#and it wouldn't let me proceed with the application
lesbianshepard · 1 year
my family's been considering getting another dog and jesus christ some of these places want fucking CIA level background info
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calqlate · 1 month
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PAIRING(S): zhongli x f! reader + diluc x f! wife! reader
SUMMARY: As the wife of the famous big shot in the wine industry, you have everything you could ever ask for — a beautiful mansion, endless wealth, servants at your beck and call... However, you lack the one thing you yearn for: love. With your beloved husband neglecting you and being stuck in a loveless marriage, you decide to end it all, only to be stopped by a man whom you have never met before, and who also coincidentally happens to be your soulmate. In addition, there just might seem to be more than what meets the eye in regards to your peculiar soulmate, and you just might have to find that out for yourself.
CW(S)/TW(S): contains mentions of suicide attempts
TAGLIST (italicised blogs are unable to be tagged, pls dm me with your updated username): @crescentmoonnn + @deeomi + @esthelily + @holaseniorahoe + @loving-august + @mshope16 + @needsleep3000 + @nerdiel-has-no-braincells + @saintbernardthethird + @seyboo + @thelonelyarchon
A/N: apologies for the wait, uni has been kicking my ass (i'm in my final year of bachelor's rn! wahoo!) which made my brain go to a stalemate for a while. bUTTT i've recently finished tale of the nine-tailed which caused my brain to spur into action again (everyone say thanku to lee dongwook)! without further ado, pls enjoy!
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You were presently seated in the Third-Round Knockout, a Liyuen restaurant which was famed for its gorgeous dishes which had a mouth-watering taste. Zhongli was seated diagonally across you to your left and Ajax in front of you. It was an odd combination, really, having a meal together with your business associate and your soulmate in a fancy, high-end restaurant.
From the corner of your eye, you notice Zhongli's direct gaze on you. It was zeroed in on you, making it seem like he was scrutinising every square inch of your face, and yet it made you feel warm all over, making you feel... embarrassed, somehow? You could only take small sips out of your cup of tea, careful as to not burn your tongue.
(Your tongue, or your cheeks, either one was applicable in this situation.)
"Are you familiar with Mr. Zhongli's practice, Mrs. Ragnvindr?"
Ajax's voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
"I'm afraid not." Oh no, was your mind preoccupied with other thoughts while Ajax was talking? "Could you elaborate on it?"
"I should let Mr. Zhongli do the talking instead," Ajax said, "It's better for him to explain his job scope."
"I am a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour," Zhongli spoke, "And I simply give people suggestions on how to proceed with their funeral preparations and which packages would best suit their needs. We have a variety of packages for everyone's needs, thanks to Director Hu's business-savvy mindset."
"I wouldn't have expected you to be a funeral parlour consultant," you said, smiling candidly at him, "If anything, I thought you would be an art museum director of sorts."
"He does look the part, doesn't he?" Ajax said with a laugh, "I once mistook him as a CEO of some sort the first time I met him."
"Oh, I understand what you mean," you laughed, "It's in the way he carries himself."
"And the fancy choice of words, too," Ajax chimed in, "That's not all: he's so unusually knowledgeable about every topic!"
"You flatter me," Zhongli shook his head with a smile, "I simply have a good memory."
"Excellent memory, you mean," Ajax corrected him almost immediately, "Anyone would kill for that kind of brainpower. Remember the time you gave advice to that one Fontanian guy who pivoted into film-making? He immediately made a whole lot of money with his debut film!"
You raised your eyebrows. If Zhongli was even adept at advising a novice filmmaker, perhaps he had some good suggestions for your new business plan you had in mind.
"Mr. Zhongli," the dark-haired man immediately turned his head towards your direction as soon as you called his name, "If you would be so kind, I would like to hear your opinion on my business plan."
He straightened his back slightly and interlaced his fingers together, interest piqued as his entire body was turned to face you as he spoke, "Sure, I am all ears."
"This is the business plan I had in mind, which is in collaboration with the Fatui Network..." You launched into your spiel, mapping out the business plan you had in mind (which all of the details had already been discussed with Ajax beforehand), and Zhongli listened attentively. After you were done speaking, there was a brief moment of silence.
"This is indeed a well thought-out plan, but could I make a few minor suggestions?" Zhongli asked.
You nodded, "Please feel free to do so, the floor is yours."
Zhongli began to speak his mind, pointing out what particular flaws and loopholes your business plan might have concerning your consumer base in a respectful and straightforward manner, and what particular negative repercussions might be incurred. You thought Ajax was bluffing when he said Zhongli was insightful; Zhongli was pretty much a wise sage speaking with all the knowledge Teyvat could possibly even offer. If he were a movie character, he would be the wise old pilgrim living at the top of some snowy, out-of-reach mountain that the main character had to climb for months just to reach him.
"...That is all I have to offer, and you might want to take my thoughts with a grain of salt," Zhongli concluded his verbalised thoughts, picking up his teacup again.
"No, what you've just said makes complete sense," you shook your head, "I'll adjust a couple of points on my end. Thank you for your insight, it was really helpful!"
As if right in cue, the food that Ajax had ordered arrived and was served on the table.
"Let's dig in, shall we?" Ajax grinned, and you mirrored his smile and dug your chopsticks into your bowl of noodles as a response.
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Ajax left as soon as brunch concluded, scurrying off to pay for the meal first and apologising for leaving first due to urgent business matters.
So that left you and Zhongli alone, standing outside the restaurant.
"Are you heading back to the hotel, Mrs. Ragnvindr?" Zhongli asked, hands situated round his back.
The sun was shining in the sky, but it was not unbearably hot. On the contrary, it was warm and inviting, perfect for an afternoon walk.
You shook your head, "I was planning to go for a stroll. Would you like to join me?"
The man smiled as his eyes softened, "It would be my pleasure."
You and Zhongli walked along the roads of Liyue's capital, taking in the bustling chatter of people and the busy city life. Vehicles were whirring past the both of you, and the rays of the sun ricochetted off the glass panels of the buildings. Somehow, doing something as simple as going on a promenade was much more fulfilling than doing work back home.
"Oh, look! Roadside stalls!" your eyes brightened as you spotted a couple of stalls set up by the road, with old women managing them and selling a variety of trinkets. Without hesitation, you made a beeline towards the stalls, eyes scanning through the products on display. Zhongli joined you soon after, peering past your shoulder to peruse through the items on sale.
"It's nice to see you, Zhongli," a welcoming, gentle voice spoke, causing both you and Zhongli to look up. It was an old woman with her silver hair tied up into a low bun, and a pair of round-rimmed spectacles perched on her nose.
"The pleasure is mine, Street — ahem, Madam Ping," Zhongli returned the greeting.
"Ah, and who's this young lady you've brought along with you?" Madam Ping's eyes shifted over to you, and for a split second, you could see some sort of surprised expression in her eyes. However, it was fleeting and was quickly replaced by a warm gaze and a complementary, friendly smile.
"She is an... acquaintance of mine," Zhongli explained.
"It's nice to meet you," you smiled and gave a little bow (It's customary in Liyuen tradition for younger people to bow in greeting to the older folk, you remembered), then refocused your gaze on the items on display, "You have wonderful wares on display, ma'am."
"Take your pick, child," Madam Ping smiled, then bent over to whisper, "As Zhongli's friend, you're entitled to take one for free."
Your eyes widened into the size of saucers, "Oh, no, I can't do that! You're running a business here; I wouldn't want to make you lose any profit!"
"I insist," Madam Ping shook her head, then nodded towards Zhongli, "He doesn't have a whole lot of friends, so I'm happy to know he's made a new one. I guess you can say this is a little bribe from me to convince you to stay friends with him."
While you really thought you should not be imposing and picking out something for free, you knew you would offend this sweet old lady if you turned her offer down. With a smile and dejected shake of your head, you said, "Alright, then."
Madam Ping brightened almost immediately and you went about the stall, browsing through the wares, discreetly looking at the price tags and trying to pick the cheapest one so that you would not be the first step into driving this poor woman into bankruptcy (or whatever it would be).
Madam Ping shifted over to Zhongli and lowered her voice down to a whisper, "So, it seems you've found her again in this life."
Zhongli hummed.
"This is her last life, isn't it?"
Zhongli nodded, a bittersweet smile taking over his features.
Madam Ping studied his facial expression before speaking again, "You don't seem that happy to know that she's one step closer to reuniting with you."
Zhongli shook his head, "I am beyond delighted to know that she is not too far from reincarnating again and spending her next life forever with me, but..." Zhongli frowned before continuing, "I cannot help but wonder if that is exactly what she wants in her next life is all."
Madam Ping mirrored Zhongli's expression, but in a curious manner, "What makes you say that?"
"I was never her lover in any of her past incarnations," Zhongli explain in a slow manner, as if recalling an archaic tale from long ago, "I had always been a friend, a companion to her. In one of those lives, she told me that she never wanted to live her life like that, having me by her side."
He could remember it as clear as day. The day he saved you from drowning, his body completely drenched in seawater. The fabric of his clothes was clinging to his skin and his hair was tousled and damp. Your skin was pale and your lower lip was trembling, but most importantly, your eyes were filled with tears and you were hitting his body repeatedly.
"Why did you save me?" you wept as your fists struck his chest weakly, "You should've just left me to die!"
"I would never want to see you give up on yourself," he whispered as he swept a stray lock of hair out of your face.
You lowered your head and gripped his clothes, "Did it never occur to you that this was not the life that I wanted?" You raised your head to look at him directly in the eye, a sort of sad fury burning behind your eyes, "In this life, or in any other life, I've never wanted you by my side."
It was a painful yet memorable moment that haunted him every waking hour. Perhaps he had been wrong to even make that contract in the first place. All of this happened because of his selfish desire to see you again, to meet you again, to just stand by your side for another day. He had never once thought about what you wanted. And so, that day woke him up from his self-centered fantasy and caused him to question all his choices. Maybe he should have just let you leave and not hold you back. Perhaps that was what you wanted in the very beginning.
Madam Ping frowned, "I'm sure that's not what she meant. You know she's got a tender spot for you."
Zhongli lowered his head and stared at his gloved hands, "I hope that holds true, Streetward Rambler."
"Ma'am! I've found something!" your voice plucked the two old friends out of their little bubble of conversation, and both of them turned to look at you. You were waving at them, a smile in place as your other hand was holding something small in your palm. You looked so carefree and happy, and Zhongli could only hope you would stay this way forever.
"Don't worry too much, Rex Lapis," Madam Ping whispered as she gave the man a gentle pat on the arm, "I know she wouldn't blame you for your choices."
As the old woman walked off to talk to you and package your procured item into a small wooden box, Zhongli could only hope and pray that Madam Ping's words rang true.
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mewling-central · 4 months
I wanted to give a more in depth example of how I'd go about translating something into Collective Seraphic, as I feel it'll give a better understanding on the syntax. So today I'm gonna walk you through translating two sentences; one from English to Seraphic, and another from Seraphic to English. I'm going to explain the grammar in detail, and explain the semantics behind a typical Seraphic sentence.
This is the sentence I'll be translating from English to Seraphic:
"I wanted to go, but my parents wouldn't let me."
Starting word-for-word, the word for "I" is zāfl. Seraphic has pronoun equivalents called "pro-forms". They act similarly to pronouns, standing in for another noun, although they will change their class to agree with the class of the nouns they're replacing. They aren't used nearly as often as in English, only really used when you don't know the name of someone or something, or if you feel you've been repeating that name too often. The pro-form zāfl is the proximal demonstrative fl declined into the Solar noun class, which is used for people, so in this way zāfl literally means "this person", but it contextually is meant to be understood as the first person pro-form "I" or "me".
For the verb "to go", it's a bit more complicated. Expressing motion, especially intentional motion, is usually done by adding the resultative prefix nd- to the patient noun (the one taking the action), and using some preposition of motion. You can think of it, since the resultative describes "becoming" or "happening" or a change in state, as if you're "becoming" someone in a new direction. Like your state of being is changing from being someone that's over here to being someone that's over there. Movement isn't really seen as an action, but as a process. You can use your legs to walk, but it doesn't matter what you use to move, you just do. So in this way you would use the procedural phrases nd() xel- or nd() fān- which literally mean "to become towards" and "to become away from". The phrases for "to go" and "to come" are interchangeable, and mostly rely on context. I think of it more being like "to proceed". Like, if you wanna say "I will go", then both "I proceed towards there" and "I proceed from here" are both semantically the same, it's all personal choice. In our example sentence, "wanted to go" implies a meaning where "wanted to go there" seems more contextually sensible. So we'll use the word voxl which means "over there" and have the full phrase as nd() xel-voxl. Since what's going is ourselves, the subject would take the procedural prefix.
nedZafl xel-voxl
This clause is incomplete though, as the procedural is currently declined into the infinitive, making the meaning something more along the lines of "I to go" which is nonsensical on its own. So in order to express "wanted to go", well need to do two things: firstly, we put it in a past tense. The speaker is talking about the action as if it happened a while before their present conversation, so we won't use the recent past, and they aren't speaking as if the desire to go has been completed or is no longer applicable, so we won't use the pluperfect or discontinuous past. That means we should put it in the remote past, making our sentence out as this:
ŋ̄ğōdZafl xel-voxl
Now the meaning is "I went a while ago". The second word we need to add is the word for "wanted". You would do this by adding one of the six modal particles at the beginning of the clause. In this case to express "to want" or "to need", expressing desire or intent, you'd use the volitive particle tcān. With this the first clause is fully complete:
Tcān ŋ̄ğōdzafl xel-voxl
"I wanted to go", or more literally "This person intended a while ago to become towards over there".
The word for "but" is cnets. In the phrase "my parents", you wouldn't need to translate "my", as it's implied from context that you're referring to your own parents, so you would just use the word for "parent" which is zōxō. "Parenting" is a bit complicated in seraph culture, so I'm using deciding to translate it under the context of human culture. Thus I'd be referring to two parents, and would put this into the dual and not the plural, making it now zōxōc. Leaving us with this so far:
cnets zōxōc
For the phrase "wouldn't let me", we gotta break it down again. The procedural phrase for "to let" or "to allow" or "to give permission" is azr() in-ut'ēn which literally translates as "to act freely" or "to act unrestrained". Since "I" am the one who's being given permission, the actional prefix would decline onto zāfl, giving us:
cnets zōxōc in-ut'ēn ezrezafl
Once again we need to decline this into a tense that fits "would let me", which is a bit harder to do. In English this conjugation is called the future-in-the-past and it describes a past action that occured in the future from the reference of the speaker in the past. So in order to express that we'll first add the future-simple auxiliary copula t'enr before the procedural noun:
cnets zōxōc in-ut'en t'enr ezrezafl
We can leave the procedural noun in the infinitive when we use an auxiliary copula. Now it reads "but my parents will let me", as the future-simple copula describes a future action regardless of whether it will happen soon or eventually. Normally we would leave this as is, but since we want to emphasize that this is in the past, we'll need to decline the procedural noun into a past tense. For this I'll use the remote past again since I already used it in the first part of the sentence, and seeing as we're talking about generally the same time period it'd seem more fitting to use the same tense.
cnets zōxōc in-ut'ēn t'enr eğrezafl
Finally we'll put this whole phrase into the negative so "would let me" becomes "wouldn't let me". The main way it's done is to take the first syllable of the procedural noun and invert it's tone. high tone becomes low tone, low becomes high, rising becomes falling, and falling becomes rising. So eğrezafl will become ēğrezafl instead. Additionally, you could also add the negative particle tu at the beginning of the clause. This is the more formal, standard way of indicating negation, usually you would use the particle in colloquial everyday speech except for emphasis or clarification. In this case, I do want to emphasize the parents not giving permission, so I'll add. That gives us the full clause:
cnets tu zōxōc in-ut'ēn t'enr ēğrezafl
Combining this with the previous clause, the final phrase will be this:
Tcān ŋ̄ğōdzafl xel-voxl, cnets tu zōxōc in-ut'ēn t'enr ēğrezafl.
"I wanted to go, but my parents wouldn't let me." Or more literally, "This person intended a while ago to become towards there, but both of (my) parents would not act on this person freely." Now that I've shown how to go from English to Seraphic, let's do it the other way around.
For this part, this is the sentence that we'll be translating:
Tu zāsl īzl ēdrayuln ojnzn nun ēdzt'u pi-lizt'n pr̄-yuln cu-zāsl.
We already know that tu is the modal particle for negation, so this clause must be in the negative. The next word zāsl is the second person pro-form in the singular, so it means. "you", and since it's near the beginning of the clause and not declined into a procedural we know that this is the subject of the clause. Īzl is the auxiliary copula for the progressive aspect, it describes an action that's happening at the very moment of speaking. It's the equivalent to putting "-ing" at the end of a verb in English. And the word ēdrayuln contains the procedural "ēdra-", which is the actional declined into the infinitive since it's being modified by an auxiliary copula. The actional describes an action or performance that the agent does onto the patient. The first syllable is also a high tone, which constrasts with its usual pronunciation or a low tone, so this and the presence of the negative particle reaffirms that this clause is in the negative. So far all of this together can be understood as such:
You are not doing...
But we still don't know what is not being done. So we have to see what the procedural is attatched to, and we see the noun yuln, which is the plural form of the noun yul meaning "action" or "deed". The final word of this clause is ojnzn, the plural of ojn which means "wrong" or "incorrect". Adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in number, so in total this means "wrong actions". Putting it all together, the first clause can be read as:
You are not doing wrong actions
The next clause once again starts with a modal particle. This modal particle, nun, is the conditional particle. It describes something that the speaker believes will happen under certain conditions. It's equivalent to English "if" or sometimes "when", so the clause is being presented as a condition. The next word is ēdzt'u. This is the procedural noun, the noun declined with a procedural suffix, and being that this is at the beginning of the clause we know it's acting as the subject, and thus this clause is either passive or intransitive. The procedural prefix being used is ed-, the resultative in the present tense. But the tone is high, being contrastive, so once again we know that this clause is in the negative. Since there is already a modal particle on this clause, the negative particle can't be used and we have to rely solely on procedural tone. The noun attached to the procedural is zt'u, which is the inflected form of tsu, meaning "no one" or "nobody". In Seraphic, words starting with affricates like "ts", "pf", "kx", or "tc" will usually become "zt'", "vp'", "ğk'", and "jt'" when a prefix is attached to them. Purely just a result of historic sound changes. Also, although the procedural is in the negative, the presence of the indefinite pronoun "nobody" actually means the clause is meant to be read in the positive. Seraphic allows double negatives, and actually requires the procedural to be put into the negative when a negative noun is used. So given all of that information, the clause so far can be translated as this:
if nobody becomes...
The next term is pi-lizt'n which means "with (an) idea". Since this prepositional phrase is the closest to the procedural noun, we can assume this is the lexical phrase that completes the whole procedural phrase. Thus, the full phrase would be ēdzt'u pi-lizt'n which literally translates as "nobody becomes with (an) idea" as in "nobody becomes (the same) nobody that is with/has an idea". This is the procedural phrase for "to understand", to not have an idea of a topic and then suddenly having an idea of that topic. It's a change in state from "not knowing" to "knowing", thus the phrase can now be read as:
if nobody understands...
The following phrase is pr̄-yuln. Pr̄ is the dative preposition, it describes an argument that isn't solely affected by an action, but benefits from it. It's the "to" in "I gave my mail to him". In a passive or transitive clause, the patient becomes the subject and what would've been the subject is instead downgraded to the dative. In this case, pr̄ can be read as "to" but given the context of this clause it'd be easier to translate it as "about". Of course yuln means "actions", so all together the clause is now:
if nobody becomes with (an) idea about (the) actions...
Or more accurately
if nobody understands the actions...
The final words are cu-zāsl, which mean "of you". So together the full clause becomes this:
if nobody understands the actions of you.
And together with the first clause our final sentence is read as this:
You are not doing the wrongs actions if nobody understands the actions of you.
Or you could also rephrase it like this:
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you're doing.
So, ipso facto, tl;dr, in summary and conclusion, that's kinda my thought process when translating sentences into and from Seraphic. I hope anything I said made a lick of sense, this whole grammar and syntax is pretty experimental for me so if you made it this far you get a gold star 🌟. Congrats I'm so proud of you. Anyways thanks for reading buh-bye.
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celesticlnstcrs-aa · 8 months
your  name: okkotsu yuuta
your age: 17
your perfect date: candle-lit dinner
make out in private or in public?: private
do you like to cuddle?: yes
tell me something about you: prefers savory dishes over sweet
why do you want to be my valentine?: let's catch up
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                                  HE BLINKED in surprise at what he was hearing. He                       wasn't sure how  to  proceed.  He  juggled  his  options,  and                        perhaps it wouldn't hurt.  YUUTA  was  someone  he  greatly                        respected. His cheeks were dusted with a shade of pink.
                                                " Yeah, let's catch up, senpai. "
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Unanswered texts
March in India is warm. It's not supposed to be as warm as it is today, but warm regardless. Everyone is celebrating Holi today - the festival of colors! I am not exactly sure when, but at some point the festivals lost their hue, for me atleast. Can't say for sure if others feel the same way. To me, a festival nowadays signifies nothing more than a day off work where I can be as gray as I want to be.
So, its a holiday. I decide to eat at a restaurant because I don't feel like cooking, or doing the dishes. I dress up, put on a colorful outfit to feel the joy of the festival. (Spoiler alert - I don't.) I order a cab and get in it. A wonderful application on my phone makes it so that I do not need to have any kind of interaction with the person driving me to my destination. We sit in silence, I buckle in for the journey - it's going to be a moderately long one.
I do the most productive thing one could do in a moment like this - I unlock my phone. I stare at the black and white wallpaper for five seconds before locking it back. I am suddenly reminded of a text I received this morning that I still haven't responded to. So I unlock my phone again with the objective of responding to my texts. But, I have a notification now. It's my calendar, alerting me of my plans to get coffee with a friend tomorrow. Oh no! I completely forgot about that! I search back into my hazy memories to recollect which cafe we agreed on. I remember and decide to check the maps on my phone.
Where is this cafe exactly? How do I get there tomorrow? Most of these commuting suggestions are unnecessarily complicated. Oh wait! I could take this subway route, it'll get me the closest to the cafe and from there it is a small walk! Perfect! When do I need to leave so that I reach on time? Subway leaves at 8.39, so I need to walk from home at 8.30. Let's leave at 8.25 just in case. So that would mean that I need to be up by 7, latest! Hmmm, cool cool.
Did we choose a good cafe, though? What are the reviews like? What do they serve? What's my budget like? What shall I get? Do I feel like splurging tomorrow? If I splurge tomorrow though, then I will have to cut myself off from any more unnecessary purchases for this month (hahaha). That seems far-fetched, let's be honest. I have the answers to all my questions in the next 10 minutes. I have an internal dialogue to make sure that I am up for this coffee tomorrow morning. Once I get an affirmative - I text my friend, asking if we were still on for coffee the next day; secretly hoping they say no. I wouldn't be mad, or offended. I'd be happy, if anything. See, I don't really like leaving my house. (yes, okay, I see the irony)
I close the applications on my phone and lock it back.
I sigh and proceed to stare outside the window of my cab. Everything is extra colorful today, because Holi, duh! I see people on their vehicles dressed in white, painted with all colors imaginable - subtly boasting the intensity of their celebrations. The streets aren't as busy as usual - I guess most people are celebrating with their family or friends. The cab was enclosed in a quietude, which was only interrupted by the ceaseless hum of the engine. "This is nice." I think to myself, "why do I always try to fill my silences with thoughts?" My newfound tranquility is punctured presently, as
I am suddenly reminded of a text I received this morning that I still haven't responded to. So I unlock my phone again with the objective of responding to my texts.
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
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Autumn 1895: Euphemia realises that her presence is not really noticed by others, even those who are suppose to be friends. Please mind that this is Euphemia's biased perspective and that you should check these amazing Slytherin girls on the creators pages.
Characters featured: Carolyn Nyberg @lifeofkaze.
Characters mentioned: Adelia Selwyn @thatravenpuffwitch, Marigold Sterling @that-scouse-wizard, Ophelia Burke @the-al-chemist.
Warnings: self esteem issues.
The hues of orange and red leaves settled on the Hogwarts grounds as Autumn had fully arrived in its glory. The beauty could hardly be seen under the green lights of the dungeons beneath Hogwarts grounds with the Black lake for their view. Euphemia saw Adelia, Marigold, Ophelia, and the girls' leader, Carolyn Nyberg, gathered. The witch was graced with Swedish beauty of blonde hair and ice blue eyes, which outshined all especially compared to the plain English girl.
The girls giggled loudly, with the exception of Ophelia in the common room as she walked. She approached her fellow dorm mates and perhaps only friends, like a ghost at Hogwarts rather than a friend. It was a kinder term, yet the applicable term of how Euphemia felt about her time so far at Hogwarts.
"Euphemia!" Carolyn observed the girl up and down, aghast. "I don't recall brown being back in fashion this season."
A chorus of snickers followed; even Ophelia smirked a little from behind her book. In horror, Euphemia realised as she looked down at her skirt. Brown dirt stains contrasted clearly against the light grey school uniform skirt. Euphemia hadn't realised that when she was at the gardening club despite her efforts to keep it clean as possible.
"Oh, I had not realised," she hung her head, ashamed. It was unladylike of her to get herself dirty. "I'll go change."
"That would be preferable."
She found a spare skirt to change into but hesitated before returning to the other girls. She dreaded to think how to could further proceed with the other girls. Time and time again, she has humiliated herself in front of them, in front of Carolyn. Euphemia stood in the common room, contemplating whether she should join the other girls. She wouldn't be like they missed her if she didn't join them in their gossip; nobody ever did. People only cared about her if they needed something or to use her for their own gain. It felt like everything she did was off by one step, yet Carolyn did everything flawlessly.
Taking a deep breath, she held her head high. Euphemia marched out of the Slytherin cave and into the dungeon's corridors. She looked back to see if anyone noticed, yet not to her surprise, nobody did. She let out a little laugh, though somebody passing by would probably think she had gone insane. Maybe she has?
The Slytherin girl turned around and saw a girl with long flowy brown hair and a bright, wide smile that made her nose wider.
"Winona?" Euphemia was surprised at her warm reception as she recalled that Winona was very clear about her feelings about Euphemia's engagement with her brother. "What brings you here?"
"Uh, well, I..." Winona searched for the words. Euphemia seemed suspicious of her intent. "I was looking for you."
"Yes, I wanted to apologise." The Gryffindor girl clasped her hands.Euphemia blinked at her, confused. "For what?"
"Hmm? Oh, I was rude at dinner, and I really don't want us to get off on the wrong foot, now do we?" Winona put on that same grin from earlier. Euphemia wasn't fooled by her smile; she knew that sweet sickly meant nothing good. Though she had few other options to differ as she saw Carolyn and the other girls leaving behind Slytherin's tapestry.
"Could we go for a walk and discuss this somewhere else?" Euphemia glanced over at the tapestry. "Please?"
Winona seemed to have caught her meaning and swiftly acted. Dragging her by the arm and out of sight of the Slytherin girls. Not that Winona also wanted to deal with Nyberg after some rumour she allowed to pass through in the school letter. Euphemia remembered that day clearly.
"I thought you and Nyberg were friends?" Winona commented.
"We are, it's just..." Euphemia shrugged her shoulders half-heartedly.
"The sun and you, the little shadow," The Gryffindor curtly said. No one had put the words so bluntly, yet it pained her to realise that Winona was right.
"No, I...That's not it," Euphemia denied, and she wanted to be in denial.
"Look Euphemia, you might not want to see it but you mean nothing to Carolyn. She isn't your real friend." She patted her back. "But I want to be. Your friend that is.
"The Slytherin girl scoffed. "Don't you have many friends? Why be friends with the girl that hardly one knew existed."
"Because I see you, Euphemia." Winona shakes her a little, almost like an awakening. "Yes, I'll admit that I couldn't recall who you were before, but I see you now. And I can also assure you that there are others who see you too."
Tears formed in Euphemia's eyes, but she wiped them away discreetly before letting out a laugh. "You just want to ensure I don't end up marrying your brother."
"Oh, so she has a sense of humour," Winona laughed before winking. "I guess you uncovered my hidden agenda."
"So, you wouldn't be mad if I shan't be marrying your brother?" She asked, pressing her hand tightly together.
"No, no, no. Absolutely not, I won't be mad." Winona waved her hands, dismissing the thought. She gets a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "Though why not? If you don't mind me asking."
"Oh gosh," The Slytherin girl sat down at the ledge of the corridor's open window structure. The one where it looked out to the open courtyard.
"Well, I..." Euphemia covered her cheeks as she felt them burning. "Can you keep a secret?"
The Gryffindor girl looked intrigued. "Don't worry, I can keep secrets. Let me guess, this is about a boy? A secret sweetheart?"
A smile crept on her face as she shyly hid her face from Winona.
"So this is about a boy!? You need to tell me everything," Winona sat down next to her.
"Well...where do I start?"
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years
Dude so after I already told my mom that this could become a problem before I even started working this job and she insisted it was fine, she is now jumping up my ass about how "oh she's so tired of having to wake up early to pick me up from my overnight shifts"
Well there were certainly other closer locations i could have applied at dear mother but you were quite literally bullying me about getting another job to the point YOU applied on my behalf after badgering me over and over, didn't you? And at that point I was so extremely stressed I let you do everything, didn't I? And it was entirely your choice to apply for the wrong hours at the wrong location that is too far away for me to take the bus, as opposed to, the location that was right next to my old job who's bus route I already knew
But fuck calling them and trying to apply there, you didn't immediately see any posting online despite the fact they had visible posting in the store, fuck trying to contact them directly, oh no, we had to force through an application online "because what if it isn't there later"
And she wants me to feel bad that it's "ruining her sleep" to wake up a little early to pick me up from the job you applied me for? No Dana being obese and constantly gorging when you aren't working ruins your sleep. Having to take naps every single day in the middle of the day and then still sleep 10+ hours at night is ruining your sleep. Not getting any physical exercise and refusing to do something as simple as go grocery shopping by yourself is ruining your sleep.
Like???? She's complaining about a situation SHE caused and put me in??? Dumb bitch. Absolutely dumb spiteful bitch. Yesterday (thursday) I mentioned how extremely important it was to do laundry so I could spend today (friday) packing so I could focus on getting ready for my flight early Saturday morning and I texted her I was setting an alarm and everything, but I accidentally slept til 9pm and she's just. Sitting on the couch eating cereal watching TV. "Oh sorry I needed to catch up on my sleep" *proceeds to go to bed again at 10pm and sleep 10+ more hours until she has work and now I can't get anything done until after 4pm*
I might just pack dirty laundry and do it at my hotel in Canada because they provide amenities for that. Im just. I'm furious. Shes been treating me like absolute shit and insulting my friend and even outright saying he's probably a creep nd only inviting me because he wants sex or something??? Does she even realize how fucking hurtful that is?
Lowkey hope this apartment burns down with her in it while I'm in Canada. Wash my hands clean of her. I wouldn't be becoming this hateful spiteful person I am 8f it wasn't for her and I'm dying on that hill. The way she's raised me has damaged me forever and I'll never forgive her. Sigh.
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satyajitsenapati · 25 days
How To Cultivate Out Of The Box Thinking And Use It At Work? | Satyajit Senapati
In the fast-paced world of modern business, "think outside the box" has become a mantra for creativity and innovation. Whenever the phrase "think outside the box" crosses my mind, it evokes a vivid image of our daily existence - confined within the structured confines of buildings, cubicles, and homes. Even in our final moments, we find ourselves enclosed in coffins, symbolising the perpetual enclosure of our lives within boundaries. It begs the question: How do we break free from these constraints and genuinely think outside the box? And how can we harness this mindset to overcome challenges and drive success?
In this blog article, we'll discuss the idea of thinking beyond the box, examine actual applications in the real world, and offer helpful tips for developing this important talent. Keep reading!
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Understanding the Box
Let's first consider what the box represents to grasp the significance of thinking outside the box. In our metaphorical interpretation, the box symbolises the constraints, limitations, and conventional thinking patterns that often confine our problem-solving approaches. We reside comfortably within the confines of this box, relying on familiar strategies and established norms to navigate our professional endeavours.
The metaphorical box surrounds us at every turn, from our offices' cubicles to our homes' structures and even our final resting places. It's the comfort zone where we feel safe and secure but also the barrier that inhibits true innovation and growth.
Breaking Free: Real-World Examples
The ability to think outside the box is a rare but invaluable quality in today's world. Allow me to share a story from 15 years ago when I was working on a project in the UK. Our client needed to submit infrastructure data to the government, which required us to work with a database. Suddenly, midway through the project, the government notified us of a database change. This meant potentially redoing 60% of our work, involving complex data mapping and transformation.
The conventional wisdom held that governments rarely, if ever, alter their databases. It was an accepted belief rooted in years of experience and precedence. Consequently, when faced with the database change, our initial instinct was to proceed with the extensive rework, resigning ourselves to the seemingly inevitable burden.
However, our manager dared to challenge this assumption. He recognised the potential for a different approach and decided to take a chance. Presenting a compelling case, he advocated for exploring an alternative solution. He engaged two data analysts to explore alternatives. Their analysis revealed that a minor database modification could reduce the rework to 20%. Despite the prevailing scepticism, he persisted, and to our collective astonishment, the government acquiesced.
In just seven days, a simple modification to a database field was implemented, drastically reducing our anticipated workload. Innovative thinking and strategic advocacy swiftly overcame What seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. This unexpected outcome saved us valuable time and resources and served as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of thinking outside the box.
5 Steps To Help You Think Out Of the Box In Any Situation
If my manager had adhered to conventional wisdom, assuming that the government wouldn't entertain changes to the database, we would have missed out on a valuable opportunity. So, what's the takeaway from this experience? We must be willing to challenge conventional thinking and explore alternative approaches. This is the essence of thinking outside the box.
But how can we cultivate this mindset? How can we break free from the constraints of conventional wisdom and embrace innovative thinking? There are specific strategies we can employ to foster out-of-the-box thinking.
Step 1: Maintain Your Composure
Our first instinct in times of crisis is often panic, leading us to default to familiar solutions that have worked for us in the past. We reassure ourselves that sticking to tried-and-tested methods is the safest action. However, it's crucial to recognise this tendency and consciously take steps to calm ourselves down before proceeding.
By remaining calm, we can approach the situation with clarity and objectivity. Rather than reacting impulsively, we can take a step back and assess the problem from a more rational perspective. This allows us to consider alternative options and potential solutions that may have yet to be apparent in the heat of the moment.
So, before diving headfirst into the action, take a moment to centre yourself and evaluate the situation with a clear mind. This simple act of calming yourself down can open the door to creative problem-solving and innovative thinking.
Step 2: Embrace Discomfort
The journey to thinking outside the box often begins with discomfort. Step outside your comfort zone, challenge assumptions and be open to new perspectives. Embracing discomfort is a strong step toward unlocking creative solutions.
Step 3: Generate Alternatives
When confronted with a problem, resisting the temptation of settling for the obvious solution is vital. Instead, embrace the challenge by brainstorming many alternatives, no matter how unconventional they may initially appear. Dive into the realm of the "weird" and "impossible," as these seemingly outlandish ideas may harbour the seeds of breakthrough innovation.
My manager's decision to contact the government for our project was a prime example of this unconventional approach yielding fruitful results. Therefore, when seeking solutions, cast a wide net and consider all possibilities, even those that may seem unlikely at first glance.
Step 4: Evaluate Critically
Once various alternatives have been considered, the next important stage is to evaluate each methodically. This means looking at feasibility, impact, and whether it matches goals. You need to check how likely every solution is to solve the particular issues you are facing, comparing its suitability against criteria such as time frame or when a project needs completion, what needs delivering, level of quality required, budget limitations, etc.
Eliminate options that don't fulfil these standards, and concentrate on the ones with the most chance to succeed. Evaluating every alternative, you can find three or four reasonable solutions for further exploration. When you've reduced your choices, be active by trying out each solution in a real-life situation to see how effective it is. The systematic nature of this method guarantees that you can make decisions based on knowledge and increase the likelihood of reaching your target.
Step 5: Experiment And Adapt
Thinking outside the box often involves experimentation and iteration. Feel free to test new ideas, gather feedback, and adapt your approach based on the results. Failure is a natural process, so embrace it as a learning opportunity.
The Importance of Out-of-the-Box Thinking in Today's World
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, thinking outside the box is more valuable than ever. Traditional approaches to problem-solving are needed in the face of complex challenges and disruptive technologies.
By fostering a culture of innovation and encouraging out-of-the-box thinking, organisations can adapt to change, seize new opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition. From startups to multinational corporations, the most successful companies are those that embrace creativity and embrace innovation.
Final Thoughts
Thinking outside the box is not just a cliché – it's a mindset that can transform how we approach challenges and drive success. We can open up new avenues and accomplish outstanding outcomes by releasing ourselves from ingrained thought patterns, accepting discomfort, and investigating different approaches.
So, think outside the box the next time you face a daunting challenge. Embrace innovation, challenge assumptions, and dare to explore the unknown. Who knows what groundbreaking solutions you might discover?
If you enjoyed this blog post, follow for more insights on creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. And remember to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let's unleash the power of out-of-the-box thinking and shape a brighter future!
About Author
Satyajit Senapati is a best-selling Author, Tedx & Public Speaker and Mentor. He has 2 decades of management consulting and corporate strategy experience in leading organizations such as Deloitte, KPMG, Jio, Novartis etc. He holds an MBA from IIM Lucknow. For more information explore
Website: www.satyajitsenapati.com
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/iamsatyajits
LinkedIn: / satyajit-senapati
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@satyajitsenapatiauthor
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sagittatum · 1 month
. . . also known as horny goat weed.
🔞🔞🔞🔞 NSFW sideblog for KILL.ME.NOTS, featuring explicit sexual content for applicable characters. Do not interact if you’re under eighteen and not a mutual. Nsfw content is always tagged, either "visual nsfw" or "text nsfw". Less graphic posts will be tagged "suggestive visual" or "suggestive texts."
This blog is considerably more relaxed about formatting and rules.
Unless discussed otherwise, I consider all interactions on this blog noncanon to my main. This means all actions and dialogue are in their own universe and will not affect dynamics. I will not assume our characters are shipped just because they engaged in sexual behavior. If you'd like to establish something permanent, let me know!
Only adult characters who are open to sex will be present. There is a list below the "read more” with links to their sexual preferences. You may send asks even if our characters haven't interacted, but I MAY approach you about it to know how to proceed. This blog is for fun, all acts between muses will be consensual.
If you are not comfortable, PLEASE TELL ME! You reserve the right to drop or decline any ask and thread. I also have this right. If our characters are incompatible / wouldn't engage in sexual behavior with each other, I will not proceed. 🔞🔞🔞🔞
Eyeless Jack
Jason Voorhees
Alex Kralie
Jay Merrick
Jessica Locke
Sebastian Solace
Jill Valentine
Leon Kennedy
Sherry Birkin
Amanda Young
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight
The Princess
The Slayer
Lori Grimes
Tiffany Valentine
John Ward
Lisa Pearson
Franklin Hardesty
Sally Hardesty
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jjkw-7 · 1 year
Among The Stars
xxx!idol x female!fan
Warnings: POV changes (doesn't stay stuck in the 1st person) angst, insecurities, fan behavior, obsessive male lead, angst, fluff if you blink, have I mentioned angst?, swearing, brief mention of suicide attempt
The only warning for the entirity of the story.
I blink twice, staring at the bright light emitted by my phone screen. My heart is beating hard against my chest as I read the email again and again. I read the words but my brain is not processing them.
"So?" Amelia asks impatiently after a few minutes "When are you going?"
"I-I think I'm not going anywhere." my voice is shaky and uneven, and I am thoroughly confused.
"What do you mean?" She grabs the phone of my now powerless hands, effectively taking it, and starts reading it out loud.
"Dear miss Y/L/N,
I am sorry to announce that we decided not to proceed with your application.
After fully reviewing your interviews and questionnaires we feel that this is not the best opportunity for you, however, we will keep you in mind when anything relevant is to come up.
If you do not wish for us to reach out to you in the future, please let me know.
Kind Regards,
Hak, Sun-hun."
"How is this possible?" Amelia is as confused as I am. "It makes no sense, there were 16 places, you were at the final stage with another 15 candidates!"
"I know, I remember, in the last interview all the others were all so excited, saying that there is no way any of us will not make it." I sigh, I really am doing my best not to break down.
My memory remains as clear as ever, they were speaking in hushed tones but I heard them loud and clear, the only way we would not make it is if our police records didn't clear out. Mine for sure did, so what went wrong?
"Are you replying?" She was worried I'd reply out of anger.
"No." Of course, I wouldn't, what else is there to say? "I know they won't call me again, but I can't just give up, I really wanted this."
"Oh, honey." Amelia pulls me into a comforting hug. "It's their loss anyway. Let's go and eat some ice cream and forget this ever happened."
"Okay." I mean I am perfectly aware that I won't ever forget this, but I am not one to say no to ice cream. And who knows? Maybe this was the slap in the face I needed.
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flxwergxrden · 3 years
Name: Camille Kelly [ for Eric and Aki ]
Age: how dare you lol
Do you like to cuddle?: of course!
Can we make-out?: and more~♥
A night in or dinner out?: i'm happy with either!
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: they're both fun if you know what i mean uwu
What makes you a good Valentine?: i'm very flexible and not fussy about making plans, whatever you want i'm happy with uwu
Would you cook for me?: in just heels and a cute apron♥
Would you let me cook for you?: ♥♥ i'll just have a bite ♥♥
𝓋𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒’𝓈 𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓁𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 | @aodamo
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"My Queen, there is none other I'd rather spend my Valentine's with. You'll be my Valentine for eternity~ But... you know I cannot cook and I would never ask you to prepare a meal, except for wanting to experiment...but I wouldn't like you catching a cold in that attire. I can have Franz arrange a candlelit dinner on the veranda around midnight if you wish though. And-" coughs softly behind his fist "We can have fun with the dessert afterwards." Proceeds to re-read the application paper over and over before storing it in his nightstand.
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"Good. And keep your next day free because I am not planning on holding back." He sniffs the paper as a growl reverberates against his chest. Her scent is very alluring, how is he going to hold back till Valentine's?
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poemmynerdicous · 5 years
So you feel like you found the one; he sends butterflies and dragons in your stomach whenever he's around. He calls you beautiful every single second. But for how long? Will you be able to keep him that way? Yes sister, above all reasons, you are responsible, to make him stay. How to? Here are 16 proven and tested ways on HOW TO KEEP A MAN:
What I mean by this is that make sure you are keeping a "MAN"; someone who's matured enough to have a life-long commitment with you and not just a "BOY" who will have tantrums as much as you also have yours too. So girl, find a man that you'll share your toothpaste in the morning, will dine with you in mid-day, watch movies with you in the night and make wishes with you at 11:11; not someone who's just willing to share bedsheets and bed with you  (y'all know what I mean).
2. MAKE SURE HE'S WILLING TO STAY IN THE FIRST PLACE. Ironic isn't it? As much as the title of this article is concerned, these ways is to help you keep a man. But honey, the old saying goes like this "You can never keep someone who doesn't want to be kept." Make sure that he is very much sincere and inlove with you to make these things work. If this step is not applicable nor not the case with your man, then proceed to number three.
Finding a man who'll stay is a diamond in the rough nowadays. There are even situations that you can't even have just one, even just one man to consider your own or be your "make-believe" right man because instances, looks and money won't allow you to have one. LMAO. So girl, make sure that if you have a man that you want to spend your life with, his actions says that he wants to be kept or even if he doesn't want to, for the time being, he'll eventually want to stay and see your drooling face in the morning when you wake up as husband and wife one day. Actions speaks louder than words dear. Besides, no toothbrush nor mouthwash will ever prevent a man's lips from lying so better yet make him prove it through actions and sincere efforts.
It's has always been one of the first step in a long term relationships, may it be friendly or romantic type of relationship. Knowing what he likes and what he doesn't, assure you that you will never go wrong in you choices and actions when it comes to the man of your life. The food he likes, the colors he prefer, the perfume he uses, and even the music he likes. By then, you'll be able to choose easily what to give him in special days and occasions or whenever you feel like giving something that he'll surely like.
Yeah, I know... I know this sounds cliche but hey, it always works sis. The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If a woman cooks good food, she will not only make her man stay, but will morelike to win the hearts of the family of his partner too.
It isn't only us girls who wants to be complimented and to be told we are beautiful; men also want to hear from us about what we think about how they look, how his work and efforts are appreciated and how much you like him near you. Simple words like, "I like your shirt", "You smell good", or even "Thank you, Handsome" will definitely melt the macho man inside him.
It's always given that time is bound to be one of the most important components of long lasting relationships. In men's perspective, they are more likely to stay with a woman who knows how to value time and balance it with work, personal life and of course, time for him. Go out on a date with him, watch movies with him, and do things the two of you enjoys the most.
For women, we are entitled to be too paranoid at times, thinking that every single girls around our Babe is a threat. But honey, jealousy is different in men. When they're jealous, they tend to keep it as much as they could for the sake of they're manliness. If he says never go out with men he doesn't like the vibes of or men who acts weird around you, just listen to him and do it. So always be observant towards his actions so you'll be able to know if he being a "jelly-oh-jealous" baby. Well, he's a man too. He knows when another man has different intentions because he's been there too; before your relationship ever existed.
Men are definitely not showy most of the time. He will never tell you that he likes the shirt you two ran across the department store nor tell you he wants a birthday present on his birthday. But believe me, he's the happiest when you give him gifts or simple tokens of love. It makes him feel loved and important. I mean, after all his efforts and love, he deserves presents too.
Darling, believe me when I say that men feels irritated when their woman act like a "Nagging Mom". You can't go nag all day like a cringey mom that nags at his son 24/7(well that's what most mom's do. LOL). He already have a mom, what he needs is a loving girlfriend.
What were you thinking when you read this one? Well, whatever may it be, what I mean here is that never ever make your man feel suffocated nor being neglected. Allow each other to have a social life, be with their friends and give a "ME" time for each other. A good amount of air to breathe and waves to feel in a relationship keeps the boat sailing properly.
A small hole in a relationship will eventually grow over time if not resolved right away. Usually, a man compromises the argument just for the sake of fixing everything. But it can never be always like that. It doesn't matter who started the fight, it doesn't matter who's wrong and who's right, because what matters is that you guys know how to say sorry and swallow both of your pride to fix everything. Your man may not tell it to you directly whenever you fight, but it hurts him when he see's you cry.
Even though our man tells us that we always look pretty with or without anything in our faces but hey, there's no harm in exerting extra efforts in putting on makeups, spraying perfume and wearing nice dress when you're around him. This is not to actually make you change yourself to someone else or put on heavy, scandalous makeups and clothes just to please him. But the mere fact that he sees that you still try your best to look good for him make him feel that you are still excited to see him and have a good impression from him.
Making plans and picturing yourself together for the next years is one of the sweetest thoughts in relationships. Talking about your future with him like your future house, your future kids and other plans in life, will make him see like you are really into him and that you are really committed to end up being with him for the rest of your lives. But of course, your plans together should also be put into actions. Imagine, you two, looking back to those days when you guys are just sketching your dream home then you eventually have one, with your kids with it and still the unconditional love for each other that makes your house, a HOME.
Remember this girls, never ever bring up exes in the picture especially when you guys are quarrelling. Never compare him to your exes nor tell him to just go back to her peacocks before. Don't compare him to your exes as if they did better than he does. Well, because if they did, you wouldn't call them exes now, would you?
You can never avoid arguments with each other. Knowing that us, women, are usually more sensitive than men, we ought to start arguments; sometimes even the petty things could even up being a huge argument whenever we feel like quarreling with our partner. But beyond any arguments, beyond any doubts and conflicts between the two of you, never ever disrespect each others' feelings. Of course that includes not doing anything that will void your commitment with each other, hurt each others' feelings, tell lies and anything above the sun that can disrespect each others' feelings (in short,don't date nor see another dudes when you're dating a man already, Hun). Respect his personal space if he asks for it. If you want your man to respect you and your feelings, give him it to him too.
Sis, believe me when I say trusting him will make him stay. Just like how you like him to trust you. Trusting him will make him see how mature your relationship is, how strong your foundation became, how much you really love him and remind why he loved you in the first place. Trusting him, is loving him. Sure, he could make you cry or will not buy that bag you really wanted, but honey, no man is perfect. So are you. He'll be wrong, he'll commit mistakes, but when the moment he sees you still believe in him and you still trust him despite of his imperfections, he'll think that he will never ever need another woman rather than you.
Being the woman, gives us privileges in relationships, yes. But let us never forget that in a healthy commitment, it will always be give and take. You guys have to assist each other to grow better together and always think that your love for each other is stronger than all the doubts in the world (stronger that Thanos with all the infinity stones with him). So step up your game and prove him that you too, is a diamond in the rough, worthy to be kept with his arms a lifetime~
pctto: WeHeartIt. com
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