rosesonapond · 7 months
If Rwby gets picked up or bought… others and I have a few wishes…
In general
I want more developed relationships between characters. Within the teams, within the villains/antagonists, I just want them to be more between themselves or within each other. I feel that the villains are not that in sync as they should be, team RWBY are not as close as they are implied, and if they were the break ups (not particularly romantic, just generally) would hit even harder when they separate or breakdown. I feel the writers and even the fandom are just pretending that RWBY has well developed relationships when it doesn’t. I feel R/enora needs to individualize itself more than just leaving Nora as some joke/one dimensional character. B/umble bee needs more time for it’s platonic arc as well as its romantic and intimate arc, and I feel that it could take a few lessons from earlier Marvel when it comes to writing relationships. RNJR should had a longer arc and development to show how developed the relationships were between the team before or even after team RWBY reunited, maybe even before they separated, could have been more moments in the Beacon and Vital festival arcs, but I’ll get more into that in a moment. I wish there could have been more moments between Rose Lotus so I’m not just fishing for crumbs for my ship, because honestly they had a bunch of potential. Even Wildrose, Strawbana, platonic Rosebull, White Lotus, Ladybug, Freezerburn, White Rose, Black Lotus, Iceberg, Ironwitch, Greek Lotus, Arkos, Valkos, Frostbite, etc. could have been more developed, than just some of them abandoned or not even explored.
More development for characters, as much as I love the wide array of characters, they need to be explored. From Ilia, Velvet and Whitley, etc. they need to be explored. Even the villains/antagonists, temporary or not, need to be developed so they don’t turn out to be really generic and not fleshed out, I feel fleshing out a character makes them better written most of the time, take some notes from Marvel, they don’t need to be turn good, just give an understanding to how they got there or give them some attracting (not saying attractive) traits. Also don’t make a one dimensional villain out of a racial minority in your story, it’s not really giving a good message and may turn the character into a plot device rather than a character. Looking at Marvel’s Kree, there could have been some good or morally grey Kree, but now I feel they are just usually painted as villains.
I hate to say this but more content in the storyline, I feel we need longer episodes and an even longer Beacon arc, we need to get invested in the characters, world, and relationships, before we delve deep into the heart of the plot. I guess we could’ve had a bigger fandom and a well developed story if we made the Beacon Arc 75 eps at the very least, then the Vytal festival arc could have been a little bit more longer, at least 20-30 eps, observe which meant to be one off characters are liked and write them into the story. Maybe have an academy from Menagerie join the festival, they don’t have to be well liked we just need more Faunus characters especially since we don’t have enough of them on the main crew. Make each volume from that point at least 20 eps, and flesh out the story from there. Maybe make it longer to flesh out non-MCs.
But if we’re not doing a reboot, I say just follow my advice above, for future reference have a good peace arc so that the characters are not developing relationships under pressure, develop characters and make longer and more fleshed out seasons starting from volume 10
I’d love to see more AU projects, but I’d also like to watch them, main series, au, just rwby content in general, for free since I’m broke🥲
I want Nora to be independent and maybe have a couple of romances with other characters, maybe Mercury, I’ll write fanfiction for you guys definitely if that happens. Like I just want her to explore what she actually wants if she ever gets back together with Ren which is probably inevitable, I want her to develop as a person, I don’t want her to end up with him with a one sided obsession, look Ren is not equally obsessed with her, I just want her to act normal. I don’t hate her, I just think she has untapped potential to become a greater character, I don’t want her to stay as she is.
I want new writers to be involved with this series, I want them to commit to Monty’s plans for the story, yet change things that NEED to be changed in order to give a better message to the audience.
I want places related to specific characters to reflect on them just as Vale did for RWBY, like Oniyuri reflecting Ren and Nora. I want maybe some Chinese coded families besides Ren’s to live there, maybe some Chinese cultural appreciation molding some aspects in the show, maybe like houses or city decorations. Maybe have some more white and blues in Nora’s design, to represent Nora’s pure emotions for others and honesty she can sense just by understanding other people easily.
If you’re to rewrite R/enora’s relationship, have Ren less dismissive of Nora’s feelings, like show him caring, but you can also still have him not fully intimate with his emotions, like he’s trying not to be so close, to protect both of them
Those are just my main concerns for now, I’ll work on my own projects at my own time, but if there’s any projects I promised to show and forgot about please remind me, I have to many posts to scroll past to remind myself. Thanks for being here. I’m trying to show stuff I’m working on and not just blog because that’s what I do in my spare time.
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the-merry-otter · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @general-illyrin!
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people
t - ‘The Old Ways’ by Loreena McKennitt
h - ‘Here’s A Health to the Company’ by The Longest Johns
e - ‘Elsa’s Song’ by The Amazing Devil
m - ‘Meet Me In The Woods’ by Lord Huron
e - ‘Eat Your Young’ by Hozier
r - ‘Reindeer King’ by Tori Amos
r - ‘Run’ by Hozier
y - ‘You Make It Easy’ by Air
o - ‘Otterly’ by the Cocteau Twins
t - ‘This Corrosion’ by Sisters of Mercy
t - ‘The Figurehead’ by The Cure
e - ‘Enora’ by Love Outside Andromeda
r - ‘Restless Body’ by Bad Waitress
It’s been a while since I did one of these! I’m gonna tag @musical-0wl, @chaoticcreaturehideaway, @phryhne, @justablogbody, @bellabozella, @count-the-lilavatis, @krem-caramel, @airrichan, and… good lord why do I have so many letters in my name. The rest are free spots. If you wanna play, say I tagged you. This doubly goes if we interact regularly in like, comments or something and I just haven’t remembered ur URL!!
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MARDI 16 JUILLET 2024 (Billet 3/3)
Vous devez sûrement vous en souvenir, nous avons déjà fait paraître sur le Blog des vidéos de cette célèbre et très particulière chorale (créée en 2020 pendant la pandémie de la Covid), la première qui en a inspiré beaucoup d’autres…
Celle-ci, leur dernière création, est en rapport bien sûr avec les JO de Paris qui vont commencer d’ici une dizaine de jours.
Regardez-la jusqu’au bout et si par hasard vous aviez un enfant, un petit-fils ou une petite-fille qui a participé à cette création (on ne sait jamais…), même s’ils sont plus de 200 « body-tapeurs », tous les noms sont mentionnés dans le générique de fin. Nous avons trouvé ça très bien.
Pour finir : tous ceux qui ont eu le privilège de faire une croisière sur le Club Med II ne pourront pas rester indifférents à la musique.
« CONQUEST OF PARADISE » (Vangelis) pour Percussions corporelles (Body Tap)
Vidéo publiée sur YouTube le 5 juillet 2024
Interprétation : le Chœur des Colibris du Collège Saint Michel Garicoïts de Cambo (Pays Basque)
Direction artistique : Nelly Guilhemsans
Image & Réalisation : Michel Jakobi
Drone : @paysbasquedrone
Image : @tomajablon, @maxime_manenc
Son et mixage : Patrick Fischer
Bravo aux 210 Colibris :
Elaia B, Mathilde FDS, Fleur, Eneka F, Julen G, Adélaïde, Mikela, Joana P, Estebe, Bixente, Louane, Antton A, Kaitlyn, Maika, Paul M, Matyas R, Paul U, Dioni, Joan, Titouan, Timéo, Laida, Oihana I, Anaïs FDS, Noémie, Lucile, Idoya Z, Txomin, Aida, Mailis M, Ambre G, Dénaïs, Léana, Maëlwenn, Océane, Uma, Rémi, Julia HP, Lilou L, Uhaina, Emilia, Nahia L, Elaya, Lisa C, Julen C, Jon, Xalbat, Aponi, Naia E, Intza F, Vassili, Enzo L, Jérémy, Nahia N, Xana, Nolan, Jona, Annabelle, Oihana L, Iliana, Lylou, Sarha, Clémence, Maddi, Antoine, Elisa, Léna, Oihana L, Anaïs M, Julie, Damien, Mahé, Antton O, Lucie C, Xan E, Mathilde L, Hodei, Julia P, Anaïs M, Julia L., Samuel, Marion, Alizia, Elaia B., Enora, Delphine, Lola B, Kilian, Kanèle, Charlotte, Ilian, Nohlan, Dylan, Charlie, OIhan D, Ana, Andrea, Antton H, Emma R, Ibaia P, Gabriel R, Luken C, Maialen C, Ethan, Xan D, Léa H, Marine, Lisa E., Tiago, Nahia LG, Anoa, Itxaro, Gabriel F., Jean-Claude, Lukas, Maitane, Lara, Emma G, Maialen RI, Lana, Maelys, Luna P, Ilona, Romane, Ioneka, Céleste, Leana, Mathilde J, Fani, Ambre A., Eneka B, Joana C, Tiphaine, Robin, Emma P, Ambre C, Esteban, Eztitxu, Sara, Melina, Gabrielle, Lilwenn D, Alaya, Morgan A, Naia C, Morgane E, Xan V, Lou, Alizée, Ainhize, Nahia H, Anaë, M, AnaeS, Louis, Lola L, Louna S, Mila, Jade, Lisa B, Augustin, Julene, Clément, Loan, Emma L, Stella, Margot, Ilouna E, Laura, Luna P, Oihana V, Angelina, Milia, Nina, Ainara, Lilwen P, Elia, Tonia, Enaitz, Julen D, Lola E, Jon E, Evan, Jon O, Nathan O, Maiana, Célia, Louna DG, Nahia P, Lucie E, Lola G, Zoé T, Intza Z, Pauline, Louise, Luma, Oian, Enzo L, Nolhan B, Leila, Kélia, Axel, Julen D, Ruben P, Zoé L, Ilona R, Yuna L, Martin, Shana, Nathan S, et Lalie.
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bloodraven55 · 4 years
this first ep was willlddd honestly that brief shot of blake looking sad and worried as yang says she's gonna leave makes me think that our girl has actually figured out her feelings 👀
SAME! Like I fully expect conversations about both the Bees and R/enora among the two groups in the upcoming episodes. It’d be awesome to see them talk about their feelings with a third party as well as furthering the parallels between the two pairings, and that seems to be what they’re setting up.
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empressofedge · 5 years
Yay Renora is cannon! But at what cost.......what’s that? Sacrificial lamb? Oh........well she’s not confirmed dead so it’s ok!
RENORA!!!!!! That Kiss!!!! I’ve been aboard this ship since day one and just yes! Tho I fear some angst on the horizon still.
And idk what you’re talking about. Everyone’s fine. Fiona is fine. Nothing bad ever happened.
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bmblboop · 3 years
I feel like if/when raven gets her redemption her and willow could have sone fun interactions,
Like, even after beginning to reconnect with her family raven would still kinda look down on willow fir being “weak” meanwhile willow is just like “him, just because you hid in the woods instead of a bottle doesn’t make you better then me” lol,
I also think I just want all the RWBY parents to meet lol
I don't expect Raven's return will take her to cross paths with Willow, but in the wonderful world of hypotheticals...
Raven gets Called Out on her Cowardliness: The Sequel would be real funny to see. It'd make a great Chibi skit that's for sure.
Mom Battle: Glyphs vs Multisword
There is a fandom meme about the SSKR moms (soccer moms) with Summer, Raven, Kali and Willow, and I'd love to see the RWBY parents interacting in a chill/competitive context, but mostly in the realm of AUs, since we likely won't see too much parent interaction due to time and budget.
I take it back, if parents do meet in canon, I theorize it will be the finale during the battle and later in a celebration after the world is saved. That would be a very sweet time for the parents to feel collectively proud of their kiddos.
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19-bellwether · 4 years
The w/hite/rose fanbase this hiatus has just been *complains about V7* *complains about crwby* *some fanart* *complains about r/ose/garden* *some fanfiction* *posts about clowns* *so many goddamn clown posts* *complains about bumbleby shippers for some reason*
Can y'all chill out? The tag is a minefield. I get being disappointed by last volume but the belligerent pessimism and fearmongering has gotten ridiculous. Learn to enjoy the ship regardless of what does or doesn't happen in canon.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
rwby is soo lazy with their romances it always starts off onesided and then suddenly those characters are soulmates (a/rkos, r/enora, and the 🐝). Nobody breaks up they just aren’t hanging out anymore (ice/berg, black/sun). We don’t get characters talking about crushes or feelings they just stand next to each other. Then characters who might be ace/aro (ren, ruby) will get shoved into a romance because one character has a crush on them. (r/enora & rose/garden)
It’s weird that no one even tries dating first. Pyrrha spent most of her time alive pining after Jaune, who didn’t even know because he was pining after Weiss, who actively wasn’t interested and was pining after Neptune, who was just a hoe. None of the relationships start with explicit mutual interest, they just kiss and suddenly they’re deeply in love, when relationships aren’t like that?
Renora might be underdeveloped, and the two aren’t much without the other, but at least their relationship was at a point where it could be a good relationship should they decide. Ren and Nora are already close friends, they spent years living together, and even though it’s another case of one sided pining on Nora’s side, Ren at least shows that he’s closer to Nora and isn’t actually interested in anyone else.
V4 was actually great for Renora, because it developed Ren past his mysterious personality, gave us backstory for both him and Nora, and showed that their relationship is actually one of the healthiest. Even though they’re always together, Nora can tell when Ren is upset and is emotionally mature enough to help him with dealing with his emotions and getting space so he can calm down. 
They have moments where they argue, but it showed that despite this, they do love each other, and the moment at the end of the volume where they held hands had me thinking that Ren was finally telling Nora that he does share her feelings through his actions, aka holding her hand and keeping her close. 
Not much changed about their dynamic but it really didn’t need to. V7 didn’t need this forced drama and actively ruined what made Renora great in V4.
And don’t get me started with BB. I’ve already said plenty about BB. 
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Oh my God, it's so far and in-between that I find someone who can write really good Knightfall fanfiction instead of just smut, and I thank you for that. It's a shame that this ship isn't more popular since I always feel like I'm in an extreme minority. I still like other ships, but God, there's something about it all that draws me in: enemies-to-lovers, the angst and drama, the weird sort of Courtly Love it invokes, the Slow Burn...
I'm new to this blog, so I hope you don't mind if I ask a question that you've answered before, but what are your hopes for Jaune and Cinder's character development (like, concerning them getting together)? I'm kind of hoping they develop traits that end up mirroring one another to reflect "convergent character growth" or something; I also really hope that their designs do it as well, like maybe Jaune gets heavier armor that has black/gold on it or Cinder has to use a new sword that looks suspiciously like Crocea Mors. What about you?
I am bouncing in my seat. Thank you anon. Welcome to my blog, I hope you have a nice stay, the drink of choice is Pepsi Max or Pepsi Max Vanilla. Sorry girlies, it's better than the sugar-free Coke.
Yeah I'll level with you: I seriously ship Knightfall, and not as an experimental sex scenario or as a crackship (it's not remotely a crackship). It's kind of funny when people assume that it's cracky or it's only something I'm into for the sex angle. I don't multiship, this is what I am totally and completely into, I'm extremely serious. This is serious business. Thank you for also (from the sounds of it) being the same as me because sometimes it is a bit of a struggle lol. I'm really flattered you enjoy my fic, that means a lot to me honestly. It started out as a bit of a lark because I figured nobody else shipped it the way I did (I also get the intense heart twinges from OTP's, so I don't know how normal other people are about it) and maybe like one or two people would read my fic lol. My favourite part so far about sharing it has been getting messages like this from other people who feel the same way. It's so much fun and makes me very happy. Edited to add here: but I should add the disclaimer I do write smut... I don’t knock on people who write smut, but for me I usually like my smut exploring character too... I just want to sound self-satisfied or superior here.  XD
On the note of courtly love, I'm not sure if you've seen me actually tag a Knightfall post courtly love BUT I HAVE, they're literally knight and Maiden. I love that so much thank you I'm so glad you saw it in them too lol. They really did that with the Maidens. *keyboard smash* ugh! But also I made a post recently about the troubadours and the Wound of Love (which imo also applies to B/umblebee, and probably R/enora, and probably Ro/segarden in the future) and it's just the intersection of all the stuff I love!!!!
And yes by all means, I welcome asks anytime about this ship, even if I've answered an ask before, my thoughts may have evolved. It also helps me on the front that I'll go back and refer to old posts and sometimes I surprise myself. I'm working on a bigger post at the moment about the ship as it stands in canon, and I have talked a little bit about how Jaune feels about Cinder before (can't find the post currently). But there are a few things I think that foreground the way their character arcs are related to each other (if I had to give you a scattershot - and most specifically their character arcs I'm discussing, not narrative structure the way I've done so before):
They're anima and animus (this is also like BB and RN, arguably RG as well), so reconciliation in some way is necessary, and so far in the show all anima/animus pairings have been romantic. All the entrappings of anima/animus is my favourite kind of stuff. I'm thinking also on the front of Campbell that to be compassionate and to empathise is also to be metaphysically be somebody else, which is why I find Jaune empathising with Cinder (and vice versa) compelling and also fitting on this front.
I think that in answer to Cinder's character, she needs some sort of unconditional offer... to my eyes, there are two possible characters who could ever get through to her (I specifically exclude Emerald because Emerald can never approach Cinder on honest humanistic terms since their partnership was a business transaction at best and I'm not sure if that's her role): Ruby and Jaune. Ruby has the initial hump because of her silver eyes. So it does lead me here and now to briefly speculate if he'll be involved in any way with her Grimm arm purification... I take that as a foregone conclusion that it's going to happen. I do generally hold they'll have an interaction with the Fall Maiden's Relic, because they fit the Indecisive King allusion a little too well - and I don't think the Sword of Destruction is any of his business.
I love that idea of convergent character growth and I think that's a great way to articulate something I've been trying to do so for ages. Cinder's highest point and Jaune's lowest point have both been respectively met in the same volume. Cinder's very clever and lies to Salem (her first rebellion), she's got the Relics, Ruby's dead and can't hurt her (YAY!), she didn't even go after the Maiden power, she thinks she's back on her manipulative game and now she's turned it on her master. Meanwhile Jaune is a healer and now a killer. So, I really, really love the way those character arcs can be read as growing together.
I think that there are answers to their issues inside of each other... and I also think there are a lot of similarities between the two of them. A pairing where one of them needs unconditional love and the other is ready to dole that out is catnip to me (particularly because he moved past his anger and vengeance in V5, he's set up to be in a position to give her more contemplation). When I think about what I would call the 'I want you to join me' moment, Jaune wouldn't be doing it because they need the Fall Maiden on their side, that's just the side boon because she's magical and awesome, the idea there should be that she is wanted unconditionally. I think she should find unconditional freedom and transformation on the side of Good. By the same stroke I think that Jaune can explore/reconcile his darkness and the things that he's done through her, like what he did was necessary for Penny, but it was painful. It's also a shock to his identity.
Kind of following off the first and last point... the greatest wound for Jaune (Pyrrha's death) is one committed by Cinder, but equally, there is a wound inside of her/and also given to her by him at Haven, and I think the greatest reconciliation for everything she has been through is him, and vice versa. "The wounds that can be healed only by the weapon that delivered the wound. [...] Well, the wound is the wound of my passion and agony of love for this creature, and the only one who can heal me is the one who delivered the blow, you know." Jaune's great fear that his teammates won't return/will die is soothed by Cinder's return, the one who could still come back (depending how far you want to go... she's in a state of metaphorical death), Cinder wants someone who will come back for her and take her with them (Rhodes never committed to this and was a very bad fairy godmother), and Cinder's moral, spiritual evolution can be realised this way.
On the aesthetics front: well, I have to admit... lol... I am... really crackpotty about this. Like, I think Cinder's metallic transition colour will be silver (like Ruby) from gold, which mirrors Jaune's transition from lead to gold. I also think her pin is her redeemed!outfit colour theme (the warm blue and the warm purple - stressing the warmth and that Blake's purple is cold, like shadow) which also works on the heart of the flame front. It... also very nicely matches Jaune's colours. You have orange and blue, and yellow and purple. Which is a RWBY thing for the ships. (Red/green, yellow/purple...). I don't think Cinder's final colour is the all-black ensemble - that's her transitional outfit. But yeah to tinfoil further, Cinder's always had the blue/purple pin, Jaune has always had the orange lining of his hood (her Aura is orange and so are her eyes) so like.... I'm happy if they keep that, honestly, but yes, if they both incorporated black and white as the extra accents (as Jaune already does) that would make me happy as well.
You can also see in my fic what I think about their weapons... I like the idea of her using a shield. XD They already mirror each other this way in canon, no one else except them use traditional weapons without guns/extra accoutrements attached. That was always suspicious to me. So I think on that front they probably don't need to do anymore to make them more like each other. I have this internal perception that Cinder and Jaune are like sword and shield (her consistent use of swords, his of his shield), so I like it a lot.
To wrap my post up: thank you for sending an ask and thank you for reading my fic! It's so lovely to hear from readers and also somebody similarly enthusiastic about the ship. It's a bit tough being a Cinder fan and a Knightfall fan lolol (I've made my bed), which thoroughly narrows down my interaction... I think the only thing I've really not liked about it is the perception it's a crackship, as well as very divergent interpretations of their characters I don't get along with, but otherwise the smaller fandom has been a lot of fun. (:
Seriously Knightfall just has everything I've ever wanted in a ship ever, I mean I love RWBY, I love the setting, I love most of the cast - so I don't have to be bogged down by boring characters when I'm writing a romance - I love fairytales, I've had to exercise some of my Greek to do Knightfall research, I love magic, I love bad guys and I never thought I'd get a villainess like this, or a hero, I love anima/animus (and it's clearly being textually used), I love the Wound of Love, I love ALL of that, so it's just the perfect storm. They're both my favourite characters! Independent of the ship! as well! There have been ships before where only one character interested me more than the other, and there was extra legwork to be done, but they're both very good, and even before Knightfall their scenes were my favourite scenes lol. So I'm very invested and it's a lot of fun.
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edenszerofan33 · 4 years
One of my biggest hopes for V8 is that not a lot of time is taken up by the big ships, like B/B and R/enora. Insteadz focus more on the plot and other ships, and let the others get their big moments again later. Give the rest of the show a fair turn.
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riotphoenyx · 5 years
I'm gonna say something controversial but
I think this season is showing how incompatible ren and nora are as romantic partners.
The show keeps using them as a harsh contrast between bumbleby having a mutual understanding and deep trust for one another while showing how ren and nora are on polar opposite sides.
Sharing one kiss doesnt make their relationship problems dissolve.
And just like jaune and pyrrha, I think r/enora is one sided.
They clearly love each other a lot, I can not deny that and never would. But maybe not in a relationship kind of way.
This entire volume they have been shown arguing, disagreeing, and not being able to make amends.
They don't have the ability to talk things through. Hence the " I've never been good at talking." And Nora's "screw talking!"
But the show makes a point to contrast those scenes with blake and yang talking, having disagreements and resolving them and having mutual respect for one another in a healthy way.
I never thought I would say this, but ... I dont think r/enora will be endgame anymore. Up until this volume I 100% never would have doubted them as soulmates, but that has drastically changed.
But we will see with coming episodes if they can change my mind on this topic.
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bumblebywillbecanon · 5 years
r/enora actually isnt canon lads im sorry i kiss my friends like that all the time especially after we talk about how were not good at expressing our true feelings
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tetherds · 5 years
i really hope they don’t touch on the r/enora stuff any time soon again. as a preface i’m someone that doesn’t really enjoy the ship, but i feel like it can be something i could tolerate given time. nora and ren have yet to be properly developed as characters and establish significant bonds outside of each other, and i feel like if they were to get together in this season or the next then they never will. the writers will keep lumping them together, and not give each of them focus.
the highlight of ren’s development this volume for me was allowing him to upgrade his weapon and the singular ‘yes sir’ scene if only because it might have shown insight into a conflicting development between ren and nora, to show us that they don’t always agree, that they have separate opinions sometimes. the highlight for me for nora was her empowered speech about protecting mantle, purely because it was only nora. no trace or involvement from ren. they are two separate characters, and i feel like more focus on this ship is only detrimental for their development.
ren and nora always being together has taken away from their on screen time developing relations with other characters. you really expect me to believe that pyrrha was as close as ‘family’ like nora said in v6 when they barely had any onscreen time talking to her? i’m not saying never, because as much as i don’t want any ships to become canon rt predictably disappoints me when it comes to romantic plotlines, but at least not now.
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dustypotion · 5 years
Ive seen people say that R/enora doesn’t count because the show is called r/wby and that’s so funny bc u pretty much out urself as being shitty for not wanting to bb because as main characters, their relationship will be up front and center,,
oof now THAT’S a take anon. 
so many things the anti-bb people say are fucking hypocritical. “romance isn’t a focal point of rwby stop focusing on it”, yet arkos can take up screentime for the first 3 volumes, not forgetting the fact the ENTIRE PLOT OF RWBY has been caused by the relationship between TWO PAST LOVERS. 
“they’ll be messing up the team dynamic by dating!” ok so no freezerburn, white rose, monochrome, seamonkeys, crosshares, renora, arkos, pomegrenade or martial arcs. cool. 
“it’s just to appease and pander to lgbt people!” ok so we’re going to stop all rooster teeth references because they pander to people who are into rooster teeth, right? spare a thought for those people who don’t watch other rooster teeth content! we’re also getting rid of all the anime references, because fuck people who watch anime, we aren’t pandering to them. the entire shipname sequence from volume 2 and the callback jaune did in volume 3, all gone. pandering to all those stupid shippers! i guess we can’t bring glynda back, because that’ll be pandering to all those idiots who want her back. rooster teeth needs to bend over backwards so that absolutely NO ONE gets what they want, because then it’ll be pandering. oh wait, it’s only pandering if it’s a gay couple? sounds a bit homophobic there steve
“their relationship wasn’t built up!” yang and blake had just as many talks and on-screen time together as sun and blake, so does that mean black sun is also off the table? is there anyone we can ship together? i guess you could have wise dragon or something?
“i just don’t like yang or blake!” cool so we’re allowed to jump on any ship which has characters i don’t like? i can finally go out and knock the teeth out of someone who ships tyr/ian with someone because i don’t like him? i’ll get my fucking knuckledusters babey!!!
like if you personally don’t like bumbleby that’s fine, nobody’s going to fucking slit your throat over it if they’re a decent person. it’s when u start embarassing yourself like that when it gets messy. 
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
An idea I’ve seen brought up time and time again by people arguing against Bumbleby is that it’s bad because “their relationship is built on trauma” or something similar.
“They developed feelings for each other because they were hurt by the same dude, that’s messed up!”
“So they love each other because Adam cut Yang’s arm off?”
“They got together after killing a guy, that’s a bad foundation for a relationship!”
Now, ignoring the fact that they’re not officially in a relationship yet—just clearly on their way there—so any point about how they shouldn’t have got together so soon after killing a man is null and void because that didn’t even happen, let’s look at this argument.
If these people were correct that Blake and Yang’s romance stemmed from the Fall of Beacon and Yang losing her arm to Adam then they would likely have a point. That almost certainly wouldn’t lead to a healthy relationship since it would probably be predicated by guilt over Yang’s arm and a sense of obligation on Blake’s end at the very least.
But the argument falls down immediately because its entire basis is false. It starts from a position of assuming that Blake and Yang only started caring about each other and developing feelings for each other after the end of Volume 3. But that’s not true.
Blake deliberately chooses Yang as her partner in the first few episodes of the show, Yang tells Blake she loves it when she’s feisty, Yang bares her soul to Blake in Burning the Candle and winks at her while offering her a dance, Blake then chooses to take Yang up on her offer of a dance, Yang sees Blake’s true bravery when even Blake herself can’t see it at Mountain Glenn, Blake herself contrasts Yang to Adam after her fight against Mercury, and finally Adam literally states that he wants to hurt Yang specifically because Blake loves her.
And all of this happens before Adam takes Yang’s arm and their subsequent shared trauma is introduced.
The show makes it clear time after time that Blake and Yang cared very deeply for each other and were likely developing the beginnings of romantic feelings for each other long before they had both been hurt by Adam, and Adam’s extreme jealousy in their second confrontation in Volume 6 compared to his complete lack of any similar reaction to anyone else close to Blake suggest that he saw the burgeoning attachment between them when he first faced them at Beacon.
And all of this is without even mentioning that Ren and Nora also have a backstory of shared trauma where they first met and bonded partially because their village was destroyed by Grimm, and they also have a scene that makes their romantic feelings clear just after finally defeating their shared demon together the same as Blake and Yang, so anyone applying this argument to Bumbleby needs to apply it to Renora as well or they’re employing massive double standards.
tl;dr - Blake and Yang’s feelings for each other didn’t happen because of their shared trauma, their shared trauma happened because of their feelings for each other.
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intro-v · 5 years
How to know if someone is a hypocrite in FNDM
Hating T/auradonna but loving E/mberald and vice versa
Despising R/osegarden and saying “Its because of O/zpin, it makes it weird” but loving C/loqwork 
Agreeing that A/dam is an abusive piece of shit but write Y/ang, B/lake or S/un as a poor-man’s version of A/dam
Thinking E/nabler is actually a good ship and thinking that B/umbleby is the worst thing ever
Literally just in general thinking that legit toxic ships are better than stuff like B/umbleby, E/clipse and R/enora 
Honestly just being a fujoshi 
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