#and it's always fun to think about how they'd interact with my OCs too!
misc-obeyme · 5 months
Omg the ask-inbox chat-room. ✨ funny you mention the memory card cause I just finished reading through it. It’s called "Panic! At the Trap" and I love it. It’s the one where all the RAD students have to nab a card (or something) off of another student that they’re assigned. The Thirteen - Mammon interactions are pure chaos and I desperately wanted to see more. Can you imagine the pairings? The showdowns? Who’s the poor smuck that got assigned Barbatos? I wanna know.
You’re so sweet keeping me on my Pandora train. The short of the Scheherezade-ing story is that she’s sent to collect a thousand souls by command of the CR in the year’s longest night (who, in my head canon, can be pretty brutal) but is stopped by a nameless beggar who offers themselves as her first reaped soul so long as the people of the city live to see the dawn one last time. Naive and arrogant, Pandora agrees. To pass the dark hours, the nameless beggar tells the people of the city a story, but stops midway as dawn appears on the horizon. The next night, the nameless beggar finish their first story, but starts the next one, as the night was still young. Rinse and repeat for 1001 nights.
I like to think this is where Pandora learns about the richness of human life & experience. She isn’t able to control her curiosity and by the end of it, falls for the nameless beggar, so much so that she could never reap them and thus, saving the rest of the city. It’s a nice headcanon for me but like, impossible to write lol.
Honestly, I think it depended on the MC if they’d get along. Pandora can still come off as insufferably above-it-all but is also a huge gossip fiend and actively encourages shenanigans (never maliciously, she just wants to know what happens next). She’s got a lot of hang-ups about who she’s meant to be/what she’s meant to do. I’m curious, do you think she’d get along with any of your OCs?
I really gotta read more memory card Devilgrams... I tend to neglect them lol! I did read one with Thirteen and Barbatos because hello I couldn't resist it. It was the one called Cinderella's Dream... but anyway, I gotta check out the memory cards you guys are talking about just for the Thirteen content!
Oh my GOSH. I love this story about Pandora! Suuuuper curious about that nameless beggar now, too. Does she ever find out their name? Or is it like... she keeps the fact that she's fallen for them to herself? Either way, I love it.
Impossible to write because of the 1001 stories and such?? 'Cause I kinda think you could summarize most of that and write the important scenes that show Pandora falling for the beggar. Like maybe she's listening to a specific story and something about the way the beggar's voice changes gives her insight into the beggar's own emotions... or if the beggar needs a drink and she brings it to them...
Uh but anyway, there I go getting ideas lol. I like the headcanon a lot! What an interesting situation for her to live through, too. Does it make her more wary of falling in love after that?
And oh yes, I do think she'd get along with some of my OCs!
I think Ciaran would get along with her! You mentioned before that she's curious and has a tendency for disobedience, which is something Ciaran would have in common with her. They might have an issue with the above-it-all attitude... however, I see them kinda just making fun of her for it lol. Ciaran is very friendly in general and I think their curiosity about her would make them want to befriend her.
I think Azrael would like her a lot just because she sounds like she'd cause all kinds of trouble for Stella and he would find that hilarious. Stella would be like what are you doing not reaping humans when you're supposed to be don't you realize how much extra paperwork that creates??
I also think Arsenios would get along with her. He's somewhat serious, but he also tends to do his own thing in defiance of any rules and regulations. He'd be impressed with her for doing what she felt was right instead of what she'd been told. Plus he's a super romantic and he'd be all starry eyed about the idea of a reaper sparing the life of a human they fell in love with. He'd never admit to that, though!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Ive become such a big fan of your writing and of so many of your ocs!! Incredibly down bad for several beans i wanna give em all a leetol forehead smooch
Heres some silly questions!
- for gemini/gemi , how would they react to havin a short lover ;v; imagining the size difference kills me!!
- BALLPIT ELDRITCH GOD AAA, i wanna give all their hands highfives!!! Would they be down for silly hand games ?( like rock paper scissors!)
- For Cholly! If they ever became the equivalent of a sexy tumblrman..whats their reaction?
Thank you again for your amazing writing!! I hope u have a good day!!! 💜💝💜
Gemi/Gemini: Unless they're a supernatural entity themselves, the twins' darling will always be shorted with how big they are expect for human form where they're somewhere over 6 ft. To answer your question - they love it. All Gemini thinks about is drowning you in kisses and carrying you around like the doll you are to them - but fears hurting you and also wants to somewhat respect your personal space. With Gemi, you never leave their arms and they will get pouty if you try to get around without them.
Both love making outfits for you, and they always fall in love all over again seeing you nestled in their feathers in bed or whenever they're taking a break from a long day at the lab
Ball pit entity: They would be delighted! Anything that's gets you to stay longer and interact with them is their new favorite passtime, but games are always so fun. I imagine a silly scenario where you battle from all at once and they'd either all lose to make you happy or win if the prize was getting you to stick around even longer
Cholly: Like some real life celebrities, they'd be deeply flattered, but try not to pay too much mind as they're already happily married to the love of their live if they had a darling beforehand. If their darling was one of these fans Cholly would sit on your bed, kicking their feet, reading aloud every little thing you've posted about them or reenacting scenes from fics/art you've posted or reblogged.
Reboot Cholly is pretty much the same, but that cocky brat will drop not so subtle hints to fans. -
"I'm glad you think I'm attractive. That's something you - and my even hotter spouse have in common."
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therummesoccupied · 3 months
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A while back, it became pretty clear that the abundant specials IDW has been releasing for the past year have had a certain... "commonality" about them. Endless Summer, A Very Chaotix Halloween, Winter Jam - the Four Seasons theming read loud and clear. Now, up until a couple months ago, I'd assumed the 900th Adventure Special was meant to be the stand-in for Spring in this lineup, so I was a bit surprised when Spring Broken was announced to round the seasonal specials off. I was interested to see what kind of send-off they'd give this little gaggle of stories.
This time around, we have pencils by Adam Bryce Thomas and colors by Leonardo Ito. These two are a really great combo, as I think Ito's emphasis on simple, soft color palettes compliments the very manga-esque style Adam brings to the table. This style, however, leaves me a little confused as to why he, of all artists, was the one pulled for this story.
ABT tends to be at his best when working on big, over-the-top action sequences. His work really sells the sense of adrenaline the series is trying to convey in its tensest moments. That being said, the story here is... fairly mundane? The characters spend a day at the fair and solve a mystery about flowers. Heck, the entire last couple pages are entirely dedicated to showing the characters enjoying the attractions once all is said and done.
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There's not really a ton here in the way of high-stakes plot that would really give Adam a chance to shine.
That being said, there's still enough here that you can see his art style noticably developing a bit in a manner akin to Evan Stanley's. Namely in the way he draws Sonic himself.
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It might just be my imagination, here, but I could swear Sonic's quills are longer and come to a more distinct point than the way Adam usually draws them. We know Evan has been taking strides to incorporate elements of official 2D Sonic art into her artstyle, perhaps this is a sign that Adam has been doing the same. Beyond that, I think I'm noticing some more fun and stretchy facial expressions on some of these characters, too. When it comes to the way faces are drawn, I've always found that ABT has a tendency to stay pretty on-model, but here I'm seeing a bit more expressive warping of the facial proportions than I'd expect out of Adam.
Where Adam really knocks it out of the park here, though, is with the background character designs.
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Adam's always good at drawing up unique OCs, and there are tons of 'em here. Having so many characters with so many looks and still having a consistent style to them all goes a long way toward helping the world feel just a little more lived in. Another cool bit of background work he contributed is this central figure that pops up in a few places around the festival.
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Also I just noticed that Cream and Vanilla are here. Neato.
When asked about this figure on Twitter, ABT said that she's intended to be a sort of Nature Spirit, and that the festival pays reverence to her. She's never mentioned in the story, but it's a neat little detail to see the more spiritual side of this world's cultures.
As I said before, the story, written by Josh Trujillo, is not too incredibly exciting. The majority of the plot centers around the mystery behind the annual Flower Contest, which itself is really three mysteries, all of which are wrapped up pretty quickly. Really, it seems to be less about the mystery, and more about how these characters spend their free time in a sort of slice-of-life fashion. This is fine, and it shows us some neat character interactions we don't normally get to see, like Jewel and Espio or Amy and Nite, but it's also something we've been getting a lot of lately.
It almost makes me wonder, with the amount of miniseries and specials they've been putting out there recently, if it wouldn't be possible, and maybe a better use of resources, to just run a dedicated sister series devoted to telling side stories like Sonic Universe did for Archie.
I'm not the first person to make this point, but perhaps then we could get more big, exciting plots full of stakes and gravitas in the main book. Who knows.
All in all, Spring Broken didn't particularly blow me away. I'd say it's a nice break from the norm but... it's not. It's exactly the kind of story we've frankly been getting in surplus as of late. I'm ready for things to move again, ready for the non-stop, blood-pumping action of Sonic the Hedgehog! There are some cute moments here and there that I do appreciate, but I just wish they could have come at a different time.
Issue #70 drops in about 22 hours for me, so with any luck, that will scratch my itch for more exciting Sonic stories for a bit.
'Til then, thanks for reading!
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coarsely · 3 months
OC interaction tag!
I was tagged by @noblebs! Sorry for how long this has taken me to get to 😅 but I really love doing these!
Your OC: Orion Murphy is a fae creature with a desperate desire for companionship, which manifests as a set of large fangs on his throat, a host of eyes he can't see through scattered across his body, and a frequent craving for human flesh. he wears fashionable (and often revealing) clothes, travels constantly for a job he hates, and smokes a lot. she is dishonest, self-absorbed, and capricious, but generally a people person. she fears the vulnerability of getting too close to others emotionally, but once she decides to hold onto someone, just about nothing will make her let go.
My OC: Hendrix is a mutated man with primarily squid-like traits who aims to have as much fun as possible, damn the consequences. He goes around cosplaying as a pirate, in a frock coat, large feathered hat, and living in a boat with a bunch of nautical themed mutated folks like himself. The physical side of his mutations have given him semi-deliberating chronic pain, which he often takes a wide array of drugs to deal with. He wears a squid-like leather mask and has a mass of tentacles in his throat and hest that his organs struggle to work to full capacity around. He's emotionally volatile, but more shrewd than people maybe give him credit for, and has a loud, sometimes abrasive, confident personality with a strong sense of showmanship. It's difficult to stay neutral around him; either you love him or hate him.
How I think they'd interact: Hendrix would definitely be fascinated by Orion at first, as someone none-too-human themself and with a strong sense of aesthetic. I think he'd like her flair and style, and as an occasional smoker himself would join him for smoke breaks. I think he'd flirt a bit about it, just cause Hendrix can't help himself around interesting people. I can see them getting pulled into each others aura and spheres very easily? But I imagine with both of them being pretty volatile personalities it would only be a matter of time before everything would blow up spectacularly 😅 Hendrix especially doesn't like to be reminded of himself too much and I think Orion's more self-absorbed, erratic traits would do that. From the sounds of it, Orion can be rather self-serving like Hendrix is, which again would lend itself well to a dramatic divorce of friendship or whatever dynamic they'd built up to that point.
Thank you for tagging me! Orion is such an interesting fella, it was really fun thinking about how these two might gel. It definitely feels like a "too similar to one another for their own good" situation from this description, which is interesting to me. Hopefully I was on the right track with these!
I tag @possiblyeldritch, @theophagian, @ashfordlabs, @elrallin, @charitet and as always, anyone else who wants to take a gander! I really love doing these so don't hesitate to follow on!!
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yayforocs · 2 months
Hi I’ve had a lot of thoughts abt minecraft ocs while working the past few days and I’m!!! I need to write them down and share them in a good concise spot, and this is essentially just like editing down what I was throwing at moss in discord yesterday sdlkfjsd
So it started bc I was thinkin about razor and his hels
Mostly bc I was thinkin abt throwing some multiverse shenanigans onto razor which is its own whole thing!!! Ages ago I came up with a couple other stories involving him that were entirely separate from each other but thought now that it'd be fun to let razor have some sort of connection to those stories, haven't figured out yet if it's like. If he's able to connect with those other selves of his or if it's like he can just observe or if he can travel to/from, idk yet but I’m messin around w it
So I was also wondering if that might would extend to his hels too :V haven't figured that out yet either but also like thinking abt his hels n their connection bc I'm thinking they don't rly see each other
Razor, I don't think, even knows he has one
And his hels doesn't care to let him know he exists and given that he doesn't want to make friends or be attached to literally anyone is perfectly fine with his easy existence in the coliseum until he stops existing bc what's the point when all he and anyone else are gonna be in the end is names on a wall at best. He does well enough in the coliseum to keep on there, but he doesn't put in a particular amount of effort y’know. ppl like that he can throw sparks sometimes- bc like his counterpart he’s part blaze- n that’s easy enough
Changing course to aqua!!! And his hels- mostly his hels actually bc I haven't really. thought of much for player aqua yet 😅😅 or how they. view / interact with each other.
But I had a stray thought cleaning a couple days ago that if his hels is working his way up in influence, that probably also comes with money, and the coliseum is like. A Big Thing n u must be big and important if you're sponsoring someone there, right? He wants all the status he can get so he should sponsor someone!!
This bit is guesswork tho bc I. Don't remember much about like. How the sponsors work. But I was thinking like maybe all the best Bigger Fighters were taken/spoken for or smth? So he's stuck having to pick an underdog, or maybe is just wise enough to know he doesn’t rly have the status to support someone big, so he’s gotta gamble a bit, which. Now that I type that out I do like that one better actually I’m gonna go with that
My multiple stories of Minecraft characters has them all find each other in some way, so I like the thought of he ends up picking razor!
Well shoot, now razor had someone he has to like. Actually try for. Bc now he's sponsored, now he's representing the coliseum, now he has to put in the effort, and oh god what if he does poorly now that he’s sponsored would he get kicked out he has to try better now and suddenly his easy existence is not easy for him dsfghj he’s got a touch of anxiety, don’t mind him
So that may go interesting places :V
Ty!!!! Tyratone n her hels!!
I was thinking abt how they would view each other n realized like. They'd be jealous of each other. Ty would see her hels being ten different ways of productive n useful and thinks man she's like Got Her Spot In The World, nobody thinks she's useless n she always pulls her weight, she’s so good at everything?????
Meanwhile her hels would see her n be like man she's got a close circle of friends and she doesn't have to even try for it????? Her hels doesn't have time for friends bc she's too busy trying to run around and do things for people to try to find some sort of purpose for herself
So they don't like each other fjshfkdj
I can kinda see her ending up connected to the other two by way of just that she runs errands. She’s bound to do something for someone and likely multiples someones at the coliseum at various points right :V maybe atl
N then fire!!! Fire okok
So his hels is essentially the qualities of himself that he's afraid of- his hels is a more 'monstrous' version of him that he's terrified other ppl might see him as if he's not constantly trying to cover up his warden self
My thoughts of how they might would see each other was mirrors bc he's refusing to look at himself for who he really is but also that's tango n tanguish n I Don't Wanna Recycle
Then I thought well. His hels' existence is literally his nightmare. What if they visit through dreams? :V
N it's kinda vague if they're like Actually With Each Other or not but they've never wanted to do anything to each other or themselves to find out
So they both think they're just having like. Really Vivid Dreams
It’s not every time they sleep tho like only sometimes when fire falls asleep does he suddenly find himself faced with his other self and vice versa
Fire's hels, I think, is the easiest one for me to accept that he would be eventually poofed to nothing, if only because their story would be kinda similar to the game Celeste, where it's a story of acceptance of yourself and loving who you are (fire’s hels is defo not as antagonistic as badeline tho sldkfjsd)
And also bc it's still up in the air RNS-wise of what really happens to a hels once they are gone, so it's kinda being viewed for me through a lens of the two becoming whole again instead of like one character fading to nothing bc the other fixed an issue y’know
The others are kinda harder for me to be like 'welp they're hels they're gonna be gone eventually' gksjfkk
Especially Nora now that I've gone and written about her qvq whICH is. I haven’t done much more thinking about her yet buT I have realized that she and ty might connect bc if ty’s an errand runner then nora may hire her at some point :V
I have done thinking about aron tho n her view on nora and I am working on writing things on that 👀
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armentas · 3 months
OC Interaction Tag
Thanks so much for the tag, @orphanheirs! I love the idea of an OC playdate <3
Orphanheirs' OC: Tristan is the youngest child of a fabulously wealthy country gentleman in England in the early 19th century. He is the spoiled brat you would expect. 12 years old at the time of the main plot, he's spent his childhood so far sequestered indoors due to chronic medical issues. He's intellectually precocious and knows a lot about a wide variety of academic subjects, but he's particularly passionate about the occult and fancies himself a black magician. He'd previously been obsessed with science, then got frustrated with the limitations it had in the time period and turned to magic. He also loves literature, art, music, and fashion. He's self-centered and arrogant and can be quite cruel. He tends to be duplicitous in the way he acts towards others vs his intentions, and insolent towards adults/authority figures. The lack of affection and socialization in his formative years has made him see others as objects, a means to an end. But he's also curious, creative, and fun loving. If he finds you fascinating or shares your interests, you might get genuine conversation from him- though he might act insufferably entitled to know everything about you/everything you know. He's extremely determined to get what he wants. He recently summoned a demon to help him run away from home, and now he's on his own. (Well..the demon is..still there..) Free at last! (Except for the..pact..) Tristan's a sickly pale and frail looking kid, with blue eyes and dark hair.
My OC: Celio has passionately been a priest for several years, a role that, in the Prodigal world, also bids you massive authority and wealth. Because of that, he has a complicated relationship with authority—unless you're a literal higher-up like a bishop, or someone he deeply cares for, he feels he has no reason to listen to anybody but himself or God. (His own interpretation of God, that is. And as the story goes on, God's guidance seems to conveniently align more and more with what he wants it to.) When he's in the public to give back to his community, he's able to be polite, patient, compassionate, and fair for the greater good, but behind closed doors, he loses control over himself, his severe anger issues, control issues, paranoia, and guilt spirals all on full display. He has a rigid way about him, always adhering to a schedule, which ties into his hardworking attitude—he could be bleeding out and still insist he's fine in favor of getting things done. In general, it's difficult for him to admit to any kind of vulnerabilities, so he doesn't have anyone he truly trusts and is close with. However, he does still enjoy being social and going to social gatherings, even if he doesn't have true friends. He's interested in fashion, which shows in his way of dress, and enjoys both painting and playing piano. He would love to talk to you about his favorite painters and plays :)
How they'd interact: I had to choose Celio as my OC because I think these two would be enemies in the funniest way possible. For one, they have fairly similar temperaments (arrogant, cruel, manipulative) and Celio has the exact lack of self-awareness to meet someone exactly like himself and go "wow, what a prick". They'd just get into fights constantly, and a big reason for that would be Celio's closed off nature. Whenever Tristan is asking about his family or friends or general personal life, he's going to be either giving some witty joke that "answers" it but doesn't actually disclose much, or openly shutting him down. Celio can be good with children when it's a part of his priestly duties, but otherwise, he doesn't have any particular method and kind of just talks to them the same he does to adults, which I think could be affirming of Tristan's intelligence. He's also well dressed with an interest in fashion and art, so there would be a conversation topic there, too, until he sees the whole...demon situation and drops all casualty. He really would not be focused on Tristan himself, and would just be trying to convince him into doing an exorcism and repenting for performing black magic, feeling fear for his future in the afterlife. I assume Tristan might want his help with the demon, but really dislike the whole doom and conversion mentality he has (don't blame him). Overall, I think whether either of them like it or not, though, Celio would eventually become a mentor figure with Tristan, where he tackles his spoiled nature and tries to teach him "the truth of the world" in his eyes: "stay soft, get eaten".
Aaaa I loved that sm, that was so fun! No pressure tagging: @nrivanwrites @finchmomentwrites @lavender-laney @transthadymacdermot and anyone else who'd like to join!
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Do you ever wonder how different characters would fair in a fight against each other? I do. Sometimes.
That saidddd I wanna hear deets on
Lucio vs Luis
Baltazar vs Mephisto
Just for funsies. Hashtag oc crossover momence🤟🤟🤟💥💥💥💥
OH I ABSOLUTELY DO !!! Inter-story interactions always sound fascinating to me because all my protagonists would either immediately start fistfighting each other or sit quietly on the floor smoking weed, so this definetly scratches a part of my brain !!!! LET'S SEE...
[ -> Luis vs Lucio
- Luis would fucking kill him this old man has NO CHANCE. Lucio may have the Cyclops curse but Luis has literally seen God multiple times and told it to fuck off everytime. This is a man who fears neither death nor oblivion and with basically nothing to lose, while Lucio try as he might is still a human who can die even if it takes some extra effort.
- Lucio doesn't have nearly as much experience fighting hand to hand as he does with a weapon, and Luis is extremely versatile + unpredictable, turning the entire arena into an extension for the fight just so he can beat up his opponent even more. Lucio would probably get ahead in the fight and get too cocky, and Luis would take that so personally he would beat him to a pulp with his bare hands. It's like if you put an alleyway fighter against a chimpanzee who takes steroids– one of them is competent and a good enough fighter on their own, maybe even dangerous in some scenarios, but the other one is like. Completely and utterly deranged. No longer unhinged so much as he's just ripping himself off the doorframe
- Also Luis is like a 7 foot voidreborne who's been alive for 3 million years with a kill count of well over five digits. And Lucio is just A Human Man who mostly uses guns and sometimes goes apeshit. I don't think he has much of a fair fight ahead of him unfortunately. Luis would have fun ripping him apart for being a shitass dad though
[ -> Baltazar vs M3PH1ST0
- Now Baltazar isn't much of a fighter for starters. Sure, they have experience and they can defend themselves fine in a situation where they need to, but in an actual hand to hand fight they're mostly letting instinct dictate their next move. Even with the advantage of being as big as they are, strong from all the physical labour around the farm and, well, being Literally Immortal, they just don't have it in them to actually fight unless they're in horrid mortal danger. Meanwhile Mephisto is just rabid as hell. It has way more experience fighting 1v1, and enough rage in its body to play Shadow Of Colossus with Baltazar's tall ass. It would start running after Baltazar and activate his Prey Animal Fear <33
- ...Unless Mephisto makes the mistake of insulting or egging Baltazar on. To which it will incite the rage of a thousand suns onto itself and then it'll have a Very Fucking Large Problem. Baltazar may be a complete softie with no desire to fight, but by every star above you, do NOT fucking test how competitive he can get because it happens in the flip of a dime. This is a man who would cheat at Monopoly by calling in favours with Actual Gods to help him. He does NOT care and he WILL start going way too hard on purpose. Thankfully Mephisto isn't A Big Stupid Dumbass so that's not likely to happen.
- Mephisto would win based on just how vicious he is during combat + since he has more experience, and Baltazar would be a bit of a sore loser about it but they'd get over it immediately because Mephisto would suggest a victory barbecue and now they're just grilling dad style <33
Super fun question to think about !! Thank youuuu <33333
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proxxinlmk · 1 year
Do you have any OCs? 👀
I do !! I hope you're ready because I am so sorry this is gonne get long and probably not at all what you expected from asking me if I had ocs
I have at least three lego monkie kid OCs, though most aren't fully fleshed out or are just concepts for now. I tend to create the character but develop their story or what I'd want for them later after I've drawn them enough haha
An OC I've shown before is Charlie ! Granted he's one of the few who aren't fully fleshed out lol
But I think this time I'll talk about the OC I use as my profile picture since she's kind of the main one I use or draw offline and have been planning to post about at some point :) ( she's kinda like a hyperfixation for me LOL ) I'd like to apologize in advance because I kind of ramble and feel the need to explain like everything ( ie. what inspired the thought, trying to explain the "vibe", things that don't need explaining but for some reason I feel like clarifying, etc ) and it doesn't always make sense or I'll suddenly just start.. explaining in an almost basically writing fanfic kind of way?? Anyways I'll just get into it- :,D ( also most pictures will be basically be at the bottom if you wish to just see those instead of reading, warning it will be a LOT of scrolling- or I'll make a separate post afterwards with only the pictures also a lot of them are before i discovered how to draw them in a way I liked lol )
So uh, a little backstory to her creation is that she mainly started as a self-insert type of OC and the original idea for her creation came from my various AI chats with the LMK bots so a lot of her lore or interactions with characters is just self-indulgent and most some of it just doesn't make sense or feel like too much but I just do things because it's fun ^^" ( OCxCanon included, a lot of it actually- I am cringe but I am free even though I still feel shame when I do it lol ) and also she is my first LMK OC and what caused me to eventually come up with more so there's that
I would pick some things I liked from the different chats and things I noticed that stuck regardless of which chat it was from to try to keep her sort of consistent
So the first original rendition of her is named Cherry which basically served as a normal friend to the crew, just that one friend who isn't involved in all the fights and is just there to feel like they live a normal life whenever they hang out, y'know? :)
"did you get into another fight again?" "yeah.." "don't worry, we can watch movies and have popcorn while i patch you up" "thanks,, 🥺"
She initially met the group because MK was kinda flung in through her window by a bad guy of the week and she ended up sticking around the group because they kept conveniently bumping into each other. Cherry would be visiting a store and BOOM monkie kid shenanigans pull up right in front of her so she just sighs like "I'll come back next month when the store fixes I guess."
Before I knew how I wanted her to look, I used a picrew to get the basic idea down
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This would be her design until I decided to change parts like her hair color and clothing color ( pictures will come up later )
You've probably noticed that "Hey she doesn't look like she does in the pfp?" and yeaahh that brings me to the next part, the main part namely lol
So uh I ended up making an AU where she has powers instead.. even though she has barely anything going for her enough as is ;v; But honestly if it weren't for me creating this alternate version of her she probably wouldn't have as much backstory as she does now-
See, this AU version of her is obviously named Cherry as well, but because I needed to differentiate her from her original counterpart for my friends cause they'd get confused who I was talking about I ended up calling this alternate version Yingtao, which yeah is still Cherry but just in chinese :)
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So basically she's just how Cherry would have ended up if she was born with powers instead but she actually has a story going for her, this is where she becomes more of an actual OC instead of being a self-insert but also where a shit ton of OCxCanon begins happening, she gets an almost Y/n x various treatment except it's only with the Monkeys lmao Also I try my best to be linear with the explanation but sometimes I just forget to mention some things and then bring them up later once I remember lol
Before Yingtao was born, a long time ago her great ancestors made a deal with a fox demon and so the fox agrees to this deal, only they wish to be immortalized forever by living through the family, providing them great powers. However, if the body the fox demon possesses cannot handle the fox, they will die and the fox will move onto the next descendant. ( I have yet to decide why the family makes the deal in the first place, but it was probably a power or protection thing, and the fox end of the deal was also thinking I was still thinking about ) Throughout the years, the fox's powers grow exponentially with each new vessel as it carries the previous vessel's abilities that they may have developed, and at some point the fox is so incredibly strong and powerful, that the family has nearly died out because it cannot find a body that's strong enough to hold all of it anymore, especially since only one person can be a carrier at a time.
Something happens to Yingtao's family, leaving them scattered or split apart, with her parents giving her up in hopes that she'll be safe from whatever horror had befallen her family. Yingtao lives in America because one of her parents were American, so because she is now an orphan, gets put into the system. ( I think her family was getting executed because most found the fox demon to be a curse and they thought by wiping them all out the fox would die as well or they were seeking a way to harness the powers of it ) And things were great, until they weren't.
Yingtao is the new carrier of the fox demon, though she is completely unaware of that fact. Though others have noticed instances in where she suddenly feels hot to the touch, or showcases physical strength that a child should not have, though they are just fleeting moments and don't last long. This becomes an issue because Yingtao accidentally injures another child, and this event causes everyone there to be fearful of her, thinking it the work of the fox within her. They start calling her names and overall just being shitty to her because she's different than them, because she's harmful and dangerous, a threat. Yingtao is isolated from the other kids, or just outright ignored for the lack of knowledge over her heritage, assuming she "should know better" and outright favoring the other children.
Tired of being treated like this, Yingtao runs away from her "destiny" and the orphanage at a young age, refusing to accept their words as truth, not just because of their harsh words but also because she fears hurting others. Hopping from place to place and barely surviving on scraps, she somehow makes it to Megapolis in China by the time she's 18, grateful to be far from her original home in America and is just stealing to survive or sleeps in alleys for shelter. By now Yingtao has long forgotten about trying to find out her heritage, and if anything, hopes not to dive into it because it just reminds her of her times at the orphanage and the memory of unintentionally harming another child, she suppresses these memories whenever they arise. Yingtao is on the streets for a good while, focusing mainly on stealing to make enough money so she can afford a living space for herself on the quieter side of the city. She eventually ends up succeeding, but is soon overwhelmed by the new surroundings, only just now processing the full weight of her actions of running away and realizing just how little she actually knows what she's doing. Yingtao ends up having a breakdown in an alley on her way home from these thoughts and realizations.
MK had been following one of his delivery routes, passing by this alley but stopping upon hearing her cries. Honestly a little startled by seeing a random girl crying in an alley, but he doesn't hesitate to try to cheer her up, even trying to offer her some candy he had saved to prove his trustworthiness to her.
He succeeds, officially becoming her first real friend and they start to hang out, even introducing her to his family friends. After hanging out for quite a while, the spark of a crush develops in her heart but she doesn't really realize it.
Sometime between being MK's friend for a few weeks she somehow meets Macaque?? ( I don't have an explanation for why he's alive yet, but I'll come up with one eventually but I guess a start would be to say that I considered him to be alive even before A Hero is Born and only stays in Megapolis at first to make sure LBD doesn't reawaken but also to keep hanging out with Yingtao lol )
Macaque is of course cautious of her at the start, but after finding out she knows pretty much nothing about JTTW so has no knowledge of Wukong or himself because she's from the west, decides she isn't a threat and just kind of vibes with her as a sort of breath of fresh air, free from worrying about being perceived as evil or anything like that in general. Just a fresh start with no strings attached, no need to hide himself or pretend. They become pals and have their own little meetups here and there. ( Bonding over their upbringings and similarities maybe? )
At some point MK info dumps about Wukong to Yingtao after finding out she doesn't know anything about his hyperfixation idol, so it leads to her just happily listening to his rants, remembering everything she can that he's mentioned. MK doesn't know anything about Mac at this point, so our favorite six-eared monkey isn't brought up to her. Yingtao also doesn't tell any of this info to Macaque cause she doesn't see a reason to. ( funnily enough I had this info written down before finding out MK didn't even read JTTW because S4 didn't exist yet to tell us that so now it makes sense lol )
I should mention that I wrote these events with the thought that they happen before A Hero is Born, but it's undecided because a lot of the ideas I had in mind or wrote seem really cool to explore with them being set after LBD instead because some things make a little more sense
Once MK unlocks his powers, he doesn't have much time for Yingtao anymore, busy with training and all the other hijinks that happen during S1, so she just kind of hangs back, maybe meeting up with Mac more often. ( I like to think she was going to play the same role as OG Cherry was intended to up until her powers act up )
Yingtao's life is flipped upside down once her powers suddenly begin to flare up on occasion in the forms of random fevers out of nowhere, an early sign showing the awakening of the fox. ( This may have been because of being exposed to large amounts of power via MK and Macaque )
MK is understandably worried about these sudden fevers, but neither him nor Yingtao know what's up so nothing is done about it other than giving her rest and medicine in hopes she recovers.
During a meetup with Mac, Yingtao gets a fever when talking to him and woozily sits down against a wall. Mac realizes what's happening and helps her out, teaching her ways to calm her "fever" without outright telling her the source of the problem because he doesn't think she's ready yet. This advice he gives her helps, but Yingtao notes how he seems to know more than he lets on, so she occasionally asks him for advice and he begins to teach her some small tips to keep her problem at bay such as meditation, breathing techniques, and even fighting skills. She's confused why she needs to know how to fight for a fever but listens, finding this useful for future stuff anyway. ( He is aware of her fox because he can see through her, similar to Wukong's true sight. )
After a while the "fever" isn't as bad anymore and Yingtao thinks it's over, thanking Mac who awkwardly accepts said thanks knowing in his head that she wasn't quite done yet.
Meanwhile MK had been telling Wukong about Yingtao occasionally during their training, expressing his worries for his friend's fevers on some days. This obviously gets the Monkey King curious, wanting to meet this girl his successor brings up, and after much convincing, MK finally gets Yingtao to meet up with the king himself. Which is of course awkward for her but she does her best to be polite, Wukong trying to ease her up and tell her that she can just be casual with him.
Wukong had caught scent of Yingtao's fox demon as soon as she stepped foot on his home but he hadn't mentioned it at all yet, wanting to bring it up later to see if she knew and discuss about it. He had initially been wary of the girl, thinking of the situation with his Master and LBD again, but after talking to her long enough came to the conclusion she was just clueless about her hidden potential.
However the great sage had been unaware of how far along she was in her awakening, so it was a great surprise when she'd suddenly collapse onto the floor in great pain right as the two were starting to get along.
I hope I'm not too descriptive with this scene? I mean I'm not the best at describing these types of scenes anyway but I don't exactly know where the line is drawn for being too graphic or not so I hope to keep this simple enough to give an idea but descriptive enough to be better understood
Basically Yingtao felt a great spike of pain in her chest, causing her to begin coughing and crying out, feeling as though she couldn't breathe and thus rendering her immobile and on the floor. MK is actively reaching out to her, ready to jump in to comfort Yingtao but Wukong steps in front of him, holding an arm out to stop the boy, saying something about how they can't help her.
Even as she bursts into flames, screaming in pain at feeling like she's burning from the inside out, making MK feel even more guilty about not being able to help in anyway. ( Just a note, this is one of the scenes I wondered whether would be better set after LBD. I thought maybe MK would comment on this being similar to the Samadhi fire. But I also thought maybe this scene was still set before LBD and Wukong only briefly mumbles about it being like the Samadhi fire under his breath where MK doesn't notice OR where MK does notice and eventually brings it up in S2/S3 about remembering Wukong saying that before. Another smaller note, but I had this idea of her bursting into flames before I actually saw where it's revealed that Mei has the samadhi fire and it was only after I saw the episodes that I figured this scene could reference it lol )
This event of Yingtao bursting into flames is actually what each vessel had to go through, a way of testing their compatibility and ability to handle the current powers of the fox. Because the fox's power grows exponentially with each descendant, this is why it was harder for newer generations to survive or handle it because it's power at this point is becoming kaiju levels. So if Yingtao didn't die from these flames, it would show she is capable of controlling the fox and taking these powers as her own. Her body flickering between her normal appearance and her "fox form." ( Another thing I thought of before S4's release lmao )
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Unsurprisingly Yingtao survives, the flames dissipated but left weakened and exhausted, laying on the floor and struggling to hold herself up. MK looks to Wukong, silently asking for permission and the Monkey King nods, a sign that it was safe to touch her now and MK does NOT hesitate, holding her up looking worried as fuck. Yingtao isn't awake for long, passing out immediately and after resting for some time at Wukong's place.
When she finally wakes up, she's questioned instantly by them, mostly Wukong, about what happened. Yingtao expresses confusion and fear, unsure of what that was and why it happened. Wukong explains it to her, or at least, explains what he thought it was, going into detail about the flames and the fox she harbored.
"why do I care about dead guys from over a hundred years ago? 🤨" "because those dead guys left you a gift" "YOU MEAN A FUCKING CURSE????" "same thing"
Both MK and Yingtao are reasonably surprised. Seeing a positive opportunity, MK tries to be optimistic about this new information, commenting on how they could both train together now, lightening up the mood. Yingtao, although appreciative of MK's idea, wants to shut the idea down. However, before she can even get a word in of her opinion, Wukong answers MK for her, saying that while Yingtao would be under his supervision and he'd be willing to train her, it'd be separate from MK because, according to him, the two need different types of training. This visibly deflates MK but he's still happy for his friend anyway because at least she's close by.
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Yingtao is uncomfortable with the idea because while she trusts MK with her whole heart, she barely knows Wukong. After all, they only talked that one day and it was basically the day where she went into a short coma. Wukong reassures her that the training "won't be so bad" and that he'll help her control her newly reawakened powers.
So now we've reached the arc where Yingtao is training unwillingly to control her issues, finding out that they often come out during moments of great emotional turmoil or just when she's experiencing a lot on her mind or in general.
Wukong is trying to teach Yingtao but his ways of teaching her are more like he tells her what she needs to do but expects her to do it alone or sort of "figure it out" as if she's learning some sort of lesson, which doesn't help her all that much and makes her feel as if she's on her own. That, or he isn't even actually teaching her and is instead bothering her when she's trying to focus because he just has some really bad timing and gets bored watching her sit there meditating.
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( a very simplified drawing I did a long while ago )
Wukong only does it because he can't help but be curious about her because she still hasn't fully opened up to him yet so he's trying at any opportunity to get her know her better. He finds it'd be much easier to teach her if she would just let him in and stop holding him at arms length.
Between these sessions with Wukong, Yingtao goes to Macaque to train as well, telling him about what happened and completely missing the way Mac's face scrunches up at the mention of Wukong. He's afraid she might turn on him now. Though he is pleasantly surprised when she in fact, doesn't, because she still isn't aware of his relationship with Wukong because again MK only told her about Wukong's great feats, not the entirety of JTTW. So then Mac begins teaching her as well, in a way that she actually understands much easier than Wukong. ( They both taught her the same thing, just Wukong phrases it poorly or in a way she doesn't understand lol )
I forgot to mention that sometime between meeting Macaque and meeting Wukong that Yingtao has developed a full blown crush on MK, becoming a little more aware of her new feelings for him. Yingtao occasionally talks about MK to Mac, just praise after praise about the boy and getting all flustered and shy as she gushes about her close friend. Macaque finds her to be adorable in this blushy state, sometimes teasing her about it and develops a small crush on her.
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( Another note, but this is another thing where I thought that maybe it would've been better for Yingtao to have met Mac sometime after MK gained his powers because it'd add on to why Mac was cautious of her because he'd know full well who MK was and be extra wary due to her affiliated with the Wukong's successor, not wanting to be found out. This is also why I imagined that perhaps MK doesn't always tell Yingtao of his adventures and stuff, probably feeling bad about some things coughs like when he got some powers stolen by Mac coughs so he didn't think to tell her about him )
This is the part where I cackle and reveal that this entire time I had been very obviously writing Yingtao's story as an almost comedic love drama. It wasn't my intention originally but I had too much fun writing OCxCanon so all of it stuck lol
So regarding dynamics sorta:
It is uncertain whether or not MK feels the same affections for Yingtao, but there are moments where it seems like he might. It's just hard for either of them to tell because they both just write off most of their interactions to be purely platonic since they've always been really close with each other. Close enough to hug, hold hands in public, having their foreheads touch when comforting each other, things like that.
As for her thoughts on Wukong, Yingtao sees him as fatherly/brotherly, not necessarily to herself but sometimes she just straight up thinks Wukong acts like a dad/brother to MK. He's also just sort of her teacher from her perspective, and she isn't actively trying to get to know him but it isn't like she avoids him either. ( Yingtao primarily thinks Tang and Pigsy as MK's dads though. )
On the other end, Wukong also is sort of developing a crush on Yingtao too as time progresses, enamored with her personality and will and he finds it amusing and fun that she doesn't hold back on her remarks towards him just because he's a legend. ( Granted he has no idea she literally didn't even know who he was until MK told her and even then she doesn't see him as "all that" XD )
Macaque likes Yingtao for similar reasons as Wukong, finding her quick wit and strong-willed. Her determination is admirable as well. Especially loves when he teases her or makes a sarcastic comment and she retorts back with one of her own, it makes light banter easy. Plus they relate to each other and are each other's comfort a lot of the times, reminding each other that they aren't as bad as others make them out to be.
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Both Wukong and Macaque like to tease her, just Wukong does it more frequently given Yingtao's at his temple/mountain more often. ( I made this a key factor of her relationships with them because my mom once told me that monkeys like teasing dogs in reference to my baby brother playing with me and like Yingtao's technically like a dog because of the whole fox thing, canines y'know? )
I've also thought maybe Mac calls Yingtao nicknames like Plum, Blossom, or fruit/flower related nicknames ( cause cherry blossoms yk )
And Yingtao calls him Mac, Mac n cheese, or like Mango, maybe even calling him Plum too sometimes
Also Wukong calling her Peaches or other sweet names meanwhile Yingtao mainly callin' him Sun or Wukong because she's not super casual with him yet. Maybe calling him Sunshine in an almost mocking way that's lighthearted ( also maybe Impulsive King because she gets kinda sassy with him sometimes lol )
I like to imagine that before Yingtao met MK she had a very obvious "American accent" and wasn't very good at speaking Chinese and by meeting him she'd gotten better at speaking the language because he started teaching her ( with the help of Tang and others of course as well, but mostly MK )
Completely unrelated to these dynamics but eventually Yingtao would accept the fox as part of her. She and the fox are a complete match, so she pretty much is the fox. I know I made the fox out to be its own person, but actually after testing the compatibility with Yingtao it merged with her soul or something like that. Because the fox immortalized itself by feeding off its vessels' souls, so all the fire abilities are soul flames or just powers fueled by souls. This kinda means that because Yingtao is the fox, she's immortal and because of the exponential powers of the fox, it basically multiplied all the souls it had harnessed, I often joke that it would make her as much, if not more immortal than Wukong. Though I haven't decided if I actually want this to be true because she's already powerful as is and while I love making absolutely overpowered OCs I didn't think it'd click well with LMK.
Her main story or thing to get over is "what if I'm not the same person? what if I hurt someone?" as she learns to accept the fox as part of herself instead of trying to reject it like she'd been doing her whole life. So sort of unlike MK, she actually is learning to try and embrace her destiny. Only she changes it to what she believes is right for her, not unlike S4 where Macaque tells MK to follow his own path.
Oh and I don't have any sort of ending for her planned or if there ever will be, I mostly just use her for scenarios so it's unsure whether or not this will for sure be her timeline of events lol
I know there is like so much more stuff written for Yingtao compared to Cherry but like I swear I have things written about her too 💀
I love the idea of "i don't need to be heavily involved to be relevant + i don't need cool superpowers to kick ass" it has it's own good slice of angst of "am i good enough? am i a burden? am i getting in the way?"
but also Yingtao is just "your life suddenly ripped apart at the seams + constant struggle and fear of hurting people + slow and steady embrace of who you've always been" and I know I described Cherry as chill, laid-back, movie nights + patching up while Yingtao seems to be.. well, not that while cussing out her ancestors💀
they have the same personality I swear- just Yingtao is more upfront with it because her struggles are physically manifested so she has more blunt and loud moments of sass whereas Cherry's is an internal struggle and so her sass comes as light jabs here and there
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A fun thing to note here that I purposefully did with the designs is that I made Cherry's under shirt color black while I made Yingtao's white. It was a completely conscious decision :D
While I know Yingtao would probably look really nice with a black shirt, when making her I just thought she needed the white to show she's definitely got good in her despite her whole fox spirit thing going on, plus it was kind of a small nod to the way her hair inverts to white as well when in the fox form
Cherry meanwhile has the dark shirt because while she is a civilian and all that, she's gotta be tough if she wants to be able to protect herself and others
So yeah I was sort of doing an almost ying and yang thing when drawing them
Some other pieces I've drawn are these
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this very obviously a reference to Yingtao's past I was listening to Christmas Kids and suddenly had the brilliant idea to draw this
Yingtao being the part with "You'll change your name" because I quite literally changed her name for the AU and Cherry being "or change your mind" is also a way to show that the two don't act very similar or that Yingtao's mind is "changed" due to her different upbringing compared to Cherry
In the next panel I purposefully drew her as Cherry because the idea is that they're the same person, just ending up different due to running away from their past. But also to show Yingtao changes her hair to avoid being associated with it in the next panel. The last two are sorta self explanatory lol
Some other doodles of me mainly practicing how to draw her
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This one I tried to show how they're still the same person, just with slight differences :)
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And this one was just a cute scenario I thought of
And with that I'm finally done talking about Yingtao/Cherry ( I mostly refer to her as Yingtao because she's the one I draw the most lol )
Again so sorry about how long this got but I didn't realize I wrote so much until like 2 hrs later and it was a little too late to back out, so I just went all in LOL
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sigridhawke · 3 months
OC Interaction Game
I finally have time to do this aaaaaaaaaa
Tagged by @ink-flavored  thank you!
Rules: Take the previous player's description of their OC, and offer up one of your own. Describe how well (or not) they'd get along!
Ink-flavored’s OC: Justice
Justice is an angel of the Christian variety, who embodies the virtue of his namesake. He fled Heaven to Earth after being a little too into justice for all humans, even ones that do sinful things, and questioning the system of sending humans to Purgatory to prove themselves worthy of Heaven. He is still incredibly conflicted about his purpose now that other angels have turned on him, and is also very concerned with "being useful" in general to those around him. When he's not in crisis mode, he enjoys doing fun little human tasks like reading and cooking and volunteering. He can sense the pain or distress of any person in his vicinity, especially if it's injustice-related, and is always helping them however he can. He puts humans at ease automatically, so most people trust him implicitly, which is great, because he loves humans and would be friends with everyone if they let him. His halo is always active, shining brightly by absorbing light from other sources around him, and he can unfurl feathered angelic wings if he wants to. He also has a flaming wheel mode he uses exclusively for combat/emergencies.
My OC: Thane
Thane is a human magister specializing in conjuration and anything textbook. Living well beyond a human’s natural lifespan, Thane delved into forbidden magic to end an old god’s (Odin) rampage, binding himself to said god in the process and plunging him into a timeloop that resets his memory every 30 years. Complexity adds to the situation when the very god he killed/saved falls in love with him and endures falling in love (most times) over and over again. To help with his broken memory, Thane details important and trivial moments in diaries for his future self to read while he looks for a way to break the curse. Despite the hardship, he carries optimism and an almost childlike wonder for things he forgets he’s experienced. Besides the old god, his beloved fae summon Muse (in the form of a feline) is his constant and rock. He loves meeting people but is acutely aware he will both outlive and forget most of them.
It took forever to decide who to pick for this but I think Thane would be the most interesting, especially when/if he finds out he accidentally kinda killed a god. I would be fascinated with how Justice would respond to that and Thane’s weird limbo of either feeling absolutely awful for doing it/living with the consequences of that; and his blank slate of not knowing anything about killing a god.
I feel like even if he didn’t specifically know what was happening or Justice’s nature, Thane would feel he could share the uglier things buried in his diaries of self-hatred for what he did to Odin (even if it saved him) and trying to end himself when ‘living for forever and remembering nothing’ got the better of him in earlier cycles. I imagine Justice would help him not feel like an awful person which would be great to hear from someone that isn’t Odin :’3ccc
Same as Justice, out of crisis mode, Thane loves reading and general human activities that involve being around others. He would love to share his cozy cottage (with pillows and fairylights and a big bay window) library with Justice.
Muse would probably want to just sprawl over Justice like a dog sized cat would lmao.
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wexhappyxfew · 8 months
hiiii shannon! i hope you're having an amazing day :) how about ginko and cottonwood for the tree themed ask game? attdc of course!
@xxluckystrike BLU!!! hello friend! thanks so much for stopping by the askbox! :) i'm doing pretty well, thank you! enjoying the cozy, snowy vibes of the day and chilling out before my semester starts up. i hope you've been well too! i will happily answer these two more than anything - this ask game writing list seemed so cool so thank you so much! <3
Gingko: What part of your story is the oldest, has stuck around from that original idea?
So the 'oldest' part of And Then The Dawn Came is actually the prologue! I have been someone to always write in order, I don't know what it is, I just have trouble writing out of order, so I sat down and cranked out a prologue in probably January 2021 when the idea first hit and it ended up being the actual prologue of the fic because I loved it so much!
Here's it linked on AO3!
And quite possibly my favorite part of it; not only are we introduced to a few BoB boys, but also Esther, my main, including two intriguing secondary OCs who play massive roles in the fic, Millie and Rolande (who in my opinion, are quite funny together)!
A fav snippet:
" Crickets do not sing when they know what is near." the Maquis member whispered," They know more than we know." Mildred swallowed quickly, her throat feeling dry suddenly as panic settled into her bones. Disturbances sent crickets quiet, just like how it sent birds flying through the air. They'd do anything to get away, to hide, to make their presence unknown to whatever was causing the disturbance. Her stomach lurched when she glanced towards the Maquis member and found her already staring at her with her piercing brown eyes, a gloved finger held to her chapped lips, sharp eyes dead-set on Mildred. 
I would say the vibe of the fic in the prologue starts off mysterious and ominous, with this eerie vibe about it that can't quite be deciphered in my eyes at least? And then it enters with it quite sunny and bright and rough-and-tumble training in Chapter 1 - so we break from that ominous prologue and don't come back to that vibe until Esther and Mercy hit D-Day. I would definitely say it is a very intentional approach for specific reasons for the fic. (Okay, I'm done now lol, this got long-winded haha)
Cottonwood: What event has the most impact throughout the story, leaves it's trace in many scenes?
So with ATTDC, I wouldn't say there is one specific, catalyst event that leaves a lasting impact, but I center the entire story and build-up around D-Day. As previously mentioned in the above question, I talk about this 'ominous vibe', specifically with D-Day, which is very much the intention and feeling I'm going for. So, when the D-Day chapters come out, in my mind, they're the most important and intentional parts of the story, and therefore long-lasting (and constantly referenced thereafter) - we meet the handful of OCs I've eluded to, and their interactions with Easy Co., and Esther and Mercy. The entirety of D-Day and its events are what the whole of the story is focused on, both before and after, and the entire atmosphere of that period of time in the fic has been one of my favorites to experiment with! I'm so excited to continue to work with it + the characters involved.
Blu this was so fun genuinely thank you! It helped my brain to actually write it out and think about it all! So truly, thank you! I appreciated you sending some questions in! :)
If anyone is interested, the ask game is [here]!
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
I’m glad you mentioned about Sean viewing Randgrid differently after his bad ending because I have definitely thought about how he’d be around his fellow Merry Men after his bad ending. Bad ending Sean would be very hateful towards anyone who doesn’t agree with him or anyone who even ever had a past of selfishness and greediness. He’d take low shots at people’s background “Zarek wasn’t your mother so consumed by greed they turned you into one of those statue actors on the street?” Stuff like that. Him hating Randgrid because she is the spawn of a dragon would also show how far he’s fallen because I always imagined him believing that there are no naturally evil races. “All goblins are evil? Nonsense those guys just suck.” He’d turn on the companions too even if they had their good ending, Astarion and Gale for being power hungry, Wyll just for having a noble background, hell maybe even Karlach for fighting for a devil and working with Gortash even if it was against her will. If Sol was a companion he’d probably turn on her for her dragon heritage.
But enough about that the last Merry Men kid is Alfred Nikolas a goblin Artificer nicknamed Fun-Sized Fred. He is based on Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol. He was taken in by Lord Marion (genderbent Lady Marian) as more of a protégée than an adopted child given his parents are still alive and still on good terms unlike the rest of the kids. He became a well-known artificer using the money of his version of Scrooge after he gave all his money to Fred’s family when he passed. Fred uses modified crutches to get around but they double as his weapons. Really wish they had Goblins as a race in bg3 so I could make him in it. I’ll just have to make him in Hero Forge at some point.
Okay, wait, I'm obsessed with the potential for Sean and Sol interactions. Let's play barbies with our OCs for a hot second.
Let's say by some miracle the two of them end up kinda friends in act 3. Maybe a series of failed bullying attempts from Sol that just strengthened their bond instead.
Now bad endings! Sean gets hyper-vigilant and vindictive with his judgment. Everyone is put under the microscope and all their hearts are weighted on a scale against a feather just so they wouldn't end up on his list of enemies.
What if, Sol gets their bad ending too. But since Sean bothered to befriend them, they think "oh. Maybe he belongs to my hoard."
It's basically about 2-5 years of life before they die. Might as well make the most out of it yk? So eventually after amassing all the gold and gems they want, they think it's time to round up the people they care about.
Romanced Tav tied up in gold chains in their chambers? Check.
That one druid who was nice to them and restored their flower? Check.
That dog who didn't bite them too hard when they tried to pet it after he smelled dragon on them? Check.
Now, time to get the friends.
Ascended Astarion and God Gale would be too hard for Sol to manage with their short lifespan so they'd skip them. Sharran Shadowheart would hide too well for them to find and Lae'zel is on another plane of existence serving Vlaakith.
Halsin is there, free to grab. They pass by his village and don't look back. He can stay, he's not on the list.
Minthara IS on the list however. Although they have no idea where she is in the underdark or how to get to her. Did she get killed? They'll pay some drows to search for news about her and wait.
Now Sean, he would be fun because Sol is on the list of his enemies. He would seek them out himself. Afterall it is his fault for being kind to them to the past, now they see him as a part of their hoard.
And oh they'd be so delighted, he spared them the trouble of hunting him down, how kind of him, now off to the cage.
But he just keeps escaping, it's driving them crazy how time after time he comes trying to steal from them or kill them, and they throw him in a pure gold cell and the next day he's gone.
Do they have to pin him down with magic? Curse him with a tracker? How does he keep managing it? They follow him in their dragon form and take back their gold, pick him up with their claws and return him to the hoard.
It's a constant cycle of playing tag, except it is murder and steal tag.
If it's their good ending they'd just be confused, there is as much dragon in them as there are wings in a fish, even their scales fell of buddy. They're fully human.
If he brings up their past, it would anger them. After all, they sacrificed? After all the effort they've put in to change? Now he brings it up? Sol would call him a hypocrite for befriending their awful self before and coming to hold them accountable now.
I doubt it would work or convince him but honestly words is all Sol has at that point. They're a low level human fighter who lost all their powerful magic, not even a family left to hide behind. They're weak and defenceless and an experienced rogue could easily take them down.
So they'd keep attempting to use their high charisma to convince him or at least distract him from their trail. They might be able to overpower him with strength, but he'd be too tricky and slippery.
Him coming after them even after their half-frienship would hurt them but they'd never show it. It wouldn't anger them.
But him going after his own family? That'd infuriate them so much because he definitely talked the whole camp's ears off before about his family and moms and how much he loves them. They'd take more offence to that than him betraying them
At least Sol knows themselves, they were shitty and deserved it, but his family weren't shitty to him. Especially if he brings up Sol's greedy family after condemning his own. They'll dig at him for being just as rotten and greedy as the rest of them.
But also, that is all hypothetical bc I'm not even sure if Sol would bother kidnapping anyone but romanced Tav, yk? Like platonic Tav wouldn't interest them and they'll just increase their security against Sean instead of putting him in their hoard.
Man Jaheira has her work cut out for her, first Ascended Astarion neighbour, then vigilante Sean lurking the streets and now a dragon-human mutant flying over the city and stealing everything.
Not mentioning corrupted Arch-Duke Wyll and the Shar cult just below the city with Justicier Shadowheart.
Anyway goblin guy let's goo!! When I read fun-sized-Fred, I thought of scooby doo Fred ngl. And omfg modfied crutches that actually shoot bullets? It's like that one meme with "call the hospital call the hospital...but not for me" and Fred lifts his crutches and starts firing and it's glorious.
The only one on good terms with his parents, if he is adopted I wonder if he ever thinks about his bio parents. Sol would probably encourage him to, because they feel a special connection to their kin, be it another draconic being or their actual family and would think that Alfred needs to experience it too.
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kuuttituutti · 7 months
for the oc ask meme!
13 and 23 for aina
2 for milcha
and 24 for both castor & abella 👀
Aaah thank you, these were tasty sorry writing these took so long fghjk. Thank you for asking about my babies !!
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
It’s interesting to think about, but don’t think so. I think I could have some small talk with her, and we wouldn’t argue, but I don’t think we’d love to hang out or become besties. We’d both try too hard to be polite and would end up just exhausting social batteries. Like as a character I love her, she’s one of my fav girlies, but she’s the certain flavor of my ocs of “extremely weird religion guy” that I don’t think i’d want to share a room or a table with. 
23.What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
The girl is repressed. In many ways, but I think especially she would have a hard time trying to process shame and guilt. Those are both just weird feelings in her stomach that she can’t really put words to and that makes her angry. Not a lot of things make her feel too guilty,  and if they do, she’ll just end up repressing them really, really deep. But especially if it’s not her that is directly responsible, she tries not to feel too guilty, Burden can bear that for the both of them. 
And of expressing, I think Aina is not the best at expressing her annoyance. If she’s annoyed by someone, she’ll just mask it and continue with the interaction. It can be a bit uncomfortable later, if she ends up confessing to the other side, that she has been annoyed by them throughout the day.
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Milcha can be surprisingly ruthless and cunning when she needs to. She kind and fun, but she also wants to make it out alive. Preferably with her friends, but if not she’s not afraid to stay alive alone. Milcha puts herself first and foremost and with the world she lives in, I can’t blame her. She is the second person to kill someone else in the game and on top of that, her victim is Castor who was a lot of people’s bet for the winner.  
Oh and her type is milfs and dilfs. I don’t think that’s a thing people think about when looking at people, but sure, that’s a thing not everyone would pick up on. 
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Oughhh… gonna put a cw for emotional abuse here. 
Both Castor’s and Abella’s lives were heavily influenced and controlled by their mother. There was a lot of pressure, disdain and complicated feelings on all sides, but very rarely was it healthy. 
 Abella struggled a lot with their mother, who often would direct all her negative feelings towards them instead of Castor, or even them both. In the canon of the story she ended up internalizing her mother’s words of being less than their brother, and honestly never really recovered from her trauma(s). 
 But if she had ran away, I don’t think she would have won the game in the end? Her mother’s actions and training towards her and Castor both were ruthless and unforgivable, but it did ensure that Abella won in the end. But I think that the life she would have had would have been a lot happier. For the first thing, I think she would have been able to start transitioning earlier. Without her mother’s influence she would have chosen a different name I think.  She could have dedicated more of her time to things she actually enjoyed, like dancing and painting. It would still end up with her in the game in the end, but maybe she’d be able to form alliances with people more. 
 If she was able to escape her country one way or another, she’d need to live a careful life, but that could still be a happy life. She’d probably move to somewhere nice and quiet. And get herself a dog. 
Castor was always mama’s favorite. Mom was not Castor’s favorite, but he didn’t really have too many other choices. Their mom kept especially Castor isolated from other people so nobody could learn any of his weaknesses and that Castor would not get too attached to anyone.  It should never be a child’s responsibility to take care of a family’s balance and yet, a lot depended on Castor’s success and the hopeful winner status he would get. 
If Castor had disowned his mother, ran away, or even stood against their mother more, things would have been a lot different. As a child Castor still tried to defend his sibling and keep her away from their mother’s mean words, but after Abella asked him to just stop. Castor never really knew why, but respected his sibling’s wish. But if Castor had pushed back more, I think him and Abelle could have had more freedom in their life. 
If Abella had died instead of Castor, I think Castor would have gone on a full rampage and won the game by brute force. He had very little interactions with other contestants, so I don’t think he’d had any problem killing everyone. He’d be celebrated as a victor and his mother would be proud. I think he would become an icon like his mother before him, a winner that can be celebrated and isn’t afraid to show his face to the families of the contestants he killed. 
In the end, it’s kind of sad how little control Castor or Abella ever had over their own lives. There were choices they could have made to be happier, but those would have been drastic measures that could have lead to different kinds of tragedies. These twins are just doomed to be separated, either by death or by life. 
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
🪿 returning very shortly after reading your most recent posts Just wanted to wish you the best! I'm quite new to obey me but i've really enjoyed your headcanons, drabbles, and ocs. Ciaran in particular really connected. I always end up making an side character oc rather than self-insert and it just spins further and further away from canon from there. I used to feel guilty cause it limited my interaction/contribution to the community, i still do often, but it never seemed right to fight against the urge. So, uh, if I could slip in a request (if it helps you find fun in your funk): Of the brothers, who is the worst at minding their space when in their demon forms? i.e. How often has Luicifer, in all his winged glory, turned too abruptly and knocked Ciaran over, if ever? Who has adapted too well to their human forms and forgot that things like horns and tails and wings take up physical space? And of your demon OC's, who would (theoretically) take up more than their fair share in a (hypothetical) subway car?
Hang on, hang on, 🪿?? Was I supposed to add that emoji to my list, but forgot?? Wow I hope not, if so I'm very sorry!! I try to add them right away so I don't forget because I'm very forgetful. Please let me know if I was supposed to add that to the anon list!
Oh, thank you so much! It still surprises me that people like Ciaran. I don't know why, but I guess I've just had more of a response to them than I ever expected to!
I hope you never fight against that urge because I do the same thing. I don't really like to put myself into self insert situations. I like to imagine the story through the eyes of someone who is not me. It's more fun for me that way. But I also understand the guilt - I always feel guilty about posting OC content, but I make myself do it anyway. I'm trying to be more confident and remember that I do this for fun!
Uh, I'm gonna put the rest of my response under a read more because it got LONG and I don't want people to have to scroll that much!
Okay, I love this idea of the demons being too used to their demon forms. I hadn't thought about it previously, but now I'm convinced that Lucifer has knocked Ciaran over with his wings lol. Just another thing to add to Ciaran's "Things That Annoy Me About Lucifer" list. It's probably got quite a few items on it already, but you can be sure they'd be adding "careless with wings" after such an incident.
That being said, I also think Levi might have this issue. His tail certainly seems to be the longest and the most likely to trip somebody. And when he's freaking out about something or really focused on one of his interests, I think he'd forget that he was in demon form entirely.
I could also see it being an issue for Mammon, who seems to rarely get into demon form at all. I think he's very proud of his wings, but I do think he probably forgets about them when he's in demon form. Just because they aren't there most of the time.
I'm imagining them at the castle at some fancy party, since they often go to parties in their demon forms.
Ciaran is likely checking out the food tables because they know that everything there was made by Barbatos and they are not going to pass up such deliciousness. Levi's in a nearby corner, huddled up on a chair playing some video game, tail completely forgotten and splayed out across the floor.
Ciaran is making their way down the table with a plate half full of food when they let out a yell as they trip over Levi's tail. They're on their way down, about to face plant into the floor, when -
Mammon dives from across the room to catch them!
Ciaran is flustered, but okay and the plate of food was saved!
Mammon is preening because he did such a good job. Then he turns abruptly to give Levi a piece of his mind for being so negligent about his tail. And whacks Ciaran in the face with one of his wings.
Ciaran manages to keep hold of their plate, but they are not pleased.
At this point, I suspect a three way argument would break out because Ciaran can have a short temper lol. Cue someone like Barbatos or Diavolo having to come over to calm everybody down.
Ah, honestly writing about Ciaran is really nice. I don't feel the same kind of pressure about it, so I really appreciate you asking me about this!
I feel the same way about a lot of the demon OCs because most of them are minor characters in Arrie's story.
So to answer your question about who would take up too much space in a subway car, it'd have to be Chymion. Arrie is a big demon, but his demon form is something he has a lot of control over. He's picky about it lol. Chymion (for those who haven't seen about him on the masterpost, he's one of Arrie's band mates) takes up a lot of space even when he isn't in demon form. I wanted to create a character that was unmistakably demonic, even in their "human" form, and thus Chymion came into existence. He's big and tall, but if he's in demon form it's all wings, tail, claws, and extra limbs.
Lael (another band member) is the only other one that I think might have an issue and that's because he has a big ole fluffy tail that'd probably take up an entire seat just by itself.
All the rest of my demon OCs have better control over their demon parts and would be able to contain themselves. In their "human" forms, most of them are also average sized. Arrie is a big guy, but he'd be okay. Chymion would still take up too much space. But the rest wouldn't have an issue lol.
Anyway, thank you very much for this ask. It definitely helped inspire me and it was fun to think about these questions!
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nu-carniviva · 1 year
I'm not expecting this to gain much traction since it involves a personal oc of mine (and it's not a ship— which you'll realize immediately) but hey, this is my blog and I can post what I want >:3
Anyways, I realized that Quincy and Sisu, an oc of mine, would have a super wholesome friendship. Long post ahead, sorry ^^;
Starting with a bit of context for Sisu...
Sisu is a girl who is forever 9 years old. Her exact age isn't known. All that is known is that she's been alive for a long time but never ages past 9 years old. She's nonverbal and autistic. She communicates in many different ways, but one trait of hers is that she can communicate with any kind of animal by replicating their sounds
Like any typical child, she's curious and eager to learn more about the world, especially by exploring it herself. She's also very optimistic, but her optimism far surpasses the ordinary child. It's very hard to upset Sisu. The world is so fun and magical to her that she can often be seen laughing in the face of danger... For the most part
See, Sisu suffers from a poor memory. She's only able to remember so much about her life. Whenever she's one year "older," big chunks of her memory will be wiped from the year prior. She always remembers things like her name, age, interests, and people she's super close with, but she might not remember certain big life events. Sisu gets really upset when she's asked to remember something but can't. Re-learning some of life's hardships like death can upset her too
Okay enough context, onto the main point...
I'm sure you might have picked up on a few things that would bond Sisu and Quincy
Like Quincy, she never ages. They've both lived for a long time but still keep the same young appearance. I think they would find comfort in each other knowing that they share a similar lifestyle. They'd be less alone together
Quincy doesn't talk much, and Sisu doesn't talk... At all. I think he'd appreciate being able to communicate without talking (ex: through body language.) Also, since she can perfectly replicate animal noises, she can verbally communicate to Quincy by mimicking Topper's noises. After all, Quincy can canonically understand Topper's squeaks. I think Sisu would be overjoyed to find a way to talk to someone verbally and be understood
It's shown in the Astral Duo event that living for so long has had quite the toll on Quincy. 100 years ago, Quincy was a talkative, energetic man who was friends with the human tribes in the Wood Territory. As of now, he's the exact opposite. He's quiet, constantly exhausted, and alone. It would probably be refreshing seeing someone so young and full of the same innocent joy he used to have. I like to imagine he'd want to try and protect Sisu from being exposed to the dangers of life, regardless of how positive she is
Since Quincy remembers a lot of his life, he has a lot of wisdom that's always expanding as the years go by. Sisu would absolutely eat that up. She'd accompany Quincy on little adventures in the forest. What might be a simple journey to acquire more resources to Quincy is a chance to explore the magic and wonders of the world to Sisu
Of course, Quincy might not be close with her at first. After all, he's used to living alone. He rarely ever interacts with other people, even more so with children. Having to become acquainted with an energetic young child would be troublesome
But then... He notices how Sisu doesn't fear him. Rather, she becomes fascinated with him at first glance. Just the size of this man alone is enough to pique her interest and urge her to learn more about him. Her and Topper would be like his cute little helpers. Speaking of Topper, Sisu would have absolutely no issue giving Quincy some time to socially recharge while she plays with Topper
Okay I'm done lmao...
Sisu might not remember everything, but she'd always remember Quincy and Topper
I tried to keep this short but I know I ended up rambling a bit anyways. I hope this all made sense. It's late at night while I write this and I'm honestly super sleepy but I really wanted to get this written down because it's been on my mind all day. Maybe I'll talk about them more if you guys are interested! It can be like... Something exclusive to my blog that you wouldn't find anywhere else
Thank you to anyone who read, by the way! I'm happy you were interested in reading about a silly crossover between Quincy and an oc of mine :)
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foxtricksterwriting · 2 years
My Yandere MCs and OCs; Dakota
Part 1(Dakota) |
Author's Note: I'll add parts for anyone interested in my other ocs and mcs as I do them. Also, I'm using picrew cause I can't draw to save my life
If you are not +18, DO NOT INTERACT!!
This is my OC made specifically for Krow(@thekrows-nest) imsorryinadvancelol
Tumblr media
FullLegal Name; ???? Evans(Surname's a WIP)
Nickname; Dakota ("Any other name is a dead name :)")
Gender(Pronouns); Nonbinary(They/them)
Age; 27 ("Ahah, you thought I was a lot younger? I get that a lot.")
Height; 6'5
Occupation; Bar owner, bartender ("Oh, the name of my bar? Delilah's. Why? My grandfather opened it after my grandmother passed away and named it after her. So, family business and all that.")
More About Them; A thembo to the truest extent. Don't get me wrong, they can be smart when it relates to their interests. If it's not related? They don't care enough to try to learn it. Dakota's the first person to offer their help in any situation, and tends not to question the weird things that happen around them. They also tend to give people... too many chances to right their wrongs. Dakota believes that everybody deserves a chance to prove themselves, and tries to stick up for who they perceive as the underdog. Many of their friends have described them as 'the epitome of a golden retriever' and that's really not far off.
Dakota falls in love easily, and hard. They're extremely lucky to have not ended up in a bad relationship. They tend to take the advice and opinions of their friends very seriously, even if it's not good or healthy... They have a surprisingly small inner circle; made up of four people. Dakota has set their opinions on a very, very high pedestal; high enough to surpass some laws. Luckily for Dakota, these four people are decent people and try to steer them away from others looking to take advantage of Dakota's trusting nature.
Dakota has a abundance of confidence and is very blunt. They always speak their mind, even if it means they'd get hurt because of it. If they like you, you'll know. If they dislike you, you'll know that too.
And finally, Dakota has surprisingly good business and bartending skills. This is due to their family's bar being left to them. They've owned said bar, Delilah's, since they were 21. They took to the business like a fish to water. They're proud enough of their bar to brag about it at least once when they meet someone new. Their insistent endorsements of the bar has become a joke in their friend group.
Fun Facts;
Will happily sit and listen to someone ramble for hours and hours at a time. They ask leading questions, too, to get them to talk more. If they're talking to someone important/someone they care about, they'll write everything down so they'll actually remember it.
Knows how to pick most locks. Don't ask how, they won't tell you.
Green is not their favorite color, surprisingly. Their favorite color is black.
Has said "Think twice? Bestie, I don't even think once, lol" before. That's also a running joke in their friend group.
Is a human garbage disposal. They have pica, which means they often try to eat non-food items. Usually, it won't cause them any issues. They've eaten corks from wine bottles and a couple of beer bottle tops before and ended up just fine. They've also eaten marbles before. If they can't keep something down, then no living creature should eat whatever they tried to eat.
Doesn't remember anything from before their 9th birthday. They don't seemed worried about it, either....
gets cold very easily, and their hands and feet tend to stay cold. Warm gloves and socks don't help, that just makes them sweaty :/
HATES socks. The only time they willing wear socks is when they plan on wearing their boots for a long while (ie +5 hours)
Has no shame AND has a hard time reading a room. Can and will ask their friends and loved ones embarrassing things, incredibly seriously, at terrible times. The same applies to intimacy and sex, too.
Is a lightweight and a very emotional drunk. It's pretty easy for them to get black-out drunk and it's for that exact reason they don't drink.
Before meeting Krow, Dakota had never felt any kind of sexual attraction or even arousal. Now that they have, they are completely insatiable.
On that note, one of their kinks is marathon sex~
"Oh, hey!! You're here!! Oh, this is great! You wanna go get something to eat??? ....Okay, let's go shopping instead! Time spent with you is time spent well, bestie!"
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
aurora, i just realized that we haven't really talked about our ocs' relationship dynamics that much :0 like, what are your thoughts about them, do you think any of them could be friends, rivals, enemies, maybe you have ideas for potential ships? 👀 i'm just curious!
Ooh~ Talking about ocs' relationship dynamics, eh? 👀
I actually made a post on Mia and Irene's thoughts on your RSA ocs, so that covers their relationships already. XD
I've sent in interactions for Avery with Slyvan and Iris before. I think both of them would want to befriend Avery for the same reason, but perhaps with different ways of going about it? They just see a cute angry boy and go: Wow! :D That's so cute. But whereas Slyvan is all smiles and offering gifts, Iris chooses to tease the poor boy instead.
We both already know how Violet thinks of Vance. 😶 There's potential for a genuine friendship though! Once Vance stops being such a chaotic troublemaker and Violet learns to let a few things slide. Wyn would totally get along with Vance though! Their cheerful energy would bounce off each other so well! Though Vance's fourth wall breaks do scare Wyn sometimes.
Reading Merrill's personality and unique magic again...Iris would be drawn to him like a magnet. He's flirty, mysterious, and somehow knows the juiciest romance gossip in NRC? She'll be eagerly looking for any chances to talk to him. Perhaps they'd get along really well, perhaps Merrill would find her exhausting. Either way, he's not getting rid of her for a while. 🤭
Allen and Mia would get along like a house on fire. Cheerful and energetic boy, always smiling? Mia would like to know your location. She doesn't even mind that much when he does something wrong and claims he didn't know it was wrong either. She actually believes him when he says that! She'll just forgive him and tell him not to do it again ajsajsasaaksa So yeah, they'd be great friends! 😄
Emile and Roland are best gardening buddies and I will die on this hill. I can imagine them pruning leaves together now. 🍃
Austin is like a prickly little hedgehog that won't stop biting people lmao. Good thing Zoya is immune to tsundere behavior. I don't think they'd ever be friends, really. Just acquaintances perhaps. Zoya tries to be friendly and teasing with everyone she meets, and she might double down on Austin because he actually fights back. She loves a good challenge. Wyn is another one that would try and befriend Austin! He thinks Austin might just be shy or has trust issues, so he tries his best to seem trustworthy! Hah...My poor sunshine boy will get hurt someday at the rate he's going.
Violet and Minnie are 🤝 constantly are we know it. Their energies are almost completely similar so it's safe to say they'd make a great team! (Aajsaiodiandi I can imagine Minnie and Violet scolding Vance and Seth now- 💀)
Aurora has taken an interest to Hayden, as he seems to change his personality depending on who he's talking to, so the poor boy will have a mini panic attack whenever they approach him now.
Xenon and Riley superiority, that's all I have to say on this relationship. I think Duran wouldn't mind hanging out around Riley either, as long as he stays quiet and doesn't draw any 'fans' over.
With time and effort, perhaps Chandani and Blythe could be friends! As of now though, Chandani sympathizes for her poor vice dorm leader in silence. Perhaps she'll bring her a snack to relax one day.
Aurora would be drawn to Seth at first, finding him to be super interesting and fun! He's already 18, but he's only a first year? How odd. They'd start to find him annoying once he shows more and more of his main character syndrome though, finding him to be too self-absorbed to get along with. Xenon would also find him interesting, but prefer to observe him from afar. Maybe he'll find out more about Seth than everyone else watching him from behind the scenes.
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