#and it has absolutely nothing to do with jem himself. my boy is giving his 110% here.
darlingace · 10 months
(Not about to make a habit of this but)
Reason 12938393 why i would be a better husband for jem: you would not fucking catch me looking like this after he proposed to me. dont care that i had to tell the other guy who’s been a cunt to me but suddenly confessed his love that i’m engaged. i would be ecstatic. and horribly fucking offended by the proclamation from the other man.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Salutations! I was wondering if you could write a multiple character headcanon for Will Graham, Alana(because ✨women✨), Hannibal, & Atticus Finch(because that Atticus fic was something I didn't know I needed until now😳) where the reader kinda surprises them with breakfast in bed. Hope you have a good day & thank you💛
Yes!! All of these people slap. Very excited to be writing these kind of format requests again. I hope you enjoy love! 
I wrote it and the saved the draft and tumblr didn’t save it so fuck you tumblr
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- the kindest man in the world who has to much going on and literally cannot make himself food to save the world
- that was what made you make him breakfast
- you knew that if you didn’t make him any food he wouldn’t eat anything till you forced him (mostly out of sheer forgetting to eat) 
- so you made something very simple, eggs, toast, sausage and some orange juice
- he slowly got up and saw you walking into the room with the plate and he honestly thought you had just made yourself breakfast
- he was so utterly surprised when you handed it to him with a gentle smile
- ‘for me?’ he asks groggily
- ‘duh’
- you explain a little bit why you did it but honestly it was nothing 
- this boy borderline cries
- you made that for him? for HIM? 
- thinks its the best food he has ever eaten in his entire life because it has the thought behind it and also you’re the only person who ever cooks in the house and your food is always good even when it isn’t
- blows his mind that you made it for him still
- tells hannibal about it in a session
- also tells alana about it and she thinks its the sweetest thing to but is really just happy Will seems so happy about something 
- you do it every once in a while as a nice surprise when you can and he just is amazed that you think about him, no matter how many times you tell him that all you think about it is him sometimes
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- you know going into it that Hannibal is probably going to critique your cooking skills
- you are prepared though
- plus he’s naturally a very polite man, especially when it comes down to you
- so you whipped up a simple breakfast, nothing overly fancy
- you thought about adding some spice people but decided against it
- you came in at an ungodly hour (you had to get up hella early because how early he gets up naturally) and placed it on the night stand
- he sits up and looks over at it with a raised eyebrow and kind smile
- ‘is this for me?’
- ‘no it’s for my other husband yes Hannibal it’s for you’
- he is very pleased and touched as well
- you had never cooked for him before and even if the breakfast was simple, he thought that it was the kindest thing someone could do for him
- Hannibals love language is food
- he shares with you and makes you come back to bed to sit with him
- you probably rant about how hard/easy you thought it had been to make it and he listens happily
- he adores you so much
- after that he tried to get you in the kitchen more often with him, if nothing else to try and watch to learn
- you are very flattered because you know he doesn’t do that with just anyone
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- Alana can cook
- she just chooses not to
- it’s kinda the situation where she knows she should have more than a cup of coffee for breakfast but simply does not
- she has the time too
- she’s a bad psychiatrist to herself
- you are ready for her to get her shit together but you just do it for her
- so one morning you get up early and get her coffee from her favorite place and donuts
- you don’t even bother trying to make anything cause she’ll wake up
- she’s a light sleeper
- you figure the donuts and coffee are good enough anyway
- and you were very right
- she is sooo happy to see it
- she sits up and you’re just standing there
- ‘this is here for when you want it’
- and she just sits there with a line, serene, half asleep look and messy bedhead, in absolute love with you
- ‘you’re the best’ she says after a second and grabs her coffee
- jack is confused on why the heck she is so happy at work that day
- he reminisces on those days with Bella and is over all very glad Alana found someone to make her happy
- she deserved it
- you and Alana try and cook dinner that night together too and it end in take out and lots of food on your clothes but it’s overall worth it
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- poor tired old man
- needs someone to make him breakfast every once in a while
- you had the idea spontaneously and decided to inlist the help of scout and Jem who are up to early as well
- and you make a decent breakfast together and bring it in for Atticus
- he’s so HAPPY
- literally hugs the kids so hard and gives you such a loving sweet appreciative look
- 10/10 would pay to see that face again
- even if the breakfast is meh he loves it so much and let’s the kids sit on the bed with you and him to chat
- he rarely gets those family moments cause he’s so busy and really savors in them when he can
- adores you so so much because of it
- absolutely tells people at work about it
- even clients although he isn’t really planning on it when he does it
- is just very happy to have everyone at home waiting for him
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So I want to first say that I am absolutely positively 100% in love with your fanfics. I am a huge sucker for anything remotely involving family fluff and you always deliver. I’m also very much loved your platonic Will and Gabriel fill that you posted so I’m going to give you maybe a little bit of a different ask.
It’s pretty clear that by the time of A Lightwood Christmas Carol Will and Gideon have settled into a brotherly relationship, I mean you can see evidence of that in Clockwork Princess even. What I want to see, and if you’re willing to write it, is the first time Gideon pulled rank, so to speak, over Will, by acting like an overprotective older brother, which Will would have no experience with, even if he has seen Gideon act that way towards Gabriel. Prompts 2 and/or 19 would probably be applicable for this, but if you think something else works better, or you don’t want to write it at all, that’s fine too, I know it’s a weird ask, I’m just in love with family fluff, especially from TID/TLH.
(It seems like all the attention gets put on the major pairings sometimes and everything else falls by the wayside, which is why I love your stuff)
Goodness! Where do you get these incredible ideas? Thank you so much for this wonderful request! I had a grand time writing it!
Prompts: “I don’t think so.” & “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
Characters: Will Herondale & Gideon Lightwood (platonic)
Notes: This takes place after someone insults Tessa in front of Will
Red hot anger pulsed through Will’s veins. his face flushed from the cold as he threw open the doors, stepped out of the threshold and strode down the street. The night air didn’t do anything to cool his anger. He vaguely recalled hearing the door open again and the sound of footsteps crunching on the snow. 
“Where the hell are you going?” He heard Gideon say from behind him.
“Out.” Will said, the wind howling in his ear and blowing his hair to the side.
“And what, might I ask, are you going to do while you’re out?” Gideon yelled out at him, so that his voice could be heard.
“Have a nice talk with a little someone.”
Will felt something grab him from the collar of his coat, pulling him back so that he was rooted to a spot. He turned and found Gideon’s intense green eyes boring into his own. 
“I don’t think so.” He said, quietly but not, by any means, weak.
“Release me.”
“Not until you promise to go back inside the second I do.” 
Will rolled his eyes. “I promise.”
“Did you honestly believe that would work on me?”
Will clenched his teeth. 
“Let go of me, Gideon.” 
“You don’t get to tell me what to do. You aren’t my father or brother or—”
“William.” Gideon said, his mouth set. “I may not be your blood, and I know I am not Jem, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. And it also doesn’t mean I won’t tackle you to the floor the second you try to go after that man after I release you.” 
Will didn’t understand why Gideon was doing this simply because “he cared”. It was annoying.
“He was asking for it, Gideon. He was provoking a fight, and you know it just as well as I do.” Will pointed out. 
“Does that mean you go after him? Does that mean you let him win?”
“You’re one to talk.” Will spat out. “How many fights have you gotten into in the past?”
“Too many.” Gideon said, looking down and then back up at Will. “That’s why I’m making sure you don’t make the same mistakes I did.”
“This isn’t a mistake. Did you even hear what he said?”
“I did.”
“And you want me to do nothing?” Will scoffed. Gideon was out of his mind.
“Do you think it doesn’t kill me when they say the same things about Sophie? Do you really think it’s easy for me to stand by? I despise it. But do you know why I ignore it?”
Will shook his head, feeling a tiny bit small.
“Because I would rather spend my energy with Sophie, then waste it all on those pathetic lots. Think about Tessa, Will. Do you think she’d want this? Do you think it will make her feel good about herself?”
Will didn’t say anything because he truly hadn’t thought about it that way. How could he forget about Tessa? His Tessa?
“It’s going to make her feel worse.” Gideon said quietly. “And if there’s one thing you and I have in common, it’s that if we caused them to feel worse, it would tear us apart.”
Gideon’s hand was still on his jacket collar, but it felt lighter. Almost like Gideon was placing his hand on Will’s neck.
“Why do you care, Gideon? Why now?” Will asked, still a bit angry, but less so.
“Why now?” Gideon released an irritated breath. “Will, I’ve cared since I began living in the institute after my father disowned me. I care more now. You’re like a brother to me.”
“A brother?” Will asked quietly.
“An annoying, impulsive brother who needs to be restrained before he does something he’ll regret.”
Will didn’t smile, because he wasn’t sure he could, but he held Gideon’s gaze steadily. Tentatively, the older boy released his hold on Will, as though he were afraid he would bolt. Will just stayed were he was, looking down at his shoes. 
“Thank you.” Will finally said.
“For what?”
“For caring.”
“Don’t thank people for caring, Will. Not only can we not help it, but we do it because you give us reason to care.” Gideon said.
Will considered Gideon. Did he truly think of him as a brother? That was perhaps the part that got to him the most from this moment. Having a sister was different from having a brother. Will had never had a brother; he used to play rough with Cecily when they were children, but his mother would always scold him. You can’t play with your sister that way Gwilim or you will break her, Linette would say. Will didn’t want to break his sister, so he stopped play fighting with her like he used to. And though he loved his sisters, he wasn’t allowed to have much fun with them. Of course, Cecily and he would sometimes run down the hills where their mother or the maids couldn’t find them, and play fight, but it wasn’t fun when you had to restrain yourself. You will protect your sisters when you’re older, won’t you Gwilim? Mrs. York, their neighbor, once asked him. Will considered her question, and almost asked but who’ll protect me? but didn’t.
Now, he looked at Gideon. A brother. Jem had been a brother, more than a brother actually, but Gideon being like his older brother and not his equal felt different. A different kind of affection, but one he could still rely on. Perhaps he was thinking too far into this. 
“Will?” Gideon asked, looking questioningly at the stillness of the other. 
“Did you really mean it?” Will asked quickly, his voice barely louder than a whisper. “Do you really think of me as a younger brother?”
Gideon looked startled. “I–I do. Of course I do.” 
Will smiled despite himself. Maybe he could get used to having an older brother. “Does that mean I’m a pain in your arse?” He asked.
Gideon rolled his eyes. “I don’t know who’s worse, you of Gabriel. You both feel like my children. Barbara gives me less work than the pair of you.”
“Ah, well. At least you bring you joy.”
“At least you bring me joy.” Gideon agreed as they turned and walked back to the house.
Tagging: @livvyheronstairs @hitheresomeoneusingthus @tsccreatorsnet @aceofjesper @fictionally-fantastic @stxr-thxif @celias @atla-lok143 @rinadragomir @youngreckless @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens @no-scones-allowed @forjordelia
Send me a message of comment on this fic if you want to be tagged in the future! You don’t have to like or comment if I tag you, it’s just so that you can be notified when I post a fic.
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cassandraclare · 5 years
September flash fiction: James and Matthew’s parabatai ceremony
On the morning of his parabatai ceremony, Matthew Fairchild walked through Highgate Cemetery, past the tall stone tombs and long grass wet with dew, until he reached the entrance leading down into the Silent City. He tried not to be nervous.
“I was exceedingly apprehensive on the day of my wedding ceremony,” Henry had told him at breakfast. “You know how poorly I thought of myself when I was young—I believed your mother couldn’t possibly love me as I loved her. And you know how absentminded I can be. I repeated the words over and over, and I was so sure I would get them wrong that when the time came I just blurted them all out at once. All went swimmingly in the end, save for the small matter of the scorched flowers. But that’s another tale.”
“Thank you for the advice, Papa,” Matthew said, leaning affectionately against his father’s Bath chair. “But I must point out that I’m not marrying James. Though I would be a vision in bridal lace.”
Henry grinned up at him. “Why would you be wearing the dress?”
“You can’t think I would permit James to do it,” said Matthew. “He has no sense of style.”
To his surprise, the ceremony was packed densely with guests. Family and friends would be expected, but Matthew understood that most of the people were here for the spectacle, or for political advantage. The Consul’s son, and the son of the head of the Institute, whose mother was a warlock.
The crowd was so thick, Matthew could barely see the skulls set in the walls. Brother Zachariah was waiting in the center of the chamber where the ceremony would be performed, a figure of profound stillness in his parchment-colored hood and cloak.
James called Brother Zachariah “Uncle Jem” and adored him. Today eldritch fire for the ceremony woke strange shadows on his face, and Matthew was a little afraid. The whole London Enclave was assembled here to see the ceremony performed. Matthew had absolute faith in James, but if something went wrong, the Council might never let them try again. James’s parentage had so far had no effect on his ability to receive Marks or otherwise be an active Shadowhunter, but the parabatai ceremony was a stranger, more transcendent bit of magic, and nobody knew for sure that it would turn out as expected.
Several members of the Enclave had taken Matthew aside and warned him in an avuncular fashion not to make any rash decisions, so Matthew had pleaded with his mother to set a date for their parabatai ceremony as soon as possible.
Matthew gave a particularly dark look to Mr. Bridgestock, recently made Inquisitor. Awful Bridgestock, whose first name was Maurice and it served him right, had said Matthew was a very promising young warrior, and that he shouldn’t blight his bright future. Matthew told him he knew what he was doing, that his family was supportive, and he assumed the Clave would stand behind the ceremony as well.
“I have nothing but respect for your family,” Bridgestock had said, “but they often…ignore the opinions of others. Sometimes to their detriment.”
Matthew would have liked to give Bridgestock a piece of his mind, but of course he could not. Instead he smiled, and told Bridgestock that he appreciated the advice but that he was firm in his decision.
He tried to push his way through the crowd and find James. Instead his ear was caught by the whisper of his own name.
“I simply can’t believe Fairchild is being such a fool,” a boy called Albert Breakspear said to his companion, Bertram Pounceby. “I saw that fellow turn into a shadow at the Academy, you know. Horribly ghastly thing to witness.”
Pounceby sniggered. “I can’t believe the Clave gave their approval. The parabatai ceremony is meant to be an honor, for the best among us. Not for ruffians who got expelled from school.”
“It’s all politics,” scoffed Breakspear. “Son of the head of the London Institute, son of the Consul—it doesn’t matter how much of an embarrassment they are, strings will be pulled and they’ll get what they want.”
“I bet it won’t even work,” said Pounceby. “There is no way the Angel will accept them as parabatai. Can you imagine if Herondale turns into a shadow when Fairchild tries to put the parabatai rune on him?”
“Don’t be so sure you’re on the side of the Angel,” Matthew said mildly. “I know what you lot got up to in school.”
Both boys spun around. Matthew gave them his most charming smile.
“Didn’t realize I was standing behind you?” he asked. “What an awkward situation for you.”
“Rather,” James agreed, in his quiet voice, and Matthew startled. He hadn’t realized James was even nearby, but there he was: hair a wreck, book tucked under his arm, face slightly paler than usual. He must have heard everything.
Matthew seized James by the elbow and dragged him around a corner so they could be alone among the skulls. He felt the tension running along James’s body. When he released James, he saw the tightness around his mouth, and feared he was very upset.
“We can call the ceremony off,” James said.
“I don’t want to call the ceremony off!” Matthew said. “Do you—do you want to call the ceremony off?”
James blinked his golden eyes like an owl. “Of course not. But if I do turn into a shadow… I know how it would reflect on you.”
“I shouldn’t care if you did, but I see no reason why you should become a shadow,” Matthew said firmly. “You never have when other Marks were put on you. I shall not be threatening you in any way. Unless you do change your mind, of course, in which case I shall chase after you, belaboring you with my fists.”
James grinned, his face brightening, and Matthew beamed back at him.
“If you’re going to belabor me with your fists, I don’t know if I want you going where I goest.”
“Too bad,” Matthew said. “Whither thou goest, I shall go. Just try and stop me.”
They stood in two separate rings of fire, ready to be joined. Brother Zachariah conducted the ceremony before the eyes of the Enclave and everyone James and Matthew loved.
“Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee. For whither thou goest,” Matthew promised, “I will go.”
Their voices mingled like the colors of the dancing flames, and Matthew remembered trying so hard to befriend James at the Academy. He’d begged James’s father to take him to London, saying he and James were going to be parabatai, the greatest and most audacious lie Matthew had ever told. Now his lie had become truth.
“And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
James and Matthew had both chosen their fathers as witnesses, and Will stepped forward first. He looked at his son, and Matthew too, sweeping them up in a fierce and tender gaze. Henry wheeled himself to join them, red hair and silver chair catching the light. He smiled up at Matthew and James with an absolute approval that Matthew was very grateful to have.
“Where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me, and more also,” James said, calling on Raziel in his clearest voice, “If aught but death part thee and me.”
Matthew thought of the Angel. He had always been mostly dismissive of the honor-death-and-glory bits of being of a Shadowhunter. He supposed he believed in Raziel, but he never gave the fellow much thought. He believed there was more to life than blood and fire. There was beauty, there was art, there was color. Perhaps Raziel knew his heart wasn’t in the fighting. Perhaps Raziel didn’t approve.
They stepped through the flames.
Did those flames burn higher than they had at other ceremonies? For just a moment, did the hearts of the fire burn black instead of blue? It was his imagination, Matthew decided. They were through, after all, and James’s hand stayed flesh in Matthew’s own, stayed steady as he drew the parabatai rune on the inside of Matthew’s left wrist.
James wanted his Mark on his shoulder, because, he had said, he knew Matthew would always be at his back in battle. Matthew had rolled his eyes, but felt a surge of affection; James’s sincerity was one of his best features, even if it did get him into trouble. When Matthew finished inscribing the rune on James’s shoulder blade, when it was complete, he gave a great sigh of relief. He felt the assembled audience sigh too. It was done, and it had been fine.
The flames shot to the ceiling and the dark hollow eyes of skulls watched them in the place of their ancestors, and they were sure of each other forever. When souls were knit, nobody could tear them apart.
The Breakspears and Pouncebys didn’t matter at all. Only James and Matthew’s families, their friends. When they stepped out of the fiery circles, Will was there to catch them both in an embrace. Lucie came forward to congratulate them, her ringlets rebelliously escaping from her ribbons and her blue eyes wide. Matthew had to glance away from how pretty she looked; it was almost too much for him. Now Tessa was hugging James, and Matthew’s mother was reaching down to touch his father’s hand where it rested on the arm of his chair.
Thy people will be my people, Matthew thought, and promised himself to love the Herondales as his own. Beneath the hood, he glimpsed a slight smile on Brother Zachariah’s rune-sealed mouth, and Matthew smiled back at him. Matthew was suddenly certain he would love Jem too, that he would love everything James loved. Other people might go through the world uncertain and alone, but not Matthew: now wherever he wandered, whenever he called out, there would be an answer. He would never walk anywhere alone.
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Hi! Could you possibly give some of your favorite finished chaptered reddie fics?❤
Well do I ever! Enjoy these amazing fics by some amazing people! Its an extensive list so I’ve put it under a read more so as not to clog the tag! 
Is there somewhere by @tozier-boy | 11/11 | complete | explicit
Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure.
Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before.
Zero Characters Left by @stellarbisexual | 18/18 | complete | explicit 
Eddie works in social media at a tech start-up in Boston, and Richie's been hired to do some video production for the company.
Characters are aged-up to their late twenties, and this takes place in 2017.
Bright as yellow by @speakslowtellmelove | 30/30 | complete | mature 
“‘Remember that hot guy I couldn’t stop turning around to stare at while watching the movie? Y’know, the one I stalked? He’s being hilarious in my math class full of nerds.’ You honestly think that’s my fault, Eds?”
Eddie felt his cheeks heating up, because Richie was right about all of it. Well, most of it. “My name is Eddie, not Eds. And I didn’t stal–”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. See, isn’t that better? Eddie and Richie, Richie and Eddie. R plus E. It has a nice ring to it.”
the sea around us by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak & @tozier-boy | 26/26 | complete | explicit 
Prince Edward, is due to marry Princess Myra in order to help secure his kingdom financially. In a last ditch effort to be free and fulfil a lifelong dream of travelling the world, he sneaks out of his window and on board a pirate ship. Captain Richie Tozier’s pirate ship.
or Prince Eddie & Pirate Richie AU
Beep-beep, Eddie Kaspbrak by Ragno | 5/5 | complete | mature
Eddie Kaspbrak is 14 years old and he just defeated a demonic clown along with his friends.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 16 years old and he's fighting against himself and the way he feels and the way he thinks.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 18 years old and he'd much rather fight a demonic clown all over again than face his true feelings for Richie Tozier.
The Order by @s-s-georgie | 10/10 | complete | mature
“You guys lost too?”
“Nope. Believe it or not Silent Hill is my actual destination.”
- The Silent Hill Au Literally no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
far too young to die (part one) by @catsbrak | 17/17 | complete | explicit
Eighteen year old seamster Eddie Kasprak is forced to put his survival skills to the test when he’s selected in the reaping for the 27th Annual Hunger Games, where twenty-four young ‘tributes’ who are gathered from each of the twelve districts must fight to the death. Eddie forms close bonds, his priorities undergoing a drastic shift, and he instead takes on a more difficult task: to try and protect his friends.
(in other words, the reddie hunger games AU no one asked for, and everyone will hate me for)
Kryptonite by hoeziertozier | 13/13 | complete | explicit
‘Richie looked down and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “There’s a reason I came to New York.”
“Isn’t it because of your job?”
“Yeah, but there’s a reason I specifically chose New York. I mean, it’s Wonder Boy’s home.”
Eddie choked on air. For the first time in ages, he wanted to use his inhaler. “What?“
"Yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with him. He’s, like, my idol.”
So, his new roommate was his superhero persona’s fanboy. Yep, that was definitely not going to be a problem.’
Or, the self-indulgent Superhero!Eddie and Superfan!Richie AU that literally nobody asked for.
Just Survive Somehow by @s-s-georgie | 21/21 | complete | mature
When the world ended, and the dead rose to eat the living, it turned into kill or be killed, but how do you survive when the creatures around you are constantly evolving?
Wishes by strictlyamess | 14/14 | complete | mature
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
Operation: Hawaii Honeymoon by @tinyarmedtrex | 9/9 | complete | mature
A plan formed in Eddie’s head. One that would benefit them both. “Does your ex have an instagram?” Eddie asked. Eddie shook his head. “Do you want to make her jealous?”
“More than anything.”
“Hear me out then.” Eddie said, plunging forward even though he knew his idea was ridiculous. “What if you came to Hawaii with me? We’ll act like the perfect couple- she’ll get jealous, maybe want you back, and Myra will have to accept that I’m gay and will leave me alone.”
Richie looked up at him, a noodle dangling out of his mouth. “What?”
[ or Eddie and Richie meet on a plane to Hawaii and strike up a deal. Pretend to be lovers to make Richie’s ex-girlfriend jealous and convince Eddie’s ex-fiance Myra that he’s gay. What could go wrong?]
Inexhaustible Source of Magic by @jem-carstairs-is-perfection & @tinyarmedtrex | 17/17 | complete | teen 
The Triwizard Tournament is back at Hogwarts and this time, two students from each school will be chosen to participate. When Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are elected by the Legendary Goblet of Fire to compete, they must come together as a team and overcome their differences to prove to themselves and to others what they are capable of.
ask me to stay by @richietoizer | 7/7 | complete | teen
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
[or: the year is 1994, and Eddie Kaspbrak is in love.]
Sex, Money, Murder by @studpuffin | 8/8 | complete | explicit
“The only sin is mediocrity.” ― Martha Graham
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg | 4/4| complete | mature 
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
Fall Away From Me (I Just Can’t Take It) by @thelazyeye | 6/6 | complete “ explicit 
It’s okay, though, Eddie tells himself. It’s all fine. This is part of their arrangement. This is a casual thing they have going. It’s his own stupid fault for catching feelings for someone he agreed to casually fuck. Especially when that person is his best friend from childhood.
It Was Always You by eddie_kaspbraktozier | 12/12 | complete | teen
Eddie, miraculously, survives the fight with Pennywise. Richie is still hopelessly in love with him, even after all of these years. As Richie stays with Eddie to help him with his recovery and divorce, he tries to find the courage to tell Eddie his true feelings.
Eddie wakes up after the fight with Pennywise to realize his whole life has been a lie – his asthma, his marriage, god, his whole adult life. Although now, Eddie is finally free to decide what he wants out of life. Eddie slowly comes to realize his feelings for his best friend.
Told in alternating point of views – Richie and Eddie’s.
IT Chapter Three. The ending we deserve.
IDK, spooky stuff by varnes | 3/3 | complete | explicit 
“You’re a ghost hunter, aren’t you?” Georgie reminded him. “And he’s a ghost, or something. So obviously the police won’t find him, but you guys can, with all your equipment. You can find him and make the murders stop.”
From the couch, Richie’s whole face was lit up with delight. That was always a bad sign.
“I don’t know, Georgie,” Bill said, but before he could get the words all the way out, Richie was leaping up and yanking the phone out of his hand.
“Murderous ghost circus performer, love it, love it,” he announced. “Georgiekins, say no more, not one word, we are absolutely going to come bust the shit out of this clown.”
Or: the quasi-BFU AU where Bill, Stan, Bev and Richie go to Derry to hunt a ghost. Featuring a one-armed boy out for revenge; a Tiny Smol hotel clerk who can't decide if he wants to fight Richie or marry him; The Hot Fireman From LA?!; a local librarian who just wants to read books to children in peace; and, of course, Pennywise the clown.
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Shadowhunters Short Story #69 Brothers are what best friends can never be.
Crossposted to my AO3, link in my bio.
It is a stormy March evening in Devon, 2013, when 15 year old Kit Herondale is pulled from his thoughts by the sound of footsteps entering the kitchen.
Kit lifts his head from where he was resting it against the wall his chair is against, and opens his eyes to see a tired but joyous looking Jem standing a few feet away from him, smiling ear to ear.
“Jem.” Kit scrambles to sit up, setting his mug down on the table beside him. “I-Is everything okay? Are Tessa and the baby okay?” He anxiously asks. Tessa went into labor about 6 hours ago, and Kit hasn’t heard much from she or Jem since. They came into the kitchen a couple of hours ago, with Magnus, so Tessa could get some herbal tea that she said is meant to help labor move faster and be less painful, but since then he hasn’t heard anything. 
“Yes everything is absolutely fine, would you like to come meet your sister?” Jem asks in a tone of joy, still beaming with delight. He is so utterly in love with his baby girl, it almost hurts. 
Kit nods eagerly, having been looking forward to this moment for almost nine months. 
Jem gestures for Kit to follow him. As they walk, Jem turns to Kit with a look of confusion on his face. 
“Oh yes I meant to ask you, who were you talking to earlier? Just after Tess, Magnus and I left the kitchen to go upstairs so Tessa could rest.” He asks, remembering hearing Kit’s voice, low and quiet in the kitchen, while Jem helped Tessa up the stairs. 
Kit blanches, remembering the conversation he had with Livvy’s ghost, just hours ago. He could tell Jem the truth, but then he’d probably worry and feel like he has to contact Emma to check that everything is okay, and that would distract him from Tessa and the baby.
“Oh um, no one important, I was on the phone with someone I went to school with, we’re not close or anything, just... called them because I was bored.” Kit shrugs, easily coming up with a lie, that seems to satisfy Jem. 
“Oh, well I’m glad to hear you have friends and are talking to them!” 
A few seconds later Jem leads him into the main bedroom, Jem and Tessa’s room. Jem lets Kit step ahead of him, while he closes the door.
The first thing Kit notices is how nice and warm and cozy the room is, thanks to the fireplace against the wall across from the bed, that’s been lit. The second thing he notices, is Tessa sitting propped up in bed with a mountain of pillows behind her, her hair is disheveled and thrown into a messy bun at the back of her head. She’s wearing a dusty pink hospital gown, that is open at the top, showing a tiny little body curled up against Tessa’s chest, wearing only a diaper and a hat, with a blanket covering her back. Peeking out from the little hat are wisps of curling dark hair. 
When she hears the door close, Tessa looks up and her face lights up when she sees Kit and Jem, a warm smile coming across her face. 
“Hi sweetheart.” Tessa quietly says in a hoarse voice. “I missed you, come meet your baby sister.” 
Carefully, Kit walks the few feet to the bed and lowers himself into a chair by Tessa’s side.
“Hold your arms out, one under the other like you’re making a cradle with your arms.” Tessa calmly says. It takes a few minutes of fumbling and help from Tessa, but soon Kit gets his arms in the right position. Tessa carefully lifts the baby out from inside her gown, wrapping the blanket around her expertly, before carefully laying her in Kit’s arms. 
The minute the baby is in his arms, Kit feels an unexplainable overwhelming rush of love, he already loved her before she was born, but looking at her now it’s like falling in love with her all over again. He chokes back tears as his eyes well up and his throat tightens. 
“Hi.” He quietly says in a tight voice. “Hi baby sister, I love you.” He briefly looks up from the baby’s face and asks “What’s her name?” 
Jem and Tessa share a smile, and Jem slips his hand into hers. 
“Wilhelmina Yiqiang Ke Carstairs, Mina for short.” Tessa softly says.
“What does Yiqaing mean?” Kit curiously asks, unfamiliar with Mandarin. 
“It means ‘Remembrance’ we chose it for those we’ve lost but will always remember, Will, Lucie, Jamie, Rosemary.” Jem gently says, hoping that this won’t upset Kit in anyway.
“I....” Kit trails off, unsure of how to feel about his baby sister in part being named for his mother, who he has absolutely no memories of. When he thinks about it though, he realizes it’s a beautiful gesture and a perfect way to make sure his mom is never forgotten. “I think she would have liked that.” He finishes, earning warm smiles from Jem and Tessa. 
“We think so too, love, we think so too.”
Kit looks back down at his baby sister, Mina, who has now blinked her eyes open to reveal big dark brown eyes just like Jem. She and Kit stare at eachother in fascination for a few seconds, before Mina wriggles her little arm free from her blankets and reaches up to grab onto Kit’s thumb, making him laugh and have to wipe at tears of joy. 
“It’s like she’s holding my hand.” He laughs, liking the idea of Mina feeling safe with him and wanting to hold his hand. He’ll be a great big brother to her, and always protect her and keep her safe. 
“Of course she is, she’s a very clever young lady and knows already just what a fantastic big brother she has.” Tessa says in a warm tone, making Kit’s heart flutter with delight. 
Kit holds Mina for a few more minutes, just looking at her in awe, taking in everything about her. Everything is totally calm and peaceful in the room, until Mina starts to fuss which in seconds turns into full on wails, breaking Kit’s heart right in two and making him panic. 
“Oh no! Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to make her cry, I’m sorry!” Kit says in an alarmed and panicked tone, desperately trying to sush Mina and calm her with light bouncing. 
“It's alright love.” Tessa calmly says, placing a calming hand on Kit’s arm. “You didn’t do anything wrong she’s just hungry, here let me take her.” Tessa reaches over and carefully lifts Mina into her own arms. She single handedly and quickly adjusts her gown before guiding Mina to her chest, helping her to latch on.
As Tessa nurses Mina, Kit flushes and awkwardly tries to find somewhere to look. He has nothing against breastfeeding of course, he doesn’t care if someone does it in front of him, but it’s a bit different when it’s Tessa, the woman who took him in and promised to love and raise him for the rest of his life, the only mother he has. 
Jem immediately notices how embarrassed and awkward Kit feels and decides to intervene. 
“Kit.” He says. “Do you want to join me downstairs for dinner? Magnus left enough food for us for the next week or so.” Kit immediately nods. 
“Yes please!”
“Alright let's go, see you later my loves.” Jem softly says, stroking Mina’s hair and giving Tessa a quick peck on the lips. 
“See you later.” Tessa replies, watching fondly as Jem and Kit leave the room, Jem telling Kit awful dad jokes and making him laugh, which makes Tessa’s heart lift. Once the boys are gone, she looks back down at Mina and smiles softly “We’re very lucky to have them Mina, aren’t we?” 
The next day, at around 10:00 A.M. there is a light knock at Tessa and Jem’s bedroom door. 
“Come in!” Jem calls, keeping a careful eye on Church, who has cautiously approached Mina, lying in Tessa’s arms, and is clearly trying to decide what he thinks of the new baby.
The door opens and Kit steps in, looking sheepish. 
“Hello love.” Tessa beams, delighted to see Kit. 
“Everything okay son?” Jem asks in a worried tone, afraid that maybe something is wrong with Kit. 
“Oh yeah everything’s fine I just....” Kit clears his throat. “I um... I was just wondering if you need any help with Mina or anything, I’m not doing anything so... I thought I’d come see if you need some help.” He nervously tells them, afraid that they’ll say no and send him off to be on his own all day while they bond with Mina. He really wants to spend some time with Jem, Tessa and Mina but will they want to spend time with him?
“That would be lovely Kit, thank you.” Jem warmly says. Kit’s shoulders sag in relief and he starts to relax again.
“You can come over here and hold Mina for a while if you like, I’m going to have my first postpartum shower which can take anywhere from 10 minutes to about an hour.” Tessa lightly says, remembering her first postpartum baths after James and Lucie were born. She had been terrified of getting out of bed at all after James was born, nevermind bathing, but Jem was waiting right outside if she needed any medical assistance and Will was with her, while Charlotte and Henry watched Jamie.
Kit laughs as he takes a seat on the bed next to Tessa, and she lowers Mina into his arms when he is settled back against the pillows. 
“Did it hurt?” Kit curiously asks, looking up at Tessa. 
“Giving birth?” She asks. Kit nods. “It did, like hell, all 3 times, but it’s more than worth it, just like what we went through to find you and going through the adoption process is worth it, to have my babies.” Tessa fondly says, brushing Kit’s hair out of his eyes.
Shortly after he moved to Devon with Tessa and Jem, they approached him about legally adopting him, assuring him he can keep his surname and doesn’t have to take the name Carstairs if he doesn’t want to, but they would very much like to legally and officially adopt him. Kit thought about it for a while before agreeing, the process is long and stressful and still not fully complete, but it’s more than worth it to Tessa and Jem, to have their Kit. 
Kit smiles and blushes and Tessa kisses his cheek before ducking to kiss Mina on the cheek too. “I love you.” 
Tessa then stands up, grabs her towel, bathrobe and toiletries bag and heads into the ensuite bathroom for her shower. 
“I was looking through social media yesterday, after you set me up on Facebook so I can stay in touch with Emma easier. I saw this group on there for new fathers, and decided to join, thinking it would be full of advice and tips on how to care for baby and handle your anxieties and take care of your partner if you have one, stuff like that. Instead I found the most awful people complaining about their wives and babies, mostly talking about how seeing their wife give birth and seeing her postpartum has totally turned them off and they feel cheated, one phrase I saw over and over again was ‘It’s like watching your favorite pub burn down’.
I just cannot believe how disrespectful and horrendous these men are, their wives have just gone through 9 months of pregnancy followed by labroing and giving birth, and all they can do is whine and complain that 2 weeks postpartum she hasn’t lost the weight she gained and is still wearing pajamas or comfy clothes most days.
I don’t understand it, I delivered James, I delivered Lucie and I delivered Mina, I was Tessa’s primary caregiver when she was pregnant with James and when she was pregnant with Lucie, I’ve been by her side every second of this pregnancy and I’ve seen her postpartum 3 times now, and to me she always seems even more glorious and beautiful after having a baby, because she’s just gone through so, so much to bring a whole new life into this world, she’s just grown an entire other person, she’s like a goddess. 
I don’t understand it, how can anyone say those things about their wives? I couldn’t love Tessa more, whether she’s pregnant or not, whether she’s just had a baby or not. I just... I don’t understand it.” 
Kit is totally unsure of what to say after Jem finishes talking. He totally agrees with him, that the way some men talk about their wives after she’s given birth is absolutely disgusting, but he doesn’t know what to say to Jem. 
“I... uh... I agree?” He tries, not wanting to just ignore Jem. Jem turns to him and smiles softly, before reaching over and ruffling his hair affectionately. 
“Sorry Kit, I didn’t mean to rant to you, it’s just when I was young, when someone had just given birth, they took weeks, even months, to bond with the baby and heal from the birth, there were no expectations to ‘bounce back’ or anything, I’m just still trying to adjust to modern life and modern people. But at least I have you eh? You keep me up to date.”  
“I try, it’s my life mission to get you to stop saying ‘Order it offline’.” Kit grins. Jem chuckles. 
“You’re a good boy my Kit, I’m so glad you’re here with us.”
About 20 minutes later Tessa comes out of the bathroom in a clean pair of pyjamas, her yellow bathrobe thrown on over her pink pajamas, and her wait hair tied into a bun at the back of her head. 
“You made it!” Kit cheers, grinning at Tessa as she sits next to him on the bed. She grins and kisses his cheek. 
“That I did, and now it’s miss Mina’s turn to get changed, your Uncle Magnus gave us the most adorable clothes for you Mina, and I can’t wait to see you in them.” Tessa coos, taking Mina as Kit carefully passes her to her, before laying her down on the bed, just in front of her.
From the basket on the floor beside her, Tessa takes out a plain pink baby-gro/onsie, that has a hood, and pockets at the front. 
“That’s pretty tame for Magnus’ standards.” Kit notes. 
“I know, I think Alec picked this one out and it’s just so adorable!” Tesa exclaims, beginning to unbutton the yellow onsie with pink flowers that Mina is currently wearing. 
Kit watches in fascination as Tessa carefully and expertly slips Mina’s tiny arms out of her onsie and does the same with her legs. He can’t help but be fascinated by how small and tiny and delicate Mina is. She’s the smallest person he’s ever met, and so fragile too, he would be terrified if he were in Tessa’s position.
“Aren’t you afraid you’ll accidentally hurt her or break her, because she’s so small and delicate?” Kit asks Tessa, who laughs lightly as she starts to put the new onsie on Mina.
“I was when I had Jamie, Will and I both, but after having James and then Lucie and then helping out with my grandchildren and many, many other little ones, I’ve become an expert in handling delicate little babies.” Tessa explains. She then lifts a freshly dressed Mina up (once again shocking Kit with her confidence) and holds her so they’re face to face. Tessa’s smile grows and she leans in to kiss Mina’s cheek. “There we go, pretty baby! The sweetest, cutest baby in the world, huh?” 
“You should take a family photo with the kids Tess, the same way you took a photo of you and Jamie after he was born, and then you Jamie and Lucie after Lucie was born.” Jem suggests, knowing how much having pictures to remember these moments by, means a lot to Tessa.
“Oh yes that sounds like a lovely idea! Is it okay with you, Kit?” Tessa asks, laying a hand on his arm. Kit finds it kind of hard to believe that Tessa wants to take a picture with him, he still finds it hard to believe that she loves him as if he’s her own, and Jem does too, but he’s not about to say no.
“Sure, sounds like a good idea.” Kit agrees.
A few minutes later, after a bit of fussing from Mina, Jem snaps a series of pictures of Tessa, Kit and Mina. In the picture Tessa is sitting up in bed with Mina cradled in one arm, and the other around Kit, who is leaning into her and smiling shyly. It’s definitely one of Jem’s favorite pictures.
“It’s perfect.” Tessa says when Jem shows her the photo. “We’ll get it framed and hung up beside the pictures of me and Lucie and Jamie, as soon as we can.” 
“Sounds perfect.” Jem agrees. “I better go make a start on breakfast, I’ll bring you up a tray of course, love. Kit would you like to stay in here and have breakfast with us?” Jem asks. Kit nods, there’s nothing he’d love more, actually. 
“Yes please.” He says, settling back against the pillows, beside Tessa and Mina, feeling truly safe, and loved and happy for one of the first times in his life.
It is a hot and humid day in March of 2014, when Jem, Tessa, Kit and Mina step out of the portal and onto the streets of Shanghai, just outside the Ke House, where they will be staying for the duration of their first family vacation. 
They’ve been planning this trip since Mina was 6 months old, and agreed that the best time to come would be just after Mina’s first birthday, she would be able to handle the heat and humidity better now as a one year old, than she would have done as a much smaller baby, and Kit is truly settled and content with them now and feels comfortable enough to go on vacation. 
“Is this where you lived before you moved to London, dad?” Kit curiously asks, having taken to calling Jem and Tessa mom and dad over the last few months, which they both love. 
“For a year or so, I was born here, lived here till I was about 1 and then my parents were put in charge of running the Institute which is where I lived until I went to London.” Jem informs him. 
“Cool.” Kit says, looking up at the building in front of him, in awe. 
“Come on, let's go find our rooms and get settled in, then I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Jem says, as Tessa sets a wriggling Mina down. 
“Mina.” Kit says with a sly grin. “Wanna race?” Mina has been walking since she was 9 months old, and now loves to run everywhere, especially when she gets to race Kit who of course always lets her win. 
“Uh-hu!” Mina nods enthusiastically. 
“Okay come on let's go, or I’m gonna get the biggest room!” Kit declares, taking off at a slow pace so that Mina can easily pass him by.
Jem chuckles and kisses Tessa’s cheek before going ahead of Kit to lead the way. 
As Jem shows Kit and Mina where they’ll be staying, Tessa goes ahead to her and Jem’s room, the same room they always stay in when they visit here. 
One of the first things she does is take one of her bags into the bathroom to unpack her toiletries. When she opens the bag, the first thing she sees is the pink box containing the pregnancy test she packed. 
For the last few weeks she’s been feeling sick and tired all the time, and has been having some issues with her powers, all the symptoms she had when pregnant with Mina. She had meant to take a test before they came to Shanghai, but she was so busy with Mina’s first birthday she totally forgot, until this morning when she was packing the last bits and pieces and found the pregnancy test she had bought a few weeks ago but never taken, so she decided to throw into the bag and take it here in Shanghai. 
Tessa nervously bites her lip and looks over her shoulder to make sure Jem or anyone isn’t nearby. When she’s satisfied she’s alone, she closes the door, opens the pregnancy test and takes the few minutes required, to take the pregnancy test. 
Three minutes later her phone beeps to let her know it’s time to look at the test, and so on shaky legs she pushes herself up from her seat on the edge of the bathtub, and walks over to the sink. She takes a deep breath before picking the test up and looking it. 
Tessa can’t help but let out a stifled sob of delight, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. She and Jem weren’t trying, but they weren’t trying to prevent a pregnancy either, they decided to leave it up to nature, they agreed they would be thrilled if they had another baby now, but would also be okay with not having another one just yet. 
Tessa quickly finds Jem standing outside the room that’s going to be Kit’s, supervising he and Mina as they unpack (well more like Kit occasionally takes something out of his suitcase, then gets distracted by Mina and doesn’t unpack anything else for 20 minutes.) 
“How are you 3 getting on?” Tessa asks Jem, coming up to stand at his side. 
“Not too bad, though I think I might have to seperate the kids in order to get anything done, they distract eachother.” Jem laughs, his heart swelling with love as he watches Kit laughing while carrying Mina around on his back. He then turns to smile at Tessa and softly says “I can’t believe how amazing the last year has been, I couldn’t have asked for a better first year of fatherhood, I’ve loved every second.”
Tessa grins knowingly. 
“Well that’s good.” She says, holding up the positive pregnancy test for Jem to see. “Because in about 8 months, we get to do it all again.” 
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On the morning of his parabatai ceremony, Matthew Fairchild walked through Highgate Cemetery, past the tall stone tombs and long grass wet with dew, until he reached the entrance leading down into the Silent City. He tried not to be nervous.
“I was exceedingly apprehensive on the day of my wedding ceremony,” Henry had told him at breakfast. “You know how poorly I thought of myself when I was young—I believed  your mother couldn’t possibly love me as I loved her. And you know how absentminded I can be. I repeated the words over and over, and I was so sure I would get them wrong that when the time came I just blurted them all out at once. All went swimmingly in the end, save for the small matter of the scorched flowers. But that’s another tale.”
“Thank you for the advice, Papa,” Matthew said, leaning affectionately against his father’s Bath chair. “But I must point out that I’m not marrying James. Though I would be a vision in bridal lace.”
Henry grinned up at him. “Why would you be wearing the dress?”
“You can’t think I would permit James to do it,” said Matthew. “He has no sense of style.”
To his surprise, the ceremony was packed densely with guests. Family and friends would be expected, but Matthew understood that most of the people were here for the spectacle, or for political advantage. The Consul’s son, and the son of the head of the Institute, whose mother was a warlock.
The crowd was so thick, Matthew could barely see the skulls set in the walls. Brother Zachariah was waiting in the center of the chamber where the ceremony would be performed, a figure of profound stillness in his parchment-colored hood and cloak.
James called Brother Zachariah “Uncle Jem” and adored him. Today eldritch fire for the ceremony woke strange shadows on his face, and Matthew was a little afraid. The whole London Enclave was assembled here to see the ceremony performed. Matthew had absolute faith in James, but if something went wrong, the Council might never let them try again. James’s parentage had so far had no effect on his ability to receive Marks or otherwise be an active Shadowhunter, but the parabataiceremony was a stranger, more transcendent bit of magic, and nobody knew for sure that it would turn out as expected.
Several members of the Enclave had taken Matthew aside and warned him in an avuncular fashion not to make any rash decisions, so Matthew had pleaded with his mother to set a date for their parabatai ceremony as soon as possible.
Matthew gave a particularly dark look to Mr. Bridgestock, recently made Inquisitor. Awful Bridgestock, whose first name was Maurice and it served him right, had said Matthew was a very promising young warrior, and that he shouldn’t blight his bright future. Matthew told him he knew what he was doing, that his family was supportive, and he assumed the Clave would stand behind the ceremony as well.
“I have nothing but respect for your family,” Bridgestock had said, “but they often…ignore the opinions of others. Sometimes to their detriment.”
Matthew would have liked to give Bridgestock a piece of his mind, but of course he could not. Instead he smiled, and told Bridgestock that he appreciated the advice but that he was firm in his decision.
He tried to push his way through the crowd and find James. Instead his ear was caught by the whisper of his own name.
“I simply can’t believe Fairchild is being such a fool,” a boy called Albert Breakspear said to his companion, Bertram Pounceby. “I saw that fellow turn into a shadow at the Academy, you know. Horribly ghastly thing to witness.”
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Pounceby sniggered. “I can’t believe the Clave gave their approval. The parabatai ceremony is meant to be an honor, for the best among us. Not for ruffians who got expelled from school.”
“It’s all politics,” scoffed Breakspear. “Son of the head of the London Institute, son of the Consul—it doesn’t matter how much of an embarrassment they are, strings will be pulled and they’ll get what they want.”
“I bet it won’t even work,” said Pounceby. “There is no way the Angel will accept them as parabatai. Can you imagine if Herondale turns into a shadow when Fairchild tries to put the parabatai rune on him?”
“Don’t be so sure you’re on the side of the Angel,” Matthew said mildly. “I know what you lot got up to in school.”
Both boys spun around. Matthew gave them his most charming smile.
“Didn’t realize I was standing behind you?” he asked. “What an awkward situation for you.”
“Rather,” James agreed, in his quiet voice, and Matthew startled. He hadn’t realized James was even nearby, but there he was: hair a wreck, book tucked under his arm, face slightly paler than usual. He must have heard everything.
Matthew seized James by the elbow and dragged him around a corner so they could be alone among the skulls. He felt the tension running along James’s body. When he released James, he saw the tightness around his mouth, and feared he was very upset.
“We can call the ceremony off,” James said.
“I don’t want to call the ceremony off!” Matthew said. “Do you—do you want to call the ceremony off?”
James blinked his golden eyes like an owl. “Of course not. But if I do turn into a shadow… I know how it would reflect on you.”
“I shouldn’t care if you did, but I see no reason why you should become a shadow,” Matthew said firmly. “You never have when other Marks were put on you. I shall not be threatening you in any way. Unless you do change your mind, of course, in which case I shall chase after you, belaboring you with my fists.”
James grinned, his face brightening, and Matthew beamed back at him.
“If you’re going to belabor me with your fists, I don’t know if I want you going where I goest.”
“Too bad,” Matthew said. “Whither thou goest, I shall go. Just try and stop me.”
They stood in two separate rings of fire, ready to be joined. Brother Zachariah conducted the ceremony before the eyes of the Enclave and everyone James and Matthew loved.
“Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee. For whither thou goest,” Matthew promised, “I will go.”
Their voices mingled like the colors of the dancing flames, and Matthew remembered trying so hard to befriend James at the Academy. He’d begged James’s father to take him to London, saying he and James were going to be parabatai, the greatest and most audacious lie Matthew had ever told. Now his lie had become truth.
“And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
James and Matthew had both chosen their fathers as witnesses, and Will stepped forward first. He looked at his son, and Matthew too, sweeping them up in a fierce and tender gaze. Henry wheeled himself to join them, red hair and silver chair catching the light. He smiled up at Matthew and James with an absolute approval that Matthew was very grateful to have.
“Where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me, and more also,” James said, calling on Raziel in his clearest voice, “If aught but death part thee and me.”
Matthew thought of the Angel. He had always been mostly dismissive of the honor-death-and-glory bits of being of a Shadowhunter. He supposed he believed in Raziel, but he never gave the fellow much thought. He believed there was more to life than blood and fire. There was beauty, there was art, there was color. Perhaps Raziel knew his heart wasn’t in the fighting. Perhaps Raziel didn’t approve.
They stepped through the flames.
Did those flames burn higher than they had at other ceremonies? For just a moment, did the hearts of the fire burn black instead of blue? It was his imagination, Matthew decided. They were through, after all, and James’s hand stayed flesh in Matthew’s own, stayed steady as he drew the parabatai rune on the inside of Matthew’s left wrist.
James wanted his Mark on his shoulder, because, he had said, he knew Matthew would always be at his back in battle. Matthew had rolled his eyes, but felt a surge of affection; James’s sincerity was one of his best features, even if it did get him into trouble. When Matthew finished inscribing the rune on James’s shoulder blade, when it was complete, he gave a great sigh of relief. He felt the assembled audience sigh too. It was done, and it had been fine.
The flames shot to the ceiling and the dark hollow eyes of skulls watched them in the place of their ancestors, and they were sure of each other forever. When souls were knit, nobody could tear them apart.
The Breakspears and Pouncebys didn’t matter at all. Only James and Matthew’s families, their friends. When they stepped out of the fiery circles, Will was there to catch them both in an embrace. Lucie came forward to congratulate them, her ringlets rebelliously escaping from her ribbons and her blue eyes wide. Matthew had to glance away from how pretty she looked; it was almost too much for him. Now Tessa was hugging James, and Matthew’s mother was reaching down to touch his father’s hand where it rested on the arm of his chair.
Thy people will be my people, Matthew thought, and promised himself to love the Herondales as his own. Beneath the hood, he glimpsed a slight smile on Brother Zachariah’s rune-sealed mouth, and Matthew smiled back at him. Matthew was suddenly certain he would love Jem too, that he would love everything James loved. Other people might go through the world uncertain and alone, but not Matthew: now wherever he wandered, whenever he called out, there would be an answer. He would never walk anywhere alone.
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🌷 + tag is #creations
this is a very rude ask because it forced me to choose between all of your amazing edits. how dare you.
anyway, i went slightly overboard but here's a meta analysis of my top 5 in no particular order:
the herondale siblings: this is the first one that came to my mind because it's just so gorgeous?? i love your style and this one is just,,, so you, the colours, the bg, the text, absolutely amazing. i love that you included ella <3 her quotes aren't by her and aren't even particularly about her — "just" about her death. and isn't that part of what she's become to cecily and will? we know next to nothing about ella, just that she, without any of her own doing, ripped her family apart. and doesn't that just add to the tragedy? i really like how this edit focuses on the three of them as siblings, not just three people who happen to share the same name. will is so defined by his sisters and their story and i love to see that be acknowledged. yes please and thank you. of course, he's impacted by ella's death and then suddenly there's this little sister and she's just like "hey, i'm coming with you." and of course, he loves his family but his life has also been too full of tragedy to just accept that and be done with it. i'm also never complaining about henry cavill!will, just saying. and that 1/2/3 part is such a seemingly small touch but it really brings the edit together for me!!
charles fairchild: mindblowing. yes please. this is so creative, i really love the 2nd gif with the "self-made man" but then his face disappears and yes, he's self-made to some degree but is it really all of his own making? he goes around with his head held high and this imposing persona but that persona is what leads him to hide and even lose his true feelings and therefore his face. amazing. and the 3rd and 6th gif/pic with the crown and the red and the lightning strikes. yes, he's on the road to high political success but at what cost? he can hold the crown but he has to conceal his face, who he loves, the most essential pieces of what makes him him. the lightning strikes and makes a clear divide between 'charles fairchild - friend, brother, son, boyfriend' and 'charles fairchild - future consul and nothing else'. and the red of the crown maybe symbolising blood — is this really his? or just the crown of charlotte fairchild's son? does he even deserve it? this edit is just a masterpiece. yes, i have a bit of a soft spot for charles, please don't cancel me.
ariadne bridgestock: ahhh, i love the whole vibe of this. i know you love your red/blues but this gold,,, such glamour, such drama. this is just really gorgeous. ariadne, for me, is kind of similar to charles, in relation to concealing their true feelings. charles just does it for political gain, ariadne wants to have children. and this edit is just this look into her life full of glam and riches and pretty dresses and a nice fiance but all that glitters is not gold. you can see it in the 2nd pic — yes, everything looks perfect but that paper is starting to crinkle, isn't it? but i especially like the 3rd gif in this aspect. herself in a mirror. who's staring back? a wonderful young lady, for sure, but is this lady really worth giving up love for? the colours constantly change, as do her imaginings of her ideal future. as in the 4th gif, that future is full of fog and she's just staring at it, this film of her life, diluted by fog. staring and staring and staring but no matter how it changes, it never does become any clearer.
will herondale: you making tid edits is truly what this fandom needed the most and this just proved it again. honestly, this wasn't on my list initially (probably bc it's so new) but i've been staring at it on my laptop for the last few minutes and gabi, oh gabi, you did it again. this is so creative, i really can't do anything but to keep staring at it. first off, i had forgotten the first part of the "it was books that made me feel less alone"-quote and uhh, fuck. will herondale feelings going all over the place. and this edit encompasses everything will that there is to will and that's part of what makes it so amazing. the first pic so gorgeous. will herondale, i would die for you. and with the second, our attention is of course, drawn first to "cursed" and that's what was will's focus when looking at himself for a long time, too. but then you pay more attention and there's this quote about ducks!! something that goes against will's whole angsty cursed spiel because no matter what he believes, there's still this young boy under the wall he built for himself. this young boy, who'd make jokes about something as inconsequential as ducks. next one is of course, absolutely gorgeous again, just saying. what an iconic quote. or is it? i know the mask is for the ball in cp but this is my analysis, i can use it for whatever i want. yes, books are awesome but books are also a really easy to get lost in them when you're trying to hide who you really are. but then we have the ink glass and will's finally not just using books to avoid other people but maybe, to start writing and particapting in his own life a bit more. i don't have much fake-analysis thoughts for the next three pics but while looking up piano quotes, i found one where will is sad about jem because jem had always said, that his hands were made for a piano but jem's now dead. so that was sad, huh? but the second half looks just as good honestly and still, so damn creative. also henry cavill of course.
james herondale: full offense, i thought this was at most a march post but it's an april one. i have no concept of time anymore. this is the first edit of yours i ever saw and it's still one of my favs! it just characterises james so well. you know, i do believe that james is just a really nice and sweet guy but he can't show that to most people bc so many of them just think of him, as the kid with demon grandfather. the first gif, of course, has the most iconic james quote imo. damn, i love that quote. and you can already see how he splinters away because if everyone tells him he's damned, maybe they're right? and then his eyes. yeah, maybe gold eyes are a bit weird but with james it's automatically "oh yeah. the demon part" and again, his eyes also go into the dark. i love the editing on these gifs so much. the whole appearing/disappearing thing is just so james. and the next two gifs just again show that contrast of who james is and who the world believes him to - angel vs. demon, light vs. dark. overall, just iconic.
tl;dr: i love you, i love your edits, keep being amazing <3
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tlhnetwork · 5 years
SEPTEMBER’s Chain of Gold Flash Fiction by Cassandra Clare
On the morning of his parabatai ceremony, Matthew Fairchild walked through Highgate Cemetery, past the tall stone tombs and long grass wet with dew, until he reached the entrance leading down into the Silent City. He tried not to be nervous.
“I was exceedingly apprehensive on the day of my wedding ceremony,” Henry had told him at breakfast. “You know how poorly I thought of myself when I was young—I believed your mother couldn’t possibly love me as I loved her. And you know how absentminded I can be. I repeated the words over and over, and I was so sure I would get them wrong that when the time came I just blurted them all out at once. All went swimmingly in the end, save for the small matter of the scorched flowers. But that’s another tale.”
“Thank you for the advice, Papa,” Matthew said, leaning affectionately against his father’s Bath chair. “But I must point out that I’m not marrying James. Though I would be a vision in bridal lace.”
Henry grinned up at him. “Why would you be wearing the dress?”
“You can’t think I would permit James to do it,” said Matthew. “He has no sense of style.”
To his surprise, the ceremony was packed densely with guests. Family and friends would be expected, but Matthew understood that most of the people were here for the spectacle, or for political advantage. The Consul’s son, and the son of the head of the Institute, whose mother was a warlock.
The crowd was so thick, Matthew could barely see the skulls set in the walls. Brother Zachariah was waiting in the center of the chamber where the ceremony would be performed, a figure of profound stillness in his parchment-colored hood and cloak.
James called Brother Zachariah “Uncle Jem” and adored him. Today eldritch fire for the ceremony woke strange shadows on his face, and Matthew was a little afraid. The whole London Enclave was assembled here to see the ceremony performed. Matthew had absolute faith in James, but if something went wrong, the Council might never let them try again. James’s parentage had so far had no effect on his ability to receive Marks or otherwise be an active Shadowhunter, but the parabatai ceremony was a stranger, more transcendent bit of magic, and nobody knew for sure that it would turn out as expected.
Several members of the Enclave had taken Matthew aside and warned him in an avuncular fashion not to make any rash decisions, so Matthew had pleaded with his mother to set a date for their parabatai ceremony as soon as possible.
Matthew gave a particularly dark look to Mr. Bridgestock, recently made Inquisitor. Awful Bridgestock, whose first name was Maurice and it served him right, had said Matthew was a very promising young warrior, and that he shouldn’t blight his bright future. Matthew told him he knew what he was doing, that his family was supportive, and he assumed the Clave would stand behind the ceremony as well.
“I have nothing but respect for your family,” Bridgestock had said, “but they often…ignore the opinions of others. Sometimes to their detriment.”
Matthew would have liked to give Bridgestock a piece of his mind, but of course he could not. Instead he smiled, and told Bridgestock that he appreciated the advice but that he was firm in his decision.
He tried to push his way through the crowd and find James. Instead his ear was caught by the whisper of his own name.
“I simply can’t believe Fairchild is being such a fool,” a boy called Albert Breakspear said to his companion, Bertram Pounceby. “I saw that fellow turn into a shadow at the Academy, you know. Horribly ghastly thing to witness.”
Pounceby sniggered. “I can’t believe the Clave gave their approval. The parabatai ceremony is meant to be an honor, for the best among us. Not for ruffians who got expelled from school.”
“It’s all politics,” scoffed Breakspear. “Son of the head of the London Institute, son of the Consul—it doesn’t matter how much of an embarrassment they are, strings will be pulled and they’ll get what they want.”
“I bet it won’t even work,” said Pounceby. “There is no way the Angel will accept them as parabatai. Can you imagine if Herondale turns into a shadow when Fairchild tries to put the parabatai rune on him?”
“Don’t be so sure you’re on the side of the Angel,” Matthew said mildly. “I know what you lot got up to in school.”
Both boys spun around. Matthew gave them his most charming smile.
“Didn’t realize I was standing behind you?” he asked. “What an awkward situation for you.”
“Rather,” James agreed, in his quiet voice, and Matthew startled. He hadn’t realized James was even nearby, but there he was: hair a wreck, book tucked under his arm, face slightly paler than usual. He must have heard everything.
Matthew seized James by the elbow and dragged him around a corner so they could be alone among the skulls. He felt the tension running along James’s body. When he released James, he saw the tightness around his mouth, and feared he was very upset.
“We can call the ceremony off,” James said.
“I don’t want to call the ceremony off!” Matthew said. “Do you—do you want to call the ceremony off?”
James blinked his golden eyes like an owl. “Of course not. But if I do turn into a shadow… I know how it would reflect on you.”
“I shouldn’t care if you did, but I see no reason why you should become a shadow,” Matthew said firmly. “You never have when other Marks were put on you. I shall not be threatening you in any way. Unless you do change your mind, of course, in which case I shall chase after you, belaboring you with my fists.”
James grinned, his face brightening, and Matthew beamed back at him.
“If you’re going to belabor me with your fists, I don’t know if I want you going where I goest.”
“Too bad,” Matthew said. “Whither thou goest, I shall go. Just try and stop me.”
They stood in two separate rings of fire, ready to be joined. Brother Zachariah conducted the ceremony before the eyes of the Enclave and everyone James and Matthew loved.
“Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee. For whither thou goest,” Matthew promised, “I will go.”
Their voices mingled like the colors of the dancing flames, and Matthew remembered trying so hard to befriend James at the Academy. He’d begged James’s father to take him to London, saying he and James were going to be parabatai, the greatest and most audacious lie Matthew had ever told. Now his lie had become truth.
“And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
James and Matthew had both chosen their fathers as witnesses, and Will stepped forward first. He looked at his son, and Matthew too, sweeping them up in a fierce and tender gaze. Henry wheeled himself to join them, red hair and silver chair catching the light. He smiled up at Matthew and James with an absolute approval that Matthew was very grateful to have.
“Where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me, and more also,” James said, calling on Raziel in his clearest voice, “If aught but death part thee and me.”
Matthew thought of the Angel. He had always been mostly dismissive of the honor-death-and-glory bits of being of a Shadowhunter. He supposed he believed in Raziel, but he never gave the fellow much thought. He believed there was more to life than blood and fire. There was beauty, there was art, there was color. Perhaps Raziel knew his heart wasn’t in the fighting. Perhaps Raziel didn’t approve.
They stepped through the flames.
Did those flames burn higher than they had at other ceremonies? For just a moment, did the hearts of the fire burn black instead of blue? It was his imagination, Matthew decided. They were through, after all, and James’s hand stayed flesh in Matthew’s own, stayed steady as he drew the parabatai rune on the inside of Matthew’s left wrist.
James wanted his Mark on his shoulder, because, he had said, he knew Matthew would always be at his back in battle. Matthew had rolled his eyes, but felt a surge of affection; James’s sincerity was one of his best features, even if it did get him into trouble. When Matthew finished inscribing the rune on James’s shoulder blade, when it was complete, he gave a great sigh of relief. He felt the assembled audience sigh too. It was done, and it had been fine.
The flames shot to the ceiling and the dark hollow eyes of skulls watched them in the place of their ancestors, and they were sure of each other forever. When souls were knit, nobody could tear them apart.
The Breakspears and Pouncebys didn’t matter at all. Only James and Matthew’s families, their friends. When they stepped out of the fiery circles, Will was there to catch them both in an embrace. Lucie came forward to congratulate them, her ringlets rebelliously escaping from her ribbons and her blue eyes wide. Matthew had to glance away from how pretty she looked; it was almost too much for him. Now Tessa was hugging James, and Matthew’s mother was reaching down to touch his father’s hand where it rested on the arm of his chair.
Thy people will be my people, Matthew thought, and promised himself to love the Herondales as his own. Beneath the hood, he glimpsed a slight smile on Brother Zachariah’s rune-sealed mouth, and Matthew smiled back at him. Matthew was suddenly certain he would love Jem too, that he would love everything James loved. Other people might go through the world uncertain and alone, but not Matthew: now wherever he wandered, whenever he called out, there would be an answer. He would never walk anywhere alone.
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celias-archieve · 5 years
On the morning of his parabatai ceremony, Matthew Fairchild walked through Highgate Cemetery, past the tall stone tombs and long grass wet with dew, until he reached the entrance leading down into the Silent City. He tried not to be nervous.
“I was exceedingly apprehensive on the day of my wedding ceremony,” Henry had told him at breakfast. “You know how poorly I thought of myself when I was young—I believed  your mother couldn’t possibly love me as I loved her. And you know how absentminded I can be. I repeated the words over and over, and I was so sure I would get them wrong that when the time came I just blurted them all out at once. All went swimmingly in the end, save for the small matter of the scorched flowers. But that’s another tale.”
“Thank you for the advice, Papa,” Matthew said, leaning affectionately against his father’s Bath chair. “But I must point out that I’m not marrying James. Though I would be a vision in bridal lace.”
Henry grinned up at him. “Why would you be wearing the dress?”
“You can’t think I would permit James to do it,” said Matthew. “He has no sense of style.”
To his surprise, the ceremony was packed densely with guests. Family and friends would be expected, but Matthew understood that most of the people were here for the spectacle, or for political advantage. The Consul’s son, and the son of the head of the Institute, whose mother was a warlock.
The crowd was so thick, Matthew could barely see the skulls set in the walls. Brother Zachariah was waiting in the center of the chamber where the ceremony would be performed, a figure of profound stillness in his parchment-colored hood and cloak.
James called Brother Zachariah “Uncle Jem” and adored him. Today eldritch fire for the ceremony woke strange shadows on his face, and Matthew was a little afraid. The whole London Enclave was assembled here to see the ceremony performed. Matthew had absolute faith in James, but if something went wrong, the Council might never let them try again. James’s parentage had so far had no effect on his ability to receive Marks or otherwise be an active Shadowhunter, but the parabataiceremony was a stranger, more transcendent bit of magic, and nobody knew for sure that it would turn out as expected.
Several members of the Enclave had taken Matthew aside and warned him in an avuncular fashion not to make any rash decisions, so Matthew had pleaded with his mother to set a date for their parabatai ceremony as soon as possible.
Matthew gave a particularly dark look to Mr. Bridgestock, recently made Inquisitor. Awful Bridgestock, whose first name was Maurice and it served him right, had said Matthew was a very promising young warrior, and that he shouldn’t blight his bright future. Matthew told him he knew what he was doing, that his family was supportive, and he assumed the Clave would stand behind the ceremony as well.
“I have nothing but respect for your family,” Bridgestock had said, “but they often…ignore the opinions of others. Sometimes to their detriment.”
Matthew would have liked to give Bridgestock a piece of his mind, but of course he could not. Instead he smiled, and told Bridgestock that he appreciated the advice but that he was firm in his decision.
He tried to push his way through the crowd and find James. Instead his ear was caught by the whisper of his own name.
“I simply can’t believe Fairchild is being such a fool,” a boy called Albert Breakspear said to his companion, Bertram Pounceby. “I saw that fellow turn into a shadow at the Academy, you know. Horribly ghastly thing to witness.”
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Pounceby sniggered. “I can’t believe the Clave gave their approval. The parabatai ceremony is meant to be an honor, for the best among us. Not for ruffians who got expelled from school.”
“It’s all politics,” scoffed Breakspear. “Son of the head of the London Institute, son of the Consul—it doesn’t matter how much of an embarrassment they are, strings will be pulled and they’ll get what they want.”
“I bet it won’t even work,” said Pounceby. “There is no way the Angel will accept them as parabatai. Can you imagine if Herondale turns into a shadow when Fairchild tries to put the parabatai rune on him?”
“Don’t be so sure you’re on the side of the Angel,” Matthew said mildly. “I know what you lot got up to in school.”
Both boys spun around. Matthew gave them his most charming smile.
“Didn’t realize I was standing behind you?” he asked. “What an awkward situation for you.”
“Rather,” James agreed, in his quiet voice, and Matthew startled. He hadn’t realized James was even nearby, but there he was: hair a wreck, book tucked under his arm, face slightly paler than usual. He must have heard everything.
Matthew seized James by the elbow and dragged him around a corner so they could be alone among the skulls. He felt the tension running along James’s body. When he released James, he saw the tightness around his mouth, and feared he was very upset.
“We can call the ceremony off,” James said.
“I don’t want to call the ceremony off!” Matthew said. “Do you—do you want to call the ceremony off?”
James blinked his golden eyes like an owl. “Of course not. But if I do turn into a shadow… I know how it would reflect on you.”
“I shouldn’t care if you did, but I see no reason why you should become a shadow,” Matthew said firmly. “You never have when other Marks were put on you. I shall not be threatening you in any way. Unless you do change your mind, of course, in which case I shall chase after you, belaboring you with my fists.”
James grinned, his face brightening, and Matthew beamed back at him.
“If you’re going to belabor me with your fists, I don’t know if I want you going where I goest.”
“Too bad,” Matthew said. “Whither thou goest, I shall go. Just try and stop me.”
They stood in two separate rings of fire, ready to be joined. Brother Zachariah conducted the ceremony before the eyes of the Enclave and everyone James and Matthew loved.
“Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee. For whither thou goest,” Matthew promised, “I will go.”
Their voices mingled like the colors of the dancing flames, and Matthew remembered trying so hard to befriend James at the Academy. He’d begged James’s father to take him to London, saying he and James were going to be parabatai, the greatest and most audacious lie Matthew had ever told. Now his lie had become truth.
“And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
James and Matthew had both chosen their fathers as witnesses, and Will stepped forward first. He looked at his son, and Matthew too, sweeping them up in a fierce and tender gaze. Henry wheeled himself to join them, red hair and silver chair catching the light. He smiled up at Matthew and James with an absolute approval that Matthew was very grateful to have.
“Where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me, and more also,” James said, calling on Raziel in his clearest voice, “If aught but death part thee and me.”
Matthew thought of the Angel. He had always been mostly dismissive of the honor-death-and-glory bits of being of a Shadowhunter. He supposed he believed in Raziel, but he never gave the fellow much thought. He believed there was more to life than blood and fire. There was beauty, there was art, there was color. Perhaps Raziel knew his heart wasn’t in the fighting. Perhaps Raziel didn’t approve.
They stepped through the flames.
Did those flames burn higher than they had at other ceremonies? For just a moment, did the hearts of the fire burn black instead of blue? It was his imagination, Matthew decided. They were through, after all, and James’s hand stayed flesh in Matthew’s own, stayed steady as he drew the parabatai rune on the inside of Matthew’s left wrist.
James wanted his Mark on his shoulder, because, he had said, he knew Matthew would always be at his back in battle. Matthew had rolled his eyes, but felt a surge of affection; James’s sincerity was one of his best features, even if it did get him into trouble. When Matthew finished inscribing the rune on James’s shoulder blade, when it was complete, he gave a great sigh of relief. He felt the assembled audience sigh too. It was done, and it had been fine.
The flames shot to the ceiling and the dark hollow eyes of skulls watched them in the place of their ancestors, and they were sure of each other forever. When souls were knit, nobody could tear them apart.
The Breakspears and Pouncebys didn’t matter at all. Only James and Matthew’s families, their friends. When they stepped out of the fiery circles, Will was there to catch them both in an embrace. Lucie came forward to congratulate them, her ringlets rebelliously escaping from her ribbons and her blue eyes wide. Matthew had to glance away from how pretty she looked; it was almost too much for him. Now Tessa was hugging James, and Matthew’s mother was reaching down to touch his father’s hand where it rested on the arm of his chair.
Thy people will be my people, Matthew thought, and promised himself to love the Herondales as his own. Beneath the hood, he glimpsed a slight smile on Brother Zachariah’s rune-sealed mouth, and Matthew smiled back at him. Matthew was suddenly certain he would love Jem too, that he would love everything James loved. Other people might go through the world uncertain and alone, but not Matthew: now wherever he wandered, whenever he called out, there would be an answer. He would never walk anywhere alone.
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tlhdaily · 5 years
Chain of Gold Flash Fiction: James and Matthew’s Parabatai Ceremony
On the morning of his parabatai ceremony, Matthew Fairchild walked through Highgate Cemetery, past the tall stone tombs and long grass wet with dew, until he reached the entrance leading down into the Silent City. He tried not to be nervous.
“I was exceedingly apprehensive on the day of my wedding ceremony,” Henry had told him at breakfast. “You know how poorly I thought of myself when I was young - I believed your mother couldn’t possibly love me as I loved her. And you know how absentminded I can be. I repeated the words over and over, and I was so sure I would get them wrong that when the time came I just blurted them all out at once. All went swimmingly in the end, save for the small matter of the scorched flowers. But that’s another tale.”
“Thank you for the advice, Papa,” Matthew said, leaning affectionately against his father’s Bath chair. “But I must point out that I’m not marrying James. Though I would be a vision in bridal lace.”
Henry grinned up at him. “Why would you be wearing the dress?”
“You can’t think I would permit James to do it,” said Matthew. “He has no sense of style.”
To his surprise, the ceremony was packed densely with guests. Family and friends would be expected, but Matthew understood that most of the people were here for the spectacle, or for political advantage. The Consul’s son, and the son of the head of the Institute, whose mother was a warlock.
The crowd was so thick, Matthew could barely see the skulls set in the walls. Brother Zachariah was waiting in the center of the chamber where the ceremony would be performed, a figure of profound stillness in his parchment-colored hood and cloak.
James called Brother Zachariah “Uncle Jem” and adored him. Today eldritch fire for the ceremony woke strange shadows on his face, and Matthew was a little afraid. The whole London Enclave was assembled here to see the ceremony performed. Matthew had absolute faith in James, but if something went wrong, the Council might never let them try again. James’s parentage had so far had no effect on his ability to receive Marks or otherwise be an active Shadowhunter, but the parabatai ceremony was a stranger, more transcendent bit of magic, and nobody knew for sure that it would turn out as expected.
Several members of the Enclave had taken Matthew aside and warned him in an avuncular fashion not to make any rash decisions, so Matthew had pleaded with his mother to set a date for their parabatai ceremony as soon as possible.
Matthew gave a particularly dark look to Mr. Bridgestock, recently made Inquisitor. Awful Bridgestock, whose first name was Maurice and it served him right, had said Matthew was a very promising young warrior, and that he shouldn’t blight his bright future. Matthew told him he knew what he was doing, that his family was supportive, and he assumed the Clave would stand behind the ceremony as well.
“I have nothing but respect for your family,” Bridgestock had said, “but they often.. ignore the opinions of others. Sometimes to their detriment.”
Matthew would have liked to give Bridgestock a piece of his mind, but of course he could not. Instead he smiled, and told Bridgestock that he appreciated the advice but that he was firm in his decision.
He tried to push his way through the crowd and find James. Instead his ear was caught by the whisper of his own name.
“I simply can’t believe Fairchild is being such a fool,” a boy called Albert Breakspear said to his companion, Bertram Pounceby. “I saw that fellow turn into a shadow at the Academy, you know. Horribly ghastly thing to witness.”
Pounceby sniggered. “I can’t believe the Clave gave their approval. The parabatai ceremony is meant to be an honor, for the best among us. Not for ruffians who got expelled from school.”
“It’s all politics,” scoffed Breakspear. “Son of the head of the London Institute, son of the Consul - it doesn’t matter how much of an embarrassment they are, strings will be pulled and they’ll get what they want.”
“I bet it won’t even work,” said Pounceby. “There is no way the Angel will accept them as parabatai. Can you imagine if Herondale turns into a shadow when Fairchild tries to put the parabatai rune on him?”
“Don’t be so sure you’re on the side of the Angel,” Matthew said mildly. “I know what you lot got up to in school.”
Both boys spun around. Matthew gave them his most charming smile.
“Didn’t realize I was standing behind you?” he asked. “What an awkward situation for you.”
“Rather,” James agreed, in his quiet voice, and Matthew startled. He hadn’t realized James was even nearby, but there he was: hair a wreck, book tucked under his arm, face slightly paler than usual. He must have heard everything.
Matthew seized James by the elbow and dragged him around a corner so they could be alone among the skulls. He felt the tension running along James’s body. When he released James, he saw the tightness around his mouth, and feared he was very upset.
“We can call the ceremony off,” James said.
“I don’t want to call the ceremony off!” Matthew said. “Do you - do you want to call the ceremony off?”
James blinked his golden eyes like an owl. “Of course not. But if I do turn into a shadow.. I know how it would reflect on you.”
“I shouldn’t care if you did, but I see no reason why you should become a shadow,” Matthew said firmly. “You never have when other Marks were put on you. I shall not be threatening you in any way. Unless you do change your mind, of course, in which case I shall chase after you, belaboring you with my fists.”
James grinned, his face brightening, and Matthew beamed back at him.
“If you’re going to belabor me with your fists, I don’t know if I want you going where I goest.”
“Too bad,” Matthew said. “Whither thou goest, I shall go. Just try and stop me.”
. . .
They stood in two separate rings of fire, ready to be joined. Brother Zachariah conducted the ceremony before the eyes of the Enclave and everyone James and Matthew loved.
“Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee. For whither thou goest,” Matthew promised, “I will go.”
Their voices mingled like the colors of the dancing flames, and Matthew remembered trying so hard to befriend James at the Academy. He’d begged James’s father to take him to London, saying he and James were going to be parabatai, the greatest and most audacious lie Matthew had ever told. Now his lie had become truth.
“And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
James and Matthew had both chosen their fathers as witnesses, and Will stepped forward first. He looked at his son, and Matthew too, sweeping them up in a fierce and tender gaze. Henry wheeled himself to join them, red hair and silver chair catching the light. He smiled up at Matthew and James with an absolute approval that Matthew was very grateful to have.
“Where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me, and more also,” James said, calling on Raziel in his clearest voice, “If aught but death part thee and me.”
Matthew thought of the Angel. He had always been mostly dismissive of the honor-death-and-glory bits of being of a Shadowhunter. He supposed he believed in Raziel, but he never gave the fellow much thought. He believed there was more to life than blood and fire. There was beauty, there was art, there was color. Perhaps Raziel knew his heart wasn’t in the fighting. Perhaps Raziel didn’t approve.
They stepped through the flames.
Did those flames burn higher than they had at other ceremonies? For just a moment, did the hearts of the fire burn black instead of blue? It was his imagination, Matthew decided. They were through, after all, and James’s hand stayed flesh in Matthew’s own, stayed steady as he drew the parabatai rune on the inside of Matthew’s left wrist.
James wanted his Mark on his shoulder, because, he had said, he knew Matthew would always be at his back in battle. Matthew had rolled his eyes, but felt a surge of affection; James’s sincerity was one of his best features, even if it did get him into trouble. When Matthew finished inscribing the rune on James’s shoulder blade, when it was complete, he gave a great sigh of relief. He felt the assembled audience sigh too. It was done, and it had been fine.
The flames shot to the ceiling and the dark hollow eyes of skulls watched them in the place of their ancestors, and they were sure of each other forever. When souls were knit, nobody could tear them apart.
The Breakspears and Pouncebys didn’t matter at all. Only James and Matthew’s families, their friends. When they stepped out of the fiery circles, Will was there to catch them both in an embrace. Lucie came forward to congratulate them, her ringlets rebelliously escaping from her ribbons and her blue eyes wide. Matthew had to glance away from how pretty she looked; it was almost too much for him. Now Tessa was hugging James, and Matthew’s mother was reaching down to touch his father’s hand where it rested on the arm of his chair.
Thy people will be my people, Matthew thought, and promised himself to love the Herondales as his own. Beneath the hood, he glimpsed a slight smile on Brother Zachariah’s rune-sealed mouth, and Matthew smiled back at him. Matthew was suddenly certain he would love Jem too, that he would love everything James loved. Other people might go through the world uncertain and alone, but not Matthew: now wherever he wandered, whenever he called out, there would be an answer. He would never walk anywhere alone.
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James and Matthew's Parabatai ceremony! (Chain of Gold extra content)
On the morning of his parabatai ceremony, Matthew Fairchild walked through Highgate Cemetery, past the tall stone tombs and long grass wet with dew, until he reached the entrance leading down into the Silent City. He tried not to be nervous.
“I was exceedingly apprehensive on the day of my wedding ceremony,” Henry had told him at breakfast. “You know how poorly I thought of myself when I was young—I believed  your mother couldn’t possibly love me as I loved her. And you know how absentminded I can be. I repeated the words over and over, and I was so sure I would get them wrong that when the time came I just blurted them all out at once. All went swimmingly in the end, save for the small matter of the scorched flowers. But that’s another tale.”
“Thank you for the advice, Papa,” Matthew said, leaning affectionately against his father’s Bath chair. “But I must point out that I’m not marrying James. Though I would be a vision in bridal lace.”
Henry grinned up at him. “Why would you be wearing the dress?”
“You can’t think I would permit James to do it,” said Matthew. “He has no sense of style.”
To his surprise, the ceremony was packed densely with guests. Family and friends would be expected, but Matthew understood that most of the people were here for the spectacle, or for political advantage. The Consul’s son, and the son of the head of the Institute, whose mother was a warlock.
The crowd was so thick, Matthew could barely see the skulls set in the walls. Brother Zachariah was waiting in the center of the chamber where the ceremony would be performed, a figure of profound stillness in his parchment-colored hood and cloak.
James called Brother Zachariah “Uncle Jem” and adored him. Today eldritch fire for the ceremony woke strange shadows on his face, and Matthew was a little afraid. The whole London Enclave was assembled here to see the ceremony performed. Matthew had absolute faith in James, but if something went wrong, the Council might never let them try again. James’s parentage had so far had no effect on his ability to receive Marks or otherwise be an active Shadowhunter, but the parabataiceremony was a stranger, more transcendent bit of magic, and nobody knew for sure that it would turn out as expected.
Several members of the Enclave had taken Matthew aside and warned him in an avuncular fashion not to make any rash decisions, so Matthew had pleaded with his mother to set a date for their parabatai ceremony as soon as possible.
Matthew gave a particularly dark look to Mr. Bridgestock, recently made Inquisitor. Awful Bridgestock, whose first name was Maurice and it served him right, had said Matthew was a very promising young warrior, and that he shouldn’t blight his bright future. Matthew told him he knew what he was doing, that his family was supportive, and he assumed the Clave would stand behind the ceremony as well.
“I have nothing but respect for your family,” Bridgestock had said, “but they often…ignore the opinions of others. Sometimes to their detriment.”
Matthew would have liked to give Bridgestock a piece of his mind, but of course he could not. Instead he smiled, and told Bridgestock that he appreciated the advice but that he was firm in his decision.
He tried to push his way through the crowd and find James. Instead his ear was caught by the whisper of his own name.
“I simply can’t believe Fairchild is being such a fool,” a boy called Albert Breakspear said to his companion, Bertram Pounceby. “I saw that fellow turn into a shadow at the Academy, you know. Horribly ghastly thing to witness.”
Pounceby sniggered. “I can’t believe the Clave gave their approval. The parabatai ceremony is meant to be an honor, for the best among us. Not for ruffians who got expelled from school.”
“It’s all politics,” scoffed Breakspear. “Son of the head of the London Institute, son of the Consul—it doesn’t matter how much of an embarrassment they are, strings will be pulled and they’ll get what they want.”
“I bet it won’t even work,” said Pounceby. “There is no way the Angel will accept them as parabatai. Can you imagine if Herondale turns into a shadow when Fairchild tries to put the parabatai rune on him?”
“Don’t be so sure you’re on the side of the Angel,” Matthew said mildly. “I know what you lot got up to in school.”
Both boys spun around. Matthew gave them his most charming smile.
“Didn’t realize I was standing behind you?” he asked. “What an awkward situation for you.”
“Rather,” James agreed, in his quiet voice, and Matthew startled. He hadn’t realized James was even nearby, but there he was: hair a wreck, book tucked under his arm, face slightly paler than usual. He must have heard everything.
Matthew seized James by the elbow and dragged him around a corner so they could be alone among the skulls. He felt the tension running along James’s body. When he released James, he saw the tightness around his mouth, and feared he was very upset.
“We can call the ceremony off,” James said.
“I don’t want to call the ceremony off!” Matthew said. “Do you—do you want to call the ceremony off?”
James blinked his golden eyes like an owl. “Of course not. But if I do turn into a shadow… I know how it would reflect on you.”
“I shouldn’t care if you did, but I see no reason why you should become a shadow,” Matthew said firmly. “You never have when other Marks were put on you. I shall not be threatening you in any way. Unless you do change your mind, of course, in which case I shall chase after you, belaboring you with my fists.”
James grinned, his face brightening, and Matthew beamed back at him.
“If you’re going to belabor me with your fists, I don’t know if I want you going where I goest.”
“Too bad,” Matthew said. “Whither thou goest, I shall go. Just try and stop me.”
They stood in two separate rings of fire, ready to be joined. Brother Zachariah conducted the ceremony before the eyes of the Enclave and everyone James and Matthew loved.
“Entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following after thee. For whither thou goest,” Matthew promised, “I will go.”
Their voices mingled like the colors of the dancing flames, and Matthew remembered trying so hard to befriend James at the Academy. He’d begged James’s father to take him to London, saying he and James were going to be parabatai, the greatest and most audacious lie Matthew had ever told. Now his lie had become truth.
“And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
James and Matthew had both chosen their fathers as witnesses, and Will stepped forward first. He looked at his son, and Matthew too, sweeping them up in a fierce and tender gaze. Henry wheeled himself to join them, red hair and silver chair catching the light. He smiled up at Matthew and James with an absolute approval that Matthew was very grateful to have.
“Where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me, and more also,” James said, calling on Raziel in his clearest voice, “If aught but death part thee and me.”
Matthew thought of the Angel. He had always been mostly dismissive of the honor-death-and-glory bits of being of a Shadowhunter. He supposed he believed in Raziel, but he never gave the fellow much thought. He believed there was more to life than blood and fire. There was beauty, there was art, there was color. Perhaps Raziel knew his heart wasn’t in the fighting. Perhaps Raziel didn’t approve.
They stepped through the flames.
Did those flames burn higher than they had at other ceremonies? For just a moment, did the hearts of the fire burn black instead of blue? It was his imagination, Matthew decided. They were through, after all, and James’s hand stayed flesh in Matthew’s own, stayed steady as he drew the parabatai rune on the inside of Matthew’s left wrist.
James wanted his Mark on his shoulder, because, he had said, he knew Matthew would always be at his back in battle. Matthew had rolled his eyes, but felt a surge of affection; James’s sincerity was one of his best features, even if it did get him into trouble. When Matthew finished inscribing the rune on James’s shoulder blade, when it was complete, he gave a great sigh of relief. He felt the assembled audience sigh too. It was done, and it had been fine.
The flames shot to the ceiling and the dark hollow eyes of skulls watched them in the place of their ancestors, and they were sure of each other forever. When souls were knit, nobody could tear them apart.
The Breakspears and Pouncebys didn’t matter at all. Only James and Matthew’s families, their friends. When they stepped out of the fiery circles, Will was there to catch them both in an embrace. Lucie came forward to congratulate them, her ringlets rebelliously escaping from her ribbons and her blue eyes wide. Matthew had to glance away from how pretty she looked; it was almost too much for him. Now Tessa was hugging James, and Matthew’s mother was reaching down to touch his father’s hand where it rested on the arm of his chair.
Thy people will be my people, Matthew thought, and promised himself to love the Herondales as his own. Beneath the hood, he glimpsed a slight smile on Brother Zachariah’s rune-sealed mouth, and Matthew smiled back at him. Matthew was suddenly certain he would love Jem too, that he would love everything James loved. Other people might go through the world uncertain and alone, but not Matthew: now wherever he wandered, whenever he called out, there would be an answer. He would never walk anywhere alone.
This is so beautiful! So excited for this book!!
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
JSE Fanfiction - In Time of Grief (Part 5: Contagion)
Summary: With the others left helplessly behind in Anti’s clutches, the good doctor despairs. Chase struggles to keep hope for the both of them.
This is necessary. This is…She doesn’t mind us being here. She wants to help us.
No matter how many times Chase told himself that, he was honestly surprised that Stacy had let him and Schneep beyond the front porch as he watched her scramble to gather her things so she could drive them to the hospital. Naturally her first suggestion had been to call for an ambulance to get them there faster, but Schneep had been quick to shoot that down.
“No! No,” he choked out as he pressed a hand against his chest, wavering. Chase had latched onto his elbow as he dangerously swayed, but the doctor had shaken his head, shrugging away. “We cannot take risk. There are p—people we cannot afford to see, who cannot afford to see us. I know a way—”
His hoarse voice finally cracked and gave way to a barking cough, followed by an awful wheezing that made it sound like his throat was caving in. He didn’t bother to pull away when Chase latched onto him then and once his fit had subsided in its intensity Stacy had gingerly suggested they come inside and sit.
They were on the couch to the left side of the living room now, Schneep slumped against the armrest and Chase curled up close to his side. After everything that had happened, he didn’t want to stray too far. Every so often he glanced over at him, assessing. Even though he’d been conscious and breathing for a while now, he didn’t look good at all.
Shouldn’t he be demanding to know more about Jack, Anti, the fight? Jack was his everything, their everything. He hadn’t asked a single question about what had happened to Jack since Chase had told him he was awake. Why was he being so quiet about it?
Chase couldn’t expect so much of him, he reminded himself numbly. Right now, Schneep was just focused on struggling to breathe; that was all he should be focused on—and from the violent crashing he had heard during their frenzied escape, he should be grateful that Schneep wasn’t asking how it had all turned out. Even he didn’t know.
Not for the first time, Jameson’s pained, terrified eyes blinked open in his mind, staring into him—staring through him. The deep ache in Chase’s head and chest flared hotly, dizzying him at the thought of what he might be enduring right now if Jack hadn’t won that fight.
I…I left him there. I left him with Anti. If I had been faster, I could’ve…
“So you’re the infamous Chase, huh?” Tom broke through his agonizing, hovering over them. “Heard a lot about you. And who’s this?”
Wordlessly Chase tilted his head back, blinking heavily up at him. Something in his face must have told Tom that he wasn’t in the mood for introductions, so he glanced sideways and cleared his throat, changing the subject with a bit more authority.
“You know I have to ask: what exactly is it that you’re getting us involved in? Are you in trouble with the law? Drugs? Gambling? Something illegal? Who are these people you’re trying to avoid seeing?” he questioned, waving an expansive hand. “I just want to make sure you’re not dragging Stacy and I into anything you could be getting out of yourself.”
At that Schneep shifted suddenly, pushing the startled Chase sideways with his forward motion as he sat up, his glazed eyes cold.
“If is something we can get out of ourselves, do you think in your tiny brain that we would c-come to you?” he growled raspingly. “We come because we need help, not idiotic questions! Du weißt gar nichts! If you do not want to help us, you talk to your precious Stacy about it!” Another chain of coughing rattled through him, breaking up his words, but they were no less fierce. “We do not need you. We—hh—we only need S-Stacy and her car.”
“Schneep,” Chase muttered, warningly tugging on his arm, but he didn’t have the time to say anything to smooth over the situation before Stacy arrived from the kitchen, keys in hand.
“Alright, let’s go,” she urged, brushing her free fingers over Tom’s arm. “Honey, help them to the car?”
“…Yeah,” Tom acquiesced tightly, gripping Chase’s arm and helping him to his feet. Schneep refused the hand he was offered, barely even looking up as he wound an arm around Chase and they were guided to the van.
It was amazing how something so mundane could stirred as much emotion in Chase as it did, but when they slipped into the backseats he was forced to swallow hard as his eyes panned over the crumbs, wrappers and toys scattered across the car mats.
These seats…His babies sat in these seats every day.
Bending gradually down, wincing deeply as the change in pressure spiked in his head, he snatched up one of the action figures. It was a red and silver robot, well worn—well loved.
“Hey, buddy, you wanna go to the toy aisle?” he questioned hopefully, relishing in the feeling of Connor’s small, warm fingers wrapped up in his own. The answer he received wasn’t the eager yes he’d expected, however. “Connor?”
“Yeah…” the little boy admitted, glancing up at him uncertainly. “But…d-do we have enough money, Daddy?”
Something in Chase’s stomach turned at the question and he stilled, coming to a stop and shifting to kneel in front of him. “What d’you mean by that?”
“Well…” Fidgeting, tugging restlessly on the hem of his shirt, Connor lowered his head, staring down at Chase’s knees and mumbling. “S’just that Mama says not to get toys when we’re with you cos you don’t have enough money and it’ll make you feel bad later.”
Chase dearly hoped that Connor didn’t notice the hot flush coming into his cheeks at these words. Tightening his hands on his boy’s shoulders, he forced a light smile. “Is that so? Your mom and I need to talk about that, but y’know what? I’ve been doing really well lately, no matter what she thinks! I’ve got a little surprise money that I’ve been saving just for you, and you can pick any toy you want.”
That finally drew the light into Connor’s eyes that Chase had longed for. “A robot?” he exclaimed. “Can I get a robot?!”
“Absolutely! Let’s get you the coolest robot!”
Schneep’s calloused fingers brushing his head brought him out of his trance-like stare with a painfully sharp flinch. The doctor didn’t embarrass him by mentioning it, merely pursing his lips as he leaned in and thumbed over stray trickles of blood sliding down his temple. Just that small gesture eased the pain’s razor edge and Chase instinctively leaned into it, searching for more relief, but after a few softer strokes Schneep stilled, exhaling huskily.
“Chase…Is my fault we are in this mess,” he murmured under the noise of the AC. “I should have seen signs in Marvin. I should’ve…”
“We both should’ve. If I hadn’t fallen asleep on the job, he wouldn’t’ve gotten the jump on me.” Fidgeting, the vlogger decided to take his chances and ask. “D’you think it was getting Anti out of Jameson’s head that opened Marv up to him?”
“Not all the way. Somewhat,” Schneep allowed, brows creasing. “But this…this new magic he ‘found’ somewhere, I think it was the start. He chose the corruption. He let it in. That one opening was enough for Anti to get through and turn him on us, Chase. And now we all pay for it, just because he wanted new magic.”
“No, no, hey, you can’t blame him for Anti taking him. He wasn’t getting new magic for the kicks. He just wanted to help Jem, bring Jackieboy back,” Chase protested, stomach churning tightly at the thought of the gleeful malice in his friend’s face. “It’s—it was a mistake, doc, a really bad mistake! Marv would never put us in that kind of danger on purpose. Somewhere in there he’s fighting Anti, I know it. Maybe now that Jack’s keeping Anti distracted on the outside, Marvin’ll be able to get some leverage on the inside!”
“Jack…” Schneep repeated softly, staring up at the car ceiling. Tufts blue eyes grew misty. “How could Jack be awake, Chase? He has not been awake for more than a year. There’s been no change, no improvement—if anything, he’s gotten worse and worse.”
“Okay, so I don’t know how he did it, but I saw him!” Chase insisted, latching onto his arm to keep his attention. “He fought to help us escape. We wouldn’t have without him!” When Schneep said nothing, Chase shook his head in dismay, jostling him a little to recapture his eyes. “Why don’t you want to believe me? Why aren’t you happy?”
“Because if he’s awake, Chase, he’s there with Anti. The monster is armed with Marvin’s magic and none of the others are able to help him. And I—I am not there for him. Again. He needs me and I’m taken away from him.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be doing him much good if you were still back there,” Chase pointed out, schooling his voice so as not to sound too demeaning. “You’d still be conked out at the bottom of your magic bubble. Now you’re awake, he’s awake, and we’ll figure out a way to get back to him. He’s fightin’ for us.”
“And what if he loses? Wh-What if Anti…?” Schneep coughed once more, though it didn’t sound the same as the others.
Chase didn’t have a chance to address his implied question as one cough led to another and another and another. Hugging his arms around his sides, he rocked forward, fruitlessly trying to catch his breath. He was going to give himself whiplash at this rate, Chase mused, wincing in sympathy as he patted his back.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, buddy. Just get it all out,” he soothed, worriedly glancing up to meet Stacy’s gaze in the rearview mirror. Get us there soon, his eyes said to hers.
By the time the fierce hacking eased, he was practically folded in half over his knees, whimpering exhaustedly. Gripping his shoulder, Chase murmured other meaningless assurances as he helped him sit back up.
“Easy does it, here we go…” Reaching up past his head, he hurriedly flicked the air vent away from his friend’s face. Doctors said that keeping the air still was a way to help with a cough, right? “Try not to talk for a bit,” he continued as he turned his eyes to the pockets sewn into the backs of the front seats. “Stacy, are there—I don’t know, some mints or cough drops or something in here? Something to help his throat?”
“Oh, here,” Tom spoke up first, shifting forward in his seat to rifle through the glove box for a few moments before leaning back and offering a pack of gum. “Gotta keep some of these in here for Bri; she’s always asking for some.”
Chase was promptly forced to bite the inside of his cheek against a surprisingly sharp retort that flew to his throat. Oh, is she? Is that something she “always does”? She never does that with me. I think I’d know her better than you do. The fresh bitterness on his tongue created a new lance of pain in his forehead and he took a steadying breath to help him swim beyond the dizziness as Tom stretched a little farther, shaking the pack expectantly.
“Well? You want it?”
It’s just gum.
Without a word he snatched it from him, taking note of the brand as he tore it open. “Here, Schneep, this’ll help.” As soon as he looked up to hand it to him, however, he froze, flinching back at the pallor that had come over his face. “Whoa—Schneep, bro, you okay?” He was so white he looked almost gray, his skin tight over the hollow of his cheekbones.
“I don’t think I feel well,” he slurred, glassy eyes flickering closed as he drooped back against the seat. “Wo bin ich hier?” One last weak cough forced its way out of him, loose and wet, and Chase’s heart jackhammered as strings of thick, dark fluid flew from his mouth, spattering the front of his shirt.
“What the—?! Schneep!” Chase gasped as his head lolled sideways and more of the bloodlike substance slithered down his chin in sticky rivulets. “Schneep! Henrik?!” As soon as the older Ego started to shake, Chase cursed in helpless terror, lunging to steady him as he yelped, “Stacy!”
“What’s happening, what’s happening?!” she burst out, swerving violently between lanes as she glanced over her shoulder in alarm. “What do I do? Should I pull over?!”
“Floor it!”
Taglist:  @viostormcaller  @spicy-spedicey  @miishae  @athenafg26 @nebula-starlight  @faithissometimesnice  @obsidiancreates  @storm337 @canehdiennobody  @stormcrawler75  @kisstheashes  @gamingbookworm @phantomschild  @plutoandpolaris  @bribrifeefee  @the-kit-kate @thesinginggal  @themightiestspoon  @pixelenchanter  @illyriashade56 @jacksinsanity  @thealyssa4life  @skepticeye  @rogue-of-light-analyzed 
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ofallingstar · 6 years
First lines from the books I read in 2018
Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd: Thus is 1711, the ninth year of the reign of Queen Anne, an Act of Parliament was passed to erect seven new Parish Churches in the Cities of London and Westminster, which commission was delivered to Her Majesty’s Office of Works in Scotland Yard.
Métamorphose en bord de ciel by Mathias Malzieu: Les oiseaux, ça s'enterre en plein ciel.
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen: The family of Dashwood had been long settled in Sussex.
Le plus petit baiser jamais recensé by Mathias Malzieu: Le plus petit baiser jamais recensé.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll: Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll: One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it -it was the black kitten’s fault entirely.
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson: Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity-Good.
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin: Dear James: I had begun this letter five times and torn it up five times.
The Secret in Their Eyes by Eduardo Sacheri: Benjamín Miguel Chaparro stops short and decides he’s not going.
At the Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft: I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why.
The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes: This books is the factual account of the life, up to now, of William Stanley Milligan, the first person in U.S. history to be found not guilty of major crimes, by reason of unsanity, because he possessed multiple personalities.
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket: If you are interested in stories in happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book.
Puckoon by Spike Milligan: Several and a half metric miles North East of Sligo, split by a cascading stream, her body on earth, her feet in water, dwells the microcephalic community of Puckoon.
Piercing by Ryu Murakami: A small living creature asleep in its crib.
The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket: The stretch of the road that leads out of this city, past Hazy Harbor and into the town of Tedia, is perhaps the most unpleasant in the world.
And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini: So, then.
The Shape of Water by Guillermo Del Toro and Daniel Kraus: Richard Strickland reads the brief from General Hoyt.
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell: He’d stopped trying to bring her back.
Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell: The Rue du Coq d’Or, Paris, seven in the morning.
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart: Welcome to the beautiful Sinclair family.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusack: First the colors. Then the humans. That’s usually how I see things. Or at least, how I try.
The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket: If you didn’t know much about the Baudelaire orphans, and you saw them sitting on their suitcases at Damocles Dock, you might think they were bound for an exciting adventure.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson: No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.
Battles in the Desert by José Emilio Pacheco: I remember, I don’t remember.
The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket: Sometime during your lifetime -in fact, very soon- you may find yourself reading a book, and you may notice that a book’s first sentence can often tell you what sort of story your book contains.
The Age of American Unreason by Susan Jacoby: The word is everywhere, a plague spread by the President of the United States, television anchors, radio talk show hosts, preachers in megachurches, self-help gurus, and anyone else attempting to demostrate his or her identification with ordinary, presumably wholesome American values.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare: Theseus, duke of Athens, is planning the festivities for his upcoming wedding to the newly captured Amazon, Hippolyta.
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert: We were in study hall when the headmaster walked in, followed by a new boy not wearing a school uniform, and by a janitor carrying a large desk.
The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket: If you were going to give a gold medal to the last delightful person on Earth, you would have to give that medal to a person named Carmelita Spats, and if you didn’t give it to her, Carmelita Spats was the sort of person who would snatch it from your hands anyway.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding: The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way toward the lagoon.
The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare: Christopher Sly, a drunken beggar, is driven out of an alehouse by its hostess.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: My name is Katy H.
Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami: “There’s no such thing as a perfect piece of writing.”
The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket: The book you are holding in your two hands right now -assuming that you are, in fact, holding this book, and that you have only two hands- is one of two books in the world that will show you the difference between the words “nervous” and the word “anxious.”
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare: Two households, both alike in dignity, (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene), From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
Adventure Time: The Enchiridion & Marcy’s Super Secret Scrapbook!!!: My Devoted Evil Daighter, Marceline, I admit we’ve had a somewhat volatile father-daughter relantionship ever since the regrettable Fry Incident.
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin: Ser Waymar Royce glanced at the sky with desinterest.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings.
Pinball, 1973 by Haruki Murakami: I used to love listening to stories about faraway places.
The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket: No matter who you are, no matter where you live, and no matter how many people are chasing you, what you don’t read is often as important as what you do read.
Dracula by Bram Stoker: 3 May. Bistritz. –Left Munich at 8:35 P.M., on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:43, but train was an hour late.
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare: I know this hartred mocks all Christian virtue, but They I loathe: their very sight  abhors me.
On the Road by Jack Kerouac: I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up.
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami: It was a short one-paragraph item in the morning edition.
The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket: There are two reasons why a writer would end a sentence with the word “stop” written in entirely in capital letters STOP.
The Most Beautiful: My Life with Prince by Mayte Garcia: The chain-link fence around Praisley Park is woven with purple ribbons and roses, love notes, tributes, and prayers for peace.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare: Who’s there?
A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin: The comet’s tail spread across the dawn, a red slash that bled above the crags of Dragonstone like a wound in the pink and purple sky.
Out of Africa by Isak Dinensen: I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of Ngong Hills.
Carrie by Stephen King: News item from the Westover (Me.) weekly enterprise, August 19, 1966: RAIN OF STONES REPORTED.
The Carnivorous Carnival by Lemony Snicket: When my workday is over, and I have closed my notebook, hidden my pen and sawed holes in my rented canoe so it cannot be found, I often like to spend the evening in conversation with my few surviving friends.
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick: The P-38 WWII Nazi handgun looks comical lying on the breakfast table next to a boal of outmeal.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James: The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve on an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that it was the only tale he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child.
Carmilla by Sheridan J. Le Fanu: Upon a paper attached to the Narrative which follows, Doctor Hesselius has written a rather elaborated note, which he accompanies with a reference to his Essay on the strange subject which the MS. illuminates.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson: No one has ever suffered as I have.
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka: One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski: I still get nightmares.
Othello by William Shakespeare: In the streets of Venice, Iago tells Roderigo of his hatred for Othello, who has given Cassio the lieutenancy that Iago wanted and has made Iago a mere ensign.
Dance, Dance, Dance by Haruki Murakami: I often dream about the Dolphin Hotel.
The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket: A man of my acquaintance once wrote a poem called “The Road Less Traveled,” describing a journey he took through the woods along a path most travelers never used.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou: “What you looking at me for? I didn’t come to stay…”
A Most Haunted House by G. L. Davies: The house first came to my attention a few  years ago.
Ghost Sex, The Violation by G. L. Davies: I met with Lisa at her home in Pembroke Dock.
Any Man by Amber Tamblyn: Am I in a body?
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay: “This must be so difficult for you, Meredith.”
A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin: The day was grey and bitter cold, and the dogs would not take the scent.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain?
You by Caroline Kepnes: You walk into the bookstore and you keep your hand on the door to make sure it doesn’t slam.
The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket: After a great deal of examining oceans, investigating rainstorms and staring very hard at several drinking fountains, the scientists of the worlds developed a theory regarding how water is distributed around our planet, which they have named “the water cycle.”
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys: They say when trouble comes close ranks, and so the white people did.
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: About thirthy years ago, Miss Maria Ward, of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds, had the luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park, in the country of Northampton, and to be thereby raised to the rank of a baronet’s lady, with all the comforts and consequences of a handsome house and a large income.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë: My name is Gilbert Markham, and my story begings in October 1827, when I was twenty-four years old.
The Tempest by William Shakespeare: Boatswain!
Lucky by Alice Sebold: In the tunnel where I was raped, a tunnel that was once an underground entry to an amphitheather, a place where actors burst forth from underneath the seats of a crowd, a girl had been murdered and dismembered.
The Penultimate Peril by Lemony Snicket: Certain people had said that the world is like a calm pond, and that anytime a person does even the smallest thing, it is as if a stone has dropped into the pond, spreading circles of ripples further and further out, until the entire world has been changed by one tiny action.
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if you’re still doing the half hour challenge, may i ask for “caught?” anything but angst please!
(I didn’t do this as part of my challenge, as I had this idea and this prompt fit rather well! If anyone wants a part two, please inbox me!)
warning: some of this fic can be triggering. It features abuse from Sonia in the form of Munchausen by Proxy and physical abuse. Some of this is both taken from canon as well as the TV show and real life events of ‘The Act’
* * * * *
Carefully, so as not to make a single noise, Eddie opened his laptop and pulled up the private chat he had saved. He smiled, tucking some of the hair behind his ear as he noticed that Richie was online, and he clicked on his name, bringing up their conversations. As soon as he messaged a simple, ‘Hi’, Richie was responding, asking him how he was and what he had been up to.
He looked up, making sure that his mother wasn’t going to barge through the door and find him doing what she had strictly forbidden him from doing his whole life. He had no idea what she might do to him if he was caught talking to Richie in the way he was.
When he was absolutely sure that the ghost was clear, Eddie pressed the call button and the call connected, the screen lighting up with Richie’s face. He was smiling at first, until he saw the state of Eddie’s face and it dropped into a serious frown. In the little screen that showed Eddie’s face, highlighted the dark circles under his eyes as well as the bruising on his cheeks and his chin.
“Holy, holy fuck Eds what...what happened? What did she do to you?” Richie asked in a hushed tone, his hand reaching out as if to touch Eddie, restricted by the computer.
Eddie held back a sob, too scared that any sudden noise might wake his mother up from her sleep and have her barge into the room. “She-she tried to make me take these new pills and I- I told her no,” he explained shakily. “She got so mad that I was talking back to her that she...snapped.”
“Yes, there is,” Richie breathed, also keeping his voice soft so as not to cause too much noise. “Listen to me okay, I’m going to come and get you. You stay right where you are and I promise you I’ll be there as soon as I can.” The look on Richie’s face was one of pure determination, and Eddie felt nothing but love soar in his chest for the man in front of him. Ever since they had met on the chat room app four years ago, Eddie had just known that they had something special.
It had taken him a while to tell Richie the truth of what was going on in his life with his mother. When they first started talking, he had told Richie about all of his illnesses; his asthma, his numerous allergies, his inability to eat properly and hence being fed through a tube. The thing was, none of that was true. Eddie wasn’t sick, in fact, he was probably healthier than Richie. His mother...she was the one who was sick, but she just couldn’t see it.
“How?” Eddie asked, his voice cracking just a little. “How- how are we going to get away from her?” His voice was so quiet now, his heart hammering in his chest. He would have to hang up soon and put the breathing mask back on before his mother wondered why she couldn’t hear it from her room. “She’d just...call the police.”
Richie shook his head, “You’re twenty-two, you said so yourself. She can’t keep you trapped there. If you leave, she has no legal ground to stand on as you are an adult and can make decisions for yourself. You don’t even have to stay with me. I’ll get you out and you’ll be free to go anywhere and do anything you want. The world is your oyster.”
“I- I love you,” Eddie whispered, wiping his nose. “I want to stay with you...and your friends because I love you. We- we deserve a chance to be a real couple, don’t you think?” He asked and Richie nodded his head. “I- I have to go, before she wakes up and gets suspicious.”
Eddie could see that it pained Richie to have to hang up, but he agreed with a nod and a promise to be there for him soon, in the next few days. They would keep in contact via text message until Richie was ready to come to his house. They would have to plan it right out to the very second or things could go very wrong. He couldn’t have anything go wrong, not when Richie was going to be so close to his home, so close to his mother.
They disconnected the call and once the laptop was carefully stowed away, Eddie crawled into bed, pulling the oxygen mask over his head and switching the machine on. It took him a while to actually fall asleep, and when he did it was restless and uncomfortable. The following morning, he was woken up by his mother shaking him awake.
“Ma?” He croaked, opening his eyes as he looked at her. It was clear she was still mad, and in her hand was the bottle of pills she had tried to give him the night before.
She uncapped the bottle and poured the pills onto her hand, “I hope you learned your lesson last night Eddie-Bear. I don’t want to have to do that to you again. Are you going to be your mama’s good boy?” She asked and slowly, with tears building up in his eyes, nodded his head.
Instead of putting them in via the tube, it was like she knew that he knew he was perfectly fine using his mouth. His mother pried his jaw apart and popped two of the large pills under his tongue before holding his jaw shut to make sure that he swallowed them. Eddie didn’t even have a clue what they were for, but he didn’t dare ask.
“I am only doing this to protect you. You need me Eddie-Bear. You need me to take care of you. Out in that world you’d be ripped apart. People are like wolves, and they wouldn’t take a second glance at you before tearing you to pieces.” Slowly, she ran her fingers through Eddie’s hair. “Not here though, not with me. I’ll keep you safe, always. You’re always going to be safe with me. My little Eddie-Bear.”
His mother remained there with him for a few more moments before she left the room to allow him to change. Sometimes, she would insist that she changes him, insist that he was too fragile to keep himself clean. She closed the door behind him and burst into tears, pulling his phone out to text Richie.
[From Eddie - 8.23am] Please...save me.
* * * * * 
@3tothe1 @anellope @annxmatron @appojoos @are-you-reddie-for-it @beepbeeprichiellc @bi-bi-richie @billdenbrough @bitchbrak @callmechee @dadbodrichie @derrylosers @disneyfan567 @eds-trashmouth @eduardoandale @feldmancorey @girasol-eddie @gloire-celeste @halfway-happy353 @hawkinsbabe @inthebreadbinwrites @itfandomprompts @its-stranger-than-you-think @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @kaspzier @lifesucksheres20bucks @loserslibrary @losers-gotta-stick-together @madidraw @mars-14 @marsisaplanetyall @moonlightrichie @nancynwheeler @no-she-wasnt-reddie @oldguybones @pink-psychic @purplepoisonedgem @queen-sock @ransonelovebot @rebecca-the-queen @reddie-for-anything @reddie-to-cryy @reddieforlove @reddiesetandgo @richietoaster  @roobarrtrashmouth @rreddies @s-onora @s-s-georgie @sashadrowned @sedanleystanley @sloppybitchreddie @sparklingrainbowdragon @spirited-marvel @stellarbisexual @studpuffin @takeourpure @that-weird-girls-blog @thegoshdiddlydangdoor @thejadeazalea @thorn-harvester-ven @tinyarmedtrex @tozier-boy @tozierking @toziesque @trashmouthtozierr @twoidiotsinl0ve @violetreddie @virgo-luthie @wilding-throught-thehallways @xandertheundead @xcottoncandykatx 
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Shadowhunters Short Story #68.
It is a warm July day in 1911 when Alastair Carstairs begins to notice his sister Cordelia, acting very strange. It starts out with Cordelia being unable to join him or their friends on patrol or to go visit their mother, father and little sister, as often due to her being under the whether frequently. According to James, it is nothing to worry about but Brother Zachariah encouraged Cordelia to rest as much as possible.
Then once Cordelia was not so sick all the time, Alastair noticed she began to wear dresses that were just a bit too big for her. After that, he noticed that Cordelia was always holding something in front of her, when she sat down it was often a cushion, when she was standing up and walking around she would often hold a book in front of her stomach, and the few times she was not holding something in front of her, she would have her hands on her stomach.
It took him a while, but now Alastair is starting to put the pieces together and is almost certain he has figured out why Cordelia is being so secretive. She and James have been married for 2 years now, they have both spoken about wanting children and he has often caught James resting his hand on Cordelia’s stomach too, Alastair is certain that his sister is expecting, and he is going to get her to tell him one way or the other. 
Currently the siblings are sitting in the living room of The London Institute, waiting for the others to get back from patrol, while Tessa and Will have gone to Wales for the day, to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Will’s parents.  Cordelia is sitting on the sofa, once again holding a cushion in front of her stomach, as she reads a book. 
“Layla?” Aalstair asks, setting his own book down and looking at his sister.
“Yes?” Cordelia answers, turning the page of her book. 
“Why are you holding that cushion in front of you like that?” Cordelia blushes and tries to continue on with her book. 
“Oh, um, no reason, I just like to hold something while I read.” She attempts to divert her brother’s suspicions. 
“Oh yes? Well why a cushion, is it not rather bulky and in the way? Why not hold a pen or something of the like?” Alastair asks. 
“The cushion is comfortable, it gives me something to rest the book on.” Cordelia tells him in an unconvincing tone. 
“Alright I will give you that but it does not explain why you are always holding a book in front of you when you stand and walk, or hide behind James or Thomas, or why I have seen you holding your stomach, or indeed why you were so sick a few weeks ago and have not gone out with Anna or on patrol at all for about 3 months now.” Alastair lists off all the suspicious things Cordelia has done the last few months. Right away, Cordelia knows her cover is blown. 
“I... I.....” Cordelia falters. Alastair grins knowingly. 
“You’re expecting, aren’t you?” Cordelia smiles lightly and nods, pushing the cushion away from her stomach and resting her hand on her stomach. 
“We found out almost right away, but we did not want to tell anyone until later in the pregnancy, in case I lost the baby, we did not want to have to tell everyone that horrible news. We were going to wait a few more weeks, but I do not think it will be possible, I am only three months and already showing.” Cordelia softly says. 
“You are happy, aren’t you?” Alastair warily asks, fully prepared to kill James Herondale if he has made Cordelia upset or unhappy in anyway. 
“Oh yes, I am absolutely thrilled! Jamie is too, we have been so eager to tell you all.” Cordelia says in a joyful tone, her face lighting up with joy and excitement, making Alastair relax.
“I am very happy for you Layla, you are going to be a wonderful mother and I cannot wait to be a Uncle, I will be the baby’s favorite, of course, you know how babies love me, I think Evie loves me more than she loves mama and papa.” Alastair jokes, his smile widening as he thinks of his beloved baby sister, little 7 year old Evangelina Esta Carstairs, who is Cordelia’s double, except for her dark hair, which is just like Alastair’s. 
“You will have to fight Matthew for the position of favorite Uncle, he will have the little one in the best clothes the world has to offer and keep him in good supply of poetry and plays.” Cordelia says in an amused tone. She knows Matthew is likely going to be the most excited out of all of their friends, now he has been clean and sober for 5 years, and is the most wonderful big brother to his little twin sisters, Jane and Matilda, he will certainly enjoy being an Uncle to Cordelia and James’ baby. 
“Oh I will find a way to beat him, don’t fret. Do you know if it is a boy or a girl? Have you told anyone else?” Alastair asks. 
“It’s a boy, the only other person who knows is Jem, he was the one he told me I am expecting, though as I said, I doubt I will be able to hide my bump for much longer so we will likely have to tell everyone else soon.” Cordelia says, caressing her stomach softly. Already she feels incredibly bonded with her baby, she never knew he could love someone as much as she loves this baby inside of her, and he is not even a fully grown person yet. 
“Mama is going to be thrilled, and so is James’ father, a child that is half Carstairs half Herondale, he will be over the moon.” Alastair grins, imagining Will Herondale’s reaction when he finds out he is going to be a grandfather.  Cordelia laughs and nods her agreement. 
“Yes he will, I think I am most looking forward to his reaction. What about you and Thomas, do you want to have children?” Cordelia asks. Alastair and Thomas have been together for 5 years now, they are very happy together and all their friends and family are supportive and loving, well except for Elias, he does not accept or acknowledge that his son is with another man, and only ever refers to Thomas as Alastair’s friend. It is very painful and upsetting for Alastair, and Cordelia and Sona are forever trying to get him to open his mind, they are both just so very happy that Alastair is now happy and in a healthy relationship with someone who truly loves him, they do not understand how Elias can be so close-minded. 
“Perhaps, we would not be opposed to it, but obviously it is not as simple for us to have a child as it is for a man and a woman, but we know adoption is an option and we are open to the idea of having children at some point.” Alastair tells her. 
“Well if you ever do, I know you will be a wonderful father.” Cordelia softly says, reaching out to squeeze her brother’s hand. No doubt Alastair has fears and worries that he will be a terrible father just like Elias, or that he will end up favoring a daughter over a son, like how Elias clearly favors Cordelia and always has. 
Alastair smiles weakly and squeezes his sister’s hand in return.
“Thank you Layla, that means a lot to me.”
A few weeks later, Cordelia really starts to show and she realizes her bump is going to be impossible to hide from now on, so they decide to tell their friends and family. When they walk into the room above The Devil’s Tavern that James, Christopher, Thomas and Matthew still rent, with Cordelia no longer trying to conceal her stomach, they plan to sit their friends down and tell them the good news, however they never get the chance. 
The moment they step through the door, Matthew looks to them and his eyes immediately travel to Cordelia’s swollen stomach. His hand flies up to cover his mouth, and a few seconds later, at the top of his lungs, Matthew yells
“Cordelia is expecting!” This of course, immediately draws everyone else’s’ attention. 
“Thank you Math, now all of London knows, likely all of England.” James grumbles with a roll of his eyes. 
“I am sorry Jamie but I... I am just so happy for you!” Matthew exclaims. 
“Are you really? Expecting, that is?” Thomas asks, avoiding being rude and staring at Cordelia’s stomach, unlike Christopher who is gawping at her like he has never seen a pregnant woman before. 
“Yes I am, a little boy, in January.” Cordelia gleefully says, her hand resting underneath her stomach. 
“Oh that is absolutely wonderful! Congratulations!” Thomas says, getting up to embrace both Cordelia and Jamie. “How are you feeling Cordelia? Do you need to sit? You can have my seat.” Thomas kindly offers. For all intents and purposes, Cordelia is his sister-in-law, as well as a very close and dear friend. He knows from talking to his mother, that pregnancy can be very difficult and harsh on a person’s body. Sophie herself had suffered greatly while carrying Thomas, and Eugenia had suffered terribly when she was expecting her first child last year.
Before Cordelia can reply, she feels a prodding sensation around her lower stomach and looks down in confusion, only to see Christopher with his brow furrowed, studying her stomach, clearly having just poked her. 
“Christopher.” Cordelia weary says. “Did you just poke my stomach?” Christopher blinks up at her from behind his glasses, his eyes wide and full of concentration and intrigue. 
“Hm? Oh! Yes, did I hurt you?” He asks, completely oblivious to James trying to conceal his anger and not lunge at his cousin.
“Bloody hell Kit.” Thomas grumbles, covering his face in embarrassment, while Matthew laughs himself silly.
“Um, no it did not hurt but I would rather you did not touch my stomach at all.” Cordelia tries her best to keep her tone calm and civil, she knows Christopher is not being rude intentionally, he means no harm and is simply curious, but nevertheless Cordelia does not like being touched out of nowhere, and she most certainly does not like Christopher poking her stomach while she is 5 months pregnant. 
“Why not?” Christopher innocently asks. 
“It could hurt the baby, for one thing.” Cordelia says, pushing Christopher’s hand away when he tries to touch her stomach again. 
“Kit, you know how you very much dislike when your mama fusses over you, kissing your cheek and ruffling your hair and such?” Thomas calmly asks. Christopher nods. He adores his mother but is not too fond of the fact that she loves to kiss his cheek and leave a lipstick stain there, and call him all sorts of pet names, her favorite being ‘My genius little boy’, especially in public, around others. No one in The Clave takes him seriously for a number of reasons, no doubt his mother’s constant fussing is one of them. 
“Well Cordelia does not like you touching her the same way you do not like your mama fussing over you.” Thomas explains. 
“Oh I see, I am sorry Cordelia, I was just curious about the baby, I did not meant to be rude or upset you.” Christopher apologies, earning a warm smile from Cordelia. It is hard to stay mad at Christopher, he is such a sweetheart.
“That’s quite alright Kit, just refrain from doing it again.” 
“Well now that that is sorted, I have a question. I am going to be the little chap’s Godfather, right?” Matthew hopefully asks from his position stretched out on one of the couches. 
“No, I should be Godfather, I am the most sensible out of us three and will not encourage the little fellow to do reckless things, unlike you Matthew.” Thomas argues, surprising everyone, seeing as Thomas is very much not the argumentative sort.
“I think I should be Godfather, Matthew you are already the twins’ Godfather,and Tom you are Benjamin’s Godfather, I am nobody’s, so therefore I should be Godfather to Cordelia and James’ baby.” Christopher points out. 
“Sorry boys, but I am afraid that non of you are going to be this little one’s Godfather, we are going to ask Alastair.” Cordelia softly says. She has no doubt that Alastair will be a wonderful guide and inspiration to his nephew, and she knows that if anything were to happen to her or Jamie, Alastair would raise his nephew with just as much love and care as Cordelia and James would, and would bring him up to be a wonderful and amazing person.
“I am very insulted and utterly heartbroken! I hope you are proud of yourselves James and Cordelia Herondale, you have absolutely shattered my heart and all my hopes and dreams, I shall never recover!” Matthew cries dramatically, throwing his head back and throwing his arm over his face, all the while fake sobbing.  
“Shadowhunting is wasted on you Math, you would be an excellent actor.” James says, shaking his head at Matthew’s antics. 
“Oh I know, it is absolutely dreadful! I belong on the stage, not in battle!” Matthew exclaims, peeking at James through the gap between his arm and face. 
Cordelia and James spend a few more hours with The Merry Thieves, before they decide to pay Will and Tessa a visit at The Institute and tell them about the baby. 
As predicted, both Tessa and Will are utterly thrilled, especially Will who is delighted that his first grandchild will be half Carstairs and half Herondale, and Tessa is very happy that the baby is due around the time of her birthday, these last few years birthdays have been bittersweet for Tessa, though there is only a year between she and Will, Will is starting to show his age, while Tessa looks exactly as she did at 21. 
Of course it is not that Will is going gray and getting wrinkles that upsets Tessa, she will always love him no matter what, but every sign of aging that Will shows and she does not, reminds her that one day in the not too far future, she will loose Will and she will never be able to have the comfort of knowing that one day they will meet again. However, knowing that this year she will have a sweet and beautiful grandchild to love, makes the idea of her birthday a lot less frightening and painful. 
The months fly by, with Cordelia receiving check ups from Jem every few weeks. James wanted to decorate the nursery by himself, insisting that Cordelia should rest and let him do all the hard work, however one steely look from his wife and James relented, and together the two of them decorated the nursery, often ending the day with Cordelia sat in the rocking chair under the window of the nursery, with James kneeling by her side, his head bent to her stomach as he talks to the baby and reads to him. 
Just two days before her due date, Cordelia feels the first contraction, when walking through Hyde Park with Lucie, discussing Lucie’s first novel that was published just weeks before. When Cordelia felt the first pain, it sends Lucie into a right panic, one would think she is giving birth, not Cordelia. Lucie quickly helps her parabatia back to the carriage, where Cyril Tanner’s son Edward Tanner, is waiting. Edward was born just a few months before Lucie, and like his father he now serves the Shadowhunters at The London Institute, his main duty being chauffeur, like his father.
Just 2 hours after feeling the first pain, Cordelia gave birth to her son, a beautiful and perfect little boy who is the very image of his father, with thick black hair just like James, brown skin like Cordelia and somehow, big grey eyes, just like Tessa.
While Tessa and Lucie stayed with Cordelia while she labored, James, Matthew, Christopher, Thomas, Anna, Alastair and Ariadne waited outside, in the small area that they use as a waiting room for the infirmary. The boys had come to support James and meet their nephew as soon as possible, while Anna had shown up to keep the peace, knowing James would likely be very on edge and snap at someone, causing a row, and Ariadne had come to help her wife keep the peace, and to be another person to help Cordelia (who she is close friends with) if she so wanted. Before they came to The Institute, Anna and Ariadne had dropped Benjamin off with Cecily and Gabriel, who were thrilled to spend time with their grandson.
Undoubtedly, the two most nervous people in the room are James and Alastair, James worried about his wife and son, while Alastair is concerned for his little sister and his nephew. James has been pacing up and down the length of the room practically the whole time, wincing every time he hears Cordelia scream in pain, from the infirmary. 
Alastair meanwhile, has sat quietly the whole time, worrying at his lip, also wincing every time there is a yell of pain. 
Now, as he sits thinking of his sister and wanting to do anything and everything he can to relieve her pain, Alastair feels a warm hand land on his shoulder, and he turns to see Ariadne sitting beside him and looking at him with concern.
 Years ago, when Charles broke off his engagement with Ariadne and Alastair broke off his relationship with Charles, Ariadne and Alastair became fast friends, both knowing the pain of feeling like you are not good enough in your parents’ eyes, as well as the pain of being attracted to the same sex, when so many people view it as wrong, evil and sinful. They also both knew how horrible Charles can be.
Ariadne shared how though she was glad not to be marrying Charles any longer, she was upset at how he treated her, brushed her aside, almost ruining her reputation while she was unconscious after being attacked by a demon. 
Alastair in turn told her how hurt and angry he was that Charles simply seemed to use him, how he claimed he did love him but would never even consider telling anyone else, not even his parents, who he knew were very open and accepting, due to Matthew never hiding the fact that he is attracted to both men and women. It was obvious that Charles loved nothing and no one more than his job. 
Over the years they grew closer and closer, and have been very good friends for a long time now, Alastair is always first on call for babysitting little Benjamin and is undoubtedly one of his favorite uncles, and one day if Alastair and Thomas have a child, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Ariadne will be godmother and the little one’s favorite Aunt.
“Are you alright?” Ariadne quietly asks. Alastair smiles weakly and nods. 
“Yes, thank you, just worried for Cordelia and her baby.” Alastair replies. Ariadne slips her hand into his and squeezes it reassuringly. 
“Of course you are, she is your sister and she is going through something right now that you cannot help her with, I cannot fully understand as I do not have siblings, but you know I love Kit and Alex as my own brothers, I cannot imagine hearing them in such awful pain and being able to do nothing to help them.”  Ariadne softly says, trying her best to sooth and re-assure her friend. 
“It is possibly one of the most awful things I have ever endured, I have always felt it my place to protect Cordelia, that is why I kept my father’s drinking problem a secret, even though it killed me inside I could not let it affect our Layla. Now I wish I could go in there and take all her pain, I would do anything to help her.” Alastair quietly says in a strained tone. 
“Oh Alastair, I understand this must be absolutely terrifying for you, but childbirth is completely natural and Cordelia has the best medical support one could wish for, Brother Zachariah delivered practically everyone in this room, apart from you and I, and he cares about Cordelia just as much as you do, he is your family after all and he will do anything and everything to ensure that Cordelia and her baby are well and healthy.” Ariadne gently explains. Before Alastair can reply, they hear a loud cry coming from the infirmary, causing James to immediately stop pacing.
Just a few minutes later, Tessa appears in the doorway, smiling brightly at them all. 
“Mama, are they alright? Cordelia and the baby?” James asks in a concerned tone, rushing to his mother’s side.
“Yes my love, they are both perfectly well. You have a very healthy little boy, Jamie.” Tessa softly assures him. 
“Can I see him? and Daisy?” James hopefully asks. 
“Of course, Cordelia has been asking for you. Come on.” Tessa gently guides her son into the infirmary, to meet his son for the first time.
About twenty minutes later, Alastair is called in to meet his nephew, and in no time at all he finds himself sitting in a chair by Cordelia’s bed, cradling his tiny little nephew in his arms, utterly relived that both he and Cordelia are alright. 
“Well I have to admit it Layla, you made one very handsome and adorable little boy.” Alastair says in an amused tone, softly stroking the baby’s cheek. Cordelia laughs lightly, leaning back into the pillows behind her. 
“Thank you, I think so too.” 
“Have you chosen a name for him, or shall he forever be ‘Little fellow’ and ‘Little Chap’?” Alastair asks. Cordelia’s smile broadens at this, excitement lighting up her face.
“His name is Owen Alastair Herondale.” Cordelia proudly announces, rendering her brother absolutely speechless. 
“I.... Oh Layla I.... I honestly do not what to say.” Alastair stammers. He had not been expecting this at all, but he simply could not be more thrilled. 
“Well I do have one other thing to tell you that I very much hope you will have a response to. You already know that we have asked Lucie to be his Godmother, and Alastair, James and I would love it if you would agree to be Owen’s Godfather.” Cordelia softly says. Alastair quickly feels tears fill his eyes, and his throat tighten. Not too long ago he was certain that no one would ever care for him, after the nasty rumors he spread about Matthew Fairchild, as well as Charlotte Fairchild and Gideon Lightwood. Yet here he is now, holding his nephew who was named after him, being asked to be the little fellow’s Godfather, while his friends and boyfriend wait outside just a few feet away. 
“You seem rather instant on making me cry today Layla.” Alastair laughs, wiping at his tears. “But I shall forgive you, and of course I will be Owen’s Godfather, it would be my absolute pleasure and honor.” Cordelia grins and leans forward to peck her brother on the cheek. 
“Thank you, I love you Alastair.” Alastair makes a face and dramatically wipes at the spot where Cordelia had kissed him on the cheek, before smiling softly at her and leaning forward to kiss her forehead. 
“I love you too Layla.”
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