#and it only took me nearly a month!!
ncthandrake · 6 months
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COLMILLO Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023)
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hai-nae · 2 months
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just vibin'
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morrigan-sims · 2 months
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Pirate Outfts
I was bored, so I started trying some different outfits on Zara... The last one might be my favorite, if only because I already used another swatch of the first one for Wolf, and I can't have them wearing the same thing... But I also love being able to see all her freckles in the 2nd one...
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melatien · 7 months
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My submission for @aimportantdragoncollector's trioholders event (bonus round)!!
they are at the beach
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onyourstageleft · 1 month
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#dan and phil#weed#besties i am so high rn i am losing it#i took like one too many bong hits#started playing flight rising on the desktop computer bc it loads so much faster than my chromebook#opened youtube to have something on the second monitor#found dan and phil's fuckin lofi album???#lost my absolute shit about it#went to post about it from tumblr mobile but wanted to make this meme to do it justice so pulled up a meme editor on my desktop#(the meme editor had so many advanced text options since when have meme editors come this far??)#anyway made the meme realized my phone is at super low battery so decided to just log on to tumblr to post it directly from the desktop#even though i'm nearly exclusively a mobile user now and have been for years#so i have to log in to tumblr and now i'm experiencing making a post from the desktop site while still pretty blitzed#is it firefox that allows me to edit the tags after i've typed them or is that a desktop thing now#oh shit do i have any extensions on#depending on what imported from chrome when i changed my browser like six months ago this may be some sort of extension#whatever it is im okay with it this is great#i'm having such a good time right now genuinely#also watched chappell roan's hot to go music video for the first time during an interlude in the whole meme making process#there is currently a restoration video playing in the other tab that's been going for 10 minutes while i've been making this post#this is me living my best life honestly#i need at least one person to acknowledge the journey of tags on this post if only so i know I'm not alone in knowing my experience
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cutestkilla · 1 year
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"She asked me to give you something…"
Simon holds on to my shoulders and stands on his toes to kiss my forehead.
Then he settles back on his heels and smiles at me. "That."
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cq-studios · 4 months
8 and 11 for the fandom ask game?
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
Well, I’m sure pretty much anyone looking at my blog feels will agree when I say the mobile games.
Like I feel like people are too quick to dismiss them as just Gatcha cash grabs (and I understand they were to an extent, but that’s not all they were, you know?) . They both have told really interesting stories (even if KHUX took its time to actually get to it… 300 missions until Ephemer was insane lol) and added so much to the lore and casts. Not only that, but they gave us new content in what otherwise would’ve been painfully long gaps between games.
Just talking about this makes me even more excited for Missing Link.
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
As a writer and an artist I’ll answer for both.
For writing I’ll have to say Nameless AU is probably the fic I’m the most proud of at the moment, and, uhh it’s not out yet but just you wait! Once I finish that first chapter it’s all over for you lol
For art I think I’m obligated to say my Safe and Sound PMV. The art is old and not the greatest but it’s honestly a miracle it got finished at all and I’m proud of that.
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sidetongue · 2 years
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they’re cool gals 
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lonepower · 8 months
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junkandstuff · 1 year
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trans-cuchulainn · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ulster Cycle, Oidheadh Con Culainn, Creadh Tarraidh Treise Connacht Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Láeg mac Riangabra (Ulster Cycle), Cú Chulainn (Ulster Cycle), Emer (Ulster Cycle), Bé Tuinne (Creadh Tarraidh Treise Connacht) Additional Tags: Grief, sad Láeg hours, it's a whole new level of niche when the bardic poems show up, Otherworldly Láeg, Síd Truim Summary:
After Cú Chulainn's death, Láeg takes his injuries and his grief, and goes home.
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yotd2009 · 1 year
my rabbit died today :(
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mostremote · 2 years
In the Chambers of the Sea is nearly finished. There are 3 chapters to go and I’ll start posting them when I’ve finished all three. First two are done, third is nearly there.
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koishua · 2 years
when he makes me want to become the best version of myself :)
#tp#on the night i was feeling horrible he bought me coffee and walked around the block for two straight hours with me#talking about anything and everything and asking me how i feel#he told me about his childhood and told me little stories here and there and talked me out of feeling shitty#i had been rude to him unintentionally a few hours prior and despite that he approached me with utmost kindness#and i have never met someone like him before#he is so clever and smart and funny and witty and sensible and soft hearted and kind and understanding#he also stayed awake for me while i couldnt sleep past midnight at the lounge area because he knew there was a creep around despite being#utterly tired and that's why i told him we could go back up to our rooms respectively bc i couldnt dare leaving him out of his sleep#and he asked if me or my neighbors had a cat when we first started hanging out after he took a glimpse at my arms#and when i told him no he gave me the most understanding smile ever and i almost cried then and there in front of everyone else#and now i find myself reading about as many topics as i can handle bc i want to be as knowledgable as him#and i find myself trying my best at everything bc i wouldnt want to disappoint him when he brought me comfort at a moment when i#was feeling one of my lowest#i cant do that to someone who strolled around the unfamiliar streets near our hotel at midnight for nearly two hours with me#who gave me a warm cup of coffee when my hands were going numb but i didnt want to go back inside bc i was feeling stuffy#i'll see him again in a few months and i want to (oh so badly want to) show him that i got better#he didnt know me well (we'd only interacted for a week or two) and yet it was like he was the only person who understood#and all of a sudden he's become the person i associate the most with safety and comfort#and i know (gosh i KNOW) that he's suffered through so so much up until this day of his life and that's why he is the way he is#and i just want him to feel okay and i want to be able to comfort him the way he does me whenever he#feels bad#sorry for the feeling dump but i just want to let y'all know that there is an incredible person out there that#im so happy to have met and become friends with
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novadreii · 3 days
If you have ADHD, please take heed and date people who make the effort to educate themselves at least a little about how it impacts our brains and behaviour. Or else they will see only the Symptoms and ascribe them to Who You Are As A Whole Person, and they will resent you for it. Something you are born with and cannot help much outside of medications that have side effects that sometimes outweigh their benefits.
I recently ended things with someone who came to hate everything he claimed he adored about me in the beginning. A bulk of those were straight up ADHD traits that I let loose because I didn't want to mask around him all the time. So I (stupidly) thought the fact that he liked those traits meant I could unmask freely.
Things like talking a lot about something I was hyperfixating on.
"I could listen to you talk all day. *heart eyes*"
"The conversation always loops back to your interests. :(:("
Umm, I thought you were done your thought and now I had another of my own??? That I wanted to tell you about and I couldn't wait??? That you could listen to me talk all day???????? Which is it?
The funny thing is that sharing all my inane thoughts with someone as they occur is something extremely vulnerable for me to do. I have to really trust you. As I've been told sooooo many times in the past that I talk too much, it's such a core fucking wound of mine, so if I let loose around you it means I trust you to actually enjoy that aspect of me, because I'm unmedicated atm for health reasons and I cannot. Mask 24/7. Only 9-5. Nor do I want to. I think I'm a genuine hoot and some people get me, some don't.
Someone who understands ADHD will get that you oftentimes find literally everything so fucking boring you could scream. Even things you like or have liked. Things you know you would like on medication. So to fixate on something for a while feels like a desert oasis to our parched brains.
I did so many things I found terribly boring because I loved this person, and that made it much easier. Played so many video games I didn't give a true shit about and had to actively wrangle my raw concentration for hours in order to participate. So many board games. I really don't like those LOL. Turn based means I zone out and forget what we're doing when it's not my turn. He never quite understood how much fucking effort that shit took. It was so worth it, to make someone I loved happy. But not easy for me. I gladly took that on because I know my deficits are mine to make up for.
It wasn't even a question, 9/10 times if my partner wanted to do something with me that sounded about as interesting as mopping the floors of the Sistine Chapel on my knees, it was an instant yes. Quality time and sharing each other's interests in important to me. I never bragged or pointed out that I was forcing myself, because I knew that would make it less fun for him. I'm sure he could tell sometimes, but I'll be damned if I didn't put some true fucking effort there. I used to watch movies/tv/news segments with him that I struggled to stay engaged with and never complained. I wanted him to to know I WANTED to be interested in his interests even if I could not muster up the interest organically within myself. Doesn't that count for anything???
But I was vilified because I'm a bit of a conversation hog sometimes. And he felt unable to gently steer me back to what he wants to talk about. To tell me, "heyyyy you're doing it again, maybe u don't realize, but I'm not 100% done with this topic and I'd love to discuss it more together." which would also work perfectly well. I LITERALLY don't realize I'm ranting when I'm doing it, if I've become comfortable to unmask in front of you. Instead he just bottled it up for months and grew to resent me for it.
How is it that everyone I know who actually loves me can call out when I'm going off the rails and making them feel not paid attention to without holding it against me? Without automatically assuming it means I don't care about them? That caring was equated with rapt attention and absorbing of interests was always gonna be the death of me in that relationship. It's not how I'm equipped to show love.
I showed it in so many other ways that went completely disregarded. All of the forcing myself to do things that made me want to turn into a pile of sludge from understimulation was never noticed or appreciated. Never counted for shit. Cool + fair.
Also, towards the end this person would REGULARLY get distracted when I was talking to point out birds or planes in the sky or some such shit (I'm convinced he did it on purpose to bother me bc he was incapable of discussing his feelings and asking for needs to be met, so instead he took out his resentment on me), and on the 5th time or so this happened and I mentioned that it made me feel kinda bad and lose my train of thought and could he try to not do it as much, he threw a hissy fit about how I was being unreasonable and controlling. 🙃
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katya-goncharov · 11 days
oh my gosh the utter bullshit i've had to put up with from universal credit!!
#i was told before specifically that since i'm a student i can only be expected to work up to 15 hours a week and then since i'm#not entitled to student loans i'm allowed to automatically get benefits without having to find extra work#and it's been that way since january and i've been receiving universal credit since then#but now i've been assigned a new case worker or whatever who is suddenly saying that the rules are different and i have to be earning#at least £890 a month whether i'm a student or not?!! and she keeps insisting those are the rules no matter how many times i say#i've been told differently and have been recieving money based on different rules for months#but of course appointments are all verbal so i don't have any written proof and at this point it feels like borderline gaslighting#idk it's just so stressful and exactly what i don't need and i haven't done anything wrong and i literally DON'T have time to be working#full time and i don't know why they're suddenly insisting it's different now#it's just so much additional stress i really don't need and it's really not doing my mental health any good#also the fact that i'm told i get my benefits cut if i miss an appointment. but THEY were literally nearly 20 minutes late calling#me for my appointment today. i was so scared they'd somehow twist it and accidentally register it that it was my fault i missed it that#i literally took a video of myself with my phone out at the correct time because i thought i might have to prove i was there#i hate it so much and i wouldn't have to put up with any of this if i was just entitled to student loans. but i'm literally not entitled to#any money because the system is stupid#emma vents
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