#and it does piss me off whenever i pick at my skin i just can't help it (for all the people that know me irl)
spacedinosauruses · 6 months
feeling kind of off today
it was fine but idk
took a turn
struggling to keep myself alive
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ghostlykeyes · 7 months
dw abt crazy detailed posts, just have fun writing!! i like reading all of them, short or long :D besides goth gfs 🔛🔝
what abt kayn when his goth gf, who‘s usually confident abt her style, suddenly starts questioning herself bc of her parents? n she spiraling, barely participating in band stuff, and even wanting to avoid kayn bc of it all
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At first, Kayn assumes you're just feeling a little off. Who doesn't, every now and then? He tries to help you cheer up the only way he knows how—bothering you. Kayn blows up your phone even more than normal, shows up at your house at all hours to take you out "because he's bored", and is practically glued to your skin whenever you're together. Maybe he's not the best at all that conversation stuff, but his antics will be enough to get you back to your old self...right?
When that doesn't work, Kayn's attitude takes a turn for the worse. He assumes that the reason you're withdrawing is because you're finally fed up with his shit and can't handle him anymore. It's a slap in the face, and he's more upset than he'd like to admit. After all, you were supposed to be different! He would never have let you in if he thought you'd just ditch him.
Kayn does a little spiraling of his own, which obviously makes the situation ten times worse. Surprisingly, he doesn't immediately lash out at you. He's too confused about his emotions to do much other than give you an uncharacteristic cold shoulder. But his bad attitude during rehearsals, general irritability, and the scowl that darkens his face whenever anyone drops your name clues his friends in that something definitely happened between you two.
Thank god for Ezreal, because he just gets it and takes it upon himself to talk some sense into Kayn. He approaches Kayn bringing his favorite energy drink, hoping to give his sulking friend a reality check without getting something thrown at his head. Ezreal listens as Kayn gripes that you must be sick of him or something, but it's whatever, he's totally fine—
"Kayn," Ezreal cuts him off, not bothering to hide his eyes rolling behind his candy-pink sunglasses. "Talk. to. them. You're crazy about each other and it honestly just sounds like they're going through something. You need to be there for them instead of doing this whole hot-and-cold asshole routine."
Kayn grudgingly considers Ezreal's words. Yeah, maybe you could be going through something. But why wouldn't you just talk to him, then? He's still not convinced, and he's still a bit pissy, and he's still dodging your phone calls.
But then you show up to his apartment wearing a beige t-shirt and Kayn knows something is up. The goth baddie he knows wouldn't be caught dead in neutral tones. He snags your hand in his, makes a pit stop at the fridge to grab a can of your favorite drink (he writes it on the grocery list every week to make sure Yone keeps it in stock for you), and drags you into his room.
"Okay, my lil' batty," he sighs, sitting you down on his bed. He squishes your hand reassuringly. "No more acting weird, it stresses me the fuck out. What's up with you?"
Kayn's fuming when he finds out that your parents are putting you down. In his own strange, aggressive way, he gives you a pep-talk about not giving a fuck what anyone thinks. You're awesome and hot, why should you let anyone make you doubt that? He bumps your shoulder with his arm and gives you his signature cocky smirk. "I'm supposed to be the problem, remember? Don't ever let any-fuckin'-body convince you that you're less than perfect."
From then on it's Kayn's life mission to piss the hell out of your parents. Whenever he picks you up from your house, he shows up ten minutes early so he can smoke in the driveway and blast his music so loud it makes the front door rattle in place. He "sneaks in" at night, but always leaves the toilet seat up and muddy boot-prints in the hall so your parents know he doesn't give a shit about your curfew. And, if they have the nerve to confront him about it? Oh, boy... let's just say he has no issues making his opinions known, and he tells them exactly how fucking stupid it is of them to put you down.
Knowing that you're struggling with your confidence right now, Kayn makes extra effort to lift you up. He demands a selfie every day, and blasts you with a hundred drooling emojis and thirsty comments when you flash a peace sign in the mirror and show off your outfit. If he notices makeup or clothes you might like, he doesn't even stop to look at the price tag—straight into his bag it goes. Most of all, he tries to get you to stay with him as much as possible. If your parents are going to pressure you, well then, fuck your parents. You can sleepover at his place whenever you want. If it's privacy you want? He doesn't mind splurging on a studio apartment for you, just so you can have your own space away from your parents' negativity. (Just be warned—if he does pay for your apartment, he's gonna be crashing the place all the time. Make sure you've got his favorite snacks and an extra set of sweatpants on hand, because your couch is basically his second home.)
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I love that you have this place for us Poc! ❤️ Just discovered your blog
it bothers the hell out of me that some people read fiction and sometimes can also assume that an author is using something from real life ALL the time. this is referring to the white/eurowhite readers when it comes to acotar. the eurowhite readers (which there are alot of ofc) white wash all of the bat boys and lucien vanserra DESPITE knowing that for one, lucien is part black from his father. the second which is my main point with the eurowhite readers in acotar is that because SJM uses the name of a race called “Illyrians” in her books to refer to a race of poc and because “the map looks just like the UK/Europe!” they all ASSUME that because illyria (where balkans are, no longer referred to as illyrians) looks like the Prythians map and because it’s the same name that it means they’re eurowhite characters. There’s been no confirmation of them being europeans but they ASSUME they are when telling other poc readers that “they aren’t Poc” DESPITE SJM referring to them as “golden brown skin” “brown skin” “Light brown skin” multiple times the ENTIRE series. Most arts they’re in they’re brown too! Aside from the ones that whitewash them. Maybe she stole the name (which is like her taking the name of a race and denying they’re that race) BUT STILL she never confirmed they’re european in her fantasy version of illyrians they just assume and use this argument whenever someone says they’re poc. racist asses unable to accept the fact that they’re canonly referred to as BROWN. not WHITE. not PALE. GOLDEN BROWN. does that sound like white to you?
Im a a poc who doesn’t mind SJM not being clear about race, it’s somewhat refreshing not to have it be so “black white asian” like it is IRL, and I don’t mind her using the same name, but she makes illyrians her OWN and made them brownskinned even if people in europes “Illyria” were “Olive skinned” and not brown. It’s obvious she tweaked it and made them darker so either way they aren’t white like these readers want them to be. And if there are White casted for these roles in her possible Acotar Tv show? It’s only going to piss all her Poc readers off so I hope her team is careful and Hulu when they do casting. Bc I know they would all get canceled for whitewashing, whole show burned to flames via twitter for it, regardless of her using an IRL country’s name.
Also don’t believe those that thinks she’s racist again as a black reader they woman’s best friend is black, she’s a obama supporter, Anti republicans and trump, Young and super modern and she’s not a dumbass. People call her racist for her blurred lines of race and for supposedly “Posted about Breonna taylor for Attention and more money from Poc readers” When …where tf is the proof that was her reasoning? Maybe she just wanted justice for her. As a poc I hate seeing poc acotar readers act like she’s racist like use your brain and not bias to make it seem like something it’s not. Idk your stances on her but this is just mines.
Ok so here's the thing... I'm trying to read more diverse books. Like my white bestie from college wanted me to read acotar and the rest of the series but i honestly just watched a youtuber do a rundown of the first 3 books. and it was fine? so I will say this about sarah j maas: like her books do seem v white to me. BUT I also can't really say anything definitive about her works because I'm experiencing them through a white youtubers lens. so if she didn't pick up on diversity in the books I didn't think of it as diverse. you're welcome to have your opinion though but in general.... don't stan white authors.
Like I'll give you an example.
a favorite author of mine that wrote american gods, good omens and coraline is on this v site so that's why I won't name him but like even he's done some problematic stuff. like ok the biggest example is the marvel comic 1602 where he had a chance to race bend steve rogers but instead had a white steve rogers that was raised by native americans.
like just please don't waste your time stanning white authors. next thing you know they turn into jkrowling.
mod ali
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dhampiravidi · 8 months
What was your inspiration for/drew you to writing Skadi and Rela? {Taking a bit of liberty with a mun-directed question about roleplaying.}
ok, it's kinda dumb but most (if not ALL) of my OCs are basically "hey, so I noticed there's no _____ in this fandom" OR "oof I wanna make a self-insert!" *1 week later* "OK, now I gotta make sure they aren't a Mary Sue, so I can introduce them to Tumblr--"
anyway 🌸
I think most people know this, but Marvel's version of Thor is not a lot like the Norse god Thor. You've got blond, discovering-himself Hemsworth vs. redhead, bulky, fairly aggressive god. Which is fine (I guess, I mean, I LIKE when people accurately depict deities every now & then, but whatever). Norse Loki swings violently between "that funny guy we adopted into our fam" & "guy who pisses everyone off". Sounds similar to Marvel Loki, except the family tree is totally different & Marvel Loki usually only does bad stuff because he's jealous of Thor.
anyway 😁
I figured I'd make my own Asgardian, because I'd decided I COULD NOT make my DC OC (whose FC is Tessa Thompson) crossover into Marvel/the MCU. I read about the Norse gods & was attracted to Skadi because 1) I'm a sucker for water/ice supernaturals & 2) she reminded me of Artemis. Short version: Skathi (alt. spelling of the Norse goddess) is a jotunn (Frost Giant) who gets tricked into marrying the Vanir god Njord by Loki. They divorce because he doesn't wanna move to her mountains & she doesn't wanna move to his sea. Oh & she got to marry a Vanir (or Aesir) because Loki killed her dad (sort of). So we've got a rightfully angry, badass huntress of the mountains whose dad dies. I focused on that, but really leaned into her having some warmth that she only shows to animals & those who prove their kind natures to her. My Skadi doesn't use her cryokinesis much because she prefers to rely on her hunting skills & (my HC) Jotunn appreciate resourcefulness.
bear with me 🐻🐼
I'll be honest: I have crushed on Anakin since I was FIVE. I think I liked his hair in Episode III. I read parts of Wookiepedia in middle & high school, just in time for the new movies. I thought "holy SHIT, Jacen Solo is like Jason Todd + Anakin, he'll be so BADASS" but ofc we can't have ANYTHING NICE, so we got...the sequels (& like 30 books being cut from canon). Yeah, well, I still like magic ninjas, so I wanted to make a Jedi.
Initially, I was going to do a version of my DC OC aka make a self-insert, then subtract any Mary Sue-ishness. Nah. I picked one of my favorite SW races, the pretty Twi'lek & looked at my list of Western Zodiac characteristics. I hadn't really made many introverted, bookish OCs, so I made Rela into one. I read all the lore on Twi'leks & looked up how long it takes to go up the Jedi ranks. Once I figured out what her whole timeline might look like, I squooshed her into Anakin's peer group at the Temple :D also I absolutely LOVE it whenever someone can dual-wield blades or handguns. IRL, it takes a lot more skill than people realize. Oh & I love purple (Rela's skin color)! It was a coincidence to find that her RL FC, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, starred in a movie where she had purple hair!
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kakubun · 3 years
itching hands
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pairings: bonten x chubby!reader
a/n: this was supposed be for december but i'm impatient🕴
warnings: suggestive, bonten
life with bonten series
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these men will bark at you if you ever had the time to be insecure about yourself
hold on tight to your seat cause i'm sure these executives won't let you
especially these easter egg mfs, you never know what's in each of these peoples' minds
he lets a lot of things slip from his mind and specially his comments about you
he ranges from thirsty to intense staring at any part of your body where if i say so, it's gonna be a lot more pg
eventhough he's weirdly obsessive of how you look, he means good! it's just that his lameo ass can't say or spell it out to you without sounding like a pervert
he enters your apartment in search of any of the haitani brothers to pick up their report on the last mission and maybe you so he could easily find the two since they always muted their phones when busy.
at first, he wanted to reward himself with a little something since he did a little running around here and there, why not look into your fridge? he slowly opened it because of instinct and almost fell on his knees when he saw sweet cakes topped with icing. he reached out to it as if it's begging for him to just eat it up and he drooled with how soft it looked but a grab to his wrist startled him when he looked at the person in alarm, a quirk of your eyebrows immediately lead him to explain what he's here for.
"uh searching for haitani- by the way can i eat that-" you wiped his drool that ran down his chin with a tissue hastily, in full exaggeration the bright pink haired man is an absolute sweet tooth. he finally let his eyes set on you and he looked comedic with his wide eyes when he looked down at your soft thighs in the comfy shorts you wore.
you ignored his staring and sighed, pointing to the label of the sweet cake which had rindou's name on it but you changed your mind due to said man pouting and took out the cake and peeled off the label, offering to sanzu who drooled again but he doesn't know what's his drooling for anymore (rindou can always order another cake anyways). you closed the fridge and stretched, moving into the living room to lay on the sofa.
he felt content with his dessert, all he needed was a place to sit and he just felt that the perfect place was between, between, man he couldn't help it but stare at plushiness of your thighs. he wanted to bite it.
"can i lay myself between your thighs?"
a silent staring contest was held maybe, if people were to walk in at the moment but with a smirk you patted yourself.
"go ahead darling"
after a while
"y/n did you ate my cake!?" rindou gruffly yelled out and he didn't know what did he just walked into, you brushing and massaging sanzu's head while he hums and kisses up your thighs with the empty plate near his feet and rindou massaged his temples to not drag the male between your thighs into a body bag.
but he failed so sorry sanzu.
ran walked in with an amused stare when sanzu haven't noticed them yet and y/n laughed to rindou who was starting to march up to sanzu to grab both his ankles.
ran lazily stumbled to the sofa with his legs spread while watching whatever the hell the two were doing when sanzu finally woke up from his fantasies, fly high sanzu🕊🕊
ran leaned in to whisper to you when you secretly recorded the fight, asking why you finally offered sanzu a place to lay when you didn't let him lay between when he asked you so many times. you looked over at him with your mischevious eyes and he knows damn well he needs to do more than just asking.
"WAAAHH Y/N THEY BULLIED ME !!" you don't if sanzu's faking his loud crying or not with tears begin to slip past his cheek when he pointed at the haitanis and rindou had no shame in admitting what he done when his older brother blinked in confusion.
you tried to hold in any chortles or laughter coming out because the pink boy had his worst when rindou bent his leg over his head while muttering how he should've killed sanzu from day one. you held out your arms and he immediately flopped you to the coach when he pushed and smothered into your scent.
the haitanis still don't why you adore that crazed man baby who likes killing people and making them confess their crimes, you said you found it really annoyingly cute that's why you had haru in your arms who nibbled on you like a baby.
just hope that the treatment with haru doesn't go on and on and you actually do something about it instead of kissing his tears away and cuddled with him.
he feels disrespectful to how much staring he does to you on a daily basis
the way you walk, your hips popping and the curve of your hip dips makes him go crazy
he wonders if he could just hold onto your waist or just touch onto your hips, he might faint touching the roughness of your stretch marks as if he's been blessed by pure heaven
he's obsessed with how you present yourself to the others
if only he was a little more bolder, he could admire it closer if he just asked (?)
"have you taken an interest in y/n, kaku?" ran's eyes glanced at kakucho's hard staring at your crossed legs and he stopped, scoffing at ran's word but the older haitani had a plan up his sleeves.
y/n sat nearby kokonoi's table doing their own thing, looking like a sweet thing that had kakucho's glued on them that ran couldn't help pointing it out and it didn't help kakucho's poor heart when mikey suddenly interrupted the conversation.
"kakucho, please assist y/n on where's they want to go at the moment" it made kakucho perk up, startled by the sudden job of bodyguard and he looked back at ran who winked at him. no no no this isn't what he wanted, what was he planning?
it's annoying on how this puppy crush of his grew even more worse, your whole personality draws him towards you, making him feel like a kid again because of how nonchalant you are with him. he felt laidback being with you is like the calm after a storm with his work and shenanigans in bonten.
he watched from a distance when you looked over the things on your list, kakucho also gathered some of the things you wanted into a little basket and cancelling some out so you didn't have to get them anymore and you thanked him with your pretty smile.
he scanned the area around him and held himself back from punching when this one creepo think they're being sleak with how they kept eyeing you, kakucho either think he was a pick pocket or a flirt but he kept a good metres away from him to see what he was doing but he was ready to turn towards you if they got any closer.
you turned towards kakucho, waving your hand to come to you and he immediately went, feeling more pissed off towards the person creeping in on you slowly but he felt your rough palm on the skin of his wrist wrapping it around your waist. he unconsciously squeezed around you, pulling you close as he shot a nasty glare towards the person who backed off, seeing the intense look from the half blind which they didn't dare messing with.
you both walk away, heading towards the counter as you laughed behind the palm of you hand; still in position of kakucho tightly holding onto your waist where he panicked when he realized how hard he's latching onto you.
"hah~ you're so-"
still choking on your laughter, he akwardly shuffles to the side in embarassment and it added more fuel to the fire when he remembered how he held your waist and he excused himself before combusting in front of you and went away for a few seconds.
you have to say but you gotta thank ran for this plan, even if the creepo appeared out of nowhere, atleast you got to see how bonten nunber 3 reacts to his dream coming true~
he mostly admires you in silence and gets distracted if he ever talks to somebody
just his eyes trailing down every curve on your body and just daydreams about them (as in like cuddling pls)
the other executives would notice how his eyes are always on you in every meeting youre in and would tease him about it when you leave the room like ran would comment 'so thats where your head was this whole time hm?'
kokonoi love your pictures, he feels creepy stalking your pictures but he can't help but gush into the palm of his hand of your stunning you look, you make him faint whenever you had suprise pictures of you in dresses and he feel like his whole body is on fire.
ran taps the head of his pen to the temple of kokonoi's head and he slams his phone down and put on a poker face, it faltering when he clenched his teeth already knowing what's coming. ran sneered to how much of a simp he was and flicked the back of his head, pointing towards the door of his office; telling him any moment you're gonna come by and koko swats his hand away, knowing the haitani was just teasing him but his eyes nearly bulged out when you actually swung by.
all sleepy and dreamy like, his heart getting squeezed and the older haitani patting you towards koko who unexpectantly had you in your lap, your weight tapping him out of his daydreams as you hugged him tighter.
"my my, tired baby ain't ya?" he put on his proper poker face he got from the back of his desk, trying not to falter when you sleepily ranted on how work was terribly tiring and he patted your back shakily, not wanting to push you off due to extreme nervousness. he joked with you telling that he could just pay you easily if you work under him and you pushed his chest with your head bonk .
"ywou drhon just-mphm-hrmm" him heating up to how close with you works because he was the best heat warmer you could ask for, he felt bad for moving you to the coach but he just needed a comfortable position for you sleep in because you sitting on him? naaah, he's a puddle by the end of it.
the urge to take a picture was really strong so he took out his phone and angle his phone down to catch your drool slipping out of you and smiled feverishly to how dorky you looked.
koko felt like he could fuck up more of his feelings staring at your sleeping face, he rubbed his finger on your fat cheek you smooshed onto the coach and shifted a little in your sleep to adjust the blanket more closer to you. koko's touches were hesitant, didn't want to be a pervert when all he did was touch your soft cheek.
he wanted to just hold you close to his chest and have you against him but his prickling anxiety said otherwise, his awful thoughts and stubborness entertaining the shit out of him. you nearly give him a heart attack when one of your eyes open when he wanted to take his second picture and you latched onto his wrist. koko squawked and you couldn't help but burst out in guffaws to how panicked he looked when you caught him.
if anyone saw this scene, koko surely would die of embarassment and he'll dig his grave himself but unfortunely he will eventually when the blinking red of somebody's recording was capturing every moment of it.
haitani brothers
the duo who makes you nervous with their hard stares on you
these two are also pretty touchy so it's dangerous when they're handsy with one of your body parts
rindou are obsessed with your chubbiness, poking it just to see his finger bounce back; comedically
he loves being close with you because you're so squishy??? the type of guy who plays with your squishiness like you're a stress toy and holds himself back from biting
you're the greatest fridge or heat bag on the off days he haves, just wrapped up in blankets and you makes him sleep like a baby
as discussed earlier, ran wants to his head between your thighs; don't be suprised when one day he felt like he should get killed by them and you reject his acceptance towards death
he's a leg man and likes sleeping on your lap or kissing them or he just does anything with them (if you don't mind)
you just gotta remember these two are menaces right next to sanzu cause they'll bother you about it like forever if they can
after seeing the endless babying of sanzu, rindou turns to his brother who was lost in his thoughts and tapped his shoulder with the back of his hand. he lifted his eybrow, needing a response to how quiet he became and ran gave him a sly smile.
"you look at y/n like you wanna eat them up" ran shrugged, placing his elbow on rindou's shoulder as he slipped a comment on how he can eat y/n in other ways while rindou scrunched up in disgust. sanzu then emerged right next to rindou, telling them to give their report; damn well distracted when you started brushing and massaging his head a few moments ago.
rindou pointed towards the window, telling sanzu to fetch the files in his car while 'lightly' threatening him to buy another cake for him and the pink haired boy waved him off as if his threatening didn't give him flashbacks to how rindou almost squeezed his organs out of his ribcage when he looked at the empty plate.
when sanzu disappeared out of the house, rindou pulled you by the waist and onto his lap. squeezing your fat and kissing up your neck, he grazed a sweet spot but you swatted him telling him what's gotten into him. ran lay his head on your lap and looked like a satisfied brat when you look back at him then his brother all confused like.
rindou couldn't spare anymore time so he whispered in your ear, telling how much of a nuisance his older brother was and pleaded you to let him do what he wished to do. ran quirked his eyebrows, leaning up to kiss you while you teased him more by placing a finger on his lips.
"using your brother as a way to get me to do your thing instead of asking me in the nicest way? how cruel haitani, don't you know how torturous it is for your brother to put up with you?"
he smirks, knowing how much of a tease you were and feigned his sigh. rindou clamped his hands over this ears to not hear whatever the hell is this and tilted his head comfortably on your neck.
you shifted off rindou's lap, letting the man going after your sweet self place his head on your tummy as he happily shifts himself to a tiny nap to wait for sanzu to get back from whatever he got himself into because they could hear him shouting at the phone when he was unlocking the car door.
you looked over at rindou and placed a finger on your lips, smiling with your eyes closed when you don't want to disturb his sleeping brother in bliss.
ran just doesn't need to know rindou had his many turns sleeping with you this week compared to him~
he likes sleeping on you, his titled pillow he seeks for at the end of the day
he usually goes to you whenever he has a hard time sleeping and you try your best to advice him on how he should take care od his eyebags and weak body
he likes listening to your whispering before he goes to sleep so he asks you to talk more (command maybe)
"please i need to get up"
he uses your entire body as a pillow to swing his leg over ._. . from the very start, he makes you worried that you might've done or said something wrong to him but his thoughts were completely filled with how he can melt into you and be a handy pillow for him if he can't sleep easily.
to break the ice of what he thinks of you, you hummed quietly and awfully close to him on why he was staring at you but he completley dodges the question, rather he wants to show you why he's staring so he asks if he can touch you. he was uo close and personal on the first into with you but he didn't have bad intentions.. because afterwards you were legit cradling him.
sanzu was raising his eyebrows teasingly when their boss was sound asleep on your shoulder and you run your hands to his hair while glaring at sanzu to not make any noise. kakucho tried putting a straight face on but it's complelety leaving him when he heard his boss sleep talk.
he was babbling nonsense to you which you tried to reply to him but his mouth was jammed shut because there was some point where he got mad at you for not replying and sanzu was rolling on the floor and kakucho had to walk out to laugh with sanzu, dragging the pink hair out of the office. you cooed at him to relax instead of thrashing back and forth and he stopped, planting his face into your neck which makes you feel really tickled.
you're just grateful he's getting some sleep and you kissed him good night and a faint smile shows up on his face when you hugged him tight.
(and the other executives in the other room cracking up about mikey and you NSBJSBD)
he likes carrying you, stealing you away from the other executive when they're disturbing you
you can't feel insecure with this man because he was the dirtiest way with his words that he whispers to you that can turn any guy or girl red
he'll surely gouge out any prying eyes that mock or stare at you for too long
"why cat got your tongue?" your mouth agape when he was busy doing pushups on the mat and his back muscles flex even more when you came by, the smirk on his face didn't help making you flustered while you sat near him. panicking on the inside, he stopped for a water break and sat next to you.
you prayed to not shake so visibly becaue this hot ass man right now makes you lose all sense of human nature with how big he was, he placed his bottle down and shifted closer to you. bending down a little to arch his back to crack a little, he said he needed you on his back for his pushups. he can easily see the confusion you had on your face and he chuckled, getting up to begin and he usher you to start climbing on his back.
"cmonnn~ i'm strong, you're afraid i'll drop you?"
this man wanted a death wish but you think you'll die first because of how much of a tease he was, his back was kinda comfortable so you tugged on him like a koala, he called you needy and he says he's right you'll enjoy it. enjoy what exactly? too scared to ask this man because of the potential of a heart attack.
it becomes a daily thing to be honest, just having you on his back to flex off his strength that you were impressed that he didn't break and kept his composure. he held you close or carries you on his back cause he wants to, running away from the others who were fighting over you.he was a dangerous man because he could easily take your breath away with how secretive he is.
heck, i think he just did.
tag tag: @lucylicious , @turksueme , @haruchyio , @fyotituti , @coconois , @gyros-cum-sock , @ashrakat-lovesbaji , @dragon-chica
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Levi Ackerman - NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: i'm bored so i'm just writing these nsfw headcanons for all my comfort characters, don't judge me. feel free to request - i posted request rules so go check it out :)
enjoy! nsfw under the cut :P
A - Aftercare (what are they like after sex)
The first time you have sex, Levi needs a lot of comfort. He'd never been that vulnerable with someone before and it took a lot for him to open up like that, so aftercare for him is the priority. Once sex becomes more frequent and he gets used to everything, he's the one to clean you both up but he still needs more emotional reassurance than he'll admit.
B - Body part (fav body part of themselves/their partner)
He isn't a vain person, so he'd probably say his arms just because of how much you love them. He wasn't too fussed at first but because of all the attention you give them he's started growing fonder of them.
His favourite part of you is your neck and collarbones. He didn't even realize he had a thing for that until he met you, and whenever you wear chokers he can't take his eyes off you.
C - Cum (where do they prefer to cum?)
Levi prefers to cum on your stomach, purely because it makes it easier to clean up. (He's always very mindful of any mess.)
D - Dirty secret (self-explanatory)
It obviously couldn't happen because of his status, but it sends a shiver of arousal through him whenever he imagines you humiliating him in public. It's something he wants to try in private, though he's nervous to talk about it with you.
E - Experience (how experienced are they?)
Levi is a virgin, since he doesn't have sex with people he doesn't genuinely, 100% trust. You'll have to guide him through everything at the beginning, however he's a quick learner and picks it up pretty fast.
F - Favourite position (goes without saying)
He likes missionary a lot because it lets him feel close to you, and he'll melt if you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. He also gets shy sometimes, so this position is perfect to hide his face in your neck.
G - Goofy (are they goofy or serious in the moment?)
Other than the odd sarcastic comment, he's generally serious. If he's in a vulnerable position then joking around doesn't calm his nerves at all.
H - Hair (opinions on grooming etc.)
Levi keeps his own hair neatly trimmed. He'd prefer if you keep yours vaguely under control but, as long as it's clean, it's up to you how you keep it.
I - Intimacy (how intimate are they during sex?)
It takes him a while to fully open up to you, but sex becomes one of the most intimate moments you ever share with Levi where he truly breaks down all his walls for you, just the two of you.
J - Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't tend to masturbate unless he's really desperate. Something about it just makes him uncomfortable, but he also has urges sometimes when you aren't available.
K - Kinks (again, pretty self-explanatory)
When you first started sleeping together, Levi had more of the control because he thought that was the way it was 'supposed' to be. However once you brought up the idea of him being submissive, your dynamic shifted. He was extremely hesitant at the beginning because he wasn't used to being in such a powerless position, though as soon as you managed to get him into a submissive headspace it became a regular occurrence.
Levi is a sub at heart who needs a soft dom more than anything. Some of the kinks you've explored that he likes are bondage, light impact play, praise, orgasm denial and marking (as long as the marks are hidden during the day.)
He also definitely has a bit of a humiliation kink but he's still working up the courage to tell you.
L - Location (favourite place to do the deed)
His favourite place is a tie between the shower and his desk. Sometimes when he's had a long day and doesn't want a full scene, he likes to have sex in the shower (also it makes clean-up easier). Although if he feels like subbing, as long as the door is locked, one of his favourite things is for you to cockwarm him while he's trying to work.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
Showing skin is a sure-fire way to get him riled up. I personally headcanon Levi as demisexual, so he doesn't care when other people show skin, but if it's you? All you have to do is leave a couple buttons undone, expose your chest a little, and he is done for. Also, slipping casual praise into conversations will sometimes start pushing him into a submissive headspace, especially if you've done a lot of scenes with him recently because he starts responding to that tone of voice.
N - No (something they'd never do)
He doesn't like intense pain play - he's had enough pain the rest of his life so he needs you to be gentle with him. He also wouldn't want a harsh or strict dom, preferring to have you take care of him instead.
O - Oral (preference in giving, receiving etc.)
He enjoys both equally. Before you'd had sex you wanted to ease him into the experience carefully, so you gave him his first blowjob and he almost sobbed from the stimulation. Buuuuuuut alongside that he would also happily spend hours between yours legs - the praise you give him as he pleasures you and the feeling of you clenching around his tongue is almost enough to make him finish without any physical touch.
P - Pace (are they fast, slow, quick, rough?)
If it's just against the wall in the shower then it tends to be a bit faster, and on the odd occasion Levi feels more dominant he can get rougher, but he is usually perfectly content to let you decide the pace entirely.
Q - Quickie (opinion on quickies)
They're good sometimes, especially when you're both very busy with other duties. They're good to relieve basic urges, but Levi would never choose them over a full scene.
R - Risk (how open are they to risk?)
Levi is open to a bit of experimentation, but never anything exhibitionist. He can't risk the possibility of someone catching him in a compromising position, considering his importance in the military, so he insists that you keep all bedroom activities private.
S - Stamina (how long can they go for?)
As expected, at the start Levi had pretty low stamina since it was all so new and overwhelming. It gotten a little better since then but he also has a fairly quick recovery time to make up for it.
T - Toys (opinion on using toys etc.)
He doesn't particularly enjoy using toys on you, but adores when you use toys on him.
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He'll only tease you a little when he's in a dominant mood and you've been doing something to piss him off, but the rest of the time it's not something he does at all. (He kind of likes when you tease him though.)
V - Volume (are they loud or quiet?)
Levi is cautious to control his volume so that other people don't hear, but his whimpers of pleasure can get quite loud sometimes.
W - Wild card (random headcanon)
During a scene once, while he was deep into subspace, he accidently called you mommy. When he realized what he said he was mortified, and almost started dropping. You had to quickly assure him that it was perfectly alright, that you weren't upset with him, and that you don't mind it if he wants to keep calling you that. He only uses that name for you when he's really, really submissive, and it's adorable hearing the tiny whimpers of "P-please mommy..."
X - X-ray (what's going on... down there?)
So many people seem to think that this man has a monster cock. He is 5'3 there is no way. He's a little smaller than average, in length and girth, but that just means you can hear him whine when you take his whole length into your mouth.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is low most of the time. He has so many other things he has to focus on everyday, so sex doesn't cross his mind that much. Sex is more of a stress relief that he doesn't think too much about until it happens.
Z - Zzzzz... (how quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Being an insomniac, Levi takes a while to settle down to sleep, although it's always a little easier when he's comfortably next to you. (definitely the little spoon)
207 notes · View notes
vinnival · 3 years
Hallo! I’m not sure if you have requests open or not, not sure if this prompt is already made or somethin’ similar or will get picked, but I would love to req the main 3 + Tricky who’s had a very heated argument with their s/o and ends up lashing out on them/hurting them severely on accident. You get to decide if S/o lives or dies lmao, their life is on your hands
(ps: LOVE your works btw! I swear yer works‘ll give me brainrot sooner or later from how much I read them. {in a good way!} )
HOHOHO IM GLAD <333 angst central will answer your call, enjoy !!!
TW for death, blood, gore, just sadness in general
Hank accidentally ate your baklava, sent to you by your friend
You shouldn't have approached him while he was stressed out about a mission, and cutting up cucumbers.
But you did
It began as a simple statement
"Hank, honey, did you eat that baklava in the fridge?"
"Yeah. Sorry, didn't save any for you. I was hungry."
"That was sent to me by my friend as a gift."
Hank stopped cutting, and shrugged haphazardly
"Tell them to make you another."
"Fucker, they're from out of state, do you know how hard it is to get shit into Nevada nowadays?"
He whipped around, frustrated, "how was I supposed to know?! I'm sorry, okay? Leave me alone or else-"
"Or else what? What if they're dead now? What if that was the last gift they sent me? You wouldn't give a shit, would you?" You were fuming now, "All you care about is what HANK wants. What HE wants and when HE wants i-"
You were violently cut off when a butcher knife was slammed into your arm.
You yelled in pain, looking back at Hank as you stumbled
He looked pissed, his hand still in throwing position
You stumbled back and fell to the ground as Deimos walked into the room, worried about your yell
Hank realized what he's done when Deimos noticed you on the ground and confusedly yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK, HANK? TO YOUR OWN S/O?!"
Deimos took you to 2B to get medical help
You lost a lot of blood, some core nerves were damaged, and your arm had to be amputated
He was babbling apologies constantly after you recovered
Deimos made a prosthetic arm for you.
Hank despised himself, and he vowed to never touch any type of weaponry while at home again
Eventually, you got over it and foragve him, but he would never forgive himself
He still gets sad whenever he cuddles you and feels or sees your prosthetic
Arguing while training wasn't a good idea
You absentmindedly critiqued his attacks
Hes finally had enough, and told you to stop
You rebutted, and it escalated into you two full on arguing while you fought
You tried to avoid any type of wounding damage, but unfortunately
Sanford threw his hook a little too hard, slicing your face
That "oh FUCK" moment immediately hit him and he rushed over to you, where you were writhing in pain
Turns out he ripped off a whole skin patch on your face, and damaged one of your eyes to where you couldn't see out of it anymore
You had to wear a glass eye and you had to get leather stitched to your face to replace skin
Although he hated looking at your face now, he still comments on how beautiful you are
He still feels horrible though
He'd caress your face sometimes
Every time he does it, tears slip out from under his glasses
You've grown to expect it every time he does it, and immediately comfort him
Hank had just gotten done lecturing Deimos
He was annoyed now
And if Deimos is annoyed, he'll lash out at anything miniscule that goes wrong
He was in his lab, tinkering with a big ass machine to calm down
He wasn't calmed enough when you entered
You were on the other side of the machine
You asked him if he wanted help, and he declined
So you tried to just watch him, placing your hand on the table where the machine sat
You accidentally tipped over his glass drink
It hit the floor, making a loud sound, thus making Deimos jump
He screwed up on a wiring from jumping
"Dude what the fuck?! Can't you be more fucking mindful?"
You scoffed, "I didn't know it was there, I'm sorry!"
"Sorry won't fix it, boo," he seethed, slamming his hand down on the machine
Uh oh that was a button
It sprang to life, but with the mis-wiring, it malfunctioned
It sent electricity everywhere
Most of it zapping you
Oops again, you were zapped to death
Deimos immediately fell out of his chair, yelling your name
You were already gone by the time he got to your side of the table
he hates himself and robotics now yikes
Poor guy
Doesn't want anything to do with machinery anymore
The others try and solace him but he can't escape that forever-staying guilt
Knowing the clown you two probably didn't even get into an argument
He got too pent up in anger one day, and when you got too close to him while he was angry, he lashed out
You were just beginning to say, "Are you okay, honey?" when you were cut off by incessant growling, and a flash of green, red, and grey rapidly approached
His stop sign was RAMMED through your gut
Like, sliced straight through. JJBA donut style
You coughed up blood, too in pain to let out any noise
Tricky then recognized you and started screeching
He despised the Auditor but was desperate
He held you in his arms, his sign awkwardly sticking out of you while he rushed to the Auditor to heal you
He made it to the building
Alas... you didn't make it with him
He sat there on the AAHW property with your dead body on the floor
He finally took back his sign
He kept sitting there until The Auditor forced him out
He brings your corpse to one of his favorite places, his Clown Hideout (a secret bunker filled with circus items), and buried you right next to it
He sits there for days on end, constantly talking to himself
Still acts like you're there at times before he realizes he killed you and then goes into another bout of silence
A cycle is then born
When he returns to killing, he's more violent than ever before, in your honor
Once again, sadness combat
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
[ Classified ]
The full report - Eren Yeager
The following report details all information on Eren Yeager. Contains NSFW content and reader must be over the age of 18 to view this document.
For your eyes only.
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Name: Eren Yeager
Birthplace: Shiganshina
Height: 180cm / 5ft 9"
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[ A1 ]
Appearance & Hygiene practices:
Eren's chestnut brown hair is always clean and fresh. Whenever he pays you a late night visit, he'll have most probably just gotten out of the shower. Coconut scented shampoo of sorts? Whatever it is, it smells so good.
Prefers showers over a bathe. He says it's to save time, but he spends a good 40 - 60 minutes in there, easily.
Once he's dry, likes to throw on jogger bottoms and a hoodie over his bare skin. His bare skin that is now so soft and scented as his favourite shower gel which is either tea-tree oil or Coconut.
If he wants to remain clean shaven, Eren must shave every 2-3 days. Sometimes he likes to grow it out but nothing ever past a long stubble.
Minimal body hair.
Trims the hairs on his pubic bone/lower stomach. Has pleasuring you in mind as he does so. Will take into consideration the friction against you.
Totally clean shaven testicles.
Eren's nails are short but that's because he bites them. [ see section A3 ]
Beautiful set of teeth. Brushes twice daily in a modern AU.
Eren adores it when you brush his hair for him. He finds it extremely relaxing as you massage his scalp. His eyes will close and a small, barely audible hum will emit from time to time.
Eren's skin care routine is pretty basic. All of the steam from sitting in his hot, frequent showers for so long seems to do him wonders - his skin is flawless and worthy of envy.
Due to the healing power of being a Titan shifter, Eren has no scars.
Eren has quite large hands with long fingers. He doesn't wear rings or jewellery as it reminds him of the burden of when he had to keep that damn key on him at all times. Will however, put up with a wedding ring.
Body & Love language:
Eren is a pretty introverted person. His hands are usually tucked away inside of his pockets - be it either trousers or hoody/jacket.
He hunches a little too. Likes to feel hidden. He's had enough attention over the years and wants nothing more than to just shrink away in a crowded room. Or maybe, it's the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Brooding, moody exterior. Extreme "resting bitch face"
Shrugs a lot. At first glance, you'd think he was a moody teenager trapped in a grown man's body.
Likes to sit with his feet flat up on the chair with his knees splayed - you'll usually find him like this with an arm resting over a knee while the other is at a 90 degree angle pointing away from his hip.
Fumbles his hands together in formal occasions when he can't sit so casually or tuck them away.
Likes to drape his arm over you without touching you. His arm will rest above you on the top of the chair. A clear indication of "They're mine" and "I will keep you safe"
His hips will usually be swivelled in your direction, regardless of where you are in the room. A subconscious body language of sexual yearning.
Eren likes to hold hands with you when you're walking. He's not huge on PDA but likes the strong yet subtle showings that you're together.
Tends to rub his thumb over the back of your hand absent-mindedly when you do so.
His love languages include physical touch. Can get very needy and touch starved pretty easily. Not in a overbearing way, but even just a run of his slender fingers through your hair is enough to keep him going until the two of you are in a more private setting.
Bad Habits & Tendencies:
As mentioned above, Eren bites his finger nails. His toe nails too. It's pretty gross to be honest.
He never does it in public, but he has been known to do it in front of you when he feels comfortable enough to do so.
Get's very fidgety when irritated or annoyed, which is pretty often. Especially if Jean is around.
Short temper. He's learned to tame it more over the years where he doesn't show it so easily. But everyone has their limit and when his is reached, his yell is booming and pretty intimidating.
During an argument with you he has been known to raise his voice, but it's not the frightening roar you've heard him unleash on others before.
Always apologises to you after he's calmed down. Even though it wasn't that bad.
If you two ever have a bad falling out, will lock himself away for days. He'll be pissed at himself for letting it get so bad and depressed that you two are having such problems. But he'll do anything he can to fix it.
[ A4 ]
Common misconceptions:
Obviously everyone has their own cannons and opinions. But I don't personally see Eren as being an abusive partner. Yeah, he has his problems and treats his friends like shit but there's a reason for that we'll probably see in the last chapter. If you're worthy enough to pierce that cold and distant shell, you're a very special person and he'll treat you as such.
Eren actually has a large heart hidden under that huge chip on his shoulder. He cares and loves the people around him unconditionally. Even to the point of carrying out mass genocide to protect them.
Still... He does have a dark side to be weary of at times.
Even though he's gross while in Liberio, usually Eren is actually pretty clean.
[ A5 ]
Food & Drink:
In a Modern AU Eren loves fancy coffees with the weird names. The longer to pronounce, the better. He just likes the fact they give him energy and the fancier ones taste good.
Due to not having meat for so long, a good ol' fashioned beef/lamb stew is his favourite.
Doesn't drink in canon.
Modern AU, his alcoholic beverage of choice is bottles of beer and craft ales. Sometimes is a sucker for red wine.
[ A6 ]
Modern Au:
Eren wears loose clothing. Hoodies, loose jeans, those baggy cardigans too.
His texting style is spam over one long message. Especially if he's pissed off. He's too impatient to sit and type in paragraphs.
Drives a black car. Don't ask me what type, I don't know cars. But it's black, 'kay?
It also has "black ice" air freshener inside.
Likes to ride quads and mopeds along fields. He's a thrill seeker. Rollercoasters, bungee jumping... you name it he's game.
Eren plays the guitar. He took lessons for it but after about a year he just went his own way and self-taught.
If he sees a guitar at a party, he will pick it up and play it. He won't sing though.
He actually hates singing. He finds it embarrassing.
Always has in his air pods/earphones.
Likes any sort of music that is catchy.
Probably streams on Twitch. He won't talk much though.
Could have a wide range of jobs. Coffee shop, could be in college, might be a ride attendant... who knows? It's anyone's guess what Eren is doing. He doesn't talk about himself that much.
Romance & NSFW
[ B1 ]
Eren would definitely be in denial he has a crush on you at first.
• “Does y/n seem different to you?”
Armin; “No…? In what way?”
“I dunno… Just, different.”
• His poor stubborn brain would be ticking for weeks as to why he suddenly wants to be near you a lot more often and has urges to touch you, even if it’s just a slight brush against your arm.
• Will find any excuse to do extra training with you
• Once he FINALLY clicks on as to why he’s had these feelings, he’ll be pretty knocked off his feet and a little annoyed at himself.
I’m here to kill the enemy...
• Still though… Can’t seem to keep himself away.
[ B2 ]
First kiss & general kisses:
After the initial denial and keeping himself away, he'll just decide one day he's had enough of feeling this way and decides to to something about it.
He won't shove himself onto you. He'll do some sly probing to see if there is any indication of reciprocation.
Knowing Eren, he'll indirectly piss you off or insult you. He didn't mean to. He's just lacking social skills. Man aint smooth.
You'll slap him, probably, where he'll keep his head away from you for a few seconds, realising he's pushed you too far. Whichever side you palmed him away, he'll stay.
He'll slowly return his gaze to yours before gently holding your arms, apologising and planting his lips onto yours.
His general kisses are quite firm and forceful. Not in an aggressive way, but a "god I want you so bad" way.
Always either slides his arms around your waist or cups your face/head.
He tastes like sweetened tea <3 / Coffee in a Modern AU
Loves coming from behind and snaking his arms around you, nuzzling into your neck when you're doing something. Doesn't like it when your attention is away from him for too long.
When he's feeling soft and tender, will dance his nose with yours and catching your mouth in a caress.
When he's super turned on, he'll suck your tongue, bite your bottom lip and kiss anywhere he can.
[ B3 ]
Ha ~~!
Eren is up there with the best when it comes to sex. He knows what he's doing and he does it well.
Extremely skilled with his fingers and tongue. He'll have you crawling the walls with hysteria as he likes to tease you throughout the day. He more than makes up for it, though.
Gropes, nips, kisses, licks, bites, flicks... anywhere and everywhere he can.
Is the most vocal when you perform oral sex on him. Will groan so deeply, his entire body will vibrate.
Dirty talk is this man's second language.
"Look how desperate you are for me." / "Look how desperate for you you've gotten me..."
"Do I feel good like this?"
"Am I making you feel good baby?"
"You're so good at that. Fuck, such a good girl/boy"
"S'so fuckin' tight."
"You're my little fuck thing, aren't you?"
"You're perfect."
"I love you..."
Are some of the many things you'll hear while he's fucking you.
He doesn't really have a favourite position. He'll gladly take you anyway he can. If he's in a rough mood, he'll bend you over the sofa, take you up against the wall... But if he's feeling more soft he'll make slow, passionate love to you for hours.
He does have a strong soft side at times.
Dominic Dominant. He loves seeing you totally at his mercy, the power over you the most arousing thing in the world to him.
Big daddy dilf vibes. He knows what he’s doing and he’s fucking good at it too.
The only time he’ll sub is if he wants to be lazy - letting you ride him and use him to your heart’s content.
Dirty talk. It can get pretty degrading at times. If you’re not into that, he respects that boundary.
Will absolutely ruin you.
Low-key loves it when you claw his back in hysteria. He thrives knowing he can send you absolutely insane, and he can just heal the claw marks in a matter of seconds. Sometimes even during sex (which is the hottest thing ever)
In an AU modern, he would love to fuck you near a large mirror or record you both getting at it to watch at a later date.
A lot of hissing, humming and low groaning, especially when he’s close to unloading.
Likes to watch you masturbate, putting his head close and observing intently. Loses his shit if you moan his name while doing so.
Hair pulling is his overload language. Will tug fistfuls when he gets too turned on.
[ B4 ]
The risk of getting caught. He likes having risky sex in semi public locations. Makes a game of how loud he can get you to moan, knowing someone would probably hear you.
Light Degradation. When he’s in a rough mood, he doesn’t mind calling you a few names. Nothing too extreme. And if it’s not your thing, he’ll respect that boundary.
Loves a good ol’ 69. Having you on his face with your ass in view is just… *Chef’s kiss*
Speaking of ass, he loves to bend you over too, allowing himself in nice and deep with a great view and something Juicy to grab.
[ B5 ]
Aftercare with Eren isn’t anything special unfortunately. He’s another who gets sleepy after sex.
Won’t ignore you though. Often lazy pillow talk is on the cards and telling you how much you mean to him and how beautiful you are.
Will run his fingers across your scalp to soothe you.
Also will kiss any bite marks or finger bruises he’s left behind and ask if you’re okay.
Relationship with loved ones & becoming serious
[ C1 ]
Friends & Family:
When Eren meet's your friends family he will be polite yet quiet. He wants them to like him but he won't pine for their approval. If they like him, awesome. If they don't...? No big deal.
Same goes with your friends. He'll stay quiet until spoken to at first, but once he's been eased into conversation, he'll flow with it a lot easier.
Again, he'll be polite but don't expect him to kiss ass, because he certainly wont.
[ C2 ]
You couldn’t actually believe Eren had proposed. Although he was down on one knee in front of your very eyes, your mind just wasn’t accepting it. Folks and onlookers watched with bated breath, awaiting your answer. He sure kept this surprise hidden well…
Of course, you said yes and he picked you up by your waist in a spin, colliding his lips to yours.
And now here he was, watching you walk down the aisle, a lump in his throat and his heart racing.
You looked gorgeous, like something from a fairy tale.
And of course, he looked as handsome as ever. His suit was smart and his hair was up in its usual bun.
Armin is his best man, of course; who is standing and beaming with pride.
Eren holds back his chokes and tears as he reads his vows;
“Y/N… From the first time I ever laid eyes on you, all those years ago, I knew you would be in my life forever. Back then, I didn’t think it would be as my wife, but God I am so glad it is. I’m sorry for my stubbornness and irrational behaviour when we were young. But despite that you still loved, and stood by me and for that I’ll be eternally grateful. I vow to always stand beside you, whatever the world throws at us. I vow to hold you when you need support. I vow to remember how you always had my back no matter what. And I vow to always love you, with my heart and soul, until the day I die and after.”
The room erupts in cheers and tears when you seal your kiss.
The reception is wild.
Everyone is drunk (except Levi) and dancing. Reiner and Connie are dancing like weirdos, Reiner's blazer removed and at one point Connie is on his shoulders.
Sasha has too much to drink and is spewing in the bathroom.
Mikasa can’t stop crying with happiness and pride.
He carries you to your room afterwards where you spend all night sealing a special bond that will never be broken.
[ C3 ]
Eren has a soft spot for children, believe it or not. As seen before the expedition to the forest of giant trees. He sees his old self behind the innocent glint of unaltered admiration within a child's eyes.
He's not super into child play though. He wont pull weird voices or funny faces. He'll sit at their level and speak to them like they were anyone else. Obviously, watching what he says around them.
If they're unchecked and acting themselves, he'll become quickly annoyed as they wreck havoc around him and will have to leave the room or he'll get too agitated.
If his s/o discovers they're pregnant he'll seem to take it well. But inside he's falling apart and freaking out. He won't ever show it to them, but he doesn't know how he could be a father. Would he be like his own? Would he be able to be a good figure to look up to? What if he fails? Is it selfish to bring a child into this cruel world?
He'll be shocked but understandably so. After after a couple of weeks of self-reflection and brooding, he'll start to feel better about the whole thing.
More protective over his s/o than usual. Will make sure they're eating, drinking, resting and god help you if he finds you doing something you shouldn't such as trying to lift something heavy.
Will hold your hair and rub you back, as well as bring you water while you're having your morning sickness.
"Babe? It's four in the afternoon. How come you're still sick?"
"Eren, it's called morning sickness but it can happen any time."
He'll click his tongue. "....That's a dumb name, then."
The first time he feels the baby kick within you, his heart absolutely melts. His eyes enlarge and you could swear you saw them soften with that spark behind his emerald greens he had when you were younger.
His large palm is warm against your stomach as he feels around, the little flutter of your child hitting against his skin making him flinch in surprise at first.
"Woah..." He'll gasp in amazement. "They're already so strong. Hey, y/n? Doesn't that hurt?"
"Sometimes." You'll laugh softly.
He'll gingerly place his face to your skin, a little embarrassed he's doing this; but he feels the need. "...Don't hurt your mom, okay?"
As your pregnancy progresses and you get larger, he will not leave your side. If he has to, he'll be worrying and you'll be occupying his mind. In a modern au, he'll constantly call and text and will get Mikasa or Armin to check in on you often.
Will be so gentle during love making. He's terrified he'll hurt the baby.
One of the only times you've seen Eren panic in his adult life is when your waters break.
You'd gotten up in the middle of the night to pee. Climbed back into bed and felt a strange pressure, followed by a pop. Then a warm gushing sensation. You wait a few seconds to settle your own panic before you nudge Eren awake.
He'll bolt up, confused. "What? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"
"Eren, my waters have broken."
"Shit. Okay. Shit. What do we do? Shit." He'll leap out of bed and throw the lights on. You get to your feet where more water will start to drop onto the floor. "Shit, shit. I'll get the bag. Do you need help getting dressed? Okay, where's my jacket? WHERE'S MY JACKET?!"
"Eren, honey I need to you calm down."
"Okay, sorry. I'm calm. Shit. Shit..."
Will hold your hand with a worried look the entire time you're in labour. Has water and snacks on hand.
Will watch in amazement as your child is pushed into the world. This magical moment changes something in him, but right now he's not sure what that is.
They will bond immediately. As soon as he holds your son/daughter he can't take his wide gaze off them.
They're inseparable.
Any doubts of being a bad father is washed away as he takes them under his wing and teaches them about the world.
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
02 liner aussie girl joining the group
Bang Chan
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° Sees you as a little sister, and will baby you nonstop for that reason alone. Expect very long hugs and him trying to beg you for some affection.
° Let Felix take charge in helping you around JYP, watching from afar like a proud father. Even if you aren't much younger than the members, he can't help but become a giddy mess when you literally do anything.
° Since he sees you as a little sister, that also means he is very protective over you. Not even Minho can tease you for too long without Chan becoming a bit tense. He just doesn't want you to ever feel uncomfortable.
° Does many vlives with you, chatting about your life and what parts of Australia you grew up in. Whenever he is introducing you or if you call him during a vlive, he'll call you little sissy.
° Many stays have made edits of Chan babying you or treating you like a literal angel, you both have watched edits like these and neither of you can deny that he doesn't do either of those things.
"My little sissy y/n did great today in our dance practice, isn't that right sissy?" he asked, sitting you on his lap.
"Yeah, Minho Oppa helped me learn quite a bit. But I couldn't have succeeded it without my personal cheerleader Chris." You replied.
Lee Know
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° Doesn't make a huge deal out of it, is honestly just really happy to have a new member. He doesn't care that your a girl or a fellow aussie, just sees you as a member.
° If you are ever struggling with Korean he'll do his best to try and help you, even if it is only on small thing such as the way you pronounce words. He admits to finding your struggles pretty adorable.
° Even though he is a huge tease, he'll go easy on you for the first two months. Letting you get settled in and get use to the chaotic behavior of all of them. But after those months pass, he'll start to tease.
° Minho likes to challenge you to dance battles during practice, seeing if you will ever beat him on one. But luckily whenever Snsd comes on you are in your element, showing him the true Gee master.
° Minho has a soft spot fro you due toy your age, he won't tease you too harshly and won't get mad if you don't remember one of his cat's names. All of the members notice his new soft spot for you.
"So I know Soonie, Doongie... And?" you sighed, trying to remember the third cat of Minho's.
"Dori, it's okay. At least you remembered two of them." He reassured, Felix looking at him with shock from across the room.
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°When he heard that you would be joining the group, he hoped that you wouldn't make fun of him as much as the other members. And if you did, it wouldn't be too harsh.
° Appreciated that you weren't teasing him 24/7, and if you are shorter than him then he would be very smiley and giddy for days. Changbin likes your company and would often want to hang around you.
° Buys you coffee/tea every morning, and only you (occasionally Felix). And when the members ask, he explains that you earned your coffee/tea by not teasing him. Even if they haven't teased him for days.
° You are his favorite member, even if he won't admit it... Everyone knows it. You are his best friend and he doesn't want that relationship to change. Unlike the fan's pov, he sees you only as a best friend.
° Whenever he does a vlive with you, your ship name is all over the chat. Neither of you speak out about it, but both of you don't like each other in that way. And it makes situations awkward when they ship you two.
"I can't believe we're a ship, that is so weird to me." You chuckled, scrolling through Instagram on your phone.
"I know right! I don't get why a girl and a guy can't be friends without people shipping them." He sighed, clearly frustrated.
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° Becomes putty in your hands, he just finds everything about you adorable. It also doesn't help that you are Australian, which he happens to have an interest in.
° He wouldn't describe his feelings towards you as a crush, more as a little sister and der brother relationship. He would feel weird if you ever developed something for him, since he is too close to you to be a couple.
° Very clingy towards you, constantly draping himself across you. Or sitting you on his lap when you are worn out from practice, he often let's you take naps on him. He also treats you to sweets, even when on diets.
° Hyunjin once got frustrated over how JYP was treating you, giving you an extreme diet even though you were already working hard enough. So he'd reassure you that him and Chan would talk with JYP about it.
° Hyunjin can be seen copying your accent, whether it be for fun or just to tease you. He'll copy or pick up on your accent, many fan's hearts melting at his determination to be part of the aussie line.
"I shouldn't be having this cupcake." You sighed, placing the cupcake you've been eyeing for the past few minutes.
"Screw JYP, eat what you want. You are your own person and shouldn't listen to some old man." He defended, passing the cupcake.
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° Was the first member you met, even though it was by total accident. You both ran into each other when he was leaving the building and you were entering.
° You dropped the coffee all onto yourself in shock, making him chuckle as he tried to help you clean yourself up. He helped you into JYP, having no clue that you are going to be the new member joining.
° When Chan introduced you to the members the next day, Han was shocked. He was surprised to see a familiar face, but was also pleased knowing you seemed to be quite a sweet and charming person.
° You both are the stars whenever on reality shows together, many seeing you both as a chaotic duo. Doni and Coni once tried to correct you, telling you that women shouldn't be so hyper. Han got pissed.
° Not only did Han correct them on their manners, but also told them that a man shouldn't tell a woman what to do. Many fans and netizens applauded him for protecting his new and sweet Maknae.
"I swear those guys get on my nerves sometimes, don't listen to them." He sighed, patting your head softly.
"It's okay Hannie, I'm glad that I have some older brothers to stand up for me." You reassured, melting his heart.
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° You are nervous to be around Felix, not because he's intimidating or harsh. But because he is so nice and angelic, and you don't want to develop a crush on a member.
° Even if you don't see him in that light at first, it will happen eventually because he has such an addicting energy that surround him. Felix is a sunshine, and it isn't hard to see why everyone loves him.
° Felix wants to make you feel as comfortable as possible, usually being the member picking up pads/tampons for you. He secretly develops a small crush on you, but he knows it would end up bad.
° You both would be worried about it ending bad due to the popularity of the band, Felix's popularity, your new career, and JYP's strict rules. So both of you don't truly progress that side of your relationship.
° It could blossom into something more serious in the future, but for right now it is just a mutual crush that both of you must hide. Your friendship is still very strong nonetheless, and you appreciate that.
"Okay here's a hard question, Back Door or All In?" you asked, as the managers watched you both from behind the camera.
"Neither because you aren't in them." He answered, trying to play it off as playful more so than flirtatious.
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° Seungmin is your dorm mate, who always manages to make your nights more calm. He reassures you every night that you are doing great, even if you don't believe him.
° You both wrote down a schedule for dishes, laundry, cooking ect. The only exceptions to it is having a terrible day, birthday, or being sick. Either than that then you must follow the schedule stuck into the fridge.
° You both have derpy photos of each other as your wallpapers, both being taken when both of you just woke up. Seungmin can't help but giggle silently whenever he opens up his phone, looking at your bed head.
° Seungmin helps you out with waking up, letting you get use to the schedule of being an idol. Taking as many pillows to the face as he needs to for you to finally wake up, Once getting feathers in his hair due to it.
° Many think you both knew each other before you became a member, but you both explained that you just understand each other well and clicked when you met. Neither of you grew up together.
"Is today you dish day or mine?" he asked, bottle of soap already in his hand ready to begin cleaning.
"Mine, but I had a terrible day today. JYP critiqued everything about me." You huffed, getting a soft hug from Seungmin.
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° Is glad he won't be babied as much since he isn't the maknae anymore, but will miss the benefits of being able to aegyo your way out of responsibilities.
° All of the members call you the babies or the baby line, even if either of you ar taller than some of them. Jeongin is also appreciative that he now has someone to relate to with being a babied quite often.
° He'll still call you noona just to get under your skin, but you honestly don't mind being called noona or unnie. Especially since some stays are younger than you, but you can become playfully annoyed at times.
° Jeongin will warm up to you very fast and treat you like a sister, he'll spoil you with stuffies and share his food with you every meal. Even though mama gets scold him for it, he doesn't care and continues to do it.
° Chan will cover both of your eyes when the members do something sexy, even if you kind of want to see it (mostly to tease them). But you understand why, since both fo you will get flustered by it easily.
"Y/n noona likes to steal my food sometimes." Jeongin admitted to fans, smiling at your playful glare.
"You share your food and insist I eat it Jeongin Oppa." You defend, watching the fans respond to the situation.
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ikassienatics · 4 years
𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐞 ↬ 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐡.
sypnosis: you were hired as paddy's tutor in golf by the royal family and you're confident that nothing could go wrong. except for the fact that the oldest prince of the hollands, prince tom took a liking on you.
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the bed squeaks whenever he will thrust himself inside of her, the headboard slapping the wall and the sound of pleasure is evaporating inside the oldest prince’s chambers. maria, magdalena, or madelyn. whatever her name was is lying on her stomach as her body is getting ravished by the handsome prince, eyes rolling on the back of her head, back arching and an almost pornographic moan coming out of her mouth, she fisted the covers of the mattress, nails digging on the soft fabric while prince tom continued on using her body for pleasure, fucking her at a rapid pace from behind. 
"fuck, cum for me darling." he whispered breathlessly, pleasured erupted in her stomach, the pace is too fast for her to even let out a word, the feeling is too strong to the point that she could see the galaxy with her eyes closed
a loud knock from his chamber didn't stop the prince from pounding into her heat, heavy and hot breathing, the sound of skin slapping gets louder and louder whenever his balls will hit her flesh
"tom!" harry called out from the other side of the door, the scene inside the room is oblivious since the sound of pleasure can be heard from the hallway, the younger twin only rolled his eyes as he tried to remove the picture of his brother fucking a girl inside his head. he expected a response but didn't get any, letting out a loud groan, he knocked for the second time so his presence can be known
his voice is deeper and louder this time "thomas!" clearly, tom heard his brother but he's too busy running after his climax to even bother answering, he reached out for the woman's hair before pulling it making her muffled noises be heard inside the quarter, letting his hand drop on her neck as he slowly choked her and at the same time, pulled her closer to his body. her back facing his front "you're so fucking tight, bet no one in your life fucked you this good." he dirty talked the poor girl
"tom open the fuck up!" harry called out for the third time "shut the fuck up harry, i don't want to picture your face as i come." slowly feeling pissed off at his brother's unhealthy behavior, he barged in just in time when his juices exploded inside the condom he's wearing. with a loud groan, he slowly pulled away from her, taking off the condom before shoving it on the nearest trashcan. the girl layed flatly on his bed trying to calm herself after experiencing the best climax she ever had.
"mother and father has been requesting your presence in the dining room." harry said while trying to keep his eyes on tom's face. even though they're brothers and they have seen each other naked a couple of times, harry didn't find it reasonable for him to stare down at his rooster after witnessing him having sex
standing up from the bed, the oldest son of king dominic grabbed a glass of water from his bed side "what for?" he asked, clearly unaware of the event.
"we'll be meeting paddy's tutor today, did you forgot? mother has been blabbering about it since last week." from tom, harry let his eyes move down to the female body laying on the mattress, almost looking like her body just survived a storm. he figured that she must be one of the servants or gardener, since tom never really fucked a woman from outside of the castle’s tall gates, as for the people responsible for cooking, harry is sure that she can’t be a cook since most of them are males. the hickeys and marks are very visible on her body. he can't help but pity her, not just her but every women who entered his brother's chambers only to be fucked senseless and to be left just like that. like they're some sort of toys and an object you can use for a quick fuck.
drinking from the glass, he nodded his head "didn't know it was today." he muttered, placing the water back on the table before letting his hand wonder in his hair, pulling it back then eyeing the person laying on his bed.
the curly haired boy take a step back before calling out a name "milagros!" and within a seconds, a middle aged woman came running inside the room holding a bath robe. clearly she already know the reason why one of the prince called upon her, she's been doing this for almost a few years for tom, helping the ladies that tom slept with and guiding them outside of the palace, telling them to never come back just like what she was ordered to do.
"please take her out, thank you." harry ordered softly
milagros, the name of the helper did what she was asked to do, helping the female stand up on her feet and covering her naked glory with a bathrobe while leading her out of the room, the twin took a step aside to give them the space they needed. "and you! hurry up and get your ass in the dining room."
he was about to leave but remembered to warn his older brother "and do us a favour please? don't try to get under her pants." he playfully stated but you can hear the seriousness in his tone. thomas is known in the whole nation as the prince who slept around, he fucked women who wanted to be fucked, flirt with ladies he wanted to bed. it doesn't matter where you came from or if you came from a low life family, as long as you're a walking individual with a huge tits, nice ass and a pretty face. and let's just say that his mindset and the way he wanted things to be done causes the heartaches of many women, not to mention, aside from causing heartache he also causes headache in the family because of his lifestyle.
tom chuckled before shaking his head, walking towards his closet as he find a formal attire to wear "is she cute?" she asked
harry shook his head "she's hot so back off for the sake of paddy." and with that, harry closed the door leaving the oldest prince to wander what the mysterious golf tutor of paddy would look like, and maybe. just maybe he can keep his hand inside his pants.
"so lady y/n, what does your parents do?" king dominic asked from his chair. prince sam, who's sitting not far from you gave his father a warned his father "dad." to not make the lunch awkward for all of you
"what? i'm just trying to make a conversation." the king defended himself. you seriously didn't know why you're nervous about this awhile ago. everything seemed to be going alright, paddy is an easy learner and already learned a few technique in golfing, soon enough he will be a pro and it will be your cue to leave and let him be, the king and queen is also pretty chill. far from your first impressions on them, the twins are comfortable to be with and always making sure they're not over stepping the line.
"it's quite okay, your grace." you said, referring to prince sam himself that king dominic is not stepping a line you did not even draw "my father work as a fisherman while my mother sells the fish he caught." you said to answer his question, the king seemes to be pleased with it.
"you play golf often?" he asked once again
you nodded your head "i take golf lessons when i was younger then decided to tutor people who wants to learn or be better with the sport, i do that to help my parents."
"well, if you needed help with anything or a place to stay. our door is always open for you." queen nikki stated, you gave her a simple smile.
"thank you, my queen." the married royals gave each other a look before giggling as if you said something funny, you didn't quite get the reason for their actions but the king made it clear with his words "drop the formality, lady y/n."
"you can call us by our names, we don't mind." the queen added, your eyes widen in response clearly not agreeing with them. being prince paddy's tutor did not give you a free pass to disrespect the royalties. before you can even protest, the door inside the dining room burst open revealing the oldest son of the king and queen, prince thomas holland. or tom as he likes to be called
"mother, father sorry i'm late." he voice out just after entering the room, king dominic doesn't seems to be pleased by his son's late arrival while the queen mother gave you a forced smile.
all are complete inside the room not long ago, the foods, the maids who will help just in case you all needed something more, the guards who's standing on the side alert just in case something happened. the whole holland royalties except tom, you did not know what cause him to come late in the gathering. not that you should care since it's not your business but by the looks of the king and how he ordered one of his sons, prince harry to pick up prince tom from his chambers. you imagined he did what he mostly do which is sleep with girls.
the young prince has a reputation in the castle, not just in the castle but in the whole city. how he slept with girls that wants to sleep with him, how he wanted to get under every woman's pants except his mother of course. and let's just say that you're not quite impressed, you found it disgusting that he poke his dick inside every women's hole whenever he can. that's very low of him
"tom, meet lady y/n. paddy's tutor." queen nikki introduced, you were slightly taken a back before quickly standing up from your sit once you realized what she's trying to do, looking up at the prince in front of you who's about to take a sit, you throw him a smile
"nice to meet you, your grace."
to say that tom is shocked at your beauty is an understatement, you're a goddess in his eyes, and the prince also can't help but to ask where have you been all this time? and how come he never seen your pretty face before? your hair is done and the dress you're wearing also didn't leave anything in his imagination, the front is too tight and hugs your breast making them look rounder than usual, not to mention. how soft your voice is, he can't help but wonder how your voice will sound if your squirming under him as he pound into you relentlessly.
he quickly shook the thought away before smiling back at the tutor in front of him "i could say the same, my lady." offering his hands, you gladly gave it to him then he kisses the back of your hand, your once again taken a back by his action since none of the prince's inside the room did that kind of courtesy, exchange of smiles and shake hands are alright but it seemed like tom took it too far, not that he's embarrass or regretting anything. he actually love the feeling of your flesh against his lips, wondering how better it would feel if his lips are in the lower part of your body
"tom." harry warned, reminding him the words he let out not long ago. the both of you sat down, tom taking the sit in front of you while you remained where you are before fixing your dress. probably that's the thing you hate about this. wearing a dress that reached the ground, it made it even more harder for you to walk properly but you can't do anything about it considering how you should look formal and presentable in front of the royals.
"pardon my son for arriving late... he did..." the queen looks at his husband for help while thinking of a scripted reason they can tell you "we asked him to run some errands." the king continued although that's not really what happened, base on the look of him he looked like he just finished having sex. the messy bed hair and the hickey displayed on his neck, his flush cheeks and to add it up. his brown eyes
the married couple nodded their head and you did the same "it's quite alright, your grace." to be honest, you didn't expect to eat a lunch with all the royals, if you did then you would have put a lot of effort in your appearance. you and paddy just happened to finish your session earlier than what you all expected and the queen invited you to eat lunch with them which you gladly take, saying no would be a disgrace knowing that the queen insisted.
queen nikki turned to you before holding your hand that was placed flatly on the table "it's good to have a woman in this house, finally." she told you
paddy murmured under his breath which you all heard "there's always a woman in this castle, mother."
"what i mean is, a woman who will eat with us. and like that, i really hate being the only lady in the family. we all are waiting for tom to finally come up on his right age so we can marry him off with a princess." with that, tom throw a glare at his mother because of the subject, getting married for politics is not what he wanted, besides, he's enjoying his life and is contented with it "or perhaps i've been waiting for all my sons to finally find that girl, since not of them haven't introduced anyone to us just yet." from the corner of your eyes, you saw how prince sam stiffen from his seat.
let's just say that the lunch almost go well, almost. you talk here and there, ask questions, answered all of them, then they told you a funny story about the royal family. you laugh, you eat, it doesn't felt like you're just paddy's tutor for a moment, you felt safe, welcomed, happy and accepted even though you're family is considered a low level in the city, you were treated fairly like you're one of them. you're too overwhelmed and comfortable
but then, you felt tom's foot slightly touched yours from beneath the table, at first you shrug it off thinking that maybe he just happened to accidentaly put his feet on top of yours, you continued conversating with the hollands, and then you felt his feet starting riding up to your ankle in the most seductive way, you jolted from the touch before making eye contact with the prince in front of you who's already staring back at you. he didn't seem to be embarrass that he's just caught staring at the tutor of his brother or the oblivious action he's doing under the table.
the queen noticed you jolted and she asked you "are you alright, y/n? do you need anything?" she asked concern. by the hours pass by, you and the hollands decided to come in an agreement to drop the formalities and be in the first name basis which you turned down at first but then the king looks at you with that eye, so you just agree afraid that he will take your head if you disagree once more
"i'm fine, just. . . i'm just. . . i'm okay." you nervously told her before retreating your legs closer to you, not wanting to have any contact with prince tom.
tom is actually fascinated by your actions, he thought you will give in or maybe already giving in just like those other girls because you didn't move your feet during the first time, but then ended up backing off after realizing what he's trying to do. he smirked from his seat before eyeing your flushed face, red from embarrassment or some other reasons he already know, he thought that maybe this coming days will be more interesting than he tought it would be. considering that he's taken a quite liking on lady y/n, golf tutor of paddy holland.
disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. the author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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Hello there! I hope you are fine.Okaaaay so I'd like to have a matchup since the other one got erased!
So uh I'm 17, ENFP and a pan. I have short, straight black hair with black-ish big eyes. I have an round face with chubby cheeks even though I'm a bit of the thin side.I have long eyelashes and wear glasses. So basically I have baby face and I don't show my age at all! As for my height I'm 1.70 cm.
For my personality, I'm that mom-friend that every friend group has. Need some painkillers? BAM! Need some pads? Do you need 1 or 50? You are hurt? Don't worry I have an aid kit. Your stomach or head hurts? Honey, don't you worry I have a various kind of herb teas with myself.
If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, that person is me. If somebody hurts my friends I go like "So you are saying that he/she/they broke your heart? Okay give me the names and addresses. Now."I would deal with them and then say "So do I need to break some more faces?" I'm not that violent but if they touch my family and friends.... May God help them.
But I'm actually very kind and smiley. I'm the kind of person who smiles at strangers, hold the door for them, talk with a waiter casually and smile at them as well. I never judge someone for their nationality, skin color, language, sexuality etc. And If I see someone bully another person for these reasons or another one, I stand against the bully and if needed I beat them.
I may seem like an cold and serious person at first meeting but over time I'm the biggest goofball and crackheaf you can ever see! Sometimes I'm a bit sarcastic and tease my closest friends a lot- ofc I never offend them. I know what they are insecure about( if they are, WHICH isn't allowed on my watch.- and My friends always tell me that I kinda flirt with them but I never realize and When I actually try to flirt, I can't?
For the hobbies; I love watching anime, listening and observing people, comforting people or just listen their rantings, reading, listening music and singing.... I am not that good at gardening and stuff but sometimes I do this as well...
Thanks a lot in advance luv!
A/N- Tumblr is really testing my patience today 🙂 anyways I’m sorry that happened, this probaly isnt the smae person I matched you with last time but oh well
Romantic Matchup
Iwaizumi Hajime
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
So I feel like Iwaizumi always admired you from afar
He just saw how you were always so kind to everyone
And how you always stood up for those you loved and what you believed in
And he always admired you for this
And admiration turned into a crush when he had taken a nasty fall while you were around
You quickly rushed into your bag and pulled out some bandages
And patched him up real quick
And after you were done you just looked up at him with the sweetest smile and asked if he was ok
My man was a blushing mess
But of course, you living that Y/N life didn't notice that 🙄✋
After this little interaction he continued to admire you from afar
But he would make some efforts to talk to you
You could even say that you two had become friends
Anyways fast forward a little bit
There was a little drama happening with one of your friends
Basically, someone made the oh so horrible mistake of picking on your friend
So you were just going to go have a little chat with them 😁
However, this little chat quickly escalated and the other person was about to get physical
That is until Iwaizumi grabbed their hand and told them that they better back the fuck up before he takes matters into his own hands
After the dude left Iwaizumi turned to you to make sure you were ok
Then he proceeded to scold you about knowing when to choose your battles
He wasn't really mad, just worried that you would've gotten hurt had he not been there
And you being the sarcastic little shit you are made s comment such as
"What do you have a crush on me or something"
Causing him to blush and mumble something about how he actually does have a crush on you
You thought you didn't hear him right so you told him to speak up
So he took your hands and confessed to you
Now it was your turn to blush
But Iwa is nothing if not a gentlemen so he asked you out on a date before he asked you to be his s/o
And I think you can tell where things went from there 👀
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
So he really loves how caring you are
Yes he enjoys it more when you're caring for him
But the fact that you care about everyone shows a lot about your character
He just overall thinks your a good person
He loves how kind you are
One time he took you to lunch for a date
And some jackass was being rude to the waitress
So you told them off
As you should 😗
And Iwa swears he fell in love with you all over again
This also transfers into how he loves your feistiness
Like you will fight someone on sight if they offend you or someone you love
Whether that be a verbal fight or a physical one
But Iwa prefers it not to go as far as getting physical
He loves how you're the mom friend
I feel like Iwa is the dad friend
But in that very tough love kinda way
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok, bi of a weird one but...
He really likes people watching with you
Like yall will just go to the park to chill or whatever
And whenever you see strangers
You guys will come up with little stories about them
You two have so many stories about people that you have to keep a journal in order to keep track of everyone
And you guys will do this anywhere
You name it you guys have probably people watched there
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
Oikawa really likes you
Only because you call iwa out if hes being to mean to him :)))
Iwa has stopped MULTIPLE fist fights from occuring berween you and other peopel
but one time he was pissed at the person too
so he just let you have at it
Iwa has become more prepared since hes dated you
Now you can find him carrying his own first aid kit
Or extra snacks and water
He likes to squish your cheeks
And he even says the word "squish" when he does it
He usually only does this whenever your mad at him
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
Golden Hour 🌇
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Hiccup by Valley
Summary: After encountering a road block in your relationship, what path will you take to wind up your broken heart with Iwaizumi?
Pairings: Hajime Iwaizumi x fem!reader
Genre/Warning: angst, cursing
Word count: 6k
A/N: i promise myself i was going to write some bokuto fluff but this song keeps bringing me back to iwa😣 also pls listen to this song<3
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You call out to him, knees to the floor clutching tightly on your shirt, droplets to the wooden surface. Oikawa harshly closes his eyes, unable to let his eyes rest on your weakened state. He takes a deep breath when he hears your mournful sob. He hears how you took in rough gasps of air so he drops the box from his hands as he rushes to you, his knee scraping from sliding to the floor as he takes you in his chest as you sobbed even more. Oikawa allowing his own tears to fall on your clothes.
He consistently caresses your hair, as your sniffles and cries of pain covered the eary atmosphere of your apartment.
"Tooru." You call out again, he closes his eyes as he leans his head on yours. He dreaded every second that passed knowing he shouldn't be the one to comfort you, but he knew your savior wasn't going to rescue you this time.
"Do you think he'll miss me?"
"I know he will, darling." He assures you, and you wipe your eyes gasping for air once again before speaking again. He lets his hand slide down to your back, patting it every now and then.
"But there's someone better huh?"
Oikawa bites his lip, and you take this silence as an answer you'd never forget. Your lips tug upwards, grinning at how it stung when it came from Oikawa. To Tooru, no one could replace you. He couldn't envision someone to love his brother the way you did and no amount of pain can top how much you cherished each other but he couldn't answer because he was unsure of the motives of the past ace.
"Thank you for staying." You whisper and he pulled you closer as he sighs, glancing at the apartment that appeared in their late night video calls. The same room where he saw the brightest smile that was painted on Iwaizumi, the eyes that carried passion whenever you'd pop up. Visiting the apartment for the first time, he didn't expect how- lifeless it felt.
You stretched as you rolled over to the side, used to the ghost of him. You shouldn't be used to it, he should be there to occupy it everyday but every morning you were just greeted by the chilliness he brought you.
The sun sneakily shined upon your eyes as you immediately turn away, expecting the memories to strike your heart like it does whenever the sun flaunted its rays.
"You're mesmerizing." He whispers, his pointer finger inched its way down to your cheek, smiling to himself. You hummed in response, shuffling in the sheets as his heart pounders at the sight of your shoulder peeking through the thin material, with the sunlight decorating your skin with its beauty.
You opened your eyes only to be surprised by how bright the sun was making you close them immediately, giggling to yourself. Who knew his heart could melt even more? Once you've slowly opened your eyes again, you gaze at your Hajime placing a hand on his cheek. With his hand on your chin, he slowly lifts it so your lips meet with his as you smile, running your hand from his cheek to his hair, while closing your eyes at the
He pulls away as butterflies swarmed inside him, pushing back the string of hair that landed in your eyes.
"I love you."
"And ever after."
You curse at the usual memory that would pass you every morning. It annoyed you how there wasn't a day where you weren't starting the morning this pissed off. Realistically speaking, you adored how your memories would bring life to your body once in a while but when love appears, pain tags along- making it hard to enjoy the only things that could take away the emptiness.
Without him, you could never bring yourself to close the curtains. A habit you've devastatingly brought upon yourself.
Whenever the sun rose and it's light surrounded your room, it was the closest embrace you could ever have from him.
You let your fingers graze over the longing sensation on your lips. Incapable of forgetting how every kiss from his plush lips made you high. Intoxicated with his devotion to you. Each having it's own unique way of bringing you stories from the way it synced with yours.
Do you ever think about coming back to kiss my mouth? You ask yourself, sadly letting go of your lips before stepping into the bathroom.
I miss the taste of you and it's always been you. Iwaizumi thinks to himself as he feels the tingle of coldness from his lips. Like you, he adored the way his mornings were blessings but his room looked like a grave for his emotions.
Curtains closed, not allowing to let the sun peak through since the light in his world wasn't there to bring back the life in his soulless apartment.
He steps out of bed entering his bathroom, brushing his teeth as he rubs his eyes with his free hand.
"S-shush! Baby- baby stop talking!" He says chuckling before placing the toothbrush in your mouth. You two were superbly drunk and it seems like even if Iwaizumi was drunk to the gods, he was still the responsible one in the relationship. You were already about to pass out but his loud laughter kept you awake.
"But Hajime- let me sleep already, you're so noisy bub." You pout but he chuckles again. You turn behind you try and sit on top of the counter but you slid off when you jumped. Iwaizumi shakes his head with a grin as he places his hand on your waist before effortlessly lifting you and placing you on the bathroom sink.
You continue to brush your teeth as he watches how your eyes would droop every second. You spit out the toothpaste before taking in some water and spitting it out as well. You wiped your mouth before bringing your arms outward. "Am I okay now babe? Hajime- honey I wanna sleep." You beg as he rolls his eyes taking you in his arms, like a bride.
"And what about you mister? Did you brush your teeth?" You teased, taking in the aroma of alcohol he had. He bit his lips trying not to laugh but he shakes his head, answering your question. You let out a gasp of betrayal as you hopped out of his arms grabbing the toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it, but you hear his cackle making you laugh as well, addicted to how it made you join him in an instant.
"Princess, at least put it on the actual brush. Not the other end you dumbie." He states making you look down on your failure of an attempt. You let out an "Oh." and this brought tears to both of your eyes from laughing endlessly.
He gazes at his reflection through the mirror as he takes a deep breath. It felt like if he'd utter a word, his voice would already crack at the resurfaced moment. He scolds himself for having minimal change in a span of two years. He told himself that he shouldn't wallow in the grief but he endured it for days.
There wasn't a clear way for him to move on, especially when you drained him from all functions of his mind. The only thing that interests him to be happy was that he held on to the probability of meeting you again. Even if the chances were slim to none, he'd take anything that there is left just to see you again.
Though it seems like, he'd have to suffer longer just for it to happen.
Maybe I'd understand the things that you'd do. You whisper as you take another gulp of alcohol. It was Saturday, your supposed late night sessions with Iwaizumi but instead you were solo for today, and maybe for the rest of the years. You bitterly chuckle to yourself as you didn't bother to answer Oikawas call. Your phone kept going off, receiving dozens of messages and missed calls from the setter. He deeply hated Saturdays, or at least your version of it.
Whether you chose to bottle down every beer you had, or scream and get smothered in mascara stains from crying, or even worse, both. Sometimes you'd even mistaken Oikawa for Iwaizumi, and Oikawa allows it knowing it's a way for you to cope. He hated how far away he was but he strictly told you that if you were ever to pursue yourself to go to the club, he'd drop everything and book a ticket to you immediate, of course this was enough for you to listen especially when you'd feel guilty for wasting his time.
Oikawa knew better than to ask for Iwaizumis help. He remained a bridge for the two of you, knowing he'd encounter to different sides. Iwaizumi had him pick up his belongings in your apartment, denying to step foot in your room. In which brought Oikawa to tears at sight of his best friends past lover in such a disaster of a state. So granting Iwaizumis wish, he stayed.
"Why can't you do it? It's your apartment." Oikawa argued making Iwaizumi grunt in pain as he secretly wipes away the tears in his eyes. He sighs before facing the setter.
"She hates me, Oikawa." He says, staring directly at the boy. Oikawa scoffs but stares at the ground, hands to his side formed in a fist.
Is it that bad? He questions.
"Iwa- what happened?" He asks nervously but Iwaizumi only closes his eyes as he tries to get rid of the screams from the previous night.
"I'll tell you soon. When you see her, maybe you'll understand why I can't do this, why I can't face her. Just please do me one favor." The tone in his voice slowly lessens with the last sentence, making Oikawas heart ache for the two of you. Looking at Iwaizumis eyes, Oikawa could see the way he was holding back, but from what? There was a certain change in his usual stare- he looked lost.
Oikawa sits on the couch as he lets his hand gesture for Iwaizumi to speak. He couldn't say anything else but he hoped that Iwaizumi would take his silence as an answer already. Oikawa would do anything for Iwa, and if he was your other half, and Oikawa will do the same to you.
"Save her."
"From what, Iwa?"
"From what I've done."
Oikawa was impatiently waiting for your response but it seems you've decided to push him aside again. Although he was home, the distance from him to you was troublesome so he insisted to call you instead.
He assumed that last year you've gotten better since you spent you Saturday sleeping instead of drinking, but it progressively got worse.
"I mean, one drink wouldn't hurt right?"
He was dumbfounded when one drink turned into hundreds. He knew it was difficult to continue especially when you and Iwaizumi were having the time of your lives everytime. Whether you were extremely drunk, he knew that you two acted the complete same when you were sober. There wasn't a difference, meaning that's just how love worked between you two.
"Tooru- honey!" You shout as Iwaizumi pouts. It was your 4th anniversary and Oikawa decided to call to greet the lovely couple another successful year of your relationship.
"It's shittykawa to you, babe." Iwaizumi teases making Oikawa rolls his eyes. Through the camera, he sees you above Iwaizumi with arms wrapped around his neck without your chin resting on the boys head as he smiles, content to see that 4 years and love didn't change, not even a bit.
"Disgusting lovebirds, happy anniversary to you both!" Oikawa cheers as you giggle, blowing a kiss to him for greeting you two.
"Thank you Tooru-" your words were cut off by a gasp of realization as you shake Iwaizumi. Hajime takes in your excitement as he shakes his head at your actions.
"Hajime! There's no way you're not making Tooru as your best man- anyway! Tooru! This my official invitation for you to be his best man at our wedding!" Oikawa laughs as he raises his eyebrow to Iwaizumi who had a smirk on his lips.
"Well, I will be overly disappointed if I wasn't chosen. If Iwa-chan declines, I'll be your best man instead Y/N, or if you take my offer, I'll be the groom." He winks to you as you laugh before taking another sip of your drink. Iwaizumi flips off Oikawa and the setter only returns this by poking his tongue out to his best friend.
"So is that right, Iwa-chan? Will you finally bend the knee for the lovely lady?" With Oikawas question, you turn to Iwaizumi as if you were nervous. You bit your lip looking at your boyfriend before he pecks your lips catching you off guard as he looks at you with a smirk.
"I'd be a fool not to." He says making you squeal, as you immediately cover your face in your hands, embarassed by how red you got. Oikawa rolls his eyes, envious at the love you shared. Although, he is joyous that you've made Iwaizumi the happiest man he can be, even if you two weren't married yet, to Oikawa it looks like your relationship will only lead to the altar.
There wasn't a single doubt to that.
"Y/N! I thought you've forgotten how to pick up the phone again." He scolds you but his anger washes away when he sees you with red eyes and sniffling uncontrollably.
"Hajime." She calls out, as Oikawa sighs into his pillow realizing it's another night of him acting as Iwaizumi. He's already heard all the things you wanted to say to the missing boy and he accepted the fact that you'll never have the heart to say it to Iwaizumi himself.
"Why do I miss you, now that you're out of my life?" You cried. Oikawa only rests his chin on the palm of his hand as you continued to pour your sadness upon him. You swing the bottle in your hands before downing another wave of liquor.
"I wanna know what you're doing tonight." You whisper as you take your phone, clicking on Iwaizumis contact but before you could, Oikawa spoke, knowing your next intentions.
"No, not again Y/N." He says but you shake your head your finger threatening to press it already.
"Y/N listen to me, Iwa would have contacted you right now but this isn't the time!" He argued but you scoffed, angry tears brimming in your eyes.
"No! Then when will that time come then! I've been waiting for so fucking long already! It's never gonna happen 'cause he's forgotten me- Fuck!" You shouted, taking Oikawa by surprise as you collapse to the floor once again, Oikawa coming back to the sight of you he wanted to forget.
"Y/N- babe I'm sorry-"
"Enough, Oikawa. If you could've been honest that Hajime's found another, then-then maybe I-" your voice cracks as you stressfully runs your fingers through your hair, gripping it tight in your hands as you let out another doleful sob, breaking Toorus heart.
"I don't know what do anymore." You whispered, your heart shattering in to even more finer pieces. You couldn't even put into words how you've been in torment for years.
It finally dawned on you that you weren't headed to the altar, you were headed in a different path.
Without him.
"Y/N- listen- Iwaizumi-" you ended the call leaving Oikawa stunned as he drops the phone in his hands in frustration and in regret. He decided to visit Iwaizumi, knowing it'd be hard to ever communicate with you again, especially that you've been struck by a wrong thought.
And no one else could handle you the way Hajime would.
"Oikawa? What is it?"
"I fucked up, I'm sorry."
Iwaizumi held his breath as Oikawa explained what happened. He couldn't wrap his head around the unintentional pain Oikawa has given you.
"Iwa, I'm so sorry." Tooru says, making Iwaizumi close his eyes visioning your features crushing at the idea of him having somebody by his side.
Hajimes eyes would never betray you. The only reflection that stayed in his eyes, was the future that was thrown away.
"Oikawa, hey it's okay, I understand." Iwaizumi says with a soft tone to assure Oikawa. Tooru would never intentionally hurt you, he was there to save you. Even if Iwaizumi didn't ask him to take care of you, Oikawa would do everything to bring a smile on your lips. As much love you have to Hajime, its the same amount you have to Oikawa.
"Leaving isn't bad because you're gonna come back with something even better and that's the best version of yourself."
It's your words that he counted on. He believed that he wasn't being selfish, or prideful. You made him believe that finding himself was enough to get him all the medals, the passion, and everything he wanted. So he'd want nothing more than to give thanks to you.
Oikawa breaks the silence. Iwaizumi looks at him while biting down on his fingers, his heart beating too loudly at the thought of you.
"Why didn't you call her- not even giving her a proper goodbye." Tooru asks with masked anger in his tone. How could he help Hajime when he's blocking him from the truth?
"Iwaizumi. Answer me. For once." Oikawa begs, but once he's met with the silence, he's never been more eager to give in to anger.
"I just- I can't let it happen again, Oikawa. Not to her, not to us."
"Baby, what movie do you want to watch on Saturday? I've seen so many good ones lately." Iwaizumi turns to you with an exhausted expression. You were arranging the condiments in the cabinet, waiting for his response.
"Can't we- reschedule? I-I have something to go to-"
"You can't blow me off for the third time this week, Iwa." You spat, sick of the excuses. Has it really been three times? Iwaizumi questions as he leans on the couch, letting out a sigh. To which is a response you didn't expect to receive.
"I've been busy." He lied, he may not feel it, but there wasn't a single hesitation when he spoke. You memorize his schedules, his after meetings, the excused he's mentioned didn't even bother to make sense. It hurt how he was able to come up so easily, not even thinking about you'd be able to piece them all together.
"Or are you just tired, Iwaizumi?"
You asked rudely. He looks at you before rolling his eyes, covering your heart in bitterness at his pride.
"So what if I am?"
He talked back, hitting you with a bigger wave of emotions. You slammed the door of the cabinet, marching to him each step mixed with rage and pain.
"You're tired? Imagine what I've been feeling, Hajime!" You shout, volume picking up on your tone as this makes Iwaizumi stand up from the couch, not backing down at the power of your voice.
"Clingy? Needy? Pathetic? Tell me, does that sound any different to you?" He said it with so much disgust, strong enough to make you doubt everything you've fought for.
"So you don't give a fuck? Is that what you're so proud of, Iwaizumi? That you're so fucking insensitive?" He felt a tug on his heart when you called him that. It's been so long since he's heard you say it so- normal. As odd as it is, he couldn't hear his name the same again, especially when it came from you.
"Exactly! God I- Y/N. This is why-"
"This why I'm so fucking tired of you!" He shouted, not only did it create a barrier in your apartment, it brought up your past barrier that he broke down but now he's the cause of it to return.
"You're just- can you even make it on your own without me? It's like if I leave you'd- lose your shit! We need space!" He was fuming with confused anger as you feel your throat give out. You were shaking, your heart was too fast and unsteady, you weren't the same.
"But space is what you've been giving me! Coming home so late? Standing me up? You don't even fucking realize how many dates we missed!" He scoffs before running his fingers through his raven hair. Taking a step towards you, making you stand your ground as you tilt your head to meet with his empty eyes.
This isn't the man who could love you forever and ever after.
"So what! I've got so many things to do apart from dealing with your shit!" You stare back at him, weakened at how your heart couldn't handle it anymore.
You looked down, feeling the sting in your hands when your nails digged into the skin of your palm. He sits down on the couch, drained from the war full of shouting and the damage his heart was in.
Surprisingly, you sat beside him but there was such an intense distance between you.
He turns to you but chills ran up his spine when he sees how you look like you've agreed to everything he's said, making his eyes widen at the foreign feeling.
This is what he was scared of. Failing to find interest in the same routine, to find the energy to continue like he used to. Being worn out by how repetitive things were even when the love you both had was nowhere near boring.
In fact, it was exhilarating. You were both curious to try things together, that's what led you to even owning an apartment together, planning a future, even planning your marriage that was now a blur.
He trembled. Regret, anxiousness, exhaustion. He didn't expect himself to feel this way, especially to you, who he loved completely but felt a certain drift in his heart. He looks away from you as his eyes trail on the picture of you two. He couldn't hold it in his hands to look at how happy he looked, because he isn't the same anymore.
He's lost his way.
"D-did I..lack something?" She asks quietly. He gulps at her question. It was so heavy to him. How you asked him, questioning yourself in this relationship. With anxious hands, he wanted to reach out for you but his efforts were surpassed when he felt a wall between you and him.
"Am I worth.. to keep?"
Please, baby. He begs in his mind for you to stop. He couldn't register how he couldn't make himself speak. He was holding back too much, terrified that he was going to break you more and more with every word he'd toss to you.
"Then this is pointless isn't it?"
You both look at each other, both met with different expressions in your eyes. Iwaizumi could see how tired you were, how he knew you wouldn't be able to look at him the same way before, since he gave up first. While you can see how there wasn't a single lie in his eyes, the downfall was upon you.
No matter the space you give him, there can never be a spark to bring him back.
He bit his lip, facing the truth. Even he knew there isn't any other way.
"I know what you're gonna say, Hajime."
"Princess.. I'm sorry"
"Just go." It was impossible for him to follow your orders when all he wishes is to stay but then again, he's run out of reasons to.
"You gave up, Iwa!" Oikawa shouts, standing up to the boy. Iwaizumi lets his eyes wonder on the floor because he said nothing but the truth.
"There isn't anything I can-"
He's heard enough. You've asked Oikawa many heartbreaking questions. They were all unanswerable, and it pained him he couldn't give you at least one. He was in pain as much as you were. He hated how stupid Iwaizumi was for leaving you and choosing to cower away. He hated how you blamed yourself and slashing your heart because of Iwaizumi.
The tension has set fire to Oikawa and with years of loyalty between the two, Oikawa throws a heavy punch to Iwaizumi, disgusted of his actions.
Iwaizumi, completely at shocked at Oikawas punch, steps back a few times before his blood dropped on his fingers. Oikawa walks straight to Iwaizumi capturing his collar and pulling the boy upwards, nothing but rage consuming the setter.
"Did you love her then? Don't tell me this bullshit that you can't go back to her. Do you even wanna know what she asks me?" Iwaizumi removes Oikawas hands from his shirt, crumpling it in the process. Oikawa lets out a sarcastic laugh as he looks at Hajime.
"Ah, so you know how much shit you put her through? Then maybe you are an asshole but god- Iwa she loves you so much. If that isn't a good enough reason for you to talk to her, then I'll find somebody else for her." Oikawa threatens as Iwaizumi lets out a sob, nothing but regret that he hurt two of the most important people on his life.
"But what if it happens again?"
Iwaizumi asks, it was the only thing that held him back for returning into your arms. He isn't stable enough to return when the fear lingers in his head. What if he falls out of love? What if he gets tired again? Then you'll never want his presence again. He couldn't master up the courage because he too was scared of it.
He will not go through dozens of years just to be apart from you. He's already lost his mind to see you and Oikawa face the tragedy that he left you with. He felt nauseated with himself. How can he promise you forever when it was out of his grasp?
"Why don't you find out?"
It was a simple sentence that left Oikawas lips yet it brought Hajime to tears. It would've been that easy. If he didn't stay with his demons, then maybe you were here to offset his heart. After 2 years, isn't it too late to realize that he's never really ran out of love? It strengthened, but he was so afraid of battling with you like you did, hating how he was the man who shattered your overall being.
"Thank you, Oikawa."
He whispers as Oikawa takes a seat beside him, smiling that he brought the boy to realize the amount of time he's wasted by being surrounded by doubt. Oikawa pats the boys shoulder, sighing in relief that Iwaizumi was back.
You swore to avoid your phone the entire day. As much as you wanted to apologize to Oikawa for the outburst, you just wanted a day of silence since your thoughts never give you the chance. Not only did you promise to avoid technology, you decided to avoid people as well, promising to yourself you'd rather stay inside in order to avoid the envy you had for other couples.
So here you are, tucked in your jacket, wrapped in your blanket waking up from a 4 hour nap. You yawned before squinting when you open your phone. It's 8pm and your stomach was nowhere near happy. Slowly standing up, you make your way to the kitchen opening the fridge seeing absolutely no hope to make a meal. Sighing lazily, you decided it'd be best to just buy some food.
After getting ready, you step out of your apartment as you drive to the place where you usually order. You admired how the moon lit your way. Opening your windows you smile when the cold whiff of air instantly surrounded your car. You loved the way your hair flew in the wind while you listened to the song playing.
Once you've finished your bought dinner, you decided to take a turn in your path. Now that it was late at night, you couldn't resist to visit a place you've been missing.
You take in a deep breath as you leaned on the metal bar, loving the way the view still took your breath away. You were face to face with the nightlights and the busy town below you. Not only was it stunning but it was a place to recall some of your favorite moments with him now that you were out of your comfortless of an apartment.
"Sorry for being late, Oikawa was an ass." Iwaizumi excuses himself as he stood beside you leaning on the rod, smiling once he takes in the lights. He turns to you before removing his jacket and placing it on your shoulders, a sweet gesture that had you blushing every time.
You couldn't refuse knowing he would've scolded you. Instead, you stood closer to him before leaning your head on his arm. With his hand, he interlaced his fingers with yours, as your heart flutters. He takes in your hand, placing a gentle kiss on it as you did the same with his hand making him twirl you in satisfaction. You giggle before landing on his chest as he leans down and places his warm hands to your cheeks as he leans in to take your lips with his.
You immediately wrap your arms around his neck, reciprocating his kiss. He's given you hundreds of kisses before, how is this any different than the rest?
He pulls away, as your foreheads touch as you both painted a smile on your lips, feeling a slight tickle to it with how flustered you both were.
"I love you so much." He whispers, the first time he's ever let the three words slip from his mouth. Your hands make their way his hair, grabbing it lightly before nodding happily.
"I love you more, my Hajime."
Who knew that just by saying those three words, it was enough for you to believe in an ever after with him? Maybe you were wrong to fall for it even though he gave you a fragment of your so called forever.
You glanced beside you to see a vacant spot and you let out a disappointed sigh. You take in the sight of your fingers, missing the way it perfectly fit in his and how he held it with so much care, giving you an idea that he'd never let you go. Unfortunately he broke this bond but you still longed for his skin to be at contact with yours again.
You sat down placing your hand on the bench as you close your eyes leaning your back on it. You felt a shift of weight beside you, someone finally accompanying you in this lonely night but you've caught on the familiar scent of the stranger and you let the name slid off your tongue.
He turns to you in shock that you knew it was him but you open your eyes, turning your head to be faced with the man you've been longing to see in two years. He looked the same, the same face who clouded your dreams. He was certainly your Hajime, the pretty boy you've adored since you were in high school.
Happy anniversary. You silently greet each other. How bittersweet, isn't it? What was meant to be your 6th year, turned into 2 years of avoiding each other.
And as you took in Iwaizumis appearance, he did the same with you. Loving the way your features clicked in his memory instantly. Was it even possible for you to be even more beautiful? To Iwaizumi, it was. He absolutely missed you, but why was his heart nervous?
What do I do? He asks himself. Small talk isn't what you deserved. God- you deserve so much more. Endless hours of talking, his embrace, his love, that's what you missed. He was willing to love you with everything he's got, now knowing he'll never run out of it because he isn't scared anymore.
"This isn't a dream is it?" You asked as you turn back to the sky counting the stars that was above you. He was glad you broke the silence, and he appreciated how there wasn't the same tension before. It felt so- serene and unique. Something he wishes it'd be a good sign for the both of you.
"I can't believe it either." He exclaims making you smile. You couldn't ask him how he's doing, not wanting to drag on a conversation you've waited years for to happen, you couldn't let it be bland and meaningless.
"We were something weren't we?" You asked with a soft smile. Iwaizumi chuckles beside you, as he sits closer to you. The cold air swirling around you two as well as the car noised filling in the comforting silence.
"God, I miss what that's like." Iwaizumi answers as you look at him. You looked down on the floor with tears appearing again, the same as Iwaizumi. You were both craving to hold each other but it didn't sit right to just rush into each other knowing there's so much to unpack.
Maybe it was a bit unexpected that you'd face him this way. Echoing through your ears was the conversation between you and Tooru about how the time never came. Now, you weren't even close to being prepared. You both imagined a proper conversation wherein you two would agree to meet up and talk things out. Yet subconsciously, you came to the same place at the same time not even knowing you'd meet. You lacked strength to bundle the words that you've always wanted to say to him and he felt the same way.
The last time you sat next to each other, that was when you parted. Now, back in the same position, it felt overwhelming. Seeing each other for the first time, both had you shocked and careful of your words. You wanted to scream how much you loved him, and he wanted to hold you in his arms to wash away the bleeding of your heart.
You loved how the universe made you two meet. It was quite painful that it had to be the place where you've shared so many memories with him. You didn't know if this was a blessing in disguise but you couldn't complain when the love of your life was here, beside you.
When he saw you, he felt like the sun shined above him like it did every morning. Where he had an angel to wake up next to, when he couldn't spot a single imperfection in your skin when the sun danced in your beauty.
And you've finally remembered the way his touch would bring you the assurance without words. His unexpected kisses, his sweet embrace, his smile that makes your heart run a marathon.
You're finally here. You both think, your hearts synced in how you've waited for this moment.
With your hand on the bench, he places his hand on top of yours, feeling like it was too fragile to hold but you didn't pull away. He takes in your features in the moonlight as his heart picks up the pace at the feeling that washes over him.
There isn't a barrier anymore.
Having the chance to hold your hand like this, he'll never take this for granted again. His everything, back in his touch, god how lucky he was. Remembering Oikawas words, one thing was clear to Iwaizumi, and that was the fact that he couldn't afford to have another hiccup in your relationship.
"We really fucked up this time." Iwaizumi comments making the both of you chuckle as he intertwines your hands with his, smiles on either your faces now that you've finally found the path to each other.
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
Are we gonna read Jake with a size kink?? Bc i'm down to have him manhandle me like i'm nothing and fuck me with his big cock till i can't think straight and calling me his little dumb whore
Dude. Let me tell you. After I read this request I just had to sit down and stare at nothing for a while cause... yes. Warning: I don't think I ever wrote something this... agressive... so like... If you're not into some real mean!daddy stuff, I wouldn't recommend it.
- Imagine that you're walking around the house in your panties and his shirt only (cause it fits you like a dress) - And at some point, you were trying to pick something up the shelf, standing on your tiptoes - you felt Jake standing behind you, but instead of helping, he left out a chuckle - you turned around, and by the look on his face, you knew that whatever you were currently doing, would have to be left for later - at first, you thought he was turned on because his shirt went up when you were trying to reach the shelf, revealing your cute little lace panties - but it wasn't just that... but the entire scene - he loved that you needed his help to reach for things (maybe he put them somewhere you couldn't reach just to watch you struggle?) - he loved that when you cuddled you looked so tiny inside his arms - but what drove him fucking crazy was when you were a little bratty and tried to push him away with all your strenght and he didn't move an inch - "Look at you, little girl." He smirked. "You always need daddy's help, don't you?" - that was enough to make you forget what you needed from the shelf and start to need something else - "Tell me." He insisted. "What do you want?" - "I-" You looked up and tried to remember, but it didn't matter anymore. "Nothing, I'm alright." - "Are you hiding something from me?" - you shook your head. But he didn't buy it. Next thing you felt was his strong grip on your arm, pulling you all across the living room. His fingers burned your skin, surely leaving a mark - he sat on the sofa and forced you to sit on his lap, back turned to him - "You're not hiding anything from me?" He asked rasply. You shook your head one more time. "If you're not gonna tell me, I'll have to find out on my own. Listen to me. If your pussy is wet right now, you're in trouble." - he had you in his trap. He knew that if you weren't wet before, his threat would make you. He knew you loved being completely defenseless under his strenght - as his hand was on its way to check if you were wet, you grabbed his arm, trying to stop him. And when you realized what you just did, it was already too late - "That's fucking pathetic." He chuckled, grabbing both of your arms and holding them behind your back with one of his big hands alone. "That's my pussy and I can touch it whenever I want to, do you undestand?" - "Yes, sir." You gave up. It's not that you weren't dying for him to touch you... but the more you resisted, the closer you pushed him to the edge... the better. - he ripped you panties and threw them on the floor - you knew you were absolutely soaked, but still held your breath when he touched you to check - he ran three fingers through your folds, collecting your wetness - "Open your mouth." - as soon as you did, he shoved his three fingers in there, forcing you to taste yourself on your tongue - "What do you think?" He asked as he shoved his fingers deeper in your mouth. "Why won't you answer me, huh? Is your mouth too full?" - he removed his fingers from your mouth and you whined - "Does it make you wet when daddy treats you rough, princess?" He asked sweetly and you nodded. "Yeah, I know it does. You can't hide things from me, baby." - his fingers went back to your pussy, but he barely touched you, you could only feel his heat - "Play with me, daddy, please." You moaned. - "I'm not in the mood for playing right now, babygirl." He sighed. "I told you that you would be in trouble if you were wet. And you're fucking dripping on my thigh right now." - "No playing, daddy?" You said frustrated and it almost broke his heart. - "No." He said firmly. "This is very serious. You lied to me and thought you could stop me from touching you." - he freed your arms, but you kept them where they were, since he didn't tell you you could move - you kept facing foward, but you knew what he was doing. He was pulling his pants and underwear down just enough to free his cock and you had to gather all your strenght not to look. You could hear the sounds of him stroking himself behind you - "Ride daddy's dick, come on." He said, puling you closer to his body. - "You're not gonna play with me first?" Your eyes widened. Jake always prepared you first, never went straight to the point like that. "It's not gonna fit." - Jake almost came right there. Those were the absolutely hottest words he ever heard in his life - "I'm gonna fucking ruin this tight little pussy you have." He told you. "Then maybe next time you'll remember not to piss off someone who could hurt you so fucking easily." - he pulled you by the hips and placed his cock on your entrace, guiding your hips down slowly. But once it was all in, he had absolutely no mercy, fucking you deep, hard and fast, moaning like there was no one else in the world as you cried out - he grabbed you by the throat and told you things like: - "Didn't you tell me you like it when daddy treats you rough? Now you better take all of it. And stop fucking crying." - And you could only say things like "Fuckkk, daddy, you're SO BIG" while sobbing and it drove him absolutely mad - didn't take him much long to come SO deep inside you - and as he tried to catch his breath, he played with your clit until you came too, his dick still buried inside you - then he brought your weak body to his chest and gently dried your tears - I mean... I might be too horny right now, but isn't it hot the fact that he used his size both to make you cry and to confort you after? - "I love you so much, my little girl."
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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Summary+TWs: We're talking serious feelings here, okay? Reader, you're literally emotionally illiterate. You also have PTSD, which is finally addressed - kinda. Bruce does his best. And he also knows how to kiss... But y'all know that if you read my ramblings about lucid dreaming/shifting/whatever... Chile-, anyways...
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My phone kept buzzing and I ignored it until Bruce declared it was time to take a break and review the results. Whilst the man was typing up the data on a nearby StarkPad, I fought the sudden influx of messages that I received from haters and supporters alike after Tony decided on tweeting a reply that could be interpreted in an alarming variety of ways. It was a smart move, I'll admit, but a fucking bother for me nonetheless.
Disabling my DMs and dealing with a follower increase in the thousands wasn't hard; I didn't consider myself a problematic asshole and didn't need to be afraid of "exposure". The parties I went to - I doubted there was any blackmail material in there and the few nudes I'd sent over the years were always face-less. As a gen Z, I knew my internet safety.
The trolls didn't bother me either. It was more sad than annoying, people shitting on others for clout. Iron Man stans were witty, at least, if jealous. I must admit I've never considered the influx of popularity I would experience should I publicly out myself as a friend of Tony's. Girlfriend? Intern? Science child? Whatever cover story he was going to feed the press worked for me, as long as I still got the hugs, the kisses, the dick and the attention.
"Tony..." Bruce groaned, evidently done with the data processing, had to have opened his social media to see his own skyrocketing popularity.
"Yeah, our Tony is being a Tony again," I chuckled, having reset my social media settings so my phone wouldn't constantly beep, vibrate and bother me. School was going to be fun.
Bruce shook his head, fond, coming over to my side of the lab after removing his own hazmat suit. His eyes shiny with newfound knowledge and hair turned adorably fluffy in the confines of the head covering. He was smiling softly. "Food?"
We chewed our sandwiches in silence for a moment, each of us lost in our thoughts.
"I still can't believe Tony told everyone on Twitter you're his girlfriend, usually he keeps this stuff private or schedules a fancy press conference," Bruce's tone was thoughtful.
I raised an eyebrow. "Is that what it was? Seemed ambiguous to me..." I trailed off, confused.
"He worded it like that on purpose, I mean, you're still in high school," The scientist was confident in his words. "But I know Tony. I'm a hundred percent sure that he meant exactly that. Aren't you?"
Shock flooded me. Suddenly, I understood I completely misread the situation. "Um, no? I thought we were, y'know, just fucking. We never defined our relationship and we're definitely not exclusive." I said, chewing on my lip. "You make a valid argument, I'm a high school student and he's a grown ass man that does grown man stuff. Putting aside the fact that he could have anybody in the world so why would he choose me?" I was rambling, thinking out loud. Discussing my feelings has never my strong forte. "It would be stupid to impose monogamy on such a complex man like Tony. Downright idiotic to expect a genius to confine to social norms just because it suits others." I finished with a wave of my hand. Another bubble of thought that had festered within me for the longest time. I felt relieved, finally voicing it out loud. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders, a weight I wasn't previously consciously aware of.
Bruce was watching me intently, with an unreadable expression that held the tiniest bit of awe, admiration perhaps. The silence that followed was unnerving. I fidgeted with my hands, not really knowing where to put them or where to look.
"You know," He took off his glasses, fiddling them in his hands. "I'm not going to sugar coat it. For the longest time, I thought you were going to inadvertently hurt him when you get bored with whatever you've got going on. I respect you, don't misunderstand me, but you are young. Now, I've changed my mind. You've changed my mind," He punctuated his statement with his hand on mine, grasping it. "I think you managed to understand him in a way most people can't. Or don't want to. Understand and accept him in a way that some of us can't even after years of working and living side by side with him." Bruce's gentle fingers skimmed along the top of my palm.
"I don't always understand Tony but I do accept him," I agreed. "Because Tony is a great man."
"I think you're in love with him," Bruce said, absolutely having ignored my previous statement. Just like that, point blank, he pushed to the surface the very feelings I got so good at ignoring. There was no rest for me in this place.
My heart fluttered, picking up the pace. I kept my mouth shut, not trusting it whatsoever. My thoughts became akin to panicked hares, jumping and zigzagging aimlessly in my skull. I didn't see the point in defending myself because the scientist had pointed out the obvious.
Bruce looked at me, softly, warmly. "And don't think we haven't noticed the rise in team morale. The improvement not only in communication, but on the battlefield, too. It's easier to entrust your back to someone with whom you've shared a laugh and a drink the previous night. You're the glue that keeps us together."
Something warm and wet was on my cheeks. I stared at our clasped hands, his words echoing in my head over and over and over. The moment I realized I was crying, I willed myself to stop and failed spectacularly - only more salty fluid streamed down, some of it getting in my nose, on my lips. The sleepless nights were making me unstable.
It took a single sniffle for Bruce to pick me up and wrap up in his kind embrace. I didn't resist, tucking my face into the crook of his neck, holding onto the back of his lab coat, inhaling the smell of his skin and chemicals. It was familiar, calming. Minutes ticked by with me slowly leaking the tension out of my body.
"He loves you, too, maybe he just doesn't realize it yet." Bruce whispered into my hair. "I've never seen Tony so happy, even with Pepper. You are special and you are loved."
There was something unsaid, I felt it. It hung in the ear, it burned the tips of my ears, stood sharp on the tip of my tongue. "I love you too, Bwucie-bear," I whispered into the space between his ear and his jaw. His arms tightened around me.
The man placed several chaste kisses in my hair, running a palm over my back. In moments like these, the crush for him, the very crush that got out of control, blossomed fully into a deep sense of respect and admiration. He made me feel safe. He said all the right words at the right time.
Drowsiness overtook me. As usual, any worries and anxieties I had evaporated, once Banner had his arms around me, shielding me from the world. I didn't forbid myself this time: delicately, my hand slipped through the man's soft messy curls, eliciting a contented sigh.
"You haven't been sleeping well," He more stated than asked.
I had no choice but to nod. "Clint keeps dying in my dreams. Or even worse, he doesn't, he just suffers, endlessly, painfully." I admitted.
Bruce flinched under me, tensing. My face was in between his hands in a second, the scientist sternly looking into my eyes. "Why didn't you say anything? All of us assumed you were okay after what happened." He looked - angry. Not Hulk-out pissed but Bruce-pissed, which equalled a kicked-puppy look seasoned with a great pinch of disappointment.
"I am okay." I lied, shamelessly. "It's getting better. That's why I want to have a party - relax a little, dance, socialize. I don't think Tony would let me go on my own so I figured I can convince him to throw one here." I looked away. It was better for everyone if I dealt with my own problems - they were superheroes, not babysitters.
Bruce frowned. "Why wouldn't Tony let you go?"
"Because of that one time I snorted coke," I rolled my eyes at Bruce's naiveté, leaving the less obvious parts unsaid. Tony knew exactly what I was going to do once I got free reign, he considered it destructive and told me so himself. Admittedly, he had a point but still... I wished I'd been given a choice.
"I'll talk to him," Bruce nodded firmly. "That's not acceptable. He can't forbid you from making mistakes and learning from them."
He was met with my shrug. No excitement came from me regarding this particular turn of conversation. I was drained, limbs like jello, thoughts sluggish. My face was drooping.
"Let's get you to bed," Banner stood up with me wrapped around him. "You need a nap."
"No," I protested. If I went to sleep now, only Satan knew at what ungodly hour I would wake up.
"Yes, Princess," Bruce smirked. I wiggled uncomfortably - when he went all caretaker like, my ovaries wreaked havoc on my body and brain. My thoughts weren't appropriate if Bruce wanted me to see him as a father figure. The signals he was sending were mixed. People around me did that a lot and I wasn't sure how to act so I usually just went with the flow. I decided to do the very same thing in that particular moment.
Curiosity sparked within me, tightly interwoven with the deep longing that settled below my collarbones whenever Tony or one of the others wasn't sitting next to me or talking my ear off. I've almost forgotten how it was to be alone with my thoughts. The maze of my very own self was becoming unfamiliar territory. Alarming.
I allowed Bruce to help me shed my shoes and outer layer of clothing, shivering in the coolness of my room. Despite being a frequent visitor, I still had a 'guest' room in the tower - I mostly stayed at Tony's or Wanda's anyways. During our sleepovers neither me nor the witch minded sharing her enormous bed, to be fair, we could have fit at least two more people in it besides us. Tony took care of his own - all the tower's residents had their apartments furnished with the best stuff.
"Sleep now, Princess," Bruce chastised, tucking a blanket around me, having noticed an earbud in my ear and my smartphone in my hand. I had hoped to kill some time online, damn well knowing sleep wouldn't come easy.
"I don't think I can fall asleep, Bruce," I admitted, looking away. There was just so much going on. My brain wouldn't shut up and if I couldn't drown out the cacophony by being productive, I'd troll the internet, as usual.
Banner sighed, coming to sit next to me, leaning against the headboard. Gently running his fingers through my hair, brushing the outside of his palm against my cheek. "How do you usually deal with this?"
Involuntarily, my eyelashes fluttered. "Tony does most of the work," I admitted coyly. The engineer had a whole arsenal of tricks up his sleeve - sexy and exhausting tricks.
"I see," Bruce muttered, thoughtfully.
I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me with a look I haven't seen before. The usual mildly absent, slightly anxious face he wore was replaced by something I could only describe as hurt envy, like a kid looking at their schoolmate who had all the newest, coolest toys. I used to be on the receiving end of that look far too often and I hated it.
I hid my face against his leg, rubbing my cheek on the raspy corduroy fabric of his pants. "Got any good ideas of your own?" I wondered lowly, thinking about what in the world possessed Bruce to wear corduroy trousers on a semi-casual day, in the twenty-first century.
"Only bad ideas," He replied in a matching low tone. His soft fingertips relocated to my nape, goosebumps rising down my back.
"Humour me," I grinned against his leg.
Bruce was quiet for a moment, the sound of his thinking screaming louder than any words could have done. Knowing the scientist so closely, I found out he was full of surprises - bolder than he appeared outwardly and competitive to a boot. He thought he had a lot to prove to himself and by extension, to others. The unknown, the mystery dangling in front of my nose was exhilarating, trepidation addictive. It took me away from the chaos in my mind.
A gentle grasp on my chin had me turning to look upwards, Bruce's face flushed and focused on my own, open and trusting. He needed to see the obvious, that I trusted him to take care of me. He pulled and I followed, sitting up on my elbows, coming up to his shoulder level, our faces inches apart, enveloped in the unique, intense scent of his herbal tea. It was a tart, strong smell and it suited his quiet but passionate character.
Once, twice, I caught my eyes sliding to his plump lips. They looked far too appealing in this position. I usually strategically stayed away from positions so compromising, fearing the very thing that I'd already let happen, however this time the atmosphere was different. We stood on ambiguous grounds, waiting for Bruce to make a decision.
The man wasn't stupid, he saw the way I looked at him. The nightmares and inability to take a break from life put a significant dent in my resolve to keep a distance between us, romantically - I could have settled even for a pity kiss, a pity fuck. Anything to put my brain on pause.
His lips were softer than I had imagined. Skilled, too, he easily steered the kiss into the shallow waters of our combined longing.
With Tony, it was like an avalanche. Tony ran hot like Peterbilt engines, hard and fast, almost angry in his race for satisfaction. Tony was a man that was used to getting whatever he wanted and it became plainly obvious when we fucked.
Bruce was the opposite. He savoured the kiss, losing himself in a way that could almost be described as delicate. Bruce was humming, softly, as we tasted each other, holding the left side of my face with careful fingertips. Almost as if he was afraid to break me. The feel of his skin on mine was soothing in a way that made me sigh and relax even further.
"Wanna make you feel good." His voice had dropped, gone husky, but his breathing held even. He must know all about self-control.
"Yeah," I was ready to agree with whatever the fuck he was offering. My eyelids remained shut.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
PS. Letsby, please don't combust. The underwear is coming off in the next chapter. 😶
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waokevale · 4 years
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Porcelain Face - Chapter 7
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Both of the boys came running into the class, saying:
-"WE'RE VERY SORRY LO- MR.BERRY, WE OVERSLEPT-" They both yelled in unison until they noticed what was going on.
They didn't missed the lesson but there was something else that caught their attention.
Mostly Ethan's as Virgil looked down, covering his masked face.
There was a new student in class.
Apparently he was already after the introduction part and didn't look so sure about repeating himself just because someone was late.
-"Well...this is awkward." - The new kid said as Logan sighed and just told the late two to sit down.
The new kid looked rather...Interesting?
But more than that he looked like he belonged with the popular kids which didn't make things any better.
He had black, cropped leather jacket, orange shirt, ripped tight jeans, fingerless gloves and...A pair of sunglasses on his face?
That was a pretty strange look for spring but no one commented on that.
He looked pretty confident and that was usually never a good sign.
When Ethan first introduced himself he was pretty flustered and shy but this new kid though had this weird indescriptible vibe.
It even seemed like he was eyeing Virgil which made the porcelain boy glare at the new kid in suspicion.
As they both sat down the kid was already talking about himself though neither of the two boys really listened.
The part that they actually heard was just:
-"Aaand there's nothing left for ya'll to know about me. Can I finally sit down teach'?
Logan then nodded also clearly not understanding half of the things the boy just said.
After the rest of lesson ended,
All of the students were now all heading out of the class.
Virgil finally looked up as he got out of the class with Ethan.
Now the new guy was pretty sure, as he ignored all the popular kids that wanted to talk to him because of his interesting appearance as he went to the two of the late boys to introduce himself properly.
-"It's nice to see you again Eighty, oh and hi there beanie girl." He said as both of them looked very confused for why did he came to them.
-"Wait...What does this mean, it's nice to see you again?" Virgil asked, clearly not understanding what was going on, same goes to Ethan who grew rather more suspicious of the new kid.
-"Don't you remember me? It's ya girl Remy!" The new kid said pulling up his sunglasses revealing two bright-orangeish eyes.
the cardboard boy stared at him in disbelief.
-"W-wait...Remy?!" He asked now louder, getting excited.
-"Yup! It's really me myself and I!" He exclaimed hugging his apparently old friend.
-"Wait...what???" Ethan asked in very confused now tone.
-"Oh! Sorry there- Uh...What's your name?"
Remy asked awkwardly.
-"Ethan.." The boy replied turning his head from them.
The same look of confusion have had the popular kids.
Including Roman and Remus.
What was actually going on?
Why did this guy came to these losers?
They honestly didn't know....
And were they hugging????
Now it was confusing as fuck.
Then...One kid dared to say it out loud.
-"Yo, new kid! Why are you hanging out with the glass dealer and the freak?"
Little did he knew Remy's reaction as he came closer to the guy who yelled these words.
-"Listen up here you little bitch.
I can hang out with whoever I want and whenever I want.
You can't tell me to do shit unless you want to get punched in the face."
He simply said showing off his eyes as the kid gulped and run away.
-"Whoa....That was.... Pretty awesome." Ethan admitted as Remy proudly stepped back to the other two.
-"Thanks, Rem'. Also why are you here?" Virgil asked.
-"Uhhhh you know....I run away from these losers so called my parents."
Ethan looked rather unimpressed and Virgil just sighed.
-"Are you sure that is the reason?" The porcelain boy questioned.
-"Ummm...Anyways Virgie would you and your friend want some Starbie?" Remy changed the subject.
-"Sure, I guess." The cardboard boy agreed.
-"Fine by me." Ethan said.
After school all three of them went to the nearest Starbucks.
Remy was ready to pay them when both of them denied.
-"No, no, no Rem' I agreed yesterday when Patton, one other guy suggested to pay, so no, I can pay for myself" Virgil denied sternly.
-"Bitch,  I INSIST." Remy said, clearly determined just like Patton yesterday.
-"Nope, you are not PAYING for ME." The cardboard boy talked back as there was a short moment of silence between the three, Ethan still confused af.
-"I'm going to buy you stuff anyways." Remy said.
-"REMY!" Virgil yelled, pretty angry now for loosing.
-"Welp....Guess he had won, huh?" Ethan said.
-"Not helping, Eth..." Virgil whined.
-"Oh and Vitligo gurl! What do you want?"
Remy yelled not caring that half of the Starbucks could hear him as the other two other boys signed miserably.
-"Nothing, really...I don't... Drink coffee and I'm not hungry." The porcelain boy yelled back.
-"Oh, come on! Why not?" - Remy asked.
-"It's....Just....I can't say it out loud." Ethan said in a whispering tone to Remy who walked  back to them.
-"So what is it? You're allergic? ADHD? You despise coffee or?"
-"I just can't drink coffee..." Then he said why in sign language hoping that the new kid would not understand.
Then Remy whispered back.
-"Then how do you live?" which clearly meant that he indeed understood the motion sentence.
-"I....I.. It's complicated, ok?" Ethan signed in defeat.
-"Well okay then, Virgie gets the double then."
Remy simply said.
-"NO. YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! PATTON DID THAT YESTERDAY THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Virgil whined dramatically, pretty pissed off as both Remy and Ethan laughed.
-"Besides I'm going to be fat...." He mumbled the last sentence but both of them could hear it anyway.
[He thought Remy bought food as well]
-"Dude...You are literally just thin layer of skin and bones." Remy commented quietly.
-"Virgie? You okay there...?" Ethan said worriedly as the cardboard boy stayed silent before the barista yelled:
-"Remy? Your order is finished!"
Guess it's our stuff, Eighty." Remy said walking back to the counter to pick the drinks.
-"Why does he call you Eighty?" Ethan whispered as Virgil signed.
-"Probably similiar reason for why Patton calls you Dee."
-"Oh.." Ethan said.
-"Alright babes, here's your Spring Frappuchino with chocolate and coconut flakes." passing the pretty large Cup at still pissed off Virgil.
-"And here's your nonexistant coffee because I can't help." Remy said doing the motion of giving the Cup of coffee to Ethan who looked at him tiredly and said:
After some time of talking, Virgil's and Remy's past was brought.
-"Hey Virgie, can we spill some tea of our past to your new babe?" Remy then asked as the cardboard boy slowly nodded.
-"Well then....It all started...."
Virgil changed schools yet again.
Probably the third time now.
He was met with all the new students who like always either looked fascinated or spooked out by masked appearance.
Remy was the one of the fascinated ones.
He clearly wanted to be friends with the mysterious kid.
As Virgil introduced himself to the class and took his sit, Remy already talked to him.
-"Hey there newbie! Wanna be friends?"  Remy asked cheerfully, but Virgil though frowned.
-"You probably won't like me anyway...." He said, sadly, but Remy was determined enough.
-"Oh come on! I really do want to be friends with you!
I don't really care about your mask though it is pretty cool actually!" He excalaimed surprising the other kid.
-"R-really?" The cardboard boy said with the look of hope in his "eyes"
Then the bell rang as they started to hang out.
They hung out more often and soon enough became best friends.
Virgil was really happy back then as Remy was his protector from the bullies.
Unfortunetly one day it just wasn't enough....
There were five very curious kids... The two stronger ones tackled Remy who desperetly tried to free his grip from them, trying to get to his friend.
Unlucky for the two...It was too late.
They already ripped off his mask from his face revealing four pairs of violet eyes.
The kids imediatelly dropped him, very scared of his appearance as they screamed run away.
Only Remy stayed.
Looking at Virgil who was now sobbing on the ground uncontrollably.
He stood there for a few seconds, until he walked to the other boy and kneeled down, saying:
-"Hey, you okay there buddy?"
The boy with the multiple eyes looked a little up with surprise and disbelief painted on his face.
-"A-aren't you s-scared of m-me? D-don't you want to l-laugh at me o-or r-run away....?"
He asked, still very broken.
-"Nope! You look pretty awesome to me! I think spiders are very cool! Cause...you're a spider, right?"
The boy nodded.
-"Well then... As I promised before, I will protect you, Spidey-boo!" Remy said confidently as Virgil giggled at the nickname.
Remy then stood up and helped the other boy up as well, giving back his mask and holding him protectivly from the other kids just in case.
But of course...Virgil's parents found out that someone has seen his face and they moved out yet again...
He was miserable back then...
Because he thought he had lost the only person that actually cared about him...
Neither Virgil nor Remy mentioned the part when Virgil looked like a spider, because they both knew it was a sensitive topic for the cardboard boy.
Though Ethan....He looked kind of... sad and dissapointed If one could say.
At himself mostly.
Because now he finally realised...
He wasn't able to ever be there for the cardboard boy before, because he was home-schooled and now the only chance of someone liking him was gone..
Remy was apparently pretty close with Virgil anyway.
Remy had already seen his face and gained his trust, something that Ethan probably couldn't do...
Virgil deserved better than a weakling like him anyway...
He should probably just....give up on trying.
-"That's an amazing story guys! I'm not surprised why you missed each other so much!
But I got to go...Um- my moms told me I should be back at 4 PM."
-"But you said they let you-" Virgil was cut off by him again.
-"They changed their mind." he said colder than he intended to as he walked out of the building, not even turning his head back.
I hope to see them tears...
Lmao Jk.
But seriously that's the last time.
Is this a good level of Angst for you all?
And for fucks sake it lagged.
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diningpageantry · 5 years
"I can't believe this. First our room isn't ready, and now this? I specifically requested TWO beds." (-baz)(and there was only one bed gasp)
(funny enough, i actually have a whole 9.4k fic on this plot, if you wanna read a fic on “there was only one bed” that’s well fleshed out. but! here’s a shorter “there was one bed” ficlet.... that i may have turned into a much longer ficlet than originally intended.)
It’s really, really rare that we get to go on a proper field trip.
You’d think, given the small class size, that it’d be more common than just a sudden, unexpected, “We’re going to London to study Magickal Interaction in the Normal’s World” out of the blue. Not that it’s a topic that isn’t interesting, of course. Especially since, y’know, we’ve only got the rest of this year before we have to live in the Normal’s world. But still. Would’ve been nice to go out there at some point in my earlier years to, I don’t know, wave my wand around an open field somewhere that isn’t Watford’s campus.
Anyway. Can’t really complain. Especially since it’s four days of minimal classwork, and an excuse to sneak off at night with Penny and get beyond plastered in a mage’s bar. Maybe find someone to make out with in a dark corner, which sounds rightfully enticing seeing as I’ve been single and pitifully daydreaming about just being loved. (That’s it. That’s all. The action of being loved.)
Only thing that’s getting on my nerves is the fact that Baz and I don’t get separate rooms.
None of us do, really. We’re all stuck with our usual roommates (except this time without any gendered barriers keeping us apart. Or Anathema.)
Now, at first it didn’t seem an issue that Baz and I got stuck back together. We treat it like the usual avoidance, and he fucks off the moment he can, while I do the same.
Except, when we got to the hotel, us and everyone else in the same hallway got held back. Someone said something about them being cleaned, and we’d be in as soon as possible.
Which, evidently, was two hours.
Baz had a field day bitching about it.
I thought it’d stop the moment we got to the room, but here’s where we are now. An even bigger issue than Baz being a total and complete drama queen.
“Crowley,” he snaps, practically slamming down the handle to his travel-case (it rolls. Doesn’t even have the effort to properly carry something). “I can’t believe this. Mage really cheaped out this time.”
I don’t really have a reaction. I can’t think of a reaction. Not when there’s only one bed in the room. “I don’t think he--”
“First the room wasn’t ready, now this?!”
“I’ll sleep in the bathtub, if need-be.”
He glares over at me, looking me up and down like he’s considering my size in comparison, before saying “You’ll be lucky if you can spell it soft enough.”
I scrunch my nose. Maybe Penny can talk Trixie into staying in Keris’ room. I’ll sleep on her extra bed.
Or her floor.
Or her bathtub.
I look over the bed again. It’s really quite big. Plenty of room, really. Enough for us to press up to opposite sides, not even touching... “What if we stay?”
He snorts. “You’re kidding.”
“Why would I be?”
His head turns, brow raising. “There’s nothing stopping me from snapping your neck as you sleep here. Sure, it’ll be bad on my record, but evidence isn’t hard to hide. I can say you ran off.”
“Can’t drop the villain act for one minute, can you?” I drop my duffel-bag onto the bed, exhaling. “I’ll take the left, you take the right. Like our beds usually.”
He looks like he’s thinking hard to say something, to snap something clever back like he always does, but he gives me a halfhearted high instead before locking himself into our bathroom.
I try to yell at him, telling him to save me the little free soaps (I forgot to snag the ones supplied from Watford), but I don’t quite think he can hear me. 
So I make sure I have everything I need, and leave him alone for the night, going down to the lobby to meet Penny for dinner.
We decide to stay in tonight--she has her laptop hooked up to the WiFi, so she’s going through the motions of researching where we’ll go for our drunken festivities.
I don’t mention the bed to her. Not yet. Not after we see how tonight goes.
Which, at first, doesn’t start bad.
It’s the usual nighttime routine. He slips in late (I wonder what he’s found to drain in the city without getting caught), coming back looking a bit disheveled, but else wise put together.
We don’t speak about it. We don’t have the energy these days. He simply changes in the bathroom, then slips into bed, turning completely away from me.
I click out my light, and he does the same, and we fall asleep.
All soundly. Sort of.
That is, until he steals all the blankets. And at first, it isn’t a bother, but then he rolls over, and takes up more than half the bed, in his sprawling.
I huff, trying to nudge him, but he’s completely out cold. Literally cold.
When I push him, I feel his freezing skin against me. It’s barely any affect under enough blankets to swallow him whole.
“Baz,” I try, to no avail. So try louder. “Baz!”
He snaps awake, jerking around and glaring at me the moment our eyes meet. “Yes?” he drags.
“Can I have some room to sleep?”
He blinks at me, eyes heavy as he snorts. It barely has any affect. “Y’sleep in a ball. Don’t ask like you need more.”
And with that, he’s back asleep. Tosser.
I don’t sleep much the rest of the night, arse half off the bed.
The next day isn’t terrible. We tour a good bit, it’s mostly a bore, and then by dinner time, Penny’s already got a place for us to go.
“It’s a bit set aside, and we need a spell to get in, but I think we’ll be fine if you’re not the one trying to spell us in.”
“Why’s that?”
She looks at me, seeming outright exhausted, and I nod. Ah okay yeah. That’s why.
When I get back to the room, Baz looks like he’s getting ready to go somewhere to (city rats? Are city rats appetizing? Or maybe he’s actually just draining people out here). He looks over at me, raising a brow as I go for my bag. “Retiring early? I’m surprised you and Bunce aren’t going to go stake out something for your precious Mage.”
“Actually, we’re going out.”
“We've found a Mage’s club.” I know he won’t turn me in for this. I sure as shit could turn him in for sneaking out, so there’s no point in retaliation.
But he gives me a new reaction. One I wasn’t particularly expecting. “Is it far?”
I blink, picking up my pair of jeans and the shirt Penn stole from Premal’s closet for me. “No...”
He nods, seemingly in thought. “Fine. Save room in the cab.”
“Save room in the--I never invited you!”
“No, I invited myself. But someone has to look after you two, or else you’ll get yourselves into another Goblin attack--or worse.”
Frowning over at him, I think over how hard I’d have to punch him to known the sense out of him. It wouldn’t be too hard, but what’s the effort worth? Plus, how bad could it be? He fucks off, and he pays for the ride. “Fine, but you’re paying.”
“That was never said.”
I smirk back. “Yeah well, you invited yourself.” I shut myself into the bathroom.
Once I step out, I look over to see he’s actually dressed decently, in clothes I can’t ever recall him in.
“Baz, are those jeans? Are you wearing jeans?”
He doesn’t bother looking away from the mirror, fixing his hair. “What did you expect me to wear? A skirt?”
“Yes--wait. No. Anything but jeans.”
“Do you imagine I’d saunter around a club as an eligible bachelor in some bloody cloak?”
“A little bit, yeah!”
He groans, rolling his eyes as he turns back and rustles through his bag. “You’re pathetic.”
Standing back, I watch as he shuffles around and digs out a pencil, nice and capped all pretty. My first thought is wondering why he’s pulling out a pencil, but then he uncaps it and brings it up to his face.
He turns slowly, raising a brow. “Something the matter?” he monotones.
“What--don’t hurt yourself!”
He snorts, shaking his head and turning back and starting to run it along certain parts of his eyes (looking like he very well knows what he’s doing). “Haven’t you ever seen anyone put on makeup?”
Yes. Well, yeah. Of course. I’ve seen Aggie put on her makeup before big holiday dinners, and Penny drag out a little bag during breakfast to just put something on her eyelashes and use some chapstick (that’s all she ever does, and that’s only if she has a presentation to give that day).
And anyway, whenever Agatha put anything around her eyes, it was with a tube and little brush thing. And other brushes. And more brushes.
“Not with a colored pencil.”
“It’s called eyeliner, Snow.”
I’ve never seen a bloke put on makeup.
I’ve never seen a bloke look deliberately pretty.
And it isn’t that I haven’t seen pretty blokes--of course I’ve seen pretty blokes. Baz is sort of a pretty bloke, in the textbook sense. Full-ish lips (well full enough that they’re not barely there. Fuller side for a guy, I guess). Pretty eyes, with dark lashes that make ‘em look lighter. I think he does his eyebrows--they’re too well kept to not have something done to them.
Clear skin. Always clear. Almost like a doll’s face.
Except if the doll was always pissed off.
I sort of stand blinking, staring at him without properly meaning to (but definitely staring), only snapping to when he stands up straight and fixes his shirt. It’s nearly half unbuttoned.
He snaps something at me (I don’t catch it, I’m staring at his chest). (How does he feel so comfortable showing that much skin?) (Why would he show so much skin? Who is he trying to woo?) (Is this how he’s getting his dinner? Going off with someone then draining them?)
It takes him a few more tries before it comes through. “For Crowley’s sake, Snow, back to reality or I’ll punch it into you.”
My head shakes, eyes going wide as my head snaps up, then settles back to a frown. “Don’t have to be a dick about it,” I grumble, shoulders dropping a bit as I pat around. Wallet (with room key). Mobile Penny convinced me to get over winter break.
That’s it. That’s all.
“Are you ready?” My voice cracks a bit as I ask, hand moving up to over my mouth subtly. This is already going to be a weird night.
He gives me a once over, and I can practically hear his voice. “Really Snow? That’s what you’re wearing?” He nods anyway, pushing past me to open our door. “Where are we meeting her?”
“Lobby.” I trail behind him, dinging for the lift and resting back against the wall.
He goes off and checks himself in this mirror, presumably trying to see himself in a new light.
“Oi, piss off. Y’already look like you’re off to seduce your next victim.”
“Pray tell, Snow, what you think they’d be a victim of.”
“Vampire’s thrall?”
He seems a bit smug about that one. “Wouldn’t you think I’d have pulled that by now?”
“Maybe you did. I know how Agatha followed you around like a puppy dog--”
“You seem to forget that you followed me around like a puppy dog. For a year.”
I frown, then blink. “That could’ve been the thrall!”
He just laughs, a bitter bark at me as the lift pings and slides open. “Hate to inform you, Snow--” he hits the button for the lobby, then close doors as I settle back against the corner of the space, “--but if was a vampire, and I did use my thrall, I’m fairly certain you’d know it was happening.”
We drop the conversation there, standing in silence as the little box around us rattles and drops at a decently slow speed, a soft chime as we hit the ground floor and step out to take a good look around.
Penny’s already waiting, standing by a plant with her mobile in hand. She looks up, raising a brow at Baz (I’d texted her that he’s coming, my only explanation being “He’s paying”). “Bold fashion choice.”
He smirks, and it feels like it’s an intentional jab. I think he feels spiffy. “Thank you, Bunce. You’re looking...” He trails. She’s not in anything that’s much of anything to comment at (she’s not single, so a simple black sweater dress is enough for her). “Like you’re going to a very informal funeral.”
“Mmm. Your’s, or Simon’s?”
“Why not both?”
She smiles a bit, impressed before exhaling. “You’re paying, right?”
“Do I have much of a choice?”
“No.” She grabs my arm, raising a brow at me as I shrug. Free alcohol is free alcohol (and I suppose I’ll turn a blind eye to Baz if he’s got his fangs sunken into someone in the back room).
We all pile into a cab, and Penny gives the instructions. We’re relatively silent, all looking off through the windows, paying no mind to the cabbie as we twist and turn, finally stopping and stepping out as Baz pays the tab.
We’re in front of a closed Primark which, granted, seems like an odd place to take three late-teenaged kids to, but he just heads off and leaves us staring up at it.
“The sex appeal of this is through the roof,” Baz quips, raising a brow as Penny sighs and looks around.
“Trust me, alright?” she hisses, glancing around before starting down the street.
I follow along, hands in my pockets as we stroll. Baz looks a bit cautious, but overall humored by the whole endeavor.
We stop outside a much smaller side shop, with a spray painted shutter. “EAT DIX”
“Classy,” Baz mumbles as Penny steps forward, pointing her ring at it.
“Oh, what a night!”
The shutters rumble a bit, raising a few notches on their own and letting Penny yank them up the rest of the way. She glances around, exhaling in relief before waving us in.
It just looks like a tight passageway, but tucked inside the wall.
I go first anyway, following along for maybe half a minute before I can hear it--laughing. Dancing. Going about.
Baz lights a fire just in time before I hit a turn, then see it. The trickling of light.
Then another turn.
It’s like a hard snake, bumping through twist and turn before we emerge into a thumping, crowded dance club, twinkling lights suspended in mid-air as the smell of drinks and the sweetness of pixie dust spins around us.
I let Penny take the lead, holding onto her elbow as descend down a short flight of stairs and land off to the side of the crowd. Baz sticks close, practically looming over my shoulder as we make out way to the bar.
I can feel some people eyeing me up--I can feel them staring, even if they don’t mean to. I know they know who I am. I know they can smell it--they can feel it.
And I know they see me next to a Pitch, which is probably fairly confusing, but once again, free alcohol is free alcohol.
Baz orders us two rounds of shots as we settle up to the bar, trying to talk about where to stand and whether or not to dance.
After the shots, and well, another round (then a drink each), Penny and I break off from him as he stays at the bar, wordlessly sipping back something that looks too pink to be appetizing (he seems happy with it, though, surprisingly).
I polish off my drink--something magical, except it also has some fizzy in it, so I don’t know whether or not the tingle in my throat is from the drink or from the additive, but I don’t really care. I don’t care about shit, because Penny’s shoving me into the middle of the crowd to (try to) dance.
And try to I do.
Terribly, I think.
Who’s going to tell me I’m a bad dancer? I’m the Chosen One, for Merlin’s sake.
I turn, then catch Baz staring.
Oh right. He will. He’ll tell me I’m a bad dancer.
Which, I suppose, he has a little say in, but still. I prefer not to hear him, but he’s the one supplying me with drinks, so I should shut up and let him speak.
He doesn’t move. Not immediately.
And when he does, it isn’t to go forward. It’s, instead, to turn around, and order another drink for himself.
Something in my chest flutters, searching for his gaze again until another body blocks him. Someone big (half giant?) I don’t even bother waiting to see if he did look back, instead just weaving my way back into the crowd to find Penny.
We stick around for a little while, making Baz get us another drink before he eventually climbs off his seat, finding me half slumped next to the loo, and scoffs at me.
“You’re pissed,” he mumbles, not fresh as a fucking daisy himself. “We’re going back.”
I pout a bit. “Penny’s taking a piss.”
“Of course she is,” he sighs, shaking a hand through his hair.
I smile as it falls into his face, and reach up absentmindedly to swipe it away. “Pretty,” I mumble.
He doesn’t swat me away, blinking once as I tuck it behind his ear. He gathers himself after a second of just blinking. “You better be stable enough to walk, because I’m not dragging you out.”
(Spoiler alert: he does.)
(I’m half leaned over him, arm around his shoulder, as Penny hums some tune behind us, weaving out through the path we came.) (Which, surprisingly, shoots us out a few doors down from where we entered. Wicked.)
He hails us a cab a block or two away, all the while I’m mumbling something about him smelling like a weird lemon. We squeeze together in the back, Penny and Baz on each side of me as I fit in the middle, head leaned back as the room spins. At least Baz has the sense to remember the address of the hotel, letting Penny and I just hum to ourselves.
We part ways in the lobby, Baz letting me cling to him as I stumble closely into the lift.
We’re silent.
Too silent.
I hum again to fill it, humming that spell that Penny used to get us in (it’s catchy).
Baz doesn’t tell me to stop. Not until we get out, and even then it’s a soft “Shh”. The kind you try to lull a baby to rest.
I smile, leaning up to whisper in his year. “Am I your baby, Baz?”
He gets a little stiff in my arms, feeling like a plank that I’m just drifting through the hallway with. “Nobody’s my ‘baby’, Snow.”
“I could be,” I hum, leaning more against him and whispering even quieter. “I am now.”
He looks like he might shove me off. Instead, he walks faster to our door, getting out his key card and grumbling something bitterly as he pushes the door open and hits the lights.
I flop myself down onto the bed, grinning up at him. “You’re really pretty. Did y’know that?”
“No, Snow.” He almost sounds sad. Why is he sad?
“Soooo pretty....”
“Are you going to stop anytime soon?”
I giggle, closing my eyes and shaking my head. I feel the room shake with me (I think that’s what’s happening).
When I open my eyes, I don’t see any objects actually shaking, but Merlin am I dizzy.
Baz has all but disappeared, except for the sound of the bathroom tap running.
I hum, starting to try to wiggle out of my jeans (getting them half off before remembering my shoes), then trying to kick those off while trying to somehow lift myself off my back to take off my shirt.
Which is how Baz finds me, almost thrashing around on the bed.
“Oh for Crowley’s sake,” he mumbles, going to help me.
I just let him do the work, closing my eyes and settling back. “Mm. Why’re you sober?”
“I spelled myself sober. Used ‘Closing time’.” He says it without the magic, helping me out of my clothes and leaving me in my boxers and cross, carefully staring anywhere but me. “Why? Do you need to be spelled sober?”
I shake my head. “Like this.”
He sighs, stepping away and mumbling something incoherent as he goes into the bathroom and comes back with a glass of water. “Drink.”
I don’t protest, forcing myself up to chug it down, before looking up. “I’m gonna pee.”
His lip curls up. “Then go pee.”
I nod, closing my eyes and pushing myself out of bed. I stumble, but catch myself on the bedside table. “I’m gonna pee,” I repeat, padding into the bathroom.
I think I say it again (or I’m thinking it) as I’m steadying myself again the wall and focusing very hard on my aim.
I flush, washing my hands because I know Baz will throw a fit if I don’t, then go back out to see how he is.
Which is just him in bed, turned away from me.
I frown, then plop next to him, hitting off the lights and sighing. “Baz?”
“Yes?” he grumbles.
I turn my head, watching him. “Thank you.”
He turns around slowly, facing me entirely. “What do you want me to say?”
I shrug, then reach out to feel his hair again, watching his eyes fall shut, then push back open. 
“What is it that you want, Snow?”
I shrug. “Nothing really. I feel like thanking you. Is it a crime?”
“No.” He still stares at me, like he did at the bar.
I bite my lip. “Am I bad a dancer?”
He seems taken a back, but answers nonetheless. “Yes,” he whispers, then I laugh.
I laugh because he’s right. I laugh because this is silly. I laugh because I want to laugh.
And he laughs too.
We laugh together, my forehead leaning to touch his as we giggle, settling into the shared sheets. We relax. We exhale, looking at one another before I stare at his pretty mouth, then lined eyes, and suddenly push my lips forward just to feel how his pretty mouth would feel against mine, and I find that it feels fantastic.
It feels soft, and slow, and hesitant then all at once not, pushing forward against mine and making me sigh out onto him. 
His hair pushes into my hair, then his pretty mouth pulls back, and I open my eyes to stare at his prettier ones.
“You’re drunk,” he whispers, voice small.
I nod, then shrug. “You can sober me up,” I whisper, popping the ‘P’ before smiling a little.
He does move at first. “Takes a good bit of magic, Simon.”
I shrug again. “I can try...”
He laughs. “Crowley, no. Please don’t. You’ll probably ruin your liver doing that alone.”
He’s not wrong.
I opt to kiss his cheek, feeling his hair slowly as I scoot closer. “Okay,” I mumble. “Kiss me in the morning, then.”
“What if you don’t want to,” he whispers, forgoing his usual bitterness. “What if you forget.”
He’s probably right. I have a shit memory when it comes to drinking. And that’s probably why he’s not snapping my neck now, either.
The whole kissing me back is a thought for tomorrow, though.
“Then tell me to kiss you,” I yawn,  pressing my face into his neck and inhaling. “Say... I think you’re pretty. Because you’re pretty. And I like that.”
“You’re talking nonsense, Snow.”
I shrug. “Doesn’t matter. Kiss me anyway.”
His hand settles firmly on my back, right at the dip of it. “Fine,” he whispers. “But then we don’t talk about tonight.”
“What tonight?”
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