#and it was a long hug i 😖😖😖😖 adore her
maraczeks · 1 year
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lexiene · 9 months
═ 𝕆𝕦𝕣 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ° . •° .
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W/r: fluff, pregnancy, mentions of body changes insecurities, Megumi's paternal instinct, clingy Gumi, baby talk, mentions of de*th word, but overall more smooch of fluff FLUFFINESS
S/m: in which your husband aka your lovely Megumi had this clingy type to your rounded belly that he couldn't stop rubbing and showered with kisses as well the baby they love to hear their daddy's voice and they were kicking lovingly.
A/n: my first full fic after a year not publishing and became hiatus so here it is hope ya like it! (σ ´-ω-`)σ
edited: instead of waiting the right time to post.. I written this as tribute to Megumi's bday since I had been waiting for this for long months to do so here's the first ever fic of mine I didnt put my dividers yet bc s there's a sudden doubt of me again so need to review it again so yea...hope yall like it (•́ω•̀) also @greycaelum this for you in advance bday with fluffiness of baby fever 😖💜
W/c: ( 1.1k )
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Finally, a long day you have been waiting for your day to rest due to your extreme shifting of pregnancy hormones. They're really extremely kicking in and that makes you shift moods at times.
Day and night kept you busy eating, watching, playing with your husband's Divine Dogs, and even morning to evening sickness.
Your OB-GYN told you that you were expecting a baby boy during your second ultrasound she also told you that she had also experienced lots and lots of morning sickness during her firstborn and thought she was gonna die but she reassured you that it is completely normal and your health stability maximizes the baby's growth in your tummy which was your relief.
The mood swing changing can be challenging too, since this is both you and Megumi's first child, a first miracle, and blessed by the Gods, can lead you to a roller coaster mood swings. Which is the sign of healthy and normal for the baby.
You'll tell Megumi the gender of the baby tomorrow since you don't wanna miss this father and 'son' moments on how precious it is.
Your husband's head is currently pressed in your growing belly for an hour now not releasing you from his embrace, since he told you in the morning he's on off duty today and gladly for that to not get too much overload of work which was his adoptive dork adoptive father bragging about the situation at the Jujutsu Tech nonstop.
You maybe knew that he have already prepared for this day to come, at last it came true. You also thought about for a quite some time now that he is finding your pregnant belly a comfort and reliever to his mind which made your heart swell and happy even though with pinch of insecurities from month changing leading you in teary state. Are you still beautiful? And getting uglier?
"You're crying again Y/n, what are you thinking?" you slightly flinch from his voice and snapped out from your thoughts again when Megumi breaks the silence you giving him.
Megumi always noted that everytime you spaced out with your thoughts that clouding your mind, he always knew where to cut off the silence and help you at ease by hugging then slowly rocking you and kisses your temple as you release all your tears out while holding him even your belly is occupying half of the embrace.
"It's nothing, Gumi," you sniffed "My hormones are kicking again and got me into tears, don't worry I'm okay." You smile and caressing his unruly hair signifying your love to his hair all the times a reminder of his style and comforting sight.
"You look adorable while talking to our baby~," you teased him in order to ease a bit his worries to you and the baby.
"No I'm not, I'm just...fine you got me," you laughed heartedly and vibrates your belly giving a slight shake to Megumi's face and he smiled seeing you happy again. He is happy too.
"Who knew the strongest shikigami user can be this affectionate?" you teased him again earning a groan from him as his face glow with red. You really love teasing yet of course with love out of it.
"You're dork you know that?" he now is the one teasing you back he do starting to learn something from you he also might got it from his friends but overall he learned it from you.
"Hey! At least I'm cute though!" you pouted and try to make him let go as if your telling him 'you making me angy at you' but he didn't.
Megumi shook his head when his wife starting to display her signature pouting again. He is always prepared again.
"Do you want some chocolate crepe with strawberry and sprinkles on top?" you gasped and your eyes shines in glee and small drool began to form, Megumi got the hint.
Your hungry now. Time to get ready.
You nodded fast like a puppy who wags in excitement and ready to be fed "Add some extra syrup too, Gumi!" you added but your husband shook his head in no.
"Did I told you not to add too much extras? The baby might adopt your sweet tooth and I don't want to have 'second' to handle the sweetness obsession." he's referring Gojo Satoru. Oh boy.
"You mean our baby, Gumi~ and why are you getting annoyed when our baby is not even born yet," you rub your belly telling your unborn baby to them or rather baby boy, him 'don't listen to your papa you'll be healthy once you're born' .
"And are your referring Gojo-san again?" shoot she got him.
"Oh Gumi, don't be!" she motions him sit down with her again and wrapped her arms around his neck since he stood up and he was already preparing your crepe "You know our baby will be more healthier if you feed me food with love and give me massage when your not occupied with work, you don't have to worry everything just always remember I'm doing great and this little angel," you point your tummy "Is happily kicking since morning, telling me that their Daddy is amazing and working hard to give me and mommy lots of love!" imitating baby voices making your husband hide his face into your neck in affection and get flustered.
"You might wanna put your hands now because they're kicking already as we speak," you grab his hand and place where the baby's kicking, and there. He felt it again.
The sensation of his child, the nudge gives him the brightening spark and different feeling of love when his hand place on it.
"See? They love their papa so much!" you giggled and kiss your husband's hair since he was He was still hiding his face into your neck and his hand on top your tummy and yours is placed on top of his.
He then leaned down and talk to his baby. "Hey there little angel," he whispered saying his favorite baby names to your baby "I guess your dad here being..overprotective again and I'm sorry, he was just following the doctor's instructions to keep your mom healthy and stable," rubbing your belly with his thumb "From now on I'll follow your request but still there are still limits and need to be follow, is that okay?"
Baby nudge into his hand in agreement saying 'it's a deal daddy!' and Megumi chuckled rubbing it again where the kick came.
"Great, I'm going to make your mom's request now, love you" he whispers and kisses your tummy. You swear your heart is going to explode from his paternal heart growing even more.
You're more happier than ever to be with him.
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© Do not repost, refrain modifying any Lexiene works to any other soical media/platforms.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
i need ellie to grab me by the jaw and smack a messy kiss on my lips 😖😖 or maybe a hug idk i just want her
brattamer!ellie but she’s so in love w u that she kisses u in the middle of scolding u…..
“babe, i have to go on patrol. it’s my job. keeps everyone safe.” she exasperates, brows knitted together as she stares at you from the side.
“well just make someone else do it.” you mumble under your breath with a huff, staring away from her as you pout.
“speak up.” she warns, brows raising.
“no.” you whine, going to turn further away, but she grips your cheeks, smushing them together as she turns your face to hers.
“and you can look at me when i talk to you.” she tells you off, but as soon as she sees your bottom lip puff out she’s pressing a kiss to it. she pulls away, brow still furrowed like she’s mad at you despite her actions, before pressing more kisses to your mouth in short successions until your pout has melt into a giggly smile. “now c’mere, grumpy.” she rolls her eyes, pulling you in for a hug. it was hard to brat tame you when you were being this adorable, attitude be damned.
she felt your body melt into hers, the tension of your bad mood disappearing in her arms. “just hate when you have to go away for so long. i miss you. and i worry about you.” you sigh, nuzzling into her a little more.
“i know baby. i miss you too. i’ll try ‘n make it quick, yeah? poor shimmer, gonna make her go so fast. her legs are gonna be sore.” she teased and you smiled giddily into her. “but whilst i’m gone, you’re gonna just have to deal, ‘kay? don’t wanna come home and find you with an attitude because you missed me. that clear, bug?”
“crystal clear.” you nod solemnly against her and she ruffles your hair.
“good sport.” she smirks before pulling you up for more kisses.
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Episode 6 Thoughts
(Spoilers for TBB Season 2)
I loved this episode!!! A nice combination of fun and action with some emotional elements as well. I had a great time with it!
So of course, here are my bullet point thoughts.
Echo being put on babysitting duty and promptly losing Omega. She wanders off so often. 🤣
Love how Tech is insulted that they don't trust his forgery skills. How dare you question his ability to do illegal activities.
When I saw those droids electrocuting Gungi I was ready to throw hands. 😤
I love Gungi's character design. He's definitely grown up a bit and I love the pauldron and the wrap as a belt.
Tech automatically assuming that the blaster fire was caused by Omega. 🤣
He wasn't wrong though!
Is this the first time we've seen both Tech and Echo piloting the Marauder this season? It feels weird that we've gone so long without seeing those two in the cockpit.
Gungi looked so sad! I can't deal with this. 😭
I wanna give Gungi a hug so bad. 🥺
Echo actually got some dialogue this episode. Love to see it. 🥰
Kashyyyk looks awesome!
I love how they lean into the fact that Gungi was really young when he went to the Jedi temple, so he isn't familiar with his home planet. He knows that these are his people, but he's still a little unsure.
Lots of webs!
Fun fact about me, I actually hate spider webs more than I hate actual spiders, so I would not be having a fun time. 😬
Weird spider things look very similar to the ice spiders! Nice bit of convergent evolution there. 😊 (And yes, my zoologist brain thinks about these things when watching TBB apparently...)
So. Much. Gungi. Looking. Sad. 😭
When I saw the wookie pelt on that trandoshan, I got so angry. 😤
Stop burning his home, you hissy bastards!
Character designs in this episode are great! ✨️
Soundtrack is also amazing, as always.
We only see brief glimpses of them, but I love how we get an insight into the traditions and beliefs of the wookies. I love that touch.
Laser sword
Echo's face the first time he was offered the soup. 🤣
Speaking to the trees!!!
When I heard the line "we'll take all the allies we can get" in the trailer, I did not think they would be talking about trees but here we are.
Weird giant monkey things are awesome!
I don't want to think about what those spider things did to Venomor. 😖
It was probably not fun.
Also, Echo's little cheers with the bowl was adorable. 🥰 Character development right there! 🤣
It's interesting that they talk about the fact that neither Omega nor Gungi can ever truly be children in a world like this. Especially since last episode was a chance for Omega to actually get to act like a kid for once. Last episode was very much a look into what her life should be, while this one is more of a look into what her life really is like.
Omega joining Gungi in listening to the trees. I adore her desire to understand people and their traditions, even if it is just child-like curiosity.
And I love seeing Gungi partaking in the tribe's tradition as well. He's unsure of what he's doing but he understands that it's his culture and he wants to be a part of it. 🥺
This episode is very interesting in the fact that it shows not only the repercussions of the rise of the Empire, but also how the lives of younglings was changed when they were subscribed to the Jedi.
They never really got a chance to grow up understanding their own personal culture and heritage, and that's not necessarily something we always think about.
To summarise this slight messy bullet list, I loved this episode!
Seeing not only the effect that Order 66 had on Gungi, but also his struggle to return to a place that he doesn't truly know because all he ever really remembers is life at the Jedi Temple. Seeing him fit back into the tribe is really sweet to see.
Hunter and Echo are once again the tired parents this episode. 🤣 But it was nice to see Echo being a little more vocal again, and Hunter putting his hand on Echo's shoulder as a supportive thing was nice. They don't alway see eye to eye, but at the end of the day, they are still brothers.
Actually, everyone felt like they had a place in the episode so I'm very happy about that. It's great to have an episode that feels like it's about the Batch again.
It was a solid episode and I really enjoyed it!
Even more exciting is that we get 2 episodes next week!!! 🥳 But it also means we'll be halfway through this season already. 🥲
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firstkanaphans · 5 months
Can I pretty please ask for something, any dribble you can spare for Dome and Vee actually getting together at the end of the show? Aaaah my heart breaks over that ending 😖😖😖
Full disclosure: It’s been several months since I watched You’re My Sky, so if the characters feel a bit off, I apologize. Also, Porsche Tanathorn, who plays Vee, is currently acting in My Stand-in, so if you’re missing his cute little face, you can find him there! (Jury’s still out on whether I’m actually enjoying My Stand-in, but that’s another post 😂)  Word Count: 1200ish
Vee loved his sister more than life itself, but this was starting to get a bit ridiculous. For the past year, it seemed like all they had talked about was her wedding and although the end was finally near, he still had to survive the actual ceremony first. He’d been running around all morning trouble-shooting problems with contractors and the venue. The florist had delivered the wrong flowers, the cake was MIA, and the groom’s brother was so horrifically drunk, his vomit had already had to be cleaned up off of the posh hotel floors. Twice.
If Vee ever got married—which was a big if considering he hadn’t so much as been on a date in years—he was eloping. He loved his family too much to put them through this a second time. 
But eventually, all disasters were averted, the guests started arriving, and it seemed like everything might actually go off without a hitch. Vee watched Pan say her vows and although he would be loath to admit it to anyone, the smile on her face made all the rest worth it.
At the reception, Pan stood at the entrance to the hotel ballroom with her new husband, greeting and taking photos with the guests. Vee planned to bypass the line entirely considering he had seen quite enough of her already today, but before he could sneak into the reception hall alone, she spotted him and waved him over. With a heavy sigh, he went to her.
“Congratulations,” he said, pulling her into a hug.
“Thank you,” she said, squeezing him tighter. Then, as if it was a secret, she whispered, “Vee, I’m so happy.”
“I’m glad,” he said, releasing her, and then he greeted her husband as well. He was a good man, he absolutely adored Pan, and Vee had never once been attracted to him. What more could he ask for than that?
“Have you found your gift yet?” Pan asked, taking Vee by the hands and redirecting his attention back to her.
“My gift?” Vee laughed. “Last time I checked, I wasn’t the one getting married.”
“No,” Pan agreed, “but I got you something anyway. Hold on, let me see if I can find it.”
She stood on her tiptoes and craned her neck as she looked around the room. Vee tried to help her search, but he had no idea what he was looking for. Luckily, it didn’t seem to take her long to find what she had lost. She smiled, sank back down onto the balls of her feet, and pointed at something just over Vee’s shoulder.
“Found it,” she said, her smile turning into a smirk. Vee followed her gaze and froze when he saw Dome standing only a few yards in front of him, waiting to say hello to the newlyweds. He was wearing a deep red suit and his mouth had fallen open at the sight of Vee, but Vee couldn’t really blame him as he was pretty sure his own had done just the same.
It had been five years since Vee last saw Dome. Five years since he’d told him goodbye. Five years since Dome promised to wait for him. And every day of those five years, Vee had thought of him—of what they might be if things were different.
“I got my happy ending,” Pan whispered into his ear. “Now it’s your turn.”
Dome stepped forward as if he wanted to say something, but no words actually came out. Vee didn’t know what to say either. It had been too long. Too much had changed. Or maybe not enough.
“Vee!” his mother called from inside the reception hall. Vee had no idea what she could possibly want, but he took the opportunity and ran.
An hour later, Vee was standing alone on the balcony of the hotel ballroom as the party raged inside. It was dark out, but there were fairy lights twinkling on the lawn below, and the humidity of the day had evaporated into something bordering on pleasant. He was thinking about Dome. 
And then the door opened.
For a few seconds, the noise from inside got louder, wrecking the peaceful facade he had created, but by the time he turned around, it was quiet again and Dome was standing there bathed in moonlight. Although Vee had been expecting him, it was still a shock to see him standing so close. To know that if he spoke, Dome would hear him. To know that if he reached out, they could touch.
“Hi,” Dome said, his pale skin flushed adorably red. Time had aged him in the same way it aged fine wine. His shoulders were broader, his suit looked tailored, and there was an air of refinement about him.
“Hi,” Vee greeted, but then he turned back to rest his arms on the balcony so he could look down on the gardens below. It was easier that way to settle his racing heart. Dome joined him at the railing and stood so close that his body heat warmed him. Vee looked over at him. “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”
“Are you disappointed that I am?”
“No,” Vee said. His only disappointment was that in seeing Dome again, he had disturbed the hole in his heart where he had buried him and he feared it would take quite a while to cover him up again. But maybe it was worth it just to see his face, to hear his voice, to remind himself of what it felt like to be truly alive.
“Good. That’s…good.”
Vee smirked, pleased he wasn’t the only one who was nervous. “Your Thai has gotten better,” he said, nudging Dome’s shoulder playfully so that he would know he wasn’t making fun of him. And he wasn’t. His Thai was better. It was less clipped now. More confident.
“Except for the accent.” Dome laughed. “I can’t seem to get rid of it.”
“It’s cute,” Vee said without thinking. “I like it.”
Dome turned to look at him and a still silence fell between them. Then he spoke, his voice soft and pleading, “I’ve missed you.”
Vee swallowed hard because he had missed him too—of course he had—but that had never been the problem. The problem was that once upon a time, Vee had fallen in love with the one person in the world he wasn’t allowed to have and even now that his sister was married, it didn’t lessen that betrayal. That’s what Vee would always see when he looked at Dome: both the best and the worst days of his life. But he saw no point in lying.
“I’ve missed you, too.”
As if taking that as permission to continue, Dome stepped even closer, grabbed Vee’s shoulders, and turned him so that the two of them were standing face-to-face. “I know my timing isn’t great—it never has been,” he said. “But I never stopped waiting. I still love you and I came here to tell you that just in case things have changed. Just in case now is the right time.”
Right person, wrong time. That was their curse.
Or was it?
Although Vee knew it would likely only shatter his heart to pieces, he couldn’t resist the urge to lean forward and kiss Dome right there in the moonlight. Even after so long apart, his taste was familiar. It was like coming home. Like the earth had been knocked out of orbit five long years ago and only now had it righted itself. And the longer they kissed, the more Vee realized that he wasn’t going to have the strength to walk away from this man twice. Maybe Pan had known that.
He pulled back, his hand still cupped around Dome’s face and stared into his wide, hopeful eyes. 
“I can’t make you any promises,” he said against Dome’s lips, “But I love you, too. And I’m willing to try.”
Dome smiled just as bright as the stars in the sky and they kissed again, two lost souls that had finally found their way back to each other.
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 11 months
🍰💭🧸 for the ask game!! :3
Aaa!! Thank you so much for asking and sorry it took me so long to answer 😖🫣🎶🪽🍬🎆💗. Had to wait for my creative and gushy inspiration to be set alight in my heart first! Thank you for waiting so patiently 💗🧸
I wrote it about Jumin (JujuBear) from Mystic Messenger and I!
🍰 - ! Recently I made Earl Grey and honey tea cupcakes infused with orange marmalade for JujuBear. He usually prefers coffee or wine but while taking his first bite of it, he smiled so cutely! So boyishly and innocent; so unlike his usual stoic yet shy expression 💗💗💗😆🎆! He told me he was able to taste the sweetness of my love for him through my baking. Aaaa!!! JujuBear is so sweet!!
Juju, well. When we first met, 7 years ago; he had a chef (Juju is a corporate business heir to a very rich and outstanding family) that would cook him anything he ever wanted but after meeting me and us falling in love with each other, me cooking for him the first time.. ( I must add that I love and adore Juju for his heart, personality, soul, mind and looks the most! riches aren’t my priority. I, actually have more than enough money in real life so ^^; )
He was touched by the warmth and love that he was able to feel deep in his soul through my cooking and was determined to be able to practice cooking the most delicious romantic dinner date meal in secret so it would be a surprise for me.
Haha, Juju is adorable like that x’). He cooked his childhood favorite schnitzel parmigiana for us and made my favorite mixed salad with some cooked sweet potato slices. It made me happy to visit his place one night on our half year anniversary and be surprised by his romantic and thoughtful expression of love and consideration for me 🌟💞. There was romantic classical music playing in the background and he handed me the most gorgeous flower bouquet upon my entrance! I hugged him so tightly that night, seeing him so shy and anxious, discreetly observing my reactions and passionately express his adoration TwT !! Bless my JujuBear!!! He was basically tackled by my leap hugs and fluttery kisses! Hugging him, I could feel how both of our hearts raced like a motor engine on drugs; only that our drug was blissful honeymoon lovestruck adoration for each other 😍😌🎆🧸🍯🥰🤗
For dessert he made us his signature strawberry syrup pancakes with banana slices and I couldn’t help but sit on JujuBear’s lap instead of sitting in front of him >x<. I just wanted to be as close to him as possible! He gave me a back hug (he’s really tall! Like, 183cm and I’m 159cm) and fed me his pancakes. It was such a drunkenly sweet night, I adore my time spent with my HanniBunnyJujuBear!
💭- Juju @Me : ‘My angel, she’s so cute! My heart is literally exploding just seeing her adorable face, munching on candy like a lil bunny! Her everything is just so heart-meltingly sweet. I know she gained a bit of weight and is a little insecure but I just love seeing her satisfied smile and lil dancey-sways of joy when she eats the food she loves.’
Me @Juju : ‘Aaaaa!!!!! JujuBear 😍!!! Juju may seem stoic and a bit too serious to most people but gosh, his smile! So beautiful and radiant like the moon! and his heart that used to be so dark, sorrowful and lonesome; has regained its’ vibrant colors of childhood since we met. I’m so glad I fell for Juju! He was finally able to face his repressed feelings towards his parents and the people around him who only wanted to use him for his money, looks and fame…the aching void of distrust and sorrowful loneliness he felt since Rika died and his only childhood friend and found family best friend distanced himself from him…I just can’t help but care and wish to be there for my HanniBunnyHubbyBear no matter what and be his strength and comfort!’
🧸- Oh :0 ! Juju and I have been married for like 5 years and are living together, so right now I’m his sleeping pillow plushie. But he knows I’m a big plushie hoarder (I’ve literally got 30+ plushies sleeping with me in my bed) so whenever we go to a festival and we find a plushie that he can see makes my eyes sparkle with delight and interest; he is set on winning it for me! My JujuBear is not the best at the festival nor arcade games and doesn’t always win the plushie but on the off case that he doesn’t; he makes a custom made order plushie of my dreams from that same plushie company in order to make up for if [because I fussingly wouldn’t let him bribe the booth owner. It doesn’t align with the festival gaming spirit. He was pouty at my objections but relented (with a secret plan to surprise me with an even better custom plushie for our next romantic holiday)] - JujuBear loves callin me his SnowBunny or BlushieHun [because my face, when I’m with him and my other lover f/os, is often as red as a sweet strawberry. and the ‘Hun’ is a play on Jumin’s last name ‘Han’. I’m Juju’s Hannie(Honey)]
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spiteful-bomb · 1 year
Tabi Plays "Stray"
(I mean.. Come on, the guy's a cat lover so we all should've seen this coming. 🤭)
Tabi has his eyes fixed on the tv with a determined focus as he navigates through the underground city with his virtual feline companion, solving each new puzzle that comes his way; Ayana watches from behind the couch, her head resting on it with a look of pure boredom.
Ayana : *s i g h* Taaabs, how long are you going to keep playing that game?
Tabi : Until I find the way to the surface.
Ayana : You haven't stopped playing since you bought it. Take a break. (she says out of partial genuine concern for his already very short sleep schedule)
Tabi : *shakes his head stubbornly* No. This cat needs my attention. I want to help him get home.
Ayana shakes her head, then smirks as an idea comes to her.
Ayana : *leans closer to Tabi's head and whispers teasingly* You have sealed you fate then, Tabi~
Tabi : Huh?? What do you mean by that?
Ayana gets behind him and starts rubbing her hands up & down his chest, slowly.
Tabi : *suddenly feeling flustered* Wh- A.. Ayana?! What are you doing???
Ayana : What~? Can't you see how much I "knead" you too~? Hehehehe~ 😁
Tabi : I should put you in time out for making that pun. 😑
Ayana : *nuzzling his face* You're being a bad owner for not giving *this* kitty attention~ 😙
Tabi : (in a half whining tone) But what about my game?
Ayana : *gives him a look* Wellll, if you don't stop playing, I'll have to groom you. 😏
Tabi : 😳!! *sweating nervously at what the implications of that might've been, he quickly presses the pause button on his controller to stop the game* Th- There, paused. Happy?
Ayana : Very. 🥰 And now...
Ayana grasps her hands around Tabi's torso and starts lightly but also vigorously scratching her nails up and down his ribcage in rapid succession, catching him by surprise.
Ayana : CLAW ATTACK!!! 😼
Tabi : Gah-! Ayana! S-stop! Thahaha- That tickles!! Hahahaha! GAHahahahaha!!! Staahahap!!
She zeroes in on one particular spot on his upper ribs that causes him to double over on the couch, laughing even harder.
After a bit, she stops, kissing the back of his neck with a chuckle and wraps him in a hug.
Ayana : It's super effective. 😊
Tabi : *huffs and looks away with a pout, trying to hide his embarrassed blush* You play too much, Ayana.
Ayana : Well, I could just rub your chest again.
Tabi : Hmm... Fine.
And so the latter part of the afternoon was spent relaxing and cuddling on the couch; Ayana laid snuggly on top of Tabi, massaging and tracing shapes on his chest.
Tabi, in his thoughts : Hm... This feels nice. Damn it! The things she does are too cute. 😖 I guess I'll finish playing some other time..
- The End.♡
(Based off of this. Hope you like it!)
<3 I adore omfg
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despicablebisexual · 2 years
Don't Worry!
Rengoku Kyojuro x F!Hashira!Reader
Lighthearted banter with your husband Rengoku and his best friend Tengen after a mission.
warnings: mild suggestive content! mostly fluff
A/N: I saw a post awhile back of how Tengen would totally tease Rengoku about being a good lover and say something like "no kids yet? 😉" and Rengoku would respond with how Tengen has 3 wives and still none and I literally can't get it out of my head 😭😭 PLEASE if anyone knows who the author is/where the post is tag it 😖😖
I absolutely love the idea of Tengen (playfully) teasing Rengoku about his relationship with y/n and one of them just saying something completely out of pocket
You stepped onto the covered porch and shielded your eyes from the blinding sun. Even as it set its power never yielded. In the distance ahead you could see the forms of two men slowly making their way towards you. You heart fluttered in your chest to see your lover and close friend laughing softly as they approached.
By the time they reached you, you were delighted to see that they had minimal bruises and cuts and in rather good shape.
"Kyo! Tengen! I'm so glad to see you!"
Kyojuro opened his arms wide and swallowed you whole. The hug enveloped your entire body and he even lifted you off the ground.
"Hello, my love," he whispered in your ear.
"Well, aren't you two just adorable," Tengen said with a smirk.
"Hi Tengen, it is always so nice to see you."
"Likewise, y/n."
"Well, you two go wash up, dinner should be ready soon!"
You three sat around the array of food. After such a long mission, you knew the two would be starving for a good homecooked meal, so you made all of their favorites. The two munched away at the food as you ate your own portion, giggling to yourself every time Kyo yelled UMAI!
"Ugh," Tengen groaned, "y/n, this food is amazing."
"Thank you Tengen! I'm glad you like it!"
"Rengoku, you are blessed to have a wife that cooks so deliciously."
"I am forever grateful for everything y/n does for me! I only hope to return the favors one day."
"Mm... I guarantee if I brought her back home to my wives, we would be able to repay her appropriately... I guarantee it would be the right treatment she needs." Tengen winked as he said.
Kyojuro's mouth was hanging open as he listened to his friend. You laughed boisterously for the umpteenth time that night.
"Oh, Tengen you flatter me... Do not worry, though," you smiled, taking Kyo's hand. "No other lover could satisfy me the way Kyo does."
You took a bite of your food and smiled again. Kyojuro and Tengen's mouths were hanging wide open, before Kyojuro crossed his arms and turned to his friend and smiled teasingly. All three of you laughed and resumed eating.
"Although... The touch of three women would be an experience I would like to have..."
Kyo spit his food out as Tengen laughed.
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madame-fear · 2 years
So I read the Dark Knight’s Jonathan Crane with reader who has a kid from their past relationship hcs , not long ago, which me wonder.. what if Dark Knight’s Jonathan and his fem s/o have a kid together, like it’s Jonny biological kid and I wanted to ask for some headcanons on how he acts/treats with his kid 🥹🤍
( I swear everytime I thought of this idea, it’d made me smile cuz the thought of him being so cute with his kid 😖💗💗 )
Ahhhhh this is so cuuuute!!!!🥰🥰❤ I think he would be an adorable soft bby w/his own child ahhh🥺🥺🤧🤧
DK!Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader | Having a Child Together
Saying that he's over the moon is truly an understatement <3
Much like Gotham!Jonathan, he would've never thought of himself as a parent as first, so he would've been extremely anxious about his parenting skills.
All you need to do is just reassure him that his kid is going to love him to no end, and that he'll be the best dad you ever met. Maybe, that would make him feel better.
And he really is a good dad. He's the number one BEST dad ever!
Extremely overprotective of his kid. He'd always keep an eye out for things that could potentially be dangerous to your kids safety/well being.
If the child is still a baby, he'd take his child out for a walk on the baby trolley, especially when he's got a free day from work.
Soo loving & tender! He’d most definitely have a picture of his child in his office desk.
Helps you out with whatever you need!
You have to work and can't take care of the child? He'll take the day off to help you out. You need to feed him/her? Don't worry! He's already feeding the baby. Need to go out and buy something? He's got you covered!
Spoils his kid A LOT, more than you could imagine. He'll buy him/her whatever toys the child wants, buy them gifts, gives them tons of kisses and hugs before leaving for work, etc.
Actually very playful!! Expect him to spend time taking out his child on a walk or playing with them on his free-from-work days.
His favourite thing is to be welcomed after coming home from work by you & his child <3 Would always pick them up and randomly spin them on the place.
Always reading bedtime stories to his child.
Calling his baby his "little crow" <3
If the child is a girl, he'd do his best to get familiarised with 'girly' things she might like. Such as braiding her hair, painting her nails, playing teatime with her, talking about princesses...etc.
With a boy it wouldn't be like that, he'd probably know how to manage himself with having a baby boy.
If he finds out another child hurted his little crow, the first thing he would do is get in the 'dad to the rescue' mode, and comfort your child.
Then, he'd threaten the shit out of the child and their parents
Even if he'd obviously still be working with the fear toxin, he'll try his best to get away with the Scarecrow persona he's got going on.
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hacked-wtsdz · 3 years
Rating Star Wars ships from least to most favourite:
9. Obitine
I never cared much for Satine, though I still like their moments. They seem like such a soft ship, and Satine is also one of Obi-Wan’s weak spots, he was ready to leave the order for her, which is impressive for a man that is so dedicated to it. They are a bit like Anidala, but Satine and Obi-Wan aren’t as reckless and chaotic as Anakin and Padme.
8. Skyjade
Ok, I have to admit that I’ve never actually read anything about them, but just the concept itself looks incredibly cool to me. Cause it’s a really long enemies to lovers in Star Wars (I’m not a huge fan of the trope but in this situation — Jedi vs Sith….) Also in my mind Mara Jade is the Star Wars version of Black Widow, just cooler, and it makes this concept (pure, light Luke and mysterious Mara) beautiful.
7. Maulsoka
I don’t like any Ahsoka ships (Rexsoka, Luxsoka, Anisoka😖) but Maulsoka has potential imo. They are both cool, incredibly well-developed characters that used to have an exact definition (Jedi and Sith), but then walked away from it because of a betrayal. They mirror each other in some way. Also the way Maul says “Lady Tano”, and their fight, and the way they went from enemies to neutrals, it’s all fantastic. The more I think about it, the more I like it.
6. Rebelcaptain
I am deeply in love with everything about Rogue One but I’m more into the platonic relationships in it than the romantic ones. Rebelcaptain is still very beautiful and very sad. I like that it’s not exactly canonical cause it never actually happened, but everybody still knows that it is. In the end they hug instead of kissing (because they have stronger connections than simple romance) Did the director want movie theatres to be flooded or what
5. Hanqi’ra
Gosh, Solo was amazing! And Qi’ra is terribly underrated, I wish Disney made a show about her too. I loved her character and her relationship with a more hopeful, optimistic Han than the one we see in the ot. Yes, she leaves him in the end, and takes a part of him with himself, but a part of her stays with Han forever too. It’s a passionate, hopeless love story that I wish we knew more about. Emilia was amazing as Qi’ra, and her chemistry with Alden is freaking awesome.
4. Kanera
Oook. Time for my favourite ships. I LOVE KANERA. They don’t actually have any romantic scenes until the last season, but throughout the whole show it’s obvious that there is something between them. Also, they are space parents, so... I adore Rebels, especially the found family part. Kanan and Hera became an amazing support for each other, they learned how to trust through each other, and they heal each others’ war wounds, as well as the entire crew’s. I almost cried at the end of Rebels because Kanan’s death scene is one of the most heartbreaking ones in the entire Star Wars. Fuck, everything about this ship is perfect.
3. Vaderdala
This ship makes me so excited and sad at the same time. I love all Vader relationships, and I especially love him and Padme together because that has sooo much potential. Enemies to lovers? Possible. Lost love? Possible. Vader fucking killing everybody who ever laid even a finger on her? Absolutely fucking possible. Padme killing Vader in the end a-la Kill Bill? Possible. Vader’s redemption? possible. And every headcanon is just pure gold.
2. Scoundress
I’ve never met anyone who wouldn’t love HanxLeia. Leia not being able to admit her crush on him, their chemistry, Han’s charm…I don’t even want to write anything here. And I don’t need to, let’s be honest.
1. Anidala
These two omg. Their love story is literally the definition of tragedy. Just like with scoundress, they deserve several giant ass essays on their relationship but I don’t wanna write anything here. Let’s just agree that this is the best Star Wars love story and go home everyone.
There are so many ships, I just picked my favourites and then picked favourites out of those
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