#&& ;; megumi | main verse
celesticlnstcrs-aa · 5 months
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@wormb0i asked: « kiss me if i'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right ? »
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                                   ❝ I'm not fucking kissing you just cause you're                                       a fucking dumbass. ❞
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𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤 ;; always accepting
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Tomari Seto from Cardfight Vanguard Overdress/Willdress is being added as a Highly Active Muse!
Canon Compliment and Headcanon Expanded!
Verses for the original Cardfight Vanguard Series and Inuyasha coming soon! 
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strawdxll · 7 months
❛  dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are.  ❜ // from megumi
spongebob squarepants meme
there is a moment of contemplation as nobara considers her fellow first-years words—what he was saying isn't entirely wrong; dumb people are dumb. she agrees with that sentiment very much. many of the people from her rural town she came from were quite probably the most ignorant and stupid people she ever met. yet, the statement isn't meant as some sort of noble truth: it's shade, shade directed at her. seriously, what the hell?!
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"since you're such a genius, why don't you share who's dumb?" she huffs, crossing her arms. if he wanted to call her dumb, she could show him something goofy alright. "i don't think i know what you're talking about."
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hinamie · 1 day
hina have you seen this theory yet? 😭
yeah so i saw it first thing when i woke up yesterday and the fit of dread it put me into spiralled into a full-blown breakdown by the end of the night. dramatic I know but hear me out. ik people had mixed reactions to it but the relief and joy i felt the night of 268 leaks when I saw all the first years alive and together again was unmatched. after weeks of anxiety and trying to make peace with the fact that either megumi or yuuji would most likely not make it, suddenly it looked like everything would be ok. with those leaks i was SO happy to be in this fandom i was so happy to be making art for my favourite characters and to be able to watch them pull through. the thought of getting slapped in the face fr embracing that joy by a twist dream/unreality ending Hurts. I'm right back in the same anxiety that 2 days ago I thought was behind me.
re: the theory itself. i definitely think it's interesting and god knows i'm not well-versed in the manga enough to offer evidence against it , however comma for the sake of my own sanity I don't want to believe it. Even if it means that the ending we do get isn't satisfying from a writing or character standpoint, I don't want to believe that gege would be so cruel as to tear away even this rushed happiness at the last minute. Personally I don't think it's feasible for a single chapter and I definitely don't see surprise killing off a main character(s) as an ending that will satisfy the majority of audience members. call me delusional for it idc i cried enough last night i'm apathetic as fuck today.
I know i'm a lot more laid back than a lot of fans when it comes to how i respond to gege's writing choices, and a large part of that comes from me preferring to experience media giving creators grace and focusing on the aspects of their work that make me happy. i've /always/ been in jjk for the characters and their relationships. /they're/ what inspire my art. /they're/ what make me happy. Am I 100% satisfied with the way the past few chapters have been handled, no, but that dissatisfaction doesn't outweigh my happiness at seeing my favourite characters, the reason i make art in the first place, alive and together and happy. I would Rather the unsatisfying rushed disney kaisen ending or even a sequel than to have gege rub his audiences' faces in the dirt and mock us fr falling into the false sense of security he put us in. has he trolled before, yes, but i don't like to think he'd be this cruel in his series finale.
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aaamike · 3 months
Very Light JJK Spoilers
I’ve seen a lot of criticism about Sukuna as a villain. But I don’t think many people have taken the time to enjoy the time of big brain he is. We see this intelligence of his on full display during the Big Raga Incident.
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- here upon ariving on the scene, Sukuna was able to deduce very quickly that:
1: Mahoraga is a Shikigami summoned by Megumi, despite never knowing about Mahoraga. Or the 10 shadows technique outside of what he’s learned from past battles during the Heian era and or his time in Yuji’s prison
2: Megumi’s subjugation ritual keeping him in a suspended state, and thus, he can’t die until Big Raga is dealt with.
3: Haruta staying alive being crucial to keeping Megumi alive throughout the ritual.
Sukuna is so familiar with Shikigami users and rituals associated to them, he’s able to figure in a few seconds everything that’s going on and what he probably needs to do. No other character in the series has demonstrated this level of analytical accuracy, this quickly.
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- Here, Sukuna is able to identify what Mahoraga’s sword can do from their first exchange. It’s clear he’s seen or read about it before in the past. We don’t know all the battles he’s been a part of but he is clearly well versed in some ancient weapons as seen as during his battle with Kashimo.
Sukuna may be an avid enjoyer of his curse technique, Shrine, but he’s a fan of weapons, mainly in a lot of his Heian era artwork. Mainly a staff like weapon and then that lightning weapon he used against Kashimo. Let’s not forget to mention all of his past Heian era battles gave him a lot of experience. Who’s to say none of those sorcerers carried a cursed weapon. Based off of his current battle with our cast, he seems pretty used to sword users.
In short, Sukuna knows his way around cursed weapons, and is able identify what they’re capable of. He is also very capable of dealing with a weapon user, barehanded.
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- lastly, we see Sukuna compare Big Raga to a something named Yamata no Orochi. Now Yamata no Orochi the Legendary 8 Headed/Tailed Dragon, in real life is a mythical creature first written about around the early 700s in Japan, “filled with malice” and eating young girl sacrifices every seven years. Later, Susanoo, the god of Storms, kills it. It’s known for having a few amazing powers but the main one is regeneration from damage, even death.
Now Sukuna may be referencing the actual mythology, since it was around during the Heian Era, which started at 794 AD and ended in 1185 AD. It’s plausible to assume Sukuna grew up well aware of the mythology. Or perhaps in the JJK universe, there was a Shikigami that may have created the legend we know today. Regardless, upon identifying how Big Raga preferred to stop his ops, via, adaptation, he activated Malevolent Shrine, to create the right conditions for him to use Fire Arrow.
(A quick aside for context, recently it’s been confirmed by Gege that Sukuna’s activation of Fire Arrow is simplified and buffed by the storm of cleave and dismantle turning everything into a fine powder in an air tight enviorment/ie his domain, so when the Fire Arrow activates, it causes an instantaneous explosion, disintegrating any and everything within the domain.)
I’m not saying the manga or anime implies Sukuna fought Yamata no Orochi, but it seems clear Sukuna knows how to deal with an adapting enemy: Obliderate it with an attack it can’t heal from, adapt to, or come back from.
I really enjoy how Gege writes action in JJK. In many cases, it tells you a lot about the characters involved and I believe the Mahoraga fight is one of the best, because it fully demonstrates how well experienced Sukuna is.
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mortemappetens · 7 months
The official fanbook states that Toge’s biggest source of stress is morning assembly and I find funny (although, considering his manner of speaking, I can’t blame him):
It’s Monday, 8.30am, and because it’s summer the students are gathered outside. Jujutsu High is so far from a normal high school; but for some reason Principal Yaga insists on subscribing to some of the more typical and, frankly, mundane high school experiences.
Morning assembly, being one.
The schedule looks a little bit like this:
All students (wow, six of them, what a crowd) are to be gathered and organised by year at the bottom of the steps of the main campus building.
By 8.30am, all school faculty (all four of them, the fifth being on unpaid sabbatical while the third years are suspended) and the principal should also be present.
On confirming all attendees, they proceed with singing/mumbling the national anthem, voices drowned out by the inappropriately loud speakers blaring out an instrumental accompaniment.
Principal Yaga then takes centre stage to remind everybody of the school rules (perhaps because at least one is broken on a daily basis), before then moving on to students accolades.
General announcements follow, and if there are any, teachers step up to share their own announcements.
Before they end at 9am, Principal Yaga leads a very embarrassing stretching exercise to the beat of some 80s electropop music, then closes with a five minutes’ silence for “quiet reflection”.
And even if it is only once a week, Toge still sweats. Every single Monday at 8.30am, he sweats. It is particularly terrible during the summer, because it feels like he is trapping steam under his uniform. This Monday isn’t any different.
The moment the familiar trumpet instrumentals crackle out of the speakers, Toge feels the eyes on him, the grinning, even hears a giggle, and he is ready to put everyone to sleep just so he leg it the fuck out of there. Because-
Because he’s fucking singing out the list of ingredients for one of Musubiya’s more popular rice balls to the tune of Japan’s national anthem.
Like every Monday, he almost dies on his feet when he hears Panda “discreetly” transition from appropriately singing the anthem to singing rice balls ingredients. Why is Panda even here? The fuck does Panda have to be patriotic about anyway? Aren’t pandas from China? And Toge is pretty sure the materials he is constructed from is made in China, too. Fuck off, Panda.
Like every Monday, Maki sings a very unpatriotic bastardised version, a game of rice balls Mad Libs. This morning, she decided that the opening verse should be, “May the nori of the onigiri last for ten thousand servings […]”. The fuck is that supposed to even mean, Maki?!
Like every Monday, Nobara tries her best at channeling her inner pop idol and belts out the lyrics, each week louder than the last. But of course, with the antics of her upperclassmen, she punctuates each verse with a cackle - each week louder than the last. Come on, Nobara, pop idols never break character.
Yuji is a relatively new addition. He doesn’t know the drill very well. Toge is grateful for it. It is a refreshing change to have someone sing the lyrics of the anthem without inserting any laughter or culinary flairs. He does stare a lot, though. Toge can feel his comically large eyes burn his ears red.
And Megumi- Well, like every Monday, Megumi stands perfectly still, lips slightly parted though no sound is uttered, his eyes resolutely shut. Toge wonders how long it took him to perfect his talent for sleeping anywhere, on his back or standing upright.
And it’s not like any of them can be ignored. There’s just the six of them. There’s no cacophony of voices to drown out Toge’s, no sea of bodies to duck behind. There isn’t the anonymity that comes from being just another student, another face. And surely, most definitely, none of the teachers miss what each of them is doing.
But Jujutsu High is no ordinary high school staffed with ordinary teachers, run by an ordinary principal. And Toge’s no ordinary student. So Principal Yaga doesn’t say a word, Gojo sensei sways to the morose beat of the anthem, Dr. Ieri takes a leaf out of Megumi’s book, and Kusakabe sensei scrolls through his phone. And Toge (and Panda, and Maki) ends the anthem with a mumbled “pickled plum”, wiping the cortisol saturated sweat from his forehead.
At least the worst of it is over. Now he just has to mentally prepare for Principal Yaga’s fucking morning aerobics.
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exstasyplague · 1 year
UnPopular Jujutsu Kaisen Opinions (with arguments) PT 2
hi god. it's me again. :)
—manga spoilers!
☆ Sukuna is not stronger than Gojo
i've noticed that both hardcore gojo fans and sukuna fans are delusional; almost on the same tier as the kpop stans that say their oppar is an angelic virgin who will marry them. they are willing to trash the character fighting against their favourite in a genuinely petty way 💀
in the manga it's said clearly that even back in the heian day, sukuna's presence didn't cause much uproar because times were rougher back then. the ones alive had a certain type of blood thirst so you were strong by default if you weren't dead. was sukuna the strongest back then and eventually made himself a name? yes.
gojo's birth caused a disbalance in the world.
let's not forget that. in shibuya, when he expanded his domain for 0.2 seconds, the people subjected to that received 6 months worth of information and had to be hospitalised for weeks.
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(that's one of my favourite manga panels, btw. will get to that in a second)
let's do some maths.
a minute has 60 seconds. 60÷0.2= 300. 300x6months=1800. in a minute, you get 1800 months' worth of information. 1800÷12= 150. 150 years in a minute. 150÷6= 25. sukuna got information input worth 25 years of non-stop intense brain activity.
that's not only a face of brain damage. sukuna is shook by how powerful that shit was. mad props to him for enduring that. 👏
what's the point of this? to understand that gojo's power is terrifying. that shit hits you properly? it's over. it's not even instant death. it's absolute. no way, chance of recovery.
but sukuna is more well-versed in curse energy. he has a deeper understanding of it. that's his strongest skill— knowledge. gojo with his 6 Eyes can't sense people from a big distance well. sukuna could feel megumi hurting from kilometres away just because he dissected the theory of cursed energy that well, no innate technique. his use of RTC also shows that— it's one thing to get the hang of it, an entirely different one to understand it. sukuna could literally cure cancer if he wanted. (au! doctor sukuna? 🤭🤭 hanibal lecter way since he's a canon cannibal. that's how he became besties with uraume, they KNEW how to cook.)
but then you guys will be like: "ok plague, but doesn't that mean their power is equal since they both excel on their separate things?" no. LOL. knowledge can be attained— if gojo with his natural skills would have sukuna's knowledge... yeah. it would be over. but gojo is gojo and doesn't like putting in effort so he is balanced like that.
this fight is mastery vs innate talent among many other things. one of the main messages in jujutsu kaisen, especially in the plasma vessel arc, is that being powerful is sometimes not enough. and that's exactly gojo is so damn strong; he's the perfect one to prove that point. that's why he struggles against my fraudulent sweet prince. 😍
☆ Maki will never be Toji
never. lol.
people compare them, especially the ones in the jjk world because there are no other heavenly restricted people to draw a parallel between. toji's strength doesn't only come from the fact that he maxxed up his body. it's also his mentality and life philosophy— which maki will never be able to embody. giving up on everything. being all alone. giving up even on yourself and your pride, living to kill and killing to live. that's a certain desperation that's so powerful and strengthening it can not even be called desperation, just something rooting from a VERY similar place with it. toji was rejected by everything and he rejected everything around him. until he didn't and well... we know how that ended. 💀
her own principles will take her on a different path. this is not an opinion about power scaling or whatever, it's as simple as it sounds. SHE IS STRONG. BUT WILL EVOLVE DIFFERENTLY. maki is accepted by some people, by her friends. maki also has her sister; with whom she had a love-hate relationship wtv but in the end mai becomes her greatest motivation and unleash point. plus, maki became besties with that blood clan guy for whatever reason, i don't mind but that's more so to solidify my point. she was able to forge new connections and maintain her old ones.
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+ all great villains/ op protags have some backstories. some curses wanted to become the real humans. some mfs were homeless. maki ain't broke enough for this toji shit bruh.
☆ Kashimo is overhyped
"when kashimo wipes out his SUPER SEKRET CURSED TECHNIQUE—" bro. shut. the. fucx. up. my man can wipe out his d1ck and all it's gonna get him is an honorary spot on rule 34.
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he's has an unhinged mentality but that doesn't mean he is a goat. his only purpose in life (reason why kenjaku tapped that ass a bit) is to duel sukuna. very cool. but come on bro. YOU KNOW he is gonna have max 1-2 cool badass moments before he goes like "lul, xd. guess my life nice. bye bye minna-san☺️. the true jujutsu kaisen is the friends we made along the way."
if he actually does something cool and badass that will influence the plot beyond adding few cold ass panels, GGs. but there is literally no reason for all the WILD dick buffing this man is getting as of now. no basis.
you know he low-key shitting his pants watching that fight going on— would it be totally in character for him to get excited and hop in for the lols just to see how much damage/influence he'd have? yeah. but that's only because of his ambition. kthx
☆ Nanami has one of the best mentalities
i don't know and i don't care if this is popular/ unpopular.
in a shonen world filled with adults that push all the responsibility on children while they fucx off to party, he is refreshingly aware of the importance his position as an adult holds. (itachi, kakashi, sasuke and naruto could've really used a nanami. you didn't hear that from me though.)
even if in the beginning he didn't really like yuji and only viewed him as sukuna's vessel, a mistake for the jujutsu world, his mentality was: "you are a kid. my priority as an adult is to make sure you are safe." (not exact quotes. when tumblr lets me post more than 10 pics i'll spam you with manga panels, i promise.)
then, he grew fonder of him etc.
"even if you are a sorcerer, you are still a kid. you shouldn't be the one to blame yourself for x event. that's the the business of adults."
in the first light novel, even gojo told nanami that he is the type to be able to save a child's heart from the poison the jujutsu world has to offer. gojo says something among the lines of "for grown ups, the poisons this world has to offer are many and we learn how to deal with them. but for a soul as enthusiastic (as yuji's and many others' teens) one poison like is enough to mess them up for life. exactly because you are the type of sorcerer to know that i'm asking you to look after yuji, even if once, as the individual he is, not sukuna's vessel."
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as he was dying, a death filled with doubts and frustrations towards everything— he still thought about yuji's sake. he didn't want to become a curse to him. he could've said "well, i won't see his misery anw so i can put all this sh1t pissing me off on him". (would've been me fr, my self control 0)
that is peak adulting. peak. peak. peak.
RIP. you were one of the best, nanamin 🙏
another proof that you don't need to be mad powerful to be great and impactful.
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☆ Interfering in the fight between Gojo and Sukuna would be dumb
small jjk history lesson with your favourite sensei~! ✨
who is this individual? 🤔
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haruta shigemo!! 🎉
haruta shigemo was recruited to help the bad scawwyy villains to help with their plans!! yayy. all clear so far. gr8. he is not as strong as a grade 1 sorcerer but his innate technique is luck so he is super duper useful in battles!! (very cool, i know ^^)
now, let's see what happened with haruta shigemo once he faced sukuna (who was busy exorcising mahoraga).
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it's fuck1ng OVER man. i've just explained how powerful gojo is and he is striking sukuna with the intent to kill. also let's not forget: sukuna himself is very fuck1ng strong. those two want to rip eachother's throats out. gojo doesn't really care so much about megumi's safety and that's a very sensible smart choice since anything is better than letting him be as he is.
"but— plague 🙄, if he is close to geting backshots then ofc people should help!! they should go against the 2 shikigamis!!! they should've stepped in from the moment gojo's nose bled."
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the ONLY instance where it would be ok for someone to step in is when Gojo is literally laying on the ground DEAD or in a state similar with the thing he had with toji. (hopefully it won't happen, my majestic king gotta see another day 😔 👑)
haruta shigemo 🙏
☆ Side characters are meant to be side characters
like sure bro. i cope too. IT'S FINE TO COPE. as long as you know you're coping.
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but people get dead ass pissed off at gege because they "haven't seen todo in 10 years. haven't seen utahime in 1000 wet dreams. haven't seen gakuganji at the retirement home in 306 days."
i wonder why. wow. maybe it's because they are the supporting cast. stop. take a break. it's hard for everybody. i miss some characters too. but the focus on the story simply is not on them.
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let me know what other copium I should debate 😘
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ao3feed-nanago · 3 months
Those eyes
by ItsChristenDeAlger ~Don't underestimate the allure of darkness, even the purest hearts are drowned to it~ How did I end up like this...   •Hello, this story will be a little different, the chapters will be long and our main character Gojo Satoru will be a female in this universe. It's a plot I thought of while I was at work so don't be too harsh on me, please enjoy and if you see any grammar mistakes... no you didn't• Words: 1010, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi, Fushiguro Toji, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Iori Utahime, Nanami Kento Relationships: Gojo Satoru & Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento, Fushiguro Toji/Gojo Satoru Additional Tags: Genderbending, Female Gojo Satoru, Omega Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru Has a Vagina, Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Alpha Nanami Kento, Alpha Fushiguro Toji, Gojo Satoru is a Little Shit, Minor Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru via https://ift.tt/MIDmb4Z
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sasusakucore · 6 months
the more i think about it
the more i feel sakura can perfectly fit in jujutsu kaisen verse
naruto and sasuke are too op
but sakura? girlie can fit in just fine
if she is a teacher possibly a special grade sorcerer due to her healing ability which can go beyond normal healing
in simple letter rct that surpasses gojo too
her main ability related to super strength which can hutt soul directly
because sakura has a lot of chakra in her original verse i imagine her to have lot of ct so possibly domain expansion
she is nobara's sensei
and we can legit go crazy with love interest-
sksksksksk nanami or higuruma- or hey if it's sasusaku.....sasuke can be a normal house husband who is former sorcerer
she would be so protective of yuji-
if she is a student:
total dork and hothead
gojo's top 5 student
i would make her protective of the trio
totally tease nobara for having crush on maki (my otp ship nobamaki) also saved nobara from mahito
same ct as her adult counterpart
love interest? because sakura loves the emo's possibly megumi or yuta?
her sensei is not only gojo but also utahime to help her control her immense ct and develop her rct
what's cha think?
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I am so sorry bestie, but I haven't read jujutsu kaisen. I just seen bits of it from my mutuals across social media so I can't really say much though I saw them making crossover arts with sakura in it. I am sure you might be right because while sakura is tremendously strong and intelligent, she isn't too op like naruto and sasuke, so she will fit well in universes like jujutsu kaisen(where fights with intense powers take place) and can be a very strong fighter in those universes. And as for her personality, sakura(atleast the version at the end the og naruto, shippuden and boruto) would definitely get along with many(and tease them when they get a love interest and play matchmaker) and she would definitely be a good teacher. Sasuke being a househusband is a cool concept because my boy would finally have peace and would get to spend more time with his family. And sakura would an awesome student.
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noirandchocolate · 5 months
:) If you have the time and would like to, I wondered if you’d share some of your favourite j-pop / anime songs? I think you have excellent taste whenever you share your opinions, so I’d love to listen to your favs.
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for sending this, I love getting asks and you're so sweet. PS your art is super cute, love your colors! (I'm gonna reblog some as soon as I'm done answering this. <3)
...wait. MEG!??!?!?! i THOUGHT I recognized that art style! OH MY GOD how long have you been following me and I didn't know?? ;___;!! Hello how have you been!? AAAAAAH!
Okay, I will calm down and. Answer the question asked. XD; Anime music! Here's some tracks I really love, in no particular order and also I'm all over the place style-wise.
"Blue" from Cowboy Bebop is one of my all-time favorites. Honestly the whole Cowboy Bebop soundtrack is amazing and lives up to the hype for sure with its jazz/Old West style with spacy and harder and more modern vibes.
"Ashita Kuru Hi" from Kobato. was the next one that popped into my head! This song gets several different versions throughout the anime, because it's a tune the main character sings all the time, different verses for different events. It even gets a Christmassy reprise in one episode! This is the full, basic version of it featuring music box. But this piano-opening version with more sweeping instruments plays over the finale credits... While I'm at it, I WILL plug the entire soundtrack. It is ADORABLE and is nice sweet background music for work and study.
Gotta give a shoutout to Mob Psycho 100's opening themes for sure. They're all so good and seat-dance provoking. "1" is my favorite of them, it's so intense!
"Yuzurenai Negai" from Magic Knight Rayearth is really nostalgic for me, being the theme from one of the first anime I ever bought bootleg fansubs of from a shady man at a monthly comics expo. XD It's definitely a "classic anime" kind of song, with that adventurous shoujo feel.
"Matsuri Uta" from Blue Seed is one I was introduced to without having ever seen the anime it's from and I still like it. It has a slow, quiet start and is just a very pretty piece. (I like to sing along to it, hehe.) Here's another arrangement without the lyrics but with more instruments.
WHILE I'M ON Megumi Hayashibara...I'll also rec "Give a Reason" from Slayers. It's so punchy and upbeat and really inspires a person to get up and GO! You know what? Here's "Get Along" too.
I could recommend any of "Cardcaptor Sakura"'s opening and closing themes, but "Hitorijime" sticks out to me as a funky little track that's just extra fun to listen to. In the same vein is "Groovy!" and the video features a hypnotically bouncing Kero-chan so you can't lose.
I could fill an entire post of its own with Sailor Moon music but instead I will gesture wildly at "Moon Revenge" from the R Movie and yell that it features one of my favorite things in any anime song--vocals by the cast.
SPEAKING OF...here's another one of my ultimate favorite anime songs of all time, "Yamerarenai Yamerarenai" from Tenchi Muyô! The entire main voice cast going absolutely ham in character singing about all the little pleasures in life. Absolutely delightful!
Okay last one for this post because this is probably way way too long as it is. "Party Night" from Di Gi Charat! Specifically the Hyper Parapara version. I love this shit so much. This is the music video version because I can't resist, but here's the full song.
Okay! I'm outta here! Thank you again for asking, it was fun to follow my stream of consciousness and just post whatever fun thing popped to mind next. XD
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
Happy holiday.... What do you think that made Yuuji is so likeable as a character? I've only been in the JJK fandom for a year, and I've seen a lot of other JJK characters' stan. But one thing in common, they all love Yuuji and mostly will include him in their top 5 fav JJK charas (including me :D)...
Also, extra kudos cause your blog is anti-gojo. Most of my moots love him and can't stop talking about him. I already tell them that I don't really like him (actually I hate him), they're okay but still so into him. So I'm so happy when I found your blog.
What do you think that made gojo so famous? Is it the pretty face and bad personality (I'm still confused until now)....? I dislike gojo kinda like I dislike dazai from BSD. They're both called "The one who stole the spotlight from the protagonist" (by my animanga group)....
I hope your holidays were nice! And everything best in the new year :D Thank you for the ask.
I think Yuuji is likable because he's very relatable. There's this post about how much we learn about him in the first few chapters and it clearly shows how there are just layers to him from the very start. How it's not easy for him to make close friends he can open up to but he tries. How he deals with family issues. How he is towards strangers.
There's this very strong humanity to Yuuji, he has super powers but he's extremely normal and human about it. He's such a contrast to the jujutsu society he enters where most sorcerers are so detached from the normies. Nanami isn't as detached, neither is Miwa. And Nobara isn't fully detached either. That is probably why Yuuji connects with her so closely, closer than with Megumi who's very steeped into the whole jujutsu ideology.
And as the story progresses we see Yuuji dehumanised, insulted and targeted. We see him trying to constantly reconcile his values with his new reality, we see him try not to lose himself when everyone tries to tell him he's wrong. When actually he's the one sane, the one that hasn't instrumentalised human life.
Yeah, this is a safe space for those who aren't in the Gojou cult. I think my main problem with Gojou is the dissonance between who Gojou is and what he actually stands for or does in the manga, and what a lot of his fans think he is. Also the fact that like two times his fans came at me and actively tried to evangelise the cult of Gojou to me. And like, I've never gone to anyone and tried to convince them to love Kenjaku or Sukuna, or even Yuuji XD
I think Gojou's looks contribute a lot to his popularity, something I personally don't understand, I find the white haired blue eyed anime boy ugly. But Gojou also has very flashy powers. And he's shipped with his friend turned antagonist, and it was all very dramatic and sad.
I think in JJK not only Gojou steals not exactly the spotlight from Yuuji... I don't know how to call it. But Megumi and Yuuta do it too.
My experience with this fandom is that a lot of the fans don't get what JJK is about and what kind of story it is. And they want to squeeze JJK into a certain stereotype of what a shounen manga is supposed to be.
So in that stereotype a shounen manga is one where a very special boy fights (sometimes metaphorically because it's for example football XD) his way through progressively stronger opponents to achieve his goal. The goal can be noble and grand or very personal. The boy also accrues friends along the way who help him fight somewhat but like the boy fights against the boss of the arc. And generally the plot revolves around him and happens around him.
Which some shounen surely are, I'm not super well versed in any genre, but from what I vaguely remember from trying to watch Dragon Ball a long time ago it had that kinda vibe... I wouldn't bet money on my memory of that though. Chainsaw Man also had that vibe to me, and Demon Slayer and Blue Lock - as much as I've seem of those titles.
It's just that I don't even know how statistically relevant that stereotype is. Hunter x Hunter isn't like that, neither is Hell's Paradise. Full Metal Alchemist leans that way at times but isn't really that.
And JJK isn't like that either. It's a story driven by its antagonists - Kenjaku, elders, recently Sukuna- and not its protagonist. It actively deconstructs the myth of the strongest Gojou is as much a product and a problem of the jujutsu society as Sukuna is. People talk that loneliness is the theme in JJK because recently Sukuna's fan club was asking him to cure theirs and he did, for all of them. But what people forget that the theme of loneliness as a motivator started with Yuuji. But the loneliness isn't the only theme. There's this huge discussion of what society should be, what is the place of jujutsu in society and in the world and Kenjaku and Yuuji are at the centre of that. There's the theme of the value of human life that Yuuji is the point of view character for, Nanami, Higuruma and Megumi occasionally chip into that but it's always in the context of Yuuji. There's a huge theme of bodily autonomy in JJK that connects many characters but Yuuji is very much central to it, together with Kenjaku and Yuuji's personal foil Mahito.
Also Yuuji isn't what you'd call a stereotypical shounen protagonist, he's much closer to a stereotypical shoujo protagonist and when you realise that, when you realise what the themes of JJK are, you see that there is no other protagonist of JJK. I'm linking to the ask where I outlined that.
So I think people who talk about Yuuta or Gojou being main characters actually just like these guys and are wowed by their super hyper flashy techniques and don't give much of a shit about what most of the manga is about. With Megumi I think it's because he's a pretends he's an intellectual and says these fake deep broody things while the close up is on his lashes. I mean his technique is super strong and flashy too... when Sukuna uses it because Sukuna is a jujutsu nerd and he actually knows how to use it XD
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celesticlnstcrs-aa · 11 months
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@strawdxll asked: "just so we are clear, i do not want you to pass the snap., fushiguro. snapchat is for the elderly. it's all about tiktok now."
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                                               " Tiktok? I think I remember Itadori downloading                                                  it onto my  phone,  but  I  just  assumed  it  was                                                   some new clock app. What is it for exactly? "
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ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ ᴀsᴋ ;; ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ
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voxofthevoid · 7 months
hi Vox!! Hope you're feeling well
The way it follows you home lives in my head rent free since I've first read it and I've been thinking about the fix-it parts of it the whole time, sorry in advance for all the questions:
- How does the stat plasma incident differs from the canon one? I imagine Toji wouldn't get involved because of Gojou and Yuuji
- And Megumi, does he stay with the Zenins or does Gojou make a deal with them the same as canon?
- Does Yuuji get to kill his mom again? Matricide part two? I can see Kenjaku feeling satisfied this time too because their plan succeeded in a way and they got something more than them
- On the topic of Sukuna, on the scale of one to ten how big of a hissy fit this timeline's Sukuna throws when he realises how much stronger Yuuji is?
- Does Suguru still defect? I am of the opinion that he would, even if the HI arc never happened but I do wonder how Gojou and Yuuji would deal with it if/when he does defect. And all the ways they console Satoru-kun after that 🤭
Hope I am not being too much of a bother 😅
You're not a bother at all, hon 💗
Before tackling the individual questions, a generally applicable answer is that there's a lot of plot fixing happening in the background in the way it follows you home that the main narrative either mentions in passing or doesn't touch on at all, since its focus is on Satoru's Very Unusual Teen Romance. Gojou and Yuuji come equipped with a fair amount of foreknowledge, though Yuuji has forgotten a lot more than he remembers. It's also an open fact that they're time travelers, which also affects the way they go about things.
In order—
The PV mission straight-up doesn't happen. One conversation with Tengen would make sure of that, since she seemed already pretty content to continue her evolution at that point. In canon, Riko's death cemented that choice, and in this fic, there would be more active intervention and, hopefully, communication. The time travelers would be rather familiar with the consequences of the safety of their society hinging on the prowess of one or two individuals.
If Gojou doesn't nab him, Yuuji would 😂. Neither of them would let Megumi fall into the Zenin's clutches, and that's without taking into account the intended dismantling of that whole system.
Yes, always. Kenjaku can see what they created, and Yuuji can do some cathartic mother murderin'. The dream.
Roughly a 100. He will not go quietly, that's for sure. Tough shit.
As for Getou, in general, I'm also of the opinion that the PV mission was only a catalyst for Getou's defection and that his base ideology would have led him to that path eventually even otherwise. In this particular verse though, I don't think it'll happen because saving/keeping Getou is Gojou's primary priority (aside from his *gestures* unhinged reason for time-traveling in the first place), and he'll be working on that. Whether that involves talking the guy into a saner worldview or locking him in a basement at the first sign of violent bigotry is another question. If Getou does somehow defect despite the two Gojous' best efforts, it'll be far messier than canon precisely because of Yuuji's involvement. Gojou was canonically content to let Getou run around building a cult and killing non-sorcerers; Gojou's morality is heavily based on his personal feelings—that's how I interpret him, at least. Yuuji is a different case, and the past 1000 years of fuckery haven't killed his respect for the intrinsic value of human life. He wouldn't abide the extreme side of Getou's ideology. You can imagine the hot interpersonal trashfire that would be.
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strawdxll · 1 year
' you didn't see anything ! '
out of context bluey quotes | accepting
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Nobara wordlessly quirks a brow at her teacher. Such a weirdo, she thinks as she stares long enough to show that she is unamused.
"Uh-huh," she says, walking over to the window. "Sensei, I saw you do that. Is that Fushiguro's phone you threw out the window?"
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hinamie · 10 days
ok i have composed myself i have transcribed the lyrics for wish you were here as best as i could. i am going to listen to this and only this until i lose interest or the ability to hear, whichever happens first
this song is SUCH a bop the soft guitar intro in2 the main beat is so good but can we TALK . about how . HE STARTS IT WITH A "MWAH" WHAT A FUCKING ICON I LOVE HIM I LOVE THEMMMMM the percussion is so good i love the soft offbeat claps in th bg they add such a nice lil pep n especially in verse 2 after "love you even if you hate my guts" they add like 4 extra clap beats and i am !!!!!!! ASCENDING
verse 1 is iconic i love the line "pack up my head might mail it back to your house" its so fucking funny it reminds me of that post thts like "i didn't know how to deal with the fact that i had a crush so i wrote her a note that said get out of my school" . but listenok listen. verse 2 is the one they posted a snippet of last year and first of all i love the electric-y/tv-turning off/guitar slide/quiet video game laser effect as the vocals start it makes my brain buzz aNYWAY this verse is my favourite between the two and has absolutely s tier lines such as "as long as you think of me I don't care what" and "love you even if you hate my guts" PLUS the lil clappy bits i mentioned they r so GOOD. not to mention his voice pls.,,, he sounds so good when he belts,,, his voice has a slight rasp to it that they lean into with the slightly muffled old speaker sound god he sounds so good all the TIME his vocals are so clear when he hangs on the words "singing" and "myself" into the chorus PLS. also the bg vocal 'a t-t-t-touch too sentimental' is so gd CATCHY
speaking of the chorus oh my god the CHORUS. the desperate cry of "don't you miss me? / don't you want me around?" is so devastating and heartfelt head in HANDS also the lyrics . im so excited abt them i cannot put into words how !!!!!!!! they make me just. gestures helplessly
wishful thinking is all that’s holding me down  lost on a blue moon  i wish you were here right now
in chorus 2 especially the way the beat cuts out after "lost on a blue moon" n comes back after "I wish you were here"??? AUDIBLE SEROTONIN TO ME ((plus in the final chorus changing the "lost on a blue moon" to "not like you used to" ??????? OW ???????????? that had a lil kick that got me a bit.. , being stuck with ur own wishful thinking as a stand-in for the physical affection of the person u like,,, ....fushiguro touch starved megu- *is shot dead*)))
HOWEVER the absolute lyrical Backbone of this song is the fucking bridge. i knew it would be i heard the snippet ages ago and i was like holy shit these lyrics go hard what are they from only to b dismayed to find that whatever song they were from did not yet exist. but now it DOES and i can listen to the way the bridge sounds like lights dimming. like headlights passing through a hazy window. it sounds like clouds parting
nobody else in this life or next  will ever have me the way that you do nothing in hell, heaven, earth, or the rest could ever take me away from you
THAT FUCKING EMOTIONAL BOMBSHELL against the original soft guitar from the intro drop the drums just reverb-y lyrics and background vocals and some of the most romantic fucking lyrics i've had the pleasure of reading let alone hearing one of my favourite artists sing.
i am going to once again fuse my fv brainrot with my megumi brainrot. realistically ik this is probably a missing your ex song but i do not care. this is a longing megumi song to me i dont CARE argue with a WALL (said to no one). the verses and chorus are pine-y and a bit snarky n very i like-like you and don't know what to do with how much i miss you. it's wry and frustrated n just tsundere enough but then u get to the bridge n there lies the sheer undying devotION god im unweLL this is all i'm going to listen to. this was worth waiting a year for if this is part of a new album they have in production im actually going to die
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seiwas · 1 year
and for your other game, k + r + z, if i may ask so humbly of you, my dear !! i have warmed up croissants for us both, along with some delicious coffee / tea 💝🥐☕️ !!
how sweet of you sweet dilly!! bringing warmed up croissants and drinks for us when it should be me treating you!!! 🥺 and of course you may ask!! thank you so much for keeping me company on this brunch / midnight snack ! 💗
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
oh dear angst 😭 i think ex!bakugo might be the angstiest one i've come up with so far!! (which is currently being developed!! it's the next long fic i plan to finish) i like me a good hurt/comfort but when it's just hurt no comfort 😖 i'm weak !! my heart can never take it !!!
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
i can only really read a major character death if it's canon, and even then it's really hard for me to!! my heart really can't take it!! like i know the writing's gonna be good but i just... i'd be a complETE MESS. like. unable to recover 😭 i've written mentions of character deaths but not during... the process... of it... i cannot tolerate... anyone's death i think... 😭 my loves must stay alive with me... 😭
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
yes so many fanfic writers i adore!! for col especially, i mentioned @seravphs and @augustinewrites as being main influences for the way i chose to write gojo!! i think i base it more on their versions of characters (bc characterisation is big for me!) than other things like writing style etc. other influences i have are: for gojo --- @/saetoru (bc of rb!gojo), @/hawnks; for bakugo --- @/willowser, @/ofmermaidstories, @/bakughosts
those are just off the top of my head!! and writers i am silently admiring from afar :') i'm sure the influences will change for every version of each character i plan to write though !
i associate my mutuals w their very distinct ways of writing our faves too!! (lowkey appreciation post ahead!!)
@stellamancer - for expert dialogue n banter between reader and gojo (unnamed fic verse) i go thru niku's stuff so quick bc the conversations flow so well!!!
@seravphs (alr mentioned sera) - for teen dad!gojo but also recently knight!gojo (my god... everything abt it is just... UGH)
@crysugu - for papa!gojo 🥺 and the most devoted nanami i have ever seen in cariño; my sweet dilly is the intimacy queen!!!
@strawberrystepmom - for semi-established gojo x reader!! kendall drops another piece in this universe and u can catch me SCRAMBLINGGG TO READDD (she also converted me into a natsuo fucker fml......) kendall's really good at immersing u in her stuff!!
@satoruhour - dad!gojo too 🥺 whether to own kids or megumi/tsumiki !! i have yet to go thru all of t's stuff but every time she posts abt gojo i go into gojo brainrot 😣
@kentoangel - for nanami but especially bodyguard nanami 😣 he lives in my mind!!! whenever roma talks abt nanami i melt inside!! and lately even the choso posts r getting to me 😭
@soumies - for angst. somi breaks my heart. she wrote a gojo angst series and it ruined me. and she wrote an iwa angst drabble and it wrecked me too.
@augustinewrites (alr mentioned augustine) - for keeping up with the fushigojos ofc!! and her iwa stuff too!!! (i love anyone who loves him!!) 😭💗
@vagabond-umlaut - for twin dad!gojo!! the twins!!! my heart melts with this series by kit!!
@gardenofnoah - for the works of hers that i've read so far and just been floored by (there's a bakugo one and a todoroki one, and a nanami drabble!) they're all different from one another but bea writes so so so beautifully, i fear going thru her masterlist (but i'll still do it!!!) bc i know it'll break my heart just to mend it back up!!!
@c4ssiopeias - for that heart-wrenching ex!bakugo fic that ripped my heart up!! haven't gone through nova's masterlist yet but her writing is so so painfully raw!!
@treasuringizu - for an atsumu i'll fall in love with always!!!! kc writes him so hNGh-ly i wanna squish him and punch him and kiss him all at the same time!!!
☕♡🍞 brunch chats or a midnight snack! ☕♡🍞 pick from any of these ask games: 1 | 2 | 3 and let’s talkkkk!!
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