#and is the first time ive met am actual celebrity
birdsarecoolio · 1 year
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fandomxo00 · 7 days
can you do a headcannon about Hugh getting reader pregnant and he’s like “omg how am I gonna have a kid at 55!?” But reader tells him he’s gonna be great and Hugh is like all dad mode now
hope this makes sense 😭😭
note: i'm so deulu is not funny, when i was younger i would come up with these same time of plots where like i'm related to a celebrity so i meet famous ppl and whatever or literally anything, ive come up hundrds of scenarios while i was playing outside, completely enveloped in the world. if i did that now....well lets just say im not going to and can go into so much detail when writing that its so much better.
Hugh never thought he was gonna be a father again, he never that he would have a biological child. It wasn't a loss for him, he loved his children so much. But he's nervous about how he was going to fit to your standards. He had many mistakes the first time around, and this was different for him. The love he has for you is something he hadn't ever felt before, he did need more children but Hugh wanted to give you everything. You didn't come from a loving family, you didn't feel safe for such a long time, in the beginning of the relationship you couldn't believe that he actually liked you.
You didn't think you were his type and you were in your early thirties. You'd met through the grapevine, your little sister, Gracie was getting really close with Taylor. The two of you being huge fans, you couldn't believe the two actually connected. You were closer to Taylor's age than Gracie was and the two of you became fast friends. She even invited you to help with The Era's Tour, being one of the backstage managers. That's when you met Hugh, he'd been heading towards divorce with his wife for a long time, and they were in the middle of it. You were hesitant when he was confident and respectful, the two of you getting to know each other better through different dinners and hangouts before you officially started going out with him when the divorce was finalized.
But after that things moved pretty quickly and within two years you were married to him, and deeply in love. Hugh couldn't believe that he had met you know. He'd wish that you had been a little older and he could've met you sooner. When he met you, there was this innate attraction and comfortably around each other. You were never comfortable around people you didn't know well, but Hugh made it seem like he'd known you forever. He knew about what you wanted, and he didn't even hesitate when it came to you. There wasn't anything that Hugh wouldn't do for you and vise versa.
Even though he wanted to give you children one day, he didn't realize it would be so soon. Though it wasn't and you'd been trying for awhile when you finally got a positive pregnancy test. You were so excited, even in your mood swings, weird pregnancy craves, and constant pain literally everywhere. Hugh did everything to soothe you asking you what you needed and doing that exactly for you. Listening to you carefully especially when you were so upset you were crying over something as simple as a snack or spilling a glass of water. Taking care of you reminded him of what his past looked like and what his future would consist of. He felt a warmness come over him as he did some refreshers on different parenting books. Going through a list of questions with you, things that were important for your parenting journey. It was important to compromise and listen to each other.
But one night he let out that he was indeed nervous, "I mean I'm 55, what if I'm not good at this, anymore? What if I can't be a good husband and a good dad? I mean look what happened-." He rambled, as your hand came up to his cheek. Hugh's hand coming to round pregnant belly, as you looked into his eyes.
"You are a great dad, and a great husband. And the difference between when you did this with your ex and me, is that our love is different. Right? You always told me that."
"Yeah baby, our love is different." Hugh hummed, leaning in to lightly kiss your lips.
The two of you balanced each other, it wasn't that you couldn't handle yourself without him. But rather it was just easier to be when you were with him. When you feeling like you were lacking he never forgot to remind you how valued and how much you meant to him. You tried to do the same, trying to give him hope at the end of the tunnel.
@ me for forgetting to tag ppl : @ohtobemare @jessjessmarvelandhp @chronicallybubbly @delicateholland
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inkskinned · 2 years
i. there's this phrase: bloom where you are planted.
ii. something i should maybe talk to my therapist about is that all of my daydreams involve me helping people. when i picture meeting celebrities, i'm usually just suggesting therapy to them. there's just not a lot left for me to get out of this world, i feel like - like with this time left i might as well use it for kindness.
iii. according to the gardening map, i was raised in Zone 6 of plant hardiness. i think that's kind of funny. i am good with plants, and keep too-many of them. i learned young about the colors of hydrangeas - how you cant tell the pH of the soil by it.
iv. they tore down both of the schools i attended as a kid. most of the forests we walked in have been turned into apartment complexes. there's nothing really left of the places i've been.
v. tumbleweeds are liminal things - they are carcasses that carry their seeds along with them. a plant that evolved to move. we have so much to learn about nature, and the way that happenstance creates miracles. can you imagine the beauty of that? i think so often about how the roots of a tree often take up the same shape and circumference of its branches. i think so much about carnivorous plants; those that eat with no stomach. about where plants store their "knowledge."
vi. i'm not going to write about who i was or what i did to myself before i left. only three things, which will make sense if you are the type of person i buried in that ditch. the first is that i ended up getting tattoos to cover it. the second is that setting boundaries still makes me uneasy. and the third is that i am constantly shocked at the fact i have actually made it to the place where i'm happy.
vii. there's this ongoing joke amongst those of us who keep plants: you don't really get a say in whether or not the plant wants to be dead. i'm excellent at orchids, but i kill every ivy i've ever met. i have been rotating one particular rescue plant around my apartment, trying to figure out what exactly is the right amount of sun for it. the truth is that sometimes things will never survive being kept.
viii. i used to daydream about joining the circus. about an alien abduction. i used to picture meeting celebrities and whispering please fucking get me out of this. did you know the quote originally came from a bishop? when i googled it, google told me the meaning is don't take what you have for granted. make the most of what you are given.
ix. sometimes i think about my 17 year old self. it's been happening a lot lately. i keep watching her through my memories, how she clawed herself raw, scratching at the walls. we got out, is the thing. i know we thought about staying. but oh, fuck dude: we could have never bloomed if we'd stayed planted.
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freckliedan · 2 months
your analyses are always so tasty and this one hit especially hard. def could relate to the "ive been in a queer committed relationship all of my adult life, we live and work together and can read each others mind, but oh shit, who am i apart from that" conundrum. polyamory was one of the things that helped!
anon it means so much to hear this analysis hits because it's such a personal one for me too. people treat polyamory like it's only ever one thing and react to it with disgust but like.
sometimes it's something that starts as simply as "what if i met [hot celebrity] and they flirted with me/wanted to hook up/asked me out" and the only answer you have is "i would be happy you were happy i'd just not want to lose what we already have"/"could i watch 😳".
and then instead of staying a silly hypothetical you let that secure attachment turn into conversations about real people & your actual lives ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
my husband and i were practicing relationship anarchy before we even had a word for it. i saw posts on here about how it's weird and shitty that friendship is treated socially as a lower tier than romantic relationships when i was a teenager. and we were on the same page about that.
so i've spent my entire life being intentional about my close friendships, too; i don't prioritize them differently. i schedule time and value intimacy with the people i love and at this point MANY of them function as committed partnerships.
(someday i will hopefully be kissing some of these people too. but i have some internal changes to work on first.)
that isn't to say my husband and i haven't ever had experiences that look more like what is expected of polyamory, because we have and it ruled. and even though we only dated our best friend for a year he's still one of our best friends in the world.
idk. like. it hurts to see people treat polyamory as something unimaginably different from the lives they lead because it isn't. and it's something that fills my life and the lives of so many of my loved ones with so much meaning and joy.
sure it's not for everyone. but it's for more people than the average person thinks and also it can be so beautiful!
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mcytblr-archive · 6 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: fraseris
today's interviewee is fraseris/dukeborninfebruary, who ran the quack-ity "kinnie" blog, started the hermitblr "geckohc" tag, and has been in MCYTblr from the beginning! below are the questions and answers.
Q. What was your overall experience in early MCYTblr?
A. i had a great time honestly. it was such a hyperactive fandom because there were new hours of content daily, and like a lot of others i was doing pandemic school which meant basically doing nothing all day. this feels strange to say now that the world is pretending to be back to normal, but this whole online world was basically my life for an entire school year. and i think we were using the content and fanspace to ignore reality as hard as possible, because shit sucked severely. so everybody was very deeply invested and dedicated in a way that you just can't have anymore. and at least before the exile arc, when the fandom really blew up (esp i think on stan twitter) it was a relatively small fandom. when things got on trending we celebrated. so it was a really well connected space and we had a lot of fun with our mutual obsessions. ive never been in a fandom like that before and i probably never will be again
Q. If my memory serves, you ran the "kinnie" imposter blog quack-ity. What was that experience like?
A. well, i was not good at impersonating quackity at all. which made it harder to actually scare people and funnier when I actually did freak out a few. a friend who i met in sleepyheads told me that things had been too quiet since tubblr and velvetiscake so i just kinda did it. i stayed up until like 4 am two nights in a row before i gave up. it was really fun watching sleepyheads try to figure it out. someone in there did decide it was me and eventually i had to admit that they were right. i could've been more strategic but i didnt care all that much and i did break a record for hours without revealing myself!! but then zonebur broke that. ive always credited myself with reviving the art of kinnie blogs after like a month of silence, because after quack-ity there was zonebur and the niki blog and many others. i tried a ranboo imposter blog but nobody cared because this was a few weeks before he joined the dream smp. i also had another quackity imposter blog but by then it was too late and people were bored with us
Q. As I remember, you were the first blog to receive the "gay kroger anon" copypasta. What do you remember about that phenomena?
A. well, i was not good at impersonating quackity at all. which made it harder to actually scare people and funnier when I actually did freak out a few. a friend who i met in sleepyheads told me that things had been too quiet since tubblr and velvetiscake so i just kinda did it. i stayed up until like 4 am two nights in a row before i gave up. it was really fun watching sleepyheads try to figure it out. someone in there did decide it was me and eventually i had to admit that they were right. i could've been more strategic but i didnt care all that much and i did break a record for hours without revealing myself!! but then zonebur broke that. ive always credited myself with reviving the art of kinnie blogs after like a month of silence, because after quack-ity there was zonebur and the niki blog and many others. i tried a ranboo imposter blog but nobody cared because this was a few weeks before he joined the dream smp. i also had another quackity imposter blog but by then it was too late and people were bored with us
Q. What are some common criticisms of creators that you remember from 2020-2021?
A. i remember when i first joined the tumblr fandom (august 2020) there was a lot of controversy surrounding dream. this was before all his infamous no-pr-team social media outbursts, and the speedrun cheating allegations, and him legitimately grooming kids. honestly I didn't understand what he had actually done back then and i dont really know now. my best guess is that it was the dream team crit people's theories leaking out. it was always just a general "dream is racist" with no real evidence, at least that i saw. because of that the dream smp and fandom was disliked even before the growth in dec 2020, when people really started hating it. looking back i think a lot of that criticism and those rumors were true but at the time I didn't care and definitely felt uncomfortable criticizing friends of My Streamers theres also the sleepy bois callout. that seriously rocked the boat because this was basically the height of their viewcounts (jan ? 2021?) like tommy was getting over 100k viewers every stream and wilbur was getting almost as many. the eventual consensus from sleepyblr as i saw it was that this was all too old to be legitimate grounds for "cancelling." then there were some apologies, i think, and people were pissed at techno for never even acknowledging any of it. but I don't think it really effected their following. the people who liked them and wanted to watch them kept watching them. and in the end that callout didn't even scratch the surface of what wilbur had done. i will say that the main crit of tommy was that he was being negatively influenced by the adults around him and he "needs to be saved from them" or something like that. which unfortunately rings true in the wake of his statement and lack thereof about wilburs' serial abuse of younger people. its depressing to look back on because of that and also because of techno's death. at the time it really showed how people (myself included) attached their own worth to streamers' presence and the parasocial relationship between them. the amount of guilt and panic i saw was crazy
ALSO! when callmecarson was publicly outed as a groomer in jan 2021. that didn't make nearly as much controversy in the dream smp fandom as the other callouts, but at least in the spaces i was a part of like gay castle and associates there were a lot of people who had been smplive fans in the years before. at least two other creators from smplive had similarly been outed before, so it wasn't the first time, but caron definitely caused the remaining fandom to deteriorate. it also put lunch club's life and death in such a negative light and ruined it for a lot of people, because we had never understood the full story before
there was also the drama surrounding jawsh and noah hugbox. there was always negativity about stans (meaning the twitter fanbase) in the smplive world and jawsh started controversy by tweeting negatively about them and about dream. hugbox and him both brought in a sort of redditor anti-sjw vibe to the debate and mostly argued with dream on twitter because dream was always a huge supporter of stan culture and one of those people who told their chat "i love you" all the time, so they really disliked him. of course he acted just as ridiculous as them. this whole thing is where the original "dont stop the party" video came from. a lot of people on tumblr found the whole thing silly but there were also some people as offended and opinionated as most of twitter, who straight up cancelled josh and noah. one of my dearest mcytblr memories is my friends and i staying up late and laughing at noah hugbox's joker act together
the most general criticism of all of these streamers was that they promoted unhealthy parasocial relationships. that mindset was mostly in the crit spaces before the fandom really grew in december, but it became a big deal in the philosophy of the fandom. I'd been complaining about parasocial relationships for a while, but more on the side of viewers than streamers, and i was pissed off when the larger fandom turned it into a nothing-word. i also remember people disliking tubbos politics because he was basically centrist & confused with a touch of young tory ignorance. but myself and my friends and the people i followed were overwhelming uncritical of everyone
Q. As I remember it, you were also a fan of smplive. How do you think the two fandoms interacted/influenced each other?
A. (apologies to people who were actually active participants in smpblr if this isnt comprehensive.) smpblr was very anti-stan, anti-rpf, and so it was really at odds with smptwt where the exact opposite was true. the smp-boundaries account is a consequence of this. people would follow those posts like law and if you broke a boundary and didnt apologize well enough you would be ostracized. maybe this discourse wasnt so central to the fandom during the height of smplive, but by the time i was lurking in later 2019 it seemed to be the main topic of discussion. i think that this mindset really informed sections of the early dream smp fandom, but most people in 2020 stuck somewhere between the two extremes. the transition between the casual real life streaming on smplive and the character roleplay on the dream smp was definitely rough. i don't think there was ever a time when the true boundaries of what was and was not acceptable to discuss or create were set. generally you could treat the characters like characters and make art and write about them, but you could get in trouble with some people for depicting gore or anything sexual including sexual orientation or transness. and some spaces accepted rpf while others hated it with a burning passion. the fandom mellowed out over time and the characters were accepted fully as their own characters, but at least as i saw it took a while
Q. What do you remember about "smprompa"?
A. for a long time smprompa was a white whale. i led a short crusade trying to find it and had some genuinely great finds submitted by anons (i believe under the tag 'hunt for smprompa' or 'search for smprompa' or something on my blog.) but we didnt get anywhere close to the full text. it was a cultural artifact that i dont think many of us approved of, but we wanted it because of its significance to the smplive fandom and creators. when it was discovered by gay castle folks my mind was a little blown
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hamausagi · 4 months
What is your nickname?
i don't really have one these days, but i suppose jake or august are still two of my favorite names i go by ^^
When is your birthday?
10/21/03 <3
What was your longest relationship?
1 year and 2 months (ended) (thank god)
What is your favorite book?
six of crows - leigh bardugo !
What is something you're insecure about?
the way i speak LMAO i cringe so much hearing my own voice or hearing the things i say. i feel like im so socially awkward and i hate it so bad 😭😭😭
5 Male celebrity crushes
uhhhhhh i dont rlly keep up with celebs like at all anymore but i used to be literally head over heels for chris pine when i was younger HELP
5 Female celebrity crushes
ZENDAYA and maybe saorise ronan ???? (help me i dont rlly care abt celebs)
What is your dream job?
concept/character artist for a game company !!!! (and to make my own games) (which i am currently working on)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
finding out about my dream college last september after literally never knowing about it prior (besides a friend making an offhand comment abt it in like. 2017 that i forgot abt), finishing a portfolio in less than 2 months, and getting accepted LMAO
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
i used to play indoor and outdoor soccer year round, my indoor team competed in a lot of big brackets for the state (i now play no sports and i can barely go up more than 2 flights of stairs or run more than a few meters without dying) (thank you asthma and anemia 💪)
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
highs: FINSHED MY FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE WAHOOOO passed all my classes 🔥 made some new friends :D (and regained some old)
lows: uhhhhh mental health struggles mostly
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
i reeeeeaaalllyyyy really wanna go to japan so bad. im literally japanese and ive never been there, and i have family there ive never met that i want to see
How do you de-stress?
sleeping, drawing, playing some games, bothering the bf, gams with friends (unless its helldivers) (then i am stressed more)
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
pinterest my beloved <3
Describe yourself in one sentence.
good intentions, but poor execution
What do you think makes you attractive?
uhhhhh i have big eyes, smallish waist ???? i really try and prioritize other people (help i rlly dont know how to answer this)
What is something you're really good at?
drawing :3
What is something you're really bad at?
cooking LOL (im trying to get better)
A time that you told a lie.
telling the kid in my prj group that it was okay after he apologized for being literally the worst group member i have ever worked with (he literally did NOTHING and almost cost us the project several times)
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
bearded dragons can puff their eyes out along with puffing their chins when they get scared or feel threatened (thanks to ron for scaring the absolute shit out of me one day) (i thought he was dying)
Who knows you the best?
either my bf or my irl best friend :3
What is your most prized possession?
a wooden box my dad mae me a really really long time ago. that or this little sterling silver flip flop necklace my grandpa gave me a few years before he died when i was a kid
What is your longest friendship?
with my irl bsf, been friends 13 years now
When did you first feel like an adult?
either when my dad finally started actually swearing when talking to me or when i changed my car's oil myself for the first time
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
played soccer for like 11 years and did archery for 5 :3
How are you feeling right now?
im really tired and my cramps are killing me 👍 but im chillin
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl even tho i rlly wish i was an early bird so bad. no matter when i go to bed or how many hrs of sleep i get its so hard to wake up before 9 am bro
Do you believe in love at first sight?
for ocs? yes. irl? absolutely not
Favorite song lyrics right now?
literally loving all the lyrics in a feeling - whxami but more specifically i am thinking abt waiting room - phoebe bridgers "if you were a teacher, i would fail your class take it over and over til you noticed me if you were a waiting room, i would never see a doctor i would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed"
also saw a robin edit to espresso - sabrina carpenter and now my brain is IM WORKING LAAAAATEEEE CAUSE IM A SINGERRRRRRR
What does self care look like for you?
taking showers and making myself food. i hate actually taking showers but the post shower untainted clean feeling is so unmatched bro its the best
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
RONEN, wave to earth, and two door cinema club
What makes you nervous?
meeting friends of friends (meeting new people is fine but its scarier if someone i know is introducing me), going to people's houses that i don't know very well
What’s a pet peeve you have?
trying to talk to someone but getting dry ass responses or no response at all
What will always make you cry?
bro. those tiktoks that are like. "if you know yourself which one are you picking". oh my god. those destroy me so bad
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
i honestly have zero idea bro 😭😭 if im meeting people at school im probably a little overwhelming (im loud asf at school) but if like. im meeting my friends parents or my bfs friends. i am a ghost
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madisonrooney · 7 months
late night/early morning emotional thoughts about miley once again
it breaks my heart how the miley fandom on tumblr died out. i had SO much fun in it in the bangerz era. it was like the second major wave of my miley fandom, with the initial hyperfixation starting in 2009 and going up until the end of HM being the first. even if i was too shy to actively talk to more than like 3 people, i still felt involved and it felt so interactive. to have open discussions going on, to have organic thoughts about things happening, not to mention a couple great update blogs and boatloads of content. it was just great.
i dont think i was fully aware that it was so depleted until when younger now was about to come out and it was essentially a ghost town. it was sad. some time after that i think, i somehow found that there still was an active fandom, it was just on twitter now. that was what really broke my heart. ive had too much social anxiety to ever get twitter (primarily bc the focuses of these fandoms are like. actually on there) and by the time i discovered this, that part of me as far as miley goes had kinda slowed down, likely at least partially as a result of the lack of the tumblr fandom. ive said this before, and i still hate to admit it, but im not at the same level as i was 2009-14, even up until 2016 ish, and theres nothing i can really do about that now. i cant force it. i still love her to bits and have talked about how about a year ago i realized i was neglecting my miley fandom more than i wanted to and worked to make it more active and im so glad i did, but i cant force it to be like what it was then, and thats ok. its not like she herself did anything wrong to cause that.
buuuuuuut there is a little someone else to blame lol.
obviously a certain someone who i started hyperfixating on in 2014 being the only other celebrity i ever hyperfixated on to that degree and is STILL the only other one, being much closer to my age, and being much more accessible to the point where i met her for the first time within about a single year of this hyperfixation and would go on to meet her more than a dozen more times and establish a somewhat personal relationship with her...thats gonna rock the boat a bit. its hard to feel that personal connection with miley that i used to now that i know what a real connection like that feels like. so....i guess if theres anyone to blame, you can only blame miss chloe lol.
bottom line tho, i really do miss that tumblr fandom and wonder what things would be like had it survived through younger now, plastic hearts, and up to esv. but again, i cant force myself to go back to where i was then. its just strange that there are still a decent amount of active fandoms on here but that one practically died out entirely. maybe people feel the opposite of what i do and LIKE being able to interact with the focus of their fandom. i am too nervous for that lol.
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unhonest-iago · 11 months
~Act IV~
From the DMV, the duo came across the abandoned car. Techno quickly collecting evidence while Fundy goofed off. Techno quirked an eyebrow in confusion seeing the fox panic. The car belonged to Tundra town's big crime boss Quackity. 'Quackity, this is a simple-' Fundy paused, seeing the duck hybrid push out his hand, expecting a kiss. The fox moving swiftly to complete the task, nerves not lessening in the slightest. Techno eyes narrowing, following the movement. 'This is a simple misunderstanding'
'You come here unannounced on the day I’m to be wed' Quackity spoke with a slow pace. 'Well actually we were brought here against our will so...' Fundy let out an awkward chuckle, curling in on himself. 'Point is I-I didn't know it was your car and I did not know about your wedding.'
'I trusted you, I welcomed you into my home. We broke bread together, grand mama made you cannolis and how did you repay my generosity? With a rug made from the but of a skunk. A skunk but rug. You disrespected me and my grand mama. Who I buried in that skunk butt rug.' Techno's bunny ears were flat against his head; he knew it was something bad but not a rug made of a skunk's ass. Steve, a polar bear & one of Quackity's bodyguard brought a hand to their forehead, proceeding to make the motion of a cross.
'I told you to never show your face around here again but here you are snooping around with this' Finally glancing at Techno, Quackity asked in dubiety, 'what are you? A performer? What's with the costume?' Not realizing Techno's occupation to which Fundy attempted to lie like a sly fiend. 'I am a co-a pol-'
'He's a mime, a mime. This mime cannot speak, can't speak if you're a mime' barring his teeth.
'No I am a cop. And I'm on the James Marriott case. And my evidence puts him in your car, so intimidate me all you want, I'm going to find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do' Quackity, blankly staring, 'And I only have one request, say hello to grand mama. 'Ice 'em.' Steve and another polar bear, Raymond picked up the duo holding them above frozen water. Guaranteed to cause hypothermia fast. Karl, in an ethereal outfit, decked to the nines walked into to grab Quackity for the first dance. The outfit incorporating elements from his everyday hoodie, his googles a steampunk pair for the occasion. Sapnap, a blaze hybrid & Karl's husband was waiting for the duo's return by the side of the dance floor. They both knew there'd be a slight chance Quackity's work would interfere with the wedding.
'It's time for our dance,' pausing when they saw Techno and Fundy suspended in air. Unsure, he thought the bunny looked familiar.
'What did we say? No icing anyone at my wedding!!' Karl, a time traveler, had spent weeks preparing for this day, marrying the loves of his life Sapnap & Quackity. They had met when Sapnap was foraging for food in the forest and Karl was taking a short cut to get home. Later Quackity met them, the duo having been regulars at his cafe, a front for illegal activities.
Techno had saved Karl from being crushed by a statuesque donut a few days prior. His original goal was to stop a weasel after robbing a storefront. 'I had to baby.'
'Wait, wait, wait! He's the bunny who saved my life yesterday. The giant donut.'
'This bunny?' turning to face Techno, 'Yea, hi.' Techno giving a meek wave returned the greeting. 'Your outfit, it's...nice.'
'Thank you!' Now knowing that this bunny hybrid had save his now husband, ordered his bodyguards to let them down.
'You've done me a great service. I will help you find the otter. I will take your kindness and pay it forward' Gesturing for Techno to come closer, placing a kiss on both cheeks. Turning a pale pink, matching his hair. Fundy now the shocked one. Sitting at a table, the duo watched as Sapnap and Karl danced an off kilter waltz, celebrating their love for one another. As if they were off in their own little world. One that Quackity would join after his conversation with Fundy & Techno ended. 
Techno accepting a piece of cake, poked his tiny fork, taking a bite. 'Marriott is my florist, he's like a part of the family. He had something important he wanted to discuss, that's why I sent that car to pick him up. But it never arrived.' Fundy looking anywhere but Quackity's direction. 'Because it was attacked' Techno attempted to finish Quackity's sentence.
'No he attacked'
'Marriott,' nodding, 'he went crazy, ripped up the car, scared my driver half to death and disappeared into the nigh'
'But he's a sweet little otter'
'My child, we might have evolved but deep down we are still animals' 
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wyrmwiind · 2 years
{{ Pokemon asks! 8, 9, 12, 24, 27, 32, 39, and 40? 80 If that's too many, just 40, 24, and 9! ~works-of-magic
@works-of-magic hi! it is a lot, but i think i can handle them ^^
8. Which do you prefer, competitive battling or battling for fun?
this is a funny question to me because competitive battling is fun a lot of the time! to answer the question more thoroughly though, we do casual battles frequently as it's a good way to get my team's energy out.
in terms of competitive, i actually took the indigo league challenge but i could never beat Red, and i've visited a few different battle facilities! my favorite was the battle frontier in hoenn
unfortunately we haven't done competitive battling in a while because one of my star pokemon, diamond the garchomp, had to retire and be rehomed. i don't like to feel like i'm replacing him
9. What type of battle strategy do you tend to use with your Pokémon? If you do contests or something else with your Pokémon, what is your preferred approach to that?
i'm a big fan of double battles, they allow for a huge depth and variety of strategies! my preferred approach is usually to have one mon defend while the other attacks, but you have to be really flexible in these kinds of things. if your strategy isn't working you have to switch to a different one, and if you see an opportunity you have to know when to take it
12. Give us a random celebrity (gym leader, tv personality, musician, etc.) you can’t stand and why.
diantha :/ i keep up with the leagues across the world and diantha is the only champion ive ever actively disliked. it felt like she never took the responsibilities of being the champion seriously and only used it to promote her acting career, a standing champion is supposed to be there to help protect the region y'know? im gonna be bold here and say she should have stepped down sooner.
on a nicer note serena, the current standing champion of kalos, is an absolute gem
24. Would you ever enter one of your Pokémon in a contest? Which one?
i actually did enter a contest once when visiting hoenn! it was just a basic-level beauty contest and we didn't really know what we were doing, but Nymph seemed to really enjoy it ^^
27. Who was your first Pokémon? How did you get them? How long have you had them?
Cari, my charizard! i was lucky enough to get her as part of a starter pokemon program, we've been together over ten years now ^^
32. Have you encountered any rare or unusual Pokémon?
no one is going to believe me but i've come face to face with moltres... it's incredibly beautiful and descriptions really don't do it justice. it's my dream to someday battle one of the legendary pokemon but we definitely weren't strong enough when we met it... one day we'll find our chance
39. Do you and your Pokémon have any badges or contest ribbons? Which one are you most proud of?
i'm absolutely proudest of the fact that we collected all 16 indigo league badges! blue and clair in particular were incredible opponents, i don't think i could have beat blue if he was fighting at full strength instead of in a gym context... maybe someday we'll see though :)
and we do still have nymph's contest ribbon on display, too! she's very proud of it and so am i
40. Favorite thing about your partner Pokémon?
you wouldn't know it from looking at them, but my whole team absolutely loves cuddles :)
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pi-zza · 1 year
My name is Karl, 04 liner. My hobbies are watching kdrama/anime I also read manga or manwha, I also like to play online games like fps or moba. I also like to listen to music, I'm a swiftie (folklore stan <33) because I can relate LOL. I'm also a big fan of kpop especially girlgroups like Twice, Blackpink, IVE, Newjeans, Lesserafim, Redvelvet etc.
I can't share anything about my hometown because I didn't grow up there, I only studied there until Grade 3. I'm from Quezon City where I went to high school and senior high school but, When I was a child in elementary school I lived in Oras Eastern Samar, so it's not that difficult for me to understand the Waray language but I'm not very good at speaking Waray yet.I don't remember much about my elementary life so what I will share is my HS and SHS life from Quezon City.
I also don't have much to share how I grew up in QC because all I always do is play online games on the computer LOL, so all I can share are the core memories that really stuck with me. My high school life was happy, I met a lot of friends, I liked someone when I was in Grade 10, I even tried to have a romantic relationship with her but unfortunately it didn't work. So I realized that I should focus on myself first, and that's when I became addicted to watching anime and kdrama. I always binge watch new anime and kdramas after my school and home chores. Then when I was in Senior high school, that was the time of the pandemic and it was a bit difficult to adjust because of the online class, but I was able to manage it and graduated with honors. That time is also the happiest era even though it's a pandemic, LOL because that's when play to earn games (crypto related games) are in vogue, my friend is the manager and he hired me as a scholar, I'll play the game and then we'll split the earnings so that time was happiest time because I was helping my family's needs and I was able to buy what I wanted. We also always eat out with my friends, wander around and then have coffee at aesthetic coffee shops around QC. We also went to the beach in Cavite to celebrate the birthday of our manager friend, it was really fun that time even though it only lasted half a year because the value of cryptocurrency had also decreased at that time. And another thing that struck me is that I was also scammed in crypto because I was a beginner when I invested in a game (Pegaxy) it is also a crypto game that you can earn but you need to invest in order to play, I was scammed by 12k worth and that's when I realized that I'm still really a beginner. I didn't get it back since it's hard to get it back, I just accepted it and learned from my mistake.
Last year I graduated, I tried to register in different state universities around Manila that have Engineering courses like EARIST and TUP, but unfortunately I didn't make it because the slot was full, because of that, I was late to take care of the my requirements I enrolled in an IT course at a semi-private school, but I didn't continue because of the hardships of life and I didn't really like the course I took. So this year I tried to take the exam again at QCU and I passed, Electronics Engineering and IT were my choices, but I didn't take it again since my choices were actually Civil or Electrical. So my grandmother offered me to study here at ESSU, at first I refused because it would be difficult for me to adjust because I'm more used to living in Manila, but later I accepted so I could take the course I wanted.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog post, I am also happy if you give your comments below. Thank you
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deepbluequill · 1 year
1. Last beverage?
I genuinely drank tea, and water all day, and then had a sip of diet pepsi right before this.
2. Last phone call?
Either my dad or my bro I can't remember which one was after the other.
3. Last song you listened to?
Snow - RHCP
4. Last time you cried?
I laugh cried a few days ago.
I cried cried like two weeks ago.
5. Have you dated someone twice?
Yeah, we broke up, had some time apart were we both knew we really shouldn't see other people because we were not over each other, got back together because it felt inevitable, and it just did not work.
6. Have you ever been cheated on?
Yes, it was not as simple as it sounds but it still hurts.
7. Kissed someone & regretted it?
Not because of them, they're great, but yeah dont kiss just anyone, because it can make stuff weird.
8. Have you lost someone special?
A few good people, RIP.
9. What are your three favorite colors?
Blue, Brown, & Grey. (And orange)
10. Met someone who changed you in the past month?
I don't think so?
11. Kissed any of your friends?
A few actually :o
12. How many kids do you want?
I always say I want twelve kids and a farm but realistically maybe 4?
13. Do you want any pets?
I love my pets so much but I do wanna travel.
14. Do you want to change your name?
No I really like my name.
I have a name to write under if that counts?
15. What did you do for your last birthday?
I went out to eat and saw my friends and family.
16. What time did you wake up today?
17. Name something you CANNOT wait for?
That phase of house ownership where its just like picking out the cool stuff you want.
18. Last time you saw your mother?
About an hour ago.
19. Most visited webpage?
At the moment IGN, is it called IGN? The gaming website because I need help completing tasks on children's nintendo games.
20. Nicknames?
Shortstuff, Little Angel, Lebeau, Chibitch, mostly stuff calling me small because I am usually taller than everyone.
21. Relationship status?
Allll byyyy myselfffff.
22. Zodiac sign?
Earth? Is that what that means?
23. Male or female?
I am a boy.
24. Height?
25. Do you have a crush on someone?
Not really. Maybe like celebrity crushes?
26. Piercings?
I wanted so many and got none. I no longer want any.
27. Tattoos?
I wanted tons and i got one, I'd be happy to have none, but i do really cheesily wanna use inkbox.
28. Strong or Weak?
Thighs of STEEL.
29. First surgery?
Ive had a lot of stuff but not surgery I dont think?
30. First best friend?
Like earliest one? My siblings.
31. First sport you joined?
Skateboarding is a crime not a sport so although I joined teams and a park, i'll say Ju Jitsu, because I didn't "join" swimming either I just jumped in the lake.
32. First trip abroad?
33. First school?
Nursery? Idk what this means?
34. First pair of trainers?
No idea. First I bought with my own money? Probably És, Converse, or DCs. I think it was És.
35. Lips or eyes?
Depends on the person, but usually eyes.
36. Hugs or kisses?
I kinda love both but hugs are more universal, Id only wanna kiss certain people, or get kisses from certain people. Same with hugs but the pool is wider.
37. Shorter or taller?
I like stuff to be taller so i dont have to crouch for it but people can be whatever size they have grown.
38. Older or younger?
I'd like to be younger again so I can do it with confidence this time. I love talking to older people.
39. Romantic or spontaneous?
Either is cool depends on what exactly is going on, a lot of potential cross over here too.
40. Sensitive or loud?
I'm a sensitive soul.
41. Hook-up or relationship?
42. Shy or outgoing?
43. Kissed a stranger?
I have kissed a few because I had a weird phase.
44. Gotten a speeding ticket?
Never, thankfully, I drive like a grandpa.
45. Lost glasses/contacts?
Sunglasses for sure.
46. Sex on first date?
I wouldn't even call it a date :o
47. Broken someone's heart?
My own for a start.
48. Been arrested?
No, I am a good boy.
49. Have you turned someone down?
Many people, many times, for many things.
50. Fallen for a friend?
Had crushes on friends but not fallen in love.
51. Moved out of town?
I moved country on my own three times and now I live back home again.
52. Miracles?
53. Love at first sight?
54. Heaven?
55. Santa Claus?
56. Kiss on the first date?
Depends on the vibes.
57. Angels?
I know so many.
58. Yourself?
59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time?
I was in "the talking stage" with two different people and i really liked both and couldn't take it any further because i could not choose but we never really passed the that stage so it wasn't the same thing really?
60. Been in love with someone you couldn't be with?
I've had crushes on people I couldn't be with but rarely have I ever been in love.
61. Ever cheated on somebody?
62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
To see the British temperate rainforests before we ruined them.
63. Are you afraid of falling in love?
I hope not.
64. Was your last relationship a mistake?
No, that's mean, it meant a lot, but we just weren't the one.
65. Do you miss your last relationship?
I miss the feelings, and the person, but not the relationship? It's done and it should stay done.
66. Who did you last say “i love you” to?
my parents.
67. Have you ever been depressed?
Not like diagnosed no, but I think that may be because I never asked to be diagnosed...
68. Are you insecure?
I'm working on it.
69. How do you want to die?
Happy and fulfilled.
70. Do you bite your nails?
No I just clip them.
71. When was your last physical fight?
I don't remember.
72. Do you have an attitude?
A bad one? I hope not.
73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
74. Do you tan a lot?
I don't at all, I go red then white again but with more freckles.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
The Sound of Your Footsteps (Ivar x reader)
A/N: This is my entry to @mrsalwayswrite 350 Celebration Challenge. Congrats again, love ♥️🌻♥️
Sense: Hearing - Prompt: Footsteps
The reader is blind. I'm not visually impaired. I did a lot of Google research on living with blindness, but I'm sure I still got things wrong. Sorry about that, and please, just know I tried my best.
@geekandbooknerd, thanks for beta reading this for me 💖 You're fantastic 🤩
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Ivar wonders about the reader's eyesight. When he asks her about it, she has no choice but to answer him.
Warnings: soft, soft Ivar; blindness; possible inaccuracies.
Words: 2430
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Crutch – right foot – left foot – crutch – right foot – left foot – crutch – right...
You remember like it was yesterday the first time you heard his footsteps. You've never been so scared. In the great hall of your father, Jarl Henriksson, you were just a frightened bride-to-be – actually you were still a child – promised to a prince you'd never met but whose reputation you knew. So much has changed since then. The thought makes you smile, and as often, gratefulness is flooding your mind as you silently thank the gods. For all Ivar's flaws, you couldn't have asked for a better husband.
You're not surprised when the door cracks open and, sitting upright on the bed, you look up, a beaming smile adorning your face.
"What are you smiling about, Y/N, uh?" His voice is soft, as it always is when it's you he's talking to.
As he crosses the poorly lit room, you struggle to follow him with your gaze, squinting, pressing your lips together, and forgetting to answer him. It doesn't matter, though, since Ivar seemingly stops all of sudden – no more footsteps, no more thud of his crutch.
His question comes out of the blue, your husband catching you off guard. "Can you see me at all?" He asks pointedly, but the concern in his voice is obvious and you can hear him frowning.
Your heart sinks. You know you should have told him, it just never seemed like the right time. Now, there's no way you can dodge the issue.
Closing your eyes for a brief moment, you decide to answer his question with a question. It's pointless, undoubtedly, but it could buy you some time. "Why are you asking, Ivar?"
"Why am I asking? What do you think, my love?" You startle when he stabs the wooden floor with his crutch before taking a step. "Maybe," his voice sounds closer now, "because you haven't said a word even though my face is covered in blood. Shouldn't you be concerned about my well-being?"
Dumbstruck, open-mouthed, you squint once again, harder, desperate, but to no avail, to make out more than the shadow figure of the man – your husband – now standing in front of you.
"Iv..." You stutter, "Iv..." Squeezing your eyes shut, you struggle to hold back the tears that are threatening to escape. "What... What happ... happened?" You finally manage to say.
"Y/N," Ivar utters a long, tired sigh, "there's no blood on my face. You can't tell, can you?"
Realizing that you got played, you furrow your brow. You want to be mad at him, a slight feeling of betrayal making you uncomfortable, but you know you can't. After all, you betrayed him first, by not telling him.
"Ivar..." You just whisper, looking up and giving him a sheepish half-smile.
A hand lightly brushes yours and then the bed sinks as Ivar sits himself to your right. Wrapping his fingers around your hand, his thumb gently strokes your wrist as he sighs once more. "I'm sorry for tricking you, my love..." You’re sure he is - you know he is.
"The truth is, Y/N," another sigh, "I've been wondering for some time now about your sight. It's subtle but, you seem more clumsy than usual, and your movements are slower, more careful. And you don't really make eye contact anymore. So..." You can feel a finger on your chin and then Ivar turns your face. You know without a doubt that he's giving you one of those piercing stares that seem to see directly into your soul. "Tell me, can you see me at all?"
As much as you'd like to, you know there's no turning back now. Your shoulders sag. "Not..." You wince at your shaking voice, and so you clear your throat, gathering your courage. "Not exactly."
"Not exactly?" He repeats your words incredulously. "What does that mean, huh?"
Embarrassed, you just shrug and Ivar insists as he places his other hand on your knee. "What can you see, my love?"
He may be close, his face a few inches from yours, but you can hardly see anything. Sure, you can tell there's someone in front of you; and if you didn't know it was him, you could probably tell it's a man just by their build; but that's it. No details, no features,...
Inhaling deeply, you grab his hand resting on your knee, squeezing it tightly. "Not much." As he keeps quiet, you know Ivar is waiting for more details. So, you give him a sorry smile and eventually take a steady breath before admitting the truth. "Mostly shapes and shadows. And light." As if to make your point, you turn your gaze towards the fireplace, your landmark whenever you are in the room at night, deprived of daylight.
Next to you, Ivar gasps – a rare occurrence. "And that's why you put more and more candles everywhere, right?" You feel the movement of his arm more than you see it as he surely gestures towards the candles that are scattered around your shared bedchamber.
Feeling his intense gaze on you, you nod, knowing he can see it. "Yes, it... helps."
"Why?" Ivar's voice sounds broken and you can hardly bear it. "Why didn't you tell me, Y/N?"
"Why should I have, Ivar?" You ask without malice, barely seeing – no pun intended – where the problem is. "My sight and my eyes are not that important, you know? We never talk about your legs either."
"It isn't the same." Ivar retorts with a pinch of irritation and then heaves a sigh. "My legs are... what they are. They never change. The pain may come and go, but my condition is still the same. But you... Your eyes, my love... Your sight has deteriorated to the point where you can barely see, and you haven't said anything. You didn't have to face this alone, Y/N. I'm asking you again, why didn't you tell me?"
If you're being honest, you don't know exactly why. When your vision began to blur several winters ago, you abruptly found out that you had inherited your mother's condition, who had gone completely blind even before you married Ivar. At that time, you were still able to see quite properly, but you had told him, of course. Then... Then it had been a very slow progression, which had allowed you to adjust gradually, almost without noticing it, until one day, a few moons ago, you had realized that what you were seeing was just a big nothing made of various shades of grey.
You're not going to lie, not being able to see is often frustrating and sometimes even scary, but actually, it's not as hard as you thought it would be. That's why, as you just said to Ivar, it's not that important.
You shrug, an embarrassed smile playing on your lips, before tilting your head downward. "I... I don't know..." You eventually admit as Ivar scoots closer, his breath now on your face. "But I wasn't alone, my love. You were always with me. Your love gave and still does, gives me strength. Besides, my being unable to see isn't Ragnarok, you know. It's at most a little bump in the road of my life."
Right next to you, Ivar hisses and you know he wants to object, but he won't, because arguing with you about that would be pointless. The two of you couldn't be more different. Ivar, who's continually angry at everything and everyone, can't even comprehend how you can be so resilient, while he will never fully accept his condition, even though he, unlike you, was born with. Yet, you know he admires you for that.
"You're so strong." He says instead, gently cupping your cheek. He strokes your cheekbone with a calloused thumb, and for a few moments, there are no words exchanged as only your breathings fill the silence.
As you finally want to tell him that it's not about strength, that, simply put, you have no choice, you hear Ivar take a sharp intake of breath and he speaks again, his quavering voice a dead giveaway of how upset he really is. "You can't see my face, or my eyes, even from this close, can you?"
At this point, hiding the truth will do no good. So, you sigh, cover his hand resting on your face with yours, and then turn your head and confess "No, I can't anymore," before pressing a kiss to his palm.
"But... You remember my eyes, don't you?" You can hear the slight panic in his voice. "You can still see them in your mind's eye, right?"
You know he doesn't say it in a cocky way. He knows just how much you love – loved – them. His otherworldly and so expressive blue eyes. They had been your anchor; the light in your darkness. How many times have you drowned in his eyes? You were sure that nothing, not even the years, could erase them from your memory. Yet, you were wrong.
It had been a painful realization. If you still can somehow see Ivar's face in your mind, the blue of his eyes has disappeared, as if washed away by the greyness in which you live every day.
You swallow, not answering him for a long time, and he just waits, his hand now on the side of your head.
After letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding, you grab his hand, squeezing it. "The colors, Ivar... They're gone... I've lost them."
"What do you mean? I know you can't see colors, it's nothing new." His harsh tone doesn't fool you. Your husband is worried, alarmed by your words.
"No, that's not what I mean, my love. I no longer know what red is, or yellow, or blue. I mean, I obviously know that an apple is red, or that grass is green, I... I know that your eyes are blue, but it doesn't mean anything anymore. I... I can't remember colors, that’s what I'm trying to say. And therefore no, Ivar, I can't remember your eyes."
Silence falls over the two of you as Ivar is trying to process what you just told him. As if to make sure he's still there, you squeeze his hand tighter but don't utter a single word.
"I'm... I'm sorry..." His whisper is barely audible, his breathing uneven, and you wouldn't be surprised if he was silently crying.
"Don't be, my love." You retort, not missing a beat, as your free hand finds his arm, moves up to his shoulder, his neck, and finally his face, which you cup tenderly. "I'm fine, I swear I am."
You're not lying. Things aren't perfect but it could be worse. You could be without him. "As long as I have you by my side, I can handle anything." As your lips graze his skin, you can taste the salt on his cheek. "No need for tears, my love. I've been watching my mother for years. I saw her cooking, sewing, or even taking care of my baby brother, even though she had already lost her sight. I'm not helpless. I will do as she did. I've already adapted. I rely more heavily on my hearing and yes, I think I make it work."
"But–" Ivar begins, but you shush him, your pointer finger gently stroking his mouth. "There's no buts, my love. I have neither the time nor the desire to mourn what I have lost. I could cry all day because I can't remember your eyes, but what good would that do me? None. So, I rather focus on what I have. Remember, you were asking me earlier why I was smiling, right?"
Ivar is unable to speak but you can feel it when he nods. "I was smiling because I was thinking how much I love hearing your footsteps now. I'm pretty sure it's one of my favorite things about you."
Under your hand, Ivar clenches his jaw, his whole body tenses, and suddenly, you're not sure if he's breathing. You know him well enough to be sure that disbelief is written all over his face.
"Listen, Ivar," you explain softly, "Wherever I am, everything looks the same now. Shades of grey, fuzzy dots of light, and hazy shapes... Most of the time, I could be anywhere and it would be the same. Even in the Great Hall, when you're out and about, I sometimes wonder where I exactly am. It's not a very nice feeling, you know? And then, I hear your footsteps, the thud of your crutch and the familiar clicking of your braces. And I know I'm not lost, I know I'm home. Because wherever you are, I am home. Because you're my home, and it doesn't matter where I am. And the sound of your footsteps is more often than not the first thing telling me that you're near me. It's comforting, reassuring, and it makes that warmth around my heart flare up. I used to look into your eyes and that way I knew I was safe. Now I listen carefully and when I hear your footsteps, I know that nothing can happen to me. That you'll keep me safe. That I'm home."
Of course, it is a sensitive topic. You're aware that your husband despises his awkward gait, his severe limp. You know he hates his crutch and his inability to sneak up. You need him to understand though.
For a fleeting moment, Ivar doesn't react and it unsettles you. With no visual cues, you don't know what to do with his silence. But then, you feel his smile under your fingertips and you know he gets it and so you smile back, relief flooding your mind.
"My footsteps, huh?" Ivar chuckles. "To be honest, if anyone had told me that one day it'd be your favorite feature of me, I wouldn't have believed it. But well," you feel him shrug, "guess I can live with that." Letting out an amused sigh, he finally adds, "The blind and the cripple! We're quite a pair, aren't we?"
You giggle, but the next moment, Ivar wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into a kiss, his hands roaming your back, and the outside world immediately ceases to exist. And as you can hear him moaning, as you can taste the mead on his tongue, as you can smell his earthy, woody scent, as you can touch his chiseled and muscular chest, you know you'll be fine, no matter what.
You'll both be fine.
Tagging: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @ivarthebloodyking @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
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nefelibatism · 2 years
Just Medicine (1)
A/N: So basically I had the idea in my head and decided to just make it a whole story. I haven't done fanfics in a while so I don't know how this will turn out.
You have been recently admitted patient in a psychiatric ward for ability users. You've been bored this whole time till one day someone gets admitted to the facility you are in. This person happens to be peculiar and catches your attention first glance. What you didn't think about was the fact that he was interested in you too.
Trigger warning: Mention of suicide (from both parties), mental health facilities, nihilism. Probably spelling mistakes because I am sleep deprived. fem y/n
Themes: Romance, fluff, a bit of suspense I think and at some point smut later on in the series if you like it.
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White. I am always welcomed by white mornings when I open my eyes. It is rather inevitable, I am, after all, in a psychiatric facility. I am not particularly bothered by it, in fact, I let myself be put here in order to bring some peace of mind to my family. My condition has “worsened” (for lack of words) with the pass of time. I became more reckless and apathetic, little by little I stopped talking to people and just like that, for the lack of interactions I had made myself isolate enough to lose appetite and care not about physical pain or self-care. The people around me would describe me as cold or “walking corpse”, I find it funny; But then again, I can assure I have lost my sense of rationality and anything that comes out of my mouth is shamelessly blunt and/or preoccupying. Now THAT takes us where I am now. My big mouth just kept talking about suicide and how fascinated I am about it and the ways your body will end functioning. The more I talked about it, the more I “experimented” with it... Get the gist?
Not the first time I have been institutionalised, but now it was different. I got admitted into an special ability users psych ward. Didn’t know this places existed; I am aware that people with abilities have many things wrong with them but a facility? That much I didn’t know. My ability? its called Sasayaki (囁き), you could say he is like an imaginary friend... but with some extra abilities that made doctors realise I wasn’t schizo but rather gifted. My parent’s finances are good, hence why this is one of the best facilities out there. I’ve met some important people here, including people like the prime minister’s cousin and actual celebrities; But none of them are interesting... they fear death, they scape it and hence don’t discuss it. We are here to get help, so that makes me the only psycho in a help facility discussing their (other patients) inner demons with an outrageous smile on my face. Truly a tragedy for them, and for me since I get eventually bored... Until a couple of days ago.
I am telling you, I meet all kinds of people here, and the other day the Armed Detective Agency admitted one of their detectives here. Wouldn’t it be funny if a Port Mafia ability user got admitted here too? That would make a hell of a show! But there was something odd with this detective, though handcuffed and scolded, he would always smile and laugh. He was linked to an IV and also covered in bandages from head to toe; God knows what he was getting in his system, surely something strong enough to make him happy and drowsy, morphine maybe?. We are not permitted to use our abilities here, but Sasayaki isn’t a combat ability, its rather a psychic one so I am not a menace to anyone but those who approach me for more than just friendly banter.
The other day, I got sent to the special unit because I kept saying things that make no sense for both the other people AND my therapist. This was an isolated place meant to shut you up somehow. When I got in I was greeted by the detective with a huge smile on his face. I didn’t reciprocated it since I was more focused on the fact that I was brought here to be quiet and yet got paired with someone else. Sasayaki started acting up, kept whispering to me and stood next to the detective and just kept watching him without any type of expression... unusual but interesting. The susurrus were subtle but I didn’t ignore them.
“You two will be here for one day, since you have the same kind of treatment and we are out of other units. Try to get along, yeah?”
The nurse left the room, and I was alone with this unusual individual.
“Finally, I’ve been locked up with a beautiful lady willing to take her own life!”
I just glanced at him for a bit and then he continued speaking
“Oh my apologies, where are my manners. My name is Dazai. Dazai Osamu”
He extends his hand, now uncuffed, inviting me for a handshake. I shake his hand and utter surprise covers my face. I don’t hear anything, Sasayaki just stopped whispering, he halted his lullaby and vanish simultaneously. I look at the detective with my now wide eyes and just see his smile, the same one he had when I first came in.
“You truly are an interesting individual” I say out of reflex
He looks at me with surprise, to then close his eyes and smile again cocking his face to the side “You flatter me, I knew you were analysing me, which makes this encounter of ours more exhilarating, don’t you think?”
He is sharp. Was he pretending to be drowsy when he first step into this facility? I barely looked at him when he walked in but I would be lying if I said he was err about my interest and curiosity towards him.
When our hands separated, Sasayaki was back, but now he was sitting on the corner of the respectably spaced room, quiet. Why?
“What's your name?” He asked, walking around the room, now analysing me himself. He studied my figure, my facial expressions, any sort of display of emotion or motives. This was mutual, apprehensiveness.
I shrugged my shoulders and sat in the middle of the room. legs stretched and head effortlessly thrown to the back, eyes opened and blank stare to the ceiling.
“y/n” I say while looking at the white ceiling that I am more than used to waking up to. He keeps looking at me with mere curiosity. Then looks away and says:
“Mmmh, You are smart”
“Mmh?” I hum turning my head towards him.
“You choose wisely how to act with strangers. Rarely do I find people I find difficult to read” He said that with a certain sense of melancholy that didn’t match the many smiles and smirks and giggles he’s been showing the whole time. This just sparked more curiosity about him.
“You do too, but I am not surprised at that. You are a detective after all. I believe that if you lacked that ability your job would be painfully challenging, am I wrong?”
He looks at me with a smile, and then sat on the other side of them room, closer to Sasayaki, whom didn’t move.
“You are certainly right! You fail to bore me” he stops, now looking at the ceiling just like I was doing before “This is going to be an interesting day”
A/N: I don't know how to use tumblr, bare with me. lmk if you want more (or not) or if its too much.
Sasayaki is an ability I created based on a writing I did years ago. Here I leave a little description of him said in y/n's perspective and mine (Me, y/n ):
Sasayaki is based on a little abstract I wrote a while ago about death being someone/something that will whisper things in my ear that would enchant me into getting closer to it. It wasn’t a bad one, but rather a weird sort of playful relationship that would end up in my eventual mental decay, considering I fall in the small gap of people that take advantage of agony and make it something I like. Hence why Sasayaki is a susurrus that whispers things in my head when someone with ulterior motives approaches me. Its like a 6th sense that would ,in the case of danger, manifest and “beckon me” somewhere away.
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shotorozu · 3 years
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TITLE : hospital stay
PAIRING : bakugou katsuki x reader
SYNOPSIS : you’re in the hospital on your boyfriend’s birthday, and bakugou seems to have no issue with spending it in there.
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, a quirk similar to the avatar but that’s about it.
note(s) : so, it’s bakugou’s birthday. and i had this idea since march 20 😦 so i’ve been waiting for his birthday to come for literally a month but i didn’t want to post this way too early. alsooo i don’t know if this arc happened near spring but lets pretend it did for the sake of the story
When you woke up, the fluorescent lights were the first to hit your face
Following by the incoming beeping of a monitor, and the sudden throbbing of your head, the dryness of your throat evident.
Blinking slowly (or trying to, your other eye being a bit delayed.) you try recalling what just happened. You’re in a hospital, that’s one thing you know, but the specifics are still unknown to you.
Right. You remember now, you were fighting along side your classmates, and you managed to get blasted away when you thought that shielding Bakugou Katsuki would work. Yeah, you were sure that you were going to get an earful from him, if he—
You jolt when you notice said blond standing right next to your bed, vermillion eyes staring deep into your own, and somewhat— you could feel the weight and intensity in the stare
“S-since when did you get here?” You’re startled, and your voice is hoarse. Bakugou doesn’t formulate a response, and chooses to avoid the question as a whole.
“Finally you’re up.” He rolls his eyes. He looks much better than you remembered, despite having a few bandages on his forehead— he looked well. “It’s been 5 fucking days.”
“Five days?” You question out loud, your sense of time all disorganized. You clench your hand, just to see if your quirk was still working. Seeing air, fire, water, and just.. something, would relieve your worries— but a look from the blond shot you down quickly. You decided that it was wise if you didn’t try.
The blond seems to be done with the conversation, since he immediately walks out of the room. Actually, why was he here? You’d expect him to be laying down in bed, but despite being hit with that beam, he was walking around like everything was fine.
He comes back with a few other nurses, and they’re relieved to see that you’re awake— and even though they’ve bombarded you with questions with how you felt, you couldn’t brush off the feeling of a pair of ruby eyes on you.
Just, glaring. It’s nothing abnormal.
When the nurses finally leave you alone, giving you details of a few injuries— like your injured— well, burned eyelid that honestly stung (it came from the fire aspect of your quirk) you would’ve expected to be alone in your hospital room for the rest of your time there but Bakugou stayed.
“You’re going to tell me why you jumped in front of me?”
You were expecting to be questioned by him, after all— what you did didn’t exactly shield him, since he was also pierced. You didn’t expect the interrogation to be happening this soon
“Actually, don’t answer that. I don’t want to fucking know.” And he suddenly changes his mind, just like that.
You would’ve said impulse as an answer, but you doubt that he would’ve taken that seriously. And besides, you were kind of glad he changed midway that he didn’t want your answer. Your voice feels parched, despite chugging down a glass of water earlier.
“Did you check up on Deku?” You cringe when you hear cracks in your voice, and the dryness is unbearable to your throat, but he nods. “Idiot’s knocked out cold.”
He doesn’t mention the fact that you were one of the last few people that were still rendered unconscious.
“Your throat sounds like the sahara desert. Do me a favor and drink up.”
You blink owlishly at the glass of water that was set on the mini table, and when you drink up— it actually does something to relieve (temporarily) the dryness.
It was a consequence of your quirk after all, using your quirk too much would cause your body to feel sore, and everywhere to feel dry, and he knew that.
Bakugou was acting uncharacteristically, and you just don’t know why. Maybe it’s not so uncharacteristic of him, since he’s been less of an asshole as of recently, but you know that he would probably deviate from the question if you asked, so the both of you sat in silence.
It’s the next day, the same as yesterday— except it looked like dawn when you woke up. Bakugou also appeared at the side of your bed once again, almost as if he was there for quite some time.
“Nice to see you too,” You think to yourself, and you’re glad you didn’t actually say that out loud. You try to stand up straight, but Bakugou’s quick to push your back against the pillows.
“Don’t sit up, that’s idiotic.”
“Right, sorry. How did you get here? Isn’t it too early?” The parched throat came back. Though the ‘magical’ baku-water helped, it’s effects were only temporarily, sadly.
“You call 7am early?” Right, because for him— 7am isn’t that early, you even remember seeing him up at 6 sometimes.
“Actually, wait.” You blink, trying to recall what day it was, and what month it was. You recalled it being spring but.. was it March? or was it April already?
“What.. day is it today?”
It was almost like he was hesitant to say, “..April 20.”
“What the— April 20?” You’re appalled, because the last time you remembered, it wasn’t anywhere near April 20, but maybe it’s your 5 day unconsciousness to be blamed. “Isn’t it your birthday?”
“Shut up,” He mumbles, and he shifts around the room in search of something, but it’s too dim to be able to tell.
“Medicine. The nurses said you should take it now.”
You don’t reply.
“It’s for your Sahara desert throat. The other things are for your fucked up eye and injuries.”
That seems to be enough to convince you to take the medicine, and despite wanting to run away screaming from the bitterness, you take the medicine— not wanting to be met with any consequences
“Why are you spending your birthday here?”
“Do idiots like you ask that many questions?” He shoots back, and you’re unfazed by the fact that he just called you an idiot. You wouldn’t blame him.
“No but.. you seem fine.”
“A few days ago I was not, but now I am because I took medicine.” He walks over to untwist a few medicine caps, it appears to be for your eye.
“So, Does my eye look fine?” You bat your eyelashes just to mess with him, and he flicks your forehead with an ointment cap “No.”
“Sorry, sorry,” You laugh, choosing to completely ignore the sudden sharp pain when you laugh.
He bends down to reach eyelevel, “Can you see?”
“Sorta.” Your eye has this thin blur filter to it, that can’t be good— can it? Going blind in one eye, and having to wear an eye patch.
It was almost on cue, because Bakugou says “You’ll be rocking the pirate look if you don’t take your medicine,” Instead of handing the medicine for you to apply, he quickly applies a decent amount around your eyes— not giving you a warning whatsoever.
You wince slightly, but you’re glad it’s over. But why is he playing nurse with you? And why was he brushing off the fact that it’s literally his birthday.
Through out the entire day, Bakugou continued to act as if he had some responsibility over you. From helping you put on your medicine, to just monitoring you with eyes of a hawk. The fact that he chose to ignore all your protests was just a part of him.
His behavior was also very.. interesting. It would swing from being his usual self, to being this eerily quiet and calm Bakugou. You would’ve guessed that you were having a fever dream, if it weren’t for the fact that he wore his usual scowl on his face.
What remained consistent, despite it all— was that he stayed. He ate lunch in your room. He only left when the doctors and nurses asked him too, but that was only temporary. He stayed with you the entire day, even when the clock stroke 5pm.
But it’s quite literally his birthday? Why would he spend it in a hospital room with some extra? Or idiot? Let alone, why would he take care of said idiot/extra on his birthday? You don’t know because he refuses to tell you on why he spent it here.
“Did you at least get some cake or something?” You ask for the umpteenth time, Bakugou’s paced back and forth for some medicine bottles and bottles of water, and you could tell that he was scowling, despite the fact that he was facing the other direction, “Why the hell would I want cake? You’ve been asking weird shit all day.”
“Because it’s your birthday? Seriously— have you been brainwashed into thinking that it’s not your birthday?”
“What— fuck no. I haven’t been brainwashed.” He turns over to you, “I know today is my birthday.”
“Okay, so you know. Why aren’t you celebrating then? Did people forget? Or am I finally going insane?”
Bakugou chooses to stay silent. He stands up, and walks over to you— everytime he moves closer, you could feel your heart pound, luckily not at a dangerous rate.
“Birthday, birthday, birthday” He grumbles, quiet, but loud enough for you to hear. “That’s all you’ve been talking about. As if like you weren’t the one in the hospital bed as we speak.”
“Okay, is it wrong to remember your birthday?”
“Shut up, I didn’t say that.” He gets closer once again, almost to the point that your faces weren’t that far away.
“You’ve just been so concerned about my damn birthday, that you haven’t even taken a good look at yourself,” He gestures at you, by looking you up and down
You finally take observation of all of the gauzes, the IV tubes, and bandages, his words forcing you to look at what was reality.
“I don’t know why you did what you did, jumping in front of me like some kind of heroic bastard, it’s dumb. For all I know, I should be screaming at you, and wishing you the worst for that.” He clenches his fist when he recalls, the scene replaying in his head
“But what I am saying is that, you can give me a gift if you’re so fucking concerned about my birthday. It’s the least you can do.” His statement is solid enough for you to take him seriously. You wouldn’t have if he was scowling, but it’s quite.. different. An expression you’ve seen all day, but seeing it up close is a different story.
“And that would be..?” You gulp, anticipation bubbles
And just like that, he presses his lips against yours, the warmth of his lips sending shocks of warmth all around your body— the impact was abrupt, but the kiss as a whole was surprisingly gentle
Yet, it was also similar to his quirk, it sparked up spurs of need and sent goosebumps all over your body.
You place a hand on his shoulder, the tubes around your arms making it too difficult to wrap your arms around him as you deepened the kiss, Bakugou’s touch is cautious when he lays his hand on a spot that was the least affected, aware of your injuries. Pushing the small of your back with his hand quite gently, he kisses you like it’ll be the very last— even though you both know it won’t be.
When you both pull back, you’re taken aback— unable to think of coherent words, and a proper response.
But this damn bastard, he smirks at you knowing that he just sent shocks and explosions of intense feelings all around your body, your lips still tingling from the kiss.
“Wait, that’s unfair!”
“I had no idea you even liked me!”
“For the fucking longest time I did, why the hell would I even be in some extras room, if I didn’t care about them?!” He tries not to yell too loudly but, the tone of his voice gets raised
You blink, “And you preferred playing nurse with your crush this entire time, instead of spending it properly like well.. everyone else?”
“Who the hell said— Fucking hell, do I have to kiss you again for you to understand?”
“Enlighten me,” Your mouth quirks up into a smile, which ultimately causes his cheeks to be set ablaze.
“Playing fucking nurse with you isn’t horrible. It’s one way to spend my birthday, even when you give me shit about it” His brows press together, trying to drown out his flustered expressions with a scowl, “There’ll be more birthdays to come, so why would I be ‘wasting’ it here? There, that’s it. You happy now?”
“..More than happy. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your thing for playing nur—”
“Don’t you fucking finish that thought,” He says stern. “I’m going to get the nurses to check on you, and then— I’ll go home and come back again, tomorrow.”
He storms off, and when the blond is sure that he’s not in your line of vision anymore— he slumps against the wall
“Fucking hell, they’re driving me crazy.” He mumbles, recalling what he had pulled off earlier.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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2jaeh · 4 years
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GENRE: mature theme, slight smut
WARNINGS: choking, dom themes, cursing
asshole! Doyoung , enemies to ???
Words : 4k 
You’re put in a group project with the most annoying pretentious jerk your law class had to offer. Immediately Doyoung tries to boss you around but you being you, you weren’t taking his shit...soon enough he finds out he can dominate you after all...in a very different way. 
“Theres no fucking way...no fucking way” you groaned looking at your group project list, eyes narrowing on possibly the worst people within your course year. Slumping in your seat you half smiled at the girl who approached you, one of your fellow members from project hell. 
“Heyyy y/n I think we're in a group together” she grinned and took a seat next to you, flipping her red hair over her shoulder and checked herself out in her mirror covered cellphone. 
Dami was probably the most narcissistic person you'd ever met and being in law, it was definitely a common trait around here. Dami sat up and began tapping you on your shoulder frantically “He’s in our group! Kim Doyoung is in our group” the two of you watched as the dark haired man conversed with the lecturer, casually turning back to look at the table where you guys sat, in annoyance. 
“That guy is such a prick” a guy who slid in the desk behind you, Seungmin said and Dami nodded in agreeance as you all continued to watch him. 
“Ive never really spoken to him before” you cocked your head, “What’s so annoying about him?” 
This time another group member joined in, a quieter girl who normally sat in the back Jisoo, cleared her throat, “He is really bossy and only likes to do things his own way.”
‘Well he is about to meet his worst nightmare’ you thought knowing nothing pissed you off more than someone telling you what to do. 
The muffled conversations around you began to soften as you felt someone stand over you and drop a file on your desk. Looking up, you locked eyes with the one and only Kim Doyoung, dressed in his usual black slacks, black turtleneck and clear rimmed spectacles. He raised his eyebrow at you as if you were supposed to guess what he wanted.
“What ?” you challenged him, folding your arms across your chest and returned an eyebrow raise. 
Doyoung sighed in annoyance, his long slender fingers moved across the file and opened it swiftly, “I want you to do roll call” he said coldly. 
A lump formed in your throat. You felt like you were being talked down to, it was something that infuriated the hell out of you. He wasn't older than you, nor was he getting better grades than you but somehow he had a superiority complex. Dami quickly nudged you and you rolled your eyes, “Seungmin ?”
“Jisoo ?” you placed a tick as you called out each name. 
“Dami, Jangjun…?” you looked around and noticed that the usually loud comedic relief in your classroom was nowhere to be seen. 
“I think Jangjun is late, i’ll text him” Seungmin sighed and pulled out his phone. You turned back to the roll call sheet and pursed your lips, “Kim Doyoung ?” 
Doyoung just looked down at you, sucking in his bottom lip and raised that damn eyebrow at you again. 
“You need to say ‘here’ do you not know how roll call works ?” you tested him and he rolled his eyes and sighed, “here.” 
You smiled to yourself, completely satisfied with pissing him off when your internal celebration was interrupted by an out of breath Jangjun, who threw his bag on the floor and took a seat on Dami’s desk. Doyoung looked at him disgustingly, and even though you too were obviously annoyed by Jangjun’s tardiness, was that reaction really necessary ?
“Be on time” Doyoung sneered and grabbed the roll call file making his way back to the lecturer. 
“Fuck Kim Doyoung is in this group ?” Jangjun groaned, sharing the sentiments of the entire meeting. You couldnt believe these were the people you had to work with for the week. It's like you could almost feel an outburst waiting to happen, whether it be from you or Kim Doyoung. 
Doyoung returned and took out his phone, not really looking at any of you as he spoke, “we should make a group chat to update each other on work”
The group hastily shared each other's details and Doyoung created the chat and pinned a set of three rules. 
The first was the group was strictly to be used for the project, no small talk or any other messages that weren't related to the project. The second rule was that no one talks about the group content in private chats as it will cause confusion among members. Lastly you weren't allowed to message after 9pm unless it was an emergency, a very serious emergency. 
“Dang is this the military ?” Jangjun snickered as Seungmin and Dami tried their best to hide their laughs. It was typical of people like Dami and Jangjun to not take anything seriously. Their families were well off and they were just studying just for a piece of paper you call a degree. Doyoung couldn't even hide his annoyance, not like he ever did but he seemed particularly pissed off today. 
“Look, just follow the rules and all of you get a free pass and then we never have to speak to each other again” Doyoung spat and made his way to the exit leaving the rest of you in utter shock. 
The first two days were utter hell as Doyoung tried to take control of almost every aspect of the project and frankly you didn't even mind because his business proposal was flawless, it was just the way he spoke to all of you that drove you insane. 
“Dami its not fucking rocket science all you need to do is make a clientele spreadsheet with the mock list the professor gave us” Doyoung didnt even lift his head from his laptop, unaware of the impact his words had on her. 
Dami pushed away from the desk and her eyes began to well up and before you knew it she was running out of the library, with Jisoo and Seungmin following quickly out of concern. 
“Nice move asshole” you rolled your eyes, continuing to work on your laptop. 
Doyoung peered up and pushed his spectacles up, “what was that?” 
“I said nice move asshole, do you intend to talk to your future clients like that?” He initiated a different kind of anger from you but you managed to keep your cool. Doyoung shrugged as if what he had said to Dami had not carried any weight and continued typing away. 
A few minutes of the members disappearance quickly turned to an hour and Doyoung’s nonchalance about the whole ordeal really ticked you off to the point of slamming your laptop closed and pushed back from the desk. 
Doyoung quirked his eyebrow at you, “Is something wrong ?” 
“Is something wrong” you mimicked him, “Jangjun hasn't come in today because you sent him on multiple errands, and you just made Dami cry over something so ridiculous”
Doyoung sat back in his seat and rubbed his temples, “They're all freeloaders, you and I are the only ones doing work, why do you care so much about them?” 
“Basic human fucking decency maybe?” you groaned and ran your fingers through your hair, “listen im not like them, i'm not gonna take shit from you”
“Youre a fucking asshole Kim Doyoung.” 
You lay in bed and replayed that scene with Doyoung in your head multiple times. He was so unbothered by your antics nor did he care about anyone's feelings within the group. He was cold, heartless all he thought about was himself. His cold expression was practically engraved in your head, spending all these hours with him was really not your favourite pastime. 
Group 7 gc 7:00pm
KDY: I posted a schedule for tomorrow we will be working in pairs on the highlighted sections. 
You took a look at his document and groaned when you saw your name placed next to his. There was no way, no way in hell you want to work with him one on one. Not caring about breaking his rule, you pulled up a private chat with him and began expressing your concerns. 
y/n  x  KDY : 7:10pm 
Y/N: Hi, there's no fucking way in hell am I working with you. Change It. 
KDY: I said no private chats and no, I'm not changing it. 
Y/N: Wouldn't it be better for us to split and have the others actually DO work for once ?
KDY: I barely gave them room for error, we're going to be the most anyway and besides, I'd prefer someone who can handle...my personality. 
Y/N: …..so you agree..you are an asshole ?
KDY: I give people a reality check that's all..
Y/N: whatever makes you sleep at night...can I atleast choose our work venue because If I were stuck in a library again with you I might kill you. 
KDY: haha..
KDY: sure. 
Y/N: mango drop cafe, 10am. 
KDY: cool, see you then. 
‘Haha’. You had no idea why that text in particular riled you up. Did he find all of this amusing ? Was he making everyone's life a living hell because he enjoyed it ? You stared at his messages and somehow ended up on his profile picture. He was leaning against a railing dressed in all black with his hooded eyes concentrated on the camera lense, Your realization of how attractive he was came from the fact that you stared at the picture for a good 20 minutes. You wondered who took the picture, a girlfriend maybe ? You shook your head. He seemed too uptight to be getting laid. You sighed, closing your phone and awaited yet another day with the insufferable gorgeous man that was Kim Doyoung. 
You arrived quite early at the cafe but of course Doyoung was here before you, already typing away at his laptop, in his usual attire. You greeted the barista and placed an order for a chilled cafe latte before making your way over to him. 
“Hey” you said simply and took a seat opposite him in the booth. Doyoung’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice and made room for your books on the table.
“You're here early” 
“You're already picking a fight with me?” you said casually setting up your workspace. 
Doyoung chuckled under his breath and shook his head, “I just didn't expect you this early y/n it's not that serious.” 
You ignored his words and got straight to work, not in the mood to play his little game. You felt Doyoung look at you a few times. You weren't sure if it were to check if youre doing the right thing or he was just looking at you. 
“Well i'm done with my part” you stretched your arms above your head and yawned. 
“Yeah I'm pretty much done too, Do you want another cup of coffee ?” Doyoung offered pointing to your empty cup. You were taken back by his softer demeanor but quickly nodded, “uh yeah sure.” 
Doyoung returned carrying a tray of two fresh cups of coffee and a slice of cheesecake. Setting everything down he handed you the extra fork and placed the cheesecake in the middle of the table to make it easier to share. 
“H-how much do I owe you ?” You fumbled in your bag for your wallet. 
“It's okay, it's my treat” Doyoung replied, placing a piece of cheesecake in his mouth and slowly licking the fork clean. You gulped as his tongue darted out carefully licking the cream from the metal, not leaving any residue behind. You had no idea what the hell was going on but you felt hot, almost claustrophobic. 
“You're okay?” Doyoung asked innocently, unaware of what he was doing to you. 
“Why are you being...nice?” You questioned, knitting your eyebrows together as the man continued to act as if this was his usual behavior. 
Doyoung pursed his lips and placed the fork on the plate, “You want me to be mean to you?”
“No I just don't get-”
“I apologized to Dami and she told me she only overreacted because the guy she likes, Seungmin was there” Doyoung explained and removed his spectacles, “she was embarrassed to ask anyone for help, I paired them up for today.”
“Wait wha-”
“Also Jangjun works at the campus radio” Doyoung continued, “I had only found out the day we all met, I gave him tasks that will allow him more flexibility, that way he doesn't have to join group sessions often.” 
You blinked, unable to form any words in order to reply to Doyoung. Especially after he chuckled at your speechlessness, knowing you didn't bother getting his side of the story at first. 
“You were right y/n I dont have to be an asshole all the time, I just like to get my work done” He shrugged. You kept eye contact with him but somehow it felt as if he were still toying with you, waiting on your next reaction. He seemed like he played this game often, making sure he always had the upper hand. Doyoung seemed relaxed as he stared at you, taking another scoop of the cheesecake and slowly ran his tongue over his lips after his bite. What the fuck was he doing ? 
“Y/N ?” you heard a familiar voice come from the entrance of the cafe. Your attention diverted from Doyoung to the blonde haired boy who began approaching your table. 
“Jungwoo ? oh my God what are you doing here ?” You stood up and pulled him into a tight hug and pecked his cheek. Doyoung shifted awkwardly in his seat as he watched your exchange with the stranger. 
“I got off early from class about to go to Subway, are you still doing that group project thing?” Jungwoo looked over at your table and half smiled at Doyoung who tried to distract himself with his phone. 
“Uh yeah but i'm all done here I think, wanna hang out ?” you hooked arms with Jungwoo as he nodded enthusiastically. You turned around and scratched the back of your head, 
“Were all done you can go, I have somewhere to be anyway” Doyoung smiled as you slowly began packing up your things. 
“Alright, see you tomorrow I guess” you bid your goodbye and headed out for lunch with Jungwoo. 
You had just finished up your skincare routine and caught up with a few instagram posts when you noticed Doyoung had followed you. Sitting up in bed you scrolled through his feed curiously. Every post was aesthetically pleasing and he looked absolutely hot in every single one of them. He had to have a girlfriend right ? No guy posts pictures this good without women flooding his DMs. 
There was no harm in doing the same since he was in your class, you decided to return the follow and close the app. Suddenly your phone vibrated with a new message in your chats. 
Y/N X KDY  10:30pm
KDY: hey 
Y/N: aren't you breaking two of your rules right now ?
KDY: haha 
KDY: I didn't realize what time it was…
Y/N: ….anyways..is this about work at least ?
KDY: kinda… you left one of your books at the cafe. I have it with me. 
Y/N: oh… thank you.
KDY: no prob...oh I hope its not a problem I added you on ig
Y/N: no its okay we are friends I guess
KDY: haha I thought I was the insufferable asshole..
Y/N: you are...but not all the time. Look im sorry for saying shitty things about you. 
KDY: its all good. 
KDY: …….
Y/N: ..whats up?
You twirled your fingers as you watched the three dots from Doyoung pop up and disappear over and over again. What was taking him so long ? 
KDY: that guy….that you met at the cafe..is he your boyfriend ?
Y/N: Jungwoo ? no way we've been friends since high school.
KDY: oh..
Y/N:....why would you even ask that ?
KDY: curious. 
Y/N: curious about who I'm dating ??
KDY: A little. 
You frowned at your phone and noticed Doyoung had changed his profile picture to a selfie. The picture was..something alright. You bit down on your lip as you enlarged the picture, which showed a wet haired Doyoung with his head resting in his palm and his long index finger was placed between his plump lips. 
“Fuck y/n get yourself together” you gave yourself a pep talk before opening his chat back up again. 
Y/N X KDY  10.54PM
Y/N: fine if you can ask a question can I ask one..
KDY: go ahead 
Y/N: who do you keep thirst trapping for ?
KDY: ….haha thirst trapping ? 
Y/N: Yeah who do keep posting these hot pics for huh
KDY: …..
KDY: You think i'm hot ?
Fuck. Why did you word it that way. You groaned immediately regretting sending that message but something in you was so curious about him you decided to just risk it, what was the worst that could happen ? 
Y/N: well yeah, I mean I'm sure everyone thinks you're attractive, you seem to know it too. 
KDY: wow. 
KDY: I think you're hot too. 
What the hell was going on. You felt your face heat up and you placed your pillow in between your legs as you turned on your side. 
KDY: I was almost disappointed when I thought Jungwoo was your boyfriend, he's way too passive. 
Y/N: ...and what makes you think you know what kind of man I need ?
KDY: hmmm
KDY: first of, with that fucking attitude of yours..A dominate one. 
You swallowed hard as you felt a tingle in your stomach, squeezing your thighs together on the pillow to create more friction. 
Y/N: I could say the same for you. 
KDY: You may think youre dominate in many aspects...but when it comes to fucking..im the one in charge. 
God you hated how hot that sounded. He had you in the palm of his hand through text. You were a mess and he wasn't even the room to fuel it. You wanted him so fucking bad it was insane. 
Y/N: running your mouth doesn't equate to doing it you know...
KDY: then would you like me to show you ?
Everything happened so damn fast. One minute you two were texting the next minute you were sharing your apartment location and Doyoung was on his way over. You scrambled to put on sexier underwear and do your hair, still in shock by the fact that Doyoung was on his way over to bang you. 
You jumped when you heard the doorbell and realized it was him. Opening the door you were greeted to a very different look of Doyoung. His hair was messy and reached his eyes. Instead of his usual black academic attire he wore a loose white vest that showed off his toned chest and arms, along with a pair of grey sweatpants. 
“Hi” Doyoung smirked, his eyes were dark as he scanned your figure. 
“Hi” you responded, leaning against the wall in the hallway and looked up at him. Doyoung slowly approached you, like a lion circling its prey. His slender fingers danced lightly along your body, drawing a line from your waist until he found your throat and wrapped his cold fingers around it. He bit down on his lip as he studied how perfectly his hand looked around it and squeezed gently, smirking after hearing a soft moan emit from you. 
“I want you to do as I say, any back chat from you will get you punished you got that ?” he brought his lips down to your neck and exhaled. 
You nodded in response but that wasn't good enough for Doyoung. You felt his squeeze on your throat once more and he used his hips to pin you against the wall, “use your words” he gritted his teeth. 
“Yes sir” you replied obediently, and felt him smile against your neck. 
“Good girl, and if i'm too rough let me know so I can stop okay ?” he replied, his voice changed and it was much sweeter and genuine than before. He placed a soft kiss on your cheek when you nodded and led you to the bed. 
Doyoung lay you on the bed, already stripping off his shirt and ordered you to undress yourself and rid him off his sweatpants. You bit down on your lip taking notice of how aroused he was when you palmed his member. 
Doyoung watched you through hooded eyes as you discarded his sweatpants and boxers. He softly patted your head and grabbed a tuft of your hair in order to make you look up at him. 
“Spit” he ordered, and held out his hand and you did as you were told. You watched as he lathered himself with it, moaning as he stroked himself. He was so damn sexy, biting down on lip and slowly pleased himself as you watched. 
“Do you want this inside you sweetheart ?” he cooed and placed a finger under chin. 
You nodded quickly, “Yes please” 
“What do you want me to do baby ?” He purred and hovered over you as you lay on the bed, breathing heavily as his fingers moved against your warm skin, tracing your curves, ghosting over your heat and returning back to your lips to insert a digit inside. 
Doyoung watched diligently as you sucked on his finger like the good girl he knew you were. He finally pulled his finger out and with one swift movement entered with his member before you could even respond to his question. You moaned as he quickly slammed his hips into yours, wasting no time in gaining a rhythm as you marked his back with scratch marks feeling as though you were on a high. 
Doyoung fucked you like a pro, wasting no time to switch positions and had you on all fours, slapping your ass before slamming into you again, that pretentious smirk forming on his face as he heard your whimpers asking him for more. 
“Are you ready to cum sweetheart ?” he asked, pulling you up as his strokes became slower and tugged on your ear with his teeth. 
“Y-yes yes i'm ready” you panted.
“What's the magic word ?” he growled as he grabbed your throat and slowed down his pace as you were nearing your climax. 
“Fuck youre so annoying PLEASE, please let me cum Doyoung fuck” 
Doyoung chuckled and picked up his pace until you finally climaxed and he followed shortly after, collapsing in the bed next to you. 
“You have such an attitude God” he rolled his eyes playfully, bringing the blanket over your bodies and grinned when you moved in to cuddle him. 
“I guess you will have to fix that some time” you yawned and wrapped your arm around his waist, “but I have to admit, maybe I do enjoy the insufferable Kim Doyoung bossing me around once in a while.”
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atlabeth · 4 years
Can I get a Fluff with scenes 12 , 19, and 20 for Sokka x fem reader. They plan a date and get ready for it. Sokka and the gaang are amazed on how Y/N looks for their date.
you look perfect - sokka x fem!reader
a/n: this was such a cute request ive been writing so much angst lately that i needed some fluff lol. i played w the request a little and once again i wrote way too much but i hope you still like it!!
wc: 1.7k 
warning(s): only a little bit of insecurity on the reader’s side but the rest is all fluff :))
12. “It looks good on you.” 19. “How did I manage to get you?” 20. “Maybe I’m just lucky.” 
“Are you guys sure that this goes with the dress?”  Y/N looked at herself in the mirror uneasily as Suki finished up her eyeshadow, fiddling anxiously with her hands in her lap. Katara was working magic on her hair, styling it to perfection, and Toph was sitting on a beanbag in the corner of her room to offer moral support. She had called her girls over to help her get ready for her date with her boyfriend; they had been more than happy to help her out and gossip together, but nerves were once again getting the better of her. 
It had only been a little over a year since she had been silently pining for Sokka — ever since he had walked into the lecture hall on their first day of classes, she had been drawn to him. It didn’t help that he had chosen a spot right next to her — this was a class essential for half the majors at the university, so he didn’t have very many choices coming in right before the clock — but that easy smile he shot at her before taking out his laptop made her feel some kind of way. 
They ended up getting paired together for their first project, and they became friends in no time. Doing projects together turned into studying together, and they had been spending a lot of time together at various cafes and libraries in preparation for their midterm. Y/N had been wanting to ask Sokka out for a while, but she was so scared of messing up their friendship that she just settled for it. After all, he was an amazing friend and had become one of her closest ones, so it was hardly settling. Luckily for her, she ended up not having to make the first move. 
“Hey, Y/N.” She hummed in response to let Sokka know she had heard him, but didn’t look up from her laptop. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?”
“Oh, I think that would be great! Our midterm is on Wednesday, so if we fit in another long study session tomorrow we’ll have Monday and Tuesday to take it all in and do some last-minute preparations.” 
“No, no studying.” That got her attention and she stopped her rapid typing, being met with that same easy smile he gave her the day they met when she looked up. “Just.. the two of us, together. I could take you out to lunch, and you could have something that isn’t coffee for once.” 
Now Y/N was really paying attention. She almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and she was unable to stop the wide smile playing on her lips. “Sokka, are you asking me out?” 
He laughed and nodded, giving her a similar smile but with a hint of nervousness in it. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” 
Y/N set her hand on the table and Sokka set his on top of it, intertwining his fingers with hers. “You don’t even know how much I’d love to go out with you.” 
“For the thousandth time, yes!” Suki nodded, pleased with her work, and started to clean up the palettes that she had laid all over the floor. “You know I would never do you wrong.”
“I know that Suki, but.. This isn’t something that I usually wear, what if he doesn’t like it? What if he thinks I’m trying too hard? I usually don’t even do makeup, but I really wanted—”
“Y/N, stop!” Her eyes snapped over to Toph, who came over and put her hands on her shoulders. “Remind me what you’re getting ready for, again?” 
Toph’s brutal honesty was one of the things Y/N appreciated most about her, and bringing her back down to Earth was something she needed desperately right now. “A date with my boyfriend?” 
“Yes, and what is that date celebrating?” 
“...our one year anniversary.” 
“Exactly!” Toph clapped her on the shoulder a lot harder than she needed to, and Y/N let out a surprised laugh. “You’ve been dating him for a year, this man is totally and completely whipped for you! You literally have nothing to worry about.” 
“I know, but still! What if he doesn’t like this shade, or you’re all lying and this actually doesn’t bring out my eyes, and—” 
“Y/N, please. Look at me.” Katara’s voice interrupted her ramble, and Y/N met Katara’s eyes, finding a lifeline in the ocean she carried within them. She started playing with the ring on her finger again — it was a promise ring that Sokka had given her half a year into their relationship, and she never took it off. It was one of her most treasured possessions, and just holding it helped her worries fade away a bit.
“I know my brother, and I know how he feels about you.” Katara finished off Y/N’s hair and took a seat on the floor in front of her. “After that first day in class with you, he told me about this beautiful girl he met in his calculus class. He said, ‘something about her seemed so inviting, so I sat next to her. I even lied about forgetting my pencil so that I would get to talk to her, even just for a second.’” 
Y/N smiled to herself, already feeling her cheeks heating up. Sokka had told her about that on their first date, and she remembered how shocked she was that he had thought about her when they first met in the same way she did. “I remember that. He told me how nervous he was to ask me out, and that was just crazy to me. He carries himself so confidently and he’s just so smooth in everything that he does.. The thought of him getting nervous over me is so cute.”
“Everything is going to be fine, okay? You look absolutely fantastic in every way possible. I’ll be surprised if he’s even going to be able to take his eyes off of you. Everyone is going to be looking at you when you look like this.” Suki patted Y/N on the cheek and smiled, and her nerves finally settled, but only for a moment. There was a knock on the door and Y/N took a deep breath, shaking her hands out as she gave her friends a desperate look. She felt the same way that she did the time he came to pick her up for their first date — childish joy and excitement all playing together to form some very big butterflies in her stomach. 
“Go get your man, Y/N!” Toph hit her on the shoulder and Y/N laughed, running out of her room so she could get to the door. She took a second to compose herself before opening the door, revealing the image of her boyfriend in a simple sports coat and slacks — it was one of the most basic combinations, but Sokka made it look like he was walking out of a luxury store. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, and he perked up when she opened the door. 
“Sokka! You have perfect timing, I just finished getting ready.” She opened the door wider so that he could come in if he wanted to and gasped. “Are those flowers?” 
Sokka didn’t say anything, his mouth parted like he wanted to say something but just couldn’t find the words. His wide eyes traveled up and down, looking at her makeup, her hair, her outfit, the way her eyes sparkled when she talked, and that gorgeous smile that had drawn him in from the start. She was completely and utterly perfect, and it was like his brain was shutting down trying to think of how to communicate it to her. 
“What?” Y/N looked down at her outfit and pulled at the fabric, mentally kicking herself and already starting to walk back to her room. She was convinced he didn’t like it. “You know, I wasn’t really into this anyways, I can change if you just give me a second—” 
Sokka grabbed her wrist and pulled him back to her, stopping her rambling with a heated kiss. Y/N practically melted as she returned it, and was completely breathless when she pulled away. 
“What was I saying?” She asked, slightly dazed. 
“Your dress,” he said with a chuckle. “It looks good on you. You look so good, so.. perfect. I just forgot how to talk for a while there.”
Y/N smiled shyly and rubbed her arm, all the insecurity from before dissipating. She always wanted everything to be perfect for her boyfriend so that he would understand how much she loved him, but Sokka loved her, not the clothes she wore or the way she did her hair. Of course, she looked drop dead gorgeous tonight, but to him, she was always perfect. “How did I manage to get you?” 
“I ask myself that every time I look at you.” Sokka grinned and held out the flowers, his eyes following her as she set them in a nearby vase. He then pulled her into the hallway with him, allowed Y/N to close the door before they started walking down the hallway together. “And the only thing I can come up with, the only reason that someone like you could fall into my life, is that maybe I’m just lucky.”
“I think it was fate. I truly believe that we were meant to meet because.. I just can’t imagine my life without you. I’ve loved you since that first bad joke you made to me during class, and this has undoubtedly been the best year of my life,” Y/N mused. 
“I knew it was only a matter of time before you fell for me after I pulled out the comedy.” He laughed and gave Y/N a cheeky smile as he held the door to exit the complex open for her, the cool night air doing nothing to help her flushed cheeks. 
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Y/N. Happy anniversary.” Sokka’s eyes softened as he looked at her, leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips before they continued. “I can’t wait to celebrate so many more of these with you.” 
And as they walked into the parking lot towards Sokka’s car, hands intertwined together, his thumb rubbing against hers, and her lips still burning from where he kissed her, Y/N wondered what she had ever been worried about. 
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