#and it’s opposite sides of i loved you you loved me too vs i loved you but you never loved me back and still ending up in the same place
fallatyourfeet · 2 days
No Negotiations (Thomas Shelby x Reader - One shot)
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Summary: Tommy thought he had been very careful keeping his relationship with YN a secret, but no, his number one enemy had discovered you. And these things rarely playout well in the world of the Peaky Blinders.
Word count: 1807
Warnings: Quite a few F bombs and quite a bit of angst. Maybe it ends well, maybe it doesn't.
A/N: This fic was a request and it's been a long time coming. I'm so happy to finally post something again.
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Gif: I don't know who this Gif belongs too, but I'd love to give credit to the creator if anyone knows.
Please feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, I would love to know what you think.
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It was a particularly complicated time in Tommy’s life. There were a lot of different things going down. Dangerous things. And it most definitely was not a great time to be dating anyone. But YN wasn’t just ‘anyone’. To Tommy, she had very quickly and very unexpectantly, become everything. For the past year, it was YN that kept him sane during the whole fracture between his family. And with Luca Changretta still plotting his revenge against every single member of the Shelby clan, he thanked God that he had kept her completely separated from his family and business life. She was his escape. With her, his existence was simpler, uncomplicated. Cherished. Every secret second he stole by her side recharged him, settled him in ways he could never have imagined. Every night spent warming her bed gave him hours of blissful dreamless sleep. So, when he looked up from the ringside during the Goliath vs Bonnie Gold match to see her seat empty, he found himself unable to breathe.
Tommy started the night in good spirits, just happy knowing YN was there. Even if she was sitting anonymously across the opposite side of the hall, finding his thoughts already caught amongst the quiet moments he would steal away with her at the end of the night. When Arthur grew concerned of the men in Goliath’s corner, he urged him not to worry, to calm down and enjoy the match. And even when one of the men disappeared from ringside and Arthur felt the need to investigate, Tommy thought it was his older brother’s paranoia taking hold. But when Arthur didn’t return before the second man in Goliath’s corner slipped into the crowd, Tommy instantly found his stomach in knots, his eyes gravitating to YN’s seat.
It was empty.
Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe she had slipped away to the ladies. Or maybe she found herself completely disinterested in boxing and left to wait for him at their hotel room. Or maybe the growing knot in his stomach told him something much more unthinkable was taking place. Jumping from his seat, Tommy wasted no more time, easily slipping through the crowd, following the same path as Arthur.
It was unnervingly quiet walking down the passage and into the back rooms of the venue, Tommy barely registering the excitement of the crowd as it faded into the background. Only interested in the silence around him. But it was too much. Bellowing out both YN and Arthur’s name, his voice echoed and bounced off the tiled walls around him, his call answered by a gun shot. Tommy’s blood ran cold. The deafening sound vibrated through every cell in his body as if it had pierced his very flesh and Tommy couldn’t escape the hollow feeling that YN was somehow tangled in the mess.
Tommy moved desperately in and out of doorways in the direction of the gunshot, finding nothing. Until he turned the corner into a dimly lit room. But there was no mistaking what he saw, and he knew the scene before him would be forever burnt to his memory, causing him instantaneous regret. Arthur hunched over, visibly shaken as he clutched at his blood-stained neck, working hard to regain his breath. But he was alive. And beside him lay one of the men from Goliath’s corner, in a pool of his own blood, his face half blown away. But it was YN. Standing in that very same room, a room she was never supposed to be in, that had the regret burning like fire in his throat. Backed up against the cold tiled wall her whole body was trembling, arms outstretched as her hands clamped around Arthur’s pistol; knuckles white.
Tommy stepped into the room, startling her. Terrified, her trembling body swung around to face him, waving Arthur’s pistol unsteadily in his direction. All her features were overcome with fear, drained and washed out, his regret now burning bitter in his mouth. Moving towards her, he outstretched his hands, recognition dawning across her face. And when he whispered her name, she fell apart.
Simultaneously, the pistol slipped from her fingers, as her body slid down the wall, Tommy reaching her before she hit the floor, cradling her head, whispering against her ear, “It’s okay… you’re okay. I’ve got you.” Shaking his head, he found it hard to keep control of his voice, guilt ripping through his words, “I’m sorry… I’m so fucking sorry… I didn’t want this for you… I…” Tommy felt sick seeing her this way. Because of him, she had taken a man’s life, she didn’t deserve that kind of burden and there was nothing he could do to take it back.
“Tommy.” Arthur’s hoarse voice broke through his stupor. Looking across to his brother, he was no longer hunched over, but was instead standing before him, a steady stream of blood running from a gash to his neck. Speaking again, he gestured to the body on the floor, his words rough and strained, “I don’t know who the hell she is, Tommy, but he was tryin’ to drag her out the fuckin’ door.” Running blood-stained hands through his hair, he rubbed the back of his head, “I ripped her from his grip, but he fuckin’ got me Tommy, he had me… I’d be dead. She saved my fuckin’ arse.”
Tommy shuddered, not even allowing himself to think about what might have happened if Arthur didn’t reach her in time, all while he was too busy ignoring his brother’s concerns. Sudden gratitude spilled from his mouth, “Thank you, Arthur. You were right… I didn’t listen, but you were fucking right.”
Arthur crouched down, and whispered as if there were people in the room who could listen, “Who is she Tommy, and what does Changretta want with her?”
Surely the fact that he was on the ground cradling YN was explanation enough, but Tommy answered anyway, “She’s my girlfriend… I love her… that’s the all reason he needs.” And it was those words as they left his lips, that brought about an instant and upsetting decision.
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Luca Changretta was no longer a threat. He had been dealt with in the most final way. Until the moment Arthur unloaded a bullet into his head, Changretta thought both Arthur and YN were dead, leaving Tommy’s exit plan for the mafia boss sailing through without a hitch. But there was still one thing left for Tommy to do. Something that tore at his insides, just thinking about it. But there was no other choice.
It was necessary.
Staring at YN’s front door, he took a deep breath, unable to put it off any longer. Lifting the iron knocker, he tapped it against the timber and cleared his throat, waiting for the sound of her footsteps and yet, hoping not to hear them. Never had he waited at her door with such trepidation, any stress or worries usually melted away the moment his eyes caught sight of her house. Always far too confident that he’d never been seen. God, he had been so fucking stupid.
YN opened the door with one of her breathtaking smiles, she was not going to make this easy. Fuck, he was going to miss those smiles. Burning the image to memory, he went to speak, but she leaned forward and planted a kiss to his lips, her sweet voice announcing, “Thomas Shelby… you’re late, you’re never late.” Tommy inhaled deeply, knowing that soon enough he wouldn’t be able to recall the sound of her voice, when what he really wanted was to wake up to it every single morning.  
Internally nodding, Tommy realised she was right, he had been putting this meeting off all afternoon, and when she stepped aside to let him come in, he found his feet cemented to her doorstep, his voice lost upon his lips. Seeing his hesitation, her features suddenly clouded with apprehension and concern. And it tore him to shreds. “What’s wrong, Tommy? What happened?” Grabbing his hand, she pulled him inside, sitting them both down in the parlour, “Tell me, what’s going on?”
Tommy didn’t want to be inside her house, he wanted to drop the news and leave, but she deserved more, so much more. Chewing on his lip, he inhaled deeply and cleared his throat, working hard to keep his voice convincing, “YN… I… I can’t be with you anymore.” YN jumped from the seat as if he’d slapped her. Tommy’s eyes shifted to the floor, concentrating on a scratch in the timber beside his foot, “It’s not safe anymore… people know who you are now… I… I’d never survive if something happened to you... I’d never forgive myself.”
“Tommy!” A few seconds of silence followed before she called his name again, “Tommy… you need to look at me!” This was not a good idea, no good could come from seeing her face, but how could he deny her? After everything she had given him over the past year. All those stolen moments and blissful memories… memories that would keep him functioning during all the lonely nights that would follow without her.
Lifting his head, he kept his gaze unfocused, worried her expression might destroy his resolve. Not that it mattered, her words and tone conveyed everything. She was furious. But she didn’t raise her voice once. “No… No Tommy.” Her comment snapped his eyes into focus and the determination he saw; on her face; in her posture, it took him by surprise.
Shifting in his seat, he couldn’t think, couldn’t stop the internal wall of his will from crumbling, with every word she spoke. “I won’t let you do this. I could die crossing the road today. I could get sick tomorrow and die next week. I could die giving birth or fall asleep and never wake up.” Drawing a breath, she shook her head, it was barely noticeable, “People die every day, Tommy, there’s nothing we can do about it, but I’m not going to let you give me up.”
Knealing down, her hands enveloped his face, demanding his attention, “I’m not going to miss out on a life with you, how ever long or short that may be… Do you not think I’m terrified of losing you too?”
Tommy shook his head, but his wall of resolve was gone, and he knew the words he spoke were no more than white noise, “My life… it’s dangerous… Just being with me is-”
Losing patience, she cut his white noise short with unyielding hands, refusing to let him look away. Her eyes were fierce. And her decision was final. There would be no negotiations. “Just shut up Tommy, stop talking. I love you. And I know you love me…. I’m not stupid, I know the risk I’m taking. But for you, I’m willing to take it.”
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ilostyou · 1 year
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taylor x 5sos parallels - part 6/?
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5a-alf · 1 year
So hey I've been obsessed with trigun this bast four months, specifically the '98 version, and obviously vashwood
This couple felt SO familiar to me and i couldn't figure out why
And the other day i had a realization..
Vashwood = Satousugu
Vash is SO Gojo and Geto is Wolfwood, it's so clear now
#trigun and jjk can be so personal to me actually#obviously they have different storylines but its still similar#with VW you have them start out on opposite sides#they always have that impending betrayal waiting for them and its like they are hurling towards it and dont know how to stop#and then wolfwood...well you know#with STSG you have them start on the same side#best friends#they have that banter and amazing dynamic vw has when they are young#they are the strongest and so are vw#but after the mental breakdown it changes obviously#still when kenjaku comes in i think its similar to knives vs vash#in the sense that geto heard gojo voice and did the impossible by trying to protect him even beyond the grave#and that's the same as wolfwood sacrifice#and gojo and vash are both geniuses and DEEPLY caring people that have beeen hurt again and again and again but still try their best#and act as if they are stupid but they arent omg they arent#and geto and wolfwood have kids to protect and would do any kind of shit do protect them#they arent good in an absolute sense (geto especially obv but wolfwood too#he is good bc i love him#but he isnt morally white)#but they but have this inner circle of people for whom they'd do anything and i say anything#they have this ammiration for vash/gojo but also feel inferior/unworthy of them#and more than anything they wanted the other to stop suffering#but were the cause of much suffering themselves#and the consequences of their death is for both gojo and vash the lowest point of their life#vash breaks his rule about killing#and gojo is so stunned that he gets trapped#im feral#also both wolfwood and geto are good with their tongue#i will not accept criticism
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t1erradelfuego · 1 year
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please do not read the tags i am being insane at 10pm on a sunday night
#thinking. perhaps even thoughting. thunking.#<- new tag because i am Insane#anyways shipping disease is real etc etc but. i love luke hughes because i also love brandt clarke#and i want to put them together like two barbie dolls !!!#listen LISTEN luke/brandt is like me and two other people in the fucking boat but it's such a good one#it's also completely made up in my head but. well. look.#luke/brandt is the only appealing hughes ship to me! i dont know why!#quinn/elias does not do anything 2 me (quinn/elias/brock DOES but also not a. ccanucks fan)#no jack ship inspires me Enough but he and nico are kind of cute?#but luke and brandt bitch4bitch... oh that's good stuff right there mhmm 100%#it's just. it's the way luke is such a peculiar and funky little guy like of course#he had to go... not fall in love but something to the left and darker than that with the boy he used to beat up during ministicks#also hilarious how they're both dmen! opposite sides too! wow you could put them togeth-[gets shot]#i think soecifically the idea of examining luke and his little guy bitch vibes via brandt i#who is also little guy bitch and them being narrative foils 2 each other when they are Not the same person its like WOW!!!#i want to write (no i dont i want to read actually) about luke and his tenacity when confronted with a bite that's just as bad as his#luke and his youngest brother weight of expectations successful brother vs brandt being the best clarke at hockey in his family#they're around the same point imo in their development curve and its going to be SUCH a battle i know#because they play similar games#and i think brandt heightens luke's competitiveness! and his competitiveness is part of what makes him- HIM!#in conclusion i am going to watch lak vs njd even though i do not like any of these teams in the slightest!
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leah-lover · 2 months
Entangled desires. Leah Williamson x Alexia putellas x reader.
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Part 1
“ Fuck me!” You semi yelled at your TV.
“Only if you beg me for it.” Said your girlfriend with a smirk on her face. You were both laying on the couch. She was laying on your lap reading a book, while you were watching the Arsenal vs Chelsea game. Chelsea have just broke through the backline and scored a goal. In their defense the goal was pretty incredible, but you hated that your team got scored against.
“ I would love for you to fuck me amor but not now, I am too busy “ you joked. “You have been stressed for about 50 minutes now. I think you need a release.” She said sarcastically, The book is now laying on her chest. “ Mi Reina, this game is so important for my sanity right now.” you respond. She didn't talk after that, she just turned on her side, her head still on your lap. She put the book aside and focused on the game.
The rest of the match was pretty exciting. There were some missed shots from both teams, a goal from Arsenal, some decent shot blocks from the Arsenal defense, and just overall a lot of tension. Alexia stood up from your lap by the time the final whistle blew. She was alert and satisfied. You were more than happy with Chelsea's defeat since you were a die hard Arsenal supporter. As a result, in celebration, you kissed your girlfriend. The kiss was soft and filled with passion. You then pushed Alexia on her back, straddled her lap and kissed her hard. You didn't want any space between you two. You were hungry for her, needy for her, all you wanted was her touch. The adrenaline from the game took over your body. Suddenly, it all went away and was replaced by tiredness. “ It's okay baby it happens.” She confronted you because you pulled out of the kiss and sighed loudly.
“ I am so sorry.” You apologized. “ Let's go cook dinner instead. Then we can finish later.” She added, a small smile on her face.
At the dinner table you sat opposite each other. You were both comfortable in the silence.
“ That arsenal defense was really good today.” She said, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, most of them are lionesses, so they are pretty good.” You answer.
“ Leah Williamson, the center back, is the captain of England right?”
“ She is the captain, she also captained the team today. She is pretty good.”
“ She was excellent today, made some pretty good deflections.”
“ And?”
“ What do you mean?.”
“ Mi Reina, tell me what you think.”
“ Well she is kind of attractive I guess. If you tell this to someone you won't like your punishment.”
“ Baby relax,I won't. I promise. Now let's go finish what we started after the game.”
“ What do you think about her?”
“ Leah ? Well I agree with you she is hot.”
Tonight was one of the best nights of the year. The fifa best awards. This night was special because you were being awarded the best female player in the world which made you very proud of yourself. You were also proud of your girlfriend who made it into the best starting 11 in the world along with you and a few legends of the game.
You and Alexia got ready in the same room. You decided on an emerald green corseted dress that highlighted your chest and your brown hair. Alexia decided on an all black 3 piece suit paired with a red lip and her hair down.
The day leading to the ceremony had nothing out of the ordinary. You did your media duties, got ready, and left for the red carpet.
You and Alexia looked like a power couple, all the cameras were on you two, two of the most awarded and talented footballers. The ceremony was no different either. Kelley Smith presented you with your award and you thanked the most important people in your life in your speech. You talked to a few people but that was it. All the fun started at the after party.
While you were at the bar getting drinks your girlfriend was far from you talking to some people.
“Can I get two vodka sodas please?” You asked the bartender.
“Can you please make that tree?” Said a British voice from behind you. You turned around to find that the voice was Leah's.
“ Vodka soda is the athlete's best choice of drink right? ?“ she asked.
“ I guess so.” you respond.
“ I am Leah Williamson.” She added.
“ I know who you are. You are pretty recognizable.”
“ Not as much as the woman of the hour. Congrats on your award by the way. Spanish football is lucky to have you.”
You blushed at her words, that's when your drinks were ready. You wanted to talk to her more.
“ Why don't you join me and Alexia at our table?.” You asked hoping to get a yes
“Only for a little while I have my own people to tend to.” She responded.
You proceeded to guid Leah to your table. On your way there you passed alexia who said goodbye to the people she was with to join you too.
“ Ale this is Leah williamson. Leah, this is my lovely girlfriend Alexia.” you introduced the girls.
“ It's very nice to meet you alexia. We should have met a long time ago.” said Leah
“ I am glad we met too. How are you finding the night.” said Alexia. You knew your girlfriend well to know when she is nervous and right now she was clearly nervous, other people wouldn't spot it very well.
“ it's pretty boring actually. This is the most exciting thing that happened tonight.” responded Leah.
Your relationship with Alexia was common knowledge. However, Leah was flirting with the both of you for the better part of the hour and a half that Leah stayed with you. Throughout this time you talked about everything from football to your childhood. Several compliments and flirtatious attempts were made by all 3 of you. Leah’s phone was ringing for most of the time but she didn't answer. She then got a text saying that her teammates left and that she should go to the hotel because the party venue was almost empty. You didn't realise the time that passed, you were too immersed in the fun all of you were having. You were sitting on a couch, Alexia’s hand on your thighs occasionally caressing them, and Leah sat opposite you on a chair.
“ I can't believe they left without me.” she complained.
“ Well they did call you several times but you blew them off.” you responded.
“ but still how am i supposed to talk to them and miss out a second with you two.”
“ You can come with us. We are staying at the same hotel right?” suggested Alexia.
“ yeah but I don't want to intrude.”
“ nonsense, consider it an extension of this lovely night.” you added.
You then got out of the venue. You held Alexia’s hand while Leah walked to your other side.
The car ride was quiet. “ I would kill for a burger right now.” you whispered in your girlfriend’s ear because you were nuzzled in her neck. She then ushered for the driver to change direction to the nearest fast food chain.
“ one quick stop before we release you.” you apologized to leah running you hand on her thigh quickly.
“ No, not at all. I really want this to go on forever.” she responded.
The car stopped, you got your order, Leah and Alexia got a meal too after you provoked your puppy eyes.
You were now blissful on the hotel floor, and eating your burger with Leah Williamson and Alexia putellas. You were focused more on leah than on your burger.
“ shit i dont have my key card. I left it with Keira. God i am such a fucking idiot. ” she said after she finished.
“ Don't ever say that about yourself.” said Alexia who was quieter than usual.
“ what she means is it's fine you can stay here. it's too late to wake her up.” you corrected.
“ No, I can't do that .” she said frantically.
“ Yes you can and you will. It's too late to do anything. Plus we can hang out more. And we can put it to a vote and we both want you here.” said alexia before taking the last bite of her burger.
“ Alexia I can't. There is something. I just can't.” she said before heading towards the door.
Alexia got up and stopped her by her wrist. “ Look, it's alright, stay. Please. “ she said softly.
“ alexia almost never says please.” you added.
“ There is this unresolved tension in me. I can't hide it anymore.” she added, now looking at the floor.
Alexia lifted her head up by her chin, and at that moment we were all nervous. We all shared a look with each other, then looked at the floor, then at each other again. The silence was deafening. We all were thinking the same thing. It was just the matter of who starts.
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
I’m just saying…. headcannons for paige with a bestfriend to partner who’s an introvert.
And I mean those introverts who seem quiet but the moment they get comfortable around you it’s over, but like only they get to see that side.
Paige seems like an extrovert that adopts introverts, like just imagine her having to drag her partner out of their room all the time cuz they’re a damn hermit.
─ warnings | mention of drinking, teasing, fluff, nothin' else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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honestly, you are so right in that assumption
she definitely gets closer with more introverted people, bc opposites DO really attract
when you guys first met it was your freshman year at uconn, at first you'd probably think she's WAY too much ─ maybe even cocky LOL (but who can blame her she's the best)
but when you spend more one on one time with her, you realize she's really funny and sweet
because you're so quiet, paige would be naturally drawn to you cus she gets to know you
so she just pesters you until you eventually give in and hang out with her
from that point on, the one is never seen without the other
you guys would always be together
but like... usually, you're just WITH paige so people don't really acknowledge you cus you're so quiet
but then paige would like force you to socialize
"this is y/n, i promise she's fun you just gotta put a little liquor in her-" "PAIGE."
she would push you toward her close friends the most, def like ice, azzi, nika and kk
and then you eventually would get really close with them, you all have your cute little friend group
you and ice would make fun of paige and kk together, you and azzi are kinda similar so you find yourself hanging out with her alone a lot more, and nika would force you out your shell a lot too
after a couple months of being friends, paige would definitely find herself catching feels
like i've said in my other headcanons, she just thinks you're such a big source of comfort for her and it slowly just becomes full-on adoration cus
she adores you
and you compliment her personality so well she is just like "i NEED to have her right now"
she ends up confessing one night after a really terrible game and then y'all kiss ...
and the rest is history 🤗🤗🤗
jk here's some relationship headcanons
again, you are so right nonnie
like i mentioned, one is never seen without the other
so you're always tied at the hip, especially at parties
at first she has to force you
like FULL force
she calls backup ofc ice and kk come and then its 3 vs 1
they end up winning
and this happens time and time again, you just get so worn down you'd rather just endure the damn party then listen to all three of them scream at you
which was the goal 🥰
and you're definitely the sober one 95% of the time so you will be taking care of a very drunk paige
(maybe some separate headcanons for her if yall want)
and sometimes even ice/kk but it's mostly just your girlfriend
anyway, yeah you take her home, take of her and then get her into bed
and when you try to leave she will be so dramatic, she forces you to stay with her
you don't mind cus you love cuddly paige
but the 5% when you're the one who's blackout drunk, paige is gonna take such good care of you
because you're so introverted when you're sober, you're probably gonna be such a rowdy drunk
yes im her shes me
so paige makes sure you don't get into trouble and gets you home safe and sound
but if you do something stupid, she will never ever let you live it down
"remember that time you jumped into the pool and-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP"
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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enhaheeseung · 10 months
Come & Go - L. heeseung
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader!
Warning: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, mentions of round two, dry humping, fingering, implied oral, angst, cum eating, heartbreak, crying, alcohol consumption.
Genre: fuck buddies, smut, mdni!
WC: 7,385
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“Heeseung, what are you doing?” Your brows furrow at the sudden action of him wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into your neck, leaving little pecks all over you.
“Shhh, just relax and enjoy it” he trails his kisses lower, nibbling gently on your collarbone.
You lightly push him away by his shoulders so he can give you some space. You’ve made it clear that this was strictly sex between you and him, and there were no feelings involved.
However, lately, it feels like he’s been crossing that barrier you both had put up at the beginning of this fuck buddy relationship.
You let him get away with a few things, like a couple of kisses after you two have done the deed or maybe a little prolonged cuddling, but obviously, he had to take a mile when you gave him an inch.
He sighed and laid on the opposite side of your bed. “I don’t understand why you always make such a big deal out of me kissing you” he was well aware you both had come to an agreement about things that could be done between the sheets vs what couldn’t.
The fact that you could let him take you raw and cum in you, yet you couldn’t kiss him, made absolutely no sense to him at all, to put it simple.
You had some strange rules.
Rules he didn’t agree with. The only reason he came to terms with your proposal was because that’s the only way he could still get to be with you.
Truthfully he didn’t really care about your rules. If It was up to him, you two would have been dating a long time ago.
But sadly, it wasn’t up to him, and you didn’t share his same feelings, so for right now, he had no choice but to comply and respect your rules.
“We already talked about this,” you say while getting out of bed, revealing your naked, sweaty body just for his eyes to see, another thing he couldn’t understand.
He literally got to see all of you, but kissing was off the table.
What he didn’t know was kissing for you was far more intimate than a quick fuck. Hell, you’d let him take you raw a hundred times before letting him kiss you and risk catching feelings that you didn’t want to feel again because every time you felt them, the person always either cheated on you or left without any explanation and you were not about to go through that again you couldn’t take another heartbreak.
“Okay, but maybe we can talk again,” he says while standing up to put his clothes on.
“Heeseung, it’s late. I think it’s time for you to go” You dismiss his idea of talking. You were already set in stone on this nothing he could say could sway you.
“Come on, y/n, I can tell you like it” he comes up behind you after you put your robe on and presses his shirtless chest against your back. “Tell me you don’t,” he taunts while moving your hair over your shoulder so he can have clear access to place kisses all alongside your neck. “Just tell me when to stop” his hot breath blows on your neck, and you unknowingly tilt your head to the side. He takes that as an open invitation to place one single kiss beneath your earlobe.
Your eyes automatically flutter shut as you get lost in the feel of his soft pink lips, leaving little love marks all over your neck. A sigh of pleasure falls from your lips, causing him to smile against your skin while he swipes the tip of his tongue just above your collarbone.
He hums, and you swear you feel yourself getting wet again, especially when he starts trailing his hands up and down your sides sensually.
You almost moan, and when that happens, you know you need to stop him before you get too aroused and go for a fourth round and allow him to do something you’d ultimately regret. “Stop,” you whisper, and he immediately drops his hands to his side and pulls his face away from you, squeezing his eyes shut, a pained expression taking over his once elated features as he sighs frustratedly. He just can’t understand why you don’t want him the same way he wants you.
He silently turns around and grabs his shirt in the corner of the other side of the room, throwing it on haphazardly.
You watch him out of the corner of your eye, trying to calm your racing heart. You feel guilty cause you can see the clear agitation on his face, but you just can’t bring yourself to get that close with someone ever again, and you made sure he understood that, so he’d just have to get over it.
“So let me get this straight you literally begged me to cum in you more times than I can count. Call me over nearly seven days a week like you can't live without me or something, but when I kiss you, it’s a problem,” he says, confused.
“And?” You ask while tying your robe around your body.
He just laughed and finished fixing his clothes. “Just try calling me earlier than two am tomorrow” he grabbed his jacket and left your apartment. "Fuck" he muttered as he felt the chilly air hit him. He really much rather be wrapped up in your arms in the warmth of your bed but no, because you didn't want that.
You sat down on your chair and grabbed your brush to comb through your hair so you could get ready to take a shower and go to sleep.
Right when you got up, you heard knocking on your door.
Heeseung was halfway to his car when he went to pull out his keys to unlock it, but they were nowhere to be found.
"Damn it" he threw his head back and chuckled, his warm breath getting lost in the cold air of the night.
He jogged at least 30 feet upstairs and knocked on your door.
You jumped from the knock, definitely not expecting it. You set your hairbrush aside and wrapped your robe around your body. Once you heard the knock again, you quickly answered, only to be met with your very handsome fuck buddy.
"I forgot my keys," he smiles sheepishly once you open the door.
You shook your head slightly and let him in. He rubbed his hands together, shivering from the cold outside.
“Okay,” He mumbled and looked at your little nightstand. That's where he usually set them, but they weren't there. He patted his pockets again and felt nothing, but then it finally dawned on him he must've been so excited to see you that he accidentally locked them in his car.
He heard you tapping your foot in the background as he slowly turned to face you. "So uhh, I don't know how to say this, but I think I kinda sorta locked my keys in the car." He squints his left eye in a playful manner.
"You're not staying here," you said right away, already knowing where he was going with that statement.
"Why not? I'm sure you wouldn't mind fucking me again" he smirked, and you wanted to punch his dumb pretty face in.
"Shut up" You glared at him and tied your robe up, suddenly feeling exposed by his hungry stare as his eyes raked over your body.
"You were definitely not saying that a few minutes ago. If I recall correctly, you actually asked me to moan your name louder when you were riding my dick so eagerly" he shrugged. Obviously, he was only teasing you, but you hated how his words made you blush, and your mind wandered back to that moment.
It's not your fault he sounded so good moaning, and he literally had the best dick you've ever had, so of course, you were eager to have it inside you. "Heeseung, get out" You opened the door and pointed down the hall of your apartment.
He put his hands up in defense while smiling. "I'm going, I'm going," he chuckled. "But if you happen to change your mind about fucking me again, I'll be downstairs waiting for my ride."
"I fucking hate you."
"But you love my dic-" You slammed the door in his face before he could say whatever nonsense he made up.
He giggled as he jogged down the stairs and waited in the corridor. Luckily for him, he didn't lock his phone in the car too. He quickly pressed call on his best friend's number, hoping he'd still be up at this ungodly hour.
And once he realized how late it actually was, he felt so pathetic for going over to your house to eat you out at two in the morning.
He knew he deserved better than to be just a late-night hook-up, but what could he say? He was smitten by you since that dumb party where his friends drunkenly pushed him in your direction cause he had been staring at you all night.
He could almost hear Jake telling him to grow a pair before pushing him into you and making you spill your drink on your shirt, which led him to apologize to you and take you upstairs to get a new shirt one thing led to the next, and when he woke up in the morning you had left a note with your number on it.
But when he showed up at your house with the idea of having sex and getting to know you better and maybe take you on a date, he was unpleasantly surprised by the friends-with-benefits proposal you had mentioned after you both had sex. It left a bitter taste in his mouth cause he wanted something more than that, but what could he say? He was a simp for you. He'd do anything you wanted him to.
After a couple of rings, his friend groggily answered the phone. "Hi, Jay. You know how much I love you, right?"
Let's just say he owed Jay a big big favor after this one.
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"So you're telling me you went to get your dick wet, and you locked your keys in your car?" Jay questioned it was officially the next morning, and he just let heeseung stay at his place for the time being.
"Yes," heeseung mumbled, and he felt stupid when Jay put it like that.
"Please tell me it's not still that same girl from the party last year?" Jay groaned at his friend, who had his head hung low, practically giving him the answer to his question. "It's literally been a year since you've been fucking around with her. When are you going to give up?"
Heeseung sighed, feeling like he was having this conversation for what felt like the twentieth time. "I don't know." He mumbled while picking at his nails.
Jay pitied his friend. He had no idea heeseung would have been this head over heels for you when Jake and Sunghoon egged him on to talk to you cause they had seen the way he’d been staring your way all night. He didn't know that heeseung was actually going to mess around with you after that night. He thought it was just a crazy night at a party where you do dumb shit and regret it in the morning, but with heeseung, that wasn't the case.
The alert tone on heeseung's phone broke the silence. He smiled at his phone, reading a text from you asking him to come to your place. He replied quickly and set his phone down, bouncing his leg impatiently, waiting for Jay to end his lecture.
"Last night, you said you'd do me a favor, right?" Jay asked.
Heeseung just nodded in response, itching to bolt out of there any minute.
"If nothing happens in the next month, you got to let her go. We don't even hang out anymore" Jay didn't show it, but he missed his friend and their silly little hangouts with the rest of the guys. "And even if we do, all she has to do is send a text, and you're leaving us for her," heeseung frowned. It was true hell he was even doing it right now. "You're a good guy" Jay stood up and patted heeseung's shoulder, taking his cereal bowl to the sink for him. "I just don't want to see you getting hurt."
Heeseung felt bad for all the times he bailed on hangouts, all the times he woke up in the middle of the night just to go and please you, and the nights he even sometimes cried cause no matter what he did, you still didn’t like him back. "One month, and then I promise it's over," he told Jay while standing up. He smiled with a small nod of his head, approving of heeseung’s deal heeseung came to the conclusion this definitely wasn't worth losing friends over, especially great friends like he had.
But still, there was a month left, and he was going to make the most of it.
He walked to the door, putting on his shoes. "I'll see you tonight.'
"You don't even have a-" The door was shut in Jay’s face before he could finish. "Car," he sighed with a slight shake of his head and continued to wash the dishes.
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“I need you so bad,” you said when heeseung arrived at your door. You pulled him inside by the collar of his shirt and slammed the door shut. He let you drag him over to your bed and push him down on it.
“I can tell,” he chuckled as you got on top of him. Lifting his shirt up, he put his arms above his head, making it easier for you to take it off.
You bit your lip to contain a moan cause the sight of his bare skin would never cease to amaze you. Plus, he always looked so good with messy, unkempt hair, something that you wish he’d come over with more often.
Heeseung wasn’t exactly in the mood when he walked up to your apartment door, but as you roughly pushed him down on your bed and started caressing his chest with your cold fingers and grinding against his clothed bulge, he was more than in the mood. “Fuck” he accidentally moaned, and he looked so cute when his eyes widened in surprise at the little sounds he made.
You giggled and bent down, licking around each of his nipples, stimulating him in the best way. He always gave you the best reactions whenever you touched him in his extra sensitive areas. “You’re so” You paused for a milli second and played it off by pressing your lip’s against his adam’s apple.
You were about to call him cute, but the last thing you wanted him to think was that you were actually starting to like him.
“Y/n,” he gulped harshly as he tightly gripped the bedpost above his head. “W-wait, wait,” he breathed out, attempting to calm his beating heart.
You sat upright, examining his face for any signs of discomfort, but you found none. “Something wrong?” You say gently and brush your fingers along his jawline.
“I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that” his eyes roll as he puffs out a long sigh, chest already heaving up and down.
“Then cum” you say with a smile as you place your hands on his sweaty chest grinding back and forth on his hardness.
He moves his hands from the bedpost to your hips, pressing you down roughly as a vein on the side of his neck makes itself prominent. “Shit, this feels so good,” he says, rocking your hips steadily back and forth. “Mmm fuck” he whimpers, feeling his dick twitching inside the confines of his jeans. He could have sworn he’s never felt so needy before in his life. He didn’t know just dry humping could have him this worked up.
You loved watching his face flush as pleasure finally washed over him. A loud groan soon follows as you feel his strong muscles flexing underneath you as he begins to shake and shamelessly cum inside his pants. “Fuck y/n,” he grunts, bucking his hips up into you until he gets too sensitive to keep going.
He lowers his hands to massage your ass and sneakily starts rubbing his finger over your entrance, and he can’t help but smirk when he feels the wetness seeping through both layers of your skimpy silk sleepwear.
A whisper of his name comes from your chapped lips when he easily pulls your shorts down around your thighs and begins prodding at your hole as if he was fingering you.
You whine from the small contact, and he continues to tease you as you try to push your hips back and make him finger you properly. “Little desperate tonight, hmm?” He breathlessly chuckles as you throw your head back and basically hump the air in frustration as he plays with you through your clothes.
“Heeseung, please,” you whine, gripping onto his shoulders tightly, and it didn’t take much for him to cave in and give you what you wanted by pushing your panties to the side and sinking his girthy fingers past your hole. You bite your lip, whimpering softly, when you finally feel him inside of you.
“Baby, you’re already soaked,” he says, mesmerized by the feeling of your tight wet cunt taking his fingers so well and so so deep.
You took a moment to sit up slightly and removed your shirt, hoping he wouldn’t notice how shy his comment made you, and he seemed to miss it as you leaned back on top of him, caging his head between your forearms and putting your chest right within his mouths reach.
“Fuck baby” he takes your nipple in his mouth, using it to muffle his moans as his hard, wet cock strains against his jeans.
You run your fingers through his hair, getting a whiff of his shampoo that smells like vanilla and something else sweet. You loved his smell the most. It always added to the pleasure that he gave to you.
He licked between your breasts, leaving a trail of spit behind as he switched to your other hardened nipple sucking the small bead into his mouth gently.
“Oh, hee,” you moaned, riding his fingers as they pumped deep inside you.
He let go of your tit with a rough nibble that made you squeak in pain and moan in pleasure.
He switched to licking your chest, running his hot tongue over your mounds, sucking and biting here and there, littering your chest with little pink and red love marks.
He bucked his hips up, searching for some relief of his own. You took notice of this, slowing your pace on his fingers. “What’s wrong?” He asked, feeling a little scared that he might have done something you didn’t like.
“Nothing,” you said as you gently tugged on his wrist, giving him a hint to pull out of you, which he did only seconds later. “Need to feel more of you” he couldn’t hide the slight smile on his face as you held his wrist to his mouth. He eagerly sucked his fingers completely clean of your arousal, making something stir in the pit of your stomach as you watched the sinful scene unfold right in front of you.
“How do you want me?” He says, looking up at you with hazy lust filled eyes.
Your heart rate picked up from hearing just those few little words, and your mind was already in a frenzy. Thinking of all the ways you could have him or have him take you, you just simply couldn’t choose.
“Tell me, I’ll do whatever you want,” he looks up at you attentively and gives himself to you, waiting patiently as he kisses your forearm while rubbing your sides up and down slowly.
You melt when you feel how gentle his touch is and the feather-light kisses he leaves on your body.
The look in his eyes suddenly makes you feel shy, so instead of saying what you wanted, you got from on top of him and laid on your back. “Like this,” you say just above a whisper.
He smiles softly, propping himself up on his elbows as he hovers over you. “As you wish,” he kissed down your chest. The heated kisses he left on your skin made your body tingle in excitement.
His kisses came to a stop when he reached the waistband of your panties. His warm, delicate fingers pull the flimsy material off your desperate body. He moans quietly at the sight, still amazed by how wet you got whenever he was with you.
You squeezed your legs together impatiently, waiting for him to finally give you what you’ve been craving.
Once he saw just how much you needed him, he stood up for a quick moment to undress himself fully before looming over you once more.
“Beautiful as always,” he murmured against your neck, kissing you there and moving to nibble on your earlobe as he ruts himself into your slick heat, gathering your natural lubricant to make the slide easier when he enters you. “Ready?” He says, stroking your cheek. You quickly nod your head, not even trying to hide how much you need him.
He groans impatiently while gripping your thighs and wrapping them around his waist.
You hang onto his shoulders as you feel him pushing past your tight entrance, slowly easing his way inside you, being extra careful not to hurt you.
Your mouth instantly parts in a moan as soon as you feel him entering you. The feeling of his body pressed against yours, his warmth covering you like a blanket and becoming conjoined with him, was by far the greatest feeling you have ever experienced.
A shaky breath leaves his lips once he completely bottoms out inside you. His palm cups your cheek as he very slowly rocks his hips.
He lowers his head until his lips are just a mere inch away from yours. You suck in a deep breath, and you don’t know why but when he slowly closed his eyes and shifted his head to the side, pressing a kiss to your cheek instead of your lips, you felt a hint of disappointment. “You make me feel so good,” he whispered in your ear, his warm breath blowing against your face making you feel shivers all over your body.
“Mhm hee,” you allow your eyes to fall shut as he kisses all over your neck, not missing a single inch.
Your arms encircled his waist, and you trail the tips of your fingers over his flexed back. “I was waiting all day for this” he nudges his nose over your collarbone before switching to the right side of your neck, marking you there with all his love. “I wait every day for this,” he leans back, causing your eyes to flutter open, and you see him staring back at you with his deep brown eyes, a small crease forming in between his eyebrows every time he pulls out and slowly pushes back in.
Despite him not kissing you, it still felt too intimate, too romantic the lights were dim, setting the mood just right. The sweet nothings he whispered in your ear made you feel cared for, and his slow pace was just the cherry on top.
You quickly erased those sentimental feelings from your head and just focused on him and feeling him.
He definitely wasn’t the only one waiting for this moment, as much as you’d deny it. Seeing him was the highlight of your day, especially if you were stressed and tired like today. You weren’t even sure how just his presence alone could take all that away, but somehow it did.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about being with him in an actual relationship, but every time you thought about a possible negative outcome, you just couldn’t bring yourself to take things further with him, no matter how desperately you wanted to.
But as long as he’d be there at your every call, then that was all you needed.
“So do I,” you whisper back, and you swear you see his eyes gleam from your words. You feel another kiss pressed to your cheek as you hold his body close to yours. “Heeseung,” you gasp when you feel his hand between your legs as he slowly circles your clit with his thumb.
“Shh baby, I have you” he leaned his forehead against yours, bucking his hips just a bit faster.
He breathes through his nose, sweat beads cascading down his perfectly toned abdomen as he brings you closer and closer to bliss. “Y/n,” he whispers, his mind completely numb from the way you feel wrapped around him. When he feels himself slipping, he has to bite his tongue to hold himself back from confessing his true feelings for you. “I’m so close” On cue, you feel him twitch within your heat.
“Hee,” you moan his name as your brows furrow and your lips part to let out every pant and soft breath within you.
“Cum baby, let it all go for me” The combination of his soft voice, his slow, precise movements, and the sweet seduction of his words finally makes let yourself go in his arms.
“Hee-heeseung” You let out a sob-like moan as you pulsate around him, and that ultimately makes him follow your lead and spill his love deep within your spasming core.
“That’s it, baby, I’m cumming” he whispers before kissing your forehead as the peak of his orgasm overtook his whole entire body. You feel his limbs jolt from the pleasure while you grip tightly onto his shoulders and ride out your mind-numbing highs together.
“Y/n,” he whimpers quietly as he puts his full weight on you, completely spent and soaked in sweat while filling you up with everything he had to give you.
You hum softly, savoring the moment and his warmth while your body regulates itself.
Absentmindedly your hand meets the back of his head, and you unknowingly stroke the damp strands of his hair. He melts from the feeling, surprised that you haven’t already told him to get dressed yet.
He finds the crook of your neck and buries his face there, basking in your heat as he pecks you endlessly, and you’re too tired to even protest, not to say you would, though. “Doesn’t this feel good?” He says, trying to persuade you into agreeing with him.
You don’t say anything, but your answer is pretty evident when you don’t move, and he smiles at that, continuously kissing all over your neck. “You should go get cleaned now,” you say, hoping that would get him off of you because you didn’t have it in you to physically push him away, not this time.
“I’m good,” he replies, still kissing your neck and occasionally rolling his hips ever so slightly, reminding you that he still hasn’t pulled out of you just yet. “Besides, my clothes are ruined, and I don’t just walk around with spares,” you sigh. He was right, and you couldn’t even get angry cause you were the one that made him cum in his pants.
“Fine, but leave in the morning” Your blunt words didn’t match the way you soothingly rubbed his back, he wanted to tease you about it, but he doesn’t test his luck. Right now, he’s just living in the moment.
“Okay, but for right now, round two” he holds himself above you, a grin plastered on his face as you feel his length growing inside you once again. There’s no way that you could say no.
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“You’re never going to believe this,” heeseung calls Jay from your apartment, still very much naked and smiling giddily at the note you left him about his clothes being washed and folded on your nightstand.
“The fact that you’re calling me at six in the morning? You’re right. I can’t believe it,” heeseung smiles when he hears his friend's voice.
“No, not that! Y/n literally let me spend the night with her,” he says excitedly. For the first time in the year he’s been seeing you, he felt that he was finally making some progress with you.
“And you called me for that?” He replies dryly.
“Jay, this is like… monumental,” he exclaimed, trying to get Jay to understand just how much this meant to him. “For the first time, I actually feel like there could be something more between us.”
Jay sighed. He supposed heeseung was right, but at the same time, that wasn’t exactly a clear indicator that you liked him just cause you let him spend the night. “Aren’t you happy for me?” Heeseung muttered when he heard nothing but silence on the other end of the phone.
“No heeseung I am,” he sighs. “I just don’t want you getting your hopes up too much, okay? Was there a reason she let you stay?” Jay asks, hoping to get more info on the situation.
“No, well, I didn’t have clothes to change into after we, you know, but she left me a note and folded my clothes.” He says happily.
“What did the note say?” Jay rises up from the comfort of his bed and rubs the sleep from his eyes, knowing he isn’t going to be able to go back to bed.
“Left for work, washed and folded your clothes. Feel free to shower before you leave,” he read the note again.
“That’s it?” Jay said, a bit puzzled. He thought the note would at least contain some type of sentiment.
“What do you mean that’s it?” All that could be heard was a deep sigh.
“I mean, at this point that’s just hospitality” he wasn’t trying to kill heeseung’s mood, but clearly, there was nothing there that made it sound like you were into him. You could have at least written a small heart or a smiley face, anything.
“Of course, it’s not. She did it 'cause she likes me,” heeseung concluded in his head.
“Look, I’m not saying she doesn’t like you, but you can’t get excited over a note with practically nothing in it,” Jay said the cold hard truth.
“You don’t get it. Why would she do it if she didn’t like me? She could have just woken me up, tossed me my clothes, and told me to leave” Jay thought he kinda had a point there, but even still, that was reaching.
“Heeseung, I don’t want to come off as rude, but I think she would have done that for anyone,” Jay replies with a heavy heart.
“Anyone?” Heeseung scoffed. “Yeah, okay”
“Heeseung, I’m jus-“ he got interrupted before he could continue.
“I’m coming over in a few. I’ll see you then” Heeseung agitatedly hung up his phone. “What does he know?” He mumbled while getting dressed. He knew Jay was just looking out for him, but why couldn’t he see that you were finally receptive to his feelings?
Either way, he was going to make you his, with or without the support of his friends.
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Okay, so maybe you weren’t as receptive to his feelings as much as he once thought.
Though the sex was amazing, you still hadn’t called him over at a decent hour after that night, nor did you let him spend the night again, which made him think about the conversation he had with Jay the day after.
Maybe he was right. Maybe that was just you showing him hospitality. As the one-month mark drew closer and closer, he couldn’t deny the disappointment he felt in his chest cause he knew sooner than later, he’d have to let you go.
He tried calling you to reverse the rolls, maybe to see if you’d come to him, but even that was a huge fail when you didn’t bother to answer any of his calls.
“Jay was right” It made him feel sick to his stomach. He was holding onto you for a whole year, foolishly thinking that sometime down the road, he’d become something more to you than just a fuck buddy, but unfortunately, he was wrong so wrong.
He laid in his bed, cheek pressed against his pillow as he mindlessly looked out the window, wondering how he was going to get over you.
Even when the sun set, ways to get over you were still lingering in his mind, and hours after thinking, he still didn’t come to a conclusion. He huffs out a sigh, feeling embarrassed and pathetic, even to an extent he feels used and ashamed because he so willingly gave his body to you just for you to use, and he thinks that’s the part that was killing him the most he gave you his everything yet he got nothing from you in return.
A single tear rolls down his cheek and immediately gets absorbed in his pillow. He couldn’t be angry with his friends for making him approach you. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t even be mad at you, but he could be mad at himself cause he was the one who made the stupid decision to agree to your rules and be there at your every beck and call. If he had just an ounce of dignity for himself, then he would have said no, but when it came to you, any rational thought went totally out the window, and that’s why he’s in his bed still crying his eyes out for you half past midnight.
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You received heeseung’s calls, but you were too nervous to answer. He never called you first, so why was he doing it now?
What was he calling about? Did he not want to see you anymore? Did he want to see you? You didn’t know, and it was starting to make you feel stressed. The calls you received from him were already a day CD old (that random “CD” was my cat's contribution to the story, btw, enjoy!!!), and he never called again, so maybe he was just calling you for a hookup.
You paced back and forth, trying to figure out why he could be calling.
You felt nervous cause ever since that night. He stayed over. You couldn’t seem to erase him from your mind.
When you woke up next to him, you almost melted seeing his features up close, and in the daylight, you knew he was handsome, but seeing him so close and crystal clear was a sight you’d never forget. You could see every little detail on his face. Even the small mole on his ear was adorable.
Your hand moved on its own as you brushed his hair away from his eyes. He stirred a little and mumbled your name, but soon after he went back to sleep, with a cute pout on his lips, you had the right mind to just snuggle up closer to him and fall back asleep in his arms, but unfortunately, you had work which you were now going to be late to cause you stayed and adored your fuck buddy for ten minutes too long.
And that’s when you came to the shocking realization that he was no longer your fuck buddy. He was so much more than that.
He was your stress relief. He was your go-to when you were feeling low. He was the only thing that kept you somewhat grounded with your hectic schedules.
Your pacing came to a dramatic halt. Without thinking twice about it, you called his phone so he could come over, and you’d do something you never thought of doing.
You were going to confess.
No biggie, right? If he turns you down, you’d be able to take it, right? It’s just rejection, right? Not like all the others who gave you hope and just left you, so everything would be okay.
One long sigh escapes your body, and your heart literally feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest from how fast it’s racing.
After the third ring, you felt like hanging up. Everything in your body was screaming at you to hang up, but the thought of hearing his voice on the other side made you stay on the line.
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Well, thirty days, one whole month has passed, and still, there was no indication that you liked him back, so he decided to give up on the idea of being with you entirely.
Even though he didn’t feel like it, Jay had convinced him to go out so he could take his mind off you and celebrate him moving on from you, which in his mind was not something to be celebrated. What was there to celebrate about him getting his heart absolutely crushed?
Still, he couldn’t deny it would take his mind off you, so he agreed so they could all finally band together how they used to. Heck, it’s been months since he even spoke to Jake or Sunghoon.
“I’m proud of you,” Jay says over the music in the club that they’re currently visiting.
Heeseung barely managed to smile. He knew Jay was being supportive, and he was beyond thankful for it, but right now, it was just a tough time for him to be going through.
“Yeah, Jake won’t admit it, but he misses you,” Sunghoon adds while refilling his cup.
“I do not!” Jake's eyes widened as he smacked sunghoons shoulder.
“So why did I catch you looking at old pictures of us with tears in your eyes?” Sunghoon taunts.
“He did that?!” Heeseung says, suddenly interested in Jake’s silly behavior.
Sunghoon nodded. “And then he tried to play it off and say “he was drunk,” but I still don’t believe him,”
“Well, you guys don’t have to miss me any longer,” heeseung says regretfully.
Jake and Sunghoon both look at him with questionable looks, and Jay gives him a nod to continue.
“I’m not seeing you know who anymore,” he tells them they already knew the reason for his absence and that it was because he was with you nearly every single day.
The table goes silent for a while, sunghoon and Jake not knowing what to say. It’s been a year since heeseung had been seeing you and trying to get with you.
They knew just how much he truly liked you, so they didn’t know what to say about the sensitive topic.
“Say something, guys,” heeseung chuckles, uncomfortable from the obvious silence. “Come on, I already feel pathetic enough, so please don’t pity me” he forced a smile while pouring himself a drink despite his cup being nearly full, and it was clear he was just putting on a front for his friends.
“We’re sorry,” Sunghoon mutters.
“Yeah, we know you liked her a lot. It’s all my fault. I should have never made you talk to her” Jake slumped in his chair, sulking.
“It’s no one’s fault but my own, so there is no need to feel sorry. Just fill me in on what you all have been up to?” He smiles while changing the topic to something else.
“We just got back fro-“ Jay goes silent when he sees heeseung’s phone light up.
Heeseung heard his phone buzzing. He tried to ignore it, but he just had to know if it was you or not. He flipped it over, and low and behold, it was you calling him for once at a decent hour. His fingers were itching to hit the accept button, and he was about to until he looked up and saw Jay quietly shaking his head back and forth.
He sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair, continuing to let it ring, but Jay was right.
He just wonders why all of a sudden, were you calling him before two in the morning. You always called him late, well, except for that one time.
“But-“ Heeseung says, still watching his phone buzzing.
“Don’t,” Jay warns.
“Just one more night,” heeseung pleads.
“What is one more night going to change? Besides, you owe this to me, to us, and more importantly to yourself, enough of this already. When are you going to wake up and see that she doesn’t care about you!” Jay says agitatedly, and he instantly regrets his words when he sees heeseung’s face completely drop.
The table once again fell silent until the call had ended.
“I-I didn’t mean it like that-“ Heeseung cuts Jay off with a small smile.
“No, you’re right” he swallows the lump in his throat. “She doesn’t care about me” he smiles sadly, his finger hovering over the block button, and with trembling hands, he closes his eyes as a single tear runs down his cheek, and he finally does. He taps the block button regretfully. “I think I should go home,” he tells the group and wipes his tears before they could see that he was crying.
“No,” Jake quickly stands up and grabs his hand. “We need to cheer you up,” Sunghoon nods in agreement.
“Thanks, guys, but I’m really not in the moo-“
“Nonsense, we’re gonna dance all the pain away! Isn’t that right, hoon?” Jake says with a smile.
“I haven’t danced since prom,” Sunghoon grumbles but stands up never the less. “You’re not gonna make me do this alone,” he laughs and coaxes Jay into their little cheer-up group.
“I’m gonna need another drink for this one,” Jay says but takes the whole bottle to the dance floor instead.
“It’s late. I think-“ Heeseung still tries to protest, but obviously, they were not having it.
“No thinking, just dancing,” Jake interrupted.
“Fine,” heeseung finally shows them a genuine smile when he sees his other friends already dancing or whatever they were calling it. “But no girls.”
“Pfft, girls? Who needs em’? This is boys' night!” Jake shouts over the music, and heeseung can’t help but smile at the fact that his friends were willing to make absolute fools out of themselves just so he could cheer up, but maybe Jake was right. Who needs girls when you have your best friends?
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You pout when you hear the call go to his voicemail.
You don’t want to seem desperate, but at this point, you are you haven’t seen him for a few days, and you miss him dearly and not just for sex, so without another thought, you call him again, except this time, it doesn’t even ring, which makes you furrow your brows in confusion and frown.
After five more attempts, you can only conclude that he must have blocked your number. At first, you thought maybe his phone was dead, but why would it have rung multiple times before?
You sat on your sofa, sighing to yourself as you set your phone aside and cupped your face in your hands as tears started to gather in your eyes. “You did it again,” you say to yourself, feeling that same heartbreak that you never wished to feel again.
Maybe this was just your fate falling in love only for your heart to get broken over and over again.
Like a never ending cycle.
No wonder he called you a few days ago. Now you were connecting the dots. He must have been calling you to break things off, and when you didn’t answer, he just decided to block you.
You hated yourself cause how could you let this happen again when you told yourself it wouldn’t, but in your defense, heeseung just felt different. You don’t know why, but he did so different that you let your walls down and let him into your heart, only for him to steal it and run away.
You smiled to yourself, already trying to mend your heart. This has happened before, and you made it through, so this was nothing new you wiped your tears and convinced yourself that everything would be okay and that you’d be okay.
Cause heartbreak always comes and goes.
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Tell me how you liked it. Please don’t forget to reblog!!!
Permanent taglist:®• @hello-stranger24 @ashxsmoon @lhsggg @scarlet127 @bunhoons @axartia @kpopscruggles @badidealy @heeseungleeworld @jayroseyy @bangchanhasbigfeet @duolingofanaccount @oceanyocean @hee-in @heesgirl @bambisgirl @heeaddict @heartandfangs @nyxtwixx @iamliacamila
Thank you so much for reading. Likes and reblogs are always appreciated. I hope you all enjoy. Sorry for any typos/errors, and as always, enjoy your day/night.🤍🖤
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barb-l · 4 months
As a desperate lesbian who has been wanting a sapphic Wednesday portrayed for AAAAGES now, I still can't believe these things that the show gave me:
THE Wednesday Addams being shown jealous of a character that barely has any lines MULTIPLE times just because Enid mayyybe wants to choose said minor character as a roomie/bestie over her
BFFs Thing and Enid ganging up on Wednesday over her fashion sense and her pouting about it
Wednesday, who takes pride in her independence and relishes in isolation, admitting to have missed anyone is unthinkable. But she did! In her own way. Even if she was roundabout with her admittance, the fact that she got called out by both Thing and the goddamn villain shows how down bad she was during that fallout with Enid
"Thing said he missed you" and the way she visibly struggles against her nature to say "Skip the tape" with the tape symbolizing her breaking down her walls for Enid
something about Thornhill, who is played by an actress who also used to play Wednesday, telling this new Wednesday that she has to admit someday how much Enid has come to mean to her is just... ugh. Will never get over how much it adds so many layers to Wednesday's self-denial.
she held off all the insults in her bottomless vocabulary so she wouldn't completely offend Enid over the snood she made for her. She sugarcoated her words for Enid, which Wednesday NEVER does. In fact, it's the opposite of what she always does!
Enid VS Tyler bearing so much resemblance to that classic trope where the Love Interest saves the girl from the other Love Interest, even being a parallel to the fight between Gomez and Garret over Morticia
Enid lamented how she would never find a mate because she's not a real werewolf and would hence die alone, to which Wednesday remarks that it's a good thing in episode one. To emphasize Wednesday's apparent indifference to isolation, she is told that her nature as a raven means that she is fated to be alone like Enid feared for herself. In the finale, after Wednesday accepts that she doesn't want to be alone in the wake of her fallout with Enid, Enid finally wolfs out to save Wednesday. Enid made Wednesday realize that she doesn't actually like being alone, at least not when it meant she wouldn't have Enid by her side. In turn, Wednesday's life being threatened gave Enid the push to finally wolf out and, supposedly, now be given an opportunity to be eligible for a mate. I mean... I don't have high hopes, but the narrative is making it too easy to make it look like they were meant for each other
The heavy implication that Wednesday joined the Poe Cup because Bianca specifically said she wanted to make Enid cry over losing. The fact that she always deflected whenever Enid tried to confirm that Wednesday is doing it for her, but she never outright denied it!
"The mark you have left on me is indelible" and "I'll think of you" about Enid aksnnzzinsosnsj she gets sooooo sappy for herrrr
THE HUG. For people she's very very soft for, like her family, she only ever let THEM touch her. She's never show to start or reciprocate. SHE pulls Enid back into her. She holds Enid just as tightly, despite the injuries and despite Enid's pink coat. Enid toughens up for her but Wednesday is so vulnerable for her my god im so ill for them 💀
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haechvn · 2 years
Sit Down Please (Headcanon) (18+ NSFW)
Pairing: Shuri x F!Reader
Warning: Nasty whoreish good for nothing filth..
Summary/Request: Am I the only one that thinks Shuri would love when reader sits on her face 👀🥵
Word Count: 0.7k+
Author’s Note: Just read you whores. Thank you Anon! <3
Taglist :  @melodykisses, @blackhottie25, @tonakings, @coalmistyy, @szalipcombo, @prettyluhlaiiii, @yelenabelovasgf, @callmeoncette, @clqrosmgc, @beautybyfire, @homelessmicechild, @shurisbitch
Translations: Sthandwa = My love
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The S in Shuri also stands for seat in case you didn’t know
Her facial structure is so pristine and clean cut. Why you may ask? IT’S BC THAT’S WHERE YOUR COOCHIE IS DESIGNED TO BE
Wants to eat you out in her lab, the throne room (ON THE THRONEEEE), on a ship. Literally everywhere
Don’t think about how Shuri practically begs you every morning to eat you as a part of her breakfast
“Sthandwa, as Princess of Wakanda, I decree that you must place yourself on my face in order for me to truly be able to guide my country in the best way possible. I cannot go without it. ”
Just the thought of her tongue circling your clit gives her more strength than the heart-shaped herb
She loves when you choke her with your pussy, constantly moaning into your pussy and rubbing both of her hands over your ass
Breathing isn’t that important anyways
You could see your juice fall down on the sides of her face and make her jaw glitter omg
She would ask you to wipe it off with your fingers and stick them in your mouth I—
Tugging you further and further into her mouth as if she is treasure hunting up your insides
Shuri would force you to always keep your eyes on her
But other times, she would shut her eyes so tight and just focus on how soft and luscious you feel in her mouth and she wouldn’t be able to stop moaning i promise
Being the kinky fuck she is, she may or may not put a finger up your a—
She wouldn’t let you go until you’ve cum at least twice and she would want you to watch her gulp your cum down her throat OMG AH
Constantly shaking her head north south east and west, wanting to catch every part of you in her mouth
I think she would also have a thing for biting your clit
Like when you feel like you are going to explode and want to run away, she would teasingly bite you and pull you down even closer or wrap your legs around her head even tighter bc she could care less if she died between your thighs or not
I feel like when she goes down on you, she’s more of a munch vs a fingering kinda gal buttt
Every time she fingers you, it's always three fingers bc she needs you to feel her in all her glory
She likes doing the infamous ‘come here’ motion but at any extremely slow place so you would feel her fingers on your g spot for AT LEAST five seconds at a time
while doing that, Shuri would move her whole head in circles going in one direction (#zarry) and have her tongue moving in the opposite direction!!!!
Would force you to sit on her during zoom calls and phone conversations
“You better bounce this pussy on my face Princess before I punish you for not being slutty enough for me” !!!!!!
Loves when you grab her hair and force her head up and just GRIND THE FUCK OUT OF THAT STUNNING FACE
You would always be seeing her eyes roll to the back of her head and fuck does she look amazing
Would completely blow down to you when you reach back and start stroking her pussy bc your Queen needs attention too &lt;3
Rubbing on her clit or fingering her would literally bring growls out of Shuri likee
She would deliver the hardest and loudest slaps to your ass, and groan like the little bitch she is bc truth be told, SHE LIKE BEING HANDLED LIKE A WHORE
She would grind her hips up to meet your fingers and just whore herself out
I can see her wanting to eat you out for an entire hour but “baby you have an entire country to rule”
“yea and somehow this pussy is still more important” 
I rest my case
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gayelderstourney · 10 months
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Bob Zanotto/Helmut Fullbear:
they are married in canon and are epic and amazing. they had sad canon events where bob thought helmut was dead for like 30 years or something but helmut WASN'T dead his brain was still alive and they are reunited in the game first by way of stealing an evil dictator's body and then later on they put helmut's brain in a ball as a temporary fix while they go out to find his body which has been frozen in ice. the game forces you to walk through bob's memory of saying his vows at their wedding ceremony and it's seriously some of the most romantic and heartwarming shit i've ever heard, especially "just when i thought i was turning to seed, you made me bloom again" like my god. i love them
they're gay and old as hell!!!! there's a level dedicated to their wedding!!!
Helmut is voiced by Jack Black and is currently a brain in a ball, and Bob knows him so well that the mental image of him in his drunken mind says things Bob KNOWS the real Helmut would never say. Also Helmut is temporarily in the body of a guy voiced by Elijah Wood-
Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio:
well you see they used to be friends but were on opposite sides of the great turf war. cuttlefish gets a 14 year old to go stop octavios army. also they argue in splatoon 3 which is just part of the 100+ year divorce arc BUT AT THE FINAL BOSS IN THE JAPANESE VERSION THEY SHARE THE ICONIC LINE THAT CUES THE CALAMARI INKANTATION AND IN THE ENGLISH CUTTLEFISH TELLS OCTAVIO TO "HIT IT" AND START THE MUSIC AND MUSIC IS SO IMPORTANT TO THE SPLATOON UNIVERSE YAAAAA ik its grasping but its lovers to enemies
Literally I have seen so many people call this old man yaoi.
Old men divorce!!!
They're old men who made their divorce the problem of every young person in their lives <3. 100 years ago during the Great Turf War between inklings and octarians, Craig and Octavio were the chosen ambassadors of their respective species. They got along well, but unfortunately found themselves on opposite sides of the war. During one of the battles Craig shot Octavio in the heart. The inlkings won the war and the octarians were forced underground. For years afterward both men grew bitter towards each other, and eventually Octavio attacked the new Squidbeak Splatoon (a group of secret agents recruited by Craig). Octavio lost both times and got imprisoned in a giant snow globe (and Craig calls him cute). In the latest game Octavio got over his hatred for Inklings (Craig's species) and used his flying mech to help defeat the BBEG of the game. After the final fight, Craig said something to the effect of 'that old rascal turned out to be not so bad!'.
Alright ok hear me out! These two old men have fought in wars for their races against each other and have the craziest pathetic old man homoerotic tension ever. They like, went from at least respecting each other before the war and then they were forced to fight each other and then when Cuttlefish's side won, Octavio went underground like a pathetic lil wet cat and later on he kidnapped Cuttlefish because of game related reasons and both of them still have way too much homoerotic tension!!! And then Octavio gets owned and then in the second game Octavio decides that "Hey actually, lets kidnap Cuttlefish's granddaughter" and the old man isnt even there cause hes busy being a pathetic old man in the under-underground!!! And in the third game they go fron rival/enemies to reluctantly working together to save the world from actual extinction bc some durry bitch wants to cover it in fuzzy ooze and like, both of them have so much old man ship potential and just- theyre still pining for each other even after over a 100 years man,,,,
I personally headcanon Cap'n Cuttlefish as homophobic, but I see the ship a lot and think it's funny.
They’re both at least like 125 probably a bit older, they are so divorced, like peak lovers to enemies back to lovers, Cap’n Cuttlefish calls Octavio cute in Splatoon one immediately after you rescue him from Octavio kidnapping him? So dysfunctional, so gay, so old
They fought in the Great Turf War which was said to be over 100 years ago, Capn Cuttlefish was, well, a captain I believe (he had some sort of rank even if he wasn't a captain, like he led a battle that's singled out in the sunken scrolls of the first game). they act so divorced in the singleplayer mode like they cannot stop insulting each other specifically but octavio always comes back and like kidnaps or insults captain cuttlefish it's so. and when the great zapfish gets stolen in splatoon 3 captain cuttlefish is like "it's the octarians again i know it" like divorced behavior. also it wasn't this time and octavio gets super weird about it. maybe you should stop using children as props in your drama though.
my favorite war crime divorcees <3
They basically are friends to enemies to lovers. Both of them fought in a war that hurt DJ Octavio so bad he can’t become an inkling.
friends -> enemies -> lovers. what more is there to say
they are soooo divorced
they were so gay their breakup ended a war
Craig Cuttlefish got sucked dry by a bear
they got divorced but then they got remarried . they fuckinf hate eachother but they also make out sloppy style and i do not know how that works because neither of them have mouths in their swim form which they are both permanently stuck in. love wins but also loses at the same time with these fucking losers
they are sooo divorced omg. istg they were dating when they were younger and then war n shit happened and now theyre bitter exes who probably still make out sometimes. Makes it so much funnier that theyre old ass men (both over 100!) and Cuttlefish has grandkids
They were on opposite sides of a war and still fell in love
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I loved your peter vs Alastor story, can we possibly get a part two? Like maybe Peter is looking for her and she hears about it through the news or something from missing persons reports. She’s changed her name and Alastor has told her there’s nothing to worry about, but keeps having dreams about Peter finding her? You can choose how it ends!
A/N: I didn’t think people would want a part two to that but since you asked you shall receive! I love writing about Yanderes going against each other it’s so much fun 🤗. I watched the first four episodes of Hazbin Hotel and guys i LOVE IT SO MUCH. I’m so glad I waited for this show, and I’m so glad other people are enjoying it as much as I am. Special thanks to @a-bookworms-teashop or also known as @forbidden-sunlight, for helping me with this short story! As per usual we all know I like cliffhangers so expect a part three soon <<33 happy reading & enjoy!
Warnings: violence, obsessive tendencies, mentions of blood, lots of manipulation, talks of mental abuse, lots of dark content ahead!!
Songs you can listen too while reading: Close to you by Rihanna. Slipping through my fingers by ABBA. Desire by Megan Myers. Love on the Brain by Rihanna. Forget her by Jeff Buckley. Meet me in the hallway by Harry Styles. The Grudge by Olivia Rodrigo.
Part 1
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
Forget her
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Living in New Orleans was nice. People were always so kind, and everyone was so welcoming. Getting a new name was easy, surprisingly. The government didn’t make it hard to run away from psycho ex boyfriends who didn’t know how to take a hint. Living with Alastor was nice. He was always a gentlemen, a gentle man, a good lover too. He made sure to never treat you the way Peter did.
In fact he was quite the opposite with you. Inviting you out to parties with him, keeping you out of the public eye as to not bring the wrong type of attention around. Everything felt like it was starting to get better. He would bring you flowers, take you to work with him even, or work from home. Alastor was nothing short of the perfect boyfriend. In fact he was perfect and more.
But lately, something seemed to have you on edge. He had been fidgety. Checking his phone constantly but always reassuring you with the polite smile. A reassuring one he tried to keep on, but you saw right through. He was hiding something and you wanted to know what.
According to Husk, Peter had since moved out of the apartment he had been living in, with no notice too. He had gone completely ghost. There was no sign of him anywhere, according to your knowledge. It was a Saturday evening when it had all happened. When your intuition had finally proved to be right.
“You said I wouldn’t be seen.” You said, the article about an appearance the two of you had made up on your phone. Alastor was walking through the kitchen, tossing various ingredients into a large pot, his jambalaya coming along nicely.
“ Dear please, there hasn’t been any sign of you for months. I doubt the bastard has even seen it, let alone have any access to technology.” He brushed you off with a chuckle, sliding the ingredients off the cutting board and into the pot. You sighed and put your phone down on the counter. Maybe you were being over paranoid. But ever since reading the article, a chill had ran up your spine that didn’t seem to be leaving any time soon. Alastor noticed you looking off to the side, lost in your own mind. He reaches out, hands brushing your sides gently. “Why don’t you take a bath, hm? Ill even set it up for you. What do you say dear?” He asks calmly, a hand on your lower back, ushering you out of the kitchen and past the open living room, making your way down the hall to the bathroom.
“ Alright fine. But we need to talk about this later.” You say, and he responds to you with a kiss on your cheek. You go to your shared bedroom, going through the large walk in closet to find a change of clothes for after your bath. The water is running in the bathroom, the smell of fragrances light on your senses. You make your way back to the bathroom to see Alastor leaning over the tub slightly, candles already lit on the sides of the tub to allow you to relax. There’s your favorite book next to a cup of wine, along with the radio playing light jazz. Everything is perfect, as it should be, and for a moment you can forget the feeling of strained eyes on you. You can forget it all as you’re embraced by a man who loves you. Who truly cares.
“ Take your time darling. I must run out for a bit to get some extra ingredients. Will you be fine without me?” He asks, taking the robe from you as you sink down into the tub, eyeing you carefully, enough to give you butterflies. You smile, one of his favorites and nod, reaching to the side to pick up your glass of wine, the red stains your lips slightly as you pull the cup away.
“I think Ill be okay, thank you love. Be quick please, I might just nap here.” You say jokingly. Alastor smiles, folding your robe up neatly in his hands before nodding to you lightly. He leans down to kiss you, a soft tender kiss, before leaving you in the bathroom alone. It’s when you hear the front door shut that you sigh, now knowing he’s gone. The water is just right, just warm enough on your skin for you to rest your eyes a bit.
A bit turns into an hour, and when you hear a loud glass shatter from the kitchen is when you wake up from your nap. You hadn’t been serious about sleeping in the tub, but mistakes happen. You quickly pull at the drain, the water slowly slipping down as you grab your towel and get yourself dressed, sliding a simple nightgown on before stepping out of the bathroom. “Alastor?” You call, but you’re met with silence. Your vision is hazy, the steam from the water seeming to create some sort of film over your sight, but you manage. Walking down the hall and into the living area, you see a vase shattered on the ground. What you don’t expect to see, is a distraught Peter standing across from you.
“Guess again Baby.” He says with a smile. He sighs and takes in your appearance, eyes completely devouring your appearance. “What are you doing here?” You ask, panic written all over your face.
“How did you find me?” You ask again. Peter tuts at you, standing straight up, revealing just how tall he really was in comparison to you. He has a folder in his hand, one he throws on the floor in between the two of you, and it just barely touches your feet as it slides across the floor. “What is this?” You ask, eyeing him closely. He grins, hands behind his back as he watches you pick up the folder.
“Your perfect boyfriend.” He responds. The pictures inside reveal themselves before you can even process whats going on. Pictures of Alastor and you about in the city. Ones of the two of you at home, the two of you at dinner. Intimate moments, things that were supposed to be private. All laid out right in front of you. A picture of Alastor and you at a friends wedding. His face was burned out of the photo, but you knew who it was. The more photos you looked through the more you found. Magazine clippings of Alastor with you in the town. Paparazzi seeing you both together at parties, dancing around each other like no one was watching but the worlds eyes were on you. Peters eyes were on you.
“He told me-“
“Told you what?” Peter snickered, stepping closer, the broken glass crunching under his feet. You kept going through photos, one right after the other. Then, one really caught your attention. Mimzy. She had been so obsessed with Alastor and how you were no good for him. Now, in front of you was a photo, the two of them with their arms around each other, almost like lovers, but not quite friends. How long ago was this? Why didnt he tell you about this?
“He doesn’t love you. Not the way I do.” Peter said, stepping closer, arms raising for a hug. “ Let’s just go home. We can put this all behind us. I can forgive you.” He said, a smile on his face. He was still the same. He thought he had done no wrong. He lowers his arms when he sees you don’t come closer, but instead reaches for your hands, pulling them to his chest. “What do you need? Money? I can give you that. If- if you want more freedom we can go out! We can do whatever you want-“ He pleaded, eyes begging for yours to look at him. “Please, just come back. He took you away from where you were safe. Now you have everyone judging you, when you don’t need that.” He said, hand cupping your chin to force you to look at him. “Are you really happy here?” He asks.
It feels like time freezes for a moment. Were you really happy? All the press, Alastor always being gone or out at parties. The social events. The liquor, the drugs. The dancers and the crowds of people together. With Alastor, it was always a party. But with Peter, things were different.
With Peter, you were quiet. Alone but without the drugs, the partying and the social interaction. With Peter you really never lifted a finger, not like you physically could. Peter always brought gifts home, even if he was upset with you. He always did laundry, had things neat and tidy, or as much as they could in the small apartment. With Peter, you were taken care of. With Peter, you lived a calm life.
Well, at least that was how he saw it.
With Peter, there was a constant fear surrounding you. Suffocating you. He never let you live, took away your freedom and your life to keep you tied down to him. He had hurt you on multiple occasions, raising a hand to the person he swore to love so dearly. He had threatened to kill your family, your friends, anyone who stood in between the two of you. Peter didn’t love you, no, he was obsessed. Did you really want that life back?
“I.. I am happy here.” You finally said, pulling yourself away from Peter. His eyes looked defeated. He looked, complex. In a matter of seconds his demeanor changed entirely, standing tall in his anger, his pride.
“Happy? Happy with a man who took you from me?!” He yelled, lunging forward and caging you between him and the wall. His eyes looked manic, like something had snapped. It was only then you noticed him reaching into his pocket, glass shard in hand. “I told you what would happen if you ever left.” He said, hand in the air as the shard came down quickly. A slice to your cheek had you sliding down the wall, tears streaming down your face as blood ran down your neck, fingers shakily holding onto yourself for some support.
“Peter please-“ you pleaded with a whisper. Even after all these months away from him he still managed to make you feel so small.
“I see what’s going on.” He said, chuckling a bit. He crouches down, eye level with you now. “He has you completely brainwashed doesn’t he. I’m sure he-“ He stops when he hears the front lock being turned. The door opens to reveal a humming Alastor, eyes shut as he hums a song to himself softly. He turns to lock the door, before turning back around, finally opening his eyes to see the sight of Peter and you on the ground.
Everyone is quiet for a moment. Peter looks panicked, Alastor looks, unreadable, and you look, frightened. Alastor drops the bag of groceries, and before you can process what’s happening there’s a knife being drawn from under his shirt sleeve. Not a large one, but a size big enough to kill a man. To kill Peter. Peter stands quickly, clutching the glass shard in his hand so tight he begins to cut himself. The two meet in the middle, Peter swinging to try to slice Alastors neck. Something about the way Peter misses, the way Alastor inhales sharply. His eyes widen but in a different way. One you’d never seen from him before. There’s a difference in the way his eyes gloss over, the shine in them just a bit brighter than before.
Nothing would ever be the same after tonight.
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Ineffable discontinuity and the Bentley's roadtrip transformation: new back doors and other changes (after it was yellow), and Crowley... didn't notice?!*
*Also, as a side observation, did he leave the Bentley window open during the ball and everything that happened after? Why?
Have you been longing to be even more perplexed by the ineffable discontinuity of Good Omens season 2? Do you love endless data in the form of screencaps? If so, then please join me on this wild ride! Here are some highlights:
Top photos: Season 1, episode 6, after Adam reboots reality; S2e2, before Aziraphale's e3 road trip. The Bentley is a gray and black 2-tone car with 2 doors (only 1 handle is visible on each side).
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And on the bottom is s2e5, while Crowley is driving, it's a solid black car with 4 doors and smaller silver hubcaps.
(edit: For those of you thinking about the different Bentley models used in s1 vs s2 (discussed in detail below), or the difference between the full car and half car set, just those three full car pictures above demonstrate that the new s2 Bentley model is NOT the reason for this mid-season shift. For more details about the half car set plus other ways to tell the Bentleys apart - without talking about color - see my newer post with handy diagrams, here.)
And the s2 interior?
Here's e1, after Crowley talks to Shax, and e3, as Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh (which is also when the Bentley debuts as a 4-door). And look at this blocking - how both characters are posed so similarly with their backs to us in these shots!! It's so deliberate! :
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And look at the seats! In e2, Crowley is talking to Shax again, and in e5, Crowley just parked the Bentley before the ball:
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When Crowley, who is so tuned in that he senses the car is yellow and driving too slow even from a distance, sees the "new" Bentley in e4, he doesn't act as though anything has changed, he just happily and purposefully walks up and opens the back door that was never there to put his plants inside.
For that matter, Crowley and Aziraphale both seem to be unaware of the changes! This feels like both a metaphor and a functional plot device for season 3. There's more discussion at the end of this post!
Thanks to comments and observations awhile back from @bbbitchvibbbez , I did some careful searching for s2 scenes featuring the Bentley, and this post is the labor of love and irrational obsession result!
If you want to see lots more Bentley screencaps and discussion, including Crowley nonchalantly using the new back door, and possibly also leaving the Bentley window open during the ball and everything that followed, please keep reading:
Some background and context:
Ok, so there was a different Bentley "actor" for s2. The s1 actor was a 2-door, the s2 actor is a 4-door. If you look carefully, you'll see that in s1 the backseat side windows are smaller than the front side windows. In s2, they're the same size. I talk more about the windows - with handy diagrams! - in my newer Bentley post, here.
There's also been some controversy about the interior color of the s2 Bentley, black vs brown, and how that could relate to the s2 body swap theory; here are details about that from @lonicera-caprifolium and @picturesque-about-it. I don't think my findings support (or disprove) that theory, but take a look at what I found and see what you think!
(*Please don't ask Neil about any of this, he's already given us the answers he wants to give, and he's not going to spoil the surprises in s3 now by telling us what's really going on!*)
Here's the episode/scene breakdown:
S2e1 on the street with Shax - gray, two toned, two doors (one visible door handle on a side), brown interior - both the seats and the inside panel of the door. Notice how the door is hinged at the back, and opens opposite the way most modern cars do (this is called a suicide door):
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More s2e1 photos, the Bentley is in a lot of scenes this episode and as far as I can tell it stays the same gray 2-door for the whole episode, but it's frequently in dark lighting to make it harder to tell it isn't actually black (I've brightened most of these shots). It also has larger silver hubcaps, and I notice consistent brown seats (these interior pics are from three different scenes):
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In s2e2, the Bentley is only in two scenes, and it's the same as s2e1. Now, you can see in the larger photo below that it's obviously not the SAME as s1 - the backseat side windows are too long - but the production team DID try to make the new Bentley "actor" look the same as in season 1. It's a gray 2-tone car with 2 doors (1 handle visible on each side) with larger silver hubcaps. As an aside, what's with the red lights on the car in this shot?? I mean, yes, it's a reflection of another car's brake lights, but why put that onscreen?
Also, in case it's relevant, Crowley is wearing his turtleneck throughout this episode, and still has the silver-sided glasses from e1:
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Ok, now we have s2e3, and as Crowley meets Muriel and gives Aziraphale his car keys, we see he's no longer wearing the turtleneck, AND this is when his glasses change to black-sided ones:
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Outside, we see the Bentley looks the same as the rest of s2 thus far, as Aziraphale sets off for Edinburgh. Gray 2-tone, brown interior (with window bullet hole decals very visible), with larger silver hubcaps. There's only one handle visible, so it's still meant to look like a 2-door:
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Ok, here's where things start to change! Azi is driving and the Bentley is yellow. The seats might (?) be black, there's still only one door handle on the side, the silver hubcaps are still larger. But when he "changes it back", NOW it's black:
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And by the time he pulls into Edinburgh, Transformation Complete. (Did Something Else Happen?? Or is this an effect of Aziraphale finally being welcome to take care of this extension of Crowley? More speculation at the end!) It's a black 4-door, two handles clearly visible on the side, with smaller silver hubcaps:
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And the interior? The door panel, at least, is black now - and it has a texture that wasn't there when it was brown. Here's e1 next to e3 (and appreciate, again, this very intentional parallel blocking of the two actors!):
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In s2e4, we see the Bentley in two scenes; at the beginning when Aziraphale meets Shax-as-hitchhiker, where we see the bullet holes and the black door lining, and at the end when the Bentley is reunited with Crowley:
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When Aziraphale parks the Bentley back at the bookshop, we see the bullet hole decals and that it's still a black 4-door:
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So he goes to meet Crowley, they come back with the plants. We can see that the camera is to the rear of the car, and the front of the car is to their left. They're standing on the left side of the car. If Crowley opens the door, we won't see the interior door panel, right? Because the Bentley doors are hinged on the back, instead of the front, so the door will open towards us:
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WELL. Mx "I can feel when you drive below the speed limit" and "change it back!" Crowley very eagerly walks up to the BLACK car, greets it with some sweet baby talk, and then opens the suddenly-existing BACK door with a hinge on the front (so it opens away from us) as if this is All Perfectly Normal, and we can (barely) see the door lining and it's BLACK and textured:
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A few more shots of Crowley, standing at the brand-new back door of the Bentley, still wearing those black-sided glasses:
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And in case you're wondering, in s1e2 when Anathema gets a ride in the Bentley, she climbs into the backseat from the front driver door, and she climbs out through the front passenger door. There wasn't a back door on either side. Here she climbs into the Bentley, and you can see Crowley fold down the front seat, and there's clearly only one door on that side, and it's hinged at the back. (When she gets out on the passenger side, it's harder to see, but you can tell that door is also hinged at the back.) :
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In s2e5, Crowley drives the Bentley to the bookshop, and then we only catch a few small glimpses of it while Aziraphale is recruiting shopkeepers to the meeting/ball. Here's Crowley driving the black 4-door Bentley with small silver hubcaps, and here he is getting out of the car with black seats. The front door is still hinged at the back, as it always has been. The window is open - his hand is reaching through to open the door - so we can't see the bullet hole decals:
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The next time we see more than a hint of the Bentley, it's the end of s2e6 and Crowley is standing next to it, watching Azi leave with the Metatron. It's still black, with 4 doors and black seats and smaller hubcaps. We don't see the bullet hole decals, but perhaps the window is still open from when he parked it in e5? (And WHY would he leave the window open? Was someone supposed to come by after he parked it to deliver something to the Bentley, or take something out?) Emotional photos ahead:
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I over exposed that last picture, to make the colors really easy to pick out. The seats are absolutely, definitely black.
So... what does it mean? Why did it happen, and why didn't Crowley notice or react?
I love the metaphor that Aziraphale subconsciously created a back door for - or into - Crowley, especially with all those references to the "back channels" of communication between heaven and hell. I'm thinking it could represent - or actually be - another way for them to communicate, or like another entrance to his heart; it's something that Aziraphale doesn't realize he changed or added and that Crowley hasn't noticed yet either, even if he's making use of those changes on some level. I'm sure other metaphors could also fit!
And I'm reminded of something @theeminentlyimpractical said, "Crowley, despite his whining, fully accepts the idea of "our car," which fundamentally transforms the Bentley". That post was liked by Neil, so there could definitely be something to this "our car" transformation line of thinking.
So, was the transformation a subconscious effect of Aziraphale finally being welcome by Crowley to drive the Bentley, and caring for and taking responsibility for this part of Crowley? Or did Aziraphale consciously do this, or did Crowley? Or maybe the Bentley is sentient, and it chose to be bigger/different now, to accommodate both of them. Or did the change happen in response to Something Else We Didn't See?
Is Crowley's (and Aziraphale's) apparent non-reaction another example of an unreliable narrator or some memory tampering? Is manipulation of the Book of Life involved? Are there multiple timelines? Is someone time traveling? Or is it just that Aziraphale and Crowley already discussed the changes off screen, before Aziraphale left Edinburgh?
If Crowley noticed the changes, I would have expected a comment about them. Either, "change it back!" or a reluctant, "those are changes I can live with", or... Something. But instead, the production team went to some trouble to make sure the hints are there, but hard to spot (you can review the similar, careful s1 hints about the appearance swap here, from @fuckyeahgoodomens); as opposed to, for one example, the way they very clearly pointed out Maggie's mysterious spelling mistake, both on screen and in the dialogue. So I feel reasonably certain the Bentley's transformation is a careful, subtle hint about a Secret Something Important That Will Be Revealed In Season 3. I think it's both a metaphor and a plot device*.
What are some of your favorite metaphors? Your most reasonable theories? What about some of your biggest, wildest, most improbable theories?
*And if you enjoy Good Omens metas, theories, clues, etc, I have a big pinned collection of those from the fandom, here!
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Heroes vs. Villains : Pomefiore [Part 2]
Gender Neutral Reader x Pomefiore vs. Neige Leblanche Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. Pomefiore Version (Part 2)
ie. The scarf is an issue, because of course it's an issue. And Vil's sudden addiction to his phone is not going well for any of you.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
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“What did you do?” Epel hissed from behind an entire department store’s worth of facial products.
“What?! I didn’t do anything!” you argued. Trying to sound stern when you were also putting a concerted effort into not moving your mouth was apparently very hard. A lip mask, Vil had called it. ‘Pretentious goop’ was a far better description. But the Pomefiore House Warden had been particularly dour lately, so you’d been letting him slather you will all kinds of atrocities in the name of keeping the peace. You’d smelled like a walking Bath & Body Works for the past week at least. And worst of all, if you ever made that comparison out loud he’d probably hemorrhage. Or something. Because each of these products was ‘special ordered’ or ‘hand crafted’ and blablabla.
“Well pardon me for not takin’ your word for it,” the purple-haired boy snapped, spiteful. “He only gets like this when someone’s hurt his stupid ego. Or worse—his feelings.”
“And why does that ‘someone’ have to be me?” you complained.
Epel shot you a look and you sighed into the misty air. The aroma diffuser gave another lackluster puff, as if in agreement.
Ever since your shopping trip, Vil had been acting… not quite right.  
Oh, he was still icy and composed. He still tutted at your untucked uniform shirts and irritably plucked stray bits of fuzz from your jacket. But it was almost like he was too much of himself. You’d liked to think that your laid back ‘you’re lovely no matter what and I live in a literal condemned building so who am I to judge anyone’ approach had softened the House Warden at one point—even if only a smidgen. A singular hair out of place was artful, not lazy. The barely-there wrinkle in his vest was not the end of civilized times, but functional fashion. But now? It was back to the strictest of regiments, the most unforgiving of rules.
Jack had told you that Vil was even waking before him now—that by the time the wolf-beastman arrived for their early morning jogs, the blonde had clearly already been up and training for hours.
And you were worried.
Sometimes Vil would look at his phone and get this twisted up, venomous, expression on his face that sent little pangs of concern eating through your gut. Sometimes Rook was there to reach forward and gently ease the device out of Vil’s death grip. Sometimes he was not, and you were far too afraid of losing your fingers to even try.
It was a vicious cycle. The phone would make Vil angry and subsequently be abandoned in the opposite corner of the room. So then Vil would bury himself in new makeups, and outfits, and skin care. He would fret over new projects, or old projects—ranting about the incompetence of whoever he would ‘never work with again, believe me.’ Sometimes he dragged you along to his Film Club (you’d watched so many classic movies with him at this point that you were actually starting to become culturally literate). And then—slowly but inevitably—his brilliant, purple, gaze would drift to the expensive rectangle sitting all alone off to the side, wherever he’d carefully and strategically placed it to be just out of reach. Gradually his fingers would start to twitch, and then his jaw. He’d drum his nails against his knee, or irritably tap the pointed heel of his shoe against the floor. And then the phone would be back in his hands and he’d be looking at something that sent him spiraling all the way back to the beginning again.
“I don’t know what to do,” you confided in Rook one afternoon. You hadn’t seen him yet, but a bush off to your left had jiggled suspiciously at one point, so you assumed that he was probably somewhere in the vicinity.
After a moment, the hunter came and perched himself at your side.
“Do you know what’s bothering him?” you asked. Rook seemed to know everything about everyone, and Vil was his muse, his Roi de Poison. He had to have noticed something by now.
The blonde nodded, the feather in his hat bobbing as he did.
“...You’re not going to tell me what it is, are you?” you huffed, not even attempting to bite back your irritation.  
Rook patted your shoulder sympathetically. “It is not my tale to tell, Mon Coeur. There are some things that I am told in confidence, and I cannot break that trust. Though I am sure he would greatly appreciate your concern.”
“Or you could just tell me,” you tried. “And then I wouldn’t have to be concerned at all.”
He tilted his hat at you, and then danced back easily when you tried to snatch it off his head.
“So, what’s the dealio,” Ace drawled, and he’d better thank his lucky stars that you didn’t startle quite as easily as you used to, because there was entire, opened, jar of Werecat urine in your hands that was just dying to wind up upended all down his white lab coat.
“What deal?” you snipped, carefully recapping the stinky ingredient and setting it off to the side. Tempting as the idea of dousing the redhead in supernatural piss was, Crewel would skin you for wasting components.  
“You spend a lot of time at Pomefiore,” Deuce added, much politer in his approach than Ace had been. “And lately their House Warden has been a bit…”
“Why has Captain Pissy-And-Perfect been so pissy?” Ace interrupted, leaning far too close over your cauldron to be any kind of safe. “Normally the only thing that twists him up that bad is Neige.”
Your mind whirled back to the incident at the mall. And as controlled as you liked to think you were about these sorts of things, your face must have done something because Ace pounced on you like Ruggie after a donut.
“What do you know?” he demanded, nearly spilling a whole bottle of Newt Eyes across the floor as he crowded into your personal space. “Tell me, tell me, tell me—"
“All I did was give Neige a scarf!” you snapped. “It’s not like it’s a big deal!”
“What scarf?” Deuce blinked back, confused.
“It was just some scarf that Vil put on me!”
The two of them made long, pointed, eye contact, and you immediately felt horribly out of the loop.
“Whelp. That tracks,” Ace sighed, just as Crewel popped up behind him to whip him across the back of his head with his pointer.
Your group of mangy idiots had gathered in the cafeteria for lunch—as was the ancient tradition of all starving students. The four of you had clustered around your usual table. Ace was busy squirting ketchup packets all over what would inevitably become Deuce’s seat when he finally got of the line. Jack was busy swishing said ketchup away with an irritated scowl. Epel sat across from you, as miserable and lemon scented as ever.
A lunch tray smacked the tabletop with an echoing bang and Deuce appeared behind it, frantically waved his cellphone in your faces.
“You guys have to watch this,” he said, deathly serious, before propping his phone up against your glass of water. It flopped forward with a resounding crack three times before he managed to get it to stay upright.
The five of you crouched around the teeny screen as the poppy chords of some Talk Show intro or other filtered through the tinny speakers.
“You know,” the interviewer beamed, all manicured sugar and over-bleached smiles. “With some of the things you’ve been posting lately, some people are saying that you’ve just got to be in love!”
The audience ooohed and aaaahed.
Neige Leblanche was sitting on the little leather sofa beside her, and he smiled in a way lit his entire face in a brilliant shade of pink. He was still wearing that goddamn purple scarf and immediately you could feel your temples pulsing with a migraine. This was going to be bad.
“Well,” he mumbled, bashful. “I can’t say you’re entirely wrong about that.”
Cue hordes of nearly rabid screaming. Ace winced and reached forward to tick down the volume.
“Why are we watching this?” Jack scowled, but he didn’t move his sharp glare from the illuminated screen.
“The Prefect gave Neige a scarf, and—”
“Shh,” Deuce hushed. “This is the bad part.”
“It’s a little bit silly,” Neige continued, glancing up at the host from beneath his dark lashes. “I don’t actually know their name. But we met a few weeks ago now and they were just—well they were amazing. They actually helped pull me out of a pretty sticky situation, and they were so composed through all of it! And then they didn’t even care about me being famous at all!” he rambled, getting brighter and brighter the longer he monologued. “They just helped me because I was a person, and, well, I think that’s very sweet.”
There was another wave of darling ‘awwws’ that could only have been scripted. Or, at least you hoped so. This level of saccharine infatuation should have been enough to turn anyone’s stomach. It had certainly twisted yours into all sorts of unpleasant knots. The secondhand embarrassment alone was on the verge of taking you out entirely.
“A little birdy’s been telling us that the scarf you’ve been modelling in all your latest Magicam posts was actually a gift from this secret lover of yours,” the interviewer whispered conspiratorially, and you wanted nothing more than to snatch that stupid purple cashmere back through the screen solely so that you could strangle her with it.
“Well, yes, actually,” Neige chirped, fingers reaching up to toy with the soft fabric.
“No it wasn’t!” you howled, indignant. “I just put it on him to distract him because I accidentally rambled to his face about how much more fuckable Vil was than him, and—”
“WHAT?!” Epel screeched. Screeched. At the top of his lungs. It felt like you could feel the glares of every single set of eyes in the cafeteria drilling into your spine. Out of the corner of your eye, you swore you saw a feather bob as it disappeared through the door, and you didn’t even want to think of the implications of that.
“No fucking way,” Ace gaped, looking for all the world like you’d just handed him a million Thaumarks, or an entire notebook’s worth of nuclear codes. Deuce and Jack both just looked like they were trying not to choke to death.
“Oh my God,” you wailed. “I did it again.”
When you next ran into the King of Poisons, you were so distracted by the impossible task of wrangling Ace into silence that you couldn’t have noticed the subtle changes in him even if you’d wanted to. The increased length in his stride, the gentler tuck of his hair, the less severe line of his shoulders—if you weren’t so caught up in trying to commit homicide, you would have been ecstatic.
Rook was chattering along at his side, his lips quirked into a merry grin. The tack-tack-tack of Vil’s crimson heels against the stone floors was familiar, confident, and loud enough to swim through your head despite Ace’s manic cackling.
“Potato.” Vil’s red lips quirked upwards into the smallest smile before twitching back down into a sneer. “And other potato. What exactly do you think you’re doing?”
Thankfully, at the end of the day, Ace was still nothing if not a no-good coward. He turned on the Pomefiore House Warden, ready to spill your deepest, darkest, secrets, and immediately withered under the third year’s spiteful glower.
“H-House Warden!” he squeaked. “I was just—Ahem. The Prefect was just—just saying that—”
“Go on,” Vil prompted, tongue dripping with all kinds of venom. “It must be riveting if it’s managed to stun you so thoroughly. Or maybe that’s just the extent of your comprehensive abilities as it is.”
Ace gulped. Audibly.
“Perhaps I should report your dallying to Riddle,” Vil continued, and that was when Ace really started to look panicked. “Remind me—your House Warden is known for his lenient stance on punishing rule breakers, is he not?”
The redhead darted off with one final squeak, practically wheeling around a corner in his haste to escape.
“Well?” Vil barked, and it took you a second to realize that he was addressing you now, and not that he was just going to continually roast Ace into an early grave. “Are you coming?”
“Where?” you asked, confused.
Vil rolled his eyes and reached out to grab your hand. “To Film Club. You promised to help pick out the new backdrop color schemes. Or is the forgetfulness of that horrible, spudling, friend of yours wearing off on you now too?”
You had promised Vil so many things in the last few weeks that you honestly probably wouldn’t even have remembered if you’d offered to sell him your soul, so looking through page after page of tone combinations that all looked absolutely identical to you but whatever was probably the best you could hope for.
More importantly, he seemed… better. Less stiff, certainly. You wondered idly what could have happened in the span of a few hours to mend his mood so thoroughly. If it had been Neige related all along, then probably some slight against the dude, right? Maybe something had popped up online? Industry drama, or whatever. Or maybe—
‘Because I accidentally rambled to his face about how much more fuckable Vil was than him, and—'
You froze, like a deer about to mowed down by a semi. Vil’s grip on your hand was the only thing that kept you from immediately faceplanting into the ground.
But, no. No one aside from your immediate entourage could have heard you say that! It wasn’t possible! It—It wasn’t—
Amidst your sudden wave of mortification, you caught Rook’s mischievous green, gaze, with your own. The feather on his hat bobbed playfully, mockingly, and he winked.
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linkspooky · 4 months
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You're boring. You don't thrill me at all.
I received a few asks about Sukuna's comments on Yuji and decided to make a post about it. To begin with one thing I have noticed about Sukuna is that despite being the embodiment of arrogance and selfishness he's sometimes gracious and even praises the opponents he's fighting.
The complexity of Sukuna is that he can rip the NanaMimiko twins into pieces for daring to ask too big a favor of him for only one finger, but he can also a few chapters later take time to praise Jogo before he dies. He can praise Gojo with touching words even when Gojo in his afterlife segment believes he failed tor each Sukuna. He can also slaughter thousand of people just to get Yuji's goat. He's capable of being somewhat honorable if you earn his respect, and yet there's nobody he respects less than Yuji.
In fact, the way he treats Jogo is a contrast to Gojo, Gojo just mocks him openly in his defeat. Sukuna gives Jogo advice that he should have fought for himself instead of teaming up with others, and then praises his efforts.
He slaughters both Hajime and Higuruma, but in their dying moments he also seems to grant them what they wanted. Hajime wanted an answer on whether or not it was possible for the strong to love other people, and Higuruma wanted to die fighting. Gojo was lonely at the top as the strongest and he lost all identity, Sukuna cuts him down and he dies as a human being and Sukuna praises him saying he'll remember his name forever.
Sukuna sees all humans as insects, but he seems to divide them into the ones that are tasty enough to eat, and the ones he wants to squash. If you're worthy in his eyes, he'll even entertain you and play with you for a little bit. That's not saying much, but Sukuna is known as the worst curse in existence. There are small moments though where he seems to have a sense of honor, at least to opponents who earn his respect or catch his interest.
All of this makes the way he treats Yuji stand out even more.
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Sukuna says that basically all of humanity is his toy box and he can have endless fun playing with them until he dies, and yet Yuji is the one toy that Sukuna doesn't want to play with.
It's not because Yuji is weak, because Yuji has been shown to steadily grow in strength over the series. Yuji doesn't have the mental handicaps cutting off his true potential like Megumi does either, Gojo says right away that Yuji's crazy, that he swings for the fences, that he's obsessed with getting stronger. Yuji may not be on someone like Yuta's level, but he fights side by side with Maki perfectly in sync.
Yuji is even someone who will walk face first into Sukuna's cleave and then keep walking.
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It's not because he's weak, it's not because he lacks potential or handicaps himself like Megumi, so why is Yuji the one opponent that Sukuna just cannot stand?
Much like Mahito who also sought to destroy Yuji, and felt like he couldn't be reborn or become himself until Yuji was out of the way it's most likely because they are ideological opposites. Down to the roles they play in their world, Yuji is someone who has completely repressed his own identity in order to become a true sorcerer, a cog in the machine, one among many fighting for a supposed greater good. Whereas, Sukuna alongside Mahito were what Yuji identified as "true curses". Mahito said as much in his monologue where he attempted to break Yuji, that he is a curse, and Yuji is a sorcerer. The point of curses is to kill humans, the point of sorcerers is to kill curses they don't need any deeper reason to fight and it's not a fight between heroes and villains it a cycle. Exorcise, consume. Exorcise consume. Curses are born, Sorcerers kill curses it goes on and on.
Looking at it that way, Mahito is Yuji and Yuji is Mahito. They're both cogs in the same endless cycle of curses vs humans. Yuji doesn't keep track of how many curses he's killed, and Mahito doesn't keep track of how many people he's killed.
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Yuji is suppressing himself to become a sorcerer. Sorcerers are cogs and cogs have a function. He wants to carry the torch that Nanami gave him, because Nanami is basically the most ethical and model version of a sorcerer, and Yuji's only imagined role in things is to keep fighting until he dies and then ideally passes the torch to someone else. Sukuna was a strong sorcerer from 1,000 years ago who died and became a curse to linger on in this world. Yuji was a normal kid (or a science experiment from Kenjaku) who decided to eat Sukuna's finger and then become a sorcerer and die for a reason greater than himself.
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Sukuna represents the ideology of curses, while Yuji represents the total collective ideology of sorcerers from the modern age.
Sukuna will ask his opponents their ideology, he'll even sometimes give advice and share his point of view. He questioned Jogo's beliefs on whether curses were the true humans. he shared with Hajime his thoughts on love to give him an answer to his question. However, he doesn't want even want to engage with Yuji, he just wants Yuji out of his sight.
He wants to invalidate and disprove Yuji's beliefs because they represent the opposite of him and everything he stands for, but he also knows he can't.
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Sukuna does explain in this chapter that part of the reason he hates Yuji is that he's been forced to share a body with him for so long and was forced to endure his thoughts long enough to know that Yuji actually means what he says his selflessness is the real thing.
You could also argue that Yuji is a literal cage that Kenjaku constructed to contain Sukuna. Sukuna's entire character is built around the fact that he has so much strength he has the absolute freedom to do whatever he wants, and in a thousand years the only thing that's hindered his freedom is Yuji.
I think it goes a step beyond that though, one is selfishness incarnate, who is obsessed with freedom to Eren Jaeger extents and the other is selflessness incarnate, who deliberately chains himself to roles. Yuji is willing to give up his free will to be a cog in the machine, because cogs have a function, they have a role and meaning.
That's the extreme of selflessness though, you give up your very sense of self. Yuji builds his sense of self over the roles that others assign him, not anything he does himself. His function, his purpose, is given to him by others he doesn't define it for himself. Sukuna even mocks him for it in the latest chapter.
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Yuji needs other people to give him meaning. Sukuna on the other hands rejects the notion of love because he's never needed and will never need anyone.
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Sukuna is all about his overwhelming sense of self, whereas Yuji lacks a sense of self entirely. By Sukuna's logic where strength comes from asserting yourself and burning everything around you, Yuji is weak, Yuji should have been crushed like a bug by now, but Sukuna hasn't crushed him yet.
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Sukuna is the ultimate ideal of strength in the story. The only way to be strong is to get rid of your attachments and become a human calamity like him. Yuji's selflessness on the other hand is something that he's continually punished for. Yuji even thinks of himself as weak he says as much to Higuruma, people died, Yuji was unable to stop Sukuna because he was weak.
Yet Sukuna cannot get rid of Yuji, which challenges Sukuna's black and white ideals that all that matters is strength and weakness and the strong always triumph over the weak and devour them.
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To change the subject for a moment let's talk about Gege's inspirations. Can you guess who Gege's favorite Fate Character is? I bet you can't guess.
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While Gilgamesh is the unequivocally strongest hero in the Fate franchise, there is one character who is the natural enemy and the perfect counter to Gilgamesh. That is Shirou Emiya, who actually defeats Gilgamesh in combat in one of the three routes, something both gilgamesh stans and Gilgamesh himself hates Shirou for.
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Gee, I wonder what the inspiration is.
However, there's a particular reason why Shirou and Gilgamesh are opposites besides the fact that they have relatively the same ability, Shirou can copy swords and Gilgamesh has every weapon in existence in his armory.
Gilgamesh is the first and greatest of heroes who defined what it is to be a hero and the heroic legend. Shirou Emiya is a fake hero. That's even how Gilgamesh refers to him, "Faker." Shirou has completely destroyed his own sense of self in order to be of use to others, because he thinks he is not allowed to exist unless he is saving others in some way. This is a pretty brief summary of Shirou's character, but because of survivor's guilt Shirou forgot his past, and identity and thinks it's unfair he got saved while others didn't. At the same time, Shirou saw the happiness on the face of the man who admired him and then became obsessed with the idea of saving others. Shirou can only experience happiness when he saves someone, and feels pretty much nothing otherwise. Not only does he save people for entirely selfish reasons, because of his survivor's guilt and to give him a reason to exist, but it's also not his own dream of being a hero. He stole someone else's dream, that of his father Kiritsugu who wanted to be a hero and who saved him and looked happy saving him.
I read in an analysis a long time ago, too long for me to remember who's it was that Gilgamesh will respect those that have a dream. When he fights Iskander in Fate Zero, while he completely slaughters him he also gives him his props in his last moments and honors him by killing Iskander with his full strength, because he respected Alexander the Great's dream of conquering Europe from ocean to ocean.
Which is why he cannot tolerate someone like Shirou, who has no dream of his own, no reason for fighting, only saving others for the sake of saving them and asking nothing in return.
Shirou wants to repress himself entirely and become an ideal, the same way Yuji does, it's just Shirou wants to become the ideal superhero and Yuji wants to become the ideal sorcerer.
There's another video I want to reference to illustrate how little sense of self Yuji has, and how conversely reliant on others he is for that sense of self. The video is [here] I reccomend the whole thing but this quote summarizes it pretty perfectly.
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Yuji is the main character of the story, but the series own villain, and even a vast majority of the fandom constantly insists that he is not the main character, because he is so lacking in a sense of self. That's not a knock against Yuji, that's the point of his character. Shirou Emiya is one of my favorite characters of all time, they're similiar it's just Shirou goes to greater lengths to show how hollowed out he is as a person, how deeply unhappy and even mentally ill he is to live for the sake of others the way that he does.
Yuji wants to crush his own sense of identiy and become an ideal like Shirou, that ideal being the ideal sorcerer. Whereas Sukuna is defined by his overwhelming sense of self and his lack of ideals.
It only makes sense that they'd be at odds with one another, but Sukuna takes things a step farther he cannot abide by Yuji's existence because he's against the idea of ideals themselves.
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Sukuna wants to believe that he is right to reject idealism and love, that he is not missing out on anything as long as he has himself and is strong. So far in life he's been able to poke holes in the ideals of anyone who challenges him, but he's spent so long in Yuji's brain he knows that Yuji's ideals are not false.
Sukuna doesn't just want to crush Yuji's hopes he wants to prove himself right. This is probably the first time in a thousand years he's even paused to question himself or think over his own beliefs because he's been so unchallenged and right.
Yet, Sukuna can't be right, by the very nature of the manga.
Jujutsu Kaisen isn't about one person being right, it's about balance. The worst person you know in Jujutsu Kaisen can have a point. Kenjaku does everything for his own amusement, but both he and Tsukumo Yuki agree that things in the modern Jujutsu World can't stay the way they are. Geto is a genocidal maniac but he's right that it's unfair for Sorcerers, especially children to sacrifice themselves pointlessly over and over again and if Geto hadn't been a close friend of Gojo's and went off the deep end Gojo likely would have never seen the flaws present in his own society.
Jujutsu Kaisen isn't a story about binary opposites, but one of yin and yang, of complementary ideals. Even a character like Sukuna can't last forever with his binary thinking, and Yuji existing and disagreeing with him is clearly having an effect on him. Sukuna's been so thoroughly challenged by his inability to crush Yuji outright that he's changed his goals. A thousand years ago Sukuna laid waste to sorcerers yes, but he was fine just being worshipped and bribed and getting into fights in the country side. He didn't destroy the world or anything.
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His frustration with Yuji has gotten him to the point that he's willing to go full omnicidal maniac in order to challenge Yuji's ideals. That is how out of balance Sukuna is currently.
The manga won't land on the side of Sukuna being right, it will land on the side of balance, which is exactly why Yuji needs to challenge Sukuna as his antithesis.
The true answer however, will probably not lie in Sukuna's utter selfishness, or Yuji's selflessness, but rather somewhere in between.
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dotthings · 28 days
Let me make this even clearer. Because Jensen and Misha both deserve better.
Given that we know they talk a lot about Destiel among themselves. They have told us, repeatedly. They've shared each other's perspectives with each other. They have an understanding.
Early misunderstandings and conflicts in pov aside (and do people want to keep circle jerking as if it's still 2014? Okay then. Have at it, but time moved on and you didn't): Jensen doesn't speak over Misha. Misha doesn't speak over Jensen.
Some things Misha has said about Dean or Destiel has resulted in Jensen stans attacking him. They always have some excuse--this past weekend it was because Misha acknowledged the idea of Dean and Cas having sex.
In the past, another example, backlash came at Misha for saying Cas saw love and acceptance in Dean's eyes.
(Which...sure does seem like the pearl-clutching about Misha's CR8 comments being too ribald is fake virtue signaling doesn't it, since even a statement from Misha wide open to platonic or romantic reading, that is 100% true about Dean, and how loving he is, how loving we know Dean is, how much we know Dean is going to accept and love Cas either way, got hatred aimed at Misha as if he had said something heinous. Tells me all I need to know about certain stans).
While Jensen's "Cas is an angel therefore his love is cosmic and unknowable impossible for humans to grasp let's not define it" and "open to interpretation" middleground to appease both sides and treading carefully for reasons, on a topic that's napalm in fandom (it shouldn't be, but that's the reality), might be construed as speaking over Misha.
But here's the thing!!! It's not!! From either of them!!
It seems very obvious by now that they decided Misha would be the loud one, with Jensen holding his cape, even if he doesn't join in , and Jensen walking a diplomatic middle line, also with Misha's understanding and support in turn.
When Misha goes off boldly about Destiel? People need to kick out that hate fantasy about Jensen being disrespected and Jensen must be wanting to punch Misha and Jensen must be so mad at Misha how dare Misha out of their heads, or get to the point where they can comprehend the difference between their own feelings vs Jensen's and quit projecting.
They didn't shut each other out. They talked about Destiel. They listened to each other. Highly likely, in fact, that they helped each develop or refine their talking points.
Neither of them has been shooting off their mouth about the other's character without having spoken to each other.
I don't have any hope for fans to stop the endless fighting and concern trolling and attacking either Jensen or Misha over it, needlessly, perpetually, but when it comes to Jensen and Misha...that's a hopeful space.
Misha's bluntness vs Jensen's carefully chosen middleground words complement each other are not in fact oppositional takes--they complement each other, there's room for both. They both know it's a mutually loving relationship.
Neither is trampling on the other's pov, and any views that don't perfectly align, they've already discussed and they respect each other.
These accusations at either of them are not true, they are not fair, and they both deserve better.
And now I'm staring right at a recent thing where Misha full on absolved Jensen of an accusation that various lanes kept throwing at him, and still weaponize, including Jensen stans who claim to be defending Jensen, because they want it to be true.
The response was manufactured drama where people called Misha a liar and doubling down.
They'd rather Jensen take the fall and they'd rather call Misha a liar than believe a soulless corporation that has been caught more than once exercising queer censorship could have committed queer censorship in a TV industry where it's common knowledge that queer censorship by broadcast TV networks happen???????
Wow gee can you feel the love in this Chili's. Great going. Excellent defense strategy. You're really such a big help. With fans like these, Jensen and Misha don't need antis.
A lot of it is agenda driven, and some anxiety driven, every lane's worried about other lanes react, because spn fandom is always a pain in the neck that way. Some people hate Destiel so much they need Jensen to be their antidestiel warrior they'll throw Jensen under a bus and stan for the corporation, or they're so anxious about how Destiel gets treated they blame Jensen and forever hold against him his past foot in mouth about the ship (which was a long time ago. Please stop punishing him endlessly when he's moved on and his perspectives are respectful, yet you're still stuck back there) rather than comprehending the actual systemic factors.
Jensen and Misha are both doing what they can to make it better.
They are trying to fix it!!!
People should show them more respect!!!!
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rinbowaman · 9 months
helloo this is my first time writing an anonymous thing or smth but can you write a scenario where heethan and readen are about to yk.. and readen suddenly ran away but heethan still catched her and gave her the most toe curling car yk..?
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Warnings: cat and mouse vibes, chasing, capturing, predator vs prey vibes, slight bit of non/dub con, very detailed smut, hint of rough smut, unprotected smut, breeding kinks, overstimulation, oral (fem. receiving), fingering, finger popping (you know what that means....) dom! heethan (what else?....ofc he'll be dom!) and sub! readen. There is a small audio bit in this, just of breathing but still.... (NSFW) nothing too exaggerated just..i wouldn't listen in public, at least not without headphones.
Also, thank you to those of you that donated to my ko-fi!!!! Just for that, I made this smut extra good, so i hope you guys like it. This one.....if you want the full effect, maybe get your favorite treat and read this at night in your bed. 😉 I put a little bit more time into this one to reflect my appreciation for the donations. Enjoy!
ko-fi account ♥️
"Tonight was fun."
"heh, yeah." smirking, he responds teasingly while he drives on, keeping his eyes on the long country road as night falls. You both spent the evening enjoying dinner and a movie, deciding to finish it off with some stargazing at your favorite spot, the quaint and charming farm that he took you after you shared your first night with him.
Pressing down the button, you roll down the window and stick your hand out, allowing the air speed through your fingers. It felt warm, relaxing, and massaged your skin as you waved them against the current flow.
Parking the car, he shuts it off and leaves his door open to allow the fresh air to come in. You did the same. Staring through the windshield, you found it hard to gain a wide view of the stars, so you suggested sitting atop the hood, still warm from the running engine.
You both lay, side by side, and admired the cast of twinkling glimmers that sparked the dark canvas of the black horizon. There were even shooting stars, all of which you made your wishes, and hoped that someday they'd be granted.
"What did you wish for?" he calmly asks as he continues to stare off into the abysmal sky, resting his head on his hands.
"I can't tell you." you chuckled out. "It won't come true."
"That's a myth. Tell me." he smirks out. "Besides, we both know that any wish you make, i'm the one that's going to make it come true for you."
You reluctantly nodded, and opened up wholeheartedly as you elaborate the details of your wish. "I wished to be loved no matter what."
Turning his head to the side, he gives you a perturbed look as he tells you in his deep voice. "That goes without question. I'm always going to love you no matter what."
"yeah but...."
"but? there's a but? what the...." sitting up, he jolts out of his relaxed position and looks down as you shift your position and prop yourself on your elbows.
"I just...just in case you ever stopped loving me....I hope that someone will continue to love me. that's all."
".......that’s….” with a stern gaze forming in his eyes, he huffs out, “that won't happen. It’s impossible, I'll always love you."
"I know...but just in case-"
"But nothing!....what the Hell is wrong with you?" his tone started to reflect a flare of offense and annoyance. You gazed at him with a harmless countenance, you weren't trying to go out of your way to get him mad, you were just being honest. However, seeing the chaotic glare in his eye caused you to start shifting away, inching towards the outer edge of the hood, preparing to run. Sitting up and leaning against his palms, his eyes move around, and he notes your retracted movement in the opposite direction. Licking his lips and furrowing his brows, he issues a slight nod, antagonizing you as he speaks.
"Trying to get away?"
You gasped out with wide eyes. His words triggered you to make your move, the sudden flash of fear pinged you when you saw the malice in his eyes. Immediately, you rushed out and started to run out into the open field. You didn't know where you were running to, or where to go, all that you needed to know was that he was angry and you had to get away. Trailing through the wide open pasture, you barely made any distance before you felt the harsh grip on your wrist and a pull on your waist. 
"Ah! Let go!"
Flinging you around, maintaining his hold, he drags you back into the car, nearly tossing you in the backseat. You desperately tried to open the door closest to you, but forgot that he had child lock features installed so that moments such as this, you wouldn't get away.
"Come here you fucking…!" he darkly issues as he grabs onto your arms, taking advantage of how your floral mini dress rose up to your upper thighs, revealing more skin, and allowing him easy access to the spot that would bring your will down, and break you.
"Stop! Heeseung I didn't mean anything by it! Why are you doing this?!" you yelp out, trying to push his hand away as he drags it against your thigh, going upwards and under the hem of your dress, while the other firmly loops over your waist, and locks on to your opposite wrist.
"Oh baby....you think after all that, you have the right to ask such a stupid question?.....OBVIOUSLY....i must not be showing you enough love...or making my love well known for you to think that i would ever stop loving you. hm?" he taunts out as he slaps your hand away and shoves his own in between your legs, all the while giving you a harsh stare.
Gripping on to your delicate panties, he feeds his fingertips through the mesh of the damask lace pattern, and begins to tear it to shreds, leaving tattered bits and pieces to pitifully drape around your right thigh. From there, it all went downhill.
First, he shoots his hand up and immediately penetrates your womanhood, using his two main fingers. It stung and was quite painful initially, yet immediately transitioned to a throbbing sense of pleasure as he thrusted them in and out slowly, causing you to grow moist. Taking his time to stroke them repeatedly, secreting the moisture of pleasure and pain mixed together, he pops his fingers out, reinserts, and repeats. As they nested inside your gripping walls, he waves them up and down, emitting a faint sense of pressure and relief as he pushes then upwards, massaging your walls before retracting them back down. 
"Ah! Stop! Stop that!" The feeling was oddly pleasing, yet he took out his frustration as he harshly pressed against the softness of your interior muscles, sliding outwards, adding pressure towards the entrance and popping out when exiting. "Stop!!!" you screamed out, trying to wiggle your wrist free from his firm grasp, however, to no avail were you able to free yourself from his grasp. Maneuvering you to keep your thighs fully separated, he shifts legs to spread apart, using his kneecaps and thighs to guide you open, allowing him extended leverage to keep up with his performance.
He finally pauses, though it was obvious that it wasn't out of honoring your pleads. Because the second you felt his hand gripping your neck, you knew that he had other activities in mind, which he carried out....beautifully.
Swinging you over, he pins you on your back as he forcefully keeps you immobile. Rolling the top bit of your dress down, pulling the straps loose and exposing your breasts, he rolls the skirt upwards. The dress fitted you like a glove, and was made of a thin fabric that allowed  him to nicely coil it around your waist without any excess bulk to interfere in exposing your entry, leaving you nearly fully ready for him to take. Placing gentle kisses along your skin, he trails his lips down, starting with the center of your abdominal core, down to your belly button, and reaching the center of your pelvic muscles.
Gasping out, your body shoots up, chest high towards the sky, yet was pushed back down and restrained from any further movement as he maintained his grasp around your pretty little neck. "He-Heeseung!" you yelled out. You were beginning to feel your body succumbing to the effects of his harsh love, it was thrilling and sensational. So much, that you started to wave your hips up and down the closer he got towards your spot, yearning for more.
His gentle kisses leave a line of wet prints on your skin, that delicate sound of his tender pecks fills the car and you reach up, grabbing onto the seats, desperate to dig your fingers into anything while you bear the weight of his sexual thrill.
Reaching the most tender piece of you, he hovers over your clit with parted lips, but does not initiate physical contact...not yet. Instead, he exhales his hot breath to coat over your slit, the very tip of his nose grazes against you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and your back bends into a sharp arch, you dig yourself into the seat, head first, as you slur your moans. A slight bit of drool escapes the corner of your lips, all the while he continues to tease you and breathes out the hot vapors of his exhales onto your opening.
Flickering the tip of his tongue, he repeatedly taps it against your slit, at fast pace, occasionally twirling the very tip of it in circles against your clit. Starting off in tiny motions, he expands the width of his movements and slowly envelops your entire opening, the plush folds of skin including, and sucks it all in. The slight bit of pressure upon feeling him sucking on your entire womanhood was unlike anything you ever felt. The warmth of his saliva, the tapping of his tongue, and the softness of his cheek meshed into a beautiful melody of sensations.
Inserting his tongue in, you feel it slip inside and using the same circular motions, he smooths over your walls with repeated movement, massaging every interior inch of you.
Your hips buck up, and your thighs and rear cheeks begin to shake violently, you are barely able to catch your breath as they become shortened and increase in pace. Developing a hyper reaction, your blood pressure rises as you feel your heart soaring, as if it was about to burst out of your chest. A prickling tingle emerges at the bottom of your feet, while the throbbing numbness and vigorous pulsation of pleasure pounds your entire lower region. Choking out hitched gasps, you moaned out hysterically as he continued to show you his love.
Breaking slightly away, he admires your glazed womanhood under half lazy lids, before placing a soft and sweet kiss directly at the center, sending your mind out of this world. With the swipe of his tongue, he drags the tip upwards, and slowly trails it all the way up in between your breasts. Cupping the mounds in his hands, he softly tenderizes them with his tongue. He pelts them with his kisses, and pinches them with his nibbles. 
Leaving small marks of his affection in your skin, your chest becomes a colorful canvas that contains hues of purple, red, and pink by the time he finishes. With subtle bite marks, he licks over them, leaving moist kisses with drops of excess saliva to coat over each tooth print. Shooting up towards the nook of your neck, he buries his face in, latching on with his mouth as he commits to giving it the same treatment as your breasts had succumbed to. His hat peels off upon the bill pressing against your head and falls to the floor, allowing him to shove his face deeper against your skin. Moaning aloud, you slam your hands on his arms and grip for dear life upon feeling the swift motions of his tongue gliding over your skin. His hips join your movements and dips low into your groin, waving upwards as he slowly dry thrusts in between your legs. Twirling his fingers around the shredded bit of your lace panties that barely clung onto your thigh, he spirals the threaded pieces, toying with the fabric as he plays with it while he continues to dip into your nude cavity hard, and deep. 
Bucking your hips up against him, you break and admit defeat. No words were needed, just the simple gesture of your yearning was enough to trigger him to bring out the beast. Propping himself up, he lifts your frame and shifts your position once more, nearly flinging you atop as he holds onto you tightly, and guides you to straddle his lap. Spreading his legs wide, he pulls you in, chest to chest, face to face…
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Preparing for what was about to come, your thighs shake violently and you frantically grab onto his broad shoulders. He was already beginning to buck his hips, holding you down as he firmly squeezed onto the right cheek of your derriere. Flinging your head back, your hair draping down and blankets over his hand, you leave your throat exposed and dead center to his sight as you perform your own movements by grinding against his clothed member. How does it always come to this? How does he always have this effect on you? Knowing damn well that it all started with you running out of fear when he dispelled his psychotic gaze. Yet, as contradicting it may have seemed to others, there was something about it all that made you love it…love him. Even when he looked fearsome, demented, and just downright demonic, his touch and his physical nature towards you, was the complete opposite. There were times, where his murderous gaze scared you to no ends, but looking at you with those maniacal eyes….as he fucks you….kisses you…and tells you that he loves you to no boundaries….you wondered if there was something wrong with him…or if there was something wrong with you for enjoying it. Either way, you didn’t care, because the feeling was too good. The way his soft and dashing face could transition and switch to one that stabs your spirit, the stuff nightmares are made out of, yet his hands and love was desiring to give you pleasure, it all made you want to scream out at the top of your lungs. Nobody will ever understand, especially since that murderous tone in his face, when set on others, contained the intent on harming, destroying, and doing the most unthinkable to them…but when set on you?....It was the exact opposite. With you, the pain was always with pleasure, never to harm you. The bites always came with a kiss, to bring you back from the fear he instilled in you. The forceful restraints were paired with tender strokes, to gesture his desire to protect and shelter you from the world. His look…that psychotic, thrilling, and malicious glare in his eyes….always came with a gentle tone in his voice…to express his unconditional love for only you. 
Feeding his cock out of his trousers, he taps it against your folds and clit, slapping it hard and in repeated beats as he taunts you with his words. 
“You still need me to convince you?” tilting his head up, brushing his nose and lips against your throat, he speaks against your skin as he leaves tiny kisses in the center. You didn’t need any convincing. You knew…you always knew…but maybe, just a reminder wouldn’t hurt.
Nodding, you feel his lips smile against the underside of your chin as he chuckles. “Oh yeah?” he says with a deep….dark voice. “Let me make it clear to you then…” 
Shoving himself in, he was harsh and forceful in his entry, though it wasn’t called for considering he had you melting for more of his touch. But the roughness added more to his vigor than what you were prepared to take, yet was grateful to receive. The feel of his hands suddenly gripping your waist, pulling you down while he buries his face into your neck once more, you tilt your head further back as you feel him sliding in, inch by inch. The best had yet to come, but the delightfulness of that feeling when he was all the way in, and rested you on top of his groin, fully sealing your skin with his as he waves his hips against you. Keeping you seated on the base of his pelvis, he motions your hips to wave back and forth as he did the same, causing your skin to rub together, meshing the beads of sweat to formulate one harmonious concoction. After widening your entry with his movements, he digs his fingers into your skin, and with his firm hold around the narrow part of your waist, he slowly lifts you up. As you rise, you slowly feel the relief of his thickness exiting, but knew that this was only just the beginning. Little by little, the girth of his length narrows down, until just the very tip of his head barely exists between your plush folds….and then he brings you down. 
Screaming out your moans, you swore you saw stars as he eradicates all sense of gentleness and slowness in his act. Now, everything was replaced with speed, finesses, passion, and intense ferocity as he combines the efforts of pulling you down, and raising your hips back up while he bucks his hips, violently thrusting into you. That raging peak of high hits your cavity as you feel the opening of your cavity pulsating, opening and closing around his shaft. Your walls push together, enclosing around his girth and clenching for dear life as he continues to penetrate, going in deeper and harder. He was so abrasive and crazy with his motions, yet you loved it. Relentlessly panting, you dig your fingers into his shoulders as you raise a hand and plaster your palm against the ceiling of the car. Bouncing away, your body drums out an image of intense pleasure as your breasts shake, your derriere trembles, and your hair remains levitated from the stirrings of his energy. Sucking on your neck, he remains latched on and continues to go harder and deeper, listening to the sounds of your whimpering and constant screams of pleasure, all sounding like music to his ears. 
HIs hands remain plastered on your skin, yet snake their way around your waist, onto your lower back, and down to the plumpness of your exposed derriere, where he squeezes his grab and subtly digs his fingers in. Using his newfound hold on you as leverage, he lifts your cheeks in unison, before mashing them back down and repeating, all in sync with his thrusting momentum. God, you loved it when he did that. You also loved it when he extended his thumbs, and stroked your skin as he continued to squeeze your cheeks harder, just like he was doing right now. Or when he picked up the pace, and went faster, harder, and thrusted in deeper, just like he was doing…right now. You also loved it, when he kept going…and going…and going…and finally, that sharp, tingling sense below your belly button explodes and your opening dilates violently around his throbbing cock as he continues to thrust, squelching all the moisture that secretes from your body and creates the fine, clear foam and thick creamy mess that sticks to your skin and rings around his shaft. Your toes curl, your fingers lose feeling and your nerves feel the shattering effect of fireworks as the numbness comes and goes, and all the blood rushes through your body. Choking on your gasps, you moan and whimper as he continues to thrust, despite you already releasing, because it wasn’t over yet.
Thrusting and grinding into you, he keeps up and never loses his momentum. Pumping into you over and over again, you felt his fingers digging in, his hands shake in their grip, and his breathing escalates. Tapping into your soft spot, he thrusts faster and faster, his breathing grows in sync with his pending release...
“Oh fuck…come here!” Wrapping his arm around your lower back, he brings you closer as he leans forward and shoves his face into your breasts and groans loudly as he pins you down, grinding his groin against you while fully resting his cock inside. Gasping out his deep voice onto your areola, his shaft pulsates against your walls, groaning in sync with each load he shoots out. Calming himself, his breathing starts to relax as he gently licks and sucks on your breasts; rubbing your soft skin with his hands while he keeps you steady, warming and comforting his member as he remains inside you. He doesn’t stop grinding, he keeps it going, slowly and deeply, until finally, he’s empty. Everything he had, he gave to you, and seals it by keeping you stuffed with his muscle until he knows that his essence is going to remain and not ooze out. Embracing you, he shoots a hand up your back, and delicately grabs onto the back of your neck. Gently tilting your head to the side, he pulls your head down, and exposes the soft spot beneath your ear, where he latches on and sucks the skin in, drifting off to sleep…just a small nap to recuperate before he takes you back to the frat house. Who knows, maybe he’ll be ready to convince you some more, after all, you did make a wish to be loved, no matter what. Fortunately for you, he’s more than willing to make that wish come true. 
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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