#and it used to always make me so furious like bitch there are other courses than those two fields one can pursue
merinelsa · 2 years
#that last post really unleashed some feelings#aunties always used to ask me what my brother was currently doing#and I was like he's in college#and their next question always used to be in which engineering college he was studying in or some question already assuming he took up#engineering#and it used to always make me so furious like bitch there are other courses than those two fields one can pursue#just bc both my parents were engineers doesn't mean my brother wants to be one#he has his own mind and dreams that he wants to achieve#and then once my math teacher when I talked about my brother taking up history and international relations course was like so he's not as#smart or intelligent as you or something shitty like that and I was like how does him not liking math equate to his level of smartness#everyday I thank all lords that my brother was able to escape such narrow minded people and moreover escape from courses that would've#killed him#but God the shit he had to go through from both the society and my parents for a long while#the trauma he was subjected to on a daily basis bc of his different interest I wish I couldve done something for him through those years#I wish I had enough maturity to blow some sense into those people#and now in my batch I see people like my brother who couldn't escape struggle through the course#for some people the only reason they came to this field was to make their parents proud as if that should be anyone's goal in life as if th#dreams dont matter and some others being forced into it#there could be millions of 3 idiots and taare zameen pars but our fucking society never changes#I'm so tired of this trend I'm so tired of our children being sacrificed for this
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mychemicalrachel · 2 years
Full disclosure, I have not seen the Teen Wolf movie and no I do not plan on it. I have caught a few things through the magic of tumblr and I had some thoughts. So if everything I saw is accurate; Derek has a kid Eli (basically a Stiles replacement since Dylan wasn’t in the movie. Also, nobody knows who his mother is?) and Derek dies, and he leaves his kid to Scott and Allison. Am I right so far? I’ve seen a few posts entertaining the idea of Stiles being Eli’s other dad, fix-its that have him resurrecting/saving Derek in some capacity. And so it got me thinking of my own version of how I would fix this dumpster fire and like,
What if Stiles was not Eli’s dad?
No no no, hear me out, okay?
Derek had Eli with some one night stand or whatever, it’s not important. She’s not in the picture but neither is Stiles. Stiles is just the one that got away, he’s the guy Derek has been pining over for the past fifteen years, and nothing more. Stiles finally got away from the supernatural shitshow and Derek is not going to be the one to drag him back into it just because he has feelings for him.
But Stiles is still the closest thing Derek has ever had to family and it makes sense for Derek to entrust his family with Stiles’ family. So what if he left Eli in the care of John? (hIS NAME IS JOHN, FIGHT ME ON THIS.) And John, he kind of adores the kid, right? Of course when Derek dies (because he does) John takes Eli in just as he promised he would.
But John is getting older. Eli is a handful because he is just like Stiles. John has to tell Stiles eventually what happened and he really could use some help trying to wrangle a grieving teenager, so he calls Stiles.
Stiles is FURIOUS when he finds out what happened. He hasn’t been in contact with Scott for years because he realized what a piece of shit Scott was, but the fact that Scott didn’t even call when everything was happening makes him angry. The fact that they let Derek die?? More than angry. Angry enough to kill somebody. But when he meets Eli, all that anger disappears. Eli, who is this weird mix of Derek and Stiles, who is mourning the loss of his only parent, his only family. He knows what it’s like to lose a parent, but even after his mom died, he always had his dad. Eli doesn’t have that so Stiles makes it his responsibility to become that figure for him. Not his dad because nobody could replace Derek, but a guardian.
He moves back to town, he bonds with Eli, and in his spare time he maybe starts to explore the possibilities of necromancy. Death in a place like Beacon Hills has never been permanent– Peter and now Allison are proof of that. He doesn’t tell anybody because he doesn’t actually plan on bringing Derek back, it’s just a thought that keeps him from falling apart entirely. During this time, he realizes not only his feelings for Derek, but Derek’s feelings for him. He wishes he could have just a few minutes with Derek, wishes he could go back in time and redo everything. Maybe he would have stayed in Beacon Hills, or he would have asked Derek to leave with him. And time travel, yeah that’s a possibility, too, but time is a fickle bitch and Stiles isn’t willing to gamble with it. What if he messes something up and erases Eli from existence?
In the end, bringing Derek back is kind of an accident.
Years have passed and Eli is healing, Stiles is healing– they even manage to fix the jeep together because symbolism. Stiles is going through some old journals or something of Deaton’s and he finds something that looks kind of promising (something about true love being the one thing more powerful than death or something equally as cheesy) and he’s reading it out loud and it just happens. No fanfare, no sparks, almost like it’s not magic at all. One second, Stiles is alone, and the next, Derek is there– older than the last time Stiles saw him, just as beautiful. There’s some panic because what the fuck, the last thing Derek remembers is the fire and being so sure he was going to die and thinking if only I could see Stiles one more time and now he’s here, standing in front of Stiles– also older than the last time Derek saw him, and just as beautiful. But after the panic, there’s some kissing and some crying and some long awaited love confessions, and by the time they go home, Stiles still isn’t sure exactly what happened, what he did, what the consequences might be, but he’s got his arm around Derek’s waist and the burn of Derek’s stubble on his lips and Derek is alive so nothing else fucking matters.
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dollypopup · 3 months
People truly have no empathy for Colin at all, do they?
I've seen comments about how unfair he was to Penelope for his reaction to the Lady Whistledown reveal, disparaging him for 'pouting on the couch' or that he was unreasonable, or out of character, or he should have gotten over it more quickly, and that he left her in the street SO egregiously, and how DARE he say that she trapped him! and being furious that he iced her out and, worst of all, calling him a 'little bitch' for his response (sexist language? in MY fandom? it's more likely than you think!)
I need us to step into his shoes as a character for a moment, because honestly it makes so much sense to me why he was upset and reacted the way he did. And it all comes back to that mirror scene and his apology at the start of the season.
Why did Colin ultimately fall for Penelope? Because she made him feel seen. It was genuinely baffling to me in Episode 8 when Penelope talked about how it felt to be invisible, to be unheard, to search for a purpose, and the camera didn't pan to Colin. When that has been his ultimate insecurity for the entirety of his characterization. Colin related to Penelope because THEY are mirror images of each other, and what made it so dissatisfying for me at the end of the season was that the writing dropped that, but I digress.
Colin feels transparent with Penelope. And he likes that. He likes that she sees him because he feels that she sees him gently, and kindly, and with tenderness. He's concerned, of course, that she doesn't have the same feelings for him that he does for her, but he loves her, and it's a good feeling to love someone who knows and accepts you.
He wanted the same opportunity. They strip down in front of each other, and that's what made their first time so beautiful and meaningful for him. Not that they were naked, but that they were bare. That, for him, he bared it all for her. His heart, his feelings, his skin, his hopes and dreams. Colin has always been a vulnerable party in their relationship.
And finding out she is Lady Whistledown is the confirmation that such feelings were one sided for him.
Of course that fucking hurts!
Colin CRIES when he finds out she's Lady Whistledown. He is seconds away from sobbing in that street. He is betrayed, and she has no words with which to comfort him. Of course, we as the audience understand that as her fears come to fruition, that Colin can now never love her (as Eloise warned) (and also is not true, through all of it, he DOES love her) because he sees who she is in full and cannot accept it (yet), but for Colin, it is not necessarily that she is Lady Whistledown that hurts him the most. Listen to what he says first and foremost and you will recognize what he had the most immediate pain over: All the lies you have told me. . .
Because Colin is traumatized. This was his grief with Marina, as well: the lies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: For Colin, love is being open, being honest, and choosing one another for it. Love is living in the light. And for him, Penelope has only allowed him to love half of her as a result of her secrecy. That's painful.
Even still, he chooses her.
But Penelope? Penelope chooses Lady Whistledown.
I agree that the 'entrapment' comment was harsh but. . .y'all, she did trap him. They were intimate together before he found out about Lady Whistledown, he knew she very well could have been with child, and that in breaking their marriage, he would be leaving her for the wolves. Her only prospect before him was Debling, and he's long gone. Colin loves her despite the fact that she hurt him, and he would never forsake her. Yes, he made the moves first. Yes, he gatecrashed her other engagement. Yes, in a way, he trapped her, too.
But he asked if she wanted to be intimate with him, and she said yes.
Did he leave her in the street after finding out about Lady Whistledown? Yeah, he did. In front of her carriage. She was literally about to get in it and go home. Sometimes, the kindest thing you can do in an argument is to walk away. He is in tears. He just found out the woman he loves has lied to him for years. And she's clearly done this for a long time. In that moment, the big danger to her is what he can say to hurt her in his anger, not her getting in a carriage and rolling her way back to her house.
Please remember that Penelope ghosted him for months over one comment. He believed she would never forsake him and then she did. He came to HER and apologized after she made it clear that he hurt her, and it was a beautiful apology that also, very importantly, had an action attached to it to fix the harm.
That's what's missing in all of these scenes, that's why he's so hurt and can't leave that sofa. For him, that sofa is the place where he and Penelope came together as a couple, the last place he was happy with her and felt he knew her. To leave it, to sleep beside her, is to abandon that glowing past for an uncertain future, and he can't do that because she has not fixed her harm.
There are three steps to a good apology, and I will commend Penelope, she does 2 of the three. 1: Acknowledge the harm. 2: Apologize for the harm. 3: Fix the harm. In whatever way you can. Sometimes, this means if you broke something, to repair it or replace it, like a mug or a cup. Sometimes, this means assuring the action will not take place again, like I'm sorry I looked into your journal, I'll respect your privacy from now on. And then, only then, can you move forward.
The show fails in the fact that they double down on not fixing it. It tries, yes, in the sense that after she's been blackmailed, she comes to him and says she has to be honest with him, but she does not voice aloud that she will continue to be honest with him, or that they will be a unit together. She is an individual, and he is playing support. That's the deal he has to agree to.
Tell me you'd agree right off the cuff. You can't.
And if Lady Whistledown's actions are a source of pain, as he says in the second part of his confrontation All of the things you have written about me and my family well, Penelope intends to continue doing so by the end of the series.
She just intends to do it openly instead of anonymously. So of course Colin has a hard time with this. Finding out Penelope is Lady Whistledown will take time to process, and his intimacy with her stems from his emotional attachment. Of COURSE he doesn't sleep with her even though he's attracted to her when he's getting the blanket for the couch: their closeness has been cut, and he's feeling it like a wound.
So yes, Colin sleeps on that couch, and he finds some refuge as he digests the fact that whilst Pen is acknowledging that she hurt him, she doesn't intend to repair that harm. It is on him to do so, on him to build that bridge, and of course he needs time for it. He is alone, he has no one really to confide in, and Eloise took an entire year to forgive Penelope, yet we expect Colin to be over it in what? A few days?
His betrayal about Lady Whistledown is multifaceted:
1: It is an understanding that the woman he loves is also the woman who has lied to him
2: The woman he loves is the woman who disparaged him publicly and stands by that disparagement
3: The woman he loves has a legacy and a career when he doesn't, and he is digesting his envy and bitterness about it. The embarrassment of having revealed to her that he likes to write and for her to know whilst she is a more successful author than he is (THIS is the facet that he SHOULD be dealing with on his own, frankly. THIS is the 'build the bridge and get over it' bit, NOT the others)
4: He has been lied to in the past and now has trust issues, so he doesn't even know if he can believe she fully loves him
and 5: He is in a predicament where he will never be chosen first, and considering he never has been in his entire life, this is also a sting that will take a long time to heal (and don't come at me about how Penelope choosing her career is #girlboss. He asked her to give up a gossip column that has hurt him and her loved ones and is putting her actively in danger. he never asked her to stop writing. he never asked her to be a stay-at-home wife, he never intended to have her at home and pregnant. he wanted her to acknowledge that yes, LW was a persona she took on, just as he had a persona at the start of the season, and she no longer needed it and could walk freely with him into the light, writing novels and living a life with him hand in hand. that's not unreasonable. she didn't NEED to keep writing Lady Whistledown, and the fact that she, yet again, chose it when she has acknowledged how much harm and pain it has brought her and those around her felt like a massive step back in her development, but I digress)
Colin Bridgerton is, frankly, a more empathetic character than most of us would be. I have ended relationships for considerably less hurt than this, and whilst I understand that Penelope having a career is important, fuck, *I* have a career and I find it deeply fulfilling, and giving it up would be unthinkable. But at the same time, your career cannot come first in your life as it does for Penelope.
We end the series with her life still unbalanced. Throughout it all, the ONE thing she has always chosen has been Lady Whistledown, and there's a reason people say that constantly picking your career before your family and the people who love you is detrimental. It's because it is.
This is meant to be an escapist romance show. The romance between Polin felt lacking, not because Colin didn't choose Penelope fast enough, but because Penelope didn't choose him at all.
Because Colin did choose Penelope. Actively. Partly through honor (look me in my eyes, if he didn't, he KNEW he'd be damning her, he loves her too damn much for that) but mostly through love. She hurt him and he chose to stay. Yes, he slept on the couch. Yes, he processed his emotions. Yes, he was mad. But he was incredibly reasonable throughout all of it, especially considering she essentially went "I'm sorry I hurt you, but I'm going to continue doing this thing" about it.
But what did Penelope choose? To continue writing the article that hurt the people around her, under the promise that 'I'll be better about it, now!'. Not Colin. Not her love story. But her career.
I need to be clear now that they did NOT sell me on the fact that she chose both. She chose 1, very clearly, and the other came as a consolation prize.
Colin should not be a consolation prize.
In the end, Colin chose his love for her over his ego, his pride, and his own self love. I hope in the future it will be more equitable between the two of them, because when he delivered the 'If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you' speech, I felt my heart breaking for him. I would never want that in a romance from a female character saying so to a man, and I don't want it from a man to woman, either.
Colin Bridgerton starts the series in the shadows.
And he ends it in them, too.
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lunaasolstice · 2 years
Rebel With A Cause
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Summary: Chishiya doesn’t like it when you play games.
Pairings: Chishiya x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW! Smut (18+), Kinky
A/N: Possessive Chishiya with Y/N being a bad bitch lmao. 
To say Chishiya wasn’t getting on your last nerves was an understatement. For the past three days he’s been avoiding you with no explanation. The two of you weren’t dating per se, but you guys were mutually exclusive. So of course not finding him would be a huge deal for you. Was he just using you? Whatever it was you could care less at this point. 
You meet up with Kuina at the bar in the Beach. Grabbing the cold beer she got for you, the two of you cheered and took sips of the bitter, malty liquid. While you guys were talking, you look around and recognize a figure leaning up against the wall making out with some red-headed chick.
Oh, well that’s not mutually exclusive. The sight made you furious, but if he wants to play this game then so be it. You tell Kuina you would be right back and make your way to your room.
In your room you find and put on the best bikini top top you own; a black lacy top showing more cleavage than normal with a black mini skirt. You fix your hair into a high ponytail and put on some liquid eyeliner winging out your eyes. Taking one last look in the mirror, your smile widened. That’ll teach him.
Kuina’s jaw dropped when you walk into the room. “You look hot as hell Y/N, I could make out with your right now.” 
“I’ll remember that for next time.” you wink. 
Looking around the room you see that he was still with that other chick. Rolling your eyes you take two tequila shots and head to the dance floor. The loud bass filling your ears, closing your eyes you let the music and the alcohol kick in.  The beat of the music gets more intense, and your body moves along, your hips swaying faster, and your arms out matching the rhythm of your moves while you mouthed the lyrics. Catching the eye of a cute stranger in front of you, you signaled him a come here with your fingers and start dancing with him. You seductively start spinning around while swaying your hips and start grinding on him. His hands go for your waist and the two of you continue dancing. As you make your way up you look around and see Chishiya glaring at you. 
You give him a smirk, the one he always gives you. Bet you like that, huh?  You turn around and continue dancing with the cute stranger. When you tried to wrap your arms around his neck you felt an immediate grasp on your arm that pulled you back, dragging you out of the room. 
“Hey let go of me!” you yelled. The grip was too tight and he kept you dragging you through the corridors. “Chishiya, let go!” 
He continues to ignore you. He was really getting on your nerves tonight and you were not going to deal with it. “Let fucking go Chishiya I don’t have time for this!!”
The two of you finally get to your room and he throws you against your bed. His eyes had full on rage in them. “You know that guy in the dance floor was trying to fuck you, right?”
Is he dumb? “Yeah no shit, why do you think I was dancing on him?” you smirk.
He puts his hand around your neck, not with too much force but enough to give you a warning, “Are you really trying to test me, Y/N? Only I’m allowed to fuck you.”
You smirk, “Is that so?”
He flips you over, your stomach now laying on the soft blanket of your bed. He aggressively pulls down your mini skirt and slaps your ass hard. Lowering his pants he’s now fully exposed. His hands make your way to your pussy, feeling the wetness against your folds.
“Already wet, hm?”
You laugh, “Yeah but not for you.”
He smacks your ass harder again and then pulls on your ponytail hard, sliding his dick into your pussy before thrusting you hard balls deep from behind.
“Say that again?”
The moans escaped your lips as his cock fit perfectly inside you as he was going in and out. He starts to thrust harder and repeating, “Say that again?”
“It’s for you.” 
Speeding up his pace made you more aroused, causing your moans to get louder. You tried to cover your mouth but he immediately smacks your hand away. “Let them hear your moans, I want everyone to know that you are mine,” he groans against your ear. Unable to keep yourself quiet, the moans only grew louder and you were practically screaming his name.
“Chishiya don’t stop.” You were on the edge of having an orgasm and he knew how to bring you to that edge. He start thrusting right into your g-spot, the sensation feeling so great your walls start clenching against his shaft. He groans, soft moans coming out of his lips, thrusting harder into your g-spot until the two of you reach your highs.
Turning around  you look at him with those doll like eyes of yours,  “We aren’t done yet.”
He raises his eyebrows, before realizing you were carefully grabbing his dick and slowly started licking his shaft. Your tongue makes its way to his tip, gently licking and sucking it. Looking up you see his head rolled back. You admired looking at him this way; his beautiful white hair going off his shoulders while he has his eyes closed enjoying the pleasure you were giving him.
You get up and chuckle, “Actually I’m done now. That’s what you get for easily replacing me with some random chick. Why don’t you ask her to have her lips wrapped around your dick, yeah?” Giving him that condescending smirk, he then returns that same look. 
 “Get on the bed now.”
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
I Want My Life Back (Aemond x Reader)
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As you guys have realised I adore writing morally gray moments and subtle scenes of endearment between the reader and the character so I hope you like it as well
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Rhaenyra was furious, she had lost so much so fast, gave birth to a stillborn, her father was dead, Aegon was crowned king by Alicents command and now her daughter was nowhere to be found, what could she have done when Otto came to Dragonstone with “civil conditions” in order to negotiate but to also announce that her beloved daughter, her precious (y/n) was in Harrenhal with prince Aemond.
“You killed my daughter and now you dare to kidnap my dearest (y/n)?!”
“Nobody took your daughter princess, Aemond and (y/n) eloped”
“You expect me to believe that? My (y/n) would never do this”
“She is her mother's daughter, as you were forbidden by your father to marry Daemon she was also kept away from Aemond, no blood need be spilled, your daughter can create new lineage for the Targaryens, let us unite in harmony again”
“By harmony you mean we bow down to the drunkard bitch that you call king? (Y/n) is probably in some dungeon begging for mercy and you dare to indicate she went willingly? Let me make something clear to you Otto, if I need to kill someone, best believe I am going for Aemond first”
Daemon threatened in a hissed tone while he stood next to Rhaenyra, her hands formed fists from anger and agony, (y/n) was her only daughter, little raven-haired beauty with eyes at the color of the wooden tree she liked to rest under on the summer days in their garden, this was a calculated move from Aemond so Rhaenyras hand will be forced into violence… and he had succeeded.
“My daughter is not a broodmare, she is a princess, I will not allow you to force into squeezing Aemonds children just so you can have leverage over me. We are done here”
There was no way for Rhaenyra to predict this, she scattered her brain that night unable to sleep for glimpses of intimacy between Aemond and (y/n), (y/n) was a sweet girl and Aemond was a brooding prude that blamed his shortcomings on her sons, there was no way (y/n) could have fallen for him.
But (y/n) did, Rhaenyra might not remember though Rhaenyra was unable to see their hands intertwining under the table or how (y/n) looked at Aemond while at the training grounds, nor was she aware of the raven scrolls that were exchanged between them all these years, (y/n) was apprised of the consequences of her actions, she expected her mother to be livid, demanding her to come back home, she predicted everything apart of her grandsires death and the greens scheming.
“We must go back, my mother will listen to me, we can explain”
“My dear I always found your naive nature adorable besides this moment, Rhaenyra will ask for my head the moment she glances upon us”
“Then I shall go alone, Aemond your brother usurped her, if we declare for her perhaps Alicent will soften and bend the knee”
“That cannot happen, it is too dangerous, Daemon will throw me in the cells of dragonstone, is that what you want? To be kept away from me?”
Aemond reached for his lover's hands and brought them up to let them rest on his chest while he gawked deeply into her eyes with a pleasing look, the raven that was sent to them by Aemonds grandsire Otto should have been burned, foolishly he let her know of the events from Kings Landing, (y/n) was overcome by grief for Viserys even though it was Aemonds father.
Aemond was worried for the future with his intentions, not for kings or queens, they could kill each other for all he cared, in fact, what a bright idea would it be to see his lovely (y/n) wearing a crown while she stood by his side? A child or two next to them, the picture was rudely ripped from his imagination by (y/n) who paced around the room like a mad woman, whispering plans to go back, Aemond would rather eat dragon glass than see Rhaenyras face right now.
“No, of course not, Aemond, she is my mother”
“And my sister, my brother, my own mother, still I stand here by your side I do not whine and beg to run back to her”
“Whine? Is that what you think? That I’m simply homesick?”
“Truth be told I do not know what to think of you anymore”
“they need us”
“I need you, me! The one that came to your chambers and promised you a future as bright as the sun and children as many as the stars above, our families kept us from one another for so long I will not let them do it again”
Aemonds voice boomed through the room, (y/n) was left as still as a grain of salt, stiff as she lowered her gaze to the ground before she looked back up to him, fear and sadness written all over he faces, Aemonds deep breaths were the only thing you could hear at the same time that (y/n) was left with countless things to say, strangely she had seemed to lose her voice, no, he had taken it from her.
“I love you, Aemond, I love my family too”
“I am your new family and you better get that through your thick skull”
“You promised me that we would be happy”
“We will, once you give up those foolish ideas of going home”
“Aemond no, please”
She tried to run after him, instinctively she was sure of what was to come alas she was not fast enough, the door shut before her eyes and the sound of keys twisting was heard as she slid down the door to the ground.
Aemond stood on the other side, listening to her whimpering and (y/n) calling for him whilst she banged on the door in desperation, every fiber of his being was screaming to open the door, hug her, kiss her, give her everything her heart wishes, thought the fear of their families intervening and twisting their fate around until there was nothing left kept him from doing what his heart truly wanted.
“Please, I have never asked for much, keep her from hating me, in the Mother's name I pray”
Aemond had earned his piousness from his mother, the fear of the seven often sneaked into his consciousness making him beg for forgiveness for seeking the companion of (y/n) in a manner that was unbefitting his station, now he was left in his own devices to navigate his relationship and properly stir it to the safest route.
“Aemond, please, let me out”
Her voice cracked as her bangs on the door were becoming smaller, slowly giving up at the attempt to change his mind.
Aemond was the only man (y/n) ever wanted, she adored her mother as deep as bones so to run away with Aemond meant a lot, on the contrary (y/n) wanted to stand by her mothers' side, why must she choose between love and family?
Minutes passed, minutes turned to hours and (y/n) stayed on the cold floor while the sun said its goodbyes and was replaced by the moon, a serene night, sounds of nature filled her ears that usually calmed her, the wind passing through the leaves was melodic yet (y/n) felt like an empty shell of a person, weak from crying she dragged herself to her bed, she did not even try to take her clothes off, she just laid there, waiting for the sweet feeling of sleep to take her away, take her to her mother.
It was a pointless task, (y/n) could not just sleep like nothing has happened, besides, the bed was too cold for her liking, it was their second night away from home and they were spending it away since Aemond decided to lock her away like a child in punishment, safe to say that it wasn’t unraveling the way (y/n) had pictured it.
While (y/n) was dwelling over the bad turn of events a shuffling of keys in the lock forced her to raise from the bed and turn her attention towards the wooden door.
Aemonds voice was as light as a feather as he walked into the room, the candles snarfed out hours ago meant the only source of light came from outside which wasn’t that helpful, still as the moonlight laminated in the room Aemonds silver hair alerted her.
“You are being cruel”
“You mean everything to me”
“I want my life back”
“You chose to come with me”
“Not as your prisoner”
“Can you promise me that if I set you free you won’t try to run away?”
Silence, utter silence took over as (y/n) bit her bottom lip, Aemond waited patiently before a smirk appeared on his lips.
“I thought so”
“I still need you, intensely at that, my love for you is deeper than this, I just- do you understand why I am resisting?”
“I do, do you understand why I want us to stay away”
“Then what do you suggest?”
“Lay with me”
Her voice was meek and hoarse from crying almost until this moment until the tears dried up and the gagging from the sore throat became insufferable, her eyes swollen and red, Aemond hated seeing her like this, he wanted to claw himself and rip his skin to pieces for putting her through such emotional suffering.
He complied by taking off his jacket, then shoes and pants, slowly to not startle her he crawled into bed with her, his arms snaked around her and his one hand found her thick strands of hair while the other ran circles on her back, (y/n) took a deep inhale at the contact, his touch always had a strong influence over her, Aemond was (y/n)s milk of the poppy, addictive, sweet and numbing to point of delusions, a faint smile appeared from (y/n) as she nuzzled closer to him, her hands clung on to him for dear life.
Aemond was her prison, he held the keys to her freedom yet she wanted to stay, to love him, some would call it the stupidity of a young girl, the poets would say that the love had poisoned her blood and (y/n) was letting the snake bite her because of how sweet the kiss was.
“I will always be here for you”
“I know, I just wish things had been different”
“They will be”
“You don’t know that”
“I will do my best”
“That is still not good enough, I am sorry but it’s not, Aemond we could-“
“I will not breathe more life into the matters of our families, the people that kept us apart if you recall, I just want to enjoy your presence for one night”
(Y/n) only puffed out a breath of frustration, she hated to admit that he was right, going over it again and again would not sway him to her side of things whatsoever, if anything it angered Aemond to a bigger extent and that would make things worst for (y/n).
“Hopefully one day we can look back on this time period and laugh, your hair will be great and our grandchildren will run around us”
“That sounds like a wonderful future dearest”
“Do you think we can make it?”
“I don’t know”
He was honest as he stroked her head and she inhaled sharper to take in his scent, a scent that soothed her, a scent that reminded her of a time that they sneaked around the castle at the hour of the wolf in Aegons chambers while he was already out of the gates doing Gods know what.
“What I do know is that I will not stop until I create a haven, for you, and for our new family”
“Until we can open our gates to our families”
Aemond chose to bite back his tongue, it irritated him that she always found a way to bring them up, Aemond was certain that this rivalry for the throne would end in a bloodbath for both sides, nobody could tell with certainty that Rhaenyra or all the others would survive.
Of course, it left him anxious as well, his lovely sister, Heleana, his adoring mother, Alicent, his sweet brother, Daeron, and even the agitating Aegon who had his moments, he had to give it to him that Aegon was the only one that helped him keep his affair with (y/n) under wraps.
“We should rest, an important morrow awaits us”
“Will you help me pick out a dress?”
“I have already arranged a dress for you, did you think I was going to let my bewitching bride wear a simple gown?”
Requests are open!
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helluva-dump · 9 months
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You know despite doing things with Adam and Lucy… I’ve grown to really enjoy writing stuff with another broken relationship.😂
Because I’ve been invested with the Bible folklore (mainly angelnology and demonology), I read more things about Ariel as well as Mammon that gave me an idea. Since Ariel not only is the Angel of nature but she’s also an Angel of prosperity where Mammon is the sin of Greed… and I thought “oooo what if she was his ex gf”
That Ariel and Mammon used to be lovers at one point when God first created the angels. Now in my headcanon, not all of the Helluva boss sins are arch angels… I think some were just regular angels like Mammon. Though in the vibe folklore it varies, but I had this thought he was just a regular Angel that went through struggles.
And when Ariel met him, she really felt so bad and offered some of her prosperity to help him get basic needs, like food, clothes, and shelter. The two of them start to hit it off and developed romantic feelings for each other.
Though God didn’t approve their relationship since he could sense something off with Mammon… Mainly anytime he is around the riches of gold they offer to help others… Mammon consumed more and more where it started to slowly corrupt him… he would always guilt trip Ariel and pressure her to grant him more of her wealth for “self love and comfort” because he’s depressed.
At one point, when she granted some wealth to poor angels and those that are struggling, Mammon WAS SO FURIOUS. He was so angry that she gave most of the wealth to those below them that he just BADLY wanted it all to himself. And they got into heated arguments over it to the point where Ariel banished him from the holy treasure, due to how it corrupted him.
And of course he got so angry and bitter that to prove he wants a selfish greedy sinner… He used that gold to make her a beautiful treasure as his offer in marriage… the only thing she had to do was join his rebellion with Lucifer to rebel against God and grant him more riches.
And we all know how that worked out at the end 😂 Ariel was too kind and compassionate to ever even stoop his low of hoarding money he didn’t need. And this lead to a massive fallout with them both, but it lead to consequences of the future of churches and Christians.
You know how sadly some preachers end up being greedy and use charity money for yatches and other things? Or why there’s so many republicans in Christianity? Let’s say because Ariel has romance with Mammon, the greed badly tainted her prosperity. Which lead to the downfall of humans being trained with greed, even in Christian spaces.
Like Azreal, Ariel too made a mistake. And she had to pay the price for this mistake she caused. God was stern with her and wasn’t happy about her affair, but she did promise him to face consequences for her actions. And that is paying a lot of of taxes for working angels and giving wealth to those charities. And somehow it did help her heal, she even went to confession and did things to help her heal from that tainted relationship.
Where Mammon on the other hand, still whines and bitches about Ariel to this day. He made up a false narrative how she BANNED him from Heaven and threw him under the bus. And how she “screw him over” all because she rejected his proposal, offer, and no longer wanted to grant him riches.
Since the show shows how misogynistic Mammon is, I headcanon he thinks less of women all because of Ariel. Especially after Ariel felt comfortable being trans, she used to make jokes before while taking a jab at greedy people and Mammon took it as a personal attack. (Much like how Contrapoints would make funny skits to de radicalize alt righters, that’s what I imagine Ariel doing with some male angels )
They sometimes counter each other over big events such as nature protests, or if they need Ariel to purge sinners that caused damage to environments for greed.
So what Lilith was to Adam, Ariel is to Mammon.
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mekochansblog · 2 years
Fuck school
 Five hargreeves x reader
- pt.2 of school?
- warnings: Small fighting, bit of sub five, slight cussing
Five sighed, seeing his wife heading to her class while all he did was stare at her retreating figure. He clicked his tongue and knew not having her around might make it hard for him not to stab a kid in the eye. So he opened the door for his class and looked around. He saw that he was interrupting a class since everyone was staring at him. The teacher stared at him and then looked at the course.
"You must be the new student..." The teacher trailed off, not knowing his name since he was just new.
"Five, Five Hargreeves." Five said while giving a sarcastic smile. The teacher looked at Five with a small smile and nodded his head. He pointed at a seat in front of a girl with blonde hair and blowing bubblegum. Five mentally rolled his eyes, so this was the clique Klaus was talking about in the morning. The teacher started teaching about Trigonometry. While Five saw what the teacher was writing, he scoffed. He learned this when he was ten years old. How hard is it to learn simple math? If Y/N were here, she would have told him to suck it up. Instead, he chuckled lowly and just stared at the board boredly.
The ponytailed girl in front of him turned around and looked him up and down. She giggled, sounding like a hyena, and tried to grab his hand. He quickly snatched his hand from her ugly fingers.
"Please refrain from touching me; my wi-girlfriend wouldn't like it." So she stopped trying to touch his hand but still was facing him.
  "My friends and I would like it if you sat with us during lunchtime; you're cute, and I want you next to me." She said more like demanded. The ball rang, and Five got up and grabbed the notebook you gave him for notes. (Which he might not even use since he knows everything) The girl who hadn't asked or cared for her name still followed him; this time, she could hug his arm right when you were turning the corner. You looked at Five, then at the girl holding his hand. You walked up to him and looked him in the eye. Five looked you in the eye, and you saw the annoyance and disgust in his eyes for the clinging bitch.
You smile at your husband and then at the girl; you see that about three girls are behind the blonde bitch holding your husband in a tight grip. Although you knew Five could have easily pried her off from him, you also knew why he let her cling to him. He knew you were a beast in fighting, and although he won't admit it out loud back at the commission, you will always be at the top of the board. He was always stars truck when you would show up at your small apartment with a tiny bit of blood, a smile, and takeout food for both.
  The girl looked at you up and down and at Five, who was busy smiling at you. The girl felt rage, let go of Five, and raised her hand, ready to slap you when you grabbed her hand. You looked at her with a menacing smile and giggle. The giggle Five knew meant murder. So he took a step back and let you handle it. The people around you guys started making a circle and stayed quiet. The blonde bitch looked at you in shock and got furious. So She started screaming like a lunatic and tried to slap you with her other hand, but you kicked her in the stomach, and she stumbled backward until she fell on her ass. You strolled up to her and leaned down.
"Touch my boyfriend again, and the next time I won't go as lightly as I did." So you looked down at her like the cockroach she was and grabbed Five's hand, and started walking away; everyone made room for you, scared you would do the same as how you did to the blonde bitch. You walked outside where the picnic tables were and stood while Five sat down. You were boiling with rage just thinking of that blonde bitch touching what was yours. Five was staring at you, pacing in front of him, and he chuckled.
  You looked at your husband, grabbed him from his jawline, and made him look at you, "Only I can touch you; you are mine and mine alone, Five Hargreeves." Five tried to avoid your gaze possessively on him. You saw that his cheeks and ears started to turn a burning red. "Do you understand me, miele?" You asked him again.
Five gulped and tried to look down; he groaned, hid his face with his hands, and mumbled something you didn't understand.
"Speak up, miele."
He sighed, "You gave me a boner."
You looked down and saw his noticeable boner and smirked. "Nothing I can't fix if we head home."
  He looked at you, and his eyes widened; he stood up and dragged you home.
Fuck school; he can give you lessons on something better at home.
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kiwibongos · 5 months
im back thinking again. regarding my last post with how i interpreted ibuki and fuyuhiko's friendship im heavily thinking abt him and hiyoko. hiyoko more specifically tbh. its hiyoko appreciation time. will contain spoilers
imo she should have lived. also tbh kazuichi shouldve died, not her. thats a whole other sauce tho (again) but like. i feel like hiyoko deserved to survive way more, in general. her potential was really there man
i used to hate hiyoko, i still kind of dislike her in a certain way but its because all of that points blame to the writers of sdr2, for the god awful pacing they thought was good, and how they just didn't really bother to show a lot of growth from her before her time was wrapped up? i enjoy how she was the mean character bc there's always gotta be That One Bitch, but i really would've loved for her to survive, for her to heal and live on for mahiru and even to grow close with fuyuhiko, ibuki, hajime and sonia, and she would perhaps even express sadness towards ibuki and mikan's deaths
its like everything that had happened in the game, and all the time they spent focused on hiyoko and what she was going through just went to waste, and they spent the rest on weaker material or scenes. hiyoko should have been given the same character arc fuyuhiko lived to see. and both of them have so much in common already, they'd make a pretty good duo. e.g., they both lost someone they loved (mahiru & peko), they're both mean, stubborn, and quippy but secretly soft around the right people, also hello they literally look related anyway ... the blonde hair and the rosy cheeks . come on. someone on spike chunsoft saw them. but it didnt work out. anyway i feel like they would bond amazingly, albeit very slowly, but they're definitely the duo to just gossip all the time about other people LOL, and fuyuhiko would try to comfort her as well, because he's lost two people
hiyoko wouldn't just easily forgive him of course, i dont think she ever could, hence why i emphasized they'd slowly bond because the tension would be agonizing. she was furious, and still mourning mahiru when she had just died, but she would at least understand him and grow to accept his company and genuine kindness overtime (and she had almost seemed to near the very end??). if she lived to see his genuine growth and saw that he actually cared and that he would do anything to make it up to her, she'd be way less cautious of him. and she'd realize that the fact that they're both stuck on an island in a killing game, and fuyuhiko genuinely seems to be the only one who seems to bother, and the only one who actually sees her. so if not him, who else does she really have, you know. at least, at that moment
afterwards, hiyoko would just calm down and be more cooperative and helpful overtime, she's not dumb at all and she knows what to say, though she might butt her head in at the worst times, she also doesn't put up with bullshit, the same way sonia doesn't, they both act thoroughly bc they're smart. she'd also be really helpful in the trials tbh, i think she'd be the kind to spot out little details
later on she'd have sonia and hajime to support her too! someone has to help her with her kimono.... fuck it they'd all collectively just tolerate her but also encourage her. compared to fuyuhiko she hadn't really done anything bad, she was just hurt. she just needs someone, now that her own someone was gone
of course id love if she stayed hotheaded but just not call everyone a skank or a pig every two seconds, keep her mean side i love a bad bitch, she just wouldn't have kept that mask up, and she'd learn like, "Oh Shit, these people are all i have, and i need them". if she stuck around, hiyoko wouldve been such a good help as a survivor. and just generally more interesting to see, she woulda stuck out to me more in general. wouldve LOVED to see her shine in chapter three, or the final two chapters
hiyoko fans please rise with me. i love her and her dumb pigtails. tldr im MAD she didn't get her redemption like she deserved she was so cool despite also being nasty but she had a CHANCE dude the potential was shining bright in front of our eyes
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who1ssheesh · 6 months
Xanxus's s/o being best buds with squalo!!
Xanxus’ s/o being best friends with Squalo
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Pairings: Xanxus/reader, Squalo/reader |PLATONIC|
Notes: maybe I’ve taken “buds” way too serious + Xanxus is a little piece of shit here I’m sorry……I’ll prolly will make Squalo s/o being buds with Xus soon lol. I also think I will expand on this one, feels rushed on some moments here and there
Warnings: swearing, not proofread at all, possible break-up 💀
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If we take the route you’ve become friends with Squalo after starting to date Xanxus, then ooh boy, that’s a rocky start
Superbia admires Xanxus’ strength and specific traits – Squalo never in his life can terrify people around just by mere existing and suffocate with the strength through red wild eyes alone.
But other than that don’t they HATE each other with each letter in capital?
BTW Xanxus, on the other hand, is so ignorant he won’t admit any of Squalo’s strong traits to save his life, and captain acts much more reasonable here. So maybe you’re the one hinting to your man that he should go at least a little bit softer on his right hand
So. Squalo didn’t think Xanxus would date someone….like…….smart…….
He kind of expected a typical mob wife to be a candy of the eye and suck out (pun intended) money since Xanxus doesn’t care about people, you just gotta be useful to him
He can’t even lie he was dumbfounded seeing you for the first time. You are……..normal. He doesn’t mean ugly, you are pretty in a natural? Regular? way, not in a “I want to be a supermodel way too hard” way. Help me, I sound sexist.
It’s not an insult to you, it’s an “I can’t believe someone ambitious and smart got along with HIM”
100% the first time you see him is when Xanxus is beating the shit out of him with glasses again, and you were looking terrified to say the least. And Squalo was so NASTY, he really wished you would see this as the biggest red flag because he doesn’t want to see that bitch happy.
I mean it, there is just no way to get those two along, it’s a weird hate-infused destructive relationship between them.
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You talk for the first time somewhere in the hall after that incident.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Squalo doesn’t answer, but you swear you heard an angry screech of his teeth in return.
You stumbled into each other pretty accidentally. You could be getting coffee for Lussuria (of COURSE you had  to be friends with that-, he would think) and somehow you always got one for Squalo. You are subtle, most of the times not even talking to him, just acting like……you merely treat him as everyone else and don’t pay attention to his tantrums.
You are immune to tantrums with your boyfriend, you’re the reasonable one in the relationship lol
You are the first one to call Squalo out.
“Quit your bullshit”
• You know what’s funny? It worked. Now welcome hell, you can never escape but it’s funny at least.
• You start talking just a little bit, one step at a time, a rare sight seeing Squalo genuinely laugh at something. He enjoys your humor and your brute language, he can now see why you get along with Xanxus.
• You start gossiping with him a lot, he is such a bitch, no wonder Lussuria likes him. As we know, nothing brings you closer than this.
• Anyways, you forgot your furious manchild idiot of a man. And he doesn’t like what he sees, Xanxus unironically thinks you are fucking with Superbia, he is raging and is THIS far from shooting you two
• It’s a long and heated argument, honestly 90% chance it can lead to a break-up. THAT’S IT THANKS FOR READING
• No, but really it’s the first time you have such a scary interaction, it probably includes you having a breakdown.
• Squalo is around there as well, and he is sure to let Xanxus know he won’t let anything happen to you.
• It’s a hard one for your relationship, you probably don’t talk for several days, Squalo will feel guilty despite hating Xanxus with all soul. Xanxus may be a bitch, but you are not.
• Will be your voice of the reason - he can’t and won’t in any way pamper you or pity, but Squalo is good with spitting facts, 10/10 friend material
• Could be having some interactions with Xanxus about the situation, could be not, depends on his mood. But certainly will call his boss a fuck-head
• Sadly, I can’t see your friendship with Squalo go well with Xanxus. Squalo may be the reasonable, but your boyfriend in not
• You both develop a pretty defending relationship, Squalo is sinking with his buds trust me it’s a pride think. So at least you are going to be irritated at him throwing stuff at Squalo -> another argument.
• You don’t go too far though, you both respect each other’s independence and don’t act as mother hen. Rare mature friendship here
• You start going hanging out with Varia a lot, maybe you even meet some of his buds out of Varia. Xanxus is going to be around too btw, some can say he is acting calmer around you
• Squalo is a friend to insult you a lot even as a joke, so thick skin is required. Will be mad at you A LOT, but still is the one to come over at 2am 1000 km away if your car broke down or sum. But if it’s a shitty reason he will get mad and say to fuck your boyfriend’s brain instead.
• Even if you don’t try, you pick up some fencing knowledge lol. Squalo starts rambling a lot and really appreciates you listening. Does so in return, can interrupt you with a dumb joke or some nonsense but just wants to show you he listens
• Squalo can be away for long at missions and develop a habit of bringing you cards with a shitty dad jokes, insults or all together
• You humor synchronizes well, there are a lot of inside jokes, Squalo thinks those are the most important in a friendship lol. Excluding drinking bets
• Has some lines. Won’t get over your house if you are alone. Fair maybe? He wouldn’t be happy if his gf brought Xanxus at their house while he is away. Exception for some emergencies and business questions
• If you ever interested, Squalo will get you tickets to sword fight events. Especially where he participates lol. You don’t have to go, but….he gets you those cause wants to see you ok?? You brobably will go there with Bel or Lussuria
• BROFISTING A LOT AND I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL. Sometimes that piece of shit bumbs you with a metal hand on purpose
• Since you don’t see each other in a sexual or any romantic light at all, Squalo often forgets you are a woman and could be smaller or not so tough (in a physical sense) and can hit you too hard
• You two rating others’ attractiveness 100%💀💀💀💀 Sometimes Luss involved
• It takes a really long time, but the 3am late chats while smoking at a balcony are a thing (I have doomer panelka vibes in my blood, doing that rn whatchu gonna do about it)
• He one day comes you for a serious advice because he’s unsure, and you are the only one Squalo trusts. You appreciate that a lot. Like…a lot
• He will do a lot in return to show his appreciation for your support, you know there is always a man behind your back, ready to catch you if you fall
• I don’t know, to be honest, of Xanxus ever makes peace with your friendship. He is not jealous, it’s about…trust. He is dead inside thinking that in critical situation you can chose Squalo, and Xanxus realizes his tantrums (that fight) break your trust in him even more, which makes Squalo more valuable to you. So in conclusion….Xanxus breaks his life again and is scared.
• But at some point, you don’t have to feel sorry for him, he also wounded you, and he knows that (he should). Squalo 100% will evaluate your ego and aggression a lot, you become confident in protecting your boundaries.
• So if ever Xanxus makes you choose (and holy shit I can imagine him doing this-), you don’t have to chose him just to please him? But it’s hurting someone’s trust either way.
• If you prioritize Xanxus, your relationship with Squalo grow noticeably colder. You obviously won’t develop an “I can’t trust you my life” friendship, but you notice Squalo is not angry about it and even sees a certain reason in your decision. He respects your view on the situation (since you are with Xanxus longer than being friend with Superbia) and sees this as a logical conclusion - that’s the character he likes you because of, ok? You still have a joke here and there or go crazy together rarely just like with any Varia guardian. You will notice Xanxus’ gaze anyway, but it’s a different one - he knows he is the one for you and can’t get enough of that fact.
• Well…….if in the end Xanxus hurts you too much….Squalo is flabbergasted to say the least and feels a lot of responsibility in here secretly, even tho he understands you both are adults + Xanxus can fuck himself piece of shit go and die + voi + ratio. He becomes distant because of this, all while you are weeping here all alone and having second thoughts. I’m the end, he comes at you door in the most Superbia fashion - with a slap and now you have 23 hour training sessions to get your mind clear or sum (he is trying). He gotta get you back to your feet with confidence and pride better as ever, because he is a friend. He goes to help at 2am, gets you when you are all out of breath and here to beat some cense back to you. He helps you get your place in a mafia life once you are chipped off of Xanxus and are all alone, he honestly the one to see you succeed and make yourself a name AND he will hardcore convince you to become a swordsman as well if a potential is seen. It could be decades, but you are still here for Superbia as he is for you, and everyone knows you are always around each other - loud, arrogant, bashful and foul-mouthed. And he still bumps you with a metal hand on purpose istg
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thecoffeenebula · 11 months
Jennifer the energy drainer
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Strange New Worlds
Scotty Fanfiction
Warnings: none
You have been working with a difficult person for the past few weeks and you are done with it. You walk up to your boyfriend Scotty who is trying to calm you down from the whole situation.
“ARRGGHHHHHH” you come walking into the engineering room. Scotty almost fell of his chair as you entered.
“Jesus Christ, are you alright?”
You give him the side eyed look. You were frowning. Everything you frowned you at two small wrinkles above your eyebrows, which sometimes made it look as if you had two extra sets of eyebrows. Scotty always found that very cute.
You did not even respond to his question. It made him stand up and follow you around the room. You noticed of course but tried to keep him in the background. You were angrily grabbing the stuff you needed for your next job.
“I am going to throw her out of an airlock.”
Scotty chuckled. All the pieces fell together for him now.
“Ahh, Jennifer.”
“Yes, Jennifer. If she says one more word…”
“Then what?” Scotty chuckles softly.
“Then she better run.”
Scotty thinks it is adorable when you are angry. Scary but adorable. He knows not to mess with you when you are angry. But to see you so furious about some stupid girl who has nothing on her makes it very adorable. He tries to turn you around, grabbing your upper arms. At first you refuse as you just want to focus on the task ahead, as frustrated as you are now. But after struggling for a few seconds you let him turn you around to face him.
“Why do you keep letting her into your head? She is not worth your energy.”
You drop your tricorder onto the table. “I know, she just makes it very difficult…” her eyes lock onto Scotty’s eyes.
“Nothing I do is good enough. ‘you have to keep it higher otherwise it won’t work.’ ‘No, don’t put that on, that won’t look good’ ‘would you do that.’ ‘oh has she not done that yet, I will go tell her to’… it drives me crazy. You know how many times I wanted to hand her all my stuff and tell her to do it on her own.”
Your eyes become watery. “As long as her back is free that everything is okay. Everything she says and does is so empty. There is literally nothing to it. She is such a narcissistic bitch!” You throw the equipment in your other hand to the panel opposite to you.
It shocked Scotty that you were throwing with stuff. He really noticed that you were done. You had been working with her for more than a week. She was supposed to stay for only one week, but due to a stupid malfunction she sticked along. You and Scotty figured out that she was not the smart one of the group, as she knew nothing about fixing it.
“How is she an engineer? She does no engineering work… we have to do all the works, she just commandeers us around! And she is not even the commander, Scott! She is not!”
You burst out into tears, your bucket has become full of working with a person like this. She only cared about herself, her looks and her image, everything else she did not bother to care for. She walked around like she was everything, like she had her back free of stuff.
You knew she was insecure. It was undoubtedly the problem. Her insecurity shined through so brightly. But she was one of those people who could not bare to see other people thrive so she kept blewing out their candles.
Scotty wraps his arms around her, as you were in dire need of a hug. You were sobbing. Sobbing so hard that it was difficult to grasp for air.
“It’s okay” he softly kisses your head.
“It’s okay to be upset about it. She is a witch, a horrible wicked witch of a person.”
“Witch…. More like bitch” you said softly. You both chuckled.
“What a bitch, she is.”
You looked up at him.
“If she is such a bother, why do we not report it to captain Pike. He notices her behaviour too, he should now about how much this is bothering you. This is not a healthy work environment for you right now.”
You nodded.
“We could do that, but I just want to be capable of standing up to myself.”
“I get that, and you will. I can train you.”
You smiled at him
“You would do that?”
He nods “For the cutest girl of the ship, I most certainly would.”
It makes you blush even more.
“Thank you.”
Scotty moved closer to her. “But only on one condition…” he smiled brightly. You knew instanly what it meant.
“If that is all…” you moved in closer to and kissed him. As you pulled back Scotty pulled you back in again. “No, just a little more.” You smiled.
After the kiss Scotty still told her he was going to make a notice of it at captain Pike, as it was distrupting his duty as well. You agreed with him. The both of you walked out and had a drink at the deck. Talking about how you could defeat this ‘Jennifer’ with the power of you.
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feed-me-romance · 6 months
We Need More Joan.
I'm stuck in bed with a torn meniscus and back spasms. All I've done over the past two days is read, and watch Bravo television. For those wondering, Vanderpump Villa is absolute magic, and I am still hoping to come back as Lisa Vanderpump in my next life.
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All this time spent in bed allowed me to finish the first book from The Brown Paper Bag of Smut: Velvet Song by Jude Deveraux. This is the third book in a series, all of which have Velvet in the title. It was published in 1983, and the paperback copy I have was a whopping $2.95. Man, inflation is a bitch.
Velvet Song is set in the very specific, "South of England" in 1502. Right off the bat I'm going to tell you I'm not a historian, and the only history I know anything about (much to my mother's delight and pure bafflement) is revolutionary China, because it was the only subject that interested me in college. If you're looking for historical accuracy, I doubt Jude Deveraux novels are your wheelhouse.
Now that we got that out of the way, our heroine is the Taylor Swift of the 1500's. Alyxandria Blackett has no curves to speak of, lavender eyes (it's always lavender), hair of every color, and mad troubadour skills. She's out in the woods one day with her cittern, writing songs and making music when she's accosted by Pagnell, the soon-to-be Earl of Waldenham. Alyx kicks him in the balls, and takes off. Pagnell is livid, so he retaliates by killing Alyx's father and starting her house on fire. He also puts wanted posters all over town, accusing Alyx of treason, witchcraft and thievery. So typical, am I right?
Pagnell is universally hated, and the town feels bad for Alyx; so they disguise her as a boy and send her off into the woods to live with a band of outlaws. Now, this is where the book goes full Mulan. Since Alyx has no curves to speak of (something she curses God for every chance she gets), it's easy to disguise her once her hair of many colors is cut off.
Of course the leader of the band of outlaws is our heartthrob: Raine Montgomery. Raine takes Alyx on as his squire, and it immediately becomes an enemies-to-lovers situation. With plenty of weird homo-erotic behavior thrown in for good measure. Raine declares he's going to, "whip some order into the men." Guys... this is where Disney got the "Make a Man Out of You" inspo for Mulan. I'm TELLING YOU. Jude girl, I hope you're receiving some residuals.
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One of Alyx's squire duties is to wash Raine's armor. She's down by the river, casually washing away when a really hot guy shows up. I thought this might turn into a love triangle, but no dice. Jocelin has too much trauma from his last relationship. Instead, he and Alyx (remember, she's supposed to be a guy) have a very intimate singing scene.
Later on, Raine gets hurt in battle, loses a ton of blood, and of course it's the perfect moment for him and Alyx to bang it out. Oh, I'm sorry. It's when, "his maleness touched her womanliness." I will say, I love the fact Alyx has no shame or guilt over their tryst. We love us a sexually positive queen!
Once Raine recovers, he finally admits he knows Alyx was a female (honestly, she did a terrible job disguising it), they admit they love each other, and they proceed to have sex on the forest floor. And on horseback, which sounds very uncomfortable and damn near impossible to do.
Lest you think this is just a romance novel, some "historical" stuff happens too. Raine's sister is kidnapped by the rival Chatsworth family; she is raped and then commits suicide. Raine is furious and wants to go avenge his sister. Meanwhile back at camp, Blanche the jealous camp vixen sets Alyx up and makes it look like she's been stealing from the settlers. Raine agrees to take Alyx and leave camp. But Alyx knows this is a horrible idea, so she and Joselin pretend to make out, Raine sees them, and banishes them from the camp, only to stay behind himself.
Fast forward four months, and of course Alyx is pregnant. I would love to know if they conceived the baby during their horseback romp, but we'll never know. She and Joselin are traveling around as a musical duo, and they end up at a castle where they meet Elizabeth Chatsworth; one of the reviled Chatsworth family members who is actually very nice, and protects Alyx when the dreaded Pagnell shows up.
Just as Pagnell is about to get his revenge on Alyx, Raine arrives. He rescues Alyx, they quickly get married, and he takes her back to his family's land. Of course Raine's family all loves Alyx, and they head off to the market where Raine buys Alyx all kinds of furs and cloth for dresses. It's like Pretty Woman of the 1500's.
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While at the market, Alyx gets pulled aside by Roger Chatsworth. He wants to know what happened to Elizabeth, and is worried about her because he heard she was sent off to live with Raine's brother Miles. Raine sees Alyx talking to Roger, and loses his shit. He heads back to the woods, and leaves her with his brother and sister-in-law.
While he's pouting in the woods, Alyx gives birth to his daughter, Catherine. But even the birth of his daughter isn't enough to draw him out of the woods. So, Alyx takes matters into her own hands, leaves baby Catherine with Raine's family and heads into the woods to get her man back. She takes Joan, the maid, with her.
Y'all. This is where the story really got interesting.
Before Alyx leaves for the woods, her sister-in-law warns her about Joan, and tells her she, "sometimes forgets her station." This is 1500's speak for, "Joan is a sexually liberated woman." Once they get to camp, Joan proceeds to have sex with four different men. At the same time. Alyx is both impressed, and curious about the logistics. Raine is mad, because Joan's magic vagina tired his men out to the point they can't even lift a sword.
I need a Joan standalone novel. How did she become the tamer of four men at one time? What's her backstory? How did she end up as a maid for the Montgomery women when she's obviously capable of so much more? We need more Joan.
Raine is still so mad about Alyx talking to Roger Chatsworth, there's a requisite spanking and make up sex scene. Meanwhile, Brian Chatsworth shows up at the camp and asks for refuge. Not long after, Roger shows up looking for a fight. Brian drugs Raine, takes his armor, and tries to fight Roger. It doesn't go well, and he ends up dead. Alyx and Joan nurse Raine back to health again.
Alyx goes back to the castle where Raine's brother and sister-in-law convince her to go talk to the King on Raine's behalf and get him pardoned. Alyx knows Raine is going to be pissed, but does it anyway so their family can be reunited. The King agrees to pardon Raine, and allow Elizabeth and Miles to marry. Alyx... brokering peace after generations of strife. We love her.
Raine is mad, and still won't come home. So, Alyx packs up baby Catherine and sends her off into the woods to live with her father. It's like split custody before that was even a thing. Of course Raine falls in love with the baby, returns home, and they all live happily ever after.
This was a promising start into The Brown Bag of Smut, and I'm resisting the urge to get the rest of the Velvet novels to see if there are any more details about Joan. But this queen deserves her own novel. The Velvet Touch? The Velvet Maid? Drop your suggestions below.
I give this one 2 peppers on the spice scale. Mild heat, but nothing outrageous.
Until next time... feed me romance and tell me I'm pretty.
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liyuee-qixing · 2 years
Harbinger with a kitsune gn!s/o
Tw: nothing to be worried about,reader is 500 y/o bc Kitsune,Reader is a tease,Taking bath together in scaramouche part but nothing too specified,reader wear hairpiece on Dottore part
Character included: Scaramouche,Dottore, Pantalone
Synopsis: You're a Kitsune that strangely work for the tsaritsa instead of the electro archon due to a contract between tsaritsa and ei. You're also the tsaritsa right hand. Much higher rank than the harbingers
Note:IM NO LONGER ON WRITER BLOCK WAHAHAHAHAH,btw im very very very sick lately probably going t hospital but idk‼️‼️‼️🤯🤯,BTW THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITTING G/N READER TELL ME IF I MADE A MISTAKE
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He can never understand why a Kitsune like you is serving under another archons,aren't you supposed to be with ei right now?
The time his eyes met you,you gave him an annoying and strangely sweet grins,he turn his head away with a tint pink blush on his face. And oh fuck it was clearly a love at the first sight
You both have a proper conversation when you and him have to discuss something regarding ei gnosis,he couldn't focus,his mind were on you all of the time.
The way you praise him so nicely is bringing heat to his cheeks,the way his cheeks turn red in a split of second by your compliment,just by saying "good boy"
How truly lucky he is to have an s/o as beautiful as you, your sweet grins,Your Soft five tails. The way you dressed,the way your ears goes up,make him even more inlove, He's a soft lover,he never once to call you a name.
He then learned you and ei have a conflict 500 year ago,that why you didn't serve her. He feel relieved someone share the same struggle and problem like him
You were having a day off,thinking nothing will get wrong in the fatui organization,that until you heard a loud bang coming from your door,it was your boyfriend. He look furious and mad
"oh my love,what happened?"you questions him, you soon wipe the sweat on his forehead and kiss him on the cheeks to make him relax. He calmed down,his expression changed
"someone annoying bitch gave another party our information and now the plan is ruined,I swear they're going to be-"he said,back with the full rage and anger.
"how about I prepare a bath for us two,if you're comfortable of course,you can tell what happened while I was your back"scaramouche expression drop,a red blush were on his face,you two do cuddles or something more intimate but never one the idea of taking bath together come to his mind,he just scoff and nods at you
"I wish you were at work,it would've been so much better having you on my side"he mutter as you start to pour shampoo on his hair,vanilla scent,very fitting for him. He then went on about his day,before he goes unusually quiet in middle of the conversation
"lately I also have very frequently nightmares and thoughts about her, sometimes i wonder, what wrong with me"he whispered,the room goes really quiet. Only splash of water seem to be audible,you understand what he's been through,you have been through the same situation as him,you understand what he is feeling right now,the feelings of being worthless and fear
"as long as you're here with me,you'll be fine,you can pat my tail if you feel anxious"you said, leaving kisses on his cheeks. (Mommy issues Scara lmao)
Il Dottore
Man without respect sorry not sorry, he's a high Ranking Harbinger himself so he often he doesn't treat anyone with respect,not even Pierro. But when he saw you,he gives you on full respect (simpttore real)
Oh you need help with something,he offer you a hand, something not someone like Dottore usually do. For tsaritsa sake this man a crazy scientist,killed and abused so many child,then why does he has such a soft spot for you!? The other fatui harbingers tease him about it all day when they're all gather but he always denied his feeling that he end up bottling it
He also couldn't help but stares when he see you talking but in flirting manner with someone else,namely tartaglia and Signora
His face was a mess when you confessed you like him too,he feel like he's the luckiest man in the world that time. Sometimes he doubt do he deserves you
He's most interested with the Kitsune feature you have. He usually inspect it when you weren't looking around or is asleep,and how shocked he are when you suddenly purr. Was pretty hesitant about continuing his inspection at first but since purring mean that you're happy about it he just continue,still worried about you waking up tho.
When you assure him it fine to play with your tail and ear,he goes insane,he took every chance to pat and rub it,he sometimes even comb it and decorate it with bow bc he thought it look pretty.
It was a normal day at work, Everything was going well with getting the Electro Gnosis Plan,The tsaritsa has to be excused as soon as the meeting ended,So she ordered You And Pierro to take control for a while. But mostly it's you to take control
"those are the worksheet, nothing too Much to do,Just some yearly interviews and overall opinion on the current discussed plan, please give it to the right hand after you're done"Pierro explained while he give the harbingers the worksheet.
Pierro finished first, followed by Pulcinella and Capitano,Dottore then followed fourth
But to your surprise he doesn't just give you the worksheet,He then attend to pat and rub your ear with a high pace,this doesn't go unnoticed by the other harbinger
"Dottore,the fuck are you doing there"scaramouche question as he watch the scene. Dottore didn't instantly answer him.
"fluffy ear"was only his answer before he continues to pats your ears with a fast and high pace
"what a very specific answer,thank you Dottore"columbina sarcastically said. Never once in the harbingers life they see Dottore act like this.
"hey stop it, you're going to ruin my hairpiece,why is your opinion is blank?"you asked, grabbing his wrist to stop him from patting you
"I don't have an opinion"he said, Trying to move his hand from your grip,it impressive how you grip both of his hand with just one hand.
"go back and fix it"you finally let go of his wrist and hand him back his worksheet
"no"before he know,a strike of lightning was behind him,he only uttered a small sigh before he sat down to his chair.
"wow.. they're surely very serious at work,if I was you Dottore,I would never do something like that again"Childe whispered to Dottore,dottore still look mildly annoyed,the other harbinger just agree with him
"they're a crazy maniac sometimes,I wonder how I'm still alive,they also strach me when they're on the Kitsune form sometimes. Ugh."he sigh before he responded to childe while he start writing down his opinion
"hey I heard you"you glared at him,I guess someone will not be petting your ear for a week straight
He know you for so long,He treat you just the same with everyone,with respect,it just that you seem to have more respect beside the tsaritsa but it not because you're the right hand of her. He doesn't know is it because your caring attitude or was it your beautiful appearance or was it your hardworking personality,it seem like he like everything about you,and it also seem like you feel the same way about him
He's the type of guy to instantly take it to a serious relationship,he couldn't be more happier when you accept his marriage proposal. He prepared everything for your both wedding. The fanciest and most luxurious things must be served for his dear s/o.
But he couldn't help but thought about something,he has a ginger cat on his house called Mora,He wonder if Mora's Fur is softer than your or no. He never once to touch you around tails or ear before and he's worried if he do it you'll get uncomfortable
Of course you notice it,you assure it's fine,his favourite time to pats you are when you're on your Kitsune form,your ear and tails is always soft but something about the Kitsune form just felt softer.
He let you sleep on his arm when he do his work,he like the warmth you both share.
When you're off work,he sometimes ask you to accompany him to the meeting,you will sleep on his lap or arm, sometimes the meeting table. The other harbinger only can questions about it. He like it when you're around him
The meeting about to start 15 minutes later,all of the harbingers already circling the meeting table. Yet they seem to can't get their eyes off something. Your appearance, laying on Pantalone lap and asleep,ear perked up.
"err.. why is the her Majesty right hand here?, aren't they supposed to have a day off?"Signora asked, slightly concerned.
"oh yea, they're accompanying me. What? Can't I bring them with me, they're my s/o after all"he said,with the same exact smile painted on his face,the one that make the other harbingers annoyed the most. How could you fall in love with this super annoying man?! But after the meeting ended. You were called for a urgent matter. While you're gone the harbinger tend to be talking about you
"I got a question for you in the name of science,How does their tails felt like?"Dottore question.
"yeah!I always imagined it's to be soft"then Childe followed, it's seem like the harbinger Is way more interested in you than he imagine
"what a magnificent creature"Signora also seem to agree on the current topic,soon most of the harbinger start also to question it. Only those who respectful enough to know your role that didn't question it. Namely Pierro, Pulcinella and Capitano
"hey who give you the right to-"he was about to start threatening them,until you show up.
"why don't you find it out yourself"you cut his words. The harbinger was shocked by your sudden appearance. Meanwhile your lover seem to be concerned at your words
"hey,are you saying it's not a special treatment I get"he asked,eyebrow knitted together.
"no."you gave him a sly grins before the harbingers burst into laugh.
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Off topic,Kagamine Len haunt me. Where my Shiho😔😔💔💔
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taesiccc · 2 years
Nerdy simp- Pt.1 
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PAIRING: Yandere Taehyung x Reader (f) 
GENRE: Yandere au, eventual smut, angst, fluff 
TW: yandere, mentions of domestic violence 
DISCLAIMER: Mentions of all characters and events occurring in this writing are fictitious and only written solely for entertainment purposes. 
SYNOPSIS: Your nerdy friend Taehyung would die for this girl at your university but he’s really shy even thinking about approaching her and you think teasing him would make him confess his feelings…Or he had other plans?
“Remember to finish those assignments. It takes about half of your internals!” 
The class was finally over. Mr. San even yelling that in my ear wouldn’t make me move a muscle! Not when I have my dearest best friend-
“Taehyung!! Yo?!” 
Oh boy, he was really into this girl-
“are you done mister? Looking sorry- STARRING! At that poor woman?!?” You should have seen his face when I yelled that out loud. He quickly rose up and ran out to the doors. At least I could get this man up for our next lecture. But that comes down with consequences.
Teasing him entertains me as well as getting his ass to speak up to his long yearned crush so he can stop making me feel like a single bitch that no one cares to look at the way he does. Job is easy if he doesn’t stay at her presence cause oh lord! He would just stalk her all the way to classes that weren’t ours and of course in the name of friendship I had to arrange proxy for our attendance and leave with him. Why? Cause he does all the type of assignments assigned to us. AKA double copies. 
At times I do feel bad but when he himself suggests that as a bargain to accompany him, i am no fool to deny such offer and I just had to accept the good deal. He says it makes him more revised on the subject matter. Of course. Like the nerd he is. In fact finding a proxy wasn’t hard since it was my good ol’ friend Stephanie. We are different classes away but the fact that she was my high school bff doesn’t make a difference. There are some unavoidable classes that separate us but that is the only class I stay away from Taehyung and partner up with Stephanie. Taehyung on the other hand has to face his crush for the whole 45 min long calculus class. I opted for Psychology. That is the only topic where Mrs. Daisy is just always pregnant and into labor, having the students hang out in the gallery doing whatever. She’s the best cause she would just mark us all with a hundred percent in internals and let us do any of the hell we want in our life. Not really the best kind of tutor but psychology is a shit of a subject by itself. I study on an average level and taehyung’s scores do get on my nerves. It’s competitive between us sometimes and I’m hoping exams don’t seem as close as they are. 
You followed Taehyung out of the class and put your hand around his skinny figure. Taehyung stayed calm knowing it was you but you know you would be yelled by his dreaded figure somewhere around the corner. 
“So….you heard wassup with that assignment right?” 
“Why did you do that?!” Here he goes..
“Hey chill! She probably never heard me- 
“PROBABLY? Huh?!” 
“Yeah! She was right over the corner! Not even close to your damn seat!”
“What If she heard you?!” 
“So what? What if she did?” 
“Wouldn’t she think I’m a fucking creep?! Starring at her?!” 
“Oh- so you do know you’re staring huh?” You inched him closer and closer while he was visibly confused. Your hands made their way beside him locking him up on the spot. 
“w-why-what are you doing-
“You are a creep Taehyung” his eyes widened taking your words in. His eyes turned dark and furious with what left your mouth. Before he could interrupt, you had to complete your attempt of an escape. 
“You are until you don’t confess it to her and make her yours honey”
you knew it was an escape as you could see his eyes soften up and cheeks rise up in cherry blossom. Bringing up anything about this girl distracted Taehyung. Even so, blushing shades that you never knew existed. The way you said that could have even urged your own self to this state but regardless, you were gonna tease this soul. You inched closer and closer until there was a thin line of space that stopped your chest from rubbing his. His lungs stopped breathing as your nose touched the tip of his. There wasn’t much view being this close but you couldn’t stop your eyes from landing on his perfectly part lips that he immediately bit once he looked over to your sight. You let out a small chuckle and looked into his eyes that held a tiny little mole that he adorned.
He was such a beautiful boy. Such a wonderful creation. You swore you would have thanked his parents for bringing something like this into the world. Something really ethereal like him. You slowly tilted your head to match a kissing spot and inched just a teeny bit closer making sure to only tease him and nothing else. He immediately fisted his hands and shut his eyes tight expecting you to really do something to this heck of an innocence. He was the absolute cutest. You bit your lip to suppress the laugh and led on to his left ear while he stood still as a stone. 
“Confess that shit your nerdy simp”. you whispered into his ear.
You backed away, happy with some more successful teasing on the line.
You knew this would have immense effect on him and henceforth, you fled the place casually to your next class. You could say he was flustered but he had to sit beside you since no one would sit with an awkward unknown person like Taehyung. 
Sooner or later he stood at the doorway to be noticed by the lecturer. The lecturer was pretty shocked as Taehyung was usually the best scoring student and as he believed he attended all his classes.
Haha. Shore. 
“Taehyung? Have you also become one of these people?”
His head hung low to all his disregard. Which really pinged me with a lot of guilt. I should have taken him hand in hand with me. 
“Get inside. I believe you are a time conscious student and don’t have me let down again”
His figure appeared beyond the doorframe finally letting me getting a glimpse of him. He wore his hoodie up covering himself more than what his silky bangs would already do. 
He walked up the stairs as I tried signaling him over to me but to my shock he was pulled over by some person few bench away from mine.
As confused as I was, I was equally invested and curious. Who exactly was that? That deadass punk who took my best friend to the themselves? But I was definitely calm and less defensive since I know Taehyung would hop out of there and run back to me. Surely jealous cause he was my only companion but not really patient.
Why isn’t he back to me yet? But I could handle with his shit later. His betrayal can wait since I needed to know that heck of person snatching my bestie from me. Making me unattended throughout this entire class! 
It’s not like he would pay any attention to you but you would be straight lying if you said you didn’t feel comfort and happiness in his presence. It was usually just you trying to gain his attention from him. Practically trying to have him look away from the same girl and acknowledge your lame attempts of entertaining him through your jokes. It does hurt you now that he isn’t with you. The entire class is your stranger even tho several people were kind but not having him besides you feels like the very first day of joining school. If you’d feel like this, you believe Taehyung knows better of your condition but you’re wrong cause it looks like his crush has finally gotten the attention of this young man.
You noticed the person in a while. He doesn’t seem to bulge or be uncomfortable around her. He seems happy. Like the shy boy he is when his crush cared to noticed him. Does it make you a terrible friend because you feel incredibly jealous and insecure without him? Whether or not the question is answered, you’re feeling sad. And nothing but Taehyung can make this right. 
The class was over. And for the first time you wished it was longer since breaks only felt fine when Taehyung was with you. Not when you were certainly going to feel left out and alone for most of the time. But you knew this was wrong. You knew this was eventually gonna happen anyway. But unsure it was gonna be this soon. It’s okay to leave your bestie. You had to mind your business but somewhere in your heart you wished he’d leave her and run behind you for the rest of the day. You wore your unopened bag and walked out in front of them secretly hoping he’d call you over. But to your extreme disappointment he haven’t even glanced at you.
You waited by the hall pretending to read something but- he hadn’t looked for you? Was she some weird witch? Did she take him away from you?? You looked at the distance and looks like someone spotted your figure. So you cluelessly waved back at them while they approached you.
A little light seemed to fill the void since it was Stephanie. What did she have to say? She hugged you like the usual but you were way too engaged in something else. 
“Let’s go!” She held your hand and started walking away confusing you. 
“Uhm where?” “Gallery. The usual. Do you have some other place in mind?” 
So it was his calculus class. Right. Taehyung wouldn’t abandon you. Oof!
“Nope! Not at all!” You felt relieved. You walked along with Stephanie and did the usual chatter. 
“Hey…what do you think of that blonde kid?”
“That guy? Cyan? Yeah! he’s cute!”
“She’s no guy! It’s that new girl? Who came like two years ago?”
“Two years ago? And she’s new?!” She scoffed 
“Whatever…what’s here name and stuff? That girl? that goes along Taehyung to calculus class?”
“Right. You mean taehyung’s crush? Celine?” 
Really? Did Taehyung tell everyone about who he liked? So was I any special to him at all? Really? 
“Errm…yeah? So it’s Celine huh?” 
“Yasss! You had to see him today! He was really happy! I mean…crush had to mean something! Wasn’t some usual group…like you or me”
Usual group? Like me? I was just some acquaintance to him. And she was all he wanted. What’s surprising in that? What’s wrong in that? Nothing. 
Absolutely nothing.
“Do you have group plans for lunch? We could eat together or something”
“Don’t get me wrong but uh me and cyan had been going out soo-
This wasn’t even surprising to you like it was supposed to be, compared to what you were feeling. You accepted her well and exited the place ASAP. 
You felt happy for him but you’d be slightly offended if he doesn’t give you the equal attention. Or maybe you were just some mere student he found to hang around with? It was just a small gloomy feeling where you didn’t have either of your friends around you.
The yard was pretty breezier than the previous days. Really calming indeed. Taehyung’s absence compromised nothing. You had a small vanilla fruit cake with sour jam filling for lunch. It’d fill you pretty well for the time-being. Everything was distant at the moment as you enjoyed the lunch to some music but something else also seemed distant.
He came aboard running then quickly acquiring the space next to me. I was sure curious about the happening but his betrayal deserved my treatment. I stayed as-if unbothered by the arrival while he just sat next to me. My lips welcomed a slight smile. My best friend was back!
Moments passed and I was completely unattended by my fruitcake until Taehyung had grabbed it from my hands. I looked over to him while he took a bite of my cake and gave me his infamous boxy grin. How could I ignore this man? I forbid to say anything tho. Keeping my attention away from the boy; looked like he talked too much that I obviously refused to answer but secretly reduce my music volume to. Not after a minute he slid closer to me plucking one of the earbud out off my ear then placing it on his. We continued listening to music together. It felt like those days when we first met. He grabbed my phone out of my hands and I had to keep in mind that this wasn’t any normal day that we spent. I grabbed it back from his and he looked confused like he should.
The dramatic hurtful look on his face did make me want to give up the play but not so easily.
I collected my belongings and started to walk away and like expected, he came running back like a lost puppy. Quite satisfied by the impact I said nothing making him only annoyed. 
“Did something happen? Hey? …could you talk?!” 
“What do you need?!” I yelled back.
You had an annoyed expression on your face that was something Taehyung sees everyday but not towards him. 
“I don’t know! Why are you being like this?”
“Like what?”
“Like that!” 
“You know you’re wasting my time right?” 
“Oh. Reallyyyy?” his voiced cooed with sarcasm.
“Y-yeah! Duh!” 
This seemed really childish for you but there was no way to get back on him other than this. You did hate him at the moment and seeing that stupid face of his would melt you back into talking to him so staying there did you no good. He pulled you back holding your shoulder. Taking his hands away was of no use since he’d hold you ground till he gets what he wanted. You wanted answers too. You cooperated just a bit so he could see. He sighed misting his glasses a bit. 
“Did someone say something Y/n?” Like expected he’d heard nothing. You just looked at him with a glare having him more curious by this behavior. 
“Listen. I’m no 'mind reader' and you’ll have to talk in order for me to understand. Yeah?”
Have you forgotten dear? Oh, How he was too good with his talk? In luring you into that speech of his?
Well. it did work. 
“Celine? You left me for her didn’t you? You bastard…”
He grinned and laughed still holding you. If you weren’t pissed at that sight..
“what? For real?” He laughed and laughed and laughed.
What in the world? Did you embarrass yourself for missing him? Wait. is it embarrassing for you to miss him?
You left the place and he followed behind. He called out to you a couple million times and no. You didn’t want to talk to him. Nope. 
He pulled your hands intertwining the both behind you. 
“Where you perhaps jealous? Really y/n?”
You didn’t know what to say or to think of. Whether to think of how he would’ve felt when you teased him this way or to explain why jealousy even mattered. It raged you to think that he’d think this was immature of you.
The only thing that could stop this situation for you was to cross the positions. To tell him why the fuck that actually mattered. Now nothing remained the same since you’ve bashed his figure beneath you crushing his knuckles with yours. He thinks this was funny? You’ll show him.
“Yeah? Maybe I really was you jerk! Maybe cause we’re best friends and that I felt like a third wheel? Or that you hadn’t told me about going on with her when I waited for a dumbass like you!” His eyes wandered about yours making him flushed. You were really angry but he didn’t have to blush like that.
Did he?
You smirked closing the space between you. You knew exactly what to do. You were a sinister bitch.
“Should I just kiss you? Should I punish you that way? Hmm?”
You have never taken it this far but the heat of the moment can’t have you waiting to tease him. 
“shhhh” you shushed him with your lips threatening to brush his. You can hear him gulp satisfying your moves. “Haven’t you been saving your first kiss for that girl? What if I disappoint you?” His lips immediately sealed together, afraid you’d actually kiss them. Did he really think you’d do that? you sighed clicking your tongue.
“Pretty boy, pretty boy…- you whispered, rubbing his nose with yours. “-it’s time for class hmm? Escort me to class. will you?”
As said you backed away, he looked at anything but you. You led your hands out for him to lead you and like the good boy he is, he held your hand reaching out to that class.
Taehyung was really casual upon holding you down like that but it definitely wasn’t the case for you. Moments escalated unnecessarily but at least things were back to normal. Since this was an reoccurring thing, both of you haven’t noticed the extent of your teasing. When usually it would just be you talking a couple of things that flustered Taehyung, it’s leveled up to something as sensitive as kissing your best friend that could possibly cause a break between you. Did Taehyung secretly like it or were you a little too atrocious? 
Days have passed and things started getting serious on academic levels. Both Taehyung and you spent time together and it was natural for you to stick to him. Although he would spend time with Celine during calculus and go sit with her after giving you prior notice that he was going to- you learned to be fine and keep yourself engaged till he’d return. Assignments had started loading up and you didn’t want him stressed out doing your work. And Mrs.Daisy seems to have comeback and let your hopes down on free internal marks. its safe to say that you've been quite busy lately.
Taehyung would barely tell you about his relationship status but you didn’t care. You had your life on the line this semester and graduating this college meant everything right now. But, assignments have become a little difficult without Taehyung’s assistance. Hence you both have decided to meet up at his place for a small group study session.
“Hi y/n” the usual greeting was invited as he sat beside you. You have been texting Stephanie lately since she’s been helping you on psychology. Classes after classes were ending you on a regular basis. You had to focus and listen to them unlike the past. You nudged Taehyung’s arms in the midst of the lecture. 
“I’m leaving with Stephanie to the nearby cafe after class. Do you wanna stick along?” 
“It’s okay. I’ll just spend some time with Celine” 
Even tho Taehyung looked for you only when he wasn’t with Celine, you’ve grown used to it. It’s natural he spends time with someone he loves and you weren’t in the place to care about it. You had way important things to do than to indulge for some dude you probably wouldn’t even see after graduating. 
You had entered the cafe barn with Stephanie and people passed along with time. You had exchanged few texts with Taehyung about taking his meals but nothing very special to talk about. After hours of discussion you had completed a few assignments. On the way to the washroom you swear you saw Celine with some boy. You didn’t think much of it until you had remembered your best friend Taehyung. Again, it wasn’t a thing for you to assume since Taehyung hadn’t even confessed yet. As far as you knew. It could even be someone she was seeing. And to begin with you didn’t know a thing about Celine and have not really cared about her either. You made your way back to your seat and decided to know something about Celine. 
“What do you think about Celine?” 
“I don’t have anything to say. I introduced myself and my boyfriend for Taehyung’s sake. There is nothing I know bout her” she continued sipping on the remaining drink. 
“Why? Isn’t it just so random to ask about her?” she spoke
“nothing in specific. I saw her on my way to the washroom with some dude. What if Taehyung is just trying for some already taken girl?” She let out a giggle. 
“That’s ridiculous! I haven’t seen her with anyone at the campus” 
“what about Taehyung? What is really going on between them?” 
“Taehyung helps her with stuff. That’s as much as I know”
what was his confession plan? It was almost graduation and what was he waiting for? But Stephanie sure wasn’t done.
“Fill me on that boy. Who was he?” 
“I don’t know. It’s just a blond guy” 
“Blond? Could you expand me on that?” You rolled your eyes, taking a big sip emptying the beverage. Stephanie had a knack for tea. At least that’s what you thought. 
“Nothing was clear. It was just a glimpse I caught. And erm.. I don’t know, he had this snoopy hoodie left open. That’s all I’m sure of”
“Could it be Cyan? You think?”
“Your boyfriend? I only know one blonde and that’s Celine..i have no idea” you could say she was getting tensed so you suggested you called him but she had taken a direct approach to check in on those people.
You led Stephanie to the stalls and the noises you were hearing is really making you concerned for her.
She banged the stall doors yelling and screaming eventually opening them.
The scene was surely something that you did not expect. Celine’s makeup looked smudged across her face while Stephanie’s so called boyfriend remained in the same stall with his dick out and erect. Was he even trying to hid the fact that he was fucking some girl behind his girlfriend? How could someone be this nasty? This disgusting? Stephanie screamed and yelled at the scene. Slapping and making a mess out of herself while you parted her away from the incident and tried calming her down.
While one part of you felt completely sad for your best friend, the other part felt disappointed for Taehyung. How would he take this? Would he ignore this fact and still pursue her? You couldn’t see him all broken down. He didn’t deserve such a hard feeling take over his enthusiastic self. You decided that you were gonna break this news for him. It would definitely be hard to tell him but you decided you were gonna. Taehyung would suffer just like Stephanie if he comes to know about this in the long term and you weren’t gonna let that happen.
You calmed Stephanie down. At least tired to. You didn’t want her doing something to herself over a douche like him. So you stayed the night at her place making sure she was alright. Like expected you had a few texts from Taehyung asking you about your whereabouts. You didn’t leave him unanswered. You spent the sleepless night thinking about today. Morning wasn’t anywhere near especially with your sobbing friend. The sun rose by your sight and soon you where greeted with sunset after leaving her at the airport who promised to be back for exams and graduation. It was a good and fair decision she had taken and you had helped her vacate but only if it wasn’t too sudden of her to decide. She needed to make time for herself and you were a hundred percent supportive of that but the sendoff only left you devastated and tired and starving.
Helping your friend move in about a day wasn’t easy task. You were aware of all the messages Taehyung had sent you but you left them unanswered. You could just talk it out to him when you met. But sometimes you wondered if you could just tell it all via text so you didn’t carry the burden of seeing him face to face. He loved her dearly and it would affect him severely. You were already devastated, physically and mentally seeing one of your best friends in such conditions and Taehyung meant a lot more that she could have ever. You surely hoped he wouldn’t be depressed about some whore and leave himself longing for some fake attention. You went home and laid yourself down hoping that the next day would leave you some mercy. 
It was already a night passed as i woke up from an intoxicating sleep. In no time i had appeared for college and already seated into some irritating lectures. Taehyung had been asking me upon several things to fill in upon and I really wasn’t feeling good enough to keep up on continuously engaging in a conversation with him. At some point he had understood my state and even let me sleep by his arm. I woke up to the same Taehyung reading the same book. I insisted we go home and complete the group study session as planned. He did whine in the start but had me promise that I’d answer his questions so he could finally agree to move to the comfort of his stay. I slept by his shoulder the entire bus ride cause walking at the moment just consumed so much of my stored energy. 
We arrived home and I just laid myself down to his cot. His scent quickly put me to sleep. Nevertheless I woke up from a terrible nap and freshened myself up so I could actually do what I’ve come here for. In the midst of completion Taehyung blurted out-
“You know? I missed you”
You definitely weren’t naive. Celine was found with some horrible act yesterday and it’s evident that he didn’t get to spend time with the either of you. You just hummed to his saying and continued on the notes. 
“Why are you so dull today? You didn’t message me either” 
“Taehyung…” you thought. Should you really say this to him? He must have already known since he’s practically just stalking her the entire time. 
“What? Are you gonna answer me?”
“Well- I have something I have to say. This will upset you but It’s important that you know” 
He kept looking at his work as if it he didn’t hear you say a word but you spoke it out.
“I had gone along with Stephanie to the cafe and I’m sure you're aware of that. We happen to find out about the affair between her boyfriend and Celine. She’s not any good for you Taehyung. She doesn’t seem like a right person! She’s literally been cheating on-
 His voice echoed the silent room. You weren’t sure of what’s coming but you stayed silent. He looked up at you and smugly chuckled that soon turned into hysterical laughing. You were definitely anxious of his weird behavior that was somewhat frightening to you. He stood up still laughing like you’ve said something really funny. You were growing concerned. You stood up and neared his back facing figure. 
“Taehyung? Why are you..laughing?”
He only continued to laugh until he stopped once for all. Your steps halted once you’ve held his shoulder. 
“You've done wrong Y/n. You really have”
your eyebrows creased in confusion growing only more concerned for him. He turned around holding your hands in his. His hands intertwined with yours bringing you closer to him; looking ever so delicate.. You only felt more guilty and hesitant about him.
“You’re also one of those people…
...accusing my love for ch-cheating on ME!?”
You flinched at the sudden raise of voice but words devoid as sting rose up your arms.
He squeezed your fingers as you yelped in absolute pain. 
“Taeh-yung! What are you doing?! Let go- 
Your screaming was never acknowledged by the man in front of you. You have never seen Taehyung this mad and he has not once hurt you intentionally and never physically. You expected Taehyung to be mad and sad but what have you done to deserve this? Does he think Celine hasn’t done anything? Cheating on him? We’re they already in a relationship? None of that mattered right now; your hands were being broken down by his and lord! The pain is aching you terribly!
“At the end of the day, you were also some cheap person to think of my Celine in that sort of way? HUH?!” 
you yelped in pain feeling like your fingers were bent beyond limit. His knuckles where much stronger than your already weak ones and you couldn’t take this anymore. Tears start welling your eyes making your vision blurry. Your hands feel like they’re being crushed away.
“I trusted you and this is what I get?! Your nasty mind and mouth spreading nasty things about my Celine and do you think? I’m gonna let you do it? Do you? DO YOU?!!” 
You scream and shout at him to stop but nothing work. He kept breaking your hands with entire pleasure.
“Tae-taehyung i-I would n-never betray y-you- 
You spoke between sobs but he has turned into some maniac. A psychotic maniac.
He let go of your hands making you fall on the ground miserably. You held your hand and scream holding them secure to yourself. He bent over to you, pulling your hair to his face level. Once again large amounts of screeches left your mouth begging to stop whatever he thinks he is doing. 
“Do you think I let you sleep here, help your stray self out of pure pity, for you to talk around like this?” He spat.
Taking all his words in was torturous and you refuse to believe he’d think of you like this. He’s all you had but were you any close to being a meaning of some sort to him during all these days together? Does he agree to have perhaps used you on either way he could have?
“How does this feel? Do you like it? Answer me…” 
You shook your head terrified of him. He’s hurting you on many levels. Your sobs never leave your mouth. You’re sure he’s broken a couple of bones and you’re not even sure if you could function properly again but the agony says otherwise. You hate how he’s acting now and truly hope this was all just some sick prank.
“She would’ve felt the same way when people like you talked about her. Yeah?” He pulled your hair further making you deeply hate his doings. He twists his hands around your hair collecting it in a bundle around his palm. Your scalp feels as if it was going to tear apart from your skull if he pulled any further.
“AHHH! Taehyung! Let go! Please! PLEASE!!!” 
“Wouldn’t her heart have ached?” He looked into your eyes as you begged for him to leave you. You can’t make him understand anything you wanted to say and he wasn’t in the state of listening to you. Your weak hands reached out his legs as you sobbed your tears out at his foot begging for him to leave you. He scoffed at your state but continued grasping your hair tighter.
He stood up gripping your hair and dragged your poor state across screaming and yelping for him to stop. He proceeded to bang your already weak head on one of the legs on the table making you dizzy and pain ridden. In a way that relieved you as you grew unconscious and numb to even think about all the disturbing events. You saw nothing but his tear soaked feet as your eyes fluttered shut.
to be cont..
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e-vasong · 4 years
I’ve already talked about a Leverage crossover where the Hargreeves are conmen but I'm. losing it thinking about. a Leverage AU where the Leverage team sees these kids on tv, and they just go.  oh shit, that’s just fucking wrong.  (I know the timelines don’t match up but let’s pretend the umbrella kids were born a little later, or that Leverage takes place a little earlier, or something like that.  I don’t know.)
But these fucking umbrella kids show up on TV, and at first none of them are paying much attention. Not right away.  They’re busy running cons, and none of them except Hardison watch TV for fun very often.
So they’ve all heard bits and pieces about this Umbrella thing, and aren’t quite sure what to make of it.  Superhumans, huh? Eliot mutters at one point. Whatever. Our lives are already so goddamn weird.
But eventually they catch a broadcast while they’re home in between cases.  it’s playing in the background while they’re enjoying a meal together at the brewery.
The Umbrella Academy saves the day yet again! the broadcaster declares cheerily. We go now to a statement at the Louvre from their leader, Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
It’s just novel enough to catch their attention--being who they are, they all perk up at the word Louvre--and it gets them half-watching as they chat over breakfast.
It’s Parker that sees it first.  She’s Parker, so what catches her attention is actually not the fact that one of them is covered in blood, nor is it the fact that their father is calling them by numbers instead of names.  It’s the way that they stand, tense and upright.  It’s the way that the one covered in blood is trembling minutely, so fine that it’s almost imperceptible. But she notices. And she notices the way that the one to the bloodied boy’s left--the fifth one in line--leans over ever-so-subtly when their father is looking away. Whispers something with the barest movement of his lips. And then, after a moment of hesitation, he links hands with his shaking brother, twining their fingers together.  Parker knows that whisper, knows what this is. She used to do that with her brother.  Used to hold Nick’s hand, just like that, when their fosters were scaring him, trying to provide comfort even despite the fear of being caught.
It’s not long before the others follow her gaze. She’s stopped engaging in the conversation entirely, is just staring at the television with a death glare, nose wrinkled.
“Parker, baby,” Hardison says.  “That’s your angry face.”
“I’m angry,” she says, and doesn’t elaborate.
“Got it,” Hardison takes it in stride, as he always does.
Eliot’s frowning at the TV.  Unlike Parker, his eye does jump to the most obvious thing first.  To the boy, no older than eleven or twelve probably, drenched head to toe with blood.  There’s no rips in his clothing; Eliot’s pretty sure the blood isn’t his. He’s standing up straight, but his shoulders are slightly hunched.  Like he’s injured.  Broken ribs, maybe?  And he’s been taught to hide them too. He’s also not the only one with that too-stiff posture. These kids aren’t standing up straight. They’re standing at attention.  Number One, their father calls one of them, and what are those? Fucking callsigns?  
Sophie and Nate are watching too.  Their faces are carefully blank.  They aren’t happy, Parker’s pretty sure, but they’re trying not to react.
“What the hell?” Hardison says slowly.  He’s the last one to catch on, though only by a very narrow margin.  He lacks Sophie and Nate’s cynicism, and the years of personal experience Parker and Eliot have, but he’s still too smart to not figure it out almost immediately.  And he is first one to abandon the stunned stillness that’s fallen over the rest of them, pulling his laptop out of his bag, already quickly tapping away at the keys.
“This ain’t right,” Eliot says, voice a growl in his chest.  “This is--this is--it’s televised child abuse.”
Sophie makes a quiet noise of agreement then. “It is,” she says, quietly disgusted. “Those poor children.”
Nate is still staring at the screen, lips pressed flat.
“This Reginald guy looks rich,” Parker says.  Then: “Can we kill him?”
Eliot chokes on his drink.
“How is this even legal?” Sophie asks.  She sounds curious, though not particularly surprised by the grievous violation of child protection laws before her. “It’s so...blatant.”
“Sir Reginald Hargreeves,” Hardison says, no longer typing.  “He is--oh shit.” And the typing resumes, faster and a little more panicked than before.
“Hardison?” Nate prods after a moment, giving Hardison a sidelong glance.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s all good,” Hardison says.  “The INTERPOL files on this guy are locked up tight though.  Almost tripped their security system there.  I didn’t, of course, but--”
“You couldn’t get in?” Eliot says, smirking.
“Yet,” Hardison says.  “Dammit, man, it’s been less than five minutes.  Give me a couple hours and that thing is mincemeat.  Metaphorically speaking, of course.  But I do see what’s going on here and,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head in disappointment.  “Y’all, this is hinky.”
“Yes, I think we got that,” Nate says.  The corner of his lip twitches up.
“Yeah, yeah,” Hardison says.  “This guy has got friends everywhere.  No one knows how he got the kids, but it looks like he technically bought them--”
“He what?” Sophie sounds like she’s been suckerpunched.  Parker can’t think of the last time she heard Sophie sound so shocked.
“Oh yeah.  You think that’s bad?  The numbers aren’t code names  The numbers are their name names.  Like, legally.  I just found an article that said he ordered them by how useful he thinks they are, but judging by the adoption papers it was actually in the order he, uh,” Hardison coughs, “acquired them.”
Eliot is swaying where he stands.  “Common tactic.  He’s pitting them against one another so they’ll be easier to control.  It undermines the self worth of the ones lower on the scale and makes the ones that are higher up feel obligated to do what he wants.  Son of a bitch.”
“...And it looks like he leveraged their powers as excuse to gain exemptions from child protection laws,” Hardison continues like he hasn’t been interrupted.  “Claimed their abilities meant they don’t need the same safeguards.”
“That’s bullshit!” Eliot sounds thunderous.
“I know, buddy,” Hardison reaches over blindly, waving his hand around vaguely until he finds Eliot’s shoulder.  He gives it a comforting squeeze.  “I didn’t write it.”
Eliot heaves in a shuddering breath.  “That’s just--”
“Evil,” Sophie finishes.  
“I’m inclined to agree,” Nate says.  He’s not watching the TV anymore.  He’s staring off into the middle distance, arms crossed over his chest.
“Oh!” Parker perks up.  All the grief and distress that had been brewing on her face vanishes like storm clouds parting for the sun.  “Nate! Nate, are you scheming?  You look like you’re scheming.”
Nate makes a noncommittal grunt.  “It would be dangerous.”
“They’re in danger,” Sophie says softly, jerking her head in the television’s direction.
Eliot’s long-since gotten to his feet.  He’s pacing, and that’s how Parker knows he’s furious.  When Eliot is too angry to stand it, he has to move, has to find some way to handle the rage roiling under his skin.  Usually he cooks, chopping vegetables with furious aplomb.  And when he can’t cook, he paces.  
“They’re fucking child soldiers,” he says.  “I can’t--” he cuts himself off with a furious shake of the head.  I can’t believe, he was about to say, Parker thinks, but he had to stop because that’s not true.  Eliot knows better than anyone what the government--what the world does to people they find useful, whether its skill or power that makes them so.
“Y’all are behind,” Hardison says in sing-song.  “I’m already trying to burn this motherfucker down.”
“Hardison, do not tip our hand,” Nate says, snapping into his leader-voice automatically.  Parker grins.  He’s already got a plan, then.  She knew all that reluctance was just for show.  Sophie laughs, as clear and bright as the ringing of a bell, and even Eliot perks up.  
Hardison grumbles, closing his laptop and stuffing it back in his messenger bag.  
Nate is grinning a little too, though it’s that angry smile he gets sometimes when Parker knows he’s thinking about hurting bad people.  She understands.  She's wearing hers too right now.  Nate glances them all over, and for all the malice dripping off the knife’s edge of that smile, his eyes are soft.  Maybe even a little proud.
“Fine. Fine. You guys win,” Nate says, lifting his hands in defeat.  He’s putting on a show of being beleaguered, but Parker can hear the sparking anger in his voice, and oh, how could she have forgotten?  Sophie is so gently righteous, Hardison so achingly distressed, and Eliot so full of fire and fury that she almost didn’t notice Nate’s seething wrath, nearly forgot that Nate looks at every injured child in need of help and thinks of Sam.  “Everyone, get your things.  Hardison, get us some plane tickets.  Let’s go steal some children.”
“Okay, okay.  I ain’t complaining cause, like, fuck that guy,” Hardison says, slinging his bag over his shoulder.  “But stealing children?  Could you have made us sound anymore like kidnappers?”
“I’m just saying.”
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simpgirlsposts · 3 years
『𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳』 ‼️𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘮
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𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝘆'𝘀 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿.𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁,𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘆𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶,𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗲𝘁'𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗻.𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗿𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗲,𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲'𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱.𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱'𝘀 𝘂𝘀𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 '(𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲)-𝗻𝗲𝗲' 𝗼𝗿 '(𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲)-𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗽𝗮𝗶' 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶 𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿,𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗿𝘆....𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗻..𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗳 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗴...𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗴...𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻..𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗱.𝗢𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁,𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝘂𝗽 𝗞𝗶𝘆𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗲,𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗞𝗶𝘆𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂.
Currently you were running to where people said there were gang fights,of course you got a call from Hinata saying and explained that Takemichi was friends with the gang and is currently in trouble.You ended up seeing Moebius and Toman fighting,you clicked your tounge.You tied your jacket in your waist tightly,as you joined in punching,kicking and spraining people's arm or leg.Basically trying to look for Takemichi as you do so.
"TAKEMICHI!WHERE ARE YOU,YOU LITTLE BRAT!"You yelled out in frustration and in worry.Punching & kicking people who won't move out of your way.
"MICHI!!"You yelled out again,of course some people did notice you but,they were too busy fighting.Finally when you heard,some kind of sirens or what ever.Moebius ran off,as Toman was victorious.You look around to see familiar faces,it was Kiyomasa's goons.
"HEY!YOU!"You yelled out,pointing to one of Kiyomasa's goons as they flinch seeing you.
"Where the fuck is my brother?!"You ask,walking towards them.
"Who?"The guy decided to play stupid,you were furious no enrage.
"I.SAID.WHERE.THE.FUCK.IS.TAKEMICHI.?!"You said spitting word by word.You were now in front of Kiyomasa's goons as you kick them all sending them flying.The other Toman members immediately look to see you.Punching the one who's much closer to Kiyomasa.
"You son of a bitch!Where the hell is my Brother?!Where the hell is he?!Talk now!Or I'll murder you here!"You threatened,tears daring to spill out if your eyes at how mad and worried you are.
"If something happens to him,I'll kill you!"You said,punching the poor now unconscious guy in the face.
"Oi!Who the hell are you?!"You heard a voice as you look behind you and glared,gritting your teeth,you stood up.
"Where the fuck is Takemichi?!"You ask,gritting your teeth.
"Takemichi?What do you want with him?"A short blonde boy ask,his eye's narrowed at you.
"What do I want?!BITCH!IM HIS FUCKING OLDER SISTER!WHAT THE FUCK DO YA THINK I WANT?!"You yelled out,clenching your fist,while gritting your teeth in frustration.
"Takemichi..he took Kenchin to the hospital."The blonde guy said,as you fave palm.
"Great,now he really is involved in this."You muttered,under your breath,as you turn your heel and ran off once again.
"Hospitals...Tsk...great..here I am again."You muttered as you entered you saw your brother,and the other guys from before.You actually hated the hospital more than anything.
"Oi!Michi!"You called out,your arms cross as you have a pissed off look.Takemichi look at you surprise.
"Nee-san how did you-"You cut him off.
"And this is why,You don't do or join gangs.I don't know what he hell happened,but we are going home."You said,grabbing his arm.
"Eh?But wait...D(o)raken-kun..He--"Takemichi was about to finish when you cut him off.
"Tsk.It either he dies or live.Even so,we humans die in the end."You said clearly pisses off,as Takemichi pulled away from you looking concern,he knows your overprotective and stuff like that.But you weren't this harsh to say something like that.
"Nee-san?Why are you being like this?You've never been this harsh with your words."Takemichi said concern,as you click your tounge.
"Nothing!I just hate the hospital!That's why we're going home!"You said,eager to get out of the hospital.
"..Nee-san.."Takemichi said concern,you two were now in the hallway,just the two of you away from the others.
"Nee-san...why are you acting like this?Did..something happened?"Takemichi ask concern.
"...Takemichi....Promise me something..."You began,as you stood up straight still not facing him.Takemichi's ear and Attention was now fully on you.
"Promise me...to cut your ties with that gang,or any other gang."You said,as Takemichi's eyes widen.
'No no no no...I came back here to save all of you.I've got this far...I cant...'Takemichi though to himself,as he clenched his fist.
"No.I'm sorry.But....I can't."Takemichi said,as your eyes widen.
"What do you mean no?!"You said,now facing him.
"I...don't want to cut ties with them..Mikey-kun...he's...reall nice...really!-"Takemichi was about to continue till you cut him off.
"DIDN'T YOU SEE THAT?!That guy you saved just now got here!Meaning that if YOU keep this up you may end up just like him!!"You yelled.
"Then..I'll try to be careful...not to almost die."Takemichi said trying to ease you.
"What?!Try?!No!Takemichi it's dangerous!To dangerous!"You yelled.
"What?How so?How would you know?I said I'll be careful then..I just don't want to cut ties!"Takemichi said,raising his voice a little as you clenched your fist.
"DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY ALEXA STOP CALLING AND VISITING US?!BECAUSE SHE'S DEAD!SHE DIED DURING OUR GANG FIGHT!WE BROUGHT HER TO THE HOSPITAL.SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO RECOVER!BUT SHE DIDN'T!"You snapped,as Takemichi's eyes widen,he couldn't believe his ears.You?In a gang?His overprotective caring sister,was in a gang?And your beloved sister like bestfriend was in it too?And she died because of it?The reason you had bruises on your arms and legs was because of fighting back then?!When?!
"When..how long.."Takemichi ask in disbelief.
"...Just a year ago!..It was fun 2 years ago!But..after witnessing Alexa-chan's death....I just had to...no...I MUST not let you get in this gang life!It's...ridiculous!"You yelled out,putting your hand on your head.
"If the same thing happened to you...I wouldn't know what to do.."You aid,as tears slowly rolled down your eyes.
"..Nee-san...I'm sorry...I...didn't know...But...That still won't stop me from going and being friends with Mikey-kun and the others."Takemichi said,as You look up.
"...why.."You ask in disbelief.
"Because...I can't..really tell you..but...I have a goal!Your my big sis right?You'll support me right?"Takemichi ask,as you look at him in disbelief.Takemichi never spoken like this to you,he was always like 'Stop treating me like a 5 year old!'or'Im old enough to know that!'
"You...brat."You said,in someway you saw your younger self in Takemichi just now.
"You really are my brother are you."You sigh,as you wipe your tears away.
"...As much as I hate what I'm going to say..who am I stop your goal..but you better make your that goal of yours isn't dying."You began.
"But..I suppose I'll let you off the hook.But I'm going home,I still hate the hospital,tell Hina-chan to call me big sis too.After all she's my sister-in-law screw that,SHE'LL ONLY be the one dating a stupid reckless guy like you."You said,ruffling your brother's hair who pouted.
"That's just mean...but yea..soon she'll be your sister in law."Takemichi said.
"Come home after this Drama."You said,as you turn your back and walk off.
Tbh....I don't know what to do anymore:,) hopefully y'all like this TvT.
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howdoyousleep3 · 3 years
I don't know, I just needed to write something and flex the muscles. These two have been on my mind lately. I hope you enjoy something a little different. 💖 Tags: Boys in Love, Supersoldiers, Recovering Bucky, Rainy Feels, Tender Moments how does one tag fluff
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He almost misses Bucky’s words over the sound of the rain pelting against the windows.
“You know,” he starts, breath something so fiercely gentle on the back of Steve’s neck it makes his chest pull tight. “I used to swear that you’d come and visit me when I managed to close my eyes sometimes.”
Steve knows Bucky means sleep, but he also knows that sleep is so lightly implied. Buck won’t talk about it much, what they did to him while Steve was in the ice, after the fall, but Steve is aware that sleep is more than likely a generous term to use. The ache in Steve’s chest continues to build, to churn and manifest. He doesn’t respond verbally, only reaches for the metal arm tight around his waist from behind. It’s cool beneath Steve’s fingers, so vastly different than the torso against the line of his back.
“Used to drive myself crazy wonderin’ why those pair of baby blues were ones I kept rememberin’, ones I couldn’t let go of, even after they wiped me again and again. Kept thinkin’ to myself, ‘Who is this punk? Why does he keep comin’ to visit me?’ Knew you were someone important if you kept showin’ up…”
The ache blossoms, spreads all throughout Steve’s being, his soul and his physical form all at once in a way that has his throat knotting up and constricting. He can’t help it this time, lets out a small noise, a hitch in his breath. Nothing gets Steve going, makes him hurt, like thinking about the time he spent away from the other half of who he is.
“Should’a known it was you, doll. You that kept comin’ back, you that kept gettin’ back up, stickin’ around. One stubborn son of a bitch.”
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The two of them were meant for newspapers on the windows and in their shoes, dancing around their drafty apartment in the miraculous moments they managed to catch a radio signal in time for a show. They were meant for sharing meals, a bed two sizes too small, baths when they could manage, maybe moving into a house away from the city when they got older. Something anticlimactic, boring, normal.
It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way, Steve thinks. His bitterness gets the best of him at times, not allowing for him to appreciate the present much. And while he will be forever furious over the course of events in their lives, at the same time, thank God this is exactly how it turned out.
“You were the last thing I thought of before they made me forget, the only thing that brought me any kind’a comfort,” Bucky tells him, voice like warm honey on his neck, on his heart, on his soul. He purses his lips against Steve’s temple. He inhales when Bucky exhales, two completing one. “You’re the only thing I fought for, fought to remember, fought each time to convince myself that I wasn’t making ‘em up. Like the sky, like fallin’ in the ocean, like summertime.”
He stops to take a deep breath, to steady himself and stay present just like he’s learned to do, has battled for.
“You were my constant. Even then, doll—you were it.”
Steve can’t stand it.
“Buck…” he tries, but Bucky hushes him, presses the coo of a noise into his ear, down his shoulder before the hand on his stomach skirts up his body to tip his chin.
“Come ‘ere, pal. Show me, just— lemme see…”
When Steve looks up at him over his shoulder, face immediately cradled, he feels like nothing short of a cherished treasure. Bucky studies him, frantic at first, eyes unable to take in every minute detail like they desire to until he is once more reminded that these eyes won’t be leaving him, won’t be forgotten, this time around.
Let Bucky look, let him be comforted, let him see everything that he is reflected in Steve’s eyes, in him. Steve will always let him touch, let him look, let him feel, anything.
Whatever keeps Bucky here, in the present in every possible way. That’s all Steve wants.
“Just the prettiest, ain’t you?”
Steve bites his lip, deflects pathetically. “Was tryin’ to sleep, Buck. Quit it, what is this?”
He feels a little more patched up and put together when Bucky’s lips meet his, the words of their past breaking him down but the warmth and the swell of Bucky’s lips in the present picking him right back up. Kisses are given to his lips, peppered up and over his cheeks, down his jaw, all like Bucky needs more than his fingertips to feel. He needs these touches as much as Bucky does.
“Don’t know if I tell you enough, how much I love you.”
“I know you love me,” Steve whispers quickly, solidly, reaching back to press his thumb to the dip in Bucky’s chin. He wants to press his tongue right there too, but his thumb will do.
“I tell you enough?” Bucky asks again, voice tender and vulnerable as he runs his finger lazily down the crooked line of Steve’s nose. Reassurance is easy, is bone-deep and simple. He nods his head, breathes, “Yeah, Buck,” tips his chin. Bucky meets him in the middle for another kiss. The crack of thunder doesn’t startle them in the slightest, doesn’t cause them to break apart.
Bucky’s sigh feels therapeutic to Steve, comes with the lift of weight from his chest. He kisses Steve’s cheek once more, tucks his face into the crook of Steve’s neck and inhales loudly and deeply, uninhibited— savoring.
“You makin’ me blueberry pancakes in the mornin’?” Bucky asks as he settles behind Steve for the final time that night. He presses his leg, his thigh, between Steve’s own, reaches around and presses the palm of his hand against Steve’s sternum. It makes Steve himself feel like home, like a sanctuary.
“’Course I will. You gonna stay outta the kitchen, outta trouble, long enough for me to get a few on your plate?”
Steve knows the answer before it’s out of Bucky’s mouth, but he doesn’t anticipate the press of teeth into the nape of his neck.
“We’ll see…”
Yeah— thank God it’s like this.
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