [laughs]
C: [laughs]
S: [laughs] Sorry, for some reason I always find it really amusing when- when I die.
[SS: The laserbeams come up and Thundercracker isn’t able to stop in time and goes through them and then turns around and goes through them again, dropping his health below one bar.]
S: Ahhh!  Shhhit.
[SS: The laserbeams start moving as Thundercracker shoots one of the cages and grabs some energon.
Megatron (COM): Starscream!  What is taking so long!]
C: Okay, so they're gonna go clockwise and then when they turn off they go counterclockwise.
[SS: One of the laserbeams hits Thundercracker, but then stop.  Thundercracker turns around and starts heading the other direction.
Starscream: Just a slight delay...]
Megatron (COM): I’m beginning to question your ability to deliver, Starscream.  Do not disappoint me!]
S: Oh, okay, that happened.
C: Now turn around and go the other way.
[CS: The laserbeams begin moving in the opposite direction.]
C: And I don't know what they're gonna do after this you're on your own.
S: I’m gonna follow- ah!
[CS: Thundercracker runs into Skywarp.  The two turn around and begin to head the other direction.]
C: This isn’t bumper jets!
[OS: The beams split up again, with the top and bottom moving in different directions.  The two halves line up when they stop, Starscream tries to bank but accidentally transforms instead, falling into the lava.]
O: Oh shit- ARGHHH!
[OS: The game over screen displays.]
O: Dammit.
O: Wait-
[OS: Owls selects Load from last checkpoint.]
C: Look who died!
O: Shut up.
S: [laughs]
O: Just shut up.
[OS: The party restarts at the checkpoint.]
C: Ahh, this is fun, isn’t this fun?
O: Shut up.
C: It is fun, I’m gla- I’m glad to be a part of this!
O: Shut up! [laughs]
[OS: New Objective, “Destroy the energon bridge guardian,” displays in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Skywarp: What is it doing NOW?
Starscream: Who cares?  Just be ready for it!]
S: I’m-
C: [laughs]
S: Pre-destroying shit now.
[Thundercracker: Evasive maneuvers!
SS: The lava rises and begins to destroy the glass panels.  The party flies around, avoiding fireballs.]
C: You gotta admit though, if these three guys were just normal scientists who decided to wake up one day and do all this, that's pretty badass.
S: Decide to just be evil.
O: Oh no!
[OS: Starscream is flying around near the lava with very little health.  He shoots an energon cage and picks up some health.]
C: No, well, that and fly down here and do all this crazy stuff.
S: Yeah.
[OS: The dual laserbeams appear.]
S: Oh!  Shhhit.
C: Oh crap!
C: I flew right into those blades.
S: Uh, shit.
[Megatron (COM): Starscream!  What is taking so long!
S: Okie dokie.
[OS: The beams begin moving.
Starscream: Just a slight delay...]
O: [snorts]
Megatron (COM): I’m beginning to question your ability to deliver, Starscream.  Do not disappoint me!
OS: The blades reverse direction.]
O: [snorts] I'm sorry, I don't know why I find that funny, but I do. [laughs]
S: Egh!
[SS: The top and bottom blades begin moving in opposite directions.]
S: It's like, I must now move!
[SS: Thundercracker boosts forward as the blades stop, narrowly missing them.]
S: But not too fast!  Shit!
[SS: The blades disappear and the machine exposes it’s core.]
C: We did it!  We did it!  Shoot that core!
[Starscream: The machine is vulnerable!  Focus your fire on the core!
OS: The core is destroyed.]
O: Oh thank freakin’ god!
S: Phew.  Fuck!
[OS: The machine folds in on itself and a black claw like mechanical things come out of the middle, seemingly infecting the lava with dark energon.  One of the arms goes up through the ceiling creating a hole.
Skywarp: Wait!  Something’s happening!
Starscream: YES!  It’s crumbling before the MIGHT of STARSCREAM!]
O: Is that what we're calling this?
[Starscream: To the surface, Decepticons!
OS: New Objective, “Escape to the surface,” displays in the bottom right corner of the screen.]
S: Uh, I guess we're supposed to go up there?
[OS: Starscream enters the tunnel from the created hole.  Dark energon appears to be causing black spikey structures to grow up through the tunnel as the party flies upwards.]
S: Uh, okay.
[Skywarp: The machine is out of control!
Thundercracker: It must be a side effect of the Dark Energon!]
C: Great shot kid, that was one in a million.
O: [snorts]
C: [laughs]
C: I can’t remember any of the other lines.
[OS: The party continues to fly upwards.]
S: Sorry, I only- I only sorta know where I’m-
O: Where you’re going?
C: Just fly up.  It's the Death Star, we're getting out of this thing.
[OS: An in-game cinematic plays, as the 3 Seekers exit to the surface of Cybertron, the black growths continue to grow into a platform below.  A large machine on 4 spider like legs begins to move.
Skywarp: We’ve done it!  The Energon Bridge is activating!]
S: It’s elephant toothpaste.
C: What!?
S: [laughs]
[Note: If you are as confused as we were this is elephant toothpaste. ~O]
[OS: The Seekers transform, landing on a nearby platform.
Thundercracker: Incredible.  The Energon Bridge is active once more.]
C: That's a bridge!?  That looks like a giant spider!
S: Kind of.
[Starscream: Quiet!  You’re ruining my moment of Glory!  Soon, my Orbital Station will be at full power!]
O: [screechy voice] Shut up twos!  A ten is talking! [laughs]
C: [laughs]
[Megatron: YOUR orbital station, Starscream?  Surely you mean MINE.
O: [snorts]
[Megatron: I see you have finally succeeded in the simple task I gave you.  Perhaps you’re not as worthless as I thought.  Report back to base--at once!
OS: The spider device activates, bringing energon up from below and sending it upwards towards the orbital station.  The three Seekers take to the air flying back to base.]
O: [volume has been reduced] Oww!
[A cinematic plays - the beam of energon bounces around between what appears to be multiple satellites before reaching the orbital station from the first chapter.  Soundwave gestures to the now online machinery.
Soundwave: All systems online.  Dark Energon manufacturing at optimal efficiency.]
S: Okay, so is that the end of that map?
O: I think so, but…
[Megatron walks up beside Soundwave.
Megatron: Now I can introduce Dark Energon into the planet’s core...and as it spreads throughout Cybertron, my power shall travel with it!
Soundwave: Entrance to the planet core is heavily shielded behind the Omega Gate.
Megatron: I will acquire the key.  We launch a full scale assault of Iacon IMMEDIATELY.  And wipe Zeta Prime and his pathetic Autobots off the face of the planet.
Megatron takes a holographic Cybertron in his hands and then crushes it.
The chapter ends, bringing everyone back to the main menu.]
C: I don't want to be a jet anymore!
O: Well, you don't have to be that's the only chapter with jets in it.
[Note:  Except the Autobot chapter later, whoops. ~O]
C: Okay, good, I like my feet on the ground.
O: Um, I-I think probably after this you'll be Soundwave.
C: Wait, I'll be Soundwave and not you?
O: Uh, no, because uh, Soundwave’s the healer.  Do you want me healing?  The answer is no.  I want my fusion cannon. [laughs]
C: Oh, right, right, right.
O: [laughs] I want my fusion cannon, hello!  Which is funny, because I actually prefer Soundwave in this game.  Like, character wise, to Megatron.
C: I make a good healer. [indignantly] I'm a- I'm a good healer!
O: [snorts] I didn't say you weren't, I said I was a bad one! [laughs]  So, to summarize thus far:  We've had a crack addict take over a space station to get to space crack.  We have had the crack addict’s new booty er, you know, boyfriend uh, arm candy?  I don’t know.  Uh, going into the planet’s core for a booty call in order to get that space crack running through the entire planet.  Does that sum it up? [laughs]
[Note: The Seekers were underground but not truly in Cybetron’s core. ~O]
C: I believe it does.
S: Scientist wants to impress his new booty call, so off he went with his two most dearly detested buddies.  Or something.
O: Apparently?  Co-workers, that were apparently down for this?  I don't know.
A: [laugh]
C: They’re his literal- eh, hold on- wa- wa- wait, no.  They’re his wing-men?  Aha!
O: ARGH!  I’m gonna go in the bedroom and throw something at you!
C: [laughs]
O: Okay, well, um, I think that rather nicely summarizes it.  Uh, next time we’ll do chapter 3: Iacon Destroyed.  Till next time, I'm Owls.
S: I'm Specs.
C: I'm Chezni.
O: And thanks for watching, bye!
S: Bye!
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After Action Report: Abate the Edge of Traitors
After going to all the effort* to write a fluffy intro to this battle, I then have had zero interest in writing a fluffy after action report. I think the problem is taking unpainted miniatures - it’s a bit hard to get worked up or invested in the death of Senor Greyskin and his trusty sidekick, Lady Dull Metallic, when I could instead get really into the clash of arms between, say, Brother-Veteran Hitoshi, warrior of the Mantis Warriors, and Matthias the Vicious, the dread serial killer of Nužudymas, cultist of Qyn Kraugeriškas, pirate-slave of Malachi the Surly, ya know?
It doesn’t help that @littlemangsofwar​ has some of the worst luck in recorded history.
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My writer’s block is especially frustrating when Mangs puts a great deal of effort into his lists. Task Force Vengeance is fully named, from Librarian Cassiel down to the Land Raider Redeemer Purity Rolling.** I need to step up my game, both in terms of painting and in terms of, you know, writing. Things.
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Anyway, this clash was really fun on paper. Mangs’s Dark Angels list is pretty mechanised, featuring a Nephillim Jetfighter (Caliban’s Wrath), a Predator, Razorback, a Rhino, scouts, a pack of Deathwing as well as officers. It’s not the most optimized list for 8th edition Dark Angels, as they actually really want to stand very still and get free re-rolls, but it is cool as hell to look at.
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The Ravenwing were just here to scout the battlefield, then peeled away for another, more important mission elsewhere (he didn’t actually include them in the list! A mistake we’ve all made.).
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I had a really bizarre list, swelled with unpainted units to try and match @littlemangsofwar​‘s cool Dark Angels. In the centre of the board, I massed my marines in cover, as well as some slightly forward scouts (including the new snipers and the Crusaders, who took up stances around an old console in the ruins). I had some attack bikes waiting in reserve, hidden behind buildings. On the right flank, the Radical Inquisitor took up position in his commandeered Razorback, behind a Tactical squad and some... uh... ash-camouflaged Assault Marines.
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The blocks are actually a Daemonhost containing a warp spirit of Order, which I have some very cool ideas on, but they can wait until I paint more of the Inquisitor’s band of acolytes. The new Blackstone Fortress actually has a bunch of models that I was planning on converting for his gang, so that is going to be very hard to resist.***
I also had two squads of Ratlings, led by a Squat commander and accompanied by an Astropath, part of the Inquisitor’s extended retinue. The Mantis Warriors marching into battle accompanied by xenos, a daemonhost, and semi-humans! Not a great look, but they were here to fight the Dark Angels, who themselves have a less than savoury reputation.
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We played a variation of Cleanse and Capture, which I’ll drop below the cut. Essentially it was the same scenario but we each had some bonus Tactical Objectives we wanted to achieve to give the thing a bit of flavour.
The objective markers were intended to represent archaeological sites that may contain information on + + + REDACTED BY INQUISITORIAL EDIT 7532/ω + + + which obviously the Dark Angels also sought.
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I know I just wrote a lot of words about the scenario, but I’m afraid that I’m not up for a prolonged blow-by-blow of the game, so here are some highlights:
Despite a tremendous amount of possible mortal wound output from my three squads of snipers (two Ratling and one Mantis), I only killed about three Tactical marines from them all game. Of course, Ratling squads are only 45 points, so it’s still not a bad choice.
Early in the game, my attack bike with a multi-melta swung out and nearly one-shotted the Predator Silencer. In anger at this, @littlemangsofwar fired nearly his whole bloody army at the little bikers, only finally killing them with a plasma rifleman who then died in the explosion. What heroes.
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There he is, tucked behind that barricade there.
The advanced (and second-most recently painted) sniper scouts that were holding the objective in the ruins were brutally cut down in a single round by a combination of Redeemer flamers and a Dark Angels Tactical Squad. Said squad would then hole up in that ruin for the rest of the game, sniper fire plinking off their power armour and holding my Assault Marines at bay.
The Inquisitor and his minions did very little. I’ll admit that I strongly dislike their rules in the Index - they get almost no character and kind of encourage the worst kind of spam. Take lots with plasma guns! Each one man unit is an Elite choice! And you can’t have cool models with twin swords or twin pistols actually count as those weapons! Lame.
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Purity Rolling gets assaulted by the Mantis Warriors officer cadre.
In a pitched fight that goes to show why tanks don’t like urban battlefields, Purity Rolling got swarmed by my entire HQ and my teleporting Terminator Squad and got chipped to death. I was very lucky, getting off that 9″ charge, and it did come down to the power sword of the Sergeant, but it was still brutal.
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Brother-Apothecary Jiyuna wimping out and refusing to charge Purity Rolling which is fair enough, really.
@littlemangsofwar kept the pressure on my Devastator Squad, but his fucking appalling dice rolling in this game meant that they lasted most of it. I don’t believe they did anything useful, but they just kept absorbing his fire.
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pew pew
Beneath the Devastators, in the same ruins, were a Tactical Squad, which got assaulted by one of the Dark Angels Tacticals. The battle was fairly even, frustratingly, for several battle rounds, despite the assistance of my Brother-Apothecary Jiyun, Lieutenant Khan Nguyen Thi Kim, and the abhuman company commander in service of the Inquistion. The latter had a powerfist! He didn’t hit once!
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His brothers cut down around him, Brother-Sergeant Kiraman fights against overwhelming odds.
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An absolute beast who would. not. die. This caption refers to Kiraman, and not anyone wearing green, white, or blue. Jerks.
In the centre, my command squad and both units of Terminators kept wailing on one another for several turns. Between adroit use of psychic powers and @littlemangsofwar‘s gross luck, I came out on top, although my First Company warriors were annihilated to a man.
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A glorious melee.
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Chief Librarian Ahazra Redth channeling the Warp.
On the right flank, there is nothing much to report. Caliban’s Wrath was pretty wrathful, taking out my Inquisitor’s Razorback. Scouts and fire from various other tanks took down most of the acolytes, including the Slann and the exiled Aeldari ranger, but the Inquisitor himself was able to channel the powers of the warp and take out the scouts. The glowing cubic forms of the daemonhost did something between ‘nothing’ and ‘waste time’.
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A rhino burns in the distance as Mantis Warriors Tactical Marines advance.
Overall, this game wasn’t as much fun as I would have liked. Don’t get me wrong, @littlemangsofwar is always cool to hang out with, but his luck was just so awful. It’s no fun watching your opponent roll ten dice and get two hits. 
I was using Raven Guard rules for the Mantis Warriors, as I do feel that it’s the best feel for their hit-and-run tactics in the fluff, but it’s also a very strong Chapter Tactic. Certainly light-years better than the terrible ‘you hit harder if you charge out of cover... for some reason’ rules they are reputed to have had two editions ago.
Hopefully, the next time @littlemangsofwar and I have a full game of 40K, our luck will even out. We did have two Kill Team games on Sun 28 Oct, and those went very differently!
I’ll leave you with at atmospheric**** photo of Squad Nakir of the Dark Angels...
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Final score: Victory, Mantis Warriors. (Dark Angels withdraw.)
Men of the Match: Attack Bike with multi-melta. Toughness five, four wounds, baby!
Lesson to Remember: Dark Angels infantry get to re-roll ones if they don’t move that turn.
+ + + Thought for the Day: By the manner of their death we shall know them. + + +
Scenario: Maelstrom of War scenario Cleanse and Capture (see p.230 of the rulebook).
As traditional, whoever gets there first places terrain; second-comer can choose deployment side.
Placing objectives:
As I'm picking the scenario, you can choose whether to place the first or second objective. You may also choose which deployment type (p.216) we want to use.
Tactical Objectives:
As written (that is, we generate Tactical Objectives until we hold three), but we start with some at the beginning of the game in addition. Unlike regular TOs, we can't discard these, but they don't count against the maximum of 3 anyway.
You (Dark Angels) will start with 13 Confess! and 14 Seize and Interrogate in addition to rolling up/drawing three more.
I (Space Marines) will start with 12 Honour Your Chapter and I also have a made-up version of the Dark Angels 14 Seize and Interrogate by the Inquisitor (see below) in addition to rolling up/drawing three more.
(special) 14 Seize and Interrogate by the Inquisitor   Score 1 victory point if any enemy CHARACTERS, DEATHWING UNITS, or RAVENWING BLACK KNIGHT UNITS were slain by an INQUISITION unit in the Fight phase of this turn. If your opponent’s Warlord was slain by an INQUISITION unit during the Fight phase of this turn, score D3 victory points instead.
First Turn:
Rather than whoever finishes deployment automatically getting first turn (which can be brutal in this edition), I suggest we go with the system used in the Chapter Approved scenarios:
The players roll off, and the player who finished setting up their army first adds 1 to their result. The winner can choose to take the first or second turn. If they take the first turn, their opponent can roll a D6; on a 6, they manage to seize the initiative, and they get the first turn instead!
Everything else is the same as a standard Cleanse and Capture: Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker; highest victory points is the winner; 5 turns and then start rolling for extra turns on a 3+; etc etc.
* Literally like five minutes before going to bed. ** A great blend of the sorts of names US soldiers give to their tanks and the 40K hellverse. *** Ratlings!!!!! **** Bad.
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Cyber Hunter Hack, Cheats, Tips & Free Guide
Cyber Hunter was created and published by “NetEase Games” company, and it is available to be downloaded and played on the Android and IOS platforms.
A competitive sandbox mobile game that will take you into a completely new level of challenge and introduce you to some cool features. We can give you a quick idea about the gameplay…
It is a mixture between Pubg and Fortnite, they have managed to pick the good from both worlds and bind them together in a game. Remember to keep the Cyber Hunter cheats by your side to enjoy the in-app store goods for free.
Get Started
In our Cyber Hunter review, we will talk mainly about the main features of the game; there will be also certain sections to help our new players to play the game in the right way. That is not a very easy task if you ask me, but you can master the game out in few hours.
The game requires from you to have an active and stable internet connection to start it. If you ever encountered any problems with your connection, then this would mean a complete disaster in the battlefield.
Using the Cyber Hunter cheats will not fix the internet related problems, but it will make you strong enough to handle the expected challenges.
On a side note, we have to mention that the animation scenes are very promising, we have enjoyed every little bit of it. The whole scene is perfect and will take you through an exciting journey.
Moving now to the character creation. Here are two main character leading the game now, Zero and Celestial. However, there will two more characters added to the list later on.
You must be asking yourself, which character is stronger, and how they react on the battlefield. These questions will be answered on our next segment, and remember to use the Cyber Hunter cheats alongside the challenge.
Character Creation
Once you are settled between the male and female version, then you will be moved to the next part which is “Customization”, in this department, you can change the skin color, the hairstyle and facial reactions.
By facial reactions, we meant the eyes, face, make up and even the smallest details in your hairstyles. Moving next to picking up a name for the character, remember to make it small and easily recognizable.
By reaching this point, we believe that you are fully aware of the sideline features of the game, but you are missing the whole idea on how to play, etc… so the Cyber Hunter cheats reminder will be here, and the next part will be devoted for the main instructions.
Moving around from one point to another is done through the touch pad located on the bottom left corner.
If you pull it to its highest point, then the character will start sprinting. You can lock the sprinting as well by keeping it up there for a while.
Change the viewing angels of the character using the right side of the screen. Swipe anywhere on it to change the directions as well.
There is something new to this type of mobile games, which is climbing walls!
You can start climbing walls rapidly by tapping the right-hand jump button and push the left hand joystick at the same time to climb up the wall.
You can climb any wall that is created from wood, but the steel walls will be a little bit of a problem to you.
The combat is smart and a little bit difficult for newbies, so if you were entirely newbie then this guide would be cool for you.
Always try to find a good cover to back you up during the crossfire.
Have a vision on your opponent before going out to fire.
Take advantage of the third person view angels.
Try to fire at your enemy when he is not looking at you.
Use the aiming assist feature and the Cyber Hunter cheats to blow out your opponent at once.
These were the main points to cover in the battle system for beginners, there are some instructions left for the advanced players and we would love to speak with more details in this department.
First, to increase your rank rapidly, you are going to need the Cyber Hunter cheats alongside you. This will offer you the challenge level you deserve and some cool customizations to your weapon setup.
Second thing, you must be aware of the surrounding enemies, including their weapon types.
For more advanced tips, scroll down!
Search For The Chest Drops!
Your opponents have been collecting weapons and upgrading their gears as you have been doing the same as well, that is something very common. You do not need to have a PHD to realize that…
Therefore, you have to be smart when you are about to enter a one vs 1 battle. Finding out their weapon types and aiming accuracy by doing few tests. If they have a sniper and you are far away enough, then your enemy will have an advantage over you.
Of course, the Cyber Hunter cheats will always give you the edge over your opponents, but it may not work the way you were hoping it would be.
Remember to absorb the energy from the glowing objects. Do this by holding and sliding down by the draining objects to gain the energy.
Well done! Most objects in the scene can be converted to quantum energy, which means you can pick it up and bring it back to the life in different form.
Worry No More about Your Outfits with Cyber Hunter Cheats!
Building objects instantly on different places is a very cool feature we have seen on the famous fortnight game, but Pubg did not include it. Now, it is back again to offer you much more customizations and stylish way of building.
For example, you might find yourself stuck at a lower point, and then it would be cool to build a ladder to jump up higher and build a ladder right away.
Learn more about the building customization through the Cyber Hunter cheats.
However, remember, the higher the building the more resources will be used in return. In addition, always use these buildings either to escape an ambush or to reach the weapons chests.
The weapon chests are a completely new story and they have nothing to do with the Cyber Hunter cheats in such types of games.
These chests will drop randomly on the map, they will contain special weapon that you cannot find it regularly in the buildings. These weapons and armors will provide you with a very high damage rate and very strong defensive state at the same time.
Remember, you can only pick up two main weapons at a time, so you must free up a space for the chests before going there, as the entire map will be tracking it down and you should be quick enough to pick the weapons out of it, before you are killed.
You might get a camouflaged outfit with the Cyber Hunter cheats; this shall keep you alive for longer periods.
All our reviews and content have been tested and written by the Real Gamers forum, Here is the main post for Cyber Hunter Hack, Cheats, Tips & Guide.
Cyber Hunter Hack
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apkjunkyy · 6 years
Hitman GO – Clever and Refreshing Puzzle Game for Minimalists!
The people around the globe are playing games a lot nowadays. They like to play every type of the game. But the games in which there is a thrilling part as well as applying your brain is a thing that people loves. There are several games present which people love to play and are very famous. Moreover, Hitman Go is one such game which is full of action and people need to use some brains as well.
This is a type of game in which we have to accomplish the missions. We have to finish the job by hook or by crook. It is for the people who are smart or clever and really want to test their brains. Moreover, we have to use our intelligence and finish the mission.
In this game, they will give you a character and his name will be Hitman. When the game starts, you can plan your strategies and then implement it.
Features of Hitman Go
The game is famous for several creative features and an amazing concept. This game is for the people who love playing assassination games. Furthermore, there is a huge range of variety in facing the enemies in the game. Also, the critics also loved the game and gave a positive response to the game to the people. The features of the game are there in the upcoming section.
Specifications “Hitman Go” Latest Version 1.13 Download Now APK [New Version] APK Size 457.8 MB Last Updated 12 June 2018 Support Android Version Android 4.2+ Status Publish
Great puzzle game
It is one of the best puzzle game on the Android market. It is this type of game in which we need to play and understand the work. Moreover, the game requires a lot of minds and the activeness of the person. They provide you with several tools and the things you require in the game.
The character of Agent 47 Hitman
A person who is playing this game has assigned the character of Agent 47 Hitman in it. Furthermore, the game indulges the user in it and associates him with the character in the game. You can also disguise yourself and start completing the missions. Additionally, you can do this in the later part of the game.
More missions, more excitement
There are several missions which make the game exciting. This is a paid game so the missions are also in the great quantity. The level of excitement increases mission by mission. Also, the person can become addictive to the game. Moreover, the strategies have to be good enough if you want to play further.
Skill test of assassinating people
Yes, it is true. It is a very difficult game and people enjoy playing it. Here, you have to use all your skills of assassinating people in this game. They will test it on the ultimate level. All the knowledge and the skills which the player have used in the previous games are needed to play the game.
Your game, your strategy
This is a game in which your intelligence works and the game will work on your strategy. Moreover, the player is free to decide the option of how to play the game. Everyone will have their own strategy and the player will advance in the game according to his strategy. So, the rate of advancing of every player will be different.
Good graphics
The overall graphics are good and the concept fits best in the graphics which the developers have set. Moreover, the graphics are according to the size of the game. It is an important aspect of the game and the people judge the game based on it. Audience attracts when a game has good graphics.
Unlimited hints
They provide unlimited hints to the people and help them to clear the difficulty in solving any stages. If a person feels that he is stuck in the mission, the hints help him out. This is proving as one of the Wingmen to the player and help them to survive in the game. Also, people term it as one of the best features in the game.
So, these were the important features which make the game a noteworthy game. Due to the features of the game, the reputation of the game increases. And also, people are willing to pay the amount of the game and purchase it online. Everyone thinks that it is legit to spend money on this type of cool and innovative game.
How to Download Hitman Go from Official Links
There are several platforms on which the Hitman Go is available. But the game is not free of cost. One has to pay the money for getting the game. Generally, people prefer to download the app from the Android devices. As we all know that Android has Google Play Store which helps to download the app in your device and we can trust it. There is a procedure which we need to follow and one can easily download the game.
At the first instance, one has to take the device and access the internet or the nearest WIFI.
Then, open the Play Store in your device and one has to check the search bar present over there.
Check the name in the search bar and the game will display on the screen as soon as you search for it.
Then, make the arrangements for the payment option which the user has to pay online.
One has to pay the amount from the credit cards and get access to the game.
Then, the game will start downloading in the device and the player has to wait for a while.
When the downloading of the game is over, then an icon will appear on the screen displaying the name of the game below it.
This is the clear indication that the person can easily play the game now and the installation process is over.
The process is over and the access to the game is very easy. The game is very addictive and the users can even play it for hours. People find the game very fascinating and due to this, the game is very popular among the teenagers and youngsters.
Hitman Go APK: Will it Work after Download & Install
Another source to play the game is the APK format. People can easily play the game if they download it in the form of the APK. It is available in many formats and it is very easy to download it on your device. The user has to just find a good reliable website and then download the game on our mobile phones. The APK is fairly accessible to almost every latest Android versions.
There is no charge in downloading the Hitman Go APK format from the trusted sites and one has to keep in mind that the app does not contain any malware in it. Moreover, it can harm the mobile phones to a large extent. Mostly, the APK is very trustworthy but one should not take any risk with it. Also, make sure you enable the ‘Unknown Sources’ option from the Settings option.
Tips to play Hitman Go
Every game present on the internet has got some easy way out. It is just that we have to find it and gain some momentum while playing the game. These are some important aspects which they need to wrap the game and help themselves to win exceed in the stages. Firstly, keep the objectives in the head while playing the game. It helps to focus on the game and achieve the target in a proper manner.
Moreover, always be calm with the sniper. It demands composure and steady mind of the person. You cannot shoot from a sniper if you are nasty and impatient. Here, the strategies play a major role in the game and the creative aspect always hold a good impactful step. Although the game is very easy to play, it is very difficult to master. Also, one should always be careful in front of the guards and the dogs. They can prove a threat.
So, to the draw the conclusion of the article, the features of the game are extraordinary. Due to this, the game attracts every player and the majority of them wants to play it very badly. The game is a paid app but hardly anyone thinks of it. We have also discussed the download options and some information regarding the APK format. At last, we have provided some tips regarding the game and things which the players have to keep in mind. This game uses a lot of minds as well as the assassination skills of an individual.
The post Hitman GO – Clever and Refreshing Puzzle Game for Minimalists! appeared first on APKJunky.
from APKJunky https://ift.tt/2R2aEpi via IFTTT
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kaliiwashere · 6 years
gamertag name generator
The gamertag generator can clear out the sniper and different guys. Struggle the guys that pop up and the door back to the generator room will open. The way to Get Xbox Dwell Multi-Gold Membersip Code Generator Totally free! Each time you click on the button “Generate Xbox GamerTag” the system will offer you one new suggestion. The issue comes from the truth that the platforms break after a second or two so you have to time it good and then get back to operating downhill. Jump across the three rock platforms to the other facet. Follow the path and kill some more cool username generator guys, then exit by the aspect door. Run over to either facet and cling out near the wall. Break by means of the wooden wall for the purple glowing object, which is another Sumo Slammer (SS8). Before gliding right down to the exit flip round and you will see the glowing purple object within the background.
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For those who used the walkthrough above for the whole recreation you'll have every thing by the top, but in case you are only searching for assistance on a specific one, test below for the relevant information. After doing the proper step, you should have completed the method. As soon as they are saved the game will put you at an edge overlooking the realm you simply came from. Put out all the fires within the hallway to save them. Use the ramp to cross the gap and make it to the save level. Use it to decrease the shutter and then use the ramp to launch into the next house. Double jump to the highest of the magnet with somebody and then swap again and drill this gap. You then have a very limited amount of time to drill the opening, swing across all of the grapple points and make it inside the vent before getting crushed.
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Hint: As a result of these are common matters you might need to look by means of extra ideas to search out a terrific Gamertag. It will take you to yet one more change so pull it to decrease the cage. It cannot be more than 15 characters. From David Ledesma Camacho: Are your bored with your old lame Gamertag or you are creating your very first online gaming profile, but you are fresh out of concepts? The Xbox 360 is a superb dwelling gaming console, not only for its massive library of bodily media, but also for its vast library of downloadable content material. Xbox Reside (trademarked as Xbox Dwell) is a web based multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service created and operated by Microsoft Corporation gamertag generator. It is currently the one online gaming service on consoles that expenses customers a payment to play multiplayer gaming. Use this generator to create a unique and memorable gaming title to impress different players!
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David Ledesma , the writer behind many iOS app (EURweb ,Tug of War ,Final ID Tag Generator ,Binary Hour HD ,Kaleidoscope ,Kaleidoscope HD), brings Gamertag Generator with a number of latest options along with the same old bug fixes. If you still love the identify after pronouncing it, slide down the window to search out it within the record titled “Xbox GamerTag Names Generated”. Drop back down and head back towards the beginning. Drill the outlet to go down. The drill gap in entrance of you'll increase this container. Drill the opening again to move the container out of the way. This half sucks - manner in the space you will notice a shipping container. Now this paragraph is Optionally available but it'll describe the best alternative to get a one hundred hit combo and the associated award throughout this boss struggle. Once you defeat the boss of degree 2 (Sunder) the award unlocks throughout the reduce scene that follows gamertag generator.
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Unturned Items Database & Wiki • Search and also Browse Unturned Items
You will want to eliminate zombies or chop trees attain XP. You can use the XP for upgrading your abilities. WARNING! If you die you will shed a little out of your capabilities count on the "Choosed" form of character's talent. Forms of the Character: -Civillian (no extra) -Spec ops (sniper) -Fire Fighter -Police Officer -Farmer -Fisher -Lumberjack -Worker -Chef -Thief -Doctor You will find three modes: Easy, Normal as well as Hard (Gold is actually removed :c) In simple method the opponents are weakened that in some other modes. There's simply no product breaking. In regular form the zombies hits much stronger plus they have even more HP. Weapon can be weak when you do not restore after much use. Foods and Water is usually unhealthy For challenging mode zombies are extremely dangerous. Weapon may be weak when you don't restore after much use. unturned item id chart At this point it breaks easier. Foods and Water are usually more unhealthy. You can break up your leg or even bleed. At this time there are 4 kinds of normal zombies: Classic zombie: Speed: Normal, Punch: Normal Crawler zombie: Speed: Very nonchalant, Punch: potent, is able to deal bleeding. Sprinter zombie: Speed: Fast, Punch: Weak A radioactive zombie: Notice the green glow around it. Flanker zombie: Very sneaky, rapidly, moreover not completely invisible. It goes to your back and wipes out you. (purple colored) Burner Zombie: It's a bunring effect, if you kill it, it explodes into fire. A fire Fighter Suit must guard you from the explosion Acid spitter: Added in update. These zombies when alerted will aim to spit at you cyan acid which will start to minimize your health and fitness. If you are bleeding, you want a Rag/Bandage/Dressing or even any Medikit (worst/medium/best) If you Broke your leg you will need a Splint and wait. You can't jump or even operate while your leg is actually broken off. In case you are cold you should utilize Heatstim or even go to near a Campfire or perhaps go to the house. Temperature effects: Freezing Effect: Received whenever a Player is exposed to the wind/snow. Leads to Blood to drop quickly. Frigid Effect: Received once the Player is actually cooling down from being inside or out of a Campfire. Neutral Effect: Received anytime the Player is sheltered inside an item. Comfortable Effect: Received when becoming warmed by a Campfire. Burning Effect: Received when a Player is short on the fire in a Campfire. Causes Blood to lower quickly. First: the status bar (left, down corner) The Reddish colored bar is your health. In case you have 0 %, you kick the bucket and you decrease your things. The Brown colored bar is your foods quantity. When it is on 0 % you're hungry. You need to eat or you'll die. The Blue colored bar will be your water quantity. If it is on 0 % you start to give out. You have to drink The Green colored bar can be your Radiation level. If it's on 0 % you start to give out. You've to fill health-related items (like Vaccine,Vitamins ect) You can forfeited the degree by getting hit by a zombie. The Yellow colored bar can be your power. You make use of it for running, pouncing, and force pounding. if it is on 0 % you cannot run, go or do a significant punch. You really need a rest or perhaps ingest an Adrenaline, enery drink or even energy bar. The White colored bar will be your oxygen. You make use of it for Steading your scope and swimming underwater. If it is on 0 % (underwater) you'll drown. In case you have 0 % (Steading the scope) you'll inhale and your precise decreases. (you cannot notice it yet) You need to update your crafting skills to craft advanced issues. You want an Axe or perhaps a Chainsaw or perhaps Explosives to chop down a tree. You will achieve XP and get Maple, Pine, or maybe Birch Log as well as Stick. You can easily craft building parts and generate a good house or even platform with snares (recommended) or even camp in community, but you will find zombies. At times you are looking to go to almost any locale or farm to get food or perhaps rain. Full moon In full moon zombies' assortment is a lot larger. They may spot you much easier. They are stronger and spawning fast. Every zombie has reddish glowing eyes. Its duration is one evening. Team settings You can certainly make a group if you and your friends attend to the same Steam Group. You are able to set the Steam Group at Survivors -> Groups You can discuss buildings together with your pals. You can't hurt your buddies. And You are able to observe their title on the guide. Radioactive, Deadzones You will find more than 5 Deadzones (I think) in Unturned. On Yukon: Additionally, on Washington: You require a Gasmask with Radiation filters. (you need the light filtering system in case the gasmask is on 0%) If you don't go with Gasmask you'll rapidly lose you Health. On PEI: At the smashed Scorpion seven base's sign On the russian map there's a heap of deadzones. Weapons and Guns You should have guns to survive. Good weapons at : -Military bases -Ranger bases -Scorpion bases -City (sometimes) You can mod Gun by Holding [T] and get attachments for it. Mega Zombie This's the most powerful Zombie. It's rare but it's excellent drops. It throws boulders what deals big damage. Ammos In case you ran out of Ammo you can seal your magazines in the Crafting window out of Low or even High caliber Military and Ranger crates. These can be found during Military places or even Ranger bases. Base ideas Set barbed wires on your foundation to avoid zombie raids. You need to have: -1 Generator (filled with gas) -2 Spotlights (at enterance) -2 sentries (filled with guns) -Campfire -Torches -Doors -Barbed insert or even Barbed wire fences -Spikes -1 Bedroll or one Cot -Crates -Build it with steel (more durable) -And if you wanna make desinge for it. ;) Over Powered Base Example: PvP tips On PvP server you will find many those with way too busy guns > :C Effectively, you can confuse them. You can actually disguse yourself to be a zombie (if you are premium) But anyone can get Ghillie garments. Hide out in a bush and wait for your adversaries c: ID 42: Pine Stick ID 46: Pine Barricade ID 48: Pine Fortification ID 50: Pine Doorway ID 52: Pine Foundation ID 54: Pine Pillar ID 56: Pine Roof ID 58: Pine Wall ID 60: Pine Window ID 63: Pine Plank ID 283: Pine Door ID 317: Pine Stairs ID 320: Pine Hole ID 324: Pine Ramp ID 327: Pine Ladder ID 368: Pine Crate ID 361: Pine Torch ID 385: Pine Spikes ID 445: Pine rampart ID 448: Pine post ID 453: Pine garage ID 456: Pine gate ID 1264: Pine Triangular Floor ID 1268: Pine Triangular Roof Birch: ID 37: Birch Log ID 38: Birch Stick ID 45: Birch Barricade ID 47: Birch Fortification ID 49: Birch Doorway ID 51: Birch Foundation ID 53: Birch Pillar ID 55: Birch Roof ID 57: Birch Wall ID 59: Birch Window ID 62: Birch Plank ID 282: Birch Door ID 318: Birch Stairs ID 321: Birch Hole ID 323: Birch Ramp ID 326: Birch Ladder ID 367: Birch Crate ID 360: Birch Torch ID 384: Birch Spikes ID 444: Birch rampart ID 447: Birch post ID 452: Birch garage ID 455: Birch gate ID 1263: Birch Triangular Floor ID 1267: Birch Triangular Roof Prison: ID 284: Jail Door ID 285: Metal Bars ID 286: Vault Doors ID 287: Bars Fortification Metal: ID 369: Metal floor ID 370: Metal Doorway ID 371: Metal Wall ID 372: Metal Window ID 373: Metal Roof ID 374: Metal Pillar ID 375: Metal Stairs ID 376: Metal Hole ID 377: Metal Ramp ID 378: Metal Door ID 379: Metal Ladder ID 328: Locker ID 386: Barbed Wire ID 449:Metal post ID 454: Metal garage ID 457: Metal gate ID 446: Metal rampart ID 1113: Snare ID 1119: Barbed wire fence ID 1130: Festive Barbed Wire ID 1131: Festive Barbed wire fency ID 1158: Claim Flag ID 1265: Metal Triangular Floor ID 1269: Metal Triangular Roof Brick: ID 1210: Brick Doorway ID 1211: Brick Garage ID 1212: Brick Pillar ID 1213: Brick Post ID 1214: Brick Rampart ID 1215: Brick Wall ID 1216: Brick Window ID 1217: Brick Doorframe ID 1218: Brick Garagerrame Campfire: ID 362: Campfire Baracades: ID 365: Sandbags Lights/other: ID 458: Generator ID 459: Spotlight ID 1050: Safezone radiator ID 1202-1204: Rifle Storage Racks ID 1220: Metal Storage Racks ID 1205-1207: Trophy Case ID 1208: Rain Barrel ID 1219: Oil Derrick ID 1220-1221: Metal Reck/Trophy Case ID 1222: Cagelight ID 1223-1226: Shutters ID 1230: Industrial Generator ID 1231-1234: Flags ID 1235-1238: Double Doors ID 1261: Oxygenerator ID 1272 - 1277: Flare Signs: IDs 1095-1097:Wood signs ID 1098: Locket steel signs Freeform: IDs 1083-1090: Door/garage frames IDs 1091-1094: Freeform metal IDs 1058-1075: Freeform wood ID 1130-1131: Ornamental Buildables Decoration and Defense ID 1243: Cot ID 1245-1248: Counter Cupboards ID 1249: Fridge ID 1250: Oven ID 1251-1254: Counter Sinks ID 1255:Lamp ID 1256: Couch ID 1257-1260: Library ID 1278-1281: Wardrobe ID 1282: Umbrella (This one is for Decoration) ID 1283: Cooler ID 1284-1295: Tables ID 1296: Beach Chair ID 1297-1299: Weak,Bulletproof and A way Glass ID 1327-1328: Book/Note ID 1329-1332: Hatch ID's 1347-1352: Minnow, Goldfish and Bass ID 1244: Sentry Throwables: Explosives : ID 254: Grenade ID 1100: Sticky Granade ID 1101: Landmine ID 1102: Claymore ID 1132: Snowball ID 1240: Remote Detonator ID 1241: Breaching Charge ID 1242: Makeshift Grenade ID 1346: Flashbang
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
Notes I’ve taken during the Double XP weekend and forgot to publish, as usual
self care is staying in Mystery Heroes all day and never worrying about team comp
I love how you learn this game by watching and copying the enemies. I steal all positioning ideas for snipers and turrets from the read team. And reading about counters on the internet is one thing, but personal experience is more memorable. Today I played D.Va a lot and Symmetra (unsurprisingly) always wrecked me, so later when my D.Va met her red team double I switched to Symmetra and we won. I even got a POTG, though it looked unimpressive; I  also learned that the shield generator is awesome on a control map. (Earlier in the day I tried the same with Roadhog, but for some reason it didn’t work. I wonder if it’s just a general lack of skill or there’s some specific mechanic I’m not getting.)
I want to start recording the kill cams when the enemies take advantage of my mistakes in a cool way. Like when my Mei tried to chase after enemy Sombra who lured me right into Bastion’s line of sight. Or when my healer (Zenyatta, maybe Mercy, don’t remember) went through a choke ahead of the team for some reason and an enemy Mei walled me off of them.
After a couple of hours with Symmetra I now learn her teleporter is limited to six people. Whoops... 
We got absolutely demolished by a group of six on Gibraltar. They didn’t even let us out of spawn. I’d never experienced a game like this, it was like playing against aliens from Mars. When our team tried to mimic them next turn, of course someone sneaked out and they won again.
Over the weekend, my playstyle shifted from always “contest the objective!!” to “well let’s hold back and group up. okay it didn’t work. let’s group up? nope again. oh, the timer ran out”. Neither are productive. 
It’s actually one of the reasons I’m getting sick of playing healers. I want to initiate! I want to contest! I want to be! on! the! damn! objective! But how am I suposed to do it with no communication? When I’m a tank there’s at least a hope that when I rush in, the others would follow. (Which can be painful as Rein, because you can’t even turn around to check if they’re really backing you or have scattered elsewhere.) As a healer? Well, maybe Lucio, but I haven’t played him much because I can’t get the hang of wallriding and I need to be near my teammates which is not always possible. It’s so pointless to jump on the payload alone as Mercy. Or for a moment yesterday I pushed the payload as Ana, though it was in Mystery Heroes. Look, as a healer and a sniper, I don’t think I should be alone up here...
Also if I’m the only healer I can’t just switch to try and counter a particularly troublesome enemy. When I’m the only tank it applies too, but to a lesser extent.
Satisfying games I had in the same night:
Riding the payload as Bastion on Dorado attack. Never tried it before. The red team was not prepared. I don’t think the payload was ever deserted.
Tank-to-tank standoff on King’s Row, both attack and defense. I was Orisa, the enemies had Orisa too both times, and D.Va at least once. Stand your ground and spray bullets to your heart’s content. Shout out to the awesome Mercy who made this possible and rezzed me immediately, I think it was a multi rez too.
I got sick of the teams on defense standing too far from the pont, and then letting someone through and trying to rush back before they can capture it but being too late. So I went to Hollywood as Bastion, parked in a corner with my back to the gate and my barrel parallel to the wall with the chokepoint, and could shoot at anyone coming through without even aiming. The other teammates stayed on the point too. Everything went well -- until the enemy D.Va sent her mech over the wall and wiped everyone off the point at once. We couldn’t recover and they won. Now that was a POTG. I really should have expected that, though...
Speaking of D.Va -- I face so many strong ones but my own skills are still garbage :( I can’t even ult properly, like sometimes I try to use boosters but instead explode it immediately with nobody around. And I always get ejected from the mech so soon. I dunno what dark magic Defense Matrix management skills other people have.
Symmetra out-DPSed my Bastion several times and it was bullshit. She jumped around me faster than I could turn. Of course, when I play Symmetra, half of the time the enemies run away too fast and I run after them in a straight line providing an easy target, or they don’t even bother and overpower me without moving.
Me: It’s just cosmetics My obsessive brain: Makes me grind until the last hour of the event in late morning
Seriously it was kind of a hell... I waited for the new week in Arcade to unlock and couldn’t leave until my nine victories. And that night, the final night of the event, I discovered that 3v3 is the most efficient mode. No waiting/setup time, no stupid skirmish. We moved there at the suggestion of a teammate of a particularly torturous game in Total Mayhem that lasted 20 minutes. Zaryas on both sides, ults going off all the time but not killing anyone... 
And when I got all the lootboxes, they didn’t even give me anything but dupes. I had 3245 gold and was faced with a terrible choice: one skin or four dances. I’d wanted Zen and Rein’s dances all this time, Tracer and Sombra and some others are super cute too. But the skins are more prominent, while emotes can only be used occasionally and I might want to replace them on the wheel. Thankfully, I got Symmetra’s skin as loot, so the choice was between Pharah, D.Va and Lucio. I’m so terrible at Pharah I’ve stopped trying, so that skin might have been wasted on me. I looked up D.Va’s voice lines in the new skin and didn’t particularly like them. I like D.Va’s default skin, and theoretically I’d love to get my hands on the Lunar one if it’s ever available again, but I’m indifferent to Lucio’s default and the purchaseable skins are worse. So I was left with the choice between Lucio and four dances. I watched the video with this skin’s alternate songs and spent some time trying to figure out whether I like them or not.
I wasted so much time torturing myself over this I realized it could take less to earn some more gold. So I bought Lucio’s skin and went grinding again. At this point I didn’t particularly care about winning, just getting through the matches for the xp. The first lootbox was kind to me and dropped 50 gold... so I was only 5 gold away from an emote. In sleep-deprived desperation I sat down to grind another level. By the time it was over, I think it was a bit past 10am aka the official ending time. But I got my gold. I bought Zen’s dance, and I was finally free to log off and try to get rid of the adrenaline and finally get some sleep. I’m so sorry, Sweethardt... I wish we could be together :(
I’m still not sure if the Lucio skin was the right decision. The songs are indeed kind of distracting, and the speed one is badly mixed: starts with a new jazzy melody and then for some reason fades into the default beats (of a totally different style). And it bugs me that the hat completely covers his eyes. Ah, well. Any decision would have resulted in buyer’s remorse in this situation.
Highlight of the 3v3 grind session: sleepymarmot gets POTG for sleeping. My Lucio boops Ana, she shoots him with a sleepdart, and that’s all that happens. Entire chat went “wtf lol”. Clearly the game was sending us a message. It’s 7am, you know what’s the best thing to do right now? Going to fucking bed.
I pocketed Pharah a lot in those matches. I feel guilty about letting the third person die... But when my healer instincts got the better of me and I dropped down to feed a red cross, it didn’t end well. Fall off of Pharah once, and without communication, good luck trying to attach yourself to her again... Tbh I wouldn’t like to play this regularly -- it’s not very interesting to literally spend all the time literally riding on one person’s coattails. Though I guess in a normal game the fun is in the jumping back and forth between Pharah and the team -- like in a normal Mercy game but with more flying.
I also played Pharah myself in this duo a couple of times and actually didn’t do badly. I guess it’s easier on these smaller maps
After I wrote this entire post, I discovered that this event, like the free weekend, is still mysteriously active for me hours after the end date. So I went to grind again. Got Tracer’s dance (good), I think McCree’s too (don’t care). And you know what was in the final lootbox, which I opened after the event finally ended? Lucio’s goddamn skin! Of. Course.
I feel seriously burned out after playing so much in a short amount of time, especially because in the final hours I’ve stopped caring about winning at all. I lost concentration so badly -- I didn’t think about my abilities or teamwork or countering enemies, constantly attacked them head on even with characters not meant for that... What if this attitude stays and I won’t be able to play the game normally? What if I just ruined it for myself? Ugh. Why do I always have to be like this.
The best thing about this session was when I accidentally clicked on 1v1 and managed to win 5-1. It was pretty stressful so I went back to 3v3 immediately. But it was really fun to think strategically about hero selection, trying to quickly compute which of the three available characters is not only easiest for me to play, but the strongest against any of them.
Another good moment was in Mystery Heroes, when I got Reaper and on my way to the point was lamenting my inability to play him and the aforemetioned lack of concentration. The point is under attack, I teleport in, kill Zen and two others who were about to get onto it, help kill Winston in the middle of it, overtime runs out, I get POTG. Wat?
One night after playing a lot I had a dream that the Roadhog nerf came through and also changed his name (don’t remember to what) and portrait to an unmasked, civil-looking, clean-shaven 30-40 year old blond white man, and just as I went to see what his skins look like now I woke up
I finished the event at level 89. Considering that I only played during the free weekends and bought the game after the second one, that’s pretty fast leveling up.
I started recording a lot during the weekend, and have several videos in the drafts, but on second thought I don’t think anyone would be interested, there’s nothing remarkable going on in them.
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calvinwatchesstuff · 8 years
Calvin Reacts to Overwatch: Gameplay trailers
Well, in the absence of any feedback, I guess I’ll be continuing in the stated order. Next up, we have the gameplay trailers; I feel like these are less important for me as a whole, since I don’t actually have a system capable of running the game, but it might be nice to familiarize myself with the combat. Alright, here we go! 
Gameplay Trailer #1
Oh wow, another almost six minute video. I seriously need to budget more time for these.
Alright, so we have an Egypt level. Neat.
I’m getting a bit of a TF2 vibe from this. (Some people reading this are probably going to flay me alive for saying that, but it’s just the impression I’m getting.)
Oh hey, there’s Winston! And he got new glasses!
There’s Tracer, Widowmaker, I think I saw Reaper, aaaand a bunch of people I don’t recognize.
Ah, okay, so they’re showcasing the characters one at a time. It looks like Tracer has some kind of rewind ability; that’s actually really cool, and I can barely imagine what online gamers could do with it.
I’m just going to take this by character at this point, since otherwise this is going to be a mess.
Symmetra: Well, aside from the fact that my Duel Disk keeps autocorrecting her name, she appears to be able to create turrets and other machines. So she’s kind of like the Engineer of this game, I guess. I like her design, too.
Pharah: Another autocorrect name. She can apparently spam rockets as some kind of powerful attack, and she can jump really high.
Hanzo: The autocorrect is getting ridiculous. He has a bow and arrow and can climb things. Very cool.
Oh, okay, I guess that thing the robot was guarding was the objective.
Ah, so Hanzo also has some kind of zoom ability and OH HELLO THERE
Reaper: Two guns are better than one. He also has some kind of shadow ability which I guess impacts gameplay in some way, but I’m not sure how.
Winston: Yeah, I know about this guy. I like his slam attack.
Torbjörn: Well, that one’s just a pain in the ass to spell. Anyway, this guy looks like another engineer-type character, except this one’s clearly inspired by dwarves. I guess he’s got different types of machines, or else uses different materials maybe.
Ah, so I guess one team has to stand on the objectives for a certain amount of time in order to “capture” it. Makes sense to me.
Bastion: A robot that I happen to know was overpowered as fuck during the first week or so after release. Kind of interesting that they give players the option to basically turn into a stationary turret; it’s a mechanic I’ve not really seen anywhere else. (Also, him with that bird makes me think of Android 16. You guys know why.)
Oh hey, we’re on a new map! I guess we shifted earlier when we moved from Egypt to Japan, but I didn’t really notice at the time because I wasn’t expecting it.
Mercy: Well, from the design and name alone, I can deduce she’s a medic. Though she seems to have a gun too, which is nice; I don’t enjoy classes that are pure support, because it basically turns the game into an escort mission for the other players.
Widowmaker: Okay, now autocorrect just splits it in half. Anyway, she’s obviously the sniper, and she also has that grappling hook-type ability. Sounds fairly fun.
Zenyatta: STOP IT, AUTOCORRECT. Okay, I have no idea what this guy’s powers are. I like his design, that’s for sure, but I’m not at all certain what he’s doing at any point here. Though I think I saw him throw a grenade at one point, and I think he self-destructed at the end.
Reinhardt: He has a warhammer. That is awesome. Also, I almost thought I heard him say “Hammertime” at the end of the clip.
And now we just have a showcase of all the different maps and some general gameplay. I guess the rest of the characters are in the next trailer. As an aside, the environments look REALLY damn good.
Alright, that was pretty cool! Definitely not regretting the decision to react to this. Let’s keep this rolling with the second gameplay trailer! 
Gameplay Trailer #2 
And right off the bat we have some new maps. Looks like we’ve got a robot manufacturing plant in somewhere that looks like it might be Russia, with a GIGANTIC robot moving around in the background.
Okay, and we’re not fucking around this time; let’s jump straight into the characters!
Zarya: The autocorrect is back. Looks like her gun also doubles as a shield generator for her teammates.
Junkrat: Okay, THIS guy scares me. Although I will admit, his gameplay style looks VERY cool: he seems to be themed around explosions, which not only creates a lot of potential for traps but also seems to have been designed specifically to accommodate rocket jumping and other similar styles. (Also, this time autocorrect waited until like four words had passed to screw up the name. I have no answers.)
Oh, we’ve shifted again! I don’t know enough geography to guess where this place is, and I won’t humiliate myself by trying.
Soldier: 76: This guy has some kind of auto-lock system to home in on opponents. That seems…kind of OP, but I assume they have ways of balancing it out.
Roadhog: Okay, that autocorrect was my fault. But yeah, this guy is…big. He’s also got a machine gun; never a good combination. Though I have to admit, I find his walk animation pretty amusing; it’s like he’s skipping through the new map that we’re also apparently now in. (Looks like the Old West; sure.)
McCree: And now we just have a fucking cowboy out of nowhere. I can’t wait to hear the explanation on this one. But yeah, his gameplay looks pretty cool.
Oh, okay, this is like a soundstage or something. Makes sense now. Sort of.
Lucia: He has what can only be described as a Bass Cannon. (Thank you to Hobbes for that term.) Seems pretty cool and destructive.
D.va: Okay, aside from the grammatical nightmare that is her name, I like the mechanic here; I guess the idea is that you can play her either with or without the mech, and each has different abilities. Also, I like how she’s apparently a gamer.
Met: Two words: “FREEZE RAY!!!” (Yes, that is a reference to exactly what you thought it was.)
Oh wow, ice wall; very impressive.
Genji: I had to replay the scene twice to catch what happened here, but I think he just deflected that arrow into another guy. That is as cool as it is incredibly improbable.
“We shall see…brother.” OH SNAP
I have to say, I like this music.
And of course we end with a shot of Tracer.
And I believe that’s the complete cast! (Well, aside from the fact that I know at least one more character was announced later.)
Man, I made the right decision. This was definitely an easily accessible way to get introduced to all the characters. As for the game itself, all I can say is holy shit the gameplay looks hectic. Well, I’ll be back tomorrow for the cinematic trailer; in the meantime, keep an eye open for tonight’s Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V reaction and that special surprise I keep promising... 
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