#and it just makes me so sad when i see people spew their bs
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
These anti arguments are so tired 😐 It's like we have to use baby gloves every time we decide to engage with them. Billy isn't like anyone else in this show, he's literally so isolated from everyone that you can't compare him to anyone else. He had no one to turn to at any point, he had himself and his actions just prove that. It's subconscious self defense
and the way they always try to backtrack by bringing up a completely different point whenever the shitty argument they’ve used is inevitably taken apart.. it’s honestly embarrassing
people don’t seem to understand that this 17-18 year old literally had nothing
he had no one on his side
no close friends
no parental figures supporting him
no one to turn to
and why would he let people in, anyway?
when the one person he clearly trusted left him with his abuser as a child
and then on top of that is the ‘i can’t be ‘nice’ because ‘nice’ is soft and soft is how you get hurt’ aspect of it all..
it’s really not that hard to understand
especially for those who’ve been in the same position as him
but people don’t want to admit all that
because then they’d have to accept that things aren’t all black and white
and that thinking solely in terms of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ doesn’t help anyone
idk i would just love to know how they think they’d act in his position
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Tucker Carlson cherry-picked through the 1/6 footage to try and portray this as a "normal" day at the Capitol when it came to tours. One Republican said it best. It they wanted to tour the Capitol they should have gotten in line like normal people do when they want a tour. People broke into the Capitol. People brutalized Capitol Guards and that's a fact lost on Trumptards. Congressman were hiding in the House Chambers as these rioters tried to break in. Why can't you see that for what it is. As to the COVID "hoax", well, I've known some nurses and doctors who have a differing opinion than you do since they've been on the front lines of it. It's sad that some like yourself are in denial.
Tucker “cherry-picked”? That’s ingenious from someone who (as in you), obviously believe all the propaganda bs the likes of CNN spewed on the nation. My take would be this….if they were truly rioting, and IF they wanted congress member dead, they would be dead. Why were they hiding? Why didn’t they come out and take control of the situation? If middle America wanted to stage a take over, it would have happened. There is plenty of gun power among the average citizen….and this is precisely why Americans should never surrender their right to bear arms. In all fairness, if there is nothing to hide, then why is congress having to demand the footage be released?
One thing I’ve never done is call anyone a Bidentard. To lower yourself to the point that would infer someone is a “retard” is not only juvenile but extremely insulting. People on your side of things love to name call. Whether it’s a “Trumptard”, “xenophobic”, “racist”. I simply see you as someone with a differing view. We don’t all have to agree or believe the same thing. But at least I treat people with civility.
As for the covid “hoax”? I never said it was a hoax. I’ve been a nurse for 20+ years. I worked almost 15 years in a Level I trauma, magnet certified pediatric intensive care unit. I have seen first hand what flu and rsv can do to a child’s body. I NEVER said covid was a hoax, I said it’s a VIRUS, just like the flu and rsv. Let me break it down for you. Viruses will kill people. Every year seemingly healthy children and adults die from viruses. My problem is the fact that the government lied to its citizens. The vaccine is not effective. It hasn’t been properly tested. If you don’t know what is entailed in a vaccine being approved you should educate yourself. It takes YEARS of trials and studies before being approved by the FDA. so ask yourself who stood to profit from a vaccine being mass produced and rolled out so quickly. Do not EVER make the mistake of saying i dont know what the front line is like. I’ve seen the front line first hand. That’s a stupid title to give to people who have gone to work for years and taken care of people with a multitude of infectious diseases and never needed any appreciation for it. Every day I went to work and put on an isolation gown and mask. I’ve seen a baby with RSV struggle to breath. I’ve seen parents filled with fear because their child was losing every extremity to meningitis. You don’t know the first thing about healthcare…but we go to work every day and never need praise for what we do. We just do the job.
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
One thing I've been thinking...
These are just my random thoughts, so feel free to disagree.
Lately I've seen a lot of posts in the fandom in increasing extent that's kinda sad imo. (I've been in this fandom for a short while, but in a lot bigger fandom for years, and in my experience, the negativity is always the same, the package just is different.)
People get really worked up by the Billy/Dacre antis on all platforms, and then they vent about it here, and make sometimes compelling and sometimes less compelling arguments in defence of both.
It's fine, ppl need to vent and hey, everyone is allowed to do what they want on their blog and if someone can't take it, unfollow, block, filter content, blah blah blah. Simple as that.
But I just always think how much those people allow the antis actually take their own headspace and then spew the negative energy from the antis directly to the positive fandom here on Tumblr.
I assume most of the negativity comes from Twatter and dickdock (I hate both and haven't used the first in years and the other one but once and logged off immediately – I know they're both very volatile spaces). I know antis are here too, but I assume it's way smaller issue here than in those two. (Quick check on the anti billy hargrove tag tells me that most of those here are teens and young adults who are yet to grow up, so not worth even a thought)
I come on Tumblr to get away from real world. To forget all the negativity of other ppl and just in general get away from everything that's happening in real world. I try to follow blogs that post positive stuff and engage only with content that's positive or compelling in any way.
So when I see those posts, sometimes even with screenshots from the anti's, it always makes me feel sad – but not for me.
It's always for the op as in hey, you're here where the Billy/Dacre fandom is absolutely bonkers in a GOOD way, cherishing and loving a character that never got any of that in the show itself, and loving the actor who plays the character unabashedly. And you're as the op here because of that too.
So I just wonder why do you take all that negativity be it from here or from somewhere else or here and bring it into our positive space and stain it with it? And in addition other ppl then engage with it – even if it's to just agree with the op. That's like preaching to the choir – why do it?
This is a place where you could happily enjoy the character without that much of a fear of getting bs of it. Or at least that's my experience. I haven't gotten any bs as long as I've been here. But of course this blog is very small.
So correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, I do run one big sideblog with 10k followers in a big fandom and my main has 1,5k followers too. So I know hate and how it feels when you're getting it in any form, in reblogs or anonymously on asks. It's SHIT.
But what I've learned from those two is, that as long as the hate and the antis are being addressed, neither will go away. There will always be antis and idiots who send anonymous hate.
It's called the internet.
And not to forget: social media platforms in general have been proven to boost negative content, because it keeps users on the platforms longer, meaning more income to the platforms. I repeat:
Never forget that negativity is partly designed into social media platforms.
What can be done to all of this is to choose not to engage with the negativity, and just let it be. Even if the negative views get you totally worked up and feel like you need to educate whoever.
Trust me, they won't learn anything, and you'll just spend hours on trying to do that.
This image sums my thoughts pretty much:
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I guarantee that you will feel a lot better when you just
start scrolling past all the negative stuff on all platforms,
don't engage with the negativity,
don't go into the anti-Billy tags
just delete the shitty anonymous asks, and
don't spend time on writing a response here on Tumblr, where the people the responses are directed to (= antis) aren't.
And pls pls delete your accounts on any platforms that give you only shitty feels. You're not going to miss ANYTHING.
Not spending any time on the antis gives you more headspace and time to spend positively on our favourite rat boy. It makes your experience so much more better, and also the overall atmosphere of the fandom more positive for everyone everywhere.
Like I said, just random thoughts. Feel free to disagree with me.
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seaofashes · 3 years
Yeah hey so I have a question...why the fuck do you think it's okay to be a Crosshair fan? Why are you so hyped about the episode today? I literally hope he dies he's a piece of shit and I can't believe he had the audacity to spew that shit to Hunter. I hope they leave him to die in their escape from Kamino. And I hope you and every other fan chokes.
*cracks fingers* okay anon I have had ALL day to sit and think about this ask and how to approach it and honestly just I'm gonna straight up start this out with a go fuck yourself for that last bit. Who the fuck gave you the right to think of yourself in such a high spot that it's okay for you to tell people that?
Now I don't know if you're aware but it's no fucking secret I'm a fan of Crosshair and his story which is drastically different to his brothers. Like hi peep the URL. I am 90% sure I KNOW who sent this anon but hey it could be someone else too, there's a lot of you coming at people today. But whatever.
I love Crosshair's story, he's an incredibly interesting character and they took a very interesting approach with making such an obvious choice deviate (granted not willingly but still) it was something we all saw coming but still hit a lot of fans. Throughout the show you see both sides, you see the rest of the brothers struggling to survive a quick change throughout the Galaxy and having to adapt. You see random bits of guilt and sadness about leaving their brother behind but little beyond that plan wise. And they had opportunity, they could have adapted missions to reroute and try to get Crosshair back but they didn't. And each time Crosshair was aware they left him again and again... and again.
Now this episode that all came out. "They don't leave their own behind...most of the time." "You weren't loyal to me" "I'm going to give you what you never gave me. A chance" all of these show Crosshair is definitely hurt by the fact they all came for Hunter but never came back for him, never tried. Yet still shows he does care for them. He says his chip was removed but I'm not buying it, and I know many others aren't either. He's probably trying to guilt them even more with that, saying it's who he is and his chip is gone when it's really not. But there is definitely a high chance it's malfunctioning big time ever since the blast. I find him interesting, I find his story and path interesting. He's not perfect, he's about as far from it as can be and I love that. Star Wars is all about characters with flaws. Look at Anakin, Kallus, and just literally any SW character ever! Flaws everywhere but people still love them.
Crosshair had the audacity to say what he said to Hunter because it was the truth. And he had every fucking right to say it. Now if this is who I think it is that sent it, I'm well aware of how big of a Hunter Stan you are. But I'm aware you also don't like talking about your favorite characters and their flaws or mishaps. Hunter needed to be called out though, he needed to realize what he did. What they all did. And that was leaving their (youngest) brother behind in a time he needed them most. It's going to be interesting to see where they all go from here but don't you dare sit there and come at people for liking a fictional character who they find interesting. I'm not saying his actions have been okay, but he hasn't been in control of those actions for a while. No one blames Rex for what he did during the time his chip was active...why are you guys blaming Cross? All I'm saying is that maybe stop and think about it and maybe chill out over attacking others. Some of your are flat out telling people to k*ll themselves over a fictional fucking character. You need to sit down and think about that. Most, not all, if us who like this character have literally done and said nothing wrong. And you're out here attacking people. Who's in the wrong? I like all of the batch for different reasons but I'm also well aware of the issues with them and I do hope it gets fixed during season 2. But seriously it's a fucking animated show and while I'm aware of DOES impact others irl...so does what we say to one another.
I'm sorry if most of this doesn't absolutely make cohesive sense but it's been a really shitty day, I'm tired and I just want to be done with this bs.
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jerrylevitch · 3 years
I just realized. You know Billie Eilish’s song ‘Happier Than Ever’? Well, the lines: “And I don’t talk shit about you on the Internet, never told anyone anything bad. ‘Cause that shit’s embarrassing, you were my everything and all that you did was make me fucking sad.’
Makes me think of how Jerry Lewis spent so many years making us laugh and how do we repay him? By spreading terrible rumors about him.
I think it depends on what rumors these are. Rumors of affairs? Jerry spread/shared some of that information himself. The Marilyn Monroe story being one I think he exaggerated personally. The rumors about his relationship with his family is sad. I try to correct people's misinformation. I've seen it all, and all levels of grossness that people spew. Fans can be pretty bad. Some seemed to think that they owned him when he was alive. Some hold him to some high moral standard, when everyone did similar things in Hollywood. I hate that. Unfortunately, it happens with every celebrity, and no one is ever universally liked.
I think today is the hardest time ever for celebrities because now you've got wacko Qanon/Q adjacent people calling all celebs pedos past and present, saying they are trans, calling them devil worshippers (I saw one video on Jerry a few yrs ago), or shapeshifting reptilians while being totally serious.
Here's Jerry's shapeshifting video for a laugh:
One video after Jerry's passing was even claiming he was another celeb, as in they wear masks or shapeshift. I forget who it was he transformed into. I saw one where someone said Don Knotts was Joseph Goebbels. lol You see all sorts of insane rumors on the internet these days.
Point is, every celeb has this BS to contend with. But we as fans need to do better for sure. The only stories I share that are controversial about Jerry personally are confirmed affairs, which he decided to share that he did have affairs. So it's no secret there. Any other controversial stories I have shared are about his kids and their unsavory antics. I don't think that's unfair to them, and it clarifies the false or exaggerated stories about Jerry.
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andydandyo · 4 years
Monster High Minecraft Headcannons
Draculaura would be scared out of her mind by any hostile mobs
She likes the house making and farming aspects only
She likes breeding mobs and goes wild over baby mobs
She dyes all her sheep magenta
Ghoulia is a canon gamer
So she's the only competent one
She’s really good at redstone and can read the enchantment language
Cleo only plays in creative mode
If Cleo is forced to play in survival with her buds she only does design based shit and gets everyone to gather supplies for her builds
Her builds mostly contain quartz, gold, diamond, emerald and lots of cats
Clawdeen mostly plays Minecraft for PVP and games.
In survival just runs off randomly to kill monsters and returns back to base three days later. 
Frankie tries to help everyone in every task
She like doing organising of their supplies to keep things orderly
She makes task lists with signs for everyone’s projects
She adds signs to her friends works with messages like “good job! :)”
Lagoona likes the exploration aspects
She makes too, many maps
None of the gang knows where she is, she doesn't either
Frankie tries to go after her when she gets too lost but ends up dying. Draculaura then tries and spends the entire night in a hole
Deuce would be the miner, mostly cuz he wants to make Cleo happy
But he also likes cave diving and trying to outsmart hostile mobs
He tames way too many wolves cuz he thinks they look cute, gets quietly sad when they die
Clawd would be in constant PVP because of Clawdeen
He never beats her
He asks Ghoulia to help him with enchantments to beat her but it never works
Then Drac would get sad and try to protect him and they'd farm together and he'd try with the decoration but he's shit at it
Gil takes everything too seriously
"Did I just see you use an axe on a dirt block? You know that's a waste of durability?"
He doesn’t like playing with the others as much cuz they don’t take it as seriously as him
He concentrates on defeating the Ender Dragon
He appreciates the assistance of the others with this, Clawdeen’s fearsome attacks on blazes in the nether especially
Jackson would try to help around like Frankie does cuz he feels bad for her having to deal with everyone's bs
He knows a lot of secrets and fun trivia about the game that he spews while playing
He and Holt share an account cuz they can’t afford two
Asked Ghoulia to build him a secret hideout to keep his shit from Holt
Jackson has given up on ever getting enough exp for enchantment as Holt dies way too much
Holt only wrecks shit
Cleo hates him as he griefs her builds constantly for fun
He chucks all Jackson's shit into lava as soon as he gets control
Asked Ghoulia to build him a secret hideout to keep his shit from Jackson
Holt also adds signs to his,,, works. Like ">:)"
The rest would ban Holt but would mean banning Jackson so they cant
Abbey just wanders around without a purpose
"Oh, sheep." Abbey was shot by a skeleton
"mmm orange soup" Abbey tried to swim in lava
Abbey only uses the Steve skin
Heath plays Minecraft as a prankster but he mostly does harmless pranks like removing pressure plates from iron doors with people are inside
He also likes helping Holt with his shit but feels like he sometimes goes too 
"Hey Holt, Cleo spent a whole week on this? Maybe we shouldn't"
And that just makes Holt add more TNT
Heath also makes over the top romantic gestures to Abbey that she never notices. Like making an “I love you” sign out of glowstone right above their house
P.S. Thanks for my pal @zygne for helping me out with this one! I’d also like to know y’alls hcs for the gang
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accio-victuuri · 4 years
Hello! Feel free not to answer this, since it kinda ventures into the realm of talking about antis, but I was on twitter the other day (side note: ggdd twitter is insane holy—) and I saw someone saying something about dd CAUSING 2/27 to bring gg down and boost himself up, and I was wondering if you knew why some people genuinely believe this? Like, they put some bs “proof” which was just inane and non-sourced statements. It was quite shocking.
Hey Anon! It’s okay for me to answer this cause this is more of why people are quick to believe these baseless statements. and this is not just with bjyx and the entertainment world ; We are in the golden age of misinformation. People believing without verification is everywhere and it’s affecting elections, people’s health decisions and even the environment. So back to your specific question.
• language barrier and lack of context - This is a big thing especially if you are someone who sees this screenshot and a caption that says THIS IS WHAT THIS MEANS and proceeds to spew lies. It could literally be a random paragraph/ post and you will never know cause you have 0 idea on the language. take for example this one I just made.
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you can’t verify it unless you know someone who understands it. even then, it’s important to get some context. What i mean is, who is this person who posted? Is this a well known yxh account? Have you seen their track record on wb? Is this one of those accounts that GG and Web are actively suing? Most of the time, these accounts are saying damaging things about other artists too. If you are on international platforms, the same steps apply. What does this person usually post? What posts do they like and interact with?
• people are inclined to believe statements that agree with them - it’s just how our brain works. It’s motivated reasoning. You tend to agree on things that are agreeable with what you believe in. I wanna say majority of them don’t really like Web in the first place. What’s sad is, some of those who read these are not really antis and just have little doubts. but because of these words, fueling their doubts, they go and believe it. even repeat it to other people and make it their reality. It’s like when you have a friend that you feel like their s/o is shady and one day your friend tells you you’re right. In your head, you go— “i knew it! i knew it! I was right and he/she can’t be trusted!” This is what it’s like- the BIG difference is— there is no confirmation w/ these rumors. The “confirmation” is a lie that these antis are paid to post about. Some are not even paid antis, I see this a lot in international platforms. In their mind, they are defending their idols. from what? well i don’t know..
• lazy thinking and just scrolling - people generally don’t have that time or really care that much to fact check. most of these people are ones who didn’t have to use a library and read books to finish their reports in school. especially if it’s an outrageous claim, oh lord! then it’s much more attractive! when you’re mindlessly scrolling after a long and tiring day, these kinds of things are what catches your attention. Especially if it’s a picture with big red circles and underlines. with ‘insider’ information and all the trigger words. It’s like an Ad that wants you to look at it. Look at this product. Don’t think too much, just believe this thing i’m saying and buy into it.
• if a lot of people are saying it, then it must be true - there are so many accounts that spread this kind of bs. not only on twt. even on youtube. instagram. everywhere. The worst thing in the world right now is not to be wrong, it’s actually to be RIGHT and have to lose all your energy trying to prove it. It’s the logic of, well, if everyone is saying it then it must be true. Which is what these antis want. If a disparaging article about xx always come out once or twice a week, if you are just a passerby, you’re opinion of xx artist will somehow be affected too. This is why these twts/posts are mostly targeted to new fans. Or they may even try to mask themselves as a fan. Saying, i was once xx fan but now I know the truth or some shit like that.
I’m personally not safe with these kinds of information. I try very hard to look at the source and even then i fail. My general rule is if it reads like an Anti wrote it, then it must be from an Anti. Even if it sounds like good news.
This is a good article on How your brain tricks you in believing fake news.
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buddiebeginz · 4 years
So I finally got to watch 4x08 and I have a lot of thoughts so be prepared for a long rant.
For starters I literally groaned out loud when I saw they brought back Taylor Kelly. I know that some would make the argument well the only reason you don’t like her is because you want Buck with Eddie. If Eddie didn’t even exist I still wouldn’t like her and I definitely wouldn’t want her anywhere near Buck. She’s incredibly self centered doesn’t care who she hurts at times and can be really manipulative too. Like how she went out of her way to hurt Buck in front of Albert and Veronica for no reason. I get it if she didn’t totally understand why Buck asked her there but she could have said that to him privately. She could have left without turning it into a whole big spectacle to make Buck look like a dick.
Then the stuff she said to him in the hallway was just totally messed up. Buck called her because he got roped into the stupid double date thing and didn’t want to look like a loser in front of Albert and Veronica but also it’s clear he’s been feeling lonely for a while and didn’t want to be the third wheel. He should have communicated more to Taylor what was going on with the dinner but nothing about what he was doing was malicious or manipulative to me, Buck can just be kind of clueless at times.
When they were in the hallway Taylor made it seem like Buck used her. That he basically wanted people to see him with “famous” Taylor Kelly the reporter. The thing is when Taylor got to the apartment she thought that her and Buck were going to have dinner and hook up. She was clearly planning on using Buck for sex like she has before, yet she accuses him of using her.
She called him needy and said that he can’t stand the idea of someone not liking him. To which he ends up apologizing. Watching this I’m like WTAF are you apologizing for Buck? This woman is trashing the shit out of you and you’re standing there apologizing?! I mean this is what I’m talking about when I say she’s manipulative. Like I said before Buck should have communicated better what was going on that night but it’s also not his fault that Taylor assumed he was calling her over for a hook up. I also don’t think Buck called her because she’s sort of famous and he wanted to look good or to use her, I think he didn’t want to look like he’s all alone when everyone around him has someone. He had seen her recently and talked to her about things he’d been dealing with so I think she was the first person he could think of to help him and likely the only one really.
Even after Buck tried to explain some of this to her and tried to be vulnerable about how he was feeling what does she do? She laughs at him then basically calls him a liar and tells him that he treats his friends shitty and his issues with Albert are his fault. Never mind the fact that Buck had opened up to her about feeling uncomfortable about his roommate dating a woman he dated and bringing her home to their house. Never mind the fact that Taylor knows nothing about Buck and his relationships.
I mean she says something earlier in the episode  “your life is nothing but meaningful relationships” (talking about the 118) but that’s pretty obvious to anyone who meets them so I don’t give her much credit for that. Not to mention a while back she spent time in the firehouse filming so that was easy enough to see then. But the fact that she could spend time with Buck and he could open up to her the way he has multiple times through out the show and she could still make the kind of snap judgments she does about him or use him the way she does is just awful.
By the end of the episode the shows tries to make Taylor look like this poor sad woman who is dealing with so much and I think they were even trying to make the connection that she was also feeling alone like Buck feels alone. They also try to make it seem like she just wants to help people, again I think trying to connect her to Buck and his innate desire to help everyone around him but I don’t think she’s anything like Buck and I still can’t stand her.
I really hope people haven’t forgotten that this was the same fame hungry woman that was ready to air footage of Bobby (calling out to his dead daughter) and almost jumping off the roof when he had eaten laced brownies. She made it clear when we met her when kind of a person she is. That she was the kind of person who would probably sell her own mother if it meant furthering her career. The thing is I definitely believe characters who make mistakes or who start out as villainous or problematic should be allowed to grow and change (I mean some of my favorite characters are ones that have started out awful) but this doesn’t feel like a character that has changed. At all. The way she went out of her way to try and humiliate Buck in front of Albert and Veronica and the things she said in the hallway prove that. I’ll be utterly disgusted if they try to pair her up with Buck.
I’m just really tired of how the show seems to treat Buck. I have no problem with characters going through hard times, dealing with others being awful to them, or even abuse. These are all things that happen in real life and can make for great storylines. But if you’re going to show a character repeatedly going through something it should serve a purpose, it should be leading towards something and I’m not sure if the 911 writers get that. I love the show but sometimes I feel like they’re just putting Buck through stuff for the hell of it.
Like we’ve repeatably seen women treating Buck awful which in an of itself isn’t a problem if it’s going somewhere. Like the show could use that as way to say Buck is always picking the wrong people and has problems with speaking up for his needs (likely because of his family). There’s a lot the show could explore with Buck’s relationships especially with him seeing a therapist. Unfortunately though we haven’t been seeing him talking to the therapist and especially after this recent episode where it feels like the same old same old (i.e. a woman treats Buck like crap and Buck apologizes) it just doesn’t feel like there’s a good enough reason they keep writing Buck’s storylines like this.
First there was Abby who I feel like used Buck in some ways to jump start her life back up and then ghosted him when she didn’t need him anymore. Then she didn’t even take responsibility for that when she saw him again nor did the show really let Buck call her out on how she made him feel really. Then there was Ali who knew how dangerous Buck’s job was when she got involved with him and did anyway then chose to drop him when he was going through one of the toughest times of his life. The show didn’t even do Buck the dignity of really talking about what happened with that relationship she just was gone by the next season.
There was Taylor who just used Buck for sex and for her career and who the show tried to paint as being like the female version of Buck which I thought was kind of bullshit. Buck has made plenty of mistakes in his life and he certainly was all about sex when we first met him in season 1 but in the first place Buck would have never sunk to the kind of lows Taylor has just for his career. Being a firefighter is everything to Buck but the 118 are like his family and he wants to be a firefighter to help people not just for fame or glory. There was the lawsuit but Buck didn’t even realize how much that asshole lawyer was going to go after the 118 and I’m pretty sure if he did he wouldn’t have done it. You can tell when Buck talks about it to Eddie how much he still regrets it. As for all the sex Buck was having it’s clear he was looking for a more meaningful connection and just hadn’t learned yet that wasn’t where he was going to get it. Not to mention it seemed like a lot of the women he was sleeping with were just using him to an extent like the therapist who slept with him. Buck is very different from Taylor who in my eyes is not a very empathetic or emotional person and seems much more about herself than anyone else. So the shows need to compare them really gets on my nerves.
Then there was his date with Veronica which was just ridiculous. My problem wasn’t that they had her be some strawman SJW feminist who got offended by everything it was the way they had Buck respond. As usual he wasn’t allowed to stand up for himself and just had to sit there and take the mistreatment.
It hasn’t just been in romantic relationships either we saw what Buck went through with his family and the show just kind of closed that off with Buck forgiving them for a lifetime of abuse.
I don’t get why the show constantly lets Buck get treated like crap by so many people around him and without standing up for himself no less. Like I was so angry about that scene in the hallway with him and Taylor. It would have been one thing if Taylor had lashed out at him (maybe taking her own issues out on him something she could have explained later) but the show still should have had Buck push back against some of the bs she was spewing. I’m tired of Buck having to hear how much of a failure he is. I’m tired of seeing Buck hurt by people he tries to let in. Buck would literally die for the people he loves. He almost has numerous times. So to hear someone like Taylor trashing him and telling him he wasn’t a good friend was so infuriating.
I mean it’s not that everything with Buck is handled bad. I love the relationships he has with the 118 and especially with Bobby and Athena. Her and Bobby are almost like parents to Buck especially when it feels like Buck never really had the family he deserved and I love them for that. There’s also Maddie who has always been there for Buck and their relationship is so important. But the best relationship Buck has is obviously with Eddie. He’s the one who gets Buck the most and who Buck is the most himself with. Buck doesn’t have to hide or hold back with Eddie and neither one of them are afraid to call each other out when necessary.
I love the relationship Buck has with Eddie and I really want them to just get together already, though I know there’s no guarantee that will happen. But if the plan isn’t for Buddie to happen I wish that the show would stop dangling that relationship around every episode as a way to pull viewers in because it’s clear they know how popular they are. I especially wish that the show would be clearer about what they plan to do with Buck’s sexuality. I feel like there’s been so many hints since the beginning that Buck could be bi and I don’t know where the show is going with it.
I’ve seen people saying that Buddie isn’t going to happen and it doesn’t need to happen because there’s already other lgbtq characters on 911 and there’s a main lgbtq ship on Lone Star but I disagree. Buddie could still happen but even if it doesn’t the show could definitely still explore Buck’s sexuality. It would be so important to have a main male character who has been straight presenting on a popular prime time show come out as bi. There’s this misconception that representation in media for lgbtq isn’t that big of a deal anymore because there are so many lgbtq characters now but it is still a big deal and many shows still don’t feature lgbtq characters and storylines prominently nor do their stories justice. They definitely don’t when it comes to bi characters especially bi men.
To have a character like Buck have a storyline that would explore his sexuality would be huge. It would be even more huge if it was about him coming out as bisexual. Biphobia is a big problem not just from straight people but within the lgbtq community maybe even more so in some ways. Popular media rarely shows accurate good depictions of bi storylines. Even when there are bi characters on shows or movies we usually don’t get to see their journey like we have in media through the years with other lgbtq characters. We rarely get to see what it’s like to figure out you’re bi and to live as a bi person. As someone who is bi myself I really want this to change. 
The show has made many hints to Buck’s sexuality and it’s something that they could easily explore. If they aren’t planning on going that route though I don’t get why they keep hinting at it. I don’t get why they’ve had multiple instances where people have commented on Buck’s sexuality or being with Eddie and he never corrects them. I mean once would be enough but what is the point of the show doing it over and over? I mean the Lone Star moment was just crazy to me if they don’t plan on doing anything. It didn’t just feel like a throw away joke moment especially since Buck didn’t deny it and Eddie came around the corner it felt like the show was saying something.
If the show isn’t planning on having Buck come out or putting Eddie and him together why does it feel like Buck and Eddie behave almost like a married couple? I mean they connect and know each other almost more than some of the actual married couples on the show. It feels like Buck is Chris’ other dad. I mean we saw Eddie going out with Ana but at the same time it almost felt like it did with Shannon like Eddie just trying to do right by Christopher and make sure he has mom. After the date the one Eddie comes home to is Buck. When Chris is upset the one he runs to is Buck.
If Eddie and Buck and Chris aren’t meant to be a family was does the show keep making it seem like they are each other’s safe space? It’s clear that the connection Buck and Eddie have goes beyond just being friends. It’s just unclear why the show has developed them this way and what they plan on doing with them now.
One last thing in this giant ramble. This episode was called “Breaking Point” but I feel like we didn’t see Buck’s breaking point. I’m hoping that all these bread crumbs are leading somewhere in exploring Buck’s sexuality maybe this episode title was a clue that Buck’s breaking point is coming. We’ve had lots of hints about his sexuality throughout the course of the show and this season in particular there’s been a lot of talk about how lonely he feels and how disconnected he seems to feel from everyone. So maybe we’ll get to see him talking to his therapist and exploring some of these feelings. Maybe if Eddie continues to see Ana Buck will end up feeling jealous and this will bring up feelings he hasn’t wanted to confront yet, about himself and about Eddie. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
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@ Salters Please Get This Through Your Heads
I see y'all seem to think that for some reason the show runs on the whole "protagonists and antagonists can't be flawed" cause for some reason most character fixated salters get some weird ass hateboner for dragging characters through the dirt with their salt. Like guys, we get it, you don't like characters with flaws or layers and it sure as hell shows through y'all's art, fics and reviews. And the worst part about this is that in the content you create, you constantly either replace their good qualities on a character you want to amplify bc they're your go-to martyr (I.E. alya's good qualities going to chloe (or some occasions lila and to the person who uses this trope constantly You Know Exactly Who You Are.) and making her lila's lackey or taking Adrien's good qualities and implementing them onto luka and then making adrien a harrasser and abusive. Like what are y'all on. You know full well that this isn't true so why do y'all do it. And don't give me the bs about "canon divergence" cause that does not apply in any shape or form to what y'all do. that trope literally means au and what y'all do constantly aren't aus, they're needless character bashing and my god, i have almost a whole list of salters who constantly try and say this bs, like you don't get the gist of it at all. Most of the time all y'all do is cry and whine about how the show isn't going the way y'all want and i'm like, "but that's how a show is supposed to go?" i'm all for making jokes/roasts about my fave character, or villain aus, but the way y'all do it isn't in good fun or lightheartedness it's deadass just malicious intent all the fucking time from the thinly veiled racism to the watering down of abuse, bc when ppl make those fun aus y'all seem to think they're salt because that's all y'all do everytime a new ep comes out, just needless bashing no one except salters partake in unless it's thinly disguised so even unwitting ppl get sucked into it.
It's not constructive criticism, it's not critiquing in the slightest and it sure as hell isn't good when it doesn't have a leg to stand itself up on other than the pure basis of chameleon salt which from the getgo, wasn't even all that bad of an ep, sure most things were a bit off but that was bc it was exaggeratted which again, for some reason y'all don't seem to get, but of course that episode was the catalyst that started the domino effect of the rise of salt but like, come on it was one. fucking. episode. Please get over it. Its been i don't know 2-3 years since it aired and if you're still doing salt that relates or is loosely based off of it (and don't try to say bs like we don't do that anymore bc that episode was literally the root of y'all's vitrol and the start for y'all to start spewing this mindless bullshit like the whole mari moves to a new school/city prompt and then yall mistake fanon for canon and vice versa when in actuality its not cause i remember one post saying "canon adrien is douchey and fanon is respectful like thats true) i don't know how to tell y'all this but y'all have a serious rent-free problem and this could lead up to worse problems with the fandom cause almost no one except y'all can stand salt anymore.
Edit: Ok so I got yet another annoyance in my comments a while back so I gotta say this, if y'all think I'm mistagging, I'm not. This is actual critiques but I guess since it's calling out the bs the salters pull time and time again without learning from other people that what they're doing is wrong, it's a bad thing, isn't it. Well I gotta say it isn't. Like ffs most ppl in the fandom are tired of the rampant salt that hails itself as critiques so when ppl go and call them out y'all get mad and say that I'm mistagging even though this is salt? Really? Are y'all that attached to salt that y'all are making it a personality trait now, it's sad my gosh.
edit #2: ok i know i came off as rude but here's the truth, i can't be the only one who can't stand the obsession with negativity in this fandom, like y'all have a serious problem constantly pulling this bs and searching for ppl who like the show just to rag on them seriously? please just get it through that some ppl are tired of the ooc salt that y'all base on non existent characteristics. the characters y'all are talking about don't exist. yall made them up and implemented them onto existing characters who are nothing like how yall made them out to be.
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keqingcatears · 4 years
tw rant/talk
oml the teen wolf side of tiktok got me fuming, I’m glad people are watching the show but like it’s the exact same shit over again when I started watching back in 2014 which is “Scott is the bad friend” “Scott should’ve listened to Stiles over Theo” “all Scott did was say ‘I’m a true alpha’ and yell at everyone” like sweetie, are we watching the same show?
I’m usually not the one to engage in arguments but I’m constantly mad that people only hype up Stiles and Lydia as being the best characters on TW and dismiss characters like Kira or Scott or even Allison. I get it, you watch the show for Dylan O’Brien or Stydia but please re-evaluate how you analyze characters/plot before spewing out bs content like that. I get a TV show can be watched for purely entertainment but to people who say shit like that gets me mad. The constant drag of other characters to make your faves look good is honestly disgusting. 
The reason I am heated is because I care about the show and characters and for everyone to slander them is so sad. If you’re gonna say things like “why did Scott believe Theo over Stiles, his best friend?? Scott is the worst for doing that” you need to take a step back and rewatch the episode or hell entire season. As someone who watches show with an analytical POV, and fan POV, there are moments where you have to understand the situation and pov of the characters. 
For example, the infamous Scott and Stiles argument about Donovan. Scott knew Theo’s side of the story and asked Stiles if it was true. During this time, Theo was a good guy to Scott. No weird motive, no evil schemes, just a young “omega” trying to find a pack. Scott trusted Theo like he was any other ally. 
When Scott confronted Stiles about the story, Scott’s tone was calm and all he wanted was for Stiles to tell the truth and say he didn’t murder Donovan, because that’s how Theo painted Stiles—a murderer. However, Stiles lashed out in defense thinking Scott was accusing him when all he had to do was tell him the truth—it was self-defense. This is not me being bias but Scott was the good friend here. He didn’t lash out, he didn’t yell at Stiles, all he wanted was an honest response but sadly Stiles played into Theo’s game therefore Scott believed Theo. And to those saying “why did he believe Theo over Stiles” because Stiles practically filled in the gaps for the story and unfortunately it tied it together. 
Scott is not the audience, he does not know Theo was plotting with the Dread Doctors and to those also saying Stiles knew all along, you have to remember, Scott is not Stiles. Scott is very trusting, which is his fatal flaw. Stiles is not so trusting, which is part of his character traits as seen in S1. You can not blame Scott for trusting Theo when we know that’s how Scott thinks. I think it is great that the writers kept that flaw/trait in because it is a Scott thing. It would’ve been weird to see Scott do a 180 and turn on Theo and claim he is the bad guy. That is not a Scott thing, but it surely is a Stiles. And that’s what makes them dynamic characters. They all think differently and that’s how you make the story engaging and interesting. If all characters had the instinct to know who was the bad guy we wouldn’t even have stories. So please, stop posting these “funny” videos dragging every character that isn’t your fave to gain views because it’s really immature.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
that line in 1 thin/g refers to torchwic/k this is why I don’t believe your analysis. A song about a rs which isn’t romantic just like atm. Ship songs have thought to be 1 sided love & it’s not. boo-p (Nor*), dct(pyrra*) & lmfn (su*). It’s going to be funny when BS becomes canon & not bb. Kerr/y was put on the spot of course he’s going to respond just like if he was asked about any other ship he’d given the same response. WR held hands & got coffee (m0n0 too) 2 so does that mean romance?
Weis/s made rub/y coffee & they held hands too but I guess since it’s not bb it can’t be considered romantic. You bb shippers will take any interactions between them as romantic. Zoomed out touching foreheads is romantic but a zoomed out cheek peck nope it can’t be romantic because that’d mean bb can’t happen. & I’m sure Kerr:y would give the same answer about any ship if asked about it onscreen.
And you know why she wasn’t accepting of su/n’s advances was because of her past relationship with Ada/m. Last time she fell for a good looking dude he turned into a monster who didn’t listen & actually care about her/equally. Unlike Ada/m su/n actually listened & she eventually saw that he wasn’t like Ada/m & she eventually fell for him. Ya/ng is a partner & best friend who she won’t leave because of that nothing romantic about it. Just like ili/a difference she actually had a 1 sided crush
You’re blocked for the seventh time, my dude, but please stop embarrassing yourself in my inbox. You’re just making yourself look like such a fool and it’s genuinely starting to get sad to watch.
I don’t even know where to start unpacking this idiocy but for the laughs let’s try.
1) Of course the line about the “candle’s flame” in One Thing is about Roman? When did I ever say it wasn’t? And I don’t know why you believe I think Roman and Neo’s relationship was romantic because I don’t... at all. In fact I strongly dislike the idea of shipping them and see them as totally platonic.
Is it because of my headcanon (i.e. something I don’t necessarily believe is whatsoever canon or true, it’s just a fun idea) that Neo is trans because if so I still don’t see how that would mean romance between her and Roman unless you actually don’t even slightly understand what being trans means.
And as for All That Matters not being romantic just like One Thing, well... yes, All That Matters isn’t romantic, it’s just indicative of feelings stronger than friendship. Whereas in One Thing Neo specifically refers to Roman as her friend. Both songs contain very strong emotion about the person they’re directed at but the context is entirely different since One Thing goes out of its way to platonicise the relationship and Roman and Neo never had a three-season long arc building a romance between them the way Blake and Yang did.
2) Ren and Jaune never showed constant annoyance towards Nora and Pyrrha respectively and both actually had serious emotional conversations to advance their relationship before becoming a couple (Jaune and Pyrrha about Pyrrha’s destiny and Ren and Nora about Kuroyuri and the Nuckelavee). Something Sun and Blake have never had, while what they have had is Blake being irritated by him non-stop for a whole season until he backed off to be her friend instead.
And what Blake and Yang have had is... serious emotional conversations about Adam and both of their personal issues (about Yang’s abandonment issues in Burning the Candle and Blake’s self-perceived problem of running away at Mountain Glenn) which they’ve never talked to anyone else about, much like Jaune and Pyrrha and Ren and Nora and utterly unlike Blake and Sun. Try harder, moron. Also it’s very funny how now you use R/enora as an example of a romantic relationship here whereas before you denied it being canon but I wouldn’t expect any less from you at this point.
3) Blake and Yang’s embrace and forehead touch was zoomed in and close up for most of the scene and only zoomed out at the very end after they’d already had their moment. Blake and Sun’s grandmotherly cheek peck was zoomed out the whole time and lasted all of one second.
The insane reaching you're having to do by this point is only making me think you’re absolutely terrified of B/umbleby happening to have to constantly spam people with so obviously objectively false bullshit like this instead of having some confidence in your opinions and just watching the show to find out what happens.
4) It was Strawberry Sunrises, not coffee, that Blake and Yang got together in After the Fall but I’ll let that slide. And I also never said anything to do with that nice little early moment of friendship between them meaning it was canon but then strawmanning is the only way you can even vaguely pretend to have a point that makes sense so whatever. No, two people sharing a drink together doesn’t mean romance, the three-season long arc Blake and Yang shared that tied their personal storylines together irrevocably and linked into the main plot that directly paralleled Yang with Blake’s ex who identified Yang as filling the same role in Blake’s life as he used to (i.e. that of a romantic partner) means romance.
But of course you’d rather pretend that none of that means anything and make yourself look like even more of a colossal idiot because Adam never showed an iota of jealousy towards Sun and instead instantly dismissed him as merely Blake’s classmate. If that had been the other way round you would be jumping on it as evidence of B/lacksun, though, and we all know it.
5) Blake and Sun never became a couple because she was still feeling the effects of Adam’s abuse? Well, Blake and Yang managed to develop the beginnings of a romance perfectly fine during the same time period because Yang actually showed Blake that she understood her, and also never stalked her halfway across the world and reminded her of Adam but sure. Maybe you’re actually right.
But even if that was the case all it would prove is that Sun has no clue how to correctly approach Blake romantically as an abuse victim, and adding to all the times canon showed how little he understands her, so it would still only further prove that B/lacksun wouldn’t work as a romantic relationship instead of the other way around.
I’m not going to give you another proper response after this, because I have better things to do with my life and the only reason I replied to this one was because your “arguments” were somehow even more nonsensical than usual and it was actually fun to point out just how completely garbage they are, but I want you to think long and hard about whether the better thing for you to do would be to continue pointlessly harassing people and making yourself look like a creepy insecure pathetic loser or to just leave people the fuck alone and see what happens in the show if you're so certain that you’re right.
Because you see, I have never ever even considered going to the tags and blogs of people I disagree with, let alone sending them hundreds of cowardly anon asks spewing shit at them. And the reason why is that I’m confident in what I think will happen and even if I’m wrong I’ll be able to handle it just fine with simply some disappointment before I move on.
But clearly you are far less secure in your opinions which is why you feel the need to seek attention this way even though it achieves nothing and only makes you seem like a complete asshole. So honestly even in the ridiculously unlikely event that you’re correct and B/umbleby never becomes canon, I’ll still feel like the winner here. And if B/umbleby does become canon, I won’t find it “funny” that B/lacksun didn’t, I’ll just be happily enjoying my ship and staying in my lane, because unlike you I’m not a petty douchebag.
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salzrand · 5 years
I hope this doesn't turn your blog into an anti one but I need to do this; I wanna apologise on behalf of everyone in the IR to the IH/RR fandom. I'm a multishipper but my main is IR, or at least I think now it's "was IR". I love & respect all ships in Bleach, including incestuous ones (who am I to judge? I ship a 150 year old with a minor..), over the course of 3 years I found the behaviour coming from my main side intolerable, my fellow ex shipmates bragged about not crosstagging & not stalkin
(2/5) I am here telling you it's complete and utter BS, till this day I still see salty posts & people screenshotting posts from IH/RR people, like the "IH is canon get over it" edit by Lunaneko, it was screenshotted and mocked. Ofc not everyone does it, but many do, and no one calls them out, maybe once or twice some did, but they were ridiculed & accused of being an anti ir, that's how low they are. I've decided enough is enough, I can't enjoy my otp anymore, every time I see a post abut them I (3/5) start remembering all the shit people say, every time people make Ichigo be a fucking dependent pussy, the hypocrisy is too much, one day they'll claim ir doesn't need to be canon for them to love it, whichs true & I do that, but the next day they'll spew nonsense & hate on Kubo for not making them canon, I don't even know what they want anymore, so here I am finding myself feeling distant & out of the loop. They claim ih&rr are dead yet many japanese artists are active on twitter, can't say the(4/5) can't say the same for ir, you'd think for a popular ship there'd be more Japanese fansI like RR & IH too, so I was reading tumblrhalix's posts, but the replies are raided by nasty ir, this was the last straw for me, it's why I decided to come here. Seeing the shit they put the "other side" through is too much to ignore, both sides have their nasty people, but for the past 3 years it became obvious who's more mature & who's more salty. I'll never forgive them for spreading hate, IR is based on(5/5) IR is based on friendship & courage, all I see in the fandom is hate & cowardice, nowadays it's hard to see much positivity in the IR side & that's fine let them drown in their own bitterness. I'll always love IR, but I can't stand the fandom anymore. I've decided to delete my blog & stay forever away from tumblr, the only way to detoxify from the mess.
Dear anon, 
the first thing I thought when reading your messages was feeling really sorry for you, but also for other people who just want to enjoy their favourite ship. 
Over the past years I had not much contact to IR fans, but the ones I had contact with are all super nice people who truly just like to engage positively and discuss and talk about IR and the stuff they like about their pairing, about their bond and everything else... but not IH or RR. Which is I think like... the thing that somehow... is lost by some of the others. 
I think that a lot of shippers invest more time in the pairings they don't like (in this case RR and IH), and arguing with other fans than enjoying IR itself? I kinda miss their love for IR, I can't see it anymore, because they are busy with stating how IR is more superior and hating on Kubo for not making them canon. Honestly, do they even like IR or do they like being salty? I cannot remember the last time I saw a positive IR only posting by an IR fan, seriously. How do they even enjoy their fandom, I am asking myself. 
The thing is that nobody wants to hear their complaints anymore. Apparantly, not even their fellow fans, but also nobody else. As you said, IR's bond stands for other ideals, and it's sad that this is forgotten by so many. I hope you can find you way back to the positive side of IR fandom which also exists and can spread some of your positivity you have for IR. The pairing has so much what you can like about them, what you can enjoy about them. That's actually much more fun than giving even a single thought to a pairing you don't like. :(
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“Captain Marvel” mistaking misandry for feminism
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This is my personal opinion as a woman who saw the movie with an open mind and hoped to enjoy it... sadly that wasn’t the case. I’ve heard some of the controversies surronding it and the main actress, but I didn’t care because I hadn’t seen the movie yet and didn’t want to judge it based on that. Now I’ve seen it and here’s my personal opinion:
This is not a feminist movie.
The main protagonist, Carol Danvers is a bidimensional character with no personal growth (emotional or power related) and no emotions what-so-ever. Jude’s character keeps telling her to "control your emotions", but here’s the problem: SHE DOESN’T HAVE ANY!! She never emotes, just stares blankly or makes a condescending face ever once in a while.
The writing is bad, really bad: from the exposition dumps and lines that no person would say (”This is you when you were little. You didn’t get along with your parents. So Mom said we became your real family"... hadn't seen this type of lines since the “children of the corn” miniseriers *cringe*, at least that was enjoyably bad).
She's rude towards her comrades and people she doesn't know yet (Fury), especially the men, that are represented either as idiots or as sexists and who she belittles at every opportunity, even if they are doing their job (Fury asking justified questions). On the other hand, the other women aren't allowed to shine, even if they are better characters. Point in case: Maria Rambeau, single mother (Frank nowhere to be seen, because... queerbate, I guess), who makes me wish she had been Captain Marvel! She has character, PERSONALITY! She has empathy and real stakes (her daughter's and planet’s safety), why wasn't she chosen to be Captain Marvel?! Or better, the acutal first female Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau. Maria’s daugther, now represented as a child who idolizes Carol and “wants to be just like her” (a Miss Marvel who’s comics never sold and that nobody liked). I’m sorry Monica, your character deserved so much better...
On that note even Maria’s character falls because when (according to the movie) Carol feels “lost”, Maria gives this speech that basically boils down to Carol=perfect. And I understand, sometimes, when you’re sad or depressed, you need to hear all the positive and amazing things that you are, but here it fails because C.M. never thinks that she not awesome. And after that Maria is relegated to half-sidekick with Fury, just so Carol can be her condescending self again.
So in the end every character in this movie exists solely to kiss Carol's ass.
Then in the climax, Ronan appears, you know, the big bad evil of GotG and even he is useless, and frankly I found it insulting that a ship that took thousands of lives to stop in an earlier installment was destroyed in minus 3 seconds just by C.M. flying by... way to take out all the gravity of those deaths (counting Groot) from Guardians of the Glalxy... (not to mention Lee Pace’s makeup... ugh, it didn’t even sound like him!).
Also a moment of silence for Jude’s character... thank you. Man, was he given the middle finger. The final showdown was suppost to be an important, emotional moment, where Carol has to face the man who saved her all those years ago, gived her his blood and acted as a mentor towards her. Sure, he was doing it for evil reason, but to her it was real, he was important, the only one she trusted and went to after a troubled dream... and what to we get? Carol, with the same emotionless face punching him with her powers to “stick it to the man” without batting an eye. Seriously?!
Take for example Thor realizing Loki’s betrayal at the end of the first movie, the emotions, the heartbreak he goes through because the brother he loves turned on him. Or Tony realizing the man he saw as a father figure wanted him dead and having to kill him to save the lives of innocent people. Or Steve finding out Bucky is alive, but has been turned into a murderer and feeling torn apart because he has to confront (and possibly kill) him. THIS is the right way to do it!
I'm not going to touch the whole Tesseract bs, because it's just dumb and opens up plot holes the size of Jupiter. Whatever...
Or Fury apparently knowing aliens exist since the ‘90, but being shocked in “Thor” after seeing the Destroyer, stating that “now they know they are not alone in the universe and are outgunned”. And later in Avengers, Black Widow saying S.H.I.E.L.D. (that wasn’t called that utill Iron Man) didn’t train them for an occurance such as an alien invasion... BUT IN THIS MOVIE they show us that they knew about other intelligent and advanced life forms. So bs on this one too. It’s lazy, sloppy writing and it shows.
Also, the Avengers are named after her? a character that didn't even exist in the MCU before this movie which is right before the big finale? Bull. F*****g. Shit! CAPTAIN AMERICA WAS THE FIRST AVENGER! It’s the f***ing title!
In the end Carol Danvers is (and I don't use this term lightly) a Mary-Sue.
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p.s. B.Larson, STOP saying that you represent women and feminism because it's clear you don’t even know the meaning of the word. And the fact that now people think that what you are spewing is feminist it’s insultilting, because guess what: it's NOT!!! Talking s**t about men is NOT progressive and is NOT empowering. It’s misandry! That's it.
And Disney deleting reviews and videos that you don’t like just to make this dumbsterfire look better... It doesn’t. It makes it worst.
Here’s a list of actual feminist movies you can enjoy:
Star Wars (+ clone wars, rebels)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Wonder Woman
Alita Battle Angel
Silence of the Lambs
Crimson Peak
Hunger Games
Princess Mononoke (and many other Ghibli movies)
Kill Bill
Hidden Figures
Fried Green Tomatoes
Other media with strong female characters:
Pride and Prejudice (book, tv series, movie)
Harry Potter (books, movies)
Once Upon a Time
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xena: Warrior Princess
Fullmetal Alchemist
Please feel free to add to the list because having B.Larson stating that her character is the First™ is absolute bs and young women (and young men) need to know there are better and inclusive options, because at the end of the day that’s what feminism is about: inclusion and equality.
I only hope that all the money this movie made will lead to more movies with female protagonists that are actually good.
Rating: Crap/Forgettable
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unwiltingblossom · 5 years
Magicians s4 is garbage and here’s why. Spoilers.
Can we take a moment to appreciate just how bad Magicians s4 was, as a whole? I know, people are mad about the whole ‘going out of their way to hint at Eliot/Q for no reason when they had just as much of a connection as friends, just to upset the people that shipped it more when they killed Q’ but
Honestly, there’s so much more broken garbage about this season than just the one part of how it ended that the writers WANT us to talk about. So yes, let’s take a moment first to appreciate how the writers hate Quin and refused to let him grow as a character ever or give him the moments of success he had in the books, until they pointlessly murdered him instead of letting him finally be happy with the ending he should have gotten. It deserves derision.
But let’s focus on other things, too.
It’s long. It’s ranty. It’s going to rip apart season four and its finale and also touch on season three. It’s already tagged spoilers, but there’s more spoilers in here than out of the cut. Also, yes. We’re gonna talk about how the show pretends that it’s empowering females while it takes away all of their agency and makes them all about their men. And other hypocrisy.
First off. The fake female empowerment crap. And yes, it was so fake. We know it because the show itself utterly undermines and destroys it at the end of the season. Or sometimes literally right after they flex.
First: IT’S OKAY TO CALL MARGOT BY THE GENDER APPROPRIATE TITLE FOR ROYAL MONARCH OF A LAND. I know that by magical technicality she has to be ‘high KING’ (more on that later if I remember, because they actually ignore some of that) but there’s no reason Margot herself and other characters need to insist on ‘king’. Queen Regnant has the same ruling power and authority as a King Regnant. That’s why a non ruling Queen is called Queen Consort. Unless, of course, Magicians and SYFY are implying that Queen Elizabeth I and II are somehow inferior to King Edward and Henry the VIII(s) because they are only queens? Nevermind Elizabeth II has been queen so long her crown would have fossilized on her head by now if she wore it like fictional royalty always did.
Show. You’re not progressive because you have Penny smugly smile and say ‘let go of your cishet white boy bias, the main characters are the women’. You’re just obnoxious. Especially when Penny immediately finds out the cishet white boy he’s talking down to is actually his boss. Oof.
See, if you want us to believe other characters are actually the protagonists? You need to treat them like protagonists. You don’t do that, though. The only reason I remember the blonde librarian’s name is because it’s Zelda.
The episode builds up how important Fen is and how she has her own quest that will do something important, but what happens literally the very next episode? Oh right, Margot steps in and takes control of that, seizing the quest for herself. The only reasons I can presume this is for is #1 - the show writers despise the books and want to undermine everything about them, down to ensuring none of the humans get to rule Fillory even after they wasted multiple episodes democratically handing Margot the crown. Too bad for the talking animals, eh? and #2 to set up the sequel hook in the ending that, while interesting purely because it’s a Prince Caspian set up, was entirely unnecessary and could have been replaced by a series finale ending instead.
It actually makes no sense. Margot doesn’t contribute in any significant way she couldn’t have if she were still High King, because Fen could have done the entire black sand mission herself, because she is married to Eliot, remember, let’s not make fun of her feelings for him just because she’s not the main character (but she is! screeches smug penny!) - could she have seen the fairy? No, but she would have been able to work it out anyway, because it just wanted to help her. And here’s the kicker? The reason West Loria is against Fillory (aside from lol plot) is because OF FEN. Margot wasn’t ruling when Fillory chose the wrong side! Margot hasn’t weighed in at all, so why IN THE WORLD would this woman decide that she absolutely wouldn’t deal with any High King EXCEPT THE ONE WHO DID THE THING SHE DIDN’T LIKE?
Quick, tell me what Margot contributed to the plot from the point she left Fillory that Fen couldn’t have done, or that couldn’t have been accomplished by Margot still in Fillory.
Whoops, you’re out of time! There’s nothing. She did nothing of consequence that Fen couldn’t have done just slightly differently to suit her skills and actually justify the BS Penny spewed about her being a significant protagonist figure. Margot got swapped with Fen primarily because, no matter what self congratulatory subversive crap the show patted itself on the back with, Margot is actually a main character and Fen isn’t, so Margot needed to at least be near the action, and get her own quest, even if it was just taking Fen’s away from her. And also having a weird rushed romance with Josh for some reason. Who knows. I miss the genuine connection Margot and Eliot had for seasons that this season chose to throw away on a boring monster plot. I also miss Margot and Q’s friendship that this season ignored because we needed to focus on romance instead and pretend Margot doesn’t make friends.
Which reminds me, it’s super great how we went from Josh detesting Margot for making him help murder one of his only friends to Josh wanting to be her boyfriend because they share an STD. Really important and believable romance, there.
Kady also did fairly little from the point of that episode onward. They had to bring the Hedgewitches plot in to make her important, and even as the defacto ruler of the HW she still did very little except suggest that they could help the completely improbable ‘let’s just skip over the mechanics of making this work’ collaborative spell. And Alice and Julia already had the contacts to allow that to work anyway
but not too far, because I need to talk about that awful red sand episode.
First, an aside: just because people liked your two musical episodes over the span of the entire series doesn’t mean you need to start stuffing singing into everywhere because ‘SINGING’
If only the problem with the episode was that the singing didn’t end with dancing Eliot. But no. This episode was PEAK fake female empowerment.
Margot finds a tribe of nomads who inexplicably choose to live in a desert that’s constantly trying to kill them. Every time women have an over the top emotional eruption (the show keeps saying ‘the tiniest bump’ or whatever but that’s a bunch of crap, it’s very clearly only when they have an eruption or tantrum), red sand appears and tries to kill them via possession. Men in the tribe protect them from this by jumping in the way and getting possessed instead, and then  USUALLY DIE because the method of fixing them is to effing stab them with double axes and pull out the spirit, then try to fix them with desert medicine.
Raised knowing that their lives are in constant danger, and that if they fly off the handle about something not only are they in danger but the men around them, whom they purportedly love, may very well die, the women of course are incapable of just controlling themselves and will erupt in rage regularly like some modern city girl even while being actively cautioned to calm down and knowing they’re endangering their entire settlement.
Upon hearing that men consistently risk their lives to protect their insane girlfriends who literally cannot control their emotions on pain of death, Margot concludes ‘wow, this culture is mighty misogynistic. sucks.’
but then, oh no. The sand isn’t trying to HURT them, the sand - for no reason anyone in the show bothers to explain, because world building isn’t important to the writers - it actually just wants the women not to be sad and will grant their any wish if one so much as has a temper tantrum. Trigger scene where Margot beats up all the evil menfolk for oppressing these poor, helpless, weak women who need a sassy foreign girl to save them from themselves and literal fairies to look after their every boo-boo. There’s brief lip service given to the idea that maybe the women themselves DON’T hate all the men around them, but Margot shrugs it off and suggests that now the women of the camp are free to literally murder any man who makes them mad, or ‘just’ force them to slave for them for however long they want.
I’m not even joking, though. They tried to write a “YEAH! WOMEN!” plot but just made the women there look completely inept and incapable of fending for themselves at all without a smart American there to teach them. And that’s without getting into the horror of setting up a slave society where men are objects that can be killed on a whim. eugh.
But where’s that all lead us to?
The season finale.
Before we dive too deep let’s take a brief moment to look at poor Julia through all this season.
#1, in some twist that doesn’t really make sense, the dean hides all of the main cast as alternate personalities under glamors with some heavy witness protection magic as a deal to the Library so they don’t have to die...and so naturally the Library has a dead or alive bounty on them.
Whatever, let’s not focus too hard on the garbage pail of a plot the monster plot is, because that’s tied into the huge dumpsterfire that season 3′s finale was, and the best to talk about that is how these smart and manipulative people literally couldn’t be bothered to lie to and trick a simple childlike monster into thinking he was their ACTUAL FRIEND no matter how often he looked for validation from them (maybe he wouldn’t have been so keen on clinging to Eliot if he thought you guys liked HIM, not just the body, you nimrods) and who began to get some development and understanding of living life normally without killing everyone right before they imprison him and send him to ultra-hell.
No it’s cool. Just imprison the childlike creature who you didn’t bother to try to teach morality to after it desperately sought some kind of affection and acceptance from literally anyone. Seems like the good guy thing to do. I mean, you showed that mean ol’ child molester by getting him to trust you, using his knowledge, and then literally trying to murder him, so honestly this isn’t out of character at all for our ‘good guys’. 
a n y way. JULIA.
It’s hinted at in season 3 that burning up all your god magic to make keys is actually temporary (but renders you able to be killed, so season 4 literally got it opposite of right, whoops), so obviously Julia really wants to get that back. She’s been motivated and shaped by magic as much as Q. She has been raped, lost her shade, suffered, had people die protecting and helping her, and became a goddess entirely by her own merit. She reasonably wants to get that power back, since she can’t die and isn’t really affected by magic in a normal way so she’s not fully human still.
Julia rescues everyone from the mindwipe by dying literally hundreds, maybe thousands of times and coming back. She gets a Mainaid (who I don’t feel like spelling right) that comes to believe in her and worship her as a goddess, and what happens? Well, first Penny who wants to get his dick wet gets jealous and runs off because he’s not the center of her world for like an hour. Partly because of this, the girl whom she rescued from suicide gets pointlessly murdered protecting her.
But hey, they’ve confirmed Julia is still a deity mostly but just can’t seem to access her powers. So Julia keeps digging and looking for a way to get them back. This leads to discovering an ancient book in the mirror version of the library who confirms that yes, she’s basically a demigod who won’t ever die, but needs to complete the transition either back to full godhood or to full humanity or she’s always be a little wrong, basically like she dislocated her divine limb fixing the keys and it can either be put back in or chopped off.
Now, this book (the Binder) warns her that both options are going to be long and painful and have their downsides, and implies they’ll be permanent, so she’s going to have to be SURE of what she wants. This warning is the ONLY reason Julia doesn’t immediately jump to a decision. And then the Monster shows up and kidnaps her. She calls the Lady Underground, who is unhelpful and just says ‘gotta make a choice yourself girl, no wrong answer’ and then the lady gets herself killed for no reason after Julia is immediately possessed.
Penny ‘rescues’ her by stabbing her in the back to pull the spirit out, and then blah blah her demigodhood doesn’t like that stabby thing, and it won’t let her die but also won’t heal. Solution? Make the choice and go full god or human and it’ll fix. Naturally, even though Julia’s been awake this whole time, she’s now unconscious ‘for the pain’ and Penny who is A POWERFUL TELEPATH can’t be bothered to pop in her head and ask what she wants under those circumstances.
no, he makes her decision FOR her. This is important, we’ll get back to this.
Penny has been chasing Julia(’s tail) around all season now. He’s been a part of her path to godhood this whole time, knows what she’s done to try to get it, so when forced to make a permanent choice for her
That’s right. Fandom’s all mad that Quentin died and they glorified suicide? Yeah, they just stripped away ALL AGENCY from a woman and made a choice for her that he KNEW she didn’t want just because it would be more convenient for him. Just violate the trust and remove the agency of the woman you already raped on screen once, show. Seems smart. Plus, now she does nothing for the rest of the episode and gets unfairly saddled with the guilt of Q’s demise because you just had to hamfist in his death.
ohoho but it doesn’t end there, no.
Penny, a man, takes away everything Julia earned HERSELF and locks away her path back to godhood (despite book Julia staying a goddess and becoming a Dryad) and then leaves her helpless and pointless sitting at home hoping everyone does okay, wrestling with her new existential crisis of being a weak, magicless human after all she did to get magic in the first place...and then Quentin dies, and because she’s so sad about him, suddenly she can do magic again! Weird internal consistency there considering how little is present in s4.
So Julia goes from a self-made woman, whose primary connections outside of her childhood friend are other women, to a woman whose whole life is now dictated by men. Important choices are made for her, she is passive in a crisis about her friends, and then her breakthrough to regain magic is...because of a man.
(BTW Kady also breaks down and decides she’s all about Penny, even though she’s kind of already worked through this last year and had plenty of other stuff to do this season)
And since I’m talking about consistency, let’s glance at THAT can of worms, shall we?
First and foremost: the High King of Fillory shouldn’t be able to leave Fillory. Remember when that was a huge plot point that caused great angst for Eliot in season 2? And how it only stopped because magic went away so the spells involved no longer worked?
Let’s assume Margot was grandfathered out into the normal world, and further assume that an election still makes her High King, not Eliot. As soon as Ember’s Emanation snapped her back into Fillory, she shouldn’t have been able to leave until MAYBE she was ‘overthrown’ (which might have given a REASON for her to be overthrown, if her location on earth mattered)
Yet that’s not a concern at all. Margot also doesn’t really bother to rule much so. sucks. but whatever. Clearly they just wanted King Fen here. (Again, ‘king’, because ‘queen’ is weak somehow. ew girls.)
Eliot. How do you mess up Eliot when he’s in like three episodes and barely in two of those? I don’t know but they did it.
Here’s the problem with his ‘darkest memory’ thing. It’s not that Eliot might have feelings for Q, this surprises NO ONE, it’s everything else about it.
First. Puzzle Quentin marries PEACH GIRL. He’s not married to Eliot, they just share an extremely deep bond. It’s pretty much explicitly nonromantic though, given that Quentin marries and breeds with some girl he never mentions nor appears to mourn again. He’s hit with a lifetime of feelings, and instead of thinking “I had a wife...and a child...what happened to my child?” he thinks “Gee, I should hook up with Eliot even though I’m bicurious at best.”
This. This is while he is self-professed to be in love with Alice, around the time of his fling with Poppy, and again, right after finding out he was married, widowed, and a father. This is when the writers decided to stage “Once, Quentin wanted to marry Eliot.” It just makes Quentin look fickle, unfaithful, and frankly some kind of addicted to relationships, like he’s terrified of not being in one.
But it’s also? Not a good look for Eliot. Because this season basically MOCKS his marriage to Fen. He’s shown to be affectionate to her, she is in the trio of the people that he loves (Margot, Quentin, and Fen) who he summons to protect him, but very very very little is spoken or suggested by him to be missing her or wanting to see her again, and more importantly, it doesn’t ring true for him to be ‘afraid of commitment’ or whatever it is he was suggesting by rejecting Q here.
Why? Because he already did this arc. Season 2 is all about him accepting his role of King (which they take away because lol) and more importantly, his marriage to Fen. He has to learn to accept monogamy and actually build feelings for Fen, eventually starting a family with her - that is tragically ripped from him by the Fairies. He then spends s3 with Fen as his wife and with a fake daughter, adventuring and questing and crap, and during the time the scene is set very clearly fine with commitment, as he’s actually in love with Fen at this point and not running away from the marriage. During this time he’s also totally cool with marrying another king for peace because he likes that guy, but I guess we should forget him because...I don’t know? He’s black, maybe?
By the way, he mentions how he ‘has sex with people’s boyfriends’ and shows the scene of his doppel getting it on with someone who has a boyfriend and ignores that he is actively cheating on Fen while he is doing this.
And the show makes fun of Fen mourning the death of her husband, and also implies something like Fen maybe didn’t really love him because she didn’t see herself as a person and was only raised ‘for the high king’ (nevermind she used to be a FU Fighter, they forgot), and that she’s dealt with losing her child TWICE now. Nah, she’s mostly for laughs because DAGGERS.
This is all done just to diminish Eliot/Fen so they can pretend Quentin was in a triangle with Eliot and Alice literally just to make it more sad when he dies unbelievably pointlessly.
Am I forgetting anything? Hm.
The library plot was garbage, but that ties into the dumpsterfire of s3 finale.
Oh yes. Isn’t it great when Marina is just a repeated trope forever? Ah, yes. Me too. I love when characters are super flanderized instead of being allowed to grow and change. All characters in Magicians basically just need to spin their wheels and retrace steps over and over until they die.
Ah yes.
Quentin, thy name is hypocrisy. You’ve been abusive to Alice for three seasons, and then you have the nerve to freak out at her over the keys? Sure it was a dick move, but honestly this only happened because you kept abusing Alice and manipulating her into loving you over and over. Because you’re a dick.
And let’s close out on that, I think, not on a bizarre rendition of Take on Me.
Alice, ex-Niffin, smartest and most talented and most capable mage they know, does not get any say when Quentin stupidly kills himself (by the way he only dies because for reasons known only to the writers he STOPS running and just stands there until he dies). She doesn’t throw the thing in WITH Quentin stopping the crisis before it happens (why were they moving so slowly when there was such a short timeframe? Just LOB EM IN, MAN! Alternatively wtf was the library still forcibly shorting people when there was a universal crisis and Zelda KNEW IT?)
Our girl power season ends like this:
Julia loses her agency and has her life defined by the two main men in her life
Alice has no agency in how things play out in the mirror and has her life defined by the two (same) men in her life
Margot is told to ‘go cry outside or something’, and has fallen in love with a random white dude because she banged him once rather than literally let him die. This is character development, because none of the other relationships she’s ever had matter or affected her because they weren’t a romance.
Kady decides to define her life around the (dead) man in her life, until the other man in her life makes her realize he needs her still.
Fen is overthrown by some man offscreen
Zelda refuses to own up to the Library’s problems and try to fix them herself, and instead decides she’s going to pick someone else to do it for her. Also arguably she just sat back and let two men decide how the world would play out.
But it’s okay, guys. The Magicians is very subversive and not like other shows. The white cishet men aren’t main characters, and they proved that because Quentin died, and that’s WAY more subversive than the books, where everyone gets stories and endings that ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE FOR THEM and Quentin actually gets to eventually be happy.
But it’s not a suicide, because Quentin’s friends love him and therefore he had a good thing going, and Quentin has never ever missed or thrown away a good thing before.
Remember guys
it’s really realistic, because ANYONE CAN DIE IN REAL LIFE GUYS
That’s season 4 of Magicians.
It’s bad.
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franeridan · 6 years
So I'm not the only one who noticed Kirishima and Bakugo have stopped interacting? I just saw in on your tags and it suddenly feels very real. I'm glad Bakugo is getting to interact with other characters (especially Kaminari), but isn't it weird that they literally haven't talked to each other in ages? I'm a fan of their friendship in canon so I noticed how odd it is. What do you think could be the reason? If you don't mind me asking. I'm really curious now that I know it wasn't just in my head.
Starting this off by pointing out that there’s absolutely 1000% the chance that actually nothing is going on at all - consider that Uraraka is supposed to be Deku’s love interest and they interact super rarely (though it is true that Uraraka is just generally around less than Kirishima and Bakugou are, even in the background), or that Todoroki and Deku and IIda are best friends but you see them all together rarely. That was the rational part of me trying to be less obsessive over this than I actually am. All things considered both interactions I mentioned have had more scenes than Kiri and Baku’s grand total of three, only one of which including exchanged words, since the end of the License Exam. Anyway they did interact with each other, which means they aren’t avoiding each other or anything, so what I’m saying is that it’s perfectly credible that nothing is going on at all and whatever I might say from this point on is just me maybe and most probably reading too much into stuff and also just being very sad my two favorite characters haven’t spoken to each other at all aside from once in about 80 chapters. Christ.
The reasons why I think something might be going on are two: 
first, before the license exam Bakugou and Kirishima interacted a lot. I’m talking about their interactions going down at least by 80%, I thought I was making it up but I reread the first 12 volumes and no, I’m really not. It is true that during these last 80+ chapters they’ve rarely been in the same place/being together the protagonists of the arcs, but stuff like Kirishima commenting on Bakugou’s behaviour or them just being close to one another or Kirishima being the character always used to explain what’s up with Bakugou to the audience, they’ve all disappeared too, which is weird when you compare it to how it used to be for the first 110 chapters (examples are Kirishima not commenting on the Baku vs Deku fight after the exam, nor making fun of him for having been suspended when other characters have and he was right there in the same room when it happened. Or Kirishima not mentioning anything about Baku being in the band/knowing how to play. Or latest chapter not commenting on what he said to Shinsou - this one especially, if you compare it to what happened with Shindou before the exam it’s just wierd, going from “dude, rude!”+”I’m sorry about him” to “whatever he’s saying I disassociate” is harsh.)
second, Bakugou was worried about Kirishima’s well being during the Raid Arc enough to stay up and be around waiting for him, he obviously heard him say he has a long way to go still and made the exact same face he made back when he was unhappy about Kirishima being unhappy the day they moved in the dorms, he was shown later unable to sleep even if we know usually when he says he’s going to sleep he does, the next day Todoroki mentioned something was still bothering him, and we to this day still don’t know what was up with that. Weird.
Now this is what I think might be happening on Bakugou’s side: he could be feeling at least in part guilty for what happened to Kirishima during the Raid, and might also be feeling like he needs to get his own license so that he can stand on par with him before he tries to do anything about it 
Why guilty!! you might say - because Bakugou was the one to tell Kirishima that as long as he refused to go down he was strong. And that mentality nearly had him killed. He told Kirishima all he needed was to be unwavering, and Kirishima built his ultimate move around it, and with it his confidence in the fact that he was strong, and as I mentioned a while back because of this Kirishima spent a while feeling strong, confident and bright and at the top, enough to challenge Mirio heads on, pester Amajiki into helping him get an internship, follow villains around and throw himself in front of Aizawa to protect him during the raid, Kirishima felt like he was strong enough for that because he had Unbreakable, and Unbreakable made him strong because Bakugou had said so. And then he comes back after having fought to the point of turning into a living bandage, having refused to go down like Bakugou had said, and all he has to say is “I still have a long way to go”. Compared to how on top of things he felt before, that’s… like, okay, I might be reaching a whole damn lot here, I probably am, but if I were Bakugou I’d kind of like to kick myself for it
And to add to that Bakugou isn’t even in the same stage as Kirishima anymore. Kirishima is how many steps ahead of him, now? From Bakugou’s point of view I mean - between the license and the internship he’s got so much on Bakugou, he might be feeling like before he can have any right to confront Kirishima about all of this he needs to first catch up to him
Kirishima on the other hand… I think the fact that he thought about Bakugou both before successfully using Unbreakable against a villain the first time we’re shown the move and right after breaking against Rappa does have a meaning - he thought about Bakugou saying “if you refuse to go down” and he did, but then he didn’t and he thought about it again, and together thought “I’m still like [in middle school]”. He might be feeling like he let him down/disappointed him. Bakugou said “didn’t you say you’d be unwavering?” like he fully believed Kirishima’s ability to be, but then Kirishima wasn’t, and you know in Kirishima’s mind his failure to be wasn’t detached from that conversation, he failed and he thought back on it, so it’s a possibility he might be feeling like he isn’t as good as Bakugou assumed he is/isn’t worth whatever opinion Bakugou has (had?) of him
We know that he’s been working hard to improve himself and taking it seriously enough that he questioned whether having the cultural festival was a good idea at all, so, again, maybe, he’s trying to become as good as Bakugou assumes he is because right now he doesn’t feel like such
this doesn’t explain why their being kept apart started before the raid, nor why they’d still do stuff like sit together or spend the cultural festival together if they were feeling, I dunno, awkward with each other or whatever - the thing is, as I mentioned yesterday, I just don’t understand why cut on casual interactions like this but not cut it completely, it feels like Horikoshi is telling me “no no, they’re good, here see? they’re sitting on the same couch/ spent the day with each other, they’re still friends I just don’t feel like showing it on page” why would he do that
A lot of people think it’s because Hori is focusing on other Baku and Kiri relationships, but that doesn’t make much sense to me - you can do it without cutting so much on Kiri and Baku being best friends, you know?
Anyway, if I’m right and they’re having that sort of problem about the Raid, there’s totally the possibility that they’ll solve the problem off screen. As in, Bakugou gets his license and feels like he’s on Kiri’s same level again, Kiri gets some new cool move and feels like he’s strong again, they never talk about it and they’re good. Totally possible, I’d believe it if someone told me it was gonna happen. Well, whatever, we’ll have to wait and see
Ah, since I’m already here spewing unfounded theories all over the place, one that’s HIGHLY IMPROBABLE but that’s still my favorite on this topic is the possibility that Bakugou told Kirishima right after he failed his exam to keep his mother henning at bay at least till he got his license. Like, “I rely too much on you filling in for my shortcomings because you’re there and I expect you to be all smile at the camera and apologize for me if needed, but that obviously isn’t always gonna fucking work as my failing this bs exam proves, so until I can get the license for myself just. Don’t do that.” or something on that line. So now Kiri isn’t always there being Bakugou’s carer as he used to be, because he was asked to not do it since the fact that Bakugou relied on him to be like that while he kept on being an ass is the reason why he failed
Farfetched? Definitely! Probable? Not at all! Entertaining for me? Hell yeah.
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zephyrangel13 · 4 years
I know Tumblr for me was a thing when I had like 14 or so. Thing is something changed.
Did Tumblr change? Did it's pornography ban in 2018 change the site all that much? Was it the fact that it introduced ads and all of the creators here try monetysing their content instead of making art like they did before? Thing is that blogs I've been following have turned slowly into that and if they didn't the userbase recycled the same fake-deep garbage to the point there isn't one good new quote here to actually look at and learn or feel relatable too. The aesthetic blogs either faded into obscurity, simply don't show no more in my feed or plainly moved to another platforms like Instagram. Thing is that moving out of Tumblr made the Tumblr-aesthetic fall out into the big open space of "good looking" consumerism. All dimwits nowadays like the most hideous pictures just because they show some trace of a boob, ass or cute animal and all the valuable art simply is lost between shitty celebrities or half-famous idiots. It's really a shame.
Did I change? Was I a different person and my tastes in art and psychology just change to be out of tune with Tumblr? Was this a natural to be expected thing? Well, thing is that yes, I've gained some life experience and some of the quotes that I see nowadays I take with a grain of salt and a pinch of cynicism. I can't rezonate anymore with the early existential dread of a teenager that thinks some other dumb teenager is and will be the love of his life and the end of the world as we know it will come if they break up. I won't be upset the same way at shitty little things people do, but in essence, morality for me is still a thing and I do get upset on persons that use a certain behaviour that I didn't really expect of them.
A few days ago I went trough screenshots of conversations I had with my first girlfriend. She actually was innocent and wanted an honestly fulfilling relationship. I ended up thinking of how big of a jerk I was and how flawed my behaviour is.
What is life, but a matter of perspective, anyways. You can really think you have the absolute truth and that others shouldn't be offended because of your behaviour. You probably feel like they're the ones that don't understand you. That they've made a lot of things deliverately to make you feel bad, that they're quick to anger and ill tempered.
But... Did you ever ask yourself what did you do to make them be that hostile to you? Did you ever do anything to upset them? Maybe it was in good intention or a joke you said that made them aggresive towards you. Why? You don't know yet and probably they don't know for sure either. Thing is that overanalysing yourself reveals that compulsive behaviours have all sorts of triggers and odd reasons. If you expeft others not to be mad at you when you make dumb and not-so-well thought decisions, learn to be patient.
There are a lot of things that really get me to be pissed off about somebody. Even my nearest and dearest friends sometimes made me have an existential crysis about wether they do or do not give a fuck about me because of their behaviour that I thought of to be inconsiderate. How am I supposed to stop those impulses? Best I found is simply keeping myself busy with other shit. Why? Bevause otherwise I get too involved into the subject and it makes me jump from hating myself to hating everybody around me. Not like I'd punch somebody, but like I'd rather make them feel miserable for doing things I don't agree with or simply don't seem to fit my narrative. Why do I feel the need to act like that? I don't have the slightest clue, but I'm sure most of the time I'm making things up, and none of them are good.
My mind is a wormhole that sucks behaviour from people and turns them into grade A potential threats to human decency and morality. How that works?
I'm not entirely sure, but I can give off an example:
"Friend X takes a photo of her after she's done with the make-up and picks the nice clothes, then posts it on Instagram and boasts about what a "glow-up" she had since last year and other bs. In of itself this way of doing things is only natural. We all seek attention and gratification, but where my problem with this lies?
Well, first off patting yourself on the back you look better because your hormones settled , put on some make up and bought some clothes with money that aren't yours don't think should be a thing, but I digress. Same shit happends with guys at 18 showing off the cars that parents just bought them.
Then comes the fact that you haven't put all that much work into it. You haven't done a fancy and artsy make-up. Your photo doesn't have a story, it's just your face as in every other photo of your profile and moreover, the fact that you choose to seek attention from people you barely know other than persons close to you is simply dumb.".
That's just me now getting wild, but a more psychological and laid off explanation for such an aggresive train of thought is the fact that I'd rather be the place that person seeks attention from, because I really thought I could be a close friend.
Question is still... Was it just that or my brain actually does that because I hope to find a partner? How much of a fuck would I give anymore if she posted anything if I could give and recieve my precious attention to and from another person?
Taking another example at hand:
"Friend Y got offended in a discussion about a sensitive topic. I really am bad at these because I either don't know when I overextend with me imventing stuff for the sake of conversation wnd because I sometimes pick the worst topics in the first place, even though I really should avoid then, out of experience.
That made her a bit pissed because I was treating like a little thought experiment of my own rather than thinking about how real world things end out to be and then I started throwing some insults to hypothetical creatures in my head associated with the real life counterparts and it just went all to shit. Mea culpa and I really should stop myself from just spewing all the shit that my brain can process badly.
Then I come to be an asshole a second time and make a joke about how she does things like old people. She takes it seriously, gets offended and tells me to fuck off. "
Sincerely, well deserved, but I did take it the wrong way. How that works? Well, when someone tells you yo fuck off you usually are pissed because they don't agree with you on something and they're aggresive about it.
I for one couldn't really be that angry at someone not agreeing with something as long as they give off a good argument about why I'm wrong. Neither will I be that pissed if someone is angry for me not being on the same side of the coin with them.
What really pisses me off is telling me to fuck off and not giving any reason why. Maybe for other people that means to calmly distance themselves and that's that. i myself feel like a piece of garbage when someone does that. Moreso, if it comes from a friend, because what fuck off means to me when it's serious it's you as a person don't want to hear my opinion, don't want to tell me why I'm wrong nor hear my apology if needed.
Since I feel discarded as a person, I want you to feel the same way I do, because I think words and demeanour really mean a lot and won't let that shit slide. I abstain myself from making a fuss about things and try to discuss things when my mind has cooled down so I can take part in an adult-like conversation and expect the same from others.
To add insult to injury feeling ignored after I got the opportunity so apologise is a further action that I don't appreciate, but understand somehow. Getting cold with someone after some time is to be expected.
It's just sad how things start unknowingly, go up to a climax and then start to degrade and then relationships fall into obscurity and die. Maybe sometimes re-peak after years, but with a short burst and sadly never at the same intensity.
When is a friend actually a good friend? When will you know he's going to be there for you? For now I only have one hypothesis, but I'd have to have or consider more than one actual good friend to be sure about that. My conclusion about this is that you really know you have a good friend when you don't really give that much of a thought to the question wether that person will or will not be in your like at a later point in time in your life. When regardless of what friends you have around or he/she has around, either of you will adapt so that you both fit in the group context.
Whenever I'll still have to worry about one person it either means we've not passed trough enough together or he/she simply doesn't fit to be a friend
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